; SYSPRO Translation Exceptions ; ============================= ; ; @(#) Version : 7.0.000 Last updated : 2013/10/11 10:10 ; ; List of program specific phrases that ; should not be translated ; [No translate] IMPMEN USR-DEFINED-MENU IMPMEN fav-context-menu IMPMEN DUE MENU IMPEML ToRecipient IMPEML CCRecipient IMPEML Attachment1 IMPEML Attachment2 IMPEML Attachment3 IMPEML Attachment4 IMPEML Attachment5 IMPEML Attachment6 IMPEML Attachment7 IMPEML Attachment8 IMPEML Attachment9 IMPEML Attachment10 REPP80 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; The following lists programs where text ; in selection boxes is to be translated [Selection boxes] SYSLNG IMPTRP ; End of LangExceptions.TXT