; SYSPRO translation file ; ======================= ; Language : ZH - Chinese ; ; Pairs of lines starting ; ':' English text and ; '>' Translated text ; ; Last update : 2014/05/08 21:35 ; :% Budget attained >已达到 % 预算 :% Change >% 䶯 :% Complete >% :% Labels with Lines >% :% Labels without Lines >% :% Variance >% :% in any period within the next >X%ϵĿ :% margin >%ҳ߾ :% of anticipated costs >ԤƳɱ % :% of costs accumulated >ۼƳɱ % :% of head/section complete >/ % :% of overall page width >%ҳȵ :% of proxy sales to use >ô۵% :% to reduce proxy's sales >ʹ% :%1 - Factory Main Routing >%1 - · :%1 - Factory Secondary Routing >%1 - · :%1 - Invoice >%1 - 发票 :%1 - Point of Sale Inv >%1 - ۵㷢Ʊ :%1 - Progressive Scrap >%1 - 𲽱 :%1 - Route >%1 - · :%1 Role >%1 ְ :%1 - %2 days >%1 - %2 天 :%1 - %2 days >%1 - %2 :%1 - Alternate budget %2 >%1 - Ԥ %2 :%1 - Buyer >%1 - :%1 - CCYY-MM-DD >%1 - CCYY-MM-DD :%1 - CCYY/MM/DD >%1 - CCYY/MM/DD :%1 - Complete >%1 - 完成 :%1 - Confirmed >%1 - ȷ :%1 - Customer >%1 - ͻ :%1 - Customer %2 >%1 - ͻ %2 :%1 - DD/MM/CCYY >%1 - DD/MM/CCYY :%1 - DD/MM/YY >%1 - DD/MM/YY :%1 - Description >%1 - :%1 - Employee >%1 - Ա :%1 - Factory Main Routing >%1 - · :%1 - Factory Main Routing - MUM >%1 - · - MUM :%1 - Factory Secondary Routing >%1 - · :%1 - In process >%1 - ڽ :%1 - In warehouse >%1 - ڲֿ :%1 - Labor costs to date reduced by >%1 - Ͷɱ :%1 - Labor time to date reduced by >%1 - Ͷʱ :%1 - MM/DD/CCYY >%1 - MM/DD/CCYY :%1 - MM/DD/YY >%1 - MM/DD/YY :%1 - MUM Parent - Stocking Comp >%1 - MUM - :%1 - MUM to MUM >%1 - MUM MUM :%1 - MUM to SUM >%1 - MUM SUM :%1 - Material costs to date reduced by >%1 - ϳɱ :%1 - Next Year >%1 - һ :%1 - Off Invoice >%1 - Ʊ֮ :%1 - Offer five >%1 C :%1 - Offer four >%1 C :%1 - Offer one >%1 C һ :%1 - Offer three >%1 C :%1 - Offer two >%1 C ̶ :%1 - Open back order >%1 - 打开延期交货订单 :%1 - Open order >%1 - 򿪶 :%1 - Planned Review >%1 - ƻ :%1 - Planner >%1 - ƻԱ :%1 - Preparation >%1 - ׼ :%1 - Printed >%1 - Ѵӡ :%1 - Product class >%1 - Ʒȼ :%1 - Progressive Scrap >%1 - 𲽱 :%1 - Ready for printing >%1 - ӡ :%1 - Ready to invoice >%1 - 发票就绪 :%1 - Ready to print >%1 - 打印就绪 :%1 - Released back order >%1 - ѷڽ :%1 - Released backorder >%1 - ѷڽ :%1 - Route >%1 - · :%1 - SUM to MUM >%1 - SUM MUM :%1 - SUM to SUM >%1 - SUM SUM :%1 - Stock code >%1 - :%1 - Stocking Parent & Comps >%1 - Ͳ :%1 - Stocking Parent - MUM Comp >%1 - - MUM :%1 - Supplier >%1 - Ӧ :%1 - This Year >%1 - һ :%1 - To invoice >%1 - ⿪߷Ʊ :%1 - To transfer >%1 - 转账 :%1 - Unassigned Contacts >%1 - δϵ :%1 - Warehouse >%1 - ֿ :%1 - YY/MM/DD >%1 - YY/MM/DD :%1 - {custom} >%1 - {custom} :%1 = Sunday >%1 = :%1 Accural >%1 Ϣ :%1 Accural - Price -Change >%1 Ϣ - ۸ - :%1 April %2 >%1 %2 :%1 August %2 >%1 %2 :%1 Batch Serial Number >%1 ϵк :%1 Bit >%1 :%1 Cases and pieces >%1 ͼ :%1 Cogs NON-Stock & Misc >%1 ǿ漰ɱ :%1 Convert Assets tables to %2 format >%1 תʲΪ %2 ʽ :%1 Creation of a '%2' Account >Ѵ '%2' ʻ %1 :%1 Creation of a Contact for each Operator and linking them to '%2' >ΪÿһԱ %1 ϵ˲ '%2' :%1 Creation of a holding Account for '%2' >Ϊ '%2' %1 ʻ :%1 Days - Net >%1 天 = 净 :%1 Days nett >%1 净天 :%1 December %2 >%1 ʮ %2 :%1 EDI Supplier >%1 ֽó(EDI)Ӧ :%1 Execute the %2 upgrade script to add new tables and columns >%1 ִ %2 ű± :%1 Execute the Issue010.sql script to add new tables and columns >%1 ִIssue010.sqlű± :%1 Execute the SQL SP1 Upgrade script >%1 ִSQL SP1ű :%1 Execute the SQL SP1 Upgrade script to add new tables and columns >%1 ִSQL SP1ű± :%1 Execute the SQL SP2 Upgrade script >%1 ִ SQL SP2 ű :%1 February %2 >%1 %2 :%1 Format >%1 ʽ :%1 Free Buy %2 get lots off >%1 ѹ %2 :%1 Free Goods >%1 ѻ :%1 Free Goods for Global Pr >%1ȫѻ :%1 Global Promotions Custom >%1ȫԶ :%1 Goods in transit entries deleted >已删除 %1 在途货物条目 :%1 Inspection items deleted >已删除 %1 检验项目 :%1 Inventory document transaction items deleted >已删除 %1 存货文档交易项目 :%1 Inventory journals deleted >已删除 %1 存货日记账 :%1 Item(s) >%1 Ŀ :%1 January %2 >%1 һ %2 :%1 July %2 >%1 %2 :%1 June %2 >%1 %2 :%1 Kits off Promo >%1 ߰رմ :%1 Label >%1 ǩ :%1 Label Format >%1 ǩʽ :%1 Label Print >%1 ǩӡ :%1 Lots no inspection >%1 δ :%1 Lots serials no bins IMP >%1 ϵ޿⵼ :%1 Lots with bins >%1 ξ߱ :%1 March %2 >%1 %2 :%1 Minute >%1 :%1 Minutes >%1 :%1 Month >%1 :%1 Months >%1 :%1 Non - Global Promotion >%1 ȫ :%1 Non Bins Lots ECC >%1 ǿ ECC :%1 Normal >%1 :%1 November %2 >%1 ʮһ %2 :%1 October %2 >%1 ʮ %2 :%1 Off Invoice - price >%1 Ʊ֮ - ۸ :%1 Off Invoice - per - >%1 Ʊ֮ - λ - :%1 Off Invoice -value >%1 Ʊ֮ - ֵ :%1 Off Invoice Per >%1 Ʊ֮⣬λ :%1 Processes (1 SYSPRO) >%1 (1 SYSPRO) :%1 Processes (2 SYSPRO) >%1 (2 SYSPRO) :%1 RMA >%1 ˻Ȩ(RMA) :%1 Reminder - SYSPRO >%1 - SYSPRO :%1 Reminders - SYSPRO >%1 - SYSPRO :%1 SP2 to %2 format >%1 SP2 תΪ %2 ʽ :%1 Sales returns >%1 ˻ :%1 Scheduled Order Stock >%1 Ŷ :%1 Second >%1 :%1 Seconds >%1 :%1 September %2 >%1 %2 :%1 Serial Manual with lots >%1 ߱εϵֲ :%1 Serials Manual >%1 ϵֲ :%1 Serials no bins >%1 ϵ޲ :%1 Serials only Batch >%1 еϵ :%1 Specific code for TPM >%1 ضó״(TPM) :%1 Stock take >%1 ̵ :%1 Stocking unit of measure >%1 λ :%1 Sub Jobs >%1 ҵ :%1 TPM CUSTOMER >%1 ó״(TPM)ͻ :%1 TPM accurals on price >%1 ó״(TPM)۸Ϣ :%1 Tax year >%1 ˰ :%1 Temporary stock codes deleted >已删除 %1 临时库存代码 :%1 Trade Promo stock code >%1 ó״ :%1 Trade Promotions Free Go >%1 ó״ѻ :%1 Year >%1 :%1 Years >%1 :%1 and over Days >%1 :%1 cannot be blank >%1 Ϊհ :%1 cannot be maintained >%1 ޷ά :%1 cannot be maintained. >%1 ޷ά :%1 compatibility >%1 :%1 day >%1 :%1 day overdue >%1 :%1 days >%1 :%1 days and above >%1 켰 :%1 days overdue >%1 :%1 decimals >%1 С :%1 financial year >%1 :%1 for Stock Code >%1 ڿ :%1 hour >%1 Сʱ :%1 hour overdue >%1 Сʱ :%1 hours >%1 Сʱ :%1 hours overdue >%1 Сʱ :%1 is a mandatory field and has not been entered >%1 是必填字段且尚未输入 :%1 is already a master account >%1 ˻ :%1 label format %2 is not on file >%1 ǩʽ %2 :%1 label format not on file >%1 ǩʽ :%1 label required >Ҫ%1 ǩ :%1 line summary >%1 ժҪ :%1 minute overdue >%1 :%1 minutes before start >ʼǰ %1 :%1 minutes overdue >%1 :%1 not installed >%1 δװ :%1 row >%1 :%1 rows >%1 :%1 tables have been deleted that ended with '%2' >ɾ '%2' β %1 ű :%1 to %2 days >%1 %2 :%1 to %2 days discount >%1 %2 ۿ :%1 to %2 Days >%1 %2 :%1 transactions deleted >已删除 %1 项交易 :%1 unlinked Analytics users have been removed from the database >%1 δӵķûѴݿɾ :%1 values to update >%1 ֵ :%1 week >%1 :%1 weeks >%1 :%1 yr >%1 :%1, Add Stock Codes >%1, 添加库存代码 :%1, Stock Codes >%1, 库存代码 :%coid is the company code >%coid Ϊ˾ :%key will contain the value of the current key field >%key Կֶεֵ :%key, %coid, %oper, %code in the subject text >ıе%key%coid%oper%code :%latitude% and %longitude% are placeholders >%latitude% 和 %longitude% 为点位符 :%log is the key of the log file entry >%logΪ־ļ˵Ĺؼ :%oper is the operator code >%operDzԱ :%time will pass the time the event occurred >%timeͨ¼ʱʱ :%today will pass today's date >%todayͨ :& Confirmation >ȷ :&Refresh >ˢ(&R) :'%1' class items >'%1' ȼĿ :'%1' Account successfully added for your company >Ϊ˾ɹ '%1' ʻ :'%1' Already on file >'%1' Ѵ :'%1' Control record flag >'%1' Ƽ¼־ :'%1' already exists >'%1' Ѵ :'%1' cannot be blank >'%1' ɿհ :'%1' cannot be less than current year >'%1' Сڵǰ :'%1' cannot be spaces when calling the '%2' method >'%1' ڵ '%2' ʱΪո :'%1' class items >'%1' ȼĿ :'%1' class items (no movement) >'%1' ȼĿޱ仯 :'%1' defined against each stock code >'%1' ÿж :'%1' forms part of Asset integration and cannot be changed >'%1' ʲϵһ֣޷Ķ :'%1' function is not allowed for LCT items >LCTĿ '%1' :'%1' has not been setup as an alternate currency >'%1' δΪ滻 :'%1' indicator '%2' invalid >'%1' ָ '%2' Ч :'%1' is a phantom component >'%1' Ϊò :'%1' is a recurring item. The entire series will be deleted >'%1' ΪĿϵнɾ :'%1' is invalid >'%1' Ч :'%1' is invalid. You must specify the server name >'%1' Чָ :'%1' is invalid. You must specify the server name >'%1' Чָ :'%1' is not allowed for RMA with cross shipment >'%1' ھ߱˻Ȩ(RMA) :'%1' items >'%1' Ŀ :'%1' must be a subcontract work center >'%1' Ϊתҵ :'%1' must be in range of '1' to '%2' >'%1' 봦'1''%2'Χ :'%1' must not be a subcontract work center >'%1' 벻תҵ :'%1' non-stocked code not on file >'%1' ǿ벻 :'%1' not allowed for lot traceable and inspectable items >οɸٺͿɼĿ '%1' :'%1' not allowed for this transaction >ڴ˽ף '%1' :'%1' not selected >δѡ '%1' :'%1' only allowed for lot traceable and inspectable items >οɸٺͿɼĿֻ '%1' :'%1' quanity per >'%1' λ :'%1' quantity must have the same sign as total quantity >'%1' ͬı :'%1' quantity per >'%1' λ :'%1' warehouse must be lower than '%2' warehouse >'%1' ֿС '%2' ֿ :'%1'. This is used to represent your own organization >'%1'ڴԼ֯ :'A' class items >'A' Ŀ :'A' class items >AƷ :'A' items >AƷ :'ALL' = no filter >'全部' = 无过滤器 :'B' class items >BƷ :'B' items >BƷ :'C' class items >CƷ :'C' items >CƷ :'Copy from' quanity per >ԡλ? :'Copy from' quantity per >ԡλ? :'D' class items >DƷ :'D' items >DƷ :'E' class items >EƷ :'E' class items (no movement) >EƷޱ䶯 :'From' warehouse must be lower than 'to' warehouse >ԴֿСڡĿꡱֿ :'My Organization'. This is used to represent your own organization >ҵ֯ʾԼ֯ :'Record lost sale' not selected >δѡ '¼ʧ' :'StatusInProcess' has been selected and order '%1' is not in process >'StatusInProcess'ѡҶ '%1' ڽ :'W/h to use' defined against each stock code >ʹáÿȷ :'_CRD' is an invoice prefix reserved for unapplied payments >'_CRD'ڷ̯Ʊǰ׺ :( Sales history values must be in local currency ) >ۼ¼ֵԵػΪλ :(0 - No limit) >0 - ƣ :(0 = default) >0 = Ĭϣ :(1 = Sunday) >1 = գ :(Administrator accounts never expire) >ԱʻʧЧ :(All) >(ȫ) :(Always prefixed by '%1') > '%1' Ϊǰ׺ :(Always prefixed by '_CR') >( '_CR' Ϊǰ׺) :(Always prefixed by '_CRD') >ԡ_CRDΪǰ׺ :(Complete + scrap) X unit run time >ϸƷ +ƷX λʱ :(Complete + scrapped) x unit run time >(完成 + 报废) x 单位运行时间 :(Cr) >(Cr) :(Days) > :(Divide) > :(Dr) >(Dr) :(Enter 0 if the duration is to be indefinite) >(޲ȷ 0) :(Enter spaces to use customer's area code) >ոʹÿͻ룩 :(Existing User menus have >(Existing User menus have :(If the bulk copy process fails, this option allows you to resume the >ƹʧܣѡ :(In local currency) >ԵػΪλ :(Incl current period) >ǰڣ :(Local currency) >ػң :(Maximum charge) >շѣ :(Minimum charge) >շѣ :(Multiply) >ˣ :(Non-stocked) >ǿģ :(On hold) > :(The extension .xml will be added automatically) >Զչ.xml :(Tip %1 Press F9 to call the browse program) >ʾ %1 F9ɵ :(Tip - Press F9 to call the browse program) >ʾ - F9ɵ :(Tip - Use the Browse push button to view existing stocked items) >ʾ - ʹáťɲ鿴пƷ :(Tip - Use the Restart push button to return to a selection and change the choice made.) >ʾ - ʹá¿ʼťɷijһѡ͸ѡ񡣣 :(Tip - Use the Restart push button to return to an option to change any choices made.) >ʾ - ʹá¿ʼťɷijѡԸѡ񡣣 :(Tip - Use the Review push button if you wish to view any selection criteria processed.) >ʾ - ϣ鿴ʹõѡ׼ʹá顱ť :(Tip - Use the check box below to include the mandatory items selected for this option) >ʾ - ʹµĸѡɽΪѡѡıرƷȥ :(Tip - You can use the review function to go back any number of selections.) >ʾ - ʹ鹦ܷκθѡ :(Tip - if you wish to maintain the details of an item already selected press the Select push button.) >ʾ - ϣκѡƷ飬밴ѡ񡱰ť :(You may define companies later using the browse >(You may define companies later using the browse :(Your existing menus have >(Your existing menus have :(administrators may always override warning) >ԱԽȨ棩 :(day) >죩 :(ends) >(ends) :(if range) >ΪΧ :(maximum %1 characters) >( %1 ַ) :(maximum 30 characters) >(最多 30 个字符) :(no fields available) >޿ֶΣ :(not selected warehouse) >δѡIJֿ⣩ :(number of characters on ISAM record) >ISAM¼еַ :(number of characters on record) >¼еַ :(registers must be printed and journal entries posted) >(ӡǼDzռ :(required where data file is a copy of another file) >ļΪһļҪ :(see dbox-inspection-reverse) >μdbox-inspection-reverse :(see dialog in DBOX-SUBCONTRACT) >μDBOX-SUBCONTRACTеĶԻ :(this is defined in global dialogue) >ҪȫֶԻж壩 :(validates bin location field in lot master file) >֤ļеĿλֶΣ :, invoice >Ʊ :- Updating index and column definitions >- ж :- Users will be denied access to your existing C-ISAM company >- ûܾе C-ISAM ˾ :- Users will be denied access to your existing ISAM company >- ֲУܾû :- You require an installed and running version of Microsoft SQL >- ҪװMicrosoft SQL汾 :- You will need an ODBC data source that links to SQL Server >- ҪӵSQLODBCʽݿ⻥ӣԴ :- You will require appropriate rights to create a database, tables >- ҪʵȨޣԴһݿ⡢ݿе :- Cannot copy new index file >- ޷ļ :- Cannot open input file >- ޷ļ :- Cannot open new index file >- ޷ļ :- Duplicate records >- ظ¼ :- Invalid end-of-file >- Чend-of-fileļβ :- Reindex aborted >- ±ֹ :- Account Type >- ʻ :- Activity Location >- λ :- Activity Regarding >-  :- Activity Result >-  :- Activity Type >-  :- Add Foreign Keys >- :- Add the RMA control information to the Admin company control >- RMAϢӵ˾ :- Adding Contacts to the Customer >- ͻϵ :- Adding Contacts to the Supplier >- Ӧϵ :- Analyse database to determine if any user objects defined >- ݿ⣬ȷǷκû :- Calculate the total approved value of requisitions >- 빺 :- Click for new features >鿴 :- Configure security access for programs with new interfaces >- Ϊ½ijðȫ :- Contact name >- ϵ :- Convert A/R Statement formats >- תӦտ˻(A/R)ʽ :- Convert Inventory Optimization data if required >- ҪתŻ :- Convert Inventory Quantity discounts if required >- Ҫʱ뻻ۿ :- Convert Inventory documents files from ISAM to SQL format >- ISAM ʽĵļתΪ SQL ʽ :- Convert RMA files if required >- ҪʱתRMAļ :- Convert Sales Order Stationary formats >- ת۶̶ʽ :- Convert Sales Order Stationery formats >- ת۶ľ߸ʽ :- Convert TPM files if required >- תó״(TPM)ļҪ :- Convert configuration files >- תļ :- Convert data to Real time General Ledger >- ʵʱת :- Convert figures in IO Sales and IO Sales Returns from YTD to date based >- ת YTD IO ۺ IO ˻еĵǰ֣ :- Convert files to incorporate larger tax rate fields >- תļԻϽϴ˰ֶ :- Convert files to the new A/P Payment Cycle >- ļתΪµӦʿ (A/P) :- Convert files to the new AP Payment Cycle >- ļתΪµӦʿ (AP) :- Convert files to the new AP Payment Cycle if required >- Ҫ AP תļ :- Convert old stored sets to the new selection sets >- ɴ洢תΪѡ :- Convert passwords to the standard Admin Password System >- ת׼Աϵͳ :- Convert the Assets Register module >- תʲעģ :- Convert the Checks Issued file to the New Checks Issued file >- ǩ֧ƱļתΪǩ֧Ʊļ :- Convert the RMA Comments to a new format >- RMAעתΪµĸʽ :- Create initial forecast snapshots based on live forecasts created by >- ĿļʱԤⴴԤ :- Create new cross reference and header tables >- ¶ͱ :- Create new cross reference files >- ¶ļ :- Creating a database >- 正在创建数据库 :- Creating the tables in the database >- 正在数据库中创建表 :- Creation of Customer >- ͻ :- Creation of Supplier >- Ӧ̴ :- Creation of a 'My Organization' Account >- ҵ֯ʻ :- Creation of a Contact for each Operator and linking them to 'My Organization' >- ΪÿһԱϵ˲ҵ֯ :- Creation of a contact for each customer/supplier with a previously defined contact >- ʹǰϵΪÿһҿͻӦ̴ϵ :- Creation of a holding Account for 'Unassigned Contacts' >- Ϊδϵˡʻ :- Customer Purchase Order >- 客户采购订单 :- Customer addresses >- ͻַ :- Customer email >- ͻʼ :- Customer fax number >- ͻ :- Customer phone number >- ͻ绰 :- Drop user objects and foreign keys to enable the database to be updated >- ûʹݿԸ :- Execute the Issue009.sql script to add new tables and columns >- ִIssue009.sqlű± :- Execute the Issue010.sql script to add new tables and columns >- ִIssue010.sqlű± :- Execute the SQL SP1 Upgrade script >- ִSQL SP1³ű :- Execute the SQL SP1 Upgrade script to add new tables and columns >- ִSQL SP1³űµı :- Execute the SQL SP2 Upgrade script >- ִ SQL SP2 ű :- Execute the SQL SP2 Upgrade script to add new tables and columns >- ִ SQL SP2 ³űµı :- Execute the data conversion script to handle all data changes >- ִתűԴݸ :- Generate unique id numbers for all stock code and warehouse entries defined >- ΪпͲֿĿɶ id :- Initial population of lookup tables >- ıijʼ˿ :- Initialize new columns in some tables >- ʼijЩе :- Inventory Serial Tracking Header >- ϵиҳü :- Inventory Serials in Inspection >- еĴϵ :- Inventory Stock Take Serials >- ̵ϵ :- Lots/Bins/serials >- 批次/库/系列 :- Migrate custom form data to new architecture >- ԶǨƵϵṹ :- Operator email >- Աʼ :- Operator location >- Աλ :- Operator name >- Ա :- Optional deletion of the Account >- ѡʻɾ :- Order quantity >- 订单数量 :- Perform updates on Contact Management files where necessary >- ִϵ˹ļҪĸ :- Perform updates where necessary >- ִбҪĸ :- Please note that it will not convert the Stationery formats >- ע⣬˲תľ߸ʽ :- Populating the tables with data >- 正在用数据填充表 :- Printed all checks/EFTs >- Ѵӡ֧Ʊʽת(EFT) :- Printed the Payment Register >- ѴӡǼDz :- Processed all released payments >- Ѵзи :- Re-generate foreign keys and user objects once the database conversion is complete >- һݿתû :- Reindex files with new alternate indexes >- µļ± :- Reindexing files with new alternate indexes; >- µı±ļ :- Remove unused files >- ɾδʹõļ :- Reorganize files with new record lengths >- µļ¼֯ļ :- Reorganizing data in files where fields have been added >- ±ֶλѸ :- S/O Invoice Reprint Cross-Reference >- ۶(S/O)Ʊ´ӡ :- Setup email to use MS Outlook >- õʼʹMS Outlook :- Setup of addresses >- ַ :- Ship/Reserve quantity >- 装运/保留数量 :- Supplier addresses >- Ӧ̵ַ :- Supplier fax number >- Ӧ̴ :- Supplier phone number >- Ӧ̵绰 :- Update the control record to indicate that this company has been converted to >- ¿Ƽ¼ָѽù˾תΪ :- WIP Booked Serials for Allocations >- ִҵ(WIP)ڷԤϵ :- WIP Inspection Serials >- ִҵ(WIP)ϵ :- WIP Reserved Serials for Job/Parent Part >- ִҵ(WIP)ҵıϵ :- indicates a non-stocked item not yet available for use >ʾвʹõķǿƷ :-Identify all files which require converting and convert these to a SYSPRO %1 format >- 识别所有要求转化和将这些转化为 SYSPRO %1 格式的文件 :... as a factor against quantity >... 作为对数量的因子 :.NET Assembly >.NET Assembly :.NET Framework %1 >.NET Framework %1 :.NET User controls must reside in ...\base\ManagedAssemblies on the client machine >.NET 用户控制必须驻留于客户机上的 ...\base\ManagedAssemblies :.NET user control >.NET û :0-1/100 mm, 1-1/1000 inch >0-1/100ף1-1/1000Ӣ :0-5 decimals >0-5λС :0-fixed, 1-proportional >0-̶1- :1 - Offer one >һ :1 Other Report Writer >1¼ :1 line summary >1ժҪ :1,000,000 records = 1GB >1,000,000¼ = 1GB :1-Booked >1-已预订 :1-None/Medium, 2-Course, 3-Fine, >1-ޣеȣ2-֣3-ϸ :1-Portrait, 2-Landscape >1-2- :1-Yes >1- :1-monochrome, 2-color >1-ɫ2-ɫ :1-yes >1-是 :1. If the cash book period corresponding to the original posting >1. 뾭ҵԭʵ :1. System-wide files. These are not related to a specific company >1. ϵͳļЩļض˾޹ :10% Discount >10%ۿ :100 jobs have already been entered >?00ҵ :100% zoom level >100% 缩放级别 :1000's separator character >1000ķָ :1000's separator character (reports) >1000ķָ :1000's separator character(reports) >1000 的分隔符 (报告) :120 days and above >120켰 :13 Periods >13 :1st % > 1 % :1st Disc % >һۿ% :1st button >1ť :1st character branch code > 1 ַ֧ :1st character of location >صĵ 1 ַ :1st day of week >еĵһ? :1st disc >1Ŵ :1st discount % >1ۿ% :1st line discount % >1ۿ% :1st line discount percentage > 1 ۿ۰ٷֱ :1st line ship to address >1װַ :1st line sold to address >1ַ :1st order discount percentage > 1 ۿ۰ٷֱ :1st salesperson commission >1ԱӶ :1st trade discount percentage >1ҵۿ۰ٷֱ :1st/from code >1Դ :2 - Cancel >2 - ȡ :2 - Offer two >۶ :2 Dimension >2ά :2 decimal places >2λС :2 decimal places for contract prices and net unit prices >Ϊͬ۸;۱2λС :2 line summary >2ժҪ :2-Dimensional >2-ߴ :2. If cash book is integrated to G/L, and the G/L period >2. ֽܷ :2. Company files. These are specific to an individual company >2. ˾ļЩļضĹ˾ :2000 re-established invoices/unapplied payments have already been entered in this session. Function cancelled >2000³ߵķƱ̯ڴ˻Ựڼˡѱȡ :2D Area >ά :2D Bar >ά :2D Pie >ά :2nd % > 2 % :2nd Disc % >ڶۿ% :2nd Module >2ģ :2nd Tax code to be used > 2 õ˰ :2nd amount >第 2 项金额 :2nd button >2ť :2nd calculated on tax >第 2 项税务计算 :2nd code >第 2 个代码 :2nd disc >2Ŵ :2nd discount % >2ۿ% :2nd line discount % >2ۿ% :2nd line discount percentage > 2 ۿ۰ٷֱ :2nd line ship to address >2װַ :2nd line sold to address >2ַ :2nd order discount percentage > 2 ۿ۰ٷֱ :2nd salesperson > 2 λۻԱ :2nd salesperson commission >2ԱӶ :2nd tax code > 2 ˰մ :2nd trade discount percentage >2ҵۿ۰ٷֱ :2nd/to code >2 :3 - Abort >3 - ͣ :3 - Offer three > :3 Dimension >3ά :3-Dimensional >3-ߴ :30 days >30 :32-bit data source name >32 位数据源名 :3D Area >ά :3D Bar >ά :3D Controls >3D :3D Pie >ά :3D View >3Dͼ :3rd % > 3 % :3rd Disc % >ۿ% :3rd Party Report Writer >? :3rd Party Tax > 3 ˰ :3rd Party application > 3 Ӧó :3rd Party application path > 3 Ӧó· :3rd button >3ť :3rd disc >3Ŵ :3rd discount % >3ۿ% :3rd line discount % >3ۿ% :3rd line discount percentage > 3 ۿ۰ٷֱ :3rd line ship to address >3װַ :3rd line sold to address >3ַ :3rd order discount percentage > 3 ۿ۰ٷֱ :3rd salesperson > 3 λۻԱ :3rd salesperson commission >3ԱӶ :3rd trade discount percentage >3ҵۿ۰ٷֱ :4 - Offer four > :4 - Retry >4 - :4-Line art, 5-Error diffusion >4-桢5-ɢ :400-norm, 700-bold >400-700- :4th line ship to address >4װַ :4th line sold to address >4ַ :4th salesperson > 4 λۻԱ :4th salesperson commission >4ԱӶ :5 - Ignore >5 - :5 - Offer five > :5% Volume discount Off Invoice >5%Ʊ֮ܶۿ :5-up, 4-down >5-ϡ4- :5th line ship to address >5װַ :5th line sold to address >5ַ :6 - Yes >6 - :60 days >60 :64-bit data source name >64 位数据源名 :7 - No >7 - :90 days >90 :< Purge options selected >< ѡѡ :< Back >< :< Columns - continued >< 列 - 续 :<1> Open order ><1> 򿪶 :<< Clear ><< :<< Remove ><< ɾ :<< Remove All ><< ɾ : Fwd order > 远期订单 : In suspense > :A - All offers >A C ȫ :A - Lot for lot >A - :A - Sales by Branch, Stock code >A - ֧ :A - Sum of forecasts & sales orders >A - Ԥܽ۶ :A 1-Many link has already been defined for this table >Ϊñ1-Many :A 1-Many link may not be defined for this table >Ϊñ1-Many :A 3D Torus chart is the same as a pie chart, it displays data as a "donut" and is visually more appealing than the pie chart >3D ԲͼͼͬԡΡʾݣұȱͼӾ :A Kit may not be specified for returnable items >ΪɷĿָ߰ :A Local Server has alrady been defined for machine '%1' >Ϊ '%1' 屾 :A Remote Server has alrady been defined for machine '%1' >Ϊ '%1' Զ̷ :A Transaction has already taken place against reserved lot '%1' >ݱ '%1' :A Transaction has already taken place against reserved serial '%1' >ݱϵ '%1' :A back order release may not be negative >ڶͷŲΪ :A bill of material has successfully been created >ѳɹ嵥 :A billing amount must be entered. Either a value or a percentage >ʵijֵٷֱ :A blank branch has been entered. OK to continue? >һշ֧˻ȷҪ :A blank line in the calculation code may cause unpredictable results and is not allowed >еĿհпɵ²ԤڵĺDz :A blanket purchase order contract exists for this stock code. Do you wish to add to the blanket p/o for this contract? >ڴ˿룬ѴۺԲɹͬϣڴ˺ͬۺԶ :A blanket purchase order contract exists for this stock code. You may add to an existing order for this contract, or create a new purchase order outside of the contract. Do you wish to add to the blanket purchase order? >ڴ˿룬ѴۺԶͬڴ˺ͬеĶ룬Ҳɴڴ˺ͬ²ɹϣۺԲɹ :A blanket purchase order contract exists for this stock code. Your requisition may add to or create a p/o within this contract, or create a new order outside of the contract. Do you wish to add within the blanket contract? >ڴ˿룬ѴۺԲɹͬɽ빺˺ͬлڴ˺ͬдɹҲɶڴ˺ͬµĶϣۺԺͬ :A blanket purchase order exists for this stock code. Do you wish to add to the blanket order? >ڴ˿룬ѴۺԲɹϣۺԶ :A cancelled journal cannot be posted >ȡռ޷ :A cancelled journal cannot be posted. >ȡռ޷ʡ :A change to existing budget options has been made. The Requisition Budget Take-on program will need to be run to adjust the budgets accordingly. Do you wish to run the program now? >ѶԤѡġҪ빺ԤеԶԤӦĵϣд˳? :A change to existing commitments should now be recorded. If they are not, the commitment amounts will not be valid. Do you wish to record the commitments? >гŵĸӦԼ¼򣬳ŵʧЧϣ¼Щŵ :A check number of zero may occur as not all checks have been printed and/or the Check Register has not been printed >֧ƱΪ㣬Ϊȫ֧ƱѴӡ֧ͣƱǼDZδӡ :A class item >A Ŀ :A class items >A Ŀ :A collection may either contain other collections or stock codes, but not both >Ͽܰϻ룬߶ :A comment line may not be attached to another comment line >עвӵһע :A comment line may only be attached to a previous quotation line >עֻӵǰı :A component '%1' included in the batch weight may not have a specific gravity of zero >IJ '%1' ɾ :A component that is included in the batch weight may not have a specific gravity of zero >ڵIJıزΪ :A condition with this name already exists for this transaction >иƵڱѴ :A configuration file already exists for this operator. Do you wish to overwrite this file with the new configuration? >òԱļѴڡϣøǸļ :A contact already exists with the '%1' '%2' >߱ '%1' '%2' ϵѴ :A contact already exists with the name '%1' >Ϊ '%1' ϵѴ :A customer is required for this function >˹Ҫͻ :A discrepancy was found between the last generated GRN number and the next GRN number against the warehouse/s. Update these warehouses? >һδGRNջһֿGRNջ֮䷢ֲ֮Щֿ :A discrepancy was found between the last generated GRN number and the next GRN number on the control account. Update the control account ? >控制账户的上一个生成 GRN 号码与下一个 GRN 号码间发现差异。要升级控制账户吗? :A discrepancy was found between the last generated GRN number and the next GRN number on the control account. Update the control account? >һδGRNջһ˻GRNջ֮䷢ֲ֮´˿ʻ :A dispatch may not be negative >Ϊ :A document already exists with this description >ĵѴ :A document based on this template was previewed and the preview session has not been closed >ڴģļѱԤԤԻδر :A duplicate ledger code was found in the G/L Master. \n\n Please enter a unique ledger code >(G/L)ļڴظʴ롣\n\n Ψһʴ :A duplicate order has been detected on the EDI input file >EDIվݻļѼ⵽ظ :A file already exists for this configuration. Do you wish to overwrite this file? >ѴڴļϣǴļ :A foreign currency bank cannot have a local currency code. Please enter a valid foreign currency code >вӵбػҴ롣ЧҴ :A foreign currency bank cannot have a local currency code. Please enter a valid currency >вӵбػҴ롣Ч :A foreign currency bank cannot have a local currency code. Please enter a valid foreign currency code >вɾ߱ػҴ롣ЧҴ :A global promotion may only be used with line promotion >ֻдʱʹȫ :A job description and category >λ :A job has not been entered >δҵ :A journal on hold cannot be posted >޷ʹռ :A library entry exists for selection '%1' which has no valid criteria attached >ѡ񲻺Ч׼ '%1' ijѴ :A line on this requisition has a zero price. Do you wish to approve this line? >빺ϵijһо۸ϣ׼? :A line with quantities dispatched but not invoiced cannot be cancelled >޷ɾ߱ѷδ߷Ʊ :A list has not been defined >δб :A local site already exists for machine '%1'. You can only configure one local site per machine > '%1' ıվѴڡÿֻ̨һվ :A lost sale exists for this item with the same date and time. Do you wish to continue? >Ŀھ߱ͬںʱĴʧۡϣ? :A lot must be selected before the bin can be validated >ڿɶԿλ֤֮ǰѡ :A major part of the 5.0 to 6.0 conversion involves converting >󲿷5.0 6.0 ת漰 :A mandatory component cannot be cancelled >ȡر :A mandatory kit component cannot be cancelled >ȡر׼ :A maximum of 300 scripted fields are allowed >300űֶεõ :A maximum of 6 offers can be printed accross the page >ڴҳϿɴӡ6 :A maximum of 999 build schedules already on file for stock code %1, warehouse %2 on this date >նڿ %1 ֿ %2 999ƻѴ :A negative check value is invalid >֧ƱֵЧ :A negative value is not allowed, unless unrestricted timeout is in force >ǿִв޵ijʱֵ :A non-zero value represents the timeout to keep client/server connection open >非零值表示保持客户机/服务器连接开路超时 :A notational value must be entered >עֵ :A notional part cannot be an MPS item >עͼ ƻ(MPS)Ŀ :A number of new alternate indexes have been added to tables in >ӵSYSPRO 6.0 :A number of new columns have been added to existing tables in >ӵSYSPRO 6.0еıУЩ :A number to be shown in the bottom right-hand corner of the tile. (write-only) >您在平铺右下角显示的号码。(只写) :A numeric field may not be greater than %1 characters long >ֶβó %1 ַ :A packaging details line cannot be cancelled >ɾװϸ :A payment value of '%1' has not been distributed >'%1' ĸδ :A payment value of '%1' has not been distributed and post dated checks have been selected >'%1' ĸδ䣬ѡԶ֧Ʊ :A permanent entry for this day of the month and this reference has already been captured >´ڵĹ̶Ŀ˲οѱ :A permanent entry for this day of the month, this supplier, and this invoice id has already been captured >´ڡ˹Ӧ̺ʹ˷ƱidĹ̶Ŀѱ :A permanent entry for this reference and this day of the month has already been captured >˲οͱ´ڵĹ̶Ŀѱ :A phantom part cannot be defined for a kit part parent >Ϊ߰׼ʶ :A planning bill cannot be defined as a component >ɽƻʵΪ :A portion of the deposit is not being refunded and will be retained. Do you wish to continue? >ִ˻档ϣ? :A posted journal cannot be cancelled >ȡѹռ :A previous design or print request has failed and a hidden document is locking the template >ǰһӡʧܣijļģ :A price has not yet been entered >δ۸ :A printer called 'PREVIEW' has automatically been added for you >ΪԶΪ'PREVIEW'Ĵӡ :A problem has occurred > :A puchase order has not yet been created for this requisition line >δΪ빺ϸɹ :A purchase order has already been created for this requisition line >Ϊ빺ϸɹ :A purchase order has not yet been created for this requisition line >δΪ빺дɹ :A purchase order will be created for the required date for this contract. Ok to start purchase order creation? >ҪΪͬɹȷҪʼɹ :A purchase order will be created for this contract for each outstanding schedule date up to and including the required date. Ok to start purchase order processing? >ΪͬÿһʱڣֱҪڣɹȷҪʼɹ :A purchase order will be created or updated for this contract. Lines will be added for each outstanding schedule date up to and including the required date. Ok to start purchase order processing? >Ϊͬ²ɹΪÿһʱڣֱҪڣСȷҪʼɹ :A quantity factor must be applied for returnable items >ɷĿӦϵ :A quantity has already been captured against one or more of the selected serial numbers. Do you wish to set the captured quantity to zero? >Ѹһѡϵк벶ϣΪ :A quantity has already been captured against the manual serial number entered. Do you wish to set the captured quantity to zero? >Ѹ˹ϵк벶ϣΪ :A quantity has already been captured against the manual serial number entered. Do you wish to set the captured quantity to zero? >ֶϵкŲϣΪ :A range from %1 to %2 cannot be created >޷ %1 %2 ķΧ :A range from 0 to 0 cannot be created >޷00 Χ :A range of scheduling products based on the internationally recognized Preactor scheduling tool >ڹʹϵ Preactor ų̹ߵһϵų̲Ʒ :A range of stock codes may corrupt some costs >һϵпܻijЩɱɿ :A range of stock codes or warehouses may corrupt some costs >ֿֿijЩɱ :A read-write string variable of %1 characters for this pane >此窗格 %1 字符的写就绪字符串变量 :A read-write string variable of unlimited length for the current tile >当前平铺无线长度的写就绪字符串变量 :A read-write string variable of up to %1 characters > %1 ַĶ-дַ :A reason for locking the operator should be specified >ӦָԱԭ :A reason for locking the site should be specified >Ӧָվԭ :A report template file is required for the configuration to be imported >Ҫñʹñģļ :A report with the id '%1' already exists >߱(id) '%1' ıѴ :A report with the id '%1' already exists, would you like to override it? >ʶΪ '%1' ıѴڣϣ :A route cannot be deleted if there are live loads attached to it >·лأ򲻿ɾ :A schedule with the recurrence pattern of 'One time only' cannot be scheduled in the past >߱һԡģʽʱ޷ڹȥʱŶ :A screen template with zero values will be displayed as the setup is set to \"No depreciation calculation\" >Ϊ \"No depreciation calculation\" (۾ɼ) ʱʾֵ߱Ļģ :A series of values separated by |, shown in placeholders %1%, %2%... within the XAML theme. (write-only) >XAML 主题内用 | 分割、在占位符 %1%, %2%... 中显示的一系列值。(只写) :A snapshot is currently in progress for this company. The conversion process will not convert the snapshot files. Delete the snapshot files and continue with the conversion? >ĿǰΪ˾гӡתԳӡļתɾӡļת :A standard route may not be defined until you have entered a valid stock code >Ч󷽿ȷ׼· :A started instance of workflow '%1', '%2' does not exist and therefore could not be stopped >ѿʼĹ '%1', '%2' ʵ޷ֹͣ :A stock take cannot be performed on a stock code with a kit type of 'K' >ôK͹߰Ŀ룬޷ִдȡù :A stock take cannot be performed on a stock code with a kit type of 'S' >ôS͹߰Ŀ룬޷ִдȡù :A style suffix must be supplied for 'Operator style' stylesheets >ΪԱģʽģʽṩģʽ׺ :A style suffix must be supplied for 'Operator style' stylesheets >ΪԱʽʽṩʽ׺ :A system check is in process for this invoice. Placing a hold on this invoice may result in a negative check value. Use the '%1' program to place the invoice on hold >Ը÷ƱϵͳڽС˷Ʊɵ¸֧Ʊֵʹ '%1' ˷Ʊ :A system check is in process for this invoice. Placing a hold on this invoice may result in a negative check value. Use the 'Payment Release' program to place the invoice on hold >Ը÷ƱϵͳڽС÷Ʊɵ¸֧ƱֵʹáС÷Ʊ :A system check is in process for this invoice. Placing a hold on this invoice may result in a negative check value. Use the '%1' program to place the invoice on hold >Ը÷ƱϵͳڽС÷Ʊɵ¸֧Ʊֵʹ '%1' ÷Ʊ :A system check is in process for this invoice. Placing a hold on this invoice may result in a negative check value. Use the 'A/P Payment Cycle' program to place the invoice on hold >Ը÷ƱϵͳڽС÷Ʊɲ֧Ʊֵʹ"Ӧʿ(A/P)ѭ"÷Ʊ :A system check is in process for this invoice. Placing a hold on this invoice may result in a negative check value. Use the 'AP Payment Cycle' program to place the invoice on hold >Ը÷ƱϵͳڽС÷Ʊɲ֧Ʊֵʹ"Ӧʿ(AP)ѭ"÷Ʊ :A system check is in process for this invoice. Placing a hold on this invoice may result in a negative check value. Use the 'Payment Release' program to place the invoice on hold >Ϊ˷Ʊִϵͳ顣˷ƱΪͣʹÿܻᵼ¸ļֵʹá׼֧ͣʹô˷Ʊ :A theme helps you easily create professional reports >ɰɵشרҵ :A timeout has occurred. The Server process is not responding. Close down failed >ѳʱӦرʧ :A timeout has occurred. The Unix server process is not responding >ѳʱUnixӦ :A timeout has occurred. The server process is not responding >ѷʱ޷Ӧ :A transaction will only be updated >ſɶԽԸ? :A trial load of either a job or estimate is currently taking place. Any capacity attached to it will be ignored >ڳԼҵۣκ :A type items >AĿ :A user-friendly interface allowing the Web-based Application menus to be configured from within SYSPRO >ûѺý棬 Web Ӧó˵ SYSPRO ڽ :A valid company license file will be needed to continue this setup >ҪãҪЧĹ˾֤ļ :A valid default job classification must be specified against the operator when running Requirements Calculation with job numbering by job classification >ҪҵҵŽмʱָЧĬҵ :A value amount type may not be used with tiered promotions >ֵͲֲʹ :A value in minutes and decimals before the OnRefresh event fires; e.g. a value of .5 is %1 seconds. (write-only) >OnRefresh 事件发生前以分钟为单位的和小数值; 如 .5 的值为 %1 秒。(只写) :A value of %1 means '%2' >ֵ %1 ζ '%2' :A value of '%1' has not been distributed to General Ledger >'%1' ֵδ :A weighted code has not been entered >δȨ :A zero check value is invalid >֧ƱֵЧ :A.T.P >ŵ(A.T.P.) :A.T.P. Calculation in Progress >ִгŵ(A.T.P.) :A/B >A/B :A/B percentage break >A/Bٷֱȷ :A/P Invoice Payment >Ʊ :A/P %1 Label Format >Ӧʿ(A/P) %1 ǩʽ :A/P %1 Label Print >Ӧʿ(A/P) %1 ǩӡ :A/P %1 zeroize performed >ִеӦʿ (A/P) %1 :A/P & C/B buying exch. rate >A/P C/B߶һ :A/P - Period >Ӧʿ(A/P) - :A/P 1099 Label Format >ǩʽ :A/P 1099 Label Print >A/P 1099 ǩӡ :A/P Adjustments >Ӧʿ(A/P) :A/P Aged Analysis >A/P :A/P Aged Analysis Report >Ӧʿ(A/P) :A/P Amendment Journal >A/P޶ռ :A/P Amendment Journal Report >A/P޶ռʱ :A/P Amendment Journal Report in Progress >ִA/P޶ռʱ :A/P Approve invoices >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ʊ :A/P Approve registered invoice >Ӧʿ (A/P) ׼עᷢƱ :A/P Automatic Invoice Release >Ӧʿ(A/P)ԶƱ :A/P Automatic Invoice Release in Progress >Ӧʿ(A/P)ԶƱִ :A/P Automatic Release of Invoices to Pay >Ӧʿ(A/P)ƱԶ :A/P Bank EFT payments allowed >Ӧʿ(A/P)еת(EFT) :A/P Bank Total posting for EFT runs >Ӧʿ(A/P)еת(EFT)ܶ :A/P Bank next EFT number >Ӧʿ(A/P)һת(EFT) :A/P Branch Details >Ӧʿ(A/P)֧ϸ :A/P Branch Maintenance >Ӧʿ(A/P)֧ά :A/P Branches >A/P֧ :A/P Browse on Checks >Ӧʿ(A/P)֧Ʊ :A/P Browse on GRN Cross Ref >Ӧʿ(A/P)ջ(GRN) :A/P Browse on Payment Runs >Ӧʿ(A/P) :A/P Cash Requirements >A/PֽҪ :A/P Change exchange rate of invoices in payment run >Ӧʿ(A/P)ĸзƱĻ :A/P Change/remove/hold invoices from payment run >Ӧʿ(A/P)ģɾзƱ :A/P Check Format >A/Pʽ :A/P Check Print >A/Pӡ :A/P Check/Cheque Format >Ӧʿ(A/P)֧Ʊʽ :A/P Check/Remittance Print >Ӧʿ(A/P)֧Ʊӡ :A/P Checks >A/P ֧Ʊ :A/P Checks/Cheques >A/P ֧Ʊ :A/P Clear Payment Information >A/PϢ :A/P Clear manual/void check payment information from payment run >Ӧʿ(A/P)ֶЧ֧ƱеĸϢ :A/P Company Control Balances >Ӧʿ(A/P)˾ :A/P Contra Manual Adjustment >Ӧʿ(A/P)ֶͬ :A/P Contra invoices >Ӧʿ(A/P)ͬƱ :A/P Contract Price List >A/Pͬ۸嵥 :A/P Control Ledger Code >A/Pʴ :A/P Convert to new A/P Payment Cycle >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧʿ(A/P)ѭת :A/P Credit notes >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ʊ :A/P Currency Conversion >A/Pת :A/P Currency Variance G/L Interface >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ҳ(G/L) :A/P Currency Variance G/L Interface Maintenance >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ҳ(G/L)ά :A/P Currency Variance Interface Listing >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ҳб :A/P Currency Variance Interface Listing in Progress >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ҳбִ :A/P Current Company Values >A/Pǰ˾ֵ :A/P Current Year Open/Closed >Ӧʿ (A/P) ǰȿţر :A/P Current Year Open/Closed Flags >A/Pȿţرձ :A/P Debit notes >Ӧʿ(A/P)跽Ʊ :A/P Delete payment run >Ӧʿ(A/P)ɾ :A/P Details >A/Pϸ :A/P Details for Check Number >Ӧʿ(A/P)֧Ʊϸ :A/P Disbursement >A/P֧ :A/P Disbursement Details >Ӧʿ(A/P)֧ϸ :A/P Disbursements >A/P ֧ :A/P Disbursments >Ӧʿ(A/P)֧ :A/P EC Tax Distribution >Ӧʿ(A/P)ŷ(EC)˰շ :A/P EC Tax Distribution Report >A/P ECŷ壩˰Ʊ :A/P EC VAT on acquisition G/L control account '%1' not defined/found >δ壯δҵӦʿ(A/P)ŷ(EC)˰(VAT)(G/L)ʻ '%1' :A/P EFT Supplier invoice payment >Ӧʿ(A/P)ת(EFT)Ӧ̷Ʊ :A/P Exchange Rate Revaluation >Ӧʿ(A/P)ع :A/P Execute Payment Run >Ӧʿ(A/P)ִи :A/P Expense Journal >A/Pռ :A/P Expense Journal Summary >A/PռժҪ :A/P Expense Jourrnal >Ӧʿ(A/P)ռ :A/P G/L Distribution >Ӧʿ(A/P)(G/L) :A/P G/L Distribution Report >Ӧʿ(A/P)(G/L)䱨 :A/P GRN Selection >Ӧʿ(A/P)ջѡ :A/P General Ledger Distribution Report >A/Pܷʷ䱨 :A/P Import Supplier/Stock Cross-Ref >Ӧʿ(A/P)빩Ӧ̣ :A/P Initial Invoice Capture >Ӧʿ(A/P)ԭʼƱ׽ :A/P Initial Invoice Capture - Adjustment Details >Ӧʿ(A/P)ڷƱ - ϸ :A/P Initial Invoice Capture - Invoice Details >Ӧʿ(A/P)ڷƱ - Ʊϸ :A/P Input tax G/L control account '%1' not defined/found >δ壯δҵӦʿ(A/P)˰(G/L)ʻ '%1' :A/P Invoice >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ʊ :A/P Invoice Maintenance >A/PƱά :A/P Invoice Payment >A/PƱ :A/P Invoice Payment in Progress >ִA/PƱ :A/P Invoice Posting >A/PƱ :A/P Invoice Posting - Adjustment >A/PƱ - :A/P Invoice Posting - Approve Invoice >A/PƱ - ׼Ʊ :A/P Invoice Posting - Credit Note >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ʊ - Ʊ :A/P Invoice Posting - Debit Note >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ʊ - 跽Ʊ :A/P Invoice Posting - Invoice >A/PƱ - Ʊ :A/P Invoice Posting - Invoice Details >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ʊ - Ʊϸ :A/P Invoice Posting - Register Invoice >A/PƱ - ׼Ʊ :A/P Invoice Posting - Select Credit Invoices >A/PƱ - ѡƱ :A/P Invoice Posting - Select Debit Invoices >A/PƱ - ѡ跽Ʊ :A/P Invoice Registration >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ʊע :A/P Invoice Registration Report >A/PƱ׼ :A/P Invoice Registration Report by >A/P Ʊעᱨ棬 :A/P Invoice Registration System >A/PƱ׼ϵͳ :A/P Invoice Terms >A/P Ʊ :A/P Invoice Terms Maintenance >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ʊά :A/P Invoice number >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ʊ :A/P Invoices >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ʊ :A/P Invoices for Manual Check >Ӧʿ(A/P)ֶ֧ƱƱ :A/P Journal Report >A/Pռʱ :A/P Journal Report in Progress >A/Pռʱ :A/P LCT register invoice >Ӧʿ(AP)ɱ(LCT)עᷢƱ :A/P Label Format >A/Pǩʽ :A/P Label Print >A/Pǩӡ :A/P Labels >A/P ̱ǩ :A/P List of Branches >A/P֧ :A/P List of Branches in Progress >A/P֧б :A/P List of Invoice Terms >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ʊб :A/P List of Permanent Entries >A/P̶б :A/P List of Revaluation Inter Entries >Ӧʿ(A/P)عб :A/P List of Suppliers >A/P 嵥 :A/P Maintain Registered Inv >Ӧʿ(A/P)άעᷢƱ :A/P Manual Check Entry >Ӧʿ(A/P)ֶ֧Ʊ :A/P Manual Check Entry - Invoice Payment Details >Ӧʿ(A/P)ֶ֧Ʊ - Ʊϸ :A/P Manual Invoice Release >A/PͷֹƱ :A/P Manual Payment - Invoice Payment Details >A/Pֹ - Ʊϸ :A/P Manual Payment Entry >A/PֹĿ :A/P Month End >A/P½ :A/P Month at a Glance by Branch >Ӧʿ(A/P)֧¶ժҪ :A/P Payment Cycle >Ӧʿ(A/P)ѭ :A/P Payment Cycle Conversion >Ӧʿ (A/P) ת :A/P Payment Cycle Conversion did not complete successfully. You may continue and the system will make use of the legacy A/P Payment Cycle files >δɹӦʿ (A/P) תɼϵͳʹ legacy Ӧʿ (A/P) ļ :A/P Payment Cycle Conversion successful >A/P תɹ :A/P Payment Cycle Maintenance >Ӧʿ(A/P)ѭά :A/P Payment Cycle files and programs >Ӧʿ (A/P) ļͳ :A/P Payment G/L Integration >A/P G/L :A/P Payment Register >A/Pע :A/P Payment Register cannot be printed as this payment run is locked by another user. Program cancelled >Ӧʿ(A/P)ǼDz޷ӡΪбһûȡ :A/P Payment Register in Progress >Ӧʿ(A/P)ǼDzִ :A/P Payment Release >A/PͷŸ :A/P Payment Release Locking >Ӧʿ (A/P) ǩ :A/P Payment Run >Ӧʿ(A/P) :A/P Payment Runs >Ӧʿ(A/P) :A/P Payment run entry >Ӧʿ (AP) :A/P Period End >A/Pڽ :A/P Permanent Entries >A/P̶˷¼ :A/P Permanent Entries Browse >Ӧʿ (A/P) ̶ :A/P Permanent Entries Listing >A/P̶Ŀ :A/P Permanent Entries Maintenace >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ŀά :A/P Permanent Entries Posting >A/P̶Ŀ :A/P Permanent Entry Details >A/P̶ϸĿ :A/P Post Invoices From A/P >Ӧʿ(A/P)ԴӦʿ(A/P)ĹʷƱ :A/P Post LCT registered invoice >Ӧʿ (A/P) ʵɱ (LCT) עᷢƱ :A/P Post Permanent Entries >Ӧʿ(A/P)ʹ̶ :A/P Post adjustment >Ӧʿ (A/P) ʵ :A/P Post adjustment e.net >Ӧʿ (A/P) ʵ e.net :A/P Post credit note >Ӧʿ (A/P) ʴƱ :A/P Post credit note e.net >Ӧʿ (A/P) ʴƱ e.net :A/P Post debit note >Ӧʿ (A/P) ʽ跽Ʊ :A/P Post debit note e.net >Ӧʿ (A/P) ʽ跽Ʊ e.net :A/P Post invoice >Ӧʿ (A/P) ʷƱ :A/P Post invoice e.net >Ӧʿ (A/P) ʷƱe.net :A/P Post registered invoice >Ӧʿ (A/P) עᷢƱ :A/P Posting Period >A/Pڼ :A/P Posting Registered Invoices >Ӧʿ(A/P)עᷢƱ :A/P Posting to previous period >Ӧʿ(A/P)һ :A/P Preferences >Ӧʿ(A/P)ѡ :A/P Print Checks and Remittances >Ӧʿ (A/P) ӡ֧Ʊͻ :A/P Print checks/remittances >Ӧʿ (A/P) ӡ֧Ʊ/ :A/P Print/reprint a payment register >Ӧʿ (A/P) ӡ/´ӡע :A/P Purchase Analysis >A/Pɹ :A/P Purchase Analysis History >A/Pɹʷ¼ :A/P Purchase Analysis Report >Ӧʿ(A/P)ɹ :A/P QST Report >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӫҵ˰(QST) :A/P QST Report in Progress >ִӦʿ(A/P)Ӫҵ˰(QST) :A/P Query on Period End Dates >Ӧʿ(A/P)ڽղѯ :A/P Re-establish invoices in manual payments >Ӧʿ (A/P) ¹ֶƱ :A/P Receipt History >Ӧʿ(A/P)ջ¼ :A/P Register invoice >Ӧʿ(A/P)עᷢƱ :A/P Registered Invoices >A/PעᷢƱ :A/P Release Invoice by Review >Ӧʿ(A/P)ǩƱ :A/P Release Invoices by Review >Ӧʿ(A/P)ǩƱ :A/P Release Invoices to Pay by Review >Ӧʿ(A/P)ǩƱ :A/P Release Schedule >A/Pͷʱ :A/P Released Payments Report >A/Pͬ⸶ :A/P Remittance >Ӧʿ(A/P) :A/P Remittance - General Detail >Ӧʿ(A/P) - ϸܱ :A/P Remittance - Heading Fields >Ӧʿ(A/P) - ֶ :A/P Remittance - Total Fields >Ӧʿ(A/P) - ϼֶ :A/P Reprint Check Register >Ӧʿ(A/P)´ӡ֧ƱǼDz :A/P Reprint Check Registers >Ӧʿ(A/P)´ӡ֧ƱǼDz :A/P Reprint selected payment register >Ӧʿ (A/P) ´ӡѡע :A/P Revaluation >Ӧʿ(A/P)ع :A/P Revaluation Details >Ӧʿ(A/P)عϸ :A/P Revaluation in Progress >Ӧʿ(A/P)عִ :A/P Review Invoices to Release >Ӧʿ(A/P)ǩƱ :A/P Review of Invoices Scheduled for Release >ƻǩƱӦʿ(A/P) :A/P Scrapped and Rejected History >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ϻ;ռ¼ :A/P Second Tax Report in Progress >A/Pڶ˰ձ :A/P Second Tier Tax Report >A/Pڶ˰ձ :A/P Setup >Ӧʿ(A/P) :A/P Statement Format >Ӧʿ (A/P) ʽ :A/P Supplier Amendment Journal >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧ޶ռ :A/P Supplier Branch >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧ̷֧ :A/P Supplier Class Maintenance >Ӧʿ (A/P) Ӧ̵ȼά :A/P Supplier Classes >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧ̵ȼ :A/P Supplier Code Conversion >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧ̴ת :A/P Supplier EFT bank account type >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧ̵ת(EFT)ʻ :A/P Supplier EFT custom forms >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧ̵ת(EFT)Զ :A/P Supplier EFT statement reference >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧ̵ת(EFT)ο :A/P Supplier EFT user defined field %1 >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧ̵ת(EFT)ûԶֶ %1 :A/P Supplier Invoice Detail >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧ̷Ʊϸ :A/P Supplier Invoice Distribution >Ӧʿ (A/P) Ӧ̷Ʊַ :A/P Supplier Invoices >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧ̷Ʊ :A/P Supplier Journal Control >Ӧʿ (A/P) Ӧռʿ :A/P Supplier Maintenance >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧά :A/P Supplier Master >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧ :A/P Supplier Query >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧ̲ѯ :A/P Supplier add >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧ :A/P Supplier added >ӵӦʿ (A/P) Ӧ :A/P Supplier added e.net >Ӧʿ (A/P) Ӧ e.net :A/P Supplier bank >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧ :A/P Supplier bank account number >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧ :A/P Supplier bank branch >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧз֧ :A/P Supplier change >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧ̸ :A/P Supplier change defaults >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧ̸Ĭֵ :A/P Supplier changed >ĵӦʿ(A/P)Ӧ :A/P Supplier changed e.net >ĵӦʿ(A/P)Ӧ̵e.net :A/P Supplier check print name >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧ֧Ʊӡ :A/P Supplier delete >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧɾ :A/P Supplier deleted >ɾӦʿ(A/P)Ӧ :A/P Supplier deleted e.net >Ӧʿ (A/P) Ӧɾ e.net :A/P Supplier on hold >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧ̹ :A/P Supplier pay by EFT >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧ̵ת(EFT) :A/P Supplier to customer link >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧͻ :A/P Supplier-Customer Contra >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧ-ͻͬ :A/P Tax Distribution Report >Ӧʿ(A/P)˰շ䱨 :A/P Tax Ledger Code >A/P˰շʴ :A/P Tax Report >A/P˰ձ :A/P Tax Report in Progress >ִA/P˰ձ :A/P Transactions >A/P :A/P Trial Balance >A/P :A/P Trial Balance & Aged Analysis Report >Ӧʿ (A/P) :A/P Untick GRN matching required >ҪӦʿ(A/P)δѡջ(GRN)ƥ :A/P View on Payment Run Invoices >Ӧʿ(A/P)зƱ鿴 :A/P Void Check Entry >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ч֧Ʊ :A/P Void Check Entry - Select Invoices to Reinstate >A/PЧ֧Ʊ¼ - ѡҪָķƱ :A/P Void Checks >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ч֧Ʊ :A/P Void Payment Entry >A/PЧ¼ :A/P Withholding Tax Report >A/P۽˰ :A/P Withholding Tax Report in Progress >ִA/P˰ :A/P Year End >A/P :A/P and A/R must be in the same period >Ӧʿ (A/P) Ӧʿ (A/R) 봦ͬһʱ :A/P and A/R transactions >A/PA/R :A/P and Cash Book >Ӧʿ(A/P)ֽʱ :A/P at a Glance >Ӧʿ(A/P)ժҪ :A/P at a Glance by Branch >֧Ӧʿ(A/P)ժҪ :A/P balance function performed >ִеӦʿ(A/P) :A/P branch >A/P֧ :A/P branch '%1' not found >δҵӦʿ(A/P)֧ '%1' :A/P contra account is blank >A/P ˻Ϊ :A/P control record not found >δҵӦʿ(A/P)Ƽ¼ :A/P currency '%1' has a fixed exchange rate of '%2' >Ӧʿ(A/P) '%1' '%2' Ĺ̶ :A/P currency variance integration can be broken down by >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ҳ켯ɿɰ·ֽ :A/P default 2nd tier tax G/L control account '%1' not defined/found >δ壯δҵӦʿ(A/P)Ĭϵĵ2˰(G/L)ʻ '%1' :A/P default 2nd tier tax code '%1' not found >δҵӦʿ(A/P)Ĭϵĵ2˰մ '%1' :A/P default Freight G/L control account '%1' not defined >δӦʿ(A/P)Ĭϵ˷(G/L)ʻ '%1' :A/P default Merchandise G/L control account '%1' not defined/found >δ壯δҵӦʿ(A/P)ĬϵƷ(G/L)ʻ '%1' :A/P default tax code '%1' not found >δҵӦʿ(A/P)Ĭϵ˰մ '%1' :A/P discount adjustment '%1' will cause transaction discount to become negative >Ӧʿ(A/P)ۿ۵ '%1' ᵼ½ۿ۱Ϊֵ :A/P discount adjustment '%1' will cause transaction discount to exceed invoice balance >Ӧʿ(A/P)ۿ۵ '%1' ᵼ½ۿ۳Ʊ :A/P discount taken ledger code >Ӧʿ(A/P)ۿ۷ʴ :A/P invoice not created because Ledger code '%1' is a control account >δӦʿ(A/P)ƱΪʴ '%1' ǿʻ :A/P invoice %1 created >Ѵ %1 A/P Ʊ :A/P invoice '%1' for supplier '%2' has been duplicated in XML instance >Ӧ '%2' Ӧʿ(A/P) '%1' XMLʵи :A/P invoice '%1' has been released for payment >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ʊ'%1' ǩڸ :A/P invoice '%1' is being processed with a manual check >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ʊ'%1' ͨ˹д :A/P invoice '%1' is being processed with a void check >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ʊ'%1' ͨʧЧд :A/P invoice '%1' is on hold >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ʊ'%1' :A/P invoice '%1' not found >δҵӦʿ(A/P)Ʊ'%1' :A/P invoice '%1' was created after the selected posting period >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ʊ'%1' ѡĹ֮Դ :A/P invoice details >A/PƱϸ :A/P invoice discount date '%1' prior to invoice date '%2' >Ʊ'%2' ֮ǰӦʿ(A/P)Ʊۿ'%1' :A/P invoice due date '%1' prior to invoice date '%2' >Ʊ'%2' ֮ǰӦʿ(A/P)Ʊ '%1' :A/P invoice due date '%1' prior to invoice discount date '%2' >Ʊۿ'%2' ֮ǰӦʿ(A/P)Ʊ '%1' :A/P invoice not created because Ledger code '%1' is a control account >δ A/P ƱΪ˴ '%1' ǿ˻ :A/P invoice value is zero >Ӧʿ(A/P)ƱֵΪ :A/P journal number >Ӧʿ(A/P)ռʺ :A/P ledger code >A/P ʴ :A/P month-end performed >ִ A/P :A/P purge performed >ִ A/P :A/P second tier tax value '%1' does not match the calculated second tier tax value '%2' >Ӧʿ(A/P)2˰ֵ '%1' õĵ2˰ֵ '%2' :A/P supplier Freight G/L account '%1' not found >δҵӦʿ(A/P)Ӧ˷(G/L)ʻ '%1' :A/P supplier Merchandise G/L account '%1" not found >δҵ A/P ӦƷ G/L ˻ '%1" :A/P supplier Merchandise G/L account '%1' not found >δҵӦʿ(A/P)ӦƷ(G/L)ʻ '%1' :A/P tax code '%1' not found >δҵӦʿ(A/P)˰մ '%1' :A/P tax ledger code '%1' for tax code '%2' not found >δҵ˰մ '%2' Ӧʿ(A/P)˰շʴ '%1' :A/P tax value '%1' does not match the calculated tax value '%2' >Ӧʿ(A/P)˰ֵ '%1' õ˰ֵ '%2' :A/P terms '%1' for supplier '%2' not found >δҵӦ '%2' Ӧʿ(A/P) '%1' :A/P transaction value is zero >Ӧʿ(A/P)׼ֵΪ :A/P year-end performed >ִ A/P :A/R Documents Capture Batch >A/R ĵ :A/R control >A/R :A/R - Period >Ӧʿ(A/R) - :A/R Adjustments >Ӧʿ(A/R) :A/R Adjustments for Customer >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻ :A/R Amendment Journal >A/R޶ռ :A/R Amendment Journal Report >A/R޶ռʱ :A/R Amendment Journal in Progress >ִA/R޶ռ :A/R Balance brought forward >ѽת A/R :A/R Bank Deposit Slip >A/Rд :A/R Bank Deposit Slip Print in Progress >ִA/Rдӡ :A/R Branch Details >Ӧʿ(A/R)֧ϸ :A/R Branch Maintenance >Ӧʿ (A/R) ֧ά :A/R Branches >A/R֧ :A/R Browse on Buying Group Contracts >Ӧʿ(A/R)ɹͬ :A/R Browse on Customer Contracts >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻͬ :A/R Browse on Sales Movements >Ӧʿ(A/R)۱䶯 :A/R Buying Groups >Ӧʿ(A/R)ɹ :A/R Buying Groups Maintenance >A/R ɹά :A/R Cash Journal Report >Ӧʿ(A/R)ֽռʱ :A/R Cash Journal Report in Progress >ִA/Rֽռʱ :A/R Cash Payments >A/Rֽ𸶿 :A/R Cash Posting Journal >A/R ֽʼ¼ :A/R Cash Posting Worksheet >A/Rֽʱ :A/R Company Control Balances >Ӧʿ(A/R)˾ :A/R Contra Manual Adjustment >Ӧʿ(A/R)ֶͬ :A/R Contra account >Ӧʿ(AR)ͬ˻ :A/R Contract Pricing >A/Rͬ :A/R Contract Pricing for Buying Groups >ڲɹA/Rͬ :A/R Contract Pricing for Buying Groups for Customer >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻɹͬ :A/R Contract Pricing for Customer >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻͬ :A/R Control Account >A/Rʻ :A/R Credit >Ӧʿ(A/R) :A/R Credit Checking >Ӧʿ(A/R)ø :A/R Credit Letter Export >Ӧʿ(A/R)֤ :A/R Credit Letter Extract >A/R֤ժ¼ :A/R Credit Management >A/Rù :A/R Credit Management Report >Ӧʿ(A/R)ù :A/R Credit Posting >Ӧʿ(A/R) :A/R Credit checking method for customer >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻŴ鷽 :A/R Credit limit >Ӧʿ(A/R)Ŵ޶ :A/R Credit notes >Ӧʿ(A/R)Ʊ :A/R Credit terms >Ӧʿ(A/R)Ŵ :A/R Currency Conversion >A/Rת :A/R Currency Variance G/L Interface >Ӧʿ(A/R)(G/L)IJ :A/R Currency Variance G/L Interface Maintenance >Ӧʿ(A/R)(G/L)άIJ :A/R Currency Variance Interface Listing >Ӧʿ(A/R)Ҳб :A/R Currency Variance Interface Listing in Progress >Ӧʿ(A/R)Ҳбִ :A/R Current Company Values >A/Rǰ˾ֵ :A/R Current Year Open/Closed >Ӧʿ(A/R)ǰȿţر :A/R Current Year Open/Closed Flags >A/Rȿţرձ־ :A/R Customer Amendment Journal >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻ޶ռ :A/R Customer Branches >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻ֧ :A/R Customer Class Maintenance >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻȼά :A/R Customer Classes >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻȼ :A/R Customer Code Conversion >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻת :A/R Customer Invoice >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻƱ :A/R Customer Maintenance >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻά :A/R Customer Master >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻ :A/R Customer Master Balances >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻ :A/R Customer Movement Report >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻ䶯 :A/R Customer Movements >A/Rͻ䶯 :A/R Customer Payment History >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻ¼ :A/R Customer Query >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻѯ :A/R Customer Sales Movements >A/Rͻ۱䶯 :A/R Customer Sales Orders >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻ۶ :A/R Customer Stock Codes >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻ :A/R Customer added >ӵӦʿ(A/R)ͻ :A/R Customer added e.net >Ӧʿ (A/R) ͻ e.net :A/R Customer changed >ĵӦʿ(A/R)ͻ :A/R Customer changed e.net >Ӧʿ (A/R) ͻ e.net :A/R Customer deleted >ɾӦʿ(A/R)ͻ :A/R Customer deleted e.net >Ӧʿ (A/R) ͻɾ e.net :A/R Customer placed on hold >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻ :A/R Customer released from hold >ӹӦʿ(A/R)ͻ :A/R Customer to supplier link >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻӦ :A/R Customer-Supplier Contra >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻ-Ӧ̺ͬ :A/R Customer/Stock Code Cross-Reference >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻ :A/R Customers >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻ :A/R Customers Browse >A/R ͻ :A/R Debit notes >Ӧʿ(A/R)跽Ʊ :A/R Deletion of customers >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻɾ :A/R Detail >Ӧʿ(A/R)ϸ :A/R Details >Ӧʿ(A/R)ϸ :A/R Discount Cr/Dr Notes Format >Ӧʿ(A/R)ۿ۴ǣ跽Ʊݸʽ :A/R Discount Credit/Debit Notes Format >Ӧʿ(A/R)ۿ۴ǣע͸ʽ :A/R Discount Notes >Ӧʿ(A/R)ۿע :A/R Discount Notes Format >Ӧʿ(A/R)ۿע͸ʽ :A/R Exchange Rate Revaluation >Ӧʿ(A/R)ع :A/R Finance Charge Calculation >A/Rü :A/R Find Customer for Invoice >A/RƱҿͻ :A/R G/L Distribution >Ӧʿ(A/R)(G/L) :A/R G/L Distribution Report >Ӧʿ(A/R)(G/L)䱨 :A/R General Ledger Distribution Report >Ӧʿ(A/R)(G/L)䱨 :A/R Geographic Area >Ӧʿ (A/R) :A/R Geographic Area Details >Ӧʿ (A/R) ϸ :A/R Geographic Area Maintenance >Ӧʿ (A/R) ά :A/R Geographic Areas >Ӧʿ (A/R) :A/R Initial Invoice Capture >A/RԭʼƱ :A/R Initial Sales History >A/Rԭʼʷ¼ :A/R Invoice >Ӧʿ(A/R)Ʊ :A/R Invoice Adjustments >A/RƱ :A/R Invoice Deductions >Ӧʿ(A/R)Ʊ۳ :A/R Invoice Detail >A/RƱϸ :A/R Invoice Details >A/RƱϸ :A/R Invoice Discount >Ӧʿ (A/R) Ʊۿ :A/R Invoice Discount Maintenance >Ӧʿ (A/R) Ʊۿά :A/R Invoice Discounts >A/R Ʊۿ :A/R Invoice Integration update >A/R Ʊϸ :A/R Invoice Posting >A/RƱ :A/R Invoice Posting (Legacy) >Ӧʿ (A/R) Ʊ (Legacy) :A/R Invoice Register >A/RƱע :A/R Invoice Terms >A/R Ʊ :A/R Invoice Terms Maintenance >Ӧʿ(A/R)Ʊά :A/R Invoice terms added >ӵӦʿ (A/R) Ʊ :A/R Invoice terms changed >ĵӦʿ (A/R) Ʊ :A/R Invoice terms deleted >ɾӦʿ (A/R) Ʊ :A/R Invoices >Ӧʿ(A/R)Ʊ :A/R Invoices for Customer >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻƱ :A/R Invoices for Register >A/RעᷢƱ :A/R Jnl >Ӧʿ(A/R)ռ :A/R Journal Report >A/Rռʱ :A/R Label Format >A/Rǩʽ :A/R Label Print >A/Rǩӡ :A/R Labels >A/R ̱ǩ :A/R List of Branches >A/R֧ :A/R List of Branches in Progress >ִA/R֧б :A/R List of Customers >A/Rͻ :A/R List of Geographic Areas >A/R :A/R List of Geographic Areas Query >Ӧʿ(A/R)бѯ :A/R List of Invoice Terms >Ӧʿ(A/R)Ʊб :A/R List of Multiple Ship to Addresses >A/Rͻַб :A/R List of Multiple Ship to Addresses in Progress >ִA/Rͻַ :A/R List of Permanent Entries >A/R̶Ŀб :A/R List of Permanent Entries in Progress >ִA/R̶Ŀ :A/R List of Post Dated Checks >A/RԶ֧Ʊ :A/R List of Post Dated Checks in Progress >ִA/RԶ֧Ʊ :A/R List of Post-dated Checks >Ӧʿ(A/R)֧Ʊб :A/R List of Post-dated Checks/Cheques >Ӧʿ(A/R)֧Ʊб :A/R List of Product Class Descriptions >Ӧʿ(A/R)Ʒȼб˵ :A/R List of Product Classes >A/RƷȼ :A/R List of Revaluation Inter entries >Ӧʿ(A/R)عб :A/R List of Salespersons >A/RԱ :A/R Master/Sub Account >Ӧʿ(A/R)ʻ :A/R Master/Sub Account File Creation >A/Rʻļ :A/R Master/Sub Account File created successfully >ѳɹӦʿ(A/R)ʻļ :A/R Master/Sub Account Maintenance >Ӧʿ(A/R)ʻά :A/R Master/Sub Account Re-create >Ӧʿ (A/R) ʻ´ :A/R Misc. receipts >Ӧʿ(A/R)վ :A/R Month End >A/R½ :A/R Month at a Glance by Branch >Ӧʿ(A/P)֧¶ժҪ :A/R Multiple Ship to Addresses >Ӧʿ(A/R)ַ :A/R Multiple Ship to Addresses Browse >Ӧʿ (A/R) ַ :A/R Multiple Ship to Addresses Maint >Ӧʿ (A/R) ַά :A/R Multiple Ship to Addresses for Customer >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻַ :A/R Option to write settlement discount notes >Ӧʿ(A/R)дۿ۵ѡ :A/R Payment Details >A/Rϸ :A/R Payment G/L Integration >A/R G/L :A/R Payment Interface >Ӧʿ (A/R) :A/R Payments >Ӧʿ(A/R) :A/R Payments Ledger Interface >A/Rʽ :A/R Payments and Adjustments >A/R :A/R Payments for Customer >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻ :A/R Period End >A/Rڽ :A/R Permanent Entries >A/R :A/R Permanent Entries Format >A/R̶Ŀʽ :A/R Permanent Entries Posting >A/R̶Ŀ :A/R Permanent Entry Details >A/R̶Ŀϸ :A/R Post Dated Checks >A/RԶ֧Ʊ :A/R Post Dated Checks Browse >Ӧʿ (A/R) ֧Ʊ :A/R Post Dated Checks Maintenance >Ӧʿ(A/R)֧Ʊά :A/R Post Dated Checks for Customer >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻ֧Ʊ :A/R Post Permanent Entries >Ӧʿ(A/R)ʹ̶ :A/R Posting a payment in Payments and Adjustments >Ӧʿ(A/R)ڸ͵йʸ :A/R Posting an adjustment in Payments and Adjustments >Ӧʿ(A/R)ڸ͵йʵ :A/R Posting to a previous month >Ӧʿ (A/R) һ :A/R Posting to previous period >Ӧʿ(A/R)һ :A/R Preferences >Ӧʿ(A/R)ѡ :A/R Previous Year Open/Closed >Ӧʿ(A/R)һȿţر :A/R Print Settlement Discount Notes >Ӧʿ(A/R)ӡۿע :A/R Product class >Ӧʿ(A/R)Ʒȼ :A/R Proof of Delivery >A/R֤ :A/R Query on Period End Dates >Ӧʿ(A/R)ڽڲѯ :A/R Re-establishing of invoices >Ӧʿ(A/R)´Ʊ :A/R Revaluation >Ӧʿ(A/R)ع :A/R Revaluation Details >Ӧʿ(A/R)عϸ :A/R Revaluation in Progress >Ӧʿ(A/R)عִ :A/R Review Cash Journals >Ӧʿ (A/R) ֽռ :A/R S/O discount added >ӵӦʿ (A/R) ۶ (S/O) ۿ :A/R S/O discount changed >ĵӦʿ (A/R) ۶ (S/O) ۿ :A/R S/O discount deleted >ɾӦʿ (A/R) ۶ (S/O) ۿ :A/R Sales Interface >Ӧʿ (A/R) ۽ :A/R Sales Ledger Interface >A/R۷ʽ :A/R Settlement Discount Notes Printing >Ӧʿ(A/R)ۿעڴӡ :A/R Setup >Ӧʿ(A/R) :A/R Statement >Ӧʿ(A/R) :A/R Statement Format >A/Rʽ :A/R Statement Formats >Ӧʿ(A/R)ʽ :A/R Statement Print >A/Rӡ :A/R Statement Print - Heading Fields >Ӧʿ(A/R)ӡ - ֶ :A/R Statement Print - Invoice Detail >Ӧʿ(A/R)ӡ - Ʊϸ :A/R Statement Print - Total Fields >Ӧʿ (A/R) ӡ C ϼֶ :A/R Statements >A/R :A/R Stock Codes Purchased Query >Ӧʿ(A/R)ɹѯ :A/R Stock Codes for All Customers >Ӧʿ(A/R)ȫͻ :A/R Stock Codes for Customer >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻ :A/R Sub-accounts for Customer >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻʻ :A/R Summary Management >A/Rܹ :A/R Summary Management Report >Ӧʿ(A/R)ժҪ :A/R TB and Cr Management Report >Ӧʿ(A/R)(TB)ʹǹ :A/R Terms >Ӧʿ(A/R) :A/R Trial Balance >A/R :A/R Viewing of customer profits in customer query >Ӧʿ(A/R)ڿͻѯеĿͻ鿴 :A/R Year End >A/R :A/R Zoom on Payment History >¼Ӧʿ(A/R) :A/R Zoom on Settlement Discount Notes >Ӧʿ(A/R)ۿע :A/R adjustment posted >ѷ A/R :A/R adjustment posted e.net >ѷ A/R e.net :A/R adjustment value of 0 invalid >0Ӧʿ(A/R)ֵЧ :A/R at a Glance >Ӧʿ(A/P)ժҪ :A/R at a Glance by Branch >֧Ӧʿ(A/P)ժҪ :A/R balance function performed >ִеӦʿ(A/R) :A/R branch >A/R֧ :A/R branch '%1' for XML element '%2' not found >δҵXMLҪ '%2' Ӧʿ(A/R)֧ '%1' :A/R branch '%1' not found >δҵӦʿ(A/R)֧ '%1' :A/R control (Dr) >Ӧʿ(A/R)ƣ跽 :A/R control record not found >δҵӦʿ(A/R)Ƽ¼ :A/R credit note posted >ѷ A/R Ʊ :A/R credit note posted e.net >ѷ A/R Ʊݵ e.net :A/R currency '%1' has a fixed exchange rate of '%2' >Ӧʿ(A/R) '%1' '%2' Ĺ̶ :A/R currency variance integration can be broken down by >Ӧʿ(A/R)Ҳ켯ɿɷΪϸ :A/R debit note posted >ѷ A/R 跽Ʊ :A/R debit note posted e.net >ѷ A/R 跽Ʊݵ e.net :A/R discount Notes Print >Ӧʿ(A/R)ۿעʹӡ :A/R geographic area '%1' for XML element '%2' not found >δҵXMLҪ'%2'Ӧʿ(A/R)'%1' :A/R invoice '%1' already exists >Ӧʿ(A/R)Ʊ'%1' Ѵ :A/R invoice '%1' for customer '%2' has been selected for payment/adjustment/re-establishing multiple times >ͻ '%2' Ӧʿ(A/R) '%1' ѱѡڶθ :A/R invoice '%1' was created after the selected posting period >Ӧʿ(A/R)Ʊ'%1' ѡĹ֮Դ :A/R invoice may not be zero/spaces >Ӧʿ(A/R)ƱΪ㣯ո :A/R invoice posted >ѷ A/R Ʊ :A/R invoice posted e.net >ѷ A/R Ʊ e.net :A/R invoice terms not on file >Ӧʿ(A/R)Ʊ޲ :A/R invoices already exists >Ӧʿ(A/R)ƱѴ :A/R miscellaneous receipt posted >ѷ A/R վ :A/R miscellaneous receipt posted e.net >ѷ A/R վݵ e.net :A/R miscellaneous receipt value of 0 invalid >0Ӧʿ(A/R)վݼֵЧ :A/R month-end performed >ִ A/R :A/R payment posted >ʵӦʿ(A/R) :A/R payment posted e.net >ѷ A/R e.net :A/R payment type >A/R :A/R payments ledger interface missing for branch '%1' >֧ '%1' Ӧʿ(A/R)ʽ涪ʧ :A/R payments ledger interface missing for branch '%1', area '%2', element '%3' >֧ '%1' '%2' Ҫ '%3' Ӧʿ(A/R)ʽ涪ʧ :A/R post document batch >A/R ĵ :A/R purge performed >ִ A/R :A/R re-establish invoice '%1' for customer '%2' has been duplicated in XML instance >ͻ '%2' Ӧʿ(A/R)¿߷Ʊ'%1' XMLʵи :A/R selling exch. rate >A/R ۶һ :A/R statement format has not yet been created. Program cancelled >δA/Rʽȡ :A/R statement format not found or Invalid statement record >δҵӦʿ(A/R)򱨱¼Ч :A/R tax code '%1' not found >δҵӦʿ(A/R)˰մ '%1' :A/R tax portion of adjustment '%1' cannot exceed the adjustment value and must have the same sign > '%1' Ӧʿ(A/R)˰ղֲɳֵұͬı :A/R tax portion of discount '%1' cannot exceed the discount value and must have the same sign >ۿ '%1' Ӧʿ(A/R)˰ղֲɳۿۼֵұͬı :A/R year-end performed >ִ A/R :AB Costing >ABɱ :AB percentage break >AB ٷֱȷ :ABC >ABC :ABC % >ABC % :ABC - Cumulative Manufacturing >ABC - 累积制造 :ABC - Cumulative Preproduction >ABC - 累积预产 :ABC - Manufacturing >ABC - 制造 :ABC - Pre-production >ABC - 预产 :ABC - Sales >ABC - 销售 :ABC - Variance >ABC - 仯 :ABC All Levels ABC >ABC 所有级别 ABC :ABC All Levels ABC Report >ɱ(ABC)εĻɱ(ABC) :ABC Analysis >ABC :ABC Analysis Purge >ABC :ABC Analysis Purge in Progress >ִABC :ABC Analysis Report >ABC :ABC Analysis Report in Progress >ִABC :ABC Analysis updated flag >Ѹ ABC ı :ABC Class Selection >ABCȼѡ :ABC Classes updated >Ѹµ ABC :ABC Classification Selection >ABCѡ :ABC Costing >ABCɱ :ABC Costing Variance G/L Control Account >ABCɱG/Lʻ :ABC Costing Variance GL Control Account >ABC ɱ GL ˻ :ABC Element Analysis >ɱ(ABC)Ҫط :ABC Element Descriptor >ABC Ԫ :ABC Element Descriptor Maintenance >ɱ(ABC)Ҫά :ABC Element Descriptors >ABCҪ :ABC Element Structure >ABCҪؽṹ :ABC Element Structure for Stock Code >ɱ(ABC)Ҫؽṹ :ABC Elements >ABCҪ :ABC List of Element Descriptor >ɱ(ABC)Ҫб :ABC List of Element Descriptors >ABCҪ :ABC List of Element Descriptors in Progress >ִABCҪ :ABC List of Element Structures >ABCҪؽṹ :ABC List of Element Structures in Progress >ִABCҪؽṹ :ABC Manufacturing >ABC 制造 :ABC Pre-production >ABC 预产 :ABC Recoveries Estimate Details >ABC ʹϸ :ABC Recoveries Estimate Report >ABCտ :ABC Recoveries Estimate Report Options >ABC ʹƱѡ :ABC Recoveries Estimate Reports >ABC ʹƱ :ABC Recoveries Estimate Stock Codes >ABC ʹƿ :ABC Recoveries Estimate Summary >ABC ʹժҪ :ABC Sales >ABC 销售 :ABC Stock Code Selection >ABC ѡ :ABC Variance >ɱ(ABC) :ABC analysis required >ҪABC :ABC class >ABCȼ :ABC classes >ABC :ABC classification >ABC :ABC code >ABC :ABC code selection >ABC ѡ :ABC costing variance >ABCɱ :ABC journal record >ABC 日记账记录 :ABC quantity >ɱ(ABC) :ABC rate >ɱ(ABC) :ABC selection >ABCѡ :ABC value >ɱ(ABC)ֵ :ABC variance journal >ABC 差异日记账 :AP Invoice Payment >Ʊ :AP %1 Label Format >Ӧʿ (AP) %1 ǩʽ :AP %1 Label Print >Ӧʿ(AP) %1 ǩӡ :AP %1 zeroize performed >ִеӦʿ (AP) %1 :AP & C/B buying exch. rate >A/P C/B߶һ :AP & CB buying exch. rate >AP CB ɹ :AP - Period >Ӧʿ(AP) - :AP 1099 Label Format >ǩʽ :AP 1099 Label Print >AP 1099 ǩӡ :AP Adjustments >Ӧʿ(A/P) :AP Aged Analysis >Ӧʿ (AP) :AP Aged Analysis Report >Ӧʿ(A/P) :AP Amendment Journal >A/P޶ռ :AP Amendment Journal Report >A/P޶ռʱ :AP Amendment Journal Report in Progress >ִA/P޶ռʱ :AP Approve invoices >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ʊ :AP Approve registered invoice >Ӧʿ (AP) ׼עᷢƱ :AP Automatic Invoice Release >Ӧʿ(AP)ԶƱ :AP Automatic Invoice Release in Progress >Ӧʿ(AP)ԶƱִ :AP Automatic Release of Invoices to Pay >Ӧʿ(AP)ƱԶ :AP Balance forward as of >AP 余额转发,截至 :AP Bank >AP :AP Bank EFT payments allowed >Ӧʿ(AP)еת(EFT) :AP Bank Total posting for EFT runs >Ӧʿ(AP)еת(EFT)ܶ :AP Bank next EFT number >Ӧʿ(AP)һת(EFT) :AP Beginning balance >AP ʼ :AP Branch Details >Ӧʿ(AP)֧ϸ :AP Branch Maintenance >Ӧʿ(AP)֧ά :AP Branches >A/P֧ :AP Browse on Checks >Ӧʿ(AP)֧Ʊ :AP Browse on GRN Cross Ref >Ӧʿ(AP)ջ(GRN) :AP Browse on Payment Runs >Ӧʿ(AP) :AP Browse on Revaluation Details >AP ¹ֵϸ :AP Cash Requirements >A/PֽҪ :AP Change exchange rate of invoices in payment run >Ӧʿ(AP)ĸзƱĻ :AP Change/remove/hold invoices from payment run >Ӧʿ(AP)ģɾзƱ :AP Check Format >A/Pʽ :AP Check Number >AP ֧Ʊ :AP Check Print >A/Pӡ :AP Check and Remittance Print >AP ֧Ʊͻӡ :AP Check and Remittance Summary >AP ֧ƱͻժҪ :AP Check/Cheque Format >Ӧʿ(AP)֧Ʊʽ :AP Check/Remittance Print >Ӧʿ(AP)֧Ʊӡ :AP Checks >A/P ֧Ʊ :AP Checks Issued >ǩ AP ֧Ʊ :AP Checks/Cheques >A/P ֧Ʊ :AP Clear Payment Information >A/PϢ :AP Clear invoice hold >AP Ʊ :AP Clear manual/void check payment information from payment run >Ӧʿ(AP)ֶЧ֧ƱеĸϢ :AP Company Control Balances >Ӧʿ(AP)˾ :AP Contra Debits and Credits >AP ͬǺʹ :AP Contra Invoices Maintenance >AP ͬƱά :AP Contra Manual Adjustment >Ӧʿ(AP)ֶͬ :AP Contra invoices >Ӧʿ(AP)ͬƱ :AP Contract Price List >Ӧʿ (AP) ͬ۸б :AP Control >AP :AP Control Ledger Code >A/Pʴ :AP Convert to new A/P Payment Cycle >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧʿ(AP)ѭת :AP Convert to new AP Payment Cycle >AP תΪ AP :AP Credit notes >Ӧʿ(AP)Ʊ :AP Currency Conversion >A/Pת :AP Currency Conversion Options >AP תѡ :AP Currency Conversion Report >AP ת :AP Currency Variance G/L Interface >Ӧʿ(AP)Ҳ(G/L) :AP Currency Variance G/L Interface Maintenance >Ӧʿ(AP)Ҳ(G/L)ά :AP Currency Variance GL Interface >AP ұ仯 GL :AP Currency Variance GL Interface Maintenance >AP ұ仯 GL ά :AP Currency Variance Interace Listing BO >AP ұ仯ʾ BO :AP Currency Variance Interface Entries >AP ұ仯Ŀ :AP Currency Variance Interface Listing >Ӧʿ(AP)Ҳб :AP Currency Variance Interface Listing in Progress >Ӧʿ(AP)Ҳбִ :AP Current Company Values >A/Pǰ˾ֵ :AP Current Year Open/Closed >Ӧʿ (A/P) ǰȿţر :AP Current Year Open/Closed Flags >A/Pȿţرձ :AP Debit notes >Ӧʿ(A/P)跽Ʊ :AP Delete payment run >Ӧʿ(AP)ɾ :AP Detailed Tax Report >Ӧʿ (AP) ϸ˰񱨱 :AP Details >A/Pϸ :AP Details for Check Number >Ӧʿ(A/P)֧Ʊϸ :AP Disbursement >A/P֧ :AP Disbursement Details >AP֧ϸ :AP Disbursement Distribution >AP ֧ :AP Disbursement Distribution BO >AP ֧ BO :AP Disbursement Distribution Query >AP ֧ѯ :AP Disbursement Distribution Report >AP ֧䱨 :AP Disbursement Entries >AP ֧Ŀ :AP Disbursement GL Distribution >AP ֧ GL :AP Disbursements >A/P ֧ :AP Disbursments >Ӧʿ(A/P)֧ :AP EC Tax Distribution >Ӧʿ(A/P)ŷ(EC)˰շ :AP EC Tax Distribution Report >Ӧʿ (AP) ŷ (EC) ˰շ䱨 :AP EC VAT on acquisition GL control account '%1' not defined/found >δ壯δҵӦʿ(AP)ŷ(EC)˰(VAT)(GL)ʻ '%1' :AP EFT Supplier invoice payment >Ӧʿ(AP)ת(EFT)Ӧ̷Ʊ :AP Ending balance >AP ֹ :AP Exchange Rate Revaluation >Ӧʿ(AP)ع :AP Execute Payment Run >Ӧʿ(AP)ִи :AP Expense Distribution >AP ÷ :AP Expense Distribution Business Object >AP ÷ҵ :AP Expense Distribution Detail >AP ÷ϸ :AP Expense Distribution Query >AP ÷ѯ :AP Expense Distribution Report >AP ÷䱨 :AP Expense GL Distribution >AP GL :AP Expense Journal >A/Pռ :AP Expense Journal Summary >A/PռժҪ :AP Expense Journal Summary Details >AP ռժҪϸ :AP Expense Journal Summary Entries >AP ռժҪĿ :AP Expense Jourrnal >Ӧʿ(AP)ռ :AP GL Distribution >Ӧʿ(AP)(GL) :AP GL Distribution Report >Ӧʿ(AP)(GL)䱨 :AP GRN Selection >Ӧʿ(AP)ջѡ :AP General Ledger Distribution Report >A/Pܷʷ䱨 :AP Import Supplier Stock Cross-Ref >AP ڹӦ̿ղο :AP Import Supplier/Stock Cross-Ref >Ӧʿ(AP)빩Ӧ̣ :AP Initial Invoice Capture >Ӧʿ(AP)ԭʼƱ׽ :AP Initial Invoice Capture - Adjustment Details >Ӧʿ(AP)ڷƱ - ϸ :AP Initial Invoice Capture - Invoice Details >Ӧʿ(AP)ڷƱ - Ʊϸ :AP Input tax G/L control account '%1' not defined/found >δ壯δҵӦʿ(AP)˰(GL)ʻ '%1' :AP Input tax GL control account '%1' not defined/found >δ/ҵ AP ˰ GL ˻ '%1' :AP Integration to Cash Book >AP ֽ˲ :AP Integration to Cash Book in Progress >ڽ AP ֽ˲ :AP Invoice >Ӧʿ(AP)Ʊ :AP Invoice Contra >AP Ʊͬ :AP Invoice Contra Information >AP ƱͬϢ :AP Invoice Disbursement Distribution >AP Ʊ֧ :AP Invoice Expense Distribution >AP Ʊ÷ :AP Invoice GL Integration >AP Ʊ GL :AP Invoice GL Integration Update >AP Ʊ GL ϸ :AP Invoice Journal >AP Ʊռ :AP Invoice Journal - reset lowest unprocessed journal >AP Ʊռ - λͶδռ :AP Invoice Journal Report >AP Ʊռ˱ :AP Invoice Maintenance >A/PƱά :AP Invoice Payment >A/PƱ :AP Invoice Payment in Progress >ִA/PƱ :AP Invoice Posting >A/PƱ :AP Invoice Posting - Adjustment >A/PƱ - :AP Invoice Posting - Approve Invoice >A/PƱ - ׼Ʊ :AP Invoice Posting - Credit Note >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ʊ - Ʊ :AP Invoice Posting - Debit Note >Ӧʿ(AP)Ʊ - 跽Ʊ :AP Invoice Posting - Invoice >A/PƱ - Ʊ :AP Invoice Posting - Invoice Details >Ӧʿ(AP)Ʊ - Ʊϸ :AP Invoice Posting - Register Invoice >A/PƱ - ׼Ʊ :AP Invoice Posting - Select Credit Invoices >A/PƱ - ѡƱ :AP Invoice Posting - Select Debit Invoices >A/PƱ - ѡ跽Ʊ :AP Invoice Registration >Ӧʿ(AP)Ʊע :AP Invoice Registration Purchase Orders >AP Ʊעɹ :AP Invoice Registration Purge >AP Ʊע :AP Invoice Registration Report >Ӧʿ (AP) Ʊעᱨ :AP Invoice Registration System >A/PƱ׼ϵͳ :AP Invoice Revaluations >AP Ʊ¹ֵ :AP Invoice Setup Errors >AP Ʊô :AP Invoice Terms >A/P Ʊ :AP Invoice Terms Details >AP Ʊϸ :AP Invoice Terms Maintenance >Ӧʿ(AP)Ʊά :AP Invoice Transaction Details >AP Ʊϸ :AP Invoice Transaction Entries >AP ƱĿ :AP Invoice number >Ӧʿ(AP)Ʊ :AP Invoice placed on hold >ڹ״̬ AP Ʊ :AP Invoices >Ӧʿ(AP)Ʊ :AP Invoices for Manual Check >Ӧʿ(AP)ֶ֧ƱƱ :AP Journal Query >AP ռ˲ѯ :AP Journal Report >A/Pռʱ :AP Journal Report in Progress >A/Pռʱ :AP LCT register invoice >AP LCT ǼDzƱ :AP Label Format >Ӧʿ (AP) ǩʽ :AP Label Print >A/Pǩӡ :AP Label Print Business Object >AP ǩӡҵ :AP Labels >A/P ̱ǩ :AP Line And Order Discounts >AP кͶۿ :AP List of Branches >Ӧʿ (AP) ֧б :AP List of Branches in Progress >A/P֧б :AP List of Invoice Terms >Ӧʿ (AP) Ʊб :AP List of Permanent Entries >Ӧʿ(A/P)̶б :AP List of Revaluation Inter Entries >Ӧʿ(A/P)عб :AP List of Suppliers >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧб :AP List of Withholding Tax Codes >Ӧʿ (AP) ˰б :AP Maintain Registered Inv >Ӧʿ(AP)άעᷢƱ :AP Maintain Registered Invoice >AP 维护已登记发票 :AP Manual Check Entry >Ӧʿ(AP)ֶ֧Ʊ :AP Manual Check Entry - Invoice Payment Details >Ӧʿ(AP)ֶ֧Ʊ - Ʊϸ :AP Manual Check Payment >AP ֶ֧Ʊ :AP Manual Invoice Release >A/PͷֹƱ :AP Manual Payment - Invoice Payment Details >A/Pֹ - Ʊϸ :AP Manual Payment Entry >A/PֹĿ :AP Module Only >APģ :AP Month End >A/P½ :AP Month at a Glance >AP 月份概览 :AP Month at a Glance by Branch >Ӧʿ(AP)֧¶ժҪ :AP Override GRN variance >AP 忽略 GRN 差异 :AP Payment Cycle >Ӧʿ(AP)ѭ :AP Payment Cycle Conversion >Ӧʿ (AP) ת :AP Payment Cycle Conversion did not complete successfully. You may continue and the system will make use of the legacy AP Payment Cycle files >δɹӦʿ (AP) תɼϵͳʹ legacy Ӧʿ (AP) ļ :AP Payment Cycle Maintenance >Ӧʿ(AP)ѭά :AP Payment Cycle files and programs >Ӧʿ (AP) ļͳ :AP Payment Details >AP ϸ :AP Payment GL Integration >AP GL :AP Payment GL Integration Update >AP GL ϸ :AP Payment Journal - reset lowest unprocessed journal >AP ռ - λͶδռ :AP Payment Register >A/Pע :AP Payment Register - Reprint >AP ǼDz - ´ӡ :AP Payment Register Reprint >´ӡ AP ǼDz :AP Payment Register cannot be printed as this payment run is locked by another user. Program cancelled >Ӧʿ(A/P)ǼDz޷ӡΪбһûȡ :AP Payment Register in Progress >Ӧʿ(A/P)ǼDzִ :AP Payment Release >A/PͷŸ :AP Payment Release Locking >Ӧʿ (AP) ǩ :AP Payment Run >Ӧʿ(AP) :AP Payment Run Check Detail >AP ֧Ʊ :AP Payment Run Detail >AP :AP Payment Run Header >AP ҳü :AP Payment Runs >Ӧʿ(AP) :AP Payment run entry >AP Ŀ :AP Payment run is locked by another user >AP бһû :AP Payments GL Integration >AP GL :AP Period End >A/Pڽ :AP Permanent Entries >A/P̶˷¼ :AP Permanent Entries Browse >Ӧʿ (AP) ̶ :AP Permanent Entries Listing >A/P̶Ŀ :AP Permanent Entries Maintenace >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ŀά :AP Permanent Entries Posting >A/P̶Ŀ :AP Permanent Entry Details >A/P̶ϸĿ :AP Permanent Entry Maintenance >AR Ŀά :AP Post Invoices From AP >Ӧʿ(AP)ԴӦʿ(AP)ĹʷƱ :AP Post LCT registered invoice >Ӧʿ (AP) ʵɱ (LCT) עᷢƱ :AP Post Permanent Entries >Ӧʿ(AP)ʹ̶ :AP Post adjustment >Ӧʿ (AP) ʵ :AP Post adjustment e.net >Ӧʿ (AP) ʵ e.net :AP Post credit note >Ӧʿ (AP) ʴƱ :AP Post credit note e.net >Ӧʿ (AP) ʴƱ e.net :AP Post debit note >Ӧʿ (AP) ʽ跽Ʊ :AP Post debit note e.net >Ӧʿ (AP) ʽ跽Ʊ e.net :AP Post invoice >Ӧʿ (AP) ʷƱ :AP Post invoice e.net >Ӧʿ (AP) ʷƱe.net :AP Post registered invoice >Ӧʿ (AP) עᷢƱ :AP Post registered invoice e.net >AP ҺʼķƱ e.net :AP Posting Period >A/Pڼ :AP Posting Registered Invoices >Ӧʿ(AP)עᷢƱ :AP Posting to previous period >Ӧʿ(AP)һ :AP Preferences >Ӧʿ(AP)ѡ :AP Print Checks and Remittances >Ӧʿ (AP) ӡ֧Ʊͻ :AP Print checks/remittances >Ӧʿ (AP) ӡ֧Ʊ/ :AP Print payment register >AP ӡǼDz :AP Print/reprint a payment register >Ӧʿ (AP) ӡ/´ӡע :AP Purchase Analysis >Ӧʿ (AP) ɹ :AP Purchase Analysis History >Ӧʿ (AP) ɹ¼ :AP Purchase Analysis Report >Ӧʿ(AP)ɹ :AP QST Report >Ӧʿ(AP)Ӫҵ˰(QST) :AP QST Report in Progress >ִӦʿ(AP)Ӫҵ˰(QST) :AP Query on Period End Dates >Ӧʿ(AP)ڽղѯ :AP Re-establish invoices in manual payments >Ӧʿ (AP) ¹ֶƱ :AP Receipt History >Ӧʿ(A/P)ջ¼ :AP Register invoice >Ӧʿ(AP)עᷢƱ :AP Registered Invoice Details >AP עᷢƱϸ :AP Registered Invoice Maintenance >AP עᷢƱά :AP Registered Invoice Narration >AP עᷢƱ :AP Registered Invoice Purge >AP עᷢƱ :AP Registered Invoices >A/PעᷢƱ :AP Registered Invoices Maintenance >AP עᷢƱά :AP Release Invoice by Review >Ӧʿ(A/P)ǩƱ :AP Release Invoices by Review >Ӧʿ(A/P)ǩƱ :AP Release Invoices to Pay by Review >Ӧʿ(AP)ǩƱ :AP Release Schedule >A/Pͷʱ :AP Released Payments Query >AP ѷиѯ :AP Released Payments Report >Ӧʿ (AP) ǩ :AP Released Schedule >AP ѷų :AP Remittance >Ӧʿ(A/P) :AP Remittance - General Detail >Ӧʿ(A/P) - ϸܱ :AP Remittance - Heading Fields >Ӧʿ(AP) - ֶ :AP Remittance - Total Fields >Ӧʿ(AP) - ϼֶ :AP Remittance Archive Viewer >AP 鿴 :AP Remittance Check >AP ֧Ʊ :AP Remittance Check Archive Viewer >AP ֧Ʊ鿴 :AP Reprint Check Register >Ӧʿ(AP)´ӡ֧ƱǼDz :AP Reprint Check Registers >Ӧʿ(AP)´ӡ֧ƱǼDz :AP Reprint selected payment register >Ӧʿ (AP) ´ӡѡע :AP Revaluation >Ӧʿ(AP)ع :AP Revaluation Details >Ӧʿ(AP)عϸ :AP Revaluation Integration Control >AP ¹ֵϿ :AP Revaluation Integration Detail >AP ¹ֵ :AP Revaluation in Progress >Ӧʿ(AP)عִ :AP Review Invoices to Release >Ӧʿ(AP)ǩƱ :AP Review of Invoices Scheduled for Release >ƻǩƱӦʿ(AP) :AP Scrapped and Rejected History >Ӧʿ(AP)Ϻ;ռ¼ :AP Second Tax Report in Progress >A/Pڶ˰ձ :AP Second Tier Tax Report >Ӧʿ (AP) ڶ˰񱨱 :AP Setup >Ӧʿ(AP) :AP Setup Options >Ӧʿ (AP) ѡ :AP Statement Format >Ӧʿ (A/P) ʽ :AP Supplier %1 Format >AP Ӧ %1 ʽ :AP Supplier Address >AP Ӧ̵ַ :AP Supplier Amendment Journal >Ӧʿ(AP)Ӧ޶ռ :AP Supplier Branch >Ӧʿ(AP)Ӧ̷֧ :AP Supplier Browse >AP Ӧ :AP Supplier Class Details >AP Ӧ :AP Supplier Class Maintenance >Ӧʿ (AP) Ӧ̵ȼά :AP Supplier Classes >Ӧʿ(AP)Ӧ̵ȼ :AP Supplier Code Conversion >Ӧʿ(AP)Ӧ̴ת :AP Supplier Disbursement Distribution >AP Ӧ֧ :AP Supplier EFT bank account type >Ӧʿ(AP)Ӧ̵ת(EFT)ʻ :AP Supplier EFT custom forms >Ӧʿ(AP)Ӧ̵ת(EFT)Զ :AP Supplier EFT statement reference >Ӧʿ(AP)Ӧ̵ת(EFT)ο :AP Supplier EFT user defined field %1 >Ӧʿ(AP)Ӧ̵ת(EFT)ûԶֶ %1 :AP Supplier Invoice Detail >Ӧʿ(AP)Ӧ̷Ʊϸ :AP Supplier Invoice Distribution >Ӧʿ (AP) Ӧ̷Ʊַ :AP Supplier Invoice Payments >AP Ӧ̷Ʊ :AP Supplier Invoices >Ӧʿ(AP)Ӧ̷Ʊ :AP Supplier Journal Control >Ӧʿ (AP) Ӧռʿ :AP Supplier Journal Distribution >AP Ӧռ˷ :AP Supplier Journal Summary >AP ӦռժҪ :AP Supplier Journals >AP Ӧռ :AP Supplier Maintenance >Ӧʿ(AP)Ӧά :AP Supplier Master >Ӧʿ(AP)Ӧ :AP Supplier Narrations >AP Ӧ :AP Supplier Narrations Header >AP Ӧҳü :AP Supplier Permanent Entries >AP Ӧ :AP Supplier Query >Ӧʿ(AP)Ӧ̲ѯ :AP Supplier Second Tax Distribution Ctl >AP Ӧ̵ڶ˰ :AP Supplier Second Tax Distribution Det >AP Ӧ̵ڶ˰ϸ :AP Supplier Tax Distribution Detail >AP Ӧ˰ϸ :AP Supplier Tax Distribution Summary >AP Ӧ˰ժҪ :AP Supplier To AR Customer Linkage >AP Ӧ AR ͻϵ :AP Supplier add >Ӧʿ(AP)Ӧ :AP Supplier added >ӵӦʿ (AP) Ӧ :AP Supplier added e.net >Ӧʿ (AP) Ӧ e.net :AP Supplier bank >Ӧʿ(AP)Ӧ :AP Supplier bank account number >Ӧʿ(AP)Ӧʻ :AP Supplier bank branch >Ӧʿ(AP)Ӧз֧ :AP Supplier change >Ӧʿ(AP)Ӧ̸ :AP Supplier change defaults >Ӧʿ(AP)Ӧ̸Ĭֵ :AP Supplier changed >ĵӦʿ(AP)Ӧ :AP Supplier changed e.net >ĵӦʿ(AP)Ӧ̵e.net :AP Supplier check print name >Ӧʿ(AP)Ӧ֧Ʊӡ :AP Supplier delete >Ӧʿ(AP)Ӧɾ :AP Supplier deleted >ɾӦʿ(AP)Ӧ :AP Supplier deleted e.net >Ӧʿ (AP) Ӧɾ e.net :AP Supplier on hold >Ӧʿ(AP)Ӧ̹ :AP Supplier pay by EFT >Ӧʿ(AP)Ӧ̵ת(EFT) :AP Supplier to customer link >Ӧʿ(AP)Ӧͻ :AP Supplier-Customer Contra >Ӧʿ(AP)Ӧ-ͻͬ :AP Suppliers >AP Ӧ :AP Tax Distribution Report >Ӧʿ (AP) ˰շ䱨 :AP Tax Ledger Code >A/P˰շʴ :AP Tax Report >A/P˰ձ :AP Tax Report in Progress >ִA/P˰ձ :AP Tax Transaction Amendment Journal >AP ˰޶ռ :AP Tax Transaction Detail >AP ˰ϸ :AP Tax Transaction Header >AP ˰ҳü :AP Tax Transaction Intrastat Detail >AP ˰óͳϸ :AP Terms >AP :AP Transactions >A/P :AP Trial Balance >Ӧʿ (AP) :AP Trial Balance & Aged Analysis Report >Ӧʿ (AP) :AP Trial Balance as of >AP 试算表,截至 :AP Untick GRN matching required >ҪӦʿ(AP)δѡջ(GRN)ƥ :AP Update/add/remove Management/Supplier Notes >AP //ɾ/Ӧע :AP View on Payment Run Invoices >Ӧʿ(AP)зƱ鿴 :AP Void Check Entry >Ӧʿ(AP)Ч֧Ʊ :AP Void Check Entry - Select Invoices to Reinstate >A/PЧ֧Ʊ¼ - ѡҪָķƱ :AP Void Checks >Ӧʿ(AP)Ч֧Ʊ :AP Void Payment Entry >A/PЧ¼ :AP Withholding Tax Details >AP ˰ϸ :AP Withholding Tax Report >Ӧʿ (AP) ˰ :AP Withholding Tax Report in Progress >ִA/P˰ :AP Year End >A/P :AP and AR must be in the same period >Ӧʿ (AP) Ӧʿ (AR) 봦ͬһʱ :AP and AR transactions >A/PA/R :AP and Cash Book >Ӧʿ(AP)ֽʱ :AP at a Glance >Ӧʿ(AP)ժҪ :AP at a Glance by Branch >֧Ӧʿ(AP)ժҪ :AP balance forward as of %1 > %1 AP ת :AP balance function performed >ִеӦʿ(AP) :AP branch >A/P֧ :AP branch '%1' not found >δҵӦʿ(AP)֧ '%1' :AP contra Ledger code is a control account >AP ͬ˴Ϊ˻ :AP contra account is blank >A/P ͬ˻Ϊ :AP control record not found >δҵӦʿ(AP)Ƽ¼ :AP currency '%1' has a fixed exchange rate of '%2' >Ӧʿ(AP) '%1' '%2' Ĺ̶ :AP currency variance integration can be broken down by >Ӧʿ(AP)Ҳ켯ɿɰ·ֽ :AP default 2nd tier tax GL control account '%1' not defined/found >δ壯δҵӦʿ(AP)Ĭϵĵ2˰(GL)ʻ '%1' :AP default 2nd tier tax code '%1' not found >δҵӦʿ(AP)Ĭϵĵ2˰մ '%1' :AP default Freight GL control account '%1' not defined >δӦʿ(AP)Ĭϵ˷(GL)ʻ '%1' :AP default Merchandise GL control account '%1' not defined/found >δ壯δҵӦʿ(AP)ĬϵƷ(GL)ʻ '%1' :AP default tax code '%1' not found >δҵӦʿ(AP)Ĭϵ˰մ '%1' :AP discount adjustment '%1' will cause transaction discount to become negative >Ӧʿ(AP)ۿ۵ '%1' ᵼ½ۿ۱Ϊֵ :AP discount adjustment '%1' will cause transaction discount to exceed invoice balance >Ӧʿ(AP)ۿ۵ '%1' ᵼ½ۿ۳Ʊ :AP discount taken ledger code >Ӧʿ(AP)ۿ۷ʴ :AP invoice not created because Ledger code '%1' is a control account >δӦʿ(AP)ƱΪʴ '%1' ǿʻ :AP invoice %1 created >Ѵ AP Ʊ %1 :AP invoice '%1' for supplier '%2' has been duplicated in XML instance >Ӧ '%2' Ӧʿ(AP) '%1' XMLʵи :AP invoice '%1' has been released for payment >Ӧʿ(AP)Ʊ'%1' ǩڸ :AP invoice '%1' is being processed with a manual check >Ӧʿ(AP)Ʊ'%1' ͨ˹д :AP invoice '%1' is being processed with a void check >Ӧʿ(AP)Ʊ'%1' ͨʧЧд :AP invoice '%1' is on hold >Ӧʿ(AP)Ʊ'%1' :AP invoice '%1' not found >δҵӦʿ(A/P)Ʊ'%1' :AP invoice '%1' was created after the selected posting period >Ӧʿ(AP)Ʊ'%1' ѡĹ֮Դ :AP invoice details >A/PƱϸ :AP invoice discount >ӦʿƱۿ :AP invoice discount date '%1' prior to invoice date '%2' >Ʊ'%2' ֮ǰӦʿ(AP)Ʊۿ'%1' :AP invoice due date '%1' prior to invoice date '%2' >Ʊ'%2' ֮ǰӦʿ(AP)Ʊ '%1' :AP invoice due date '%1' prior to invoice discount date '%2' >Ʊۿ'%2' ֮ǰӦʿ(AP)Ʊ '%1' :AP invoice journals >AP Ʊռ :AP invoice journals reset >AP Ʊռ˸λ :AP invoice lowest unprocessed journal reset >AP ƱͶδռ˸λ :AP invoice not created because Ledger code '%1' is a control account >δ AP ƱΪ˴ '%1' ǿ˻ :AP invoice terms code >ӦʿƱ޴ :AP invoice value is zero >Ӧʿ(AP)ƱֵΪ :AP journal >AP ռ :AP journal number >Ӧʿ(AP)ռʺ :AP journals to matched GRN entries >到匹配 GRN 项目的 AP 日记账 :AP ledger code >A/P ʴ :AP month to date activity >AP ³ :AP month-end performed >ִ AP :AP month-to-date activity >AP 月初迄今活动 :AP payment journals >AP ռ :AP payment journals reset >AP ռ˸λ :AP payment lowest unprocessed journal reset >AP Ͷδռ˸λ :AP payments >AP :AP purge performed >ִ AP :AP resulting balance >AP :AP second tier tax value '%1' does not match the calculated second tier tax value '%2' >Ӧʿ(AP)2˰ֵ '%1' õĵ2˰ֵ '%2' :AP supplier Freight GL account '%1' not found >δҵӦʿ(AP)Ӧ˷(GL)ʻ '%1' :AP supplier Merchandise GL account '%1" not found >δҵ AP ӦƷ GL ˻ '%1" :AP supplier Merchandise GL account '%1' not found >δҵӦʿ(AP)ӦƷ(GL)ʻ '%1' :AP tax code '%1' not found >δҵӦʿ(AP)˰մ '%1' :AP tax ledger code '%1' for tax code '%2' not found >δҵ˰մ '%2' Ӧʿ(AP)˰շʴ '%1' :AP tax ledger description >AP ˰ :AP tax value '%1' does not match the calculated tax value '%2' >Ӧʿ(AP)˰ֵ '%1' õ˰ֵ '%2' :AP terms '%1' for supplier '%2' not found >δҵӦ '%2' Ӧʿ(AP) '%1' :AP to Cash Book Integration >AP ֽ˲ :AP transaction value is zero >Ӧʿ(AP)׼ֵΪ :AP year-end performed >ִ AP :APS Alert Viewer >߼滮(APS)ʾ鿴 :APS Attributes >߼滮(APS) :APS BOM Editor >߼滮(APS)ϵ(BOM)༭ :APS Batch Order Take On >߼滮(APS) :APS Bookings Viewer >߼滮(APS)Ԥ鿴 :APS Bulk Import >߼滮(APS) :APS Cell Capacity >߼滮(APS)Ԫ :APS Cells >߼滮(APS)Ԫ :APS Code Editor >߼滮(APS)༭ :APS Configuration >߼滮(APS) :APS Factory Planner >߼滮(APS)ƻԱ :APS Finite Scheduler >߼滮(APS)޵ȳ :APS Generate Capacity >߼滮(APS) :APS Generate Work Center Capacity >߼滮(APS)ҵ :APS Information >APSϢ :APS Integration Required >ҪAPS :APS Labor Postings >߼滮(APS)Ͷ :APS Logon >¼߼滮ͽ :APS Material Constraints >߼滮(APS)Լ :APS Progress by Machine >߼滮(APS) :APS Progress by Work-to-list >߼滮(APS)ҵб :APS Quality Data Collection >߼滮(APS)ݲɼ :APS Quality Data Editor >߼滮(APS)ݱ༭ :APS Quality Item Definition >߼滮(APS)Ŀ :APS Resource Editor >߼滮(APS)Դ༭ :APS Setup Optimization >߼滮(APS)Ż :APS Shifts >߼滮(APS) :APS Stock Code Attributes >߼滮(APS)k :APS Toolset Editor >߼滮(APS)߼༭ :APS Update Job Status >߼滮(APS)ҵ״̬ :APS User Editor >߼滮(APS)û༭ :APS Utilities >߼滮(APS)ʵó :APS Work Center Capacity Editor >߼滮(APS)ҵ༭ :APS Work Center Load >߼滮(APS)ҵװ :APS data directory >APSĿ¼ :APS data folder >APS ļ :AR control >A/R :AR - Period >Ӧʿ(AR) - :AR AP contra >AR AP ͬ :AR Adjustments >Ӧʿ(AR) :AR Adjustments for Customer >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻ :AR Amendment Journal >Ӧʿ (AR) ޶ռ :AR Amendment Journal Report >A/R޶ռʱ :AR Amendment Journal in Progress >ִA/R޶ռ :AR Bank Deposit Slip >A/Rд :AR Bank Deposit Slip - Reprint >AR д - ´ӡ :AR Bank Deposit Slip BO >AR д BO :AR Bank Deposit Slip Print in Progress >ִA/Rдӡ :AR Bank Deposit Slip Reprint >AR д´ӡ :AR Branch Details >Ӧʿ(A/R)֧ϸ :AR Branch Maintenance >Ӧʿ (AR) ֧ά :AR Branches >A/R֧ :AR Browse on Buying Group Contracts >Ӧʿ(AR)ɹͬ :AR Browse on Customer Contracts >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻͬ :AR Browse on Revaluation Details >AR ¹ֵϸ :AR Browse on Sales Movements >Ӧʿ(AR)۱䶯 :AR Buying Group Maintenance >AR ɹά :AR Buying Groups >Ӧʿ(AR)ɹ :AR Buying Groups Maintenance >AR ɹά :AR Cash Journal >AR ֽռ :AR Cash Journal Control >AR ֽռ˿ :AR Cash Journal Control Browse >AR ֽռ˿ :AR Cash Journal Payment Details >AR ֽռ˸ϸ :AR Cash Journal Payments And Adjustment >AR ֽռ˸ :AR Cash Journal Query >AR ֽռ˲ѯ :AR Cash Journal Report >Ӧʿ(AR)ֽռʱ :AR Cash Journal Report in Progress >ִA/Rֽռʱ :AR Cash Journals >AR ֽռ :AR Cash Payments >A/Rֽ𸶿 :AR Cash Posting Entry >AR 现金过账项目 :AR Cash Posting Journal >A/R ֽʼ¼ :AR Cash Posting Summary Details >AR ֽժҪϸ :AR Cash Posting Summary Entries >AR ֽժҪĿ :AR Cash Posting Transaction Details >AR ֽ˽ϸ :AR Cash Posting Transaction Entries >AR ֽ˽Ŀ :AR Cash Posting Transaction Summary Entries >AR ֽ˽ժҪĿ :AR Cash Posting Worksheet >A/Rֽʱ :AR Change Trade Promotions deduction customer for payment >AR 更改贸易促销付款折让客户 :AR Commission Code >AR 佣金代码 :AR Company Control Balances >Ӧʿ(AR)˾ :AR Contra Manual Adjustment >Ӧʿ(A/R)ֶͬ :AR Contra account >AR ͬ˻ :AR Contract Pricing >A/Rͬ :AR Contract Pricing for Buying Groups >ڲɹA/Rͬ :AR Contract Pricing for Buying Groups for Customer >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻɹͬ :AR Contract Pricing for Customer >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻͬ :AR Control Account >A/Rʻ :AR Credit >Ӧʿ(AR) :AR Credit Checking >Ӧʿ(AR)ø :AR Credit Letter Export >Ӧʿ(AR)֤ :AR Credit Letter Extract >A/R֤ժ¼ :AR Credit Management >A/Rù :AR Credit Management Report >Ӧʿ(AR)ù :AR Credit Posting >Ӧʿ(AR) :AR Credit checking method for customer >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻŴ鷽 :AR Credit limit >Ӧʿ(AR)Ŵ޶ :AR Credit notes >Ӧʿ(AR)Ʊ :AR Credit terms >Ӧʿ(AR)Ŵ :AR Currency Conversion >A/Rת :AR Currency Variance GL Interface >Ӧʿ(AR)(GL)IJ :AR Currency Variance GL Interface Maintenance >Ӧʿ(AR)(GL)άIJ :AR Currency Variance Interface Entries >AR ұ仯Ŀ :AR Currency Variance Interface Listing >Ӧʿ(AR)Ҳб :AR Currency Variance Interface Listing in Progress >Ӧʿ(AR)Ҳбִ :AR Current Company Values >A/Rǰ˾ֵ :AR Current Year Open/Closed >Ӧʿ(AR)ǰȿţر :AR Current Year Open/Closed Flags >A/Rȿţرձ־ :AR Customer Amendment Journal >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻ޶ռ :AR Customer Branches >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻ֧ :AR Customer Class Details >AR ͻ :AR Customer Class Maintenance >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻȼά :AR Customer Classes >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻȼ :AR Customer Code Conversion >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻת :AR Customer Contracts >AR ͻͬ :AR Customer Control >AR ͻ :AR Customer Invoice >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻƱ :AR Customer Maintenace >AR ͻά :AR Customer Maintenance >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻά :AR Customer Master >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻ :AR Customer Master Balances >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻ :AR Customer Movement >AR ͻ䶯 :AR Customer Movement Report >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻ䶯 :AR Customer Movements >A/Rͻ䶯 :AR Customer Multiple Ship-to-address >AR ͻ෢ַ :AR Customer Narrations >AR ͻ :AR Customer Narrations Header >AR ͻҳü :AR Customer Payment History >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻ¼ :AR Customer Permanent Entries >AR ͻĿ :AR Customer Query >ARͻѯ :AR Customer Sales Movement >AR ͻ۱䶯 :AR Customer Sales Movements >A/Rͻ۱䶯 :AR Customer Sales Orders >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻ۶ :AR Customer Stock Code Cross-Reference >AR ͻղο :AR Customer Stock Code Maintenance >AR ͻά :AR Customer Stock Codes >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻ :AR Customer added >ӵӦʿ(AR)ͻ :AR Customer added e.net >Ӧʿ (AR) ͻ e.net :AR Customer changed >ĵӦʿ(AR)ͻ :AR Customer changed e.net >Ӧʿ (AR) ͻ e.net :AR Customer deleted >ɾӦʿ(AR)ͻ :AR Customer deleted e.net >Ӧʿ (AR) ͻɾ e.net :AR Customer placed on hold >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻ :AR Customer released from hold >ӹӦʿ(AR)ͻ :AR Customer to supplier link >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻӦ :AR Customer-Supplier Contra >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻ-Ӧ̺ͬ :AR Customer/Stock Code Cross-Reference >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻ :AR Customer/Stock Code Last Price Paid >Ѹ AR ͻ/۸ :AR Customers >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻ :AR Customers Browse >AR ͻ :AR Debit notes >Ӧʿ(AR)跽Ʊ :AR Deletion of customers >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻɾ :AR Detail >Ӧʿ(AR)ϸ :AR Details >Ӧʿ(AR)ϸ :AR Discount Cr And Dr Note Details >AR ۿ۴ͽ跽Ʊϸ :AR Discount Cr And Dr Note Header >AR ۿ۴ͽ跽Ʊҳü :AR Discount Cr Dr Notes Format >AR ۿ۴跽Ʊݸʽ :AR Discount Cr/Dr Notes Format >Ӧʿ(AR)ۿ۴ǣ跽Ʊݸʽ :AR Discount Cr/Dr Notes Format Setup >AR ۿ۴/跽Ʊݸʽ :AR Discount Credit/Debit Notes Format >Ӧʿ(AR)ۿ۴ǣע͸ʽ :AR Discount Notes >Ӧʿ(AR)ۿע :AR Discount Notes Format >Ӧʿ (AR) ۿע͸ʽ :AR Document Formats >AR ĵʽ :AR Document Posting List >AR ĵб :AR Documents Capture Batch >AR ĵ :AR Exchange Rate Revaluation >Ӧʿ(AR)ع :AR Finance Charge Calculation >A/Rü :AR Finance Charge Calculation Report >AR 融资费用计算报告 :AR Finance Charge Options >AR 融资费用选项 :AR Finance Charge Report >AR 融资费用报告 :AR Find Customer for Invoice >A/RƱҿͻ :AR GL Distribution >Ӧʿ(A/R)(G/L) :AR GL Distribution Report >AR GL 䱨 :AR General Ledger Distribution Report >A/Rܷʷ䱨 :AR Geographic Area >Ӧʿ (AR) :AR Geographic Area Details >Ӧʿ (AR) ϸ :AR Geographic Area Maintenance >Ӧʿ (AR) ά :AR Geographic Areas >Ӧʿ (AR) :AR Initial Invoice Capture >A/RԭʼƱ :AR Initial Sales History >A/Rԭʼʷ¼ :AR Invoice >Ӧʿ(AR)Ʊ :AR Invoice Adjustments >A/RƱ :AR Invoice Deductions >Ӧʿ(AR)Ʊ۳ :AR Invoice Detail >A/RƱϸ :AR Invoice Details >A/RƱϸ :AR Invoice Discount >Ӧʿ (AR) Ʊۿ :AR Invoice Discount Code >AR 发票折扣代码 :AR Invoice Discount Details >AR Ʊۿϸ :AR Invoice Discount Maintenance >Ӧʿ (AR) Ʊۿά :AR Invoice Discounts >A/R Ʊۿ :AR Invoice GL Integration >AR Ʊ GL :AR Invoice GL Integration Update >AR Ʊ GL ϸ :AR Invoice Integration update >AR Ʊϸ :AR Invoice Journal - reset lowest unprocessed journal >AR Ʊռ - λͶδռ :AR Invoice Payments And Adjustments >AR Ʊ :AR Invoice Posting >A/RƱ :AR Invoice Posting (Legacy) >Ӧʿ (AR) Ʊ (Legacy) :AR Invoice Reference >AR Ʊο :AR Invoice Register >A/RƱע :AR Invoice Register Details >AR 发票登记簿明细 :AR Invoice Register Entries >AR 发票登记簿项目 :AR Invoice Revaluations >AR Ʊ¹ֵ :AR Invoice Terms >A/R Ʊ :AR Invoice Terms Details >AR Ʊϸ :AR Invoice Terms Maintenance >Ӧʿ(AR)Ʊά :AR Invoice terms added >ӵӦʿ (AR) Ʊ :AR Invoice terms changed >ĵӦʿ (AR) Ʊ :AR Invoice terms deleted >ɾӦʿ (AR) Ʊ :AR Invoice/Settlement >AR Ʊ/ :AR Invoices >Ӧʿ(AR)Ʊ :AR Invoices for Customer >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻƱ :AR Invoices for Register >A/RעᷢƱ :AR Jnl >Ӧʿ(AR)ռ :AR Journal >AR ռ :AR Journal Report >A/Rռʱ :AR Label Format >Ӧʿ (AR) ǩʽ :AR Label Print >A/Rǩӡ :AR Label Print Report >AR ǩӡ :AR Labels >A/R ̱ǩ :AR List of Branches >Ӧʿ (AR) ֧б :AR List of Branches in Progress >ִA/R֧б :AR List of Currency Variance Interface Entries >Ӧʿ (AR) Ҳб :AR List of Customer Details >AR ͻб :AR List of Customers >A/Rͻ :AR List of Geographic Areas >A/R :AR List of Geographic Areas Query >Ӧʿ(AR)бѯ :AR List of Invoice Terms >Ӧʿ (AR) Ʊб :AR List of Multiple Ship to Addresses >A/Rͻַб :AR List of Multiple Ship to Addresses in Progress >ִA/Rͻַ :AR List of Payments GL Interface Entries >Ӧʿ (AR) (GL) б :AR List of Permanent Entries >(AR)Ĺ̶б :AR List of Permanent Entries in Progress >ִA/R̶Ŀ :AR List of Post Dated Checks >A/RԶ֧Ʊ :AR List of Post Dated Checks in Progress >ִA/RԶ֧Ʊ :AR List of Post-dated Checks >Ӧʿ(AR)֧Ʊб :AR List of Post-dated Checks/Cheques >Ӧʿ(AR)֧Ʊб :AR List of Product Class Descriptions >(AR)IJƷȼ˵б :AR List of Product Classes >A/RƷȼ :AR List of Revaluation Inter entries >Ӧʿ(AR)عб :AR List of Sales GL Interface Entries >Ӧʿ (AR) (GL) б :AR List of Salespersons >A/RԱ :AR Master Sub-account Maintenance >AR ˻ά :AR Master Sub-accounts >AR ˻ :AR Master/Sub Account >Ӧʿ(AR)ʻ :AR Master/Sub Account File Creation >A/Rʻļ :AR Master/Sub Account File created successfully >ѳɹӦʿ(AR)ʻļ :AR Master/Sub Account Maintenance >Ӧʿ(AR)ʻά :AR Master/Sub Account Re-create >Ӧʿ (AR) ʻ´ :AR Master/Sub-account Index >AR / :AR Misc. receipts >Ӧʿ(AR)վ :AR Miscellaneous receipts >AR վ :AR Month End >A/R½ :AR Month at a Glance >AR 月份概览 :AR Month at a Glance by Branch >Ӧʿ(AP)֧¶ժҪ :AR Multiple Ship to Address Maintenance >AR 多收货地址维护 :AR Multiple Ship to Address added >已添加 AR 多收货地址 :AR Multiple Ship to Address added e.net >已添加 AR 多收货地址 e.net :AR Multiple Ship to Address changed >已更改 AR 多收货地址 :AR Multiple Ship to Address changed e.net >已更改 AR 多收货地址 e.net :AR Multiple Ship to Address deleted >已删除 AR 多收货地址 :AR Multiple Ship to Address deleted e.net >已删除 AR 多收货地址 e.net :AR Multiple Ship to Addresses >Ӧʿ(AR)ַ :AR Multiple Ship to Addresses Browse >Ӧʿ (AR) ַ :AR Multiple Ship to Addresses Maint >Ӧʿ (AR) ַά :AR Multiple Ship to Addresses for Customer >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻַ :AR Option to write settlement discount notes >Ӧʿ(AR)дۿ۵ѡ :AR Payment And Adjustments >AR :AR Payment Details >A/Rϸ :AR Payment GL Integration >AR GL :AR Payment GL Integration Update >AR GL ϸ :AR Payment History >AR ¼ :AR Payment Integration update >AR ϸ :AR Payment Interface >Ӧʿ (AR) :AR Payments >Ӧʿ(AR) :AR Payments Distribution >AR :AR Payments Distribution Query >AR ѯ :AR Payments Distribution Report >AR 䱨 :AR Payments GL Distribution >AR GL :AR Payments GL Integration >AR GL :AR Payments Ledger Interface >A/Rʽ :AR Payments and Adjustments >A/R :AR Payments for Customer >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻ :AR Period End >A/Rڽ :AR Permanent Entries >A/R :AR Permanent Entries Format >Ӧʿ (AR) ̶ʽ :AR Permanent Entries Invoice Reprint >AR ĿƱ´ӡ :AR Permanent Entries Posting >A/R̶Ŀ :AR Permanent Entry Details >A/R̶Ŀϸ :AR Permanent Entry Maintenance >AR Ŀά :AR Post Dated Checks >A/RԶ֧Ʊ :AR Post Dated Checks Browse >Ӧʿ (AR) ֧Ʊ :AR Post Dated Checks Maintenance >Ӧʿ(AR)֧Ʊά :AR Post Dated Checks for Customer >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻ֧Ʊ :AR Post Permanent Entries >Ӧʿ(AR)ʹ̶ :AR Posting a payment in Payments and Adjustments >Ӧʿ(AR)ڸ͵йʸ :AR Posting an adjustment in Payments and Adjustments >Ӧʿ(AR)ڸ͵йʵ :AR Posting to a previous month >Ӧʿ (AR) һ :AR Posting to previous period >Ӧʿ(AR)һ :AR Preferences >Ӧʿ(AR)ѡ :AR Previous Year Open/Closed >Ӧʿ(AR)һȿţر :AR Print Settlement Discount Notes >Ӧʿ(AR)ӡۿע :AR Product class >Ӧʿ(AR)Ʒȼ :AR Proof of Delivery >A/R֤ :AR Query on Period End Dates >Ӧʿ(AR)ڽڲѯ :AR Re-establishing of invoices >Ӧʿ(AR)´Ʊ :AR Revaluation >Ӧʿ(AR)ع :AR Revaluation Details >Ӧʿ(AR)عϸ :AR Revaluation Integration Control >AR ¹ֵϿ :AR Revaluation Integration Detail >AR ¹ֵ :AR Revaluation in Progress >Ӧʿ(AR)عִ :AR Review Cash Journals >Ӧʿ (AR) ֽռ :AR SO discount added >ӵӦʿ (AR) ۶ (SO) ۿ :AR SO discount changed >ĵӦʿ (AR) ۶ (SO) ۿ :AR SO discount deleted >ɾӦʿ (AR) ۶ (SO) ۿ :AR Sales Distribution >AR ۷ :AR Sales Distribution Query >AR ۷ѯ :AR Sales Distribution Report >AR ۷䱨 :AR Sales GL Distribution >AR GL :AR Sales Interface >Ӧʿ (AR) ۽ :AR Sales Ledger Interface >A/R۷ʽ :AR Sales Transaction Canadian GST >AR ۽׼ô GST :AR Sales Transaction Detail >AR ۽ϸ :AR Sales Transaction Invoice >AR ۽׷Ʊ :AR Sales Transaction Invoice Summary >AR ۽׷ƱժҪ :AR Sales Transaction Journals >AR ۽ռ :AR Sales Transaction Tax Summary >AR ۽˰ժҪ :AR Sales Transaction Tax Summary UK VAT >AR ۽˰ժҪӢ VAT :AR Settlement Discount Notes Printing >Ӧʿ(AR)ۿעڴӡ :AR Setup >Ӧʿ(AR) :AR Setup Options >Ӧʿ (AR) ѡ :AR Statement >Ӧʿ(AR) :AR Statement Format >Ӧʿ (AR) ʽ :AR Statement Formats >Ӧʿ(AR)ʽ :AR Statement Print >A/Rӡ :AR Statement Print - Heading Fields >Ӧʿ(AR)ӡ - ֶ :AR Statement Print - Invoice Detail >Ӧʿ(AR)ӡ - Ʊϸ :AR Statement Print - Total Fields >Ӧʿ (AR) ӡ C ϼֶ :AR Statement Print Archive Viewer >AR ӡ鿴 :AR Statement Print Selection Error >AR ӡѡ :AR Statements >A/R :AR Stock Codes Purchased Query >Ӧʿ(AR)ɹѯ :AR Stock Codes for All Customers >Ӧʿ(AR)ȫͻ :AR Stock Codes for Customer >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻ :AR Sub-accounts for Customer >Ӧʿ(AR)ͻʻ :AR Summary Credit Management >AR ժҪù :AR Summary Management >A/Rܹ :AR Summary Management Report >Ӧʿ(AR)ժҪ :AR TB and Cr Management Report >Ӧʿ(AR)(TB)ʹǹ :AR Terms >Ӧʿ(AR) :AR Trial Balance >(AR) :AR Update/add/remove Management/Customer Notes >AR //ɾ/ͻע :AR Viewing of customer profits in customer query >Ӧʿ(AR)ڿͻѯеĿͻ鿴 :AR Year End >A/R :AR Zoom on Payment History >¼Ӧʿ(AR) :AR Zoom on Settlement Discount Notes >Ӧʿ(AR)ۿע :AR adjustment posted >ѷ AR :AR adjustment posted e.net >ѷ AR e.net :AR adjustment value of 0 invalid >0Ӧʿ(AR)ֵЧ :AR at a Glance >Ӧʿ(AP)ժҪ :AR at a Glance by Branch >֧Ӧʿ(AP)ժҪ :AR balance function performed >ִеӦʿ(AR) :AR branch >A/R֧ :AR branch '%1' for XML element '%2' not found >δҵXMLҪ '%2' Ӧʿ(AR)֧ '%1' :AR branch '%1' not found >δҵӦʿ(AR)֧ '%1' :AR control >AR :AR control (Dr) >Ӧʿ(AR)ƣ跽 :AR control record not found >δҵӦʿ(AR)Ƽ¼ :AR credit note posted >ѷ AR Ʊ :AR credit note posted e.net >ѷ AR Ʊݵ e.net :AR currency '%1' has a fixed exchange rate of '%2' >Ӧʿ(AR) '%1' '%2' Ĺ̶ :AR currency variance integration can be broken down by >Ӧʿ(AR)Ҳ켯ɿɷΪϸ :AR debit note posted >ѷ AR 跽Ʊ :AR debit note posted e.net >ѷ AR 跽Ʊݵ e.net :AR discount Notes Print >Ӧʿ(AR)ۿעʹӡ :AR geographic area '%1' for XML element '%2' not found >δҵXMLҪ'%2'Ӧʿ(AR)'%1' :AR invoice '%1' already exists >Ӧʿ(AR)Ʊ'%1' Ѵ :AR invoice '%1' for customer '%2' has been selected for payment/adjustment/re-establishing multiple times >ͻ '%2' Ӧʿ(AR) '%1' ѱѡڶθ :AR invoice '%1' was created after the selected posting period >Ӧʿ(AR)Ʊ'%1' ѡĹ֮Դ :AR invoice journals >AR Ʊռ :AR invoice journals reset >AR Ʊռ˸λ :AR invoice lowest unprocessed journal reset >AR ƱͶδռ˸λ :AR invoice may not be zero/spaces >Ӧʿ(AR)ƱΪ㣯ո :AR invoice posted >ѷ AR Ʊ :AR invoice posted e.net >ѷ AR Ʊ e.net :AR invoice terms not on file >Ӧʿ(AR)Ʊ޲ :AR invoices already exists >Ӧʿ(AR)ƱѴ :AR miscellaneous receipt posted >ѷ AR վ :AR miscellaneous receipt posted e.net >ѷ AR վݵ e.net :AR miscellaneous receipt value of 0 invalid >0Ӧʿ(AR)վݼֵЧ :AR month-end performed >ִ AR :AR payment journals reset >AR ռ˸λ :AR payment lowest unprocessed journal reset >AR Ͷδռ˸λ :AR payment posted >ʵӦʿ(AR) :AR payment posted e.net >ѷ AR e.net :AR payment projection >AR Ԥ :AR payment type >A/R :AR payments ledger interface missing for branch '%1' >֧ '%1' Ӧʿ(AR)ʽ涪ʧ :AR payments ledger interface missing for branch '%1', area '%2', element '%3' >֧ '%1' '%2' Ҫ '%3' Ӧʿ(AR)ʽ涪ʧ :AR post document batch >AR ĵ :AR purge performed >ִ AR :AR re-establish invoice '%1' for customer '%2' has been duplicated in XML instance >ͻ '%2' Ӧʿ(AR)¿߷Ʊ'%1' XMLʵи :AR selling exch. rate >A/R ۶һ :AR statement format has not yet been created. Program cancelled >δA/Rʽȡ :AR statement format not found or Invalid statement record >δҵӦʿ(AR)򱨱¼Ч :AR tax code '%1' not found >δҵӦʿ(AR)˰մ '%1' :AR tax portion of adjustment '%1' cannot exceed the adjustment value and must have the same sign > '%1' Ӧʿ(AR)˰ղֲɳֵұͬı :AR tax portion of discount '%1' cannot exceed the discount value and must have the same sign >ۿ '%1' Ӧʿ(AR)˰ղֲɳۿۼֵұͬı :AR year-end performed >ִ AR :AS Assets depreciation fields >Ϊʲ۾ֶ :AS Assets financial fields >Ϊʲֶ :AS Assets identification fields >Ϊʲʶֶ :AS Assets integration fields >Ϊʲֶ :AS Assets owner >Ϊʲ :AS Assets register >ΪʲǼDz :ASCII >ASCII :ASCII file >ASCII ļ :ASCII sequential >ASCII˳ :ATP >ATP :ATP Query >ɳŵ(ATP)ѯ :ATP cumulative >ɳŵ(ATP)ۼ :ATP negative in first period >ڸATP :ATP not available for non-stocked items >ATPڷǿƷ :ATP regular >ɳŵ(ATP)Ŀ :AVP sales tax system not installed. Program cancelled >δװAVPӪҵ˰ϵͳȡ :Abandon BOM Changes >Բ嵥(BOM)ĸ :Abandon Changes to Structures and Routings >Խṹ·ɵĸ :Abandon Copy > :Abandon all changes to structure and routing >Խṹ·ߵи :Abandon all changes to structure/routing >放弃对结构/路线的所有更改 :Abc/Klm >Abc/Klm :Abort >ֹͣ :Abort Rollup >ѯ :Abort Verification/Conversion >ֹ֤ת :Abort confirmation if exception lines exist >Уȷ :Abort if exception lines exist >쳣Уͣ :Abort if exceptions found >ʱִ :Abort, Retry, Ignore >ֹͣ롢 :Aborted >ͣ :Aborted (*) >ֹͣ(*) :Aborting the rescheduling process will result in pegging and demand data for both jobs and estimates being lost. The requirements calculation will have to be run again, losing any changes made. Do you still wish to end this program? >ֹ±ʱ̽¸٣ҪΪʧҵṩݡʱҪ̣Ҷʧĸġϣ :About > :About SYSPRO >SYSPRO :About SYSPRO Analytics >SYSPRO Analytics :Above max >ֵ :Above minimum >Сֵ :Abs. cumulative forecast error >ۼԤ :Absolute >Ե :Absolute cumulative error >ۻ :Absolute error > :Absolute error % > % :Absolute percentage error >԰ٷֱ :Absolute values >ֵ :Abt > :Accept > :Accept Additional Information >ܸϢ :Accept All Components >接受所有部件 :Accept All Components (Ctrl+A) >в (Ctrl+A) :Accept Changes >ܸ :Accept Components >ܲ :Accept Entries >Ŀ :Accept Entry > :Accept Line > :Accept Line Discounts >ۿ :Accept Manual Check Details >ֶ֧Ʊϸ :Accept Options >ѡ :Accept Order Discount Breaks >ܶۿ۷ :Accept Parent Ship Qty >װ :Accept Parent Ship/Reserved Qty >/ :Accept Printing Method >ܴӡ :Accept Qty > :Accept Quantity > :Accept Quantity Changes >仯 :Accept Remaining Components >ʣಿ :Accept Required >Ҫ󱻽 :Accept Run-time Prompts >ʱʾ :Accept Service Charge Line >ܷշ :Accept Stock >ܿ :Accept This Item >接受此项目 :Accept This Range and Return >接受此范围和退还 :Accept Translated Text >ѷı :Accept and Close >ܲر :Accept as an alternate stock code >Ϊ油 :Accept change or reject! >ܱ仯ܾ :Accept details >ϸ :Accept into Stock > :Accept into Stock from Inspection > :Accept into Stock from WIP Inspection >WIPн :Accept into an alternate bin location >ܷλ :Accept into an alternate warehouse >ֿ :Accept into stock as alternate stock code not allowed >Ϊ滻 :Accept invoices selected and exit >ѡƱ˳ :Accept lines where no stock available to ship >޿˿ :Accept new status >接受新状态 :Accept or Reject? >ܻܾ? :Accept orders that fail credit check >ܲüĶ :Accept release details with prior ship date >ǰװڽܷŻϸ :Accept schedule changes >接受排程变化 :Accept selected options >ѡѡ :Accept serial details and exit >ϵϸ˳ :Accept substitution allocations >滻 :Accept substitution allocations? >λ :Accept this Comment >接受此注解 :Accept this Conversion Factor >接受此转化因子 :Accept this Discount >接受此折扣 :Accept this Freight Charge >接受此运费 :Accept this Miscellaneous Charge >接受此其他收费 :Accept this list and exit >ܴб˳ :Accept zero price >۸ :Accept? >Ҫ :Acceptable Cost Variance >ɽܳɱ :Acceptable cost percentage variance >ɽܳɱٷֱȲ? :Acceptable cost variance percentage >ɽܳɱٷֱ :Acceptable cost variance percentage of '%1' exceeded >ѳ '%1' Ŀɽܳɱٷֱ :Acceptable percentage tolerance when dispatching >ʱɽܰٷֱȲ :Acceptable quantity over/under supply percentage >ɽܳӦٷֱ :Acceptable variance exceeded >ѳɽܲ :Acceptable variance exceeded. Ok to continue? >ѳɽܵIJ졣ȷҪ? :Acceptable variance exceeded. Override variance >ѳɽܵIJ졣Բ :Acceptable variance exceeded. Override variance? >ɽܳ޲Բ죿 :Acceptance > :Accepted >ѽ :Accepted as alternate stock >Ϊ :Accepted by > :Accepted cume >ѽۼ :Accepted lines >ѽ :Accepted quantity >ѽ :Access > :Access Control >ʿ :Access Denied >ܾ :Access Denied for All >ܾз :Access Level >访问级别 :Access Message >Ϣ :Access allowed > :Access attempted >ͼеķ :Access control always by role >ǰְʿ :Access control by company within role >ְڰ˾ķʿ :Access control by role >ְʿ :Access control level >ʿˮƽ :Access denied - program cancelled >ܾ - ȡ :Access denied for adding a supplier >ӹӦ̷ʱܾ :Access denied for changes to an EFT transaction >ԸEFTױܾ :Access denied for changing a supplier >ĹӦ̷ʱܾ :Access denied for changing defaults >Ĭֵʱܾ :Access denied for deleting a supplier >ɾӦ̷ʱܾ :Access denied for over-receipt >ջܾ :Access denied for placing customer on hold >ͻʱܾ :Access denied for releasing a customer from hold >ͷͻʱܾ :Access denied over-issue >ǩܾ :Access denied to %1 >ܾ %1 ķ :Access denied to Business Object '%1' >ܾҵ '%1' ķ :Access denied to Business Objects for operator '%1' >ܾԲԱ '%1' ҵķ :Access denied to Document Flow Manager. You do not have a valid DFM license >ĵķʱܾûЧĵ(DFM)֤ :Access denied to Document Flow Manager. You do not have a valid DFM license. >ܾĵķʡûЧĵ(DFM)֤ :Access denied to Document Flow Manager. Your Document Flow Manager License is for a %1 contract system >ĵķʱܾĵ֤ %1 ͬϵͳ :Access denied to Document Flow Manager. Your Document Flow Manager License is for a %1 contract system. >ܾĵķʡĵ֤ %1 ͬϵͳ :Access denied to Document Flow Manager. Your Document Flow Manager License is for a %1 transaction system >ĵķʱܾĵ֤ %1 ϵͳ :Access denied to Document Flow Manager. Your Document Flow Manager License is for a %1 transaction system. >ܾĵķʡĵ֤ %1 ϵͳ :Access denied to Document Flow Manager. Your Document Flow Manager License is for a %1 user SYSPRO system >ĵķʱܾĵ֤ %1 ûSYSPROϵͳ :Access denied to Document Flow Manager. Your Document Flow Manager License is for a %1 user SYSPRO system. >ܾĵķʡĵ֤ %1 ûSYSPROϵͳ :Access denied to Functional Area '%1' for operator '%3' (Business Object '%2') >ܾԲԱ '%3' Ĺ'%1' ķʣҵ '%2' :Access denied to WIP costs >ܾ WIP ɱ :Access denied to Web-based Applications for operator '%1' >ܾԲԱ '%1' ĻӦóķ :Access denied to company >ʹ˾ܾ :Access denied to company '%1'. The Grace period of %2 days has passed since this company was converted to SYSPRO 6.0 issue 008. Please contact your SYSPRO representative immediately >Թ˾ '%1' ķʱܾԸù˾תΪSYSPRO 6.0008 %2 ĿѹSYSPROϵ :Access denied to company '%1'. The Grace period of %2 days has passed since this company was converted to SYSPRO 6.0 issue 008. Please contact your SYSPRO representative immediately. >ܾԹ˾ '%1' ķʡù˾תΪSYSPRO 6.0008ڣ %2 ĿѹSYSPROϵ :Access denied to company '%1'. e.net Solutions may not be used with a company name beginning 'DEMO FOR' >Թ˾ '%1' ķʱܾe.net'DEMO FOR'ͷĹ˾ :Access denied to company '%1'. e.net Solutions may not be used with a company name beginning 'DEMO FOR'. >ܾԹ˾ '%1' ķʡe.net'DEMO FOR'ͷĹ˾ :Access denied to component warehouse to use >Դòֿķʱܾ :Access denied to default warehouse for receipts. Please select another warehouse >ջֿķʱܾѡһֿ :Access denied to job warehouse >ҵֿķʱܾ :Access denied to supplied warehouse >ʹֿⱻ :Access denied to the warehouse for this component >ʴ˲ֿⱻܾ :Access group > :Access has been denied to all A/P Invoice Posting functions. Program cancelled >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ʊʹܵķʾܾȡ :Access has been denied to all AP Invoice Posting functions. Program cancelled >Ӧʿ(AP)Ʊʹܵķʾܾȡ :Access has been denied to the warehouse for one or more components. These components have not been issued >һֿⱻܾЩδ :Access is configured by role >ʰְ :Access is denied for this RMA action >Դ˻Ȩ (RMA) ķʱܾ :Access is denied for this receipt action >ʱջܾ :Access is denied to A/P EFT supplier invoice payments for this operator >ԸòԱӦʿ(A/P)ת(EFT)Ӧ̷Ʊķʱܾ :Access is denied to AP EFT supplier invoice payments for this operator >ԸòԱӦʿ(AP)ת(EFT)Ӧ̷Ʊķʱܾ :Access is denied. This line cannot be received into stock as it is a cost multiplier item >ʱܾ޷ܴ⣬ΪΪɱ :Access level by role, group or operator >按职责、组或操作员的访问级别 :Access to A/R branch '%1' denied >ܾӦʿ(A/R)֧ '%1' ķ :Access to A/R branch '%1' for XML element '%2' denied >ܾXMLҪ '%2' Ӧʿ(A/R)֧ '%1' ķ :Access to AR branch '%1' denied >ܾӦʿ(AR)֧ '%1' ķ :Access to AR branch '%1' for XML element '%2' denied >ܾXMLҪ '%2' Ӧʿ(AR)֧ '%1' ķ :Access to Account '%1' denied >ܾʻ '%1' :Access to Bank '%1' denied >ܾ '%1' ķ :Access to Contact '%1' denied >ܾϵ'%1' :Access to Warehouse '%1' denied >ܾԲֿ '%1' ķ :Access to branch '%1' denied >ܾԷ֧ '%1' ķ :Access to customer '%1' denied >ܾԿͻ '%1' ķ :Access to document type '%1' denied >ܾĵ '%1' ķ :Access to job class '%1' denied >ܾҵȼ '%1' ķ :Access to job classification denied. Direct issue to job will not be permitted. Continue >ܾʹࡣԹֱǩ :Access to job classification denied. Direct issue to job will not be permitted. Continue? >ҵ౻ֱܾӷŸҵ :Access to job classification is denied. Direct issue to job will not be permitted >ҵּķʱܾҵֱǩ :Access to job classification is denied. Direct issue to job will not be permitted. >ܾҵּķʡҵֱǩ :Access to order type '%1' denied >ܾԶ '%1' ķ :Access to print and reprint is denied >Դӡ´ӡķʱܾ :Access to print and reprint is denied. >ܾԴӡ´ӡķʡ :Access to print or reprint is denied. Reprint option must be '%1' and ignore print status cannot be selected >ܾԴӡ´ӡķʡ´ӡѡΪ '%1' ҲѡԴӡ״̬ :Access to product class '%1' denied >ܾԲƷȼ '%1' ķ :Access to salesperson '%1' denied >ܾԱ '%1' ķ :Access to section '%1' in ledger code '%2' denied >ܾԷʴ '%2' ѡ '%1' ķ :Access to supplier '%1' denied >ܾԹӦ '%1' ķ :Access to this company is prohibited >ֹʱ˾ :Access type > :Accessorie > :Accessories Unlimited %1 >Ƶĸ %1 :Account >ʻ :Account number >ʺ :Account '%1' has been deleted >ɾʻ '%1' :Account '%1' is already linked to Customer '%2' >ʻ '%1' ͻ '%2' :Account '%1' must be a master account >ʻ '%1' Ϊʻ :Account Address >ʻַ :Account Address Information >˻ַϢ :Account Browse >ʻ :Account Code Mask >ʻ :Account Contacts >˻ϵ :Account Custom Form >ʻԶ :Account Deleted >ɾʻ :Account Entry >ʻ :Account Line Definition >ʻж :Account Line Details >ʻϸ :Account List Maintenance >ʻбά :Account Maintenance >ʻά :Account Manager >˻ :Account Name >ʻ :Account Notepad >˻± :Account Password >ʻ :Account Quick View >ʻٲ鿴 :Account Search >˻ :Account Selection Maintenance >ʻѡά :Account Short Name >ʻ :Account Types >ʻ :Account User Fields >˻ûֶ :Account added for your organization and Employees successfully created from Operators >Ϊ֯ԱӵʻѴӲԱɹ :Account balance >˻ :Account branch >ʻ֧ :Account class >ʻȼ :Account conversion rate >˻һ :Account currency >˻ :Account currency code >˻Ҵ :Account description >˻ :Account details >˻ϸ :Account email address >ʻʼַ :Account for your organization added successfully >ѳɹΪ֯ʻ :Account information >ʻϢ :Account is not on file >ʻ :Account is on hold >ʻͣ :Account list >˻б :Account multiply or divide >˻˻ :Account multiply/divide >˻/ :Account number >ʺ :Account on hold >ͣʻ :Account payments >ʿ :Account selection >ʻѡ :Account selection by group >按组账户选择 :Account selection mask >ʻѡ :Account setup >ʻ :Account title >ʻ :Account to Customer Wizard >ʻͻ :Account to Supplier Wizard >Ӧ˻ :Account type >ʻ :Account type cannot be changed due to one of the following reasons - Non-zero account balance, non-zero opening balance for current year or non-zero history record for current year >ʻͲԭ֮һԸ - ʻ㿪ʷ¼ :Account type cannot be changed due to one of the following reasons: Non-zero account balance, non-zero opening balance for current year or non-zero history record for current year >ԭ֮һʻ޷ģʻΪ㡢ȿΪʷ¼Ϊ :Account type conversion >ʻת :Account type selection >˻ѡ :Account type(s) >˻ :Account user defined field captions >ʻûֶα :Accounting Period > :Accounting periods >会计期间 :Accounting periods per year >ÿ :Accounts >ʻ :Accounts Only >ʻ :Accounts Payable >Ӧʻ :Accounts Payable - Reports >Ӧʿ - :Accounts Payable - Setup >Ӧʿ - :Accounts Payable Balance >Ӧ˿ :Accounts Payable Control >Ӧʿ :Accounts Payable EFT format for this bank has not yet been defined >尚未定义此银行的应付账款 EFT 格式 :Accounts Payable Expense Journal Summary >ӦʷռժҪ :Accounts Payable Label Print >Ӧʱǩӡ :Accounts Payable Ledger Descriptions >Ӧʷ˵ :Accounts Payable Month End >Ӧ˿ :Accounts Payable Overflow >Ӧ :Accounts Payable Payment file does not exist. Program cancelled >Ӧʸļڡȡ :Accounts Payable Permanent Entries >Ӧʹ̶ :Accounts Payable Setup >Ӧ :Accounts Payable Setup Options >Ӧ˿ѡ :Accounts Payable Year End >Ӧ˿ :Accounts Payable check format for this bank has not yet been defined >尚未定义此银行的应付账款支票格式 :Accounts Payable function >Ӧʿ :Accounts Payable linked to Cash Book >ӵֽʱӦ˻ :Accounts Payable module not installed >δװӦʿģ :Accounts Payable payments are linked to Cash Book. This requires either both Accounts Payable and Cash Book to be integrated or both to not be integrated >ӦʿֽʱҪӦʺֽʱҪôϲҪôϲ :Accounts Payable supplier EFT user defined fields >ӦʿӦ̵ת(EFT)ûֶ :Accounts Receivable >Ӧʻ :Accounts Receivable %1 Sales >Ӧʿ %1 :Accounts Receivable Head Off >Ӧʿ :Accounts Receivable - Reports >Ӧʿ - :Accounts Receivable - Setup >Ӧʿ - :Accounts Receivable - Transaction Processing >Ӧʿ - ڴ :Accounts Receivable Control >Ӧʿ :Accounts Receivable Credit Notes >ӦʿƱ :Accounts Receivable Debit Notes >Ӧʿ跽Ʊ :Accounts Receivable Invoices >Ӧʿ - Ʊ :Accounts Receivable Label Format >Ӧ˿ǩʽ :Accounts Receivable Setup >Ӧ :Accounts Receivable balance completed >Ӧ˿ :Accounts Receivable function >Ӧʿ :Accounts Receivable is not integrated to the General Ledger - no journal created >Ӧ˿δϵ??δռ :Accounts Receivable label format has not yet been created. Program cancelled >Ӧʼ¼ʽδȡ :Accounts Receivable module not installed >δװӦʿģ :Accounts Receivable month end completed >Ӧ˿ :Accounts Receivable payments are linked to Cash Book. This requires either both Accounts Receivable and Cash Book to be integrated or both to not be integrated >ӦʿֽʱҪӦʺֽʱҪôϲҪôϲ :Accounts Receivable purge completed >ɵӦ˿ :Accounts Receivable year end completed >Ӧ˿ :Accounts copied >ʻѸ? :Accounts payable 1099 label format not yet created. Program cancelled >δӦʿ1099ǩʽȡ :Accounts payable EFT format for this bank code has not yet been defined. Program cancelled >дӦʿת(EFT)ʽδ塣ȡ :Accounts payable EFT format for this bank has not yet been defined. Program cancelled >δеӦʿת(EFT)ʽȡ :Accounts payable Graph >Ӧʿͼ :Accounts payable cash requirements >Ӧ˿ֽҪ :Accounts payable check format for this bank code has not yet been defined. Program cancelled >дӦʿ֧Ʊʽδ塣ȡ :Accounts payable check format for this bank has not yet been defined. Program cancelled >δеӦʿ֧Ʊʽȡ :Accounts payable is not integrated to the General Ledger - no journal created >Ӧ˿δϵ??δռ :Accounts payable label format has not yet been defined. Program cancelled >Ӧʼ¼ʽδ塣ȡ :Accounts receivable Graph >Ӧʿͼ :Accounts receivable payment projection >Ӧ˿Ԥ :Accounts receivable payments >Ӧʿ :Accounts receivable sales >Ӧʿ :Accounts to generate >ʻ :Accounts to include >ʻ :Accrual >Ϣ :Accrual Balance >Ϣ :Accrual G/L Account >Ϣ G/L ˻ :Accrual G/L Code >Ϣ(G/L) :Accrual GL Account >Ϣ(GL)ʻ :Accrual GL Code >Ϣ(GL) :Accrual Type Maintainance >Ϣά :Accrual Type Maintenance >Ϣά :Accrual Types >Ϣ :Accrual account >Ϣʻ :Accrual type >Ϣ :Accrual type not on file >ϢͲ :Accruals >Ϣ :Accrued Expenses >ӦƷ :Accrued promotions for >ۼƶ :Accum >ۼ :Accum Depr B/F >B/Fۼ۾ :Accum Depreciation B/F 1 >ۼ۾B/F 1 :Accum Depreciation B/F 2 >ۼ۾B/F 2 :Accum Depreciation B/F 3 >ۼ۾B/F 3 :Accum depr B/F prior yr >ǰǰۼ۾ :Accum depr B/Fprior yr >ǰۼ۾ :Accum depr b/f >ǰۼ۾ :Accum depreciation >ۼ۾ :Accum depreciation B/F >ۼ۾B/F :Accum depreciation b/f %1 > %1 ֮ǰۼ۾ :Accum short/over >ۼƶ :Accum tax allowance B/F >ǰۼ˰ :Accum tax allowance last year >ۼ˰ :Accum. Deprec. - Plant >ۼ۾ - :Accum. depn >ۼ˵ :Accumulate >ۼ :Accumulate Quantity >ۼ :Accumulate all Credit Invoice Balance and Increase Undistributed Amount >ۼдǷƱδ :Accumulate and contra credit balance and debit balance supplier invoices >ۼƺͳͽӦ̷Ʊ :Accumulate mass to parent >ۼ :Accumulate qty per >ۼ :Accumulate quantites >ۼ :Accumulate quantities >ۼ :Accumulate quantity per >ۼÿ :Accumulate required quantity by date >ۼ :Accumulate to total >ۻܶ :Accumulate value posted to the purchase >תɹۼֵ :Accumulate volume to parent >ۼ :Accumulated >ۼƵ :Accumulated Depreciation Account >ۼ۾ʻ :Accumulated depreciation >ۻ˵ :Accumulated depreciation YTD >YTD ۼ۾ :Accumulated depreciation b/f >ǰۼ۾ :Accumulated depreciation revaluation >ۼ۾¹ֵ :Accumulated gross pay >ۼƸë :Accumulated gross payments >ۼë :Accumulated minimum comparisons >ۼСֵȽ :Accumulated net pay >Accumulated net pay :Accumulated value >ۼֵ :Accumulation >累计 :Accuracy % >ȷ % :Accural >Ϣ :Accural %1 >Ϣ %1 :Acess denied to release of invoices by review >԰鷢Ʊǩķʱܾ :Achievement >ɹ :Achive file >ļ :Achive filename >ļ :Acknowledge >ȷ֪ͨ :Acknowledge Line > :Acknowledge Selected Requisition Line >ѡ빺 :Acknowledged >Ѵ :Acknowledgement Preview in Progress >ȷԤִ :Acknowledgement Print in Progress >ڴӡȷ֪ͨ :Acknowledgement Print/Fax/Email in Progress >ȷϴӡ棯ʼִ :Acknowledgement include Cr/Db >𸴣 Cr/Db :Acknowledgements >ȷ :Acquisition >չ :Acquisition Details >չϸ :Acquisition cost is zero. Do you want to continue? >չɱΪ㡣ϣ? :Acquisition cost/cash price >չɱ/ֽ۸ :Acquisition quantity >չ :Acquisition quantity cannot be zero >չΪ :Acquisition tax >չ˰ :Acquisitions >չ :Actaul material >ʵʲ :Action > :Action %1 > %1 :Action Details > :Action History >ʷ¼ :Action History Details >ʷ¼ϸ :Action Line Details >ϸ :Action Only > :Action Settings for Node >ڵ :Action Settings for Shape >形状铺操作设置 :Action Settings for Tile >ƽ̲ :Action Templates >ģ :Action after subtotal >Сƺ :Action back to source >صԴ :Action cancel >ȡ :Action comments >ע :Action date >ж :Action date must be equal to or greater than current date >ڱڻڵǰ :Action date must be equal to or greater than current date! >ڱڻڵǰڣ :Action decrease qty > :Action description > :Action error > :Action events that have been activated against an engineering change order >ƾ蹤̱IJ¼ :Action for next duplicate record >һظ¼ :Action hyperlink > :Action if user defined indexed file exists >ûȷļʱ :Action increase qty > :Action message >操作消息 :Action new >² :Action notes >ע :Action number > :Action overdue >ڲ :Action required >ҪĶ :Action reschedule >ų :Action schedule in >ų̵ :Action schedule out >ų̵ :Action selections >ѡ :Action taken on acceptance of line >对行验收所采取的措施 :Action time >ʱ :Action to be raised at operator level >ڲԱ :Action to be taken for partial receipt >ԲջȡIJ :Action to be taken for partial receipts >ΪջҪִеĶ :Action tooltip >ʾ :Action type > :Action user >û :Action user fixed >̶IJû :Action when clicking on the shape >单击形状时操作 :Action when clicking on the tile >ƽʱ :Action when double-clicking on the node >˫ڵʱ :Action where min > max >С > :Action where minimum > maximum >Сֵ > ֵʱ :Actioned >Ѷ :Actioned by >ִ :Actions > :Actions & Exclusions > :Actions selections >ѡ :Activate > :Activate/Inactivate >/δ :Active > :Active Blanket Purchase Orders for Supplier >ЧӦۺϲɹ :Active Purchase Order Query by Customer Purchase Order >ͻɹЧɹѯ :Active Purchase Orders by Customer Purchase Order >ͻɹЧɹ :Active Purchase Orders for All Suppliers >йӦ̵Чɹ :Active Purchase Orders for Supplier >ӦЧɹ :Active Sales Order >Ч۶ :Active Sales Orders >Ч۶ :Active Sales Orders by Alternate key >滻Ч۶ :Active Sales Orders by Customer >ͻЧ۶ :Active Sales Orders by Customer Purchase Order >ͻɹЧ۶ :Active Sales Orders for Customer >ͻЧ۶ :Active at >Ч :Active flag >Ч :Active order flag >Ч :Active orders >Ч :ActiveX Control >ActiveX :ActiveX Controls >ActiveXؼ :Activities > :Activities and fields > :Activities and fields always by role >ǰְĻ :Activities and fields by role >ְĻ :Activities/fields by company within role >ְڰ˾Ļ/ :Activity > :Activity Attachments > :Activity Based >ڻ :Activity Based Costing >ɱ :Activity Based Costing Costs >ڻijɱɱ :Activity Based Costing is not allowed if the Inventory '%1' option is in use > '%1' ѡʹãڻijɱ :Activity Based Costing is not allowed if the Inventory 'Cost Unit of Measure' option is in use >桰ɱλѡʹ״ִ̬лڻijɱ :Activity Based Costing reqd >要求基于活动的成本核算 :Activity Changed >ĵĻ :Activity Changes > :Activity Criteria >׼ :Activity Designer >Ա :Activity Details > :Activity Exception >Ϊ :Activity Follow up > :Activity Follow-up Flag >ٱ :Activity History >¼ :Activity Information >Ϣ :Activity Libraries > :Activity Maximum Age > :Activity Options >ѡ :Activity Search > :Activity Search Results > :Activity Types > :Activity Usage >ʹ :Activity User Fields >ûֶ :Activity based costing not installed >δװڻijɱ㹦 :Activity based costing not required >Ҫڻijɱ㹦 :Activity based costing not required for this stock code. Set activity based costing on for this stock code? >˿벻Ҫڻijɱ㹦ܡҪΪ˿ڻijɱ㹦 :Activity based costing only parially required >ֻҪֻڻijɱ㹦 :Activity based costing only partially required >ֻҪֻڻijɱ㹦 :Activity based costing req'd >Ҫڻijɱ㹦 :Activity based costing required >Ҫڻijɱ㹦 :Activity based costs >ڻijɱ :Activity change preferences >ѡ :Activity current version >ǰ汾 :Activity date > :Activity deployed >ѲĻ :Activity description > :Activity duration > :Activity filter > :Activity follow up flag >ٱ :Activity for company >˾ :Activity language > :Activity library > :Activity max age > :Activity name > :Activity number > :Activity posted successfully >ѳɹ :Activity priority >ȼ :Activity purge > :Activity selection >ѡ :Activity selection criteria >ѡ׼ :Activity source >Դ :Activity this month >» :Activity type > :Activity type '%1' is not numeric > '%1' Ϊֵ :Activity type description >˵ :Activity updated successfully >ѳɹ» :Activity user defined field captions >ûֶα :Actual >е :Actual % >ʵ% :Actual Cost Allocation >ʵʳɱ :Actual Cost Bucket >ʵʳɱͰ :Actual Cost Buckets >ʵʳɱͰ :Actual Cost Conversion >ʵʳɱת :Actual Cost Conversion Review >ʵʳɱת :Actual Costing >ʵʳɱ :Actual Costing (Lots) >ʵʳɱ () :Actual Costing (Serials) >ʵʳɱ (ϵУ :Actual Costing Allocation Details >ʵʳɱϸ :Actual Costing Allocation Details for Lot >ʵʳɱϸ :Actual Costing Allocation Details for Serial >ϵʵʳɱϸ :Actual Costing Conversion >ʵʳɱת :Actual Costing Conversion Program >ʵʳɱת :Actual Costing Maintenance >ʵʳɱά :Actual Costing and Multiple Bins >ʵʳɱͶ :Actual Date of Arrival >ʵʵ :Actual MTD >ʵ MTD :Actual MTD sales >ʵ MTD :Actual YTD >ʵ YTD :Actual YTD sales >ʵ YTD :Actual complete date >ʵ :Actual completion >ʵ :Actual completion date >ʵ :Actual cost >ʵʳɱ :Actual cost bucket allocation program >ʵʳɱͰ :Actual cost bucket entries are complete. Do you wish to accept these entries? >ʵʳɱͰĿϣЩĿ? :Actual cost bucket error. Do you want to cancel out of this kit issue? >ʵʳɱͰϣȡ˹߰ǩ? :Actual cost bucket error. Specific issue cancelled >ʵʳɱͰȡضǩ :Actual cost bucket errors. Cannot post transaction >ʵʳɱͰ޷ :Actual cost conversion unsuccessful. Actual costing has been switched off >实际成本转化不成功。实际成本核算已关闭 :Actual costing is switched on and a bucket must be selected >ʵʳɱ㣬ұѡͰ :Actual costs >ʵʳɱ :Actual current year >ʵʵǰ :Actual current year for G/L code >(G/L)ʵʵǰ :Actual current year for GL code >GL ʵʵ :Actual current year versus Alternate budget %1 for G/L code >(G/L)ʵʵǰȶ滻Ԥ %1 :Actual current year versus Alternate budget %1 for GL code >GL ʵʵԱԤ %1 :Actual current year versus Budget %1 for G/L code >(G/L)ʵʵǰȶԤ %1 :Actual current year versus Budget %1 for GL code >GL ʵʵԤ %1 :Actual current year versus Planned review for G/L code >(G/L)ʵʵǰȶԼƻ :Actual current year versus Planned review for GL code >GL ʵʵԼƻ :Actual date >ʵ :Actual date of delivery >ʵʽ :Actual days >ʵ :Actual days overdue >ʵʹδ :Actual delivery >ʵʽ :Actual demand >ʵ :Actual finish >ʵ :Actual finish date >ʵ :Actual fixed overhead >ʵʹ̶ӷ :Actual job completion date >ʵҵ :Actual labor >ʵͶ :Actual level % >ʵʼ % :Actual material >ʵʲ :Actual max >ʵֵ :Actual price change >ʵʼ۸䶯 :Actual qty >ʵ :Actual qty required >ʵҪ :Actual quantity to ship must be supplied and must be greater than zero >ṩҪװ˵ʵұ :Actual queue >ʵʶ :Actual queue date >ʵʶ :Actual scrap >ʵʷƷ :Actual shortfall >ʵʲ :Actual size >ʵʴС :Actual start >ʵʿʼ :Actual start date >ʵʿʼ :Actual stocking quantity to ship >˵ʵʴ :Actual subcontract >ʵʷְ :Actual time >ʵʱ :Actual time issued >ʵǩʱ :Actual to Budget Comparison >ʵʶԤȽ :Actual total cost >ʵܳɱ :Actual turns >ʵת :Actual variable overhead >ʵʿɱӷ :Actual vs Budget >ʵʶԤ :Actvity type > :Add > :Add Entry > :Add %1 transactions to archive > %1 ӵ :Add 4.0 transactions to archive >4.0 :Add A Role >ְ :Add A/P Permanent Entries >A/P̶ :Add A/R Permanent Entries >A/R̶ :Add AP Permanent Entries > AP Ŀ :Add AR Permanent Entries > AR Ŀ :Add Action >Ӷ :Add All > :Add All Lines > :Add Allocation >Ӳλ :Add Alternate Stock Code >油 :Add Alternate Supplier >油Ӧ :Add Asset >ʲ :Add Asset Capex Line >ʲʱ֧ :Add Asset Expense >ʲ :Add Asset Expense Posting >ʲ÷ :Add Asset Labor Time Sheet Posting >ʲͶʱ :Add Attachment >Ӹ :Add Attachment to List >Ӹб :Add Attachments for existing activities >ΪлӸ :Add Attendee >ӳϯ :Add Attendees >ӳϯ :Add Attendees to List >ӳϯб :Add Balance > :Add Bill >˵ :Add Billing Distribution >ӼƷѷ :Add Bin Allocation >ӿ :Add Buying Group Contract Price >Ӳɹͬ۸ :Add Calculation >添加计算 :Add Capacity > :Add Capex Line >ʱ :Add Cash Book Permanent Entries >ֽʱ̶ :Add Category > :Add Change Order >ӸĶ :Add Charges line >շ :Add Collector >Ա :Add Column >添加列栏 :Add Comment >ע :Add Comment Line >Ӹע :Add Comments >ע :Add Company >ӹ˾ :Add Company Wizard >ӹ˾ :Add Component >Ӳ :Add Component Dependent >Բ :Add Confirmed >ȷ :Add Contact >ϵ :Add Contract >Ӻͬ :Add Contracts >Ӻͬ :Add Contracts for Buying Group >ΪɹӺͬ :Add Contracts for a Customer >ΪͻӺͬ :Add Cost of Sales Distribution >۳ɱ :Add Criteria >ӱ׼ :Add Crystal template printer > Crystal ģӡ :Add Current Role >ӵǰְ :Add Current Role as Primary >ӵǰְΪ :Add Custom Form table information to Report Writer Data Dictionary >向报告编写器数据字典添加自定义表格表信息 :Add Customer >ӿͻ :Add Customer Contract Price >ӿͻͬ۸ :Add Customer Wizard >ӿͻ :Add Data To Data Dictionary >向数据字典添加数据 :Add Deduction Amount >ۿ۽ :Add Dependency >Ӹ :Add Dispatch Lines >添加发货行 :Add Document >ļ :Add Document Type >ĵ :Add ECC Info >ӹ̱(ECC)Ϣ :Add ECC entry for new warehouse >Ϊ²ֿӹ̱ (ECC) :Add Entered Formula >Ĺʽ :Add Enterprise Search >ҵ :Add Entries > :Add Entry > :Add Entry Detail >ϸ :Add Event >¼ :Add Existing Activity >л :Add Expression >ӱʽ :Add Favorite >ӸԻ :Add Field To Form >ֶ :Add Fields to this Form >˱ֶ :Add Filename to List >бļ :Add Free Format Comment >ɸʽע :Add Free Format Comments >ɸʽ :Add Freight Line >˷ :Add GL Weighted Transfer Rule Details > GL Ȩת˹ :Add Group > :Add Hierarchy Item >ӷּĿ :Add Invoice >ӷƱ :Add Invoice for Payment >ӸƱ :Add Item >Ŀ :Add Items >Ŀ :Add Keys >Կ :Add LCT Apportionment > LCT ̯ :Add Labor Allocations >Ͷ :Add Labor Distribution >Ͷ :Add Line > :Add Lines > :Add Lines only >ֻ :Add Lines to Selected Requisition >ѡ빺 :Add Manufacturer suppliers >̹Ӧ :Add Material Allocation >Ӳϲλ :Add Material Allocations >ӲϷ :Add Material Distribution >ӲϷ :Add Miscellaneous Line > :Add Movement >ӱ䶯 :Add Multiple Columns >Ӷ :Add Multiple Warehouses >Ӷֿ :Add Multiple Warehouses for Stock Code >ΪӶֿ :Add Multiple Warehouses for this Stock Code >Ϊ˿Ӷֿ :Add New Activity >» :Add New Alternate Supplier >±ùӦ :Add New Application >Ӧó :Add New Company Wizard >¹˾ :Add New Contract >ºͬ :Add New Document >ĵ :Add New Fast Menu Shortcut Wizard >¿ٲ˵ݷʽ :Add New Fast Menu Wizard >¿ٲ˵ :Add New Field >ֶ :Add New Folder >ļ :Add New Foreign Purchase Price >ɹ۸ :Add New Form >± :Add New Form Name >± :Add New GRN > GRN :Add New Indexes for 6.0 >Ϊ6.0 :Add New Line > :Add New Lot number >添加新批次号码 :Add New Menu Wizard >²˵ :Add New Order Number >¶ :Add New Payment Run >¸ :Add New Printer >´ӡ :Add New Section >² :Add New Sequence >˳ :Add New Shorcut Wizard >¿ݷʽ :Add New Shortcut Wizard >¿ݷʽ :Add New Trigger >´ :Add New resource code >Դ :Add Non stocked Line >޿ :Add Non-stocked Line >ӷǿ :Add Notes >ע :Add Oper Guid >Ӳָ :Add Operation >Ӳ :Add Operations to Job >ҵӲ :Add Order Line >Ӷ :Add Other Menu Item >˵Ŀ :Add Other Menu Item to >˵Ŀ :Add P/O >P/O :Add PO >P/O :Add Payment >Ӹ :Add Post Dated Check >Զ֧Ʊ :Add Primary Supplier >Ӧ :Add Primary Supplier for Stock Code >ΪӦ :Add Printer >Ӵӡ :Add Product Class >添加产品类 :Add Product Template >ӲƷģ :Add Program to Override List >бӳ :Add Range >ӷΧ :Add Reference >Ӳο :Add Related Purchase Order >زɹ :Add Report >ӱ :Add Report Definition >ӱ :Add Report Object >ӱ :Add Report and Edit it >ӱ༭ :Add Requisition Line >빺 :Add Reserve Lots >ӱ :Add Reserved Batch Serials >ӱϵ :Add Reserved Lot >ӱ :Add Reserved Manual Serials >ӱֲϵ :Add Reserved Serial >ӱϵ :Add Reserved Serials >ӱϵ :Add Role >ְ :Add Roles >ְ :Add Route >· :Add Row to End >ӽ :Add Rule >ӹ :Add SKU's >ӿ¼λ(SKU) :Add SRS Document Template > SRS ĵģ :Add SRS Document Templates > SRS ĵģ :Add SRS Menu Item > SRS ˵Ŀ :Add SRS Menu Item to > SRS ˵Ŀ :Add SYSPRO companies or amend details for existing companies > SYSPRO ˾޸й˾ϸ :Add SYSPRO current printer > SYSPRO ǰӡ :Add Sales History Summary >添加销售历史摘要 :Add Sales Order Lines to a Load >۶е :Add Save button to toolbar >򹤾ӱ水ť :Add Selected Lines >ѡ :Add Selected Menu Item >ѡIJ˵Ŀ :Add Selection >ѡ :Add Sequence >˳ :Add Serial Allocation >ϵз :Add Serial Numbers >ϵк :Add Serials >ϵ :Add Standard Comment >ӱ׼ע :Add Standard Comments >ӱ׼ע :Add Stock Code Supplier >添加库存代码供应商 :Add Stock Code to Collection >򼯺ӿ :Add Stock Codes >ӿ :Add Stock Codes to Collection >򼯺ӿ :Add Stock Comment >ӿ渽ע :Add Stock Comments >ӿ渽ע :Add Stock D/Goods Text >ӿװ˻ı :Add Stock P/Order text >ӿɹı :Add Stock S/O Text >ӿ S/O ı :Add Stock S/Order Text >ӿ۶ı :Add Stock Take Bin >̵ :Add Stock Take Lot Numbers >̵κ :Add Stock Take Serial Numbers >̵ϵк :Add Stocked Line >ӿ :Add Sub-asset >ʲ :Add Supplier >ӹӦ :Add Supplier Comment >ӹӦ̸ע :Add Supplier Comments >ӹӦ̸ע :Add Suppliers >ӹӦ :Add Target >添加目标 :Add Tracking Notes >׷ע :Add Transaction >ӽ :Add Transactions >ӽ :Add Tutorials Player >ӽ̳̲ :Add View >ͼ :Add Warehouses >Ӳֿ :Add Where Used >ô :Add a Bin for the Selected Stock Code into Stock Take >将所选库存代码的库添加到盘点中 :Add a Blank Line >ӿ :Add a Check Payment >֧Ʊ :Add a Column >һ :Add a Comment >ע :Add a Commment >ע :Add a Component >添加部件 :Add a Criterion >添加标准 :Add a Currency History >ӻҼ¼ :Add a Customized Pane >添加自定义窗格 :Add a Detail Line >һϸ :Add a Dummy Operation > :Add a Fast Menu Shortcut Wizard >ӿٲ˵ݷʽ :Add a Fast Menu Wizard >ӿٲ˵ :Add a Field >ֶ :Add a GRN >һGRN :Add a Lot >һ :Add a Menu Wizard >Ӳ˵ :Add a New Configuration > :Add a New Contact >ϵ :Add a New Contact for Current Organization >Ϊǰ֯ϵ :Add a New Option >添加新选项 :Add a New Payment Run >¸ :Add a New Report >һ± :Add a New Role >ְ :Add a New Rule >¹ :Add a New Selection >添加新选择 :Add a New Transaction >½ :Add a Range of Serial Number >添加系列号码范围 :Add a Range of Serial Numbers >кķΧ :Add a Report >һ :Add a Report Wizard >һ :Add a Sundry Item >添加杂项 :Add a User Variable >û :Add a button >Ӱť :Add a new Program >³ :Add a new SYSPRO Analytics server >SYSPRO Analytics :Add a new SYSPRO Analytics site >SYSPRO Analyticsվ :Add a new analysis object >· :Add a new category > :Add a new category to the selected book >ѡ˲ :Add a new column mapping >ӳ :Add a new diagnostic routine > :Add a new global variable >ȫֱ :Add a new item >Ŀ :Add a new list >б :Add a new measure > :Add a new schedule >ų :Add a new template >ģ :Add a new view to the selected category >ѡͼ :Add a selection >添加选择 :Add a standard comment >һ׼ע :Add a visual theme >ӿӷ :Add actions that can be used in a workflow >ӿڹ̵IJ :Add an Element for this Route >Ϊ·Ԫ :Add an Operation >添加操作 :Add and Close >Ӳر :Add and change details relating to mechanics (persons responsible for maintaining assets) >Ӳеʦ (άʲԱ) صϸ :Add and change details relating to the expense codes (Costs, including cost of purchases and labor, incurred against an asset update the expense code file) >Ӳô (ɱƾʲ·ôļIJɹͶɱ) صϸ :Add and change the branches in which assets are located >Ӳзʲķ֧ :Add and change the requisition user codes >Ӳ빺û :Add and maintain contracts allowing jobs to be grouped together so that reviews and profitability can be jointly accessed >ӲάͬͬԹз飬Ӷɶӯ :Add and maintain reports and extracts >Ӳάժ¼ :Add and maintain salespersons for the Accounts Receivable and Quotations modules >ӲάӦ˿ͱģۻԱ :Add and maintain static (descriptive) information for non-current assets >Ӳάʲľ̬ () Ϣ :Add and maintain tax codes used for a basic tax system or geographic tax outside of the USA >Ӳάڻ˰ϵ˰˰ :Add and maintain tax codes used for the USA Tax by advanced geocodes system or the USA AVP sales tax system >Ӳάڰ߼ϵ AVP ˰ϵ˰˰ :Add and maintain the groups to which operators are assigned, controlling access to selected programs >ӲάԱ飬Կƶѡķ :Add and maintain withholding tax codes and assign tax rates to each code >Ӳά˰벢ÿһ˰ :Add attendees for existing activities >Ϊлӳϯ :Add bin >添加库 :Add changed lines for order level discount >ΪۿѸ :Add changed lines for order level disount >Ӷۿ۱䶯 :Add co-product scrap value >ӹͬƷϼֵ :Add component parts >Ӳ :Add contracts automatically >ԶӺͬ :Add detailed info >ϸϢ :Add detailed information >ϸϢ :Add details > :Add dummy operation > :Add element >Ԫ :Add element (Alt+A) >Ԫ(Alt+A) :Add engineering change users to the system and link operator codes to them >ϵͳӹ̱ûǹԱ :Add entered serial >ϵ :Add expression to filter statement >ӱʽ :Add expression to search statement >向搜索语句添加表达 :Add field >ֶ :Add free format comment text >ɸʽעı :Add from Library >ֿ :Add from Sales Order >Add from Sales Order :Add icon >ͼ :Add keywords >ӹؼ :Add kit part >ӹ߰ :Add lines to an existing dispatch >з :Add listed warehouses? >вֿ :Add loads >װ :Add menu text >Ӳ˵ı :Add more loads >Ӹװ :Add new Serial number >添加新系列号码 :Add new after existing >к :Add new allocations after existing >Ŀ֮· :Add new allocs after existing >е֮· :Add new blanket purchase order contracts and change the details for existing contracts >һӲɹͬкͬ :Add new company >¹˾ :Add new company? >¹˾ :Add new program icon >³ͼ :Add new report >± :Add new setup program >ó :Add new tax period to table >˰ :Add option >添加选项 :Add or Maintain Notepad >ӻά± :Add or Maintain Purchase Order Comments >ӻά± :Add or Maintain Requisition Notes >ӻά빺ע :Add or Maintain Requisition Notes, Purchase Order Comments or Notepad >ӻά빺ע⡢ɹע± :Add or change groups >ӻ :Add or change operators >ӻIJԱ :Add or change roles >ӻְ :Add or change the calculations used to determine the expected cost of each cost element within a bill of landed costs >ӻȷɱÿһɱԪصԤڳɱļ :Add or maintain a list of constant values, each identified by a constant code >ӻάֵбֱ𰴳ʾ :Add order lines >Ӷ :Add organizations >֯ :Add parent item to list >Ŀӵб :Add phantom part > :Add process has been cancelled >ȡ :Add purchase order line to shipment >向货运添加采购订单行 :Add req >빺 :Add requisition > :Add requisition details >빺ϸ :Add requisitions >빺 :Add sales transactions history to the IOP transient transaction table for later automatic inclusion in the forecasting sales history tables >۽ʷӵ IOP ݽױԹԺԶԤʷ :Add selected SKU's >ѡĿ¼λ(SKU) :Add selected invoice >ѡķƱ :Add stock code xref line >ӿ :Add stock codes line >ӿ :Add stock codes to collection based on selections? >Ҫѡ򼯺ӿ :Add supplier cross-reference >ӹӦ̶ :Add telephone >ӵ绰 :Add the keys and indexes to the archive control table >ԿӵƱ :Add the transaction to the document list >ĵб :Add this Entry >Ӹ :Add this Line >ӱ :Add this task after last task for this date >һҵΪӱҵ :Add to Collection >ӵ :Add to Dispatch >添加到发货 :Add to End >β :Add to Existing Dispatch >添加到现有发货 :Add to Favorites >ƫõ :Add to List >б :Add to Report Writer >添加到报告编写器 :Add to Selected Columns >ӵѡ :Add to Styles >ʽ :Add to budget at year end >Ԥ :Add to existing SCT >ӵ SCT :Add to existing purchase order >ӵвɹ :Add to existing supply chain transfer >ӵйӦת :Add up >合计 :Add where-used items >;Ŀ :Add {Crystal printer} which prints to the printer set against the template >{Crystal printer}˽ӡģõĴӡ :Add, change or delete General Ledger account codes >ӡĻɾ˻ :Add, change or delete bank account details >ӡĻɾ˻ϸ :Add, change or delete customer branches >ӡĻɾͻ֧ :Add, change or delete customers >ӡĻɾͻ :Add, change or delete geographic areas (specific regions in which customers are located) >ӡĻɾ (ͻڵľ) :Add, change or delete supplier branch codes >ӡĻɾӦ̷֧ :Add, change or delete suppliers >ӡĻɾӦ :Add, change or delete the supplier classes to which suppliers are assigned >ӡĻɾ乩Ӧ̵ĹӦ :Add, import and maintain reports and extracts >ӡάժ¼ :Add-on lab % >% :Add-on labor percentage >Ͷٷֱ :Add-on mat % >Ӳ% :Add-on material percentage >Ӳϰٷֱ :Add-only >ֻ :Add/Update >ӣ :Add/Update Offer >ӣ± :Add/maintain Condition >ӣά :Adding Affected Items >ӰĿ :Adding Company >ӹ˾ :Adding Job >ҵ :Adding New Contact >ϵ :Adding New Contracts >ºͬ :Adding Permanent Entry >ӹ̶ :Adding Policies >Ӳ :Adding Serials >ϵ :Adding Stock Codes to Collection >򼯺ӿ :Adding a Company >һ˾ :Adding a File Definition >һļ :Adding a Lot Number > :Adding a SQL based company requires a database to be created and populated with initial control information. This wizard will guide you through the process of adding a company >ӻSQLĹ˾ҪһݿⲢֲʼϢ򵼽ָ¹˾ :Adding a Table Definition >ӱ :Adding new stock codes >添加新库存代码 :Adding operations >Ӳ :Addins > :Addition (asset count) > (ʲ) :Additional >ӵ :Additional information >Ϣ :Additional Addresses >ַ :Additional Capex Information >CapexϢ :Additional Detail > :Additional Fields >עֶ :Additional ID >其他 ID :Additional Info >Ϣ :Additional Information >Ϣ :Additional Information (MSW) >Ϣ(MSW) :Additional Information for Cost Center >ɱĸϢ :Additional Information for Internal Operation >ڲϢ :Additional Information for Reqn >빺Ϣ :Additional Information for Subcontract Operation >ְϢ :Additional Information for Work Center >ĸϢ :Additional Line Information >Ϣ :Additional Notes >ע :Additional Operation Information >ӲϢ :Additional Options %1 >ѡ %1 :Additional Reference >Ӳο :Additional Text >ı :Additional Warehouses >ӿ :Additional charge % >ӷ% :Additional charge % - Material >ӷ% - :Additional charge % - Operations >ӷ% - :Additional info %1 >Ϣ %1 :Additional info 1 >Ϣ1 :Additional info 2 >Ϣ2 :Additional info 3 >Ϣ3 :Additional info 4 >Ϣ4 :Additional information >Ϣ :Additional information for >Ϣ :Additional information not allowed for user '%1' >û '%1' øϢ :Additional items >Ŀ :Additional labor reference >其他劳动力参考 :Additional lines from previously exported p/orders >ǰɹĸ :Additional lines from previously exported s/orders >ǰ۶ĸ :Additional options >ѡ :Additional purchase order text exists for the stock code you have just entered. Do you wish to include this text >ĸӲɹıѴڡϣı :Additional purchase order text exists for the stock code you have just entered. Do you wish to include this text? >Ŀ룬ɹıѴڡϣı :Additional tel >绰 :Additional telephone >绰 :Additional transaction ref >ӽײο :Additions >¼ :Additions to existing asset >ʲ :Additonal Fields >ֶ :Address >ַ :Address %1 >ַ %1 :Address Code >ַ :Address Code Maintenance >ַά :Address Information >ַϢ :Address Line1 >ַ1 :Address Line2 >ַ2 :Address Mapping >ַӳ :Address Mapping Preference >ַӳѡ :Address Mapping Preferences >ַӳѡ :Address Selection >地址选择 :Address at time of invoice >߷Ʊʱַ :Address code is not on file >ַ벻ļ :Address code record locked >ַ¼ :Address field >ֶַ :Address from > :Address from first dispatch >״ηĵַ :Address from first dispatch no >׸еĵַ :Address from first sales order >׸۶еĵַ :Address line %1 >ַ %1 :Address mapping defaults >ַӳĬ :Address to > :Address to print on check >ַӡ :Address type >ַ :Addresses >ַ :Addresses are stored differently against Accounts and Customers in SYSPRO >ַ SYSPRO еʻͿͻֱ洢 :Addresses are stored differently against Accounts and Suppliers in SYSPRO >ַ SYSPRO а˻͹Ӧ̷ֱ洢 :Adj. amount inclusive > :Adjusment value >ֵ :Adjust > :Adjust Accr >Ϣ :Adjust Accruals >Ϣ :Adjust Billing >ʵ :Adjust Billing Value >ʵֵ :Adjust GRN Records >ջ¼ :Adjust Invoice >Ʊ :Adjust Quantity on Hand >ͷ :Adjust Rows To Display >Ҫʾ :Adjust Sales History for Outliers >Ϊⲿ˾ʷ¼ :Adjust Specific Bin >ض :Adjust Specific Bucket >ضͰ :Adjust Transactions > :Adjust for Outliers >Ϊⲿ˾ :Adjust net sales by >ۣ :Adjust only when total of ship and back-order exceeds order qty >װ˺ڽʱ :Adjust qty on hand > :Adjust quantity to manufacture > :Adjust sales value >ֵ :Adjust the accumulated depreciation for any depreciation book defined against an asset >ʲκ۾˲ۼ۾ :Adjust the billing value against a head/section of a hierarchical job >Էּ/ֵļƷѼֵ :Adjust to the authorized quantity >Ϊ :Adjust to the received quantity >Ϊʵ :Adjusted by > :Adjusted value >ֵ :Adjustment > :Adjustment (tax) >˰ :Adjustment Details for Period >ڵϸ :Adjustment Documents >ĵ :Adjustment Password > :Adjustment Ref >ο :Adjustment Reference >ο :Adjustment Selections >ѡ :Adjustment Transaction > :Adjustment Value >ֵ :Adjustment accumulated depreciation >ۼ۾ɵ :Adjustment amount > :Adjustment amount invalid >Ч :Adjustment block heading > :Adjustment date > :Adjustment date must be after last year-end date >ڱһ֮ :Adjustment date must be after purchase date >ڱڲɹ֮ :Adjustment date must be before period-end date >ڱڽ֮ǰ :Adjustment date must be in current financial year >ڱ봦ڵǰ :Adjustment depreciation year to date >۾ :Adjustment details >ϸ :Adjustment entry > :Adjustment information >Ϣ :Adjustment not found >δҵ :Adjustment period > :Adjustment quantity > :Adjustment quantity cannot be zero >Ϊ :Adjustment this year depreciation >۾ɵ :Adjustment to print >ӡĵ :Adjustment year > :Adjustment/Expense issue >ǩ :Adjustments > :Adjustments G/L Account >G/Lʻ :Adjustments GL Account >G/Lʻ :Adjustments Information >Ϣ :Adjustments amount > :Adjustments details >调整明细 :Adjustments password '%1' invalid > '%1' Ч :Adjustments posted >ѹĵ :Adjustments settings > :Adjustments to print >ӡ :Adjustments total value >ֵ :Adjustments value >ֵ :Admin About SYSPRO >SYSPROϵͳԱ :Admin Add a Favorite Shortcut Wizard >Աѡݷʽ :Admin Alternative Curr Maintenance >ûά :Admin Alternative Currency >л :Admin Alternative Currency Setup >Ա滻 :Admin Analytics Filter Control > Analytics :Admin Archive Pending Control >ͣ :Admin Archive Setup Options >Աѡ :Admin Ask Message Box >ԱѯϢ :Admin B2B Document Control > B2B ĵ :Admin B2B Failed Document Control > B2B ʧĵ :Admin B2B Failed Document Details > B2B ʧĵϸ :Admin Browse on Data Files >Աļ :Admin Build List of Shared Companies >Ա˾б :Admin Client/Server Client >Աͻ/ͻ :Admin Client/Server Next Client Id >ͻ/һͻ Id :Admin Client/Server Server Daemon >Աͻ/ʼշ̨ :Admin Client/Server Server Side System >Աͻ/ϵͳ :Admin Client/Server Shutdown >Աͻ/ͣ :Admin Client/Server Update Program >Աͻ/³ :Admin Company Control >˾ :Admin Company Setup >Ա˾ :Admin Convert Data to %1 >תΪ %1 :Admin Convert Data to Issue %1 >Աתǩ %1 :Admin Convert Passwords to Issue %1 >Աתǩ %1 :Admin Convert RMA Data to Issue %1 >Աת˻Ȩ (RMA) ǩ %1 :Admin Copy Tasks >Ա :Admin Create Drop Down List Dictionary >Աбֵ :Admin Currency >Ա :Admin Currency Amendment Journal >޶ռ :Admin Currency Conversion >Աһ :Admin Currency Conversion Maintenance >תά :Admin Currency Exchange Rates >Աһ :Admin Currency Language Cross-reference >Զ :Admin Currency Triangulation >λ :Admin Custom Form - Form Name >Զ - :Admin Custom Form Control >Զ :Admin Custom Form Data >Զ :Admin Custom Form Type Selection >ԱԶѡ :Admin Custom Form Validation List >Զ֤б :Admin Custom Form Validation Lookup >ԱԶ֤ :Admin Custom Forms Data Entry >ԱԶ :Admin Custom Forms Entry >ԱԶ :Admin Custom Forms Entry and Design >ԱԶ :Admin Custom Forms Validation >ԱԶ֤ :Admin Custom/Listview Property Sheet >ԱԶ壯ListviewԱ :Admin Customize Hyperlinks >ԱƳ :Admin Data Dictionary Tables >Աֵ :Admin Data File Path Exceptions >ļ·쳣 :Admin Database Connection >Աݿ :Admin Date Calculation Called from Menu >Ӳ˵õĹԱڼ :Admin Date Calculation Using Calendar >ʹĹԱڼ :Admin Default XML/EDI Directory Paths >ĬXML/EDIĿ¼· :Admin Defaults >Ĭ :Admin Diagnostic Test Opening Files >ϲԴļ :Admin Diagnostics - C-ISAM Record Locks >Ա - C-ISAM¼ :Admin Diagnostics - C-S Failure Analysis > - C-S ʧܷ :Admin Diagnostics - C-S Multiple Test > - C-S :Admin Diagnostics - C-S Simple Test > - C-S 򵥲 :Admin Diagnostics - C/S Failure Analysis >Ա - ͻ(C/S)Ϸ :Admin Diagnostics - C/S Multiple Test >Ա - ͻ(C/S)༶ :Admin Diagnostics - C/S Simple Test >Ա - ͻ(C/S)򵥲 :Admin Diagnostics - Max C-iSAM Files >Ա - C-iSAMļ :Admin Diagnostics - SQL Diagnostics >Ա - SQL :Admin Display Error Messages >ԱʾϢ :Admin Display Task List and Allow Kill >ʾбȥ :Admin Display Users Logged Into SYSPRO >Աʾû¼SYSPRO :Admin Display Users Logged in >管理显示用户登录 :Admin Display Users Logged in Detail >ʾû¼ :Admin Display Users Logged in by Company >˾¼ĹԱʾû :Admin Display/Entry/Custom Forms >Աʾ룯Զ :Admin Doc Flow Manager Control >ĵ :Admin Doc Flow Manager Email Confirm >ĵʼȷ :Admin Doc Flow Manager Master Detail >ĵϸ :Admin Doc Flow Manager Master Header >ĵҳü :Admin Electronic Signature Audit Detail >ǩϸ :Admin Electronic Signature Audit Log >ǩ־ :Admin Electronic Signature Condition >ǩ :Admin Electronic Signature Configuration >ǩ :Admin Electronic Signature Control >ǩ :Admin Electronic Signature Detail >ǩ :Admin Electronic Signature Detail Log >ǩ־ :Admin Electronic Signature Setup >Աǩ :Admin Electronic Signature Triggers >ǩ :Admin Electronic Signatures Detail Log >Աǩ־ :Admin Email Polling Configuration >ʼѯ :Admin Event Management >Ա¼ :Admin Event Management Conditions >Ա¼ :Admin Event Management Log >¼־ :Admin Event Management Log View >Ա¼־鿴 :Admin Event Management Mail Selections >Ա¼ʼѡ :Admin Extended Tax Code >管理扩展税务代码 :Admin Extended Tax Codes >Աչ˰մ :Admin Extended Tax Codes Maintenance >չ˰ά :Admin Extended Tax Codes Setup Object >չ˰ö :Admin Factory Calendar >Ա :Admin Fax program >Ա :Admin File Handler Redirector >Աļض :Admin First Time SYSPRO Installation >Ա״ SYSPRO װ :Admin FlexGen for SYSPRO Interface >SYSPRO Ա FlexGen :Admin General Graph Interface >Աͼ :Admin General Graph Interface DSGRP32 >ͨͼDSGRP32 :Admin Generic Browse Create BROWSE05.XML >ԱͨBROWSE05.XML :Admin Generic Browse and Maintenance >Աͨά :Admin Generic Checkbox Assignment >Աͨѡ :Admin Generic Condition Maintenance >ͨά :Admin Generic Find >Աͨ :Admin Generic List Assignment >Աͨб :Admin Generic Notepad >ͨ± :Admin Geographic Areas >Ա :Admin Graphics 3D controls >Ա 3D ͼο :Admin Graphics Display Program >Աͼʾ :Admin Group Program Security >ȫ :Admin ISAM to SQL Migration Wizard >Ա ISAM SQL ֲ :Admin Internet Application Log >Ӧó־ :Admin Issue SQL Statements >ԱSQL :Admin Job Logging >Աҵ־¼ :Admin Job Logging Detail >־ϸ :Admin Job Logging Details >Աҵ־ϸ :Admin Job Logging Purge >־ :Admin Job Logging Setup >־ :Admin Language Dictionary Editor >Աֵ༭ :Admin Language Translation Function >Խ׹ :Admin Language Translation Utility >ԱԷʵó :Admin License Class Master >֤ȼ :Admin License Configuration Master >֤ :Admin License Imported XML File >֤ XML ļ :Admin List Program Access >Աб :Admin List of Operators >ԱԱб :Admin Listview Styles >ԱListviewʽ :Admin Load VERAZIP Import File >ԱװVERAZIPļ :Admin Log of Web Applications >ԱWebӦó־ :Admin Login and Authentication >Ա¼֤ :Admin MS Word Printing Stub Program >ԱMS Wordӡ :Admin MS Word Report Format >MS Wordʽ :Admin MS Word Report Options >MS Wordѡ :Admin Main SYSPRO Menu >ԱSYSPRO˵ :Admin Multi Currency Conversion >Աһ :Admin Multimedia >Աý :Admin Multimedia Definition >ý嶨 :Admin Multimedia Object Definition >ý :Admin Nationalities >Ա :Admin Nationalities Maintenance >ά :Admin Nationality >管理员国籍 :Admin Notepad Editor (Monospaced Text) >Ա±༭ȿı :Admin Notepad Editor (Rich Text) >Ա±༭Ϣı :Admin O/S Commands and File Functions >Ա O/S ļ :Admin OS Commands and File Functions > OS ļ :Admin Operator >Ա :Admin Operator Amendment Journal >Ա޶ռ :Admin Operator Amendment Journals >ԱԱ޶ռ :Admin Operator Browse >ԱԱ :Admin Operator Group Browse >ԱԱ :Admin Operator Group Maintenance >Աά :Admin Operator Groups >ԱԱ :Admin Operator Internet Setup >Ա :Admin Operator Maintenance >Աά :Admin Operator Message Box Preferences >ԱϢѡ :Admin Operator Message Queue >ԱϢ :Admin Operator Messages From Web Applets > Web СеIJԱϢ :Admin Operator Multiple Security Groups >Աలȫ :Admin Operator Password Configuration >ԱԱ :Admin Operator Role Export Wizard >Աְ𵼳 :Admin Operator Role Import Wizard >Աְ :Admin Operator Security >Աȫ :Admin Operators >ԱԱ :Admin Password > :Admin Password Control > :Admin Password History >¼ :Admin Password System >Աϵͳ :Admin Passwords >Ա :Admin Print Dialog Box (non-Windows) >ԱӡԻ ( Windows) :Admin Print Mask for Document Alignment >Աĵӡ :Admin Print Setup (non-Windows) >ԱӡãWindows :Admin Printer Font Selection >Աӡѡ :Admin Printer For Operator And Program >Աͳӡ :Admin Printer Page Setup (non-Windows) >Աӡҳ (Windows) :Admin Printer Per Operator And Function >Ա͹ܹӡ :Admin Printer, Oper, Function Extra Info >ӡԱܶϢ :Admin Printer, Oper, Program Extra Info >ӡԱϢ :Admin Printers per Operator >ԱԱӡ :Admin Process Electronic Signatures >Աǩ :Admin Program Shortcut Properties >Աݷʽ :Admin Program Version Numbers >Ա汾 :Admin Projects And Contracts Preferences >Ŀͺͬѡ :Admin Quick Launch Favorites Menu >Աղؼв˵ :Admin Quick View Customization >Աٲ鿴 :Admin Record Locking Diagnostics >¼ :Admin Reindex Utility >Աؽʵó :Admin Report Formatting >Աʽ :Admin Report Heading Translation >ⷭ :Admin Report Text Translation >Աı :Admin Resource Lock >Դ :Admin Role >ְ :Admin Role Access Control >ְʿ :Admin Role Management >ְ :Admin Role Organogram Maintenance >ְ֯ṹͼά :Admin Role Program Access >ְ :Admin Run SYSPRO from any Directory >ԱκĿ¼ SYSPRO :Admin SQL Server Foreign Keys >Ա SQL :Admin SRS Security >Ա SRS ȫ :Admin SYSPRO Online >ԱSYSPRO :Admin SYSPRO Printer Attributes > SYSPRO ӡ :Admin SYSPRO Printer Master > SYSPRO ӡ :Admin SYSPRO Printers Screen Preview >ԱSYSPROӡĻԤ :Admin SYSPRO Programs >ԱSYSPRO :Admin Screenset Date Validation >Ļ֤ :Admin Send Email >Ա͵ʼ :Admin Service Request - Continue, Retry >Ա C :Admin Setup Amendment Journal >޶ռ :Admin Setup Amendment Journals >Ա޶ռ :Admin Setup Print/Journal Utility >Աôӡ/ռʵó :Admin Shift+F2 Quick Find >ԱShift+F2ϼٲ :Admin Shift+F3 Reserved for Future Use >ԱʹõShift+F3ϼ :Admin Shift+F4 Toggle Print Preview >ԱShift+F4ϼлӡԤ :Admin Shift+F5 Page Setup >ԱShift+F5ϼҳ :Admin Shift+F6 Print Setup >ԱShift+F6ϼӡ :Admin Shift+F7 System Information >ԱShift+F7ϼϵͳϢ :Admin Shift+F8 Save Printer Information >ԱShift+F8ϼӡϢ :Admin Standard Library Routines >Ա׼ :Admin Stationery Document Formatting >Աĵʽ :Admin System Audit >ϵͳ :Admin System Audit Amendment Journal >ϵͳ޶ռ :Admin System Audit Amendment Purge >ϵͳ޶ :Admin System Audit Log >ϵͳ־ :Admin System Control >ϵͳ :Admin System Information >ԱϵͳϢ :Admin System Setup >Աϵͳ :Admin System Under Development >еĹԱϵͳ :Admin Task Group (Per Company) >飨˾ :Admin Task Group (System Wide) >飨ϵͳ :Admin Task Item (Per Company) >Ŀ˾ :Admin Task Item (System Wide) >Ŀϵͳ :Admin Tax Codes >Ա˰մ :Admin Tax Codes Maintenance >˰ά :Admin Tax History >˰¼ :Admin Tax Master >Ա˰ :Admin Tax Options >Ա˰ѡ :Admin Tax Return Detail >˰걨ϸ :Admin Tax Return Periods Definition >˰걨ڶ :Admin Text Viewer Editor >ı鿴༭ :Admin Text Viewer/Editor >ı鿴༭ :Admin Timeout >Աʱ :Admin Trigger > :Admin Trigger Program Setup >Ա :Admin Trigger Setup >Ա :Admin US Advanced GeoTax/AVP Tax History >߼ GeoTax/AVP ˰¼ :Admin US Advanced Geocodes Tax/AVP Tax >Ա߼˰/ʵֵ (AVP) ˰ :Admin User Product >ûƷ :Admin Users Currently Using SYSPRO >ǰʹSYSPROû :Admin VBScript Editor >ԱVBScript༭ :Admin Window size & position save/rest >Աڳߴλñ/ָ :Admin Windows API Calls >ԱӦóӿ (API) :Admin Windows Clipboard Utility >Աڼʵó :Admin Windows Preview and Printing >ԱԤʹӡ :Admin Withholding Tax Codes >Ա˰ :Admin Withholding Tax Codes Maintenance >˰ά :Admin Withholding Tax Rate >管理代扣所得税税率 :Admin Withholding Tax Rates >˰˰ :Admin Word printing Stub Program >ԱWordӡ :Admin Worflow Detail > :Admin XML Browser Themes for Operator >ԱԱXML :Admin XML History Details > XML ¼ϸ :Admin e.net Classes >Աe.netȼ :Admin e.net LICENSE.XML Import Wizard >Ա e.net LICENSE.XML :Admin e.net License Apportionment >Աe.net֤ :Admin e.net License Import Wizard >Աe.net֤ :Admin group > :Administration > :Administration Login >¼ :Administration Port >˿ :Administration Tasks > :Administration password > :Administration web service path >web· :Administrator >Ա :Administrator Group >Ա :Administrator Name >Ա :Administrators may override warning >ԱɺԾ :Adobe PDF Viewer >Adobe PDF Ķ :Adobe PDF viewer control has not been installed >δװ Adobe PDF Ķ :Adv charges approved >׼Ԥշ :Advance to next period automatically >Զǰһ :Advanced >߼ :Advanced Conditional Formatting >߼ʽ :Advanced Export >高级导出 :Advanced Filter Settings >߼ :Advanced Multi-level Trial Kit List >߼鹤߰б :Advanced Multi-level Trial Kitting Query >߼༶׼ѯ :Advanced Options >߼ѡ :Advanced Planning & Scheduling >߼ƻ :Advanced Sales Tax >߼˰ :Advanced Sales Tax not required. Program cancelled >ҪԤ˰ܡȡ :Advanced Scheduler >߼ȳ :Advanced Scheduling >Ԥȱżƻ :Advanced Trial Kit List >߼鹤߰б :Advanced Trial Kitting >߼鹤߰ :Advanced Trial Kitting Query (Bought Out Items) >߼׼ѯĿ :Advanced Trial Kitting Query (Co-products) >߼׼ѯͬƷ :Advanced Trial Kitting Query (Made in Items) >߼׼ѯڲĿ :Advanced Trial Kitting Query (Made in and Sub contract Items) >߼׼ѯڲתͬĿ :Advanced configuration >߼ :Advanced scheduling functions have not been enabled >߼ʱŹδ :Advanced scheduling required >ҪԤȼƻ :Advertsing 10% >10% :Advice > :Advised >֪ͨ :Affected Item >Ӱ :Affected Items >Ӱ :Afrikaans >ϷǺ :After Rate >֮ :After Revaluation >¹ۺ :After Value >ֵ :After account currency >˻֮ :After account multiply or divide >˻˻֮ :After account rate >˻֮ :After amendment >޶֮ :After currency >֮ :After customer added >ӿͻ :After last detail line >һϸ֮ :After multiply or divide >˻֮ :After processing >֮ :After processing complete >֮ :After processing completed >֮ :After reval >ۺ :After saving adjustment >֮ :After supplier added >ӹӦ֮ :After today >֮ :After triangular currency >λ֮ :After triangular multiply or divide >γ˻֮ :After triangular rate >֮ :Age > :Age (in months) >䣨 :Age breaks incorrectly set up in statement format >ڱʽеòȷ :Age breaks incorrectly set up in statement format. Program cancelled >ڱʽеòȷȡ :Aged Analysis >ʱʷ :Aged Analysis Report in Progress >ڷִ :Aged Balances > :Aged Inventory Valuation >ڴ :Aged Inventory Valuation in Progress >ֵڽ :Aged Valuation >ֵ :Aged Valuation Take-on >ڼƼ۽ӹ? :Aged balances selection >ѡ :Aged buckets >Ͱ :Aged current balance >䵱ǰ :Aged inventory valuation required >Ҫֵ :Aged inventory valuation not required. Program cancelled >Ҫֵȡ :Aged inventory valuation required >Ҫ¿ :Aged invoices >ڷƱ :Aged statement >ϱ :Aged valuation not required >Ҫֵ :Ageing > :Ageing - invoice value > - Ʊֵ :Ageing - no of invoices > - Ʊ :Ageing Date > :Ageing Method Warning >䷽ :Ageing Options >ѡ :Ageing column selection >ѡ :Ageing columns must be set greater than '%1' >ϻΪ '%1' :Ageing columns must be set greater than '0' >еֵΪ'0' :Ageing columns must be set greater than the previous columns >еֵΪһеֵ :Ageing currency >ϻ :Ageing date is invalid >Ч :Ageing method >䷽ :Agg. date >ۼ :Agg. time >ۼʱ :Aggregate Sales > :Aggregate Sales History >ʷ¼ :Aggregate Sales Listing >б :Aggregated Service Levels >ۺϷ񼶱 :Aggregation date >ۼ :Aggregation time >ۼʱ :Agreed payment terms >Լ :Agreement code >Э :Agreement no >Э :Agreement no selection >Эѡ :Agreement number >Э :Agreement number selection >Эѡ :Agreement selection >Эѡ :Agreement type >Э :Air Freight - %1 >˷ - %1 :Air Freight - %1 is a mandatory field and has not been entered >˷ - %1 DZֶΣδ :Alert Viewer > :Alert style >ѷ :Algorithm >㷨 :Algorithm Options >㷨ѡ :Algorithm Settings >㷨 :Algorithm used >㷨 :Algorithms %1 >㷨 %1 :Align >对齐 :Align Bottom >底部对齐 :Align Center >ж :Align Center (Ctrl+E) >ж(Ctrl+E) :Align Left > :Align Left (Ctrl+J) >(Ctrl+J) :Align Right >Ҷ :Align Right (Ctrl+R) >Ҷ(Ctrl+R) :Align Top >顶部对齐 :Align image >ͼ :Align report >뱨 :Align the edges of multiple shapes, and size multiple shapes >对齐多个形状的边缘并调整多个形状的大小 :Alignment > :Alignment Pages >ҳ :Alignment for Captions > :Alignment for Numerics >ֶ :Alignment in Progress >ڶ :All > :All Accounts >ȫʻ :All Activities >л :All Allowed >ȫ :All Collections >м :All Companies >ȫ˾ :All Companies are ISAM-based >所有公司均基于 ISAM :All Dates >ȫ :All Denied >ȫܾ :All Details >ϸ :All Excluded >ȫ :All Fonts > :All Fully Secured >ȫȫܱ :All G/L distribution files >ȫ(G/L)ļ :All GL distribution files > GL ļ :All GRN's >所有 GRN :All Goods in Transit transfers should be cleared before switching off the Goods in Transit facility. The checking might take a while, do you wish to continue? >;ƷתƾӦڹر乤֮ǰءҪһʱ䣬ϣ :All Invoices >ȫƱ :All Items >Ŀ :All Levels >ȫ :All Levels ABC >ABC :All Levels ABC Report >ABC :All Levels ABC Report in Progress >ڽиABC :All Levels in Pegging >סм :All Lines >ȫ :All Log Only >ȫ־ :All Operators >в :All Organization Types >ȫ֯ :All Organizations >ȫ֯ :All Outstanding Lines >ȫδʹõ :All Outstanding invoices have been automatically paid in the sequence they are sorted until the undistributed payment amount falls to zero. Note that credit balance invoices will be ignored >所有未付发票均已在未分配付款金额降至零之前按所排列的顺序自动支付。请注意,将忽略贷方余额发票 :All Price Types >м۸ :All Program Versions >г汾 :All SKUs > SKU :All SYSPRO operators will use this SQL Server login > SYSPRO Աʹô SQL ¼ :All Secured by eSignature >eSignatureṩ :All Suppliers >ȫӦ :All Task Actions > :All Unsecured >ȫܱ :All WIP inspection references for lot traceable items should be cleared before switching off the '%1' facility. The checking might take a while, do you wish to continue? >οɸٻƷִҵ(WIP)οӦڹر '%1' ʩǰҪһʱ䣬ϣ :All WIP inspection references for lot traceable items should be cleared before switching off the 'Capture lots at end of WIP inspection' facility. The checking might take a while, do you wish to continue? >ӦڹرաWIP󲶻Ρ֮ǰοɸĿȫWIPοҪһʱ䣬ϣ :All WIP inspection references for lot traceable items should be cleared before switching the '%1' facility on. The checking might take a while, do you wish to continue? >οɸٻƷִҵ(WIP)οӦڴ '%1' ʩǰҪһʱ䣬ϣ :All WIP inspection references for lot traceable items should be cleared before switching the 'Capture lots at end of WIP inspection' facility on. The checking might take a while, do you wish to continue? >Ӧڴ򿪡WIP󲶻Ρ֮ǰοɸĿȫWIPοҪһʱ䣬ϣ :All WIP inspection references for serialized items should be cleared before switching off the '%1' facility. The checking might take a while, do you wish to continue? >ϵлƷִҵ(WIP)οӦڹر '%1' ʩǰҪһʱ䣬ϣ :All WIP inspection references for serialized items should be cleared before switching off the 'Capture serials at end of WIP inspection' facility. The checking might take a while, do you wish to continue? >ӦڹرաWIP󲶻С֮ǰлĿȫWIPοҪһʱ䣬ϣ :All WIP inspection references should be cleared before switching off the WIP inspection facility. The checking might take a while, do you wish to continue? >ӦڹرWIP鹦֮ǰȫWIPοҪһʱ䣬ϣ :All access >ȫ :All access control settings >ȫʿ :All actions complete >ȫ :All activities and fields settings >ȫ :All apportionment percentages must equal 100% before exiting the program. These will be checked and re-apportioned if necessary. Ok to continue? >з̯ٷֱȱ˳ǰ100%ЩԼ鲢ڱҪʱ·̯ȷҪ :All bins >ȫϿ :All cash drawers > :All child items are allowed >ȫӹ˾Ŀ :All classes >еȼ :All co-products that must be receipted into WIP inspection will be excluded >ųбȡִҵ(WIP)ĹͬƷ :All co-products that must be receipted into WIP inspection will be excluded and the job will not be set to complete. Do you wish to continue with the co-product receipt? >ųбȡִҵ(WIP)ĹͬƷҲὫҵ趨ΪɡϣִйͬƷջ :All columns >ȫ :All companies are C-ISAM >й˾ΪC-ISAM :All companies are ISAM based >й˾ ISAM :All companies are SQL Server based >й˾ SQL :All companies are SQL server-based >所有公司均基于 SQL 服务器 :All companies must be configured to use the same archive definition. The following company(s) do not have an archive control table or the existing archive control table needs to be converted to the current definition >й˾Ϊʹͬĵ塣й˾߱ƱеƱҪתΪǰ :All companies use C-ISAM >й˾ʹC-ISAM :All contract prices >ȫͬ۸ :All contracts >кͬ :All cost apportionment percentages must equal 100% before exiting the program. These will be checked and re-apportioned if necessary. Ok to continue? >гɱ̯ٷֱȱ˳ǰ100%ЩԼ鲢ڱҪʱ·̯ȷҪ :All customers >пͻ :All day event >ȫ¼ :All digits > :All entries >ȫ :All esignature settings >еǩ :All existing Assets will be incremented without warning >ʲӣ :All fields >ȫֶ :All files copied successfully. The upgrade process is complete >ɹȫļ :All files copied successfully. The upgrade process is complete. You will now be logged out of SYSPRO >ѳɹļɡڽ˳SYSPRO :All files have been successfully converted to SYSPRO %1 format >ļѳɹתΪ SYSPRO %1 ʽ :All files have been successfully converted to SYSPRO 6.0 format >ļѳɹתΪSYSPRO 6.0ʽ :All files have been successfully converted to the 3.2 format >ȫֶξѳɹתΪ3.2ʽ :All files have been successfully converted to the 4.0 format >ȫֶξѳɹתΪ4.0ʽ :All files have been successfully converted to the 5.1 format >ȫֶξѳɹתΪ5.1ʽ :All files have been successfully verified >ѳɹ֤ļ :All files have been successfully verified. Ok to continue with the conversion of files to SYSPRO 6.0 format? >ѳɹ֤ļȷҪִļSYSPRO 6.0ʽת :All files have been successfully verified.\n\nOk to continue with the conversion of files to SYSPRO 6.0 format? >ѳɹ֤ļ\n\nȷҪִļSYSPRO 6.0ʽת :All files in a single path >ϵļ :All files in single folders >单一文件夹中的所有文件 :All formats >иʽ :All free goods lines on this dispatch have acceptable dispatch quantities >˷еѻо߱ɽܵķ :All groups can edit report >еɱ༭ :All groups can run report >ܹб :All imports >е :All invoices attached to this EFT transaction during the Payment register run will also be removed from the EFT unprocessed payments file. Are you sure you want to continue with this void >ǼDzڼ渽 EFT ׵зƱҲ EFT δļƳȷҪڴʧЧ¼ :All invoices attached to this EFT transaction during the Payment register run will also be removed from the EFT unprocessed payments file. Are you sure you want to continue with this void? >ڼ˵ת(EFT)׵зƱҲӵת(EFT)δļɾȷҪڴΪյ¼ :All invoices in last %1 months have zero balances. Delete selected supplier > %1 µзƱ߱ɾѡӦ :All invoices in last 3 months have zero balances. Delete selected supplier >3µзƱΪ㡣ɾѡӦ :All invoices in last 3 months have zero balances. Delete selected supplier? >3µзƱ߱ҪɾѡӦ :All invoices in the last %1 months have zero balances > %1 езƱ߱ :All invoices in the last 3 months have zero balances >3µȫƱ :All jobs >ȫҵ :All jobs in bill >ȫƷҵ :All jobs in the bill >еȫҵ :All journal files >ȫռļ :All journals have not been integrated to GL. Program cancelled >并非所有日记账均已集成到 GL。程序已取消 :All lines on this RMA are complete. Do you wish to add another line? >˻Ȩ(RMA)еоɡϣһ :All lines on this shipment have been received >ڴ˴ηоջ :All lines were put into back order as packaging is required >ΪҪװоڶ :All loaded centers >Ѽ :All messages >ȫϢ :All occurrences of the stock code you have entered are already selected >ѡĿ¼ :All operations complete >в :All operators can edit report >вԱɱ༭ :All operators can run report >вԱб :All operators have been forced to define new passwords when they next login >вԱ´ε¼ʱ붨 :All operators have been forced to defined new passwords when they next login >һε¼ʱвԱʹȷ :All operators must be assigned to a role >вԱְ :All optional components will be removed from this bill of material when you select to accept components. Do you wish to continue? >ѡܲʱпѡӴ˲ϵƳϣ? :All order lines >所有订单行 :All pages >ȫҳ :All percentage increase figures are zero >аٷֱ־Ϊ :All periods >ڼ :All prices for this supplier will be converted. You may wish to print a Contract Price List before continuing. Ok to continue? >һӦ̵м۸תϣڼ֮ǰӡһݺͬ۸ȷҪ :All prior year end dates must be defined >ȷǰݵֹ :All program access settings >г :All programs >г :All purchase orders have been created >Ѵвɹ :All purchase orders will be converted. You may wish to print the Purchase Orders by Supplier Report before continuing >ȫɹתϣڼ֮ǰӦ̱ӡɹ :All purchase orders will be converted. You may wish to print the Purchase Orders by Supplier Report before continuing. Ok to continue? >вɹתϣڼ֮ǰӡһݰӦ̱IJɹȷҪ :All purchase orders will be converted. You may wish to print the Purchase Orders by Supplier Report before continuing. Ok to continue? >תвɹϣڼ֮ǰӡһݰӦ̱IJɹȷҪ :All records are ready to be posted >м¼׼ù :All records are valid >м¼Ч :All records on log file >־ļеȫ¼ :All role information >ְϢ :All role information for role '%1' has been deleted >ɾְ '%1' ְϢ :All routes >· :All routes and elements will be deleted for this bill even if current shipments exist. Delete this Bill? >ʹڵǰˣ˵·ߺҪԾɾ :All sales order quotes for this customer will be deleted. Ok to continue? >ɾΪ˿ͻṩ۶ۡȷҪ :All selected stock codes have been added successfully >ѳɹѡĿ :All selected transactions reconciled in previous month %1 will be set to unreconciled >ϸ %1 ʵѡ׾Ϊδ :All selected transactions reconciled in the current month will be set to unreconciled >ڱѽѡ׾Ϊδ :All stock codes >ȫ :All stock items >пƷ :All tasks for this group are now complete >־ :All the contacts that are linked to the Account will now be added to the Supplier >˻ϵ˾ӵӦ :All the contacts that are linked to the Account, will now be added to the Customer >ӵʻϵ˾ͻ :All the directories in this path must already exist >ڴ·еĿ¼Ѵ :All the directories in this path, except the last, must already exist >һ¼⣬ڴ·еĿ¼Ѵ :All the requirements for the Real time GL conversion have been met >ʵʱ GL תҪ :All the transactions you have created will be discarded. Do you wish to continue? >нסϣ :All transactions >ȫ :All unused codes >δʹô :All unused non-stocked codes >дδùķǿƷ :All user interface settings >û :All values are in local currency >еֵԵػΪλ :All values have been distributed.Ok to save GL Distribution? >ѷмֵȷҪ GL ? :All warehouse transfers should be cleared before switching on the Goods in Transit facility. The transfer conversion program will assist to clear warehouse transfers if they exist. The program might take a while, do you wish to continue? >ڴ;Ʒ֮ǰӦеIJֿתơתת򽫰ֿתƣڣ :All warehouse with a costing method of FIFO will be ignored >о߱ FIFO ɱ㷽IJֿ :All warehouses >ȫֿ :All warehouses included >вֿ :All warehouses with a costing method of FIFO will be ignored >вȳ (FIFO) ɱ㷽IJֿ :All work centers >й :All workflow settings >й :All years > :Alloc to S/O >۶ :Alloc to WIP >ڽеҵ :Alloc to sales orders >۶ :Alloc. to WIP >WIP :Alloc. to s/order >۶ :Allocate a Range of Serial Numbers >кķΧ :Allocate automatically >Զ :Allocate check numbers >֧Ʊ :Allocate licenses >֤ :Allocate new check numbers >֧Ʊ :Allocate on request > :Allocate serial numbers only allowed when release from the ship quantity selected >ֻѡװʱϵк :Allocate stock to selected scheduled orders (processed for a specific date in future, or where different delivery dates were requested) >䵽ѡų̶ (Ϊδijضڽдͬڵ) :Allocate to Job >䵽 :Allocated >ѷ̯ :Allocated Invoice Number Criteria >䷢Ʊ׼ :Allocated Invoice Number Query >䷢Ʊѯ :Allocated Invoice Numbers >䷢Ʊ :Allocated amount > :Allocated bin quantity must match quantity to be adjusted/expensed '%1' >IJֿƷ '%1' :Allocated bin quantity must match transaction quantity '%1' >IJֿ뽻 '%1' :Allocated by operator >Ա :Allocated by program > :Allocated date > :Allocated date selection >ѡ :Allocated dates > :Allocated lot quantity must match transaction quantity '%1' >뽻 '%1' :Allocated lot tracking quantity for the component is less than the unit quantity required '%1' >ΪθСĵλ '%1' :Allocated lot tracking quantity for the component must match the outstanding quantity '%1' >Ϊθδ '%1' :Allocated mass > load mass >ѷ > װ :Allocated operator >Ա :Allocated operator selection >Աѡ :Allocated serial quantity must match transaction quantity '%1' >ϵ뽻 '%1' :Allocated serial tracking quantity for the component is less than the unit quantity required '%1' >ΪϵиСĵλ '%1' :Allocated serial tracking quantity for the component must match the outstanding quantity '%1' >Ϊϵиδ '%1' :Allocated time >ʱ :Allocated to WIP >䵽 WIP :Allocated to sales orders >䵽۶ :Allocated value >ѷֵ :Allocated volume > load volume > > װ :Allocation '%1' cannot be deleted as the value issued does not equal zero >Ϊǩֵ㣬˷ '%1' ɾ :Allocation '%1' cannot be deleted or updated as it is complete >Ϊɣ˷ '%1' ɾ :Allocation Complete > :Allocation Error > :Allocation Lot/Serial Reservation >Σϵб :Allocation Maintenance >ά :Allocation details >分配明细 :Allocation does not exist >䲻 :Allocation graph >分配图表 :Allocation line > :Allocation line no >б :Allocation line number >к :Allocation must precede '%1' in XML instance >XMLʵбλ '%1' ֮ǰ :Allocation of loads in Sales Order Entry >۶еװط :Allocation of loads in Sales Order Entry/Dispatches >۶/еغɷ :Allocation requiring substitution >Ҫķ :Allocations > :Allocations - Labor > - Ͷ :Allocations - Material > - :Allocations - Operations > - :Allocations - Subcontract > - ְͬ :Allocations Hierarchy > :Allocations alert > :Allocations for Stock Code > :Allocations not yet completed, and back orders are not allowed. The line has been cancelled >δɣҲʹڽȡ :Allocations to issue >з :Allocations/components/service charges/packaging required. Press Ctrl+R to proceed >分配/部件/服务费/包装要求必填。按 Ctrl+R 可继续 :Allow > :Allow Access > :Allow Access To Module >ģ :Allow Access to All Configured Operations >ò :Allow Access to All structures >允许访问所有结构 :Allow Access to all Programs >г :Allow All >ȫ? :Allow Changes to Operation Times >IJʱ :Allow Discount >ۿ :Allow Drag >϶ :Allow Edit >༭ :Allow Labor >Ͷ :Allow MRP to reschedule due date >MRP±ŵ :Allow MRP to reschedule goods in transit due dates > MRP Ŷ;лﵽ :Allow Non-stocked >δ :Allow P/O >ɹ :Allow PO > PO :Allow SCT for non-transfer supplied warehouses >SCTʹ÷תƻԴֿ :Allow SCT for non-transfer supplied wh >ת˹Ӧֿ SCT :Allow Sales > :Allow Scroll >ҳ :Allow Stocked >ѿ :Allow Subcontract >ְͬ :Allow Updates > :Allow Zoom > :Allow access (F6) >(F6) :Allow access to all >ȫ :Allow access to all customers belonging to >пͻ? :Allow access to customers in list >беĿͻ :Allow access to product classes in list >беIJƷȼ :Allow access to root level >ʸ :Allow activity purge > :Allow addition of superseded components > :Allow additional requisition users >빺û :Allow all children > :Allow alternate lots/serials than reserved for allocation >滻ΣϵУDZڷ :Allow alternate lots/serials than reserved for parent >滻ΣϵУDZ :Allow alternate stock >ѡ :Allow alternate warehouses >ѡֿ :Allow backflush of bought out items >⹺Ŀ :Allow bin transfers if lot is on hold >ιת :Allow blank >允许空白 :Allow blank ledger code for non-stocked >հ׷ʴڷǿ :Allow blank price list codes >ʹÿհ׼۸б :Allow branch overwrite in payment and adjustment >允许分支在付款和调整中覆盖 :Allow change of ID >ID :Allow change of ledger code in backflushing >ʱķʴ :Allow change of location >Ŀλ :Allow change to description for stocked items >ԿƷ˵ĸ :Allow changes at estimate level >Ͻи :Allow changes at quotation level >ڱۼϽи :Allow changes to date of query >IJѯ :Allow changes to expiry date >ʧЧ :Allow changes to operation times on existing jobs >ҵʱĸ :Allow changes to status %1 orders when import status is %2 >״̬Ϊ%2ʱ״̬ %1 :Allow changes to status 4 orders when import status is 8 >״̬Ϊ8״̬4 :Allow changes to tax and GST codes for stocked items >ڿƷ˰պһӪҵ˰(GST) :Allow changes to tax code for stocked items >ĿƷ˰մ :Allow clicking within preview >Ԥʱ :Allow concurrent use of this operator >ͬʱʹô˲Ա :Allow contact purge >ϵ :Allow cosmetic changes >允许外观更改 :Allow creation from sales order review >۶д :Allow creation of bins when processing inventory transactions >ڼ :Allow creation of reqn from sales order review >۶鴴? :Allow entry of cost markup/profit margin % >ɱǣ :Allow entry/maintenance of exchange rate >ʵ룯ά :Allow for automatic removal of completed lines when purging >ʱԶɾ :Allow forecasts outside of period to be depleted >Ԥ :Allow foreign payments to be made to a local currency customer >򱾵ػû :Allow incomplete shipment lines to be designated as ready for archiving >бָΪ뵵 :Allow inline editing >ڱ༭ :Allow interrupt >ж :Allow issue to completed labor allocs >允许签发到已完成劳动力分配 :Allow issue to completed material allocations >ǩδɲϷ :Allow issue to completed material allocs >ǩɲϷ :Allow issue to completed materials >ǩɵIJ :Allow issues from multiple lots >Ӷǩ :Allow kits with shortages to be issued >ǩȱ׼ :Allow lines with zero price to be attached to a shipment >۸иӵ :Allow login override when company logins prevented >˾¼ֹʱǵ¼ :Allow maint. if not current holder >ǵǰߣά :Allow maintenance if not current holder >ǵǰˣά :Allow maintenance of completed purchase orders >ɲɹά :Allow maintenance of delivery address >άַ :Allow manual >ֶ :Allow manual action for status code >״ֶ̬ :Allow manual additions of affected items >ֹӰƷ :Allow manual cancellation of structure changes >˹ȡṹ :Allow manual change of date available >˹Ŀ :Allow manual change of description >˹˵ :Allow manual change of responsible user >˹ĸû :Allow manual confirmation of structure changes >˹ýṹ :Allow manual enabling of structure maintenance >˹ýṹά :Allow manual locks to be applied >˹ :Allow manual release of locks >˹ͷ :Allow manual unsetting of ECC control >˹ȡECC :Allow multiple invoices per credit/debit settlement note >ÿݴ/㵥߱ݷƱ :Allow multiple lots > :Allow multiple people to use this operator concurrently >ͬʱʹñ :Allow multiple products >Ʒ :Allow negative quantities for sales orders >۶ :Allow negative receipt when GRN matched >GRNƥʱʹøվ :Allow negative values >允许负值 :Allow non-sequential entries >˳ :Allow non-stocked items >ʹ÷ǿƷ :Allow operation split flag >ָ :Allow operation to end earlier than prior operation >ǰһ :Allow operator override >Ա :Allow operator override in A/R payments >A/RеIJԱ :Allow operator override in AR payments >Ա AR к :Allow operators to login to IMPACT? >Ա¼IMPACT :Allow operators to login to SYSPRO? >Ա¼SYSPRO :Allow operators to login to this company >Ա¼˾ :Allow override > :Allow override at runtime >ʱ :Allow override of generated fields >ֶ :Allow overwrite branch >允许覆盖分支 :Allow past due forecasts to be depleted >Ԥ :Allow purge > :Allow qty changes to optional components >Ŀѡ :Allow receipts against expired lots >ƾջ :Allow reduction of tax base when inclusive codes exist >ڰԴ룬ٿ˰ :Allow remove column >允许删除列栏 :Allow replenishment > :Allow review in order entry >ڶи :Allow role layout design >ְ𲼾 :Allow run time selection >ʱѡ :Allow runtime selection >ʱѡ :Allow same number for different customers >ͬͻʹͬ :Allow selection of global promotions from edit in Sales Order Entry >۶еı༭ѡȫ :Allow spaces in field >ֶڿո :Allow spaces or zeros >ո :Allow spaces/zeroes >ո/ֵ :Allow stock code to exist in non-stocked table >允许非库存表中存在库存代码 :Allow substitution in kit issues >ڷй߰ʱ滻 :Allow substitution of lots/serials for components >滻Σϵ :Allow substitution of lots/serials for parent >滻Σϵ :Allow tax entry for foreign currency suppliers >ҹӦ̵˰ :Allow this section > :Allow to close a counter sale without making a payment >δ¹رչ̨ :Allow to overpay invoice >֧Ʊ :Allow to review s/orders >۶ :Allow unlimited login attempts >޴ε¼ :Allow updates in this report >ڱִи :Allow when inclusive tax exists >˰ʱ :Allow zero expiry date >ʧЧ :Allow zero qty > :Allowable numeric format >允许的数字格式 :Allowance percent >ٷֱ :Allowed > :Allowed - GL integration check > - ʼɼ :Allowed - no GL integration check > - ʼɼ :Allowed List >б :Allowed List - A/P branch >б - Ӧʿ(A/P)֧ :Allowed List - A/R branch >б - Ӧʿ(A/R)֧ :Allowed List - AP branch >б - Ӧʿ(AP)֧ :Allowed List - AR branch >б - Ӧʿ(AR)֧ :Allowed List - Account type >б - ʻ :Allowed List - Bank >б - :Allowed List - Contact category %1 >б - ϵ %1 :Allowed List - Contact class >б - ϵ˼ :Allowed List - Contact class %1 >б - ϵ˼ %1 :Allowed List - Contact property >б - ϵ :Allowed List - Contact property %1 >б - ϵ %1 :Allowed List - Contact territory >б - ϵ˵ :Allowed List - Contact type >б - ϵ :Allowed List - Job classification >б - ҵ :Allowed List - Warehouse >б - ֿ :Allowed to change company date >Ĺ˾ :Allowed to change temporary company date >ʱ˾ :Allowed to edit group menu >༭˵ :Allowed to import from client >ӿͻ :Allowed to logout users >עû :Allowed to upload files to the server >ϴļ :Allowing the same invoice number for different customers will remove the contents of the AR Invoice Reference table. OK to continue? >ͬͻͬƱ뽫ɾ AR ƱοݡȷҪ? :Allows SYSPRO customers to exchange documents and forms a key part of facilitating collaborative commerce > SYSPRO ĿͻĵγɴٽҵЭҪ :Allows you to add, remove and select schedules that will be attached to this job >ӡɾѡ񽫸ӵų :Allows you to enter a reason for locking the Site. This reason is displayed to operators attempting to log into this Site. This value can later be changed from the Site Maintenance program >վԭ򡣴ԭԵ¼վIJԱʾֵվάи :Allows you to filter KeyId information >Կ Id Ϣ :Allows you to filter data in the report to only show certain records >ڱйݣԽʾض¼ :Allows you to print the script infomation >ӡűϢ :Allows you to select from a list of SYSPRO operators, that have already been set up as Analytics users, those operators that will be able to use this site >SYSPROԱѡѱΪAnalyticsûЩԱʹôվ :Allows you to select from the list of companies enabled for the selected site. The job will extract data for each company selected >ΪѡվõĹ˾бѡ񡣴˹Ϊѡÿһҹ˾ȡ :Allows you to select the SYSPRO operators that will have access to this site. The operators must already have been set up as Analytics users >ѡ񽫾߱վȨ SYSPRO ԱԱѱΪ Analytics û :Allows you to select the cubes that will be updated by this job. One or more cubes must be selected >ѡɴ˹иµͼѡһͼ :Allows you to select the list of Analysis objects that will be process by this job. One or more analysis objects must be selected >ѡɴ˹дķбѡһ :Allows you to select the list of SYSPRO companies that will be enabled for this site. The companies must be enabled in Company maintenance before you will be able to perform Analysis on them >ѡΪվõ SYSPRO ˾бܹǽз֮ǰ˾ڹ˾ά :Allows you to specify additional options when exporting the report >允许您在导出报告时指定其他选项 :Allows you to specify the Analytics Server, Site description, initial locked status and Date dimension range of the Site >ָվ Analytics վʼ״̬άȷΧ :Allows you to specify the SQL server and authentication method for the server that will host the Analytics SQL database >Ϊ Analytics SQL ݿṩķָ SQL ֤ :Allows you to specify the initial date range for this Site's Date dimension range. These values can later be changed from the Site Maintenance program >ΪվάȷΧָʼڷΧЩֵվάи :Allows you to specify the initial ending date for this Site's Date dimension range. This value can later be changed from the Site Maintenance program >ΪվάȷΧָʼڡֵվάи :Allows you to specify the initial starting date for this Site's Date dimension range. This value can later be changed from the Site Maintenance program >ΪվάȷΧָʼʼڡֵվάи :Allows you to specify the name, description and category of the SQL job as well as the type of build and build options >ָ SQL ơԼͺ͹ѡ :Allows you to specify the site that this job will be linked to >ָ˹ӵվ :Allows you to specify the steps that will be added to the job >ָӵ˹IJ :Allows you to test and validate the connection to the SQL server >Բ֤ SQL :Alpha >Alpha :Alpha Operation >Alpha :Alpha selection >Alpha ѡ :Alpha value >Alpha ֵ :Alpha value from >Alpha ֵ :Alpha value to >Alpha ֵ :Alphanumeric >ĸֵ :Alphanumeric field invalid >ĸֶЧ :Alphanumeric value must have '%1' element >ĸֵ߱ '%1' Ҫ :Already Exists >Ѵ :Already assigned to a shipment >ָ :Already attached as a sub job against master job '%1' >Ϊҵ '%1' ҵ :Already attached to a shipment >Ѹڻ :Already exported >ѵ :Already in stock >ڲֿ :Already on file >ļ :Already reconciled >Ѷ :Already sold >۳ :Already unreconciled >δ :Also add inventory supplier cross-reference? >ͬʱӿ湩Ӧ̶ :Alt %1 >滻 %1 :Alt %1 Depreciation code > %1 ۾ɴ :Alt %1 depreciation this YTD > YTD %1 ۾ :Alt %1 depreciation this period >ڱ %1 ۾ :Alt %1 value > %1 ֵ :Alt Code >滻 :Alt Currency Journal Entries for Journal >ռʵ滻ռ :Alt Stock Codes >滻 :Alt Suppliers >滻Ӧ :Alt Val %1 >üƼ %1 :Alt Val %1 History >ֵ %1 ¼ :Alt Val %1 accumulated dep >üƼ %1 ۼ۾ :Alt Val %1 asset cost >üƼ %1 ʲɱ :Alt Val %1 last year dep >üƼ %1 ۾ :Alt Val %1 this year dep >üƼ %1 ۾ :Alt Valuations >油 :Alt key >滻 :Alt key may not be present on all orders >Կóж :Alt selection >ѡ :Alt to Stocking factor >滻Ϊϵ :Alt to Stocking factor code >存货因子代码的替代 :Alt val %1 depreciation details >ֵ %1 ۾ϸ :Alt valuation %1 >滻 %1 :Alt valuation %1 acquisition value is zero. Do you want to continue? >ùֵ %1 չֵΪ㡣ϣ? :Alt valuation %1 depreciation details >üƼ %1 ۾ϸ :Alt. Stock >滻 :Alt. Warehouse >滻ֿ? :Alternate >滻 :Alternate %1 >滻 %1 :Alternate %1 depreciation details >备用 %1 折旧明细 :Alternate Bin Location >滻λ :Alternate Currencies >滻 :Alternate Currency >油 :Alternate Currency Journal Entries >滻ռ :Alternate Currency Journal Header >滻ռʱͷ :Alternate Currency Revaluation >ûҹֵ :Alternate Currency Valuation >滻ҼƼ :Alternate Currency journals >滻ռ :Alternate Delivery Address Maintenance >滻ַά? :Alternate Delivery Addresses >תַ :Alternate Delivery Addresses Maintenance >ýַά :Alternate Index Setup >滻 :Alternate Key Setup >滻ؼ :Alternate Password >滻 :Alternate Reporting Currency >ñ :Alternate Stock >滻 :Alternate Stock Code Error >滻 :Alternate Stock Code Maintenance >ÿά :Alternate Stock Codes >ת :Alternate Stock Codes (by Group) >滻루飩 :Alternate Stock Codes for Stock Code >滻 :Alternate Stock Query >ÿѯ :Alternate Supp >滻Ӧ :Alternate Supplier >ת :Alternate Supplier Report >滻Ӧ̱ :Alternate Suppliers >תĹ :Alternate Suppliers Maintenance >ùӦά :Alternate Suppliers for Stock Code >滻Ӧ :Alternate UM >油λ :Alternate UOM >滻λ(UOM) :Alternate Unit of Measure >滻λ :Alternate Unit of Measure Conversion Factor >滻λת :Alternate Valuation >ùֵ :Alternate Warehouse >油ֿ :Alternate budget %1 >滻Ԥ %1 :Alternate budget %1 for G/L code >(G/L)滻Ԥ %1 :Alternate budget %1 for GL code >(GL)滻Ԥ %1 :Alternate currencies clear zero balances must be selected for the year end function >滻ƽְܻ :Alternate currency indicator >ûָʾ :Alternate currency jnl >滻ռ :Alternate data path >备有数据路径 :Alternate index not on file >滻 :Alternate key >ת :Alternate key %1 >滻 %1 :Alternate key %1 %2 Active orders >滻 %1 %2 Ч :Alternate key %1 %2 Alternate key >滻 %1 %2 滻 :Alternate key %1 %2 Branch >滻 %1 %2 ֧ :Alternate key %1 %2 Co-product line >滻 %1 %2 ͬƷ :Alternate key %1 %2 Customer >滻 %1 %2 ͻ :Alternate key %1 %2 Customer class >滻 %1 %2 ͻȼ :Alternate key %1 %2 Customer p/o no >滻 %1 %2 ͻɹ :Alternate key %1 %2 EDI sender code >滻 %1 %2 ֽó(EDI)˴ :Alternate key %1 %2 Full name >滻 %1 %2ȫ :Alternate key %1 %2 Geographic area >滻 %1 %2 :Alternate key %1 %2 Inter Wh Sale >滻 %1 %2 ֿ :Alternate key %1 %2 Job >滻 %1 %2 ҵ :Alternate key %1 %2 Lot and Ref number >滻 %1 %2 κͲο :Alternate key %1 %2 Salesperson >滻 %1 %2 Ա :Alternate key %1 %2 Short name >滻 %1 %2 д :Alternate key %1 %2 Stock code/wh >滻 %1 %2 룯ֿ :Alternate key %1 %2 Telephone number >滻 %1 %2 绰 :Alternate key %1 - Active jobs >滻 %1 - Чҵ :Alternate key %1 - Active orders >滻 %1 - Ч :Alternate key %1 - Alternate key >滻 %1 - 滻 :Alternate key %1 - Alternate key %2 >滻 %1 - 滻%2 :Alternate key %1 - Asset capex number >滻 %1 - ʲʱ֧ :Alternate key %1 - Branch >滻 %1 - ֧ :Alternate key %1 - Capex >滻 %1 - ʱ֧ :Alternate key %1 - Capex number >滻 %1 - ʱ֧ :Alternate key %1 - Capex of asset >滻 %1 - ʲʱ֧ :Alternate key %1 - Catalogue number >滻 %1 - Ŀ¼ :Alternate key %1 - Co-product >滻 %1 - ͬƷ :Alternate key %1 - Component >滻 %1 - :Alternate key %1 - Contract number >滻 %1 - ͬ :Alternate key %1 - Credited order >滻 %1 - õ :Alternate key %1 - Customer >滻 %1 - ͻ :Alternate key %1 - Customer class >滻 %1 - ͻȼ :Alternate key %1 - Customer p/o no >滻 %1 - ͻɹ :Alternate key %1 - Date created >滻 %1 - Ѵ :Alternate key %1 - Description >滻 %1 - ˵ :Alternate key %1 - Detail Type >滻 %1 - ϸ :Alternate key %1 - Detail status >Կ %1 - ״̬ :Alternate key %1 - Due date >滻 %1 - :Alternate key %1 - EDI Receiver code >滻 %1 - ֽó(EDI)ռ˴ :Alternate key %1 - EDI sender code >滻 %1 - ֽó(EDI)˴ :Alternate key %1 - Entry type >Կ %1 - Ŀ :Alternate key %1 - File code >滻 %1 - ļ :Alternate key %1 - Forecast batch >滻 %1 - Ԥ :Alternate key %1 - Form >滻 %1 - :Alternate key %1 - Full name >滻 %1 - ȫ :Alternate key %1 - G/L Description >滻 %1 - (G/L)˵ :Alternate key %1 - G/L Group >滻 %1 - (G/L) :Alternate key %1 - G/L Index %2 >滻 %1 - (G/L)%2 :Alternate key %1 - GL Description >滻 %1 - (GL)˵ :Alternate key %1 - GL Group >滻 %1 - (GL) :Alternate key %1 - GL Index %2 >滻 %1 - (GL)%2 :Alternate key %1 - Geographic area >滻 %1 - :Alternate key %1 - Government id >Կ %1 - id :Alternate key %1 - Group >滻 %1 - :Alternate key %1 - Hierarchical order >滻 %1 - ζ :Alternate key %1 - ID code >滻 %1 - ID :Alternate key %1 - Initial line >滻 %1 - ʼ :Alternate key %1 - Inter Wh Sale >滻 %1 - ֿ :Alternate key %1 - Invoice >滻 %1 - Ʊ :Alternate key %1 - Issue date & line >Կ %1 - ǩں :Alternate key %1 - Issue date/Line >滻 %1 - ǩڣ :Alternate key %1 - Job >滻 %1 - ҵ :Alternate key %1 - Job classification >滻 %1 - ҵּ :Alternate key %1 - Job number >滻 %1 - ҵ :Alternate key %1 - Journal source >Կ %1 - ռԴ :Alternate key %1 - Last receipt date >Կ %1 - ϴջ :Alternate key %1 - Location & G/L >滻 %1 - λú(G/L) :Alternate key %1 - Location & GL >滻 %1 - λú(GL) :Alternate key %1 - Location & group >滻 %1 - λú :Alternate key %1 - Long description >滻 %1 - :Alternate key %1 - Lot & stock code >Կ %1 - κͿ :Alternate key %1 - Lot serial >Կ %1 - ϵ :Alternate key %1 - Lot/GRN number >滻 %1 - Σջ(GRN) :Alternate key %1 - Lot/Stock code >滻 %1 - Σ :Alternate key %1 - Manufacturer >滻 %1 - :Alternate key %1 - Manufacturer part >滻 %1 - :Alternate key %1 - Network user name >滻 %1 - û :Alternate key %1 - Operation >滻 %1 - :Alternate key %1 - Operation offset >滻 %1 - ƫ :Alternate key %1 - Operator >滻 %1 - Ա :Alternate key %1 - Operator changed >滻 %1 - ĵIJԱ :Alternate key %1 - P/order & line >滻 %1 - ɹ :Alternate key %1 - Parent job >滻 %1 - ҵ :Alternate key %1 - Parent lot >滻 %1 - :Alternate key %1 - Parent serial >滻 %1 - ϵ :Alternate key %1 - Product class >滻 %1 - Ʒȼ :Alternate key %1 - Promotion Key >滻 %1 - :Alternate key %1 - Purchase order >滻 %1 - ɹ :Alternate key %1 - Requisition number >滻 %1 - 빺 :Alternate key %1 - Requisition status >滻 %1 - 빺״̬ :Alternate key %1 - Responsible User >滻 %1 - û :Alternate key %1 - Retention Cust >滻 %1 - ͻ :Alternate key %1 - Sales order >滻 %1 - ۶ :Alternate key %1 - Sales order & line >滻 %1 - ۶ :Alternate key %1 - Salesperson >滻 %1 - Ա :Alternate key %1 - Sequence number >滻 %1 - :Alternate key %1 - Serial number >滻 %1 - ϵк :Alternate key %1 - Serial, Stock code >滻 %1 - ϵС :Alternate key %1 - Shipment reference >滻 %1 - װ˲ο :Alternate key %1 - Short name >滻 %1 - д :Alternate key %1 - Source warehouse >滻 %1 - Դֿ :Alternate key %1 - Statistical G/L >滻 %1 - ͳ(G/L) :Alternate key %1 - Statistical GL >滻 %1 - ͳ(GL) :Alternate key %1 - Stock and src wh >滻 %1 - Դֿ :Alternate key %1 - Stock and tgt wh >滻 %1 - Ŀֿ :Alternate key %1 - Stock code >滻 %1 - :Alternate key %1 - Stock code & wh >滻 %1 - Ͳֿ :Alternate key %1 - Stock code/Serial >滻 %1 - 룯ϵ :Alternate key %1 - Stock code/wh >滻 %1 - 룯ֿ :Alternate key %1 - Subcontract >滻 %1 - ְ :Alternate key %1 - Supplier >滻 %1 - Ӧ :Alternate key %1 - Supplier name >滻 %1 - Ӧ :Alternate key %1 - Supply chain xfer >Կ %1 - Ӧת :Alternate key %1 - Table description >滻 %1 - :Alternate key %1 - Target warehouse >滻 %1 - Ŀֿ :Alternate key %1 - Telephone number >滻 %1 - 绰 :Alternate key %1 - Transaction Type >滻 %1 - :Alternate key %1 - Transfer sup item >滻 %1 - תƲƷ :Alternate key %1 - Warehouse >滻 %1 - ֿ :Alternate key %1 - Warehouse and bin >Կ %1 - ֿͿ :Alternate key (stock) selection >滻루棩ѡ :Alternate key 1 >ת1 :Alternate key 2 >ת2 :Alternate key for sales order >۶滻 :Alternate key mandatory >滻ǿƹؼ :Alternate key must be entered >滻ؼ :Alternate key required >Ҫʹ滻 :Alternate key selection >Կѡ :Alternate keys >Կ :Alternate operator password >滻Ա :Alternate quantity >滻 :Alternate quotation %1 >滻 %1 :Alternate quote %1 >滻 %1 :Alternate rate > :Alternate routing required >Ҫ滻· :Alternate routings required >Ҫ滻· :Alternate sales order key selection >۶Կѡ :Alternate ship-to-add flag >滻ַ :Alternate stock code >ת :Alternate stock code '%1' must be stocked in the same warehouse '%2' as stock code '%3' >滻 '%1' Ϊ '%3' ͬĿ '%2' :Alternate stock code '%1' not found for stock code '%2' >δҵ '%2' 滻 '%1' :Alternate stock code is not a lot traceable item >滻벻οɸĿ :Alternate stock code is not a serialized item >滻벻ϵлĿ :Alternate stock code is on partial hold. Do you want to continue? >油뱻ֱϣ :Alternate stock code is serialized >ÿϵл :Alternate stock code is the same as the stock code >滻ͬ :Alternate stock code is the same as the stock code and will not be saved >ÿͬ˲ᱻ :Alternate stock code not found >δҵ油 :Alternate stock code only allowed when capture serials at end of WIP inspection selected >ֻѡִҵ(WIP)ִв׽ϵʱ滻 :Alternate stock code only allowed when same lot can be used for multiple stock codes >ֻͬһοڶʱ滻 :Alternate stock key selection >ÿԿѡ :Alternate stock on shortage lines >е滻 :Alternate supplier price >滻Ӧ̼۸ :Alternate u/m >תu/m :Alternate u/m Factor >üλ :Alternate u/m Method >üλ :Alternate u/m Unit >üλλ :Alternate u/m conversion >üλת :Alternate unit characters >备用单位字符 :Alternate unit is the same as stocking unit, and the alternate factor is not %1 >õλ浥λͬұϵΪ %1 :Alternate unit of measure may not be blank >滻λΪհ :Alternate uom conversion >üλת :Alternate uom factor >üλϵ :Alternate uom method >üλ :Alternate uom unit >üλ :Alternate valuation %1 >ֵ %1 :Alternate valuation flags >ùֵ :Alternate valuation selection >üƼѡ :Alternate value %1 >滻ֵ %1 :Alternate value %1 entries before >ǰıֵ %1 Ŀ :Alternate value %1 history before >ǰıֵ %1 ¼ :Alternate wh >滻ֿ :Alternates >油 :Alternating Row Color >滻ɫ :Alternative >油 :Alternative Address >滻ַ :Alternative Currency Setup >ѡĻ :Alternative currencies required >Ҫ滻 :Alternative key order >Կ :Alternative key stock >Կ :Alternative posting currency required >Ҫʻ :Alternative reporting currencies >滻 :Alternative reporting currency information >滻Ϣ :Alternative reporting currency ledger already exists for this currency >滻ҷʶڸûѴ :Alternative reporting currency ledger does not exist for this currency >滻ҷʶڸûҲ :Alternative reporting currency ledgers already exist. Please check either the include, single or single including local selection >滻ҷѴڡ顰򡰰صĵѡ :Alternative reporting currency ledgers already exist. Please check include >滻ҷѴڡ :Alternative reporting currency ledgers already exist. Please check either the include, single or single including local selection >滻ҷѴڡѡĵ :Alternative reporting currency ledgers already exist. Please check include >滻ҷѴڡ :Alternative stock code > :Alternatively, you can choose to delete the Account and only retain the new Customer >⣬ѡɾʻ¿ͻ :Alternatively, you can choose to delete the Account and only retain the new Supplier >ߣѡɾ˻¹Ӧ :Although bank deposit slip details are not required for adjustments certain details are retained on the journal header for any subsequent payments you may wish to process. Do you wish to define the deposit slip details now >дϸҪijЩϸȴռҳüУϣκκϣϸ :Although bank deposit slip details are not required for adjustments certain details are retained on the journal header for any subsequent payments you may wish to process. Do you wish to define the deposit slip details now? >ܵҪдϸǶκں󸶿ȴҪռʱͷбijЩϣϸϣڶϸ :Although defined as a component this stock code is not on file >ܶΪ˿벻 :Although this company is a SQL based company, there are some control files which need to be converted from C-ISAM to SQL. The following window takes you through this migration process >ܴ˹˾һһ SQL Ĺ˾ЩļҪ C-ISAM תΪ SQL´ڽɴǨƹ :Although this company is a SQL based company, there are some control files which need to be converted from ISAM to SQL >ܸù˾һһڽṹԲѯ(SQL)Ĺ˾ijЩļҪISAMʽתΪSQLʽ :Although this company is a SQL based company, there are some control files which need to be converted from ISAM to SQL. The following window takes you through this migration process >ܸù˾һSQLĹ˾ijЩļҪISAMתSQL´ڽָһֲ̡ :Although this company is a SQL based company, there are some control files which need to be converted from ISAM to SQL. The following window takes you through this migration process >ܸù˾һһSQLĹ˾ijЩļҪISAMʽתΪSQLʽ´ڽһֲ :Always >Ҫ :Always ISAM >ISAM :Always Save on 'Enter' in Line Maintenance >άУҪEnter :Always Show Buttons >ʼʾť :Always add myself as an attendee when posting activity against another contact >һϵ˷ʱǽұΪϯ :Always adjust back to source warehouse >ҪԴֿ :Always archive documents to >ʼսĵ鵵 :Always archive report >ʼչ鵵 :Always copy >Ǹ :Always expense partial receipts >Ϊվݷ :Always round tax up >Ҫ˰ :Always save report options >ʼձ汨ѡ :Always use ribbon >ʼʹɫ :Always use toolbar >ʼʹù :Amended dispatch note print required >Ҫӡ޶ķ :Amendment >޶ :Amendment Journal > :Amendment Journal Printing in Progress >ִ޶ռʴӡҵ :Amendment Journal in Progress >ڽ޶ռ :Amendment Journals >޶ռ :Amendment journals not being retained >δ޶ռ :Amendment journals not being retained. Program cancelled >δ޶ռʡȡ :Amendment journals required >Ҫ޶ռ :Amount > :Amount %1 to %2 days > %1 %2 :Amount (local) >أ :Amount - > :Amount - Foreign > C :Amount - Local > - :Amount Subject to Discount >ۿۺ :Amount applied >Ӧý :Amount cannot be greater than remaining amount >ɴ :Amount cannot be zeroes >Ϊ :Amount must be greater than zero > :Amount not refunded >δ˻ :Amount over %1 days > %1 :Amount over limit > :Amount refunded >˻ :Amount scrapped >报废金额 :Amount selection >ѡ :Amount subject to >? :Amount subject to discount cannot exceed transaction amount >ṩۿۺĽɳ׽ :Amount to Offset > :Amount to apply >Ӧý :Amount to apply is greater than the deposit amount for this line. Would you like to apply automatically? >ҪӦõĽڴеĴϣԶӦ :Amount to contra >ͬ :Amount to unapply is greater than the allocated amount for this line. Would you like to unapply automatically? >ҪӦõĽڴеķϣԶӦ :Amount type > :Amounts > :An '%1' string containing series and points to populate the graph. See the Samples in the Graph templates for the '%2' format >要填充表的含系列和点的 '%1' 字符串。请参见图表模板中 '%2' 格式的样式 :An Administrator operator called 'ADMIN' will be automatically added >ԶΪӳΪADMINĹԱ :An EFT number of %1 is invalid >%1 EFT Ч :An EFT number of %1 is invalid. Use the Bank Setup to update the field >%1 EFT Чʹÿɸֶ :An EFT number of 0 is invalid >0ת(EFT)Ч :An EFT number of 0 is invalid. Use the Bank Setup to update the field >0ת(EFT)Чʹø´ֶ :An XML string to populate the list view with XML elements associated with the '%1' as defined in the variable '%2' >要填充列表视图的 XML 字符串,该列表视图具备与如在变量 '%2' 中所定义 '%1' 关联的 XML 元素 :An XSL stylesheet will be used to create the HTML page >ʹXSLʽHTMLҳ :An action must be selected >ѡ :An activity already exists with the Contact Id %1 Start Date %2 and Start Time %3 >߱ϵ(Id) %1 ʼ%2 Ϳʼʱ %3 ĻѴ :An activity already exists with the Contact Id '%1' Start Date '%2' and Start Time '%3' >߱ϵId '%1' ʼ'%2' Ϳʼʱ '%3' ĻѴ :An allocation line number is required as more than one allocation attached to the master job matches the contents of the sub job >ҵӵһϵķҵҪʹ÷к :An alphanumeric field may not be greater than %1 characters long >ĸֶβó %1 ַ :An element name was started with an invalid character '%1', near '%2' >'%2' ʼ˵Чַ '%1' Ҫ :An error has occured >ѷ :An error has occurre >ѷ :An error has occurred >ѷ :An error has occurred in your script >Ľűѷ :An error has occurred on this stock code which has been rejected >˿ѷѱܾ :An error message was detected >⵽Ϣ :An error occured while adding this contract >Ӵ˺ͬʱ :An error occured while retiring the workflow. Would you like to forceably retire it? >˹ʱϣǿƳ? :An error occurred adding the step '%1' to job '%2' > '%1' ӵ '%2' ʱ :An error occurred checking if the database '%1' exists >ݿ '%1' Ƿʱ :An error occurred checking the SQL database '%1' > SQL ݿ '%1' ʱ :An error occurred converting an archive control files >תļʱ :An error occurred creating the Analytics Stage table control records in database '%1' >ݿ '%1' д Analytics ׶αƼ¼ʱ :An error occurred creating the OLAP database '%1' > OLAP ݿ '%1' ʱ :An error occurred creating the SQL database '%1' > SQL ݿ '%1' ʱ :An error occurred creating the SSIS package for table '%1' >Ϊ '%1' SSIS ʱ :An error occurred creating the details for company '%1' >˾ '%1' ʱ :An error occurred creating the job '%1' on SQL server '%2' > SQL '%2' ϴ '%1' ʱ :An error occurred creating the new template based on the existing one you selected >ѡģ崴ģʱ :An error occurred creating the staging table '%1' >ֶα '%1' ʱ :An error occurred deleting the book '%1' >ɾ˲ '%1' ʱ :An error occurred deleting the category '%1' from book '%2' >˲ '%2' ɾ '%1' ʱ :An error occurred deleting the company information for site '%1' >Ϊվ '%1' ɾ˾Ϣʱ :An error occurred deleting the operator information for site '%1' >Ϊվ '%1' ɾԱϢʱ :An error occurred deleting the server '%1' >ɾ '%1' ʱ :An error occurred deleting the views for category '%1' >Ϊ '%1' ɾͼʱ :An error occurred during the copy phase of the snapshot. Do you wish to view extended SQL information? >ӡ׶ڼ䷢??鿴չSQLϢ :An error occurred during the copy phase of the snapshot. Do you wish to view extended SQL information >ƿʱϣ鿴չ SQL Ϣ :An error occurred inserting default values for company '%1' >Ϊ˾ '%1' Ĭֵʱ :An error occurred inserting default values for operator code '%1' >ΪԱ '%1' Ĭֵʱ :An error occurred inserting the Orphan records into database '%1' for company '%2' >Ϊ˾ '%2' ݿ '%1' Orphan ¼ʱ :An error occurred loading the settings for the '%1' control >Ϊ '%1' Ƽʱ :An error occurred logging into Analytics > Analytics м¼ʱ :An error occurred retrieving the Companies per Site details >վ˾ʱ :An error occurred retrieving the Company details for Site '%1' >Ϊվ '%1' ˾ʱ :An error occurred retrieving the Site database company details for company '%1' >Ϊ˾ '%1' վݿ⹫˾ʱ :An error occurred retrieving the current user's general settings >ǰûʱ :An error occurred retrieving the current user's main form settings >ǰûʱ :An error occurred retrieving the current user's viewer settings >ǰûIJ鿴ʱ :An error occurred retrieving the date dimension details for site '%1' >Ϊվ '%1' άʱ :An error occurred retrieving the details for analysis object '%1' >Ϊ '%1' ʱ :An error occurred retrieving the details for book '%1' >Ϊ˲ '%1' ʱ :An error occurred retrieving the details for company '%1' >˾ '%1' ʱ :An error occurred retrieving the details for job '%1' >Ϊ '%1' ʱ :An error occurred retrieving the details for operator '%1' >ΪԱ '%1' ʱ :An error occurred retrieving the fiscal period dimension details for site '%1' >Ϊվ '%1' άʱ :An error occurred retrieving the history for job '%1' >Ϊ '%1' ¼ʱ :An error occurred retrieving the information for book id '%1' >Ϊʲid '%1' Ϣʱ :An error occurred retrieving the latest Site version >վ汾ʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list Cubes for the analysis object '%1' >Ϊ '%1' бͼʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list Definitions for the Template '%1' >Ϊģ '%1' бʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list Dimensions for the analysis object '%1' >Ϊ '%1' бߴʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of Analysis objects for cube '%1' >Ϊͼ '%1' бʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of Books for Operator '%1' >ΪԱ '%1' ˲бʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of Books for Site '%1' >Ϊվ '%1' ˲бʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of Categories for Book '%1' >Ϊ˲ '%1' бʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of Cubes >ͼбʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of Cubes for Operator '%1' >ΪԱ '%1' ͼбʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of Diagnostics >бʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of Dimensions for cube '%1' >Ϊͼ '%1' ߴбʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of Global Variables >ȫֱбʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of OLAP databases on Analysis Services server '%1' > '%1' ϵ OLAP ݿбʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of SQL Server schedules > SQL ųбʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of SQL Server schedules for job '%1' >Ϊ '%1' SQL ųбʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of SQL Servers > SQL бʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of SYSPRO Analytics Analysis Objects > SYSPRO Analytics бʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of SYSPRO Analytics Companies > SYSPRO Analytics ˾бʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of SYSPRO Analytics Cubes > SYSPRO Analytics ͼбʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of SYSPRO Analytics Dimensions > SYSPRO Analytics ߴбʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of SYSPRO Analytics Operators > SYSPRO Analytics Աбʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of SYSPRO Analytics Servers > SYSPRO Analytics бʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of SYSPRO Analytics Sites > SYSPRO Analytics վбʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of SYSPRO Analytics Templates > SYSPRO Analytics ģбʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of Sites for Operator '%1' >ΪԱ '%1' վбʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of Templates for Operator '%1' >ΪԱ '%1' ģбʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of Views for Category '%1' of Book '%2' >Ϊ˲ '%2' '%1' ͼбʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of Windows NT Servers > Windows NT бʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of collations on SQL server '%1' > SQL '%1' ϵУбʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of databases on SQL server '%1' > SQL '%1' ϵݿбʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of jobs for SQL Server '%1' >Ϊ SQL '%1' бʱ :An error occurred retrieving the list of steps for Job '%1' >Ϊ '%1' бʱ :An error occurred retrieving the load stored procedures for cube '%1' >Ϊͼ '%1' غɴ洢ʱ :An error occurred retrieving the operator details for site '%1' >Ϊվ '%1' Աʱ :An error occurred retrieving the site details for site '%1' >Ϊվ '%1' վʱ :An error occurred running the '%1' SQL script against the the '%2' database > '%2' ݿ '%1' SQL űʱ :An error occurred saving the Book details for operator '%1' >ΪԱ '%1' ˲ʱ :An error occurred saving the Company details for Site '%1' >Ϊվ '%1' 湫˾ʱ :An error occurred saving the Cube details for analysis object '%1' >Ϊ '%1' ͼʱ :An error occurred saving the Cube details for operator '%1' >ΪԱ '%1' ͼʱ :An error occurred saving the Dimension details for analysis object '%1' >Ϊ '%1' άʱ :An error occurred saving the Template details for operator '%1' >ΪԱ '%1' ģʱ :An error occurred saving the book '%1' >˲ '%1' ʱ :An error occurred saving the category '%1' for book '%2' >Ϊ˲ '%2' '%1' ʱ :An error occurred saving the company information for site '%1' >Ϊվ '%1' 湫˾Ϣʱ :An error occurred saving the details for analysis object '%1' >Ϊ '%1' ʱ :An error occurred saving the details for company '%1' >湫˾ '%1' ʱ :An error occurred saving the details for job '%1' >Ϊ '%1' ʱ :An error occurred saving the details for operator '%1' >Ա '%1' ʱ :An error occurred saving the fiscal period information for site '%1' >Ϊվ '%1' Ϣʱ :An error occurred saving the operator cube information for site '%1' >Ϊվ '%1' ԱͼϢʱ :An error occurred saving the operator information for site '%1' >Ϊվ '%1' ԱϢʱ :An error occurred saving the operator template information for site '%1' >Ϊվ '%1' ԱģϢʱ :An error occurred saving the server information for server '%1' >Ϊ '%1' Ϣʱ :An error occurred saving the site information for site '%1' >Ϊվ '%1' վϢʱ :An error occurred saving the the connection information for SYSPRO Analytics server '%1' >SYSPRO Analytics '%1' Ϣʱ :An error occurred saving the value for setting '%1' >Ϊ '%1' ֵʱ :An error occurred saving the view '%1' for category '%2' >Ϊ '%2' ͼ '%1' ʱ :An error occurred setting the date dimension range on database '%1' >ݿ '%1' άȷΧʱ :An error occurred setting the server status for server '%1' >Ϊ '%1' ÷״̬ʱ :An error occurred updating the details for company '%1' >¹˾ '%1' ʱ :An error occurred updating the server '%1' >· '%1' ʱ :An estimate has not been defined for quote '%1' line '%2' >δΪ '%1' '%2' :An event which affects structure and routing has already been selected >ѡӰṹ·ѡ¼ :An exact phrase match >׼ȷλ :An executing receive activity or an activity that is faulted must be selected >ѡִջʧĻ :An existing or new bin number must be entered >һеĻµĿλ :An invalid document has been selected for this format. Print cancelled >ѡ˴˸ʽЧĵȡӡ :An invoice date will be allocated for order '%1', and may not be entered >Ϊ '%1' ䷢Ʊڣ :An invoice number will be allocated for order '%1', and may not be entered >Ϊ '%1' ䷢Ʊ룬 :An option to hold shipment for s/o has already been selected >ѡΪ۶˵ѡ :An option to hold shipment for so has already been selected >ѡ˱ַѡ :An option to prevent p/o receipt has already been selected >ѡֹղɹѡ :An option to prevent po receipt has already been selected >ѡֹɹջѡ :An unexpected message has been returned from SQL Server >SQL ѷϢ :An unexpected message has been returned when accessing your data >ȡʱϢ :An unexpected problem was detected during a transaction >ڼ⵽ :Analsysis Code %1 >分析代码 %1 :Analyse from date >ڿʼ :Analysis > :Analysis %1 > %1 :Analysis %1 selection > %1 ѡ :Analysis Categories > :Analysis Category > :Analysis Category Code >分析类别代码 :Analysis Category Information >Ϣ :Analysis Category Maintenance >ά :Analysis Category Type %1 > %1 :Analysis Category Type Codes >ʹ :Analysis Category Type Description > :Analysis Code 1 >1 :Analysis Code 2 >2 :Analysis Code 3 >3 :Analysis Code 5 >5 :Analysis Codes > :Analysis Description > :Analysis Detail >ϸ :Analysis Details >ϸ :Analysis Entry >Ŀ :Analysis Header >ҳü :Analysis Object Details > :Analysis Objects > :Analysis Purge > :Analysis Report > :Analysis Required >Ҫ :Analysis Selection >ѡ :Analysis Server %1 > %1 :Analysis Server (OLAP) > (OLAP) :Analysis Server Details > :Analysis Server name > :Analysis Set > :Analysis Summary >ժҪ :Analysis Types > :Analysis base >׼ :Analysis category selection >ѡ :Analysis category type > :Analysis category type must have codes defined against it if it is defined as mandatory >Ϊǿԣͱ߱Ĵ :Analysis category type must have codes defined against it if it is selected as mandatory >ѡΪǿԣͱ߱Ĵ :Analysis code > :Analysis code %1 > %1 :Analysis code %1 does not exist > %1 :Analysis code %1 is invalid for type %2 > %1 %2 Ч :Analysis code %1 selection > %1 ѡ :Analysis code 4 >4 :Analysis comment >ע :Analysis database name >ݿ :Analysis desc %1 >˵ %1 :Analysis details are incomplete for this line >еķϸ :Analysis entries >Ŀ :Analysis entry amount cannot be zero >ĿΪ :Analysis entry missing >Ŀʧ :Analysis entry not on file >Ŀ :Analysis for GL Ledger Code >GL 分类账代码分析 :Analysis level >ˮƽ :Analysis months >· :Analysis no > :Analysis no selection >ѡ :Analysis number > :Analysis number selection >ѡ :Analysis object '%1' already exists on the Analytics database > '%1' AnalyticsݿѴ :Analysis object already exists on the Analytics database >AnalyticsݿѴ :Analysis of database objects did not complete successfully >未成功完成数据库对象分析 :Analysis options >ѡ :Analysis period > :Analysis period selection >ѡ :Analysis process cancelled >ȡ :Analysis server > :Analysis server connection failed >ʧ :Analysis server connection succeeded >ӳɹ :Analysis server version >汾 :Analysis totals >ϼ :Analysis type > :Analysis type description cannot be blank if defined as mandatory >ΪǿԣΪ :Analysis type description cannot be blank if there are codes defined against it >Ĵ룬Ϊ :Analysis type selection >ѡ :Analysis values for ledger >˷ֵ :Analysis year selection >ѡ :Analytic Templates >ģ :Analytic viewer seats >Analytic 查看器席位 :Analytics Business Layer >Analyticsҵ :Analytics Company Id >Analytics ˾ Id :Analytics Company name >Analytics˾ :Analytics Database >Analytics ݿ :Analytics Databases >Analyticsݿ :Analytics Id Column Name >Analytics Id :Analytics Id column >Analytics Id :Analytics OLAP Database >Analytics OLAP ݿ :Analytics SQL Database >Analytics SQL ݿ :Analytics Server >Analytics :Analytics Viewer seats >Analytics Viewer seats :Analytics administrator >AnalyticsԱ :Analytics cannot authenticate to the SQL Server. Databases cannot be created at this time >Analytics޷SQL֤ʱ޷ݿ :Analytics client and a instance of the SYSPRO Analytics Business layer >Analytics ͻ SYSPRO Analytics ҵʵ :Analytics server name >Analytics :Analytics site name >Analytics վ :Analytics user information >AnalyticsûϢ :Analytics users >Analytics û :Analytics viewer >Analytics鿴 :Analyze > :Analyze & Exit >˳ :Analyze all Asset accounts >ʲ˻ :Analyze all Capital accounts >ʱ˻ :Analyze all Expense accounts >з˻ :Analyze all Liability accounts >ծ˻ :Analyze all Revenue accounts >˻ :Analyze and classify inventory items according to their contribution towards the total in terms of sales, gross profit, cost, quantity or transactions (hits) >ۡë󡢳ɱ () ԣԺϼĹ׷Ŀ :Analyze by >¸ :Analyze by Rev/Rel >޶/з :Analyze from date >ڷ :Analyze statistical accounts >ͳ˻ :Analyze supplier invoice values according to the supplier branch assigned to the invoice during processing >ݴڼ䵽ƱĹӦ̷֧Ӧ̷Ʊֵ :Analyze the capacity utilization of work centers >ĵIJ :Analyze the capacity utilization of your work centers >ĹĵIJ :Analyze the intake of sales orders over a specific period of time >ضʱε۶ȡ :Analyzes problems on the client or the application server >分析客户机或应用服务器上的问题 :And/Or >ͣ :Angled Labels >ƫбǩ :Animation style > :Annual > :Annual Percentage >Ȱٷֱ :Annual Seasonal - Unsmoothed >ȼڵ - δƽ :Annual depreciation >۾ :Annual depreciation % >۾% :Annual percent >Ȱٷֱ :Annual seasonal profile - unsmoothed >ȼ - δ :Annual seasonal profiles - unsmoothed >ȼ - δ :Annual usage value >ʹüֵ :Annually >ÿ :Another company >һҹ˾ :Another customer >һλͻ :Another group >һ :Another operator >һԱ :Another operator is posting payments and/or adjustments to customer '%1' >һԱͻ '%1' ʿͣ :Another operator is posting payments and/or adjustments to this customer >һλԱ˿ͻʸͣ :Another operator is posting payments to this customer >һԱ˿ͻʸ :Another price code >һ۸ :Another product class >һƷȼ :Another user is busy with payments for this Customer-Supplier >˿ͻ-Ӧ̵һûæڸ :Another user is busy with payments for this customer/supplier >һûæΪÿͻӦ̸ :Another user is currently adding an operation with linked objects to this parent >һûĸӴӶIJ? :Another user is currently processing checks against this bank. Program cancelled >һûĿǰڴе֧Ʊȡ :Another user is running the cost implosion on BOM costs >һλûBOM嵥гɱѹ :Anticipated value %1 >Ԥֵ %1 :Anticipated values >Ԥֵ :Any COBOL program >κCOBOL :Any NetExpress program >κNetExpress :Any adjustment amount will be posted but the current period cannot be changed due to the outstanding value of GRN not being zero >κεʣGRNδֵΪ㣬Բɸĵǰ :Any associations with components/operations will be ignored as the criteria value is zero >Ϊ׼ֵΪ㣬˽벿κι :Any associations with components/operations will be ignored as the criteria value is zero. >Ϊ׼ֵΪ㣬벿κιԡ :Any associations with components/operations will be ignored if the value is zero. Do you wish to continue >ֵΪ㣬벿/κϵϣ :Any associations with components/operations will be ignored if the value is zero. Do you wish to continue? >ֵΪ㣬벿κιϣ :Any changes made cannot be undone by cancelling out of the calling Setup program. Do you want to continue with the save >κθľͨȡóϣ? :Any changes made cannot be undone by cancelling out of the calling Setup program. Do you want to continue with the save? >ͨȡóĵ޷ָκɵĸġϣ沢 :Any changes made will be discarded when changing preferences. Do you wish to continue >κθĽڸѡʱϣ :Any changes made will be discarded when changing preferences. Do you wish to continue? >ʱиľϣ :Any changes made will be discarded when you start the review. Do you wish to continue >κθĽڿʼʱϣ :Any changes made will be discarded when you start the review. Do you wish to continue? >ʼʱиľϣ :Any changes made will only take effect after exiting this program. These configuration options can also be maintained from within the Report Definition program >ֻɱ󷽿ʹЧЩѡҲɴӱʵʩά :Any changes to the tax effective rates will only take place after exiting SYSPRO. This also applies to other users who are currently using the tax effective rates >Ч˰ʵκӸĽ SYSPRO ЧҲڵǰڲЧ˰ʵû :Any component quantities calculated using selection criteria value(s) will be invalid as you are not copying the selection criteria. Do you wish to continue? >ûиѡ׼ʹѡ׼ֵκβЧϣ :Any folders or applications associated with this folder will also be deleted. Ok to delete? >ļκļлӦóҲᱻɾȷҪɾ :Any folders or programs associated with this folder will also be deleted. Ok to delete? >ɾ뱾ļйļлȷҪɾ :Any grace period will be terminated when you click '%1' > '%1' ʱκοھֹ :Any grace period will be terminated when you click 'Finish' >ɡʱκοھֹ :Any lot or serial tracking for this allocation as well as the previous allocation will have to be done again. Do you wish to continue? >ԴԼǰһκλϵиٱɡϣ :Any mandatory components/operations found against the option are automatically selected >ԶɾѡκαõIJõIJ :Any manual quantity changes will be discarded. Ok to continue? >κ˹ĵȷҪ :Any monthly activity >κ¶Ȼ :Any multimedia objects associated with this category will be deleted. OK to continue? >ɾһκζýȷҪ :Any other application >κӦ :Any previous configuration for '%1' will be removed >ɾ '%1' κǰ :Any previous configuration for '%1' will be removed.\n\nApplying this option will allow '%2' to process any SYSPRO transaction without entering an eSignature. An audit log of every transaction will be output >ɾ '%1' κǰá\n\nӦôѡ '%2' κSYSPROףeSignatureÿһ׵־ :Any previous configuration for '%1' will be removed.\n\nApplying this option will allow '%2' to process any SYSPRO transaction without entering an eSignature.\nAn audit log will not be output for any transactions >ɾ '%1' κǰá\n\nӦôѡ '%2' κSYSPROףǩ\nκν׵־ :Any previous configuration for '%1' will be removed.\n\nApplying this option will mean that all transactions are excluded for '%2'.\nUse the Define by Transaction option to configure specific transactions for '%3' >ɾ '%1' κǰá\n\nӦôѡζŽų '%2' нס\nʹá׶塱ѡ '%3' ض :Any previous configuration for '%1' will be removed.\n\nApplying this option will prevent '%2' from processing any SYSPRO transactions >ɾ '%1' κǰá\n\nӦôѡֹ '%2' κSYSPRO :Any previous configuration for '%1' will be removed.\n\nApplying this option will require '%2' to enter an eSignature before each SYSPRO transaction is processed. An audit log of every transaction will be output >ɾ '%1' κǰá\n\nӦôѡҪ'%2' ڴÿһ֮ǰǩÿһ׵־ :Any recurring tasks associated with this group will be recalculated with next scheduled start dates >һŶĿʼ¼һκѭ :Any selected >κѡ :Any setting made here can be changed later using the Company >˴κþԺʹù˾޸ :Any setting made here can be changed later using the System Setup >ɴSYSPRO 6.0˵ʹϵͳó :Any tasks associated with '%1' will also be deleted. Ok to delete? >һɾκ '%1' صȷҪɾ? :Any triggers that have been configured for this transaction condition will be deleted. Ok to continue? >κΪýõĴɾȷҪ :Any warning messages that you had previously marked as '%1' will be shown again. Do you wish to continue? >将再次显示您先前已标记为 '%1' 的任何警告消息。您希望继续吗? :Any warning messages that you had previously marked as 'Do not show me again' will be shown again. Do you wish to continue? >ǰΪҪʾκξϢٴʾϣ? :Anytime >κʱ :Apart >? :App Store >应用商店 :App Store Activation >Ӧ̵꼤 :App Store Administration >Ӧ̵ :Appearance > :Appearance of All Captions >б :Appearance of Caption > :Appearance of Data > :Append export file >ӵļ :Append to existing data file when inserting >ʱļ :Append to existing extract file >ӵнѹļ :Append to existing fields >ӵֶ :Append to existing file >ӵļ :Append to existing reference >ӵвο :Append to existing user file >ӵûļ :Append to file >ӵļ :Append to sales order >ӵ۶ :Applet launched >õС(Applet) :Application >Ӧ :Application %1 >应用 %1 :Application Builder >Ӧù :Application Builder %1 >Ӧô %1 :Application Details >Ӧó :Application Server Checks >Ӧ÷ :Application Title >应用标题 :Application name >Ӧó :Applications >Ӧó :Applied >Ӧ :Applied to all other w/hs where quantity on hand > zero >应用于所有现有数量 > 零的其他仓库 :Applied to all other w/hs where quantity on hand > zero for default bin >应用于所有默认库现有数量 > 零的其他仓库 :Applied to all warehouses where quantity on hand > zero >应用于所有现有数量 > 零的仓库 :Applied to purchase orders/requisitions >Ӧڲɹ/빺 :Applied when adding components >ӲʱӦ :Applies from live job >ӻҵӦ :Applies only for standard format print >ڱ׼ʽӡ :Applies the selected filter criteria against the archive records >յ¼ӦѡĹ׼ :Applies the selected patch >Ӧѡ :Applies to client/server mode only >Ӧڿͻ/ģʽ :Applies to display forms only >ʾ :Applies to forms only >ڱ :Applies to list views only >ʾͼ :Applies to live job >Ӧõҵ :Applies to normal reqn with PO created >Ѵ PO 빺 :Applies to offers >ڱ :Applies to stores reqn with SCT created >Ѵ SCT ̵빺 :Apply > :Apply '%1' to remove a listview row >Ӧ '%1' ɾбͼ :Apply ATP principles >ATPԭ :Apply Actions >ö :Apply Actions to All Lines >Ŀö :Apply Actions to All P/orders >вɹ :Apply Activity Based Costing >Ӧûڻijɱ :Apply Adjustment >Ӧõ :Apply All >ȫ :Apply All Action >Ӧв :Apply All Actions >ж :Apply BOM Changes >ӦBOM䶯 :Apply Back Order >Ƿ :Apply Changes >ø :Apply Changes to Asset Templates >ʲģӦø :Apply Credits Selected >ѡĴ :Apply Custom Filter >ӦԶ :Apply Data Types >应用数据类型 :Apply Data Types to Each Field in Data Dictionary >将数据类型应用于数据字典的每个字段 :Apply Debits Selected >ѡĽ :Apply Deposit >ö :Apply Discount >Ӧۿ :Apply Duplicates >ø :Apply Entry to All Customers >пͻ :Apply Entry to Specific Customers >ضͻ :Apply Font >Ӧ :Apply Highlighted Lines >Ӧͻʾ :Apply Include Options >应用包括选项 :Apply Non-Merchandise >÷Ʒ :Apply Non-Merchandise Value >÷Ʒֵ :Apply Options >ѡ :Apply Patch >Ӧò :Apply Path >Ӧ· :Apply Payment >ø :Apply Payment Amount >ø :Apply Payments >ø :Apply Permanent Entry > :Apply Recommended >Ӧý :Apply Release Qty >Ӧǩ :Apply Release Quantity >÷ :Apply Released Quantity >Ӧ÷ :Apply Restocking Fee >½ :Apply Retention >Ӧñ :Apply Ribbon Bar >Ӧɫ :Apply Selected >ѡ :Apply Selections >ѡ :Apply Single >Ӧõһ :Apply Structure and Routing Changes >ýṹ·߸ :Apply Styles >Ӧʽ :Apply Sub >Ӧ :Apply Transactions >ý :Apply USA 3rd party tax calculation in Sales Orders >۶Ӧ 3 ˰ :Apply Undistributed >δ? :Apply Undistributed Amount >Ӧδ :Apply Undistributed Amount to Current Line >δӦõǰ :Apply Undistributed Quantity >Ӧδ :Apply Undistributed Tax >Ӧδ˰ :Apply Undistributed Value to Current Line >δֵӦڵǰ :Apply Work Center Capacity >ӦҵĹ :Apply XAML Markup >应用 XAML 标记 :Apply access control >÷ʿ :Apply actions, suggested by requirements calculation, to live purchase order? >Ҫ㽨ĶԼɹ :Apply actions, suggested by requirements calculation, to selected live purchase orders? >ҪҪIJӦõѡļʱɹ? :Apply actions, suggested by requirements calculation, to selected live requisitions? >ҪҪIJӦõѡļʱ빺? :Apply and Exit >Ӧò˳ :Apply and Insert >ӦúͲ :Apply as payment >ڸ :Apply at job completion >ʱӦ :Apply authorization >ӦȨ :Apply automatic depletion in >¸Զ :Apply automatic variance for all cost methods >ΪгɱԶ :Apply available ship quantity >ÿ :Apply batching rule >Ӧ :Apply batching rule to calculate maximum >Ӧɼֵ :Apply changes to exchange rate >将更改应用于汇率 :Apply check to current orders only >Ӧڵǰ :Apply check when quantity moved to ship >ƶʱü鹦 :Apply conditional attribute >Ӧ :Apply cost from Warehouse To Use only >ʹòֿӦóɱ :Apply cost multiplier >óɱ :Apply cost multiplier when processing receipts >վʱóɱ :Apply credit check for orders that are to be released >ԴͷŶӦöȼ :Apply credit checking >Ӧø :Apply credit checking to dispatch notes >Էöȼ :Apply current printer >Ӧõǰӡ :Apply date format to all listviews >ڸʽӦõбͼ :Apply default G/L codes >Ĭʴ :Apply default GL codes >Ĭʴ :Apply demand time fence rule >Ҫʱդ :Apply deposit as payment >ӦöΪ :Apply distribution values >Ӧ÷ֵ :Apply exact match >Ӧȫƥ :Apply expiry date to all bins >将失效日期应用于所有库 :Apply fixed rate to all outstanding lines? >Ҫ̶Ӧõд? :Apply font to all >Ӧõȫ :Apply font to all captions >Ӧõб :Apply formatting to headings >ԱӦøʽ :Apply formatting to report headings >ʽӦڱ :Apply full retention at job completion >ҵʱӦȫ :Apply gross requirement rules '%1' and '%2' >ӦҪ '%1' '%2' :Apply gross requirement rules 'H' and 'C' >ҪHC :Apply gross requirement rules 'I' and 'S' >IS :Apply gross requirements rule >ӦҪ :Apply gross requirements rule for demand >ӦҪ :Apply gross requirements rule to non-MPS items >ԷƻĿӦҪ :Apply half year rule >Ӧð :Apply header due date to all existing merchandise lines for this order? >ҪԴ˶Ʒвõڱ :Apply if entire document valid >如果整个文件有效将应用 :Apply line disc by prod class >ƷȼӦۿ :Apply markup >Ӧñ :Apply new description >Ӧ :Apply new path to selected files >将新路径应用于选定文件 :Apply operator access control to destination warehouse on transfers OUT >ĿĵزֿòԱʿƹ :Apply operator access control to destination warehouse on xfers OUT >תƳĿĵزֿӦòԱȨ޿ :Apply operator access control when running report >бʱӦòԱȨ޿ :Apply order discount >Ӧöۿ :Apply order discount based >Ӧöۿ :Apply order discount based on order value >öۿ :Apply order discounts for Trade Promotions customers >Ϊó״ͻӦöۿ :Apply order line discount according to product class sold >۲Ʒȼöۿ :Apply overtime percentage to finite calculation by default >ʱٷֱӦڰĬ˳޼ :Apply overtime percentages >óʱٷ :Apply payment discounts >Ӧøۿ :Apply percentage >Ӧðٷֱ :Apply permanent entry to >¸ :Apply product class to stocked lines >ƷȼӦڿ :Apply quantity factor >ϵ :Apply quantity factor is selected. Quantity factor cannot be zero >ѡӦϵϵΪ :Apply rate to outstanding invoice balance >ӦδƱ :Apply recommended cost automatically >ԶӦýɱ :Apply reference >Ӧòο :Apply released quantity on selected line >ѡӦ÷ :Apply restock automatically >Զ :Apply restocking fee to >½ѣ :Apply safety stock time fence rule >ӦðȫʱΧ :Apply sales order/line discount break >Ӧ۶ۿ۷ֽ :Apply scheduled dates >ӦŶ :Apply selected options >Ӧѡѡ :Apply selected week changes >应用选定周更改 :Apply settings >Ӧ :Apply ship date to all lines >װӦõ :Apply the Rules >Ӧù :Apply the Total Undistributed Amount to this Deduction Code >δܽӦõμô :Apply the settings >Ӧ :Apply the undistributed ledger value >应用未分配分类账值 :Apply theme >÷ :Apply these locks to all stock codes listed on this ECO? >ҪԴECOепЩ :Apply this background color to all forms >ñɫӦõб :Apply this background color to all property windows >еԴڲñɫ :Apply this deposit as payment ? >要将此存款应为付款吗? :Apply this deposit as payment? >ô˶Ϊ :Apply this product class to other non-stocked items >ƷȼӦǿƷ :Apply to >Ӧ :Apply to All >Ӧõȫ :Apply to All Customers >Ӧõпͻ :Apply to Customers >Ӧõͻ :Apply to Sub Accounts >Ӧʻ :Apply to all affected items >ӦȫӰƷ :Apply to background >Ӧ :Apply to foreground >Ӧǰ :Apply to group totals >Ӧõϼ :Apply to outstanding invoice balance >ӦõδƱ :Apply to sub account >Ӧõʻ :Apply to sub-accounts >Ӧõ˻ :Apply to the remaining %1 activities in the library >Ӧõʣ %1  :Apply transfer cost multiplier >ӦתƳɱ˷ :Apply type >Ӧ :Apply undistributed ledger amount >Ӧδ˽ :Apply warehouse BOM costs >Ӧòֿϵ(BOM)ɱ :Applying Activities to Contact >Ӧõϵ :Applying Changes to Interface Entries >Խи :Applying this option allows you to configure each SYSPRO transaction separately for '%1'. This allows the configuration of more advanced settings, including conditional logic, security levels, log details etc >ӦôѡΪ '%1' ÿһSYSPROסø߼ã߼ȫ־ϸ :Appointment >Լ :Appointments >Լ :Apportion Element >̯Ҫ :Apportion Non-Merchandise >̯Ʒ :Apportion Qty >̯ :Apportion Quantity >̯ :Apportion cost 100% >̯ɱ100% :Apportion e.net Licenses >e.net֤ :Apportion e.net Licenses - Business Objects >̯ e.net ֤ - ҵ :Apportion e.net Licenses - Web-based Applications >分摊 e.net 许可证 - 基于 Web 应用 :Apportion method >䷽ :Apportionment >̯ :Apportionment Code >̯ :Apportionment Detail >̯ϸ :Apportionment Details >̯ϸ :Apportionment Distribution >̯ :Apportionment Error >̯ :Apportionment Percentage >̯ٷֱ :Apportionment Percentage Totals >̯ٷֱȺϼ :Apportionment Quantity >̯ :Apportionment Variance >̯ :Apportionment details not applied. Please do so before posting the receipt >δӦ÷̯ϸڹվǰִһ :Apportionment method >̯ :Apportionment method/code >ɷ/ :Apportionment to show >ʾķ̯ :Apportionment validated flag >̯֤־ :Appr. Man. Part Number Maintenance >׼ά :Appr/Clear Line >׼ :Appr/Clear Requisition >׼ :Appr/denied by >׼ :Approval Level Checking > :Approval levels cannot be set to Group or Product class within group when maximum values are checked at time of entry. Do you wish to change maximum values to be checked at time of approval? >ڼֵʱ𲻿ΪƷࡣϣֵΪʱм? :Approval status >״̬ :Approval status before >֮ǰ״̬ :Approval value >׼ֵ :Approve >׼ :Approve / Clear >׼ :Approve Draft Forecasts >׼Ԥݰ :Approve Entire Requisition >빺 :Approve Multiple Lines >׼ :Approve Requisition or Line >빺 :Approve Selected Items >׼ѡĿ :Approve Selected Lines >׼ѡ :Approve Selected Requisition Line >ѡ빺 :Approve draft forecast >ƱԤ :Approve invoice >׼Ʊ :Approve requisition >빺 :Approve requisitions >빺 :Approve, Clear or Route Multiple Lines > :Approve/Clear >׼ :Approve/Clear Requisition >׼빺 :Approve/Clear Selected Lines >/ѡ :Approved >׼ :Approved Manufacturer's Supplier Maintenance >׼̹Ӧά :Approved - confirm >׼ C ȷ :Approved / P/ord Created >׼Ѵɹ :Approved Committed >׼ѳŵ :Approved Man. Part Maintenance >׼άά :Approved Manf Supplier Maintenance >׼̹Ӧά :Approved Manuf. Part Number Maintenance >׼ά :Approved Manuf. Supplier Maintenance >׼̹Ӧά :Approved Manufacture Maintenance >׼ά :Approved Manufacturer Maintenance >׼ά :Approved Manufacturer Part Number >׼ :Approved Manufacturer Part Number Maintenance >׼ά :Approved Manufacturer Part Numbers >׼ :Approved Manufacturer Supplier >׼̹Ӧ :Approved Manufacturer Supplier Maintenan >׼̹Ӧά :Approved Manufacturer print options >׼̴ӡѡ :Approved Manufacturer's Part Numbers >׼ :Approved Manufacturer's Part Numbers for Stock Code >库存代码的已批准制造商零件号码 :Approved Manufacturer's Supplier >׼̹Ӧ :Approved Manufacturer's Supplier Maintenance >׼̹Ӧά :Approved Manufacturer's Suppliers >׼̹Ӧ :Approved Manufacturers >׼ :Approved Manufacturers Code >׼̴ :Approved Manufacturers Detail >׼ϸ :Approved Manufacturers Details >׼ϸ :Approved Manufacturers Maintenance >׼ά :Approved Manufacturers Part Number >已批准制造商零件号码 :Approved Manufacturers Parts >׼ :Approved Manufacturers Section >׼ѡ :Approved Manufacturers Supplier >׼̹Ӧ :Approved Uncommitted >׼δŵ :Approved date >׼ :Approved hire order rejection >׼ĹӶ :Approved hire order rejection - order complete >׼ĹӶ C :Approved invoices >׼Ʊ :Approved manufacture >׼ :Approved manufacturer >׼ :Approved manufacturers code not on file >׼̴벻 :Approved manufacturers part numbers >׼ :Approved requisitions only >׼빺 :Approved supplier >׼ĹӦ :Approved/P/ord Created >׼Ѵɹ :Approved/denied by > :Approved/denied by operator >Ա :Approving > :Approving a line > :Approving operator >׼Ա :Approximate Time >Լʱ :Apr > :Apr %1 > %1 :April > :Arabic > :Architecture >ϵṹ :Archive > :Archive Control > :Archive Cross Reference >ղο :Archive Cross Reference - BOM >ղο - BOM :Archive Cross Reference - Job >ղο - :Archive Cross Reference - Sale > - :Archive Cross Reference - Sales Orders >ղο - ۶ :Archive Filename >ļ :Archive Files >ļ :Archive Library > :Archive Location >λ :Archive Maintenance >浵ά :Archive Master File >ļ :Archive Now > :Archive Options >ѡ :Archive Purge Settings >׼ :Archive Search > :Archive Search Complete > :Archive Setup >浵 :Archive Setup Maintenance >ά :Archive Text >ı :Archive Time >ʱ :Archive completed jobs before purging >ǰѽҵ뵵 :Archive completed lots last processed before >֮ǰϴδδ? :Archive completed sales orders >ѽɵ۶? :Archive completed shipments >ѽɻ뵵 :Archive completed shipments dated before >鵵֮ǰɷ :Archive completed shipments, delete shipments already archived or mark a shipment as ready to archive >鵵ɵķɾѹ鵵ķǷΪ鵵 :Archive copy error on '%1' > '%1' ĵƴ :Archive date > :Archive date and time >ںʱ :Archive details >ϸ :Archive document >ĵ :Archive expired lots only >ʧЧ뵵 :Archive file >浵ļ :Archive file name >浵ļ :Archive file not found >δҵļ :Archive file not found in archive cross reference table for '%1' > '%1' ĵδҵļ :Archive file not found in archive master for '%1' > '%1' ĵļδҵļ :Archive file path >浵ļ· :Archive history record >ʷ¼ :Archive in Progress >ִ :Archive job's transactions >ҵĽ :Archive lots completed >鵵ɵ :Archive lots completed before >ǰɵĵ :Archive not found in '%1' > '%1' δҵ :Archive number >浵 :Archive offline >浵ѻ :Archive old >ϵ :Archive old revision/release >ľ޶棯ͷ :Archive record >¼ :Archive report >鵵 :Archive sales hist details dated before >ǰڵۼ¼ϸ :Archive sales history data >ۼ¼ :Archive sales history details >ۼ¼ϸ :Archive settings > :Archive type >浵 :Archived >ѹ鵵 :Archived Bill of Materials >뵵IJ嵥 :Archived Bill of Materials Archive >ѹ鵵ϵ :Archived Blanket Contracts >已存档一揽子合同 :Archived Delivery Note >ѹ鵵 :Archived Dispatch Note >ѹ鵵 :Archived Documents >鵵ļ :Archived File Text >뵵ļı :Archived Files >뵵ļ :Archived Foreign Purchase Orde >已存档外国采购订单 :Archived Invoices >ѹ鵵Ʊ :Archived Jobs >뵵ҵ :Archived Local Purchase Orders >已存档当地采购订单 :Archived Order Acknowledgement >ѹ鵵 :Archived Orders >뵵Ķ :Archived Reports >鵵ı :Archived Statements >ѹ鵵 :Archived file >浵ļ :Archived flag >鵵 :Archived job >뵵ҵ :Archived lots >뵵 :Archived report format >鵵ʽ :Archived report name >鵵 :Archived sales order >ѹ鵵۶ :Archived shipment reference selection >ѹ鵵οѡ :Archived shipments >ѹ鵵 :Archived shipments before deletion >ɾǰѴ :Archived shipments deleted before >֮ǰɾѹ鵵 :Archiving >浵 :Archiving Utilities >浵ʩ :Archiving report >ڹ鵵 :Are you sure >ȷ :Are you sure that you want to delete expired messages? >ȷҪɾѹڵϢ :Are you sure that you want to proceed with the conversion? >您确定要继续执行转化吗? :Are you sure that you want to use values for aggregation/disaggregation? Continuing will set the collection unit of measure to spaces >ȷҪʹۼ/ֵֽ𣿼ִнѼϼλΪո :Are you sure that you wish to clear the Sales History File >ȷҪۼ¼ļ :Are you sure that you wish to clear the Sales History File? >ȷҪۼ¼ļ :Are you sure want to cancel the '%1' report >ȷҪȡ '%1' :Are you sure want to cancel the '%1' report? >ȷҪȡ '%1' :Are you sure you that you want to proceed with the Bulk copy process >ȷҪִƹ :Are you sure you that you want to proceed with the Bulk copy process? >ȷҪִƹ :Are you sure you want to add a new contact with the name >ȷҪԴϵ :Are you sure you want to add the following menu item(s)? All sub item(s) will be included >ȷҪв˵з :Are you sure you want to cancel count >ȷҪȡ :Are you sure you want to cancel count? >ȷҪȡ :Are you sure you want to cancel current entry of LCT apportionment? >ȷҪȡ LCT ̯ĵǰĿ? :Are you sure you want to contra the selected invoices >ȷҪԱѡƱ :Are you sure you want to contra the selected invoices? >ȷҪѡƱǩԼ :Are you sure you want to copy the selected fields to the selected contacts >ȷҪѡֶθƵѡϵ :Are you sure you want to copy the selected fields to the selected contacts? >ȷҪѡֶθƵѡϵ? :Are you sure you want to create a Debit for this deduction >ȷҪΪ˿۳ :Are you sure you want to create a Debit for this deduction? >ȷҪΪÿ۳跽 :Are you sure you want to delete '%1' >ȷҪɾ '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete '%1'. All child nodes will also be deleted >ȷҪɾ '%1' עҲɾ :Are you sure you want to delete '%1'? >ȷҪɾ '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete '%1'? All controls within '%2' will also be deleted. Delete function cannot be undone >ȷҪɾ '%1' '%2' ڵпҲɾɾܲɻָ :Are you sure you want to delete '%1'? DELETE function cannot be undone >ȷҪɾ '%1' ɾܲɻָ :Are you sure you want to delete all component lots tracked to this co-product lot >ȷҪɾ׷ٵ˹ͬƷεв :Are you sure you want to delete all component lots tracked to this co-product lot? >ȷҪɾл鵽ùͬƷεIJ :Are you sure you want to delete all component lots tracked to this parent lot >ȷҪɾ׷ٵεв :Are you sure you want to delete all component lots tracked to this parent lot? >ȷҪɾл鵽εIJ :Are you sure you want to delete all component serials tracked to this co-product serial >ȷҪɾ׷ٵ˹ͬƷϵевϵ :Are you sure you want to delete all component serials tracked to this co-product serial? >ȷҪɾл鵽ùͬƷϵеIJϵ :Are you sure you want to delete all component serials tracked to this parent serial >ȷҪɾ׷ٵϵевϵ :Are you sure you want to delete all component serials tracked to this parent serial? >ȷҪɾл鵽ϵеIJϵ :Are you sure you want to delete all the scheduled status items >ȷҪɾŶ״̬Ŀ :Are you sure you want to delete all the scheduled status items? >ȷҪɾѱඨƻ״̬Ŀ :Are you sure you want to delete label format >ȷҪɾǩʽ :Are you sure you want to delete label format? >ȷҪɾǩʽ :Are you sure you want to delete the SYSPRO Analytics server '%1' >ȷҪɾ SYSPRO Analytics '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete the SYSPRO Analytics server '%1'? >ȷҪɾSYSPRO Analytics '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete the analysis object '%1' >ȷҪɾ '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete the analysis object '%1'? >ȷҪɾ '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete the book '%1' >ȷҪɾ˲ '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete the book '%1'? >ȷҪɾʲ '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete the category '%1' >ȷҪɾ '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete the category '%1' from book '%2' >ȷҪ˲ '%2' ɾ '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete the category '%1' from book '%2'? >ȷҪʲ '%2' ɾ '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete the category '%1'? >ȷҪɾ '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete the column Id field for column '%1' >ȷҪɾ '%1' Id ֶ :Are you sure you want to delete the column Id field for column '%1'? >ȷҪ '%1' ɾIdֶ :Are you sure you want to delete the component lot tracking record >ȷҪɾ׷ټ¼ :Are you sure you want to delete the component lot tracking record? >ȷҪɾθټ¼ :Are you sure you want to delete the component serial tracking record >ȷҪɾϵ׷ټ¼ :Are you sure you want to delete the component serial tracking record? >ȷҪɾϵиټ¼ :Are you sure you want to delete the custom notes >ȷҪɾԶע :Are you sure you want to delete the custom notes? >ȷҪɾע :Are you sure you want to delete the definition '%1' >ȷҪɾ '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete the definition '%1'? >ȷҪɾ '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete the diagnostic '%1' >ȷҪɾ '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete the diagnostic '%1'? >ȷҪɾ '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete the menu file '%1' >ȷҪɾ˵ļ '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete the reserved lot >ȷҪɾ :Are you sure you want to delete the reserved lot? >ȷҪɾ :Are you sure you want to delete the reserved serial >ȷҪɾϵ :Are you sure you want to delete the reserved serial? >ȷҪɾϵ :Are you sure you want to delete the schedule '%1' >ȷҪɾų '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete the schedule '%1'? >ȷҪɾʱ '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete the selected allocation >ȷҪɾѡ :Are you sure you want to delete the selected allocation? >ȷҪɾѡķ :Are you sure you want to delete the selected file >ȷҪɾѡļ :Are you sure you want to delete the selected file? >ȷҪɾѡļ :Are you sure you want to delete the selected item '%1' from the configuration >ȷҪɾеѡĿ '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete the selected substitution >ȷҪɾѡ滻 :Are you sure you want to delete the selected substitution? >ȷҪɾѡ滻? :Are you sure you want to delete the site '%1' >ȷҪɾվ '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete the site '%1'? >ȷҪɾվ '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete the template '%1' >ȷҪɾģ '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete the template '%1'? >ȷҪɾģ '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete the variable '%1' >ȷҪɾ '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete the variable '%1'? >ȷҪɾ '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete the view '%1' from category '%2' >ȷҪ '%2' ɾͼ '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete the view '%1' from category '%2'? >ȷҪ '%2' ɾͼ '%1' :Are you sure you want to delete this contract >ȷҪɾ˺ͬ :Are you sure you want to delete this contract? >ȷҪɾݺͬ :Are you sure you want to delete this customized pane? >ȷҪɾԶ崰? :Are you sure you want to delete this group? >您确定要删除此组吗? :Are you sure you want to delete this job. If so, you must inform the person who entered the job/order immediately >ȷҪɾ˹֪ͨ˹/Ա :Are you sure you want to delete this job. If so, you must inform the person who entered the job/order immediately!! >ȷҪɾҵǣ֪ͨҵԱ :Are you sure you want to delete this job. If so, you must inform the person who enterred the job/order immediately!! >ȷҪɾҵǣ֪ͨҵԱ :Are you sure you want to delete this page? >您确定要删除此页面吗? :Are you sure you want to delete this theme >ȷҪɾ˷ :Are you sure you want to delete this theme? >ȷҪɾһ :Are you sure you want to dismiss all these reminders >ȷҪرЩ :Are you sure you want to dismiss all these reminders? >ȷҪЩ? :Are you sure you want to export the selected Report Writer Tables >ȷҪѡд :Are you sure you want to export the selected Report Writer Tables? >ȷҪѡı¼ :Are you sure you want to export the selected Role Management Settings? >ȷҪѡְ :Are you sure you want to import the Report Writer tables >ȷҪ뱨д :Are you sure you want to import the Report Writer tables? >ȷҪ뱨¼ :Are you sure you want to import the Role settings? >ȷҪְ :Are you sure you want to purge the data related to the workflow instances selected? >ȷҪѡʵйص? :Are you sure you want to purge the selected archived item(s) >ȷҪѡ鵵Ŀ :Are you sure you want to purge the selected archived item(s)? >ȷҪѡ뵵Ŀ :Are you sure you want to release the selected Cash Book EFT transactions to the EFT payments file >ȷҪ EFT ļѡֽ˲ EFT :Are you sure you want to release the selected Cash Book EFT transactions to the EFT payments file? >ȷҪѡֽEFTǩEFTļ :Are you sure you want to remove the operator '%1' from the archive list >ȷҪӵбƳԱ '%1' :Are you sure you want to remove the operator '%1' from the archive list? >ȷҪӵбɾԱ '%1' :Are you sure you want to remove this Customer? >ȷҪƳ˿ͻ :Are you sure you want to remove this Supplier? >ȷҪƳ˹Ӧ :Are you sure you want to remove this item >ȷҪƳĿ :Are you sure you want to remove this item? >ȷҪƳĿ :Are you sure you want to remove this post dated check? >ȷҪƳԶ֧Ʊ :Are you sure you want to set the entire purchase order to complete >ȷҪɹΪ :Are you sure you want to set the entire purchase order to complete? >ȷҪɹΪ :Are you sure you want to set the selected allocation to complete? >ȷҪѡΪ? :Are you sure you want to skip this item >ȷҪĿ :Are you sure you want to skip this item? >ȷҪĿ :Are you sure you want to start the job '%1'? >ȷҪʼ '%1' ? :Are you sure you want to un-link >ȷҪ :Are you sure you want to un-link? >ȷҪȡ :Are you sure you want to unlink >ȷҪ :Are you sure you want to unlink? >ȷҪȡ :Are you sure you want to unmatch this GRN >ȷҪ GRN ƥ :Are you sure you want to unmatch this GRN? >ȷҪGRNƥ :Are you sure you want to write off these transactions >ȷҪЩ :Are you sure you want to write off these transactions? >ȷҪעЩ :Are you sure you wish to cancel count >ȷҪȡ :Are you sure you wish to cancel count? >ȷϣȡ :Are you sure you wish to clear the condition >ȷҪ :Are you sure you wish to clear the condition? >ȷҪ :Are you sure you wish to delete '%1' >ȷҪɾ '%1' :Are you sure you wish to delete '%1'? >ȷҪɾ '%1' ? :Are you sure you wish to delete the selected browse >ȷҪɾѡ :Are you sure you wish to delete the selected menu item >ȷϣɾѡIJ˵ :Are you sure you wish to have a zero flat price >ȷҪӵ̶۸ :Are you sure you wish to have a zero flat price? >ȷҪʹͳһ۸Ϊ :Are you sure? >ȷ :Area > :Area cannot be blank >ֶβΪ :Area chart. Area charts are commonly used to display accumulated values over a period of time >ͼͼͨʾһʱۼƼֵ :Area for customer '%1' invalid. Function cancelled >ͻ '%1' Чȡ :Area for customer 'xxxxxxx' invalid. Function cancelled >客户 'xxxxxxx' 的区无效。功能已取消 :Area not on file >ڵ :Areas > :Arr nationality >ִ :Arrange > :Arrange Icons >Χͼ :Arrival date > :Arrival date selection >ѡ :Arrival declaration rate >걨 :Arrival nationality >ִ :Arrival rate > :Arrival rate test conversion >ʲת :Arrivals > :As a result of changes made to the tax options, reprinting of invoices may print different tax values from those calculated on the original invoice >ڶ˰ѡĸģ´ӡƱܻЩԭʼƱķƱдӡͬ˰ֵ :As an administrator you can change the system-wide default font used when adding notes.\n\nOk to configure a default font for new notes? >ΪԱעʱɸϵͳõĬ塣\n\nȷҪΪעĬ :As built > :As of > :As of date > :As per supplier/stock code cross reference price u/m >Ӧ̣۸λ :As per supplier/stock code cross reference u/m >Ӧ̣λ :As planned >ƻ :As required >Ҫ :As this configuration has been defined to create a parent please enter any details required below >ΪöĸʣκαҪ :As this line has been generated from multiple jobs, the committed value against hierarchical jobs will not be updated >ΪǴӶҵɵģ˸ݼҵijŵֵ :As you are a SYSPRO administrator you may create a new menu that >As you are a SYSPRO administrator you may create a new menu that :As you are a SYSPRO administrator you may define this new menu for >SYSPROϵͳԱΪ¸һ²˵ :As you are not an administrator you can only delete your own User menus and the shortcuts on them. Function cancelled >ǹԱֻɾԼû˵ݷʽܱȡ :As you are not an administrator you can only edit the properties of your own User menus. Function cancelled >ǹԱֻܱ༭Լû˵ԡܱȡ :As you have a SQL Server based system you must ensure that you have >ӵлϵͳSQL :As you have selected to stop the report before it has completed normally the update facility will be temporarily disabled >ڱ֮ǰѡֹͣ˱˸¹ܽʱ :Asc/Des >򣯽 :Ascending > :Ascending sequence > :Ask >ѯ :Ask Me Later > :Ask Print Dialog Box >ѯӡԻ :Ask file name at report time >ʱѯļ :Ask file name at run time >ʱѯļ :Ask notation per detail distribution entry >ѯÿһ :Ask operator password >ѯʲԱ :Ask prompt as a check box >Ҫѡʽʾ :Ask quantity required >ѯҪ :Ask reason code when entering new credit notes >´ʱѯԭ :Ask run-time prompts >ʱʾ :Ask summary report at run time >ѯʱܱ :Ask warehouse >ѯʲֿ :Assemble a series of dispatch notes for consolidation into a single invoice >һϵзԺϲһһݷƱ :Assembly >װ :Assembly for AB Costing >AB ɱ :Assembly name > :Assembly namespace >ռ :Assembly warehouse >ϲֿ :Asset >ʲ :Asset %1 >ʲ %1 :Asset %1 book value accumulated depreciation has been reduced by >ѽʲ %1 ˲ֵۼ۾ :Asset %1 book value cost had been reduced by >ѽʲ %1 ˲ֵɱ :Asset %1 quantity has been reduced by >ѽʲ %1 :Asset %1 tax value cost had been reduced by >ѽʲ %1 ˰ɱ :Asset (R) >ʲ (R) :Asset - Branch >ʲ - ֧ :Asset - Expense >ʲ - :Asset - Mechanic >ʲ - :Asset Acquired >ȡʲ :Asset Acquired e.net >ȡʲ e.net :Asset Acquisition >ʲչ :Asset Acquisition Import >ʲչ :Asset Additional acquisition >ʲչ :Asset Additional acquisition e.net >ʲչ e.net :Asset Adjustment for EUL >EUL ʲ :Asset Alternate Books >ʲ˲ :Asset Amendment Journal >ʲ޶ռ :Asset Amendment Journal Report in Progress >ִʲ޶ռʱ :Asset Analysis Reports >ʲ :Asset At A Glance Query >资产概览查询 :Asset Balance function >ʲƽ⹦ :Asset Branch Code >ʲ֧ :Asset Branch Codes Maintenance >ʲ֧ά :Asset Branch Details >ʲ֧ϸ :Asset Branch Maintenance >ʲ֧ά :Asset Branches >ʲ֧ :Asset Browse >ʲ :Asset Browse on Asset Sub-accounts >ʲʻеʲ :Asset Capex Amendment Journal >ʲʱ֧޶ռ :Asset Capex Amendment Journal BO >ʲʱ޶ռ BO :Asset Capex Amendment Journal Query >资产资本费用修订日记账查询 :Asset Capex Amendment Journal Report in Progress >ִʲʱ֧޶ռʱ :Asset Capex Asset In Suspense >ʲʱʲ :Asset Capex Classification >ʲʱ֧ :Asset Capex Classification Details >ʲʱ÷ϸ :Asset Capex Classification Maintenance >ʲʱ÷ά :Asset Capex Classifications >ʲʱ֧ :Asset Capex Defaults Control >ʲʱĬϿ :Asset Capex Defaults Detail >ʲʱĬ :Asset Capex Item Alternate Currency >ʲʱĿû :Asset Capex Item Browse >ʲʱ֧Ŀ :Asset Capex Item Projection >ʲʱĿԤ :Asset Capex Item Status >ʲʱĿ״̬ :Asset Capex Items >ʲʱ֧Ŀ :Asset Capex Jobs Browse >ʲʱ֧ҵ :Asset Capex Line Projection >ʲʱԤ :Asset Capex Line Status >ʲʱ״̬ :Asset Capex Maintenance >ʲʱ֧ά :Asset Capex Management Summary >ʲʱùժҪ :Asset Capex Purchase Orders Browse >ʲʱ֧ɹ :Asset Capex Requisition Line >ʲʱ빺 :Asset Capex Requisition Line Alt Cur >ʲʱ빺бû :Asset Capex Requisitions >ʲʱ֧빺 :Asset Capex Type >ʲʱ֧ :Asset Capex Type Details >ʲʱϸ :Asset Capex Type Maintenance >ʲʱά :Asset Capex Types >ʲʱ֧ :Asset Capex into Suspense >״̬ʲʱ֧ :Asset Capex line linked to po, req or job >ӵɹ빺ʲʱ :Asset Capex line unlinked from po, req or job >Ӳɹ빺ӵʲʱ :Asset Capex line, po, req or job raised >ߵʲʱСɹ빺 :Asset Clearing Account >ʲʱ֧ʻ :Asset Code >ʲ :Asset Code Details >ʲ :Asset Codes >ʲ :Asset Control Alternate Value >ʲƱüֵ :Asset Control Book Value >ʲ˲ֵ :Asset Control Tax >ʲ˰ :Asset Convert Files to Issue %1 Format >ʲתļǩ %1 ʽ :Asset Cost Center '%1' not found >δҵʲɱ '%1' :Asset Cost Center Details >ʲɱ :Asset Cost Center to Copy >ҪƵʲɱ :Asset Cost Centers >ʲɱ :Asset Cost Centers Maintenance >ʲɱά :Asset Cost Centers Query >ʲɱIJѯ :Asset Cost Centers for Branch >֧ʲɱ :Asset Cost center Maintenance >ʲɱά :Asset Count Capture >ʲ㲶 :Asset Count Capture Details >ʲϸ :Asset Count Capture/Import >ʲ׽ :Asset Count Confirm >ʲȷ :Asset Count Confirmation >ʲȷ :Asset Count Confirmation Error Report >ʲȷϴ󱨸 :Asset Count Confirmation Report >ʲȷϱ :Asset Count Error >ʲ :Asset Count Exception >ʲ :Asset Count Exception Report >ʲⱨ :Asset Count Extract >ʲժ¼ :Asset Count Extract Options >ʲȡѡ :Asset Count Extract-Cancel >ʲȡ-ȡ :Asset Count Extract/Cancel >ʲȡȡ :Asset Count Import >ʲ㵼 :Asset Count Import Details >ʲϸ :Asset Count List >ʲб :Asset Count Manual Capture >ʲֶ :Asset Count Report >ʲ㱨 :Asset Count Review >ʲ :Asset Count Selection >ʲѡ :Asset Count System >ʲϵͳ :Asset Count Temporary File >ʲʱļ :Asset Deletion Error >ʲɾ :Asset Deletions Password >ʲɾ :Asset Depreciation >ʲ۾ :Asset Depreciation Adj Recalc >ʲ۾ɵ¼ :Asset Depreciation Adj for EUL >ƿ(EUL)ʲ۾ɵ :Asset Depreciation Adjustment >ʲ۾ɵ :Asset Depreciation Adjustment EUL >ʲ۾ɵ EUL :Asset Depreciation Adjustment Recalc >ʲ۾ɵ¼ :Asset Depreciation Adjustment for EUL >EULʲ۾ɵ :Asset Depreciation Alternate Value >ʲ۾ɱüֵ :Asset Depreciation Book Value >ʲ۾˲ֵ :Asset Depreciation Calculate >ʲ۾ɼ :Asset Depreciation Calculation >ʲ۾ɼ :Asset Depreciation Code Details >ʲ۾ɴϸ :Asset Depreciation Code Maintenance >ʲ۾ɴά :Asset Depreciation Codes >ʲ۾ɴ :Asset Depreciation Details >ʲ۾ϸ :Asset Depreciation EUL adjusted e.net >ʲ۾ EUL e.net :Asset Depreciation Maintenance >ʲ۾ά :Asset Depreciation Tax >ʲ۾˰ :Asset Depreciation Varying Annually >ÿ仯ʲ۾ :Asset Depreciation Varying By Period >ڱ仯ʲ۾ :Asset Depreciation Varying Per Period >ÿڱ仯ʲ۾ :Asset Depreciation adjusted e.net >ʲ۾ɵ e.net :Asset Depreciation book added e.net >ʲ۾˲ e.net :Asset Depreciation book changed e.net >ʲ۾˲ e.net :Asset Depreciation calculation & report >ʲ۾ɼ뱨 :Asset Description >ʲ˵ :Asset Detail Query >ʲϸѯ :Asset Detail Transaction >ʲϸ :Asset Details >ʲϸ :Asset Disposal >ʲ :Asset Disposal Calculation >ʲü :Asset Disposal Details >ʲϸ :Asset Disposal Tax Values >ʲ˰ֵ :Asset Disposal Tax Values Report >ʲ˰˰ֵ :Asset Disposals >ʲ :Asset Disposed e.net >ʲ e.net :Asset Distribution >ʲ :Asset Distribution Header >ʲҳü :Asset Distribution Journals >ʲռ :Asset Distribution Report >ʲ䱨 :Asset Distribution journal >ʲռ :Asset Entries >ʲ :Asset Entries Alternate Values >ʲĿüֵ :Asset Entries Book Value >ʲĿ˲ֵ :Asset Entries Query >ʲѯ :Asset Entries Tax >ʲĿ˰ :Asset Expense >ʲ :Asset Expense Code Details >ʲôϸ :Asset Expense Code Maintenance >ʲôά :Asset Expense Codes >ʲô :Asset Expense Details >ʲϸ :Asset Expense Maintenance >ʲά :Asset Expense Posting >ʲù :Asset Expense Posting Detail >ʲ÷ϸ :Asset Expense Postings >ʲù :Asset Full Enquiry Listing >ʲȫѯб :Asset G/L Distribution >ʲ(G/L) :Asset G/L Distribution Report >ʲG/L䱨 :Asset GL Distribution >ʲ(GL) :Asset GL Distribution Business Object >ʲ GL ҵ :Asset GL Distribution Query >ʲ GL ѯ :Asset GL Distribution Report >ʲG/L䱨 :Asset GL Integration >ʲ GL :Asset GL Integration Update >ʲ GL ϸ :Asset Group '%1' not found >δҵʲ '%1' :Asset Group Details >ʲϸ :Asset Group Maintenance >ʲά :Asset Group record locked >ʲ¼ :Asset Groups >ʲ :Asset History Alternate Value >ʲ¼üֵ :Asset History Book Value >ʲ¼˲ֵ :Asset History Quantity >ʲ¼ :Asset History Tax Value >ʲ¼˰ :Asset Import >ʲ :Asset Import Assets >ʲʲ :Asset Import Details >ʲϸ :Asset Index On Master/Sub Assets >/ʲ :Asset Initial Capture >ʲʼ :Asset Inter-company Transfer >ʲ˾ת :Asset Label Format >ʲǩʽ :Asset Label Format Setup >ʲǩʽ :Asset Label Print >ʲǩӡ :Asset Labels >ʲǩ :Asset Labels Print >ʲǩӡ :Asset Labor Analysis >ʲͶ :Asset Labor Analysis Report >ʲͶ :Asset Labor Analysis Reports >ʲͶ :Asset Labor Time Sheet Posting >ʲͶʱ :Asset Labor Time Sheet Posting Details >ʲͶʱ :Asset Labor Transaction >ʲͶ :Asset Ledger Integration Control >ʲϿ :Asset Ledger Integration Detail >ʲϸ :Asset List of Additions >ʲб :Asset List of Additions in Progress >ִʲб :Asset List of Asset Branches >ʲ֧ʲб :Asset List of Asset Cost Centers >ʲɱʲб :Asset List of Asset Depreciation Codes >ʲ۾ɴʲб :Asset List of Asset Disposal Reasons >ʲԭʲб :Asset List of Asset Expense Items >ʲĿʲб :Asset List of Asset Groups >ʲʲб :Asset List of Asset Interface Entries >ʲĿʲб :Asset List of Asset Locations >ʲλʲб :Asset List of Asset Mechanics >ʲʲб :Asset List of Asset Owners >ʲʲб :Asset List of Asset Revaluation Codes >ʲ¹ֵʲб :Asset List of Asset Status Codes >ʲʲ״̬б :Asset List of Asset Types >ʲʲб :Asset List of Assets >ʲʲб :Asset List of Branches >ʲ֧б :Asset List of Branches in Progress >ִʲ֧б :Asset List of Capex Classifications >ʲʱ֧б :Asset List of Capex Types >ʲʱ֧б :Asset List of Classifications >ʲķб :Asset List of Cost Centers >ɱʲб :Asset List of Depr Adjs in Progress >ִʲ۾ɵб :Asset List of Depreciation Adjustments >۾ɵʲб :Asset List of Depreciation Codes >ʲ۾ɴб :Asset List of Depreciation Codes Detail >资产折旧代码列表明细 :Asset List of Depreciation Codes in Progress >ִʲ۾ɴб :Asset List of Depreciations >ʲ۾б :Asset List of Depreciaton Adjustments >۾ɵʲб :Asset List of Disposals >ʲб :Asset List of Disposals in Progress >ִʲб :Asset List of Expense Codes >ʲôб :Asset List of Expense Codes in Progress >ִʲôб :Asset List of Expense Items >ʲķĿб :Asset List of Groups >ʲб :Asset List of Groups in Progress >ִʲб :Asset List of Inter-company Transfers >资产公司间转账列表 :Asset List of Interface Entries >ʲĽб :Asset List of Locations >ʲλб :Asset List of Master / Sub Assets >ʲб :Asset List of Master / Sub-assets >ʲб :Asset List of Master Sub-assets >ʲʲб :Asset List of Master/Sub Assets >ʲʲб :Asset List of Master/Sub-assets >ʲб :Asset List of Mechanics >ʲеб :Asset List of Mechanics in Progress >ִʲеб :Asset List of Owners >ʲб :Asset List of Reasons for Disposal >ʲĴԭб :Asset List of Reasons for Reval >ʲԭб :Asset List of Reasons for Revaluation >ʲعԭб :Asset List of Revaluations >ʲб :Asset List of Revaluations Query >ʲ¹бѯ :Asset List of Revaluations in Progress >ִʲб :Asset List of Status Codes >ʲ״̬б :Asset List of Statuses >ʲ״̬б :Asset List of Templates >ʲģб :Asset List of Transfers >ʲתб :Asset List of Transfers in Progress >ִʲתб :Asset Location Details >ʲλϸ :Asset Location Maintenance >ʲλά :Asset Locations >ʲλ :Asset Maintenance >ʲά :Asset Master >ʲ :Asset Master Sub-asset Re-create >ʲʲ´ :Asset Master Sub-assets >ʲʲ :Asset Master-Sub Query >ʲӲѯ :Asset Master/Sub Account Re-create >ʲʻ´ :Asset Master/Sub Assets >ʲʲ :Asset Master/Sub File >ʲļ :Asset Master/Sub Query >ʲӲѯ :Asset Master/Sub-asset Maintenance >ʲ/ʲά :Asset Master/Sub-asset Re-create >ʲ/ʲ´ :Asset Master/Sub-assets >ʲʲ :Asset Mechanic >ʲ :Asset Mechanic Details >ʲ :Asset Mechanic Maintenance >ʲѧά :Asset Mechanics >ʲ :Asset Mechanics Maintenance >ʲά :Asset Mehanic >ʲ :Asset Month End >ʲ :Asset Month end performed >ִʲ :Asset Movement Schedule >ʲ䶯ʱ :Asset Owner '%1' not found >δҵʲ '%1' :Asset Owner Details >ʲϸ :Asset Owner Maintenance >ʲά :Asset Owners >ʲ :Asset Partially disposed >ִʲ :Asset Partially disposed e.net >ִʲ e.net :Asset Period End >ʲĩ :Asset Period End Date >ʲڽ :Asset Purchase Order Requisitions >ʲɹ빺 :Asset Query >ʲѯ :Asset Reason for Disposal >ʲԭ :Asset Reason for Disposal Details >ʲԭ :Asset Reason for Disposal Maintenance >ʲԭά :Asset Reason for Reval Maintenance >ʲԭά :Asset Reason for Reval Maintenence >ʲԭά :Asset Reason for Revaluation >ʲعԭ :Asset Reason for Revaluation Details >ʲԭϸ :Asset Reason for Revaluation Maintenance >ʲԭά :Asset Reasons for Disposal >ʲԭ :Asset Reasons for Disposal Maintenance >ʲԭά :Asset Reasons for Revaluation >ʲعԭ :Asset Register Labels >ʲעб :Asset Register Period End >ʲǼDzĩ :Asset Register Query on Entries >ʲǼѯ :Asset Register Query on Transactions >ʲǼѯ :Asset Register Setup >ʲǼ :Asset Revaluation >ʲ :Asset Revaluation Details >ʲ¹ֵϸ :Asset Revaluations >ʲ :Asset Revalued e.net >¹ֵʲ e.net :Asset Setup >ʲ :Asset Setup Options >ʲѡ :Asset Status >ʲ״̬ :Asset Status '%1' not found >δҵʲ״̬ '%1' :Asset Status Code maintenance >ʲ״̬ά :Asset Status Codes >ʲ״̬ :Asset Status Details >ʲ״̬ :Asset Status Maintenance >ʲ״̬ά :Asset Statuses >ʲ״̬ :Asset Take-on >ʲ :Asset Take-on to Call Assets Browse >ʲʲ :Asset Tax Disposal Correction >ʲ˰ :Asset Tax Values Schedule >ʲ˰ֵʱ :Asset Template Details >ʲģ :Asset Template Entries >ʲģĿ :Asset Template Maintenance >ʲģά :Asset Templates >ʲģ :Asset Templates Listing >ʲģб :Asset Timesheet Journal >ʲʱռ :Asset Timesheet Journal in Progress >ִʲʱռ :Asset Timesheet Journals >ʲʱռ? :Asset Timesheet Postings >ʲʱ :Asset Transaction Details >ʲϸ :Asset Transaction Journal >ʲռ :Asset Transaction Journals >ʲռ :Asset Transaction Journals in Progress >ִʲռ :Asset Transaction Posting Journal >ʲ׷ռ :Asset Transactions >ʲ :Asset Transactions Details >ʲϸ :Asset Transfer >ʲת :Asset Transfer Details >ʲתϸ :Asset Transferred e.net >תʲ e.net :Asset Type '%1' not found >δҵʲ '%1' :Asset Type Details >ʲϸ :Asset Type Maintenance >ʲά :Asset Type record locked >ʲͼ¼ :Asset Types >ʲ :Asset Value >ʲֵ :Asset Values >ʲֵ :Asset Year end performed >ִʲ :Asset account %1 >ʲۿ %1 :Asset accounts >ʲʻ :Asset added >ӵʲ :Asset added e.net >ʲe.net :Asset already depreciated >۾ʲ :Asset already exists and depreciated >ʲѴ۾ :Asset already exists and depreciated - cannot generate. You may delete this asset from suspense, but doing so may cause an imbalance between Asset Clearing and Asset Control accounts. Do you wish to delete this asset in suspense? >ʲѴ۾ - ޷ɡɾʲᵼʲʻʲʻIJƽ⡣ϣɾʲ :Asset already exists but not depreciated. Do you wish to increment asset cost and quantity with values from suspended asset? >ʲѴڵδ۾ɡϣԹʲеֵۼʲɱ :Asset already sold >۳ʲ :Asset amendment journals required >Ҫʲ޶ռ :Asset book >ʲ˲ :Asset book selection >ʲ˲ѡ :Asset branch >ʲ֧ :Asset branch '%1' not found >δҵʲ֧ '%1' :Asset branch after >֮ʲ֧ :Asset branch before >֮ǰʲ֧ :Asset branch does not exist >ʲ֧ :Asset branch selection >ʲ֧ѡ :Asset branch/Cost center >ʲ֧/ɱ :Asset capex >ʲʱ֧ :Asset capex classification record locked >ʲʱ÷¼ :Asset capex details >ʲʱ֧ϸ :Asset capex item >ʲʱĿ :Asset capex item added >ӵʲʱĿ :Asset capex item changed >ʲʱĿ :Asset capex item deleted >ɾʲʱĿ :Asset capex line >ʲʱ֧ :Asset capex line added >ӵʲʱ :Asset capex line changed >ʲʱ :Asset capex line deleted >ɾʲʱ :Asset capex line linked to p/o req or job >ɹ빺ҵʲʱ :Asset capex line linked to po req or job >ӵɹ빺ʲʱ :Asset capex line number >ʲʱб :Asset capex line p/o req or job raised >ʲʱвɹ빺ҵ :Asset capex line po req or job raised >ʲʱвɹ빺 :Asset capex line unlinked from p/o req or jo >δɹ빺ҵӵʲʱ :Asset capex line unlinked from p/o req or job >δɹ빺ҵӵʲʱ֧ :Asset capex line unlinked from po req or job >ʲʱвɹ빺 :Asset capex number >ʲʱñ :Asset capex type record locked >ʲʱͼ¼ :Asset changed >ĵʲ :Asset changed e.net >ʲ e.net :Asset changes >ʲ仯 :Asset classification >ʲ :Asset clearing >ʲ :Asset code '%1' already exists in capex suspense >ʲ '%1' ʱ֧ʻѴ :Asset code '%1' has a blank Depreciation ledger code >ʲ '%1' пհ۾ɷʴ :Asset code '%1' not found >δҵʲ '%1' :Asset code already exists in suspense >ʲѴҴڹ״̬ :Asset code before >֮ǰʲ :Asset code invalid >ʲЧ :Asset code list maintenance >ʲбά :Asset code locked >ʲ :Asset code must be numeric >ʲΪ :Asset code selection >ʲѡ :Asset control >ʲ :Asset cost center >ʲɱ :Asset cost center before >֮ǰʲɱ :Asset cost center does not exist >ʲɱIJ :Asset cost center record locked >ʲɱļ¼ :Asset cost center selection >ʲɱѡ :Asset cost centre >ʲɱ :Asset cost centre after >֮ʲɱ :Asset cost including this entry >Ŀʲɱ :Asset cost/value >ʲɱ/ֵ :Asset cost/value cannot be less than group minimum book value >ʲɱֵССֵ :Asset cost/value cannot be less than minimum book value >ʲɱ/ֵ˲ֵ :Asset count >ʲ :Asset count adjustment >ʲ :Asset count adjustments >ʲ :Asset count information >ʲϢ :Asset current value >ʲǰֵ :Asset delete >ʲɾ :Asset deleted >ɾʲ :Asset deleted e.net >ʲɾ e.net :Asset depreciation adjusted >ʲ۾ :Asset depreciation adjusted for EUL >Ϊ EUL ʲ۾ :Asset depreciation calculated >ʲ۾ :Asset depreciation calculation has already been run for this period. Only selected depreciation books that do not recalculate for current year or for life of asset will be regenerated >дڵʲ۾ɼ㡣ɲΪǰݻʲڽ¼ѡ۾˲ :Asset depreciation calculation has not been run >ʲ۾ɼδ :Asset depreciation code >ʲ۾ɴ :Asset depreciation code '%1' not found >δҵʲ۾ɴ '%1' :Asset depreciation code record locked >ʲ۾ɴ¼ :Asset disposal information >ʲϢ :Asset disposed >õʲ :Asset distribution register >ʲǼDz :Asset entries before >ǰʲ :Asset entries for >¸ʲ :Asset entries selection >ʲĿѡ :Asset expense code >ʲô :Asset expense code record locked >ʲô¼ :Asset expense posting recap totals >ʲ÷ϼ :Asset found in suspense for this depreciation period >Ϊ۾ҵĹʲ :Asset group >ʲ :Asset group after >֮ʲ :Asset group before >֮ǰʲ :Asset group code >ʲ :Asset group code selection >ʲѡ :Asset group information >ʲϢ :Asset group invalid >ʲЧ :Asset group list maintenance >ʲбά :Asset group selection >ʲѡ :Asset group within location >صڵʲ :Asset has already been sold - cannot be acquired >ʲ - ޷չ :Asset has already been sold - cannot be adjusted >ʲ - ޷ :Asset has already been sold - cannot be changed >ʲ - ޷ :Asset has already been sold - cannot be revalued >ʲ - ޷¹ֵ :Asset has been disposed >Ѵʲ :Asset has depreciation book details - cannot be changed >ʲ߱۾˲ϸ - ޷ :Asset has depreciation book details - cannot be deleted >ʲ߱۾˲ϸ - ޷ɾ :Asset has not been acquired - cannot be adjusted >δչʲ - ޷ :Asset has not yet been acquired AssetHistoryTax >δչʲ AssetHistoryTax :Asset history >ʲ¼ :Asset in Suspense >ʲ :Asset in Suspense Maintenance >ʲά :Asset in Suspense Report >ʲ :Asset in Suspense Report in Progress >ڽйʲ :Asset in Suspense Values >ʲֵ :Asset in master >еʲ :Asset in suspense changed >Ĺʲ :Asset in suspense deleted >ɾĹʲ :Asset in suspense generated >ɵĹʲ :Asset in suspense generated incrementing exi >ɵĹʲۼ :Asset in suspense generated incrementing existing >ۼиɵĹʲ :Asset in suspense not found >δҵʲ :Asset in suspense on hold/un-hold >δĹʲ :Asset in suspense on hold/unhold >δĹʲ :Asset information >ʲϢ :Asset inter-company clearing >ʲ˾ :Asset invalid >Чʲ :Asset is a master asset and may not be deleted >ʲΪʲɾ :Asset is a sub asset and may not be deleted >ʲΪʲɾ :Asset journals >ʲռ :Asset labor weekly update performed >ִеʲͶÿܸ :Asset line >ʲ :Asset list maintenance >ʲбά :Asset location >ʲλ :Asset location '%1' not found >δҵʲλ '%1' :Asset location '%1' not in count >ʲλ '%1' δ :Asset location is in count - cannot delete >ʲλ - ޷ɾ :Asset location record locked >ʲλü¼ :Asset location selection >ʲλѡ :Asset masters >ʲ :Asset month-end performed >ִеʲ :Asset must be numeric >资产必须为数字 :Asset not on file >ʲ :Asset notes >ʲע :Asset numbering method >ʲŷ :Asset order line flag >ʲб :Asset owner >ʲ :Asset owner selection >ʲѡ :Asset period end dates have not been defined correctly >δȷʲڽ :Asset period end table has not been defined correctly >δȷʲڽ :Asset period end table has not been defined correctly. Do you wish to continue? >δȷʲĩϣ? :Asset purge performed >ִеʲ :Asset quantity >ʲ :Asset quantity cannot be zero >ʲΪ :Asset reason for disposal record locked >ʲԭ¼ :Asset reason for revaluation record locked >ʲԭ¼ :Asset register >ʲע :Asset reset lowest unprocessed journal >ʲλͼδռ :Asset revalued >¹ֵʲ :Asset selection >ʲѡ :Asset split >ʲָ :Asset statistical account >ʲͳʻ :Asset status code selection >ʲ״̬ѡ :Asset status record locked >ʲ״̬¼ :Asset status selection >ʲ״̬ѡ :Asset tax details >ʲ˰ϸ :Asset to generate >Ҫɵʲ :Asset transferred >תõʲ :Asset type >ʲ :Asset type %1 >ʲ %1 :Asset type before >֮ǰʲ :Asset type invalid >ʲЧ :Asset type list maintenance >ʲбά :Asset type selection >ʲѡ :Asset value cannot be less than minimum book value >ʲֵССֵ :Asset value cannot be less than minimum book value - '%1' >ʲ/ֵ˲ֵ - '%1' :Asset value is less than residual or minimum group value >ʲֵСڲֵСֵ :Asset value is less than residual value >ʲֵСڲֵ :Asset year-end performed >ִеʲ :Asset/s not generated - please check asset in suspense for invalid field/s >δʲ - ʲǷЧֶ :AssetTemplates Listing in Progress >ִʲģб :Assets >ʲ :Assets Add >ʲ :Assets Amendment Journal >ʲ :Assets Amendment Journal Report in Progress >ִʲ޶ռʱ :Assets Buyer >ʲ :Assets Capex Classification >ʲʱ֧ :Assets Capex Maintenance >ʲʱ֧ά :Assets Capex Type >ʲʱ :Assets Capex change approval status >ʲʱñ״̬ :Assets Capex generate assets >ʲʱʲ :Assets Capex item add >ʲʱĿ :Assets Capex item change >ʲʱĿ :Assets Capex item change approval status >ʲʱĿ״̬ :Assets Capex item delete >ʲʱĿɾ :Assets Capex line add >ʲʱ :Assets Capex line approve when budget exceeded >Ԥʱʲʱ :Assets Capex line change >ʲʱи :Assets Capex line delete >ʲʱɾ :Assets Capex line exceed budget >ʲʱгԤ :Assets Capex raise/link/unlink p-orders, reqs or jobs >ʲʱ//Ӳɹ빺 :Assets Capex raise/link/unlink p/os reqs or jobs >ʲʱӣȡӲɹ빺ҵ :Assets Change >ʲ :Assets Clearing Account >ʲʻ :Assets Conversion >ʲת :Assets Conversion is complete >ʲת :Assets Count as counter >ʲΪ :Assets Count as verifier >ʲΪ֤ :Assets Count import >ʲ :Assets Count review >ʲ :Assets Defaults Listing >ʲĬֵб :Assets Defaults Listing in Progress >ִʲĬֵб :Assets Delete >ʲɾ :Assets Depreciation Calculation >ʲ۾ɼ :Assets Depreciation Calculation and Report >ʲ۾ɼ뱨 :Assets Depreciation calculation update >ʲ۾ɼ :Assets Depreciation fields >ʲ۾ֶ :Assets Entries >ʲ :Assets Financial Fields >ʲֶ :Assets Full Enquiry Listing >ʲȫѯб :Assets G/L Control Account >ʲG/Lͳʻ :Assets G/L Interface >ʲ(G/L) :Assets GL Interface >ʲ GL :Assets Generated/Incremented from Suspense >ӹʲɣۼƵʲ :Assets History file >ʲʷ¼ֶ :Assets Identification fields >ʲʶֶ :Assets Integration fields >ʲֶ :Assets Interface Entries >ʲĿ :Assets Label Print >ʲǩӡ :Assets Labels >ʲǩ :Assets Ledger Interface >ʲʽ :Assets Ledger Interface Listing >ʲʽб :Assets Ledger Interface Maintenance >ʲʽά :Assets List of GL Interface Entries >ʲʽб :Assets Manager >ʲ :Assets Master/Sub Account File Creation >ʲʻļ :Assets Master/Sub Account File created successfully >ѳɹʲʻļ :Assets Master/Sub-asset re-create >ʲʲ´ :Assets Movement Report >ʲ䶯 :Assets Owner >ʲ :Assets Period End Dates >ʲڽ :Assets Posting Period and Year >ʲڼ :Assets Query >ʲѯ :Assets Register >ƲǼ :Assets Register - Head Office >ʲǼ - ܹ˾ :Assets Register Conversion >ʲעת :Assets Register Conversion successful >ʲǼתɹ :Assets Register Integration >ʲעἯ :Assets Register Label Format >ʲעǩʽ :Assets Register Period End >ʲעڼĩ :Assets Register Query on Entries >ʲעѯ :Assets Register Query on Transactions >׵ʲעѯ :Assets Register Setup >ʲǼDz :Assets Register module >ʲעģ :Assets Register module not installed >ʲǼģδװ :Assets Setup >ʲ :Assets Setup Period dates >ʲ :Assets Take-on >ʲ :Assets Templates Maintenance >ʲģά :Assets Transaction Journal >ʲռ :Assets Transaction Journals >ʲռ :Assets Transaction Journals in Progress >ִʲռ :Assets clearing >ʲ :Assets control >ʲ :Assets control account not on file >̶ʲ˻ :Assets entries file >ʲ¼ļ :Assets entries selection >ʲѡ :Assets found in other locations >λҵʲ :Assets in Suspense >ʲ :Assets in Suspense Generate/Print in Progress >ڽйʲɣӡ :Assets in Suspense Maintenance >ʲά :Assets in Suspense Report >ʲ :Assets in Suspense Report in Progress >ִйʲ :Assets integration can be broken down by >ʲɿ԰¸ֽ :Assets is not integrated to the General - no journal created >ʲδϵ??δռ :Assets period-end table has not been set up correctly >ʲĩδȷ :Assets system is not in the final period. Are you sure you wish to conitnue? >ʲϵͳڡȷҪ :Assets system is not in the final period. Are you sure you wish to continue? >ʲϵͳڡȷҪ :Assets to >ʲת? :Assign > :Assign '%1' to an existing contact? > '%1' 䵽ϵ? :Assign Accounts >ʻ :Assign All >ȫ :Assign All Fields To List >ֶη䵽б :Assign All Items To Current List >Ŀǰб :Assign All Organisations To Current List >֯ǰб :Assign All Roles To Organogram >ְ䵽֯ṹͼ :Assign Contact >ϵ :Assign Customers >ͻ :Assign Multiple Accounts >˻ :Assign Multiple Customers >ͻ :Assign Multiple Suppliers >Ӧ :Assign One or More Warehouses >分配一个或多个仓库 :Assign Order Number >䶩 :Assign Role >ְ :Assign Selected >ѡ :Assign Selected Fields To List >ѡֶη䵽б :Assign Selected Items To Current List >ѡĿǰб :Assign Selected Organisation To Current List >ѡ֯ǰб :Assign Selected Organisations To Current List >ѡ֯ǰб :Assign Selected Roles To Organogram >ѡְ䵽֯ṹͼ :Assign Subgroups > :Assign Suppliers >乩Ӧ :Assign a foreign currency to selected price codes >ҷ䵽ѡ۸ :Assign activities to existing contact >䵽ϵ :Assign alternate suppliers to selected stock items >ùӦ̷䵽ѡĿ :Assign default values for selected fields for use in the Assets in Suspense program to transfer capex requisition lines from suspense into the assets register >ΪѡڹʲֶηĬֵԽʱдӹתƵʲǼDz :Assign descriptions to an unlimited number of reason codes >޸ԭ :Assign elements of cost to specific stock items, as well as to indicate the point of transition at which recovery costs must take place >ɱԪط䵽ضĿעطָɱĹɵ :Assign foreign prices to selected stock items >Ҽ۸䵽ѡĿ :Assign higher priority > :Assign passwords against various functions that can be performed and configure operator passwords >տִҿòԱIJܷͬ :Assign price codes to selected stock items based on the sale of specific quantities of that item >ڸĿض۷۸뵽ѡĿĿ :Assign salesperson to current operator >ۻԱ䵽ǰԱ :Assign user-defined text to specific narration codes >ûıض :Assigned >ѷ :Assigned Accounts >ѷ˻ :Assigned Custom Form Types >已分配自定义表格类型 :Assigned Customers >Ŀͻ :Assigned Suppliers >ѷ乩Ӧ :Assigned columns >已分配列栏 :Assigned organisations >֯ :Assigned organizations >ѷ֯ :Assist with the detection of problems on a SYSPRO client machine and on the application server >Эɾ SYSPRO ͻӦóϵ :Assistant > :Assistant Controller >Ա :Assistant birthday > :Assistant email >ʼ :Assistant name > :Assistant telephone >绰 :Assistant telephone number >绰 :Assistant's name > :Assistants name > :Assistants phone number >绰 :Associate a comment code to a supplier for automatic retrieval against a purchase order line >עӦ̣ԶղɹнԶ :Associate values with criteria >׼ֵ :Associated Fixed Costs >صĹ̶ɱ :Associated Fixed Costs for LCT Routes > LCT ·ߵĹ̶ɱ :Associated Fixed Costs for Route >·йصĹ̶ɱ :Associated VBScript >VBScript :Associated hierarchy costs >ּɱ :Associated with group > :Assset details >ʲϸ :Assume current rev/rel at time of adding job >ҵڼٶǰ޶ :Assume current rev/rel at time of adding order >Ӷڼٶǰ޶ :Assume current rev/rel at time of shipping order >ڼٶǰ޶ :Assume current rev/rel at time of transaction >ڼٶǰ޶ :Assume expected element value when actual element value is %1 >当实际元素值为 %1 时,假设预期元素值 :Assume expected element value when actual element value is zero >ٶʵֵΪʱֵ :Assume no components on bought out items >ٶ۳Ʒ޲ :Assume total receipt when calculating actual cost >ʵʳɱʱܵջ :Assume total receipt when calculating actual merchandise cost >ʵƷɱʱվܶ :At Depot >ڿⷿ :At a Glance > :At current exchange rate >ǰ :At current rate >按当前利率 :At entry time >¼ʱ :At issue >ͷʱ :At least on requisition status must be selected >ѡһ״̬ :At least one Bin number must be supplied if multiple bins installed >װ˶ֿ⣬ṩһ :At least one ECO status must be selected >ѡһECO״̬ :At least one ECO system status must be selected >ѡһECOϵͳ״̬ :At least one RMA status must be selected >ѡһ˻Ȩ(RMA)״̬ :At least one RMA type should be selected >ӦѡһRMA :At least one account type must be selected >ѡһʻ :At least one action should be selected >Ӧѡһֶ :At least one apportionment percentage is zero. This must be apportioned manually >һ̯ٷֱΪ㡣ֶʽз̯ :At least one archive type must be selected >ѡһ :At least one authority level must be selected >ѡһȨ :At least one blanket purchase order type must be selected >ѡһۺԲɹ :At least one budget must be selected >ѡһԤ :At least one business process must be checked >ѡһҵ :At least one calculation method must be chosen >ѡһּ㷽 :At least one calculation must be defined >ȷһּ㷽 :At least one co-product must be included in production >һͬƷ :At least one co-product, which was part of the detail cost apportionment has been deleted. The detail costs will be checked and re-apportioned if necessary. Ok to continue? >ɾһΪϸɱ̯һֵĹͬƷЩϸɱԼ鲢ڱҪʱ·̯ȷҪ :At least one company must be selected before any reports can be run >κα֮ǰѡһҹ˾ :At least one company must exist before you may use the system >ʹøϵͳǰٴһҹ˾ :At least one component is not stocked in the warehouse that you have selected. These have reverted to the warehouse to use for the components >ѡIJֿһӦΪǿ沿 :At least one configuration status must be selected >ѡһ״̬ :At least one confuration status must be selected >ѡһ״̬ :At least one contract line type must be selected >ѡһͬ :At least one contract status must be selected >ѡһֺͬ״̬ :At least one contract type must be selected >ѡһֺͬ :At least one detail line type should be selected >ѡһϸĿ :At least one digit required in password >Ҫһλ :At least one discount must be entered >һʻ :At least one dispatch line type must be selected >ѡһַ :At least one dispatch note line type must be selected >ѡһַ :At least one dispatch note status must be selected >ѡһַ״̬ :At least one dispatch status must be selected >ѡһַ״̬ :At least one dispatch type must be selected >ѡһַ :At least one document type must be selected >ѡһĵ :At least one entry has been posted to a job. You must complete ledger distribution entries >һѹҵɷʷ :At least one entry has been posted to a job. You must complete ledger distribution entries and post this transaction >һѹʸҵɷʷ벢Ϊ˽׹ :At least one entry has been posted to a job. You must complete ledger distribution entries >ѽһҵɷʷ :At least one entry has been posted to a job. You must complete ledger distribution entries and post this transaction >ѽһҵɷʷԸý׽й :At least one entry type must be selected >ѡһ :At least one file is above 90% of the maximum file size >һļļ90% :At least one file was found to contain duplicate records, due to\nSQL being installed as '%1'. \nThese records will not have been included in the bulk insert.\n\nYou can view excluded data from the next screen or in >ٷһļظ¼Ϊ\nSQLΪ '%1' ԰װ \nThese records will not have been included in the bulk insert.\n\nYou can view excluded data from the next screen or in :At least one format must be selected to print factory documentation >ѡһָʽԴӡĵ :At least one group status must be selected >ѡһ״̬ :At least one highlighted line has a supplier on hold and a purchase order will not be created for it. Ok to continue? >һͻʾϴͣӦ̣˽Ϊ䴴ɹȷҪ :At least one highlighted line has been excluded and a purchase order will not be created for it. Ok to continue? >һͻʾѱų˽Ϊ䴴ɹȷҪ :At least one highlighted line has been excluded and will not be dispatched. Ok to continue? >һͻʾѱų˽͡ȷҪ :At least one highlighted line has been excluded and will not be released. Ok to continue? >һͻʾѱų˽СȷҪ :At least one item class must be selected >ѡһֻƷȼ :At least one journal status must be selected >ѡһռ״̬ :At least one journal type must be selected >ѡһռ :At least one letter required in password >Ҫһĸ :At least one line from this quote has been ignored as the stock code is on partial hold and is not allowed to be on back order >ڿ벿ͣҲڽУ˱۵һѱԡ :At least one lowercase letter >һСдĸ :At least one notation type must be selected >ѡһַ :At least one of the ABC classes must be selected >ѡABCȼеһֵȼ :At least one of the calculation results must be the column result (COL) >һн(COL) :At least one of the contract price methods must be selected >ѡһֺͬ۷ :At least one of the contracts you have added will not be displayed as it does not match your Options or Include criteria >ӵĺͬһݽʾΪƥġѡ򡰰׼ :At least one of the contracts you have added will not be displayed as it does not match your Options or Include criteria >ӵһݺͬʾΪ䲻ƥѡ׼ :At least one of the contracts you have changed will not be displayed as it no longer matches your Options or Include criteria >ĵĺͬһݽʾΪƥġѡ򡰰׼ :At least one of the details must be selected >ѡһϸĿ :At least one of the exceptions must be selected >ѡһ :At least one of the include options must be selected >ѡһ֡ѡ :At least one of the item types must be selected >ѡһĿ :At least one of the movement types must be selected >ɾһ䶯 :At least one of the price methods must be selected >ѡһֶ۷ :At least one of the warehouse include selections must be selected >ѡһֿѡ :At least one option between Print and Send must be selected >ѡӡͷеһѡ :At least one option must be selected. (fax, email or print) >ѡһѡ桢ʼӡ :At least one order line for purchase order '%1' has material allocations >ɹ '%1' һо߱Ϸ :At least one order line for purchase order '%1' has sub-contract operations >ɹ '%1' һо߱תҵ :At least one order line has been created for a sales order. OK to continue >Ϊ۶һСȷҪ :At least one order line has been created for a sales order. OK to continue? >Ϊ۶һСȷҪ :At least one order line type must be selected >ѡһֶ :At least one order status must be selected >ѡһֶ״̬ :At least one payment run status must be selected >ѡһ״̬ :At least one post dated check is currently due for this customer >当前此客户至少一张远期汇票已到期 :At least one post dated check is currently due for this customer. Do you wish to select a check now? (If not you may still select them later) >Դ˿ͻһԶ֧ƱĿǰѵڡϣѡ֧Ʊ :At least one previous selection set must be selected >ѡһǰѡ :At least one price method must be selected >ѡһֶ۷ :At least one purchase order status must be selected >ѡһֲɹ״̬ :At least one purchase order type must be selected >ѡһֲɹ :At least one quotation status must be selected >ѡһֱ :At least one record layout must be selected >ѡһּ¼ͼ :At least one requisition line must be selected >ѡһ빺 :At least one requisition status must be selected >ѡһ빺״̬ :At least one requisition type must be selected >ѡһ빺 :At least one requisition was ignored for not having a capex >һûԤʽ֧ :At least one role in the import file already exists in your target database.\n\nFunction cancelled >ļһְĿݿдڡ\n\nȡ :At least one selected line has a supplier on hold and a purchase order will not be created for it. Ok to continue? >һѡо߱ͣӦ̣ҽΪ˴ɹȷҪ? :At least one selected line has been excluded and will not be dispatched. You can cancel and then release warning lines, or uncheck exclude. If you continue, then you will post excluding these lines. Ok to continue? >һѡѱųҽDz͡ȡȻͷžУҲȡѡаôųЩжȷҪ? :At least one selected line has been excluded and will not be dispatched. You can use right click on warning lines to include, or continue to post excluding these lines. Ok to continue? >һѡѱųҽDz͡ʹһеķЩг⡣ȷҪ? :At least one selected requisition is linked to a suggested job. Do you wish to continue and remove any links? >ٽһѡ빺ҵϣɾκ :At least one serial number must be selected >ѡһϵк :At least one source of invoice must be selected >ѡһƱԴ :At least one status has to be selected >ѡһ״̬ :At least one stock code is attached to its own structure as a component >һΪԼĽṹ :At least one stock code must be defined in the list >бжһ :At least one transaction type must be selected >ѡһֽ :At least one transaction type must be specified >˵һֽ :At least one type of component/operation must be selected >ѡһֲ :At least one type of inventory movement must be selected >ѡһֿ䶯 :At least one type of transfer must be selected >ѡһת :At least one type of transfer needs to selected for review >ҪѡһתƣԹ :At least one uppercase letter >һдĸ :At least one variable to be selected >ѡһ :At least one view must be showing >ʾһͼ :At least one where used option must be selected >ѡһùľֲѡ :At least one wildcard character must be entered >һͨ :At least the customers or buying groups must be selected >ѡͻɹ :At line level >в :At product class level >ڲƷ༶ :At receipt >ջʱ :At service depot >ڷά :At stock code level >ڿ뼶 :Attach > :Attach All Outstanding Lines >附加所有未执行行 :Attach Comments To Line >Ϊиע :Attach Component >Ӳ :Attach Document > :Attach Operation >Ӳ :Attach Picture >ͼƬ :Attach Picture as Tooltip >ͼƬΪʾ :Attach Purchase Order Comments to Line >ɹעӵ :Attach Requisition Notes to Selected Line >빺ӵѡ :Attach Route >· :Attach Route Element >·Ԫ :Attach Selected Component/s to Hierarchy >ѡӵּ :Attach Selected Operation/s to Hierarchy >ѡӵּ :Attach Sub Account >Ϸʻ :Attach Sub Asset >ʲ :Attach Sub Asset to Master >ӷʲ :Attach Sub Job >ҵ :Attach Sub Job to Master >ӷҵ :Attach Sub-Account >ϸʻ :Attach Sub-account to Master >ӷʻ :Attach Sub-asset >ʲ :Attach Sub-asset to Master >ʲ :Attach an element to this route >Ԫص· :Attach as >Ϊ :Attach comment to a previous line >עһ :Attach comments to a p/order line >ɹиע :Attach comments to an order line >ע :Attach job >ӹ :Attach subcontract op narrations >Ӻͬ :Attach subcontract op narrations when creating requisitions / purchase orders >빺/ɹʱϷְ˵ :Attach subcontract op narrations when creating requisitions/purchase orders >󣯲ɹʱӷְͬ :Attached Sub Jobs >ҵ :Attached to a stock code >ӵ :Attached to master asset >ʲ :Attached to master asset %1 >ʲ %1 :Attachment > :Attachment Options >ѡ :Attachment cancelled >ӱȡ :Attachment count > :Attachment file >ļ :Attachment location >Ӳλ :Attachment name > :Attachment settings > :Attachments > :Attempted to Close Down Windows >ͼرWindows :Attempting to add customer purchase order '%1' but it already exists >ͼӿͻɹ '%1' Ѵ :Attempting to add customer purchase order '%1' for customer '%2' but it already exists >ͼΪͻ '%2' ӿͻɹ '%1' Ѵ :Attempting to add line no '%1' to sales order '%2' but it already exists >ͼк '%1' ӵ۶ '%2' Ѵ :Attempting to add sales order '%1' but it already exists >ͼ۶ '%1' Ѵ :Attempting to attach a comment line to dispatch line '%1' which does not exist >ͼвڵķ '%1' ע :Attempting to attach comment line '%1' to order line '%2' which does not exist on sales order '%3' >ͼ۶ '%3' вڵĶ '%2' ע '%1' :Attempting to attach comment line '%1' to order line '%2' which is a comment line or a kit component >ͼΪעл򹤾߰Ķ '%2' ע '%1' :Attempting to attach comment line '%1' to order line '%2' which is after the comment line >ͼλע֮Ķ '%2' ע '%1' :Attempting to attach comment line to dispatch line '%1' which is a comment line or a kit component >ͼΪעл򹤾߰ķ '%1' ע :Attempting to delete sales order '%1' but it does not exist >ͼɾ۶ '%1' 䲻 :Attempting to write a record >ڳԼ¼ :Attendee Information >ϯϢ :Attendee type >出席者类型 :Attendee type description >出席者类型描述 :Attendees >ϯ :Attention >ע :Attribute > :Attribute Maintenance >ά :Attribute Mappings >ӳ :Attribute type > :Attributes > :Audit > :Audit Log >־ :Audit Log Purge >־ :Audit Trail >׷ :Audit log filter >־ :Audit of extracted EFT batches >ȡ EFT :Audit of extracted EFT batches before >ǰȡ EFT :Audit of voided EFT entries >ʧЧ EFT Ŀ :Audit of voided EFT entries >ʧЧ EFT Ŀ :Audit of voided EFT entries before >ǰʧЧ EFT Ŀ :Audit report type >Ʊ :Audited? (Y/N) >ƣǣ :Auditor's Adjustment Journal Entries >Առ :Auditor's Adjustment Journal Entries for Journal >Աĵռ :Auditor's Adjustment Journal Header >Առʱͷ :Auditor's Password >Ա :Auditor's adjustment >Ա :Auditor's adjustments >Ա :Auditor's password '%1' invalid >Ա '%1' Ч :Auditors >Ա :Auditors Password >Ա :Auditors adjustment >Ա :Auditors adjustments >Ա :Aug > :Aug %1 > %1 :August > :Aum >油λ :Australian GST required >ҪĴGST :Australian GST required and VAT registration number '%1' is blank/invalid >ҪĴǻ˰(GST)˰ע '%1' ΪհףЧ :Authentication >֤ :Authentication by >֤ :Authentication method >֤ :Author >作者 :Authorised - Confirmed >Ȩ - ȷ :Authorised By >Ȩ :Authorised flag >Ȩ :Authorising person >׼ :Authorising person selection >׼ѡ :Authorities >Ȩ :Authority >Ȩ :Authority Level to Include >Ȩ :Authority level >Ȩ :Authorization Options >׼ѡ :Authorization number >Ȩ :Authorization of journals before posting required >Ҫǰռ׼ :Authorization of sub module journals before posting required >Ҫ󷢲ǰȨģռ :Authorize >׼ :Authorize Journal >׼ռ :Authorize Journals >׼ռ :Authorize Normal Journals >׼ռ :Authorize Recurring Journals >׼ѭռ :Authorize or approve supplier invoices before they are paid >֧ǰȨ׼Ӧ̷Ʊ :Authorized >׼ :Authorized Journals >׼ռ :Authorized Qty >Ȩ :Authorized Wh >Ȩֿ :Authorized and completed successfully >׼ɹ :Authorized but transaction not completed >׼δ :Authorized by user >ûȨ :Authorized quantity >Ȩ :Authorized quantity must be greater than zero >Ȩ :Authorized warehouse >Ȩֿ :Authorizing person >׼ :Authorizing person selection >Ȩѡ :Authorizing user >ûȨ :Auto >Զ :Auto Column Hide >Զ :Auto Execute >Զִ :Auto Fit >ԶӦ :Auto Fit for all Items >ԶӦĿ :Auto Format >Զʽ :Auto Preview >ԶԤ :Auto Price Update >Զ۸ :Auto Price Update Report >Զ۸± :Auto Rotate >Զֻ :Auto Save Templates >Զģ :Auto Synchronize >Զͬ :Auto Void >ԶʧЧ :Auto Write Off >Զע :Auto Write-off >Զ :Auto add >Զ :Auto approve line value >Զмֵ :Auto approve requisition line value >Զ빺мֵ :Auto approve requisition value >Զ빺ֵ :Auto correct problems >Զ :Auto deplete lots and bins >ԶĻƷͲֿ :Auto depletion of cost buckets >ԶɱͰ :Auto generate >Զ :Auto generate non-stocked code >Զɷǿ :Auto hide >Զ :Auto hide column >自动隐藏列栏 :Auto insert row >自动插入行栏 :Auto narration no >Զ :Auto navigate period >Զ :Auto number >Զ :Auto post >Զ :Auto price code >Զ۸ :Auto price code selection >Զ۸ѡ :Auto price update criteria >Զ۸±׼ :Auto repleninsh >Զ :Auto save on exit >˳ʱԶ :Auto size columns >自动调整列栏大小 :Auto suggestion not supported for numeric stock codes >ֿ֧Զ :Auto-appproving >Զ :Auto-approve value >Զ׼ֵ :Auto-approving a line >Զ׼ :AutoPreview >AutoPreviewԶԤ :Autofit column widths >Զ :Autofit column widths when Alt+Shift+F5 pressed >Alt+Shift+F5ϼʱԶ :Autofit column widths when CTRL+F5 pressed >CTRL+F5ϼʱԶӦп :Autoload Values >Զֵ :Automate >Զ :Automatic >Զ :Automatic %1 Numbering >Զ %1 :Automatic Bank >Զ :Automatic Bank Reconciliation >Զ :Automatic Column Resize >Զߴ :Automatic Column Sizing >Զߴ :Automatic Depletion >Զ :Automatic Detail Creation Errors >Զϸ :Automatic ECO Numbering >ԶECOŷ :Automatic ECO number >ԶECO :Automatic Invoice Release >ԶƱ :Automatic Invoice Selection >ԶƱѡ :Automatic Non-Stocked Code >Զǿ :Automatic Numbering >自动编号 :Automatic Payment >Զ :Automatic Payment Notice >自动付款通知 :Automatic Quotation Numbering >Զ۱ŷ :Automatic Release >Զǩ :Automatic Release of Scheduled Invoices >ԶŶڷƱ :Automatic Report Validation >Զ֤ :Automatic Sequencing >Զ :Automatic Update >Զ :Automatic User Defined File Validation >Զûļ֤ :Automatic User Defined Table Validation >ԶûԶ֤ :Automatic Void >ԶʧЧ :Automatic Wrap Error >Զ :Automatic Write Off >Զע :Automatic bank reconciliation of deposits >ԶжЭ :Automatic by order >Զ :Automatic by shipment >Զ :Automatic calculation of withholding tax >˰Զ :Automatic depletion of lots by >Զģ :Automatic for each new p/order line >ÿһ²ɹлΪԶ :Automatic issue for receipted stock >ԶΪտǩ :Automatic kit issue of job required >ҪҵԶǩ :Automatic lot numbering >Զα :Automatic narration code >Զ :Automatic narration no >Զ :Automatic next requisition number '%1' is lower than highest requisition number on file >Զһ빺 '%1' Сļе빺 :Automatic notification of messages >ԶϢ֪ͨ :Automatic numbering by company or branch may not be selected if the RMA key type is alphanumeric >˻Ȩ(RMA)Ϊĸ֣򲻵ѡ񰴹˾֧Զ :Automatic numbering by company or branch may not be selected if the sales order key type is alphanumeric >۶ؼΪĸͣܲѡ񰴹˾֧Զŷ :Automatic numbering by company or warehouse may not be selected if the Goods in Transit Reference type is alphanumeric >;ƷοΪĸͣܲѡ񰴹˾ֿԶŷ :Automatic numbering may not be selected if the GRN key is alphanumeric >ջ(GRN)Ϊĸ֣ܲѡԶŹ :Automatic numbering may not be selected if the Requisition key is alphanumeric >빺ؼΪĸͣܲѡԶŷ :Automatic numbering may not be selected if the WIP inspection reference key type is alphanumeric >WIPοؼΪĸ֣򲻿ѡԶŷ :Automatic numbering may not be selected if the dispatch note key type is alphanumeric >Ϊĸ֣򲻵ѡԶŹ :Automatic numbering may not be selected if the job key type is alphanumeric >ҵؼΪĸͣܲѡԶŷ :Automatic numbering may not be selected if the order key type is alphanumeric >ؼΪĸͣܲѡԶŷ :Automatic order selection using prev/next >ʹһһѡԶ :Automatic payment run numbering may not be selected if the payment run key type is alphanumeric >мΪĸ֣򲻵ѡ񸶿ԶŹ :Automatic per order >Զ :Automatic price / disc code >Զ۸ۿ۴ :Automatic price code >Զ۸ :Automatic price code selection >Զ۸ѡ :Automatic price discount code >Զ۸ۿ۴ :Automatic price or disc code >Զ۸ۿ۴ :Automatic quotation number >Զۺ :Automatic quotation numbering may only be set if the quotation key is numeric >ֻ۹ؼΪʱſ趨Զ۱ŷ :Automatic quotation selection using browse >ʹԶѡ :Automatic quotation selection using prev/next >ʹϣԶѡ񱨼 :Automatic refresh >Զˢ :Automatic refresh after >²Զˢ :Automatic revision/release numbering >Զ޶бŷ :Automatic selection of supplier prices >Ӧ̼۸Զѡ :Automatic skip to next p/order line after a receipt >ԶƱһɹ :Automatically >Զ :Automatically Allocate Undistributed Credit Amount >ԶδĴǽ :Automatically Allocate Undistributed Debit Amount >ԶδĽǽ :Automatically Apply Checks to Outstanding Invoices by Invoice Number Sequence >ԶƱ˳Ӧ֧ƱδƱ :Automatically Apply check to Outstanding Invoices by Due Date >ԶӦ֧ƱδƱ :Automatically Pay Outstanding Invoices in the Sequence Selected, Until Undistributed Amount Falls to Zero >Զ֧ѡ˳еδƱֱδﵽΪֹ :Automatically Release Invoices Based on Due or Invoice Date >ԶݵڻƱڷзƱ :Automatically accept all selected lines >Զѡ :Automatically accept all selected lines? >Զȫѡ :Automatically accept selected lines? >Զѡ :Automatically adjust qty to make on job >Զ¹ :Automatically calculate withholding tax >Զ˰ :Automatically check for reminders >Զ :Automatically check previous task completed >Զǰ :Automatically clear WIP variances less than >Automatically clear WIP variances less than :Automatically clear WIP variances valued less than >ԶWIP죬ֵ :Automatically cleared variance >Automatically cleared variance :Automatically cleared variances >ԶIJ :Automatically convert extract file to user defined indexed file >ԶժȡļתΪûԶļ :Automatically create next %1 loads >Զ %1  :Automatically create next %1 loads >Զ %1  :Automatically create next %1 loads >Զһ %1 غ :Automatically create next %1 route details >Զһ %1 · :Automatically create next 10 loads >Զ10װ :Automatically create with default additional information >ĬϸϢԶ :Automatically delete cancelled requisitions, as well as any confirmed requisitions that have exceeded the number of retention days >Զɾȡ빺Լѳȷ빺 :Automatically do a company lockout >Զִй˾ͣ :Automatically expand hierarchy treeviews in maintenance and posting >Զά͹չͼ :Automatically increment the sequence if duplicate components found? >ظIJԶ˳ :Automatically issue to job(s) >Զǩҵ :Automatically load chart settings >Զ :Automatically load graph settings >Զͼ :Automatically log operator into Analytics >ԶԱAnalytics :Automatically post GL journals >Զ GL ռ :Automatically prompt for a bill for non-stocked lines on purchase order >Զʾɹеķǿ嵥 :Automatically prompt to establish exchange rate >ȷԶʾ :Automatically put cross shipment order quantity into back order >Զ䶩ڽ :Automatically put exchange order quantity into back order >Զڶ :Automatically put order qty into back order >Զڶ :Automatically refresh message inbox every >ԶˢϢÿ :Automatically replenish >Զ :Automatically retrieve the next valid contract record after save? >ԶһЧͬ :Automatically run another report after this one >Զбһݱ :Automatically run tasks sequentially >Զ˳ :Automatically schedule suggested jobs for co-products >ԶΪͬƷŽҵʱ :Automatically select global promotions >Զѡȫִ :Automatically select line promotions >Զѡд :Automatically set line to complete >ԶΪ :Automatically set sales order when receipt quantity = back order quantity >ջ = ڽʱԶ۶ :Automatically set sales order when receipt quantity is less than the back order quantity >ջڽʱԶ۶ :Automatically show next check >Զʾһ֧Ʊ :Automatically show this dialog if the contact name contains two or more names >ϵԶʾ˶Ի :Automatically show this window for each new line >ԶΪÿһʾ :Automatically show this window for each new stocked line >ԶΪÿһ¿ʾ :Automatically suggest stock codes >Զ :Automatically suggest stock codes in Quick Entry >ڿԶƼ :Automatically update all loads >Զи :Automatically update next %1 loads >Զ %1 װ :Automatically update sales order when receipt quantity is greater than the back order quantity >ջڽʱԶ۶ :Automatically validate sections as you type >ڼʱԶ֤ :Automatically view approved requisitions >Զ鿴׼빺 :Automatically wrap text at >λԶ :Automation Design >Զ :Automation Design Maintenance >Զά :Automation Entries >ԶĿ :Automation form values >Զֵ :Autosum >Զ :Avail < %1 > < %1 :Avail = %1 > = %1 :Avail > %1 > > %1 :Avail for jobs >ҵ :Availability >ÿ :Availability Expiry >ÿ :Availability Start >ʼÿ :Availability dates >ÿ :Availability selection >ѡ :Available >п :Available Accounts >˻ :Available Archive Fields >õֶ :Available Blanket Purchase Orders >һӲɹ :Available Buyer >òɹ :Available Buyers >òɹ :Available Columns > :Available Contract >úͬ :Available Contracts >úͬ :Available Cost Centers >óɱ :Available Custom Form Types >可用自定义表格类型 :Available Customers >ÿͻ :Available Documents >ĵ :Available Job >ù :Available Job Classifications >ù :Available Jobs >ù :Available Keywords >ÿؼʾ :Available List - A/P branch >б - Ӧʿ(A/P)֧ :Available List - A/R branch >б - Ӧʿ(A/R)֧ :Available List - AP branch >б - Ӧʿ(AP)֧ :Available List - AR branch >б - Ӧʿ(AR)֧ :Available List - Account type >б - ʻ :Available List - Bank >б - :Available List - Contact category %1 >б - ϵ %1 :Available List - Contact class >б - ϵ˵ȼ :Available List - Contact class %1 >б - ϵ˵ȼ %1 :Available List - Contact property >б - ϵ :Available List - Contact property %1 >б - ϵ %1 :Available List - Contact territory >б - ϵ˵ :Available List - Contact type >б - ϵ :Available List - Contact type %1 >б - ϵ %1 :Available List - Job classification >б - ҵ :Available List - Warehouse >б - ֿ :Available Menus >ò˵ :Available Non-stocked Codes >÷ǿ :Available Organizations >֯ :Available Patches >ò :Available Planner >üƻԱ :Available Planners >üƻԱ :Available Product Classes >òƷ :Available Purchase Orders >òɹ :Available Reports >ñ :Available Requisition >빺 :Available Roles >ְ :Available Rules >ù :Available Schedule Fields >ųֶ :Available Serials >ÿϵ :Available Sites >վ :Available Stock Codes >ÿ :Available Suggested Jobs >ý鹤 :Available Supplier >ùӦ :Available Suppliers >ùӦ :Available Tables >ñ :Available Themes > :Available Variables >ñ :Available Warehouse >òֿ :Available Warehouses >òֿ :Available Work Centers >ù :Available applications >ÿ :Available data dictionary columns >ÿֵ :Available discount >ÿۿ :Available equal zero >õ :Available equals zero >? :Available events >¼ :Available fields >ÿĿ :Available for jobs >ɹҵ :Available for use >ÿ湩ʹ? :Available greater than maximum >ÿ棬ֵ :Available greater than zero >ÿ :Available in warehouse >ڲֿп :Available keys >ÿ :Available less than minimum >ÿССֵ :Available less than safety >ڰȫʱĿÿ? :Available less than zero >ÿС? :Available memory >ڴ :Available modules >ģ :Available order lines >ö :Available organisations >֯ :Available paths >· :Available printers >ôӡ :Available qty > :Available quantity >ÿ :Available stock >ÿ :Available to Promise >ɹŵ :Available to Promise (parent) >ŵõģĸʣ :Available to Promise Details Query >ATPϸѯ :Available to Promise Query >ڳŵѯ :Available to dispatch >ɷ :Available to ship >发货可用数量 :Available to use >ɹʹ :Average >ƽ :Average Queue Times >ƽŶʱ :Average cost >平均成本 :Average costing >ƽɱ :Average days outstanding >ƽ :Average days to pay >ƽ :Average exchange rate to apply >õƽ :Average exchange rate to apply is zero >õƽΪ :Average forecast >ƽԤ :Average forecast per period >ÿƽԤ :Average hits >ƽ :Average hits period >ƽ :Average no of days to pay >ƽ :Average number of days to pay >ȴƽ :Average number of days to pay calculation >ƽ :Average outside lead >ƽⲿ :Average outside of lead time >֮ƽֵ :Average rate >ƽ :Average sales >ƽ :Average sales per period >ÿƽ :Average stock >ƽ :Average-Balance and movement >ƽ-ƽͱ䶯 :Average-Movement only >ƽ䶯 :Avocado >ɫ :Award > :Award Coexistence > :Award Compatibility > :Award company >˾ :Award compatibility preferences >ƫѡ :B - Bought out >B - չ :B - Multiples of EBQ >B - (EBQ) :B class item >B Ŀ :B class items >B Ŀ :B type items >BĿ :B.O.M >嵥 :B.O.M. Costs >B.O.M.ɱ :B.O.M. costs may be incorrect due to last implosion run >嵥ɱϴγɱѹжòȷ :B.O.M. costs may be incorrect due to last implosion run. Continue? >ϵϴγɱѹжòȷҪ :B.O.M. costs may be incorrect due to last implosion run. Ok to continue? >嵥ϴγɱѹжòȷȷҪ :B/C >B/C :B/C percentage break >B/C ٷֱȷ :B/O Qty >ڶ :B/o qty >ڽ :B/o quantity >ڽ :B/order quantity >ڽ :B/order value >ڽ :BCP file >BCP ļ :BL - Bin location >BL - λ :BOM >ϵ :BOM & Inventory Cost Comparison >ϵ (BOM) ʹɱȽ :BOM - Structures >ϵ(BOM) - ṹ :BOM / Inventory Cost Comparison Report >嵥ɱȽϱ :BOM Access to Structure & Routings >ϵ(BOM)ṹ :BOM Add component e.net >BOM Ӳ e.net :BOM Advanced Trial Kitting >ϵ(BOM)߼׼ :BOM Advanced Trial Kitting Query >ϵ(BOM)߼׼ѯ :BOM Archive Maintenance >ϵ(BOM)ά :BOM Archived Bills of Material >ϵ(BOM)鵵ϵ :BOM Bills of Material Setup >ϵ(BOM) :BOM Browse on Component Where-used >BOM ; :BOM Browse on ECC Rev Rel >BOM ECC ˷ :BOM Browse on ECC Rev/Rel >ϵ(BOM)̱(ECC)飯ǩ :BOM Browse on Operations >BOM :BOM Browse on Structures >BOM ṹ :BOM Capacity Maintenance >ϵ(BOM)ά :BOM Change Rate Indicator Complete >ɲ嵥䶯ָ? :BOM Change Rate Indicator in Progress >嵥䶯ָʾڽ? :BOM Change component e.net >BOM IJ e.net :BOM Check for Implosion With Range >ΧֽIJϵ (BOM) :BOM Co-Product Maintenance >ϵ(BOM)ͬƷά :BOM Co-Products for Parent >ϵ(BOM)ʹͬƷ :BOM Co-product >BOM 联合产品 :BOM Co-product Material Cost Percentages >BOM ͬƷϳɱٷֱ :BOM Co-product Operation Cost Percentage >BOM ͬƷɱٷֱ :BOM Co-product added > BOM ͬƷ :BOM Co-product changed >BOM ѸĹͬƷ :BOM Co-product deleted >ɾ BOM ͬƷ :BOM Co-products >ϵ(BOM)ͬƷ :BOM Component Replacement Confirmation >BOM ȷ :BOM Component Type >BOM 部件类型 :BOM Component Type Browse >BOM :BOM Component Type Maintenance >BOM ά :BOM Component Where-used >ϵ(BOM)ô :BOM Component Where-used Report >嵥ô :BOM Component Where-used Report in Progress >嵥ôִ :BOM Component change sequence >BOM ˳ :BOM Component resequence all >BOM ȫ :BOM Components >BOM 部件 :BOM Copy Narrations >ϵ (BOM) :BOM Cost Center >BOM ɱ :BOM Cost Center Maintenance >ϵ (BOM) ɱά :BOM Cost Center Rates >BOM ɱ :BOM Cost Centers >ϵ(BOM)ɱ :BOM Cost Implosion >嵥ɱ :BOM Cost Implosion - Processing >ϵ(BOM)ɱֽ - :BOM Cost Profile Explosion >嵥ɱڷֽ :BOM Cost and Work Center Listing >BOM ɱ͹б :BOM Cost center added > BOM ɱ :BOM Cost center changed >Ѹ BOM ɱ :BOM Cost center deleted >ɾ BOM ɱ :BOM Cost profile implosion >ϵ (BOM) ɱֽ :BOM Cost/Work Center Listing >ϵ (BOM) ɱ/ҵб :BOM Costing >ϵ(BOM)ɱ :BOM Costing Profile >ϵ(BOM)ɱļ :BOM Costing Query >嵥ɱѯ :BOM Costing Query - B.O.M. Costs >ϵ(BOM)ɱѯ - ϵ(B.O.M.)ɱ :BOM Costing Query - BOM Costs >BOM ɱѯ - BOM ɱ :BOM Costing Query - What-if Costs >ϵ(BOM)ɱѯ - ɱ :BOM Costing Report >嵥ɱ :BOM Costing Report in Progress >嵥ɱ :BOM Costing Summary Report >BOM 成本核算摘要报告 :BOM Costs >嵥ɱ :BOM Delete component e.net >BOM ɾ e.net :BOM Display BOM Calculations >ϵ (BOM) ʾϵ (BOM) :BOM Editor >ϵͽȱ༭ :BOM Element Descriptor Maintenance >BOM Ԫά :BOM Element Structure Maintenance >BOM Ԫؽṹά :BOM Employee >BOM Ա :BOM Employee Maintenance >BOM Աά :BOM Employee Rate Desc Maintenance >BOM Աά :BOM Employee Rate Description >BOM 员工率描述 :BOM Employee Rate Description Details >ϵ (BOM) Ա :BOM Employee Rate Description Maintenance >ϵ (BOM) Աά :BOM Employee Rate Descriptions >ϵ(BOM)Ա˵ :BOM Employee Rate search >BOM Ա :BOM Employee Time U/M Details >ϵ (BOM) Աʱλ (U/M) ϸ :BOM Employee Time UOM >BOM 员工时间 UOM :BOM Employee Time Unit of Measure >ϵ(BOM)Աʱλ :BOM Employee Time Unit of Measure Maint >ϵ (BOM) Աʱλά :BOM Employee Time Unit of Measure Maintenance >ϵ (BOM) Աʱλά :BOM Employee added > BOM Ա :BOM Employee changed >Ѹ BOM Ա :BOM Employee deleted >ɾ BOM Ա :BOM Employees >ϵ(BOM)Ա :BOM Engineering Profile >ϵ(BOM)ļ :BOM Icons for Structure & Routings >ϵ(BOM)ṹ·ͼ :BOM Import Complete >ɲ嵥 :BOM Import Error Printing in Progress >ڽв嵥ӡ :BOM Import File Errors >嵥ļ :BOM Import File Listing in Progress >嵥ļڽб :BOM Import Routing >ϵ(BOM)· :BOM Import for Stock Code >ϵ(BOM) :BOM Importing Structure and Component Details >嵥ṹͲϸĿ :BOM Inventory Cost Comparison >BOM ɱȽ :BOM Kit type >ϵͽȰ :BOM Lead Time Calculation >嵥ǰڼ :BOM List of Component Types >BOM 部件类型列表 :BOM List of Cost Centers and Work Centers >BOMɱĺҵб :BOM List of Employees >BOMԱб :BOM List of Machines >BOMб :BOM List of Narrations >BOM˵б :BOM List of Notional Parts >ϵ (BOM) б :BOM List of Structures >BOMṹб :BOM Low Level Code Calculation >ϵ(BOM)ͼ :BOM Machine >BOM 豸 :BOM Machine Maintenance >ϵ(BOM)ά :BOM Maintain co-product options >BOM άͬƷѡ :BOM Move operation >BOM 䶯 :BOM Multi-Level Structure Import >ϵ(BOM)༶ṹ :BOM Multi-level Trial Kitting >ϵ(BOM)༶׼ :BOM Narration >BOM :BOM Narration fix >BOM :BOM Non-productive codes >ϵ(BOM) :BOM Notional and Co-Products Query >ϵ(BOM)͹ͬƷѯ :BOM Operation >ϵ(BOM) :BOM Operation Master >BOM :BOM Operation Narrations >ϵ(BOM) :BOM Parent Information >BOM Ϣ :BOM Parent/Co-product Structure Master >BOM /ͬƷṹ :BOM Parent/Component Structure Control >BOM /ṹ :BOM Parent/Component Structure Master >BOM /ṹ :BOM Parts Without Structure >ϵ(BOM)޽ṹ :BOM Parts Without Structure Report >BOM޽ṹ :BOM Parts Without Structure Report in Progress >BOM޽ṹ :BOM Planning Profile >ϵ(BOM)ƻļ :BOM Processes >Ϻͽȵ :BOM Progressive Scrap Query >ϵ(BOM)۽Ʒѯ :BOM Rate Descriptions >BOM :BOM Relationship Validation >BOMϵ֤ :BOM Relationship Validation in Progress >֤BOMϵ :BOM Replace Component Where Used >BOM ò :BOM Replace Where-used >ϵ(BOM)ô :BOM Replacement Component Uom >BOM λ :BOM Resource Mask >BOM Դ :BOM Resource Mask Description >BOM 资源标记描述 :BOM Resource Mask Descriptions >BOM Դ :BOM Route >BOM · :BOM Route Cards >BOM·߿ :BOM Route Cards Report in Progress >BOM·߿ :BOM Route Cards Standard >ϵ (BOM) ·߿׼ :BOM Route Cards Subcontract >ϵ (BOM) ·߿Ӻͬ :BOM Route Details >ϵ (BOM) · :BOM Route Maintenance >ϵ (BOM) ·ά :BOM Routes >ϵ (BOM) · :BOM Routing Descriptions >ϵ(BOM)· :BOM Routing Import >ϵ(BOM)·ߵ :BOM Routing Maintenance >ϵ(BOM)·ά :BOM Routing and Structure Creation >ϵ(BOM)·ߺͽṹ :BOM Routing query >ϵ(BOM)·߲ѯ :BOM Routings >ϵͼƻ :BOM Routings Import >BOM·ߵ :BOM Scheduling Group Detail >BOM :BOM Scheduling Group Header >BOM ҳü :BOM Scheduling Profile >ϵ(BOM)ļ :BOM Specific Narrations >ϵ(BOM)ض :BOM Standard Narration >BOM ׼ :BOM Standard Narrations >BOM׼˵ :BOM Structure >ϵ(BOM)ṹ :BOM Structure Amendment Journal >ϵ(BOM)ṹ޸ռ :BOM Structure Amendment Journal Report >BOMṹ޸ռʱ :BOM Structure And Routing Icons >BOM ṹ·ͼ :BOM Structure Import >BOMṹ :BOM Structure Information >BOMṹϢ :BOM Structure Maintenance >ϵ(BOM)ṹά :BOM Structure Report >BOM ṹ :BOM Structure Report - First level >BOM ṹ - һ :BOM Structure Report in Progress >BOMṹ :BOM Structure Validation >BOMṹ֤ :BOM Structure Validation Recap >BOMṹ֤ :BOM Structure Validation in Progress >֤BOMṹ :BOM Structure and Routing >ϵ(BOM)ṹ· :BOM Structure and Routing Archive >BOMṹ·ߵ :BOM Structure and Routing Archive in Process >BOMṹ·ߴ浵 :BOM Structure and Routing Options >BOMṹ·ѡ :BOM Structures >ϵͼƻṹ :BOM Structures and Routings >ϵ(BOM)ṹ· :BOM Time Unit Of Measure Conversion >BOM λת :BOM Tool >BOM 工具 :BOM Tool Set Description >BOM ߼ :BOM Tool Set Details >BOM ߼ϸ :BOM Tool Set Maintenance >ϵ(BOM)߼ά :BOM Tool Set Tools >BOM ߼ :BOM Tool Sets >BOM ߼ :BOM Tools >BOM :BOM Toolset >BOM 工具集 :BOM Toolset Tool >BOM 工具集工具 :BOM Transfer BOM Costs to Wh Costs >ϵ(BOM)תƲϵ(BOM)ɱֿɱ :BOM Transfer BOM to warehouse costs >BOM ת BOM ֿɱ :BOM Trial Kitting >BOM װ :BOM Trial Kitting List >ϵ (BOM) 鹤߰б :BOM Trial Kitting Review >ϵ (BOM) 鹤߰ :BOM Unit of Measure Update Details >BOM λ :BOM Update Rate Indicators >BOMָ :BOM Update Subcontract Values >BOM·ְֵ :BOM Update Subcontract Values Complete >BOM·ְֵ :BOM Update Subcontract Values in Progress >ڸBOMְֵ :BOM Update Unit of Measure >BOM ¼λ :BOM Update Units of Measure >BOM ¼λ :BOM Update What-if Bought Out Cost >BOM¼⹺ɱ :BOM Update What-if Bought Out Material Costs Complete >BOM¼⹺ϳɱ :BOM Update What-if Bought Out Material Costs in Progress >ڸBOM⹺ϳɱ :BOM Validating Import Data >BOM֤ :BOM Validation Complete >BOM֤ :BOM What-if Material Costs Maintenance >BOMϳɱά :BOM What-if Operation Costs Maintenance >BOMɱά :BOM Where-used Query > BOMѯ :BOM Where-used Query - Tree Format >ϵ(BOM)ôѯ - ʽ :BOM Work Center >BOM :BOM Work Center Capacity >BOM :BOM Work Center Maintenance >ϵ (BOM) ҵά :BOM Work Center Matrices >BOM ľ :BOM Work Center Move Matrices >BOMҵı䶯 :BOM Work Center Move Matrix Details >ϵ (BOM) ҵı䶯 :BOM Work Center Move Matrix Maintenance >ϵ (BOM) ҵı䶯ά :BOM Work Center Movement Matrix >BOM ı䶯 :BOM Work Center Rates >ϵ (BOM) ҵķ :BOM Work Center Update >ϵ (BOM) ҵĸ :BOM Work Center Where used >ϵ(BOM)ҵô :BOM Work Center Where-used >ϵ(BOM)ҵô :BOM Work Center Where-used Report >BOMҵô :BOM Work Centers >ϵ(BOM)ҵ :BOM Work center added > BOM :BOM Work center changed >Ѹ BOM :BOM Work center deleted >ɾ BOM :BOM add component >ϵ (BOM) Ӳ :BOM add operation >ϵ (BOM) Ӳ :BOM and Inventory Cost Comparison >ϵ(BOM)ʹɱȽ :BOM and What-if >BOM ͼ :BOM change component >ϵ (BOM) IJ :BOM change operation >ϵ (BOM) IJ :BOM cost >BOMɱ :BOM costs may be incorrect due to last implosion run. Ok to continue >嵥ɱϴγɱѹжòȷȷҪ :BOM costs may be incorrect due to last implosion run. Ok to continue? >嵥ɱϴγɱѹжòȷȷҪ :BOM delete component >ϵ (BOM) ɾ :BOM delete operation >ϵ (BOM) ɾ :BOM fixed overhead >BOM̶ :BOM job allocations where-used >BOM 工作分配使用处 :BOM labor value >ϵ (BOM) Ͷֵ :BOM level to update >µ BOM :BOM material cost >BOMϳɱ :BOM material value >ϵ (BOM) ϼֵ :BOM operations cost >BOMɱ :BOM structure & routing >BOMṹ· :BOM structure and routing only >BOMṹ· :BOM structure and routing, and job >BOMṹ·ߺҵ :BOM subcontract cost >BOMְɱ :BOM variable overhead >BOM䶯 :BOM where-used > BOM :BOM-Inventory Cost Comparison >ϵ (BOM)-ɱȽ :BOM/Inventory Cost Comparison >Ϻͽȵ/ɱȽ :BOM/Inventory Cost Comparison Report in Progress >ִв嵥ɱȽϱ :BOMStructures >BOMṹ :BPO Approved >׼ BPO :BPO Balance Correction >BPO :BPO Line >BPO :BPO Maintenance >ۺԲɹ(BPO)ά :BPO Summary Detail Transaction Browse >BPO ժҪ齻 :BS - Bin sequence >BS - ˳ :BSO Contract Maintenance >BSO 合同维护 :BSO Release Header >BSO ҳü :BTAB >BTAB :BTAB trap >BTAB :BULK INSERT Instruction was successful for this company >ù˾ָѳɹ :BULK INSERT statement. This requires that each of your C-ISAM >BULK INSERT () 䡣Ҫÿһ C-ISAM :BULK INSERT statement. This requires that each of your ISAM >BULK INSERT룩䡣ҪISAMļ :BUTT TABS >BUTT TABS :BV Accum depr B/F >ǰBVۼ۾ :BV Code >BV :BV Cost/value >BV ɱ/ֵ :BV Last year >BV :BV Residual value >BVֵ :BV Reval reserve TD >ǰBV¹۱ :BV This year >BV :BV accumulated dep >BV ۼ۾ :BV asset cost >BV ʲɱ :BV dep period %1 >BV ۾ %1 :BV depn code >BV ۾ɴ :BV depr code >ֵ(BV)۾ɴ :BV depr last year >BV۾ :BV depr this year >BV۾ :BV depreciation code >BV۾ɴ :BV depreciation suspended >ѹ BV ۾ :BV depreciation this YTD > YTD BV ۾ :BV depreciation this period >ڵ BV ۾ :BV last year dep >BV ۾ :BV number of periods EUL >BV EUL :BV number of years EUL >BV EUL :BV remaining periods EUL >BV ʣ EUL :BV residual >ֵ(BV)ֵ :BV start depn date >BV ʼ۾ :BV start depn period >BV ʼ۾ :BV start depn year >BV ʼ۾ :BV statistical ledger code >BV ͳƷ˴ :BV suspend >BV :BV thruput EUL >BV EUL :BV total periods depr to date >BV ۾ :BV varying depr anniversary >BV ɱ۾ :Back > :Back Order Release >ǩڽ :Back Order Review >ڽ :Back order >ڽ :Back order decision >ڶ :Back order message >ڶϢ :Back order qty >ڽ :Back order quantity >ڽ :Back order release may not be negative >ڶͷŲΪ :Back orders >ڶ :Back orders allowed >ڶ :Back orders are not allowed >ʹڽ :Back orders are not allowed for this customer and the stock code '%1' is a traceable/kit item >Ըÿͻڶ '%1' Ϊɸ٣߰Ŀ :Back orders are not allowed. Back order quantity must be zero >ʹڽڽΪ :Back orders are not allowed. Program cancelled >ڶȡ :Back orders not allowed. Cannot use Dispatch notes >ʹڽ޷ʹ÷ :Back orders not allowed. Cannot use Dispatch notes. >ڶʹ÷ :Back to Previous Help >ǰİ :Back to Previous Page >һҳ :Backflush >倒冲 :Backflush level >ˮƽ :Backflushing > :Backflushing Component >岿 :Backflushing Components on Hold >ķ岿 :Backflushing Cost Multiplier >ʳɱ˷ :Backflushing In Progress >ִе :Backflushing Options >ѡ :Backflushing Process Cancelled >ȡ :Backflushing Serialized Component >ϵл :Backflushing Traceable Component >ɸٲ :Backflushing has been cancelled >ѱȡ :Backflushing variance >倒冲差异 :Background > :Background Image >ͼ :Background color >ɫ :Background program directory >Ŀ¼ :Backlog >δ :Backlog Orders by Customer >ͻ˳δ :Backlog Orders by Stock Code >˳δ :Backlog Query >δѯ :Backlog Report by Customer >ͻδ :Backlog Report by Stock Code >δ :Backlog Report by Stock Code in Progress >˳δڽ :Backlog by Customer >δߺͿͻ :Backlog by Stock Code >δߺͿ :Backorder >Ƿ :Backorder Report >ڽ :Backorder flag >ڽ :Backorder message >ǷϢ :Backorder quantities have been released. Discard these changes >ѷڽЩ :Backorder quantities have been released. Discard these changes and reset the quantity fields >ѷڽЩIJλֶ :Backorder quantities have been released. Discard these changes and reset the quantity fields? >ڶѾͷšIJλֶ :Backorder quantities have been released. Discard these changes? >ڶѾͷš? :Backorder quantity >ڶ :Backorder released for printing (3) >ǩйӡδ(3) :Backorders allowed >ڶ :Backorders are not allowed >ڶ :Backorders are not allowed for customer '%1' >Կͻ '%1' ڶ :Bad Debts > :Balance > :Balance (local currency) >ػң :Balance - Foreign > C :Balance - Local > C :Balance - Transfer to ledger code >余额 - 转账至分类账代码 :Balance Batch >? :Balance Brought Forward Detail >ǰϸ :Balance Entry Type > :Balance Exception Report >쳣 :Balance Forward Message >תϢ :Balance Function > :Balance Graph >ͼ :Balance Report > :Balance Sheet > :Balance Sheet for Period Ending >ĩʲծ :Balance Transfer >ת :Balance a prior year >ijȥ :Balance amount > :Balance and purge > :Balance at start of month %1 >· %1 ʼʱ :Balance before payment >ǰ :Balance brought forward >ѽת :Balance by Statement Balance > :Balance correct >ȷ :Balance correction > :Balance corrections > :Balance current period >ǰ? :Balance current year > :Balance discount >ۿ :Balance entered at run time >ڼ :Balance extracted >ȡ :Balance forward >ת :Balance from CB >CB :Balance from GL >GL :Balance from cash book >ֽ˲ :Balance from general ledger > :Balance function complete > :Balance function completed > :Balance goods in transit >;Ʒ :Balance information >Ϣ :Balance lots (report only) >ޱ :Balance lots from most recent FIFO bucket >FIFOȽȳͰ :Balance lots report completed >已完成余额批次报告 :Balance option >ѡ :Balance options >ѡ :Balance outstanding >δ :Balance outstanding will be used if quantity exceeds outstanding quantity for a job >һҵδδ :Balance print type >ӡ :Balance record for master account '%1' against customer '%2' not found >δҵԿͻ '%2' ʻ '%1' ¼ :Balance selection >ѡ :Balance serial tracking qty available >ϵ׷ :Balance serial tracking quantity available >пϵи :Balance the sales order allocations for stocked items and delete or archive information that is no longer required >ƽĿ۶䲢ɾ鵵ҪϢ :Balance to bill >ʵ :Balance type selection >ѡ :Balance values for ledger > :Balances > :Balances (local value) >ؼֵ :Balances as of > :Balances at Each Period > :Balances at each Period End >ĩ :Balances between each period are not available for budgets >Ԥ :Balances for Budgets >Ԥ :Balances must be = %1 for this purchase date >ڸòɹ= %1 :Balances must be = 0 for this purchase date >Balances must be = 0 for this purchase date :Balances(local value) >ؼֵ :Balancing > :Balancing Phase for Customer >ͻ׶ :Balancing Sales Orders >ƽ۶ :Balancing a Group > :Balancing corrections > :Balancing matched values >ƥֵ :Bank > :Bank %1 is not setup to accept EFT payments > %1 δΪܵת(EFT) :Bank '%1' not found >δҵ '%1' :Bank Balance > :Bank Balances > :Bank Balances Print >ӡ :Bank Balances at a Glance >һ :Bank Charges >з :Bank Code >д :Bank Control >п :Bank Deposit >д :Bank Deposit Slip >д :Bank Deposit Slip Details >д :Bank Details (inc Balances) >ϸ :Bank ID > ID :Bank Info >Ϣ :Bank Information >Ϣ :Bank Maintenance >ά :Bank Notepad >м± :Bank Query >вѯ :Bank Query (Legacy) >вѯ (Legacy) :Bank Quick View >пٲ鿴 :Bank Reconciliation >е :Bank Transactions >н :Bank Validation >ȷ :Bank account >ʻ :Bank account before >֮ǰʻ :Bank and Other Current Assets >кʲ :Bank balance not zero >Ϊ :Bank balances as of > :Bank before >֮ǰ :Bank branch >з֧ :Bank branch before >֮ǰз֧ :Bank branch code >з֧ :Bank browse > :Bank charges amount >շѽ :Bank charges ledger code >շѷʴ :Bank code is required >银行代码要求必填 :Bank code selection >дѡ :Bank codes >д :Bank codes maintenance >дά :Bank currency >л :Bank currency '%1' must match customer currency '%2' >л '%1' ͻ '%2' :Bank currency code >лҴ :Bank currency not same as customer >лͻҲһ :Bank deposit details >дϸ :Bank deposit slip not required >Ҫд :Bank deposit slip required >Ҫд :Bank description > :Bank details > :Bank details selection >ѡ? :Bank equivalent >ж˵ :Bank equivalent ($ ) >еȼ۶($ ) :Bank exchange rate >л :Bank from which payment is to be made > :Bank from which payment was issued >ǩ :Bank from which payment was made > :Bank name > :Bank not found >未找到银行 :Bank not on file >в :Bank options >ѡ :Bank selected >ѡ :Bank selection >ѡ :Bank setup > :Bank total >кϼ :Bank's Currency not Defined >δл :Bank's currency and supplier's currency differ >еĻҺ͹Ӧ̵ĻҲ :Bank's currency not defined in exchange rate >ûжл :Bank's currency not defined in the exchange rates table >ڻʱûжл :Banking Details > :Banks > :Banks at a Glance >һ :Banks where all transactions have been reconciled >н׾Э :Bar > :Bar Code > :Bar chart >ͼ :Bar chart. Generally a bar chart is used to display discontinuous data (data that has a discrete value), however it can also be used for continuous data >ͼһ˵ͼʾ (߱ɢֵ)ȻҲ :Barcode > :Base > :Base address >ַ :Base code > :Base code for Group and Type >ͻ :Base code value >ֵ :Base date >׼ :Base directory (on server) >Ŀ¼λڷϣ :Base earliest start for jobs >ҵ翪ʼڻ׼ :Base expiry date on date of query >ѯڵĻ׼ʧЧ :Base expiry date on print date >ӡڵĻ׼ʧЧ :Base expiry date on tender date >ͶڵĻ׼ʧЧ :Base folder >ļ :Base new costs on >³ɱ :Base new document on >лϴĵ :Base new template on >ģ :Base on contract >ںͬ :Base price >׼۸ :Base rate >׼ :Based on > :Based on date > :Based on existing company >й˾ :Based on existing template >ģ :Based on order value/quantity >ڶֵ :Based on original start depreciation date >Based on original start depreciation date :Based on product class sold >۲Ʒȼ :Based on qty complete + qty scrapped > + Ʒ :Based on quantity complete >基于已完成数量 :Based on quantity completed > :Based on run time issued >ڷʱ :Based on sample template >ģ :Basedir instance >Basedir 实例 :Basic > :Basic Details > :Basic Information for Reqn >빺Ϣ :Basic discounted price >ۿۼ۸ :Basic group information >Ϣ :Basic information >Ϣ :Basic price >۸ :Basic price code >۸ :Basic pricing U/m >ۼλ :Basic tax system >˰ƶ :Basis > :Basis & Date Conventions >ϰ :Basis for Depreciation >۾ɻ :Basis for contract pricing >ͬۻ׼ :Basis for discount >ۿۻ׼ :Basis of Variance >׼ :Basis of Variance Details >仯 :Basis of adding loads >װػ :Basis of calculating load capacity > :Basis of delivery schedule >ʱ׼ :Basis of differences > :Basis of load calculation >װؼ :Basis price code >۸ :Basis to use for sales order inclusion and suggested dispatch quantity >۶ͽ鷢Ļ׼ :Batch > :Batch Bill Component >? :Batch Error >? :Batch Forecasting >Ԥ :Batch Forecasting in Process >ڽԤ :Batch Levels Calculation in Progress >ڽ :Batch Number Changed >Ѹ :Batch Order Take-on > :Batch Policy Maintenance >ά :Batch Printing >ӡ :Batch Process > :Batch Quantity >? :Batch Selection >ѡ :Batch Serial Number >ϵк? :Batch Serial Numbers >ϵк? :Batch Serial Numbers in Inspection >ڼϵк :Batch Serial Numbers in WIP Inspection >WIPек :Batch Serials Capture >ϵв :Batch Serials Reserved for Co-product for Job >ҵͬƷϵ :Batch Serials Reserved for Job >ҵϵ :Batch Serials in Inspection Capture >鲶еϵ :Batch Update >θ :Batch Update in Process >ִڶ :Batch Variance >? :Batch based > :Batch bill flag >批账单标记 :Batch bill of material >ϵ :Batch bill of materials >嵥 :Batch details > :Batch file parameters >ļ? :Batch forecasting/levels calc >Ԥ/ :Batch information >? :Batch number > :Batch number not on file >κ벻 :Batch number selection >ѡ :Batch only > :Batch print quotations according to selection criteria entered >ѡ׼ӡ :Batch processing complete. Do you want to process another batch? >ɡϣһ? :Batch qty validation required >Ҫ֤ :Batch quantity in inspection >е :Batch quantity validation >֤ :Batch serial >ϵ :Batch serial number already exists in selected warehouse >ϵкѡֿѴ :Batch serial number already exists in selected warehouse and other warehouses >ϵкѡֿֿѴ :Batch serial number not stocked in selected warehouse but exists in other warehouses >ϵкѡֿδ棬ֿд :Batch total >ܼ? :Batch total required >κϼ :Batch totals >ܼ? :Batch type serial >ϵ :Batch update complete. Do you want to process another? >ɡϣһ? :Batch validation required >Ҫ֤ :Batching rule > :Bayside Bikes >Bayside 自行车 :Bcc >̱ :Before Rate >ǰ :Before Value >ǰֵ :Before account currency >˻֮ǰ :Before account multiply or divide >˻˻֮ǰ :Before account rate >˻֮ǰ :Before amendment >޶֮ǰ :Before continuing, please note that you will require a login that is a member >ע⣬֮ǰҪsysadminϵͳԱ̶ְĻԱ :Before creating a contact in SYSPRO, you need to define one or more organizations for the contact.\n\nOk to continue? > SYSPRO дϵ֮ǰҪΪϵ˶һ֯\n\nȷҪ? :Before creating the new columns against each table you can elect to remove >Ϊµ֮ǰѡɾ :Before creating the new columns against each table you can elect to remove any existing columns for >ڶÿű֮ǰѡƳĿκ :Before currency >֮ǰ :Before first detail line >һϸ֮ǰ :Before multiply or divide >˻֮ǰ :Before proceeding with the conversion you must have completed the following >ִתǰ¸ :Before proceeding with the wizard, you must ensure that all the SQL Server Administration information has been configured >继续执行向导之前,您必须确保已配置所有 SQL 服务器管理信息 :Before processing any task group (client/server only) >κ֮ǰ (޿ͻ/) :Before running this program from the Fast Menu you can choose >ڴѡĿٲ˵иó֮ǰ :Before starting please note that you will require appropriate >ʼ֮ǰעҪ :Before starting please note the following >ʼ֮ǰע¸ :Before starting the migration please note the following >ʼֲ֮ǰע¸ :Before triangular currency >λ֮ǰ :Before triangular multiply or divide >γ˻֮ǰ :Before triangular rate >֮ǰ :Before you can use the Report Writer you will need to import the Report Writer >Ҫȵ뱨Ȼ󷽿ʹ :Before you can use the Report Writer you will need to import the Report Writer Data Dictionary >ܹʹñд֮ǰҪ뱨дֵ :Before you run the CMS Setup Wizard you must save the current CMS Setup information >ϵ˹ϵͳ(CMS)֮ǰȱ浱ǰϵ˹ϵͳ(CMS)Ϣ :Before you run this utility, make sure that you have setup your tax return periods >дʵó֮ǰȷ˰걨 :Begging of file >ļ :Begin Conversion Process >ʼת :Begin Start At Function >ʼڹܿʼ :Begin Transaction >ʼ :Beginnig of file >ļͷ :Beginning balance > :Beginning of File >ļͷ :Beginning of file reached. Restarting at the end >ѵļͷ:ڽβ¿ʼ :Beginning of year balance >ݿʼ :Beginning the template creation process >ڿʼģ崴 :Beginning value >ʼֵ :Begins with >开始,从 :Behavior >Ϊ :Behaviour >Ϊ :Below min >Сֵ :Below minimum >Сֵ :Below safe >ȫ :Below safety >ڰȫҪ :Below the shape >形状下面 :Beneficiary > :Beneficiary address >˵ַ :Beneficiary codes >˴ :Beneficiary information >Ϣ :Beneficiary name > :Beneficiary's name > :Beneficiary's name and address >͵ַ :Best Fit >ƥ :Best Fit for all Items >ӦĿ :Best price >ü۸ :Best price details >ü۸ϸ :Best price less line discount >ü۸ۿ :Between retries >֮ :Bias >ƫ :Bill Of Landed Costs Stock Codes >ɱ :Bill of Landed > :Bill of Landed Cost >ɱ :Bill of Landed Costs >ְɱõ :Bill of Landed Costs (Legacy) >ɱ (ʽ) :Bill of Landed Costs Copy Route >ɱ· :Bill of Landed Costs Element Maintenance >ɱҪά :Bill of Landed Costs for Fixed >̶ĵְɱ :Bill of Landed Costs for Fixed Costs >̶ɱĵɱ :Bill of Landed Costs for Stock Route Maintenance >·ߵɱά :Bill of Material >嵥 :Bill of Material/Inventory Cost Comparison >ϵ/ɱת :Bill of Materials >Ϸõ :Bill of Materials - Engineering Change Control >ϵ - ̱ :Bill of Materials - Reports >ϵ - :Bill of Materials - Setup >ϵ - :Bill of Materials - What-if Costing >ϵ - ɱ :Bill of Materials Setup >嵥 :Bill of Materials module not installed >δװϵģ :Bill of landed cost not created for stock/route code >δΪ棯·ߴ봴ɱ :Bill of materials ( ) >嵥 ( ) :Bill of materials flag >ϵ :Bill of materials must be installed to use kit type '%1' >밲װϵʹù߰ '%1' :Bill of materials must be installed to use part category '%1' >밲װϵʹ '%1' :Bill of materials not installed >δװ嵥 :Bill of materials routing >嵥·ѡ :Bill of materials structure and routings >嵥ṹ· :Bill of materials to be ignored >ԵIJ嵥 :Bill of materials will be excluded from this credit note because >Ʊݽų嵥Ϊ :Bill rate >˵ :Bill to extended tax code >չ˰մ뵥 :Bill to extended tax code '%1' not found >δҵչ˰մ뵥 '%1' :Bill value >˵ֵ :Bill-to extended tax code >˵뵽չ˰մ :Billable >ɼƷѵ :Billable type >Ʒ :Billed value >ʼֵ :Billing >billingʵ :Billing Details >Ʒϸ :Billing Method >Ʒѷ :Billing Percentage >ƷѰٷֱ :Billing Schedule Maintenance >Ʒųά :Billing Schedule Review >Ʒʱ :Billing Schedules >Ʒճ̼ƻ :Billing Schedules - Fixed Days >Ʒճ̼ƻ - ̶ :Billing Schedules - Percentage of Costs Accumulated >Ʒճ̼ƻ - ۼӳɱٷֱ :Billing Schedules - Percentage of Fixed Notional Value >Ʒճ̼ƻ - ̶˻ֵٷֱ :Billing Schedules - Percentage of Head/Section Complete >Ʒʱ - ⣯ɰٷֱ :Billing Schedules - Series of Days >Ʒճ̼ƻ - :Billing Schedules Review >Ʒų :Billing Schedules Review for >Ʒճ̼ƻˣ :Billing Shecules Review >Ʒų :Billing amount >Ʒѽ :Billing and cost of sales >˵۳ɱ :Billing day >Ʒ :Billing days of month >¶ȼƷ :Billing for contract >ͬƷ :Billing information >ƷϢ :Billing method may not be changed if schedules already exist >ʱѴڣ򲻵øļƷѷ :Billing method may not be changed if schedules already exist. >ȼƻѴڣ򲻵øļƷѷ :Billing type >billingͶ :Billing value >ʵֵ :Billing value released >ͷŶֵ :Billings >Billingʵ :Billings in status %1 >״̬ %1 еļƷѷ :Billings in status 8 >״̬8еʵ :Bills >ʵ :Bills of Material Components >ϵ :Bills of Material Operations >ϵ :Bills of Material Where Used >ϵ :Bin > :Bin %1 causes warehouse %2 to overflow for stock code %3 > %1 ¿ %3 Ŀ %2 :Bin %1 on hold so quantity will not be issued to linked sales order %2 > %1 ״̬Խӵ۶ %2ǩ :Bin '%1' for multiple bin >Ŀ '%1' :Bin '%1' not found in warehouse '%2' for stock code '%3' >ڿ '%3' Ŀ '%2' δҵĿ '%1' :Bin '%1' not in stock take table > '%1' ̵в :Bin '%1' on hold > '%1' :Bin / Serial Number Allocation Imbalance >λкŷ䲻ƽ? :Bin Allocations > :Bin Allocations Complete, Begin Allocating Serials >完成库分配,开始分配系列 :Bin Allocations Entry >Ŀ :Bin Allocations for Dispatch Note > :Bin Allocations for Job >ҵ :Bin Allocations for Jobs >Ϊҵλ :Bin Allocations for RMA >˻Ȩ(RMA) :Bin Allocations for Sales Order >۶ :Bin Allocations for Sales Orders >Ϊ۶λ :Bin Container Details >ϸ :Bin Container Types > :Bin Containers > :Bin Location on Hold >ͣλ :Bin Maintenance >ά :Bin Maintenance - Delete >ά - ɾ :Bin Number >غ :Bin Number Maintenance >λά? :Bin Query for >Ϊλѯ :Bin Query for Material Issues >ǩѯ :Bin Query per Transaction Line >еĿѯ :Bin Transfer Transaction >תƽ :Bin Transfers >λת? :Bin Type Maintenance >ά :Bin Validation >֤ :Bin bar code > :Bin container RFID > RFID :Bin container barcode > :Bin does not exist for this lot. Create new bin? >εĿⲻڡҪ¿ :Bin does not exist. Create new bin? >ⲻڡҪ¿ :Bin for Stock >Ŀ? :Bin group length >鳤 :Bin height >߶ :Bin length >ⳤ :Bin location >λ :Bin location cannot be blank >λΪ :Bin location does not exist and must be created before performing the kit issue. Are you sure you want to reserve the bin? >λòڣִй߰ǩ֮ǰȴȷҪ :Bin location has not been reserved for this allocation >λδڴ :Bin location is not on file >λ :Bin location not found >δҵλ :Bin location not on file >λ? :Bin location selection >λѡ? :Bin location to be created >ⴴĿλ :Bin location to transfer in to not on file. This entry will be ignored. Continue with transfers in? >ҪתĿλڡԡҪִת :Bin location to use >òλ :Bin locations >λ :Bin material flow type > :Bin message >λ? :Bin not found for the lot >δҵεĿ :Bin not on file >λ? :Bin not previously issued to this allocaiton >ǰδǩλõĿ :Bin not previously issued to this allocation >ǰδǩ˷Ŀ :Bin on hold > :Bin on hold reason >ԭ :Bin quantity exceeds the undistributed quantity >库数量超过未分配数量 :Bin selection >λѡ? :Bin sequence >˳ :Bin sequence selection >˳ѡ :Bin total >ϼ :Bin transfer >ת :Bin transfer for multiple bins >多库库转账 :Bin transfer transaction only allowed if multiple bins installed >ֻװ˶ʱתƽ :Bin transfers not allowed >ת :Bin type > :Bin type description > :Bin width > :Bin/Serial >库/系列 :Bin/Serial Number Allocation Imbalance >/ϵкʧ :Bins > :Bins allocated >ѷĿ :Bins and serials >λ? :Bins de-allocated >ѽĿ :Bins for Adjustment/Expense Issue for Source Warehouse >Դֿǩλ :Bins for Source Warehouse >Դֿλ :Bins on hand >п :Bins/Serials >λ? :Biometric/smart card >ʶܿ :Birthday > :Bitmap >λͼ :Bitmap '%1' >λͼ '%1' :Bitmap Background >λͼ :Bitmap Forms >λͼʽ :Bitmap Image >λͼͼ :Bitmap Images >λͼͼ :Bitmap Viewer >λͼ鿴 :Bitmap details >λͼ :Bitmap editor >λͼ༭ :Bitmap for faxing >λͼ :Bitmap for printing >ӡλͼ :Bitmap image (default) Properties >λͼͼĬϣ :Bitmap image Properties >λͼͼ :Bitmap not found >δҵλͼ :Bitmap undefined >δλͼ :Bitmap width >λͼ :Bitmaps >λͼ :Bkt s/o >۶ :Black >ɫ :Blank >հ :Blank - normal comment >հ - ע :Blank - not yet printed >հ - δӡ :Blank Column Definition >ж :Blank Concession >հ :Blank Description >հ :Blank G/L Accounts >հG/Lʻ :Blank GL Accounts >հ GL ˻ :Blank Ledger Code >հ׷˴ :Blank Lot Number >հκ :Blank New Ledger Code >հ·ʴ :Blank Period >հ :Blank Tax Code >հ˰մ :Blank Tile >հƽ :Blank Year >հ :Blank entries >空白条目 :Blank for all >ȫհ :Blank lines above footer >ҳϷĿհ :Blank lines below header >¿հ :Blank lines between accounts >ʻհ :Blank salesperson >空白售货员 :Blank status >հ״̬ :Blank tax code on this line with >двɹ'_TAX' :Blank template >հģ :Blank when zero >Ϊʱհ :Blank when zero (or nines) >Ϊ㣨9ʱհ :Blanket >ۺ :Blanket Contract - General Detail >һӺͬ - һϸ :Blanket Contract - Heading Fields >һӺͬ - ֶ :Blanket Contract - Schedule date Detail >һӺͬ - ʱϸ :Blanket Contract - Total Fields >һӺͬ - ϼֶ :Blanket Contract Archive Viewer >һӺͬ鿴 :Blanket Contract Format Alignment in Progress >ִۺԺͬʽУ :Blanket Contract Format Printing in Progress >ִۺԺͬʽӡ :Blanket P/O - Creation of Purchase Orders Review >ۺԲɹ - ɹ :Blanket P/O Capacity Maintenance >ۺԲɹ (P/O) ά :Blanket P/O Contract Print >һӲɹͬӡ :Blanket P/O Contract Query >һ P/O ͬѯ :Blanket P/O Contract Report >һӲɹͬ :Blanket P/O Create Purchase Orders >һӲɹɹ :Blanket P/O Entry >һӲɹ :Blanket P/O Export >һӲɹ :Blanket P/O Header Maintenance >ۺԲɹ (P/O) ҳüά :Blanket P/O History Query >һӲɹʷѯ :Blanket P/O Purge >һӲɹ :Blanket P/O Query >һӲɹѯ :Blanket P/O Schedule Query >ۺԲɹ (P/O) ų̲ѯ :Blanket P/O Sum/Det Transaction Browse >һӲɹܶϸ :Blanket P/O exists >存在一揽子 P/O :Blanket P/O release >һӲɹǩ :Blanket P/o - Creation of Purchase Orders Review for Contract >ۺԲɹ - ͬIJɹ :Blanket P/o - Creation of Purchase Orders in Progress >ۺԲɹ - ִвɹ :Blanket P/o Contract Report in Progress >ڽۺԲɹͬ :Blanket P/orders >ۺԲɹ :Blanket PO - Creation of Purchase Orders Review >ۺԲɹ - ɹ :Blanket PO Capacity Maintenance >ۺԲɹ (P/O) ά :Blanket PO Contract Detail >һ PO ͬϸ :Blanket PO Contract Details >һ PO ͬϸ :Blanket PO Contract History Details >һ PO ͬʷϸ :Blanket PO Contract Print >һӲɹͬӡ :Blanket PO Contract Query >һ PO ͬѯ :Blanket PO Contract Report >һӲɹͬ :Blanket PO Contract Schedule Detail >һ PO ͬų :Blanket PO Contract Transaction >һ PO ͬ :Blanket PO Contracts >һ PO ͬ :Blanket PO Create Purchase Orders >һӲɹɹ :Blanket PO Entry >һӲɹ :Blanket PO Export >һӲɹ :Blanket PO Export Review >һ PO :Blanket PO Export Review Criteria >һ PO ׼ :Blanket PO Exported >һ PO :Blanket PO Header Maintenance >ۺԲɹ (PO) ҳüά :Blanket PO History Query >һӲɹʷѯ :Blanket PO Master >һ PO :Blanket PO Purge >һӲɹ :Blanket PO Query >һӲɹѯ :Blanket PO Schedule Query >ۺԲɹ (PO) ų̲ѯ :Blanket PO Sum/Det Transaction Browse >һӲɹܶϸ :Blanket PO contract selection >һ PO ͬѡ :Blanket PO release >һӲɹǩ :Blanket Po - Creation of Purchase Orders Review for Contract >ۺԲɹ - ͬIJɹ :Blanket Po - Creation of Purchase Orders in Progress >ۺԲɹ - ִвɹ :Blanket Po Contract Report in Progress >ڽۺԲɹͬ :Blanket Purchase Order >ۺԲɹ :Blanket Purchase Order - Create P/o from Standing Order >ۺԲɹ - ݳڶɹ :Blanket Purchase Order Alignment in Progress >ִۺԲɹУ :Blanket Purchase Order Contract Alignment in Progress >ڽһӲɹͬ :Blanket Purchase Order Contract Detail >一揽子采购订单合同明细 :Blanket Purchase Order Contract Errors >ۺԲɹͬ :Blanket Purchase Order Contract Fax in Progress >ڽһӲɹͬ :Blanket Purchase Order Contract Maintenance >һӲɹͬά :Blanket Purchase Order Contract Print >ۺԲɹͬӡ :Blanket Purchase Order Contract Print in Progress >ڽһӲɹͬӡ :Blanket Purchase Order Contract Report >ۺԲɹͬ :Blanket Purchase Order Cotract Print >һӲɹͬӡ :Blanket Purchase Order Document Preview in Progress >ڽۺԲɹĵԤ :Blanket Purchase Order Export > :Blanket Purchase Order Export Complete >ۺԲɹ :Blanket Purchase Order Export Review >ۺԲɹ :Blanket Purchase Order Export in Progress >ִۺԲɹ :Blanket Purchase Order Fax in Progress >ִۺԲɹ :Blanket Purchase Order Format >ۺԲɹʽ :Blanket Purchase Order History >ۺԲɹʷ¼ :Blanket Purchase Order History Query >ۺԲɹʷ¼ѯ :Blanket Purchase Order Line >ۺԲɹ :Blanket Purchase Order List >ۺԲɹ :Blanket Purchase Order Maintenance >ۺԲɹά :Blanket Purchase Order Preview >ۺԲɹ :Blanket Purchase Order Print >ۺԲɹӡ :Blanket Purchase Order Print Totals >һӲɹӡϼ :Blanket Purchase Order Print in Progress >ִۺԲɹӡ :Blanket Purchase Order Purge > :Blanket Purchase Order Purge Message Report >һӲɹϢ :Blanket Purchase Order Query >ۺԲɹѯ :Blanket Purchase Order Release >ǩ :Blanket Purchase Order Release Options >ۺԲɹͷѡ :Blanket Purchase Order Reprint in Progress >ڽۺԲɹ´ӡ :Blanket Purchase Order Review >ѯ :Blanket Purchase Order Review Criteria >һӲɹ˱׼ :Blanket Purchase Order Type Selection >ۺԲɹѡ :Blanket Purchase Order in Process >ִۺԲɹ :Blanket Purchase Orders >Ľ :Blanket Purchase Orders - Creation of Purchase Orders >ۺԲɹ - ɹ :Blanket Purchase Orders for Contract >ͬһӲɹ :Blanket Purchase Orders for Stock Code >һӲɹ :Blanket Purchase Orders for Stock Code:26195 ¿һӲɹ: > :Blanket Purchase Orders for Supplier >Ӧ̵һӲɹ :Blanket S/O >һ S/O :Blanket S/O & >ۺ۶(S/O) :Blanket S/O & Releases >ǩ۵ :Blanket S/O & Releases Contract Master >һ۶ǩͬ :Blanket S/O & Releases Contract Master Maintenance for Customer >ͻۺ۶(S/O)ǩͬά :Blanket S/O & Releases Contract Master for Customer >ͻۺ۶(S/O)ǩͬ :Blanket S/O & Releases Header >ۺ۶ (S/O) ǩҳü :Blanket S/O & Releases Maintenance for Customer >ͻһ۶ǩά :Blanket S/O & Releases Monthly Cumulative History for Cust P/O >ͻɹһ۶ǩ¶ۼʷ¼ :Blanket S/O & Releases Purge Confirmed Releases >ۺ۶(S/O)ǩȷǩ :Blanket S/O & Releases Purge Expired Releases >ۺ۶(S/O)ǩǩ :Blanket S/O & Releases Review >һ S/O :Blanket S/O & Releases Review and Confirmation >һ۶ǩԤȷ :Blanket S/O & Releases Review and Confirmation for Customer >ͻһ۶ǩԤȷ :Blanket S/O Contract Maintenance >һ۶ͬά :Blanket S/O Deliveries Maintenance >һ۶ά :Blanket S/O Delivery History Report >һ۶ʷ¼ :Blanket S/O Delivery History Report SRS >ۺ۶ (S/O) ¼ SRS :Blanket S/O Global P/O Number Change >һ۶ȫֲɹ :Blanket S/O Lookup Invoices >һ۶ķƱ :Blanket S/O Purge Confirmed Releases >һ۶ȷǩ :Blanket S/O Purge Expired Releases >һ۶ʧЧǩ :Blanket S/O Release Ack Report SRS >ۺ۶ (SO) ǩӦ𱨱 SRS :Blanket S/O Release Acknowledgements >һ۶ǩȷ :Blanket S/O Release Master Query >һ۶ǩѯ :Blanket S/O Releases Browse >һ۶ǩ :Blanket S/O Releases Import >۶ǩ :Blanket S/O Releases Maintenance >һ۶ǩά :Blanket S/O Releases Query >һ۶ǩѯ :Blanket S/O Review & Confirmation >ۺ۶ (S/O) ȷ :Blanket S/O releases contract for customer/customer purchase order/stock code '%1' has expired >ͻͻɹ '%1' ۺ۶(S/O) :Blanket S/o & Releases Customer >ۺ۶ǩͻ :Blanket S/o & Releases Global Purchase Order Change >ۺ۶(S/o)ǩȫɹ :Blanket S/o & Releases Purchase Orders >һ۶ǩɹ :Blanket S/o & Releases Purchase Orders for Customer >ͻһ۶ǩɹ :Blanket S/o & Releases by Customer >ͻһ۶ǩɹ :Blanket S/o & Releases by Customer Stock Code >ͻһ۶ǩ :Blanket SO & >ۺ۶(S/O) :Blanket SO & Release customer >һ SO пͻ :Blanket SO & Releases >ۺ۶ (SO) ǩ :Blanket SO & Releases Acknowledge Ctrl >һ SO д𸴿 :Blanket SO & Releases Acknowledge Header >һ SO дҳü :Blanket SO & Releases Acknowledge Lines >һ SO д :Blanket SO & Releases Contract Master >һ۶ǩͬ :Blanket SO & Releases Contract Master Maintenance >һ SO ͬά :Blanket SO & Releases Contract Master Maintenance for Customer >ͻۺ۶(SO)ǩͬά :Blanket SO & Releases Contract Master for Customer >ͻۺ۶(SO)ǩͬ :Blanket SO & Releases Contract Term Det >һ SO кͬϸ :Blanket SO & Releases Delivery Confirm >һ SO нȷ :Blanket SO & Releases Header >ۺ۶ (SO) ǩҳü :Blanket SO & Releases Input File >һ SO Ͷļ :Blanket SO & Releases Maintenance >һ SO ά :Blanket SO & Releases Maintenance for Customer >ͻһ۶ǩά :Blanket SO & Releases Maintenance for Customers >ͻһ SO ά :Blanket SO & Releases Monthly Cumulative History for Cust P/O >ͻɹһ۶ǩ¶ۼʷ¼ :Blanket SO & Releases Purge Confirmed Releases >ۺ۶(SO)ǩȷǩ :Blanket SO & Releases Purge Expired Releases >ۺ۶(SO)ǩǩ :Blanket SO & Releases Release History >һ SO зм¼ :Blanket SO & Releases Review >һ SO :Blanket SO & Releases Review Criteria >һ SO ˱׼ :Blanket SO & Releases Review and Confirmation >һ۶ǩԤȷ :Blanket SO & Releases Review and Confirmation Criteria >һ SO ˺ȷϱ׼ :Blanket SO & Releases Review and Confirmation for Customer >ͻһ۶ǩԤȷ :Blanket SO Contract Added >һ SO ͬ :Blanket SO Contract Changed >Ѹһ SO ͬ :Blanket SO Contract Deleted >ɾһ SO ͬ :Blanket SO Contract Maintenance >һ۶ͬά :Blanket SO Deliveries Maintenance >һ۶ά :Blanket SO Delivery History Query >һ SO ¼ѯ :Blanket SO Delivery History Report >һ۶ʷ¼ :Blanket SO Delivery History Report SRS >ۺ۶ (SO) ¼ SRS :Blanket SO Expired Releases Purge >һ SO ʧЧ :Blanket SO Global PO Number Change >һ۶ȫֲɹ :Blanket SO Lookup Invoices >һ۶ķƱ :Blanket SO Purge Confirmed Releases >һ۶ȷǩ :Blanket SO Purge Expired Releases >һ۶ʧЧǩ :Blanket SO Release Ack Report SRS >һ SO д𸴱 SRS :Blanket SO Release Acknowledgement Query >һ SO д𸴲ѯ :Blanket SO Release Acknowledgements >һ۶ǩȷ :Blanket SO Release Master Query >һ۶ǩѯ :Blanket SO Releases Browse >һ۶ǩ :Blanket SO Releases Import >۶ǩ :Blanket SO Releases Maintenance >һ۶ǩά :Blanket SO Releases Query >һ۶ǩѯ :Blanket SO Review & Confirmation >ۺ۶ (S/O) ȷ :Blanket SO and Release Maintenance >һ SO ά :Blanket SO and Release by Customer >ͻһ SO :Blanket SO and Releases >ۺ۶ (SO) ǩ :Blanket SO and Releases Customer >һ SO пͻ :Blanket SO and Releases PO >һ SO PO :Blanket SO and Releases Review >һ SO :Blanket SO and Releases by Customer >ͻһ SO :Blanket SO releases contract for customer/customer purchase order/stock code '%1' has expired >ͻͻɹ '%1' ۺ۶(SO) :Blanket Sales Order Deliveries History >ۺ۶ (S/O) ¼ :Blanket Sales Order Release Acknowledgement >ۺ۶ǩӦ :Blanket Sales Order Release Import >һ۶ǩ :Blanket Sales Order Releases Import >һ۶е :Blanket So & Releases Customer >ۺ۶ǩͻ :Blanket So & Releases Global Purchase Order Change >ۺ۶(So)ǩȫɹ :Blanket So & Releases Purchase Orders >һ۶ǩɹ :Blanket So & Releases Purchase Orders for Customer >ͻһ۶ǩɹ :Blanket So & Releases by Customer >ͻһ۶ǩ :Blanket So & Releases by Customer Stock Code >ͻһ۶ǩ :Blanket So Release Acknowledgement >һ So д :Blanket call-off multiple >ۺȡ :Blanket call-off single >ۺȡ :Blanket contract >ۺԺͬ :Blanket items >һĿ :Blanket monitoring order >ۺԼල :Blanket p/o >ۺԲɹ :Blanket p/o contract >ۺ۶ͬ :Blanket p/o items >ۺԲɹƷ :Blanket p/o notes >һӲɹע :Blanket p/order >ۺϲɹ :Blanket po >һӲɹ :Blanket po contract >һӲɹͬ :Blanket po contract expiry dates >һӲɹͬ :Blanket po items >һӲɹĿ :Blanket po notes >һӲɹע :Blanket purchase order '%1' already cancelled >ȡۺϲɹ '%1' :Blanket purchase order '%1' already completed >ۺϲɹ '%1' :Blanket purchase order '%1' already exported for XML >ΪXMLۺϲɹ '%1' :Blanket purchase order '%1' in use by another operator >ۺϲɹ '%1' ڱһԱʹ :Blanket purchase order '%1' not found >δҵۺϲɹ '%1' :Blanket purchase order cannot be spaces >一揽子销售订单不可为空格 :Blanket purchase order contract >一揽子采购订单合同 :Blanket purchase order document >ۺԲɹļ :Blanket purchase order exists >ۺϲɹѴ :Blanket purchase order format not yet defined >δ̶ۺԲɹʽ :Blanket purchase order lines >ۺԲɹ :Blanket purchase order list maintenance >ۺԲɹά :Blanket purchase order selection >ۺԲɹѡ :Blanket purchase orders are not allowed for this supplier >ڴ˹Ӧ̣ʹһӲɹ :Blanket purchase orders in use >ʹеۺԲɹ :Blanket purchase orders will be selected for review according to the options entered. Ok to start the review? >ѡѡۺԲɹ顣ȷҪʼ :Blanket sales contract >һۺͬ :Blanket sales order line has been acknowledged as received, cannot cancel dispatch note '%1' line '%2' >һ۶ѱȷΪջϣ޷ȡ '%1' '%2' :Blanket sales orders >ۺ۶ :Blanket standing order >ۺԳڶ :Block > :Block %1 > %1 :Block Method Time and Capacity >块方法时间和能力 :Block Method Time and Capacity Calculations >ֿ鷽ʱ :Block Size >С :Block/rate qty >/ :Blue >ɫ :Blue flag >ɫ :Blue flag Activity >ɫ־ :Body > :Body fields >ֶ :Body text (first %1 characters) >ıǰ%1 ַ :Body text (first 255 characters) >ı (ǰ 255 ַ) :Bold >Ӵ :Bold (Ctrl+B) >(Ctrl+B) :Bold Group Headings > :Bom Routing Description >Bom·ѡ˵ :Book >˲ :Book %1 >˲ %1 :Book Pane >˲ :Book Properties >˲ :Book Value >ֵ :Book Value Depreciation Code >ֵ۾ɴ :Book Value Depreciation History >ֵ۾ʷ¼ :Book Value Details >˲ֵϸ :Book Value History >˲ֵ¼ :Book Value acquisition value is zero. Do you want to continue? >˲ֵչֵΪ㡣ϣ? :Book Value depreciation balance must be = Accum depreciation B/F >˲ֵ۾Ϊ = ۼ۾ B/F :Book Value depreciation posted to G/L code >ʴֵ۾ :Book description cannot be blank >˲Ϊ :Book password >˲ :Book value B/F >ֵB/F :Book value Cost/value >˲ֵɱ/ֵ :Book value accumulated >ۼֵ :Book value code >ֵ :Book value dep code >˲ֵ۾ɴ :Book value depreciated by >ֵ۾ɶ :Book value depreciation >ֵ۾ :Book value depreciation cannot be negative >ֵ۾ɲΪ :Book value depreciation cannot exceed asset cost/value >ֵ۾ɲóʲɱֵ :Book value depreciation details >˲ֵ۾ϸ :Book value entries before >ǰ˲ֵĿ :Book value history before >ǰ˲ֵ¼ :Book value information >˲ֵϢ :Book value last year >ֵ :Book value must be equal to Asset cost less Accumulated depreciation >ֵʲɱȥۼ۾ :Book value residual >ֵ :Book value residual value >ֵֵ :Book value start date >˲ֵʼ :Book value start depreciation date >ֵʼ۾ :Book value start period >˲ֵʼ :Book value start year >˲ֵʼ :Booked >Ԥ :Booked order >Ԥ :Booked out of WIP >WIP ֮Ԥ :Booked quantity >Ԥ :Booking Report >Ԥ :Bookings Viewer >ԤԼ :Bookkeeper >Ա :Bookmark >ǩ :Bookmark name >ǩ :Books >ʲ :Boolean selection >ѡ :Boolean value >ֵ :Border flag >߽ :Both > :Both Kit and Specific Issues have been disallowed by ESignatures >߰ضо ESignatures ܾ :Both authorized and unauthorized >经授权和未经授权两者 :Both check and remittance >֧Ʊͻ :Both deposits & withdrawals > :Both deposits and withdrawals > :Both forecasts and sales orders >Ԥ۶ :Both input and output > :Both kit issues and sales orders >߰ǩ۶ :Both passwords must match. You will have to re-enter the passwords >ƥ䡣 :Both passwords must match. You will have to re-enter the passwords again >ƥ䡣ٴ :Both price and cost percentage change are zero >价格和成本百分比均为零 :Both purchase orders and jobs >ɹҵ :Both quantity fields must have the same sign >ֶαͬ־ :Both remittance & check >֧Ʊ :Both remittance and check >֧Ʊ :Both stocked & non-stocked >库存和非库存两者 :Both the old and new descriptions are the same >˵˵ͬ :Both this job and the master job are complete. Do you wish to continue? >ҵҵɡϣ :Bottom %1 > %1 :Bottom margin >±߾ :Bottom margin (0-20) >±߾(0-20) :Bought Out Cost >ɱ :Bought out >չ :Bought out Non-Stocked Code Maintenance >⹺ǿά :Bought out details >⹺ϸ :Bought out items >⹺Ŀ :Box Items >Ŀ :Bpo >ۺϲɹ :Branch > :Branch Name >֧ :Branch %1 >֧ %1 :Branch '%1' from warehouse '%2' is invalid for SCT >Բֿ '%2' ķ֧ '%1' ڹӦת(SCT)Ч :Branch - Asset >֧ - ʲ :Branch - Expense >֧ - :Branch - Mechanic >֧ - :Branch Code >֧ :Branch Delete >֧ɾ :Branch Details >֧ :Branch Information >֧Ϣ :Branch Ledger Control Account >֧ʿʻ :Branch List >֧ :Branch Maintenance >֧ά :Branch Summary Totals (Local Currency at entry time rate) >分支摘要合计 (输入时间利率当地货币) :Branch Validation >֧֤ :Branch after >ںķ֧ :Branch before >֮ǰ֧ :Branch cannot be deleted because Sales Analysis is installed >Ϊװ۷֧ɾ :Branch code list maintenance >֧бά :Branch code not on file >֧벻 :Branch control account >֧ʻ :Branch description >֧ :Branch for P/class or salesperson names >ƷȼԱ֧ :Branch for customer 'xxxxxxx' invalid. Function cancelled >客户 'xxxxxxx' 的分支无效。功能已取消 :Branch for this customer is not file >ÿͻ֧ :Branch has non-zero balances for product class or salesperson >֧ƷȼԱз :Branch ledger code >֧ʴ :Branch level >֧ˮƽ :Branch list maintenance >֧ά :Branch merchandise total >分支商品化合计 :Branch name >֧ :Branch not defined >未定义分支 :Branch not found >δҵ֧ :Branch not on file >֧ļ :Branch option >֧ѡ :Branch options >֧ѡ :Branch order numbering is numeric. Delivery note may therefore not be alphanumeric >֧Ϊ֡˽ܲĸ :Branch prefix >֧ǰ׺ :Branch record locked >֧¼ :Branch registered invoice total >֧ѵǼǷƱϼ :Branch selection >֧ѡ :Branch selection by >֧ѡ񣬰 :Branch sequence by >еķ֧˳ :Branch to be used for SCT is invalid >ڹӦת(SCT)ķ֧Ч :Branch to be warehouse >Ϊֿķ֧ :Branch to use >÷֧ :Branch to use for names >÷֧ :Branch total >֧ϼ :Branch was not deleted >δɾ֧ :Branch/Asset >֧/ʲ :Branch/Cost Centre >֧/ɱ :Branch/Group/Asset >֧//ʲ :Branch/Location >֧/λ :Branch/Location not to be verified >֧λý֤ :Branch/Supplier >֧/Ӧ :Branch/cost center >֧/ɱ :Branch/geographic area change in S/O Entry >۶(S/O)еķ֧ :Branches > :Branches to export >֧ :Brief description >Ҫ :British Pounds >Ӣ :Brn >Brn :Brn Aft >Brn Aft :Brown >ɫ :Browse > :Browse Achived Bills of Material >ѹ鵵ϵ :Browse Archive Details >ϸ :Browse Archived WIP Jobs >Ѵ浵WIPҵ :Browse Bins > :Browse Configuration > :Browse Configurations >浏览配置 :Browse Customer >ͻ :Browse Detail Maintenance >ά :Browse Element Codes >Ԫش :Browse Import Filename >ļ :Browse Invoice >Ʊ :Browse Job > :Browse Jobs > :Browse Journal >ռ :Browse Master Jobs > :Browse PO > PO :Browse Program for Resouce Mask >Դ :Browse Program for Resource Mask >Դ :Browse RMA >˻Ȩ(RMA) :Browse Requisition >빺 :Browse Reserved Lots/Serials >浏览保留批次/系列 :Browse Serial >ϵ :Browse Serials >ϵ :Browse Setup > :Browse Stock > :Browse Stock Code > :Browse Stock Codes > :Browse Stockcodes >浏览库存代码 :Browse Supplier >Ӧ :Browse User >û :Browse Vessel > :Browse Warehouse >ֿ :Browse Work Centers >浏览工作中心 :Browse access (F7) >(F7) :Browse access to all >ȫ :Browse by Last Sequence >ϴ˳ :Browse columns > :Browse customers >ͻ :Browse dispatches for current order >浏览当前订单发货 :Browse for Extended Tax Code >չ˰ :Browse for GRN by Purchase Order >ɹ GRN :Browse for component on computer >ϵIJ :Browse for printer >ӡ :Browse header details >ϸ :Browse in Last Sequence >һ˳ :Browse lot numbers >α :Browse lots > :Browse name > :Browse on > :Browse on AP Branches > AP ֧ :Browse on AP Invoice Terms > AP Ʊ :Browse on AP Permanent Entries > AP Ŀ :Browse on AP Registered Invoices > AP עᷢƱ :Browse on AR Branches > AR ֧ :Browse on AR Invoice Discounts > AR Ʊۿ :Browse on AR Invoice Terms > AR Ʊ :Browse on AR Permanent Entries > AR Ŀ :Browse on Accounts >˻ :Browse on Accrual Type >ӦĿ :Browse on Alternate Delivery Addresses >ýַ :Browse on Approved Manufacturers >׼ :Browse on Approved Manufacturers Parts >׼ :Browse on Archive Sales Orders >۶ :Browse on Archive Sales Orders - Archive number >۶ - :Browse on Archive Sales Orders by Sales Order >۶۶ :Browse on Archived Lots >ѹ鵵 :Browse on Asset Branches >ʲ֧ :Browse on Asset Capex Classifications >ʲʱ÷ :Browse on Asset Capex Items >ʲʱĿ :Browse on Asset Capex Types >ʲʱ :Browse on Asset Cost Centers >ʲɱ :Browse on Asset Depreciation Codes >ʲ۾ɴ :Browse on Asset Expense Codes >ʲô :Browse on Asset Groups >ʲ :Browse on Asset Locations >ʲλ :Browse on Asset Mechanics >ʲ :Browse on Asset Owners >ʲ :Browse on Asset Reasons for Disposal >ʲԭ :Browse on Asset Reasons for Revaluation >ʲ¹ֵԭ :Browse on Asset Statuses >ʲ״̬ :Browse on Asset Types >ʲ :Browse on Assets >ʲ :Browse on Available Stock Codes >ÿ :Browse on Banks > :Browse on Billing Schedules >Ʒų :Browse on Bin Numbers >Կλ :Browse on Bin Numbers for Lot >λ :Browse on Bin numbers for lots >λ? :Browse on Bins for Stock Code >ֿ :Browse on Bins for Stock code > :Browse on Bitmaps >λͼ :Browse on Bitmaps (Ctrl+B) >λͼ(Ctrl+B) :Browse on Blanket PO Contracts >һ PO ͬ :Browse on Blanket SO & Release customer >һ SO пͻ :Browse on Branches >֧ :Browse on Buyers >ɹ :Browse on Buying Groups >ɹ :Browse on Calculation Codes > :Browse on Cash Book Permanent Entries >ֽ˲Ŀ :Browse on Cash Drawers > :Browse on Catalogue number >Ŀ¼ :Browse on Client/Server >ͻ/ :Browse on Collection Descriptors >ɼ :Browse on Comment Code >ע :Browse on Commission Codes >Ӷ :Browse on Component Types > :Browse on Component Where-used >ô :Browse on Constant Codes > :Browse on Contacts >ͬ :Browse on Contract Prices >ͬ۸ :Browse on Contracts >ͬ :Browse on Cost Centers >ɱ :Browse on Cost Unit of Measure >ɱλ :Browse on Currencies > :Browse on Customer Classes >ͻ :Browse on Customer Stock Code Cross-Ref >ͻղο :Browse on Customer Stock Codes >ͻ :Browse on Customers >ͻ :Browse on Customs Exchange Rates >Զ :Browse on Data > :Browse on Data Dictionary Columns >ֵ :Browse on Data Dictionary Linkages >ֵϵ :Browse on Data Dictionary Tables >ֵ :Browse on Data Files >ļ :Browse on Deduction Code >ô :Browse on Delivery Loads >װ :Browse on Delivery Routes >· :Browse on Delivery Terms > :Browse on Departments > :Browse on Deposits > :Browse on Drawing Register >ͼֽǼDz :Browse on Drawing Sizes >ͼֽߴ :Browse on EFT Bank Control > EFT п :Browse on EFT Batch Control > EFT :Browse on EFT Cash Book Beneficiaries > EFT ֽ˲ :Browse on EFT Extracted Batches > EFT ȡ :Browse on Element Descriptors >Ԫ :Browse on Element Structures >Ԫؽṹ :Browse on Elements >Ԫ :Browse on Employee Rate Descriptions >Ա :Browse on Employee Time Unit of Measure >Աʱλά :Browse on Employees >Ա :Browse on Extended Tax Code History >չ˰ʷ :Browse on Extended Tax Codes >չ˰ :Browse on Extended Tax History >չ˰¼ :Browse on FIFO/LIFO Buckets >FIFO/LIFO :Browse on Files and Folders >ļļ :Browse on Files location >ļλ :Browse on GIT References > GIT ο :Browse on GL Alternative Currency > GL û :Browse on GL Analysis Categories > GL :Browse on GL Groups > GL :Browse on GL Recurring Journals > GL ռ :Browse on GL Revaluation Categories > GL ¹ֵ :Browse on GL Standard Journals > GL ׼ռ :Browse on GL Weighted Transfer > GL Ȩת :Browse on GRNs > GRN :Browse on General Ledger Codes >˴ :Browse on Geographic Areas > :Browse on Group Approval Limits > :Browse on Group Budgets >Ԥ :Browse on Groups > :Browse on Images >ͼ? :Browse on Intrastat Delivery Terms >ó׽ :Browse on Intrastat Supplementary Units >λ :Browse on Intrastat Transaction Nature >ڽ :Browse on Job Classification > :Browse on Jobs > :Browse on Journal Source Codes >ռԴ :Browse on LCT Stock Codes > LCT :Browse on Last Sequence >ϴ˳ :Browse on Load Transport >װ :Browse on Lot Numbers > :Browse on Lot Transactions > :Browse on Lots > :Browse on Machines > :Browse on Manufacturer Part Numbers > :Browse on Master Sub-accounts >˻ :Browse on Master Sub-jobs >ӹ :Browse on Material Allocations >Ϸ :Browse on Multiple Ship to Addresses >ַ :Browse on Nationalities > :Browse on Nature of Transaction > :Browse on Non-productive Codes > :Browse on Non-stocked Codes >ǿ :Browse on Non-stocked Purchase Prices >ǿɹ۸ :Browse on Operations > :Browse on Operations - Stock Details > - ϸ :Browse on Operations - Stock Information > - ϸ :Browse on Operators >Ա :Browse on Order Types > :Browse on Payment Codes > :Browse on Pegging >Թ̶ :Browse on Planners >ƻԱ :Browse on Price Unit of Measure >۸λ :Browse on Prices >۸ :Browse on Product Class >Ʒ :Browse on Product Classes >Ʒ :Browse on Product Group >Ʒ :Browse on Promotion Code > :Browse on Purchase Order >浏览采购订单 :Browse on Purchase Order Discounts >ɹۿ :Browse on Purchase Order Line >浏览采购订单行 :Browse on Quotations > :Browse on RMA Problem Codes > RMA :Browse on Reason Codes >ԭ :Browse on Reports > :Browse on Requisition >빺 :Browse on Requisition Capex >빺ʱ :Browse on Requisition Groups >빺 :Browse on Requisition User >빺û :Browse on Requisition Users >빺û :Browse on Resolution Code > :Browse on Resource Codes >Դ :Browse on Retentions > :Browse on Revaluation Details >عϸ :Browse on Routes >· :Browse on Routings >·ѡ :Browse on SO Templates > SO ģ :Browse on Sales Analysis Summary Setup >۷ժҪϸ :Browse on Salespersons >ۻԱ :Browse on Scrap Reasons >ԭ :Browse on Selling Price Unit of Measure >ۼۼλ :Browse on Serial Number Transactions >ϵк뽻 :Browse on Serial Numbers >ϵк :Browse on Server Files >Էļ? :Browse on Shipment >浏览货运 :Browse on Shipping Instructions >װ֪ :Browse on Standard Comments >׼ע :Browse on Standard Hierarchies >׼ּ :Browse on Standard Narrations >׼ :Browse on Status Codes >״̬ :Browse on Status Routings >״̬·ѡ :Browse on Stock Code > :Browse on Stock Code Comments >ע :Browse on Stock Code Pricing >붨 :Browse on Stock Codes > :Browse on Stock Codes with Requirements >Ҫ :Browse on Structures >ṹ :Browse on Supplier / Stock Cross-reference >Ӧ̣ :Browse on Supplier Classes >Ӧ :Browse on Supplier Code >Ӧ̴ :Browse on Supplier Comments >Ӧע :Browse on Supplier Stock Code Cross Ref >Ӧ̿ղο :Browse on Supplier-Stock Code Details >Ӧ-ϸ :Browse on Supplier/Stock Cross-reference >Ӧ/ղο :Browse on Suppliers >Ӧ :Browse on Tariff Codes >˰ :Browse on Tax Codes >˰ :Browse on Tool Sets >߼ :Browse on Trade Promotions Account >ó״˻ :Browse on Unit of measure >λ :Browse on User >û :Browse on Users >û :Browse on Vessels > :Browse on Warehouse Move Matrix >ֿ䶯 :Browse on Warehouses >ֿ :Browse on Withholding Tax Codes >˰ :Browse on Work Center Move Matrices >ƶ :Browse on Work Centers > :Browse on client >ͻ :Browse on date > :Browse on sales order lines for load >غɵ۶ :Browse on selected stock codes >ѡ :Browse only > :Browse only access > :Browse program > :Browse stock codes with requirements >뼰Ҫ :Browse to Select a Contract >ѡͬ :Browse to view all available constants >Բ鿴пó :Browse-style program >ͳ :Browser > :Browser Favorites >ղؼ :Browser Queries and Themes >ѯ :Browser Themes > :Browses > :Browses only >ֻ :Btrieve >Btrieve :Btrieve --> Level II >Btrieve --> II :Bubble > :Bubble chart. A bubble chart is just a variation of a point chart, only it displays bubbles of the data points >ͼͼֻǵͼı죬ʾݵ :Bucket >Ͱ :Bucket already exists >ͰѴ :Budget >Ԥ :Budget Copy >Ԥ㸴 :Budget Current Year >ǰԤ :Budget Descriptions >Ԥ˵ :Budget Exceeded >Ԥ :Budget Maintenance >Ԥά :Budget Query >Ԥѯ :Budget Spread >Ԥܷ :Budget Year >Ԥ :Budget analysis required >ҪԤ :Budget for period %1 > %1 Ԥ :Budget information >ԤϢ :Budget method >Ԥ㷽 :Budget next year >һԤ :Budget option >Ԥѡ :Budget processing at year end >Ԥ㴦 :Budget selected >ѡԤ :Budget selection >Ԥѡ :Budget this year >Ԥ :Budget this year for G/L code >(G/L)뱾Ԥ :Budget this year for GL code >GL 뱾Ԥ :Budget this year versus Budget next year for G/L code >(G/L)ıԤһԤ :Budget this year versus Budget next year for GL code >GL 뱾ԤԤ :Budget to import >Ԥ :Budget type '%1' is invalid >Ԥ '%1' Ч :Budget value >Ԥֵ :Budget values >Ԥֵ :Budgeted >Ԥ :Budgets >Ԥ :Budgets Graph >Ԥͼ :Budgets for Ledger Code >ʴԤ :Budgets represent >Ԥʾ :Budgets required >Ԥ :Budgets required for this summary >ժҪҪԤ :Build > :Build Library > :Build Options >ѡ :Build Ordered Collection > :Build Purchase Orders > :Build Schedule >ƻ :Build Schedule Actions >ж :Build Schedule Amendment Jnl > :Build Schedule Amendment Journal >ų޶ռ :Build Schedule Amendment Journal Report >ƻռ޸ı :Build Schedule Amendment Journal in Progress >ִƻ޶ռ :Build Schedule Export >ƻ :Build Schedule Export in Progress >ִƻ :Build Schedule Journal File >ƻռļ :Build Schedule Maintenance >ά :Build Successful >ɹ :Build Templates >ģ :Build applications or dashboards using customized panes at the enterprise and role level >ʹԶ崰ҵְ𼶹ӦûDZ :Build information load complete >Ϣװ :Build process complete > :Build process started >ѿʼ :Build schedule date selection >ƻѡ :Build schedule dates >ų :Build schedules >ƻ :Build the schedule >ų :Build the selected templates >ѡģ :Build transfers in transit file >;תļ :Build type > :Building > :Building Maintenance Engineer >άʦ :Building Selection List >ѡб :Bulk Copy Options >ѡ :Bulk Copy Process for Company >˾ƹ :Bulk Email browse >Ⱥʼ :Bulk Email maintenance >Ⱥʼά :Bulk Import > :Bulk contact method >ϵ :Bulk copy export (BCP) >Ƶ(BCP) :Bulk insert code page >ҳ :Bulk insert temp folder >ʱļ :Bulk issue flag >ǩ :Bulk issue item >ǩĿ :Bulk issue material allocations >ǩϷ :Business Analysis Extract >ҵժ¼ :Business Analytics > :Business Analytics Extract >ҵժ¼ :Business Analytics Setup >ҵ :Business Object Configuration >ҵ :Business Object Method >ҵ󷽷 :Business Object Name >ҵ :Business Object XSD >ҵ XSD :Business Object class >ҵȼ :Business Object to invoke >ҵ :Business Objects >ҵ :Business Process >ҵ :Business Processes >ҵ :Business layer Port >ҵ˿ :Business object >Ŀ :Business object is not defined for document '%1' >δĵ '%1' ҵ :Business process enabled >ҵ :Business process type '%1' not defined in IMPGLB.IMP >IMPGLB.IMPδҵ '%1' :Business tier connection failed >ҵֲʧ :Business tier connection failed %1 >ҵֲʧ %1 :Business tier connection failed.%1 >ҵֲʧܡ %1 :Business tier connection succeeded >ҵֲӳɹ :Business to Business control record not found >δҵ̼Ҷ̼ҿƼ¼ :Business to Business module not installed >δװҵҵģ :Business-to-Business Trading >ó :Busy >æ :Busy Processing >æڴ :Busy processing, please wait >æڴԺ :Busy processing..... >æµڴ..... :Busy validating batch serialized stock codes >æ֤ϵл :Button >ť :Button value >ťֵ :Button wording >ť :Buttons to be shown >ʾť :Buy > :Buy exchange rate >ɹ :Buy rate > :Buy rule >ɹ :Buy/Sell Rates >ɹ/ :Buyer > :Buyer '%1' already exists > '%1' Ѵ :Buyer '%1' not found >δҵ '%1' :Buyer Code Maintenance >ɹ̴ά :Buyer Codes Maintenance >ɹ̴ά :Buyer List Selection >ɹбѡ :Buyer Maintenance >ɹԱά? :Buyer accuracy levels >ɹ׼ȷȼ :Buyer code >ɹԱ? :Buyer code record locked >ɹ̴¼ :Buyer description >ɹ :Buyer filter >ɹ̹ :Buyer group >ɹ :Buyer name >ɹ :Buyer not on file >ɹԱ? :Buyer selection >ɹԱѡ? :Buyers > :Buyers Maintenance >ɹά :Buying Group > :Buying Group Customer Cross Reference >ɹſͻղο :Buying Group Maintenance >ɹά :Buying Groups > :Buying Grp Contracts >ɹͬ :Buying Rules >ɹ :Buying conversion >ɹת :Buying exchange rate >ɹ :Buying group %1 >ɹ %1 :Buying group '%1' not found >δҵɹ '%1' :Buying group contract >ɹͬ :Buying group contracts >ɹͬ :Buying group description >ɹ :Buying group details >ɹ :Buying group filter >ɹ :Buying group five >ɹ :Buying group four >IJɹ :Buying group information >ɹϢ :Buying group one >һɹ :Buying group selection >ɹѡ :Buying group three >ɹ :Buying group two >ڶɹ :Buying group/Customer >ɹ/ͻ :Buying rate > :Buying rate test conversion >ɹʲת :Buying rule >ɹ :By Buyer > :By Contract >ͬ :By Customer >ͻ :By Customer Purchase Order >ͻɹ :By Customer p/order >ͻɹ :By Day of week > :By Delivery Route Sequence >·˳ :By Dispatch > :By Job Classification >ҵ :By Ledger code >ʴ :By Ledger code within Group >ڷʴ :By P/order >ɹ :By Planner >ƻԱ :By Program > :By Purchase Order >ɹ :By RMA >˻Ȩ(RMA) :By Requisition >빺 :By Sales Order >۶ :By Stock code > :By Supplier Contract >Ӧ̺ͬ :By Supplier Orders >Ӧ̶ :By Time of day >ʱ :By User >û :By aged statement >䱨 :By branch >֧ :By branch - with prefix >֧ - ǰ׺ :By changing the maximum units and / or >ͨλͣ :By changing the maximum units and/or >ͨλ/ :By check/EFT >֧Ʊת(EFT) :By company >˾ :By current holder >ǰ :By date > :By equal line > :By form >ʽ :By group > :By invoice >Ʊ :By invoice date >Ʊ :By invoice due date >Ʊ :By mass > :By number > :By operator >Ա :By operator preference >Աƫ :By originator > :By parent warehouse >ֿ :By period > :By period (fixed property) > (̶Ʋ) :By qty > :By quantity > :By requisition user >빺û :By review options > :By statement > :By supplier >Ӧ :By value >ֵ :By volume > :By warehouse >ֿ :By warehouse - with prefix >ֿ - ǰ׺ :By warehouse with prefix >ֿ⣬ǰ׺ :By-Products >Ʒ :By-product >Ʒ :Bypass Suppl >ʱӦ :Bypass Supplier >ʱӦ :Bypassed >ƹ :C - Cancelled >C - ȡ :C - Co-product >C - ͬƷ :C - Cover shortages >C - ȱ :C - Cumulative highest of forecasts & so >C - ۼԤ :C - Fixed time period >C - ̶ʱ :C - Lowest cost >C C ͳɱ :C class item >C Ŀ :C class items >C Ŀ :C type items >CĿ :C-ISAM based company >C-ISAMĹ˾ :C-ISAM data file path definition >C-ISAMļ· :C-ISAM file >C-ISAM ļ :C-ISAM indexed >C-ISAM :C-ISAM to SQL >C-ISAMṹѯ(SQL) :C-ISAM to SQL Conversion >C-ISAMṹѯ(SQL)ת :C-ISAM to SQL Export >C-ISAMṹѯ(SQL) :C-ISAM to SQL Migration >C-ISAM SQL Ǩ :C-ISAM to SQL Migration - Bulk Copy >C-ISAM SQL Ǩ - :C.O.S >۳ɱ :C.O.S value >ת˸ֵ :C/B Add transaction >ֽʲ (C/B) ӽ :C/B Add transaction e.net >ֽʲ (C/B) ӽ e.net :C/B Adjustments in any selected period >κѡеֽʲ(C/B) :C/B Bank reconciliation >ֽʲ(C/B)ж :C/B Beneficiary Amendment Journal >C/B޶ռ :C/B Beneficiary Amendment Journal Report >C/B޶ռʱ :C/B Beneficiary Amendment Journal Report in Progress >ִC/B޶ռʱ :C/B Capture EFT transactions >ֽʲ(C/B)ת(EFT) :C/B Change EFT transactions >ֽʲ(C/B)ת(EFT) :C/B Change transaction >ֽʲ (C/B) Ľ :C/B Change transaction e.net >ֽʲ (C/B) Ľ e.net :C/B Deposits >ֽʲ(C/B) :C/B EFT beneficiary >ֽʱʽת :C/B EFT status >ֽʱʽת״̬ :C/B List of Permanent Entries >ֽʲ(C/B)̶б :C/B On-line Payment Register >ֽʲ(C/B)ע :C/B Permanent Entries Posting >ֽʲ(C/B)̶ :C/B Posting to previous period >ֽʲ(C/B)һ :C/B Reconcile/unreconcile >ֽʲ (C/B) / :C/B Reconcile/unreconcile e.net >ֽʲ (C/B) / e.net :C/B Unreconcile by period >ֽʲ (C/B) ڷ :C/B Unreconcile by period e.net >ֽʲ (C/B) ڷ e.net :C/B Withdrawals >ֽʲ(C/B) :C/B balance function performed >ִеֽʲ(C/B) :C/B interbank transfers >ֽʲ (C/B) мת :C/B month-end performed >ִеֽʲ (C/B) :C/B purge performed >ִеֽʲ(C/B) :C/B year-end performed >ִеֽʲ (C/B) :C/Book Current Year Open/Closed Flags >ֽʱȿţرձ :C/Book journal >ֽʲ(C/B)ռ :C/C >C/C :C/D >C/D :C/D Percentage break >C/D ٷֱȷ :C/S NT PID >C/S NT PID :CAL seats >CAL 席位 :CALC - Calculation code >CALC - :CALs >ͻ֤(CAL) :CB Add transaction >ֽʲ (CB) ӽ :CB Add transaction e.net >ֽʲ (CB) ӽ e.net :CB Adjustments in any selected period >κѡеֽʲ(CB) :CB Bank reconciliation >ֽʲ(CB)ж :CB Beneficiary Amendment Journal >C/B޶ռ :CB Beneficiary Amendment Journal Report >C/B޶ռʱ :CB Beneficiary Amendment Journal Report in Progress >ִC/B޶ռʱ :CB Capture EFT transactions >ֽʲ(CB)ת(EFT) :CB Change EFT transactions >ֽʲ(CB)ת(EFT) :CB Change transaction >ֽʲ (CB) Ľ :CB Change transaction e.net >ֽʲ (CB) Ľ e.net :CB Deposits >ֽʲ(CB) :CB EFT beneficiary >ֽʱʽת :CB EFT extract release transactions >CB EFT ȡн :CB EFT release transactions >CB EFT н :CB EFT select release transaction >CB EFT ѡн :CB EFT status >ֽʱʽת״̬ :CB Integration/Print Pay Register >CB /ӡ֧ǼDz :CB Integration/Print Payment Register >CB /ӡ֧ǼDz :CB List of Permanent Entries >CB ̶б :CB Maintain Bank Statement Balance >CB 维护银行报表余额 :CB On-line Payment Register >CB ע :CB Online Payment Register >CB ע :CB Permanent Entries Posting >ֽʲ(CB)̶ :CB Posting to previous period >ֽʲ(CB)һ :CB Reconcile/unreconcile >ֽʲ (CB) / :CB Reconcile/unreconcile e.net >ֽʲ (CB) / e.net :CB Unreconcile by period >ֽʲ (CB) ڷ :CB Unreconcile by period e.net >ֽʲ (CB) ڷ e.net :CB Withdrawals >ֽʲ(CB) :CB balance function performed >ִеֽʲ(CB) :CB interbank transfers >ֽʲ (CB) мת :CB month-end performed >ִеֽʲ (CB) :CB permanent entries >CB Ŀ :CB purge performed >ִеֽʲ(CB) :CB year-end performed >ִеֽʲ (CB) :CC Aft >CC Aft :CFE >ۼԤ :CLT >CLT :CMS Account added >ӵϵ˹ϵͳ (CMS) ʻ :CMS Account added e.net >ϵ˹ϵͳ (CMS) ʻ e.net :CMS Account changed >ĵϵ˹ϵͳ (CMS) ʻ :CMS Account changed e.net >ϵ˹ϵͳ (CMS) ʻ e.net :CMS Account deleted >ɾϵ˹ϵͳ (CMS) ʻ :CMS Account deleted e.net >ϵ˹ϵͳ (CMS) ʻɾ e.net :CMS Activity added > CMS  :CMS Activity changed >Ѹ CMS  :CMS Activity deleted >ɾ CMS  :CMS Add attachments for existing activities >CMS л :CMS Add attendees for existing activities >CMS лϯ :CMS Allow synchronization of CMS contacts to Outlook >CMS CMS ϵ Outlook ͬ :CMS Allow synchronization of Outlook contacts to CMS >CMS Outlook ϵ CMS ͬ :CMS Bulk Email Query >CMS Ⱥʼѯ :CMS Change activities >CMS Ļ :CMS Conditional Organization Lists >CMS 条件组织列表 :CMS Contact Organisation Management >ϵ˹ϵͳ(CMS)ϵ֯ :CMS Contact added >ӵϵ˹ϵͳ (CMS) ϵ :CMS Contact added e.net >ϵ˹ϵͳ (CMS) ϵ e.net :CMS Contact changed >ĵϵ˹ϵͳ (CMS) ϵ :CMS Contact changed e.net >ϵ˹ϵͳ (CMS) ϵ˸ e.net :CMS Contact deleted >ɾϵ˹ϵͳ (CMS) ϵ :CMS Contact deleted e.net >ϵ˹ϵͳ (CMS) ϵɾ e.net :CMS Delete activities >CMS ɾ :CMS Delete attachments for existing activities >CMS ɾл :CMS Delete attendees for existing activities >CMS ɾлϯ :CMS License information >CMS ֤Ϣ :CMS Maintain list of attachments for existing activities >CMS άлб :CMS Outlook to CMS contact sync allows new contacts to be added >CMS Outlook CMS ϵͬϵ :CMS Purge >ϵ˹ϵͳ (CMS) :CMS Setup Wizard >ϵ˹ϵͳ(CMS) :CMS only > CMS :CMS only user > CMS û :CMS only users > CMS û :CMS to Outlook sync can copy all contacts (not restricted to org list) >CMS Outlook ͬɸϵ (֯ϵ) :COBOL Field Name >COBOLֶ :COBOL Name >COBOL :COBOL field and level >COBOLֶκͲ :COBOL program >COBOL :COBOL program to run >еCOBOL :COM BOM Structure & Operation Archive >ģ (COM) ϵ (BOM) ṹͲ鵵 :COM Blanket Purchase Order XML Creation >ģ (COM) ۺԲɹ XML :COM Build Setup Defaults >ģ(COM)Ĭֵ :COM Component Message Handler >ģ (COM) Ϣ :COM Create Ordered List of Criteria >ģ (COM) ׼б :COM Custom Dashboard Creation >ģ(COM)Զư崴 :COM Custom Dashboard Query >ģ (COM) ԶDZѯ :COM Custom Form Post >COM 自定义表格过账 :COM Custom Form Query >ģ (COM) Զѯ :COM Custom Form Setup >ģ(COM)Զ :COM Custom Menu Query >ģ (COM) Զ˵ѯ :COM Customer Statement XML Creation >ģ(COM)ͻXML :COM Display XML in Browser >ģ (COM) ʾе XML :COM Document Processor for DFM >ģ (COM) DFM ĵ :COM Error Message Retrieval >ģ (COM) Ϣ :COM Espresso Multimedia Maintenance >COM Espresso ýά :COM Event Log Posting >ģ(COM)¼־ :COM Executive View Query >ģ(COM)ִͼѯ :COM Filter >ģ (COM) :COM Generic Browse >ģ (COM) ͨ :COM Generic Fetch >ģ(COM)ͨȡ :COM Generic Fetch Next-Previous Key >COM ͨȡһ-һԿ :COM Generic Fetch Next/Previous Key >ģ(COM)ͨȡһһ :COM Generic Find >ģ(COM)ͨ :COM Generic Report Writer >ģ(COM)ͨд :COM Generic XML Parser >ģ (COM) ͨ XML :COM Get Schedule Files from Server >COM ӷȡųļ :COM Gets Schedule files stored on server >ģ (COM) ȡ洢ڷϵųļ :COM Job Archive >ģ(COM)ҵ :COM List of Companies Query >ģ(COM)˾бѯ :COM Login and Authentication >ģ (COM) ¼֤ :COM MSMQ to Application >ģ(COM) MSMQӦó :COM Message Inbox Create Message >ģ (COM) ʼռ䴴ʼ :COM Message Inbox Query >ģ(COM)ʼռѯ :COM Message to Microsoft Message Queue >ģ (COM) Ϣ Microsoft Ϣ :COM Operator Password Maintenance >ģ(COM)Աά :COM Post Company Setup Options >COM ˾ѡ :COM Post Email Business Object >ģ(COM)ʵʼҵ :COM Post Message to Operator Inbox >ģ(COM)ʼԱռ :COM Post to Application >ģ(COM)Ӧó :COM Profile Settings Query >ģ (COM) ļòѯ :COM Purchase Order XML Creation >ģ (COM) ɹ XML :COM Query Date Functions >COM ѯڹ :COM Reflection >ģ(COM)ӳ :COM Retrieve Archive Stored on Server >COM 洢ڷϵĵ :COM Retrieve Files Stored on Server >COM 洢ڷϵļ :COM Retrieve RTF Stream >ģ(COM)RTF :COM Retrieve SOI Info from Server >COM ӷ SOI Ϣ :COM Retrieve SRS Files from Server >COM ӷ SRS ļ :COM Retrieve group security details >COM 鰲ȫ :COM Retrieve operator security details >COM Աȫ :COM Retrieves SA Files from Server >COM ӷ SA ļ :COM Retrieves SA files stored on server >ģ (COM) 洢ڷϵ SA ļ :COM Retrieves SOI info stored on server >ģ (COM) 洢ڷϵ SOI Ϣ :COM Retrieves archive stored on server >ģ (COM) 洢ڷϵĵ :COM Retrieves files stored on server >ģ (COM) 洢ڷϵļ :COM Role Security Posting >COM ְȫԷ :COM S/O Acknowledgement XML Creation >ģ (COM) ۶ (S/O) Ӧ XML :COM S/O Archive Program >ģ (COM) ۶ (S/O) 鵵 :COM S/O Credit Checking >ģ(COM)۶(S/O)ü :COM SMTP Email Object >ģ (COM) SMTP ʼ :COM SO Acknowledgement XML Creation >COM SO XML :COM SO Archive Program >COM SO :COM SO Credit Checking >COM SO ü :COM Save SOI Info on Server >COM ڷϱ SOI Ϣ :COM Saves SOI info stored on server >ģ (COM) 洢ڷϵ SOI Ϣ :COM Set Archive Files on Server >COM ڷõļ :COM Set Schedule Files on Server >COM ڷųļ :COM Set operator security details >COM òԱȫ :COM Sets Archive files stored on server >ģ (COM) ô洢ڷϵĹ鵵ļ :COM Sets Schedule files stored on server >ģ (COM) ô洢ڷϵųļ :COM Setup Operator Delete >COM òԱɾ :COM TPM Promotion Qualification >ģ (COM) ó״ (TPM) ʸ֤ :COM Transaction Operator Copy >ģ (COM) ײԱ :COM Transaction Operator Delete >COM ײԱɾ :COM Transaction Update Product Messages >ģ (COM) ׸²ƷϢ :COM Transaction Update Tickover >ģ (COM) ׸¿ :COM Transaction Update Timeout >ģ (COM) ׸³ʱ :COM Unstring XML String Utility >ģ (COM) XML ʵó :COM XML Archive Query >ģ (COM) XML ѯ :COM XML BOM Rehydration >ģ (COM) XML ϵ (BOM) ˮ :COM XML Document History Control >ģ (COM) XML ĵ¼ :COM XML Import Log Failed Message >ģ (COM) XML ־ʧϢ :COM XML Job Rehydration >ģ (COM) XML ҵˮ :COM/DCOM >COM/DCOM :CON - Continuing activities > -  :CONFLICT.TXT has been successfully generated >CONFLICT.TXTѳɹ :CONTEXT >CONTEXTģ :COS for commited >ѳŵ COS :COS for uncommited >δŵ COS :COS from part billings >˵ COS :COUNT complete > :CPU >CPU :CRM Extract Setup >CRMժ¼ :CRM service ticket >CRMȯ :CRT >CRT :CS - Customer >CS - ͻ :CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) elements allow you to format headings with fonts and color >CSSʽͼҪɫʽ :CSS Theme >CSS :CSS examples >CSSʾ :CSS filename >CSSļ :CSS styles >CSSʽ :CUS - Demand >ͻ - :Calc > :Calc line due date based on lead time >ݽڼе :Calc min >Сֵ :Calcs > :Calculaion date >计算日期 :Calculate > :Calculate % per schedule >ճ̼ƻ% :Calculate Adjustment For All books >˲ :Calculate All Books >˲ :Calculate Alt Val %1 History >㱸ֵ %1 ¼ :Calculate Book Value History >˲ֵ¼ :Calculate Cap >ʱ :Calculate Deposit >计算押金 :Calculate Disposal Amounts >㴦ý :Calculate ET flag >ѹʱ(ET)־ :Calculate FIFO/LIFO unit costs >FIFO/LIFOλɱ :Calculate Finance Charges >计算融资费用 :Calculate History >¼ :Calculate Invoice Totals >㷢Ʊϼ :Calculate Low Level Codes >ͼ :Calculate New >¼ :Calculate New Landed Cost >µĵְɱ :Calculate New Landed Cost in Progress >ִмµɱ :Calculate New Landed Costs Options >µɱѡ :Calculate PUs >PU :Calculate Payment >㸶 :Calculate Productive Units >λ :Calculate QST Amount and Tax Amount >计算 QST 金额和税额 :Calculate Qst Amount Based on Qst Code >基于 Qst 代码计算 Qst 金额 :Calculate Tax Amount Based on Tax Code >基于税务代码计算税额 :Calculate Tax History >˰¼ :Calculate Work Center Capacity >ҵ :Calculate Year > :Calculate Year Capacity > :Calculate a monthly finance charge on each outstanding customer invoice and update the relevant customer to reflect the charge levied >ÿδͻƱʷòؿͻԷӳյķ :Calculate and check gross profit in part billings >㲢ʵеë :Calculate and optionally update the local equivalent balances of foreign currency customers >㲢ѡظҿͻĵص :Calculate and optionally update the local equivalent balances of foreign currency suppliers >㲢ѡظҹӦ̵ĵص :Calculate and process adjustments to accumulated depreciation for an asset depreciation book >㲢ʲ۾˲ۼ۾ɵĵ :Calculate and review the actual service level achieved for one or more stock items against the target service level defined in the policy for the item(s) >㲢˶մĿĿ񼶱һĿﵽʵʷ񼶱 :Calculate based on order value/quantity >նֵ/ :Calculate based on product class sold >۲Ʒȼ :Calculate capacity conversion >ת :Calculate capacity required >Ҫ :Calculate dates > :Calculate depreciation >۾ :Calculate depreciation - add historically >۾ - ʷ :Calculate depreciation - add in current period >۾ - ǰ :Calculate depreciation on addition >۾ :Calculate depreciation on takeon >ӹ۾ :Calculate due date based on lead time >ǰڼ㵽 :Calculate elapsed time >ʱ :Calculate excesses and shortages of stock by warehouse based on the min/max levels calculated in Inventory Optimization and incoming and outgoing sales orders >ݴŻ/ˮƽԼ۶㰴ֿĿ泬Ͷ :Calculate for this book? >ҪΪ˲? :Calculate invoice discount after line discount >ۿۺķƱۿ :Calculate lead time for warehouses >ֿǰ :Calculate line due date based on lead time >ݽڼе :Calculate order discount based on order value/quantity >ݶֵ㶩ۿ :Calculate order line discounts according to product class sold >۲Ʒȼ㶩ۿ :Calculate order profit margin on >㶩 :Calculate selection >ѡ :Calculate tax using historical tax rates >运用历史税率计算税收 :Calculate terms discount for credit / debit notes >跽Ʊݵۿ :Calculate terms discount for credit/debit notes >/跽Ʊۿ :Calculate the cumulative and manufacturing lead times of an item and to update the relevant fields against the stock item >ijĿۼƺ콻ڲտĿֶ :Calculate the estimated new landed cost for inventory items, producing a report of these costs and optionally updating the warehouse unit cost of the item >ĿŵɱЩɱı沢ѡظ¸ĿIJֿⵥλɱ :Calculate the minimum quantity of a stock code required and optionally update the minimum quantity field held against the warehouse record >ҪѡظԲֿ¼ֶ :Calculate the suggested min/max levels for the sku entered >浥λĽС/󼶱 :Calculate the suggested minimum and maximum levels for a selection set of stock items >ѡĿĽͺˮƽ :Calculate variable >䶯 :Calculated >Ѽ :Calculated Component Quantities >IJ :Calculated Forecast >ѼԤ :Calculated QST amount >ѼĿӪҵ˰ :Calculated code > :Calculated cost >ijɱ :Calculated costs >ɱ :Calculated delivery date is before today >Ľڽ֮ǰ :Calculated delivery date is prior to today >Ľڱ֮ǰ :Calculated information >Ϣ :Calculated line value >ֵ :Calculated maximum >ֵ :Calculated minimum >Сֵ :Calculated month-to-date activity as of >已计算月初迄今活动,截至 :Calculated start date is before today >Ŀʼڽ֮ǰ :Calculated start date is prior to today >Ŀʼڱ֮ǰ :Calculated tax >˰ :Calculated tax amount >˰ :Calculated unit cost >㵥λɱ :Calculated value >ֵ :Calculated/default values >计算/默认值 :Calculating Excess\Shortage >㳬/ :Calculating Forecast Accuracy >Ԥ׼ȷ :Calculating Levels >㼶 :Calculating Service Levels >񼶱 :Calculating labor costs >Ͷɱ :Calculating lead times >ڼǰ :Calculating low level >Ͳ :Calculation > :Calculation & Report Options >뱨ѡ :Calculation Code > :Calculation Code Details >ϸ :Calculation Code Formulae >빹 :Calculation Code Maintenance >ά :Calculation Codes > :Calculation Column Definition > :Calculation Entry > :Calculation Field >ֶ :Calculation Line Definition >ж :Calculation Line Details >ϸĿ :Calculation Method >㷽 :Calculation Options >ѡ :Calculation based on warehouses >ֿ :Calculation code description >计算代码描述 :Calculation code not on file >벻ļ :Calculation code selection >ѡ :Calculation date > :Calculation method for >ü㷽 :Calculation of terms discount >ۿۼ :Calculation of the total job billing value may take some time. Do you wish to continue with the calculation? >ҵշѽҪһʱ䡣ϣִм :Calculation of the total job billing value may take some time. Do you wish to continue with the calculation >ܹƷѼֵҪһЩʱ䡣ϣ :Calculation of the total job billing value may take some time. Do you wish to continue with the calculation? >ҵƷֵҪһʱ䡣ϣִм :Calculation of the total line for the contract may take some time. Do you wish to continue with the calculation? >ͬпҪһʱ䡣ϣִм :Calculation of the total line for the contract may take some time. Do you wish to continue with the calculation >ͬĺϼпҪһЩʱ䡣ϣ :Calculation of the total line for the job may take some time. Do you wish to continue with the calculation? >ҵпҪһʱ䡣ϣִм :Calculation of the total line for the job may take some time. Do you wish to continue with the calculation >㹤ĺϼпҪһЩʱ䡣ϣ :Calculation rate > :Calculation run successfully completed >ѳɹɼ :Calculation selection >ѡ :Calculation type > :Calculation type - entry must be greater than zero > - :Calculation type Selection >ѡ :Calculations > :Calculations attached >渽ļ :Calendar > :Calendar Maintenance >ά :Calendar Query Business Object >ѯҵ :Calendar data provider >ṩ :Calendar month >· :Calendar not active > :Calendar options >ѡ :Calendar selection >ѡ :Calendar theme > :Calendar to use >ʹ :Calendar to use for comparison >ڱȽϵ :Calendar year > :Calendars > :Call > :Call .NET Assembly > .NET Assembly :Call Business Object >ҵ :Call ChooseFont >ChooseFontѡ壩 :Call Executable >ÿִг :Call PageSetupDlg >PageSetupDlgҳöԻ :Call Print Screen >ôӡĻ :Call PrintDlg >PrintDlgӡԻ :Call SKU Options to view SKU's returned by selection set > SKU ѡɰѡ񼯲鿴 SKU :Call SYSPRO Program > SYSPRO :Call Type > :Call VBScript > VBScript :Call a Build Business Object >ùҵ :Call a Business Object >ҵ :Call a Query Business Object >òѯҵ :Call a Setup Business Object (Add) >ҵ () :Call a Setup Business Object (Delete) >ҵ (ɾ) :Call a Setup Business Object (Update) >ҵ () :Call a Transaction Business Object >ýҵ :Call chosen program >ѡ :Call off blanket P/o exists >存在取消一揽子采购订单 :Call-off multiple > :Call-off single > :Calling program >ó :Can be supplied with either the name of an '%1' file containing your form fields OR you can create the form contents as '%2' string. (write-only) >可按含您表格字段的 '%1' 文件名供应,另外您也可创建表格内容作为 '%2' 字符串。(只写) :Can due date be rescheduled >ڿŶ :Can make change >ʵʩ :Can not issue to the master job '%1' when accepting sub job '%2' as an alternate stock code >ҵ '%2' Ϊ滻ʱ޷ǩҵ '%1' :Can not issue to the master job '%1' when accepting sub job '%2' into alternate warehouse >ҵ '%2' ܵ滻ʱ޷ǩҵ '%1' :Can not select supplier sequence for a single stock code >޷ΪһѡӦ˳ :Can only clear an invoice which has been released or placed on hold >ֻͷŻԱͣķƱ :Can't deliver before today! >֮ǰ޷ :Canada >ô :Canadian GST >ôGST :Canadian GST Reports >ôͨ˰ :Canadian GST code >ô˰ :Canadian GST incl in price >۸аļô˰ :Canadian GST option is not required. Program cancelled >ҪôGSTѡȡ :Canadian GST required >ҪôGST :Canadian GST shown by >ʾôGST :Canadian GST system is not required >Ҫô GST ϵͳ :Canadian GST system is not required. Program cancelled >ҪôGSTϵͳȡ :Canadian GST system not required. Program cancelled >ҪôGSTϵͳȡ :Canadian Sales tax records deleted >ɾô˰¼ :Canadian tax code must be in the range A-H >ô˰մA-HΧ :Canadian tax options >ô˰ѡ :Cancel >ȡ :Cancel line >ȡ :Cancel / Update >ȡ / :Cancel Add/Change >ȡӣ :Cancel Addition of New Payment Run >ȡ¸ :Cancel Addition of Payment Run >ȡӸ :Cancel All Components >取消所有部件 :Cancel All Transactions and Exit >ȡнײ˳ :Cancel Allocations >取消分配 :Cancel Any Changes >ȡκθ :Cancel Apportionment >ȡ̯ :Cancel Apportionments >ȡ̯ :Cancel Asset Count >ȡʲ :Cancel Auth >ȡȨ :Cancel Authorization >ȡȨ :Cancel BOM changes >ȡ BOM :Cancel Change >ȡ :Cancel Changes >ȡ :Cancel Components >ȡ :Cancel Contract >ȡͬ :Cancel Conversion >ȡת :Cancel Copy Purchase Order >ȡƲɹ :Cancel Count >ȡ :Cancel Creation >ȡ :Cancel Current Dispatch Note >ȡǰ :Cancel Current Line >ȡǰ :Cancel Dispatch >ȡ :Cancel Dispatch Note >取消发货单 :Cancel Entered Bins >ȡ :Cancel Entered Lines >ȡ :Cancel Entire Requisition >ȡ빺 :Cancel Existing Job >ȡҵ :Cancel GRN Details >ȡ GRN ϸ :Cancel Group >ȡ :Cancel Inclusion of Invoice and Close >ȡƱر :Cancel Invoice >ȡƱ :Cancel Job >ȡҵ :Cancel Journal >ȡռ :Cancel Line >ȡ :Cancel Manual Check >ȡֶ :Cancel Manual Release >ȡ˹ͷ :Cancel Operation >ȡ :Cancel Order >ȡ :Cancel Order Line >ȡ :Cancel P/order >ȡɹ :Cancel Process >ȡ :Cancel Purchase Order Line >ȡɹ :Cancel Quantity Changes >ȡ :Cancel Quotation >ȡ :Cancel Quote >ȡ :Cancel RMA >Cancel RMA :Cancel Re-establishment of Invoice >ȡƱ¿ :Cancel Reason Codes >ȡԭ :Cancel Receipt >ȡվ :Cancel Registered Invoice >ȡעᷢƱ :Cancel Remaining >ȡʣ :Cancel Remaining Blanket Purchase Orders >ȡʣۺԲɹ :Cancel Remaining Dispatch Notes >ȡʣķ :Cancel Remaining Dispatches >取消剩余发货单 :Cancel Remaining Selections >ȡʣѡ :Cancel Report >ȡ :Cancel Reports >ȡ :Cancel Request >ȡ :Cancel Requisition >ԭ :Cancel Requisition or Line >ȡ빺 :Cancel Review >ȡ :Cancel Scrap Entries >ȡƷ :Cancel Selected Requisition Line >ȡѡ빺 :Cancel Selection >ȡѡ :Cancel Sequence Change >取消顺序更改 :Cancel Service Charge Line >ȡշ :Cancel Substitutions >ȡ滻 :Cancel Tax Distribution >ȡ˰ :Cancel Update/Create >取消更新/创建 :Cancel Void Check Entry >ȡЧ֧Ʊ :Cancel a stock take which is in progress for a specific warehouse >ȡضֿڽе̵ :Cancel all component lines >ȡв :Cancel all component lines? >Ҫв? :Cancel all entered element values >ȡԪֵ :Cancel all entered element values? >ҪȡҪֵ :Cancel all remaining blanket purchase orders which were to be created >ȡбҪʣһӲɹ :Cancel all remaining blanket purchase orders which were to be created? >Ҫȡб봴ۺԲɹ :Cancel all remaining reports >ȡʣ౨ :Cancel all remaining reports? >Ҫȡʣ౨ :Cancel all the component lines? >要取消所有部件行吗? :Cancel and Close >ȡر :Cancel and Exit >ȡ˳ :Cancel any Changes and Restore Defaults >ȡκθIJָĬֵ :Cancel details >ȡϸ :Cancel dispatch note if all lines cancelled >如取消所有行,取消发货单 :Cancel floor stock allocations >ȡֳ :Cancel floor stock allocations? >Ҫȡҵֳ :Cancel kit issue >ȡ߰ǩ :Cancel kit issue? >Ҫȡ߰ǩ :Cancel not allowed during reconciliatio >ڼ䲻ȡ :Cancel not allowed during reconciliation >ڼ䲻ȡ :Cancel open order previously invoiced >ȡѾݷƱĶ :Cancel order when converting to sales order >תΪ۶ʱȡ :Cancel payment >ȡ :Cancel review posting >ȡ :Cancel selected operation >ȡѡ :Cancel selected operation? >Ҫȡѡ :Cancel selections >取消选择 :Cancel struct changes >ȡṹı :Cancel the current dispatch note >ȡǰ :Cancel the current dispatch note? >Ҫȡǰ :Cancel the selected allocation >ȡѡ :Cancel the selected allocation? >Ҫȡѡķ :Cancel the selected job >ȡѡ :Cancel the selected job? >Ҫȡѡҵ :Cancel the selected operation >ȡѡ :Cancel the selected operation? >Ҫȡѡ :Cancel the selected quotation line >ȡѡ :Cancel the selected quotation line? >Ҫȡѡ :Cancel this and all other dispatch notes to be created >ȡ˺ⴴķ :Cancel this and all other dispatch notes to be created? >ҪȡԼдķ :Cancel this blanket purchase order >ȡһӲɹ :Cancel this blanket purchase order? >ҪȡһӲɹ :Cancel this dispatch >取消此发货 :Cancel this dispatch note >ȡ˷ :Cancel this dispatch note? >Ҫȡ˷ :Cancel this group >ȡ :Cancel this group? >Ҫȡ :Cancel this order >ȡ˶ :Cancel this order? >Ҫȡö :Cancel this purchase order >ȡ˲ɹ :Cancel this purchase order? >Ҫȡòɹ :Cancel this report? >Ҫȡ :Cancel transaction >ȡ :Cancel/Update >ȡ/ :Canceling dispatch '%1' line '%2' would cause stock to go negative >ȡ '%1' '%2' ʹΪֵ :Cancellation >ȡ :Cancelled >ȡ :Cancelled (*) >ȡ(*) :Cancelled (\) >ȡ(\) :Cancelled Date >ȡ :Cancelled P/order (*) >ȡɹ (*) :Cancelled after print >ӡȡ :Cancelled before - >֮ǰȡ - :Cancelled before print >ӡǰȡ :Cancelled contract (9) >ȡĺͬ(9) :Cancelled during entry >ڼȡ :Cancelled during entry (*) >¼ڼȡ(*) :Cancelled invoices >ȡƱ :Cancelled journals >ȡռ :Cancelled lines >ȡ :Cancelled lines (maintenance) >ȡУά :Cancelled order >ȡ :Cancelled order (*) >ȡĶ(*) :Cancelled order flag >ȡĶ :Cancelled orders >ȡ :Cancelled p/orders >ȡɹ :Cancelled quotations >ȡ :Cancelled/On hold reason >ȡԭ :Cancelling >ȡ :Cancelling at this point means that certain control files and tables have not yet been updated. Your company will be set to a C-ISAM company which you can migrate to SQL at a later date >һȡζijЩļͱδԸ¡˾ΪC-ISAM˾ɽֲSQL :Cancelling at this point means that certain control files and tables have not yet been updated. Your company will be set to a C-ISAM company which you can migrate to SQL at a later date >˿ȡζijЩļͱδõ¡˾ΪC-ISAM˾ɽֲSQL :Cancelling job >ȡҵ :Cancelling of lines prohibited >ֹȡ :Cancelling sales order >取消销售订单 :Cancelling selection of a phantom part's component will force deselection of the phantom part along with any components already selected. Do you wish to continue >ȡѡIJǿȡѡԼκѡIJϣ :Cancelling selection of a phantom part's component will force deselection of the phantom part along with any components already selected. Do you wish to continue? >ȡӰֵIJѡǿƷѡӰԼѡκβϣ :Cancels the workflow Export >ȡ̵ :Cancels the workflow Import >ȡ̵ :Cannot Delete Group >޷ɾ :Cannot Escape Company Maintenance >޷ܿ˾ά :Cannot Remove Link >޷ɾ :Cannot add a job in snapshot >޷ڿҵ :Cannot add a new report as no default options have been defined in "Preferences". Do you wish to define these options now >޷±棬ΪδڡѡжκĬѡϣЩѡ :Cannot add a new report as no default options have been defined in "Preferences". Do you wish to define these options now? >޷±ΪڡѡδκĬѡϣڶЩѡ :Cannot add a new report as no default options have been defined in \"Preferences\". Do you wish to define these options now >޷±棬Ϊδ \ѡ\жκĬѡϣЩѡ :Cannot add a new report as no default options have been defined in \"Preferences\". Do you wish to define these options now? >޷±Ϊ\ѡ\δ̶Ĭѡϣڹ̶Щѡ :Cannot add a standard format >޷ӱ׼ʽ :Cannot add allocations for a stock code which is traceable >޷Ϊɸٿӷ :Cannot add company '%1'. A company with the same name already exists on the Analytics database >޷ӹ˾ '%1' ڷݿѴھ߱ͬƵĹ˾ :Cannot add company '%1'. A company with the same name already exists on the Analytics database >޷ӹ˾ '%1'߱ͬƵĹ˾ Analytics ݿѴ :Cannot add kit type 'K' to shipment >޷ӹ߰'K' :Cannot add kit type \"K\" or \"S\" to shipment >޷߰ \"K\" \"S\" ӵ :Cannot add kit type \"K\" to shipment >޷\"K\"͹߰ :Cannot add operations as the job header is locked >޷ӲΪҵⱻ :Cannot append to a sales order as the job '%1' is a hierarchical job >ҵ '%1' һּҵ޷ӵ۶ :Cannot apply an invalid printer >޷ӦЧӡ :Cannot be a temporary item >ʱ :Cannot be blank >ɿհ :Cannot be greater than discount amount >ɴۿ۽ :Cannot be greater than the discount amount >ɴۿ۽ :Cannot be less than %1 or greater than number of periods in financial year >С %1 ڲȵڸ :Cannot be less than 1 or greater than number of periods in financial year >С1ڲȵ :Cannot be less than first check from box >Сڿеĵһ֧Ʊ :Cannot be run standalone >޷ :Cannot be same ledger code as line ledger code >ʴ벻зʴ? :Cannot be spaces >Ϊո :Cannot be the same ledger code as line ledger code >зʴͬķʴ :Cannot be used with FIFO/LIFO costing >FIFO/LIFOɱһʹ :Cannot be zero >Ϊ :Cannot cancel a job as the WIP value is not zero for either the current period or prior period %1 or %2 >޷ȡҵΪڵǰڻǰ%1 %2 ִҵ(WIP)ֵΪ :Cannot cancel a job in progress >޷ȡִеҵ :Cannot cancel a job which has had part billings made to it >޷ȡƷѵҵ :Cannot cancel a master job that has active sub jobs. These must be detached first >޷ȡЧҵҵȷ :Cannot cancel a master job which has active sub jobs >޷ȡ߱ҵҵ :Cannot cancel a sub job. These must be detached from the master >޷ȡҵҵ :Cannot cancel an order with quantities which have been dispatched but not invoiced >޷ȡ߱ѷδ߷ƱĶ :Cannot cancel creation of sub jobs >޷ȡתҵ :Cannot cancel dispatch note '%1' after it has been printed > '%1' ӡ޷ȡ :Cannot cancel job '%1' - It is a master job that has active sub jobs that must be detached first >޷ɾҵ '%1' - Ϊһ߱ҵұȷҵ :Cannot cancel job '%1' - It is a sub job and must be detached from master job '%2' >޷ȡҵ '%1' - Ϊһҵҵ '%2' :Cannot cancel job '%1' - WIP value is not zero for either the current period or prior period 1 or 2 >޷ȡҵ '%1' - ڵǰڻǰ12ִҵ(WIP)ֵΪ :Cannot cancel job '%1' - it is attached to capex code '%2' and must be unlinked first >޷ȡҵ '%1' - ʱô '%2' ѡȡ :Cannot cancel job '%1' as it is in progress >޷ȡҵ '%1' ִ :Cannot cancel line '%1' as dispatched but not invoiced quantities exist >޷ȡ '%1' Ϊѷδ߷Ʊ :Cannot cancel or update completed allocations >޷ȡɷ :Cannot cancel purchase order line '%1'- P/order '%2' is an EDI order >޷ȡ '%1' - ɹ '%2' һݻ(EDI) :Cannot cancel purchase order line '%1'- P/order '%2' is confirmed in a LCT shipment >޷ȡ '%1' - ɹ '%2' ڵɱ(LCT)ȷ :Cannot cancel purchase order line '%1'- associated with job '%2' >޷ȡɹ '%1' - ҵ '%2' :Cannot cancel purchase order line '%1'- has material allocations >޷ȡɹ '%1' - ߱Ϸ :Cannot cancel purchase order line '%1'- has sub-contract operations >޷ȡɹ '%1' - ߱תҵ :Cannot cancel the job as it is associated with a capex line. It must be unlinked from the capex line first >޷ȡҵΪʱйȴʱȡ :Cannot cancel this operation as it has already been completed >޷ȡΪ :Cannot change ECC release from here. Use ECC change orders >޷Ӵ˴Ḻ́(ECC)ǩʹù̱(ECC) :Cannot change ECC release from here. Use ECC change orders. >޷Ӵ˴Ḻ́(ECC)ͷšʹù̱(ECC) :Cannot change ECC revision from here. Use ECC change orders >޷Ӵ˴Ḻ́(ECC)޶档ʹù̱(ECC) :Cannot change ECC revision from here. Use ECC change orders. >޷Ӵ˴Ḻ́(ECC)޶档ʹù̱(ECC) :Cannot change MPS item as build schedules exist >޷ƻ(MPS)ĿΪѹʱ :Cannot change a component >޷IJ :Cannot change a job on hold >޷ıҵ :Cannot change a job that is already complete >޷ɵҵ :Cannot change a line that has trade promotions attached >޷ĸó״ :Cannot change a trade promotions free goods line >޷ó״ѻ :Cannot change a trade promotions off invoice or summary discount line >޷ó״ƱժҪۿ :Cannot change an inspection reference on hold >޷ıļο :Cannot change co-product part category - Stock code is attached to at least one job or Bill of Materials >޷ĹͬƷ -һҵͲϵ :Cannot change codes for an SCT >޷ĹӦת(SCT) :Cannot change cost unit of measure >޷ĵλɱ :Cannot change cost unit of measure from '%1' >޷ '%1' иijɱλ :Cannot change currency >޷Ļ :Cannot change currency from '%1' >޷ '%1' Ļ :Cannot change customer '%1'. Customer contract pricing has been used in the quotation >޷Ŀͻ '%1' ͻͬڱʹ :Cannot change customer purchase order number for this type of order > ޷һ͵Ŀͻɹ :Cannot change disposed asset >޷Ѵõʲ :Cannot change from inspection required as there is already a quantity in inspection >޷ҪļиģΪѴڼ :Cannot change lot traceability as lots exist >޷θԣ :Cannot change notional part category - Stock code is attached to at least one routing >޷Ĺ񲿼 - һ· :Cannot change part category because there are allocations, jobs or requisitions in progress >޷IJڷ䡢ִҵ빺ڽ :Cannot change part category. Operations exist >޷𡣲Ѵ :Cannot change quantity ordered for a free goods item >޷ΪѻĿ :Cannot change this merchandise line as it has been flagged as complete >޷ĸƷУΪѽΪ :Cannot change to a subcontract cost center >޷ĵְͬɱ :Cannot change to an internal cost center >޷ĵڲɱ :Cannot change to non-MPS item. Build schedules exist >޷ΪMPSƻѴ :Cannot change to not traceable. Lot numbers on file >޷Ϊɸκļ :Cannot change to the '..base\upgrade' directory. Check the permissions on this directory and rerun this program >޷Ϊ'base\upgrade'?Ŀ¼鱾Ŀ¼ϵȨ޲б :Cannot change unit cost for stock code '%1' >޷Ŀ '%1' ĵλɱ :Cannot connect to the SQL server to check if the databases already exist >޷SQLݿǷѴ :Cannot connect to the site's business tier. The site details cannot be edited. Please check that the business service is active >޷վҵ㡣վϸ޷༭鲢ȷҵڻ״̬ :Cannot continue processing the library '%1' as errors have occurred >޷ '%1' ѷ :Cannot copy budget to itself >ɽԤ㸴Ƶ :Cannot copy your current document format >޷ǰļʽ :Cannot copy your current format >޷ǰĸʽ :Cannot copy your current label format >޷ǰıǩʽ :Cannot copy your current permanent entries format >޷ǰĹ̶ʽ :Cannot copy your current statement format >޷ǰıʽ :Cannot copy your current stock take ticket format >޷ǰ̵ȯʽ :Cannot create a purchase order line with a greater quantity >޷IJɹ :Cannot create a sales order for job '%1' as the quantity to part bill is negative >޷Ϊҵ '%1' ۶򲿼Ϊ :Cannot create this database as the system is installed with '%1' as the default. This will lead to problems within the SYSPRO environment >޷ݿ⣬ΪϵͳĬϰװ '%1'⽫ SYSPRO ڷ :Cannot delete a standard format >޷ɾ׼ʽ :Cannot delete analysis object '%1'. It is used in one or more templates >޷ɾ '%1' һģʹ :Cannot delete capex item - already committed/spent >޷ɾʱ֧Ŀ - ѳŵľ :Cannot delete category '%1'. It is used in one or more templates >޷ɾ '%1' һģʹ :Cannot delete code %1 >޷ɾ %1 :Cannot delete code 0 >޷ɾ0 :Cannot delete commission code %1 >޷ɾӶ %1 :Cannot delete customer '%1' - Attached to master account >޷ɾͻ '%1' - ʻ :Cannot delete default bin >޷ɾĬϿλ :Cannot delete deposits. Contract %1 still exists >޷ɾͬ %1 Դ :Cannot delete deposits. Contract %1 still exists. >޷ɾͬ %1 Դڡ :Cannot delete hierarchy as transactions exist for this head/section >޷ɾΣΪͷѡ´ڽ :Cannot delete list price code >޷ɾ۸񵥴 :Cannot delete non-stock code '%1' - item used in a estimate >޷ɾǿ '%1' - Ŀڹ :Cannot delete non-stock code '%1' - item used in a quotation >޷ɾǿ '%1' - Ŀڱ :Cannot delete or modify an entry posted to a job >޷ɾ޸ѹʵҵ :Cannot delete primary supplier >޷ɾԭӦ :Cannot delete record due to outstanding requisitions for this capex number >޷ɾ¼һʱ֧(capex)δִе :Cannot delete record due to outstanding requisitions for this requisition user >޷ɾ¼һûδִе :Cannot delete retentions. Contract %1 still exists >޷ɾͬ %1 Դ :Cannot delete retentions. Contract %1 still exists. >޷ɾͬ %1 Դڡ :Cannot delete selected adjustment. Please delete this adjustment by 'un-excluding' the appropriate sales transaction >޷ɾѡĵͨųʵ۽ɾ˵ :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - Allocated not zero for warehouse '%2' >޷ɾ '%1' - Բֿ'%2'ķΪ :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - Attached to active ECO number '%2' >޷ɾ '%1' - 빤̱(ECO) '%2' :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - Back order not zero for warehouse '%2' >޷ɾ '%1' - Բֿ '%2' ڶΪ :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - Bill of landed costs exists >޷ɾ '%1' - ڵɱ :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - Blanket purchase order contract exist >޷ɾ '%1' - ۺϲɹͬ :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - Build schedules exist >޷ɾ '%1' - ѹʱ :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - Co-products attached to notional part >޷ɾ '%1' - ͬƷ񲿼 :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - Components exist >޷ɾ '%1' - ڲ :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - Customer cross references exist >޷ɾ '%1' - ڿͻ :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - Dispatch not zero for warehouse '%2' >޷ɾ '%1' - Բֿ '%2' ķΪ :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - Drawing register '%2' exists >޷ɾ '%1' - ͼֽǼDZ :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - Forecasts exist >޷ɾ '%1' - Ԥ :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - In transit not zero for warehouse '%2' >޷ɾ '%1' - Բֿ '%2' ;䲻Ϊ :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - Inspection not zero for warehouse '%2' >޷ɾ '%1' - Բֿ '%2' ļ鲻Ϊ :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - Item is traceable >޷ɾ '%1' - Ŀɸ :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - Movement in current or previous 2 periods for warehouse '%2' >޷ɾ '%1' - ֿ '%2' ĵǰںǰ2ڻ :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - Notional part is used in Bill of Materials >޷ɾ '%1' - 񲿼ڲϵ :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - On hand not zero for warehouse '%2' >޷ɾ '%1' - Բֿ '%2' ֻΪ :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - On order not zero for warehouse '%2' >޷ɾ '%1' - Բֿ '%2' ĶΪ :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - Operations exist >޷ɾ '%1' - ڲ :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - Sales orders exist >޷ɾ '%1' - ۶ :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - Serial numbers exist >޷ɾ '%1' - ϵк :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - Stock take in progress for warehouse '%2' >޷ɾ '%1' - Բֿ '%2' ̵ִ :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - Supplier cross references exist >޷ɾ '%1' - ڹӦ̶ :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - Used in a configuration >޷ɾ '%1' - :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - Used in bill of materials >޷ɾ '%1' - ڲϵ :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - WIP allocation not zero for warehouse '%2' >޷ɾ '%1' - Բֿ '%2' ִҵ(WIP)䲻Ϊ :Cannot delete stock code '%1' - Warehouse '%2' balances for previous months 1 & 2 not zero >޷ɾ '%1' - ǰ·12IJֿ '%2' Ϊ :Cannot delete the selected contract as jobs are attached >޷ɾѡĺͬΪҵ :Cannot delete the selected schedule as jobs are attached >޷ɾѡճ̱Ϊҵ :Cannot delete this capex line - already committed/spent >޷ɾʱ - ѳŵľ :Cannot delete this item - already committed/spent >޷ɾĿ - ѳŵľ :Cannot delete this requisition line - already committed/spent >޷ɾ빺 - ѳŵľ :Cannot delete this section. It is in use in the G/L master table >޷ɾò֡ڱʹ :Cannot delete this section. It is in use in the GL master table >޷ɾ˲֡ʹ :Cannot delete warehouse '%1' - Balances for previous months %2 & %3 not zero >޷ɾֿ '%1' - ǰ· %2 %3 Ϊ :Cannot delete warehouse '%1' - Balances for previous months 1 & 2 not zero >޷ɾֿ '%1' - ǰ·12Ϊ :Cannot delete warehouse '%1' - Bin '%2' has non zero on hand quantities >޷ɾֿ '%1' - '%2' зֻ :Cannot delete warehouse '%1' - Build schedules exist >޷ɾֿ '%1' - ѹʱ :Cannot delete warehouse '%1' - Dispatched but not invoiced not zero >޷ɾֿ '%1' - ѷδ߷ƱĿΪ :Cannot delete warehouse '%1' - Forecasts exist >޷ɾֿ '%1' - Ԥ :Cannot delete warehouse '%1' - Movement in current period >޷ɾֿ '%1' - ǰ׶λ :Cannot delete warehouse '%1' - Quantity allocated not zero >޷ɾֿ '%1' - Ϊ :Cannot delete warehouse '%1' - Quantity in inspection not zero >޷ɾֿ '%1' - Ϊ :Cannot delete warehouse '%1' - Quantity in transit not zero >޷ɾֿ '%1' - ;Ϊ :Cannot delete warehouse '%1' - Quantity on back order not zero >޷ɾֿ '%1' - ڶΪ :Cannot delete warehouse '%1' - Quantity on hand not zero >޷ɾֿ '%1' - ֻΪ :Cannot delete warehouse '%1' - Quantity on order not zero >޷ɾֿ '%1' - Ϊ :Cannot delete warehouse '%1' - Serial numbers exist >޷ɾֿ '%1' - ϵк :Cannot delete warehouse '%1' - Stock take in progress >޷ɾֿ '%1' - ̵ִ :Cannot delete warehouse '%1' - WIP quantity allocated not zero >޷ɾֿ '%1' -ִеҵ(WIP)Ϊ :Cannot delete warehouse. Build schedules exist >޷ɾֿ⡣ƻ :Cannot delete warehouse. Forecasts exist >޷ɾֿ⡣Ԥ :Cannot delete warehouse. On order not zero >޷ɾֿ⡣δΪ :Cannot delete warehouse. Opening balances for previous months %1 \ %2 not zero >޷ɾֿ⡣ǰ· %1 \ %2 ĿҵΪ :Cannot delete warehouse. Opening balances for previous months 1 \ 2 not zero >޷ɾֿ⡣ǰ·1 \ 2ڳΪ :Cannot delete warehouse. Quantity allocated not zero >޷ɾֿ⡣ѷΪ :Cannot delete warehouse. Quantity dispatched but not invoiced is not zero >޷ɾֿ⡣ѷδ߷ƱΪ :Cannot delete warehouse. Quantity in inspection not zero >޷ɾֿ⡣еΪ :Cannot delete warehouse. Quantity in transit not zero >޷ɾֿ⡣;Ϊ :Cannot delete warehouse. Quantity on back order not zero >޷ɾֿ⡣ڶеΪ :Cannot delete warehouse. Quantity on hand not zero >޷ɾֿ⡣Ϊ :Cannot delete warehouse. Serial numbers exist >޷ɾֿ⡣ϵк :Cannot delete warehouse. Stock take in progress >޷ɾֿ⡣̵ִ :Cannot delete warehouse. There has been movement in current period >޷ɾֿ⡣ǰڼڴڱ䶯 :Cannot delete warehouse. Work in progress quantity allocated not zero >޷ɾֿ⡣ѷġڽҵΪ :Cannot deselect an dimension type object >޷ɾߴͶ :Cannot deselect currently active operator >޷ȡѡǰԱ :Cannot determine customer for invoice >޷ȷƱĿͻ :Cannot edit multi-column headings until at least one column has been defined >һ֮ǰ޷༭ :Cannot edit report details until at least one column has been defined >һ֮ǰ޷༭ϸ :Cannot end the process for the current user >޷ֹǰûĽ :Cannot enter design mode >无法输入设计模式 :Cannot exceed 100 % >ɳ100% :Cannot exceed 100% >ɳ100% :Cannot exceed the asset cost/ value >óʲɱ/ֵ :Cannot exceed total depreciation to date >ɳյ۾ܶ :Cannot find \"IMPFRM.IMP\" in the programs directory >ڳĿ¼޷ҵ\"IMPFRMIMP\" :Cannot find the following file >޷ҵļ :Cannot forward finite schedule as no operations exist. Change date method to calculate delivery date >޷תų̣ΪκβڷԼ㽻 :Cannot go below minimum book value >޷ֵ :Cannot have negative stock quantity if FIFO valuation is installed >װȳ(FIFO)ۣɾ߱ :Cannot import leger entries as the entries file is being updated by another program >޷ҵΪļһ :Cannot increase the dispatch quantity >޷ӷ :Cannot increase the ship quantity >޷ :Cannot insert an operation prior to a completed operation >޷ɵIJ֮ǰ :Cannot insert operation as your setup options does not allow operation renumbering >޷ѡ :Cannot issue material to maximum outstanding if issuing to completed material allocations >ǩɵIJϷ䣬޷ǩδֵ :Cannot link to a sequential Table >޷ӵ˳ :Cannot link to a sequential file >޷ӵ˳ļ :Cannot log out the current user >޷˳ǰû :Cannot maintain a job which is complete >޷ҵά :Cannot maintain ledger entries as the file is being used by another program >޷Ϊļһʹ :Cannot maintain or cancel a job on hold >޷άȡҵ :Cannot maintain the status of sales order '%1' - order is in suspense >޷ά۶ '%1' ״̬ - ڸ״̬ :Cannot maintain this allocation as it is already complete >޷䣬Ϊ :Cannot maintain this operation as it has already been completed >޷Ϊ :Cannot number purchase orders by warehouse when purchase orders are not restricted to a single warehouse >ɹδڵһֿʱ޷ֿԲɹб :Cannot place a requisition for stock code '%1' as it is a phantom/ghost part >޷Ϊ '%1' 빺Ϊã :Cannot place a requisition for stock code '%1' because the purchase order is on hold >޷Ϊ '%1' 빺ɹ״̬ :Cannot place an order for this stock code and warehouse as a contract already exists for it >޷ΪÿͲֿ¶ΪĺͬѴ :Cannot place an order for this stock code as a Blanket P/o contract exists >ۺ۶(P/o)Ѵڣ޷Ϊ˿ж :Cannot place an order for this stock code as it is a Kit type '%1' item >޷Ϊ¶Ϊ׼ '%1' Ŀ :Cannot place an order for this stock code as it is a Phantom part >޷Ϊ˿¶Ϊ :Cannot place an order for this stock code as it is a Phantom/Ghost type 'G' part >޷Ϊ¶ΪPhantom/Ghost͵'G' :Cannot place an order for this stock code as it is a notional part >޷Ϊ¶ΪǸ :Cannot post journals while this file is in use. Program cancelled >ļʹڼ䣬޷ռʽйʡȡ :Cannot post negative issues to a previous month >޷ǩ :Cannot post to ledger entries file when either ledger entries posting or maintenance is in progress. Program cancelled >ִзʼ¼˻άڼ䣬޷ռʼ¼ļʡȡ :Cannot post to ledger entries file when either ledger entries posting or maintenance is in progress. Program cancelled >ִзʼ¼˻άڼ䣬޷ռʼ¼ļʡȡ :Cannot post to this operation as the previous milestone operation has not been started >޷˲Ϊǰ̱δʼ :Cannot print unconfirmed jobs >޷ӡδȷҵ :Cannot read control record >޷ȡƼ¼ :Cannot read g/l control record >޷ȡ(g/l)Ƽ¼ :Cannot read gl control record >޷ȡ˿Ƽ¼ :Cannot read secondary control record >޷ȡƼ¼ :Cannot reduce tax base by terms discount. A tax code is set up as tax inclusive >޷ۿ۽˰ջ׼˰մ뱻Ϊ˰ :Cannot reduce tax base by terms discount. A tax code is set up as tax inclusive. All options have been switched off >޷ۿ۽˰ջ׼˰մ뱻Ϊ˰ѡѹر :Cannot release a quantity greater than the total quantity for the sales order line >޷ǩ۶ :Cannot replace a non-traceable component with a traceable component >޷ÿɸٲ滻ǿɸٲ :Cannot run Point of Sale Entry using multiple bins >޷ʹö :Cannot run Point of Sale Entry with manual order numbering >޷ֶͨ :Cannot run Point of Sale Entry with manual pricing >޷ֶͨ :Cannot save >޷ :Cannot select FIFO if cost u/m other than stocked required >ҪɱλѿĿ޷ѡȽȳ(FIFO) :Cannot select FIFO valuation if cost u/m other than stocked required >ҪɱλѿĿ޷ѡȽȳ(FIFO) :Cannot select due date ageing as you have selected to consolidate brought-forward customers at month end >޷ѡںӣΪѡĩϲǰͻ :Cannot select to consolidate brought-forward customers at month end as due date ageing has been selected >޷ѡĩǰͻΪѡں :Cannot switch off ECC control from here. Use ECC change orders >޷Ӵ˴رչ̱(ECC)ơʹù̱(ECC) :Cannot switch off Landed Cost Tracking as bill of landed cost exists >޷رյɱ٣ڵɱ :Cannot update local currency. Function cancelled >޷µػҡȡ :Cannot use 'automatic invoice numbering' and 'post-billing with invoices' concurrently >޷ͬʱʹáԶƱš͡÷ƱӺշѡ :Cannot use database >޷ʹݿ :Cannot use e.net Internet applications >޷ʹe.netӦó :Cannot use inventory cost with FIFO costing >޷ʹÿɱFIFOɱ :Cannot use the USA third party tax system when tax is calculated at invoice level >ڷƱϼ˰ʱ޷ʹ˰ϵ :Cannot use word or SRS printing when printing to a non-Windows printer. Printing cancelled >ӡ Windows ӡʱ޷ʹֻ SRS ӡȡӡ :Cannot write nationality code if EC Vat option is not set >δŷ帽˰(EC Vat)ѡô޷д :Cannot write subsequent buying group if the previous groups are blank >ǰΪհףô޷дɹ :Cannot write subsequent salesperson if the previous salesperson code is blank >ǰԱΪհףô޷дԱ :Cap u/m >λ :Capacity > :Capacity Actions >ж :Capacity Calendar > :Capacity Calendar Details >ϸ :Capacity Calendar Maintenance >ά :Capacity Calender for Selected Work Center >ѡĵ :Capacity Loading Report >װر :Capacity Loadings > :Capacity Maintenance >ά :Capacity Pegging >ȶ? :Capacity Pegging for >¸ :Capacity Profile > :Capacity Profile Graph >ſͼ :Capacity Profile for Work Center > :Capacity Spread > :Capacity Spread Summary >Ҫ :Capacity Unit of Measure >λ? :Capacity issued >ǩ :Capacity reqd > :Capacity required > :Capacity required ( ) > ( ) :Capacity required (Min) >С :Capacity required (hrs) >ʱ :Capacity u/m >u/m :Capacity unit of measure may not be blank >ĵλΪ :Capacity uom >λ :Capacity(hrs) >ʱ :Capex >Ԥʽ֧ :Capex '%1' not found >δҵʱ '%1' :Capex - complete entries >ʱ֧ - :Capex - other entries >ʱ֧ - :Capex Amendmant Journal Report >ʱ֧޶ռʱ :Capex Amendment Journal >ʱ֧޶ռ :Capex Classification Maintenance >ʱ֧ά :Capex Item >ʱ֧Ŀ :Capex Item Approval Status >ʱ֧Ŀ״̬ :Capex Item Notes >ʱĿע :Capex Item Projection >ʱ֧ĿԤ :Capex Item Status >ʱ֧Ŀ״̬ :Capex Items >ʱ֧Ŀ :Capex Line >ʱ֧ :Capex Line Approval Status >ʱ״̬ :Capex Line Maintenance >ʱά :Capex Line Projection >ʱ֧Ԥ :Capex Line Projection Report >ʱԤⱨ :Capex Line Status >ʱ֧״̬ :Capex Lines >ʱ :Capex Maintenance >Ԥʽ֧ά :Capex Management Summary >ʱ֧ժҪ :Capex Management Summary Report >ʱ֧ժҪ :Capex Master >ʱ :Capex Number Details >ʱúϸ :Capex Number Maintenance >ʱ֧ά :Capex Numbers >ʱú :Capex Outstanding P/Os Reqs Jobs Report >ʱ֧δɹ빺ҵ :Capex Processing >ʱ֧ :Capex Projection Report >ʱ֧Ԥⱨ :Capex Query >ʱ֧ѯ :Capex Reqisition Line >ʱ֧빺 :Capex Requisition Line >ʱ֧빺 :Capex Requisition Line Approval Status >ʱ֧빺״̬ :Capex Requisition Line Maintenance >ʱ빺ά :Capex Requisition Line Values >ʱ֧빺мֵ :Capex Requisition Lines Maintenance >ʱ֧빺ά :Capex Requisition Lines Number of Periods >ʱ֧빺 :Capex Requsition Line >ʱ֧빺 :Capex Status Report >ʱ֧״̬ :Capex System >ʱ֧ϵͳ :Capex System - Capex Processing >ʱ֧ϵͳ - ʱ֧ :Capex System - Setup >ʱ֧ϵͳ - :Capex Type Maintenance >ʱ֧ά :Capex Types >ʱ֧ :Capex Value Overflow >ʱֵ֧ :Capex Value Overflow - Reqn >ʱֵ - 빺 :Capex already committed/spent - cannot deny >ʱ֧ѳŵľ - ޷ܾ :Capex already committed/spent - cannot un-approve >ʱ֧ѳŵľ - ޷Ͽ :Capex already committed/spent - cannot unapprove >ʱѳŵľ - ޷ :Capex branch >ʱ÷֧ :Capex branch selection >ʱ÷֧ѡ :Capex class >ʱõȼ :Capex class selection >ʱѡ :Capex classification >ʱ֧ :Capex classification code record locked >ʱ֧뱨 :Capex classification selection >ʱ÷ѡ :Capex code >ʱ֧ :Capex code of asset >ʲʱô :Capex description >ʱ֧˵ :Capex in Progress Account >ִеʱ֧ʻ :Capex in progress >ִʱ֧ :Capex information >ʱϢ :Capex item '%1' not found >δҵʱĿ '%1' :Capex item added >ӵʱĿ :Capex item already committed/spent - cannot deny >ʱ֧Ŀѳŵľ - ޷ܾ :Capex item changed >ĵʱĿ :Capex item code >ʱĿ :Capex item code must be numeric >ʱĿΪ :Capex item deleted >ɾʱĿ :Capex item number >ʱĿ :Capex item record locked >ʱ֧Ŀ¼ :Capex item selection >ʱ֧Ŀѡ :Capex items before >֮ǰʱ֧Ŀ :Capex job >ʱ֧ҵ :Capex jobs >ʱҵ :Capex line added >ӵʱ :Capex line already committed/spent - cannot deny >ʱ֧ѳŵľ - ޷ܾ :Capex line already exists >ʱѴ :Capex line branch selection >ʱз֧ѡ :Capex line changed >ĵʱ :Capex line cost center selection >ʱгɱѡ :Capex line deleted >ɾʱ :Capex line group selection >ʱѡ :Capex line no of asset >ʲʱк :Capex line not found >δҵʱ :Capex line number >ʱб :Capex line p/o requisition or job raised >ʱвɹ(p/o)빺ҵ :Capex line selection >ʱ֧ѡ :Capex line type selection >ʱѡ :Capex no >Ԥʽ֧ :Capex number >ʱ֧ :Capex number selection >ʱ֧ѡ :Capex numbering method >ʱñŷ :Capex p/o req >ʱ֧ɹ빺 :Capex p/order >ʱ֧ɹ :Capex po req >ʱòɹ빺 :Capex purchase order requisitions >ʱòɹ빺 :Capex purchase orders >ʱòɹ :Capex reference >ʱ֧ο :Capex requ lines >ʱ빺 :Capex requisition line '%1' not found >δҵʱ빺 '%1' :Capex requisition line already exists >ʱ֧빺Ѵ :Capex requisition line not found >δҵʱ֧빺 :Capex requisition lines >ʱ֧빺 :Capex requisition lines before >֮ǰʱ֧빺 :Capex requisition lines number of periods to retain cannot be greater than capex items number of periods to retain >Ҫʱ֧빺ôҪʱ֧Ŀ :Capex selection >ʱ֧ѡ :Capex start spend year >ʱÿʼ :Capex type >ʱ֧ :Capex type code record locked >ʱ֧ʹ뱨 :Capex type selection >ʱѡ :Capital >ʱ :Capital Gains value >ʱֵ :Capital accounts >ʱʻ :Capital gains tax cost >ʱ˰ɱ :Capital gains tax cost/value >ʱ˰ɱ/ֵ :Capital gains tax value >ʱ˰ռֵ :Capital to >ʱ :Capitalize Tax >ʱ˰ :Caption >˵ :Caption '%1' already exists against this form type >标题 '%1' 对于此表格类型已存在 :Caption Background Color >ⱳɫ :Caption Font > :Caption Text Color >ıɫ :Caption foreground color >ⱳɫ :Caption is bold >Ϊ :Caption must be unique >Ϊ :Caption position >标题位置 :Caption to match >ƥı :Captions Background Color >ⱳɫ :Capture >׽ :Capture Account Details >捕获账户明细 :Capture Acquisition Costs >չɱ :Capture Costs >ɱ :Capture G/L Analysis Entries >׽ (G/L) :Capture G/L Distribution >׽ (G/L) :Capture GL Analysis Entries >׽ (GL) :Capture GL Distribution >׽ (GL) :Capture GL analysis entires >׽(GL) :Capture Invoice Details >׽Ʊϸ :Capture Lost Sale >ʧ :Capture On-line Check Details >׽֧Ʊϸ :Capture Programs >׽ :Capture Remittance Text >׽ı :Capture and maintain a number of offers that can be presented to a customer for consideration >άɳָͻ俼ǵı̸ :Capture and maintain resource structures >άԴṹ :Capture and maintain various types of customer orders in a datagrid >άеĸͻ :Capture and maintain various types of customer orders in a form style >άʽĸͻ :Capture details of a sale with minimal keystrokes, without the need for a mouse device, and with a minimum number of windows open at one time >ٵĻ豸һԴٸĴڲϸ :Capture details of customer classifications >ͻ :Capture details of non-current assets, typically used when first setting up the assets module >ͨ״ʲģʱõķʲϸ :Capture details of quantities sold for a stock item over the last %1 months, as well as additional sales history information >Ŀ %1 ϸԼʷϢ :Capture historical invoice information for selected suppliers, typically for a new installation >ͨѡӦ̵ƱϢ :Capture inspection quantity >׽ :Capture into inspection >м :Capture invoices for selected customers; typically for a new installation >ѡͻķƱͨ :Capture jobs using a flat ASCII import file or spreadsheet >ʹƽ ASCII ļӱĹ :Capture lots at end of WIP inspection >WIP󲶻 :Capture lots/serials >捕获批次/系列 :Capture manual serial numbers >ֶϵк :Capture multiple manual serial numbers >ֶϵк :Capture or adjust supplier invoices >Ӧ̷Ʊ :Capture quantity >捕获数量 :Capture quantity '%1' is not numeric >捕获数量 '%1' 不是数字 :Capture quantity by > :Capture quantity into inspection >м :Capture reference >ο :Capture serial numbers >׽к :Capture serial numbers for existing stock items, as well as create sales transactions for serial numbers that have already been sold >пĿϵк벢ϵк۽ :Capture serial numbers for orders >񶩵ϵк? :Capture serials >׽ϵ :Capture serials at end of WIP inspection >WIPʱ :Capture shipping instructions to assign to orders >װ֪Է䵽 :Capture the previous %1 months' sales history information for specific customers; typically for a new installation >ضͻǰ %1 µʷϢͨ :Capture ticket numbers >ȯ :Captured >Ѳ׽ :Captured By >׽ :Captured Lots >Ѳ׽ :Captured Qty by Bin >Ⲷ :Captured Qty by Stock >沶 :Captured Qty by Ticket >ȯ :Captured Qty for Warehouse >ΪֿⲶ׽ :Captured Quantities by Bin >Ѳ :Captured Quantities by Stock >Ѳ :Captured Quantities by Ticket >ȯѲ :Captured Quantities for ECC >Ѳ ECC :Captured Quantities for Lot Numbers >Ϊκ벶׽ :Captured Quantities for Revision/Release >Ϊ޶ǩ׽ :Captured Quantities for Serial Numbers >Ϊϵк벶׽ :Captured Quantities for Warehouse >ΪֿⲶ :Captured Quantity by Bin >Ѳ :Captured Quantity by Stock >Ѳ :Captured Quantity for Warehouse >ΪֿⲶ :Captured Rev/rel >Ѳ޶ :Captured Serials >Ѳϵ :Captured alternate quantity >Ѳ油 :Captured quantities >Ѳ :Captured quantity >Ѳ :Captured quantity uom >已捕获数量计量单位 :Captured stocking quantity >ѲĿ :Captured total >Ѳ :Capturing method >񷽷 :Card is not yet valid >ѲЧ :Cascade > :Cascade Windows > Windows :Cascading stylesheets >ʽ :Case > :Case sensitive >ִСд :Cash >ֽ :Cash Account >ֽʻ :Cash Book >ֽʱ :Cash Book - Transaction Processing >ֽʲ - ״ :Cash Book AP Payment Details >ֽ˲ AP ϸ :Cash Book AR Payment Details >ֽ˲ AR ϸ :Cash Book Add Transaction >现金账簿添加交易 :Cash Book Automatic Bank Reconciliation >ֽʱԶж :Cash Book Automatic Bank Reconciliation Import Results >ֽ˲Զж˵ :Cash Book Automatic Bank Reconciliation Summary >ֽʱԶжժҪ :Cash Book Balance >ֽ˲ :Cash Book Bank >ֽ˲ :Cash Book Bank Balances >ֽʱ :Cash Book Bank Balances at a Glance >ֽʲһ :Cash Book Bank ID >ֽʱID :Cash Book Bank Reconciliation >ֽ˲ж :Cash Book Bank Reconciliation Import >ֽ˲ж˵ :Cash Book Beneficiaries >ֽʱ :Cash Book Beneficiary >ֽ :Cash Book Beneficiary Amendment Journal >ֽ˲޶ռ :Cash Book Beneficiary Amnd Jnl >ֽʱ޶ռ :Cash Book Beneficiary Details >ֽ˲ :Cash Book Cash Projection >ֽ滮 :Cash Book Cash Projection Report >ֽʱֽԤⱨ :Cash Book Check Format >ֽʱʽ :Cash Book Check/Cheque Format >ֽʱ֧Ʊʽ :Cash Book Checks >ֽʱ֧Ʊ :Cash Book Checks/Cheques >ֽʱ֧Ʊ :Cash Book Consolidated Statement >ֽʱܱ :Cash Book Control >ֽ˲ :Cash Book Currency Variance >ֽʱҲ :Cash Book Currency Variance Report >ֽʱҲ :Cash Book Current Year Open/Closed >ֽʲǰȿţر :Cash Book Deposits & Withdrawals >ֽʱȡ :Cash Book Deposits and Withdrawals >ֽʱȡ :Cash Book Distribution >ֽ˲ :Cash Book Distribution Query >ֽ˲ѯ :Cash Book Distribution Report >ֽ˲䱨 :Cash Book Entry Summary >ֽ˲ժҪ :Cash Book G/L Distribution >ֽʱ(G/L) :Cash Book G/L Distribution Report >ֽʱG/L䱨 :Cash Book GL Distribution >ֽʱ(GL) :Cash Book GL Distribution Report >ֽʱG/L䱨 :Cash Book GL Integration >ֽ˲ GL :Cash Book GL Integration Update >ֽ˲ GL ϸ :Cash Book Graph >ֽ˲ͼ :Cash Book Integration Method >ֽʱϷ :Cash Book Journal >ֽʱռ :Cash Book Journal Codes >ֽ˲ռ˴ :Cash Book Journal Control >ֽ˲ռ˿ :Cash Book Journal Detail >ֽ˲ռϸ :Cash Book Journal Details >ֽ˲ռϸ :Cash Book Journal Distribution >ֽ˲ռ˷ :Cash Book Journal Entries >ֽ˲ռĿ :Cash Book Journal Report >ֽʱռʱ :Cash Book Journal in Progress >ִֽʱռ :Cash Book Ledger Descriptions >ֽʱ˵ :Cash Book Ledger Distribution Entries >ֽ˲˷Ŀ :Cash Book List of Bank Balances >ֽʱ :Cash Book List of Permanent Entries >ʱ̶ :Cash Book Month End >ֽʱĩ :Cash Book On-line Check Format >ֽʱʽ :Cash Book On-line Check Print >ֽʱ֧Ʊʽ :Cash Book On-line Check Reg Ctl >ֽ˲֧Ʊע :Cash Book On-line Check Reg Detail >ֽ˲֧Ʊעϸ :Cash Book On-line Payment Register >ֽʱע :Cash Book Online Payment Register >ֽ˲ϸǼDz :Cash Book Options Report >ֽʱѡ :Cash Book Payment Release >ֽʱͷ :Cash Book Pending Transactions >ֽʱִеĽ :Cash Book Period End >ֽʱ :Cash Book Permanent Entries >ֽʱ̶ :Cash Book Permanent Entries Maintenance >ֽʱ̶ά :Cash Book Permanent Entries Maintenence >ֽʱ̶ά :Cash Book Permanent Entries Posting >ֽʱ̶ :Cash Book Permanent Entries for Day >ֽʲչ̶ :Cash Book Permanent Entry >现金账簿永久项目 :Cash Book Post Permanent Entries >ֽʱʹ̶ :Cash Book Posting Information >ֽʱϢ :Cash Book Prev Period Transaction Bal >ֽ˲һڽ :Cash Book Previous Year Open/Closed >ֽ˲һݴ/ر :Cash Book Print >ֽʱӡ :Cash Book Print Query >ֽ˲ӡѯ :Cash Book Print in Progress >ִֽʱӡ :Cash Book Reconciliation Statement >ֽʱʱ :Cash Book Release Selections >ֽʱͷѡ :Cash Book Remittance Bank >ֽ˲ :Cash Book Remittance Bank - General Detail >ֽʱ C ϸ :Cash Book Remittance Bank - Heading Fields >ֽʱ - ֶ :Cash Book Remittance Bank - Total Fields >ֽʱ C ϼֶ :Cash Book Remittance Bank Archive Viewer >ֽ˲е鿴 :Cash Book Setup >ֽʱ :Cash Book Setup Options >ֽʱѡ :Cash Book Tax Distribution Detail >ֽ˲˰ :Cash Book Tax Distribution Header >ֽ˲˰ҳü :Cash Book Tax Report >ֽʱ˰ձ :Cash Book Tax ledger code '%1' for deposits not defined/found >δ壯δҵֽʱ˰շʴ '%1' :Cash Book Tax ledger code '%1' for withdrawals not defined/found >δ壯δҵֽʱ˰շʴ '%1' :Cash Book Transaction Detail >ֽ˲ϸ :Cash Book Transaction Query >ֽʲײѯ :Cash Book Transactions >ֽ˲ :Cash Book Year End >ֽʱ :Cash Book Zoom on A/P Transactions >ֽ˲Ӧʿ (A/P) :Cash Book Zoom on A/R Transactions >ֽ˲Ӧʿ (A/R) :Cash Book Zoom on AP Transactions >ֽ˲ AP :Cash Book Zoom on AR Transactions >ֽ˲ AR :Cash Book beneficiary EFT user defined fields >ֽʲ˵ӻ(EFT)ûֶ :Cash Book check format not yet defined >ֽʲ֧Ʊʽδ :Cash Book control record not found >δҵֽʱƼ¼ :Cash Book deposit value of 0 invalid >ֽ0Ч :Cash Book entered tax value '%1' does not match calculated tax value '%2' >ֽʱ˰ֵ '%1' õ˰ֵ '%2' :Cash Book integration >ֽʼ :Cash Book module not installed >δװֽʱģ :Cash Book month >ֽʱ· :Cash Book to a multi-period system. This means that data >ֽһϵͳתζ :Cash Book transaction with key '%1' not found >δҵ߱ '%1' ֽʱ :Cash Book will not be updated. To ensure that cash book is updated, print the remittances prior to running this program >ֽʱҪȷֽʱб֮ǰӡ :Cash Book year >ֽʱ :Cash Discount Password >ֽۿ :Cash Drawer >ֽƱ :Cash Drawer Information >Ϣ :Cash Drawer Maintenance >ֽƱά :Cash Drawer Selection >ֽƱѡ :Cash Drawers >ֽ :Cash Flow >ֽ :Cash Flow Collector >ֽԱ :Cash Flow Details >ֽϸ :Cash Flow Forecasting >ֽԤ :Cash Flow Inclusions >ֽ :Cash Flow Models >ֽģ :Cash Flow Projection >ֽԤ :Cash Flow Projection - Balance GL >ֽԤ - GL :Cash Flow Projection Dates >ֽԤ :Cash Flow Values >ֵֽ :Cash Journal Report >ֽʱ :Cash Posting >ֽ :Cash Posting Journal Summary >ֽռժҪ :Cash Posting Journal Transactions >ֽռʽ :Cash Posting Transaction Details >ֽʽϸ :Cash Posting Transaction Entries >ֽ𷢲Ŀ :Cash Posting Transaction Summary Details >ֽ𷢲ժҪ :Cash Posting Transaction Summary Entries >ֽ𷢲ժҪĿ :Cash Posting Worksheet >ֽ¼ :Cash Posting Worksheet Printing in Progress >ִֽҵӡ :Cash Posting Worksheet Report >ֽת˹ :Cash Projection >ֽע :Cash Projection Graph >ֽԤͼ :Cash Projection Report >ֽԤⱨ :Cash Projection Report in Progress >ִֽ滮 :Cash Projection for Supplier >ӦֽԤ :Cash Requirements >ֽҪ :Cash Requirements Report >ֽҪ󱨸 :Cash Requirements in Progress >ִֽҪ :Cash Sales >ֽ :Cash Worksheet Report >ֽ :Cash account ledger code >ֽʻʴ :Cash book Journal - reset lowest unprocessed journal >ֽ˲ռ - λͶδռ :Cash book Query on Period End Dates >ֽ˲ڽڲѯ :Cash book bank ID may not be spaces >ֽʲIDΪո :Cash book is not integrated to the General Ledger - no journal created >ֽ˲δϵ??δռ :Cash book journal current year >ֽ˲ռ˵ǰ :Cash book journal file >ֽʱռļ :Cash book journal next year >ֽ˲ռһ :Cash book journal previous year >ֽ˲ռһ :Cash book journals >ֽʱռ :Cash book journals reset >ֽ˲ռ˸λ :Cash book lowest unprocessed journal reset >ֽ˲Ͷδռ˸λ :Cash book on-line checks in progress. Program cancelled >ڽֽʱ顣ȡ :Cash book print as of >ֽ˲ӡ :Cash book statement balance >ֽʲ :Cash book statement balance lo >ֽʲ :Cash book statement balance loc cur >ֽʲػ :Cash details >ֽϸ :Cash discount >ֽۿ :Cash discount allowed >ֽۿ :Cash drawer device name >ֽƱ豸 :Cash drawer is in use >ʹֽƱ :Cash drawer is on same port as printer >ӡͬһ˿ :Cash drawer may not start with \"_\" as this is a reserved character > \"_\" ʼΪDZַ :Cash drawer summary >ժҪ :Cash float >ֽ𸡶 :Cash in/out >ֽʣ :Cash journal >ֽռ :Cash journal file >ֽռļ :Cash journal number >ֽռʺ :Cash journals >ֽռ :Cash journals before >֮ǰֽռ :Cash journals dated before >ֽռ :Cash journals deleted >ɾֽռ :Cash or credit >ֽ :Cash paid out >已付现金 :Cash payment >ֽ𸶿 :Cash price >ֽ۸ :Cash projection in local currency >ԱػΪλֽ滮 :Cash projection period in days >ֽԤ滮 :Cash projection required >ҪֽԤ :Cash projections - amount >ֽԤ - :Cash projections - discount >ֽԤ - ۿ :Cash projections - quantity >ֽԤ - :Cash taken in >已入现金 :Cash total >ֽϼ :Cashbook >ֽ˲ :Cashbook Entry Summary >ֽʱժҪ :Cashbook Journal >ֽʱռ :Cashbook Journal or Distribution reports have not yet been printed. Do you wish to continue converting this company? >δӡֽʱռʻ䱨ϣת˾ :Cashbook Transaction >ֽʱ :Cashbook journals >ֽ˲ռ :Cashbook supplier >ֽ˲Ӧ :Cashflow Forecasting >ֽԤ :Cashflow Models >ֽģ :Cat >Cat :Catalog > :Catalogue > :Catalogue Numbers >Ŀ¼ :Catalogue no >Ŀ¼ :Catalogue number >Ŀ¼ :Catalogue number already allocated to this supplier >ѷ˹Ӧ̵Ŀ¼ :Catalogue selection >Ŀ¼ѡ :Catalogues for Supplier >ӦĿ¼ :Categories > :Category > :Category %1 >类别 %1 :Category Code > :Category Limit > :Category Maintenance >ά :Category already exists on the Analytics database >AnalyticsݿѴ :Category description >˵ :Category description '%1' already in use > '%1' Ѵʹ :Category description has not been defined >δ˵ :Category filter > :Category name > :Category name '%1' already in use > '%1' Ѵʹ :Category name '%1' invalid. Cannot start with a numeric character > '%1' Ч޷ַʼ :Category selection >ѡ :Category type %1 is a compulsory entry > %1 DZĿ :Cc > :Cell Capacity >Ԫ :Cell background color >Ԫ񱳾ɫ :Cell bold >ԪӴ :Cell id >Ԫid :Cell id for use with APS >߼滮(APS)ʹõĵԪid :Cell text color >Ԫıɫ :Cellpadding >Ԫ߾ :Cells >Ԫ :Cellspacing >Ԫ϶ :Center > :Center heading text >ıı :Center text >ı :Centerd > :Centered > :Centers with no load >غ :Centre > :Centre heading text >ıı :Centre of shape >形状中心 :Centre text >ı :Centred > :Certain sub jobs have not been created because the warehouse to use against the stock code is invalid >ԿҪʹõIJֿЧδijЩҵ :Certain sub jobs have not been created because the warehouse to use against the stock code is invalid. >ԿʹõIJֿЧδijЩҵ :Certificate >֤ :Certificate number >֤ :Certificate/ >֤飯 :Cfg discount >Cfgۿ :Chain Discount >ۿ :Chain Discounts >ۿ :Chain discount cannot contain a zero discount value followed by a non-zero discount value >ۿ۲ɺкۿ۵ۿֵ :Chain discount value must be non-zero if next chain is greater than zero >һ㣬ôۿ۵ֵΪ :Chained discounts >ۿ :Chained discounts may not be zero if subsequent discounts are not zero. OK to automatically re-order discounts >ۿ۲Ϊ㣬ôۿҲΪ㡣ȷҪۿ :Change >ı :Change Resource >Դ :Change Access Level >ķʼ :Change Action Date >Ķ :Change Action Description >IJ :Change Active Customer >Чͻ :Change Active Supplier >ЧӦ :Change Additional Shipping/Invoicing Information on Order Header >Ķҳüϵĸװ/ƱϢ :Change All Access >з :Change Allocation >ķ :Change Analytics Books > Analytics ˲ :Change Asset >ʲ :Change Asset Branch >ʲ֧ :Change Asset Capex Line >ʲʱ :Change Asset in Suspense >䶯ʲ :Change Available Date >Ŀ :Change Batch > :Change Bill >˵ :Change Bin Allocation >Ŀλ :Change Bin Quantity >Ŀ :Change Books >˲ :Change Branch >ı :Change COPY Directory >ġơĿ¼ :Change Calculation >更改计算 :Change Capacity > :Change Capex Line >ʱ :Change Cash Drawer >ֽƱ :Change Category > :Change Co-product Line >ĹͬƷ :Change Code Page >Ĵҳ :Change Collector >Ա :Change Column Description > :Change Column Heading > :Change Comments >ע :Change Company >ı乫˾ :Change Company Budget Spread >Ĺ˾Ԥ :Change Component >ı :Change Component Lot Tracking >IJθ :Change Component Serial Tracking >IJϵи :Change Component/Route >IJ· :Change Components Sequence >更改部件顺序 :Change Contact >ϵ :Change Contract >ıͬ :Change Contracts >ĺͬ :Change Criteria >ı׼ :Change Cross Shipment >Ľװ :Change Currency >ı :Change Current >Ļ :Change Current Form Name >ĵǰ :Change Current Formula >ĵǰʽ :Change Current Line >ĵǰ :Change Current Month and Year >ĵǰ·ݺ :Change Current Review Criteria >ĵǰ˱׼ :Change Customer >ıͻ :Change Customer Class >Ŀͻȼ :Change Date Presentation Format >ڰŸʽ :Change Dates > :Change Deduction Code >Ŀ۳ :Change Deduction Customer and/or Deduction Code >Ŀ۳ͻͣ۳ :Change Delivery Address >更改交货地址 :Change Departure Date > :Change Deposit >Ĵ :Change Depreciation Basis >更改折旧基础 :Change Detail Entry >ϸĿ :Change Directory >Ŀ¼ :Change Discount >ۿ :Change Dispatch Header >更改发货页眉 :Change Dispatch Note >ķ :Change Dispatch Quantity >ķ :Change Dispatch Status >更改发货状态 :Change Distribution >ķ :Change Document >ļ :Change Document Format >ļʽ :Change Document Type >ĵ :Change Due >ĵ :Change Due Date >ĵ :Change Due Payment Code >ĵڸ :Change ECC Revision/Release > ECC ޶/ :Change ECC user > ECC û :Change ECC user to > ECC ûΪ :Change ECO Status >ECO״̬ :Change ECO system status > ECO ϵͳ״̬ :Change Element >Ԫ :Change Entries > :Change Entry Detail >ϸĿ :Change Event >¼ :Change Exception >쳣 :Change Exchange Rate >Ļ :Change Exchange Rate Against Invoice >ݷƱĻ :Change Exchange Rate for Payment Line >ΪиĻ :Change Expected Available Date > :Change Field >ֶ :Change Field Properties >ֶ :Change File >ļ :Change File Path >ļ· :Change Financial Year End >IJȽ :Change Flow Graph >更改流程图 :Change Font > :Change Font Size >С :Change Form >ı :Change Form Name >ı :Change GRN Supplier > GRN Ӧ :Change GRN's Supplier >ıջ :Change Geographic Area >ĵ :Change Group > :Change Header >ҳü :Change Heads/Sections >ıͷѡ :Change Hierarchy >ı :Change Hierarchy Item >ķּĿ :Change Hyperlink >ij :Change Icon >ͼ :Change Issues to O/S >ǩΪִ :Change Issues to Outstanding >ǩΪδ :Change Job >ҵ :Change Job No >ҵ :Change Kit >ù߰ :Change Kit Line >Ĺ߰ :Change Kit Quantity >ù߰ :Change LCT Apportionment > LCT ̯ :Change LCT price for stock item >ĿĿĵɱ(LCT)۸ :Change Language Code >Դ :Change Ledger Year and Period >ķݺڼ :Change Line > :Change Line Quantity to Release >ⷢ :Change Lines > :Change Location >λ :Change Location Within a Warehouse >ֿڸIJλ :Change Lot >ı :Change Lot Allocation >βλ :Change Lot Expiry >ε :Change Lot Expiry Date >ε :Change Lot Quantity > :Change Master >ı :Change Matched Value >ƥֵ :Change Material Allocation >IJϷ :Change Material Availability Date >IJϿ :Change Menu >IJ˵ :Change Merchandise Value >ĻƷֵ :Change Module >ģ :Change Month >· :Change Month and Year >·ݺ :Change Month's Targets >¶Ŀ :Change Month's Values >¶ֵ :Change My Password >ҵ :Change Nationality Code >Ĺ :Change Non-Merchandise >ķƷ :Change Non-Stocked Code >ıǿ :Change Non-merchandise Distribution >ķƷ :Change Operation >IJ :Change Operations Sequence >更改操作顺序 :Change Option >更改选项 :Change Options Sequence >更改选项顺序 :Change Order >Ķ :Change Order Actions >ı䶩ж :Change Order Header >Ķͷ :Change Order Line >Ķ :Change Order Status >Ķ״̬ :Change Order Status Report >ı䶩״̬ :Change Order Type >Ķ :Change Orders >ı䶩 :Change P/order Header >IJɹҳü :Change Password > :Change Path >· :Change Payment Amount >ĸ :Change Payment Details >ĸϸ :Change Payment Run >ĸ :Change Payment Run Selection >ĸѡ :Change Period >ڼ :Change Picture >更改图片 :Change Posting Date >更改发布日期 :Change Posting Period >Ĺ :Change Posting Period of Payment >ĸ :Change Preferences >更改首选项 :Change Previous >ǰ :Change Price >ļ۸ :Change Prior Year End >ǰ :Change Product Class >IJƷȼ :Change Product Template >IJƷģ :Change Publish Folder >ķļ :Change Purchase Order >IJɹ :Change Qty Shipped >װ :Change Quantities > :Change Quantity > :Change Quantity for Line > :Change Quote Header >ıҳü :Change Quote Status >ı״̬ :Change Receipt Qty >ջ :Change Receipt Quantity >ջ :Change Rel >ǩ :Change Release Quantity >ͷ :Change Report >ı :Change Requisition Line >빺 :Change Reserved Lot >ı :Change Reserved Serial >ıϵ :Change Resouce Parent >Դ :Change Resource >Դ :Change Resource Parent >Դĸ :Change Responsible User >û :Change Rev >޶ :Change Rev/Rel >޶ :Change Review Criteria for Export >ĵ˱׼ :Change Role >ְ :Change Rounding Ledger Code >ʴ :Change Route >ı· :Change Route Element >·Ԫ :Change SO header details > SO ҳü :Change Sales History Summary >ۼ¼ժҪ :Change Salesperson >Ա :Change Schedule >ʱ :Change Screen Font >Ļ :Change Section > :Change Selected Line >ѡ :Change Selected Requisition Line >ѡ빺 :Change Sequence >˳ :Change Sequence Number >˳ :Change Serial Number >ϵк :Change Serial Number Allocation >ϵк :Change Serial Quantity >ϵ :Change Set > :Change Shape >更改形状 :Change Ship Date >װ :Change Ship Date for All Lines >еװ :Change Shipment >Ļ :Change Shipment details > :Change Site >վ :Change Specific Days >ض :Change Start Reqn >Ŀʼ빺 :Change Start Requisition >Ŀʼ빺 :Change Status >״̬ :Change Stock >Ŀ :Change Stock Code >ı :Change Stock Code / Warehouse >Ŀ룯ֿ :Change Stock Code/Rev Rel >Ŀ룯޶ǩ :Change Stock Code/Warehouse >Ŀ룯ֿ :Change Stock Code/Wh >ı/ֿ :Change Store No >ı̵ :Change Store Number >Ĵ洢 :Change Suppler >ĹӦ :Change Supplier >ı乩 :Change Supplier & Stock Code >ĹӦ̺Ϳ :Change Supplier on GRN > GRN ϵĹӦ :Change Supplier/Stock Code >ĹӦ̣ :Change Tariff >Ĺ˰ :Change Tariff Code >Ĺ˰ :Change Task Definition to be By Company >Ϊ˾ :Change Task Definition to be System-wide >Ϊϵͳ :Change Tax Portion >˰ղ :Change Taxable Portion >ļ˰ :Change Transaction >Ľ :Change Transaction Date >Ľ :Change Type > :Change Variable Properties >ı :Change Variance Posting Period >IJ췢 :Change Vessel >Ĵֻ :Change Vessel or Departure Date >Ļֻ :Change Views on Program Details >ijϵͼ :Change Warehouse >ıֿ :Change Warehouse to Use for Quantities >Ĵòֿ :Change Warehouse to use for Quantity >IJֿ :Change Work Center >ı乤 :Change Year End >ݸ :Change Year and Month >Ⱥ· :Change a Transaction >Ľ :Change a purchase order number throughout the blanket sales orders and releases system >һ۶IJɹ벢ϵͳ :Change a selection >更改选择 :Change activities >Ļ :Change all GRN lines > GRN :Change all GRN's with the same number >ľͬȫGRN :Change all order lines to have new ship date >Ľ´ڵȫ :Change an existing customer code throughout the entire system >ϵͳпͻ :Change an existing supplier code throughout the entire system >ϵͳйӦ̴ :Change caption height if word-wrap is in use >如使用自动换行,更改标题高度 :Change case >ĸ :Change code >Ĵ :Change code selection >Ĵѡ :Change company format >更改公司格式 :Change criteria of selection >ѡ׼ :Change criteria sequence >更改标准顺序 :Change currency rounding ledger code >Ļȡʴ :Change date >ı :Change date method to manual >ڷΪֹ :Change deduction details >Ŀۼϸ :Change deposit amount >Ĵ :Change desc >ı˵ :Change description > :Change detailed info >ϸϢ :Change detailed information >ϸϢ :Change details >ϸ :Change dispatch quantities >更改发货数量 :Change ends linkage >Ľβ :Change expiry date for all bins >更改所有库的失效时期 :Change expiry date for all warehouses >更改所有仓库的失效时期 :Change flag >ı־ :Change float >ĸ :Change function >Ĺ :Change given >ģ :Change heading >ı :Change import options >ĵѡ :Change line quantity > :Change linked sales order from status %1 to %2 on receipt >վ״̬ %1 %2 ۶ :Change linked sales order from status 2 to 3 on receipt >ʱ۶״̬2ĵ3 :Change location in w/h >ڲֿеλ :Change location within warehouse >IJֿλ :Change movement >ı䶯 :Change net sales to >ľΪ :Change not permitted to purchase order '%1' >Բɹ '%1' и :Change not permitted to sales order '%1' >۶ '%1' и :Change of operation control >Ƹ :Change one or more of the budgets so that the undistributed falls to zero before exiting. This can be done by selecting 'Force Total to 100%' against one of the periods >һԤ㣬Աδڵ֮ǰ½Ϊ㡣ͨijһڼѡǿܶΪ100%ʵ :Change options >ѡ :Change order %1 already exists for affected item. Do you want to continue? >Ķ %1 ӰĿѴڡϣ :Change order to a counter sale when making a deposit >ʱΪֽ :Change order to a counter sale when using '%1' >ʹ '%1' ʱΪ :Change order to a counter sale when using 'take payment' >ʹáȡʱΪ :Change password to maintain report >ά :Change password to run report >б :Change payment amount to >ĸΪ :Change payment code for paying cash out/ taking cash in >Ϊֽ֧ȡֽĸ :Change printer for program >Ϊıӡ :Change qty to make if scrap qty not zero >Ϊ㣬 :Change quantity to make if scrap quantity not equal to zero >Ʒ㣬Ҫ :Change quantity to receive > :Change requisition details >빺ϸ :Change sales order >۶ :Change security to maintain report >άȫ :Change security to run report >бȫ :Change selection >ѡ :Change selection sequence >更改选择顺序 :Change specific day >ض :Change summary seq. type >ı˳ :Change table >ı :Change tariff code for stock item >ĿĿĹ˰ :Change the Appearance of the Chart >ͼ :Change the Font > :Change the Quantity to Allocate >更改要分配数量 :Change the Style of the Chart >ͼʽ :Change the co-product completion date to the transaction date? >ҪͬƷڸΪ :Change the date >޸ :Change the element attached to this route >ĸӵ·ߵԪ :Change the expiry date for a range of supplier price contracts >ĶֹӦ̼۸ͬĵ :Change the job completion date to the transaction date? >ҪҵڸΪ :Change the listview '%1' to have an unique heading >бͼ "'%1"Ծ߱б :Change the posting period >ķ :Change the rate indicator for individual operations held against an internal work center >ڲָ :Change the route for this stock code/bill >Ĵ˿/˵· :Change the what-if costs for individual bought out items >ĸĿļɱ :Change the what-if or BOM rate indicator for all operations held against a range of selected work centers >Ըѡȫļ BOM ָ :Change the what-if or BOM value of all operations for a range of selected subcontract work centers >ĸѡְȫļ BOM ֵ :Change this GRN >Ĵ GRN :Change to Crystal Printing >ΪҺӡˢ :Change to Master > :Change to user >Ϊû :Change user >ıû :Change various attributes for one or more fields in a single form or across all forms >ĵһһбһֶεĸ :Change w/h for quantities >ı :Change wh for qty >ֿ :Change your Password > :Changed >Ѹ :Changed by > :Changed by Name > :Changed by operator selection >ѡԱ :Changed comp >IJ :Changed date >Ѹ :Changed info >ѸϢ :Changed live orders >ѸĻ :Changed route detail already has mass used >ĵ·Ѿ߱ :Changed route detail already has volume used >ĵ·Ѿ߱ :Changed time >Ѹʱ :Changed warehouse from '%1' and job is a sub job >Ѵ '%1' IJֿҵΪҵ :Changes > :Changes Have Been Made > :Changes cannot be made in the selected period. Changes have been made against this transaction in a period later than the selected month and year >ѡڼ޷ġѡ֮Ľף :Changes cannot be made in the selected period. The selected month and year is not the same as the original posting month and year of the transaction >ѡڼ޷ġѡ뽻׵ԭ²ͬ :Changes have been made but not applied >δӦ :Changes have been made during this session. If those changed lines have not yet been selected for processing, they will be discarded if you exit. Do you wish to exit? >ڴ˻Ựڼ䣬ɡЩѸĵδѡԽд˳ʱϣ˳ :Changes have been made to header fields. Discard these changes? >ѶҳüֶνиġҪЩ? :Changes have been made to the cumes. Are you sure you want to exit without posting the changes? >ѶۼƽġȷҪ˳? :Changes have been made to this transaction in a period later than the selected month and year >ѡ·ݺ֮ڶԴ׽˸ :Changes made in this program have been rolled back. Determinthe cause of the problem and rerun the function >已还原在此程序中所做更改。确定问题原因并返回功能 :Changes made to the current cost center have not been saved. Ok to update current cost center? >Եǰɱĸδ档Ҫµǰɱ :Changes made to the current work center have not been saved. Ok to update current work center? >Եǰҵĸδ档Ҫµǰҵ :Changes must be saved before updating work centers. Do you want to save now? >ıڸ¹֮ǰ档ϣ? :Changes the appearance of a form Caption. For a list view this changes the appearance of a cell >ıۡбͼ˽ĵԪ :Changes to >更改为 :Changes to UNIX spooler entries will only take effect after exiting SYSPRO >UNIXѻĸĽ˳SYSPRO󷽿Ч :Changes to an OLE2 object must be saved in an OLE2 object file if you wish to retain the changes. Do you wish to save the object now? >ϣģôOLE2ĸı뱣OLE2ļСϣڱö :Changes to include >Ҫĸ :Changes to include date or quantity >԰ڻ :Changes to the integration level could cause existing entries to become invalid. Any such entries will be automatically removed. Do you wish to proceed? >϶ĸĿɵЧκ˵Զɾϣ :Changes to the organization treeview will not take effect until the Query is reloaded >֯ͼĸڲѯװغ󷽿Ч :Changes to the ship quantity are not allowed >װи :Changes to the template level could cause existing entries to become invalid. Any such entries will be automatically removed. Do you wish to proceed? >ģ弶ĸĿɵЧκδԶɾϣ :Changes were not saved, correct any invalid entries and save >δģκЧĿ :Changes which affect the capacity will be ignored unless saved. Do you wish to save any changes? >DZ棬ӰĸĽԡϣκθ :Changing Company >ڸĹ˾ :Changing Key Types >Ĺؼ :Changing a key type may mean that you will not be able to access some of your data using the new key type >ĹؼͿζ޷ʹ¹ؼͷijЩ :Changing an Existing Company >й˾ :Changing co-product quantities to make will have an affect on all sub jobs used in the manufacture of these co-products. The sub jobs will have to be corrected manually >ҪĹͬƷЩͬƷõҵӰ졣ҵֶʽԸ :Changing depreciation basis could result in loss of history. Are you sure? >更改折旧基础可导致历史记录丢失。您确定吗? :Changing of lines prohibited >ֹ :Changing the Approval Level could mean that the Group Approval Limits are no longer applicable. Do you wish to initialize the Group Approval Limits? >ζ޲áϣʼ? :Changing the General Ledger company will mean that you will not be able to access your existing G/L data >ܷʹ˾ζ޷еG/L :Changing the General Ledger company will mean that you will not be able to access your existing GL data >˹˾ζ޷ GL :Changing the Inventory company will mean that you will not be able to access your existing Inventory data >Ŀ湫˾ζ޷еĿ :Changing the account type may have serious consequences for subsequent postings. Do you wish to continue? >ʻпΪʲغϣ :Changing the archive location will mean that you will not be able to access your existing archived documents, unless you move the archived documents to the new folder >鵵ĵƶļУĵλýζ޷й鵵ĵ :Changing the attachment folder will mean that you will not be able to access your existing attachments, unless you MOVE the attachments to the new folder >ƶµļУĸļζ޷еĸ :Changing the attachment folder will mean that you will not be able to access your existing attachments, unless you move the attachments to the new folder >ƶļУĸļнζ޷и :Changing the customer may cause the deposit or retention product class to be invalid. Continue? >Ŀͻɵ¶ƷȼʧЧҪ :Changing the field type may invalidate any validation and/or data entered for this field >ֶпʹΪֶκ֤ϢͣʧЧ :Changing the method of representing budgets will invalidate historical information currently held for salespersons and product classes when setup options are saved. Do you wish to continue? >ĴԤ㷽ʹǰΪۻԱƷౣֵʷϢڱѡʱʧЧϣ? :Changing the number of remaining licenses will change the frequency of license usage logging >ʣ֤Ŀ֤ʹõ¼Ƶ :Changing the option's sequence may affect dependency links associated with either the option itself, or any components / operations attached to it. The same applies to any other options affected by this move. Do you wish to continue? >ѡ˳ܻӰѡӵκβӡһҲܴ˱䶯Ӱκѡϣ :Changing the option's sequence may affect dependency links associated with either the option itself, or any components/operations attached to it. The same applies to any other options affected by this move. Do you wish to continue >ѡ˳ܻӰ벻ѡ븽ӵκβ/صϵһܴ˱仯Ӱκѡϣ :Changing the paths for any existing data file(s) will mean that you will not be able to access your existing data, unless you MOVE the data file(s) to the new directory >κļ·ζ޷ݣļƶĿ¼ :Changing the paths for any existing data file(s) will mean that you will not be able to access your existing data, unless you move the data file(s) to the new directory >ļƶĿ¼κļ·ζ޷ :Changing the quantity to make on a master job will have an affect on all attached sub jobs. These will have to be corrected manually >ΪҵӵҵӰ죬⽫ֶ :Changing the quantity to make on a sub job will have an affect on the master job. This will have to be corrected manually >ΪҵҵӰ졣⽫ֶ :Changing this option may result in imbalances in Cash Book and General Ledger if you have incomplete A/P Payment Cycles or the A/P Distribution Report is not yet printed. Ok to continue? >δɵӦʿ (A/P) ѭӦʿ (A/P) 䱨δӡĴѡɵֽ˲ʼIJƽ⡣ȷҪ? :Changing this option may result in imbalances in Cash Book and General Ledger if you have incomplete A/P Payment Cycles or the A/P Distribution Report is not yet printed. Ok to continue >в A/P ڻ A/P 䱨δӡĴѡܻᵼֽ˲ʧȥƽ⡣ȷҪ :Changing this option may result in imbalances in Cash Book and General Ledger if you have incomplete AP Payment Cycles or the AP Distribution Report is not yet printed. Ok to continue? >δɵӦʿ (AP) ѭӦʿ (AP) 䱨δӡĴѡɵֽ˲ʼIJƽ⡣ȷҪ? :Changing this option may result in imbalances in Cash Book and General Ledger if you have incomplete AP Payment Cycles or the AP Distribution Report is not yet printed. Ok to continue >δɵ AP ڻ AP 䱨δӡĴѡܻᵼֽ˲ʧȥƽ⡣ȷҪ :Char height >ַ߶ :Char per sec >ÿַ :Char width >ַ :Characters > :Charge Code >ô :Charge code for labor >ͶշѴ :Charge code if below min ord val >ڶֵΪշѴ :Charge currency >更改货币 :Charge description >շ˵ :Charge quantity >շ :Charge type > :Charges > :Charges print flag >շѴӡǡ :Charges tax code >շ˰ :Chart >ͼ :Chart scrolling enabled >ñ鿴 :Chart type >ͼ :Chassis no > :Chassis number >̺ :Check >֧Ʊ :Check /EFT >֧Ʊת(EFT) :Check AP journal to GRN matched > AP ռ GRN ƥ :Check Alignment in Progress >ִм :Check Box >ѡ :Check Changed >ĵ֧Ʊ :Check Converted Assets Register Control Record >תʲעƼ¼ :Check Currency > :Check Detail Section >ϸĿ :Check Document Alignment >检查文档对齐 :Check File Integrity >ļ :Check Files >ļ :Check Format >֧Ʊʽ :Check Format Printing in Progress >ִмʽӡ :Check GL transaction to journal >鵽ռ˵ GL :Check Inventory journal to GRN detail >鵽 GRN Ĵռϸ :Check Names > :Check New Month is Open >检查新月份已开放 :Check Number > :Check Number To Void >Ϊ :Check One or More Warehouses >检查一个或多个仓库 :Check Options >ѡ :Check Other Warehouses >ֿ :Check Pending archive > :Check Preferences >ѡ :Check Print >֧Ʊӡ :Check Print Amount Error >ӡ :Check Print Recap >ӡ :Check Print in Progress >ִмӡ :Check Query >֧Ʊѯ :Check Selected Items >ѡѡĿ :Check Version >ѡа汾 :Check all >ȫѡ :Check all Options >ѡѡ :Check amount >ѡн :Check amount wording style >ʷʽ :Check and authorise to release >鲢Ȩͷ :Check and authorize to release >鲢׼ͷ :Check and reject if fail >鲢ʧʱܾ :Check authorities for status >״̬Ȩ :Check both >ȫѡ :Check credit limit >Ŵ :Check customer's credit limit >ͻŴ :Check customer's invoice terms >ͻķƱ :Check date >֧Ʊ :Check date format >ڸʽ :Check details >ϸĿ :Check duplicate posted GL transactions >ظ GL :Check duplicate unposted GL transactions >ظδ GL :Check for Differences > :Check for customer quotes entered >Ŀͻ :Check for duplicate GRN's >ظGRN :Check for duplicate customer p/order numbers >ظͻɹ :Check for messages >Ϣ :Check for messages on startup >ѡʱʾϢ :Check for missing entries >ʧ :Check for sales order and purchase order details >۶Ͳɹϸ :Check for tasks now due on startup >ʱڵ :Check has already been issued >ѷ :Check issued records >ѡǩ¼ :Check items to include in tabbing order >ѡƶ˳еĿ :Check language > :Check lead time >˲齻 :Check mandatory users >ǿû :Check maximum value at >ѡ߼ֵ :Check normal journal entries >鳣ռĿ :Check not found >δҵ :Check number '%1' already allocated >ѷ '%1' :Check numbers >zzzz9 :Check only > :Check order for promotions on loading in Sales Order Entry >װ۶ :Check payments >֧Ʊ :Check print name >ӡ :Check print requirements >ӡҪ :Check received >յ :Check reference >ο :Check register >ǼDZ :Check register number >ע :Check register or C/B key >֧ƱǼǻֽʱؼ :Check register or CB key >֧ƱǼǻֽʱؼ :Check register print date >ѡеǼDzӡ :Check register selection >עѡ :Check remittance > :Check terms > :Check that the live purchase order is not being maintained by another user before continuing. Do you wish to reset the order status? >ǰִеIJɹδһûʹáϣλ״̬ :Check that the live requisition is not being maintained by another user before continuing. Do you wish to reset the order status? >ǰ鼴ʱ빺δڱһûάϣλ״̬? :Check that this RMA is not being maintained by another user before continuing. Do you wish to continue? >ǰ˻Ȩ(RMA)δһûʹáϣ :Check that this dispatch note is not being maintained by another user before continuing. Do you wish to continue? >ǰ˷δһûʹáϣ :Check that this order is not being maintained by another user before continuing. Do you wish to continue? >ǰöδһûϣ :Check that this order is not being maintained by another user before continuing. Do you wish to reset the order status? >ǰöδһûʹáϣλ״̬ :Check the Syntax of this VBScript > VBScript ﷨ :Check the syntax of this script >˽ű﷨ :Check this item to add steps to execute the SSIS ETL packages in order to copy data from the SYSPRO database to the Analytics database >ѡдĿִ SSIS ETL IJ裬Ա㽫ݴ SYSPRO ݿ⸴Ƶ Analytics ݿ :Check this item to add steps to process the cube(s) selected >ѡдĿӴѡͼIJ :Check this item to add steps to process the dimensions that affect the cube(s) selected >ѡдĿӴӰѡͼάIJ :Check this item to cause the items selected in the Treeview menu to be loaded into individual tab panes. Leave this unchecked to cause each item to be loaded into a the same tab pane >ѡдĿʹβ鿴˵ѡĿصѡС˲ѡнʹÿһĿصͬѡ :Check this item to cause the validation icons displayed on dialog boxes to flash when the error message changes >ѡдĿʹԻʾ֤ͼڴϢʱ˸ :Check this item to have each SSIS package run within a transaction >ѡдĿʹÿһ SSIS ڽ :Check this item to have the job enabled as soon as it is created >ѡдĿʹһ :Check this item to have the wizard recreate SSIS packages that already exist >ѡдĿʹ򵼿´Ѵڵ SSIS :Check this item to lock the site and prevent operators from logging into it. This value can later be changed from the Site Maintenance program >ѡдĿվ㲢ֹԱ¼ֵվάи :Check this item to save the application environment settings when exiting SYSPRO Analytics >ѡдĿ˳ SYSPRO Analytics ʱӦó򻷾 :Check this item to select from a list of OLAP databases that already exist on the selected Analysis server >ѡдĿԴѡѴڵ OLAP ݿбѡ :Check this item to select from a list of SQL databases that already exist on the selected SQL server >ѡдĿԴѡ SQL Ѵڵ SQL ݿбѡ :Check this to enable DBCS support for e.net and reporting services >检查此项,以启用对 e.net 和报告服务的 DBCS 支持 :Check this to enable entry of the CMS user maximum >检查此项,以启用 CMS 用户最大值输入 :Check this to enable entry of the user maximum >检查此项,以启用用户最大值输入 :Check to ensure the path and file are correct >ȷ·ļȷ :Check to see if another program is holding the template >˽ģǷһռ :Check type > :Check type '%1', check/EFT number '%2' not found >δҵ֧Ʊ '%1' ֧Ʊת(EFT) '%2' :Check type selection >ѡ :Check unmatched GL journal to sub-module >鵽ģIJƥ GL ռ :Check unmatched GL transaction to journal >鵽ռ˵IJƥ GL :Check unposted GL journal entries >δ GL ռĿ :Check value >ֵ :Check warehouse for negative value >ѡиֵֿ :Check-uncheck-all >ѡ-ȡѡ-ȫ :Check/Cheque >֧Ʊ :Check/Cheque Format >֧Ʊʽ :Check/Cheque Print >֧Ʊӡ :Check/EFT >֧Ʊת(EFT) :Check/EFT has already been issued >飯EFTͷ :Check/EFT not found. Do you wish to re-establish the check/EFT details? >δҵ֧Ʊת(EFT)ϣ½֧Ʊת(EFT)ϸ :Check/EFT number >֧Ʊת(EFT) :Check/EFT number '%1' not found >δҵ֧Ʊת(EFT) '%1' :Check/EFT number '%1' occurs multiple times >γ֧Ʊת(EFT) '%1' :Check/EFT selection >֧Ʊת(EFT)ѡ :Check/EFT to void >Ҫע֧Ʊת(EFT) :Check/Reference >֧Ʊ/ο :Check/Void check >ѡ/ȡѡ :Check/Void date >ѡ/ʧЧ :Check/cheque details >֧Ʊϸ :Check/cheque not found >δҵ֧Ʊ :Check/cheque number >֧Ʊ :CheckBox Checked Changed Event >ѡѡеѸ¼ :Check\cheque number >֧Ʊ :Checkbox >ѡ :Checked >ѡ :Checking Copy to New Order >鸴Ƶ¶ :Checking DTS structures for OLAP >OLAPݴϵͳ(DTS)ṹ :Checking DTS structures for Staging >ֶݴϵͳ(DTS)ṹ :Checking DTS structures for Subject >ݴϵͳ(DTS)ṹ :Checking Master database settings >ݿ :Checking Order with New Codes >´鶩 :Checking Purchase Order >ɹ :Checking for Looping Proxies >ѭ :Checking for Missing Entries >ʧ :Checking for open orders before detaching. OK to continue? >ֿǰĶȷҪ :Checking integrity of C-ISAM files. > C-ISAM ļԡ :Checking integrity of ISAM files >ISAMļ :Checking integrity of ISAM files. >ڼ˳ȡ(ISAM)ļԡ :Checking integrity of source data >检查源数据完整性 :Checking of warehouses for goods in transit may take a while. Do you wish to continue? >ִ;ֿҪһʱ䡣ϣ :Checking selections >ڼѡ :Checking shipment reference. Please wait >˲οȺ :Checking user permissions >ûȨ :Checks >֧Ʊ :Checks & payment runs dated before >֮ǰ֧Ʊ͸ :Checks and payment runs dated before >֮ǰ֧Ʊ͸ :Checks and remittances >֧Ʊͻ :Checks bins filed in lot master file >ļĿֶ :Checks for Payment Run >֧Ʊ :Checks have not yet been printed. Program cancelled >δɶԼĴӡȡ :Checks have previously been printed. Do you wish to reprint checks? >֧ƱǰѴӡϣ´ӡ֧Ʊ :Checks issued records >ǩļ¼ :Checks/Remittances Print Recap >֧Ʊӡ :Checks/remittances cannot be printed as this payment run is locked by another user. Program cancelled >֧Ʊ޷ӡΪбһûȡ :Checks/remittances have not yet been printed >δӡ֧Ʊ/ :Checks/remittances have not yet been printed. Program cancelled >֧Ʊδӡȡ :Checks/remittances have previously been printed. Do you wish to reprint checks/remittances? >֧ƱǰѴӡϣ´ӡ֧Ʊ :Cheque >֧Ʊ :Chg Value to Match >ļֵƥ :Chg cmp >IJ :Chief Executive Officer >ϯִй :Chief Financial Officer (CFO) >ϯ (CFO) :Chief Technical Officer >ϯִй :Child items > :Children allowed > :Chinese (simplified) >ģ壩 :Chk >֧Ʊ :Chk/Chq >֧Ʊ :Chk/Remit >֧Ʊ :Choose Account Type >ѡ˻ :Choose a report template and then click '%1' >ѡ񱨱ģ壬Ȼ󵥻 '%1' :Choose a report template and then click 'Use Template' >ѡ񱨱ģ壬Ȼ󵥻ʹģ塱 :Choose a theme >ѡ񷽰 :Choose alternate lots and serials >ѡ滻κϵк :Choose company >选择公司 :Choose when to print dispatch notes >ѡʱӡ :Chq >֧Ʊ :Chq register OR CB key >֧ƱǼǻCB :City > :City (extended tax code) >Уչ˰մ룩 :Class > :Class '%1' >ȼ '%1' :Class Maintenance >ȼά :Class not on file >ȼļ :Classes >ȼ :Classic Payment Processing >ͳ :Classic View Data >ͼ :Classification > :Classification selection >ѡ :Classify and group stock items into "collections" for the purpose of optimizing inventory through better analysis and forecasting >ಢĿղءͨõķԤŻ :Clear > :Clear Adjustment > :Clear All >ȫ :Clear All Reminders >ȫʾ :Clear All Scheduled Status Item(s) >ų̵״̬Ŀ :Clear All Styles >иʽ :Clear Calculation Code > :Clear Column > :Clear Condition > :Clear Details >ϸĿ :Clear Dimensions >ߴ :Clear Entire Requisition >빺 :Clear Fast Menu before running this program >иóǰٲ˵ :Clear Fast Menu before running this report >иñǰٲ˵ :Clear File >ļ :Clear Files Before Update >ǰļ :Clear Filter >清除过滤器 :Clear Forecast Depletion >Ԥ :Clear Form > :Clear GRN hold? >GRN :Clear History >ʷ¼ :Clear Hold > :Clear Line > :Clear Lines > :Clear List >б :Clear Listview Contents >бͼ :Clear Manual Check >ֶ֧Ʊ :Clear Messages >清除消息 :Clear Multiple Lines > :Clear Notes >ע :Clear POD Information >PODϢ :Clear Password > :Clear Payment > :Clear Payment Information >Ϣ :Clear Previous Tracking on Send >ʱǰ׷ :Clear Price Entry >۸ :Clear Program Printer >ӡ :Clear Release >ǩ :Clear Reminder > :Clear Requisition or Line >빺 :Clear Row/Column > :Clear Search > :Clear Search Results > :Clear Selected Items >ѡĿ :Clear Selected Requisition Line >ѡ빺 :Clear Sort Items >Ŀ :Clear Style >ʽ :Clear Testing Output > :Clear Text >ı :Clear VBScript > VBScript :Clear Void Check >Ч֧Ʊ :Clear accounts that should be zero >ӦΪʻ :Clear all adjustment entries for this period? >ڵȫ :Clear all selection formulas >ѡʽ :Clear existing settings before copying >ǰ :Clear fields after each save >ÿαֶ :Clear files before recreate >´ǰļ :Clear filter statement > :Clear history adjustment file before update >ǰʷ¼ļ :Clear history adjustments >ʷ¼ :Clear history files before update >ǰʷ¼ļ :Clear index > :Clear invoice hold? >ҪƱ :Clear key > :Clear list of all parent parts >б :Clear payment information? >Ϣ :Clear pending sales transactions >ͣ۽ :Clear previous filters >ǰ :Clear printer for program >Ϊӡ :Clear purge flag > :Clear reference/notation after each receipt >ÿһվݺIJο :Clear reference/notation after each transaction >ÿһ׺IJο :Clear reference/supplier after each non-merch. distribution entry >ÿһǻƷIJοӦ :Clear release payment information? >ҪǩϢ :Clear search statement >清除搜索语句 :Clear serial number field after entry >к :Clear supplier's delivery note after each receipt >ÿջӦ̵Ľ :Clear the Address List >ַб :Clear the VBScript > VBScript :Clear this search >清除此搜索 :Clear variables between reports > :Cleared > :Cleared Activity >Ļ :Cleared by > :Cleared transaction summary by warehouse >İֿ⽻ժҪ :Cleared value >ֵ :Clearing stock > :Clearing stock flag > :Click '%1' to accept the imported LICENSE.XML file > '%1' ԽܵLICENSE.XMLļ :Click '%1' to add '%2' with the entered name and to add > '%1' %2' Լ :Click '%1' to add a Contact for each Customer > '%1' Ϊÿһҿͻϵ :Click '%1' to add a Contact for each Supplier > '%1' ΪÿһҹӦϵ :Click '%1' to add the '%2' Account and a single Contact that can be used > '%1' '%2' ʻͿõΨһϵ :Click '%1' to begin > '%1' ɿʼ :Click '%1' to begin executing the SQL script >뵥 '%1' ʼִSQLű :Click '%1' to begin the Assets conversion > '%1' ɿʼʲת :Click '%1' to begin the document format conversion >뵥 '%1' ʼĵʽת :Click '%1' to begin updates > '%1' ɿʼ :Click '%1' to configure SYSPRO to use MS Outlook for sending email > '%1' SYSPROʹMS Outlook͵ʼ :Click '%1' to continue > '%1' ɼ :Click '%1' to enter work addresses to be used for each Contact > '%1' ÿһϵ˶ʹõĹַ :Click '%1' to initialize these tables > '%1' ԳʼЩ :Click '%1' to proceed > '%1' ɼ :Click '%1' to start updates > '%1' :Click '%1' to verify that you will be able to run the Real time GL conversion > '%1' ֤ܹʵʱ GL ת :Click '%1' to view the list of files that require converting > '%1' Բ鿴Ҫתļб :Click 'Finish' to accept the imported LICENSE.XML file >ɡԽܵLICENSEXMLļ :Click 'Next' to accept the 'Remittance address' >һɽܡַ :Click 'Next' to accept the 'Ship to address' > 'һ'ɽ 'ַ' :Click 'Next' to accept the 'Sold to address' > 'һ'ɽ 'ַ' :Click 'Next' to accept the Address >һɽַܵ :Click 'Next' to add 'My Organization' with the entered name and to add >һӡҵ֯Լ :Click 'Next' to add a Contact for each Customer >һΪÿһҿͻϵ :Click 'Next' to add a Contact for each Supplier >һΪÿһҹӦϵ :Click 'Next' to add the 'Unassigned' Account and a single Contact that can be used >һӡδ䡱ʻͿõΨһϵ :Click 'Next' to begin >"һ"ʼ :Click 'Next' to begin conversion of configuration data >单击“下一步”可开始配置数据回话 :Click 'Next' to begin executing the SQL script >һԿʼִSQLű :Click 'Next' to begin the Assets conversion >һɿʼʲת :Click 'Next' to begin the document format conversion >һԿʼ¼ʽת :Click 'Next' to begin updates >һɿʼ :Click 'Next' to configure SYSPRO to use MS Outlook for sending email >һSYSPROʹMS Outlook͵ʼ :Click 'Next' to continue >һɿʼ :Click 'Next' to convert your custom form data >单击“下一步”可转化您的自定义表格数据 :Click 'Next' to enter work addresses to be used for each Contact >һÿһϵ˿ʹõĹַ :Click 'Next' to format the addresses > 'һ'ɸʽַ :Click 'Next' to identify files for conversion >单击“下一步”可识别转化文件 :Click 'Next' to initialize these tables >һԳʼЩ :Click 'Next' to invoke the new customer dialog > 'һ'¿ͻԻ :Click 'Next' to invoke the new supplier dialog >һɼ¹Ӧ̶Ի :Click 'Next' to start the database analysis >单击“下一步”可开始数据库分析 :Click 'Next' to start updates >һ :Click 'Next' to verify that you will be able to run the Real time GL conversion >һ֤ܹʵʱ GL ת :Click 'Next' to view the list of files that require converting >һԲ鿴Ҫתļб :Click 'Start Conversion' to run the 'SYSPRO61SP1.sql' script to convert your >ʼת 'SYSPRO61SP1.sql' űת :Click 'Start Conversion' to proceed >ʼתɼ :Click 'Start Conversion' to start the conversion process >单击“开始转化”可开始转化过程 :Click Finish to apply changes to the report >ɣӦöԱ :Click Finish to save the report >ɣԱ汨 :Click Finish to view the menu >ɣԲ鿴˵ :Click Next to login to SQL Server >单击下一步可登录 SQL 服务器 :Click Snooze to be reminded again in >С˯±ٴ :Click When You have Read the Subject >Ķʱ :Click and drag a form to a new position >ijijλ :Click and drag fields onto the form >϶ֶε :Click and drag to select required dates. Then click '%1' >϶ѡڡȻ󵥻 '%1' :Click and drag to select required dates. Then click 'Apply' >϶ѡڡȻ󵥻Ӧá :Click for alternate keys >ɻȡԿ :Click for invoice and payments >ҷƱ͸ :Click for invoices and payments >ԲҷƱ͸ :Click here for the file menu >˴ɻȡļ˵ :Click here for the latest news about SYSPRO >йSYSPROϢ뵥˴ :Click here if you wish to select a check now >如果您希望立即选择支票,请单击此处 :Click here to add resource component >˴Դ :Click here to add resource structure >˴Դṹ :Click here to get support online >뵥˴֧ :Click here to see how the push button will look >뵥˴鿴ť :Click here to start adding lines >˴ɿʼ :Click on 'Convert System-wide Files' to start the conversion >תϵͳļԿʼת :Click on a node in the flowgraph that you wish to modify, then select >ϣ޸ĵͼеĽڵ㣬Ȼѡ :Click on a toolbar button in an application that you wish to modify or action, then select >ϣ޸ĻӦóеĹťȻѡ :Click on the ADD button to add a control to this application > ADD ťӶԴӦóĿ :Click on the Address Mapping Preferences if you wish to set up defaults for mapping the >Click on the Address Mapping Preferences if you wish to set up defaults for mapping the :Click on the button below when you are finished >ɺ뵥°ť :Click to Add Customized Pane >Զ崰 :Click to Add a Criteria >单击可添加标准 :Click to Add a Selection >单击可添加选择 :Click to Add an Component/Operation >单击可添加部件/操作 :Click to Add an Option >单击可添加选项 :Click to Capture Manual Check Details >ɲֶ֧Ʊϸ :Click to Change Access Type >ɸķ :Click to Change Valid Invalid Selection >单击可更改有效无效选择 :Click to Change Valid Selection Criteria >单击可更改有效选择标准 :Click to Co >Click to Co :Click to Compress All Ports and FixPacks >ѹж˿ں޸ :Click to Configure Denied List of Companies >ù˾ܾб :Click to Configure List >б :Click to Copy a Selection >单击可复制选择 :Click to Copy an Option >单击可复制选项 :Click to Delete Field Definition >单击可删除字段定义 :Click to Design Form >单击可设计表格 :Click to Dismiss Activity >ɽɢ :Click to Dismiss this Notification >ɹرմͨ :Click to Edit Component/Operation >单击可编辑部件/操作 :Click to Edit Contact >ɱ༭ϵ :Click to Edit Operator '%1' >ɱ༭Ա '%1' :Click to Edit Option >单击可编辑选项 :Click to Edit Primary Role >ɱ༭ְ :Click to Edit Role >ɱ༭ְ :Click to Edit Role %1 >ɱ༭ְ %1 :Click to Edit Selection >单击可编辑选择 :Click to Exclude Attendee >ųϯ :Click to Expand All Ports and FixPacks >չж˿ں޸ :Click to Import Customized Panes >ɵԶ崰 :Click to Maintain Asset >άʲ :Click to Move Field Down >单击可向下移动字段 :Click to Move Field Up >单击可向上移动字段 :Click to Open Activity >ɴ򿪻 :Click to Query '%1' >ɲѯ '%1' :Click to Run .NET Assembly > .NET Assembly :Click to Run VBScript > VBScript :Click to Select Hierarchy >ѡּ :Click to Send Message to Workflow >̷Ϣ :Click to Show/Hide for All Operators and User Numbers >ʾ/вԱû :Click to Toggle Filter >л :Click to View Activity >ɲ鿴 :Click to View All Actions >ɲ鿴в :Click to View Contacts >Բ鿴ϵ :Click to View Current Users >Բ鿴ǰû :Click to View SYSPRO Installed Updates >ɲ鿴 SYSPRO Ѱװ :Click to View/Hide Detail Event Information >ɲ鿴/ϸ¼Ϣ :Click to add a define of non-stocked cod >ӷǿ붨 :Click to add a define of non-stocked codes >ӷǿ붨 :Click to add a group > :Click to add a list >б :Click to add a list of buyers >Ӳɹб :Click to add a list of customers >ӿͻб :Click to add a list of planners >ӼƻԱб :Click to add a list of product classes >ӲƷб :Click to add a list of stock codes >ӿб :Click to add a list of suppliers >ӹӦб :Click to add a list of warehouses >Ӳֿб :Click to add fields to this form >˱ֶ :Click to add manufacturer suppliers >̹Ӧ :Click to add messages >Ϣ :Click to add multi-column headings >Ӷ :Click to add notes >ע :Click to add or change action comments >ӻĶע :Click to add or change notes >ӻע :Click to add or change your detail lines >ӻϸ :Click to add report headings >ӱ :Click to add the warehouse to this stock code >˿Ӳֿ :Click to apply price >Ӧü۸ :Click to attach a route >单击可附加路线 :Click to change a contract >单击可更改合同 :Click to change action description >ɸIJ :Click to change action line details >ɸIJϸ :Click to change algorithm >Ը㷨 :Click to change basis >ԸĻ׼ :Click to change discount >ɸۿ :Click to change format >Ըĸʽ :Click to change or add RMA comments >ԸĻ˻Ȩ(RMA)ע :Click to change or add comments >ԸĻע :Click to change or add deposit comments >ɸĻӴע :Click to change or add notes >Ļ˵ :Click to change or add problem comments >ԸĻע :Click to change or add purchase order co >ɸĻӲɹ :Click to change or add purchase order comments >ɸĻӲɹע :Click to change or add requisition note >ԸĻ빺ע :Click to change or add requisition notes >ɸĻ빺ע :Click to change posting period >单击可更改过账周期 :Click to change price >ɸļ۸ :Click to change price u/m factor >Ըļ۸㵥λϵ :Click to change report options >Ըıѡ :Click to change sequence of query >ԸIJѯ˳ :Click to change status >单击可更改状态 :Click to change the branch or geographic area depending on GL Intergration level >取决于 GL 集成级别,单击可更改批或地区 :Click to change the date >ɸ :Click to change the posting period >单击可更改过账周期 :Click to change the printer >ɸĴӡ :Click to collapse group > :Click to collapse/open > :Click to configure >单击可配置 :Click to copy item >ɸĿ :Click to copy layouts >ɸƲ :Click to create a new SYSPRO Workflow Database >ɴ SYSPRO ݿ :Click to create contact >ɴϵ :Click to create the search window >ɴ :Click to define list of product classes >ɶƷб :Click to define a list of buyer codes >ɶɹ̴б :Click to define a list of buyers >ɶɹб :Click to define a list of contracts >ɶͬб :Click to define a list of job classes >ɶ幤б :Click to define a list of job classifica >ɶ幤б :Click to define a list of job classifications >ɶ幤б :Click to define a list of jobs >ɶ幤б :Click to define a list of non-stocked co >ɶǿб :Click to define a list of non-stocked codes >ɶǿб :Click to define a list of planners >ɶƻԱб :Click to define a list of product classe >ɶƷб :Click to define a list of product classes >ɶƷб :Click to define a list of purchase order >ɶɹб :Click to define a list of purchase orders >ɶɹб :Click to define a list of references >ɶοб :Click to define a list of requisitions >ɶ빺б :Click to define a list of source warehou >ɶԴֿб :Click to define a list of source warehouses >单击可定义源仓库列表 :Click to define a list of stock codes >ɶб :Click to define a list of suppliers >ɶ幩Ӧб :Click to define a list of target warehou >ɶĿֿб :Click to define a list of target warehouses >单击可定义目标仓库列表 :Click to define a list of warehouses >ɶֿб :Click to define dispatch note list >单击可定义发货单列表 :Click to define list of asset codes >单击可定义资产代码列表 :Click to define list of asset groups >单击可定义资产组列表 :Click to define list of asset locations >单击可定义资产位置列表 :Click to define list of asset types >单击可定义资产类型列表 :Click to define list of blanket po contracts >单击可定义一揽子采购订单合同列表 :Click to define list of customers >ɶͻб :Click to define list of dispatch notes >ɶ巢б :Click to define list of invoices >ɶ巢Ʊб :Click to define list of price codes >单击可定义价格代码列表 :Click to define list of purchase orders >ɶɹб :Click to define list of stock codes >ɶб :Click to define list of transfers >ɶתб :Click to define list of warehouses >ɶֿб :Click to define sales order list >单击可定义销售订单列表 :Click to define stock code list >单击可定义库存代码列表 :Click to delete a contract >单击可删除合同 :Click to delete the flow graph >单击可删除流程图 :Click to design > :Click to distribute amount >ɷ :Click to edit criteria >单击可编辑标准 :Click to edit factor >单击可编辑因子 :Click to edit route element >单击可编辑路线元素 :Click to edit schedule >单击可编辑排程 :Click to email >ɷ͵ʼ :Click to enable changing date presentation format >øʾʽ :Click to enable editing license fields >ñ༭ֶ֤ :Click to enter G/L analysis >(G/L) :Click to enter GL analysis > GL :Click to enter a list of warehouses >ֿб :Click to enter a range of serial numbers >单击可输入系列号码范围 :Click to get last price paid >ɻȡһ֧۸ :Click to multi level query >Խ༶ѯ :Click to open group > :Click to play >ɲ :Click to query >ѯ :Click to release >ɷ :Click to remove >Ƴ :Click to remove all keywords for this role >单击可移除此职责的所有关键字 :Click to remove all layouts for this program >ɾ˳в :Click to remove all layouts for this role >ɾְв :Click to remove keyword >ɾ :Click to remove this entry >ƳĿ :Click to reset all layouts for this program >ɸλ˳в :Click to reset all layouts for this role >ɸλְв :Click to reset docking layout >ɸλλ :Click to reset docking layout(s) >单击可复位坞布局 :Click to reset form layout >ɸλ񲼾 :Click to reset list view layout >ɸλб鿴 :Click to run program >г :Click to see details >Բ鿴ϸ :Click to select graph >ͼ :Click to select supply request >单击可选择供应请求 :Click to select the posting month >ѡ񷢲· :Click to show Allocations >ʾ :Click to show Alternate Stock Codes >ʾ油 :Click to show Contact Reminders >ʾϵ :Click to show Pricing >ʾ۸ :Click to show Purchase Orders >ʾɹ :Click to show Quotations >ʾ :Click to show Sales Orders >ʾ۶ :Click to show Structure & Routing >ʾṹ· :Click to show To-Do List >ʾ To-Do б :Click to show Work in Progress >ʾڽҵ :Click to show calendar >ʾ :Click to show line values >ʾмֵ :Click to show multiple bins >ʾλ :Click to show other related links >ʾ :Click to show where stock code used >ʾòο :Click to start import >单击可开始导入 :Click to start the search >单击可开始搜索 :Click to view A/P detail >ɲ鿴 A/P ϸ :Click to view A/P details >ɲ鿴Ӧʿ (A/P) ϸ :Click to view A/R detail >ɲ鿴Ӧʿ (A/R) ϸ :Click to view AP detail >ɲ鿴 AP ϸ :Click to view AP details >ɲ鿴 AP ϸ :Click to view AR detail >ɲ鿴 AR ϸ :Click to view AR details >ɲ鿴 AR ϸ :Click to view BOM Costing Query >单击可查看 BOM 成本查询 :Click to view VBScript >ɲ鿴VBScript :Click to view action history >Բ鿴ʷ¼ :Click to view commitments >Բ鿴ŵ :Click to view detail lines >Բ鿴ϸ :Click to view details >ɲ鿴ϸ :Click to view forecast measures >Բ鿴趨Ԥ :Click to view invoice and detail lines >单击可查看发票和明细行 :Click to view journals >Բ鿴ռ :Click to view new features >ɲ鿴 :Click to view operators >单击可查看操作员 :Click to view port details >ɲ鿴˿ϸ :Click to view recurring journals >ɲ鿴ռ :Click to view/edit detailed allocations >单击可查看/编辑详细分配 :Click to zoom on sales order line >۶ :Client >ͻ :Client Computers >ͻ :Client Details >ͻ :Client Machines >ͻ :Client Server Failed >客户机服务器故障 :Client Site Code >ͻվ :Client computer name >ͻ :Client directory functions >ͻĿ¼ :Client environment >ͻ :Client file >ͻļ :Client file to upload >ϴĿͻļ :Client folder >ͻļ :Client folder name >客户机文件夹名 :Client folders >ͻļ :Client id >ͻʶ :Client options >ͻѡ :Client server flag >ͻ־ :Client side >ͻ :Client type >ͻ :Client version >ͻ汾 :Client's name to appear in browser >ҪгֵĿͻ :Client-Server Diagnostic >ͻ- :Client-Server Utilities >ͻ-ʵó :Client-side reporting using SQL >ͻʹ SQL ı :Client-side reporting using XML >ͻʹ XML ı :Client/Server >ͻ :Client/Server Benchmark >ͻ׼ :Client/Server Diagnostic Query >ͻϲѯ :Client/Server Inconsistency >ͻһ :Client/Server Performance Test >ͻܲ :Client/Server Performance Test Completed >ɿͻܲ :Client/Server Performance Test in Progress >ִпͻܲ :Client/Server Update >ͻ :Client/Server Utilities >ͻ/ʩ :Client/Server id >ͻ/˱ʶ :Client/Server printing >ͻӡ :Close >ر :Close Include options >رաѡ :Close Maintenance and G/L Distribution prior to exiting >˳ǰȹرά (G/L) :Close Maintenance and GL Distribution prior to exiting >˳ǰȹرά (GL) :Close Payments >رա :Close Preview >رԤ :Close Report >رձ :Close Selected Drawers >رѡijƱ :Close Selection Criteria Validation >关闭选择标准验证 :Close Window >رմ :Close Without Saving >ر :Close Word >رWord :Close and undo allocations >رղ :Close application >رӦó :Close bracket >关闭支架 :Close deposits >رմ :Close previous month automatically >Զرһ· :Close the application >رմӦó :Close the window >رմ˴ :Close this application >رմӦó :Close this message >رմϢ :Close this window >رոô :Closed >ѹر :Closed (9) >ѹر(9) :Closed capex items >ѹرʱĿ :Closes the scripts pane without executing any of the scripts >ִκνűرսű :Closing >ر :Closing A/P balance >ڹرӦʿ(A/P) :Closing A/R balance >ڹرӦʿ(A/R) :Closing AP balance >ڹرӦʿ(AP) :Closing AR balance >ڹرӦʿ(AR) :Closing Balance >ĩ :Closing Balances Graph >ͼ :Closing Balances for Stock Code >ڹرտ :Closing SYSPRO Server >رSYSPRO :Closing balance must be zero on expense and revenue accounts >úʻеĩΪ? :Closing balances >ĩ :Closing balances for period %1 >ر %1 :Closing cash balance >رֽ :Closing costs >ĩɱ :Closing period >ر :Closing quotes not found for string >ڹرδҵַ :Closing statement balance >ĩ :Cmp > :Cnt comp >ɼ :Co >Co :Co Aft >һҹ˾ :Co product Detail >Ʒϸ :Co tax registration no >˾˰ǼǺ :Co-Product Custom Form Fields >ͬƷԶֶ :Co-Product scrap codes ignored as there is no scrap qty >ޱ˺ԹͬƷƷ :Co-Products Detail Section >ͬƷϸ :Co-Products Scrap Maintenance >ͬƷά :Co-product >ͬƷ :Co-product %1 is linked to a notional part on route %2 >ͬƷ%1 · %2 ϵĹ񲿼 :Co-product '%1' is manufactured via a notional part on route '%2' >ͬƷ'%1' ͨ· '%2' ϵĸ :Co-product Detail >ͬƷϸ :Co-product Details >ͬƷϸ :Co-product Error >ͬƷ :Co-product Excluded >ųĹͬƷ :Co-product Jobs >ͬƷҵ :Co-product Lot/Serial Reservation >ͬƷΣϵб :Co-product Maintenance >ͬƷά :Co-product Quantities >ͬƷ :Co-product Quantity >ͬƷ :Co-product Receipt >ͬƷվ :Co-product Receipt Error >ͬƷվݴ :Co-product Receipts >ͬƷվ :Co-product Receipts Error >ͬƷվݴ :Co-product Scrap >ͬƷƷ :Co-product Transaction Processing >ͬƷ״ :Co-product bin >ͬƷ :Co-product complete >ͬƷ :Co-product cost apportionment >Ʒɱ̯ :Co-product is a traceable part and because the job number is to be the lot number, then the job and lot key types must be the same >ͬƷΪɸҵ뽫κ룬ҵμͱͬ :Co-product is complete >ͬƷ :Co-product is not attached to notional part >ͬƷδ :Co-product is not on file >ͬƷ :Co-product is on hold >ͬƷѹ :Co-product line >ͬƷ :Co-product line '%1' not found >δҵͬƷ '%1' :Co-product line selection >ͬƷѡ :Co-product lot >ͬƷ :Co-product not found >δҵͬƷ :Co-product not in the same warehouse as notional part >Ϊ ͬһֿеĹͬƷ :Co-product not stocked in job warehouse >ͬƷҵֿ޿ :Co-product not stocked in warehouse >ͬƷڲֿ޿ :Co-product notional part >Ʒ :Co-product operation does not fall within the operation selection >ͬƷڲѡΧ֮ :Co-product planning period >ͬƷƻ :Co-product quantities to make have changed and at least one of the factory documents has been printed >칲ͬƷѸģѴӡһݹĵ :Co-product quantity must be negative >ͬƷΪ :Co-product record is locked >ͬƷ¼ :Co-product selection >ͬƷѡ :Co-product serial >ͬƷϵ :Co-product type >Ʒ :Co-products >ͬƷ :Co-products Information >ͬƷϢ :Co-products Jobs >ͬƷ :Co-products Receipts >ͬƷվ :Co-products Selection >ͬƷѡ :Co-products end on line >ͬƷ :Co-products for Parent >ʹͬƷ :Co-products manufactured via notional part >ͨĹͬƷ :Co-products start on line >ͬƷʼ :CoProduct >联合产品 :Code > :Code %1 > %1 :Code %1 - Description > %1 - :Code %1 Description > %1 :Code Editor >༭ :Code Maintenance >ά :Code less promo >޴ :Code not saved >δĴ :Code page >ҳ :Code snippet > :Code status list >״̬б :Code used to select stock code >ѡĴ :Code/Zip code >代码/邮政编码 :Coded >ѱ :Coded Comment Line >编码注解行 :Coded Comments >븽ע :Coded Less Chain >DZ :Coded Less Chain Discount >ȥۿ۱ :Coded Less Unit Discount >ȥλۿ۱ :Coded discount >ѱۿ :Coded discount value >ѱۿۼֵ :Coded discounted price >ѱۿۼ۸ :Coded less unit discount value >ȥλۿֵ :Coded price >ѱ۸ :Coded price code >ѱ۸ :Coded pricing U/m >ѱ붨ۼ㵥λ :Codepage >ҳ :Codes > :Codes converted >תĴ :Codes for analysis category > :Codes to replace > :Coeff. of variance >ϵ :Coefficient of variance >ϵ :Collapse >۵ :Collapse All >۵ȫ :Collapse All Groups > :Collapse All Rows >۵ :Collapse All Rows in a Report >۵е :Collate >У :Collation >У :Collation Method >УԷ :Collation Name >У :Collection > :Collection Contents > :Collection Descriptor > :Collection Descriptor Details > :Collection Descriptor Maintenance >ά :Collection Descriptors > :Collection Information >Ϣ :Collection Maintenance >ά :Collection Structure >Ͻṹ :Collection Unit of Measure >ϼλ :Collection additions >ռ :Collection changes >ռ :Collection deletions >ռɾ :Collection descriptors Maintenance >ά :Collection instance >ռʵ :Collection to use >ʹռ :Collection's history may need updating >ʷ¼Ҫ :Collections > :Collector >Ա :Collector Maintenance >Աά :Collectors >Ա :Color >ɫ :Color Each Element >ÿһԪͿɫ :Color Selection Warning >ɫѡ񾯸 :Color Selector >ɫѡ :Color matching intent >ɫƥͼ :Color matching method >ɫƥ䷽ :Color settings >ɫ :Color theme >ɫ :Color to apply >ɫ :Color to set >趨ɫ :Colorize group headings >Ϳɫ :Column > :Column %1 truncated >ɾڵ %1 :Column not found in Report Writer Data Dictionary >δڱ¼ֵҵ :Column %1 > %1 :Column %1 truncated >ɾ %1 :Column Average >ƽֵ :Column Calculations > :Column Description >˵ :Column Entered > :Column Entry > :Column Headers >ͷ :Column Information >Ϣ :Column Maint >ά :Column Maintenance >ά :Column Maintenance - Report >ά - :Column Missing >ʧ :Column Properties > :Column Quick View >ٲ鿴 :Column Selected >ѡ :Column Selection >ѡ :Column Sequence >˳ :Column Sum >ܺ :Column alignment > :Column already selected >ѡ :Column header text >ı :Column heading > :Column heading element >Ҫ :Column headings > :Column headings '%1' > '%1' :Column must be company id >ǹ˾id :Column must be equal > :Column name > :Column name '%1' has the same name as the one of the primary key columns >列栏名 '%1' 具备与主密钥列栏之一相同的名称 :Column name '%1' has the same name as the primary key >列栏名 '%1' 具备与主密钥相同的名称 :Column name cannot contain embedded spaces >列栏名不可含嵌套空格 :Column name is an ODBC Server reserved word. Please enter a new column name >列栏名为 ODBC 服务器保留字。请输入新列栏名 :Column name of field changed >ĵֶ :Column no > :Column not defined >δ :Column not found in Report Writer Data Dictionary >ڱдֵδҵ :Column number > :Column options >ѡ :Column selected is non-numeric >ѡǷ :Column style >ʽ :Column to be updated >µ :Column to print at >ӡ :Column to save > :Column to start print >ʼӡ :Column type > :Column verification details >֤ϸ :Column width > :Column width based on objects in the >¸ж :Column width type > :Column wrapping > :Columns > :Columns Have Changed >Ѹĵ :Columns Sequence >˳ :Columns for >; :Columns to Print >ӡ :Com > :Combine orders for a single customer into one new order >һͻĶϵһ¶ :Combine warehouses >ϲֿ :Combined >Ѻϲ :Combined check & remittance >֧Ʊ :Combo Box >Ͽ :Comission code >Ӷ :Comm code >ע :Comm percent >Ӷٷֱ :Comma separator for check amount >֧Ʊŷָ :Command > :Command line > :Commandline parameter >в :Comment >ע :Comment %1 >ע %1 :Comment '%1' line number >ע '%1' к :Comment 1 >ע1 :Comment 2 >ע2 :Comment Code Details >ע :Comment Code Maintenance >עά :Comment Codes Maintenance >עά :Comment Detail >ע :Comment Information >עϢ :Comment Lines >ע :Comment Section >עͲ :Comment Text >注解文本 :Comment Text for Order >עı :Comment associated line >ע :Comment attachment options >עѡ :Comment code >עʹ :Comment code '%1' not found >δҵӶ '%1' :Comment description >ע˵ :Comment line >ע :Comment line %1 >注解行 %1 :Comment line processing >עд :Comment line style >עʽ :Comment lines will not be displayed when using this sequence >ʹø˳ʱʾע :Comment notes >注解附注 :Comment print type >עӡ :Comment printing options >עӡѡ :Comment text for operations >עı :Comment to describe Contact >ϵע :Comment type >ע :Comments >ע :Comments Code Maintenance >עά :Commision Codes >Ӷ :Commision Codes Maintenance >Ӷά :Commision code >Ӷ :Commision code for price code being changed >۸ӶѸ :Commission >Ӷ :Commission % >Ӷ% :Commission %1 >佣金 %1 :Commission %2 >佣金 %2 :Commission %3 >佣金 %3 :Commission %4 >佣金 %4 :Commission Code Details >Ӷ :Commission Code Maintenance >Ӷά :Commission Codes >Ӷ :Commission Codes Maintenance >Ӷά :Commission Percent >Ӷٷֱ :Commission calculation >Ӷ :Commission code >Ӷ :Commission code \"0\" indicates no commission available, therefore a non-zero percentage is invalid >Ӷ\"0\"ʾӶ˷ٷֱЧ :Commission code for changed price code >Ѹļ۸Ӷ :Commission for each salesperson will not be calculated >ÿһԱӶ :Commission percentage >Ӷٷֱ :Commission to be calculated >Ӷ :Commissionable value calculation basis >Ӷֵ׼ :Commit Transaction >ŵ :Commited >ѳŵ :Commitment >ŵ :Commitment Account >иʻ :Commitment Accounting >и :Commitment Accounting Required >Ҫи :Commitment Accounting not required >Ҫŵ :Commitment Accounting not required for commitment type '%1' > '%1' Ҫŵ :Commitment Accounting not required. Program cancelled >Ҫиơȡ :Commitment Accounting take-on/clear successful >иƳнӣɹ :Commitment Posting - Dummy window >и 贰 :Commitment Status >и״̬ :Commitment Values >иֵ :Commitment accounting has not been selected for either Requisitions or Purchase orders. Program cancelled >δѡ빺ɹijŵơȡ :Commitment accounting update currently not supported >Ŀǰֳ֧ŵƸ :Commitment flag >ŵ :Commitment for flowcentric >Commitment for flowcentric :Commitment transaction not found for GL code '%1', reference '%2', line '%3' >δҵ(GL) '%1' ο '%2' '%3' ijŵ :Commitment value cannot be zero when adding or changing a commitment >ӻijŵʱŵֵΪ :Commitment values for ledger >˳ŵֵ :Commitments >и :Committed >ѳи :Committed Labor >ŵͶ :Committed Material >ŵ :Committed Subcontract >ŵְͬ :Committments >ŵ :Commssion code >Ӷ :Communication > :Comp >˾ :Comp / wctr >Comp / wctr :Comp release >˾ǩ :Comp version >˾汾 :CompDetails >˾ :Companies >˾ :Companies selected >ѡ˾ :Companies that share the inventory file >ļĹ˾ :Company >˾ :Company %1 of %2 > %1 ҹ˾ %2 :Company '%1' is SQL Server based but your system setup indicates that 'All Companies are C-ISAM' >˾ '%1' һһSQLĹ˾ϵͳȴָ"й˾ΪC-ISAM" :Company '%1' not found >δҵ˾ '%1' :Company AP balance remains >ʣ˾ AP :Company Access >˾ :Company Address >˾ַ :Company Browse >公司浏览 :Company Calendar >˾ :Company Calendar Maintenance >˾ά :Company Calendar Maintenance Password >˾ά :Company Code >˾ :Company Configured Source >˾Դ :Company Control File >˾ļ :Company Date >˾ :Company Date and Temporary date >˾ںʱ :Company ID >˾ID :Company ID for Tax File >˰ļĹ˾ID :Company ID for site >վĹ˾ID :Company ID for tax file may not be blank >˰ļĹ˾IDΪհ :Company IDs >˾ID :Company Information >˾Ϣ :Company Login >˾¼ :Company Maintenance >˾ά :Company Name (ADMCTL) >˾(ADMCTL) :Company Not On File >˾ļ :Company Options >˾ѡ :Company Pane >˾ :Company Password >˾ :Company Passwords >˾ :Company Selection >˾ѡ :Company Setup >˾ :Company Tables >˾ :Company Totals in Local currency >ػҹ˾ϼ :Company Validation >˾֤ :Company Viewers: %1 >˾鿴 %1 :Company XML encoding >˾ XML :Company after >֮Ĺ˾ :Company after transfer >ת֮˾ :Company and password disabled >ѽù˾ :Company available for selection >ѡ˾ :Company before transfer >ת֮ǰ˾ :Company browse not available >公司浏览不可用 :Company control balance >˾ :Company control balance in local currency >ػҹ˾ :Company control totals balancing error >˾ƺϼ :Company costing method >˾ɱ㷽 :Company data format >˾ݸʽ :Company database >˾ݿ :Company database format >公司数据库格式 :Company database: %1 >˾ݿ⣺ %1 :Company date presentation format >˾ڱʾʽ :Company default >˾Ĭ :Company details >˾ :Company disabled >ѽù˾ :Company enabled >ù˾ :Company for tax codes file >˰մļĹ˾ :Company format >公司格式 :Company format file not found >δҵ˾ʽļ :Company from information >ϢĹ˾ :Company function >˾ְ :Company graphic >˾ͼ :Company gross outstanding value >˾ëδֵ :Company history >˾ʷ :Company id blank >˾ id հ :Company license >˾֤ :Company license expired >公司许可证失效 :Company license expired - Use the Registration Tab in the Company Setup to update your license details >˾֤ʧЧ - ʹù˾е빺ѡ֤ :Company license has expired >˾֤ʧЧ :Company list >˾б :Company login disabled >已禁用公司登录 :Company margin >˾ë :Company merch total >公司商品合计 :Company method >˾ :Company name >˾ :Company name already in use >ʹù˾ :Company name and address >˾͵ַ :Company nationality code >˾ :Company net outstanding value >˾δֵ :Company not found >δҵ˾ :Company prompt >˾ʾ :Company registration number >˾빺 :Company revenue/expense totals not zero >˾/úϼƲΪ :Company set-up >˾ :Company specific attribute data mapping >˾ضӳ :Company specific data mapping >˾ضӳ :Company style >˾ʽ :Company tax >˾˰ :Company tax reg no >˾˰ע :Company tax registration >˾˰յǼ :Company tax registration number >˾˰յǼǺ :Company to access >ʹ˾ :Company to information >ϢĹ˾ :Company total >˾ϼ :Company totals >˾ϼ :Company unavailable, incorrect database format >˾áȷݿʽ :Company unavailable, incorrect version >˾áȷ汾 :Company unavailable, no Viewer seats >˾á޲鿴ϯλ :Company unavailable, not licensed for Analytics >˾ãδȡAnalyticsʹ :Company values >˾ֵ :Company watermarks >公司水印 :Company(s) >˾ :Company, group or operator >˾Ա :Company, group, operator or role >˾顢Աְ :Company/database flag >˾ݿ־ :Comparative >Ƚ :Compare >Ƚ :Compare current forecasts with draft forecasts, enabling the checking of reasonableness of newly-generated draft forecasts >ȽϵǰԤݰԤ⣬ɲݰԤĺԼ :Compare to >¸Ƚ :Comparing >Ƚ :Comparison type >Ƚ :Comparison value >Ƚֵ :Compay not on file >˾ļ :Competition > :Competition measure >ⶨ :Competition options >ѡ :Compile and save code >벢 :Compile code > :Complete > :Complete (9) > (9) :Complete (L) >(L) :Complete Allocation >ɷ :Complete Contract >完整合同 :Complete Line > :Complete Load >װ :Complete Lots >完整批次 :Complete Purchase Order >ɹ :Complete Reservations > :Complete loads >װ :Complete this order >ɴ˶ :Complete this order? >Ҫɸö :Completed > :Completed Allocations >ɵķ̯ :Completed BPO contracts >ɵۺԲɹ (BPO) ͬ :Completed GIT's >GIT :Completed Job Password >ҵ :Completed Jobs >ɵҵ :Completed Lots >已完成批次 :Completed P/Orders >ɲɹ :Completed Payments >еĸ :Completed Quotations >ɱ :Completed RMAs >ɵFMA :Completed S/Orders >۶ :Completed Serials >已完成系列 :Completed contract (8) >ɺͬ(8) :Completed contract lines >ɺͬ :Completed contracts >ɺͬ :Completed date > :Completed dispatch notes >ɷ :Completed inspection references >ɵļο :Completed job >ɵҵ :Completed jobs deleted >ɾɹ :Completed jobs only >ҵ :Completed lines > :Completed order (9) >ɶ(9) :Completed purchase order lines >ɲɹ :Completed purchase orders >ɲɹ :Completed sales order lines >۶ :Completed sales order lines (open sales order) >۶У۶ :Completed sales orders >۶ :Completed shipments before archiving >浵ǰɻ :Completed transfers >ת :Completing a Load >ɸ :Completing a job with outstanding materials, operations or purchase orders not allowed >ʹδIJϡɹҵ :Completion date > :Completion date selection >ѡ :Completion overdue by today >Ϊɹ :Completion percentage >ɰٷֱ :Compoenent Stock Code > :Component > :Component %1 is a phantom part > '%1' :Component %1 not stocked in warehouse %2 reverted to warehouse to use >ڲֿ %2 ޿IJ %1 ҪʹõIJֿ :Component '%1' > '%1' :Component '%1' does not have a primary bin > '%1' ߱ :Component '%1' does not have enough stock > '%1' ߱Ŀ :Component '%1' is on hold > '%1' :Component '%1' is traceable, serialized or ECC-controlled > '%1' ɸ١ϵлܹ̱(ECC) :Component '%1' not on file > '%1' :Component '%1' not stocked in warehouse '%2' > '%1' ڲֿ '%2' ޿ :Component / operation > :Component / work center >ҵ :Component Additional Info >部件附加信息 :Component Additional Information >部件附加信息 :Component Dependent > :Component Dependents >部件依赖因素 :Component Error > :Component Information >Ϣ :Component Lines > :Component Locked > :Component Lot Tracking for Stock Code >εĿ :Component Lots > :Component Lots for Co-product Lot >ͬƷεIJ :Component Lots for Parent Lot >εIJ :Component Maintenance >ά :Component Narrations > :Component Non-Stocked Information >ǿϢ :Component Quantity Calculations > :Component Quantity Type > :Component Selection for sales orders and quotes only >۶ͱ۵IJѡ :Component Selection/Maintenance (other than sales) >ѡάۣ :Component Serial Tracking for Stock Code >ϵеĿ :Component Serials >ϵ :Component Serials for Co-product Serial >ͬƷϵеIJϵ :Component Serials for Parent Serial >ϵеIJϵ :Component Stock Information >Ϣ :Component Types > :Component U/m >λ :Component Warehouse >ֿ :Component Warehouse to Use is not on file >ʹòֿⲻ :Component Where-used >ʹõ :Component bin > :Component cannot be selected if parent has not been selected >δѡ򲻿ѡ񲿼 :Component code > :Component conversion factor >תϵ :Component conversion factor code >תϵ :Component dependencies > :Component details >ϸ :Component does not have sufficient stock >治 :Component found not dependent >找到的无依赖性部件 :Component inclusion > :Component inclusion by job number >ҵIJ :Component inclusion by job number is incompatible with manual and scripted job numbering when running Requirements Calculation >按工作号码融入部件在运行要求计算时与手动和脚本工作编号不兼容 :Component inclusion by job number is incompatible with manual job numbering when running Requirements Calculation >ҪʱҵIJ˹ҵ벻 :Component inclusion by job number is incompatible with manual job numbering when running Requirements Calculation. Do you wish to continue >ҪʱֶŲݡϣ :Component inclusion by job number is incompatible with manual job numbering when running Requirements Calculation. Do you wish to continue? >ҪʱҵIJ˹ҵ벻ݡϣ :Component is not a lot traceable item >οɸĿ :Component is not a serialized item >ϵлĿ :Component is not stocked in parent's warehouse >ֿ޿ :Component is on hold >ѹ :Component is traceable or serialized >ɸٻϵл :Component is traceable, ECC controlled or serialized >ɸ١EECƻϵл :Component lot > :Component may not be a notional part >Ǹ :Component may not be spaces >Ϊո :Component not found >δҵ :Component offset >ƫ :Component options >ѡ :Component part '%1' cannot be changed >ɸIJ '%1' :Component quantity > :Component rel >ǩ :Component release > :Component rev >޶ :Component rev/rel >޶ͷ :Component revision >汾 :Component same as parent >与主部件相同部件 :Component serial >ϵ :Component serial numbers tracked >ѸٵIJϵк :Component stock code > :Component stock code blank >部件库存代码空白 :Component stock description >˵ :Component structure missing >ṹȱ :Component to Parent Details >ϸ :Component to Parent Lot Tracking >θ :Component to Parent Lot Tracking Browse >θ :Component to Parent Lot Tracking Query >θٲѯ :Component to Parent Serial Information >ϵϢ :Component to Parent Serial Track Browse >ϵи :Component to Parent Serial Tracking >ϵи :Component to Parent Serial Tracking Query >ϵиٲѯ :Component to Parent Tracking Query >ʸٲѯ :Component to Parent Tracking is not required. Program cancelled >Ҫʸ١ȡ :Component to Replace > :Component to replace description > :Component to replace is non-stocked >Ϊǿ沿 :Component to replace options >ѡ :Component to replace release > :Component to replace rev/rel not on file >޶/в :Component to replace revision >汾 :Component unit of measure >λ :Component unit quantity >λ :Component uom >λ :Component value >ֵ :Component w/h for suggested jobs >ΪҵIJ :Component w/h to use >ʹõIJֿ :Component warehouse not on file >ֿⲻ :Component warehouse to use >ʹõIJֿ :Component wh for suggested jobs >鹤ֿ :Component wh to use >ʹòֿ :Component's primary bin is blank >Ϊհ :Component's warehouse does not exist >ֲ :Component/operation >/ :Component/work center >/ :Components > :Components Exist > :Components already attached to current parent part. You may continue and elect to delete existing components, insert only new components or merge new with existing components >ӵǰֵIJɼѡɾвֻ²²вϲ :Components and operations > :Components and/or operations exist for stock code >ڿIJͣ :Components are comments >Ϊע :Components attached to stock code:LEVEL. Exceed low level code limit of %1. Program aborted >codeLEVELIJ˵ͼ %1 ֹ :Components error >部件错误 :Components exist against this item. Change to bought out >ԴĿIJΪ :Components exist against this item. Change to bought out? >ԱĿвڡҪΪ :Components exist. Change part category anyway >ڲ֮Ҫ :Components exist. Change part category anyway? >Ѵڡ֮Ҫ :Components for Stock Code >벿 :Components of kits will only be dispatched if their parents have been selected for dispatch and then, the entire kit will be dispatched. Ok to continue >ֻѡзʱɶԹ߰߰һȷҪ :Components of kits will only be dispatched if their parents have been selected for dispatch and then, the entire kit will be dispatched. Ok to continue? >ֻ߰ǵ߰ѱѡʱŽͣ߰͡ȷҪ :Components/Operations > :Compound finance charge >复合融资费用 :Compound finance charges >ۺԲշ :Comprising message >Ϣ :Comps/Ops >Ԫ/ :Comps/Ops for Configuration >ò/ :Comps/ops selected >ѡIJ :Computer name > :Concession >ò :Concession Number >Ȩ :Concession no >Ȩ :Concurrent > :Concurrent Co-products >ͬƷ :Concurrent users >ʹõû :Condition > :Condition Configuration > :Condition Description > :Condition Entry > :Condition Field >ֶ :Condition Limit > :Condition Maintenance >ά :Condition Validation >֤ :Condition for Variable %Stale > %Stale :Condition maintenance delete error >άɾ :Condition maintenance format error >άʽ :Condition name > :Conditional > :Conditional E-mail by List >бʼ :Conditional Email by List >бʼ :Conditional Formatting >ʽ :Conditional Print Information >ӡϢ :Conditional Print Position >ӡλ :Conditional Print Positions >ӡλ :Conditional attribute (Scatter graph only) > (ɢͼ) :Conditions for Inclusion in Report >ڱе :Conf > :Conf/Rej date >ȷϣ :Config. Discount >ۿ :Configuration > :Configuration Discount >ۿ :Configuration File >ļ :Configuration Level >ü :Configuration Libraries >ÿ :Configuration Library >ÿ :Configuration Library Maintenance >ÿά :Configuration Maintenance >ά :Configuration Password > :Configuration Purge in Process >ִ :Configuration Status >״̬ :Configuration Totals >ܶ :Configuration code >ô :Configuration database >ݿ :Configuration date > :Configuration details > :Configuration file maintenance >ļά :Configuration folder >ļ :Configuration level to apply system-wide >Ӧϵͳü :Configuration locked by another user >һûIJֿ :Configuration multiplier >ϵ :Configuration options >ѡ :Configuration selection >ѡ :Configuration table >ñ :Configuration version >ð汾 :Configurations > :Configurations deleted >ɾ :Configurations purge > :Configurator > :Configurator Component Dependencies >ó򲿼 :Configurator Component Dependents for Config >ó򲿼 :Configurator Components for Configuration >õ :Configurator Components for Option >ѡ :Configurator Comps & Ops for Configuration >õѡ :Configurator Configuration >ó :Configurator Configurations > :Configurator Criteria for Selection >ѡ׼ :Configurator Dependent Selection Criteria for Config >õѡ׼ :Configurator Invalid Selection Criteria for Config >õЧѡ׼ :Configurator Job Creation >ҵ :Configurator Libraries > :Configurator Non-stock Price / Cost Maintenance >ǿ۸񣯳ɱά :Configurator Non-stock Price/Cost Maintenance >óǿ۸/ɱά :Configurator Operations for Option >ѡ :Configurator Options for Configuration >õѡ :Configurator Parent Creation > :Configurator Purge > :Configurator Replace Where Used >óʱ滻 :Configurator SQL to ISAM Copy >SQLISAM :Configurator Selections >ѡ :Configurator Selections for Configuration >õѡ :Configurator Wizard > :Configure > :Configure Biometric/smart card >ʶܿ :Configure Custom Activity Filter Options >Զѡ :Configure Custom Transaction Filter Options >Զ彻׹ѡ :Configure Default Font >Ĭ :Configure Detail Log >־ :Configure Details > :Configure List >б :Configure Log Details >־ϸ :Configure Year End > :Configure a template to use to structure General Ledger codes >ʹõģ壬Խṹ˴ :Configure activities >û :Configure applications to be run within task groups >еӦó :Configure by > :Configure contract >úͬ :Configure custom filter options >Զѡ :Configure drawing sizes >ͼֽߴ :Configure e.net License >e.net֤ :Configure e.net licenses >e.net֤ :Configure events that you want to monitor within the product as they occur >ϣ䷢ʱڲƷڼص¼ :Configure fields >ֶ :Configure how incoming, outgoing and failed XML documents must be processed >ýվվʧ XML ĵĴʽ :Configure how roles are used in SYSPRO > SYSPRO ʹְ :Configure how you want to store sales history summary information >ϣδ洢ʷժҪϢ :Configure policies for individual stock items for use in inventory optimization to model and calculate minimum and maximum stock levels over time >ڴŻĸĿߣԽģͼʱ仯ͺ߿ˮƽ :Configure script >ýű :Configure the Electronic Signatures system >õǩϵͳ :Configure the behavior of listview-type windows that are referred to as property controls >óƲƵбͼരڵΪ :Configure the calendars which will be used for forecasting >Ԥ :Configure the default location to which all SRS documents must be archived and indicate the criteria according to which archived documents must be purged >ù鵵 SRS ĵĬλòָݴ鵵ĵı׼ :Configure the format that will be used to print RMA Issue documents >ڴӡ RMA ǩĵĸʽ :Configure the hierarchy of statuses through which an engineering change order must be routed before it can be completed >״ּ̬ԿɽǰΪ̱ѡ· :Configure the master database, servers and sites required for SYSPRO analytics > SYSPRO Analytics Ҫݿ⡢վ :Configure triggers that allow you to assign actions to be executed automatically at specific processing points >ضԶִвĴ :Configured by role >ְ :Configured using System Setup >ʹϵͳõ :Confimed quotations >ȷϱ :Confirm >ȷ :Confirm Action >ȷ϶ :Confirm Activity Delete >ȷϻɾ :Confirm Add >ȷ :Confirm All >ȷȫ :Confirm Cancellation >ȷȡ :Confirm Cancellations >ȷȡ :Confirm Changes >ȷϸı :Confirm Copy >ȷϸ :Confirm Count >ȷϼ :Confirm Customer Deletion >ȷϿͻɾ :Confirm Database >ȷݿ :Confirm Delete >ȷɾ :Confirm Delete LCT Route >确认删除 LCT 路线 :Confirm Deleteion >ȷɾ :Confirm Deletion >ȷɾ :Confirm Deletion? >ȷɾ? :Confirm Deletions >ȷɾ :Confirm Delivery >ȷϽ :Confirm Detachment >ȷϷ :Confirm Detachments >ȷϷֿ :Confirm Field Deletion >ȷɾֶ :Confirm File Delete >ȷļɾ :Confirm Load >ȷװ :Confirm Multiple Program Delete >ȷ϶ɾ :Confirm New Item >ȷ½Ŀ :Confirm Ok To Delete >ȷȷҪɾ :Confirm Release >ȷǩ :Confirm Removal >ȷƳ :Confirm Rollback >ȷϷת :Confirm Save >ȷϱ :Confirm Selected Job >ȷѡҵ :Confirm Selected Job/s >ȷѡҵ :Confirm Substitution >ȷ滻 :Confirm Substitutions >ȷ滻 :Confirm Update >ȷϸ :Confirm Version Delete >ȷϰ汾ɾ :Confirm Workflow Delete >ȷϹɾ :Confirm all the details entered during the wizard process. To modify a particular item press the '%1' button until you get to the appropriate stage of the wizard >ȷִڼϸҪ޶ijضĿ밴 '%1' ťֱﵽ򵼵ʵ׶Ϊֹ :Confirm all the details entered during the wizard process. To modify a particular item press the back button until you get to the appropriate stage of the wizard >򵼽顣Ҫ޸ضĿ밴סذťֱﵽ򵼵ʵ׶ :Confirm an offer into a sales order or a job or a mix of both >ȷϵ۶ߵ :Confirm before publishing >ǩǰȷ :Confirm cancel >ȷȡ :Confirm change >ȷϸ :Confirm completed successfully >ѳɹȷ :Confirm details of the stock take capture process and update the live inventory file with the captured quantities >ȷ̵㲶̵鲢ʵʱļ :Confirm exit >ȷ˳ :Confirm item to add >ȷĿ :Confirm new password >ȷ :Confirm password >ȷ :Confirm quotation >ȷϱ :Confirm quotation? >ȷϱۣ :Confirm removals >ȷɾ :Confirm save settings >ȷϱ :Confirm selection >ȷѡ :Confirm struct changes >ȷϽṹı :Confirm the count quantities captured using the Asset Count Capture or Asset Count Import programs >ȷʲʲļ :Confirm version copy >ȷϰ汾 :Confirm when item added >Ŀʱȷ :Confirm/Unconfirm >ȷϣ :Confirm/Unconfirm All Jobs >ȷϣȷҵ :Confirmation >ȷ :Confirmation Options >ȷѡ :Confirmation aborted for warehouse '%1' >Ϊ '%1' ж :Confirmation cancelled >ȷȡ :Confirmation completed for warehouse '%1' >Ϊ '%1' :Confirmation details >ȷ :Confirmation selection >ȷѡ :Confirmations Import >ȷϵ :Confirmed >ȷ :Confirmed (4) >ȷϵ(4) :Confirmed Date >ȷ :Confirmed Releases Purge Recap >ȷϷ :Confirmed Releases Purge by Date in Process >ִаȷϵķ :Confirmed Supplies >ȷϹ :Confirmed before - >֮ǰȷ - :Confirmed flag >ȷϵı־ :Confirmed jobs >ȷϵҵ :Confirmed on >ȷϴ :Confirmed quotations >ȷϱ :Confirms the Workflow Display Settings >ȷϹʾ :Conflict File Not Found >ͻļ :Congratulations! Those are all the answers the wizard >ףΪ򵼴˵ :Connect > :Connect to SQL Server >SQL :Connecting > :Connecting to Business layer Utilites.CheckConnection object on '%1' > '%1' ϵҵUtilites.CheckConnection :Connecting to Company >˾ :Connecting to Database >ݿ :Connecting to database '%1' >ݿ '%1' :Connecting to database '%1'... Ok >ݿ '%1'...ȷ :Connecting to database... Failed >ݿ... ʧ :Connecting to local Business Tier >ҵ :Connecting to remote Business Tier >Զҵ :Connection Information >Ϣ :Connection Points >ӵ :Connection method >ӷ :Connection name not found >δҵ :Connection string >ַ :Connection to SQL server established successfully >ѳɹ SQL :Connections >连接 :Connector Style >ʽ :Connector Type > :Consession Number >Ȩ :Consignment Details > :Consignment Details for Shipment Reference >˲οķ :Consignment Maintenance >ά :Consolidate >ϲ :Consolidate Orders >ϲ :Consolidate Orders in Progress >ִкϲ :Consolidate Rev/Rels >ϲ޶/ :Consolidate Selected Warehouses >ϲѡֿ :Consolidate Warehouses >ϲֿ :Consolidate all transfers from same warehouse >ͬһֿϲȫת :Consolidate all warehouses >ϲвֿ :Consolidate brought-forward customers >ϲǰͻ :Consolidate brought-forward customers at month end >պϲǰͻ :Consolidate by customer purchase order >ͻɹϲ :Consolidate emails >ϲʼ :Consolidate invoices by month due at >·ݺϲΪµķƱ :Consolidate invoices by month due at month end >հ·ݺϲƱ :Consolidate master account >ϲʻ :Consolidate master accounts >ϲʻ :Consolidate materials >ϲ :Consolidate merchandise lines >ϲƷ :Consolidate prints >ϲӡ :Consolidate warehouse information >ϲֿϢ :Consolidated >Ѻϲ :Consolidated Dispatch Custom Form >ͳһԶ :Consolidated Dispatch Customer Info >ͳһͻϢ :Consolidated Dispatch Detail >ͳһϸ :Consolidated Dispatch Invoice Header >ͳһƱͷ :Consolidated Dispatch Invoice Line Info >ͳһƱϢ :Consolidated Dispatch Invoices >ϲƱ :Consolidated Dispatch Note Invoices >ϲƱ :Consolidated Dispatch Note Number Section >ϲ벿 :Consolidated Dispatch Note Number Section Messages >Ѻϲ벿Ϣ :Consolidated Rev/Rel >Ѻϲ޶/ :Consolidated SKUs >ϲ SKU :Consolidated Statement >ı :Consolidated Statement in Progress >ִѺϲ :Consolidated Warehouse Selection >ϲֿѡ :Consolidated Warehouses >ϲֿ :Consolidated accuracy levels >Ѻϲ׼ȷȼ :Consolidated dispatch invoice >ͳһƱ :Consolidated for invoicing (8) >ڷƱ(8)ĺϲ :Consolidated invoice >ϲƱ :Consolidated line >ϲ :Consolidated lines for consolidated dispatch invoice >ͳһƱϲ :Consolidated order flag >ϲ :Consolidated rev/rels >Ѻϲ޶ͷ :Consolidated statement as of >Ѻϲ棬 :Consolidated warehouses may only be set on collections containing stock items >ϲֻֿ԰ļϽ :Consolidated warehouses may only be turned on or off when a collection is empty >ϲֻֿڼΪʱԴ򿪻ر :Consolidation >ϲ :Consolidation details >ϲ :Consolidation level >ϲȼ :Consolidation level selection >ϲѡ :Consolidation options >Consolidation options :Constant Code Maintenance >ά :Constant Codes > :Constant already on file >ļ :Constant code > :Constant code cannot be deleted >ɾ :Constant code selection >ѡ :Constant column width >̶ :Constant invalid >Ч :Constants > :Constomer details >ͻ :Consumables Buyer >Ʒɹ :Consumables Purchasing Manager >Ʒɹ :Consumption > :Contact >ϵ :Contact '%1' does not exist against the current organization but %2 contact(s) have been found with the same name against other organizations >ϵ '%1' Եǰ֯ڣҵ֯߱ͬ %2 ϵ :Contact '%1' has been assigned to operator '%2' >ϵ'%1' ѷԱ '%2' :Contact '%1' has been deleted >ɾϵ'%1' :Contact Account Browse >ϵʻ :Contact Account Maintenance >ϵʻά :Contact Account Types >ϵ˻ :Contact Accounts >ϵʻ :Contact Activities >ϵ˻ :Contact Activity Attachments >ϵ˻ :Contact Activity Attendees >ϵ˻ϯ :Contact Activity Location List >ϵ˻λб :Contact Activity Post Business Object >ϵҵ :Contact Activity Posting >ϵ :Contact Activity Query >ϵѯ :Contact Activity Query Business Object >ϵѯҵ :Contact Activity Regarding List >ϵ˻б :Contact Activity Result List >ϵ˻б :Contact Activity Type Maintenance >ϵ˻ά :Contact Activity Types >ϵ˻ :Contact Activity Unknown Attendees >ϵ˻δ֪ϯ :Contact Add Customer Wizard Preferences >ϵӿͻѡ :Contact Add Supplier Wizard Preferences >ϵӹӦѡ :Contact Address >ϵ˵ַ :Contact Address Information >ϵ˵ַϢ :Contact Browse >ϵ :Contact Calendar Synchronization >ϵͬ :Contact Control >ϵ˿ :Contact Copy Details to Mult Contacts >ϵ˸ϵ :Contact Copy Details to Multi Contacts >ϵ˸鵽ϵ :Contact Dates >ϵ :Contact Deleted >ɾϵ :Contact Details >ͬϸ :Contact Dynamic List Query >ϵ˶̬бѯ :Contact Email Addresses >ϵ˵ʼַ :Contact Fields >ϵֶ :Contact Form Data Entry >ϵ˱ :Contact ID >ϵID :Contact Link >ϵ :Contact List >ϵб :Contact List of Accounts >ϵʻб :Contact Maintenance >ϵά :Contact Maintenance Preferences >ϵάѡ :Contact Management >ϵ˹ :Contact Management Account Browse >ϵ˹ʻ :Contact Management Account Maintenance >ϵ˹ʻά :Contact Management Activity Posting >ϵ˹ :Contact Management Add Customer Preferences >ϵ˹ӿͻѡ :Contact Management Add Supplier Preferences >ϵ˹ӹӦѡ :Contact Management Addresses >ϵ˹ַ :Contact Management Contacts >ϵ˹ϵ :Contact Management Find >ϵ˹ :Contact Management Maintenance >ϵ˹ά :Contact Management Module >ϵ˹ģ :Contact Management Name Details >ϵ˹ :Contact Management Post Business Object >ϵ˹ҵ :Contact Management Purge >ϵ˹ :Contact Management Query >ϵ˹ѯ :Contact Management Recognizer Query >ϵ˹ʶѯ :Contact Management Report >ϵ˹ :Contact Management Report Query >ϵ˹ѯ :Contact Management Setup >ϵ˹ :Contact Management Setup Wizard >ϵ˹ :Contact Management System >ϵ˹ϵͳ :Contact Management System (CMS) >ϵ˹ϵͳ(CMS) :Contact Management Unknown Attendee Review >ϵ˹δ֪ϯ :Contact Management User Validation >ϵ˹û֤ :Contact Management module not installed >δװϵ˹ģ :Contact Management to Outlook Sync >ϵ˹ Outlook ͬ :Contact Mangement Query >ϵ˹ѯ :Contact Master >ϵ :Contact Name Split/Join Function >ϵ/ϲ :Contact Not Found >δҵϵ :Contact Notes >ϵע :Contact Operator Maintenance >ϵ˲Աά :Contact Operator/Contact Cross Reference >ϵ˲Ա/ϵ˶ղο :Contact Options >ϵѡ :Contact Organization List Browse >ϵ֯б :Contact Organization List Maintenance >ϵ֯бά :Contact Organization Management >ϵ֯ :Contact Organizations >ϵ֯ :Contact Post Contact >ϵ˹ϵ :Contact Post Delete Contact >ϵ˹ɾϵ :Contact Post Organisation List >ϵְλ֯б :Contact Post Organization List >ϵ˷֯б :Contact Query >ϵ˲ѯ :Contact Query By Organization >֯ϵ˲ѯ :Contact Query Email Contact >ϵ˲ѯʼϵ :Contact Query Email/Contact >ϵ˲ѯʼϵ :Contact Query My Organization >֯ϵ˲ѯ :Contact Query Organisation List >ϵ˲ѯ֯б :Contact Query Organization List >ϵ˲ѯ֯б :Contact Query Preferences >ϵ˲ѯѡ :Contact Quick View >ϵ˿ٲ鿴 :Contact Reminder >ϵ :Contact Reminder Query >ϵѲѯ :Contact Reminders >ϵ :Contact Reminders Query >ϵѲѯ :Contact Search >ϵ :Contact Search Results >ϵ :Contact Setup >ϵ :Contact Status >ϵ״̬ :Contact Sync to Outlook Query >ϵ Outlook ѯͬ :Contact Synchronization >ϵͬ :Contact Telephone Numbers >ϵ˵绰 :Contact Territory >ϵ˵ :Contact URLs >ϵ URL :Contact Validation >ϵЧ :Contact Values >ϵֵ :Contact Verification >ϵ˺ʵ :Contact View >ϵ˲鿴 :Contact address element >ϵ˵ַԪ :Contact and Finance information >ϵͲϢ :Contact category >ϵ :Contact category %1 >ϵ %1 :Contact class >ϵ˵ȼ :Contact class %1 >ϵ˵ȼ %1 :Contact classification >ϵ˷ :Contact classification captions >ϵ˷ :Contact creation options >ϵ˴ѡ :Contact field >ϵֶ :Contact influence >ϵӰ :Contact information >ϵϢ :Contact is linked to an operator code but is not configured as an employee >ϵ˱Ա룬δΪԱ :Contact location >ϵ˵ص :Contact management user only >ϵ˹û :Contact method >ϵ :Contact name >ͬ :Contact name (Fax) >ϵ棩 :Contact name cannot be spaces. Please enter a name >ϵΪո :Contact not found. Do you wish to add this contact as an unknown attendee? >δҵϵˡϣΪδ֪ϵӴϵ :Contact operator '%1' or wait a short time and try again >ϵԱ '%1' ԵƬ̲ :Contact owner >ϵ :Contact person >ϵ :Contact property >ϵ :Contact property %1 >ϵ %1 :Contact property captions >ϵԱ :Contact property captions - Blue >联系人不动产标题 - 蓝色 :Contact property message >ϵϢ :Contact purge >ϵ :Contact status flag >ϵ״̬ :Contact type >ϵ :Contact type %1 >ϵ %1 :Contact your System Administrator. A reboot may be required >ϵͳԱϵҪ :Contact your system administrator >ϵϵͳԱ :Contacts >ϵ :Contacts To Be Updated >µϵ :Contacts successfully created for Customers >Ϊͻɹϵ :Contacts successfully created for Suppliers >ΪӦ̳ɹϵ :Container >集装箱 :Container Load Date > :Container code > :Container status >״̬ :Container type > :Container type description > :Containing > :Contains an event number when the '%1' event fires >当 '%1' 事件发生时,包含事件编号 :Contains the 8-character VBScript name that is being executed (such as '%1' or '%2') >包含正在执行的 8 字符 VBScript 名 (如 '%1' 或 '%2') :Contains the URL for the map directions as defined in System-Wide Personalization >ڷϵͳԻͼ URL :Contains the X-coordinate of the rectangle for the current form field. Can be used to position a window beneath the current form field >包含当前表格字段矩形的 X 坐标。可用于在当前表格字段之下定位窗口 :Contains the Y-coordinate of the rectangle for the current form field. Can be used to position a window beneath the current form field >包含当前表格字段矩形的 Y 坐标。可用于在当前表格字段之下定位窗口 :Contains the column number for the '%1' event >包含 '%1' 事项的列栏编号 :Contains the label of the bar that was clicked >包含所单击条的标签 :Contains the legend names and graph values separated by a '%1' character >包含图例名和图表值,按 '%1' 字符分隔 :Contains the name of the current SYSPRO application >ǰ SYSPRO Ӧó :Contains the name of the procedure or function that is being executed (such as '%1') >包含正在执行的程序或功能名 (如 '%1') :Contains the point of the bar that was clicked >包含所单击条的点 :Contains the series of the bar that was clicked >包含所单击条的系列 :Contains the value passed by another form or customized pane to this customized pane >包含由另一个表格或自定义窗格转入此自定义窗格的值 :Content > :Content file >ļ :Contents >Ŀ¼ :Contents of data dictionary >Ŀ¼ :Context >上下文 :Context Conditions > :Context Dummy Window >贰 :Context Edit >ı༭ :Context Eng >Ӣ :Context Exclude/Include >IJ :Context Hold > :Context Menu >IJ˵ :Context Menu Invoices >ƱIJ˵ :Context Menu Jobs >ҵIJ˵ :Context Menu Only - Query >IJ˵ - ѯ :Context Menu Purchase Orders >ɹIJ˵ :Context Menu Quotations >IJ˵ :Context Menu Sales Orders >۶IJ˵ :Context Menus >IJ˵ :Context Module Access >IJ˵ :Context Only > :Context Operators/Groups >Ա :Context Program Access >ij :Context Query >IJѯ :Context Right Click >һ :Context Select >ѡ :Context Select Chg Quantity >ѡ :Context Sensitive Menu >Ĺ˵ :Context Transactions > :Context Window >Ĵ :Context Windows >Ĵ :Context cancel >ȡ :Context detail >ϸ :Context maintain file >άļ :Context menu control >上下文菜单控制 :Context menu window >IJ˵ :Context menu's >IJ˵ :Context notes >ע :Context pegging >Ĺ̶ :Context route >· :Context sensitive menu's >Ĺ˵ :Context usage only pulldowns >÷˵ :Context-Preferences >-ѡ :Context-add-lines >-- :Context-allocs >- :Context-comment >-ע :Context-dimensional >-ߴ :Context-dimensions >-ߴ :Context-list-box >-б- :Context-live >- :Context-menu >-˵ :Context-post-period >--ڼ :Context-search >- :Context-stk-query >--ѯ :Contingency >¼ :Continuation Message >Ϣ :Continue > :Continue Contract >ͬ :Continue Dispatch > :Continue Dispatch and Return Maintenance Window >继续发货和退货维护窗口 :Continue Import > :Continue Order > :Continue P/order >ִвɹ :Continue Quote > :Continue RMA >RMA :Continue Selection >ѡ :Continue Verifying/Converting This File >֤תļ :Continue dispatch note maintenance >ά :Continue loading this pane >ش˴ :Continue to process the shipment receipt? >Ҫվ :Continue to report errors > :Continue updating records without printing? >ӡ¼¼룿 :Continue with Next File >ִһļ :Continue with receipt? >Ҫ :Continue without adding any comment >κעͲ :Continued > :Contra >ͬ :Contra Customer >ͬͻ :Contra Customers >ͬͻ :Contra Error >ѹ :Contra Errors >ͬ :Contra Information >ͬϢ :Contra Invoices >ͬƱ :Contra Supplier >ͬӦ :Contra Suppliers >ͬӦ :Contra Transactions. >ͬס :Contra amount >ͬ :Contra branch >֧ͬ :Contra branch selection >֧ͬѡ :Contra by >ͬ :Contra entries may not be processed in a prior period >ͬܲǰڴ :Contra entry >ͬ¼ :Contra invoices by branch >֧ͬƱ :Contra suspense >ͬ :Contra was unsuccessful. Please check the error message in each transaction and correct before you can continue >ѹɹִǰÿһеĴϢԾɼ :Contra was unsuccessful. Please check the error message in each transaction and correct it before you can continue >ͬɹڼִǰÿһеĴϢԾ :Contract >ͬ :Contract Balance >ͬ :Contract Costs >ͬɱ :Contract Costs Query >ͬɱѯ :Contract Description >ͬ :Contract Details >ͬϸ :Contract Details for Contract >ͬϸ :Contract Disabled >õĺͬ :Contract Errors >ͬ :Contract Header >ͬ :Contract Id >ͬId :Contract Identifier already on file >ͬʶѴ :Contract Identifier already on file for Company '%1' >˾ '%1' ĺͬʶѴ :Contract Information >ͬϢ :Contract Information and Release Details >ͬϢͷ :Contract Limits >ͬ :Contract Lines Selection >ͬѡ :Contract Maintenance >ͬά :Contract Preferences >ͬѡ :Contract Price >ͬ۸ :Contract Price Details >ͬ۸ϸ :Contract Price List >ͬ۸嵥 :Contract Price Maintenance >ͬ۸ά :Contract Prices >ͬ۸ :Contract Prices Options >ͬ۸ѡ :Contract Prices Purge >ͬ۸ :Contract Prices for Buying Group >ɹͬ۸ :Contract Prices for Buying Groups >ɹͬ۸ :Contract Prices for Customer >ͻͬ۸ :Contract Prices for Customers >ͻͬ۸ :Contract Pricing >ͬ :Contract Pricing Export >ͬ۵ :Contract Pricing Export Complete >ɺͬ۸񵼳 :Contract Pricing Export in Progress >ִкͬ۸񵼳 :Contract Pricing Import >ͬ۵ :Contract Pricing Import Complete >ɺͬ۸ :Contract Pricing Import in Progress >ִкͬ۸ :Contract Pricing maintenance >ͬά :Contract Print >ͬӡ :Contract Print Totals >ͬӡϼ :Contract Progress >ͬ :Contract Progress Report >ͬչ :Contract Progress Report in Progress >ִкͬȱ :Contract Purchase Price List - Summary >ͬɹ۸б - ժҪ :Contract Record >ͬ¼ :Contract Report >ͬ :Contract Search >ͬ :Contract Split Details >ͬϸĿ :Contract Type Selection >ͬѡ :Contract base date >ͬ :Contract buying group %1 >ͬɹ %1 :Contract completion date >ͬ :Contract configuration >ͬ :Contract date >ͬ :Contract dates >ͬ :Contract detail >ͬϸ :Contract expiry date expiry >ͬʧЧʧЧ :Contract expiry date selection >ͬѡ :Contract expiry dates >ͬ :Contract filter >ͬ :Contract has expired >ͬѹ :Contract in process (0) >ִкͬ(0) :Contract is cancelled >ͬȡ :Contract is in use by another user >ͬһûʹ :Contract is not a standing order >ͬǾ :Contract line details >ͬϸ :Contract lines will be selected for review according to the options entered. Ok to start the review? >ѡѡҪĺͬСȷҪʼ :Contract may not be deleted as order exists >ΪѴڣͬɾ :Contract may not be deleted. Sales order has detail lines >ɾͬ۶߱ϸ :Contract menu >ͬ˵ :Contract method >ͬ :Contract no >ͬ :Contract not on file >ͬļ :Contract number >ͬ :Contract number for Blanket >һӺͬ :Contract number selection >ͬѡ :Contract number used >õĺͬ :Contract numbers >ͬ :Contract options >ͬѡ :Contract price and net unit price calculation >ͬ۸;ۼ :Contract price calculation >ͬ۸ :Contract price method selection >ͬ۸񷽷ѡ :Contract prices entered >ĺͬ۸ :Contract pricing details >ͬ۸ϸ :Contract pricing may only be maintained for existing cross-references. You will need to save the supplier/stock code cross-reference before maintaining contracts >ֻΪе໥οάͬ۸άͬǰҪ湩Ӧ̣໥ο :Contract pricing may only be maintained for existing cross-references. You will need to save the supplier/stock code cross-reference before maintaining contracts. Save now? >ͬ۽жղοάҪάͬǰ湩Ӧ/ղοҪ? :Contract pricing method >ͬ۷ :Contract pricing must be activated to add buying groups to a customer >뼤ͬ۷ͻӲɹ :Contract pricing required >Ҫͬ :Contract printed (4) >Ѵӡͬ(4) :Contract purchase orders is not required. Program cancelled >Ҫɹͬȡ :Contract qty >ͬ :Contract quantity >ͬ :Contract ready to print (1) >׼ӡĺͬ(1) :Contract record '%1' not found >δҵͬ¼ '%1' :Contract selection >ͬѡ :Contract spilt data >ͬ :Contract split data >ͬ :Contract start date filter >ͬʼڹ :Contract start date selection >ͬʼѡ :Contract start dates >ͬʼ :Contract start filter >ͬʼ :Contract start selection >ͬʼѡ :Contract status >ͬ״̬ :Contract status and type selection >ͬ״̬ѡ :Contract supplier and the supplier held against the stock code differ >ͬӦԸÿĹӦ̲ͬ :Contract terms >ͬ :Contract totals >ͬܶ :Contract type >ͬ :Contract types >ͬ :Contracts >ͬ :Contracts Added >Ӻͬ :Contracts Changed >Ѹĺͬ :Contracts already exist for all previous selected stock codes. Restarting at end of file >ǰѡ룬ͬѴڡļβ¿ʼ :Contracts default >ĬϺͬ :Contracts not required for customer %1 >ڿͻ %1Ҫͬ :Contracts not required for this customer >ڸÿͻҪͬ :Contracts to view >鿴ĺͬ :Contracts types >ͬ :Control > :Control Account Error >ʻ :Control Flow > :Control Infomation >Ϣ :Control Library >ƿ :Control Record >Ƽ¼ :Control Record Error >Ƽ¼ :Control Record Update >Ƽ¼ :Control Record Update in Progress >ִпƼ¼ :Control account >ʻ :Control accounts may not have an analysis category. This will clear out the analysis category code >ʻôз𡣴˽ :Control accounts may not have an analysis category. This will clear out the analysis code >ʻôз𡣴˽ :Control database >ݿ :Control details > :Control information >Ϣ :Control record missing >Ƽ¼ʧ :Control table name >Ʊ :Control type > :Control(s) cannot be moved from its group. The action will be reversed >ôƳ.ö :Controller > :Controller information >Ϣ :Controls > :Conversion >ת :Conversion Cancelled >已取消转化 :Conversion Complete >ת :Conversion Problem >ת :Conversion Process >ת :Conversion Sequence >转化顺序 :Conversion Successful >תɹ :Conversion Unsuccessful >תδɹ :Conversion Utility >ת :Conversion cannot proceed as no Company Control File exists. Program cancelled >Ϊκι˾ļת޷ȡ :Conversion completed >ת :Conversion completed with errors >תɣִ :Conversion factor >תϵͳ :Conversion factor code >תϵ :Conversion factor for >תϵ :Conversion factor must be a whole number not greater than 999 for unit quantity processing >תϵڵλΪ999 :Conversion factor to be >תϵ :Conversion factor to be applied >õתϵ :Conversion factors may not be zero >תϵΪ :Conversion in Progress >ִת :Conversion information per stocking uom >ÿλתϢ :Conversion of C-ISAM files to 5.1 >תC-ISAMļ5.1 :Conversion of C-ISAM files to 6.0 >C-ISAMļתΪ60 :Conversion of Cash Book was successful >ֽʱתɹ :Conversion of Custom Forms >Զת :Conversion of Database to 5.1 >תݿ⵽5.1 :Conversion of Database to 6.0 >ݿתΪ60 :Conversion of Database to SYSPRO %1 >数据库向 SYSPRO %1 转化 :Conversion of Database to SYSPRO %1 Format >ݿתΪSYSPRO %1 ʽ :Conversion of Database to SYSPRO %1 SP1 Format >ݿתΪSYSPRO %1 SP1ʽ :Conversion of Database to SYSPRO 6.0 Format >ݿתΪSYSPRO 60ʽ :Conversion of Database to Version 5.1 >תݿ⵽5.1 :Conversion of Database to Version 6.0 >ݿתΪ60 :Conversion of Files from 4.0 to SYSPRO 6.0 Format >ļ40תΪSYSPRO 60ʽ :Conversion of Files from Version 4.0 to SYSPRO 6.0 Format >ļ40תΪSYSPRO 60ʽ :Conversion of Files to SYSPRO %1 >ļתΪSYSPRO %1 :Conversion of Files to SYSPRO %1 Format >ļתΪSYSPRO %1 ʽ :Conversion of Files to SYSPRO %1 SP1 >ļתΪSYSPRO %1 SP1 :Conversion of Files to SYSPRO %1 SP1 Format >ļתΪSYSPRO %1 SP1ʽ :Conversion of Files to SYSPRO 6.0 >ļתΪSYSPRO 60 :Conversion of Files to SYSPRO 6.0 Format >ļתΪSYSPRO 60ʽ :Conversion of Files to SYSPRO 6.0.008 >ļתΪSYSPRO 60008 :Conversion of Files to SYSPRO 6.0.008 Format >ļתΪSYSPRO 60008ʽ :Conversion of Files to SYSPRO 6.0.009 >ļתΪSYSPRO 6.0.009 :Conversion of Files to SYSPRO 6.0.009 Format >ļתΪSYSPRO 6.0.009ʽ :Conversion of Files to SYSPRO 6.0.010 >תļSYSPRO 6.0.010 :Conversion of Files to SYSPRO 6.0.010 Format >תļSYSPRO 6.0.010ʽ :Conversion of Files to SYSPRO 6.0.010 SP1 >ļתΪSYSPRO 6.0.010 SP1 :Conversion of Files to SYSPRO 6.0.010 SP1 Format >ļתΪSYSPRO 6.0.010 SP1ʽ :Conversion of Files to new A/P Payment Cycle Format >ļתΪӦʿ(A/P)ѭʽ :Conversion of Multiple Bins >ת :Conversion of Printer/User Files to 4.0 Format >תӡûļ4.0ʽ :Conversion of Printer/User Files to Version 4.0 Format >תӡûļ4.0ʽ :Conversion of RMA Files to SYSPRO 6.0.009 Format >RMAļתΪSYSPRO 6.0.009ʽ :Conversion of SYSPRO Database to Version 5.1 Format >תSYSPROݿ⵽5.1ʽ :Conversion of SYSPRO Files from 4.0 to 5.1 Format >4.0ʽSYSPROļת5.1ʽ :Conversion of SYSPRO Files from Version 4.0 to 5.1 Format >4.0SYSPROļת5.1ʽ :Conversion of SYSPRO Files to Version 5.1 >תSYSPROļ5.1 :Conversion of SYSPRO Files to 3.2 Format >תSYSPROļ3.2ʽ :Conversion of SYSPRO Files to 4.0 Format >תSYSPROļ4.0ʽ :Conversion of SYSPRO Files to 5.1 Format >תSYSPROļ5.1ʽ :Conversion of SYSPRO Files to Version 3.2 Format >תSYSPROļ3.2ʽ :Conversion of SYSPRO Files to Version 4.0 Format >תSYSPROļ4.0ʽ :Conversion of SYSPRO Files to Version 5.1 Format >תSYSPROļ5.1ʽ :Conversion of SYSPRO Printer/User Files to Version 4.0 Format >תSYSPROӡûļ4.0ʽ :Conversion of SYSPRO to 4.0 Format >תSYSPRO4.0ʽ :Conversion of administration and multi-media files was successful >Ͷýļתɹ :Conversion of custom form architecture did not complete successfully >δɹԶϵṹת :Conversion option >תѡ :Conversion process completed successfully >ѳɹת :Conversion process completed with no errors >תѳɹڼûκδ :Conversion rate > :Conversion successfully completed >תѳɹ :Conversion to %1 >תΪ %1 :Conversion to 5.1 >ת5.1 :Conversion to 6.0 >תΪ60 :Conversion to SYSPRO %1 >תΪ SYSPRO %1 :Conversion to SYSPRO %1 SP1 >תΪSYSPRO %1 SP1 :Conversion to SYSPRO 5.1 >תSYSPRO 5.1 :Conversion to SYSPRO 6.0 >תΪSYSPRO 60 :Conversion to SYSPRO 6.0.008 >תΪSYSPRO 60008 :Conversion to SYSPRO 6.0.009 >תΪSYSPRO 6.0.009 :Conversion to SYSPRO 6.0.010 >תSYSPRO 6.0.010 :Conversion to SYSPRO 6.0.010 SP1 >תSYSPRO 6.0.010 SP1 :Conversion to stocking unit of measure >תΪλ :Conversion type >ת :Conversion utility for the following codes >дתʵó :Convert >ת :Convert Admin and Multi-Media Files >תͶýļ :Convert All >תȫ :Convert All Standard Custom Form Data To Latest Format >将所有标准自定义表格数据转化为最新格式 :Convert All Third Party Data >转化所有第三方数据 :Convert Assets >תʲ :Convert Assets Register >תʲע :Convert Cash Book >תֽʱ :Convert Customers >תͻ :Convert Data For All Third Party From Types >转化所有第三方表格类型的数据 :Convert Data For Single Third Party Form Type >转化一个第三方表格类型的数据 :Convert Data To Latest Format >将数据转化为最新格式 :Convert Extract File >תѹļ :Convert File Formats >תļʽ :Convert G/L >ת(G/L) :Convert GL >ת GL :Convert General Ledger Passwords >ת :Convert Multiple Companies >תҹ˾ :Convert Passwords >ת :Convert Selected Companies >תѡ˾ :Convert Selected Third Party Data >转化选定第三方数据 :Convert Sequential to Index File >˳ļתΪļ :Convert Standard Form Data >转化标准表格数据 :Convert Suppliers >תӦ :Convert System-wide Files >תϵͳļ :Convert Values >תֵ :Convert all quantities entered as alternate u/m to stocking u/m >ԱüλתΪλ :Convert at current exchange rate >ǰת :Convert component quantities and operation run time for unit work center? >ҪΪλתͲʱ? :Convert counter sales deposits >ת :Convert currency >ת :Convert date values to string >תֵΪ :Convert foreign currency to local value at >תΪؼֵ :Convert job logging file >תҵ־¼ļ :Convert order to scheduled order >将订单转化为已排程订单 :Convert order u/m to stocking u/m >λתΪλ :Convert qty to alt uom >תΪüλ :Convert quantity to alternate U/m for suggested requisitions >תΪ빺λ :Convert quantity to alternate U/m when creating requisitions/purchase orders >빺ɹʱתΪ滻λ(U/m) :Convert quantity to alternate um when creating requisitions / purchase orders >󣯲ɹʱתΪ滻λ :Convert quantity to alternate um when creating requisitions/purchase orders >󣯲ɹʱתΪ滻λ :Convert quantity to alternate uom >תΪüλ :Convert quantity to alternate uom for suggested requisitions >תΪ빺ıüλ :Convert the amounts to local currency >תΪػ :Convert the currency of a customer to another currency >ͻתΪһֻ :Convert the currency of a supplier to another currency >Ӧ̻תΪһֻ :Convert this order to be a scheduled order >תΪԤ :Convert to >תΪ :Convert to New A/P Payment Cycle >תΪµӦʿ(A/P)ѭ :Convert to Foreign Currency Values >תΪֵ :Convert to Local Currency Values >תΪػҼֵ :Convert to New A/P Payment Cycle >תΪµӦʿ(A/P)ѭ :Convert to New AP Payment Cycle >תΪ AP :Convert to Order >תΪ :Convert to Sales Order >תΪ۶ :Convert to foreign currency >תΪ :Convert to local >תΪ :Convert to local currency >תΪػ :Convert to local currency at >תΪػң :Convert to local value >תΪؼֵ :Convert to local value at >תΪµıֵ :Convert to local/foreign currency >תΪ/ :Convert to stocking uom >תΪλ :Convert type >ת :Converting >ת :Converting Quote >ת :Converting Sequential to Index File >˳ļתΪļ :Converting check/EFT >ת֧Ʊת(EFT) :Converting company >转化公司 :Converting data for company >ת˾ :Converting file >转化文件 :Converting files >תļ :Converting multiple companies >转化多家公司 :Converting site company information >תվ㹫˾Ϣ :Converting site operator information >תվԱϢ :Copied from > :Copied to >Ƶ :Copies > :Coproduct line >联合产品行 :Copy > :Copy (Ctrl+C) >(Ctrl+C) :Copy (Ctrl+Y) >(Ctrl+Y) :Copy Abandoned >ѷĿ :Copy Account Ship to Address >˻ַ :Copy Account Sold to Address >˻۵ַ :Copy Activities From Another Configuration >һøƻ :Copy Activity >ƻ :Copy Address >Ƶַ :Copy Address to be Ship Address >ַΪ˵ַ :Copy Allocations >Ʒ :Copy Another Configuration >һ :Copy Bill >ʵ :Copy Bill of Landed Costs >Ƶɱ :Copy Blanket Purchase Order >ۺԲɹ :Copy Budget >Ԥ :Copy Budgets >Ԥ :Copy Budgets in Progress >ִиԤ :Copy Calcs >Ƽ :Copy Calculation >复制计算 :Copy Calculations >Ƽ :Copy Calendars > :Copy Capacity Calendar > :Copy Capacity Calendars > :Copy Complete > :Copy Components >Ʋ :Copy Configuration > :Copy Configurator Tables >ó :Copy Contact >ϵ :Copy Cost Centers >Ƴɱ :Copy Current Page >Ƶǰҳ :Copy Customer Ship to Address >ƿͻַ :Copy Customer Sold to Address >ƿͻ۵ַ :Copy Details >ϸ :Copy Details to Multiple Contacts >ϸϵ :Copy Details to Selected Contacts >ϸѡϵ :Copy Discount Breaks >ۿ۷ :Copy Employee Rates >Ա :Copy Existing Journal >ռ :Copy File Validation >ļ֤ :Copy Files >ļ :Copy Format >Ƹʽ :Copy From > :Copy From Company >Թ˾ :Copy From File not found >δҵļ :Copy From Format >Ըʽ :Copy From Group Code > :Copy From Job >ҵ :Copy From Operator >ԲԱ :Copy From Operator Code >ԲԱ :Copy From Other Operator >һԱ :Copy From Quotation >Ա :Copy From Stock Code >Կ :Copy From Table not found >ûҵԱ :Copy GL Structure Access > GL ṹ :Copy Graph >ͼ :Copy Group > :Copy Group Printer Settings >ӡ :Copy Group? >飿 :Copy Home Physical Address >Ƽַͥ :Copy Home Postal Address >Ƽַͥ :Copy IO policies from a specific stock code/warehouse combination to an existing selection set (batch) of stock codes > IO ߴض/ֿϸƵѡ () :Copy Inventory Notes >ƿע :Copy Job >ҵ :Copy Journal >ռ :Copy Labor Allocations >Ͷ :Copy Layout >Ʋ :Copy List >б :Copy List (Optionally For Use By Others) >б˿ѡʹã :Copy Maintenance Security >άȫ :Copy Maintenence Security >άȫ :Copy Material >Ʋ :Copy Material Allocation >ƲϷ :Copy Material Allocations >ƲϷ :Copy Material and Labor Allocations >ƲϺͶ :Copy Materials >Ʋ :Copy Menu >Ʋ˵ :Copy Menu From >˵ :Copy Menu To >˵Ƶ :Copy Message >Ϣ :Copy Notes? >Ҫע :Copy Of GL Alternate Budget Description >GL Ԥ :Copy Of GL Alternate Currency Control >GL ûҿƸ :Copy Of GL Alternate Currency Detail >GL û鸱 :Copy Of GL Alternate Currency History >GL ûҼ¼ :Copy Of GL Budgets >GL Ԥ㸱 :Copy Of GL Commitment >GL ŵ :Copy Of GL Commitment Detail >GL ŵ鸱 :Copy Of GL Control >GL Ƹ :Copy Of GL Detail Transactions >GL ϸ׸ :Copy Of GL Groups >GL 鸱 :Copy Of GL History >GL ¼ :Copy Of GL Master > GL :Copy Operation >Ʋ :Copy Operations >Ʋ :Copy Operator >ƲԱ :Copy Operator Printer Settings >ƲԱӡ :Copy Operators >ƲԱ :Copy Option >ѡ :Copy Order >ƶ :Copy Organization List >֯б :Copy P/Order >Ʋɹ :Copy Page to Clipboard >Һ :Copy Paramters >Ʋ :Copy Permanent Entry >ƹ̶ :Copy Policies > :Copy Product >ƲƷ :Copy Promotion >ƴ :Copy Promotion Code >ƴ :Copy Purchase Order >Ʋɹ :Copy Quotation >Ʊ :Copy Quote >Ʊ :Copy Rates >Ʊ :Copy Report Definition >Ʊ :Copy Role >ְ :Copy Route >· :Copy SKUs only >ƿ¼λ(SKU) :Copy SQL to C-ISAM >Copy SQL to C-ISAM :Copy SRS Document > SRS ĵ :Copy Sales Order >۶ :Copy Security >ưȫ :Copy Security Access >ưȫԷ :Copy Selected Configuration to >ѡøƵ :Copy Selected Records >ѡļ¼ :Copy Selected Text >ѡı :Copy Selection >ѡ :Copy Selections from Event >¼ѡ :Copy Sequencing >˳ :Copy Settings > :Copy Sold to >۳ :Copy Sold to Address >ַ :Copy Standard Hierachy >Ʊ׼νṹ :Copy Standard Journal >Ʊ׼ռ :Copy Standard Narrations >Ʊ׼ :Copy Stock Code >ƿ :Copy Stock Codes from Warehouse >Ӳֿ⸴ƿ :Copy Stock Codes to New Warehouse >븴Ƶ²ֿ :Copy Stock Codes to New Warehouses >븴Ƶ²ֿ :Copy Stock Codes to New Wh >ƿµIJֿ :Copy Suggested to Draft >ƽƱ :Copy Supplier Address >ƹӦ̵ַ :Copy Supplier Address to Remittance Address >ƹӦ̵ַַ :Copy Supplier Details >ƹӦ :Copy Supplier Remittance Address >ƹӦַ̻ :Copy System-wide >ϵͳ :Copy Table Validation >Ʊ֤ :Copy Task Group > :Copy Task Groups > :Copy Task to Company >˾ :Copy Template >ģ :Copy Text >ı :Copy To >Ƶ :Copy To Group Code >Ƶ :Copy To Job >ҵ :Copy To Operator Code >ƵԱ :Copy To Query >ѯ :Copy To Stock Code >Ƶ :Copy VBScripts to client > VBScript Ƶͻ :Copy Variable >Ʊ :Copy Variable from Report >ӱ渴Ʊ :Copy Warehouse >Ʋֿ :Copy Work Physical Address >ƹַ :Copy Work Postal Address >ƹַ :Copy Workflow >ƹ :Copy a Blanket Purchase Order >ۺԲɹ :Copy a Product >ƲƷ :Copy a Purchase Order >Ʋɹ :Copy a document >ĵ :Copy a selection >复制选择 :Copy a template >ģ :Copy alternate stock codes / Suppliers >滻룯Ӧ :Copy alternate stock codes/Suppliers >Ʊÿ/Ӧ :Copy an Existing Journal >ռ :Copy an Existing Role >ְ :Copy and print >Ʋӡ :Copy attached comment lines to PO >ӸעиƵ PO :Copy attached comment lines to purchase order >עɹ :Copy attached components > :Copy chart of accounts from >ʻͼ :Copy collections and SKUs >ƼϺͿ¼λ(SKU) :Copy collections only >ȡ :Copy completed successfully >ѳɹɸ :Copy component dependencies >Ʋ :Copy configuration from >ø :Copy configurations >复制配置 :Copy configurator SQL tables into a C-ISAM format >Copy configurator SQL tables into a C-ISAM format :Copy contact details >ƺͬϸ :Copy criteria >Ʊ׼ :Copy custom form from sales order >۶ƶƱ :Copy custom form to sales order >ƱƵ۶ :Copy custom forms >ƶƱ :Copy custom forms from master job to sub jobs >ԶҵƵҵ :Copy custom forms from master to sub job >ԶԱƵӹ :Copy delivery address >ƽַ :Copy discounts from >ۿ۸ :Copy existing default bin >Ĭϲ :Copy failed >ʧ :Copy fields from >ֶθ :Copy files from directory to directory >ļĿ¼ƵĿ¼ :Copy first level only >Ƶһ :Copy format? >Ƹʽ :Copy from Another Configuration >һø :Copy from Event >¼ :Copy from Product >ӲƷ :Copy from Promotion >Ӵ :Copy from Report >Ա :Copy from Selected Configuration >ѡø :Copy from Standard Journal >Ա׼ռ :Copy from Std Journal >Ա׼ռ :Copy from a Standard SYSPRO menu >ӱ׼ SYSPRO ˵ :Copy from another Fast menu >һٲ˵ :Copy from another User menu >һû˵ :Copy from bank > :Copy from budget >Ԥ :Copy from company id >Թ˾id :Copy from component >Բ :Copy from description > :Copy from document number >ĵŸ :Copy from document type >ļ :Copy from file >ļ :Copy from group > :Copy from long description >ӳƪ :Copy from promotion code >Ӵ븴 :Copy from quotation version >ӱ۰汾 :Copy from route >· :Copy from table >Ա :Copy from template >ģ帴 :Copy from variable >Ա :Copy from warehouse details >Ӳֿϸ :Copy header details >ƱϸĿ :Copy in Progress >ִи :Copy in progress... Please wait >ڽи...Ժ :Copy information >Ϣ :Copy invalid selection criteria >Чѡ׼ :Copy licenses >֤ :Copy live ledger >ʵʱ :Copy live ledger from >ƻʣ :Copy live ledger to current company >ЧʸƵǰ˾ :Copy lot transactions and inspection records to an archive file and purge transaction details for lots that are complete >ν׺ͼ¼ƵļεĽ :Copy method >Ʒ :Copy multi-media >ƶý :Copy multimedia >ƶý :Copy narrations attached to labor allocations >Ͷӵ :Copy narrations attached to labor allocs >ƸͶ :Copy narrations attached to mat allocs >ƸڲϷ :Copy narrations attached to material allocations >Ϸӵ :Copy next year budgets to current year >һԤ㸴ǰ :Copy notepad to sales order >Ƽ±۶ :Copy notes >ע :Copy of policies complete. Do you want to process another copy? >߸ơϣһ? :Copy one rate to another >һַʸƵһ :Copy only > :Copy operator settings >Ʋ :Copy operator? >ƲԱ :Copy options >ѡ :Copy options selected >ѡѡ :Copy or delete tickover >ƻɾѡ :Copy order complete >复制完整订单 :Copy price entries >Ƽ۸ :Copy quotation notes to sales order >۵Ƶ۶ :Copy quotation? >Ʊۣ :Copy security access from >ưȫԷʣ :Copy selected flow graph >复制选定流程图 :Copy selected menu >复制选定菜单 :Copy selection criteria dependencies >ѡ׼ :Copy selection criteria validation >复制选择标准验证 :Copy so that others can use this list >ƣԱ˿ʹôб :Copy stock code? >ƿ룿 :Copy structure from Posting to Queries >将结构从发布复制到查询 :Copy structure from Queries to Posting >将结构从查询复制到发布 :Copy successfully completed >ѳɹɸ :Copy the draft minimum and maximum levels to the current minimum and maximum levels for a selection set of stock items >ƲݰͺˮƽѡĿĵǰͺˮƽ :Copy this Order >ƴ˶ :Copy to BOM Structure and Routing >ƵBOMṹ· :Copy to BOM Structure and Routing for >Ϊ¸Ƶϵ(BOM)ṹ· :Copy to Company >Ƶ˾ :Copy to Estimate >Ƶ :Copy to Estimate for >Ϊ¸Ƶ :Copy to Estimate in Progress >ִиƵ :Copy to Favorites >ƫõ :Copy to Format >Ƶʽ :Copy to Other Roles >Ƶְ :Copy to Posting >复制到发布 :Copy to Posting Security >Ƶʰȫ :Copy to Promotion > :Copy to QUERY security as well >Ҳѯȫ :Copy to Queries >复制到查询 :Copy to Query Security >Ƶѯȫ :Copy to Quotation >Ƶ :Copy to Role >Ƶְ :Copy to Roles >Ƶְ :Copy to Structure and Routing in Progress >ִиƵṹ· :Copy to another company >һҹ˾ :Copy to another operator >һԱ :Copy to budget >ƵԤ :Copy to description >Ƶ :Copy to group >Ƶ :Copy to operator >ƵԱ :Copy to promotion code > :Copy to template >Ƶģ :Copy to variable >Ƶ :Copy to warehouse selection >Ƶֿѡ :Copy to warehouses >Ƶֿ :Copy type selection >ѡ :Copy warehouses (quantities zeroised) >Ʋֿ⣨Ϊ㣩 :Copy, Merge and Delete >ơϲɾ :Copy, Merge and Delete Account Message >ơϲɾʻϢ :Copy, delete and import budgets globally in the General Ledger module >ģȫָơɾ͵Ԥ :Copy... (Ctrl+Y) >...(Ctrl+Y) :CopyConfiguration >复制配置 :Copybooks >д :Copying >复制 :Copying Configurator Tables >Copying Configurator Tables :Copying Files.. >ڸļ.. :Copying Images >ڸͼ :Copying Policies >ڸ :Copying a Configuration >ڸ :Copying calculations >ڸƼ :Copying component dependencies >ڸƲ :Copying components and operations >ڸƲͲ :Copying files >ڸļ :Copying files to client. >ڽļƵͻ :Copying files to client. Please be patient as this may take a while >ڽļƵͻĵȴΪҪһʱ :Copying files. Please be patient as this may take a while >ڸļĵȺ :Copying from stock code >ӿи :Copying group security access information. Please wait >ڸ鰲ȫԷϢԺ :Copying invalid selection criteria >Copying invalid selection criteria :Copying materials >ڸƲ :Copying operations >ڸƲ :Copying options >ڸѡ :Copying selection criteria >ڸѡ׼ :Copying selection criteria dependencies >ڸѡ׼ :Copying tables to ISAM >ڽƵ ISAM :Copying to stock code >븴 :Copyright (c) %1-%2 >Ȩ (c) %1-%2 :Copyright (c) 1994-2003 >Ȩ (c) 1994-2003 :Copyright (c) 1994-2004 >Ȩ(c) 1994-2004 :Copyright (c) 1994-2006 >Ȩ (c) 1994-2006 :Copyright (c) 1994-2007 >Ȩ (c) 1994-2007 :Correct Archive Control Tables >Ʊ :Correct error and re-run permanent entries >й̶ :Cost >ɱ :Cost % >ɱ% :Cost - >ɱ - :Cost / Price Percentage Change >ɱ۸ٷֱȸ :Cost / cash price >ɱֽ۸ :Cost Accountant >ɱʦ :Cost Analysis >ɱ :Cost Analysis Selection >成本分析选择 :Cost Analysis entry >ɱĿ :Cost Analysis for Stock Code >库存代码成本分析 :Cost Apportionment >ɱ̯ :Cost Apportionment Percentages >ɱ̯ٷֱ :Cost Apportionment for >Ŀijɱ̯ :Cost Apportionment for Comp >ɱ̯ :Cost Apportionment for Op >ɱ̯ :Cost Breakdown >ɱ :Cost Breakdown Details >ɱֽϸ :Cost Center %1 >ɱ %1 :Cost Center Additional Information (Internal) >ɱĸϢڲʹã :Cost Center Additional Information (Subcontract) >ɱĸϢְʹã :Cost Center Details >ɱ :Cost Center G/L Integration >ɱG/L :Cost Center G/L Integration (Internal) >ɱG/Lϣڲʹã :Cost Center G/L Integration (Subcontract) >ɱG/Lϣְʹã :Cost Center GL Integration >ɱ GL :Cost Center GL Integration (Internal) >ɱ GL (ڲ) :Cost Center GL Integration (Subcontract) >ɱ GL (ְͬ) :Cost Center Maintenance >ɱά :Cost Center Rate Maintenance >ɱķά :Cost Center Rates >ɱķ :Cost Center description >ɱ :Cost Centers >ɱ :Cost Centers To Copy >ҪƵijɱ :Cost Centers for Branch >֧ɱ :Cost Change >ɱ仯 :Cost Changes >ɱ仯 :Cost Elements for Purchase Order >ɹɱҪ :Cost GL Code >ɱ GL :Cost Implosion >ɱѹ :Cost Implosion & Lead Time Calculation >ɱǰڼ :Cost Implosion & Lead Time Calculation Warning >ɱǰڼ㾯 :Cost Implosion & Lead Time Calculation in Progress >ִгɱǰڼ :Cost Implosion and Lead Time Calculation >ɱڱͽڼ :Cost Maintenance >ɱά :Cost Modification >ɱ޸ :Cost Modifications >ɱ޸ :Cost Multiplier >ɱϵ :Cost Overflow >ɱ :Cost Per >λɱ :Cost Per Worker >λְɱ :Cost Reporting Manager >ɱ澭 :Cost Rollup >ɱۼ :Cost Type >ɱ :Cost UOM >ɱλ :Cost Unit of Measure >ɱλ :Cost Unit of Measure Report >ɱλ :Cost Value Overflow >ɱֵ :Cost Values >ɱֵ :Cost Variance Exceeded >ɱ :Cost Variance Password >ɱ :Cost amount >ɱ :Cost apportionment cannot be greater than 100% >ɱ̯ô100% :Cost based on >ɱ :Cost basis >ɱ׼ :Cost basis '%1' not allowed for LCT items >ɱ(LCT)Ŀijɱ '%1' :Cost basis '%1' not allowed for non-stocked items >ǿĿijɱ '%1' :Cost basis cannot be 'W' as Quantity is negative >ΪΪɱΪ"W" :Cost basis cannot be 'W' as WIP value is not greater than zero >Ϊִҵ(WIP)ֵ㣬ԳɱΪ'W' :Cost breakdown for contract >ͬɱֽ :Cost bucket >ɱͰ :Cost cannot be zeros >ɱΪ :Cost center >ɱ :Cost center '%1' cannot be changed on an update >ڼ䲻ɸijɱ '%1' :Cost center '%1' not found >δҵɱ '%1' :Cost center after >֮ijɱ :Cost center already exists in target branch >ɱĿ֧Ѵ :Cost center record locked >ɱļ¼ :Cost center selection >ɱѡ :Cost center template >ɱģ :Cost center transferred to >ɱģת :Cost center type >ɱ :Cost center within branch >֧ڳɱ :Cost centre >ɱ :Cost change jnl reference >ɱ仯ռʲο :Cost change journal >ɱ仯ռ :Cost change journal reference >ɱ仯ռʲο :Cost change transactions >ɱ仯 :Cost changes posted >ijɱ :Cost changes value >ɱֵ :Cost direction >ɱ :Cost element >ɱҪ :Cost element selection >ɱԪѡ :Cost entered >ɱ :Cost entered must be in local currency >ijɱΪػ :Cost flag >ɱ־ :Cost implosion complete >ɳɱֽ :Cost implosion, suggested jobs >ɱڱ鹤 :Cost implosion/job creation >ɱڱ/ :Cost in all warehouses >ȫֿеijɱ :Cost in range of warehouses >ֿⷶΧڳɱ :Cost ledger code >ɱʳɱ :Cost ledger code description >ɱʴ :Cost markup >ɱ :Cost markup (mat) >ɱ () :Cost markup (ops) >ɱ () :Cost method >成本方法 :Cost modifications not allowed >ɱ޸ :Cost modifications posted >ijɱ޸ :Cost modifications value >ɱ޸ļֵ :Cost multiplier is less than one. OK to continue? >ɱһȷҪ :Cost multiplier may not be zero >ɱϵΪ :Cost multiplier must be greater than 1.00 >ɱ1.00 :Cost multiplier nonMerch variance >成本乘数非商品差异 :Cost of Goods Sold G/L Control Account >ۻƷɱG/Lʻ :Cost of Goods Sold GL Control Account >ۻɱ GL ˻ :Cost of Sales G/L Account >۳ɱG/Lʻ :Cost of Sales GL Account >۳ɱ GL ˻ :Cost of Sales Merch. - Manuf >Ʒɱ - :Cost of components >ɱ :Cost of disposal >óɱ :Cost of goods sold >ۻɱ :Cost of goods sold adjustment >ۻƷɱ :Cost of goods sold control >ۻƷɱ :Cost of operations >Ӫɱ :Cost of receipt >ջɱ :Cost of sales >۳ɱ :Cost of sales clearing >۳ɱ :Cost of sales for committed >ѳŵ۳ɱ :Cost of sales for contract >ͬ۳ɱ :Cost of sales for uncommitted >δŵ۳ɱ :Cost of sales from part billings >ʵе۳ɱ :Cost of sales value >۳ɱֵ :Cost on stock take file >̵ɱļ :Cost on warehouse file >ֿɱļ :Cost options >ɱѡ :Cost percentage >ɱٷֱ :Cost percentage change >ɱٷֱȸ :Cost plus >成本加 :Cost price >ɱ :Cost price mark-up >ɱ۸ :Cost selection >ɱѡ :Cost to update >µijɱ :Cost transfer ran successfully, no cost changes were made >成本转账运行成功,未做任何成本更改 :Cost u/m >ɱu/m :Cost u/m may not be used if FIFO valuation is installed >װȽȳ(FIFO)ϵͳ򲻵ʹóɱλ :Cost unit of measure '%1' not found >δҵɱλ '%1' :Cost unit of measure may not be blank >ɱλΪհ :Cost value >ɱֵ :Cost value (Local) >ɱֵ () :Cost variance >ɱ :Cost/Lead Time Rollup >ɱǰʱۻ :Cost/Price Percentage Change >ɱ/۸ٷֱȸ :Cost/Profit >ɱ :Cost/Value >ɱֵ :Cost/cash price >ɱ/ֽ۸ :Costing >ɱ :Costing Implosion >ɱ :Costing Method >ɱ㷽 :Costing Profile >ɱʵ :Costing Profile in Progress >ִгɱ :Costing Query >ɱѯ :Costing Report >ɱ㱨 :Costing Report Summary >ɱժҪ :Costing Summary Report >ɱժҪ :Costing apportionment >ɱ̯ :Costing by warehouse >ɱ :Costing by warehouse selection >ֿѡijɱ :Costing by warehouses >ֿɱ :Costing level >ɱȼ :Costing per warehouse >ÿɱ :Costing per warehouse has been switched off. All warehouses will be reset to use the current company costing method. Do you wish to continue? >ѹرÿɱ㡣λп⣬Բ¹˾ɱ㷽ϣ :Costing rate indicator >ɱָ :Costing unit of measure >ɱλ :Costs >ɱ :Costs ( ) >ɱ( ) :Costs - Stocking unit of measure (EA) >成本 - 库存计量单位 (EA) :Costs Analysis >ɱ :Costs Maintenance >ɱά :Costs Update Warning >ɱ¾ :Costs for Contract >ͬɱ :Costs graph >ɱͼ :Costs in all warehouses >вֿڳɱ :Costs to date >³ɱ :Costs to print >ӡɱ :Costs to update >³ɱ :Costs to use for bought out items when creating a BOM >Costs to use for bought out items when creating a BOM :Costs to use for implosion >õɱ :Could not access the folder. Would you like to continue? >޷ʸļСϣ :Could not connect to server. Check the business layer service is started >޷ҵǷ :Could not connect to server. Check the business layer service is started >޷ӵǷҵ :Could not connect to the server '%1' >޷ '%1' :Could not create the document >޷ĵ :Could not enumerate the databases on Sql server '%1'. Please check that the user has access to the Sql server >޷Sql '%1' öݿ⡣ûǷ߱SqlķȨ :Could not find the company record on the site company table. Build cancelled >޷վ㹫˾ҵ˾¼ȡ :Could not find the file. Would you like to continue >޷ҵļϣ? :Could not find the file. Would you like to continue? >޷ҵļϣ :Could not find the folder. Would you like to continue >޷ҵļСϣ? :Could not find the folder. Would you like to continue? >޷ҵļСϣ :Could not forward finite schedule job. Reverted to forward infinite schedule >޷תųҵѷתų :Could not load the file, please check that the file name and path are correct and that the file is not locked >޷ļļ·ǷȷԼļǷ :Could not log into SQL. Please check the company SQL Login credentials >޷¼ SQL鹫˾ SQL ¼ƾ :Could not retrieve category list >޷б :Count > :Count Capture/Import >׽ :Count Confirm >ȷ :Count Exception Report >ⱨ :Count Extract/Cancel >ȡȡ :Count Stock > :Count System >ϵͳ :Count complete >ɼ :Count items selection >Ŀѡ :Count items selections >Ŀѡ :Count list >嵥 :Count of replaced/updated components >² :Counted >Ѽ :Counted Complete >ɼ :Counted not extracted >δժ¼ :Counted not verified >δʵ :Counted quantity >Ѽ :Counted quantity complete >Ѽ :Counter > :Counter Sale > :Counter Sale Payment Type Maintenance >̨۸ά :Counter Sales > :Counter Sales - Stores > - ̵ :Counter Sales Cash Drawer >̨ :Counter Sales Cash Drawer Maintenance >ֽ۳Ʊά? :Counter Sales Cash Drawers >ֽƱ :Counter Sales Close >۹ر :Counter Sales Close in Progress >ڴرֽ :Counter Sales Deposit Comments >̨۴ע :Counter Sales Deposit Definition >̨۴ :Counter Sales Deposit Details >̨۴ :Counter Sales Deposit Query >ֽ۴? :Counter Sales Deposit Report > :Counter Sales Deposits > :Counter Sales Detail Invoice Payment >̨ϸƱ :Counter Sales Document Wording >ֽĵ? :Counter Sales Entering cash discounts >ֽۿ :Counter Sales Interface >۽ :Counter Sales List of Cash Drawers >ֽֽƱ? :Counter Sales List of Cash Drawers in Progress >ڴֽֽƱб :Counter Sales List of Payment Codes >ֽ۸б? :Counter Sales List of Payment Codes in Progress >ڴֽ۸б :Counter Sales List of Payment Types >б :Counter Sales Outstanding Deposit Report >ֽδɴ? :Counter Sales Payment Details >̨۸ϸ :Counter Sales Payment Type >̨۸ :Counter Sales Payment Type Maintenance >̨۸ά :Counter Sales Payment Types > :Counter Sales Payments Interface >ֽ۸? :Counter Sales Payments Interface Branch >柜台销售付款接口分支 :Counter Sales Payments Interface Maintenance >ֽ۸ά? :Counter Sales Purge >ֽ? :Counter Sales Purge in Progress >ִֽ :Counter Sales Query >۲ѯ :Counter Sales Report >۱ :Counter Sales Report in Progress >ִֽ۱ :Counter Sales Summary Invoice >̨ժҪƱ :Counter Sales Summary Payments >̨ժҪ :Counter Sales Summary Sales >̨ժҪ :Counter Sales Totals >̨ۺϼ :Counter Sales function >ֽ۹ :Counter Sales module not installed >δװģ :Counter Sales not installed. Program cancelled >δװֽۡȡ :Counter Sales payment code cash in/out >ֽ룯 :Counter sale continuous format >ʽ :Counter sales customer >ֽۿͻ? :Counter sales defaults >ֽĬ? :Counter sales deposit >柜台销售押金 :Counter sales deposit flag >̨۴ :Counter sales documents set to >ֽļ? :Counter sales in status %1 >״̬ %1 еķ :Counter sales in status 8 >״̬8еķ :Counter sales intergration has not been selected. Do you want to continue? >δѡɡϣ :Counter sales only >ֽ :Counter sales only customer >ͻ :Counter sales options >ֽѡ? :Counter sales order flag >̨۶ :Counter sales payments > :Country > :Country code >Ҵ :Country of origin >ԭ :Country of origin description >ԭ :Country status >״̬ :County > :County (extended tax code) >أչ˰մ룩 :County or Zip code >ػ :County/Zip code >/ :Cover sheet template >ģ :Cover shortages >ȱ :Cr note >ע :Cr/Dr note >Cr/Dr :Cr/cash (CR,CS) >ֽCRCS :Create > :Create A/R Master/Sub Account File >A/Rʻļ :Create Additional Serial Numbers >创建附加系列号码 :Create All > :Create Allocation > :Create Alternate Reporting Currency >ñ :Create Alternative Currency >滻 :Create Alternative Reporting Currency Ledger >ҷ :Create Analytic Books >ʲ :Create Analytics Books > Analytics ˲ :Create Asset Master/Sub File >ʲļ :Create Assets Master/Sub Account File >ʲʻļ :Create BOM structure and routing >BOMṹ· :Create Bin > :Create Books >˲ :Create Build Schedules >ʱ :Create Contact >ϵ :Create Contact from Unknown Contact >δ֪ϵ˴ϵ :Create Contact with Same Name >ͬϵ :Create Credit Note >创建 - 贷方票据 :Create Credit/Debit Note >创建 - 贷方/借方票据 :Create Credot Note >创建贷方票据 :Create Customer >ͻ :Create Customer from Account >ʻͻ :Create Customer from Account Wizard >ʻ򵼴ͻ :Create Database >ݿ :Create Desktop Shortcut >ݷʽ :Create Dispatch > :Create Display Form >ʾ :Create Editable Form >ɱ༭ :Create Error > :Create G/L Journal > G/L ռ :Create GL recurring journals, used for entries that need to be posted on a regular, automatic basis; usually the ledger codes and ledger amounts stay the same >ҪڡԶĿ GL ռˣͨ˴˽ͬ :Create GL standard journals, used when the ledger values continually change but the ledger codes stay the same >˼ֵ仯˴ȴͬʱõ GL ׼ռ :Create GRN Master File >GRNļ :Create General Ledger journals for assets transactions >Ϊʲ״ռ :Create General Ledger journals for transactions processed in the Assets module >ΪʲģĽ״ռ :Create General Ledger journals from inventory transaction journals >Ӵռ˴ռ :Create General Ledger journals from part billing transaction journals >˵ռ˴ռ :Create General Ledger journals from the GRN adjustment transaction journals > GRN ռ˴ռ :Create General Ledger journals from the labor transaction journals >Ͷռ˴ռ :Create General Ledger journals from the supplier invoice transaction journals >ӹӦ̷Ʊռ˴ռ :Create General Ledger journals from the supplier payment transaction journals >ӹӦ̸ռ˴ռ :Create General Ledger journals from the transaction journals produced for customer invoices and finance charge calculations >ΪͻƱʷüĽռ˴ռ :Create General Ledger journals from the transaction journals produced for customer payments including counter sales payments >Ϊͻ (̨۸) Ľռ˴ռ :Create General Ledger journals from the transaction journals produced for deposits, withdrawals, adjustments and permanent entries >ΪĿĽռ˴ռ :Create General Ledger journals from trade promotions transaction journals >ó״ռ˴ռ :Create Highlighted lines >ͻʾ :Create Job >ҵ :Create Job Numbering Script >Žű :Create Job(s) >ҵ :Create Job/P Order/SCT >/ɹ/SCT :Create Job/P.Order >ҵɹ :Create Job/P.Order/SCT >ҵɹSCT :Create Jobs for All Lines >Ϊдҵ :Create Journal >ռ :Create Live P/Orders Sup >Чɹ֧ :Create Live P/Orders Supp >Чɹ֧ :Create Live P/o for Supplier >ӦЧ۶ :Create Live Puchase Orders >ʱɹ :Create Live Purchase Order >Чɹ :Create Live Purchase Orders >Чɹ :Create Live Requisition >Ч :Create Live SCT Order >ЧSCT :Create Lot > :Create Lot and Bin >κͿ :Create Master/Sub Account File >ʻļ :Create Master/Sub Job File >תҵļ :Create Menu >˵ :Create Multi Line Req for Buyer >Ϊû빺 :Create Multi Line Req for Planner >ΪƻԱ빺 :Create Multi Line Req for Supplier >ΪƻԱ빺 :Create Multi Line Requisition >빺 :Create Multi Line Requisitions >빺 :Create Multi Line Requisitions for All >Ϊȫ빺 :Create Multi-line P/order >вɹ :Create New >½ :Create New Code >´ :Create New Contact >ºͬ :Create New Database >ݿ :Create New Organization List >½֯б :Create New PO > PO :Create Order > :Create P/O >ɹ :Create P/Orders Sup >ɹ֧ :Create P/ord >ɹ :Create P/order >ɹ :Create PO >ɹ :Create Purchase Order >ɹ :Create Purchase Order for Su >Ӧ̲ɹ :Create Purchase Order for Supplier >Ӧ̲ɹ :Create Purchase Order from Standing Order >ӳڶɹ :Create Purchase Order/Job >ɹҵ :Create Purchase Order/Job/SCT/Requistion >创建采购订单/工作/SCT/请购 :Create Purchase Orders >ɹ :Create Report > :Create Report Library > :Create Report Outline >Ҫ :Create Requisition > :Create Requisition for Buyer >빺 :Create Requisition for Planner >ƻԱ빺 :Create Requisition for Supplier >Ӧ빺 :Create SCT >SCT :Create SCT orders >SCT :Create Sales Transactions for Serial Number >Ϊк봴۽ :Create Sample CONFLICT.TXT >CONFLICT.TXT :Create Schedule >ų :Create Schedules >ʱ :Create Script for All Tables >Ϊбű :Create Sections > :Create Selected >ѡ :Create Serials >创建系列 :Create Single >һ :Create Single Job >һҵ :Create Single Table Ending '+' >һһ "+" :Create Stock Part >创建库存零件 :Create Stocked Part > :Create Stocked Part for >ΪĿ :Create Supplier > :Create Supplier from Account >˻ :Create Supplier from Account Wizard >˻򵼴 :Create Supply Chain Transfer >Ӧת :Create Table Script >ű :Create Table Script(s) >ű :Create Tables > :Create Tables for 6.0 >Ϊ6.0洴 :Create Template >ģ :Create XML File > XML ļ :Create a Blank Fast menu >հ׿ٲ˵ :Create a Blank menu >հײ˵ :Create a New Purchase Order with Selected Lines >ѡд²ɹ :Create a Single Job >ҵ :Create a Workflow Database >ݿ :Create a build schedule file by extracting any MPS items from both the forecast file and/or sales order files >Ԥļ/۶ļȡκ MPS ĿԴųļ :Create a credit note >Ʊ :Create a customized product for use or test if a configuration is functioning correctly >ãΪʹûԴԶƷ :Create a link between a customer and one or more suppliers >ͻһһҹӦ̼ :Create a link between a customer's stock code and a valid SYSPRO stock code held on file >ͻѴ浵Ч SYSPRO :Create a link between a supplier and one or more customers >Ӧһһҿͻ :Create a link between stock codes whereby one item can be used as a substitute for another when a shortage of the primary stock item occurs >ӣԱ㵱Ŀȱʱƾ˿ΪһʹһĿ :Create a new Book >˲ :Create a new VBScript Module > VBScript ģ :Create a new contact? >Ҫϵ? :Create a new document >ĵ :Create a new personal menu in the Navigation Pane >ڵд¸˲˵ :Create a new report writer report >±д :Create a new template >ģ :Create a reference number for every transfer record >Ϊÿһתʼ¼ο :Create a resource load profile to assess the load on critical constraints caused by the current MPS >Դװļǰ MPS µٽԼµװ :Create a user-defined index file from a sequential file >˳ļûļ :Create and change contract prices for selected suppliers >ѡӦ̵ĺͬ۸ :Create and maintain Analysis Objects for SYSPRO Analytics >ά SYSPRO Analytics :Create and maintain Diagnostic scripts >άϽű :Create and maintain GL group codes >ά GL :Create and maintain Global Variables for SYSPRO Analytics >ά SYSPRO Analytics ȫֱ :Create and maintain SQL jobs >ά SQL :Create and maintain SYSPRO company source connections >ά SYSPRO ˾Դ :Create and maintain Servers for SYSPRO Analytics >ά SYSPRO Analytics :Create and maintain Sites for SYSPRO Analytics >ά SYSPRO Analytics վ :Create and maintain TPM accrual types >ά TPM ӦĿ :Create and maintain Templates for SYSPRO Analytics >ά SYSPRO Analytics ģ :Create and maintain a configuration structure for a product which is typically manufactured-to-order, assembled-to-order or sold in many different configurations >άͨ졢װԶֲͬ۲Ʒýṹ :Create and maintain a series of entries that are required to be posted on a given day of a particular month; entries can be permanent, temporary, or projection entries >άҪض·ݵĸڷһϵĿĿԡʱԻԤĿ :Create and maintain a series of entries to be posted against specified customers on a given day of a particular month >άض·ݵĸָͻһϵĿ :Create and maintain a series of entries to post for suppliers on a recurring basis >άⷴΪӦ̷һϵĿ :Create and maintain accrual promotion resolution codes >άӦĿƹ :Create and maintain all the remote sites relating to the current company >ά뵱ǰ˾صԶվ :Create and maintain buyers (the person in a company who is responsible for purchasing stock items) >άɹ (˾ڸɹĿԱ) :Create and maintain cost centers >άɱ :Create and maintain details relating to the tools that are used to perform an operation >ά빤صִв :Create and maintain elements of overhead costs >άԪ :Create and maintain forecasts for both stocked and non-stocked items >ΪͷǿĿάԤ :Create and maintain jobs, as well as to maintain material and operation allocations for jobs >άԼΪάϺͲ :Create and maintain links between a master job and sub jobs within a bill of jobs >ά˵ӹ :Create and maintain machines used to perform an operation >άִвĻ :Create and maintain payment runs for processing payments to suppliers >άӦ̵ĸĸ :Create and maintain planners (the person in a company responsible for planning the manufacture of made-in stock items) >άƻԱ (˾ڸƻڲĿԱ) :Create and maintain post dated check information for individual customers >άͻԶ֧ƱϢ :Create and maintain purchase order discount codes which can be used when creating purchase order requisitions >άڴɹ빺ʱʹõIJɹۿ۴ :Create and maintain report writer data dictionary table definitions >άдֵ :Create and maintain the codes that will be used for non-stocked items within quotations and estimates >άڱۺ͹ڷǿĿĴ :Create and maintain the department codes assigned to product classes >ά䵽ƷIJŴ :Create and maintain the report writer data dictionary column definitions >άдֵ :Create and maintain the source codes that are assigned to User-defined Journals >ά䵽ûռ˵Դ :Create and maintain trade promotion product groups >άó״Ʒ :Create and maintain trade promotions price breaks for selected stock items based on the mass, volume or quantity of the item sold >ĿάѡĿó״۸ :Create and maintain work centers >ά :Create and manage a VBScript that checks diagnostics when anyone logs in to SYSPRO >κ˵¼ SYSPRO ʱϵ VBScript :Create and manage a VBScript that runs when you login to SYSPRO >͹¼ SYSPRO ʱе VBScript :Create and manage a VBScript that runs when you logout from SYSPRO >͹˳ SYSPRO ʱе VBScript :Create and optionally post journals for the rule(s) selected and defined using the GL Weighted Transfer program >ѡ񷢲ѡʹ GL Ȩת˳ռ :Create automatic update job >Զҵ :Create bin location if not on file >λļУ򴴽λ :Create blank template >հģ :Create build schedule for selected suggestions? >ҪΪѡ鴴ʱ :Create chart of accounts >˻ͼ :Create chart of accounts in current company >ڵǰ˾ʻ :Create column headings once per report >ÿһʽ :Create columns script (COLUMN.SQL) >ű (COLUMN.SQL) :Create custom fields to be added to forms >ӵԶֶ :Create default layout >Ĭϲ :Create deposits > :Create detail history from %1 > %1 洴ϸʷ¼ :Create detail history from 4.0 >Ϊ4.0洴ϸʷ¼ :Create details for each operation >Ϊÿϸ :Create discount credit/debit notes >ۿ۴ע :Create discount notes >ۿ۸ע :Create dispatch without prompts >ʾ :Create export file >ļ :Create file >ļ :Create for All Tables >为所有表创建 :Create for Selected Tables >为选定表创建 :Create for Supplier >ΪӦ̴ :Create for selected line >Ϊѡд :Create forecasts for a number of pre-defined periods >ΪԤڴԤ :Create from an existing menu >в˵ :Create issue > :Create job for existing parent >Ϊĸʴҵ :Create jobs > :Create keys script (KEYS.SQL) >ؼֽű(KEYSSQL) :Create ledger options >ѡ :Create live P/o >ʱɹ :Create live Po >ʱɹ :Create live p/orders >Ч۶ :Create live requisitions >Ч :Create loads on working days only >ո :Create log of all applications launched >ȫӦõij־ :Create master production schedules on-line >ߴų :Create my own >Լ :Create new RMA line for the difference >ΪRMA :Create new browse configuration file >µļ :Create new contact from '%1'? > '%1' ºͬ :Create new default bin >ҪĬϲ :Create new extract file >µĽѹļ :Create new menu configuration file >²˵ļ :Create new rework job >·ҵ :Create new sales order >۶ :Create non-existent bins >Ǵڲ :Create non-existent lot >Ǵ :Create non-existent lots >Ǵ :Create non-existent serial >Ǵϵ :Create non-existent serials >Ǵ :Create non-stocked code >创建非库存代码 :Create non-stocked job >ǿҵ :Create non-stocked sales order line >ǿ۶ :Create operation records based on routing information imported from a flat ASCII file or a spreadsheet >ݴƽ ASCII ļӱ·Ϣ¼ :Create options >创建选项 :Create or Update PO Line >创建或更新 PO 行 :Create or Update Purchase Order >²ɹ :Create or append to extract file >创建或附加到提取文件 :Create p/o line with new qty >用新数量创建采购订单行 :Create p/order on acceptance of line >еIJɹ :Create p/orders >ɹ :Create page and column headings once per report >Ϊÿݱһҳ :Create page breaks for each page >Ϊÿҳҳ :Create price code entry if not on file >粻ļУ򴴽۸ :Create price code if not on file >ڣ۸ :Create purchase order details for selected contracts >Ϊѡͬɹϸ :Create purchase order line with new purchase order quantity >²ɹɹ :Create purchase orders from multiple blanket purchase order contracts >ӶһӲɹͬɹ :Create purchase orders from requisition lines >빺дɹ :Create purchase orders/req's >ɹ :Create purchase orders/requisitions >ɹ/빺 :Create quotation > :Create report with default headings >Ĭϱⴴ :Create requisitions > :Create requisitions for all buyers >Ϊвɹ̴빺 :Create requisitions for all planners >ΪмƻԱ빺 :Create requisitions for all suppliers >ΪйӦ̴빺 :Create retentions > :Create sales order >۶ :Create search windows for key fields >ΪԿֶδ :Create search windows for key fields. Search windows are a powerful way of replacing the standard browse programs >ΪԿֶδڡ׼һǿ󷽷 :Create seperate update jobs for ETL Process >ΪETL̴ҵ :Create sub job >ҵ :Create sub job for component >Ϊתҵ :Create sub jobs >ӹ :Create sub jobs for components >Ϊתҵ :Create summary history from %1 > %1 ժҪʷ¼ :Create summary history from 4.0 >40洴ժҪ¼ :Create table script (TABLE.SQL) >ű(TABLESQL) :Create the report writer data dictionary from the standard dictionary supplied with SYSPRO > SYSPRO һṩı׼ֵ䴴дֵ :Create this new form based on a selected template >ѡģɼ± :Create transfer >ת :Create warehouse records for a selective range of stock items >ΪֿѡĿֿ¼ :Create workflow deployment folder >̲ļ :Create/Update P/order >²ɹ :Create/Update RMA Detail >/ RMA ϸ :Create/Update RMA Header >/ RMA ҳü :Created > :Created Jobs >Ѵ :Created by > :Created by code >봴 :Created by operator >Ա :Created by program >򴴽 :Created date >Ѵ :Created date selection >Ѵѡ :Created dates >Ѵ :Created details >ϸ :Created from flag >Ѵӱ־ :Created from job >ҵ :Created from p/order >Ӳɹ :Created from purchase order >Ӳɹ :Created from purchase order line >Ӳɹд :Created info >ѴϢ :Created operator >ѴԱ :Created operator selection >ѴԱѡ :Created purchase order >Ѵɹ :Created purchase order line >Ѵɹ :Created records and exceptions >Ѵ¼쳣 :Created records only >Ѵ¼ :Created time >Ѵʱ :Creates and opens the activity for maintenance >ʹ򿪻Խά :Creates and opens the workflow for maintenance >ʹ򿪹Խά :Creating Analysis Dimension Packages >ڴߴװ :Creating Cross Reference File >ڴղοļ :Creating Cross Reference Files >ڴļ :Creating Custom Form Table >ڴԶʽ :Creating Employee Contacts >ڴԱϵ :Creating G/L Journal >ڴ G/L ռ :Creating GL Journal >ڴ GL ռ :Creating Multi-level Jobs >༶ҵ :Creating OLAP DTS packages >ڴOLAP DTS :Creating OLAP database >ڴOLAPݿ :Creating OLAP database '%1' >ڴ OLAP ݿ '%1' :Creating Purchase orders, Issues and Transfers >ڴɹǩת :Creating Report > :Creating SQL schedule job >ڴSQLʱҵ :Creating SQL server update datasets >ڴSQLݼ :Creating StageTables_Custom file >ڴStageTables_Customļ :Creating Staging DTS packages >ڴʱOLAP DTS :Creating Staging database tables >ڴʱݿ :Creating Staging tables >ڴּ :Creating Subject DTS packages >ڴDTS :Creating Tables for Database >ڴݿ :Creating Template dataset structure >ڴģݼṹ :Creating analysis cube packages >ڴװ :Creating connection string for database '%1' >Ϊݿ '%1' ַ :Creating database '%1' >ڴݿ '%1' :Creating extraction packages >ڴȡװ :Creating index for report >ڴ :Creating initial source filter table entries >ڴʼԴĿ :Creating job '%1' on SQL server '%2' > SQL '%2' ϴ '%1' :Creating new database >ڴݿ :Creating packages on Integration server '%1' >Ϸ '%1' ϴ :Creating temporary file for geo tax system >Ϊ˰ϵͳʱļ :Creating the DTS configuration file >ڴݴϵͳ(DTS)ļ :Creating the DTS configuration string >ڴDTSַ :Creating the Extraction DTS dataset >ڴȡݴϵͳ(DTS)ݼ :Creating the Load packages for Analysis server %1 >ڴݿ %1 ļ :Creating the Load packages for Analysis server 2000 >ڴAnalysis Server 2000װ :Creating the Load packages for Analysis server 2005 >ڴAnalysis Server 2005װ :Creating the Transformation DTS dataset >ڴתݴϵͳ(DTS)ݼ :Creating the key performance structure >ڴҪܽṹ :Creating transformation packages >ڴתװ :Creation date > :Creation date selection >ѡ :Creation dates > :Creation for SYSPRO %1 >ΪSYSPRO %1 :Creation for SYSPRO 6.0.010 >ΪSYSPRO 6.0.010 :Creation of Database tables was successful >ݿѳɹ :Creation of the Serial Cross Reference Files for SYSPRO %1 Format >ΪSYSPRO %1 ʽĴжļ :Creation of the Serial Cross Reference Files for SYSPRO 6.0.010 Format >ΪSYSPRO 6.0.010ʽĴжļ :Creation process completed with no errors >ѳɹɴ̣޴ :Creation time >ʱ :Creator > :Credit > :Credit %1 created >Ѵ %1 :Credit / Debit notes set to >跽ƱΪ :Credit Card Options >ÿѡ :Credit Card and Bank Deposit Slip Details >ÿдϸ :Credit Check >ü :Credit Check Error >ü :Credit Insurer >óб :Credit Invoices >÷Ʊ :Credit Ledger >÷ :Credit Ledger Code >÷ʴ :Credit Letter Extract >֤ժ¼ :Credit Limit Exceeded >ѳŴȣ :Credit Management >ù :Credit Management Notes >ùע :Credit Management Report in Progress >ִù :Credit Management Report in Progress >ִù :Credit Management Summary >ùժҪ :Credit Note Details >Ʊϸ :Credit Note Preview in Progress >ִдƱԤ :Credit Note Print in Progress >ִдƱݴӡ :Credit Terms Exceeded >ѳ :Credit Warning >þ :Credit Warning for Counter Sales >þ :Credit amount >ñ֤ :Credit auth >֤ :Credit authority >Ȩ :Credit authority needed to release orders placed in suspense manually >˹ʽ´Ȩ :Credit authorization >Ȩ :Credit balance > :Credit card >ÿ :Credit card details >ÿϸ :Credit card has expired >ÿѹ :Credit card number >ÿ :Credit card storage method >ÿ洢 :Credit check for orders that are to be released >Դжü :Credit check suspense (S) >üͣ(S) :Credit check warning >信用检查警告 :Credit checking >ü :Credit checking method >鷽 :Credit entry > :Credit information >Ϣ :Credit ledger code description >÷˴ :Credit ledger code is a control ledger code >ʴǿƷʴ :Credit ledger code locked >ʴ :Credit ledger code may not be the same as debit ledger code >ʴ벻Ƿʴͬ :Credit ledger code not on file >ʴ벻 :Credit ledger code not supplied >ʴδṩ :Credit ledger code on hold >ʴ :Credit limit >Ŵ :Credit limit before >֮ǰö :Credit limit has been exceeded by >ѳŴ :Credit limit has been exceeded. This order has been placed into '%1' >ѳüޡöѱ'%1' :Credit limit or invoice terms exceeded. Line released but order placed in suspense >ѳü޻Ʊޡǩȴڹ״̬ :Credit limit or invoice terms exceeded. Some lines released but order placed in backorder >ѳöȻƱޡijЩǩȴڽ :Credit limit or invoice terms exceeded. Some lines released but order placed in suspense >ѳöȻƱޡijЩǩȴڹ״̬ :Credit limit selection >Ŵѡ :Credit limit will be exceeded. Document print not allowed >öȡĵӡ :Credit management notes >ùע :Credit management report as of >ڵù :Credit memo >ñ :Credit memo account >ñ˻ :Credit memo amount >ñ¼ :Credit memos >ñ¼ :Credit narrations selection >ѡ :Credit note >Ʊ :Credit note '%1' already exists >ע '%1' Ѵ :Credit note number can not be blank/zero >贷方票据号码不可为空/零 :Credit note numbers must be in the range %1 to %2 >Ʊݺ %1 %2 Χ :Credit note numbers must be in the range '%1' to '%2' >Ʊݺ '%1' '%2' Χ :Credit note numbers must be in the range 800000 to 899999 >Ʊݺ800000899999֮ :Credit note or repair details >Ʊݻ޸ :Credit note title >עͱ :Credit note value greater than remaining invoice value. Do you wish to continue? >ƱݽڷƱϣ :Credit notes >Ʊ :Credit notes set to >ƱΪ :Credit only > :Credit order line number >öб :Credit order number >ö :Credit payment >ø :Credit quantity greater than remaining credit quantity. Do you wish to continue? >ʣϣ :Credit reason >ԭ :Credit reason description >ԭ :Credit status >״ :Credit status age >״ :Credit status code >״̬ :Credit status messages >״Ϣ :Credit terms have been exceeded by >ѳ :Credit terms have been exceeded. Document print not allowed >ѳޡĵӡ :Credit warehouse code not on file >Dzֿ벻 :Credit/Cash >Ŵ/ֽ :Credit/Debit notes set to >/跽ƱΪ :Creditors Clerk >ծȨְԱ :Credits >Ǽֵ :Credits only > :Criteria >׼ :Criteria Error >׼ :Criteria Selected >ѡ׼ :Criteria chosen >ѡı׼ :Criteria dependencies >标准依赖性 :Criteria description >׼˵ :Criteria line '%1' is invalid >׼ '%1' Ч :Criteria selection >׼ѡ :Criteria to process >׼ :Criteria value prompt is used as the object label for box >ʹñ׼ֵʾΪĶǩ :Criterion Locked >׼ :Critical errors were found with the allocations. A direct issue to the job will not be performed. Do you wish to continue? >ҵĹؼԴֱҵǩִСϣ :Cross Reference > :Cross References >对照参考 :Cross Shipment Details - RMA No >ϸ - ˻Ȩ(RMA) :Cross Shipment Details - RMA Number >ϸ - ˻Ȩ (RMA) :Cross Shipment Section >洬˲ :Cross reference details >ղοϸ :Cross reference key >ղοԿ :Cross reference type >ղο :Cross ship > :Cross ship Rev/Rel >޶/ :Cross ship product class >Ʒȼ :Cross ship sales order >۶ :Cross ship stock code > :Cross ship tax status >˰״̬ :Cross shipment >洬 :Cross shipment details >װϸ :Cross shipment options >ѡ :Cross shipment sales order >װ۶ :Cross shipment tax status >װ˰״̬ :Cross shipments >洬 :Cross shipped quantity is greater than the purchased. Accept? >װڲɹҪ :Cross-Reference Maintenance >໥οά :Cross-References >ղο :Cross-reference > :Cross-shipment options >洬ѡ :CrossShip Detail >ϸ :Crystal Report >Crystal :Crystal Stub >״ :Crystal driver >Crystal :Crystal report format >͸ʽ :Cube Pane >ͼ :Cube step count >ͼ :Cubes >άݼ :Cum > :Cum ABC % >油λABC :Cum time taken to change the order >Ķۼʱ :Cum. capacity >ۼ :Cume '%1' may not be less than previous cume '%2' >ۼ '%1 'Сһۼ '%2' :Cume manufacturing >ۼ :Cume pre-production >ۼԤ :Cumes >ۻ :Cumes & Release Customer >ۼǩͻ :Cumes & Releases Confirmation >ۻͷȷ :Cumes & Releases Global Purchase Order Change >ۻͷȫֲɹ :Cumes & Releases Purge Confirmed Releases >ۻͷȷͷ :Cumes delivered >ѽCumes :Cumes exceeds the amount of your contract. Do you wish to proceed? >ۼƶĺͬϣ :Cumes received >ѽյCumes :Cumulative >ۻ :Cumulative % annual usage value >ۼ % ʹüֵ :Cumulative bytes >ۻֽ :Cumulative diff >ۼƲ :Cumulative error >ۼƴ :Cumulative forecast error >ۼԤ :Cumulative highest of forecasts and sales orders >Ԥ۶ۻ :Cumulative lead time >ۼǰʱ :Cumulative manufacturing >ۼ :Cumulative pre-production >ۼԤ :Cumulative qty >ۼ :Cumulative quantities >ۼ :Cumulative reqd >ۼ :Cumulative time taken to >ۼʱ :Cumulative value at operation >ۼƼֵ :Cumulatives cost selection >ۻɱѡ :Cur > :Cur year month end dates %1 >ǰ %1 :Cur year month status flags %1 >ǰ·״̬ %1 :Cur year next line no >ǰһб :Cur year no of details >ǰϸ :Cur year period end dates %1 >ǰ %1 :Cur year period status flag %1 >ǰ״̬ %1 :Curently processing >ǰڴ :Curr > :Curr month bal > :Curr month cost >³ɱ :Curr. month costs >ǰ·ݳɱ :Currencies > :Currency > :Currency %1 > %1 :Currency '%1' against Cash Book transaction not found >δҵֽʱ׵Ļ '%1' :Currency '%1' against bank '%2' not found >δҵ '%2' Ļ '%1' :Currency '%1' against customer '%2' not found >δҵԿͻ '%2' Ļ '%1' :Currency '%1' for invoice '%2' not found >δҷƱ'%2' Ļ '%1' :Currency '%1' for supplier '%2' not found >δҹӦ '%2' Ļ '%1' :Currency '%1' is invalid > '%1' Ч :Currency '%1' must be local > '%1' Ϊ :Currency '%1' must match bank currency '%2' > '%1' л '%2' :Currency '%1' not found >δҵ '%1' :Currency Amendment Journal >޶ռ :Currency Amendment Journal Print >޶ռʴӡ :Currency Amendment Journal Report >޶ռʱ :Currency Amendment Journal in Progress >ִл޶ռ :Currency Code >Ҵ :Currency Conversion >ת :Currency Conversion Maintenance >һά :Currency Conversions >һ :Currency Details > :Currency Difference >Ҳ :Currency Exchange Rate >һ :Currency Exchange Rate Maintenance >һά :Currency Exchange Rates >һ :Currency History >ʷ¼ :Currency History Details >Ҽ¼ϸ :Currency Maintenance >ά :Currency Notepad >Ҽ± :Currency Options >ѡ :Currency Quick View >ҿٲ鿴 :Currency Review > :Currency Selection >ѡ :Currency Triangulation >货币三角形 :Currency Update >Ҹ :Currency Validation >֤ :Currency Variance >ұ䶯 :Currency Variance Report >货币差异报告 :Currency Variance Report in Progress >ִлҲ :Currency against the payment code is different to the account currency >ԸĻҲͬʻ :Currency cannot be changed as there are active purchase orders for this supplier >޷ĻңΪ˹Ӧ̴Чɹ :Currency cannot be changed as there are registered invoices for this supplier >޷ĻңΪ˹Ӧ̴עᷢƱ :Currency cannot be changed as there are unmatched GRN's for this supplier >޷ĻңΪ˹Ӧ̴ڲջ(GRN) :Currency cannot be changed as transactions with non-zero balances exist for this supplier >޷Ļң˶ڴ˹Ӧ̴ڷ :Currency cannot be deleted >޷ɾ :Currency code cannot be blank >Ҵ벻ɿհ :Currency code not on file >Ҵ벻ļ :Currency code of bank >лҴ :Currency code quote %1 >Ҵ %1 :Currency decimal denomination >Сֵ :Currency denomination >ֵ :Currency denomination symbol >ֵ :Currency description > :Currency exchange rate already on file >һļ :Currency for alternate >û :Currency for customer 'xxxxxxx' invalid. Function cancelled >客户 'xxxxxxx' 的货币无效。功能已取消 :Currency information >Ϣ :Currency mismatch >Ҳƥ :Currency not on file >Ҳļ :Currency not the same as original suppliers >ԭӦ̲ͬ :Currency of order > :Currency of supplier must match the currency of the payment run >Ӧ̻ұøл :Currency of supplier must match the currency of this payment run >Ӧ̻ұøл :Currency of value to issue >ǩֵĻ :Currency statement count >ұ :Currency summary >ժҪ :Currency symbol >ҷ :Currency value >Ҽֵ :Currency values >Ҽֵ :Current >ǰ :Current %1 >ǰ%1 :Current (transactions) >ǰף :Current A/P balance >ǰA/P :Current A/P period >ǰA/Pڼ :Current A/R balance >ǰA/R :Current A/R period >ǰA/Rڼ :Current AB/abc >ǰAB/abc :Current AP balance >ǰA/P :Current AP balance %1 >ǰ AP %1 :Current AP period >ǰA/Pڼ :Current AR balance >ǰA/R :Current AR period >ǰA/Rڼ :Current Abc/Klm >ǰAbc/Klm :Current Assets >ǰʲ :Current BOM costs >ǰ BOM ɱ :Current Bank Balances >ǰ :Current C/B balance >ǰֽ˲ (C/B) :Current C/B balance (Local) >ǰֽ˲ (C/B) () :Current CB balance >ǰ CB :Current CB balance (Local) >ǰ CB () :Current Capacity >ǰ :Current Code >ǰ :Current Companies With Logged in Users >еӵѵ¼ûĹ˾ :Current Company Copy Message >ǰ˾Ϣ :Current Cost of Item >ǰĿɱ :Current Currency Oparand >ǰ Oparand :Current Date >ǰ :Current ECO status >ǰECO״̬ :Current File Information >ǰļϢ :Current Forecast >ǰԤ :Current G/L Period Validation >ǰG/Lڼ֤ :Current G/L period >ǰG/Lڼ :Current G/L year >ǰG/L :Current GL Period Validation >ǰG/Lڼ֤ :Current GL month >ǰ GL · :Current GL period >ǰGLڼ :Current GL year >ǰG/L :Current GRN value >ǰGRNֵ :Current Information >Ϣ :Current Job >ǰҵ :Current Journal >ǰռ :Current LCT price >ǰLCT۸ :Current Labor/Unit >ǰͶλ :Current Level >ǰ :Current Levels >ǰ :Current Liabilities >ծ :Current Liabilities Graph >ծͼ :Current Machine/Employee >ǰԱ :Current Material/Unit >ǰϣλ :Current Month >ǰ· :Current Month Difference >ǰ·ݲ :Current Month Validation >ǰ·֤ :Current Nw/Sn >Current Nw/Sn :Current P/O period >ǰɹڼ :Current PO period >ǰɹڼ :Current Period >ǰڼ :Current Printer Page Setup >ǰӡҳ :Current Printer Print Setup >ǰӡӡ :Current Processing Phase >ǰ׶ :Current Ratio >ǰ :Current Ratio Graph >ǰͼ :Current Reference >ǰο :Current Rel >ǰǩ :Current Rev >ǰ޶ :Current Rev/Rel >޶У :Current Rev/Rev >޶޶ :Current Rev/Ver >ǰ޶/汾 :Current Rv/Rl >ǰ޶ǩ :Current Sales Tax Rates >ǰ˰ :Current Site Id >ǰվ Id :Current Site Name >ǰվ :Current Step >ǰ :Current Table Information >ǰϢ :Current Users >ǰû :Current Users in SYSPRO >ǰSYSPROû :Current WIP value >ǰ WIP ֵ :Current Warehouse Quantities >ǰֿ :Current Work Centre >ǰҵ :Current Year > :Current Year Opening Balances >Current Year Opening Balances :Current Yr/Mth >ǰݣ· :Current account balance >ʻ :Current actual >ǰʵʵ :Current ageing method >ǰ䷽ :Current alt %1 value >ǰ %1 ֵ :Current asset/liability >ǰʲծ :Current asset/liability flag >ʲ/ծ :Current asset/liablilty >ǰʲծ :Current assets Graph >ʲͼ :Current available >ǰõ :Current balance >ǰ :Current balance - aged >ǰ - :Current balance overflow for customer >ͻĵǰ :Current balance overfow for sub-account >ʻX(7)ķʻX(7) :Current balance set to correct amount >Ϊȷĵǰ :Current balance, Asset >ǰʲ :Current balance, Capital >ǰʱ :Current balance, Expense >ǰ :Current balance, Liability >ǰծ :Current balance, Revenue >ǰ :Current bank balance > :Current bank locked by another user >һûĵǰ :Current book value >ǰֵ :Current book value %1 >ǰֵ %1 :Current budget >ǰԤ :Current cash book >ǰʱ :Current cash book balance >ǰʱ :Current cash book year >ǰʱ :Current committed >ǰѳŵ :Current company >ǰ˾ :Current company date >ǰ˾ :Current company id >ǰ˾id :Current company name >ǰ˾ :Current cost >ɱ :Current cumulative >ǰۼƵ :Current currency rate >ǰ :Current customer address >ǰͻַ :Current customer balance >ǰͻ :Current depreciation period >ǰ۾ڼ :Current dispatch note status is '%1' >ǰ״̬Ϊ '%1' :Current due >ǰ :Current due date >ǰ :Current exchange rate >ǰ :Current exchange rate against currency >ǰһ :Current expected costs >ǰԤƳɱ :Current expected labor cost >ǰͶɱԤ :Current expected material cost >ǰϳɱԤ :Current file size >ǰļС :Current financial month >ǰ· :Current financial year >ǰ :Current font >ǰ :Current forecasts >ǰԤ :Current free quantity >ǰ :Current group >ǰ :Current holder >ǰ :Current indicator flag >ǰָ :Current inv. unit cost >ǰλɱ :Current inventory cost >当前存货成本 :Current inventory cost price >ǰɱ۸ :Current inventory month >ǰ· :Current inventory period >ǰ :Current inventory unit cost >ǰ浥λɱ :Current inventory value >ǰֵ :Current inventory year >ǰ :Current invoice ageing method >ǰƱ䷽ :Current kit quantity >ǰ߰ :Current labor per unit >ǰλͶ :Current ledger >ǰ :Current ledger period >ǰʷ :Current ledger year >ǰ :Current list description >ǰб :Current list type >ǰб :Current material BOM cost >ǰBOMɱ :Current material per unit >ǰλ :Current maximum >ǰֵ :Current min >ǰСֵ :Current minimum >ǰСֵ :Current minor set-up time will be changed to equal the set-up time entered >ǰʱ佫Ϊʱ :Current minor set-up time will be changed to equal the setup time entered >当前次设置时间将更改为等于所输入的设置时间 :Current minor setup time will be changed to equal the setup time entered >ǰʱ佫Ϊʱ :Current month %1 >ǰ· %1 :Current month - >ǰ· - :Current month and year must be changed in the Inventory setup if the Inventory module is installed >װ˿ģ飬ôĿеĵǰ·ݺ :Current month cost >ǰ¶ȳɱ :Current month number >ǰ·ݺ :Current month's record locked >ǰ·ݼ¼ :Current o/s GRN value >ǰo/s GRNֵ :Current o/s value >ǰδֵ :Current object category deleted >ɾǰ :Current object type deleted >ɾĵǰ :Current on hand >ǰӵ :Current operating system date >ǰϵͳ :Current operating system time >ǰϵͳʱ :Current operator >ǰԱ :Current option >ǰѡ :Current options >ѡ :Current options/preferences >ǰѡѡ :Current or period-to-date balance exceeds 12 .2 >ǰڼ12.2 :Current order >ǰ :Current order status is '%1' >ǰ״̬Ϊ '%1' :Current order status is '%1', new status may only be '%2' >ǰ״̬Ϊ '%1' ״ֻ̬Ϊ '%2' :Current order type is %1, new status cannot be '%2' >ǰΪ %1 ״̬Ϊ '%2' :Current page >ǰҳ :Current pass >ǰ :Current period %1 / %2 >当前周期 %1 / %2 :Current period cannot be changed. Outstanding value of GRN not zero >ɸĵǰڡջ(GRN)δֵΪ :Current period only >ǰڼ :Current period summary >ǰժҪ :Current phase >ǰ׶ :Current phase of processing >ǰ׶ :Current price >ǰ۸ :Current printer >ǰӡ :Current printer information >ǰӡϢ :Current program >ǰ :Current quantity >ǰ :Current quantity ship and b/ord >ǰװ˺ڽ :Current rate >ǰ :Current record count >ǰ¼ :Current release >ǰ :Current required >ǰҪ :Current revalued value >ǰ¹ֵ :Current revision >ǰ汾 :Current role >ǰְ :Current run number >ǰк :Current sales tax >ǰ˰ :Current selection >ǰѡ :Current sequence >ǰ˳ :Current ship date >ǰװ :Current shipments >ǰװ :Current source criteria >ǰԴ׼ :Current statement balance >ǰ :Current status >ǰ״̬ :Current status of Award compatibility for this report >ñĵǰ״̬ :Current tax rate >ǰ˰ :Current tax rate % >ǰ˰ % :Current tax value >ǰ˰ֵ :Current total >ǰϼ :Current total committed >ѳŵĵǰϼ :Current transaction >ǰ :Current uncommitted >ǰδŵ :Current use tax >ǰʹ˰ :Current user >ǰû :Current user is not this book's author >ǰûDZ :Current user license >ǰû֤ :Current user process name >ǰû :Current value >ǰֵ :Current value of GRN >GRN 当前值 :Current values >ǰֵ :Current variance >ǰ仯 :Current version >ǰ汾 :Current view >ǰͼ :Current vs Budget >ǰԤ :Current vs previous year >ǰǰ :Current warehouse >ǰֿ :Current warehouse selection >ǰֿѡ :Current warehouses >ǰֿ :Current week > :Current when shipping >װʱµ :Current year budget >ǰԤ :Current year control totals were placed out of balance >ȿܶʧȥƽ :Current year only >ǰ :Current year summary >ǰժҪ :Current years history is missing >ǰʷ¼ʧ :Current/Adjustment value >ǰ/ֵ :Currently %1 User Logged in out of %2 Licensed Users >Ŀǰ%2 û %1 Ϊ¼û :Currently %1 User Logged in out of %2 Licensed Users and %3 out of %4 Contact Management Only Licensed Users >ǰ%2 û %1 û¼%4 Ľϵ˹û %3 ¼ :Currently %1 Users Logged in out of %2 Licensed Users >Ŀǰ%2 û %1 Ϊ¼û :Currently %1 Users Logged in out of %2 Licensed Users and %3 out of %4 Contact Management Only Licensed Users >ǰ%2 û %1 û¼%4 Ľϵ˹û %3 ¼ :Currently Processing >ǰ :Currently Selected Archive Fields >ǰѡֶ :Currently consolidating orders for customer >ͻĵǰϲ :Currently converting >ǰת :Currently copying >ڸ :Currently due >ǰ :Currently due discount >ǰۿ :Currently exporting >ǰڵ :Currently importing >Ŀǰڵ :Currently logged in >ǰ¼ :Currently printing error >ǰӡ :Currently printing record >ǰڴӡ¼ :Currently processing branch >ǰڴ֧ :Currently processing customer >ǰڴͻ :Currently processing requisition >ǰڴ :Currently processing role >ǰڴְ :Currently processing stock code >ǰڴ :Currently processing supplier >ǰڴӦ :Currently processing table >ڴ :Currently processing warehouse >ǰڴֿ :Currently reading >ڶȡ :Currently reindexing >ǰ± :Curved > :Curved with Arrow >带箭头曲线 :Curved with Double Arrow >带双箭头曲线 :Cus req date >ͻ :Cust >ͻ :Cust Request Date >ͻ :Cust category > :Cust class selection >ͻȼѡ :Cust movement recs - date/number option >ͻ䶯¼ - /ѡ :Cust p/o >ͻɹ :Cust price look-up >ͻ۸鿴 :Cust. retail price >ͻۼ۸ :Cust/Supp stock code >ͻӦ̿ :Custom >Զ :Custom Activity Filter > :Custom Charge Details >ԶϸĿ :Custom Dictionary >Զֵ :Custom Dictionary Maintenance >Զֵά :Custom Exchange Details >Զһϸ :Custom Exchange Settings >Զһ :Custom Field Chooser >Զֶѡ :Custom Field Positions >Զֶλ :Custom Fields >Զֶ :Custom Fields (Customer) >Զֶ (ͻ) :Custom Fields (Stock code) >Զֶ () :Custom Fields (Supplier) >Զֶ (Ӧ) :Custom File >自定义文件 :Custom File %1 >自定义文件 %1 :Custom Filter >Զ :Custom Form >ʽ :Custom Form (Ctrl+U) >Զ(Ctrl+U) :Custom Form Conversion >自定义表格转化 :Custom Form Data >Զ :Custom Form Data Entry >Զ :Custom Form Design >Զ :Custom Form Design - AP Bank >自定义表格设计 - AP 银行 :Custom Form Design - AP Branch >自定义表格设计 - AP 分支 :Custom Form Design - AP Maintain Registered Invoice >自定义表格设计 - AP 维护已登记发票 :Custom Form Design - AP Terms >自定义表格设计 - AP 期限 :Custom Form Design - AR Branch >自定义表格设计 - AR 分支 :Custom Form Design - AR Customer Invoice >自定义表格设计 - AR 客户发票 :Custom Form Design - AR Geographic Area >自定义表格设计 - AR 地区 :Custom Form Design - AR Product Class >自定义表格设计 - AR 产品类 :Custom Form Design - Account >Զñ - ˻ :Custom Form Design - Admin Extended Tax Code >自定义表格设计 - 管理扩展税务代码 :Custom Form Design - Admin Nationality >自定义表格设计 - 管理员国籍 :Custom Form Design - Admin Tax Master >自定义表格设计 - 管理税务主账 :Custom Form Design - Admin Withholding Tax Rate >自定义表格设计 - 管理代扣所得税税率 :Custom Form Design - Asset >自定义表格设计 - 资产 :Custom Form Design - Asset Branch >自定义表格设计 - 资产分支 :Custom Form Design - Asset Capex Classification >自定义表格设计 - 资产资本费用分类 :Custom Form Design - Asset Capex Item >自定义表格设计 - 资产资本费用项目 :Custom Form Design - Asset Capex Line >自定义表格设计 - 资产资本费用行 :Custom Form Design - Asset Capex Type >自定义表格设计 - 资产资本费用类型 :Custom Form Design - Asset Cost Center >自定义表格设计 - 资产成本中心 :Custom Form Design - Asset Depreciation >自定义表格设计 - 资产折旧 :Custom Form Design - Asset Expense >自定义表格设计 - 资产费用 :Custom Form Design - Asset Group >自定义表格设计 - 资产组 :Custom Form Design - Asset Location >自定义表格设计 - 资产位置 :Custom Form Design - Asset Mechanic >自定义表格设计 - 资产机制 :Custom Form Design - Asset Owner >自定义表格设计 - 资产所有者 :Custom Form Design - Asset Reason for Disposal >自定义表格设计 - 资产处置原因 :Custom Form Design - Asset Reason for Revaluation >自定义表格设计 - 资产重新估值原因 :Custom Form Design - Asset Status >自定义表格设计 - 资产状态 :Custom Form Design - Asset Type >自定义表格设计 - 资产类型 :Custom Form Design - BOM Co-product >自定义表格设计 - BOM 联合产品 :Custom Form Design - BOM Component Type >自定义表格设计 - BOM 部件类型 :Custom Form Design - BOM Cost Center >自定义表格设计 - BOM 成本中心 :Custom Form Design - BOM Employee >自定义表格设计 - BOM 员工 :Custom Form Design - BOM Machine >自定义表格设计 - BOM 机器 :Custom Form Design - BOM Operation >自定义表格设计 - BOM 操作 :Custom Form Design - BOM Route >自定义表格设计 - BOM 路线 :Custom Form Design - BOM Structure >自定义表格设计 - BOM 结构 :Custom Form Design - Contract >自定义表格设计 - 合同 :Custom Form Design - Customer >自定义表格设计 - 客户 :Custom Form Design - ECC Operation >自定义表格设计 - ECC 操作 :Custom Form Design - ECC User >自定义表格设计 - ECC 用户 :Custom Form Design - Estimate Structure >自定义表格设计 - 估计结构 :Custom Form Design - Form Type >Զ - :Custom Form Design - GL User-defined Journal Source Code >自定义表格设计 - GL 用户定义日记账源代码 :Custom Form Design - Job Class >自定义表格设计 - 工作类 :Custom Form Design - Multiple Ship to Address Details >自定义表格设计 - 多收货地址明细 :Custom Form Design - Non-stocked Code >自定义表格设计 - 非库存代码 :Custom Form Design - Operator >自定义表格设计 - 操作员 :Custom Form Design - Purchase Order >自定义表格设计 - 采购订单 :Custom Form Design - Quotation >自定义表格设计 - 报价 :Custom Form Design - Return Merchandise Advice >自定义表格设计 - 退货商品通知 :Custom Form Design - Return Merchandise Advice Line >自定义表格设计 - 退货商品通知行 :Custom Form Design - Route Master Detail >自定义表格设计 - 路线主明细 :Custom Form Design - Sales Order >自定义表格设计 - 销售订单 :Custom Form Design - Sales Order Line - Merchandised >自定义表格设计 - 销售订单行 - 商品化 :Custom Form Design - Sales Order Route Detail >自定义表格设计 - 销售订单路线明细 :Custom Form Design - Salesperson >自定义表格设计 - 售货员 :Custom Form Design - Serial >自定义表格设计 - 系列 :Custom Form Design - Shipping Instruction >自定义表格设计 - 装运指示 :Custom Form Design - Std Hierarchy >自定义表格设计 - 标准分级 :Custom Form Design - Stock Code >自定义表格设计 - 库存代码 :Custom Form Design - Supplier >自定义表格设计 - 供应商 :Custom Form Design - Supplier Class >自定义表格设计 - 供应商类 :Custom Form Design - WIP Co-product >自定义表格设计 - WIP 联合产品 :Custom Form Design - WIP Material Allocation >自定义表格设计 - WIP 材料分配 :Custom Form Design - WIP Operations >自定义表格设计 - WIP 操作 :Custom Form Design - WMS Operation Type >自定义表格设计 - WMS 操作类型 :Custom Form Design - Warehouse for Stock Code >自定义表格设计 - 库存代码仓库 :Custom Form Designer >ԶñԱ :Custom Form Entry >Զ :Custom Form Export Data Definition >自定义表格导出数据定义 :Custom Form Fields >ֶ :Custom Form Format Option >Զʽѡ :Custom Form Lookup > :Custom Form Query >ѯ :Custom Form Tables In Report Writer >报告编写器中的自定义表格表 :Custom Form Testing - Core team only >Զ - ޺Ŷ :Custom Forms >ͻ :Custom Forms (Ctrl+U) >Զ(Ctrl+U) :Custom Help Notes >ưע :Custom Paper Size >ֽŴС :Custom Program Directory >ƳĿ¼ :Custom SMTP Settings >Զ SMTP :Custom action >Զ :Custom charge cannot use an apportionment method of val >Զòɲ÷̯ :Custom client directories >ԶͻĿ¼ :Custom client folders >Զͻļ :Custom directories >Զ· :Custom exchange rate selection >ѡ :Custom form field >Զֶ :Custom form fields can only be edited on one form in an application >自定义表格字段仅可在应用的一个表格中编辑 :Custom form fields for >ֶΣ :Custom form selection >ѡ :Custom form table '%1' not found for form type '%2' >未找到表格类型 '%2' 的自定义表格表 '%1' :Custom form type >Զ :Custom form type '%1' has not been verified in IMPCFM.IMP >尚未在 IMPCFM.IMP 中核实自定义表格类型 '%1' :Custom form type '%1' is invalid > '%1' Ч :Custom form type '%1' is not defined in IMPCFM.IMP >IMPCFM.IMPδԶ '%1' :Custom information >ԶϢ :Custom program folder >Զļ :Custom row selection >ѡ :Custom screens folder >ԶĻļ :Custom server-side folders >Զļ :Custom style >淽ʽ :Custom table >自定义表 :Customer >ͻ :Customer %1 may not differ to the contract and job customer %2 >ͻ %1 òͬںͬҵͻ %2 :Customer %1 is locked >빺 '%1' :Customer %1 may not differ to the contract and job customer %2 >ͻ %1 òͬںͬ͹ͻ %2 :Customer %1 may only be classified as a Master or a Sub >ͻ %1 ֻɱΪʻ :Customer '%1' added >ӿͻ '%1' :Customer '%1' already exists >ͻ '%1' Ѵ :Customer '%1' balance record not found >δҵͻ '%1' ¼ :Customer '%1' credit limit has been exceeded by %2 >ͻ '%1' ޶ѳ '%2' :Customer '%1' does not exist >ͻ '%1' :Customer '%1' for sales order '%2' not found >δҵ۶ '%2' Ŀͻ '%1' :Customer '%1' invoice terms has been exceeded by %2 days >ͻ '%1' Ʊѳ '%2' :Customer '%1' is not a TPM customer, so TPM pricing flag cannot be set to 'Y' >ͻ '%1' ó״(TPM)ͻ˲ɽó״(TPM)۱Ϊ'Y'ǣ :Customer '%1' is not a member of the buying group '%2' used for contract pricing in the quotation >ͻ '%1' ڱΪͬ۵IJɹ '%2' ijԱ :Customer '%1' is not allowed credit >ͻ '%1' Ϊ :Customer '%1' is not allowed to place inter-branch transfers >ͻ '%1' ִз֧ת :Customer '%1' is not an EDI trading partner >ͻ '%1' һҵݻ(EDI)ó׻ :Customer '%1' not found >δҿͻ '%1' :Customer '%1' not numeric >ͻ '%1' :Customer '%1' not on file. Function cancelled >ͻ '%1' ڡȡ :Customer '%1' on hold >ͻ '%1' :Customer '%1' on sales order '%2' does not accept back orders >۶ '%2' ϵĿͻ '%1' ڶ :Customer '%1' on sales order '%2' does not exist >۶ '%2' ϵĿͻ '%1' :Customer '%1' on sales order '%2' is on hold >۶ '%2' ϵĿͻ '%1' :Customer '%1' updated >Ѹ¿ͻ '%1' :Customer '%1' was successfully added >ѳɹӿͻ '%1' :Customer (scripted) >ͻűִУ :Customer - Stock code >ͻ - :Customer - Supplier Contra >ͻ - Ӧ̺ͬ :Customer - Supplier Contra By >ͻ - Ӧ̺ͬ :Customer / Stock code cross reference required >Ҫͻղο :Customer / Supplier Code X-ref >ͻ/Ӧ̴ղο :Customer Account Number >ͻ˻ :Customer Added >ӵĿͻ :Customer Address >ͻַ :Customer Address (MSW) >ͻַ(MSW) :Customer Address (MWM) >ͻַ(MWM) :Customer Address Information >ͻַϢ :Customer Amendment Journal >ͻķ :Customer Balance > parameter >ͻ > :Customer Balance Overflow >ͻ :Customer Bitmap image >ͻλͼͼ :Customer Branch Information >ͻ֧Ϣ :Customer Branch Notepad >ͻ֧± :Customer Branch Quick View >ͻ֧ٲ鿴 :Customer Branch cannot be blank. Please enter a valid Customer Branch >客户分支不可为空。请输入有效的客户分支 :Customer Browse >ͻ :Customer Catagory >ͻ :Customer Category Selection >ͻѡ :Customer Class Details >ͻȼϸ :Customer Class Maintenance >ͻȼά :Customer Classes >ͻ :Customer Code >ͻ :Customer Code Conversion >客户代码转化 :Customer Code Conversion Tickover >客户代码转化勾选 :Customer Company Tax Registration Number >ͻ˾˰ע :Customer Contact Info >ͻϵϢ :Customer Contact Information >ͻϵϢ :Customer Cross-Reference Start >ͻʼ :Customer Currency >ͻ :Customer Currency Mismatch >ͻҲƥ :Customer Custom Form >ͻԶ :Customer Custom Form Fields >ͻرֶ :Customer Default Preferences >ͻĬѡ :Customer Defaults >ͻĬֵ :Customer Details >ͻ :Customer Dispatch Note >ͻ :Customer Dispatch Notes >ͻ :Customer Form Data Entry >ͻ :Customer Header >ͻҳü :Customer History >ͻʷ¼ :Customer Information >ͻϢ :Customer Infornation >ͻϢ :Customer Inv Payments for >ͻƱΪ :Customer Invoice Balances >ͻƱ :Customer Invoice Details >客户发票明细 :Customer Invoice Quick View >ͻƱٲ鿴 :Customer Invoice cannot be blank. Please enter a valid Customer Invoice >客户发票不可为空。请输入有效的客户发票 :Customer Invoices >ͻƱ :Customer Invoices for Customer >ͻĿͻƱ :Customer List >ͻ嵥 :Customer List Selection >ͻбѡ :Customer Maintenance >ͻά :Customer Maintenence >ͻά :Customer Management Notes >ͻע :Customer Message >ͻϢ :Customer Movement Report in Progress >ִпͻ䶯 :Customer Movements >ͻ :Customer Multiple Addresses >ͻַ :Customer Name >ͻ :Customer Notepad >ͻ± :Customer Notes >ͻע :Customer Number Not Found >δҵͻ :Customer Orders >ͻ :Customer Orders Options >ͻѡ :Customer Outstanding Balance Report >ͻδ :Customer P/O >ͻɹ :Customer P/o number mandatory >ͻɹд :Customer P/order >ͻ :Customer PO >ͻ PO :Customer PO number >ͻ PO :Customer Payment History >ͻ¼ :Customer Po number mandatory >ͻɹű :Customer Price Look-up Query >ͻ۸Ҳѯ :Customer Price Query >ͻ۸ѯ :Customer Properties >ͻ :Customer Purchase Order Number >ͻɹ :Customer Query >ͻѯ :Customer Quick View >ͻٲ鿴 :Customer Quotation for >ĿĿͻ :Customer RMA for >ؿͻ˻Ȩ(RMA) :Customer Relationship Manager >ͻϵ :Customer Report by Geo Area >ͻ :Customer Report by Route Code >·ߴĿͻ :Customer Review Criteria >客户审查标准 :Customer SA Targets Maintenance >ͻ SA Ŀά :Customer Sales Movements >ͻ۱䶯 :Customer Sales Order >ͻ۶ :Customer Sales Orders >ͻ۶ :Customer Search >ͻ :Customer Selection >ͻѡ :Customer Setup >ͻ :Customer Short Name >ͻƼд :Customer Stock Code Cross Reference >ͻղο :Customer Stock Code Cross References >ͻղο :Customer Stock Code Cross-Ref for a Stock Code >库存代码的客户库存代码对照参考 :Customer Stock Code Cross-Reference >ͻղο :Customer Stock Code Maintenance >ͻά :Customer Stock Code Maintennace >ͻά :Customer Stock Code X-Ref for a Stock Co >ͻղο :Customer Stock Code X-ref >ͻղο :Customer Stock Code X-ref Maintenance >ͻղοά :Customer Stock Code XRef Maintenance >ͻղοά :Customer Stock Codes >ͻƱ :Customer Stock Cross Reference for Stock Code >ͻղο :Customer Stock X-ref >ͻղο :Customer Sub-account Details >ͻ˻ϸ :Customer Sub-accounts >ͻʻ :Customer Tax Number >ͻ˰ :Customer Template >ͻģ :Customer To Supplier Link Setup >ͻӦ :Customer Unit in for Service >ͻͻҪĻƷ :Customer WIP for >¸Ŀͻڽҵ (WIP) :Customer Warning >ͻ :Customer Work in Progress >ִпͻҵ :Customer account selection >ͻʻѡ :Customer added >ӿͻ :Customer address line %1 >ͻַ %1 :Customer already entered >Ŀͻ :Customer already included >ͻѰ :Customer amendment journals required >޸ĿͻϢռ˱ :Customer and supplier currencies do not match >ͻ͹Ӧ̻Ҳ :Customer balance >ͻ :Customer balance selection >ͻѡ :Customer balance selection by >ͻѡ񣬰 :Customer branch >ͻֹ˾ :Customer buying group >ͻɹ :Customer by month >·пͻ :Customer cannot be blank >ͻΪ :Customer catagory >ͻ :Customer category >ͻ :Customer changed >ѸĿͻ :Customer class >ͻȼ :Customer class '%1' not found >δҿͻ '%1' :Customer class description not defined >未定义客户类描述 :Customer class not defined >未定义客户类 :Customer class selection >ͻȼѡ :Customer code '%1' is not numeric >客户代码 '%1' 不是数字 :Customer code already exists >ͻѴ :Customer code cannot be blank >ͻ޿Ϊ :Customer company tax reg no >ͻ˾˰ע :Customer company tax regn no >ͻ˾˰ע :Customer contract >ͻͬ :Customer contracts >ͻͬ :Customer currency code >ͻҴ :Customer currency does not match promotion currency >ͻҲ :Customer default path does not exist or you may have no permissions to the directory >ͻĬ·ڣȨʹñĿ¼ :Customer deleted >ɾͻ :Customer deletion not allowed >ִпͻɾ :Customer description >ͻ :Customer discount details >ͻۿϸ :Customer docs. selected >ѡĿͻdocs. :Customer does not exist for this company >ͻڱ˾ :Customer e-mail address >ͻʼַ :Customer e-mail addressd >ͻʼַ :Customer email >ͻʼ :Customer email address >ͻʼַ :Customer entered already exists in the list. Do you wish to continue? >ѴĿͻϣ :Customer entered is not on file >Ŀͻ :Customer exists in SYSPRO master table >ͻSYSPROд :Customer extended tax code not on file >ͻչ˰벻 :Customer filter >ͻ :Customer for original order is on hold >ԭʼĿͻ :Customer for payment / adjustment >͵Ŀͻ :Customer for payment/adjustment >/ͻ :Customer from >ͻ :Customer gross profit >ͻë :Customer has Stock X-Ref attached >ͻпղο :Customer has an invalid minimum value service charge set up >ͻ߱ЧСֵշ :Customer has exceeded credit limit >ͻѳü :Customer has failed the credit check. Invoices cannot be placed on account >ͻδɹִü顣Ʊ÷ʻ :Customer has not filled the minimum order value criteria. The service charge has to be accepted >ͻвͶֵ׼ܷշ :Customer has stock cross-ref.'s attached >ͻӿղο :Customer hold >ͻ :Customer informatiom >ͻϢ :Customer interchange >ͻ :Customer invalid. OK to continue? >ЧͻȷҪ? :Customer invalid. OK to contiue? >ͻЧȷҪ :Customer invoice >ͻƱ :Customer invoice detail not found >δҵͻƱϸ :Customer invoices for >ؿͻƱ :Customer is not defined as a Trade promotions customer >ͻδΪó״ͻ :Customer is not on file >ͻļ :Customer is not on file. Do you wish to continue >ͻڡϣ :Customer is not on file. Do you wish to continue? >ͻڡϣ :Customer is on hold >ͻͣ :Customer is on hold. Continue >ͻ𡣼 :Customer is on hold. Continue? >ͻҪ :Customer is on hold. Do you wish to continue >ͻϣ :Customer is on hold. Do you wish to continue? >ͻ.ϣ :Customer limit has been exceeded. If you continue, the order will be placed into '%1'. Do you wish to continue >ѳͻޡ '%1'ϣ :Customer limit has been exceeded. If you continue, the order will be placed into '%1'. Do you wish to continue? >ѳͻޡô'%1' ϣ :Customer list maintenance >ͻά :Customer list price >ͻ۸ :Customer master >ͻĸ :Customer master account >ͻ˻ :Customer master file >ͻļ :Customer minimum order value >ͻСֵ :Customer mismatch between sales order and job >۶ҵͻƥ :Customer movement records according to date/number option >ڣѡĿͻ䶯¼ :Customer movements for >ԭµĿͻ䶯 :Customer name selection >ͻѡ :Customer not found >δҵͻ :Customer not found for this invoice >δҵƱĿͻ :Customer not numeric >客户不是数字 :Customer not on file >ͻ :Customer notes >ͻע :Customer number >ͻ :Customer numbering method >ͻŷ :Customer on hold >ͻ :Customer on hold flag >ͻ :Customer on hold flag before >֮ǰĿͻ־ :Customer on hold selection >ͣͻѡ :Customer only required if serial method is manual and quantity is zero >ֻϵзֶΪʱҪͻ :Customer options >ͻѡ :Customer order entry >ͻ :Customer p/o number >ͻɹ :Customer p/o selection >ͻɹѡ :Customer p/ord >ͻɹ :Customer p/order no >ͻɹ :Customer p/order number >ͻɹ :Customer p/order selection >ͻɹѡ :Customer payment details >ͻϸ :Customer payments for >ԭµĿͻ :Customer phone number >ͻ绰 :Customer po selection >ͻɹѡ :Customer postal/zip code >ͻ :Customer price >ͻ۸ :Customer price and invoice price must be different for discounts >ͻ۸뷢Ʊ۸ۿ۱ͬ :Customer price entry >ͻ۸ :Customer price look-up >ͻ۸ :Customer puchase order >ͻɹ :Customer purchase order >ͻ :Customer purchase order details >ͻɹϸ :Customer purchase order no >ͻɹ :Customer purchase order not on file for this order >öĿͻɹ :Customer purchase order number mandator >ͻɹ :Customer purchase order number mandatory >ǿƿͻɹ :Customer purchase order selection >ͻɹѡ :Customer purchase orders >ͻɹ :Customer record locked >ͻ¼ :Customer request date >ͻ :Customer requested date %1 is invalid or too early >ͻ%1 Ч :Customer retail price >ͻۼ۸ :Customer sales orders for >ĿĿͻ۶ :Customer selection by >ͻѡ񣬰 :Customer ship to address >客户收货地址 :Customer statement >ͻ :Customer statement options >ͻѡ :Customer statement selection >ͻѡ :Customer stock >ͻ :Customer stock code >ͻ :Customer stock code already on file >ͻѴ :Customer stock code description >ͻ :Customer stock code details >ͻ :Customer stock code information >ͻϢ :Customer stock code interchange not required >Ҫͻ뻥 :Customer stock code not on file >ͻ벻 :Customer stock code selection >ͻѡ :Customer stock codes for sub-accounts >ʻͻ :Customer sub-account >ͻ˻ :Customer tax exemption >ͻ˰ :Customer tax reg no >客户税务登记号码 :Customer tax registration number is mandatory >ͻ˰ǼǺDZ :Customer tax regn >ͻ˰ :Customer tax status >ͻ˰״ :Customer telephone >ͻ绰 :Customer terms been exceeded. If you continue, the order will be placed into suspense. Do you wish to continue? >ѳͻޡϣ :Customer terms has been exceeded. This order has been placed into '%1' >ѳͻޡöѱ '%1' :Customer terms have been exceeded >已超过客户期限 :Customer terms have been exceeded by >ѳͻzzzzz :Customer terms have been exceeded by %1 days. If you continue the order will be placed into '%2'. Do you wish to continue? >ѳͻ %1 졣 '%2'ϣ? :Customer terms have been exceeded by %1 days. If you continue the order will be placed into '%2'. Do you wish to continue >ͻѳ %1 졣 '%2'ϣ :Customer terms have been exceeded. Do you wish to continue >ѳͻޡϣ :Customer terms have been exceeded. Do you wish to continue? >ѳͻޡϣ :Customer terms have been exceeded. If you continue, the order will be placed into suspense. Do you wish to continue >ѳͻޡڹ״̬ϣ :Customer terms have been exceeded. If you continue, the order will be placed into suspense. Do you wish to continue? >ѳͻޡ:ϣ :Customer terms have been exceeded. This order has been placed in suspense >ѳͻޡöѱڹ״̬ :Customer terms have been exceeded. This order has been placed into suspense >ѳͻޡöѱڹ״̬ :Customer to >ͻ :Customer to Supplier Link >ͻӦ :Customer to access >ʿͻ :Customer to supplier contra >ͻӦ̺ͬ :Customer to supplier currencies do not match >ͻ͹Ӧ̻Ҳ :Customer to supplier link already exists >ͻӦѴ :Customer total >ͻϼ :Customer totals >ͻϼ :Customer totals in local currency >客户当地货币合计 :Customer type >ͻ :Customer types >ͻ :Customer vat registration number >ͻ˰ע :Customer warehouse >ͻֿ :Customer's Invoice Details >ͻƱϸ :Customer's Invoices >ͻƱ :Customer's VAT registration >ͻ VAT ע :Customer's company tax registration number mandatory >ͻ˾˰עҪ :Customer's credit limit has been exceeded >ѳͻö :Customer's gross profit >ͻë :Customer's retail price >ͻۼ۸ :Customer's stock code >ͻ :Customer, Order >ͻ :Customer, Purchase order >ͻɹ :Customer, Stock Code >ͻ :Customer, Supplier, Account View >ͻӦ̡ʻ鿴 :Customer, stock code interchange not required >Ҫͻ뻥 :Customer, then master >ͻȻ :Customer-Stock Code X-ref >ͻ-ղο :Customer-Supplier >ͻ-Ӧ :Customer-Supplier Contra >ͻ-Ӧ̺ͬ :Customer/ Stock Code Cross Reference >ͻ :Customer/EDI partner selection >ͻ/EDI ѡ :Customer/Product Class >ͻ/Ʒ :Customer/Stock Code Cross Reference >ͻղο :Customer/Stock Code Cross Reference Maintenance >ͻղοά :Customer/Stock Code Details >ͻ/ϸ :Customer/Stock Code X-ref >ͻƱX-ref :Customer/Stock code cross reference required >Ҫͻ/ղο :Customer/Supplier Code X-ref >ͻ/Ӧ̴ղο :Customer/Supplier Contra >ͻ/Ӧ̺ͬ :Customer/Supplier Link Deletion >ͻ/Ӧɾ :Customer/Supplier code Xref maintenance >ͻ/Ӧ̴ղοά :Customer/Supplier currencies do not match >ͻ/Ӧ̻Ҳƥ :Customer/Supplier name >ͻӦ :Customer/Supplier on hold >ͻӦ̹ :Customer/Supplier stock code >ͻӦ̿ :Customer/stock code cross reference already on file >ͻ/ղοѴ :Customer/stock code cross-ref. required >Ҫͻ :Customer/stock code cross-reference required >Ҫͻղο :Customer/stock order ref req >Ҫͻο :Customer/supplier >ͻ/ :Customer/supplier multiplier >ͻӦ̳˷ :Customer/supplier number >ͻӦ̺ :CustomerName >CustomerName :Customers >ͻ :Customers Only >ͻ :Customers for Branch >֧ͻ :Customers notes >ͻע :Customers on hold >ͣͻ :Customers to Include >ҪĿͻ :Customization >Զ :Customization Management >Զ :Customization Profiler >Ʒ :Customization Tools >ƹ :Customization by role >ְ :Customization of Listview Items >б鿴Ŀƻ :Customization section >Ʋ :Customization tools to help manage customization of SYSPRO > SYSPRO ƵĶƹ :Customization type >ƻ :Customize >Զ :Customize Another Screen >һĻ :Customize By Company >˾Զ :Customize By Group >Զ :Customize Exceptions > :Customize Hyperlink-Exception >Ƴӣ :Customize Hyperlinks >Ƴ :Customize Hyperlinks and Exceptions >ƳӺ :Customize Quick Access Toolbar >Զٷʹ :Customize Smart Links >Զ :Customize Views >ͼ :Customize reports, design custom reports, share reports between users and companies, protect access to information, archive reports and publish reports in multiple formats >Զ屨桢Զ屨棬û빫˾֮乲棬Ϣķʣ鵵Զʽ :Customize stylesheets used to render data in a browser >Զгݵʽ :Customize the appearance of SYSPRO, including overall theme and how forms, list views and panes appear >Զ SYSPRO ۣιɡбͼʹʾ :Customize the appearance of the workspace for everyone >ΪÿԶ幤ռ :Customize the appearance of the workspace for everyone, and other system-wide options >为每个人自定义工作空间外观和其他泛系统选项 :Customize the appearance of your workspace >ԶĹռ :Customize the information displayed within browse functions of business objects that access data dictionary tables >Զڷֵҵ֮ʾϢ :Customize this view >Զͼ :Customized >Զ :Customized (system wide) >Ѷƻϵͳ :Customized Exception >Զ :Customized Exception for Custom Forms >ƱĶƻ :Customized Exceptions > :Customized Hyperlink >ƻ :Customized Hyperlinks >Ƴ :Customized Layouts by Role >ְԶ岼 :Customized Pane >Զ崰 :Customized Pane Editor >Զ崰༭ :Customized Panes >Զ崰 :Customized Reports >Զ屨 :Customized language code must be in the range %1 - %2 >ԶԴ %1 - %2 Χ :Customized language code must be in the range 30 - 99 >ƵԴ30 - 99֮ :Customized pane '%1' >Զ崰 '%1' :Customized pane properties >Զ崰 :Customized settings have been saved for company >已保存公司的自定义设置 :Customizing for company >ִй˾ƻ :Customizing for group >ִ鶨ƻ :Customs > :Customs Charges Details >ƷϸĿ :Customs Exchange Rate >˰ :Customs Exchange Rate Maintenance >˰ά? :Customs Exchange Rates >˰һ :Cut > :Cut (Ctrl+X) >(Ctrl+X) :Cxt Exist >Cxt :Cxt Function >Cxt :Cxt Suggest >Cxt :Cyan >ɫ :Cyan flag >ɫ :Cyan flag Activity >ɫ־ :Cycle >ѭ :Cycle count >ڼ :Cycle count in progress >ڽڼ :Cycle count option >ڼѡ :Cycle count selection >ڼѡ :Cycle count variance >ڼ :Cycle to the new Payment Cycle format >ѭ¸ѭʽ :D - Default offer >D C Ĭϱ :D - Order to maximum if shortage >D - ȱֵ :D MMM yyyy >D MMM yyyy :D class item >C Ŀ :D class items >C Ŀ :D type items >DĿ :D.T.F. = >DTF = :D/N line >(D/N) :DTF = Today + Demand time fence + DTS >DTF = + ʱդ + DTS :DTF = Today + Demand time fence + DTS >DTF = + ʱ + DTS :DTF equal to zero >DTF :DTF greater than lead time >DTFǰ :Daily >ÿյ :Daily Balancing Report - Control Accounts > - ˻ :Daily Frequency >ճ˳ :Daily Sequence >ճ˳ :Daily options >ѡ :Daily requests >ÿ :Daily sales turnover flag >Ӫҵ :Daily total >日合计 :Dangerous Goods Text >ΣջƷı :Dangerous Goods Warning >ΣƷ :Dangerous goods >Σջ :Dangerous goods data sheets >ΣƷݵ :Dangerous goods handling >Σջ :Dangerous goods handling text >ΣƷı :Dangerous goods handling text exists for the stock code you have just entered. Do you wish to include this text >ΣջıѴڡϣı :Dangerous goods handling text exists for the stock code you have just entered. Do you wish to include this text? >Ŀ룬ΣջıѴڡϣı :Dangerous goods notes exist against this stock code. View notes >Դ˿ΣջעѴڡ鿴ע :Dangerous goods notes exist against this stock code. View notes? >ڴ˿룬ΣƷעͣҪ鿴ע :Dangerous goods text exists for stock code >ڴ˿룬ΣƷı :Danish > :Dark gray >ɫ :Dash for postal code should be in position %1 in the string >ۺӦλڴλ %1 :Dash for postal code should be in position %1 in the string. \n\nCompany setup is set to edit postal/zip code format %2 >ۺӦλڴλ %1\n\n˾ڿɱ༭ʽ %2 :Dashboard >DZ :Dashes >̻ :Data > :Data Definition Export >ݶ嵼 :Data Definition Import >ݶ嵼 :Data Dictionary >ֵ :Data Dictionary Build Linkages >ֵ乹 :Data Dictionary Column Listing >ݴʵ嵥 :Data Dictionary Column Maintenance >ֵά :Data Dictionary Column Properties >ֵ :Data Dictionary Columns >ݴʵ :Data Dictionary Copied Files >ֵ临ļ :Data Dictionary Data Browse Listview >ֵб鿴(Listview) :Data Dictionary Data File Browse >ֵļ :Data Dictionary Data Types >ֵ :Data Dictionary Developers Validation >ֵ俪֤ :Data Dictionary Expand Record Layout >ֵչ :Data Dictionary Export >ֵ䵼 :Data Dictionary Export .BCP file >ֵ䵼 .BCP ļ :Data Dictionary Export .CFL >ֵ䵼 .CFL :Data Dictionary Export .MAC >ֵ䵼 .MAC :Data Dictionary Export .SEL >ֵ䵼 .SEL :Data Dictionary Export KEYS.SQL >ֵ䵼 KEYS.SQL :Data Dictionary Export Menu >ֵ䵼˵ :Data Dictionary Export SYSPRO60.UFD >ֵ䵼 SYSPRO60.UFD :Data Dictionary Export TABLE.SQL >ֵ䵼 TABLE.SQL :Data Dictionary Field Comments >ֵֶθע :Data Dictionary Field Listing in Progress >ִֵֶб :Data Dictionary Field Maintenance >ֵֶά :Data Dictionary Fields >ֵֶ :Data Dictionary Fields Listing >ֵֶб :Data Dictionary Fields/Columns >ֵֶ/ :Data Dictionary File Browser >ֵļ :Data Dictionary File Listing >ֵļб :Data Dictionary File Listing in Progress >ִֵļб :Data Dictionary File Maintenance >ֵļά :Data Dictionary File Validation >ֵļ֤ :Data Dictionary File Viewer >ֵļ鿴 :Data Dictionary File/Table Linkages >ֵļ/ϵ :Data Dictionary Files >ֵļ :Data Dictionary Files/Tables >ֵļ/ :Data Dictionary Foreign Key Linkages >ֵϵ :Data Dictionary Import >ݴʵ䵼 :Data Dictionary Import .MAC >ֵ䵼 .MAC :Data Dictionary Import Menu >ֵ䵼˵ :Data Dictionary Import Support Program >ֵ䵼ֳ֧ :Data Dictionary Import in Progress >ִֵ䵼 :Data Dictionary Import/Export >ֵ䵼룯 :Data Dictionary Index Definitions >ֵ :Data Dictionary Indexes >ֵ :Data Dictionary Linkage Maintenance >ֵά :Data Dictionary Linkages >ݴʵ :Data Dictionary Linkages List >ݴʵ嵥 :Data Dictionary Linkages Listing in Progress >ִֵб :Data Dictionary Linkages for A/P Supplier Invoice Detail >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧ̷Ʊϸֵ :Data Dictionary Linkages for A/P Supplier Invoice Payments >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧ̷Ʊֵ :Data Dictionary Linkages for A/P Supplier Journal Distribution >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧռʷֵ :Data Dictionary Linkages for A/R Customer Master >Ӧʿ(A/R)ͻֵ :Data Dictionary Linkages for ABC Element Analysis >ɱ(ABC)Ҫطֵ :Data Dictionary Linkages for AP Supplier Invoice Detail >AP Ӧ̷Ʊϸֵϵ :Data Dictionary Linkages for AP Supplier Invoice Payments >AP Ӧ̷Ʊֵϵ :Data Dictionary Linkages for AP Supplier Journal Distribution >AP Ӧռ˷ֵϵ :Data Dictionary Linkages for AR Customer Master >AR ͻֵϵ :Data Dictionary Linkages for Inventory Distribution >ֵ :Data Dictionary Linkages for Inventory Master >ֵ :Data Dictionary Linkages for Inventory Warehouse Control >ֵֿ :Data Dictionary Linkages for P/O Supplier/Stock/Contract Price >ɹ(P/O)Ӧ̣棯ͬ۸ֵ :Data Dictionary Linkages for PO Supplier/Stock/Contract Price >PO Ӧ//ͬ۸ֵϵ :Data Dictionary Make File Handler >ֵļ :Data Dictionary Menu for Developers >ֵ俪߲˵ :Data Dictionary Table Listing >ݴʵ嵥 :Data Dictionary Table Maintenance >ֵά :Data Dictionary Table Properties >ֵ :Data Dictionary Table Validation >ֵ֤ :Data Dictionary Tables >ݴʵ :Data Dictionary Viewer >ֵֶβ鿴 :Data Dictionary differences %1 to %2 >数据字典不同 %1 到 %2 :Data Dictionary from the standard dictionary supplied with SYSPRO >SYSPROṩı׼ֵ䴴ֵ :Data Extract >ȡ :Data Files to Convert from 5.0 to 5.1 Format >Ҫ5.0תΪ5.1ʽļ :Data Files to Convert from 5.0 to SYSPRO 6.0 Format >50תΪSYSPRO 60ʽļ :Data Grid > :Data Import >ݵ :Data Path >· :Data Viewer >ݲ鿴 :Data already exists for this form. Changing or deleting fields may result in loss of data >ڴ˱ѴڡĻɾֶοܻᵼݶʧ :Data and time the data was last read >ݺϴζȡݵʱ :Data exported using this program can only be imported by >ͨ˳򵼳 :Data file extension >ļչ :Data file name >ļ :Data file path >ļ· :Data file path definition >ļ· :Data folder >ļ :Data folder %1 >ļ %1 :Data for >ݣ :Data for '%1' is not in the correct format >'%1' 的数据格式不正确 :Data for '%1' is not in the correct format. Please correct before continuing >'%1' 的数据格式不正确。请继续前纠正 :Data format >ݸʽ :Data linkage not passed to SYSPRO component >δͨSYSPRO :Data location >ݶλ :Data mapping >ӳ :Data migration complete >数据迁移完成 :Data on the import files will be validated. If errors are encountered they will be printed on an error log and the program will be cancelled. Do you wish to continue with the validation >֤ļеݡ󣬽ڴ־ндӡȡϣ֤ :Data on the import files will be validated. If errors are encountered they will be printed on an error log and the program will be cancelled. Do you wish to continue with the validation? >Եļеݽ֤󣬽ڴ־гЩ󣬲ҳ򽫱ȡϣִ֤ :Data path name %1 >· %1 :Data points >ݵ :Data record for record type >¼ݼ¼ :Data rows >数据行栏 :Data selections >ѡ :Data server-side folders >ݷļ :Data set %1 >ݼ %1 :Data sets >ݼ :Data size (bytes) >ݴСֽڣ :Data source >Դ :Data source name >Դ :Data to be Imported >要导入的数据 :Data to extract >ȡ :Data to import > :Data type > :Data types >数据类型 :Data value is too long for tag '%1'. A maximum of %2 characters is supported by document printing. Data value will be truncated >标签 '%1' 的数据值过长。文档打印支持最多 %2 个字符。将删节数据值 :Database >ݿ :Database (ADMCTL) >ݿ(ADMCTL) :Database (Encore50db) >ݿ⣨db :Database (Encore51db) >ݿ⣨51db :Database (Encoredb) >ݿ⣨db :Database (Sysprodb) >ݿ⣨Sysprodb :Database Administration Information >数据库管理信息 :Database Analysis >ݿ :Database Collation method >ݿ򷽷 :Database Created >Ѵݿ :Database Diagnostics >ݿ :Database Items >ݿĿ :Database Settings >ݿ :Database Validation >ݿ֤ :Database access >ݿ :Database analysis successfully completed >ѳɹݿ :Database and Data Paths >ݿ· :Database authentication >ݿ֤ :Database collation >ݿУ :Database configuration >ݿ :Database configuration error >ݿô :Database connection >ݿ :Database connection error >ݿӴ :Database connection information >ݿϢ :Database details >ݿ :Database format >数据库格式 :Database information >ݿϢ :Database name >ݿ :Database successfully created >ѳɹݿ :Database update complete >ݿ :Database update started >ݿ :Database version >ݿ汾 :Date > :Date %1 is a non-working day > %1 Ƿҵ :Date '%1' for XML element '%2' does not match any of the calculated purchase order projection dates >XMLҪ '%2' '%1' κõIJɹĿڶ :Date '%1' for XML element '%2' does not match any of the calculated sales order projection dates >XMLҪ '%2' '%1' κõ۶Ŀڶ :Date '%1' is invalid > '%1' Ч :Date '%1' is invalid for XML element '%2' it must be CCYY-MM-DD format >XMLҪ '%2' '%1' ЧΪCCYY-MM-DD--գʽ :Date '%1' is invalid. >'%1' Ч :Date '%1' outside scheduled order allocation period >'%1' ڼƻ :Date '%1' will cause commitment to be unallocated >'%1' ³ŵ޷ʵʩ :Date (Field, Variable) >ڣֶΡ :Date Available > :Date Browse > :Date Calculation Using Calendar >ʹڼ :Date Change >ڸ :Date Conventions >ϰ :Date Created > :Date Entry > :Date Error >ڴ :Date Format >ڸʽ :Date Format Change >ڸʽ :Date Logged >登录日期 :Date Options >ѡ :Date Range >ڷΧ :Date Ranges >ڷΧ :Date Re-instatement >»ָ :Date Received >յ :Date Resolved > :Date Selection >ѡ :Date Stamp >ӡ :Date Test >测试日期 :Date Validation >֤ :Date added > :Date already exists in the list >бд :Date and time >ںʱ :Date and time the operator logged on >Ա¼ںʱ :Date appr/denied > :Date approved > :Date approved/denied > :Date calculation method >ڼ㷽 :Date cannot be blank >ڲΪ :Date cannot be later than current effective date - %1 >ڲڵǰЧ - %1 :Date cannot be less than Jan %1 >ڲ1 %1 :Date cannot be less than Jan 1901 >ڲ19011 :Date cannot be zero or spaces >ڲΪո :Date changed >Ѹ :Date completed > :Date confirmed >ȷ :Date contact changed >Ѹϵ :Date contact created >Ѵϵ :Date container was last moved >ϴƶ :Date contract entered >ͬ :Date contract expires >ͬʧЧ :Date convention >ϰ :Date convention start details >ϰ :Date created is invalid >ѴЧ :Date cross shipped >װ :Date customer added >ڿͻ :Date customer created >ͻ :Date dimension range >άȷΧ :Date due > :Date entered > :Date field changed >Ѹֶ :Date filter >ڹ :Date filter type >ڹ :Date format for display >Ҫʾڸʽ :Date from >ʼ :Date held > :Date invalid >Ч :Date invoice created >Ʊ :Date invoice last printed >עϴδӡƱ :Date invoice printed >Ʊӡ :Date is later than current company date >ڳڵǰĹ˾ :Date is outside contract limits. Do you wish to continue? >ڳͬƷΧϣ :Date issued >ǩ :Date job last updated >¸ҵ :Date last EFT extract >һεת (EFT) ȡ :Date last cost change >ϴγɱ䶯 :Date last d/note printed >ϴν跽Ʊݴӡ :Date last delivery note >עһݽ :Date last delivery note printed >上次打印发货单的日期 :Date last document print >עϴĵӡ :Date last invoice printed >ϴηƱӡ :Date last modified >ϴ޸ :Date last paid >ϴθ :Date last payment >עϴθ :Date last printed >ϴδӡ :Date last revalued >ϴ¹ :Date last revalued %1 >ϴع %1 :Date last sale >ϴ :Date last status change >ϴ״̬ı :Date last stock movement >ϴο䶯 :Date last updated >ϴθ :Date last used >ϴʹ :Date list >б :Date long >ʽ :Date message created >ѴϢ :Date method >ڷ :Date modified >޸ :Date must be entered >必须输入日期 :Date must be greater than last month's date >ڱһµ :Date must be in current financial year >ڱڵǰ :Date must be in standard format >ڱñ׼ʽ :Date next review >һμ :Date normal >ʽ :Date not numeric >日期不是数字 :Date of adjustment > :Date of Last Receipt >յ :Date of Supersession >ȡ :Date of archive >浵 :Date of birth > :Date of blanket PO schedule >һ PO ų̵ :Date of creation > :Date of departure > :Date of disposal > :Date of enquiry >ѯ :Date of export > :Date of invoice being credited >ǷƱ :Date of last copy >Date of last copy :Date of last count >ϴμ :Date of last document print >ϴĵӡ :Date of last modification >ϴ޸ :Date of last payment >ϴθ :Date of last purchase >ϴβɹ :Date of last sale >ϴ :Date of last stock confirmation >ϴοȷ :Date of last stock count >ϴδ :Date of matching >ƥ :Date of next delivery >´ν :Date of purchase >ɹ :Date of query >ѯ :Date of revaluation >¹ֵ :Date of run > :Date of saving on hand >ͷ :Date of supercession >转让日期 :Date of transaction > :Date of transfer >ת :Date on report > :Date order completed >ɱע :Date order due > :Date order entered > :Date ordered > :Date originated > :Date posted >¼ :Date posted to cash book >ֽ˲ :Date presentation format >ڱʾʽ :Date printed >ӡ :Date product to be returned >Ʒ˻ :Date raised > :Date range is incorrect >ڷΧȷ :Date range selection >ڷΧѡ :Date report run >עб :Date required > :Date requisition raised >빺 :Date scraped/rejected >ϣ :Date selection basis >ѡ׼ :Date selection required >Ҫѡ :Date sent >͵ :Date separator >ڷָ :Date setting > :Date setting option >ѡ :Date short >򻯸ʽ :Date sold >۳ :Date stock code added >ӿ :Date supplier created >עӦ̵ :Date that aggregation was last performed >ϴִۼ :Date to >ִ¼ :Date to apply revaluation >Ӧ :Date type > :Date type selection >ѡ :Date updated > :Date value from >ֵ :Date value must have '%1' element >ֵ߱ '%1' Ҫ :Date value to >ֵ :Date warehouse added >Ӳֿ :Date, Time >ڡʱ :Date/time >ڣʱ :Dates > :Dates Options >ѡ :Dates must be in calendar sequence. Please check >ڱ밴˳С :Dates used in serial number entry >кʹõ :Dates/Alt key >ڣALT :Day > :Day View >ڲ鿴 :Day drops > :Day in month > :Day in week > :Day of month >· :Day of month (1-31) >·(1-31) :Day of month that period starts >ڿʼ· :Day of the month > :Day of the month is invalid >·Ч :Day of week > :Day of week that period starts >ڿʼ :Days > :Days (Field, Variable, Constant) >ֶΡ :Days (Total > :Days after demurrage >ں :Days before eta >Ƶʱ֮ǰ :Days cannot be zero >Ϊ :Days cover > :Days disc fixed >̶ۿ :Days fixed >̶ :Days for demurrage > :Days for inclusion in contracts >ںͬе :Days from base date to expiry date >ӻʧЧڵ :Days must be greater than zero > :Days over terms > :Days per period > :Days to Age Breaks > :Days to complete action fixed >ɲĹ̶ :Days to reminder fixed >̶ :Days to retain actioned docs >ִĵ :Days to retain unactioned docs >δִĵ :Days until expected available date >յ :Days until expected completion date >յ :Days until reminder date >յ :Debit >跽 :Debit %1 created >Ѵ跽 %1 :Debit %1 created >Ѵ %1 :Debit Analysis entry >ǷĿ :Debit Batch Total >跽 :Debit Invoices >ǷƱ :Debit Ledger Code >跽ʴ :Debit Note Preview in Progress >ڽн跽ƱԤ :Debit Note Print in Progress >ִн跽Ʊݴӡ :Debit amount >跽 :Debit balance >跽 :Debit entry >跽 :Debit ledger >跽 :Debit ledger code for p/order >ɹǷ˴ :Debit ledger code is a control ledger code >跽ʴǿƷʴ :Debit ledger code locked >跽ʴ :Debit ledger code not on file >跽ʴ벻 :Debit ledger code not supplied >跽ʴδṩ :Debit ledger code on hold >跽ʴ :Debit ledger description >Ƿ :Debit memo >DZ :Debit memo amount >跽¼ :Debit memos >跽¼ :Debit note >跽Ʊ :Debit note '%1' already exists >ǵ '%1' Ѵ :Debit note numbers must be greater than %1 >跽Ʊݺ %1 :Debit note numbers must be greater than '%1' >跽Ʊݺ '%1' :Debit note numbers must be greater than 899999 >跽Ʊݺ899999 :Debit note title >õ :Debit notes >跽Ʊ :Debit only >跽 :Debit/Credit >跽 :Debits >跽 :Debits (Non stocked) >ǣǿ棩 :Debits only >޽ :Debt Ratio Graph >ծͼ :Debt equity >跽ʽ :Debt ratio >ծʽ :Debug the report > :Dec >ʮ :Dec %1 >ʮ %1 :December >ʮ :Decimal Overflow >СΧ :Decimal Places >С :Decimal character >ʮַ :Decimal character and 1000s separator >ʮַ 1000 ָ :Decimal character and 1000s separator cannot be the same >ʮַ 1000 ָͬ :Decimal denomination >ʮ :Decimal denomination (English) >ʮӢ :Decimal format >Сʽ :Decimal must be zero for returnable item >СڿɷĿΪ :Decimal quantity >ʮ :Decimal rounding flag >ʮȡ :Decimals >С :Decimals in Stock Quantity >ʮƿ :Decimals not allowed for returnable stock items >ڿɷĿС :Declaration exchange rate >걨 :Declining bal with switch >תؼ :Declining bal without switch >תؼ :Decrease >½ :Decrease Font >С :Decrease Indent >С :Decrease Indent of Selected Organizations >Сѡ֯ :Decrease Indent of Selected Role >Сѡְ :Decrease capacity > :Decrease qty > :Decrease quantity > :Decrease the Font >С :Decrement > :Deduction >۳ :Deduction Amount >۳ :Deduction Code >۳ :Deduction Code Maintenance >۳ά :Deduction Codes >۳ :Deduction Cust >۳ͻ :Deduction Customer >۳ͻ :Deduction Debit Date >۳ :Deduction G/L Account >۳(G/L)ʻ :Deduction G/L code >۳(G/L) :Deduction GL >۳(GL) :Deduction GL Account >۳(GL)ʻ :Deduction GL account >۳(GL)ʻ :Deduction GL code >۳(GL) :Deduction Notes >۳ע :Deduction Password >۳ :Deduction Reinstatement >۳ԭ :Deduction Resolution Codes >۳ :Deduction Review >۳ :Deduction amount must be greater than zero and less than the undistributed amount >۳Сδ :Deduction code cannot be blank >۳벻Ϊ :Deduction code invalid >۳Ч :Deduction code not on file >۳벻 :Deduction details >折让明细 :Deduction not valid for this promotion code >Դ˴ЧĿ۳ :Deduction receivable >Ӧտ۳ :Deduction reference cannot be blank >۳οΪ :Deduction reference cannot be spaces >۳οΪո :Deduction resolution >۳ :Deduction writeoff >۳ :Deductions >۳ :Deductions Review >۳ :Deductions tax >˰ :Default >Ĭ :Default time period length (days) >Ĭʱ޳ȣ :Default '%1' line type >Ĭ '%1' :Default 'Add' line type >Ĭϡӡ :Default 2nd Tier Tax Control Account >Ĭϵ2˰տʻ :Default ATP presentation >ĬATPʾ :Default Address (5 lines) >Ĭϵַ (5 ) :Default Appearance >默认外观 :Default Blanket Purchase Order query sequence >ĬһӲɹѯ˳ :Default Branch >ĬϷ֧ :Default Category >Ĭ :Default Change >Ĭϸ :Default Colors >Ĭɫ :Default Configuration >Ĭ :Default Connector Style >默认连接器形式 :Default Contact >Ĭϵ :Default Dates >Ĭ :Default Default Spread >默认默认展开 :Default ECC user >ĬECCû :Default Email Settings >Ĭϵʼ :Default Email Subject line format >Ĭϵʼиʽ :Default Email address >Ĭϵʼַ :Default Exchange Settings >Ĭ϶һ :Default Freight G/L Control Account >Ĭ˷G/Lʻ :Default Freight GL Control Account >Ĭ˷G/Lʻ :Default G/L distribution account >ĬG/Lʻ :Default GL distribution account >ĬG/Lʻ :Default Grid Line Color >ĬϷɫ :Default Historical Rate >Ĭʷ :Default Mass for Route >Ĭ· :Default Merchandise G/L Control Account >ĬϻƷG/Lʻ :Default Merchandise GL Control Account >ĬϻƷG/Lʻ :Default Multimedia >Ĭ϶ý :Default Options >Ĭѡ :Default Paper Size >Ĭֽųߴ :Default Price u/m for Purchase Order Review >ɹĬϼ۸λ :Default Printer Destinations >ĬϴӡĿĵصַ :Default Printer for Operator >ĬϲԱӡ :Default Printers >Ĭϴӡ :Default Profit Spread >Ĭ :Default Purchase Order query sequence >Ĭϲɹѯ˳ :Default Record >Ĭϼ¼ :Default Report Options >Ĭϱѡ :Default SMTP Settings >Ĭ SMTP :Default Sales Order browse sequence >Ĭ۶˳ :Default Sales Order query sequence >Ĭ۶ѯ˳ :Default Sales Spread >Ĭۼ :Default Settings >Ĭ :Default Spread >Ĭϱ :Default Values >Ĭֵ :Default Volume for Route >Ĭ· :Default WIP value based on >ĬWIPֵ :Default Warehouse >Ĭϲֿ :Default account selection mask >默认账户选择掩码 :Default alternate key >Ĭѡؼ :Default billing method >ĬϷ÷ :Default bin >Ĭ :Default bin location >ĬϿλ :Default bin selection >ĬϿѡ :Default browse sequence >Ĭ˳ :Default browse view >Ĭͼ :Default button >Ĭϰť :Default capture method >Ĭϲ񷽷 :Default cash float >Ĭֽ𸡶 :Default charges >ĬϷ :Default check date >Ĭ֧Ʊ :Default check day >Ĭϼ :Default check day must be between %1 and %2 >Ĭϼձ %1 %2 ֮ :Default check day must be between 00 and 28 >Ĭϼձ0028֮ :Default check day must be between 00 and 28. >Ĭϼձ0028֮ :Default check day of month >Ĭ·ݼ :Default check day of month may not be greater than %2 >·ݵĬϼղô %2 :Default check day of month may not be greater than 28 >Ĭ·ݼղô28 :Default code >Ĭϴ :Default commission code >ĬӶ :Default component UOM >Ĭϲλ(UOM) :Default contra values >ĬϺֵͬ :Default customer >默认客户 :Default customer %1 >默认客户 %1 :Default customer browse to operator >ĬϿͻԱ :Default date >Ĭ :Default date for dispatch notes >Ĭ :Default date for listviews >б鿴Ĭ :Default date format >Ĭڸʽ :Default date to >Ĭ :Default days until follow up date >׷յĬ :Default days until memo date >¼յĬ :Default days until next ship date >һװڵĬ :Default definition >Ĭ϶ :Default delivery address >ĬϽַ :Default delivery terms >ĬϽ :Default delivery terms for arrivals >ĬϽ :Default delivery terms for credit notes >ƱݵĬϽ :Default delivery terms for invoices >ƱĬϽ :Default depreciation code >Ĭ۾ɴ :Default description >Ĭ˵ :Default description of time units >Ĭʱ䵥λ˵ :Default destination paths >ĬĿĵ· :Default discount >Ĭۿ :Default document >Ĭĵ :Default document format >Ĭļʽ :Default document type >Ĭĵ :Default due date '%1' prior to default discount date '%2' >Ĭۿ'%2' ֮ǰĬϵ '%1' :Default element value to fixed cost >ĬҪؼֵΪ̶ɱ :Default entry >Ĭ :Default estimate additional labor charge >ĬϹƸ˹ :Default estimate additional material charge >ĬϹƸӲϷ :Default exchange rate >Ĭϻ :Default exchange rate method >Ĭϻʷ :Default exchange variance >Ĭ϶һ :Default field >Ĭֶ :Default file location >Ĭļλ :Default font for listview captions >б鿴Ĭ :Default font for listviews >б鿴Ĭ :Default font for listviews and forms >б鿴ͱĬ :Default for SO quantity on over receipt >ĬϽ SO :Default forecast algorithm >ĬԤ㷨 :Default forecast calendar >ĬԤ :Default format >Ĭϸʽ :Default format for the paste function is CCYY-MM-DD >ճܵĬϸʽΪ CCYY-MM-DD :Default freight >Ĭ˷ :Default freight GST code >Ĭ˷GST :Default freight ledger code on hold >Ĭͣ˷ѷʴ :Default historical rate for the triangulation currency code has not yet been captured >δǻҴĬʷ :Default job classification >Ĭҵ :Default job classification description >Ĭҵ :Default labor service charge >ĬͶշ :Default lead time >Ĭǰ :Default ledger code >ĬϷ˴ :Default line type >Ĭ :Default location using reserved words >ʹñʻĬϲλ :Default mask >Ĭ :Default memo code >Ĭϱ¼ :Default merchandise >ĬϻƷ :Default merchandise ledger code on hold >ĬͣƷʴ :Default message >ĬϢ :Default miscellaneous, non-stocked GST code >ĬǿGST :Default nature of transaction codes >ĬϽ״ :Default nature of transaction for arrivals >ĬϽ :Default nature of transaction for credit notes >ƱݵĬϽ :Default nature of transaction for invoices >ƱĬϽ :Default non-stocked profit >ĬϷǿ :Default number of decimals in alignments >еĬС :Default numeric alignment >Ĭֶ :Default offer >Ĭϳ :Default offer descriptions >Ĭϱ˵ :Default offers appear in { } >Ĭϱ̳{ } :Default operation movement time >Ĭϲʱ :Default option >Ĭѡ :Default option for sales order quantity on over receipt >ջ۶Ĭѡ :Default order entry document >Ĭ϶Ŀĵ :Default order status >Ĭ϶״̬ :Default order type >Ĭ϶ :Default order type '%1' not found >δҵĬ϶ '%1' :Default p/ord review price >Ĭϲɹ۸ :Default p/order review price >Ĭϲɹ˼۸ :Default parameters >ĬϵIJ :Default payment code for change given >ĬϰҪĵĸ :Default payment type for change given >Ĭϸ :Default period size for reports and queries >ͲѯĬڼ䳤 :Default price for purchase order review >ɹĬϼ۸ :Default price u/m >Ĭϼ۸λ(u/m) :Default price uom >Ĭϼ۸λ :Default pricing method for purchase order entry >ɹĬ϶۷ :Default pricing method for suggested p/o review >ɹĬ϶۷ :Default printer >Ĭϴӡ :Default printing paper size >ĬϴӡֽŴС :Default product class >ĬϲƷȼ :Default product class for non-stocked items >ǿĿĬϲƷȼ :Default product class for non-stocked lines >ǿĬϲƷȼ :Default product class for operations >ĬϲƷȼ :Default purchase order creation type is blanket p/o >ĬϲɹΪۺԲɹ :Default purchase order creation type is blanket po >ĬϲɹΪۺԲɹ :Default purchase order review price >Ĭϲɹ˼۸ :Default quantity >Ĭ :Default rate for entire payment run >еĬϷ :Default rate for entire run >Ĭ :Default rate indicator >ĬϷָ :Default reference >默认参考 :Default report attribute >Ĭϱ :Default required >ҪĬ :Default review type >Ĭ :Default route >Ĭ· :Default route code >Ĭ·ߴ :Default sales order type >Ĭ۶ :Default sales tax codes >Ĭ˰ :Default scrap reason >ƷĬԭ :Default sequence >Ĭ˳ :Default sequence number >Ĭ˳ :Default ship from information >ĬϷַϢ :Default ship status >ĬϷ״̬ :Default site >Ĭվ :Default source >ĬԴ :Default statement format >Ĭʽ :Default std hierarchy >Ĭϱ׼ :Default stock code margin >ĬϿ߾ :Default style >ĬϷʽ :Default supplier >ĬϹӦ :Default supplier browse sequence >ĬϹӦ˳ :Default tax code >Ĭ˰մ :Default tax code for credit notes >ƱݵĬ˰ :Default tax code for freight charges >˷ѵĬ˰ :Default tax code for miscellaneous charges >ӷѵĬ˰ :Default tax code for non-stocked charges >ǿշѵĬ˰ :Default tax status >Ĭ˰״̬ :Default text >Ĭı :Default theme >Ĭ :Default to account code >ĬΪʻ :Default to automatic sequencing >ĬΪԶ :Default to automatic sequencing when adding components >ӲʱĬΪԶ :Default to currency table rate >ĬΪұ :Default to invoice exchange rate >ĬΪƱ :Default to milestone when adding operation >ӲʱĬΪ̱ :Default to saved report options >ĬΪ汨ѡ :Default to target warehouse GRN suspense account >ĬΪĿֿջ (GRN) ʻ :Default transaction type >ĬϽ :Default transfer method >ĬתƷ :Default transport code >Ĭ :Default type >Ĭ :Default type of order >Ĭ϶ :Default type of sales order >Ĭ۶ :Default types >Ĭ :Default u/m >ĬϺλ :Default u/m for stock take capture >̵㲶Ĭϼλ :Default u/price >Ĭϵλ۸ :Default unit of measure >Ĭϼλ :Default unit of measure for order quantity >Ĭϼλ :Default unit of measure may not be spaces >ĬϼλΪհ :Default uom >Ĭϼλ :Default uom for stock take capture >̵㲶Ĭϼλ :Default value >Ĭֵ :Default view >Ĭͼ :Default warehouse for >Ĭϲֿ⣬ :Default warehouse for displaying qty's >ʾĬϲֿ :Default warehouse for sales >Ĭ۲ֿ :Default warehouse not on file >Ĭϲֿⲻļ :Default warehouse to use >ʹõĬϲֿ :Default wording >Ĭϴ :Default/Options >Ĭϣѡ :Defaults >Ĭֵ :Defaults for adding jobs >ҵĬֵ :Defective credit > :Defective in warranty >Χڵȱ :Defective out of warranty >Χȱ :Deferred > :Define >̶ :Define Account Type List >˻б :Define Account list >ʻб :Define Action for > :Define Action for Customized Pane >Զ崰 :Define Activity Type list >б :Define Asset group list up to %1 >ʲб 1% :Define Asset list up to %1 >ʲб 1% :Define Asset type list up to %1 >ʲб 1% :Define Branch >̶֧ :Define Branch List >֧б :Define Branch list up to %1 >֧б 1% :Define Branch to Which Transaction is to be Posted >䷢׵ķ֧ :Define Browser >Ĭ :Define Buyer list >ɹб :Define Buyer selection list >ɹѡб :Define Calculation >̶ :Define Capture Program >岶׽ :Define Capture Programs >岶׽ :Define Column >̶ :Define Condition >̶ :Define Currencies > :Define Customer List >ͻ :Define Dates >̶ :Define Delete Options >ɾѡ :Define Dispatch Note List >̶ :Define Edit/Record >༭¼ :Define Financial > :Define Financial Reports >񱨸 :Define Financial Year End > :Define Follow Up Flag list >ٱб :Define Foreign Currency Price Codes >̶Ҽ۸ :Define Form > :Define Format >̶ʽ :Define Integration Level >弯ɼ :Define Job selection list >幤ѡб :Define Line >̶ :Define List >̶б :Define List Up To 100 Customers >̶100ڿͻб :Define List Up To 100 Orders >100ݶб :Define List of Additional Warehouses >帽ӿб :Define List of Companies >幫˾б :Define List of Customers >̶ͻ :Define List of Dispatch Notes >̶ :Define List of Items >Ŀб :Define List of Preferred Customers >ѡͻ :Define List of Programs affected by Customization >ܶӰijб :Define List of up to %1 Assets > %1 ʲб :Define List of up to %1 Contracts > %1 ݺͬб :Define List of up to %1 Customers > %1 ҿͻб :Define List of up to %1 Dispatch Notes > %1 ݷб :Define List of up to %1 Groups > %1 б :Define List of up to %1 Invoices > %1 ݷƱб :Define List of up to %1 Locations > %1 λõб :Define List of up to %1 Orders > %1 ݶб :Define List of up to %1 Transfers > %1 תƵб :Define List of up to %1 Types > %1 ͵б :Define List of up to 100 Contracts >̶100ںͬб :Define List of up to 100 Dispatch Notes >̶100ڷб :Define List of up to 100 Invoices >̶100ڷƱб :Define List of up to 100 Orders >̶100ڶб :Define List of up to 100 Transfers >100תƵĶ :Define List of up to 20 Assets >20ʲб :Define List of up to 20 Groups >20б :Define List of up to 20 Locations >20λб :Define List of up to 20 Types >20͵б :Define List of up to 200 Customers >200ҿͻб :Define List up to %1 Assets > %1 ʲб :Define List up to %1 Customers > %1 ҿͻб :Define List up to %1 Groups > %1 б :Define List up to %1 Jobs > %1 ҵб :Define List up to %1 Locations > %1 λõб :Define List up to %1 Orders > %1 ݶб :Define List up to %1 Price Codes > %1 ۸б :Define List up to %1 Stock Codes > %1 б :Define List up to %1 Suppliers > %1 Ӧ̵б :Define List up to %1 Types > %1 ͵б :Define List up to %1 Warehouses > %1 ֿб :Define List up to %1 work centers > %1 ҵĵб :Define List up to 100 Jobs >̶100ҵб :Define List up to 100 Stock Codes >̶100ڿб :Define List up to 100 Suppliers >̶100ڹӦ̵б :Define List up to 100 Warehouses >̶100ڲֿб :Define List up to 100 work centers >̶100ҵĵб :Define List up to 20 Assets >20ʲб :Define List up to 20 Groups >20б :Define List up to 20 Locations >20λõб :Define List up to 20 Stock Codes >20Ķ :Define List up to 20 Types >20͵б :Define List up to 40 Price Codes >̶40ڼ۸б :Define Location list up to %1 >λб 1% :Define Numbering >̶ŷ :Define Numbering Details >ϸ :Define OLE2 Object >OLE2 :Define Object >̶ :Define Operator Group list >Աб :Define Options >̶ѡ :Define Order List >̶ :Define Paths >̶· :Define Planner list >ƻԱб :Define Planner selection list >ƻԱѡб :Define Price Code List >̶۸ :Define Primary Key >̶ؼ :Define Primary Supplier >̶Ӧ :Define Print Condition >ӡ :Define Product Class selection list >Ʒѡб :Define Standard Route >̶׼· :Define Stock Code selection list >ѡб :Define Stock selection list >ѡб :Define StockCode list >定义库存代码列表 :Define Supervisor Password >̶Ա :Define Supplier list >幩Ӧб :Define Supplier list up to %1 >幩Ӧб 1% :Define Supplier selection list >幩Ӧѡб :Define Up To 20 Branches >̶20ڵķ֧ :Define Up To 20 Warehouses >̶20ڵIJֿ :Define WIP Inspection selection list > WIP ѡб :Define Warehouse List >̶ֿ :Define Warehouse area list >ֿб :Define Warehouse selection list >ֿѡб :Define Work Center selection list >幤ѡб :Define Year End Dates >̶ :Define a list of buyers >ɹб :Define a list of co-product lines >干ͬƷб :Define a list of employees >Աб :Define a list of job classifications >幤б :Define a list of job numbers >幤б :Define a list of jobs >幤б :Define a list of operations >б :Define a list of planners >ƻԱб :Define a list of product classes >Ʒб :Define a list of stock codes >б :Define a list of warehouses >ֿб :Define a list of work centers >幤б :Define address codes to which delivery address details can be assigned >佻ַĵַ :Define an alternate password >屸 :Define and maintain asset groups which can be used to categorize assets >岢άڷʲʲ :Define and maintain component types to be used in BOM Structure and Routings >岢ά BOM ṹ·ߵIJ :Define and maintain the capex classifications >岢άʱ÷ :Define and maintain the delivery routes required for load planning >岢άװؼƻҪĽ· :Define and maintain the transport types used to deliver goods on a specific route >岢άڰض·߽ :Define and run reports using Crystal Reports >ʹ Crystal 涨б :Define and run reports using SYSPRO Reporting Services >ʹ SYSPRO б :Define and run reports using the Report Writer >ʹñдб :Define available companies list >ù˾б :Define by Transaction >׶ :Define coded comments for stock codes for reuse on orders >ڶʹõĿע :Define coded comments that you want to reuse on purchase orders >ϣڲɹʹõıע :Define coded reasons that can be assigned to the scrapping of material during labor postings >Ͷڼ䵽ϱϵıԭ :Define codes that can assist in classifying sales orders according to the type of sale >ɸЭ۶Ĵ :Define codes to assist in identifying recurring problems with returned items >룬ЭʶĿľ :Define company tables >幫˾ :Define control accounts and the level of integration required for all modules that can be linked to General Ledger >ӵ˵ģҪ˻ϼ :Define conversion factors for stocked and non-stocked items where the ordering unit of measure is not the same as the pricing unit of measure >嶩λ붨ۼλͬ¿ͷǿĿתϵ :Define conversion factors for stocked items where the stocking unit of measure is not the same as the costing unit of measure >λɱλͬ¿Ŀתϵ :Define conversion factors to apply when purchasing items where the pricing unit of measure is not the same as the ordering unit of measure >嶩ۼλ붨λͬ²ɹĿʱõתϵ :Define customer list up to %1 >ͻб 1% :Define customer selection list >ͻѡб :Define daily capacity of each individual work center >ÿĵ :Define details of approved manufacturers' part numbers and link these to SYSPRO stock codes >׼鲢ӵ SYSPRO :Define details of new lot numbers to add to the system for specific stock items >κ飬ӵضĿϵͳ :Define element name >̶Ҫ :Define employee selection list >Աѡб :Define field properties across all forms >бֶ :Define for All Tables >为所有表定义 :Define for List of Tables >为表列表定义 :Define global approval limits for all requisition users attached to a group >Ϊӵ빺ûȫ :Define group list >̶ :Define group to copy to >帴飬Ƶ :Define how tables are logically linked >߼ӷʽ :Define invoice discount codes with up to three chained discount percentages >ۿ۰ٷֱȶ巢Ʊۿ۴ :Define job class selection list >幤ѡб :Define journal selection list >ռѡб :Define key parts >̶ؼ :Define lines per page against report >̶ÿҳ :Define list of groups >̶ :Define list of jobs >幤б :Define list of operators >̶Ա :Define list of operators to copy to >帴ƲԱбƵ :Define list of security groups >̶ȫ :Define list of up to %1 Branches > %1 ֧б :Define list of up to 20 Branches >20֧б :Define list up to %1 Branches > %1 ֧б :Define list up to 20 Branches >20֧б :Define lookup values >̶ֵ :Define machine selection list >ѡб :Define non-merchandise charges to include on a customer's sales order >Ʒշ԰ڿͻ۶ :Define operator list >̶Ա :Define operator to copy to >帴ƲԱƵ :Define parameters according to which fields must be accessed and sequenced >Դ˶ֶνзʺIJ :Define parent part list >б :Define passwords > :Define passwords to secure transactions >ɱװȫ :Define percentage discount breaks to vary prices according to the quantity or value of items on a sales order >ٷֱۿŻԸ۶еֵı۸ :Define price list >̶۸б :Define projected targets against customers, product classes and user-defined sales history summary sequence types >ԿͻƷûʷժҪ˳͵ԤĿ :Define quotation selection list >屨ѡб :Define resource selection list >Դѡб :Define sequence >̶˳ :Define settings for faxing >崫 :Define start and end dates for each tax period and year for generating the Tax Return report >˰걨ÿһ˰ںݵʼͽ :Define stationery documents >ֽĵ :Define stock code list >б :Define stock code selection >ѡ :Define templates for orders processed using the Quick Entry program >ʹÿģ :Define the SYSPRO workspace for all companies >й˾ SYSPRO ռ :Define the buying groups used to classify a number of contract customers into a common group >ڽͬͻΪͨIJɹ :Define the characteristics of stock items which are used or sold >ʹûۿĿ :Define the company calendar with non-working days >幫˾ǹ :Define the components and operations needed to make a non-stocked item >ǿĿIJͲ :Define the currency exchange rates required when processing foreign currency transactions >崦ҽʱҪĻһ :Define the default settlement discount to extend to a customer whose payments are made within a prescribed period of time and to define when an invoice becomes due for payment >Ĭۿۣ򸶿ԤʱڽеĿͻչͶ巢Ʊʱ :Define the elements required in a sequence of manufacturing operations, as well as the structural relationships between parent and component parts >ҪԪԼ֮Ľṹϵ :Define the page layout for printing %1 supplier labels (documents used in the USA to report miscellaneous income to the IRS) >定义打印 %1 供应商标签页面布局 (用于美国的向 IRS 报告杂项收入的文档) :Define the page layout for printing Quotations documents >ӡĵҳ沼 :Define the page layout for printing WIP inspection documents >ӡ WIP ĵҳ沼 :Define the page layout for printing checks and remittances for payments made to suppliers >ӡӦ̸֧Ʊͻҳ沼 :Define the page layout for printing customer labels >ӡͻǩҳ沼 :Define the page layout for printing customer statements >ӡͻҳ沼 :Define the page layout for printing factory documentation >ӡĵҳ沼 :Define the page layout for printing inspection, reject and scrap documents >ӡ顢պͱĵҳ沼 :Define the page layout for printing labels for non-current assets, asset branches and asset locations >ӡʲʲ֧ʲλñǩҳ沼 :Define the page layout for printing labels for suppliers >ӡӦ̱ǩҳ沼 :Define the page layout for printing on-line checks and remittances for each bank >ӡÿ֧Ʊͻҳ沼 :Define the page layout for printing purchase order documents >ӡɹĵҳ沼 :Define the page layout for printing sales order documents >ӡ۶ĵҳ沼 :Define the page layout for printing sales order labels >ӡ۶ǩҳ沼 :Define the page layout for printing stock code labels >ӡǩҳ沼 :Define the page layout for printing stock take tickets >ӡ̵ȯҳ沼 :Define the page layout for printing supporting documents for inventory transactions >ӡ֧ĵҳ沼 :Define the page layout required for printing discount debit and credit notes >ӡۿ۽跽ʹƱҪҳ沼 :Define the page layout required for printing permanent entry invoices >ӡĿƱҪҳ沼 :Define the setup options for the Accounts Payable system which determine certain rules/options applied to the system >ȷӦϵͳض/ѡӦ˿ϵͳѡ :Define the setup options for the Accounts Receivable system which determine certain rules/options applied to the system >ȷӦϵͳض/ѡӦ˿ϵͳѡ :Define the setup options for the Assets Register system which determine certain rules/options applied to the system >ȷӦϵͳض/ѡʲǼDzϵͳѡ :Define the setup options for the Bill of Materials system which determine certain rules/options applied to the system >ȷӦϵͳض/ѡIJϵϵͳѡ :Define the setup options for the Cash Book system which determine certain rules/options applied to the system >ȷӦϵͳض/ѡֽ˲ϵͳѡ :Define the setup options for the Contact Management system which determine certain rules/options applied to the system >ȷӦϵͳض/ѡϵ˹ϵͳѡ :Define the setup options for the Dispatch Note system which determine certain rules/options applied to the system >ȷӦϵͳض/ѡķϵͳѡ :Define the setup options for the EFT system which determine certain rules/options applied to the system >ȷӦϵͳض/ѡ EFT ϵͳѡ :Define the setup options for the Factory Scheduling system which determine certain rules/options applied to the system >ȷӦϵͳض/ѡĹϵͳѡ :Define the setup options for the General Ledger system which determine certain rules/options applied to the system >ȷӦϵͳض/ѡϵͳѡ :Define the setup options for the Interface Module which determine certain rules/options applied to the module >ȷӦģض/ѡĽӿģѡ :Define the setup options for the Inventory Optimization system which determine certain rules/options applied to the system >ȷӦϵͳض/ѡĴŻϵͳѡ :Define the setup options for the Inventory system which determine certain rules/options applied to the system >ȷӦϵͳض/ѡĴϵͳѡ :Define the setup options for the Lot Traceability system which determine certain rules/options applied to the system >ȷӦϵͳض/ѡ׷ϵͳѡ :Define the setup options for the Purchase Orders system which determine certain rules/options applied to the system >ȷӦϵͳض/ѡIJɹϵͳѡ :Define the setup options for the Quotations system which determine certain rules/options applied to the system >ȷӦϵͳض/ѡıϵͳѡ :Define the setup options for the Requirements Planning system which determine certain rules/options applied to the system >ȷӦϵͳض/ѡҪƻϵͳѡ :Define the setup options for the Return Merchandise system which determine certain rules/options applied to the system >ȷӦϵͳض/ѡķƷϵͳѡ :Define the setup options for the SYSPRO system; updates the IMPACT.INI file > SYSPRO ϵͳѡ IMPACT.INI ļ :Define the setup options for the Sales Analysis system which determine certain rules/options applied to the system >ȷӦϵͳض/ѡ۷ϵͳѡ :Define the setup options for the Sales Orders system which determine certain rules/options applied to the system >ȷӦϵͳض/ѡ۶ϵͳѡ :Define the setup options for the Trade Promotions system which determine certain rules/options applied to the system >ȷӦϵͳض/ѡó״ϵͳѡ :Define the setup options for the Work in Progress system which determine certain rules/options applied to the system >ȷӦϵͳض/ѡĽйϵͳѡ :Define the tax system that you require and maintain tax codes >ά˰˰ϵ :Define the tile caption using XAML code. (write-only) >定义使用 XAML 代码的平铺标题。(只写) :Define the various engineering change statuses through which an engineering change order must be routed >ؽΪ̱䶯·ߵĸ๤̱䶯״̬ :Define unit of measure conversion factors between employee rate times and work center rate times >Աʱ빤ʱ֮ļλתϵ :Define up to %1 Branches > %1 ֧ :Define up to %1 Warehouses > %1 ֿ :Define up to %1 styles that can be applied to individual lines within selected listviews > %1 Ӧѡбͼиеʽ :Defined >ѹ̶ :Defined at run time >ڼ䶨 :Defined by >Ѷ壬 :Defines if this form can be edited >˱Ƿɱ༭ :Defining this SKU as the proxy will cause a looping proxy structure >˿¼λ (SKU) Ϊѭṹ :Definition > :Definition level >弶 :Definition of financial year and month for modules newly installed >°װģIJȺ·ݶ :Definition of variable budget spread >Ԥ۲ :Deinstall All >жȫ :Del date >ɾ :Del note >ɾ¼ :Del terms > :Delay > :Delete >ɾ :Delete '%1' from favorites menu? >Ҫѡ˵ '%1' :Delete A/P entry >ɾA/P :Delete ALL components for this parent stock code/route? >ɾһܿ룯·ߵв :Delete ALL operations for this parent stock code/route? >ɾһܿ룯·ߵв :Delete AP entry >ɾ AP Ŀ :Delete Account >ɾ :Delete Action >ɾ :Delete Actioned Messages >ɾִϢ :Delete Activity >ɾ :Delete Adjustment >ɾ :Delete After >֮ɾ :Delete All >ɾ :Delete All Assigned Roles >ɾѷְ :Delete All Component Lots >ɾв :Delete All Component Serials >ɾвϵ :Delete All Components >ɾв :Delete All Customers >ɾпͻ :Delete All Operations >ɾв :Delete All Routes >ɾȫ· :Delete All Tables Ending in '+' >ɾ "+" βı :Delete All Tasks >ɾ :Delete All Temporary Files Shown in the Listview >ɾбͼʾʱļ :Delete Alternative Currency >ɾ滻 :Delete Alternative Reporting Currency Ledger >ɾҷ :Delete Analysis Category >ɾ :Delete Analytic Books >ɾʲ :Delete Analytics Books >ɾ Analytics ˲ :Delete Approved Manufacturer >ɾ׼ :Delete Approved Manufacturer Supplier >ɾ׼̹Ӧ :Delete Asset Capex Item >ɾʲʱ֧Ŀ :Delete Asset Capex Line >ɾʲʱ :Delete Asset Code >ɾʲ :Delete Asset Template >ɾʲģ :Delete Attachment >ɾ :Delete Attachments for existing activities >ɾлĸ :Delete Bill >ɾ˵ :Delete Bin Allocation >ɾ :Delete Bin Number >ɾֺ :Delete Books >ɾ˲ :Delete Branch >ɾ֧ :Delete Browse >ɾ :Delete Budget >ɾԤ :Delete Budgets >ɾԤ :Delete Budgets in Progress >ִɾԤ :Delete Calculation >删除计算 :Delete Calculation Code >ɾ :Delete Capacity >ɾ :Delete Capex Item >ɾʱ֧Ŀ :Delete Capex Line >ɾʱ :Delete Cash Drawer >ɾֽƱ :Delete Category >ɾ :Delete Category Code >ɾ :Delete Collector >ɾԱ :Delete Component >ɾ :Delete Component Lot Tracking >ɾθ :Delete Component Serial Tracking >ɾϵи :Delete Configuration >ɾ :Delete Configuration File >ɾļ :Delete Confirmation >ɾȷ :Delete Constant Code >ɾ :Delete Contact >ɾϵ :Delete Currency >ɾ :Delete Current Activity >ɾǰ :Delete Current Activity? >Ҫɾǰ? :Delete Current Form >ɾǰ :Delete Current Role >ɾǰְ :Delete Current Row >ɾǰ :Delete Custom Field >删除自定义字段 :Delete Custom Form table information from Report Writer Data Dictionary >删除报告编写器数据字典中的自定义表格表信息 :Delete Customer >ɾͻ :Delete Customer Stock Code XRef >ɾͻղο :Delete Customer code reference >ɾͻο :Delete Customer code reference? >Ҫɾͻο? :Delete Customized Pane >ɾԶ崰 :Delete Defaults >ɾĬֵ :Delete Dependency >删除附属项 :Delete Descriptor >ɾ :Delete Discount >ɾ˻ :Delete Discount Breaks >ɾ˻ :Delete Document >ɾĵ :Delete Document Type >ɾĵ :Delete Element >ɾҪ :Delete Entered Formula >ɾĹʽ :Delete Entered Line >ɾ :Delete Entire Customer/Supplier Link >ɾͻ/Ӧ :Delete Entire Customer/Supplier Link? >Ҫɾͻ/Ӧ? :Delete Entries >ɾ :Delete Entry >ɾ :Delete Entry from All Customers >пͻɾĿ :Delete Error >ɾ :Delete Exception >ɾ쳣 :Delete Excluded Selection >ѡųѡ :Delete Favorites Item >ɾղؼĿ :Delete Favorites Program >ɾѡ :Delete Field >ɾֶ :Delete Field Message >删除字段消息 :Delete File >ɾļ :Delete Flow Graph >删除流程图 :Delete Folder >ɾļ :Delete Forced Balance Ledger Code >ɾǿʴ :Delete Forced Balance ledger code? >Ҫɾǿʴ :Delete Form >ɾ :Delete G/L Distribution Line >ɾ (G/L) :Delete GL Distribution Line >ɾ (G/L) :Delete GL Weighted Transfer Rule Detail? >Ҫɾ GL Ȩת˹? :Delete Global >ɾȫֱ :Delete Group >ɾ :Delete Group Entry >ɾ :Delete Hierarchy Item >ɾּĿ :Delete History >ɾ¼ :Delete Hyperlink >ɾ :Delete ISAM files >ɾISAMļ :Delete Invoice Line >ɾƱ :Delete Item >ɾĿ :Delete Journal >ɾռ :Delete Journal Entry >ɾռ :Delete LCT Apportionment >ɾ LCT ̯ :Delete LCT Route >ɾɱ(LCT)· :Delete LCT invoice element details? >Ҫɾ LCT ƱԪϸ? :Delete Labor Format >ɾͶʽ :Delete Ledger >ɾ :Delete Ledger Code >ɾ˴ :Delete Line >ɾ :Delete Live Ledger Message >ɾʾķϢ :Delete Lot Allocation >ɾη :Delete Material Allocation >ɾϷ :Delete Menu >ɾ˵ :Delete Menu Configuration File >ɾ˵ļ :Delete Menu Item(s) >ɾ˵Ŀ :Delete Messages >ɾϢ :Delete Model >ɾģ :Delete My Tasks >ɾҵ :Delete Non-Stocked Code >ɾǿ :Delete Notes >ɾע :Delete Object >ɾ :Delete Operation >ɾ :Delete Operator >ɾԱ :Delete Option >删除选项 :Delete Options >ɾѡ :Delete Order Discount break >ɾۿ۷ :Delete P/O >ɾɹ :Delete PO >ɾ PO :Delete Part Number >ɾ :Delete Password >ɾ :Delete Pay Run >ɾ :Delete Payment Run >ɾ :Delete Payment Type >ɾ :Delete Post Dated Check >ɾԶ֧Ʊ :Delete Price Code >ɾ۸ :Delete Printer >ɾӡ :Delete Product Class >ɾƷȼ :Delete Product Classes >删除产品类 :Delete Product Template >ɾƷģ :Delete Quality Element >ɾԪ :Delete Recurring Event >ɾ¼ :Delete Recurring Journal >ɾռ :Delete Report >ɾ :Delete Requisition Line >ɾ빺 :Delete Reserved Lot >ɾ :Delete Reserved Serial >ɾϵ :Delete Role >ɾְ :Delete Route >ɾ· :Delete Route and Elements attached >删除附加的路线和元素 :Delete Row >ɾ :Delete Schedule >ɾų :Delete Scheduled Status Item >ɾų̵״̬Ŀ :Delete Selected >ɾѡ :Delete Selected Bin >ɾѡ :Delete Selected Configuration >ɾѡ :Delete Selected Line >删除选定行 :Delete Selected Menu >删除选定菜单 :Delete Selected Quantity >ɾѡ :Delete Sequence >ɾ˳ :Delete Serial Allocation >ɾϵз :Delete Serials >ɾ :Delete Snapshot >ɾ :Delete Standard Journal >ɾռ :Delete Stock Code >ɾ :Delete Stock Code Options >ɾѡ :Delete Substitution >ɾ滻 :Delete Supplier >ɾӦ :Delete Task >ɾ :Delete Task Group >ɾ :Delete Theme >ɾ :Delete This Payment Run >ɾ˸ :Delete Transaction >ɾ :Delete VBScript Module >ɾ VBScript ģ :Delete Variable >ɾ :Delete Version >ɾ汾 :Delete Vessel >ɾ :Delete Warehouse >ɾֿ :Delete Warning >ɾ :Delete Workflow >ɾ :Delete XML Failed document details >ɾʧܵXMLļϸ :Delete XML History document details >ɾXMLʷļϸ :Delete XML documents no longer required >ɾҪ XML ĵ :Delete a selection >删除选择 :Delete account after saving the customer >ͻɾʻ :Delete account after saving the supplier >湩Ӧ̺ɾ˻ :Delete actioned messages that are more than >ɾִеϢ :Delete activities >ɾ :Delete activities older than >ɾ¸Ļ :Delete all Collectors related to the model >ɾģصԱ :Delete all selected items >删除所有选定项目 :Delete all selected programs? >Ҫɾѡij :Delete all selection formulas in the report >ɾеѡʽ :Delete all stock codes for collection? >Ҫɾϵп :Delete all supplier price contracts that have expired before a specific date >ɾض֮ǰѵڵĹӦ̼۸ͬ :Delete alternate supplier? >ҪɾѡӦ :Delete alternative reporting ledger >ɾ滻 :Delete amendment journals dated before >ɾΪ֮ǰ޶ռ :Delete amendment journals if not yet printed >δӡɾ޶ռ :Delete an Existing Role >ɾְ :Delete apportionment line >ɾ̯ :Delete archived SRS documents >ɾ鵵 SRS ĵ :Delete archived shipments dated before >ɾ֮ǰڵĹ鵵 :Delete assets password >ɾʲ :Delete attendees for existing activities >ɾлijϯ :Delete blanket purchase order contract information that is no longer required >ɾҪһӲɹͬϢ :Delete build schedules >ɾų :Delete completed order lines >ɾɶ :Delete contacts where no activity for >ɾ»ϵ :Delete conversion tables >ɾת :Delete criteria >删除标准 :Delete customer stock code cross reference? >Ҫɾͻղο? :Delete customer sub-account? >Ҫɾͻ˻? :Delete customer/stock code cross reference >ɾͻ/ղο :Delete customer/stock code cross reference? >Ҫɾͻ :Delete dispatch notes and produce a report >ɾɱ :Delete distribution file >ɾļ :Delete document '%1'? >Ҫɾĵ '%1' ? :Delete documents before >ɾ֮ǰĵ :Delete documents dated on or before >ɾΪڻ֮ǰļ :Delete draft >ɾƱ :Delete draft forecasts in updated periods >ɾڵijԤ :Delete draft levels in updated periods >ɾѸڵĻƱ :Delete element (Alt+D) >ɾԪ (Alt+D) :Delete entries dated before >ɾΪ֮ǰ :Delete entries no longer required from the System Audit Log file/table >ɾϵͳ־ļ/вҪĿ :Delete entries no longer valid >ɾЧ :Delete existing allocations before copy >ǰɾз :Delete existing allocs >ɾз :Delete existing before copy >ɾǰ :Delete existing before import >导入前删除现有项目 :Delete existing components before copy >ǰɾв :Delete existing components on structure before copying the new component >²֮ǰɾṹев :Delete existing components on structure before copying the new component? >Ҫڸ²֮ǰɾṹев :Delete existing items >ɾĿ :Delete existing list >ɾб :Delete existing operations before copy >֮ǰɾв :Delete existing policies >ɾ :Delete file after report >ɾļ :Delete file after use >ɾùļ :Delete for All Tables >为所有表删除 :Delete for List of Tables >为表列表删除 :Delete for Selected Tables >为选定表删除 :Delete format >ɾʽ :Delete from this button not possible for this status >״̬²ܴӸðťɾ :Delete highlighted line >删除突显行 :Delete history records in order purge >ɾеʷ¼ :Delete import file >ɾļ :Delete import file after successful impo >ɹɾļ :Delete import file? >Ҫɾļ :Delete invalid price contracts or price contracts that have expired by a specified cut-off date >ɾЧ۸ͬѵڵļ۸ͬ :Delete journal after print >ӡɾռ :Delete journal after report >ɾռ :Delete journal file >ɾռļ :Delete journal file after report >ɾ֮ռļ :Delete journal report >ɾռ˱ :Delete list >ɾб :Delete listview item >删除列表视图项目 :Delete live ledger >ɾʵʱ :Delete live ledger for a company >ɾ˾Ļ :Delete live ledger from >ɾʣ :Delete log records older than >ɾ¸־¼ :Delete menu configuration >ɾ˵ :Delete obsolete EFT information >ɾ EFT Ϣ :Delete or inactivate forecasts >ɾԤ :Delete original Email message >ɾԭʼϢ :Delete other policies in period >ɾе :Delete overload identification >ɾرʶ :Delete permanent entry for selected customer >ɾѡͻĿ :Delete permanent entry for selected customer(s)? >ҪɾѡͻĿ? :Delete permanent entry for selected customer? >ҪɾѡͻĹ̶ :Delete previous printed >ɾǰӡ :Delete printer '%1'? >Ҫɾӡ '%1' ? :Delete product class against all branches and the description file >ɾз֧ļIJƷ :Delete product class against all branches and the description file? >Ҫɾз֧IJƷȼļ? :Delete product class defaults >ɾƷȼĬֵ :Delete purchase order line from shipment >ӻɾɹ :Delete purchase order line from shipment? >ҪɾеIJɹ :Delete quote after conversion to order >תΪɾ :Delete rates dated before >ɾΪ֮ǰķ :Delete records if purge flag not set >δ־ɾ¼ :Delete rows >删除行栏 :Delete sales and payment records for the selected cash drawer(s) in preparation for starting a new day or shift >ɾѡۺ͸¼ΪڻεĿʼ׼ :Delete selected Contact? >Ҫɾѡϵ? :Delete selected Element >ɾѡԪ :Delete selected Element? >ҪɾѡҪ :Delete selected LCT Apportionment line? >要删除选定 LCT 分摊行吗? :Delete selected asset >ɾѡʲ :Delete selected asset and all related entries >ɾѡʲĿ :Delete selected asset and all related entries? >Ҫɾѡʲȫ :Delete selected asset? >Ҫɾѡʲ :Delete selected budgets >ɾѡԤ :Delete selected budgets? >ҪɾѡԤ :Delete selected capex item and related lines >ɾѡʱĿ :Delete selected capex item and related lines? >ҪɾѡʱĿ :Delete selected capex line >ɾѡʱ :Delete selected capex line? >Ҫɾѡʱ :Delete selected component >ɾѡ :Delete selected component dependent >ɾѡԲ :Delete selected component dependent? >Ҫɾѡĵʹò :Delete selected component? >ҪɾѡIJ :Delete selected configuration? >Ҫɾѡ? :Delete selected criterion >ɾѡ׼ :Delete selected criterion? >Ҫɾѡı׼ :Delete selected customer's order discounts >ҪɾѡĿͻۿ :Delete selected customer, product class line discount? >ҪɾѡͻƷȼۿ :Delete selected detail line >ɾѡϸ :Delete selected detail line? >Ҫɾѡϸ :Delete selected group? >Ҫɾѡ? :Delete selected invoice >ɾѡƱ :Delete selected item? >ҪɾѡĿ? :Delete selected operation >ɾѡ :Delete selected operation? >ҪɾѡIJ :Delete selected option >ɾѡѡ :Delete selected option? >Ҫɾѡѡ :Delete selected product class line value discount >ɾѡƷмֵۿ :Delete selected product class line value discount? >ҪɾѡIJƷȼмֵۿ :Delete selected role? >Ҫɾѡְ? :Delete selected rows >ɾѡ :Delete selected selection >ɾѡѡ :Delete selected selection? >Ҫɾѡѡ :Delete selected sequence >ɾѡ˳ :Delete selected sequence? >Ҫɾѡ˳ :Delete selected serial >ɾѡϵ :Delete selected subtotal break >ɾѡСƷ :Delete selected subtotal break? >ҪɾѡСƷ :Delete selected tax code >ɾѡ˰ :Delete selected tax code? >Ҫɾѡ˰մ :Delete serial numbers and/or serial number transactions from the serial number file >ɾϵкļеϵк/ϵк뽻 :Delete statistics file >ɾͳļ :Delete stock code xref line >ɾ :Delete stock codes line >ɾ :Delete tax distribution file >ɾ˰շļ :Delete tax distribution file? >Ҫɾ˰շļ :Delete tax distribution files >ɾ˰ļ :Delete tax files >ɾ˰ļ :Delete template >ɾģ :Delete temporary file after printing >ӡɾʱļ :Delete temporary stock codes >ɾʱ :Delete the analysis category code >ɾ :Delete the analysis category code? >Ҫɾ :Delete the cross shipment details >ɾװ :Delete the cross shipment details? >Ҫɾ :Delete the current configuration >ɾǰ :Delete the current configuration? >要删除当前配置吗? :Delete the delivery address >ɾַ :Delete the delivery address? >Ҫɾַ :Delete the import file >ɾļ :Delete the selected foreign price? >ҪɾѡĹ۸ :Delete the selected Asset Type? >Ҫɾѡʲ :Delete the selected Asset status code? >Ҫɾѡʲ״̬룿 :Delete the selected Capex classification code? >Ҫɾѡʱ֧ :Delete the selected Cost center? >Ҫɾѡijɱ :Delete the selected Job? >Ҫɾѡҵ :Delete the selected LCT route? >Ҫɾѡĵɱ(LCT)· :Delete the selected Owner? >Ҫɾѡ :Delete the selected Promotion ? >要删除选定促销吗? :Delete the selected Reason code? >Ҫɾѡԭ :Delete the selected SYSPRO Analytics server >ɾѡSYSPRO Analytics :Delete the selected SYSPRO Analytics site >ɾѡSYSPRO Analyticsվ :Delete the selected Scheduling Group ? >要删除选定排程组吗? :Delete the selected TPM customer? >Ҫɾѡó״(TPM)ͻ :Delete the selected account >ɾѡ˻ :Delete the selected account entry >ɾѡ˻Ŀ :Delete the selected account entry? >Ҫɾѡʻ :Delete the selected account? >Ҫɾѡʻ :Delete the selected accrual type >ɾѡӦ :Delete the selected accrual type? >ҪɾѡϢ :Delete the selected address code >ɾѡַ :Delete the selected address code ? >要删除选定地址代码吗? :Delete the selected address code? >Ҫɾѡĵַ :Delete the selected allocation >ɾѡ :Delete the selected allocation? >ҪɾѡIJλ :Delete the selected alternate stock code >ɾѡÿ :Delete the selected alternate stock code? >Ҫɾѡѡ :Delete the selected alternate supplier >ɾѡùӦ :Delete the selected alternate supplier? >ҪɾѡѡӦ :Delete the selected analysis category >ɾѡ :Delete the selected analysis category? >Ҫɾѡķ :Delete the selected analysis object >Ҫɾѡ :Delete the selected apportionment >ɾѡ̯ :Delete the selected apportionment? >Ҫɾѡ̯ :Delete the selected approved manufacture >ɾѡ׼ :Delete the selected approved manufacture? >Ҫɾѡ׼ :Delete the selected approved manufacturer's supplier >ɾѡ׼̹Ӧ :Delete the selected approved manufacturer's supplier? >Ҫɾѡ׼̵ĹӦ :Delete the selected approved manufacturer? >Ҫɾѡ׼ :Delete the selected archive >ɾѡ :Delete the selected archive? >Ҫɾѡĵ :Delete the selected asset branch >ɾѡʲ֧ :Delete the selected asset branch? >Ҫɾѡʲ֧ :Delete the selected asset capex classification >ɾѡʲʱ÷ :Delete the selected asset capex classification? >Ҫɾѡʲʱ÷ :Delete the selected asset capex type >ɾѡʲʱ :Delete the selected asset capex type? >Ҫɾѡʲʱ :Delete the selected asset cost center >ɾѡʲɱ :Delete the selected asset cost center? >Ҫɾѡʲɱ :Delete the selected asset depreciation code >ɾѡʲ۾ɴ :Delete the selected asset depreciation code? >Ҫɾѡʲ۾ɴ :Delete the selected asset expense code >ɾѡʲô :Delete the selected asset expense code? >Ҫɾѡʲô :Delete the selected asset group >ɾѡʲ :Delete the selected asset group? >Ҫɾѡʲ :Delete the selected asset location? >Ҫɾѡʲλ :Delete the selected asset mechanic? >Ҫɾѡʲ :Delete the selected asset owner? >Ҫɾѡʲ :Delete the selected asset reason for disposal? >Ҫɾѡʲԭ :Delete the selected asset reason for revaluation? >Ҫɾѡʲعԭ :Delete the selected asset status? >Ҫɾѡʲ״̬ :Delete the selected attribute? >Ҫɾѡ :Delete the selected bank ? >要删除选定银行吗? :Delete the selected bank? >Ҫɾѡ :Delete the selected beneficiary? >Ҫɾѡ :Delete the selected bin allocation? >ҪɾѡIJַ :Delete the selected bin number? >ҪɾѡIJֺ :Delete the selected bin? >Ҫɾѡ :Delete the selected branch? >Ҫɾѡķ֧ :Delete the selected budget >ɾѡԤ :Delete the selected budget ? >要删除选定预算吗? :Delete the selected build schedule? >Ҫɾѡƻ :Delete the selected buyer? >Ҫɾѡ :Delete the selected buying group? >ҪɾѡĹ :Delete the selected calculation code? >Ҫɾѡļ :Delete the selected calendar? >Ҫɾѡ :Delete the selected capex classification? >Ҫɾѡʱ֧ :Delete the selected capex item and all its capex lines? >Ҫɾѡʱ֧Ŀеʱ֧ :Delete the selected capex number ? >要删除选定资本费用代码吗? :Delete the selected capex number? >Ҫɾѡʱ֧ :Delete the selected capex type? >Ҫɾѡʱ֧ :Delete the selected cash book permanent entry? >Ҫɾѡֽ˲? :Delete the selected cash drawer? >ҪɾѡֽƱ :Delete the selected category >ɾѡ :Delete the selected category? >Ҫɾѡ? :Delete the selected charge code? >Ҫɾѡķô :Delete the selected class? >Ҫɾѡĵȼ :Delete the selected co-product? >ҪɾѡĹͬƷ :Delete the selected code? >Ҫɾѡ? :Delete the selected collection and all of its contents? >Ҫɾѡļϼ :Delete the selected collection descriptor? >Ҫɾѡļ :Delete the selected collector? >ҪɾѡԱ? :Delete the selected column definition? >Ҫɾѡ :Delete the selected column mapping >ɾѡӳ :Delete the selected column mapping? >Ҫɾѡӳ? :Delete the selected column? >Ҫɾѡ :Delete the selected comment code ? >要删除选定注解代码吗? :Delete the selected comment code? >Ҫɾѡע :Delete the selected commission code ? >要删除选定佣金吗? :Delete the selected commission code? >ɾѡӶ :Delete the selected configuration? >Ҫɾѡ :Delete the selected constant code? >ҪɾѡIJ :Delete the selected contract ? >要删除选定合同吗? :Delete the selected contract record? >Ҫɾѡĺͬ¼ :Delete the selected contract? >Ҫɾѡĺͬ :Delete the selected cross-reference and all the relevant contracts? >ҪɾѡĶղοغͬ :Delete the selected cross-reference? >Ҫɾѡղο? :Delete the selected currencies? >ҪɾѡĻ :Delete the selected currency conversion? >ҪɾѡĻһ :Delete the selected currency? >ҪɾѡĻ :Delete the selected customer class ? >要删除选定客户吗? :Delete the selected customer class? >ҪɾѡĿͻȼ? :Delete the selected customer stock code? >ҪɾѡĿͻ :Delete the selected customer? >ҪɾѡĿͻ :Delete the selected deduction code? >ҪɾѡĿ۳ :Delete the selected delivery terms ? >要删除选定交货条件吗? :Delete the selected delivery terms? >ҪɾѡĽ :Delete the selected department? >ҪɾѡIJ :Delete the selected depreciation code? >Ҫɾѡ۾ɴ :Delete the selected detail line? >Ҫɾѡϸ :Delete the selected diagnostic routine >ɾѡ :Delete the selected discount code ? >要删除选定折扣代码吗? :Delete the selected discount code? >Ҫɾѡۿ۴ :Delete the selected dispatch note? >Ҫɾѡķ? :Delete the selected distribution line? >Ҫɾѡķ :Delete the selected document format? >Ҫɾѡļʽ :Delete the selected drawing? >Ҫɾѡͼֽ :Delete the selected element structure? >ҪɾѡҪؽṹ :Delete the selected element? >ҪɾѡҪ :Delete the selected employee? >ҪɾѡĹԱ :Delete the selected entries? >Ҫɾѡ :Delete the selected event mail selection >ɾѡ¼ʼѡ :Delete the selected event? >Ҫɾѡ¼ :Delete the selected expense code? >Ҫɾѡķô :Delete the selected extedned tax history entry ? >要删除选定扩展税务记录条目吗? :Delete the selected extended tax history? >Ҫɾѡչ˰¼? :Delete the selected field? >Ҫɾѡֶ :Delete the selected file ? >要删除选定文件吗? :Delete the selected file? >Ҫɾѡļ :Delete the selected forecast? >ҪɾѡԤ :Delete the selected format? >Ҫɾѡĸʽ :Delete the selected geographic area ? >要删除选定地区吗? :Delete the selected geographic area? >Ҫɾѡĵ? :Delete the selected global variable >Ҫɾѡȫֱ :Delete the selected group entry? >Ҫɾѡ :Delete the selected group? >Ҫɾѡ :Delete the selected head/section? >Ҫɾѡıͷѡ :Delete the selected header field? >Ҫɾѡıֶ :Delete the selected hierarchy code ? >要删除选定分级代码吗? :Delete the selected hierarchy code? >ҪɾѡIJδ :Delete the selected hierarchy distribution line? >ҪɾѡIJη :Delete the selected hierarchy? >ҪɾѡIJ :Delete the selected import file ? >要删除选定导入文件吗? :Delete the selected import file? >Ҫɾѡĵļ :Delete the selected invoice discount? >ҪɾѡķƱۿ? :Delete the selected invoice term? >ҪɾѡƱ :Delete the selected invoice terms? >ҪɾѡƱ? :Delete the selected item >ɾѡĿ :Delete the selected item? >ҪɾѡĿ :Delete the selected job class? >Ҫɾѡҵȼ :Delete the selected job classification? >Ҫɾѡҵ :Delete the selected job? >Ҫɾѡҵ :Delete the selected journal entry? >Ҫɾѡռ :Delete the selected journal? >Ҫɾѡռ :Delete the selected label format? >Ҫɾѡıǩʽ :Delete the selected ledger code? >Ҫɾѡķʴ :Delete the selected library? >ҪɾѡϢ :Delete the selected linkage definition? >Ҫɾѡӹ̶ :Delete the selected location? >Ҫɾѡλ :Delete the selected lot allocation? >Ҫɾѡη :Delete the selected lot allocation? Note that the associated bin allocations will also be deleted >Ҫɾѡηע⣬IJַҲɾ :Delete the selected lot allocation? Note that the associated bin and serial number allocations will also be deleted >Ҫɾѡηע⣬IJֺϵкҲɾ :Delete the selected lot allocation? Note that the associated serial number allocations will also be deleted >Ҫɾѡηע⣬ϵкҲɾ :Delete the selected lot allocation? Note that the associated bin allocations will also be deleted >Ҫɾѡηע⣬ĿҲɾ :Delete the selected lot allocation? Note that the associated bin and serial number allocations will also be deleted >Ҫɾѡηע⣬ĿϵкҲɾ :Delete the selected lot allocation? Note that the associated serial number allocations will also be deleted >Ҫɾѡηע⣬ϵкҲɾ :Delete the selected machine? >ҪɾѡĻ :Delete the selected manufacturer part number? >Ҫɾѡ :Delete the selected manufacturer? >Ҫɾѡ :Delete the selected measure >ɾѡ :Delete the selected mechanic? >Ҫɾѡļʦ :Delete the selected multi-column heading entry? >ҪɾѡĶ :Delete the selected narration code ? >要删除选定叙述代码吗? :Delete the selected narration code? >Ҫɾѡ :Delete the selected nationality? >ҪɾѡĹ :Delete the selected nature of transaction ? >要删除选定交易性质吗? :Delete the selected nature of transaction? >ҪɾѡĽ :Delete the selected non-productive code? >Ҫɾѡķ :Delete the selected operator? >ҪɾѡIJԱ :Delete the selected order type ? >要删除选定订单类型吗? :Delete the selected order type? >Ҫɾѡ :Delete the selected payment code? >Ҫɾѡĸ :Delete the selected payment interface? >Ҫɾѡĸ :Delete the selected payment? >Ҫɾѡĸ :Delete the selected permanent entry? >ҪɾѡĹ̶ :Delete the selected planner? >ҪɾѡļƻԱ :Delete the selected post dated check? >ҪɾѡĹ֧Ʊ :Delete the selected previous selections batch? >Ҫɾѡһѡ :Delete the selected price code? >Ҫɾѡļ۸ :Delete the selected pricing entry? >ҪɾѡĶ :Delete the selected printer? >ҪɾѡĴӡ :Delete the selected problem code? >Ҫɾѡ :Delete the selected product class? >Delete the selected product class? :Delete the selected product group? >ҪɾѡIJƷ :Delete the selected quantity discount entry? >Ҫɾѡۿ :Delete the selected quantity discount? >Ҫɾѡۿ? :Delete the selected quotation? >Ҫɾѡı :Delete the selected rate ? >要删除选定利率吗? :Delete the selected rate? >Ҫɾѡķ :Delete the selected reason for disposal? >Ҫɾѡԭ :Delete the selected reason for revaluation? >Ҫɾѡ¹ԭ :Delete the selected reason? >Ҫɾѡԭ :Delete the selected record? >Ҫɾѡļ¼ :Delete the selected release? >Ҫɾѡǩ :Delete the selected report ? >要删除选定报告吗? :Delete the selected report? >Ҫɾѡı :Delete the selected rescource code? >要删除选定资源代码吗? :Delete the selected resolution code? >Ҫɾѡľ :Delete the selected resource code? >ҪɾѡԴ? :Delete the selected resource mask description? >ҪɾѡԴ :Delete the selected resource? >ҪɾѡԴ :Delete the selected revaluation category? >Ҫɾѡ :Delete the selected route code? >Ҫɾѡ·ߴ :Delete the selected route detail? >Ҫɾѡ·ϸ :Delete the selected route? >Ҫɾѡ· :Delete the selected rule? >Ҫɾѡ׼ :Delete the selected run-time prompt ? >要删除选定运行时提示吗? :Delete the selected run-time prompt? >Ҫɾѡʱʾ :Delete the selected sales order line(s)? >Ҫɾѡ۶ :Delete the selected sales order line? >Ҫɾѡ۶ :Delete the selected sales order quote? >Ҫɾѡ۶ :Delete the selected sales order template? >Ҫɾѡ۶ģ? :Delete the selected salesperson? >ҪɾѡԱ :Delete the selected schedule >ɾѡų :Delete the selected schedule? >Ҫɾѡճ̱ :Delete the selected scrap reason ? >要删除选定报废原因吗? :Delete the selected scrap reason? >ҪɾѡķƷԭ :Delete the selected serial number allocation? >Ҫɾѡϵк :Delete the selected service charge? >Ҫɾѡշ :Delete the selected set? >Ҫɾѡ :Delete the selected shipment reference? >ҪɾѡĻ˲ο :Delete the selected shipping instruction code? >Ҫɾѡװָʾ :Delete the selected shipping instruction? >Ҫɾѡװָʾ :Delete the selected site? >Ҫɾѡվ :Delete the selected size? >ҪɾѡĹ :Delete the selected source code? >ҪɾѡԴ :Delete the selected standard hierarchy? >Ҫɾѡı׼ :Delete the selected statement format? >Ҫɾѡıʽ :Delete the selected status routing? >Ҫɾѡ״̬· :Delete the selected status? >Ҫɾѡ״̬ :Delete the selected stock code comments? >ҪɾѡĿע :Delete the selected stock code warehouse? >ҪɾѡĿֿ :Delete the selected stock code? >ҪɾѡĿ :Delete the selected summary key? >ҪɾѡժҪؼ :Delete the selected supplementary code? >Ҫɾѡ? :Delete the selected supplier class? >ҪɾѡĹӦ̵ȼ :Delete the selected supplier comments? >ҪɾѡĹӦע :Delete the selected supplier? >ҪɾѡĹӦ :Delete the selected supplimentary code ? >要删除选定增补代码吗? :Delete the selected table definition? >Ҫɾѡı̶ :Delete the selected target record? >ҪɾѡĿ¼ :Delete the selected tariff code? >ҪɾѡĹ˰ :Delete the selected tax code ? >要删除选定税务代码吗? :Delete the selected tax code? >Ҫɾѡ˰մ :Delete the selected tax effective rate entry? >ҪɾѡЧ˰? :Delete the selected tax period? >Ҫɾѡ˰? :Delete the selected template >ɾѡģ :Delete the selected terms ? >要删除选定条件吗? :Delete the selected terms? >Ҫɾѡ :Delete the selected tool set tools? >Ҫɾѡ߼ :Delete the selected tool set? >ҪɾѡĹ :Delete the selected tool? >Ҫɾѡ :Delete the selected transport code? >Ҫɾѡ :Delete the selected unit of measure >ɾѡļλ :Delete the selected unit of measure? >Ҫɾѡļλ :Delete the selected user ? >要删除选定用户吗? :Delete the selected user-defined journal source code? >ҪɾѡûռԴ :Delete the selected user? >Ҫɾѡû :Delete the selected variable entry? >ҪɾѡıĿ? :Delete the selected variable? >Ҫɾѡı :Delete the selected vessel >ɾѡ :Delete the selected vessel ? >要删除选定货轮吗? :Delete the selected view? >Ҫɾѡͼ :Delete the selected warehouse matrix? >ҪɾѡIJֿ :Delete the selected warehouse? >ҪɾѡIJֿ :Delete the selected work center capacity? >ҪɾѡĹĵ :Delete the selected work center move matrix? >Ҫɾѡҵı䶯 :Delete the selected work center? >Ҫɾѡҵ :Delete the structure? >Ҫɾṹ :Delete the transaction log >ɾ־ :Delete these files and continue with the conversion? >ҪɾЩļԻ :Delete this Configuration >ô :Delete this G/L template record? >Ҫɾ (G/L) ģ¼? :Delete this GL template record? >Ҫɾ GL ģ¼? :Delete this Line >ɾ :Delete this group? >Ҫɾһ :Delete this program? >Ҫɾһ :Delete this task? >Ҫɾһ :Delete transaction log records no longer required within the system >ɾϵͳڲҪĽ־¼ :Delete transactions dated before >ɾΪ֮ǰĽ :Delete transactions if not yet printed >δӡɾ :Delete withholding tax file >ɾ˰ļ :Delete(Ctrl+D) >ɾ (Ctrl+D) :Delete? >要删除吗? :Deleted beneficiary's name >ɾ :Deleted supplier name >ɾӦ :Deleted the selected EFT bank code? >ҪɾѡEFTд :Deletes all data relating to the selected workflow instances >ɾѡʵص :Deletes the history for the selected job >ȡѡļ¼ :Deleting >ɾ :Deleting Invalid Entries >ɾЧ :Deleting Route >ɾ· :Deleting Selected Entries >ɾѡ :Deleting a Configuration >ɾ :Deleting activity >ɾ :Deleting capex item and related capex lines - are you sure? >ɾʱĿʱ - ȷ :Deleting capex item and related requisition lines - are you sure? >ɾʱ֧Ŀ빺 - ȷ :Deleting capex line - are you sure? >ɾʱ - ȷ :Deleting capex requisition line - are you sure? >ɾʱ֧빺 - ȷ :Deleting group security access information. Please wait >ɾ鰲ȫԷϢԺ :Deleting materials >ɾ :Deleting operations >ɾ :Deleting price for supplier >ɾӦ̼۸ :Deleting the analysis category will also delete all the analysis type codes defined against it.\nAre you sure you want to continue? >ɾҲɾзʹ롣\nȷҪ? :Deleting the upgrade file(s) >ɾļ :Deleting this allocation would cause there to be less allocated than required >ɾܻᵼ´˴Ҫ :Deleting this requisition group will remove the item, all of it's associations and authority levels. Are you sure you want to delete item '%1'? >ɾ빺齫һɾĿйȨȷҪɾĿ '%1' ? :Deleting this sequence will result in all corresponding Subtotal and Group Heading information being deleted. Do you wish to continue? >ɾһ˳򽫵ӦСƺϢҲɾϣ :Deleting this shipment will delete any shipment references attached to the vessel. Delete the selected shipment? >ɾλ˽ɾ뱾ֻӵκλ˲οҪɾѡĻ :Deleting this vessel will delete any shipments attached to it. OK to delete vessel? >删除此货轮将一并删除附加于它的任何货运。确定要删除货轮吗? :Deletion Error >ɾ :Deletion of Modules in Data Dictionary in Progress >ɾֵеģ :Deletion of customers denied - password invalid >ɾͻܾ - Ч :Deletions >ɾ :Deliver manual print >ֶӡ :Delivered >ѽ :Delivered quantity >ѽ :Deliveries > :Deliveries History Report >¼ :Deliveries History Report in Progress >ִнʷ¼ :Deliveries Maintenance >ά :Deliveries per day >ÿ콻 :Deliveries schedule >交货日程表 :Deliveries scheduled for April %1 >Ŷ· %1 Ľ :Deliveries scheduled for December %1 >Ԥ12·ݵĽ %1 :Deliveries scheduled for February %1 >Ԥ2·ݵĽ %1 :Deliveries scheduled for Janaury 2000 >ƻ20001·ݵĽ :Deliveries scheduled for January %1 >Ԥ1·ݵĽ %1 :Deliveries scheduled for January 2000 >Ŷ20001·ݵĽ :Deliveries scheduled for July %1 >Ŷ· %1 Ľ :Deliveries scheduled for June %1 >排定于 6 月 %1 的交货 :Deliveries scheduled for March %1 >Ԥ3·ݵĽ %1 :Deliveries scheduled for November %1 >Ԥ11·ݵĽ %1 :Deliveries scheduled for October %1 >Ԥ10·ݵĽ %1 :Deliveries scheduled for September %1 >Ԥ9·ݵĽ %1 :Delivery > :Delivery Address >ַ :Delivery Address line %1 >ַ %1 :Delivery Address postal/zip code >ַ :Delivery Area > :Delivery Frequency >˳ :Delivery History >ʷ¼ :Delivery History Transaction for Customer >ÿͻĽʷ :Delivery History Transactions >ʷ¼ :Delivery Load Maintenance >װά :Delivery Load Notes >װע :Delivery Load Query >װزѯ :Delivery Loads >װ :Delivery Loads for Order Line >нװ :Delivery Loads for Route >·ߵĽװ :Delivery Note Password > :Delivery Note Preview in Progress >ִнԤ :Delivery Note Print/Fax/Email in Progress >ִнӡ棯ʼ :Delivery Note XML Document >XMLĵ :Delivery Query >ѯ :Delivery Route >· :Delivery Route Details >· :Delivery Route Details for Route >·ߵĽ· :Delivery Route Maintenance >·ά :Delivery Route Notes >·ע :Delivery Route Transport >· :Delivery Route Transport Details >· :Delivery Route Transport Maintenance >·ά :Delivery Routes >· :Delivery Sequence >˳ :Delivery basis >交货基础 :Delivery date > :Delivery date entered is before today >Ľڽ֮ǰ :Delivery date is before start date >ڿʼ :Delivery date selection >ѡ :Delivery date to be calculated >Ľ :Delivery dates > :Delivery distance/sequence >룯˳ :Delivery interval selection >交货间隔时间选择 :Delivery intervals >ʱ :Delivery load >װ :Delivery load '%1' is already confirmed >ȷϽװ '%1' :Delivery load '%1' not found >δҵװ '%1' :Delivery loads will be selected automatically >Զѡ񽻻װ :Delivery method > :Delivery name > :Delivery name and address >ƺ͵ַ :Delivery note >¼ :Delivery note - Comment Detail > - ע :Delivery note - General Detail > - һ :Delivery note - Heading Fields > - ֶ :Delivery note - Miscellaneous Freight charges Detail > - ˷ϸ :Delivery note - Total Fields > - ϼֶ :Delivery note Archive Viewer >鿴 :Delivery note count > :Delivery note date > :Delivery note include non-stocked >ǿ :Delivery note is already being moved to invoice >ѱƶƱ :Delivery note number > :Delivery note number '%1' or delivery note date '%2' not valid for order status '%3' > '%1' 򽻻'%2' ڶ״̬ '%3' Ч :Delivery note number generated >ɽ :Delivery note number may not be used in automatic invoice numbering if delivery note numbers are not being generated >벻ڴ򽻻ܲԶƱ :Delivery note numbering > :Delivery note numbering - by company > - ˾ :Delivery note options >ѡ :Delivery note printing complete >ɽӡ :Delivery note/Dispatch note created >ѴĽ :Delivery notes > :Delivery notes only > :Delivery notes set to >Ϊ :Delivery performance records >ҵ¼ :Delivery route '%1' not found >δҵ· '%1' :Delivery route Description >·˵ :Delivery route code >·ߴ :Delivery route code / sequence >·룯˳ :Delivery route code/sequence >·ߴ룯˳ :Delivery route selection >·ѡ :Delivery route sequence >·˳ :Delivery sequence selection >˳ѡ :Delivery terms > :Delivery terms '%1' not found >δҵ '%1' :Delivery terms (credits) >ǣ :Delivery terms EU >ŷˣ :Delivery terms code is not on file >벻 :Delivery w/h > :Delivery warehouse >ֿ :Delivery warehouse is blank >交货仓库为空 :Delivery wh >ֿ :Demand > :Demand History >ʷ¼ :Demand History Graph >ʷ¼ͼ :Demand History Maintenance >ʷά :Demand date > :Demand qty > :Demand quantity > :Demand time fence >ʱ :Demand time fence (days) >ʱդ :Demand time fence days >ʱդ :Demand time fence in days >ʱդ :Demand time fence(DTF) >ʱ(DTF) :Demonstrate >ʾ :Demonstrated lead time >֤ǰʱ :Demonstration Company >ʾ˾ :Denied >Ѿܾ :Denied List >ܾб :Denied List - A/P branch >ܾб - Ӧʿ(A/P)֧ :Denied List - A/R branch >ܾб - Ӧʿ(A/R)֧ :Denied List - AP branch >ܾб - Ӧʿ(AP)֧ :Denied List - AR branch >ܾб - Ӧʿ(AR)֧ :Denied List - Account type >ܾб - ʻ :Denied List - Bank >ܾб - :Denied List - Contact class >ܾб - ϵ˵ȼ :Denied List - Contact property >ܾб - ϵ :Denied List - Contact property %1 >ܾб - ϵ %1 :Denied List - Contact type %1 >ܾб - ϵ %1 :Denied List - Job classification >ܾб - ּ :Denied List - Warehouse >ܾб C ֿ :Denied capex items >ѾܾʱĿ :Denomination > :Denomination (English) >Ӣ :Denomination symbol > :Deny Access >ܾ :Deny Access (Allow Browse) >ܾ () :Deny Access To Module >ܾģ :Deny Access to All Configured Operations >ܾò :Deny Access to All structures >拒绝访问所有结构 :Deny Access to all Programs >ܾг :Deny All >ܾȫ :Deny access (F8) >ܾ(F8) :Deny access to all >ܾȫ :Dep date > :Department > :Department Maintenance >ά :Department code >Ŵ :Department not on file >Ų :Department selection >ѡ :Departments > :Departments Maintenance >ά :Departure > :Departure date > :Departure date already on file >ļ :Departure date selection >出发日期选择 :Depend > :Dependant > :Dependant demand > :Dependencies > :Dependency > :Dependency type > :Dependent Selection Criteria >ѡ׼ :Dependent locked > :Dependent not held on product >产品无依赖性 :Dependent on w/h list >ȡڱб :Dependent on w/h range >ȡڱΧ :Dependent on warehouse >ȡڲֿ :Dependent on wh list >ȡڲֿб :Dependent on wh range >ȡڲֿⷶΧ :Depending on the level of detail set by you, >ȡ趨ϸΣ :Depending on the level of detail set by you, sales can be broken down by >ȡ趨IJͬϸΣ :Deplete forecasts >Ԥ :Deplete forecasts by customer >ͻԤ :Depletion > :Deploy Latest Version >°汾 :Deploy Version >汾 :Deploy Workflow > :Deployed workflow versions >Ѳ̰汾 :Deploying workflow >ڲ :Deployment Details > :Deposit > :Deposit amount > :Deposit - Reconciled > - Ѷ :Deposit - Unreconciled > - δ :Deposit Adjustment Block Wording > :Deposit Bank > :Deposit Context menu only >˵ :Deposit Creation > :Deposit Date > :Deposit Detail >ϸ :Deposit Detail Section >ϸѡ :Deposit Details >ϸ :Deposit GST code > GST :Deposit Information >Ϣ :Deposit Percentage >ٷֱ :Deposit Query >ѯ :Deposit Receipt Block Wording >վݿ :Deposit Receipt Comments >վע :Deposit Receipt in Progress >ִдվ :Deposit Refund Block Wording >տ :Deposit Remaining >ʣĴ :Deposit Revenue Control Account >ʻ :Deposit Slip > :Deposit Slip - Details > - ϸ :Deposit Time >ʱ :Deposit amount > :Deposit amount may not exceed the selling price of the job >óҵۼ۸ :Deposit bank cannot be the same as withdrawal bank >вͬ :Deposit browse > :Deposit comment >ע :Deposit comment line >ע :Deposit comments >ע :Deposit currency > :Deposit defaults >Ĭֵ :Deposit exchange rate > :Deposit format >ʽ :Deposit in bank >д :Deposit invoice >Ʊ :Deposit method > :Deposit narration > :Deposit on file >ļ :Deposit p/class >Ʒ :Deposit paid >Ѹ :Deposit pct >ٷֱ :Deposit percentage must be entered if the 'Calculate % per schedule' method is used >áʱ%ٷֱ :Deposit percentage must be entered if the 'Calculate % per schedule' method is used. >"ʱ%"ٷֱ :Deposit prod >Ʒȼ :Deposit product class >Ʒ :Deposit product class description >Ʒ :Deposit reference >ο :Deposit revenue > :Deposit revenue (Cr) >루 :Deposit slip details >ϸ :Deposit status >״̬ :Deposit tax code >˰ :Deposit taxable >Ӧ˰ :Deposit type > :Deposit value >ֵ :Deposit/Retention flag >/ :Deposits > :Deposits & withdrawals > :Deposits - Customers > - ͻ :Deposits Details >ϸ :Deposits Liability G/L Account >ծG/Lʻ :Deposits Liability GL Account >ծG/Lʻ :Deposits and > :Deposits and Withdrawals >ȡ :Deposits for contract >ԺͬĴ :Deposits for sales order >۶ :Deposits format >ʽ :Deposits liability > :Deposits may not be selected because the contract customer does not match the quotation customer >Ϊͬͻ뱨ۿͻ,˲ѡ :Deposits only > :Deposits processed >ѴĴ :Deposits/Retentions > :Depot - Unit sent to service depot > - ͵صλ :Depr Last YTD >һ۾ :Depr This Year >۾ :Depr code >۾ɴ :Depr last year >۾ :Depreciate BV by >۾ֵ :Depreciate book value by >۾ʱֵ :Depreciate by Asset >ʲ۾ :Depreciate by date flag >ڱ־۾ :Depreciate ledger code by >۾ɷʴ룬 :Depreciated by >۾ɣ :Depreciation >۾ :Depreciation % per Annum >ÿ۾% :Depreciation % year %1 >۾ % %1 :Depreciation - H/O >۾ - H/O :Depreciation Account >۾ʻ :Depreciation Adj >۾ɵ :Depreciation Adjustment >۾ɵ :Depreciation Adjustment Details >۾ɵϸ :Depreciation Adjustment EUL >۾ɵ EUL :Depreciation Adjustment Recalc >۾ɵ¼ :Depreciation Adjustment for EUL >EUL۾ɵ :Depreciation After Revaluation >ع۾ :Depreciation Books >۾˲ :Depreciation Calculation >۾ɼ :Depreciation Calculation Setup >۾ɼ :Depreciation Calulation Update >۾ɼ :Depreciation Code >۾ɴ :Depreciation Code Maintenance >۾ɴά :Depreciation Codes >۾ɴ :Depreciation EQ >۾ɵʽ(EQ) :Depreciation History >۾ʷ¼ :Depreciation Periods >۾ :Depreciation YTD >YTD ۾ :Depreciation accumulated >ۻ۾ :Depreciation additions >۾ɸ :Depreciation adjustments >۾ɵ :Depreciation anniversary >۾ :Depreciation asset count >۾ʲ :Depreciation asset split >۾ʲָ :Depreciation book >۾˲ :Depreciation book %1 details >۾˲ %1 ϸ :Depreciation book details >۾˲ϸ :Depreciation book value information >۾˲ֵϢ :Depreciation by >۾Ϊ :Depreciation calc period >۾ɼ :Depreciation calculation has been run >۾ɼ :Depreciation calculation has been run for this period - cannot revalue assets >һڵ۾ɼ - ޷عʲ :Depreciation calculation not run - program cancelled >۾ɼδ - ȡ :Depreciation calculation required >Ҫ۾ɼ :Depreciation cannot exceed asset value - residual value >۾ɲɳʲֵ - ֵ :Depreciation catch-up >۾ɲ׽ :Depreciation code %1 >۾ɴ %1 :Depreciation code information >۾ɴϢ :Depreciation code invalid >۾ɴЧ :Depreciation code record locked >۾ɴ¼ :Depreciation code selection >۾ɴѡ :Depreciation date selection >۾ѡ :Depreciation details >۾ϸ :Depreciation details and history exist for this asset alternate value - are you sure you wish to turn this alternate value flag off? >ڴʲüֵ۾ϸͼ¼Ѵ - ȷҪرմ˱üֵ? :Depreciation disposal >۾ɴ :Depreciation disposals >۾ɴ :Depreciation last YTD >һͬ۾ :Depreciation last YTD not equal to total for periods 1-13 >۾ɲ1-13ܺ :Depreciation last year >۾ :Depreciation last year %1 >۾ %1 :Depreciation on acquisition >չ۾ :Depreciation partial disposal >۾ɲִ :Depreciation partial disposals >۾ɲִ :Depreciation period >۾ :Depreciation period selection >۾ѡ :Depreciation period sold >۾ :Depreciation previous year >۾ :Depreciation rate % >۾ % :Depreciation revaluation >۾¹ֵ :Depreciation start date >۾ɿʼ :Depreciation start dates >۾ :Depreciation start period >۾ɿʼ :Depreciation suspended >ӻ۾ :Depreciation tax information >۾˰Ϣ :Depreciation this YTD not equal to total for periods 1-13 >۾ɲ1-13ܺ :Depreciation this period >۾ :Depreciation this year >۾ :Depreciation this year %1 >۾ %1 :Depreciation to date sold >۾ :Depreciation type >۾ :Depreciation value >۾ɼֵ :Depreciation values >۾ɼֵ :Depreciation year >۾ :Depreciation year sold >۾ :Depret - Received back from depot >۾ - ӻջ :Dept > :Desc Code > :Desc for fields against stock codes >ֶ˵ :Descending >ݼ :Descending sales value >ݼۼֵ :Descending sales values >ۼֵ :Descending sequence > :Descending sort by >У :Describe and store the location of various documents relating to a stock item >洢Ŀصĸĵλ :Describes which map system to use to show directions when pressing F9 in GeoLocation fields > GeoLocation ֶе F9 ʱʾĵͼϵͳ :Description >˵ :Description (Destination) > (Ŀĵ) :Description (Weighted) > (Ȩ) :Description Translation >˵ :Description cannot be spaces >Ϊո :Description defined against stock code >Ϊ붨˵ :Description defined in the import file >ļж˵ :Description field may not be blank >ֶβΪհ :Description fixed >̶۾ :Description for alternate key >滻ؼ˵ :Description for deposits >˵ :Description for field %1 >ֶ %1 ۾ :Description for freight >˷˵ :Description for hyperlink >˵ :Description for input tax >˰˵ :Description for merchandise >Ʒ˵ :Description for user defined field %1 >ûֶ %1 :Description for withdrawals >ȡ˵ :Description line %1 > %1 :Description may not be blank >۾ɲΪ :Description of asset type >ʲ :Description of change >䶯˵ :Description to print >ӡ˵ :Description to use >ʹõ˵ :Description to use for stocked lines >ʹõĿ˵ :Description/question >۾ɣ :Descriptions >˵ :Descriptions for Accounts Payable supplier EFT user defined fields >ӦʿӦEFTûֶ˵ :Descriptions for Cash Book beneficiary EFT user defined fields >ֽEFTûֶ˵ :Descriptions for alternate keys >滻ؼ˵ :Descriptions for fields against warehouses >Բֶֿε˵ :Descriptions for user defined fields >ûֶ˵ :Descriptions for user-defined fields >ûԶֶ :Descriptive >˵Ե :Descripton > :Descriptor > :Descriptors > :Deselect >ѡ :Deselect All >ȡѡȫ :Deselect All Columns >取消选择所有列栏 :Deselect All Companies >ȡȫѡ˾ :Deselect All Credit Notes >ȡɾдƱ :Deselect All Lines >ɾȫ :Deselect All Operators >ȡȫѡԱ :Deselect All Released Invoices >ȡȫѡѷзƱ :Deselect All for Supplier >ѡӦ̵ȫ :Deselect Company >ȡѡ˾ :Deselect Highlighted >ȡѡͻʾ :Deselect Highlighted Lines >ȡѡͻʾ :Deselect Line >ȡѡ :Deselect Lines >ѡ :Deselect Offer >ȡѡ :Deselect Operator >ȡѡԱ :Deselect Operators >ȡѡԱ :Deselect Selected Lines >ѡѡ :Deselect Supplier >ѡӦ :Deselect Transaction >ȡѡ :Deselect all Roles >ȡȫѡְ :Deselect all entries >ȡȫѡĿ :Deselect for Supplier >ȡѡӦ :Deselect highlighted SKU's >ȡѡͻʾĿ¼λ(SKU) :Deselect type >ȡѡ :Deselecting this option will result in new jobs/purchase orders being suggested before existing ones are rescheduled >ȡѡѡӦĿ±ʱƻǰҵɹ :Deselects all of the Books in the list >ȡȫѡбе˲ :Deselects all of the Cubes in the list >ȡȫѡбеͼ :Deselects all of the Dimensions in the list >ȡȫѡбеijߴ :Deselects all of the Templates in the list >ȡȫѡбеģ :Deselects all workflow instances displayed in the filtered list >ȡȫѡбʾĹʵ :Design > :Design Application Layouts by Role >ְӦó򲼾 :Design Dialog for MS Word Templates >MS Word ģƶԻ :Design Document Template >ĵģ :Design Flow Graphs >设计流程图 :Design Flow Graphs for Roles >为职责设计流程图 :Design Form >Ʊ :Design Layout >Ʋ :Design Layouts by Role >ְƲ :Design Menus >Ʋ˵ :Design Mode >ģʽ :Design Mode In Progress >ִģʽ :Design Panel for MS Word Templates >MS Word ģ :Design Report >Ʊ :Design Role Layout >񲼾 :Design Template >ģ :Design UI Layouts > UI :Design a Form >Ʊ :Design and Preview panel >ƺԤ :Design by Industry >ҵ :Design by Role >ְ :Design flow graphs by Role >按职责设计流程图 :Design how the UI (User Interface) is to appear by role, system-wide or by industry > UI (û) ְ𡢷ϵͳҵʾķʽ :Design layouts by >Ʋ֣ :Design menus by Role, Company or Group >ְ𡢹˾Ʋ˵ :Design menus by Role, Company or Group. Menus are shown in the Navigation Pane >ְ𡢹˾Ʋ˵˵ڵʾ :Design programs to be run for automation >ҪеԶ :Design selections >ѡ :Design successfully saved >ѳɹ :Design the Form >Ʊ :Design the screen for this format >ƴ˸ʽĻ :Design, monitor and manage workflows >ơغ :Designate Shipment Date >ָ :Designate shipment as '%1' >ָΪ '%1' :Designate shipment as 'ready for archiving' >ָΪ뵵 :Desktop Alert Settings >ʾ :Desktop Layout >台式机布局 :Desktop Shortcut >ݷʽ :Desktop Shortcut Properties >ݷʽ :Despatch Note > :Despatch declaration rate >걨 :Despatch rate > :Destination >Ŀĵ :Destination - Description >Ŀĵ - :Destination Paths >Ŀĵ· :Destination can not be Statistical account >ĿĵزΪͳʻ :Destination description >Ŀĵ :Destination details >Ŀĵ :Destination ledger code >Ŀĵطʴ :Destination ledger code the same as source ledger code. Ok to continue? >ĿĵطʴԴʴͬȷҪ :Destination site >Ŀĵվ :Destination site selection >Ŀĵվѡ :Destination type >Ŀĵ :Destination warehouse >Ŀĵزֿ :Destination warehouse must differ from sending warehouse >Ŀĵزֿ벻ͬڷֿ :Destination warehouse selection >Ŀĵزֿѡ :Destination warehouses >Ŀĵزֿ :Detach >ֿ :Detach Component Fom Kit >ӹ߰벿 :Detach Sub Account >ֿʻ :Detach Sub Asset >ʲ :Detach Sub-asset >ʲ :Detach confirmation >ȷ :Detach job >빤 :Detach selected sub job? >Ҫѡתҵ :Detach sub-account >ʻ :Detach the selected sub account ? >要分离选定子账户吗? :Detach the selected sub account? >Ҫֿѡʻ :Detail >ϸ :Detail - all transactions >明细 - 所有交易 :Detail - invoices only >明细 - 仅限发票 :Detail Columns >ϸ :Detail Cost Apportionment >ϸɱ̯ :Detail Cost Apportionment for Job >ϸҵɱϸ :Detail Costs >ɱϸ :Detail Costs for Job >ҵɱϸ :Detail Costs for Jobs >ҵɱϸ :Detail History Transactions >ʷϸ :Detail History Transactions for Blanket Contract >һӺͬϸʷ :Detail Invoice >ϸƱ :Detail Invoice Posting >ϸƱ¼ :Detail Journal Lines >ռϸ :Detail Line Changed >Ѹĵϸ :Detail Line Custom Form >ϸԶ :Detail Line Custom Form Data Entry >ϸԶ :Detail Line Custom Form Fields >ϸгֶ :Detail Line Custom Form Non-Merchandised >ƷϸԶ :Detail Line Information >ϸϢ :Detail Line Maint >ϸά :Detail Line Maintenance >ϸά :Detail Lines >ϸ :Detail Lines Selection >ϸѡ :Detail Lines for Blanket Purchase Order >ۺԲɹϸ :Detail Lines for Counter Sales Deposits >ϸ :Detail Lines for Customer P/Order >ͻɹϸ :Detail Lines for Dispatch >ϸ :Detail Lines for Dispatch Invoice >Ʊϸ :Detail Lines for P/Order >ɹϸ :Detail Lines for POrder >ɹϸ :Detail Lines for Purchase Order >ɹϸ :Detail Lines for Quotation >ϸ :Detail Lines for Sales Order >۶ϸ :Detail Lines for Sales Order Quote >۶ϸ :Detail Log for Transaction >ϸ־ :Detail Pane >ϸ :Detail Sales Transactions >۽ϸ :Detail Section >ϸ :Detail Section Message >ϸϢ :Detail Section Messages >ϸϢ :Detail Section Text >ϸı :Detail Section Text Entry >ϸı :Detail Section Text Fields >ϸıֶ :Detail Selection >ϸѡ :Detail Transaction date >ϸ :Detail Transactions >ϸ :Detail Values >ֵϸ :Detail aggregate report >ϸܱ :Detail and summary >ϸժҪ :Detail discount >ϸۿ :Detail fields >ϸֶ :Detail history records deleted >ɾϸʷ¼ :Detail history required >Ҫʷ¼ϸ :Detail line >ϸ :Detail line number >ϸк :Detail line ship date >ϸװ :Detail lines deposits for sales order >۶ϸд :Detail lines for GRN >GRNϸ :Detail lines for Invoice >Ʊϸ :Detail lines for dispatch note >ϸ :Detail lines print block size >ϸдӡС :Detail log required >Ҫϸ־ :Detail options >ϸѡ :Detail or summary >ϸժҪ :Detail or summary report >ϸժҪ :Detail posting >ϸ :Detail posting for check and EFT >֧ƱEFTϸ :Detail sales history dated before >ǰڵϸۼ¼ :Detail sales turnover report >ϸӪҵ :Detail ship date >ϸװ :Detail source code selection >ϸԴѡ :Detail transaction history >ʷϸ :Detail transaction receipt date >վϸ :Detail type >ϸ :Detail value >ϸֵ :Detailed >ϸ :Detailed Costs for Job >ҵɱϸ :Detailed History for Purchase Order >ɹʷϸ :Detailed History of Purchase Order >ɹʷϸ :Detailed Info >ϸϢ :Detailed Information >ϸϢ :Detailed Labor Posting >˹¼ϸ :Detailed Labor Posting for Operation >˹¼ϸ :Detailed Labor Postings for Operation >Ͷϸ :Detailed Labour Posting >ϸͶ :Detailed Labour Posting for Operation >ϸͶ :Detailed Month at a Glance >ϸ¶ժҪ :Detailed Order List for Load >ϸб :Detailed Order Report >ϸ :Detailed customer movement >ϸͻ䶯 :Detailed for Stock code >ϸ :Detailed history transactions >ʷϸ :Detailed invoice variance report >ϸƱ仯 :Detailed key options >ؼѡϸ :Detailed list of Operators >ϸԱб :Detailed sales history >ʷϸ :Details >ϸ :Details Context Menu >IJ˵ϸ :Details Information >Ϣ :Details Lines >ϸ :Details Selection >ϸѡ :Details applied for non-stocked lines >Ӧڷǿе :Details applied for operations >Ӧڲ :Details display >ʾϸ :Details for BPO contract >ۺԲɹ(BPO)ͬϸ :Details for Disatch note >ϸ :Details for GL Ledger Code >GL ˴ϸ :Details for RMA number >˻Ȩ(RMA)ϸ :Details for Stock Code >ϸ :Details for Stock Codes >ϸ :Details for asset >ʲϸ :Details for invoice >Ʊϸ :Details for ledger code >˴ϸ :Details for lot number >κϸ :Details for purchase order >ɹϸ :Details have not yet been entered for the 'Balance' entry type. Select the 'Balance' button to enter these details >δ롰ϸѡťЩϸ :Details have not yet been entered for the 'Percent' entry type. Select the 'Percent' button to enter these details >δ롰ٷֱȡϸѡ񡰰ٷֱȡťЩϸ :Details have not yet been entered for the 'Provision' entry type. Select the 'Provision' button to enter these details >δ롰ϸѡ񡰹ťЩϸ :Details have not yet been entered for the 'Provision' entry type. Select the 'Provision' button to enter these details >δ롰ϸѡ񡰹ťЩϸ :Details not found for '%1' on costing register >δҵɱǼDZ '%1' ϸ :Details not on file >ϸ :Details not required >Ҫϸ :Details of name > :Details of parent to be created >ĸϸ :Details of payment to be voided >ʹʧЧĸϸ :Details of the Template when it was last analysed >ϴηʱģ :Details of the Template when it was last analyzed >ϴηʱʹõģϸ :Details of when the Template was last saved >ϴαģϸ :Details to be applied for non-stocked lines >ǿʹõϸ :Details to be applied for operations >ʹõϸ :Details view options >鿴ѡϸ :Details will be cleared and will need to be re-entered. Do you want to continue? >ϸҪ롣ϣ? :Detailt Report >ϸ :Determine dispatch address from line code >дȷַ :Determining Active Trigger Points >ȷЧ :DevMode information >DevModeϢ :Developers SDK >Ա :Development Message >Ϣ :Diagnostic Details > :Diagnostic Query >ϲѯ :Diagnostic already exists on the Analytics database >ڷݿѴ :Diagnostic description already in use >Ѵʹ :Diagnostic description cannot be blank >Ϊ :Diagnostic note >ϸע :Diagnostic script cannot be blank >ϽűΪ :Diagnostic tool >Ϲ :Diagnostic tools to help trouble shoot problems >帮助查找问题的诊断工具 :Diagnostics > :Diagnostics Check >ϼ :Diagnostics Manager >Ͼ :Diagnostics Two >϶ :Diagnostics VBScript > VBScript :Dialog Box Title >Ի :Dialog Error Message >ỰϢ :Dialog System Message >ԻϵͳϢ :Dialog System seats >Իϵͳ :Dialog system command >Ựϵͳ :Dicount date >ۿ :Dictionary Editor >ֵ༭ :Did you know >֪ :Difference counted/verified/extracted >ģѺʵģժ¼IJ :Difference cume >ۼ :Difference in ID code >ID :Difference in branch >֧ :Difference in branch code >֧ :Difference in location >λò :Difference in location code >λ :Difference quantity > :Different Serial Number >ͬϵк :Different Stock Code >ͬĿ :Dimension Pane >ߴ細 :Dimension Process type >ߴ紦 :Dimension step count >ߴ粽 :Dimension unit >ߴ絥λ :Dimensions >ߴ :Dimensions (Cannot deselect) >루޷ȡѡ :Dimensions - cannot be deselected > - ޷ȡѡ :Direct Posting Details >ֱӹϸ :Direct Posting to Job Number >ֱӹҵ :Direct Posting to a Job >ֱӹҵ :Direct cost >ֱӳɱ :Direct costs >ֱӳɱ :Directories >Ŀ¼ :Directory >Ŀ¼ :Directory Error >Ŀ¼ :Directory for publishing >Ŀ¼ :Directory to copy this file >Ʊļָ :Disable archive report >ù鵵 :Disable archiving for all document types >ĵ͵Ĺ鵵 :Disable auto hide >Զ :Disable contract >úͬ :Disable save report options >ñ汨ѡ :Disable theme selection >ѡ :Disabling this option will cause reports (and other processing programs) to not show any information as they are processing and you will not be able to interrupt them. However these programs will run faster >ñѡ±޷ʾκϢΪڴУ޷жǡǣЩԸٶС :Disacard all Changes and Start a New Review >放弃所有更改并启动新审核 :Disaggregate >ֽ :Disaggregate Forecasts >ֽԤ :Disallow > :Disallow all children > :Disallow single warehouse selection during period end >ĩڼ䲻һֿѡ :Disallow this section >ʹñ :Disallowed > :Disallowing the same invoice number for different customers requires building of the AR Invoice Reference table. OK to continue? >ڲͬͻͬƱҪ󹹽 AR ƱοȷҪ? :Disapatch Note Query >ѯ :Disburse Deposit Tax to Tax Code >˰˰մ :Disburse Withdrawal Tax to Tax Code >˰˰մ :Disburse deposits tax to >˰ :Disburse tax amount over multiple G/L tax accounts >ڶG/L˰ʻ̯֮˰ :Disburse tax amount over multiple GL tax accounts >ڶG/L˰ʻ̯֮˰ :Disburse tax amount over single G/L tax account >G/L˰ʻ̯˰ :Disburse tax amount over single GL tax account >G/L˰ʻ̯˰ :Disburse tax amounts over >֧˰ :Disburse tax portion to G/L code against tax code >˰մG/L֧˰ղ :Disburse tax portion to GL code against tax code >˰մG/L֧˰ղ :Disburse withdrawal tax to >˰ :Disbursement distribution entries >֧ :Disbursement type >֧ :Disbursements >֧ :Disc > :Disc day of mth >¶ۿ :Disc. date >ۿ :Disc. day of the month >ۿ :Disc. days >ۿ :Disc. fixed >̶ۿ :Disc. no. of months >ۿ۵· :Disc. number of months >ۿ :Disc. percent >ۿ۰ٷ :Disc. value >ۿֵ :Discard > :Discard All Changes >и :Discard All Changes and Close >иIJر :Discard Changes > :Discard Changes and Close >IJر :Discard Current Changes and Start a New Transaction >放弃当前更改并启动新交易 :Discard all Changes and Start a New Manual Check >放弃所有更改并启动新手动检查 :Discard all Changes and Start a New Review >иIJ :Discard any Changes and Close >κθIJر :Discard any changes made to this contract? >ҪԱͬκθ :Discard any changes made to this order? >ҪԱκθ :Discard any changes that have been made? >Ҫĸ :Discard any changes? >Ҫκθ :Discard previous type details? >Ҫǰϸ? :Discard previous type details?\nDiscarding type details will replace previous detail lines with new ones >Ҫǰϸ?\nϸ滻ǰϸ :Discard the Invoice >Ʊ :Discard the details entered/changed for transaction >Ϊ/ĵϸ :Discard this order? >Ҫö :Discards any changes >κθ :Discount >ۿ :Discount %1 to %2 days > %1 %2 ۿ :Discount Amount / Withholding Tax >ۿ۶˰ :Discount over %1 days > %1 ۿ :Discount % >ۿۣ :Discount % %1 >ۿ % %1 :Discount %1 >ۿ %1 :Discount %1 to %2 days >ۿ %1 %2 :Discount %2 >折扣 %2 :Discount %3 >折扣 %3 :Discount & cost of sales >ۿۺ۳ɱ :Discount 1 >ۿۣ :Discount 2 >ۿ2 :Discount 3 >ۿ3 :Discount Adjustment >ۿ۵ :Discount Amount / Withholding Tax >ۿ۶˰ :Discount Amount/Withholding Tax >ۿ۽/˰ :Discount Analysis entry >ۿ۷Ŀ :Discount Code >ۿ۴ :Discount Code Maintenance >ۿ۴ά :Discount Cr/Dr Note >ۿ۴跽Ʊ :Discount GL Code >ۿ GL :Discount Notes >ۿע :Discount Notes - Detail >ۿע - ϸ :Discount Notes - Non Detail >ۿע - ϸ :Discount Notes Archive Viewer >ۿ۸ע鿴 :Discount Percentage >ۿ۰ٷֱ :Discount Percentage(s) >ۿ۰ٷֱ :Discount Percentages >ۿ۰ٷֱ :Discount Taken Contra A/R >ۿۺͬӦʿ :Discount Taken Contra AR >ۿۺͬӦʿ :Discount Taken Ledger Code >ۿ۷ʴ :Discount UOM >ۿۼλ(UOM) :Discount adjustment amount >ۿ۵ :Discount allowed >ۿ :Discount amount >ۿ۽ :Discount amount after adjustment cannot exceed the current invoice balance >ۿ۶ɳǰƱ :Discount amount after adjustment cannot go negative >ۿ۶Ϊ :Discount amount allowed >ۿ۶ :Discount amount cannot exceed invoice amount >ۿ۶óƱ :Discount amount cannot exceed transaction amount >ۿ۶ɳ׶ :Discount amount exceeds the invoice amount >ۿ۶Ʊ :Discount amount is greater than payment amount >ۿ۶ڸ :Discount amount must be less than payment amount >ۿ۶Сڸ :Discount and Document >ۿۺĵ :Discount and withholding >ۿڿ۽ :Discount available amount >ۿۿý :Discount based on percentage >ٷֱۿ :Discount calculation based on >ۿۼ :Discount calculation basis >ۿۼ :Discount cannot be allowed to become negative >ۿ۲Ϊ :Discount code '%1' is not on file >ۿ۴ '%1' :Discount code '%1' not found >δҵۿ۴ '%1' :Discount code record locked >ۿ۴¼ :Discount credit notes >ۿ۴ǵ :Discount date >ۿ :Discount date cannot be later than the invoice due date >ۿڲڷƱ :Discount date cannot be prior to invoice date >ۿڲڷƱ :Discount date earlier than invoice date >ڷƱڵۿ :Discount date must not be prior to invoice date >ۿڲڷƱ :Discount day of the month >ۿ :Discount days >ۿ :Discount debit notes >ۿ۽ǵ :Discount description >ۿ :Discount details >ۿϸ :Discount entry required >Ҫۿ :Discount fixed >ѹ̶ۿ :Discount flag >ۿ۱ :Discount given >ۿ :Discount information >ۿϢ :Discount ledger code >ۿ۷ʴ :Discount less >ۿС :Discount less/plus >ۿۼ :Discount merchandise >ۿƷ :Discount method >ۿ۷ :Discount no of months >ۿ۱ :Discount notes numbering >ۿ۵ :Discount number of months >ۿ۱ :Discount one >ۿһ :Discount option >ۿѡ :Discount options >ۿѡ :Discount p/class >ۿ۲Ʒȼ :Discount percent >ۿ۰ٷֱ :Discount percent %1 >ۿ۰ٷֱ %1 :Discount percentage may not be zero if subsequent discounts are non zero >ۿ۲Ϊ㣬ôۿ۰ٷֱҲΪ :Discount plus >ߴ :Discount price >ۿۼ۸ :Discount product class >折扣产品类 :Discount quantity >ۿ :Discount saving anticipated >Ԥڵۿ۴ :Discount selection >ۿѡ :Discount taken >ۿ :Discount three >ۿ :Discount two >ۿ۶ :Discount type >ۿ :Discount value >ۿֵ :Discount value %1 >ۿۼֵ %1 :Discount value '%1' exceeds invoice value '%2' >ۿֵ '%1' Ʊֵ '%2' :Discount/discount adjustment amount cannot exceed transaction amount >ۿ/ۿ۵ɳ׽ :Discountable >ۿ :Discountable Amount >ۿ۶ :Discountable amount cannot exceed invoice amount >ۿ۽óƱ :Discountable value '%1' exceeds invoice value '%2' >ۿֵ '%1' Ʊֵ '%2' :Discounted >ۿ :Discounted price >ۿۺ۸ :Discounted quantity >ۿۺ :Discounts >ۿ :Discounts G/L Account >ۿG/Lʻ :Discounts GL Account >ۿ GL :Discounts may not be zero if subsequent discounts are non-zero. OK to save and automatically re-order discount percentages >ۿ۲Ϊ㣬ôۿҲΪ㡣ȷҪ沢Զۿ۰ٷֱ :Discounts may not be zero if subsequent discounts are non-zero. OK to save and automatically re-order discount percentages >ۿ۲Ϊ㣬ۿ۲Ϊ㡣ȷҪ沢Զۿ۰ٷֱ? :Discounts may not be zero if subsequent discounts are non-zero. Ok to automatically re-order discounts? >ۿ۲Ϊ㣬ôۿҲΪ㡣ȷҪԶۿ :Discounts may not be zero if subsequent discounts are non-zero. Re-order discount percentages? >ۿ۲Ϊ㣬ôۿҲΪ㡣Ҫµۿ۰ٷֱ :Discounts taken >Ѳۿ :Discounts total allowed >ۿۺϼ :Discounts value >ۿۼֵ :Disk file >ļ :Disk file name >ļ :Dismiss > :Dismiss All >ȫ :Dismiss All Dismissable Items >رпɹرĿ :Dismiss All SYSPRO Reminders > SYSPRO :Dismiss Contact Reminder >رϵ :Dismiss Current Item >رյǰĿ :Dismiss Items >رĿ :Dismiss Message >رϢ :Dismiss Reminder >ر :Dismiss SYSPRO Message >ر SYSPRO Ϣ :Dismiss Workflow Task >رչ :Disount amount cannot exceed invoice amount >ۿ۶ɳƱ :Disp nationality > :Disp not inv >δΪѷͻ߷Ʊ :Dispatch > :Dispatch Line > :Dispatch invoice format - for custom forms >Ʊʽ - Ʊ :Dispatch / del note > :Dispatch All Lines > :Dispatch All Selected Lines >װѡеĻ :Dispatch Available >÷ :Dispatch Comments > :Dispatch Creation in Progress >ڴ :Dispatch Cross >淢 :Dispatch Custom Form >Զ :Dispatch Customer Information >ͻϢ :Dispatch Details >ϸ :Dispatch Highlighted Lines >ͻʾ :Dispatch Invoice Detail Lines >Ʊϸ :Dispatch Invoice Header >Ʊͷ :Dispatch Invoice Line Information >ƱϢ :Dispatch Line > :Dispatch Lines > :Dispatch Lines Selection >ѡ :Dispatch Lines from Reprint >´ӡ÷ :Dispatch List >嵥 :Dispatch List in Progress >ִз :Dispatch Maint >ά :Dispatch Note Lines for Credit Note >Ʊݷ :Dispatch Note Review > :Dispatch Note Add Lines from Sales Order >۶ :Dispatch Note Browse > :Dispatch Note Consolidate Invoice Browse >ϲƱ :Dispatch Note Consolidation >֪ͨϲ :Dispatch Note Consolidation Report >发货单合并报告 :Dispatch Note Created >Ѵķ :Dispatch Note Cross Reference > :Dispatch Note Cross Reference Report in Progress >ִз :Dispatch Note Cross-Reference >֪ͨ :Dispatch Note Detail Lines >ϸ :Dispatch Note Details >ϸ :Dispatch Note Entry > :Dispatch Note Free Goods Requalify >ѻ֤ :Dispatch Note Header >ҳü :Dispatch Note Header Information >ҳüϢ :Dispatch Note Header for Sales Order >۶ķͷ :Dispatch Note Invoice >Ʊ :Dispatch Note Invoice Browse >Ʊ :Dispatch Note Invoice Consolidation >Ʊϲ :Dispatch Note Invoice Detail Browse >Ʊ :Dispatch Note Invoice Preview in Progress >ִзƱԤ :Dispatch Note Invoices >Ʊ :Dispatch Note Lines > :Dispatch Note Lines Selection >ѡ :Dispatch Note Lines for Credit Note >Ʊݵķ :Dispatch Note Lines for RMA >˻Ȩ(RMA)ķ :Dispatch Note Lines for Route >· :Dispatch Note Maintenance >֪ͨά :Dispatch Note Number > :Dispatch Note Number Message >Ϣ :Dispatch Note Number Messages >Ϣ :Dispatch Note Preview in Progress >ִзԤ :Dispatch Note Print/Fax/Email in Progress >ִзӡ棯ʼ :Dispatch Note Query >֪ͨѯ :Dispatch Note Report >֪ͨ :Dispatch Note Report in Progress >ִз :Dispatch Note Review >֪ͨ :Dispatch Note Review Criteria >˱׼ :Dispatch Note Review Options >ѡ :Dispatch Note Review Preferences > :Dispatch Note Setup > :Dispatch Note Structure Display >ṹʾ :Dispatch Note Trial Balance >֪ͨ :Dispatch Note Trial Balance Purge > :Dispatch Note Values >ֵ :Dispatch Note by Sales Order >۵ߵķ֪ͨ :Dispatch Note by Sales Order in Progress >ִа۶еķ :Dispatch Note in Process >ִз :Dispatch Notes > :Dispatch Notes Review > :Dispatch Notes Setup > :Dispatch Notes by S/Order >۶ķ :Dispatch Notes by Sales Order >۶еķ :Dispatch Notes for Customer >ͻ :Dispatch Notes for Customer Purchase Order >ͻɹ :Dispatch Notes for Invoice >Ʊķ :Dispatch Notes for Order > :Dispatch Notes for P/order >ɹ :Dispatch Notes for Sales Order >۶ķ :Dispatch Notes for Sales Orders >۶ķ :Dispatch Notes for Stock Code >ķ :Dispatch Notes for all Customers >пͻķ :Dispatch Notes for all Invoices >зƱķ :Dispatch Number Message >Ϣ :Dispatch Number Messages >Ϣ :Dispatch Numbering Method >ŷ :Dispatch Query >ѯ :Dispatch Report > :Dispatch Review > :Dispatch SCT >Ӧת(SCT) :Dispatch Selected >ѡ :Dispatch Selection >ѡ :Dispatch Trial Balance in Progress >ִз :Dispatch Value >ֵ :Dispatch address >ַ :Dispatch address to use >ʹõķַ :Dispatch all lines according to their dispatch quantity? >Ҫշ :Dispatch all lines selected according to their current quantity? >Ҫ䵱ǰװѡеĻ? :Dispatch area >发货区 :Dispatch by > :Dispatch by Customer >ͻ :Dispatch by Invoice >Ʊ :Dispatch by Sales Order >۶ :Dispatch by address code >ַ뷢 :Dispatch by line address code >еַ뷢 :Dispatch creation > :Dispatch creation complete >ɷ :Dispatch date > :Dispatch date details > :Dispatch date selection >ѡ :Dispatch defaults >Ĭ :Dispatch highlighted line according to dispatch quantity? >ҪݷװͻʾеĻ? :Dispatch highlighted lines according to their dispatch quantity? >Ҫշͻʾ :Dispatch information >发货信息 :Dispatch invoice >Ʊ :Dispatch invoices >Ʊ :Dispatch invoices dated before >ǰڵķƱ :Dispatch invoices set to >ƱΪ :Dispatch message >Ϣ :Dispatch name >发货名 :Dispatch name and address >ƺ͵ַ :Dispatch nationality > :Dispatch not inv >δ߷Ʊķ :Dispatch not invoiced qty >ַǷƱ :Dispatch not on file >ļ :Dispatch note >֪ͨ :Dispatch note '%1' GIT reference '%2' already exists > '%1' ˻(GIT)ο '%2' Ѵ :Dispatch note '%1' already exists > '%1' Ѵ :Dispatch note '%1' has already been cancelled > '%1' ȡ :Dispatch note '%1' has more than 5 tax codes > '%1' 5˰մ :Dispatch note '%1' in process >ڽз '%1' :Dispatch note '%1' is an SCT dispatch > '%1' ǹӦת(SCT) :Dispatch note '%1' is complete, cannot cancel > '%1' ɣ޷ȡ :Dispatch note '%1' is in suspense, cannot cancel > '%1' ͣ޷ȡ :Dispatch note '%1' is not an SCT dispatch > '%1' ǹӦת(SCT) :Dispatch note '%1' is on hold, cannot cancel > '%1' ޷ȡ :Dispatch note '%1' line '%2' has a mandatory component, cannot be cancelled > '%1' '%2' ߱ǿԲ޷ȡ :Dispatch note '%1' line '%2' is a parent part and cannot be cancelled > '%1' '%2' ߱޷ȡ :Dispatch note '%1' line '%2' is for a sales order not defined for route '%3' > '%1' '%2' ڷǶ· '%3' ۶ :Dispatch note '%1' no valid line to attach comment > '%1' Чɸע :Dispatch note '%1' not found >δҵ '%1' :Dispatch note '%1' not numeric > '%1' :Dispatch note '%1' was raised from a blanket sales order. Entire dispatch cannot be cancelled. Cancel individual lines > '%1' һ۶޷ȡȡ :Dispatch note - General Detail > - һ :Dispatch note - Heading Fields > - ֶ :Dispatch note - Total Fields > - ϼֶ :Dispatch note Archive Viewer >鿴 :Dispatch note SCT transfer > SCT ת :Dispatch note add lines from S/Order >۶ :Dispatch note creation abandoned >ѱ :Dispatch note creation from Sales Order >۶ :Dispatch note does not belong to this customer >ڴ˿ͻ :Dispatch note header comments >ͷע :Dispatch note invoice number >Ʊ :Dispatch note issue >发货单签发 :Dispatch note line > :Dispatch note list >发货单列表 :Dispatch note list maintenance >ά :Dispatch note may not be blank >Ϊհ :Dispatch note must be in a status of %1 or %2 >봦 %1 %2 ״̬ :Dispatch note not on file > :Dispatch note printed >Ѵӡķ :Dispatch note quantity > :Dispatch note reprint options >´ӡѡ :Dispatch note reversal >发货单冲销 :Dispatch note selection >ѡ :Dispatch note status >״̬ :Dispatch note totals > :Dispatch note totals - inclusive > - :Dispatch notes cannot be created as Inventory and Accounts Receivable differ by more than one month or are in different years >޷ΪӦʿһϣֱڲͬ :Dispatch notes dated before >ǰڵķ :Dispatch notes for Route >·ߵķ :Dispatch notes only > :Dispatch notes set to >֪ͨΪ :Dispatch printed (5) >Ѵӡķ(5) :Dispatch qty > :Dispatch quantities allowed >ķ :Dispatch quantity >ɷ :Dispatch quantity exceeds on hand quantity. Inventory setup options or operator preferences do not allow stock on hand to go negative >ѡԱѡпΪֵ :Dispatch quantity exceeds quantity remaining >ʣ :Dispatch quantity may not be negative >Ϊ :Dispatch rate > :Dispatch rate test conversion >ʲת :Dispatch reprint select invoice >´ӡѡƱ :Dispatch reprint status %1 >´ӡ״̬ %1 :Dispatch reprint status select >´ӡ״̬ѡ :Dispatch selected line? >ҪװѡеĻ? :Dispatch selected lines according to their dispatch quantity? >ҪݷװѡеĻ? :Dispatch status >״̬ :Dispatch status selection >״̬ѡ :Dispatch unit price >发货单价 :Dispatch/Del note > :Dispatch/del note >/ :Dispatch/document no >ĵ :Dispatched but not Invoiced >ѷδ߷Ʊ :Dispatched but not Invoiced G/L Account >ѷδ߷ƱG/Lʻ :Dispatched but not Invoiced G/L Control Account >ѷδ߷ƱG/Lͳʻ :Dispatched not inv qty >ѷδ߷Ʊ :Dispatched not invoiced >δ߷Ʊѷ :Dispatched not invoiced quantity >ѷδ߷Ʊ :Dispatched/not invoiced >ѷδ߷Ʊ :Dispatcher >Ա :Dispatches > :Dispatches Reversed >򷢻 :Dispatches have been made for >Ϊнз :Dispatches not allowed for this customer >Դ˿ͻ :Display >ʾ :Display '%1' when component selected to use current >ѡʹõǰĿʱʾ '%1' :Display '---' when component selected to use current >ѡʹõǰĿʱʾ'---' :Display (+) and (-) signs >ʾ(+)(-) :Display All Rows Warning >ʾ :Display Costs >ʾɱ :Display Disallowed Items >ʾĿ :Display Files Used by Program >ʾʹõļ :Display Form Messages >ʾϢ :Display G/L sections as drop-down list >˵ʾ G/L ½ :Display GL sections as drop-down list >˵ʾ GL ½ :Display Matched GRN's >ʾջ :Display Matched GRNs >ʾƥ GRN :Display Options >ʾѡ :Display Processing Tickover >ʾѡ :Display Retained Invoices >ʾƱ :Display Settings >ʾ :Display Users Currently using SYSPRO >ʾǰʹSYSPROû :Display WIP for company >ʾ˾WIP :Display Zero Balance Current >ʾǰ :Display a Warning if Duplicate Customers are Captured >ظͻʾ :Display a bitmap image >ʾλͼͼ :Display a notification message if the listview can be customized >ɶƻб鿴ʾ֪ͨϢ :Display a notification message when new messages arrive >Ϣʱʾ֪ͨϢ :Display all contracts for blanket purchase orders >ʾһӲɹкͬ :Display automated tracking >ʾԶ׷ :Display available sections as drop-down list >˵бʾò :Display bank balance in deposits recap screen >ڴĻʾ :Display border around details, subtotals and totals >ʾ߽ȡϸСƺͺϼ :Display border around report body >ʾ߽ȡᱨ :Display change due after printing invoice >ʾӡƱĸĵ :Display contact information, enabling you to see the relationships between organizations their contacts >ʾϵϢʹܹ֯Ĺϵϵ :Display cost and gross profit in order totals >ڶϼʾɱë :Display costs in Quick Entry >ڿʾɱ :Display details >ʾ :Display details of customer buying groups >ʾͻɹ :Display details of the outstanding GRN's for a purchase order >ʾɹδ GRN :Display dispatch notes for company >ʾ˾ :Display error and continue processing >ʾ󲢼 :Display information about the SYSPRO environment >ʾй SYSPRO Ϣ :Display invoices in >¸ʾƱ :Display lines >ʾ :Display lines at root >ʾ :Display lines that affect >ʾӰ :Display log upon completion >ʱʾ־ :Display message if kit part >Ϊ߰ʾϢ :Display on primary screen >Ļʾ :Display on subsequent screen >ںĻʾ :Display order totals >ʾϼ :Display order totals in a window >ڴʾϼ :Display order totals in window >ڴʾϼ :Display p/orders for company >ʾ˾ɹ :Display price and qty's in stock code browse >ڿʾ۸ :Display price and quantities >ʾ۸ :Display processing status >ʾ״̬ :Display running count >ʾм :Display sales orders for company >ʾ˾۶ :Display scheduling group errors when exporting data >ʱʾ :Display sections >ʾ½ :Display shortage lines only >ʾȱ :Display stock information in a window >ڴʾϢ :Display style >ʾ :Display supercession warning >ʾ :Display text >显示文本 :Display warning >ʾ :Display/print shortage lines only >ʾӡ :Displaying Archive >ʾ :Displaying Tracking Data >ʾ׷ :Displays list of tasks for workflow, contact management and notifications >ʾ̡ϵ˹ͨб :Disposal > :Disposal (asset count) > (ʲ) :Disposal Reason >ԭ :Disposal Tax Values Report >˰ֵ :Disposal accumulated depreciation >ۼ۾ :Disposal amount >ý :Disposal asset cost >ʲɱ :Disposal cost >óɱ :Disposal date > :Disposal date must be within current period >ڱڵǰ֮ :Disposal depreciation this period >ڵĴ۾ :Disposal depreciation this year >ݵĴ۾ :Disposal details > :Disposal flag >ñ :Disposal period > :Disposal quantity > :Disposal quantity cannot be zero >处置数量不可为零 :Disposal reason selection >ԭѡ :Disposal revaluation reserve >¹ֵ :Disposal year > :Disposals > :Dispose > :Disposed Assets >Ѵʲ :Disposed assets & details before >֮ǰѴʲϸ :Disposed assets & their details before >ǰѴʲ :Distance > :Distance between digits/words >ּ֣ :Distance or sequence on route >·ϵ˳ :Distance/ratio >룯 :Distribute > :Distribute Amount > :Distribute Amount over Periods >ڷ :Distribute Evenly over all months >·ݾȷ :Distribute Manual Costs >分配手动成本 :Distribute Non-Merchandise Costs >Ʒɱ :Distribute Over Selected Receipt Lines >ѡջз :Distribute Sales Order Values >۶ֵ :Distribute amounts > :Distribute and Save >分配并保存 :Distribute and save targets >分配并保存目标 :Distribute billings >ַʵ :Distribute cost of sales >̯۳ɱ :Distribute costs >分配成本 :Distribute labor >Ͷ :Distribute material > :Distribute option >分配选配 :Distribute over >䷶Χ :Distribute profit >分销利润 :Distribute sales >分配销售 :Distribute sales values >分配销售价值 :Distribute sold amounts >۽ :Distributed > :Distributed amount >ѷ :Distributed amount does not match non-merchandise cost >ѷƷɱ :Distributed invoice amount >ѷ䷢Ʊ :Distributed value >ѷֵ :Distribution > :Distribution Notice >分配通知 :Distribution Setup > :Distribution algorithm >㷨 :Distribution amount > :Distribution analysis not required >Ҫ :Distribution analysis not required. Program cancelled >Ҫȡ :Distribution entries > :Distribution entries are complete. Do you wish to accept these entries? >ɷ롣ϣЩ :Distribution entry number >Ŀ :Distribution import applications >䵼Ӧó :Distribution key > :Distribution of Mat/Labor WIP Amounts >/Ͷ WIP :Distribution of Material and Labor WIP Amounts >ϼͶWIP :Distribution of WIP Amounts >WIP :Distribution query applications >ѯӦó :Distribution query programs >ѯ :Distribution register no >ǼDz :Distribution register number >ע :Distribution related links > :Distribution report not run - program cancelled >䱨δ - ȡ :Distribution selection >ѡ :Distribution setup options >ѡ :Distribution total >ϼ :Distribution value >ֵ :Distribution values >ֵ :Distribution values in local currency >ػҷֵ :Distribution warehouse >ֿ :Distribution warehouse description >ֿ :Distribution warehouse to use >ʹõķֿ :Distribution/Goods in Transit >;䣯 :Dither type >ӡ :Divide > :Divide amount by variable budget spread >ɱԤ۲ֽ :Divide amount equally >ƽֽ :Divide amounts equally over months >·ƽֽ :Divide amounts using default spread >ʹĬϼ۲ֽ :Division > :Dll version >Dll 汾 :Dly Seq >˳ :Do NOT override any items' batching rules >𸲸κĿķ :Do NOT override any items' buying rules >𸲸κĿIJɹ׼ :Do Not Change > :Do Not Change Group >Ҫ :Do not >Ҫ :Do not SMS/Text >Ҫţı :Do not add any extension. The extension .xml will be added >Ҫκչչxml :Do not adjust pane visibility >ڴ :Do not apply to lines adviced to a shipment >ҪӦԷ֪ͨ :Do not ask me again >不要再问我 :Do not bulk SMS/Text >ҪȺţı :Do not bulk email >ҪȺʼ :Do not bulk fax >ҪȺ :Do not bulk post >ҪȺż :Do not calculate average cost on negative receipt >ҪΪվݵƽɱ :Do not close this window >رմ˴ :Do not create column headings >Ҫ :Do not display sections >Ҫʾ½ :Do not email >Ҫʼ :Do not fax >Ҫ :Do not highlight fields >不要突显字段 :Do not include on any dispatch notes >Ҫκη :Do not kill any processes >жκι :Do not launch help >不要启动帮助 :Do not lock live files while creating snapshot files >ӡļڣҪļ :Do not optimize >ҪŻ :Do not phone >Ҫ绰 :Do not post >Ҫż :Do not print >ӡ :Do not print field >Ҫӡֶ :Do not prompt for price >Ҫʾ۸ :Do not remember previous company logins >Ҫסһҹ˾ĵ¼ :Do not remember previous user names >Ҫסһû :Do not remind me again during this session >ڴ˻Ựڼ :Do not remove fields before import >ǰɾֶ :Do not set date if not require >粻ҪҪ :Do not set date if not required >粻ҪҪ :Do not set job as complete automatically >ҪԶҵΪ :Do not show any other lines which are to be ignored >ҪʾκҪԵ :Do not show description >Ҫʾ :Do not show this information again >ҪٴʾϢ :Do not show this message again >ҪٴʾϢ :Do not show this warning again >Ҫٴʾ :Do not update any lines >不要更新任何行 :Do not update warehouse cost for existing parent >ҪΪʸ²ֿɱ :Do not validate sections >Ҫ֤½ :Do you want to add %1 more loads? >ϣ %1 װ :Do you want to add the current role for the selected operator(s)? >ΪѡԱӵǰְ? :Do you want to add the selected dispatch note(s)? >ϣѡķ? :Do you want to add the selected dispatch notes? >ѡ? :Do you want to add the selected sales order lines? >ϣѡ۶ :Do you want to assign the current role as the primary role for the selected operator(s)? >ΪѡԱ䵱ǰְΪְ? :Do you want to automatically update all loads? >ϣԶװ? :Do you want to browse Reserved lots? >ϣ? :Do you want to browse Reserved serials? >ϣϵ? :Do you want to cancel this transaction? >ϣȡý :Do you want to change quantity? > :Do you want to change save these settings as your default graph colors? >ϣЩøΪĬͼɫ :Do you want to change the period end dates? >ϣڽ? :Do you want to confirm this delivery? >ϣȷϴ :Do you want to create the SCT? >ϣ SCT ? :Do you want to delete the Customer to Supplier Link? >ϣɾͻӦ? :Do you want to delete the Supplier to Customer Link? >ϣɾӦ̵ͻ? :Do you want to delete the current role from the selected operator(s)? >ϣɾѡԱĵǰְ? :Do you want to delete this occurence? >ϣɾ :Do you want to discard this contract? >您要放弃此合同吗? :Do you want to discard this invoice? >您要放弃此发票吗? :Do you want to discard this order? >您要放弃此订单吗? :Do you want to discard your changes to this contract? >您要放弃对此合同的更改吗? :Do you want to edit/view the duplicates? >༭鿴˫ :Do you want to fax or email this statement? >ϣôʼʹ :Do you want to import a standard list of roles? >ϣ׼ְб? :Do you want to link to this company? >ϣӵù˾ :Do you want to override the cut list's current status and print as AVAILABLE? >ϣǼбĵǰ״̬ӡΪAVAILABLEã :Do you want to overwrite your home Flow Graph? >您要覆盖您的内容流程图吗? :Do you want to purge selected invoices? >ϣѡƱ? :Do you want to release lots and serials? >ϣͷκϵ :Do you want to remove this action? >ϣɾ˲? :Do you want to remove this field from the form? >ϣӱɾֶ? :Do you want to remove this field? >ϣɾֶ :Do you want to reserve the serial again? >ϣٴαϵ :Do you want to reserved the serial again? >ϣٴαϵ :Do you want to reset this form? >ϣλ˱? :Do you want to retain reference number, '%1' >ϣο '%1' :Do you want to run the report, modify the report or exit? >б޸ı˳ :Do you want to save these analysis results? >ϣЩ :Do you want to save these settings as your default graph colors? >ϣЩֵΪĬͼɫ :Do you want to save your changes? >ϣ :Do you want to save your default values? >ϣĬֵ? :Do you want to save your previous options before capturing new ones? >ϣڲµѡ֮ǰǰѡ :Do you want to set the Ready to Purge flag for the selected rows? >您要为选定行栏设置清除就绪标记吗? :Do you want to validate the import file? >ȷϵļЧ :Do you wish the customer purchase order number to replace the order date and ship date on the report? >ϣͻɹ滻ϵĶںװ :Do you wish to >ϣ :Do you wish to add a company now? >ϣӹ˾ :Do you wish to add these contracts automatically? >ϣԶЩͬ :Do you wish to add these contracts automatically? If decimals exceeds the number of decimals allowed for any stock code, those decimals will be ignored >ϣԶЩͬС㳬СôЩС㽫 :Do you wish to adjust the cost in a specific bin? >ϣijضλijɱ :Do you wish to adjust the cost in a specific bucket? >ϣضͰijɱ :Do you wish to adjust the quantity in a specific bin? >ϣijضλ :Do you wish to adjust the quantity in a specific bucket? >ϣijضͰ :Do you wish to adjust the quantity in specific buckets per serial? >ϣϵеضͰڵ? :Do you wish to apply more customers to this permanent entry? >ϣһ̶Ӧøͻ :Do you wish to apply the payment amount against the selected invoices? >ϣѡķƱӦø :Do you wish to apply the selected credit balances? >ϣѡĴ :Do you wish to apply the selected debit balances? >ϣѡĽ :Do you wish to apply this permanent entry to all customers? >ϣпͻӦһ̶ :Do you wish to automatically pay outstanding invoices, in the sequence shown, until undistributed payment amount falls to zero. Note that credit balance invoices will be ignored >ϣʾ˳Զ֧δƱֱδ丶ΪΪֹע⣬Ʊ :Do you wish to cancel scrap entries ? >您希望取消报废条目吗? :Do you wish to cancel scrap entries? >ϣȡЩƷ :Do you wish to cancel the selection of requisistions and exit the program? >ϣȡѡ˳ :Do you wish to cancel the stock take currently in progress for this warehouse? >ϣȡڶԴ˲ֿе̵ :Do you wish to cancel the stock take currently in progress for warehouse '%1'? >ϣȡǰڽеIJֿ '%1' ̵? :Do you wish to cancel this purchase order line? >ϣȡһɹ :Do you wish to clear the list of previously accessed web pages? >ϣǰʹҳб :Do you wish to clear the list of previously run programs? >ϣǰйijб :Do you wish to clear this password? >ϣһ :Do you wish to configure eSignatures by Role? >ϣְõǩ? :Do you wish to continue ? >您希望继续吗? :Do you wish to continue processing or to exit >ϣ˳ :Do you wish to continue processing or to exit program? >ϣ˳ :Do you wish to continue using this library for subsequent options? >ϣԺѡʹñ :Do you wish to continue with sales order line release? >ϣ۶з룿 :Do you wish to continue with the creation >ϣ :Do you wish to continue with the payment release? >ϣִи :Do you wish to continue? >ϣ :Do you wish to create a job? >ϣҵ :Do you wish to create a requisition? >ϣ빺 :Do you wish to create sales transactions for this serial number? >ϣΪϵк봴۽ :Do you wish to delete the comment lines attached to this line? >ϣɾӵע :Do you wish to delete the configuration library? >ϣɾÿ :Do you wish to delete the list of previously excluded attendees? >ϣɾǰųijϯб? :Do you wish to delete this menu and all its programs? >ϣɾһ˵г :Do you wish to delete this permanent entry from all customers? >ϣɾпͻĴĿ? :Do you wish to detach this component from the kit ? >您希望从工具包分离此部件吗? :Do you wish to detach this service charge line? >ϣ𿪸÷շ :Do you wish to discard changes? >您希望放弃更改吗? :Do you wish to discard the dimension entries? >ϣߴ :Do you wish to discard the import currently in progress? >ϣǰڽеĵ? :Do you wish to dispatch partially held stock codes lines? >ϣֱĿ :Do you wish to end G/L analysis? >ϣ(G/L) :Do you wish to end G/L distribution and >ϣG/LʽЩ :Do you wish to end G/L distribution and post these entries? >ϣG/LʲЩ :Do you wish to end G/L distribution? >ϣG/L :Do you wish to end GL analysis? >ϣ GL ? :Do you wish to end GL distribution and post these entries? >ϣ GL 䲢ЩĿ? :Do you wish to end GL distribution? >ϣ GL ? :Do you wish to enter further Rev/Rel? >ϣһ޶ǩ :Do you wish to enter further Rev/rels? >ϣһ޶ :Do you wish to enter further lots? >ϣ :Do you wish to enter further serial numbers? >ϣϵк :Do you wish to enter period-end dates for your new year now? >ϣΪڽ :Do you wish to enter these now? >ϣЩĿ :Do you wish to enter this now? >ϣ :Do you wish to exit ? >您希望退出吗? :Do you wish to exit from the cash posting worksheet ? >您希望退出现金过账工作表吗? :Do you wish to exit from the cash posting worksheet? >ϣ˳ֽתҵ :Do you wish to exit? >ϣ˳ :Do you wish to ignore this requisition line and continue the requisition selection process? >ϣԱвѡ :Do you wish to include mandatory items in the displays? >ϣʾаǿĿ :Do you wish to increment asset cost and quantity with values from asset suspense? >ϣԴʲеļֵʲɱ? :Do you wish to increment asset cost and quantity with values from suspended asset? >ϣԹʲеļֵʲɱ? :Do you wish to kit issue this job now? >ϣ׼ʽǩҵ :Do you wish to list the import file? >ϣгļ :Do you wish to make Cash Book the same integration method >ϣͬϷֽʱ :Do you wish to make Cash Book the same integration method as Accounts Payable? >ϣӦʿͬϷֽʱ :Do you wish to make Cash Book the same integration method as Accounts Receivable? >ϣӦʿͬϷֽʱ :Do you wish to match GRN's for this transaction? >ϣΪ˽ƥGRN :Do you wish to post a zero value invoice? >ϣֵƱ :Do you wish to post invoices at a fixed exchange rate? >ϣԹ̶ʹʷƱ :Do you wish to post the lines that have changed and exit the release function? >ϣѸĵв˳ǩ :Do you wish to print a log of accounts attached/detached for this run of the program? >ϣӡĴ˴иӣʻ־ :Do you wish to print a log of jobs attached/detached for this run of the program? >ϣӡΪĴ˴иӣҵ־ :Do you wish to print a log of the reindex information? >ϣӡؽϢ־ :Do you wish to print columns from another (linked) table? >ϣһӣӡ :Do you wish to print fields from another (linked) file? >ϣһݣӵģļӡֶ :Do you wish to proceed with a zero value invoice? >您希望继续执行零价值发票吗? :Do you wish to re-call the previous confirmed release? >ϣµǰȷϵǩ? :Do you wish to re-call the previous unconfirmed release? >ϣµǰδȷϵǩ? :Do you wish to receive a sample quantity into inspection? >ϣܼƷ :Do you wish to receive in all lines in this purchase order? >ϣձɹе :Do you wish to reinstate this invoice? >ϣָƱ :Do you wish to release the selected invoices and to apply any status changes that have been made? >ϣѡķƱӦκ״̬ :Do you wish to release the selected invoices? >ϣѡķƱ :Do you wish to remove all associated comment lines? >ϣɾйע :Do you wish to remove this trigger point? >ϣɾ :Do you wish to replace with a blank calculation code? The calculation code will remain unchanged if you select '%1' >ϣÿհ׼ѡ '%1' 򱣳ֲ :Do you wish to replace with a blank calculation code? The calculation code will remain unchanged if you select 'No' >ϣÿհ׼ѡ񡰷񡱣򱣳ֲ䡣 :Do you wish to reprint the export log? >ϣ´ӡ־ :Do you wish to reprint this document ? >您希望重新打印此文档吗? :Do you wish to reprint this document? >ϣ´ӡļ :Do you wish to reprint this quote? >ϣ´ӡ˱ :Do you wish to reprint? >ϣ´ӡ :Do you wish to resend this document via e-mail? >ϣͨʼ·ļ :Do you wish to reserve or ship stock? >ϣװ˿? :Do you wish to return this invoice? >ϣرƱ :Do you wish to run another trial load? If you elect not to run a trial load the job dates will be incorrect and no capacity will be allocated (load levelling). These will have to be corrected, by running a trial load, in job maintenance >ϣһѡأҵڽ᲻ȷ䣨ˮƽ⽫òҵάڼ䣬ͨضǽо :Do you wish to save the transaction? >ϣ˽ :Do you wish to save your changes? >ϣĸ? :Do you wish to search the archive files ? >您希望搜索存档文件吗? :Do you wish to search the archive files? >ϣļ :Do you wish to start the import ? (If any errors are detected the import will be aborted) >您希望开始导入吗?(如检测到任何错误,导入将中断) :Do you wish to start the import? >ϣʼ :Do you wish to start the import? (Any invalid data will be ignored from the import process.) >ϣʼ𣿣̽κЧݡ :Do you wish to start the import? (Any records containing invalid data will be ignored from the import process) >ϣʼ𣿣̽κΰЧݵļ¼ :Do you wish to start the import? (Any releases containing invalid data will be ignored from the import process.) >ϣʼ𣿣̽κΰЧݵķУ :Do you wish to start the import? (If any errors are detected the import will be aborted) >ϣʼ𣿣⵽κδ󣬵뼴ʧֹܲͣ :Do you wish to start the processing? >ϣʼ :Do you wish to store this configuration in a library? >ϣڿд洢 :Do you wish to unapply this deposit ? >您希望放弃应用此存款吗? :Do you wish to unapply this deposit? >ϣӦñ :Do you wish to update the existing library or add a new one based on this configuration? >ϣпݴ¿ :Do you wish to use the selected comonent's quantity entered? >ϣʹѡ벿 :Do you wish to use the selected component's quantity entered? >ϣʹѡ :Do you wish to use the supplier's invoice discount as the purchase order discount >ϣʹùӦ̷ƱۿΪɹۿ :Do you wish to validate the import file ? >您希望验证导入文件吗? :Do you wish to validate the import file? >ϣȷϵļЧ :Do you wish to validate the transfers? >ϣȷתЧ :Do you wish to view a structure of all jobs created? >ϣ鿴ѴҵĽṹ :Do you wish to view the list of currently logged in users? >您希望查看当前已登录用户列表吗? :Doc type >ļ :Dock Bottom >ͣײ :Dock Left >ͣ :Dock Right >ͣҲ :Dock Top >ͣ˲ :Dock to stk >ͷֿ :Dock to stock >ͷֿ :Dock to stock (days) >ͷֿ⣨ :Dock to stock days >ͷֿ⣨ :Dock to stock time >ͷֿʱ :Docking Pane >ͣפ :Docking Pane Settings >ͣפ :Docking Panes >ͷ :Docking pane and Tab options >ͷѡѡ :Docking panes - do not prompt when removing windows >ͣפ - Ƴʱʾ :Docking theme >ͷ :Document >ļ :Document '%1' not found >δĵ '%1' :Document Aligment in Progress >ִļ :Document Archive Viewers >ĵ鿴 :Document Browse >ĵ :Document Control >ļ :Document Controller >ĵ :Document Date >ļ :Document Entry >ĵ :Document Error >ļ :Document Flow Manager >ļ :Document Flow Manager Control Setup >ļ :Document Flow Manager Definition >ļ :Document Flow Manager Setup >ļ̹ :Document Format Samples >ĵʽ :Document Format Templates >ĵʽģ :Document Format Types >ĵʽ :Document Formats >ļʽ :Document Id >ĵ Id :Document Inspector >ĵ :Document List >ĵб :Document Manager Control missing >ȱĵ :Document Posting >ĵ :Document Posting Entry >ĵ :Document Posting Information >ĵϢ :Document Print >ļӡ :Document Print Error >ĵӡ :Document Printed >Ѵӡļ :Document Printing >ĵӡ :Document Setup >ĵ :Document Template >ĵģ :Document Template Maintenance >ĵģά :Document Type Description >ĵ :Document Type Details >ĵϸ :Document Type Maintenance >ĵά :Document Types >ĵ :Document Wording >ļ :Document XSD >ĵ XSD :Document amount >文档金额 :Document control information >ļϢ :Document date - time >ļ - ʱ :Document date is in the future >ĵΪδ :Document description >ĵ :Document detail not defined. Key '%1' >δĵ顣'%1' :Document details >ļϸ :Document file >ĵļ :Document format >ļʽ :Document format %1 >ļʽ %1 :Document format %1 printed >Ѵӡļʽ %1 :Document format already printed >Ѵӡĵʽ :Document format information >ĵʽϢ :Document format information %1 >ĵʽϢ %1 :Document format is not on file. Change format later? >ļʽڡҪĸʽ :Document format not found >δҵļʽ :Document format not on file >ļʽļ :Document format selection >ļʽѡ :Document format to use for >ĵʽ :Document is the same as supplier's delivery note >ĵ빩Ӧ̵Ľͬ :Document menu >ļ˵ :Document name >ļ :Document no >ĵ :Document number >ļ :Document number '%1' has been used previously >ĵ '%1' ǰʹ :Document number allocated >ѷļ :Document number already on file >ĵѴ :Document number is already entered for this customer >˿ͻĵ :Document number may not be zero >ĵŲΪ :Document number not on file >ĵŲ :Document number selection >ļѡ :Document numbering >ļ :Document options >ĵѡ :Document parameter information >ļϢ :Document per line >ÿļ :Document per requisition >ÿ빺ļ :Document print/fax/email in progress >ڽĵӡ//ʼ :Document purged >ļ :Document record type >ĵ¼ :Document reference >ĵο :Document required >Ҫĵ :Document selection >ļѡ :Document selections >ļѡ :Document status >ĵ״̬ :Document template not found >δҵĵģ :Document terms >ĵ :Document terms not on file >ĵﲻ :Document to print >ӡļ :Document transmission >ĵ :Document transmission method >ļ䷽ :Document type >ļ :Document type message >ļϢ :Document type messages >ĵϢ :Document type selection >ĵѡ :Document value >ļֵ :Document value is zero >ļֵΪ :Document/Letter >ĵż :Document/price code >ĵ۸ :DocumentType >ĵ :Documentation >ĵ :Documentation Maintenance >ļά :Documents >ļ :Documents Pending Archive >鵵ĵ :Documents Printed Recap Totals >Ѵӡļ :Documents fax >ļ :Documents printed >Ѵӡļ :Documents printed before >ǰѴӡļ :Documents required >Ѵӡļ :Documents to Adjust >要调整的文档 :Documents to Pay >֧ĵ :Documents to be faxed / emailed >Դ / ʼ͵ĵ :Dollar >Ԫ :Dollars >Ԫ :Domain > :Domain or machine authentication >֤ :Don't Confirm Deletions >Ҫȷɾ :Don't print the header notes >Ҫӡͷע :Don't remind me again >Ҫٴ :Don't show the Welcome screen again >ʾӭĻ :Dospatch Note > :Double line spacing >м :Double spacing between price codes >۸о :Double-click a role to make it the primary role >˫ְʹΪѡְ :Double-click an action to insert the script code >˫Բű :Double-click to select a graph template >˫ѡͼģ :Double-click to select a listview template >˫ѡб鿴ģ :Double-click to show >˫ʾ :Down > :Downstream Tracking Details >׷ :Downstream details > :Downstream tracking >׷ :Dr note >跽Ʊ :Draft >Ʊ :Draft %1 >Ʊ%1 :Draft Forecast >ƱԤ :Draft Forecasts >ƱԤ :Draft forecasts saved >ѱĻƱԤ :Draft levels >Ʊ :Draft maximum >Ʊ :Draft minimum >ƱС :Drag a column header here to group by that column >бͷ϶˴԰ :Drag items up/down for tabbing order >ƶ˳/Ŀ :Drawer > :Drawer Password >Ʊ :Drawer already closed >Ʊѹر :Drawer is in use by one or more user >Ʊڱһλλûʹ :Drawer's bank >Ʊ :Drawer's branch >Ʊ :Drawer's name >Ʊ :Drawers name >Ʊ :Drawing >ͼ :Drawing Details >ͼֽϸ :Drawing Maintenance >ͼֽά :Drawing Register >ͼǼ :Drawing Register Code >ͼֽע :Drawing Register number >ͼֽǼDz :Drawing Size >Ʊߴ :Drawing Sizes >ͼֽߴ :Drawing Stock Code >ͼֽ :Drawing Stock Codes >ƿ :Drawing User >ͼֽû :Drawing number >ͼ :Drawing office no >ͼ칫ұ :Drawing office number >Ʊ칫Һ :Drawing register '%1' not found >δҵͼֽǼ '%1' :Drill down to details for summary report >ֱתժҪϸĿ :Drill down to ledger accounts >ֱתʻ :Drill down to source documents >ֱתԴļ :Drill down to transactions >ֱת :Drilling > :Driver > :Driver qty >Ŀ :Driver quantity > :Driver's Manifest >ʻԱػ :Driver's name > :Drivers Manifest >嵥 :Drives > :Drop >½ :Drop Foreign Keys > :Drop Keys >ϷԿ :Drop and Recreate the indexes against the selected Sites database >ѡվݿⶪ´ :Drop down list >б :Drop frequency >Ƶ :Drop the keys and indexes from the archive control table >ӵƱϷԿ :Drop user objects >Ϸû :Dropdown > :Dropping existing SYSPRO Foreign Keys >ͶSYSPRO :Dsp note > :Dsp note/Doc no >֪ͨ/ļ :Du Pont Analysis >Ű(Du Pont) :Du Pont Analysis Query >Ű(Du Pont)ѯ :Du Pont Hierarchy >Ű(Du Pont) :Dubplicate file name >˫ļ :Due > :Due Partial >ֵ :Due date > :Due date cannot be earlier than either invoice or discount date >ղڷƱۿ :Due date cannot be prior to either invoice or discount date >ղڷƱۿ :Due date cannot be prior to either invoice or discount dates >ղڷƱۿ :Due date filter >ڹ :Due date for component > :Due date must not be prior to discount date >ղۿ :Due date selection >ѡ :Due date to use >ʹõĵ :Due dates > :Due days > :Due in >ʱ :Due to item only permitting single lots >Ŀ޵һ :Due/Past due >ڣȥ :Dummt Revision/Release >ļ޶ :Dummy Jobs >ҵ :Dup >ظ :Duplex >˫ģʽ :Duplicate >ظ :Duplicate Accounts >˫ʻ :Duplicate Accrual Type >ظӦ :Duplicate Appearance >ظ :Duplicate Asset >˫ʲ :Duplicate Asset Capex Classification >ظʲʱ÷ :Duplicate Asset Capex Type >ظʲʱ :Duplicate Asset Depreciation Code >ظʲ۾ɴ :Duplicate Asset Expense Code >ظʲô :Duplicate Asset Group >ظʲ :Duplicate Asset Location >ظʲλ :Duplicate Asset Mechanic >ظʲ :Duplicate Asset Reason for Disposal >ظʲԭ :Duplicate Asset Reason for Revaluation >ظʲ¹ԭ :Duplicate Asset Type >ظʲ :Duplicate Asset status >ظʲ״̬ :Duplicate Attached > :Duplicate Beneficiary Code >ظ˴ :Duplicate Branch >˫ط֧ :Duplicate Capex Type code >ظʱ֧ʹ :Duplicate Capex classification code >ظʱ֧ :Duplicate Capex item code >ظʱ֧Ŀ :Duplicate Check Number >ظ֧Ʊ :Duplicate Column >˫ :Duplicate Contact Found >ҵظϵ :Duplicate Cost Center >˫سɱ :Duplicate Customer >˫ؿͻ :Duplicate Date >ظ :Duplicate Deduction >ظ۳ :Duplicate Delivery Address >˫ؽַ :Duplicate Department >˫ز :Duplicate Depreciation Code >˫۾ɴ :Duplicate Element >˫Ҫ :Duplicate Employee record >˫عԱ¼ :Duplicate Enry >重复条目 :Duplicate Entries >ظ :Duplicate Entry >˫ :Duplicate Expense Code >˫طô :Duplicate Foreign Price >˫ع۸ :Duplicate Form Field >ظֶ :Duplicate GRN >˫GRN :Duplicate GRN numbers >ظ GRN :Duplicate Group >˫ :Duplicate Height >ظ߶ :Duplicate Invoice >Ʊ :Duplicate Ledger code >˫طʴ :Duplicate Location >ظλ :Duplicate Login >ظ¼ :Duplicate Machine >˫ػ :Duplicate Mechanic >˫ػе :Duplicate Module Code >ظģ :Duplicate Number >˫غ :Duplicate Options >ظѡ :Duplicate Order > :Duplicate Owner >ظ :Duplicate Price Code >˫ؼ۸ :Duplicate Printer Code >˫شӡ :Duplicate Quotation > :Duplicate Reason code >ظԭ :Duplicate Record >¼ :Duplicate Record Writing 3.2 Format File >¼д3.2ʽļ :Duplicate Record Writing 4.0 Format File >¼д4.0ʽļ :Duplicate Record Writing 5.1 Format File >¼д5.1ʽļ :Duplicate Record Writing SYSPRO 6.0 Format File >¼дSYSPRO 6.0ʽļ :Duplicate Records Writing 3.2 Format File >¼д3.2ʽļ :Duplicate Records Writing 4.0 Format File >¼д4.0ʽļ :Duplicate Records Writing 5.1 Format File >¼д5.1ʽļ :Duplicate Records Writing SYSPRO 6.0 Format File >¼дSYSPRO 6.0ʽļ :Duplicate Resolution >˫ؾ :Duplicate SCT ref '%1'. Function cancelled >ظӦת(SCT)ο '%1' ȡ :Duplicate Serial Number >˫ϵк :Duplicate Source Code >˫Դ :Duplicate Stock Code >˫ؿ :Duplicate Stock Code Comment >˫ؿע :Duplicate Stock Code Warehouse >˫ؿֿ :Duplicate Structure >˫ؽṹ :Duplicate Summary Key >˫ժҪؼ :Duplicate Supplier Code >˫عӦ̴ :Duplicate Table > :Duplicate Task >˫ :Duplicate Task Group >˫ :Duplicate Tax Code >˫˰մ :Duplicate Warehouse >˫زֿ :Duplicate Work Center >˫ҵ :Duplicate address code >˫صַ :Duplicate analysis category >ظ :Duplicate bank code >ظд :Duplicate batch number >˫ :Duplicate bin number >˫زֺ :Duplicate build schedule >˫عʱ :Duplicate buyer >˫ :Duplicate buying group >˫زɹ :Duplicate calculation code >˫ؼ :Duplicate calendar >ظ :Duplicate cash drawer >˫ֽƱ :Duplicate class >˫صȼ :Duplicate code >˫ش :Duplicate codes >ظ :Duplicate collection descriptor >ظ :Duplicate comment code >˫עʹ :Duplicate commission code >˫Ӷ :Duplicate configuration >˫ :Duplicate contract >ͬ :Duplicate cross-reference >˫ض :Duplicate currency >˫ػ :Duplicate customer class >˫ؿͻȼ :Duplicate customer number generated >已生成重复客户号码 :Duplicate customer warning >˫ؿͻ :Duplicate delivery terms >ظ :Duplicate dispatch note > :Duplicate dispatch note number > :Duplicate drawing >ͼֽ :Duplicate element structure >˫Ҫؽṹ :Duplicate entry on line >еظĿ :Duplicate file >ļ :Duplicate filter and mask for report index >ظͱ :Duplicate forecast >˫Ԥ :Duplicate geographic area >˫ص :Duplicate hierarchy >˫ز :Duplicate invoice '%1'. Function cancelled >ظƱ'%1' ȡ :Duplicate invoice number >Ʊ :Duplicate invoice number. Please re-enter new invoice number >Ʊ롣µķƱ :Duplicate invoice numbers >ظƱ :Duplicate item >ظĿ :Duplicate job class >˫ҵȼ :Duplicate job classification >ظҵ :Duplicate key >Ƽ :Duplicate key '%1' on '%2' > '%2' ϵظ '%1' :Duplicate key entry >˫عؼ :Duplicate key information >ظϢ :Duplicate key on resource structure >ԴṹϵظԿ :Duplicate line number >˫к :Duplicate nationality >˫ع :Duplicate nature of transaction >ظ :Duplicate non-productive code >˫ط :Duplicate non-stocked code >˫طǿ :Duplicate order number '%1' has been detected on the EDI input file >ڵݻ(EDI)ļѼ⵽ '%1' :Duplicate order type > :Duplicate payment date > :Duplicate payment interface > :Duplicate permanent entry >˫ع̶ :Duplicate planner >˫ؼƻԱ :Duplicate posted GL transactions >重复过账 GL 交易 :Duplicate product class code >˫زƷȼ :Duplicate quantity >˫ :Duplicate reason >˫ԭ :Duplicate reason for cancellation >˫ȡԭ :Duplicate record - attempting to write a record >¼ д¼ :Duplicate record at record number >¼ ĸ¼ :Duplicate record attempting to add target record >¼Ŀ¼ :Duplicate records >¼ :Duplicate release reference '%1' for '%2' > '%2' ˫ͷŲο '%1' :Duplicate remittance required >Ҫظ :Duplicate resource >˫Դ :Duplicate resource mask description >ظԴ :Duplicate route >˫· :Duplicate route code >ظ·ߴ :Duplicate salesperson >˫Ա :Duplicate salesperson code in commissions >Ӷе˫Ա :Duplicate scrap reason >˫طƷԭ :Duplicate set >ظ :Duplicate shipping instruction >˫װָʾ :Duplicate size >˫سߴ :Duplicate source/target currency >˫ԴңĿ :Duplicate sub account >ظʻ :Duplicate supplier class >ظӦ̵ȼ :Duplicate supplier comment >˫عӦע :Duplicate tariff >˫ع˰ :Duplicate terms >˫ :Duplicate terms code >˫ :Duplicate tool >ظ :Duplicate tool set >˫ع :Duplicate tool set tools >ظ߼ :Duplicate transaction >ظ :Duplicate unit of measure >˫ؼλ :Duplicate unposted GL transactions >重复放弃过账 GL 交易 :Duplicates >ظ :Duplicates encountered on customer code >ͻظ :Duplicates found >ҵ˫ :Duplicates have been found, do you wish to edit them now? >ظϣ༭? :Duration > :Duration (seconds) > () :During order entry >ڼ :During period-end balance function >ĩڼ书 :During receipt >Ʊڼ :During the conversion process, address fields will be converted to the new SYSPRO 7 >转化期间,地址字段将转化为新 SYSPRO 7 :Dust Contamination >ҳȾ :Dutch > :Duty rate %1 >˰ %1 :Duty rate 1 >˰ 1 :Duty rate 2 >˰ 2 :Duty rate 3 >˰ 3 :Dynamic move >̬ƶ :E - Order to max if less than min >E - ССֵֵ :E class items (no movement) >E Ŀ (ޱ䶯) :E type items >EĿ :E-mail >ʼ :E-mail Address >ʼַ :E-mail Blanket Purchase Order >ԵʼۺԲɹ :E-mail Inventory Document >Եʼļ :E-mail Purchase Order >Եʼɹ :E-mail Quick Entry Document >Եʼļ :E-mail Quotation Document >ʼļ :E-mail Quote >Եʼ :E-mail RMA Document >ʼRMAļ :E-mail Sales Order Document >Եʼļ :E-mail Statement >Եʼ :E-mail notification required >Ҫʼ֪ͨ :E-mail to >ʼ :E-mail user >Եʼû :EA >EA :EAN number >EAN :EBQ > :EBQ/pan >EBQ/ :EC >ŷ :EC Arrival declaration rate >ŷ (EC) 걨 :EC Declaration Rates >EC걨 :EC Declaration of Arrivals >յEC :EC Declaration of Arrivals in Progress >ִEC걨 :EC Despatch declaration rate >ŷ (EC) 걨 :EC Dispatch declaration rate >EC :EC Information >ECϢ :EC Rates >EC :EC SSD Information >EC SSDϢ :EC Sales Aggregate Listing >ŷ (EC) ۼб :EC Sales Information >ECϢ :EC Sales Report - Aggregate Sales >ŷ (EC) ۱ C ۼ :EC Sales Report - Supplementary Sales >ŷ (EC) ۱ C ׷ :EC Sales Reports >EC۱ :EC Sales Reports - Aggregate >EC ۱ - :EC Sales Reports - Supplementary >EC ۱ - :EC Supplementary Declaration Report >ŷ (EC) 걨 :EC Tax Distribution Report >EC˰շ䱨 :EC Tax Distribution Report in Progress >ִEC˰շ䱨 :EC VAT >ECֵ˰ :EC VAT Information >EC ֵ˰Ϣ :EC VAT Period >ECֵ˰ڼ :EC VAT Registration Number >ECֵ˰ע :EC VAT System >ECֵ˰ϵͳ :EC VAT Tax Code >ECֵ˰˰մ :EC VAT code >ŷֵ˰ (EC VAT) :EC VAT must be switched on to flag supplementary units >ŷ帽˰(EC VAT)תԱʾ䵥λ :EC VAT on Acquisition G/L Control Account >ECֵ˰G/Lʻ :EC VAT on Acquisition GL Control Account >ECֵ˰G/Lʻ :EC VAT on acquisition >ECֵ˰ :EC VAT registration number %1 is invalid for the nationality code >EC VAT ע %1 ڹЧ :EC VAT registration number %1 is invalid for the nationality code %2 >ŷ帽˰(EC VAT)ע %1 ڹ %2 Ч :EC VAT registration number %1 is invalid for the nationality code %2. >ŷ帽˰(EC VAT)ǼǺ %1 ڹ %2 Ч :EC VAT registration number {blank} is invalid for the nationality code >EC VAT ע {blank} ڹЧ :EC VAT system not allowed if accounts payable tax distribution option is defined as '%1' >Ӧʿ˰շѡΪ '%1' ʹŷ(EC)ֵ˰ϵͳ :EC VAT system not allowed if accounts payable tax distribution option is defined as 'summary' >Ӧʿ˰շѡΪժҪʹECֵ˰ϵͳ :EC VAT system not required. Program cancelled >ҪECֵ˰ϵͳȡ :EC VAT system not required. Program cancelled >EC VAT system not required. Program cancelled :EC VAT system required >ҪECֵ˰ϵͳ :EC VAT tax code %1 not on file >ŷ帽˰(EC VAT)˰մ %1 :EC VAT tax code h not on file >ŷ(EC)˰˰մh :EC Vat system not required >ҪECֵ˰ϵͳ :EC Vat tax code against the supplier is blank >ԹӦ̵ŷֵ˰ (EC Vat) Ϊհ :EC acquisition >EC :EC acquisition flag >EC չ :EC arrival conversion >ECת :EC despatch conversion >ECת :EC information has not been entered for this order. Do you wish to enter this information now? >δΪ˶ŷ(EC)ϢϣϢ :EC information incorrect - maintain order >ŷϢȷ - ά :EC purchase type >EC ɹ :EC tax amount >EC ˰ :EC tax details >EC˰ϸ :EC tax details dated before >ǰڵ EC ˰ :EC tax system not required >Ҫŷ(EC)˰ϵͳ :EC tax system not required. Program cancelled >ҪEC˰ϵͳȡ :ECC >ECC :ECC Add component e.net >ECC Ӳ e.net :ECC Authorities >ECC :ECC Authority Check on Status >̱ (ECC) ״̬Ȩ :ECC Change ECO Status >̱(ECC)Ḻ́(ECO)״̬ :ECC Change Order Actions >̱(ECC) :ECC Change Order Actions for User >ECCûĶ :ECC Change Order Browse by Stock Code >Ḻ́(ECC) :ECC Change Order Status Report >̱(ECC)״̬ :ECC Change Orders >ECCĶ :ECC Change Orders - User >̱(ECC)Ķ - û :ECC Change Orders By Stock Code >Ḻ́(ECC) :ECC Change Status Maintenance >̱(ECC)״̬ά :ECC Change component e.net >ECC IJ e.net :ECC Co-product >ECC 联合产品 :ECC Co-product Material Cost Percentages >ECC ͬƷϳɱٷֱ :ECC Co-product Operation Cost Percentage >ECC ͬƷɱٷֱ :ECC Component Maintenance >̱ (ECC) ά :ECC Component Stock Information >ECC Ϣ :ECC Component change sequence >ECC ˳ :ECC Component resequence all >ECC ȫ :ECC Controlled Stock Code >ECCƿ :ECC Delete component e.net >ECC ɾ e.net :ECC Drawing Maintenance >̱ (ECC) ͼֽά :ECC Drawing Register >ECCͼֽע :ECC Drawing Register Maintenance >ECCͼֽעά :ECC Drawing Register Size Browse >ECC ͼֽǼDzߴ :ECC Drawing Register Size Maintenance >̱(ECC)ͼֽעߴά :ECC Drawing Register Stock >ECC ͼֽǼDz :ECC Drawing Register Stock Code Maintenance >ECCͼֽעά :ECC Drawing Size >ECCͼֽߴ :ECC Drawing Size Maintenance >ECCͼֽߴά :ECC Drawings >ECC ͼֽ :ECC Engineering Change Actions >ECC ̱ :ECC Engineering Change Audit Trail >ECC ̱׷ :ECC Engineering Change Authorities >ECC ̱ :ECC Engineering Change Control >ECC ̱ :ECC Engineering Change Details >ECC ̱ϸ :ECC Engineering Change Held Documents >ECC ̱ĵ :ECC Engineering Change Held Statuses >ECC ̱״̬ :ECC Engineering Change Order >ECC ̱ :ECC Engineering Change Orders >̱(ECC)̱ :ECC Engineering Change Revision History >ECC ̱޶¼ :ECC Engineering Users Maintenance >ECC ûά :ECC History >ECCʷ¼ :ECC Information required. Ok to start the review? >Ҫ󹤳̱(ECC)ϢȷҪʼ :ECC Information still required >Ҫ󹤳̱(ECC)Ϣ :ECC Internal Operation Details >̱ (ECC) ڲ :ECC List of ECC Status and Routings >̱(ECC)Ḻ́(ECC)״̬·б :ECC List of ECC Statuses and Routings >ECC ״̬·ߵ ECC б :ECC List of ECC Users >̱(ECC)Ḻ́(ECC)ûб :ECC List of Engineering Users >ECC 工程用户列表 :ECC Move operation >ECC 䶯 :ECC Non-stocked Item >̱(ECC)ǿĿ :ECC Notes >ECCע :ECC Notes Pointer File >ECC עָļ :ECC Operation >ECC 操作 :ECC Operation Information >ECC Ϣ :ECC Operation Master >ECC :ECC Operator Maintenance >ECC Աά :ECC Originator >ECC 发起者 :ECC Parent %1 >ECC %1 :ECC Parent Information >ECC Ϣ :ECC Parent/Co-product Structure Master >ECC /ͬƷṹ :ECC Parent/Component Structure Master >ECC /ṹ :ECC Quantities >ECC :ECC Release >̱ (ECC) ǩ :ECC Required >Ҫ󹤳̱(ECC) :ECC Rev/Rel >ECC޶ͷ :ECC Revision >̱ (ECC) ޶ :ECC Revision Release >ECC ޶淢 :ECC Revision Release Report >ECC ޶淢б :ECC Revision and Release not on file >̱(ECC)޶ǩ :ECC Revision/Release >ECC޶ͷ :ECC Revision/Release Cost History >ECC ޶/гɱ¼ :ECC Revision/Release Report >ECC޶ͷű :ECC Revision/Release Report in Progress >ִECC޶б :ECC Revision/Releases >̱(ECC)޶ǩ :ECC RevisionRelease Report >̱(ECC)޶ǩ :ECC Route >ECC · :ECC Set ECC Control for Stock Codes >Ḻ́(ECC) :ECC Status Authorities >̱ (ECC) ״̬Ȩ :ECC Status Browse >̱(ECC)״̬ :ECC Status Code Maintenance >̱ (ECC) ״̬ά :ECC Status Codes >̱ (ECC) ״̬ :ECC Status Codes and Routings >ECC 状态代码与路线选择 :ECC Status Event File >ECC ״̬¼ļ :ECC Status Events >ECC ״̬¼ :ECC Status Routing >ECC״̬· :ECC Status Routing Details >̱ (ECC) ״̬· :ECC Status Routing Maintenance >̱ (ECC) ״̬·ά :ECC Status Routings >ECC ״̬· :ECC Stock Information >ECCϢ :ECC Stock Quantities >̱(ECC) :ECC Stock Test >ECC :ECC Stock on Hold >ECC :ECC Structure >ECC 结构 :ECC Structure Amendment Journal >ECC ṹ޶ռ :ECC Structure and Routing Parent Detail >̱ (ECC) ṹ·ϸ :ECC Structure and Routing Parent Details >BOM ṹ·ϸ :ECC Subcontract Operation Details >̱ (ECC) Ӻͬ :ECC System administrator >ECCϵͳԱ :ECC User File >ECC ûļ :ECC User Maintenance >̱(ECC)ûά :ECC User/Operator Cross-reference >ECC û/Աղο :ECC Users Maintenance >ECC ûά :ECC add component >̱ (ECC) Ӳ :ECC add operation >̱ (ECC) Ӳ :ECC alert >ECC ʾ :ECC change component >̱ (ECC) IJ :ECC change operation >̱ (ECC) IJ :ECC change order >ECC :ECC control not allowed as module not installed >ûаװģ飬˲̱(ECC) :ECC control not allowed as quantity on hand is negative in warehouse '%1' >ֿ '%1' еΪ˲̱(ECC) :ECC control not allowed for Temporary or Clear type items >ʱ͵Ŀ̱(ECC) :ECC control not allowed with unit quantity processing >λڼ䲻̱(ECC) :ECC controlled ≯ı :ECC controlled can not be defined as there is stock in transit >˴,˲ɶܿصḺ́(ECC) :ECC controlled cannot be defined as a stock take is currently in progress >޷ܿع̱ (ECC)Ϊڽ̵ :ECC controlled cannot be defined as there is stock in transit >;,˲ɶܿصḺ́(ECC) :ECC controlled item '%1' not allowed >̱(ECC)ܿĿ '%1' :ECC controlled items cannot be notional parts >̱(ECC)ܿĿΪ񲿼 :ECC controlled items cannot be temporary or clear >ECCΪʱհ :ECC controlled items cannot have a negative quantity on hand >ECCӵΪ :ECC delete component >̱ (ECC) ɾ :ECC delete operation >̱ (ECC) ɾ :ECC details >̱ (ECC) :ECC information >̱ (ECC) Ϣ :ECC item >̱(ECC)Ŀ :ECC items >ECCĿ :ECC must be installed for this program to run. Program cancelled >Ҫʹó,밲װ̱(ECC)ȡ :ECC must be installed, and the stock control level must be either Rev or Rel, for this program to run. Program cancelled >Ҫʹ˳У밲װ ECCҿƼΪ޶а档ȡ :ECC must be installed, and the stock control level must be either Revision or Release, for this program to run. Program cancelled >Ҫб򣬱밲װ̱(ECC)ҿˮƽΪ޶ǩ״̬ȡ :ECC must be installed, and the stock control level must be either revision or release, for this program to run . Program cancelled >Ҫб򣬱밲װECCҿˮƽΪ޶ͷ״̬ȡ :ECC options >ECCѡ :ECC release numbering >ECC б :ECC release type >ECC :ECC revision numbering >ECC ޶ :ECC revision type >ECC ޶ :ECC selection >ECC 选择 :ECC status >̱(ECC)״̬ :ECC user ≯ıû :ECC user '%1' not found >δҹ̱(ECC)û '%1' :ECN Status >ECN״̬ :ECO >̱(ECO) :ECO Actions >̱(ECO) :ECO By Code >Ḻ́(ECO) :ECO Change Order Actions >ECOĶ :ECO Description >ECO :ECO Event >ECO¼ :ECO Information >ECO Ϣ :ECO key type >ECO Կ :ECO number >ECO :ECO numbering >ECO :ECO originator >̱(ECO) :ECO status ≯ı䶩״̬ :ECO system status >ECOϵͳ״̬ :EDI >EDI :EDI Blanket S/O and Release Import >ֽó(EDI)һ۶ǩ :EDI Blanket S/o and Releases Import >EDIۺ۶е :EDI Blanket SO Information >EDI һ SO Ϣ :EDI Blanket SO and Release Import >EDI һ SO е :EDI Blanket So and Releases Import >EDI һ So е :EDI Contract Pricing Export >EDIͬ۵ :EDI Contract Pricing Import >EDIͬ۵ :EDI Cross Reference Imported Line/Actual >EDI ղο/ʵ :EDI Interface Import/Export Log >EDI ӿڵ/־ :EDI Interface Site Master Control >EDI ӿվ :EDI Interface Site Master Header >EDI ӿվҳü :EDI Invoice Detail >EDI Ʊϸ :EDI Invoice Detail Extra >EDI ⷢƱϸ :EDI Invoice Export Purge >EDIƱ :EDI Invoice Export Purge in Progress >ִEDIƱ :EDI Invoice Extra Details >EDI Ʊϸ :EDI Invoice Header >EDI Ʊҳü :EDI Invoice, Credit & Dr Notes Export >ֽó(EDI)Ʊͽ跽Ʊݵ :EDI Invoice, Credit and Debit note Export >ݻ(EDI)Ʊ\ǵͽǵ :EDI Options >EDIѡ :EDI Order Line Maintenance >EDIά :EDI P/O Confirmation Import >ֽó(EDI)ɹȷϵ :EDI PO Confirmation Import >EDI PO ȷϱ :EDI Partner >EDI :EDI Partner code >EDI :EDI Partner code selection >EDIѡ :EDI Purchase Order Export >EDIɹ :EDI Purchase Order Export Complete >EDIɹ :EDI Purchase Order Export Review >EDIɹ :EDI Purchase Order Export in Progress >ִеݻ(EDI)ɹ :EDI Purchase Orders Confirmations Import >EDIɹȷϵ :EDI Sales Order Import >EDI۶ :EDI Sales Order Import Review >EDI۶ :EDI Sales Order Import in Progress >ִEDI۶ :EDI Sales order lines >ֽó(EDI)۶ :EDI View Purchase Order Lines >ֽó(EDI)鿴ɹ :EDI action flag >EDI :EDI extract flag >EDI ȡ :EDI format >EDIʽ :EDI purchase order >EDIɹ :EDI receiver code mismatch >ݻ(EDI)ջ˴벻 :EDI sender code >EDI :EDI sender code '%1' not found >δҵݻ(EDI)˴ '%1' :EDI sender code is blank >ݻ(EDI)˴Ϊհ :EDI sender code is blank in Interface setup options >ݻ(EDI)˴ڽѡΪհ :EDI sender code not on file >ݽ(EDI)˴벻 :EDI sender information >EDI Ϣ :EDI sender/receiver code is blank. Use the IMPACT Interface Setup program to capture the EDI sender/receiver code. Program cancelled >ݻ(EDI)ˣջ˴ΪհסʹIMPACTó׽ݻ(EDI)ˣջ˴롣ȡ :EDI sender/receiver code is blank. Use the SYSPRO Interface Setup program to capture the EDI sender/receiver code. Program cancelled >EDIշΪհףʹSYSPROó򲶻EDIշ롣ȡ :EDI sender/receiver code is blank. Use the IMPACT Interface Setup program to capture the EDI sender/receiver code. Program cancelled >ݻ(EDI)ˣջ˴ΪհסʹIMPACTó׽ݻ(EDI)ˣջ˴롣ȡ :EDI sender/receiver code is blank. Use the SYSPRO Interface Setup program to capture the EDI sender/receiver code. Program cancelled >EDIշΪհףʹSYSPROó򲶻EDIշ롣ȡ :EDI sender/receiver code is blank. Use the SYSPRO Interface Setup program to capture the EDI sender/receiver code. Program cancelled >EDI /ռ˴Ϊաʹ SYSPRO ӿó򲶻 EDI /ռ˴롣ȡ :EDI trading partner >EDIó׻ :EDI trading partner flag >ݽ(EDI)ó׻־ :EDI transmission header information >EDI ҳüϢ :EDI transmission receiving code >EDI մ :EDI transmission reference >EDI ο :EDI transmission sender code >EDI ䷢˴ :EEC Sales Report - Aggregate Sales >EEC ۱ C ۼ :EEC Sales Report - Supplementary Sales >EEC ۱ C ׷ :EEC VAT is in use, and nationality code '%1' is invalid >ŷ޾ùͬ帽˰(EEC VAT)ʹУ '%1' Ч :EEC invoice flag >EEC Ʊ :EFT >ʽת :EFT - Browse on extracted batches >ת(EFT) - ȡ :EFT - EFT Payments not processed >ת(EFT) - δת(EFT) :EFT A/P Payment Register >ת(EFT)Ӧʿ(A/P)ע :EFT A/P Remittance Print >ת(EFT)Ӧʿ(A/P)ӡ :EFT A/P Supplier >ת(EFT)Ӧʿ(A/P)Ӧ :EFT A/P VOID >ת(EFT)Ӧʿ(A/P)Ч :EFT AP Payment Register >EFT AP ǼDz :EFT AP Remittance Print >EFT AP ӡ :EFT AP Supplier >EFT AP Ӧ :EFT AP Supplier Extra Details >EFT AP Ӧ̶ :EFT AP VOID >EFT AP :EFT Additional Fields >ת(EFT)ֶ :EFT Amendement Journal >EFT ޶ռ :EFT Bank Control >ʽתп :EFT Bank Control Maintenance >EFTпά :EFT Bank Maintenance >EFTά :EFT Batch >ת(EFT) :EFT Batch Control >EFT :EFT Batch Extract Audit >EFT ȡ :EFT Beneficiary >EFT :EFT Beneficiary Amendment Journal >ת (EFT) ޶ռ :EFT Beneficiary Maintenance >EFTά :EFT Beneficiary to pay >EFT˴ :EFT Bitmap Forms >ת(EFT)λͼ :EFT Browse on Extracted Batches >ת(EFT)ȡ :EFT C/B Automatic Payment Release >ת(EFT)ֽʲ(C/B)Զǩ :EFT C/B Beneficiary Amendment Journal >ת(EFT)ֽʲ(C/B)޶ռ :EFT C/B Payments Schedule Release Rep >ת (EFT) ֽ˲ (C/B) ųǩ :EFT C/B Pending Transactions Report >ת(EFT)ֽʲ(C/B)ʽױ :EFT CB Automatic Payment Release >EFT CB Զ :EFT CB Beneficiary >EFT CB 受益人 :EFT CB Beneficiary Amendment Journal >EFT CB ޶ռ :EFT CB Payments Release Schedule Report >EFT CB ų̱ :EFT CB Payments Schedule Release Rep >EFT CB ų̷б :EFT CB Pending Transactions Report >EFT CB δױ :EFT Cash Book Beneficiaries >EFTֽ :EFT Cash Book Beneficiary Amendment Journal >EFT ֽ˲޶ռ :EFT Cash Book Beneficiary Details >ת (EFT) ֽ˲ :EFT Cash Book Beneficiary Maintenance >EFTֽά :EFT Cash Book Payment Release >ת(EFT)ֽʲǩ :EFT Cash Book Payments Release >EFTֽʸǩ :EFT Cash Book Pending Transactions >EFTֽʴ :EFT Cash Book Pending Transactions Report >EFTֽʴױ :EFT Cash Book Release Report >EFTֽǩ :EFT Cash Book Release Selection >ת(EFT)ֽʲǩѡ :EFT Cash Book Release Selections >ת(EFT)ֽʲǩѡ :EFT Cash Book Supplier Amendment Journal >EFT ֽ˲Ӧ޶ռ :EFT Cash Book Supplier Master >EFT ֽ˲Ӧ :EFT Cash Book Transactions Not Yet Paid >δ EFT ֽ˲ :EFT Cash Book Transactions Release Selection >EFTֽʽǩѡ :EFT Company Setup Options >EFT ˾ѡ :EFT Completed Payments >ת(EFT)ɸ :EFT Completed Payments Report >EFTɸ :EFT Control >EFT :EFT Control File >EFTļ :EFT Exported Payments Journal >ת(EFT)ռ :EFT Exported Payments Report by Batch >ĵת(EFT) :EFT Extract Journal Report >EFTռ˱ժ¼ :EFT Extract Journal Report Query >EFT ȡռ˱ѯ :EFT Extracted Batches >EFTժ¼ :EFT Extracted Payments Detail >EFT ȡϸ :EFT Extracted Payments Header >EFT ȡҳü :EFT Invoice Details >EFT Ʊϸ :EFT Invoice Details for Selected Transaction >ѡ׵EFTƱϸ :EFT Invoice Details for Supplier >Ӧ̵ת (EFT) Ʊϸ :EFT Invoice Details of Unpaid Amounts >δת (EFT) Ʊϸ :EFT Non Extracted Payments Detail >EFT δȡϸ :EFT Non Extracted Payments Header >EFT δȡҳü :EFT Not Yet Exported Payments Report >ת(EFT)δ :EFT Number >EFT :EFT Payment delete >ɾת(EFT) :EFT Payments Bank Information >EFT Ϣ :EFT Payments Extract >EFTժ¼ :EFT Payments Extract Information >EFT ȡϢ :EFT Payments Extract Transactions >EFT ȡ :EFT Payments Extract for Bank >еĵת(EFT)ȡ :EFT Payments Not Processed >δĵת(EFT) :EFT Payments Re-Extract >EFTժ¼ :EFT Payments Selected for Current Extract >Ϊǰȡѡ EFT :EFT Payments Selected for Extract >Ϊȡѡ EFT :EFT Payments Selected for an Extract >Ϊȡѡĵת(EFT) :EFT Payments extract control >EFT ȡ :EFT Payments extract details >EFT ȡϸ :EFT Payments for Bank >еת (EFT) :EFT Pending Payments >ת(EFT) :EFT Pending Payments Report >ת (EFT) δ :EFT Pending Payments Reports >EFT :EFT Purge >EFT :EFT Purge audit of batches >EFT :EFT Purge audit of batches control >EFT ƿ :EFT Purge audit of voided entries >EFT Ŀ :EFT Purge audit of voided entries control >EFT Ŀƿ :EFT Purge batches >EFT :EFT Purge batches control >EFT :EFT Purge cash book beneficiaries >EFT ֽ˲ :EFT Purge cash book beneficiaries control >EFT ֽ˲˿ :EFT Recreate XML File for a Batch >ת(EFT)Ϊ´XMLļ :EFT Remittance - General Detail >ת(EFT) - һ :EFT Remittance - Heading Fields >ת(EFT) - ֶ :EFT Remittance - Total Fields >ת(EFT) - ϼֶ :EFT Remittance Archive Viewer >EFT 鿴 :EFT Remittance Detail Section >ת(EFT)ϸ :EFT Remittance Heading Section >ת(EFT)ⲿ :EFT Remittance Preferences >ת(EFT)ѡ :EFT Remittance Total Section >ת(EFT)ϼƲ :EFT Remittance have previously been printed. Do you wish to reprint remittances? >ǰѴӡת(EFT)ϣ´ӡ :EFT Remittance print >ת(EFT)ӡ :EFT Remittances >ת(EFT) :EFT Selected Payments >EFT ѡ񸶿 :EFT Selected Payments Report >ת (EFT) ѡ :EFT Setup >EFT :EFT Setup Options >ת(EFT)ѡ :EFT Setup Options Report >ת (EFT) ѡ :EFT Supplier >EFT Ӧ :EFT Transaction >EFT :EFT Transaction complete >EFT :EFT Transaction information >EFT Ϣ :EFT Transactions >EFT :EFT Transactions Selected for Batch Payment >ΪѡEFT :EFT Validation >EFT֤ :EFT Void Journal >EFT ռ :EFT Void Journal Report >EFTЧռʱ :EFT Voided AP Payments Journal >EFT AP ռ :EFT Voided EFT Numbers Journal >ת(EFT)ʧЧת(EFT)ռ :EFT Voided Entries Detail Audit >EFT Ŀϸ :EFT Voided Entries Header Audit >EFT Ŀҳü :EFT bank account type >ת(EFT)ʻ :EFT batch number >ʽת :EFT batch selection >EFT ѡ :EFT beneficiaray amendment journals required >Ҫ EFT ޶ռ :EFT beneficiary '%1' not found >δҵת(EFT)'%1' :EFT beneficiary amendment journals required >ҪEFT޶ռ :EFT beneficiary bank '%1' differs from selected bank '%2' >ת(EFT) '%1' ͬѡ '%2' :EFT beneficiary bank does not match the bank you are processing >EFT 受益人银行不匹配您在处理的银行 :EFT beneficiary not on file >ת(EFT)β :EFT cash book beneficiaries before >֮ǰ EFT ֽ˲ :EFT global statement narration >EFT ȫֱ :EFT indicator flag >EFT ָ :EFT no >EFT :EFT number selection >EFTѡ :EFT options >EFTѡ :EFT payment >EFT :EFT payments >EFT :EFT payments are not required for this supplier >ڸùӦ̲Ҫת(EFT) :EFT payments not required for bank '%1' >ת(EFT) '%1' Ҫ :EFT payments not valid for this bank >ڸеת(EFT)Ч :EFT payments required >ҪEFT :EFT remittance >EFT :EFT transaction cannot be changed as it has been extracted to a batch >ѽѹ˲ɸĵת(EFT) :EFT transaction cannot be changed as it is part of a released batch >ͷһ֣˲ɸĵת(EFT) :EFT transaction extracted >ժ¼EFT :EFT transaction has been released to EFT system. Transaction will be set as un-released if beneficiary or transaction value is changed >ת(EFT)ͷŵת(EFT)ϵͳ˻׼ֵ򽫽ΪδͷŽ :EFT user %1 >ת(EFT)û %1 :EFT-CB pending transactions report >EFT-CBױ :EFT-Exported payments journal >ת(EFT)ĸռ :EFT-Exported payments report by batch >ת(EFT)ĸ :EFT-Not yet exported payments report >ת(EFT)δĸ :EFT-Payments selected for an extract >Ϊȡѡĵת(EFT) :ENT - Manual entry >ENT - ֶ :EOF >ļ(EOF) :ET (dynamic) >ѹʱ(ET)̬ :ET fixed >̶ET :ETA >Ƶʱ :ETL step count >ETL :EUL adjustments >EUL :EUL periods >EUL :EUL years >EUL :Each company is associated with a unique company id >ÿҹ˾ع˾ id :Each date must be a valid date and not earlier than the previous date, or zero >ÿһھΪЧڣҲǰڻΪ :Each record written will cause the data file to be 1000 bytes larger >ÿһ¼дᵼļ1000ֽ :Earlier than > :Earlier than last period end date >һڽ :Earliest First >״ :Earliest movements first >ı䶯 :Earliest payments first >ĸ :Earliest transaction first >Ľ :Early/Late Supply >/Ӧ :Early/late Supply Password >/Ӧ :Ecc Installed >װḺ́ (Ecc) :Ecc control flag >Ecc Ʊ :Ecc flag >Ecc :Economic Batch Quantity > :Economic batch qty > :Edi'd >ѱ༭ :Edit >༭ :Edit Account >༭ʻ :Edit Activity >༭ :Edit Bins >༭ :Edit Client Configuration >༭ͻ :Edit Client IMPACT.INI >༭ͻIMPACTINI :Edit Client IMPACT.INI File >༭ͻ IMPACT.INI ļ :Edit Co-products >༭ͬƷ :Edit Company >编辑公司 :Edit Contact >༭ϵ :Edit Context >༭ :Edit Contract >༭ͬ :Edit Custom Dictionary >༭Զֵ :Edit Customer >༭ͻ :Edit Date Format >༭ڸʽ :Edit Default XML Encoding >༭Ĭ XML :Edit Delivery Address >༭ַ :Edit Depreciation >༭۾ :Edit Draft >༭Ʊ :Edit Due Date >༭ :Edit Email contents >༭ʼ :Edit Email/SMTP Settings >༭ʼSMTP :Edit Field >༭ֶ :Edit Field Properties >༭ֶ :Edit Form >༭ :Edit Format >༭ʽ :Edit Global Configuration >༭ȫ :Edit Global Replace Dictionary >༭ȫ滻ֵ :Edit Hierarchy >༭ :Edit Icon >༭ͼ :Edit Icons >༭ͼ :Edit Item >༭Ŀ :Edit License Information >༭ЭϢ :Edit License Usage Options >༭֤ʹѡ :Edit Macro >۱༭ :Edit Message Inbox Details >༭ռ :Edit Mode >༭ģʽ :Edit Multimedia >༭ý :Edit Multimedia (Ctrl+E) >༭ý(Ctrl+E) :Edit Multimedia (Ctrl-E) >༭ý(Ctrl-E) :Edit Multimedia Objects >༭ý :Edit Multiple Accounts >༭˻ :Edit Multiple Customers >༭ͻ :Edit Multiple Suppliers >༭Ӧ :Edit Narrations >༭ :Edit Nationality Code >༭ :Edit Notepad >༭± :Edit Notes >༭ע :Edit Password >༭ :Edit Policies >༭ :Edit Range >༭Χ :Edit Rev/Rel >༭޶ǩ :Edit Routines >༭· :Edit SMTP Defaults >༭SMTPĬֵ :Edit Sales History >༭ʷ¼ :Edit Schedule >༭ų :Edit Sequence >编辑顺序 :Edit Serials >༭к :Edit Shipment Tracking >༭׷ :Edit Stock Code Options >༭ѡ :Edit Substitution >༭ :Edit Supplier >༭Ӧ :Edit Task >༭ :Edit Task Group >༭ :Edit Text >༭ı :Edit Transaction >༭ :Edit Transaction Details >编辑交易明细 :Edit User Defined >༭ûԶĿ :Edit VBScript >༭ VBScript :Edit VBScript Module >༭ VBScript ģ :Edit VBScript for this role >༭ְ VBScript :Edit View >༭ͼ :Edit Window Title >༭ڱ :Edit after Copy >ƺ༭ :Edit control >༭ :Edit custom form (Ctrl-U) >༭Զ (Ctrl-U) :Edit customer details >༭ͻϸ :Edit customer p/o number >༭ͻɹ :Edit dimension >༭ :Edit existing list >༭б :Edit hierarchy distribution >༭ηֲ :Edit line discount >༭ۿ :Edit manual conversion factor >༭ֶתϵ :Edit multiple >༭ :Edit organization >༭֯ :Edit pattern >༭ʽ :Edit pattern may be up to %1 integers >༭ͼܶ %1 :Edit postal/zip codes %1 >编辑邮政编码 %1 :Edit postal/zip codes as %1 >༭Ϊ %1 :Edit postal/zip codes as 5-4 >༭Ϊ5-4 :Edit quantities using decimals >使用小数编辑数量 :Edit quantities using decimals associated with item >ʹĿС༭ :Edit restrictions >编辑限制 :Edit schedules >༭ų :Edit serials/lots >༭ϵУ :Edit spread >༭ӱ :Edit stock code after copy >ƺ༭ :Edit structure >༭ṹ :Edit supplier details >༭Ӧϸ :Edit system date format >༭ϵͳڸʽ :Edit system-wide VBScript >༭ȫϵͳ VBScript :Edit template >༭ģ :Edit the VBScript >༭ VBScript :Edit the Window Title >༭ڱ :Edit the selected template >༭ѡģ :Edit validation >༭֤ :Edit watermark images >编辑水印图像 :Edit(Alt+E) >༭(Alt+E) :Edit/Record Programs >༭¼ :Editable >ɱ༭ :Editable for other operators >Աɱ༭ :Editable form >ɱ༭ :Editing >༭ :Editing Client IMPACT.INI >༭ͻIMPACTINI :Editing this structure may invalidate any existing G/L accounts. Do you wish to continue? >༭ṹпʹеʻʧЧϣ :Effective date >ʵ :Effective from date >Чʼ :Effective period >Ч :Either a job or a customer must be entered >ҵͻ :Either a job or a customer should be entered >Ӧ빤ͻ :Either a job or a supplier must be entered >ҵӦ :Either a job or a supplier should be entered >Ӧ빤Ӧ :Either no changes, or only custom form changes, have been made. Would you like to increase the version? >要么尚未作出任何更改,要么仅已对自定义表格进行更改。您希望提高版本吗? :Either no sites have been configured or this operator has not been given access to any configured sites. Please contact your SYSPRO Analytics site administrator >Ҫôδκվ㣬ҪôòԱδκվȨޡSYSPROվԱϵ :Either stocked or non-stocked items must be included >ͷǿƷ :Either the Registration number is incorrect or one of the following is incorrect: Company name, Termination year/month, Modules installed >ע벻ȷijȷ˾ֹȣ·ݡѰװģ :Either the last period end, the last month end or the last year end dates have not been setup in the Work in Progress installation options >һաһĩһδڡִҵװѡ :Either wrong lot selected or quantity issued exceeded >Ҫôѡ˴ΣҪôǩѳ :Either you have tried to run this program directly from the menu or the program that called this one did not pass the year correctly >ͼӲ˵ֱб򣬻ߵñijδȷͨ :Elapsed > :Elapsed ( %1 ) >ʱѹ ( %1 ) :Elapsed ( %1 ) >ʱѹ ( %1 ) :Elapsed time >ʱ :Elapsed time (days) >ʱ䣨 :Elapsed time fixed >ѹ̶ʱ :Elapsed time may not be zero >ʱ䲻Ϊ :Elbow >弯头 :Elbow with Arrow >带箭头弯头 :Elbow with Double Arrow >带双箭头弯头 :Electronic Data > :Electronic Data Interchange >ݻ :Electronic Fund Transfer >ʽת :Electronic Funds Transfer >ת :Electronic Funds Transfer Setup >ת :Electronic Signature Setup >ǩ :Electronic Signature Transaction Maintenance >ǩά :Electronic Signature verification successful but transaction not yet completed >ѳɹɵǩ֤δ :Electronic Signatures >ǩ :Electronic Signatures - Denied >ǩ - Ѿܾ :Electronic Signatures - Trigger Setup >ǩ - :Electronic Signatures Audit Log >ǩ־ :Electronic Signatures Audit Log Browse >ǩ־ :Electronic Signatures Audit Log Query >ǩ־ѯ :Electronic Signatures Detail Log >ǩϸ־ :Electronic Signatures Log Purge >ǩ־ :Electronic Signatures Purge >ǩ :Electronic Signatures Report >ǩ :Electronic Signatures Setup >ǩ :Electronic Signatures Transactions >ǩ :Electronic Signatures have been turned off. This means that all SYSPRO transactions will be unsecured. Ok to continue? >ǩѹر.ζSYSPRO׾ʧȥȫϡȷҪ :Electronic signatures required >Ҫǩ :Element >ɷ :Element %1 (for duty) >Ҫ %1 ְ :Element '%1' not allowed for batch serials >ϵвҪ '%1' :Element 1 (for duty) >Ҫ1ְ :Element 2 (for duty) >Ҫ2ְ :Element 3 (for duty) >Ҫ3ְ :Element Descriptor >Ҫ :Element Descriptor Details >Ԫ :Element Descriptor List >Ҫб :Element Descriptor Maintenance >Ҫά :Element Descriptors >ɷ˵ :Element Details >Ԫ :Element Maintenance >Ҫά :Element Narrations >Ҫ :Element Structure >Ҫؽṹ :Element Structure Details >Ԫؽṹ :Element Structure Maintenance >Ҫؽṹά :Element Structures >ɷֽṹ :Element Value >Ҫֵ :Element already used >ùҪ :Element and Calculation code are equal. Please enter an element or calaculation code to be replaced >ҪȡҪҪػ :Element and Calculation code cannot both be blank >Ҫغͼ벻߶հ :Element and Calculation code combination not found. No Elements/Calculation codes were replaced >δҵҪغͼ롣Ҫأδ滻 :Element caption >Ԫر :Element code >Ҫش :Element code and Calculation code cannot both be blank >Ҫشͼ߲ɾΪհ :Element code is fixed >Ҫشѹ̶ :Element description >Ԫ :Element does not use a fixed cost >Ҫδʹù̶ɱ :Element information >ԪϢ :Element name >Ҫ :Element name %1 cannot have an element value '%2' >Ҫ %1 ɴҪֵ '%2' :Element not on file >Ҫزļ :Element record locked >Ҫؼ¼ :Element selection >Ҫѡ :Element supplier >ҪعӦ :Element value ( >Ҫֵ :Element value ( ) >Ҫֵ( ) :Element value (local) >Ҫֵأ :Elements >ɷ :Elements for Stock Code/Route >룯·Ҫ :Elements for Stock Code/Routes >/·Ԫ :Elevation >ͼ :Email >ʼ :Email Address >ʼַ :Email Customer >ͻʼ :Email Invoices Created report >用电子邮件发送已创建发票报告 :Email Received >յʼ :Email Report >Եʼͱ :Email Sent >ʼ :Email Summary report >用电子邮件发送摘要报告 :Email Supplier >Եʼ͹Ӧ :Email Suppliers on Hold report >用电子邮件发送保留报告中的供应商 :Email Template Editor >ʼģ༭ :Email Templates >ʼģ :Email Word Document >Եʼ Word ĵ :Email address invalid without SMTP address >ʼַЧSMTPַ :Email cc >ʼ :Email copy will be sent to this cc >ʼ˳ :Email customers >ͻ͵ʼ :Email document >ʼ? :Email documents >Եʼļ :Email log file to operator's email address >Աʼַ־ļ :Email method >ʼ :Email notification >ʼ֪ͨ :Email notification req >ʼ֪ͨ :Email notification required >Ҫʼ֪ͨ :Email options >ʼѡ :Email polling server setup >ʼѯ :Email priority >ʼȼ :Email recipients >ʼռ :Email report of purged orders >Եʼ :Email response message information >ʼӦϢϢ :Email response server setup >ʼӦ :Email subject >ʼ :Email template >ʼģ :Email the Details >Եʼϸ :Email the Import Result >Եʼ͵ :Email the Import Result report >Եʼ͵ :Email the Import Results >Եʼ͵ :Email the Inventory Balance report >Եʼʹ :Email the List of Rejections >Եʼ;б :Email the Messages report >ԵʼϢ :Email the Sales Analysis Purge Report >Եʼ۷ :Email the Sales Analysis Summary Report >Եʼ۷ժҪ :Email the Sales Analysis Variances >Եʼ۷ :Email the Warehouse Balance report >ԵʼͲֿ :Email the audit trail to selected recipi >ѡռ˷׷ :Email the audit trail to selected recipients >׷ٷ͵ѡռ :Email the balance exception report >Եʼ쳣 :Email the deleted RMA report >Եʼɾ RMA :Email the deposit slip >Եʼʹ :Email the detail copy >Եʼϸ :Email the exception report >Եʼ쳣 :Email the export file >Եʼ͵ļ :Email the messages report to selected recipients >Ϣ淢͵ѡռ :Email the purge audit trail >Եʼ׷ :Email the purged report >Եʼ :Email the report >Եʼͱ :Email the report to selected recipients >ѡռ˷ͱ :Email the report to someone >淢͵ij :Email the retained earnings report >Եʼ汨 :Email the sales order purge report >Եʼ۶ :Email this Report >Եʼʹ˱ :Email user >ʼû :Email using >ʼʹ :Email using VBScript >ʹVBScriptĵʼ :Email/SMTP settings >电子邮件/SMTP 设置 :Emailed >ѷ͵ʼ :Emailing report >ڷͱ :Emphasize group heading >ͻ :Emphasize objects >ǿ :Employee >Ա :Employee '%1' not found >δҵԱ '%1' :Employee - Job >Ա - :Employee - Machine >Ա - :Employee - Operation >Ա - :Employee - Work center >Ա - :Employee Details >Ա :Employee Efficiency >ԱЧ :Employee Efficiency Report in Progress >ִйԱЧʱ :Employee Loans >Ա :Employee Maintenance >Աά :Employee Rate >Ա :Employee Rate Copy in Progress >ִйԱʸ :Employee Rate Description Maintenance >Ա˵ά :Employee Rate Descriptions >Ա˵ :Employee Rate Indicator >Աָ :Employee Rates >Ա :Employee Time Unit of Measure >Աʱ䵥λ :Employee Time Unit of Measure Maintenan >Աʱλά :Employee Time Unit of Measure Maintenance >Աʱλά :Employee Total >Աϼ :Employee name >Ա :Employee not on file >Ա :Employee number >Ա :Employee rate record locked >Աʼ¼ :Employee rate time u/m >Աʱλ :Employee rate time uom >Աʱλ :Employee record locked >Ա¼ :Employee required for PAYPAC integration >PAYPACҪԱ :Employee selection >Աѡ :Employee time U/m >Աʱλ(U/m) :Employee u/m >Աλ :Employee uom >Աλ :Employees >Ա :Emplyee Rate >Ա :Empty Mask > :Enable BOM Maintenance >BOMά :Enable Standard Encore menus >ñ׼Encore˵ :Enable Standard SYSPRO menus >ñ׼SYSPRO˵ :Enable Structure and Routing Maintenance >ýṹ·ά :Enable User menus >û˵ :Enable Virtual Space >ռ :Enable business processes for this ledger code >Ϊʴҵ :Enable company for Analysis >ù˾ :Enable date selection for summary report >ûܱѡ :Enable eSignatures >õǩ :Enable editing of Fast menus >ÿٲ˵༭ :Enable editing of User menus >û˵༭ :Enable editing of menus for same group >ͬһIJ˵༭ :Enable hot tracking >ȸ :Enable job >ù :Enable setup optimization >Ż :Enable struct maint >ýṹά :Enable structure maintenance >ýṹά :Enabled > :Enables double-click to launch applications >启用双击以启动启动应用 :Enabling Structure and Routing Maintenance >ýṹ·ά :Encryption level >ܼ :Encryption master password > :End > :End All Unknown Processes >ȫδ֪ :End Analysis > :End Contract >ͬ :End Counter Sale > :End Criteria >׼ :End Day > :End Dispatch > :End Dispatch and Return Maintenance Window >结束发货和退货维护窗口 :End Distribution > :End Distribution/Post >䣯 :End Edit >༭ :End Entries > :End G/L Distribution >G/L :End GL Analysis >(GL) :End GL Distribution >G/L :End Invoice >Ʊ :End Journal >ռ :End Order > :End Order Print >结束订单打印 :End Order and Return to Order Entry >结束订单并返回订单条目 :End P/order >ɹ :End Payment Run > :End Process > :End Program > :End Quote > :End RMA >EMA :End RMA Issue - RMA No >˻Ȩ(RMA)ǩ - RMA :End RMA Receipt - RMA No >˻Ȩ(RMA)վ - RMA :End Sales Order >۶ :End Screen Customization >Ļƻ :End This Payment Run >˸ :End Translation > :End attribute > :End date > :End date and time must be later than Start date and time >ںʱڿʼںʱ :End date differs for scheduled job. Continue? >ڲͬŶҵҪ :End date for Range %1 >Χ %1 :End date of last period of history >һʷڵĽ :End date selection >ѡ :End date/time >ڣʱ :End depreciation date cannot be less than start date >۾ɽڲСʼ :End dispatch note and leave as \"Ready to print\" >Ϊ\"ӡ\" :End dispatch note and place it in "Suspense" >Ϊ "" :End dispatch note and place it in \"Suspense\" >\"˳\" :End line may not be less than start line >вСʼ :End month >· :End month / year >·ݣ :End month/year >·ݣ :End of Journal >ռʽ :End of Op. Message >Ϣ :End of Operation Message >Ϣ :End of Processing > :End of XML declaration '%1' expected at location '%2', near '%3' >Ŀ '%3 λ '%2' XML :End of file >ļ :End of file reached. Restarting at the beginning >ѵļβӿͷ¿ʼ :End of master job >主工作结束 :End of release schedule >ʱ :End of report > :End of report message >Ϣ :End operator >Ա :End period >ڽ :End process '%1' > '%1' :End quotation > :End record number >¼ :End spend period >֧ :End spend year >֧ :End this journal? >Ҫռ :End time >ʱ :End transaction > :End year >Ƚ :End/Save Pay Run >渶 :Ending amount > :Ending balance > :Ending record type >¼ :Ending the order will place it into 'suspense' >롰ͣ :Ending the order will place it into suspense >ʹ :Ending the re-calculation process will result in data essential to the snapshot being lost. A new snapshot will have to be taken, overwriting any changes made to the current snapshot. Do you still wish to end this program? >¼̽¶ԿշdzؼݶʧµĿգԸǶԵǰκθġϣ :Ending the recalculation process will result in data essential to the snapshot being lost. A new snapshot will have to be taken, overwriting any changes made to the current snapshot. Do you still wish to end this program? >¼̽¶ԿշdzҪݵĶʧµĿգԸǶԵǰκθġϣ˳ :Ending value >ֵ :Engine no > :Engine number > :Engineer >ʦ :Engineer selection >ʦѡ :Engineering > :Engineering Change Control >̱ :Engineering Change Control Stock Code >̱䶯ƿ :Engineering Change Control not installed >δװ̱䶯 :Engineering Change Order >̱䶯 :Engineering Change Order Maintenance >̱䶯ά :Engineering Change Order Status Report >̱䶯״̬ :Engineering Change Order in Progress >ִй̱䶯 :Engineering Change Orders >̱ :Engineering Change Orders by Stock Code >Ḻ́ :Engineering Change Status >̱䶯״̬ :Engineering Department >̲ :Engineering ECO system status >ECOϵͳ״̬ :Engineering Profile >ʵ :Engineering Profile in Progress >ִй :Engineering Status >״̬ :Engineering Status Maintenance >״̬ά :Engineering User >û :Engineering User Details >û :Engineering User Maintenance >ûά :Engineering User/Operators Xref >û/Աղο :Engineering Users >û :Engineering Users/Operators Cross Reference >ûԱ :Engineering change control information >̱Ϣ :Engineering change controls >工程变更控制 :Engineering change order locked >̱䶯 :Engineering change order not on file >̱ :Engineering change order numbering >̱䶯 :Engineering change order selection >̱ѡ :Engineering status selection >״̬ѡ :Engineers >ʦ :English >Ӣ :English Text >Ӣı :English US >Ӣ :Enquiry Date >ѯ :Enquiry type >ѯ :Ensure that all Distribution entries have been printed, and a period-end >ȷȫѴӡĩ :Ensure that your database is case sensitive or binary >ȷݿΪִСдΪ :Ensures that the toolbar showing basic list view functions is shown for all list views >ȷʾбͼ鿴ܵĹбͼʾ :Enter > :Enter '%1' for all >Ϊ'%1' :Enter '%1' if not required >Ҫ'%1' :Enter '00/00/00' for all >ȫ'00/00/00' :Enter '00/00/00' if not required >ûҪ'00/00/00' :Enter '99/99/99' if not required >Ҫ'99/99/99' :Enter Address >ַ :Enter Application Title >输入应用标题 :Enter Asset Owner >ʲ :Enter Balance at Run Time >ʱ :Enter Batch Total > :Enter Bin > :Enter Buyer >ɹ :Enter Buyer Group >ɹ :Enter Buying Group >ɹ :Enter Cash Drawer > :Enter Charge Line >շ :Enter City > :Enter Constant Code >볣 :Enter Container Type > :Enter Cost uom >ɱλ :Enter County > :Enter Currency > :Enter Customer >ͻ :Enter Customer or Suppler to Contra >ͬͻӦ :Enter Customer or Supplier to Contra >ͻӦͬ :Enter Default Values >Ĭϼֵ :Enter Delivery Terms >뽻 :Enter Dispatch Comments >输入发货注解 :Enter Element >Ԫ :Enter File Name >ļ :Enter G/L code at state break >״̬ЪڼG/L :Enter GL Analysis Later >Ժ GL :Enter GL code at state break >״̬ЪڼG/L :Enter Invoice >뷢Ʊ :Enter Invoice Details >뷢Ʊϸ :Enter Job Classification >빤 :Enter Job Posting Details >ҵתϸ :Enter LCT Route > LCT · :Enter Ledger Period > :Enter Ledger Year > :Enter Master Account Number >˻˻ :Enter Nature of Transaction >뽻 :Enter New Apportionment >·̯ :Enter New Item >Ŀ :Enter Non-productive Code > :Enter Notes for Requisition Line >빺ע :Enter Notes for the Requisition >ͻ빺ע :Enter Order Type >붩 :Enter Order Unit of Measure >붩λ :Enter Password > :Enter Payment Type >븶 :Enter Period > :Enter Period Number >ڱ :Enter Price Unit of Measure >۸λ :Enter Problem Code > :Enter Range >뷶Χ :Enter Remittance Text >ı :Enter Reporting Currency >뱨 :Enter Required Dispatch Note >输入所需的发货单 :Enter Requisition Group >빺 :Enter Resource code >Դ :Enter Resource parent >Դ :Enter Route >输入路线 :Enter SCT Warehouses > SCT ֿ :Enter Sales Order >۶ :Enter Sales order header details >۶ҳü :Enter Search String >ַ :Enter Serial Numbers >ϵк :Enter Serial number >ϵк :Enter Serials >输入系列 :Enter Service Charge >շ :Enter Service Charge Line >շ :Enter Shipment > :Enter Site >վ :Enter Source Warehouse >Դֿ :Enter State > :Enter Stock uom >λ :Enter Storage Hazard Code >洢Σմ :Enter Storage Security Code >洢ȫ :Enter Storage condition >洢 :Enter Supplier >빩Ӧ :Enter Supplier Code >빩Ӧ̴ :Enter Target Warehouse >Ŀֿ :Enter Tax Geo Code >˰ :Enter Template >ģ :Enter Time Period and Select Snooze >ʱڲѡ˯ :Enter Transport Code > :Enter Unit of Measure >λ :Enter Warehouse >ֿ :Enter Year > :Enter Zip Code > :Enter a Asset >ʲ :Enter a BOM Employee Rate >ϵ (BOM) Ա :Enter a BOM Route >ϵ (BOM) · :Enter a Bank > :Enter a Bank Control >п :Enter a Bank code >д :Enter a Batch Number > :Enter a Beneficiary > :Enter a Bin > :Enter a Blanket PO Contract >һ PO ͬ :Enter a Branch >֧ :Enter a Calculation Code > :Enter a Capex >ʱ :Enter a Capex Item >ʱĿ :Enter a Cash Model >ֽģ :Enter a Charge Code >շѴ :Enter a Co-product Line Code >빲ͬƷд :Enter a Comment >븽ע :Enter a Commission Code >Ӷ :Enter a Component >벿 :Enter a Configuration >输入配置 :Enter a Configuration Password >输入配置密码 :Enter a Contact >ϵ :Enter a Contract >ͬ :Enter a Cost Center >ɱ :Enter a Cost Center Code >ɱĴ :Enter a Currency > :Enter a Customer >ͻ :Enter a Customer Purchase Order >ͻɹ :Enter a Customer Stock Code >ͻ :Enter a Customer class >ͻȼ :Enter a Customer p/o >ͻɹ :Enter a Customer po >ͻ PO :Enter a Day > :Enter a Deduction Code >۳ :Enter a Delivery Load >뽻װ :Enter a Delivery Route >뽻· :Enter a Department Code >벿Ŵ :Enter a Discount code >ۿ۴ :Enter a Dispatch Note >뷢 :Enter a Drawing Code >ͼֽ :Enter a Drawing Size >ͼֽС :Enter a ECO Number > ECO :Enter a Employee Code >Ա :Enter a GIT Reference > GIT ο :Enter a GL Analysis Category > GL :Enter a GL Code > GL :Enter a GRN Number > GRN :Enter a Geographic Area > :Enter a Group > :Enter a Hierarchical Job >ּ :Enter a Invoice terms >뷢Ʊ :Enter a Job >ҵ :Enter a Journal >ռ :Enter a Ledger code >ʴ :Enter a Lot Number >κ :Enter a Machine Code > :Enter a Master Job > :Enter a Nationality Code > :Enter a New Stock Code >¿ :Enter a Non-Stocked Code >ǿ :Enter a P/order >ɹ :Enter a Parent Non-stocked Code >ǿ :Enter a Parent Stock Code > :Enter a Planner >ƻԱ :Enter a Product Group >Ʒ :Enter a Product class >Ʒȼ :Enter a Purchase Order >ɹ :Enter a Query Business Object >ѯҵ :Enter a Quotation >뱨 :Enter a RMA number >˻Ȩ(RMA) :Enter a Reference >ο :Enter a Reference Number >ο :Enter a Requisition >빺 :Enter a Requisition Group >빺 :Enter a Resolution Code > :Enter a Role >ְ :Enter a Route Code >·ߴ :Enter a Rule > :Enter a Sales Order >۶ :Enter a Salesperson >Ա :Enter a Serial >ϵ :Enter a Serial Number >ϵк :Enter a Service Charge >շ :Enter a Service Charge Code >շѴ :Enter a Shipment >输入货运 :Enter a Shipping Instruction >װָʾ :Enter a Single GRN to Append to List >输入单个 GRN 以附加到列表 :Enter a Standard Hierarchy >׼ּ :Enter a Status Code >״̬ :Enter a Std Hierarchy >׼ּ :Enter a Stock code > :Enter a Supplementary code > :Enter a Supplier >빩Ӧ :Enter a Supplier class >빩Ӧ̵ȼ :Enter a TP Account >ó״ (TP) ʻ :Enter a Tariff Code >˰ :Enter a Tax Code >˰ :Enter a Template >ģ :Enter a Tool Set >빤߼ :Enter a Transport code > :Enter a User >û :Enter a User-defined Journal Source Code >ûռԴ :Enter a Vessel > :Enter a Warehouse >ֿ :Enter a Withholding Tax Code >˰ :Enter a Work Center >빤 :Enter a Work Center Code >ҵĴ :Enter a accrual type >Ϣ :Enter a category > :Enter a category for this job (optional) >Ϊ˹ (ѡ) :Enter a comment code >ע :Enter a customer number before searching for the invoice >Ʊ֮ǰͻ :Enter a date to change the Long, Short and Report date samples >Ըij̺ͱ :Enter a deposit > :Enter a description for this job >Ϊ˹ :Enter a description that will uniquely identify this site >Ψһʶվ :Enter a descriptor > :Enter a labor format code >Ͷʽ :Enter a list of companies associated with this industry >ҵصĹ˾б :Enter a month to define in which month >·ݣȷ˾Ǵĸ·ݿʼе :Enter a name for the new SQL database that will be used for this Site >Ϊ SQL ݿ뽫ڴվ :Enter a name that will uniquely identify this Job >뽫Ψһʶ˹ :Enter a order type >붩 :Enter a period no in which your >ں룬ڴڹ˾ :Enter a period to define in which period >ʱڣȷ˾ :Enter a program name or use wildcards to >ͨ :Enter a program name or use wildcards to match >ʹͨƥ :Enter a program name or use wildcards to match a program >ʹͨƥ :Enter a program which is to be included in customization >뽫ڶƻеij :Enter a promotion code > :Enter a range of serial numbers >ϵк뷶Χ :Enter a reason code >ԭ :Enter a scrap reason >뱨ԭ :Enter a selection set >ѡ :Enter a shipping instruction code >װָʾ :Enter a time >ʱ :Enter a valid company and password >ЧĹ˾ :Enter a valid user name and password >Чû :Enter a value for Local currency >뵱ػҼֵ :Enter a work center time unit of measure >ҵļλ :Enter a zero value here to use current >ڴֵһ :Enter additional information for issue >Ϊǩ븽Ϣ :Enter an A/P Branch >Ӧʿ(A/P)֧ :Enter an A/R Branch >Ӧʿ (A/R) ֧ :Enter an A/R Geographic area >Ӧʿ (A/R) :Enter an AP Branch >Ӧʿ(AP)֧ :Enter an AR Branch >Ӧʿ (AR) ֧ :Enter an AR Geographic area >Ӧʿ (AR) :Enter an Account >˻ :Enter an Address Code >ַ :Enter an Approved Manufacturer >׼ :Enter an Asset >ʲ :Enter an Asset Capex Classification >ʲʱ÷ :Enter an Asset Capex Item >ʲʱĿ :Enter an Asset Capex Type >ʲʱ :Enter an Asset Code >ʲ :Enter an Asset Depreciation Code >ʲ۾ɴ :Enter an Asset Expense Code >ʲô :Enter an Asset Group >ʲ :Enter an Asset Location >ʲλ :Enter an Asset Mechanic >ʲ :Enter an Asset Owner >ʲ :Enter an Asset Reason for Disposal >ʲԭ :Enter an Asset Reason for Revaluation >ʲ¹ԭ :Enter an Asset Status >ʲ״̬ :Enter an Asset Type >ʲ :Enter an Capex Item >ʱĿ :Enter an ECC Status Code >빤̱ (ECC) ״̬ :Enter an Element Code >Ԫش :Enter an Element Descriptor Code >Ԫ :Enter an Employee Code >Ա :Enter an Engineering User >빤û :Enter an Expense Code >ô :Enter an Extended Tax Code >չ˰ :Enter an Invoice >뷢Ʊ :Enter an Invoice Discount code >뷢Ʊۿ۴ :Enter an Invoice Term >뷢Ʊ :Enter an Invoice number >输入发票号码 :Enter an Invoice terms >뷢Ʊ :Enter an Operation > :Enter an Operator >Ա :Enter an employee rate time unit of measure >Աʱλ :Enter approved manufacture >׼ :Enter at least %1 analysis code > %1 :Enter at least 1 analysis code >1 :Enter bank charges in A/R payments >A/RУз :Enter bank charges in AR payments >A/RУз :Enter company IDs for which the watermark must be applied, separated by ; >ӦˮӡĹ˾ ID ; ָ :Enter contact name >ϵ :Enter contra >ͬ :Enter cost distribution >ɱ :Enter department >벿 :Enter details of deposits or withdrawals against a selected bank, reconcile and unreconcile transactions and process foreign currency transactions >ѡеĴ飬Խ׶˻ȡˣҽ :Enter dummy jobs >ҵ :Enter email recipient >ʼռ :Enter filenames >ļ :Enter financial period > :Enter fixed cost in local currency >뵱ػҹ̶ɱ :Enter form title > :Enter freight line >˷ :Enter items separated by ; >Ŀ ; ָ :Enter labor posting >Ͷ :Enter line discount >ۿ :Enter miscellaneous line > :Enter more scrap entries >Ʒ :Enter multiple bins > :Enter multiple lots >输入多批次 :Enter new blanket sales order releases into the system and maintain unconfirmed releases >ϵͳһ۶вάδȷϵķ :Enter new customer request date for all lines >Ϊȫ¿ͻ :Enter new deposit >¶ :Enter new group > :Enter new password > :Enter new role >ְ :Enter non-merchandise cost >Ʒɱ :Enter non-stocked line >ǿ :Enter number of days > :Enter operation > :Enter or browse a customer >ͻ :Enter order discount >붩ۿ :Enter page numbers and/or page ranges separated by >ҳͣҳ淶Χ :Enter parent warehouse >ֿ :Enter password to open Book >˲ :Enter payment amounts received from customers and print a list of unpaid invoices for those customers >ӿͻյĸӡЩͻδƱб :Enter price >۸ :Enter price change password >۸ :Enter price code >۸ :Enter prices for non-stocked items >ǿĿ۸ :Enter product class >Ʒȼ :Enter product group >Ʒ :Enter profit % >% :Enter quotes in a rapid and effective manner without having to enter all the details associated with the entry of a normal order >ڲص¿ҸЧ뱨 :Enter reference, date and comment >οںע :Enter reference, date and comment to use >õIJοںע :Enter report to run >뱨 :Enter review options according to which sales order lines will be dispatched >뽫ݴ˷۶еѡ :Enter serial numbers at sale >输入在售系列号 :Enter spaces to use customer's area cod >ոʹÿͻ :Enter stock code > :Enter stocked line > :Enter the Address >ַ :Enter the Business Object >ҵ :Enter the alternate key >滻 :Enter the approved manufacturers code >׼̴ :Enter the calendar year in which >ǰ :Enter the conversion factor to be applied >Ӧõתϵ :Enter the customer stock code >ͻ :Enter the initial address >ʼַ :Enter the keyword in your language >ؼ :Enter the list (one per line) >б (ÿһ) :Enter the location of the image >ͼλ :Enter the location or URL of the multimedia object >ýĵַURL :Enter the name of the PDF document > PDF ĵ :Enter the name of the list and press enter, or select a previously saved list >б Enter (س) ѡǰб :Enter the name of the report file (.RPT) >뱨ļ (.RPT) :Enter the partial stock code to match >ҪƥIJֿ :Enter the report code and the report title >뱨ͱ :Enter the specific day of the month >·ݵ :Enter the specific day of the month on which >·ݵľ :Enter the specific day of the month on which the entry is to be >·ݵľڣйصĹӦ̣ :Enter the supplier stock code >빩Ӧ̿ :Enter the template name >ģ :Enter the text to be shown on the push button >Ҫڰťʾı :Enter the time to serve as a script break for code execution >ΪִнűϿʱ :Enter unit cost >뵥λɱ :Enter unit price >뵥 :Enter up to %1 Asset Codes > %1 ʲ :Enter up to %1 Asset Group Codes > %1 ʲ :Enter up to %1 Asset Groups > %1 ʲ :Enter up to %1 Asset Types > %1 ʲ :Enter up to %1 Assets > %1 ʲ :Enter up to %1 Branch Codes > %1 ֧ :Enter up to %1 Branches > %1 ֧ :Enter up to %1 Customers > %1 ҿͻ :Enter up to %1 Dispatch Notes > %1 ݷ :Enter up to %1 Jobs > %1 ҵ :Enter up to %1 Location Codes > %1 λô :Enter up to %1 Locations > %1 λ :Enter up to %1 Non-stocked Codes > %1 ǿ :Enter up to %1 Sales Orders > %1 ۶ :Enter up to %1 Stock Codes > %1 :Enter up to %1 Suppliers > %1 ҹӦ :Enter up to %1 Types > %1 :Enter up to %1 Warehouses > %1 ֿ :Enter up to %1 Work Centers > %1 ҵ :Enter up to %1 values for this field >Ϊֶ %1 ֵ :Enter up to 100 Customers >100ͻ :Enter up to 100 Dispatch Notes >100ݷ :Enter up to 100 Jobs >100ҵ :Enter up to 100 Sales Orders >100۶ :Enter up to 100 Stock Codes >100 :Enter up to 100 Suppliers >100ҹӦ :Enter up to 100 Warehouses >100ֿ :Enter up to 100 Work Centers >100ҵ :Enter up to 100 work centers >输入最多 100 个工作中心 :Enter up to 20 Asset Codes >20ʲ :Enter up to 20 Asset Group Codes >20ʲ :Enter up to 20 Asset Groups >20ʲ :Enter up to 20 Asset Types >20ʲ :Enter up to 20 Assets >20ʲ :Enter up to 20 Branch Codes >20֧ :Enter up to 20 Branches >20֧ :Enter up to 20 Location Codes >20λô :Enter up to 20 Locations >20λ :Enter up to 20 Types >20 :Enter up to 20 values for this field >Ϊֶ20ֵ :Enter up to 200 Customers >200ͻ :Enter up to 50 Jobs >50ҵ :Enter up to 50 Non-stocked Codes >50ǿ :Enter up to 50 Stock Codes >50 :Enter your anticipated month end dates for all modules now >ڣΪеģ :Enter your system-wide language - default is '%1' (English) >ķϵͳ - ĬΪ '%1' (Ӣ) :Enter zero for no limit >ƣ :Enter zero to print system date >㣬Դӡϵͳ :Entered > :Entered Order Lines >붩 :Entered Progressive scrap qty >𲽱 :Entered Purchase Order Lines >IJɹ :Entered QST amount >ĿӪҵ˰(QST) :Entered basis >׼ :Entered budget key is the same as the original >ԤԿԭԿͬ :Entered by operator >ɲԱ :Entered cost >ijɱ :Entered date cannot be later than the calculated retention date >ڲóڼĿ :Entered expected unit run time reqd >ҪԤڵλʱ :Entered line is either Not stocked or non-stocked >ҪôΪδ棬ҪôΪǿ :Entered lot number not numeric >κ벻 :Entered non-merchandise cost and quantity must have the same sign >ķƷɱ߱ͬı :Entered parent issued quantity > :Entered progressive Scrap quantity >𲽱 :Entered quantity > :Entered serial number not numeric >ϵк벻 :Entered startup quantity > :Entered supplier is the same as original supplier >ĹӦԭӦͬ :Entered tax >˰ :Entered tax amount >˰ :Entered time taken >ʱ :Entered total quantity completed > :Entered total quantity scrapped >ѱ :Entered transaction quantity >뽻 :Entered transfer quantity/percent >ת/ٷֱ :Entered warehouse is already in the warehouse list >IJֿڲֿѴ :Entering > :Entering a line > :Enterprise Search - Allowed to configure search settings >企业搜索:- 允许配置搜索设置 :Entire Year > :Entire requisition complete >빺 :Entire shipment already received into stock > :Entries > :Entries List >б :Entries Maintenance >ά :Entries Selection >ѡ :Entries deleted >ɾ :Entries for Asset >ʲ :Entries for this source code are created from ledger period end and cannot be changed here >һԴǴӷմģڴ˴ɸ :Entries for this source code are created from ledger year end and cannot be changed here >һԴǴӷմģڴ˴ɸ :Entries for this source code are created in the history maintenance and cannot be changed here >һԴʷ¼άдģڴ˴ɸ :Entries for this source code are created in the journal entry program and cannot be changed here >һԴռʳдģڴ˴ɸ :Entries group >Ŀ :Entries group number >Ŀ :Entries group selection >Ŀѡ :Entries matched >ƥ :Entries missing >ʧ :Entries period selection >Ŀѡ :Entries processed >Ѵ :Entries read >Ѷȡ :Entries will not be reflected in G/L until journal is posted >ռʹʺŻ(G/L)зӳ :Entries will not be reflected in GL until journal is posted >ռʹʺŻ(GL)зӳ :Entries year selection >Ŀѡ :Entry >¼ :Entry %1 onwards >Ŀ %1 :Entry Amount > :Entry Details >ϸ :Entry Form Messages >ĿϢ :Entry Lines for Recurring Journal >ռ :Entry Required > :Entry amount is zero >输入金额为零 :Entry and display form options >ѡ벢ʾ :Entry date > :Entry date selection >ѡ :Entry description >¼˵ :Entry field >ֶ :Entry format >ʽ :Entry format selection >Ŀʽѡ :Entry line '%1' cannot be found for journal number '%2' >Ҳռʺ '%2' '%1' :Entry line '%1' cannot be found for journal number '%2'. >δҵռʺ '%2' '%1' :Entry method >뷽 :Entry mode >ģʽ :Entry no >Ŀ :Entry number > :Entry number (1 up) >Ŀ (1 ) :Entry of credit authority to release Sales Orders not allowed >Ȩͷ۶ :Entry quantity >Ŀ :Entry reference >Ŀο :Entry selection >Ŀѡ :Entry selection by >Ŀѡ񣬰 :Entry status >Ŀ״̬ :Entry time >¼ʱ :Entry time exchange rate >ʱ :Entry time rate >ʱķ :Entry time-rate >ʱ- :Entry type >¼ :Entry value >Ŀֵ :Entry-time rate >ʱķ :Environment > :Environment Information >Ϣ :Environment Options >ѡ :Environment variable named LOGIN >Ϊ LOGIN Ļ :Equal line > :Equal line apportionment >з̯ :Equals >等于 :Error > :Error % > % :Error - You have apportioned more licenses to business objects than you are licensed to use > - ҵ֤ʹõ֤ :Error - You have apportioned more licenses to web-based applications than you are licensed to use >错误 - 您已向基于网络应用程序摊派多于您被许可使用的许可证 :Error - You have not imported a valid LICENSE.XML file > - δЧLICENSE.XMLļ :Error Code > :Error Copying File >ļ :Error Deleting 4.0 Format File >ɾ4.0ʽļ :Error File >ļ :Error Handling > :Error Occurred >ѷ :Error Opening 1.0 / 3.1 Format File >1.0 / 3.1ʽļ :Error Opening 3.2 Format File >3.2ʽļ :Error Opening 4.0 Format File >ʼ4.0ʽļ :Error Opening File Required For Dispatch >Ĵʼļ :Error accessing table '%1' > '%1' :Error adding reference >Ӳο :Error code '%1' cannot be negative > '%1' Ϊ :Error code '%1' is invalid > '%1' Ч :Error code '%1' is not numeric > '%1' Ƿ :Error copying configuration file >ļ :Error description >˵ :Error field >ֶ :Error in copying file >ļеĴ :Error in end period selected >ѡڼڵĴ :Error in end period selection >ڼѡеĴ :Error in invoice reprint password >Ʊ´ӡеĴ :Error in start period selection >ʼڼѡеĴ :Error message >Ϣ :Error message generated when processing table >处理表时生成了错误消息 :Error messages >Ϣ :Error number > :Error occurred when executing script >ִнűʱ :Error occurred when trying to connect to SQL Server >ӵSQLʱ :Error on Change >Ĵ :Error on Control Save >Ʊ :Error on Form Close >رմ :Error on Form Load >ش :Error on Item Change >ĿĴ :Error on Item Select >Ŀѡ :Error on Menu Save >˵ :Error on Message Send >Ϣʹ :Error on Move >ƶ :Error on Process > :Error on Report > :Error on Save > :Error on Selection >ѡ :Error on Workflow Export >̵ :Error on report cancel >ȡ :Error retrieving the master database script >ݿűʱ :Error type > :Error while updating the next document number on the control file >¿ļеһļʱĴ :Error while updating the next number on the control file >¿ļеһʱĴ :Error while writing to Purchase order control >дɹʱĴ :Error! > :Error/Warning message >󣯾Ϣ :ErrorDescription Returned >ص ErrorDescription :Errors > :Errors detected during cost/lead time rollup >ɱ/ڻڼ⵽ :Errors detected during processing. Program cancelled >ڼ⵽Ĵ󡣳ȡ :Errors detected during run >ڼ⵽ :Errors detected during validation phase >֤׶ڼ⵽ :Errors during verification >֤ڼ䷢Ĵ :Errors encountered during validation phase >֤׶ڼ :Errors exist in the detail contract lines. Continue processing? >ͬϸдڴҪ :Errors exist in the suggested purchase. Do you wish to continue? >IJɹڴϣ :Errors exist in the suggested requisition. Do you wish to continue? >ڴϣ :Errors found >ѷֵĴ :Errors found in recurring journal. No journals posted >ھռзִûйռ :Errors found in recurring journal. No journals posted >ռзִûйκռ :Errors found whilst validating order. Order not copied >验证订单时发现错误未复制订单 :Errors only > :Errors were detected when formatting dates in one or more files. A valid format will have been assumed for the purpose of migration. To view invalid dates see *DATE.LOG in the temporary directory specified >һļڸʽʱ⵽ҪʵֲӦٶЧĸʽҪ鿴ЧڣμָʱרĿ¼е*DATE.LOG :Errors were detected when formatting dates in one or more files. A valid format will have been assumed for the purpose of migration. To view invalid dates see *DATE.LOG in the temporary directory specified >һļиʽʱ⵽ҪʵֲӦٶЧĸʽҪ鿴ЧڣμָʱĿ¼е*DATE.LOG :Errors were encountered during verification. Ok to post valid transactions only? >֤ڼȷҪЧ? :Errors while processing the physical inventory records >¼ʱֵĴ :Errors while processing the physical sales order records >ʵ۶ʱֵĴ :Escalated Unit Cost >ĵλɱ :Escalated costs >提高的成本 :Escalated extended cost >ڳɱ :Esignatures by role >ְĵǩ :Espresso Application >Espresso Ӧó :Espresso Application Layout Browse >Espresso Ӧó򲼾 :Espresso Application Maintenance >Espresso Ӧóά :Espresso Component >Espresso :Espresso Component Layout Browse >Espresso :Espresso Component Maintenance >Espresso ά :Espresso Component Options >Espresso ѡ :Espresso Component Type Browse >Espresso :Espresso Component Type Maintenance >Espresso ά :Espresso Custom Level >Espresso Զ弶 :Espresso Custom level Maintenance >Espresso Զ弶ά :Espresso Device Browse >Espresso 豸 :Espresso Device Maintenance >Espresso 豸ά :Espresso Key Fields >Espresso Կֶ :Espresso Key Fields Maintenance >Espresso Կֶά :Espresso Media >Espresso ý :Espresso Menu Browse >Espresso ˵ :Espresso Menu Maintenance >Espresso 菜单维护 :Espresso Mobile >Espresso 移动 :Espresso Multimedia Maintenance >Espresso ýά :Espresso Search Browse >Espresso :Espresso menu >Espresso 菜单 :Establish Exchange Rate >ȷ :Establish Period/Year by Date >˳ڣ :Establish Rate > :Establish Rate per Currency >ҽ :Establish a master and sub-account relationship between TPM customers and SYSPRO customers specifically for TPM credit checking purposes > TPM ͻ SYSPRO ͻ˻˻ϵʵ TPM üĿ :Establish a master and sub-account relationship between customers primarily for statement printing purposes >ͻ˻˻ϵʵֱӡĿ :Establish a rate or do a global rate change >建立利率或进行全局利率更改 :Establish links between master and sub-assets >ʲʲ֮ :Establish rate only for new lines added >仅为所添加的新行建立利率 :Establish the jobs and purchasing requirements needed to complete the build of a parent part >ƶĹͲɹҪ :Establish which jobs need to be raised through several levels of a structure as well as the purchasing requirements required to complete the build >ȷҪڽṹĶԼƶIJɹҪ :Estimate > :Estimate Component Replace Where Used >ʹôIJ :Estimate Components >Ʋ :Estimate Hierarchy Costs >γɱ :Estimate Maintenance >ά :Estimate Markup Percentage >ǰٷ :Estimate Number > :Estimate Operation >估计操作 :Estimate Operations >Ʋ :Estimate Options >ѡ :Estimate Parent Details >ϸ :Estimate Parent Information >Ϣ :Estimate Routing Maintenance >·ά :Estimate Status >״̬ :Estimate Structure >۽ṹ :Estimate Structure Import >估计结构导入 :Estimate Structure Maintenance >۽ṹά :Estimate arrival date >Ƶ :Estimate available >ù :Estimate details >ϸ :Estimate route >· :Estimate sequence >˳ :Estimate source number >Դ :Estimate structure and routing >ƽṹ· :Estimate trial load flag >鸺ر־ :Estimated Date of Arrival >Ƶ :Estimated arrival date >Ƶ :Estimated completion >ʱ :Estimated completion date > :Estimated completion date selection >ѡ :Estimated labor cost >Ͷɱ :Estimated material cost >Ʋϳɱ :Estimated repair date >ά :Estimates > :Estimates with probability greater than >ʹƴ :Estimating > :Euro Currency >ŷԪ :Euros >ŷԪ :Evaluate and resolve customer deductions recorded at the time of processing customer payments and receipts >ͻջʱ¼ļ :Event >¼ :Event Description >¼ :Event Editor >¼༭ :Event ID >¼ID :Event Logging Printing in Progress >ִ¼־ӡ :Event Mail Selection >¼ʼѡ :Event Mail Selection Maintenance >¼ʼѡά :Event Mail Selections >¼ʼѡ :Event Management >¼ :Event Management Editor >¼༭ :Event Management Evaluate/Validate >¼ۣ֤ :Event Name >¼ :Event No >¼ :Event Number >¼ :Event Type >¼ :Event details >¼ϸ :Event limit >¼ :Event trigger >¼ :Events >¼ :Events Window >¼ :Events and Messages >¼Ϣ :Events are not valid for this status >ʱڴ״̬Ч :Events debug >¼ :Events for Status >״̬¼ :Events for eSignatures >ǩ¼ :Events for field >ֶ¼ :Events for form >¼ :Events for list view >б鿴¼ :Events for task panel tiles >任务面板平铺事件 :Events for toolbars >¼ :Every >ÿһXX :Ex >Ex :Ex.Rates > :Exact Match >ȫƥ :Examine the Windows Task Manager for hidden instances of MS Word >Windows(Windows Task Manager)ԲMS Wordʵ :Examine the task bar for open instances of MS Word >ԲMS WordĿʵ :Examples of these include the customer, sales order and work in >ʵļеĿͻ :Examples of these include the operator, group and nationality files >Щ¼ʾԱ͹ļ :Exceeded by > :Exceeds invoice value >Ʊֵ :Exceeds total amount required >Ҫܽ :Excel >Excel :Excel Chart >Excel :Excel Format Options >Excel ʽѡ :Exception > :Exception Message >Ϣ :Exception Raised >ѷ쳣 :Exception Report >쳣 :Exception line >쳣 :Exception messages >Ϣ :Exception selections >ѡ :Exceptions > :Exceptions found - confirm aborted > - ȷֹͣ :Exceptions only > :Excess Stock Review > :Excess stock > :Exch rate > :Exch. rate >һ :Exchange >һ :Exchange %1 >һ %1 :Exchange %1 SP1 >һ %1 SP1 :Exchange Address >һַ :Exchange Currency >һ :Exchange Rate Overflow > :Exchange Rate Variance >ʲ :Exchange Rate Variance G/L Control Account >ʲG/Lͳʻ :Exchange Rate Variance GL Control Account >ʲG/Lͳʻ :Exchange Rate Variance Setup >ʲ :Exchange Rates >һ :Exchange Rates Import >ʵ :Exchange Rates Import Preferences >ʵѡ :Exchange Settings >һ :Exchange Variance >һ :Exchange Variance ledger code for bank '%1' not defined/found >δ壯δҵ '%1' ұ仯ʴ :Exchange Version >һ汾 :Exchange password >һ :Exchange rate >һ :Exchange rate %1 > %1 :Exchange rate conversion >ת :Exchange rate date > :Exchange rate details > :Exchange rate difference >ʲ :Exchange rate fixed flag >ʹ̶ :Exchange rate for conversion >ת :Exchange rate maintenance >ά :Exchange rate method >ʷ :Exchange rate multiply >ʳ :Exchange rate multiply/divide >ʳ/ :Exchange rate quote %1 >ʱ %1 :Exchange rate revaluation >¹ֵ :Exchange rate to be applied >õĻ :Exchange rate type >汇率类型 :Exchange rate variance ledger code not defined >δʱ仯˴ :Exchange server address >һַ :Exchange server version >һ汾 :Exchange user domain >һû :Exchange username >һû :Exchange variance ledger code >һʴ :Exchange variance posting information >һϢ :Excl Credit Note >Ʊ :Excl items with no receipt transactions >κջųĿ :Excl op val from calculated parent price >从所计算的主价格排除操作价值 :Exclude > :Exclude '%1' >ų '%1' :Exclude 'MRP' >'MRP' :Exclude / Include > :Exclude Actioned >ִе :Exclude All >ȫ :Exclude All Blanket PO >ųһ PO :Exclude All Lines > :Exclude All Optional Components from this Kit >排除此工具包的所有可选部件 :Exclude All Purchase Order >ųвɹ :Exclude All Purchase Orders >ųвɹ :Exclude All Selected >ųѡȫ :Exclude All Selected Purchase Order >ųѡȫɹ :Exclude BV residual from depreciation calc >۾ɼȥBVֵ :Exclude BV residual from depreciation calculation >ųԴ۾ɼֵ (BV) ֵ :Exclude Co-product >ͬƷ :Exclude Comments >排除注解 :Exclude Current Line >ǰ :Exclude Default offer >排除默认报盘 :Exclude Freight charges >排除运费 :Exclude Highlighted >ųͻʾ :Exclude Highlighted Lines >ųͻʾ :Exclude Line >ų :Exclude Lines > :Exclude Lines Routed to you or Originated by you >ų·ָʼ :Exclude Miscellaneous charges >排除杂费 :Exclude Non-stocked >排除非库存 :Exclude Originated by you >ų :Exclude Originated by you lines in view >ųʼ :Exclude Originated by you view >ųʼͼ :Exclude Routed to you >ų·ָ :Exclude Routed to you line in view >ųͼ·ָ :Exclude Selected Lines >ųѡ :Exclude Selected Purchase Order >ųѡɹ :Exclude Selected Purchase Orders >ųѡɹ :Exclude Stocked >排除库存 :Exclude Supplier >ųӦ :Exclude Tax >ų˰ :Exclude Tax residual from depreciation calc >۾ɼȥ˰ղֵ :Exclude Tax residual from depreciation calculation >ųԴ۾ɼ˰ղֵ :Exclude Transaction from History >ʷ¼ų :Exclude actioned overloads >ִеĹ :Exclude actions >ж :Exclude actions less than >ų :Exclude all lines which fail credit check in Back Order Release >ڽǩδͨü :Exclude all lines which fail credit check when releasing >ųзʱδͨ :Exclude all order lines which fail credit check in B/O Release >B/OδͷüĶ :Exclude all sales orders >ų۶ :Exclude authorized journals >排除获授权日记账 :Exclude complete lines > :Exclude component price from calculated parent price >Ӽĸʼ۸ȥ۸ :Exclude comps/ops against a bought out part >չų :Exclude conversion invoices >ųתƱ :Exclude conversion invoices option >ųתƱѡ :Exclude customers on hold >ųͻ :Exclude forecast depletion for >ųµԤ :Exclude free goods lines >ųѻ :Exclude from Review >ų :Exclude from costs >ӳɱų :Exclude from parent costs >ɱų :Exclude items with no receipt transactions >߱վݽ׵Ŀ :Exclude items with supply request >ųӦĿ :Exclude kit components >׼ :Exclude lines if picking slip printed >ӡϵų :Exclude lines in picking status >ų״̬ :Exclude lines with negative back order quantity >Ƿ :Exclude lines with negative backorder quantity >ų߱ڽ :Exclude on hold >排除保留项 :Exclude op value from calc parent price >从计算主价格中排除操作价值 :Exclude operation value >排除操作价值 :Exclude operation value from calculated parent price >Ӽĸʼ۸ȥֵ :Exclude optional components for Sales Orders >ų۶Ŀѡ :Exclude optional components sales order >排除可选部件销售订单 :Exclude order lines with partial release >ųַ߱еĶ :Exclude parent parts which do not have affected items in its current structure? >Ҫų䵱ǰṹвӰĿ? :Exclude price from parent price >排除主价格中的价格 :Exclude residual from depreciation for >ųµ۾ɲֵ :Exclude sched. order lines not allocated >ųδŶ :Exclude scheduled order lines not yet allocated >δġԤĶ :Exclude scheduled orders by header date >ųҳüڵŶ :Exclude scheduled orders where >ԤĶڴ :Exclude single >ųһ :Exclude single qualifying lines >ųһ֤ :Exclude suppliers on hold >ųӦ :Exclude transaction from definition >еĽ :Exclude warehouse totals from report >ӱųֿϼ :Exclude warehouses with nothing available >ų޿ĿIJֿ :Exclude zero lots > :Exclude zero lots / Rev/Rel >Σ޶ǩ :Exclude zero lots/ Rev/Rel >Σ޶ͷ :Exclude zero lots/Rev/Rel >ų/޶/ :Exclude zero quantities >ų :Exclude zero serial numbers >ųϵк :Exclude zeros >ų :Exclude/Include > :Exclude/Include All Lines > :Exclude/Include Line > :Excluded >ų :Excluded component has included parent >IJĸ :Excluded from definition >Ӷų :Excluded jobs >ҵ :Excludes if order ship date not in range >װڳޣų :Exclusion flag may not be removed >Ƴų־ :Exclusive > :Exclusive Invoice >Ʊ :Exclusive Tax >˰ :Exclusive Values >ļֵ :Exclusive access >ʽ :Executable >ִ :Executable for faxing >ִе :Executable name >ִ :Execute >ִ :Execute A/P Payment Run >ִӦʿ(A/P) :Execute A/P Payment Run in Progress >ִӦʿ(A/P) :Execute AP Payment Run >ִӦʿ(AP) :Execute AP Payment Run - EFT Payments >排除 AP 付款运行 - EFT 付款 :Execute AP Payment Run - Manual Checks >ִ AP - ֶ :Execute AP Payment Run - System Checks >ִ AP - ϵͳ :Execute AP Payment Run - Void checks >ִ AP - ϼ :Execute AP Payment Run in Progress >ִӦʿ(AP) :Execute Payment Run >ִи :Execute Report >ִб :Execute SQL Script >ִSQLű :Execute method on a .NET user control >ִ .NET ûϵķ :Execute script >ִнű :Execute the diagnostic routine against the selected database(s) >ѡݿִ :Execute the selected diagnostic routine >ִѡ :Executes the SQL scripts below against the workflow database >ƾ蹤ݿִ SQL ű :Executes the selected Template or View >ִѡģͼ :Executing >ִ :Executing immediate scripts >ִмʱű :Executing script %1 of %2 >ִнű %1 %2 :Execution time >ִʱ :Executive Dashboard >ִDZ :Executive Dashboards >ִDZ :Executive Financial Summary >ִвժҪ :Executive Secretary >ִ :Executive View >ִͼ :Exempt > :Exempt from finance charges > :Exempt invoice value >Ʊֵ :Exempt status >״̬ :Exempt value >ֵ :Exemption no >˰ :Exemption number >Ѻ :Existing >е :Existing Components >в :Existing Entries >м¼ :Existing GRT >现有 GRT :Existing Job Allocation Maintenance >ҵά :Existing Job Review >й :Existing Job Review Snapshot >й˿ :Existing Jobs >ҵ :Existing Jobs Live >й :Existing Operations >в :Existing PO Review > PO :Existing Requisition Maintenance >빺ά :Existing Requisition Review >빺 :Existing SCT > SCT :Existing User menu >û˵ :Existing Workflow >й :Existing addition > :Existing cume >ۼ :Existing currency >л :Existing customer code >пͻ :Existing document >ĵ :Existing job >ҵ :Existing job selection >ҵѡ :Existing job sub op >йӲ :Existing job sub operation >现有工作子操作 :Existing ledger code >зʴ :Existing menus >в˵ :Existing purchase order >现有采购订单 :Existing purchase orders >вɹ :Existing quantity > :Existing quantity per >ÿ :Existing requisitions > :Existing role to be copied >⸴Ƶְ :Existing serial number >к :Existing supplier code >йӦ̴ :Existing supply >йӦ :Existing template >ģ :Exit >˳ :Exit Add >˳ :Exit Analytics >˳Analytics :Exit Capacity Profile >˳ :Exit Capapcity Profile >˳ļ :Exit Contra >˳ͬ :Exit Customization >˳ :Exit Design Mode >˳ģʽ :Exit Design Mode without Saving >不保存退出设计模式 :Exit IMPACT >˳IMPACT :Exit Job Closure >退出工作关闭 :Exit Program >˳ :Exit Review >˳ :Exit SYSPRO >˳SYSPRO :Exit User Variables >˳û :Exit program >˳ :Exlcude / Include > :Exlcude/Include >ų/ :Exp completion > :Exp date > :Exp. smoothing with trend >չƽ :Expand >չ :Expand All >չ :Expand All Groups >չ :Expand All Rows in a Report >չе :Expand Update Information >չϢ :Expand all rows >չ :Expand all rows by default >Ĭչ :Expand only Selected Category >չѡ :Expand treeview when selecting folders in right hand pane >Ҳ෽ѡļʱŴͼ :Expected Job Cost Recalculation >ҵɱع :Expected Job Cost Revaluation >չɱ¹ֵ :Expected Rate Overflow >ķ :Expected available date >õ :Expected completion > :Expected completion date > :Expected cost >ɱ :Expected cost (mat) >Ԥڳɱ () :Expected cost (ops) >Ԥڳɱ () :Expected cost basis >Ԥڵijɱ :Expected costs >ԤƳɱ :Expected for accounts payable posting >Ӧת :Expected labor per unit >ԤڵĵλͶ :Expected material per unit >Ԥڵĵλ :Expected material unit cost >IJϵλɱ :Expected operation unit cost >IJλɱ :Expected rate > :Expected receipt cost >վݳɱ :Expected receipt date >վ :Expected set-up time >Ԥڵʱ :Expected size >ߴ :Expected start up time >ԤڵĿʼʱ :Expected teardown time >ԤڵIJжʱ :Expected time >Ԥʱ :Expected unit cost >ĵλɱ :Expected unit costs >ĵλɱ :Expected unit costs - Material >Ԥڵλɱ - :Expected unit costs - Operations >Ԥڵλɱ - :Expected unit run time >Ԥڵλʱ :Expected unit run time reqd >ԤڵıҪλʱ :Expedite >ӿ :Expedite the process of building up a history of sales for forecasting purposes >ӿ칹ʷḶ̌ԤĿ :Expense > :Expense - Asset > - ʲ :Expense - Branch > - ֧ :Expense - Mechanic > - :Expense Codes >֧ :Expense G/L Code >(G/L) :Expense GL Account >(GL)ʻ :Expense GL Code >(GL) :Expense Issue >ǩ :Expense Issues >ǩ :Expense Journal Transactions >ռʽ :Expense Maintenance >ά :Expense Posting >ù :Expense Postings >֧¼ :Expense Summary >û :Expense account >ʻ :Expense account code >˻ :Expense accounts >ʻ :Expense amount >ý :Expense code >֧ :Expense code not on file >ô벻ļ :Expense code selection >ôѡ :Expense distribution >÷ :Expense issue not allowed when over-receipting >ջڼ䲻ǩ :Expense issues not allowed >ǩ :Expense item >Ŀ :Expense journals >ռ :Expense journals dated before >֮ǰķռ :Expense record locked >ü¼ :Expense totals >úϼ :Expense type > :Expense/Revenue account >/˻ :Expensed >ѻѵ :Expensed Depreciation >۾ :Expenses > :Expenses & Disbursements >֧ :Expenses distribution entries >÷ :Expenses to >ã :Expired Contract >ʧЧĺͬ :Expired Date >ʧЧ :Expired Price Purge >ʧЧ۸ :Expired Prices >ʧЧ۸ :Expired Releases Purge >ʧЧͷ :Expired Releases Purge Recap >ʧЧͷ :Expired Releases Purge in Process >ִʧЧͷ :Expired checks issued >ǩʧЧ֧Ʊ :Expired contracts >ʧЧĺͬ :Expired customer >ڿͻ :Expired customer notes >ʧЧͻע :Expired on > :Expired permanent entries >ʧЧ̶ :Expired permanent entries deleted >ɾĿ :Expired promotions >ѹڴ :Expired quotations >ʧЧı :Expired recurring journals >ʧЧľռ :Expired recurring journals deleted >ɾھռ :Expires > :Expires on >ʧЧ :Expiring Stock Status Query >ڿ״̬ѯ :Expiring Stock Status Query for Crystal >Crystal ڿ״̬ѯ :Expiring Stock Status Query for Xcelsius >Xcelsius ڿ״̬ѯ :Expiry >ʧЧ :Expiry - days before > - ¸֮ǰ :Expiry / Scrap Dates >ʧЧƷ :Expiry Date >ֹ :Expiry Date Transaction >ʧЧڽ :Expiry Period/Year >ʧЧڼ䣯 :Expiry change >失效更改 :Expiry date cannot be prior to next posting date >ʧЧڲһת :Expiry date changes >ʧЧڱ仯 :Expiry date earlier than valid from date >Чʼڵĵ :Expiry date filter >ڹ :Expiry date invalid >Ч :Expiry date is invalid >Ч :Expiry date is prior to next posting date >һ :Expiry date must be later than current date >ڱڵǰ :Expiry date required >ҪʧЧ :Expiry date selection >ʧЧѡ :Expiry date smaller than valid from date >ڿʼʧЧЧ :Expiry dates > :Expiry days selection >ʧЧѡ :Expiry details >ʧЧϸ :Expiry information >ʧЧϢ :Expiry month >· :Expiry period >ʧЧڼ :Expiry period/year is prior to next posting period/year >ʧЧڼ䣯һתڼ䣯 :Expiry required >ҪʧЧ :Expiry year >ʧЧ :Expiry/Scrap Dates >/ :Explain > :Explanation > :Explode All Points >ֽе :Explode Points >ֽ :Explode bought out items with structures >չṹ :Explode/Implode >ֽ :Explosion > :Explosion level >ˮƽ :Exponential Smoothing/Trend >ƽ :Exponential smoothing & trend >ָ :Exponential smoothing with trend >ƽָ :Exponential smoothing with trend options >ѡƽָ :Export > :Export Branch List for Site >վ֧б :Export Build Schedules >Ľ :Export Contract Price EDI >ͬ۸ EDI :Export Customized Panes >Զ崰 :Export Details >ϸ :Export Dictionary >Ŀ¼ :Export Directory Error >Ŀ¼ :Export Document >ĵ :Export Document Template >ĵģ :Export Existing Role Definitions >ְ :Export File >ļ :Export File Name >ļ :Export File Validation >ļ֤ :Export Forecasts >Ԥ :Export Functions > :Export Jobs for Scheduling >ҵ :Export Log for All Sites >վĵ־ :Export Log for Site >վ־ :Export Menus >˵ :Export Options >ѡ :Export Phrases not yet Translated >δ뵼 :Export Purge > :Export Report > :Export Report Configuration > :Export Report Definition >ά :Export Report Writer Tables >¼ :Export Role Management Settings >ְ :Export Roles >ְ :Export Selections >ѡ :Export Successfull >ɹ :Export The Selected Tables >ѡ :Export Tile in an Email >ʼеƽ :Export User Variable >û :Export Validation >ȷЧ :Export Variable > :Export Version >汾 :Export Warehouse List for Site >վֿб :Export Workflow > :Export a diagnostic routine to a SQL script file >̵ SQL űļ :Export application >Ӧó :Export application name >Ӧó :Export as >Ϊ :Export as Excel Chart >Excel :Export as HTML >HTML :Export as XML >XML :Export completed >ɵ :Export configuration > :Export configuration directory >Ŀ¼ :Export date > :Export destination >Ŀĵ :Export directory >Ŀ¼ :Export file invalid >ļЧ :Export file selection >ļѡ :Export file successfully created >ѳɹļ :Export images >ͼ :Export in Progress >ִе :Export in Progress - Please wait >ִе Ⱥ :Export layouts for these roles >ЩְIJ :Export location >λ :Export lot and serial numbers >κϵк :Export lot and serial numbers with invoice >κк뼰Ʊ :Export object formatting >ʽ :Export one or more files from the local site to other sites >ӵվ㵼һݻļվ :Export one or more tables from the report writer data dictionary to a plain text file >ӱдֵ䵼һıļ :Export only > :Export option >ѡ :Export page header and footer >ҳüҳ :Export page header and page footers >ҳüҳ :Export records only >¼ :Export role >ְ :Export selected analysis objects to a XML file >ѡ󵼳 XML ļ :Export selected global variables to a XML file >ѡȫֱ XML ļ :Export selected templates to a XML file >ѡģ嵼 XML ļ :Export selection >ѡ :Export the Selected Roles >ѡְ :Export the current report to Notepad >ǰ浽± :Export the report to Excel >浽 Excel :Export the report to Excel with data only >ݵ浽 Excel :Export the sales order contract pricing file >۶ͬ۸ļ :Export these VBScripts >ЩVBScripts :Export to CSV > CSV :Export to Excel >Excel :Export to Excel options > Excel ѡ :Export to PowerPoint >PowerPoint :Export to Text >ı :Export to Word >Word :Export to file >ļ :Export variable to variable library > :Export your personal menus and Favorites task panel >ĸ˲˵ղؼ :Export/Import >/ :Export/import contract >/ͬ :Export/import contract pricing modifications >ͬ۸޸ :Export/print >ӡ :Exported >ѵ :Exported by > :Exporting >ڵ :Exporting AAINSERT.SQL >ڵAAINSERTSQL :Exporting BCP files >ڵBCPļ :Exporting Foreign Language txt Files >ڵıļ :Exporting Phrases Requiring Translation >ڵҪĶ :Exporting SYSPRO60.UFD >ڵSYSPRO6.0UFD :Exporting UFD File >ڵ UFD ļ :Exporting for forms and listviews >Ϊбͼ :Exporting job class >ڵҵȼ :Exporting jobs >ڵҵ :Exporting machines >ڵ :Exporting of files required >Ҫ󵼳ļ :Exporting product class >ڵƷȼ :Exporting purchase orders >ڵɹ :Exporting report >ڵ :Exporting stock on hand >ڵп :Exporting to an earlier version than Encore 4.0 will give >Encore 4.0ǰһ汾 :Exporting toolsets >ڵ߼ :Exporting work centers >ڵҵ :Exporting workflow >ڵ :Exports the previewed report to CSV file >Ԥ鱨浽 CSV ļ :Exports the selected workflow to the folder selected >ѡ̵ѡļ :Express as a percentage >表达为百分比 :Express percentage as positive >ٷֱΪֵ :Express result as a percentage >ʾΪٷֱ :Expressed in terms of quantity >Ƕȱ :Expressed in terms of value >ӼֵǶȱ :Expression >ʽ :Ext >չ :Extended >ӵ :Extended SQL Information >չSQLϢ :Extended SQL Server Information >չ SQL Ϣ :Extended Tax Code >չ˰մ :Extended Tax Code Details >չ˰ :Extended Tax Code History >չ˰¼ :Extended Tax Code History for Tax Code >˰չ˰¼ :Extended Tax Code Maintenance >չ˰ά :Extended Tax Codes >չ˰մ :Extended Tax Codes History >չ˰¼ :Extended Tax Codes Maintenance >չ˰ά :Extended Tax Effective Rates Maintenance >չ˰ִ˰ά :Extended Tax History >չ˰¼ :Extended Tax History Details >չ˰¼ϸ :Extended Tax History Maintenance >չ˰¼ά :Extended code >չ :Extended contract price is negative >չͬ۸Ϊ :Extended cost >ڳɱ :Extended mass >չ :Extended qty >չ :Extended tax base rate >չ˰ :Extended tax code against customer '%1' not found >δҵԿͻ '%1' չ˰մ :Extended tax code not found >δҵչ˰ :Extended tax code not on file >չ˰մ벻ļ :Extended tax code system not required. Program cancelled >Ҫչ˰ϵȡ :Extended tax code systems not required. Program cancelled >Ҫչ˰մϵͳȡ :Extended value >ֵ :Extended volume >չ :Extension >ֻ :External code check changed error >ⲿĴ :External file location >ⲿļλ :External template file >ⲿģļ :Extra > :Extra Customer Details >ͻ :Extra Information >Ϣ :Extra fields >ֶ :Extra options >ѡ :Extra price information >۸Ϣ :Extra telephone number >绰 :Extract >ժ¼ :Extract Accounts Payable and Cash Book EFT transactions into batches for payment by the bank >ȡӦ˿ֽ˲ EFT ׵еĸ :Extract Count >ժ¼ :Extract File >ѹļ :Extract Info >ȡϢ :Extract Journal Report >ȡռʱ :Extract Options >ѹѡ :Extract complete >ѹѹʵzzz9 :Extract customer data into a comma delimited file for customers who have exceeded their credit terms or credit limits >Ϊѳ޻ü޵Ŀͻȡͻݵŷָļ :Extract daily sales transactions recorded for customers and update the appropriate history files >ȡΪͻ¼۽ײӦʷļ :Extract date >ժ¼ :Extract directory >ժ¼Ŀ¼ :Extract file creation >ѹļ :Extract file name >ѹļ :Extract file type >ѹļ :Extract from InvMaster > InvMaster ȡ :Extract information >ȡϢ :Extract selection >ѹѡ :Extract to file >ѹļ :Extracted >ȡ :Extracted EFT batches >ȡ EFT :Extracted EFT batches before >֮ǰȡ EFT :Extracted Qty >ȡ :Extracted for site to site >Ϊվվȡ :Extracted not counted >δժ¼ :Extracted quantity >ȡ :Extracting structure >ժ¼ṹ :Extraction Packages >ȡ :F - Forward order >F - 远期订单 :F - Multiples of pan >F - ̵ı :F-Forward >F-Forward :F.F.S - Forward Finite Scheduling >F.F.S - ޵ :F/G Application >ѻ(F/G) :F/G Invoice Price >ѻ(F/G)Ʊ۸ :F/G Multiples >ѻ(F/G) :F/G Rounding >ѻ(F/G)ȡ :F/G Stock Code >ѻ(F/G) :F/G Type >ѻ(F/G) :FG apply method >ѻ﹩Ӧ :FG stock code >ѻ :FG type >ѻ :FIFO >Ƚȳ(FIFO) :FIFO Bins >Ƚȳλ :FIFO Buckets >Ƚȳ :FIFO Journal >ȳ(FIFO)ռ :FIFO Valuation >FIFO :FIFO and Multiple Bins >ȳ(FIFO)Ͷ :FIFO bucket >FIFO Ͱ :FIFO bucket '%1' not found for stock code '%2' >δҵ '%2' ȳ(FIFO)Ͱ '%1' :FIFO bucket number >FIFO Ͱ :FIFO buckets with zero quantity before >֮ǰ߱ FIFO Ͱ :FIFO cost >FIFO 成本 :FIFO on hand > FIFO :FIFO options >FIFOѡ :FIFO valuation cannot be switched off because there is at least one warehouse using FIFO costing >ɹرȽȳ(FIFO)ۣΪһֿʹȽȳ(FIFO)ɱ :FIFO valuation is not installed >δװȳ(FIFO) :FIFO valuation must be selected if FIFO costing is installed >ѰװȽȳ(FIFO)ɱ㹦ܣѡȽȳ(FIFO) :FIFO valuation must be selected if actual costing is installed >װʵʳɱ㣬ѡ FIFO ֵ :FIFO value >Ƚȳ(FIFO)ֵ :FIFO/LIFO Bucket >FIFO/LIFOͰ :FIFO/LIFO Cost >FIFO/LIFOɱ :FIFO/LIFO Journal report in progress >ִFIFO/LIFOռʱ :FIFO/LIFO bucket number >FIFO/LIFO Ͱ :FIFO/LIFO buckets >ȽȳȳͰ :FIFO/LIFO for a Reference >ο FIFO/LIFO :FIFO/LIFO options >FIFO/LIFOѡ :FIRST line of narration >һ :Facilitate the creation of a chart of accounts and to consolidate data for multiple companies >ٽ˻ͼĴͺϲҹ˾ :Facility to import Configuration options and Master data generated by the Quantum Architecture implementation and modeling >ѡԼӼܹʵʩͽģݵ豸 :Fact >ʵ :Factor >ϵ :Factor Code >ϵ :Factory > :Factory Documentation >ļ :Factory Documentation - Co-product Detail >ĵ - ͬƷϸ :Factory Documentation - Heading Fields >ĵ - ֶ :Factory Documentation - Lot traceability Detail >ĵ - θϸ :Factory Documentation - Material requirements Detail >ĵ - Ҫϸ :Factory Documentation - Multiple bin Detail >ĵ - ϸ :Factory Documentation - Notepad Detail >ĵ - ±ϸ :Factory Documentation - Operation Detail >ĵ - ϸ :Factory Documentation - Serial number tracking Detail >ĵ - ϵкϸ :Factory Documentation Alignment in Progress >ڴĵУ׼ :Factory Documentation Archive Viewer >ĵ鿴 :Factory Documentation Format >ļʽ :Factory Documentation Format Alignment in Progress >ڴĵ :Factory Documentation Format Printing in Progress >ڴĵʽӡ :Factory Documentation Print >ĵӡ :Factory Documentation Printing in Progress >ڴĵӡ :Factory Format Printing in Progress >ִйʽӡ :Factory Main Routing >· :Factory Main Routing - MUM >· - MUM :Factory Maintenance Engineer >άʦ :Factory Planner >滮 :Factory Planning >滮 :Factory Scheduling > :Factory Scheduling Mappings >ӳ :Factory Scheduling Setup > :Factory Scheduling Setup Query >òѯ :Factory Secondary Routing >工厂二级路线 :Factory doc printed format %1 >ĵӡʽ %1 :Factory document printed >Ѵӡĵ :Factory format alignment now in progress >ִйʽ :Fail >ʧ :Failed >ʧܵ :Failed Details >失败详情 :Failed Documents >ʧļ :Failed document details >ʧļϸ :Failed documents path >ʧļ· :Failed only > :Failed to connect to database >ӵݿʧ :False > :Families & Groupings >ϵ :Families and Groupings Amendment Journal >ϵ޶ռ :Families and Groupings structure >ͼŽṹ :Families and Groupings structure amendment journals >ϵṹ޶ռ :Fast > :Fast Menu >ٲ˵ :Fast Menus >ٲ˵ :Faulted > :Favorites >ղؼ :Favorites Menu >ղؼв˵ :Favorites Properties >ղؼ :Favorites title >˱ :Favorites view >˲ѯ :Fax > :Fax (Ctrl+F) >(Ctrl+F) :Fax / Email Details >棯ʼ :Fax / Email options >棯ʼѡ :Fax / email Details >用传真 / 电子邮件发送明细 :Fax Details >ϸ :Fax Number > :Fax Order Acknowledgment (Ctrl+F) >涩ȷ(Ctrl+F) :Fax Purchase Order (Ctrl+F) >ɹ(Ctrl+F) :Fax RMAs >RMA :Fax SCT documents >湩Ӧת(SCT)ĵ :Fax Settings > :Fax and Emails >͵ʼ :Fax and email details >Դ͵ʼ :Fax contact >ϵ :Fax contact name >ϵ :Fax customers >Դ淢Ϳͻ :Fax details for remittance advices >ͻ֪ͨĴϸ :Fax document >ļ :Fax documents >ļ :Fax invoice >Դ淢ͷƱ :Fax invoices >Դ淢ͷƱ :Fax invoices in batch mode >Դ淢ģʽ·Ʊ :Fax no > :Fax number for faxing > :Fax options >ѡ :Fax or email instructions >ʼָʾ :Fax quotations >Դ淢ͱ :Fax quotes >Դ淢ͱ :Fax remittance >Դ :Fax software to use >ô :Fax statememts >˵ :Fax statement >汨 :Fax statements >Դ淢ͱ :Fax status >Դ淢״̬ :Fax telephone >绰 :Fax/Email Details >Դ/ʼ :Fax/Email Options >棯ʼѡ :Fax/Email S/O Documents >Դ棯ʼ۶ļ :Fax/Email Transmission >/ʼ :Fax/Email options >Դ/ʼѡ :Fax/Mail Integration >棯ʼ :Fax/mail integration required >Ҫ棯ʼ :Faxed >ѷʹ :Faxing >ڷʹ :Faxing Blanket Purchase Order >Դ淢һӲɹ :Faxing Details >用传真发送明细 :Faxing Information >淢Ϣ :Faxing Purchase Order >Դ淢Ͳɹ :Faxing Requisition >빺 :Faxing blanker p/order >Դ淢ۺԲɹ :Faxing blanket p/order >Դ淢ۺԲɹ :Feature not available >ܲ :Feb > :Feb %1 > %1 :February > :Federal sales tax code >˰ :Federal tax code >˰ :Federal tax exemption flag >˰ :Federal tax value >˰ :Female >Ů :Field >ֶ :Field %1 >ֶ %1 :Field %1 selection >ֶ %1 ѡ :Field Attributes >ֶ :Field Behavior >ֶΪ :Field Chooser >ֶѡ :Field Cross Reference Export >ֶκͲ :Field Description >˵ :Field Error >ֶδ :Field Maintenance >ֶά :Field Properties >ֶ :Field Properties for All Forms >бֶ :Field Properties for Forms >ֶ :Field Selector >ֶѡ :Field Selector for Form >ֶѡ :Field Validation >ֶ֤ :Field Validation Message >字段验证消息 :Field Values >ֵֶ :Field View >ֶβ鿴 :Field being validated >ڱֶ֤ :Field can not be blank >ֶβΪ :Field cannot be blank >ֶβΪ :Field changed >Ѹֶ :Field definition >ֶζ :Field definitions for >ֶζ壬 :Field group >ֶ :Field height >ֶθ߶ :Field is invalid for insertion. Please select valid field >插入字段无效。请选择有效字段 :Field length >ֶγ :Field length incorrect for Tag name >ֶγȶڱǩȷ :Field name > :Field name cannot contain embedded spaces >字段名不可含嵌套空格 :Field name may only consist of letters, digits or an underscore (_) with no embedded spaces >字段名仅可包含字母、数字或不含嵌套空格的下划线 (_) :Field name must be unique >ֶΪ :Field not found >δҵֶ :Field not found in data dictionary >ݱδҵֶ :Field number >ֶκ :Field offset >ֶƫ :Field or result entered invalid >ֶλЧ :Field selection >ֶѡ :Field should be a variable answer field and should be prefixed by a $ sign >ֶӦΪɱֶΣҴ$ǰ׺ :Field sub-group >ֶ :Field to be updated >µֶ :Field type >ֶ :Field variables for the form '%1' > '%1' ֶα :Field, User variable >ֶΡû :Field, Variable >ֶΡ :Field, Variable, Constant >ֶΡ :Field, Variable, Constant Validation >ֶΡ֤ :Field, Variable, Constant, String >ֶΡ :Field,Variable >ֶΡ :Field,Variable,String,Constant >ֶΡ :Field/Variable >ֶΣ :Fields >ֶ :Fields Viewer >ֶβ鿴 :Fields already exist - select action >ֶѴ - ѡ :Fifo Bins for Stock Code >Ƚȳ(Fifo) :Fifo Buckets for Stock Code >ȽȳͰ :Fifo bucket number changed >ѸȽȳͰ :File >ļ :File '%1' not found >δҵļ '%1' :File Browse - Allow Right-click over files >ļ - һļ :File Browse on server (C/S system) >ļͻ(C/S)ϵͳ :File Codes >ļ :File Copy >ļ :File Copy Error for MS Word Printing >ӡMS Wordļƴ :File Error >ļ :File Handler Program(s) >ļԱ :File IMPPRG.IMP not found. Program cancelled >δҵļIMPPRG.IMPȡ :File Integrity Check >ļԼ :File Limit Reached >ļΧ :File Locked >ļ :File Logic Copybook(s) >ļ߼д :File Maintenance >ļά :File Name >ļ :File Path >ļ· :File Purge >ļ :File Purge Warning >ļ :File Selection >ļѡ :File Size Warning >ļС :File Type >ļ :File Validation >ļ֤ :File View >ļ鿴 :File access >ļ :File already exists. Overwrite? >ļѴڡҪ :File code >ļ :File code selection >ļѡ :File currently being processed >ǰڴļ :File definition not found >δҵļ :File definition only >ļ :File description >ļ˵ :File details >ļϸ :File does not exist >ļ :File errors >ļ :File ext short >ļչ :File extension >ļչ :File filter type >ļ :File handlers (FH??????.CBL) >ļ(FH??????.CBL) :File handling errors >ļ :File id >ļid :File information >ļϢ :File level access >ļ :File list >ļб :File location >ļλ :File logic (CFL) >ļ߼(CFL) :File name format >ļʽ :File name not known >δ֪ļ :File name to upload >ϴļ :File not found >δҵļ :File not found in data dictionary >ֵδҵļ :File not found on client >在客户机上未找到文件 :File not found.\n\nPlease verify the correct file name was entered >δҵļ\n\nʵȷļ :File options >ļѡ :File prefix >ļǰ׺ :File processed >Ѵļ :File save options >ļѡ :File size >ļС :File size has been significantly reduced by the reindex process. This could indicate a key definition mismatch or change in record length. Do you wish to skip this file? >ؽ̴СļĴСؼֶ岻ƥ¼б仯ϣļ :File size has been significantly reduced by the reindex process. This could indicate a key definition mismatch or change in record length. Do you wish to skip this file? >ؽѴСļĴС붨岻ƥ¼б仯ϣļ :File size in bytes >ļֽڴС :File status >ļ״̬ :File status message >ļ״̬Ϣ :File stored offline >洢ļѻ :File to convert >תļ :File to import >ļ :File(Alt+F) >ļ(Alt+F) :File2 >ļ2 :Filename >ļ :Files >ļ :Files Codes >ļ :Files Used >ļ :Files and Folders >ļļ :Files converted >תļ :Files of type >ļ :Files to Export >ļ :Files to Upload >ϴļ :Files to be selected >ѡļ :Files were not exported to the following sites >ļδվ :Files/sec >ļ :Fileshare >ļ :Filesize >ļС :Filetype >ļ :Fill type >文件类型 :Filler > :Filter > :Filter Applied >Ӧù :Filter Columns > :Filter Criteria >׼ :Filter Options >ѡ :Filter Parameter > :Filter Rows > :Filter Summary >ժҪ :Filter Text >ı :Filter browse and fetch >ͻȡ :Filter by Key > :Filter by column >Ĺ :Filter by program >按程序过滤器 :Filter on status >״̬ :Filter program >程序过滤器 :Filter reports & browses >˱ :Filter reports and browse >Ԥ :Filter reports and browses > :Filter stock code based on operator access list >ڲԱбĹ :Final disposals >մ :Final installment >һ :Final instalment >һ :Finalize Blanket Purchase Order Contract >һӲɹͬ :Finalize Sales Order >ö۶ :Finance Charge > :Finance Charge Calculation >ü :Finance Charge Calculation in Progress >ִвü :Finance Charge Control Account >ÿʻ :Finance Charge/Credit Status >ã״̬ :Finance charge information >Ϣ :Finance charge messages >Ϣ :Finance charges > :Finance charges (Cr) >շѣ :Financial > :Financial Analysis > :Financial Leverage Multiplier >ܸ˳˷ :Financial Period > :Financial Ratio Query >ʲѯ :Financial Ratio's Query >ʲѯ :Financial Report >񱨱 :Financial Report Column Maintenance >񱨱ά :Financial Report Detail Lines >񱨱ϸ :Financial Report Run-time Prompt Definition >񱨱ʱʾ :Financial Report Variable Query >񱨱ѯ :Financial Report Writer Reports >񱨸д :Financial Reporting >񱨸 :Financial Setup > :Financial Statement >񱨸 :Financial Statement Graph >񱨸ͼ :Financial Year > :Financial Year End >Ƚ :Financial Year Error > :Financial Year Maintenance >ά :Financial Year/Budget >ȣԤ :Financial development >񿪷 :Financial import applications >Ӧó :Financial month >· :Financial month in which >·ݣڼ :Financial period balances > :Financial prd/year >/ :Financial query applications >ѯӦó :Financial query programs >ѯ :Financial setup options >ѡ :Financial year %1 > %1 :Financial year %1 for G/L code >(G/L)IJ %1 :Financial year %1 versus Budget this year for G/L code >(G/L)IJ %1 ԽԤ :Financial year - %1 > - %1 :Financial year / period not defined >δȣ :Financial year/period not defined >δҵ/ :Find > :Find (Ctrl+F) > (Ctrl+F) :Find Approved Manufacturers Part Number >׼ :Find Archived Jobs >ҹ鵵ҵ :Find Asset >ʲ :Find Assets >ʲ :Find Caption >ұ :Find Completed >已完成查找 :Find Customer >ҿͻ :Find Customer by Invoice >Ʊҿͻ :Find Customer for Invoice >Ʊҿͻ :Find Customers >ҿͻ :Find Interrupted >ж :Find Invoices for Supplier >ҹӦ̷Ʊ :Find Jobs >ҵ :Find Ledger Code >ҷʴ :Find Ledger Codes >ҷʴ :Find Matching >ƥ :Find Matching Configurations >ƥ :Find Matching Customers >ƥͻ :Find Matching Jobs >ƥҵ :Find Matching Ledger Codes >ƥʴ :Find Matching Serial Numbers >ƥк :Find Matching Stock Codes >ƥ :Find Matching Suppliers >ƥ乩Ӧ :Find Movements >ұ䶯 :Find Next >ı :Find Next Customer >һλͻ :Find Non-stocked codes >ҷǿ :Find Operators >ҲԱ :Find Options >ѡ :Find Purchase Orders >Ҳɹ :Find Quotations >ұ :Find Requisition Users >빺û :Find Result >ҽ :Find Sales Order Numbers >۶ :Find Sales Order Numbers for Customer >ҿͻ۶ :Find Sales Order Numbers for Customer Purchase Order >ҿͻɹ۶ :Find Serial number >ϵк :Find Serial numbers for Stock code >ҿϵк :Find Stock Code >ҿ :Find Stock Codes >ҿ :Find String in Deposit Details >ҴϸеĴ :Find String in Ledger Details >ڷϸвҴ :Find Supplier >ҹӦ :Find Supplier/Stock Code Cross-Reference >ҹӦ̣ :Find Suppliers >ҹӦ :Find Text >ı :Find a Caption on a Form >ұ :Find account >ʻ :Find and Replace >Ҳ滻 :Find check number >У :Find in Progress >ڲ :Find paused. Press OK to continue >ͣȷ :Find programs in use matching >ʹеij򣬷 :Find programs in use matching the following criteria >ʹõIJҳ±׼ :Find selection >ѡ :Find the specific customer for which an invoice was created >查找为其创建发票的具体客户 :Find transaction date >ҽ :Find transaction number >ҽ׺ :Find what >ʲô :Finding Selected Transaction >ڲѡĽ :Finish > :Finish Modify >޶ :Finish date > :Finished Goods - P & C >Ʒ - P C :Finished Goods Buyer >Ʒɹ :Finished Goods Purchasing Manager >Ʒɹ :Finished Goods Warehouse >Ʒֿ :Finished part is comment >ɲΪע :Finished stock code >ɿ :Finished stock code selection >ɿѡ :Finished the template creation process >ɵģ崴 :Finished type >ɵ :Finished warehouse >ɲֿ :Finite Scheduler >޶ :Finite Scheduling >޽ :Finite scheduled delivery date >޵Ԥ :Finnish > :Fire OnRefresh event for this customized pane, passing it this value >ΪԶ崰񼤷 OnRefresh ¼ʹֵͨ :Firm period for MRP review >MRPȷڼ :First >һ :First Entry >һ¼ :First %1 Entries >׸ %1 Ŀ :First %1 Lines >ǰ%1 :First AP Branch >׸ AP ֧ :First AR Branch >׸ AR ֧ :First Account >׸˻ :First Accrual Type >׸˻ :First Address >׸ַ :First Address Code >׸ַ :First Analysis Category >׸ :First Approved Manufacturer >׼׼ :First Approved Manufacturer Part Number >׼׼ :First Asset >ʲ :First Asset Branch >׸ʲ֧ :First Asset Code >׸ʲ :First Asset Depreciation Code >׸ʲ۾ɴ :First Asset Group >׸ʲ :First Asset Mechanic >׸ʲ :First Asset Owner >׸ʲ :First Asset Status >׸ʲ״̬ :First Asset Type >׸ʲ :First BOM Route > BOM · :First Bank >׼ :First Bank Control >׸п :First Bank code >׸д :First Beneficiary >׸ּ :First Bin >׸ :First Buyer >׸ɹ :First Buyer Group >׸ɹ :First Buying Group >׸ɹ :First Calculation Code >׸ :First Capex >׸ʱ :First Capex Classification >׸ʱ÷ :First Capex Type >׸ʱ :First Cash Drawer >̨ :First Check Line >һ :First Co-product Line >׸ͬƷ :First Code >׸ :First Comment >׸ע :First Commission Code >׸Ӷ :First Component >׸ :First Configuration >首次配置 :First Constant Code >׸ :First Contact >׸ϵ :First Container Type >׸ :First Contract >׷ݺͬ :First Cost Center >׸ɱ :First Criterion >首个标准 :First Currency >ֻ :First Currency Conversion >״λת :First Currency History >׸Ҽ¼ :First Customer >׼ҿͻ :First Customer Class >׸ͻ :First Customer Code >׸ͻ :First Customer Purchase Order >׷ݿͻɹ :First Customer Stock Code >׸ͻ :First Date >һ :First Deduction Code >׸ô :First Delivery Load >״νװ :First Delivery Route >· :First Delivery Term >׸ :First Department >׸ :First Detail Line >һϸ :First Discount Code >׸ۿ۴ :First Dispacth Note >首个发货单 :First Dispatch Note >׷ݷ :First Document >׷ĵ :First Document Type >׸ĵ :First Drawing Size >ͼֽߴ :First ECC Status Code >׸ ECC ״̬ :First ECO >׸ ECO :First EFT number from box >еĵһת(EFT) :First EFT number to print >Ҫӡĵһת(EFT) :First Element >׸Ԫ :First Element Descriptor >׸Ԫ :First Element Structure Code >׸Ԫؽṹ :First Employee Code >׸Ա :First Engineering User >׸û :First Entry >һ¼ :First Entry (Ctrl+Home) >׸Ŀ (Ctrl+Home) :First Expense Code >׸ô :First Extended Tax Code >׸չ˰ :First Extended Tax History >չ˰¼ :First GL Code >׸ GL :First Geographic Area >׸ :First Group >׸ :First Hierarchical Job >׸ּ :First Hierarchy Code >׸ּ :First Instruction >ָʾ :First Invoice >һݷƱ :First Invoice Discount >״ηƱۿ :First Invoice Line >һƱ :First Invoice Term >׸Ʊ :First Item >׸Ŀ :First Job >׷ݹ :First Job Classification >׸ :First Key >׸Կ :First LCT Route > LCT · :First Labor Format Code >׸Ͷʽ :First Ledger Code >׸˴ :First Line >һ :First Load >״װ :First Lot Number >׸α :First Machine Code >׸ :First Master Job > :First Material Allocation >״βϷ :First Matrix >׸ :First Model >׸ͺ :First National Bank Reconciliation File Conversion >һжļת :First National file name (input) >һļ룩 :First Nationality Code >׸ :First Nature of Transaction > :First Non-productive Code >׸ :First Number to Print >׸ӡ :First Operation >һ :First Operation Number >һ :First Operator >Ա :First Option >首个选项配 :First Order >һݶ :First Order Type >׸ :First Organization >׼֯ :First P/O Line >首个 P/O 行 :First PO >׷ PO :First POrder >首个采购订单 :First Page >һҳ :First Payment Type >׸ :First Period >׸ :First Permanent Entry >׸Ŀ :First Planner >ƻԱ :First Price Code >׸۸ :First Problem >׸ :First Product Class >׸Ʒ :First Product Group >׸Ʒ :First Promotion Code >׸ :First Purchase Order >׷ݲɹ :First Purchase Order (Ctrl+Home) >׷ݲɹ (Ctrl+Home) :First Purchase Order Line >首个采购订单行 :First Quality Element >׸Ԫ :First RMA >׸ RMA :First Reason Code >׸ԭ :First Reason for Disposal >׸ԭ :First Reason for Revaluation >׸¹ֵԭ :First Record >¼ :First Reference >״βο :First Requisition >״빺 :First Requisition Group >׸빺 :First Resolution Code >׸ :First Resource Code >׸Դ :First Route >首个路线 :First Route Code >׸·ߴ :First Rule > :First SKU >׸ SKU :First Sales Order >׷۶ :First Salesperson >ۻԱ :First Selection Set >׸ѡ :First Selling Price Unit of Measure >׸ۼۼλ :First Serial Number >׸ϵк :First Service Charge >շ :First Set >׸ :First Shipment >首次货运 :First Shipment (Ctrl+Home) >״λ (Ctrl+Home) :First Standard Hierarchy >׸׼ּ :First Status Code >׸״̬ :First Stock Code >׸ :First Stock Code Unit of Measure >׸λ :First Stock Code for Supplier >׸Ӧ̿ :First Stock uom >׸λ :First Storage Hazard Code >׸洢Σմ :First Storage Security Code >׸洢ȫ :First Storage condition >洢 :First Supplementary Code >׸ :First Supplier >׼ҹӦ :First Supplier Class >׸Ӧ̷ :First Supplier Code >׸Ӧ̴ :First Supplier Contract >׷ݹӦ̺ͬ :First TP Account >׸ AP ˻ :First Tariff Code >׸˰ :First Tax Code >׸˰ :First Template >׸ģ :First Ticket Number >׸ȯ :First Time SYSPR Installation Wizard >״SYSPRװ :First Time SYSPRO Installation >״SYSPROװ :First Time SYSPRO Installation Wizard >״SYSPROװ :First Tip >һʾ :First Tool Set >׸߼ :First Transaction Line >һ :First Transport >״ :First Unit of Measure >׸λ :First User >׼û :First User-defined Journal Source Code >׸ûռԴ :First Vessel >һ :First Warehouse Area >׸ֿ :First Warehouse Bin >׸ֿ :First Warehouse for this Stock Code >˿׸ֿ :First Withholding Tax Code >׸˰ :First Work Center >׸ :First Work Center Move Matrix >׸ƶ :First check from box >һѡ :First check line cannot exceed the total number of lines on the statement >һвóе :First check line starts on line >һʼ :First check to print >ӡһμ :First day of month >·ݵһ :First day of the week >һ :First day of week >һ :First detail line cannot exceed total lines in the statement >һϸвóе :First detail line exceeds the lines per page >һϸгÿҳ :First detail line may not exceed number of lines on a page >һϸвóҳϵ :First detail line number may not exceed total lines on a page >һϸкŲóҳϵ :First detail line starts on line >һϸʼ :First discount >״ۿ :First discount % >һۿۣ :First discount percent >׸ۿ۰ٷֱ :First discount percentage >׸ۿ۰ٷֱ :First installment date >ڸ :First instalment date > :First invoice line starts on row >һƱʼ :First level >׸ :First limit %1 >׸ %1 :First line in heading section to be used as column heading >ⲿĵһ :First line of address >ַһ :First line of narration >׸ :First line of text >ıһ :First line to be used for headings in heading section >ⲿĵһ :First month of the year >ȵĵһ :First name > :First node >һڵ :First number from box >׸к :First offer total block starts on line >һܶʼ :First organization type >׸֯ :First period start date >һڼ俪ʼ :First purchase >һβɹ :First rate %1 >׸ %1 :First reached >ȴﵽ :First report >һݱ :First request date >״ :First selection >һѡ :First ship date >׸װ :First transaction line number may not exceed total lines on a page >һкŲóҳϵ :First transaction line starts on line >һʼ :First value >һֵ :First week of the year >ȵĵһ :FirstEntry >FirstEntry :Fiscal Period %1 > %1 :Fiscal Period Definition >ڶ :Fiscal Period Pane >ڴ :Fiscal Periods > :Fiscal year end > :Fit to Window >Ӧ :Fits the Flow Graph to the window >ʹͼӦ :Fix >̶ :Fix In-house >˾ :Fix rate >̶ :Fix ship address at time of order entry >ʱĹ̶ַ :Fixed >̶ :Fixed Days Months >̶ :Fixed Asset Count Selection >̶ʲѡ :Fixed Asset Movement Schedule >̶ʲ䶯ʱ :Fixed Currency >̶ :Fixed EUL >̶EUL :Fixed Overhead Ledger Code >̶ӷ÷ʴ :Fixed Time Period (days) >̶ʱڼ䣨 :Fixed contract >̶ͬ :Fixed cost >̶ɱ :Fixed cost (local) >̶ɱأ :Fixed costs >̶ɱ :Fixed currency invoice >̶ҷƱ :Fixed currency invoices >̶ҷƱ :Fixed currency quote >̶ұ :Fixed currency sales orders >̶۶ :Fixed date >̶ :Fixed day >̶ :Fixed day of the month >µĹ̶ :Fixed day per month >ÿµĹ̶ :Fixed description >̶˵ :Fixed elapsed time >̶ʱ :Fixed exchange >̶ :Fixed exchange rate >̶һ :Fixed exchange rate (Y,N) >̶ (Y,N) :Fixed exchange rate flag >̶ʱ :Fixed exchange rate for foreign suppliers >Ӧ̵Ĺ̶ :Fixed group >̶ :Fixed o/h >̶ӷ :Fixed o/head >̶ӷ :Fixed overhead >̶ӷ :Fixed overhead rate >̶ӷ÷ :Fixed parent qty >̶ :Fixed parent quantity >̶ :Fixed percent >̶ٷֱ :Fixed percent is zero. Do you wish to continue? >̶ٷֱΪ㡣ϣ :Fixed policy settings >̶ :Fixed price >̶۸ :Fixed price - >̶۸ :Fixed purchase order >̶ɹ :Fixed qty >̶ :Fixed qty per >̶ :Fixed qty per flag >ÿǹ̶ :Fixed quantity >̶ :Fixed quantity per >固定数量,按 :Fixed rate >̶ :Fixed source >̶Դ :Fixed time days for rule C >CĹ̶ʱ :Fixed time in days >̶ʱ䣨 :Fixed time period >̶ʱ :Fixed time period may not be zero >̶ʱڼ䲻Ϊ :Fixed value >̶ֵ :Flag > :Flag as actioned >ΪѲȡж :Flag overload identification as actioned >رʶΪִ :Flag to indicate if any jobs >бǣָʾκιǷ :Flag to indicate if any order >бǣָʾκζǷ :Flash Validation Icons >˸֤ͼ :Flat Price >ͳһ۸ :Flat price method >̶۸񷽷 :Flat view >ƽͼ :FlexGen for SYSPRO >SYSPROFlexgen :FlexGen for SYSPRO Menu >SYSPRO˵FlexGen :FlexGen for SYSPRO Program >SYSPROFlexGen :FlexGen for SYSPRO Shortcut >SYSPROݷʽFlexGen :FlexGen for SYSPRO Workbench >SYSPRǪFlexGen :Float > :Floating > :Floating (Reset Size) > :Floor Stock / Bulk Issue Item >ҵֳ棯ǩ :Floor Stock / Bulk Issue Items >ҵֳ棯ǩ :Floor Stock/Bulk Issue Item >ֳ/ǩĿ :Floor Stock/Bulk Issue Items >ֳ/ǩĿ :Floor stock >ҵֳ :Floor stock issue complete >ҵֳǩ :Floor stock issue not complete. Please process outstanding issues via specific issues >δɻǩͨضǩδɵǩ :Floor stock item >ҵֳ :Floor stock material allocations >Ϸ :Floor stock warehouse >ҵֳֿ :Floor stock warehouse record not on file for this stock code. Therefore the stock cannot be issued >ÿĻֿ¼ڡ޷ǩ :Floorstock >ҵֳ :Floorstock item >ҵֳ :Flow Graph >ͼ :Flow Graph - Allowed to design flow graphs >流程图 - 允许设计流程图 :Flow Graph Default Appearance >流程图默认外观 :Flow Graph Design >流程图设计 :Flow Graph List >流程图列表 :Flow Graph Maintenance >流程图维护 :Flow Graph Properties >流程图属性 :Flow Graphs for Role >职责流程图 :Flow graph to open >要打开的流程图 :Flow type > :Flowchart >ͼ :Folder >ļ :Folder To Export To >⵼ļ :Folder invalid for mailbox name >ļЧ :Folder name >ļ :Folder to poll >ѯļ :Folders >ļ :Follow Up Date > :Follow up > :Follow up flag >ٱ :Follow up flag - Cyan flag >跟进标记 - 青色标记 :Follow up flag - Magenta flag >跟进标记 - 品红标记 :Follow up flag - White flag >跟进标记 - 白色标记 :Follow up flag captions >ٱDZ :Follow up message >Ϣ :Follow up oper >ٲ :Follow up options >ѡ :Follow up reqd >Ҫĸ :Follow up setting when adding non-appointments and meetings >ӷԼͻʱ :Follow up time >ʱ :Follow up urgently > :Follow-up > :Follow-up date > :Follow-up date selection >ѡ :Follow-up date selections >ѡ :Following reset functions processed successfully >已成功处理以下复位功能 :Followup Date > :Font > :Font (Ctrl+F) >(Ctrl+F) :Font Information >Ϣ :Font Validation >֤ :Font and Colors >弰ɫ :Font face name > :Font for Forms and Listviews >бͼ :Font for Quick View >ٲ鿴 :Footer >ҳ :Footer (after the RMA detail section) >ҳţRMA鲿֮ :Footer Background Color >ҳűɫ :Footer Field Maintenance >עֶά :Footer Fields >ҳֶ :Footer Fields - Report >עֶ - :Footer Fields Have Changed >ҳֶѸ :Footer Maint >ҳά :Footer Maintenance >ҳά :Footer options >ҳѡ :Footer required >所需脚注 :Footer text >ҳı :For NON-FIFO jnl record >ڷ FIFO ռ˼¼ :For Period Ending >ĩ :For SYSPRO %1 the custom form data is stored in a new format where each form type >对于 SYSPRO %1,自定义表格数据将以新格式存储,其中的每一个表格类型均 :For a drop down field you can optionally apply an icon >ѡӦͼֶ :For ageing methods of \"S\" and \"A\", only 0, multiples of 30 or 999 may be entered >\"S\"\"A\"䷽ֻ030999ı :For an ISAM company only a single character company id is allowed > ISAM ˾ʹõһַ˾ id :For each new line in '%1' > '%1' еÿһ :For each new line in 'receipt all' >ڡȫеÿһ :For example INV* >INV* :For example. custom form data for a customer is stored in a table named '%1' >磬ͻԶ洢Ϊ '%1' ı :For example. custom form data for a customer is stored in a table named 'ArCustomer+' >例如,客户的自定义表格数据存储于名为 'ArCustomer+' 的表中 :For fix in-house >ڹ˾ :For optimum data migration, SYSPRO uses the SQL Server >ΪŻתƣSYSPROSQL :For optimum performance when initially populating SYSPRO tables, >为初步填充 SYSPRO 表时优化性能, :For the period >ڴ :For year end period >ڼ :Force All Data >ǿʹȫ :Force GL analysis >ǿ GL :Force New Password at Next Login >´ε¼ʱǿʹ :Force Setup of New Password >ǿ :Force Setup of New Passwords >ǿ :Force Total to 100% >ǿƺϼΪ100% :Force Upgrade >ǿƸ :Force check no >ǿƺ˲ :Force date to be entered for each line >ҪΪÿһǿ :Force entry of expiry date >ʧЧڵǿ :Force refresh if hierarchy has more than %1 items >ξ %1 ϸĿǿˢ :Force request of branch for each new order >ÿһ¶ǿԷ֧ :Force total to 100% >ǿƺϼƴ 100% :Forced Balance G/L Control Account >ǿG/Lʻ :Forced balance >ǿ :Forced balance account >ǿʻ :Forced balance account as defined in the GL Integration not on file > GL ǿ˻ :Forced balance account has a non-zero balance >ǿ˻߱ :Forced balance account has a non-zero balance in period >ǿ˻߱ڷ :Forced balance account not >ǿʻ :Forced balance account not on >ǿʻ :Forced balance description >ǿ˵ :Forecast >Ԥ :Forecast % >Ԥ% :Forecast %1 >Ԥ %1 :Forecast Accuracy >Ԥ׼ȷ :Forecast Accuracy Details >Ԥ׼ȷ :Forecast Accuracy Query >Ԥ׼ȷʲѯ :Forecast Accuracy Review >Ԥ׼ȷ :Forecast Accuracy Summmary >Ԥ׼ȷժҪ :Forecast Actions >Ԥж :Forecast Addition Maintenance >Ԥά :Forecast Amendment Journal >Ԥ :Forecast Amendment Journal Report >Ԥ޶ռʱ :Forecast Amendment Journal in Progress >ִԤ޶ռ :Forecast Approval in Process >ִԤ :Forecast Calendars >Ԥ :Forecast Calendars in Progress >ִԤ :Forecast Change Maintenance >Ԥ仯ά :Forecast Comparison >ԤȽ :Forecast Comparison Report >ԤԱȱ :Forecast Depletion Take-on >Ԥijе :Forecast Details >Ԥ :Forecast Error and Performance Measures >Ԥܲⶨ :Forecast Export in Progress >ִԤ⵼ :Forecast Graph >Ԥ :Forecast Inactive/Active >Ԥǻģ :Forecast Journal File >Ԥռļ :Forecast Maintenance >Ԥά :Forecast Measures >Ԥʩ :Forecast Move >Ԥ䶯 :Forecast Period Calendar Maintenance >Ԥά :Forecast accuracy defaults >Ԥ׼ȷĬֵ :Forecast accuracy/service levels >Ԥ׼ȷ/񼶱 :Forecast action selection >Ԥ⶯ѡ :Forecast algorithm >Ԥ㷨 :Forecast amendment journals required >ҪԤ޶ռ :Forecast base >Ԥ :Forecast basis >Ԥ :Forecast calendar >Ԥ :Forecast date >Ԥ :Forecast date selection >Ԥѡ :Forecast dates >Ԥ :Forecast depletion >Ԥ :Forecast depletion period type >Ԥ :Forecast error >Ԥ :Forecast for remainder of year >һʣʱԤ :Forecast horizon >Ԥ :Forecast horizon (months) >Ԥھ :Forecast may not be entered for phantom or notional stock codes >ΪԤ :Forecast options >Ԥѡ :Forecast period definition >Ԥڶ :Forecast period length >Ԥڳ :Forecast period length prior to ship date >װ֮ǰԤڳ :Forecast planning >Ԥ滮 :Forecast quantity >Ԥ :Forecast the effect on a bank's balance of transferring all entries residing within the permanent entries file >ԤתפĿļĿӰ :Forecast to be projected by >¸ƻԤ :Forecast to use >ʹõԤ :Forecast to use in demand >ʹõԤ :Forecast type >Ԥ :Forecast type selection >Ԥѡ :Forecast types >Ԥ :Forecast vs Sales >Ԥ :Forecast/levels creation >Ԥ/𴴽 :Forecasting >Ԥ :Forecasting - Warehouse >Ԥ - ֿ :Forecasting Graph >Ԥ :Forecasting Information >ԤϢ :Forecasting Measures >Ԥʩ :Forecasting Set >Ԥ :Forecasts >Ԥ :Forecasts and sales orders >Ԥ۶ :Forecasts by Time Periods >ʱԤ :Forecasts exist >Ԥ :Forecasts may not be entered for notional parts >öԹ񲿼Ԥ :Forecasts may not be entered for phantom stock codes >öԤ :Forecasts only >Ԥ :Foreground >ǰ :Foreground color >ǰɫ :Foreground heading color >ǰɫ :Foreign > :Foreign Currency Checks >֧Ʊ :Foreign Currency Customer >ҿͻ :Foreign Currency Payment Register >ҸǼDz :Foreign Currency Payment Register - Reprint >ҸǼDz - ´ӡ :Foreign Currency Price Codes >Ҽ۸ :Foreign Currency Supplier >ҹӦ :Foreign Currency System Checks >ϵͳ :Foreign Key > :Foreign Keys > :Foreign Keys will now be added to your Company Database >ֽӵĹ˾ݿ :Foreign Payments Recap > :Foreign Price >Ҽ۸ :Foreign Price Code >Ҽ۸ :Foreign Price Code Maintenance >Ҽ۸ά :Foreign Price Codes >Ҽ۴ :Foreign Price Maintenance >Ҽ۸ά :Foreign Price Maintenance for Stock Code >Ҽ۸ά :Foreign Price Record Locked >۸¼ :Foreign Prices >۸ :Foreign Prices for Stock Code >Ҽ۸ :Foreign Pricing > :Foreign Purchase Orders >ɹ :Foreign Purchase Orders Archive Viewer >ɹ鿴 :Foreign Purchase Prices >ҹ۸ :Foreign amount >ҽ :Foreign bank > :Foreign bank - foreign cashbook not installed > δװֽʱ :Foreign cash book is not required. Program cancelled >Ҫֽʱȡ :Foreign charge >շ :Foreign currency > :Foreign currency '%1' against bank '%2' is invalid as foreign currency Cash Book is not installed >δװֽʱ'%2' '%1' Ч :Foreign currency '%1' against bank '%2' is invalid as foreign currency is not installed >δװң '%2' '%1' Ч :Foreign currency '%1' against customer '%2' is invalid as foreign currency Cash Book is not installed >δװֽʱԿͻ '%2' '%1' Ч :Foreign currency bank > :Foreign currency can not be used with a local price code >Ҳ뵱ؼ۸һʹ :Foreign currency cash book is not installed. The bank currency is not the same as the local currency >δװֽʱлҲͬڵػ :Foreign currency cash book required >Ҫֽʱ :Foreign currency code >Ҵ :Foreign currency customer but foreign Cash Book not installed >ҿͻֽʱδװ :Foreign currency information >Ϣ :Foreign currency must be payment type \"Other\" >ұΪ\\ :Foreign currency remittances >һ :Foreign currency sales required >Ҫ :Foreign currency selection >ѡ :Foreign currency transaction >ҽ :Foreign currency will be saved as payment type \"Other\" >ҽΪ \"\" :Foreign customer values in >¸еͻֵ :Foreign exchange > :Foreign freight value >˷Ѽֵ :Foreign gross amount >ܶ :Foreign merchandise value >Ʒֵ :Foreign o/s value >δֵ :Foreign order value >Ҷֵ :Foreign other value >ֵ :Foreign outstanding value >δֵ :Foreign price option >۸ѡ :Foreign price options >۸ѡ :Foreign sales amount >۽ :Foreign tax value >˰ :Foreign to Account Conversion Using Triangulation >Ƿҵʻת :Foreign to Account to Local Conversion >ҵʻػת :Foreign to Local Conversion >ҵػת :Foreign to Local Conversion Using Triangulation >Ƿҵػת :Foreign value >ֵ :Foreign values >ֵ :Foreing currency must be payment type \"Other\" >ұΪ \"\" :Form > :Form %1 > %1 :Form %1 Graph > %1 :Form %1 window > %1 :Form Action > :Form Controls > :Form Controls and Variables >ƺͱ :Form Customization >Զ :Form Description >˵ :Form Design > :Form Designer > :Form Entry > :Form Entry (2) >(2) :Form Entry (3) >(3) :Form Entry (4) >(4) :Form Entry (5) >(5) :Form Field Move >ֶƶ :Form Function >表格功能 :Form Load Event >¼ :Form Preferences >表格首选项 :Form Tabbing Sequence >ƶ˳ :Form Toolbar >񹤾 :Form Window >񴰿 :Form actions > :Form attributes > :Form design name > :Form function value >ֵ :Form function value is no longer available - please reselect and save >ֵٿ - ѡ񲢱 :Form name > :Form not saved >δı :Form source >表格来源 :Form successfully saved >ѳɹı :Form template >ģ :Form type > :Form types >表格类型 :Form validation >֤ :Form values >ֵ :Form values saved >ѱֵ :Format >ʽ :Format Compatibility >ʽ :Format Description >ʽ˵ :Format Password >ʽ :Format already exists >ʽѴ :Format cells where cell value >ʽԪеĵԪֵ :Format exists on file. Do you wish to overwrite it? >ʽļСϣ :Format has not been defined >δʽ :Format is %1 compatible >ʽΪ %1 :Format name >ʽ :Format no >ʽ :Format not found >δҵʽ :Format not on file >ʽ :Format not yet created >δʽ :Format number >ʽ :Format number used for quote >ڱ۵ĸʽ :Format of current files >ǰļʽ :Format of date in Inbox view >ռͼеڸʽ :Format of dates in task views >ͼеڸʽ :Format on document >ļеĸʽ :Format on order >ʽ :Format options >ʽѡ :Format record not found. Program cancelled >δҵʽ¼ȡ :Format selection >ʽѡ :Format to be used for batch printing >ӡĸʽ :Format to print for document >Ҫӡĵʽ :Formats >ʽ :Formatting >ʽ :Formatting of numerics >ָʽ :Formatting options >ʽѡ :Formatting selections >ʽѡ :Formname > :Forms > :Forms - Caption adjustments for group/company > - 飯˾ :Forms - Customization by operator > - Ա :Forms Designer > :Formula / Value >ʽֵ :Formula details >ʽ :Formula/Value >ʽ/ֵ :Forward >Զ :Forward (F) >Զ(F) :Forward Finite >ǰ޵ :Forward Finite Scheduling >޽ȼƻ :Forward Order >Զڶ :Forward order (F) >Զڶ(F) :Forward order (no allocations) >Զڶ޷䣩 :Forward order (not allocated) (F) >Զڶδ䣩(F) :Forward orders >Զڶ :Forward to >ת :Forward to Next Page >ǰҳ :Forward to user >ǰû :Forwarding user cannot be blank >תûΪ :Found Entries >ҵ :Fourth > :Fourth Index > :Fourth report >ķݱ :Foward >ת :Fragment file on insert >Ƭļ :Frame = ((Width + Height) X 2) X Quantity >֡ = + ߶ȣX 2X :Frames >֡ :Free >ѵ :Free Format Comment >ɸʽע :Free Format Comments >ɸʽע :Free Goods >ѻ :Free Goods Details >ѻϸ :Free Goods In Multiples Of >¸ѻ :Free Goods Method >ѻ﷽ :Free Goods Price >ѻ۸ :Free Goods Quantity >ѻ :Free Goods Stock Code >ѻ :Free Goods Stock Code Description >ѻ :Free Goods Threshold Qty >ѻֵ :Free for Specific >ضĿ :Free form >ɱ :Free goods details not defined >δѻϸ :Free goods price code >ѻ۸ :Free goods stock code not on file >ѻ벻 :Free goods type >ѻ :Free goods use merchandise line product class >ѻʹƷвƷȼ :Free quantity > :Free stock >ɿ :Freeze Columns > :Freeze column count >冻结列栏数目 :Freeze draft forecast >ƱԤ :Freeze within lead time >ڶ :Freight >˷ :Freight (Dr) >˷ѣ跽 :Freight - %1 >˷ - %1 :Freight - %1 is a mandatory field and has not been entered >˷ - %1 DZֶΣδ :Freight Charge Line >˷ :Freight Charges Control Account >ÿʻ :Freight Cost of Sales Account >˷ѳɱʻ :Freight Details >˷ϸ :Freight Details for Credit Note >Ʊ˷ϸ :Freight Details for Sales Order >۶˷ϸ :Freight GL Code >˷ GL :Freight Ledger Code >˷ѷʴ :Freight Line >˷ :Freight Offer Entry >˷ѱ :Freight amount >˷ѽ :Freight charge >˷ :Freight charge details >运费明细 :Freight charge processing >ô :Freight charge value is zero >˷ֵΪ :Freight charges > :Freight charges (Cr) >˷ѣ :Freight charges cannot exceed transaction amount >˷Ѳɳ׶ :Freight charges comment >˷ע :Freight comment >˷ע :Freight description >˷ :Freight for Credit Note >Ʊ˷ :Freight for Sales Order >۶˷ :Freight ledger code not on file >˷ѷʴ벻ļ :Freight lines >˷ :Freight taxable >˰˷ :Freight taxable flag >˰˷ѱ :Freight value >˷Ѽֵ :French > :French Canadian > (ô) :French Language > :Frequency allowance (days) >Ƶʲ :Frequency of delivery >Ƶ :Frequency of transfer >תƵ :Fri > :Fri %1 > %1 :Friday > :From > :From Alternate key >来自备有密钥 :From Customer >Կͻ :From Existing Journal >ժռ :From GIT reference > GIT ο :From GRN > GRN :From Job >ҵ :From Job Number >ҵ :From Journal >ռ :From Module >ģ :From Period %1 is greater than To Period %2 >%1 %2 :From Product Class >ԲƷȼ :From RMA > RMA :From Standard Journal >ժԱ׼ռ :From Work Center >ҵ :From account >ʻ :From address >ַ :From allocated date >ӷ :From alpha value > Alpha ֵ :From amount >ӽ :From analysis %1 >ӷ %1 :From analysis code %1 >ӷ %1 :From analysis no >ӷ :From analysis number >ӷ :From asset >ʲ :From asset branch >来自资产分支 :From asset group >ʲ :From asset location >ʲλ :From asset type >ʲ :From bin >Բ :From bin location >ӿ :From blanket p/order >ۺԲɹ :From blanket po contract >һӲɹͬ :From blanket po contract date >һӲɹͬ :From blanket po contract expiry date >һӲɹͬ :From branch >Է֧ :From buyer > :From buying group >Ӳɹ :From cash book journal >ֽ˲ռ :From cash book month >ֽ˲· :From cash book year >ֽ˲ :From catalogue >ӲƷĿ¼ :From check register >֧ƱǼDZ :From check/EFT >֧Ʊת(EFT) :From co-product line >ӹͬƷ :From column > :From company >ӹ˾ :From configuration > :From contract >Ӻͬ :From contract date >Ӻͬ :From contract expiry date >Ӻͬ :From contract number >Ӻͬ :From contract start >Ӻͬʼ :From contract start date >Ӻͬʼ :From created date >Ӵ :From creation date >Ӵ :From customer class >ӿͻ :From customer purchase order >ӿͻɹ :From customer stock code >ӿͻ :From date >ʼ :From date (from) >ʼ () :From date (to) >ʼ () :From date alpha >alpha :From date selection >ѡ :From day of month >ʼ· :From delivery date >ӽ :From delivery route >ӽ· :From delivery sequence >ӽ˳ :From departure date >来自出发日期 :From destination warehouse >Ŀĵزֿ :From details same as To details - cannot transfer >ϸϸͬ - ޷ת :From dispatch date >ӷ :From dispatch note >ӷ :From document number >ĵ :From due date >ӵ :From employee >Ա :From end date >ӽ :From expiry date >ӵ :From file >ļ :From forecast date >Ԥ :From geographic area >ӵ :From group number > :From import file >ӵļ :From invoice >ӷƱ :From invoice date >ӷƱ :From job classification >ӹ :From journal date >ռ :From ledger code >ӷ˴ :From ledger code description >ӷ˴ :From ledger month >ӷ· :From ledger period >Է :From ledger year >ӷ :From library >ӿ :From month >ʼ· :From movement date >ӱ䶯 :From non-stock code >Էǿ :From non-stocked code >ӷǿ :From numeric value >ֵ :From operation >Բ :From operator >ӲԱ :From order >Ӷ :From order date >Ӷ :From order due date >Ӷ :From order entry date >Ӷ¼ :From originator >ӷ :From p/class >ԲƷȼ :From payment run >Ը :From period >ʼڼ :From period number >Դڱ :From planner >ԼƻԱ :From post date >ӷ :From posting month >ӷ· :From purchase order >Բɹ :From purchase order stock code >Ӳɹ :From quotation >ӱ :From rate indicator >ָ :From reason code >ԭ :From receipt date >ջ :From reference >Բο :From requisition >빺 :From requisition due date >빺 :From route >· :From sales order >۶ :From salesperson >ۻԱ :From scrap date >ӱ :From serial >ϵ :From serial number >ϵк :From ship date >װ :From shipment >来自货运 :From shipment reference >ӻ˲ο :From source table >Դ :From source warehouse >Դֿ :From start date >ӿʼ :From start of this year >ʼڱȿʼ :From status >״̬ :From status and To status cannot be the same status code >ԡ״̬͡״̬Ϊͬ״̬ :From status description >״̬˵ :From stock code >Կ :From suggested due date >ӽ鵽 :From suggested order date >ӽ鶩 :From suggested requisition >ӽ빺 :From suggested ship date >ӽװ :From supplier >ԹӦ :From table >Ա :From target table >Ŀ :From target warehouse >Ŀֿ :From time >ʼʱ :From transaction date >ӽ :From transaction value >ӽ׼ֵ :From transfer >ת :From transfer value >ת˼ֵ :From user >û :From value >Լֵ :From vessel >来自货轮 :From w/center >Թ :From w/center description >Թ˵ :From warehouse >Բֿ :From warehouse description >Ӳֿ :From year >ʼ :Full >ȫ :Full - Password and log > - ͵¼ :Full Enquiry Listing >ȫѯ嵥 :Full Enquiry Listing in Progress >ִȫѯб :Full Task Menu >ȫ˵ :Full check wording language >ȫ :Full code >ȫ :Full hold - Late delivery >ȫ- ڽ :Full month >ȫ :Full name >ȫ :Full path to bcp command >Ƴȫ· :Full performance >ȫ :Full report > :Full year >ȫ :Function > :Function Not Available >δṩĹ :Function Not Yet Available >δṩĹ :Function Under Development >еĹ :Function cancelled >ȡĹ :Function context menu >ܱ˵ :Function ctx > :Function prohibited for user code '%1' >û' '%1' õĹ :Function prohibited for user code 'MRP' >û'MRP'õĹ :Function selection >ѡ :Functional Areas >功能区 :Functional area >功能区 :Functional role >ְ :Functions > :Funnel >©ͼ :Future > :Future free > :Future free < min > < Сֵ :Future free > max > > ֵ :Future free greater than maximum >ڻֵ :Future free less than minimum >ڻССֵ :Future free stock >ɿ :Future invoices >Ʊ :Future invoices in detail >ϸƱ :Futures >ڻ :G - Multiple EBQ lots >G - (EBQ) :G - Phantom part >G C :G/L A/P total >(G/L)Ӧʿ(A/P)ϼ :G/L A/R total >(G/L)Ӧʿ(A/R)ϼ :G/L Account Copy >ܷʻ :G/L Account Copy (Print only) >(G/L)ʻƣӡ :G/L Accounts for Tax Codes >˰մG/Lʻ :G/L Allow commitment over YTD budget >(G/L)(YTD)Ԥгŵ :G/L Allow commitment over annual budget >(G/L)Ԥгŵ :G/L Allow commitment over period budget >(G/L)Ԥгŵ :G/L Alternate Currency Valuation >(G/L)滻 :G/L Alternate currency revaluation >(G/L)滻ع :G/L Alternative Currency Setup >G/L :G/L Analyisis Codes for >(G/L) :G/L Analysis Categories >(G/L) :G/L Analysis Category >(G/L) :G/L Analysis Category Browse >G/L :G/L Analysis Category Code >(G/L) :G/L Analysis Category Code %1 >(G/L) %1 :G/L Analysis Category Code Phones > (G/L) 绰 :G/L Analysis Category Code Setup >(G/L) :G/L Analysis Category Code TRAVEL > (G/L) г :G/L Analysis Category Codes >(G/L) :G/L Analysis Category Maintenance >(G/L)ά :G/L Analysis Codes >(G/L) :G/L Analysis Codes for >¸ (G/L) :G/L Analysis Entry >(G/L)Ŀ :G/L Analysis Posting >(G/L) :G/L Analysis Query >ʷѯ :G/L Analysis Report >(G/L) :G/L Analysis Summary >(G/L)ժҪ :G/L Analysis not required. Use the G/L Structure Definition program to define analysis options >Ҫʷʹʽṹѡ :G/L Analysis required >Ҫ(G/L) :G/L Authorize Journal >(G/L)Ȩռ :G/L Browse on G/L Group Entries >(G/L) :G/L Browse on Normal Journals >(G/L)ͨռ :G/L Browse on Recurring Journals >(G/L)ռ :G/L Browse on Standard Journals >(G/L)׼ռ :G/L Check G/L Entries Locking > (G/L) ֧Ʊ (G/L) :G/L Code >G/L :G/L Code Conversion >(G/L)ת :G/L Codes >G/L :G/L Column Maint and Browse >(G/L)ά :G/L Commitment Post Transaction >(G/L)ŵʽ :G/L Commitment PostTransaction >(G/L)ŵ :G/L Commitment Status Query > (G/L) ŵ״̬ѯ :G/L Commitment Takeon >ѳŵܷ :G/L Commitment Takeon in Progress >ִʳиʽӹ :G/L Commitment Validation and Query >(G/L)ŵѯ :G/L Company Control Balances >(G/L)˾ :G/L Company id in Shared Table Warning >ֳɱеG/L˾id :G/L Configure Financial Year End >(G/L)ò :G/L Configure Year End >(G/L) :G/L Control Account >G/Lʻ :G/L Control Balances >G/L :G/L Control Record Update >(G/L)Ƽ¼ :G/L Convert Files to Issue %1 Format >(G/L)תļǩ %1 ʽ :G/L Copy Accounts >(G/L)ʻ :G/L Copy Program >G/LƳ :G/L Copy, Merge and Delete >G/Lơϲɾ :G/L Copy, Merge and Delete >G/Lơϲɾ :G/L Create ledger code from structure > (G/L) ӽṹʴ :G/L Currency History Setup >(G/L)ʷ¼ :G/L Current Ratio Report > (G/L) ǰʱ :G/L Current Ratio Summary >(G/L)ǰժҪ :G/L Current Year Periods >G/Lǰڼ :G/L Debt Equity Ratio Report > (G/L) ծȨʱ :G/L Debt Equity Ratio Summary >(G/L)ծȨժҪ :G/L Debt Ratio Report > (G/L) ծʱ :G/L Debt Ratio Summary >(G/L)ծժҪ :G/L Define Financial Reports >(G/L)񱨱 :G/L Define Financial Year End >(G/L) :G/L Detail Lines >(G/L)ϸ :G/L Distribute All >(G/L)ȫ :G/L Distribution >ܷʷ :G/L Distribution for Invoice >ƱG/L :G/L Distribution for Supplier Invoices >Ӧ̷ƱG/L :G/L Du Pont Analysis Query > (G/L) Űѯ :G/L Entries Groups >G/L :G/L Entries Maintenance >G/Lά :G/L Financial Leverage Multiplier Report > (G/L) ܸ˳˷ :G/L Financial Leverage Multiplier Summa >(G/L)ó˷ժҪ :G/L Financial Leverage Multiplier Summar >(G/L)ó˷ժҪ :G/L Financial Ratio Query >(G/L)ʲѯ :G/L Financial Ratios Query >(G/L)ʲѯ :G/L Financial Reporting >(G/L)񱨱 :G/L Financial Reports >G/L񱨱 :G/L Financial Statement Query > (G/L) 񱨸ѯ :G/L Gearing Report > (G/L) ʱ䱨 :G/L Gearing Summary >(G/L)ժҪ :G/L General Ledger Query >(G/L)һѯ :G/L General Ledger Setup >(G/L)һ :G/L General Ledger Setup Report > (G/L) ܷñ :G/L Global Budget Maintenance >G/LȫԤά :G/L Global Tax Report >G/Lȫ˰ձ :G/L Global Tax Report in Progress >ִG/Lȫ˰ձ :G/L Group Browse > (G/L) :G/L Group Maintenance >(G/L)ά :G/L Groups >G/L :G/L Header/footer Maintenance >(G/L)ҳüעά :G/L History Maintenance >(G/L)ʷ¼ά :G/L History Report >G/Lʷ¼ :G/L History for Account >(G/L)ʻʷ¼ :G/L Import Exchange Rates >(G/L) :G/L Import G/L Budgets >(G/L)(G/L)Ԥ :G/L Import G/L Entries >(G/L)(G/L) :G/L Initial History >G/Lʼʷ :G/L Integration >ܷʺϲ :G/L Integration Report > (G/L) ɱ :G/L Integration Setup Options > (G/L) ѡ :G/L Interface >G/L :G/L Inventory Turnover Days Report > (G/L) Ӫҵ :G/L Inventory Turnover Days Summary > (G/L) ӪҵժҪ :G/L Inventory Turnover Rate Report > (G/L) Ӫҵʱ :G/L Inventory Turnover Rate Summary > (G/L) ӪҵժҪ :G/L Inventory Turnover Report >(G/L)Ӫҵ :G/L Inventory Turnover summary >(G/L)ӪҵժҪ :G/L Journal >G/L ռ :G/L Journal Entry >G/Lռ :G/L Journal Entry (Legacy) >(G/L)ռʽ :G/L Journal Posting >(G/L)ռʹ :G/L Journal Print in Progress >ִG/Lռʴӡ :G/L Journal Report >G/Lռʱ :G/L Journal Source Code Maintenance > (G/L) ռԴά :G/L Journal Zoom >(G/L)ռ :G/L Journal authorize >(G/L)ռȨ :G/L Journal capture >(G/L)ռʲ :G/L Journal post >(G/L)ռʹ :G/L Journal print >(G/L)ռʴӡ :G/L Journalion >G/L 日记账 :G/L Ledger Codes >(G/L)ʴ :G/L Ledger Codes Maintenance > (G/L) ʴά :G/L Ledger Codes Not Defined >δG/Lʴ :G/L Ledger Entries Maintenance >(G/L)ά :G/L Ledger Entries Posting >(G/L) :G/L Leverage Report > (G/L) ܸ˱ :G/L Leverage Summary >(G/L)ժҪ :G/L List Revaluation Categories >(G/L)бع :G/L List of Accounts >G/Lʻ :G/L List of Budgets >G/LԤ :G/L List of Categories >G/L :G/L List of Financial Reports >G/L񱨱 :G/L List of Groups >G/L :G/L List of User-Defined Journals >(G/L)ûռб :G/L Maintenance of auditors' adjustment journals >(G/L)Առά :G/L Master Updated >ѸG/Lļ :G/L Matched Grn's > (G/L) ƥջ :G/L Module >(G/L)ģ :G/L Multi-column Headings >(G/L) :G/L Net Profit Margin Report > (G/L) ȱ :G/L Net Profit Margin Summary >(G/L)ժҪ :G/L Non Current Asset Turnover Report > (G/L) ʲӪҵ :G/L Non Current Asset Turnover Summary >(G/L)ʲӪҵժҪ :G/L Non-current Asset Turnover Report > (G/L) ʲӪҵ :G/L Non-current Asset Turnover Summary > (G/L) ʲӪҵժҪ :G/L Normal journal added >ӵ(G/L)ռ :G/L Normal journal added e.net >e.net(G/L)ռ :G/L Normal journal authorize >(G/L)ռȨ :G/L Normal journal authorize e.net >(G/L)ռȨe.net :G/L Normal journal cancel >(G/L)ռȡ :G/L Normal journal cancel e.net >(G/L)ռȡe.net :G/L Normal journal hold >(G/L)ռ :G/L Normal journal hold e.net >(G/L)ռe.net :G/L Normal journal maintained >ά(G/L)ռ :G/L Normal journal maintained e.net >e.net(G/L)ռ :G/L Normal journal post >(G/L)ռʹ :G/L Normal journal post e.net >(G/L)ռʹe.net :G/L Normal journal print > (G/L) ռʴӡ :G/L Normal journal release >(G/L)ռǩ :G/L Normal journal release e.net >(G/L)ռǩe.net :G/L Normal journal unauthorize >(G/L)ռʳȨ :G/L Normal journal unauthorize e.net >(G/L)ռʳȨe.net :G/L Payables Turnover Days Report > (G/L) ĿӪҵ :G/L Payables Turnover Days Summary > (G/L) ĿӪҵժҪ :G/L Payables Turnover Rate Report > (G/L) ĿӪҵʱ :G/L Payables Turnover Rate Summary > (G/L) ĿӪҵժҪ :G/L Payables Turnover Report > (G/L) ĿӪҵ :G/L Payables Turnover Summary >(G/L)ĿӪҵժҪ :G/L Period End >G/L :G/L Period End Worksheet >G/Lڼҵ :G/L Periods >G/Lڼ :G/L Posting Period and Year >G/Lڼ估 :G/L Posting Program >(G/L)ʳ :G/L Previous Year Periods >(G/L)һ :G/L Print Financial Reports >G/Lӡ񱨱 :G/L Query >ܷʲѯ :G/L Query Commitment Values >(G/L)ѯŵֵ :G/L Query on Ledger Code >(G/L)ʴѯ :G/L Query on Period End Dates >(G/L)ڽڲѯ :G/L Query on Standard Source Codes >(G/L)׼Դѯ :G/L Query on Transactions >G/Lײѯ :G/L Quick Ratio Report > (G/L) ٱʱ :G/L Quick Ratio Summary >(G/L)ٱժҪ :G/L Ratio Analysis Query > (G/L) ʷѯ :G/L Receivables Turnover Days Report > (G/L) տĿӪҵ :G/L Receivables Turnover Days Summary > (G/L) տĿӪҵժҪ :G/L Receivables Turnover Rate Report > (G/L) տĿӪҵʱ :G/L Receivables Turnover Rate Summary > (G/L) տĿӪҵժҪ :G/L Receivables Turnover Report > (G/L) տĿӪҵ :G/L Receivables Turnover Summary >(G/L)տĿӪҵժҪ :G/L Recurring Journal Codes >G/Lظռʴ :G/L Recurring Journal Print in Progress >ִG/Lظռʴӡ :G/L Recurring Journals >(G/L)ռ :G/L Recurring journal add >ӵ (G/L) ѭռ :G/L Recurring journal authorized >Ȩ (G/L) ѭռ :G/L Recurring journal deleted >ɾ (G/L) ѭռ :G/L Recurring journal maintained >ά (G/L) ѭռ :G/L Recurring journal posted >ʵ (G/L) ѭռ :G/L Recurring journal print > (G/L) ѭռʴӡ :G/L Recurring journal unauthorize > (G/L) ѭռʲȨ :G/L Report - Header Fields >(G/L) - ҳüά :G/L Report Column Browse > (G/L) :G/L Report Maintenance Security - Operators >(G/L)άȫ - Ա :G/L Report Viewer >(G/L)鿴 :G/L Report Writer >(G/L)¼ :G/L Report Writer Definition >G/L :G/L Report Writer Reader >(G/L)¼Ķ :G/L Report Writer Security - By Operator >(G/L)¼ȫ - Ա :G/L Report Writer Variable Query > (G/L) ¼ѯ :G/L Retrieve Sections >ʼѡ :G/L Return on Assets Report > (G/L) ʲرʱ :G/L Return on Assets Summary >(G/L)ʲرժҪ :G/L Return on Equity Report > (G/L) ɱرʱ :G/L Return on Equity Summary >(G/L)ȨرժҪ :G/L Revaluation Categories >(G/L)ع :G/L Revaluation Category Maintenance >(G/L)عά :G/L Run Time Prompt Maint > (G/L) ʱʾά :G/L Sections >ѡ :G/L Setup Options > (G/L) ѡ :G/L Setup options indicate Global Tax file is not required >G/LѡʾҪȫ˰ļ :G/L Standard Journal Codes >G/L׼ռʴ :G/L Standard Journal Print in Progress >ִG/L׼ռʴӡ :G/L Standard Journals >(G/L)׼ռ :G/L Standard Source Codes >G/L׼Դ :G/L Statistical Balance Maintenance >(G/L)ͳά :G/L Statistical Balance Processing >(G/L)ͳ :G/L Statistical Balance Transfer >(G/L)ͳת :G/L Statistical Balance Validation >(G/L)ͳ֤ :G/L Structure >ʽṹ :G/L Structure Definition >ʽṹ :G/L Structure Query >ʽṹѯ :G/L Structure not defined or not required >δҪ(G/L)ṹ :G/L Template > (G/L) ģ :G/L Total Asset Turnover Report > (G/L) ʲӪҵ :G/L Total Asset Turnover Summary >(G/L)ʲӪҵժҪ :G/L Trial Balance >G/L :G/L User-defined Jnl Source Codes Maint > (G/L) ûռԴά :G/L User-defined Journal Source Code Maintenance >(G/L)ûռԴά :G/L User-defined Journal Source Codes >G/LûռԴ :G/L Utility to Retrieve/Check Post Prd > (G/L) /ʵó :G/L Validate Ledger Code > (G/L) ֤ʴ :G/L Weighted Balance Processing >(G/L)Ȩ :G/L Weighted Balance Validation >(G/L)Ȩ֤ :G/L Weighted Transfer >(G/L)Ȩת :G/L Working Capital Cycle Query > (G/L) Ӫʱѭѯ :G/L XML Report Viewer >ܷXML :G/L Year End >G/L :G/L Zoom on A/P Disbursement Details > (G/L) Ӧʿ (A/P) ֧ϸ :G/L Zoom on A/P Expense Distribution > (G/L) Ӧʿ (A/P) ÷̯ :G/L Zoom on A/P Expense Journal > (G/L) Ӧʿ (A/P) ռ :G/L Zoom on A/P Transaction Summary > (G/L) Ӧʿ (A/P) ժҪ :G/L Zoom on A/R Cash Posting Trans >(G/L)Ӧʿֽת :G/L Zoom on A/R Invoice Details > (G/L) Ӧʿ (A/R) Ʊϸ :G/L Zoom on A/R Invoice Register > (G/L) Ӧʿ (A/R) Ʊע :G/L Zoom on A/R Invoice Summary > (G/L) Ӧʿ (A/R) ƱժҪ :G/L Zoom on Cash Posting Journal > (G/L) ֽռ :G/L Zoom on Cash Posting Transaction > (G/L) ֽʽ :G/L Zoom on Cashbook Journals > (G/L) ֽʲռ :G/L Zoom on G/L Entries Group > (G/L) (G/L) :G/L Zoom on G/L Recurring Journal > (G/L) (G/L) ѭռ :G/L Zoom on G/L Standard Journal > (G/L) (G/L) ׼ռ :G/L Zoom on GRN Journal Detail > (G/L) ջ (GRN) ռϸ :G/L Zoom on GRN Journal Summary > (G/L) ջ (GRN) ռժҪ :G/L Zoom on Part Billings Detail > (G/L) Ʒϸ :G/L Zoom on Part Billings Journal > (G/L) Ʒռ :G/L account >G/Lʻ :G/L account from G/L Integration >G/LɵG/Lʻ :G/L account from Tax Code >˰մG/Lʻ :G/L account types >G/L ˻ :G/L accounts >G/Lʻ :G/L accounts for tax codes '%1' not defined in Tax Code setup >˰մ '%1' (G/L)ʻδ˰մж :G/L accounts required >Ҫʻ :G/L accounts to copy >ƵG/Lʻ :G/L analysis >(G/L) :G/L analysis in use for the current company. You will need to rebuild the G/L analysis tables after the copy/merge >ǰ˾ʹе(G/L)ƣϲҪ¹(G/L) :G/L analysis in use for the current company. You will need to rebuild the G/L analysis tables afterwards >ǰ˾ʹе(G/L)Ҫ¹(G/L) :G/L balance function performed >ִе(G/L) :G/L code '%1' not on file. Do you wish to continue with this %2? >(G/L) '%1' ڡϣһ %2 :G/L code '%1' not on file. Do you wish to continue with this Disposal? >(G/L) '%1' ڡϣִиô :G/L code '%1' not on file. Do you wish to continue with this Revaluation? >(G/L) '%1' ڡϣִиع :G/L code added >ӵ (G/L) :G/L code changed >ĵ (G/L) :G/L code deleted >ɾ (G/L) :G/L code selection >(G/L)ѡ :G/L codes >ʴ :G/L company flag >(G/L)˾ :G/L company id in shared table >ֳɱеG/L˾id :G/L control accounts >G/Lʻ :G/L control record not found >δҵ(G/L)Ƽ¼ :G/L details >G/L ϸ :G/L distribution entries >G/L :G/L distribution entry >ڼ :G/L distribution in foreign currency >ҵG/L :G/L distribution options >G/Lѡ :G/L for Fixed overhead >̶ӷ(G/L) :G/L for Run time >ʱ(G/L) :G/L for Set-up time >ʱ(G/L) :G/L for Start up time >ʼʱ(G/L) :G/L for Teardown time >жʱ(G/L) :G/L for Variable overhead >ɱӷ(G/L) :G/L group selection >G/L ѡ :G/L information >G/LϢ :G/L integration changed >ĵ (G/L) :G/L interface for this product class and non-stocked items has not been defined. Do you wish to continue? >δòƷȼͷǿĿ(G/L)ӿڡϣ :G/L interface record not found for this transaction >δҵ빺(G/L)ӿڼ¼ :G/L journals can only be posted to current/previous %1 financial year >(G/L)ռֻɹǰһ %1 :G/L journals can only be posted to current/previous 1 financial year >(G/L)ռֻɹǰǰһ :G/L ledger code template added >ӵ (G/L) ʴģ :G/L ledger code template changed >ĵ (G/L) ʴģ :G/L ledger code template deleted >ɾ (G/L) ʴģ :G/L master key > (G/L) :G/L module is in the future by > 1 year >(G/L)ģ > һδ :G/L module is in the past by > 1 year >(G/L)ģ > һĹȥ :G/L period-end performed >ִе(G/L) :G/L posting information >G/LϢ :G/L posting period >(G/L) :G/L posting year >(G/L) :G/L purge performed >ִе (G/L) :G/L recurring journal entry >(G/L)ռ :G/L section added >ӵ (G/L) :G/L section changed >ĵ (G/L) :G/L section deleted >ɾ (G/L) :G/L standard journal entry >(G/L)׼ռ :G/L structure required >Ҫʽṹ :G/L year-end performed >ִе (G/L) :GENERATE Cell Capacity >Ԫ :GIF/JPEG Image >GIF/JPEGͼ :GIF/JPEG image for web applications >ӦóGIF/JPEGͼ :GIT & Warehouse transfers Out (no destination) not allowed >;(GIT)ͲֿתĿĵأ :GIT & Wh transfers Out (no destination) >˻(GIT)ͲֿתĿĵأ :GIT Apportionment >GIT̯ :GIT Balance Report >GIT  :GIT Browse on GIT detail lines >;(GIT)ϸ :GIT Chain Stock code >GIT :GIT Conversion Program >GITԻ :GIT Detail Report >˻ (GIT) ϸ :GIT Details >GITϸ :GIT Details for Stock Code >GIT 库存代码明细 :GIT Entries by Stock code >;(GIT) :GIT Exception Report >˻ⱨ :GIT Exception Report in Progress >ִGITⱨ :GIT Execption Report >˻ (GIT) ⱨ :GIT Expense issues >GIT ǩ :GIT In >˻(GIT)ת :GIT Lots and Serial Query/Select >GITκвѯѡ :GIT Lots and Serials Query/select >;(GIT)κϵвѯѡ :GIT Next reference number >;(GIT)һο :GIT Overwrite cost mult/GL acc in GIT In >˻(GIT)ת˻(GIT)dzɱ࣯(GL)ʻ :GIT Overwrite cost multiplier/GL account in GIT In >GIT dzɱ/ GIT е GL ˻ :GIT Query >GITѯ :GIT Receipt Details >GIT ջϸ :GIT Receipt Information >GIT ջϢ :GIT Receipt Lines >GIT ջ :GIT Receipt with Apportionment - List of errors found >̯GITվ - ѷִб :GIT Receipt with apportionment >Ԥ; :GIT Receipts with apportionment >;(GIT)վ :GIT Reference >GITο :GIT Reference Query >˻οѯ :GIT Reference number >;(GIT)ο :GIT Reference number Prefix >;(GIT)οǰ׺ :GIT References >;(GIT)ο :GIT References Selection >GIT οѡ :GIT Report >˻ﱨ :GIT Report in Progress >ִGIT :GIT Summary Report >˻ (GIT) ժҪ :GIT Supply Chain >;(GIT)Ӧ :GIT Supply Warehouse Validation >;(GIT)Ӧֿ֤ :GIT Transaction build in Progress >ִGIT׹ :GIT Transactions >;(GIT) :GIT Transfer IN Cost Multiplier >GIT 转入成本乘数 :GIT Trial Balance >˻ :GIT Trial Balance in Progress >ִGIT :GIT Warehouse Matrices >GITֿ :GIT Warehouse Matrix Maintenance >GIT ֿά :GIT Warehouse Supply Chain >˻﹩Ӧ :GIT Warehouse Transfers >GITֿת :GIT Warehouse Validation Options >GIT ֿ֤ѡ :GIT Warehouse Validation Report >GIT ֿ֤ :GIT Warn if lot has different dates >GIT Ƿ߱ͬ :GIT and Wh Transfers Out (no destination) >GIT Ͳֿת (Ŀĵ) :GIT cost multiplier >GIT 成本乘数 :GIT cost multiplier non-merch var >GIT 成本乘数非商品差异 :GIT entries completed before >֮ǰɵ GIT Ŀ :GIT immediate and no destination transfers >GIT immediate and no destination transfers :GIT line details >GIT 行明细 :GIT over-receipt of GIT transfers >˻(GIT)תƵ˻(GIT)ջ :GIT quantity >˻(GIT) :GIT reference '%1' in use by another user >;(GIT)ο '%1' һûʹ :GIT reference '%1' is already complete >;(GIT)ο '%1' :GIT reference '%1' not found >未找到 GIT 参考 '%1' :GIT reference selection >GITοѡ :GIT transfer of lots on hold >˻(GIT)ת :GIT transfer reference >GIT ת˲ο :GIT transfer selection >GIT תѡ :GIT transfers In/Out >˻(GIT)ת룯ת :GIT transfers In/Out not allowed >;(GIT)תת :GIT transfers extracted for export >ѹԵGITת :GIT type >GIT :GIT under-receipt of GIT transfers >˻(GIT)תƵ˻(GIT)ջ :GIT with Apportionment >̯ GIT :GL Copy, Merge and Delete >GLơϲɾ :GL AP total >(GL)Ӧʿ(AP)ϼ :GL AR total >(GL)Ӧʿ(AR)ϼ :GL Account >(GL)ʻ :GL Account Copy >ܷʻ :GL Account Copy (Print only) >(GL)ʻƣӡ :GL Account Copy Duplicates >GL ˻ظ :GL Account Description Translation >GL ˻ :GL Account cannot be blank >(GL)ʻΪ :GL Accounts for Tax Codes >˰մG/Lʻ :GL Allow commitment over YTD budget >(GL)(YTD)Ԥгŵ :GL Allow commitment over annual budget >(GL)Ԥгŵ :GL Allow commitment over period budget >(GL)Ԥгŵ :GL Alternate Budget Descriptions >GL Ԥ :GL Alternate Currencies >GL û :GL Alternate Currency Detail >GL û :GL Alternate Currency History >GL ûҼ¼ :GL Alternate Currency Maintenance >GL ûά :GL Alternate Currency Reporting Header >GL ûұҳü :GL Alternate Currency Revaluation Report >GL û¹ֵ :GL Alternate Currency Valuation >(GL)滻 :GL Alternate currency revaluation >(GL)滻ع :GL Alternative Currencies >GL û :GL Alternative Currency Maintenance >GL ûά :GL Alternative Currency Setup >G/L :GL Analyisis Codes for >(GL) :GL Analysis Categories >(GL) :GL Analysis Categories and Codes >GL ʹ :GL Analysis Category >(GL) :GL Analysis Category Browse >GL :GL Analysis Category Code >(GL) :GL Analysis Category Code %1 >(GL) %1 :GL Analysis Category Code Browse >GL :GL Analysis Category Code Phones > (GL) 绰 :GL Analysis Category Code Setup >(GL) :GL Analysis Category Code TRAVEL > (GL) г :GL Analysis Category Codes >(GL) :GL Analysis Category Details >GL :GL Analysis Category Maintenance >(GL)ά :GL Analysis Codes >(GL) :GL Analysis Codes for >¸ (GL) :GL Analysis Control >GL :GL Analysis Entry >(GL)Ŀ :GL Analysis Posting >(GL) :GL Analysis Query >ʷѯ :GL Analysis Report > (GL) :GL Analysis Summary > (GL) ժҪ :GL Analysis Transactions >GL :GL Analysis not required. Use the GL Structure Definition program to define analysis options >Ҫʷʹʽṹѡ :GL Analysis required >Ҫ(GL) :GL Apportion Template >GL ̯ģ :GL Authorize Journal >(GL)Ȩռ :GL Balance Assets >GL ʲ :GL Balance Assets Query >GL ʲѯ :GL Balance GRN >GL GRN :GL Balance GRN's >GL GRN :GL Balance GRN's Query >GL GRN ѯ :GL Balance Inventory >GL :GL Balance Inventory Query >GL ѯ :GL Balance Payables >GL Ӧ :GL Balance Receivables >GL Ӧ˿ :GL Balance WIP >GL WIP :GL Balance WIP Query >GL WIP ѯ :GL Browse on GL Group Entries >(GL) :GL Browse on Normal Journals >(GL)ͨռ :GL Browse on Recurring Journals >(GL)ռ :GL Browse on Standard Journals >(GL)׼ռ :GL Budget Analysis >GL Ԥ :GL Budget Import >GL Ԥ㵼 :GL Budget Import Results >GL Ԥ㵼 :GL Budget Options >GL Ԥѡ :GL Budget vs. Actual Query >GL Ԥʵ֧ѯ :GL Budgets >GL Ԥ :GL Check GL Entries Locking > (GL) ֧Ʊ (GL) :GL Code >G/L :GL Code Conversion >(GL)ת :GL Code Maintenance >GL 代码维护 :GL Code added from structured GL >从结构 GL 所添加的 GL 代码 :GL Codes >G/L :GL Column Maint and Browse >(GL)ά :GL Commitment >GL ŵ :GL Commitment Analysis >GL ŵ :GL Commitment Detail >GL ŵ :GL Commitment Post Transaction >(GL)ŵʽ :GL Commitment PostTransaction >(GL)ŵ :GL Commitment Status Query > (GL) ŵ״̬ѯ :GL Commitment Take-on >GL ŵе :GL Commitment Takeon >ѳŵܷ :GL Commitment Takeon in Progress >ִʳиʽӹ :GL Commitment Validation and Query >(GL)ŵѯ :GL Company Control Balances >(GL)˾ :GL Company id in Shared Table Warning >ֳɱеG/L˾id :GL Configure Financial Year End >(GL)ò :GL Configure Year End >(GL) :GL Control >GL :GL Control Account >G/Lʻ :GL Control Balances >G/L :GL Control Record Update >(G/L)Ƽ¼ :GL Control Totals >GL 控制合计 :GL Convert Files to Issue %1 Format >(GL)תļǩ %1 ʽ :GL Copy Accounts >(GL)ʻ :GL Copy Program >G/LƳ :GL Copy, Merge and Delete >G/Lơϲɾ :GL Copy, Merge and Delete >GLơϲɾ :GL Copy, Merge and Delete Report >GL ơϲɾ :GL Create and post journal from sub module >GL ģ鴴ռ :GL Create journal from sub module >GL ģ鴴ռ :GL Create ledger code from structure > (GL) ӽṹʴ :GL Currency History Setup >(GL)ʷ¼ :GL Current Ratio Report > (GL) ǰʱ :GL Current Ratio Summary > (GL) ǰժҪ :GL Current Year Periods >G/Lǰڼ :GL Debt Equity Ratio Report > (GL) ծɱʱ :GL Debt Equity Ratio Summary > (GL) ծɱժҪ :GL Debt Ratio Report > (GL) ծʱ :GL Debt Ratio Summary > (GL) ծժҪ :GL Deduction >GL :GL Define Financial Reports >(GL)񱨱 :GL Define Financial Year End >(GL) :GL Detail Lines >(GL)ϸ :GL Detail Transactions >GL ϸ :GL Distribute All >(GL)ȫ :GL Distribution >ʷ :GL Distribution entries will be discarded >将放弃 GL 分配条目 :GL Distribution for Invoice >ƱG/L :GL Distribution for Invoice Details >发票明细 GL 分配 :GL Distribution for Supplier Invoices >Ӧ̷ƱG/L :GL Distribution in Local Currency >GL ػҷ :GL Du Pont Analysis Query > (G/L) Űѯ :GL Entries >GL :GL Entries File >GLļ :GL Entries Groups >G/L :GL Entries Import >GL Ŀ :GL Entries Lock Control >GL Ŀ :GL Entries Maintenance >G/Lά :GL Exchange Rates Import >GL ʵ :GL Financial Leverage Multiplier Report > (GL) ܸ˳˷ :GL Financial Leverage Multiplier Summa >(GL)ó˷ժҪ :GL Financial Leverage Multiplier Summar >(GL)ó˷ժҪ :GL Financial Leverage Multiplier Summary > (GL) ܸ˳˷ժҪ :GL Financial Ratio Query >(GL)ʲѯ :GL Financial Ratios Query >(GL)ʲѯ :GL Financial Reporting >(GL)񱨱 :GL Financial Reports >G/L񱨱 :GL Financial Statement Query > (GL) 񱨸ѯ :GL Gearing Ratio Report > (GL) ʱʱ :GL Gearing Ratio Summary > (GL) ʱժҪ :GL Gearing Report > (GL) ʱ䱨 :GL Gearing Summary > (GL) ʱժҪ :GL General Ledger Query >(GL)һѯ :GL General Ledger Setup >(GL)һ :GL General Ledger Setup Report > (GL) ܷñ :GL Global Budget Maintenance >G/LȫԤά :GL Global Tax Report >G/Lȫ˰ձ :GL Global Tax Report Business Object >GL ȫ˰񱨸ҵ :GL Global Tax Report in Progress >ִG/Lȫ˰ձ :GL Group >GL :GL Group Browse > (GL) :GL Group Conversion >GL ת :GL Group Details >GL :GL Group Maintenance >(GL)ά :GL Group Selection >GL ѡ :GL Group description >GL :GL Groups >G/L :GL Header Footer Maintenance >GL ҳüҳά :GL Header/footer Maintenance >(GL)ҳüעά :GL Historical Exchange Rates Table >GL ʷʱ :GL History >GL ¼ :GL History Maintenance >(GL)ʷ¼ά :GL History Report > (GL) ʷ¼ :GL History for Account >(GL)ʻʷ¼ :GL Import Exchange Rates >(GL) :GL Import GL Budgets >(GL)(GL)Ԥ :GL Import GL Entries >(GL)(GL) :GL Initial History >G/Lʼʷ :GL Initial History Details >GL ʼ¼ :GL Integration >ܷʺϲ :GL Integration Report > (GL) ɱ :GL Integration Setup Options > (GL) ѡ :GL Integration Utility >GL ʵó :GL Inter-company asset clearing account not found >δҵ GL ˾ʲ˻ :GL Interface >G/L :GL Intergration >GL :GL Intergration printed >Ѵӡ GL :GL Intergration updated >Ѹ GL :GL Inventory Turnover Days Report > (GL) Ӫҵ :GL Inventory Turnover Days Summary > (GL) ӪҵժҪ :GL Inventory Turnover Rate Report > (GL) Ӫҵʱ :GL Inventory Turnover Rate Summary > (GL) ӪҵժҪ :GL Inventory Turnover Report > (GL) Ӫҵ :GL Inventory Turnover Summary > (GL) ӪҵժҪ :GL Inventory Turnover summary >(GL)ӪҵժҪ :GL Invoke error routine >GLI 调用错误例程 :GL Journal Code >GL ռ˴ :GL Journal Control >GL ռ˿ :GL Journal Detail >GL ռϸ :GL Journal Entry >G/Lռ :GL Journal Entry (Legacy) >(GL)ռʽ :GL Journal Entry Business Object >GL ռĿҵ :GL Journal Number Control By Period >GL ռ˺ :GL Journal Posting >(GL)ռʹ :GL Journal Print in Progress >ִG/Lռʴӡ :GL Journal Query >GL ռ˲ѯ :GL Journal Report > (GL) ռʱ :GL Journal Source Code Maintenance > (GL) ռԴά :GL Journal Template Split >GL ռģָ :GL Journal Zoom >(GL)ռ :GL Journal authorize >(GL)ռȨ :GL Journal capture >(GL)ռʲ :GL Journal post >(GL)ռʹ :GL Journal print >(GL)ռʴӡ :GL Labor Distribution Report >GL Ͷ䱨 :GL Last Revaluation Rate >GL ϴ¹ֵ :GL Ledger Codes >(GL)ʴ :GL Ledger Codes Maintenance > (GL) ʴά :GL Ledger Codes Not Defined >δG/Lʴ :GL Ledger Entries Maintenance >(GL)ά :GL Ledger Entries Posting >(GL) :GL Leverage Report > (GL) ܸ˱ :GL Leverage Summary > (GL) ܸժҪ :GL List Revaluation Categories > (GL) бع :GL List of Accounts > (GL) ʻб :GL List of Budgets > (GL) Ԥб :GL List of Categories >G/L :GL List of Financial Reports >G/L񱨱 :GL List of Groups >(GL)б :GL List of Journal Source Codes >GL ռԴб :GL List of User-Defined Journals > (GL) ûռб :GL Maintenance of auditors' adjustment journals >(GL)Առά :GL Master >GL :GL Master Updated >ѸG/Lļ :GL Matched GRN Report >GL ƥ GRN :GL Matched GRNs Report >GL ƥ GRN :GL Matched Grn's > (GL) ƥջ :GL Module >(GL)ģ :GL Multi-column Headings >(GL) :GL Net Profit Margin Report > (GL) ȱ :GL Net Profit Margin Summary > (GL) ժҪ :GL Non Current Asset Turnover Report > (GL) ʲӪҵ :GL Non Current Asset Turnover Summary >(GL)ʲӪҵժҪ :GL Non-current Asset Turnover Report > (GL) ʲӪҵ :GL Non-current Asset Turnover Summary > (GL) ʲӪҵժҪ :GL Normal Journals >GL ռ :GL Normal journal added >ӵ(GL)ռ :GL Normal journal added e.net >e.net(GL)ռ :GL Normal journal authorize >(GL)ռȨ :GL Normal journal authorize e.net >(GL)ռȨe.net :GL Normal journal cancel >(GL)ռȡ :GL Normal journal cancel e.net >(GL)ռȡe.net :GL Normal journal hold >(GL)ռ :GL Normal journal hold e.net >(GL)ռe.net :GL Normal journal maintained >ά(GL)ռ :GL Normal journal maintained e.net >e.net(GL)ռ :GL Normal journal post >(GL)ռʹ :GL Normal journal post e.net >(GL)ռʹe.net :GL Normal journal print > (GL) ռʴӡ :GL Normal journal release >(GL)ռǩ :GL Normal journal release e.net >(GL)ռǩe.net :GL Normal journal unauthorize >(GL)ռʳȨ :GL Normal journal unauthorize e.net >(GL)ռʳȨe.net :GL Payables Turnover Days Report > (GL) ĿӪҵ :GL Payables Turnover Days Summary > (GL) ĿӪҵժҪ :GL Payables Turnover Rate Report > (GL) ĿӪҵʱ :GL Payables Turnover Rate Summary > (GL) ĿӪҵժҪ :GL Payables Turnover Report > (GL) ĿӪҵ :GL Payables Turnover Summary > (GL) ĿӪҵժҪ :GL Period Dates >GL :GL Period End >G/L :GL Period End Worksheet > (GL) ĩ :GL Periods >G/Lڼ :GL Post Multiple Normal Journals >GL ͨռ :GL Post Recurring Journals >GL ռ :GL Posting Period and Year >G/Lڼ估 :GL Posting Program >(GL)ʳ :GL Previous Year Periods >(GL)һ :GL Print Financial Reports >G/Lӡ񱨱 :GL Query >ܷʲѯ :GL Query Commitment Values >(GL)ѯŵֵ :GL Query on Ledger Code >(GL)ʴѯ :GL Query on Period End Dates >(GL)ڽڲѯ :GL Query on Standard Source Codes >(GL)׼Դѯ :GL Query on Transactions >G/Lײѯ :GL Quick Ratio Report > (GL) ٱʱ :GL Quick Ratio Summary > (GL) ٱժҪ :GL Ratio Analysis Query > (GL) ʷѯ :GL Receivables Turnover Days Report > (GL) տĿӪҵ :GL Receivables Turnover Days Summary > (GL) տĿӪҵժҪ :GL Receivables Turnover Rate Report > (GL) տĿӪҵʱ :GL Receivables Turnover Rate Summary > (GL) տĿӪҵժҪ :GL Receivables Turnover Report > (GL) տĿӪҵ :GL Receivables Turnover Summary > (GL) տĿӪҵժҪ :GL Recurring Journal >GL 经常性日记账 :GL Recurring Journal Business Object >GL ռҵ :GL Recurring Journal Codes >G/Lظռʴ :GL Recurring Journal Control >GL ռ˿ :GL Recurring Journal Detail >GL ռϸ :GL Recurring Journal Print in Progress >ִG/Lظռʴӡ :GL Recurring Journals >(GL)ռ :GL Recurring Journals Report >GL ռ˱ :GL Recurring journal add >ӵ (GL) ѭռ :GL Recurring journal authorized >Ȩ (GL) ѭռ :GL Recurring journal deleted >ɾ (GL) ѭռ :GL Recurring journal maintained >ά (GL) ѭռ :GL Recurring journal posted >ʵ (GL) ѭռ :GL Recurring journal print > (GL) ѭռʴӡ :GL Recurring journal unauthorize > (GL) ѭռʲȨ :GL Report - Header Fields >(GL) - ҳüά :GL Report Column Browse > (GL) :GL Report Maintenance Security - Operators >(GL)άȫ - Ա :GL Report Viewer >(GL)鿴 :GL Report Writer >(GL)¼ :GL Report Writer Definition >G/L :GL Report Writer Reader >(GL)¼Ķ :GL Report Writer Security - By Operator >(GL)¼ȫ - Ա :GL Report Writer Variable Query > (GL) ¼ѯ :GL Retrieve Sections >ʼѡ :GL Return on Assets Report > (GL) ʲرʱ :GL Return on Assets Summary > (GL) ʲرժҪ :GL Return on Equity Report > (GL) ɱرʱ :GL Return on Equity Summary > (GL) ɱرժҪ :GL Revaluation Categories >(GL)ع :GL Revaluation Category >GL ¹ֵ :GL Revaluation Category Details >GL ¹ֵ :GL Revaluation Category Maintenance >(GL)عά :GL Revaluation Log >GL ¹ֵ־ :GL Rules Detail >GL :GL Rules Master >GL :GL Run Time Prompt Maint > (GL) ʱʾά :GL Section >GL ½ :GL Section Analysis >GL ½ڷ :GL Section Security >GL ½ڰȫ :GL Sections >ѡ :GL Setup Options > (GL) ѡ :GL Setup options indicate Global Tax file is not required >G/LѡʾҪȫ˰ļ :GL Share Holding >GL ɷݳ :GL Shareholding >GL ɷݳ :GL Sharing Maintenance >GL ɷά :GL Show journal number created >GL ʾѴռ˺ :GL Standard Journal >GL 标准日记账 :GL Standard Journal Code Details >GL ׼ռ˴ϸ :GL Standard Journal Code Entries >GL ׼ռ˴Ŀ :GL Standard Journal Codes >G/L׼ռʴ :GL Standard Journal Control >GL ׼ռ˿ :GL Standard Journal Detail >GL ׼ռϸ :GL Standard Journal Print in Progress >ִG/L׼ռʴӡ :GL Standard Journals >(GL)׼ռ :GL Standard Source Codes >G/L׼Դ :GL Statistical Balance Maintenance >(GL)ͳά :GL Statistical Balance Processing >(GL)ͳ :GL Statistical Balance Transfer >(GL)ͳת :GL Statistical Balance Validation >(GL)ͳ֤ :GL Structure >ʽṹ :GL Structure Access >GL ṹ :GL Structure Access Maintenance >GL ṹά :GL Structure Definition >ʽṹ :GL Structure Query >ʽṹѯ :GL Structure not defined or not required >δҪ(GL)ṹ :GL Stucture Copy >GL ṹ :GL Template > (GL) ģ :GL Total Asset Turnover Report > (GL) ʲӪҵ :GL Total Asset Turnover Summary > (GL) ʲӪҵժҪ :GL Trial Balance > (GL) :GL User Defined Journal Source Codes >GL ûռԴ :GL User-defined Jnl Source Codes Maint > (GL) ûռԴά :GL User-defined Journal Source Code >GL 用户定义日记账源代码 :GL User-defined Journal Source Code Maintenance >(GL)ûռԴά :GL User-defined Journal Source Codes >G/LûռԴ :GL Utility to Retrieve & Check Post Prd >GL ͼ鷢ʵó :GL Utility to Retrieve/Check Post Prd > (GL) /ʵó :GL Validate Ledger Code > (GL) ֤ʴ :GL Weighted Balance Processing >(GL)Ȩ :GL Weighted Balance Validation >(GL)Ȩ֤ :GL Weighted Transfer >(GL)Ȩת :GL Weighted Transfer Details >GL Ȩתϸ :GL Weighted Transfer Maintenance >GL Ȩתά :GL Weighted Transfer Processing >GL Ȩת˴ :GL Weighted Transfer Rule Details >GL Ȩת˹ :GL Weighted Transfer Rule Maintenance >GL Ȩת˹ά :GL Weighted Transfer Selection >GL Ȩתѡ :GL Working Capital Cycle Query > (GL) Ӫʱѭѯ :GL XML Report Viewer >ܷXML :GL Year End >G/L :GL Zoom on A/P Disbursement Details > (GL) Ӧʿ (A/P) ֧ϸ :GL Zoom on A/P Expense Distribution > (GL) Ӧʿ (A/P) ÷̯ :GL Zoom on A/P Expense Journal > (GL) Ӧʿ (A/P) ռ :GL Zoom on A/P Transaction Summary > (GL) Ӧʿ (A/P) ժҪ :GL Zoom on A/R Cash Posting Trans >(GL)Ӧʿֽת :GL Zoom on A/R Invoice Details > (GL) Ӧʿ (A/R) Ʊϸ :GL Zoom on A/R Invoice Register > (GL) Ӧʿ (A/R) Ʊע :GL Zoom on A/R Invoice Summary > (GL) Ӧʿ (A/R) ƱժҪ :GL Zoom on AP Disbursement Details >GL AP ֧ϸ :GL Zoom on AP Expense Distribution >GL AP ÷ :GL Zoom on AP Expense Journal >GL AP ռ :GL Zoom on AP Transaction Summary >GL AP ժҪ :GL Zoom on AR Cash Posting Trans >GL AR ֽ𷢲 :GL Zoom on AR Invoice Details >GL AR Ʊϸ :GL Zoom on AR Invoice Register >GL AR ƱǼDz :GL Zoom on AR Invoice Summary >GL AR ƱժҪ :GL Zoom on Cash Book Journals >GL ֽ˲ռ :GL Zoom on Cash Posting Journal > (GL) ֽռ :GL Zoom on Cash Posting Transaction > (GL) ֽʽ :GL Zoom on Cashbook Journals > (GL) ֽʲռ :GL Zoom on G/L Entries Group > (GL) (GL) :GL Zoom on G/L Recurring Journal > (GL) (GL) ѭռ :GL Zoom on G/L Standard Journal > (GL) (GL) ׼ռ :GL Zoom on GL Entries Group >GL GL Ŀ :GL Zoom on GL Recurring Journal >GL GL ռ :GL Zoom on GL Standard Journal >GL GL ׼ռ :GL Zoom on GRN Journal Detail > (GL) ջ (GRN) ռϸ :GL Zoom on GRN Journal Summary > (GL) ջ (GRN) ռժҪ :GL Zoom on Part Billings Detail > (GL) Ʒϸ :GL Zoom on Part Billings Journal > (GL) Ʒռ :GL account >G/Lʻ :GL account from G/L Integration >G/LɵG/Lʻ :GL account from GL Integration >Դ GL ϵ GL ˻ :GL account from Tax Code >˰մG/Lʻ :GL account not on file >(GL)ʻ :GL accounts >G/Lʻ :GL accounts for tax codes '%1' not defined in Tax Code setup >˰մ '%1' (GL)ʻδ˰մж :GL accounts required >Ҫʻ :GL accounts to copy >ƵG/Lʻ :GL analysis >(GL) :GL analysis in use for the current company. You will need to rebuild the G/L analysis tables after the copy/merge >ǰ˾ʹе(GL)ƣϲҪ¹(GL) :GL analysis in use for the current company. You will need to rebuild the G/L analysis tables afterwards >ǰ˾ʹе(GL)Ҫ¹(GL) :GL analysis in use for the current company. You will need to rebuild the GL analysis tables after the copy/merge >ǰ˾ GL ʹСҪڸ/ϲؽ GL :GL analysis in use for the current company. You will need to rebuild the GL analysis tables afterwards >ǰ˾ GL ʹСҪؽ GL :GL at a Glance >GL :GL balance function performed >ִе(GL) :GL code '%1' is either blank (defaults to non-stocked), or one of the Inventory Non Stocked, WIP or Inventory Sub-Ops control accounts >(GL) '%1' ǿհףĬΪǿ棩Ƿǿִҵ(WIP)Ӳʻ֮һ :GL code '%1' not on file. Do you wish to continue with this %2? >(GL) '%1' ڡϣһ %2 :GL code '%1' not on file. Do you wish to continue with this Disposal? >(GL) '%1' ڡϣִиô :GL code '%1' not on file. Do you wish to continue with this Revaluation? >(GL) '%1' ڡϣִиع :GL code added >ӵ (GL) :GL code changed >ĵ (GL) :GL code deleted >ɾ (GL) :GL code selection >(GL)ѡ :GL company flag >(GL)˾ :GL company id in shared table >ֳɱеG/L˾id :GL control account >GLʻ :GL control accounts >G/Lʻ :GL control record not found >δҵ(GL)Ƽ¼ :GL details >GL ϸ :GL distribution entries >G/L :GL distribution entry >ڼ :GL distribution in foreign currency >ҵG/L :GL distribution options >G/Lѡ :GL for Fixed overhead >̶ӷ(GL) :GL for Run time >ʱ(GL) :GL for Set-up time >ʱ(GL) :GL for Start up time >ʼʱ(GL) :GL for Teardown time >жʱ(GL) :GL for Variable overhead >ɱӷ(GL) :GL information >G/LϢ :GL integration changed >ĵ (GL) :GL interface error >GL ӿڴ :GL interface for this product class and non-stocked items has not been defined. Do you wish to continue? >δòƷȼͷǿĿ(GL)ӿڡϣ :GL interface record not found for this transaction >δҵ빺(GL)ӿڼ¼ :GL journal >GL ռ :GL journal number >GL ռ˺ :GL journal source >GL ռԴ :GL journal source selection >GL ռԴѡ :GL journal to sub module >GL 日记账到子模块 :GL journals can only be posted to current/previous %1 financial year >(GL)ռֻɹǰһ %1 :GL journals can only be posted to current/previous 1 financial year >(GL)ռֻɹǰǰһ :GL ledger code template added >ӵ (GL) ʴģ :GL ledger code template changed >ĵ (GL) ʴģ :GL ledger code template deleted >ɾ (GL) ʴģ :GL master key > (GL) :GL module is in the future by > 1 year >(GL)ģ > һδ :GL module is in the past by > 1 year >(GL)ģ > һĹȥ :GL movements >GL 䶯 :GL period number >GL ڱ :GL period-end performed >ִе(GL) :GL posting information >G/LϢ :GL posting period >(GL) :GL posting period/year >GL / :GL posting year >(GL) :GL purge performed >ִе (GL) :GL recurring journal entry >(GL)ռ :GL section added >ӵ (GL) :GL section changed >ĵ (GL) :GL section deleted >ɾ (GL) :GL shared information >GL Ϣ :GL standard journal entry >(GL)׼ռ :GL structure required >Ҫʽṹ :GL transaction to journal >GL 交易到日记账 :GL year >GL :GL year-end performed >ִе (GL) :GP % Required >ҪGP % :GP Percentages >GPٷֱ :GP Values >GPֵ :GP% >GP% :GRN >ջ :GRN '%1' does not refer to Purchase Order '%2' line '%3' >ջ(GRN) '%1' ղɹ '%2' '%3' :GRN Adjustment >GRN :GRN Audit Trail >ջ :GRN Audit Trail in Progress >ִGRN׷ :GRN Browse >GRN :GRN Control Totals >GRN 控制合计 :GRN Cross Reference >GRN ղο :GRN Details >ջϸ :GRN Distribution >GRN :GRN Distribution Query >GRN ѯ :GRN Distribution Report >GRN 䱨 :GRN Error >ջ(GRN) :GRN GL Distribution >GRN GL :GRN GL Integration >GRN GL :GRN GL Integration Update >GRN GL ϸ :GRN Import GRN Details >ջ(GRN)ջ(GRN)ϸ :GRN Integration Update >GRN ϸ :GRN Invoice Variance >GRN Ʊ :GRN Journal >ջ :GRN Journal Details >GRNռϸ :GRN Journal Report >GRNռʱ :GRN Journal Report Business Object >GRN ռ˱ҵ :GRN Journal Report in Progress >ִGRNռʱ :GRN Journal Summary Details >GRN ռժҪϸ :GRN Journal Summary Entries >GRN ռժҪĿ :GRN Maintenance >GRNά :GRN Master File >ջ(GRN)ļ :GRN Master generation in progress >ִGRNļ :GRN Matched Transactions >뽻ջ :GRN Matching >GRNƥ :GRN Matching Variance >GRN ƥ仯 :GRN Matching in Foreign Currency >GRN ƥ :GRN Matching in Local Currency >GRN ػƥ :GRN Number >GRN :GRN Numbering >GRN :GRN Numbering Method >GRNŷ :GRN Numbers >ջ :GRN Post GRN Adjustments >GRN GRN :GRN Post GRN details >ջ(GRN)ջ(GRN)ϸ :GRN Price Invoice Variance Report >GRN ۸Ʊ챨 :GRN Price Variance >ջ۸䶯 :GRN Price Variance Query >GRN ۸ѯ :GRN Price Variance Report >GRN۸ :GRN Price Variance Report in Progress >ִGRN۸ :GRN Purchase Order XRef >GRN ɹղο :GRN Purge >ջ :GRN Purge in Progress >ִGRN :GRN Rebuild GrnMaster Table >ջ(GRN)¹GrnMaster :GRN Suspense >GRNͣ :GRN Suspense - Head Office >ջ(GRN) - ܹ˾ :GRN Suspense - Manufact >ջ(GRN) - :GRN Suspense Adjustment >GRN :GRN Suspense Detail >GRN :GRN Suspense Detail Invoice Variance >GRN 鷢Ʊ :GRN Suspense G/L Account >GRNͣG/Lʻ :GRN Suspense G/L Control Account >GRNͣG/Lʻ :GRN Suspense GL Account >GRN GL ˻ :GRN Suspense GL Control Account >GRN GL ˻ :GRN Suspense GRN Journal >GRN GRN ռ :GRN Suspense Journals >GRN ռ :GRN Suspense Master >GRN :GRN Suspense Matching >GRN ƥ :GRN Suspense Price Variance >GRN ۸ :GRN Suspense RM >ջ(GRN)RM :GRN Suspense System >GRNͣϵͳ :GRN System not installed >δװջ(GRN)ϵͳ :GRN Transactions >GRN :GRN Trial Balance >ջ :GRN Trial Balance Query >ջ (GRN) ѯ :GRN Trial Balance for %1 >%1 GRN :GRN Trial Balance in Progress >ִGRN :GRN Variance >GRN :GRN Xref >GRN Xref :GRN already matched >ƥGRN :GRN complete >GRN :GRN distribution entries >GRN :GRN has already been marched in A/P invoicing and cannot be reversed >ջ(GRN)Ӧʿ(A/P)Ʊƥ䣬˲ת :GRN journals >GRNռ :GRN journals before >ǰ GRN ռ :GRN locked by another user >GRN һû :GRN maintenance details >GRN ά :GRN matching allowed before >֮ǰջ(GRN)ƥ :GRN matching is not currently required for this supplier. Do you wish to set GRN matching on for this supplier now? >ڴ˹Ӧ̣ǰҪGRNƥ䡣ϣΪ˹ӦGRNƥ :GRN matching is not required for supplier '%1' >ջ(GRN)Ҫ빩Ӧ '%1'ƥ :GRN matching not currently required for this supplier. Do you wish to set GRN matching on for this supplier? >ڴ˹Ӧ̣ǰҪGRNƥ䡣ϣΪ˹ӦGRNƥ :GRN matching required >ҪGRNƥ :GRN matching required. Set GRN matching on for this supplier? >ҪGRNƥ䡣ҪΪ˹ӦGRNƥ :GRN matching required. Set GRN matching on for this supplier? >Ҫջ(GRN)ƥ䡣ҪΪ˹Ӧջ(GRN)ƥ :GRN multiple records >GRN 多记录 :GRN not on file >GRNļ :GRN number '%1' already exists >ջ(GRN) '%1' Ѵ :GRN number '%1' is already in inspection >ջ (GRN) '%1' ڼ :GRN number '%1' is already on file >GRN '%1' Ѵ :GRN number '%1' is on hold >ջ(GRN) '%1' :GRN number '%1' not found >δҵջ(GRN) '%1' :GRN number '%1' not numeric >ջ(GRN) '%1' :GRN number '%1' was created from a different company >ջ(GRN) '%1' ǴӲͬĹ˾ :GRN numbering is by warehouse. Use the warehouse maintenance program to define the next GRN number >GRNǰֿеġʹòֿάһGRN :GRN options >GRN ѡ :GRN prefix >ջ(GRN)ǰ׺ :GRN price variance account >GRN ۸˻ :GRN price variance ledger code >GRN ۸˴ :GRN price variances >GRN۸ :GRN price variances before >ǰ GRN ۸仯 :GRN selection >GRNѡ :GRN source >GRNԴ :GRN source code >GRN Դ :GRN supplier details >GRN Ӧ :GRN suspense system required >ҪGRNͣϵͳ :GRN system >ջϵͳ :GRN to Match >ƥGRN :GRN value >GRN ֵ :GRN's >GRN :GRN's for Purchase Order >ɹջ(GRN) :GRN's for supplier >̵ջ :GRN's to be Matched >Ҫƥջ(GRN) :GRN's with zero original value >ԭֵGRN :GRNs matched before >ǰƥ GRN :GST >Ӫҵ˰ :GST (Cr) >ͨӪҵ˰(GST) :GST Code >GST :GST Control >ͨӪҵ˰(GST) :GST Control Record >ͨ˰Ƽ¼ :GST Information >GSTϢ :GST Period End >ͨ˰޽ :GST Report >ͨ˰ :GST Report by Area >GST :GST Report by Entry >GST Ŀ :GST Report in Progress >ִGST :GST Tax status >GST˰״̬ :GST Taxable >Ӧ˰GST :GST amount >GST :GST calculation >GST :GST code '%1' not found >δҵͨӪҵ˰(GST) '%1' :GST code description >GST :GST code must be in the range A to H >ͨӪҵ˰(GST)AHΧ :GST code must be in the range A-H and must be held on file >GSTA-HΧҴļС :GST code not on file >ͨӪҵ˰(GST)벻 :GST code rate >GST :GST code should be spaces or in the range A - H >ͨӪҵ˰(GST)ӦΪոڷΧA - H :GST deduction >GST :GST details >GSTϸ :GST details dated before >ǰڵ GST ϸ :GST exempt >Ӫҵ˰˰ :GST exempt code >ͨӪҵ˰(GST)˰ :GST exempt flag over-ride >GST Ǻ :GST exemption code >ͨӪҵ˰(GST)˰ :GST exemption no >Ӫҵ˰˰ :GST exemption number >GST˰ :GST exemption selection >GST˰ѡ :GST included in price >۸аGST :GST level >ͨӪҵ˰(GST)ˮƽ :GST options >ͨӪҵ˰ (GST) ѡ :GST portion >GST :GST rate >GST :GST registration number >GSTע :GST required >Ҫ GST :GST shown by >¸ʾGST :GST tax code >ͨӪҵ˰(GST)˰մ :GST tax details >GST˰ϸ :GST value >GSTֵ :GTR >˻(GTR) :GTR Reference >˻(GTR)ο :GTR line number >GTR б :GTR reference '%1' not numeric >˻(GTR)ο '%1' :GTR reference must be supplied >˻(GTR)οṩ :G\L list of Categories >(G\L)б :Gain/Loss Account >棯ʻ :Gain/Loss accounts may not have an analysis category. This will clear out the analysis category code >ʻôз𡣴˽ :Gain/Loss amount >/˻ :Gain/Loss ledger code >棯ʴ :Gain/Loss on Asset Disposal >资产处置损/益 :Gain/Loss on Exchange Rate >/ :Gallery >ͼƬ :Gantt Chart >ͼ :Gantt Chart Job Operations >ͼҵ :Gantt Chart Job Operations (Ctrl+G) >ͼҵ(Ctrl+G) :Gantt Chart Operations (Ctrl+G) >ͼ(Ctrl+G) :Gap >ֵ :Gap Between Labels >ǩļ϶ :Gap from one lot number to next >λżĿλ :Gap from one multiple bin to next >һؿλһIJֵ :Gap from one offer to the next >һ̵һIJֵ :Gap from one schedule to next >һʱһIJֵ :Gap from one serial number to next >һϵк뵽һIJֵ :Gap from one serial to next >һϵеһIJֵ :Gap from start of one label to next >һǩĿʼһIJֵ :Gap from start of one ticket to next >һƱ֤ĿʼһIJֵ :Gap may not exceed 66 >ֵó66 :Gap to use for auto sequence numbering >Զ˳ŵĿհ :Gap to use for automatic sequence numbering >Զ˳ŵIJֵ :Gauge the relative performance of the network from various client workstations >ͻվ :Gbox >ֵ :Gearing ratio >ʲծ :Gender >Ա :General >ܵ :General %1 >һ %1 :General Detail >һ :General Details >һ :General Ledger > :General Ledger - Transaction Processing > - ״ :General Ledger Account Groups >˻ :General Ledger Analysis Query >ʷѯ :General Ledger Balance > :General Ledger Budgets >Ԥ :General Ledger Code >ܷʴ :General Ledger Code Description >˴ :General Ledger Code Maintenance >˴ά :General Ledger Codes >ܷʴ :General Ledger Codes (Legacy) >ʴ (Legacy) :General Ledger Codes Browse >˴ :General Ledger Company Changed >Ѹĵܷʹ˾ :General Ledger Control Balances >ܷʿ :General Ledger Conversion >ת :General Ledger Copy Accounts >ܷʸʻ :General Ledger Copy and Merge Accounts >ܷʸƼϲʻ :General Ledger Entries > :General Ledger Entry > :General Ledger Graph >ͼ :General Ledger History File >ܷʷ¼ļ :General Ledger History Maintenance >ܷʷ¼ά :General Ledger History Maintenance Net Change To Control Totals >ܷʷ¼άֵΪܶ :General Ledger Integration >ͳһ :General Ledger Integration for Cost Center >ɱʼ :General Ledger Integration for Work Center >ҵʼ :General Ledger Journal >ܷռ :General Ledger Journal Details >ռϸ :General Ledger Journal Entries >ռĿ :General Ledger Journal Maintenance >ܷռά :General Ledger Period End >ڽ :General Ledger Periods > :General Ledger Posting >ܷʹ :General Ledger Purge Function > :General Ledger Setup >ܷ :General Ledger Structure Definition >ʽṹ :General Ledger Year > :General Ledger Year End >ݽ :General Ledger entries have been saved >ѱĿ :General Ledger function >ʹ :General Ledger module not installed >δװģ :General Ledger not installed >δװ :General Leger Entry >Ŀ :General Options >ѡ :General Settings > :General Setup > :General Template >ͨģ :General actions > :General failure >һ :General information >Ϣ :General ledger account >ʻ :General ledger accounts >ܷʻ :General ledger budgets to use >ʹõԤ :General ledger control record not yet created >δʿƼ¼ :General ledger expense/revenue >˷/ :General ledger journal %2 has been purged. Gl Year %1 >ռ%2 %1 :General ledger journal has been purged. Program cancelled >ܷռʡȡ :General ledger journal has been purged. Program cancelled >ռˡȡ :General ledger posting information >ܷʹϢ :General notification email addresses >֪ͨͨʼַ :General return >һ˻ :Generate > :Generate & update >ɺ͸ :Generate AR Cash Posting Worksheet in Report Pane >ڱ洰 AR ֽ˹ :Generate Asset >ʲ :Generate Asset in Suspense >ɹʲ :Generate Assets >ʲ :Generate Assets in Suspense >ɹʲ :Generate CRMLAT >CRMLAT :Generate Capacity > :Generate Codes >ɴ :Generate Data Types >生成数据类型 :Generate Data Types Based on Pattern Logic >基于模式逻辑生成数据类型 :Generate Delivery Note Numbers >ɽ :Generate Duplicate >ɸ :Generate Foreign NLS Files >NLSļ :Generate GL entries > GL Ŀ :Generate GRN Master >GRNļ :Generate IMPWER messages >IMPWERϢ :Generate Index Script >ű :Generate Invoice >ɷƱ :Generate NLS Files >NLSļ :Generate REST address > REST ַ :Generate SQL based DD files >ɻSQLDDļ :Generate SYSPRO VB script > SYSPRO VB ű :Generate Selected Assets >ѡʲ :Generate Single >ɵһ :Generate Ticked Assets >ɹѡʲ :Generate Trial Kit List >ɲ쿴б :Generate VB script > VB ű :Generate VBScript Code > VBScript :Generate Work Center Capacity > :Generate XML Listview > XML бͼ :Generate XML Toolbar > XML :Generate XML file for a Listview >Ϊбͼ XML ļ :Generate a '%1' > '%1' :Generate a 'Create Index Script' >ɡű :Generate a 'Create Table Script' >ɡű :Generate a basic report of operators >ɻԱ :Generate a blanket order file (in XML format) that will be transmitted to a supplier who has been designated as an EDI trading partner >һӶļ ( XML ʽ)˽䵽ѱָΪ EDI ó׺ĹӦ :Generate a detailed list of asset depreciation codes >生成资产折旧代码详细列表 :Generate a detailed or summary report of all matched GRN's in stock code sequence, showing the difference between the sum of the matched GRN's and the actual value of the invoic >Կ˳ƥ GRN ϸժҪ棬ʾƥ GRN ܺ뷢Ʊʵʼֵ֮IJֵ :Generate a detailed report indicating the outstanding workload for each work center over a specified period of time >ϸ棬ָʾÿһضʱεδɹ :Generate a detailed report of General Ledger analysis entries processed >Ѵ˷Ŀϸ :Generate a detailed report of operators >ϸԱ :Generate a detailed report of the BOM or what-if costs for parts against which a structure is defined >䶨ṹ BOM ɱϸ :Generate a driver's manifest for a specific delivery route code, delivery date and delivery sequence >ض·ߴ롢ںͽ˳ļʻԱ嵥 :Generate a hierarchical (vertical) view of structure and routing data based on the structure of the components >ݲṹɽṹ·ݵķּ (ֱ) ͼ :Generate a hierarchical (vertical) view of structure and routing values based on the structure of the components >ݲṹɽṹ·߼ֵķּ (ֱ) ͼ :Generate a horizontal view of structure and routing data, based on a level-by-level flow of components and operations through the work centers >ͨĵIJͲּɽṹ·ݵˮƽͼ :Generate a list all releases that have been confirmed >ȷϷеб :Generate a list of BOM structures for a selected range of stock items >ɸѡĿ BOM ṹб :Generate a list of Customer classes currently defined >ɵǰѶͻб :Generate a list of EFT payments pertaining to an EFT batch > EFT EFT б :Generate a list of Sales Ledger interface entries defined using the AR Sales Ledger Interface program >ʹ AR ۷˽ӿڳ۷˽ӿĿб :Generate a list of TPM customer accounts currently defined >ɵǰѶ TPM ͻ˻б :Generate a list of TPM deduction codes > TPM ôб :Generate a list of TPM product group codes > TPM Ʒб :Generate a list of TPM promotion codes > TPM б :Generate a list of TPM resolution codes > TPM б :Generate a list of accounts (a contact who is neither a supplier nor a customer) >˻б (ȲǹӦ̣Ҳǿͻϵ) :Generate a list of all Capex numbers created for use in the requisition system >ɴ빺ϵͳʱúб :Generate a list of all EFT transactions that have not yet been paid >δ EFT ׵б :Generate a list of all GRNs extracted from purchase order receipts since the last time this program was run >ϴδ˳дӲɹջȡ GRN б :Generate a list of all buying groups >вɹб :Generate a list of all comments together with the comment code attached to each stock code >ע븽ӵÿһעб :Generate a list of all comments together with the comment code attached to each supplier >ע븽ӵÿһҹӦ̵עб :Generate a list of all currencies held on file, together with their buying and selling exchange rates >иɹۻʵѴ浵ҵб :Generate a list of all currencies that have been added, updated or deleted >ӡ»ɾҵб :Generate a list of all job classifications >йּб :Generate a list of all non-productive codes, defining the ledger codes to which the value of non-productive time must be apportioned >зб̯ʱֵķ˴ :Generate a list of all outstanding orders for a range of selected customers >ɸѡͻδжб :Generate a list of all outstanding sales orders for a selected range of stock items >ɸѡĿδ۶б :Generate a list of all permanent entries, together with the accumulated invoice amount posted and the number of permanent entries in the cumulative value >иѹۼƷƱͻֵܼĿŵĿб :Generate a list of all sales orders that are cross-referenced by invoice numbers >аƱղο۶б :Generate a list of all scrap reasons >бԭб :Generate a list of all supplier/stock code cross reference information >йӦ/ղοϢб :Generate a list of all suppliers that have been added, updated or deleted >ӡ»ɾӦ̵б :Generate a list of all the customer invoice terms currently defined >еǰѶͻƱ޵б :Generate a list of all unreconciled deposits and/or withdrawals held >бδ˴/б :Generate a list of all users who have access to the requisition system by means of a unique user code and associated authority level >пɽûȨ߱빺ϵͳȨ޵ûб :Generate a list of all warehouses held on file >Ѵ浵ֿб :Generate a list of asset Capex templates currently defined >ɵǰѶʲʱģб :Generate a list of asset capex templates >ʲʱģб :Generate a list of asset capex types currently defined >ɵǰѶʲʱ͵б :Generate a list of asset count exceptions >ʲб :Generate a list of asset disposal reason codes held on file >Ѵ浵ʲԭб :Generate a list of asset revaluation reason codes held on file >Ѵ浵ʲ¹ֵԭб :Generate a list of assets selected for counting using the Asset Count Extract-Cancel program >ѡʹʲȡ-ȡмʲб :Generate a list of bills of landed costs >ɵɱб :Generate a list of blanket purchase order contracts >һӲɹͬб :Generate a list of calculation codes used to determine the expected cost of each cost element within a bill of landed costs >ȷɱÿһɱԪԤڳɱļб :Generate a list of changes made to IO policies >ɶ IO ĵб :Generate a list of changes made to selection sets >ɶѡĵб :Generate a list of constant codes (used in calculations instead of entering a constant value) >ɳб (ڼ㣬볣ֵ) :Generate a list of contacts (people with whom you do business) >ϵб (֮) :Generate a list of cost centers or work centers >ɳɱĻб :Generate a list of cost elements >ɳɱԪб :Generate a list of customer branches currently defined >ɵǰѶͻ֧б :Generate a list of customers attached to a range of buying groups >ɸӵɹͻб :Generate a list of customs exchange rates >Զб :Generate a list of dispatch notes in a number of sequences >ڶ˳ɷб :Generate a list of employees >Աб :Generate a list of forecast calendars >Ԥб :Generate a list of forecasts in time period sequence >ʱ˳Ԥб :Generate a list of goods received into stock from EC suppliers (excluding local transactions) >ɴ EC Ӧб (ؽ) :Generate a list of inventory notations defined for selected stock items >ΪѡĿŵб :Generate a list of machines >ɻб :Generate a list of master/sub-account customers currently defined >ɵǰѶ/˻ͻб :Generate a list of merchandise lines, in supplier number sequence, that are still to be delivered by the supplier >ԹӦ̱˳ɹӦ̽Ʒеб :Generate a list of narrations >б :Generate a list of non-current asset branches held on file >Ѵ浵ʲ֧б :Generate a list of non-current asset cost centers currently defined >ɵǰѶʲɱĵб :Generate a list of non-current asset depreciation codes held on file >Ѵ浵ʲ۾ɴб :Generate a list of non-current asset expense codes together with their respective month-to-date and year-to-date expense totals >ɸӦ³úϼƷʲôб :Generate a list of non-current asset groups held on file >Ѵ浵ʲб :Generate a list of non-current asset locations held on file >Ѵ浵ʲλõб :Generate a list of non-current asset mechanics together with their respective hourly rate >ɸӦСʱʷʲƵб :Generate a list of non-current asset owners held on file >Ѵ浵ʲߵб :Generate a list of non-current asset status codes held on file >Ѵ浵ʲ״̬б :Generate a list of outstanding purchase order lines, in stock code sequence, based on the selection criteria provided >Կ˳򣬸ṩѡ׼δвɹеб :Generate a list of planners (person responsible for planning the manufacture of made-in stock items) currently defined >ɵǰѶƻԱб (ƻڲĿԱ) :Generate a list of problem codes >б :Generate a list of product class codes and their descriptions >ɲƷ뼰б :Generate a list of purchase order discount codes >ɲɹۿ۴б :Generate a list of purchase order price units of measure >ɲɹ۸λб :Generate a list of purchase orders, in purchase order number sequence, based on various selection criteria >Բɹ˳򣬸ݸѡ׼ɲɹб :Generate a list of reports or a list of the advanced report definitions assigned to financial reports >ɱб䵽񱨸ĸ߼涨б :Generate a list of requisitions >빺б :Generate a list of selected contracts for a range of buying groups and customers >ɸɹͿͻѡͬб :Generate a list of selected jobs against which variances between the expected and actual material and labor costs are encountered >ԴԤʵʲϺͶɱ仯ѡб :Generate a list of shipping routes >װ·б :Generate a list of stock codes indicating the variance between the captured and counted quantities >ָʾ仯Ŀб :Generate a list of stock items against which no parent-component structures are defined >ԴδκṹĿĿб :Generate a list of structure amendment journals created for Families and Groupings >Ϊϵкṹ޶ռ˵б :Generate a list of supplier branches held on file >Ѵ浵Ӧ̷֧б :Generate a list of supplier invoice terms currently defined >ɵǰѶ幩Ӧ̷Ʊ޵б :Generate a list of tariffs >˰б :Generate a list of the General Ledger interface entries defined for non sales-related inventory transactions maintained using the Inventory Ledger Interface program >Ϊʹô˽ӿڳάش۷˽ӿĿб :Generate a list of the General Ledger interface entries defined for the Assets module maintained using the Assets Ledger Interface program >Ϊʹʲ˽ӿڳάʲģ˽ӿĿб :Generate a list of the stock codes that include cost elements as part of their landed cost >ɰɱԪΪ䵽ɱĿб :Generate a list of trade promotions accrual types >ó״ӦĿб :Generate a list of transactions that have been posted to selected cash drawers >ѷѡ׵б :Generate a number of profitability reports reflecting the sales value of merchandise lines >ɶݷӳƷۼֵʱб :Generate a picking list of stocked items for orders that need to be shipped on specific delivery routes and delivery dates >Ҫض·ߺͽڷĿĿб :Generate a report (in stock code sequence) listing material demand and supply as indicated by the Requirements Calculation program >ɰҪʾʾ͹Ӧı (Կ˳) :Generate a report by branch code reflecting sales made by a range of salespersons for the current and previous two months >ɰ֧ĸۻԱڵǰ֮ǰ۵ı :Generate a report detailing information relating to all banks that are held on file >Ѵ浵صϢı :Generate a report detailing the revision and release information held against each ECC-controlled stock item >ÿһ ECC ƿĿİ汾ͷϢı :Generate a report indicating purchase order commitment >ָʾɹŵı :Generate a report indicating the completion status of operations for each job listed >ָʾÿһIJ״̬ı :Generate a report indicating the efficiency of each machine >ָʾÿһ̨Чʵı :Generate a report indicating the supplier invoice transactions, broken down into Local purchases, EC purchases and Non-EC purchases >ָʾֽΪزɹEC ɹͷ EC ɹĹӦ̷Ʊ׵ı :Generate a report indicating the taxable portion of all payments made to suppliers >ָʾӦиӦ˰ֵı :Generate a report listing all site codes configured within the interface network >ʾڽӿվı :Generate a report listing all the recoveries made against ABC elements according to a specific ledger period or all ledger periods >ʾиضڻз ABC Ԫлָб :Generate a report listing detailed information about goods in transit transactions >ʾй;サ׵ϸϢı :Generate a report listing details defined for status codes and status routings used in the engineering change control environment >ʾΪڹ̱ƻ״̬״̬·ı :Generate a report listing details of lots and the transactions processed against them >ʾκͽı :Generate a report listing dispatch notes according to the sales order to which they are linked >ӵ۶ʾı :Generate a report listing summary information about goods in transit transactions >ʾй;サ׵ժҪϢı :Generate a report listing the expected profitability of selected orders >ʾѡԤʵı :Generate a report listing the status of each job >ʾÿһ״̬ı :Generate a report of Capex expenditure (by capex line, by year) which has been requisitioned but not authorised, authorised but uncommitted, committed, and spent, for a range of >Generate a report of Capex expenditure (by capex line, by year) which has been requisitioned but not authorised, authorised but uncommitted, committed, and spent, for a range of :Generate a report of Capex expenditure (by item, by year) which has been requisitioned but not authorised, authorised but uncommitted, committed, and spent, for a range of perio >ɸ빺δȨȨδύύѻʱÿ֧ı (Ŀ) :Generate a report of GRN transaction journals > GRN ռ˱ :Generate a report of General Ledger entries created for GRN transactions >Ϊ GRN Ŀı :Generate a report of General Ledger entries created for assets transactions >ΪʲĿı :Generate a report of General Ledger entries created for inventory transactions >ΪĿı :Generate a report of General Ledger entries created when processing payments to suppliers >ɴӦ̵ĸʱĿı :Generate a report of General Ledger entries for all customer payment transactions including counter sales payments >пͻ (̨۸) Ŀı :Generate a report of General Ledger entries for all customer sales transactions >пͻ۽Ŀı :Generate a report of General Ledger entries for labor posting transactions >ͶĿı :Generate a report of General Ledger entries for part billing transactions >˵Ŀı :Generate a report of General Ledger entries for supplier expense transactions >ɹӦ̷ýĿı :Generate a report of General Ledger entries for transactions processed for deposits, withdrawals, adjustments and permanent entries >ΪĿ׵Ŀı :Generate a report of TPM prices > TPM ۸񱨸 :Generate a report of TPM transaction journals > TPM ռ˱ :Generate a report of a range of contracts for which jobs have been allocated >ɶ乤ĸͬı :Generate a report of a range of hierarchical jobs across contracts >ɺּͬı :Generate a report of all Accounts Receivable payment interface entries maintained using the AR Payment Interface program >ʹ AR ӿڳάӦ˿ӿĿı :Generate a report of all EFT transactions voided > EFT ׵ı :Generate a report of all customer payment interface entries currently defined >еǰѶͻӿĿı :Generate a report of all despatches (goods issued from stock) to EC countries >еǰѶͻӿĿı :Generate a report of all missing Inventory interface entries which can be defined in the Inventory Ledger Interface program >пڴ˽ӿڳжĶʧӿĿı :Generate a report of all outstanding deposits >δдı :Generate a report of all resource codes, along with their descriptions and units of measure >иͼλԴı :Generate a report of all sales made to other EC countries > EC е۵ı :Generate a report of all transactions contributing to the costs against the heads/sections of an hierarchical job >Էּ/ɱĽ׵ı :Generate a report of all transactions selected for extraction using the EFT Payments Extract program >ѡʹ EFT ȡȡĽ׵ı :Generate a report of all withholding tax codes currently defined >еǰѶ˰ı :Generate a report of amounts owed to all suppliers or to suppliers in a specific supplier branch >ǷйӦ̻ضӦ̷֧йӦ̵Ľı :Generate a report of asset capex item statuses >ʲʱĿ״̬ :Generate a report of asset capex line statuses >ʲʱ״̬ :Generate a report of audit log information relating to transactions requiring electronic signatures >ҪǩĽص־Ϣı :Generate a report of capex expenditure budgeted, requisitioned but not authorized, authorized but uncommitted, committed, spent and available >Ԥ㡢빺δȨȨδύύѻҿõʱÿ֧ı :Generate a report of counter sales cash drawers >ɹ̨ :Generate a report of counter sales payment types >ɹ̨۸ͱ :Generate a report of customer invoice discount codes >ɿͻƱۿ۴뱨 :Generate a report of details defined against the engineering users within the engineering change control environment >Թ̱ƻйûı :Generate a report of details of all withholding tax entries for supplier payments >йӦ̸˰Ŀı :Generate a report of details of all withholding tax entries made for suppliers >ΪӦ˰Ŀı :Generate a report of details of the statuses of engineering change orders >ɹ̱״̬ı :Generate a report of dispatch notes according to a range of selection criteria >ݸѡ׼ɷ :Generate a report of either standard cost price variances or non-matched invoice variances for matched GRN's in stock code sequence >Կ˳ɱ׼ɱ۸仯ƥ GRN ƥ䷢Ʊ仯ı :Generate a report of foreign currency price codes >Ҽ۸뱨 :Generate a report of information held within the sales history file >ʷļϢı :Generate a report of inventory cost units of measure >ɴɱλ :Generate a report of invoices held in the registration table/file according to a range of selection criteria >ע/ļиݸѡ׼Ʊı :Generate a report of journals created from customer payment transactions including counter sales payments >ɴӿͻ (̨۸) ռ˵ı :Generate a report of journals created from inventory transactions >ɴӴռ˵ı :Generate a report of journals created from supplier invoice transactions >ɴӹӦ̷Ʊռ˵ı :Generate a report of journals created from transactions posted for customer invoices and finance charge calculations >ɴΪͻƱʷüռ˵ı :Generate a report of matched Goods Received Notes (GRNs) posted to specific General Ledger accounts >ɷض˻ƥջ (GRN) ı :Generate a report of notional parts the parent parts and routes selected >ѡ·ߵı :Generate a report of operator security groups >ɲԱȫ鱨 :Generate a report of sales and/or inventory transactions for a selected range of stock items >ɸѡĿۺ/׵ı :Generate a report of sales order commission codes >۶Ӷ뱨 :Generate a report of sales order discount breaks >۶ۿ۷ :Generate a report of sales order reason codes >۶ԭ뱨 :Generate a report of sales order shipping instructions >۶װ֪ :Generate a report of sales order standard comments >۶׼עⱨ :Generate a report of sales order types >۶ͱ :Generate a report of sales orders allocated to specific delivery routes and delivery dates >ɷ䵽ض·ߺͽ۶ı :Generate a report of selling price units of measure >ۼۼλ :Generate a report of stock items against which at least one operation is assigned on a specific route >ض·ϷһĿı :Generate a report of stock items against which at least one subcontract operation is assigned >ٷһְĿı :Generate a report of stock items for sales orders not yet shipped >δ۶Ŀı :Generate a report of suggested stock item minimum/maximum levels through time by applying the policy saved against the stock items >ͨӦԿĿɽĿʱ仯/ˮƽı :Generate a report of suppliers currently defined >ɵǰѶ幩Ӧ̵ı :Generate a report of the Accounts Payable exchange variance interface entries created using the AP Currency Variance GL Interface program >ʹ AP ұ仯 GL ӿڳӦ˿ұ仯ӿĿı :Generate a report of the Accounts Payable label formats defined >ѶӦ˿ǩʽı :Generate a report of the Accounts Payable setup options defined >ѶӦ˿ѡı :Generate a report of the Accounts Receivable exchange variance interface entries created using the AR Currency Variance GL Interface program >ʹ AR ұ仯 GL ӿڳӦ˿ұ仯ӿĿı :Generate a report of the Accounts Receivable setup options defined >ѶӦ˿ѡı :Generate a report of the Asset setup options defined >Ѷʲѡı :Generate a report of the Cash Book setup options defined >Ѷֽ˲ѡı :Generate a report of the Electronic Funds Transfer setup options defined >Ѷתѡı :Generate a report of the GL integration setup options defined >Ѷ GL ѡı :Generate a report of the General Ledger setup options defined >Ѷѡı :Generate a report of the format information entered and saved for Accounts Payable checks and remittance >ΪӦ˿֧ƱͻͱʽϢı :Generate a report of the second tier tax values generated from supplier invoices >ɴӹӦ̷Ʊɵڶ˰ֵı :Generate a report of the stationery format information defined for Accounts Receivable discount notes >ΪӦ˿ۿ۸עʽϢı :Generate a report of the stationery format information defined for Accounts Receivable labels >ΪӦ˿ǩʽϢı :Generate a report of the stationery format information defined for Accounts Receivable permanent entry invoices >ΪӦ˿ĿƱʽϢı :Generate a report of the stationery format information defined for Cash Book checks >Ϊֽ˲֧ƱʽϢı :Generate a report of the stationery format information defined for asset labels >ΪʲǩʽϢı :Generate a report of the stationery format information defined for customer statements >ΪͻʽϢı :Generate a report of the tax setup options defined using the Tax Options program >ʹ˰ѡ˰ѡı :Generate a report of transaction journals created for deposits, withdrawals, adjustments and permanent entries >ΪĿռ˵ı :Generate a report of transaction journals created for labor postings >ΪͶռ˵ı :Generate a report of transaction journals created for part billing transactions >Ϊ˵ռ˵ı :Generate a report of values held against non-current assets >Էʲֵı :Generate a report showing a horizontal representation of how the structure and routings of operations flow through the work centers >ʾĽṹ·ĵˮƽʾı :Generate a report showing the result of applying the current ratio to General Ledger values >ʾǰӦõ˼ֵĽı :Generate a report showing the result of applying the debt equity ratio to General Ledger values >ʾծȨӦõ˼ֵĽı :Generate a report showing the result of applying the debt equity ratio to General Ledger values for one or more financial years >ʾծȨӦõ˼ֵһĽı :Generate a report showing the result of applying the debt ratio to General Ledger values >ʾծӦõ˼ֵĽı :Generate a report showing the result of applying the financial leverage ratio to General Ledger values >ʾܸ˱Ӧõ˼ֵĽı :Generate a report showing the result of applying the gearing ratio to General Ledger values >ʾʲծӦõ˼ֵĽı :Generate a report showing the result of applying the leverage ratio to General Ledger values >ʾܸ˱Ӧõ˼ֵĽı :Generate a report showing the result of applying the net profit margin ratio to General Ledger values >ʾʱӦõ˼ֵĽı :Generate a report showing the result of applying the non-current asset turnover ratio to General Ledger values >ʾʲתӦõ˼ֵĽı :Generate a report showing the result of applying the quick ratio to General Ledger values >ʾٶӦõ˼ֵĽı :Generate a report showing the result of applying the return on assets ratio to General Ledger values >ʾʲرʱӦõ˼ֵĽı :Generate a report showing the result of applying the return on equity ratio to General Ledger values >ʾɱرʱӦõ˼ֵĽı :Generate a report showing the result of applying the total asset turnover ratio to General Ledger values >ʾʲתӦõ˼ֵĽı :Generate a report showing the result, as a rate, of applying the inventory turnover ratio to General Ledger values >ʾתΪһֱӦõ˼ֵĽı :Generate a report showing the result, as a rate, of applying the payables turnover ratio to General Ledger values >ʾӦתΪһֱӦõ˼ֵĽı :Generate a report showing the result, as a rate, of applying the receivables turnover ratio to General Ledger values >ʾӦתΪһֱӦõ˼ֵĽı :Generate a report showing the result, in days, of applying the inventory turnover ratio to General Ledger values >ʾתʰӦõ˼ֵĽı :Generate a report showing the result, in days, of applying the payables turnover ratio to General Ledger values >ʾӦתʰӦõ˼ֵĽı :Generate a report showing the result, in days, of applying the receivables turnover ratio to General Ledger values >ʾӦտתʰӦõ˼ֵĽı :Generate a report that analyses sales order values over a projected period of time in days or months >ɰԤʱ׶۶ֵı :Generate a report which consolidates sales tax information for ease of submitting tax returns to authorities >ɺϲ˰ϢԱܲύ˰걨ı :Generate a report which lists details of all structures which have been added, changed, or deleted >ʾӡĻɾṹı :Generate a reprint of the AP Payment Register report > AP ǼDz´ӡ :Generate a selective list of all amounts owing to suppliers >ǷӦ̵нѡб :Generate a selective list of jobs for notional parts >ɸѡб :Generate a selective list of stock items based on the activity recorded against the items over a period of time >ijʱĿ¼ĻɿĿѡб :Generate a single tax report for sales transactions, supplier transactions and Cash Book transactions >ɵһһ۽סӦ̽׺ֽ˲ѡб :Generate a summary report of General Ledger analysis entries processed >Ѵ˷ĿժҪ :Generate a summary report of the BOM or what-if costs for parts against which a structure is defined >䶨ṹ BOM ɱժҪ :Generate a tax report reflecting the EU sales tax payable on all items sold since this report was last run >ɷӳԴ˱ϴĿӦ EU ˰˰񱨸 :Generate a tax report reflecting the sales tax payable on all items sold since this report was last run >ɷӳԴ˱ϴĿӦ˰˰񱨸 :Generate a variety of reports analyzing labor transactions for a specific time period >ɸضʱͶ׵ı :Generate an 'Alter Table Script' >ɡıű :Generate an ASCII file using selected records from the forecast file >ʹԤļѡ¼ ASCII ļ :Generate an audit trail of all invoices, indicating whether they have been received >зƱƸ٣עǷյ :Generate an audit trail of movements relating to the dispatched but not invoiced account >ѷδ߷Ʊ˻صı䶯Ƹ :Generate an export file using records selected from the build schedule file >ʹôųļѡ¼ĵļ :Generate automatically >Զ :Generate blanket purchase order contract documents >һӲɹͬĵ :Generate cms Files >ϵ˹ϵͳ(CMS)ļ :Generate customer delivery performance file >ɿͻЧļ :Generate document >ĵ :Generate document number >ļ :Generate forecasts for items in batch mode >ģʽĿԤ :Generate inter-file linkages >ļ :Generate labels for assets >ʲǩ :Generate labels for assets using Crystal >ʹ Crystal ʲǩ :Generate new GL accounts by copying a range of existing accounts >ͨƸ˻µ GL ˻ :Generate next document number >һļ :Generate only > :Generate parent code and description >뼰˵ :Generate performance and achievement target reports by summary type >ժҪɼЧͳɾĿ걨 :Generate performance and achievement target reports in various sequences >Բͬ˳ɼЧͳɾĿ걨 :Generate single Asset >ɵһʲ :Generate suggested stock item minimum/maximum levels through time by applying the policy saved against the stock items >ͨӦԿĿɽĿʱ仯/ˮƽ :Generate the Asset >ʲ :Generate the VBScript code for the Listview Properties and Columns and insert into the editor window >为列表视图属性生成 VBScript 和列栏并插入编辑器窗口 :Generate the VBScript used by the SYSPRO client to communicate with the deployed workflow processes > SYSPRO ͻ̽ͨŵ VBScript :Generate the Workflow VBScript >ɹ VBScript :Generate ticket numbers >ȯ :Generate, by forecasting period, a list of draft and current forecasts per stock code/warehouse >Ԥÿ/ֿIJݰ͵ǰԤб :Generated Comments >ɵע :Generated GRN >ɵGRN :Generated Inspection Reference/Lot >Ѵļολ :Generated Lot >ɵ :Generated Parent >Ѵĸ :Generated Parent Code and Description >ɵĸ뼰˵ :Generated Rework Job >Ѵķҵ :Generated document number >ɵĵ :Generated fields and comments >ɵֶκע :Generated purchase order >ɲɹ :Generated reference >ɵIJο :Generated serial number(s) already exist in the WIP inspection file >ִҵ(WIP)ļдɵϵк :Generated serial number(s) already exist in the inspection file >ļѴɵϵк :Generated serial number(s) already exist in the serial file >ļѴɵϵк :Generated serial number(s) already exist in the serial file for a different stock code >ڲͬϵļѴɵϵк :Generated serial number(s) already exist in the stock take file >̵ļѴɵϵк :Generated serial number(s) already reserved for a job or a material allocation >ɱҵϷϵк :Generates a valid GUID for using business objects - deprecated use. It is recommended to use the '%1' syntax to call business objects >为使用业务对象生成有效 GUID - 不赞成使用建议使用 '%1' 语法调用业务对象 :Generating Advanced Multi-level Kit List >ɸ߼ι߰б :Generating Assets >ʲ :Generating Foreign NLS Files >NLSļ :Generating Multi-level Kit List >༶׼ :Generating a trial kit list for all stock codes might take a while, do you want to continue? >Ϊп鹤߰бҪһʱ䣬ϣ :Generating company names. Please wait >ڴ˾Ⱥ :Generating company names. Please wait >ɹ˾Ժ :Generating file codes. Please wait >ڴļ롣Ⱥ :Generating file codes. Please wait >ļ롣Ժ :Generating file names. Please wait >ڴļȺ :Generating file names. Please wait >ļԺ :Generic Browse >ͨ :Generic Components > :Generic Data Browser >ͨ :Generic Define List of Items >通用定义项目列表 :Generic Setup Import >ͨõ :Generic Stock Code Default Settings >ͨĬ :Generic critical error occured >ͨؼ :Generic file copybook >ļƱ :Generic file copybook (FILE.PRO) >ͨļд(FILE.PRO) :Generic workflow report >̱ͨ :Geo Area %1 > %1 :Geo area >地区 :Geo area %1 alt > %1 滻 :Geographic >Ե :Geographic Area Details > :Geographic Area Maintenance >ά :Geographic Areas > :Geographic area > :Geographic area '%1' not found >δҵ'%1' :Geographic area - Customer > - ͻ :Geographic area for this customer is not on file >˿ͻĵ򲻴 :Geographic area for this customer not on file >˿ͻĵ :Geographic area information >Ϣ :Geographic area is not on file >򲻴 :Geographic area name > :Geographic area not defined >未定义地区 :Geographic area not on file >򲻴 :Geographic area options >ѡ :Geographic area selection >ѡ :Geographic area, Customer >ͻ :Geographic selection >ѡ :Geographic totals >ϼ :Geographical area > :Geolocation >λ :German > :Get APS Client Directory >ȡAPSͻĿ¼ :Get All Companies >ȡй˾ :Get Details >ȡ :Get Folder Info >ȡļϢ :Get ISAM/SQL Flag >ȡ ISAM/SQL :Get Module File Name >ȡģļ :Get System Date >ȡϵͳ :Get Windows Process Id >ȡWindowsId :Get help using SYSPRO >ʹ SYSPRO ȡ :Getting current SYSPRO Base folder >ڻȡǰ SYSPRO ļ :Getting server version for OLAP server '%1' >ΪOLAP '%1' ȡ汾 :Give information about generated lot >йѴεϢ :Give information about generated lot/GRN number >йѴΣGRNϢ :Give message if problems exist >⣬ṩϢ :Give warning about blank concession number entered >йհȨľ :Give warning if lot is on hold >ͣ򷢳 :Give warning if lot is on hold (SCT) >ͣ(SCT)򷢳 :Give warning if purchase order not yet printed >ɹδӡ򷢳 :Give warning when processing a kit receipt >׼ջʱ :Gl Integration update not run - program cancelled >δ GL ϸ - ȡ :Gl Period >G1ڼ :Gl journal selection >GL ռѡ :Gl period selection >GL ѡ :Global >ȫֵ :Global Budget >ȫԤ :Global Budget Maintenance >ȫԤά :Global Configuration >ȫ :Global Cost Center Rate Maintenance >ȫֳɱķά :Global Cost Center Rates Increase >ȫֳɱķ :Global Defaults Maintenance >ȫĬֵά :Global Delete >ȫɾ :Global Dependent >ȫ :Global Descripiton >ȫ :Global Exchange Rate >ȫֻ :Global Exchange Rate Change >ȫֻʱ䶯 :Global Expiry Date Update >ȫ :Global Login VBScript >ȫֵ¼ VBScript :Global Login/Logout VBScript >ȫֵ¼/˳ VBScript :Global Logout VBScript >ȫ˳ VBScript :Global P/Order >ȫֲɹ :Global P/order Change >ܽ :Global Password Change >ȫ :Global Price >ȫּ۸ :Global Promotions >ȫִ :Global Purchase Order Change >ȫֲɹ :Global Qualified Amount >ȫֺϸ :Global Rate Maintenance >ȫֱά :Global Replace Dictionary >ȫ滻ֵ :Global Replace Dictionary Maintenance >ȫ滻ֵά :Global Tax Report >ȫ˰񱨸 :Global Variable Details >ȫֱĬֵ :Global Variables >ȫֱ :Global Warehouse Defaults >ȫֿĬֵ :Global Work Center Rate Maintenance >ȫֳɱķά :Global Work Center Rates Increase >ȫҵķ :Global default view >ȫĬͼ :Global files >ȫļ :Global link >ȫ :Global promotion >ȫ :Global promotions have been selected automatically and added to the order >Զѡȫ :Global promotions have been updated on the order >Զȫ :Global promotions have been updated, or have been selected automatically and added to the order >Ѹ»Զѡȫ :Global promotions not allowed >ȫ :Global rate change >全局利率更改 :Global role configuration >ȫְ :Global role settings >ȫְ :Global statement narration >ȫֱ :Global tax file required >Ҫȫ˰ļ :Globally replace one component with another component in one or more configurations >һȫһ滻һ :Go > :Go To Page >תҳ :Go back to previous transition >һ :Go back to the previous menu >һ˵ :Go forward to next transition >ǰһ :Go to >ת :Go to Bin Allocation Entry >תĿ :Go to Serial Allocations Entry >תϵзĿ :Go to current position in workflow >ת̵ĵǰλ :Go to next period >תһ :Go to page number >תҳ :Go to previous period >תһ :Goods In Transfer >˻ :Goods In Transit Detail >;ϸ :Goods In Transit FIFO LIFO Buckets >; FIFO LIFO Ͱ :Goods In Transit FIFO/LIFO Transfer >; FIFO/LIFO ת :Goods In Transit Lot Details >;ϸ :Goods In Transit Lots >; :Goods In Transit Master >; :Goods In Transit Quantity Take On >;е :Goods In Transit Reference Query >;οѯ :Goods In Transit Serial Details >;ϵϸ :Goods In Transit Serials >;ϵ :Goods In Transit Warehouse Matrix >;ֿ :Goods Received Note >ջ :Goods Received Notes >ջ :Goods dispatched not invoiced >δ߷Ʊѷ :Goods in Inspection >ܼĻ :Goods in Inspection Counts > :Goods in Inspection Offsite >ܼĻ :Goods in Inspection Query >ڼѯ :Goods in Inspection Rejects > :Goods in Inspection Report >ڼﱨ :Goods in Inspection Report in Progress >ִڼﱨ :Goods in Inspection Returns >˻ :Goods in Inspection Scraps >ﱨ :Goods in Inspection for Stock Code > :Goods in Transit >˻ :Goods in Transit (Sales) >;ۣ :Goods in Transit Adjustment Account >;ʻ :Goods in Transit Branch >;֧ :Goods in Transit Control Account >;ʻ :Goods in Transit Control G/L Account >;G/Lʻ :Goods in Transit Control GL Account >; GL ˻ :Goods in Transit Conversion >;ת :Goods in Transit Details >;ϸ :Goods in Transit Details for Reference >ο;ϸ :Goods in Transit Details for Stock Code >;ϸ :Goods in Transit Exception >˻ :Goods in Transit FIFO/LIFO Bins Query for Reference >ο;FIFO/LIFOֲѯ :Goods in Transit File does not exist >;ļ :Goods in Transit G/L Control Account >;ʻ :Goods in Transit GL Control Account >; GL ˻ :Goods in Transit Geographic area >; :Goods in Transit Lots and Serials for Reference >ο;κϵ :Goods in Transit Lots for Reference >ο; :Goods in Transit Query on FIFO/LIFO Bins >;FIFO/LIFOֲѯ :Goods in Transit Reference >;ο :Goods in Transit Reference Numbering Method >;οŷ :Goods in Transit References >;ο :Goods in Transit Selection >;ѡ :Goods in Transit Serials for Reference >;οϵ :Goods in Transit Supply Chain >˻﹩Ӧ :Goods in Transit Transactions >;サ :Goods in Transit Transactions for Reference >ο;サ :Goods in Transit Transfers >;ת :Goods in Transit Trial Balance Query >;ѯ :Goods in Transit and Actual Costing >;ʵʳɱ :Goods in Transit control ledger account not on file. This entry will be ignored. Continue with transfers in? >途货物控制分类账账户不存在将忽略此条目。继续进行传入吗? :Goods in Transit entries >; :Goods in Transit entries completed before >֮ǰɵ; :Goods in Transit is installed. Only Immediate and No Destination transfers allowed in this business object >Ѱװ;һҵֱֻӻĿĵת :Goods in Transit is not in use. Program cancelled >;ﲻʹСȡ :Goods in Transit not installed >δװ; :Goods in Transit numbering is by warehouse. Use the warehouse maintenance program to define the next goods in transit reference number >;ǰֿеġʹòֿάһ;ο :Goods in Transit transfer in >;ת :Goods in Transit transfer out >;תƳ :Goods in Transit transfers are not required >Ҫ;ת :Goods in Transit transfers not required >Ҫ;ת :Goods in transit control >; :Goods in transit expense Flag >;ñ :Goods in transit files >;ļ :Goods in transit journal >;ռ :Goods in transit reference selection >;οѡ :Goods in transit summary >;ժҪ :Goods in transit transfer file successfully created >ѳɹ˻תļ :Goto >ת :Government Id >Id :Gradient >б :Gradient center horizontal >渐变中心水平 :Gradient center vertical >渐变中心垂直 :Gradient diagonal left >渐变对角左侧 :Gradient diagonal right >渐变对角右侧 :Gradient horizontal >渐变水平 :Gradient vertical >渐变垂直 :Grand Total >ܼ :Grand Totals >ܼ :Graph >ͼ :Graph Calculated Forecast >ͼԤ :Graph Current Forecast >ͼǰԤ :Graph Data >ͼ :Graph Draft Forecast >ͼԤ :Graph Job Trial Load (Ctrl+G) >ͼҵװ(Ctrl+G) :Graph Order Commitment >ͼŵ :Graph P/O Commitment (Ctrl+G) >ͼɹŵ(Ctrl+G) :Graph P/order Commitment >ͼɹŵ :Graph PO Commitment (Ctrl+G) > PO ŵͼ (Ctrl+G) :Graph Print Setup >ͼӡ :Graph Properties >ͼ :Graph S/O Commitment (Ctrl+G) >ͼ۶ŵ(Ctrl+G) :Graph SO Commitment (Ctrl+G) > SO ŵͼ (Ctrl+G) :Graph Sales History >ͼʷ¼ :Graph Sales vs Budgets (Ctrl+G) >ͼֵԤ(Ctrl+G) :Graph Templates >ͼģ :Graph X axis >ͼ X :Graph Y axis >ͼ Y :Graph and variances selection >ͼͱ䶯ѡ :Graph data selection >ͼѡ :Graph options >ͼѡ :Graph selection >ͼѡ :Graph settings >ͼ :Graph style >ͼʽ :Graph template >ͼģ :Graph title >ͼ :Graph to view >Ҫ鿴ͼ :Graph type >ͼ :Graphic to show >ʾͼ :Graphical Display Options >ͼʾѡ :Graphical Options >ͼѡ :Graphical Planning Board >ͼμƻ :Graphical display option >ͼʾѡ :Graphs >ͼ :Greater than > :Greek >ϣ :Green >ɫ :Green flag >ɫ :Green flag Activity >ɫ־ :Grid Line Color >ɫ :Grid Line Style >ʽ :Grid Line Styles >ʽ :Grid Lines >դ :Gross >ë :Gross Kgs >ë(Kg) :Gross amount >ë :Gross amount () >ܶ () :Gross amount (FD ) >ܽ :Gross amt >ë :Gross flag > :Gross merchandise >Ʒ :Gross o/s value >δëֵ :Gross payment >ܸ :Gross payment amount >ܸ :Gross payment of zero is invalid >ܸΪЧ :Gross price >毛价 :Gross prof >ë :Gross profit >ë :Gross profit % >ë% :Gross profit percent >ëٷֱ :Gross profit percentage >ëٷֱ :Gross qty at start of operation >ʼʱë :Gross quantity >ë :Gross quantity entered >ë :Gross quantity to manufacture >Ҫë :Gross req. rule >Ҫ :Gross required >Ҫë :Gross requirement rule >ëҪ :Gross requirements rule > :Gross requirements rule '%1' >Ҫ '%1' :Gross requirements selection >Ҫѡ :Gross to make >ִеë :Gross value >ëֵ :Gross/Adjustment amount >/ :Gross/Net >ë :Group > :Group %1 > %1 :Group %1 dep %2 > %1 ۾ %2 :Group Approval Limits > :Group Balance >ƽ :Group Box > :Group Browse > :Group Budgets >Ԥ :Group By Box > :Group By This Field >ֶε :Group Dates by Date >ڷ :Group Element >Ҫ :Group Entries > :Group Exists >Ѵ :Group Heading field >ֶ :Group Information >Ϣ :Group Maintenance >ά :Group Name > :Group Not Found >δҵ :Group Selected Nodes >ѡڵ :Group Status >״̬ :Group Summary >ժҪ :Group Totals >ϼ :Group Validation >֤ :Group a number of stock items together for use in various forecasting programs to quickly select the items together >һĿԹԤͬѡĿʹ :Group after >֮ :Group already exists. Please enter another group >Ѵڡһ :Group already included >Ѱڵ :Group and subgroup selection >ѡ :Group background color >鱳ɫ :Group by >飬 :Group by contact information >ϵϢ :Group by email address >ʼַ :Group code > :Group code cannot be blank >벻Ϊ :Group code selection >ѡ :Group control file name >ļ :Group control file names >ļ :Group conversion >ת :Group description >˵ :Group details >ϸ :Group emails >ʼ :Group faxes >鴫 :Group fields >ֶ :Group foreground color >ǰɫ :Group heading element >Ҫ :Group heading style > :Group is a system administrator >ϵͳԱ :Group is out of balance >ʧ :Group locked > :Group may not be blank >鲻Ϊ :Group not on file >鲻ļ :Group not valid >Ч :Group number > :Group number from > :Group number selection >ѡ :Group number to >룬 :Group options >ѡ :Group record locked >¼ :Group selection >ѡ :Group summary for current period >ǰڵժҪ :Group template >ģ :Group within location >صڵ :Group/Type >飯 :Grouped by >飬 :Grouped by Stock code > :Grouping > :Groups > :Groups included > :Groups/Subtotals >飯С :Grp > :Grp Aft >Grp Aft :Gst Control Account >Gst ˻ :Gst exemption >ͨӪҵ˰(GST)˰ :Gst status >ͨӪҵ˰(GST)״̬ :Guest/anonymous user >ˣû :H - Highest of forecasts & sales orders >H - Ԥ۶ :H - Multiple pan lots >H - :H - On hold >H - :HIghest non-zero dec >最高非零小数 :HOF at beginning of report >ʼHOF :HOF at end of document >ļβHOF :HOF at end of report >βHOF :HOF between each document >ÿһļHOF :Half-year > :Halt processing & request user action as errors are encountered >ͣû :Halt processing and request user action as errors are encountered >ʱֹû :Handling Charge > :Hardware key configuration >ӲԿ :Has sub jobs >зְҵ :Hash qty >ɢ :Hash quantity > :Hash total of quantities >ɢϼ :Hash total quantity >޺Ϣ :Hash totals >ɢкϼ :Head >ͷ :Head Costs >ͷɱ :Head Count > :Head and sections >⼰ :Head and sections %1 >½ %1 :Head of Form >ͷ :Head/Section Maintenance >ͷѡά :Head/Sections > :ͷѡ :Head/section >ͷѡ :Header >ҳü :Header (after the RMA header section) >ͷ˻Ȩ(RMA)ͷ֮ :Header Context Menu >ҳüIJ˵ :Header Custom Form >ͷԶ :Header Custom Form Data Entry >ͷԶ :Header Field Maintenance >ҳüֶά :Header Fields >ҳüֶ :Header Fields - Report >ҳüֶ - :Header Information >ҳüϢ :Header Maint >ҳüά :Header Maintenance >ҳüά :Header Maintenance for Blanket P/order >һӲɹͷά :Header Maintenance for Blanket Purchase Order >ۺԲɹҳüά :Header Maintenance for P/order >ɹͷά :Header alignment >ҳü :Header detail >ϸ :Header details >ҳüϸ :Header options >ҳüѡ :Header section >ҳü :Headers prompt >ҳüʾ :Heading >ͷ :Heading %1 > %1 :Heading Section >ⲿ :Heading Section Messages >ⲿϢ :Heading Section Reprint Message >ⲿ´ӡϢ :Heading Section Text Fields >ⲿıֶ :Heading field >ֶ :Heading fields >ֶ :Heading line > :Heading line %1 > %1 :Heading options >ѡ :Heading selections >ⲿ :Heading text >ı :Headings > :Headings Have Changed >Ѹ :Heads > :Heads/Sections >ͷѡ :Heads/Sections for Standard Hierarchy >׼αͷѡ :Heads/sections may not be blank >⣯ѡΪհ :Hebrew >ϣ :Height > :Height for all captions >б߶ :Height up to %1 Ft >߶ %1 Ӣ :Held > :Held backorder (2) >Ƿ(2) :Help > :Help Home Page >ҳ :Help Page Home >ҳҳ :Help panel > :Help text >ı :Hex code to open drawer >򿪳ʮƴ :Hexadecimal >ʮƵ :Hidden > :Hidden ADMLAY key >ADMLAY :Hidden Analysis Detail >طϸ :Hidden Authorized >Ȩ :Hidden Bin Flag >ؿ־ :Hidden Cases >ľ :Hidden Cases Ship >ľװ :Hidden Currency >ػ :Hidden Dispatch Flag >ط־ :Hidden Entry Number > :Hidden Extra fields >ضֶ :Hidden Field Name >ֶ :Hidden Form Key >ر :Hidden Formatted discount >ظʽۿ :Hidden Item Code >Ŀ :Hidden Key >ؼ :Hidden Org type flag >֯ͱ־ :Hidden Organization Type >֯ :Hidden Pieces >ز :Hidden Pieces Ship >زװ :Hidden Record Type >ؼ¼ :Hidden Row Id >Id :Hidden Trace Flag >ظٱ־ :Hidden activity key >ػ :Hidden contact id >ϵid :Hidden description >˵ :Hidden internal flags >ڲ :Hidden item key >Ŀ :Hidden item type >Ŀ :Hidden list data >б :Hidden notepad key >ؼ± :Hidden organization flag >֯־ :Hidden password > :Hidden program name >س :Hide Add File Dialog >ļԻ :Hide Add Table Dialog >ӱԻ :Hide Caption >ر :Hide Excluded >ų :Hide List >б :Hide SYSPRO browser >SYSPRO :Hide Totals > :Hide favorites menu >ظ˲˵ :Hide main menu >˵ :Hide on form >ڱ :Hide row > :Hide stock availability >ؿ :Hide the field >ֶ :Hide/Show >/ʾ :Hier > :Hier. description >˵ :Hierarchical >ε :Hierarchical Allocations >η :Hierarchical Order >ζ :Hierarchical contract >ּͬ :Hierarchical contract '%1' not on file >κͬ '%1' :Hierarchical estimate >分级估计 :Hierarchical job >ҵ :Hierarchical job - hierarchy cannot be spaces >分级工作 - 分级不可为空格 :Hierarchical job number >ּ :Hierarchical orders >ζ :Hierarchical orders are not supported in this program >此程序不支持分级订单 :Hierarchical quote >α :Hierarchical sales order flag >ּ۶ :Hierarchies > :Hierarchies for Job >ҵ :Hierarchies need to be attached >ҪӲ :Hierarchy > :Hierarchy Cost Distribution >γɱ :Hierarchy Costs per Estimate >λ۲γɱ :Hierarchy Costs per Job >λҵγɱ :Hierarchy Maintenance >ά :Hierarchy code >δ :Hierarchy description >˵ :Hierarchy details >ּ :Hierarchy distribution >η :Hierarchy distributions are not zero >η䲻Ϊ :Hierarchy for job >ҵ :Hierarchy head >分级标题 :Hierarchy head/section %1 not on file >α⣯ѡ %1 :Hierarchy level >μ :Hierarchy section %1 >分级章节 %1 :Hierarchy threshold exceeded >ѳֵ :Hierarchy threshold reached >Ѵﵽֵ :Hierarchy-context >ּ :High > :High profit percent >ٷֱ :High profit percentage for gross profit >ëĸٷֱ :Highest >ߵ :Highest Start Column >߿ʼ :Highest balance attained > :Highest cumulative >最高累计 :Highest invoice days overdue >ڷƱ :Highest of forecasts and sales orders >Ԥ۶ :Highest op where time posted >Ѽ¼ʱ :Highest op work center >߲ :Highest operation >߼ :Highest start colum >最高开始列栏 :Highest start column across page >ҳ߿ʼ :Highlighed Lines >ͻԵ :Highlight All Lines >ͻʾȫ :Highlight Editable Fields >ͻԿɱ༭ֶ :Highlight Fields Linked to User Contro >ͻӵûƵֶ :Highlight Missing Invoices >ͻʾʧķƱ :Highlight caption for active pane >ͻʾ :Highlight color >ͻɫ :Highlight editable form fields >ͻԿɱ༭ֶ :Highlight fields >突显字段 :Highlight focused form field >ͻܹעֶ :Highlight invoices to be released for payment and click on Apply >ͻʾΪǩķƱӦá :Highlight last selected menu item in Program List >ͻԳбѡIJ˵Ŀ :Highlight missing GRN's >ͻʾʧGRN :Highlight missing checks >ͻʾʧ֧Ʊ :Highlight missing invoice numbers >ͻʾʧķƱ :Highlight rows >ͻʾ :Highlighted >ͻ :Highlighted Lines >ͻ :Highlighted lines that have a supplier on hold and/or are excluded will be ignored during purchase order creation. Ok to continue? >ڲɹڼ䣬ͣӦ̺ͣųͻʾнԡȷҪ :Highlighting >ͻʾ :Highlighting enabled >õͻʾ :Hire order - passed for approval >޶ C ʽ :Hire order accepted >ܵ޶ :Hire order add >޶ :Hire order approval >޶ :Hire order completed >ɵ޶ :Hire order in progress >ڽ޶ :Hire order machine awaiting collection >޶ڵȴɼ״̬ :Hire order rejected >ܾ޶ :Hire purchase >⹺ :Historical >ʷ :Historical activities >ʷ :Historical value >ʷֵ :Historical values exist. This work center may not be deleted >ʷֵɾ˹ :History >ʷ¼ :History Adjustments >ʷ¼ :History Balance Maintenance >ʷά :History Configuration >ʷ :History Destination Paths >ʷĿĵ· :History Details >ʷ¼ϸ :History Graphics >ʷͼ :History Id >ʷ Id :History Key Setup >ʷؼ :History Maintenance >ʷ¼ά :History Number of Periods >ڵʷ :History Number of Years >ݵʷ :History Options >ʷ¼ѡ :History Pane >ʷ :History Period >ʷ :History Query >ʷѯ¼ :History Release >ʷ¼ͷ :History Report >ʷ :History Report in Progress >ִʷ¼ :History Setup >ʷ¼ :History Summary Review Criteria >历史摘要审查标准 :History Type >¼ :History document >ʷ¼ļ :History file options >ʷļѡ :History for >9(4)ʷ¼ :History for Currency >ʷ¼ :History from last month back %1 months >֮ǰ%1 µʷ¼ :History from last month back 12 months >֮ǰ12µʷ¼ :History is only being retained for the current ledger year. Program cancelled >ʷ¼ֻڵǰķȱȡ :History number of years must be in the range 2-99 >ݵʷ 2-99 ֮ :History of Transactions for Blanket Contract >һӺͬĽ׼¼ :History of receipts >վʷ¼ :History of receipts dated before >ǰڵջʷ :History of receipts dates before >֮ǰջ¼ :History of receipts not retained >վʷ¼ :History options do not match Business to Business history details >ʷѡ̼Ҷ̼ʷϸĿ :History path >ʷ¼· :History period (months) >ʷ (·) :History record >ʷ¼ :History required >Ҫ¼ :History retention >¼ :History retention is expressed in days >¼ :History retention is expressed in months >¼ :History year >ʷ¼ :Hits > :Hold > :Hold All Lines > :Hold Line > :Hold Lines > :Hold / Release >ͷ :Hold / Release All Lines >ͷ :Hold / Release Context >ǩ :Hold / Release Job >ͷҵ :Hold / Release Line >ǩ :Hold / Release Lines >ͷ :Hold / Release Requisition >ͷ빺 :Hold All >ȫ :Hold All Lines > :Hold Bin >λ :Hold Entire Requisition >빺 :Hold GRN >ϵ :Hold Group >Ⱥ :Hold Invoice >Ʊ :Hold Jobs >ҵ :Hold Journal >ռ :Hold Line > :Hold Line/s > :Hold Lines > :Hold Material Allocations >Ϸ :Hold Quotation > :Hold Quote >۵ :Hold Reqn >빺 :Hold Requisition >빺 :Hold Selected Requisition Line >ѡ빺 :Hold Shipment for S/o >۶ķ :Hold Shipment for So >۶ :Hold Status >״̬ :Hold Stock Codes > :Hold flag >־ :Hold invoice list >Ʊб :Hold non started jobs for curr rev/rel >为当前修订/发行保留非开始的工作 :Hold non-started jobs >δҵ :Hold non-started jobs for current >ǰδʼĹ :Hold non-started jobs for current rev/rel >ǰ޶/δʼĹ :Hold shipment for s/o for curr rev/rel >为当前修订/发行销售订单保留装运 :Hold shipment for s/o for current >ǰ۶װ :Hold shipment for s/o for current rev/rel >ǰ޶/۶װ :Hold started jobs >ҵ :Hold started jobs for curr rev/rel >为当前修订/发行保留开始的工作 :Hold started jobs for current >ǰѿʼĹ :Hold started jobs for current rev/rel >ǰ޶/ѿʼĹ :Hold stock maintenance >保留库存维护 :Hold stock maintenance for all >保留全部库存维护 :Hold this group? >ҪȺ :Hold this invoice? >Ҫ˷Ʊ :Hold this journal? >Ҫռ :Hold this requisition ? >保留此请购单吗? :Hold this requisition? >Ҫ빺 :Hold/Clear Invoice >/Ʊ :Hold/Release >ǩ :Hold/Release All Lines >/ :Hold/Release Context >/ :Hold/Release Job >/й :Hold/Release Line >ͷ :Hold/Release Lines >ǩ :Hold/Release Requisition >ͷ빺 :Hold/Un-hold Asset >ʲ :Hold/Unhold > :Hold/Unhold Asset >ʲ :Hold/Unhold Asset in Suspense >𣯷ʲ :Hold/created >/Ѵ :Holder > :Holder selection >ѡ :Holiday pay >ڼչ :Holt-Winters additive >Holt-Winters ӷ :Holt-Winters additive options >Holt-Winters ӷѡ :Holt-Winters coefficients may only have a value greater than zero and less than one >Holt-Winters ϵɾ߱㣬Сһֵ :Holt-Winters multiplicative >Holt-Winters ˷ :Holt-Winters multiplicative options >Holt-Winters ˷ѡ :Home >ҳ :Home - Physical >ҳ - :Home - Postal >ҳ - ʼ :Home Page >ҳ :Home phone >ͥ绰 :Home physical address >ͥʵʵַ :Home postal address >ַͥ :Home telephone >סլ绰 :Home telephone number >סլ绰 :Horizontal >ˮƽ :Horizontal Stacked >ˮƽջ :Horizontal Stacked % >ˮƽջģ :Horizontal bar chart >ˮƽͼ :Hourly Rate >Сʱ :Hours >Сʱ :Hours booked to date >ԤСʱ :Hover > :How do you want the new menu to look? >ϣ²˵β֣ :How should SQL Server verify the authenticity of the Login ID? >SQL֤¼IDʵԣ :How should the SYSPRO Analytics client connect >SYSPRO Analytics ͻӦ :How should the SYSPRO Analytics client connect to the server? >SYSPRO Analyticsͻ :How to use help >ʹð :How would you like to continue? >ϣμУ :However, you may elect to retain the previous format custom form data (using >ȻѡǰʽԶ (ʹ :Hp >⹺ :Hyperlink > :Hyperlink for receiving whs activated >ջֿⳬ :Hyperlinks > :Hyperlinks and Exceptions >Ӻ쳣 :Hyphen >ֺ :I - Cover shortages if less than min >I - ССֵ :I - Forecasts only >I - Ԥ :I - Minimum of EBQ >I - EBQ Сֵ :I do not want any columns to be removed >Ҳɾκֻ赼 :I have already added the new columns and wish to continue >µϣ :I have already added the new indexes and wish to continue >µϣ :I have already created the tables and wish to continue >Ѵϣ :I only want standard SYSPRO columns to be removed >ֻɾκֻ豣 :I require the wizard to add the columns for me >ҪΪ :I require the wizard to add the indexes for me >ҪΪ :I require the wizard to add the new columns for me >ҪΪ :I require the wizard to add the new indexes for me >ҪΪ :I require the wizard to create the SYSPRO tables for me >ҪΪҴSYSPRO :I require the wizard to create the new tables for me >ҪΪҴ± :I require this wizard to create the database on selecting Next >Ҫѡһʱݿ :I want all imported tables to be set to Read only >뽫еıΪ :I want to remove all existing columns >ɾе :I will create the database myself before selecting Next >ҽѡһ֮ǰԼݿ :I will issue the statements myself from the Query analyzer >ҽӲѯԼǩ :I will remove them later (the wizard will not delete any files) >ҽɾǣ򵼲ɾκļ :I wish the wizard to drop any unused column definitions >ϣ򵼷κδʹù :I wish the wizard to remove the unwanted C-ISAM data files >ϣƳҪ C-ISAM ļ :I wish the wizard to remove the unwanted ISAM data files >ϣɾҪISAMļ :I-Co cr >I-Co :I-Co dr >I-Co跽 :I-co >I-co :IBT >IBT :IBT & IBT c.o.s >֧ת(IBT)ͷ֧ת(IBT)۳ɱ :IBT & IBT cost of sales >֧ת(IBT)ͷ֧ת(IBT)۳ɱ :IBT Cost of Sales G/L Account >IBT۳ɱG/Lʻ :IBT Cost of Sales GL Account >IBT ۳ɱ GL ˻ :IBT Customer >IBTͻ :IBT G/L Account >IBT G/Lʻ :IBT GL Account >IBT GL ˻ :IBT cost of sales >IBTɱ :IBT sales >IBT :IBT's >IBT's :ICC / JOB NO >֤ / λ :ICC/JOB NO >ICC/ :ICM Method >ICM :ICM intent >ICMͼ :ID code >ID :ID/Serial >IDϵ :ID/Serial no >IDк :ID/Serial number >IDк :ID/serial code >ID/ϵд :IE style toolbar >IEʽ :IM address >Ϣ(IM)ַ :IMPPRC price retreival for S/O >IMPPRC۶۸ :IMPSF8 window >IMPSF8 :IMPSQL Login Screenset - see message box >IMPSQL¼Screenset - μϢ :IMPVAR Evaluation >IMPVAR :IN transit >; :INV - Work in progress inventory >Ч - ִҵ :INV Inventory receipts >INV ջ :INV Show costs in inventory browse >INV ڴʾɱ :INV Show costs in inventory/WIP queries >INV ڴ/WIP ѯʾɱ :INV Show costs in purchase order receipts >INV ڲɹջʾɱ :INV Show costs in requisitions >INV 빺ʾɱ :INV Show costs in stock code maintenance >INV ڿάʾɱ :INV Text dangerous goods >INV ıΣջ :INV Text inspections >INV ı :INV Text job narrations >INV ı :INV Text purchase order >INV ıɹ :INV Text sales order >INV ı۶ :INV Text technical spec >INV ı :INVALID description '%1'. The description may not contain the following characters '%2' >Ч '%1' ðַ '%2' :IO Adjust History for Outliers >ֵŻ(IO)ʷ¼ :IO Allow update of current forecasts >Ż(IO)µǰԤ :IO Amendment Journal >Ż (IO) ޶ռ :IO Approve Draft Forecasts >IOƱԤ :IO Archived Forecasts >IO 鵵Ԥ :IO Archived Stock Level >IO 鵵漶 :IO Batch Forecasting >IOԤ :IO Batch Levels Calculation >IO :IO Batch Maintain Policies >IO ά :IO Batch Policy Maintenance >IO ά :IO Batch add policies >IO :IO Batch change policies >IO :IO Batch delete policies >IO ɾ :IO Calculate Periods >IO :IO Collection Archived Forecast >IO ɼ鵵Ԥ :IO Collection Demand History Adjustments >Ż(IO)ʷ¼ :IO Collection Descriptor Maintenance >Ż(IO)ά :IO Collection Descriptors >Ż(IO) :IO Collection Descriptors Maintenance >IO ɼά :IO Collection Draft Forecast >IO ɼƱԤ :IO Collection Instance >IO ɼʵ :IO Collection Live Forecast >IO ɼʱԤ :IO Collection Master >IO ɼ :IO Collection SKU Structures >IO ɼ SKU ṹ :IO Collection Sales History >IO ɼۼ¼ :IO Collection Sales History Adjustments >IO ɼۼ¼ :IO Collection Selections >IO ɼѡ :IO Collection Structure >IO ɼṹ :IO Collection Structure Amendment Jnl >IO ɼṹ޶ռ :IO Collection Warehouses >IO ɼֿ :IO Collections Forecast Disaggregation >Ż(IO)Ԥֽ :IO Consolidated Sales History Adjustment >IO ϲۼ¼ :IO Consolidated Warehouse Draft Forecast >IO ϲֿƱԤ :IO Consolidated Warehouse Sales History >IO ϲֿۼ¼ :IO Conversion successful >IO תɹ :IO Copy Policies >IO :IO Copy suggested levels to draft >IO Ʊƽ鼶 :IO Delivery Performance >IO :IO Demand Adjustment >IO :IO Demand History >IOʷ¼ :IO Demand History Adjustments >IOʷ¼ά :IO Demand History Import >IO Demand History Import :IO Draft Level Approval >IO Ʊ :IO Draft Levels Approval >IO Ʊ :IO Draft Stock Level >IO Ʊ漶 :IO Draft Stock Levels Amendment Journal >IO Ʊ漶ռ :IO F&G Amendment Journal >Ż (IO) ϵ (F&G) ޶ռ :IO Families and Groupings >Ż(IO)ϵ :IO Forecast >IO Ԥ :IO Forecast Accuracy >Ż(IO)Ԥ׼ȷ :IO Forecast Accuracy Calculation >IO Ԥ׼ȷʼ :IO Forecast Accuracy Query >IO Ԥ׼ȷʲѯ :IO Forecast Accuracy Review >IO Ԥ׼ȷ :IO Forecast Comparison >IOԤȽ :IO Forecast Comparison in Progress >ִIOԤȽ :IO Forecast Consumption >IO Ԥ :IO Forecast Period Calendar >IO Ԥ :IO Forecast Period Calendars >IOԤ :IO Forecast Snapshot >IO Ԥ :IO Forecast Snapshot Header >IO Ԥҳü :IO Forecast Year Start Dates >IO Ԥݿʼ :IO Forecast calendar >IO Ԥ :IO Forecasting >IOԤ :IO Forecasting Proxies >IO Ԥ :IO Forecasting Sales History >Ż(IO)Ԥʷ¼ :IO History Creation >IO 历史创建 :IO History Transactions >IO ʷ :IO Import Demand History >Ż(IO)ʷ¼ :IO Initial History Creation >IOʼʷ¼ :IO Inventory Movements >IO 䶯 :IO Inventory Purge and Update >IO :IO Levels Report >IO 𱨸 :IO List of Forecast Calendars >IOԤб :IO List of Forecasts >ŻԤ :IO List of Forecasts in Progress >ִпŻԤ :IO List of Policies >IO б :IO Maintain draft levels >IO άƱ :IO Manual Forecasting >IO˹Ԥ :IO Min/Max Levels >IO С/󼶱 :IO Movements >IO 䶯 :IO New Forecast >IO Ԥ :IO Options >IO ѡ :IO Options Batch Update >Żѡθ :IO Options Maintenance >IOѡά :IO Options are locked for this stock code, warehouse >˿ IO ѡֿ :IO Pareto Analysis >Ż(IO) Pareto :IO Pareto Analysis Parameters >IO Pareto :IO Pareto Analysis Results >IO Pareto :IO Pareto Analysis Results - Current Forecasts >Ż(IO) Pareto - ǰԤ :IO Pareto Analysis Results - Draft Forecasts >Ż(IO) Pareto - ƱԤ :IO Pareto Analysis Results - Sales >Ż(IO) Pareto - :IO Policies >IO :IO Policies For Stock Code Warehouse >ֿ IO :IO Policy Amendment Journal >IO ޶ռ :IO Policy added > IO :IO Policy added e.net > IO ߵ e.net :IO Policy changed >Ѹ IO :IO Policy changed e.net >Ѹ IO ߵ e.net :IO Policy deleted >ɾ IO :IO Policy deleted e.net >ɾ IO ߵ e.net :IO Post Transactions to History >Ż(IO)ʽʷ¼ :IO Purge and Movement Update >IO ͱ䶯 :IO Purge and Update >IO :IO Purge and Update Processing >IO ´ :IO Purge/Update Report >IO 清除/更新报告 :IO Reporting Options >IO ѡ :IO SKU Policy Maintenance >IO SKU ά :IO Sales Aggregation >Ż(IO)ۼ :IO Sales History >IO ۼ¼ :IO Sales History Adjustments >IO ۼ¼ :IO Sales History Returns >IO ۼ¼ :IO Sales Order Performance >IO ۶ :IO Sales Transactions >IO۽ :IO Selection List >IO бѡ :IO Selection Set >IO ѡ :IO Selection Set Amendment Journal >IO ѡ޶ռ :IO Selection Set Maintenance >IO ѡά :IO Selection Set Review >IO ѡ :IO Selection Sets >IO ѡ :IO Selection Sets Amendment Journal >IO ѡ޶ռ :IO Selection Sets Maintenance >IO ѡά :IO Selections >IO ѡ :IO Service Level Review >IO 񼶱 :IO Stock Code Warehouse Options >IO ֿѡ :IO Stock Code/Warehouse Options >Ż(IO)룯ֿѡ :IO Stock Code/Warehouse Pareto Analysis >IO /ֿ Pareto :IO Stock Level >IO 漶 :IO Stock Levels Modeling >IO 漶ģ :IO Stock Modeling >IO 潨ģ :IO Stored Sets >IO洢 :IO Supply Constraints >IO ӦԼ :IO Supply Method >IO Ӧ :IO Update Live Forecasts >Ż(IO)ʵԤ :IO Update current levels >IO µǰ :IO forecasting that have been inactivated >ȡ IO Ԥ :IO min/max levels not found for stock code '%1' warehouse '%2'. Inventory warehouse min/max levels used >δҵ '%1' ֿ '%2' IO С/󼶱õĴֿС/󼶱 :IP address >IP ַ :ISAM Data Source >ISAMԴ :ISAM Filename >ISAMļ :ISAM ISAM to SQL List of Duplicates >ISAM ISAMSQLظб :ISAM Information >ISAMϢ :ISAM TO SQL Server >ISAMSQL :ISAM disk file name >ISAMļ :ISAM file >ISAMļ :ISAM file already exists >ISAM 文件已存在 :ISAM file code >ISAMļ :ISAM file location >ISAM 文件位置 :ISAM file name >ISAMļ :ISAM key length >ISAM볤 :ISAM location >ISAM 位置 :ISAM primary key length >ISAM볤 :ISAM record length >ISAM¼ :ISAM to SQL Migration >ISAMSQLֲ :ISAM to SQL Migration - Bulk Copy >ISAMSQLֲ - :ISAM to SQL Migration - Duplicate Errors >ISAMSQLֲ - ظ :ISAM/SQL flag >ISAM/SQL :Ichg >Ichg :Icon >ͼ :Icon id >ͼid :Icon number >ͼ :Icon to be associated with the object category >ͼ :Icon views >ͼͼ :Icons >ͼ :Id >Id :Id number >Id :Id number/Passport number >Idţպ :Identification codes >ʶ :Identification level >֤ :Identify Overloaded Work Centers >ʶصҵ :Identify Overloads >ʶ :Identify an imbalance between the AP sub-ledger and the General Ledger arising from the posting of incomplete or incorrect transactions >识别 AP 子账与总账之间源自不完整或不正确交易过账的失衡 :Identify an imbalance between the AR sub-ledger and the General Ledger arising from the posting of incomplete or incorrect transactions >识别 AR 子账与总账之间源自不完整或不正确交易过账的失衡 :Identify an imbalance between the GRN sub-ledger and the General Ledger arising from the posting of incomplete or incorrect transactions >识别 GRN 子账与总账之间源自不完整或不正确交易过账的失衡 :Identify an imbalance between the Inventory sub-ledger and the General Ledger arising from the posting of incomplete or incorrect transactions >识别存货子账与总账之间源自不完整或不正确交易过账的失衡 :Identify an imbalance between the WIP sub-ledger and the General Ledger arising from the posting of incomplete or incorrect transactions >识别 WIP 子账与总账之间源自不完整或不正确交易过账的失衡 :Identify an imbalance between the assets sub-ledger and the General Ledger arising from the posting of incomplete or incorrect transactions >识别资产子账与总账之间源自不完整或不正确交易过账的失衡 :Identify and display all unknown attendees previously recorded against an activity >ʶʾǰԻ¼δ֪ϯ :Identify differences between the standard BOM cost and the current inventory cost of stock items >ʶĿ׼ BOM ɱ뵱ǰɱ֮IJ :Identify items on order (or in stock) which exceed the current projected demand >ʶ𶩵 () ǰԤĿ :Identify overloads options >ʶѡ :Identify potential problems with the SQL Server database, primarily to identify differences between the existing database and the standard tables, columns and indexes >ʶ SQL ݿDZ⣬Ҫʶݿ׼ݿ⡢֮IJ :Identify suggested supply chain transfers that require corrective action to meet the planning indicated within the snapshot files >ʶ鹩ӦתˣҪȡʩļеļƻ :Identify the parent parts and associated operations assigned to a selected range of work centers >ʶ䵽ѡĵز :Identify the parent parts of a structure to which components are attached, including the level at which the component occurs >ʶ丽ӲĽṹļ :Identify who is accessing the system and which programs are currently running >ʶ˭ڷϵͳԼĸǰ :Identifying Overloads >ʶ :Identifying files to be converted. Please wait >ʶҪתļȺ :Idle - between jobs > - ҵ֮ :If >如 :If '%1' contains Y then '%2' must be 8 > '%1' Y '%2' 8 :If EFT payments required, Bank branch/Account number cannot be blank >ҪEFTýз֧ʺΪհ :If Selected, user will Browse on Reserved Lots/Serials >如选择,用户将浏览保留批次/系列 :If a prefix has been defined, the next invoice/credit note/debit note number may not be greater than five digits >ǰ׺ôһݷƱƱݣ跽Ʊݺ򲻵öλ :If a primary role already exists then it will be changed to the new role >ְѴڣôΪְ :If a quantity has already been captured against one or more of the selected serial numbers, the captured quantity will be set to zero >һѡϵк벶Ϊ :If any stock code is held in stocking and alternate units of measure, the default u/m for stock take capture will be ignored for that stock code >ڿ滻λбκο룬ôڴ˿룬̵㲶еĬϼλ :If back orders not allowed >ڽ :If back orders not allowed - Allow when copy/rlse fwd orders >ڶ - ôڸƣͷԶڶڼ :If cost tracking is selected, the WIP cost tracking ledger code cannot be blank >ѡɱ٣ôWIPɱٷʴ򲻵Ϊհ :If entered > :If it is optional you can use the Skip push button to go to the next selection without making a choice >ǿѡģôڲѡ£ʹáťתһѡ :If necessary you can enter a full path to the program >бҪóȫ· :If no Contact Id is supplied, a Contact Id Type must be specified in the Xml parameter string >ûṩͬIdXmlָͬId :If numeric, first %1 will be used >如为数字,将使用首个 %1 :If parent selected all components must be selected >ѡѡв :If policies exist against an item in the date selection they will be removed before copying the new policies. Okay to continue? >ѡдĿߣǽڸ֮ǰƳȷҪ? :If required you can enter the following information to be used for all the >ҪʱϢ :If required you can enter the work addresses to be used for your Organization >Ҫʱ빤ַ֯ :If required, you can reconfigure the G/L integration once the conversion is complete >Ҫʱתʹá>ʼ>ʲѡ :If set to '%1' this will make a form ignore any standard built-in action when form value changes >Ϊ '%1'ֵ仯ʱ˽ʹκα׼ò :If the current role has already been assigned to an operator then no change will be made >ǰְѷԱôκθ :If the current role has not been assigned to an operator then the operator will not be changed >ǰְδԱôԱ :If the next EFT number is equal to or less than the check number you may have duplications in your cashbook >һEFTڻС֧Ʊ룬ֽпܻظ :If the parent is to be stocked then it must not already exist on the inventory master file >ĸԷ棬ôڿļв :If the statement balance (in the bank's currency) is zero, then the statement balance (in local currency) must also be zero >лңΪ㣬ôԵػңҲΪ㡣 :If the statement balance (in the bank's currency) is zero, then the statement balance (in local currency) must also be zero > (л) Ϊ㣬ô (ػ) ҲΪ :If the statement balance (in the bank's currency) is zero, then the statment balance (in local currency) must also be zero >лңΪ㣬ôñԵػңҲΪ :If this conversion fails, or you cancel, you will still be able to use the legacy >תʧܣȡԽܹʹô legacy :If this option is selected then the option '%1' must also be selected. Ok to select both options? >ѡ˸ѡôҲѡѡ '%1' ȷѡѡ :If this selection is mandatory then you must choose one of the criteria displayed before continuing >ѡDZģôڼ֮ǰѡʾı׼֮һ :If unattached >δ :If you are unsure about XML elements then just accept the default >޷ȷXMLҪأôĬֵ :If you are unsure about XML elements then just accept the defaults >޷ȷXMLҪأôĬֵ :If you are using SQL Server Authentication then the SQL Server login >ʹSQL֤(SQL Server Authentication) :If you are using a data source name, you will need to enter the >If you are using a data source name, you will need to enter the :If you are using these calculations for the component quantity then one of the calculations entered must have a result of "RES". Do you wish to continue? >ʹòЩ㷽ôЩ㷽֮һĽضΪ"RES"ϣ :If you are using these calculations for the component quantity then one of the calculations entered must have a result of \"RES\". Do you wish to continue? >ʹòЩ㷽ôЩ㷽֮һĽضΪ\"RES\"ϣ :If you are using these calculations for the operation runtime then one of the calculations entered must have a result of \"RES\". Do you wish to continue? >ʹòʱЩ㷽ôЩ㷽֮һĽضΪ\"RES\"ϣ :If you change one or more of these system-wide license settings each of your company's license numbers have to be updated >һϵͳ֤ͨãÿһ˾֤Ը :If you change one or rmore of these system-wide license settings each of your company's license numbers have to be updated >Щϵͳ֤õһ˾ÿһ֤ :If you change the number of licensed users, ODBC seats, USQL Manager seats or Dialog System seats your company's license registration numbers will have to be updated >֤ûĸODBCΡUSQLλԻϵͳΣĹ˾֤ǼǺ뽫Ը :If you change the number of licensed users, ODBC seats, USQL Manager seats, Dialog System seats or Cals each of your company's license numbers have to be updated >ûĸôODBCϯλUSQLϯλԻϵͳϯλ˾֤Ը :If you change this option all your current configurations by Operator or Group will be lost >һѡеǰԱþʧ :If you change this option all your current configurations by Operator or Group will be lost. Click Ok to continue >ĸѡԱеǰþʧ뵥ȷ :If you choose this option, you will be required to select an existing contact >ѡѡѡϵ :If you choose this option, you will first be prompted for a contact name and will then be required to capture all the contact details in the Contact Maintenance program >ѡѡʾϵȻϵάвϵ :If you choose to save this global setting then you must assign a role when adding or maintaining an operator >ѡ񱣴ȫãôӻάԱʱְ :If you choose to skip this section, you will have to manually add contacts for customers using Contact Management. \n\nOk to skip this function? >ѡ˲ֶ֣ʹϵ˹Ŀͻϵˡ\n\nȷҪ˲ :If you choose to skip this section, you will have to manually add contacts for suppliers using Contact Management. \n\nOk to skip this function? >ѡ˲ֶ֣ʹϵ˹ĹӦϵˡ\n\nȷҪ˲ :If you choose to skip this section, you will not be able to use Outlook to record email sent/received by Operators in Contact Management. \n\nOk to skip this function? >ѡ˲֣޷ʹOutlook¼ϵ˹еIJԱѷͣѽյʼ\n\nȷҪ˲ :If you continue they will be removed from the database and any data for these companies will not be available for analysis. Do you want to continue? >⽫ݿɾЩ˾κݾ޷ڷϣ :If you continue they will be removed from the database. Do you want to continue? >⽫ݿɾϣ :If you continue, any new order will be placed into '%1' >ôκ¶'%1' :If you continue, any new order will be placed into 'suspense' >¶ڡ״̬ :If you continue, the order will be placed into '%1' >ô'%1' :If you continue, the order will be placed into 'suspense' >ô롰ͣ :If you continue, the order will be placed into suspense > :If you do not wish to use the General ledger period end dates as defaults >ϣڽΪʲעĬڣ :If you don't configure these preferences, the default SYSPRO mapping will be applied >ЩѡӦĬ SYSPRO ӳ :If you exit without creating the Master database then SYSPRO Analytics will be closed. Are you sure you want to continue? >δݿ˳ô SYSPRO Analytics رաȷҪ? :If you have a LICENSE.XML file to be imported then select the first option >ӵҪLICENSE.XMLļôѡһѡ :If you have any custom reporting or other third party applications that previously accessed the '%1' table directly, these must be reviewed to ensure that they access the new custom form data tables >ӵκǰֱӷ '%1' Զ屨ӦóЩˣȷǷµԶݱ :If you have selected to 'Allow concurrent use of this operator' you may not configure this operator as a 'Contact management user only' >ѡͬʱʹô˲Ա򲻵ý˲ԱΪϵ˹û :If you intend to use the web browser to print out your report then >ʹӡô :If you require access to this function contact your system administrator >Ҫʴ˹ܣϵϵͳԱ :If you select this option all your current configurations by Operator, Group or Company will be lost >ѡһѡеǰԱ˾þʧ :If you select this option all your current configurations by Operator, Group or Company will be lost. Click Ok to continue >ѡһѡеǰԱ˾þʧ뵥ȷ :If you select this option your System-wide configuration will be lost. Click Ok to continue >ѡѡϵͳýʧȷɼ :If you select this you must ensure that there is a valid G/L code against each Asset. Do you wish to continue? >ѡȷÿһʲЧʴ롣ϣ :If you select to continue verifying/converting the next file, the program will start processing the next file that is scheduled to be verified/converted. The current 4.0 format file will not be processed. OK to continue verifying/converting the next >ѡ֤תһļô򽫿ʼƻҪ֤תһļǰ4.0ʽļ账ȷҪ֤תһļ :If you select to continue verifying/converting this file, the unknown record type will be ignored and will NOT be converted. Ok to continue with the verification/conversion of the current file? >ѡ֤תļôδ֪¼ͽҲתȷҪǰļ֤ת :If you select to continue verifying/converting this file, the unknown record type will be ignored and will NOT be converted.\n\nOk to continue with the verification/conversion of the current file? >ѡ֤תļôδ֪¼ͽҲת\n\nȷҪǰļ֤ת :If you select to go back to the First Tip you will see tips that you have already seen >ѡ񷵻صһʾôῴʾ :If you skip the bulk copy, your C-ISAM data will not be inserted into SQL tables. This pre-supposes that data migration has already taken place or that there is no data to migrate. Do you wish to continue? >ƣ C-ISAM ݽ SQL ԤȼѷǨƻκҪǨƵݡϣ? :If you skip the bulk copy, your ISAM data will not be inserted into SQL tables. This pre-supposes that data migration has already taken place or that there is no data to migrate. Do you wish to continue? >ƣôISAMݽSQLһԤȼٶֲѽУûҪֲݡϣ :If you skip the bulk copy, your source data will not be inserted into SQL tables. This pre-supposes that data migration has already taken place or that there is no data to migrate. Do you wish to continue? >如果您跳过批量复制,您的源数据将不被插入 SQL 表。这预先假设已发生数据迁移或无任何要迁移的数据。您希望继续吗? :If you skip the bulk copy, your C-ISAM data will not be inserted into SQL tables. This pre-supposes that data migration has already taken place or that there is no data to migrate. Do you wish to continue? >ƣ C-ISAM ݽ SQL ԤȼѷǨƻκҪǨƵݡϣ? :If you update the Rev/Rel, the Material/Labor allocations and the sales orders will not automatically be updated for this job >޶УôҵIJϣͶ۶Զ¡ :If you update the Rev/Rel, the Material/Labor allocations and the sales orders will not automatically be updated for this job. If reserved lots/serials are not used elsewhere they will be updated, if they are, they will be released >޶ǩôҵIJϣͶ۶Զ¡/ϵδʹãǽԶ£򣬽ǩ :If you want to prohibit reports from changing your data in any way ensure that >ϣⱨκηʽݣô :If you want to prohibit reports from changing your data in any way ensure that you set your tables to >ϣֹκηʽݣȷΪ :If you wish to define standard SYSPRO tables then use the '%1' program >ϣ׼SYSPROʹ '%1' :If you wish to define standard SYSPRO tables then use the 'Data Dictionary Import' program >ϣ׼SYSPROʹáֵ䵼롱 :If you wish to fax documents then the fax number cannot be blank >ϣԴ淢ļô򲻵Ϊհ :If you wish to post an email activity, you must have the SYSPRO Email Client application installed and the Company option '%1' selected >ϣʼ밲װ SYSPRO ʼͻӦóѡ˾ѡ '%1' :Ignore > :Ignore All Optional Component(Ctrl+I) >пѡ(Ctrl+I) :Ignore Alt Sequence for Warehouse >Բֿı˳ :Ignore Component >Բ :Ignore Entry > :Ignore GL integration errors >(GL)ɴ :Ignore Line > :Ignore Material >Բ :Ignore OnLoad VBScript > OnLoad VBScript :Ignore OnLoad event until first Refresh >״ˢ֮ǰ OnLoad ¼ :Ignore Operation >Բ :Ignore Remaining Components >ʣIJ :Ignore Service Charge Line >Էշ :Ignore This Component >Ա :Ignore This Item >忽略此项目 :Ignore This Range and Return >忽略此范围和返回 :Ignore XML warnings >忽略 XML 警告 :Ignore all subsequent errors >к :Ignore balance function > :Ignore check for quantity available >Լ :Ignore component if calculated result is zero >Ϊ㣬Բ :Ignore component if calculated result is zero or outside min/max quantity >Ϊ򳬳СԲ :Ignore currencies not against customer >ԲԿͻĻ :Ignore currencies not defined against the customer >δԿͻĻ :Ignore details entered and exit >鲢˳ :Ignore duplicate record? >Ҫظ¼ :Ignore errors for this script >Դ˽űĴ :Ignore floor/bulk flag >Իף־ :Ignore floorstock/bulk issue flag >ҵֳ棯ǩ :Ignore invalid end-of-file marker >Чend-of-fileļβ :Ignore invalid end-of-file marker? >ҪЧļǷ :Ignore invoices selected and exit >ѡƱ˳ :Ignore line when converting to sales order >ת۶ʱ :Ignore operation if calculated result is zero >Ϊ㣬Բ :Ignore operation if calculated result is zero or outside min/max run time >如计算结果为零或在最小/最大运行时间之外,忽略操作 :Ignore operation if calculated result is zero or outside the min/max run time >Ϊ򳬳Сʱ䣬Բ :Ignore overloads with a % of less than >ԣС¸ֵij :Ignore records from other warehouses >ֿļ¼ :Ignore rounding variance less than (%) >IJֵС(%) :Ignore selected lines if errors found >ִѡ :Ignore subsequent warning messages >ԺľϢ :Ignore the duplicate record/records and continue with the verification/conversion of the current file? >Ҫظļ¼ǰļ֤ת :Ignore the invalid end-of-file error and continue with the verification/conversion of the current file? >ҪЧļ󲢼ǰļ֤ת :Ignore this Check >Աμ :Ignore this Line >Ա :Ignore warehouses defined on structure record >԰ṹ¼IJֿ :Ignore warning >Ծ :Ignore warning (clear file) >Ծ棨ļ :Ignore warning if invalid salesperson on customer >ͻԱԾ :Ignore warning if item has zero cost in S/O Entry >۶еĿɱΪ㣬Ծ :Ignore warnings >Ignore warnings :Ignore warnings for Ship qty is already zero, Order in suspense and Stock code is on partial hold >对已为零装运数量、挂起订单和部分保留库存代码的装运数量忽略警告 :Illegal character in numeric field >ֶеķǷַ :Illegal characters >Ƿַ :Illustrated tax >˰ͼ :Image >ͼ :Image Name >ͼ :Image Viewer >ͼ鿴 :Image border >ͼ߽ :Image not found >δҵͼ :Image not found on client >ڿͻδҵͼ :Image path >图像路径 :Immediate > :Immediate (prompted) >ʱʾģ :Immediate Transfers >ת :Immediate and No Destination transfers cannot be processed simultaneously >ͬʱֱӺĿĵת :Immediate and no destination transfers >ʱĿĵת :Implement a forecast approval process whereby draft forecasts are generated, compared to current forecasts, and checked for reasonableness before being approved >ʵʩԤ̣ƾ˲ݰԤɣ뵱ǰԤбȽϣҿ׼ǰԽм :Implosion >ֽ :Implosion Warning >ֽ⾯ :Implosion control number >内爆控制号码 :Implosion last run with stock code range. Program cancelled >ֽϴΰ뷶ΧСȡ :Implosion run aborted >ͣڱ :Implosion run aborted. Implosion run found errors >ֽʧֹֽܲͣзִ :Implosion run cancelled >ֽȡ :Implosion run found errors >ֽзִ :Implosion run found errors. Process cancelled >ֽзִ󡣹̱ȡ :Implosion run successfully completed >ѳɹɷֽ :Implosion successfully completed >ѳɹڱ :Import > :Import Asset Count >ʲ :Import Asset Count Details >ʲϸ :Import Asset Details >ʲϸ :Import Assets >ʲ :Import Back Order Releases >ڽǩ :Import Bank Reconciliation Details >жϸ :Import Book >ʲ :Import Budgets >Ԥ :Import Build Schedules >봴Ľ :Import Cancelled >ȡ :Import Complete > :Import Confirmation >ȷ :Import Customized Panes >Զ崰 :Import Data > :Import Demand History >ʷ¼ :Import Details >ϸ :Import Dictionary >ֵ :Import Document >ĵ :Import Document Template >ĵģ :Import EDI Blanket SO and Releases > EDI һ SO ͷ :Import English NLS Files >ӢNLSļ :Import Error Printing in Progress >ִеӡ :Import Exchange Rate Entries >Ŀ :Import Exchange Rates >һ :Import Extended Tax Codes and Rates >˰ͷ :Import File >ļ :Import File Errors >ļ :Import File Information >ļϢ :Import File Listing in Progress >ִеļб :Import File Name >ļ :Import File Validation >ļ֤ :Import Forecasts >Ԥ :Import Forecasts, Build Schedules or Sales Orders >Ԥ⡢ʱ۶ :Import Functions >빦 :Import G/L Budgets >ܷԤ :Import G/L Entries >ܷĿ :Import G/L Group Entries >G/L :Import GL Budgets > GL Ԥ :Import GL Entries > GL Ŀ :Import GL Group Entries > GL Ŀ :Import GRN Details >ջϸ :Import GRN data that has been captured using 3rd party application software >ʹõӦѲ GRN :Import General Ledger Budgets >ܷԤ :Import General Ledger Group Entries >ܷ :Import Job >빤 :Import Job Receipts >ҵվ :Import Jobs >ҵ :Import LICENSE.XML file >LICENSEXMLļ :Import License >֤ :Import Location >λ :Import Master Data > :Import Menus >˵ :Import New Phrases >¶ :Import Newly Translated Phrases >·Ķ :Import Purchase Order Receipts >ɹվ :Import Purchase Orders >ɹ :Import Report >뱨 :Import Report Configuration >뱨 :Import Report Definition >뱨 :Import Report Writer Tables >뱨 :Import Report and Edit it >뱨༭ :Import Reprt Writer Tables >뱨 :Import Results > :Import Role Definitions >ְ :Import Role Management Settings >ְ :Import Role Mnagement Settings >ְ :Import Roles >ְ :Import Routing >· :Import Sales Orders >۶ :Import Selected Tables >ѡı :Import Selection >ѡ :Import Selections >ѡ :Import Setup Options >ѡ :Import Standard Roles >׼ְ :Import Standard Roles from SYSPRO library > SYSPRO ⵼׼ְ :Import Statistics >ͳϢ :Import Stock Take Quantities >̵ :Import Structure >ṹ :Import Successful >ɹ :Import Supplier Contract Prices >빩Ӧ̺ͬ۸ :Import Supplier-Stock Code >빩Ӧ̿ :Import Supplier/Stock Code >ڹ/ :Import Supplier/Stock Code X-ref >빩Ӧ̣Xο :Import Supplier/Stock Code Cross-Reference >빩Ӧ̣ :Import Tile >ƽ :Import Translated Phrases >ѷĶ :Import Unsuccessful >δɹ :Import User Variable >û :Import Validation >֤ :Import Variable > :Import Variable Validation >֤ :Import WIP Labor Posting >˹ :Import Workflow >빤 :Import a Customized Pane >导入自定义窗格 :Import a SYSPRO Analytics site from a SYSPRO Analytics 10B configuration file >SYSPRO Analytics 10BļSYSPRO Analyticsվ :Import a diagnostic routine from a SQL script file >SQLűļ :Import a flat ASCII file containing all the rates for the entire United States based on the Zip code >ķʵƽ ASCII ļ :Import a purchase order confirmations file transmitted from a supplier who has been designated as an EDI trading partner >ָΪ EDI ó׺鹩ӦIJɹȷļ :Import a sales order contract pricing file >۶ͬ۸ļ :Import abandoned >뱻 :Import an order file transmitted from a customer who has been designated as an EDI trading partner >ָΪ EDI ó׺ͻĶļ :Import analysis objects from a XML file > XML ļ :Import and Edit Report >벢༭ :Import and export records >͵¼ :Import as Counter - are you sure? > - ȷ :Import as a user defined file >ûļ :Import asset cost and quantity details for assets added using the Asset Import program >Ϊʹʲӵʲʲɱϸ :Import asset count information captured by 3rd party software >ɵʲϢ :Import completed > :Import completed successfully >ѳɹ :Import configuration XML > XML :Import configuration template >ģ :Import directory >Ŀ¼ :Import error counts > :Import exchange rate > :Import failed with invalid or corrupt data. It is recommended that you export the original report again before attempting to import it >ЧٻݶʧܡڳԵ֮ǰٵԭ :Import file cannot be spaces >导入文件不可为空格 :Import file contains a combination of normal and statistical journals. Statistical journals must be imported separately >ļͳռϡ뵥ͳռ :Import file contains a combinations of normal and statistical journals. Statistical jounals must be imported separately >ļͨռͳռʵϡͳռʱ뵥 :Import file description >ļ :Import file does not exist >ļ :Import file does not exist or is not a valid customization import file >ļڣΪЧԶ嵼ļ :Import file not found >δҵļ :Import file options >ļѡ :Import file receiver code >ļշ :Import file selection >ļѡ :Import files that have been previously exported from another site to the local site >ǰѴһվ㵼վļ :Import forecasts from a flat ASCII file or a spreadsheet >ƽ ASCII ļӱеԤ :Import from Report Library >ӱ⵼ :Import from client >ӿͻ :Import from file >ļ :Import from server >ӷ :Import global variables from a SYSPRO Analytics 10B configuration file >SYSPRO Analytics 10Bļȫֱ :Import global variables from a XML file > XML ļȫֱ :Import group entries created using 3rd party application software >ʹõӦĿ :Import history of currency exchange rates created using 3rd party application software >ʹõӦĵǰʷ :Import in Progress >ִе :Import into Exchange Rate File >뵽ļ :Import into Ledger Entries File >뵽ļ :Import ledger budgets created using 3rd party application software >ʹõӦķԤ :Import lost sales information >붪ʧϢ :Import menus and Favorites task panel >˵ղؼ :Import method >뷽 :Import of Data Dictionary in Progress >ִֵ䵼 :Import only > :Import only if all rows are valid >只当所有行均有效时导入 :Import only if all rows valid >只当所有行均有效时导入 :Import only if all valid >只当全部有效时导入 :Import only partially complete >벿 :Import options >ѡ :Import purchase order >ɹ :Import rates outside GL period >导入 GL 周期之外的利率 :Import rates outside current G/L period >뵱ǰG/L :Import rates outside current Gl period >뵱ǰGlڼķ :Import record does not start with an '%1' >导入记录没有从 '%1' 开始 :Import record does not start with an 'S' >¼'S'ʼ :Import records must start with '%1' >导入记录必须从 '%1' 开始 :Import records only >¼ :Import releases into the system instead of having to enter them manually >뷢еϵͳDZֶ :Import report from >...뱨 :Import single level components or multi-level parent/component structures from a flat ASCII file or a spreadsheet >ƽ ASCII ļӱ뵥༶/ṹ :Import site selection >վѡ :Import static (descriptive) information created using 3rd party application software for non-current assets >ʹõӦΪʲľ̬ () Ϣ :Import stock count data captured using a 3rd party application software system >ʹõӦϵͳĿ :Import successfully completed with some lines excluded. Do you wish to delete the import file? >ijЩбų⣬ѳɹɡϣɾļ :Import supplier contract price information from a flat ASCII file or a spreadsheet >ƽ ASCII ļӱеĹӦ̺ͬ۸Ϣ :Import templates from a XML file > XML ļģ :Import to user defined table >뵽û :Import to user file >ûļ :Import warehouse >ֿ :Import workflow with new name >빤 :Import/Export >룯 :Import/Export Dictionary >룯ֵ :Importing Asset Count >ڵʲ :Importing Blanket S/o & Releases >ۺ۶ͷ :Importing Blanket So & Releases >һ۶ :Importing Data > :Importing EDI P/orders >EDIɹ :Importing Entries > :Importing Exchange Rates > :Importing Forecast Details >Ԥϸ :Importing GRN Details >GRNϸ :Importing Job Receipts >ҵվ :Importing Jobs >ҵ :Importing Labor Postings >˹ :Importing MSW Data >MSW :Importing MWM Picking Data >ڵMWMɼ :Importing New Foreign Word List >ڵб :Importing Purchase Order Receipts >ɹվ :Importing Record >¼ :Importing Schedule Details >ʱϸ :Importing Stock Take Quantities >̵ :Importing Tax Codes and Rates >˰մͷ :Importing entry number > :Importing from a later version of SYSPRO cannot be done. Program cancelled >޷ɴӺڵSYSPRO汾롣ȡ :Importing line > :Importing line number >к :Importing record number >¼ :Importing roles from >ڵְ𣬴 :Importing workflow >ڵ빤 :Imports the workflow from the folder selected >ѡļе빤 :In > :In Progress Status >正在进行状态 :In Progress and Rolled back >ڽкѻת :In Service >ʹ :In Stock flag >ڿ :In WIP inspection flag > WIP :In a client server environment these files are located on the server >ڿͻ£Щļפڷ :In addition the following run-time variables will also be available defining each individual key part >⣬ʱҲڶÿһؼֲ :In addition, any custom form fields that have the same '%1' will be copied >另外,将复制具备相同 '%1' 的任何自定义表格字段 :In addition, any custom form fields that have the same 'field names' will be copied >⣬ƾ߱ͬ 'ֶ'κԶֶ :In addition, certain mandatory control files and tables will be updated >⣬ijЩǿԿļͱ :In addition, the Multi-Media and Defaults files have been affected >⣬ýĬļӰ :In count >ڼ :In for service >ڷ :In inspection > :In multiples of > :In order to balance using the statement balance, reconciled transactions must be retained for at least 3 months. It is possible that reconciled transactions older than the retention period have already been purged >ΪʹñʺĽױ뱣 3 ¡ȱڸѶʽ׿ѱ :In order to drill down to source documents, you will need to view your report in Encore's XML Report Viewer rather than using Internet Explorer. Do you wish to continue? >Ϊ뵽ԴĵҪEncoreXML鿴в鿴ıڻСϣ :In order to drill down to source documents, you will need to view your report in SYSPRO's XML Report Viewer rather than using Internet Explorer. Do you wish to continue? >ΪֱתԴļҪʹSYSPROXML鿴(Internet Explorer)鿴ıϣ :In order to edit a report inside a HTML page, you will need to view your report in Encore's XML Report Viewer rather than Internet Explorer. Do you wish to continue? >Ϊܱ༭HTMLҳڵıҪEncoreXML鿴в鿴ıڻСϣ :In order to edit a report inside a HTML page, you will need to view your report in SYSPRO's XML Report Viewer rather than Internet Explorer. Do you wish to continue? >Ϊ˱༭HTMLҳеıҪʹSYSPROXML鿴(Internet Explorer)鿴ıϣ :In order to ensure an accurate report when selecting '%1', reconciled transactions must be retained for at least %2 months. It is possible that reconciled transactions older than the retention period have already been purged >Ϊѡ '%1' ʱȷ׼ȷԣѶʽױ뱣%2¡ȱڸѶʽ׿ѱ :In order to ensure an accurate report when selecting 'as of previous month 1', reconciled transactions must be retained for at least 2 months. It is possible that reconciled transactions older than the retention period have already been purged >ѡ񡰽1ʱΪȷ׼ȷԣЭĽױ뱣2¡ڱڼЭĽ׿ѱ :In order to ensure an accurate report when selecting 'as of previous month 2', reconciled transactions must be retained for at least 3 months. It is possible that reconciled transactions older than the retention period have already been purged >ѡ񡰽2ʱΪȷ׼ȷԣЭĽױ뱣3¡ڱڼЭĽ׿ѱ :In p/order inspection flag >ڲɹ :In particular, the CshGlEntries and CshTransactions tables are >رCshGlEntriesCshTransactionsӰ죬 :In process >ִ :In process (0) >ڹ(0) :In process - printed > C Ѵӡ :In process journals detected >ɾеռ :In process registers detected >ɾеĵǼDz :In progress >ڽ :In stock take flag >̵ :In suspence (S) >ͣ(S) :In suspense > :In suspense (S) >ͣ(S) :In transit cleared during conversion >תڼ; :In transit conversion cleared >;ת :In warehouse >ڲֿ :In warehouse (4) >ڲֿ(4) :In-place activate >λ :In/Out > :Inactivate > :Inactivate curr. where no draft >Inactivate curr. where no draft :Inactivate current forecasts for items with no draft forecasts >ʹ޳ԤĿĵǰԤЧ :Inactivate current where no draft >Inactivate current where no draft :Inactive >δ :Inactive accounts >ʻ :Inactive items >Ŀ :Inactive stock >δĿ :Inactive stock items >ЧĿ :Inadmissible MPS item >δɵMPS :Inadmissible bulk issue flag >δɵǩ־ :Inadmissible component structure >δɵIJṹ :Inadmissible kit type >δɵ׼ :Inadmissible operation chain >δɵIJ :Inadmissible parent >δɵ :Inadmissible parent category >δɵ :Inadmissible serial tracking flag >δɵĴиٱ־ :Inadmissible statistical item >δɵͳĿ :Inadmissible subcontract operation exist >δɵתͬ :Inadmissible subcontract operation exists >ڲɽܵתͬ :Inadmissible traceable/inspection flag >δɵĿ׷٣־ :Inavlid password >Ч :Inbox >ռ :Inbox message >ռϢ :Inbox message required >ҪռϢ :Incidence > :Incidence code '%1' - element code must be '%2' based >ʴ '%1' - ԪشΪ '%2' :Incidence code selection >ʴѡ :Incidence selection >ѡ :Incident >׷ :Incident code >¼ :Incl Credit Note >Ʊ :Incl in relationship validation >ڹϵ֤ :Incl non-stocked items when browsing on S/orders, P/orders, WIP and allocations >۶ɹִҵ(WIP)ͷڼǿĿ :Include > :Include Product Groups >Ʒ :Include / Exclude > :Include / Exclude Suggested Jobs >ҵ :Include / Exclude Password > :Include A Class items > A Ŀ :Include Action Only Lines >޲ :Include Actioned >ִе :Include Administrator Access >Ա :Include All >ȫ :Include All Blanket PO >һ PO :Include All Lines > :Include All Purchase Order >вɹ :Include All Purchase orders >вɹ :Include All Selected Purchase Order >ѡȫɹ :Include All Stock in Requirements File >Ҫļеп :Include Allocations > :Include Asset Accounts >ʲ˻ :Include Assets >ʲ :Include B Class items > B Ŀ :Include C Class items > C Ŀ :Include Cancelled >ȡ :Include Captial Accounts >ʱ˻ :Include Category '%1' > '%1' :Include Cleared Items >Ŀ :Include Cleared Items in List of Activities >ڻбаĿ :Include Comments >ע :Include Completed Lots >ҵ :Include Completed Serials >ϵ :Include Criteria >包括标准 :Include Current Line >ǰ :Include Customer Balance >ͻ :Include Customer Purchase Order in sort >еĿͻɹ :Include Customer in sort criteria >׼еĿͻ :Include D Class items > C Ŀ :Include Data Dictionary files >ֵļ :Include Default offer >含默认报盘 :Include Departments > :Include E class items (no movement) > E Ŀ (ޱ䶯) :Include EFT suppliers >ת(EFT)Ӧ :Include Existing Jobs >й :Include Expense Accounts >˻ :Include Expired Prom. Codes >ڵĴ :Include Expired Promotion Codes >ڴ :Include Fixed Elements >含固定科目 :Include Fixed Elemets >含固定科目 :Include Freight charges > :Include Full On Hold >ȫ汣 :Include Highlighted Lines >ͻ :Include Invoice >Ʊ :Include Invoice and Close >Ʊر :Include Invoices >Ʊ :Include Items >Ŀ :Include Liability Accounts >ծ˻ :Include Libraries Unavailable on Date Shown >ʾڲõĿ :Include Line > :Include MPS forecasts > MPS Ԥ :Include MPS items >MPSĿ :Include MPS sales orders > MPS ۶ :Include MTO items > MTO Ŀ :Include Messages Actioned >ִеϢ :Include Miscellaneous charges >ӷ :Include Non-stocked lines >ǿ :Include Off Invoice >ⷢƱ :Include Off invoice and Promotional / free goods >Ʊ֮ʹѻ :Include Off invoice and Promotional/free goods >Ʊʹ/ѻ :Include On Hold > :Include Options >ѡ :Include Options (Ctrl+O) >ѡ(Ctrl+O) :Include Options for Detail Lines >ϸеIJ :Include Pareto classification > Pareto :Include Partial On Hold >ֱ :Include Posted Journals >ѷռ :Include Posted Registers >ѷǼDz :Include Previously Excluded >ǰų :Include Previously Excluded Attendees >ǰųijϯ :Include Product Classes >Ʒ :Include Purchase Commitment >ɹи :Include Quantity price basis >۸ :Include Requisition in status >״̬е빺 :Include Revenue Accounts >˻ :Include Revision/Release >޶ͷ :Include Revision/Release12345 >޶ǩ12345 :Include Safety Stock >ȫ :Include Scrap/Reject narrations >Ʒ :Include Scrapped/Reject narrations >Ʒ :Include Selected Invoices >ѡƱ :Include Selected Lines >ѡ :Include Selected Purchase Order >ѡɹ :Include Source >Դ :Include Status >包括状态 :Include Stock Codes > :Include Sub-assets >ʲ :Include Suggested Jobs >ҵ :Include Supplier >Ӧ :Include Supply or Demand >Ӧ :Include Tracking notes >ע :Include Transaction > :Include Volume price basis >۸ :Include W/h values of on hand stock >еĿֵ :Include Weight price basis >۸ :Include Wh values of on hand stock >пֵֿ :Include Zero Available > :Include a Specific Invoice >ضƱ :Include access control information >ʿϢ :Include account types >ʻ :Include accounts >ʻ :Include actions > :Include actions less than > :Include activities > :Include add detail information >ϸϢ :Include add requisitions >빺 :Include additions > :Include addresses >ַ :Include adjustments > :Include administrator programs >Ա :Include all contracts >кͬ :Include all freight and miscellaneous charges that have previously been printed? >ҪǰѴӡ˷Ѻӷ :Include all lines by default >Ĭϰ :Include all sales orders >۶ :Include all stock codes in requirements file >Ҫļеȫ :Include all subsequent transactions >ȫ :Include allocations with %1 outstanding >߱ %1 δִеķ :Include allocations with no outstanding >δִеķ :Include allocations with zero outstanding >δΪķ :Include amendment journals for >޶ռʣ :Include analysis entries >Ŀ :Include approve requisitions >빺 :Include approved '%1' only >׼ '%1' :Include approved 'MRP' only >׼'MRP' :Include approved manufacturer list >׼б :Include approved manufacturers list >׼б :Include assets on hold in report >аѹʲ :Include assets with no quantity change >κĵʲ :Include authority levels >ܲż :Include authorized journals >含获授权日记账 :Include banks where all transactions are reconciled >н׵ :Include banks where all transactions have been reconciled >Ѷн׵ :Include billings in status %1 >״̬ %1 е˵ :Include billings in status 8 >״̬8еշ :Include bin transfers >ת :Include blanket po contracts to be faxed >ô淢͵һӲɹͬ :Include blanket sales orders >ۺ۶ :Include bought out items >չĿ :Include branch in product class >Ʒȼеķ֧ :Include branch in salesperson >Աеķ֧ :Include bulk issue components >ǩ :Include buying groups >ɹ :Include capex items with no lines >κеʱĿ :Include capex lines >ʱ :Include captured qty equal original qty >含等于原始数量的捕获数量 :Include captured stock items >含捕获库存项目 :Include change detail information >ϸϢ :Include changes > :Include charge line in invoice total >Ʊϼеķ :Include cleared activities >Ļ :Include closed capex items >رյʱĿ :Include co-product >ͬƷ :Include co-products >ͬƷ :Include co-products manufactured via a notional part >ͨĹͬƷ :Include co-products manufactured via notional part >ͨĹͬƷ :Include columns from another table > :Include comment lines >ע :Include comments on all dispatch notes >зеע :Include comp. operations & materials > :Include completed >ɵ :Include completed GIT > GIT :Include completed actions >ɵĶ :Include completed allocations >ɵķ :Include completed co-products >ɵĹͬƷ :Include completed inspection references >ɵļο :Include completed job allocations >ɹ :Include completed jobs >ɵҵ :Include completed lines >ɵ :Include completed orders >ɶ :Include completed p/order lines >ɵIJɹ :Include completed s/order lines >۶ :Include completed sales order lines >含已完成销售订单行 :Include completed sales order lines (open sales order) >۶Уδ̶۶ :Include completed sales orders >ɵ۶ :Include completed transactions >ɵĽ :Include component in kit issues >׼ǩеIJ :Include component narrations > :Include components operations and materials >Ͳ :Include confirmed jobs >ȷϵҵ :Include confirmed jobs in job review >ҵеȷҵ :Include contact details >ϵ :Include contact image >ϵͼ :Include contracts based on >¸ĺͬ :Include contracts to be faxed >ô淢͵ĺͬ :Include cost changes >ɱ :Include counter sales > :Include counter sales in status %1 >״̬ %1 еĹ̨ :Include counter sales orders > :Include create purchase orders >ɹ :Include credit invoice balance >÷Ʊ :Include credit invoice balances >Ʊ :Include credit narrations > :Include criteria selected in comments >עеѡ׼ :Include criteria string in parent code >ĸеı׼ :Include criteria string in parent description >ĸ˵еı׼ :Include cross-references >ղο :Include current shipments >含当前装运 :Include customers >ͻ :Include customers on hold >Ŀͻ :Include customers to >ͻ :Include date/reference in bank reconciliation of deposits >жеڣο :Include dates > :Include debit / credit notes >ǣƱ :Include debit and credit notes when selecting >ѡʱ跽ʹƱ :Include debit/credit notes >跽/Ʊ :Include deletions >ɾ :Include denied capex items >ܾʱĿ :Include dependant demand > :Include deselected lines >ѡ :Include detail lines >ϸ :Include detail lines from template >ģϸ :Include details in summary extract >Include details in summary extract :Include dispatch notes with a zero balance > :Include dispatched but not invoiced >ѷδ߷Ʊ :Include dispatches > :Include document >ĵ :Include documents to be faxed >ļ :Include documents to be faxed / emailed >ҪԴ棯ʼ͵ļ :Include documents to be faxed/emailed >ô/ʼ͵ĵ :Include documents to be sent >ⷢ͵ĵ :Include email addresses >ʼַ :Include estimates where probability is greater than >ۣʱĸʴ :Include excluded jobs >δҵ :Include expired contracts >ʧЧĺͬ :Include expired promotions >ڴ :Include expiry >ڵ :Include extra price information >۸Ϣ :Include fields from another file >һļֶ :Include fixed costs >̶ɱ :Include forecast adj >Ԥ :Include forecasts >Ԥ :Include foreign invoices >Ʊ :Include forward orders >Զڶ :Include freight >˷ :Include freight and miscellaneous lines in XML export >XMLе˷Ѻӷ :Include freight on all dispatch notes >зе˷ :Include from job >ҵа :Include from job number >ҵе :Include full activity body >ȫ :Include fully utilized deposits >ȫô :Include future A/P & A/R transactions >ԶA/PA/R :Include future A/P and A/R transactions >ԶA/PA/R :Include future invoice totals >ڻƱϼ :Include future invoices >ڻƱ :Include future transactions >δ :Include futures >Զ :Include global promotions >ȫִ :Include global trade promotions >ȫó״ :Include group access by module >ģ :Include groups > :Include headers and footers >ҳüҳ :Include if on hand equals zero >㣬 :Include if on hand zero >Ϊ㣬 :Include if quantity not captured >δ :Include if saved quantity is zero >Ϊ㣬 :Include if zero on hand >Ƿ :Include import orders >붩 :Include in SA or GL flag > SA GL :Include in Selection >ѡ :Include in Supply Chain Transfer >ڹӦת :Include in batch > :Include in batch weight >а :Include in demand >а :Include in kit issues >߰ǩ :Include in order discount breaks >ڶۿ۷а :Include in processing > :Include in relationship validation >ڹϵ֤а :Include in report >ڱа :Include in req. calc >빺 :Include in requirements calculation >Ҫа :Include in scheduling >ڵȼƻ :Include in structure validate >ڽṹ֤ :Include in supply >ڹӦа :Include inactive >δ :Include inactive accounts >˻ :Include inactive manufacturer stock >ǻ̿ :Include inspection items in inventory document receipts >ڿļվаĿ :Include invalid lines >Ч :Include invalid schedules >Чʱ :Include invoice detail >Ʊϸ :Include invoices to be faxed >ҪķƱ :Include issues >ǩ :Include items in inspection >еĿ :Include items not received into stock >δջĿ :Include items with qty on hand less than zero >СĿ :Include items with quantity on hand less than zero >СĿ :Include items with zero quantity on hand >Ŀ :Include items without any current forecasts >޵ǰԤĿ :Include items without any draft forecasts >κγԤĿ :Include items without invoice postings >޷ƱĿ :Include job classifications > :Include job selection >ҵѡ :Include jobs > :Include jobs in scheduling >ڵаҵ :Include jobs on hold >ҵ :Include jobs with WIP value equal to zero > WIP ֵΪĹ :Include jobs with no transaction details >ûнϸҵ :Include jobs with non-stocked items >ǿƷҵ :Include jobs with stocked items >Ŀҵ :Include jobs without transactions >޽׵Ĺ :Include keyword exclusions >ؼų :Include kit components >׼ :Include landed costs in last cost >һɱаɱ :Include ledger codes >ʴ :Include libaries unavailable on date >ijڲõĿ :Include libraries unavailable on the date shown >ʾвÿ :Include line types > :Include line with negative back order qty >ڽ :Include lines > :Include lines based on >¸ :Include lines if zero qty outstanding >δΪ㣬 :Include lines with cancelled items >߱ȡĿ :Include lines with negative back order qty >ڶ :Include lines with negative back order quantity >иǷ :Include lines with zero dispatch quantity >Ϊ㣬 :Include lines with zero to dispatch >㷢 :Include local orders >ض :Include lot information >含批次信息 :Include made-in,subcontracted,kit items >Բְ߰Ŀ :Include make to order items >Ŀ :Include mandatory items in list >беǿĿ :Include manual forecast items >ֶԤĿ :Include manually forecast items >˹ԤĿ :Include master production schedule >ų :Include meetings and appointments in calendar >еĻԼ :Include minimum charges >շ :Include misc on all dispatch notes >ȫеӷ :Include miscellanous charges in history >ʷ¼еӷ :Include multiple login warnings >¼ :Include network user name >û :Include non stocked >ǿ :Include non stocked items >ǿĿ :Include non stocked items when browsing >ķǿĿ :Include non stocked jobs >ǿҵ :Include non-allocated scheduled orders >δġŶƻĶ :Include non-current >ǵǰ :Include non-current by default >Ĭ˳ķǵǰ :Include non-merchandise costs in last cost >һɱаƷɱ :Include non-stock lines >ǿ :Include non-stocked >ǿ :Include non-stocked items >ǿƷ :Include non-stocked items when browsing >۶ɹ :Include non-stocked parts >ǿ :Include non-stocked standard parts >ǿ׼ :Include not loaded (FFS) >δװ (FFS) :Include notation > :Include notation type > :Include on first dispatch note only >ڵһݷ :Include on last dispatch note only >һݷ :Include only active orders > :Include only if LCT differs from current cost by more than % >ֻڵɱ(LCT)ɱĵIJ%° :Include only selected assets in suspense >ѡĹʲ :Include only ticked assets in suspense >ѡĹʲ :Include operations and materials >Ͳ :Include operators >Ա :Include option >ѡ :Include order status >״̬ :Include orders to be faxed >ҪԴ淢͵Ķ :Include orders with no action >޶Ķ :Include orders with no exception >Ķ :Include organizations >֯ :Include other charges > :Include other costs >ɱ :Include other costs when calculating new landed cost >µɱʱɱ :Include other orders > :Include other values in above range >ϷΧڵֵ :Include over-receipts >ջ :Include overtime % in date calculation >ڼеijʱ% :Include part type > :Include past due forecasts >ѹԤ :Include periods with no draft or actual >޻Ʊлʵ :Include post dated checks >Զ֧Ʊ :Include posted >ѷ :Include posted schedules >ѹʱ :Include previously excluded PO >ǰų PO :Include previously excluded blanket PO >ǰųһ PO :Include previously excluded contracts >ǰųĺͬ :Include previously excluded suggested SCT entries >ǰųSCT :Include previously rejected lines >ǰܾ :Include price basis >۸ :Include price details >۸ϸ :Include price types >۸ :Include program access by module >ģij :Include purchase order requisitions >ɹ빺 :Include purchase orders >ɹ :Include purchase orders to be faxed >ô淢͵IJɹ :Include purchase orders with zero quantities >IJɹ :Include purged jobs >ҵ :Include quantities within DTF > DTF ڵ :Include quantities within demand time fence >ʱդڵ :Include quantity in inspection >е :Include quantity inspection >含数量检验 :Include quoatations to be faxed >ҪԴ淢͵ı :Include quotation selection >ѡ :Include quotations to be faxed >ҪԴ淢͵ı :Include quotations where probability is greater than >Դ¸ı :Include quotes for current operator >ǰԱ :Include receipts >ջ :Include received shipments >含已收货物 :Include reference >ο :Include replenishment items > :Include reports last run >ϴеı :Include requisitions to be faxed >ô淢͵빺 :Include retained invoices >淢Ʊ :Include revision release >޶淢 :Include role conflicts >ͻ :Include roles >ְ :Include sales > :Include sales adjustments >۵ :Include sales order allocations >۶ :Include sales order selection >۶ѡ :Include sales orders >۶ :Include sales orders in suspense >含挂起销售订单 :Include schedule >ų :Include scrapped/rejected narrations >/ܾ :Include selection >ѡ :Include serial numbers >к :Include serials with zero on hand >Ϊк :Include service charge >շ :Include set-up time >ʱ :Include source options >Դѡ :Include startup time >ʱ :Include statements to be faxed >ҪԴ淢͵ı :Include statistical parts >ͳƲ :Include stock adjustments > :Include stock code on partial hold >ֱĿ :Include stock items previously serialized >ǰѶϵлĿĿ :Include stocked > :Include stocked jobs >ҵ :Include stocked standard parts >׼ :Include sub jobs under master jobs >µӹ :Include sub-accounts >ʻ :Include subgroups > :Include subsequent transactions > :Include subtotals >С :Include suppliers >Ӧ :Include suppliers on hold >Ӧ :Include supply chain transfers >Ӧת :Include supply due in number of days >аڹӦ :Include tax >˰ :Include tax in customer invoiced value >ڿͻѿƱֵа˰ :Include tax in customer order value >ڿͻֵа˰ :Include tax return to >˰걨 :Include tax value >˰ :Include teardown time >жʱ :Include telephone numbers >绰 :Include template details >ģ :Include to job >ҵ :Include to job number >ҵ :Include toolsets >߼ :Include transaction detail >ϸ :Include transactions > :Include transfers >ת :Include transfers with no actions >޶ת :Include transfers with no exception >ת :Include types > :Include unapproved invoices >δ׼ķƱ :Include unclassified items >δĿ :Include unconfirmed jobs >δȷϹ :Include unloaded work centers >含未装载工作中心 :Include unqualified promotions >ϸĴ :Include url's > url :Include user in MRP calculation >MRPеû :Include user in requirement planning calculation >Ҫƻеû :Include user in requirements planning calculation >Ҫƻаû :Include valid jobs in the output >еЧ :Include values >ֵ :Include w/h values of stock on hand >пֵֿ :Include warehouse if no bins >ûп⣬ֿ :Include warehouse in requirements planning calculation >Ҫ滮еIJֿ :Include wh in requirement planning calc >Ҫֿƻ :Include wh in requirements planning calc >Ҫֿƻ :Include where > :Include where credit not available >вõ :Include work in progress allocations >зҵ :Include zero balance accruals >Ϣ :Include zero balance current invoices >ǰƱ :Include zero balance invoices >ΪķƱ :Include zero balance retained invoices >Ϊ淢Ʊ :Include zero bins >λ :Include zero outstanding >δ :Include zero profit percentage >ٷֱ :Include zero quantities > :Include zero quantities on hand > :Include zero quantities to release >ⷢе :Include zero quantity on hand >Ϊ :Include zero quantity outstanding lines >δ :Include zero saved quantity >㱣 :Include zero values >ֵ :Include zeros > :Include/Exclude >/ų :Include/Exclude Password >/ų :Include/Exclude Tax >/ų˰ :Include/exclude > :Include/exclude Non-current Components >/ǵǰ :Include/exclude options >/ųѡ :IncludeNoLines >IncludeNoLines :Included >Ѱ :Included in relationship validation >ڹϵ֤ :Includes items >Ŀ :Includes items in inspection >еĿ :Inclusion Type > :Inclusion options >ѡ :Inclusion selection >ѡ :Inclusions > :Inclusive > :Inclusive Tax >˰ :Inclusive Values >ֵ :Inclusive/exclusive >/ :Income > :Income Statement >뱨 :Income Statement - Branches >뱨 - :Income Statement at a Glance >损益表概览 :Incoming XSL filename >XSLļ :Incompatible Options >Ǽѡ :Incomplete Payment >非全额付款 :Incomplete Shipment Options >Ǽݻѡ :Incomplete jobs >δɹ :Incomplete only >δɵ :Incorrect Company >ȷĹ˾ :Incorrect Data Type >不正确数据类型 :Incorrect Lot Number >ȷ :Incorrect SYSPRO Version >ȷSYSPRO汾 :Incorrect Serial Number >ȷϵк :Incorrect Version >ȷİ汾 :Incorrect Warehouse >ȷIJֿ :Incorrect file type specified.\n\nFile type must be 'REPPDD' >ָļʹ\n\nļͱΪ"REPPDD" :Incorrect file type specified.\n\nThe import file must have been exported by the Role Management Export with the same version of SYSPRO >ָ˲ȷļ͡\n\nļһɾ߱ͬ SYSPRO 汾ְ :Incorrect lot number '%1' for sales order '%2' >۶ '%2' IJȷκ '%1' :Incorrect order >ȷĶ :Incorrect password >ȷ :Incorrect password entered > :Incorrect shipment >ȷĴ :Incorrect stock code '%1' for quote '%2' line '%3' > '%2' '%3' IJȷ '%1' :Incorrect stock code '%1' for sales order '%2' line '%3' >۶ '%2' '%3' IJȷ '%1' :Incorrect version of ADMSTATE >ȷADMSTATE汾 :Increase > :Increase Font > :Increase Indent > :Increase Indent of Selected Organizations >ѡ֯ :Increase Indent of Selected Role >ѡְ :Increase capacity > :Increase order quantity >Ӷ :Increase qty > :Increase quantity > :Increase sales order >۶ :Increase sales order quantity >۶ :Increase the Font > :Increase to equal receipt qty >󵽵ջ :Increase/decrease >/ :Increase/decrease rates >ߣͷ :Increment > :Increment Rel >ǩ :Increment Rel of all affected items >ӰĿĵǩ :Increment Rev >޶ :Increment Rev of all affected items >ӰĿĵ޶ :Increment Year Utility >ʵó :Increment if asset exists >ʲ :Increment release >ǩ :Increment release within revision >޶ӷ :Increment revision >汾 :Increment revision of all affected items >ӰĿ޶ :Increment the revision of all affected items >ȫӰƷ޶ :Increment version >汾 :Incremental value >ֵ :Incrementing Analytics user count > Analytics û :Ind >ȱ :Indent Level Message >Ϣ :Indentation >ȱ :Indentation (0-60) >ȱ(0-60) :Indented BOM Cost Summary Report > BOM ɱժҪ :Indented What-if Cost Summary Report >ɱժҪ :Index > :Index %1 > %1 :Index 1 >1 :Index 2 >2 :Index Access > :Index Converter >ת :Index Information >Ϣ :Index Name > :Index verification details >֤ϸ :Indexed >ѱ :Indicate default entries that must be used when transferring stock from a source warehouse to a target warehouse >ָʾԴֿĿֿת˿ʱʹõĬĿ :Indicate optimized list views >ʾŻбͼ :Indicate required field >ʾֶ :Indicate the ledger codes to which the value of non-productive time must be apportioned >ָʾʱļֵ̯ķ˴ :Indicate the movement time between selected work centers, used to calculate movement times between work centers when adding operations to the file >ָʾѡ֮ƶʱ䣬ڼ㵱ļӲʱ֮ƶʱ :Indicator >ָ :Indicators >ָʾ :Individual > :Individual Asset >ʲĿ :Individual dispatch lines on cons invoice >Individual dispatch lines on cons invoice :Industry >ҵ :Industry Details >ҵ :Industry Layouts >ҵ :Industry code >ҵ :Influence >Ӱ :Influence message >ӰϢ :Information >Ϣ :Information display >Ϣʾ :Information privacy flag >Ϣ˽Ա־ :Information to release from suspense >ͣͷŵϢ :Information to release suspense order >ͣͷŵĶ :Information to release/place hold >ͷϢ :Initial > :Initial Aged Valuation >ڹ :Initial Build >ι :Initial Build Extract >ʼժ¼ :Initial Build Extract Password >ѹ :Initial Date Range >ʼڷΧ :Initial ECO status >ʼECO״̬ :Initial History >ʷ¼ :Initial History Creation >ʷ¼ :Initial Invoice Capture >ʼƱ :Initial Sales History >ʼʷ :Initial Sales History Details >ʼۼ¼ϸ :Initial Sales Qty History >ʷ¼ :Initial Sales Quantity History >ʼʷ :Initial additions >ʼ :Initial address >ʼַ :Initial allowance >ڲ :Initial allowance % >ʼۼ % :Initial allowance amount >ʼۼ۽ :Initial and Investment allowance flag >ʼͶۼ۱ :Initial docking position >λ :Initial group by >初始组,按 :Initial invoice printing >ԭʼƱӡ :Initial line number >ʼб :Initial sort >初步排序 :Initialize group budgets >ʼԤ :Initializing screen set >ڳʼĻ :Initially selected organization >ѡ֯ :Initiate the creation of engineering change orders and to track existing engineering change orders in the workflow >𹤳̱Ľ׷ٹей̱ :Inline editing >༭ :Input > :Input Tax G/L Control Account >˰G/Lʻ :Input Tax GL Control Account >˰ GL ˻ :Input date > :Input mask > :Input only >޽ :Input tax >˰ :Ins comp > :Insert > :Insert Application Help >Ӧó :Insert Associated Pane > :Insert Before Line >ǰ :Insert Before This Line >ڴǰ :Insert Calculation >插入计算 :Insert Code > :Insert Collector After >ںԱ :Insert Collector Before >ǰԱ :Insert Comment Line >븽ע :Insert Custom Field >붨ֶ :Insert Cut Rows Below > :Insert Cut Rows Below Indented > :Insert Date Stamp (Ctrl+D) >ռӡ(Ctrl+D) :Insert Default Text >Ĭı :Insert Dispatch Line >뷢 :Insert Field >ֶ :Insert Form Action > :Insert Freight Line >˷ :Insert Line > :Insert Lines > :Insert Miscellaneous Line > :Insert Multimedia Object >ý :Insert New Object >¶ :Insert Non-Stocked Line >ǿ :Insert Object > :Insert Operation > :Insert Order Line >붩 :Insert Row > :Insert Row Above > :Insert Row Below > :Insert Sample Code >뷶 :Insert Sample Tasks >ʾ :Insert Selected Lines >ѡ :Insert Selected Lines as Order Lines >ѡΪ :Insert Standard Field >׼ֶ :Insert Stocked Line > :Insert The Selected Tables >插入选定表 :Insert VBScript > VBScript :Insert VBScript Code >VBScript :Insert VBScript Module > VBScript ģ :Insert a Field >ֶ :Insert a Line Above Current Line >ڵǰϷ :Insert a User Variable >û :Insert a new Line > :Insert a row >插入行栏 :Insert after >֮ :Insert an Action > :Insert as Order Lines >Ϊ :Insert before >֮ǰ :Insert dangerous goods text automatically >ԶΣջı :Insert default headings >Ĭϱ :Insert disk > :Insert into Microsoft Outlook >뵽Microsoft Outlook :Insert new before existing >ǰµ :Insert of lines into EDI orders > EDI в :Insert of lines into EDI orders in S/O Entry allowed >۶EDIв :Insert of lines into EDI orders in SO Entry allowed > SO Ŀе EDI :Insert only new >ֻµ :Insert only new allocations >· :Insert only new components >² :Insert options >插入选项 :Insert purchase order additional text automatically >Զɹı :Insert sales order additional text automatically >Զ۶ı :Insert tables into Report Writer Data Dictionary >向报告编写器数据字典插入表 :Insert the attributes as VBScript code >Ϊ VBScript :Inserting Records in Data FIle >ļв¼ :Inside >ڲ :Insp complete > :Insp. complete > :Inspect > :Inspect Stock > :Inspect and Accept Goods >ͽܻ :Inspect and accept goods (Ctrl+A) >ջ(Ctrl+A) :Inspected >Ѽ :Inspection > :Inspection Archive Viewer >鵵鿴 :Inspection Complete > :Inspection Details >ϸ :Inspection Document Format >ļʽ :Inspection Document Format Alignment in Progress >ִмļʽ :Inspection Document Format Printing in Progress >ִмļʽӡ :Inspection Document Print >ļӡ :Inspection Documents >ļ :Inspection Goods Offsite Report >ֳ :Inspection Goods Offsite Report in Progress >ִмֳ :Inspection Password > :Inspection Quantities > :Inspection Quantity Error > :Inspection Reference >ο :Inspection Transactions >齻 :Inspection Transactions for GRN >ջ(GRN)ļ齻 :Inspection Trasanctions >齻 :Inspection Variance Closure >ر :Inspection accept not allowed > :Inspection count not allowed > :Inspection details for lot number >κϸ :Inspection elements >Ԫ :Inspection flag >־ :Inspection functions not allowed >鹦 :Inspection narration > :Inspection not allowed > :Inspection only allowed for lot traceable stock items >ֻοɸٿĿм :Inspection period interval >ʱ :Inspection period type > :Inspection print document numbering >ӡļ :Inspection qty > :Inspection quantity > :Inspection receipts set to >վݣΪ :Inspection ref >ο :Inspection reference complete >ο :Inspection reject not allowed > :Inspection required >Ҫļ :Inspection required for this item >ĿҪļ :Inspection return not allowed >˻ :Inspection rule > :Inspection scrap not allowed >鱨 :Inspection scrap reversed >已反冲检验报废 :Inspection text >ı :Inspection transactions for lot number >κļ齻 :Inspections > :Install All >װȫ :Install Selected Modules >װѡģ :Installation Error >װ :Installed >Ѱװ :Installed Updates >װĸ :Installed on >װ :Installed time >װʱ :Installed version >Ѱװ汾 :Instance >ʵ :Instruction >ָʾ :Instruction code >ָʾ :Instructions >ָʾ :Instructions and User defined fields >ָûֶ :Insufficient Allocated >ѷIJ :Insufficient FIFO Quantity >FIFO :Insufficient On Hand for Release Quantity >ǩ :Insufficient Quantity for Parent Part > :Insufficient Stock >Ŀ :Insufficient Stock / Back order >棯ڶ :Insufficient Stock on Hand >п :Insufficient Stock/Back order >棯ڶ :Insufficient bins available to auto deplete >ԶĵĿ :Insufficient lots available to auto deplete >Զĵβ :Insufficient on hand >ֲ :Insufficient or non-seasonal history >ֺͷǼʷ¼ :Insufficient qty available in w/h >ֿпɹ :Insufficient qty available in wh >ֿڿ :Insufficient quantity > :Insufficient quantity error > :Insufficient quantity in WIP inspection for serial number '%1' >ϵк '%1' ִҵ(WIP)е :Insufficient quantity on hand for this serial number >ϵк :Insufficient quantity receipted in for the reserved lot '%1' >ѱ '%1' յ :Insufficient quantity receipted in for the reserved serial '%1' >ѱϵ '%1' յ :Insufficient reserved >ѱ :Insufficient stock available in bins to automatically allocate stock code '%1' warehouse '%2'. Remaining quantity will be put on back order >Զ '%1' ֿ '%2' Ŀÿ治㡣ʣڽ :Insufficient stock available in lots/bins to automatically allocate stock code '%1' warehouse '%2'. Remaining quantity will be put on back order >/Զ '%1' ֿ '%2' Ŀÿ治㡣ʣڽ :Insufficient stock has been allocated. Do you wish to cancel the kit? >ѷĿ治㡣ϣȡ߰ :Insufficient stock has been allocated. This kit will be cancelled >ѷĿ治㡣߰ȡ :Insufficient stock in source warehouse >ԴֿвĿ :Int > :Int movement time >˶ʱ :Integers > :Integration > :Integration Level >ϲˮƽ :Integration Server (SSIS) >Ϸ (SSIS) :Integration Server Details >Ϸ :Integration Server name >Ϸ :Integration flag setup >ϱ :Integration from sub-ledger at ledger code level >ڷʴ뼶ӷʵ :Integration levels record locked >סɲμ¼ :Integration method >ɷ :Integration methods >ɷʽ :Integration record locked >סɼ¼ :Integration server >Ϸ :Integration setup > :Integration to Cash Book >ɵֽ :Integration to General Ledger is not allowed as the General Ledger module is not installed >Ϊûаװܷģ飬˲ܷʼ :Integration to other modules >ϵģ :Integrity check completed >Լ :Inter Company >˾ :Inter branch transfer >֧ת :Inter company transfers in >˾ת :Inter company transfers out >˾ת :Inter warehouse lead time >ֿ佻 :Inter-Co >˾ :Inter-Company Details >ڲ˾ϸ :Inter-Company Id >ڲ˾ID :Inter-Company Journal Entries >ڲ˾ռʷ¼ :Inter-Company Journal Header >˾ռʱͷ :Inter-Company Ledger Codes >ڲ˾ʴ :Inter-branch transfer >֧ת :Inter-branch transfer allowed >֧ת :Inter-branch transfer flag >֧ת˱ :Inter-company >ڲ˾ :Inter-company G/L Control Account >ڲ˾˿ʻ :Inter-company GL Control Account >˾ GL ˻ :Inter-company Journal Entries for Journal >ռʵĹ˾ռ :Inter-company journal >˾ռ :Inter-company journals >˾ռ :Inter-company selection >ڲ˾ѡ :Inter. cur >ʻ :Inter. currency >ʻ :Interact with customized panes implemented in this program >与此程序中所实现的定制窗格互动 :Interact with panes >봰񻥶 :Interbank Deposit >银行间存款 :Interbank Transfers >мת :Interbank Withdrawal >银行间取款 :Interbank transfer suspense >мתʹ :Interbank variance >м :Interchange > :Interchange Details > :Interchange key >Կ :Interchange method > :Interchange record not on file >¼ļ :Interchange stock code >交换库存代码 :Interco transfers >˾ת :Intercompany Details >˾ϸ :Intercompany ID may not be the local company ID >˾IDΪع˾ID :Intercompany journals may only be posted to current year and period >˾ռֻùǰȺ :Intercompany transfers >ʲ˾ת :Intercompany transfers In Out >˾תת :Interest >Ϣ :Interest Expense or Income Account >Ϣû˻ :Interest account >Ϣ˻ :Interest exemption status >Ϣ״̬ :Interested > :Interface Export >浼 :Interface Import >浼 :Interface Import Selections >浼ѡ :Interface List of Sites >վ嵥 :Interface List of Sites in Progress >ִվб :Interface Log >־ :Interface Log Purge >־ :Interface Log Purge in Progress >ִ :Interface Log Report >־ :Interface Log Report in Progress >ִе汨 :Interface Setup >ӿ :Interface Site Maintenance >վά :Interface Site Options >ӿվѡ :Interface Sites >վ :Interface System >ϵͳ :Interface System Purge >ӿϵͳ :Interface System Setup >ӿϵͳ :Interface entries to view >Ҫ鿴Ľ :Interface flag > :Interface type > :Intergration method >ɷ :Interim >ʱ :Intermediate >н :Intermediate Currency >м :Intermediate job >ڹ :Internal >ڲ :Internal Cost Center >ڲɱ :Internal Cost Center Details >ڲɱ :Internal Cost Center GL Integration >ڲɱ (GL) :Internal Op Additional Info >内部操作附加信息 :Internal Op Additional Information >内部操作附加信息 :Internal Op Details >内部操作详情 :Internal Op View >ڲͼ :Internal Operation >ڲ :Internal Operation Information >ڲϢ :Internal Operation Selection/Maintenance (sales) >ڲѡάۣ :Internal Work Center >ڲҵ :Internal Work Center Details >ڲҵ :Internal Work Center GL Integration >ڲҵ (GL) :Internal centers >ڲ :Internal operation details >ڲϸ :Internal operations >ڲ :Internal product shelf life >内部产品保质期 :Internal time required in days >ڲʱ䣨 :Internet Address >ַ :Internet Addresses >ַ :Internet Applications >Ӧó :Internet Type >Internet :Internet login code >Internet¼ :Interrupt >ж :Intrastat >Intrastat :Intrastat Delivery Terms >Intrastat :Intrastat Delivery Terms Maintenance >Intrastatά :Intrastat Nature of Transaction >Intrastat :Intrastat Nature of Transaction Maintenance >Intrastatά :Intrastat Supplementary Units >óͳλ :Intrastat Transaction Maintenance >Intrastatά :Intrastat Transaction Nature >Intrastat :Intrastat details >Intrastat :Intrastat options >óͳѡ :Inv >无效 :Inv Add stock code >ӿ :Inv Allow bin transfers if lot is on hold >αת :Inv Allow receipts against expired lots >Եջ :Inv Allow reuse of existing serial number >无效允许再使用现有系列号码 :Inv App. Manuf. Part Number Maintenance >无效应用制造商。零件号码维护 :Inv Approved Manufacturer Part Numbers >׼Ч :Inv Backflushing > :Inv Balance >Ʊ :Inv Balance Lots >Ʊ :Inv Balance recalculate current cost (FIFO) >¼㵱ǰɱ (FIFO) :Inv Bin transfer >ת :Inv Bin transfer e.net >ת e.net :Inv Bin transfers >ת :Inv Change cost by percentage >ٷֱȸijɱ :Inv Change price by percentage >ٷֱȸļ۸ :Inv Change price by percentage on cost >ɱٷֱȸļ۸ :Inv Change price percentage on other price >۸ļ۸ٷֱ :Inv Change stock code >Ŀ :Inv Cost change >ɱ :Inv Cost change e.net >ɱ e.net :Inv Cost modification >ɱ޸ :Inv Cost modification e.net >ɱ޸ e.net :Inv Cost modifications >ɱ޸ :Inv Delete stock code >ɾ :Inv Expense issue >ǩ :Inv Expense issue e.net >ǩ e.net :Inv Expense issues >ǩ :Inv Foreign curency price added >ӴҼ۸ :Inv Foreign curency price changed >ѸĴҼ۸ :Inv Foreign curency price deleted >ɾҼ۸ :Inv GIT Transfers In > GIT ת :Inv GIT Transfers In e.net > GIT ת e.net :Inv GIT Transfers Out > GIT ת :Inv GIT Transfers Out e.net > GIT ת e.net :Inv Immediate Transfers >ʱת :Inv Immediate Transfers e.net >ʱת e.net :Inv Override on inventory cost variance >Դɱ :Inv Period End >Ʊڽ :Inv Period End and Purge >Ʊڽ :Inv Physical count > :Inv Physical count e.net > e.net :Inv Posting to previous period >һڵĴ :Inv Price added >Ӵ۸ :Inv Price changed >ѸĴ۸ :Inv Price deleted >ɾ۸ :Inv Purge >Ʊ :Inv Purge function in serial tracking >ϵ׷еĴ :Inv Quantity discounts added >Ӵۿ :Inv Quantity discounts changed >ѸĴۿ :Inv Quantity discounts deleted >ɾۿ :Inv Receipt >ջ :Inv Receipt e.net >ջ e.net :Inv Release stock on partial hold >вֱ :Inv Reset >Ʊλ :Inv Stock adjustment > :Inv Stock adjustment e.net > e.net :Inv Stock adjustments > :Inv Stock code added >Ӵ :Inv Stock code changed >ѸĴ :Inv Stock code deleted >ɾ :Inv Stock code on hold >Ĵ :Inv Stock cost changes > :Inv Stock receipts >ջ :Inv Stock warehouse add multiple >ֿӶ :Inv Stock warehouse added >Ӵֿ :Inv Stock warehouse added e.net >已添加无效库存仓库 e.net :Inv Stock warehouse changed >ѸĴֿ :Inv Stock warehouse deleted >ɾֿ :Inv Supplier for Part number maintenance >άЧӦ :Inv Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code >Ĵֿά :Inv Warehouse Transfers In >ֿת :Inv Warehouse Transfers Out >ֿת :Inv Warehouse Transfers Out/No Destination >ֿת/Ŀĵ :Inv Warehouse trans out/no destination e.net >ֿת/Ŀĵ e.net :Inv Warehouse transfers in e.net >ֿת e.net :Inv Warehouse transfers out e.net >ֿת e.net :Inv Wh transfer In/Out/Immediate and GIT Immediate >ֿת/ת/ʱ GIT ʱ :Inv date > :Inv date/terms/discount >Чڣۿ :Inv inspection required >Ҫ :Inv journal >ռ :Inv reg line >Ʊע :Inv register >Ʊע :Inv terms >Ч :Inv, Cr & Dr Note Export >Inv, Cr & Dr¼ :Inv, Cr & Dr Note Export Purge >Inv, Cr & Dr¼ :Inv, Cr & Dr Notes >ƱǺͽƱ :Inv, Cr & Dr notes Export Complete >ЧǺͽƱݵ :Inv. Approved Manufacture Maintenance >Ʊ׼ά :Inv. Qty Adjustment - Specials >Ч - ר :Inv. Query >Чѯ :Inv. date > :Inv. day of the month >¿ :Inv. days > :Inv. fixed >̶ :Inv. months > :Inv. no. of months >· :Inv. reference >Чο :Invalid >Ч :Invalid invoice / line number combination >ЧƱк :Invalid / blank VAT registration number. Ok to place invoice on hold? >Чհ׸˰(VAT)ǼǺ롣ȷҪƱ :Invalid Accrual Type >ЧϢ :Invalid Activity passed to Post Activity program >Ч :Invalid Alternate Stock >Чÿ :Invalid Bank >Ч :Invalid Bank Code >Чд :Invalid Bin >Ч :Invalid Business Object category >Чҵ :Invalid Business Object description >Чҵ :Invalid Business Object method name >Чҵ󷽷 :Invalid Business Object program name >Чҵ :Invalid Buyer >Чɹ :Invalid Calculation Type >Ч :Invalid Companies >Ч˾ :Invalid Company license - Use the Registration Tab in the Company Setup to update your license details >Ч˾֤ - ʹù˾еעѡ֤ :Invalid ContactId passed to Post Activity program >ЧϵIdͨ :Invalid Contract >Чͬ :Invalid Contract Identifier >Чͬʾ :Invalid Cost Unit of Measure >Чɱλ :Invalid Credit ledger code password >Чʴ :Invalid Currency >Ч :Invalid Customer >Чͻ :Invalid Customer Code >无效客户代码 :Invalid Customer code entered >Чͻ :Invalid Customization Import File >ЧƵļ :Invalid Daily Sequence >Чճ˳ :Invalid Date >Ч :Invalid Deduction Code >Ч۳ :Invalid Default Spread >无效默认展开 :Invalid Delivery Load >Чװ :Invalid Dispatch Note >Ч :Invalid ECC User >Ч ECC û :Invalid Element Code >无效科目代码 :Invalid Email address >Чʼַ :Invalid End-of-File on 1.0 / 3.1 Format File >1.0 / 3.1ʽļеЧEnd-of-Fileļ :Invalid End-of-File on 3.2 Format File >3.2ʽļеЧEnd-of-Fileļ :Invalid End-of-File on 4.0 Format File >4.0ʽļеЧļ :Invalid Entry >Ч :Invalid Expiry date >Ч :Invalid Extentended Tax Code >Чչ˰ :Invalid Failed Email details >Чʧܵʼ :Invalid Field >Чֶ :Invalid Field, Variable or Constant >ЧֶΡ :Invalid File Name >Чļ :Invalid Form callout >无效表格注解 :Invalid Free Goods Details >Чѻϸ :Invalid Free Goods Invoice Price >Чѻ﷢Ʊ۸ :Invalid GIT Reference >无效 GIT 参考 :Invalid GL Account >Ч(GL)ʻ :Invalid GST code entered >Ч GST :Invalid GUID format >ЧGUIDʽ :Invalid Geographic Area >Ч :Invalid Group Name >Ч :Invalid Hierarchy >Ч :Invalid History options. Must match B2B Document control >ЧʷѡB2B̼Ҷ̼ңĵ :Invalid Intermediate Currency >Чм :Invalid Invoice >无效发票 :Invalid Item >ЧĿ :Invalid Job >Чҵ :Invalid List >Чб :Invalid List Price Code >Чб۸ :Invalid Load >Чװ :Invalid Lot >Ч :Invalid Mail server name >Чʼ :Invalid Manufacturer >Ч :Invalid Manufacturing unit of measure factor >无效制造计量单位因子 :Invalid Master Customer >Чͻ :Invalid Message Queue name >ЧϢ :Invalid Multimedia Object >Чý :Invalid Next Stock Take Ticket Number >Чһ̵ȯ :Invalid Non-stocked Part >Чǿ沿 :Invalid Other unit of measure factor >Чλϵ :Invalid Part Category >无效零件类别 :Invalid Password >Ч :Invalid Path >Ч· :Invalid Printer Code >Чӡ :Invalid Product Class >ЧƷȼ :Invalid Product Group >ЧƷ :Invalid Profit Target >无效利润目标 :Invalid Promotion Code >Ч :Invalid Quantity >Ч :Invalid Registration Number >Чע :Invalid Requisition >Ч빺 :Invalid Resolution Code >Ч :Invalid Rev/rel >无效修订/发行 :Invalid Revision >Ч汾 :Invalid Revision/Release >Ч޶ǩ :Invalid Route >Ч· :Invalid Route Code >无效路线代码 :Invalid SMTP TCP-IP address >ЧSMTP TCP-IPַ :Invalid Sales Spread Total >无效销售展开合计 :Invalid Selection >Чѡ :Invalid Selection Criteria >Чѡ׼ :Invalid Selection Type >无效选择类型 :Invalid Serial number >Чϵк :Invalid Source to Target Conversion >ЧԴĿת :Invalid Stockcode >无效库存代码 :Invalid String >无效字符串 :Invalid Success Email details >Чɹʼ :Invalid Supplier >ЧӦ :Invalid TPM Product Group >Ч TPM Ʒ :Invalid Ticket number >Чȯ :Invalid Time >Чʱ :Invalid URL >ЧURL :Invalid Unit of Measure >无效计量单位 :Invalid UserId >ЧûId :Invalid VAT number for nationality code >Ч VAT :Invalid Warehouse >Чֿ :Invalid Warehouse Area >Чֿ :Invalid Watermark Bitmap >Чˮӡλͼ :Invalid Wildcards >Чͨ :Invalid XML document. '%1' value is missing >Ч XML ĵ '%1' ֵʧ :Invalid XML in SetSYSPROInfo event >SetSYSPROInfo 事件中无效 XML :Invalid XML parameter string >ЧXML :Invalid alternate unit of measure factor >Чüλϵ :Invalid analysis category >Ч :Invalid analysis code >Ч :Invalid annual percentage >ЧȰٷֱ :Invalid apportionment method >Ч̯ :Invalid archive type '%1' >Ч '%1' :Invalid beneficiary >Ч :Invalid billing method >ЧƷѷ :Invalid billing method. The billing method may not be manual if you want to create schedules >ЧƷѷϣʱƷѷΪֶ :Invalid billing method. The billing method may not be manual if you want to create schedules. >ЧƷѷϣʱƷѷΪֶ :Invalid button selection >ѡťѡ :Invalid buying group >Чɹ :Invalid cancellation reason code '%1' >Чȡԭ '%1' :Invalid character '%1' at position '%2', near '%3' >ڿ '%3' λ '%2' Чַ :Invalid check number >无效支票号码 :Invalid command line argument. '%1' value is missing >Чв '%1' ֵʧ :Invalid commission code '%1' >ЧӶ '%1' :Invalid company >Ч˾ :Invalid company license >Ч˾֤ :Invalid company password >Ч˾ :Invalid contract number >Чͬ :Invalid credit amount >Ч :Invalid credit amount entered >Ч :Invalid credit reason >Чԭ :Invalid criteria >Ч׼ :Invalid currency selected >ѡЧ :Invalid customer class >Чͻ :Invalid customer currency for this entry >ĿЧͻ :Invalid day >Ч :Invalid debit amount >Ч跽 :Invalid debit amount entered >Ч跽 :Invalid debit ledger code password >Ч跽ʴ :Invalid deduction gst code >Ч۳ͨӪҵ˰(gst) :Invalid delivery address code '%1' >Чַ '%1' :Invalid depreciation code for Alt valuation %1 >Alt %1 Ч۾ɴ :Invalid directory >ЧĿ¼ :Invalid drawing register number for this stock code. Do you want to continue? >˿Чͼֽע롣ϣ? :Invalid drawing register number for this stock code. Do you wish to continue? >Чͼֽע롣ϣ :Invalid edit pattern >Ч༭ʽ :Invalid element '%1' for serial key type '%2' >ϵм '%2' ЧҪ '%1' :Invalid end date value >Чֵ :Invalid end-of-file >Чļ :Invalid end-of-file marker at record number >¼봦Чend-of-fileļ :Invalid execute method >Чִз :Invalid expiry period >ЧʧЧ :Invalid export file name >Чļ :Invalid field to be updated >µЧֶ :Invalid field/column >ЧֶΣ :Invalid file >Чļ :Invalid file code passed to IMPBRW '%1' >Чļ봫IMPBRW '%1' :Invalid file extension >Чļչ :Invalid folder >Чļ :Invalid folder name >Чļ :Invalid format XML file - Missing root element >ЧʽXMLļ - ʧҪ :Invalid format XML file - Missing xml prolog >ЧʽXMLļ - ʧxml Prolog :Invalid format code - must be in range 0-9 or A-Z >Чʽ - 0-9A-ZΧ֮ :Invalid format for e-mail addressee >Чĵʼַʽ :Invalid format for email addressee >Чʼռ˸ʽ :Invalid format for the Nationality Code >Чʽ :Invalid function >Ч :Invalid group >Ч :Invalid gst code >ЧͨӪҵ˰(GST) :Invalid index for General Ledger cross reference >ܷʶЧ :Invalid index for master / sub jobs >Чתҵ :Invalid index for master/sub jobs >Ч/ӹ :Invalid invoice/dispatch note %1 >ЧƱ %1 :Invalid job class >无效工作类 :Invalid journal number >Чռʺ :Invalid key for table '%1' > '%1' Ч :Invalid ledger codes for deposits >Чʴ :Invalid ledger year >Ч :Invalid license >Ч֤ :Invalid linked file >Чļ :Invalid master/sub account combination >Чʻϲ :Invalid multiple ship-to-address code '%1' >Ч˵ֵַ '%1' :Invalid namespace declaration '%1' and '%2' are duplicates, near '%3' >Чƿռ '%1' '%2' ظ '%3' :Invalid nationality >Ч :Invalid new order status >Ч¶״̬ :Invalid operation >Ч :Invalid operator >ЧԱ :Invalid operator password >ЧԱ :Invalid options selected. Please re-enter >ѡѡЧ :Invalid or missing AP Remittance Check archive control table >Чʧ AP ֧ƱƱ :Invalid or missing AP Remittance Check archive control tables >Чʧ AP ֧ƱƱ :Invalid or missing AP Remittance archive control table >Чʧ AP Ʊ :Invalid or missing AP Remittance archive control tables >Чʧ AP Ʊ :Invalid or missing AR Statement Print archive control table >Чʧ AR ӡƱ :Invalid or missing AR Statement Print archive control tables >Чʧ AR ӡƱ :Invalid or missing Cash Book Remittance Bank archive control tables >Чʧֽ˲еƱ :Invalid or missing Delivery note archive control table >ЧʧƱ :Invalid or missing Discount Notes archive control table >Чʧۿ۸עƱ :Invalid or missing Discount Notes archive control tables >Чʧۿ۸עƱ :Invalid or missing Dispatch note archive control table >ЧʧƱ :Invalid or missing EFT Remittance archive control table >Чʧ EFT Ʊ :Invalid or missing EFT Remittance archive control tables >Чʧ EFT Ʊ :Invalid or missing Factory Documentation archive control table >ЧʧĵƱ :Invalid or missing Factory Documentation archive control tables >ЧʧĵƱ :Invalid or missing Invoice archive control table >ЧʧƱƱ :Invalid or missing Issues archive control tables >ЧʧǩƱ :Invalid or missing Permanent Entries archive control table >ЧʧĿƱ :Invalid or missing Permanent Entries archive control tables >ЧʧĿƱ :Invalid or missing Purchase Order Receipts archive control tables >ЧʧɹջƱ :Invalid or missing Purchase Orders - Requisitions archive control tables >Чʧɹ - 빺Ʊ :Invalid or missing Quotation - Multiple Column archive control tables >Чʧ - Ʊ :Invalid or missing Stock Receipts archive control tables >ЧʧջƱ :Invalid order type >Ч :Invalid part category. Bill of materials module not installed >Чδװ嵥ģ :Invalid password for previous period >һڵЧ :Invalid pattern entered. Please re-enter >ķʽЧ :Invalid period number >Чں :Invalid period range selection >Чڼ䷶Χѡ :Invalid price code character >Ч۸ַ :Invalid price method '%1' >Ч۸񷽷 '%1' :Invalid pricing unit of measure >无效定价计量单位 :Invalid printing selection combination >Чӡѡ :Invalid problem code >Ч :Invalid product class for selected branch >ѡ֧ЧƷȼ :Invalid product class for selected branch. Service charge rejected >ѡķ֧ƷȼЧշѱܾ :Invalid product class for selected branch. Service charge will be ignored >ѡ֧ЧƷȼԷշ :Invalid program >Ч :Invalid quantity entered >Ч :Invalid records not imported >ûеЧ¼ :Invalid relationship - parent '%1', section '%2' >Чϵ - '%1' '%2' :Invalid requisitions >Ч빺 :Invalid requisitions only >Ч :Invalid resource code >ЧԴ :Invalid retained earnings account >Ч˻ :Invalid revaluation category >Ч :Invalid sales history index. Report cancelled >Чʷ¼ȡ :Invalid scrap reason >无效报废原因 :Invalid search pattern >Чʽ :Invalid secondary module >Чμģ :Invalid serial selected >ѡЧϵ :Invalid server or mailbox name >Ч :Invalid ship via code >Чɴ뷢 :Invalid source code >ЧԴ :Invalid start date value >Чʼֵ :Invalid start month/year >ЧĿʼ·ݣ :Invalid statement setup >Ч :Invalid stock code >Ч :Invalid stock code on purchase order line >ɹеЧ :Invalid stock code passed. Program cancelled >Чͨȡ :Invalid supplier nationality >无效供应商国籍 :Invalid tax code >Ч˰մ :Invalid tax code entered >Ч˰ :Invalid tax code range >Ч˰մ뷶Χ :Invalid tax code range selection >Ч˰մ뷶Χѡ :Invalid tax period value >Ч˰ֵ :Invalid tax year value >Ч˰ֵ :Invalid template >Чģ :Invalid terms code >Ч :Invalid timestamp against key '%1' on '%2' >'%2'ϼ '%1' Чʱӡ :Invalid transaction >Ч :Invalid transaction password >Ч :Invalid use of wildcards >ͨ;Ч :Invalid use of wildcards in pattern >ͨڷʽе;Ч :Invalid user >Чû :Invalid variable entered >Ч :Invalid wildcard '%1'. Valid wildcards are '*' and '?' >Чͨ '%1' ЧͨΪ'*''?' :Invalid wildcard characters entered >Чַͨ :Invalid window title >无效窗口标题 :Invalid workflow deployment folder >Ч̲ļ :Invalid xml declaration. Line %1, Position %2 >Ч xml %1λ %2 :Invalid/blank VAT registration number. Ok to clear invoice hold? >Чհֵ˰ע롣Ҫ淢Ʊ :Invalid/blank VAT registration number. Ok to place invoice on hold? >Чհֵ˰ע롣Ҫ巢Ʊ :Inventory > :Inventory - Goods in Transit > - ; :Inventory - Inventory Forecasting > - Ԥ :Inventory - Reports > - :Inventory - Setup > - :Inventory - Stock Take System > - ̵ϵͳ :Inventory - Transaction Processing > - ״ :Inventory ABC Analysis > ABC :Inventory ABC Analysis Report >ABC :Inventory ATP Query >ɳŵ(ATP)ѯ :Inventory ATP Query - Details >ɳŵ(ATP)ѯ - ϸ :Inventory Activity Exception > :Inventory Activity Exception Report >쳣 :Inventory Activity Exception Report in Progress >ִп쳣 :Inventory Aged Valuation > :Inventory Aged Valuation Take-on >ʵʩ :Inventory Allocations > :Inventory Alternate Stock Codes >滻 :Inventory Alternate Supplier >ùӦ :Inventory Alternate Suppliers >滻Ӧ :Inventory Amendment Journal > :Inventory Amendment Journal Report >޶ռʱ :Inventory Amendment Journal in Progress >ִп޶ռ :Inventory Amendment Journals >޶ռ :Inventory App. Manuf. Part No. Maintenan >׼ά :Inventory Approved Manufacture Maintenan >׼ά :Inventory Approved Manufacturer Stock >׼̿ :Inventory Approved Manufacturer Supplier >׼̹Ӧ :Inventory Approved Manufacturers >׼ :Inventory Area > :Inventory Available to Promise Query >ڳŵѯĴ :Inventory Balance Completed >已完成存货现有量 :Inventory Balance Report > :Inventory Balance terminated unexpectedly >存货现有量意外终止 :Inventory Bin > :Inventory Bin Maintenance >ά :Inventory Bin Types > :Inventory Bin transfer >λת :Inventory Bin transfer e.net >λת e.net :Inventory Browse on Alloc for Stock Cod > :Inventory Browse on Alloc for Stock Code > :Inventory Browse on BPO by Stock Code >ĴһӲɹ(BPO) :Inventory Browse on Bins > :Inventory Browse on Combined Movements >ϱ仯Ĵ :Inventory Browse on FIFO/LIFO Buckets >Ƚȳ(FIFO)ȳ(LIFO)Ͱ :Inventory Browse on P/O by Stock Code >IJɹ(P/O) :Inventory Browse on PO by Stock Code > PO :Inventory Browse on Purchase Orders >ɹеĿ :Inventory Browse on S/O by Stock Code >۶(S/O) :Inventory Browse on SO by Stock Code > SO :Inventory Browse on WIP for Stock Code >ִҵ(WIP) :Inventory Buyer >ɹ :Inventory Buyers > :Inventory Buyers Maintenance >ɹά :Inventory Change cost by percentage >ٷֱȸijɱ :Inventory Change price by percentage >ٷֱȸļ۸ :Inventory Change price by percentage on cost >ɱٷֱȸļ۸ :Inventory Change price percentage on other price >۸ļ۸ٷֱ :Inventory Company Changed >ѸĿ湫˾ :Inventory Company Control >˾ :Inventory Control > :Inventory Control Manager >ƾ :Inventory Control Record >库存控制记录 :Inventory Copy Notes >ע :Inventory Copy stock codes to new wh >²ֿĴƿ :Inventory Cost Analysis Query >ɱѯ :Inventory Cost Percentage Change >ɱٷֱȱ仯 :Inventory Cost U/M Conversion >ɱ U/M ת :Inventory Cost U/m >ɱ U/m :Inventory Cost U/m for Stock U/m >λĴɱλ :Inventory Cost Unit of Measure >ɱλ :Inventory Cost Unit of Measure Maintenan >λά :Inventory Cost Uom >ɱλ :Inventory Cost Uom for Stock Uom >λĴɱλ :Inventory Cost change > :Inventory Cost change e.net >ɱ e.net :Inventory Cost modification >ɱ޸ :Inventory Cost modification e.net >ɱ޸ e.net :Inventory Cost/Purch Price List >ɱɹ۸б :Inventory Current Year Open/Closed >浱ǰȿţر :Inventory Distribution > :Inventory Distribution Business Object >ҵ :Inventory Distribution Query >ѯ :Inventory Distribution Report >䱨 :Inventory Document >ļ :Inventory Document Format >ļʽ :Inventory Document Format Alignment in Progress >ִпļʽ :Inventory Document Format Printing in Progress >ִпļʽӡ :Inventory Document Numbers >ļ :Inventory Document Print >ļӡ :Inventory Document Print Serial Trans >ĵӡϵת :Inventory Document Print Transaction >ĵӡ :Inventory Document Print in Progress >ִпļӡ :Inventory Documents >ļ :Inventory Documents Query >ĵѯ :Inventory Expense issue >ǩ :Inventory Expense issue e.net >ǩ e.net :Inventory FIFO Journal Report > FIFO ռ˱ :Inventory FIFO file >Ƚȳ(FIFO)ļ :Inventory FIFO/LIFO > FIFO/LIFO :Inventory FREE Stock Report >ѿ汨 :Inventory Families & Groupings >ϵ :Inventory Families and Groupings >ϵ :Inventory Forecasting >Ԥ :Inventory Foreign Prices >۸ :Inventory Foreign Purchase Prices >ɹ۸ :Inventory Foreign curency price added >ӵĴҼ۸ :Inventory Foreign curency price changed >ĵĴҼ۸ :Inventory Foreign curency price deleted >ɾĴҼ۸ :Inventory G/L Distribution >ܷʷ :Inventory G/L Distribution Report >G/L䱨 :Inventory G/L Interface > (G/L) :Inventory G/L Interface Missing Entries > (G/L) 涪ʧ :Inventory GIT Lot Numbers > GIT κ :Inventory GIT Serial Numbers > GIT ϵк :Inventory GIT Transfers in >˻ (GIT) ת :Inventory GIT Transfers in e.net >˻ (GIT) ת e.net :Inventory GIT Transfers out >˻ (GIT) ת :Inventory GIT Transfers out e.net >˻ (GIT) ת e.net :Inventory GL Distribution > GL :Inventory GL Distribution Report > GL 䱨 :Inventory GL Integration > GL :Inventory GL Integration Update > GL ϸ :Inventory GL Interface > GL :Inventory GL Interface Missing Entries > GL 涪ʧĿ :Inventory GRN GL Integration > GRN GL :Inventory GRN Suspense >ջ(GRN) :Inventory GRN's in Inspection >еĴջ(GRN) :Inventory General Ledger Distribution Report >ܷʷ䱨 :Inventory Goods in Inspection >еĴ :Inventory Goods in Inspection Offsite >ֳеĴ :Inventory Goods in Inspection Query >ѯеĴ :Inventory Goods in Transit Query >ѯеĴ :Inventory Graph >ͼ :Inventory Grn GL Integration update > Grn GL ϸ :Inventory Immediate transfers >ֱת :Inventory Immediate transfers e.net >ֱת e.net :Inventory Index On Stock Take By Ticket >ȯĴ̵ :Inventory Initial Aged Valuation > :Inventory Initial Sales Quantity History >ʷ¼ :Inventory Inspection Control > :Inventory Inspection Detail >ϸ :Inventory Inspection Document >ļ :Inventory Inspection Document Browse >ĵ :Inventory Inspection Document Serials >ĵϵ :Inventory Inspection Documents >ĵ :Inventory Integration update >ϸ :Inventory Interface Entries >Ŀ :Inventory Interface Missing Entries >涪ʧ :Inventory Issues >ǩ :Inventory Journal >ռ :Inventory Journal - reset lowest unprocessed journal >ռ - λͶδռ :Inventory Journal Control >ռ˿ :Inventory Journal Detail >ռϸ :Inventory Journal Details >ռϸ :Inventory Journal Header Zoom >ռʱͷ :Inventory Journal Report >ʱ :Inventory Journal Summary Details >ռժҪϸ :Inventory Journal Summary Entries >ռժҪĿ :Inventory Journal Zoom >ռ :Inventory Kardex Query > Kardex ѯ :Inventory Kardex Report >Kardex :Inventory Label Format >ǩʽ :Inventory Label Options >ǩѡ :Inventory Label Print >ǩӡ :Inventory Labels >ǩ :Inventory Ledger Interface >ʽ :Inventory Ledger Interface Control >˽ :Inventory Ledger Interface Detail >˽ϸ :Inventory Ledger Interface Listing >ʽб :Inventory Ledger Interface Listing in Progress >ִпʽб :Inventory Ledger Interface Maintenance >ʽά :Inventory List of GL Interface Entries > (GL) б :Inventory List of Stock Codes Available >ôб :Inventory List of Warehouses >ֿб :Inventory Mass & Volume Report > :Inventory Master Report >˱ :Inventory Master UOM >˼λ :Inventory Master by Supplier >Ӧ̵Ĵ :Inventory Minimum Quantity Calculation > :Inventory Month End >տ :Inventory Month-end Completed >已完成月终存货 :Inventory Movement > :Inventory Movement Query >䶯ѯ :Inventory Movement Report >䶯 :Inventory Movement Report in Progress >ִп䶯 :Inventory Movement Zoom >䶯 :Inventory Movements >䶯 :Inventory Movements (Adjust/Physical) >䶯ʵ壩 :Inventory Movements (Backflushing) >䶯壩 :Inventory Movements (Bin Transfers) >䶯תƣ :Inventory Movements (Cost Changes) >䶯ɱ仯 :Inventory Movements (Cost Modifications) >䶯ɱ޸ģ :Inventory Movements (Expense Issues) >䶯ǩ :Inventory Movements (GIT WH Xfers OUT) >䶯˻(GIT)ֿת :Inventory Movements (GIT Wh XFers IN) >䶯˻(GIT)ֿת룩 :Inventory Movements (Receipts) >䶯ջ :Inventory Movements (WH Xfers IN) >䶯ֿת룩 :Inventory Movements (WH Xfers OUT/IMM) >䶯ֿתIMM :Inventory Movements - Transaction Date >Inventory Movements - Transaction Date :Inventory Movements for Stock Code >䶯 :Inventory Multiple Bins > :Inventory Narrations Detail >ϸ :Inventory Narrations Header >ҳü :Inventory Notation List >ű :Inventory Notations >ע :Inventory Notations List >עб :Inventory Notations Query >עͲѯ :Inventory Notes >ע :Inventory On-line Document >ļ :Inventory On-line Inspection Document >ĵ :Inventory Optimization >Ż :Inventory Optimization (IO) Conversion >Ż (IO) ת :Inventory Optimization Conversion >Żת :Inventory Optimization Setup >Ż :Inventory Override on inventory cost variance >ɱ췶Χ :Inventory Period End >ĩ :Inventory Physical Unit >λ :Inventory Physical count e.net > e.net :Inventory Planner >ƻԱ :Inventory Planner Maintenance >ƻԱά :Inventory Planners >ƻԱ :Inventory Planners Maintenance >ƻԱά :Inventory Planning >ƻ :Inventory Posting to previous period >һڵĴ :Inventory Previous Year Open/Closed >ǰȿţر :Inventory Price Cost % Change >۸ɱ :Inventory Price History >۸ʷ¼ :Inventory Price History Query >۸ʷ¼ѯ :Inventory Price History Report >۸ʷ¼ :Inventory Price History Report in Progress >ִп۸ʷ¼ :Inventory Price List >۸ :Inventory Price List Query >۸бѯ :Inventory Price Maintenance >۸ά :Inventory Price added >ӵĴ۸ :Inventory Price changed >ĵĴ۸ :Inventory Price deleted >ɾĴ۸ :Inventory Price/Cost % Change >۸񣯳ɱ%仯 :Inventory Pricing > :Inventory Pricing Maintenance >۸ά :Inventory Print Totals >ӡϼ :Inventory Purchasing Work Sheet >ɹҵ :Inventory Purchasing Work Sheet Query >ɹҵѯ :Inventory Purge Completed >已完成库存清除 :Inventory Qty Discounts >ۿ :Inventory Quantity Discount Breaks >ۿ۷ :Inventory Quantity Discount Maintenance >ۿά :Inventory Quantity Discounts >ۿ :Inventory Quantity Discounts Maintenance >ۿά :Inventory Quantity discounts added >ӵĴۿ :Inventory Quantity discounts changed >ĵĴۿ :Inventory Quantity discounts deleted >ɾĴۿ :Inventory Query >ѯ :Inventory Query (Parent) >ѯĸʣ :Inventory Query of LIFO FIFO Bins > LIFO FIFO ѯ :Inventory Query of LIFO/FIFO Bins > LIFO/FIFO λѯ :Inventory Reallocate Qty on Order Field >ֶϵĴ· :Inventory Reallocation of on Order Quantity >· :Inventory Receipt >վ :Inventory Receipt e.net >վ e.net :Inventory Receipts >վ :Inventory Reference GIT Query >ο GIT ѯ :Inventory Reporting Query >ѯ :Inventory Sales Orders >۶ :Inventory Sales Quantity History >ʷ¼ :Inventory Sales Quantity History Take-on >ʷ¼ʵʩ :Inventory Selling Price History >ۼۼ¼ :Inventory Selling Price List >ۼ۸ :Inventory Selling Prices >ۼ۸ :Inventory Selling Prices By Date >ڵۼ :Inventory Serial Component Tracking >ϵв׷ :Inventory Serial Cross Ref >ϵжղο :Inventory Serial Cross Reference >ϵжղο :Inventory Serial Cross Reference file created successfully >已成功创建存货系列对照参考文件 :Inventory Serial Entry for Inspection >ϵ :Inventory Serial Number Maintenance >ϵкά :Inventory Serial Number Posting >ϵк :Inventory Serial Number Query >ϵкѯ :Inventory Serial Tracking >ϵ׷ :Inventory Serial Tracking Balance >ϵиƽ :Inventory Serial Tracking Balance Query >ϵиƽѯ :Inventory Serial Tracking Browse >ϵи :Inventory Serial Tracking Detail >ϵ׷ :Inventory Serial Tracking Header >ϵ׷ҳü :Inventory Serial Tracking Maintenance >ϵкά :Inventory Serials in Inspection >еĴϵ :Inventory Setup > :Inventory Site >վ :Inventory Site Setup Business Object >վҵ :Inventory Site Type >վ :Inventory Site Type Setup Business Objec >վҵ :Inventory Stock Code Copy >븴 :Inventory Stock Code Delete >ɾ :Inventory Stock Code Maintenance >ά :Inventory Stock Code Notes Selection >עѡ :Inventory Stock Code Unit of Measure >λ :Inventory Stock Code Unit of Measures >λ :Inventory Stock Codes > :Inventory Stock Issues >ǩ :Inventory Stock Master Amendment Journal >޶ռ :Inventory Stock Receipts >ջ :Inventory Stock Take >̵ :Inventory Stock Take Add Lots >̵ :Inventory Stock Take Add Serials >̵ϵ :Inventory Stock Take By Ticket Number >ȯĴ̵ :Inventory Stock Take Cancellation >̵ȡ :Inventory Stock Take Capture >̵㲶׽ :Inventory Stock Take Capture by Stock >̵㲶 :Inventory Stock Take Confirmation >̵ȷ :Inventory Stock Take Exception >̵ :Inventory Stock Take Exception Report >̵ⱨ :Inventory Stock Take Exception Report in Progress >ִп̵ⱨ :Inventory Stock Take Form Print >̵ӡ :Inventory Stock Take Import >̵㵼 :Inventory Stock Take Lots >̵ :Inventory Stock Take Lots Captured >已捕获存货盘点批次 :Inventory Stock Take Query >̵ѯ :Inventory Stock Take Query by Bin >λĴ̵ѯ :Inventory Stock Take Query by Stock Cod >Ĵ̵ѯ :Inventory Stock Take Query by Stock Code >Ĵ̵ѯ :Inventory Stock Take Query by Ticket >ȯĴ̵ѯ :Inventory Stock Take Query(Uncaptured qt >̵㣨δ :Inventory Stock Take Report By Stock >Ĵ̵㱨 :Inventory Stock Take Selection >̵ѡ :Inventory Stock Take Serials >̵ϵ :Inventory Stock Take Serials Captured >Ѳ׽Ĵ̵ϵ :Inventory Stock Take Ticket Doc Query >̵ȯĵѯ :Inventory Stock Take Ticket Format >̵Ʊ֤ʽ :Inventory Stock Take Tickets >̵ȯ :Inventory Stock Take Uncaptured Qtys >̵δ׽ :Inventory Stock Take Update >̵ :Inventory Stock Take Variance >̵ :Inventory Stock Take Variance Query >̵ѯ :Inventory Stock Take Variance Report >̵ :Inventory Stock Take by Ticket Query >ȯѯĴ̵ :Inventory Stock Transfers Out >ת :Inventory Stock Warehouse add multiple >ֿӶ :Inventory Stock Warehouse added >ӵĴֿ :Inventory Stock Warehouse changed >ĵĴֿ :Inventory Stock Warehouse deleted >ɾĴֿ :Inventory Stock adjustment > :Inventory Stock adjustment e.net > e.net :Inventory Stock code On Hold Maintenance >ά :Inventory Stock code added >ӵĴ :Inventory Stock code changed >ĵĴ :Inventory Stock code deleted >ɾĴ :Inventory Stock/Warehouse Maintenance >棯ֿά :Inventory Superceded / Clearing Stock > :Inventory Superceded/Clearing Stock > :Inventory Superseded / Clearing Stock > :Inventory Superseded Clearing Stock > :Inventory Superseded/Clearing Stock >/ :Inventory Superseded/Clearing Stock Report > :Inventory Superseded/Clearing Stock Report in Progress >ִп :Inventory Supplier Cross-reference >湩Ӧ̶ղο :Inventory Time Fences >ʱդ :Inventory Transfer For FIFO/LIFO > FIFO/LIFO ת :Inventory Transfer Out >ת :Inventory Transfers Out >ת :Inventory Turnover >Ӫҵ :Inventory Type > :Inventory Unit of Measure Maintenance >λά :Inventory Units Of Measure >λ :Inventory Update Error >´ :Inventory Valuation > :Inventory Valuation (Current costing method) >ۣǰɱ㷽 :Inventory Valuation (FIF0) >ۣȽȳ(FIF0) :Inventory Valuation (Last costing method) >ۣһɱ㷽 :Inventory Valuation (Warehouse costing method) >ֿۣɱ㷽 :Inventory Valuation At A Glance (Current costing method) >ֵ (ǰɱ㷽) :Inventory Valuation At A Glance (FIFO) >ֵ (FIFO) :Inventory Valuation At A Glance (Last costing method) >ֵ (ijɱ㷽) :Inventory Valuation At A Glance (Warehouse costing method) >ֵ (ֿɱ㷽) :Inventory Valuation Query >۲ѯ :Inventory Valuation Report >ֵ :Inventory Valuation Totals >ۺϼ :Inventory Valuation in Progress >ִп :Inventory View Periods >鿴 :Inventory W/h Exception Report in Progress >ִп汣쳣 :Inventory Warehouse Activity Query >ֿѯ :Inventory Warehouse Amendment Journal >ֿ޶ռ :Inventory Warehouse Area >ֿ :Inventory Warehouse Area Maintenance >ֿά :Inventory Warehouse Areas >ֿ :Inventory Warehouse Bin Maintenance >ֿά :Inventory Warehouse Bin Type Maintenance >ֿά :Inventory Warehouse Bin Types >ֿ :Inventory Warehouse Bins >ֿ :Inventory Warehouse Bins for Warehouse >ֿĴֿ :Inventory Warehouse Control >ֿ :Inventory Warehouse Exception >ֿ :Inventory Warehouse Exception Query >ֿѯ :Inventory Warehouse Exception Report >ֿ쳣 :Inventory Warehouse Maintenance >ֿά :Inventory Warehouse Validation >ֿ֤ :Inventory Warehouse trans out/no destination e.net >ֿת/Ŀĵ e.net :Inventory Warehouse transfers in >ֿת :Inventory Warehouse transfers in e.net >ֿת e.net :Inventory Warehouse transfers out >ֿת :Inventory Warehouse transfers out e.net >ֿת e.net :Inventory Warehouse transfers out/no destination >ֿת/Ŀĵ :Inventory Warehouses >ֿ :Inventory Warehouses for Stock Codes >Ĵֿ :Inventory Wh Exception Report in Progress >ڽдֿⱨ :Inventory Wh xfer In/Out/Imm & GIT Imm >ֿת룯תֱӺ˻(GIT)ֱ :Inventory What-if Costs >ɱ :Inventory Where-Referenced Query >οѯ :Inventory Year End >տ :Inventory action >涯 :Inventory actions >涯 :Inventory add stock code >ӿ :Inventory adjustments > :Inventory and A/R differ by one month. Do you wish to continue ? >存货和 A/R 按一个月有所不同。您希望继续吗? :Inventory and A/R differ by one month. Do you wish to continue? >A/Rһ¡ϣ :Inventory and A/R periods differ by > 1 month >Ӧʿ(A/R)>1 :Inventory and AR differ by one month. Do you wish to continue? > AR һͬϣ? :Inventory and Accounts Receivable differ by one month. Do you wish to continue? >Ӧʿһ¡ϣ :Inventory and GRN >漰GRN :Inventory and Sales Movements >۱仯 :Inventory at a Glance >һ :Inventory backflushing > :Inventory backflushing not allowed >淴 :Inventory balance recalc current cost (FIFO) >ƽ¼㵱ǰɱ (ȳ) (FIFO) :Inventory bin transfers >ת :Inventory by Bin >Ĵ :Inventory by Stock Code / Bin >룯Ĵ :Inventory by Stock Code/Bin >/Ĵ :Inventory by Supplier >Ӧ̵Ĵ :Inventory by Warehouse / Bin >ֿ⣯Ĵ :Inventory by Warehouse/Bin >ֿ/Ĵ :Inventory change stock code >Ŀ :Inventory company control record not found >δҵ湫˾Ƽ¼ :Inventory control module not installed >δװģ :Inventory control record not found >δҵƼ¼ :Inventory cost >ɱ :Inventory cost modifications >ɱά :Inventory cost to be held in a unit of measure other than stocked >ɱijλѽɱ :Inventory cost to be held in u/m other than stocked >ɱԼλѽ :Inventory costs >ɱ :Inventory costs that have been entered using the cost u/m facility will now be incorrect, causing inventory valuations to give invalid results. Do you wish to continue? >óɱλʩĿɱȷ¿ƽ۽Чϣ :Inventory delete stock code >ɾ :Inventory dispatched but not invoiced control account '%1' not defined/found >δ壯δҵѷ˵δ߷Ʊ˻ '%1' :Inventory distribution entries > :Inventory distribution warehouse >ֿ :Inventory document receipts >ļվ :Inventory document serial number file >ļϵкļ :Inventory document transaction file >潻ļ :Inventory expense issues >ǩ :Inventory file company >ļ˾ :Inventory forecasting module not installed >δװԤģ :Inventory forecasting module not installed. >δװԤģ顣 :Inventory function >湦 :Inventory import > :Inventory in Transit >; :Inventory inspection file >ļ :Inventory inspection required >Ҫ :Inventory is not integrated to the General - no journal created >δϵ??δռ :Inventory is not integrated to the General Ledger - no journal created >δϵ??δռ :Inventory journal file >ռļ :Inventory journals >ռ :Inventory journals dated before >ڵĿռ :Inventory journals have already been posted. If you cancel now, non-merchandise distribution will not be posted. Do you still wish to cancel this transaction? >ռѹʡȡԷƷйʡϣȡ :Inventory journals must be output using a valid warehouse >ʹЧֿ :Inventory journals must be output using a valid warehouse code. Please enter a valid warehouse code to be used in the Inventory journal for this non-stocked item >ʹЧIJֿռˡΪ˷ǿĿڴռʹõЧֿ :Inventory journals to GRN entries >存货日记账到 GRN 条目 :Inventory label format has not yet been defined. Program cancelled >δǩʽȡ :Inventory ledger interface missing >ʽ涪ʧ :Inventory master >ļ :Inventory master file >ļ :Inventory movement record >䶯¼ :Inventory movement records according to date/number option >ڣѡĿ䶯¼ :Inventory movement records before >֮ǰĴ䶯¼ :Inventory movement required >Ҫ䶯 :Inventory movements for >仯ԭ :Inventory movements selection >䶯ѡ :Inventory multiple bin file >ļ :Inventory must be in same period as WIP >ִҵ(WIP)ͬ :Inventory narration setup > :Inventory narrations >˵ :Inventory non-stocked control account '%1' not defined/found >δ壯ҵǿ˻ '%1' :Inventory not installed >δװ :Inventory optimization processed >ѴŻ :Inventory options >ѡ :Inventory period is ahead of A/R period >ǰӦʿ(A/R) :Inventory period is ahead of AR period > AR :Inventory period is prior to A/R period >Ӧʿ(A/R)֮ǰ :Inventory period is prior to AR period > AR :Inventory physical count >ʵʼ :Inventory price >۸ :Inventory price code >۸ :Inventory prices >۸ :Inventory purge >库存清除 :Inventory recalc current cost (FIFO) >¼㵱ǰɱȳ(FIFO) :Inventory release of back orders >ڽǩ :Inventory release stock on partial hold >ǩ沿 :Inventory shared information >Ϣ :Inventory stock Code on Hold >Ĵ :Inventory stock adjustments > :Inventory stock cost changes >ɱ :Inventory transaction documents before >֮ǰĴĵ :Inventory transaction values >׼ֵ :Inventory transfer G/L interface missing >ת(G/L)涪ʧ :Inventory transfer GL interface missing >ת GL 涪ʧ :Inventory turnover days >Ӫҵ :Inventory turnover rate >Ӫҵ :Inventory value >ֵ :Inventory warehouse >ֿ :Inventory warehouse file >ֿļ :Inventory warehouse to use >ʹõĴֿ :Invert selections >תѡ :Investment >Ͷ :Investment allowance >Ͷʲ :Investment allowance % >Ͷۼ % :Investment allowance amount >Ͷۼ۽ :Investment in Subsidiary >˾Ͷ :Invisible lot > :Invoice >Ʊ :Invoice %1 >Ʊ%1 :Invoice & Payments >Ʊ븶 :Invoice '%1' already exists >Ʊ'%1' Ѵ :Invoice '%1' for sales order '%2' not found in reprint table >´ӡδҵ۶ '%2' ķƱ'%1' :Invoice '%1' has already been registered >Ʊ'%1' ע :Invoice '%1' not found >δҵƱ'%1' :Invoice - Comment Detail >Ʊ - ע :Invoice - Consolidated Dispatch Detail >Ʊ - ϲϸ :Invoice - Format %1 >Ʊ - ʽ %1 :Invoice - General Detail >Ʊ - һ :Invoice - Heading Fields >Ʊ - ֶ :Invoice - Lot traceability Detail >Ʊ - θϸ :Invoice - Miscellaneous Freight charges Detail >Ʊ - ˷ϸ :Invoice - Multiple Bin Detail >Ʊ - ϸ :Invoice - Sales Tax Detail >Ʊ - Ӫҵ˰ϸ :Invoice - Serial number tracking Detail >Ʊ - ϵкϸ :Invoice - Summary Service Charges Detail >Ʊ - շժҪϸ :Invoice - Total Fields >Ʊ - ϼֶ :Invoice - word >Ʊ - :Invoice / Delivery Notes >Ʊ :Invoice / Transfer >Ʊת :Invoice / Type / Terms >发票 / 类型 / 期限 :Invoice / transfer information >ƱתϢ :Invoice Age >Ʊ :Invoice Ageing >Ʊ :Invoice Ageing Graph >Ʊͼ :Invoice Ageing for Customer >ͻƱ :Invoice Aging Graph >Ʊͼ :Invoice Archive Viewer >Ʊ鿴 :Invoice Balance Take-on >Ʊе :Invoice Capture >Ʊ :Invoice Cost Element Details >ƱɱҪϸ :Invoice Credit & Debit Note Export Purg >发票贷方和借方票据导出清除 :Invoice Credit & Debit Note Export Purge >ƱͽƱݵ :Invoice Deductions >Ʊ۳ :Invoice Detail >Ʊϸ :Invoice Detail Messages >ƱϸϢ :Invoice Detail Section >Ʊϸ :Invoice Details >Ʊϸ :Invoice Discount Code >Ʊۿ۴ :Invoice Discount Details >Ʊۿϸ :Invoice Discounts >Ʊۿ :Invoice Element Details >ƱҪϸ :Invoice Entry >Ʊ :Invoice Filter >Ʊ :Invoice GP% >ƱGP% :Invoice GST >ƱͨӪҵ˰(GST) :Invoice Header >Ʊͷ :Invoice Id >ƱId :Invoice Information >ƱϢ :Invoice Line Information >ƱϢ :Invoice List >Ʊ :Invoice Maintenance >Ʊά :Invoice Message >ƱϢ :Invoice Messages >ƱϢ :Invoice Numbering >Ʊ :Invoice Payment >Ʊ :Invoice Payments >Ʊ :Invoice Posting >Ʊ¼ :Invoice Posting Entry >Ʊ :Invoice Posting Information >ƱϢ :Invoice Prev >ƱԤ :Invoice Preview in Progress >ִзƱԤ :Invoice Print/Fax/Email in Progress >ִзƱӡ淢ͣʼ :Invoice Processing >Ʊ :Invoice Purge Report >Ʊ :Invoice Quantity >Ʊ :Invoice Query by Sales Order >۶ķƱѯ :Invoice Recap >Ʊ :Invoice Recap in Progress >ִзƱ :Invoice Reference >Ʊο :Invoice Register >ƱǼ :Invoice Registration Report >Ʊעᱨ :Invoice Registration Report in Progress >ִзƱעᱨ :Invoice Registration System >ƱǼϵͳ :Invoice Reprint Password >Ʊ´ӡ :Invoice SRS >ƱSRS :Invoice Term >Ʊ :Invoice Terms >Ʊ :Invoice Terms Exceeded >ѳƱҪ :Invoice Terms Maintenance >Ʊά :Invoice Totals >Ʊϼ :Invoice Totals (Local Currency) >Ʊϼƣػң :Invoice Totals - Recalculation required >发票合计 - 要求重新计算 :Invoice Value Overflow >Ʊֵ :Invoice a customer based on work completed for a non-stocked job or raise an asset in suspense for a capex requisition line linked to the job >ݶԷǿ湤ɵĹͻ߷ƱΪӵʱ빺߹ʲ :Invoice address >Ʊַ :Invoice adjustment amount >Ʊ :Invoice age selection >Ʊѡ :Invoice ageing and Credit information >Ʊ估Ϣ :Invoice ageing method >Ʊ䷽ʽ :Invoice ageing selection >Ʊѡ :Invoice already exists >ƱѴ :Invoice already in table >ڱзƱ :Invoice already on file >ļеķƱ :Invoice already on hold >Ʊ :Invoice already on invoice file >发票文件已存在发票 :Invoice amount >Ʊ :Invoice amount is zero. Continue? >ƱΪ㡣Ҫ :Invoice and delivery notes >Ʊͽ :Invoice and dispatch notes >Ʊͷ :Invoice balance >Ʊ :Invoice balance %1 >Ʊ %1 :Invoice balance selection >Ʊѡ :Invoice branch not defined >未定义发票分支 :Invoice cancelled >ȡƱ :Invoice cannot be blank >ƱΪ :Invoice cannot be changed as it is not in an '%1' status >޷ķƱΪ '%1' ״̬ :Invoice cannot be placed on hold as a manual check is in process for the invoice >޷ƱΪΪڶԱƱִ˹ :Invoice cannot be placed on hold as a manual check is required >ΪҪֶ֧ƱɽƱڹ״̬ :Invoice cannot be placed on hold as a void check is in process for the invoice >޷ƱΪΪڶԱƱִЧ :Invoice cannot be printed >޷ӡƱ :Invoice comment code >Ʊע :Invoice cost >Ʊɱ :Invoice created >ѴƱ :Invoice created after posting month >·֮󴴽ķƱ :Invoice created selection >ѴƱѡ :Invoice credited >ѴǷƱ :Invoice currency conversion >Ʊת :Invoice customer >Ʊͻ :Invoice date >Ʊ :Invoice date (if entered) >Ʊڣ :Invoice date selection >Ʊѡ :Invoice day of the month >Ʊ :Invoice days >Ʊ :Invoice default >ĬϷƱ :Invoice discount >Ʊۿ :Invoice discount amount >Ʊۿ۽ :Invoice discount code not on file >Ʊۿ۴벻ļ :Invoice discount code selection >Ʊۿ۴ѡ :Invoice discount date >Ʊۿ :Invoice discount information >ƱۿϢ :Invoice display >Ʊʾ :Invoice due date >Ʊ :Invoice due days >Ʊ :Invoice due option >Ʊѡ :Invoice export purge >Ʊ :Invoice file >Ʊļ :Invoice fixed >̶Ʊ :Invoice for reprint dispatch >´ӡķƱ :Invoice format >Ʊʽ :Invoice found in register file >עļҵķƱ :Invoice from order >ԶķƱ :Invoice generated >ѴķƱ :Invoice has already been included in list >ƱѰб :Invoice has already been registered >Ʊע :Invoice has already been released >ǩƱ :Invoice has already been selected >ѡƱ :Invoice has been approved >Ʊ׼ :Invoice has been cancelled >Ʊȡ :Invoice has been released for payment >Ʊǩڸ :Invoice has been released on a different payment run >Ʊڲͬĸǩ :Invoice has been released to a different bank >Ʊǩͬ :Invoice has been released. Place invoice on hold? >ǩƱҪƱ :Invoice has been returned to supplier. Do you wish to continue with cancellation? >ѽƱ˻ظӦ̡ϣִȡ :Invoice has not been selected for release >δѡҪеķƱ :Invoice in a manual or void status >ֶЧ״̬ķƱ :Invoice index >Ʊ :Invoice information for check not on file >ҪķƱϢļ :Invoice is being processed with a manual cheque/check >Ʊֶ֧ͨƱд :Invoice is on hold >Ʊ :Invoice key >Ʊ :Invoice level >Ʊ :Invoice line discount >Ʊۿ :Invoice line discount code >Ʊۿ۴ :Invoice line discounts >Ʊۿ :Invoice line invalid - Multiple bins, lots or serials error >ƱЧ - ⡢λϵк :Invoice list maintenance >Ʊбά :Invoice manual print >Ʊֶӡ :Invoice months >Ʊ· :Invoice name and address >Ʊƺ͵ַ :Invoice no of months >Ʊ :Invoice not found. Do you wish to re-establish the invoice details? >δҵƱϣ½Ʊϸ :Invoice not found. Please re-enter >δҵƱ :Invoice not held in reprint file >δ´ӡļбķƱ :Invoice not numeric. Please re-enter >Ʊָʽ :Invoice not on file >ļвڵķƱ :Invoice not on file. If you continue, the credit note created will not be linked to an invoice number. Do you wish to continue? >ƱڡѴĴƱݽƱ롣ϣ :Invoice not on file. If you continue, the credit note created will not be linked to an invoice number. Do you wish to continue? >ƱڡĴƱݽ뷢Ʊϣ? :Invoice not on file. You can create a credit note with no invoice, or select an invoice to be linked. Ok to select an invoice? >Ʊڡɲ÷ƱƱݣѡҪӵķƱȷҪѡƱ? :Invoice not yet registered >δעᷢƱ :Invoice number >Ʊ :Invoice number '%1' already exists for customer '%2' >ͻ '%2' ķƱ '%1' Ѵ :Invoice number '%1' exists for customer '%2'. No invoice number allocated >客户 '%2' 的发票号码 '%1' 已存在。未分配任何发票号码 :Invoice number '%1' or invoice date '%2' not valid for order status '%3' >Ʊ '%1' Ʊ'%2' ڶ״̬ '%3' Ч :Invoice number (if entered) >Ʊ루 :Invoice number already on file >ƱѴ :Invoice number for credit note >ƱݷƱ :Invoice number highest o/due >Ʊع :Invoice number invalid >ƱЧ :Invoice number must be entered for type '%1' >Ϊ '%1' 뷢Ʊ :Invoice number must be supplied >ṩƱ :Invoice number not found >δҵƱ :Invoice number not found in the reprint file. Accept? >´ӡļδҵƱ롣Ҫ :Invoice number not numeric. Please re-enter >Ʊ벻͡ :Invoice number selection >Ʊѡ :Invoice numbering is defined by branch. Use the Branch Maintenance Setup program to define your next invoice number for each branch >ƱŰ֧塣ʹ÷֧άóΪÿһ֧һƱ :Invoice numbering is defined by branch. Use the Branch Maintenance Setup program to define your next invoice number for each branch >Ʊɷ֧塣ʹ÷֧άóÿһ֧һƱ :Invoice numbering method >Ʊŷ :Invoice on hold >ķƱ :Invoice options >Ʊѡ :Invoice payments file >Ʊļ :Invoice posting successfull >Ʊʳɹ :Invoice price >Ʊ۸ :Invoice printed dates for reprint >´ӡķƱӡ :Invoice profit >Ʊ :Invoice quantity fully credited >ȫǵķƱ :Invoice range incorrect >ƱΧȷ :Invoice ref >Ʊο :Invoice reg no./jnl no >Ʊע룯ռʺ :Invoice register line >Ʊע :Invoice register line number >ƱǼDzк :Invoice register number >Ʊע :Invoice reprint allowed >´ӡƱ :Invoice reprint dated before >֮ǰڵķƱ´ӡ :Invoice reprint record >Ʊ´ӡ¼ :Invoice returned to supplier >ѷӦ̵ķƱ :Invoice sales recap required >ҪƱ۸ :Invoice selection >Ʊѡ :Invoice sequenced by date >еķƱ :Invoice status >Ʊ״̬ :Invoice supplier >ƱӦ :Invoice tax >Ʊ˰ :Invoice tax rate % >Ʊ˰ % :Invoice terms code >Ʊ޴ :Invoice terms code '%1' not found >δҵƱ޴ '%1' :Invoice terms have been exceeded by >Ʊ :Invoice terms have been exceeded by %1 days >发票期限已超期 %1 天 :Invoice terms information >ƱϢ :Invoice terms invalid >ЧķƱ :Invoice terms may be exceeded if you save this order >如果您保存此订单,可能会超过发票期限 :Invoice terms not on file >Ʊļ :Invoice to pay >֧ķƱ :Invoice to reinstate >ָķƱ :Invoice total >Ʊϼ :Invoice total ( >Ʊϼƣ :Invoice total amount >Ʊϼ :Invoice totals need to be refreshed >需要刷新发票合计 :Invoice type >Ʊ :Invoice type message position >ƱϢλ :Invoice value >Ʊֵ :Invoice value is zero >ƱֵΪ :Invoice value not distributed >δ䷢Ʊֵ :Invoice value successfully distributed >ѳɹ䷢Ʊֵ :Invoice values >Ʊֵ :Invoice variance report >Ʊ仯 :Invoice whole order >Ʊ :Invoice whole order only >޷Ʊ :Invoice within branch >֧ڷƱ :Invoice within customer >ͻڷƱ :Invoice within geographic area >ڷƱ :Invoice within register no >ǼDzڷƱ :Invoice within salesperson >ۻԱڷƱ :Invoice, Cr and Dr Note Export Criteria >Ʊͽ跽Ʊݵ׼ :Invoice, Cr and Dr Notes Exported >ѵƱͽ跽Ʊ :Invoice, Credit & Debit Note Export >Ʊͽ跽Ʊݵ :Invoice, Credit and Debit Note Export >Ʊͽ跽Ʊݵ :Invoice, Credit and Debit Note Export Criteria >Ʊͽ跽Ʊݵ׼ :Invoice, Credit and Debit note Export in Progress >ִзƱͽ跽Ʊݵ :Invoice/Delivery Notes >Ʊ/ :Invoice/Journal >Ʊ/ռ :Invoice/Transfer >Ʊ/ת :Invoice/Transfer Numbers >Ʊ/ת˱ :Invoice/Transfer details >发票/转账明细 :Invoice/sales order no longer on file >Ʊ۶Ѳ :Invoice/transfer information >Ʊ/תϢ :InvoiceValue >InvoiceValue :Invoiced >ѿƱ :Invoiced charge flag >߷Ʊշѱ :Invoiced order >߷ƱĶ :Invoices >Ʊ :Invoices & Payments >Ʊ :Invoices Capture >Ʊ :Invoices Created >已创建发票 :Invoices Paid by Check >֧Ʊ֧ķƱ :Invoices Released for Payment >ǩڸķƱ :Invoices Released for Payment for Bank >ΪиеķƱ :Invoices Selected for Payment >ΪѡķƱ :Invoices analysed by branch >֧ķƱ :Invoices analyzed by branch >֧ķƱ :Invoices and payments >Ʊ븶 :Invoices attached to >Ʊ :Invoices cannot be printed as the current month for Inventory is different to that for Accounts Receivable >Ʊ޷ӡΪĵǰ·ݲͬӦʿĵǰ· :Invoices cannot be printed as the current month for Inventory is prior to that for A/R >޷ӡƱΪĵǰ·A/Rĵǰ· :Invoices cannot be printed as the current month for Inventory is prior to that for AR >޷ӡƱΪĵǰ· AR · :Invoices cannot be printed as the current month for Inventory is prior to that for Accounts Receivable >Ʊ޷ӡΪĵǰ·Ӧʿĵǰ· :Invoices cannot be selected for printing as Inventory and A/R differ by more than one month or are in different years >޷ѡӡƱΪA/Rһϣֱڲͬ :Invoices cannot be selected for printing as Inventory and Accounts Receivable differ by more than one month or are in different years >޷ѡӡƱΪӦʿһϣֱڲͬ :Invoices for Customer >ͻƱ :Invoices for Payment Run >зƱ :Invoices for all Customers >пͻķƱ :Invoices for this Customer-Supplier have been selected for contra. Please deselect the invoices first >Ϊͬѡ˿ͻ-Ӧ̵ķƱȡѡƱ :Invoices for this Customer/Supplier have been selected for contra. Please unselect the invoices first >˿ͻ/Ӧ̵ķƱѡںͬȡѡƱ :Invoices in local currency at entry time >输入时的当地货币发票 :Invoices received >յķƱ :Invoices received/approved >յ׼ķƱ :Invoices sequenced by date >еķƱ :Invoices set to >ƱΪ :Invoices to Review >˵ķƱ :Invoices to reprint >´ӡķƱ :Invoices to round >ȡķƱ :Invoicing >߷Ʊ :Invoicing ageing method by Statement or Aged statement, require that the columns be set divisible by '%1' . Column %2 may be "999" >䱨ķƱ䷽ҪΪɱ '%1' %2 Ϊ "999" :Invoicing ageing method by Statement or Aged statement, require that the columns be set divisible by '30' . Column 5 may be \"999\" >͹ڱķƱڷҪΪ'30'ָ5Ϊ\"999\" :Invoke supply request >ùӦ :Invoked by program >ɳõ :Is cash drawer on same port as the printer >ֽƱӡͬһ˿ :Is serialised >Ϊϵл :Is this allocation complete? >ɱ :Is this amount tax flag >˽˰Ƿ :Is this container a carrier >dz :Is this material allocation now complete? >ɱϵķ :Is this okay? > :Is this purchase order line now complete? >ɱɹ :Is this sales order line now complete? >Ƿɴ۶? :Isam >Isam :Isam field >Isam 字段 :Isometric > :Iss - Issue to work in progress >ǩ - ǩڽеĹ :Iss. date >ͷ :Issue >ǩ :Issue Amount to a WIP Job >ǩ WIP :Issue %1 >ǩ %1 :Issue Preview in Progress >ڽǩԤ :Issue SQL Delete %1 >ǩ SQL ɾ %1 :Issue SQL Delete 1 >ǩSQLɾ1 :Issue SQL Update %1 >ǩ SQL %1 :Issue SQL Update 1 >ǩSQL1 :Issue SQL Update 2 >ǩSQL2 :Issue SQL Update 3 >ǩSQL3 :Issue SQL Update 4 >ǩSQL4 :Issue Transaction >ǩ :Issue Value to Job >ǩֵ :Issue all component parts and labor allocations to a confirmed job >ǩвͶ䵽ȷϹ :Issue and Transfers >ǩת :Issue back to job >ͷŻҵ :Issue date >ǩ :Issue details >ǩϸ :Issue direct to job >ֱǩҵ :Issue documents set to >ǩļΪ :Issue for multiple lots not allowed >Ϊǩ :Issue from '%1' > '%1'ǩ :Issue from 'warehouse to use' >ӡòֿ⡱ǩ :Issue job >ǩҵ :Issue labor to maximum outstanding >未完成签发劳动力至最大值 :Issue line >ǩ :Issue line number >ǩб :Issue material scrap >ǩϱ :Issue material scrap automatically >Զ :Issue material to maximum outstanding >δɲ? :Issue negative allocations >ǩ :Issue negative allocations only >ǩ :Issue non-stocked materials >ǩǿ :Issue number >ͷź :Issue or transfer items from warehouses to satisfy stores requisitions >ӲֿǩתĿ̵빺 :Issue positive allocations >签发正分配 :Issue positive allocations only when material queued for operation >ϳڲʱǩ :Issue progressive scrap >ǩ𲽱 :Issue progressive scrap automatically >ԶۼƷƷ :Issue quantity exceeds outstanding quantity >ǩδ :Issue quantity must be negative >ǩΪ :Issue quantity must be positive >ǩΪ :Issue quantity must positive >ǩΪ :Issue scrap >Ʒ :Issue scrap automatically >ԶǩƷ :Issue subcontract labor >ǩί˹ :Issue to Job >ǩҵ :Issue to Outstanding >ǩδ :Issue to WIP >ǩڽҵ (WIP) :Issue to Work in Progress >ǩ :Issue to job? >Ҫǩҵ :Issue to master job >ǩҵ :Issue to this Job >ǩҵ :Issue warehouse >ǩֿ :Issued >ǩ :Issued run >ǩ :Issued setup >ǩ :Issued startup >ǩ :Issued teardown >ǩIJ :Issued to >ǩ :Issued to job >ǩҵ :Issues >ǩ :Issues & Transfers only >ǩת :Issues - Heading Fields >ǩ - ֶ :Issues - Labor >ǩ - Ͷ :Issues - Material >ǩ - :Issues - Operations >ǩ - :Issues - Subcontract >ǩ - ְͬ :Issues Archive Viewer >ǩ鿴 :Issues for Lot >Ϊǩ :Issues for Serial >Ϊϵǩ :Issues for Serials >ϵǩ :Issues for multiple lots not allowed >Ϊǩ :Issues from Multiple Lots >Ӷǩ :Issues from WIP >ڽеҵͷ :Issues from multiple lots allowed >Ӷǩ :Issues from multiple lots are not permitted for this stock code therefore the lot must be the same as the lot already reserved for this allocation >ڸÿ벻Ӷǩ˸αΪͬ :Issues from multiple lots not allowed >Ӷǩ :Issues from multiple lots not permitted for this stock code. Subsequently, you must either allocate the entire quantity or cancel the allocations that you have already made >ڴ˿룬Ӷǩˣȫȡķ :Issues not allowed from multiple lots >Ӷǩ :Issues only >ǩ :Issues posted >ʵǩ :Issues value >ǩֵ :It contains details of the tables, columns and logical links between them >Լ֮߼عϵϸ :It is essential that period-end and year-end dates are correct as these will be used >ڽںȽȷʮֹؼΪЩڽ :It is invalid to consolidate brought-forward customers as you have selected to age invoices by invoice due date. Use the A/R setup program to maintain these options >ϲǰͻЧ,Ϊѡ񰴷ƱչڷƱʹA/RóάЩѡ :It is not valid to add a branch with a value of spaces >Կհ׵ļֵӷ֧Ч :Italian > :Italic >б :Italic (Ctrl+T) >б(Ctrl+T) :Italics >б :Item >Ʒ :Item Height >Ŀ߶ :Item Margins >Ŀ߾ :Item Selection >Ŀѡ :Item Sold >Ŀ :Item Type >Ŀ :Item Width >Ŀ :Item based >ڻƷ :Item details >Ŀϸ :Item is already in the list >Ŀб :Item key >ĿԿ :Item not stocked in entered warehouse >IJֿĿ޿ :Item not stocked in this warehouse >ڸòֿĿ޿ :Item to make >Ŀ :Item types >Ŀ :Item value >Ŀֵ :Item value budget available >õĿֵԤ :Item value committed >ŵĿֵ :Item value spent >ѵĿֵ :Item value uncommitted >δŵĿֵ :Items >Ŀ :Items at service depot >άĿ :Items in service >еĻƷ :Items marked * are still in inspection >*ĿԴڼ :Items matched >ƥĿ :Items not captured >δ׽Ŀ :Items not in a sub folder will not be published >ļеĿͷ :Items on hold >Ŀݻ :Items on loan >Ŀ :Items read >ѶĿ :Items with Late Supplies >ڹӦĿ :Items with late supplies only >ӦĿ :Items with late supply only >޾߱ڹӦĿ :Items with no ABC classification >ABCĻƷ :Items with suggested supplies only >鹩ӦĿ :Items(s) >Ŀ :J - Minimum of pan >J - С :Jan >һ :Jan %1 >һ %1 :January >һ :Japanese > :Japanese Yen >Ԫ :Jnl >ռ :Jnl Line >ռ :Jnl date > :Jnl no >ռʺ :Jnl/Reg >/Ǽ :Jnl/Reg no >/ǼǺ :Jnls & printed G/L distribution entries dated before >֮ǰռʼӡG/L :Jnls & printed GL distr entries before >֮ǰռ˺ʹӡ GL Ŀ :Jnls current year >ǰռ :Jnls previous year >һռ :Job >ҵ :Job %1 cannot be changed for an existing schedule >ɸʱҵ %1 :Job %1 cannot be changed for an existing schedule. >Ϊʱҵ %1 :Job %1 is not a sub job >ҵ %1 ҵ :Job '%1' created for sales order '%2' >Ϊ۶ '%2' ҵ '%1' :Job '%1' is a hierarchical job >ҵ '%1' Dzҵ :Job '%1' is a sub contract job >ҵ '%1' תͬҵ :Job '%1' is complete >ҵ '%1' :Job '%1' is confirmed >ҵ '%1' ȷ :Job '%1' is not a hierarchical job >ҵ '%1' Dzҵ :Job '%1' is scheduled >Ŷҵ '%1' :Job '%1' may not be linked to a sales order >ҵ '%1' ۶ :Job '%1' may not be linked to a sales order. >ҵ '%1' ۶ :Job '%1' not confirmed >ҵ '%1' δȷ :Job - Employee > - Ա :Job - Machine >- :Job - Operation > - :Job - Work center > - :Job Actions >ҵж :Job Actions Report >ҵ :Job Allocation Details >ϸ :Job Allocation Totals >ҵϼ :Job Allocations >ҵ :Job Allocations Graph >ҵͼ :Job Allocations details >ϸ :Job Browse > :Job Browser >ҵ :Job Cancellation >ҵȡ :Job Class >ҵȼ :Job Class Maintenance >ҵȼά :Job Class Selection >ҵȼѡ :Job Classes >ҵ :Job Classification List Selection >бѡ :Job Classification Maintenance >ҵά :Job Closure >ҵ :Job Complete Password >ҵ :Job Component Lots > :Job Confirmation >ҵȷ :Job Confirmation Review >ҵȷϼ :Job Confirmed >ȷϵҵ :Job Copied >Ѹҵ :Job Cost Comparison >ɱȽ :Job Cost Report >ɱ :Job Costs >ҵɱ :Job Costs Query >ҵɱѯ :Job Costs for Job >ҵҵɱ :Job Created >Ѵҵ :Job Creation > :Job Creation Import >봴ҵ :Job Creation and Maintenance >ҵά :Job Custom Form Fields >ҵƱֶ :Job Dates >ҵ :Job Detail Line Bins >ҵϸĿλ :Job Detail Line Lots >ҵϸ :Job Detail Line Serials >ҵϸк :Job Details >ҵ :Job Details for Job >ҵҵϸ :Job Entry >ҵ :Job Entry Details >Ŀϸ :Job Error >ҵ :Job Graph >ҵͼ :Job Header >ҵҳü :Job Header Information >ҳüϢ :Job Header Locked >ҵҳü :Job Hierarchy >ҵ :Job Id > Id :Job Information >ҵϢ :Job Issues >ҵǩ :Job Issues Lot, Multiple Bin and Serial Number Allocations >ǩҵλк :Job Labor Postings >Ͷ :Job Linked to Sales Order >۶ӵҵ :Job List Selection >ҵѡ :Job Logging >ҵ¼ :Job Logging Details >ҵ :Job Logging Printing in Progress >ڽҵӡ :Job Logging Purge >־ :Job Logging Query >־ѯ :Job Logging Setup >־ :Job Maintenance >ҵά :Job Material Allocations >Ϸ :Job Material Postings >Ϸ :Job Name > :Job Notepad >± :Job Number >ҵ :Job Numbering Method >ҵŷ :Job Operation Allocations > :Job Posting >ҵ :Job Posting Details >ҵ :Job Postings >ҵ¼ :Job Progress >ҵ :Job Progress Report >ҵչ :Job Progress Report in Progress >ִҵȱ :Job Quantity > :Job Query >ҵѯ :Job Quick View >ҵٲ鿴 :Job Receipts >վ :Job Receipts - Transaction Date >ҵջ - :Job Reserved Lots (Components) > () :Job Reserved Lots (Parent) > () :Job Reserved Serials (Comp.) >ϵ () :Job Reserved Serials (Parent) >ϵ () :Job Review >ҵ :Job Scheduling Export >ҵȼƻ :Job Search > :Job Selection >ҵѡ :Job Setup > :Job Status >ҵ״̬ :Job Step Options >ѡ :Job Structure >ṹ :Job Totals >ҵϼ :Job Tracking >׷ :Job Transaction >ҵ :Job Transaction Report >ҵױ :Job Transaction Report in Progress >ִҵױ :Job Updated >Ѹҵ :Job Variance >ҵ䶯 :Job WIP Booked >ԤĹ WIP :Job WIP value > WIP ֵ :Job Zoom >ҵ :Job alloc >工作分配 :Job allocs for >䣬 :Job allocs hold flag >工作分配保留标记 :Job already cancelled >ҵȡ :Job already completed. Do you wish to continue? >ҵɡϣ :Job already created >Ѵҵ :Job already entered >ҵ :Job already exists >ҵѴ :Job already on file >ҵѴ :Job already updated >Ѹµҵ :Job assigned >ѷɵҵ :Job being created. Please wait >ڴҵȴ :Job cannot be created for a phantom, planning bill or kit type item >Ϊ顢ƻʵ򹤾߰Ŀҵ :Job card >ҵ :Job class access denied >Ѿܾ :Job class not on file >ҵ𲻴 :Job classification >ҵ :Job classification '%1' not found >δҵҵּ '%1' :Job classification description > :Job classification filter > :Job classification required >Ҫҵ :Job classification selection >ҵѡ :Job classification totals >ϼ :Job classification, job >ࡢ :Job classifications > :Job closure flag >رձ :Job complete >ҵ :Job complete date > :Job completed flag >ҵɱ־ :Job completion date > :Job completion date selection >ҵѡ :Job create errors > :Job created with struct seq >Խṹ˳򴴽ҵ :Job creation for notional part >ҵ :Job creation options >ҵѡ :Job criteria >׼ :Job defined in p/order >ڲɹеҵ :Job deleivery date > :Job delivery >ҵ :Job delivery date >ҵ :Job delivery date '%1' will not satisfy order ship date '%2' >ҵ'%1' Ӧ'%2' :Job delivery date differs from scheduled delivery date. Continue? >ҵڲͬŶĽڡҪ :Job delivery date is before job start date >ҵҵʼ֮ǰ :Job delivery date is before today's date. Continue? >ҵڽ֮ǰҪ :Job delivery date is before today's date. Ok to continue? >ҵڽ֮ǰȷҪ :Job delivery date is before today. Continue? >ҵڽ֮ǰҪ :Job delivery date selection >ҵѡ :Job description >ҵ˵ :Job does not satisfy the sales order >ҵ۶Ҫ :Job entered not part of a bill of jobs >ҵҵһ :Job filter > :Job has been created for a sales order. Continue? >Ϊ۶ҵҪ :Job has been created for a sales order. Do you wish to continue? >Ѵ۶ҵϣ :Job has been excluded >ҵѱų :Job has been started >ҵѿʼ :Job header has been updated with new expected job costs >ҵͷԤҵɱԸ :Job hold flag >工作留标记 :Job is a hierarchical job >ҵΪҵ :Job is being confirmed. Do you want to complete reserving lots and serials? >ȷҵ:ϣɱκϵ :Job is being confirmed. If reserving lots and serials is incomplete, do you want to complete reserving now? >ȷҵκϵδɣôϣ :Job is complete >ҵ :Job is complete - cannot link >ҵ - ޷ :Job is confirmed >ҵȷ :Job is for a non-stocked item. These receipts are processed by Part Billings >ҵڷǿĿЩվݵĴʵɵ :Job is for a stocked item. Job receipts processes these receipts >ҵڿĿҵվݴЩվ :Job is in progress or complete >ҵڽл :Job is in progress or complete - cannot link >ҵִл - ޷ :Job is lot traceable and because job is to be lot, key types must be the same >ҵοɸҵΪҵΪΣ˼ͱͬ :Job is not confirmed >ҵδȷ :Job is not confirmed - cannot link >ҵδȷ - ޷ :Job is not on file >ҵ :Job is not yet confirmed >ҵδȷ :Job is on hold >ҵѹ :Job is on hold and may not be cancelled >ҵ˲ȡ :Job is on hold and may not be deleted >ҵɾ :Job is on hold. Do you want to continue? >ҵѹϣ :Job key not equal to lot key >ҵ벻μ :Job list maintenance >ҵά :Job locked >ҵ :Job logging for business object >业务对象工作记录 :Job logging for business objects >ҵ¼ :Job logging is not allowed where program access is not allowed >ʵҲ¼ :Job logging not required. Program cancelled >Ҫҵȡ :Job logging required >Ҫҵ־¼ :Job master file is locked >ҵļ :Job method > :Job must be for non-stocked item - cannot link >ҵڷǿĿ - ޷ :Job must precede '%1' in XML instance >ҵXMLʵбλ '%1' ֮ǰ :Job name cannot be blank >Ϊ :Job narrations >ҵ :Job narrations number >ҵ :Job no >ҵ :Job not confirmed >未确认工作 :Job not found >δҵҵ :Job not on file >ҵ :Job not yet entered >δҵ :Job notes >ҵע :Job notes being maintained by another operator >һԱάҵע :Job number '%1' already on file >工作编号 '%1' 已存在 :Job number '%1' not found >δҵҵ '%1' :Job number '%1' not numeric >ҵ '%1' :Job number '%1' on hold >ҵ '%1' :Job number for receipt >ջ :Job number not required for auto >工作编号不要求用于自动 :Job number used to create this >룬ڴ :Job only >ҵ :Job options >ҵѡ :Job or p/order number >ɹ :Job priority >ҵȼ :Job priority differs from the scheduled job priority. Continue? >ҵȼͬŶҵȼҪ :Job priority for MRP >ҵMRPȼ :Job priority must either be spaces (no default) or in a range between 0 and 99 >ҵȼǿոĬϣ099֮ǰ :Job priority not numeric >工作优先级不是数字 :Job priority, job >ȼ :Job quantity outstanding >δɵҵ :Job retention >ҵ :Job scheduled >Ŷҵ :Job start >ҵʼ :Job start date >ҵʼ :Job start date calculated using elapsed time is before today >ʱҵʼڽ֮ǰ :Job start date differs from scheduled start date. Continue? >ҵʼڲͬŶĿʼڡҪ :Job start date is before today's date. Continue? >ҵʼڽ֮ǰҪ :Job start date is before today's date. Ok to continue? >ҵʼڽ֮ǰȷҪ :Job start date is before today. Continue? >ҵʼڽ֮ǰҪ :Job start date selection >ҵʼѡ :Job start dates >ʼ :Job successfully copied >ѳɹҵ :Job successfully created >ѳɹҵ :Job successfully updated >ѳɹҵ :Job tender date >ҵͶ :Job title >ҵ :Job title or position >λְְ :Job to be purged/archived >Ҫ鵵ҵ :Job total >ҵϼ :Job transaction date > :Job trial loading > :Job type >ҵ :Job will be created using allocations from Bill of Materials. OK to continue ? >工作将使用物料单中的分配创建。确定要继续吗? :Job will be created using allocations from Bill of Materials. OK to continue? >ʹԲ嵥ķ䴴ҵȷҪ :Job will be created without any material or operation allocations >ҵûκβϻ´ :Job will be created without any material or operation allocations. Continue? >ҵûκβϻ´Ҫ :Job(s) >ҵ :Job/ >ҵ :Job/Kit Issues >ҵ/߰ :Job/Kit Issues (Legacy) >ҵ/߰ǩ (Legacy) :Job/SCT >ҵӦת(SCT) :Job/p/order >ҵ// :Jobs >ҵ :Jobs attached >所附加的工作 :Jobs attached. Contract '%1' cannot be deleted >ҵӡͬ '%1' ޷ɾ :Jobs attached. Contract '%1' cannot be deleted. >ҵӡͬ '%1' ɾ :Jobs cannot be created for route '%1' >Ϊ· '%1' ҵ :Jobs completed before >֮ǰɵҵ :Jobs confirmed by default >Ĭ˳ȷϵҵ :Jobs created from quotations >ӱĹ :Jobs created from requirements planning >ҪƻĹ :Jobs created from sales order review >۶Ĺ :Jobs created from work in progress >ڽеĹĹ :Jobs for > :Jobs for Capex Line >ʱҵ :Jobs for Capex Requisition Line >ʱ֧빺ҵ :Jobs for Sales Order >۶ҵ :Jobs have been confirmed/unconfirmed or placed on hold. Do you wish to discard these changes? >ҵȷϣδȷϻϣЩ :Jobs held >ѹҵ :Jobs on hold >ҵ :Jobs to include >Ҫҵ :Jobs were not created for all >ҵΪȫ :Jobs were not created for the following suggested jobs as the stock codes >ҵΪнΪ :Jobs with non-stocked items >具备非库存项目的工作 :Jobs with stocked items >具备库存项目的工作 :Jobs, requisitions or purchase orders are attached to this sales order >ҵɹ˱۶ :Jobs, requisitions, purchase orders or supply chain transfers are attached to this sales order >ҵ빺ɹӦתƸ˱۶ :Join this column to next column >кϲһ :Journal > :Journal and Tax Distribution files will not >תռʺ˰շļ :Journal Entries >ռ :Journal Entries for Journal No. %1 Currency >ռ˱ %1 ҵռĿ :Journal Entry > :Journal Header >ռҳü :Journal Header (New) >ռʱͷ½ :Journal Imbalance >ռʲƽ :Journal Not Created >δռ :Journal Notes >ռע :Journal Report >ʱ :Journal Report in Progress >ִռʱ :Journal Source Codes >Դ :Journal Source code >ռԴ :Journal Status >ռ״̬ :Journal Summary >ռժҪ :Journal Type >ռ :Journal Warning >ռʾ :Journal adjustment date >ռ˵ :Journal authorisation >ռȨ :Journal created. Entries will not be reflected in G/L until journal is posted >Ѵռˡռ˺G/L ӳĿ :Journal current year >ռ˵ǰ :Journal date >ռ :Journal date entered for each >Ϊÿռ :Journal date selection >ռѡ :Journal details >ռϸ :Journal entry number >ռĿ :Journal entry source code >ռԴ :Journal failed validation. Journal has not been posted. Please refer to the printed error report for more information >ռ֤ʧܡռδʡ˽ϢĴӡĴ󱨸 :Journal failed validation. Journal has not been posted. Please refer to the printed error report for more information >ռ֤ʧܡռδʡ˽ϢĴӡĴ󱨸 :Journal flag >ռ˱ :Journal from >ռˣԴ :Journal has no entries to post >ռûҪʵķ¼ :Journal is out of balance >ռʧ :Journal is out of balance! >ռʧ⣡ :Journal is out of balance. Do you wish to end this journal? >ռʧ⡣ϣռ :Journal is out of balance. Do you wish to end this journal? >ռʲϣֹռ :Journal is out of balance. You cannot save this journal >ռʧ⡣ܱռ :Journal ledger code >ռ˷˴ :Journal line >ռ :Journal month >ռ· :Journal no >ռʺ :Journal not found >δҵռ :Journal not posted >ռΪ :Journal notation >ռʷ :Journal number >ռʺ :Journal number '%1' already exists for another job >һҵռʺ '%1' Ѵ :Journal number '%1' cannot be found for '%2' >δҵ '%2' ռʺ '%1' :Journal number '%1' cannot be found for '%2'. >δҵ '%2' ռʺ '%1' :Journal number '%1' does not exist for posting period '%2' >'%2' ռʺ '%1' :Journal number '%1' does not exist for warehouse '%2' > '%2' ռʺ '%1' :Journal number '%1' has already been posted >ռʺ '%1' ѹ :Journal number '%1' has already been posted. >ռʺ '%1' ѹʡ :Journal number '%1' has already been printed or is in use by another user >ռʺ '%1' ѴӡһԱʹ :Journal number created >Ѵռ˺ :Journal number for this transaction >˽׵ռ˺ :Journal number selected >ѡռ˺ :Journal number selection >ռʺѡ :Journal options >ռѡ :Journal posting failed >ռʹʧ :Journal posting month >ռ˷· :Journal posting successful >ռʹѳɹ :Journal posting type >ռ˷ :Journal posting year >ռ˷ :Journal previous year >ռһ :Journal print flag >ռʴӡ־ :Journal print options >ռʴӡѡ :Journal printed >Ѵӡռ :Journal printed in journal >ռӡռ :Journal reference >ռ˲ο :Journal selected >ѡռ :Journal selection >ռѡ :Journal status flag >ռ״̬ :Journal status selection >ռ״̬ѡ :Journal successfully posted >ռѳɹ :Journal time >ռʱ :Journal to >ռ˵ :Journal total >ռ˺ϼ :Journal totals >ռ˺ϼ :Journal type selection >ռѡ :Journal year >ռ :Journal/GRN numbers >ռʣGRN :Journals >ռ :Journals have been unauthorized >ռȨ :Journals not posted >δʵռ :Journals on hold >ռ :Journals printed >Ѵӡռ :Journals processed >Ѵռ :Jul > :Jul %1 > %1 :July > :Jun > :Jun %1 > %1 :June > :K - Kit part >K C ߰ :K - Multiples of EBQ (fixed time) >K - EBQ (̶ʱ) :Kardex Report >Kardex :Kardex Report in Progress >ִKardex :Keep any columns I have previously created >ǰκ :Keep copy of XML documents >XMLļ :Keep history of incoming documents >ļļ¼ :Keep history of outgoing documents >ⷢļʷ¼ :Keep track of goods that are returned by customers for various reasons >ٳڸԭͻ޵Ļ :Key > :Key '%1' not found in archive >ڵδҵ '%1' :Key '%1' not found on '%2' > '%2' δҵ '%1' :Key Generation and Validation >Կ֤ :Key Information >Ϣ :Key Length Validation >ؼֳ֤ :Key Offset Copybook(s) >ƫƳд :Key Type and Case >ԿͺʹСд :Key Types >ؼ :Key Value Change >Կֵ :Key area %1 >重点区 %1 :Key area one >һҪ :Key area three >Ҫ :Key area two >ڶҪ :Key area two must not be blank >ڶؼΪհ :Key choices >ѡ :Key definition >붨 :Key field >Կֶ :Key fields >Կֶ :Key grouping already exists in type >ԿѴ :Key id description >Կ id :Key length > :Key length cannot exceed %1 >ԿȲɳ %1 :Key of part-billing or GRN >ּƷѻջ(GRN) :Key passed to trigger program >ͨġĹؼ :Key raised >ļ :Key selection >Կѡ :Key type >ؼ :Key type cannot be numeric if prefixed >ǰ׺ԿͲΪ :Key type must be numeric if numbering method automatic >如编号方法为自动,密钥类型必须为数字 :Key values may not be changed for the base unit >Կֵڻλø :KeyId Description >KeyId :Keys >ؼ :Keys %1 >Կ %1 :Keyword >ؼ :Keyword Exclusion for Listviews >б鿴ųؼ :Keywords >ؼ :Kill Process > :Kill processes for all companies >ֹͣй˾Ľ :Kill processes for the current company >ֹͣǰ˾Ľ :Kit >߰ :Kit '%1' has no structure >߰ '%1' κνṹ :Kit '%1' has optional parts >߰ '%1' ߱ѡ :Kit Component Offer Entry >̲߰ѯ :Kit Issue Job >׼ǩҵ :Kit Issue Labor >˹ǩ :Kit Issue Materials >Ϸǩ :Kit Issue On-line Document >ǩļ :Kit Issue Review >ǩ :Kit Issue for Job >ҵĹ߰ǩ :Kit Part >׼ :Kit Quantity >׼ :Kit Receipt >׼ :Kit Receipts >׼ :Kit component >׼ :Kit components qualify for global promotions >ȫʸ׼ :Kit components qualify for global promotions? >߰ȫʸ :Kit defaults >Ĭ׼ :Kit issue >߰ :Kit issue cancelled >ȡ׼ǩ :Kit issue flag >߰ǩ :Kit issues >׼ǩ :Kit issues only >׼ǩ :Kit item '%1' not allowed >߰Ŀ '%1' :Kit receipt function has been cancelled >׼Ϲѱȡ :Kit release not permitted when multiple bins installed >װʱ߰ͷ :Kit stock code '%1' not allowed in sales order >۶в߰ '%1' :Kit type >߰ :Kit type of parent part >Ĺ߰ :Kit type part category is only allowed with kit type '%1' or '%2' >工具包类型零件类别仅在工具包类型 '%1' 或 '%2' 下允许 :Kit type part category is only allowed with kit type 'K' or 'S' >ֻ߰'K''S'µĹ߰ :Kit type part category is only allowed with kit types '%1' and '%2' >ֻʹþ߱׼ '%1' '%2' ׼ :Kit type part category is only allowed with kit types '%1' and '%2' and Components exist. Change part category anyway? >ֻʹþ߱׼ '%1' '%2' ׼Ѵ֮Ҫ :Kit types '%1' and '%2' may not be specified for lot traceable items >ΪοɸĿָ߰ '%1' '%2' :Kit types 'K' and 'S' may not be specified for lot traceable items >ΪĿָ׼'K''S'IJܱĿָ :Kit types 'K' and 'S' may not be specified for serialised items >ϵлĿָ߰'K''S' :Kit types 'K' and 'S' may not be specified for serialized items >׼'K''S'IJܱкĿָ :Kit/Specific Issues >߰/ضǩ :Klm > :Known attendee >֪ϯ :Kred Rating >Kred :L - Multiples of pan (fixed time) >L - ̵ı (̶ʱ) :L - Shortest lead >L C ʱǰ :LAST delivery note printed on >ϴͻӡ :LCT >ְɱ :LCT Apportionment >LCT ̯ :LCT Apportionment Maintenance >LCT ̯ά :LCT Apportionment Maintenence >LCT 分摊维护 :LCT Archived Shipment References >LCT˲ο :LCT Ask Currency Exchange Rate >ɱ(LCT)ѯһ :LCT Bill Of Landed Cost Copy Route >LCT ɱ· :LCT Bill Of Landed Cost Route Maintenance >LCT 到岸成本单路线维护 :LCT Bill Of Landed Costs Stock Codes >LCT ɱ :LCT Bill of Landed Costs >ɱ(LCT)ɱ :LCT Bill of landed cost for fixed cost >̶ɱĵɱ(LCT)ɱ :LCT Browse on Archived Shipments >ɱ(LCT)ѹ鵵 :LCT Calculate New Landed Cost >ɱ(LCT)µɱ :LCT Calculate Value of Calculation Code >ɱ (LCT) ֵ :LCT Calculation Code >LCT :LCT Calculation Code Maintenance >ɱ(LCT)ά :LCT Calculation Codes >LCT :LCT Calculation Codes Maintenance >LCT ά :LCT Consignment Details >ɱ(LCT)ϸ :LCT Constant Code Maintenance >ɱ(LCT)ά :LCT Constant Codes >LCT :LCT Constants >LCT :LCT Copy Bill Of Landed Costs >LCT ɱɱ :LCT Copy of Bill of Landed Costs in Progress >ִеɱɱ(LCT) :LCT Cost Element Code >LCT Ԫش :LCT Cost Elements for Purchase Order >ɹLCTɱҪ :LCT Cost Elements for a Purchase Order >ɹLCTɱҪ :LCT Costing Reg Element Details Archive >LCT ɱǼDzԪϸ :LCT Costing Register >LCT ɱǼDz :LCT Costing Register Archive >LCT ɱǼDz :LCT Costing Register Element Details >LCT ɱǼDzԪϸ :LCT Costing Register Header >LCT ɱǼDzҳü :LCT Customs Exchange >LCT Զһ :LCT Customs Exchange Maintenance >ɱ(LCT)ضһά :LCT Customs Exchange Rate Maintenance >LCT˰ά :LCT Customs Exchange Rates >LCT˰ :LCT Element >LCT Ԫ :LCT Element Apportionment Details >LCT Ԫط̯ϸ :LCT Element Browse >LCT Ԫ :LCT Element Maintenance >ɱ(LCT)Ҫά :LCT Elements >LCTҪ :LCT Elements for a P/O >ɹ(P/O)ĵɱ(LCT)Ҫ :LCT Elements for a PO >PO LCT Ԫ :LCT Elements for a Shipment >˵LCTҪ :LCT Elements not fully apportioned will be discarded. Continue? >δȫ̯ LCT ԪءҪ? :LCT Index On Register Invoice By Vessel >ֵ LCT ǼDzƱ :LCT Invoice Apportionment complete >已完成 LCT 发票分摊 :LCT Invoice Element Details >LCT ƱԪϸ :LCT Invoices >LCTƱ :LCT LOT traceable >׷ LCT :LCT List of Bill of Landed Costs >LCTɱб :LCT List of Bill of Landed Costs in Progress >ִLCTɱб :LCT List of Calculation Codes >LCT :LCT List of Calculation Codes in Progress >ִLCT :LCT List of Constant Codes >LCT :LCT List of Constant Codes in Progress >ִLCT :LCT List of Constants >ɱ(LCT)б :LCT List of Custom Exchange Rates >LCT˰ :LCT List of Custom Exchange Rates in Progress >ִLCT˰б :LCT List of Customs Exchange Rates >ɱ(LCT)ػб :LCT List of Element Where-used >ɱ(LCT)Ҫôб :LCT List of Elements >LCTҪر :LCT List of Elements Where Used >LCT Ԫб :LCT List of Elements Where-used >LCTҪرã :LCT List of Elements Where-used in Progress >ִLCTҪرã :LCT List of Elements in Progress >ִLCTҪر :LCT List of Routes >LCT·߱ :LCT List of Routes in Progress >ִLCT·߱ :LCT List of Tariff Codes >LCT˰ :LCT List of Tariff Codes in Progress >ִLCT˰ :LCT List of Tariffs >ɱ(LCT)˰б :LCT Maintenance >LCT ά :LCT Manual Entries Apportionment >ɱ(LCT)˹̯ :LCT Manual Entries for Apportionment >LCT˹̯ :LCT Message >LCTϢ :LCT New Landed Cost Report >LCT ½ɱѡ :LCT Processing >ְɱٴ :LCT Query >LCT ѯ :LCT Receipt in from LCT >ɱ(LCT)ӵɱ(LCT)ջ :LCT Route >ɱ(LCT)· :LCT Route Code >LCT ·ߴ :LCT Route Maintenance >ɱ(LCT)·ά :LCT Route Query >LCT·߲ѯ :LCT Route Query for Stock code >뵽ɱ(LCT)·߲ѯ :LCT Route description >LCT 路线描述 :LCT Route for Supplier/Stock Maintenance >LCT Ӧ/ά· :LCT Routes >LCT· :LCT S/O Action Report >ɱ(LCT)۶(S/O) :LCT SO Action Report >LCT SO :LCT Sales Order Action Report >LCT۶ж :LCT Sales Order Action Report in Progress >ִLCT۶ж :LCT Shipment Archive >ɱ(LCT)˵ :LCT Shipment Archiving >LCT뵵 :LCT Shipment Archiving in Progress >ִLCT뵵 :LCT Shipment Line >LCT 装运行 :LCT Shipment Reference Query >ɱ(LCT)˲οѯ :LCT Shipment References >LCT˲ο :LCT Shipment Tracking Entry >ɱ(LCT)˸ :LCT Shipment Tracking Header >LCT װ׷ҳü :LCT Shipment Tracking Header Archive >LCT װ׷ҳü :LCT Shipment Tracking Header Notation >LCT װ׷ҳü :LCT Shipment Tracking Query >LCT װ׷ٲѯ :LCT Shipment Tracking Report >LCT˸ٱ :LCT Shipment Tracking Report in Progress >ִLCT˸ٱ :LCT Shipments >LCT װ :LCT Stocking Uom Conversion >LCT λת :LCT Stocking unit of measure conversion >ɱ (LCT) λת :LCT Stocking unit of measure conversion in progress >ڽеɱ (LCT) λת :LCT Tariff Code >LCT ˰ :LCT Tariff Codes >LCT˰ :LCT Tariff Maintenance >ɱ(LCT)˰ά :LCT Vessel >LCT 货轮 :LCT Vessel Browse >LCT :LCT Vessel Maintenance >LCT ά :LCT Where-used Elements >ɱ(LCT)ôҪ :LCT Where-used Route >ɱ(LCT)ô· :LCT Where-used for Element >LCTʹõҪ :LCT Where-used for Route >LCTʹ· :LCT Zoom on Route >LCT· :LCT Zoom on Route Code Details >ɱ (LCT) ·ߴϸ :LCT current costs variance >LCT ɱ仯 :LCT details >ɱ :LCT details not found. Do you wish to continue with cancellation? >δҵLCTϸϣִȡ :LCT details not found. Do you wish to continue with cancellation? >δҵ LCT ϸϣȡ? :LCT element '%1' not found >未找到 LCT 科目 '%1' :LCT invoice >LCT Ʊ :LCT lines only >仅限 LCT 行 :LCT merchandise price >ɱ(LCT)Ʒ۸ :LCT merchandise price ( ) >ɱ(LCT)Ʒ۸( ) :LCT merchandise price (SQM) >ɱ(LCT)Ʒ۸(SQM) :LCT merchandise u/m >ɱ(LCT)Ʒλ :LCT merchandise uom >LCT Ʒλ :LCT not required for this stock code >ɱ(LCT)ڸÿ벻Ҫ :LCT not required for this supplier. Set LCT on for this supplier ? >此供应商不要求 LCT。要继续为此供应商设置 LCT 吗? :LCT not required for this supplier. Set LCT on for this supplier? >Դ˹Ӧ̲ҪLCTҪΪ˹ӦLCT :LCT not required. Do you wish to set LCT on for this stock code? >ҪLCTϣΪ˿LCT :LCT not required. Do you wish to set LCT on for this supplier? >Ҫɱ(LCT)ϣΪ˹Ӧ趨ɱ(LCT) :LCT not required. Do you wish to set LCT on for this stock code? >Ҫ LCTϣΪ˿ LCT ? :LCT not required. Do you wish to set LCT on for this supplier? >Ҫ LCTϣΪ˹Ӧ LCT ? :LCT registered invoice >LCT עᷢƱ :LCT required >ҪLCT :LCT required before >֮ǰҪĵɱ(LCT) :LCT route cannot be deleted >޷ɾɱ(LCT)· :LCT stock codes >LCT :LCT stocking u/m conversion >ɱ (LCT) λת :LCT system not yet implemented in Version %1 >δڰ汾 %1 ʵʩ LCT ϵͳ :LCT system not yet implemented in Version 1 >ڰ汾1δʵʩLCTϵͳ :LDT >LDT :LIFO >LIFOȳ :LIFO cost >LIFO 成本 :LIFO costing is not allowed if costing per warehouse is in use >ʹðֿɱ㣬ʹúȳ(LIFO)ɱ :LII COBOL >LII COBOL :LINE - Number of lines > - :LTD >ǰʱ :Lab. value >ǩֵ :Label >ǩ :Label Alignment in Progress >ִбǩ :Label Format >ǩʽ :Label Format in Progress >ִбǩʽ :Label Preferences >ǩѡ :Label Print >ǩӡ :Label Printing in Progress >ִбǩӡ :Label Text >ǩı :Label format %1 has not been defined >δǩʽ %1 :Label format 0 has not been defined >δǩʽ0 :Label format for >ǩʽ :Label format has not yet been defined >δǩʽ :Label format not on file >ǩʽ :Label format to copy >Ƶıǩʽ :Label print date >ǩӡ :Label print sequence >ǩӡ˳ :Label sequence >ǩ˳ :Labels >ǩ :Labels Print >ǩӡ :Labels per customer >ÿͻıǩ :Labels per order >ÿ۶ǩ :Labels per stock code >ÿıǩ :Labels per supplier >ÿӦ̵ıǩ :Labels set-up >ǩ :Labels to print >ӡǩ :Labels with Lines >бǩ :Labels without Lines >бǩ :Labor > :Labor % >Ͷ% :Labor (total) >Ͷϼƣ :Labor (unit) >Ͷλ :Labor Allocation >˹÷ :Labor Allocations >Ͷ :Labor Allocations for Job >ҵͶ :Labor Analysis > :Labor Analysis Dates >˹÷ :Labor Analysis Report >Ͷ :Labor Analysis Report in Progress >ִ˹÷ :Labor Analysis Reports > :Labor Analysis of >Ͷ :Labor Charge >Ͷ :Labor Custom Form Fields >ͶԶֶ :Labor Issue >Ͷǩ :Labor Journal >Ͷռ :Labor Journal Report >ʱ :Labor Journal in Progress >ִ˹ռ :Labor Ledger Code >˹ʴ :Labor Line Detail >Ͷϸ :Labor Posting >¼ :Labor Posting Formats >¼ʽ :Labor Posting Journal >Ͷռ :Labor Posting Journal Details >˹õǼռϸ :Labor Postings >Ͷ :Labor Time Sheet Posting >˹ʱǼ :Labor Timesheet Posting >˹ʱǼ :Labor allocations must be included when copying a job which calculates progressive scrap from gross to net >Ƽë𽥱ҵʱͶ :Labor amount >˹ý :Labor amount billed to date >¼յͶ :Labor analysis update flag >Ͷ± :Labor and setup >Ͷ :Labor billed >շѵ :Labor billings >Ͷʵ :Labor cost >˹ɱ :Labor cost to date >˹ɱ :Labor costs >ɱ :Labor costs in multi-level >多级别劳动力成本 :Labor costs to date >Ͷɱ :Labor distribution entries >˹÷¼ :Labor issued out of WIP >WIPǩ˹ :Labor issues > :Labor p/class >˹ :Labor period end >Ͷ :Labor period end complete >Ͷڽ :Labor posting details >Ͷϸ :Labor posting format form not found >δҵͶʽ :Labor posting journals >˹õǼռ :Labor posting journals dated before >֮ǰ˹õǼռ :Labor posting options >˹õǼѡ :Labor posting records deleted >ɾͶ¼ :Labor posting values >Ͷֵ :Labor postings integrated to payroll >ɵнеͶ :Labor product class >劳动力产品类 :Labor reference >劳动力参考 :Labor service charge >Ͷշ :Labor service charge %1 is not on file >Ͷշ %1 :Labor service charge %1 is not on file. >Ͷշ %1 ڡ :Labor service charge is only available from part billings >ͶշֻƷѵп :Labor service charge must have a '%1' calculation type >Ͷշѱ߱ '%1' :Labor service charge must have a 'labor' calculation type >Ͷշѱ߱ 'Ͷ' :Labor to date >Ͷ :Labor total >Ͷϼ :Labor value >ֵ :Labor value of issues >Ͷǩֵ :Labor weekly update >Ͷÿܸ :Labor weekly update successfully completed >Ͷÿܸ³ɹ :Labor/Unit >/λ :Labour Allocations >Ͷ :Labour Posting overflow >˹õǼ :Labour Postings >Ͷ :Labour hierarchy costs >劳动力分级成本 :Labour value >Ͷֵ :Land - %1 > - %1 :Land - %1 is a mandatory field and has not been entered > - %1 DZֶΣδ :Land and Buildings >뽨 :Landed Cost >ɱ :Landed Cost Query >ɱѯ :Landed Cost Receipt >ɱջ :Landed Cost Receipts >ɱջ :Landed Cost Shipment already received >յĵɱ :Landed Cost Shipment in use >ɱʹ :Landed Cost Shipment not found >δҵɱ :Landed Cost Tracking >ְɱ :Landed Cost Tracking - LCT Processing >ɱ - ɱ(LCT) :Landed Cost Tracking - Setup >ɱ - :Landed Cost Tracking Query >ɱ׷ٲѯ :Landed Cost Tracking Receipts >ɱ׷ջ :Landed Cost Tracking Required >Ҫ󵽰ɱ :Landed Cost Tracking System >ɱϵͳ :Landed Cost Tracking not installed >δװɱ :Landed Cost Tracking not installed. Program cancelled >δװɱ١ȡ :Landed Cost Tracking not installed. Program cancelled >δװɱ١ȡ :Landed Cost Vessel Details >ɱ :Landed Cost Vessel not found >δҵɱֻ :Landed Costing Tracking >到岸成本跟踪 :Landed Costing Tracking not required for stock code '%1'. Do you wish to set LCT on for this stock code? >对于库存代码 '%1',不要求到岸成本跟踪。您希望继续为此库存代码设置 LCT 吗? :Landed cost mult >ɱ :Landed cost multiplier >ɱ :Landed cost tracking fixed cost elements >ɱٹ̶ɱҪ :Landed cost tracking may only be specified for bought out items >ɱֻ⹺Ŀ :Landed price >۸ :Landscape > :Language > :Language Translation >Է :Language code >Դ :Large > :Large Dots > :Large Icons >ͼ :Last >һ :Last %1 Activities >һ %1  :Last %1 Lines >һ %1 :Last %1 Months for Customer >ͻ %1 :Last %1 months balances not being retained >δ %1 µ :Last %1 months sales >һ %1 · :Last 12 months balances not being retained >δǰ12µ :Last 20 Lines >20 :Last ABC >һABC :Last AP Branch >һ AP ֧ :Last AP journal number for current year >当前年份上一个 AP 日记账号码 :Last AR Branch >һ AR ֧ :Last Account >һ˻ :Last Accrual Type >һϢ :Last Address >һַ :Last Address Code >һַ :Last Analysis Category >һ :Last Approved Manufacturer >һ׼ :Last Approved Manufacturer Part Number >һ׼ :Last Asset >һʲ :Last Asset Branch >һʲ֧ :Last Asset Code >һʲ :Last Asset Depreciation Code >һʲ۾ɴ :Last Asset Group >һʲ :Last Asset Mechanic >һʲ :Last Asset Owner >һʲ :Last Asset Status >һʲ״̬ :Last Asset Type >һʲ :Last BOM Route >һ BOM · :Last Bank >һ :Last Bank Control >һп :Last Bank code >һд :Last Beneficiary >һ :Last Bin >һ :Last Buyer >һҲɹ :Last Buyer Group >һɹ :Last Buying Group >һɹ :Last Calculation Code >һ :Last Capex >һʱ :Last Capex Classification >һʱ÷ :Last Capex Type >һʱ :Last Cash Drawer >һ̨ :Last Check Line >һ :Last Co-product line >һͬƷ :Last Code >һ :Last Comment >һע :Last Commission Code >һӶ :Last Component >һ :Last Configuration >上一次配置 :Last Constant Code >һ :Last Contact >һϵ :Last Container Type >һ :Last Contract >һݺͬ :Last Copy >ϴθ :Last Cost Center >һɱ :Last Criterion >上一个标准 :Last Currency >һֻ :Last Currency Conversion >һλת :Last Currency History >һݻҼ¼ :Last Customer >һͻ :Last Customer Class >һͻ :Last Customer Code >һͻ :Last Customer Purchase Order >һݿͻɹ :Last Customer Stock Code >һͻ :Last Deduction Code >һô :Last Delivery Date >һν :Last Delivery Load >һνװ :Last Delivery Route >һ· :Last Delivery Term >һ :Last Department >һ :Last Detail Line >һϸ :Last Dispacth Note >上一个发货单 :Last Dispatch Note >һݷ :Last Document >һĵ :Last Document Type >һĵ :Last Drawing Size >һͼֽߴ :Last ECC Status Code >һ ECC ״̬ :Last ECO >һ ECO :Last EFT batch number used >õһEFTκ :Last EFT extract >һEFTǩ :Last Element >һҪ :Last Element Descriptor >һԪ :Last Element Structure Code >һԪؽṹ :Last Employee Code >һԱ :Last Engineering User >һû :Last Entry >¼ :Last Entry (Ctrl+End) >һ (Ctrl+End) :Last Expense Code >һô :Last Extended Tax Code >һչ˰ :Last Extended Tax History >һչ˰¼ :Last GL Code >һ GL :Last GRN >һջ(GRN) :Last GRN created >ѴһGRN :Last Geographic Area >һ :Last Hierarchical Job >һּ :Last Hierarchy Code >һּ :Last Information >һϢ :Last Instruction >һָʾ :Last Invoice >һݷƱ :Last Invoice Discount >һƱۿ :Last Invoice Line >һƱ :Last Invoice Term >һƱ :Last Item >һ :Last Job Classification >һ :Last Key >һԿ :Last LCT Route >һ LCT · :Last Labor Format Code >һͶʽ :Last Line >һ :Last Load >һμ :Last Lot Number >һα :Last Machine Code >һ :Last Master Job >һ :Last Material Allocation >һβϷ :Last Matrix >һ :Last Model >һͺ :Last Nationality Code >һ :Last Nature of Transaction >һ :Last Non-productive Code >һ :Last Note >һע :Last Operation >һβ :Last Operator >һԱ :Last Option >上一个选项 :Last Order >һݶ :Last Order Type >һ :Last Organization >һ֯ :Last Outcome >һ :Last P/O Line >上一个 P/O 行 :Last PO >һ PO :Last POrder >上一个采购订单 :Last Page >һҳ :Last Payment Details >һʸϸ :Last Payment Type >һ :Last Period >һ :Last Permanent Entry >һĿ :Last Planner >һƻԱ :Last Price Code >һ۸ :Last Problem >һ :Last Product Class >һƷ :Last Product Group >һƷ :Last Promotion Code >һ :Last Purchase Details >һݲɹϸ :Last Purchase Order (Ctrl+End) >һݲɹ (Ctrl+End) :Last Purchase Order Line >上一个采购订单行 :Last Quality Element >һԪ :Last RMA >һ RMA :Last Reason Code >һԭ :Last Reason for Disposal >һԭ :Last Reason for Revaluation >һ¹ֵԭ :Last Release Schedule prepared >ϴ׼ͷŵļƻ :Last Requisition >һ빺 :Last Requisition Group >һ빺 :Last Resolution Code >һ :Last Resource Code >һԴ :Last Review Date >ϴ :Last Route >上一条路线 :Last Route Code >һ·ߴ :Last Rule >һ :Last Run >һ :Last Run Date >һ :Last Run Time >һʱ :Last SKU >һ SKU :Last SYSPRO >һSYSPRO :Last Salesperson >һۻԱ :Last Selection Set >һѡ :Last Selling Price Unit of Measure >һۼۼλ :Last Serial Number >һϵк :Last Service Charge >һηշ :Last Set >һ :Last Shipment >上一次装运 :Last Shipment (Ctrl+End) >һװ (Ctrl+End) :Last Standard Hierarchy >һ׼ּ :Last Status Code >һ״̬ :Last Stock Code Unit of Measure >һλ :Last Stock Code for Supplier >һӦ̿ :Last Stock uom >һλ :Last Storage Hazard Code >һ洢Σմ :Last Storage Security Code >һ洢ȫ :Last Storage condition >һ洢 :Last Supplementary Code >һ :Last Supplier Class >һӦ̷ :Last Supplier Code >һӦ̴ :Last Supplier Contract >һݹӦ̺ͬ :Last TP Account >һ TP ˻ :Last Tariff Code >һ˰ :Last Tax Code >һ˰ :Last Template >һģ :Last Ticket Number >һȯ :Last Tool Set >һ߼ :Last Transaction Line >һ :Last Transport >һ :Last Unit of Measure >һλ :Last User >һû :Last User-defined Journal Source Code >һûռԴ :Last Vessel >һһ :Last Warehouse >һֿ :Last Warehouse Area >һֿ :Last Warehouse Bin >һֿ :Last Warehouse for this Stock Code >˿һֿ :Last Withholding Tax Code >һ˰ :Last Work Center >һ :Last Work Center Move Matrix >һƶ :Last XML file name >һXMLļ :Last action date >һ :Last active date >һЧ :Last active time >һЧ :Last activity >һ :Last activity by >һ :Last activity date >һ :Last activity dates >ϴλ :Last activity info >һϢ :Last activity time >һʱ :Last calculation >һ :Last calculation period >һ :Last cash book journal number >һֽ˲ռ˺ :Last cash journal number for current year >ǰݵһֽռ˺ :Last change >ϴθ :Last changed > :Last changed by > :Last changed date > :Last check details >һ֧Ʊϸ :Last check line cannot exceed the total number of lines on the statement >һвóе :Last check line ends on line >һн :Last check register number for current year >当前年份上一个支票登记簿号码 :Last chk/chq register number for current year >ǰݵһ֧ƱǼDz :Last client server activity was %1 day ago >上一次客户机服务器活动是在 %1 天之前 :Last client server activity was %1 days ago >上一次客户机服务器活动是在 %1 天之前 :Last client server activity was %1 hour ago >上一次客户机服务器活动是在 %1 小时之前 :Last client server activity was %1 hours ago >上一次客户机服务器活动是在 %1 小时之前 :Last client server activity was %1 minute ago >һοͻ %1 ֮ǰ :Last client server activity was %1 minutes ago >һοͻ %1 ֮ǰ :Last client server activity was < %1 minute ago >һοͻ < %1 ֮ǰ :Last contact date >һϵ :Last contact operator >һϵ˲Ա :Last contact time >һϵʱ :Last contacted by >ϵ :Last contract number >һݺͬ :Last copy from description >ϴδ˵ :Last copy from group >ϴδ鸴 :Last copy from job >һδӹ :Last copy from name >һδƸ :Last copy from operator >ϴδӲԱ :Last copy from stock code >ϴ˴ӿ븴 :Last copy to description >ϴθƵ˵ :Last copy to group >ϴθƵ :Last copy to job >һθƵ :Last copy to name >һθƵ :Last copy to operator >ϴθƵԱ :Last copy to stock code >ϴθƵ :Last cost >ϴγɱ :Last cost change >ϴγɱ䶯 :Last cost entered >һɱ :Last cost value >һɱֵ :Last costing >ϴγɱ :Last count >һμ :Last credit generated >ɵ :Last date >һ :Last debit generated >ɵ :Last delivery note >һݽ :Last delivery note number >һ :Last delivery note printed at >ϴͻӡ :Last depreciation calc period no >һ۾ɼں :Last depreciation calculation period number >ϴ۾ɼں :Last detail line cannot exceed total lines in the statement >һϸвóе :Last detail line ends on line >һϸн :Last detail line exceeds the number of lines per page >һϸгÿҳ :Last discount code >һۿ۴ :Last dispatch information >һηϢ :Last dll upgrade >һ dll :Last document date >һĵ :Last entry number >һ¼ :Last exchange rate >һ :Last export information >һϢ :Last extract run date >һȡ :Last extracted date >һѹ :Last file name >һļ :Last four digits >λ :Last full scale or increment >̶Ȼ :Last generated GRN number >ϴɵջ(GRN) :Last group >һ :Last index >һ :Last installment >ϴθ :Last inv >һݷƱ :Last inventory journal number for current year >ǰݵһռ˺ :Last invoice date >һݷƱ :Last invoice generated >ɵһݷƱ :Last invoice information >һƱϢ :Last invoice line cannot be less than the row for the first invoice line >һƱвСڵһƱе :Last invoice line ends on row >һƱн :Last invoice number >һƱ :Last invoice number used >ϴʹõķƱ :Last invoice printed at >ڴӡһݷƱ :Last invoice qty >һƱ :Last invoice register number for current year >ǰݵһƱǼDz :Last invoice/dispatch information >һƱ/Ϣ :Last invoice/dispatch note information >һƱ/Ϣ :Last issue >һǩ :Last issue date >ϴǩ :Last issued serial number >ϴǩϵк :Last job >һҵ :Last journal >һռ :Last journal created >һռ :Last journal entry >һռĿ :Last journal posted >һռ :Last labor journal number for current year >ǰݵһͶռ˺ :Last ledger code >һʴ :Last library code >һ :Last login >һε¼ :Last login date >һε¼ :Last login time >һε¼ʱ :Last maintained item >上一个维护项目 :Last manufacturer >һ :Last modified > :Last modified details >޶ϸ :Last month > :Last month end >ϴ½ :Last month end date >ϴ½ :Last month-end > :Last movement >ϴα䶯 :Last movement date >һ仯 :Last name > :Last non-merchandise >һƷĿ :Last o/system >һϵͳ :Last operator to have changed >ѸһӵеIJԱ :Last outside lead time >һⲿ :Last p/o requisition >һβɹ(p/o)빺 :Last part billing >һƷ :Last part billings journal number for current year >ǰݵһƷռ˺ :Last payment >һʸ :Last payment date >ϴθ :Last period end date >һڽ :Last period end date may not be later than the current date >һڲóڵǰ :Last period of year >һ :Last period-end date >һĩ :Last posting information >һϢ :Last posting period/year >һڣ :Last price >۸ :Last price paid >ϴ֧۸ :Last price paid (1) >һѸ۸(1) :Last price paid (2) >һѸ۸(2) :Last price paid details >һѸ۸ϸ :Last price paid for item >һĿ֧۸ :Last price paid to supplier >һӦ̵ļ۸ :Last price u/m >ϴμ۸λ :Last price uom >һּ۸λ :Last print >ϴδӡ :Last print date >ϴδӡ :Last printed >ӡ :Last printed details >´ӡϸ :Last purchase >ϴβɹ :Last purchase date >һɹ :Last purchase order >һݲɹ :Last quantity purchased >ϴβɹ :Last reason code for scrap >һԭ :Last receipt >յ :Last receipt date > :Last receipt date selection >ϴջѡ :Last receipt quantity >һջ :Last receipt/ Routed to date >һջ· :Last receipt/routed to date >һջ/· :Last reference >һο :Last register number >һע :Last request date >һ :Last review > :Last review date cannot be later than next review date >ϴڲ´ :Last review date cannot be later than next review date. >һڲɳһ :Last reviewed >һ :Last sale > :Last sale on or before >ڻ֮ǰϴ :Last sales order >һ۶ :Last sales order created >һ۶ :Last scale used flag >һʹõı־ :Last selection >һѡ :Last ship date >һװ :Last snapshot >һ :Last stock code >һ :Last stock count >ϴο :Last successful login >һγɹ¼ :Last supplier >һҹӦ :Last time a program was called was %1 days ago >ϴεó %1 ֮ǰ :Last time a program was called was %1 hour ago >ϴεó %1 Сʱ֮ǰ :Last time a program was called was %1 hours ago >ϴεó %1 Сʱ֮ǰ :Last time a program was called was %1 minute ago >上次调用程序是在 %1 分钟之前 :Last time a program was called was %1 minutes ago >ϴεó %1 ֮ǰ :Last time a program was called was < %1 minute ago >上次调用程序是在 < %1 分钟之前 :Last transaction > :Last transaction date > :Last transaction line ends on line >һνн :Last transfer before printing >ӡǰһת :Last update date >ϴθ :Last update time >ϴθʱ :Last updated >ϴθʱ :Last week > :Last year >һ :Last year depreciation >һ۾ :Last year end >һ :Last year end date >һ :Last year period %1 >һ%1 :Last year-end > :Last year-end date >һ :Late >ٵ :Late Supplies >һιӦ :Late Supplies Review >һιӦ :Late charge assessed >已评估超期收费 :Late totals >ںϼ :Later date only >Ժ :Latest >最新 :Latest First >״ :Latest due >µ :Latest due date >ٵ :Latest movements first >״α䶯 :Latest payments first >¸ :Latest promised due date >³ŵ :Latest transaction first >µĽ :Latitude >γ :Latitude , Longitude >γȡ :Launch help >启动帮助 :Launch help from status bar >从状态栏启动帮助 :Launch help when clicking on '%1' in status bar >当单击状态栏上的 '%1' 时启动帮助 :Launch help when clicking on new features >当单击新特性时启动帮助 :Layout >ʽ :Layout Category > :Layout code > :Layout options >ѡ :Layout type > :Layouts > :Lead >ǰ :Lead Time Calculation >ǰʱ :Lead time >ǰʱ :Lead time (days) >ǰڣ :Lead time - receipt to ship > - ջװ :Lead time calculation complete >ǰڼ :Lead time calculation completed successfully >ڼɹ :Lead time days >ǰʱ :Lead time equal to zero >ǰڵ :Lead time in days >ǰʱ䣨 :Lead time may not be zero >ǰڲΪ :Lead time variance >ڲ :Lead variance > :Leading negative sign >ͷĸ־ :Lease > :Leave alone > :Leave as is >ԭ뿪 :Leave blank for no lower limit on job number >ҵޣհ :Leave blank for no upper limit on job number >ҵޣհ :Leave blank if not required >粻Ҫ뱣հ :Leave blank to use default >ΪհףʹĬֵ :Leave existing >е :Leave existing quantity per unchanged >δ仯ı :Leave order quantity as is >ԭ :Leave overload identification alone >dzرʶ :Leave qty per unchanged >δĵ뿪 :Leave sales order quantity as is >۶ԭ :Ledger > :Ledger Account - Accumulated Depreciation >ʻ - ۼ۾ :Ledger Account - Asset Clearing >ʻ - ʲ :Ledger Account - Asset Control >ʻ - ʲ :Ledger Account - Capex In Progress >ʻ - ִʱ֧ :Ledger Account - Currency Variance >ʻ - ұ仯 :Ledger Account - Depreciation >ʻ - ۾ :Ledger Account - Profit & Loss >ʻ - ʧ :Ledger Account - Profit & Loss Inter Co Out >ʻ - ʧ˾ :Ledger Account - Profit and Loss >ʻ - ʧ :Ledger Account - Revaluation Reserve >ʻ - ¹۱ :Ledger Account Password >ʻ :Ledger Amount >ʽ :Ledger Category >分类账类别 :Ledger Code Browse >˴ :Ledger Code Conversion >˴ת :Ledger Code Conversion Tickover >˴תѡ :Ledger Code Details >˴ϸ :Ledger Code Error >ʴ :Ledger Code Maintenance >ʴά :Ledger Code Notes >˴ע :Ledger Code Options >ʴѡ :Ledger Code Quick View >ʴٲ鿴 :Ledger Code Setup >˴ :Ledger Code Template >ʴģ :Ledger Code Validation >ʴ֤ :Ledger Codes >ʴ :Ledger Codes Setup >ʴ :Ledger Control Accounts for Branch >֧ķʿʻ :Ledger Descriptions >˵ :Ledger Entries > :Ledger Entries Maintenance >¼ά :Ledger Field >ֶ :Ledger Field Column Definition >ֶ :Ledger Field Enquiry >ֶβѯ :Ledger Field Query >ֶβѯ :Ledger Group > :Ledger Group Entries List in Progress >ִз :Ledger Information >Ϣ :Ledger Period > :Ledger Transactions >ʽ :Ledger Year > :Ledger account >ʻ :Ledger account is on hold >ʻѱ :Ledger amount cannot be zero >ʽΪ :Ledger amount cannot be zero. >ʽ-Ϊ㡣 :Ledger code >ʴ :Ledger code %1 >˴ %1 :Ledger code '%1' can not be a statistical type account >ʴ '%1' Ϊͳʻ :Ledger code '%1' does not exist for currency '%2' for year '%3' >ʴ '%1' '%3' Ļ '%2' :Ledger code '%1' is a control account >ʴ '%1' ǿʻ :Ledger code '%1' is a gain/loss account >ʴ '%1' ʻ :Ledger code '%1' is invalid for business process '%2' >ʴ '%1' ҵ '%2' Ч :Ledger code '%1' is not a Capital type account >ʴ '%1' ʱʻ :Ledger code '%1' is not a Liability type account >ʴ '%1' Ǹծʻ :Ledger code '%1' is not a Revenue type account >ʴ '%1' ʻ :Ledger code '%1' is not a control account >ʴ '%1' ǿʻ :Ledger code '%1' is not a gain/loss account >ʴ '%1' ʻ :Ledger code '%1' is not an Asset type account >ʴ '%1' ʲʻ :Ledger code '%1' is not an Expense type account >ʴ '%1' Ƿʻ :Ledger code '%1' not found >δҵʴ '%1' :Ledger code '%1' on hold >ʴ '%1' :Ledger code '%1' should be a Capital type account >ʴ '%1' Ӧʱʻ :Ledger code '%1' should be a Liability type account >ʴ '%1' ӦǸծʻ :Ledger code '%1' should be a Revenue type account >ʴ '%1' Ӧʻ :Ledger code '%1' should be a Statistical type account >ʴ '%1' Ӧʻ :Ledger code '%1' should be an Asset type account >ʴ '%1' Ӧʲʻ :Ledger code '%1' should be an Expense type account >ʴ '%1' ӦǷʻ :Ledger code (Destination) >˴ (Ŀĵ) :Ledger code (Weighted) >˴ (Ȩ) :Ledger code 1 >ʴ1 :Ledger code 2 >ʴ2 :Ledger code already exists >ƿĿѴ :Ledger code cannot be blank for this non-stocked line >ʴڴ˷ǿвΪհ :Ledger code description >˴ :Ledger code entered is not on file >ĻƿĿ벻 :Ledger code for GRN price >GRN ۸˴ :Ledger code for Interbank Transfers is either blank or not in the G/L file. Use the General Ledger Integration program to capture this ledger code >мתʷʴҪôհףҪô (G/L) ļСʹʼɳ׽˷ʴ :Ledger code for cost of >ɱ˴ :Ledger code for exchange rate variance >ʲʴ :Ledger code for integration >Ϸ˴ :Ledger code for non-stocked >ǿ˴ :Ledger code for sub-contract >˻˴ :Ledger code for tax >˰շʴ :Ledger code is blank >分类账代码为空 :Ledger code is not on file or is blank >ʴ벻ļлΪհ :Ledger code must not be spaces >ʴΪո :Ledger code not found >δҵʴ :Ledger code not on file >ʴ벻ļ :Ledger code on hold >ķʴ :Ledger code password '%1' invalid >ʴ '%1' Ч :Ledger code query >˴ѯ :Ledger code selection >ʴѡ :Ledger code should be a Statistical type account >˴ӦΪͳ˻ :Ledger code should be selected for at least one transaction type >ӦΪһֽѡʴ :Ledger code tag >ʴǩ :Ledger code total >˴ϼ :Ledger code was not deleted >δɾʴ :Ledger code within location >λڵķʴ :Ledger codes and groups will be copied >Ʒʴ :Ledger codes and groups will be copied. Continue? >Ʒ˴顣Ҫ? :Ledger control account >˿˻ :Ledger control account for this warehouse is blank >ֿķʴΪհ :Ledger control account for warehouse '%1' is blank >ֿ '%1' ķʿʻΪհ :Ledger control account selection >ʿʻѡ :Ledger description >˵ :Ledger detail file >ϸļ :Ledger details >ϸ :Ledger distribution details >˷ϸ :Ledger distribution entries deleted >ɾ˷Ŀ :Ledger distribution updated >Ѹ·˷ :Ledger entries file >ļ :Ledger entries group > :Ledger entries group has been purged. Program cancelled >Ʒ¼Ⱥѱȡ :Ledger entries group number selection >Ŀѡ :Ledger entries group selection >Ʒ¼Ⱥѡ :Ledger entries selection >Ŀѡ :Ledger field does not exist >ֶβ :Ledger file company >ļ˾ :Ledger group selection >ѡ :Ledger history file >ʷļ :Ledger integration >ʼ :Ledger integration not required. Program cancelled >Ҫʼɡѱȡ :Ledger journal file >ռļ :Ledger month >· :Ledger not installed >δװ :Ledger options >ѡ :Ledger password > :Ledger period / year cannot be in the future >ڣȲΪ :Ledger period from >ڣ :Ledger period no >ڱ :Ledger period number >ڱ :Ledger period options >ѡ :Ledger period selection >ѡ :Ledger period to >ڣ :Ledger period/year cannot be in the future >ڣȲΪ :Ledger posting period >˷ :Ledger posting year >˷ :Ledger selection >ѡ :Ledger total >˺ϼ :Ledger type > :Ledger variance account >˲˻ :Ledger warehouse code >˲ֿ :Ledger year / period cannot be in the future >ڣȲΪڼ :Ledger year and period selection >Ⱥѡ :Ledger year selection >ѡ :Ledger year/ period cannot be in the future >ȣڲΪ :Ledger year/period cannot be in the future >ȣڲΪ :Ledger/Period >/ :Ledgers > :Left > :Left / right margin >ұ߾ :Left Justified > :Left margin >߾ :Left margin (characters) >߾ַࣨ :Left-align all nodes, nodes with connections will be placed to the right of the connected node >нڵ㡢߱ӵĽڵ㽫ӽڵҲ :Left-align all shapes, shapes with connections will be placed to the right of the connected shape >左对齐所有形状,具备连接的形状将被置于所连接形状的右侧 :Left/right margin >/ұ߾ :Legacy >旧式 :Legend >ͼ :Leger period selection >ѡ :Length > :Length of Payee Name >տ :Length of data block >ڿ鳤 :Length of each note line >ÿһעг :Length of full wording per line >ÿдʾȫ :Length of notes line >עг :Length of payee name (including padding) >տȣ϶ :Less >ȥ :Less % >ȥ% :Less - Stocked merchandise cost >ȥ - Ʒɱ :Less / Plus > :Less direct overheads >ȥֱӷ :Less discount >ȥۿ :Less invoice discount >ȥƱۿ :Less non-stocked merchandise cost >ȥǿƷɱ :Less order discount >ۿ :Less stocked merchandise cost >ȥƷɱ :Less than (days) >Сڣ :Less than allocated quantity >Сڷ :Less than available quantity >Сڿ :Less total order discount >ܶۿ :Less/Plus >/ :Letter/Document >żĵ :Level >ˮƽ :Level %1 > %1 :Level 1 >1 :Level 2 >2 :Level 3 >3 :Level 4 >4 :Level 5 >5 :Level II --> Btrieve >II --> Btrieve :Level Totals >κϼ :Level coefficient >ˮƽϵ :Level of detail >ϸ :Level of discounts >ۿˮƽ :Level of influence >Ӱ켶 :Level of structure to print >ӡĽṹ :Levelling >δ :Levels > :Levels Approval in Process >ڽм :Levels Graph >ͼ :Leverage multiplier >ܸ˳˷ :Liabilities >ծ :Liabilities to >ծ :Liability >ծ :Liability accounts >ծʻ :Liability for Scrapped Documents >ĵ :Liability for scrapped items >Ʒծ :Liable to supplier for scrapped items >ӦƷе?? :Libraries > :Libraries are not retained for the selected configuration >ѡãϢ :Libraries deleted >ɾij :Libraries only > :Library >ݿ :Library Code > :Library Code Maintenance >ݿά :Library Maint. Password >ά :Library already on file >Ѵ :Library description > :Library name > :Library not on file >ⲻ :Library selection >ѡ :License >֤ :License Code >֤ :License Import Wizard >֤ :License Message >֤Ϣ :License Summary >许可证摘要 :License Validation >֤֤ :License Validation Message >֤֤Ϣ :License expiry month >֤· :License expiry year >֤ :License information >֤Ϣ :License setup >֤ :License start date >֤ʼ :License termination month >ֹ֤· :License termination year >ֹ֤ :License type >֤ :License usage options >֤ʹѡ :Licensed >ɵ :Licensed ODBC seats >ODBCϯλ :Licensed Products >ɲƷ :Licensed companies >ɹ˾ :Licensed e.net Run Time Products > e.net ʱƷ :Licensed users >û :Licenses remaining >֤ʣ :Licensing > :Lifo Bins for Stock Code >ĺȳ(Lifo) :Light blue >dzɫ :Light cyan >dzɫ :Light gray >dzɫ :Light green >dzɫ :Light magenta >dzƷɫ :Light red >dzɫ :Limit and Terms > :Limit %1 > %1 :Limit / Terms Selection >ޣѡ :Limit PH >PH :Limit Reached >ѴK :Limit and Terms >޺ :Limit and terms checking >޺ :Limit checking >޼ :Limit flag >ޱ :Limit of %1 entries has been reached. Extra discounts will be ignored >Ѵﵽ %1 ĿļޡԶۿ :Limit of display lines >ʾ :Limit of selected orders >ѡ :Limit periods up to selection >ڼѡ :Limit view of journals to capturer >Բ׽ߵռʲ鿴 :Limit view to capturer >Ⲷļͼ :Limit/Terms Selection >/ѡ :Limit/Terms Selections >ޣѡ :Limited >Ƶ :Limiting Factor >ϵ :Limiting Factor for Route >·ߵ :Limits > :Limits and Terms >ƺ :Line > :Line %1 > %1 :Line %1 for customer purchase order '%2' not found >δҵͻɹ '%2' %1 :Line %1 for stock code '%2' was ignored, as back orders not allowed for a negative quantity >˿ '%2' %1 ΪڶΪ :Line %1 for stock code '%2' was ignored, as customer does not accept back orders >ͻڶ˿ '%2' %1 :Line %1 for stock code '%2' was ignored, as stock code has been superseded, and cannot be placed on back order >ѱҲɷڶ˿ '%2' %1 :Line %1 for stock code '%2' was ignored, as stock code is on partial hold, and cannot be placed on back order >뱻Ҳɷڶ˿ '%2' %1 :Line %1 for stock code '%2' was placed on back order > '%2' %1 ڶ :Line '%1' for purchase order '%2' is not a merchandise line >ɹ '%2' '%1' Ʒ :Line '%1' for purchase order '%2' not found >δҵɹ '%2' '%1' :Line Apportionment >з̯ :Line Commision >Ӷ :Line Commission >Ӷ :Line Detail >ϸ :Line Discount Code >ۿ۴ :Line GST >ͨӪҵ˰(GST) :Line Items >Ŀ :Line Maintenance >ά :Line Non-merchandise Costs >Ʒɱ :Line Nr >б :Line Promotions > :Line Types > :Line Value Overflow >ֵ :Line and inv discount value >кͷƱۿֵ :Line branch > :Line branch selection >ѡ :Line cancellation options >行取消选项 :Line chain discounts >ۿ :Line chart. Charts of this type are generally used to illustrate trends in data over a period of time >ͼͼһ˵һʱݱ仯 :Line commitment date >гŵ :Line complete > :Line complete flag > :Line completed >ɵ :Line cost >гɱ :Line cost center >гɱ :Line cost center selection >гɱѡ :Line detail %1 >ϸ %1 :Line detail defaults for SO creation >SO ϸĬֵ :Line detail defaults for sales order creation >۶ϸĬֵ :Line detail information >ϸϢ :Line details >ϸ :Line discount >ۿ :Line discount amount >ۿ۽ :Line discount calculation >ۿۼ :Line discount changed flag >ۿ۸ı :Line discount code not on file >ۿ۴벻ļ :Line discount code selection >ۿ۴ѡ :Line discount value >ۿֵ :Line discounts >ۿ :Line due > :Line due date >е :Line due date selection >еѡ :Line fill rate > :Line group code > :Line group code selection >ѡ :Line information >Ϣ :Line invoice total >зƱϼ :Line is excluded, cannot change >бų޷ :Line is used by TPM > TPM ʹ :Line level >в :Line linked > :Line mass > :Line may not be flagged by both '%1' and '%2' >ýбΪ '%1' '%2' :Line menu >в˵ :Line mode >ģʽ :Line no >к :Line no of blanket PO contract >һ PO ͬб :Line notes >ע :Line number >к :Line number '%1' is an attached line and attached lines are not included or will be automatically included once their parent is supplied >к '%1' ǸУһṩУҪôڣҪôԶ :Line number (zero upwards) >б () :Line number of parent >к :Line number of parent stock code >к :Line on time >׼ʱ :Line on time in full >׼ʱ :Line priority >ȼ :Line priority for Preactor >Preactor ȼ :Line profit > :Line profit % >% :Line promotion >д :Line promotions have been updated on the order >Ѹ¶еĴ :Line promotions, and global promotions for this line, have been requalified and updated on the order >֤͸¶еĴԼеȫִ :Line receipt date >ջ :Line ship date >װ :Line ship date %1 is invalid or too early >л%1 Ч :Line ship date calculation >װڼ :Line skip > :Line skip option >ѡ :Line skips > :Line status >״̬ :Line tax >˰ :Line to be ignored >ҪԵ :Line type > :Line value >ֵ :Line values >мֵ :Line volume > :Line width >п :Line width (75-300) >п(75-300) :Line will be excluded from this credit note because the amount to credit >ӴƱųУΪǵĽ :Line will be excluded from this credit note because the stock code's >ӴƱųУΪ :Line will be excluded from this credit note because the warehouse, serial, >нӱƱųΪиIJֿ⡢ϵС :Line(New) >(½) :Line(Old) >行 (旧) :Line-type > :Linear > :Lines > :Lines & Symbols >м :Lines Rejected in Back Order Release >ڽܾ :Lines Released >ѷ :Lines changed for dispatch will be discarded if you exit. Do you wish to exit? >˳ΪĵСϣ˳? :Lines changed for release will be discarded if you exit. Do you wish to exit? >˳ѸҪͷŵСϣ˳ :Lines displayed >ʾ :Lines imported >ѵ :Lines in '%1' status only > '%1' ״̬µ :Lines in full > :Lines in import file >ļе :Lines included >Ѱ :Lines marked '*' indicate that the cost entered (or calculated) exceeds the maximum field size catered for by this version of SYSPRO >'*'бʾ루㣩ijɱΪSYSPRO汾趨ֶδС :Lines marked for creation of purchase order will be discarded when changing preferences. Ok to continue? >ʱΪɹСȷҪ :Lines marked for dispatch will be discarded when changing preferences. Ok to continue? >ʱΪСȷҪ :Lines marked for dispatch will be discarded. Ok to continue? >ΪСȷҪ :Lines marked for release will be discarded if you change options. Do you wish to continue? >ѡΪеСϣ :Lines marked for release will be discarded if you change revie\nw preferences. Do you wish to continue? >ѡΪеСϣ? :Lines marked for release will be discarded if you change review preferences. Do you wish to continue? >ѡʧΪеСϣ? :Lines marked for release will be discarded if you load more lines. Do you wish to continue? >УΪеСϣ :Lines marked with '%1' indicate that there is insufficient stock availability to allocate the line or the stock code is on full hold. Such lines must be deleted or adjusted as required > '%1'бʾÿ治㣬ԷУ߿봦ȫ״̬ɾҪе :Lines marked with a "#" have a zero price. Do you wish to continue? >"#"о߱۸ϣ :Lines marked with a \"#\" have a zero price. Do you wish to continue? >\"#\"о߱۸ϣ :Lines marked with an '%1' indicate that there is a price margin error. Correct these components before they can be accepted > '%1' ָڼ۸ڽ֮ǰЩ :Lines marked with an '*' indicate that there is a price margin error. Correct these components before they can be accepted >'*'бʾڼ۸ڽ֮ǰЩ :Lines may not be added to this order >δö :Lines on time >׼ʱ :Lines on time in full >׼ʱ :Lines per page >ÿҳ :Lines per page '%1' >ÿҳ '%1' :Lines read >Ѷȡ :Lines selected >ZZZZZѡ :Lines to Route >· :Lines to Select >ѡ :Lines to skip (0-9) >Ҫ(0-9) :Lines with cancelled items >ȡƷ :Lines with no demand > :Lines with no demands > :Link > :Link WIP Job >ִҵ(WIP)ҵ :Link Accounts Receivable to Cash Book >Ӧʿӵֽʱ :Link Exists > :Link P/O Requisition >Ӳɹ(P/O)빺 :Link PO Requisition >Ӳɹ(PO)빺 :Link Purchase Order >Ӳɹ :Link Sales Orders directly to APS >ֱӽ۶ӵAPS :Link WIP Job >ִҵ(WIP)ҵ :Link Work in Progress directly to APS >ִеҵֱӵAPS :Link any stock code and/or operation attribute to Factory Scheduling >κο/Եų :Link approved SYSPRO suppliers to the part numbers of approved manufacturers >Ӻ׼ SYSPRO Ӧ̵׼̵ :Link customers selectively to specific SYSPRO stock codes, and maintain the last sales details for specific customer/stock code combinations >ѡӿͻض SYSPRO 룬άضͻ/ϵһϸ :Link definition >Ӷ :Link from operator '%1' to Contact '%2' has been removed >ɾӲԱ '%1' ϵ'%2' :Link or Un-link P/O Requisition >ӻӲɹ빺 :Link or Un-link PO Requisition >ӻȡ PO 빺 :Link or Un-link Purchase Order >ӻӲɹ :Link or Un-link WIP Job >ӻִҵ(WIP) :Link to .NET control >ӵ .NET :Link to Existing > :Link to Job/PO/Requisition >ҵ/ɹ (PO)/빺 :Link to P/O Requisition >ɹ빺 :Link to PO Requisition >ɹ빺 :Link to Purchase Order >ɹ :Link to Purchase Order Requisition >ɹ빺 :Link to Purchase Order Requsition >ɹ빺 :Link to Purchase Order, Requisition, Job >ɹ빺ҵ :Link to WIP Job >ִҵ(WIP) :Link type > :Link unsuccessful >Ӳɹ :Link/Unlink WIP Job >ӣȡִҵ(WIP)ҵ :Link/Unlink unsuccessful >ӣȡδɹ :Linkage from A/P Supplier Invoice Payments >ԴӦʿ(A/P)Ӧ̷Ʊ :Linkage from A/P Supplier Journal Distribution >ԴӦʿ(A/P)Ӧռʷ :Linkage from ABC Element Analysis >ԴԻɱ(ABC)Ҫط :Linkage from AP Supplier Invoice Payments >ԴӦʿ(AP)Ӧ̷Ʊ :Linkage from AP Supplier Journal Distribution >ԴӦʿ(AP)Ӧռʷ :Linkage from IM - Inventory Master File >IM - ļ :Linkage from IM - Inventory Master Table >IM - :Linkage mismatch >᲻ :Linkage not passed to SYSPRO Component >δͨSYSPRO :Linked Customers >ӿͻ :Linked Files >ӵļ :Linked Objects >ӵĶ :Linked Suppliers >ӹӦ :Linked TO G/L in Summary >链接到摘要中的 G/L :Linked Tables in Table Structure >ṹе嵥 :Linked entries >ӵ :Linked sales order quantity >۶ :Linked suppliers or customers are already selected for contra. Please unselect them first before you can remove them from selection >ΪͬѡӹӦ̻ͻܹѡɾ֮ǰȡǵѡ :Linked tables >ӵı :Linked tables available >õ嵥 :Linked to > :Linked to G/L in Detail >链接到明细中的 G/L :Linked to a contract >ͬ :Linked to key > :Linked to s/o >۶ :Linked to so >ӵ :Linked to type > :Linking Accounts Payable to Cash Book >Ӧʿӵֽʱ :Linking Accounts Receivable to Cash Book >ڽӦʿӵֽʱ :Links > :Links not defined for this Customer/Supplier >δΪ˿ͻӦ̶ :List >嵥 :List Bookmarks >бǩ :List Definition >б :List Editor >б༭ :List Error Log >б־ :List GRN's with variance % greater than >гGRN쳬%GRN :List Group >г :List Group Entries >г :List Ignored Lines >гԵ :List Import File >гļ :List Less Chain Discount >гۿ :List Maintenance >бά :List Notepad >г± :List OF BOM Notional Co-products >ϵ(BOM)ͬƷб :List OF BOM Notional Parts >ϵ(BOM)б :List Per >б :List Price Less Chain >г۸ :List Price Less Percentage >г۸񽵵Ͱٷֱ :List Program Access >б :List Program Access in Progress >ִб :List Revaluation Categories >嵥 :List Saved >已保存列表 :List Task Groups >г :List Uncaptured >гδ׽Ŀ :List accounts individually >гʻ :List all detail transactions (material and labor) that have been posted against each job >гÿһϸ (ϺͶ) :List all purchase order lines where the due date was changed or where the line was created as a result of a sales back order >геڱĻڽIJɹ :List all the master assets with their attached sub assets held on file >г丽ʲѴ浵ʲ :List any exclusions in end of run report >нгκųĿ :List any exclusions in report >ڱгκųĿ :List changes >г仯 :List changes on printer >гйشӡı仯 :List components >г :List costs >гɱ :List created records and exceptions >гѴļ¼ :List created records only >гѴļ¼ :List date changes >гڸ :List description >г :List detail breakdown >гϸ :List detail field descriptions >гϸֶ˵ :List detailed breakdown >гϸ :List escalated costs >гɱ :List estimate details >гϸ :List file name >гļ :List files of type >гļ :List full file name >гļȫ :List full narration lines >гȫ :List full narrations >гȫ :List has been copied successfully >ѳɹб :List in cost center sequence >ɱ˳г :List inactive accounts >гʻ :List indented cost summary >гijɱժҪ :List individual accounts >列出各自账户 :List materials by operation >·г :List name >г :List new build schedules >гų :List new dispatches in end of run report >нг· :List new dispatches in report >ڱг· :List new requisitions only >г :List non-current >гǵǰ :List non-current Revision/Release >гǵǰ޶/ :List non-current revisions/releases >г޶ͷ :List of >б :List of A/P Branches >Ӧʿ(A/P)֧б :List of A/P Invoice Terms >A/PƱ嵥 :List of A/P Invoice Terms in Progress >ִA/PƱ嵥 :List of A/P Withholding Tax Codes >Ӧʿ(A/P)˰б :List of A/R Branches >Ӧʿ(A/R)֧б :List of A/R Currency Variance Interface >Ӧʿ (A/R) Ҳб :List of A/R Invoice Discount Codes >A/RƱۿ嵥 :List of A/R Invoice Discounts >Ӧʿ(A/R)Ʊۿ۱ :List of A/R Invoice Terms >A/RƱ嵥 :List of A/R Invoice Terms in Progress >ִA/RƱ嵥 :List of A/R Master/Sub-account >Ӧʿ(A/R)ʻб :List of AP Branches >Ӧʿ(AP)֧б :List of AP Invoice Terms >Ӧʿ(AP)Ʊб :List of AP Invoice Terms in Progress >ִAPƱ嵥 :List of AP Withholding Tax Codes >Ӧʿ(AP)˰б :List of AR Branches >Ӧʿ(AR)֧б :List of AR Currency Variance Interface >Ӧʿ (AR) Ҳб :List of AR Invoice Discount Codes >Ӧʿ (AR) Ʊۿ۴б :List of AR Invoice Discounts >Ӧʿ(AR)Ʊۿб :List of AR Invoice Terms >Ӧʿ(AR)Ʊб :List of AR Invoice Terms in Progress >ִARƱ嵥 :List of AR Master Sub Accounts >Ӧʿ (AR) ʻб :List of AR Master Sub-accounts >AR ˻б :List of AR Master/Sub-account >Ӧʿ(AR)ʻб :List of Accounts >ʻ嵥 :List of Accounts in Progress >ִʻ嵥 :List of Accrual Types >Ϣб :List of Added Serial Numbers >已添加系列号码列表 :List of Additions >嵥 :List of Asset Expense Items >ʲĿб :List of Asset Mechanics >ʲб :List of Asset Status Codes >ʲ״̬б :List of Asset Status Codes in Progress >ִʲ״̬б :List of Asset Statuses in Progress >ڽʲ״̬б :List of Asset Types >ʲ嵥 :List of Asset types in Progress >ִʲб :List of Assets Interface entries >ʲӿб :List of BOM Cost Work Centers >BOM ɱб :List of BOM Cost-Work Centers >BOM ɱ-б :List of BOM Cost/Work Centers >ϵ(BOM)ɱҵб :List of Bank Balances >嵥 :List of Banks >嵥 :List of Banks in Progress >ִ嵥 :List of Batch Serials >ϵб :List of Batch Serials in Inspection >ϵб :List of Blanket Purchase Orders >ۺԲɹ嵥 :List of Branches >嵥 :List of Budgets >Ԥ嵥 :List of Budgets in Progress >ִԤ嵥 :List of Business Objects >ҵб :List of Buyers >嵥 :List of Buyers in Progress >ִвɹԱб :List of Buying >ɹ嵥 :List of Buying Group Customer Cross Reference >ɹͻ :List of Buying Group Customer Cross Reference in Progress >ִвɹͻб :List of Buying Group-Customer >ɹ-ͻб :List of Buying Group/Customer >/ͻ嵥 :List of Buying Groups >嵥 :List of Buying Groups in Progress >ִвɹ嵥 :List of Calculation Codes >嵥 :List of Capex Classifications >ʱ÷б :List of Capex Classifications in Progress >ڽʱ÷б :List of Capex Numbers >Ԥʽ֧嵥 :List of Capex Numbers in Progress >ִʱ֧嵥 :List of Capex Types >ʱ֧б :List of Capex codes >ʱ֧б :List of Commission Codes >Ӷ嵥 :List of Commission Codes in Progress >ִӶ嵥 :List of Companies >˾嵥 :List of Configurations >嵥 :List of Configurations in Progress >ִ嵥 :List of Constant Codes >嵥 :List of Contacts >ϵб :List of Cost Centers >ɱ嵥 :List of Cost Centers in Progress >ִгɱб :List of Cost Work Centers >ɱб :List of Cost and Work Centers >ɱҵб :List of Cost-Work Centers >ɱ-ҵб :List of Cost/Work Centers >ɱ/嵥 :List of Created/Maintained Jobs >Ѵ/άб :List of Currencies >嵥 :List of Currencies in Progress >ִл嵥 :List of Cust Stk Code X-ref >Զղοб :List of Cust-Stk Code X-ref >ͻղοб :List of Cust/Stk Code X-ref >ͻƱ嵥X-ref :List of Custom Exchange Rates >˰һ嵥 :List of Customer / Stock Codes Cross Reference >ͻб :List of Customer / Stock Codes Cross Reference in Progress >ִпͻб :List of Customer Classes >ͻ嵥 :List of Customer Classes in Progress >ִпͻȼ :List of Customer Details >ͻб :List of Customer Stock Code Cross Ref >ͻղοб :List of Customer Stock Code Cross-Ref >ͻб :List of Customer Stock Codes >ͻƱ嵥 :List of Customer Stock Codes in Progress >ִпͻ :List of Customer/Stock Code Cross Reference >ͻ/ղοб :List of Customer/Stock Code Cross-Ref >ͻб :List of Customer/Stock Codes Cross Reference >ͻղο :List of Customer/Stock Codes Cross Reference in Progress >ִпͻղο :List of Customers >ͻ嵥 :List of Customers in Progress >ִпͻ :List of Deduction Codes >۳б :List of Depr Adjustments >۾ɵ嵥 :List of Depreciation Codes >۾ɴ嵥 :List of Disposals >嵥 :List of ECC Status and Routings >ECC ״̬·б :List of Element >Ҫб :List of Element Descriptors >ɷ˵嵥 :List of Element Structures >ɷֽṹ嵥 :List of Elements >ɷ嵥 :List of Elements Where-Used >ʹõijɷ嵥 :List of Employees >Ա嵥 :List of Employees in Progress >ִйԱ :List of Engineering Status Codes and Routings >״̬뼰·߱ :List of Engineering Users >û嵥 :List of Entries >Ŀб :List of Estimates >嵥 :List of Events >¼ :List of Expense Codes >֧嵥 :List of Files to Export >ļ :List of Financial >嵥 :List of Financial Reports >񱨸嵥 :List of Financial Reports in Progress >ִв񱨱嵥 :List of Forecast Calendars >Ԥ :List of Forecast Calendars in Progress >ִԤб :List of Forecasts >Ԥ嵥 :List of Forecasts by Time Periods in Progress >ִаʱ޷Ԥ :List of Forecasts in Progress >ִԤ :List of Foreign Price Codes >۸б :List of GRN's >GRN б :List of GRNs >GRN б :List of Geographic Areas >嵥 :List of Geographic Areas in Progress >ִе :List of Groups >嵥 :List of Groups in Progress >ִ :List of Inventory Cost Units of Measure >λ :List of Inventory Cost u/m in Progress >ִпλ :List of Inventory Costs U/m >ɱλб :List of Inventory Costs Um >ɱλб :List of Inventory Costs Uom >ɱλб :List of Inventory Interface entries >ӿб :List of Inventory Notations >б :List of Invoice Discount Codes in Progress >ִзƱۿ۴嵥 :List of Invoice Formats to Print Continuously >ӡƱʽ嵥 :List of Invoice Terms >Ʊ嵥 :List of Invoices >Ʊ嵥 :List of Invoices for Reprinting >´ӡƱб :List of Items >Ŀб :List of Job Classes >ҵ嵥 :List of Job Classifications >ҵб :List of Journal Source Codes >ռԴб :List of Journal Source Codes in Progress >ִռԴ嵥 :List of Journals >ռб :List of Locations >洢Ԫ嵥 :List of Locations in Progress >ִλб :List of Log in Progress >ִ־ :List of Machines >嵥 :List of Machines in Progress >ִл嵥 :List of Manual Serials >ֶϵб :List of Manual Serials in Inspection >ֶϵб :List of Master / Sub-Accounts >ʻ嵥 :List of Master / Sub-Accounts in Progress >ִʻ嵥 :List of Master Sub Assets >ʲб :List of Master Sub-accounts >˻б :List of Master Sub-assets >ʲб :List of Master-SubAccounts >-ʻб :List of Master/Sub Assets >/ʲ嵥 :List of Master/Sub Assets in Progress >ִʲ嵥 :List of Master/Sub-Accounts >ʻ/ʻ嵥 :List of Master/Sub-accounts >/˻б :List of Master/Sub-accounts in Progress >ڽ/˻б :List of Master/Sub-assets in Progress >ڽʲб :List of Matched Transactions >ƥ佻б :List of Material Allocations >Ϸб :List of Material Transactions >Ͻб :List of Mechanics >嵥 :List of Multiple Addresses >ַ嵥 :List of Multiple Ship to Addresses >ַб :List of Narrations >嵥 :List of Narrations in Progress >ִ :List of Non-Productive Codes >Դ嵥 :List of Non-stocked codes in progress >ִзǿ嵥 :List of Notations in Progress >ִз嵥 :List of Notional Jobs >ҵб :List of Notional Parts >б :List of Operators >Ա :List of Operators in Progress >ִвԱ :List of Ops Tracking >б :List of Ops Transactions >б :List of Order Discount Breaks >ۿۼ嵥 :List of Order Discount Breaks in Progress >ִжۿۼ嵥 :List of Order Types >б :List of Order Types in Progress >ִжͱ :List of Orders for Loads >Ҫضб :List of Overloads in Progress >ִ :List of Owners >嵥 :List of Owners in Progress >ִб :List of P orders Discount Codes >ɹۿ۴б :List of P orders Price Uom >ɹ۸λб :List of P orders Standard Comments >ɹ׼עб :List of P/O Discount Codes >ɹ(P/O)ۿ۴б :List of P/O Discounts in Progress >ִвɹۿ嵥 :List of P/O Price UOM >ɹ(P/O)۸λб :List of P/O Standard Comments >ɹ(P/O)׼עб :List of P/O Standard Comments in Progress >ִвɹ׼עͱ :List of PO Discount Codes >ɹۿ۴б :List of PO Discounts in Progress >ڽ PO ۿб :List of PO Price UOM >ɹ۸λб :List of PO Standard Comments >ɹ׼עб :List of PO Standard Comments in Progress >ڽ PO ׼עб :List of Payments Ledger Interface entri >ʽӿб :List of Payments Ledger Interfaces >ʽӿб :List of Permanent Entries >Ŀ嵥 :List of Permanent Entries in Progress >ִй̶¼ :List of Planners >ƻ嵥 :List of Planners in Progress >ִмƻԱ :List of Post Dated Check >Զ֧Ʊ嵥 :List of Post Dated Checks >֧Ʊ嵥 :List of Post Dated Chk/Cheques >֧Ʊ嵥 :List of Post Dated Chks >Զ֧Ʊ嵥 :List of Prd Class Descriptions >Ʒȼ˵б :List of Price/Currency Cross-references >۸񣯻Ҷ :List of Prices >۸б :List of Problem Codes > :List of Problem Codes in Progress >ִб :List of Product Class Descriptions >Ʒȼ˵ :List of Product Class Descriptions in Progress >ִвƷȼ˵ :List of Product Classes >Ʒ嵥 :List of Product Classes in Progress >ִвƷȼ :List of Product Group Codes >Ʒб :List of Promotion Codes >б :List of Purchase Order Discounts >ɹۿ嵥 :List of Purchase Orders >ɹ嵥 :List of Purchase Orders Standard Comments >ɹ׼ע嵥 :List of Purchasing Price Units of Measure >ɹ۸λ嵥 :List of Purchasing Price u/m in Progress >ִвɹ۸λ :List of Quotations >嵥 :List of Quotations in Progress >ִб嵥 :List of Reasons for Disposal >ԭ嵥 :List of Reasons for Disposal in Progress >ִдԭб :List of Reasons for Reval >ٹԭ嵥 :List of Reasons for Revaluation >¹ֵԭб :List of Reasons for Revaluation in Progress >ִ¹ֵԭб :List of Rejections >б :List of Reports >嵥 :List of Reports in Progress >ִб嵥 :List of Requisition Users >û嵥 :List of Requisition Users in Progress >ִû빺б :List of Resolution Codes >б :List of Resource >Դб :List of Resource Structures >Դṹ嵥 :List of Resource Structures in Progress >ִԴṹ :List of Resources >Դ嵥 :List of Resources in Progress >ִԴ :List of Revaluation Inter entries >عб :List of Revaluations >ٹ嵥 :List of Routes >·嵥 :List of S/O Reason Codes >۶(S/O)ԭб :List of S/O Standard Comments >۶(S/O)׼עб :List of S/O Standard Comments in Progress >ִ۶׼עͱ :List of SO Discount Breaks >۶ۿۼб :List of SO Reason Codes >ۼ۸ԭб :List of SO Standard Comments >۶׼עб :List of SO Standard Comments in Progress >ڽ SO ׼עб :List of SQL Server Diagnostic Information >SQLϢ :List of Sales History Targets >ʷĿ嵥 :List of Sales Ledger Interface entries >۷ʽӿб :List of Sales Ledger Interfaces >۷ʽӿб :List of Sales Order Discount Breaks >۶ۿ۷ָб :List of Sales Orders Order Types >۶ͱ :List of Sales Orders Standard Comments >۶׼עͱ :List of Sales Targets >Ŀ嵥 :List of Salespersons >Ա嵥 :List of Salespersons in Progress >ִԱ :List of Scrap Reason Codes >ԭб :List of Scrap Reasons >ԭ嵥 :List of Security Groups >ȫ :List of Security Groups in Progress >ִаȫ :List of Selling Price U/m >ۼ۸λб :List of Selling Price Um >ۼ۸λб :List of Selling Price Units of Measure >ۼ۸λ :List of Selling Price Uom >ۼ۸λб :List of Selling Price u/m in Progress >ִۼ۸λ :List of Shipping Instructions >װָʾ :List of Shipping Instructions in Progress >ִװָʾ嵥 :List of Sites >վб :List of Status Codes >״̬嵥 :List of Status Codes in Progress >ִ״̬嵥 :List of Stock Code Comments >ע嵥 :List of Stock Code Comments in Progress >ִпע嵥 :List of Stock Codes >嵥 :List of Stock Codes in Stock Take >̵пб :List of Stock Items in Progress >ڽпĿб :List of Structures >ṹ嵥 :List of Substitutions for Allocation >滻б :List of Sup Stock Code Contract Prices >Ӧ̿ͬ۸б :List of Sup/Stock Code Contract Prices >Ӧ̣ͬ۸б :List of Supplier Comments >ע嵥 :List of Supplier Comments in Progress >ִйӦע嵥 :List of Suppliers > :List of Suppliers in Progress >ִйӦ嵥 :List of TPM Customers >TPM ͻб :List of Tariff Codes >˰嵥 :List of Task Groups >б :List of Tracked Lots/Serials in Progress >ִѸΣϵб :List of Transfers >ת嵥 :List of Uncaptured Stock Quantities >Dz嵥 :List of Uncaptured Stock Quantities in Progress >ִзDz嵥 :List of User-Defined Journals >û嵥 :List of User-defined Journal Source Codes >ûռԴ嵥 :List of Users in Progress >ִû嵥 :List of Valid Entries >Чб :List of Valid Entries for >Чб :List of Valid Items >ЧĿб :List of Warehouses >ֿ嵥 :List of Warehouses in Progress >ִвֿ嵥 :List of Warehouses to Export >IJֿ嵥 :List of Web Applications Printing in Progress >ִӦóӡ :List of Withholding Tax Codes >˰մ嵥 :List of Withholding Tax Codes in Progress >ִб˰մ嵥 :List of Work Centers in Progress >ִҵı :List of all reports created in the report writer module >ڱдģбб :List of alpha values >Alpha ֵб :List of alphanumeric values >ĸֵб :List of assets >ʲб :List of blanket po contracts >һӲɹͬб :List of characters, e.g. &!@< >ַб &!@< :List of co-product lines >ͬƷб :List of components > :List of contracts >ͬб :List of dates >б :List of dispatch notes >б :List of exported files >ѵļ :List of files (IMPFIL.IMP) >ļ(IMPFILIMP) :List of inspection values >ֵб :List of jobs >ҵб :List of lines not valid for a debit or credit note >ڴǵͽǵЧб :List of methods in the namespace >ռеķб :List of new Words >б :List of non-stocked codes >ǿб :List of numeric values >ֵб :List of operations > :List of prohibited companies >ֹ˾ :List of record layouts >¼ :List of references >οб :List of reports to be scheduled >Ŷб :List of requisitions >빺б :List of sales orders >۶б :List of source warehouses >Դֿб :List of target warehouses >Ŀֿб :List of warehouses supplied does not include a valid warehouse for stock code '%1' >ṩIJֿб '%1' Чֿ :List of work centers >б :List only price over-ride >г۸񸲸 :List only price override >г۸񸲸 :List overloads? >Ҫг :List price >۸嵥 :List price / cost changes >г۸񣯳ɱ仯 :List price basis >г۸׼ :List price code >г۸ :List price code may not be blank >г۴벻Ϊհ :List price details >г۸ϸ :List price less a chain discount >г۸ۿ :List price less a percentage >۸񽵵Ͱٷֱб :List price less chain discount >۸񵥼۸ȥۿ :List price unit of measure >۸λб :List price/cost changes >г۸/ɱ :List pricing u/m >嵥u/m :List pricing uom >гۼλ :List quantity changes >г :List security options >гȫѡ :List selection >гѡ :List sub assets under master >гµķʲ :List sub jobs under master jobs >гҵµķְҵ :List sub-assets under master >гµʲ :List subjobs under master jobs >гµӹ :List the Table Linkages created in the data dictionary >гֵı :List the details of shipments that are current, completed or archived >гڽСɻѹ鵵װ˵ϸ :List this group? >Ҫг :List type >г :List view >бͼ :List view options >鿴ѡб :List view themes >гͼ :List views >гͼ :List warehouses >гֿ :List what-if cost totals >гԳɱϼ :ListIndentedCostSummary >ListIndentedCostSummary :Listed groups can edit report >гԱ༭ :Listed groups can run report >гб :Listed groups cannot edit report >г鲻ñ༭ :Listed groups cannot run report >г鲻б :Listed operators can edit report >гIJԱԱ༭ :Listed operators can run report >гIJԱб :Listed operators cannot edit report >гIJԱñ༭ :Listed operators cannot run report >гIJԱб :Lists >б :Listview >бͼ :Listview Contents >б鿴 :Listview Designer >列表视图设计者 :Listview Names >бͼ :Listview Preview >б鿴Ԥ :Listview Properties >б鿴 :Listview Settings >бͼ :Listview Styles >嵥鿴 :Listview and Form Preview >б鿴ͱԤ :Listview font >б鿴 :Listview item >б鿴Ŀ :Listview options >Listviewѡ :Listview template >б鿴ģ :Listview/Forms - Export or print data >б鿴 - ӡ :Listview/Forms - VBScript editing and form adjustments by operator >б鿴 - VBScript༭ͲԱı :Listviews >б鿴 :Live >ʱ :Live Details >ϸ :Live GTR >实时 GTR :Live GTR completed >已完成实时 GTR :Live GTR purged >已清除实时 GTR :Live GTR records >实时 GTR 记录 :Live Material >ʹеIJ :Live Operations >Ч :Live Order >Ч :Live Purchase Order >ɹ :Live Purchase Order Review >ʱɹ :Live Purchase Order in Process >ִлIJɹ :Live Purchase Orders >IJɹ :Live SCT >实时 SCT :Live SCT cancelled >已取消实时 SCT :Live SCT completed >已完成实时 SCT :Live SCT line purged >已清除实时 SCT 行 :Live SCT orders >实时 SCT 订单 :Live SCT purged >已清除实时 SCT :Live Warehouse Information >ʱֿϢ :Live Zoom >ʱ :Live complete >ʵʱ :Live dispatches exist for >ڼʱ :Live files have been updated, requirements calculation should be re-run >Ѹ»ļӦҪ :Live files have been updated, snapshot should be re-taken >Ѹ»ļӦ½п :Live forecast >ʵʱԤ :Live job created >Ѵʱ :Live job has been updated since the snapshot was taken >ץȡѸ»ҵ :Live p/o cancelled >ȡʵʱɹ :Live p/o completed >ʵʱɹ :Live p/o line purged >ʵʱɹ :Live p/o purged >ʵʱɹ :Live purchase order creation >ʱɹ :Live purged >ʵʱ :Live req >ʵʱ빺 :Live req cancelled >ȡʵʱ빺 :Live req completed >ʵʱ빺 :Live req on hold >ʵʱ빺 :Live requisition >빺 :Live requisition already on file >빺Ѵ :Live requisition creation >빺 :Live requisition has already been created >빺Ѵ :Live requisitions will be created. It will ignore those which have already been created or excluded. Note requisition numbers will be generated as if automatic numbering was used if no valid live requisition numbers were entered >ʱ빺˽ЩѴų빺ע⣬δκЧļʱ빺룬ͬʹԶ빺 :Live requisitions will be created. It will ignore those which have already been created or excluded. Note requisition numbers will be generated as if automatic numbering was used if no valid live requistion numbers were entered >ʵʱ빺˽ЩѴų빺ע⣬δκЧʵʱ빺룬ͬʹԶ빺 :Load > :Load Creation >װش :Load Customary Units >Զ嵥λ :Load Default Values >Ĭֵ :Load Details >װϸ :Load Details Maintenance >װϸά :Load File >ļ :Load GRN'S to Match. Previously Loaded GRN's Will be Removed >加载要匹配的 GRN。将移除先前加载的 GRN :Load Imperial Units >ӢƵλ :Load Information >װϢ :Load Journal >װռ :Load Levelling >ˮƽ :Load Maintenance >װά :Load Metric Units >عƵλ :Load Multiple GRN's >加载多 GRN :Load Notes >ע :Load Object >ض :Load Packages > :Load Picking List >ѡȡб :Load Planning >ؼƻ :Load Planning Picking List >ؼƻϵ :Load Planning Transport Maintenance >ؼƻά :Load Previous Form Values >һֵ :Load Sheet >װص :Load Transport >װ :Load VERAZIP Import File > VERAZIP ļ :Load a Range of GRN's >加载多种 GRN :Load a Single GRN >加载仅一种 GRN :Load complete > :Load existing > :Load existing from disk >Ӵ̼Ŀ :Load existing template >ģ :Load levelling not required for Requirements Planning. Program cancelled >ƽҪ滮Ҫȡ :Load levelling not required for Work in Progress. Program cancelled >ִеҵҪƽ⡣ȡ :Load list >б :Load next merchandise line automatically during maintenance >άڼԶһƷ :Load next stock code to add >ӵһ :Load number >غ :Load number/reference >װغ룯ο :Load numbering >װر :Load planning details >װؼƻϸ :Load planning options >װؼƻѡ :Load planning required >Ҫؼƻ :Load reference >װزο :Load reference '%1' completed >װزο '%1' :Load reference '%1' created >Ѵװزο '%1' :Load stock codes as per selection >ѡؿ :Load the Selected Range of GRN's >加载选定 GRN 的范围 :Load total >غϼ :Loaded work centers >已装载工作中心 :Loading >װ :Loading Archive >ڼص :Loading Available Reports >װر :Loading Contract Information >غͬϢ :Loading Details >ڼϸ :Loading Events >¼ :Loading Factor (SFS) >加载因子 (SFS) :Loading Form Designer >װرԱ :Loading Hierarchy Information >ڼزϢ :Loading Lists >ڼб :Loading MDX statement definition information >ڼMDX䶨Ϣ :Loading Main Menu >װά˵ :Loading Manager >ڼؾ :Loading Menu >ڼز˵ :Loading Policies >ڼ :Loading Queries >加载查询 :Loading Quotation Information >ڼرϢ :Loading Report >ر :Loading Report %1 >ڼر %1 :Loading Reports >װر :Loading SYSPRO Reporting Services >ڼSYSPRO :Loading SYSPRO translation >ڼ SYSPRO ת :Loading Sub Jobs >ڼתҵ :Loading Themes >ڼ :Loading activity >ڼػ :Loading actvity >ڼػ :Loading analysis object information >ڼطϢ :Loading another instance of SYSPRO >ڼһ SYSPRO ʵ :Loading blanket purchase orders... Please wait >ڼۺԲɹ...Ⱥ :Loading build information. Please wait >ڼϢԺ :Loading category information >ڼϢ :Loading document information... Please wait >ڼļϢ...Ⱥ :Loading factor >ڼϵ :Loading forecasts to graph. Please wait >ͼԤ⡣Ժ :Loading group security access information. Please wait >ڼ鰲ȫԷϢԺ :Loading help. Please wait >ڼذԺ :Loading initial date dimension values >ڼسʼάֵ :Loading list of databases >ڼݿб :Loading operator amendment journals. Please wait >ڼزԱ޶ռʡԺ :Loading passwords. Please wait >ڼ롣Ժ :Loading production schedule. Please wait >ڼʱԺ :Loading program >ڼس :Loading result. Please wait >ڼؽԺ :Loading sales orders... Please wait >ڼ۶...Ⱥ :Loading selected OLAP items >ڼѡOLAPĿ :Loading selected Staging items >ڼѡʱĿ :Loading selected Subject items >ڼѡĿ :Loading the DTS configuration file >ڼݴϵͳ(DTS)ļ :Loading the DTS configuration string >DTSַ :Loading the list of Extraction packages >ڼȡװб :Loading the list of Load packages >ڼװװб :Loading the list of Transformation packages >ڼתװб :Loading the list of companies >ڼع˾б :Loading tracking data >ڼ׷ :Loading unconfirmed jobs. Please wait >ڼδȷҵȺ :Loading unsuccessful. Queue time exceeds limit >δɹʱ䳬 :Loading workflow >ڼع :Loads >װ :Loads Selection >ѡ :Loads in process >ڽм :Loads in process - printed >ڽм - Ѵӡ :Loan - Unit loaned to a customer > - ͻĵλ :Loan from Holding Company >从控股公司的贷款 :Local >ص :Local / Import >أ :Local Amount Overflow >ؽ :Local Analytics site company information >Analyticsվ㹫˾Ϣ :Local At current exchange rate >Եǰʵ :Local Currency >λ :Local Currency Bank Equivalent >ȵıλм :Local Currency Checks >ػ֧Ʊ :Local Currency Equivalent >ػҵȼ :Local Currency System Checks >λϵͳ :Local Currency not defined. Program cancelled >δ屾λҡȡ :Local Price Code >ؼ۸ :Local Price Overflow >ؼ۸ :Local Purchase Orders >زɹ :Local Purchase Orders Archive Viewer >زɹ鿴 :Local Site >վ :Local adjustment amount >ص :Local amount >ֲ :Local connection > :Local currency at current rate >当前利率当地货币 :Local currency at entry time >输入时当地货币 :Local currency at entry time rate >ʱʵػ :Local currency bank >λ :Local currency can not be used with a foreign price code >ػҲ۸һʹ :Local currency description >λ :Local currency may NOT be changed, once saved here >һڴ˱棬øĵػ :Local currency payment >ػҸ :Local currency projection >ػԤ :Local currency remittances >ػһ :Local currency value >ػҼֵ :Local currency value of invoices >ƱػҼֵ :Local equivalen($ ) >ĵֵ Ԫ :Local equivalent >ȵıλҼ :Local equivalent currency >صͬ :Local net amount >ؾ :Local o/s value >δֵ :Local on '%1' > '%1' ϵı :Local or foreign bank >ػ :Local price >ؼ۸ :Local purchase order >زɹ :Local sales amount >ֲ۽ :Local site EDI options >վEDIѡ :Local site is the same as a remote site >վԶվͬ :Local site name >վ :Local site options >վѡ :Local site sender/receiver code >վ㷢ͷܷ :Local value >ؼֵ :Local values >ؼֵ :Local/Fght >أ˷ :Local/Import >/ :Locality >ص :Location >λ :Location %1 >λ %1 :Location '%1' is already in count. Continue with selection? >λ '%1' ѼѼִиѡ :Location Code >λô :Location In Count >еĿλ :Location Maintenance >λά :Location code invalid >λЧ :Location code list maintenance >λôбά :Location code not on file >λô벻 :Location is in count - cannot delete >ڶԿλ - ޷ɾ :Location list maintenance >λбά :Location of last run >ϴλ :Location polling information >浥ԪѯϢ :Location record locked >λü¼ :Location selection >浥Ԫѡ :Location, Group >λ :Location, Ledger code >λ˴ :Location,Ledger code >位置、分类账代码 :Locations >洢Ԫ :Lock Date > :Lock Operator Code >Ա :Lock Operator Name >Ա :Lock Out Operator lowercase >ԱСд :Lock Stock > :Lock Test - Record count > - ¼ :Lock Time >ʱ :Lock stk for new p/o >为新采购订单锁定库存 :Lock stk for new p/o for curr rev/rel >为当前修订/发行的新采购订单锁定库存 :Lock stk for new s/o >为新销售订单锁定库存 :Lock stk for new s/o for curr rev/rel >为当前修订/发行的新销售订单锁定库存 :Lock stock codes against new jobs >ҵĿ :Lock stock codes against new purchase orders >²ɹĿ :Lock stock codes against new sales orders >۶Ŀ :Lock stock for mat alloc for current >ǰϷ :Lock stock for mat alloc for current rev/rel >ǰ޶/еIJϷ :Lock stock for material alloc >Ϸ :Lock stock for new >ΪĿ :Lock stock for new jobs >¹ :Lock stock for new jobs for current >ǰ¹ :Lock stock for new jobs for current rev/rel >ǰ޶/е¹ :Lock stock for new p/o >²ɹ :Lock stock for new p/o for current >ǰ²ɹ :Lock stock for new p/o for current rev/rel >ǰ޶/е²ɹ :Lock stock for new s/o >۶ :Lock stock for new s/o for current >ǰ۶ :Lock stock for new s/o for current rev/rel >ǰ޶/е۶ :Locked > :Locked Reason >ԭ :Locked by another user >һû :Locked job >ҵ :Locking Live Files >ļ :Lockout after %1 failed login attempt >%1 ¼ʧܺ :Lockout after %1 failed login attempts >%1 ¼ʧܺ :Log Details >־ϸ :Log Report >뱨 :Log Required >ĿƼ¼ :Log date >־ :Log date selection >ѡ :Log error messages on printer >йشӡ־Ϣ :Log errors on printer >йشӡ־ :Log of Web Applications >WebӦó־ :Log only >־ :Log record when approaching CMS license limit >ӽ CMS ֤ʱ־¼ :Log record when approaching user license limit >ӽû֤ʱ־¼ :Log selection >ѡ :Log time selection >ʱѡ :Log when approach CMS user limit >¼ʱӽ CMS û :Log when approach user limit >¼ʱӽû :Log within x CMS users of maximum > x CMS ûڼ¼ :Log within x users of maximum > x ûڼ¼ :Logged In >ѵ¼ :Logged Out by Admin >ɹԱ˳ :Logging >ڼ¼ :Logging and Trigger Options >־ʹѡ :Logging into SYSPRO >SYSPRO :Logging out a user who is currently using SYSPRO will cause the user to be logged out prematurely. Do you wish to logout the selected user? >עǰʹSYSPROû¸û˳ϵͳϣעѡû :Logging out all operators using the selected company will log them out prematurely >ʹѡĹ˾עвԱʹDZ˳ϵͳ :Logging out an operator who is currently using SYSPRO will cause the operator to be logged out prematurely. Do you wish to logout all operators? Note. The current operator cannot be logged out >עǰʹSYSPROIJԱ¸òԱ˳ϵͳϣעвԱעͣǰԱ˳ :Logging out an operator who is currently using SYSPRO will cause the operator to be logged out prematurely. Do you wish to logout the selected operator? Note. The current operator cannot be logged out >עǰʹSYSPROIJԱ¸òԱ˳ϵͳϣעѡIJԱעͣǰԱ˳ :Logging out any user who is currently using SYSPRO will cause the user to be logged out prematurely. Do you wish to logout all users? >עǰʹSYSPROκû¸û˳ϵͳϣעȫû :Login >¼ :Login Dialog >¼Ի :Login ID >¼ID :Login date >¼ :Login failed for user '%1' >û '%1' ĵ¼ʧ :Login for new instance has failed >µĵ¼ʧ :Login name >¼ :Login time >¼ʱ :Login to Company >¼˾ :Login to SYSPRO Analytics >¼SYSPRO Analytics :Logistics Manager > :Logoff >˳ :Logoff date >˳ :Logoff time >˳ʱ :Logon >¼ :Logon date >¼ :Logon information not available >¼Ϣ :Logon time >¼ʱ :Logout >˳ :Logout All Operators >עвԱ :Logout All Users >עȫû :Logout Company >ע˾ :Logout Operator >עԱ :Logout User >עû :Logout Users >ûע :Logout all users for company '%1' >˳˾ '%1' û :Logout from SYSPRO >SYSPROע :Logout function ends process >˳ܽ :Logout is allowed >˳ :Logout is not allowed >不允许退出 :Logout of SYSPRO and then check with your administrator if it is ok to reload SYSPRO >˳ SYSPROȻĹԱǷ¼ SYSPRO :Logout operator '%1'? >Ҫ˳Ա '%1' ? :Logout user '%1' >˳û '%1' :Logout users from SYSPRO >SYSPRO ˳û :Long date format >ڸʽ :Long date sample > :Long description >˵ :Long stock description >ڿ˵ :Longitude > :Look ahead window >Ԥ :Look ahead window (SFS) days >展望窗口 (SFS) 天数 :Look for > :Look in > :Look up Blanket S/o & Releases Invoices >鿴һ۶ǩƱ :Look up Blanket So & Releases Invoices >һ۶ͷзƱ :Look-up >鿴 :Look-up Sequence >鿴˳ :Lookup > :Lookup (SYSPRO table) >鿴SYSPRO :Lookup (mandatory) >鿴ǿԣ :Lookup (not mandatory) >鿴ǿԣ :Lookup Check >Ҽ :Lookup Check/Cheque >鿴֧Ʊ :Lookup Date Maintenance >ά :Lookup Item >鿴Ŀ :Lookup Maintenance >鿴ά :Lookup Table >嵥 :Lookup tables initialized successfully >ѳɹʼı :Looping Structure >ѭṹ :Lost Sales Import >ʧ۵ :Lost Sales Review >ʧ :Lost Sales Selections >ʧѡ :Lost sale > :Lost sales >ʧ :Lot > :Lot %1 already exists against a stock code. The same lot may not be used on multiple stock codes >Կ %1 Ѵڡͬһβڶ :Lot %1 already exists against a stock code. The same lot may not be used on multiple stock codes. >Կ %1 ѴڡڶʹͬһΡ :Lot '%1' is already complete > '%1' :Lot '%1' not found in GTR reference '%2' >˻(GTR)ο '%2' δҵ '%1' :Lot '%1' transaction not found for customer %2. Accept? >δҵͻ %2 '%1' סҪ :Lot / Job >Σҵ :Lot Additions >θ :Lot Allocations >η :Lot Allocations Entry >ηĿ :Lot Allocations for Dispatch Note >η :Lot Allocations for Job >ҵη :Lot Allocations for Jobs >ҵη :Lot Allocations for RMA >˻Ȩ(RMA)η :Lot Allocations for Sales Order >۶η :Lot Allocations for Sales Orders >۶η :Lot Already Exists >Ѵ :Lot Applicable > :Lot Archive File >εļ :Lot Archiving >ι鵵 :Lot Bin Serial Allocations >οϵз :Lot Browse > :Lot Expiry >ε :Lot Expiry date '%1' invalid for lot number '%2' >批次失效日期 '%1' 对于批次号码 '%2' 无效 :Lot Expiry date '%2' invalid for lot number '%1' >ʧЧ'%2' κ '%1' Ч :Lot Expiry date missing for lot number '%1' >κ '%1' ȱʧЧ'%2' :Lot Information >Ϣ :Lot Inspection Transactions >μ齻 :Lot Maintainance add operation e.net >άӲ e.net :Lot Maintainance update operation e.net >ά² e.net :Lot Maintenance >ά :Lot Number > :Lot Number Added e.net >αŵ e.net :Lot Number Changed e.net >Ѹαŵ e.net :Lot Number Maintenance >αά :Lot Number Message >κϢ :Lot Numbers > :Lot Numbers for All Stock Codes >пα :Lot Numbers for Stock Code >κ :Lot Numbers for a Reference >οα :Lot OR Reference >λο :Lot Parent > :Lot Parent Tracking >׷ :Lot Parent Tracking Details >׷ :Lot Purge and Archive >뵲 :Lot Purge and Archive Criteria >͵׼ :Lot Purge and Archive Results >͵ :Lot Query >ѯ :Lot Query for Material Issues >ǩβѯ :Lot Receipts >ջ :Lot Receipts Information >ջϢ :Lot Selection Query >ѡѯ :Lot Traceability > :Lot Traceability Archive >ο׷Ե :Lot Traceability Archived Files >θٹ鵵ļ :Lot Traceability Archiving >θԹ鵵 :Lot Traceability Browse on Archived Lot >ѹ鵵εθ :Lot Traceability Browse on Archived Lots >ѹ鵵εθ :Lot Traceability Cross Ref >θٶղο :Lot Traceability Cross Reference >ο׷Զղο :Lot Traceability Library Of Archives >ο׷Ե :Lot Traceability Lot Numbers >θκ :Lot Traceability Message >Ϣ :Lot Traceability Parent Reservations >θ :Lot Traceability Password > :Lot Traceability Query >ٲѰ :Lot Traceability Report >ٱ :Lot Traceability Report in Progress >ִٱ :Lot Traceability Reserved Allocations >θѱ :Lot Traceability Search Down >θ :Lot Traceability Search Up >θ :Lot Traceability Section >׷ٲ :Lot Traceability Section Message >οɸԲϢ :Lot Traceability Setup >׷ :Lot Traceability Tracking >ο׷׷ :Lot Traceability Transactions >ο׷Խ :Lot Traceability Up & Down Query object >ο׷Ϻ²ѯ :Lot Traceability Up and Down Query >ο׷Ϻ²ѯ :Lot Traceability Upstream & Downstream Query >ο׷κβѯ :Lot Traceability WIP Reservations >θִҵ(WIP) :Lot Traceability function >θԹ :Lot Traceability is not allowed for a returnable item >ڿɷĿθ :Lot Traceability module not installed >δװθģ :Lot Traceablity Message >θϢ :Lot Traceablity Up and Down Query >ο׷Ϻ²ѯ :Lot Tracebility Section >θٲ :Lot Transaction Details >νϸ :Lot Transactions >ν :Lot Validation >֤ :Lot and Bin do not exist. Create new lot and bin? >κͿⲻڡҪκͿ :Lot and bin do not exist. A new lot and bin will be created when you complete and Save the allocations >批次和库不存在。当您完成并保存位置后,将创建新的批次和库 :Lot and bin number has not been reserved for this allocation >κͿδڴ˷ :Lot details >ϸ :Lot does not exist. Create new lot? >βڡҪ :Lot entries are complete. Do you wish to accept these entries? >¼ɡϣЩ :Lot error >δ :Lot exists >Ѵ :Lot expiry date >ʧЧ :Lot for lot >ζ :Lot has already expired. Do you wish to continue? >ʧЧϣ :Lot has expired >λѵ :Lot has not been archived >ѹ鵵 :Lot message >Ϣ :Lot no >κ :Lot not found against the component for the job >δҵҵ :Lot not found in archive file >ڵļδҵ :Lot not on file >βļ :Lot not previously issued >ǰδǩ :Lot not previously issued to this allocaiton >ǰδǩλõ :Lot not previously issued to this allocation >ǰδǩ˷ :Lot notes >ע :Lot number '%1' Bin '%2' not in stock take table >κ '%1' '%2' ̵в :Lot number '%1' already exists >κ '%1' Ѵ :Lot number '%1' does not exist under stock code '%2' > '%2' µκ '%1' :Lot number '%1' does not exist under stock code '%2'. > '%2' µκ '%1' :Lot number '%1' has already been archived >κ '%1' ѹ鵵 :Lot number '%1' has already expired >κ '%1' ѹ :Lot number '%1' in bin '%2' has already been archived > '%2' еκ '%1' ѹ鵵 :Lot number '%1' in bin '%2' on hold > '%2' еκ '%1' :Lot number '%1' is not numeric >κ '%1' :Lot number '%1' not found >δҵκ '%1' :Lot number '%1' not found for stock code '%2' >δҵ '%2' κ '%1' :Lot number '%1' not found for stock code '%2' bin number '%3' >δҵ '%2' '%3' κ '%1' :Lot number '%1' on hold >κ '%1' :Lot number '%1' will expire before job delivery/start date >κ '%1' ڽʼ֮ǰʧЧ :Lot number added >α :Lot number changed >Ѹα :Lot number details >αϸ :Lot number entered was not found in the stock take lot file. Do you want to create this lot? >̵ļδҵκ롣ϣ? :Lot number entry for the allocation is complete. Do you wish to accept these entries? >ɷκ롣ϣЩ :Lot number has already been archived >κѹ鵵 :Lot number has already expired >κʧЧ :Lot number has already expired. Do you wish to continue? >κʧЧϣ :Lot number has been archived >κ뵵 :Lot number is blank. Stock code '%1' is traceable >κΪհס '%1' ǿɸٵ :Lot number is not numeric >κ벻 :Lot number is not on file >κŲ :Lot number is not on file. Do you wish to create a new lot number? >κŲļСϣκ :Lot number is on hold >κѱ :Lot number is on hold. Do you wish to continue? >κѱϣ :Lot number may not be blank >αŲΪ :Lot number must precede '%1' in XML instance >κXMLʵбλ '%1' ֮ǰ :Lot number not found >δҵκ :Lot number not on file >βļ :Lot number selection >αѡ :Lot number to be equal to job number >Ҫҵκ :Lot number will expire before the job delivery date >κ뽫ҵ֮ǰʧЧ :Lot number will expire before the job start date >κ뽫ҵʼ֮ǰʧЧ :Lot on hold > :Lot or Serial Linked >λϵ :Lot quantity > :Lot quantity on hand > :Lot quantity received >յ :Lot record locked >μ¼ :Lot reservation required >豣 :Lot selection >ѡ :Lot shelf life (days) >α () :Lot shelf life(days) >λ () :Lot traceability Detail >θϸ :Lot traceability control >θٿ :Lot traceability not allowed as module not installed >ûаװģ飬˲θ :Lot traceability not allowed for floor stock and bulk issue items >ҵֳǩƷ׷ :Lot traceability not allowed for floor stock or bulk issue items >ҵֳǩĿθ :Lot traceability not allowed for kit types 'K' or 'S' >׼Ϊ'K''S'׷ :Lot traceability not allowed for temporary items >ʱԻƷ׷ :Lot traceability not allowed if unit quantity processing >ڴλ²θ :Lot traceability not installed >δװ׷ :Lot traceable >ɸ :Lot traceable component '%1' not allowed >θٲ '%1' :Lot traceable item must be transferred to another warehouse >οɸĿתһֿ :Lot tracking >θ :Lot transaction value >批次交易 价值 :Lot, Bin or Serial Allocations >λкŷ :Lot, Multiple Bin and Serial Number Allocations >Ρϵк :Lot/Bin/Serial Allocations >//ϵз :Lot/GRN details >ΣGRNϸ :Lot/Job >/ :Lot/Serial >/ϵ :Lot/Serial Query >Σϵвѯ :Lot/Serials >Σϵ :LotTransactions - Lot Traceability Transactions >ν - ο׷Խ :Lots > :Lots Bins Serials Capture >批次库系列捕捉 :Lots Bins Serials Posting >οϵз :Lots and Serials >κϵ :Lots and serials will not be tracked for the job receipt. Do you want to continue? >ҵս׷κϵСϣ :Lots and/or serials were previously reserved for the co-products or allocations, you must reserve any required lots and/or serials for the co-products and/or allocations via the Reserved Lots and Serials Maintenance program >κ/ϵǰͬƷʹãͨκϵάΪͬƷ/䱣καҪκ/ϵ :Lots and/or serials were previously reserved for the parent part or allocations, you must reserve any required lots and/or serials for the parent part and/or allocations via the Reserved Lots and Serials Maintenance program >κ/ϵǰʹãͨκϵάΪ/䱣καҪκ/ϵ :Lots and/or serials were previously reserved for this co-product, you must reserve any required lots and/or serials for the co-product via the Reserved Lots and Serials Maintenance program >κ/ϵǰ˹ͬƷʹãͨκϵά˹ͬƷκαҪκ/ϵ :Lots and/or serials were priviously reserved for the parent part or allocations. These reservations will be set to incomplete and component reservations will be reserved again. Would you like to continue? >κ/ϵǰ䡣ЩΪҽ±ϣ? :Lots cannot be assigned to stock code %1 >޷䵽 %1 :Lots completed on or before this date >ڻ֮ǰ :Lots on hold > :Lots, Bins and Serials >Ρϵ :Lots, Bins and Serials Balance >批次、库和系列现有量 :Lots, bins or serials have not yet been allocated, and the receipt is incomplete. You must complete the allocation, or change to a receipt type that does not require allocations >Ρϵδ䣬վݲɷΪҪվ :Lots, jobs and material allocations >ΡͲϷ :Lots-context >- :Lots/Bins/Serials >//ϵ :Low > :Low Level Code Calculation >ͼ :Low Level Code Calculation Program Error >ͼ :Low Level Code Validation >ˮƽȷ :Low level code >ͼ :Low level code / Stock code >ͼ룯 :Low level code/Stock code >ͼ/ :Low level exceeds maximum of %1 >ͼ𳬹 %1 ֵ :Low level exceeds maximum of %1 levels >ͼ𳬹 %1 ֵ :Low level exceeds maximum of %1 levels or stock code is part of a looping structure >ͼ𳬹 %1 ֵǻ·ṹһ :Low level exceeds maximum of 15 levels >ͼ𳬹15 :Low level exceeds maximum of 15 levels or stock code is part of a looping structure >ͼ볬15ȼֵǻ·ṹһ :Low profit percent >ٷֱ :Low profit percentage for gross profit >ëĵٷֱ :Lower >ϵ͵ :Lowest >͵ :Lowest level >ˮƽ :Lowest to highest >͵ :Lowest unprocessed GL period >δ GL :Lowest unprocessed GL year >δ GL :Lowest unprocessed expense >δ :Lowest unprocessed jnl per >δռ :Lowest unprocessed jnl year >δռ :Lowest unprocessed journal >δռ :Lowest unprocessed labor >δͶ :Lowest unprocessed part >δ :Lrngth of Notes Line >עг :M - Made in >M C ڲ :M - Made-in >M - ڲ :M - Multiple EBQ lots (fixed time) >M - EBQ (̶ʱ) :M - Order to max if less than min >M - ССֵֵ :M-T-D >M-T-D :M-T-D profit % >M-T-D % :M-T-D qty adjusted >³(M-T-D) :M-T-D qty issued >ǩ³(M-T-D) :M-T-D qty received >յ³(M-T-D) :M-T-D qty sold >۵³(M-T-D) :M-T-D qty transferred >תƵ³(M-T-D) :M-T-D quantity issued >ǩ M-T-D :M-T-D quantity sold > M-T-D :M-T-D sales >M-T-D :M-T-D standard hours earned >M-T-DӮõı׼ʱ :M.T.F. = >MTF = :M/D >M/D :MAD >ƽƫ :MAPE >ƽٷֱ :MAR - Material arrivals >MAR - ϵ :MASS - Mass >MASS - :MDN Add dispatch merchandise line from maintenance >MDN άӷƷ :MDN Add dispatch note non-merchandise line >MDN ӷƷ :MDN Add merchandise to existing dispatch e.net >MDN зƷ e.net :MDN Add multiple dispatch note >MDN Ӷݷ :MDN Add multiple dispatch note e.net >MDN Ӷݷ e.net :MDN Add non-merchandise to existing dispatch e.net >MDN зӷƷ e.net :MDN Cancel dispatch note >MDN ȡ :MDN Cancel dispatch note e.net >MDN ȡ e.net :MDN Cancel dispatch note line >MDN ȡ :MDN Cancel dispatch note line e.net >MDN ȡ e.net :MDN Change dispatch note >MDN ķ :MDN Change dispatch note merchandise line >MDN ķƷ :MDN Change dispatch note non-merchandise line >MDN ķƷ :MDN Change dispatch note status >MDN ķ״̬ :MDN Change suggested dispatch quantity >MDN Ľ鷢 :MDN Change suggested dispatch quantity e.net >MDN Ľ鷢 e.net :MDN Consolidated Dispatch Detail Bins >MDN ϲϸ :MDN Consolidated Dispatch Detail Lots >MDN ϲϸ :MDN Consolidated Dispatch Detail Serials >MDN ϲϸϵ :MDN Consolidated Dispatch Note Detail >MDN ϲϸ :MDN Consolidated Dispatch Note Master >MDN ϲ :MDN Dispatch Note Detail >MDN ϸ :MDN Dispatch Note Detail Bins >MDN ϸ :MDN Dispatch Note Detail Lots >MDN ϸ :MDN Dispatch Note Detail Serials >MDN ϸϵ :MDN Dispatch Note Master >MDN :MDN Insert dispatch note line >MDN 뷢 :MDN Multi-period Trial Balance >MDN :MDN Print dispatch document in maintenance >MDN ӡάзĵ :MDN Print dispatch note >MDN ӡ :MDN Reprint Consolidated Disp Det Lots >MDN ´ӡϲϸ :MDN Reprint Consolidated Disp Det Serial >MDN ´ӡϲϸϵ :MDN Reprint Consolidated Disp Detail Bin >MDN ´ӡϲϸ :MDN Reprint Consolidated Dispatch Detail >MDN ´ӡϲϸ :MDN Reprint Consolidated Dispatch Master >MDN ´ӡϲ :MDN Reprint Dispatch Note Detail >MDN ´ӡϸ :MDN Reprint Dispatch Note Detail Bins >MDN ´ӡϸ :MDN Reprint Dispatch Note Detail Lots >MDN ´ӡϸ :MDN Reprint Dispatch Note Detail Serials >MDN ´ӡϸϵ :MDN Reprint Dispatch Note Master >MDN ´ӡ :MENU principal >Ҫ˵ :MESSAGE >Ϣ :MLT >MLT :MM/dd/yy HH:mm >MM/dd/yy HH:mm :MM/dd/yyyy >MM/dd/yyyy :MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm >MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm :MMM D yyyy >MMM D yyyy :MMMM dd yyyy >MMMM dd yyyy :MPS >Ҫƻ :MPS Graph >MPS ͼ :MPS Review >Ҫ :MPS gross requirements rule >MPS Ҫ :MPS item >ʱĿ :MPS items >MPSĿ :MPS items actual demand only >MPSĿʵ :MPS parts in component structure >ṹеƻ(MPS) :MPS view >MPSͼ :MRP All Forecasts for All Types >͵IJƻ(MRP)Ԥ :MRP Average Queue Time Report >ƻ(MRP)ƽʱ䱨 :MRP Average Queue Times >MRPƽʱ :MRP Average Queue Times in Progress >ִMRPƽʱ :MRP Blanket Purchase Order Review >MRPۺԲɹ :MRP Browse on Pegging >ƻ(MRP)㶤ס :MRP Build MPS Actual Demand Files >ƻ (MRP) ƻ (MPS) ʵļ :MRP Build Schedule >MRPƻ :MRP Build Schedule Action Report >ƻ(MRP)ʱ :MRP Build Schedule Actions >MRPƻ :MRP Build Schedule Actions in Progress >ִMRPƻ :MRP Build Schedule Addition Maintenance >ƻ(MRP)ʱά :MRP Build Schedule Amendment Jnl >MRP 构建排程修订日记账 :MRP Build Schedule Amendment Journal >ƻ(MRP)ʱ޶ռ :MRP Build Schedule Change Maintenance >ƻ(MRP)ʱά :MRP Build Schedule Date Move Maintenance >ƻ(MRP)ʱڱ䶯ά :MRP Build Schedule Graph >MRPƻͼ :MRP Build Schedule Journal >MRP ųռ :MRP Build Schedule Maintenance >MRPƻά :MRP Build Schedule Move Maintenance >MRPƻ䶯ά :MRP Build Schedule for Stock Code >IJƻ(MRP)ʱ :MRP Capacity Action Report >ƻ(MRP) :MRP Capacity Actions >MRP :MRP Capacity Actions in Progress >ִMRP :MRP Capacity Loading Report >MRPɱ :MRP Capacity Loadings >MRP :MRP Capacity Loadings in Progress >ִMRP :MRP Check First Level Demand >ƻ(MRP)֧Ʊһ :MRP Consolidated Rev Rel Demand file >MRP ϲ˷ļ :MRP Create Live P/orders >ƻ (MRP) Чɹ :MRP Create Live Purchase Orders >MRP 创建实时采购订单 :MRP Create Live Requisitions >ƻ(MRP)빺 :MRP Create single job >MRP һ :MRP Delete Range of Forecasts >ƻ(MRP)ɾԤⷶΧ :MRP Detail Pegging >MRP ϸס :MRP Dispatch List >ƻ(MRP)б :MRP Edit Capacity in Snapshot >ƻ(MRP)ձ༭ :MRP Edit Jobs in Snapshot >ƻ(MRP)ձ༭ҵ :MRP Edit Load Level in Snapshot >ƻ(MRP)ձ༭װؼ :MRP Excess Stock Review >MRP :MRP Existing Job Review >ƻ(MRP)ҵԤ :MRP Export Forecasts >ƻ(MRP)Ԥ :MRP Export Schedules >ƻ(MRP)ʱ :MRP Find First Period Without Negative >ƻ (MRP) ׸޵ :MRP Forecast >MRP Ԥ :MRP Forecast Action Report >ƻ(MRP)Ԥ⶯ :MRP Forecast Actions >MRPԤ⶯ :MRP Forecast Actions in Progress >ִMRPԤ⶯ :MRP Forecast Amendment Journal >ƻ(MRP)Ԥ޶ռ :MRP Forecast Depletion >MRP Ԥ :MRP Forecast Depletion Take-on >MRP Ԥijе :MRP Forecast Graph >MRPԤͼ :MRP Forecast Import >MRP Ԥ⵼ :MRP Forecast Journal >MRP Ԥռ :MRP Forecast Maintenance >MRPԤά :MRP Forecast Maintenance for Stock Code >IJƻ(MRP)Ԥά :MRP Forecast Take-on >MRP Ԥе :MRP Forecasts by Time Periods >MRP 按时间段预测 :MRP Forward Finite Scheduling >MRPԶų :MRP Graph >MRP ͼ :MRP Import Forecasts >ƻ(MRP)Ԥ :MRP Import Schedules >ƻ(MRP)ʱ :MRP Initial Build Extract >MRPƻʼ :MRP Initial Build Schedule Extract >ƻ(MRP)ʱȡ :MRP Job Action Report >ƻ(MRP)ҵ :MRP Job Actions >MRPҵ :MRP Job Actions in Progress >ִMRPҵ :MRP Job Review >MRPҵ :MRP Job Review Criteria >MRP ˱׼ :MRP Job Review Preferences >MRP ѡ :MRP List of Forecasts >MRPԤ :MRP List of Forecasts by Time Periods >ʱ˳MRPԤʱ :MRP List of Resource Structures >MRPԴṹб :MRP List of Resources >MRP Դб :MRP Low Level Code Calculation >MRPͼ :MRP Low Level Code Validation >MRPͼ֤ :MRP MPS Detail Pegging >MRP MPS ϸס :MRP MPS Requirements Pegging >MRP MPS Ҫס :MRP Maintain Suggested >MRP ά :MRP Maintain Suggested Requisitions >ƻ (MRP) ά빺 :MRP Maintain Suggested Requistions >ƻ(MRP)ά빺 :MRP Master Production Schedule >MRPʱ :MRP Master Production Schedule Review >MRPʱ :MRP Master Production Schedule Sum >MRP ųժҪ :MRP Master Production Schedule Summary >MRP 主生产排程摘要 :MRP Master Production Schedule in Progress >ִMRPʱ :MRP Material Requirements >MRPҪ :MRP Material Requirements Query >MRP Ҫѯ :MRP Material Requirements Report >ƻ(MRP)Ҫ󱨱 :MRP Material Requirements Review >MRPҪ :MRP Material Requirements in Progress >ִMRPҪ :MRP Materials Demand >ƻ(MRP) :MRP Multiple Build Schedule Deletions >MRP๹ʱɾ :MRP Multiple Build Schedule Deletions Recap >MRP๹ʱɾ :MRP Multiple Build Schedule Deletions in Progress >ִMRP๹ʱɾ :MRP Multiple Forecast Additions >MRPԤ :MRP Multiple Forecast Deletions >MRPԤɾ :MRP Pegging for Stock Code >IJƻ(MRP)㶤ס :MRP Pegging movement program >ƻ(MRP)㶤ס䶯 :MRP Potential Oversupplies >MRPDZڹӦ :MRP Potential Oversupplies in Progress >ִMRPDZڹӦ :MRP Potential Oversupply Report >ƻ(MRP)DZڹȹӦ :MRP Preactor Schedule Query >MRP Preactor ų̲ѯ :MRP Preactor Suggested Schedule >MRP Preactor ų :MRP Purchase Order Action Report >ƻ(MRP)ɹ :MRP Purchase Order Actions >MRPɹ :MRP Purchase Order Actions based on >MRP ɹ :MRP Purchase Order Actions in Progress >ִMRPɹ :MRP Purchase Order Date Re-instatement >MRPɹڻָ :MRP Purchase Order Review >MRPɹ :MRP Re-instate Purchase Order Dates >ƻ(MRP)ָɹ :MRP Requirements Calculation >MRPҪ :MRP Requirements Calculation - Processing Phase >ƻ(MRP)Ҫ - ׶ :MRP Requirements Control >MRP Ҫ :MRP Requirements Exploded Resource >MRP ҪֽԴ :MRP Requirements Master >MRP Ҫ :MRP Requirements Pegging >MRP Ҫס :MRP Requirements Planning Setup >ƻ(MRP)Ҫƻ :MRP Requirements Planning Setup Query >MRP Ҫƻòѯ :MRP Requirements calculation - delete >MRP Ҫ - ɾ :MRP Requirements calculation - new >MRP Ҫ - ½ :MRP Requirements calculation - retain >MRP Ҫ - :MRP Requisition >MRP :MRP Requisition Review >MRP 빺 :MRP Requisition change line >ƻ (MRP) 빺 :MRP Resource Browse >MRP Դ :MRP Resource Codes >MRP Դ :MRP Resource Explosion >ƻ(MRP)Դ :MRP Resource Graph Details >MRP Դͼϸ :MRP Resource Maintenance >ƻ(MRP)Դά :MRP Resource Master >MRP Դ :MRP Resource Planning Information >MRP ԴƻϢ :MRP Resource Planning Query >MRPԴ滮ѯ :MRP Resource Planning Schedule >MRPԴ滮ʱ :MRP Resource Structure >MRP Դṹ :MRP Resource Structure Maintenance >MRPԴṹά :MRP Review Late Supplies >MRP鹩ӦʱĹӦ :MRP SFS Advanced Scheduler >MRP SFS ߼ų̳ :MRP SFS Finite Scheduler >MRP SFS ų̳ :MRP ST-Point License Generation >ƻ (MRP) ST-Point ֤ :MRP Safety Stock Action Report >ƻ(MRP)ȫ涯 :MRP Safety Stock Actions >MRPȫ :MRP Safety Stock Actions in Progress >ִMRPȫ :MRP Sales Order Action Report >ƻ(MRP)۶ :MRP Sales Order Actions >MRP۶ :MRP Sales Order Actions in Progress >ִMRP۶ :MRP Schedule For Notional Parts >MRP ų :MRP Schedule Import >MRP 排程导入 :MRP Snapshot BOM Narration >MRP BOM :MRP Snapshot BOM Standard Narration >MRP BOM ׼ :MRP Snapshot Booked Lots For Allocations > MRP Ԥ :MRP Snapshot Booked Serials For Allocs > MRP Ԥϵ :MRP Snapshot Build Schedule >MRP չų :MRP Snapshot Dynamic Capacity Profile >MRP ն̬ļ :MRP Snapshot Forecast >MRP Ԥ :MRP Snapshot Goods In Transit Detail >MRP ;ϸ :MRP Snapshot Goods In Transit Master >MRP ; :MRP Snapshot Goods In Transit Sup Chain >MRP ;﹩Ӧ :MRP Snapshot Goods In Transit W/H Matrix >MRP ; W/H :MRP Snapshot IO Forecast >MRP IO Ԥ :MRP Snapshot IO Forecast Consumption >MRP IO Ԥ :MRP Snapshot Inventory Inspection Ctl >MRP մ :MRP Snapshot Inventory Warehouse >MRP մֿ :MRP Snapshot Job Classifications >MRP չ :MRP Snapshot Job Co-product Labor App >MRP չͬƷͶӦó :MRP Snapshot Job Co-product Mat App >MRP չͬƷӦó :MRP Snapshot Job Co-products >MRP չͬƷ :MRP Snapshot Job Labor Allocations >MRP չͶ :MRP Snapshot Job Master >MRP չ :MRP Snapshot Job Material Allocations >MRP չϷ :MRP Snapshot Labor Allocations Splits >MRP Ͷ :MRP Snapshot Lot Traceability Detail >MRP ο׷ :MRP Snapshot Overloaded W/Center Detail >MRP ճعϸ :MRP Snapshot Overloaded Work Centers >MRP ճع :MRP Snapshot Purchase Order Detail >MRP ղɹϸ :MRP Snapshot Purchase Order Header >MRP ղɹҳü :MRP Snapshot Quotation Detail >MRP ձϸ :MRP Snapshot Quotation Estimate Op >MRP ձ۹Ʋ :MRP Snapshot Quotation Estimate Struct >MRP ձ۹ƽṹ :MRP Snapshot Quotation Master >MRP ձ :MRP Snapshot Quotation Non-stocked Mast >MRP ձ۷ǿ :MRP Snapshot Quotation Offers >MRP ձ۱ :MRP Snapshot Quotation SO Header >MRP ձ SO ҳü :MRP Snapshot Quotation Sales Order Det >MRP ձ۶ϸ :MRP Snapshot Requisition Detail >MRP 빺ϸ :MRP Snapshot Sales Order Detail >MRP ۶ϸ :MRP Snapshot Sales Order Header >MRP ۶ҳü :MRP Snapshot Trial Loading Lock >MRP Լ :MRP Snapshot WIP Inspection Control >MRP WIP :MRP Snapshot Work Center Capacity >MRP չ :MRP Stand-alone Snapshot >ƻ (MRP) :MRP Stand-alone snapshot (SQL) >ƻ (MRP) (SQL) :MRP Stock Codes with Demand >ƻ (MRP) :MRP Stock Level >MRP 漶 :MRP Suggest Supply Chain Transfer Review >MRP 鹩Ӧת :MRP Suggested Goods In Transit Detail >MRP ;ϸ :MRP Suggested Goods In Transit Master >MRP ; :MRP Suggested Job Co-product Labor App >MRP 鹤ͬƷͶӦó :MRP Suggested Job Co-product Mat App >MRP 鹤ͬƷӦó :MRP Suggested Job Co-products >MRP 鹤ͬƷ :MRP Suggested Job Labor Allocations >MRP 鹤Ͷ :MRP Suggested Job Master >MRP 鹤 :MRP Suggested Job Material Allocations >MRP 鹤Ϸ :MRP Suggested Job Review >ƻ(MRP)ҵԤ :MRP Suggested Labor Allocations Splits >MRP Ͷ :MRP Suggested Requisition Detail >MRP 빺ϸ :MRP Suggested Schedule >MRP ų :MRP Suggested Supply Chain Review >ƻ(MRP)鹩ӦԤ :MRP Suggested Supply Chain Transfer >MRP鹩Ӧת :MRP Suggested Supply Chain Transfer Review >MRP鹩Ӧת :MRP Suggested Supply Chain Transfer Review Source >ƻ(MRP)鹩ӦתԴ :MRP Suggested Supply Chain Transfer Review Source: XX Target: XX >MRP鹩ӦתԴXXĿ꣺XX :MRP Suggested Supply Chain Transfer Review Criteria >MRP 鹩Ӧת˱׼ :MRP Suggested Supply Chain Transfer Review Source >MRP 鹩ӦתԴ :MRP Suggested WIP Control >MRP WIP :MRP Supply Chain Action Report >MRPӦ :MRP Supply Chain Actions >MRP 供应链操作 :MRP Supply Chain Actions in Progress >ִMRPӦ :MRP Supply Date Re-instatement >ƻ(MRP)Ӧڻָ :MRP change date >ƻ(MRP) :MRP changed date >IJƻ (MRP) :MRP chg date >MRP䶯 :MRP control record not found >δҵƻ(MRP)Ƽ¼ :MRP suggested >MRP :MS Word Design >MS Word :MS Word Design Error >MS Wordƴ :MS Word Design Warning >MS Wordƾ :MS Word Options >MS Wordѡ :MS Word Print >MS Wordӡ :MS Word Printing >MS Wordӡ :MS Word Printing - An Error Has Occured >MS Wordӡ - ѷ :MS Word Printing Error >MS Wordӡ :MS Word Remittance details >MS Wordϸ :MS Word details >MS Wordϸ :MS Words EFT details >MS Wordsת(EFT)ϸ :MSD >ƽƽƫ :MSMQ message does not contain a company id >MSMQϢ˾id :MSMQ message does not contain a document type >MSMQϢĵ :MSW Import >MSW :MSW Import Failed >MSWʧ :MSW Interface Sales order export >MSW۶ :MSW Sales Order Export >MSW۶ :MSW Sales Order Export Complete >MSW۶ :MSW Sales Order Export in Progress >ִMSW۶ :MSW Sales Order shipping import >MSW۶˵ :MTD >·(MTD) :MTD - no of transactions >MTD - ׸ :MTD IBT's >MTD IBT :MTD Revaluations %1 >MTD ¹ֵ %1 :MTD Sales value >MTDۼֵ :MTD Sold / issued >MTDۣǩ :MTD Sold/issued >ۣͷMTD :MTD Std hours earned >Ӯõ³(MTD)׼ʱ :MTD Summary >MTDժҪ :MTD Values >MTDֵ :MTD actual productive hours >³(MTD)ʵʱ :MTD adjusted >ѵMTD :MTD adjustments >MTD :MTD bal. correction >MTD :MTD bal. corrections >MTD :MTD balance >MTD :MTD credit memos >MTDDZ¼ :MTD credit notes >MTDƱ :MTD debit memos >MTDDZ¼ :MTD debit notes >MTD跽Ʊ :MTD disbursements >MTD֧ :MTD disc. & withhold >³(MTD)ۿۺʹ :MTD discount >·(MTD)ۿ :MTD extra >·(MTD)ӷ :MTD freight >·(MTD)˷ :MTD freight amount >³(MTD)˷ѽ :MTD invoices >MTDƱ :MTD issued >ͷŵMTD :MTD merchandise >·(MTD)Ʒ :MTD merchandise amount >³(MTD)Ʒ :MTD non productive hours >³(MTD)ʱ :MTD other >·(MTD) :MTD other amount >³(MTD) :MTD payments >PTD :MTD purchase history >·(MTD)ɹʷ¼ :MTD qst >·(MTD)Ӫҵ˰ :MTD qty adjusted >MTDѵMTD :MTD qty issued >ǩMTD :MTD qty receipt >MTDվ :MTD qty received >·(MTD) :MTD qty sold >۳MTD :MTD qty transfer >MTDת :MTD qty transferred >·(MTD)ת :MTD received >յMTD :MTD revaluation >·(MTD)ع :MTD sales >MTD :MTD sold >۵MTD :MTD summary by value >ֵ·ժҪ :MTD tax >MTD˰ :MTD transferred >תƵMTD :MTF = Today + Man. lead time + Plan freq. + DTS >MTF = + ǰʱ + ƻƵ + DTS :MTF = Today + Man. lead time + Plan freq. + DTS >MTF = + ǰʱ + ƻƵ + DTS :MTF = Today + Man. lead time + Plan freq. + DTS >MTF = + ǰ + ƻƵ + DTS :MTF=Today + Man. lead time + Plan freq >MTF = + ǰ + ƻƵ :MTF=Today + Man. lead time + Plan freq. + DTS >MTF = 今天 + 制造交货周期 + 计划频率 + DTS :MTO >MTO :MTR >ƽжʱ(MTR) :MTR - Stock on hand >ƽжʱ(MTR) - п :MUM Quantity per notional >λλ(MUM) :MUM Quantity to make >Ҫλ(MUM) :MWM Import File Errors >MWMļ :MWM Interface Purchase order export >MWMɹ :MWM Interface Sales order export >MWM۶ :MWM Interface Stock master export >MWM浽 :MWM Inventory Import >MWM浼 :MWM Master Import Failed >MWMʧ :MWM Purchase Order Export >MWMɹ :MWM Purchase Order Export Complete >MWMɹ :MWM Sales Order Export >MWM۶ :MWM Sales Order Export Complete >MWM۶ :MWM Sales Order Export in Progress >ִMWM۶ :MWM Stock Master Export >MWM :MWM Stock Master Export Complete >MWM :MWM Stock Master Export in Progress >ִMWM :MWM Stock Movement Import >MWM䶯 :Machine > :Machine '%1' not found >δҵ '%1' :Machine - Employee > - Ա :Machine - Job > - :Machine - Operation > - :Machine - Work center > - :Machine Details >ϸ :Machine Downtime >ͣ :Machine Efficiency >Ч :Machine Maintenance >ά :Machine Total >ϼ :Machine blank std assumed - warning >假设机器坯料标准 - 警告 :Machine code > :Machine name > :Machine not on file > :Machine record locked >¼ :Machine selection >ѡ :Machines > :Macro > :Macro for >꣬ :Macro using VBScript >ʹVBScriptĺ :Made in > :Made in details >ڲϸ :Made to order items >Ŀ :Made-in >ڲ :Made-in, subcontracted and kit items >ءְĺ͹߰Ŀ :Magenta >Ʒɫ :Magenta flag >Ϻɫ :Magenta flag Activity >Ϻɫ־ :Mail Report >ʼ :Mail server name >ʼ :Mail the Report >ʼͱ :Mailbox name > :Main Key >ؼ :Main Menu >˵ :Main Menu - Allow to design flow graphs by role >主菜单 - 允许按职责设计流程图 :Main Menu - Allow to design menus >˵ - Ʋ˵ :Main menu - '%1' function >˵ - '%1' :Main menu - Allow to import customized panes >˵ C Զ崰 :Main menu - Customize options >˵ - Զѡ :Main menu - MDI functionality >˵ - MDI :Main menu - Run new SYSPRO instance >˵ - SYSPROʵ :Main menu treeview >˵ͼ :Main menu view >˵ͼ :Main menu view (Program Details Pane) >˵ͼ (鴰) :Main review sequence >˳ :Maint - Maintenance >Maint - ά :Maint Context >ά :Maintain >ά :Maintain Activity >ά :Maintain Allocation >ά :Maintain Allocations >ά :Maintain Analysis Objects >ά :Maintain Applied Customer >άӦõĿͻ :Maintain Applied Customers >άĿͻ :Maintain Asset in Suspense >άʲ :Maintain Assets Interfaces >άʲ :Maintain Banks >ά :Maintain Bins >ά :Maintain Book >άʲ :Maintain Branches >ά֧ :Maintain Browse >ά :Maintain Browse Details >άϸ :Maintain Calculation >ά :Maintain Calculations >ά :Maintain Calendars >ά :Maintain Capex Line >άʱ֧ :Maintain Capex Lines >άʱ :Maintain Categories >ά :Maintain Co-products >άͬƷ :Maintain Column Mapping >άӳ :Maintain Columns >ά :Maintain Companies >ά˾ :Maintain Company Calendar >ά˾ :Maintain Component >ά :Maintain Component Calculations >维护部件计算 :Maintain Component Dependent >ά :Maintain Components for Non-Stocked Code >άǿ벿 :Maintain Components for Stock Code >ά벿 :Maintain Contracts >άͬ :Maintain Cost Centers >άɱ :Maintain Criteria >ά׼ :Maintain Criterion >ά׼ :Maintain Detail Costing >άϸɱ :Maintain Detailed Costing >άϸɱ :Maintain Diagnostics >ά :Maintain Discounts >άۿ :Maintain ECO >ά̱(ECO) :Maintain Elements >άҪ :Maintain Entries >ά :Maintain Form >ά :Maintain Form Function >ά :Maintain GL analysis categories, category types and category codes, defined for ledger accounts that need to be analyzed >άΪҪзķ˻ GL ͺ :Maintain Global Defaults >άĬ :Maintain Global Variables >άȫֱ :Maintain Goods In Transit >ά; :Maintain Group Entry >ά :Maintain Groups >ά :Maintain Hierarchy >ά :Maintain Hierarchy Description >ά˵ :Maintain Hold Status >ά״̬ :Maintain Internal Op Calculations >维护内部操作计算 :Maintain Intrastat Arrivals >άIntrastat :Maintain Intrastat Dispatches >άIntrastat :Maintain Inventory Interfaces >ά :Maintain Invoices >άƱ :Maintain Job >άҵ :Maintain Jobs >ά :Maintain Lot, Bin or Serial Allocations for Current Line >άǰеΡϵз :Maintain Next Journal Number by Period >άһռʺ :Maintain Non-stock Price / Cost >άǿ۸񣯳ɱ :Maintain Non-stock Price/Cost >άǿ۸/ɱ :Maintain Operation >ά :Maintain Operations for Job >άҵ :Maintain Operations for Non-Stocked Code >άǿ :Maintain Operations for Stock Code >ά :Maintain Operators >άԱ :Maintain Option >άѡ :Maintain Order >ά :Maintain P/Class Defaults >άɹȼĬֵ :Maintain Password >ά :Maintain Payments Interfaces >ά :Maintain Pricing for a Stock Code >ά붨 :Maintain Prod. Class Defaults >άƷȼĬֵ :Maintain Product Class Defaults >άƷĬֵ :Maintain Product Classes by >˳άƷȼ :Maintain Registered Invoice >άעᷢƱ :Maintain Requisition Lines >ά빺 :Maintain Reserved Lot >ά :Maintain Reserved Lot Quantity Error >ά :Maintain Reserved Lots/Serials >άΣϵ :Maintain Reserved Serial >άϵ :Maintain Reserved Serial Quantity Error >άϵ :Maintain SRS Document Templates >ά SRS ĵģ :Maintain SRS Document Types >ά SRS ĵ :Maintain SYSPRO Companies >άSYSPRO˾ :Maintain Sales >ά :Maintain Sales Adjustments >ά۵ :Maintain Sales History Values >άʷ¼ֵ :Maintain Sales History Values (Sold) >άʷ¼ֵ۴ :Maintain Sales Interfaces >ά۽ :Maintain Sales Order >ά۶ :Maintain Sales Transactions >ά۽ :Maintain Schedule >άʱ嵥 :Maintain Selected Component >άѡ :Maintain Selected Operation >άѡ :Maintain Selection >άѡ :Maintain Serial Number Header >άϵкҳü :Maintain Serial Numbers >άϵк :Maintain Servers >ά :Maintain Sites >άվ :Maintain Specific Day >άض :Maintain Standard Hierarchy >ά׼ :Maintain Structure for >ά¸Ľṹ :Maintain Suggested Purchase >άɹ :Maintain Suggested Purchases >άɹ :Maintain Suggested Requisition >ά :Maintain Suggested Requisitions >ά빺 :Maintain Suggested Supply Chain Transfer >ά鹩Ӧת :Maintain Summary >άժҪ :Maintain TPM deduction codes and assign the general ledger accounts to which the codes apply >ά TPM ô벢װ˻Ŀ :Maintain Table Structure >άṹ :Maintain Targets >άĿ :Maintain Tax Codes >ά˰մ :Maintain Tax Rates >ά˰ :Maintain Templates >άģ :Maintain Text >άı :Maintain Text Entries >άı :Maintain This Order >ά :Maintain This P/order >ά˲ɹ :Maintain Tracked Lots >άѸ :Maintain Tracked Serials >άѸϵ :Maintain Transactions >ά :Maintain Trigger >ά :Maintain Trigger Details >ά :Maintain Variance Interfaces >ά䶯 :Maintain Version >ά汾 :Maintain WIP Inspection >άWIP :Maintain Warehouses >άֿ :Maintain Withholding Tax Codes >ά˰մ :Maintain Work Centers >άҵ :Maintain Work Centres >άҵ :Maintain Workflow >ά :Maintain XML browser themes for operator >άԱXML :Maintain a Custom dictionary for the current language code >άǰԴԶֵ :Maintain a Global Replace dictionary for the current language code >άǰԴȫ滻ֵ :Maintain a cross-reference between a SYSPRO stock code and a supplier catalogue number (supplier stock code) >ά SYSPRO 빩ӦĿ¼ (Ӧ̿) Ķղο :Maintain a history of receipts by supplier/stock code >άӦ̣˳վʷ¼ :Maintain a list of people who require access to SYSPRO, and define any restrictions applicable to these individual operators >άҪ SYSPRO ԱбκЩԱ :Maintain a log file of all programs that have been accessed by operators >άԱѷг־ļ :Maintain accounts (a contact who is neither a supplier nor a customer) >ά˻ (ȲǹӦ̣Ҳǿͻϵ) :Maintain allocations when match found >ƥʱά :Maintain asset capex types for budgeted (capex) assets >άԤ (ʱ) ʲʲʱ :Maintain asset locations (identifies the physical place in which an asset resides) >άʲλ (ʶʲʵλ) :Maintain asset revaluation reason codes >άʲ¹ֵԭ :Maintain asset type codes (used to distinguish between the different classes of assets on file) >άʲʹ (ʲIJͬ) :Maintain billing schedules for a contract >άͬļƷų :Maintain bills of landed cost (a list of the cost elements that (together with the expected or actual purchase price) make up the total landed cost of a given stock item) >άɱ (ɱԪб (Ԥڻʵʲɹ۸һ) ɸĿܵɱ) :Maintain budgets for requisition user groups defined at stock code or product class level within each group >άڿÿڲƷ༶빺ûԤ :Maintain capex items and their related requisition capex lines >άʱĿ빺ʱ :Maintain capex requisition lines in suspense and transfer these lines from suspense into the assets register >άʲʱвЩдӹתƵʲǼDz :Maintain categories, global variables, analysis objects and templates >άȫֱģ :Maintain coded prices and quantity discount breaks against selected stock items >ѡĿά۸ۿ۷ :Maintain collection descriptors used in the Families & Groupings program to assist in defining collections >άϵռЭռ :Maintain column alignment >ά :Maintain commission codes and assign percentages to these codes >άӶ벢Щٷֱ :Maintain contract >άͬ :Maintain cost elements against stock items used in the landed cost tracking system >ڵɱϵͳõĿĿάɱԪ :Maintain data in import programs >άе :Maintain default coded comments that can be used repeatedly on sales order documents >ά۶ĵظʹõĬϱע :Maintain default payment terms for suppliers >άӦ̵Ĭϸ :Maintain depreciation codes that establish the actual percentage rates of depreciation applied to an asset >άӦʲ۾ɰٷʵ۾ɴ :Maintain details of Goods Received Notes (GRNs) for a purchase order >άɹջ (GRN) :Maintain details of TPM promotions >ά TPM :Maintain details of beneficiaries who will be paid by EFT >άͨ EFT и˵ :Maintain details of cash drawers >ά :Maintain details of trade promotions customer accounts >άó״ͻ˻ :Maintain details of vessels carrying consignments of goods >άػ˻ֵ :Maintain details relating to Capex numbers for use in the requisition system >ά빺ϵͳʱúص :Maintain dispatch notes and optionally to print dispatch notes or dispatch invoices on-line >άѡߴӡ򷢻Ʊ :Maintain e.net Classes >άenetȼ :Maintain element >άԪ :Maintain element (Alt+M) >άԪ (Alt+M) :Maintain entries in the purchase order EC VAT Receipts file >άɹ EC VAT ջļеĿ :Maintain entries when processing a sale to an EC customer (excluding local transactions) > EC ͻ (ؽ) ʱάĿ :Maintain entry >ά :Maintain forecasting options at stock code/revision/release/warehouse level >ά/޶//ˮƽԤѡ :Maintain global interchanges >άȫֻ :Maintain header after supplier >άӦ֮ҳü :Maintain header information for serialized items currently defined >άǰϵĿҳüϢ :Maintain hierarchies >άּ :Maintain hierarchies relating to a quotation line >ά뱨йIJ :Maintain historical tax rates for tax codes used in a basic tax system or a tax system based on geographic areas >άݵڻ˰ϵ˰ϵ˰ʷ˰ :Maintain historical tax rates for tax codes used in the USA tax system >ά˰ϵ˰ʷ˰ :Maintain information about the people (contacts) with whom your organization does business >ά֯Ա (ϵ) Ϣ :Maintain labour allocations >άͶ :Maintain line >ά :Maintain list of attachments for existing activities >άлб :Maintain material allocations >άϷ :Maintain miscellaneous line >ά :Maintain operator roles and configuring the settings for each role, thereby enabling the consolidation of various security facilities available >άԱְΪÿһְãӶøðȫʩĺϲ :Maintain operator security >άԱȫ :Maintain operators for SYSPRO Analytics >ά SYSPRO Analytics IJԱ :Maintain options >άѡ :Maintain or create a number of delivery addresses that can be assigned to selected customers >ά򴴽ɷ䵽ѡͻĶַ :Maintain owners for non-current assets >άʲ :Maintain policies for a selection set (batch) of stock items >άѡĿ () :Maintain product class default >άƷȼĬֵ :Maintain product classes which are used to group classes of merchandise items together >άڽƷĿһIJƷ :Maintain proposed structure & routing >άĽṹ· :Maintain purchase order requisition user groups >άɹ빺û :Maintain reason codes for disposal of assets >άʲԭ :Maintain relative object position >άԶλ :Maintain requisitions >ά :Maintain resource codes >άԴ :Maintain revaluation categories in order to revalue any of the alternate currency ledgers based on a category that is optionally assigned to ledger accounts >ά¹ֵԸѡط䵽˻ûҷ˵ļֵ :Maintain routes describing the information that is required to manufacture a particular item >άضĿҪϢ· :Maintain standard hierarchy codes (a means of allocating the costs of a job according to its elements, used if you build or manufacture similar items) >ά׼ּ (Ԫط乤ɱֶΣĿ) :Maintain status codes for non-current assets >άʲ״̬ :Maintain suggestions >ά :Maintain supplementary unit codes used in landed cost tracking system and in the EC VAT system >άڵɱϵͳ EC VAT ϵͳIJ䵥λ :Maintain the General Ledger weighted transfer rules for transferring balances from a single source account to multiple destination accounts >ά˼Ȩת˹ԽӵһһԴ˻תƵĿ˻ :Maintain the XML output options, XML file path and the global statement narration for EFT transactions >ά XML ѡXML ļ· EFT ȫֱ :Maintain the approved manufacturers from whom your company obtains parts >ά˾ȡĺ׼ :Maintain the codes required to cancel a quotation, place a quotation on hold, or reject a quotation >άȡۡۻܾҪĴ :Maintain the codes used to classify different methods of payment made by customers >άڷͻͬĴ :Maintain the cost centers to which non-current assets are allocated >άʲijɱ :Maintain the delivery terms codes used for Intrastat >άóͳƵĽ :Maintain the destination folders for elements of SYSPRO that can be archived >άɹ鵵 SYSPRO ԪصĿļ :Maintain the different routes that can be used to ship items from supplier to warehouse >άڴӹӦֿװĿIJͬ· :Maintain the exchange rates applied by customs officials >άعԱɵĻ :Maintain the financial information for your non-current assets >άķʲIJϢ :Maintain the integrity of ISAM format SYSPRO files >ά ISAM ʽ SYSPRO ļ :Maintain the integrity of customer transaction data, close the current month, open a new month for processing and delete obsolete customer information >άͻݵԣرյǰ·ݣµĴ·ݣɾʱĿͻϢ :Maintain the integrity of data in the Cash Book, close the current month, open up a new month for processing and delete obsolete cash book information >άֽ˲ݵԣرյǰ·ݣµĴ·ݣɾʱ˲Ϣ :Maintain the integrity of data in the General Ledger, close the current period, open a new period for processing and delete obsolete general ledger information >άݵԣرյǰڣµĴڣɾʱϢ :Maintain the integrity of data, close the current month, open a new month for processing and delete assets information that is no longer required >άݵԣرյǰ·ݣµĴ·ݣɾҪʲϢ :Maintain the integrity of data, close the current month, open a new month for processing and delete inventory information that is no longer required >άݵԣرյǰ·ݣµĴ·ݣɾҪĴϢ :Maintain the integrity of data, close the current month, open a new month for processing transactions and delete information no longer required >άݵԣرյǰ·ݣµĴ·ݣɾҪϢ :Maintain the integrity of supplier transaction data, close the current month, open a new month for processing and delete obsolete supplier information >άӦ̽ݵԣرյǰ·ݣµĴ·ݣɾʱĹӦϢ :Maintain the integrity of the data and remove all GRNs (and associated journals) that have been matched (reconciled against an invoice) >άݵԲɾƥ (ԷƱ) GRN (ռ) :Maintain the nature of transaction codes used for Intrastat >άóͳƵĽ״ :Maintain the purchase prices or estimates for non-stocked items >άǿĿIJɹ۸ :Maintain the selected Book's properties >άѡ˲ :Maintain the selected measure >άѡ :Maintain the selected schedule >άѡų :Maintain the selected template >ɾѡģ :Maintain the selling price assigned either to a specific price code or to the list price held against a specific stock code >ά䵽ض۸ض۸б۸ۼ :Maintain the structure of an existing standard hierarchy >άб׼ּṹ :Maintain the tariffs included in the landed cost of inventory items >άĿɱĹ˰ :Maintain the warehouses required for stock items >άĿҪIJֿ :Maintain this Contract >维护此合同 :Maintain transfers >άת :Maintaining >ά :Maintaining Reserved Lots >ά :Maintaining Reserved Serials >άϵ :Maintenance >ά :Maintenance Manager >ά :Maintenance Options >άѡ :Maintenance allowed >ά :Maintenance and G/L Distribution >ά(G/L) :Maintenance cannot be performed before the amendment journals have been printed and deleted >ڴӡɾ޶ռ֮ǰ޷ִά :Maintenance of Dispatch Note >ά :Maintenance of Sales Order >۶ά :Maintenance of Sales Orders after delivery note printed >ӡ۶ά :Maintenance of Std Hierarchies >׼ά :Maintenance of exchange rate not allowed >ά :Maintenance of printed P/order not allowed >άѴӡɹ :Maintenance of purchase order details not allowed >άɹϸ :Maintenance of sales orders not allowed >ά۶ :Maintenance of scrap quantity not allowed >ά :Maintenance of this stock code's structure & routing has not been enabled by an ECO. Do you wish to continue? >ECOδñṹ·ߵάϣ :Maintenance on hold by ECC >按 ECC 保留维护 :Maintenance password >ά :Major order multiple > :Make Current Version >°汾 :Make Selection >ѡ :Make all Shapes the Same Height >使所有性状同样高度 :Make all Shapes the Same Size >使所有性状同样尺寸 :Make all Shapes the Same Width >使所有性状同样宽度 :Make changes only for this week or till end of contract >仅为本周或合同结束前作出更改 :Make global changes to either the selling price or the inventory cost of stock items >ԿĿۼۻɱȫָ :Make manual adjustments to expense code costs >Էôɱֶ :Make pane hidden >ش :Make pane visible >ʾ :Make provision for lot expiry in requirements calculation >ΪҪеʧЧƶ :Make provisions for lot expiry in requirements calculation >ΪҪеʧЧƶ :Make sure that all the items that were not delivered are removed from this load. Do you want to complete the load? >ȷӴɾδĿϣɼ :Make sure that all the returned items are removed from this load. Do you want to complete the load? >ȷӴɾѷĿϣɼ :Make the form remember your entries by either automatically loading your previous form values, or by saving your form values as permanent default values >ͨԶǰıֵͨΪĬֵıֵʹıס :Make the row invisible > :Make to order >붩 :Make to order flag >붩 :Make to order item >붩Ŀ :Make to order items >붩Ŀ :Male > :Malformed XML in VBScript >VBScript еĻ XML :Manage customization for layouts designed by role >ְƲֵĶƻ :Manage customization for layouts designed by role, system-wide or by industry >ְ𡢷ϵͳҵƲֵĶƻ :Manage roles >ְ :Management > :Management follow-up date > :Management follow-up date overdue > :Management notes >ע :Manager > :Manager birthday > :Manager email >ʼ :Manager name > :Manager telephone number >绰 :Manager's name > :Managers name > :Managers phone number >绰 :Mandatory >ǿƵ :Mandatory %1 >ǿ %1 :Mandatory Codes >ǿԴ :Mandatory Component Selection >ǿԲѡ :Mandatory XML element %1 is missing >XMLҪ %1ȱʧ :Mandatory entry > :Mandatory field >ֶ :Mandatory field alpha >alphaֶ :Mandatory field numeric >ֱֶ :Mandatory parameter is null >Ϊհ :Mandatory run-time prompt variable has not been entered >ûǿʱʾ :Mandatory user codes checked in routing >·ѡǿû :Mandatory user codes to be checked in routing >ġ·еǿû :Maniac payment %1 >狂人支付 %1 :Manifest file not found >δҵػļ :Manual >˹ :Manual Adjustment >˹ :Manual Apportionment Entries for Element >Ҫصֶ̯ :Manual Check >˹ :Manual Check Details >ֶ֧Ʊϸ :Manual Check Entry >ֶ֧Ʊ :Manual Checks >ֶ֧Ʊ :Manual Entries >手动输入 :Manual Entry Variance Password >手动输入差异密码 :Manual Entry of Conversion Factor >תϵ˹ :Manual Forecasting >˹Ԥ :Manual Job >˹ҵ :Manual Job Number >˹ҵ :Manual Job Numbering >˹ҵ :Manual List >ֶб :Manual Load Number >ֶװغ :Manual Maintenance >˹ά :Manual Order Number >˹ :Manual Order Number Entry >ֶѯ :Manual Payment >˹ :Manual Payment Entry >ֶĿ :Manual Payment Run Numbering >ֶб :Manual Payments >˹ :Manual RMA Number >ֶ RMA :Manual RMA Number Entry >手动 RMA 号码输入 :Manual Rate >˹ :Manual S/O >ֶ۶(S/O) :Manual SO >ֶ SO :Manual Sales Order Number >˹۶ :Manual Scheduling >ֹĽ :Manual Selection >˹ѡ :Manual Serial Number >˹ϵк :Manual Serial Number Entry >˹ϵк :Manual Serial Numbers >˹ϵк :Manual Serial Numbers in Inspection >ڼ˹ϵк :Manual Serial Numbers in WIP Inspection >WIPе˹к :Manual Serials Capture >ֶϵв :Manual Serials Reserved for Co-product for Job >ҵͬƷֶϵ :Manual Serials Reserved for Job >ҵֶϵ :Manual Serials in Inspection Capture >鲶еֶϵ :Manual Sub Job >ֶӹ :Manual Sub Jobs >ֹμҵ :Manual URL address entry on SYSPRO browsers >SYSPROеֶURLַĿ :Manual Void >ֶ :Manual Void Check Invoices >ֶ֧ƱƱ :Manual additions >ֶ :Manual additions of affected items >ӰĿֶ :Manual apportionment >ֶ̯ :Manual cancellation of structure changes >ṹĵֶȡ :Manual change of date available >ڵֶ :Manual change of description >ֶ :Manual change of responsible user >ûֶ :Manual check in process for this invoice >ڽд˷Ʊֶ :Manual check list >ֶ֧Ʊб :Manual check remittances >ֶ֧Ʊ :Manual check required >Ҫֶ֧Ʊ :Manual confirmation of structure changes >ṹĵֶȷ :Manual cost >ֶɱ :Manual costs >ֶɱ :Manual enabling of structure maintenance >ṹάֶ :Manual entry >˹ :Manual entry of cost not allowed >ֶɱ :Manual entry of normal P/o line when BPO contract exists >BPOͬʱɹе˹ :Manual forecast >˹Ԥ :Manual forecast item >ֶԤĿ :Manual forecast items >ֶԤĿ :Manual hold >手动保留 :Manual locks >ֶ :Manual locks to be applied >Ӧõֶ :Manual override >ֹ :Manual rates >ֶ :Manual release >ֶǩ :Manual release of locks >ֶ :Manual release to invoice >ֹǩ߷Ʊ :Manual sales order >ֶ۶ :Manual serial >ֶϵ :Manual serial next suffix >ֶϵһ׺ :Manual serial number '%1' is stocked in warehouse '%2', and not in the selected warehouse >ֶϵк '%1' ڲֿ '%2' УѡIJֿ :Manual serial number tracking >ֶϵк :Manual serial prefix >ֶϵǰ׺ :Manual serial tracking not allowed if unit quantity processing >ڴλ²ֶϵи :Manual type serial >ֶϵ :Manual unsetting of ECC control >ECC Ƶֶ :Manually Defined List >ֶб :Manually Distribute >手动分配 :Manually Entered Conversion Factor >˹תϵ :Manually archive bills of materials for ECC-controlled items >ֶ鵵 ECC Ŀϵ :Manually capture asset count information >ֶʲϢ :Manually create and adjust build schedule records for stocked items defined as MPS items >ֶΪ MPS ĿĿų̼¼ :Manually entered >˹ :Manually entered dates >ֹ :Manually entered prices >ֶ۸ :Manually forecast items >ֶԤĿ :Manually generate forecasts for items on an individual basis >ԶʽֶĿԤ :Manuf lead time >ǰ :Manufacture > :Manufacture lead time >ʱǰ :Manufacture lead time (days) >ǰڣ :Manufacture quantity flag > :Manufacture to stocking factor >ϵ :Manufacture to stocking factor code >按库存因子代码制造 :Manufacture to stocking factor code (M/D) >ϵ(M/D) :Manufactured > :Manufactured details > :Manufactured quantity > :Manufacturer > :Manufacturer '%1' not found >δҵ '%1' :Manufacturer Part Number Details >ϸ :Manufacturer information >Ϣ :Manufacturer name > :Manufacturer part number > :Manufacturer suppliers >̹Ӧ :Manufacturers > :Manufacturing > :Manufacturing ABC elements >ABCҪ :Manufacturing Setup > :Manufacturing UOM >λ(UOM) :Manufacturing Units of Measure Updates >λ :Manufacturing import applications >쵼Ӧó :Manufacturing lead time >ǰ :Manufacturing options >ѡ :Manufacturing qty(EBQ or Pan) > (EBQ ) :Manufacturing quantity basis >׼ :Manufacturing query applications >ѯӦó :Manufacturing query programs >ѯ :Manufacturing setup options >ѡ :Manufacturing time fence >ʱ :Manufacturing time fence(MTF) >ʱ(MTF) :Manufacturing unit of measure >λ :Manufacturing unit of measure factor may not be zeroes >制造计量单位因子不得为零 :Manufacturing unit of measure is not in use. Program cancelled >λʹáȡ :Manufacturing unit of measure will be reset to stocking unit of measure. Do you wish to continue? >λλΪλϣ? :Manufacturing uom conversion >λת :Manufacturing uom factor >λϵ :Manufacturing uom method >λ :Manufacturing uom unit >λλ :Manufacturing warehouse to use >ʹõֿ :Map Input >ͼ :Map Output >ͼ :Map URL >ͼURL :Map URL to use for directions >ָʾĵͼ URL :Map directions >ͼ :MapPoint >MapPoint :Mar > :Mar %1 > %1 :March > :Margin > :Margin % > % :Margin Check > :Margin Check Override Password >鸲 :Margin Checking > :Margin check based on >飬 :Margin error >߾ :Margin percentage >ٷֱ :Margin/Description >˵ :Mark Action Complete >ɱǶ :Mark Actioned >ı :Mark All Lines as Deselected >将所有行标记为取消选择 :Mark all Lines Selected >标记所选所有行 :Mark all lines as selected >将所有行标记为选择 :Mark as actioned >Ϊִ :Mark as complete >Ϊ :Mark captured EFT transactions as ready for release >Ѳ EFT ױΪо :Mark complete > :Mark tasks as complete after having been run >кΪ :Mark-up % >% :Mark-up Cost >ɱ :Mark-up cost by a percentage >ٷֱȵɱ :Marked complete >已完成标记 :Marker shape >״ :Marker size >ǴС :Marketing >营销 :Marketing Assistant >Ӫ :Marketing Department >Ӫ :Marketing Development Manager >г :Marketing Manager >Ӫ :Marketing call >Ӫ :Markup >Ǽ :Markup % >% :Markup Editor >DZ༭ :Markup Percentage >ٷֱ :Markup cost >ɱ :Markup cost by a percentage >ٷֱȵıdzɱ :Markup price >۸ :Markup/Margin >ë :Markup/margin % >标记/页边距 % :Mask Entry > :Mass > :Mass % Free >% :Mass Available > :Mass Exceeded >已超过质量 :Mass Used > :Mass apportionment >̯ :Mass on backorder >ڽϵ :Mass on order > :Mass per stocking unit >ÿ浥λ :Mass plus > :Mass sold > :Mass to receive > :Mass to ship > :Mass totals >ϼ :Mass unit >λ :Master >ļ :Master Account for Customer >ͻ˻ :Master Allocation > :Master Asset >ʲ :Master Database >ݿ :Master Database Settings >ݿ :Master Import Failed >ʧ :Master Job Allocations >ҵ :Master Job Error >ҵ :Master Parent >ĸ :Master Production > :Master Production Schedule >Ҫ :Master Production Schedule Summary >ųժҪ :Master Production Shedule >ų :Master Sub-accounts >˻ :Master Sub-jobs >ӹ :Master account >ʻ :Master account '%1' against customer '%2' on hold >Կͻ '%2' ʻ '%1' :Master account '%1' not found >δҵʻ '%1' :Master account details >ʻϸ :Master account is not a Trade Promotions customer >ʻó״ͻ :Master account is on hold >ʻѹ :Master account not on file >ʻ :Master account number >ʻ :Master asset selection >ʲѡ :Master customer not on file >ͻ :Master database creation completed >ݿⴴ :Master database creation started >ѿʼݿⴴ :Master invoice >Ʊ :Master job >ҵ :Master job %1 is not confirmed >ҵ '%1' δȷ :Master job %1 is not on file >ҵ '%1' :Master job %1 is on hold >ҵ '%1' :Master job description >ҵ˵ :Master job number >ҵ :Master job totals >ϼ :Master jobs >ҵ :Master production schedule item >ųĿ :Master/Sub Accounts >ʻ :Master/Sub Asset Maintenance >ʲά :Master/Sub Assets >/ʲ :Master/Sub Job File Recreation >תҵļ´ :Master/Sub Job File recreated successfully >ѳɹ´תҵļ :Master/Sub Job Maintenance >ʲά :Master/Sub Jobs >/ҵ :Master/Sub-accounts >ʻ/ʻ嵥 :Master/Sub-asset Maintenance >ʲά :Master/sub account >ʻ :Master/sub asset >ʲ :Master/sub assets not required. Program cancelled >Ҫʲȡ :Master/sub-asset >ʲ :Master/sub-assets not required. Program cancelled >Ҫʲȡ :Master/subaccount >ʻ :Mat context >ƥķΧ :Mat review enq's >ƥ :Mat-context >ƥķΧ :Match >匹配 :Match All Lines >匹配所有行 :Match case >ִСд :Matched > :Matched Codes >Ĵ :Matched Customers >ƥͻ :Matched Details >ϸ :Matched GRN Transactions for GRN >ջ(GRN)ƥջ(GRN) :Matched GRN transactions >ƥ GRN :Matched GRN's >ƥGRN :Matched Jobs >ƥҵ :Matched Ledger Codes >ƥʴ :Matched Programs >ƥij :Matched Stock Codes >ƥ :Matched Supplier Codes >ƥ乩Ӧ̴ :Matched code >ƥ :Matched configurations >ƥ :Matched item >ƥĿ :Matched qty >匹配数量 :Matched quantity >ƥ :Matched quotations >ƥ䱨 :Matched value >ƥֵ :Matches any .MAC .MAI .MAT .MAS copybook in the following path >·ƥκMAC MAI MAT MASд :Matches on all words (AND) >ȫƥ(AND) :Matches on any word (OR) >һƥ(OR) :Matching Configurations > :Matching Customers >ȿͻ :Matching GRN Numbers >GRN :Matching Invoices >ȷƱ :Matching Jobs >ҵ :Matching Ledger Codes >ȷʴ :Matching Purchase Orders >Ȳɹ :Matching Quotations >ȱ :Matching Reference Numbers >ƥο :Matching Sales Orders >۶ :Matching Stock Codes >ȿ :Matching Supplier Codes >ȹӦ̴ :Matching serial numbers >ʹ :Matching ship address only >仅匹配发货地址 :Matching stock code >ƥ :Material > :Material allocations >Ϸ :Material % >% :Material '%1' is complete > '%1' :Material (total) >ϣϼƣ :Material (unit) >ϣλ :Material Allocation >Ϸ :Material Allocation Maintenance >Ϸά :Material Allocations >Ϸ :Material Allocations for Job >ҵIJϷ :Material Constraints > :Material Custom Form Fields >Զֶ :Material Issue to Job >ǩҵ :Material Issued to Job >ǩҵ :Material Line Detail >ϸ :Material Maintenance >ά :Material Record >ϼ¼ :Material Req Planning >Ҫƻ :Material Requirement Details >Ҫ :Material Requirement Details by Months >µIJҪ :Material Requirement Details by Multiple days >յIJҪ :Material Requirement Details by Single day >յIJҪ :Material Requirement Details by Weeks >ܵIJҪ :Material Requirement Pegging >Ҫס :Material Requirements > :Material Requirements Detail Section >Ҫϸ :Material Requirements Details >Ҫϸ :Material Requirements Details by Single day >һIJҪϸ :Material Requirements Details by Weeks >ܵIJҪϸ :Material Requirements Pegging >Ҫס :Material Requirements Pegging for >ҪסΪ :Material Requirements Planning >Ҫƻ :Material Requirements Planning Query >Ҫƻѯ :Material Requisitions Line >ϵ :Material Review > :Material Scrap Analysis >Ϸ :Material Scrap Analysis in Progress >ִвϱϷ :Material Stock code Custom Form Fields >ϿԶֶ :Material Trans >ת :Material Transaction Details >Ͻ :Material Transactions >Ͻ :Material Transactions for Job >ҵIJϽ :Material allocation details >Ϸϸ :Material allocation for stock code %1 does not exist against job %2 >ҵ %2 Ŀ %1 IJϷ䲻 :Material allocation line number %1 for stock code %2 does not exist >ҵ %2 Ŀ %1 IJϷк %1 :Material allocs held >Ϸѹ :Material amount >Ͻ :Material amount billed to date >¼յIJϽ :Material and operations >材料与操作 :Material billed >շѵ :Material billings >ϵ :Material charge percentage >շѰٷֱ :Material cost >ϳɱ :Material cost to date >²ϳɱ :Material costs >ϳɱ :Material costs to date >²ϳɱ :Material description > :Material information >Ϣ :Material issued out of WIP >WIPǩIJ :Material issues > :Material queued for operation >ŶӵȴIJ :Material queued for operation. Ok to post entry ? >排队等待操作材料。确定要发布项目吗? :Material queued for operation. Ok to post entry? >ŶӵȴIJϡҪʷ¼ :Material receipts >վ :Material receipts for >վݣ :Material reference >ϲο :Material requirements Detail >Ҫ :Material requisition format print options >ϵʽӡѡ :Material requisitions end on line >ϵ :Material requisitions start on line >ϵʼ :Material to date >IJ :Material total >Ϻϼ :Material transactions for >Ͻף :Material value >ֵ :Material value of issues >ǩIJϼֵ :Material/Operation Links >ϣ :Material/Unit >/λ :Materials > :Materials and Operations >ϼ :Materials and Routing >Ϻ·ѡ :Materials attached flag >ϸӱ :Materials not required >Ҫ :Materials only > :Materials options >ѡ :Max Files Open Query >ļ򿪲ѯ :Max PU's >PU :Max PUs >最大 PU :Max activities > :Max activity age > :Max approval value >ֵ :Max approve value >ֵ :Max attachments >󸽼 :Max component per/runtime >单位/运行时间最多部件 :Max component qty/ops >󲿼 :Max components per/runtime >λʱ󲿼 :Max delay between operations >ʱ :Max freight percentage >˷Ѱٷֱ :Max length >最大长度 :Max no. of productive units >λ :Max no. of work operators >ҵԱ :Max number of offers >౨̸ :Max number of releases to review >˷д :Max number of users reached >û :Max operation Span (hhmm) >Χ(hhmm) :Max operation span >Χ :Max operators >Ա :Max order quantity >󶩵 :Max purchase amount >ɹ :Max quantity > :Max run time >最长运行时间 :Max run time ( ) >ʱ( ) :Max value >ֵ :Max value to charge >ȡֵ :Max. columns to print (132-300) >Ҫӡ(132-300) :Max. days allowed for returned product >˻زƷ :Max. operators >Ա :Maximum > :Maximum Limit Reached >Ѵﵽֵ :Maximum Number of Lines to Print >ӡ :Maximum Number of Stock Codes > :Maximum Number of Text Lines to Print >ӡı :Maximum Opened Files Test Program >ѿļԳ :Maximum Operators >Ա :Maximum Requisition /Line Value >빺мֵ :Maximum Requisition Line Value >ֵ :Maximum Run Time >ʱ :Maximum Units >λ :Maximum Value Checking >ֵУ :Maximum Value Exceeded >超过的最大值 :Maximum Values >ֵ :Maximum age of records to retain >¼ :Maximum approval value >ֵ :Maximum balanced kit >ƽ⹤߰ :Maximum charge >շ :Maximum decimals >С :Maximum for allocation >ֵ :Maximum generated queue time (days) >дʱ䣨 :Maximum generated queue time (days) for finite scheduling >ų̵дʱ䣨 :Maximum items >Ŀ :Maximum jobs per archive file >ÿļҵ :Maximum length >󳤶 :Maximum length of notes line may not exceed 60 >עгȲó60 :Maximum line value >ֵ :Maximum lines cannot be zero >Ϊ :Maximum mass > :Maximum mass allowed > :Maximum material narration lines to print >Ҫӡ :Maximum number of attachments per email >λʼ฽ :Maximum number of contra invoices reach >ƱΧ :Maximum number of decimals >С :Maximum number of decimals in quantity per >¸С :Maximum number of decimals to print >要打印的最多小数个数 :Maximum number of detail lines per page >ÿҳϸ :Maximum number of entries exceeded. Apply selected entries >ѳҪѡ :Maximum number of entries exceeded. Continue with data transfer? >ѳҪִת :Maximum number of indexed files to attempt to open >ͼ򿪵ļ :Maximum number of notes lines >ע :Maximum number of notes lines may not exceed page size >עóҳС :Maximum number of orders to review >󶩵 :Maximum number of printable offers >ɴӡ̸ :Maximum number of records to retain >Ҫ¼ :Maximum number of releases to review >ͷŴ :Maximum of %1 characters allowed for '%2' >Ϊ '%2' %1 ַ :Maximum of %1 conditions per report reached. Function cancelled >Ѵﵽÿݱ %1 ȡ :Maximum of %1 lines of %2 characters >最多 %2 字符的 %1 行数 :Maximum of 200 conditions per report reached. Function cancelled >Ѵﵽÿݱ200ȡ :Maximum of 99 conditions per report reached. Function cancelled >Ѵﵽÿݱ99ֵȡ :Maximum operation narration lines to print >ӡ :Maximum operators may not be zero >ԱΪ :Maximum operators may not exceed the number available in the work center >ԱóҵĿõ :Maximum order quantity >󶩵 :Maximum order quantity cannot be less than minimum order quantity >󶩵СС :Maximum order quantity may not be less than minimum order quantity >󶩵СС :Maximum per >ֵÿһ :Maximum permitted > :Maximum permitted stock take variance >̵䶯 :Maximum permitted variance >ֵ :Maximum productive units may not be zero >λΪ :Maximum productive units may not exceed the number available in the work center >λóҵĿõĿ :Maximum qty > :Maximum quantity > :Maximum quantity cap > :Maximum quantity may not be less than minimum quantity >СС :Maximum requisition value >빺ֵ :Maximum requisition value exceeded. Authorised and routed on for approval >ѳ빺ֵȨѡ·ߣ :Maximum requisition value for requisition user '%1' has been exceeded >ѳ빺û '%1' 빺ֵ :Maximum requisition values cannot be changed to requisition level when approval level checking is at product class within group. Do you wish to set approval level checking to User? >УڵIJƷʱɸ빺ֵΪ빺ϣУΪû? :Maximum run >ʱ :Maximum sales orders per archive file >ÿļе۶ :Maximum text lines on each page >ÿһҳϵı :Maximum units entered cannot exceed the total for the work center >ԪɳҵĹ涨 :Maximum value >ֵ :Maximum value exceeded on requisition '%1', line '%2'. Authorised and routed on for approval >빺 '%1' '%2' ϣֵҪȨ· :Maximum value of capex >ʱֵ֧ :Maximum value of requisition >빺ֵ :Maximum value to charge >ȡֵ :Maximum value validation >ֵ֤ :Maximum values cannot be checked at time of entry when the approval level is currently by group or by product class within group. Do you wish to change the approval level to User? >ǰΪڵIJƷʱʱУֵϣΪû? :Maximum variance permitted > :Maximum volume > :Maximum volume allowed > :May > :May %1 > %1 :May not add stocked lines to a hierarchical quotation >αӿ :May not be issued from multiple lots >ôӶǩ :May not be zeroes >Ϊ :May not maintain the hierarchical status for quote '%1' >ά '%1' IJ״̬ :May not run Statistical in Non-statistical batch >ڷͳͳ :Mean >ƽ :Mean absolute % error >ƽ% :Mean absolute deviation >ƽƫ :Mean absolute percentage error >ƽ԰ٷֱ :Mean absolute percentage error %1 >ƽ԰ٷֱ %1 :Mean forecast error >ƽԤ :Mean options >ƽѡ :Mean square deviation >ƽƽƫ :Mean squared deviation > :Measure > :Measure Pane >ȴ :Measure name cannot be blank >Ϊ :Measure the accuracy of forecasts by stock code/warehouse, selection set and Families and Groupings collection >/ֿ⡢ѡԼϵкͷռԤ׼ȷ :Measure to use >ʹõ :Measure to use for competition >ⶨھ :Measures > :Mechanic > :Mechanic - Asset > - ʲ :Mechanic - Branch > - ֧ :Mechanic - Expense > - :Mechanic record locked >е¼ :Mechanic selection >еѡ :Mechanics > :Media id >媒体名 :Media type >ý :Median >ֵ :Median options >ֵѡ :Medium >е :Medium High >и :Medium Low >е :Medium-High >- :Medium-Low >- :Meeting > :Meetings > :Member of EC >ECԱ :Memo > :Memo chase date >¼׷ :Memo code >¼ :Memo code selection >¼ѡ :Memo date > :Memo date selection >¼ѡ :Memo selection >¼ѡ :Memo type >¼ :Memo type selection >¼ѡ :Memo types >¼ :Memory address for IMPSTD unavailable >ûIMPSTDڴַ :Memory allocation error >ڴ :Menu >˵ :Menu Administration >˵ :Menu Caption >˵ :Menu Configuration >˵ :Menu Definition >˵ :Menu Design >˵ :Menu Design Mode In Progress >ڽв˵ģʽ :Menu Folder >˵ļ :Menu Group >˵ :Menu Information >˵Ϣ :Menu Item >˵Ŀ :Menu Modification >˵޶ :Menu Properties >˵ :Menu Settings >˵ :Menu Setup >˵ :Menu Tile >˵ƽ :Menu cleared >IJ˵ :Menu item exists >ڲ˵Ŀ :Menu item name >˵Ŀ :Menu items >˵Ŀ :Menu not Saved >δIJ˵ :Menu style >˵ʽ :Menu text >˵ı :Menu type >˵ :Menus >˵ :Menus will be shown in the Navigation Pane >˵ʾڵ :Merch GL Code >Ʒ GL :Merch custom form >ƷԶ :Merch matched value >商品匹配价值 :Merch. amount >Ʒ :Merchandise >Ʒ :Merchandise Custom Fields >ƷԶֶ :Merchandise Detail >Ʒ :Merchandise GP% >ƷGP% :Merchandise Ledger Code >Ʒʴ :Merchandise Sales Totals >Ʒۺϼ :Merchandise Sales Totals (Local Currency) >Ʒۺϼƣػң :Merchandise Section >Ʒ :Merchandise Totals >Ʒϼ :Merchandise Value Maintenance >Ʒֵά :Merchandise amount >Ʒ :Merchandise cost >Ʒɱ :Merchandise invoice amount >ƷƱ :Merchandise ledger code not on file >Ʒʴ벻ļ :Merchandise lines >Ʒ :Merchandise matched value >Ʒƥֵ :Merchandise profit >Ʒ :Merchandise quantity x list price >Ʒ x 嵥۸ :Merchandise quantity x list price >Ʒ x ۸񵥼۸ :Merchandise sales after discounts >ۿۺƷ :Merchandise total >商品合计 :Merchandise value >Ʒֵ :Merchandise value %1 >Ʒֵ %1 :Merchandise value (local currency) >Ʒֵػң :Merchandised Items Print Block Size >ƷĿӡС :Merge Components >ϲ :Merge live ledger >ϲʵʱ :Merge live ledger from >ϲķʣ :Merge live ledger to current file >Чʺϲ뵱ǰļ :Merge menu >ϲ˵ :Merge new with existing >µеĺϲ :Merge new with existing allocations >µеķϲ :Merge new with existing components >µвϲ :Merge option >ϲѡ :Merge options >合并选项 :Merge toolbar >ϲ :Message >Ϣ :Message %1 >Ϣ %1 :Message '%1' generated on '%2' > '%2' ɵϢ '%1' :Message Attachments >ʼ :Message Id >Ϣ Id :Message Inbox >Ϣռ :Message Inbox view >ʼռ鿴 :Message Queue Setup >Ϣ :Message Queue type must be P or U >ϢΪPU :Message Returned from .NET Assembly > .NET Assembly Ϣ :Message Sent >ѷϢ :Message Sent. Did not wait for reply >ѷϢȴظ :Message cannot be spaces >ϢΪո :Message inbox details >ʼռϸ :Message number >Ϣ :Message position >Ϣλ :Message returned >˻ʼ :Message selection >Ϣѡ :Message to display if credit check failed >üʧʱҪʾϢ :Message to send if credit check failed >üʧܣҪ͵Ϣ :Message type >Ϣ :Messages >Ϣ :Messages '%1' >Ϣ '%1' :Messages for translation >Ϣ :Messaging >Ϣ :Method > :Method - Description > - :Method for valuation of suggested requisitions >۷ :Method is a mandatory field and has not been entered >ΪֶΣδ :Method name > :Method of Printing Comments >ӡעͷ :Method of costing >ɱ㷽 :Method of moving to next status >ƶһ״̬ķ :Method of sending email notification >͵ʼ֪ͨķ :Method of valuation >ֵ :Method of valuation for suggested requisitions >빺ֵ :Method to apply >õķ :Method used to apply quantity factor >Ӧϵķ :Method when emailing >发送电子邮件时方法 :Metric > :Metrics >ָ :Microsoft Excel >Microsoft Excel :Microsoft Excel Data-only > Microsoft Excel :Microsoft Explorer is called IEXPLORE.EXE >Microsoft ExplorerΪIEXPLORE.EXE :Microsoft Fax >Microsoft :Microsoft Outlook >Microsoft Outlook :Microsoft Outlook using Outlook email client >ʹOutlookʼͻMicrosoft Outlook :Microsoft SQL Server >Microsoft SQL :Mid-month > :Middle name >м :Migrate Company to Database >˾ֲݿ :Migrate Single Data from AdmFormData > AdmFormData ǨƵһ :Migrate custom form data to new format ('+' tables) >ǨԶݵ¸ʽ ('+' ) :Migrate to SQL Server >ֲSQL :Miles >Ӣ :Milestone >̱ :Milestone complete flag >̱ɱ־ :Milestone operation >̱ :Milestone operation has been set to uncomplete. Uncomplete all preceding non-milestone operations ? >里程碑式操作已设置为未完成。要放弃完成之前所有的非里程碑式操作码? :Milestone operation has been set to uncomplete. Uncomplete all preceding non-milestone operations? >ڵױΪδɡҪǰз̱ :Millions > :Milliseconds > :Min % above cost >ɱС% :Min component per/runtime >单位/运行时间最少部件 :Min component qty/ops >С :Min components per/runtime >λʱС :Min freight percentage >˷Ѱٷֱ :Min of EBQ thereafter multiples of PAN >盘的倍数之后的 EBQ 最小值 :Min order qty >Ͷ :Min order quantity >С :Min price % above cost >߳ɱͼ۸% :Min purchase amount >Сɹ :Min purchase order mass >Сɹ :Min purchase order value local >Ͳɹֵأ :Min purchase order volume >Сɹ :Min qty u/m >Сλ :Min qty uom >Сλ :Min qty/discount >Сۿ :Min quantity > :Min run time >最短运行时间 :Min run time ( ) >ʱ( ) :Min run time (hrs) >ʱ(ʱ) :Min value to charge >ȡСֵ :Minimum >С :Minimum % above cost >ڳɱСֵ % :Minimum Pord Value, Mass, Volume - Reqn >С Pord ֵ - 빺 :Minimum Quantity / Discount >Сۿ :Minimum Quantity Calculation >С :Minimum Quantity Calculation in Progress >ִС :Minimum Quantity Service Charges >շ :Minimum Quantity/Discount >С/ۿ :Minimum YTD payment >YTD :Minimum alternate values >ͻüֵ :Minimum amount >С :Minimum balance >С :Minimum balance checking >С :Minimum book value >ֵ :Minimum book value for asset group >ʲС˲ֵ :Minimum cap >ʱ :Minimum cap in days >ʱ (Ϊλ) :Minimum capex requisition line value >Сʱֵ֧ :Minimum charge >ͷ :Minimum charges >շ :Minimum days > :Minimum days cover >Χ :Minimum group value >ֵ :Minimum message >СϢ :Minimum no. of decimals to print for quantities >ӡС :Minimum number of days to ship > :Minimum number of decimals to print >ӡС :Minimum of EBQ > EBQ :Minimum of EBQ thereafter multiples of pan >盘的倍数之后的 EBQ 最小值 :Minimum of pan > :Minimum order quantity >Ͷ :Minimum order quantity invalid >最低无效订单数量 :Minimum order quantity must be entered >С :Minimum order quantity must be greater than zero >С :Minimum order rules >С :Minimum order value >Ͷֵ :Minimum order value service charge is only availlable when you end the order and the customer has a minimum order value service charge set up against it >ͶֵշѽʱãҿͻӵжԴ˶趨Ͷֵշ :Minimum p/order mass >Ͳɹģ :Minimum p/order value >Ͳɹֵ :Minimum p/order values >Ͳɹֵ :Minimum p/order volume >Ͳɹ :Minimum password length >С볤 :Minimum per >Сֵÿһ :Minimum price % above cost margin override allowed >ġڳɱ߼ʸǵͼ۸% :Minimum price pct above cost >ɱͼ۸ٷֱ :Minimum price percentage above cost >ɱͼ۸ٷֱ :Minimum purchase order mass >Ͳɹģ :Minimum purchase order value >Ͳɹֵ :Minimum purchase order volume >Ͳɹ :Minimum qty >С :Minimum qty for '%1' type charges >'%1' շѵС :Minimum quantity >С :Minimum quantity cannot be less than maximum quantity for stock code '%1' >ССڿ '%1' :Minimum quantity discount >Сۿ :Minimum quantity field on the warehouse record will be updated. Do you wish to continue? >²ֿ¼еСֶΡϣ :Minimum quantity has been exceeded. This service charge line was saved with zero values >ѳС˷շеıֵΪ :Minimum quantity has been exceeded. This service charge line will be saved with zero values >ѳСһշеıֵΪ :Minimum quantity is zero >СΪ :Minimum quantity may not exceed %1 >Сó %1 :Minimum quantity may not exceed 9,999,999 >ó9,999,999 :Minimum quantity per p/o >λɹС :Minimum quantity unit of measure >Сλ :Minimum requirements for update is either storenumber or prtmasteradd if a master account >ΪʻµҪΪҪô洢룬Ҫôӡַ :Minimum requisition line value for checking routing >·ߵСֵ :Minimum run >С :Minimum tax value >˰ :Minimum value >ͼֵ :Minimum value discount >Сֵۿ :Minimum value for authorisation >Ȩͼֵ :Minimum value for authorization >Ȩͼֵ :Minimum value not yet reached >δﵽСֵ :Minimum value to charge >ȡСֵ :Minimums >Сֵ :Mininum P/ord Value, Mass, Volume >Ͳɹֵģ :Minor order multiple >Ҫ :Minor order multiple cannot be greater than major order multiple >Ҫɴ :Minor order multiple may not be greater than major order multiple >Ҫܲ :Minor set-up >Сװ :Minor set-up code >ô :Minor set-up time >Сװʱ :Minor set-up time may not be greater than standard set-up time >Ҫʱ䲻ôڱ׼ʱ :Minor setup code >ô :Minor setup time >ʱ :Minumim balance >С :Minumum balance checking >СУ :Minus variance > :Misc > :Misc & Freight >ӷѼ˷ :Misc amount > :Misc charge >ӷ :Misc charge currency flag >շѻұ :Misc type > :Misc value >ֵ :Misc. charge description >ӷ˵ :Miscellaneous > :Miscellaneous / Freight Charge Section >ӷѣ˷Ѳ :Miscellaneous Amount >ӷѽ :Miscellaneous Charge Description >ӷ˵ :Miscellaneous Charge Line >շ :Miscellaneous Freight charges Detail >˷ϸ :Miscellaneous Line > :Miscellaneous Offer Entry > :Miscellaneous Receipt >ӷվ :Miscellaneous Receipts >ӷվ :Miscellaneous Service Charges >շ :Miscellaneous Transaction > :Miscellaneous Transactions > :Miscellaneous charge >ӷ :Miscellaneous charge details >杂项费用明细 :Miscellaneous charge processing >ӷѴ :Miscellaneous charge type >շ :Miscellaneous charge value >շѼֵ :Miscellaneous charge value is zero >շֵΪ :Miscellaneous charges >ӷ :Miscellaneous charges cannot exceed transaction amount >շѲɳ׶ :Miscellaneous charges cost value >óɱֵ :Miscellaneous cost zero >ɱ :Miscellaneous details >ϸ :Miscellaneous line options >ѡ :Miscellaneous lines >ӷ :Miscellaneous options >ӷѡ :Miscellaneous receipt value is negative >վݼֵΪ :Miscellaneous receipts require a local currency bank to be selected >ӷվҪѡ񱾵ػ :Miscellaneous service charge > :Miscellaneous value >ӷѼֵ :Miscellaneous/Freight Charge Section >/˷½ :Miscellaneous/freight and comment sections not applicable for requisitions >ӷѣ˷ѼעͲֲ :Miscellaneous/freight cost >˷ѳɱ :Miscellaneous/freight quantity >˷ :Miscellaneous/freight value >˷Ѽֵ :Miscellenious Information >Ϣ :Missing >ʧ :Missing Contract terms record >ʧͬ޼¼ :Missing Entries >ʧ¼ :Missing G/L Integration Entries >ʧ(G/L) :Missing G/L Interface >ʧG/L :Missing GL Integration Entries >ʧ GL Ŀ :Missing GL Interface >ʧ GL :Missing Intercompany account for company >ʧ˾Ĺ˾˻ :Missing Record on Company Control File >˾ļжʧļ¼ :Missing Report Writer Name >ȱٱ¼ :Missing TOOLKIT.INI file >ȱTOOLKIT.INIļ :Missing intercompany details >ʧ˾ :Missing invoices cannot be highlighted unless all branches are selected for reprinting >ѡȫ֧´ӡ޷ͻʾʧķƱ :Missing parts record for stock code >ʧ¼ :Missing warehouse '%1' for stock code '%2'. Allocation added against warehouse to use >ʧ '%2' IJֿ '%1'ʹòֿӵķ :Missing warehouse record >ʧֿ¼ :Mix of SQL Server and ISAM companies >SQL ISAM ˾ :Mix of SQL and ISAM companies >SQL 和 ISAM 公司的组合 :Mixed >ϵ :Mngmnt Notes >¼ :Mobile/Cell >ƶ绰ֻ :Mobile/Cell number >ֻ :Mocha >¹ :Mod >ģʽ :Mode >ģʽ :Mode of operation maintenance >ģʽά :Mode of transport >䷽ʽ :Model >ģ :Model Properties >ģ :Model not deleted >δɾģ :Model successfully deleted >ѳɹɾģ :Modeling >ģ :Modeling Options >ģѡ :Modification >修改 :Modifications >޸ :Modified >޸ :Modified contract prices only >޸ĵĺͬ۸ :Modified customers >޶Ŀͻ :Modified date >޸ :Modified half-year >޸ :Modified invoices >޸ķƱ :Modified stock codes >޶Ŀ :Modified warehouses >޶IJֿ :Modifier >޸ :Modify >޸ :Modify COPY directory >޸ĸĿ¼ :Modify CSS >޶CSS :Modify CSS theme >޶CSS :Modify Context Menus >޸IJ˵ :Modify Flowgraph Nodes >޸ͼڵ :Modify Menu >޶˵ :Modify Other Operator's Menu >޶Ա˵ :Modify Report Outline >޸ıҪ :Modify Toolbar Buttons >޸Ĺť :Modify XAML Code using the XAML Editor >ʹ XAML ༭޸ XAML :Modify XAML code using the editor. XAML is used in Forms and List views to change the appearance of captions >ʹñ༭޸ XAML 롣XAML ڱбͼԸı :Modify the descriptions assigned to employee rates >޸ķ䵽Աʵ :Modular Shipware Interface Import >ģ黯˽浼 :Modular shipware interface >ģ黯shipware :Modular warehouse management >ģ黯ֿ :Module >ģ :Module Limit >ģ鼫 :Module Not Installed >δװģ :Module Not Selected >δѡģ :Module code >ģ :Module journal >ģռ :Module selection >ģѡ :Module to add to >Ҫӵ¸ģ :Modules >ģ :Mon > :Mon %1 >· %1 :Monday >һ :Monitoring not available >ز :Monitoring order >ⶩ :Month > :Month %1 >· %1 :Month %1 (Profit) >· %1 :Month %1 (Sales) >· %1 ۣ :Month %1 cost >· %1 ɱ :Month %1 mass >· %1 :Month %1 profit >· %1 :Month %1 quantity >· %1 :Month %1 sales >· %1 :Month %1 volume > %1 ݻ :Month /year posted >·ݣ :Month End Date >½ :Month End Date Warning >½ھ :Month End Dates >½ :Month End Function >½Ṧ :Month End Report >ձ :Month End Warning >½ᾯ :Month at a Glance >·ݸ :Month day >· :Month drops >·½ :Month end > :Month end and purge >պ :Month end closing exchange rate >̻ :Month end dates %1 > %1 :Month end function complete >չ :Month end has been completed with no errors >ѳɹգκδ :Month end only > :Month in which entry created >Ŀ· :Month in which invoice posted >Ʊ· :Month in which transaction >׷· :Month number > :Month number must be %1 greater than previous month >·ݺǰһµĺ %1 :Month number must be 1 greater than previous month >·ݺǰһµĺ1 :Month posted >· :Month return submitted >ύ·ݻر :Month selected >ѡ· :Month selection >ѡ :Month status flags %1 >·״̬ %1 :Month to date >ۼ :Month to date Adjustments %1 >³ %1 :Month to date Credit notes %1 >³Ʊ %1 :Month to date Debit notes %1 >³跽Ʊ %1 :Month to date Detail >¶ϸ :Month to date Disbursements %1 >³֧ %1 :Month to date Error %1 >³ %1 :Month to date Invoices %1 >³Ʊ %1 :Month to date sales value >¶ۼֵ :Month to date values >³ֵ :Month to view >鿴 :Month view >·ݲ鿴 :Month when inv bal became zero >ƱΪ· :Month(s) >· :Month-end Dates >½ :Month-to-date Information Section >ۼϢѡ :Month-to-date Information Section Messages >ۼϢѡϢ :Month-to-date Messages >·Ϣ :Month-to-date discounts message >ۼۿϢ :Month-to-date payments message >ۼƸϢ :Month/Year >/ :Month/Year posted >¶ȣȹ :Month/year to print >ӡ·ݣ :Monthend-Balance and movement >µ䶯 :Monthend-Movement only >µױ䶯 :Monthly >ÿµ :Monthly Cumulative History >¶ۼƼ¼ :Monthly Purchase History >²ɹʷ¼ :Monthly Purchase History for Supplier >Ӧ¶Ȳɹʷ¼ :Monthly Quantity History >¶¼ :Monthly installment >¶ȸ :Monthly installments >·ڸ :Monthly instalment >¶ȷڸ :Monthly options >¶ѡ :Monthly requests >¶ :Monthly sold targets >Ŀ :Monthly targets >Ŀ :Months >· :Months 1-5 >·1-5 :Months 11-12 >·11-12 :Months 6-10 >·6-10 :Months before deleting zero bal supplier >ɾӦ֮ǰ· :Months cover >·ݷΧ :Months for competition >· :Months information will be retained >·Ϣ :Months to analyze >· :Months to check difference >· :Months to compare >Ƚϵ· :Months to use >ʹõ· :Monthy requests > :More > :More Colors >ɫ :More Lines > :More Style Options >෽ʽѡ :More controls > :More offers selected than can be printed by selected format >ѡı̱ȿɴӡѡʽ :More than 1 material allocation for stock code %1 exists against job %2 >ҵ %2 1Ͽ %1 IJϷ :More than 99 upgrade files have been detected. Only the first 99 upgrade files have been processed >ɾ99ϵĸļֻǰ99ļõ˴ :More than one contact exists with the '%1' '%2' >ھ߱ '%1' '%2' Ķλϵ :More than one multi-grade co-product has a planning weighting of %1 >һ϶ȼͬƷ߱ %1 ļƻȨ :More than original quantity >ԭʼ :Most recent programs list contains >³б :Mouse Click > :Move >ƶ :Move ( %1 ) >䶯( %1 ) :Move (day) >ƶ죩 :Move (days) >ƶ :Move - Change location within warehouse >ƶ - IJֿλ :Move All Organisations From Assigned To Available >֯ӡѷ䡱ƶá :Move All Organisations From Available To Assigned >֯ӡáƶѷ䡱 :Move All Tables From Available To Export >бӿƶ :Move All Tables From Export To Available >бӵƶ :Move Caption Down >Ʊ :Move Caption Up >Ʊ :Move Delivery Note Number to Invoice Number >Ʊ봦 :Move Dispatch Note >ƶ :Move Down > :Move Down Ctrl+W >ƶ Ctrl+W :Move Favorites Program Down >ղؼг :Move Favorites Program Up >ղؼг :Move Item Down >ƶĿ :Move Item Up >ƶĿ :Move Line >ƶ :Move Load >ƶ :Move Message >ƶϢ :Move Operation >ƶ :Move Row Down > :Move Row Up > :Move Sales Order Lines >ƶ۶ :Move Selected Organisation From Assigned To Available >ѡ֯ӡѷ䡱ƶá :Move Selected Organisation From Available To Assigned >ѡ֯ӡáƶѷ䡱 :Move Shortcut >ƶݷʽ :Move Shortcuts >ƶݷʽ :Move Single Organization Down List >бƵһ֯ :Move Single Organization Up List >бƵһ֯ :Move Single Role Down Organogram >Ƶһְ֯ṹͼ :Move Single Role Up Organogram >Ƶһְ֯ṹͼ :Move Single Table From Available To Export >һӿƶ :Move Single Table From Export To Available >һӵƶ :Move Tab Page Left >ƶѡҳ :Move Tab Page Right >ƶѡҳ :Move Task Down > :Move Task Up > :Move Up > :Move Up Ctrl+U >ƶ Ctrl+U :Move dispatch note from >λƶ :Move dispatch note to >ƶλ :Move existing data in the current financial year from current periods to the end of year periods >ǰݴӵǰƶĩ :Move matrix >ƶ :Move sales order line >ƶ۶ :Move sales order lines from >ƶ۶У :Move sales order lines to >ƶ۶ :Move selected sales order lines to a different delivery load >ƶѡ۶ͬĽ :Move the mouse over the theme for information about the CSS elements >ƶйCSSҪصϢ :Move the selected dispatch note(s)? >Ҫƶѡķ? :Move the selected sales order line(s)? >Ҫƶѡ۶ :Move time >ƶʱ :Move time (days) >ƶʱ䣨 :Move to next item automatically after save >Զһ :Move to next/previous period automatically after >ӵԶƶһһ :Movement >䶯 :Movement Code >䶯 :Movement Details >䶯 :Movement Graph >䶯ͼ :Movement Options >ƶѡ :Movement Schedule > :Movement Selection >䶯ѡ :Movement between each Period >ÿһڼı䶯 :Movement date >䶯 :Movement date selection >䶯ѡ :Movement dates >䶯 :Movement month >䶯· :Movement stock code >䶯 :Movement time >ƶʱ䣺 :Movement time (days) >ƶʱ䣨 :Movement totals required >Ҫ䶯ϼ :Movement type >䶯 :Movement values for ledger >ʱ䶯ֵ :Movement warehosue >䶯ֿ :Movement year >䶯 :Movements > :Movements Selection >䶯ѡ :Movements between each period >ڼ䶯 :Movements display >ƶʾ :Movements for GL Ledger Code >GL 分类账代码变动 :Movements for Stock Code >䶯 :Movements from General Ledger >˱䶯 :Movements from General Ledger Budgets >Ԥ䶯 :Movements to print >ӡƶ :Moving average >ƶƽ :Moving average months >ƶƽ· :Moving average options >ƶƽѡ :Mtd % of budget >³Ԥ(Mtd)% :Mtd % of variance >³IJ(Mtd)% :Mtd Budget quantity >³(Mtd)Ԥ :Mtd Budget value >³Ԥֵ :Mtd Profit >³(Mtd) :Mtd Sales amount >³(Mtd)۶ :Mtd Sales quantity >³(Mtd) :Mtd Variance >³(Mtd) :Mtd expenses >³ :Mul/Div >ˣ :Mul/Div %1 >ˣ %1 :Muliply/Divide >ˣ :Mult/divide code >ˣ :Multi > :Multi Level Job Query >ҵѯ :Multi Level Query >ˮƽѯ :Multi Media >ý :Multi Media Promotions >ý :Multi-Level Trial Kitting >ˮƽ鹤߰ :Multi-column Heading Entry >б :Multi-column Headings >б :Multi-column Headings - Report > - :Multi-column Headings Changed >ѸĶб :Multi-column headings have been changed. Save changes ? >已更改多列栏标题。要保存更改吗? :Multi-column headings have been changed. Save changes? >ѸĶб⡣Ҫ :Multi-grade >ȼ :Multi-level Job >ˮƽҵ :Multi-level Job Query >༶ѯ :Multi-level Query >༶ѯ :Multi-level Trial Kit List >鹤߰ :Multi-level Trial Kitting List in Progress >ִж༶׼б :Multi-level Trial Kitting Query >༶׼ѯ :Multi-level jobs being created. Please wait >ڴ༶ҵȴ :Multi-level trial kitting list >鹤߰ :Multi-line Headings >б :Multi-line Layout >в :Multiline count >м :Multimedia >ý :Multimedia Category >ý :Multimedia Error >ý :Multimedia Object Maintenance >ýά :Multimedia Query Business Object >ýѯҵ :Multimedia Setup Business Object >ýҵ :Multimedia directory >ýĿ¼ :Multimedia folder >ýļ :Multimedia for BOM Component >BOM ý :Multimedia for BOM Employee >BOM 员工多媒体 :Multimedia for BOM Operation >BOM ý :Multimedia for Bank Transaction >银行交易多媒体 :Multimedia for Configuration >配置多媒体 :Multimedia for Contact >联系人多媒体 :Multimedia for Customer Invoice >客户发票多媒体 :Multimedia for ECC Drawing >ECC 图纸多媒体 :Multimedia for Estimate Component >估计部件多媒体 :Multimedia for GL Code >GL ý :Multimedia for Geographic Area >ý :Multimedia for Job >ý :Multimedia for Lot >批次多媒体 :Multimedia for Non-stocked Code >非库存代码多媒体 :Multimedia for Operator >Աý :Multimedia for Purchase Order >采购订单多媒体 :Multimedia for Sales Order >销售订单多媒体 :Multimedia for Serial Number >系列号码多媒体 :Multimedia for Stock Code >ý :Multimedia for Supplier >Ӧ̶ý :Multimedia for WIP Material >WIP ϶ý :Multimedia image category >ýͼ :Multimedia player >ý岥 :Multiple > :Multiple Address >ַ :Multiple Address Maintenance >ַά :Multiple Addresses >ַ :Multiple Allocations > :Multiple Bin Detail >ϸ :Multiple Bin Message >Ϣ :Multiple Bin Section >ֲ :Multiple Bin Section Message >ֲϢ :Multiple Bins Conversion >ת :Multiple Bins conversion in progress. Please be patient >ִжת :Multiple Bins for Stock Code > :Multiple Bins selection >ѡ :Multiple Build > :Multiple Build Sched Deletions >Ķɾ :Multiple Build Schedule Deletions >ųɾ :Multiple Column Quotation > :Multiple Column Quotation Archive Viewer >۵鿴 :Multiple Column Selection >ѡ :Multiple Company Values >๫˾ֵ :Multiple Data Path Definition >· :Multiple Days > :Multiple Delivery Notes >ݽ :Multiple EBQ lots >多 EBQ 批次 :Multiple EBQ lots (fixed time) >多 EBQ 批次 (固定时间) :Multiple EBQ lots(fixed time) > EBQ (̶ʱ) :Multiple Forecast >Ԥ :Multiple Forecast Additions >Ԥ :Multiple Forecast Additions Recap >Ԥ⸽ :Multiple Forecast Additions in Progress >ִжԤ⸽ :Multiple Forecast Deletion in Progress >ִжԤɾ :Multiple Forecast Deletions >Ԥɾ :Multiple Forecast Deletions Recap >Ԥɾ :Multiple Forecast Inactivation Recap >ԤʧЧ :Multiple Forecast Inactivation in Progress >ִжԤⲻ :Multiple Groups > :Multiple Line Quotation >б :Multiple Line Quotation Archive Viewer >б۵鿴 :Multiple Line Selection >ѡ :Multiple Line Text Maintenance >ıά :Multiple Row Selection >ѡ :Multiple Sections >ಿ :Multiple Sequences >˳ :Multiple Serial Capture >ϵв :Multiple Serial Number Selection >ϵкѡ :Multiple Serial Number Selection for Rev/Rel >޶ǩϵкѡ :Multiple Serial Number Selection for Lot >ζϵкѡ :Multiple Serial Number Selection for a lot >ζϵкѡ :Multiple Ship Address >ബ˵ַ :Multiple Ship to Address >ബ˵ַ :Multiple Ship to Address Details >ַϸ :Multiple Ship to Address Maintenance >ബ˵ַά :Multiple Ship to Addresses >װĿĵ :Multiple Ship to Addresses Quick View >ַٲ鿴 :Multiple Ship to Addresses for Customer >ͻĶַ :Multiple Suppliers >ֹӦ :Multiple Tax Accounts >˰ʻ :Multiple Tests > :Multiple Users Warning >û :Multiple address lines >ַ :Multiple batch serial receipts >ϵվ :Multiple batch serial receipts allowed >ϵվ :Multiple batch serial receipts not allowed >ϵվ :Multiple bin browse default sequence >Ĭ˳ :Multiple bin entries are complete. Do you wish to accept these entries? >ɶ롣ϣЩ :Multiple bins >λ :Multiple bins - print totals only > - ӡϼ :Multiple bins in use >⴦ʹ :Multiple bins not allowed if printing document online >ߴӡļ :Multiple bins not in use for this warehouse >òֿδʹõĶ :Multiple bins option >λѡ :Multiple bins print totals only >޶ӡϼ :Multiple colons are not allowed in a name, '%1' > '%1' ʹöð :Multiple colors per data point >ÿݵĶɫ :Multiple columns > :Multiple currency options >ѡ :Multiple currency transactions are not permitted in one extract >һȡҽ :Multiple customers >ͻ :Multiple customers per EDI sales order import >ÿEDI۶Ķͻ :Multiple dispatch note >Ʒ :Multiple folders >多文件夹 :Multiple invoices per credit/debit note >λ跽ƱݶݷƱ :Multiple line selection is not valid for this function >ѡԴ˹Ч :Multiple line ship address >зַ :Multiple lines > :Multiple lots >多批次 :Multiple lots issues allowed >ǩ :Multiple lots not allowed > :Multiple lots not allowed for this stock code >ڴ˿룬 :Multiple operators >ֲԱ :Multiple or divide >˻ :Multiple pan lots > :Multiple pan lots (fixed time) >多盘批次 (固定时间) :Multiple paths >· :Multiple scrap codes ignored as there is no scrap qty >ޱ˺Զϴ :Multiple sections required >Ҫಿ :Multiple selection of stock codes required >Ҫѡ :Multiple ship address code >෢ַ :Multiple ship address code not found >δҵ෢ַ :Multiple ship address code will be cleared if any lines have been entered >κУ෢ַ :Multiple ship code >෢ :Multiple ship-to-address >෢ַ :Multiples of EBQ >EBQ ı :Multiples of EBQ (fixed time) >EBQ 倍数 (固定时间) :Multiples of EBQ lots >EBQ 批次倍数 :Multiples of EBQ lots (fixed time) >EBQ 批次倍数 (固定时间) :Multiples of pan >̵ı :Multiples of pan (fixed time) >盘倍数 (固定时间) :Multiples of pan lots >盘批次倍数 :Multiples of pan lots (fixed time) >盘批次倍数 (固定时间) :Multiplied by > :Multiplier >˷ :Multiply > :Multiply / Divide >乘 / 除 :Multiply by > :Multiply option >˷ѡ :Multiply or divide >˻ :Multiply or divide quote %1 >˻ %1 :Multiply/Divide >/ :Multiply/divide %1 >ˣ %1 :Multipy/Divide >/ :Mum uom flag >Mum 计量单位标记 :Must be "M" or "D" >Ϊ"M""D" :Must be \"M\" or \"D\" >Ϊ\"M\"\"D\" :Must be greater than zero > :Must be in range of 1-No of periods in year >һе1-Χ :Must be in the range 1-13 >1-13Χ :Must be in the range A to H and held on file >AHΧұļ :Must be in the range A-H and held on file >AHΧұļ :Must be in the range A-Z and held on file > A-Z ֮䲢ļ :Must be local currency >DZλ :Must be on Version 1.0 of Encore or Version 3.1 of Award >Encore1.0Award3.1 :Must be on Version 1.0 or 3.2 of Encore in order to convert the files to the >Must be on Version 1.0 or 3.2 of Encore in order to convert the files to the :Must enter a User Variable or String >û :Must enter a valid bank code >Чд :Must enter a valid file name >Чļ :Must have at least one offer for line '%1' > '%1' پ߱һ :Must not be a subcontract work center >벻תҵ :Must restrict order to single warehouse when purchase order numbering is by warehouse >ɹǰֿеģô뽫ڵһֿ :My Organization >ҵ֯ :My Organization Query >ҵ֯ѯ :My Organization name >ҵ֯ :My Organizations >ҵ֯ :My Property >ҵ :My Stock Report >ҵĿ汨 :My order type >ҵĶ :MyMenu >MyMenuҵIJ˵ :MyMenu - eSignatures >MyMenuҵIJ˵- ǩ :N - Multiple pan lots (fixed time) >N - (̶ʱ) :N - Notional >N - :N - Notional part >N C :N.B. Invoice ageing method must be set to "By invoice due date" >עƱ䷽ΪƱա :N.B. Invoice ageing method must be set to \"By invoice due date\" >עƱϻΪ\Ʊ\ :NB - this is not a full conversion - so far handles serials only >ע - Ϊȫת - ˽ϵ :NEW %1 >½ %1 :NEXT >һ :NOT be calculated, but it will still be printed. Function cancelled >м㣬Խдӡܱȡ :NT Authentication where your network login is used to access the >NT֤ԴˣݿҪ¼磩 :NT PID >NT PID :NT authentication >NT֤ :Name > :Name Suffix >ƺ׺ :Name details > :Name of List >б :Name of cash drawer device >豸 :Named user >ָû :Namespace >ռݿռ :Namespace entry >ռݿռ :Namespace methods >ռ䷽ :Namespace required >Ҫֿռ :Narations > :Narr > :Narration > :Narration (first line) >һУ :Narration 1st line >1 :Narration Info >Ϣ :Narration already exists >Ѵ :Narration code > :Narration code not found >δҵ :Narration code selection >ѡ :Narration first line >һ :Narration list selection >ѡ :Narration selection >ѡ :Narrations > :Narrations attached >Ѹ :Narrations code > :Narrations for Code > :Narrations for Material Allocations >Ϸ :Narrations selection >ѡ :Narrative > :Narrative not mandatory >ǷǿԵ :National >ȫ :Nationalities > :Nationalities Maintenance >ά :Nationality > :Nationality '%1' not found >δҵ '%1' :Nationality Code > :Nationality Details > :Nationality Maintenance >ά :Nationality code is not 'CAN' so access to GST parameters is denied >벻'CAN'˶ͨӪҵ˰(GST)ķʱܾ :Nationality code not on file >벻ļ :Nationality is not USA. Program cancelled >ȡ :Nationality is not on file >ļ :Nationality not USA. Program cancelled >ȡ :Nature of trans >ת :Nature of transaction > :Nature of transaction '%1' not found >δҵ '%1' :Nature of transaction code is not on file >ʴ벻 :Nature of transaction(credits) >ʣ :Nature of transactions > :Nature of transport > :Navigate > :Navigate to Menu >˵ :Navigate up one level >ϵһ :Navigate(Alt+N) >(Alt+N) :Navigation > :Navigation Pane > :Naxt Page >һҳ :Neg qty req >빺 :Neg. warehouse, only consider free stock >ֿ⣬ѿ :Negative > :Negative Bin Stock Quantity >Ŀλ :Negative Check Value >֧Ʊֵ :Negative FIFO Bin >FIFOλ :Negative FIFO Bucket >ȳ(FIFO)Ͱ :Negative Kit Quantity >׼ :Negative Lot Quantity > :Negative Not Allowed >Ϊ :Negative Quantity > :Negative Quantity Allowed > :Negative Receipt > :Negative Stock on Hand >Ϊ :Negative Transfer Out >ת :Negative amounts allowed >ĸ :Negative credit note with insufficient stock is not allowed >߱ĸƱݡ :Negative format >ʽ :Negative job receipts with kit issues not permitted, these functions must be performed separately. First perform the negative job receipt followed by the negative kit issue >߱׼ǩĸҵջЩܱ뵥ִСִиҵջȻִи׼ǩ :Negative kits for labor cannot be issued. If you continue, only materials will be issued >޷ǩĸ׼˹ãֻǩϷ :Negative on hand - deplete from default bin >и - ĬϿľ :Negative on hand - deplete remainder from default bin >и - ĬϿľ :Negative pieces completed not allowed >ɼ :Negative qty allowed in selected warehouses >ѡIJֿĸ :Negative quantity completed not allowed >ɸ :Negative quantity is greater than quantity left in WIP inspection >ִҵ(WIP)еʣ :Negative quantity is greater than quantity manufactured to date >ڴڵǰ :Negative quantity not allowed > :Negative quantity on hand to be included in Inventory Valuation >ΪҪֵ :Negative stock allowed >ĸ :Negative stock quantity not allowed if FIFO valuation is installed >ѰװȽȳ(FIFO)ۣ :Negative variance > :Negative warehouse, only consider free stock >ֿ⣬ɿ :Neither >߶ :Neither Bill of Materials nor Work in progress is installed >ûаװ嵥Ҳûаװִеҵ :Neither deposits nor withdrawals have been selected to be unreconciled >ΪѡΪ :Neither kit issues nor sales orders >ǹ߰ǩҲ۶ :Neither the company sender email address nor the operator email address has been defined. Email cannot be sent using SMTP without this information >˾˵ʼַͲԱʼַδ塣޴Ϣ޷ʹSMTP͵ʼ :Neither the company sender email address nor the operator email address has been defined. Email cannot be sent using SMTP without this information. >˾˵ʼַͲԱʼַδ塣޴Ϣ޷ʹSMTP͵ʼ :Net > :Net Change To Control Totals >ľ仯 :Net Kgs >ǧ :Net Profit > :Net Profit Margin Graph >ͼ :Net Sales - Warehouse > - ֿ :Net Tax value >˰ :Net VAT to be paid to Customs or reclaimed by you >֧ػҪ˻ľ VAT :Net Value >ֵ :Net amount > :Net asset value >ʲֵ :Net change >仯 :Net contra amount >ͬ :Net cost >ɱ :Net discount >ۿ :Net invoice amount >Ʊ :Net local currency (at payment rate) >ػ (Ը) :Net mass > :Net merchandise >Ʒ :Net merchandise amount >Ʒ :Net merchandise sales >Ʒ :Net o/s value > o/s ֵ :Net payment > :Net payment amount > :Net price >۸ :Net profit margin > :Net qty per >λ :Net qty req >빺 :Net quantity > :Net quantity/value >ֵ :Net required >Ҫֵ :Net sales > :Net sales Graph >ͼ :Net sales quantity > :Net sales value >ۼֵ :Net sales value (local) >ۼֵ () :Net sequence >˳ :Net to make > :Net total >ϼ :Net unit cost >净单位成本 :Net unit price > :Net unit quantity required >Ҫ󾻵λ :Net value is zero >ֵΪ :Net value realised >ʵ־ֵ :NetExpress program >NetExpress :NetExpress program to run >еNetExpress :Netscape Navigator is called NETSCAPE.EXE >Netscape NavigatorΪNETSCAPE.EXE :Nett > :Nett value > :Network > :Network And Communications Administrator >ͨŹԱ :Network License >֤ :Network Server > :Network name > :Network server cannot be blank >Ϊ :Network speed >ٶ :Network user name >û :Network user name '%1' not found in Operator file >ڲԱļδҵû '%1' :Neutral >Ե :Neutral tax based on >˰ :Neutral values >ֵ :Never > :Never copy >Ӳ :New >½ :New '%1' to navigate to in the browser window. (write-only) >浏览器窗口内要导航到的新 '%1'。(只写) :New Account >½ʻ :New Action >² :New Activity >½ :New Address >µַ :New Address Code >µַ :New Analysis Category >· :New Application >Ӧó :New Appointment >½̯ :New Approved Manufacturer >׼ :New Approved Manufacturer Supplier >׼̹Ӧ :New Asset Branch >ʲ֧ :New Asset Capex Item >½ʲʱĿ :New Asset Capex Line >½ʲʱ :New Asset Code >ʲ :New Asset Expense Posting >ʲ÷ :New Asset Group >ʲ :New Asset Labor Time Sheet Posting >ʲͶʱ :New Asset Mechanic >ʲ :New Asset Owner >ʲ :New Asset Transaction >ʲ :New Asset Type >ʲ :New Asset costs >ʲɱ :New Bank Control >п :New Beneficiary > :New Book >½ʲ :New Branch >·֧ :New Browse > :New Browse Setup > :New Browse Setup Wizard > :New Budget >Ԥ :New Buyer Group >²ɹ :New Buying Group >²ɹ :New Calculation Code >¼ :New Call to Contact >½ϵ :New Capacity > :New Capex >ʱ :New Capex Classification >ʱ÷ :New Capex Item >½ʱĿ :New Capex Line >½ʱ :New Capex Type >ʱ :New Cash Drawer > :New Category > :New Category Code > :New Comment >¸ע :New Commission Code >Ӷ :New Component >² :New Configuration > :New Constant Code >³ :New Contact >½ϵ :New Context >± :New Contra >½ͬ :New Contract >ºͬ :New Cost Center >³ɱ :New Cross-Reference >¶ղο :New Currency Conversion >»ת :New Customer >¿ͻ :New Customer Class >¿ͻ :New Customer Stock Code >¿ͻ :New Customer Stock Code XRef >¿ͻղο :New Customer Target >新建客户目标 :New Customer with custom forms >߱Զ¿ͻ :New Delivery Route >½· :New Deposit >½ :New Depreciation Code >۾ɴ :New Discount >ۿ :New Discount Code >ۿ۴ :New Dispatch Status >·״̬ :New Document >ĵ :New Document Template >ĵģ :New Document Type >ĵ :New Drawing Size >ͼֽߴ :New ECC Status Code > ECC ״̬ :New ECO >ECO :New ECO status >ECO״̬ :New Element >Ԫ :New Element Structure >Ԫؽṹ :New Email Template >µʼģ :New Email to >µַµʼ :New Email to Contact >½ʼϵ :New Engineering User >¹û :New Entry >Ŀ :New Exception >쳣 :New Expense Code >·ô :New Extended Tax Code >չ˰ :New Extended Tax History >չ˰¼ :New Field >ֶ :New File >ļ :New Flow Graph >ͼ :New Folder >ļ :New Form >½ :New Formula >¹ʽ :New G/L code >G/L :New GL Share Holding > GL ɷݳ :New GL Weighted Transfer Rule Details > GL Ȩת˹ :New GL code > GL :New GL group > GL :New GRN >GRN :New GRN per apportionment >ÿ̯GRN :New Geographic Area >µ :New Group > :New Group Box > :New Hierarchy Code >·ּ :New Hyperlink >³ :New ID code >ID :New Instruction >ָʾ :New Inventory Planner >´ƻԱ :New Invoice >·Ʊ :New Invoice Discount >·Ʊۿ :New Invoice Term >·Ʊ :New Item >½Ŀ :New Job >ҵ :New Job Classification >¹ :New Journal >½ռ :New LCT Route > LCT · :New LCT price >LCT۸ :New Label >½ǩ :New Labor Format >Ͷʽ :New Landed Cost Report >新建到岸成本报告 :New Line >½ :New Lot > :New Material Allocation >²Ϸ :New Matrix >¾ :New Meeting with Contact >½ϵ˻ :New Menu >²˵ :New Menu Folder >²˵ļ :New Menu Group >²˵ :New Menu Setup >²˵ :New Menu Setup Wizard >²˵ :New Message >Ϣ :New Model >ģ :New Nationality Code >¹ :New Node >½ڵ :New Node Title >½ڵ :New Non-Stocked Item >·ǿƷ :New Non-productive Code >· :New Notes about Contact >½ϵע :New Object Category Definition >¶ :New Operator >²Ա :New Order >¶ :New Order Details >新建订单明细 :New Order Discount Break >¶ۿ۷ :New Order Type >¶ :New P/order >½ɹ :New Page per Serial Number >ÿϵкҳ :New Parent > :New Part Number > :New Password > :New Pay Run >½ :New Payment Type >¸ :New Physical Unit >λ :New Post Dated Check >Զ֧Ʊ :New Preferences >²ο :New Price Code >¼۸ :New Price Table >¼۸ :New Printer >´ӡ :New Problem Code > :New Product Class >²Ʒ :New Product Template >½Ʒģ :New Program >³ :New Purchase Order >²ɹ :New Quality Element >Ԫ :New Quotation >½ :New Quote >± :New RMA >RMA :New RMA number >RMA :New Range >·Χ :New Reason Code >ԭ :New Reason for Disposal >´ԭ :New Reason for Revaluation >¹ֵԭ :New Recurring Journal >½ռ :New Registered Invoice >עᷢƱ :New Rel >½ǩ :New Request Date > :New Requisition >빺 :New Requisition Group >빺 :New Rev >½޶ :New Review > :New Revision/Release >޶ :New Role >ְ :New Route >· :New Route Code >·ߴ :New Rule >¹ :New SRS Report >½ SRS :New SRS report must be added to a folder >SRSļ :New SYSPRO Instance >SYSPROʵ :New Sales Analysis >۷ :New Salesman >Ա :New Salesperson >Ա :New Search > :New Selling Price Unit of Measure >ۼۼλ :New Sequence Number >˳ :New Serial Number >ϵк :New Service Charge >·շ :New Ship Date >װ :New Shipment >װ :New Shortcut >¿ݷʽ :New Standard Journal >½ռ :New Status >״̬ :New Stock Code X-ref >¿ղο :New Stock code >½ :New Sub-account >˻ :New Supplementary Code > :New Supplier >½Ӧ :New Supplier Class >¹Ӧ̷ :New Supplier Contract >¹Ӧ̺ͬ :New TPM customer - no pricing >ó״(TPM)ͻ - ޶ :New Table >± :New Tariff >¹˰ :New Tariff Code >¹˰ :New Task > :New Task Group > :New Tax Code >˰ :New Template options >ģѡ :New Tool Set >¹߼ :New Transport > :New Unit Measure >µλ :New Unit of Measure >¼λ :New User >û :New User-defined Journal Source Code >ûռԴ :New View >ͼ :New Withholding Tax Code >´˰ :New Work Center >¹ :New Work Center Move Matrix >¹ƶ :New Workflow >¹ :New alternate key %1 >±ü %1 :New amount >½ :New average cost >新建平均成本 :New bank > :New bin location >½λ :New build schedules >¹ƻ :New buyer > :New caption >± :New certificate >֤ :New color >ɫ :New comm >新建注解 :New company >¹˾ :New condition > :New cost >³ɱ :New cost/value >³ɱ/ֵ :New cost/value %1 >³ɱֵ %1 :New cost/value 1 >³ɱֵ1 :New cost/value 2 >³ɱֵ2 :New cost/value 3 >³ɱֵ3 :New credit notes >´Ʊ :New currency >» :New currency is the same as the existing currency >»лͬ :New currency must be the same as the currency of bank >»ұлͬ :New customer and existing are the same >¿ͻпͻͬ :New customer and existing the same >¿ͻпͻͬ :New customer code >¿ͻ :New customer code cannot be blank or zeroes >¿ͻ벻Ϊհ׻ :New customer currency code must be the same >新建客户货币代码必须相同 :New customer is counter sales only >¿ͻΪ :New customer is on hold >¿ͻ :New customer request date >µĿͻ :New database name >ݿ :New date > :New delivery date >½ :New departure date >³ :New description >˵ :New details already exist >ϸѴ :New discount amount >ۿ۶ :New discount date >ۿ :New due date >µ :New effective date must be greater than system date >Чڱϵͳ :New effective date must be greater than system-date >Чڱϵͳ :New elapsed time >ѹʱ :New exchange rate for invoice >µķƱ :New expected available date > :New expiry date >ʧЧ :New file name >ļ :New for report index %1 >Ϊ %1 ½ :New forecast details >Ԥ :New from Existing Journal >ռ½ :New from Standard Journal >ӱ׼ռ½ :New invoice amount >·Ʊ :New invoice date >·Ʊ :New last cost >新建上一个成本 :New ledger code >·ʴ :New ledger code cannot be blank >·ʴ벻Ϊհ :New lines (maintenance) >Уά :New list description >б :New location >λ :New long description >ϸ :New name > :New non-stocked code >·ǿ :New object type definition >¶Ͷ :New operation >¹· :New operations will be added after the existing operations >¹·ִ߽湤·֮ :New or Second-hand >µĻֵ :New order quantity >¶ :New order status >¶״̬ :New orders >¶ :New p/o due date >新建销售订单到期日期 :New p/order details >²ɹϸ :New p/orders >½ɹ :New page >ҳ :New page after each customer >每个客户后新页面 :New page after each expiry date >每个失效日期后新页面 :New page after each location >每个位置后新页面 :New page after each scrap date >每个报废日期后新页面 :New page after each serial number >每个系列号码后新页面 :New page after each stock code >每个库存代码后新页面 :New page after each warehouse >每个仓库后新页面 :New page after printing of totals >ӡϼƺҳ :New page after totals >ºϼ֮ҳ :New page for each buying group >ÿһɹҳ :New page for each configuration >ÿһõҳ :New page for each customer >ÿһҿͻҳ :New page for each engineering order >ÿһݹ̶ҳ :New page for each geographic area >ÿһҳ :New page for each product class >ÿһƷҳ :New page for each stock code >ÿһҳ :New page for each supplier >ÿһҹӦ̵ҳ :New page for each warehouse >ÿһֿҳ :New page on change >йر䶯ҳ :New page on change of supplier >йعӦ̱䶯ҳ :New page per >ҳ棬ÿ :New page per bin >ÿλһҳ :New page per buying group >ÿɹҳ :New page per cost center >ÿһɱĵҳ :New page per customer >ÿһͻҳ :New page per day >ÿһҳ :New page per dispatch >ÿηҳ :New page per engineering order >ҳ :New page per file >ÿļҳ :New page per geographic area >°ҳ :New page per group >ÿһҳ :New page per item >ÿһĿҳ :New page per job >ÿһҵҳ :New page per journal >ÿһռʵҳ :New page per ledger code >ÿһʴҳ :New page per load >ÿμҳ :New page per operation >ÿ·һҳ :New page per order number >ÿһҳ :New page per product class >°Ʒȼҳ :New page per quotation >ÿһ۵ҳ :New page per register >ÿһע֤ҳ :New page per stock code >ÿһҳ :New page per supplier >ÿһӦ̵ҳ :New page per transaction >ÿһ׵ҳ :New page per warehouse >ÿֿһҳ :New page per work center >ÿһҵĵҳ :New password must be at least %1 characters long >Ϊ %1 ַ :New password rules > :New path >· :New price >¼۸ :New price expiry date >¼۸ʧЧ :New printer name >´ӡ :New program name >³ :New program to run >г :New purchase order quantity >²ɹ :New quantity > :New quantity cannot be less than manufactured quantity >ɵ :New quantity for co-product >¹ͬƷ :New quantity is less than shipped quantity >װ :New quantity on hand > :New rate >新建利率 :New rate indicator >·ָ :New release >ǩ :New report >± :New report description >±˵ :New required >Ҫ :New requisition details >빺ϸ :New responsible user >¸û :New revision >µ :New revision level >޶ :New safety stock >°ȫ :New sequence >˳ :New settings of the language code will only take effect after exiting SYSPRO >µԴֻSYSPRO֮Ч :New settings will only take effect after exiting SYSPRO >ֻSYSPRO֮Ч :New settings will only take effect after exiting from SYSPRO >ֻSYSPRO֮Ч :New ship quantity >װ :New ship quantity for bin '%1' for stock code '%2' for order '%3' exceeds original ship quantity > '%1' '%2' '%3' װԭװ :New ship quantity for lot '%1' for stock code '%2' for order '%3' exceeds original ship quantity > '%1' '%2' '%3' װԭװ :New ship quantity for order '%1' exceeds original '%2' quantity > '%1' װԭ '%2' :New shipping details >» :New source warehouse >Դֿ :New standard cost >新建标准成本 :New start date >¿ʼ :New style >ʽ :New sug requisition details >½빺ϸ :New supplier code >¹Ӧ̴ :New supplier code cannot be blank or zeroes >¹Ӧ̴벻Ϊհ׻ :New target warehouse >Ŀֿ :New template >ģ :New template created successfully >ѳɹģ :New text >ı :New title >± :New transaction >½ :New unit cost >µλɱ :New value >ֵ :New value for >ֵ :New value of field >ֵֶ :New variable description >±˵ :New version >°汾 :New vessel >´ֻ :New w/h >²ֿ :New warehouse >²ֿ :New warehouse (transfer out) >²ֿ (ת) :New wh >²ֿ :New-Non Stocked Item >·ǿĿ :New/Second Hand >/ :News > :Next >һ :Next %1 >һ %1 :Next kit issue document number >һǩļ :Next %1 >һ %1 :Next %1 Invoices > %1 ݷƱ :Next %1 Lines > %1 :Next 100 Comps >100 :Next 100 Invoices >100ݷƱ :Next 100 Lines >100 :Next 100 Ops >100 :Next 20 >20 :Next 20 Lines >20 :Next 200 Entries >200Ŀ :Next 200 Lines >200 :Next 200 Orders >200ݶ :Next 3 >3 :Next 400 Lines >400 :Next 9 >9 :Next A/P Branch >һӦʿ(A/P)֧ :Next A/R Branch >һӦʿ (A/R) ֧ :Next A/R Geographic Area >һӦʿ (A/R) :Next AP Branch >һ AP ֧ :Next AP payment run >һ AP :Next AR Branch >һ AR ֧ :Next AR Geographic Area >һ AR :Next Account >һ :Next Accrual Type >һϢ :Next Address >һַ :Next Address Code >һַ :Next All >һȫ :Next Allocation >һ :Next Analysis Category >һ :Next Approved Manufacturer >һ׼ :Next Approved Manufacturer Part Number >һ׼ :Next Asset >һʲ :Next Asset (Ctrl+N) >һʲ(Ctrl+N) :Next Asset Branch >һʲ֧ :Next Asset Capex Item >һʲʱĿ :Next Asset Code >һʲ :Next Asset Depreciation Code >һʲ۾ɴ :Next Asset Group >һʲ :Next Asset Location >һʲλ :Next Asset Mechanic >һʲ :Next Asset Number >һʲ :Next Asset Owner >һʲ :Next Asset Status >һʲ״̬ :Next Asset Type >һʲ :Next B2B failed file number >һ̼Ҷ̼(B2B)ʧļ :Next BOM Employee Rate >һϵ (BOM) Ա :Next BOM Route >һϵ (BOM) · :Next Bank >һ :Next Bank Control >һп :Next Bank code >һд :Next Beneficiary >һ :Next Bin >һ :Next Bookmark >һǩ :Next Branch >һ֧ :Next Buyer >һҲɹ :Next Buyer Group >һɹ :Next Buying Group >һɹ :Next Calculation Code >һ :Next Capex >һʱ :Next Capex Classification >һʱ÷ :Next Capex Item >һʱ֧Ŀ :Next Capex Number >һʱú :Next Capex Type >һʱ :Next Cash Drawer >һ̨ :Next Co-Product Line >һͬƷ :Next Code >һ :Next Comment >һע :Next Commission Code >һӶ :Next Component >һ :Next Configuration >下一个配置 :Next Constant Code >һ :Next Contact >һϵ :Next Container Type >һ :Next Contract >һݺͬ :Next Contract to Maintain >һҪάĺͬ :Next Cost Center >һɱ :Next Cost Center Code >һɱĴ :Next Credit Note >һݴƱ :Next Credit Note Number >һƱݺ :Next Criterion >下一个标准 :Next Currency >һֻ :Next Currency Conversion >һλת :Next Currency History >һݻҼ¼ :Next Customer >һͻ :Next Customer (Ctrl+N) >һͻ(Ctrl+N) :Next Customer Class >һͻȼ :Next Customer Dispatch >һͻ :Next Customer Dispatch Note >һݿͻ :Next Customer Purchase Order >һݿͻɹ :Next Customer Purchase Order Dispatch Note >һݿͻɹ :Next Customer Sales Order >һݿͻ۶ :Next Customer Stock Code >һͻ :Next Customer p/o >һݿͻɹ :Next Customer po >һݿͻɹ :Next Daily Sequence >һ˳ :Next Date >һ :Next Debit Note >һݴƱ :Next Debit Note Number >һ跽Ʊݺ :Next Debit Order >һݽ跽 :Next Deduction Code >һ۳ :Next Del Date >һ :Next Delivery Date >һ :Next Delivery Load >һνװ :Next Delivery Route >һ· :Next Delivery Sequence >һν˳ :Next Delivery Term >һ :Next Demand History Period >һʷ :Next Descriptor >һ :Next Dispatch Note >һݷ :Next Dly Seq >һ˳ :Next Document >һĵ :Next Document Type >һĵ :Next Drawing Code >һͼֽ :Next Drawing Size >һͼֽߴ :Next ECC Status Code >һ̱ (ECC) ״̬ :Next ECO >һ ECO :Next ECO number >һECO :Next EFT number >һEFT :Next Element >һԪ :Next Element Descriptor >һԪ :Next Element Structure Code >һԪؽṹ :Next Employee Code >һԱ :Next Engineering User >һû :Next Entries >һ :Next Entry >һ¼ :Next Expense Code >һô :Next Extended Tax Code >һչ˰ :Next Extended Tax History >һչ˰¼ :Next Failed document number >һʧܵļ :Next Field >һֶ :Next GL Code >һ GL :Next GRN >һGRN :Next GRN number >һջ(GRN) :Next Geographic Area >һ :Next Group >һ :Next Hierarchical Job >һּ :Next Hierarchy Code >һּ :Next Instruction >һָʾ :Next Invoice >һݷƱ :Next Invoice Discount >һƱۿ :Next Invoice Dispatch Note >һݷƱ :Next Invoice Term >һƱ :Next Invoice terms >һƱ :Next Item >һ :Next Job >һҵ :Next Job (Ctrl+N) >һҵ(Ctrl+N) :Next Job Classification >һ :Next Key >һԿ :Next LCT Route >һ LCT · :Next Labor Format Code >һͶʽ :Next Ledger Code >һʴ :Next Ledger Code (Ctrl+N) >һʴ(Ctrl+N) :Next Level >һ :Next Line >һ :Next Load >һװ :Next Lot Number >һκ :Next MSW Number >һMSW :Next MWM number >һMWM :Next Machine Code >һ :Next Manufacturer >һ :Next Manufacturer Part Number >һ :Next Master Job >һ :Next Material Allocation >һϷ :Next Matrix >һ :Next Model >һģ :Next Month >һ :Next Month End Date >һ·ݽ :Next Nationality Code >һ :Next Nature of Transaction >һ :Next Non-Stocked Code >һǿ :Next Non-productive Code >һ :Next Number to Print >һҪӡĺ :Next Operation >һ :Next Operator >һԱ :Next Option >下一个选项 :Next Order >һݶ :Next Order Dispatch Note >һݶ :Next Outstand >һδ :Next P/O Line >下一个 P/O 行 :Next P/Order Line >һɹ :Next P/order >һݲɹ :Next POrder >下一个订单 :Next Page >һҳ :Next Page (Ctrl+Page Down) >һҳ (Ctrl+Page Down) :Next Payment Date >һ :Next Payment Type >һ :Next Permanent Entry >һĿ :Next Planner >һƻԱ :Next Posting Year >һ :Next Problem >һ :Next Product Class >һƷȼ :Next Product Group >һƷ :Next Promotion Code >һ :Next Prompt >һʾ :Next Purchase Order (Ctrl+N) >һݲɹ(Ctrl+N) :Next Purchase Order Line >下一个采购订单行 :Next Quality Element >һԪ :Next Quotation >һα :Next RMA >һ˻Ȩ(RMA) :Next RMA number >һRMA :Next RMA number cannot be greater than %1 >һ RMA %1 :Next Reason Code >һԭ :Next Reason for Disposal >һԭ :Next Reason for Revaluation >һʲ¹ԭ :Next Reference Number >һο :Next Requisition (Ctrl+N) >һ빺(Ctrl+N) :Next Requisition Group >һ빺 :Next Resolution Code >һ :Next Route >下一个路线 :Next Route Code >һ·ߴ :Next Rule >һ :Next SKU >һ SKU :Next Sales History Period >һʷ :Next Sales Order >һ۶ :Next Sales Order (Ctrl+N) >һ۶(Ctrl+N) :Next Sales Order Number >һ۶ :Next Salesperson >һλԱ :Next Scrap Reason >һԭ :Next Section >һ :Next Selection >下一个选择 :Next Selection Set >һѡ :Next Selling Price Unit of Measure >һۼۼλ :Next Serial >һϵ :Next Serial Number >һϵк :Next Serial Suffix >下一个系列后缀 :Next Service Charge >һշ :Next Set >һ :Next Shipment >һװ :Next Standard hierarchy >һ׼ :Next Status Code >һ״̬ :Next Stock >һ :Next Stock Code >һ :Next Stock Code (Ctrl+N) >һ(Ctrl+N) :Next Stock Code Unit of Measure >һλ :Next Stock Code to Add Contract for >һҪӺͬĿ룬Ϊ :Next Stock Codes >һ :Next Stock uom >һλ :Next Storage Hazard Code >һ洢Σմ :Next Storage Security Code >һ洢ȫ :Next Storage condition >һ洢 :Next Supplementary Code >һ :Next Supplier >һλӦ :Next Supplier (Ctrl+N) >һӦ(Ctrl+N) :Next Supplier Class >һӦ̵ȼ :Next Supplier Code >һӦ̴ :Next Supplier Contract >һݹӦ̺ͬ :Next Supplier Purchase Order >һݹӦ̲ɹ :Next TP Account >һ TP ˻ :Next TPM Journal >һó״(TPM)ռ :Next Tab >һ :Next Target >һĿ :Next Tariff >һ˰ :Next Tariff Code >һ˰ :Next Tax Code >һ˰ :Next Template >һģ :Next Ticket Number >һȯ :Next Tip >һʾ :Next Tool Set >һ߼ :Next Trade Promotions Journal >һó״ռ :Next Transport >һ :Next Transport code >һ :Next Unit of Measure >һּλ :Next User >һû :Next User For Routing >һλ·û :Next User-defined Journal Source Code >һûռԴ :Next Vessel >һֻ :Next View >һ :Next View for Program Details >һͼ :Next WIP inspection number >һWIP :Next Warehouse >һֿ :Next Warehouse Area >һֿ :Next Warehouse Bin >һֿ :Next Warehouse for this Stock Code >˿һֿ :Next Withholding Tax Code >һ˰ :Next Work Center >һ :Next Work Center Code >һҵĴ :Next Work Center Move Matrix >һƶ :Next Working Day >һ :Next XML document number >һXMLļ :Next Year >һ :Next actual >һʵ :Next analysis number >һ :Next archive number >һ浵 :Next available >һõ :Next billing >һʵ :Next billing date >һʵ :Next billing date selection >һʵѡ :Next budget >һԤ :Next capex line number to use >һҪʹõʱк :Next cash book journal numbers >һֽʲռʺ :Next cash journal numbers >һֽռʺ :Next cash journals >һֽռ :Next check number >һ֧Ʊ :Next check register number >һ֧ƱǼDz :Next check to print >һݴӡ֧Ʊ :Next check to print must be higher than first check from box >һҪӡ֧Ʊڿе׸֧Ʊ :Next co-product line number >һͬƷб :Next comment code >һע :Next committed >һѳŵ :Next credit note number cannot be greater than %1 >һƱݱŲɴ %1 :Next credit note number must be greater than %1 and less than %2 >һƱݺ %1 С %2 :Next credit note number to be generated >ɵһ Ʊݺ :Next cumulative >һۼ :Next customer number >һͻ :Next debit note number must be greater than %1 >һ跽Ʊݱű %1 :Next debit note number must be greater than %1 and less than %2 >һ跽Ʊݱű %1 С %2 :Next debit note number to be generated >ɵһ 跽Ʊݺ :Next debit order number cannot be greater than %1 >һ跽ƱݱŲɴ %1 :Next delivery date with capacity >һڼ :Next delivery note >һݽ :Next delivery seq no >һν˳ :Next department >һ :Next detail line number >һϸк :Next discount code >һۿ۴ :Next discount credit note >һۿ۴Ʊ :Next discount debit note >һۿ۽跽Ʊ :Next distribution register number >һע :Next document number >һĵ :Next document numbers >һĵ :Next entries group >һ :Next entries group number >һĿ :Next expense journal number >һռ˺ :Next expense journal numbers >һռʺ :Next expense journals >һݷռ :Next export group number >һ :Next generated file name >һļ :Next generated file name will be >һѴļ :Next import document number for >һĵ룬 :Next import group number >һ :Next import number for >һ¸ĵ :Next inspection document >һݼĵ :Next inspection document number >һļ :Next inspection print document >һݼӡļ :Next inspection reference >һο :Next instruction code >һָʾ :Next inventory journal numbers >һռʺ :Next invoice number cannot be greater than %1 >һƱŲɴ %1 :Next invoice number to be generated >ɵһ Ʊ :Next invoice register >һηƱע :Next invoice register numbers >һƱע :Next issue document >һǩļ :Next jnl no by period >һռ˺ :Next job number >һҵ :Next job number prefix >һҵǰ׺ :Next job number suffix >һҵ׺ :Next job prefix >һҵǰ׺ :Next job suffix >һҵ׺ :Next journal number >һռʺ :Next journal number by period >һڵռʺ :Next journal numbers >һռʺ :Next kit issue document >һǩļ :Next labor journal number >һͶռ˺ :Next labor journal numbers >һ˹ռʺ :Next labour journal number >һͶռ˺ :Next ledger entry number >һĿ :Next ledger year >һ :Next line for current year >һǰ :Next line for previous year >һǰ :Next line no >һк :Next line number >һк :Next line number for billing >һƷк :Next load number >һװغ :Next load reference >һװزο :Next number >һ :Next on-line payment register >һע :Next on-line payment registers >һע :Next op number for allocations >һ :Next open delivery date >һ :Next operation queue >һ :Next order detail line >һݶϸ :Next order type >һ :Next part billing journal >һƷռ :Next part billing journal numbers >һʵռʺ :Next payment date not greater than current payment date >һڲڵǰ :Next payment entry number >һĿ :Next payment register >һθע :Next payment registers >һθע :Next payment run >һθ :Next period >һ :Next posting >һι :Next posting period >һ :Next posting period/year >һڼ䣯 :Next posting year cannot be less than current year >һȲڵǰ :Next price code >һ۸ :Next purchase order >һݲɹ :Next purchase order number >һɹ :Next push button to continue >һť :Next quotation number >һۺ :Next reference >һݲο :Next reference number may not be zero >һοŲΪ :Next rejection print document >һݾܾӡļ :Next requisition >һ빺 :Next resource code >һԴ :Next revaluation number >һ¹ֵ :Next review >һ :Next review date >һ :Next review date selection >һѡ :Next sales order detail line >һ۶ϸ :Next sales order number must be less than %1 >һ۶С %1 :Next scrap document >һݱĵ :Next scrap document number >һļ :Next scrapped print document >һݷƷӡļ :Next settlement credit >һ :Next settlement debit >һ :Next status >һ״̬ :Next status for responses >һӦ״̬ :Next stock receipt document >һջļ :Next stock take ticket number >һ̵ȯ :Next suffix >һ׺ :Next supplier number >һӦ̺ :Next total >һϼ :Next total committed >һѳŵϼ :Next transaction number >һ׺ :Next transfer out document >һתƳļ :Next transmission reference >һο :Next uncommitted >һѳŵ :Next user for routing may not be the same as the initial user code >һλ·ûʼûͬ :Next year budget >һԤ :No > :No Column type > :No - delete this series > - ɾϵ :No Active Data Warning >无任何有效数据警告 :No Allocation >޷ :No Allocations >޷ :No Analytics companies have been linked to a SYSPRO company. At least one company must be linked before the operator can use the Analytics Viewer >κη˾SYSPRO˾һҹ˾Աʹ÷鿴 :No Checking >֧Ʊ :No Component >无任何部件 :No Contact Found >δҵκϵ :No Contact exists with the '%1' '%2' >κξ߱ '%1' '%2' ϵ :No Contact was found with the name '%1' >δҵ߱ '%1' κϵ :No Cost of Sales details >۳ɱϸ :No Counter Sales recorded. Program cancelled >κη¼ȡ :No Destination Transfers >Ŀĵת :No Ecc Items > Ecc Ŀ :No Elements and/or Calculation codes were replaced >Ҫغͣ뱻 :No Entry Details >ϸ¼ :No Errors Found >δҵκδ :No FIFO cost buckets selected. Transaction cancelled >δѡκ FIFO ɱͰȡ :No Function Selected >ѡ :No G/L distribution available for this invoice >ŷƱûʷ :No GL Journal created for this register >δ˵ǼDzκ GL ռ :No GL distribution available for this invoice >ڴ˷Ʊκ GL :No GL journals created >δκ GL ռ :No GRN's loaded. Ok to continue? >未加载任何 GRN。确定要继续吗? :No GRN's. Either they are all matched, GRN period > selected posting period, GRN period > current AP period, or no GRN's exist. Untick '%1' to continue >无任何 GRN。要么它们全部匹配,GRN 周期 > 选定过账周期,GRN 周期 > 当前 AP 周期,要么 GRN 不存在。取消勾选 '%1' 可继续 :No GRN's. Either they are all matched, GRN period > selected posting period, GRN period > current AP period, or no GRN's exist. Untick 'GRN matching required' to continue >无任何 GRN。要么它们全部匹配,GRN 周期 > 选定过账周期,GRN 周期 > 当前 AP 周期,要么 GRN 不存在。取消勾选“要求 GRN 匹配”可继续 :No Grid Lines >κη :No Invoices >无任何发票 :No Match >ƥ :No Point Labels >޵ǩ :No Points Exploded >޷ֽ :No RMAs exist for this customer >ڸÿͻκ˻Ȩ(RMA) :No Reminders - SYSPRO > - SYSPRO :No Requisition User >无任何请购用户 :No Results >޽ :No Role Name >ְ :No SCT order created for selected lines >δΪѡдκιӦת (SCT) :No SKU's with forecast information matched the selections made >κξ߱ԤϢ SKU ƥѡ :No SKU's with sales information were selected >δѡκξ߱Ϣ SKU :No Sorting > :No Template account types may be weighted >öģʻͽмȨ :No Theme > :No XAML theme > XAML :No access >޷ :No access to business objects >ɷҵ :No access to web-based applications >ɷʻӦó :No accounts to delete >Ҫɾʻ :No accounts to delete! >Ҫɾʻ! :No action >޲ :No action (new RMA) >޶RMA :No action back to source warehouse >޷Դֿκζ :No action required >Ҫ :No actions taken >Ϊִκζ :No active contracts exist for this supplier >ڸùӦ̲κЧͬ :No active customer exist. Query by dispatch sequence >Чͻ˳ѯ :No active customer exists >κЧͻ :No active customer sales orders exist. Query by sales order sequence >ЧĿͻ۶۶˳ѯ :No active dispatches exist for this customer >ڸÿͻκЧ :No active purchase order is associated with this customer purchase order >κЧ۶ÿͻɹ :No active purchase orders exist for this supplier >ڸùӦ̲κЧɹ :No active supplier purchase orders exist. Query by purchase order sequence >ЧĹӦ̲ɹɹ˳ѯ :No activity since >޻ :No activity with the Contact Id '%1' and Start Time '%2' >ûо߱ϵ Id '%1' Ϳʼʱ '%2' Ļ :No activity with the Contact Id '%1'Start Date '%2' and Start Time '%3' >ûо߱ϵId '%1' ʼ'%2' Ϳʼʱ '%3' Ļ :No advanced scheduling service has been set up for this company >δΪù˾κθ߼ȼƻ :No ageing > :No allocation for bin '%1' for stock code '%2' for order '%3' >޿ '%1' '%2' '%3' :No allocation matching the sub job is attached to the master job >ûҵƥķҵ :No allocation matching this job exists against master job %1 >ҵ %1 ġҵƥķ :No allocation was created to match this job >Ϊκƥҵķ :No allocations have been entered against the currently highlighted line >ûжԵǰͻʾ :No allocations to issue >޴ǩķ :No amount was entered >δκν :No analysis entries have been supplied >δṩκηĿ :No applications match your search >κӦóƥ :No asset count information found for this selection >ڴѡδҵκʲϢ :No asset depreciation details generated >δκʲ۾ϸ :No back orders exist for this customer >ڸÿͻκڽ :No base costs selected >ûѡ׼ɱ :No billing method has been defined for this contract >ڴ˷ݺͬδκշѷ :No billing schedules will be created. Are you sure you want to cancel? >贴κμƷʱȷҪȡ :No billings and cost of sales details >˵۳ɱϸ :No billings details >ʵϸ :No bitmap specified for selected item >ûΪѡĿָλͼ :No blanket purchase order details to export >ҪۺԲɹ :No blanket purchase orders have been entered into the list >ûбۺԲɹ :No blanket purchase orders to select for review, according to the options entered >ѡۺԲɹѡ :No budget found for entered criteria >δҵ׼κԤ :No build schedule lines have been selected. Addition cancelled >ûѡƻСӱȡ :No build schedules available for selected criteria. Please choose another range >ѡı׼޿õƻѡһΧ :No calculation code to clear >Ҫļ :No calculations are attached to selected component >δѡIJӼ :No calculations have been defined for this column. Cancel definition? >ûΪļ㡣Ҫȡ :No calculations have been defined for this column. Cancel definition ? >尚未对此列栏定义任何计算。要取消定义吗? :No calculations have been defined for this column. Cancel definition? >ûΪ㡣Ҫȡ :No calendar > :No calling program provided. Program will exit >ûṩг򡣳˳ :No capacity calendar has been defined for the date entered >δ :No change >޸ :No change to company AR balance >Թ˾ AR κθ :No changes are allowed for this calculation type >ڸüͲκα䶯 :No check > :No check format defined for this bank >δΪж֧Ʊʽ :No check number required >Ҫ֧Ʊ :No checks found >δҵ :No checks to print. Print remittance advices? >Ҫӡ֧ƱҪӡ֪ͨ :No co-product defined with this line number >δԸк붨κιͬƷ :No code change >޴仯 :No collection descriptor on file for the entered collection >ڸ뼯ϣκμ :No columns defined >未定义任何列栏 :No commission calculation >Ӷ :No company has been selected for this intercompany journal >ڸù˾ռʣδѡκι˾ :No components attached to stock code '%1' for route '%2' >û· '%2' '%1' κβ :No components for this selection >ڴѡκβ :No components for this stock code / route >룯·޲ :No components for this stock code/route >ÿ룯·޲ :No components have been defined for this configuration. Program cancelled >δΪöκβȡ :No components or operations exist for source estimate/routing. Function cancelled >Դۣ·ߣκβȡ :No components or operations exist for source stock code/routing. Function cancelled >Դ룯·ߣκβȡ :No components or operations have been defined against the notional part >δԸøκβ :No components or operations have been selected for this configuration >δΪѡκβ :No components selected >δѡκβ :No consolidation >޺ϲ :No contacts to delete >Ҫɾϵ :No contacts to delete! >Ҫɾϵˣ :No contract details have been selected. Order creation abandoned >ûѡͬϸѱ :No contract lines >无任何合同行 :No contract price defined. Override with unit price >ûжͬ۸õ۸ :No contract split details available >ûпõĺֽͬϸ :No contracts exist for this stock code >벻ںͬ :No contracts exist with the selected contract options. Change selection criteria? >ѡĺͬѡںͬҪѡ׼ :No contracts were found that match the criteria selected >δҵѡ׼ƥκκͬ :No conversion options have been selected, the program will terminate >ûѡԻѡֹ :No conversion optoins have been selected, the program will terminate >δѡתѡֹ :No cost centers to copy >ҪƵijɱ :No counter sales have been recorded >δ¼ :No counter sales recorded >δ¼ :No criterion is held in the library '%1' for mandatory selection '%2' >ǿѡ '%2' Ŀ '%1' δκα׼ :No cumes have been accepted >ûнκۻ :No currency rate history exists for this currency. Do you wish to capture history? >Ҳκλʷ¼ϣʷ¼ :No current order. The program will now exit >κεǰ˳ :No customer dispatch notes exist with selected status. Query by dispatch sequence >ѡ״̬ڿͻ˳ѯ :No customer found for this invoice >ڱƱûҵͻ :No customer has been specified for this quotation. Sales order link will not be available >δΪñָκοͻ۶ӽ :No customer invoices with the selected options exist. Change selection criteria? >ѡѡκοͻƱҪѡ׼ :No customer purchase orders exist >κοͻɹ :No customer purchase orders exist with the selected order options. Change selection criteria? >ѡĶѡڿͻɹҪѡ׼ :No customer sales orders with the selected options exist. Change selection criteria? >ѡѡڿͻɹҪѡ׼ :No customer's have been entered into the list >ûбκοͻ :No customers for this invoice >ڸ÷Ʊκοͻ :No data available >޿ :No data to import. Process abandoned >޴ݡ̱ :No data will be purged >ûҪ :No date > :No default >Ĭ :No default E-mail recipient >Ĭϵʼ :No default Email recipient >Ĭϵʼռ :No default date >Ĭ :No default has been selected. Ok to exit? >δѡκĬֵȷҪ˳ :No default printers per program specified for this operator >ûΪ˲ԱָÿĬϴӡ :No default spread has been defined for these targets >ڴĿ꣬ûжĬϼ۲ :No default warehouse available for non-stocked items >ǿĿκοĬϲֿ :No delivery history transactions records avaliable for customer >޿ɹ˿ͻʹõĽʷ׼¼ :No depreciation >۾ :No depreciation calculation - add historically >۾ɼ - ʷ :No depreciation calculation - add in current period >۾ɼ - ӵǰ :No description available >κο :No destination ledger code specified. Please enter destination ledger code to continue >δָκĿĵطʴ롣Ŀĵطʴִ :No detail lines have been entered. No journal will be created. Do you wish to end this journal? >ûκϸСᴴκռʡϣռ :No detail lines have been entered. No journal will be created. Do you wish to end this journal? >δκϸСᴴκռʡϣֹռ :No details >ϸ :No details are available for this event >ڴ¼ûпõϸ :No details defined >未定义任何明细 :No dispatch note exist with the selected options. Change selection criteria? >ѡѡķҪѡ׼ :No dispatch note will be created for this sales order >ڱ۶κη :No dispatch notes exist with the selected options or invalid dispatch. Change selection criteria? >ѡѡЧκηҪѡ׼ :No dispatch notes exist with the selected options. Change selection criteria? >ѡѡκηҪѡ׼ :No document >ļ :No document has been selected for this format. Print cancelled >δѡ˸ʽκĵȡӡ :No documents found for this document type. Print cancelled >δҵĵ͵κĵȡӡ :No draft forecasts exist for the selected collection/SKU. The suggested forecasts will be copied to draft against the selected collection before dissaggregation takes place >ѡļϣ¼λ(SKU)޻ƱԤ⡣Ԥ⽫ڷֽⷢǰƾѡļϸƵƱ :No draft forecasts exist. The suggested forecasts will be copied to draft before the current forecasts are updated >κλƱԤ⡣ǰԤⱻ֮ǰԤ⽫ƵƱ :No duplicates >ظ :No element defined for this calculation code >ڱ룬ûжκҪ :No entries selected >ѡ :No events have been saved against this status >ûΪ״̬κ¼ :No exchange rate variance account has been entered >No exchange rate variance account has been entered :No existing jobs were found that matched the criteria selected >δҵѡ׼ƥκҵ :No expiry >ʧЧ :No expiry date >ʧЧ :No expiry period >ʧЧ :No fields have been selected to search >ûѡҪֶ :No files have been selected for checking. Function cancelled >δѡҪҪκļȡ :No files have been selected for reindexing. Export cancelled >ûѡҪ±ļȡ :No files have been selected for reindexing. Function cancelled >δѡҪ±ļȡ :No files have been selected for reindexing. Reindexing cancelled >ûѡҪ±ļ±ȡ :No files were exported >ûеκļ :No filter >޹ :No floor stock warehouse has been specified in WIP setup options. Floor stock items will be treated as normal allocations >WIPѡУûָκҵֳֿ⡣ԴҵֳĿ :No foreign currency sales required. Please check your setup options >Ҫۡѡ :No format for document on file >κĵʽ :No free goods entered >δκѻ :No further occurrences of the text were found >ûҵı :No goods in transit entry records matching the selections made. Function cancelled >;¼Աѡ񡣹ܱȡ :No headings >ޱ :No hierarchies have been supplied for material '%1' >δԲ '%1' Ӧκβ :No hierarchies have been supplied for operation '%1' >δԲ '%1' Ӧκβ :No hierarchies have been supplied for the operation product class '%1' >δԲƷȼ '%1' Ӧκβ :No history >ʷ¼ :No history release for customer >δΪͻǩκʷ¼ :No images have been defined >δκͼ :No import selections have been made >δִκεѡ :No in %1 days > %1 ڵĸ :No in 30 days >30ڵĸ :No in 60 days >60ڵĸ :No in 90 days >90ڵĸ :No in current >ǰ :No increment has been defined >ûжκ :No indexes have been selected for recreation. Recreation cancelled >ûѡҪ´´ȡ :No information was found to print. Print cancelled >δҵκҪӡϢӡȡ :No input file header >ļҳü :No invoice >޷Ʊ :No invoice line has been selected >δѡκηƱ :No invoice lines selected >δѡκηƱ :No invoice reprint file to print >ûҪӡķƱ´ӡļ :No invoices exist for this order >ڸöκηƱ :No invoices exist with the selected invoice options. Change selection criteria? >ѡķƱѡκηƱҪѡ׼ :No invoices have been entered into the list >ûбκηƱ :No invoices have been posted >δκηƱ :No invoices have been posted against elements for purchase order '%1', line '%2' >δԲɹ '%1' '%2' κηƱ :No invoices have been scheduled for release. Do you wish to process invoices manually? >ûмƻҪеķƱϣ˹Ʊ :No invoices have been selected for release >ûѡҪеķƱ :No invoices were found >ûҵƱ :No invoices were found with due date before next payment date for this supplier >ڴ˹Ӧ̣ûҵ䵽һڵķƱ :No issue >ǩ :No items match the entered selections >ѡƥĿ :No items selected >未选定任何项目 :No job specified for update >δΪָκҵ :No jobs have reserved capacity for this work center >κҵδΪҵı :No jobs have reseved capacity for this work center >κΪ˹ıĹ :No journals created >δκռ :No journals have been selected for authorization >δѡκҪȨռ :No journals to be posted >Ҫʵκռ :No journals were selected for authorization >δΪȨѡκռ :No labor issue details >Ͷǩϸ :No last information available for this customer and stock code combination >ڴ˿ͻϣûпõһϢ :No late supplies have been identified for the chosen selection criteria >ѡѡ׼ûҵڹ :No ledger distribution entries supplied >δṩκηʷ :No libraries selected >δѡκο :No lines found for selected offer. Quotation not confirmed >ڸѡ̣δҵκСδȷ :No lines have been selected >ûѡκ :No lines selected for release >δΪǩѡκ :No lines were found for invoicing, but back order process has been applied >δҵκƱУӦڽ :No lines were found on shipment '%1' for processing >δڻ '%1' ҵκҪ :No lines were succesfully selected for transfer >δΪת˳ɹѡκ :No lots exist for stock code '%1' > '%1' κ :No maintenance allowed >ά :No maintenance allowed but with option to cancel >κάӦѡȡѡ :No maintenance functions are available as the configuration header is locked by another user. Do you wish to continue? >ûпõάܣΪͷһλͻϣ :No maintenance functions are available as the product header is locked by another user. Do you wish to continue? >ûпõάܣΪƷͷһλͻϣ :No matching GRN numbers found >ûҵȵGRN :No matching Reference numbers found >δҵƥIJο :No matching companies selected for report >δΪѡƥ乫˾ :No matching components / operations were found >ûҵȵIJ :No matching components/operations were found >δҵκƥ䲿/ :No matching configurations were found >ûҵȵ :No matching customers were found >ûҵȵĿͻ :No matching entries found >ûҵȵ :No matching entry for selected period found >δҵѡڵƥĿ :No matching jobs were found >ûҵȵҵ :No matching ledger codes were found >ûҵȵķʴ :No matching purchase order line found for stock code/warehouse '%1' in purchase order '%2' >ڲɹ '%2' δΪ룯ֿ '%1' ҵκƥIJɹ :No matching quotations were found >δҵκƥ :No matching serial numbers found >ûҵȵϵк :No matching stock codes were found >ûҵȵĿ :No matching supplier codes were found >ûҵȵĹӦ̴ :No material allocation of file for this stock code, warehouse and unit of measure. Do you wish to maintain material allocations? >ڴ˿롢ֿͼλûпõIJϷļϣάϷ :No material allocations exist against the job for this stock code. Do you wish to maintain material allocations? >ԸÿҵκβϷ䡣ϣάϷ :No material allocations exist against this job for the stock code, warehouse and unit of measure. Do you wish to maintain material allocations? >ڴ˿롢ֿͼλԴҵIJϷ䡣ϣάϷ :No material allocations on file. Do you wish to maintain material allocations? >ļ޲Ϸ䡣ϣάϷ :No material has been issued for this job, therefore a negative quantity cannot be issued >ûΪҵǩϣ޷ǩ :No material issue details >κβǰϸ :No material or labor allocations have been defined against the notional part >δԸøκβϻͶ :No material outstanding purchase order details >޲δִвɹϸ :No materials to issue. Continue with labor issues? >޴ǩIJϡҪͶǩ :No messages are selected >ûѡκϢ :No more customers for this invoice >ڸ÷Ʊκͻ :No more selected stock codes from which to add contracts. Function complete >޸ѡӺͬ :No more selected stock codes to add contracts for. Restarting at beginning of file >޸ѡӺͬļͷ¿ʼ :No more selected stock codes. Restarting at beginning of file >޸ѡĿ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No more suggested SCT lines with which to create live SCT sales orders. Function complete >޸ཨSCTԴSCT۶ :No more suggested purchases with which to create purchase orders. Function complete >޸ཨIJɹԴɹ :No more suggested requisitions with which to create live purchase orders. Function complete >޸ཨ빺ԴIJɹ :No more than %1 fields are allowed per form >ÿ %1 ֶ :No more than %1 warehouses may be entered during this run of the program >ڳڼ %1 ֿ :No more than 10 warehouses may be entered during this run of the program >ڳĴ˴ڼ䣬10ϵIJֿ :No more than 100 warehouses may be entered during this run of the program >ڳĴ˴ڼ䣬100ϵIJֿ :No movements selected >ûѡκα䶯 :No multi-column headings defined >未定义任何多列栏标题 :No narrations defined >ûжκ :No narrations were found >δҵ :No next A/R permanent entry. Restarting at beginning of file >һ A/R Ŀļͷ¿ʼ :No next Account. Restarting at the beginning of the file >һʻļͷ¿ʼ :No next Contact. Restarting at the beginning of the file >һϵˡļͷ¿ʼ :No next ECC drawing size code. Restarting at beginning of file >һͼֽߴ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next GRN. Restarting at beginning of file >һGRNļͷ¿ʼ :No next RMA. Restarting at beginning of file >һ˻Ȩ(RMA)ļͷ¿ʼ :No next TPM customer. Restarting at beginning of file >һó״(TPM)ͻļͷ¿ʼ :No next User variable. Restarting at first User variable >һûӵһû¿ʼ :No next WIP Inspection. Restarting at beginning of file >һ WIP 顣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next account. Restarting at beginning of file >һʻļͷ¿ʼ :No next accrual type. Restarting at beginning of file >һϢ͡ļͷ¿ʼ :No next active contract for this supplier. Starting at first active contract for this supplier >ڴ˹Ӧ̣һЧĺͬڴ˹Ӧ̣ӵһЧĺͬʼ :No next active customer dispatch note with selected status. Starting at first active dispatch note for this customer >ѡ״̬һЧĿͻڴ˿ͻӵһЧķʼ :No next active customer with dispatches. Restarting at beginning of file >һ߱ʸЧͻļͷ¿ʼ :No next active customer. Starting at first active dispatch note for this customer >һЧͻڴ˿ͻӵһЧʼ :No next active purchase order for this supplier. Starting at first active purchase order for this supplier >ڴ˹Ӧ̣һЧIJɹڴ˹Ӧ̣ӵһЧIJɹʼ :No next affected item. Restarting at beginning of file >һӰĿļͷ¿ʼ :No next allocation for this job. Restarting at beginning of file >޴ҵһ䡣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next allocation to process. Restarting at beginning of file >һҪķ䡣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next analysis category. Restarting at beginning of file >һ͡ļͷ¿ʼ :No next approved manufacturer part number. Restarting at beginning of file >һ׼롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next approved manufacturer part number. Restarting at beginning of file >һ׼롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next approved manufacturer supplier. Restarting at end of file >һ׼̹Ӧ̡ļβ¿ʼ :No next approved manufacturers. Restarting at begining of file >һ׼̡ļͷ¿ʼ :No next approved manufacturers. Restarting at beginning of file >һ׼̡ļͷ¿ʼ :No next area. Restarting at beginning of file >һļͷ¿ʼ :No next asset branch. Restarting at beginning of file >һʲ֧ļͷ¿ʼ :No next asset capex classification. Restarting at beginning of file >һʲʱ÷ࡣļͷ¿ʼ :No next asset capex type. Restarting at beginning of file >һʲʱ͡ļͷ¿ʼ :No next asset cost center for this branch. Restarting at beginning >޴˷֧һʲɱġӿͷ¿ʼ :No next asset cost center. Restarting at beginning of file >һʲɱġļͷ¿ʼ :No next asset depreciation code. Restarting at beginning of file >һʲ۾ɴ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next asset depreciation code. Restarting at beginning of file >һʲ۾ɴ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next asset expense code. Restarting at beginning of file >һʲô롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next asset expense code. Restarting at beginning of file >һʲô롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next asset group code. Restarting at beginning of file >һʲ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next asset group. Restarting at beginning of file >һʲ顣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next asset location. Restarting at beginning of file >һʲλáļͷ¿ʼ :No next asset mechanic Restarting at beginning of file >һʲơļͷ¿ʼ :No next asset mechanic. Restarting at beginning of file >һʲơļͷ¿ʼ :No next asset owner. Restarting at beginning of file >һʲߡļͷ¿ʼ :No next asset reason for disposal. Restarting at beginning of file >һʲԭ򡣴ļͷ¿ʼ :No next asset reason for revaluation. Restarting at beginning of file >һʲ¹ԭ򡣴ļͷ¿ʼ :No next asset status. Restarting at beginning of file >һʲ״̬ļͷ¿ʼ :No next asset status. Restarting at beginning of file >һʲ״̬ļͷ¿ʼ :No next asset type. Restarting at beginning of file >һʲ͡ļͷ¿ʼ :No next asset. Restarting and beginning of file >һʲļͷ¿ʼ :No next asset. Restarting at beginning of file >һʲļͷ¿ʼ :No next bank code. Restarting at beginning of file >һд롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next bank. Restarting at beginning of file >һСļͷ¿ʼ :No next bank. Restarting at beginning of file >һСļͷ¿ʼ :No next beneficiary. Restarting at beginning of file >һΡļͷ¿ʼ :No next bin for this stock code/warehouse. Restarting at beginning of file >޴˿룯ֿһ⡣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next branch code. Restarting at beginning of file >һ֧롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next branch. Restarting at beginning of file >һ֧ļͷ¿ʼ :No next branch. Restarting at beginning of file >һ֧ļͷ¿ʼ :No next budget. Restarting at beginning of file >һԤ㡣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next build schedule. Restarting at beginning of file >һʱļͷ¿ʼ :No next buyer. Restarting at beginning of file >һ򷽡ļͷ¿ʼ :No next buying group. Restarting at beginning of file >һɹ顣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next calculation code. Restarting at beginning of file >һ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next calendar. Restarting at beginning of file >һļͷ¿ʼ :No next capex classification. Restarting at beginning of file >һʱ֧ࡣļͷ¿ʼ :No next capex item. Restarting at beginning of file >һʱ֧Ŀļͷ¿ʼ :No next capex number. Restarting at beginning of file >һʱ֧롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next capex type. Restarting at beginning of file >һʱ֧͡ļͷ¿ʼ :No next cash book permanent entry. Restarting at beginning >һֽʲӿͷ¿ʼ :No next cash drawer. Restarting at beginning of file >һλֽƱˡļͷ¿ʼ :No next check. Restarting at first check >һ顣ӵһ鿪ʼ :No next class. Restarting at beginning of file >һȼļͷ¿ʼ :No next co-product. Restarting at beginning of file >һͬƷļͷ¿ʼ :No next code for this branch/location. Restarting at beginning >÷֧λһ롣ӿͷ¿ʼ :No next code. Restarting at beginning of file >һ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next collection descriptor. Restarting at beginning of file >һļͷ¿ʼ :No next collection. Restarting at beginning of file >һϡļͷ¿ʼ :No next column. Restarting at beginning of file >һļͷ¿ʼ :No next comment code for this stock code. Restarting at beginning of file >ڴ˿룬һעʹ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next comment code for this supplier. Restarting at beginning of file >ڴ˹Ӧ̣һעʹ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next comment code. Restarting at beginning of file >һעʹ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next commission code. Restarting at beginning of file >һӶ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next commission code. Restarting at beginning of file >һӶ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next component for option. Restarting at beginning of file >һѡIJļͷ¿ʼ :No next component for selected phantom part. Restarting at first component >ѡĻӰûһӵһ¿ʼ :No next component. Restarting at beginning of file >һļͷ¿ʼ :No next configuration. Restarting at the beginning of file >һáļͷ¿ʼ :No next constant code. Restarting at beginning of file >һ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next contract for this supplier / stock code combination. Restarting at first contract for this supplier / stock code >ڴ˹Ӧ̣ϣһݺͬԴ˹Ӧ̣롣ӵһݺͬʼ :No next contract for this supplier/stock code combination. Restarting at first contract for this supplier/stock code >޴˹Ӧ/ϵһݺͬڴ˹Ӧ/׷ݺͬ¿ʼ :No next contract record to maintain. Restarting at beginning of file >޴άһͬ¼ļͷ¿ʼ :No next contract record. Restarting at beginning of file >һͬ¼ļͷ¿ʼ :No next contract. Restarting at beginning of file >һݺͬļͷ¿ʼ :No next cost center. Restarting at beginning of file >һɱġļͷ¿ʼ :No next country status within tariff code. Restarting at first country status within tariff code >˰һҡӹ˰ڵĵһֹ״̬¿ʼ :No next criterion for selection. Restarting at beginning of file >һѡ׼ļͷ¿ʼ :No next cross reference record. Restarting at beginning of file >һ¼ļͷ¿ʼ :No next currency conversion. Restarting at beginning of file >һλתļͷ¿ʼ :No next currency. Restarting at beginning of file >һֻҡļͷ¿ʼ :No next currency. Restarting at beginning of file >һֻҡļͷ¿ʼ :No next customer class. Restarting at beginning of file >һͻȼļͷ¿ʼ :No next customer class. Restarting at beginning of file >һͻȼļͷ¿ʼ :No next customer code. Restarting at beginning of file >һͻ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next customer code.Restarting at beginning of file >һͻ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next customer purchase order. Re-starting at first customer purchase order >һݿͻɹӵһݿͻɹ¿ʼ :No next customer purchase order. Restarting at beginning of file >һͻɹļͷ¿ʼ :No next customer purchase order. Restarting at first customer purchase order >һݿͻɹӵһݿͻɹ¿ʼ :No next customer sales order with the selected options. Starting at first relevant sales order for this customer >ѡѡһݿͻ۶ڴ˿ͻӵһص۶ʼ :No next customer stock code. Restarting at beginning of file >һͻ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next customer with active dispatches. Restarting at beginning of file >һ߱ЧĿͻļͷ¿ʼ :No next customer with active sales orders. Restarting and beginning of file >һ߱Ч۶Ŀͻļͷ¿ʼ :No next customer with dispatch notes with selected status. Restarting at beginning of file >ѡ״̬һ߱Ŀͻļͷ¿ʼ :No next customer with dispatch notes with selected status. Restarting at the beginning of file >һ߱ѡ״̬Ŀͻļͷ¿ʼ :No next customer with the selected invoice options. Restarting at beginning of file >ѡķƱѡһҿͻļͷ¿ʼ :No next customer with the selected order options. Restarting and beginning of file >ѡĶѡһͻļͷ¿ʼ :No next customer. Restarting at beginning of file >һͻļͷ¿ʼ :No next customer. Starting at the beginning of file >һҿͻļͷ¿ʼ :No next date within currency. Restarting at first date within currency >ѡһڡӻѡڵĵһ¿ʼ :No next deduction code. Restarting at beginning of file >һ۳롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next delivery address. Restarting at beginning of file >һַļͷ¿ʼ :No next delivery terms. Restarting at beginning of file >һļͷ¿ʼ :No next demand for stock code warehouse combination. Restarting at beginning of file >ڿֿϣһ󡣴ļͷ¿ʼ :No next demand history period. Restarting at earliest period >һʷڡ¿ʼ :No next department. Restarting at beginning of file >һšļͷ¿ʼ :No next department. Restarting at end of file >һšļβ¿ʼ :No next departure date within vessel. Restarting at first departure date for vessel >ֻѡһڡӴֻѡĵһ¿ʼ :No next depreciation code. Restarting at beginning of file >һ۾ɴ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next detail apportionment line. Restarting at beginning of file >һϸ̯Сļͷ¿ʼ :No next detail apportionment line. Restarting at end of file >һϸ̯Сļβ¿ʼ :No next discount code. Restarting at beginning of file >һۿ۴롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next discount code. Restarting at the beginning of the file >һۿ۴롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next discount code. Restarting at beginning of file >һۿ۴롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next dispatch invoice number. Starting at first dispatch invoice number >һƱ롣ӵһƱ뿪ʼ :No next dispatch note for this customer purchase order / selection. Starting at first dispatch note for this customer purchase order >ڴ˿ͻIJɹѡһݷڴ˿ͻɹӵһݷʼ :No next dispatch note for this customer purchase order. Starting at first dispatch note for this customer purchase order >ڸÿͻɹһݷڸÿͻɹӵһݷʼ :No next dispatch note for this customer purchase order/selection. Starting at first dispatch note for this customer purchase order >޴˿ͻɹ/ѡһݷڴ˿ͻɹ׷ݷ¿ʼ :No next dispatch note for this customer. Starting at first dispatch note for this customer >ڸÿͻһݷӸÿͻĵһݷʼ :No next dispatch note for this invoice / selection. Starting at first dispatch note for this invoice >ڴ˷ƱѡһݷӴ˷Ʊĵһݷʼ :No next dispatch note for this invoice. Starting at first dispatch note for this invoice >ڸ÷ƱһݷӴ˷Ʊĵһݷʼ :No next dispatch note for this invoice/selection. Starting at first dispatch note for this invoice >ڴ˷Ʊѡһݷڴ˷Ʊӵһݷʼ :No next dispatch note for this sales order. Starting at first dispatch note for this sales order >ڸ۶һݷڸ۶ӵһݷʼ :No next dispatch note with selected status for this order. Starting at first dispatch note for this order >ڴ˶޾߱ѡ״̬һݷڴ˶ӵһݷʼ :No next dispatch note with selected status. Restarting at beginning of file >ѡ״̬һݷļͷ¿ʼ :No next dispatch note with selected status. Restarting at first dispatch note >һݾ߱ѡ״̬ķӵһݷ¿ʼ :No next dispatch note. Restarting at beginning of file >һݷļͷ¿ʼ :No next dispatch. Restarting at beginning of file >һļͷ¿ʼ :No next drawing code. Restarting at beginning of file >һͼֽ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next drawing. Restarting at beginning of file >һͼֽļͷ¿ʼ :No next element code. Restarting at beginning of file >һԪش롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next element structure for this stock code. Restarting at beginning of file >ڴ˿룬һҪؽṹļͷ¿ʼ :No next element. Restarting at beginning of file >һҪءļͷ¿ʼ :No next employee code. Restarting at beginning of file >һԱ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next employee rate. Restarting at beginning of file >һԱʡļͷ¿ʼ :No next employee. Restarting at beginning of file >һԱļͷ¿ʼ :No next engineering change order. Restarting at end of file >һݹ̱䶯ļβ¿ʼ :No next expense code. Restarting at beginning of file >һô롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next extended tax code. Restarting at beginning of file >һչ˰롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next field. Restarting at beginning of file >һֶΡļͷ¿ʼ :No next fields. Restarting at first field >һֶΡӵһֶ¿ʼ :No next file. Restarting at beginning of file >һļļͷ¿ʼ :No next files. Restarting at beginning of file >һļļͷ¿ʼ :No next forecast. Restarting at beginning of file >һԤ⡣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next foreign price. Restarting at beginning of file >һ۸񡣴ļͷ¿ʼ :No next format. Restarting at beginning of file >һָʽļͷ¿ʼ :No next geographic area. Restarting at beginning of file >һļͷ¿ʼ :No next geographic area. Restarting at beginning of file >һ򡣴ļͷ¿ʼ :No next group of suggested SCT lines to create a sales order. Restarting at beginning of file >һSCTе飬Դ۶ļͷ¿ʼ :No next group of suggested purchases to create a purchase order. Restarting at beginning of file >һɹ飬Դɹļͷ¿ʼ :No next group of suggested requisitions to create a purchase order. Restarting at beginning of file >һ飬Դɹļͷ¿ʼ :No next group. Restarting at beginning of file >һ顣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next hierarchy code. Restarting at beginning of file >һδ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next hierarchy. Restarting at beginning of file >һΡļͷ¿ʼ :No next hierarchy. Restarting at beginning of file >һΡļͷ¿ʼ :No next intrastat transaction. Restarting at beginning of file >һintrastatסļͷ¿ʼ :No next invoice code. Restarting at beginning of file >һƱ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next invoice discount. Restarting at beginning of file >һƱۿۡļͷ¿ʼ :No next invoice for dispatches with selected status. Restarting at beginning of file >ѡ״̬һݷƱļͷ¿ʼ :No next invoice for this supplier. Restarting at beginning of invoices >ڴ˹Ӧ̣һݷƱӷƱͷ¿ʼ :No next invoice term. Restarting at beginning of file >һƱĿļͷ¿ʼ :No next invoice terms. Restarting at beginning of file >һƱޡļͷ¿ʼ :No next invoice. Restarting at beginning of file >һݷƱļͷ¿ʼ :No next invoice. Restarting at beginning of file >һݷƱļͷ¿ʼ :No next item. Restarting at beginning of file >һĿļͷ¿ʼ :No next job class. Restarting at beginning of file >һҵȼļͷ¿ʼ :No next job classification. Restarting at beginning of file >һҵࡣļͷ¿ʼ :No next job. Restarting at beginning of file >һҵļͷ¿ʼ :No next jobs. Restarting at beginning of file >һҵļͷ¿ʼ :No next key. Restarting at beginning of file >һؼ֡ļͷ¿ʼ :No next key. Restarting at end of file >һ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No next ledger code. Restarting at beginning of file >һʴ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next library code. Restarting at beginning of file >һݿ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next library for this configuration. Restarting at beginning of file >ڴãһ⡣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next line within purchase order. Restarting at first line for this purchase order >ɹһСڴ˲ɹӵһ¿ʼ :No next location code. Restarting at beginning of file >һλô롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next location. Restarting at beginning of file >һλáļͷ¿ʼ :No next machine code. Restarting at beginning of file >һ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next machine. Restarting at beginning of file >һ̨ļͷ¿ʼ :No next mail selection. Restarting at beginning of file >һʼѡ񡣴ļͷ¿ʼ :No next manufacturer. Restarting at beginning of file >һ̡ļͷ¿ʼ :No next master release record for this customer. Restarting at beginning of file >ڴ˿ͻһм¼ļͷ¿ʼ :No next mechanic. Restarting at beginning of file >һʦļͷ¿ʼ :No next model. Restarting at beginning of file >һģ͡ļͷ¿ʼ :No next nationality code. Restarting at beginning of file >һ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next nationality. Restarting at beginning of file >һֹļͷ¿ʼ :No next nature of transaction. Restarting at beginning of file >һʡļͷ¿ʼ :No next non-productive code. Restarting at beginning of file >һ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next non-stocked code. Restarting at beginning of file >һǿ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next non-stocked code. Restarting at end of file >һǿ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No next non-stocked item. Restarting at end of file >һǿĿļβ¿ʼ :No next non-stocked item. Restarting at the beginning of file >һǿƷļͷ¿ʼ :No next operation for option. Restarting at beginning of file >һѡIJļͷ¿ʼ :No next operation record. Restarting at beginning of file >һ¼ļͷ¿ʼ :No next operation to maintain. Restarting at lowest incomplete operation >һҪάIJͼδɲ¿ʼ :No next operator. Restarting at beginning of file >һԱļͷ¿ʼ :No next option for configuration. Restarting at beginning of file >һѡļͷ¿ʼ :No next order type. Restarting at beginning of file >һ͡ļͷ¿ʼ :No next order with the selected invoice options. Restarting at beginning of file >ѡķƱѡһݶļͷ¿ʼ :No next payment code. Restarting at beginning of file >һ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next payment interface. Restarting at beginning of file >һ档ļͷ¿ʼ :No next payment run. Restarting at beginning of file >һθСļͷ¿ʼ :No next period. Restarting at first period >һڡӵһ¿ʼ :No next planner. Restarting at beginning of file >һƻԱļͷ¿ʼ :No next post dated check. Restarting at beginning of file >һ֧Ʊļͷ¿ʼ :No next post dated checks. Restarting at beginning of file >һԶ֧Ʊļͷ¿ʼ :No next price code for this stock code. Restarting at beginning of file >޴˿һ۸롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next price code. Restarting at beginning of file >һ۸롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next printer code. Restarting at beginning of file >һӡ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next problem code. Restarting at beginning of file >һ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next product class defaults. Restarting at beginning of file >һƷȼĬֵļͷ¿ʼ :No next product class. Restarting at beginning of file >һƷȼļͷ¿ʼ :No next product class. Restarting at end of file >һƷȼļβ¿ʼ :No next product class. Restarting at the first product class for this branch >һƷȼӸ÷֧ĵһƷȼ¿ʼ :No next product classr for this branch. Restarting at beginning >޴˷֧һƷȼӿͷ¿ʼ :No next product group. Restarting at beginning of file >һƷ顣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next product group. Restarting at end of file >һƷ顣ļβ¿ʼ :No next promotion code. Restarting at beginning of file >һ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next prompt. Restarting at first prompt >һʾӵһʾ¿ʼ :No next purchase order. Restarting at beginning of file >һɹļͷ¿ʼ :No next purchase order. Restarting at the beginning of file >һɹļͷ¿ʼ :No next quantity. Restarting at beginning of file >һļͷ¿ʼ :No next quotation. Restarting at beginning of file >һݱۡļͷ¿ʼ :No next rate code. Restarting at beginning of file >һʴ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next reason code. Restarting at beginning of file >һԭ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next reason for disposal. Restarting at beginning of file >һԭ򡣴ļͷ¿ʼ :No next reason for revaluation. Restarting at beginning of file >һ¹ԭ򡣴ļͷ¿ʼ :No next reason. Restarting at beginning of file >һԭ򡣴ļͷ¿ʼ :No next record >һ¼ :No next record. Restarting at beginning of file >һ¼ļͷ¿ʼ :No next record. Re-starting at beginning of file >һ¼ļͷ¿ʼ :No next record. Restarting at beginning of file >һ¼ļͷ¿ʼ :No next records for customer >һͻ¼ :No next reference for this stock code/supplier. Restarting at beginning of file >޴˿/Ӧ̵һ֤ˡļͷ¿ʼ :No next reference. Restarting at beginning of file >һοļͷ¿ʼ :No next release master customer. Restarting at beginning of file >һͷͻļͷ¿ʼ :No next requisition. Restarting at beginning of file >һ빺ļͷ¿ʼ :No next requisitions. Restarting at beginning of file >һ빺ļͷ¿ʼ :No next resolution code. Restarting at beginning of file >һ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next resource code. Restarting at beginning of file >һԴ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next resource mask description for this work center. Restarting at beginning of file >޴ҵĵһԴļͷ¿ʼ :No next resource mask description. Restarting at beginning of file >һԴļͷ¿ʼ :No next resource. Restarting at beginning of file >һԴļͷ¿ʼ :No next revaluation category. Restarting at beginning of file >һ𡣴ļͷ¿ʼ :No next route code. Restarting at begining of file >һ·ߴ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next route code. Restarting at beginning of file >һ·ߴ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next route. Restarting at beginning of file >һ·ߡļͷ¿ʼ :No next rule. Restarting at beginning of file >һ򡣴ļͷ¿ʼ :No next sales order for dispatches with selected status. Restarting at beginning of file >ѡ״̬һҪ۶ļͷ¿ʼ :No next sales order for dispatches with selected status. Restarting at first sales order >ѡ״̬һҪ۶ӵһ۶¿ʼ :No next sales order with the selected order options. Starting at first relevant sales order >ѡĶѡһ۶ӵһص۶ʼ :No next sales order. Starting at first sales order >һ۶ӵһ۶ʼ :No next sales order. Restarting at beginning of file >һ۶ļͷ¿ʼ :No next sales order. Starting at first sales order >һ۶ӵһ۶ʼ :No next salesperson for this branch. Restarting at beginning >޴˷֧һԱӿͷ¿ʼ :No next salesperson. Restarting at beginning of file >һԱļͷ¿ʼ :No next salesperson. Restarting at the first salesperson for this branch >һԱӸ÷֧ĵһԱ¿ʼ :No next scheduling group. Restarting at beginning of file >һ顣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next scrap reason. Restarting at beginning of file >һַƷԭ򡣴ļͷ¿ʼ :No next selection for configuration. Restarting at beginning of file >һѡ񡣴ļͷ¿ʼ :No next serial number. Restarting at beginning of file >һк롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next service charge code. Restarting at beginning of file >һշѴ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next service charge for this stock code. Restarting at beginning of file >޴˿һշѡļͷ¿ʼ :No next service charge. Restarting at beginning of file >һշѡļͷ¿ʼ :No next set. Restarting at beginning of file >һļͷ¿ʼ :No next ship to address. Restarting at beginning of file >һַļͷ¿ʼ :No next shipping instruction code. Restarting at beginning of file >һװָʾ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next shipping instruction. Restarting at beginning of file >һװָʾļͷ¿ʼ :No next site. Restarting at beginning of file >һվ㡣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next size. Restarting at beginning of file >һߴ硣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next source code. Restarting at beginning of file >һԴ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next statement. Restarting at beginning of file >һļͷ¿ʼ :No next status matrix. Restarting at beginning of file >һ״̬ļͷ¿ʼ :No next status. Restarting at beginning of file >һ״̬ļͷ¿ʼ :No next stock code for this drawing. Restarting at beginning of file >ڸͼֽһ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next stock code for this supplier. Restarting at first stock code for this supplier >ڴ˹Ӧ̣һ롣Դ˹Ӧ̴ӵһ¿ʼ :No next stock code. Restarting at beginning of file >һ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next stock code. Restarting at beginning of file >һ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next stock code. Restarting at end of file >һ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No next stock code. Restarting at first stock code >һ롣ӵһ¿ʼ :No next stock code. Starting at the beginning of file >һ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next stock codes for this supplier. Restarting at first stock code for this supplier >ڴ˹Ӧ̣һ롣Դ˹Ӧ̴ӵһ¿ʼ :No next stock take record. Restarting at beginning of file >һ̵¼ļͷ¿ʼ :No next stock take record. Restarting at beginning of file >һ̵¼ļͷ¿ʼ :No next structure. Restarting at beginning of file >һֽṹļͷ¿ʼ :No next suggested purchase. Restarting at beginning of file >һνIJɹļͷ¿ʼ :No next suggested requisition. Restarting at beginning of file >һ빺ļͷ¿ʼ :No next suggested supply chain transfer for current source/target warehouse. Restarting at beginning of file >ڵǰԴֿ⣯Ŀֿ⣬һνĹӦתơļͷ¿ʼ :No next supplementary code. Restarting at beginning of file >һ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next supplier class. Restarting at beginning of file >һӦ̵ȼļͷ¿ʼ :No next supplier class. Restarting at beginning of file >һӦ̵ȼļͷ¿ʼ :No next supplier code. Restarting at beginning of file >һӦ̴롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next supplier for this stock code. Restarting at beginning of file >޴˿һӦ̡ļͷ¿ʼ :No next supplier with active contracts. Restarting at beginning of file >һ߱ЧͬĹӦ̡ļͷ¿ʼ :No next supplier with active purchase orders. Restarting at beginning of file >һ߱ЧɹĹӦ̡ļͷ¿ʼ :No next supplier. Restarting at beginning of file >һӦ̡ļͷ¿ʼ :No next table. Restarting at beginning of file >һļͷ¿ʼ :No next target record. Restarting at beginning of file >һĿ¼ļͷ¿ʼ :No next tariff code. Restarting at beginning of file >һ˰롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next tariff. Restarting at beginning of file >һֹ˰ļͷ¿ʼ :No next tax code. Restarting at beginning of file >һ˰մ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next terms code. Restarting at beginning of file >һ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next terms. Restarting at beginning of file >һļͷ¿ʼ :No next tool set code. Restarting at beginning of file >һ߼롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next tool set tool. Restarting at beginning of file >һ߼ߡļͷ¿ʼ :No next tool set. Restarting at beginning of file >һ顣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next tool. Restarting at beginning of file >һߡļͷ¿ʼ :No next tool. Restarting at beginning of file >һߡļͷ¿ʼ :No next unit of measure conversion. Restarting at beginning of file >һλתļͷ¿ʼ :No next unit of measure. Restarting at beginning of file >һλļͷ¿ʼ :No next user-defined journal source code. Restarting at beginning of file >һûռԴ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next user. Restarting at beginning of file >һûļͷ¿ʼ :No next valid component dependent. Restarting at beginning of file >һЧԡļͷ¿ʼ :No next vessel. Restarting at beginning of file >һҴֻļͷ¿ʼ :No next warehouse code. Restarting at beginning of file >һֿ롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next warehouse control record. Restarting at beginning of file >һֿƼ¼ļͷ¿ʼ :No next warehouse for this stock code. Restarting at beginning of file >ڴ˿룬һֿ⡣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next warehouse for this stock code. Restarting at beginning of file >ڴ˿룬һֿ⡣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next warehouse for this stock code. Starting at the beginning of file >޴˿һֿ⡣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next warehouse matrix. Restarting at beginning of file >һֿ󡣴ļͷ¿ʼ :No next warehouse. Restarting at beginning of file >һֿ⡣ļͷ¿ʼ :No next work center matrix. Restarting at beginning of file >һҵľ󡣴ļͷ¿ʼ :No next work center move matrix. Restarting at beginning of file >һҵı䶯󡣴ļͷ¿ʼ :No next work center to process. Restarting at beginning of file >һҪҵġļͷ¿ʼ :No next work center. Restarting at begining of file >һҵġļͷ¿ʼ :No next work center. Restarting at beginning of file >һҵġļͷ¿ʼ :No nextasset type. Restarting at beginning of file >һʲ͡ļͷ¿ʼ :No non-stock codes have been entered into the list >δбκηǿ :No non-stocked codes were found for these selection criteria >Щѡ׼ûҵǿ롣 :No notes to print >ûбעҪӡ :No of adjustments > :No of balance > :No of components (route '0') >·ߡ0 :No of components route zero >·Ϊ :No of copies > :No of credit notes >Ʊݷ :No of credits > :No of days before due date to release P/O >ڵ֮ǰͷŲɹ :No of days before due date to release PO >发行 PO 到期日期之前的天数 :No of days to retain buckets with zero quantity >Ͱ :No of days to retain price history >۸ʷ¼ :No of debit notes >跽Ʊݷ :No of decimals >С :No of deliveries > :No of delivery days > :No of dialog calls >Իд :No of discounts >ۿ۴ :No of docs >ļ :No of entries >Ŀ :No of entries processed >Ѵķ¼ :No of existing records >现有记录数目 :No of future >ԶڷƱ :No of graph points >ͼ :No of invoices >Ʊ :No of invoices listed >зƱ :No of items listed >Ŀ :No of labels >ǩ :No of labels per code >ÿıǩ :No of lines >行数 :No of lines excluded >ų :No of narration lines > :No of narration lines (1-60) >旁白行行数 (1-60) :No of orders > :No of payments > :No of periods > :No of periods EUL >ʹ :No of periods EUL cannot be %1 >ڹƿ(EUL)ĸΪ %1 :No of periods EUL cannot be 0 >ƿ(EUL)Ϊ0 :No of periosds EUL >ڸ EUL :No of persiods EUL >ڸ EUL :No of pieces > :No of points > :No of records >¼ :No of schedule dates across page >ʱҳ :No of spaces >ո :No of years EUL > EUL :No offers have been selected for printing >ûѡҪӡı :No offers selected for printing >δѡκҪӡı :No on file > :No opening balances for this month/year >·ݣκο :No operation allocation details >޲ϸ :No operation information has been supplied for job %1 >δΪҵ %1 ṩκβϢ :No operation issue details >κβǩϸ :No operations are attached to selected job. Program cancelled >δѡҵκβȡ :No operators have been entered >δκβԱ :No operators have been saved against this user >ڴûûбκβԱ :No order lines >޶ :No order lines exist for this order. Do you wish to cancel it? >ڸöκζСϣȡ :No order lines exist for this order. Do you wish to save the order? >ڸöκζСϣ涩 :No order lines were entered for this order. Do you wish to discard the order? >ڸöδκζСϣö :No orders have been entered into the list >ûбκζ :No orders to consolidate >ҪϲĶ :No overload exists for this work center >ҵIJڹװ :No override >޺ :No parent code was generated by the selection criteria processed >Ѵѡ׼δκ :No part category selected >ûѡ :No payments have been made. Do you wish to end the order? >ûκθϣֹ :No per EUL > EUL :No periods eul > eul :No pers EUL >ƿ :No preference >κѡ :No previous A/R permanent entry. Restarting at end >һ A/R Ŀڽβ¿ʼ :No previous Account. Restarting at the end of the file >һʻļβ¿ʼ :No previous Contact. Restarting at the end of the file >һϵˡļβ¿ʼ :No previous ECC drawing size code. Restarting at end of file >һͼֽߴ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous GRN. Restarting at end of file >һGRNļβ¿ʼ :No previous RMA. Restarting at end of file >һ˻Ȩ(RMA)ļβ¿ʼ :No previous TPM customer. Restarting at end of file >һó״(TPM)ͻļβ¿ʼ :No previous User variable. Restarting at last User variable >һûһû¿ʼ :No previous WIP inspection. Restarting at end of file >һ WIP 顣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous account. Restarting at end of file >һʻļβ¿ʼ :No previous accrual type. Restarting at end of file >һӦ͡ļβ¿ʼ :No previous active contract for this supplier. Starting at last active contract for this supplier >ڴ˹Ӧ̣һЧͬڴ˹Ӧ̣һЧĺͬʼ :No previous active customer dispatch note with selected status. Starting at last active dispatch note for this customer >ѡ״̬һЧĿͻڴ˿ͻһЧķʼ :No previous active customer with dispatches. Restarting at end of file >κһ߱ʸĿͻļβ¿ʼ :No previous active customer. Starting at last active dispatch for this customer >һЧͻڴ˿ͻһЧʼ :No previous active purchase order for this supplier. Starting at last active purchase order for this supplier >ڴ˹Ӧ̣һЧIJɹڴ˹Ӧ̣һЧIJɹʼ :No previous affected item. Restarting at end of file >һӰĿļβ¿ʼ :No previous allocation for this job. Restarting at end of file >޴ҵһ䡣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous allocation to process. Restarting at end of file >һҪķ䡣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous analysis category. Restarting at end of file >һ͡ļβ¿ʼ :No previous approved manufacturer part number. Restarting at beginning of file >һ׼롣ļͷ¿ʼ :No previous approved manufacturer part number. Restarting at end of file >һ׼롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous approved manufacturer supplier. Restarting at beginning of file >һ׼̹Ӧ̡ļͷ¿ʼ :No previous approved manufacturers. Restarting at end of file >һ׼̡ļβ¿ʼ :No previous area. Restarting at end of file >һļβ¿ʼ :No previous asset branch. Restarting at end of file >һʲ֧ļβ¿ʼ :No previous asset capex classification. Restarting at end of file >һʲʱ÷ࡣļβ¿ʼ :No previous asset capex type. Restarting at end of file >һʲʱ͡ļβ¿ʼ :No previous asset cost center for this branch. Restarting at end >޴˷֧һʲɱġڽβ¿ʼ :No previous asset cost center. Restarting at end of file >һʲɱġļβ¿ʼ :No previous asset depreciation code. Restarting at end of file >һʲ۾ɴ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous asset depreciation code. Restarting at end of file >һʲ۾ɴ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous asset expense code. Restarting at end of file >һʲô롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous asset expense code. Restarting at end of file >һʲô롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous asset group code. Restarting at end of file >һʲ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous asset group. Restarting at end of file >һʲ顣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous asset location. Restarting at end of file >һʲλáļβ¿ʼ :No previous asset mechanic. Restarting at end of file >һʲơļβ¿ʼ :No previous asset owner. Restarting at end of file >һʲߡļβ¿ʼ :No previous asset reason for disposal. Restarting at end of file >һʲԭļβ¿ʼ :No previous asset reason for revaluation. Restarting at end of file >һʲ¹ԭļβ¿ʼ :No previous asset status. Restarting at end of file >һʲ״̬ļβ¿ʼ :No previous asset status. Restarting at end of file >һʲ״̬ļβ¿ʼ :No previous asset trype. Restarting at end of file >һʲ͡ļβ¿ʼ :No previous asset type. Restarting at end of file >һʲ͡ļβ¿ʼ :No previous asset. Restarting at end of file >һʲļβ¿ʼ :No previous bank code. Restarting at end of file >һд롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous bank. Restarting at end of file >һСļβ¿ʼ :No previous bank. Restarting at end of file >һСļβ¿ʼ :No previous beneficiary. Restarting at end of file >һˡļβ¿ʼ :No previous bin for this stock code/warehouse. Restarting at end of file >޴˿룯ֿһ⡣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous branch code. Restarting at end of file >һ֧롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous branch. Restarting at end of file >һ֧ļβ¿ʼ :No previous branch. Restarting at end of file >һ֧ļβ¿ʼ :No previous budget. Restarting at end of file >һԤ㡣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous build schedule. Restarting at end of file >һƻļβ¿ʼ :No previous buyer. Restarting at end of file >һɹԱļβ¿ʼ :No previous buying group. Restarting at end of file >һɹ顣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous calculation code. Restarting at end of file >һ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous calendar. Restarting at end of file >һļβпʼ :No previous capex classification. Restarting at end of file >һʱ֧ࡣļβ¿ʼ :No previous capex item. Restarting at end of file >һʱ֧Ŀļβ¿ʼ :No previous capex number. Restarting at end of file >һʱ֧롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous capex type. Restarting at end of file >һʱ֧͡ļβ¿ʼ :No previous cash book permanent entry. Restarting at end >һֽʲӽβ¿ʼ :No previous cash drawer. Restarting at end of file >һֽƱˡļβ¿ʼ :No previous class. Restarting at end of file >һȼļβ¿ʼ :No previous co-product. Restarting at end of file >һͬƷļβ¿ʼ :No previous code for this branch/location. Restarting at end >÷֧λһ롣ڽβ¿ʼ :No previous code. Restarting at end of file >ǰһ룬ļβпʼ :No previous collection descriptor. Restarting at end of file >һļβ¿ʼ :No previous collection. Restarting at end of file >һϡļβ¿ʼ :No previous column. Restarting at end of file >һļβ¿ʼ :No previous comment code for this stock code. Restarting at end of file >ڴ˿룬һעʹ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous comment code for this supplier. Restarting at end of file >ڴ˹Ӧ̣һעʹ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous comment code. Restarting at end of file >һעʹ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous commission code. Restarting at end of file >һӶ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous commission code. Restarting at end of file >һӶ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous component for option. Restarting at end of file >һѡIJļβ¿ʼ :No previous component for selected phantom part. Restarting at last component >ѡĻӰһһ¿ʼ :No previous component. Restarting at end of file >һļββ¿ʼ :No previous configuration. Restarting at end of file >һáļβ¿ʼ :No previous constant code. Restarting at end of file >һ롣ļββ¿ʼ :No previous contract for this supplier / stock code combination. Restarting at last contract for this supplier / stock code >ڴ˹Ӧ̣ϣһݺͬԴ˹Ӧ̣һݺͬ¿ʼ :No previous contract for this supplier/stock code combination. Restarting at last contract for this supplier/stock code >޴˹Ӧ/ϵһݺͬڴ˹Ӧ/һݺͬ¿ʼ :No previous contract record to maintain. Restarting at end of file >Ҫάһͬ¼ļβ¿ʼ :No previous contract record. Restarting at end of file >һͬ¼ļβ¿ʼ :No previous contract. Restarting at end of file >һݺͬļββ¿ʼ :No previous cost center. Restarting at end of file >һɱġļββ¿ʼ :No previous country status within tariff code. Restarting at last country status within tariff code >˰һҡӹ˰ڵһֹ״̬¿ʼ :No previous criterion for selection. Restarting at end of file >һѡ׼ļββ¿ʼ :No previous cross reference record. Restarting at end of file >һ¼ļββ¿ʼ :No previous currency conversion. Restarting at end of file >һλתļββ¿ʼ :No previous currency. Restarting at end of file >һֻҡļβ¿ʼ :No previous currency. Restarting at end of file >һֻҡļββ¿ʼ :No previous customer . Restarting at end of file >һͻļβ¿ʼ :No previous customer class. Restarting at end of file >һͻȼļβ¿ʼ :No previous customer class. Restarting at end of file >һͻȼļββ¿ʼ :No previous customer code. Restarting at end of file >һͻ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous customer code.Restarting at end of file >һͻ롣ļββ¿ʼ :No previous customer purchase order with the selected order options. Restarting at last relevant order >ѡĶѡһݿͻ۶һض¿ʼ :No previous customer purchase order. Restarting at end of file >һݿͻɹļβ¿ʼ :No previous customer purchase order. Restarting at last customer purchase order >һݿͻɹһݿͻɹ¿ʼ :No previous customer sales order with the selected options. Starting at last relevant sales order for this customer >ѡѡһݿͻ۶ڴ˿ͻһص۶ʼ :No previous customer stock code. Restarting at end of file >һͻ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous customer with active dispatches. Restarting at end of file >һ߱ЧĿͻļβ¿ʼ :No previous customer with active sales orders. Restarting at end of file >һ߱Ч۶Ŀͻļβ¿ʼ :No previous customer with dispatch notes with selected status. Restarting at end of file >ѡ״̬һ߱Ŀͻļβ¿ʼ :No previous customer with the selected invoice options. Restarting at end of file >ѡķƱѡһҿͻļβ¿ʼ :No previous customer with the selected order options. Restarting at end of file >ѡĶѡһͻļβ¿ʼ :No previous customer. Restarting at beginning of file >һͻļͷ¿ʼ :No previous customer. Restarting at end of file >һͻļβ¿ʼ :No previous customer. Restarting at the end of file >һҿͻļβ¿ʼ :No previous date within currency. Restarting at last date within currency >ѡһڡӻѡڵһ¿ʼ :No previous deduction code. Restarting at end of file >һ۳롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous delivery address. Restarting at end of file >һַļβ¿ʼ :No previous delivery terms. Restarting at end of file >ǰļβпʼ :No previous demand for stock code warehouse combination. Restarting at end of file >ڿֿϣһ󡣴ļβ¿ʼ :No previous demand history period. Restarting at latest period >һʷڡһ¿ʼ :No previous department. Restarting at end of file >һšļβ¿ʼ :No previous departure date within vessel. Restarting at last departure date for vessel >ֻѡһڡӴֻѡһ¿ʼ :No previous depreciation code. Restarting at end of file >һ۾ɴ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous detail apportionment line. Restarting at end of file >һϸ̯Сļβ¿ʼ :No previous discount code. Restarting at end of file >һۿ۴롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous discount code. Restarting at end of file >һۿ۴롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous dispatch invoice number. Starting at last dispatch invoice number >һƱ롣һƱ뿪ʼ :No previous dispatch note for this customer purchase order / selection. Starting at last dispatch note for this customer purchase order >ڴ˿ͻIJɹѡһݷڴ˿ͻɹһݷʼ :No previous dispatch note for this customer purchase order. Starting at last dispatch note for this customer purchase order >ڸÿͻɹһݷڴ˿ͻɹһݷʼ :No previous dispatch note for this customer purchase order/selection. Starting at last dispatch note for this customer purchase order >޴˿ͻɹ/ѡһݷڴ˿ͻɹһݷ¿ʼ :No previous dispatch note for this invoice / selection. Starting at last dispatch note for this invoice >ڴ˷Ʊѡһݷڴ˷Ʊһݷʼ :No previous dispatch note for this invoice. Starting at last dispatch note for this invoice >ڸ÷Ʊһݷڴ˷Ʊһݷʼ :No previous dispatch note for this invoice/selection. Starting at last dispatch note for this invoice >ڴ˷Ʊѡһݷڴ˷Ʊһݷʼ :No previous dispatch note for this sales order. Starting at last dispatch note for this sales order >ڸ۶һݷڸ۶һݷʼ :No previous dispatch note with selected status for this order. Starting at last dispatch note for this order >ڴ˶޾߱ѡ״̬һݷڴ˶һݷʼ :No previous dispatch note. Restarting at last dispatch note >һݷһݷ¿ʼ :No previous dispatch note. Restarting at end of file >һݷļβ¿ʼ :No previous dispatch notes for this customer. Starting at last dispatch for this customer >ڸÿͻһݷڸÿͻһηʼ :No previous dispatch. Restarting at end of file >һηļβ¿ʼ :No previous drawing code. Restarting at end of file >һͼֽ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous drawing. Restarting at end of file >һͼֽļβ¿ʼ :No previous element code. Restarting at end of file >һԪش롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous element structure for this stock code. Restarting at end of file >ڴ˿룬һҪؽṹļβ¿ʼ :No previous element. Restarting at end of file >һҪءļβ¿ʼ :No previous employee code. Restarting at end of file >һԱ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous employee rate. Restarting at end of file >һԱʡļβ¿ʼ :No previous employee. Restarting at end of file >һԱļβ¿ʼ :No previous engineering change order. Restarting at end of file >һݹ̱䶯ļβ¿ʼ :No previous expense code. Restarting at end of file >һô롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous extended tax code. Restarting at end of file >һչ˰롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous field. Restarting at end of file >һֶΡļβ¿ʼ :No previous fields. Restarting at last field >һֶΡһֶ¿ʼ :No previous file. Restarting at end of file >һļļβ¿ʼ :No previous files. Restarting at end of file >һļļβ¿ʼ :No previous forecast. Restarting at end of file >һԤ⡣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous foreign price. Restarting at end of file >һ۸񡣴ļβ¿ʼ :No previous format. Restarting at end of file >һָʽļβ¿ʼ :No previous geographic area. Restarting at end of file >һļβ¿ʼ :No previous geographic area. Restarting at end of file >һ򡣴ļβ¿ʼ :No previous group of suggested SCT lines to create a sales order. Restarting at end of file >һSCTе飬Դ۶ļβ¿ʼ :No previous group of suggested purchases to create a purchase order. Restarting at end of file >һɹ飬Դɹļβ¿ʼ :No previous group of suggested requisitions to create a purchase order. Restarting at end of file >һ빺Դɹļβ¿ʼ :No previous group. Restarting at end of file >һ顣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous hierarchy code. Restarting at end of file >һδ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous hierarchy. Restarting at end of file >һΡļβ¿ʼ :No previous hierarchy. Restarting at end of file >һΡļβ¿ʼ :No previous intrastat transaction. Restarting at end of file >һintrastatסļβ¿ʼ :No previous invoice discount. Restarting at end of file >һƱۿۡļβ¿ʼ :No previous invoice for this supplier. Restarting at end of invoices >ڴ˹Ӧ̣һݷƱӷƱβ¿ʼ :No previous invoice term. Restarting at end of file >һƱĿļβ¿ʼ :No previous invoice terms. Restarting at end of file >һƱޡļβ¿ʼ :No previous invoice. Restarting at end of file >һݷƱļβ¿ʼ :No previous invoice. Restarting at end of file >һݷƱļβ¿ʼ :No previous item. Restarting at end of file >һĿļβ¿ʼ :No previous job class. Restarting at end of file >һҵȼļβ¿ʼ :No previous job classification. Restarting at end of file >һҵࡣļβ¿ʼ :No previous job. Restarting at end of file >һҵļβ¿ʼ :No previous jobs. Restarting at end of file >һҵļβ¿ʼ :No previous key. Restarting at end of file >һؼ֡ļβ¿ʼ :No previous ledger code. Restarting at end of file >һƿĿ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous library code. Restarting at end of file >һݿ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous library for this configuration. Restarting at end of file >ڴãһϢ⡣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous line within purchase order. Restarting at last line for this purchase order >ɹһСڴ˲ɹһ¿ʼ :No previous location code. Restarting at end of file >һλô롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous location. Restarting at end of file >һλáļβпʼ :No previous lot number. Restarting at end of file >һκ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous machine code. Restarting at end of file >һ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous machine. Restarting at end of file >һ̨ļβ¿ʼ :No previous mail selection. Restarting at end of file >һʼѡ񡣴ļβ¿ʼ :No previous manufacturer. Restarting at end of file >һ̡ļβ¿ʼ :No previous master release record for this customer. Restarting at end of file >ڴ˿ͻһͷż¼ļβ¿ʼ :No previous mechanic. Restarting at end of file >һʦļβ¿ʼ :No previous model. Restarting at end of file >һģ͡ļβ¿ʼ :No previous nationality code. Restarting at end of file >һ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous nationality. Restarting at end of file >һֹļβ¿ʼ :No previous nature of transaction. Restarting at end of file >һʡļβпʼ :No previous non-productive code. Restarting at end of file >һ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous non-stocked code. Restarting at end of file >һǿ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous non-stocked item. Restarting at end of file >һǿƷļβ¿ʼ :No previous operation for option. Restarting at end of file >һѡIJļβ¿ʼ :No previous operation record. Restarting at end of file >һ¼ļβ¿ʼ :No previous operation to maintain. Restarting at highest incomplete operation >һҪάIJӸߵͼδɲ¿ʼ :No previous operator. Restarting at end of file >һԱļβ¿ʼ :No previous option for configuration. Restarting at end of file >һѡļβ¿ʼ :No previous order type. Restarting at end of file >һ͡ļβ¿ʼ :No previous order with the selected invoice options. Restarting at end of file >ڸѡƱѡһݶļβ¿ʼ :No previous payment code. Restarting at end of file >һ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous payment interface. Restarting at end of file >һ档ļβ¿ʼ :No previous payment run. Restarting at end of file >һθСļβ¿ʼ :No previous planner. Restarting at end of file >һƻԱļβ¿ʼ :No previous post dated check. Restarting at end of file >һ֧Ʊļβ¿ʼ :No previous post dated checks. Restarting at end of file >һԶ֧Ʊļβ¿ʼ :No previous price code for this stock code. Restarting at end of file >޴˿һ۸롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous price code. Restarting at end of file >һ۸롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous printer code. Restarting at end of file >һӡ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous problem code. Restarting at end of file >һ롣ļβпʼ :No previous product class defaults. Restarting at end of file >һƷȼĬֵļβ¿ʼ :No previous product class for this branch. Restarting at end >޴˷֧һƷȼӽβ¿ʼ :No previous product class. Restarting at end of file >һƷȼļβ¿ʼ :No previous product class. Restarting at the last product class for this branch >һƷȼӸ÷֧һƷȼ¿ʼ :No previous product group. Restarting at end of file >һƷ顣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous promotion code. Restarting at end of file >һ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous prompt. Restarting at last prompt >һʾһʾ¿ʼ :No previous purchase order. Restarting at end of file >һݲɹļβ¿ʼ :No previous purchase order. Restarting at the end of file >һݲɹļβ¿ʼ :No previous quantity. Restarting at end of file >һļβ¿ʼ :No previous quotation. Restarting at end of file >һݱۡļβ¿ʼ :No previous rate code. Restarting at end of file >һʴ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous reason code. Restarting at end of file >һԭ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous reason for disposal. Restarting at end of file >һԭļβ¿ʼ :No previous reason for revaluation. Restarting at end of file >һ¹ԭļβ¿ʼ :No previous reason. Restarting at end of file >һԭ򡣴ļβ¿ʼ :No previous record. Restarting at end of file >һ¼ļβ¿ʼ :No previous reference for this stock code/supplier. Restarting at end of file >޴˿/Ӧ̵һ֤ˡļβ¿ʼ :No previous reference. Restarting at end of file >һοļβ¿ʼ :No previous release master customer. Restarting at end of file >һͷͻļβ¿ʼ :No previous requisition. Restarting at end of file >ǰ빺ļβ¿ʼ :No previous requisitions. Restarting at end of file >һļβ¿ʼ :No previous requistions. Restarting at end of file >һ빺ļβ¿ʼ :No previous resolution code. Restarting at end of file >һ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous resource code. Restarting at end of file >һԴ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous resource mask description for this work center. Restarting at end of file >޴ҵĵһԴļβ¿ʼ :No previous resource mask description. Restarting at end of file >һԴļβ¿ʼ :No previous resource. Restarting at end of file >һԴļβ¿ʼ :No previous revaluation category. Restarting at end of file >һ𡣴ļβ¿ʼ :No previous route code. Restarting at end of file >һ·ߴ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous route. Restarting at end of file >һ·ߡļβ¿ʼ :No previous rule. Restarting at end of file >һļβ¿ʼ :No previous sales order with the selected order options. Starting at last relevant sales order >ѡĶѡһ۶һص۶ʼ :No previous sales order. Starting at last sales order >һ۶һ۶ʼ :No previous sales order. Restarting at end of file >һ۶ļβ¿ʼ :No previous sales order. Restarting at last sales order >һ۶һ۶¿ʼ :No previous sales order. Starting at last sales order >һ۶һ۶ʼ :No previous salesperson for this branch. Restarting at end >޴˷֧һԱӽβ¿ʼ :No previous salesperson. Restarting at end of file >һԱļ¿ʼ :No previous salesperson. Restarting at the last salesperson for this branch >һԱӸ÷֧һԱ¿ʼ :No previous scheduling group. Restarting at end of file >һ顣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous scrap reason. Restarting at end of file >һƷԭ򡣴ļβ¿ʼ :No previous selected stock code. Restaring at end of file >һѡ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous selection for configuration. Restarting at end of file >һѡ񡣴ļβ¿ʼ :No previous selections found >δҵǰѡ :No previous serial number. Restarting at end of file >һк롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous service charge code. Restarting at end of file >һշѴ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous service charge for this stock code. Restarting at end of file >޴˿һշѡļβ¿ʼ :No previous service charge. Restarting at end of file >һշѡļβ¿ʼ :No previous set. Restarting at end of file >һļβпʼ :No previous ship to address. Restarting at end of file >һͻַļβ¿ʼ :No previous shipping instruction code. Restarting at end of file >һװָʾ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous shipping instruction. Restarting at end of file >һװָʾļβ¿ʼ :No previous site. Restarting at end of file >һվ㡣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous size. Restarting at end of file >һߴ硣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous source code. Restarting at end of file >һԴ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous statement. Restarting at end of file >һļβ¿ʼ :No previous status matrix. Restarting at end of file >һ״̬ļβ¿ʼ :No previous status. Restarting at end of file >һ״̬ļβ¿ʼ :No previous stock code for this drawing. Restarting at end of file >ڸͼֽһ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous stock code for this supplier. Restarting at last stock code for this supplier >ڴ˹Ӧ̣һ롣Դ˹Ӧ̴һ¿ʼ :No previous stock code. Restarting at end of file >һ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous stock code. Restarting at the end of file >һ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous stock code. Starting at the end of file >һ롣ļβʼ :No previous stock codes for this supplier. Restarting at last stock code for this supplier >ڴ˹Ӧ̣һ롣Դ˹Ӧ̴һ¿ʼ :No previous stock take record. Restarting at end of file >һ̵¼ļβ¿ʼ :No previous stock take record. Restarting at end of file >һ̵¼ļβ¿ʼ :No previous structure. Restarting at end of file >һṹļβ¿ʼ :No previous suggested purchase. Restarting at end of file >һνIJɹļβ¿ʼ :No previous suggested requisition. Restarting at end of file >һν빺ļβ¿ʼ :No previous suggested supply chain transfer for current source/target warehouse. Restarting at beginning of file >ڵǰԴĿֿ⣬һνĹӦתơļͷ¿ʼ :No previous supplementary code. Restarting at end of file >һ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous supplier class. Restarting at end of file >һӦ̵ȼļβ¿ʼ :No previous supplier class. Restarting at end of file >һӦ̵ȼļβ¿ʼ :No previous supplier code. Restarting at end of file >һӦ̴롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous supplier for this stock code. Restarting at end of file >޴˿һӦ̡ļβ¿ʼ :No previous supplier with active contracts. Restarting at end of file >һ߱ЧͬĹӦ̡ļβ¿ʼ :No previous supplier with active purchase orders. Restarting at end of file >һ߱ЧɹĹӦ̡ļβ¿ʼ :No previous supplier. Restarting at end of file >һӦ̡ļβ¿ʼ :No previous supplier. Restating at end of file >һӦ̡ļβ¿ʼ :No previous table. Restarting at end of file >һļβ¿ʼ :No previous target record. Restarting at end of file >һĿ¼ļβ¿ʼ :No previous tariff code. Restarting at end of file >һ˰롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous tariff. Restarting at end of file >һֹ˰ļβ¿ʼ :No previous tax code. Restarting at end of file >һ˰մ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous terms code. Restarting at end of file >һ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous terms. Restarting at end of file >һļ¿ʼ :No previous tool set code. Restarting at end of file >һ߼롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous tool set tool. Restarting at end of file >һ߼ߡļβ¿ʼ :No previous tool set. Restarting at end of file >һ顣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous tool. Restarting at end of file >һߡļβ¿ʼ :No previous unit of measure conversion. Restarting at end of file >һλתļβ¿ʼ :No previous unit of measure. Restarting at end of file >һλļβ¿ʼ :No previous user-defined journal source code. Restarting at end of file >һûռԴ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous user. Restarting at end of file >һûļβ¿ʼ :No previous valid component dependent. Restarting at end of file >һЧĴļβ¿ʼ :No previous vessel. Restarting at end of file >һҴֻļβ¿ʼ :No previous warehouse code. Restarting at end of file >һֿ롣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous warehouse control record. Restarting at end of file >һֿƼ¼ļβ¿ʼ :No previous warehouse for this stock code. Restarting at end of file >ڴ˿룬һֿ⡣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous warehouse for this stock code. Starting at the end of file >޴˿һֿ⡣ļβʼ :No previous warehouse matrix. Restarting at end of file >һֿ󡣴ļβ¿ʼ :No previous warehouse. Restarting at end of file >һֿ⡣ļβ¿ʼ :No previous work center matrix. Restarting at end of file >һҵľ󡣴ļβ¿ʼ :No previous work center move matrix. Restarting at end of file >һҵı䶯󡣴ļβ¿ʼ :No previous work center to process. Restarting at end of file >һҪҵġļβ¿ʼ :No previous work center. Restarting at end of file >һҵġļβ¿ʼ :No price codes have been entered into the list >ûбκμ۸ :No price entered or retrieved >δκμ۸ :No prices entered >δκμ۸ :No printing >޴ӡ :No processing options have been selected >ûѡκδѡ :No product classes have been selected >δѡκβƷ :No program access shown >޳ʾ :No programs have been selected, cannot apply >ûѡκγ޷Ӧ :No purchase order details >޲ɹϸ :No purchase order details to export >޴IJɹϸ :No purchase orders exist with the selected order options. Change selection criteria? >ѡĶѡڲɹҪѡ׼ :No purchase orders for element >Ҫأ޲ɹ :No purchase orders for this stock code, >ڱ롣ڲɹ :No purchase orders have been entered into the list >ûбκβɹ :No purchase orders to select for review, according to the options entered >ûиѡѡɹԽ :No purchase orders were found that matched the criteria selected >ûҵѡ׼ȵIJɹ :No quantity on back order on line '%1' order '%2' > '%1' '%2' еڽ :No reason given by administrator >Աδκԭ :No records starting with 'R' or 'S' detected in file. Function cancelled >ļûм⵽'R''S'ʼļ¼ܱȡ :No renumbering after job added >ҵδ± :No renumbering after job confirmed >ȷҵδ± :No renumbering after job started >ʼҵδ± :No renumbering of started operations >δѿʼ± :No requisition lines have been selected >ûѡκε빺 :No requisitions exist with the selected status options. Change selection criteria? >ѡ״̬ѡκ빺Ҫѡ׼ :No requisitions were found that matched the criteria selected >δҵѡ׼ƥκ빺 :No requisitions with selected status' for this user >ڸûκξ߱ѡ״̬κ빺 :No resource requirements are on file >ļвκԴҪ :No response >޷Ӧ :No results were found >δҵκν :No roles selected >δѡκְ :No route >· :No routes for this stock code >ڸÿ룬κ· :No run-time prompts defined >未定义任何运行时提示 :No sales and adjustment details >ۺ͵ϸ :No sales order details to export >Ҫ۶ϸ :No sales order lines exist for this stock code >ڸÿ룬κ۶С :No sales order lines found for stock code '%1' >δҵ '%1' κ۶ :No sales order link >۶ :No sales orders exist for this customer >ڸÿͻκ۶ :No sales orders exist with the selected order options. Change selection criteria? >ѡĶѡ۶Ҫѡ׼ :No sales record for this customer. Accept? >ڸÿͻκۼ¼Ҫ :No sales record found. Accept? >δҵκۼ¼Ҫ :No sales transactions have been created yet. Do you wish save the header information? >δκ۽סϣҳüϢ? :No sales transactions have been created yet. Do you wish to save the header information? >δκ۽סϣҳüϢ? :No scheduled releases in range >κѱඩƻԤǩ :No search options have been selected >ûѡκѡ :No search options specified >ûָκѡ :No security >κΰȫ :No selection criteria defined for configuration. Program cancelled >δΪöκѡ׼ȡ :No selection criteria have been processed and no components or operations have been selected >δκѡ׼δѡκβ :No selection criteria have been processed and no components or operations have been selected for this configuration >ڸδκѡ׼δѡκβ :No selections have been made >δκѡ :No serial numbers supplied. Stock code '%1' is serialized >δṩκϵк롣 '%1' ϵл :No serial numbers supplied. Stock code '%1' is serialized. >δṩκϵк롣 '%1' ϵлġ :No shipment found for p/order '%1', line '%2' >ڲɹ '%1' '%2' δҵκλ :No significant errors were found >δҵκش :No source ledger code specified. Please enter source ledger code to continue >δָκԴʴ롣Դʴִ :No statistical ledger code specified. Please enter statistical ledger code to continue >δָκͳƷʴ롣ͳƷʴִ :No stock >޿ :No stock code entered >û :No stock codes can be displayed because access is denied to all warehouses >ûпʾκο룬Ϊȫֿķʾܾ :No stock codes defined for inventory list >δԴбκο :No stock codes defined in stock code list >δڿбжκο :No stock codes found selected warehouse >ѡֿ⣬δҵκο :No stock codes have been entered into the list >ûбκο :No stock codes match the entered criteria >κοƥı׼ :No stock master details to export >ûҪĿϸ :No sub categories on file for this category >ڴ𲻴 :No subcontract allocation details >Ӻͬϸ :No subcontract details >Ӻͬϸ :No subcontract issue details >κηְǩϸ :No subcontract outstanding purchase order details >޷ְδִвɹϸ :No such warehouse for this stock item >ڴ˿Ʒڴֿ :No suggested jobs were found that matched the criteria selected >δҵѡ׼ƥκνҵ :No suggested purchases were found that matched the criteria selected >δҵѡ׼ƥκνɹ :No supplier / stock code cross-references exist for this supplier >ڴ˹Ӧ̣κιӦ̣ :No supplier/stock code cross-references exist for this supplier >ڴ˹Ӧ̵κιӦ/ղο :No supply chain transfers were found that matched the criteria selected >δҵѡ׼ƥκιӦת :No targets found >δҵκĿ :No templates available >κοģ :No tiered thresholds entered >δκηֲֵ :No tracked workflow instances available with the current filter >ǰκο׷ٹʵ :No transactions could be found >ûҵκν :No transactions have been selected >ûѡκν :No transactions have been selected for release >δѡҪǩĽ :No transactions were selected for payemnt >δѡκҪĽ :No transactions were selected for payment >δѡҪĽ :No transactions were selected for processing >δѡκдĽ :No transactions were selected for release >δѡҪǩĽ :No update >޸ :No valid lines were found for this invoice >ڴ˷ƱûҵκЧ :No valid lines were found to apportion quantity over >ûҵ·ΧЧ :No valid prices available for this order line >ڸöκοЧ۸ :No valid suggested requisitions are selected to create an order >δѡڴκЧ빺 :No valid work center on work center master file >ҵļЧҵ :No validation >κ֤ :No value entered to post to the Ledger >δκⷢ˵ļֵ :No values are associated with this selection and its criteria >κֵѡ׼ :No visual theme >޿ӷ :No warehouse for selected stock code >κѡIJֿ :No warehouses available for these selected options >Щѡѡ޿òֿ :No warehouses selected >δѡκβֿ :No warehouses selected under warehouse list >ڲֿбδѡκβֿ :No warehouses specified >ûָκβֿ :No weighted ledger code specified. Please enter weighted ledger code to continue >δָκμȨʴ롣ȨʴԼ :No wildcard characters found >δҵκͨ :No work centers were found according to the selection criteria specified. Do you wish to run the Overload Identification again? >ָѡ׼ûҵκҵġϣйʶ :No zoom facilities are available for this entry >ڸĿκοŹ :No, can only change temporary date >ֻɸʱ :No. lines > :No. lost sales >Ŷʧ :No. of '%1' to represent one >һ '%1' ĸ :No. of '*' to represent one >һ'*'ĸ :No. of Payments > :No. of accepted stock codes >ѽܿ :No. of days > :No. of days after demurrage >ɽ֮ :No. of days before eta >Ԥڵʱ֮ǰ :No. of days for demurrage >ɽ :No. of decimals >С :No. of documents printed >ѴӡļĿ :No. of invoices >Ʊ :No. of rejected stock codes >ջ :No. of times captured >Ĵ :No. order lines >Ŷ :No. orders >Ŷ :No.of decimals >С :Node caption >ڵ :Non Current Structures >ǵǰṹ :Non Detail >ϸ :Non MPS >Ҫƻ :Non MPS item >ƻ(MPS)Ŀ :Non Merch Prd class >ƷƷ :Non Productive Analysis > :Non Productive Code > :Non Productive Codes > :Non Productive Codes record locked >¼ :Non Stocked Alternate Stock >ǿ汸ÿ :Non Stocked Code >ǿ :Non Stocked Control >޿ :Non merchandise >Ʒ :Non merchandise actual >实际非商品 :Non merchandise actual total >实际非商品合计 :Non merchandise expected >所预期非商品 :Non merchandise expected total >所预期非商品合计 :Non productive > :Non productive Maintenance >ά :Non productive code selection >ѡ :Non stock uom >非库存计量单位 :Non stocked >ǿ :Non stocked Line >ǿ :Non stocked Price/Cost Maintenance >ǿ۸/ɱά :Non stocked line not saved >δǿ :Non taxable >˰ :Non traceable >Ǹٵ :Non-Current Structures >ǵǰṹ :Non-Description > :Non-MPS Item >MPSĿ :Non-MPS items >MPSĿ :Non-Merchandise Custom Fields >ƷԶֶ :Non-Productive Labor Analysis > :Non-Stk Lot %1 >ǿ %1 :Non-Stocked - H/O >ǿ - H/O :Non-Stocked Code Deletion >ǿɾ :Non-Stocked Code Maintenance >ǿά :Non-Stocked Line Information >ǿϢ :Non-Stocked Parent >ǿ :Non-Stocked Review >ǿ :Non-Stocked description >ǿ :Non-Stocked details >ǿϸ :Non-conformance Allocation >Ƿ :Non-conformance Material Allocation >Ϸ :Non-conformity flag >־ :Non-current > :Non-current Assets >ʲ :Non-current Liabilities >ծ :Non-current ass turnover >ʲӪҵ :Non-exempt > :Non-exempt:Other tax code >Ǽ: ˰մ :Non-exempt:Tax code >Ǽ: ˰մ :Non-matched invoice report >ƥ䷢Ʊ :Non-merch distribution >Ʒ :Non-merchandise Distribution >Ʒ :Non-merchandise apportionment >Ʒ̯ :Non-merchandise cost >Ʒɱ :Non-merchandise cost details >非商品成本明细 :Non-merchandise cost must be negative >ƷɱΪ :Non-merchandise details >Ʒϸ :Non-merchandise distribution not complete >δɷƷ :Non-merchandise value for this line >еķƷֵ :Non-milestone operation >̱ :Non-prod analysis dated before >֮ǰڵķ :Non-prod analysis records dated before >֮ǰδ׼ķ¼ :Non-production > :Non-productive > :Non-productive Code Maintenance >ά :Non-productive Codes >Դ :Non-productive Labor Analysis in Progress >ִз˹ :Non-productive code > :Non-productive code '%1' not found >δҵ '%1' :Non-productive code description > :Non-productive code selection >ѡ :Non-productive records deleted >ɾ¼ :Non-productive time ledger codes >ʱʴ :Non-productive time not posted to job >δҵʵķʱ :Non-productive time to update job >ʱҵ :Non-stk Price-Cost Maintenance >ǿ۸-ɱά :Non-stk Price/Cost Maintenance >ǿ۸/ɱά :Non-stock >ǿ :Non-stock Code List >ǿб :Non-stock Price/ >ǿ۸ :Non-stock Price/Cost Maintenance >ǿ۸/ɱά :Non-stock code >ǿ :Non-stock code '%1' already exists as a stocked item in Inventory >ǿ '%1' ΪĿѴ :Non-stock code is a bought-out item. Bought-out items may only be selected if the option 'Explode bought-out items with structures' has been selected >ǿ⹺Ŀ:ֻѡѡ"ֽ߱ṹ⹺Ŀ"ʱѡ⹺Ŀ :Non-stock code not on file >ǿ벻 :Non-stock code selection >ǿѡ :Non-stock line >ǿ :Non-stocked >ǿ :Non-stocked Code Review >ǿ :Non-stocked Code Review Criteria >ǿ˱׼ :Non-stocked Codes >ǿ :Non-stocked Codes List Selection >ǿбѡ :Non-stocked Codes Purged >ǿ :Non-stocked Details Maintenance >ǿϸά :Non-stocked EDI items >ǿEDIĿ :Non-stocked G/L Control Account >ǿG/Lʻ :Non-stocked GL Control Account >ǿ GL ˻ :Non-stocked Information >ǿϢ :Non-stocked Item >ǿĿ :Non-stocked Items >ǿĿ :Non-stocked Line >ǿ :Non-stocked Maintenance >ǿά :Non-stocked Misc & Freight (Cr) >ǿӷѺ˷ѣ :Non-stocked Misc & Freight (Dr) >ǿӷѺ˷ѣ跽 :Non-stocked Offer Entry >ǿ汨 :Non-stocked Price-Cost Maintenance >非库存价格-成本维护 :Non-stocked Price/Cost Maintenance >非库存价格/成本维护 :Non-stocked Product Class >ǿƷȼ :Non-stocked Purchase Prices >ǿ :Non-stocked WIP ledger code >ǿ WIP ˴ :Non-stocked action >ǿж :Non-stocked allocations >ǿ :Non-stocked auto >ǿԶ :Non-stocked auto generation prefix >ǿԶǰ׺ :Non-stocked class >ǿȼ :Non-stocked code >ǿ :Non-stocked code %1 already exists >ǿ %1 Ѵ :Non-stocked code %1 already exists. >ǿ %1 Ѵڡ :Non-stocked code '%1' is unique to quotation '%2' for which it was generated >ǿ '%1' Ϊɵı '%2' Ψһ :Non-stocked code '%1' not found >δҵǿ '%1' :Non-stocked code desc >ǿ :Non-stocked code filter >ǿ :Non-stocked code is a bought out item >ǿ⹺Ŀ :Non-stocked code is under development >ǿдڿ :Non-stocked code list selection >ǿбѡ :Non-stocked code not on file >ǿ벻 :Non-stocked code not on file. Do you wish to add it? >ǿ벻ڡϣ :Non-stocked code purge options >ǿѡ :Non-stocked code record locked >ǿ¼ :Non-stocked code selection >ǿѡ :Non-stocked codes description >ǿ :Non-stocked components >ǿ沿 :Non-stocked control >ǿ :Non-stocked detail >ǿϸ :Non-stocked items not allowed in e.net Order Entry application >e.netӦóвʹ÷ǿĿ :Non-stocked items selection >ǿĿѡ :Non-stocked lines >ǿ :Non-stocked mass per unit >ǿ浥λ :Non-stocked merch. cost >ǿƷɱ :Non-stocked merchandise >ǿƷ :Non-stocked misc and freight (Cr) >ǿ˷ (Cr) :Non-stocked p/class >ǿƷȼ :Non-stocked parent details >ǿϸ :Non-stocked parent part >ǿ :Non-stocked profit >ǿ :Non-stocked purge options >ǿѡ :Non-stocked route >ǿ· :Non-stocked sales order unit costs >ǿ۶λɱ :Non-stocked u/m >ǿλ :Non-stocked uom >ǿλ :Non-stocked volume per unit >ǿ浥λ :Non-stocked warehouse >ǿֿ :Non-stocked warehouse cannot be added >޷ӷǿֿ :Non-stocked, Freight and Misc. Charges >ǿƷ˷Ѽӷ :Non-stocked, Freight and Misc.Charges >ǿƷ˷Ѽӷ :Non-taxable >˰ :Non-taxable amount >˰ :Non-taxable invoice >˰Ʊ :Non-word >Ǵʻ :Non-word form >ֱ :Non-working >ҵ :Non-working Day >ҵ :Non-working days >ҵ :Non-working days from the company calendar will become non-working days for this work center. Ok to proceed? >˾ϵķҵսΪҵĵķҵաȷҪ :Non-zero history record for prior year/years exist. Selected ledger code may not be deleted >ǰȵķʷ¼ɾѡķʴ :Non-zero history record for prior-year/years exist. Continue with the deletion of the Forced Balance ledger code >ǰȵķʷ¼ִǿʴɾ :None > :None (0) > (0) :None of the files scheduled for conversion were found for this company >ڴ˹˾ûҵκμƻҪתļ :None of the files scheduled for conversion were found for this company. Ok to update the version number in the Company Control File to %1? >δҵ˹˾κŶתļȷҪ˾ļеİ汾Ÿµ %1 ? :None of the files scheduled for conversion were found for this company. Ok to update the version number in the Company Control File to 5.1? >ڴ˹˾ûҵκμƻҪתļȷҪ˾ļеİ汾Ÿµ5.1 :None of the files scheduled for conversion were found for this company. Ok to update the version number in the Company Control File to 6.0? >ڴ˹˾ûҵκμƻҪתļȷҪ˾ļеİ汾Ÿµ60 :Normal > :Normal Capacity per Unit/Day >ÿλձ׼ :Normal General Ledger Journals >׼ܷռ :Normal Journal Entries >ռ :Normal Journal Entries for Journal >ռʵijռ :Normal Journal Header >ռʱͷ :Normal Journal Options >ռѡ :Normal Report Mode >ģʽ :Normal capacity per day >ÿ :Normal capacity per unit per day may not be zero >λΪ :Normal capacity per unit/day may not be zero >ÿλձ׼Ϊ :Normal capacity/day/unit >//λ :Normal date (xx/xx/xx) >(xx/xx/xx) :Normal distribution > :Normal journal >ռ :Normal journal selection >ռѡ :Normal journals >ռ :Normal order >涩 :Normal report mode (all records) >汨ģʽм¼ :Normal report mode (all rows) >汨ģʽ :Normal reqn with PO created & receipted >߱Ѵջ PO ij빺 :Normal rounding >· :Normal work center >ҵ :Norwegian >Ų :Not All >ȫ :Not Deleted >δɾ :Not Disposed >δ :Not ECC Controlled >ECCƵ :Not Found >δҵ :Not Ok With Customer Details >ʺϾ߱ͻ :Not Posted >δ :Not Secured >δö :Not a MPS item >ƻ(MPS)Ŀ :Not a subcontract operation >Ƿְ :Not actioned >δ :Not all AR journals have been posted >非所有 AR 日记账均已过账 :Not all check have been printed. Program cancelled >Ѵӡ֧Ʊȡ :Not all checks have been printed. Program cancelled >Ѵӡ֧Ʊȡ :Not all non-stock items updated will be displayed due to the options set >趨ѡʾѸµķǿƷ :Not all non-zero rate tax codes have the required G/L accounts setup >ȫķ˰մ붼G/Lʻ :Not all non-zero rate tax codes have the required GL accounts setup >з˰߱Ҫ GL ˻ :Not all requisition users contain a group. All requisition users need to have a valid group attached, in order to keep requisition budgets >빺û顣빺ûҪЧ飬Ա빺Ԥ :Not all tax codes have an A/P tax ledger code >е˰մ붼A/P˰շʴ :Not all tax codes have an AP tax ledger code >˰߱ AP ˰˴ :Not allocated >δ :Not allowed > :Not allowed to change tax code or tax status for line containing stock code '%1' >İ '%1' е˰մ˰״̬ :Not an EDI supplier >ֽó(EDI)Ӧ :Not an EFT bank >EFT :Not an hierarchical job >Dzҵ :Not an internal work center >ڲҵ :Not applicable > :Not attached as a sub job to master job '%1' >δΪҵҵ '%1' :Not checked >δѡ :Not classified >δ :Not complete > :Not configured by role >δְ :Not contract price customer >Ǻͬ۸ͻ :Not correct currency code >ȷĻҴ :Not costed >未合算成本 :Not created >δ :Not currency of bank >л :Not enough quantity on hand for bin '%1' >ڿ '%1' ޳ :Not enough quantity on hand for bin '%1' lot '%2'. Only '%3' will be issued >ڿ '%1' '%2' ޳ֻǩ '%3' :Not enough quantity on hand for bin '%1' lot '%2'. Only '%3' will be released >ڿ '%1' '%2' ޳ֻ '%3' :Not enough quantity on hand for bin '%1'. Only '%2' will be issued >ڿ '%1' ޳ֻǩ '%2' :Not enough quantity on hand for bin '%1'. Only '%2' will be released >ڿ '%1' ޳ֻ '%2' :Not enough quantity on hand for lot '%1'. Only '%2' will be issued > '%1' ޳ֻǩ '%2' :Not enough quantity on hand for lot '%1'. Only '%2' will be released > '%1' ޳ֻ '%2' :Not enough quantity on hand for serial '%1'. Only '%2' will be released >ϵ '%1' ޳ֻ '%2' :Not equal to >不等于 :Not fixed >ǹ̶ :Not in resource structure >Դṹ :Not in use >δʹ :Not last day of the month. Please check period %1 Current >Ǹ·ݵһ졣鵱ǰ%1 :Not last day of the month. Please check period %1 Previous >Ǵ·ݵһ졣һ%1 :Not later than start date >ڿʼ :Not linked to G/L >不链接到 G/L :Not linked to G/L - Distribution Report only >不链接到 G/L - 仅限分配报告 :Not loaded >未加载 :Not loaded by FFS > FFS װ :Not loaded during F.F.S >FFSڼδ :Not mandatory >DZ :Not of File > :Not on File > :Not on Header file >ҳüļ :Not printed >δӡ :Not required >Ҫ :Not running > :Not same currency >ͬһֻ :Not set by administrator >ɹԱ :Not started >δʼ :Not stock interchange customer >ǿ滥ͻ :Not stocked /non stocked. Create a sundry consignment? >δ棯ǿ档Ҫ :Not stocked in selected warehouse >ѡֿûп :Not stocked in selected wh. Continue >ѡֿûп档 :Not stocked in this warehouse >ڱֿûп :Not stocked in this warehouse. Do you wish to continue? >δڴ˲ֿп档ϣ? :Not stocked in warehouse >DzֿеĿ :Not stocked/non-stocked >޿棯ǿ :Not the last day of the month >Ǹ·ݵһ :Not yet exported >δ :Not yet printed >δӡ :Not yet received into stock >δյ :Not yet started >δʼ :Notation > :Notation List >עб :Notation Types >ע :Notation type > :Notational Value >עֵ :Notational currency > :Note >¼ :Note - Additional notes >ע - ˵ :Note - As a result of this FIFO costs for this order line will be incorrect >ע - Ϊ FIFO Ľ˶еijɱȷ :Note - Even if you do not have Cash Book installed you are still >ע - ʹδװֽ˲Ȼ :Note - If you have Cash Book installed, all the new fields >ע - װֽ˲еֶ :Note - Parameters are not passed when calling SYSPRO programs >ע - SYSPRO ʱδͨ :Note - These details are only provided for backwards compatibility with earlier versions >ע - Щṩڶڰ汾 :Note descriptions >ע :Note incoming p/orders and/or jobs >עIJɹͣҵ :Note length of time since last payment >עϴθʱ䳤 :Note number >עͺ :Note reconciled in a future period >δжʵע :Note requisition numbers will be generated as if automatic numbering was used >ע⣬룬ͬʹԶŹһ :Note that What-if labor costs will be calculated using the rates as specified by the What-if rate indicator >ע⣬˹ɱüָָķԼ :Note that a number of company data files will remain in C-ISAM, >ע⣬๫˾ļ C-ISAM У :Note that a number of company data files will remain in ISAM, >ע⣬˾ļISAMУ :Note that deleting custom form column '%1' in table '%2' will also delete any associated data >注意:删除表 '%2' 中的自定义表格 '%1' 也将一并删除任何相关数据 :Note that generally the model database will be used to >ע⣬һ˵ģݿ⽫ȷߴ :Note that promotion detail is only updated using the offset option. Do you wish to continue and post the resolutions entered? >עʹôƫѡԸ¡ϣĽ :Note that you must complete this conversion even if you do not use the >ע⣬ɴתʹʹ :Note the missing postal code >עⶪʧ :Note type >ע :Note type selected does not exist against this stock code >ע⣬ڱ룬ѡ :Note you still need to enter the database name below >ע⣬Ҫݿ :Note: If you have Cash Book installed, all the new fields >עѰװֽʱôֽʱȫֶ :Note: Even if you do not have Cash Book installed you are still >עʹûаװֽʱ :Note: The environment variable 'LOGIN' >ע:'LOGIN' :Note: As a result of this FIFO costs for this >Note: As a result of this FIFO costs for this :Note: As a result of this FIFO costs for this order line will be incorrect >עͣˣеFIFOɱȷ :Note: Parameters are not passed when calling SYSPRO programs >עSYSPROʱͲ :Note: Some of the columns used in version 5.0 need to be dropped >ע汾5.0ʹõijЩҪ :Note: These details are only provided for backwards compatibility with earlier versions >עͣ˵Ӧóڰ汾 :Notepad >± :Notepad (F7) >²(F7) :Notepad Detail >² :Notepad Options >±ѡ :Notepad Setup Business Object >ҵ± :Notepad file >±ļ :Notepad for >±; :Notepad for AR Permanent Entry >AR 永久条目记事本 :Notepad for Account >˻± :Notepad for Configuration >ü± :Notepad for Contact >ϵ˼± :Notepad for Customer >ͻ± :Notepad for G/L Journal >(G/L)ռʼ± :Notepad for G/L Recurring Journal >(G/L)ռʼ± :Notepad for G/L Report >(G/L)± :Notepad for G/L Standard Journal >(G/L)׼ռʼ± :Notepad for GL Journal >GL ռ˼± :Notepad for GL Recurring Journal >GL ռ˼± :Notepad for GL Report >GL ± :Notepad for GL Standard Journal >GL ׼ռ˼± :Notepad for Hierarchical Contract >ּͬ± :Notepad for Hierarchy >ּ± :Notepad for Job >ҵ± :Notepad for Ledger Code >ʴ± :Notepad for Load - Route >加载记事本 - 路线 :Notepad for Lot >μ± :Notepad for Parent >˼± :Notepad for Purchase Order >ɹ± :Notepad for Quotation >ۼ± :Notepad for S/O Contract %1 Buy group >۶(S/O)ͬ %1 ± ɹ :Notepad for Sales Order >۶± :Notepad(F7) >²(F7) :Notes >¼ :Notes Being Updated >ڸµע :Notes Context >ע :Notes Description >ע :Notes Print >עʹӡ :Notes Text >עı :Notes about Assets Register conversion >ʲעתע :Notes deleted >ɾע :Notes for Invoice >Ʊע :Notes for Job >ҵע :Notes for invalid note type >Чע͸ע :Notes line >ע :Notes type >ע :Nothing > :Nothing Released >δǩκĿ :Nothing Selected >δѡκĿ :Nothing has been allocated. Please allocate before posting >δκĿڷǰ :Nothing has been issued for this allocation yet >δΪǩκ :Nothing has been selected for update >δΪѡκѡ :Nothing left to credit >未留下任何可贷记项目 :Nothing to maintain >άĿ :Nothing to process previous as you are using a library >ʹÿ⣬δһд :Nothing was found to print on this Sales Order document >ڱ۶ļûҵκҪӡĿ :Nothing was found to print on this blanket purchase order >ڱۺԲɹûҵκҪӡĿ :Nothing was found to print on this inventory document >ڱļûҵκҪӡĿ :Nothing was found to print on this purchase order >ڱ۶ûҵκҪӡĿ :Nothing was found to print on this quotation >ڱûҵκҪӡĿ :Nothing was found to print on this requisition >ڱ빺ûҵκҪӡĿ :Nothing was found to print. Print cancelled >δҵҪӡĿӡȡ :Notification Options >֪ͨѡ :Notification frequency (in days) >֪ͨƵʣ :Notification only >֪ͨ :Notifications >֪ͨ :Notify >֪ͨ :Notify '%1' >֪ͨ '%1' :Notify 'Message Inbox' >֪ͨʼռ䡱 :Notify ADMIN inbox if duplicate login >ظ¼֪ͨԱռ :Notify Buyer >֪ͨ :Notify Planner >֪ͨƻԱ :Notify Planner that Maintenance is Required >֪ͨƻԱҪά :Notify at end >ĩ֪ͨ :Notify immediately >֪ͨ :Notify of duplicates >֪ͨظ :Notify user >֪ͨû :Notify user at logon >¼ʱ֪ͨû :Notional > :Notional Jobs >ҵ :Notional Part %1 > %1 :Notional Sub-job >ӹ :Notional job >ҵ :Notional or co-product part category not allowed for ECC-controlled items >ڹ̱(ECC)ĿøƷ :Notional or co-product part category not allowed if AB Costing is required >ҪABɱ㣬øƷ :Notional parent > :Notional part > :Notional part category is only allowed when adding a new stock code >ֻ¿ʱȫԲ :Notional part category not allowed for MPS items >ƻ(MPS)ĿȫԲ :Notional part has no co-products attached >δκιͬƷ :Notional part has no parent information attached >δκϢ :Notional parts > :Notional quantity > :Nov >ʮһ :Nov %1 >ʮһ %1 :November >ʮһ :Now Processing >ڴ :Now Processing Entry >ڴ :Now adding stock codes to collection >򼯺ӿ :Now copying VBScripts to client > VBScript Ƶͻ :Now copying indexed files >ڸļ :Now copying ledger code >ڸƻƿĿ :Now copying new indexed files >ڸļ :Now exporting information for file >ΪļϢ :Now faxing customer >ͻʹ :Now generating SQL >SQL :Now importing record layout >ڵ¼ :Now in balance. Do you wish to continue? >ƽ⡣ϣ :Now posting customer >ڽͻ :Now posting journal >ڽռʹ :Now posting supplier >ڽӦ̹ :Now printing >ڴӡ :Now printing RMA document format >ڴӡRMAļʽ :Now printing WIP inspection document format >ڴӡWIPļʽ :Now printing WIP inspection document format alignment >ڴӡWIPļʽ :Now printing amendment journal number >ڴӡ޶ռʺ :Now printing asset >ڴӡʲ :Now printing asset number >ڴӡʲ :Now printing bank >ڴӡհҳ :Now printing blanket contract format >ڴӡۺԺͬʽ :Now printing blanket contract format alignment >ڴӡۺԺͬ :Now printing buyer >ڴӡɹԱ :Now printing capex item >ڴӡʱ֧Ŀ :Now printing capex number >ڴӡʱ֧ :Now printing cash book journal >ڴӡֽռ :Now printing check alignment >ڴӡ֧Ʊ :Now printing check format >ڴӡ֧Ʊʽ :Now printing customer >ڴӡͻ :Now printing discount code >ڴӡۿ۴ :Now printing dispatch >ڴӡ :Now printing document alignment >ڴӡĵ :Now printing document through Microsoft Word >ͨMicrosoft Wordӡĵ :Now printing element >ڴӡҪ :Now printing employee >ڴӡԱ :Now printing factory documentation format >ڴӡĵʽ :Now printing factory documentation format alignment >ڴӡĵʽ :Now printing file name >ڴӡļ :Now printing group number >ڴӡ :Now printing inspection document format >ڴӡļʽ :Now printing inspection document format alignment >ڴӡļʽ :Now printing inventory document format >ڴӡļʽ :Now printing inventory document format alignment >ڴӡļʽ :Now printing job >ڴӡҵ :Now printing journal >ڴӡռ :Now printing journal number >ڴӡռʺ :Now printing label alignment >ڴӡǩ :Now printing label format >ڴӡǩʽ :Now printing layout mask >ڴӡ :Now printing ledger code >ڴӡƿĿ :Now printing line >ڴӡ :Now printing machine >ڴӡ :Now printing narration >ڴӡ :Now printing order >ڴӡ :Now printing permanent entries format >ڴӡ̶¼ʽ :Now printing permanent entries format alignment >ڴӡ̶¼ʽ :Now printing planner >ڴӡƻԱ :Now printing purchase order format >ڴӡɹʽ :Now printing purchase order format alignment >ڴӡɹʽ :Now printing quotation document format >ڴӡļʽ :Now printing quotation document format alignment >ڴӡļʽ :Now printing record >ڴӡ¼ :Now printing recurring journal code >ڴӡѭռʴ :Now printing register >ڴӡǼ :Now printing release day >ڴӡͷ :Now printing report code >ڴӡ :Now printing resource >ڴӡԴ :Now printing sales document format >ڴӡļʽ :Now printing sales order document format alignment >ڴӡ۶ļʽ :Now printing site >ڴӡվ :Now printing standard journal code >ڴӡ׼ռʴ :Now printing statement format >ڴӡʽ :Now printing statement format alignment >ڴӡʽ :Now printing status code >ڴӡ״̬ :Now printing stock code >ڴӡ :Now printing stock take ticket alignment >ڴӡ̵ȯ :Now printing supplier >ڴӡӦ :Now printing test blanket purchase order alignment >ڴӡۺԲɹ :Now printing test document alignment >ڴӡļ :Now printing test factory documentation alignment >ڴӡԹĵ :Now printing test label alignment >ڴӡԱǩ :Now printing test purchase order alignment >ڴӡԲɹ :Now printing test requisition alignment >ڴӡ빺 :Now printing test statement alignment >ڴӡԱ :Now printing ticket format >ڴӡȯʽ :Now printing ticket number >ڴӡȯ :Now printing transaction number >ڴӡ׺ :Now printing unit of measure >ڴӡλ :Now printing user >ڴӡû :Now printing w/center >ڴӡҵ :Now processing purchase order >ڴɹ :Now processing ECO >ڴECO :Now processing GRN number >ڴGRN :Now processing RMA No >ڴRMA :Now processing RMA No. >ڴ˻Ȩ(RMA) :Now processing asset >ڴʲ :Now processing asset type >ڴʲ :Now processing batch >ڴ :Now processing blanket p/order >ڴۺԲɹ :Now processing blanket purchase order >ڴۺԲɹ :Now processing branch >ڴ֧ :Now processing branch code >ڴ֧ :Now processing buying group >ڴɹ :Now processing calculation code >ڴ :Now processing calendar >ڴ :Now processing capex >ڴʱ֧ :Now processing cash drawer >ڴֽƱ :Now processing category >ڴ :Now processing classification >ڴ :Now processing code >ڴ :Now processing comment code >ڴעʹ :Now processing commission code >ڴӶ :Now processing commitment >ڴи :Now processing configuration >ڴ :Now processing constant code >ڴ :Now processing contract >ڴͬ :Now processing cost center >ڴɱ :Now processing currency >ڴ :Now processing customer >ڴͻ :Now processing customer class >ڴͻȼ :Now processing customer purchase order >ڴͻɹ :Now processing day >ڴ :Now processing depreciation code >ڴ۾ɴ :Now processing discount code >ڴۿ۴ :Now processing element >ڴҪ :Now processing employee >ڴԱ :Now processing expense code >ڴô :Now processing field >ڴֶ :Now processing file >ڴļ :Now processing geographic area >ڴ :Now processing group >ڴ :Now processing invoice >ڴƱ :Now processing invoice number >ڴƱ :Now processing invoice terms >ڴƱ :Now processing job >ڴҵ :Now processing job class >ڴҵȼ :Now processing job classification >ڴҵ :Now processing journal >ڴռ :Now processing journal code >ڴռʴ :Now processing journal date >ڴռ :Now processing journal number >ڴռʺ :Now processing ledger code >ڴƿĿ :Now processing line >ڴ :Now processing location >ڴλ :Now processing lot number >ڴκ :Now processing machine >ڴ :Now processing master asset >ڴʲ :Now processing mechanic >ڴʦ :Now processing non-productive code >ڴ :Now processing non-stock code >ڴǿ :Now processing non-stocked code >ڴǿ :Now processing notation >ڴע :Now processing operator >ڴԱ :Now processing order >ڴ :Now processing order number >ڴ :Now processing order type >ڴ :Now processing owner >ڴ :Now processing payment code >ڴ :Now processing permanent entries >ڴ̶ :Now processing price code >ڴ۸ :Now processing problem code >ڴ :Now processing product >ڴƷ :Now processing product class >ڴƷȼ :Now processing program >ڴ :Now processing purchase order >ڴɹ :Now processing quotation >ڴ :Now processing reason >ڴԭ :Now processing reason code >ڴԭ :Now processing record >ڴ¼ :Now processing record count >ڴ¼ :Now processing record no >ڴ¼ :Now processing record number >ڴ¼ :Now processing reference >ڴο :Now processing register number >ڴע :Now processing report >ڴ :Now processing requisition >ڴ빺 :Now processing route >ڴ· :Now processing sales order >ڴ۶ :Now processing schedule >ڴʱ :Now processing scrap reason >ڴԭ :Now processing serial number >ڴк :Now processing shipment >ڴ :Now processing shipping instruction >ڴװָʾ :Now processing site >ڴվ :Now processing source code >ڴԴ :Now processing state code >ڴ״̬ :Now processing status >״̬ :Now processing status code >ڴ״̬ :Now processing stock code >ڴ :Now processing stock codes for review >ڴҪĿ :Now processing supplier >ڴӦ :Now processing tariff code >ڴ˰ :Now processing terms >ڴ :Now processing transaction date >ڴ :Now processing unit of measure >ڴλ :Now processing user >ڴû :Now processing vessel >ڴֻ :Now processing warehouse >ڴֿ :Now processing withholding tax code >ڴ˰մ :Now processing work center >ڴҵ :Now processing... >ڴ... :Now purging file >ļ :Now purging site >վ :Now re-index the release input file to free space >ڽͷļ±ڳռ :Now reindexing >ޱ :Now sequencing GRN >ջ(GRN) :Now sequencing data >ڱ˳ :Now sequencing order file >ڶԶļŶ :Now sequencing record number >¼ :Now sequencing stock code >ڱſ˳ :Now updating activity >ڸ» :Null > :Num Profit > :Number > :Number Format >Ÿʽ :Number Period > :Number Periods > :Number Validation >֤ :Number of >ÿX(3)X(3) :Number of Alignment Pages to Print >ӡҳ :Number of Analytics Viewer seats >Number of Analytics Viewer seats :Number of CALs >CALĸ :Number of CMS only users > CMS û :Number of Dialog System seats >Իϵͳϯλ :Number of Dialog seats >Իϯλ :Number of G/L ledger codes updated >ѸG/Lʴ :Number of G/L periods to retain >ҪG/Lڼ :Number of GL ledger codes updated >Ѹ GL ˴ĸ :Number of GL periods to retain > GL ڵĸ :Number of Items in a Package >Ŀ :Number of Licensed Companies (0=default) >ɹ˾ (0=Ĭ) :Number of NLS file processed >NLSļ :Number of Notes Lines >ע :Number of ODBC seats >ODBCϯλ :Number of Offers Accross Page >ҳϵı :Number of Periods >ڸ :Number of Periods EUL >EUL :Number of Pieces > :Number of Productive Units >λ :Number of Report Designer seats >Աϯλ :Number of Roles successfully exported >ѳɹְ :Number of SKUs >¼λ(SKU) :Number of SYSPRO POS users >SYSPRO POS û :Number of U/SQL Manager seats >U/SQLϯλ :Number of U/SQL seats >U/SQLϯλ :Number of Updates >´ :Number of Users >û :Number of Work Operators >ҵԱ :Number of Years EUL > EUL :Number of alignment pages >ҳ :Number of assets in suspense used >õĹʲĿ :Number of budgets copied >ѸԤ :Number of budgets deleted >ɾԤ :Number of build schedules deleted >ɾƻ :Number of cancelled quotations purged >ȡ۵ĸ :Number of characters in a bin group >ַ :Number of checks > :Number of columns > :Number of components (route '0') >·'0' :Number of components added >Ӳ :Number of components deleted >ɾ :Number of concurrent users >û :Number of confirmed kept >ȷϲĸ :Number of confirmed quotations purged >ȷϱ۵ĸ :Number of copies of each ticket >ÿһȯĸƴ :Number of customer invoices >ͻƱ :Number of customers >ͻ :Number of customers extracted >ȡĿͻ :Number of customers to print >ӡĿͻ :Number of days > :Number of days after demurrage >ں :Number of days after stock arrives that it can be used >浽Ŀ :Number of days after today >֮ :Number of days ahead >ǰ :Number of days before eta >ԤƵʱǰ :Number of days before today >֮ǰ :Number of days for demurrage > :Number of days in first week of year >ݵһܵ :Number of days permitted for early/late supply >ǰڹ :Number of days prior to ship date >װ֮ǰ :Number of days to complete action >ɶ :Number of days to contract expiry date >ͬյ :Number of days to keep actioned documents >ִļ :Number of days to keep history >ʷ¼ :Number of days to keep unactioned documents >δִļ :Number of days to reminder >ѵ :Number of days to retain >Ҫ :Number of days to retain messages >Ϣ :Number of days to view >Ҫ鿴 :Number of days until available >ɵõ :Number of days within which scheduled orders will be allocated >ƻ :Number of days within which scheduled orders will be allocated may not be zero >ƻΪ :Number of decimals >С :Number of decimals (0-3) >С (0-3) :Number of decimals exceeded for stock code '%1' >ڿ '%1' ѳС :Number of decimals for contract and net unit prices >ͬ;۵С :Number of decimals in resource quantity per >λԴС :Number of decimals in volume to print >ӡС :Number of decimals to print >ӡС :Number of decimals to print for time >ҪΪʱӡС :Number of deliveries > :Number of deliveries away from contract expiry >ͬʧЧ֮ǰĽ :Number of deliveries per day >λս :Number of delivery days >交货天数 :Number of details on file >ļϸĸ :Number of digits after decimal >Сָ֮ :Number of digits after decimal (values) >小数点后数字个数 (值) :Number of digits to left of decimal >С֮ǰλ :Number of dispatches to create >ķ :Number of dispatches which > :Number of documents >ĵ :Number of documents printed >Ѵӡļ :Number of documents processed >Ѵļ :Number of duplicate accounts not copied >δƵظʻ :Number of entries posted >ѹʵķ¼ :Number of expired quotations purged >ڱ۵ĸ :Number of fields >ֶθ :Number of files >ļ :Number of files which require converting >Ҫתļ :Number of footer lines >ҳ :Number of footing lines >脚注行行数 :Number of forecasts created >Ԥ :Number of forecasts deleted >ɾԤ :Number of forecasts inactivated >õԤ :Number of forecasts to create >Ԥ :Number of graph points >ͼ :Number of header lines >ҳü :Number of heading lines >页眉行行数 :Number of hits > :Number of indexed files opened succesfully >ѳɹ򿪵ļ :Number of indexed files opened successfully >ѳɹ򿪵ļ :Number of indexes > :Number of inspection/traceable lines >飯ɸ :Number of invoices >Ʊ :Number of invoices deleted >ɾķƱ :Number of items >Ŀ :Number of items listed >Ŀ :Number of journals >ռʸ :Number of journals listed >ռ˵ĸ :Number of journals posted >ѹʵռʸ :Number of labels per customer >ÿͻıǩ :Number of labels per order >ÿıǩ :Number of labels per stock code >ÿıǩ :Number of labels per supplier >ÿӦ̵ıǩ :Number of labels to print per customer >ӡÿͻıǩ :Number of labels to print per order >ÿĴӡǩ :Number of labels to view >鿴ıǩ :Number of labor allocations added >ӵͶ :Number of levels > :Number of licensed users >û :Number of line skips after heading > :Number of line skips before heading >ǰ :Number of lines > :Number of lines dispatched >ѷ :Number of lines on a check >֧Ʊе :Number of lines on a remittance >е :Number of lines released >ͷŵ :Number of lines to be receipted in >¸յ :Number of lines to be received >յ :Number of lines to print >ӡ :Number of lines to receive >ջ :Number of lines to skip >Ҫ :Number of loads >װ :Number of loads/days >װ :Number of login attempts >¼Դ :Number of lot numbers across page >ҳϵĿλ :Number of material allocations added >ӵIJϷ :Number of missing words/phrases >ȱʣ :Number of months > :Number of months before deleting zero balance supplier >ɾӦ֮ǰ :Number of months in a period >ڵ :Number of months per year >ÿȵ :Number of months to retain >Ҫ :Number of months to retain information >Ϣ :Number of months to use >Ҫʹõ :Number of months to use for calculation >ڼ :Number of months to use for competition >ھ :Number of multiple bins across page >ҳϵĶλ :Number of new accounts created >Ѵʻ :Number of new files displayed >ʾļ :Number of new files to import >ļ :Number of new imported files logged >ѽ־µļ :Number of new words/phrases >´ʣ :Number of offers across page >ҳϵı :Number of offers format can print >Դӡ̸ʽ :Number of operations > :Number of operations added >Ӳ :Number of operations to view >Ҫ鿴IJ :Number of operators entered is greater than the maximum number of operators on the work center >IJԱҵеIJԱ :Number of ops to view >Ҫ鿴IJ :Number of orders > :Number of outstanding s/orders >δ۶ :Number of pages to print >ӡҳ :Number of periods EUL must be > %1 >EUL > %1 :Number of periods EUL must be > 0 >EUL0 :Number of periods per year >ÿ :Number of periods to retain >Ҫ :Number of periods to retain %1 min %2 >Ҫ %1 С %2 :Number of periods to retain - min %1 >Ҫ %1 - С %2 :Number of periods to retain - min 24 > - 24 :Number of phrases > :Number of pieces to show >ʾļ :Number of previous passwords to retain >ǰ :Number of productive units may not be zero >λΪ :Number of quotations on file after purge >ļеı۸ :Number of quotations on file before purge >ǰļеı۸ :Number of receipts >վݸ :Number of records >¼ :Number of records added >ӵļ¼ :Number of records changed >ļ¼ :Number of records created >Ѵļ¼ :Number of records deleted >ɾļ¼ :Number of records exported >ļ¼ :Number of records imported >ļ¼ :Number of records processed >Ѵļ¼ :Number of records purged >ļ¼ :Number of records selected >ѡļ¼ :Number of records updated >Ѹµļ¼ :Number of rejected quotations purged >ܾ۵ĸ :Number of releases purged >ͷŵĴ :Number of remaining CMS licenses before logging >¼ǰʣ CMS ֤ :Number of remaining licenses before logging >¼ǰʣ֤ :Number of remaining licenses must be less than the total number of licenses allowed >ʣ֤С֤ :Number of replacements made >ĸ :Number of reports to retain >Ҫı :Number of roles exported >ѵְ :Number of roles successfully imported >ѳɹְ :Number of rows > :Number of rows per page >ÿҳ :Number of rows to process > :Number of rows to process may not be zero >Ϊ :Number of rows to show >ʾ :Number of sections >ֵĸ :Number of sections required >Ҫѡ :Number of serial numbers across page >ҳϵϵк :Number of setup differences >ͬ :Number of shifts >λ :Number of spaces between detail lines >ϸ֮Ŀ :Number of spaces between transaction lines >֮Ŀ :Number of standard deviations to define outliers >ⲿ˾ı׼ƫ :Number of statements > :Number of statements printed >Ѵӡı :Number of stock codes ignored >ѺԵĿ :Number of stock codes processed >ѴĿ :Number of suppliers >Ӧ̸ :Number of tables inserted >所插入表格数 :Number of tables successfully exported >ɹı :Number of tables successfully imported >ɹı :Number of tickets per bin >ÿλȯ :Number of tickets to view >Ҫ鿴ȯ :Number of times amended >޶ :Number of times captured > :Number of times printed >ӡ :Number of transactions >״ :Number of transactions processed >ѴĽ׸ :Number of unconfirmed kept >δȷұĸ :Number of units >λ :Number of units may not be zero >λΪ :Number of unwanted strings removed >ɾķҪĴ :Number of weeks in a period >ڵ :Number of work operators may not be zero >ҵԱΪ :Number of years > :Number of years history required >Ҫʷ¼ :Number of years to increment >Ҫۼӵ :Number of years to rebuild from history table >Ҫʷ¼¹ :Number of years to retain >Ҫ :Number periods have to be in the range of 1 - 98 >ڱ198Χ :Number periods must be in range from 1 to 98 >ڱ198Χ :Numbering > :Numbering Error >Ŵ :Numbering Inconsistency >Ųһ :Numbering by branch with prefix may not be selected if the RMA key type is numeric >˻Ȩ(RMA)֣򲻵ѡǰ׺֧ :Numbering by company or by warehouse may not be selected if the GRN key is alphanumeric >GRNؼΪĸ֣ôѡ񰴹˾򰴲ֿ˳ :Numbering by warehouse may not be selected if the order key type is alphanumeric >Ϊĸ֣ѡ񰴲ֿ :Numbering by warehouse with a prefix may not be selected if the order key type is numeric >Ϊ֣ѡ񰴴ǰ׺ֿ :Numbering method >ŷ :Numbering options >ѡ :Numeric >ֵ :Numeric Format >ָʽ :Numeric Key >Կ :Numeric Profit > :Numeric Serial Numbers >ʽϵк :Numeric field invalid >ֶЧ :Numeric formatting >ָʽ :Numeric invoice numbers cannot exceed the presentation length of %1 characters >数字发票编号不可超过 %1 字符的演示文稿长度 :Numeric key cannot exceed %1 >ּɳ %1 :Numeric selection >ѡ :Numeric value from >ֵ :Numeric value must have '%1' element >ֵ߱ '%1' Ҫ :Numeric value to >ֵ :O - Min of EBQ thereafter mult of pan >O - ̵ı֮ EBQ Сֵ :O/Invoice Type >Ʊ :O/S Command Execution >ϵͳ(O/S)ִ :O/s WIP Value >δɵWIPֵ :O/s qty > :O/s quantity >O/s :O/s value >δɵļֵ :O/s value(foreign) >O/s ֵ () :O/s value(local) >O/s ֵ () :ODBC Data source name >ODBC Դ :ODBC Export (SYSPRO60.UFD) >ODBCSYSPRO60UFD :ODBC UFD file >ODBC UFDļ :ODBC UFD file(s) >ODBC UFDļ :ODBC data source >ODBC Դ :ODBC seats >ODBCϯλ :OK >ȷ :OK CANCEL >ȷ ȡ :OK or Cancel? >ȷɾ :OK to SMS/Text >ȷҪͶţı :OK to apportion element? >ȷҪҪ :OK to bulk SMS/Text >ȷҪȺţı :OK to bulk email >ȷҪȺʼ :OK to bulk fax >ȷҪȺ :OK to bulk post >ȷҪȺż :OK to cancel comment line? >ȷҪȡע :OK to cancel freight line? >ȷҪȡ˷ :OK to cancel miscellaneous line? >ȷҪȡӷ :OK to cancel non-stocked line? >ȷҪȡǿ :OK to cancel or mark line as complete? Select '%1' to cancel this line or '%2' to mark it as complete >ȷҪȡлбΪ:ѡ '%1' ȡУ '%2' ԽΪ :OK to cancel stocked line? >ȷҪȡ :OK to cancel this journal? >ȷҪȡռ :OK to clear hold on selected bin? >ȷҪѡĿλ :OK to clear manual check information? >ȷҪֶ֧ƱϢ :OK to clear void check information? >ȷҪ֧ƱϢ :OK to close selected cash drawers ? >确定要关闭选定收银机吗? :OK to close selected cash drawers? >ȷҪرѡֽƱ :OK to continue? >ȷҪ :OK to create purchase order? >ȷҪɹ :OK to create supply chain transfer? >ȷҪӦת :OK to delete '%1'? >ȷҪɾ '%1' :OK to delete role? >ȷҪɾְ? :OK to discard changes? >ȷҪ? :OK to email >ȷҪ͵ʼ :OK to fax >ȷҪʹ :OK to inactivate forecast >ȷҪͣԤ :OK to phone >ȷҪ绰 :OK to post >ȷҪʼ :OK to post transaction? >ȷҪ׹ :OK to post? >ȷҪ :OK to print blanket contract format? >ȷҪӡۺԺͬʽ :OK to print document format? >ȷҪӡļʽ :OK to print documentation format? >ȷҪӡĵʽ :OK to print purchase order format? >ȷҪӡɹʽ :OK to purge selected cash drawers ? >确定要清除选定收银机吗? :OK to purge selected cash drawers? >ȷҪѡֽƱ :OK to re-establish check/EFT? >ȷҪ´Ʊת(EFT) :OK to reset PTD values >ȷҪλPTDֵ :OK to reset the operator password history for all operators? >ȷҪΪȫԱλԱʷ¼ :OK to revalue? >ȷҪ¹ :OK to run scheduler? >ȷҪеȳ :OK to save changes to '%1'? >确定要保存更改到 '%1' 吗? :OK to save freight line? >ȷҪ˷ :OK to save miscellaneous line? >ȷҪӷ :OK to save non-stocked line? >ȷҪǿ :OK to save stocked line? >ȷҪ :OK to save this line? >ȷҪ :OK to set the default printer for this program to >ȷҪóĬϴӡΪ :OK to start deletion of snapshot files? >ȷҪʼɾļ :OK to start exporting? >ȷҪʼ :OK to start processing >ȷʼ :OK to start processing ? >确定要开始处理吗? :OK to start processing? >ȷҪʼ :OK to start rebuild? >ȷҪ¹ :OK to start review? >ȷҪʼ? :OK to take a new snapshot >ȷ¿ :OK to take a new snapshot? >ȷҪ¿ :OK to transfer and save? >ȷҪתƲ :OK to transfer requisitions? >ȷҪת빺? :OK to update SCT order? >ȷҪ¹Ӧת(SCT) :OK to update purchase order? >ȷҪ²ɹ :OK, Cancel >ȷȡ :OLAP Database >OLAPݿ :OLAP Database name is valid >OLAPݿЧ :OLAP Server >OLAP :OLAP Server Version >OLAP 汾 :OLAP Server name >OLAP :OLE Exception Error >OLE 쳣 :OLE object '%1' is not registered >OLE '%1' δע :OLE2 Error >OLE2 :OLE2 Object >OLE2 :OLE2 Preferences >OLE2ο :ON - Order number >ON - :ON date > :ON hold > :OR the Goods in Transit Conversion Program? >;ת? :ORDER BY a.StockCode, b.Warehouse >аa. b.ֿ :ORDER Capture Information >׽Ϣ :ORDER multiple > :OS Version >OS 汾 :Object Category > :Object Explorer > :Object Type > :Object category has not been defined >δ :Obs >Obs :Occ > :Occurs > :Oct >ʮ :Oct %1 >ʮ %1 :October >ʮ :Oder Header >ҳü :Off >ر :Off Invoice >Ʊ :Off Invoice Allowance Type >Ʊʲ :Off Invoice Tiered >ֲķƱ֮Ŀ :Off date > :Off invoice allowance >Ʊʲ :Off invoice code >Ʊ :Off invoice line promo >Ʊд :Off invoice use merchandise line product class >ƱƷвƷȼ :Off-date >֮ :Off-invoice global product class >ƱȫֲƷȼ :Off-invoice line product class >ƱвƷȼ :Off-invoice order product class >ƱⶩƷȼ :Off-site qty > :Offer > :Offer %1 > %1 :Offer %1 discount > %1 ۿ :Offer %1 quantity > %1 :Offer %1 u/m > %1 λ :Offer %1 u/price > %1 :Offer %1 uom > %1 λ :Offer %1 value > %1 ֵ :Offer '%1' already exist for line '%2' quote '%3' > '%2' '%3' ı '%1' Ѵ :Offer '%1' not found for component '%2' >δҵ '%2' ı '%1' :Offer '%1' not found for line '%2' quote '%3' >δҵ '%2' '%3' ı '%1' :Offer 1 >1 :Offer 1 quantity >1 :Offer 1 u/m >1 u/m :Offer 1 value >1ֵ :Offer 2 >2 :Offer 2 quantity >2 :Offer 2 u/m >2 u/m :Offer 2 value >2 :Offer 3 >3 :Offer 3 quantity >3 :Offer 3 u/m >3 u/m :Offer 3 value >3 :Offer 4 >4 :Offer 4 quantity >4 :Offer 4 u/m >4 u/m :Offer 4 value >4ֵ :Offer 5 >5 :Offer 5 quantity >5 :Offer 5 u/m >5 u/m :Offer 5 value >5ֵ :Offer Description >˵ :Offer Values >ֵ :Offer descriptions >˵ :Offer fields >ֶ :Offer five > :Offer four > :Offer number >̺ :Offer one >һ :Offer print block size >̴ӡС :Offer print method >̴ӡ :Offer quantity > :Offer selection >ѡ :Offer three > :Offer to which this configuration applies >Ӧñõı :Offer total print block size >̺ϼƴӡС :Offer two >̶ :Offer u/m >̼λ :Offer uom >̼λ :Offers > :Offers Section >̲ :Offers to Print >ӡı :Offers to which comment applies >ñע͵ı :Office >칫 :Office Automation is not installed. Email messages cannot be sent >δװ칫Զ޷͵ʼ :Office Automation not installed. Event Management requires the Office Automation module to be installed before it can be used >δװ칫Զڿʹ¼֮ǰҪװ칫Զģ :Office copy >칫Ҹ :Office name or number >칫ƻ :Offset >ƫ :Offset Operation > :Offset amount exceeds available promotion amount of %1 >ƫƽ %1 Ŀô :Offset by >偏移量 :Offset days >ƫ :Offset flag >偏移标记 :Offset flag not '%1' or '%2' >偏移标记不是 '%1' 或 '%2' :Offsite > :Offsite days >ֳ :Offsite time >ʱ :Offsite time may not be zero >ʱ䲻Ϊ :Often you can extract information to a new file and develop another report >ͨɽϢѹļвһݱ :Ok With Customer Details >ʺϾ߱ͻ :Ok to abandon all changes to structures and routings for all affected items? >ȷҪȫӰĿĽṹ·ȫ :Ok to accept these allocations? >ȷҪЩ :Ok to accumulate all credit invoice balances and increase undistributed amount? >ȷҪۼȫƱδ :Ok to add this line? >ȷҪ :Ok to apply structure and routing changes for all affected items? >ȷҪȫӰĿӦýṹ·߸ :Ok to apply the recommended quantities to the blanket purchase order? >ȷҪƼӦۺԲɹ :Ok to bank selected check? >ȷҪѡ֧Ʊ :Ok to calculate low level codes? >ȷҪͼ :Ok to cancel all lines of this requisition? >ȷҪɾ빺 :Ok to cancel all transactions and exit? >ȷҪȡнײ˳? :Ok to cancel distribution? >ȷҪɾ :Ok to cancel job >ȷҪȡҵ :Ok to cancel line? >ȷҪȡ? :Ok to cancel this comment line? >ȷҪȡע :Ok to cancel this freight line? >ȷҪȡ˷ :Ok to cancel this miscellaneous line ? >确定要取消此杂项行吗? :Ok to cancel this miscellaneous line? >ȷҪȡӷ :Ok to cancel this non-stocked line? >ȷҪȡ÷ǿ :Ok to cancel this stocked line? >ȷҪȡÿ :Ok to cancel? >ȷҪȡ :Ok to change directory of selected archive(s)? >ȷҪѡĿ¼ :Ok to change selected archive(s)? >ȷҪѡĵ :Ok to change this line? >ȷҪ :Ok to change to new serial number? >ȷҪΪµк :Ok to check all dates in entire file? >ȷҪУļе? :Ok to check all dates in entire file?\n\nNote that on large files this may take a few minutes >ȷҪļȫ\n\nע⣬ڴļҪʱ :Ok to clear all values? >ȷҪȫֵ :Ok to clear default printer for counter sale documents? >ȷҪĵĬϴӡ :Ok to clear default printer for credit notes? >ȷҪƱĬϴӡ :Ok to clear default printer for delivery notes? >ȷҪĬϴӡ :Ok to clear default printer for invoices? >ȷҪƱĬϴӡ :Ok to clear reminder for '%1'? >ȷҪ '%1' ? :Ok to clear report history? >ȷҪʷ¼ :Ok to clear the list view contents? >ȷҪбͼ? :Ok to clear the manual payment information for all checks for this supplier? >ȷҪùӦ֧ƱֶϢ :Ok to continue verifying/converting the next file? >ȷҪ֤תһļ :Ok to convert to SYSPRO %1? >确定要转化为 SYSPRO %1? :Ok to copy Bill of Landed Costs? >ȷҪƵɱ :Ok to copy current list to operator '%1'? >ȷҪǰбƵԱ '%1' :Ok to copy route? >ȷҪ· :Ok to copy task groups? >ȷҪ :Ok to copy this blanket purchase order? >ȷҪۺԲɹ :Ok to copy this purchase order? >ȷҪۺԲɹ :Ok to copy this sales order? >ȷҪƸ۶ :Ok to copy this standard hierarchy? >ȷҪƱ׼ :Ok to create job? >ȷҪҵ :Ok to create journal? >ȷҪռ :Ok to create new custom form table ending in a '%1' for type '%2'? >确定要为类型 '%2' 创建以 '%1' 结束的新自定义表格表吗? :Ok to create new custom form tables (ending with '%1') and migrate data from AdmFormData to these new tables? >ȷҪԶ ( '%1' ) AdmFormData Щ±Ǩ? :Ok to create the A/R Master/Sub Account file? >ȷҪA/Rʻļ :Ok to create the Assets Master/Sub Account file? >ȷҪʲʻļ :Ok to delete LCT route '%1'? >确定要删除 LCT '%1' 吗? :Ok to delete activity '%1'? >ȷҪɾ '%1' ? :Ok to delete all tables that end in a '%1' such as InvMaster+ etc? >ȷҪɾ InvMaster+ '%1' ı? :Ok to delete alternative reporting currency ledger? >ȷҪɾҷ :Ok to delete current form? >ȷҪɾǰ :Ok to delete current format? >ȷҪɾǰʽ? :Ok to delete default? >ȷҪɾĬֵ :Ok to delete defaults? >ȷҪɾĬֵ :Ok to delete existing items and process selections? >ȷҪɾĿѡ :Ok to delete form field '%1'? >确定要删除表格字段 '%1' 吗? :Ok to delete item '%1'? >ȷҪɾĿ '%1' :Ok to delete multimedia object '%1'? >ȷҪɾý '%1' :Ok to delete selected field? >ȷҪɾѡֶ :Ok to delete selected row and shift entries up? >ȷҪɾѡĿ :Ok to delete selected start logic? >ȷҪɾѡĿʼ߼ :Ok to delete selected variable from library file? >ȷҪӿļɾѡı :Ok to delete the entire bill for this route? >ȷҪɾһ·ߵʵ :Ok to delete the temporary files shown in the listview? >ȷҪɾбͼʾʱļ? :Ok to delete this payment run and clear the manual, released, or void status from released invoices? >ȷҪɾвǩƱֶǩ״̬ :Ok to delete? >ȷҪɾ :Ok to dismiss Workflow Task? >ȷҪرչ? :Ok to dismiss all dismissable to-do list items? >ȷҪرпɹرմбĿ? :Ok to dismiss contact reminder? >ȷҪرϵ? :Ok to dismiss message? >ȷҪرϢ? :Ok to dispose of asset? >ȷҪʲ :Ok to drop all standard SYSPRO Foreign Keys from current database? >ȷҪӵǰݿб׼SYSPRO :Ok to enable structure and routing maintenance for all affected items? >ȷҪȫӰĿýṹ·ά :Ok to exclude attendee from review? >ȷҪųϯ? :Ok to exclude attendee/s from review? >ȷҪųϯ? :Ok to exclude contract? >ȷҪųͬ :Ok to exclude job >ȷҪųҵ :Ok to exclude selected purchase order? >ȷҪųѡɹ :Ok to exclude selected suggested SCT? >ȷҪųѡҽSCT :Ok to exclude selected suggested purchase? >ȷҪųѡĽɹ? :Ok to exclude selected suggested requisition? >ȷҪųѡ빺 :Ok to export dictionary to ..\Language\Diction\Sav\Lang.txt? >ȷҪֵ..\Language\Diction\Sav\Lang.txt :Ok to export foreign language txt file to ..\language directory? >ȷҪıļ..\language directory :Ok to export this user variable to the library selected? >ȷҪûѡĿ :Ok to generate and print dictionary statistics? >ȷҪɲӡֵͳ :Ok to generate foreign language NLS files? >ȷҪNLSļ :Ok to ignore this component? >ȷҪԱ :Ok to import English NLS files from ..\Language\English\*.NLS >ȷҪ..\Language\English\*.NLSӢNLSļ :Ok to import dictionary from ..\Language\Diction\Sav\Lang.txt? >ȷҪ..\Language\Diction\Sav\Lang.txtֵ :Ok to import translated phrases from ..\Language directory? >ȷҪ..\Language directory뷭 :Ok to include contract? >ȷҪͬ :Ok to include job >ȷҪҵ :Ok to include selected purchase order? >ȷҪѡɹ :Ok to include selected suggested SCT? >ȷҪѡҽSCT :Ok to insert this line? >ȷҪ :Ok to mark action as complete? >ȷҪΪ :Ok to over dispatch this line >ȷҪͱ :Ok to overwrite file? >ȷҪļ :Ok to place invoice on hold? >ȷҪƱ :Ok to post adjustments? >ȷҪʵ :Ok to post distribution? >ȷҪʷ :Ok to post document? >ȷҪļ :Ok to post entries? >ȷҪ¼ :Ok to post entry ? >确定要发布条目吗? :Ok to post entry? >ȷҪ¼ :Ok to post miscellaneous receipt? >ȷҪӷվݹ :Ok to post payments? >ȷҪ :Ok to post quantity? >ȷҪ :Ok to post selected transactions? >ȷҪѡ :Ok to post these allocations? >ȷҪЩ? :Ok to post these transactions? >ȷҪЩ? :Ok to post transactions? >ȷҪ׹ :Ok to print checks? >ȷҪӡ֧Ʊ :Ok to print labels? >ȷҪӡǩ :Ok to print remittance advices? >ȷҪӡ֪ͨ :Ok to print? >ȷҪӡ :Ok to process changes? >ȷҪ :Ok to process payments? >ȷҪ :Ok to process selections? >ȷҪѡ :Ok to process this receipt? >ȷҪ :Ok to re-establish invoice? >ȷҪ½Ʊ :Ok to re-instate quotation? >ȷҪָ :Ok to rebuild all standard SYSPRO Foreign Keys in current database? >ȷҪعǰݿеб׼ SYSPRO ? :Ok to rebuild all standard SYSPRO Foreign Keys in current database?\n\nNote that any existing SYSPRO Foreign Keys will be removed first >ȷҪڵǰݿ¹б׼SYSPRO\n\nע⣬ɾκеSYSPRO :Ok to recalculate position of all detail fields. Note that subtotal and total fields will not be recalculated >ȷҪ¼ȫֶελע⣬Сƺͺϼֶν¼ :Ok to recreate the Inventory Serial Cross Reference file? >确定要重新创建存货系列对照参考文件吗? :Ok to recreate the WIP Master/Sub Job file? >ȷҪ´WIPҵļ :Ok to release invoices? >ȷҪǩƱ :Ok to remove '%1' status from all invoices for this supplier? >ȷҪӸùӦ̵зƱɾ '%1' ״̬ :Ok to remove 'released' status from all invoices for this supplier? >ȷҪӸùӦ̵зƱɾ'ǩ'״̬ :Ok to remove invoice from '%1' status? >ȷҪ '%1' ״̬ɾƱ :Ok to remove invoice from 'released' status? >ȷҪ'ǩ'״̬ɾƱ :Ok to replace the element and/or calculation code? >ȷҪҪغͣ :Ok to replace the element and/or calculation code? Existing replacement element/calculation code combinations will be ignored >ȷҪҪغͣиҪأϽ :Ok to reprint? >ȷҪ´ӡ :Ok to restore defaults? >ȷҪָĬֵ :Ok to route all lines of this requisition? >ȷҪŴ빺е· :Ok to route the selected requisition lines? >ȷҪѡ빺 :Ok to route this requisition line? >ȷҪŴе· :Ok to save changes? >ȷҪ :Ok to save default printer against this program? >ȷҪΪ򱣴Ĭϴӡ :Ok to save new Contact? >ȷҪϵ :Ok to save payment run information? >ȷҪ渶Ϣ :Ok to save preferences? >ȷҪѡ :Ok to save theme selections? >ȷҪ淽ѡ :Ok to save this requisition line? >ȷҪ汾빺 :Ok to set '%1' as your favorite list? >ȷҪ '%1' Ϊƫб :Ok to set default printer for counter sale documents? >ȷҪΪĵĬϴӡ :Ok to set default printer for credit notes? >ȷҪôƱĬϴӡ :Ok to set default printer for delivery notes? >ȷҪýĬϴӡ :Ok to set default printer for invoices? >ȷҪ÷ƱĬϴӡ :Ok to set the printer for this program to >ȷҪ˳ĴӡΪ :Ok to set this line to complete? >ȷҪΪ? :Ok to start EDI purchase order export? >ȷҪʼݻ(EDI)ɹ :Ok to start EDI sales order import? >ȷҪʼEDI۶ :Ok to start SYSPRO interface export? >ȷҪʼSYSPROӿڵ :Ok to start SYSPRO interface import? >ȷҪʼSYSPROӿڵ :Ok to start adding a new item using the values from the previous item? >ȷҪʼʹһĿļֵĿ :Ok to start blanket purchase order export? >ȷҪʼۺԲɹ :Ok to start calculation? >ȷҪʼ :Ok to start contract pricing export? >ȷҪʼͬ۸񵼳 :Ok to start conversion? >ȷҪʼת :Ok to start converting Assets Register data files? >ȷҪʼתʲעļ :Ok to start converting General Ledger data files? >ȷҪʼתļ :Ok to start customer currency conversion? >ȷҪʼͻת :Ok to start editing custom user controls in base\bin folder? >ȷҪʼ༭\λļеԶû :Ok to start export? >ȷҪʼ :Ok to start generating & updating depreciation calculation? >ȷҪʼɲ۾ɼ? :Ok to start generating depreciation calculation? >ȷҪʼ۾ɼ? :Ok to start import? >ȷҪʼ :Ok to start importing? >ȷҪʼ? :Ok to start invoice, credit and debit export? >ȷҪʼƱͽ跽 :Ok to start posting? >ȷҪʼ :Ok to start processing? >ȷҪʼ? :Ok to start purchase order export? >ȷҪʼɹ :Ok to start purge? >ȷҪʼ :Ok to start purging >ȷҪʼ :Ok to start purging log file records? >ȷҪʼļ¼ :Ok to start re-calculation? >ȷҪʼ¼ :Ok to start recalculation? >ȷҪʼ¼ :Ok to start removing modules from the Report Writer Data Dictionary? >ȷҪʼӱֵɾģ :Ok to start sales order export? >ȷҪʼ۶ :Ok to start stock master export? >ȷҪʼļ :Ok to start stock take? >ȷҪʼ̵ :Ok to start supplier currency conversion? >ȷҪʼӦ̻ת :Ok to start the conversion of Printer/User files to %1 format? >ȷҪʼӡ/ûļת %1 ʽ? :Ok to start the conversion of Printer/User files to 4.0 format? >ȷҪʼӡûļ4.0ʽת :Ok to start the conversion of SYSPRO files from 4.0 to 5.1 format? >ȷҪʼSYSPROļ4.05.1ʽת :Ok to start the conversion of SYSPRO files to 3.2 format? >ȷҪʼSYSPROļ3.2ʽת :Ok to start the conversion of SYSPRO files to 4.0 format? >ȷҪʼSYSPROļ4.0ʽת :Ok to start the conversion of SYSPRO files to 5.1 format? >ȷҪʼSYSPROļ5.1ʽת :Ok to start the conversion of files from %1 to SYSPRO %1 format? >ȷҪʼļ %1 ת SYSPRO %1 ʽ? :Ok to start the conversion of files from 4.0 to SYSPRO 6.0 format? >ȷҪʼ40ʽתΪSYSPRO 60ʽ :Ok to start the conversion of files to SYSPRO %1 format? >ȷҪʼļת SYSPRO %1 ʽ? :Ok to start the conversion of files to SYSPRO 6.0 format? >ȷҪʼļתΪSYSPRO 60ʽ :Ok to start the verification of files to be converted from %1 to SYSPRO %1 format? >ȷҪʼ֤ %1 ת SYSPRO %1 ʽļ? :Ok to start the verification of files to be converted from 4.0 to 5.1 format? >ȷҪʼҪ4.0ʽתΪ5.1ʽļ֤ :Ok to start the verification of files to be converted from 4.0 to SYSPRO 6.0 format? >ȷҪʼ֤Ҫ40ʽתΪSYSPRO 60ʽļ :Ok to start the verification of files to be converted to SYSPRO %1 format? >ȷҪʼ֤ת SYSPRO %1 ʽļ? :Ok to start the verification of files to be converted to SYSPRO 6.0 format? >ȷҪʼ֤ҪתΪSYSPRO 60ʽļ :Ok to start the verification of files to be converted to the 3.2 format? >ȷҪʼҪת3.2ʽļ֤ :Ok to start the verification of files to be converted to the 4.0 format? >ȷҪʼҪת4.0ʽļ֤ :Ok to start the verification of files to be converted to the 5.1 format? >ȷҪʼҪת5.1ʽļ֤ :Ok to start update >ȷҪʼ :Ok to start verification of customer currency conversion? >ȷҪʼͻת֤ :Ok to start verification of supplier currency conversion? >ȷҪʼӦ̻ת֤ :Ok to tidy dictionary by removing unwanted phrases? >ȷҪɾҪĶֵ :Ok to transfer data from all SQL tables to ISAM files >确定要从所有 SQL 表向 ISAM 文件转发数据 :Ok to under dispatch this line >ȷҪԴִǷ :Ok to unset ECC control for all affected items? >ȷҪȫӰĿECC :Ok to update Contact? >ȷҪϵ :Ok to update job >ȷҪҵ :Ok to update selected items? >ȷҪѡĿ :Okay to delete ISAM files? >ȷҪɾISAMļ :Okay to start processing? >ȷҪʼ? :Olap Cubes >Olapάݼ :Old >ɵ :Old Code >ɴ :Old GL group > GL :Old Quantity to issue >Ҫǩ :Old W/h >ϲֿ :Old amount >ɽ :Old cost >ɳɱ :Old currency >ɻ :Old date >ɵ :Old departure date >ϵ :Old elapsed time >ϵѹʱ :Old expiry date >ϵʧЧ :Old for report index %1 >ڱ %1 Ϊ :Old password > :Old password is incorrect >벻ȷ :Old payments outstanding >δ :Old price >ɼ۸ :Old text >ı :Old value >ֵ :Old vessel >ɴֻ :Older > :Oldest detail movement >ϸ䶯 :Oldest ledger year for >ɵķݣ :On >Ķ :On Version >汾 :On B/order >ڽ :On Client >ڿͻ :On Fail Action >һʧ :On Full Hold Status >ȫ汣״̬ :On Hold Status >״̬ :On Line Check Print >ӡ :On Loan > :On Partial Hold Status >ڲֱ״̬ :On Success Action >һɹ :On Version >ڰ汾 :On acceptance of line create >һбܣ򴴽 :On account >ʻ :On adding a line >һ :On back order >ڶ :On each page >ÿҳ :On hand > :On hand % >% :On hand < minimum >е < Сֵ :On hand < re-order >е < ¶ :On hand < safety >е < ȫ :On hand < zero >ֵ < :On hand > maximum >е < ֵ :On hand > zero > > :On hand Value >мֵ :On hand available quantity >еĿ :On hand greater than maximum quantity > :On hand greater than zero > :On hand less than minimum quantity >СС :On hand less than re-order quantity >С¶ :On hand less than safety stock >Сڰȫ :On hand less than zero >С :On hand qty > :On hand quantities not zero, or quantity allocated to sales order >Ϊ㣬ѷ۶ :On hand quantity > :On hand will go negative >Ϊ :On hold (H) >(H) :On hold Item >Ŀ :On hold flag >־ :On hold flag before >֮ǰ־ :On hold suppliers on file, >ļzzz9Ʊ :On hold? >Ҫ :On including this service charge line, the service charge will be detached >һ÷շУշѱ㱻ֿ :On line and batch > :On order >Ѷ :On order quantity not zero >Ϊ :On partial or full hold >ֻȫ :On purchase order >ڲɹ :On request > :On selecting this component, the component will be detached >һѡ˲ :On server >ڷ :On startup >ʼ :On time >׼ʱ :On-hold flag >־ :On-line Check > :On-line Check Details >֧Ʊϸ :On-line Document >ļ :On-line Inspection Document Print >ļӡ :On-line Payment >߸ :On-line Payment Register >߸Ǽ :On-line or A/P checks are in progress for this bank >ڽдеӦʿ (A/P) :On-line printing options >ӡѡ :On-line register current year >在线登记簿当前年份 :On-line register next year >在线登记簿下一年份 :On-line register previous year >在线登记簿上一年份 :On-site qty >ֳ :On/off >򿪣ر :On?Version >?Version :OnClose VBScript Event >OnClose VBScript 事件 :Once only >һ :Once per report >ÿݱһ :Once the processing of all the components and operations is complete use the Next push button >һɶȫʹáһť :Once the processing of selection criteria is complete use the Next push button to continue onto the >һɶѡ׼Ĵʹáһť :Once you have chosen all the components/operations you require from the current option, press the >һӵǰѡѡȫ밴һťԼ :Once you have clicked on Finish, you should immediately login >一旦您单击“完成”,应立即使用 '1%' 操作员代码和密码 :Once you have run this utility and you are ready to post submodule journals, please ensure that the correct submodule journals are selected to post. Posting the incorrect submodule journals will create duplicate GL journal entries >һдʹó÷ģռ˵׼ȷѡⷢȷģռˡȷģռ˽ظ GL ռĿ :One >һX(3) :One '%1' comprises %2 '%3' >һ '%1' %2 '%3' :One '%1' comprises '%2' '%3' >һ '%1' '%2' '%3' :One deduction tax code must be entered >һ˰ :One forecast on first day >һһԤ :One forecast on first work day >һյһԤ :One forecast per period on the first day >һÿһԤ :One forecast per period on the first working day >һÿһԤ :One of more of the selected jobs have been confirmed >ȷһѡҵ :One of the files selected is the "Report Heading Translation File" >ѡļ֮һ "ⷭļ" :One of the files selected is the \"Report Heading Translation File\" >ѡļ֮һ\ⷭļ\ :One of the temporary directories in the 'base\upgrade' directory cannot be removed. Please remove all temporary directories from this upgrade directory >޷ɾ׼\Ŀ¼еijʱĿ¼ӱĿ¼ɾȫʱĿ¼ :One of your sections must be marked as the G/L code section >ѡбһΪG/L벿 :One or more Analysis objects not found. Please make sure that the Analysis objects have been uploaded to the Master database >δҵһȷѽصݿ :One or more Organizations have been changed against the current list.\n\nDo you want to save the changes? >Եǰбһ֯\n\nϣ :One or more changes have been made >已做一项或多项更改 :One or more components is on full hold. Component lines will be cancelled >一个或多个部件完全保留。将取消部件行 :One or more components is on partial hold. Do you wish to continue >ֱһϣ :One or more components of this kit parent are not stocked in this warehouse >һ׼һڱֿ޿ :One or more controls have been updated from the server (or copied in a standalone environment).\n\nThese only take effect once you have logged out and reloaded SYSPRO >һѴӷи£ڶ½иƣ\n\nЩƽ˳¼ SYSPRO 󷢻 :One or more errors were found. Save cancelled >ҵһ󡣱ȡ :One or more files was not successfully converted. Please take note of error messages >һݻļδܳɹת´Ϣ :One or more files was not successfully converted. Please take note of error messages in log file >һļδɹת־ļм¼Ϣ :One or more files were not successfully copied.The files not copied are shown in this listview. The temporary directories/files have not been removed from the .\upgrade directory should you wish to copy the upgrade files manually >һݻļδܳɹơڱб鿴гδܸƵļϣ˹ļʱĿ¼ļδ\Ŀ¼ɾ :One or more items have been changed against the current list >һĿԵǰби :One or more items have been changed against the current list.\n\nDo you want to save the changes? >ԵǰбһĿ\n\nϣ :One or more items have been changed against the current list.\n\nThese changes must be saved before you continue >һĿԵǰбиġ\n\nЩıǰб :One or more items selected are already at the lowest Indent Level >ѡһĿѴ :One or more job schedules >һų :One or more jobs, requisitions or p/orders are attached to one or more lines of this order. Do you wish to continue and cancel this order? >ڸöһлϸһҵ빺ɹϣȡö :One or more jobs, requisitions or p/orders are attached to one or more lines of this order. Do you wish to continue and complete this order? >һ빺ɹڴ˶һСϣɴ˶? :One or more jobs, requisitions or p/orders is attached to one or more lines of this order >ڱһлϸһҵɹ :One or more lines have been placed on back order for order '%1' >ѽһл붩 '%1' ڽ :One or more lines have not been saved due to commitment accounting >ڳиƵԵʣѱһ :One or more lines in your report have been changed. If you wish to see the results of your changes in the XML document you must execute the G/L report. Do you wish to do this now? >ıеһлѱġϣXMLļв鿴ĽִG/Lϣִ :One or more lines were ignored as the commitment budget was exceeded >ѳŵԤ㣬˺һл :One or more lines were not released (due to insufficient stock, kit lines or unallocated scheduled orders) >δǩһлУ桢׼лδŶƻ㣩 :One or more materials linked to the excluded co-product '%1' are attached to sub jobs. You will have to correct any changes to these sub jobs manually >ųͬƷ'%1' ӵһϱӵתҵСֶЩתҵĸ :One or more multi-grade co-products have a planning weighting of greater than %1 >һȼƷ߱ %1 ļƻȨ :One or more of the SQL connection details has been changed. Please test the SQL Server connection >һ SQL Ѹġ SQL :One or more of the capacity values entered is greater than %1 and the capacity value for subcontract operations can only be %2 or %3 >һֵ %1 ӺֵͬΪ %2 %3 :One or more of the capacity values entered is greater than 1 and the capacity value for subcontract operations can only be 1 or 0 >һֵ 1 ӺֵͬΪ 1 0 :One or more of the company ID's is invalid >һ˾IDЧ :One or more of the selected lines contained errors and have been ignored >ѡһлаѱ :One or more of the system level parameters in the license file are different from your current system settings. You should use the System Setup program to enter these values before updating each of your company's licenses >ļеһϵͳͬǰϵͳáӦڸ¹˾ÿ֤֮ǰʹϵͳóЩֵ :One or more of your mail addresses is invalid. The invalid names will be removed from your list >һʼַЧЧƽбɾ :One or more of your watermark images does not exist in ...\base\samples on the application server >您的一张或多张水印图像在应用服务器上的 ...\base\samples 中不存在 :One or more order lines have errors or warnings. Order was not saved >一个或多个订单行具有错误或警告。未保存订单 :One or more programs have version numbers earlier than currently existing programs. You may wish to abort the upgrade process to prevent any other files being upgraded >һİ汾ڵǰгİ汾šϣֹ̣Էֹļ :One or more programs have version numbers earlier than currently installed programs.\n\nThe upgrade process will not allow you to continue to avoid mismatched components.\n\nSee the 'Comment' column for the message 'Ignored - earlier version' >һ߱ڵǰװİ汾š\n\n¹̽УԱⷢƥ\n\nμעеϢ - ڰ汾 :One or more quantity fields have the incorrect number of decimals. Do you wish them to be automatically truncated? >һֶκвȷСϣԶɾС :One or more roles have been changed against the organogram.\n\nDo you want to save the changes? >һְ֯ṹͼиġ\n\nϣ? :One or more sections has a missing description or a section length of zero >һ˵ʧѡ㳤 :One or more selected roles selected for import exist in the target database.\n\nDo you want to over-write these roles? >Ŀݿдһѡڵѡְ\n\nϣЩְ? :One or more selected tables selected for import exist >һڵѡ :One or more selected tables selected for import exist\nin the target R/W Data Dictionary. Do you want to\nover-write these tables? >ѡеһѡ\nĿ걨(R/W)ֵдڡϣ\nЩ :One or more stock codes is on hold and will be ignored. Do you wish process the remaining items on the shipment receipt? >һ봦ڱ״̬˽ԡϣվеĿ :One or more stock codes is on hold. Stock on full hold will be ignored. Do you wish to process partially held stock codes? >һ봦ڱ״̬ȫĿ潫ԡϣֱĿ :One or more stocked items is on hold. These lines have been ignored >һƷڱ״̬Щѱ :One or more templates are not enabled. Please maintain the templates and enable them >δһģ塣άģ岢 :One or more units of measure and / or conversion factors differ. Do you want to contine? >һλ / תϵͬҪ? :One or more upgrade files exist in the .\upgrade directory. Would you like to upgrade your system now? (You can always run the upgrade at a later stage) >һݻļ\Ŀ¼Сϣϵͳ𣿣ʱ̣ :One or more where-used items have not been added as this ECO is already enabled for structure maintenance and these items are enabled for structure maintenance under different ECOs >ñECOڽṹάЩĿڲͬECOµĽṹάûһõĿ :One per document >ÿļһ :One time only >һ :Online > :Online Kit Issue Document >联机工具包签发文档 :Online Options >ѡ :Online Printing Document Selection >ӡĵѡ :Online dispatch notes set to >Ϊ :Online invoices set to >ƱΪ :Online printing options >ӡѡ :Only > :Only %1 decimals allowed for '%2' > '%2' ֻ %1 С :Only %1 integers allowed for '%2' > '%2' ֻ %1 :Only '%1' decimals allowed for co-product line '%2' >ڹͬƷ '%2' ֻ %1 С :Only Adjustments and Expense Issues allowed in a previous period >һֻͷǩ :Only Adjustments and Expense Issues are allowed in a previous period >һнͷǩ :Only Adjustments, Expense Issues and Bin Transfers are allowed in a previous period >һнǩͿλת :Only Administrators can edit operator password configurations >仅管理员方可编辑操作员密码配置 :Only Administrators can edit operator password configurations.\n\nFunction cancelled >ֻйԱɱ༭Աá\n\nܱȡ :Only Codes in Current Supplier >ǰӦеĴ :Only Codes in Current Warehouse >ǰֿеĴ :Only Immediate Transfers are allowed for traceable or ECC items if multiple bins is installed >װ˶λôڿɸٻECCĿֻת :Only Show SYSPRO Processes >ʾSYSPRO :Only Show Unknown Processes >ʾδ֪ :Only Show User Tables >ֻʾû :Only Specific W/house's Stock >ֻضIJֿ :Only a line with the entry type of '%1' may have a debit or credit amount >ֻо߱ '%1'͵зɾ߱ǻǽ :Only a line with the entry type of 'Amount' may have a debit or credit amount >ֻо߱͵зɾ߱ǻǽ :Only a maximum of %1 files can be assigned to a path that is not the default >仅可向非默认路径分配最多 %1 个文件 :Only allow deposits if there are quantities on back order >ڶôֻ :Only allow selection from predefined list for the following activity fields >Ϊ»ֶδԤбѡ :Only an administrator can login to this company as it needs to be converted to issue %1 format >ֻйԱɵ¼ù˾ΪҪתǩ %1 ʽ :Only apply factor change >Ӧò :Only apply if the entire file is valid >Only apply if the entire file is valid :Only approve requisition lines for current holder >׼ǰߵ빺 :Only authorized >Ȩ :Only authorized journals >޻Ȩռ :Only by operator selection >Աѡ :Only completed jobs with WIP values >ɵġWIPֵҵ :Only confirmation >ȷ :Only created >Ѵ :Only current Rev/Rel >ǰ޶ǩ :Only current WWW/WWW >ǰWWW/WWW :Only current revision/release >޶ :Only customer >ͻ :Only customers on hold >ͻ :Only delete if document has been transmi >ĵɾ :Only delete if document has been transmitted >ļѱͣɾ :Only delete transmitted documents >ɾĵ :Only effective policies >Ч :Only entries from reserved lots allowed >ֻе :Only entries with errors >д :Only entries with errors or warnings >д򾯸 :Only first %1 columns shown >ʾ׸ %1 :Only forecasts with non current >޵ǰԤ :Only forecasts with non current rev/rels >߱޶еԤ :Only forecasts with zero qty >Ԥ :Only forecasts with zero quantity >Ԥ :Only found on invalid option >仅在无效选项中找到 :Only global >ȫֵ :Only immediate transfers allowed for lot traceable and ECC-controlled items >οɸٺܹ̱(ECC)ƵĿֱֻת :Only include items with no draft >޻ƱĿ :Only include items with no draft forecasts >޳ԤĿ :Only include on hold >仅包括保留 :Only include operators locked out >IJԱ :Only include operators without a password >ûIJԱ :Only jobs that should be complete >Ӧɵҵ :Only jobs that should have been started >Ӧÿʼҵ :Only jobs with change in percentage complete >䶯ٷֱɵҵ :Only lines that affect offer >Ӱ챨̵ :Only list programs where access is allowed >ʵг :Only made in or subcontracted items are valid for a hierarchical quotation >ڲαֻڲתĿЧ :Only master > :Only non-stocked items defined as made in or subcontracted are valid for a hierarchical quotation >ڲαֻжΪڲתķǿĿЧ :Only one >һ :Only one SYSPRO program may be run per trigger point and this is always the last program. To run more than one use the NetExpress trigger type >һSYSPROɰУеһҪһϳNetExpress :Only one TPM relation is allowed per link >ÿֻһó״(TPM)ϵ :Only one character company id is allowed for ISAM companies > ISAM ˾ʹһַĹ˾ id :Only one cost may be supplied >ֻṩһɱ :Only one criterion may be selected as the source at any given time >ʱڣѡһ׼ΪԴ :Only one person at a time may design layouts >一次仅一人可设计布局 :Only optional components may be removed >ɾѡ :Only override MPS items' batching rules >MPSĿķ :Only override MPS items' buying rules >ֻƻ(MPS)ĿIJɹ :Only print Stat parts in report >ӡͳƲ :Only print dispatches not yet invoiced >ӡδ߷Ʊķ :Only print exception lines >ӡ :Only print items where draft forecasts differ from current forecasts >ӡX·ݵκڳԤ뵱ǰԤ :Only print items with MTD activity >ӡMTDĿ :Only print locked out operators >ӡIJԱ :Only print programs where access is allowed >ӡʵij :Only print service charges with merch line >ӡƷеķ :Only print transactions for the selected period >ӡѡڽ :Only purge invalid contracts >Чĺͬ :Only purge transfer when complete >ʱת :Only purge when PO line complete > PO ʱ :Only purge when purchase order line complete >ɲɹʱ :Only quantities outstanding on allocations will be used >ʹ÷δɵ :Only quotation specific non-stocked codes >ضķǿ :Only quotations in a status of '%1' or '%2' can be confirmed >ȷϴ '%1' '%2' ״̬ı :Only quotations in a status of 'Ready for printing' or 'Printed' can be confirmed >ȷϴڡӡѴӡ״̬еı :Only quotations with a valid customer can be confirmed >ȷϾЧͻı :Only returnable item service charges are permitted for supplier chain transfers >ڹӦתƣֻɷĿշ :Only schedules with non current >޵ǰʱ :Only schedules with non current rev/rel >߱޶еʱ :Only schedules with zero quantity >ļƻ :Only select requisitions for current holder >Ϊǰļѡ빺 :Only select requisitions for current holder to create purchase order >ѡǰ˵ɹ :Only ship whole order flag >װ־ :Only show activities created by me >ʾĻ :Only show my activities >ʾҵĻ :Only show operators for group >ΪʾԱ :Only show operators for my group >ΪҵʾԱ :Only show quantity free >ʾĿ :Only show reports created by me >ʾҴı :Only show where conflicts exist >ʾڳͻIJ :Only show zeros >ʾ :Only standard columns will be defined >׼ :Only stock codes not yet printed >δӡĿ :Only stocking unit of measure allowed for unit quantity stock item >ڵλĿֻλ :Only stocking unit of measure is supported for Phantom, Planning bill, Notional and Kit type items >֧⡢ƻ˵͹߰ĿĿλ :Only suppliers on hold >ޱӦ :Only the co-products processed up to this point will be receipted. Are you sure you do not want to process any further co-products? >վﵽһ׼ĹͬƷȷϣκͬƷ :Only the current period and two previous periods may be open >ɴ򿪵ǰڼǰڼ :Only the first %1 columns are shown >ʾǰ%1 :Only the first 10 run time prompts will be requested in the report writer >ڱУǰ10ʱʾ :Only the first 60 character of the sort key will be used when sorting >ʱֻʹǰ60ַ :Only the holder can route this requisition line >ֻг߿Բһ빺е· :Only the originator can cancel this requisition line >ֻз߿ȡһ빺е· :Only the originator or holder can >ֻвԱ :Only the originator or holder can hold >ֻвԱ :Only the originator or holder can hold this requisition line >ֻз߻߿Գһ빺 :Only the originator or holder can hold this requistion line >˻߷ɱ빺 :Only the quantity allocated will be issued. Ok to continue? >ǩѷȷҪ :Only the quantity reserved will be issued. Ok to continue? >ǩȷҪ :Only unauthorized >δȨ :Only unauthorized journals >δȨռ :Only up to eight sets of data can be graphed >ͼʾ˸ݼ :Only up to four sets of data can be graphed when a weekly calendar is in use >ʹʱֻʹĸݼͼ :Only use where stock code rev/rel is blank >ڿ޶Ϊյij :Only used for %1 periods > %1 :Only used for 13 periods >13 :Only view report in web browser >ڲ鿴 :Only when cancelling >ɾʱ :Only where draft different to current >޻Ʊͬڵǰ :Only where suggested date after original date >ԭʼ֮ݵij :Only, with WIP values >ʹ WIP ֵ :Op > :Op finish date, job priority, job >ڡȼ :Op start date, job priority, job >ʼڡȼ :Op-context >-Χ :Op/offset >/ :Opacity for inactive floating panes >ǻIJ͸ :Open > :Open (0) > (0) :Open (1) > (1) :Open Activity >򿪻 :Open Browse Configuration File >ļ :Open Cash Drawer >ֽƱ :Open Current Item >򿪵ǰĿ :Open File >ļ :Open File Test >ļ :Open Flow Graph file >ͼļ :Open License Import File >֤ļ :Open Menu >򿪲˵ :Open Menu Configuration File >򿪲˵ļ :Open Other Menu >˵ :Open Report >򿪱 :Open Template >ģ :Open Web Page >Webҳ :Open a Flow Graph >ͼ :Open and append >򿪲 :Open another flow graph >һͼ :Open backorder >ڶ :Open backorder (2) >ڶ(2) :Open backorders >ڽ :Open bracket >打开支架 :Open existing browse configuration file >ļ :Open existing menu configuration file >в˵ļ :Open item >Ŀ :Open of book '%1' cancelled >ȡʲ '%1' :Open options >ѡ :Open order > :Open order (1) >򿪶 (1) :Open orders >򿪶 :Open orders will be checked. OK to continue? >鿪ŶȷҪ? :Open void > :Open void (O) > (O) :Open voided >打开已作废 :Open with Cross Shipments (X) >Խ䷽ʽ (X) :Open your default Flow Graph >Ĭͼ :Open your home Flow Graph >打开您的内部流程图 :Opening >ڴ :Opening Balance Entered at Run Time >ڴڼ :Opening Balance from Cash Book >ڴֽ˲ :Opening Balance from General Ledger >ڴ :Opening Word >ڴWord :Opening balance >ڳ :Opening balance for >ڳ :Opening balances for previous months %1 not zero >ǰ· %1 ĿҵΪ :Opening balances for the year do not balance >ȵĴƽ :Opening cash balance >ڴֽ :Opening cost/value >ڴ򿪳ɱ/ֵ :Opening cume >ڳ :Opening cume '%1' cannot be less than total acknowledged '%2' as having been received >ۼ '%1' СΪյȷ '%2' :Opening depreciation >ڴ۾ :Opening file >ڳļ :Opening reval depreciation >ڴ¹ֵ۾ :Opening stock >ڴ򿪿 :Opening stock balance >ڴ򿪿 :Opens a SQL Script file and appends the script to the contents of the text box > SQL űļűӵı :Opens a SQL Script file and inserts the script into the text box > SQL űļűı :Oper >Ա :Oper Credentials >Աƾ :Operand > :Operand %1 > %1 :Operating System Date >ϵͳ :Operating system >ϵͳ :Operating system date and time >ϵͳʱ :Operating system time >ϵͳʱ :Operation > :Operation '%1' is complete > '%1' :Operation '%1' is invalid for parent '%2' > '%2' '%1' Ч :Operation '%1' is not a sub-contract operation > '%1' ת :Operation '%1' is not a subcontract operation > '%1' ת :Operation '%1' not found >δҵ '%1' :Operation (parent) > () :Operation Attributes > :Operation Browse > :Operation Complete > :Operation Dates > :Operation Detail >ϸ :Operation Details > :Operation End Date > :Operation Graph >ͼ :Operation Information >Ϣ :Operation Locked > :Operation Maintenance >ά :Operation Name > :Operation Narration > :Operation Narrations > :Operation Number Increment >ۼ :Operation Queue Date > :Operation Record >¼ :Operation Retrieval > :Operation Selection/Maintenance (other than sales) >ѡάۣ :Operation Slack (hhmm) >ʱ(hhmm) :Operation Start Date >ʼ :Operation Times > :Operation Tracking > :Operation Tracking for Job >ҵ :Operation Trans > :Operation Transactions > :Operation Transactions for Job >IJ :Operation Type Maintenance >ά :Operation Zoom > :Operation attribute %1 > %1 :Operation cannot be created for a phantom, planning bill or kit type item >ΪӰƻʵ򹤾߰Ŀ :Operation chain missing >ʧ :Operation changes as parent >Ϊ :Operation complete default >Ĭ :Operation completed via >ɷʽ :Operation description >操作描述 :Operation end > :Operation is complete - warning >操作完成 - 警告 :Operation is zero >Ϊ :Operation line description > :Operation not on file > :Operation number > :Operation number already on file >Ѵ :Operation number or offset time in days >ŻΪλƫʱ :Operation numbering > :Operation offset >ƫ :Operation rates > :Operation receipt offset >ƫ :Operation record locked >¼ :Operation selection >ѡ :Operation slack > :Operation split >ֽ :Operation split flag >ֽ־ :Operation start >ʼ :Operation status >״̬ :Operation tracking details for >ز :Operation type > :Operation warning >操作警告 :Operation work center description > :Operation yield qty > :Operation/Offset >操作/偏移 :Operation/Offset days >λ :Operation/Work center or Component >/Ļ򲿼 :Operations > :Operations Allocations > :Operations Browse > :Operations Detail Section >ϸ :Operations Director (VP) > (VP) :Operations Gantt chart preferences > Gantt ͼѡ :Operations Graphing Program >ͼʾ :Operations Limit > :Operations Line > :Operations Maintenance >操作维护 :Operations already exist against the current parent part. You may continue and elect to delete existing operations or add new operations after existing operations >ԵǰIJѴڡвɼѡɾǰ² :Operations and Components >벿 :Operations attached flag >ӱǸӲ :Operations charge percentage >շѰٷֱ :Operations cost to date >²ɱ :Operations end on line > :Operations exist for this work center >ҵĴڲ :Operations exist. Change part category anyway? >Ѵڡ֮Ҫ :Operations exist. Work center '%1' cannot be deleted >Ѵڡ:ҵ '%1' ɾ :Operations exist. Work center '%1' cannot be deleted. >Ѵڡ:ҵ '%1' ɾ :Operations for Non-Stocked Code >ǿ :Operations for Stock Code > :Operations format print options >ʽӡѡ :Operations maintenance business object >άҵ :Operations not required >Ҫ :Operations only > :Operations options >ѡ :Operations start on line >ʼ :Operations/Components exist. Change part category anyway? >Ѵڡ֮Ҫ :Operator >Ա :Operator %1 of %2 >Ա %1 %2 :Operator '%1' has been locked out by the system administrator >Ա '%1' ѱϵͳԱ :Operator '%1' has not been assigned to a Contact >δԱ '%1' ϵ :Operator '%1' is linked to Contact '%2'. Ok to remove this link? >Ա '%1' ϵ'%2'ȷҪɾ :Operator '%1' is not linked to a Contact >Ա '%1' δϵ :Operator '%1' locked out >Ա '%1' :Operator '%1' not allowed access to e.net Order Entry application >Ա '%1' e.netӦó :Operator '%1' not allowed access to warehouse(s) for stock code '%2' >Ա '%1' ʿ '%2' IJֿ :Operator '%1' not found >δҵԱ '%1' :Operator Activity >Ա :Operator Activity Allowed >IJԱ :Operator Activity Denied >ܾIJԱ :Operator Amendment Journal >Ա޶ռ :Operator Amendment Journals >Ա޶ռ :Operator Browse >Ա :Operator Contact Link >Աϵ :Operator Copy >Ա :Operator Default Job Class >ԱĬҵȼ :Operator Details >Ա :Operator Disallowed from company >Ա˾ܾ :Operator Group >Ա :Operator Group Browse >Ա :Operator Group Maintenance >Աά :Operator Groups >Ա :Operator Library Codes >Աݿ :Operator List >Աб :Operator List Report >Աб :Operator Lockout >Ա :Operator Maintenance >Աά :Operator Pane >Ա :Operator Password >Ա :Operator Password Configuration >Ա :Operator Password Setup >Ա :Operator Preferences >Ա :Operator Quick View >Աٲ鿴 :Operator Role Browse >Աְ :Operator Roles >Աְ :Operator Security >Աȫ :Operator Security Access - A/P Branches >Աȫ - A/P֧ :Operator Security Access - Accounts Payable Branches >Աȫ - Ӧʿ֧ :Operator Security Access - A/P branch >Աȫʼ - Ӧʿ(A/P)֧ :Operator Security Access - A/R Branches >Աȫ - A/R֧ :Operator Security Access - A/R branch >Աȫʼ - Ӧʿ(A/R)֧ :Operator Security Access - AP branch >Աȫ - AP ֧ :Operator Security Access - AR Branches >Աȫ - AR ֧ :Operator Security Access - AR branch >Աȫ - AR ֧ :Operator Security Access - Account type >Աȫʼ - ʻ :Operator Security Access - Accounts Receivable Branches >Աȫ - Ӧʿ֧ :Operator Security Access - Activities >Աȫ -  :Operator Security Access - Bank >Աȫʼ - :Operator Security Access - Banks >Աȫ - :Operator Security Access - Contact category %1 >Աȫʼ - ϵ %1 :Operator Security Access - Contact class >Աȫʼ - ϵ˵ȼ :Operator Security Access - Contact class %1 >Աȫʼ - ϵ˵ȼ %1 :Operator Security Access - Contact property >Աȫʼ - ϵ :Operator Security Access - Contact property %1 >Աȫʼ - ϵ %1 :Operator Security Access - Contact territory >Աȫʼ - ϵ˵ :Operator Security Access - Contact type >Աȫʼ - ϵ :Operator Security Access - Contact type %1 >Աȫʼ - ϵ %1 :Operator Security Access - Fields >Աȫ - ֶ :Operator Security Access - Job Classification >Աȫ - ҵ :Operator Security Access - Warehouse >Աȫʼ - ֿ :Operator Security Access - Warehouses >Աȫ - ֿ :Operator Security List Report >Աȫб :Operator Setup >Ա :Operator Statistics >Աͳ :Operator Timeout >Աʱ :Operator Validation >Ա֤ :Operator access denied for placing a customer on hold >ԱΪͻеķʱܾ :Operator access denied for releasing a customer from hold >Աδͷͻеķʱܾ :Operator access denied for this type of transaction >һͽ׵IJԱʱܾ :Operator access denied to A/P adjustments >ԱӦʿ(A/P)ķʱܾ :Operator access denied to A/P credit notes >ԱӦʿ(A/P)Ʊݵķʱܾ :Operator access denied to A/P debit notes >ԱӦʿ(A/P)Ʊݵķʱܾ :Operator access denied to A/P invoices >ԱӦʿ(A/P)Ʊķʱܾ :Operator access denied to A/P registered invoices >ԱӦʿ(A/P)עᷢƱķʱܾ :Operator access denied to A/R adjustments >ԱӦʿ(A/R)ķʱܾ :Operator access denied to A/R credit notes >ԱӦʿ(A/R)Ʊݵķʱܾ :Operator access denied to A/R debit notes >ԱӦʿ(A/R)Ʊݵķʱܾ :Operator access denied to A/R invoices >ԱӦʿ(A/R)Ʊķʱܾ :Operator access denied to A/R miscellaneous receipts >ԱӦʿ(A/R)վݵķʱܾ :Operator access denied to A/R payments >ԱӦʿ(A/R)ķʱܾ :Operator access denied to AP adjustments >ԱӦʿ(AP)ķʱܾ :Operator access denied to AP credit notes >ԱӦʿ(AP)Ʊݵķʱܾ :Operator access denied to AP debit notes >ԱӦʿ(AP)Ʊݵķʱܾ :Operator access denied to AP invoices >ԱӦʿ(AP)Ʊķʱܾ :Operator access denied to AP registered invoices >ԱӦʿ(AP)עᷢƱķʱܾ :Operator access denied to AR adjustments >ԱӦʿ(AR)ķʱܾ :Operator access denied to AR credit notes >ԱӦʿ(AR)Ʊݵķʱܾ :Operator access denied to AR debit notes >ԱӦʿ(AR)Ʊݵķʱܾ :Operator access denied to AR invoices >ԱӦʿ(AR)Ʊķʱܾ :Operator access denied to AR miscellaneous receipts >ԱӦʿ(AR)վݵķʱܾ :Operator access denied to AR payments >ԱӦʿ(AR)ķʱܾ :Operator access denied to Cash Book deposits >Աֽʱķʱܾ :Operator access denied to Cash Book withdrawals >Աֽʱķʱܾ :Operator access denied to capture EFT transactions >Ա׽ת(EFT)׵ķʱܾ :Operator access denied to change EFT transactions >Աĵת(EFT)׵ķʱܾ :Operator access denied to change transaction as posting month and year is not the same as selected month and year >ڹ·ݺѡ·ݺȲͬ˲ԱĽ׵ķʱܾ :Operator access denied to deposits and withdrawals >ԱԴķʱܾ :Operator access denied to reconcile/unreconcile function >ԱԶʣȡʹܵķʱܾ :Operator access denied to this payment run >ԱԸøеķʱܾ :Operator access has been denied to certain branches. Product classes for these branches have not been updated/deleted >ѾܾԱijЩ֧ķʡδ/ɾЩ֧IJƷȼ :Operator access to discount change denied >Աۿ۸ĵķʱܾ :Operator access to margin override denied >Աǵķʱܾ :Operator access to order maintenance denied >ԱԶάķʱܾ :Operator access to price change denied >ԱԼ۸ĵķʱܾ :Operator already defined >ѶԱ :Operator already exists in table >ԱڱѴ :Operator already logged in >Աѵ¼ :Operator already on file >ԱѴ :Operator approved/denied >׼񶨵IJԱ :Operator cancelled from function >ԱѴӹȡ :Operator cancelled from the Electronic Signature function >ӵǩɾIJԱ :Operator code >Ա :Operator code changed contact >ԱѸĵϵ :Operator code creating contact >Ա봴ϵ :Operator current group code >Աǰ :Operator default >ԱĬ :Operator default company >ԱĬϹ˾ :Operator denied access to activity - %1 >ԱԻ - %1 ķʱܾ :Operator denied access to activity - Capturing Journals >ܾʻIJԱ - ׽ռ :Operator denied access to field - %1 >Աֶ - %1 ķʱܾ :Operator denied access to function >ԱԹܵķʱܾ :Operator email >Աʼ :Operator email address >Աʼַ :Operator filter type >Ա :Operator group not on file >Ա鲻 :Operator group selection >Աѡ :Operator has changed >ѸIJԱ :Operator information >ԱϢ :Operator instance >Աʵ :Operator intervention required >ҪԱԤ :Operator is allowed to logout users >Ա˳û :Operator limit >Ա :Operator location >߶λ :Operator locked >Ա :Operator locked by another user >һûIJԱ :Operator locked out >Ա :Operator locked out of Analytics >Analytics֮IJԱ :Operator locked out. Contact your System Administrator >ԱϵͳԱϵ :Operator name > :Operator name / program description >Ա :Operator name may not be blank >ԱΪհ :Operator name/program description >Ա/ :Operator not allowed over-receipting of GIT transfers >Ա˻(GIT)ת :Operator not allowed to overwrite ledger code or cost multiplier >ԱǷʴɱ :Operator not allowed under-receipting of GIT transfers >ԱǷ˻(GIT)ת :Operator not found >δҵԱ :Operator not found with user name '%1' >δҵ߱û '%1' IJԱ :Operator not on file >Ա :Operator options >Աѡ :Operator password expired. Contact your System Administrator >ԱʧЧϵͳԱϵ :Operator perform run >Աִ :Operator primary group code >Ա :Operator role description >Աְ :Operator security list >Աȫб :Operator selection >Աѡ :Operator settings >Ա :Operator style >ʽ :Operator table is full >Ա :Operator to inform about new orders placed >֪ͨµ¶ :Operator to notify >Ҫ֪ͨIJԱ :Operator usage for e.net business objects >Աenetҵʹ :Operator usage for web-based applications >ԱԻӦóʹ :Operator when invoice no was allocated >Ա (䷢Ʊʱ) :Operator when invoice was created >Ա (Ʊʱ) :Operator who captured order >񶩵ϵ :Operator who changed item >Ŀϵ :Operator who last changed this dispatch >Ĵ˴ηIJԱ :Operator who last changed this order >ĴζIJԱ :Operator who last released this order >ǩζIJԱ :Operator who released order >ǩIJԱ :Operator who released order from suspense >˳ͷŶIJԱ :Operator/ECC User >Ա̱(ECC)û :Operator/Group >Ա :Operator/Group/Company >Ա飯˾ :Operator/group configuration by company >˾IJԱ :Operators >Ա :Operators Linked to Role >ְIJԱ :Operators allowed to use this site >ʹôվϵ :Operators can change their own password >ԱɸԼ :Operators for Group >Ա :Operators for Single Group >IJ :Operators have been disallowed from logging into SYSPRO >ԱԵSYSPROܾ :Operators or groups >Ա :Ops >ѡ :Ops Transaction Details >ϸ :Ops complete > :Ops context >ѡ :Ops outstanding >δ :Opt >ѡ :Opt Seq Non-stock code >Ż˳ǿ :Opt cmp >ѡ񲿼 :Opt_play >Opt_play :Optimization >Ż :Optimize Data Sent >Żѷ :Optimize by pre-loading Crystal runtime >ͨԤ Crystal ʱŻ :Optimize coefficients >Żϵ :Optimize document printing by pre-loading the Crystal runtime as SYSPRO loads >ͨΪ SYSPRO Ԥ Crystal ʱŻĵӡ :Optimize for all operators >ΪвԱŻ :Optimized cursor - READ ONLY >Ż - ȡ :Optimized list views perform faster the more columns are not visible >优化列表视图执行越快,越多列栏不可见 :Option >ѡ :Option %1 >ѡ %1 :Option / Sequence >ѡ˳ :Option / seq >ѡ˳ :Option Dependencies >选项依赖性 :Option Limits >ѡ :Option Locked >ѡ :Option desc >ѡ :Option description >ѡ˵ :Option has at least %1 component attached >ѡ߱ %1 Ӳ :Option has at least %1 operation attached >ѡ߱ %1 Ӳ :Option if user defined file exists >ûļʱѡ :Option if user file exists >ûʱѡ :Option is only available in automation >ѡԶģʽ¿ :Option linked >ѡ :Option not allowed for batch serial numbers >ϵк벻ѡ :Option selected >ѡѡ :Option selection >ѡѡ :Option type >ѡ :Option/Sequence >ѡ/˳ :Option/op >ѡԱ :Option/seq >ѡ˳ :Optional >ѡ :Optional Component >ѡ :Optional Component Selection >ѡѡ :Optional co-product >ѡͬƷ :Optional comp >ѡ˾ :Optional component flag >ѡ :Optional component for order entry >Ŀѡ :Optional component on sales order >۶еĿѡ :Optional third section >ѡĵ :Optionally Assign a Number to this Order prior to Adding Order Lines >Ӷ֮ǰѡ˶ :Optionally add/subtract a user-defined number of years (1 to 9) from the financial year field in all files modified by the GL Configure Year End and GL Control Record Update pro > GL պ GL Ƽ¼רҵ޸ĵļеIJֶѡؼ/û (1 9) :Optionally attached notes may be copied >Ըѡ񸽼ӵע :Optionally you can specify a starting directory >ΪѡָʼĿ¼ :Optionally you can specify a starting directory for this application >ΪѡΪӦóָʼĿ¼ :Options >ѡ :Options %1 >ѡ %1 :Options Details >ѡϸ :Options Maintenance >ѡά :Options Warning >ѡ :Options and Components >ѡ :Options for cost implosion and suggeste >ɱֽͽҵѡ :Options for cost implosion and suggested jobs >ɱֽͽҵѡ :Options for view >ͼѡ :Options on addition >ѡ :Options processed >Ѵѡ :Options saved >ѱѡ :Options selection >ѡѡ :Options to Open, Save, and Print a Flow Graph >ͼд򿪡ʹӡѡ :Options(Alt+O) >ѡ(Alt+O) :Options, components and operations >ѡͲ :Options, components and operations selected >ѡѡͲ :Ord Ack manual print >ȷֶӡ :Ord Ack no %1 >ȷϺ %1 :Ord. acknowledgement >ȷ :Ord.type > :Order > :Order %1 , line %2 , is in error for the following reason - missing GL interface. You can continue checking but will not be allowed to copy the order. Continue or cancel? > %1 %2 ԭ - (GL)ӿڶʧɼִм飬ƶҪִлȡ :Order %1 , line %2 , is in error for the following reason - warehouse does not exist for stock code. You can continue checking but will not be allowed to copy the order. Continue or cancel? > %1 %2 ԭ - ڿ룬ڲֿ⡣ɼִм飬ƶҪִлȡ :Order '%1' status may not be changed to 8 when serial numbers have not been allocated >δϵкǰý '%1' ״̬Ϊ8 :Order '%1', type '%2' is not of the type selected > '%1' '%2' ѡ :Order Acknowledgement Email Document >ȷϵʼļ :Order Acknowledgement XML Document >ȷXMLļ :Order Acknowledgement in Progress >ִжȷ :Order Acknowledgement options >ظѡ :Order Analysis files to be generated >Ķļ :Order Backlog Query >δɶѯ :Order Backlog Query by Customer >ͻδѯ :Order Backlog Query by Stock Code >δѯ :Order Backlog by Customer Report >ͻĶѹ :Order Comments >ע :Order Commitment Graph >ŵͼ :Order Created >ѴĶ :Order Details >ϸ :Order Discount Breaks >ۿֹ :Order Discount Breaks - Global >ۿ - ȫ :Order Discount Breaks Copy >ۿ۷ :Order Discount Breaks by Customer >ͻ˳Ķۿ :Order Discount Details >ۿϸ :Order Discount Level >ۿۼ :Order Entry >¼ :Order Entry (Ctrl+E) >(Ctrl+E) :Order Entry Clerk >¼Ա :Order Entry Clerk (Counter Sales) >¼Ա (̨) :Order Entry Shipping Instructions >װָʾ :Order Entry Totals >ϼ :Order Entry Totals (Local Currency) >ϼƣػң :Order Entry Totals (in local currency) >ϼƣԵػΪλ :Order GP% >GP% :Order GST >ͨӪҵ˰(GST) :Order Header > :Order Information >Ϣ :Order Intake Query >սѯ :Order Invoice Cross Reference >Ʊղο :Order Line > :Order Line Details >ϸ :Order Line Discount Breaks by Customer, Product Class >ͻƷȼĶۿ۷ֽ :Order Line Discount Breaks by Product Class >Ʒȼ˳Ķۿ :Order Line Discount Breaks by Product Class, Customer >Ʒȼͻ˳Ķۿ :Order Line key >м :Order Lines > :Order Lines Selection >ѡ :Order List > :Order Maintenance >ά :Order Maintenance (Ctrl+O) >ά(Ctrl+O) :Order Number Moved to Invoice Number >ΪƱĶ :Order Policy Details > :Order Profitability > :Order Profitability Report >ʱ :Order Profitability Report in Progress >ִж󱨱 :Order Purge > :Order Report > :Order Template >ģ :Order Totals >ϼ :Order Totals in Detail >ϸϼ :Order Type Maintenance >ά :Order Types > :Order U/m >λ :Order Unit of Measure >λ :Order Value Overflow >ֵ :Order Value in Local Currency >ػҼֵ :Order acknowledgement >ȷ :Order acknowledgement - General Detail >ȷ - һ :Order acknowledgement - Heading Fields >ȷ - ֶ :Order acknowledgement - Miscellaneous Freight charges Detail >ȷ - ˷ϸ :Order acknowledgement - Summary Service Charges Detail >ȷ - շժҪϸ :Order acknowledgement - Total Fields >ȷ - ϼֶ :Order acknowledgement Archive Viewer >Ӧ𵵰鿴 :Order acknowledgement printed >Ѵӡ :Order acknowledgements >ȷ :Order acknowledgements set to >ȷϣΪ :Order acknowledgemnt > :Order acknowledgment document >ȷļ :Order ackowledgement > :Order action >Ϊ :Order analysis records >¼ :Order and Booking >Ԥ :Order branch >֧ :Order capture information >Ϣ :Order captured at >׽Ķ :Order captured on >׽Ķ :Order cost >ɱ :Order created over the web >ͨ Web Ķ :Order creation > :Order date > :Order date moved to invoice date for billings >ΪƷѶΪƱڵĶ :Order date selection >ѡ :Order dates > :Order day > :Order details found without an order header >ֶϸҳü :Order disc Less / Plus >ۿۼ :Order disc Less/Plus >/ :Order discount >ۿ :Order discount %1 >ۿ %1 :Order discount code >ۿ۴ :Order discount percentage >ۿ۰ٷֱ :Order discount percentage(s) >ۿ۰ٷֱ :Order discount value >ۿֵ :Order discounts >ۿ :Order discounts - global >ۿ - ȫ :Order discounts by customer >ͻ˳Ķۿ :Order discounts copy >ۿ۸ :Order discounts details >ۿϸ :Order due >ڶ :Order due date > :Order due date selection >ѡ :Order due dates > :Order entry date >¼ :Order entry date selection >¼ѡ :Order entry dates >¼ :Order entry detail options >¼ϸѡ :Order entry general options >¼ѡ :Order entry options >¼ѡ :Order fill rate >ʶ :Order freq >˳ :Order has been excluded >ѱų :Order header due date >ҳü :Order in process (0) >еĶ(0) :Order is already being moved to invoice >ѱƶƱ :Order is overdue > :Order key > :Order line discount >ۿ :Order line discount by customer, product class >ͻƷȼ˳Ķۿ :Order line discount by product class >Ʒȼ˳Ķۿ :Order line discounts >ۿ :Order line discounts by product class not required for this customer. Set customer to require discounts by product class? >ڴ˿ͻҪ󰴲Ʒȼ˳ĶۿۡҪͻΪҪ󰴲Ʒȼ˳ۿ :Order line maintenance default cancel mode >άĬȡģʽ :Order line number >к :Order line options >ѡ :Order line status >״̬ :Order lines added >ӵĶ :Order lines changed >ѸĵĶ :Order lines to be shipped >ⷢĶ :Order linked to a receipt >ջĶ :Order list maintenance >ά :Order maintenance default cancel mode >άĬȡģʽ :Order multiple > :Order number > :Order number to append to >룬ӵ :Order numbering > :Order numbering may not be by branch if the Sales Order key type is numeric and delivery note numbering is alphanumeric >۶ҽΪĸ֣ô򲻵ð֧ :Order on time >׼ʱ :Order on time in full >׼ʱ :Order policy > :Order price >۸ :Order printed (4) >Ѵӡ(4) :Order profit > :Order profit greater than > :Order profit less than > :Order qty > :Order quantity > :Order quantity - the number of decimals in stocking unit of measure has been exceeded. Do you wish to continue? > - ѳλеСϣ :Order quantity - you have exceeded the number of decimals in the stocking unit of measure for this stock code > - ѳ˴˿λеС :Order quantity error > :Order quantity is invalid >Ч :Order quantity may not be entered in the alternate unit of measure for order '%1' >ڶ '%1' 滻λ붩 :Order quantity may not be less than the minimum quantity '%1' on the Blanket P/order contract '%2' >Сۺϲɹͬ '%2' еС '%1' :Order quantity may not be less than the quantity already received '%1' >Сյ '%1' :Order quantity may not cause the total contract quantity '%1' to be exceeded on Blanket P/order contract '%2' >õ³ۺϲɹͬ '%2' еĺͬ '%1' :Order quantity to ship >װ˵Ķ :Order ready for printing (1) >ӡ(1) :Order ready to print (1) >ӡĶ(1) :Order release - automatic invoice numbering >ͷ - ԶƱ :Order salesperson >Ա :Order selection >ѡ :Order status >״̬ :Order status code >״̬ :Order status codes used in Order Purge price update >ڶ۸ʹõĶ״̬ :Order status details >订单状态详情 :Order status query >״̬ѯ :Order stock code > :Order tax >˰ :Order tax status >˰״ :Order template not on file >ģ岻 :Order to be created as status >״̬Ķ :Order to max if less than min >ССֵֵ :Order to max if shortage >ȱֵ :Order to maximum if less than minimum >ССֵֵ :Order to maximum when short >短时订单达最大值 :Order total >ϼ :Order type > :Order type '%1' is invalid > '%1' Ч :Order type '%1' is invalid for order '%2' > '%1' ڶ '%2' Ч :Order type is not on file. Change order type later? >ͲڡҪĶ :Order type not on file >Ͳ :Order type selection >ѡ :Order um >λ :Order unit of measure cannot be the same as pricing unit of measure >λ۸λͬ :Order uom >λ :Order value >ֵ :Order value - foreign >ֵ - :Order value - local >ֵ - ػ :Order value does not exceed the minimum order value for this customer >ֵδ˿ͻСֵ :Order value does not exceed the minimum order value for this customer. Do you want to continue? >ֵδ˿ͻСֵϣ? :Order value released >ǩֵ :Order value(foreign) >ֵ () :Order value(local) >ֵ () :Order value/quantity discounts not required for this customer. Set customer to require order value/quantity discounts? >ڴ˿ͻҪ󶩵ֵۿۡҪͻΪҪ󶩵ֵۿ :Order warehouse >ֿ :Order-Invoice Cross Reference >-Ʊղο :Order/Invoice Cross Reference >/Ʊ :Order/Release qty >/ǩ :Ordered >Ѷ :Ordered By >ˣ :Ordered how? >ζ? :Ordered qty > :Orders > :Orders Created Externally >ⲿɶ :Orders Created Via the Web >ͨ紴Ķ :Orders adjusted >Ķ :Orders in foreign currency >Ҷ :Orders in full > :Orders in local currency >ػҶ :Orders in suspense >ͣ :Orders not allowed for this customer because the credit limit >ƣ򱾿ͻ :Orders not allowed for this customer because the terms >Եʣ򱾿ͻ :Orders on time >׼ʱ :Orders on time in full >׼ʱ :Orders/lines cancelled >ȡĶ :Org >ж :Org due >ԭʼ :Organisations per contact >ÿϵ˵֯ :Organization >֯ :Organization (Company) >֯ (˾) :Organization Flag >֯ :Organization Information >֯Ϣ :Organization List >֯б :Organization List Maintenance >֯бά :Organization Lists >֯б :Organization Options >֯ѡ :Organization Search >֯ :Organization Search Results >֯ :Organization Type >֯ :Organization View >֯鿴 :Organization View Info >֯ͼϢ :Organization and Contact Search Results >֯ϵ :Organization code >֯ :Organization list Info >֯бϢ :Organization list details >֯б :Organization name >֯ :Organization treeview >֯ͼ :Organization treeview - All Organizations >֯ͼ - ȫ֯ :Organization type - Start At >֯ - ʼ :Organizations >֯ :Organizations + Contacts >֯ + ϵ :Organizations containing '%1' > '%1' ֯ :Organizations per page >ÿҳ֯ :Organogram >֯ṹͼ :Organogram Maintenance >֯ṹͼṹ :Orientation >ָ :Orig p/order line for split ship >ԭʼɹ :Origin >ԭ :Original >ԭ :Original Balance >ԭ :Original Currency Oparand >ԭʼ Oparand :Original GRN cost >ԭʼջ(GRN)ɱ :Original GRN quantity >ԭʼ GRN :Original GRN value >ԭGRNֵ :Original Key >ԭ :Original Order Details >原始订单明细 :Original P/O quantity >原始 P/O 数量 :Original P/order quantity >ԭʼɹ :Original Quantity Received >յԭ :Original Sales Value Password >ԭۼֵ :Original Terms >ԭ :Original amount >ԭʼ :Original amount - Foreign >ԭʼ C :Original amount - Local >ԭʼ C :Original amt >ԭ :Original asset quantity >ԭʼʲ :Original asset value >ԭʼʲֵ :Original book value >ԭʼ˲ֵ :Original conversion rate >ԭʼת :Original cost >ԭɱ :Original cost/value >ԭʼɱֵ :Original date >ԭ :Original date required >Ҫԭ :Original depreciation start date >ԭʼ۾ɿʼ :Original depreciation start period >ԭʼ۾ɿʼ :Original discount >ԭʼۿ :Original discount amount >ԭʼۿ۽ :Original due >ԭ :Original due date >ԭ :Original exchange rate >ԭʼ :Original exp labor >ԭԤͶ :Original exp material >ԭԤڲ :Original exp sub-cont >ԭʼʻ :Original expected >ԭԤڵ :Original expected costs >ԭԤڳɱ :Original expected labor >ԭԤͶ :Original expected material >ԭԤڲ :Original expected material unit cost >ԭʼԤڲϵλɱ :Original expected operation unit cost >ԭʼԤڲλɱ :Original expected subcontract >ԭԤڵתͬ :Original invoice >ԭʼƱ :Original invoice amount >ԭƱ :Original invoice details >ԭʼƱϸ :Original invoice exchange rate >ԭƱ :Original invoice rate >ԭƱ :Original labor per unit >ԭʼλͶ :Original line due date >ԭʼе :Original material per unit >ԭʼλ :Original merchandise value >ԭʼƷֵ :Original order >ԭ :Original order has been copied to order number >原始订单已复制到订单号码 :Original order value >ԭʼֵ :Original pay run >ԭ :Original pay type >֧ :Original payment run >ԭ :Original program name >ԭ :Original qty received >ԭ :Original quantity >ԭʼ :Original quantity received cannot be less than quantity on hand >յԭõ :Original rate >ԭ :Original receipt date >ԭջ :Original receipt date selection >ԭջѡ :Original receipt qty >ԭʼջ :Original report details >ԭϸ :Original run date >ԭ :Original sales order number >ԭʼ۶ :Original sales value >ԭʼۼֵ :Original ship date (APS) >ԭʼװ (APS) :Original start dep date >ԭʼʼ۾ :Original start dep period >ԭʼʼ۾ :Original start dep year >ԭʼʼ۾ :Original start depr date >ԭʼʼ۾ :Original start depr period no >ԭʼʼ۾ڱ :Original start depr year no >ԭʼʼ۾ݱ :Original tax code >ԭʼ˰մ :Original text >ԭʼı :Original value >ԭʼֵ :Original value of field >ֶεԭʼֵ :Original values >ԭʼֵ :Original warehouse >ԭֿ :Original wh >ԭֿ :Originated by You >ʼ :Originating operator >ԭʼԱ :Originating sales order line >ʼ۶ :Originating status >ԭʼ״̬ :Originator > :Originator Information >ʼϢ :Originator selection >ԭѡ :Originator user for requisition >빺ķû :Originators > :Other > :Other Current Liabilities >ծ :Other Expenses > :Other Key >ؼ :Other Languages > :Other Link > :Other Options >ѡ :Other Options %1 >ѡ %1 :Other Options for Dispatch Notes >ѡ :Other Options1 >ѡ1 :Other Options2 >ѡ2 :Other Paths >· :Other Reporting > :Other Revenue > :Other UM >λ :Other UOM >λ(UOM) :Other UOM Metric >其他 UOM 指标 :Other Unit of Measure >λ :Other Unit of Measure Conversion Factor >λתϵ :Other Warehouses >ֿ :Other application >Ӧó :Other charges > :Other charges amount >ý :Other control information >Ϣ :Other defaults >Ĭֵ :Other details > :Other directories >Ŀ¼ :Other information >Ϣ :Other link 'O' pressed >µ'O' :Other link 'P' pressed >µ'P' :Other purchase order >ɹ :Other related links > :Other tax code >˰մ :Other tax code '%1' not found >δҵ˰մ '%1' :Other tax code description >˰մ :Other tax code rate >˰մ :Other to Stocking factor >其他到库存因子 :Other to Stocking factor code >其他到库存因子代码 :Other total >ϼ :Other totals >ϼ :Other u/m >u/m :Other u/m Factor >λϵ :Other u/m Method >λ :Other u/m Unit >λλ :Other u/m conversion >λת :Other unit of measure factor may not be zeroes >λϵΪ :Other unit of measure may not be blank >λΪհ :Other uom conversion >λת :Other uom factor >λϵ :Other uom method >λ :Other uom unit >λλ :Other users may edit these notes >ûɱ༭Щע :Other value >ֵ :Other value(local) >ֵػң :Ouput Options >ѡ :Oustanding value - foreign >δֵ - :Oustanding value - local >δֵ - ػ :Out > :Out (no destination) >Ŀĵأ :Out of Office >ڰ칫 :Out of range > :Out of warranty >Χ :Out on loan > :Out quantity > :Outgoing XSL filename >XSLļ :Outgoing email address >ʼַ :Outgoing file extension >չ :Outgoing folder >ļ :Outlier adjustment > :Outlook contact >Outlook ϵ :Outlook field %1 >Outlook ֶ %1 :Outlook using Outlook email client >使用 Outlook 电子邮件客户端的 Outlook :Outlook version >Outlook 汾 :Output > :Output '%1' > '%1' :Output EFT payments to XML format >XMLʽEFT :Output Mass to sales analysis >输出质量到销售分析 :Output Options >ѡ :Output Records >输出记录 :Output XML >XML :Output an order file for transmission to a supplier who has been designated as an EDI trading partner >ļԴ䵽ָΪ EDI ó׺ĹӦ :Output as HTML >HTML :Output detail lines when cancelling whole order >ȡʱϸ :Output file >ļ :Output format >ʽ :Output information >Ϣ :Output journals with zero transaction value >߱㽻׼ֵIJռ :Output journals with zero value >ֵ߱ijռ :Output method > :Output of an XML file has not been set up in the EFT bank control file.The EFT payments extract has completed for batch no >ڵת(EFT)пļ趨XMLļõת(EFT)ȡΪ :Output only > :Output order documents for transmission to a customer who has been designated as an EDI trading partner >ĵԴ䵽ָΪ EDI ó׺Ŀͻ :Output report summary meta data >ժҪԪ :Output tax >˰ :Output to Excel >Excel :Outside > :Outside of job number range >뷶Χ֮ :Outstanding >δɵ :Outstanding Authorizations >δʹõȨ :Outstanding Deposit >δõĴ :Outstanding Deposit Report >δ :Outstanding Deposit Report in Progress >ִδô :Outstanding Deposits Query >еĴѯ :Outstanding Deposits Report > :Outstanding EFT payments exist >δEFT :Outstanding Only >δ :Outstanding P/O quantity >待处理 P/O 数量 :Outstanding P/orders >δɵIJɹ :Outstanding PO Graph > PO ͼ :Outstanding RMA's >ʵRMA :Outstanding SCT orders >δйӦת(SCT) :Outstanding Sales Orders >δɵ۶ :Outstanding Sales Orders by Customer >ͻδ۶ :Outstanding Value (Local) >δֵػң :Outstanding Value(Local) >δֵػң :Outstanding WIP >δWIP :Outstanding WIP Values >δ WIP ֵ :Outstanding actions >δִеĶ :Outstanding activities >еĻ :Outstanding demand > :Outstanding deposit entries >Ŀ :Outstanding deposits >δõĴ :Outstanding deposits exist >δô :Outstanding imports only >δִе :Outstanding jobs >δִеҵ :Outstanding order GST >待处理订单 GST :Outstanding order quantity >δɵĶ :Outstanding order tax >˰ :Outstanding order total >ϼ :Outstanding order value >δֵ :Outstanding orders value >δֵ :Outstanding purchase orders >δеIJɹ :Outstanding purchase orders - material >вɹ - :Outstanding purchase orders - subcontract >вɹ - ְ :Outstanding qty >δ :Outstanding qty after p/order >ɹ֮Ĵ :Outstanding quantity >δ :Outstanding quantity after >֮Ĵ :Outstanding receipt >δջ :Outstanding receipts >δյվ :Outstanding sales orders for lot number >κĴ۶ :Outstanding time >δʹõʱ :Outstanding value >δֵ :Outstanding value - foreign >未偿价值 - 外国 :Outstanding value - local >未偿价值 - 当地 :Outstanding value local >δֵػң :Outstanding values >δֵ :Outstanding withdrawal entries >ȡĿ :Outstanding withdrawals >δɵ :Outstanding withdrawals exist >δɵ :Over > :Over %1 days > %1 :Over %1 days discount > %1 ۿ :Over Receipt >޷Ʊ :Over Supply Password >Ӧ :Over dispatch not allowed with dispatch basis of ship >ʹķ :Over dispatch specified but not allowed in dispatch installation options >ָĵڷװѡвij :Over dispatches allowed > :Over dispatches are not permitted > :Over dispatches are not permitted for free goods associated with a promotion >ѻ :Over dispatches are not permitted for kit type stock items, when the option to retain original sales order quantity is selected >ѡԭʼ۶ѡʱڹ߰Ŀ :Over limit > :Over limit by >޴ :Over receipted >ջ :Over-distributing is not allowed. Please re-enter >ǩ :Over-receipted >ջ :Over-receipting is not allowed for traceable/ECC or serialized items >ڿɸ٣̱(ECC)ϵлĿջ :Over/Under Receipt >Ƿջ :Over/under >/ :Overall theme > :Overall theme for user interface >û :Overall visual theme >Ӿ :Overdue >ڵ :Overdue period (in days) >ڼ䣨 :Overflow Error > :Overflow error when converting order quantity to stock to ship qty >当将要库存订单数量转化为发货数量时溢出错误 :Overhead rates >ӷ÷ :Overheads > :Overlay Company Calendar >ǹ˾ :Overlay Factory Calendar >ǹ :Overline >ҳü :Overline character >ҳüַ :Overload > :Overload been actioned >ѲĹ :Overload identification >ʶ :Overloaded > :Overloaded W/Centers >ѳصҵ :Overloaded centers only >ѳص :Overloaded work centers only >ҵ :Override > :Override Component Warehouse >Dzֿ :Override Components' Warehouse to Use >õĸDzֿ :Override List >б :Override Variance >DZ仯 :Override Warehouse to Use >ҪʹõIJֿ :Override all items' batching rules >ȫĿķ :Override all items' buying rules >ĿIJɹ :Override any entries already on file >ļеκη¼ :Override calculated capacity >Ѽ :Override calculated discount >Ѽۿ :Override company setting >Թ˾ :Override company settings >Թ˾ :Override components warehouse to use >ҪʹõIJֿ :Override components wh to use >ҪʹõIJֿ :Override components' w/h to use >ǴʹõIJֿ :Override cost >dzɱ :Override customer's branch >ǿͻ֧ :Override customer's branch code >ǿͻ֧ :Override date format in all listviews by applying this one >ͨôб鿴еڸʽ :Override default algorithm settings >Ĭ㷨 :Override default settings >Ĭ :Override editing of postal code >Ƕı༭ :Override entries already on file >替代条目已存在 :Override existing parent description with generated description >ô˵е˵ :Override font > :Override font in all captions by applying this one >ͨôбе :Override font in all listviews by applying this one >ͨôȫб鿴е :Override font in all rows by applying this one >ͨôе :Override list price details >ǵ۸ϸ :Override minimum YTD payment >͵YTD :Override no. of decimals to print for quantities >ҪӡС :Override number of decimals to print for quantities >ҪӡС :Override of early/late supply of P/orders not allowed >DzɹڣڹӦ :Override on gross profit margin not allowed >ë :Override on over receipt from inspection into stock not allowed >ǴӼ鵽ijջ :Override on over supply of P/order not allowed >DzɹijӦ :Override on under receipt from inspection into stock not allowed >ǴӼ鵽Ƿջ :Override on under supply of P/order not allowed >DzɹǷӦ :Override quick view font >Կٲ鿴 :Override route >· :Override supplier's branch >ǹӦ̷֧ :Override system date format >替代系统日期格式 :Override system date format with company format >Թ˾ʽϵͳڸʽ :Override system default XML encoding >ϵͳĬ XML :Override system nationality code >替代系统国籍代码 :Override system nationality code with company code >Թ˾븲ϵͳ :Override the generated parent code and description >Ѵĸ˵ :Override the generated parent description >ɵ˵ :Override total quantity required >Ҫ :Override when company logins prevented >ܾ˾¼ʱ :Oversupply quantity >Ӧ :Overtime capacity >Ӱ :Overtime capacity percentage >Ӱٷֱ :Overtime hours >Ӱʱ :Overtime percent >Ӱٷֱ :Overtime percentage >Ӱٷֱ :Overtime set-up time >Ӱʱ :Overwrite any existing work center calendars >κҵ :Overwrite branch >覆盖分支 :Overwrite date formats >ڸʽ :Overwrite existing components with auto function >Զܸв :Overwrite existing file >ļ :Overwrite existing printer settings >дӡ :Overwrite existing user file >ûļ :Overwrite existing work center calendars >й :Overwrite the ledger code description? >ҪǷʴ˵ :Ovrd > :Owner >ӵ :Owner Maintenance >ά :Owner record locked >˼¼ :Owner selection >ѡ :Owners >ӵ :Owners Equity >߹ɱ :Owners Equity and Liabilities >߹ɱծ :P - Planning bill >P C ƻʵ :P - Suppress MRP ordering >P - ѹƻ(MRP) :P&C Add allocations with costs exceeding threshold >Ŀͬ(P&C)Ӿֵ߱ɱķ :P&C Billing Schedule Review >P&CƷʱ :P&C Billing Schedules >Ŀͬ(P&C)Ʒʱ :P&C Billing Schedules Maintenance >P&C Ʒųά :P&C Browse on Billing Schedules >Ŀͬ(P&C)Ʒʱ :P&C Browse on Contracts >Ŀͬ(P&C)ͬ :P&C Browse on Deposit Detail >Ŀͬ(P&C)ϸ :P&C Browse on Deposit Header >Ŀͬ(P&C)ͷ :P&C Browse on Retention Detail >Ŀͬ(P&C)ϸ :P&C Browse on Retention header >Ŀͬ(P&C)ͷ :P&C Browse on Std Hierarchy Codes >Ŀͬ(P&C)׼δ :P&C Contract Billing Schedules >P&C ͬƷų :P&C Contract Deposit Detail >P&C ͬϸ :P&C Contract Deposit Header >P&C ͬҳü :P&C Contract Maintenance >P&C ͬά :P&C Contract Master >P&C ͬ :P&C Contract Operator Notifications >P&C ͬԱ֪ͨ :P&C Contract Progress Report >Ŀͬ(P&C)ͬȱ :P&C Contract Query >Ŀͬ(P&C)ͬѯ :P&C Contract Retention Detail >P&C ͬϸ :P&C Contract Retention Header >P&C ͬҳü :P&C Contracts >P&C ͬ :P&C Contracts Query >Ŀͬ(P&C)ͬѯ :P&C Contracts completed before >P&C Contracts completed before :P&C Deposit Detail Creation >Ŀͬ(P&C)ϸ :P&C Deposit Header Creation >Ŀͬ(P&C)ͷ :P&C Deposit creation and maintenance >Ŀͬ(P&C)ά :P&C Distribute COS and Billings >Ŀͬ (P&C) ۳ɱ (COS) ͼƷ :P&C Distribute Sales Order Value >Ŀͬ (P&C) ۶ֵ :P&C Estimate Operation Cross Reference >P&C Ʋղο :P&C Hierachy Posting Cross Reference >P&C ּղο :P&C Hierarchy Attached To PO Transaction >P&C ּӵ PO :P&C Hierarchy Contract & Browse >P&C 分级合同和浏览 :P&C Hierarchy Contract & browse program >Ŀͬ(P&C)κͬ :P&C Hierarchy Costs COS & Billings >Ŀͬ (P&C) γɱ۳ɱ (COS) ͼƷ :P&C Hierarchy Costs Labor >Ŀͬ (P&C) γɱͶ :P&C Hierarchy Costs Material >Ŀͬ (P&C) γɱ :P&C Hierarchy Costs P/orders >Ŀͬ (P&C) γɱɹ :P&C Hierarchy Costs Purchase Orders >P&C ּɱɹ :P&C Hierarchy Costs Sales >Ŀͬ (P&C) γɱ :P&C Hierarchy Costs Sales Orders >Ŀͬ (P&C) γɱ۶ :P&C Hierarchy Costs per Contract >Ŀͬ(P&C)λͬγɱ :P&C Hierarchy Costs per Estimate >Ŀͬ(P&C)λ۲γɱ :P&C Hierarchy Costs per Job >Ŀͬ(P&C)λҵγɱ :P&C Index Of Jobs Within Contract >P&C ͬڹ :P&C Issue allocations with costs exceeding threshold >Ŀͬ(P&C)ǩֵ߱ɱķ :P&C Job Billing Adjustment >Ŀͬ(P&C)ҵƷѵ :P&C Job Hierarchies maintenance >Ŀͬ(P&C)ҵά :P&C Job Hierarchy Contract Index >P&C ּͬ :P&C Job Hierarchy Detail >P&C ּϸ :P&C Job Progress Report >Ŀͬ(P&C)ҵȱ :P&C Job Transaction Report >Ŀͬ(P&C)ҵױ :P&C Library Of Standard Hierarchies >P&C ׼ּ :P&C Maintenance of Job Hierarchies >P&C ּά :P&C Maintenance of Std Hierarchies >P&C ׼ּά :P&C Maintenance of job hierarchy >Ŀͬ(P&C)ҵά :P&C Part Billings Detail >P&C Ʒϸ :P&C Quick Browse on Job Hierarchies >P&C ּ :P&C Quotation Materials Cross Reference >P&C ۲϶ղο :P&C Retention Detail Creation >P&C 鴴 :P&C Retention Header Creation >Ŀͬ(P&C)ͷ :P&C Retention creation and maintenance >Ŀͬ(P&C)洴ά :P&C Sales Order Hierarchy For Order Line >P&C ۶ּ :P&C Schedule Creation >Ŀͬ(P&C)ʱ :P&C Standard hierarchy maintenance >Ŀͬ(P&C)׼ά :P&C User defined hierarchies >Ŀͬ(P&C)û :P&J Browse on Retention header >Ŀͬ(P&C)ͷ :P.H. = >P.H. = :P.T.F. = >P.T.F. = :P/Class SA Targets Maintenance >Ʒ SA Ŀά :P/O Accept into stock from inspection >ɹ (P/O) Ӽջ :P/O Add Purchase Order Discounts >ɹ (P/O) Ӳɹۿ :P/O Add Supplier Contract >ɹ (P/O) ӹӦ̺ͬ :P/O Add Supplier Stock / Code Cross Information >ɹ (P/O) ӹӦ̿/Ϣ :P/O Add Supplier Stock/Code Cross Information >P/O ӹӦ̿/뽻Ϣ :P/O Add purchase order >ɹ (P/O) Ӳɹ :P/O Add purchase order merchandise line >ɹ (P/O) ӲɹƷ :P/O Add text >ɹı :P/O Allow change to purchase order details in LCT >ɹ(P/O)ĵɱ(LCT)еIJɹϸ :P/O Apportion quantity receipt >ɹ (P/O) ̯վ :P/O Apportionment Details >ɹ (P/O) ̯ϸ :P/O Browse on Contract Details >ɹ (P/O) ͬϸ :P/O Browse on Contracts >ɹ(P/O)ͬ :P/O Browse on Order Lines History >ɹ (P/O) м¼ :P/O Browse on P/O Lines >ɹ(P/O) :P/O Browse on Purchase Orders >ɹ(P/O) :P/O Browse on Requisition Header >ɹ(P/O)빺ͷ :P/O Build Purchase Order Line >ɹ(P/O)ɹ :P/O Build Req line information >ɹ(P/O)빺Ϣ :P/O Calculate non merchandise cost >ɹ(P/O)Ʒɱ :P/O Cancel order with partially received lines >ɹ(P/O)ȡ߱ѲջеĶ :P/O Cancel partially received lines >ɹ(P/O)ȡѲջ :P/O Cancel purchase order >ɹ (P/O) ȡɹ :P/O Cancel purchase order line >ɹ (P/O) ȡɹ :P/O Catalogue Numbers >ɹ(P/O)Ŀ¼ :P/O Change Purchase Order Discounts >ɹ (P/O) IJɹۿ :P/O Change Supplier Contract >ɹ (P/O) ĹӦ̺ͬ :P/O Change Supplier Stock / Code Cross Information >ɹ (P/O) ĹӦ̿/Ϣ :P/O Change Supplier Stock/Code Cross Information >P/O ĹӦ̿/뽻Ϣ :P/O Change purchase order merchandise line >ɹ (P/O) IJɹƷ :P/O Commitment Graph >ɹŵͼ :P/O Commitment Graph for All Suppliers >йӦ̵IJɹ(P/O)עͼ :P/O Commitment Report >ɹŵ :P/O Commitment Report in Progress >ִвɹŵ :P/O Commitment in Progress >ִвɹ(P/O)ŵ :P/O Complete order with partially received lines >ɹ(P/O)ɾ߱ѲջеĶ :P/O Complete partially received lines >ɹ(P/O)Ѳջ :P/O Complete purchase order >ɹ (P/O) ɲɹ :P/O Copy - change codes >ɹ(P/O) - Ĵ :P/O Copy purchase order >ɹ (P/O) Ʋɹ :P/O Count inspection item >ɹ (P/O) Ŀ :P/O Creation >ɹ(P/O) :P/O Delete Purchase Order Discounts >ɹ (P/O) ɾɹۿ :P/O Delete Supplier Contract >ɹ (P/O) ɾӦ̺ͬ :P/O Delete Supplier Stock / Code Cross Information >ɹ (P/O) ɾӦ̿/Ϣ :P/O Delete Supplier Stock/Code Cross Information >P/O ɾӦ̿/뽻Ϣ :P/O EC Declaration of Arrivals >ɹ(P/O)ŷ(EC)ִ :P/O Enter warehouse control >ɹ (P/O) ֿ :P/O Entry >ɹ(P/O) :P/O Entry special version >ɹ(P/O)רð汾 :P/O Format >ɹ(P/O)ʽ :P/O GL >ɹ(P/O)(GL) :P/O GRN Adjust GRN's >ɹ(P/O)ջ(GRN) :P/O GRN Browse >P/O GRN :P/O Graph Purchase Order Commitment >ɹ(P/O)ͼɹŵ :P/O Header Maintenance >ɹ (P/O) ҳüά :P/O History >ɹʷ :P/O History Graph >ɹ(P/O)ʷ¼ͼ :P/O Import receipts >ɹ (P/O) վ :P/O Inspect item >ɹ (P/O) Ŀ :P/O Inspection accept >ɹ(P/O) :P/O Inspection change scrap liability >ɹ(P/O)ı :P/O Inspection count >ɹ(P/O) :P/O Inspection functions >ɹ(P/O)鹦 :P/O Inspection inspect >ɹ(P/O) :P/O Inspection reject >ɹ(P/O) :P/O Inspection return >ɹ(P/O)˻ :P/O Inspection scrap >ɹ(P/O)鱨 :P/O Intrastat Transaction Maintenance >ɹIntrastatά :P/O Intrastat Transactions >ɹIntrastat :P/O Kit receipt >ɹ (P/O) ߰ջ :P/O LCT change fixed exchange rate >ɹ(P/O)ɱ(LCT)̶ :P/O LCT delete routes and elements >ɹ(P/O)ɱ(LCT)ɾ·ߺҪ :P/O LCT established rate >ɹ(P/O)ɱ(LCT)ȶ :P/O Landed Cost Receipts >ɹ(P/O)ɱվ :P/O Landed Cost Tracking Receipts Build >ɹ(P/O)ɱվݹ :P/O Landed Cost Tracking Sales Order >ɹ (P/O) ɱ۶ :P/O Landed CostTracking List Of Elements >ɹ(P/O)ɱҪб :P/O Line Information >۶Ϣ :P/O List of Purchase Orders >ɹ(P/O)б :P/O List of Stock Code Comments >ɹ(P/O)עб :P/O List of Supplier Comments >ɹ(P/O)Ӧעб :P/O Maintain purchase order >ɹ (P/O) άɹ :P/O Maintenance of printed Purchase Orders >ɹ(P/O)Ѵӡɹά :P/O Manual entry of cost when receipting P/Orders >ܲɹʱIJɹ(P/O)ֶɱ :P/O Multiple Delivery Addresses >ɹ(P/O)ַཻ :P/O Order Discounts >P/O ۿ :P/O Order Discounts Maintenance >ɹ(P/O)ۿά :P/O Override on early/late supply of P/Order >ɹ(P/O)ɹǰڹӦ :P/O Override on over receipt from inspection into stock >ɹ(P/O)ӼĹջ :P/O Override on over supply of P/Order >ɹ(P/O)ɹĹӦ :P/O Override on under receipt from inspection into stock >P/O ԴӼĶջ :P/O Override on under supply of P/Order >ɹ(P/O)ɹĶӦ :P/O Print >ɹ(P/O)ӡ :P/O Print purchase order >ɹ(P/O)ӡɹ :P/O Print requisition >ɹ (P/O) ӡ빺 :P/O Purchase Order Import >ɹ(P/O) :P/O Purchase Order Inspections >ɹ(P/O) :P/O Purchase Order Query >ɹ(P/O)ѯ :P/O Purchase Order Receipts >ɹ(P/O)վ :P/O Purchase Order Receipts Reversal >ɹ(P/O)ɹջ :P/O Purchase Order Reverse Inspection >ɹ(P/O)ɹ :P/O Purchase Order Valuation >ɹ(P/O) :P/O Purchasing Price U/m >ɹ(P/O)ɹ۸λ :P/O Purge >ɹ(P/O) :P/O Query >ɹ(P/O)ѯ :P/O Receipt >ɹ (P/O) ջ :P/O Receipt All apportionment G/L code >ɹ(P/O)ջз̯(G/L) :P/O Receipt all >ɹ (P/O) ȫջ :P/O Receipt into inspection >ɹ (P/O) ջ :P/O Receipt into stock using zero P/Order price >ʹɹ۸IJɹ(P/O)ջ :P/O Receipt line cancel >ɹ (P/O) ջȡ :P/O Receipt override lot expiry date calculated from shelf life >ɹ (P/O) ջǴӻڿʼε :P/O Receipts & Inspection >ɹ(P/O)ȡ :P/O Receipts with apportionment >P/O ̯ջ :P/O Reject inspection item >ɹ (P/O) ռĿ :P/O Req Print Requisition >ɹ (P/O) 빺ӡ빺 :P/O Req change user >ɹ(P/O)빺û :P/O Req create P/O from all users >ɹ(P/O)빺ûɹ(P/O) :P/O Requisition Approve/Clear >ɹ(P/O)빺 :P/O Requisition Cancel >ɹ(P/O)빺ȡ :P/O Requisition Entry >ɹ(P/O)빺 :P/O Requisition Hold >ɹ(P/O)빺 :P/O Requisition Query >ɹ(P/O)빺ѯ :P/O Requisition Route >ɹ(P/O)빺· :P/O Requisition add line >ɹ (P/O) 빺 :P/O Requisition approve multiple lines >ɹ (P/O) 빺׼ :P/O Requisition approve/clear line >ɹ (P/O) 빺׼/ :P/O Requisition cancel line >ɹ (P/O) 빺ȡ :P/O Requisition change line >ɹ (P/O) 빺 :P/O Requisition change user >ɹ (P/O) 빺û :P/O Requisition clear multiple lines >ɹ (P/O) 빺 :P/O Requisition hold/release >ɹ (P/O) 빺/ǩ :P/O Requisition hold/release line >ɹ (P/O) 빺/ǩ :P/O Requisition print >ɹ (P/O) 빺ӡ :P/O Requisition print line >ɹ (P/O) 빺ӡ :P/O Requisition route line >ɹ (P/O) 빺· :P/O Requisition route multiple lines >ɹ (P/O) 빺·߶ :P/O Requisitions >ɹ (P/O) 빺 :P/O Requisitions for Capex Line >ʱеIJɹ(P/O)빺 :P/O Requisitions for Capex Requisition Line >ʱ֧빺вɹ(P/O)빺 :P/O Return inspection item >ɹ (P/O) ˻Ŀ :P/O Reverse inspection receipt >ɹ (P/O) ջ :P/O Scrap inspection item >ɹ (P/O) ƷĿ :P/O Setup >ɹ(P/O) :P/O Standard Comments >P/O ׼ע :P/O Stock Code Comments >ɹע :P/O Stock Code Comments for Stock Code >ɹ(P/O)ע :P/O Supplier Comments >ɹӦע :P/O Supplier Comments for Supplier >ɹ(P/O)Ӧע :P/O Supplier Contract >ɹ(P/O)Ӧ̺ͬ :P/O Supplier Contract Prices Query >ɹ(P/O)Ӧ̺ͬ۸ѯ :P/O Supplier's Performance Query >P/O Ӧҵѯ :P/O Supplier's Performance Report >ɹ(P/O)Ӧҵ :P/O Supplier/Stock code Information >ɹ (P/O) Ӧ/Ϣ :P/O Supplier/Stock code Interchange >ɹ (P/O) Ӧ/뽻 :P/O Supplier/Stock/Contract Price >ɹ(P/O)Ӧ̣棯ͬ۸ :P/O Value Purchase Orders >ɹ(P/O)ֵ :P/O XML Export View Blanket P/O Lines >ɹ(P/O) XML鿴һӲɹ :P/O allowed before >֮ǰIJɹ(P/O) :P/O by Order Number >IJɹ(P/O) :P/O by Order Number Report >˳IJɹ :P/O by Order Number in Progress >ִа˳IJɹ :P/O by Stock Code >˳IJɹ :P/O by Stock Code in Progress >ִа˳IJɹ :P/O by Supplier >Ӧ˳IJɹ :P/O by Supplier in Progress >ִаӦ˳IJɹ :P/O created >ѴIJɹ :P/O due date >P/O 到期日期 :P/O g/l analysis >ɹ(P/O)(g/l) :P/O line due date >P/O 行到期日期 :P/O quantity >P/O :P/O receipts >ɹջ :P/O requisition >ɹ(P/O)빺 :P/O requisition line >ɹ(P/O)빺 :P/O value >P/O 价值 :P/Order Add. Text >ɹı :P/Order Commitment Graph >ɹעͼ :P/Order Detail Lines >ɹϸ :P/Order Line Details >采购订单行明细 :P/Order Receipt Preview in Progress >ִвɹվԤ :P/Order status >ɹ״̬ :P/class > :P/class & W/center subtotals >ƷȼҵС :P/class & W/centre subtotals >ƷȼҵС :P/class and W/center subtotals >Ʒ͹С :P/cls >۸ :P/l inter-co out >P/l ˾ :P/o > :P/o Live Details >ɹʱ :P/o Requisition Information >ɹ빺Ϣ :P/o Snapshot Details >ɹϸ :P/o Suggested Requisitions >ɹ빺 :P/o Supplier Information >ɹӦϢ :P/o User >ɹû :P/o date > :P/o line > :P/o number > :P/o stock >ɹ :P/ord > :P/ord Line >ɹ :P/ord quantity >ɹ :P/order > :P/order - Local >ɹ - :P/order Comments >ɹע :P/order Commitment >ŵ :P/order Confirmations Import >ȷ :P/order Date Reinstatement >ڻָ :P/order Details >ɹϸ :P/order Discounts >ۿ :P/order Entry > :P/order Entry Totals >ɹϼ :P/order Header >ɹҳü :P/order Header Maintenance >ɹҳüά :P/order Line due date >ɹе :P/order Maintenance >ɹά :P/order Order due date >ɹ :P/order Purge > :P/order Query >ɹѯ :P/order Receipts >վ :P/order Receipts (Legacy) >ɹջ (Legacy) :P/order Value >ɹֵ :P/order confirmed in a LCT shipment > LCT ȷϵIJɹ :P/order created >ѴIJɹ :P/order date >ɹ :P/order discount percentage(s) >ɹۿ۰ٷֱ :P/order due date >ɹ :P/order entry options >ɹѡ :P/order for requisition '%1', line '%2' already created >Ѵ빺 '%1' '%2' IJɹ :P/order header due date >ɹҳü :P/order history graph >ɹʷͼ :P/order in process (0) >ڽвɹ (0) :P/order inspection >ɹ :P/order inspections >ɹ :P/order line >ɹ :P/order line maintenance default cancel mode >ɹάĬȡģʽ :P/order line number >ɹб :P/order line options >ɹѡ :P/order maintenance of p/orders >ɹά :P/order mass >ɹ :P/order no >ɹ :P/order number >ɹ :P/order override on '%1' of a p/order >ɹDzɹ '%1' :P/order override on early/late supply of a p/order >ɹDzɹڣڹӦ :P/order printed (4) >Ѵӡɹ (4) :P/order qty >ɹ :P/order quantity >ɹ :P/order ready to print (1) >ӡɹ (1) :P/order stock code > :P/order transmission information >ɹϢ :P/order transmission mechanism >ɹ :P/order type >ɹ :P/order u/m >u/m :P/order um >ɹλ :P/order uom >ɹλ :P/order value of cost >ɹɱֵ :P/order volume >ɹ :P/orders >ɹ :P/orders by Order Number >ų :P/orders by Stock Code > :P/orders by Supplier >̽ :P/orders with zero qty outstanding >δIJɹ :P/um >۸/λ :PAYE reference >PAYEο :PAYE reference number >PAYEο :PC Contracts Query >PCͬѯ :PD Check >PD :PD checks amount >PD ֧Ʊ :PDF >PDF :PDF Viewer >PDF 鿴 :PDF document >PDF ĵ :PDF file >PDF ļ :PH = Planning time fence + visibility factor >PH = ƻʱ + ϵ :PIC Usage type >PICʹ :PID >PID :PO Accept into stock from inspection >ɹ (PO) Ӽջ :PO Add Purchase Order Discounts >ɹ (PO) Ӳɹۿ :PO Add Supplier Contract >ɹ (PO) ӹӦ̺ͬ :PO Add Supplier Stock / Code Cross Information >ɹ (PO) ӹӦ̿/Ϣ :PO Add purchase order >ɹ (PO) Ӳɹ :PO Add purchase order merchandise line >ɹ (PO) ӲɹƷ :PO Add supplier/stock code cross information >PO ӹӦ/뽻Ϣ :PO Add text >ɹı :PO Allow change to purchase order details in LCT >ɹ(PO)ĵɱ(LCT)еIJɹϸ :PO Allow use of any current supplier contract price for Blanket PO >PO һ PO ʹκεǰӦ̺ͬ۸ :PO Allowing receipt into stock using a zero purchase order price >PO ʹɹ۸ջ :PO Apportion quantity receipt >ɹ (PO) ̯վ :PO Apportionment Details >ɹ (PO) ̯ϸ :PO Batch print purchase order >PO 批打印采购订单 :PO Browse on Contract Details >ɹ (PO) ͬϸ :PO Browse on Contracts >ɹ(PO)ͬ :PO Browse on Order Lines History >ɹ (PO) м¼ :PO Browse on P/O Lines >ɹ(PO) :PO Browse on PO Lines >PO PO :PO Browse on PO Lines for LCT only >PO 浏览仅 LCT 的 PO 行 :PO Browse on Purchase Orders >ɹ(PO) :PO Browse on Requisition Details >PO 빺ϸ :PO Browse on Requisition Header >ɹ(PO)빺ͷ :PO Build Purchase Order Line >ɹ(PO)ɹ :PO Build Req line information >ɹ(PO)빺Ϣ :PO Calculate Non-merchandise Cost >PO DzƷɱ :PO Calculate non merchandise cost >ɹ(PO)Ʒɱ :PO Cancel order with partially received lines >ɹ(PO)ȡ߱ѲջеĶ :PO Cancel partially received lines >ɹ(PO)ȡѲջ :PO Cancel purchase order >ɹ (PO) ȡɹ :PO Cancel purchase order line >ɹ (PO) ȡɹ :PO Catalogue Numbers >ɹ(PO)Ŀ¼ :PO Change Purchase Order Discounts >ɹ (PO) IJɹۿ :PO Change Supplier Contract >ɹ (PO) ĹӦ̺ͬ :PO Change Supplier Stock / Code Cross Information >ɹ (PO) ĹӦ̿/Ϣ :PO Change Supplier Stock/Code Cross Information >PO ĹӦ̿/뽻Ϣ :PO Change purchase order merchandise line >ɹ (PO) IJɹƷ :PO Change supplier/stock code cross information >PO ĹӦ/뽻Ϣ :PO Commitment Graph >ɹŵͼ :PO Commitment Graph for All Suppliers >йӦ̵IJɹ(PO)עͼ :PO Commitment Report >ɹ (PO) ŵ :PO Commitment Report in Progress >ִвɹŵ :PO Commitment in Progress >ִвɹ(PO)ŵ :PO Complete order with partially received lines >ɹ(PO)ɾ߱ѲջеĶ :PO Complete partially received lines >ɹ(PO)Ѳջ :PO Complete purchase order >ɹ (PO) ɲɹ :PO Control >PO :PO Copy - change codes >ɹ(PO) - Ĵ :PO Copy purchase order >ɹ (PO) Ʋɹ :PO Count inspection item >ɹ (PO) Ŀ :PO Creation >ɹ(PO) :PO Delete Purchase Order Discounts >ɹ (PO) ɾɹۿ :PO Delete Supplier Contract >ɹ (PO) ɾӦ̺ͬ :PO Delete Supplier Stock / Code Cross Information >ɹ (PO) ɾӦ̿/Ϣ :PO Delete supplier/stock code cross information >PO ɾӦ/뽻Ϣ :PO EC Declaration of Arrivals >ɹ(PO)ŷ(EC)ִ :PO EC VAT Receipts >PO EC VAT ջ :PO Enter warehouse control >ɹ (PO) ֿ :PO Entry >ɹ(PO) :PO Entry special version >ɹ(PO)רð汾 :PO Export Criteria >PO ׼ :PO Format >ɹ(PO)ʽ :PO GL >ɹ(PO)(GL) :PO GRN AUdit Trail Busniess Object >PO GRN ׷ҵ :PO GRN Adjust GRN's >ɹ(PO)ջ(GRN) :PO GRN Adjustment >PO GRN :PO GRN Audit Trail >PO GRN ׷ :PO GRN Audit Trail Business Object >ɹ (PO) ջ (GRN) ҵ :PO GRN Browse >PO GRN :PO Graph Purchase Order Commitment >ɹ(PO)ͼɹŵ :PO Header Maintenance >ɹ (PO) ҳüά :PO History >ɹʷ :PO History Graph >ɹ(PO)ʷ¼ͼ :PO History Of Receipts >PO ջ¼ :PO Import Supplier Contract Prices >PO 빩Ӧ̺ͬ۸ :PO Import ignore receipt variance during receipt of manual serial item >PO 导入忽略收取手动系列项目期间的收货差异 :PO Import receipts >ɹ (PO) վ :PO Import warn only on over receipt of purchase order >PO 导入仅警告采购订单的超量收货 :PO Import warn only on under receipt of purchase order >PO 导入仅警告采购订单的短量收货 :PO Inspect item >ɹ (PO) Ŀ :PO Inspection accept >ɹ(PO) :PO Inspection change scrap liability >ɹ(PO)ı :PO Inspection count >ɹ(PO) :PO Inspection functions >ɹ(PO)鹦 :PO Inspection inspect >ɹ(PO) :PO Inspection reject >ɹ(PO) :PO Inspection return >ɹ(PO)˻ :PO Inspection scrap >ɹ(PO)鱨 :PO Intrastat Transaction Maintenance >ɹIntrastatά :PO Intrastat Transactions >ɹIntrastat :PO Kit receipt >ɹ (PO) ߰ջ :PO LCT Receipts Build >PO LCT ջ :PO LCT build shipment advice >PO LCT 构建装运通知 :PO LCT change fixed exchange rate >ɹ(PO)ɱ(LCT)̶ :PO LCT change global exchange rate when associated sales order >PO LCT change global exchange rate when associated sales order :PO LCT delete routes and elements >ɹ(PO)ɱ(LCT)ɾ·ߺҪ :PO LCT established rate >ɹ(PO)ɱ(LCT)ȶ :PO Landed Cost Receipts >ɹ(PO)ɱվ :PO Landed Cost Tracking Receipts Build >ɹ(PO)ɱվݹ :PO Landed Cost Tracking SO Action Query >PO ɱ׷ SO ѯ :PO Landed Cost Tracking Sales Order >ɹ (PO) ɱ۶ :PO Landed CostTracking List Of Elements >ɹ(PO)ɱҪб :PO Line Information >۶Ϣ :PO Line Zoom >PO 行缩放 :PO Lines >ɹ :PO List of Purchase Orders >ɹ(PO)б :PO List of Stock Code Comments >ɹ(PO)עб :PO List of Supplier Comments >ɹ(PO)Ӧעб :PO Live Details >PO ʱ :PO Maintain purchase order >ɹ (PO) άɹ :PO Maintenance of printed Purchase Orders >ɹ(PO)Ѵӡɹά :PO Manual entry of cost when receipting P/Orders >ܲɹʱIJɹ(PO)ֶɱ :PO Manual entry of cost when receipting purchase orders >ղɹʱPO ֶ¼ɱ :PO Master Detail >PO ϸ :PO Master Header >PO ҳü :PO Multiple Delivery Address Maintenance >PO ַཻά :PO Multiple Delivery Addresses >ɹ(PO)ַཻ :PO Order Discounts >P/O ۿ :PO Order Discounts Maintenance >ɹ(PO)ۿά :PO Order by Order Number > PO :PO Order by Supplier >Ӧ̵ PO :PO Orders by Stock Code > PO :PO Override lot expiry date calculated from shelf life >PO 改写从保质期所计算得到的批次失效日期 :PO Override on '%1' of a purchase order >PO Բɹ '%1' :PO Override on early/late supply of P/Order >ɹ(PO)ɹǰڹӦ :PO Override on early/late supply of purchase orders >PO Բɹǰ/ڹӦ :PO Override on over receipt from inspection into stock >ɹ(PO)ӼĹջ :PO Override on over supply of P/Order >ɹ(PO)ɹĹӦ :PO Override on over supply of purchase orders >PO ԲɹijӦ :PO Override on under receipt from inspection into stock >PO ԴӼĶջ :PO Override on under supply of P/Order >ɹ(PO)ɹĶӦ :PO Override on under supply of purchase orders >PO ԲɹĶӦ :PO Price Unit Of Measure Conversion >PO ۸λת :PO Print >ɹ(PO)ӡ :PO Print purchase order >ɹ(PO)ӡɹ :PO Print requisition >ɹ (PO) ӡ빺 :PO Product Class Performance Query >PO Ʒܲѯ :PO Purchase Order Document Format >PO ɹĵʽ :PO Purchase Order Entry Express >PO 采购订单条目表达 :PO Purchase Order Import >ɹ(PO) :PO Purchase Order Inspections >ɹ(PO) :PO Purchase Order Query >ɹ(PO)ѯ :PO Purchase Order Receipts >ɹ(PO)վ :PO Purchase Order Receipts Import >PO 采购订单收货导入 :PO Purchase Order Receipts Reversal >ɹ(PO)ɹջ :PO Purchase Order Reverse Inspection >ɹ(PO)ɹ :PO Purchase Order Valuation >ɹ(PO) :PO Purchasing Price U/m >ɹ(PO)ɹ۸λ :PO Purchasing Price Uom >PO ɹ۸λ :PO Purchasing Price Uom Maintenance >PO ɹ۸λά :PO Purge >ɹ(PO) :PO Query >ɹ(PO)ѯ :PO Receipt >ɹ (PO) ջ :PO Receipt All apportionment G/L code >ɹ(PO)ջз̯(G/L) :PO Receipt All apportionment GL code >PO з̯ GL :PO Receipt all >ɹ (PO) ȫջ :PO Receipt into inspection >ɹ (PO) ջ :PO Receipt into stock using zero P/Order price >ʹɹ۸IJɹ(PO)ջ :PO Receipt into stock using zero purchase orders price >PO ʹɹ۸ջ :PO Receipt line cancel >ɹ (PO) ջȡ :PO Receipt override lot expiry date calculated from shelf life >ɹ (PO) ջǴӻڿʼε :PO Receipts & Inspection >ɹ(PO)ȡ :PO Receipts with apportionment >PO ̯ջ :PO Reject inspection item >ɹ (PO) ռĿ :PO Req Print Requisition >ɹ (PO) 빺ӡ빺 :PO Req approve reqn line when price is zero when approving entire req >۸Ϊ׼빺ʱPO 빺׼빺 :PO Req approve requisition line when price is zero >۸ΪʱPO 빺׼빺 :PO Req approve where no budget >PO 빺׼Ԥ :PO Req approve where over budget >PO 빺׼Ԥ :PO Req budget deletion >PO 빺Ԥɾ :PO Req change user >ɹ(PO)빺û :PO Req create P/O from all users >ɹ(PO)빺ûɹ(PO) :PO Req create PO from all users >PO 빺û PO :PO Req create purchase order from all users >PO 빺ûɹ :PO Req create purchase order, issues and transfers from all users >PO 빺ûɹǩת :PO Req originator allowed to route requisition >ѡ빺·ߵ PO 빺 :PO Required >Ҫ PO :PO Requisition Approve Clear >PO 빺׼ :PO Requisition Approve/Clear >ɹ(PO)빺 :PO Requisition Budget Maintenance >PO 빺Ԥά :PO Requisition Cancel >ɹ(PO)빺ȡ :PO Requisition Entry >ɹ(PO)빺 :PO Requisition Hold >ɹ(PO)빺 :PO Requisition Information >PO 빺Ϣ :PO Requisition Purge >PO 빺 :PO Requisition Query >ɹ(PO)빺ѯ :PO Requisition Route >ɹ(PO)빺· :PO Requisition Takeon Approve Actuals >PO 빺е׼ֻ :PO Requisition add budget >PO 빺Ԥ :PO Requisition add line >ɹ (PO) 빺 :PO Requisition approve multiple lines >ɹ (PO) 빺׼ :PO Requisition approve/clear line >ɹ (PO) 빺׼/ :PO Requisition cancel line >ɹ (PO) 빺ȡ :PO Requisition change budget >PO 빺Ԥ :PO Requisition change line >ɹ (PO) 빺 :PO Requisition change user >ɹ (PO) 빺û :PO Requisition clear multiple lines >ɹ (PO) 빺 :PO Requisition delete budget >PO 빺ɾԤ :PO Requisition hold/release >ɹ (PO) 빺/ǩ :PO Requisition hold/release line >ɹ (PO) 빺/ǩ :PO Requisition print >ɹ (PO) 빺ӡ :PO Requisition print line >ɹ (PO) 빺ӡ :PO Requisition route line >ɹ (PO) 빺· :PO Requisition route multiple lines >ɹ (PO) 빺·߶ :PO Requisitions >ɹ (PO) 빺 :PO Requisitions Archive Viewer >PO 빺鿴 :PO Requisitions for Capex Line >ʱеIJɹ(PO)빺 :PO Requisitions for Capex Requisition Line >ʱ֧빺вɹ(PO)빺 :PO Return inspection item >ɹ (PO) ˻Ŀ :PO Reverse inspection receipt >ɹ (PO) ջ :PO Scrap inspection item >ɹ (PO) ƷĿ :PO Scrap/Reject From Inspection >PO Ӽ鱨/ :PO Setup >ɹ(PO) :PO Snapshot Details >PO :PO Standard Comments >P/O ׼ע :PO Standard Comments Maintenance >PO ׼עά :PO Stock Code Comment >PO 븽ע :PO Stock Code Comments >ɹע :PO Stock Code Comments Browse >PO 븽ע :PO Stock Code Comments Maintenance >PO 븽עά :PO Stock Code Comments for Stock Code >ɹ(PO)ע :PO Stock Code Performance Query >PO 뼨Чѯ :PO Suggested Requisitions >PO 빺 :PO Supplier Comment >PO Ӧ̸ע :PO Supplier Comments >ɹӦע :PO Supplier Comments Maintenance >PO Ӧ̸עά :PO Supplier Comments for Supplier >ɹ(PO)Ӧע :PO Supplier Contract >ɹ(PO)Ӧ̺ͬ :PO Supplier Contract Prices Query >ɹ(PO)Ӧ̺ͬ۸ѯ :PO Supplier Information >PO ӦϢ :PO Supplier Stock Code Cross-reference >PO Ӧ̿ղο :PO Supplier's Performance Query >P/O Ӧҵѯ :PO Supplier's Performance Report >ɹ(PO)Ӧҵ :PO Supplier/Stock code Information >ɹ (PO) Ӧ/Ϣ :PO Supplier/Stock code Interchange >ɹ (PO) Ӧ/뽻 :PO Supplier/Stock/Contract Price >ɹ(PO)Ӧ̣棯ͬ۸ :PO Suppliers Performance >ɹ (PO) Ӧ̼Ч :PO Suppliers' Contract Price List >ɹ (PO) Ӧ̺ͬ۸б :PO User >PO û :PO Value Purchase Orders >ɹ(PO)ֵ :PO Warehouse Performance Query >PO ֿ⼨Чѯ :PO XML Export View Blanket P/O Lines >ɹ(PO) XML鿴һӲɹ :PO XML Export View Blanket PO Lines >PO XML ͼһ PO :PO action >PO :PO allowed before >֮ǰIJɹ(PO) :PO by Order Number >IJɹ(PO) :PO by Order Number Report >˳IJɹ :PO by Order Number in Progress >ִа˳IJɹ :PO by Stock Code >˳IJɹ :PO by Stock Code in Progress >ִа˳IJɹ :PO by Supplier >Ӧ˳IJɹ :PO by Supplier in Progress >ִаӦ˳IJɹ :PO created >ѴIJɹ :PO date >PO :PO g/l analysis >ɹ(PO)(g/l) :PO gl analysis >PO ˷ :PO inspection required >Ҫ PO :PO line >PO :PO number >PO :PO outstanding > PO :PO receipts >ɹջ :PO requisition >ɹ(PO)빺 :PO requisition line >ɹ(PO)빺 :PO stock >PO :PO stock code >PO :POD > :POD date > :POD entry date >POD ¼ :POD reference >ο :POS only > POS :PRODUCT GROUP1 >Ʒ1 :PS tolerance >𲽱(PS)ʲ :PST >PST :PST amount >PST 金额 :PST calculated on tax >按税务计算 PST :PST code >PST 代码 :PTD Credits >ڽ跽 :PTD Debits >ڴ :PTD GST >PTD GST :PTD Std hours earned >Ӯȡڳ(PTD)׼ʱ :PTD actual productive hours >ڳ(PTD)ʵʱ :PTD exempt sales >PTD :PTD non productive hours >ڳ(PTD)ʱ :PTD taxable sales >PTD˰ :PTF = Today + Lead time + Plan freq. + DTS >PTF = + + ƻƵ + DTS :PTF = Today + Lead time + Plan freq. + DTS >PTF = + ǰ + ƻƵ + DTS :PURGE and Archive >ʹ浵 :Pack Effeciency >װЧ :Pack Size >װߴ :Package name > :Packages >װ :Packaging >װ :Packaging Details >װϸ :Packaging Total >װϼ :Packaging cannot be entered for an order that has unit quantity processing >Ϊ߱λĶװ :Packaging details are requested but optional. If the lines are shipped, you may need to add packaging details for them. Do you want to place all lines on back order? >ȻҪװϸǿѡġװ˵УҪΪӰװϸ뽫ȫзǷ :Packaging details have already been completed for this item. Do you want to change them? >ɴĿİװϸϣ? :Packaging option >װѡ :Packaging text >װı :Packer > :Pad > :Pad payee name on check >տ֧Ʊ :Padding character to be used >ʹõַ :Padding spaces >ո :Page >ҳ :Page Break >ҳ :Page Format >ҳʽ :Page Heading >ҳ :Page Length >ҳ泤 :Page Number >ҳ :Page Range >ҳ뷶Χ :Page Setup >ҳ :Page break after totals >ϼƺķҳ :Page break at change of supplier >ڸĹӦ̴ҳ :Page length (30-99) >ҳ泤(30-99) :Page setup information >ҳϢ :Page skip >ҳ :Page width >ҳ :Page width has exceeded maximum defined. Report cancelled >ҳѳֵȡ :Page width in pixels >صҳ :PageSetupDlg Information >ҳöԻ(PageSetupDlg)Ϣ :Pages >ҳ :Paid >Ѹ :Paid (P) >Ѹ(P) :Paid as >Ѹ :Palette >ɫ :Pallet Quantity >װ :Pallet qty >װ :Pallet width >货盘宽度 :Palletising > :Pan > :Pan or container size >̻װߴ :Pan size >ƽ̴С :Pane Caption > :Pane Properties > :Panel Direction >巽 :Paper >ֽ :Paper Size and Margins >ֽŹͱ߾ :Paper length >ֽų :Paper size >ֽŹ :Paper size and margins for reports >ֽŹͱ߾ :Paper size and margins for reports (not stationery) >ֽŹͱ߾ࣨľֽţ :Paper size x >ֽŹx :Paper size y >ֽŹy :Paper width >ֽſ :Parameter > :Parameter %1 > %1 :Parameter '%1' missing from XML document > '%1' XMLĵжʧ :Parameter is longer than expected >Ԥڵij :Parameter linkage not passed to SYSPRO component >δͨSYSPRO :Parameter menu >˵ :Parameter set > :Parameters > :Parameters XSD > XSD :Parameters may be added after the program name >ڳӲ :Parent >ĸ :Parent BOM Custom Form Fields > BOM Զֶ :Parent Code > :Parent Creation >봴 :Parent Custom Form Fields >Զֶ :Parent Defaults >Ĭֵ :Parent Elements >Ԫ :Parent Information >Ϣ :Parent Level Query >ѯ :Parent List Price >۸б :Parent Lot Detail >ϸ :Parent Lot Reservations for Stock Code >α :Parent Lot Tracking Details >θ :Parent Lot/Serial Reservation >Σϵб :Parent Lots > :Parent Non-Stocked Code >ǿ :Parent Non-Stocked Code for Estimate >ǿ :Parent Non-Stocked Information >ǿϢ :Parent Product Class >Ʒȼ :Parent Rel >ǩ :Parent Reserved Lot Traceability Message >ο׷Ϣ :Parent Reserved Lot Traceability Section >ο׷½ :Parent Reserved Serial Location Section >ϵλ½ :Parent Reserved Serial Tracking Message >ϵ׷Ϣ :Parent Rev > :Parent Serial Detail >ϵϸ :Parent Serial Reservations for Stock Code >ϵб :Parent Serial Tracking Details >ϵи :Parent Serials >ϵ :Parent Stock Code for Structure >ṹ :Parent Stock Code for Structure and Routing >ṹ· :Parent Stock Information >Ϣ :Parent Tracking Details >ϸ :Parent Tracking Details for Component Lot >εϸ :Parent Tracking Details for Component Serial >ϵеϸ :Parent Type > :Parent U/m >λ(U/m) :Parent Warehouse >ֿ :Parent With Components >߱ :Parent and comment generation strings >ͼעʹ :Parent bin > :Parent code generation >봴 :Parent code generation basis >봴׼ :Parent container instance code >ʵ :Parent container type code > :Parent description generation >˵ :Parent details >ϸ :Parent file name >ļ :Parent fixed qty >̶ :Parent for import > :Parent hierarchy > :Parent is a bought-out item. Bought-out items may only be selected if the option 'Explode bought-out items with structures' has been selected >Ϊ⹺Ŀ:ֻѡѡ"ֽ߱ṹ⹺Ŀ"ʱѡ⹺Ŀ :Parent issued quantity >ǩ :Parent kit type >߰ :Parent lot > :Parent missing >Ͷʧ :Parent non-stocked code cannot be spaces >主非库存代码不可为空格 :Parent non-stocked code selection >ĸѡ :Parent part > :Parent part %1 is on hold > '%1' ѹ :Parent part %1 is on hold. > '%1' :Parent part %1 is on partial hold > '%1' :Parent per fixed quantity >ÿһ̶ :Parent per fixed quantity (MUM) >̶ (MUM) :Parent product class blank >Ʒȼհ :Parent product class not on file >Ʒȼ :Parent qty > :Parent quantity per entered > :Parent release > :Parent reservations for Stock Code > :Parent reserved lots end on line >ν :Parent reserved lots start on line >οʼ :Parent reserved serials end on line >ϵн :Parent reserved serials start on line >ϵпʼ :Parent revision >޶ :Parent route >主路线 :Parent route filter >·߹ :Parent route selection >·ѡ :Parent section '%1' is not valid > '%1' Ч :Parent serial >ϵ :Parent serial number >ϵк :Parent specific gravity > :Parent stock code >ĸ :Parent stock code '%1' > '%1' :Parent stock code is not lot traceable and is not serialized >Ϊοɸٺͷϵл :Parent stock code must be a notional part type >Ϊ :Parent stock code must have a part type of Notional >߱ :Parent stock code not on file >벻 :Parent stock code selection >ѡ :Parent stock codes > :Parent total percentages >ϼưٷֱ :Parent traceable if component traceable >׷٣ôĸҲ׷ :Parent unit of measure >λ :Parent uom >λ :Parent value >˼ֵ :Parent warehouse blank >ֿհ :Parent warehouse is not on file >ֿⲻ :Parent warehouse not on file >ֿⲻ :Parent warehouse selection >ֿѡ :Parent/Component >/ :Parent/Component Selection >ѡ :ParentLots >ParentLotsΣ :ParentSerials >ParentSerialsϵУ :Parents > :Pareto > :Pareto All Collections >м :Pareto Analysis >з :Pareto Analysis Calculation in Progress >ִPareto :Pareto Analysis Parameters >Pareto :Pareto Graph >ͼ :Pareto Parameters >pareto :Pareto Results >Pareto :Pareto Summary >ժҪ :Pareto accuracy levels >Pareto ׼ȷȼ :Pareto classification >Pareto :Pareto classifications >Pareto :Pareto level >Pareto :Part > :Part Bililngs >Ʒ :Part Billing GL Distrib Business Object >Ʒ GL ҵ :Part Billing Journal >Ʒռ :Part Billing Journal Details >ӹռϸ :Part Billing Journal Summary Details >ƷռժҪϸ :Part Billing Journal Summary Entries >ƷռժҪĿ :Part Billing Material Allocation Error >ƷѲϷ :Part Billing Material Allocations >ƷѲϷ :Part Billings >ʵ :Part Billings GL Integration >Ʒ GL :Part Billings Journal Report >ʵʱ :Part Billings Journal in Progress >ִмӹռ :Part Booking >Ԥ :Part Categories > :Part Confirmation >ȷ :Part Group > :Part bill non-stocked jobs automatically >ԶΪǿҵ߼ӹ :Part bill nonstocked jobs automatically >Զǿ湤 :Part billing distribution entries >ӹ÷¼ :Part billing journals >ӹռ :Part billing journals dated before >ڵļӹռ :Part billing records deleted >ɾƷѼ¼ :Part billings and Labor >ʵͶ :Part booked >Ԥ :Part cat > :Part category > :Part category cannot be changed because there are allocations, jobs or requisitions in progress >޷ִеķ䡢ҵ빺 :Part category is by-product. Batching rule must be to suppress MRP ordering >ΪƷѹƻ(MRP) :Part category is co-product. Cannot set item to be ECC controlled >ΪͬƷ޷ĿΪ̱(ECC)ܿĿ :Part category is national. Cannot set item to be ECC controlled >Ϊ޷ĿΪ̱(ECC)ܿĿ :Part category selection >ѡ :Part credited >֤ :Part not on file > :Part number > :Part number details >ϸ :Part number information >Ϣ :Part of a bill of Landed cost tracking >ֵɱٵ :Part of primary key >һ :Part payment exchange rate > :Part type > :Part type selection >ѡ :Part types included > :Partial >ֵ :Partial Match > :Partial Receipt Details >ջϸ :Partial Task Menu >˵ :Partial body > :Partial disposal >ִ :Partial disposals >ִ :Partial hold >ֱ :Partial match selected. Matched value cannot be zero >ѡ񲿷ƥ䡣ƥֵΪ :Partially Closed (2) >Ѳֹر(2) :Partially or completely rebuild the data in sales analysis history files >ֻȫ¹۷ʷļе :Partner > :Partner's name > :Parts Without Structure >޽ṹIJ :Passed Organization >ͨ֯ :Passed Organization List (Temporary) >ͨ֯б (ʱ) :Passed Quality Control Tests? >ͨ :Password > :Password '%1' invalid > '%1' Ч :Password Blank >հ :Password Definition >붨 :Password Entry > :Password Expired >ѹڵ :Password Expiry >ʧЧ :Password Prompt >ʾ :Password Required >Ҫ :Password Setup > :Password Valid >Ч :Password Validation >֤ :Password defined against each SYSPRO operator >SQL¼ :Password expiry required >ҪʧЧ :Password for Cancelling Dispatches >ȡ :Password for Cancelling Orders >ȡ :Password for Changing Price >ļ۸ :Password for Dispatch Line Change / Cancel >иȡ :Password for Dispatch Line Change/Cancel >и/ȡ :Password for Manual Price >˹۸ :Password for Non-stocked Items >ǿƷ :Password for Order Maintenance >ά :Password for posting to a completed job is invalid >ڹҵЧ :Password has expired >ѹ :Password in use >ʹõ :Password invalid >Ч :Password mask > :Password never expires >ӲʧЧ :Password options >ѡ :Password rules > :Password rules required >Ҫ :Password to Accept Gross Profit >ë :Password to Accept Zero Cost >ɱ :Password to Add Serial Numbers >ϵк :Password to Add/Change Lines >ӣ :Password to Cancel Order >ȡ :Password to Cancel Order/Line >ȡ :Password to Cancel P/order >ȡɹ :Password to Change Discount >ۿ :Password to Change Float >ĸֵ :Password to Change Price >ļ۸ :Password to Change Request Date > :Password to Change a Line > :Password to Complete this Job >ɱҵ :Password to Display Profit >ʾ :Password to Edit Notes >༭ע͵ :Password to Enter Credit Notes >Ʊݵ :Password to Maintain Lines >άе :Password to Maintain Order >ά :Password to Open Cash Drawer >ֽƱ˵ :Password to Over-credit >ó޵ :Password to Post to a Completed Job >ҵʵ :Password to Process a Completed Job >ҵ :Password to Reset Dispatch Status >λ״̬ :Password to Reset Order Status >λ״̬ :Password to release order >ͷŶ :Password verification >֤ :Passwords > :Passwords do not match >벻ƥ :Passwords must match. You will have to re-enter the passwords >ƥ䡣ò :Passwords required for individual ledger accounts >ʻ :Past %1 Months >ȥ %1 · :Past %1 weeks > %1 :Past %1 years >ȥ %1 :Past Month >ȥ· :Past Year >ȥ :Past due >ѹ :Past due build schedule >ƻ :Past due build schedules >ƻ :Past due discount >ȥۿ :Past week > :Paste >ճ :Paste (Ctrl+V) >ճ(Ctrl+V) :Paste (all columns) >ճ () :Paste (visible columns only) >ճ (޿ɼ) :Paste Cut Rows >ճ :Paste Function >ճ :Paste licenses >ճ֤ :Patch Details >ճ :Patch level > :Path >· :Path '%1' does not exist >· '%1' :Path Length >· :Path Overflow >· :Path for XML failed docs >XMLʧĵ· :Path for export of bcp files >Ƴļ· :Path location >·λ :Paths >路径 :Pattern >ʽ :Pause >ͣ :Pause at each task marked as a '%1' >ÿһΪ '%1' ͣ :Pause at each task marked as a 'comment' >ÿһСעͣ͡ :Pay >֧ :Pay Cash Out >ֽ :Pay Cash Out Password >ֽ :Pay Released Invoices >֧зƱ :Pay Released Invoices >֧зƱ :Pay by EFT >ͨת(EFT)֧ :Pay by EFT before >֮ǰͨת(EFT)֧ :Pay customer account >֧ͻʻ :Pay month selection >֧·ѡ :Pay supplier for scrapped items >Ӧ֧Ʒ :Pay year selection >֧ѡ :Payables >Ӧ :Payables Clerk >Ӧ˿Ա :Payables Manager >Ӧ˿ :Payables Turnover >ĿӪҵ :Payables Turnover Rate Graph >ĿӪҵͼ :Payables turnover days >ĿӪҵ :Payables turnover rate >ĿӪҵ :Paye %1 reference >Paye %1 ο :Payment > :Payment Amount Imbalance >ƽ :Payment Amount Notice >付款金额通知 :Payment Block Wording > :Payment Code > :Payment Code Maintenance >ά :Payment Codes > :Payment Currency Oparand >付款货币 Oparand :Payment Cust >ͻ :Payment Cycle >ѭ :Payment Cycle (Legacy) >ѭʽ :Payment Cycle Information >Ϣ :Payment Cycle Maintenance >ѭά :Payment Date > :Payment Date Validation >֤ :Payment Detail >ϸ :Payment Detail Section >ϸ :Payment Details >ϸ :Payment Details for >ϸ :Payment Details for reference >οϸ :Payment Documents >ĵ :Payment Extract >ժ¼ :Payment Interface > :Payment Interface Maintenance >ά :Payment Message >Ϣ :Payment Processing > :Payment Register >Ǽ :Payment Register in Progress >ִиע :Payment Release >׼ :Payment Run Entry > :Payment Run Information >Ϣ :Payment Run Maintenance >ά :Payment Run Numbering Method >бŷ :Payment Summary >ժҪ :Payment Type > :Payment Type Maintenance >ά :Payment Type/Code >ͣ :Payment amount > :Payment amount cannot exceed invoice amount >óƱ :Payment amount exceeds number of digits >С :Payment amount for batch >εĸ :Payment amount to equal total >ܶĸ :Payment block heading > :Payment code for paying cash out/ taking cash in >ֽȡֽĸ :Payment code has already been entered >븶 :Payment complete ? >完成付款了吗? :Payment complete? >ɸ :Payment currency > :Payment customer >ͻ :Payment customer not on file >ͻ :Payment cycle details >ѭ :Payment dates > :Payment details are only available for payments with a non-blank reference >ϸֻ߱ǿհײοĸʹ :Payment entry > :Payment ex. rate >付款汇率 :Payment exchange rate > :Payment from counter sales >柜台销售款项 :Payment from deposit >存款款项 :Payment history >ʷ¼ :Payment history before >֮ǰĸ¼ :Payment history dated before >֮ǰĸʷ¼ :Payment history records deleted >ɾʷ¼ :Payment information >Ϣ :Payment interface record locked >¼ :Payment method > :Payment month selection >·ѡ :Payment narration > :Payment options >ѡ :Payment period selection >ѡ :Payment posting period > :Payment reference >ο :Payment reference may not be blank for TPM customers >οó״(TPM)ͻΪհ :Payment register is not yet printed. Program cancelled >δӡעᡣȡ :Payment release and voiding >к :Payment release information exists against one or more invoices. All payment release information will be removed during the conversion of the supplier. Ok to continue? >һݻݷƱڸϢڹӦ̶Իڼ䣬ɾȫϢȷҪ :Payment release information for foreign invoices is shown in local currency at the exchange rate held against each invoice >外国货币的付款发行信息按针对每一种发票所保留的汇率以当地货币显示 :Payment run > :Payment run browse > :Payment run number >б :Payment run selection >ѡ :Payment run status >״̬ :Payment status >״̬ :Payment terms > :Payment total amount >ܽ :Payment type for paying cash out/ taking cash in >ֽȡֽĸ :Payment type for paying in cash/taking out cash has not been defined >δ帶ֽȡֽĸ :Payment type has already been entered >븶 :Payment type may not start with \"_\" as this is a reserved character >Ͳ\"_\"ʼΪһֱַ :Payment type may not start with \"_\" as this is a reserved character >Ͳ \"_\" ʼΪDZַ :Payment type/code has already been entered >븶ͣ :Payment types > :Payment types for A/R >A/R :Payment types for AR >AR :Payment value >ֵ :Payment year selection >ѡ :Payments > :Payments Extract >ǩ :Payments G/L Account >G/Lʻ :Payments GL Account > GL ˻ :Payments Ledger Interface Entries >˽Ŀ :Payments Ledger Interface Listing >ʽб :Payments Ledger Interface Listing in Progress >ִиʽб :Payments Ledger Interface Maintenance >ʽά :Payments Re-Extract >ǩ :Payments and Adjustments >͵ :Payments and Adjustments Recap Totals >ºϼ :Payments and Sales > :Payments applied from deposits >ӴӦõĸ :Payments by Payment Type >͵ĸ :Payments cannot be posted as the total payments made do not equal the Payment amount and some, or all, of the Payment amount is from banked >ڸܶڸijЩȫ֧Ʊ޷ʸ :Payments cannot be posted as the total payments made do not equal the Payment amount and some, or all, of the Payment amount is from banked \n\npost dated checks >ڸܶڸijЩȫ\n\nԶ֧Ʊ޷ʸ :Payments cannot be posted as the total payments made do not equal the Payment amount and some, or all, of the Payment amount is from banked \npost dated checks >޷ʸΪܶڸijЩȫ\nԶ֧Ʊ :Payments cannot be posted as the total payments made do not equal the payment amount. Some, or all, of the payment amount is from processed post dated checks >ڸܶڸ޷ʸijЩȫԶ֧Ʊ :Payments display >ʾ :Payments distribution entries >¼ :Payments format >ʽ :Payments linked to Cash Book >ӵֽʱĸ :Payments not linked >δӵĸ :Payments password '%1' not valid > '%1' Ч :Payments received >յĸ :Payments status >״̬ :Payments value >ֵ :Payroll >ʵ :Payroll Employee >Աʵ :Payroll Information >ʵϢ :Payroll company id >ʵ˾id :Payroll employee number >Աʵ :Payroll is a salaries system >ʵǹϵͳ :Payroll rate >ʵ :Payroll rate (1-5) > (1-5) :Pcl >Pcl :Pcls >Ʒȼ :Pegging >ȶ۸ :Pegging Browse >ȶ۸ :Pegging Maintenance >ȶ۸ά :Pegging date >ס :Pegging required >Ҫ̶ :Pegging source >סԴ :Pegging was not created during requirements calculation. Only supplier sequence can be run >Ҫڼ䣬ûдȶ۸ֻйӦ˳ :Pending Archives > :Pending Payments >еĸ :Peport on all stocked and non-stocked codes with a low level code exceeding %1, or that are part of a looping structure >Peport on all stocked and non-stocked codes with a low level code exceeding %1, or that are part of a looping structure :Per > :Per operator >ÿԱ :Percent >ٷֱ :Percent Fixed Days Months >ٷֱ ̶ :Percent %1 >ٷֱ %1 :Percent Entry Type >ٷֱ :Percent change to BOM > BOM İٷֱȸ :Percent change to What-if >İٷֱȸ :Percent of nominal >ٷֱ :Percent of total contract quantity received >յͬİٷֱ :Percent of total deliveries away from expiry >ʧЧ֮ǰܽٷֱ :Percent of total quantity received >ջٷֱ :Percent yield >ٷֱ :Percentage >ٷֱ :Percentage %1 >ٷֱ %1 :Percentage Apportionment >̯ٷֱ :Percentage Balance Transfer >ٷֱת :Percentage Balance Transfer (Provision) >ٷֱתʣӦ :Percentage Change >ٷֱȸ :Percentage Change Details Definition >ٷֱȱ仯ϸ :Percentage Complete >ɰٷֱ :Percentage Entry >ٷֱ :Percentage Maintenance >ٷֱά :Percentage Totals >ٷֱȺϼ :Percentage Yield >ٷֱ :Percentage accuracy >ٷֱ׼ȷ :Percentage applied >Ӧõİٷֱ :Percentage based on >ٷֱȣ :Percentage breaks >ٷֱȷ :Percentage breaks for ABC analysis >ABCٷֱȷ :Percentage cannot be decreased by more than %1 >ٷֱȲɽ %1 :Percentage cannot be decreased by more than 100 >ٷֱȲɽ100 :Percentage change cannot be less than -100 >ٷֱȸIJõ-100 :Percentage change function >ٷֱȸĹ :Percentage complete flag >ٷֱɱ־ :Percentage difference >ٷֱȲ :Percentage discount >ٷֱۿ :Percentage error >ٷֱ :Percentage for current year >ǰȰٷֱ :Percentage for year ending >հٷֱ :Percentage for year ending %1 > %1 βݵİٷֱ :Percentage information >ٷֱϢ :Percentage mark-up >ٷֱ :Percentage negative >ٷֱ :Percentage of Wet Weight >ʪذٷֱ :Percentage of anticipated costs >Ԥڳɱٷֱ :Percentage of costs accumulated >ۼӳɱٷֱ :Percentage of fixed notational value >̶עֵٷֱ :Percentage of head/section complete >⣯ְٷֱ :Percentage of notional value >ֵٷֱ :Percentage of sales to use >ʹõ۰ٷְ :Percentage of total >ϼưٷֱ :Percentage of total balance >ٷֱ :Percentage per stocking unit of measure >λλٷֱ :Percentage positive >ٷֱ :Percentage required for obsolescence >Ʒٷֱ :Percentage rule %1 >ٷֱȹ %1 :Percentage selection >ٷֱѡ :Percentage to Transfer >תʰٷֱ :Percentage to apply >Ӧðٷֱ :Percentage to be added >Ӱٷֱ :Percentage to reduce proxy's sales >ٴ۵İٷֱ :Percentage variance >ٷֱȲ :Percentage variance selection >ٷֱȲѡ :Percentage yield for MPS >ƻ(MPS)İٷֱ :Percentage yield may not be zero >ٷֱ治Ϊ :Percentage(s) >ٷֱ :Percentage/Value >ٷֱȣֵ :Percentages >ٷֱ :Percentages for Each Year >ÿһȵİٷֱ :Percentages for variable %1 > %1 İٷֱ :Perform Maintenance >ִά :Perform a full or partial disposal of a non-current asset or view disposal details >Էǿʲȫ򲿷ִû鿴ϸ :Perform action >ִв :Perform word wrap for notes, narrations and text >עִ͡Զ :Performance >ҵ :Performance Query >ܲѯ :Performing completion actions >ִɲ :Performs an exact match on the custom filter fields instead of a wildcard match >Զִֶȫƥ䣬ͨƥ :Period > :Period %1 > %1 :Period - from > - :Period Balances > :Period Breakdown >ڷֽ :Period Commitments >ڳŵ :Period Committments >ڳŵ :Period Details >ϸ :Period End >޽ :Period End Cancelled >ȡĩ :Period End Date >ڽ :Period End Date Warning >ڽھ :Period End Dates >ڽ :Period End Worksheet >ֹ :Period End Worksheet in Progress >ִҵ :Period Information >Ϣ :Period Movemements >ڱ仯 :Period Movements >ڱ仯 :Period Selecetion >ѡ :Period Selection >ѡ :Period Start Date >ڿʼ :Period Status Error >״̬ :Period alpha >alpha :Period days to use >ʹõ :Period debits >ڽ :Period demand details >ϸ :Period employed >õ :Period end & update > :Period end adjustment >յ :Period end adjustments >յ :Period end and purge > :Period end and update >պ͸ :Period end balance %1 >ĩ %1 :Period end balance %1 >ĩ %1 :Period end completed successfully >ѳɹ :Period end date is greater than current date >ڽڴڵǰ :Period end function cancelled >ȡչ :Period end information >ĩϢ :Period end only > :Period end options >ѡ :Period ends on the >ڽ :Period for G/L module is closed >ģѹر :Period for GL module is closed >GL ģڹر :Period for secondary module is closed >ģѹر :Period from >ڣ :Period is > :Period is closed >ѹر :Period length >ڳ :Period length for '%1' and '%2' (days) > '%1' '%2' ڣ :Period length for 'H' and 'C' (days) >'H''Cڣ :Period length may not be zero >ڳȲΪ :Period levels (cost) - Selection set >ڼ (ɱ) - ѡ :Period levels (cost) - Warehouse >ڼ (ɱ) - ֿ :Period levels (quantity) - Warehouse >ڼ () - ֿ :Period levels (value) - Warehouse >ڼ (ֵ) - ֿ :Period limit > :Period month >· :Period movement >ڱ䶯 :Period no >ڱ :Period number >ں :Period number must be in range of %1 to %2 >ڸ %1 %2 Χ :Period number must be in range of %1 to number of periods per year >ڸ %1 ÿڸΧ :Period number must be in range of 1 to 13 >ڷΧ113Χ :Period number must be in range of 1 to number of periods per year >ڱű1ÿΧ :Period of lease or HP >ǩڻHP :Period of lease/hp >/ɹ :Period of tax return >˰걨 :Period on period >ͬ :Period on period information >ͬϢ :Period options >ѡ :Period posting selection >ڷѡ :Period selected >ѡ :Period size >ڴС :Period start >ڿʼ :Period starts on the >ʼ :Period to >ڣ :Period to use >ʹõ :Period to view >鿴 :Period variable >周期变量 :Period variable (1-8) >ڱ(1-8) :Period year > :Period-end date >ڽ :Period-end dates not set up - program cancelled >δڽ - ȡ :Period-end information >ڽϢ :Period-to-date credit value >ڳǼֵ :Period-to-date debit value >ڳǼֵ :Periodic with size >ߴ :Periods > :Periods depr to date >۾ :Periods selected >ѡ :Periods to View >Ҫ鿴 :Periods to update >µ :Permanent >̶ :Permanent Entries >Ŀ :Permanent Entries - Detail >̶ - ϸ :Permanent Entries - Non Detail >̶ - ϸ :Permanent Entries Archive Viewer >Ŀ鿴 :Permanent Entries Complete >ɹ̶ :Permanent Entries Format >Ŀʽ :Permanent Entries Format Alignment in Progress >ִй̶ʽ :Permanent Entries Format Printing in Progress >ִй̶ʽӡ :Permanent Entries Invoice Numbering >ĿƱ :Permanent Entries Posting >̶ :Permanent Entries Postings Completed >̶ :Permanent Entry >̶ :Permanent Entry Details >̶ϸ :Permanent Entry Information >ĿϢ :Permanent Entry Maintenance >̶ά :Permanent entries are not required. Program cancelled >Ҫ̶ȡ :Permanent entries format has not been defined. Program cancelled >δ̶ʽȡ :Permanent entries invoice print required >Ҫ̶Ʊӡ :Permanent entries not required. Program cancelled >Ҫ̶ȡ :Permanent entries not required. Program cancelled >Ҫ̶ȡ :Permanent entries required >Ҫ̶ :Permanent entry already on file >̶ļ :Permanent entry invoice >̶Ʊ :Permanent or temporary >ûʱ :Permanently retain non-productive analysis >ñ :Permanently retain scrap analysis >ñƷ :Permission denied >ɱܾ :Permission denied to use an alternate lot >ʹεɱܾ :Permissions > :Permissions for > :Permitted for early/late supply >ǰڹӦ :Perpetual stock >ÿ :Person responsible >Ա :Personal >˵ :Personal Information >Ϣ :Personal activity >˻ :Personalization >Ի :Personalize >Ի :Perspective >۵ :Petty Cash >小额现金 :Phantom > :Phantom Part > :Phantom Part Component > :Phantom Structure >ýṹ :Phantom part details > :Phantom/ghost part >/ :Phase >׶ :Phase of Conversion >ת׶ :Phase of Verification >֤׶ :Phase of processing >׶ :Phone >绰 :Phone Call Charges >绰 :Phone Layout >电话布局 :Phone Number >绰 :Phy - Adjust quantity on hand > - :Physical >ʵ :Physical Count >ʵ :Physical Stock Adjustment >ʵ :Physical Unit Maintenance >λά :Physical Units >λ :Physical count transaction not allowed for ECC items >̱(ECC)Ŀʵ :Physical count transaction not allowed for lot traceable items >οɸĿʵ :Physical count transaction not allowed if multiple bins installed >ֻװ˶ʱʵ :Physical counts >ʵ̵ :Physical counts not allowed >ʵ :Physical counts posted >ѹʵʵ :Physical counts value >ʵʼֵ :Physical height >߶ :Physical length > :Physical quantity is less than available quantity for this serial >ʵСڴϵеĿ :Physical unit >λ :Physical unit code >λ :Physical width > :Physicals >ʵ :Pick status of details >ϸɸѡ״̬ :Picked by >ɸѡ :Picker >ɸѡ :Picking List >װ䵥 :Picking List for Load >ѡб :Picking Slip >ժ¼ :Picking slip print status >ϵӡ״̬ :Pickup >ɼ :Picture object >ͼƬ :Pie > :Pie chart. The 3D pie chart displays a series of data as "slices" of a "pie" >ͼ3D ͼԡġп顱ʾһϵ :Pieces > :Pieces '%1' must not exceed factor '%2' for stock code '%3' > '%1' ó '%3' ϵ '%2' :Pieces Completed >ɼ :Pitch >̶ :Pixels > :Place Bin on Hold >λ :Place GRN on hold ? >要将 GRN 设为保留吗? :Place GRN on hold? >ҪGRN :Place Holder >占位符 :Place Quotation on Hold > :Place all on Backorder >ȫڶ :Place bin location on hold >ͣλ :Place invoice on hold ? >要将发票设为保留吗? :Place invoice on hold? >ҪƱ :Place multiple bins on hold when receipting a job >յҵʱλ :Place of destination >Ŀĵصص :Place of shipment >װ˵ص :Place on hold >Ϊ :Place order qty in back order >将订单数量放入延期交货订单 :Place quantity on reserve >ڱ״̬ :Place quantity to ship >ûװ :Place remittance stationery in printer >ӡзľֽ :Placing Ledger Account on Hold >ڽʻΪ :Placing an account on hold means that this account is unavailable for posting >ʻΪζŸʻڹ :Plan bill no >计划单号吗 :Plan delivery >ƻ :Plan quantity >ƻ :Plan review >ƻ :Plan start >ƻʼ :Plan weight >ƻȨ :Planned >Ѽƻ :Planned date >ƻ :Planned date for delivery >ƻ :Planned dates >ƻ :Planned delivery >ƻ :Planned delivery date >ƻ :Planned delivery date is before today >ƻڽ֮ǰ :Planned delivery date selection >Ѽƻѡ :Planned due >ƻ :Planned end date >ƻ :Planned finish >ƻ :Planned for queue >Ϊжƻ :Planned maintenance >ƻά :Planned order frequency >ƻƵ :Planned qty >ƻ :Planned quantity >ƻ :Planned queue >ƻ :Planned queue date >ƻ :Planned review >ƻ :Planned review %1 >ƻ %1 :Planned review for G/L code >(G/L)ļƻ :Planned review for GL code >GL ƻ :Planned scrap >ƻ :Planned start >ƻʼ :Planned start date >ƻʼ :Planned time >ƻʱ :Planned time issued >ƻǩʱ :Planner >滮 :Planner %1 not found >δҵƻԱ '%1' :Planner List Selection >ƻԱбѡ :Planner Maintenance >ƻԱά :Planner accuracy levels >ƻԱ׼ȷȼ :Planner code >计划员代码 :Planner description >ƻԱ :Planner filter >ƻԱ :Planner name >ƻԱ :Planner selection >ƻԱѡ :Planners >ƻ :Planning >ƻ :Planning %1 >ڼƻ %1 :Planning Profile >ƻʵ :Planning Profile in Progress >ִмƻͼ :Planning Query >ƻѯ :Planning Schedule >ƻʱ :Planning Type >ƻ :Planning bill >ƻʵ :Planning horizon >ƻھ :Planning horizon(PH) >ƻ(PH) :Planning parent >计划主账 :Planning time fence >ƻʱ :Planning time fence(PTF) >ƻʱ(PTF) :Planning weighting >ƻȨ :Planning weighting can only be %1 or %2 for multi-grade co-products >ڶǼǹͬƷƻȨΪ %1 %2 :Plant Manager > :Play >ʼ :Play Component >Ų :Play Multi-media >Ŷý :Play Multi-media (Ctrl+Y) >Ŷý(Ctrl+Y) :Play Multimedia >ʼý :Play Multimedia (Ctrl+Y) >Ŷý(Ctrl+Y) :Play Multimedia for Component >播放部件多媒体 :Play Multimedia for Component/Operation >播放部件/操作多媒体 :Play Multimedia for Configurator Selection >播放配置程序选择多媒体 :Play Multimedia for Criteria >播放标准多媒体 :Play Multimedia for Option >播放选项多媒体 :Play Multimedia for Product >播放产品多媒体 :Play Multimedia for Selection >播放选择多媒体 :Play Operation >Ų :Play Sound > :Play Video >Ƶ :Play multimedia (Ctrl+P) >Ŷý(Ctrl+P) :Playmultimedia >Ŷý :Please Wait >Ⱥ :Please add a new deposit if you wish to increase the deposit value >ϣӴֵµĴ :Please add one or more definitions >һ :Please allocate bins or serials first >ȷλк :Please assign at least one customer, supplier or account to this contact >ϵ˷һͻӦ̻˻ :Please check all component calculations as component quantity fields used may no longer be valid >ȫ㣬ΪõIJֶοѲЧ :Please check all component calculations as selection values used may no longer be valid >ȫ㣬ΪõѡֵѲЧ :Please choose what is to be created along with the parent >ѡһ𴴽Ŀ :Please complete the deposit information before saving >ڱǰдϢ :Please complete the retention information before saving >ڱǰдϢ :Please contact SYSPRO support for help >请联系 SYSPRO 支持以获取帮助 :Please contact your system administrator if this problem persists >ȻڣϵͳԱϵ :Please define your ODBC data source, control database and table >붨ODBCԴݿͱ :Please define your SQL Server Login name and Password >붨SQL¼ :Please define your default date presentation format >붨Ĭݱʾʽ :Please ensure that any necessary action with regard to these >ȷת֮ǰִ :Please ensure that the following details are correct for the parent being created >ȷϸڴȷ :Please ensure that your data is backed up before conversion >ȷתǰȱ :Please ensure that your data is backed up before conversion. \n\nOk to start conversion? >תǰȷѱݡ\n\nȷҪʼת :Please ensure the following details for parent creation are correct >ȷϸȷ :Please ensure you have a backup before running this utility >ȷдʵó֮ǰȽб :Please ensure your data is backed up before continuing >ȷڼǰȶԱ :Please ensure your data is backed up before continuing.\n\nOk to start conversion? >ȷڼǰȱݡ\n\nȷҪʼת :Please enter a COBOL program >COBOL :Please enter a Promotion Offset Amount >ƫƽ :Please enter a Promotion Offset Amount first >ƫƽ :Please enter a Promotion Offset Anount first >ƫƽ :Please enter a SYSPRO program >SYSPRO :Please enter a command line for the application >ΪӦó :Please enter a company id >빫˾ id :Please enter a contract customer first >ͬͻ :Please enter a description >˵ :Please enter a description for Second tier tax >Ϊڶ˰˵ :Please enter a job number >ҵ :Please enter a job number for RMA line >ΪRMAҵ :Please enter a ledger code >ʴ :Please enter a menu caption >˵ :Please enter a name for your Web Menu >˵ :Please enter a non-stocked code >ǿ :Please enter a password for this operator >ΪԱ :Please enter a purchase order number >ɹ :Please enter a retention customer >ͻ :Please enter a retention product class >Ʒ :Please enter a retention terms code > :Please enter a salesperson >Ա :Please enter a stock code > :Please enter a stock number > :Please enter a supplier >빩Ӧ :Please enter a task description >˵ :Please enter a title > :Please enter a valid customer >Чͻ :Please enter a valid date for the post dated check >ΪԶ֧ƱЧ :Please enter a valid extended tax code >请输入有效扩展税务代码 :Please enter a valid labor service charge >ЧͶշ :Please enter a valid warehouse >Чֿ :Please enter a valid warehouse code to be used >һЧĴòֿ :Please enter a valid warehouse to be used as the delivery address >뽫ΪַЧֿ :Please enter a warehouse >ֿ :Please enter all Groups, Report indexes and Account types to be converted during the copy process >Ҫڸƹתȫ顢ʻ :Please enter an SCT reference number >빩Ӧת(SCT)ο :Please enter an amount to apportion >Ҫ̯Ľ :Please enter an estimated date of completion > :Please enter an invoice number >뷢Ʊ :Please enter an operator different to your own operator code >һͬԼIJԱIJԱ :Please enter an order number >붩 :Please enter any text to be translated within the G/L description >ҪG/L˵зκı :Please enter any text to be translated within the GL description >ҪG/L˵зκı :Please enter database name >ݿ :Please enter delivery warehouse >请输入交货仓库 :Please enter job number >ҵ :Please enter masks to specify the G/L accounts to be copied >룬ָҪƵG/Lʻ :Please enter masks to specify the GL accounts to be copied >룬ָҪƵG/Lʻ :Please enter non-stocked item >ǿĿ :Please enter the Groups, Ledger codes, and/or Account types to be included in the copy process >Ҫڸƹа顢ʴͣʻ :Please enter the XML parameters for Business Object >ΪҵXML :Please enter the company id for the >Ϊ :Please enter the company id for the following files to be reorganized >Ϊ֯ļ빫˾ id :Please enter the configuration code and other relevant data to be used when creating the product(s) >뵱ƷʱҪʹõô :Please enter the credit authority to release this order >ǩöŴܲ :Please enter the default G/L accounts to be used for G/L integration >ΪʼһĬϵĴʻ :Please enter the default GL accounts to be used for GL integration >ΪʼһĬϵĴʻ :Please enter the directory into which the XML document must be saved >ԱXMLļĿ¼ :Please enter the directory into which the document(s) must be saved >ԱļĿ¼ :Please enter the following license information >Ϣ :Please enter the name and location of the '%1' script >'%1' űƺλ :Please enter the name and location of the 'create table' script >롰űƺλ :Please enter the name and password for this system administrator >ΪϵͳԱƺ :Please enter the name for this system administrator >ΪϵͳԱ :Please enter the name of the list >б :Please enter the name of the system-wide database >뷺ϵͳݿ :Please enter the name of your VBScript module > VBScript ģ :Please enter the required customer >Ŀͻ :Please enter the required fax number >请输入必需的传真号码 :Please enter the user defined file to be reindexed >Ҫ±ûļ :Please enter the warehouse in >Ҫ :Please enter the warehouse in which the new lot is to be allocated >ҪзεIJֿ :Please enter your ODBC data source name >ODBCԴ :Please enter your language code >Դ :Please enter your nationality code > :Please exit SYSPRO before continuing >ڼǰ˳SYSPRO :Please insert a valid existing customer code >Чͻ :Please insert a valid existing supplier code >ЧӦ̴ :Please note any saved preferences that has been changed will only take effect after you exit from SRS >ע⣬κѸұѡ˳SRS󷽿 :Please note that any selections/deselections made during this session will be automatically saved >ע⣬ڱỰڼκѡ񣯷Զ :Please note that depending on your authentication method, you >ע⣬ȡ֤ͬҪ :Please note that once you have successfully converted to the new Payment Cycle, >ע⣬ɹתµĸѭ֮ :Please note that payment is incomplete and the deposit that has been applied as payment will be unapplied >请注意,付款不完整,将不应用曾以付款所应用的存款 :Please note that some of the GIT transfers have been extracted for export to a remote site >ע⣬ijЩGITתȡԵԶվ :Please note that the Cost Center values will override the equivalent Work center values. Do you want to proceed? >ע⣬ɱļֵǵͬĹļֵϣִ? :Please note that this payment will ONLY be deleted out of the EFT files. Use the A/P void program to manually void this payment out of the A/P module. Would you still like to delete this payment? >ע⣬θEFTļɾʹA/Pɾ˹ʽθA/PģɾʹʧЧϣɾθ :Please note that when deleting the Account, the following information will not be transferred >ע⣬ɾ˻ʱתϢ :Please note that when deleting the Account, the following information will not be transferred: \n\n - The Account type (part of the security settings) \n\n - User defined fields 2, 3, 4 and 5 \n\n - Certain custom form fields may be lost >请注意,当删除账户时,将不转发以下信息:\n\n - 账户类型 (安全性设置的一部分) \n\n - 用户定义字段 2, 3, 4 和 5 \n\n - 某些自定义表格字段可能丢失 :Please note that when deleting the Account, the following information will not be transferred: \n\n - The Account type (part of the security settings) \n\n - User defined fields 3, 4 and 5 \n\n - Certain custom form fields may be lost >ע⣬ɾʻʱϢ?: \n\n C ʻ (ȫõһ) \n\n C ûֶ34 5 \n\n C ijЩԶֶοܶʧ :Please note the following printer options have been saved '%1' >ע⣬´ӡѡѱ '%1' :Please process a deposit refund to change the total deposit amount to zero >ԽܶΪ :Please provide a name for the theme >ṩ :Please provide domain or machine authentication >ṩ֤ :Please provide the connection information for logging into >请提供用于登录的连接信息 :Please provide the connection information for logging into SQL Server. This method >请提供用于登录 SQL 服务器的连接信息。此方法 :Please re-enter the password > :Please run the '%1' program and maintain the document type '%2' in order to create the archive control table > '%1' άĵ '%2' ԴƱ :Please select a Contact before using the '%1' function >ʹ '%1' ֮ǰѡϵ :Please select a Trigger type >ѡ񴥷 :Please select a book item to delete >ѡҪɾ˲Ŀ :Please select a company or multiple companies which you would like to convert and click on '%1' to proceed >请选择您希望转化的公司或多家公司,然后单击 '%1' 以继续 :Please select a file name for the export file >ѡ񵼳ļļ :Please select a file name for the import file >Ϊļѡļ :Please select a labor service charge for this work center >Ϊ˹ѡͶշ :Please select a role >ѡְ :Please select a selection type (All, Geographic area, Buying group or Customer class) >请选择选择类型 (全部、地区、采购组或客户类) :Please select a status >ѡ״̬ :Please select a sub category for category '%1' >ѡ '%1' :Please select a task group before creating new task items >ڴĿǰѡ :Please select a valid EFT beneficiary for this transaction >ΪѡЧEFT :Please select a valid MS Word template >ѡЧMS Wordģ :Please select a valid currency >ѡЧ :Please select a variable or enter a value >ѡֵ :Please select an SRS Report to run >ѡе SRS :Please select an Unknown Attendee before using the '%1' function >ʹ '%1' ֮ǰѡδ֪ϯ :Please select an event >ѡ¼ :Please select an icon to be associated with the new object category >ѡ¶ͼ :Please select an icon to be associated with the new object type >ѡҪ¶ͼ :Please select an industry >ѡҵ :Please select at least one form to be displayed >ѡһҪʾı :Please select at least one operator >ѡһԱ :Please select components/operations you wish to include in the finished product from the list below >±ѡϣڳƷаIJ :Please select either stocked or non-stocked line >ѡǿ :Please select one of the following actions >ѡ¶֮һ :Please select one or more Analysis objects >ѡһ :Please select the database format for your company's data >Ϊ˾ѡݿʽ :Please select the format for the date '%1' >Ϊ '%1' ѡʽ :Please select the invoice line before you can edit the amount >ѡƱУȻɱ༭ :Please select the location of the license file to be imported >ѡҪļλ :Please select the sequence required for >Ϊѯʹõ :Please select the sequence required for the previous and next buttons in Inventory Query >ڴѯѡһһťҪ˳ :Please select the template(s) you wish to build >ѡϣģ :Please select the type of Fast menu required >ѡٲ˵ :Please select the type of application that is to be run when >ѡҪʱеӦó :Please select the type of menu required >ѡ˵ :Please select the type of parent to create >ѡͣԴ :Please select the type of program that is to be run when >Ӳ˵ѡһĿʱ :Please select those parts of the configuration you wish to print >ѡϣӡIJ :Please set up period dates. Note that these dates are essential to correct conversion! >ڡע⣬Щڶȷת˵ʮֹؼ :Please specify at least one customer, supplier or account for this contact >ΪϵָһͻӦ̻ʻ :Please specify the language code required >ָԴ :Please supply a template name >ṩģ :Please type the name and URL of the application required >ӦóƺURL :Please type the name of the application required or use the Browse >Ӧóƣʹá :Please wait - A.T.P. Calculation in Progress >Ⱥ - ִATP :Please wait - Applying actions to all >Ⱥ - ڶȫӦö :Please wait - Creating live purchase orders for all suppliers >Ժ C ΪйӦ̴ɹ :Please wait - Loading job structure >Ⱥ - ڼҵṹ :Please wait - Loading work center '%1' details >Ժ - ڼع '%1' ϸ :Please wait - balancing a group >Ⱥ - ִƽ :Please wait - calculating min/max levels >Ժ - ڼС/󼶱 :Please wait - comparing may take several minutes >Ժ - ȽϿҪ :Please wait - creating SCT order >Ⱥ - ڴSCT :Please wait - creating index >Ⱥ - ڴ :Please wait - creating journal from standard >Ⱥ - ڴӱ׼ռ :Please wait - listing group >Ⱥ - ִб :Please wait - loading contract information >Ժ - ڼغͬϢ :Please wait - loading hierarchy information >Ժ - ڼزϢ :Please wait - loading pegging information >Ժ - ڼضסϢ :Please wait - loading quotation information >Ժ - ڼرϢ :Please wait - loading tracking information >Ժ - ڼظϢ :Please wait - posting journal >Ⱥ - ڹռ :Please wait - printing Setup differences >Ժ - ڴӡͬ :Please wait - printing journal >Ⱥ - ڴӡռ :Please wait - printing notes >Ժ - ڴӡע :Please wait - reading menus >Ⱥ - ڶȡ˵ :Please wait - running diagnostics >Ժ - :Please wait - sequencing GRN suspense file >Ժ - ջ(GRN)ļ :Please wait - sequencing ledger entries file >Ⱥ - ļ :Please wait - updating your options >Ժ - ڸѡ :Please wait applying actions >жȺ :Please wait cancelling lines >ȡУȺ :Please wait cancelling operation >ȡȺ :Please wait checking components >ڼ鲿Ⱥ :Please wait checking structure >ڼṹȺ :Please wait copying blanket purchase order >ڸۺԲɹȺ :Please wait copying option >ڸѡȺ :Please wait copying purchase order >ڸƲɹȺ :Please wait copying selection >ڸѡȺ :Please wait creating job >ڴҵȺ :Please wait creating job. >ڴҵԺ. :Please wait creating live multi line requisitions >ڴĶ빺Ժ :Please wait creating live requisitions >ڴЧ빺Ⱥ :Please wait creating requisitions >ڴ빺Ⱥ :Please wait loading billing schedules >ڼշʱȺ :Please wait loading costing details >ڼسɱϸȺ :Please wait loading existing jobs >ڼҵȺ :Please wait loading lists >Ժڼб :Please wait loading policies >Ժڼ :Please wait loading purchase orders >ڼزɹȺ :Please wait loading requisitions >ڼ빺Ⱥ :Please wait loading schedules >ڼʱȺ :Please wait loading selection criteria >ڼѡ׼Ⱥ :Please wait loading sub jobs >ڼתҵȺ :Please wait loading suggested SCT lines >ڼؽSCTУȺ :Please wait loading suggested jobs >ڼؽҵȺ :Please wait posting in progress >ڹʣȺ :Please wait processing >ڴȴ :Please wait reading in lines for contract >ΪͬȡУȺ :Please wait reading in lines for order >ΪȡУȺ :Please wait resequencing components >򲿼Ⱥ :Please wait resequencing criteria >׼Ⱥ :Please wait resequencing operations >Ⱥ :Please wait resequencing options >ѡȺ :Please wait resequencing selections >ѡȺ :Please wait sequencing invoices by date >ڰ˳ƱȺ :Please wait stock take selection in progress >Ժ̵ִѡ :Please wait while MS Word is opened >ڴMS WordȺ :Please wait while loading goods in transit entries >;ƷȺ :Please wait while the wizard processes the selection criteria stored in the selected library >ڴ洢ѡеѡ׼Ⱥ :Please wait while the wizard selects all the components and operations held in the library >ѡбȫͲȺ :Please wait while unloading goods in transit entries >ж;ƷȺ :Please wait, copying selection >Ժڸѡ :Please wait. Connecting to Server >Ⱥӷ :Please wait. Creating and updating tables >Ժڴ͸± :Please wait. Updating tables >Ժڸ± :Please wait. Applying display options >Ⱥʾѡ :Please wait. Checking Real time Gl Conversion prerequisites >Ժڼʵʱ GL תǰ :Please wait. Checking selection >Ⱥڼѡ :Please wait. Connecting to server >Ⱥӷ :Please wait. Converting A/P Statement Formats >ԺתӦʿ(A/P)ʽ :Please wait. Converting Assets data >Ժתʲ :Please wait. Converting Inventory Quantity discounts >Ժתۿ :Please wait. Converting Passwords >Ժת :Please wait. Converting Passwords and Sales Order Document Formats >Ժת۶ļʽ :Please wait. Converting file >Ժתļ :Please wait. Creating and updating tables >Ժڴ± :Please wait. Creating eSignaturesTransaction file >Ժڴǩļ :Please wait. Finding transaction >ȺѰҽ :Please wait. Initializing Lookup tables >Ժڳʼ鿴б :Please wait. Loading files to be converted >ȺڼҪתļ :Please wait. Processing SQL server information >ȺڴSQLϢ :Please wait. Processing job logging information >Ⱥڴҵ־Ϣ :Please wait. Purging amendment journals >Ⱥ޶ռ :Please wait. Purging amendment journals. >Ժ޶ռʡ :Please wait. Purging transactions >Ⱥ :Please wait. Purging transactions. >Ժס :Please wait. Receipting in purchase order >Ⱥڽղɹ :Please wait. Receipting in shipment >Ժջ :Please wait. Removing unused files >Ժɾõļ :Please wait. Tidying up unused files >Ժδõļ :Please wait. Updating A/P Bank balances >ȺڼA/P :Please wait. Updating Cash Book tables >Ⱥڸֽʱ :Please wait. Updating control records >Ⱥڸ¿Ƽ¼ :Please wait. Updating custom form architecture >ԺڸԶϵṹ :Please wait. Updating report >Ⱥڸ± :Please wait. Updating tables >Ժڸ± :Please wait. Adding operations >ԺӲ :Please wait. Analysing Database for SYSPRO %1 conversion >请稍候。正在为 SYSPRO %1 转化分析数据库 :Please wait. Analysing the template >Ժڷģ :Please wait. Analyzing the template >Ⱥڷģ :Please wait. Apportioning details >Ⱥڷϸ :Please wait. Checking components >Ժڼ鲿 :Please wait. Checking mail addresses >Ⱥڼʼַ :Please wait. Checking purchase order >Ⱥڼɹ :Please wait. Creating new Document template >Ժڴĵģ :Please wait. Creating sections >Ժڴ֡ :Please wait. Determining active trigger points >ȺȷЧ :Please wait. Export in progress >Ժִе :Please wait. Generating SQL script >ȺڴSQLű :Please wait. Identifying files requiring conversion to SYSPRO %1 >请稍候。正在识别要求转化到 SYSPRO %1 的文件 :Please wait. Initializing the template >Ժڳʼģ :Please wait. Job creation in progress >Ⱥڴҵ :Please wait. Loading Requisitions >Ժڼ빺 :Please wait. Loading unknown attendees >Ժڼδ֪ϯ :Please wait. Processing bill of materials >Ⱥڴ嵥 :Please wait. Processing contact >Ժڴϵ :Please wait. Processing purchase order lines >Ժڴɹ :Please wait. Rebuilding analysis tables >Ժ¹ :Please wait. Replacing of Element/Calculation code in progress >ԺڸҪأ :Please wait. Selecting available serial numbers >Ⱥѡõϵк :Please wait. Synchronising client folders >Ժͬͻļ :Please wait. Synchronising the 'samples' folder >ԺͬƷļ :Please wait. Trial loading of job in progress >Ⱥִҵ :Please wait. Updating G/L master >ȺڸG/Lļ :Please wait... Loading jobs >Ժ...ڼҵ :Please wait... Creating import cross reference >Ⱥ...ڴ :Please wait... Files being loaded >Ժ...ڼļ :Please wait... Phrases processed >Ժ...:ڴ :Please wait... Reading data dictionary >Ժ...ڶȡĿ¼ :Please wait.... Loading text >Ⱥ...ڼı :Please wait...Adding serial numbers to table >Ⱥ...ϵк :Please wait...Clearing temporary files >Ⱥ...ʱļ :Please wait...Establishing program version numbers >Ⱥ...ڽ汾 :Please wait...Extracting files into temporary directory(s) >Ⱥ...ʱĿ¼ѹļ :Please wait...Finding files to upgrade >Ժ...ڲҪļ :Please wait...Retrieving list of accounts >Ⱥ...ڼʻ :Please wait...Upgrading SYSPRO >Ⱥ...ڸSYSPRO :Please wait...building temporary MPS demand and pegging >Ⱥ...ڹʱMPS㶨 :Please wait...building temporary MPS demand and pegging files >Ⱥ...ڹʱƻ(MPS)ȶ۸ļ :Please wait...building temporary consolidated demand >Ⱥ...ڹʱϲ :Please wait...busy processing >Ⱥ...æڴ :Please wait...loading information >Ⱥ...ڼϢ :Please wait...searching for next/previous item >Ժ...һһĿ :Please wait...validating entries >Ⱥ...֤ :Plus > :Plus freight >˷ :Plus freight charges >˷ :Plus misc charges >շ :Plus misc. charges >շ :Plus variance >Ӳ :Plus/less wording required on delivery note/invoice >ƱҪļӣ :Plus/less wording required on purchase order print >ɹӡҪļӣ :Pmt date > :Pmt jnl >ռ :Po exchange rate >ɹ :Point %1 > %1 :Point Labels >ǩ :Point of Sale >۵ :Point of Sale Change price >ļ۸ :Point of Sale Change price code >ļ۸ :Point of Sale Entry >ۼ¼ :Point of Sale Inv > :Point of Sale Line maintenance >ά :Point of sale user only >۵û :Point size >۵ģ :Pointer >ָ :Pointsize > :Poisson hits >Poisson :Poisson quantity >Poisson :Policies > :Policies for stock code '%1' Wh '%2' > '%1' ֿ '%2' :Policy Maintenance >ά :Policy Maintnance >ά :Policy Parameters >߲ :Policy base >߻ :Policy date > :Policy dates > :Policy in use >ʹõ :Policy is locked > :Policy setting > :Policy settings > :Policy type > :PoloBank >PoloBank :Populate Contact Columns >ֲϵ :Populate Subgroup Columns >ֲ :Populate the Tax Return table with the tax history data required to run the Tax Return report >߱˰걨Ҫ˰ʷݵ˰걨 :Popup > :Popup "Copy Details" dialog in Contact Maintenance when the following change >¸ʱϵάе "Copy Details" (ϸ) Ի :Popup \"Copy Details\" dialog in Contact Maintenance when the following change >当发生以下变化时,将在联系人维护中弹出\“复制详情\”对话框 :Port >˿ :Port and device name >˿ں豸 :Portable document format >Яʽĵʽ :Portrait > :Portuguese > :Position >λ :Position held >λ :Position of tabs for tabbed panes >ʽѡλ :Positions >λ :Positive >϶ :Positive variance > :Possible Y2K date problem >ܵ2000(Y2K) :Post > :Post A/P Invoice >Ӧʿ(A/P)Ʊ :Post A/R Credit >Ӧʿ(A/R) :Post AP Invoice > AP Ʊ :Post AR Credit > AR :Post Accounts Payable Setup Options >Ӧ˿ѡ :Post Accounts Receivable Setup Options >Ӧ˿ѡ :Post Activity > :Post Activity Preferences >ʻο :Post Adjustment >˵ :Post All Changed Lines >发布所有已更改行 :Post Asset Expense >ʲ :Post Asset Expense Postings >ʲϢ :Post Asset Import Details >ʲϸ :Post Asset Labor Time Sheet Postings >ʲͶʱϢ :Post Asset Setup Options >ʲѡ :Post Asset Transaction >ʲ :Post Automatic by Date >Զ :Post Automatic by Invoice >ƱԶ :Post Bill of Materials Setup Options >ϵѡ :Post Cash Book Company Setup Options >ֽ˲˾ѡ :Post Check >֧Ʊ :Post Contact Management Setup Options >发布联系人维护设置选项 :Post Credit >Ŵ :Post Current Journal >ʵǰռ :Post Dated Check >Զ֧Ʊ :Post Dated Check Detail >Զ֧Ʊϸ :Post Dated Check Detail Section >Զ֧Ʊϸ :Post Dated Check Maintenance >Զ֧Ʊά :Post Dated Check/Cheques >֧Ʊ :Post Dated Checks >֧Ʊ :Post Dated Message >ԶϢ :Post Dispatch Note Company Setup Options >˾ѡ :Post EFT Company Setup Options > EFT ˾ѡ :Post Entries >¼ :Post Entries into G/L >Ŀܷ :Post Entries into GL >Ŀܷ :Post Entries into General Ledger >¼ :Post Entry >¼ :Post Factory Scheduling Setup Options >ѡ :Post GIT receipt with apportionments > GIT ̯ջ :Post GL Setup Options > GL ѡ :Post General Ledger Journals >ܷռ :Post Import Details >ϸ :Post Information >Ϣ :Post Inventory Company Setup Options >˾ѡ :Post Inventory Optimization Setup Opts >Żѡ :Post Invoice >ʷƱ :Post Invoices >ʷƱ :Post Issue >ǩ :Post Journal >ռ :Post Lot Traceability Setup Options >θѡ :Post MRP Requirements Planning Setup > MRP Ҫƻ :Post Miscellaneous Receipt >ӷվ :Post Multiple Journals >ʶռ :Post Multiple Normal Journals >ռ :Post PO Company Setup Options >发布 PO 公司设置选项 :Post Payments >ʸ :Post Permanent >ʹ̶ :Post Permanent Entries > :Post Purchase Order Company Setup Opts >ɹ˾ѡ :Post Quantity Counted > :Post Quantity Inspected > :Post Quantity Rejected > :Post Quantity Returned >˻ :Post Quantity Scrapped > :Post Quotations Setup Options >ѡ :Post RMA Setup Options > RMA ѡ :Post Receipt >վ :Post Recurring Journals >ѭռ :Post S/O Company Setup Options > S/O ˾ѡ :Post SO Company Setup Options > SO ˾ѡ :Post Sales Analysis Setup Options >۷ѡ :Post Selected Lines >ѡ :Post Serial Tracking Transaction >ϵ׷ٽ :Post The Transaction >发布交易 :Post To Cashbook in detail >ϸ˵ֽ˲ :Post To This Account >ʻ :Post Trade Promotions Setup Options >ó״ѡ :Post Transaction >ʽ :Post Transactions >ʽ :Post Unapplied >δӦõ :Post Work In Progress Company Setup >ڽй˾ :Post a New Activity >» :Post a New Activity against the Current Contact >Եǰϵ˵» :Post date > :Post date selection >ѡ :Post dated check already exists >ѴԶ֧Ʊ :Post dated check number '%1' dated '%2' not found >δҵΪ '%2' Զ֧Ʊ '%1' :Post dated check number cannot be blank >Զ֧Ʊ벻Ϊ :Post dated checks available >Զ֧Ʊ :Post dated checks avalable >Զ֧Ʊ :Post dated checks exist >Զ֧ƱѴ :Post dated checks total >Զ֧Ʊϼ :Post dated chks/chqs >Զ֧Ʊ :Post labor hours against assets >ʲͶʱ :Post message with today's date >ڵϢ :Post month >· :Post payment >ʸ :Post payments directly into the Cash Book if Accounts Receivable payments are linked to Cash Book >Ӧ˿ӵֽ˲ֱӽ˵ֽ˲ :Post payments in cashbook in detail >ֽ˲ϸ˸ :Post payments in detail >ʸϸ :Post payments received from customers, post adjustments against outstanding invoices and enter miscellaneous receipts >˴ӿͻյĸδзƱ˵ջ :Post permanent entries for customers and create an invoice against a customer for each entry posted >˿ͻĿÿһĿĿͻƱ :Post price variance to G/L >过账价格差异到 G/L :Post recurring supplier invoices >ظԹӦ̷Ʊ :Post the Checks to Unapplied Invoices >֧ƱδӦõķƱ :Post the entered invoices? >ҪĹʷƱ :Post the warehouse transfer >ֿת :Post this journal? >Ҫռʹ :Post time against a specific job, increasing labor costs to date and the number of hours booked against the job >ضʱ䣬ͶɱԹԤʱ :Post to >ʵ :Post to G/L entries without reporting >ޱG/L :Post to GL entries without reporting >ޱG/L :Post to Invoice >Ʊ :Post to Job >ҵ :Post to Ledger code %1 >˴ %1 :Post to Ledger code 1 >ʴ1 :Post to Ledger code 2 >ʴ2 :Post to a Job >ʵҵ :Post to document >ĵ :Post to existing document >ĵ :Post to existing invoice >ʵзƱ :Post transactions against specific serial numbers >ضϵк뷢 :Post transactions of costs incurred against an asset >ʲĵĽ :Post year > :Post year/month >/ :Post-billing >ʵ :Post-billing with invoice >зƱĺʵ :Postal code > :Postal/zip code > :Posted >ѹ :Posted By > :Posted Flag >ѹʱ־ :Posted Items >ѹĿ :Posted by bank >йʵ :Posted by cash journal >ֽռʹʵ :Posted group entries >ѹʵ :Posted in detail >ϸʵ :Posted invoices >ѹ˷Ʊ :Posted journals >ѹʵռ :Posted or cancelled group entries >ѹʵĻȡ :Posted or cancelled journals >ѹʵĻȡռ :Posted or cancelled journals deleted >ɾȡռ :Posted registers >ĵǼDz :Posted to/Message >发布到/消息 :Posting > :Posting Information >Ϣ :Posting Invoice >ʷƱ :Posting Journal >ռ :Posting Multiple Normal Journals >˶ռ :Posting Notice >发布通告 :Posting Period >ڼ :Posting Recurring Journals >˾ռ :Posting Recurring Journals in Progress >ִռʹ :Posting Security for >ʰȫԣ :Posting Submodule Journals >ڷģռ :Posting Totals >ʺϼ :Posting a payment not allowed > :Posting an adjustment not allowed >ʵĿ :Posting currency >ʻ :Posting currency code >ڷҴ :Posting date > :Posting details >ϸ :Posting failed for journal number '%1' >ռʺ '%1' Ĺʧ :Posting financial month/year >ڷ·/ :Posting frequency >ڹƵ :Posting frequency (periods) >Ƶʣڼ䣩 :Posting information for invoices >ΪƱϢ :Posting month >· :Posting month selection >·ѡ :Posting month/year >·ݣ :Posting of Normal Journals in Progress >ִͨռʹ :Posting of recurring journals was cancelled. No recurring journals posted >ȡѭռʹʡûйκѭռ :Posting of the reversing journal failed >תռʹʧ :Posting options >ѡ :Posting period '%1' invalid >'%1' Ч :Posting period selected >ڷѡ :Posting period selection >ѡ :Posting records >ڹʼ¼ :Posting threshold >ʼֵ :Posting to Cash Book >ʵֽʱ :Posting to General Ledger >ʵܷ :Posting to Prior Month >ʵǰ· :Posting to a completed job not allowed >ҵ :Posting to previous period not allowed >һ :Posting type >¼ :Posting values >ڷֵ :Posting year > :Postings > :Potential Oversupplies >DZڵĹȹӦ :Potential over supply >ܳӦ :Potential oversupplies as at >ܳӦ :Pr YTD Sales val >Pr YTDۼֵ :Pr YTD Sales value >һYTDۼֵ :Pr YTD qty sold >Pr YTD :Pr YTD sold >۵һYTD :Pr class >Ʒ :Prc >۸ :Prc u/m >۸u/m :Prd > :Pre-billing >Ԥʵ :Pre-defined list for '%1' does not exist > '%1' Ԥб :Pre-defined range for '%1' does not exist > '%1' Ԥ巶Χ :Pre-production >Ԥ :Pre-production ABC elements >ԤABCҪ :Preactor Advanced Scheduler >Preactor߼ȳ :Preactor Finite Scheduler >Preactor޵ȳ :Preactor Graphical Planning Board >Preactorͼμƻ :Preactor Integration >Preactor :Preactor Mapping Tool >Preactorӳ乤 :Preactor Order Export >Preactor :Preactor Resource Mask Description >PreactorԴ :Preactor Schedule >Preactor ų :Preactor Schedule Query >Preactor ų̲ѯ :Preactor Stub Callout >Preactorͼ :Preactor Suggested Schedule >Preactor ų :Preactor Tool Maintenance >Preactor ά :Preactor Tool Maintenance Browse >Preactorά :Preactor not installed on client. Program cancelled >ͻδװPreactorȡ :Preactor version >Preactor 汾 :Preator Resource Mask Description >PreatorԴ :Preator Tool Maintenance >Preatorά :Predefined selection list of warehouses >ֿԤѡ :Preferably this must be greater than 100MB/s >ô 100MB/s :Preference >ѡ :Preference record is locked >ѡ¼ :Preferences >ѡ :Preferences Section > :Preferences are set not to view Requisitions in found status/s >ѡΪ鿴ҵ״̬е빺 :Preferences can not be changed once selection has been made >һѡ򲻵øѡ :Preferences saved >ѱѡ :Preferred >ѡ :Preferred communication language >ѡͨ :Preferred contact method >ѡϵ :Preferred customer selection >ѡͻѡ :Preferred flag >ѡ :Preferred name >ѡ :Preferred warehouse selection >ѡֿѡ :Preffered >ѡ :Prefix >ǰ׺ :Prefix '%1' needs to be numeric as quotation keys are numeric >前缀 '%1' 需要为数字,因为报价密钥为数字 :Prefix entered '%1' needs to be numeric as quotation keys are numeric >ǰ׺ '%1' ҪΪ֣ΪԿΪ :Prefix length >ǰ׺ :Prefix length must be shorter than key length >ǰ׺ȱԿ :Prefixed >ǰ׺ :Prefixed Parent Code Basis >ǰ׺׼ :Prefixed branch >ǰ׺ķ֧ :Prefixed by warehouse may not be selected if the Goods in Transit Reference is numeric >;οΪ֣򲻿ѡֿǰ׺ :Prefixed warehouse >ǰ׺IJֿ :Prepaid Expenses >Ԥ :Prepaid Insurance >Ԥ :Preparation >׼ :Preparation (0) >׼(0) :Prepared >׼ :Preparing SYSPRO data for Import >Ϊ׼SYSPRO :Preparing files for SQL optimisation >ΪSQLŻ׼ļ :Preparing files for SQL optimization >ΪSQLŻ׼ļ :Presentation format >ʾĸʽ :Presentation length >ʾĸ峤 :Preserve ratio >保留比率 :Press "Cancel" to exit without saving the document >ȡ˳ĵ :Press "Cancel" to return to the format dialog >ȡظʽԻ :Press "Finish" to save the document >ɡĵ :Press Alt+F9 for alpha input > Alt+F9 ϼԽ Alpha :Press CTRL+TAB to select a pane >CTRL+TABѡ񴰸 :Press Shift+(-) for image increase > Shift+(-) ɷŴͼ :Press \"Cancel\" to exit without saving the document >\ȡ\ļ˳ϵͳ :Press \"Cancel\" to return to the format dialog >\ȡ\ظʽԻ :Press \"Finish\" to save the document >\\ļ :Press the Review push button to view selection criteria, options and components/operations chosen >ԤťԲ鿴ѡѡ׼ѡͲ :Prev >һ :Prev %1 bal >Ԥ %1 :Prev %1 cost >Ԥ %1 ɱ :Prev %1 months sales > %1 :Prev %1 sold/issued >һ %1 ۣǩ :Prev 1 bal >ǰ1 :Prev 1 cost >ǰ1³ɱ :Prev 10 bal >ǰ10 :Prev 10 cost >ǰ10³ɱ :Prev 11 bal >ǰ11 :Prev 11 cost >ǰ11³ɱ :Prev 12 bal >ǰ12 :Prev 12 cost >ǰ12³ɱ :Prev 1st line discount % >һ1ۿ% :Prev 2 bal >ǰ2 :Prev 2 cost >ǰ2³ɱ :Prev 200 Lines >200 :Prev 24 months sales >24 :Prev 2nd line discount % >һ2ۿ% :Prev 3 bal >ǰ3 :Prev 3 cost >ǰ3³ɱ :Prev 3rd line discount % >һ3ۿ% :Prev 4 bal >ǰ4 :Prev 4 cost >ǰ4³ɱ :Prev 400 Lines >400 :Prev 5 bal >ǰ5 :Prev 5 cost >ǰ5³ɱ :Prev 6 bal >ǰ6 :Prev 6 cost >ǰ6³ɱ :Prev 7 bal >ǰ7 :Prev 7 cost >ǰ7³ɱ :Prev 8 bal >ǰ8 :Prev 8 cost >ǰ8³ɱ :Prev 9 bal >ǰ9 :Prev 9 cost >ǰ9³ɱ :Prev Asset (Ctrl+P) >һʲ(Ctrl+P) :Prev Bookmark >Ԥǩ :Prev Customer (Ctrl+P) >һͻ(Ctrl+P) :Prev GRN >һGRN :Prev Job >Ԥ :Prev Job (Ctrl+P) >һҵ(Ctrl+P) :Prev Ledger Code (Ctrl+P) >һʴ(Ctrl+P) :Prev Outstand >Ԥδ :Prev P/O Line >上一个 P/O 行 :Prev Page >Ԥҳ :Prev Period >һ :Prev Purchase Order (Ctrl+P) >һݲɹ(Ctrl+P) :Prev Purchase Order Line >上一个采购订单行 :Prev Requisition (Ctrl+P) >һ빺(Ctrl+P) :Prev Sales Order (Ctrl+P) >һ۶(Ctrl+P) :Prev Stock >Ԥ :Prev Stock Code (Ctrl+P) >һ(Ctrl+P) :Prev Supplier (Ctrl+P) >һҹӦ(Ctrl+P) :Prev YTD Qty sold >һ :Prev YTD Sales value >һۼֵ :Prev comm code >Ԥͨô :Prev invoice date >һƱ :Prev invoice number >һƱ :Prev item >ԤĿ :Prev last price paid >һ֧۸ :Prev month %1 >һ %1 :Prev price U/m >һ۸λ :Prev price uom >Ԥ۸λ :Prev quantity purchased >һɹ :Prev temp disbursement val >Ԥʱֵ֧ :Prev temp freight val >Ԥʱ˷Ѽֵ :Prev temp merchandise val >ԤʱƷֵ :Prev temp other val >Ԥʱֵ :Prev w/h >ǰһֿ :Prev year next line no >һһк :Prev year no of details >Ԥϸݱ :Prev year period end dates %1 >Ԥ %1 :Prev year period status flag %1 >Ԥ״̬ %1 :Prev year profit % >Ԥ % :Prev year sales >Ԥ :Prev year sales value >һ۶ :Prev year sold >һ :Prev/Next sequence >ϣ˳ :Prevent Login >阻止登录 :Prevent Logins >ֹ¼ :Prevent P/o Receipt >ֹɹջ :Prevent Po Receipt >ֹɹջ :Prevent duplicate message being displayed >ֹʾظϢ :Prevent duplicate messages being displayed >ֹʾظϢ :Prevent duplicates >Ԥظ :Prevent further logins >ֹһ¼ :Prevent logins during reindex >ֹڼ¼ :Prevent p/o receipt for curr rev/rel >阻止当前修订/发行采购订单收货 :Prevent p/o receipt for current >ֹǰɹջ :Prevent p/o receipt for current rev/rel >ֹǰ޶/еIJɹջ :Prevent receipts from purchase orders >ֹ۶ջ :Prevent shipments from sales orders >ֹ۶Ļ :Prevent special characters being entered >ַֹ :Prevents certain characters from being entered into key fields (stock code, customer etc.) >ֹԿֶ (롢ͻ) ijЩַ :Preview >Ԥ :Preview - Page %1 >Ԥ - ҳ %1 :Preview Document >Ԥļ :Preview RPT document >Ԥ RPT ĵ :Preview Word Document >ԤWordļ :Preview and make changes to pages before printing >ӡǰԤҳ :Preview before printing >ӡǰԤ :Preview of '%1' - Page %2 >'%1' Ԥ - ҳ %2 :Preview of '%1' and '%2' - Page %3 >'%1' '%2' Ԥ C ҳ %3 :Preview of theme >Ԥ :Preview off >رԤ :Preview on >Ԥ :Preview panel >Ԥ :Preview report >Ԥ :Preview the object >Ԥ :Previous >һ :Previous Customer >һҿͻ :Previous %1 >һ %1 :Previous %1 Invoices >һ %1 Ʊ :Previous %1 Lines >һ %1 :Previous %1 Orders >һ %1 :Previous %1 balance >һ %1 :Previous %1 cost >һ %1 ɱ :Previous %1 months >ǰ 1% :Previous 100 Comps << >ǰ100<< :Previous 100 Invoices >ǰ100ݷƱ :Previous 100 Ops << >ǰ100<< :Previous 200 Orders >ǰ200ݶ :Previous A/P Branch >һӦʿ(A/P)֧ :Previous A/R Branch >һӦʿ (AR) ֧ :Previous A/R Geographic Area >һӦʿ (A/R) :Previous AP Branch >һӦʿ(AP)֧ :Previous AR Branch >һ AR ֧ :Previous AR Geographic Area >һӦʿ (AR) :Previous Account >һ :Previous Accrual Type >һϢ :Previous Address >һַ :Previous Address Code >һַ :Previous Allocation >һ :Previous Analysis Category >һ :Previous Approved Manufacturer >һ׼ :Previous Approved Manufacturer Part Number >һ׼ :Previous Asset >һʲ :Previous Asset Branch >һʲ֧ :Previous Asset Capex Item >һʲʱĿ :Previous Asset Code >һʲ :Previous Asset Depreciation Code >һʲ۾ɴ :Previous Asset Group >һʲ :Previous Asset Location >һʲλ :Previous Asset Mechanic >һʲ :Previous Asset Owner >һʲ :Previous Asset Status >һʲ״̬ :Previous Asset Type >һʲ :Previous BOM Employee Rate >һϵ (BOM) Ա :Previous BOM Route >һϵ (BOM) · :Previous Bank >һ :Previous Bank Control >һп :Previous Bank code >һд :Previous Beneficiary >һ :Previous Bin >һ :Previous Buyer >һҲɹ :Previous Buyer Group >һɹ :Previous Buying Group >һɹ :Previous Calculation Code >һ :Previous Capex >һʱ :Previous Capex Classification >һʱ÷ :Previous Capex Item >һʱ֧Ŀ :Previous Capex Type >һʱ :Previous Cash Drawer >һ̨ :Previous Co-Product Line >һͬƷ :Previous Code >һ :Previous Comment >һע :Previous Commission Code >һӶ :Previous Component >һ :Previous Configuration >上一个配置 :Previous Constant Code >һ :Previous Contact >һϵ :Previous Container Type >һ :Previous Contract >һݺͬ :Previous Contract to Maintain >һҪάĺͬ :Previous Cost Center >һɱ :Previous Cost Center Code >һɱĴ :Previous Criterion >上一个标准 :Previous Currency >ǰ :Previous Currency Conversion >һλת :Previous Currency History >һݻҼ¼ :Previous Customer >һͻ :Previous Customer Class >һͻȼ :Previous Customer Dispatch >һοͻ :Previous Customer Dispatch Note >һݿͻ :Previous Customer Purchase Order >һݿͻɹ :Previous Customer Purchase Order Dispatch Note >һݿͻɹ :Previous Customer Sales Order >һݿͻ۶ :Previous Customer Stock Code >һͻ :Previous Customer p/o >һݿͻ۶ :Previous Customer po >һݿͻ۶ :Previous Date >һ :Previous Deduction Code >һ۳ :Previous Delivery Load >һνװ :Previous Delivery Route >һ· :Previous Delivery Term >һ :Previous Demand History Period >һʷ :Previous Descriptor >һ :Previous Dispacth Note >上一个发货单 :Previous Dispatch Note >һݷ :Previous Document >һĵ :Previous Document Type >һĵ :Previous Drawing Code >һͼֽ :Previous Drawing Size >һͼֽߴ :Previous ECC Status Code >һ̱ (ECC) ״̬ :Previous ECO >һ ECO :Previous Element >һԪ :Previous Element Descriptor >һԪ :Previous Element Structure Code >һԪؽṹ :Previous Employee Code >һԱ :Previous Engineering User >һû :Previous Entries >һ :Previous Entry >ǰһ¼ :Previous Expense Code >һô :Previous Extended Tax Code >һչ˰ :Previous Extended Tax History >һչ˰¼ :Previous Field >һֶ :Previous Filters >һ :Previous GL Code >һ GL :Previous GRN >һ GRN :Previous Geographic Area >һ :Previous Group >һ :Previous Hierarchical Job >һּ :Previous Hierarchy Code >һּ :Previous Instruction >һָʾ :Previous Invoice >һݷƱ :Previous Invoice Discount >һƱۿ :Previous Invoice Dispatch Note >һݷƱ :Previous Invoice Term >һƱ :Previous Invoice terms >һƱĿ :Previous Item >һĿ :Previous Job >һҵ :Previous Job Classification >һ :Previous Key >һԿ :Previous LCT Route >һ LCT · :Previous Labor Format Code >һͶʽ :Previous Ledger Code >һƿĿ :Previous Load >һװ :Previous Lot Number >һκ :Previous Machine Code >һ :Previous Manufacturer >һҹӦ :Previous Manufacturer Part Number >һ :Previous Master Job >һ :Previous Material Allocation >һϷ :Previous Matrix >һ :Previous Model >һģ :Previous Month >һ· :Previous Month 1 >һ·1 :Previous Month 2 >һ·2 :Previous Months >һ· :Previous Nationality Code >һ :Previous Nature of Transaction >һ :Previous Non-Stocked Code >һǿ :Previous Non-productive Code >һ :Previous Operation >һ :Previous Operator >һԱ :Previous Option >上一个选项 :Previous Order >һݶ :Previous Order Dispatch Note >һݶ :Previous P/order >ǰݲɹ :Previous POrder >上一个采购订单 :Previous Page >ǰһҳ :Previous Page (Ctrl+Page Up) >һҳ (Ctrl+Page Up) :Previous Payment Run >һθ :Previous Payment Type >һ :Previous Permanent Entry >һĿ :Previous Planner >һƻԱ :Previous Problem >һ :Previous Product Class >һƷȼ :Previous Product Group >һƷ :Previous Promotion Code >һ :Previous Prompt >һʾ :Previous Purchase Order >һݲɹ :Previous Quality Element >һԪ :Previous Quotation >һ :Previous RMA >һ˻Ȩ(RMA) :Previous Reason Code >һԭ :Previous Reason for Disposal >һԭ :Previous Reason for Revaluation >һ¹ԭ :Previous Reference >һο :Previous Requisition >һ빺 :Previous Requisition Group >һ빺 :Previous Resolution Code >һ :Previous Route >上一个路线 :Previous Route Code >һ·ߴ :Previous Rule >һ :Previous SKU >һ SKU :Previous Sales History Period >һʷ :Previous Sales Order >һ۶ :Previous Sales Tax Rates >һ˰ :Previous Salesperson >һԱ :Previous Scrap Reason >һԭ :Previous Section >һѡ :Previous Selection >上一个选择 :Previous Selection Set >һѡ :Previous Selections >ǰѡ :Previous Selling Price Unit of Measure >һۼۼλ :Previous Serial >һϵ :Previous Serial Number >һϵк :Previous Service Charge >һշ :Previous Set >ǰ :Previous Shipment >һװ :Previous Standard hierarchy >һ׼ :Previous Status Code >һ״̬ :Previous Stock >ǰ :Previous Stock Code >һ :Previous Stock Code Unit of Measure >һλ :Previous Stock Code to Add Contract for >һҪӺͬĿ룬Ϊ :Previous Stock uom >һλ :Previous Storage Hazard Code >һ洢Σմ :Previous Storage Security Code >һ洢ȫ :Previous Storage condition >һ洢 :Previous Supplementary Code >һ :Previous Supplier >һӦ :Previous Supplier Class >һӦ̵ȼ :Previous Supplier Code >һӦ̴ :Previous Supplier Contract >һݹӦ̺ͬ :Previous Supplier Purchase Order >һݹӦ̲ɹ :Previous TP Account >һ TP ˻ :Previous Tariff >ǰ˰ :Previous Tariff Code >һ˰ :Previous Tax Code >һ˰ :Previous Template >һģ :Previous Ticket Number >һȯ :Previous Tool Set >һ߼ :Previous Transport >һ :Previous Transport code >һ :Previous Unit of Measure >һλ :Previous User >һû :Previous User-defined Journal Source Code >һûռԴ :Previous Vessel >ǰֻ :Previous Warehouse >һֿ :Previous Warehouse Area >һֿ :Previous Warehouse Bin >һֿ :Previous Warehouse for this Stock Code >˿һֿ :Previous Withholding Tax Code >һ˰ :Previous Work Center >һ :Previous Work Center Code >һҵĴ :Previous Work Center Move Matrix >һƶ :Previous Working Day >ǰ :Previous Year %1 >һ %1 :Previous Year 1 >1 :Previous Year 2 >2 :Previous Year 3 >3 :Previous Year Selection >һѡ :Previous branch >һ֧ :Previous comment code >һע :Previous cost >һɱ :Previous department >һ :Previous discount code >һۿ۴ :Previous exchange rate >һ :Previous instruction code >һָʾ :Previous last price paid details >һѸռ۸ϸ :Previous ledger year >һ :Previous location >һλ :Previous milestone not started >һ̱δʼ :Previous milestone operation '%1' not started >δʼһ̱ '%1' :Previous month %1 >һ· %1 :Previous month %1 is still open, this will be set to a status of '%2'. Do you wish to continue? >上一个月份 %1 仍开放,此将设置为 '%2' 状态。您希望继续吗? :Previous month %1 is still open, this will be set to a status of '%2'. Do you wish to continue? >һ· %1 Ϊ״̬Ϊ '%2' ״̬ϣ :Previous month 2 is still open, this will be set to a status of 'closed'. Do you wish to continue? >һ·2Ϊ״̬⽫Ϊѹرա״̬ϣ :Previous month 2 is still open, this will be set to a status of 'closed'. Do you wish to continue? >һ·2Ϊ״̬⽫Ϊѹرա״̬ϣ :Previous mult/divide code >һˣ :Previous operation '%1' not found >δҵһ '%1' :Previous operation '%1' not started >δʼһ '%1' :Previous operation has not been started >δʼһ :Previous operation move >һβ䶯 :Previous order type >һ :Previous payslips have not yet been printed >δӡǰĹʵ :Previous period >һ :Previous period %1 >һ%1 :Previous period end balance >һ :Previous price code >һ۸ :Previous quantity on hand >һ :Previous rate >ǰ :Previous resource code >һԴ :Previous sales tax >һ˰ :Previous searches >һ :Previous unit cost >һλɱ :Previous use rate >һʹ :Previous use tax >һʹ˰ :Previous use tax rate >һʹ˰ :Previous wh >һֿ :Previous year >һ :Previous year purchase history >һȲɹʷ¼ :Previous year qty sold >һ :Previous year sales value >һ۶ :Previous year sold >һ :Previous year to date >һ :Previous year's history is missing >һݵļ¼ʧ :Previous year's retained earnings history is missing >һݵ¼ʧ :Previous years history is missing >ǰʷ¼ʧ :Previous years retained earnings history is missing >ǰʷ¼ʧ :Previously >ǰ :Previously excluded >ǰ :Previously excluded SCT's >ǰų SCT :Previously excluded blanket p/orders >ǰųۺԲɹ :Previously excluded contracts >ǰųĺͬ :Previously excluded purchase orders >ǰųۺԲɹ :Previously exported purchase orders only >ǰڵIJɹ :Previously exported sales orders only >ǰڵ۶ :Previously rejected lines >ǰѾܾ :Price >۸ :Price (local currency) >۸ (ػ) :Price + tax >۸ + ˰ :Price - >۸ - :Price / Cost Percentage Change in Process >ִм۸񣯳ɱٷֱȸ :Price / Cost Percentage Change in Progress >ִм۸񣯳ɱٷֱȱ䶯 :Price / Quantity >۸ :Price Analysis entry >۸Ŀ :Price Break Details >۸ϸ :Price Breaks >۸ :Price Change by Percentage >ٷֱȵļ۸䶯 :Price Change by Percentage Based on Another Price Code >һ۸İٷֱȼ۸䶯 :Price Change by Percentage Based on Cost >ڳɱİٷֱȼ۸䶯 :Price Code List >۸ :Price Code Price Maintenance >۸۸ά :Price Code Selection >۸ѡ :Price History >۸ʷ¼ :Price List >۸嵥 :Price List in Progress >ִм۸ :Price Lookup >۸ :Price Maintenance >۸ά :Price Maintenance - Delete >价格维护 - 删除 :Price Maintenance for Stock Code >۸ά :Price Margin Overridden >Ѹǵļ۸ :Price Method >۸񷽷 :Price Methods >۸񷽷 :Price Overflow >۸ :Price Preferences >۸ѡ :Price Table >۸ :Price Table Maintenance >۸ά :Price Types >۸ :Price Types for Departments >部门价格类型 :Price Types for Product Classes >产品类价格类型 :Price Types for Product Groups >产品组价格类型 :Price Types for Stock Codes >ļ۸ :Price Unit of Measure >۸λ :Price Uom Factor >价格计量单位因子 :Price Values >۸ֵ :Price after TP discount >TP ۿۺļ۸ :Price after TP pricing >TP ۺļ۸ :Price after line discount >ۿۺļ۸ :Price against price code '%1' is in foreign currency >Լ۸ '%1' ļ۸Ϊ :Price against price code '%1' is in local currency >Լ۸ '%1' ļ۸Ϊػ :Price against price code '%1' is not correct currency >Լ۸ '%1' ļ۸ΪȷĻ :Price and Wh Information >۸ͲֿϢ :Price at entry >ʼ۸ :Price basis >۸ :Price by a percentage based on cost >ڳɱİٷֱȼ۸ :Price by percentage >ٷֱȵļ۸ :Price by percentage on another price code >һ۸İٷֱȼ۸ :Price category >۸ :Price category / code table >۸/ :Price category selection >۸ѡ :Price category table >۸ :Price category/code >۸𣯴 :Price category/code table >۸𣯴 :Price category/price code table >۸/۸ :Price change >۸仯 :Price change based on another price code >һ۸ļ۸ :Price change history >۸䶯ʷ¼ :Price code >۸ :Price code %1 >۸ %1 :Price code '%1' not on file >۸ '%1' :Price code '%1' not on file for this stock code >˿ļ۸ '%1' :Price code Price >۸۸ :Price code already entered >۸ :Price code cannot be blank >价格代码不可为空 :Price code cannot be blank, or contain '%1' or '%2' >۸벻Ϊհף '%1' '%2' :Price code entered >۸ :Price code error >۸ :Price code from which change is to be calculated >䶯ļ۸ :Price code less a chain discount >۸ۿ :Price code less chain discount >ȥۿ۵ļ۸ :Price code not found >δҵ۸ :Price code not on file >价格代码不存在 :Price code not on file for this stock code >ڴ˿룬۸벻 :Price code override >۸븲 :Price code record locked >۸¼ :Price code to be updated >µļ۸ :Price code to print >Ҫӡļ۸ :Price code to use >ʹõļ۸ :Price code to use for free goods >ѻļ۸ :Price code to which change is to be made >Ա䶯ļ۸ :Price code used >ü۸ :Price code, Stock code >۸롢 :Price codes >۸ :Price codes to change >ĵļ۸ :Price comment >۸ע :Price date >۸ :Price detail required >Ҫ۸ϸ :Price details >۸ϸ :Price details required >Ҫϸ۸ :Price direction >۸ :Price discount >۸ۿ :Price expiry date before start date >۸ʧЧڿʼ :Price for this item is zero >此项目的价格为零 :Price history file >۸ʷļ :Price history records before >之前价格历史记录 :Price indicator >۸ָʾ :Price information >۸Ϣ :Price is in foreign currency >۸Ϊ :Price is zero. Ok to approve this requisition line? >۸Ϊ㡣ȷҪ׼ :Price local >۸񣨵ػң :Price margin not required >Ҫ۸ :Price method '%1' may not be used as no information exists for supplier '%2' / stock code '%3' >ڹӦ '%2' '%3'κϢ˲ʹö۷ '%1' :Price method '%1' may not be used as no information exists for supplier '%2'/stock code '%3' >۸񷽷 '%1' ʹãΪڹӦ '%2'/ '%3' κϢ :Price method '%1' may not be used for local supplier '%2' >۷ '%1' ڵعӦ '%2' :Price method selection >۸񷽷ѡ :Price options >۸ѡ :Price override >۸񸲸 :Price per stocking unit of measure >λλ۸ :Price percentage >۸ٷֱ :Price percentage change >۸ٷֱȱ䶯 :Price product matrix >۸Ʒ :Price quote date > :Price section >۸񲿷 :Price selection >۸ѡ :Price taken from parent >õļ۸ :Price type >۸ :Price u/m >۸u/m :Price um >۸λ :Price unit of measure '%1' not in purchasing price u/m table >۸λڲɹ۸λ :Price unit of measure blank >۸λհ :Price unit of measure must be the stocking unit of measure, the alternate unit of measure, or be present in the purchasing price table >۸λǿλ滻λڲɹ۸λ :Price uom >۸λ :Price uom must be stocking uom, alternate uom or exist in the purchasing price table >价格计量单位必须为库存计量单位、备用计量单位,或存在于采购价格表中 :Price($) >۸($) :Price(foreign) >۸ () :Price(local) >۸ () :Price+tax >۸+˰ :Price-Cost % Change >۸-ɱ % :Price-Cost Percentage Change >۸񣯳ɱٷֱȸ :Price/Cost >۸񣯳ɱ :Price/Cost % Change >۸/ɱ%仯 :Price/Cost Percenatge Change in process >正在进行价格/成本百分比更改 :Price/Cost Percentage Change >۸񣯳ɱٷֱȸ :Price/Cost Percentage Change Criteria >۸/ɱٷֱȸı׼ :Price/Cost Percentage Change Review >۸/ɱٷֱȸ :Price/Cost Percentage Change in Process >ڽм۸/ɱ % :Price/Cost Percentage Change in Progress >ִм۸񣯳ɱٷֱȱ䶯 :Price/Currency Cross References in Progress >ִм۸񣯻Ҷ :Price/Quantity >۸/ :Price/product matrix >۸񣯲Ʒ :Price/value >۸񣯼ֵ :Pricelist Order >价格单订单 :Prices >۸ :Pricing > :Pricing (Legacy) >۸ (Legacy) :Pricing Entry > :Pricing Qty > :Pricing Qty to Ship >װ˵Ķ :Pricing Quantity > :Pricing Quantity to Ship >װ˵Ķ :Pricing Status >״̬ :Pricing U/m >ۼλ :Pricing UOM >۸λ :Pricing Unit of Measure >ۼλ :Pricing category > :Pricing contract has expired. Continue? >ۺͬѹڡҪ :Pricing contract not on file >ۺͬ :Pricing contract not yet in force. Continue? >ۺͬδЧҪ? :Pricing factor code >ϵ :Pricing for Stock Code >붨 :Pricing for a Price Code >Լ۸Ķ۷ :Pricing for a Stock Code >ԿĶ۷ :Pricing information >۸Ϣ :Pricing method >۸񷽷 :Pricing method option >۷ѡ :Pricing on Contract for Customer >ͻͬ۸ :Pricing unit of measure cannot be blank >价格计量单位不可为空 :Primary > :Primary File >ļ :Primary File Validation >ļ֤ :Primary GL company > GL ˾ :Primary Inventory company >˾ :Primary Key Field >ؼֶ :Primary Key Setup > :Primary Module >ģ :Primary Operations > :Primary Structure >ṹ :Primary Table Validation >֤ :Primary file field >ļֶ :Primary file not found in data dictionary >ֵδҵļ :Primary file selection >ļѡ :Primary group > :Primary key > :Primary key field length >ֶγ :Primary key field position >ֶλ :Primary node >主节点 :Primary quotation > :Primary quote > :Primary role >ְ :Primary sequence >˳ :Primary supplier >Ӧ :Primary table > :Primary table column > :Primary table selection >ѡ :Primitives >Ԫ :Print >ӡ :Print EFT remittance using MS Word >ʹMS WordӡEFT :Print %1 labels for each supplier selected (documents used in the USA to report miscellaneous income to the IRS) >为所选每一家供应商打印 %1 标签 (在美国使用的向 IRS 报告杂项收入的文档) :Print %1 labels using SRS for each supplier selected (documents used in the USA to report miscellaneous income to the IRS) >使用所选每一家供应商的 SRS 打印 %1 标签 (在美国使用的向 IRS 报告杂项收入的文档) :Print & send >ӡ :Print '%1' class items >ӡ '%1' ȼĿ :Print 'A' class items >ӡAƷ :Print 'B' class items >ӡBƷ :Print 'C' class items >ӡCƷ :Print 'D' class items >ӡDƷ :Print 'Top X' >ӡX :Print (Ctrl+P) >ӡ(Ctrl+P) :Print (or reprint) a report, listing all additions, deletions or amendments of build schedules >ӡ (´ӡ) 棬гų̵ӡɾ޸ :Print (or reprint) a report, listing all additions, deletions or amendments to forecasts >ӡ (´ӡ) 棬гԤӡɾ޸ :Print / Send >打印 / 发送 :Print Account Payment Receipt >ӡʻվ :Print Accounts Payable options? >ҪӡӦʿѡ :Print Accounts Receivable options? >ҪӡӦʿѡ :Print Address Master >ӡַ :Print Address Sub >ӡַ :Print Asset Register options? >Ҫӡʲעѡ :Print Attribute >ӡ :Print Bill of Materials options? >Ҫӡ嵥ѡ :Print Block Size >ӡС :Print Cash Book options? >Ҫӡֽʱѡ :Print Cash Posting Worksheet >打印现金过账工作表 :Print Cash Posting Worksheet Report >ӡֽ˹ :Print Check >ӡ֧Ʊ :Print Check and Post >ӡ֧Ʊ͹ :Print Check and Save Transaction >ӡ֧Ʊ潻 :Print Check/Remittance >ӡ֧Ʊ :Print Checks / Remittances >ӡ֧Ʊ :Print Checks/Remittances >ӡ֧Ʊ/ :Print Comment on Delivery Notes only >޴ӡע :Print Company Setup options? >Ҫӡ˾ѡ :Print Condition >ӡ :Print Condition for field FullName >ӡֶFullNameȫ :Print Condition for field UnpPayPeriod >ӡֶUnpPayPeriod :Print Current Jnl >ӡǰռ :Print Current Journal >ӡǰռ :Print Dictionary Statistics >ӡֵͳ :Print Discount Breaks >ӡۿ۷ :Print Dispatch >ӡ :Print Document >ӡļ :Print ECC items only >ӡ̱ (ECC) Ŀ :Print ECC status routings >ӡECC״̬· :Print EFT options? >Ҫӡת(EFT)ѡ :Print EFT remittance using MS Word >ʹ MS Word ӡ EFT :Print EFT remittance using SRS >ʹ SRS ӡ EFT :Print Error >ӡ :Print Exchange Rate Revaluation >打印汇率重新估值 :Print Expense Codes >ӡô :Print Export Log >ӡ־ :Print FIFO Journals >ӡFIFOռ :Print FIFO total value >ӡ FIFO ֵ :Print Financial >ӡ :Print General Ledger Journals >ӡܷռ :Print General Ledger integration options? >Ҫӡܷʼѡ :Print General Ledger options? >Ҫӡܷѡ :Print Graph >ӡͼ :Print Import File >ӡļ :Print Inventory Optimization options? >ҪӡŻѡ :Print Inventory options? >ӡѡ :Print Invoices Created report >打印发票创建报告 :Print Iss/Por with zero qty >ӡ߱ǩɹվ :Print Issue Y/N >ӡǩǣ :Print Job Logging >ӡҵ־ :Print Jobs >ӡҵ :Print Journal >ӡռ :Print Journal Report >ӡռ˱ :Print Journals >ӡռ :Print Labels >ӡǩ :Print Line >ӡ :Print List of Exported Blanket Purchase Orders >ӡһӲɹб :Print List of Exported Invoices/Credit/Debit Notes >ӡƱ//跽Ʊб :Print List of Exported Purchase Orders >ӡɹб :Print List of Imported SalesOrders >ӡ۶б :Print Log File >ӡ־ļ :Print Lot Traceability options? >Ҫӡ׷ѡ :Print Many Journals >ӡռ :Print Mask >ӡ :Print Multiple Jnls >ӡռ :Print Multiple Journal >ӡռ :Print Multiple Journals >ӡռ :Print Network login name >ӡ¼ :Print Only Locked Out Operators >ӡIJԱ :Print Operator Password Configuration options? >ҪӡԱѡ :Print Options >ӡѡ :Print Page Setup >ӡҳ :Print Payment Register >ӡע :Print Preview >ӡԤ :Print Preview Mode >ӡԤģʽ :Print Purchase Order options? >Ҫӡɹѡ :Print QST Report >ӡQST :Print Quotation >ӡ :Print Quotations options? >Ҫӡѡ :Print Quote >ӡ :Print RMA document >ӡRMAļ :Print RMA documents in batch mode >ģʽӡ RMA ĵ :Print RMA setup options? >ҪӡRMAѡ :Print RMAs >ӡRMA :Print Range >ӡΧ :Print Receipt >ӡվ :Print Recurring Journals >ӡѭռ :Print Remittance >ӡ :Print Report >ӡ :Print Report Options >ӡѡ :Print Report Pane >ӡ洰 :Print Report Total on separate page >ڶҳϴӡϼ :Print Requirements Planning options? >ҪӡҪƻѡ :Print Requisition >ӡ빺 :Print Results >ӡ :Print Rev/Rel >ӡ޶ǩ :Print Rev/Rel with zero qty >ӡ߱޶ǩ :Print SRS Report >ӡ SRS :Print SYSPRO Interface options? >ҪӡSYSPROѡ :Print Sales Analysis options? >Ҫӡ۷ѡ :Print Sales Including Profit Figures >ӡͼ :Print Sales Including Quantity >ӡ :Print Sales Including Weight Figures >ӡͼ :Print Sales Orders options? >Ҫӡ۶ѡ :Print Screen >ӡĻ :Print Selected Requisition Line >ӡѡ빺 :Print Selected Transactions >ӡѡ :Print Session Journals >ӡỰռ :Print Settlement Discount Notes >ӡۿע :Print Setup >ӡ :Print Standard Journals >ӡ׼ռ :Print Summary report >打印摘要报告 :Print Suppliers on Hold report >打印保留供应商报告 :Print This Page >ӡҳ :Print Trade Promotion Management options? >Ҫӡó״ѡ :Print WIP inspection document >ӡWIPļ :Print WIP inspection documents in batch mode >ģʽӡ WIP ĵ :Print Work in Progress options? >Ҫӡģѡ :Print XML Document Control Setup? >ҪӡXMLļ :Print a Requisition or a Line >ӡ빺 :Print a list of General Ledger group codes >ӡб :Print a list of all Cash Book EFT transactions that have not yet been paid >ӡδֽ˲ EFT ׵б :Print a list of all EFT cash book beneficiaries that have been added, updated or deleted >ӡӡ»ɾ EFT ֽ˲˵б :Print a list of all clearing stock items and/or stock items which have reached their supercession date by the specified cut-off date >ӡнѵڵĿ/Ŀб :Print a list of all deposits and/or withdrawals, excluding future transactions and regardless of whether items have been reconciled >ӡд/бδҲĿǷѶ :Print a list of all goods in inspection and off-site (goods that have been returned to the supplier) >ӡڼ뿪ֳ (˻عӦ̵Ļ) Ļб :Print a list of all goods in inspection, on-site and off-site >ӡڼ顢ֳ뿪ֳĻб :Print a list of all invoices and postings made against a selective range of customers for the current and previous two months >ӡеǰǰԸѡͻķƱͽеĹ˵б :Print a list of all ledger accounts >ӡз˻б :Print a list of all multiple ship to addresses held on file for a selective range of customers >ӡԸѡͻѴ浵Ķബַб :Print a list of all payments made on-line >ӡиб :Print a list of all permanent entries, temporary entries and projection entries >ӡĿʱĿԤĿб :Print a list of all resource structures according to a range of selection criteria >ݸѡ׼ӡԴṹб :Print a list of all stock codes that are to be counted (or which have been counted) >ӡ () б :Print a list of all the Columns available within a data dictionary table >ӡֵпб :Print a list of all the all the imported tables within the data dictionary >ӡֵѵб :Print a list of all the invoices released for payment >ӡѷڸķƱб :Print a list of all user-defined journal source codes >ӡûռԴб :Print a list of budgets that have been assigned to ledger codes >ӡѷ䵽˴Ԥб :Print a list of cash requirements for each supplier >ӡÿһҹӦ̵ֽҪб :Print a list of configurations or check that parent code strings defined against selection criteria are the correct length and in the correct positions >ӡбѡ׼봮ijȷҴȷλ :Print a list of customers reflecting the balance of each ageing column >ӡӳÿһĿͻб :Print a list of customers together with the static information held against them >ӡ̬ϢĿͻб :Print a list of element structures >ӡԪؽṹб :Print a list of non-current asset classifications held on file >ӡѴ浵ʲּб :Print a list of non-current asset types held on file >ӡѴ浵ʲ͵б :Print a list of operators together with the program to which they have access >ӡɷʳIJԱб :Print a list of post dated checks held on file selectively for a range of customers >ӡѡΪͻѴ浵Զ֧Ʊб :Print a list of prices for inventory items based on coded prices, quantity discount breaks or foreign prices >ݱ۸ۿ۷ֽҼ۸ӡĿļ۸б :Print a list of quotations according to a range of selection criteria >ݸѡ׼ӡб :Print a list of stock codes for which no quantities have been captured >ӡδԴ˲׽Ŀб :Print a list of stock items in descending order of usage value, based on the value of stock used over the last %1 months >ݹȥ %1 ÿļֵʹüֵĽӡĿб :Print a list of supplier purchases over the last %1 months, including the current month >ӡȥ %1 ¹Ӧ̲ɹбǰ· :Print a list of the purchasing history of each receipt entered >ӡÿһջIJɹʷб :Print a report analyzing the movements of all assets that were added prior to the period selected at run time >ӡʱѡ֮ǰʲı仯ı :Print a report identify existing purchase orders requiring corrective action to meet the planning of the snapshot files >ӡʶҪȡʩļļƻвɹı :Print a report identify suggested and/or existing jobs requiring corrective action to meet what has been planned within the snapshot files >ӡʶҪȡʩļƻĽ/йı :Print a report identifying required changes to live safety stock levels so they match safety stock levels within snapshot files after adjustment by the planner >ӡʶʵʱȫˮƽıҪԱɼƻԱ֮ƥļеİȫˮƽı :Print a report identifying required changes to the live build schedule quantities and/or dates to meet the planning within the snapshot files >ӡʶʵʱų/ڵıҪļеļƻı :Print a report identifying required changes to the live capacity calendars in order to meet the planning within the snapshot files >ӡʶʵʱıҪļеļƻı :Print a report identifying required changes to the live forecast quantities and/or dates to meet the planning within the snapshot files >ӡʶʵʱԤ/ڵıҪļеļƻı :Print a report identifying required changes to the live sales order quantities and/or dates to meet the planning within the snapshot files >ӡʶʵʱ۶/ڵıҪļеļƻı :Print a report indicating suggested work center queue times and highlighting potential bottleneck work centers >ӡָʾ鹤Ķʱ䲢ͻʾDZƿĵı :Print a report indicating the percentage complete of each job printed >ӡָʾÿһѴӡɰٷֱȵı :Print a report indicating the value of inventory items aged over the last five years >ӡָʾȥڼϻĿļֵı :Print a report indicating the value of stock held in each warehouse and, optionally, in each bin location >ӡָʾÿһֿԼѡÿһλļֵı :Print a report listing any changes made to either the price of a stock item or the price basis of an item >ӡʾԿĿ۸Ŀļ۸κθĵı :Print a report listing any discrepancy between the on hand quantity for a stock code within the serial tracking system and the on hand quantity within the warehouse file >ӡʾϵиϵͳпֿļ֮ı :Print a report listing details of serialized items held on file >ӡʾѴ浵ϵĿϸı :Print a report listing month-to-date values processed for a range of selected employees >ӡʾΪѡԱ³ֵı :Print a report listing month-to-date values processed for a range of selected work centers >ӡʾΪѡ³ֵı :Print a report listing the historical details held against selected ledger codes >ӡʾѡ˴ʷı :Print a report listing the movement of selected stock items over a specified period of time >ӡʾضʱѡ仯ı :Print a report of ledger account balances and detailed account activity >ӡϸ˻ :Print a report of the stationery format information defined and saved for the AP %1 labels >ӡΪ AP %1 ǩͱʽϢı :Print a report of the stock that was counted for each ticket number captured >ӡÿһȯı :Print a report reflecting sales targets defined by customer and product class >ӡӳͻͲƷĿı :Print a report reflecting sales targets that have been defined by summary type >ӡӳժҪĿı :Print a report reflecting the month-to-date and year-to-date sales by customer, including gross profit figures >ӡӳͻ³۵ı棬ë :Print a report reflecting the tax payable (by state, county and city rates) on all items sold >ӡӳĿӦ˰ݡغͳ˰ʣı :Print a report to value the outstanding work in progress for each job over the last three months >ӡ۹ȥÿһڽδҵı :Print a selective list of customers for whom stock code interchanges have been defined, including the customer's stock code and corresponding SYSPRO stock code >ӡѶ뻥ĿͻѡбͻӦ SYSPRO :Print a selective list of permanent entries held on file >ӡѴ浵Ŀѡб :Print a selective list of stock items according to a cut-off date when last a stock count was performed >ϴִпʱĽֹڴӡѡб :Print a selective list of stock items based on various warehouse indicators >ݸָֿӡĿѡб :Print a selective range of buyers (person responsible for purchasing stock items) held on file >ӡѴ浵ûѡΧ (ɹĿԱ) :Print a selective range of estimates for non-stocked items >ӡǿĿ۵ѡΧ :Print a selective range of geographic areas held on file >ӡѴ浵ѡΧ :Print a selective range of product classes currently defined >ӡǰѶƷѡΧ :Print a selective range of salespersons held on file >ӡѴ浵ۻԱѡΧ :Print a stock take form allowing manual entry of the quantity of each item that is counted >ӡֶÿһĿ̵ :Print a tax report reflecting GST payable on all items sold since this report was last run according to the geographic area in which the invoices were captured >ݲƱĵӡӳԴ˱ϴĿӦ GST ˰񱨸 :Print a tax report reflecting GST payable on all items sold since this report was last run in the sequence in which invoices were initially captured >ӡӳԴ˱ϴԳβƱ˳ĿӦ GST ˰񱨸 :Print aborted due to the following >ԭ򣬴ӡֹͣ :Print access control information >ӡʿϢ :Print account statements for a range of selected customers for the current month or the previous two months >ӡǰ·ݻǰ·ѡͻΧ˻ :Print active contracts only >ӡĺͬ :Print active window >ӡ :Print additional information >ӡϢ :Print additional reference >ӡӲο :Print additions >ӡ :Print additions addresses >ӡַ :Print all back-ordered lines >ӡȫڶ :Print all customer detail >ӡпͻϸ :Print all deposits and/or withdrawals processed against banks for the selected month, regardless of whether entries have been reconciled >ӡѡ·д/ĿǷѶ :Print all items >ӡȫĿ :Print all lines >ӡȫ :Print all warehouse bins with qty on hand >ӡоеǰIJλ :Print alt. currency journals >ӡûռ :Print alternate stock codes >ӡ滻 :Print alternate stock codes on shortage >ӡȱıÿ :Print alternate stock codes on shortage lines >ӡе滻 :Print alternative stock code on shortage >打印短缺的备用库存代码 :Print an audit trail of all EFT batches >ӡ EFT ׷ :Print and Generate >ӡ :Print and Post Transaction >ӡ͵Ǽǽ :Print and Save >ӡ :Print and fax >ӡ :Print and fax RMAs >ӡԴ淢RMA :Print and fax document >ӡԴ淢ļ :Print and fax documents >ӡԴ淢ļ :Print and fax invoices >ӡԴ淢ͷƱ :Print and fax quotations >ӡԴ淢ͱ :Print and fax statement >ӡԴ淢ͱ :Print and send document >ӡļ :Print approved manufacturers >ӡ׼ :Print as of >ӡ :Print at Column >ӡ :Print at line >дӡ :Print auditors adjustments >ӡԱ :Print authorities >ӡܲ :Print authorized journals >ӡȨռ :Print balance forward as open-item >ӡԤΪ :Print batch serial numbers >ӡϵк :Print batch serials for selected customers >ӡȶͻк :Print bitmap form >ӡλͼ :Print by asset quantity >ʲ˳ӡ :Print by revision / release >按修订/发行打印 :Print by revision/release >޶ǩӡ :Print calculation result >ӡ :Print cancelled dispatches >ӡȡķ :Print cancelled journals >ӡȡռ :Print cancelled requisition lines >ӡȡ빺 :Print capex lines >ӡʱ :Print catalogue >ӡĿ¼ :Print changes >ӡ :Print check format? >Ҫӡ֧Ʊʽ :Print check remittance using MS Word >ʹMS Wordӡ֧Ʊ :Print checks and/or remittance advices for invoices that have been paid >ӡѸƱ֧Ʊ/֪ͨ :Print checks separately >ֱӡ֧Ʊ :Print co-products >ӡƷ :Print column >ӡ :Print columns from the primary table only >ӡ :Print comment on >ӡעͣ :Print comment on Invoices and Delivery Notes >ӡƱͽע :Print comments attached to a line >ӡиע :Print comments attached to ord/inv lines >ӡڶƱϵļ :Print comments attached to order/invoice >ӡƱ渽ע :Print comments attached to order/invoice lines >ӡӵ/Ʊеĸע :Print company setup information >打印公司设置信息 :Print completed orders >Print completed orders :Print completed purchase orders >ӡɵIJɹ :Print component line flag >ӡб :Print component on documents >ӡĵеIJ :Print component on order documents >ӡļеIJ :Print components >ӡ :Print confirmed schedule >ӡȷϵļƻ :Print contract schedule >ӡͬƻ :Print contracts expiring before >ӡǰʧЧĺͬ :Print credit/debit notes for settlement discount >Ϊۿ۴ӡǣƱ :Print cumulative quantities >ӡۼ :Print currency >ӡ :Print currency for local invoices >ӡطƱĻ :Print currency for local quotations >ӡرۻ :Print currency information >ӡϢ :Print current >ӡǰ :Print current Rev/Rel only >޴ӡǰ޶/ :Print current rev/rels only >ӡǰ޶ :Print customer detail >ӡͻϸ :Print customer details >ӡͻϸ :Print customer purchase order number >ӡͻɹ :Print customers >ӡͻ :Print customers on hold >ӡͻ :Print date >ӡ :Print date format >ӡڸʽ :Print default format >ӡĬϸʽ :Print deletions >ӡɾ :Print delivery address >ӡַ :Print delivery address name >ӡַ :Print delivery note lines with zero quantity to ship >ӡװΪĽ :Print delivery note only if merch line to ship >ִƷУӡ :Print delivery note only if merchandise line >ΪƷУӡ :Print delivery notes >ӡ :Print deposit detail lines >ӡϸ :Print depreciation adjustments >ӡ۾ɵ :Print depreciation entries >ӡ۾Ŀ :Print descriptions >ӡ˵ :Print detail freight line >ӡϸ˷ :Print detail freight lines >ӡ˷ϸ :Print detail miscellaneous lines >ӡӷϸ :Print detail other charges >ӡϸ :Print detail transactions >ӡϸ :Print details >ӡϸ :Print details for selected period only >ӡѡڼϸ :Print details for stock on hold >ӡϸ :Print details of RMAs which have been received >ӡյ RMA :Print details of customer sales transactions involving inventory movements for stocked and non-stocked items >ӡ漰ͷǿĿ仯Ŀͻ۽׵ϸ :Print details of goods in transit exception transfers (the quantity transferred from the source warehouse is less than the quantity received by the destination warehouse) >ӡ;תƵϸ (ԴֿתƵĿֿյ) :Print details of outstanding authorizations >ӡδʵȨ :Print details of selected customers for whom cross references to SYSPRO stock codes have been defined >ӡѶ SYSPRO Ķղοѡͻ :Print device >ӡ豸 :Print discount debit and credit notes for settlement discount >ӡۿ۵ۿ۽跽ʹƱ :Print discount on acknowledgement >ӡȷϺеۿ :Print discount on delivery note >ӡеۿ :Print discount on invoice >ӡƱۿ :Print dispatch address >ӡַ :Print dispatch note and place it in \"Suspense\" >ӡ\˳\ :Print dispatch note lines with zero dispatch quantity >ӡ㷢ķ :Print dispatch note options? >Ҫӡѡ :Print dispatch notes >ӡ :Print distribution report >ӡ䱨 :Print distribution report and post G/L entries >ӡ䱨Ŀ :Print document control setup? >Ҫӡļ :Print document if faxing >Դ淢ͣӡļ :Print document if faxing/mailing >Դ淢ͣʼģӡļ :Print document only >ӡļ :Print documentation for confirmed jobs >ӡȷҵĵ :Print documents >ӡļ :Print entries additions >ӡĿ :Print entries changes >ӡĿ :Print entries disposals >ӡĿ :Print export file >ӡļ :Print extended information >ӡչϢ :Print failed login settings >ӡʧܵĵ¼ :Print fields from the primary file only >ӡļе :Print file >ӡļ :Print financial reports created using the GL Define Financial Reports program >ӡʹ GL 񱨸IJ񱨸 :Print first comment on >ӡһעͣ :Print first comment on stock line >ӡϵĵһע :Print flag >ӡ :Print format details? >Ҫӡʽϸ :Print format? >Ҫӡʽ :Print freight and miscellaneous lines >ӡ˷Ѻӷ :Print from master job if sub job selected >ѡӹӡ :Print from previewed document >ԤļĴӡ :Print full address >ӡȫַ :Print full addresses >ӡȫַ :Print full screen >ȫӡ :Print full ship address >ӡ˵ַ :Print full sold address >ӡ۵ַ :Print full supplier address >ӡӦ̵ַ :Print graphs >ӡͼ :Print gross profit percentage >ӡëٷֱ :Print group and subgroup detail information >ӡϸϢ :Print header notes from line >дӡע :Print header notes from position >ӿλӡע :Print headers & footers >打印页眉和脚注 :Print if LCT differs from current costs >ӡ ( LCT ͬڵǰɱ) :Print if faxing >Դ淢ͣӡ :Print if history zero >ʷ¼Ϊӡ :Print inactive and active >ӡǻĺͻ :Print individual attached accounts >ӡĶʻ :Print individual dispatch note lines on invoice >ӡƱĸ :Print information about all GRN's held in the suspense file >ӡڹļ GRN Ϣ :Print inspection document >ӡļ :Print inspection documents online while processing purchase order receipts into inspection >ɹջԹڼߴӡĵ :Print inter company journals >ӡ˾ռ :Print interim closing balances >ӡʱĩ :Print inventory document >ӡļ :Print invoices >ӡƱ :Print journals and exit >ӡռ˲˳ :Print journals not yet posted >ӡδռ :Print journals on hold >ӡռ :Print kit issue document >ӡ׼ǩļ :Print kit issue document on-line >ӡ׼ǩļ :Print label format? >Ҫӡǩʽ :Print labels for each customer selected >ӡѡÿһҿͻıǩ :Print labels for each supplier selected >ӡѡÿһҹӦ̵ıǩ :Print labels using SRS for each customer selected >ӡʹ SRS ѡÿһҿͻıǩ :Print labels using SRS for each supplier selected >ӡʹ SRS ѡÿһҹӦ̵ıǩ :Print large size >Ŵӡ :Print line due date >ӡе :Print line on acknowledgement >ӡ :Print line on delivery note >ӡ :Print line on invoice >ӡƱ :Print lines with zero totals >ӡϼƽΪ :Print log error details >ӡ־ϸ :Print long description >ӡϸ :Print lot information >ӡϢ :Print lot numbers >ӡκ :Print lots >ӡ :Print lots / Rev/Rel >ӡΣ޶ǩ :Print lots/ Rev/Rel >ӡΣ޶ͷ :Print lots/Rev/Rel >ӡ/޶/ :Print lots/bins/serials when component not printed >δӡӡΣλ :Print manual actions allowed for status codes >ӡΪ״ָ̬˹ :Print manual serial numbers >ӡ˹ϵк :Print manufacturing u/m quantities >ӡλ :Print manufacturing uom for quantity >ӡλ :Print manufacturing uom quantities >ӡλ :Print mass for warehouse >ӡֿ :Print master bill-to address >ӡƷַ :Print method >ӡ :Print misc./freight charge lines >ӡӷѣ˷ :Print misc/freight charge lines >ӡӷ/˷ :Print movement details >ӡϸ :Print multiple bin transfer >ӡת :Print multiple bin transfer journals >ӡλתռ :Print multiple lines per GIT document >ӡÿGITļĶ :Print narrations >ӡ :Print negative quantities >ӡ :Print new customer per page >ҳӡ¿ͻ :Print new page >ӡҳ :Print new page per journal >ÿһռʴӡһҳ :Print new page per operator >ӡÿһԱҳ :Print non-stocked items >ӡǿĿ :Print normal journals >ӡռ :Print notepad >ӡ± :Print notes >ӡע :Print of Configuration Test in Progress >ִòԴӡ :Print of test alignment in progress >ִжвԴӡ :Print on acknowledgement >ӡվ? :Print on all pages >ӡҳ? :Print on delivery note >ӡ :Print on delivery notes only >ڽϴӡ :Print on documents >ӡĵ :Print on first page only >ӡһҳ :Print on invoice >ӡƱ :Print on invoices and delivery notes >ڷƱͽϴӡ :Print on last page only >ӡһҳ :Print on order >˳ӡ :Print on order acknowledgement >ӡ :Print on separate page(s) >ӡҳ :Print online delivery note when releasing quantity from back order >ڽʱӡ :Print only >ӡ :Print only dispatch notes with a balance >ӡķ :Print only if LCT differs from current cost by more than % >ֻLCT뵱ǰɱ֮%ʱӡ :Print only if order line contains b/order qty >ֻаڶʱӡ :Print only if stock on hand >ֻпʱӡ :Print only if used in selection >ѡӡ :Print only lines with ship quantity >ֻӡװ :Print only where suggested date after original date >ڽԭʼڵ´ӡ :Print only where suggested date is after original date >ֻڽԭʼ´ӡ :Print operations >ӡ :Print operations before materials >ӡ֮ǰIJ :Print operator name on journals >ӡռϵIJԱ :Print option >ӡѡ :Print options selection >ӡѡѡ :Print order line comments >ӡע :Print parents of kit types '%1' and '%2' >ӡ׼ '%1' '%2' :Print parents of kit types '%1' or '%2' >ӡ߰ '%1' '%2' :Print parents of kit types 'K' and 'S' >ӡ׼'K''S'ĸ :Print payment detail lines >ӡϸ :Print pegging >ӡȶ۸ :Print period end adjustments >ӡյ :Print periods without any draft or current forecasts >ӡκγԤ͵ǰԤ :Print periods without any drafts or current forecasts >ӡκλƱǰԤ :Print permanent entries format? >Ҫӡ̶ʽ :Print policy additions >ӡ߸ :Print policy changes >ӡ߸ :Print policy deletions >ӡɾ :Print position >ӡλ :Print position information >ӡλϢ :Print posted journals >ӡԷռ :Print prices without updating >´ӡ۸ :Print prior years >ӡǰ :Print product class description >ӡƷȼ˵ :Print product class totals >ӡƷȼϼ :Print profits >ӡ :Print program version >ӡ汾 :Print provisional journals >ӡʱռ :Print purged blanket purchase orders >ӡһӲɹ :Print purged purchase orders >ӡIJɹ :Print qty on hand by Iss/Por >ǩɹվݴӡ :Print qty on hand by Rev/Rel >޶ǩӡ :Print quality >ӡ :Print quantity on hand by >ӡ :Print quantity on hand by Rev/Rel >޶ǩӡ :Print quotations >ӡ :Print references for lot traceable items only >ΪλɸĿӡο :Print references for serialized items only >ΪлĿӡο :Print regular size >ߴӡ :Print related p/orders >ӡزɹ :Print related purchase orders >ӡصIJɹ :Print remittance advices? >Ҫӡ֪ͨ :Print remittance for email suppliers >ӡʼӦ̻ :Print remittance for fax suppliers >ӡ湩Ӧ̻ :Print remittance for print suppliers >ӡӡӦ̻ :Print remittance selection >ӡѡ :Print report by >ӡ :Print report headings >ӡ :Print report options selected >ӡѡıѡ :Print report writer reports >ӡд :Print reports >ӡ :Print requirements >ӡҪ :Print reserved lots and serials for components >ӡıκϵ :Print reserved lots and serials for parents >ӡ˵ıκϵ :Print resource descriptions >ӡԴ˵ :Print return note document >ӡ˻עļ :Print revaluation entries >ӡ¹ֵĿ :Print route codes >ӡ·ߴ :Print sales including >ӡ :Print sales order lines with no dispatches >ӡ޷۶ :Print scrap >打印报废 :Print scrap note document >ӡƷעļ :Print screen option >ӡĻѡ :Print security access information >ӡȫϢ :Print selection >ӡѡ :Print selections >ӡѡ :Print serial number >ӡϵк :Print serial numbers >ӡк :Print shortage lines only >ӡȱ :Print size >ӡߴ :Print standard deviation >ӡ׼ƫ :Print statement >ӡ :Print statement format? >Ҫӡʽ :Print statistical journals >ӡͳռ :Print status >ӡ״̬ :Print status events >ӡ״̬¼ :Print stock description >ӡ˵ :Print stock descriptions >ӡ˵ :Print stock take tickets for a selected range of items being counted within a warehouse >ӡֿѡĿ̵ȯ :Print sub assets under master >ӡµʲ :Print sub jobs under master >ӡµӹ :Print sub module journals >ӡģռ :Print subtotals >ӡС :Print subtotals for each customer >打印每一客户小计 :Print subtotals for each location >打印每一位置小计 :Print subtotals for each stock code >打印每一库存代码小计 :Print subtotals for each warehouse >ӡÿһֿС :Print summary >ӡժҪ :Print summary at end of each register >ӡÿһע֤ժҪ :Print summary at the end of each register >ÿһǼDzĺӡժҪ :Print summary journal >ӡժҪռ :Print summary journal page >ӡժҪռҳ :Print summary page for current period >ӡǰڼժҪҳ :Print supplier address >ӡӦ̵ַ :Print supplier name >ӡӦ :Print supplier purchase history >ӡӦ̲ɹʷ¼ :Print suppliers on hold >ӡӦ :Print targets >ӡĿ :Print targets including >ӡĿ꣬ :Print tax options? >Ҫӡ˰ѡ :Print template details >ӡģ :Print test A/R discount note akignment for MS Word? >ҪӡMS WordӦ˿(A/R)ۿ۶˵ :Print test A/R discount note alignment for MS Word? >ӡMS WordӦ(A/R)ۿ۶˵ :Print test Permanent Entry alignment for SRS? >ҪΪ SRS ӡĿ? :Print test Permanent Entry alignment for Word? >ҪӡΪWordIJԹ̶ :Print test alignment? >Ҫӡ :Print test blanket contract alignment? >ҪӡۺԺͬ :Print test entries alignment? >Ҫӡ :Print test factory document alignment? >ҪӡԹļ :Print test factory format alignment? >ҪӡԹʽ :Print test format alignment? >ҪӡԸʽ :Print test inspection document alignment? >ҪӡԼļ :Print test inventory document alignment? >ҪӡԿļ :Print test label alignment? >ҪӡԱǩ :Print test permanent entries alignment? >ҪӡԹ̶ :Print test purchase order alignment? >ҪӡԲɹ :Print test quotation document alignment? >ҪӡԱļ :Print test sales order document alignment? >Ҫӡ۶ļ :Print test statement alignment? >ҪӡԱ :Print test ticket alignment? >Ҫӡȯ :Print the ABC element descriptors >ӡ ABC Ԫ :Print the Chart >ӡͼ :Print the Details >ӡϸ :Print the Entire Requisition >ӡ빺 :Print the Import Result report >ӡ :Print the Import Results >ӡ :Print the Inventory Balance report >ӡ :Print the List of Rejections >ӡб :Print the Messages report >ӡϢ :Print the RMA header notes as >ҪӡRMAע :Print the Report >ӡ :Print the Reports >打印报告 :Print the Sales Analysis Purge Report >ӡ۷ :Print the Sales Analysis Summary Report >ӡ۷ժҪ :Print the Sales Analysis Variances >ӡ۷ :Print the Warehouse Balance report >ӡֿ :Print the balance exception report >ӡ쳣 :Print the balances for each bank >ӡÿһе :Print the deleted RMA report >ӡɾ RMA :Print the deposit slip >ӡ :Print the detail copy >ӡϸ :Print the details of forecasts by stock code including need dates, quantities, resource parents and whether the forecast is inactive or not >ӡԤ飬ڡԴ˺ԤǷЧ :Print the details of the revaluation categories defined >ӡ¹ֵ :Print the exception report >ӡ쳣 :Print the purge audit trail >ӡ׷ :Print the retained earnings report >ӡ汨 :Print the sales order purge report >ӡ۶ :Print the tax distribution entries created from transactions posted for deposits, withdrawals, adjustments and permanent entries >ӡΪĿĽ˰Ŀ :Print this Report >ӡ˱ :Print this journal? >Ҫӡռ :Print this line >打印此行 :Print ticket format? >Ҫӡȯʽ :Print to Client >ӡͻ :Print to Server >ӡ :Print to file >ӡļ :Print top X items >ӡXĿ :Print top X items using entered value >ʹֵӡXĿ :Print top X items using user variable >ʹûӡXĿ :Print total cash receipts >ӡֽվݺϼ :Print total line >ӡ :Print totals only >ӡϼ :Print tracking notes >ӡע :Print transaction details >ӡϸ :Print transaction totals >ӡ׺ϼ :Print transaction type >ӡ :Print transactions >ӡ :Print transfer entries >ӡתĿ :Print triangulation audit >ӡת :Print type >ӡ :Print unconfirmed schedule >ӡδȷϵļƻ :Print unit quantities for product class >ӡƷȼĵλ :Print unit quantities for product classes >ӡƷȼĵλ :Print up to %1 labels for each sales order selected >ӡÿһѡ۶ %1 ǩ :Print up to %1 labels for each stock code selected >ӡÿһѡ %1 ǩ :Print user defined journals >ӡûռ :Print using MS Word >MS Wordӡ :Print valuation as of >ӡֵ :Print value totals >ӡֵϼ :Print values >ӡֵ :Print variable line >ӡ :Print various reports that lists sales orders >ӡʾ۶ĸ౨ :Print warehouse details >ӡֿϸ :Print warehouse summary only >ӡֿժҪ :Print warehouses with quantity on hand >ӡеǰɱ :Print warehouses with quantity on hand and zero cost >ӡɱIJֿ :Print warehouses with zero quantity and >ӡͷɱ :Print warehouses with zero quantity and non-zero cost >ӡҷɱIJֿ :Print warehouses with zero value >ӡֵIJֿ :Print warning >ӡ :Print warning if budget undefined >δԤ㣬ӡ :Print without bitmap >λͼӡ :Print work center loadings for a single day, multiple days, weeks, or months, including pegging information >打印一天、多天、周或月工作中心加载,包括追溯信息 :Print work center loadings for a single day, multiple days, weeks, or months, including petting information >Print work center loadings for a single day, multiple days, weeks, or months, including petting information :Print zero balance customers >ӡͻ :Print zero balance product classes >ӡƷȼ :Print zero balance suppliers >ӡӦ :Print zero bins >ӡ :Print zero quantity >ӡ :Print zero totals >ӡϼ :Print zero value heads >ӡֵͷ :Print zero value lines >ӡֵ :Print, in batch mode, the required documentation for sales orders processed >ģʽӡѴ۶Ҫĵ :Print/Generate All >ӡȫ :Print/Generate All Assets in Suspense >ӡйʲ :Print/Generate Assets in Suspense >ӡɹʲ :Print/Send >ӡ :Print/Send Document >ӡ/ĵ :Print/fax quality >ӡԴ淢 :Printable area >ɴӡ :Printable lines per page >ÿҳɴӡ :Printed >ӡ :Printed (2) >Ѵӡ(2) :Printed (C) >Ѵӡ(C) :Printed Date >ӡ :Printed GRN distribution entries dated before >֮ǰѴӡGRN :Printed and unprinted journals >Ѵӡδӡռ :Printed billing distributions before >֮ǰѴӡƷѷ :Printed by >...ӡ :Printed disbursement entries >ӡ֧Ŀ :Printed disbursement entries before >ǰѴӡ :Printed disbursement entries dated before >֮ǰѴӡ֧ :Printed distribution entries before >ǰѴӡ :Printed expense entries >ӡķĿ :Printed expense entries dated before >֮ǰڵѴӡĿ :Printed expenses entries dated before >ӡǰڵķ :Printed form flag (Y,N) >ӡı (Y,N) :Printed journals >ӡռ :Printed labor distributions dated before >֮ǰڵѴӡͶ :Printed labor posting distribution entries dated before >֮ǰѴӡ˹ʷ :Printed ledger distribution entries >Ѵӡķʷ :Printed order >ӡĶ :Printed part billing distribution entries dated before >֮ǰѴӡļӹ÷ :Printed payment distr entries before >֮ǰѴӡĿ :Printed payment distribution entries >ӡĸĿ :Printed payment distribution entries dated before >֮ǰѴӡĸ :Printed sales distr entries before >֮ǰѴӡ۷Ŀ :Printed sales distribution entries >ӡ۷Ŀ :Printer >ӡ :Printer Choice >ӡ :Printer Configuration >ӡ :Printer Defaults >ӡĬֵ :Printer Definition >ӡ :Printer Library >ӡ :Printer Maintenance >ӡά :Printer Options >ӡѡ :Printer Preferences >ӡ :Printer Preferences per Document Type >ĵ͵Ĵӡѡ :Printer Selection >ӡѡ :Printer Validation >ӡ֤ :Printer Warning >ӡ :Printer already exists >ӡѴ :Printer already exists. Either select another printer or change the new printer name >ӡѴڻѡһ̨ӡ߸´ӡ :Printer already on file >ӡѴ :Printer information >ӡϢ :Printer name >ӡ :Printer type >ӡ :Printer/User files have been successfully converted to the 4.0 format >ӡûļѳɹתΪ4.0ʽ :Printer/User files have been successfully verified >ѳɹ֤ӡûļ :Printer/device >ӡ豸 :Printers >ӡ :Printers - Current Printer >ӡ - ǰӡ :Printers - Current Printer Undefined >ӡ - ǰӡδ :Printers for Operator >Աӡ :Printers per Program >Ĵӡ :Printing >ڴӡ :Printing Journal >ڴӡռ :Printing Bill of Jobs >ڴӡҵ :Printing EFT Completed Payments >ڴӡEFTɸ :Printing EFT Pending Payments >ڴӡEFTи :Printing EFT extract journal >ڴӡEFTժ¼ռ :Printing EFT void journal >ڴӡEFTЧռ :Printing Format Selections >ڴӡʽѡ :Printing Journal >ڴӡռ :Printing Problem >ӡ :Printing Report >ڴӡ :Printing bank/supplier >ڴӡУӦ :Printing details >打印明细 :Printing documents >ڴӡĵ :Printing in Progress >ִдӡ :Printing job >ڴӡҵ :Printing of format selections in progress >ִиʽѡӡ :Printing options >ڴӡѡ :Printing report. Please wait >ڴӡȺ :Printing was cancelled, or gave an unexpected error >ӡȡ :Prints all released orders using selected format >ӡʹѡʽѷеĶ :Prints report of default Windows printer >ӡĬ Windows ӡ :Prints report on default Windows printer >Ĭ Windows ӡϴӡ :Prints the report on default Windows printer >Ĭ Windows ӡϴӡ :Prints the selected Template or View >ӡѡģͼ :Prior %1 >ǰ %1 :Prior Year End Dates >ǰ :Prior period invalid - inv bals not retained >ǰЧ - δЧ :Prior to >ǰ :Prior to converting the supplier currency the Payment Register and all checks must be printed. Program cancelled >תӦ̻֮ǰӡע֤ȫ֧Ʊȡ :Prior to converting the supplier currency, the Payment Register and all checks must be printed. Program cancelled >תӦ̻֮ǰȴӡǼDz֧Ʊȡ :Prior year >ǰ :Prior year summary for %1 >%1 ǰժҪ :Prior years >ǰ :Priority > :Priority differs for scheduled job. Continue? >ȼͬŶҵҪ :Private >˽е :Probability > :Problem Code Maintenance >ά :Problem Codes > :Problem Codes Maintenance >ά :Problem Generating List of Companies >˾Ĺб :Problem code > :Problem code comments >ע :Problem code mandatory >ǿ :Problem code not on file >벻 :Problem code notes >ע :Problem code record locked >¼ :Problem code selection >ѡ :Problem comments >ע :Problem description > :Problem notes >ע :Procedures > :Proceed > :Proceed with Counter Sale >继续柜台销售 :Proceed with Dispatch Note >继续操作发货单 :Proceed with Issue >ǩִ :Proceeding backwards will cause selected components and operations to be deleted >ִнѡͲɾ :Proceeds > :Proceeds of disposal > :Process > :Process Changes ≯ :Process Cubes >ͼ :Process Data > :Process Default >ĬϹ :Process Dimensions >ߴ :Process ETL packages > ETL :Process Full >ȫ :Process Payment >加工款 :Process Payments > :Process Replacement ≯ :Process Selected Lines >ѡ :Process Selected Transactions >ѡ :Process Selections >ѡ :Process Time >加工时间 :Process Transactions >̽ :Process Unit of Measure Changes >λ :Process batch > :Process cancelled >ȡ :Process code > :Process complete > :Process complete with errors >ɣ˴ :Process completed > :Process failed in transaction processing >ڽ״ʧ :Process flag >̱ :Process id >ʶ id :Process information >Ϣ :Process invoices manually >ֹƱ :Process invoices selected in Release Schedule >ͷżƻѡķƱ :Process invoices, debit notes and credit notes for customers >ͻķƱ跽ƱݺʹƱ :Process method > :Process name > :Process not found >δҵ :Process permanent entries for >̶̹ :Process receipts against purchase orders >Բɹջ :Process revaluations for the book value of assets >ʲֵ¹ֵ :Process serial tracking file >ϵиļ :Process started >ѿʼ :Process successfully completed >ѳɹ :Process supply chain transfers only >޴Ӧת :Process the depreciation calculations for assets for the current period; can be run as a report only >ǰʲ۾ɼ㣻ɽΪ :Process transactions (receipts, adjustments, cost changes, transfers, physical counts, expense issues, backflushing) against stock items >ԿĿ (ջɱ仯תˡʵʼǩ) :Process type > :Processes > :Processing >ӹ :Processing Backorders >ڴڶ :Processing Completed > :Processing Library Entries >ڴ :Processing Mandatory Entries >ڴǿ :Processing Phantom's Components >ڴò :Processing Phase >ڴ׶ :Processing Purchase Order >ڴɹ :Processing Report %1 >ڴ %1 :Processing Report %1 >ڴ %1 :Processing Requisition >ڴ빺 :Processing Status >ڴ״̬ :Processing Stock Codes >ڴ :Processing Transfers In >ڴתƵ :Processing WIP inspection reference >ڴWIPο :Processing check record number >ڴ¼ :Processing complete > :Processing criteria >׼ :Processing detail line >ڴϸ :Processing did not complete >δ :Processing dispatch note >ڴ :Processing file >ļ :Processing in Progress >ڴ :Processing instruction invalid or not supported, '%1' expected, near '%2' >ָЧ֧֣ '%1' ӽ '%2' :Processing job >ҵ :Processing journal number >ڴռʺ :Processing ledger code >ڴʴ :Processing line >ڴ :Processing of invoices in batch not allowed >ԷƱ :Processing options >ڴѡ :Processing order >ڴ :Processing purchase order file. Please wait >ڴɹļȺ :Processing purchase order file. Please wait. >ڴɹļԺ :Processing quotation >ڴ :Processing record >ڴ¼ :Processing report >ڴ :Processing sales order >ڴ۶ :Processing sales order file. Please wait >ڴ۶ļȺ :Processing sales order file. Please wait. >ڴ۶ļԺ :Processing stock code >ڴ :Processing stock code/GTR >ڴ룯GTR :Processing successfully completed >ѳɹ :Processing supplier >ڴӦ :Processing the shipment reference. Please wait >ڴ˲οȺ :Processing the shipment. Please wait >ڴˡԺ :Processing work center >ڴҵ :Prod >Ʒ :Prod Class >Ʒȼ :Prod Config Component Calculations >Ʒò :Prod Config Component Dependencies >Ʒò :Prod Config Components And Operations >Ʒò :Prod Config Control >Ʒÿ :Prod Config Invalid Selection Criteria >ƷЧѡ׼ :Prod Config Lock Control >Ʒ :Prod Config Non-stocked Component Index >Ʒ÷ǿ沿 :Prod Config Options For Components & Ops >IJƷѡ :Prod Config Product Master >ƷòƷ :Prod Config Selection Criteria >Ʒѡ׼ :Prod Config Selection Criteria Dependcy >Ʒѡ׼ :Prod Config Standard Config Library >Ʒñ׼ÿ :Prod class selection >Ʒȼѡ :Prod group %1 >Ʒ %1 :Prod. class >Ʒ :Produce a journal audit report of all postings made to the General Ledger >˵ռƱ :Produce a list of all assets, branches, cost centers, groups and locations that have been added, changed or deleted >ӡ»ɾʲ֧ɱġ͵صб :Produce a list of all capex assets that have been added, changed or deleted >ӡ»ɾʱʲб :Produce a list of all customers that have been added, updated or deleted >ӡ»ɾͻб :Produce a list of all stock items that have been added, updated, or deleted >ӡ»ɾĿб :Produce a list of selected customers against whom specific credit control action is required >ҪضÿƵѡͻб :Produce a report indicating all the elements attached to each level of a structure >ָʾиӵṹÿһԪصı :Produce a report indicating whether the warehouse supply chain structure is valid >ָʾֿ⹩ӦǷЧı :Produce a report listing GRN transactions >ʾ GRN ׵ı :Produce a report listing all non-productive entries processed >ʾѴĿı :Produce a report listing all scrap entries processed >ʾѴĿı :Produce a report listing all transactions that have occurred during an export and/or import function >ʾڵ/빦ڼ׵ı :Produce a report listing the manufactured quantity, the quantities in inspection, accepted, scrapped and reworked per inspection reference >ʾοԼڼ顢ѽܡϺͷı :Produce a report of assets against which depreciation adjustments were made using the Asset Depreciation Adjustment program >ʲ۾ɵ۾ɵʲı :Produce a report of assets that were transferred from one company to another >生成从一家公司向另一家转账资产的报告 :Produce a report of assets that were transferred using the Asset Transfer program >ʲת˳ת˵ʲı :Produce a report of assets which were revalued using the Asset Revaluation program >ʲ¹ֵ¹ֵʲı :Produce a report of sales commissions due to each salesperson as a result of sales made during the month >·ÿһۻԱ۵Ӷı :Produce a report reflecting the sales by product class for the selected report options >ӳѡѡIJƷ۵ı :Produce a report showing all transactions entered using the Asset Labor Time Sheet Posting program >ʾʲͶʱ뽻׵ı :Produce a report showing all transactions processed within the Asset Transactions program >ʾʲ׳׵ı :Produce a report to assist in deciding which stock items must be purchased >ЭɹЩĿı :Produce a report to verify the value of goods transferred from the source warehouse, received at the target warehouse; and still in transit >֤Դֿת롢ĿֿԼ;Ļֵı :Produce a report to verify the value of items receipted into inspection, those accepted, scrapped and reworked and the value of items remaining in inspection >֤ȡ顢ѽܡϺͷԼֵڼеĿֵı :Produce a schedule of Tax values for non-current assets that were bought prior to the period entered at run time >ʱ֮ǰʲ˰ֵų :Produce a schedule of Tax values for non-current assets that were disposed of prior to the period entered at run time >ʱ֮ǰ÷ʲ˰ֵų :Produce a schedule that indicates the build requirements for each item, by period >ָʾÿһĿڵҪų :Produce a summary listing of all details held in the sales transaction file from invoices generated >ʾԴɷƱ۽ļϸı :Produce a summary listing of all details held in the sales transaction file from invoices posted by product class >ʾԴ԰Ʒ˷Ʊ۽ļϸı :Produce a what-if report of the estimated ABC recoveries based on the elements held against the stock item entered and the quantities specified >ĿָԪ ABC ָ :Produce an analysis of all assets added to the system for a specific year and within a specified range of periods >ضݺָڷΧӵϵͳʲķ :Produce an analysis of assets fully disposed of for a specific year and within a specified range of periods >ضݺָڷΧȫ洦ʲķ :Produce free-format documentation from existing jobs, or dummy jobs for finished parts defined within a structure >й⹤ΪṹijƷɸʽĵ :Produce purchase order documents in batch mode >ģʽɹĵ :Produce report > :Produce reports analyzing all postings made using the Asset Labor Time Sheet Posting program >ʲͶʱеĹ˵ı :Produce requisition documents in batch mode >ģʽ빺ĵ :Produce supporting documentation in batch mode for inventory transactions >ģʽΪ֧ĵ :Product >Ʒ :Product Category >Ʒ :Product Class Default Spread >产品类默认展开 :Product Class Defaults >ƷȼĬֵ :Product Class Defaults Maintenance >ƷȼĬֵά :Product Class Description Maintenance >Ʒȼ˵ά :Product Class Descriptions >Ʒ :Product Class Details >Ʒȼ :Product Class Discounts >Ʒȼۿ :Product Class List Selection >Ʒбѡ :Product Class Maintenance >Ʒȼά :Product Class Review Criteria >产品类审查标准 :Product Class Security >Ʒȼȫ :Product Classes >Ʒ :Product Classes by Customer >ͻ˳IJƷȼ :Product Classes for Branch >֧IJƷȼ :Product Config Browse on Libraries >Ʒÿ :Product Config Comp/Oper Dependency >Ʒò :Product Config Component Maintenance >Ʒòά :Product Config Component Oper Query >Ʒòѯ :Product Config Component/Oper Query >Ʒò/ѯ :Product Config Criteria Maintenance >Ʒñ׼ά :Product Config Header Maintenance >Ʒñͷά :Product Config Invalid Select Criteria >ƷЧѡ׼ :Product Config List Configurations >Ʒб :Product Config List of Configurations >产品配置列表 :Product Config Maintenance >Ʒά :Product Config Non-stk Price/Cost Mnt >产品配置非库存价格/成本维护 :Product Config Non-stock Price Cost Mnt >Ʒ÷ǿ۸ɱά :Product Config Non-stock Price/Cost Mnt >Ʒ÷ǿ۸񣯳ɱά :Product Config Operation Maintenance >Ʒòά :Product Config Option Maintenance >Ʒѡά :Product Config Purge >产品配置清除 :Product Config Replace Where Used >产品配置更换使用位置 :Product Config SQL to ISAM Copy >ƷSQLISAM :Product Config Select Criteria Dep Mnt >Ʒѡ׼ά :Product Config Selection Maintenance >Ʒѡά :Product Configuration Libraries >Ʒÿ :Product Configuration Library >Ʒÿ :Product Configuration Offer Selection >Ʒñѡ :Product Configuration Wizard >Ʒ :Product Configuration Wizard Code >Ʒ򵼴 :Product Configuration Wizard (Test mode) >Ʒ򵼣ģʽ :Product Configurator >Ʒ :Product Configurator Component Dependents >Ʒ :Product Configurator Components >Ʒ :Product Configurator Components for Option >¸ѡIJƷ :Product Configurator Comps & Ops >Ʒ :Product Configurator Comps & Ops for Configuration >¸IJƷѡ :Product Configurator Configurations >Ʒ :Product Configurator Criteria for Selection >¸IJƷѡ׼ :Product Configurator Dependent Selection Criteria >Ʒѡ׼ :Product Configurator Dependent Selection Criteria for Configuration >Ʒѡ׼ :Product Configurator Finish Details >Ʒ :Product Configurator Invalid Selection Criteria >ƷЧѡ׼ :Product Configurator Invalid Selection Criteria for Config >¸IJƷЧѡñ׼ :Product Configurator Invalid Selection Criteria for Configuration >ƷЧѡ׼ :Product Configurator Job Creation >Ʒҵ :Product Configurator Library >Ʒ :Product Configurator Library maintenance >Ʒóά :Product Configurator List of Configurations >Ʒб :Product Configurator Maintenance >Ʒóά :Product Configurator Non-stk Price/Cost >Ʒóǿ۸/ɱ :Product Configurator Operations >Ʒ :Product Configurator Operations for Option >¸IJƷѡ :Product Configurator Options >Ʒѡ :Product Configurator Options for Configuration >¸IJƷѡ :Product Configurator Override stocked parent list price >Ʒóб۸ :Product Configurator Parent Details >Ʒ :Product Configurator Progress Query >ƷȲѯ :Product Configurator Purge >Ʒ :Product Configurator Selection Criteria >Ʒѡ׼ :Product Configurator Selections >Ʒѡ :Product Configurator Selections for Configuration >¸IJƷѡ :Product Configurator Web hosting window >产品配置程序 Web 托管窗口 :Product Configurator Wizard >Ʒ :Product Configurator Wizard file details >产品配置程序向导文件详情 :Product Configurator replace where used >Ʒô :Product Configurator web setup >产品配置程序网络设置 :Product Group >Ʒ :Product Group %1 >Ʒ %1 :Product Group Maintenance >Ʒά :Product Group not on file >Ʒ鲻 :Product Group3 >Ʒ3 :Product Groups >Ʒ :Product Information >ƷϢ :Product Selections and Criteria >产品选择与标准 :Product Type >Ʒ :Product category (A-Z) >Ʒ(A-Z) :Product category selection >Ʒѡ :Product class >Ʒ :Product class %1 for branch %2 is not on file >֧ %2 IJƷ %1 :Product class %1 for branch %2 is not on file. >֧ %2 IJƷ %1 ڡ :Product class %1 for branch %2 is not on file. Miscellaneous line >֧ %2 IJƷ %1 ڡ :Product class %1 for branch %2 is not on file. Miscellaneous line. >֧ %2 IJƷ %1 ڡС :Product class %1 for branch %2 is not on file. Stocked kit component line >֧ %2 IJƷ %1 ڡ湤߰ :Product class %1 for branch %2 is not on file. Stocked kit component line. >֧ %2 IJƷ %1 ڡ湤߰С :Product class %1 for branch %2 is not on file. Stocked line >֧ %2 IJƷ %1 ڡ :Product class %1 for branch %2 is not on file. Stocked line. >֧ %2 IJƷ %1 ڡС :Product class '%1' not found >δҵƷȼ '%1' :Product class '%1' not found on the miscellaneous quotation line >δҵƷ '%1' :Product class '%1' not found on the miscellaneous quotation line. >δҵƷȼ '%1' :Product class '%1' not found on the non stocked quotation line >δڷǿ汨ҵƷ '%1' :Product class '%1' not found on the non stocked quotation line. >ڷǿ汨δҵƷȼ '%1' :Product class '%1' not found on the stocked kit component line >δڿ湤߰ҵƷ '%1' :Product class '%1' not found on the stocked kit component line. >ڿ湤߰δҵƷȼ '%1' :Product class '%1' not found on the stocked quotation line >δڿ汨ҵƷ '%1' :Product class '%1' not found on the stocked quotation line. >ڿ汨δҵƷȼ '%1' :Product class - Stock code >Ʒ - :Product class accuracy levels >Ʒ׼ȷȼ :Product class begins with '_' >'_'ʼIJƷȼ :Product class cannot be blank >ƷȼΪհ :Product class cannot be blank if restocking is required >Ҫ²ÿ棬ƷȼΪհ :Product class defaults locked >ƷȼĬֵ :Product class defaults not on file >ƷȼĬֵ :Product class description >Ʒȼ :Product class discount >Ʒȼۿ :Product class error >Ʒ :Product class exists against branches. Delete product class against all branches? >Է֧IJƷȼѴڡҪɾз֧IJƷȼ :Product class filter >Ʒ :Product class for billings >ʵIJƷȼ :Product class for this stock code does not exist >ÿIJƷȼ :Product class for this stock code is not on file >此库存代码产品类不存在 :Product class has been reserved for system use >Ʒȼѱϵͳʹ :Product class has non-zero balances >Ʒȼз :Product class information >ƷϢ :Product class invalid >ƷȼЧ :Product class is blank >ƷȼΪհ :Product class list >Ʒб :Product class list maintenance >Ʒȼά :Product class may not be blank >ƷȼΪհ :Product class may not be spaces >Ʒ಻Ϊո :Product class not on file >Ʒȼ :Product class not valid >产品类无效 :Product class not valid or branches not updated >ƷЧ֧δ :Product class option >Ʒѡ :Product class required >ҪIJƷȼ :Product class reserved for system use >ΪϵͳʹñIJƷȼ :Product class sales values for current month >ǰ·ݵIJƷȼ۶ :Product class selection >Ʒȼѡ :Product class sub total >ƷС :Product class total >Ʒϼ :Product class totals >Ʒϼ :Product class updated flag >Ʒ± :Product class within group >ڲƷ :Product class zero balance when >Ʒȼ :Product class, Stock code >Ʒࡢ :Product class: _FRT >Ʒȼ_FRT :Product classes prefixed with '%1' treated as non-merchandise >ԷƷԴ '%1' Ϊǰ׺IJƷ :Product classes prefixed with '%1' will be treated as non-merchandise by the sales analysis update program. Do you wish to continue? > '%1' Ϊǰ׺IJƷȼ۷³ԷƷԴϣ :Product classes prefixed with '_' treated as non-merchandise >'_'Ϊǰ׺IJƷȼԷƷԴ :Product classes prefixed with '_' will be treated as non-merchandise by the sales analysis update program. Do you wish to continue? >'_'Ϊǰ׺IJƷȼ۷ϵͳԷƷԴϣ :Product classes prefixed with '_' will be treated as non-merchandise sales. Do you wish to continue? >'_'Ϊǰ׺IJƷȼԷƷ۶Դϣ :Product classes to be included >ҪڵIJƷȼ :Product classes zero balances when >Ʒȼ :Product code '%1' not found >δҲƷ '%1' :Product group selection >Ʒѡ :Product received %1 days late. Continue? >Ʒ%1 졣Ҫ :Product status >Ʒ״̬ :Production > :Production Details > :Production Manager > :Production information >Ϣ :Production related links >ص :Productive > :Productive Unit Description >λ :Productive Units Availability >λ :Productive time ledger codes >ʱʴ :Productive unit description may not be blank >λΪհ :Productive units >λ :Productive units available for August %1 >·ݵĿλ %1 :Productive units available for December %1 >ʮ·ݵĿλ %1 :Productive units available for February %1 >·ݵĿλ %1 :Productive units available for January %1 >һ·ݵĿλ %1 :Productive units available for January 1996 >1996һ·ݿõλ :Productive units available for March %1 >·ݵĿλ %1 :Productive units available for November %1 >ʮһ·ݵĿλ %1 :Productive units available for October %1 >ʮ·ݵĿλ %1 :Productive units available for September %1 >·ݵĿλ %1 :Productive units description >λ˵ :Profile >ſ :Profit > :Profit % >% :Profit % previous year >һ% :Profit % this month >% :Profit % this year >% :Profit & Loss >ʧ :Profit & Loss Inter-co out >湫˾䳬 :Profit & Loss Interco Out >ʧ˾ :Profit Target >Ŀ :Profit Targets >Ŀ :Profit amount > :Profit and Loss G/L Control Account >ͿG/Lʻ :Profit and Loss Inter Co out >ʧ˾ :Profit and Loss Inter-co out >湫˾䳬 :Profit and loss > :Profit and loss control account not on file >ӯʻļ :Profit and loss inter-co >ӯ˾ :Profit details >ϸ :Profit figures > :Profit margin > :Profit margin % >% :Profit margin basis >ʻ :Profit on merchandise sales >Ʒ :Profit or loss >ʧ :Profit percentage >ٷֱ :Profit percentage based on >ٷֱȣ :Profit percentages >ٷֱ :Profit previous year >һ :Profit summary >ժҪ :Profit this month > :Profit this year > :Profit/loss >󣯿 :Profitability report >ʱ :Profits > :Program > :Program cancelled >ȡ :Program %1 > %1 :Program %1 will not be saved as you have not entered a SYSPRO program. Ok to continue? >򽫲豣棬ΪδSYSPROȷҪ :Program '%1' already in use in this thread > '%1' ڸ߳Ѵʹ :Program '%1' not found >δҵ '%1' :Program '%1' not found or program corrupted >δҵ '%1' :Program Access Denied >ʱܾ :Program Details >ϸ :Program List >б :Program Load Error >ش :Program Loading Message >Ϣ :Program Message >Ϣ :Program Names > :Program Specific Options >ضѡ :Program Statistics >ͳ :Program Tile >ƽ :Program Usage >ʹ :Program Version Numbers >汾 :Program Versions >汾 :Program access > :Program access - all allowed > - ȫ :Program access always by role >ʼհְij :Program access by company within role >ְڰ˾ij :Program access by role >ְij :Program cancelled >ȡ :Program cancelled due to one or more of the following problems >ڴһֹֻϣѱȡ :Program cancelled due to one or more of the following problems: Missing cash account for a bank, missing inter-company control account >µһֹֻϣѱȡֽʻʧ˾ͳʻʧ :Program cannot be run stand alone. Program cancelled >޷Сȡ :Program cannot be run standalone >޷ :Program cannot be run standalone. Program cancelled >޷Сȡ :Program cannot run standalone >޷ :Program description >˵ :Program directory >Ŀ¼ :Program filter type > :Program folder >ļ :Program is part of an unlicensed module >Ϊδģһ :Program is part of unlicensed module >ڷȨģһ :Program name > :Program not found >δҵ :Program not found (or program corrupted) >δҵ () :Program or layout >򲼾 :Program parameters > :Program path not defined >δ· :Program protected as described in Help About SYSPRO >ܱ硰йSYSPROİ :Program requires both Bill of Materials and Inventory modules to be installed >Ҫװ嵥Ϳģ :Program selection >ѡ :Program settings > :Program still under developement >Դڿ :Program to call >Ҫõij :Program to launch >õij :Program to populate data to new tax file >˰ļֲݵij :Program to remove negative WIP inspect >Ƴ WIP ij :Program to run >еij :Program type > :Program under development >еij :Program version >汾 :Program will exit after Inventory Journals are printed. Do you wish to continue? >ڴӡռʺ˳ϣ? :Program/form >򣯱 :Programs > :Programs processed >Ѵij :Programs to display >Ҫʾij :Programs to print >Ҫӡij :Programs/Modules >/ģ :Progress > :Progress Information >Ϣ :Progress Tracking ≯ :Progress by Machine > :Progress by Work-to-list >嵥 :Progress payment >ȸ :Progressive Scrap quantity >𲽱 :Progressive scrap >ۼƷƷ :Progressive scrap % >ۼƹշƷ% :Progressive scrap percentage >𲽱ϰٷֱ :Progressive scrap qty >ۼƷƷ :Progressive scrap required >ҪۼƷƷ :Proj avail less than safety within PH >项目优势低于 PH 内的安全性 :Proj avail less than safety within PTF >项目优势低于 PTF 内的安全性 :Proj available >Ԥ :Proj available less than safety within PH >PHСڰȫֵĿԤ :Proj available less than safety within PTF >PTFСڰȫֵĿԤ :Proj on hand >Ŀ :Proj. available less than safety within PH >PHСڰȫֵĿԤ :Proj. available less than safety within PTF >PTFСڰȫֵĿԤ :Project >Ŀ :Project at current rate >ǰԤ :Project number >Ŀ :Projected >Ԥ :Projected available >Ԥ :Projected cost >ԤƳɱ :Projected margin % >Ԥ% :Projected sales >Ԥ :Projection >ƻ :Projection Check >ƻ :Projection Days >ƻ :Projection based on >ƻ :Projection date >ƻ :Projection date entered cannot be prior to the current system date >Ԥڲڵǰϵͳ :Projection days (1-99) >Ԥ (1-99) :Projection period >ƻڼ :Projection period in days >ƻڼ䣨 :Projection value should be greater than zero >ƻֵӦ :Projects & >Ŀ :Projects & Contracts >Ŀͺͬ :Projects and Contracts >Ŀͺͬ :Projects and Contracts Apply Deposit Amount >ĿͺͬӦô :Projects and Contracts Apply Retention Amount >ĿͺͬӦ :Projects and Contracts Deposit Creation >Ŀͺͬ :Projects and Contracts Deposit Detail >Ŀͺͬϸ :Projects and Contracts Deposit Header >Ŀͺͬҳü :Projects and Contracts Query >Ŀͬѯ :Projects and Contracts Retention Creation >Ŀͺͬ洴 :Projects and Contracts Retention Details >Ŀͺͬϸ :Projects and Contracts Retention Header >Ŀͺͬҳü :Projects and Contracts Schedule creation >Ŀͺͬʱ :Projects and Contracts module not installed >δװĿͺͬģ :Projects and Contracts module not installed. >δװĿͺͬģ顣 :Promo expense GL account >(GL)ʻ :Promo type > :Promotion > :Promotion Code > :Promotion Code Maintenance >ά :Promotion Codes > :Promotion Desc > :Promotion Description >˵ :Promotion Detail Transaction >齻 :Promotion Details > :Promotion Match >ƥ :Promotion Offset Customer >ƫƿͻ :Promotion Resolution/Offset >飯ƫ :Promotion Review > :Promotion Selection >ѡ :Promotion Set Up > :Promotion Value >ֵ :Promotion accrual >Ӧ :Promotion already qualified >֤ϸ :Promotion available of %1 exceeds promotion amount > %1 Ŀô˴ :Promotion code '%1' created >Ĵ '%1' :Promotion code may not be blank >벻Ϊհ :Promotion code must be an accrual type >ΪϢ :Promotion code not on file >벻 :Promotion code selection >ѡ :Promotion date options >ѡ :Promotion dates > :Promotion detail is only updated using the offset option. Do you wish to continue? >龡ʹøƫѡԸ¡ϣ :Promotion does not qualify >ϸ :Promotion expense > :Promotion is not an accrual >Ϣ :Promotion must be an accrual type >ΪϢ :Promotion not applicable to this customer >ڴ˿ͻĴ :Promotion offset amount cannot be zero >ƫƽΪ :Promotion quantity > :Promotion resolution or offset >ƫ :Promotion selections >ѡ :Promotion sequence >˳ :Promotion tax >˰ :Promotion type > :Promotion types > :Promotions > :Promotions Query >ѯ :Promotions Selection >ѡ :Promotions Tax code >˰մ :Promotions have been requalified for the whole order, and updated against the order >֤Դ˶˸ :Prompt > :Prompt at each comment line >ÿһעʾ :Prompt at runtime >ʱ :Prompt for aggregation in Families and Groupings >Ϊͼڵľۺʾ :Prompt for dangerous goods data sheets >Σջݵʾ :Prompt for default offer if none specified >ûָʾĬϱ :Prompt for estimate status on exit and change of parent >ʾ˳͸ĸʱĹɼ״̬ :Prompt for expired contracts if lowest price >Ϊͼ۸ʾʧЧͬ :Prompt for operation when issuing materials not previously allocated >ǰûзǩϣʾ :Prompt for posting >ʾ :Prompt for pricing status on exit and change of non-stocked code >ʾ˳͸ķǿʱĶ״̬ :Prompt for quantity >ʾ :Prompt for quotation status when saving >ʱʾ״̬ :Prompt for reconcile/unreconcile >ʾЭδЭ :Prompt for restock >ʾ :Prompt for rev/rel (default to current) >޶ͷʾĬΪǰֵ :Prompt for rev/rel (no default) >޶ͷʾĬϣ :Prompt for rev/rel at issue >ǩʱʾ޶ :Prompt for save >ʾ :Prompt for text >ıʾ :Prompt number >ʾ :Prompt operator >ʾԱ :Prompt per schedule >ʱʾ :Prompt sequence >ʾ˳ :Prompt text >ʾı :Prompt variable >ʾ :Prompted mode for Single Level BOM >BOMʾģʽ :Prompts for user defined fields >ûֶʾ :Proof of Delivery >ύ֤ :Proof of Delivery Information >֤Ϣ :Properties > :Properties of Favorites Program >ѡ :Property > :Property Fields >ֶ :Property Grid Settings > :Property Grid style >ʽ :Property Page >ҳ :Property Page %1 >ҳ %1 :Property Page Access %1 >ҳ %1 :Property Page Flat >ҳƽ :Property Page Selected >ѡҳ :Property message >Ϣ :Property window options >Ʋѡ :Proportion % >% :Proportion of Total >ϼƱ :Proportion of quantity % >% :Proportion of total quantity >ϼ :Proportional >ɱ :Proportional Co-products >ɱĹͬƷ :Prospect >ǰ :Protected View >ܱͼ :Provide a User name to use for SQL authentication >ṩ SQL ֤û :Provide a password for the User name >Ϊûṩ :Provides a unique user number generated each time a user logs into SYSPRO >ṩÿû¼ SYSPRO ɵĶû :Provides the instance number of SYSPRO. The default is '%1'. This will be set as '%2' if another instance of SYSPRO is launched >ṩ SYSPRO ʵĬΪ '%1' SYSPRO һʵ˽Ϊ '%2' :Provides the name (or IP address) of the /host entry in the command line when SYSPRO is launched in client/server mode > SYSPRO Կͻ/ģʽʱṩ / ( IP ַ) :Provides the name of the database for the company if SQL Server is in use > SQL ʹʱṩ˾ݿ :Provides the path to the local '%1' folder >提供到本机 '%1' 文件夹的路径 :Provides the path to the local ...\base\settings folder >提供到本机 …\base\settings folder 的路径 :Provides the path to the local \base\settings folder >ṩ \base\settings folder · :Province >ʡ :Provincial tax calculated on GST >GSTϼʡ˰ :Provision >Ӧ :Provision Entry Type > :Provision Journal Entries >ռ :Provision Journal Header >ռʱͷ :Provision cr > :Provision dr > :Provision journals >Ӧռ :Provisional Cr >ʱ :Provisional Dr >ʱ跽 :Provisional Journal Entries for Journal >ռʵʱռ :Provisional depreciation >ʱ۾ :Provisional depreciation required >ҪԤ۾ :Provisional entries posted >ѷʱĿ :Provisional journal >ʱռ :Provisional journals >ʱռ :Proxy > :Proxy Loop >ѭ :Proxy Validation >֤ :Proxy is the same as the parent >ͬ :Prv %1 >һ %1 :Prv period balance >һ :Prv year month end dates %1 >һ %1 :Prv year month status flags %1 >һ·״̬ %1 :Public Relations Manager >ϵ :Publish Menu as HTML >HTML˵ :Publish XML Documents >XMLļ :Publish date > :Publish folder >ļ :Publish time >ʱ :Published Schedule >ų :Published Schedule Query >ų̲ѯ :Publisher > :Publishing >ڹ :Publishing Files >ڹļ :Puchase order transmission method >ɹͷ :Purch orders for >ɹ :Purchase >ɹ :Purchase Analysis > :Purchase Analysis History >ʷ :Purchase Analysis Printing in Progress >ִвɹӡ :Purchase Analysis Report in Progress >ִвɹ :Purchase Group >ɹ :Purchase History >ɹʷ¼ :Purchase Order > :Purchase Order / SCT >采购订单 / SCT :Purchase Order Actions >ж :Purchase Order Add. Text >ɹı :Purchase Order Added >ӵIJɹ :Purchase Order Alignment in Progress >ִвɹУ׼ :Purchase Order Apportion Quantity Warnings & Errors >ɹ :Purchase Order Blanket Contract >ɹһӺͬ :Purchase Order Comments >ɹע :Purchase Order Commitment >ɹŵ :Purchase Order Confirmations Import >ɹȷϵ :Purchase Order Created >ѴIJɹ :Purchase Order Creation Complete >ɲɹ :Purchase Order Creation Selections >ɹѡ :Purchase Order Custom Form Fields >ɹֶ :Purchase Order Delivery Address >ɹַ :Purchase Order Detail Lines >ɹϸ :Purchase Order Details >ɹϸ :Purchase Order Discount >ɹۿ :Purchase Order Discounts >ɹۿ :Purchase Order Document Preview in Progress >ִвɹĵԤ :Purchase Order Due Date >ɹ :Purchase Order Entry >ɹ¼ :Purchase Order Export > :Purchase Order Export Complete >ɲɹ :Purchase Order Export Criteria >ɹ׼ :Purchase Order Export Review >ɹ :Purchase Order Export in Progress >ִвɹ :Purchase Order Fax in Progress >ִвɹ淢 :Purchase Order Format >ʽ :Purchase Order Format Alignment in Progress >ִвɹʽУ׼ :Purchase Order Format Printing in Progress >ִвɹʽӡ :Purchase Order GRN Cross Reference >ɹ GRN ղο :Purchase Order Header >ɹͷ :Purchase Order Header Creation Cancelled. Process aborted >ȡɹҳüͣ :Purchase Order Header Information >ɹҳüϢ :Purchase Order Header Maintenance >ɹҳüά :Purchase Order Inspections >ɹ :Purchase Order Line >ɹ :Purchase Order Line Custom Form Fields >ɹԶֶ :Purchase Order Line Details >ɹϸ :Purchase Order Line Zoom >ɹ :Purchase Order Linked to Sales Order >ӵ۶IJɹ :Purchase Order List >ɹ :Purchase Order Maintenance >ɹά :Purchase Order Notepad >ɹ± :Purchase Order Numbering Method >ɹŷ :Purchase Order Preview >ɹԤ :Purchase Order Price >ɹ۸ :Purchase Order Print >ӡ :Purchase Order Print Recap >ɹӡˢ :Purchase Order Print Totals >ɹӡϼ :Purchase Order Print Totals (Local Currency) >ɹӡϼƣػң :Purchase Order Print Totals(Local) >ɹӡϼ () :Purchase Order Print in Progress >ִвɹӡ :Purchase Order Processing > :Purchase Order Purge >ɹ :Purchase Order Purge Message Report >ɹϢ :Purchase Order Purge Report >ɹ :Purchase Order Query >ѯ :Purchase Order Quick View >ɹٲ鿴 :Purchase Order Receipt >ɹջ :Purchase Order Receipt Apportion Quantity >ɹջ :Purchase Order Receipt Sample Inspection >ɹջƷ :Purchase Order Receipts >վ :Purchase Order Receipts - Transaction Date >Purchase Order Receipts - Transaction Date :Purchase Order Receipts Archive Viewer >ɹջ鿴 :Purchase Order Receipts and Inspection >ɹջ :Purchase Order Reject >ɹ :Purchase Order Report by Stock Code >ɹ :Purchase Order Reprint in Progress >ִвɹ´ӡ :Purchase Order Requisition >ɹ빺 :Purchase Order Requisitions >ɹ빺 :Purchase Order Requisitions for Capex Line >ʱеIJɹ빺 :Purchase Order Review > :Purchase Order Review (Legacy) >ɹ (Legacy) :Purchase Order Scrap >ɹ :Purchase Order Search >ɹ :Purchase Order Selection >ɹѡ :Purchase Order Status >ɹ״̬ :Purchase Order Stock Code >ɹ :Purchase Order Stock Inspection Build >ɹ鹹 :Purchase Order Stock on Hold >IJɹ :Purchase Order Totals >ɹϼ :Purchase Order Type Selection >ɹѡ :Purchase Order Unit Quantity >ɹλ :Purchase Order Updated >ɹѸ :Purchase Order Value >ɹֵ :Purchase Order Value (Local Currency) >ɹֵػң :Purchase Order Value Graph >ɹֵͼ :Purchase Order Value for Purchase Order >ɹIJɹֵ :Purchase Order Warning >ɹ :Purchase Order browse for Supplier Inv >Ӧ̷ƱIJɹ :Purchase Order function >ɹ :Purchase Order in Process >ִвɹ :Purchase Order not on file >ɹ :Purchase Order, GRN Cross Reference >ɹGRN :Purchase Order, GRN Number Cross Reference >ɹGRN :Purchase Order/Requisition/Job >ɹ빺ҵ :Purchase Order/SCT >ɹSCT :Purchase Orders > :Purchase Orders - Blanket Purchase Orders >ɹ - һӲɹ :Purchase Orders - Foreign >ɹ - :Purchase Orders - Foreign - General Detail >ɹ - - һ :Purchase Orders - Foreign - Heading Fields >ɹ - - ֶ :Purchase Orders - Foreign - Total Fields >ɹ - - ϼֶ :Purchase Orders - Landed Cost Tracking >ɹ - ɱ :Purchase Orders - Local >ɹ - ػ :Purchase Orders - Local - Approved Manufacturers Detail >ɹ - ػ - ׼ :Purchase Orders - Local - Comment Detail >ɹ - ػ - ע :Purchase Orders - Local - General Detail >ɹ - ػ - һ :Purchase Orders - Local - Heading Fields >ɹ - ػ - ֶ :Purchase Orders - Local - Miscellaneous Freight charges Detail >ɹ - ػ - ˷ϸ :Purchase Orders - Local - Total Fields >ɹ - ػ - ϼֶ :Purchase Orders - Purchase Order Processing >ɹ - ɹ :Purchase Orders - Reports >ɹ :Purchase Orders - Requisition System >ɹ - 빺ϵͳ :Purchase Orders - Requisitions >ɹ - 빺 :Purchase Orders - Requisitions - Approved Manufacturers Detail >ɹ - 빺 - ׼ :Purchase Orders - Requisitions - General Detail >ɹ - 빺 - һ :Purchase Orders - Requisitions - Heading Fields >ɹ - 빺 - ֶ :Purchase Orders - Requisitions - Total Fields >ɹ - 빺 - ϼֶ :Purchase Orders - Setup >ɹ - :Purchase Orders Add. Text >ɹı :Purchase Orders Against Job >ԹIJɹ :Purchase Orders Exported >ѵɹ :Purchase Orders Import Options >ɹѡ :Purchase Orders Import Review >ɹ :Purchase Orders Price Password >ɹ۸ :Purchase Orders Query >ɹѯ :Purchase Orders Required >Ҫɹ :Purchase Orders Setup >ɹ :Purchase Orders by Order Number >IJɹ :Purchase Orders by Stock Code >IJɹ :Purchase Orders by Supplier >Ӧ̵IJɹ :Purchase Orders for Capex Line >ʱ빺вɹ :Purchase Orders for Capex Requisition Line >ʱ֧빺вɹ :Purchase Orders for Contract >ͬIJɹ :Purchase Orders for Stock Code >IJɹ :Purchase Price Maintenance >ɹ۸ά :Purchase Price Variance >ɹ۸ :Purchase Price Variance G/L Control Account >ɹ۸G/Lʻ :Purchase Prices >۸ :Purchase Receipts >ɹվ :Purchase Status >采购状态 :Purchase amount >ɹ :Purchase commitment >ɹŵ :Purchase commitment required >Ҫɹи :Purchase contract >ɹͬ :Purchase date > :Purchase date is in the future - do you wish to continue? >ɹΪ - ϣ :Purchase date prior to %1 >%1 ֮ǰIJɹ :Purchase date prior to 1950 >1950ǰIJɹ :Purchase date selection >ɹѡ :Purchase details >ɹϸ :Purchase history selection >ɹʷ¼ѡ :Purchase information >ɹϢ :Purchase oder >ɹ :Purchase option >ɹѡ :Purchase order %1, line %2 is non stocked. Create a sundry consignment? >ɹ %1 %2 ǷǿĿҪ :Purchase order '%1' already cancelled >ȡɹ '%1' :Purchase order '%1' already completed >ɲɹ '%1' :Purchase order '%1' already exists >ɹ '%1' Ѵ :Purchase order '%1' already exported for EDI >ѵΪXMLIJɹ '%1' :Purchase order '%1' has arrived either early or late >ɹ '%1' ǰڵ :Purchase order '%1' has been duplicated in XML instance >ɹ '%1' XMLʵни :Purchase order '%1' in process >ִвɹ '%1' :Purchase order '%1' in use by another user >ɹ '%1' һûʹ :Purchase order '%1' line '%2' already attached to a shipment >ɹ '%1' '%2' :Purchase order '%1' line '%2' already complete >ɹ '%1' '%2' :Purchase order '%1' line '%2' already completed >ɹ '%1' '%2' :Purchase order '%1' line '%2' marked for LCT shipment >ڵɱ(LCT)˵IJɹ '%1' '%2' :Purchase order '%1' not found >δҵɹ '%1' :Purchase order '%1' not yet printed >δӡɹ '%1' :Purchase order additional text >۶ı :Purchase order cancelled >ȡIJɹ :Purchase order complete >ɲɹ :Purchase order contact >ɹϵ :Purchase order control record not found >δҵɹƼ¼ :Purchase order creation >ɹ :Purchase order creation abandoned >ѷIJɹĴ :Purchase order date >ɹ :Purchase order description >ɹ˵ :Purchase order details for >ɹϸ :Purchase order document >ɹļ :Purchase order entry options >ɹѡ :Purchase order fax >ɹ :Purchase order filter >ɹ :Purchase order format not yet defined >δɹʽ :Purchase order has already been entered >ɹ :Purchase order history graph >ɹ¼ͼ :Purchase order hold flag >采购订单保留标记 :Purchase order information >ɹϢ :Purchase order inspection >ɹ :Purchase order is already linked to another capex line. Please un-link and then re-try >ɹһʱ֧СȡӣȻ :Purchase order is already linked to another capex line. Please unlink and then retry >ɹһʱСӣȻ :Purchase order is already linked to another capex line. Re-link to this capex line? >ɹһʱ֧СҪʱ֧ :Purchase order is complete - cannot link >ɹ - ޷ :Purchase order is not numeric >ɹֵ :Purchase order is not on file >ɹ :Purchase order line %1 for order '%2' cannot be modified as it is a different line type >Dzͬͣ˶ '%2' IJɹ %1 ޸ :Purchase order line %1 for order '%2' not found >δҵ '%2' IJɹ %1 :Purchase order line '%1' cannot be cancelled as it is part of a fixed Blanket P/order contract '%2' >ǹ̶ۺϲɹͬ '%2' һ֣˲ȡɹ '%1' :Purchase order line '%1' cannot be cancelled as it was created for sales order '%2' >Ϊ۶ '%2' ģ˲ȡɹ '%1' :Purchase order line detail >ɹϸ :Purchase order line discount >ɹۿ :Purchase order line not created >δɹ :Purchase order line not on file >ɹв :Purchase order line number >ɹб :Purchase order lines >ɹ :Purchase order list maintenance >ɹά :Purchase order method >ɹ :Purchase order module not installed >δװɹģ :Purchase order not on file or cancelled - cannot link >ɹڻѱȡ - ޷ :Purchase order notes >ɹע :Purchase order now complete >ɲɹ :Purchase order number >ɹ :Purchase order number '%1' not numeric >ɹ '%1' :Purchase order numbering is by warehouse >ɹǰֿ˳ :Purchase order numbering is by warehouse. Use the warehouse maintenance program to define the next purchase order number >ɹŰֿ˳Сʹòֿάһɹ :Purchase order options >ɹѡ :Purchase order prefix >ɹǰ׺ :Purchase order qty u/m >ɹλ :Purchase order qty uom >ɹλ :Purchase order quantity >ɹ :Purchase order quantity outstanding >δɵIJɹ :Purchase order receipts - General Detail >ɹվ - һ :Purchase order receipts - Heading Fields >ɹվ - ֶ :Purchase order receipts set to >ɹվݣΪ :Purchase order required >Ҫɹ :Purchase order requisition already confirmed to purchase order - cannot link >ɹ빺ȷɹ - ޷ :Purchase order requisition has been cancelled - cannot link >ɹ빺ѱȡ - ޷ :Purchase order requisition is already linked to another capex line. Please un-link and then re-try >ɹ빺һʱ֧СȡӣȻ :Purchase order requisition is already linked to another capex line. Please unlink and then retry >ɹ빺һʱСӣȻ :Purchase order requisition is already linked to another capex line. Re-link to this capex line? >ɹ빺һʱ֧СҪʱ֧ :Purchase order requisition not found - cannot link >δҵɹ빺 - ޷ :Purchase order requisition status unknown - cannot link >ɹ빺״̬ - ޷ :Purchase order stock code selection >ɹѡ :Purchase order transmission >ɹ :Purchase order transmission information >ɹϢ :Purchase order transmission method >ɹͷ :Purchase order type >۶ :Purchase order type options >ɹѡ :Purchase order types >ɹ :Purchase order user >ɹû :Purchase order values >ɹֵ :Purchase order/line >ɹ :Purchase order/line not on file >ɹ/в :Purchase order/requisition/job is already linked to this capex line >ɹ빺ҵʱ :Purchase orders allowed >IJɹ :Purchase orders and jobs >ɹ͹ :Purchase orders are not allowed for this supplier >ڴ˹Ӧ̣ʹòɹ :Purchase orders are not allowed for this supplier. Do you wish to continue? >ڴ˹Ӧ̣ʹòɹϣ :Purchase orders dated before >֮ǰڵIJɹ :Purchase orders dates before >֮ǰIJɹ :Purchase orders not allowed >ɹ :Purchase orders not allowed for Kit type 'S' >ڹ߰'S'ɹ :Purchase orders not allowed for supplier '%1' >ڹӦ '%1' ɹ :Purchase orders not allowed for this supplier >ڴ˹Ӧ̣ʹòɹ :Purchase orders will be selected for review according to the options entered. Ok to start the review? >ѡѡɹ顣ȷҪʼ :Purchase period >ɹ :Purchase price >۸ :Purchase price available >òɹ۸ :Purchase price is zero >ɹ۸Ϊ :Purchase price may not be zero >ɹ۸񲻵Ϊ :Purchase price variance control >ɹ۸ :Purchase transactions >ɹ :Purchase type >ɹ :Purchase value >采购价值 :Purchase year >ɹ :Purchased >Ѳɹ :Purchases > :Purchases Graph >ɹͼ :Purchases held >IJɹ :Purchasing >ɹ :Purchasing Details >ɹϸ :Purchasing Director (VP) >ɹ (VP) :Purchasing Price U/m >۸λ :Purchasing Price U/m for Order U/m >λIJɹ۸λ :Purchasing Price Unit of Measure >ɹ۸λ :Purchasing Price Unit of Measure Maintenance >ɹ۸λά :Purchasing Price Uom >ɹ۸λ :Purchasing Review >ɹ :Purchasing Work Sheet > :Purchasing Work Sheet in Progress >ִвɹҵ :Purchasing information >ɹϢ :Purge > :Purge & Archive >͹鵵 :Purge Approved/Cancelled Invoices >׼ȡķƱ :Purge Archive > :Purge Completed > :Purge Confirmed >ȷ :Purge Confirmed Releases >ȷϵǩ :Purge Contract Prices in Progress >ִͬ۸ :Purge Contracts >ͬ :Purge Expired >ʧЧ :Purge Expired Prices >ڼ :Purge Expired Releases >ѹڵǩ :Purge Failed >ʧ :Purge Invoices >Ʊ :Purge Job Logging records >清除工作日志记录 :Purge Manager > :Purge Recap > :Purge Selected Drawers >ѡijƱ :Purge Selection >ѡ :Purge a log file of all programs that have been accessed by operators >Աѷг־ļ :Purge acknowledgement > :Purge acknowledgement options >ѡ :Purge acknowledgements >ȷ :Purge activities > :Purge all configurations / libraries expired before >ǰʧЧȫã :Purge all configurations/libraries expired before >֮ǰڵ/ :Purge all expired before this date >֮ǰڵĿ :Purge all records >ȫ¼ :Purge and Archive >͵ :Purge and Archive in Progress >ִ뵵 :Purge and Archiving in Progress >ִ͹鵵 :Purge and validate >֤ :Purge archived shipments >ѹ鵵Ļ :Purge cancelled quotations >ȡı :Purge completed RMAs before >ǰRMA :Purge completed RMAs that are no longer required >Ҫ RMA :Purge confirmed quotations >ȷϵı :Purge confirmed releases dated before >ǰȷϵķ :Purge contacts >ͬ :Purge contracts expired before >ǰʧЧĺͬ :Purge contracts expiring before >ǰʧЧĺͬ :Purge criteria >׼ :Purge customer sales movements by >ͻ۱䶯 :Purge date > :Purge dated before >֮ǰ :Purge details > :Purge dispatch invoice reprint >Ʊ´ӡ :Purge dispatch invoice reprint file >Ʊ´ӡļ :Purge dispatch note > :Purge dispatch notes > :Purge dispatches completed before >֮ǰɵ :Purge expired quotations >ڵı :Purge expired releases before >֮ǰʧЧ :Purge function > :Purge historical/invalid IO data >ʷ/Ч IO :Purge history >¼ :Purge history of receipts file >վļ¼ :Purge information >Ϣ :Purge invoice index >Ʊ :Purge invoice reprint >Ʊ´ӡ :Purge invoice reprint file >Ʊ´ӡļ :Purge log records older than >ڵ־¼ :Purge log records prior to >־¼ :Purge movement records >䶯¼ :Purge non-stocked codes >ǿ :Purge non-zero invoiced dispatch notes >ġѳ߷Ʊķ :Purge of Expired Prices >ڼ۸ :Purge only > :Purge option >ѡ :Purge options >ѡ :Purge order file >ļ :Purge orders > :Purge orders completed before >֮ǰɵ :Purge prices before >ǰļ۸ :Purge purchase orders >ɹ :Purge purchase orders, completed purchase order lines and receipts; update stock descriptions from the inventory file; validate the accuracy of inventory on order quantities >ɹɲɹкջ´ļеĿ֤׼ȷ :Purge quotations > :Purge registers ready for deletion >ɾע֤ :Purge rejected quotations >ܾı :Purge sales orders >۶ :Purge selected invoices? >ҪѡķƱ :Purge selected workflows >ѡĹ :Purge serials created before >ǰϵ :Purge status >״̬ :Purge structures >ṹ :Purge structures before >֮ǰṹ :Purged > :Purged jobs >ҵ :Purging > :Purging Workflows > :Push Button >ť :Put order qty into back order >ڶ :Pyramid > :Pyramid. The Pyramid chart displays a series of data in a pyramid shape >ͼԽ״ʾһϵ :Q - Apply warehouse order policy >Q - Ӧòֿⶩ :QMS Element browse >QMS Ԫ :QMS Element maintenance >QMS Ԫά :QMS Stock code elements >QMS Ԫ :QOT Add non-stocked code >QOT 添加非库存代码 :QOT Add quotation >QOT ӱ :QOT Add quotation freight line >QOT ӱ˷ :QOT Add quotation misc charges line >QOT ӱӷ :QOT Add quotation misc. charges line >QOT ӱշ :QOT Add quotation stocked line >QOT ӱۿ :QOT Available to use >õ QOT :QOT Batch print >QOT 批打印 :QOT Batch reprint >QOT 批重新打印 :QOT Cancel quotation >QOT ȡ :QOT Cancel quotation freight line >QOT ȡ˷ :QOT Cancel quotation misc charges line >QOT ȡӷ :QOT Cancel quotation misc. charges line >QOT ȡշ :QOT Cancel quotation non-stocked line >QOT ȡ۷ǿ :QOT Cancel quotation stocked line >QOT ȡۿ :QOT Change non-stocked code >QOT 更改非库存代码 :QOT Change quotation >QOT ı :QOT Change quotation freight line >QOT ı˷ :QOT Change quotation misc charges line >QOT ıӷ :QOT Change quotation misc. charges line >QOT ıշ :QOT Change quotation non-stocked line >QOT ı۷ǿ :QOT Change quotation status >QOT ı״̬ :QOT Change quotation stocked line >QOT ıۿ :QOT Copy quotation >QOT Ʊ :QOT Delete non-stocked code >QOT 删除非库存代码 :QOT Document print >QOT 文档打印 :QOT Document reprint >QOT 文档重新打印 :QOT Estimate add component >QOT Ӳ :QOT Estimate add operation >QOT Ӳ :QOT Estimate change component >QOT ƸIJ :QOT Estimate change operation >QOT ƸIJ :QOT Estimate delete component >QOT ɾ :QOT Estimate delete operation >QOT ɾ :QOT Insert quotation freight line >QOT 뱨˷ :QOT Insert quotation misc charges line >QOT 뱨ӷ :QOT Insert quotation misc. charges line >QOT 뱨շ :QOT Insert quotation non-stocked line >QOT 뱨۷ǿ :QOT Insert quotation stocked line >QOT 뱨ۿ :QOT Quotation confirmation >QOT ȷ :QOT Quotation purge >QOT :QOT add quotation non-stocked line >QOT ӱ۷ǿ :QST >Ӫҵ˰(QST) :QST amount >QST :QST calculated on tax >按税务计算 QST :QST code >Ӫҵ˰(QST) :QST information >Ӫҵ˰(QST)Ϣ :QST portion >Ӫҵ˰(QST) :QTY - Quantity >QTY - :QUO > :Qty > :Qty %1 to %2 days > %1 %2 :Qty over %1 days > %1 :Qty / Value discount >/ֵۿ :Qty Available in Warehouse >ֿڿ :Qty Before >ǰ :Qty Discounts Maintenance >ۿά :Qty accepted >յ :Qty adjusted >ѵ :Qty advised > :Qty allocated >ѷ :Qty allocated to S/O >۶(S/O) :Qty allocated to SO >䵽 SO :Qty allocated to WIP >WIP :Qty allocated to sales orders >䵽۶ :Qty authorized > :Qty authorized u/m >Ȩλ(u/m) :Qty authorized uom >Ȩλ :Qty available > :Qty balance > :Qty basis > :Qty completed > :Qty counted > :Qty credited > :Qty currently due >ǰ :Qty discount percentage >ۿ۰ٷֱ :Qty discounted price >ۿۼ۸ :Qty discounted pricing U/m >ۿ۶ۼ㵥λ :Qty disp not invcd >δΪѷ߷Ʊ :Qty dispatched but not invoiced >ѷδ߷Ʊ :Qty dispatched not inv >ѷδ߷Ʊ :Qty dispatched/not invoiced >ѷδ߷Ʊ :Qty factor to be applied >Ӧõϵ :Qty for dispatch > :Qty free > :Qty in inspection > :Qty in transit >;Ʒ :Qty in transit to be rec >յ; :Qty in transit to be received >Ҫյ; :Qty inspected > :Qty invoiced >ѳ߷Ʊ :Qty issued >ͷ :Qty last received >һյ :Qty manufactured > :Qty off-site >ֳ :Qty on back order >ڶе :Qty on backorder >ڶ :Qty on hand >ִ :Qty on order > :Qty ordered >Ѷ :Qty outstanding >δ :Qty over %1 days > %1 :Qty part booked >Ԥ :Qty past due >ȥ :Qty per component >ÿ :Qty per desc >˵ :Qty receipted >ѽյ :Qty received >յ :Qty received to date >Ŀǰյ :Qty received u/m >ջλ(u/m) :Qty received uom >յλ :Qty released >ͷ :Qty required > :Qty reserved >ѱ :Qty reworked > :Qty scrapped >ϵ :Qty shipped >װ :Qty sold > :Qty to Make > :Qty to be issued >ͷ :Qty to issue >ǩ :Qty to load >װ :Qty to manufacture >Ҫ :Qty to receive >Ҫյ :Qty to release > :Qty transferred >ת :Qty u/m >λ :Qty unapproved >δ׼ :Qty uom >λ :Qty/Time >/ʱ :Qty/Value discount >/ֵۿ :Qualfied >ϸ :Qualified >ϸ :Qualifies >ϸ :Quality Data Collection >ռ :Quality Data Editor >ݱ༭ :Quality Data Item Setup >Ŀ :Quality Element Details >Ԫ :Quality Element Maintenance >Ԫά :Quality Elements >Ԫ :Quality Elements for Stock Code >Ԫ :Quality Inspection > :Quality Inspection Detail >ϸ :Quality Inspection Detail Metric >ϸָ :Quality Inspection Measurement Elem List >Ԫб :Quality Inspection Measurement Element >Ԫ :Quality Inspector >Ա :Quality Management > :Quality Management System >ϵ :Quality Manager > :Quality Measurement Element >Ԫ :Quality not up to Standard >δ :Quantiity > :Quantities > :Quantities and Values >ֵ :Quantities for warehouse >ֿ :Quantities in stock & alt uom >漰滻λ :Quantities must accumulate to the receipt quantity >ۼƱջ :Quantities not zero > :Quantities to be reserved >Ᵽ :Quantity > :Quantity %1 > %1 :Quantity '%1' does not convert to a valid number of units and pieces > '%1' δתΪЧĵλͼ :Quantity (LTR) >(LTR) :Quantity (MUM) > (MUM) :Quantity (Run Time) >ʱ :Quantity Already Allocated >已分配数量 :Quantity Alteration > :Quantity Breaks > :Quantity Discount Breaks >ۿ۷ :Quantity Discount Maintenance >ۿά :Quantity Discounts >ۿ :Quantity Discounts Maintenance >ۿά :Quantity Discounts Record Locked >ۿۼ¼ :Quantity Error > :Quantity History Take-on >ʷ¼ʵʩ :Quantity Maintenance >ά :Quantity Pending >待处理数量 :Quantity Rejected > :Quantity Req >Ҫ :Quantity Returned >˻ :Quantity Shipped >װ :Quantity accepted >ѽ :Quantity advised > :Quantity allocated >ѷ :Quantity allocated not zero >ѷΪ :Quantity apportionment >̯ :Quantity apportionment cannot be greater than 100% >̯ô100% :Quantity authorized >Ȩ :Quantity available > :Quantity available to dispatch >ɷ :Quantity balance >ƽ :Quantity basis >׼ :Quantity before >֮ǰ :Quantity being reversed is more than is on hand for this lot >תڸε :Quantity being reversed is more than the original GRN. Do you wish to ignore this and continue to post the receipt? >תԭջ(GRN)ϣջ :Quantity break already defined >Ѷ :Quantity can not be less than allocated quantity >Сڷ :Quantity cannot be negative >Ϊ :Quantity capture for co-product jobs >ͬƷҵ׽ :Quantity captured >Ѳ :Quantity captured for the lot is outside the acceptable variance >Ϊ׽˿ɽܵı仯ʲ :Quantity captured is outside the acceptable variance >׽˿ɽܵı仯ʲ :Quantity change details > :Quantity change would cause there to be less allocated than required >ܻᵼ´˴Ҫ :Quantity changed >已更改数量 :Quantity code > :Quantity complete > :Quantity complete X unit run time > X λʱ :Quantity completed >ɵ :Quantity completed is greater than the previous operation's quantity completed >һβ :Quantity consumed > :Quantity counted > :Quantity counted is blank or negative >Ϊհ׻ֵ :Quantity cross shipped >װ :Quantity cycle count >ѭ :Quantity decimals >С :Quantity delivered >ѽ :Quantity discount price update >ۿۼ۸ :Quantity discounted >ۿ :Quantity dispatch not invoiced >ѷδ߷Ʊ :Quantity dispatched > :Quantity entered may not cause already inspected quantity to go negative >ܲʹѼΪֵ :Quantity entered must be either %1 or %2 >Ϊ %1 %2 :Quantity entered must be either %1 or %2- >Ϊ %1 %2- :Quantity entry method >¼뷽 :Quantity exceeds available quantity to transfer >ҪתƵĿ :Quantity exceeds outstanding quantity >δ :Quantity exceeds the undistributed quantity to release >Ҫǩδ :Quantity factor >ϵ :Quantity factor code >ϵ :Quantity factor information >Ϣ :Quantity for >¸ :Quantity for a manual serial number must be '%1' for transaction '%2' >ڽ '%2' ֶϵкΪ '%1' :Quantity for a manual serial number must be one >ֶϵкΪһ :Quantity for current year >ǰ :Quantity for dispatch > :Quantity for pricing > :Quantity for query >ѯ :Quantity for transaction '%1' may not be zero > '%1' Ϊ :Quantity for year ending > :Quantity free >û :Quantity free is not positive. Inventory setup options do not allow stock on hand to go negative >ѡпΪ :Quantity free to dispatch >ɷ :Quantity free to release >ɷ :Quantity has already been captured against the selected serial number, the captured quantity will be set to zero >ѡϵк벶Ϊ :Quantity in > :Quantity in WIP inspection >ִҵ(WIP)е :Quantity in alternate unit of measure cannot exceed conversion factor >滻λƵóתϵ :Quantity in inspection >е :Quantity in inspection for a serial cannot exceed batch quantity for that serial >ϵеļóϵе :Quantity in p/order inspection >ɹе :Quantity in stocking unit of measure and alternate unit of measure must be the same sign >Կλ滻λƵʹͬļ :Quantity in transit >; :Quantity in transit maintenance not permitted using this program. (Use inventory 'transfer in' function) >ñ;άʹÿ桰ת롱ܣ :Quantity in units is not valid for stock code '%1' >ڿ '%1' λЧ :Quantity inspected > :Quantity inspected may not be greater than quantity manufactured >Ѽô :Quantity inspected may not be less than quantity left in WIP inspection >Сִҵ(WIP)ʣ :Quantity inspected may not be less than quantity left in WIP inspection. >ִҵ(WIP)ʣ :Quantity is greater than quantity available to accept >ڴ :Quantity is greater than quantity available to reject >ڴܾ :Quantity is greater than quantity available to return >ڴ˻ :Quantity is greater than quantity available to rework >ڴ :Quantity is greater than quantity available to scrap >ڿõĴ :Quantity is greater than quantity counted to date >Ŀǰļ :Quantity is greater than quantity inspected to date >ĿǰѼ :Quantity is greater than quantity off-site >ֳ :Quantity is greater than quantity returned to supplier >Ӧ˻ :Quantity is more than original quantity >ԭʼ :Quantity is more than remaining quantity in transit >ʣ :Quantity is zero >数量为零 :Quantity issued > :Quantity manufactured > :Quantity may have up to 7 integers and 3 decimals >7λ3λС :Quantity may not be less than quantity issued >Сǩ :Quantity may not be less than quantity issued for allocation '%1' >Ϊ '%1' ǩ :Quantity may not be negative for this type of transaction >һ͵ĽΪ :Quantity may not be zero >Ϊ :Quantity may not exceed the quantity defined against the toolset >óԹ :Quantity method > :Quantity must be entered before you proceed with allocations >数量必须在继续执行分配前输入 :Quantity must be greater than that of the previous quantity break >һ :Quantity must be greater than the preceding quantity >ǰ :Quantity must be greater than zero > :Quantity must be in units and pieces for stock code '%1' >ڿ '%1' ʹõλԼ :Quantity must be less than that of the next quantity break >һ :Quantity must be positive >Ϊ :Quantity must be zero for sales order '%1' >۶ '%1' Ϊ :Quantity must not have decimals for stock code '%1' >ڿ '%1' ôС :Quantity negative > :Quantity o/s > o/s :Quantity of the selected warehouse will not satisfy requisition >ѡֿ빺 :Quantity of zero is not allowed. Please re-enter > :Quantity off-site > :Quantity on available > :Quantity on back order >ڶе :Quantity on back order still remaining. OK to exit? >ڽԴȷҪ˳ :Quantity on back order still remaining.OK to exit? >ڶԴȷҪ :Quantity on backorder >ڽ :Quantity on hand > :Quantity on hand %1 > %1 :Quantity on hand for Warehouse is less than zero >ֿС :Quantity on hand not zero >Ϊ :Quantity on order >ɹе :Quantity ordered >Ѷ :Quantity out > :Quantity outstanding >δ :Quantity per >ÿ :Quantity per cannot be zero >λΪ :Quantity per entered >Ŀ :Quantity per may not be zero >λΪ :Quantity per multiplier >ÿϵ :Quantity per notional > :Quantity per(including scrap) > () :Quantity percentage >ٷֱ :Quantity positive > :Quantity price %1 >۸ %1 :Quantity purchased >Ѳɹ :Quantity quote %1 > %1 :Quantity receipted >ѽ :Quantity received >յ :Quantity received since calculation >Լѽ :Quantity received to date >µѽ :Quantity recieved since calculation >Լյ :Quantity remaining >ʣ :Quantity req'd >빺 :Quantity required > :Quantity required for dispatch > :Quantity reserved > :Quantity reserved for lots >εı :Quantity reserved for serials >ϵеı :Quantity reserved for shipping >ڷ :Quantity reworked > :Quantity saved >ѱ :Quantity scrapped > :Quantity selection >ѡ :Quantity selection is complete. Do you wish to accept these entries? >ѡϣЩ :Quantity short >ȱ :Quantity sold > :Quantity still to issue >Դǩ :Quantity supplied > :Quantity supplied cannot exceed quantity on hand >ѽɳ :Quantity taken on >ί :Quantity to Accept > :Quantity to Add > :Quantity to Dispatch > :Quantity to Make Selection >ѡ :Quantity to Reject >Ҫյ :Quantity to Release >ͷ :Quantity to Return >˻ :Quantity to Rework > :Quantity to Scrap >Ҫϵ :Quantity to allocate > :Quantity to be Allocated >要分配数量 :Quantity to bill > :Quantity to clear >Ҫ :Quantity to de-allocate >ȡ :Quantity to issue >ǩxxx :Quantity to make >ɵ :Quantity to make cannot be less than manufactured quantity > :Quantity to make cannot be less than manufactured quantity for co-product line '%1' >ҪСڹͬƷ '%1' :Quantity to make differs for scheduled job. Continue? >ҪŶҵͬҪ :Quantity to make differs from the scheduled job quantity. Continue? >ҪͬŶҵҪ :Quantity to make has changed and at least one of the factory documents has been printed >ѱ仯Ѵӡһݹĵ :Quantity to make has decreased. Do you want to release lots and serials? >Ѽ١ϣκϵ :Quantity to make has decreased. Do you want to release the decreased portion from reserved lots and serials? >Ѽ١ϣӱκϵзмٵIJ :Quantity to make has increased. Do you want to reserve lots and serials? >ӡϣκϵ :Quantity to make has increased. Do you want to reserve the increased portion for reserved lots and serials? >ӡϣΪκϵбӵIJ :Quantity to manufacture >Ҫ :Quantity to match > :Quantity to process >⴦ :Quantity to receive > :Quantity to reserve >Ҫ :Quantity to reverse >ת :Quantity to ship > :Quantity to ship must be more than zero > :Quantity to use >Ҫʹõ :Quantity transferred >ת :Quantity unit of measure >λ :Quantity uom >λ :Quantity validation >֤ :Quantity will be re-calculated >¼ :Quantity will cause FIFO bucket '%1' of stock code '%2' to go negative >¿ '%2' ȳ(FIFO)Ͱ '%1' Ϊֵ :Quantity will cause Rev/rel '%1' to go negative >޶ '%1' Ϊֵ :Quantity will cause bin '%1' of stock code '%2' to go negative >¿ '%2' Ŀ '%1' Ϊֵ :Quantity will cause lot number '%1' to go negative >κ '%1' Ϊֵ :Quantity will cause stock in inspection in warehouse '%1' for stock code '%2' to go negative >¿ '%2' IJֿ '%1' еļΪֵ :Quantity will cause stock to go negative for a previous period in warehouse '%1' for stock code '%2' >¿ '%2' IJֿ '%1' еһڿΪֵ :Quantity will cause stock to go negative in warehouse '%1' for stock code '%2' >¿ '%2' IJֿ '%1' еĿΪֵ :Quantity will cause the captured quantity in the stock take table to go negative >̵вΪ :Quantity will cause the serial number '%1' for stock code '%2' to go negative >¿ '%2' ϵк '%1' Ϊֵ :Quantity would cause the bin quantity to be negative >¿Ϊ :Quantity/percentage >ٷֱ :Quantum Architecture >ϵṹ :Quarter Selection >ѡ :Queries >ѯ :Queries all existing workflow instances with the given filter >øѯйʵ :Query >ѯ :Query ATP >ѯɳŵ(ATP) :Query Accounts Payable Setup Options >ѯӦ˿ѡ :Query Accounts Receivable Setup Options >ѯӦ˿ѡ :Query Alternate Stock Code >ѯÿ :Query Alternate stock >ѯÿ :Query Asset Setup Options >ѯʲѡ :Query Available to promise >ŵòѯ :Query Bill of Materials Company Setup >ѯϵ˾ :Query Business Object >ѯҵ :Query Business Objects >ѯҵ :Query Cash Book Company Setup Options >ѯֽ˲˾ѡ :Query Configurator Components and Operations >查询配置程序部件和操作 :Query Contact >ѯϵ :Query Contact Management Setup Options >查询联系人管理设置选项 :Query Context Menu >ѯIJ˵ :Query Dispatch Notes Setup Options >ѯѡ :Query Factory Scheduling Setup Options >ѯѡ :Query GL Setup Options >ѯ GL ѡ :Query Head Costs >ѯͷɱ :Query Inventory >ѯ :Query Inventory ATP >ѯ ATP :Query Inventory Company Setup Options >ѯ˾ѡ :Query Inventory Optimization Setup Opts >ѯŻѡ :Query Job >ѯҵ :Query Live >ѯЧ :Query Live Job >ѯЧҵ :Query Lot >ѯ :Query Order >ѯ :Query Organization >ѯ֯ :Query Organization - on hold >ѯ֯ - :Query Prices >ѯ۸ :Query Promotions >ѯ :Query Purchase Orders >ѯɹ :Query Purchase Orders Setup Options >ѯɹѡ :Query Quotations Company Setup Options >ѯ۹˾ѡ :Query RMA Setup Options >ѯ RMA ѡ :Query Reference >ѯο :Query S/O Company Setup Options >ѯ S/O ˾ѡ :Query SO Company Setup Options >ѯ SO ˾ѡ :Query Sales Analysis Setup Options >ѯ۷ѡ :Query Sales Order >۶ѯ :Query Sales orders >ѯ۶ :Query Security for >ѯȫԣ :Query Selector >ѯѡ :Query Sequence >ѯ˳ :Query Serial >ѯϵ :Query Snapshot >ѯ :Query Snapshot Job >ѯҵ :Query Structure >ѯṹ :Query Structure & Routing >ѯṹ· :Query Trade Promotions Setup Options >ѯó״ѡ :Query Warehouse Quantities Available >ѯòֿ :Query Work in Progress >ڽвѯҵ :Query Work in Progress Setup Options >ѯڽйѡ :Query a log file of all programs that have been accessed by operators >ѯԱѷг־ļ :Query and maintain details of release quantities that have been delivered to and received by the customer >ѯάѶԿͻջķ :Query by Contract Selection >ͬѡ˳ѯ :Query by Dispatch Selections >˳ѯ :Query by Purchase Order Selections >ɹѡ˳ѯ :Query by Sales Order Selections >۶ѡ˳ѯ :Query by dispatch selection >ѡ˳ѯ :Query by purchase order selection >ɹѡ˳ѯ :Query by sales order selection >۶ѡ˳ѯ :Query cannot be performed in '%1' sequence >ѯ '%1' ˳ִ :Query class >ѯȼ :Query currency >ѯ :Query customer >ѯͻ :Query financial information by currency, account type and financial year, including comparisons to various years or budgets >ҡ˻ͺͲѯϢݻԤıȽ :Query flags >ѯ־ :Query in Organization View >֯ͼвѯ :Query job costs >ѯҵɱ :Query on Overloaded Work Centers >ڹҵвѯ :Query quote >ѯ :Query selection >ѯѡ :Query stock >ѯ :Query stock code >ѯ :Query this Order >ѯ˶ :Query type >ѯ :Querying Database >ڲѯݿ :Question > :Question %1 > %1 :Queue >Ŷ :Queue ( %1 ) > ( %1 ) :Queue date > :Queue date selection >Ŷѡ :Queue label >Ŷӱǩ :Queue name >Ŷ :Queue time >Ŷʱ :Queue time (days) >Ŷʱ䣨 :Queue time (in days) >ʱ䣨 :Queue type >Ŷ :Queued >Ŷ :Queued Material >ŶӵIJ :Quick Component Selection >ٲѡ :Quick Entry > :Quick Entry (Ctrl+Q) >(Ctrl+Q) :Quick Entry Convert Quote >ת :Quick Entry Order Lines >붩 :Quick Entry Preferences >ο :Quick Entry Save Quote >뱣汨 :Quick Entry Stock Code Selection >ѡ :Quick Entry format >ʽ :Quick Find >ٲ :Quick Launch Menu >˵ :Quick Ratio Graph >ͼ :Quick Reconcile >ٶ :Quick Reconcile/Unreconcile >ٶʣ :Quick Sales Order Entry >۶ :Quick Select >ѡ :Quick View >ٲ鿴 :Quick View Definition >ٲ鿴 :Quick ratio > :Quick view font >ٲ鿴 :Quick view of company information >˾Ϣٲ鿴 :Quickly find Invoices, Orders, Quotations, Jobs >ٲҷƱۡ :Quit without saving changes? >ҪĶ˳? :Qunatity per >λ :Quotation > :Quotation %1 > %1 :Quotation '%1' has an invalid status of '%2' > '%1' Ч '%2' ״̬ :Quotation '%1' on hold > '%1' :Quotation - Multiple Column > - :Quotation - Multiple Line > - :Quotation - Multiple Line - Comment Detail > - - ע :Quotation - Multiple Line - Heading Fields > - - ֶ :Quotation - Multiple Line - Merchandise Detail > - - Ʒϸ :Quotation - Multiple Line - Miscellaneous Freight charges Detail > - - ˷ϸ :Quotation - Multiple Line - Total Fields > - - ϼֶ :Quotation - Multiple Line - Total Sales Tax > - - ϼӪҵ˰ :Quotation - Single > - :Quotation - Single - Comment Detail > - - ע :Quotation - Single - Heading Fields > - - ֶ :Quotation - Single - Merchandise Detail > - - Ʒϸ :Quotation - Single - Miscellaneous Freight charges Detail > - - ˷ϸ :Quotation - Single - Total Fields > - - ϼֶ :Quotation - Single - Total Sales Tax > - - ϼӪҵ˰ :Quotation Batch Printing >ӡ :Quotation Build Quotations Header >۹۱ͷ :Quotation Confirmation >ȷ :Quotation Confirmation Complete >ȷ :Quotation Confirmation Preferences >ȷѡ :Quotation Confirmed >ȷϱ :Quotation Confirmed Supplies >ȷϹӦ :Quotation Control >ۿ :Quotation Copy to Estimates >۸ :Quotation Cost Implosion >۳ɱֽ :Quotation Custom Form Fields >Զֶ :Quotation Detail >ϸ :Quotation Detail Custom Form Fields >ϸԶֶ :Quotation Detail Lines >ϸ :Quotation Detail Values >ϸֵ :Quotation Details >ϸ :Quotation Document Format >ļʽ :Quotation Document Format Alignment in Progress >ִбļʽУ׼ :Quotation Document Format Printing in Progress >ִбļʽӡ :Quotation Document Preferences >ĵƫ :Quotation Document Print >ĵӡ :Quotation Entry > :Quotation Entry & Maintenance >뼰ά :Quotation Entry and Maintenance >ά :Quotation Estimate Operation >۹Ʋ :Quotation Estimate Operations Browse >۹۲ :Quotation Estimate Parent Information >۹Ϣ :Quotation Estimate Replace Where Used >۹۸ô :Quotation Estimate Routing Import >报价估计路线导入 :Quotation Estimate Structure >۹ƽṹ :Quotation Estimate Structure Import >报价估计结构导入 :Quotation Estimates >۹ :Quotation Expired >ʧЧı :Quotation Format >۸ʽ :Quotation Format Setup >۸ʽ :Quotation Header >۱ͷ :Quotation Hierarchy >۲ :Quotation Hierarchy Maintenance >۲/ά :Quotation Hold & Cancel Reasons >۱ȡԭ :Quotation Job Loading >ҵװ :Quotation Line > :Quotation Lines > :Quotation List of Estimates >۹б :Quotation List of Quotations >۹б :Quotation Maintenance >ά :Quotation Master > :Quotation No >۱ :Quotation Non-Stocked Code Maintenance >۷ǿά :Quotation Non-Stocked Codes >۷ǿ :Quotation Non-Stocked Purchase Prices >۷ǿɹ۸ :Quotation Non-Stocked Review >۷ǿ :Quotation Non-stocked Master >۷ǿ :Quotation Offer Values >۱ֵ̼ :Quotation Offers >۱ :Quotation Operations Graph Preferences >۲ͼο :Quotation Operations Graphing >۲ͼ :Quotation Prefix >ǰ׺ :Quotation Prefix For Automatic Non-stocked Codes >Զǿ뱨ǰ׺ :Quotation Print >۴ӡ :Quotation Print in Progress >ִб۴ӡ :Quotation Purchasing Review >۲ɹ :Quotation Purge > :Quotation Query >۲ѯ :Quotation Query by Stock Code >ı۲ѯ :Quotation Query for Stock Code >ı۲ѯ :Quotation Quick View >ۿٲ鿴 :Quotation Reason Code Maintenance >ԭά :Quotation Recap >۸ :Quotation Rejection >۾ܾ :Quotation Reminder > :Quotation SRS Print > SRS ӡ :Quotation Sales Order >۶ :Quotation Search > :Quotation Setup > :Quotation Status >״̬ :Quotation Stock Part and Str Creation >ۿͽṹ :Quotation Totals >ۺϼ :Quotation Validation >֤ :Quotation Value Overflow >ۼֵ :Quotation by Stock Code >ı :Quotation description > :Quotation has been modified. Do you want to end this quotation before exiting >޸ġϣ˳ǰ˱? :Quotation has been modified. Save changes? >ѱ޸ġҪ :Quotation line '%1' already exists for quote '%2' > '%2' ı '%1' Ѵ :Quotation line '%1' for quote '%2' may not be modified as it is a different line type >Dzͬͣ˱ '%2' ı '%1' ޸ :Quotation line number '%1' not found for quote '%2' >δҵ '%2' ıк '%1' :Quotation line type does not match the offer line type >뱨Ͳ :Quotation locked > :Quotation module not installed >δװģ :Quotation not found >δҵ :Quotation not on file >۲ :Quotation notes >ע :Quotation number >۱ :Quotation number '%1' not found >δҵۺ '%1' :Quotation numbering >۱ :Quotation profit > :Quotation purge options >۵ѡ :Quotation selection >۵ѡ :Quotation specific codes >ض :Quotation total ( >۵ϼƣ :Quotation value >ֵ :Quotation value %1 >ۼֵ %1 :Quotation version >۰汾 :Quotation versioning >۰汾 :Quotation versioning required >Ҫ󱨼۰汾 :Quotations > :Quotations (Legacy) > (Legacy) :Quotations Browse >报价浏览 :Quotations Browse on Quotations > :Quotations Cost Implosion and Lead Time Calculation >۵ɱѹǰڼ :Quotations Cost Implosion and Lead Time Calculation for >۳ɱֽ⼰ǰʱ㣬 :Quotations Entry >۵ :Quotations List of Estimates >۹б :Quotations List of Quotations >۱б :Quotations Processing >۴ :Quotations Purchasing Review >۵ɹ :Quotations Sales Order Header >۶ҳü :Quotations Setup >۵ :Quotations Suggested Purchases >۵IJɹ :Quotations Totals >۵ϼ :Quotations and estimates >ۺ͹ :Quotations cancelled before >֮ǰȡı۵ :Quotations confirmed before >֮ǰȷϵı۵ :Quotations expired before >֮ǰʧЧı۵ :Quotations for sales order >۶ :Quotations rejected before >֮ǰѾܾı۵ :Quote > :Quote '%1' contains line types that are not permitted on a hierarchical quotation > '%1' ڲαв :Quote '%1' is not a hierarchical quote > '%1' Dzα :Quote Header >ҳü :Quote Reminder > :Quote Template >ģ :Quote Totals >ۺϼ :Quote date > :Quote description > :Quote line number >к :Quote not on file >۲ :Quote version >报价版本 :Quoted >ѱ :Quoted lead time >ǰ :Quotes > :Quotes Purged > :R - Rejected >R - :R/W Browse on Reports (Browse only) >(R/W) :R/W Browse on Standard Report Library >(R/W)׼ :R/W Create Report Library >R/W :R/W Data Dictionary Columns >(R/W)ֵ :R/W Data Dictionary Import Wizard >(R/W)ֵ䵼 :R/W Data Dictionary Linkages >(R/W)ֵ :R/W Data Dictionary Links >(R/W)ֵ :R/W Data Dictionary Tables >(R/W)ֵ :R/W Export Data Definition >(R/W)ݶ :R/W File Handler - ISAM > (R/W) ļ - ISAM :R/W File Handler - SQL > (R/W) ļ C SQL :R/W Generate Report Writer Modules > (R/W) ɱģ :R/W Import Data Definition >(R/W)ݶ :R/W List of Reports >(R/W)б :R/W Multiple Column Selection >(R/W)ѡ :R/W Query >(R/W)ѯ :R/W Recent Reports >(R/W)ڱ :R/W Report Browse and Maintenance >(R/W)ά :R/W Report Maintenance >(R/W)ά :R/W Report Writer >(R/W) :R/W Report Writer Trigger Program > (R/W) :R/W Report Writer Wizard >(R/W) :R/W Sequential to Index Converter >(R/W)ת˳ :R/W System Variable Browse >(R/W)ϵͳ :R/W XML Report Viewer >R/W XMLĶ :R/W XML Wizard > (R/W) XML :R/W create reports that update data >(R/W)ݵı :R/Write >读取/写入 :RAM >RAM :RC Context Menu >RCΧ˵ :REQ List of Requisition Users >빺û REQ б :REQ Requisition list >REQ 빺б :RMA >RMA :RMA Action >˻Ȩ(RMA) :RMA Action History >RMA ¼ :RMA Allow creation of stocked job >˻Ȩ(RMA)ҵ :RMA Allow total quantity greater than original invoice >˻Ȩ (RMA) ԭʼƱ :RMA Batch Printing >RMAδӡ :RMA Browse >RMA :RMA Browse on RMA History >˻Ȩ(RMA)˻Ȩ(RMA)ʷ¼ :RMA Browse on RMA Numbers >˻Ȩ(RMA)˻Ȩ(RMA) :RMA Browse on Sales Movements >˻Ȩ (RMA) ۱䶯 :RMA Cancellation >˻Ȩ(RMA)ȡ :RMA Cancelled >ȡ˻Ȩ(RMA) :RMA Conversion >RMAת :RMA Cross Shipment Details >RMA װ :RMA Cross shipment >˻Ȩ(RMA) :RMA Daily Receiving Report >˻Ȩ(RMA)ջ :RMA Delete Completed RMA >˻Ȩ(RMA)ɾɵ˻Ȩ(RMA) :RMA Detail >˻Ȩ(RMA)ϸ :RMA Detail Line Bins >RMA ϸп :RMA Detail Line Comments >RMA ϸиע :RMA Detail Line Lots >RMA ϸ :RMA Detail Line Serials >RMA ϸϵ :RMA Details >RMA :RMA Document Format >RMAļʽ :RMA Document Format Alignment in Progress >ִRMAļʽ :RMA Document Format Printing in Progress >ִRMAļʽӡ :RMA Document Formats >˻ƷȨļʽ :RMA Document Print >˻ƷȨļӡ :RMA End Issue & Receipt >˻Ȩ(RMA)ǩջ :RMA Entry >RMA¼ :RMA Header >RMA :RMA Inspection >RMA :RMA Issue >˻Ȩ(RMA)ǩ :RMA Issue & Receipt - Create sales >˻Ȩ(RMA)ǩջ - :RMA Issue - CrossShip Detail >˻Ȩ(RMA)ǩ - ϸ :RMA Issue - General Detail >˻Ȩ(RMA)ǩ - һ :RMA Issue - Heading Fields >˻Ȩ(RMA)ǩ - ֶ :RMA Issue Archive Viewer >RMA ǩ鿴 :RMA Issue and Receipt >˻Ȩ(RMA)ǩջ :RMA Issues >˻ƷȨǩ :RMA Issues and Receipts >˻ƷȨǩǩ :RMA Line Details >RMAϸ :RMA Line Receipt >RMA ջ :RMA Lines >˻Ȩ(RMA) :RMA List >RMA б :RMA Maintain >˻Ȩ(RMA)ά :RMA Maintenance >˻Ȩ(RMA)ά :RMA Maintenance of custom forms for a completed RMA >˻Ȩ(RMA)Ϊɵ˻Ȩ(RMA)άԶ :RMA Maintenance/Receipt >RMAάջ :RMA Master > RMA :RMA Options >RMAѡ :RMA Outstanding RMA Report >˻Ȩ(RMA)δ˻Ȩ(RMA) :RMA Print Totals >RMA ӡϼ :RMA Problem Code Browse program >RMA :RMA Problem Code Maintenance >˻Ȩ(RMA)ά :RMA Problem codes >˻ƷȨ :RMA Purge >˻ƷȨ :RMA Query >˻ƷȨѯ :RMA Query for Stock Code >RMAѯ :RMA Query for Stock Codes >RMA ѯ :RMA Receipt >RMAջ :RMA Receipt - archive allowed >˻Ȩ(RMA)ջ - 鵵 :RMA Receipt - credit allowed >˻Ȩ(RMA)ջ - :RMA Receipt - exchange allowed >˻Ȩ(RMA)ջ - :RMA Receipt - fix in-house allowed >˻Ȩ(RMA)ջ - ڲ :RMA Receipt - inspect allowed >˻Ȩ(RMA)ջ - :RMA Receipt Action >RMAջ :RMA Receipt History >RMAջʷ¼ :RMA Received Date >RMA :RMA Reports >˻ƷȨ :RMA Reset status from %1 >˻Ȩ(RMA) %1 λ״̬ :RMA Restocking Components Temporary File >RMA ¿沿ʱļ :RMA Setup >˻ƷȨ :RMA Setup Options >RMA ѡ :RMA add line >˻Ȩ(RMA) :RMA branch >RMA֧ :RMA comments >RMAע :RMA date >RMA :RMA detail selection >RMA ϸѡ :RMA for Stock Code >˻Ȩ(RMA) :RMA header notes / comments >RMAעͣ˵ :RMA header notes/comments >RMA ҳüע/ע :RMA issue date >RMA ǩ :RMA issue date selection >RMAͷѡ :RMA line >RMA :RMA line type >RMA :RMA lines have been entered. Discard? >˻Ȩ(RMA)롣Ҫ :RMA number >˻ƷȨ :RMA number not on file >˻Ȩ(RMA)벻 :RMA number selection >RMAѡ :RMA numbering >RMA :RMA numbering method >RMAŷ :RMA numbers >RMA :RMA print options >RMAӡѡ :RMA printed >ѴӡRMA :RMA printed indicator >˻Ȩ(RMA)Ѵӡָ :RMA problem code selection >RMA ѡ :RMA received date selection >RMAѡ :RMA return date >RMA :RMA return date selection >RMA˻ѡ :RMA selection >RMAѡ :RMA status >RMA״̬ :RMA time >RMAʱ :RMA type >RMA :RMA type selection >RMAѡ :RMAs >RMA :RMAs Issued - All Customers >ͷRMA - ȫͻ :RMAs by Customer >ͻ˻Ȩ(RMA) :RMAs for customer >ͻ˻Ȩ(RMA) :ROT - Routings >ROT - Routings :RPT >RPT :RPT file >RPT ļ :RSC - Resources >RSC - Դ :RSH portion >RSH :RTS Errors >RTS :RTS error >RTS 错误 :RTV Journal Report >˻(RTV)ռʱ :RTV Purge >˻(RTV) :RTV Return Report >˻(RTV)˻ :RTV Return Slip Batch Print >˻(RTV)˻ӡ :RTV Return Slip Fromat Setup >˻(RTV)˻ʽӡ :RTV Review >˻(RTV) :RTV Setup >˻(RTV) :RTV Status Report >˻(RTV)״̬ :RTV number >RTV :RW Browse on Reports >RW :RW Browse on Standard Report Library >RW ׼ :RW Create reports that update data >RW ݵı :RW Data Dictionary Columns >RW ֵ :RW Data Dictionary Import Wizard >RW ֵ䵼 :RW Data Dictionary Keys >RW ֵԿ :RW Data Dictionary Linkages >RW ֵ :RW Data Dictionary Tables >RW ֵ :RW Export Data Definition >RW ݶ :RW File Handler - ISAM >RW ļ - ISAM :RW File Handler - SQL >RW ļ - SQL :RW Generate Report Writer Modules >RW ɱдģ :RW Import Data Definition >RW ݶ :RW List of Reports >RW б :RW Multiple Column Selection >RW ѡ :RW Query >RW ѯ :RW Recent Reports >RW :RW Report Browse and Maintenance >RW ά :RW Report Maintenance >RW ά :RW Report Master >RW :RW Report Writer >RW д :RW Report Writer Trigger Program >RW д :RW Report Writer Wizard >RW д :RW Sequential to Index Converter >RW ˳ת :RW Standard Report Library >RW ׼ :RW System Variable Browse >RW ϵͳ :RW XML Report Viewer >RW XML 鿴 :RW XML Wizard >RW XML :Radial > :Radio button >ߵ簴ť :Radio buttons will return values of 1 upwards according >ѡť 1 ϵֵ :Raise > :Raise Action > :Raise Job/PO/Requisition >ҵ/ɹ (PO)/빺 :Raise New >µ :Raise P/O Requisition >ɹ(P/O)빺 :Raise an action > :Raise and maintain orders against suppliers >ԹӦά :Raise or Link > :Raise or Link P/O Req or Job >Ӳɹ빺ҵ :Raise/Link to Job >ҵ :Raised against > :Raised from quotation number >ӱۺ :Random (pricing qty) >ģ :Random (pricing quantity) > () :Range >Χ :Range %1 >Χ %1 :Range Component Selection >Χѡ :Range Operation Selection >Χѡ :Range of GRN's >GRN 范围 :Range of Serial Numbers >к뷶Χ :Range of record numbers to be created >Ҫļ¼뷶Χ :Ranges >Χ :Ranges to be used in this option >ڱѡʹõķΧ :Rate > :Rate % >% :Rate %1 > %1 :Rate Method Time and Capacity >ʷʱ :Rate Method Time and Capacity Calculations >ʷʱ :Rate description >˵ :Rate details > :Rate effective >Ч :Rate effective from >Ч :Rate ind >ָ :Rate ind. used rate from operation - warning >ָʹԲķ - :Rate indicator >ָ :Rate indicator selection >ָѡ :Rate indicators >ָ :Rate per hour >ÿСʱ :Rates > :Rates for Cost Center >ɱķ :Rates for Work Center >ҵķ :Rates to use in labor posting >ҪͶвõķ :Ratio > :Ratio Analysis >ʷ :Ratio Details > :Ratio Graph >ͼ :Ratio value >ֵ :Raw Material >ԭ :Raw Materials >原材料 :Raw Materials Buyer >ԭϲɹ :Raw Materials Purchasing Manager >ԭϲɹ :Raw Materials Warehouse >ԭϲֿ :Re-Establish Invoice >´Ʊ :Re-Index >± :Re-Instate Quotation >ָ :Re-Route >· :Re-Route Non-Stocked Code >ȷǿ· :Re-calculate dynamic elapsed times >¼㶯̬ʱ :Re-cost stock items from raw material level through to the finished product >¹ԭϲһֱƷĿĿijɱ :Re-create suggested jobs >´ҵ :Re-enter new password > :Re-enter password > :Re-establish >ؽ :Re-establish Check Details >´ϸ :Re-establish Check/EFT >´֧Ʊת(EFT) :Re-establish Details of a Purged Invoice >ؽƱϸ :Re-establish Invoices >ؽƱ :Re-established >ؽ :Re-established Invoice >´Ʊ :Re-established password '%1' invalid >±Ƶ '%1' Ч :Re-establishing Invoice >´Ʊ :Re-establishing of invoices not allowed >½Ʊ :Re-establishment of an invoice whilst posting to a prior period will result in that invoice being posted to current period >ijһǰڼʱ´Ʊ·Ʊǰڼ :Re-extract Batch >ȡ :Re-extract a batch of payments which were previously extracted >ȡǰȡĸ :Re-import Single Module >µ뵥 ģ :Re-instate Purchase Order Dates >ָɹ :Re-instate Supply Dates >ָӦ :Re-instate dates for >ָڣ :Re-order Cycle >重下订单周期 :Re-order Quantity >¶ :Re-order qty >¶ :Re-sequence components >򲿼 :Re-stock percentage >¿ٷֱ :Read >ȡ :Read only >ֻ :Read record >读取记录 :Read-only color >Ѿɫ :Read/Write >ȡд :Reading Dictionary >ڶȡֵ :Reading Foreign Keys >ڶȡ :Ready > :Ready for printing >ӡ :Ready for printing (1) >ӡ(1) :Ready to invoice >߷Ʊ :Ready to invoice (7) >߷Ʊ (7) :Ready to invoice (8) >߷Ʊ (8) :Ready to print >ӡ :Ready to print (3) >ӡ(3) :Ready to purge >准备清除 :Reason >ԭ :Reason - Description >ԭ - :Reason Code Details >ԭϸ :Reason Code Maintenance >ԭά :Reason Codes >ԭ :Reason Codes Maintenance >ԭά :Reason For Cancellation >ȡԭ :Reason For Credit Note >Ʊԭ :Reason cancelled >ȡԭ :Reason code >ԭ :Reason code '%1' not found >δҵԭ '%1' :Reason code cannot be blank >ԭ벻Ϊհ :Reason code description >ԭ :Reason code not on file >ԭ벻 :Reason code record locked >ԭ¼ :Reason code selection >ԭѡ :Reason description >ԭ˵ :Reason details >ԭ :Reason for addition >ԭ :Reason for adjustment >ԭ :Reason for cancel/hold >ȡԭ :Reason for cancelling order >ȡԭ :Reason for change >ԭ :Reason for demand >ԭ :Reason for demand/supply >/Ӧԭ :Reason for disposal >ԭ :Reason for hold >ԭ :Reason for rate change >ʸԭ :Reason for rejection >ܾԭ :Reason for req >ԭ :Reason for reqn >ԭ :Reason for requisition >빺ԭ :Reason for revaluation >¹ԭ :Reason for suspension >ԭ :Reason for the adjustment >ԭ :Reason modified >޸ԭ :Reason on Hold >ԭ :Reason selection >ԭѡ :Reason warehouse not updated >δ²ֿԭ :Reason: %1 >ԭ %1 :Reasons code >ԭ :Reasons for Disposal >ԭ :Reasons for Revaluation >ԭ :Reasons for not creating job >ҵԭ :Rebate >ؿ :Rebate %1 >ؿ %1 :Rebate for Purchases >ɹؿ :Rebuild >¹ :Rebuild Analysis >¹ :Rebuild Analysis History >¹ʷ¼ :Rebuild Cross Reference File >¹ղοļ :Rebuild Foreign Keys >¹ :Rebuild actuals >¹ֻ :Rebuild approved >׼¹ :Rebuild committed values >¹ѳиֵ :Rebuild movements table >¹䶯 :Rebuild successfully completed >¹ѳɹ :Rebuild uncommitted values >¹δиֵ :Rec >Ӧտ :Rec - Receive goods in >Rec - ջص :Rec W/h >ջ :Rec date >յ :Rec quantity >¼ :Rec year/month >Ӧ/ :Rec'd qty >յ :Rec. date >ջ :Recalc Amount >¼ :Recalc Cum >¼ۼ :Recalc. actual cost from FIFO buckets >¼ FIFO Ͱʵʳɱ :Recalc. actual cost original receipt qty >¼ʵʳɱԭʼջ :Recalc. current cost from FIFO buckets >¼ FIFO Ͱĵǰɱ :Recalculate >¼ :Recalculate Detail Fields >¼ϸ :Recalculate Field Positions >¼ֶλ :Recalculate Invoice Totals >¼㷢Ʊϼ :Recalculate actual cost from FIFO bucket >¼ FIFO Ͱʵʳɱ :Recalculate actual cost from FIFO buckets >¼ FIFO Ͱʵʳɱ :Recalculate at Total level >ܲ¼ :Recalculate cumulative >¼ۼֵ :Recalculate current cost from FIFO bucke >¼ FIFO Ͱĵǰɱ :Recalculate current cost from FIFO buckets >FIFOͰ¼ɱ :Recalculate forecast accuracy >¼Ԥ׼ȷ :Recalculate line discount breaks on quotation confirmation >¼㱨ȷϵۿ۷ :Recalculate local value >¼㵱ؼֵ :Recalculate schedule from contract details >从合同明细重新计算排程 :Recalculate stocking qty to dispatch >¼ҪĿ :Recalculate the Payment Amount to Equal Selected Invoices >¼㸶ԵѡƱ :Recalculate the expected labor and material costs of jobs and to optionally update these costs against the jobs >¼㹤ԤͶͲϳɱѡԹЩɱ :Recalculate the low level code for each bill of materials structure and update the Inventory Master file/table >¼ÿһݲϵĵͼ벢´ļ/ :Recalculated final balances >重新计算最终现有量 :Recalculation criteria >¼׼ :Recalculation in Progress >ִ¼ :Recap Totals >ºϼ :Recap of actions taken >ȡĸ´ʩ :Receipt >վ :Receipt All >ȫյ :Receipt Batch Serials >ջϵ :Receipt Comments >վע :Receipt Entire Order with Added Cost Elements >߱ӳɱԪصջɶ :Receipt GIT >ջGIT :Receipt History >ջ¼ :Receipt Information >ջϢ :Receipt Line >ջ :Receipt Line Details >ջϸ :Receipt Lines >ջ :Receipt Lines with Selected Stock Code >߱ѡջ :Receipt Options >收货选项 :Receipt RMA Line >ջ˻Ȩ(RMA) :Receipt Return Merchandise Line >ִƷ :Receipt Return Merchandise Lines >ִƷ :Receipt Stock Information >ջϢ :Receipt Totals >ջϼ :Receipt Transaction >ջ :Receipt action >ջ :Receipt actual cost >ջʵʳɱ :Receipt bin location not on file >ջⲻ :Receipt block heading >ջ :Receipt cost >ջɱ :Receipt date >յ :Receipt date later than return by date >ջ˻ :Receipt date selection >ջѡ :Receipt dates >ջ :Receipt details >ջϸ :Receipt exception rules >ջ :Receipt flag >ջ :Receipt in Entire P/O >ɹ (P/O) еջ :Receipt in Entire Purchase Order >ɹеջ :Receipt into Inspection >պļ :Receipt items from inspection into stock >ӼջĿ :Receipt method >ջ :Receipt method code >ջ :Receipt qty >ջ :Receipt qty greater than qty outstanding >ջδ :Receipt qty u/m >ջλ :Receipt qty uom >ջλ :Receipt quantities have changed. Please re-apply apportionment details now >ջѸġӦ÷̯ϸ :Receipt quantity >ջ :Receipt quantity exceeds outstanding quantity of '%1' >ջ '%1' δ :Receipt quantity exceeds the permitted supply variance percentage '%1' >ջĹӦ仯ٷֱ '%1' :Receipt stocked jobs automatically >ԶΪҵվ :Receipt value >ջֵ :Receipt warehouse >ջֿ :Receipt with zero price not allowed >߱۸վ :Receipted into stock > :Receipts >վ :Receipts for >վݣ :Receipts for Lot >εջ :Receipts for Serial >ϵеջ :Receipts for Serials >ϵջ :Receipts posted >ѹʵվ :Receipts value >վݼֵ :Receivable >Ӧյ :Receivable Turnover Rate Graph >տĿӪҵͼ :Receivable turnover days >տĿӪҵ :Receivable turnover rate >տĿӪҵ :Receivables >Ӧյ :Receivables Clerk >Ӧ˿Ա :Receivables Manager >Ӧ˿ :Receivables Turnover >տĿӪҵ :Receive Goods In > :Receive Payment for a Counter Sale >չ̨۵ĸ :Receive Qty >ջ :Receive Quantity > :Receive Single Line >յ :Receive a manufactured item into stock from a job >ӹƳƷ :Receive into inspection >պ :Receive into stock >յ :Receive lines on a Goods in Transit reference and apportion non-merchandise costs over each line >;οвÿһз̯Ʒɱ :Received >յ :Received Back From Depot >տ :Received date > :Received date selection >յѡ :Received from depot >ӳվյĻ :Received into inspection and acknowledged >յͶ顢ȷ :Received into inspection but not acknowledged >պ飬δȷ :Received into stock and acknowledged >յȷ :Received into stock but not acknowledged >ѽ⣬δȷ :Received qty >յ :Received quantity >ѽ :Received quantity must be greater than zero >ѽ :Received shipments >ѽյĻ :Received value >ѽܵļֵ :Received/Authorized quantities differ >յģͬ :Receiver >ջ :Receiving - credits > - :Receiving Report >ջ :Receiving Report in Progress >ִнձ :Receiving Warehouse >ղֿ :Receiving area >ջ :Receiving lot exists but has no quantity on hand. Would you like to update the creation date of this lot to be the same as the sending lot? >Ѵڣûϣ¸εĴʹ뷢ͬ :Receiving price >ռ۸ :Receiving quantity >ջ :Receiving warehouse code not on file >ջֿ벻 :Receiving wh >ջֿ :Recent Color >ɫ :Recent Colour >ɫ :Recent Customer Purchases >ڿͻɹ :Recent Files >ļ :Recent Flow Graphs >ͼ :Recent Fonts > :Recent Programs >ij :Recent Purchase Orders >ڲɹ :Recent Purchases >ɹ :Recent Quotes >ı :Recent Reports > :Recent Sales Orders >۶ :Recipient List >嵥 :Reclassify >· :Reclassify Customer or Deductions >·ͻ۳ :Reclassify Deductions >·۳ :Recommended >ѽ :Recon/Unrecon >ЭЭ :Reconcile > :Reconcile / Unreconcile >ʣ :Reconcile by > :Reconcile by Check >֧ͨƱ :Reconcile deposits and withdrawals to the corresponding bank statement entries using an import file >ʹõļӦеıĿд :Reconcile entries >Э :Reconcile re-established voided checks >½Ч֧Ʊ :Reconcile this transaction? >Ҫʱ :Reconcile/Unreconcile >/ȡ :Reconcile/Unreconcile by Check >֧Ʊʣδ :Reconciled >Ѷʵ :Reconciled date > :Reconciled deposit entries >Ѷ˵ĴĿ :Reconciled deposits >Ѷ :Reconciled flag >Ѷ˱ :Reconciled month >· :Reconciled only >Э :Reconciled transactions >ѶʵĽ :Reconciled transactions dated before >֮ǰѶʵĽ :Reconciled transactions only >ЭĽ :Reconciled value >Ѷʵļֵ :Reconciled withdrawal entries >Ѷ˵ȡĿ :Reconciled withdrawals >Ѷ :Reconciled year > :Reconciled year/month >ݣ¶ :Reconciliation > :Reconciliation Statement >ʱ :Reconciliation Statement in Progress >ִжʱ :Reconciliation as of >ˣ :Reconciliation date > :Reconciliation file name >ļ :Reconciliation file name (output) >ļ :Reconciliation information >ȷ :Reconciliation statement as of >ʱ棬 :Reconst > :Record >¼ :Record %1 does not start with a '%2' or contains only spaces >¼ %1 '%2' ʼո :Record Activity Against Account >对照账户记录活动 :Record Activity for Account >记录账户活动 :Record Layout Import in Progress >ִм¼ֵ :Record Layout(s) >¼ʽ :Record Layouts >¼ :Record Length Validation >¼֤ :Record Locked >¼ :Record Locking Utility >¼ʵó :Record Phone Call >¼绰 :Record Type Definition >¼Ͷ :Record already excists >¼Ѵ :Record already exists >¼Ѵ :Record approvals >¼ :Record as lost sale >¼Ϊʧ :Record count >¼ :Record does not start with a '%1' >¼ '%1' ͷ :Record does not start with a 'B' >¼'B'ͷ :Record does not start with a 'P' >¼'P'ͷ :Record found is an operation >所找到的记录为操作 :Record inventory movements by serial or lot >ϵлμ¼䶯 :Record is locked >¼ :Record is not deleted. The Supply Warehouse validation program is in progress >¼δɾִйӦֿ֤ :Record is not saved. The Supply Warehouse validation program is in progress >¼δ档ִйӦֿ֤ :Record layout selection >¼ѡ :Record layouts (MAC) >¼(MAC) :Record length >¼ :Record limit >¼ :Record locked by another user >һûļ¼ :Record locked. Record will be ignored >¼¼ :Record locked. Retry? >¼Ҫ :Record lost sale >¼ :Record lost sale unselected >δѡʧ¼ :Record movements for bin transfers >תƵļ¼䶯 :Record not found >δҵ¼ :Record number written >дļ¼ :Record processed >Ѵļ¼ :Record serial numbers >¼к :Record the basic agreement with a customer >¼ͻĻЭ :Record the receipt of goods invoiced to the customer >¼ͻ߷Ʊջ :Record the receipt of items you have tracked and want to cost using the Landed Cost Tracking system >¼ѸϣʹõɱϵͳгɱĿջ :Record the results of a stock count performed on a selected range of inventory items >¼ԸѡĿִпĽ :Record type >¼ :Record type length >¼ͳ :Record type position >¼λ :Record types >¼ :Record, authorize and post GL transactions; authorize and post journals from the sub-modules; and rectify errors on ledger journals created from the sub-module >¼Ȩ͹ GL ףȨģռˣҾģɵķռеĴ :Record/Key Length Validation >¼ؼֳ֤ :Records >¼ :Records created >Ѵļ¼ :Records exported >ѵļ¼ :Records ignored >ѺԵļ¼ :Records imported >ѵļ¼ :Records matched >ȵļ¼ :Records per tickover >ѡļ¼ :Records processed >Ѵļ¼ :Records processed per tickover >ѡѴ¼ :Records read >Ѷȡļ¼ :Records updated >Ѹµļ¼ :Records written >дļ¼ :Recoveries Estimate >ָ :Recovery qty > :Recovery value >ռֵ :Recreate >´ :Recreate Alternate Indexes >´滻 :Recreate Invoice Reference >´Ʊο :Recreate Master database >´ݿ :Recreate SSIS packages >´ SSIS :Recreate Sales History >½ʷ¼ :Recreate WIP Master/Sub Job File >WIPתҵļ :Recreate archive from transactions >ӽ´ :Recreate dynamic capacity profile >´̬ļ :Recreate dynamic capacity profile file >´̬ļ :Recreate history detail from archive >Ϊʷ¼ϸ :Recreate history summary from archive >Ϊʷ¼ժҪ :Recreate in Progress >´ :Recreate requisition header >´빺ҳü :Recreate the Requisition Header >´빺ҳü :Recreate user objects >´û :Recreated >´ :Recreating AR Invoice Reference >´ AR Ʊο :Recurrence pattern >ģʽ :Recurring >ѭ :Recurring Journal >ռ :Recurring Journal Code >ѭռʴ :Recurring Journal Entries for >ѭԵռ :Recurring Journal Entries for Journal >ռ˵ռ :Recurring Journal Entry Lines >ѭԵ :Recurring Journal Header >ѭԵռҳü :Recurring Journal Maintenance >ѭԵռά :Recurring Tasks >ѭԵ :Recurring authorized journals selection >Ȩռѡ :Recurring code >ظԴ :Recurring jnl code >ѭԵռʴ :Recurring journal code selection >ѭռʴѡ :Recurring journal has been purged. Program cancelled >ѭԵռʡȡ :Recurring journal selection >ռѡ :Recurring journals >经常性日记账 :Red >ɫ :Red flag >ɫ :Red flag Activity >ɫ־ :Redefining the primary history key will invalidate any data currently held in the Sales History File when setup options are saved. Do you wish to continue? >¶ʷؼֽڱѡʱ±ʷ¼ļеκʧЧϣ :Redo > :Redo (Ctrl+Y) >(Ctrl+Y) :Redo Last Action >ظһ :Redraw graph >»ͼ :Reduce S/O value by tax amount when tax is inclusive >˰ʱ˰۶ֵ :Reduce Tax Base by Terms Discount >ۿ۽˰ջ׼ :Reduce amount receipted into stock by >ջͨ :Reduce order qty by shipped qty >װͶ :Reduce proxy's sales after >ں󽵵ʹ˵ :Reduce proxy's sales when forecasting proxy >Ԥʱʹ˵ :Reduce qty on hand by allocated qty (if s/o not required) >ѷٴҪ۶ :Reduce sales when forecasting proxy >Reduce sales when forecasting proxy :Reduce shipped quantity by >װͨ :Reduce tax base by terms discount for freight lines >ͨ˷ۿۼٿ˰ :Reduce tax base by terms discount for merchandise lines >ͨƷۿۼٿ˰ :Reduce tax base by terms discount for miscellaneous lines >ͨۿۼٿ˰ :Reducing balance > :Redundant > :Reestablish >ؽ :Ref complete >ο :Ref. complete >ο :Ref/invoice >ο/Ʊ :Reference >ο :Reference Amount >ο :Reference / Check >ο :Reference Complete >ο :Reference Details >参考详情 :Reference Header Information >οҳüϢ :Reference Information >οϢ :Reference Line Details >οϸ :Reference Options >οѡ :Reference cannot be blank >οΪ :Reference may not be blank >οΪհ :Reference number >ο :Reference selection >οѡ :Reference value invalid >οֵЧ :Reference/Check >ο/ :References >ο :Refresh >ˢ :Refresh Analysis >ˢ· :Refresh Asset Entries >ˢʲĿ :Refresh Attendee List >ˢ³ϯб :Refresh Bank Transactions Lines >ˢн :Refresh Costs >刷新成本 :Refresh Current URL >ˢµǰURL :Refresh Details with the Selected Options >ˢ¾߱ѡѡϸ :Refresh F5 >ˢ F5 :Refresh Filtered Data >ˢ¹ :Refresh GRN's >ˢ GRN :Refresh Goods in Transit with the Selected Options >ˢ¾߱ѡѡ; :Refresh Inbox >ˢռ :Refresh Invoices >ˢ·Ʊ :Refresh Invoices with the Selected Options >ˢ¾߱ѡѡķƱ :Refresh Lines >ˢ :Refresh Material Requirement Details >ˢ²Ҫϸ :Refresh Material Review >ˢ² :Refresh Object Explorer >ˢ¶ :Refresh Purchases >ˢ²ɹ :Refresh References >ˢ²ο :Refresh Sales Order Lines >刷新销售订单行 :Refresh Sales Order Lines with the Selected Options >刷新具备选定选项的销售订单行 :Refresh Sales Orders >刷新销售订单 :Refresh Sales Orders with the Selected Options >ˢ¾߱ѡѡ۶ :Refresh Samples >ˢƷ :Refresh Scheduled Status >ˢų״̬ :Refresh Services >ˢ· :Refresh Targets >ˢĿ :Refresh Tasks >ˢ :Refresh View >ˢͼ :Refresh Warehouse History with the Selected Options >ˢ¾߱ѡѡIJֿ¼ :Refresh Workflows >ˢ¹ :Refresh after copy >ƺˢ :Refresh details >ˢϸ :Refresh job >ˢҵ :Refresh lines with discounts by p/class >߱Ʒȼۿ۵ˢ :Refresh listview >刷新列表视图 :Refresh movements >ˢ±䶯 :Refresh movements with the selected options >ˢ¾߱ѡѡı䶯 :Refresh order lines listview after every new line >ÿһк¶б鿴 :Refresh period >ˢ :Refresh the Customized Panes >刷新自定义窗格 :Refresh the List of Sample Code >ӡƷб :Refresh the Workflow Information >ˢ¹Ϣ :Refresh the Workflow Services >ˢ¹̷ :Refresh the client computers list >ˢ¿ͻб :Refresh the forecast >ˢԤ :Refresh the log >ˢ־ :Refresh the report data >ˢ± :Refresh this PDF >ˢ´ PDF :Refresh this graph >ˢ´ͼ :Refresh this listview >ˢ´б鿴 :Refresh this notepad >ˢ´˼± :Refresh this report >ˢ´˱ :Refresh this user control >ˢ´û :Refresh this web page >ˢ´ web ҳ :Refresh time >ˢʱ :Refresh transactions >ˢ½ :Refresh warehouse history >ˢ²ֿ¼ :Refresh warehouse values >ˢ²ֵֿ :Refresh warehouse values with the selected options >ˢ¾߱ѡѡIJֵֿ :Refreshed >ˢ :Refreshes the available workflow instances list >ˢ¿ùʵ :Refreshes the filtered list >ˢ¹б :Refund > :Refund Amount >˿ :Refund amount is greater than the deposit amount for this line. Would you like to process an automatic refund? >ڴеĴϣԶ? :Refund block heading >˿ :Refund deposit > :Refund type > :Refunded by >˿ :Reg > :Reg No >ǼǺ :Reg/jnl entry number >עᣯռ :Regarding > :Regenerate Report >´ :Regional Manager > :Register >Ǽ :Register number >ע :Register number not on file >ע벻 :Register number selection >עѡ :Register options >ǼDzѡ :Register total >ǼDzϼ :Register totals >ǼDzϼ :Registered Invoices >עķƱ :Registered for VAT >VAT Ǽ :Registered invoice not on file >עᷢƱ :Registered invoices cash requirement >עᷢƱֽҪ :Registers current year >עᵱǰ :Registers previous year >עһ :Registration >ע :Registration Number >ǼǺ :Registration Number Validation >עѡ :Registration details >עϸ :Registration no >ע :Registration number >ע :Regular > :Reindex >± :Reindex Archive Control Table >Ʊ :Reindex Data Files >ļ :Reindex Files >ļ :Reindex Interrupt >±ж :Reindex Log >־ :Reindex Lot Archive File >±εļ :Reindex R/W User File >±Ʊ(R/W)ûļ :Reindex Text Translate File >ıļ :Reindex User File >±ûļ :Reindex completed >Ŀ :Reindex in Progress >ִ :Reindex the Archive control table for this Document Type >ΪĵƱ :Reindex the SQL Archive control table for this Document Type >Ϊĵ SQL Ʊ :Reindexed >± :Reindexed OK > :Reindexing will start now for all selected files. Do you wish to continue? >ȫѡļ±ʼϣ :Reindexing will start now for all selected files. Do you wish to continue? >ѡļʼϣ :Reinstate >ָ :Reinstate AR >ָӦʿ(AR) :Reinstate Deduction >ָ۳ :Reinstate Invoice >ָƱ :Reinstate Registered Invoice >ָעᷢƱ :Reinstate Void Check >ָЧ֧Ʊ :Reinstate Void Check/EFT >ظЧ֧ƱEFT :Reinstate details >恢复详情 :Reject >ϸƷ :Reject Archive Viewer >ܾ鿴 :Reject Document >ϸƷļ :Reject Quotation >ϸƷ۵ :Reject Stock >տ :Reject code >ϸƷ :Reject code for negative >ܾĴ :Reject documents set to >ϸƷļΪ :Reject import receipts if cost variance exceeded >ɱ죬ܾջ :Reject line for partial hold >ֱľ :Reject message >ϸƷϢ :Reject or Reinstat line >ָܾ :Reject the import if an invalid record is found >緢Ч¼ܾ :Reject the import if an invalid row is found >緢ЧУܾ :Reject/Reinstate >ָܾ :Rejected >Ѿܾ :Rejected (R) >Ѿܾ(R) :Rejected Date >ܾ :Rejected qty >Ѿ :Rejected quotations >Ѿܾı :Rejection >ܾ :Rejection report >ܾ :Rel >ǩ :Rel date >ǩ :Rel level >м :Rel man >ǩԱ :Rel------ >ǩ------ :Related >ص :Related Purchase Orders >زɹ :Related links menu >Ӳ˵ :Related p/orders >زɹ :Relationship >ϵ :Relationship Settings >ϵֵ :Relationship Validation >ϵȷ :Relationships >ϵ :Release >ǩ :Release %1 >ǩ %1 :Release & Confirmation >ͷȷ :Release '%1' not numeric > '%1' :Release Acknowledgement Report >ǩȷϱ :Release Acknowledgement Report in Progress >ִͷȷϱ :Release All >ȫ :Release All Invoices >зƱ :Release All Lines >ͷȫ :Release All Reserved Lots and Serials >бκϵ :Release All for Entire Job >Ϊҵȫ :Release B/order Qty >ͷڶ :Release Backorder Quantity >ͷǷ :Release Bins for Lot for Allocation >Ϊηп :Release Closed >ͷѹر :Release Confirmation >ȷ :Release Data >ǩ :Release Details >ͷϸ :Release ECO Statuses >ͷECO״̬ :Release Entire Requisition >빺 :Release Error >ͷŴ :Release Group >ͷ :Release Highlighted Lines >ͷͻʾ :Release History >ͷʷ¼ :Release Hold >ͷ :Release Invoice >зƱ :Release Invoices >ͷŷƱ :Release Invoices Selections >зƱѡ :Release Invoices by Review >ǩƱ :Release Invoices for Manual Check Payment >ֶ֧ƱķƱ :Release Invoices for Payment >ڸķƱ :Release Invoices for Payment Run >ڸеķƱ :Release Journal >ǩռ :Release Line >ͷ :Release Lines >ͷ :Release Maint >ά :Release Maintenance >ǩά :Release Maintenance for Customer >ǩͻά :Release Master > :Release Master Query >ǩѯ :Release Options >ͷѡ :Release Orders >发行订单 :Release Payments Report in Progress >ִͷŸ :Release Reference >ͷŲο :Release Requisition or Line >빺 :Release Reserved Batch Serials for Co-product for Job >ǩҵͬƷıϵ :Release Reserved Batch Serials for Job >Ϊҵбϵ :Release Reserved Batch Serials for allocation for Job >Ϊҵ䷢бϵ :Release Reserved Lot >б :Release Reserved Lots for Allocation for Job >Ϊҵ䷢б :Release Reserved Lots for Co-product for Job >ǩҵͬƷı :Release Reserved Lots for Job >Ϊҵб :Release Reserved Manual Serials for Co-product for Job >ǩҵͬƷıֶϵ :Release Reserved Manual Serials for Job >Ϊҵбֶϵ :Release Reserved Manual Serials for allocation for Job >Ϊҵ䷢бֶϵ :Release Reserved Serial >бϵ :Release Reserved Stock >б :Release Reserved Stock Query >бѯ :Release Review > :Release Review & Confirmation >ǩȷ :Release Schedule >׼ƻ :Release Schedule in Progress >ִͷżƻ :Release Selected Invoices and Apply Status Changes >ѡƱӦ״̬ :Release Selected Lines >ѡ :Release Selected Requisition Line >ѡ빺 :Release Status >ͷ״̬ :Release Stock Code >п :Release Stock Codes >ͷſ :Release a Range of Serial Numbers >ǩһϵϵк :Release all EFT Cash Book payments that were marked for release >бΪе EFT ֽ˲ :Release all jobs and locks on new jobs >й¹ :Release all lines currently on view according to their release quantity? >Ҫձ˴˵ķеǰλͼе :Release all lines selected according to their release quantity? >Ҫͷͷѡķȫ :Release all lines selected according to their reserved quantity? >Ҫ䱣ѡ? :Release all locks on material allocations >ͷŲϷ :Release all p/o and locks on new p/o >вɹ²ɹ :Release all reserved lots and serials for the entire job? >Ҫҵбκϵ :Release all s/o and locks on new s/o >۶۶ :Release all the reserved lots and serials for the allocation? >Ҫибκϵ :Release all the reserved lots and serials for the co-product? >ҪǩùͬƷбκϵ :Release all the reserved lots and serials for the parent part? >Ҫибκϵ :Release by Review >ǩ :Release date >ͷ :Release date selection >ͷѡ :Release dates > :Release day >ǩ :Release day selection >ͷѡ :Release detail >ͷϸ :Release details and options >ϸѡ :Release from multiple lines may not be selected as units of measure differ >ڵλͬ˲ѡӶз :Release from multiple lines may not be selected if auto-depletion is in use >Զ⴦ʹУ򲻵ѡӶз :Release highlighted contracts for creation of Purchase Orders? >ҪΪɹͷͻʾĺͬ :Release hold on all stock codes listed on this ECO? >ҪͣͷڴECOеȫ :Release hold on material allocations >ͣͷŲϷ :Release hold on new and existing jobs >ͣͷµĺеҵ :Release hold on new and existing purchase orders >ͣͷµĺеIJɹ :Release hold on new and existing sales orders >ͣͷµĺе۶ :Release hold on quotation? >Ҫͣͷű :Release level >ˮƽ :Release lots and serials >κϵ :Release manager >ͷŹ :Release manager details >о :Release manager selection >оѡ :Release numbering >ͷű :Release of Backorder Qty for Job >ҵڽǩ :Release of Backorder Quantity >ڶͷ :Release of Scheduled Invoices >ƻƱͷ :Release payments >发行付款 :Release quantity >ͷ :Release quantity exceeds backorder quantity >ͷڶ :Release quantity exceeds on hand quantity. Inventory setup options do not allow stock on hand to go negative >ѡпΪ :Release quantity exceeds on hand quantity. Inventory setup options or operator preferences do not allow stock on hand to go negative >ͷѡԱпΪ :Release reserved lots >б :Release schedule information >ͷżƻϢ :Release selected contracts for creation of Purchase Orders? >Ҫڴɹѡͬ? :Release selected line? >Ҫͷѡ :Release stock maintenance for all >发行全部库存维护 :Release the reserved lots/serials now? >ҪбΣϵ :Release the selected Cash Book EFT transactions to the EFT payments file >ǩѡֽʲת(EFT)ת(EFT)ļ :Release this group? >ҪͷŸ :Release this journal? >Ҫͷűռ :Release value >мֵ :Release warning line for dispatch >Ϊо :Release would produce negative value check >ǩֵ֧Ʊ :Release would produce zero value check >ǩֵ֧Ʊ :Release!! >У :Release-cxt >ͷ-cxt :Release/Apply Changes >ͷţӦø :Release/Apply Chg >УӦø :Release/update a batch of sales order lines by processing back order release information that is imported >ͨڽϢ/һɹ :Released >ѷ :Released (not due) >ͷŵģδڣ :Released Payment Report >ѷеĸ :Released Payments >ǩ :Released Payments Report >׼ĸ :Released backorder >ͷŵڽ :Released backorder (3) >ͷŵڶ(3) :Released backorders >ѷеڽ :Released for invoice (8) >ͷŵķƱ(8) :Released for invoicing (8) >ͷǩƱ(8) :Released for payment >已发行用于付款 :Released order >ѷеĶ :Released payment list >ѷиб :Releases >ǩ :Releases Import >е :Releases before >֮ǰͷ :Releasing Back Ordered Line >ͷڶ :Releasing Lots >ڷ :Releasing Lots and Serials >ڷκϵ :Releasing Reserve Lots >ڷб :Releasing Reserved Lots >ڷб :Releasing Reserved Lots and Serials >ڷбκϵ :Releasing Reserved Lots and Serials for Allocation >Ϊ䷢бκϵ :Releasing Reserved Lots and Serials for Co-product >ǩͬƷıκϵ :Releasing Reserved Lots and Serials for Parent Part >Ϊбκϵ :Releasing Reserved Lots for Allocation >Ϊ䷢б :Releasing Reserved Lots for Co-product >ǩͬƷı :Releasing Reserved Lots for Parent Part >Ϊб :Releasing Reserved Serials >ڷбϵ :Releasing Reserved Serials for Allocation >Ϊ䷢бϵ :Releasing Reserved Serials for Co-product >ǩͬƷıϵ :Releasing Reserved Serials for Parent Part >Ϊбϵ :Releasing invoices for supplier >ͷŹӦ̷Ʊ :Reload GRN's >¼ GRN :Reload GRN's and Discard All Changes >重新加载 GRN 并放弃所有更改 :Reload GRN's for This Supplier and Discard All Changes >Ϊ˹Ӧ¼ GRN и :Reload Menu >¼ز˵ :Reload Query after Pegging Change >סĺ¼زѯ :Reload Tracking Data >¼׷ :Reload Viewer menu >¼ز鿴˵ :Reload last web page in SYSPRO browser >¼ SYSPRO еһ Web ҳ :Reload last web page on startup >ʱһҳ :Reload the list of SYSPRO Analytics servers >¼SYSPRO Analyticsб :Reload the list of SYSPRO Analytics sites >¼SYSPRO Analyticsվб :Reload the list of SYSPRO companies >¼SYSPRO˾б :Reload the list of analysis objects >¼طб :Reload the list of categories >¼б :Reload the list of column mappings >¼ӳб :Reload the list of diagnostic routines >¼б :Reload the list of global variables >¼ȫֱб :Reload the list of operators >¼زԱб :Reload the list of templates >¼ģб :Reloads the listview >¼бͼ :Rem value over rem life >ʣʣֵ :Remaining >ʣ :Remaining Amount > :Remaining Periods EUL >ʣ EUL :Remaining batch quantity >ʣ :Remaining batch quantity in inspection >ʣ :Remaining issue quantity >ʣǩ :Remaining lots allocation >剩余批次分配 :Remaining periods >ʣ :Remaining qty >ʣ :Remaining qty for inspection >ʣļ :Remaining quantity >ʣ :Remaining quantity in inspection >ʣ :Remaining serial numbers >ʣк :Remaining serial numbers in inspection >ʣϵк :Remaining serials >ʣϵ :Remaining serials in inspection >ʣϵ :Remanufacturing > :Remark >ע :Remarks >ע :Remember graph settings >ͼ :Remember last location >סλ :Remember successful company logins >סɹĹ˾¼ :Remember successful user name entries >סɹû :Remember that any VBScript for this action will not be automatically removed >记住,此操作的任何 VBScript 均不自动移除 :Remember that some files will always remain in C-ISAM >סijЩļDZ C-ISAM ʽ :Remember that some files will always remain in ISAM >סijЩļISAM :Rememeber that the budgets still need to be maintained for the various branches >סΪ֧Ԥ :Remind date > :Remind me again in >ʱٴ :Reminder >ʾ :Reminder date > :Reminders > :Remit > :Remittance > :Remittance Advice >֪ͨ :Remittance Advice Detail Section >֪ͨϸ :Remittance Advice for Manual Payments >ֹ֪ͨ :Remittance Advices >֪ͨ :Remittance Alignment in Progress >ڽл :Remittance Contact Name >ϵ :Remittance Detail Section >ϸ :Remittance Fax Number > :Remittance Heading Section >ⲿ :Remittance Invoices >Ʊ :Remittance Message >ѶϢ :Remittance Option >ѡ :Remittance Postal Code > :Remittance Preferences > :Remittance Print/Fax/eMail in Progress >ڽлӡ//ʼ :Remittance Text >ı :Remittance Text Fields >ıֶ :Remittance Total Section >ϼƲ :Remittance address >ַ :Remittance address %1 >ַ %1 :Remittance address details >ַ :Remittance advice for EFT payments >EFT :Remittance contact >ϵ :Remittance details >ϸ :Remittance email address >ʼַ :Remittance fax > :Remittance method > :Remittance name >ƺ͵ַ :Remittance name & address >͵ַ :Remittance name and address >ƺ͵ַ :Remittance only > :Remittance postal/zip code > :Remittance transmission information >Ϣ :Remittance transmission method >ͷ :Remittance type > :RemittanceText >ı :Remittances > :Remote >Զ :Remote Server Settings >Զ̷ :Remote on '%1' >Զ %1 :Remote on '%1:%2' > '%1:%2' ϵԶ :Remote via Web service >ͨ Web Զ :Removal of Unwanted Strings >ɾҪĴ :Remove >ɾ :Remove Action >Ƴ :Remove Activity >Ƴ :Remove All >ɾȫ :Remove All Fields From List >Ƴбеֶ :Remove All GRN's >移除所有 GRN :Remove All GRN's and Discard All Changes >移除所有 GRN 并放弃所有更改 :Remove All Items From Current List >ɾǰбеĿ :Remove All Optional Components >Ƴпѡ :Remove All Organizations From Current List >ɾǰбе֯ :Remove All Roles From Organogram >Ƴ֯ṹͼеְ :Remove Alternating Row Color >ɾ滻ɫ :Remove Asset >ɾʲ :Remove Asset Expense >ɾʲ :Remove Asset Expense Posting >ɾʲ÷ :Remove Asset Labor Time Sheet Posting >ƳʲͶʱ :Remove Attachment >ɾ :Remove Attachment from List >ɾбеĸ :Remove Attendee >ɾϯ :Remove Attendees from List >ɾбеijϯ :Remove Bookmark >ɾǩ :Remove Column >ɾ :Remove Company Form Values >Ƴ˾ֵ :Remove Contact Link >ɾϵ :Remove Custom Field >ɾԶֶ :Remove Customer >Ƴͻ :Remove Customer Stock Code >Ƴͻ :Remove Default Form Values >ƳĬϱֵ :Remove Detail Line >Ƴϸ :Remove Element from this route >Ƴ·еԪ :Remove Event >ɾ¼ :Remove Filename from List >Ƴбеļ :Remove GL Share Holding >Ƴ GL ɷݳ :Remove GL Weighted Transfer Rule Details >Ƴ GL Ȩת˹ :Remove Invoice >ɾƱ :Remove Invoice Reference >ɾƱο :Remove Library >ɾ :Remove Line >ɾ :Remove Line from Purchase Order >Ӳɹɾ :Remove Mapping >ɾӳ :Remove Notes >ɾע :Remove Offer >ɾ :Remove Operator >ƳԱ :Remove Operators >ƳԱ :Remove Optional >ɾѡ :Remove P/o >ɾɹ :Remove Payment >ɾ :Remove Picture >ɾͼƬ :Remove Picture from Tooltip >ƳʾеͼƬ :Remove Post Dated Check >ƳԶ֧Ʊ :Remove Program >ɾ :Remove Program Name >移除程序名 :Remove Reference >Ƴο :Remove Related Purchase Order >Ƴزɹ :Remove Released Invoices From Payment Run >ƳеѷзƱ :Remove Role >ɾְ :Remove Route >ɾ· :Remove Route Element >ɾ·Ԫ :Remove Row >ɾ :Remove Rule >Ƴ :Remove SYSPRO fields before import >ǰɾSYSPROֶ :Remove Sales Order Line >ɾ۶ :Remove Selected >ɾѡĿ :Remove Selected Fields From List >Ƴбеѡֶ :Remove Selected Invoice >ƳѡƱ :Remove Selected Invoice and Place on Hold >ƳѡƱڱ :Remove Selected Items From Current List >ɾǰбеѡĿ :Remove Selected Organisation From Current List >ɾǰбеѡ֯ :Remove Selected Organisations From Current List >ɾǰбеѡ֯ :Remove Selected Role From Organogram >Ƴ֯ṹͼеѡְ :Remove Selected Rule >Ƴѡ :Remove Stock Code >Ƴ :Remove Stock Code X-ref >Ƴղο :Remove Sub-account >ɾ˻ :Remove Sub-asset >Ƴʲ :Remove Supplier >ɾӦ :Remove Supplier from customer >ƳͻеĹӦ :Remove The Selected Tables >移除选定表 :Remove This Column >ɾ :Remove This Selection >ɾѡ :Remove Transaction >ɾ :Remove Trigger >ɾ :Remove Unwanted Phrases >ɾҪĶ :Remove Unwanted Phrases from Dictionary >ֵɾҪĶ :Remove Warning >ɾ :Remove accepted GRN? >ҪɾѽܵGRN :Remove all Invoices >ƳзƱ :Remove all Invoices for this Supplier >Ƴ˹Ӧ̵зƱ :Remove all fields before import >ǰɾֶ :Remove all lines >ɾȫ :Remove all rows >移除所有行栏 :Remove audit log entries held on file, based on the age of the entries >ĿƳѴ浵־Ŀ :Remove bins with zero quantity >ɾIJ :Remove completed lines >ɾɵ :Remove completed lines when purging >ʱƳɵ :Remove component >Ƴ :Remove contacts and activities no longer required >ƳҪϵ˼ :Remove field options >ɾֶѡ :Remove from Report Writer >从报告编写器移除 :Remove from file those exported invoices, credit notes and debit notes which are no longer required >ļƳЩҪĵƱƱݺͽ跽Ʊ :Remove from the system any releases which have been confirmed >ϵͳƳκȷϵķ :Remove history information that is no longer required, purge invalid data and update forecast history for sales and sales returns for all items >ƳҪʷϢЧݲĿۺ˻Ԥʷ :Remove item from list >ƳбеĿ :Remove licenses >ɾ֤ :Remove optional component >Ƴѡ :Remove optional component from this bill of materials? >ҪӲ嵥ɾѡ :Remove payment release information >ɾͷϢ :Remove processed back ordered lines >ɾѴڽ :Remove processed lines >ƳѴ :Remove product configurations which have expired according to a specific cut-off date >ƳضֹѵڵIJƷ :Remove quotations and/or non-stocked codes which are no longer required >ƳҪıۺ/ǿ :Remove release information for releases which have passed the expiry date >ƳѳڵķеķϢ :Remove route from this stock code/bill >Ƴ˿/˵е· :Remove selected affected item? >ҪɾѡӰĿ :Remove selected condition? >Ҫɾѡ :Remove selected operator/group configuration? >ҪɾѡIJԱ :Remove selected serial >Ƴѡϵ :Remove single line >ɾ :Remove the Icon >ͼ :Remove the Selected Check >Ƴѡ֧Ʊ :Remove the Selected Deduction >Ƴѡ :Remove the current filter and refresh the results >Ƴǰˢ½ :Remove the document description from the manifest file >ػļɾĵ :Remove the field >ɾֶ :Remove the selected adjustment? >Ҫɾѡĵ :Remove the selected affected item? >ҪɾѡӰĿ :Remove the selected inclusion? >ҪƳѡİ? :Remove the selected sales order line(s)? >ҪƳѡ۶? :Remove the void status and reinstate this check/EFT? >ҪɾЧ״ָ̬֧ƱEFT :Remove the void status and reinstate this check? >ҪɾЧ״ָ̬ :Removed invoice from balance take-on >ƳƽеķƱ :Removing Reserved Lots >ɾ :Removing Reserved Serials >ɾϵ :Removing a field will also remove it from the Group and Company form >ɾֶҲ͹˾ɾ :Removing contents of AR Invoice Reference >Ƴ AR Ʊο :Removing this field will make the field unavailable on this form for everyone in the organization >Ƴֶνʹ˱еĴֶζ֯ڵκ˾ :Rename > :Rename Favorites Item >ղؼĿ :Rename List >б :Rename List Description >б :Rename Menu Item >˵Ŀ :Rename the selected item >ѡĿ :Render to fax quality > :Render to printer quality >ӡ :Rendering report >Ⱦ :Renumber >± :Renumber Detail Lines >ϸ± :Renumber detail lines? >Ҫϸ± :Renumbering >± :Renumbering in Progress >± :Rep Code > :Repair > :Repair details > :Repair file >ļ :Repairs > :Repeat amount across all periods >ȫڼظ :Repeat amounts for each month >Ϊÿ·ظ :Repeat column headings after >ظZZ :Repeat for all occurences >对所有事件 :Repeat password > :Repeat text lines on each page >ÿһҳϵظı :Replace > :Replace Calculation Code > :Replace Component Where Used >õIJ :Replace Element and Calculation Code >Ҫغͼ :Replace Element and Calculation Code Complete >Ҫغͼ :Replace Where Used >ô :Replace Where-used >更换使用位置 :Replace a component stock code with a valid substitute component >Ч滻 :Replace component if already exists >Ѵڣ :Replace component if replacement already exists against the option >ԸѡĸѴڣ :Replace component if replacement already exsists against the option >ԸѡĸѴڣ :Replace elements and calculation codes Where used >更换科目和计算代码使用位置 :Replace existing DTS/IS packages >DTS/IS :Replace existing bill >ʵ :Replace existing details? >Ҫɾϸ :Replace existing fields >ֶ :Replace existing with 'copy from' quantity per >áԡÿ :Replace existing with new >µ滻е :Replace stocked and non-stocked components against a selection of non-stocked parent codes >ѡķǿͷǿĿ :Replace with >Ϊ :Replace with '%1' qty per > '%1' :Replaced by S-ERROR >S-ERROR :Replacement >更换 :Replacement Component > :Replacement Rev/Rel >޶ͷ :Replacement Uom Differs from Component to Replace Uom >λͬλIJ :Replacement calculation code >更换计算代码 :Replacement codes > :Replacement component description > :Replacement component is non-stocked >Ϊǿ沿 :Replacement component options >ѡ :Replacement component release > :Replacement component rev/rel not on file >޶/в :Replacement component revision >汾 :Replacement conversion factor >תϵ :Replacement conversion factor code >תϵ :Replacement element >更换科目 :Replacement of Elements and Calculation Codes in progress >ִиҪغͼ :Replacement option >ѡ :Replacement options >ѡ :Replacement stock code > :Replacement unit of measure >λ :Replacement value >ֵ :Replenishment > :Replenishment details >ϸ :Replenishment item >Ŀ :Replenishment items >²Ŀ :Replenishment items only >Ŀ :Replenishment rule > :Report > :Report ageing method >䷽ :Report options selected >ѡ񱨸ѡ :Report '%1' access denied > '%1' ʱܾ :Report '%1' invalid password > '%1' Ч :Report '%1' is not an XML report > '%1' XML :Report '%1' not found >δұ '%1' :Report Archive > :Report By > :Report Column Enquiry >ѯ :Report Columns Enquiry >ѯ :Report Columns Query >ѯ :Report Control > :Report Controls > :Report Default Paper Size >Ĭֽųߴ :Report Definition >涨 :Report Designer Validation >Ա֤ :Report Designer seats >Աϯλ :Report Filters > :Report Format >ʽ :Report Header %1 >ҳü %1 :Report Heading > :Report History >ʷ¼ :Report History Configuration >ʷ¼ :Report Index > :Report Indexes > :Report Infomation >Ϣ :Report Information >Ϣ :Report List Maintenance >бά :Report Loading Error >ش :Report Locked > :Report Maintenance >ά :Report Maintenance Password >ά :Report Maintenance Security >άȫ :Report Maintenance Security - By Group >άȫ - ˳ :Report Maintenance Security - Operators >άȫ - Ա :Report Menus >˵ :Report Messages >Ϣ :Report Multi-column Headings >б :Report Narration > :Report Narrations > :Report Option Validation >ѡ֤ :Report Options >ѡ :Report Options %1 >ѡ %1 :Report Output > :Report Password > :Report Preview >Ԥ :Report Run Security >аȫ :Report Scheduler >ų :Report Selections %1 >ѡ %1 :Report Sequence >˳ :Report Spooler >ѻ :Report Summary >ժҪ :Report Template >ģ :Report Templates >ģ :Report Text >ı :Report Text Translation >ַ :Report Text for Global Messages >ȫϢıı :Report Theme > :Report Total >ϼ :Report Type > :Report Validation >֤ :Report Validation Error >֤ :Report Width > :Report Wizard > :Report Writer > :Report Writer Data Dictionary >报告编写器数据字典 :Report Writer Data Dictionary Update >报告编写器数据字典更新 :Report Writer Data Dictionary Wizard >ֵ :Report Writer Export Data Definition >ݶ :Report Writer Help >ʹð :Report Writer Import Data Definition >ݶ :Report Writer Password >д :Report Writer Security >ȫ :Report Writer Security - By Group >ȫ - ˳ :Report Writer Security - By Operator >ȫ - Ա˳ :Report Writer Tables > :Report Writer XML Report Viewer >XML鿴 :Report Writer limits exceeded >ѳд :Report Writer module not installed >δװдģ :Report Year > :Report ageing method >䷽ :Report and generate > :Report and purge > :Report and update > :Report as of >ڵı :Report based on >¸ı :Report by Stock Code > :Report by Ticket >Ʊݱ :Report cancelled >ȡ :Report cancelled message >ȡϢ :Report code > :Report code contains invalid characters >Чַ :Report code has already been selected >ѡ :Report code selection >ѡ :Report configuration details >ϸ :Report control details > :Report created as an XML document for web viewing >ΪXMLļԹ鿴ı :Report date format >ڸʽ :Report date sample >ڷ :Report default >Ĭϱ :Report description >˵ :Report designer >Ա :Report detail element >ϸҪ :Report details >ϸ :Report exported >ѵı :Report file name >ļ :Report footer required >Ҫ󱨱ע :Report form > :Report form options to use >ʹõıѡ :Report head of form options >ѡıͷ :Report heading element >Ҫ :Report id > id :Report in prd. class within invoice / register sequence >ڷƱע֤˳ڳʱƷȼ :Report in prd. class within invoice/register sequence >ڷƱע֤˳ڱƷȼ :Report includes > :Report index %1 > %1 :Report index %1 conversion > %1 ת :Report index 1 >1 :Report index 1 conversion >1ת :Report index 2 >2 :Report index 2 conversion >2ת :Report index selection >ѡ :Report indexes required >Ҫ󱨱 :Report interrupt allowed >ж :Report library > :Report lines per page >ÿҳı :Report list may not exceed %1 entries >бó %1 Ŀ :Report list may not exceed 100 entries >бó100 :Report list may not exceed ten entries >бóʮĿ :Report logging >־¼ :Report merchandise total >报告商品合计 :Report mode selection >ģʽѡ :Report name > :Report not found >δҵ :Report not found in the report library >ڱûҵ :Report not found. Check your spelling or use the browse button (press F9) >ûҵƴдʹťF9 :Report not on file > :Report not saved >δı :Report notation > :Report on General Ledger Recurring journals and optionally validate these journals >˾ռ˲ѡ֤Щռ :Report on Inventory Master >存货主账报告 :Report on Inventory Warehouse >ֿⱨ :Report on Sales Order Master >主销售订单报告 :Report on all stocked and non-stocked codes with a low level code exceeding %1, or that are part of a looping structure >报告所有具备超过 %1 低级别代码或属于循环结构一部分的库存和非库存代码 :Report on stock items >Ŀ :Report only > :Report only options >ѡ :Report option >ѡ :Report options selected >ѡıѡ :Report or query on the anticipated load quantities for resources by date >ڱѯԴװ :Report period > :Report prepared date > :Report selection >ѡ :Report selections >ѡ :Report sequence not on file >˳򲻴 :Report sequences >˳ :Report sequencing >˳ :Report status >״̬ :Report still in development >γɱ :Report subtotal element >СҪ :Report suitable for normal printing >ڳӡı :Report temp >ģ :Report time setup options >ʱѡ :Report title > :Report to > :Report to view >Ҫ鿴ı :Report total element >ϼҪ :Report totals >ϼ :Report type selection >ѡ :Report variable > :Report variable / text >ı :Report variable or text >报告变量或文本 :Report variable/text >/ı :Report warehouse to use is missing >ʹõıֿⶪʧ :Report writer command > :ReportDate >ReportDate :Reporting >ڱ :Reporting Currency > :Reporting Options > :Reporting Services >ڴ񱨱 :Reporting Services C/S Wrapper >ͻ/ (C/S) :Reporting Services Menu Stub >˵ :Reporting Services is not installed >δװ :Reporting authentication >Ȩ :Reporting configuration > :Reporting currency description > :Reporting date > :Reporting service > :Reporting services Engine > :Reports > :Reports still running > :Reports that use the GL report writer require all the report controls to be added to the report form '%1' >ʹ GL дıҪеıӵ '%1' :Reprint >´ӡ :Reprint Blanket Purchase Order >´ӡۺԲɹ :Reprint Check/Remittance >´ӡ֧Ʊ :Reprint Checks/Remittances >´ӡ֧Ʊ :Reprint Document >´ӡļ :Reprint EFT Remittances >´ӡת(EFT) :Reprint Export Log >´ӡ־ :Reprint G/L distribution report only >´ӡʷ䱨 :Reprint GL distribution report only >´ӡ GL 䱨 :Reprint Invoice >´ӡƱ :Reprint Invoices >´ӡƱ :Reprint Message >´ӡϢ :Reprint Options >´ӡѡ :Reprint Purchase Order >´ӡɹ :Reprint System Checks >´ӡϵͳ :Reprint amendment journals >´ӡ޶ռ :Reprint completed lines >重新打印已完成行 :Reprint distribution report >´ӡ䱨 :Reprint document type >´ӡĵ :Reprint file >´ӡļ :Reprint from supplier >ӹӦ´ӡ :Reprint month/year >´ӡ·ݣ :Reprint option >´ӡѡ :Reprint selection >´ӡѡ :Reprint sequence >´ӡ˳ :Reprint sequence selection >´ӡ˳ѡ :Reprint single period >´ӡһһ :Reprint single period only >´ӡһһ :Reprint status >´ӡ״̬ :Reprint status %1 >´ӡ״̬ %1 :Reprint status 5 >´ӡ״̬5 :Reprint status 7 >´ӡ״̬7 :Reprint status 9 >´ӡ״̬9 :Reprint status selection required >Ҫ´ӡ״̬ѡ :Reprint tax return >´ӡ˰걨 :Reprint this document ? >要重新打印此文档吗? :Reprint this document? >Ҫ´ӡļ :Reprint transactions >´ӡ :Reprint/Delete >´ӡ/ɾ :Reprint? >Ҫ´ӡ :Reprinting custom forms >´ӡ :Req > :Req Live Details >Ч :Req Planning Query >빺ƻѯ :Req Snapshot Details > :Req Suggested Requisitions >빺 :Req date >빺 :Req in progress >ִе :Req line no >빺к :Req planning period(days) >֤ƻ () :Req stores issue >빺̵ǩ :Req stores transfer >빺̵ת :Req. Planning Forecasts >ƻԤ :Req. Planning Query >֤ƻѯ :Req. Planning Schedules >ƻճ :Req. calculation - override batching rules with rule '%1' >빺 - ù '%1' 滻 :Req. calculation - override batching rules with rule 'A' >֤ - Ծ߱ 'A' :Req. calculation - override buying rules with rule '%1' >빺 - ù '%1'Dzɹ :Req. from sales orders >Ӳɹ֤ :Req. in progress >ִе :Reqn line >빺 :Reqn quantity >빺 :Reqn user >빺û :Requalify Promotions >֤ :Requalify Trade Promotions >֤ó״ :Request > :Request 2nd amount >请求第 2 项金额 :Request New G/L Posting Period > (G/L) :Request New GL Posting Period > GL :Request PST amount >请求 PST 金额 :Request Print Dialog >ӡԻ :Request QST amount >Ӫҵ˰(QST) :Request RSH amount > RSH :Request at run time >ʱ :Request bank deposit slip details >дϸ :Request card no, expiry, authorization >󿨺šաȨ :Request card number, expiry, authorisation >󿨺šʧЧںȨ :Request card number, expiry, authorization >󿨺šʧЧںȨ :Request code for coded prices >ѱ۸Ĵ :Request date > :Request journal notation >ռ :Request ledger code for >Ŀ룬Ϊ :Request ledger codes for inventory transactions >潻ĿĿ :Request lots/bins/serials when reserving >ʱ//ϵ :Request lots/bins/serials when reserving stock >ʱ//ϵ :Request start date >ʼ :Request statement reference >󱨸ο :Request tax amount >˰ :Request tax amount for settlement discount >˻˰ :Request tax portion for invoice adjustments/discounts >Ʊۿ۵˰ղ :Request unit of measure for order quantity >󶩵ļλ :Request when order released from status %1 >ʱ״̬ %1ǩ :Request when order released from status 4 >״̬4ͷŶʱ :Requested > :Requested and mandatory >ǿԵ :Requested but optional >󵫿ѡ :Requested cume >ۼ :Requested date > :Requested delivery date >Ľ :Requested quantity > :Requested ship date >Ļ :Require component to parent lot tracking >Ҫ󲿼θ :Require component to parent serial tracking >Ҫ󲿼ϵи :Required >Ҫ :Required Email client not found. Details will not be validated! >δҵҪĵʼͻ޷֤飡 :Required Level >ļ :Required date >Ҫ :Required date for component >Ҫ :Required delivery date >ҪĽ :Required fields >ֶ :Required for >Ҫ :Required run >Ҫ :Required search >所要求的搜索 :Required setup >Ҫ :Required ship date >Ҫװ :Required startup >Ҫ :Required teardown >ҪIJ :Requirement Planning Query >Ҫƻѯ :Requirements >빺 :Requirements Calculation > :Requirements Calculation Error Report >Ҫ󱨸 :Requirements Planning >ƻ :Requirements Planning - Requirements Planning >Ҫ滮 - Ҫ滮 :Requirements Planning Query >ƻѯ :Requirements Planning Setup >빺ƻ :Requirements Planning function >Ҫƻ :Requirements Planning module not installed >δװҪƻģ :Requirements calculation date >Ҫ :Requirements planning flag >Ҫƻ־ :Requirements planning load levelling not required >빺ƻˮƽ :Requirements planning load levelling required >ҪҪƻƽ :Requirements planning module is not installed >δװ빺ƻģ :Requirements planning must be installed to flag as MPS item >밲װҪƻԱΪƻ(MPS)Ŀ :Requirements planning period (days) >Ҫ滮ڣ :Requirements planning review >要求计划审查 :Requisition >빺 :Requisition '%1' for line '%2' already cleared > '%2' 빺 '%1' :Requisition '%1' for line '%2' cannot be cancelled as the user is not current holder >ûǵǰߣ˲ȡ '%2' 빺 '%1' :Requisition '%1' for line '%2' cannot be changed as the user is not current holder >ûǵǰߣ˲ɸı '%2' 빺 '%1' :Requisition '%1' for line '%2' has already been approved, and cannot be routed to a user who cannot create purchase orders > '%2' 빺 '%1' ѵõ׼޷۶û :Requisition '%1' for line '%2' is already approved >׼ '%2' 빺 '%1' :Requisition '%1' for line '%2' is cancelled >ȡ '%2' 빺 '%1' :Requisition '%1' for line '%2' is not on hold >ѽ '%2' 빺 '%1' :Requisition '%1' for line '%2' is on hold > '%2' 빺 '%1' :Requisition '%1' for line '%2' not found >δ '%2' 빺 '%1' :Requisition '%1' has been approved by another user >빺 '%1' һû׼ :Requisition '%1' is locked >빺 '%1' :Requisition '%1' not found >δҵ빺 '%1' :Requisition '%1' not routed through capex user >δͨʱû빺 '%1' ·ѡ :Requisition '%1' not routed through mandatory users >δͨǿû빺 '%1' ·ѡ :Requisition '%1' originated from user '%2'. You cannot add to this requisition >Դû '%2' 빺 '%1' 빺 :Requisition '%1' originated from user '%2'. You cannot add to this requisition. >Դû '%2' 빺 '%1' ֪빺 :Requisition Alignment in Progress >ִ빺У׼ :Requisition Approval Level Checking >빺 :Requisition Approval Levels >빺 :Requisition Browse >빺 :Requisition Budget >빺Ԥ :Requisition Budget Details >빺Ԥϸ :Requisition Budget Maintenance >빺Ԥά :Requisition Budget Query >빺Ԥѯ :Requisition Budget Takeon >빺Ԥе :Requisition Budget take-on >빺Ԥе :Requisition Budgets >빺Ԥ :Requisition Capex >빺ʱ֧ :Requisition Capex Maintenance >빺ʱ֧ά :Requisition Create P/orders >빺ɹ :Requisition Create Purchase Orders >빺ɹ :Requisition Detail >빺ϸ :Requisition Detail Lines >չϸ :Requisition Details (routes) >չϸ (·) :Requisition Discount >빺ۿ :Requisition Document Preview in Progress >ڽ빺ĵԤ :Requisition Due Date >请购到期日期 :Requisition Due Dates >빺 :Requisition Entry > :Requisition Entry Browse >빺Ŀ :Requisition Entry Maintenance >빺Ŀά :Requisition Entry/Maintenance >빺Ŀ/ά :Requisition Fax in Progress >ִ빺 :Requisition Format >빺ʽ :Requisition Group Actual Quantity Usage >빺ʵʹ :Requisition Group Actual Usage >빺ʵʹ :Requisition Group Authority Levels >빺Ȩ :Requisition Group Blank >빺 :Requisition Group Budget Browse >빺Ԥ :Requisition Group Budgets >빺Ԥ :Requisition Group Limit Maintenance >빺ά :Requisition Group Limit Maintenence >빺ά :Requisition Group Limits >빺 :Requisition Group Limits Maintenance >빺ά :Requisition Group Maintenance >빺ά :Requisition Groups >빺 :Requisition Header >빺ͷ :Requisition Information >빺Ϣ :Requisition Issue >빺ǩ :Requisition Issue & Transfers >빺ǩת :Requisition Issue & transfer build >빺ǩת˹ :Requisition Issue was not successful >빺ǩδɹ :Requisition Issues >빺ǩ :Requisition Issues and Transfers >빺ǩת :Requisition Line >빺 :Requisition Line Details >չϸ :Requisition Line Information >빺Ϣ :Requisition List >嵥 :Requisition List in Progress >ִ빺б :Requisition Maintenance >빺ά :Requisition Maximum Value Checking >빺ֵУ :Requisition Narrations & Comments >빺͸ע :Requisition Notepad >빺± :Requisition Notes >ע :Requisition Notes / Purchase Order Comments >빺עͣɹע :Requisition Notes / Purchase Order Comments attached to this requisition line cannot be maintained as the user is not the current holder of the requisition line >ӵ빺ϵ빺עͣɹע޷άΪûǸ빺ĵǰ :Requisition Notes, Purchase Order Comments or Notepad >빺ע⡢ɹע± :Requisition Notes/Purchase Order Comments >빺ע/ɹע :Requisition Notes/Purchase Order Comments attached to this requisition line cannot be maintained as the user is not the current holder of the requisition line >޷άӵ빺ϵ빺ע/ɹעΪû빺еĵǰ :Requisition Number Quick View >빺ٲ鿴 :Requisition Numbering Method >빺ŷ :Requisition Options >빺ѡ :Requisition Planning Query >빺ƻѯ :Requisition Preview >빺 :Requisition Print >ӡ :Requisition Print Totals (Local Currency) >빺ӡϼƣػң :Requisition Print Totals(Local Currency) >请购打印合计 (当地货币) :Requisition Print in Progress >ִ빺ӡ :Requisition Processing - Flow Graph >请购处理 - 流程图 :Requisition Purge > :Requisition Purge (Legacy) >빺 (ʽ) :Requisition Purge Recap >빺 :Requisition Purge Report >빺 :Requisition Purge in Process >ִ빺 :Requisition Query >빺ѯ :Requisition Query Details >չѯϸ :Requisition Query Zoom >빺ѯ :Requisition Query by User >û빺ѯ :Requisition Query for Stock Code >빺ѯ :Requisition Quick View >빺ٲ鿴 :Requisition Review >빺 :Requisition Routed To User >û빺 :Requisition Routing >빺· :Requisition Routing Details >빺·ϸ :Requisition Selection Recap >빺ѡ :Requisition Selection in Progress >ִ빺ѡ :Requisition Status >빺״̬ :Requisition Stores Issues and Transfers >빺̵ǩת :Requisition System >ϵͳ :Requisition Totals >빺ϼ :Requisition Transfer >빺ת :Requisition Type >빺 :Requisition Type Selection >빺ѡ :Requisition User Browse >빺û :Requisition User Maintenance >빺ûά :Requisition User Password >빺û :Requisition User Quick View >빺ûٲ鿴 :Requisition Users >빺û :Requisition Users Query >빺ûѯ :Requisition approval level checking by product class within group can only be selected if maximum values are checked at line level. Do you wish to change maximum values to be checked at line level? >ڰƷ빺ڼмֵѡϣмϼֵ? :Requisition budget exceeded >ѳ빺Ԥ :Requisition budgets not required >Ҫ빺Ԥ :Requisition common routines >빺ͨ :Requisition conversion >빺ת :Requisition date >빺 :Requisition details >빺ϸ :Requisition details for changing >չϸ :Requisition due date selection >빺ѡ :Requisition exceeds maximum value >빺ֵ :Requisition filter >빺 :Requisition for Stock Code >Ϊ빺 :Requisition format not yet defined >δ빺ʽ :Requisition group >빺 :Requisition group browse >빺 :Requisition group entered not on file >빺鲻 :Requisition level >빺 :Requisition line cannot be changed, as the maximum requisition value or approval limit has been reached >빺вɸģΪѴﵽ빺ֵ׼ :Requisition line has already been approved >빺׼ :Requisition line has already been approved and cannot be routed to a user without the authority to create purchase orders or clear the approved status >빺׼Ȩɹ׼״̬û :Requisition line has already been issued >ǩ빺 :Requisition line has been automatically approved >Զ׼빺 :Requisition line has been issued >ǩ빺 :Requisition line has not been approved. Please approve via Requisition Maintenance >δע빺Сͨ빺ά :Requisition line is cancelled >빺бȡ :Requisition line is on hold >빺ѹ :Requisition line is routed to another user >빺бһû :Requisition line number >չб :Requisition line options >빺ѡ :Requisition line routing >빺·ѡ :Requisition line type not stores or Requisition line not approved. Include not performed >빺Ͳ̵빺δ׼δִе :Requisition lines >빺 :Requisition lines on hold could not be selected >޷ѡ빺 :Requisition lines on hold. Include not performed >빺бδִе :Requisition maximum values >빺ͼֵ :Requisition no >빺 :Requisition not on file >빺 :Requisition number >빺 :Requisition number '%1' is not numeric >빺 '%1' :Requisition originator >빺 :Requisition price cannot be zero >빺۸񲻿Ϊ :Requisition printing >빺ӡ :Requisition quantity >빺 :Requisition routing not required >Ҫ빺·ѡ :Requisition selection >빺ѡ :Requisition stores >빺̵ :Requisition to Route >빺· :Requisition type is normal >빺Ϊ :Requisition user >빺û :Requisition user '%1' not found >δҵ빺û '%1' :Requisition user cannot be blank >请购用户不可为空 :Requisition user file conversion in progress >ڽ빺ûļת :Requisition user file not converted, run PORPCU >빺ûļδתPORPCU :Requisition user file usage conversion >빺ûļ;ת :Requisition user group >빺û :Requisition user not on file >빺û :Requisition user option >빺ûѡ :Requisition user selection >빺ûѡ :Requisition user unable to add requisitions >޷빺빺û :Requisition value >빺ֵ :Requisition values >빺ֵ :Requisition/line >빺 :Requisition/purchase order creation >빺/ɹ :RequisitionLine >빺 :Requisitions >빺 :Requisitions Originated by User >û빺 :Requisitions Routed to User >빺û :Requisitions for >빺 :Requisitions for Stock Code >빺 :Requisitions for User >Ϊû빺 :Requisitions for a Stock Code >Ϊ빺 :Requisitions in progress >ִ빺 :Requisitions required >Ҫ빺 :Res. parent >Ϊضƻ :Reschedule >±ʱ :Reschedule in >ضŶʱ :Reschedule out >ضʱʱ :Research And Development Manager >з :Resend E-mail >·͵ʼ :Resequence >˳ :Resequence Components >򲿼 :Resequence Materials >±Ų˳ :Resequencing Components >±Ų˳ :Resert credit status after posting >ʺλ״̬ :Reservation is complete >ԤԼ :Reservation must be done upfront >ԤԼǰ :Reservation type > :Reserve Batch Serials >ϵ :Reserve Batch Serials for Allocation for Job >Ϊҵ䱣ϵ :Reserve Batch Serials for Co-product for Job >ΪҵĹͬƷϵ :Reserve Batch Serials for Job >Ϊҵϵ :Reserve Batch Serials for WIP Insp Ref >Ϊִҵ(WIP)οϵ :Reserve Bin Error > :Reserve Bins for Job >ҵ :Reserve Bins for Lot for Allocation >Ϊα :Reserve Lot Error >δ :Reserve Lot Quantity > :Reserve Lot and Serials >κϵ :Reserve Lots > :Reserve Lots Query >βѯ :Reserve Lots and Serials Maintenance for Job >Ϊҵκϵά :Reserve Lots and Serials Quantities >κϵ :Reserve Lots for Allocation for Job >Ϊҵ䱣 :Reserve Lots for Co-product for Job >ΪҵĹͬƷ :Reserve Lots for Job >ҵ :Reserve Lots for WIP Inspection Ref >Ϊִҵ(WIP)ο :Reserve Manual Serials for Allocation for Job >Ϊҵ䱣ֶϵ :Reserve Manual Serials for Co-product for Job >ΪҵĹͬƷֶϵ :Reserve Manual Serials for Job >Ϊҵֶϵ :Reserve Manual Serials for WIP Insp Ref >Ϊִҵ(WIP)οֶϵ :Reserve Quantity > :Reserve Serial Error >ϵд :Reserve Serial Lot Error >ϵδ :Reserve Serial Quantity >ϵ :Reserve Serial Range >ϵзΧ :Reserve Serial Range Entry >ϵзΧ :Reserve Serial Suffix >ϵк׺ :Reserve Serials >ϵ :Reserve Serials Error >ϵд :Reserve Serials Query >ϵвѯ :Reserve Stock Options >ѡ :Reserve a Range of Serial Numbers >һϵϵк :Reserve bin > :Reserve if status %1 or %2 >״̬ %1 %2 :Reserve lot > :Reserve lot allocation is not complete >δɱη :Reserve lots and serials >κϵ :Reserve lots and serials maintenance >κϵά :Reserve lots for allocations >Ϊ䱣 :Reserve lots for parent >Ϊʱ :Reserve lots/serials for allocations not required >ҪΪ䱣Σϵ :Reserve lots/serials for allocations not required. >ҪΪ䱣ΣϵС :Reserve lots/serials for parent part not required >ҪΣϵ :Reserve lots/serials for parent part not required. >ҪΣϵС :Reserve qty > :Reserve serial >ϵ :Reserve serials allocation is not complete >δɱϵз :Reserve serials for allocations >Ϊ䱣ϵ :Reserve serials for parent >Ϊʱϵ :Reserve/Ship >/װ :Reserved > :Reserved Allocations >ķ :Reserved Allocs >ķ :Reserved Lot Allocations for Stock Code >ıη :Reserved Lot Error >ѱδ :Reserved Lot Quantity >ѱ :Reserved Lot Query for Component >ѱβѯ :Reserved Lot Query for Components >ѱβѯ :Reserved Lot Query for Components for Job >ҵѱβѯ :Reserved Lots and Serials >κϵ :Reserved Lots and Serials Quantities >ѱκϵ :Reserved Lots for Job >ҵѱ :Reserved Lots for Parent Part >ѱ :Reserved Parent Lots >ѱ :Reserved Parent Serials >ѱϵ :Reserved Quantities >ѱ :Reserved Quantity >ѱ :Reserved Quantity Error >ѱ :Reserved Serial Allocations for Stock Code >ѱϵз :Reserved Serial Error >ѱϵд :Reserved Serial Lot Error >ѱϵδ :Reserved Serial Number Entry Complete >ϵк :Reserved Serial Quantity >ѱϵ :Reserved Serial Query for Component >ѱϵвѯ :Reserved Serial Query for Components >ѱϵвѯ :Reserved Serial Query for Components for Job >ҵѱϵвѯ :Reserved Serials for Co-product >ĹͬƷϵ :Reserved Serials for Job >ҵѱϵ :Reserved Serials for Parent Part >ѱϵ :Reserved Stock >Ŀ :Reserved Words >ִ :Reserved allocation > :Reserved flag >ı :Reserved lot >ѱ :Reserved lot '%1' has a quantity in WIP inspection > '%1' ߱ WIP :Reserved lot '%1' has a quantity in WIP inspection. >ѱ '%1' ִ߱ҵ(WIP)е :Reserved lot '%1' is complete > '%1' :Reserved lot '%1' is complete. >ѱ '%1' :Reserved lot already issued >ǩ :Reserved lot is complete >ɱ :Reserved lots >ѱ :Reserved lots for all allocations will be released. Do you wish to continue? >зѱΡϣ :Reserved lots for all parent parts will be released. Do you wish to continue? >ѱΡϣ :Reserved lots/serials flag >Σϵб־ :Reserved qty > :Reserved serial >ѱϵ :Reserved serial '%1' has a quantity in WIP inspection >ѱϵ '%1' ִ߱ҵ(WIP)е :Reserved serial '%1' has a quantity in WIP inspection. >ѱϵ '%1' ִ߱ҵ(WIP)е :Reserved serial '%1' is complete >ѱϵ '%1' :Reserved serial '%1' is complete. >ѱϵ '%1' :Reserved serial already issued >ǩıϵ :Reserved serial is complete >ѱϵ :Reserved serial number entry is complete. Do you wish to accept these entries? >ѱϵк롣ϣЩ :Reserved serials >ѱϵ :Reserved serials for all allocations will be released. Do you wish to continue? >зѱϵСϣ :Reserved serials for all parent parts will be released. Do you wish to continue? >ѱϵСϣ :Reserved serials for lot >ѱϵ :Reserved serials in use. The reserve serials flag must be set to "R" >ʹеѱϵС:ϵбDZΪ"R" :Reserved serials in use. The reserve serials flag must be set to "R". >ʹеѱϵСϵбDzΪ"R" :Reserved stock code >Ŀ :Reserved stock code description > :Reserved word >ִ :Reserved words that can be used >õıִ :Reserving Lots >ڱ :Reserving Lots & Serials >ڱκϵ :Reserving Lots and Serials >ڱκϵ :Reserving Lots and Serials for Allocation >Ϊ䱣κϵ :Reserving Lots and Serials for Co-product >ΪͬƷκϵ :Reserving Lots and Serials for Parent Part >Ϊκϵ :Reserving Lots for Allocation >Ϊ䱣 :Reserving Lots for Co-product >ΪͬƷ :Reserving Lots for Parent Part >Ϊ :Reserving Lots/Serials >ڱΣϵ :Reserving Lots/Serials for Co-product >ΪͬƷΣϵ :Reserving Serials >ڱϵ :Reserving Serials for Allocation >Ϊ䱣ϵ :Reserving Serials for Co-product >ΪͬƷϵ :Reserving Serials for Parent Part >Ϊϵ :Reserving stock >ڱ :Reserving stock required >ڱҪĿ :Reset >λ :Reset All Default Settings >λȫĬ :Reset Chart Settings >λͼ :Reset Company to C-ISAM Format >λ˾C-ISAMʽ :Reset Company to ISAM format >˾λΪISAMʽ :Reset Credit Status >λ״̬ :Reset Data Types >复位数据类型 :Reset Default Printers >λĬϴӡ :Reset Field >λֶ :Reset Fields >λֶ :Reset Form >λ :Reset GIT details >λ GIT ϸ :Reset GL Integration Update Flag >λ GL ϸ± :Reset GL Integration Update Flags >λ GL ϸ± :Reset GL integration flag >λ GL ϱ :Reset Graph Settings >λͼ :Reset Integration Flag >λϱ :Reset Integration Update Flags >λϸ± :Reset Layout >λ :Reset Layouts for this Application >λӦóIJ :Reset Listview Settings >λб鿴 :Reset Lowest Unprocessed Journal >λײδռ :Reset Operator Password History >λԱʷ¼ :Reset PTD Values >λPTDֵ :Reset Task Dialog Warnings >λԻ :Reset Toolbar Settings >λ :Reset Toolber Settings >λ :Reset Treeview >复位树视图 :Reset View >λͼ :Reset View All Rows Warning >λ鿴о :Reset Views >λͼ :Reset Zoom >λ :Reset Zoom for All Forms >λб :Reset all Task Dialog Warnings >λԻ :Reset credit >λ :Reset credit status after invoicing >߷Ʊλ״̬ :Reset credit status after posting >ʺλ״̬ :Reset current week >λǰ :Reset customer credit status >λͻ״̬ :Reset customizable fields >λֶ :Reset customizable fields to default value for the document type >Ϊĵ͸λֶΪĬֵ :Reset customizable fields to the default system value >λֶϵͳĬֵ :Reset detail line counter on job master >λ˵ϸм :Reset function >复位功能 :Reset in-process journal >λڴռ :Reset in-process journal & GIT flags >ôеռʺGIT :Reset in-process journals >λеռ :Reset lowest unproccessed journal >λײδռ :Reset lowest unprocessed entry >λͶδĿ :Reset lowest unprocessed entry no >λͲεδ :Reset lowest unprocessed jnl >λͶδռ :Reset lowest unprocessed jnl no >Сδռʺ :Reset options >λѡ :Reset quantities to stocking u/m >λλ :Reset rest of contract >λͬ :Reset settings >λ :Reset stock take confirmation >λ̵ȷ :Reset the custom filter entry form >λԶĿ :Reset this Field to Default Settings >ֶθλΪĬ :Reset to Default >λΪĬ :Reset to ISAM >复位到 ISAM :Resetting the Gl Integration Update flag could result in, journals prior to Syspro 6.1 that could not be matched, being flagged as unposted >λϸ±ǿɵ Syspro 6.1 ֮ǰռ޷ƥ䣬ӶΪδ :Resetting the form will restore all captions, remove any properties assigned to fields, remove all form actions, and remove any standard fields added to the form >λ񽫻ָб⣬ƳκηֶεԣƳбƳκӵı׼ֶ :Resetting the lowest unprocessed journal will result in all unposted jnls being posted to the GL next time the Cash Book GL Integration program is run >λͶδռ˽δռ´ֽ˲ GL ϳʱ GL :Resetting the lowest unprocessed journal will result in all unposted jnls being posted to the GL next time the Cash Book GL Integration program is run >复位最低额未处理日记账将导致所有未发布日记账在下次运行现金账簿 GL 整合程序时发布到 GL :Resetting the lowest unprocessed journal will result in all unprinted jnls being printed when the Cash Book Journal program is next run. It will also result in all unposted jnls being printed/posted when the Cash Book G/L Distribution report is next >λײδռʽһֽʱռʳʱɴӡȫδӡռʡҲᵼȫδռһֽʱG/L䱨ʱӡ :Resetting the lowest unprocessed journal will result in all unprinted jnls being printed when the Cash Book Journal program is next run. It will also result in all unposted jnls being printed/posted when the Cash Book G/L Distribution report is next run >λײδռʽһֽʱռʳʱӡȫδӡռʡҲᵼȫδռһֽʱ(G/L)䱨ʱӡ :Resid Value >ֵ :Residual > :Residual Value >ֵ :Residual value cannot be > Asset current value >ֵ>ʲֵ :Resize panes dynamically as splitter is dragged >϶ʱ̬С :Resolution > :Resolution Code Maintenance >ά :Resolution Code not on file >벻 :Resolution Codes > :Resolution GL account >(GL)ʻ :Resolution Maintenance >ά :Resolution Results > :Resolution code > :Resolution code cannot be blank >۳벻Ϊհ :Resolution or write-off > :Resolution/Write-Off >飯ע :Resolutions confirmed >ȷϵľ :Resolve > :Resolve GeoLocation from address >ӵַ GeoLocation :Resource >Դ :Resource Code Maintenance >Դά :Resource Codes >Դ :Resource Editor >Դ༭ :Resource Explosion >Դ :Resource Explosion Recap >Դѹ :Resource Lock Message >ԴϢ :Resource Maintenance >Դά :Resource Mask Description >Դ :Resource Mask Description Browse >Դ :Resource Mask Description Maintenance >Դά :Resource Mask Descriptions >Դ :Resource Parent for Structure Maintenance >ṹάԴ :Resource Planning >Դƻ :Resource Planning Query >Դ滮ѯ :Resource Planning Schedule >Դ滮 :Resource Planning Schedule in Progress >ִԴƻʱ :Resource Structure >Դṹ :Resource Structure Maintenance >Դṹά :Resource Structure Maintenance for Resource Parent >ԴԴṹά :Resource code >Դ :Resource code not found >δҵԴ :Resource code '%1' not found >δҵԴ '%1' :Resource code not on file. Do you wish to continue? >Դ벻ڡϣ :Resource component selection >Դѡ :Resource description >Դ :Resource mask >Դ :Resource mask record locked >Դ¼ :Resource not on file >Դ :Resource parent >һԴ :Resource parent selection >Դѡ :Resource parents >Դ :Resource selection >Դѡ :Resources >Դ :Resp user >û :Resp. person > :Respond >Ӧ :Respond to question >Ӧ :Response Required >ҪӦ :Responsibility > :Responsibility code >δ :Responsibility code selection >δѡ :Responsibilty code >δ :Responsible ECC User >ECCû :Responsible person > :Responsible user >û :Responsible user selection >ûѡ :Restart >¿ʼ :Restart Workflow Test Host >̲ :Restart Workflow Testing >̲ :Restart bulk copy >¿ʼ :Restart from beginning >ӿͷ¿ʼ :Restarting at beginning of the file >ļͷ¿ʼ :Restock > :Restock % >´% :Restock components >ⲿ :Restock kit item >⹤߰Ŀ :Restocking % >% :Restocking Percentage >¿ٷֱ :Restocking components >ⲿ :Restocking fee > :Restocking options >ѡ :Restocking product class >Ʒȼ :Restore >ָ :Restore All Captions >ָ˵ :Restore All Lines >ָȫ :Restore Archived Lot >ָѴ浵 :Restore Default Values >ָĬֵ :Restore Defaults >ָĬֵ :Restore Details >ָϸ :Restore English Text >ָӢı :Restore Lot >ָ :Restore Lot Details >ָϸ :Restore Single Line >ָ :Restore Specified Lot >ָָ :Restore a Specific Lot >ָض :Restore the integrity of the journal numbers and flags for ledger journals created from the sub-module journals >ָģռռ˵ռ˺ͱ :Restrict Order to Single Warehouse >Ƶֿ :Restrict access to selected cash drawers in preparation for reconciling cash receipts >ƶѡķʣΪֽջ׼ :Restrict editing >限制编辑 :Restrict editing to selected operators >限制对选定操作员编辑 :Restrict order to single warehouse and use for delivery address >ƵֿⲢʹýַ :Restructure existing GL account codes to match the GL structure definition required for the structured General Ledger facility >عе GL ˻룬ƥṹʩҪ GL ṹ :Result > :Result of the conversion must be many alternate units to one stocking unit >תĽǶ滻λһ浥λ :Result_1 >_1 :Resulting balance > :Results > :Resume >ָ :Resume Bulk Copy >ָ :Resume Workflow >ָ :Resumes the selected workflow instance >ָѡʵ :Retail price >ۼ۸ :Retain Sales history flag >ʷ :Retain all serial information after negative receipt >ջϵϢ :Retain archive sales history data >ʷ :Retain asset details (periods) >ʲϸ () :Retain between transactions >在交易之间保留 :Retain completed transactions >ɵĽ :Retain configuration libraries >ÿ :Retain current year budgets >ǰԤ :Retain customer movements >ͻ仯 :Retain detail movements >ϸ䶯 :Retain detailed sales history >ϸʷ¼ :Retain dummy operation's narrations between transactions >׼ :Retain dummy operations narrations >保留虚拟操作旁白 :Retain employee code >保留员工代码 :Retain employee code between transactions >׼ĹԱ :Retain entries (periods) >Ŀ () :Retain existing data when copying from C-ISAM to SQL >C-ISAMSQLʱ :Retain existing settings > :Retain history (years) >¼ () :Retain history against jobs, lots and material allocations >ΪҵλͲϷ䱣ʷ¼ :Retain history of jobs and allocations >湤ͷʷ :Retain history of price changes >۸䶯ʷ¼ :Retain history of recent reports >ʷ¼ :Retain last %1 months closing balances > %1 µķ :Retain last %1 months' opening stock balances > %1 µĿҵ :Retain last 12 months closing balances >12µĩ :Retain last 12 months opening stock balances >12µĿſ :Retain last 12 months' opening stock balances >12µĿſ :Retain last cost basis >һɱ׼ :Retain last cost basis for receive qty and quantity scrapped >Ϊѽͱijɱ :Retain last cost basis selected >һѡijɱ׼ :Retain last price paid >ĸ۸ :Retain machine code between transactions >׼Ļ :Retain machine code >保留机器代码 :Retain machine code between transactions >׼Ļ :Retain manual additions >ֶ :Retain on invoice >ڷƱ :Retain order when created without lines >ж :Retain original order branch >ԭʼ֧ :Retain original order quantity when over-dispatching >ʱԭʼ :Retain payments details >ϸ :Retain ship via >תˣ :Retain snapshot & re-calculate >ӡ¼ :Retain snapshot & recalculate >ղ¼ :Retain special instructions >رָʾ :Retain stock movements >䶯 :Retain summary sales history >ժҪʷ¼ :Retain summary zoom index >ժҪ :Retain user defined fields when adding lines for a single RMA >ӵ˻Ȩ(RMA)ʱûֶ :Retain user details >û :Retain warehouse history >ֿʷ¼ :Retained Earnings Account for >˻Ϊ :Retained Earnings G/L Control Account >G/Lʻ :Retained Earnings GL Control Account > GL ˻ :Retained Earnings Warnings >澯 :Retained Invoice >淢Ʊ :Retained earnings > :Retained earnings G/L code >G/L :Retained earnings GL code > GL :Retained earnings GL description > GL :Retained earnings account >ʻ :Retained earnings account has been >ʻ :Retained earnings account is an >ʻһ :Retained earnings account not >ʻһá롱ʻ :Retained earnings description >˵ :Retained earnings used > :Retained invoices >ѱķƱ :Retention Amount > :Retention Context menu only >IJ˵ :Retention Creation > :Retention Customer >ͻ :Retention Details >ϸ :Retention GST code > GST :Retention Information >Ϣ :Retention Invoice >Ʊ :Retention Percentage >ٷֱ :Retention Remaining > :Retention amount may not exceed the selling price of the job >óҵۼ۸ :Retention comment >渽ע :Retention comment line >渽ע :Retention cust >ͻ :Retention invoice for P&C >P&C 淢Ʊ :Retention invoice number raised >ıƱ :Retention job >湤 :Retention method > :Retention options >ѡ :Retention pct >ٷֱ :Retention percentage must be entered if the 'Calculate % per schedule' method is used >áʱ%뱣ٷֱ :Retention percentage must be entered if the 'Calculate % per schedule' method is used. >"ʱ%"뱣ٷֱ :Retention periods > :Retention prod >Ʒ :Retention product class >Ʒ :Retention product class description >Ʒ :Retention schedule >ʱ :Retention tax code >˰ :Retention taxable >Ӧ˰ :Retention terms code > :Retention type > :Retentions > :Retentions for contract >ͬ :Retire Version >۰汾 :Retire Workflow >۹ :Retreive Ratio Error >ʴ :Retries > :Retrieve Next Field from the Form >еһֶ :Retrieve Previous Field from the Form >еһֶ :Retrieve Ratio Error >ʴ :Retrieve Workflows/Operations >/ :Retrieve build schedule information from an ASCII file or spreadsheet and append it to an existing build schedule > ASCII ļӱеųϢ丽ӵеų :Retrieving DTS sort order >ڼDTSඩ :Retrieving Details >ڼϸ :Retrieving template objects >ڼģ :Retry > :Retry Attempt >³ :Retry, Cancel >ԡȡ :Return > :Return - Unit returned by customer > - ͻĵλ :Return Invoice >˻طƱ :Return Merchadise Issue >˻ǩ :Return Merchandise >˻Ʒ :Return Merchandise Advice >Ʒ˻֪ͨ :Return Merchandise Advice Line >˻֪ͨ :Return Merchandise Authorization >˻Ȩ :Return Merchandise Custom Form Fields >ƷԶֶ :Return Merchandise Daily Receiving query >˻ÿջѯ :Return Merchandise Details >Ʒ˻ϸ :Return Merchandise Header >˻ҳü :Return Merchandise Issue >˻ǩ :Return Merchandise Line Details >˻ϸ :Return Merchandise Lines >˻ :Return Merchandise List of RMA's > RMA Ʒб :Return Merchandise Outstanding RMA Query >Ʒִ RMA ѯ :Return Merchandise Problem Code Query >˻ѯ :Return Merchandise Query >Ʒѯ :Return Merchandise Receipt >˻Ʒվ :Return Merchandise Receipt History >˻ջʷ¼ :Return Merchandise Setup >Ʒ :Return Merchandise module not installed >δװ˻ģ :Return Merchandised Header >˻ҳü :Return Merchanise Authorization >˻Ȩ :Return Registered Invoice >˻עᷢƱ :Return Stock > :Return accuracy levels >׼ȷȼ :Return all results together (fastest) >һ𷵻ȫ죩 :Return buyer levels >ɹ̼ :Return by >֮ǰ˻ :Return by date >ڷ :Return consolidated stock levels >ϲ漶 :Return date >˻ :Return document does not match original reject document >˻ļԭļ :Return from supplier >ӹӦ̷ :Return into Inspection >˻أԼ :Return key >ؼ :Return last transfer date >ϴת :Return on Equity >Ȩر :Return on assets >ʲر :Return pareto classification levels > Pareto ּ :Return period details > :Return planner levels >ƻԱ :Return product class levels >Ʒ༶ :Return search results every >ڷ :Return status >״̬ :Return stock code/warehouse levels >/ֿ⼶ :Return supplier levels >Ӧ̼ :Return to Generate >˻ :Return to Posting >ص :Return to supplier >صӦ :Return to vendor >򹩻˻ :Return under new lot number >κ˻ :Return value >˻ֵ :Return values >ֵ :Return warehouse levels >ֿ⼶ :Return/Reinstate >/޸ :Return/Reinstate Registered Invoice >/ָѵǼǷƱ :ReturnFromSupplier option does not match that found in the document >ReturnFromSupplierԹӦ̵˻ѡĵеIJ :Returnable Item Warehouse >˻Ʒֿ :Returnable Items >可保留项目 :Returnable Stock Code >˻Ʒ :Returnable item >˻Ʒ :Returnable item cannot have decimals >˻ƷɴС :Returnable item does not exist on the associated merchandise warehouse >˻ĿڹƷֿв :Returnable item does not exist on the returnable item warehouse >˻Ŀڿ˻Ŀֿв :Returnable item not allowed for a kit >ڹ߰˻Ʒ :Returnable item not allowed for an ECC controlled item >ڹ̱(ECC)ĿĿ˻Ʒ :Returnable item not allowed for kit part >ڹ߰˻Ʒ :Returnable item not allowed for lot traceable or ECC-controlled stock items >οɸٺܹ̱(ECC)ƵĿĿ˻Ʒ :Returnable item not allowed for serialized stock items >ϵлĿ˻Ʒ :Returnable item not allowed for unit quantity processing >ڵλ˻Ʒ :Returnable item not allowed for unit quantity processing stock items >ڵλĿ˻Ʒ :Returnable item not on file >˻Ŀ :Returnable item service charge '%1' stock code '%2' not found >δҵ˻Ʒշ '%1' '%2' :Returnable item service charge '%1' stock code '%2' not returnable >˻Ʒշ '%1' '%2' ˻ :Returnable item service charge '%1' warehouse '%2' not found >δҵ˻Ʒշ '%1' ֿ '%2' :Returnable item warehouse '%1' is not defined against the returnable stock code. Do you wish to continue? >˻Ŀֿ '%1' δԿ˻Զ塣ϣ :Returnable item warehouse has not been defined in sales order setup >۶δ˻Ʒֿ :Returned >˻ص :Returned Flag >˻ر :Returned invoices >ѷƱ :Returned to >˻ :Returned to supplier >صӦ :Returns G/L Account >˻G/Lʻ :Returns GL Account > GL ˻ :Rev > :Rev lvl >޶ȼ :Rev level of unit maintained/serviced >ά/Ԫ޶ :Rev/Rel >޶ͷ :Rev/Rel Details >޶ǩϸ :Rev/Rel for the serial does not match the selected Rev/Rel >ϵе޶ǩѡ޶ǩƥ :Rev/Rel not found >δҵ޶ǩ :Rev/Rel not on file >޶ǩ :Rev/Rel to Replace >Ҫ滻޶ͷ :Rev/Rels >޶ǩ :Rev/Rels only >޶ǩ :Rev/Rev >޶ǩ :Rev/rel >޶/ :Rev/rel held by ECC >̱(ECC)޶ǩ :Rev/rel must match rev/rel '%1' >޶б޶ '%1' :Rev_choice >޶ѡ :Reval Reserve >۱ :Reval Reserve TD >¹۱ID :Reval date must be after purchase date >عڱڲɹ֮ :Revaluation > :Revaluation Categories > :Revaluation Category > :Revaluation Details >عϸ :Revaluation Reason >¹ֵԭ :Revaluation Reserve Account >¹۱ʻ :Revaluation Value >عֵ :Revaluation amount >¹ֵ :Revaluation category locked > :Revaluation date >¹ֵ :Revaluation depreciation >¹ֵ۾ :Revaluation flag >¹ֵ :Revaluation information >¹ֵϢ :Revaluation percentage >۰ٷֱ :Revaluation reserve >¹۱ :Revaluation reserve to date >¹ֵ :Revaluation reserve to-date >¹ֵ :Revaluations >¹ :Revalue > :Revalue Alternate Currencies >תҵ :Revalue any of the alternate currency ledgers based on the revaluation categories assigned to the GL codes >ݷ䵽 GL ¹ֵûҷ˵ļֵ :Revalue unreconciled foreign transactions and foreign bank balances to the current exchange rate and update the exchange rate variance account and bank control accounts with the >Revalue unreconciled foreign transactions and foreign bank balances to the current exchange rate and update the exchange rate variance account and bank control accounts with the :Revalued >۵ :Revalued depreciation last year >۵۾ :Revalued this month >¹ֵ :Revenue >˰ :Revenue Graph >ͼ :Revenue accounts >ʻ :Revenue billings >˵ :Revenue sales > :Revenue to >룬 :Revenue/Cost Distribution >룯ɱ :Reversal qty uom >λ :Reverse GRN >תGRN :Reverse Journal >ռ :Reverse Previous Receipt into Inspection >һվݻس嵽 :Reverse Receipt >سջ :Reverse Receipt into Inspection >ջм :Reverse Uoms >撤销计量单位 :Reverse out provision journals at period/year end >գյӦռ :Reverse provisional journals >سʱռ :Reverse u/m's >תλ :Reverse u/ms >תλ :Reverse units of measure >撤销计量单位 :Reversed >ѱ :Reversing GRN >سGRN :Reversing Journal Warning >سռʾ :Reverting to library processing >תΪ⴦ :Review > :Review Blanket Purchase Order >ۺԲɹ :Review Blanket Purchase Orders >һӲɹ :Review Checks to Void >Ҫϵ֧Ʊ :Review Co-products >鹲ͬƷ :Review Components >鲿 :Review Criteria >׼ :Review Deductions >审查减让 :Review Details >ϸ :Review Estimate Hierarchy Details >۲ϸ :Review Estimate Hierarchy Details for >˹ƷּϸΪ :Review Hierarchy Details >ϸ :Review Import File >鵼ļ :Review Late Supplies >ٵĹ :Review Material Issues Job >˲ǩҵ :Review Material Issues - Job >审查材料签发 - 工作 :Review Materials > :Review Operations > :Review Options >ѡ :Review Order >鶩 :Review Processing >˴ :Review Proposed Order >ѽĶ :Review Qty > :Review Quotation >鱨 :Review Receipt Quantities >ջ :Review Requisitions >빺 :Review Section >½ :Review Selected Journal >ѡռ :Review Selection Set >ѡ :Review Selections >ѡ :Review Stock Codes > :Review Stock Codes for Inclusion in Collection >Ƿڼ :Review Suggested Build Schedules >齨ƻ :Review Suggestions >齨 :Review Transactions >齻 :Review and manually release order lines that were placed on back order >˲ֶڽеĶ :Review and manually ship order lines placed in reserve >˲ֶװ˵õĶ :Review and update existing/suggested jobs requiring changes as indicated by the snapshot files >˲Ҫ󰴿ļʾиĵ/鹤 :Review and update live and suggested requisitions requiring corrective action to meet what has been planned within the snapshot files >˲Ҫȡʩļƻʵʱͽ빺 :Review and update live blanket purchase orders requiring corrective action to meet planned demand >˲ҪȡʩƻʵʱһӲɹ :Review and update live purchase orders and suggested requisitions requiring corrective action to meet what has been planned within the snapshot files >˲Ҫȡʩļƻʵʱɹͽ빺 :Review and update suggested supply chain transfers and create live Supply Chain Transfer orders based on the suggestions from the snapshot files >ݿļеĽ˲½鹩Ӧת˲ʵʱӦת˳ :Review complete > :Review details of blanket sales order releases according to the selection criteria and delete releases >ѡ׼һӲɹϸɾ :Review file >ļ :Review flag >˱ :Review function >鹦 :Review inspection references for made-in parent part items requiring inspection before actually being accepted into stock >ҪʵǰмڲĿļο :Review material issues >ǩ :Review of > :Review of Co-products >ͬƷ :Review of Co-products for Job >ҵͬƷ :Review of Components / Operations Selected >ѡ :Review of Components/Operations Selected >ѡ/ :Review of Live Purchase Orders >ɹ :Review of Live Requisitions >빺 :Review of Material Issues for Job >ҵǩ :Review of Options Processed >Ѵѡ :Review of Sales Orders >۶ :Review of Selection Criteria Processed >Ѵѡ׼ :Review sales orders on back order and optionally create purchase orders, requisitions and jobs >ڽе۶ѡشɹ빺͹ :Review sales orders that are on back order and optionally create purchase orders and requisitions >˴ڽе۶ѡشɹ빺 :Review standing order contract >鳤ڶͬ :Review standing orders if not fixed contracts >ǹ̶ͬ鳤ںͬ :Review status >״̬ :Review supplier contract prices by supplier code >Ӧ̴˹Ӧ̺ͬ۸ :Review the billing schedules, relative to projects and contracts, which are due at a specific date >Ŀͺͬصijضڵڵ˵ų :Review transactions (Ctrl+R) >齻(Ctrl+R) :Review type > :Review, or adjust accrual promotion transactions and issue checks or credit notes for the values accrued to customers >˻ӦĿײΪͻӦĿֵǩ֧ƱƱ :Reviews > :Revised annual budget >޶Ԥ :Revised forecast >޶Ԥ :Revision > :Revision %1 >޶ %1 :Revision '%1' not numeric >޶ '%1' :Revision / Release >޶/ǩ :Revision / Release not on file >޶/ǩ :Revision Release Report >޶ǩ :Revision and Release >޶ǩ :Revision and Release selection >޶뷢ѡ :Revision and release numbering >޶뷢б :Revision level >޶ :Revision number >޶ :Revision numbering >޶ :Revision!! >޶ :Revision/Rele >޶ǩ :Revision/Release >޶ͷ :Revision/Release Numbering >޶ǩ :Revision/Release Report >汾/ǩ :Revision/Release for Stock Code >޶ͷ :Revision/Release for the lot does not match the revision/release for the sales order line >ε޶ͷ۶е޶ͷŲƥ :Revision/Release for the lot does not match the selected revision/release >ε޶ѡ޶в :Revision/Release not found >δҵ޶ͷ :Revision/Release not on file >޶/ǩ :Revision/Release of Stock code held by Engineering Change Control >ɹ̱䶯޶ǩ :Revision/Version >޶/汾 :Revision/release '%1' Bin '%2' not in stock take table >޶ '%1' '%2' ̵в :Revision/release '%1' is not numeric >޶ '%1' :Revision/release '%1' not found >δҵ޶ '%1' :Revision/release cannot be blank >޶ͷŲΪհ :Revision/release is blank. Stock code '%1' is an ECC item >޶Ϊհס '%1' Ϊ̱(ECC)Ŀ :Revision/release of stock code '%1' held by Engineering Change Control >ɹ̱䶯Ŀ '%1' ޶ :Revision/release of stock code held by ECC for WIP allocations >ִҵ(WIP)Ḻ́(ECC)Ŀ '%1' ޶ :Rework > :Rework Lot > :Rework Reserved Batch Serials for Co-product for Job >ΪҵͬƷϵ :Rework Reserved Batch Serials for Job >ҵıϵнз :Rework Reserved Lot >Աνз :Rework Reserved Lots and Serials >Աκϵнз :Rework Reserved Manual Serials for Co-product for Job >ΪҵͬƷֶϵ :Rework Reserved Manual Serials for Job >ҵıֶϵнз :Rework Stock > :Rework details >ϸ :Rework job >ҵ :Rework job number > :Reworked >ѷ :Reworked from WIP inspection > WIP 鷵 :Reworked quantity > :Reworking Reserved Lots and Serials >ڶԱκϵнз :Reworking Reserved Lots and Serials for Co-product >ΪͬƷκϵ :Reworking Reserved Serials >ڶԱϵнз :Reworking Reserved Serials for Co-product >ǩͬƷϵ :Rewrite >д :Ribbon >ɫ :Ribbon style >ɫʽ :Rich Text Notepad >ı± :Right > :Right Click >һ :Right Click Context >һ :Right Click Menu >һ˵ :Right Justified >Ҷ :Right margin >ұ߾ :Right-click >һ :Risk > :Risk policy settings > :Role >ְ :Role %1 >ְ %1 :Role Access Control >ְʿ :Role Access Control Maintenance >ְʿά :Role Activities and Fields Maintenance >ְά :Role Design >ְ :Role Design Menu - Job Log >职责设计菜单 - 工作日志 :Role Import >ְ :Role Information >ְϢ :Role Layouts >ְ𲼾 :Role List >职责列表 :Role Maintenance >ְά :Role Management >ְ :Role Management Export >ְ :Role Management Global Changes >ְȫָ :Role Management Import >ְ :Role Organogram >ְ֯ṹͼ :Role Program Access Browse >ְ :Role Program Access Maintenance >ְά :Role Program Global Changes >ְȫָ :Role Security Access - AP branch >ְȫ - AP ֧ :Role Security Access - AR branch >ְȫ - AR ֧ :Role Security Access - Account type >ְȫ - ˻ :Role Security Access - Job classification >ְȫ - :Role Security Access - Warehouse >ְȫ - ֿ :Role Usage >ְʹ :Role Workflow Security Maintenance >ְ̰ȫά :Role and operator >ְͲԱ :Role code >ְ :Role configuration >ְ :Role conflicts >ͻ :Role deleted >ɾְ :Role description >ְ :Role designed menu >职责设计菜单 :Role layout design >ְ𲼾 :Role name >ְ :Role not found >δҵְ :Role/Program and Layout >ְ/벼 :Role/program/form >ְ𣯳򣯱 :Roles >ְ :Roles Maintenance >ְά :Roll >滚动 :Roll to level >תƽ :Roll total >ϼ :Roll up costs to parent >۳ɱ :Roll-up ECO changes to update parent >卷起 ECO 更改以更新主账 :Rollback Transaction >ֻؽ :Rollback and Resume >תָ :Rolled back >ѻת :Rolled back and Resumed >ѻתͻָ :Rolled up cost details >۳ɱϸ :Rolling > :Rolling %1 months purchases >ع %1 µIJɹ :Rolling costs up to parent par >Rolling costs up to parent par :Rolling costs up to parent parts >ɱ :Rolling lead times up to paren >Rolling lead times up to paren :Rolling lead times up to parent >عǰ :Root element '%1' invalid, '<' or '>' missing from declaration >Ҫ '%1' Ч'<''>'ȱ :Root element expected at the top level of the XML document >XMLĵ߼ĸҪ :Root element name >Ҫ :Root folder >ļ :Root folder invalid for mailbox name >ļЧ :Rotated >ת :Rotated Direction >ת :Rotation >ת :Round and edit quantity to number of decimals >ȡᲢ༭ԴﵽСλ :Round and edit to number of decimals >벢༭С :Round down > :Round invoice value >Ʊֵȡ :Round material issues up to pan in kit issues >ȡǩ߰ǩ :Round quantity > :Round result >ȡ :Round tax value >˰ռֵȡ :Round to nearest >ӽ :Round to number of decimals >ԴﵽС :Round up > :Round value to number of decimals >ֵԴﵽСλ :Round values >ֵȡ :Rounding >ȡ :Rounding Error Control Account >Դͳʻ :Rounding Ledger Code >Էʴ :Rounding error >ȡ :Rounding error (Cr) >ȡ󣨴 :Rounding factor may not be zero >ȡϵΪ :Rounding ledger code description >ȡ˴ :Rounding method >ȡ᷽ :Rounding method options >ȡ֤ѡ :Rounding of WIP allocs to stock code's max no of decimals >ȡWIPСλ :Rounding options >ȡѡ :Route >· :Route %1 >· %1 :Route '%1' is a standard route for stock code '%2'. Do you want to delete it? >路线 '%1' 是库存代码 '%2' 的标准路线。您要删除它吗? :Route '%1' not required for non-stocked code '%2' >ڷǿ '%2' Ҫ· '%1' :Route Cards >·ɿƬ :Route Cards - Standard >·߿ - ׼ :Route Cards - Subcontract >·߿ - ְ :Route Cards Standard >·߿׼ :Route Cards Subcontract >·߿Ӻͬ :Route Code >·ߴ :Route Detail >· :Route Detail Creation >·鴴 :Route Detail Maintenance >·ά :Route Details >· :Route Details Maintenance >·ά :Route Details for Route >·ߵ· :Route Entire Requisition >빺 :Route Information >·Ϣ :Route Line >· :Route Maintenance >·ά :Route Maintenance Warning >·ά :Route Master >· :Route Master Detail >路线主明细 :Route Master Details >· :Route Master Maintenance >·ά :Route Multiple Lines >·߶ :Route Number Selection >·ߺѡ :Route Order Add >·߶ :Route Order Change >·߶ :Route Order Details >·ϸ :Route Query >·߲ѯ :Route Reqn >· :Route Requisition >·빺 :Route Selected Lines >·ߵѡ :Route Selected Requisition Line >ѡ빺 :Route To >· :Route Transport Maintenance >·ά :Route cannot be deleted >޷ɾ· :Route code '%1' does not exist >·ߴ '%1' :Route code selection >·ߴѡ :Route codes >·ߴ :Route description >·˵ :Route distance/Delivery sequence >·߾룯˳ :Route does not exist >·߲ :Route not on file >·߲ :Route notation >·߼Ǻ :Route note >·ע :Route number >·ߺ :Route on > :Route on to user >û· :Route record locke >·߼¼ :Route record locked >·߼¼ :Route requisitions to user buyer >û򷽵· :Route requisitions to user planner >ûƻԱ· :Route selection >·ѡ :Route sequence >·˳ :Route to Buyer >͵ɹԱ :Route to Planner >͵ƻԱ :Route to User >͵û :Route to User to Create Purchase Order >ûĴɹ· :Route to process >· :Route to user buyer >ûɹ :Route to user planner >ûƻԱ :Route to user to create p/order >ûĴɹ· :Route to validate >֤· :Routed >Ѱ· :Routed to >· :Routed to You > :Routes >· :Routing >· :Routing Descriptions >·ѡ˵ :Routing Password >· :Routing Selection >·ѡ :Routing description >·ѡ˵ :Routing details >·ϸ :Routing for Non-Stocked Code >Ϊǿѡ· :Routing for Stock Code >Ϊѡ· :Routing for import >· :Routing information >·Ϣ :Routing narrative >· :Routing narrative not mandatory >·Ϊǿ :Routing not required >Ҫ :Routing only >·ѡ :Routing operator >Ա·ѡ :Routing to use for suggested jobs >ҵĿ· :Routing to validate >Routing to validate :Routing user >û·ѡ :Routings >· :Routings 0-9 cannot be deleted >޷ɾ·0-9 :Routings Import >·ɵ :Row > :Row Column Row Column > :Row Count > :Row Font > :Row Selection >ѡ :Row background color >ɫ :Row locked > :Row locked for key '%1' on '%2' >'%2' ϵļ '%1' :Row text color >ıɫ :Row type code >ʹ :Rows > :Rows per sec >ÿ :Rows returned > :Rte for Non-stk code >ǿ :Rule > :Rule Entry >Ŀ :Rule applies to column >Ӧõ :Rule name > :Rules > :Run > :Run .NET Assembly > .NET Assembly :Run Application >Ӧó :Run Balance Function After Revaluation >ۺ :Run Customized Screen >жĻ :Run Diagnostics > :Run Diagnostics for this computer >д˼ :Run ETL within transaction >н ETL :Run Last Program > :Run Local Diagnostics >м :Run Report >б :Run SRS Document Print Setup > SRS ĵӡ :Run SYSPRO Browse Program > SYSPRO :Run SYSPRO Program >SYSPRO :Run Sales Analysis Update >运行销售分析更新 :Run Scheduler >еȳ :Run TPM GL Integration >运行 TPM GL 整合 :Run Time - Non-Productive >ʱ - :Run Time - Productive >ʱ - :Run Time Ledger Code >ʱӦĿĿ :Run Time Prompts >ʱʾ :Run VBScript > VBScript :Run a Program >г :Run a Report >һ :Run a SYSPRO Program >SYSPRO :Run a VBScript >VBScript :Run a period end for the Canadian GST system >мô GST ϵͳڽ :Run a trial load for this job? >ҪΪҵ鸺 :Run a trial load? >ҪԼ :Run aborted. Build schedule journal file not deleted >ֹδɾƻ :Run aborted. Forecast journal file not deleted >ֹδɾԤռļ :Run an SRS Report > SRS :Run an application >Ӧó :Run any NetExpress program >κNetExpress :Run any application >κӦó :Run balance function >ƽ⹦ :Run check for all client machines >пͻ :Run date > :Run dates > :Run e.net License Configuration Wizard > e.net ֤ :Run finite trial load >غ :Run rate >б :Run start date >пʼ :Run start time >пʼʱ :Run successfully completed >гɹ :Run the configurator wizard using the C-ISAM files >ʹ C-ISAM ļó :Run the configurator wizard using the SQL tables >ʹ SQL ó :Run the report >б :Run this task using automation >ʹԶд :Run time >ʱ :Run time (Block method) >ʱ䣨鷽 :Run time (Rate method) >ʱ䣨ʷ :Run time (Unit method) >ʱ䣨Ԫ :Run time access >ʱ :Run time account mask required >要求必填运行时账户掩码 :Run time calculation method >ʱ㷽 :Run time entered >ʱ :Run time error >ʱ :Run time issued >ǩʱ :Run time method >ʱ :Run time multiplier >ʱ :Run time prompt >ʱʾ :Run time rate >ʱ :Run time rate %1 >ʱ %1 :Run-Time Prompts >ʱʾ :Run-rate > :Run-time Prompt >ʱʾ :Run-time Prompt Maintenance >ʱʾά :Run-time Prompts - Report >ʱʾ - :Run-time Set-up Options >ʱѡ :Run-time Validation >ʱ֤ :Run-time mask >ʱ :Run-time mask required >Ҫʱ :Run-time per >ʱ䣬 :Run-time prompt selected is invalid >ѡʱʾЧ :Run-time setup options >ʱѡ :Run-time variable (1-8) >ʱ(1-8) :Running SQL script '%1' on '%2' > '%2' ϵSQLű '%1' :Running SQL script diagnostic >SQLű :Running script %1 of %2 >нű %1 %2 :Running script against database '%1' on server '%2' >Է '%2' ϵݿ '%1' нű :Running this option will make permanent changes to your Inventory Master Table.\n\nOk to continue? >иѡĴй̶޸ġ\n\nȷҪ :Running this program will shutdown the SYSPRO Server process and will prevent other SYSPRO Clients from logging into SYSPRO. Note that existing users logged into SYSPRO will not be affected.\n\nOk to continue with Shutdown process? >б򽫹رSYSPRỌֹSYSPROͻ¼SYSPROע⣬⽫Ӱ¼SYSPROпͻ\n\nȷҪִйرչ :Running this wizard will save any changes you may have already made to your company options and will then lead you through migration of this company's data files from C-ISAM format to a database format >д򵼽ѶԹ˾ѡκθģȻɴ˹˾ļ C-ISAM ʽݿʽǨƹ :Running this wizard will save any changes you may have already made to your company options and will then lead you through migration of this company's data files from C-ISAM format to a database format\n\nOk to start the migration wizard? >б򵼽Թ˾ѡκθģָɶԹ˾ļC-ISAMʽݿʽֲ̡\n\nȷҪʼֲ :Runtime >ʱ :Runtime Open balance >ʱ :Runtime setup options >ʱѡ :Russian > :Rv >޶ :Rv/Rl >޶ǩ :S - In suspense >S - 挂起 :S - Order to max if shortage >S - ȱֵ :S - Sales orders only >S - ۶ :S - Sub-contracted >S - ת :S - Subcontract >S C Ӻͬ :S - Subcontracted >S C ǩӺͬ :S - Suspense >S - :S-SQL, Space=ISAM >S-SQL, ո=ISAM :S-Suspense >S- :S/A Achievement Report in Progress >ڽ S/A ɼ :S/A Advanced Sales Tax Report in Progress >ִS/A߼˰ :S/A Branch >۷(S/A)֧ :S/A Commission Report in Progress >ִS/AӶ𱨱 :S/A EC Sales SRS Report >۷ (S/A) ŷ (EC) SRS :S/A GST Query >S/A GST ѯ :S/A GST by Geographic Area Query > S/A GST ѯ :S/A History Report in Progress >ִS/Aʷ¼ :S/A History SRS Report >۷ (S/A) ʷ¼ SRS :S/A Intrastat Delivery Terms >۷(S/A)޼ʽ :S/A Intrastat Delivery Terms Maintenance >S/A ó׽ά :S/A Intrastat Nature of Trans. Maint >S/A ó׽ά :S/A Intrastat Nature of Transaction >۷(S/A)޼ʽ :S/A Intrastat Transaction Maintenance >S/A Intrastatά :S/A Intrastat Transactions >S/A Intrastat :S/A Performance Report in Progress >ִS/Aҵ :S/A Profitability Query and SRS Report >۷ (S/A) ѯ SRS :S/A Profitability Report in Progress >ִS/A󱨱 :S/A Sales History Target Query >۷ (S/A) ʷ¼Ŀѯ :S/A Sales Turnover Report in Progress >ִS/AӪҵ :S/A Target Report in Progress >ִS/AĿ걨 :S/A Turnover (by Prd Class) SRS Report >۷ (S/A) Ӫҵ (Ʒȼ) SRS :S/A Turnover SRS Report >۷ (S/A) Ӫҵ SRS :S/O >۶ :S/O Lines for Credit Note >S/O Ʊ :S/O Add Serial Numbers >۶ (S/O) ϵк :S/O Add contract pricing >۶ (S/O) Ӻͬ۸ :S/O Add credit note >۶ (S/O) ӴƱ :S/O Add credit note merchandise line e.net >۶ (S/O) ӴƱƷ e.net :S/O Add lines to existing dispatch >۶(S/O)з :S/O Add merchandise lines in dispatch note maintenance >۶(S/O)ڷάƷ :S/O Add sales order >۶ (S/O) ۶ :S/O Add sales order e.net >۶(S/O)۶e.net :S/O Add sales order merchandise line >۶ (S/O) ۶Ʒ :S/O Add sales order merchandise line e.net >۶(S/O)۶Ʒe.net :S/O Add sales order non-merchandise line >۶ (S/O) ۶Ʒ :S/O Add sales order non-merchandise line e.n >۶(S/O)۶Ʒe.net :S/O Add sales order non-merchandise line e.net >۶ (S/O) ۶Ʒ e.net :S/O Add supply chain transfer >۶ (S/O) ӹӦת :S/O Add supply chain transfer e.net >۶ (S/O) ӹӦת e.net :S/O Add text >۶ı :S/O Allocate reserved stock >S/O 䱣 :S/O Allow change of automatically calculated dispatch delivery load >۶ (S/O) Զ㷢װ :S/O Allow change of quantity for labor service charge >۶(S/O)Ͷշѵ :S/O Allow change of value for user defined service charge >۶ (S/O) ûշѵļֵ :S/O Allow decimal overflow on AUM qty >۶(S/O)AUMС :S/O Allow job creation if insuff stock >۶(S/O)ҵ治㣩 :S/O Allow job creation if insufficient stock >۶(S/O)ҵ治㣩 :S/O Allow maint. of attached service chg >۶(S/O)άӵķշ :S/O Allow maintenance of attached service chg >۶(S/O)άӵķշ :S/O Allow negative quantities in MDN >۶(S/O)ط(MDN)еĸ :S/O Allow pricing changes in Quick Entry >۶(S/O)ٲѯеĶ۱仯 :S/O Back Order Import >۶(S/O)ڽ :S/O Back Order Release >۶ڶͷ :S/O Back Order Release Preferences >۶ڶͷŲ :S/O Back Order Releases >S/O ڽǩ :S/O Back Order Releases Import >۶(S/O)ڽǩ :S/O Back Orders >۶(S/O)ڽ :S/O Backlog by Customer >ͻ۶(S/O)δ :S/O Backlog by Customer Report >ͻ۶ (S/O) δ :S/O Backlog by Stock Code >۶(S/O)δ :S/O Backlog by Stock Code Report >뱨۶ (S/O) δ :S/O Backorder Details >۶(S/O)ڽϸ :S/O Batch Invoicing >۶(S/O)Ʊ :S/O Batch Printing >۶ӡ :S/O Billing >۶(S/O)Ʒ :S/O Blanket P/O Balance Correction >۶(S/O)һӲɹ(P/O) :S/O Booking Report >۶(S/O)Ԥ :S/O Browse Archived Sales Orders >۶(S/O)鵵۶ :S/O Browse on S/O Invoices >۶(S/O)۶(S/O)Ʊ :S/O Browse on S/O Lines >۶(S/O)۶(S/O) :S/O Browse on Sales Invoices >۶(S/O)۷Ʊ :S/O Browse on counter sales deposits lin >۶(S/O) :S/O Build Sales Order Header >۶(S/O)۶ͷ :S/O Build Sales Order Line >۶(S/O)۶ :S/O Buying Group X-Ref Report >۶(S/O)ɹ :S/O Cancel dispatch note after printing >۶(S/O)ӡȡ :S/O Cancel sales order >۶ (S/O) ȡ۶ :S/O Cancel sales order e.net >۶ (S/O) ȡ۶ e.net :S/O Cancel sales order line >۶ (S/O) ȡ۶ :S/O Cancel sales order line e.net >۶ (S/O) ȡ۶ e.net :S/O Cash drawer >۶ (S/O) ֽƱ :S/O Change Order Status >۶(S/O)Ķ״̬ :S/O Change Warehouse on S/O Line >۶ (S/O) ۶ (S/O) ϵIJֿ :S/O Change contract pricing >۶ (S/O) ĺͬ۸ :S/O Change sales order >۶ (S/O) ۶ :S/O Change sales order e.net >۶ (S/O) ۶ e.net :S/O Change sales order merchandise line >۶ (S/O) ۶Ʒ :S/O Change sales order merchandise line e.net >۶ (S/O) ۶Ʒ e.net :S/O Change sales order non-merchandise line >۶ (S/O) ۶Ʒ :S/O Change sales order non-merchandise line e.net >۶ (S/O) ۶Ʒ e.net :S/O Change sales order status >۶ (S/O) ۶״̬ :S/O Change sales order status e.net >۶ (S/O) ۶״̬ e.net :S/O Commission Code >۶(S/O)ŵ :S/O Commission Code Details >۶(S/O)ŵϸ :S/O Commission Code Maintenance >۶(S/O)ŵά :S/O Commission Codes >۶(S/O)ŵ :S/O Commitment Graph >۶ŵͼ :S/O Commitment Graph for All Customers >пͻ۶(S/O)ŵͼ :S/O Commitment Report >۶(S/O)ŵ :S/O Consolidate Orders >۶(S/O)ϲ :S/O Consolidated Dispatch Inv Doc Query >۶(S/O)ϲƱĵѯ :S/O Contract Browse >۶(S/O)ͬ :S/O Contract Price List >۶ͬ۸ :S/O Contract Price List in Progress >ִ۶ͬ۸ :S/O Contract Price SRS Report >۶ (S/O) ͬ۸ SRS :S/O Contract Prices >۶ͬ۸ :S/O Contract Pricing Maintenance >۶(S/O)ͬά :S/O Contract Pricing Purge >۶(S/O)ͬ :S/O Contract Pricing Report >۶(S/O)ͬ۸ :S/O Contract Pricing Report in Progress >ִ۶(S/O)ͬ۸ :S/O Copy - change codes >۶(S/O) - Ĵ :S/O Copy sales order >۶ (S/O) ۶ :S/O Cost margin override in Sales Order entry >۶(S/O)۶ѯijɱ滻 :S/O Counter Sales >۶(S/O) :S/O Counter Sales Pay Interface >۶(S/O)֧ :S/O Counter Sales Payment Print >۶(S/O)ӡ :S/O Counter Sales Report >۶(S/O) :S/O Create P/O, requisition, or job if sales order in suspense >۶(S/O)ɹ(P/O)빺ҵ۶ :S/O Create order with no lines >۶ (S/O) ж :S/O Credit Note Header >۶ (S/O) Ʊҳü :S/O Credit Note from Invoice >ԴڷƱ۶(S/O)Ʊ :S/O Credit Note lines >۶ (S/O) Ʊ :S/O Credit note >۶(S/O)Ʊ :S/O Cumulative History >۶(S/O)ۼʷ¼ :S/O Customer company tax registration no >۶(S/O)ͻ˾˰ע :S/O Debit note >۶(S/O)跽Ʊ :S/O Delete contract pricing >۶ (S/O) ɾͬ۸ :S/O Delivery Route Maintenance >۶ (S/O) ·ά :S/O Detail Lines >۶ϸ :S/O Dimension Entry >۶ (S/O) :S/O Dispatch Invoice Calculation >۶(S/O)Ʊ :S/O Dispatch Invoice Document Query >۶(S/O)Ʊĵѯ :S/O Dispatch Note Cancel >۶(S/O)ȡ :S/O Dispatch Note Documents Query >۶(S/O)ĵѯ :S/O Dispatch Note Query >۶(S/O)ѯ :S/O Dispatch Note Valuation Query >۶(S/O)۲ѯ :S/O Dispatch Order Lines from Reprint >۶ (S/O) ´ӡķ :S/O Dispatches by Sales Order Query >S/O ۶ѯ :S/O Document Format >۶ļʽ :S/O Document Format Alignment in Progress >ִ۶ļʽУ׼ :S/O Document Format Printing in Progress >ִ۶ļʽӡ :S/O Document Formats >۶(S/O)ĵʽ :S/O Document types >۶ļ :S/O Entry >۶(S/O) :S/O Entry of credit authority on release of S/Order >۶(S/O)ǩ۶ʱȨ :S/O Foreign Currency Price Codes >۶(S/O)Ҽ۸ :S/O Forward order >۶(S/O)Զڶ :S/O GIT Transfer Creation from Dispatch >Դڷ۶(S/O);(GIT)תƴ :S/O GIT Transfer Creation from SCT >ԴڹӦת(SCT)۶(S/O);(GIT)תƴ :S/O GL Integration Query >۶(S/O)(GL)ɲѯ :S/O GL Integration check >۶ (S/O) (GL) ɼ :S/O Graph Sales Order Commitment >۶(S/O)ͼ۶ŵ :S/O Header Maintenance >۶ (S/O) ҳüά :S/O Hierarchical order >۶(S/O)ζ :S/O I.B.T >۶(S/O)֧ת(I.B.T) :S/O Import Back Order Releases >۶ڶͷ :S/O Import Complete >۶ :S/O Import Error Printing in Progress >ִ۶ӡ :S/O Import File Errors >۶ļ :S/O Import File Listing in Progress >ִ۶б :S/O Import Preferences >S/O Import Preferences :S/O Inclusive Tax Routine >۶(S/O)˰ :S/O Insert sales order line >۶ (S/O) ۶ :S/O Invoice Calculation from Sales Order >Դ۶۶(S/O)Ʊ :S/O Invoice X-Ref >۶(S/O)Ʊ :S/O Invoice X-Ref Query >۶ (S/O) Ʊղοѯ :S/O Invoicing batch print >۶ (S/O) Ʊӡ :S/O Invoicing batch reprint >۶ (S/O) Ʊ´ӡ :S/O Invoicing document print >۶ (S/O) Ʊĵӡ :S/O Invoicing document reprint >۶ (S/O) Ʊĵ´ӡ :S/O Label Format >۶ǩʽ :S/O Label Print >۶ǩӡ :S/O Label Print in Progress >ִ۶(S/O)ǩӡ :S/O Line Information >۶Ϣ :S/O Lines for Cedit Note >Ʊ۶ :S/O Lines for Credit Note >Ʊ۶ :S/O Lines for RMA >˻Ȩ(RMA)۶(S/O) :S/O List Dispatch Notes >۶(S/O)б :S/O List of Reason Codes >۶ԭ :S/O List of Reason Codes in Progress >ִ۶ԭ :S/O List of Sales Orders >۶۶(S/O)б :S/O Load Planning Delivery Load Maint >۶(S/O)װؼƻװά :S/O Load Planning Delivery Load Query >۶(S/O)װؼƻװزѯ :S/O Load Planning Delivery Loads >۶(S/O)װؼƻװ :S/O Load Planning Delivery Routes >۶(S/O)װؼƻ· :S/O Load Planning Drivers Manifest Query >۶ (S/O) װؼƻ͸ѯ :S/O Load Planning Load Query >۶(S/O)ؼƻزѯ :S/O Load Planning Order List Query >۶ (S/O) װؼƻвѯ :S/O Load Planning Picking Query >۶ (S/O) װؼƻɼѯ :S/O Load Planning Route / Order Browse >۶(S/O)װؼƻ·ߣ :S/O Load Planning Route/Order Browse >S/O ؼƻ·/ :S/O Load Planning Transport >۶(S/O)װؼƻ :S/O Lots, Bins, Serials Allocations >۶(S/O)Ρ⡢ϵз :S/O Maintain s/order after d/note print >۶(S/O)ӡ跽Ʊݺά۶ :S/O Maintenance Order >ά :S/O Maintenance of Sales Orders >۶(S/O)ά۶ :S/O Maintenance of custom forms for a completed dispatch note >۶(S/O)άɷԶ :S/O Maintenance of custom forms for a completed order >۶(S/O)άɶԶ :S/O Mark order complete >۶(S/O)Ƕ :S/O Monthly Cumulative History >S/O ¶ۼƼ¼ :S/O Monthly Quantity History >S/O ¶¼ :S/O Non-stocked back order quantity >۶(S/O)ǿڶ :S/O Operator details order intake query >۶(S/O)Աϸѯ :S/O Order Comments >۶ (S/O) ע :S/O Order Discount Break Calculation >۶(S/O)ۿ۷ֽ :S/O Order Level Discount Breaks Query >۶(S/O)ۿ۷ָѯ :S/O Order Type Maintenance >۶(S/O)ά :S/O Order Types >S/O :S/O Order Value Discounts >۶(S/O)ֵۿ :S/O Order and Booking Report >۶ (S/O) Ԥ :S/O Order and Booking Report in Progress >ִ۶Ԥ :S/O Order or Order Line Cancel >۶(S/O)򶩵ȡ :S/O Orders >۶(S/O) :S/O Orders Created Externally >ⲿ۶(S/O) :S/O Picking Slip >۶(S/O)ɼ :S/O Picking Slip query >۶ (S/O) ɼѯ :S/O Point of Sales >۶(S/O) :S/O Preview counter sales invoice >۶ (S/O) ԤƱ :S/O Preview invoice >۶(S/O)ԤƱ :S/O Price Lookup >۶(S/O)۸鿴 :S/O Price changes >۶(S/O)۸䶯 :S/O Print SCT transfer >۶(S/O)ӡӦת(SCT) :S/O Print acknowledgement >۶(S/O)ӡӦ :S/O Print credit note >۶(S/O)ӡƱ :S/O Print debit note >۶(S/O)ӡ跽Ʊ :S/O Print delivery note >۶(S/O)ӡ :S/O Print dispatch inv >۶(S/O)ӡƱ :S/O Print dispatch note >۶(S/O)ӡ :S/O Print dispatch note SCT transfer >۶(S/O)ӡӦת(SCT) :S/O Print documents >۶(S/O)ӡĵ :S/O Print from preview option >۶(S/O)Ԥѡӡ :S/O Print invoice >۶(S/O)ӡƱ :S/O Print quick quote online >۶(S/O)ӡ :S/O Print sales order >۶ (S/O) ӡ۶ :S/O Processing invoices in batch >۶(S/O)Ʊ :S/O Product Template >۶ (S/O) Ʒģ :S/O Profitability >S/O :S/O Profitability Report >۶(S/O)汨 :S/O Purchase Orders by Customer >ͻ۶(S/O)ɹ :S/O Purge >۶(S/O) :S/O Purge Contract Prices >۶ͬ۸ :S/O Query >۶(S/O)ѯ :S/O Query Backlog >۶ (S/O) ѯδ :S/O Quick Entry >۶(S/O) :S/O Quick Entry (Legacy) >۶ (S/O) (Legacy) :S/O Quick Entry (grid) >۶(S/O) :S/O Quotes >۶(S/O) :S/O Reason Code Maintenance >۶ԭά :S/O Reason Codes >۶(S/O)ԭ :S/O Release Header >S/O ҳü :S/O Release backorder to reserved >S/O ڽ :S/O Reprint documents >۶(S/O)´ӡĵ :S/O Reserve or Ship Stock >S/O 保留或装运库存 :S/O Review of Sales Orders >۶(S/O)۶ :S/O Route Details >۶(S/O)· :S/O Route Details Query >۶(S/O)·ѯ :S/O Route Master Codes >۶(S/O)· :S/O Sales Invoice Query >۶(S/O)۷Ʊѯ :S/O Sales Order Contract Price Query >۶(S/O)۶ͬ۸ѯ :S/O Sales Order Dispatching Setup >۶(S/O)۶ :S/O Sales Order Documents Query >۶(S/O)۶ĵѯ :S/O Sales Order Import >۶(S/O)۶ :S/O Sales Order Import Validation >۶(S/O)۶֤ :S/O Sales Order Invoice Document Query >۶(S/O)۶Ʊĵѯ :S/O Sales Order Lines from Reprint >۶ (S/O) ´ӡ۶ :S/O Sales Order Price Lookup >۶(S/O)۶۸鿴 :S/O Sales Order Query >۶(S/O)۶ѯ :S/O Sales Order Supply Chain Transfer >۶(S/O)۶Ӧת :S/O Sales Order Types >۶(S/O)۶ :S/O Sales Order Valuation Query >۶(S/O)۶۲ѯ :S/O Sales Order discount changes >۶(S/O)۶ۿ۱仯 :S/O Sales Orders >۶(S/O)۶ :S/O Sales Orders SCT Inventory Update >۶(S/O)۶Ӧת(SCT) :S/O Salesperson code >۶(S/O)Ա :S/O Scheduled order >۶(S/O)Ŷ :S/O Selling Price Unit of Measure >۶(S/O)ۼ۸λ :S/O Service Charge >۶ (S/O) շ :S/O Service Charge Maintenance >۶(S/O)շά :S/O Service Charge Type >۶(S/O)շ :S/O Service Charges from Order Entry >۶(S/O)Ӷеķշ :S/O Setup >۶(S/O) :S/O Shipping Instructions >S/O װ˵ :S/O Shipping Instructions Maintenance >۶(S/O)װָʾά :S/O Show cost/profit >۶(S/O)ʾɱ :S/O Single Level BOM >۶(S/O)һϵ(BOM) :S/O Standard Comments >S/O ׼ע :S/O Standard Comments Maintenance >۶׼עά :S/O Supply Chain Transfer >۶(S/O)Ӧת :S/O Supply Chain Transfer Creation >۶(S/O)Ӧתƴ :S/O TPM Product Group Maintenance >۶ (S/O) ó״ (TPM) Ʒά :S/O TPM Resolution Code Maintenance >۶ (S/O) ó״ (TPM) ά :S/O Take payment >۶(S/O)ȡ :S/O Tax History Lookup >۶ (S/O) ˰ʷ¼鿴 :S/O Tax status >۶(S/O)˰״̬ :S/O Template >۶ (S/O) ģ :S/O Template Details >۶ (S/O) ģϸ :S/O Template Header >۶ (S/O) ģҳü :S/O Template Maintenance >۶ (S/O) ģά :S/O Templates >۶ (S/O) ģ :S/O Validating Import Data >۶֤ :S/O Validation Complete >۶֤ :S/O Value Dispatch Notes >۶(S/O)ֵ :S/O Value Sales Orders >۶ (S/O) ֵ۶ :S/O and P/O Reset order status from %1 >۶(S/O)Ͳɹ(P/O) %1 иλ״̬ :S/O documents >۶(S/O)ĵ :S/O line >۶(S/O) :S/O line number >۶к :S/O line was not released due to errors.It remains in back order >۶(S/O)δǩԴڽ :S/Order Adding serial numbers in Sales Order entry >۶۶ϵк :S/Order Allow credit in excess of original invoice >۶ԭʼƱд :S/Order Changing customer request date for sales order >۶۶Ŀͻ :S/Order Changing prices >۶ļ۸ :S/Order Changing sales order discounts >۶۶ۿ :S/Order Cost margin override in Sales Order Entry >۶۶еijɱȸ :S/Order Entry of credit authority on release of sales orders >۶ǩʱĴȨ۶ :S/Order RMA Allow credit in excess of original invoice >۶˻Ȩ (RMA) ԭʼƱд :S/Order Shipping Address >۶ַ :S/o import back order release >۶ڶͷ :S/order >۶ :S/order Entry >۵ :S/order allocs >۶ :S/order customer p/order >۶ͻɹ :S/order detail comment (1-30) >۶ϸע(1-30) :S/order detail comment (31-45) >۶ϸע(31-45) :S/order special instructions >۶رָʾ :SA Branch >SA ֧ :SA Canadian GST Control >SA ô GST :SA Canadian GST Detail >SA ô GST ϸ :SA Canadian GST Summary >SA ô GST ժҪ :SA Capture lost sales >SA ʧ :SA Capture lost sales e.net >SA ʧ e.net :SA Commission >SA Ӷ :SA Counter Sales GL Interface >SA ̨ GL :SA Delete lost sales >SA ɾʧ :SA Delete lost sales e.net >SA ɾʧ e.net :SA Department >SA :SA EC Sales SRS Report >SA EC SRS :SA EC VAT Sales >SA EC VAT :SA GL Interface Control >SA GL :SA GST Query >SA GST ѯ :SA GST by Geographic Area Query > SA GST ѯ :SA Geographic Area >SA :SA History Query >SA ¼ѯ :SA History Targets Maintenance >SA ʷĿά :SA Intrastat Delivery Terms >SA ó׽ :SA Intrastat Delivery Terms Maintenance >SA ó׽ά :SA Intrastat Nature of Tran Maintenance >SA ó׽ά :SA Intrastat Nature of Transaction >SA ó׽ :SA Intrastat Supplementary Units >SA óλ :SA Intrastat Transaction Maintenance >SA ó׽ά :SA Intrastat Transactions >SA ó׽ :SA Payments GL Interface >SA GL :SA Product Class & Salesperson Control >SA ƷۻԱ :SA Product Class Description >SA Ʒ :SA Product Class Master >SA Ʒ :SA Product Class Transaction Summary >SA ƷཻժҪ :SA Profitability Query >SA ʲѯ :SA Sales Analysis Target Spreads >SA ۷ĿϢ :SA Sales Analysis Targets For Customer >SA ͻ۷Ŀ :SA Sales Analysis Targets For Prod Class >SA Ʒ۷Ŀ :SA Sales Analysis Tax >SA ۷˰ :SA Sales Analysis Tax UK VAT >SA ۷˰Ӣ VAT :SA Sales GL Interface >SA GL :SA Sales History Master >SA ۼ¼ :SA Sales History Source Transactions >SA ۼ¼Դ :SA Sales History Summary >SA ۼ¼ժҪ :SA Sales History Summary Control >SA ۼ¼ժҪ :SA Sales Performance Report for %1 Sales by Branch, Stock code >%1 ۰֧ SA ۼЧ :SA Sales Targets >SA Ŀ :SA Salesperson Master >SA ۻԱ :SA Salesperson Transaction Summary >SA ۻԱժҪ :SA Supplementary Codes >SA :SA Supplementary Units Maintenance >SA λά :SA Tax Report >SA ˰񱨸 :SA UK VAT records deleted >ɾ SA Ӣ VAT ¼ :SA US Advanced Geocodes Tax/AVP Sls Tax >SA ߼˰/AVP ˰ :SA Zoom Index On Sales History Summary >SA ۼ¼ժҪ :SAN SYSPRO Analytics Setup >SAN SYSPRO :SC - Stock code >SC - :SCT >Ӧת :SCT Backlog by Target Warehouse Report >Ŀֿⱨ SCT ѹ :SCT Contact name >Ӧת(SCT)ϵ :SCT Default document format >Ӧת(SCT)Ĭĵʽ :SCT Fax number >Ӧת(SCT)˰պ :SCT Options >SCTѡ :SCT Order Created >ѴSCTѡ :SCT Order Header >SCT ҳü :SCT Orders - Source >Ӧת(SCT) - Դ :SCT Transfer >SCTת :SCT Transfer Preview in Progress >ִйӦת(SCT)תԤ :SCT Transfer Print/Fax/Email in Progress >ִйӦת(SCT)תƴӡ棯ʼ :SCT Warehouse Error >SCTֿ :SCT Warehouses >SCTֿ :SCT branch invalid >SCT 分支无效 :SCT information >SCT Ϣ :SCT item >SCTĿ :SCT order details >SCT ϸ :SCT receipt date >SCT ջ :SCT receipt date '%1' is earlier than ship date '%2' >Ӧת(SCT)ջ'%1' װ'%2' :SCT reference >SCT 参考 :SCT reference '%1' exists for warehouse '%2' >Ӧת(SCT)ο '%1' ڲֿ '%2' Ѵ :SCT whs >SCT ֿ :SCT's >SCT :SCTs >Ӧת(SCT) :SDK Program for SRS Document Printing > SRS ĵӡ SDK :SDS Allow email from document archive >SDS ĵ͵ʼ :SDS Allow export from document archive (crystal format only) >SDS ĵ ( Crystal ʽ) :SDS Allow print from document archive (crystal format only) >SDS ĵӡ ( Crystal ʽ) :SDS Allow viewing of PDF documents in archive viewer >SDS ڵ鿴в鿴 PDF ĵ :SDS View all archived items >SDS 鿴ѹ鵵Ŀ :SDS View operator role archived items >SDS 鿴Աְ鵵Ŀ :SFS Factory Scheduling Setup >SFS :SFS MRP Schedule >SFS MRP ų :SFS Order Import >SFS :SFS Preactor Advanced Scheduler >SFS Preactor ߼ų̳ :SFS Preactor Finite Scheduler >SFS Preactor ų̳ :SFS Preactor Graphical Planning Board >SFS Preactor ͼμƻ :SFS Preactor Mapping Tool >SFS Preactor ӳ乤 :SFS Preactor Schedule >SFS Preactor 排程 :SFS Preactor Schedule Query >SFS Preactor ų̲ѯ :SFS Scheduling Group Browse >SFS :SFS Scheduling Group Maintenance >SFS ά :SFS Scheduling Groups >SFS :SFS Setup Query >SFS òѯ :SFS stub program to call SYSPRO program > SYSPRO SFS :SKU Information >SKU Ϣ :SKU Summary >SKU Ҫ :SKU accuracy levels >SKU ׼ȷȼ :SKU additions >SKU :SKU deletions >SKU ɾ :SKU details >SKU ϸ :SKU's >¼λ(SKU) :SKUs >¼λ(SKU) :SMS/Text >(SMS)ı :SMTP >SMTP :SMTP Default Addresses >SMTPĬϵַ :SMTP Host >SMTP :SMTP Port >SMTP ˿ :SMTP Settings >SMTP :SMTP TCP-IP address >SMTP TCP-IPַ :SMTP password >SMTP :SMTP server IP address >SMTPIPַ :SMTP username >SMTP û :SO Add Serial Numbers >۶ (SO) ϵк :SO Add contract pricing >۶ (SO) Ӻͬ۸ :SO Add contract pricing e.net >SO Ӻͬ e.net :SO Add credit note >۶ (SO) ӴƱ :SO Add credit note e.net >SO ӴƱ e.net :SO Add credit note merchandise line e.net >۶ (SO) ӴƱƷ e.net :SO Add lines to existing dispatch >۶(SO)з :SO Add merchandise lines in dispatch note maintenance >۶(SO)ڷάƷ :SO Add sales order >۶ (SO) ۶ :SO Add sales order e.net >۶(SO)۶e.net :SO Add sales order merchandise line >۶ (SO) ۶Ʒ :SO Add sales order merchandise line e.net >۶(SO)۶Ʒe.net :SO Add sales order non-merchandise line >۶ (SO) ۶Ʒ :SO Add sales order non-merchandise line e.n >۶(SO)۶Ʒe.net :SO Add sales order non-merchandise line e.net >۶ (SO) ۶Ʒ e.net :SO Add supply chain transfer >۶ (SO) ӹӦת :SO Add supply chain transfer e.net >۶ (SO) ӹӦת e.net :SO Add text >۶ı :SO Allocate reserved stock >SO 䱣 :SO Allow cancellation when dispatch global promotions on different DN >SO Allow cancellation when dispatch global promotions on different DN :SO Allow change of automatically calculated dispatch delivery load >۶ (SO) Զ㷢װ :SO Allow change of quantity for labor service charge >۶(SO)Ͷշѵ :SO Allow change of value for user defined service charge >۶ (SO) ûշѵļֵ :SO Allow change to geographic area if multiple ship-to address in use >如多收货地址在使用,SO 允许更改地区 :SO Allow decimal overflow on AUM qty >۶(SO)AUMС :SO Allow decimal overflow on aum quantity >SO üλС :SO Allow insertion of lines on a partially invoiced sales order >SO 允许在部分出具发票销售订单中插入行 :SO Allow job creation if insuff stock >۶(SO)ҵ治㣩 :SO Allow job creation if insufficient stock >۶(SO)ҵ治㣩 :SO Allow maint. of attached service chg >۶(SO)άӵķշ :SO Allow maintenance of attached service charge >SO άӷշ :SO Allow maintenance of attached service chg >۶(SO)άӵķշ :SO Allow negative quantities in MDN >۶(SO)ط(MDN)еĸ :SO Allow override of '%1' rule >SO '%1' :SO Allow override of minimum order validation rule >SO С֤ :SO Allow override of reserve stock options when shipping sales orders >װ۶ʱSO Աѡ :SO Allow pricing changes in Quick Entry >۶(SO)ٲѯеĶ۱仯 :SO Back Order Import >۶(SO)ڽ :SO Back Order Release >۶ڶͷ :SO Back Order Release - Release all lines >SO ڽ - :SO Back Order Release Preferences >۶ڶͷŲ :SO Back Order Release Review Criteria >SO ڽ˱׼ :SO Back Order Releases >S/O ڽǩ :SO Back Order Releases Import >۶(SO)ڽǩ :SO Back Order Review >SO ڽ :SO Back Order Review Criteria >SO ڽ˱׼ :SO Back Order Review in Process >ڽ SO ڽ :SO Back Orders >۶(SO)ڽ :SO Backlog by Customer >ͻ۶(SO)δ :SO Backlog by Customer Query >SO ͻѹѯ :SO Backlog by Customer Report >ͻ۶ (SO) δ :SO Backlog by Stock Code >۶(SO)δ :SO Backlog by Stock Code Query >SO ѹѯ :SO Backlog by Stock Code Report >뱨۶ (SO) δ :SO Backorder Details >۶(SO)ڽϸ :SO Batch Invoicing >۶(SO)Ʊ :SO Batch Printing >۶ӡ :SO Billing >۶(SO)Ʒ :SO Blanket P/O Balance Correction >۶(SO)һӲɹ(P/O) :SO Booking Report >۶(SO)Ԥ :SO Browse Archived Sales Orders >۶(SO)鵵۶ :SO Browse on Counter Sales Deposit Lines >SO ̨۴ :SO Browse on S/O Invoices >۶(SO)۶(SO)Ʊ :SO Browse on S/O Lines >۶(SO)۶(SO) :SO Browse on SO Invoices >SO SO Ʊ :SO Browse on SO Lines >SO SO :SO Browse on Sales Invoices >۶(SO)۷Ʊ :SO Browse on counter sales deposits lin >۶(SO) :SO Build Sales Order Header >۶(SO)۶ͷ :SO Build Sales Order Line >۶(SO)۶ :SO Buying Group X-Ref Query >SO ɹղοѯ :SO Buying Group X-Ref Report >۶(SO)ɹ :SO Cancel dispatch note after printing >۶(SO)ӡȡ :SO Cancel non-invoiced lines on a partially invoiced sales order >SO 取消部分出具发票销售订单中未出具发票的行 :SO Cancel sales order >۶ (SO) ȡ۶ :SO Cancel sales order e.net >۶ (SO) ȡ۶ e.net :SO Cancel sales order line >۶ (SO) ȡ۶ :SO Cancel sales order line e.net >۶ (SO) ȡ۶ e.net :SO Cash drawer >۶ (SO) ֽƱ :SO Change Order Status >۶(SO)Ķ״̬ :SO Change Trade Promotions AP tax in promotion review >SO 在促销审查中更改贸易促销 AP 税 :SO Change Trade Promotions deduction customer in review >SO 在审查中更改贸易促销折让客户 :SO Change Warehouse on S/O Line >۶ (SO) ۶ (SO) ϵIJֿ :SO Change Warehouse on SO Line >SO SO ϵIJֿ :SO Change Warehouse on Sales Order Line >SO ۶ϵIJֿ :SO Change contract pricing >۶ (SO) ĺͬ۸ :SO Change contract pricing e.net >SO ĺͬ e.net :SO Change sales order >۶ (SO) ۶ :SO Change sales order e.net >۶ (SO) ۶ e.net :SO Change sales order merchandise line >۶ (SO) ۶Ʒ :SO Change sales order merchandise line e.net >۶ (SO) ۶Ʒ e.net :SO Change sales order non-merchandise line >۶ (SO) ۶Ʒ :SO Change sales order non-merchandise line e.net >۶ (SO) ۶Ʒ e.net :SO Change sales order status >۶ (SO) ۶״̬ :SO Change sales order status e.net >۶ (SO) ۶״̬ e.net :SO Coded Shipping Instructions >SO װָʾ :SO Commission Code >۶(SO)ŵ :SO Commission Code Details >۶(SO)ŵϸ :SO Commission Code Maintenance >۶(SO)ŵά :SO Commission Codes >۶(SO)ŵ :SO Commitment Graph >۶ŵͼ :SO Commitment Graph for All Customers >пͻ۶(SO)ŵͼ :SO Commitment Report >۶(SO)ŵ :SO Consolidate Orders >۶(SO)ϲ :SO Consolidated Dispatch Inv Doc Query >۶(SO)ϲƱĵѯ :SO Contract Browse >۶(SO)ͬ :SO Contract Price List >۶ͬ۸ :SO Contract Price List in Progress >ִ۶ͬ۸ :SO Contract Price Maintenance(Buy Grp) >SO ͬ۸ά (ɹ) :SO Contract Price Maintenance(Customer) >SO ͬ۸ά (ͻ) :SO Contract Price Query >SO ͬ۸ѯ :SO Contract Price SRS Report >۶ (SO) ͬ۸ SRS :SO Contract Prices >۶ͬ۸ :SO Contract Pricing Maintenance >۶(SO)ͬά :SO Contract Pricing Purge >۶(SO)ͬ :SO Contract Pricing Report >۶(SO)ͬ۸ :SO Contract Pricing Report in Progress >ִ۶(SO)ͬ۸ :SO Copy - change codes >۶(SO) - Ĵ :SO Copy sales order >۶ (SO) ۶ :SO Cost margin override in Sales Order entry >۶(SO)۶ѯijɱ滻 :SO Counter Sales >۶(SO) :SO Counter Sales Pay Interface >۶(SO)֧ :SO Counter Sales Payment Print >۶(SO)ӡ :SO Counter Sales Payment Query >SO ̨۸ѯ :SO Counter Sales Query >SO ̨۲ѯ :SO Counter Sales Report >۶(SO) :SO Create P/O, requisition, or job if sales order in suspense >۶(SO)ɹ(P/O)빺ҵ۶ :SO Create order with no lines >۶ (SO) ж :SO Create p-order, requisition, or job if sales order in suspense >۶SO ɹ빺 :SO Create p/order, requisition, or job if sales order in suspense >۶SO ɹ빺 :SO Credit Note Header >۶ (SO) Ʊҳü :SO Credit Note from Invoice >ԴڷƱ۶(SO)Ʊ :SO Credit Note lines >۶ (SO) Ʊ :SO Credit note >۶(SO)Ʊ :SO Cumulative History >۶(SO)ۼʷ¼ :SO Customer Templates >SO ͻģ :SO Customer company tax registration no >۶(SO)ͻ˾˰ע :SO Debit note >۶(SO)跽Ʊ :SO Delete contract pricing >۶ (SO) ɾͬ۸ :SO Delete contract pricing e.net >SO ɾͬ e.net :SO Delivery Route Maintenance >۶ (SO) ·ά :SO Detail Lines >۶ϸ :SO Dimension Entry >۶ (SO) :SO Dispatch Invoice Calculation >۶(SO)Ʊ :SO Dispatch Invoice Document Query >۶(SO)Ʊĵѯ :SO Dispatch Note Cancel >۶(SO)ȡ :SO Dispatch Note Documents Query >۶(SO)ĵѯ :SO Dispatch Note Query >۶(SO)ѯ :SO Dispatch Note Trial Balance >SO :SO Dispatch Note Valuation Query >۶(SO)۲ѯ :SO Dispatch Notes >SO :SO Dispatch Notes Report >SO :SO Dispatch Order Lines from Reprint >۶ (SO) ´ӡķ :SO Dispatches by Sales Order Query >SO ۶ѯ :SO Dispatches by Sales Order SRS Report >SO ۶ SRS :SO Document Format >۶ļʽ :SO Document Format Alignment in Progress >ִ۶ļʽУ׼ :SO Document Format Printing in Progress >ִ۶ļʽӡ :SO Document Formats >۶(SO)ĵʽ :SO Document types >۶ļ :SO Entry >۶(SO) :SO Entry (Grid line entry) >SO Ŀ (Ŀ) :SO Entry Express >SO Ŀ :SO Entry of credit authority on release of S/Order >۶(SO)ǩ۶ʱȨ :SO Entry of credit authority on release of sales order >SO ۶ܲĿ :SO Entry of credit notes >SO ƱĿ :SO Extended Tax History Lookup >SO չ˰¼鿴 :SO Foreign Currency Price Codes >۶(SO)Ҽ۸ :SO Forward order >۶(SO)Զڶ :SO GIT Transfer Creation from Dispatch >Դڷ۶(SO);(GIT)תƴ :SO GIT Transfer Creation from SCT >ԴڹӦת(SCT)۶(SO);(GIT)תƴ :SO GL Integration Query >۶(SO)(GL)ɲѯ :SO GL Integration check >۶ (SO) (GL) ɼ :SO General Templates >SO ģ :SO Graph Sales Order Commitment >۶(SO)ͼ۶ŵ :SO Header Maintenance >۶ (SO) ҳüά :SO Hierarchical order >۶(SO)ζ :SO I.B.T >۶(SO)֧ת(I.B.T) :SO Import Back Order Releases >۶ڶͷ :SO Import Complete >۶ :SO Import Error Printing in Progress >ִ۶ӡ :SO Import File Errors >۶ļ :SO Import File Listing in Progress >ִ۶б :SO Import Header Maintenance >SO ҳüά :SO Import Preferences >S/O Import Preferences :SO Import Review Criteria >SO ˱׼ :SO Inclusive Tax Routine >۶(SO)˰ :SO Insert sales order line >۶ (SO) ۶ :SO Invoice Calculation from Sales Order >Դ۶۶(SO)Ʊ :SO Invoice Index Rebuild >SO Ʊؽ :SO Invoice No. Allocation and Recording >SO Ʊͼ¼ :SO Invoice X-Ref >۶(SO)Ʊ :SO Invoice X-Ref Query >۶ (SO) Ʊղοѯ :SO Invoicing batch print >۶ (SO) Ʊӡ :SO Invoicing batch reprint >۶ (SO) Ʊ´ӡ :SO Invoicing document print >۶ (SO) Ʊĵӡ :SO Invoicing document reprint >۶ (SO) Ʊĵ´ӡ :SO Label Format >۶ǩʽ :SO Label Print >۶ǩӡ :SO Label Print in Progress >ִ۶(SO)ǩӡ :SO Line And Order Discounts >SO кͶۿ :SO Line Information >۶Ϣ :SO Lines for Cedit Note >Ʊ۶ :SO Lines for Credit Note >Ʊ۶ :SO Lines for RMA >˻Ȩ(RMA)۶(SO) :SO List Dispatch Notes >۶(SO)б :SO List of Reason Codes >۶ԭ :SO List of Reason Codes in Progress >ִ۶ԭ :SO List of Sales Orders >۶۶(SO)б :SO Load Planning Complete Sales Orders >SO ؼƻ۶ :SO Load Planning Delivery Load Maint >۶(SO)װؼƻװά :SO Load Planning Delivery Load Query >۶(SO)װؼƻװزѯ :SO Load Planning Delivery Loads >۶(SO)װؼƻװ :SO Load Planning Delivery Routes >۶(SO)װؼƻ· :SO Load Planning Dispatch Notes >SO ؼƻ :SO Load Planning Drivers Manifest Query >۶ (SO) װؼƻ͸ѯ :SO Load Planning Load Query >۶(SO)ؼƻزѯ :SO Load Planning Order List Query >۶ (SO) װؼƻвѯ :SO Load Planning Picking Query >۶ (SO) װؼƻɼѯ :SO Load Planning Route & Order Browse >SO ؼƻ·ߺͶ :SO Load Planning Route / Order Browse >۶(SO)װؼƻ·ߣ :SO Load Planning Route/Order Browse >SO ؼƻ·/ :SO Load Planning Transport >۶(SO)װؼƻ :SO Load Planning Transport Maintenance >SO ؼƻά :SO Lots, Bins, Serials Allocations >۶(SO)Ρ⡢ϵз :SO Maintain s/order after d/note print >۶(SO)ӡ跽Ʊݺά۶ :SO Maintain sales order after debit note print >SO ɽ跽Ʊݴӡά۶ :SO Maintain sales order after delivery note print >SO ɽӡά۶ :SO Maintenance Order >ά :SO Maintenance of Sales Orders >۶(SO)ά۶ :SO Maintenance of custom forms for a completed dispatch note >۶(SO)άɷԶ :SO Maintenance of custom forms for a completed order >۶(SO)άɶԶ :SO Mark order complete >۶(SO)Ƕ :SO Non-stocked back order quantity >۶(SO)ǿڶ :SO Operator details order intake query >۶(SO)Աϸѯ :SO Order Comments >۶ (SO) ע :SO Order Discount Break Calculation >۶(SO)ۿ۷ֽ :SO Order Entry - add line to delivery load where capacity is exceeded >SO Ŀ - 򽻻 :SO Order Entry - re-qualify Trade Promotiions >SO Ŀ - ֤ó״ʸ :SO Order Level Discount Breaks Query >۶(SO)ۿ۷ָѯ :SO Order Type Maintenance >۶(SO)ά :SO Order Types >S/O :SO Order Value Discounts >۶(SO)ֵۿ :SO Order and Booking Query >SO Ԥѯ :SO Order and Booking Report >۶ (SO) Ԥ :SO Order and Booking Report in Progress >ִ۶Ԥ :SO Order or Order Line Cancel >۶(SO)򶩵ȡ :SO Orders >۶(SO) :SO Orders Created Externally >ⲿ۶(SO) :SO Picking Slip >۶(SO)ɼ :SO Picking Slip query >۶ (SO) ɼѯ :SO Point of Sale >SO ۵ :SO Point of Sales >۶(SO) :SO Preview counter sales invoice >۶ (SO) ԤƱ :SO Preview invoice >۶(SO)ԤƱ :SO Price Code/Currency Code X-ref >SO ۸/Ҵղο :SO Price Lookup >۶(SO)۸鿴 :SO Price Unit Of Measure Conversion >SO ۸λת :SO Price changes >۶(SO)۸䶯 :SO Print SCT transfer >۶(SO)ӡӦת(SCT) :SO Print acknowledgement >۶(SO)ӡӦ :SO Print credit note >۶(SO)ӡƱ :SO Print debit note >۶(SO)ӡ跽Ʊ :SO Print delivery note >۶(SO)ӡ :SO Print dispatch inv >۶(SO)ӡƱ :SO Print dispatch note >۶(SO)ӡ :SO Print dispatch note SCT transfer >۶(SO)ӡӦת(SCT) :SO Print documents >۶(SO)ӡĵ :SO Print from preview option >۶(SO)Ԥѡӡ :SO Print invoice >۶(SO)ӡƱ :SO Print quick quote online >۶(SO)ӡ :SO Print sales order >۶ (SO) ӡ۶ :SO Processing invoices in batch >۶(SO)Ʊ :SO Product Template >۶ (SO) Ʒģ :SO Profitability >SO :SO Profitability Report >۶(SO)汨 :SO Purchase Orders by Customer >ͻ۶(SO)ɹ :SO Purge >۶(SO) :SO Purge Contract Prices >۶ͬ۸ :SO Query >۶(SO)ѯ :SO Query Backlog >۶ (SO) ѯδ :SO Quick Entry >۶(SO) :SO Quick Entry (Legacy) >۶ (SO) (Legacy) :SO Quick Entry (grid) >۶(SO) :SO Quotes >۶(SO) :SO Reason Code Maintenance >۶ԭά :SO Reason Codes >۶(SO)ԭ :SO Reason For Change Or Cancellation >SO Ļȡԭ :SO Release Kit Item from Back Order >SO ڽй߰Ŀ :SO Release Reserved Stock >SO б :SO Release Reserved Stock to Ship >SO װ˵ı :SO Release Scheduled Orders >SO Ŷ :SO Release backorder to reserved >SO ڽ :SO Reprint documents >۶(SO)´ӡĵ :SO Reserve or Ship Stock >SO װ˿ :SO Reserved Stock Review Criteria >SO ˱׼ :SO Reset customer credit status after credit invoice >SO 在贷项发票后复位客户贷记状态 :SO Review of Sales Orders >۶(SO)۶ :SO Route Details >۶(SO)· :SO Route Details Query >۶(SO)·ѯ :SO Route Master Codes >۶(SO)· :SO Sales Invoice Query >۶(SO)۷Ʊѯ :SO Sales Order Contract Price Query >۶(SO)۶ͬ۸ѯ :SO Sales Order Dispatching Setup >۶(SO)۶ :SO Sales Order Documents Query >۶(SO)۶ĵѯ :SO Sales Order Import >۶(SO)۶ :SO Sales Order Import Validation >۶(SO)۶֤ :SO Sales Order Invoice Document Query >۶(SO)۶Ʊĵѯ :SO Sales Order Line Query >SO ۶Ϣ :SO Sales Order Lines Query >SO ۶Ϣ :SO Sales Order Lines from Reprint >۶ (SO) ´ӡ۶ :SO Sales Order Price Lookup >۶(SO)۶۸鿴 :SO Sales Order Query >۶(SO)۶ѯ :SO Sales Order Supply Chain Transfer >۶(SO)۶Ӧת :SO Sales Order Types >۶(SO)۶ :SO Sales Order Valuation Query >۶(SO)۶۲ѯ :SO Sales Order discount changes >۶(SO)۶ۿ۱仯 :SO Sales Orders >۶(SO)۶ :SO Sales Orders SCT Inventory Update >۶(SO)۶Ӧת(SCT) :SO Salesperson code >۶(SO)Ա :SO Scheduled Order Allocations >SO Ŷ :SO Scheduled order >۶(SO)Ŷ :SO Select individual kit component from invoice for credit >SO ӷƱѡǵĸ𹤾߰ :SO Selling Price Unit of Measure >۶(SO)ۼ۸λ :SO Selling Price Uom Maintenance >SO ۼۼλά :SO Serial allocation add new numbers when serials required on receipt >SO ϵзº (ջڼҪϵʱ) :SO Service Charge >۶ (SO) շ :SO Service Charge Maintenance >۶(SO)շά :SO Service Charge Type >۶(SO)շ :SO Service Charges from Order Entry >۶(SO)Ӷеķշ :SO Set Picking Status >SO ״̬ :SO Setup >۶(SO) :SO Shipping Instruction >SO װָʾ :SO Shipping Instruction Maintenance >SO װָʾά :SO Shipping Instructions >S/O װ˵ :SO Shipping Instructions Maintenance >۶(SO)װָʾά :SO Show cost/profit >۶(SO)ʾɱ :SO Single Level BOM >۶(SO)һϵ(BOM) :SO Standard Comment >SO ׼ע :SO Standard Comments >S/O ׼ע :SO Standard Comments Maintenance >۶׼עά :SO Supply Chain Transfer >۶(SO)Ӧת :SO Supply Chain Transfer Creation >۶(SO)Ӧתƴ :SO TPM Product Group Maintenance >۶ (SO) ó״ (TPM) Ʒά :SO TPM Resolution Code Maintenance >۶ (SO) ó״ (TPM) ά :SO Take payment >۶(SO)ȡ :SO Tax History Lookup >۶ (SO) ˰ʷ¼鿴 :SO Tax status >۶(SO)˰״̬ :SO Template >۶ (SO) ģ :SO Template Details >۶ (SO) ģϸ :SO Template Header >۶ (SO) ģҳü :SO Template Maintenance >۶ (SO) ģά :SO Templates >۶ (SO) ģ :SO USA Tax 3rd Party Calculation Link >SO ˰ 3 :SO Validating Import Data >۶֤ :SO Validation Complete >۶֤ :SO Value Dispatch Notes >۶(SO)ֵ :SO Value Sales Orders >۶ (SO) ֵ۶ :SO Values (Order Currency) >SO ֵ () :SO and P/O Reset order status from %1 >۶(SO)Ͳɹ(P/O) %1 иλ״̬ :SO and PO Reset order status from %1 >SO PO %1 λ״̬ :SO documents >۶(SO)ĵ :SO import back order release >SO ڽ :SO inspection required >Ҫ SO :SO line >۶(SO) :SO line number >۶к :SO line was not released due to errors.It remains in back order >۶(SO)δǩԴڽ :SOI Allowed to design searches >SOI :SQL >SQL :SQL Administrative Login >SQL¼ :SQL Administrator Login >SQLԱ¼ :SQL Column Name >SQL :SQL Command >SQL :SQL Company Setup >SQL˾ :SQL Connection >SQL :SQL Connection Failure >SQL ʧ :SQL Conversion Test Harness >SQL תԹ :SQL Conversion to Version %1 >SQLת %1 汾 :SQL Copy Functions >SQL ƹ :SQL Custom Forms >SQL Զֶ :SQL Data Source >SQLԴ :SQL Execute SQL Scripts >SQLִSQLű :SQL Execute Script >SQLִнϱ :SQL File handler and other exports >SQLļ :SQL Information >AQLϢ :SQL Login >SQL 登录 :SQL OLAP Server Information >SQL OLAPϢ :SQL Optimization >SQLŻ :SQL Schedules >SQL ų :SQL Script >SQLű :SQL Script Messages >SQLűϢ :SQL Scripts >SQLű :SQL Select Larger Fields >SQL ѡֶ :SQL Server >SQL :SQL Server Authentication >SQL֤ :SQL Server CALs >SQLƽ(CAL) :SQL Server Configuration >SQL :SQL Server Diagnostic >SQL :SQL Server Diagnostic Utility >SQLʵó :SQL Server Diagnostics >SQL :SQL Server Execute Scripts >SQLִнű :SQL Server Foreign Key >SQL :SQL Server Foreign Keys >SQL :SQL Server Information >SQLϢ :SQL Server Information in Progress >ִSQLϢ :SQL Server Setup >SQL :SQL Server System Administration Account >SQLϵͳʻ :SQL Server Utilities >SQLʩ :SQL Server Utility to Execute Scripts >ִнűSQLʵó :SQL Server Version Information >SQL汾Ϣ :SQL Server authentication method >SQL֤ :SQL Server authentication using Login and Password >ʹõ¼SQL֤ :SQL Server based company >ڹ˾SQL :SQL Server details >SQL :SQL Server details for the workflow database >ݿ SQL :SQL Server name cannot be '%1'. Please change the ODBC settings on the SYSPRO server to use the actual server name >SQL Ϊ '%1' SYSPRO ϵ ODBC ãʹʵ :SQL Server system admin information >SQL ϵͳԱϢ :SQL Server. This method will depend on your SQL Server setup >SQL ˷ȡ SQL :SQL Statement >SQL :SQL Update Large Numerics >SQL ´ :SQL Wizard >SQL :SQL authentication (ADMIN login+pass) >SQL ֤ (Ա¼+֤ͨ) :SQL authentication (Operator login+pass >SQL ֤ (Ա¼+֤ͨ) :SQL authentication (using login + password) >SQL ֤ (û¼ + ) :SQL category >SQL :SQL database >SQLݿ :SQL database name >SQL ݿ :SQL or ISAM flag >SQLISAM־ :SQL script successfully generated >ѳɹSQLű :SQL script successfully generated. You must ensure that you drop and rebuild your Foreign Keys prior to and after running this script >ѳɹSQLűȷиýű֮ǰ֮ϷŲع :SQL server connection failed >SQLʧ :SQL server connection failed. You will not be able to create the databases for this site until Analytics can connect to the database >SQLʧܡ:ֻAnalyticsܹݿ󷽿Ϊվ㴴ݿ :SQL server connection succeeded >SQLӳɹ :SQL server version >SQL 汾 :SQL state >SQL״̬ :SQL statements >ɵ :SQL table name >SQL :SQL to C-ISAM >SQLC-ISAM :SQL to C-ISAM Conversion >SQLC-ISAMת :SQL to C-ISAM Export >SQLC-ISAM :SQL user loging ID >SQL û¼ ID :SQL user password >SQL û :SQL/C-ISAM determined by company >ɹ˾ȷSQL/C-ISAM :SQL/ODBC Field Name >SQL/ODBCֶ :SRS %1 >SRS %1 :SRS %1 Label Print >SRS %1 标签打印 :SRS AP Label Print >SRS AP ǩӡ :SRS AR Label Print >SRS AR ǩӡ :SRS Allow maintenance of SRS forms >SRSάSRS :SRS Allow maintenance of SRS menu >SRSάSRS˵ :SRS Allow maintenance of SRS themes >SRSάSRS :SRS Allow purging of SRS archived items >SRSSRS鵵Ŀ :SRS Allow report scheduling >SRSų :SRS Allowed to change report priority >允许 SRS 更改报告优先级 :SRS Allowed to purge report >允许 SRS 清除报告 :SRS Asset Label Print >SRS ʲǩӡ :SRS Control >SRS :SRS Copy Format >SRS Ƹʽ :SRS Document Archive >SRS ĵ :SRS Document Archive Data Migration >SRS 文档档案数据迁移 :SRS Document Archive Purge >SRS ĵ :SRS Document Archive Setup >SRS ĵ :SRS Document Archive Viewer >SRS ĵ鿴 :SRS Document Archiving %1 Conversion >SRS ĵ鵵 %1 ת :SRS Document Archiving ISAM to SQL conv >SRS ĵ鵵 ISAM SQL ת :SRS Document Archiving SQL conversion >SRS ĵ鵵 SQL ת :SRS Document Creation in Progress >ִSRSĵ :SRS Document Error >SRSĵ :SRS Document Format Browse >SRS ĵʽ :SRS Document Options program >SRS ĵѡ :SRS Document Pending Archive >SRS ĵ :SRS Document Pending Archive Viewer >SRS ĵ鿴 :SRS Document Preview >SRSĵԤ :SRS Document Print Error >SRSĵӡ :SRS Document Print Setup >SRS ĵӡ :SRS Document Printing >SRS ĵӡ :SRS Document Printing Archive >SRS ĵӡ :SRS Document Printing Formats >SRS ĵӡʽ :SRS Document Printing Options >SRSĵӡѡ :SRS Document Printing Setup >SRS ĵӡ :SRS Document Setup >SRS ĵ :SRS Document Temp Files Cleanup Viewer >SRS ĵʱļ鿴 :SRS Document Template >SRS ĵģ :SRS Document Template Maintenance >SRS ĵģά :SRS Document Type >SRS ĵ :SRS Document Type Maintenance >SRS ĵά :SRS Document Types >SRS ĵ :SRS Document Types Error >SRS ĵʹ :SRS Document printing routines >SRS ĵӡ :SRS Documents >SRS ĵ :SRS Documents maintenance program >SRS ĵά :SRS Documents printing program >SRS ĵӡ :SRS Errors >SRS :SRS Factory Docs >SRS ĵ :SRS Invoice >SRS Ʊ :SRS Menu >SRS ˵ :SRS Options >SRS ѡ :SRS Print Error >SRS ӡ :SRS Print Preview >SRS ӡԤ :SRS Report >SRS :SRS Reports >SRS :SRS Scheduler >SRS ų̳ :SRS View all archived items >SRS鿴й鵵Ŀ :SRS View operator group archived items >SRS鿴Ա鵵Ŀ :SRS document >SRS ĵ :SRS has detected that you have either changed machines or the local scheduler data has been corrupted. Do you want SRS to restore the local scheduler data? >SRS Ѽ⵽Ҫô˻Ҫôų̳𻵡ϣ SRS ָų̳? :SRS internal error >SRS ڲ :SRS printing is not supported on Windows 98 >SRSӡWindows 98֧ :SRS printing is not supported on this operating system >SRS ӡڴ˲ϵͳ²֧ :SRS template uses detail allocs XML >SRS ģʹϸ XML :SRS/Crystal Report >SRS/Crystal :SSIS Package name >SSIS :SSIS Server >SSIS :SSIS server name >SSIS :ST-Point >ST-Point :ST-Point Data Extract >ST-Pointȡ :ST-Point Data Import >ST-Pointݵ :ST-Point Extract Data >ST-Pointȡ :ST-Point Import Data >ST-Point :ST-Point data directory >ST-Pointֵ :ST-Point import allowed to change quantity of live non-started jobs >ST-PointЧδʼҵ :ST-Point import allowed to change quantity of suggested jobs >ST-PointĽҵ :ST-Point import allowed to reschedule started jobs >ST-PointΪѿʼҵ° :ST-Point interface module is not installed >δװST-Pointӿģ :STD %1 >׼ %1 :SWS (not currently used) >SWS (ǵǰʹõ) :SWS Action Posting >SWS :SWS Allow workflow manual override >SWS ֶ :SWS Allowed to claim tasks when being actioned by another operator >һԱִʱSWS :SWS Allowed to reassign tasks >SWS · :SWS Maintain service settings >SWS ά :SWS Maintain workflows and activities >SWS ά̺ͻ :SWS Message Posting >SWS Ϣ :SWS Retrieves settings stored on server >SWS 洢ڷϵ :SWS Retrieves workflow messages >SWS Ϣ :SWS Retrieves workflow security info >SWS ̰ȫϢ :SYSPR Interface Import - Log of New Imported Files >SYSPR浼 µļ־ :SYSPRO >SYSPRO :SYSPRO %1 >SYSPRO %1 :SYSPRO %1 Analytics Conversion Utility >SYSPRO %1 Analytics 转化实用程序 :SYSPRO %1 Company Conversion >SYSPRO %1 公司转化 :SYSPRO %1 Conversion Control Program >SYSPRO %1 תƳ :SYSPRO %1 Database validation error >SYSPRO %1 ݿ֤ :SYSPRO %1 Developer SQL Conversion Demo >SYSPRO %1 开发者 SQL 转化演示 :SYSPRO %1 Login >SYSPRO %1 ¼ :SYSPRO %1 Login Windows Client/Server >SYSPRO %1 ¼ڿͻ/ :SYSPRO %1 SQL Conversion Utility >SYSPRO %1 SQL תʵó :SYSPRO %1 Upgrade Custom Forms >SYSPRO %1 Զ :SYSPRO %1 and these column definitions need to be added to >SYSPRO %1 ЩҪӵ :SYSPRO %1 and these index definitions need to be added to >SYSPRO %1 ЩҪӵ :SYSPRO %1 cannot connect to database '%2' as it is either a SYSPRO %3 database or was created by one of the SYSPRO %4 community preview versions >SYSPRO %1 ޷ӵݿ '%2'ΪΪ SYSPRO %3 ݿ SYSPRO %4 Ԥ汾ݿ :SYSPRO %1 format >SYSPRO %1 ʽ :SYSPRO %1 now needs to know the ODBC data source name to use >SYSPRO %1 Ҫ֪ʹõ ODBC Դ :SYSPRO %1 uses Microsoft SQL Server for data storage, >SYSPRO %1 ʹ Microsoft SQL ݴ洢 :SYSPRO (tm) >SYSPRO (tm) :SYSPRO (tm) Version 6.0 >SYSPRO (tm) 6.0 :SYSPRO - Closing Server Process >SYSPRO - ڹرշ :SYSPRO 6.0 and these column definitions need to be added to >ҪӵݿСͨ :SYSPRO 6.0 and these index definitions need to be added to >еıУЩҪ :SYSPRO 6.0 format >SYSPRO 6.0ʽ :SYSPRO 6.0 now needs to know the ODBC data source name to use >ڣSYSPRO 6.0Ҫ˽ҪʹõODCBԴ :SYSPRO 6.0 uses Microsoft SQL Server for data storage, >SYSPRO 6.0Microsoft SQLݴ洢 :SYSPRO Administrator >SYSPROԱ :SYSPRO Analytics >SYSPRO Analytics :SYSPRO Analytics Administration >SYSPRO AnalyticsԱ :SYSPRO Analytics Administration services are available on '%1' >SYSPRO Analytics '%1' Ͽ :SYSPRO Analytics Book >SYSPRO Analytics ˲ :SYSPRO Analytics Error >SYSPRO Analytics :SYSPRO Analytics Help >SYSPRO Analytics :SYSPRO Analytics Job Wizard >SYSPRO Analytics :SYSPRO Analytics Master Database Settings >SYSPRO Analytics ݿ :SYSPRO Analytics Master Database Update >SYSPRO Analyticsݿ :SYSPRO Analytics Master database creation complete >SYSPRO Analyticsݿⴴ :SYSPRO Analytics Master database creation started >ѿʼSYSPRO Analyticsݿⴴ :SYSPRO Analytics Menu Stub >SYSPRO Analytics˵ :SYSPRO Analytics Options >SYSPRO Analytics ѡ :SYSPRO Analytics Server Details >SYSPRO Analytics :SYSPRO Analytics Servers >SYSPRO Analytics :SYSPRO Analytics Setup >SYSPRO Analytics :SYSPRO Analytics Site Administration >SYSPRO AnalyticsվԱ :SYSPRO Analytics Site Configuration >SYSPRO Analyticsվ :SYSPRO Analytics Site Wizard >SYSPRO Analyticsվ :SYSPRO Analytics Site update complete >SYSPRO Analyticsվ :SYSPRO Analytics Site update started >SYSPRO Analyticsվѿʼ :SYSPRO Analytics Sites >SYSPRO Analyticsվ :SYSPRO Analytics Validation >SYSPRO Analytics֤ :SYSPRO Analytics Viewer >SYSPRO Analytics鿴 :SYSPRO Analytics diagnostic run complete >SYSPRO Analytics :SYSPRO Analytics diagnostic run started >ѿʼSYSPRO Analytics :SYSPRO Analytics is not supported on a Unix server installation >SYSPRO AnalyticsUnix豸ϲ֧ :SYSPRO Analytics is unable to find a valid BaseDir entry in the registry >SYSPRO Analytics ޷ڵǼǴҵЧ BaseDir Ŀ :SYSPRO Analytics job creation complete >SYSPRO Analytics :SYSPRO Analytics job creation started >ѿʼ SYSPRO Analytics :SYSPRO Analytics running from invalid location >SYSPRO AnalyticsЧλ :SYSPRO Analytics server name cannot be blank >SYSPRO Analytics Ϊ :SYSPRO Analyticsis unable to find a valid BaseDir entry in the registry." >SYSPRO Analytics޷עҵЧBaseDirĿ :SYSPRO App Store >SYSPRO Ӧ̵ :SYSPRO Browser >SYSPRO :SYSPRO Browser - Manual URL address entry >SYSPRO - ֶURLַ :SYSPRO Business Object >SYSPRO ҵ :SYSPRO Button >SYSPRO ť :SYSPRO CMS >SYSPROϵ˹ϵͳ(CMS) :SYSPRO CMS for the first time. You can customize these tables and >״ʹSYSPROϵ˹ϵͳ(CMS)ɶƻЩ :SYSPRO CMS requires a special type of Account known as >SYSPROϵ˹ϵͳ(CMS)ҪרʻΪ :SYSPRO CMS requires a special type of Account known as '%1' >SYSPROϵ˹ϵͳ(CMS)ҪΪ '%1' ʻ :SYSPRO CMS requires a special type of Account known as 'Unassigned Contacts' >SYSPROϵ˹ϵͳ(CMS)ҪΪδϵˡרʻ :SYSPRO CMS requires that when email is sent from SYSPRO applications >SYSPROϵ˹ϵͳ(CMS)Ҫ󣬵SYSPROӦó͵ʼʱ :SYSPRO CMS will add a Contact for each Customer where a Contact name has >SYSPROϵ˹ϵͳ(CMS)Ϊÿһͻϵˣϵ߱ :SYSPRO CMS will add a Contact for each Supplier where a Contact name has >SYSPROϵ˹ϵͳ(CMS)ΪÿһӦϵˣϵ߱ :SYSPRO CMS will add a special type of Contact known as an '%1' >SYSPROϵ˹ϵͳ(CMS)Ϊ '%1' ϵ :SYSPRO CMS will add a special type of Contact known as an 'Employee' >SYSPROϵ˹ϵͳ(CMS)ΪԱϵ :SYSPRO Client >SYSPROͻ :SYSPRO Client/Server Shutdown Process >SYSPROͻرչ :SYSPRO Column Name >SYSPRO :SYSPRO Companies >SYSPRO ˾ :SYSPRO Company name >SYSPRO˾ :SYSPRO Customer >SYSPROͻ :SYSPRO Customize Forms Views >SYSPROԶ鿴 :SYSPRO Data Access Message >SYSPRO ݷϢ :SYSPRO Data Dictionary >SYSPROֵ :SYSPRO Data Dictionary Maintenance >SYSPROֵά :SYSPRO Data Dictionary System >SYSPROֵϵͳ :SYSPRO Database Login >SYSPROݿ¼ :SYSPRO Diagnostic Program >SYSPROϳ :SYSPRO Document Services >SYSPRO ĵ :SYSPRO E-mail >SYSPROʼ :SYSPRO Email >SYSPROʼ :SYSPRO Environment >SYSPRO :SYSPRO Features >SYSPRO :SYSPRO File Message >SYSPROļϢ :SYSPRO Format number >SYSPROʽ :SYSPRO Help >SYSPRO :SYSPRO Help Loader >SYSPRO :SYSPRO Help requires Internet Explorer version 6.0 or above >SYSPROҪʹInternet Explorer 6.0ϵİ汾 :SYSPRO Installed Updates >SYSPRO Ѱװ :SYSPRO Installed Updates Query >SYSPRO Ѱװ²ѯ :SYSPRO Instance >SYSPROʵ :SYSPRO Interface >SYSPRO :SYSPRO Interface Export >SYSPRO浼 :SYSPRO Interface Import >SYSPRO浼 :SYSPRO Interface Import - Log of New Imported Files >SYSPRO浼 µļ־ :SYSPRO Interface Import successfully completed >ѳɹSYSPRO浼 :SYSPRO Interface List of Sites >SYSPROվ :SYSPRO Interface Log Purge >SYSPRO־ :SYSPRO Interface Log Purge Options >SYSPRO ¼ѡ :SYSPRO Interface Log Report >SYSPRO־ :SYSPRO Interface Setup >SYSPRO :SYSPRO Interface Site >SYSPRO 界面站点 :SYSPRO Interface Sites >SYSPROվ :SYSPRO Interface Sites Maintenance >SYSPRO վά :SYSPRO Interface System >SYSPROϵͳ :SYSPRO Ledger Code >SYSPRO ʴ :SYSPRO Ledger Code Conversion >SYSPROʴת :SYSPRO Listview Preview >SYSPROб鿴Ԥ :SYSPRO Login >SYSPRO¼ :SYSPRO Login Message >SYSPRO¼Ϣ :SYSPRO Lookup >SYSPRO :SYSPRO Ltd. All rights reserved >SYSPRO޹˾Ȩ :SYSPRO Message >SYSPRO Ϣ :SYSPRO ODBC SQL Server name cannot be '%1'. Please change the ODBC settings on the SYSPRO server to use the actual server name >SYSPRO ODBC SQL Ϊ '%1' SYSPRO ϵ ODBC ãʹʵ :SYSPRO Office Integration >SYSPRO Office Integration :SYSPRO Office Integration has detected that the version of the Outlook add-in you have installed is incompatible with the server program. Please update the Outlook add-in >SYSPRO Office IntegrationѼ⵽װOutlook汾򲻼ݡOutlook :SYSPRO On-line Help >SYSPRO߰ :SYSPRO Online >SYSPRO :SYSPRO Operator Timeout for >SYSPROԱʱ :SYSPRO POS >SYSPRO POS :SYSPRO POS Query >SYSPRO POS ѯ :SYSPRO POS users >SYSPRO POS û :SYSPRO Program >SYSPRO :SYSPRO Programs >SYSPRO :SYSPRO Reminders - reminder >SYSPRO C :SYSPRO Report Services Help >SYSPRO :SYSPRO Report Writer >SYSPRO¼ :SYSPRO Reporting Services >SYSPRO :SYSPRO Reporting Services - Inventory >SYSPRO - :SYSPRO Reporting Services Error >SYSPRO :SYSPRO Reporting Services cannot be closed as there are still reports running. Cancel the reports and try again >򱨱УSYSPRO޷رաȡȻ :SYSPRO Reporting Services report >SYSPRO񱨱 :SYSPRO Run Time Error Message Handler >SYSPRO ʱϢ :SYSPRO Run Time System Message >SYSPROʱϵͳϢ :SYSPRO SDK >SYSPRO :SYSPRO Sample Editable Property Control >SYSPRO༭Կ :SYSPRO Server Run Time System Message >SYSPRO ʱϵͳϢ :SYSPRO Server process succesfully closed >ѳɹرSYSPRO :SYSPRO Server process successfully closed >ѳɹرSYSPRO :SYSPRO Software Installed Updates Query >SYSPRO Ѱװ²ѯ :SYSPRO Software Upgrade > SYSPRO :SYSPRO Software Upgrade Conversion >SYSPRO ת :SYSPRO System Manager >SYSPROϵͳ :SYSPRO Table Lookup >SYSPRO鿴 :SYSPRO Temporary Files >SYSPRO ʱļ :SYSPRO Temporary Files Query >SYSPRO ʱļѯ :SYSPRO Trigger Program Setup >SYSPRO :SYSPRO Utility Import >SYSPRO ʵó :SYSPRO Utility to Store and Recreate user database objects >洢´ûݿ SYSPRO ʵó :SYSPRO VBScript >SYSPRO VBScript :SYSPRO VBScript Generator >SYSPRO VBScript :SYSPRO Version >SYSPRO汾 :SYSPRO Workflow Administrator >SYSPRO ̹Ա :SYSPRO Workflow Diagnostics >SYSPRO :SYSPRO Workflow Service >SYSPRO ̷ :SYSPRO Workflow Service has not loaded Company '%1' for the SYSPRO Instance '%2' correctly and it's workflows are consequently unavailable >SYSPRO ̷δΪʵ '%2' ȷع˾ '%1'乤̲ :SYSPRO Workflow Service has not loaded the SYSPRO Instance '%1' correctly and it is consequently unavailable >SYSPRO ̷δ SYSPRO ʵ '%1' :SYSPRO Workflow Services >SYSPRO ̷ :SYSPRO Workflow Services requires the .NET Framework %1 to be installed on the SYSPRO Application Server >SYSPRO ̷Ҫ SYSPRO Ӧóϰװ .NET Framework %1 :SYSPRO XML Parser >SYSPRO XML :SYSPRO application >SYSPROӦó :SYSPRO authentication >SYSPRO ֤ :SYSPRO by Syspro (Pty) Ltd under license >ɵSyspro (Pty) LtdSYSPRO :SYSPRO cannot find the column '%1' in database '%2'. Also it is unable to add this column possibly due to user priviledges >SYSPRO 在数据库 '%2' 中无法找到列栏 '%1'。另外它也无法将此可能到期的列栏添加到用户特权 :SYSPRO code >SYSPRO :SYSPRO company >SYSPRO˾ :SYSPRO company code >SYSPRO˾ :SYSPRO configured to use MS Outlook >ʹMS OutlookSYSPRO :SYSPRO contact >SYSPRO ϵ :SYSPRO customized report >SYSPROƻ :SYSPRO data directory >SYSPROֵ :SYSPRO date >SYSPRO :SYSPRO exe to call SYSPRO from Preactor >SYSPRO exe Preactor е SYSPRO :SYSPRO file code >SYSPROļ :SYSPRO has attempted to invoke a trigger program but the program has not been found >SYSPRO ͼ򣬵δҵ˳ :SYSPRO has detected a non-recoverable run time system error and will shutdown immediately >SYSPROѼ⵽ɻָʱϵͳ󣬲ر :SYSPRO has detected a non-recoverable run time system error on the server and will shutdown immediately >SYSPRO ɾϵķǻָʱϵͳ󣬲ҽر :SYSPRO has failed to transfer the spooled report to the client for printing/previewing.\n\nFunction cancelled >SYSPRO޷ͻͼеıԱӡԤ\n\nȡ :SYSPRO interface site master record locked >SYSPROվ¼ :SYSPRO is a multi-company system >SYSPROһ๫˾ϵͳ :SYSPRO login options >SYSPRO¼ѡ :SYSPRO menu >SYSPRO˵ :SYSPRO menu - Electronic Fund Transfer >SYSPRO ˵ - ת :SYSPRO menu - Quotations >SYSPRO ˵ - :SYSPRO menu - Sales Orders >SYSPRO ˵ - ۶ :SYSPRO multiple customer address list >SYSPROͻַб :SYSPRO on the Web >վϵSYSPRO :SYSPRO program to run >ҪеSYSPRO :SYSPRO requires SQL 7.0 with SP1 or later (7.00.699). Current version %1 >SYSPROҪ߱SP1SQL 7.0߰汾(7.00.699)°汾 %1 :SYSPRO stock code >SYSPRO :SYSPRO table name >SYSPRO :SYSPRO to SYSPRO Interface >SYSPROSYSPRO :SYSPRO to SYSPRO export flag >SYSPROSYSPRO־ :SYSPRO user notification >SYSPRO û֪ͨ :SYSPRO users >SYSPRO û :SYSPRO uses a separate database for each company >SYSPROÿһҹ˾öݿ :SYSPRO work directory >SYSPROҵֵ :SYSPRO's stock code >SYSPRO :Safety >ȫ :Safety Stock Action Report >ȫ :Safety Stock Actions >ȫΪ :Safety Stock Maintenance >ȫά :Safety stock >ȫ :Safety stock lev >ȫ :Safety stock level >ȫˮƽ :Safety/minimum stock >ȫԣͿ :Sal %1 - %2 > %1 - %2 :Sale > :Sale Transaction >۽ :Sale amount >۽ :Sale and adjustments > :Sale date > :Sale movement >۱仯 :Sales > :Sales % >% :Sales %1 > %1 :Sales & Adj. Details >ۺ͵ϸ :Sales & Adjustment Details >ϸ :Sales & Adjustments > :Sales & returns >ر :Sales - Sales > - :Sales ABC elements >ABCҪ :Sales Administrator >۹Ա :Sales Aggregation >ۼ :Sales Analysis >۷ :Sales Analysis - Convert Sales History >۷ C תʷ¼ :Sales Analysis - Sales History Update >۷ - ʷ¼ :Sales Analysis Advanced Sales Tax Rep >۷߼˰ձ :Sales Analysis Advanced Sales Tax Report >۷߼˰ձ :Sales Analysis Budgets >۷Ԥ :Sales Analysis Commission >۷ί :Sales Analysis Commission Report >۷Ӷ𱨱 :Sales Analysis Departments >۷ :Sales Analysis Departments Maintenance >۷ά :Sales Analysis EC Sales Reports >۷ŷ(EC)۱ :Sales Analysis EC VAT Report >۷ECֵ˰ :Sales Analysis EC VAT Report in Progress >ִ۷ECֵ˰ :Sales Analysis GST Control Maintenance >۷ͨӪҵ˰(GST)ά :Sales Analysis GST Control Record >۷GSTƱ :Sales Analysis GST Period End >۷ͨӪҵ˰(GST)ĩ :Sales Analysis GST Query >۷ GST ѯ :Sales Analysis GST Rates >۷ GST :Sales Analysis GST Report >۷GST :Sales Analysis GST by Area >۷ GST :Sales Analysis GST by Entry >Ŀ۷ GST :Sales Analysis History Report >۷ʷ¼ :Sales Analysis History Target Reports >۷ʷĿ걨 :Sales Analysis Intrastat Transact Maint >۷Intrastatά :Sales Analysis List of Sales Targets >۷Ŀб :Sales Analysis Lost Sales Import >۷ʧ۵ :Sales Analysis Lost Sales Maintenance >۷ʧά :Sales Analysis Lost Sales Posting >۷ʧ۷ :Sales Analysis Lost Sales Review >۷ʧ :Sales Analysis Options >۷ѡ :Sales Analysis Order Analysis >۷ :Sales Analysis Order Intake >۷ :Sales Analysis Product Class Maintenance >۷Ʒȼά :Sales Analysis Product Classes >۷Ʒȼ :Sales Analysis Profitability Reports >۷󱨱 :Sales Analysis Query >۷ѯ :Sales Analysis Query Details >۷ѯ :Sales Analysis Recreate Sales History >۷´ʷ¼ :Sales Analysis Sales History Update >۷ʷ¼ :Sales Analysis Salespersons >۷Ա :Sales Analysis Setup >۷ :Sales Analysis Summary >۷ժҪ :Sales Analysis Summary Details >۷ժҪϸ :Sales Analysis Summary Maintenance >۷ժҪά :Sales Analysis Summary Report >销售分析摘要报告 :Sales Analysis Summary Setup >۷ܽ :Sales Analysis Target Maintenance >۷Ŀά :Sales Analysis Target Reports >۷Ŀ걨 :Sales Analysis Targets >۷Ŀ :Sales Analysis Targets for Customer >ͻ۷Ŀ :Sales Analysis Targets for Product Class >Ʒȼ۷Ŀ :Sales Analysis Targets for Sales History Summary >ʷժҪ۷Ŀ :Sales Analysis Tax Report >۷˰ձ :Sales Analysis Transaction Maintenance >۷ά :Sales Analysis Turnover >۷Ӫҵ :Sales Analysis Turnover Report >۷Ӫҵ :Sales Analysis Turnover Reports >۷Ӫҵ :Sales Analysis Turnover SRS Report >۷Ӫҵ SRS :Sales Analysis Turnover by Prd Class >Ʒ۷Ӫҵ :Sales Analysis Update >۷ :Sales Analysis by Customer >ͻ۷ :Sales Analysis by Product Class >Ʒȼ˳۷ :Sales Analysis by Product Class in Progress >ִаƷȼ˳۷ :Sales Analysis by Salesperson >Ա˳۷ :Sales Analysis by Salesperson in Progress >ִаԱ˳۷ :Sales Analysis control record not found >δҵ۷Ƽ¼ :Sales Analysis ledger interface missing >۷ʽȱʧ :Sales Analysis module not installed >δװ۷ģ :Sales Analysis month end completed >۷ :Sales Analysis profitability >۷ :Sales Analysis year end completed >۷ :Sales By Customer Report >ͻ :Sales Department >۲ :Sales Details >ϸ :Sales Distribution >۷ֲ :Sales G/L Account >G/Lʻ :Sales GL Account > GL ˻ :Sales Graph >ͼ :Sales History >ʷ¼ :Sales History Conversion >ʷ¼ת :Sales History Detail Conversion >ʷ¼ϸת :Sales History Graph >ۼ¼ͼ :Sales History Index >ʷ :Sales History List of Sales Targets >Ŀ۷ :Sales History Proxy >ʷ :Sales History Qty (Trendline) >ۼ¼ () :Sales History Quantities >ۼ¼ :Sales History Rebuild >ʷ¼ع :Sales History Setup >ʷ¼ :Sales History Target Report >ʷĿ¼ :Sales History Target Reports >ʷĿ걨 :Sales History Targets >ۼ¼Ŀ :Sales History for Stock Code >ʷ¼ :Sales Integration > :Sales Intergration >ۼ :Sales Invoice Query >۷Ʊѯ :Sales Last %1 Months > %1 µ :Sales Last 24 Months >ȥ24µ :Sales Ledger Interface Entries >۷˽Ŀ :Sales Ledger Interface Listing >۷ʽб :Sales Ledger Interface Listing in Progress >ִ۷ʽб :Sales Ledger Interface Maintenance >۷ʷʽά :Sales Manager >۾ :Sales Movement Zoom >۱䶯 :Sales Movements for Customer >ͻ۱䶯 :Sales Order '%1' not found >δҵ۶ '%1' :Sales Order / Invoice >۶Ʊ :Sales Order Action Report >۶Ϊ :Sales Order Actions >۵ж :Sales Order Add. Text >ɹı :Sales Order Additions To Sales Order >۶۶ :Sales Order Allocations >۶ :Sales Order Backlog by Customer >ͻ۶ѹ :Sales Order Backlog by Stock Code >۶δ :Sales Order Batch Printing >۶ӡ :Sales Order Billing Details >۶ʵϸ :Sales Order Buying Groups >۶ɹ :Sales Order Cancelled Orders >۶ȡ :Sales Order Commission >۶Ӷ :Sales Order Commitment >۵и :Sales Order Commitment Graph >۶עͼ :Sales Order Commitment Report >۶ŵ :Sales Order Commitment Report in Progress >ִ۶ŵ :Sales Order Contract Maintenance >۶ͬά :Sales Order Contract Price >۶ͬ۸ :Sales Order Contract Price List >۶ͬ۸б :Sales Order Contract Prices >۶ͬ۸ :Sales Order Control >۶ :Sales Order Copy >۶ :Sales Order Created >Ѵ۶ :Sales Order Cust Delivery Performance >۶ͻ :Sales Order Custom Form Fields >۶ֶ :Sales Order Delivery Note >۶ :Sales Order Detail >۶ϸ :Sales Order Detail Line Bins >۶ϸп :Sales Order Detail Line Bins Reprint >۶ϸп´ӡ :Sales Order Detail Line Changes >۶ϸи :Sales Order Detail Line Lot Reprint >۶ϸ´ӡ :Sales Order Detail Line Lots >۶ϸ :Sales Order Detail Line Serial Reprint >۶ϸϵ :Sales Order Detail Line Serials >۶ϸϵ :Sales Order Detail Lines >۶ϸ :Sales Order Detail Reprint >۶ϸ´ӡ :Sales Order Details >۶ϸ :Sales Order Details - RMA No >۶ϸ - ˻Ȩ(RMA) :Sales Order Details - RMA Number >۶ϸ - RMA :Sales Order Discount Breaks >۶ۿۼ :Sales Order Discounts By Cust/Prod Class >ͻ/Ʒ۶ۿ :Sales Order Discounts Deletion >۶ۿɾ :Sales Order Discounts for this customer will be deleted. Do you want to continue? >˿ͻ۶ۿ۽ɾϣ? :Sales Order Dispatch Note >۶ :Sales Order Documents >۶ĵ :Sales Order Documents Formats >۶ĵʽ :Sales Order Entry >۶ :Sales Order Entry Express >۶Ŀ :Sales Order Header Details >۶ҳü :Sales Order Header Information >۶ҳüϢ :Sales Order Import >۶ :Sales Order Import Review >۶ :Sales Order Information >۶Ϣ :Sales Order Invoice Query >۶Ʊѯ :Sales Order Invoice Reprint Cross Ref >۶Ʊ´ӡղο :Sales Order Invoices >۶Ʊ :Sales Order Labels >۶ǩ :Sales Order Line - Merchandised >۶ - Ʒ :Sales Order Line - Non-merchandised >销售订单行 - 非商品 :Sales Order Line Details >۶ϸ :Sales Order Lines >۶ :Sales Order Lines Capture >۶в :Sales Order Lines Selection >销售订单行选择 :Sales Order Lines for Route >·ߵ۶ :Sales Order Lines from Print >ӡ۶ :Sales Order Lines to be Dispatched >Ҫ۶ :Sales Order Load Detail From Sales Order >۶۶ϸ :Sales Order Load For Sales Order >۶۶ :Sales Order Load Header >۶ҳü :Sales Order Load Transport >۶ :Sales Order Lost Sales >۶ʧ :Sales Order Lot, Multiple Bin and Serial Number Allocations >۶Ρλϵк :Sales Order Maintenance >۶ά :Sales Order Master >۶ :Sales Order Master Reprint >۶´ӡ :Sales Order Mechandise Lines >۶Ʒ :Sales Order Merchandise Lines >۶Ʒ :Sales Order Notepad >۶± :Sales Order Number >۶ :Sales Order Number To Append >Ҫӵ۶ :Sales Order Numbering >۶ :Sales Order Numbering Method >۶ŷ :Sales Order Nummber >۶ :Sales Order Order Acknowledgement >۶ :Sales Order Performance Overview >۶ЧҪ :Sales Order Performance Query >۶ֲѯ :Sales Order Performance Query by >۶ֲѯ :Sales Order Processing >۵ :Sales Order Product List Details >۶Ʒбϸ :Sales Order Product List Types >۶Ʒб :Sales Order Profitability Report >۶󱨱 :Sales Order Purge >۶ :Sales Order Purge Report >۶ :Sales Order Quantity Error >۶ :Sales Order Query >۵ѯ :Sales Order Query by Customer Purchase Order >ͻɹ۶ѯ :Sales Order Quick Entry >۶ :Sales Order Quick Quote >۶ٱ :Sales Order Quick View >۶ٲ鿴 :Sales Order Quote Detail >۶ϸ :Sales Order Quote Header >۶ҳü :Sales Order Quotes >۶ :Sales Order Review >۶ :Sales Order Route Detail >۶·ϸ :Sales Order Route Master >۶· :Sales Order Route Order Header >۶·߶ͷ :Sales Order Route Order Header Browse >۶·߶ͷ :Sales Order Search >۶ :Sales Order Selection >۶ѡ :Sales Order Service Charge >۶ :Sales Order Setup >۶ :Sales Order Shipping Address >۶װ˵ַ :Sales Order Status >۶״̬ :Sales Order Text Reprint >۶ı´ӡ :Sales Order Totals >۶ϼ :Sales Order Tranfers >۶ת :Sales Order Triangular Currency Reprint >۶λ´ӡ :Sales Order Types >۶ :Sales Order USA Tax Reprint >۶˰´ӡ :Sales Order Update Error >۶´ :Sales Order Value >۶ֵ :Sales Order Value Distribution >۶ֵ :Sales Order Value Distribution for Job >ҵ۶ֵ :Sales Order Value for Sales Order >۶۶ֵ :Sales Order and Booking >۶벾 :Sales Order control record not found >δҵ۶Ƽ¼ :Sales Order function >۶ :Sales Order module not installed >δװ۶ģ :Sales Order text >۵ı :Sales Order/Invoice >۶/Ʊ :Sales Order/Invoice Cross Reference >۶Ʊ :Sales Order/Invoice Cross Reference in Progress >ִ۶Ʊ :Sales Orders >۶ :Sales Orders & Movements >۶䶯 :Sales Orders - Blanket S/O & Releases >۶ - һ۶(S/O)ǩ :Sales Orders - Blanket SO & Releases >۶ - һ SO :Sales Orders - Reports >۶ - :Sales Orders - Sales Order Processing >۶ - ۶ :Sales Orders - Trade Promotions >۶ - ó״ :Sales Orders Added Externally >ӵ :Sales Orders Analysis >۶ :Sales Orders Created Externally >ⲿĶ :Sales Orders Created Outside of SYSPRO >SYSPROⴴ۶ :Sales Orders Excluded >ų۶ :Sales Orders Imported >ѵ۶ :Sales Orders Options >۶ѡ :Sales Orders Order and Booking Report >۶Ԥ :Sales Orders Picking Slip >۶ɼǩ :Sales Orders Picking Slip in Progress >ִ۶ɼǩ :Sales Orders Query >۶ѯ :Sales Orders Setup >۶ :Sales Orders by Alternate key >滻۶ :Sales Orders by Customer >ͻ˳е۶ :Sales Orders by Customer Purchase Order >ͻɹ۶ :Sales Orders by Route Code (Summarised) >·ߴ۶ܽᣩ :Sales Orders for Customer >ͻ۶ :Sales Orders for Stock Code >۶ :Sales Orders label format has not yet been created. Please select a valid format >δ۶ǩʽѡЧĸʽ :Sales Orders label format has not yet been created. Program cancelled >δ۶ǩʽȡ :Sales Orders purge program >۶ :Sales Person Number >Ա :Sales Profitability > :Sales Quantities for Current Month >ǰ·ݵ۱ :Sales Quantities for Last %1 Periods >һ %1 ڵ :Sales Quantities for Previous Month %1 >һ· %1 :Sales Report >۱ :Sales Status >销售状况 :Sales Target >Ŀ :Sales Target Maintenance >Ŀά :Sales Target Reports >Ŀ걨 :Sales Targets >Ŀ :Sales Tax >˰ :Sales Tax Control Account >˰ʻ :Sales Tax Detail >Ӫҵ˰ϸ :Sales Tax EU >EU ˰ :Sales Tax EU List For Month %1 / %2 >· %1 / %2 EU ˰б :Sales Tax Ledger Code >˰Ŀ :Sales Tax Rates >˰ :Sales Tax Report >˰ :Sales Tax Report in Progress >ִ˰ :Sales Tax for EU >EU ˰ :Sales Transaction >۽ :Sales Transaction Details >۽ϸ :Sales Transaction Maintenance >۽ά :Sales Transactions >۽ :Sales Transactions Maintenance >۽ά :Sales Transactions for Period >۽ :Sales Turnover >Ӫҵ :Sales Turnover by Product Class >ƷȼӪҵ :Sales Type > :Sales Values >ۼֵ :Sales Values Last %1 Periods > %1 ڵ۶ :Sales Values Last 12 Periods >12ڵֵ :Sales Values for Current Month >ǰ·ݵۼֵ :Sales Values for Last %1 Periods > %1 ڵۼֵ :Sales Values for Last xx Periods >xxڵۼֵ :Sales Values for Prev Month %1 >һ· %1 ۼֵ :Sales Values for Previous Month %1 >һ· %1 ۼֵ :Sales amount >۶ :Sales amount - foreign >۶ - :Sales amount - local >۶ - ػ :Sales analysis as of >۷ :Sales and / or Purchase orders exist for this temporary stock code >ۺͣɹڸʱѴ :Sales and Adj. Details >ۺ͵ϸ :Sales and Adjust for contract >ۺͺͬ :Sales and Adjustment Details >ϸ :Sales and Adjustments >ۺ͵ :Sales and Marketing Director (VP) >Ӫ (VP) :Sales and issues >ǩ :Sales and profit targets >ۺĿ :Sales and/or Purchase orders exist for this temporary stock code >ڴʱ룬ۺ/ɹѴ :Sales as of >ۣ :Sales budget >销售预算 :Sales by >ۣ :Sales by Cust, Order Type >ͻ͵ :Sales by Customer >ͻ :Sales by Customer in Progress >ִаͻ˳ :Sales by Product Class >Ʒͽ :Sales by Salesperson >Ա :Sales by customer as of >ͻ˳ۣ :Sales by customer by month as of >ͻۣ· :Sales by customer options >ͻ˳ѡ :Sales by month options >·˳ѡ :Sales by product class as of >Ʒȼ˳ۣ :Sales by salesperson as of >Ա˳ۣ :Sales commission details >Ӷϸ :Sales commission details dated before >ǰڵӶϸ :Sales commissions >Ӷ :Sales contract >ۺͬ :Sales date > :Sales distribution and adjustments >̯۵ :Sales distribution entries >۷¼ :Sales distributions and adjustments >۷ֲ :Sales for Lot > :Sales for Serial >ϵ :Sales for Serials >ϵ :Sales for previous 24 months [local currency] >ǰ24·ݵ[ػ] :Sales held > :Sales history as of >ʷ¼ :Sales history not required. Program cancelled >Ҫʷ¼ȡ :Sales history qty's to include >Ҫʷ :Sales history record >ʷ¼ :Sales history selection >ۼ¼ѡ :Sales history summaries >ʷժҪ :Sales history summary >ʷժҪ :Sales history summary type >ʷժҪ :Sales history summary type description >销售历史摘要类型描述 :Sales history summary type selection >ʷժҪѡ :Sales history update method >ʷ· :Sales information >Ϣ :Sales last year >һ :Sales ledger code >۷ʴ :Sales message >Ϣ :Sales movement >۱䶯 :Sales movements >۱䶯 :Sales movements selection >۱䶯ѡ :Sales oder >۶ :Sales options >ѡ :Sales order >۶ :Sales order %1 is not a hierarchical order >۶ %1 Dzζ :Sales order %1 is not a hierarchical order. >۶ '%1' Dzζ :Sales order %1 will be cancelled.Delete the selected contract? >ȡ۶ %1Ҫɾѡĺͬ? :Sales order '%1' Gtr reference '%2' already exists >۶ '%1' ˻ο '%2' Ѵ :Sales order '%1' cannot add a non-merchandise line >۶ '%1' ӷƷ :Sales order '%1' differs to the sales order against dispatch note '%2' >۶ '%1' ͬԷ '%2' ۶ :Sales order '%1' for customer purchase order '%2' not found >δҵͻɹ '%2' ۶ '%1' :Sales order '%1' has already been released for invoicing >۶ '%1' ǩ߷Ʊ :Sales order '%1' has an invalid status >۶ '%1' Ч״̬ :Sales order '%1' has an invalid status of '%2' >۶ '%1' Ч '%2' ״̬ :Sales order '%1' has an outstanding deposit >۶ '%1' ߱δ :Sales order '%1' has been placed in suspense >۶ '%1' ѱͣ״̬ :Sales order '%1' has invoiced lines and cannot be cancelled >۶ '%1'߱ѳ߷ƱУ޷ȡ :Sales order '%1' has more than 5 tax codes >۶ '%1' 5˰մ :Sales order '%1' has no detail lines and cannot be cancelled >۶ '%1' ϸУ޷ȡ :Sales order '%1' has no lines ready for invoicing >۶ '%1' ޾Կ߷Ʊ :Sales order '%1' in process >ִ۶ '%1' :Sales order '%1' in status '%2' >״̬ '%2' е۶ '%1' :Sales order '%1' is a counter sale order >۶ '%1' Ƿ :Sales order '%1' is a counter sales order >۶ '%1' Ƿ :Sales order '%1' is a credit note and cannot be changed or cancelled >۶ '%1' ΪƱݣ޷Ļȡ :Sales order '%1' is a credit note/debit note >۶ '%1' ǴǣƱ :Sales order '%1' is a hierarchical order >۶ '%1' Dzζ :Sales order '%1' is already complete >۶ '%1' :Sales order '%1' is an SCT order >۶ '%1' ǹӦת(SCT) :Sales order '%1' is cancelled >۶ '%1' ȡ :Sales order '%1' is designated as scheduled and sales order line '%2' has not yet been allocated >۶ '%1' ָΪŶƻ۶ '%2' δ :Sales order '%1' is not an SCT order >۶ '%1' ǹӦת(SCT) :Sales order '%1' is not defined for delivery route '%2' >未为交货路线 '%2' 定义销售订单 '%1' :Sales order '%1' is not defined for route %2 >۶ '%1' Ϊ· %2 Ŀ :Sales order '%1' is not defined for route '%2' >۶ '%1' Ϊ· '%2' Ķ :Sales order '%1' line '%2' cannot be dispatched because there is insufficient quantity available >ڿ㣬˲ɷ۶ '%1' '%2' :Sales order '%1' line '%2' cannot create zero quantity line as basis for dispatch is ship >۶ '%1' '%2' ޷ΪΪװ :Sales order '%1' line '%2' cannot dispatch a kit from back order >۶ '%1' '%2' ɴڽ͹߰ :Sales order '%1' line '%2' cannot over dispatch >۶ '%1' '%2' ɳ :Sales order '%1' line '%2' dispatch quantity must equal sales order ship quantity for a kit item >۶ '%1' '%2' ڸù߰Ŀ۶ :Sales order '%1' line '%2' has a job, requisition or purchase order attached >۶ '%1' '%2' ߱ӵҵ빺Ͳɹ :Sales order '%1' line '%2' has a negative quantity to dispatch >۶ '%1' '%2' ߱Ĵ :Sales order '%1' line '%2' has a stocking quantity to ship, dispatch quantity may not be zero >۶ '%1' '%2' ߱˿Ϊ :Sales order '%1' line '%2' has a stocking quantity to ship. Theoretical units of measure not in use >۶ '%1' '%2' ߱˿ۼλʹ״̬ :Sales order '%1' line '%2' has already been invoiced, and may not be changed >۶ '%1' '%2' ѳ߷Ʊ˲ø :Sales order '%1' line '%2' has the same order and stocking unit of measure '%3' >۶ '%1' '%2' ߱ͬĶͿλ '%3' :Sales order '%1' line '%2' has zero quantity to dispatch >۶ '%1' '%2' ߱ :Sales order '%1' line '%2' is a Trade Promotions line and cannot be cancelled >۶ '%1' '%2' Ϊó״У޷ȡ :Sales order '%1' line '%2' is a comment line and cannot be marked complete >۶ '%1' '%2' ΪעУ޷Ϊ :Sales order '%1' line '%2' is a component and cannot be cancelled >۶ '%1' '%2' Ϊ޷ȡ :Sales order '%1' line '%2' is a component of a kit >۶ '%1' '%2' ǹ߰ :Sales order '%1' line '%2' is a packaging line and cannot be cancelled >۶ '%1' '%2' ΪװУ޷ȡ :Sales order '%1' line '%2' is a service charge and cannot be cancelled >۶ '%1' '%2' Ϊշѣ޷ȡ :Sales order '%1' line '%2' is already complete >۶ '%1' '%2' :Sales order '%1' line '%2' is deposit or retention for Projects and Contracts and cannot be cancelled >۶ '%1' '%2' ΪĿͺͬı޷ȡ :Sales order '%1' line '%2' is for an ECC item, or a parent of kit type 'K' or 'S' and actual ship quantity cannot be applied >۶ '%1' '%2' ڹ̱(ECC)Ŀ򹤾߰"K""S"ʣ޷Ӧʵװ :Sales order '%1' line '%2' is not complete and the load cannot be confirmed >۶ '%1' '%2' ޷ȷװ :Sales order '%1' line '%2' is partially or fully invoiced and cannot be cancelled >۶ '%1' '%2' Ѳֻȫ߷Ʊ޷ȡ :Sales order '%1' line '%2' ship quantity is '%3' and should be greater than zero and not equal to the quantity supplied >۶ '%1' '%2' תΪ '%3' ӦҲѹӦ :Sales order '%1' line '%2' stocking quantity to ship is outside acceptable tolerance >۶ '%1' '%2' ͿѳɽʲΧ :Sales order '%1' line '%2' stocking ship quantity must not be equal to the quantity supplied >۶ '%1' '%2' װɵڹӦ :Sales order '%1' line '%2' will be complete >۶ '%1' '%2' :Sales order '%1' must be in a status of 1, 2 or 3 >۶ '%1' 봦123״̬ :Sales order '%1', line '%2' already exists for delivery route '%3', delivery date '%4', delivery sequence '%5' >۶ '%1' '%2' ڽ̽· '%3' '%4' ˳ '%5' Ѵ :Sales order additional text >۶ı :Sales order and Del note numbering >۶ͽ :Sales order creation >۶ :Sales order date >۶ :Sales order discount breaks may have changed based on the selections you have made. Do you wish to recheck the new discount value for offers selected before confirmation? >Ѹѡ۶ۿۼ⡣ϣȷǰ¼ѡ̵ۿۼֵ? :Sales order discount changes not allowed >۶ۿ۱仯 :Sales order does not belong to this customer >۶ڴ˿ͻ :Sales order header '%1' is locked >۶ҳü '%1' :Sales order header comments exceed 4 lines of 45 characters >۶ҳüעͳ445ַ :Sales order hold flag >销售订单保留标记 :Sales order in progress >ڽ۶ :Sales order in suspense >۶ :Sales order installation option is set to manual numbering. Ensure that the next order number extracted from the installation option will not duplicate an existing order >۶װѡΪ˹šȷӰװѡѹһŲжظ :Sales order invalid >Ч۶ :Sales order invoice >۶Ʊ :Sales order line >۶ :Sales order line %1 is not a miscellaneous line >۶ %1 :Sales order line %1 is not a miscellaneous line. >۶ '%1' С :Sales order line '%1' for order '%2' is not a stocked line > '%2' IJɹ '%1' ǿ :Sales order line '%1' for order '%2' may not be modified as it is a different line type >Dzͬͣ˶ '%2' ۶ '%1' ޸ :Sales order line '%1' for order '%2' not found >δҵ '%2' ۶ '%1' :Sales order line '%1' has a zero quantity to ship >۶ '%1' ߱ :Sales order line '%1' is a component of a kit >۶ '%1' ǹ߰ :Sales order line '%1' is attached to line '%2' >۶ '%1' '%2' :Sales order line '%1' is non-merchandise against order '%2' >۶ '%1' Զ '%2' ΪƷ :Sales order line '%1' sales order '%2' has already been added to a delivery load '%3' >۶ '%1' ۶ '%2' '%3' :Sales order line '%1', sales order '%2' has already been added to a delivery date '%3' >销售订单行 '%1'、销售订单 '%2' 已添加到交货日期 '%3' :Sales order line '%1', sales order '%2' has already been added to a delivery load '%3' >销售订单行 '%1'、销售订单 '%2' 已添加到交货加载 '%3' :Sales order line contract >۶кͬ :Sales order line detail status >۶ϸ״̬ :Sales order line information >۶Ϣ :Sales order line is part of a kit >۶ǹ߰һ :Sales order line must be blank if '%1' contains '%2' > '%1' '%2' ۶бΪհ :Sales order line not found >δҵ۶ :Sales order line number >۶б :Sales order line resvd status >۶б״̬ :Sales order line %1, sales order %2 has already been added to a delivery date %3 >۶ '%1'۶ '%2' ӵ '%3' :Sales order line %1, sales order %2 has already been added to a delivery load %3 >۶ '%1'۶ '%2' ӵ '%3' :Sales order may not be blank >۶Ϊհ :Sales order no longer in reprint file >۶´ӡļ :Sales order not on file >۶ :Sales order notes >۵ :Sales order number '%1' not numeric >۶ '%1' :Sales order number created >۶ :Sales order number to use >Ҫʹõ۶ :Sales order numbering is per branch. Unable to consolidate orders >۶ǰ֧еġ޷ϲ :Sales order numbers must be less than 800000 >۶С800000 :Sales order option >۶ѡ :Sales order price changes not allowed >۶۸ۿ۱仯 :Sales order setup option 'Unit of measure quantities theoretical' is not selected >δѡ۶ѡۼλ :Sales order ship date >۶װ :Sales order ship via >۶װˣͨ :Sales order sold to address >ַ :Sales order source >۶Դ :Sales order type >۶ :Sales order update >۶ :Sales order values >۶ֵ :Sales order values - exclusive >۶ֵ - ȫ :Sales order values - inclusive >۶ֵ - :Sales order %1 is not defined for delivery route %2 >δΪ· '%2' ۶ '%1' :Sales order/delivery note prefix is blank. OK to continue? >۶/ǰ׺ΪհסȷҪ? :Sales order/line >۶/ :Sales orders (cost) - Pareto >۶ (ɱ) - Pareto :Sales orders (cost) - Warehouse >۶ (ɱ) - ֿ :Sales orders (quantity) - Stock code >۶ () - :Sales orders (quantity) - Warehouse >۶ () - ֿ :Sales orders (value) - Selection set >۶ (ֵ) - ѡ :Sales orders dated before >֮ǰڵ۶ :Sales orders for >۶ :Sales orders for a Stock code >۶ :Sales orders only >۶ :Sales orders with selection criteria generated parents >ѡ׼۶ :Sales person >ۻԱ :Sales planning >ۼƻ :Sales quantities > :Sales returns >˻ :Sales returns history record >˻ʷ¼ :Sales summary >ժҪ :Sales targets as of >Ŀ꣬ :Sales tax (Cr) >Ӫҵ˰ǣ :Sales tax calculation >˰ :Sales tax codes >˰ :Sales tax details >˰ϸ :Sales tax details dated before >ǰڵ˰ :Sales tax exclusive / inclusive >˰ :Sales tax exclusive/inclusive >˰ų/ :Sales tax exemption number >˰ :Sales tax integration to general ledger >˰ܷ :Sales tax ledger description >˰ :Sales tax paid >ѽ˰ :Sales tax records deleted >ɾ˰¼ :Sales tax summary required >Ҫ˰ժҪ :Sales this month > :Sales this year > :Sales transaction detail records >۽ϸ :Sales transaction detail records before >֮ǰ۽ϸ¼ :Sales transaction detail records dated before >֮ǰ۽ϸ¼ :Sales transaction detail records deleted >ɾ۽ϸ¼ :Sales transaction file >۽ļ :Sales transaction record >۽׼¼ :Sales transaction summary >۽ժҪ :Sales transaction summary records >۽ժҪ :Sales transaction summary records before >֮ǰ۽ժҪ¼ :Sales transaction summary records dated before >֮ǰ۽ժҪ¼ :Sales transaction summary records deleted >ɾ۽ժҪ¼ :Sales value >ۼֵ :Sales value accounts >۶ʻ :Sales value history >ۼֵ¼ :Sales value history from last month back %1 months >º %1 µ۶ʷ¼ :Sales value to use >ʹõֵ :Sales vs Budgets Graph >۶Ԥͼ :Sales vs Budgets for Salesperson >Ա۶Ԥ :Sales vs Forecast >۶Ԥ :Sales weight analysis > :Salesorders & Movements >Ա䶯 :Salesperson >Ա :Salesperson %1 >Ա %1 :Salesperson %1 is the default salesperson for the order >Ա %1 ǸöĬԱ :Salesperson %1 not on file >Ա '%1' :Salesperson '%1' not found >δҵԱ '%1' :Salesperson Details >Ա :Salesperson Maintenance >Աά :Salesperson access control >Աʿ :Salesperson cannot be blank >ۻԱΪ :Salesperson code >ۻԱ :Salesperson commissions >ԱӶ :Salesperson description not defined >未定义售货员描述 :Salesperson for branch not on file >分支售货员不存在 :Salesperson for this customer is not file >ÿͻԱ :Salesperson for this customer is not on file. Change salesperson code later? >ÿͻԱڡҪԱ :Salesperson four >Ա :Salesperson has sales in the last %1 months. OK to delete? >Աǰ%1 ·ۡȷҪɾ :Salesperson has sales in the last 13 months. OK to delete? >Ա13·ݵۡȷҪɾ :Salesperson information >ۻԱϢ :Salesperson may not be blank >ԱΪհ :Salesperson name >ۻԱ :Salesperson not on file >Ա :Salesperson options >ۻԱѡ :Salesperson sales values for current month >ǰ·ݵԱֵ :Salesperson sales values for previous month %1 >һ· %1 Աۼֵ :Salesperson selection >Աѡ :Salesperson three >Ա :Salesperson two >Ա :Salesperson updated flag >ۻԱ± :Salesperson's name >ۻԱ :Salespersons >Ա :Salespersons for Branch >Ա :Same Height >相同高度 :Same Parent and Replacement Part >ͬ͸ :Same Size >相同尺寸 :Same Width >相同宽度 :Same as check remittance >֧Ʊͬ :Same file name as the Import file >뵼ļͬļ :Same lot to be used on multiple stock codes >ڶʹõͬ :Same number for different customers >ͬͻͬ :Same serial to be used for multiple stock codes >ʹõͬϵ :Sample >Ʒ :Sample Chart > :Sample Code >Ʒ :Sample Location >Ʒص :Sample XML > XML :Sample XML path >Ʒ XML · :Sample XMLOUT > XMLOUT :Sample document >ĵ :Sample name >Ʒ :Sample quantity >Ʒ :Sample size >Ʒߴ :Sample template >ģ :Sample type >Ʒ :Samples >Ʒ :Sat > :Sat %1 > %1 :Saturday > :Save > :Save & Close >沢ر :Save & Exit >沢Ƴ :Save (Ctrl+S) > (Ctrl+S) :Save Action Line > :Save Activity > :Save Activity As >Ϊ :Save Adjustment > :Save All Books >ȫʲ :Save Allocations >保存分配 :Save Analysis Set > :Save Approved Manufacturer >׼ :Save Approved Manufacturer Supplier >׼̹Ӧ :Save Asset Capex Item >ʲʱĿ :Save Asset Capex Line >ʲʱ :Save Asset Code >ʲ :Save Asset Template >ʲģ :Save Asset in Suspense >ʲ :Save Book >ʲ :Save Browser Themes > :Save Budget Spread >Ԥ :Save Calculation Code > :Save Capex Item >ʱĿ :Save Capex Line >ʱ֧ :Save Changes > :Save Changes and Close >IJر :Save Changes to Grid >ĸ :Save Component >保存部件 :Save Component Depedencies >保存部件依赖性 :Save Configuration Options and exit this application >ѡ˳Ӧó :Save Configuration Settings >保存配置设置 :Save Confirmed >ȷϵ :Save Contract >ͬ :Save Contract and Display Printing Options >保存合同并显示打印选项 :Save Contract and End without Printing >不打印保存合同并结束 :Save Contract and Print Document >保存合同并打印文档 :Save Cost Multiplier Information >ɱϢ :Save Criterion >保存标准 :Save Customer >ͻ :Save Customer Stock Code >ͻ :Save Customer Stock Code XRef >ͻղο :Save Customization >涨 :Save Customized Settings >Զ :Save Database Settings >ݿ :Save Default Spread >保存默认展开 :Save Default Values >Ĭϼֵ :Save Defaults >Ĭֵ :Save Design > :Save Discount Breaks >ۿ۷ :Save Dispatch and Exit >保存发货并退出 :Save Draft >ݸ :Save Entered Bins and Close >Ŀʹ :Save Entered Lines and Close >вر :Save Field >ֶ :Save Field Properties >ֶ :Save Field Values >ֵֶ :Save Form > :Save Form For >Ŀı :Save Form Values >ֵ :Save Form Values as Default >ֵΪĬ :Save Form Values for This Company >˹˾ıֵ :Save GL Distribution > GL :Save GL Share Holding > GL ɷݳ :Save GRN Details > GRN ϸ :Save Global Settings >ȫ :Save Image >ͼ :Save Invalid Selection Criteria >保存无效选择标准 :Save Invalid Selection Criteria and Close Window >保存无效选择标准并关闭窗口 :Save Journal >ռ :Save LCT Apportionment > LCT ̯ :Save Labor Format >Ͷʽ :Save Ledger Code >˴ :Save Line > :Save Manual Check >ֶ֧Ʊ :Save Menu >˵ :Save Menu For >ĿIJ˵ :Save New Theme >· :Save Non-merchandise Distribution >Ʒ :Save OLE2 Object >OLE2 :Save Object > :Save Operation >保存操作 :Save Operator >Ա :Save Option >保存选项 :Save Order >涩 :Save Order and Display Printing Options >涩ʾӡѡ :Save Order and End without Printing >ӡ涩 :Save Order and Print Document >涩ӡĵ :Save Order with no lines >ûеĶ :Save Override List of Programs >б :Save P/O Line > P/O :Save P/order >ɹ :Save P/order with no lines >вɹ :Save PO Line > PO :Save Parameter Set > :Save Parent Details >ϸ :Save Part Number > :Save Password > :Save Payment Run >渶 :Save Physical Unit >λ :Save Post Dated Checks >Զ֧Ʊ :Save Preference >ѡ :Save Preferences > :Save Product Class >Ʒ :Save Product Template >Ʒģ :Save Quality Element >Ԫ :Save Quick View Definition For >ٲ鿴壬 :Save Quotation >汨 :Save Quote >汨 :Save Rates >保存利率 :Save Re-established Invoice >ؽƱ :Save Recurring Journal >ѭռ :Save Report >汨 :Save Report For >Ŀı :Save Reqn Line > :Save Requisition Line >빺 :Save Results > :Save Review Changes >˸ :Save Review Changes and Start a New Review >˸IJ :Save Role >ְ :Save Role Configuration >ְ :Save S/O Line > S/O :Save SO Line > SO :Save Sales Order with this Number >Դ˺뱣۶ :Save Search Results as an Organization List >Ϊ֯б :Save Security Groups >氲ȫ :Save Selection >保存选择 :Save Selection Criteria Validation and Close Window >保存选择标准验证并关闭窗口 :Save Sequence >保存顺序 :Save Set >漯 :Save Settings on Exit >˳ʱ :Save Stock code > :Save Sub-account >˻ :Save Sundry Item >保存添加杂项 :Save Supplier >湩Ӧ :Save System Setup >ϵͳ :Save Table > :Save Template >ģ :Save The Changes > :Save The Changes And Close >IJر :Save The Ledger Distribution >保存分类账分配 :Save Theme > :Save Theme As >Ϊ :Save Tile As >ƽΪ :Save Total Entry >ϼ :Save Transaction >潻 :Save Trigger >津 :Save User >û :Save View >ͼ :Save Warehouse >ֿ :Save Workflow >湤 :Save Workflow As >湤Ϊ :Save additional logging data >渽Ӽ¼ :Save all Changes and Start a New Manual Check >иIJֶ :Save and Close >沢ر :Save and Close Role Configuration >沢رְ :Save and End >沢 :Save and Exit Design Mode >保存并退出设计模式 :Save and Exit Program >沢˳ :Save and Exit System Setup (Ctrl+S) >沢˳ϵͳ (Ctrl+S) :Save and Options >ѡ :Save and Print >沢ӡ :Save and Return Selected Item >沢ѡĿ :Save and Select >ѡ :Save and exit >沢˳ :Save any totals >保存任何合计 :Save as >Ϊ :Save as Home Flow Graph >另存为内部流程图 :Save as Image >另保存图像 :Save as List >Ϊб :Save as new quote >Ϊ± :Save as system administration account >Ϊϵͳʻ :Save as type >Ϊ :Save background for this company only >浱ǰ˾ :Save build forecast >湹Ԥ :Save build schedule >湹ų :Save changes to notes? >Ҫıע :Save changes to script? >ҪԽűĸ :Save changes to your VBScript code? >Ҫ VBScript ĸ? :Save changes? >Ҫ :Save condition >保存条件 :Save cosmetic changes without changing the revision/release for stock code '%1'? >要不更改库存代码 '%1' 的修订/发行保存外观更改吗? :Save current asset's information? >ҪʲϢ :Save current form for >浱ǰ :Save current menu for >Ŀĵǰ˵ :Save current supplier's information? >Ҫ浱ǰӦϢ :Save custom form for reprinting with dispatch invoice >涨ƱԱ뷢Ʊһ´ӡ :Save custom form for reprinting with invoice >Ҫ뷢Ʊһӡij :Save details > :Save docking layout when using roles >ʹְʱ벼 :Save document >ļ :Save draft levels >Ʊ :Save entered serial >保存输入系列 :Save entered serial(s) >保存输入系列 :Save form values for next load >´μصıֵ :Save in > :Save key settings >Կ :Save keywords >ؼ :Save list as >бΪ :Save list view layout when using roles >ʹְʱбͼ :Save new deposit >¶ :Save new format? >¸ʽ :Save new options? >Ҫѡ :Save new passwords? >Ҫ :Save new preferences? >Ҫ² :Save of book '%1' cancelled >ȡʲ '%1' :Save primary window settings upon exit >˳ʱֵ :Save report and edit it now >ڱ汨༭ :Save report and run it now >ڱ汨 :Save report only >汨 :Save report options >汨ѡ :Save selected items >保存选定项目 :Save selections >ѡ :Save settings on Close >رʱ :Save status >״̬ :Save the Form Values >ֵ :Save the Master Database details >ݿϸ :Save the Rules and Exit >˳ :Save the VBScript > VBScript :Save the VBScript and exit > VBScript ˳ :Save the current view by system-wide, company, group or operator >水ϵͳ˾Աĵǰͼ :Save the currently selected item >浱ǰѡĿ :Save the fields for >ֶΣ :Save the forecast >Ԥ :Save the report form for >Ŀı :Save the selected SYSPRO Analytics server >ѡSYSPRO Analytics :Save the selected SYSPRO Analytics site >ѡSYSPRO Analyticsվ :Save the selected SYSPRO company information to the SYSPRO Analytics database >ѡIJԱ˾Ϣ浽SYSPRO Analyticsݿ :Save the selected View >ѡͼ :Save the selected analysis object >ѡ :Save the selected category >ѡ :Save the selected column mapping >ѡӳ :Save the selected diagnostic routine >ѡ :Save the selected global variable >ѡȫֱ :Save the selected operators information to the SYSPRO Analytics database >ѡIJԱϢ浽SYSPRO Analyticsݿ :Save the selected template >ѡģ :Save the selected template(s) >ѡģ :Save theme for this company only >˹˾ :Save this filter >˹ :Save this format design >˸ʽ :Save this search > :Save to disk > :Save totals >ϼ :Save your settings before continuing? >ǰ :Save(Ctrl+S) >(Ctrl+S) :Saved >ѱ :Saved Form Function >ѱ :Saved Form Values >ıֵ :Saved data >ѱ :Saved form function is no longer available - please reselect function >ıܲٿ - ѡ :Saved form function value >ѱ :Saved form function value is no longer available - please reselect and save >ıֵٿ - ѡ񲢱 :Saved on hand qty > :Saved options >ѡ :Saved order status >Ķ״̬ :Saved quantity > :Saves the activity library > :Saves the activity library to a different name >Ϊͬ :Saves the current workflow as specified >ָ浱ǰ :Saves the database settings >ݿ :Saves the selected export format >ѡʽ :Saves the settings > :Saves the workflow >湤 :Saves the workflow to a different name >湤Ϊͬ :Saving build details for selected templates >ڱѡģĹϸ :Saving group security access information. Please wait >ڱ鰲ȫԷϢԺ :Saving meta data for selected template >ڱѡģԪ :Saving site company information >ڱվ㹫˾Ϣ :Saving site information to SYSPRO Analytics Master database >ڽվϢ浽SYSPRO Analyticsݿ :Saving site information to SYSPRO Analytics business tier >ڽվϢ浽SYSPRO Analyticsҵ :Saving site list to the SYSPRO application server >ڽվб浽SYSPROӦó :Saving site operator information >ڱվԱϢ :Saving workflow >ڱ湤 :Sched >Ŷ :Sched date > :Sched run start date >Ŷпʼ :Sched run start time >Ŷпʼʱ :Sched setup start date >Ŷÿʼ :Sched setup start time >Ŷÿʼʱ :Schedule >ʱ :Schedule Amount >ʱ :Schedule Count >ų̼ :Schedule Date Message >ʱϢ :Schedule Date Section >ʱѡ :Schedule Deletions >ʱɾ :Schedule Horizon >ų̽ :Schedule Id >ų Id :Schedule Jobs and Purchase Orders According to Demand >ŶҵͲɹʱ :Schedule List >ƻб :Schedule Maintenance >ʱά :Schedule Overlap >ʱص :Schedule Query >ų̲ѯ :Schedule Report >ų̱ :Schedule Review >ų :Schedule Status >ų״̬ :Schedule activity required within date range >ŶڷΧҪĻʱ :Schedule creation >ʱ :Schedule date >ʱ :Schedule date %1 may not be later than the estimated date of completion on the contract >ʱ%1 óںͬĹ :Schedule date %1 may not be later than the estimated date of completion on the contract. >ʱڲóںͬĹڡ :Schedule date Detail >ʱϸ :Schedule dates >ճ̱ :Schedule details >ʱϸ :Schedule end date >ճ̱ :Schedule end time >ճ̱ʱ :Schedule existing and suggested jobs according to the available capacity >ݿųкͽ鹤 :Schedule flag >ճ̱־ :Schedule for Blanket Purchase Order >排程一揽子采购订单 :Schedule for Blanket Purchase Orders >ۺԲɹʱ :Schedule information >ųϢ :Schedule jobs and purchase orders according to demand >ŶҵͲɹƻ :Schedule of Delivery >ʱ :Schedule required >ʱ :Schedule specific supply >رӦƻ :Schedule start date >ճ̱ʼ :Schedule start time >ճ̱ʼʱ :Schedule subject >ų̶ :Schedule supply acccording to demand >ų̹Ӧ :Schedule supply according to demand >ų̹Ӧ :Schedule supply by demand >ų̹Ӧ :Schedule text >ųı :Schedule type >ʱ :Schedule types >ų :Schedule up to >ų :Scheduled >Ŷ :Scheduled Billing Date >ŶļƷ :Scheduled Machine >ŶĻ :Scheduled Order Allocation >ŶĶ :Scheduled Orders >ƻ :Scheduled date >ѱƼƻ :Scheduled end >ŶĽ :Scheduled end date >Ŷ :Scheduled end time >Ŷʱ :Scheduled end time (hhmm) >Ŷʱ(hhmm) :Scheduled flag >Ŷ־ :Scheduled line ship date state >Ŷװ״̬ :Scheduled order >ŶƻĶ :Scheduled order flag >ѱƼƻ :Scheduled run date >Ŷ :Scheduled run start date >Ŷпʼ :Scheduled run start time >Ŷпʼʱ :Scheduled run time >Ŷʱ :Scheduled setup date >Ŷ :Scheduled setup start date >Ŷÿʼ :Scheduled setup start time >Ŷÿʼʱ :Scheduled setup time >Ŷʱ :Scheduled start >ŶĿʼ :Scheduled start date >Ŷʼ :Scheduled start time >Ŷʼʱ :Scheduled start time (hhmm) >Ŷʼʱ(hhmm) :Scheduled time >Ŷʱ :Scheduler >Ա :Scheduler Details >Ա :Scheduler authentication >ų̳֤ :Scheduler directory >ԱĿ¼ :Schedules >ʱ :Schedules Pane >ų̴ :Schedules added >ų :Schedules already exist for a different billing method. Would you like to delete them and select a new method? >ͬƷѷʱѴڡϣɾDzѡ· :Schedules already exist. Would you like to delete the existing schedules and create new schedules? >ʱѴڡϣɾʱʱ :Schedules for contract >ͬʱ :Schedules up to >ʱ :Scheduling >Ŷʱ :Scheduling Group > :Scheduling Group Exceptions >쳣 :Scheduling Group Maintenance >ά :Scheduling Group Options >ѡ :Scheduling Group Selection >ѡ :Scheduling Groups > :Scheduling Profile >ʵ :Scheduling Profile Report in Progress >ִмƻͼ :Scheduling for co-products >ͬƷʱ :Scheduling group record locked >¼ :Scheduling groups required >Ҫ :Scheduling horizon >Ƚ :Scheduling level >ȼ :Scheduling options need to be defined in WIP Setup. Program cancelled >ѡҪִҵ(WIP)ж塣ȡ :Schema >Ҫ :Schema In >Ҫ :Schema Out >Ҫ :Schema file >ģʽļ :Schema file not found >δҵƻļ :Schema path >ģʽ· :Scr date > :Scrap >Ʒ :Scrap % >% :Scrap & Reject >Ʒ :Scrap Archive Viewer >ϵ鿴 :Scrap Co-products >ϹͬƷ :Scrap Date >Ʒ :Scrap Entries >Ʒ :Scrap Options >报废选项 :Scrap Quantity Error >Ʒ :Scrap Quantity Imbalance >Ʒƽ :Scrap Reason >Ʒԭ :Scrap Reason Code Maintenance >Ʒԭά :Scrap Reason Maintenance >Ʒԭά :Scrap Reasons >ԭ :Scrap Reserved Batch Serials for Co-product for Job >ҵͬƷıϱϵ :Scrap Reserved Batch Serials for Job >ҵıϱϵ :Scrap Reserved Lots and Serials >ϱκϵ :Scrap Reserved Manual Serials for Co-product for Job > ҵͬƷıϱֶϵ :Scrap Reserved Manual Serials for Job >ҵıϱֶϵ :Scrap Reserved Serials >Ʒϵ :Scrap Stock >Ͽ :Scrap analysis dated before >֮ǰڵıϷ :Scrap analysis records dated before >֮ǰķƷ¼ :Scrap analysis records deleted >ɾϷ¼ :Scrap and Rejected History >ܻ¼ :Scrap and reject >ܻ :Scrap and rejects for >Ϻ; :Scrap code >Ʒ :Scrap code '%1' ignored as there is no scrap qty >ڲڱ˱ϴ '%1' :Scrap code '%1' not found >δҵϴ '%1' :Scrap code description >ϴ :Scrap date required >ҪƷ :Scrap date selection >Ʒѡ :Scrap dates > :Scrap details >ϸ :Scrap documents set to >ƷļΪ :Scrap entry >Ʒ :Scrap percentage >Ʒٷֱ :Scrap percentage of component >ϲٷֱ :Scrap qty > :Scrap quantity > :Scrap quantity per entered >ı :Scrap reason code >Ʒԭ :Scrap reason code selection >ԭѡ :Scrap reason codes >ԭ :Scrap reason record locked >ԭ¼ :Scrap reason selection >Ʒԭѡ :Scrap reject date >Ͼ :Scrap reserved lot >ϱ :Scrap/ >Ʒ :Scrap/Reject >ϣ :Scrap/reject code >ϣմ :Scrap/reject date >Ʒ/ :Scraped item >Ŀ :Scrapped >ѱϵ :Scrapped (due to supplier) >ѱ (Ӧ) :Scrapped from WIP inspection > WIP 鱨 :Scrapped item >Ŀ :Scrapped quantity > :Scrapped/Reject date selection >ϣѡ :Scrapped/Reject history >ѱϵģܾʷ¼ :Scrapped/Rejected Information >/Ϣ :Scrapped/Rejected history >/ʷ :Scrapping Reserved Lots and Serials >ڱϱκϵ :Scrapping Reserved Lots and Serials for Co-product >ڱϹͬƷıκϵ :Scrapping Reserved Serials >ڱϱϵ :Scrapping Reserved Serials for Co-product >ڱϹͬƷıϵ :Screen Customization >Ļƻ :Screen Customization Directories >ĻĿ¼ :Screen Customization Directory >ĻƻĿ¼ :Screen Preview >ĻԤ :Screen customization kit >Ļƻ߰ :Screen folder >Ļļ :Screens folder >Ļļ :Screenset Directory Validation >ĻĿ¼֤ :Screenset directories >ĻĿ¼ :Screenset directory >ĻĿ¼ :Screenset folder >Screensetļ :Screenset name >Ļ :Screenset testing complete >Ļò :Screenset version >Ļð汾 :Screensets System Test >Ļϵͳ :Script >ű :Script Editor >ű༭ :Script Error >ű :Script Error in >ű :Script Pane >ű :Script Source >űԴ :Script Type >ű :Script Variables >ű :Script to execute >ִнű :Script update complete >ɱϸ :Script update started >ѿʼϸ :Scripted >ѱ :Scripted Field >űֶ :Scripted fields >űֶ :Scripts >Ʒ :Scroll down list >¹б :Scroll to next line >һ :Scroll up list >Ϲб :Sea Freight - %1 >˷ - %1 :Sea Freight - %1 is a mandatory field and has not been entered >˷ - %1 DZֶΣδ :Search > :Search Archive Files >ļ :Search Criteria >׼ :Search Down > :Search Down Criteria >׼ :Search On > :Search Options >ѡ :Search Result > :Search Results > :Search String >ַ :Search Up > :Search Up Criteria >׼ :Search View >ͼ :Search Windows > :Search anywhere in field >ֶڵκεط :Search completed > :Search completed. Do you wish to search the archive files? >ɡϣļ :Search for Invoice >Ʊ :Search for Purchase Order by Stock code >按库存代码搜索采购订单 :Search in >Χ :Search information >搜索信息 :Search on fields >ֶ :Search on this archive file is complete. Do you wish to search other archive files? >ɶԱļϣļ :Search statement > :Search text >ı :Search window > :Searching > :Seasonal History >ʷ¼ :Seasonal coefficient >ϵ :Seasonal profile - unsmoothed >ļ - δƽ :Seasonal profile correlation cut-off >ȡ :Sec >ڶ :Second >ڶ :Second Index >ڶ :Second Tier Tax >ڶ˰ :Second Tier Tax Portion >ڶ˰ղ :Second color >第二颜色 :Second discount >ڶۿ :Second discount % >ڶۿ% :Second discount percent >ڶۿ۰ٷֱ :Second discount percentage >ڶۿ۰ٷֱ :Second hand >ɻ :Second line of text >ıڶ :Second node >ڶڵ :Second organization type >ڶ֯ :Second report >ڶݱ :Second selection >ڶѡ :Second tier default tax code >ڶĬ˰ :Second tier tax calculated on tax >ڶ˰˰ :Second tier tax description >ڶ˰ :Second tier tax required >Ҫ˰ :Second value >ڶֵ :Secondary >μ :Secondary module is in the future by > 1 year >ģ > һĽ :Secondary module is in the past by > 1 year >ģ > һǰ :Secondary review sequence >μѭ :Secondary sequence >μ˳ :Secondhand >ֵ :Seconds > :Section > :Section %1 > %1 :Section %1 mask >选择 %1 掩码 :Section '%1' for year '%2' not found in G/L analysis table >(G/L)δҵ '%2' IJ '%1' :Section '%1' for year '%2' not found in GL analysis table >(G/L)δҵ '%2' IJ '%1' :Section '%1' in ledger code '%2' is not valid >ʴ '%2' еIJ '%1' Ч :Section Description >˵ :Section analysis required >Ҫ󲿷ַ :Section code >½ڴ :Section code '%1' in section number '%2' is invalid >ֺ '%2' еIJִ '%1' Ч :Section details >½ϸ :Section is already on file >Ѵ :Section locked > :Section masks > :Section not on file >ֲ :Section number >ֺ :Secure by default >Ĭϰȫ :Secure transactions by authenticating the operator who is performing the transaction >ִ֤ͨн׵IJԱö :Secured >ö :Security >ȫ :Security Access >ȫ :Security Access Denied >ȫԷʱܾ :Security Access Error >ȫʴ :Security Access Message >ȫϢ :Security Deposits >ȫ :Security For Posting >过账安全性 :Security Group Maintenance >ȫά :Security Groups >ȫ :Security Groups - Current Group is >ȫ - ǰΪ :Security List Report >ȫб :Security Selection >ȫѡ :Security Utilities >װʩ :Security access - all allowed >ȫ - ȫ :Security for >¸İȫ :Security for Postings >ʰȫ :Security for Queries >ѯȫ :Security is setup separately for Queries and Posting >单独为查询和过账设置安全性 :Security level >ȫ :Security level ranking >ȫԼ :Security list >ȫб :Security notification email addresses >ȫ֪ͨʼַ :Security restrictions >ȫ :Select >ѡ :Select '%1' to proceed >ѡ '%1' ɼ :Select '%1' to update your company control record >ѡ '%1' ¹˾ĿƼ¼ :Select '%1' to update your company to SYSPRO %2 >ѡ '%1' Խ˾µ SYSPRO %2 :Select 'Finish' to complete the RMA conversion >ѡɡRMAת :Select 'Finish' to update your company control record >ѡɡԸ¹˾ĿƼ¼ :Select 'Start conversion' to proceed >ѡ񡰿ʼתԼִ :Select / Deselect >ѡȡѡ :Select / Deselect Context >ѡȡѡ :Select / Deselect Line >ѡȡѡ :Select / Deselect Lines >ѡ񣯷ѡ :Select Activity Filter to be Applied >ѡҪӦõĻ :Select Activity Type >ѡ :Select Address Type >ѡַ :Select All >ѡȫ :Select All (Ctrl+L) >ȫѡ(Ctrl+L) :Select All Assets in Suspense >ѡȫʲ :Select All Columns >选择所有列栏 :Select All Companies >ѡȫ˾ :Select All Contacts >ȫѡϵ :Select All Credit Notes >ѡдƱ :Select All Credits >ѡȫ :Select All Debit Notes >ѡн跽Ʊ :Select All Debits >ѡȫ跽 :Select All Extraction Packages >ѡȫȡ :Select All Fields >ȫѡֶ :Select All Lines >ѡȫ :Select All Lines to Match >选择所有要匹配的行 :Select All Load Packages >ѡȫ :Select All Operators >ѡȫԱ :Select All Transformation Packages >ѡȫת :Select All for Supplier >ѡӦ̵ȫĿ :Select All/Range/Single >ѡ/Χ/һ :Select Alternate Supplier >ѡùӦ :Select An Icon >ѡͼ :Select Attribute >ѡ :Select Available >ѡ :Select Available Serials >ѡϵ :Select Book >ѡ˲ :Select Budgets to Delete >ѡҪɾԤ :Select Captions >ѡ˵ :Select Category Type to be viewed >ѡ鿴 :Select Color >ѡɫ :Select Companies >ѡ˾ :Select Company >ѡ˾ :Select Congfiguration Selection >选择配置选项 :Select Contact >ѡϵ :Select Contract >ѡͬ :Select Copybook(s) >ѡд :Select Customer >ѡͻ :Select Customer Template >ѡͻģ :Select Date >ѡ :Select Deposit >ѡ :Select Document >ѡĵ :Select Estimate >ѡ :Select Event >ѡ¼ :Select Expert >ѡר :Select Expiry Date >ѡ :Select Find Type >ѡ :Select Folder >ѡļ :Select Form >ѡ :Select Form Name >ѡ :Select Highlighted >ѡͻʾ :Select Icon >ѡͼ :Select Import file >ѡļ :Select Instance >ѡʵ :Select Interface to View >ѡҪ鿴Ľ :Select Invoice >ѡƱ :Select Invoice to be Released for Payment >ѡⷢڸķƱ :Select Invoices to Pay >ѡҪ֧ķƱ :Select Invoices to Pay, Based on Review Options >ѡѡ֧ķƱ :Select Invoices to Release >ѡҪͷŵķƱ :Select Invoices to be Reinstated >ѡָķƱ :Select Items for Import >选择导出项目 :Select Items to be Included in Search >ѡҪеĿ :Select Journal Period >ѡռ :Select Journal Year >ѡռ :Select Layout >ѡ񲼾 :Select Ledger Year >ѡ :Select Line >ѡ :Select Lines >ѡ :Select Lines to Attach >选择要附加的行 :Select Log Filter to be Applied >ѡҪӦõ־ :Select Master database company to link to >ѡݿ⹫˾ :Select Material Allocations >ѡϷ :Select Module >ѡģ :Select Module and Program >ѡģͳ :Select More Invoices >ѡ෢Ʊ :Select Movement >ѡ仯 :Select New Dispatch Status >ѡµķ״̬ :Select New Order Status >ѡµĶ״̬ :Select No Debit Notes >ѡ޽跽Ʊ :Select None >ѡ :Select Number of Rows to Show >ѡʾ :Select Offer >ѡ :Select Operation >ѡ :Select Operator >ѡԱ :Select Operator or Group >ѡԱ :Select Operators >ѡԱ :Select Outstanding, Historical or All Activities >ѡδɡʷл :Select Payment Type >ѡ񸶿 :Select Period End >ѡĩ :Select Posting Month >ѡ· :Select Price to be Applied >ѡҪõļ۸ :Select Printer >ѡӡ :Select Product Template >ѡƷģ :Select Program >ѡ :Select Programs >ѡ :Select Promotions >ѡ :Select Purchase Prices >ѡɹ۸ :Select Query Context >ѡѯ :Select Quotation >ѡ񱨼 :Select Quotation Line >ѡ񱨼 :Select Quote >ѡ񱨼 :Select Receipt Date >ѡջ :Select Reqn. Lines - Supp >ѡ빺 - Ӧ :Select Requisitions >ѡ :Select Requisitions to Review >ѡ˵빺 :Select Rev/rel >ѡ޶/ :Select SYSPRO operator to link to >ѡSYSPROԱ :Select Sales Invoice >ѡ۷Ʊ :Select Schema file >ѡģʽļ :Select Selected Lines >ѡѡ :Select Serial >ѡϵ :Select Single Group >ѡ񵥸 :Select Single Lot >ѡһ :Select Single Stock Code >ѡһ :Select Source Table >ѡԴ :Select Start Date >ѡʼ :Select Stock Codes for Stock Take >Ϊ̵ѡ :Select Style >ѡʽ :Select Styles >ѡʽ :Select Supplier >ѡӦ :Select Table >ѡ :Select Target Database >ѡĿݿ :Select Template file >ѡģļ :Select Theme for Accounts >ѡʻ :Select Theme for Details >ѡϸ :Select Theme for Main Report >ѡ :Select Theme for Transactions >ѡ׷ :Select Time span to be viewed >ѡ鿴ʱ䷶Χ :Select Transaction Type >ѡ :Select Types of Organizations to be Included >ѡҪ֯ :Select Using Alt selection >ʹ滻ѡѡ :Select Using Alternate Key >ʹ滻ѡ :Select Using Alternate key %1 >ʹ滻 %1 ѡ :Select Using Approved Manufacturers >ʹ׼ѡ :Select Using Customer Interchange >ʹÿͻ以ѡ :Select Using Matching Stock Codes >ʹƥѡ :Select Using Supplier Interchange >ʹùӦ̼以ѡ :Select VBScript to edit >ѡҪ༭ VBScript :Select Variable >ѡ :Select WIP Period >ѡWIP :Select Warehouse >ѡֿ :Select X-axis >ѡX :Select XML file >ѡ XML ļ :Select Y-axis >ѡY :Select \ Deselect Line >ѡȡѡ :Select a Discount Level >ѡۿۼ :Select a Single Requisition >ѡһ빺 :Select a Template Type >ѡģ :Select a bitmap >ѡλͼ :Select a currency for alternate currency journals >Ϊ滻ռѡ :Select a diagnostic code to be used when appropriate - leave blank when not required >ѡʵʱʹõϴ - Ҫ :Select a field >ѡֶ :Select a form to be displayed by selecting its checkbox >ͨѡѡѡҪʾı :Select a fucntion >ѡ :Select a function >ѡ :Select a list >ѡб :Select a list to delete >ѡɾб :Select a list to load into the data grid >ѡصеб :Select a menu option >ѡ˵ѡ :Select a menu to open >ѡ򿪵IJ˵ :Select a name for the menu item >ѡ˵Ŀ :Select a name for the shortcut >ѡݷʽ :Select a namespace from the assembly >Ӽѡռ :Select a printer before printing >ӡǰѡӡ :Select a quote >ѡ񱨼 :Select a role >ѡְ :Select a route >ѡ· :Select a template >ѡģ :Select a transaction type >ѡ :Select a valid site >ѡЧվ :Select a workflow >ѡ :Select action >ѡ :Select action to perform >ѡҪִеIJ :Select all Items >ȫѡĿ :Select all Roles >ȫѡְ :Select all child records >选择所有子记录 :Select all outstanding purchase order lines >ѡȫδɲɹ :Select all outstanding purchase order lines? >Ҫѡȫδɲɹ :Select all roles for which this keyword applies >ѡ˹ؼõȫְ :Select all roles for which this program applies >ȫѡ˳õְ :Select an Incidence >ѡ :Select an Organization List >ѡ֯б :Select an icon for the shortcut >ѡݷʽͼ :Select an import file >ѡļ :Select an operation >ѡ :Select and modify designs to be used for the rendering of data in a browser window >ѡ޸Ⱦʹõ :Select at least one file to be exported >ѡһҪļ :Select attachment file >ѡ񸽼ļ :Select auto stock code creation >ѡԶ봴 :Select available serial numbers >ѡϵк :Select bin location >ѡλ :Select blanket >ѡһ :Select check to clear >ѡ֧Ʊ :Select check to void >ѡҪʹʧЧ֧Ʊ :Select component >ѡ񲿼 :Select configuration >ѡ :Select configurator >ѡó :Select copybooks (SEL) >ѡд(SEL) :Select cycle count >ѡڼ :Select delivery address >ѡ񽻻ַ :Select dimensions >ѡ :Select fields from >ѡֶΣ :Select file >ѡļ :Select for Supplier >ѡӦ :Select from multiple allocations >Ӷѡ :Select from the following list of linked tables >µӱбѡ :Select graph to view >ѡҪ鿴ͼ :Select group to maintain >ѡҪά :Select hierarchy >选择分级 :Select highlighted SKU's >ѡͻʾ¼λ(SKU) :Select highlighted lines >ѡͻʾ :Select highlighted lines according to their selected quantity? >Ҫոѡͻʾ :Select how you would like to process the dimensions >ѡߴķʽ :Select invoices by >ѡƱ :Select item >ѡĿ :Select multimedia object to view >ѡҪ鿴Ķý :Select multiple delivery addresses >ѡַ :Select multiple files to be exported >ѡҪĶļ :Select multiple ship address >ѡ˵ַ :Select new attribute >ѡ :Select number of deliveries for Friday >选择星期五交货次数 :Select number of deliveries for Monday >选择星期一交货次数 :Select number of deliveries for Saturday >选择星期六交货次数 :Select number of deliveries for Sunday >选择星期天交货次数 :Select number of deliveries for Thursday >选择星期四交货次数 :Select number of deliveries for Tuesday >选择星期二交货次数 :Select number of deliveries for Wednesday >选择星期三交货次数 :Select object >ѡ :Select object category >ѡ :Select one of the options below and press "Create" to create the template >ѡѡ֮һԴģ :Select one of the options below and press \"Create\" to create the template >ѡѡ֮һ\\Դģ :Select one of the reports from the list below >±ѡһݱ :Select one of the types of menu from those shown below >ʾIJ˵ѡ֮һ :Select one of the types of shortcuts from those below >ʾĿݷʽѡ֮һ :Select one or more roles to export >ѡ⵼һְ :Select option >ѡѡ :Select or Deselect all lines >ѡͷѡ :Select or add a new page to this flow graph >ѡͼҳ :Select orders with this delivery route >ѡ߱˽·ߵĶ :Select orientation >ѡλ :Select override the original invoice's branch by the transaction branch >选择按交易分支替代原始发票分支 :Select paper size, font and other options for printing >ѡֽŴСӡѡ :Select period >ѡ :Select period for the Report >ѡ񱨱 :Select period to view >ѡҪ鿴 :Select prices >ѡ۸ :Select program number >ѡ :Select query >ѡѯ :Select query currency >ѡѯ :Select report(s) to be scheduled >ѡų̵ı :Select resource code >ѡԴ :Select role >ѡְ :Select route >ѡ· :Select second comparing variance >ѡڶȽʲ :Select single journal >ѡһռ :Select single register >ѡһǼDz :Select the Analysis Database name >ѡݿ :Select the Analysis Server that will store the OLAP data >ѡ񽫴洢OLAPݵķ :Select the Analysis Services Objects to include in the build process >ѡ빹̵ķ :Select the Analysis server that will host the Analytics OLAP database >ѡΪ Analytics OLAP ݿṩķ :Select the DTS/SSIS packages to include in the build process >ѡ빹̵DTS/SSIS :Select the Integration server that will host the Analytics SSIS packages >ѡΪ Analytics SSIS ݰṩϷ :Select the MapPoint file to use for Analysis >ѡڷ MapPoint ļ :Select the Part Category >ѡ :Select the Query Selection >ѡѯѡ :Select the SQL Server connection method >ѡSQLӷ :Select the SQL Server that the databases will be created on >ѡҪݿSQL :Select the SQL server instance that will host the workflow database >ѡΪݿṩ SQL ʵ :Select the SQL server that will host the Analytics SQL database >ѡΪ Analytics SQL ݿṩ SQL :Select the SYSPRO Analytics Server that will host the Site >ѡҪΪվSYSPRO Analytics :Select the Stock Code Look-up Sequence >ѡ鿴˳ :Select the Stock Code Query Sequence >ѡѯ˳ :Select the Type of Cost Center >ѡɱ :Select the Type of Operation >ѡ :Select the Type of Order >ѡ񶩵 :Select the Type of Price >ѡ۸ :Select the assets to include in an asset count or to cancel a previous asset count selection >ѡʲ԰ʲлȡǰʲѡ :Select the captions to be shown >ѡҪʾı :Select the category of UI customization >ѡ UI Ƶ :Select the collation method for the databases >ѡݿ򷽷 :Select the collation method that will be used for the new SQL database >ѡ SQL ݿУԷ :Select the columns to be printed from >ѡҪ¸дӡ :Select the columns used to sequence the report >ѡڱű˳ :Select the correct address >ѡȷַ :Select the custom form format option >ѡԶʽѡ :Select the database collation for the workflow database >ѡݿݿУ :Select the day(s) of the week below >ѡһܵ :Select the default printer >ѡĬϴӡ :Select the display type >ѡʾ :Select the existing OLAP database that will be used for this Site >ѡڴվ OLAP ݿ :Select the existing SQL database that will be used for this Site >ѡڴվSQL ݿ :Select the menu from those shown below >ʾ˵ѡ˵ :Select the method with which notification emails are sent by the workflow service >ѡ̷֪ͨͨʼķ :Select the modules you wish to have installed in the Report Data Dictionary >ѡϣڱֵаװģ :Select the name of the Analytics Staging Database >ѡAnalyticsʱݿ :Select the name of the Analytics Subject Database >ѡAnalyticsݿ :Select the operators whose menus you wish to replace with your current menu, >ѡϣǰIJ˵˵IJԱ :Select the operators whose security access you wish to replace with this operator's security access >ѡϣñԱİȫʼIJԱİȫʼ :Select the primary table to be used for this report >ѡ񱾱Ҫʹõ :Select the single currency to copy, merge or delete >ֻѡһҪơϲɾĻ :Select the stock codes to be included in a stock take count >ѡ̵еĿ :Select the type of objects that you want to process >ѡϣĶ :Select theme >ѡ񷽰 :Select this if all companies use C-ISAM >ȫ˾ʹC-ISAMѡ :Select this if all companies use ISAM >й˾ʹ ISAMѡ :Select this if all companies use SQL >й˾ʹ SQLѡ :Select this option if at least 1 company uses SQL Server >һҹ˾ʹSQLѡѡ :Select to call USA 3rd party tax calculation >ѡ 3 ˰ :Select to contra by Customer or Supplier >ͻӦѡͬ :Select to query co-products >ѡѯͬƷ :Select transaction >ѡ :Select transactions >ѡ :Select type >ѡ :Select type of order >ѡ񶩵 :Select type of transaction >ѡ :Select up to %1 business processes >ѡ %1 ҵ :Select up to %1 business processes for which this ledger code >Ϊ÷ʴѡ %1 ҵ :Select up to %1 roles to be associated with this operator >ѡҪòԱ %1 ְ :Select up to 10 business processes for which this ledger code >ѡ10ҵ̣Դˣʴ :Select up to 5 roles to be associated with this operator >ѡҪòԱ5ְ :Select warehouses >ѡֿ :Select workflow >ѡ :Select workflow service >ѡ̷ :Select year >ѡ :Select your company from the following list >±ѡĹ˾ :Select/Deselect >ѡȡѡ :Select/Deselect Line >ѡ/ȡѡ :Select/Deselect Lines >ѡȡѡ :Select/Deselect line >ѡȡѡ :Selected >ѡе :Selected Contracts >ѡĺͬ :Selected Assets Codes Report >ѡʲ뱨 :Selected Blanket Purchase Orders >ѡһӲɹ :Selected Buyer >ѡIJɹ :Selected Buyers >ѡIJɹ :Selected Columns >ѡ :Selected Contract >ѡĺͬ :Selected Cost Centers >ѡijɱ :Selected Customers >ѡĿͻ :Selected Dispatch Notes >ѡķ :Selected Index Changed >ѡѸ :Selected Invoices >ѡķƱ :Selected Invoices for Customer >ѡĿͻƱ :Selected Job >ѡĹ :Selected Job Classifications >ѡĹ :Selected Jobs >ѡĹ :Selected Lines >ѡ :Selected Lines...(Ctrl+S) >ѡ...(Ctrl+S) :Selected Non-stocked Codes >ѡķǿ :Selected Payment Registers >ѡĸǼDz :Selected Planner >ѡļƻԱ :Selected Planners >ѡļƻԱ :Selected Product Classes >ѡIJƷ :Selected Purchase Order >ѡIJɹ :Selected Purchase Orders >ѡIJɹ :Selected Requisition >ѡ빺 :Selected Sales Orders >ѡ۶ :Selected Sales Orders for Customer >ѡĿͻ۶ :Selected Schedule Fields >ѡųֶ :Selected Stock Codes >ѡĿ :Selected Stock Codes Report >ѡĿ뱨 :Selected Suggested Jobs >ѡĽ鹤 :Selected Warehouse >ѡIJֿ :Selected Warehouses >ѡIJֿ :Selected Work Centers >ѡĹ :Selected archive fields >ѡĵֶ :Selected authority levels >ѡܲż :Selected bins >ѡ :Selected checks >ѡ֧Ʊ :Selected classes >ѡĵȼ :Selected co-product is manufactured via a notional part. Do you wish to continue creating a job for the notional part? >ѡĹͬƷͨġϣΪøҵ :Selected companies >ѡĹ˾ :Selected component is the same as that being maintained >ѡIJάIJͬ :Selected components and operations will be deleted. Do you wish to continue? >ѡIJͲɾϣ :Selected customer >ѡĿͻ :Selected days represent >ѡڱʾ :Selected delivery load has already been confirmed or completed >ȷϻѡĽװ :Selected fields >ѡֶ :Selected for recreation >Ϊ´ѡ :Selected for reindexing >ѡ± :Selected hierarchy for stocked allocations not allowed >ѡĿ :Selected icon >ѡͼ :Selected item is part of a multi-grade co-product structure. Do you wish to continue creating a job for the principle co-product? >ѡĿǶȼͬƷṹһ֡ϣΪͬƷҵ :Selected items are >ѡĿ :Selected job only >ѡҵ :Selected month cannot be greater than current month >ѡ·ݲóڵǰ· :Selected operation is the same as that being maintained >ѡIJάIJͬ :Selected parent is a bought-out item. Continue? >ѡΪ⹺ĿҪ :Selected period is later than the current G/L period >ѡڵǰ :Selected period is later than the current GL period >ѡڵǰ :Selected period is later than the current cash book period >ѡڵǰֽ :Selected post-dated checks have been added to the total payment amount >所选远期支票已添加到总付款金额 :Selected posting month >ѡĹ· :Selected posting year >ѡĹ :Selected previous years >ѡǰ :Selected printer >ѡӡ :Selected range goes beyond the G/L history setup limits >ѡΧʷü :Selected range goes beyond the GL history setup limits >ѡΧʷü :Selected range goes beyond the Journal history setup limits >ѡΧռʷü :Selected row has already been posted >ѡѹ :Selected rows have already been posted >ѡѹ :Selected sales order lines >ѡ۶ :Selected schedules >ѡų :Selected sequence can only be performed for all stock codes >ֻɶȫִѡ˳ :Selected sequence can only be performed for all suppliers >ֻɶȫӦִѡ˳ :Selected supplier >ѡĹӦ :Selected tables >ѡı :Selecting a different object will overwrite any changes you may have made to your VBScript code. Do you wish to continue? >ѡͬ󽫸 VBScript κθġϣ? :Selecting a template will overwrite any changes you may have made to your VBScript code. Do you wish to continue? >ѡģ彫 VBScript κθġϣ? :Selecting blanket purchase orders for review. Please wait >ѡۺԲɹȺ :Selecting contract lines for review. Please wait >ѡĺͬСȺ :Selecting purchase orders for review. Please wait >ѡIJɹȺ :Selecting this function will override the changes made to the snapshot files >ѡ˹ܽǶԿļĸ :Selecting this option will also include zero quantities. Continue? >ѡѡҲ :Selecting this option will cause all selected workflow operations to be unsecured removing any previous allowed or denied access levels >ѡѡѡĹ̲޷Ƴκǰܾķʼ :Selecting this option will cause all selected workflow operations to be unsecured removing any previous allowed or denied access levels.\n\nOk to continue? >ѡѡѡĹ̲޷Ƴκǰܾķʼ\n\nȷҪ? :Selecting this transaction means that the transaction will be fully secured. It will be password protected and an audit log will be output. Do you wish to continue? >ѡζŽ׽õȫ汣ϡ뱣־ϣ :Selecting to logout all operators using the selected company will log them out prematurely >ѡעʹøѡ˾вԱʹDZע :Selection >ѡ :Selection Criteria >ѡ׼ :Selection Criteria Validation >ѡ׼֤ :Selection Criteria Value >选择标准值 :Selection Information >ѡϢ :Selection Locked >ѡ :Selection Options >ѡѡ :Selection Options for Existing Jobs >ҵѡѡ :Selection Set >ѡ :Selection Set Amendment Journal >ѡ޶ռ :Selection by group code required >Ҫ˳ѡ :Selection criteria as comments >ѡ׼Ϊע :Selection criteria comments >ѡ׼ע :Selection criteria dependencies >ѡ׼ :Selection criteria processed >Ѵѡ׼ :Selection criteria processing is complete >ѡ׼ :Selection date >ѡ :Selection for Requisition Review >ѡ빺 :Selection for Stores Review >ѡ̵ :Selection has at least %1 criteria attached >ѡ߱ %1 ӱ׼ :Selection key >ѡ :Selection line '%1' not found >δѡ '%1' :Selection method >ѡ񷽷 :Selection not on file >ѡ񲻴 :Selection of records to purge >ѡļ¼ :Selection set locked >ѡ :Selection sets >ѡ :Selection to use >ѡʹ :Selection totals >ѡϼ :Selection type >ѡ :Selections >ѡ :Selections and Criteria >选择与标准 :Selections and Options >ѡѡ :Selections for Purchase Order Creation >ڲɹѡ :Selectively contra customer and supplier invoices and post the contra transactions >ѡصͻ빩Ӧ̷Ʊͬ :Selectively contra supplier and customer invoices and post them >ѡصӦͻƱ :Selectively correct rejected transactions indicated by the Sales Analysis Update program >ѡؾ۷³ָʾľܾ :Selectively maintain the status of unconfirmed jobs held on file >ѡάѴ浵δȷϹ״̬ :Selectively purge approved or cancelled registered invoices >ѡ׼ɻȡעᷢƱ :Selectively restore the original dates of purchase orders, requisitions and jobs in the snapshot, where suggested dates are impractical to implement >ѡػָڵʵʩʵĿеIJɹ빺͹ԭʼ :Selectively view and terminate SYSPRO processes >ѡز鿴ֹ SYSPRO :Selects all children records under that parent record in the tree view >选择树视图主记录下所有子记录 :Selects all of the Books in the list >ȫѡбе˲ :Selects all of the Cubes in the list >ȫѡбеͼ :Selects all of the Dimensions in the list >ȫѡбеijߴ :Selects all of the Templates in the list >ȫѡбеģ :Selects all the XML files in the list >选择列表中所有 XML 文件 :Selects all workflow instances displayed in the filtered list >ȫѡбʾĹʵ :Self-healing screenset folder >޸Ļļ :Sell Price U/m for Order U/m >λۼۼλ :Sell Rate >۱ :Sell exchange rate >ۻ :Selling EC Declaration >ŷ(EC) :Selling Price U/m >ۼ۸ U/m :Selling Price U/m for Order U/m >λۼ۸λ :Selling Price Unit of Measure >ۼ۸λ :Selling Price Unit of Measure Maintenance >ۼ۸λά :Selling Price Uom >ۼۼλ :Selling conversion >ת :Selling exchange rate >ۻ :Selling price >ۼ۸ :Selling rate > :Selling rate indicator >ָ :Selling rate test conversion >ʲת :Send > :Send Message Toolbar >Ϣ :Send Approve Message to Workflow >̷Ϣ :Send Document as Attachment >Ըļ :Send Fax >ʹ :Send Message >Ϣ :Send Message and Receive Reply >Ϣջظ :Send Message and wait for reply >Ϣȴظ :Send Parameters >Ͳ :Send Reject Message to Workflow >̷;ܾϢ :Send confirmation and notification of receipt to originator >ԭ˷ջȷ֪ͨ :Send document >ļ :Send email >͵ʼ :Send message to ADMIN inbox if duplicate login >ظ¼ADMINռ䷢Ϣ :Send multiple documents as single attach >ԵһͶĵ :Send multiple documents as single attachment >һʽͶĵ :Send notification email to >͵ʼ֪ͨ :Send only > :Send only one confirmation to the req. orginator when receipting a P/O line >ղɹ(P/O)ʱ빺˷һȷ :Send only one confirmation to the req. orginator when receipting a PO line >ղɹ(P/O)ʱ빺˷һȷ :Send only one confirmation to the req. originator when receipting a P/O line >ղɹ(P/O)ʱ빺˷һȷ :Send only one confirmation to the req. originator when receipting a PO line >ղɹ(P/O)ʱ빺˷һȷ :Send response Email >Ӧʼ :Send to operator >Ա :Sender >ͷ :Sender/receiver code >ͷշ :Sending Message >ڷϢ :Sending Workflow Operation >ڷ̲ :Sending details >ϸ :Sending method >ڷͷ :Sending selection >ڷѡ :Sends the selected workflow message >ѡϢ :Sends the selected workflow message and waits for reply >ѡϢȴظ :Sep > :Sep %1 > %1 :Separate GL tables >ָ GL :Separate Query security >ֿѯȫ :Separate Security for Queries >分隔查询安全性 :Separate check & remittance > :Separate file per customer >ͻָļ :Separate inventory tables >ָ :Separate operators by semi-colons (;) >用分号 (;) 分隔操作员 :Separate recipients by '%1' > '%1' ָռ :Separate remittance for EFT >EFT :Separate role settings by company >˾ְָ :Separator >ָ :Separator character >ָ :Separator character '%1' in ledger code '%2' is invalid >ʴ '%2' еķַָ '%1' Ч :Seperate recipients by '%1' > '%1' ָռ :Seperate recipients with a '%1' >ָ߱ '%1' ջ :Seperate remittance for EFT >EFT :September > :Seq >˳ :Seq file code >˳ļ :Seq file name >˳ļ :Seq mats with associated labor allocs >顺序匹配相关劳动力分配 :Seq no >˳ :Seq record length >˳¼ :Sequence >˳ :Sequence - Default Sequence >˳ - Ĭ˳ :Sequence - Sequence by ContactClass >˳ - ͬȼ˳ :Sequence - Sequence by StockCode >˳ - ˳ :Sequence %1 >˳ %1 :Sequence Components >顺序部件 :Sequence Criteria >顺序标准 :Sequence Field >˳ֶ :Sequence Five >˳ :Sequence Four >˳ :Sequence Key >˳ :Sequence Materials by Operation Number >˳в˳ :Sequence Number >˳ :Sequence Number of Criterion >标准顺序号 :Sequence Number of Operation >操作顺序号 :Sequence Number of Option >选项顺序号 :Sequence Number of Selection >选择顺序号 :Sequence One >˳һ :Sequence Six >˳ :Sequence Three >˳ :Sequence Two >˳ :Sequence by stock code value >ֵе˳ :Sequence checking on operations require >ԲѭҪ :Sequence checking on operations required >Ҫѭ :Sequence checking on ops >˳ :Sequence checking on ops required >Ҫѭ :Sequence checking req >˳ :Sequence checking required >Ҫ˳ :Sequence checking required by default >ĬҪ˳ :Sequence description >˳ :Sequence increment >ѭ :Sequence invoices across sub-accounts >¼ĿķƱ˳ :Sequence material by operation >ڷŲ˳ :Sequence materials by operation > :Sequence materials with associated labor allocations >Ͷйص˳ :Sequence mats with assoc labor allocs >顺序匹配相关劳动力分配 :Sequence menu >˳˵ :Sequence no >˳ :Sequence no selection >˳ѡ :Sequence number non-numeric >非数字顺序编号 :Sequence number of component >˳ :Sequence number selection >˳ѡ :Sequence of Detail Printing >ϸӡ˳ :Sequence of release >˳ :Sequence of storage >洢˳ :Sequence query by >˳ѯ :Sequenced by Requisition originator >빺 :Sequences >˳ :Sequencing >˳ :Sequencing By Date >˳ :Sequencing Data in Progress >ִ˳ :Sequencing File >ļ˳ :Sequencing Invoices >зƱ˳ :Sequencing Options >ѡ˳ :Sequencing checks for customer >ͻ֧Ʊ :Sequencing in Progress >˳ :Sequencing in process >ڽ˳ :Sequencing key >йؼ˳ :Sequencing operation allocations file >˳ļ :Sequencing stock code records >п˳ :Sequential >˳ :Sequential Co-products >˳ͬƷ :Sequential file - no indexes >˳ļ - :Sequential file name >˳ļ :Sequential to >˳ :Sequential to ISAM Converter >ת˳ȡת :Sequential to Index Converter >˳ת :Serial > :Serial Allocations >ϵз :Serial Allocations Entry >ϵзĿ :Serial Cross Reference Creation >ϵж :Serial Entry for Receipts >к¼Ϊջ :Serial File >ϵļ :Serial File Balance Report >ļ :Serial File Balance Report in Progress >ִļ :Serial File Purge >ļ :Serial File Purge Password >ļ :Serial File Purge in Progress >ִļ :Serial Information >ϵϢ :Serial Number Allocations >ϵк :Serial Number Allocations Entry >ϵкĿ :Serial Number Allocations for Dispatch Note >ϵк :Serial Number Allocations for Job >ҵϵк :Serial Number Allocations for Jobs >ҵкŷ :Serial Number Allocations for RMA >˻Ȩ(RMA)ϵк :Serial Number Allocations for Sales Orde Allocations for Sales Order >۶ϵк :Serial Number Allocations for Sales Order >۶ϵк :Serial Number Allocations for Sales Orders >۶кŷ :Serial Number Capture >ϵк벶 :Serial Number Duplicated >Ƶϵк :Serial Number Entry >к :Serial Number Entry Complete >к :Serial Number Header Maintenance >ϵкҳüά :Serial Number Information >ϵкϢ :Serial Number Maintenance >кά :Serial Number Maintenance (Legacy) >ϵкά (Legacy) :Serial Number Message >ϵкϢ :Serial Number Preferences >кο :Serial Number Prefix >кǰ׺ :Serial Number Sold >к :Serial Number Suffix >к׺ :Serial Number Table Full >кб :Serial Number Take-On >кȡ :Serial Number Take-on for Stock Code >ϵк :Serial Number Tracking Message >ϵкϢ :Serial Number Tracking Section >ϵкٲ :Serial Number Tracking Section Message >кٲϢ :Serial Number Transactions >ϵк뽻 :Serial Number in Inspection >еϵк :Serial Number in WIP Inspection >WIPек :Serial Numbers >к :Serial Numbers for Stock Code >ϵк :Serial Numbers for a Reference >οϵк :Serial Numbers for a Stock Code >ϵк :Serial Numbers in Inspection >еϵк :Serial Numbers in WIP Inspection >WIPек :Serial Numbers in WIP Inspection for Reference >οִҵ(WIP)еϵк :Serial Parent >ϵ :Serial Parent Tracking >ϵ˸ :Serial Parent Tracking Details >ϵ˸ :Serial Quantity >ϵ :Serial Query for >вѯ :Serial Query for Materials >ϵвѯ :Serial Query per Transaction Line >еϵвѯ :Serial Range >ϵзΧ :Serial Range Entry >ϵзΧ :Serial Range Overflow >ϵзΧ :Serial Record >ϵм¼ :Serial Sales Details >ϵϸ :Serial Tracking >ϵи :Serial Tracking Balance Report >ϵи :Serial Tracking Detail >ϵиϸ :Serial Tracking File Purge >ϵиļ :Serial Tracking Parent Reservations >ϵиʱ :Serial Tracking Report >иٱ :Serial Tracking Report in Progress >ִϵиٱ :Serial Tracking System >иϵͳ :Serial Tracking Take-on >ϵиٽ :Serial Tracking Trans >ϵиٽ :Serial Tracking Transaction Posting >ϵиٽ׹ :Serial Tracking WIP Reservations >ϵиִҵ(WIP) :Serial and allocation quantity do not balance. Please make a note of what you have done differently as well as any errors you may have had whilst selecting bins etc. Job >ϵкͷƽ⡣IJ֮ͬԼѡʱκδȵȡ :Serial and lots do not balance.Please make a note of what you have done differently as well as any errors you may have had whilst selecting bins etc. Job >系列和批次不平衡。请记下您操作的不同之处以及在选择库时所遇到的任何错误等。工作 :Serial description >к :Serial details >ϵϸ :Serial does not exist. A new serial will be created when you complete and Save the allocations >系列不存在。当您完成并保存分配时,将创建新系列 :Serial expiry >ϵе :Serial expiry date >系列失效日期 :Serial has already been archived >ϵѹ鵵 :Serial header record not found. Program cancelled >δҵϵбͷȡ :Serial message >ϵϢ :Serial method >ϵз :Serial no >ϵк :Serial not allocated to sales order '%1' >ϵδ۶ '%1' :Serial not found against the component for the job >δҵҵϵ :Serial not found against the parent for the job >δҵҵϵ :Serial not stocked in this warehouse >ϵڴ˲ֿ޿ :Serial number >к :Serial number '%1' is in stock take table >ϵк '%1'̵ :Serial number '%1' already exists >ϵк '%1' Ѵ :Serial number '%1' already exists for stock code '%2' in warehouse '%3' >仓库 '%3' 内库存代码 '%2' 的系列号码 '%1' 已存在 :Serial number '%1' has already expired >ϵк '%1' ѹ :Serial number '%1' has been scrapped >ϵк '%1' ѱ :Serial number '%1' has not been previously rejected >ǰδܾϵк '%1' :Serial number '%1' is a '%2' type serial >ϵк '%1' Ϊ '%2' ϵ :Serial number '%1' is already complete >ϵк '%1' :Serial number '%1' is already in stock >ϵк '%1' ڿ :Serial number '%1' is in inspection >ϵк '%1' ڼ :Serial number '%1' is in inspection and is for a different stock code >ϵк '%1' ڼУ :Serial number '%1' is in stock take and is for a different stock code >ϵк '%1' ̵У :Serial number '%1' is in stock take table >ϵк '%1' ̵ :Serial number '%1' is not at the service depot >ϵк '%1' άվ :Serial number '%1' is not available for transaction '%2' >ϵк '%1' '%2' ʹ :Serial number '%1' is not in WIP Inspection >ϵк '%1' ִҵ(WIP) :Serial number '%1' is not in for service >ϵк '%1' ڷ :Serial number '%1' is not in inspection >ϵк '%1' ڼ :Serial number '%1' is not numeric >ϵк '%1' :Serial number '%1' is not on loan >ϵк '%1' ڴ :Serial number '%1' is reserved and is for a different stock code >ϵк '%1' ѱ :Serial number '%1' not found >δҵϵк '%1' :Serial number '%1' not found for stock code '%2' >δҵ '%2' ϵк '%1' :Serial number '%1' not found in GTR reference '%2' >˻(GTR)ο '%2' δҵϵк '%1' :Serial number '%1' not in stock take table >ϵк '%1' ̵ :Serial number '%1' not stocked in warehouse '%2' >ϵк '%1' ڲֿ '%2' ޿ :Serial number '%1' quantity exceeds the variance allowed >ϵк '%1' ˱䶯ʲ :Serial number '%1' will expire before job start date >ϵк '%1' ҵʼ֮ǰʧЧ :Serial number allocated to a different lot '%1' > '%1' ϵк :Serial number already exists for stock code '%1' >ϵкڿ '%1' Ѵ :Serial number details >ϵкϸ :Serial number does not exist. Create new serial? >ϵк벻ڡҪϵ :Serial number entry for the component serial is complete. Do you wish to accept these entries? >ϵеϵкɡϣЩ :Serial number entry is complete. Do you wish to accept these entries? >ϵк롣ϣЩ :Serial number entry required >Ҫϵк :Serial number has already been entered >ϵк :Serial number has already been sold >ϵкѳ :Serial number is at the depot >ϵкάվ :Serial number is blank. Stock code '%1' is serialized >ϵкΪհס '%1' ϵл :Serial number is in for service >ϵкڷ :Serial number is not on file >ϵкŲ :Serial number is on loan >ϵкڴ :Serial number locked by another user >һûϵк :Serial number not found >δҵϵк :Serial number print positions must be entered >ϵкӡλ :Serial number print positions must be re-entered >ϵк´ӡλ :Serial number record is locked >ϵк¼ :Serial number selection >ϵкѡ :Serial number tracking Detail >ϵкϸ :Serial number will expire before job start date >ϵк뽫ҵʼ֮ǰʧЧ :Serial number/s in the range already exist >ڴ˷ΧѾк :Serial numbering is not required for stock code '%1' >ڿ '%1' Ҫϵк :Serial numbers allocated >ѷϵк :Serial numbers and transaction >ϵкͽ :Serial numbers and transaction purge >ϵкͽ :Serial numbers and transactions >ϵк뽻 :Serial numbers are not required for this stock code >ϵкڸÿ벻Ҫ :Serial numbers de-allocated >ȡϵк :Serial numbers deleted >ɾϵк :Serial numbers for these stock codes must be >Щϵк :Serial numbers for these stock codes must be entered before >Щϵк֮ǰ :Serial numbers for these stock codes must be entered before an invoice may >ڴƱǰ :Serial numbers have been found in the selected range of bins. These have been counted in full, not just for the selected bins >ѡĿλΧҵϵк롣ЩϵкǰȫλŵģǽѡĿλŵ :Serial numbers have been successfully added to table >ѳɹϵк :Serial numbers have been successfully added to the list >系列号码已成功添加到此列表 :Serial prefix >ϵǰ׺ :Serial prefix cannot start with a space >ϵǰ׺Կոͷ :Serial quantity for '%1' exceeds the quantity of '%2' in inspection >'%1' ϵ˼ '%2' :Serial range details >系列范围明细 :Serial reservation required >豣ϵ :Serial scrap date is before the job start date >ϵбҵʼ֮ǰ :Serial sequence selection >ϵ˳ѡ :Serial suffix >ϵк׺ :Serial suffix must contain at least one numeric character >ϵк׺һַ :Serial tracking method >ϵиٷ :Serial tracking not allowed for floor stock or bulk issue items >ǩƷϵи :Serial tracking not allowed for kit types '%1' or '%2' >ڹ߰ '%1' '%2' ϵи :Serial tracking not allowed for kit types 'K' or 'S' >׼'K''S'ϵи :Serial tracking not allowed for lot traceable items if there is any stock on hand or allocated >пѷ棬οɸĿϵи :Serial tracking not allowed for returnable item >ڿɷĿϵи :Serial tracking not allowed for temporary items >ʱԻƷϵи :Serial tracking option >ϵиѡ :Serial tracking system required >Ҫϵиϵͳ :Serial type >ϵ :Serial will expire before the co-product due date >ϵнڹͬƷ֮ǰʧЧ :Serial will expire before the job delivery date >ϵнҵ֮ǰʱЧ :Serial/Lot >ϵУ :Serial/lot number >ϵУκ :Serialized >ϵл :Serialized component '%1' not allowed >ϵл '%1' :Serialized item >лƷ :Serialized item is not allowed to be returnable >ϵлĿǿɷĿ :Serialized items may not be restored >ϵлĿɻָ :Serials >е :Serials in Inspection Capture >鲶еϵ :Serials-context >ϵ- :Serials/Lots >ϵУ :Series >ϵ :Series of fixed dates >̶ڵϵ :Server > :Server %1 Service pack %2 or higher or Microsoft SQL Server %3 > %1 %2 ߰汾Microsoft SQL %3 :Server %1 or higher > %1 :Server 7.0 Service pack 1 or higher or Microsoft SQL Server 2000 >70׼1 ߰汾Microsoft SQL2000 :Server Configuration Information >Ϣ :Server Details > :Server Id > Id :Server Location >λ :Server base folder >׼ļ :Server directory functions >Ŀ¼ :Server environment > :Server file >ļ :Server folder >ļ :Server folder name >服务器文件夹名 :Server instance >ʵ :Server name > :Server name is invalid. You must specify the server name >Чָ :Server port >˿ :Server side > :Server stopped >ֹͣķ :Server workflow deployment path >̲· :Server-side configuration > :Server-side folders >ļ :Server-side reporting using SQL >ʹ SQL ķ˱ :Servers > :Service Charge Code >ô :Service Charge Information >շϢ :Service Charge Lines > :Service Charge Maintenance >ά :Service Charges >շ :Service Charges Report >շѱ :Service Charges attached to Stock Code >ķշ :Service Contract Name >ͬ :Service In >Χ :Service Level Review >񼶱 :Service Options >ѡ :Service Out > :Service Pack >服务包 :Service Provider >ṩ :Service charge > :Service charge %1 does not have a labor calculation type >շ %1 ߱Ͷ :Service charge %1 does not have a labor calculation type. >շ %1 ߱Ͷ͡ :Service charge '%1' is a labor charge >շ '%1' Ͷշ :Service charge and customer currency do not match. Service charge rejected >ͻҲƥ䡣շѱܾ :Service charge code '%1' is not valid >շѴ '%1' Ч :Service charge details >շϸ :Service charge entered must have a labor calculation type >ķշѱ߱Ͷ͡ :Service charge line >շ :Service charge type >շ :Service charges attached to a stock code >ӵķ :Service details >ϸ :Service entries > :Service level measure >񼶱 :Service ticket >ȯ :Service ticket number >ȯ :Services > :Session details >Ự :Set > :Set %1 YTD net payments to %2 > %1 YTD Ϊ %2 :Set %1 accumulated gross payments to zero > %1 ԶëΪ :Set %1 accumulated net payments to zero > %1 ۼƾΪ :Set Action on All Actionable Assets >öпɲʲIJ :Set All as Counted >ȫΪ :Set All as Un-counted >ȫΪδ :Set All as Uncounted >ȫΪδ :Set All as Unverified >ȫΪδ֤ :Set All as Verified >ȫΪ֤ :Set Alternate Password >ñ :Set As Complete >Ϊ :Set Colors >ɫ :Set Company Password >ù˾ :Set Current Line to Complete >ǰΪ :Set Current List as My Favorite >ǰбΪҵղؼ :Set Date dimension range >άȷΧ :Set Default >Ĭ :Set Default Value >Ĭֵ :Set Default Values >Ĭֵ :Set ECC Control > ECC :Set ECC Control for Stock Code >Ϊ趨̱ :Set ECC Control for Stock Codes >ÿECC :Set Expense and Revenue Accounts to Zero >úʻΪ :Set Graph Colors >ͼɫ :Set ISAM/SQL Flag > ISAM/SQL :Set Key Information >ԿϢ :Set Line to Complete >Ϊ :Set Password > :Set Ready to Purge flag? >要设置清除就绪标记吗? :Set Receipt Date >ջ :Set Reminder Off >ر :Set Route Standard >·߱׼ :Set Transaction Date >ý :Set a job to complete and distribute any outstanding work in progress amounts to the general ledger >ùɲ˷κڽеδɹĹ :Set a password for this format >ô˸ʽ :Set accounting date to system date >ʻΪϵͳ :Set all No >ȫΪ :Set all Rev/Rel >޶ :Set all WWW/WWW >ȫΪWWW/WWW :Set all Yes >ȫΪǡ :Set all fields to Read Only >ֶΪֻ :Set all on hold >设置所有为保留 :Set all released >设置所用已发行项目 :Set already on file >Ѵ :Set as Invalid >ΪЧ :Set as Source >ΪԴ :Set as Valid >ΪЧ :Set as default user >ΪĬû :Set as read-only >Ϊֻ :Set at operator level (Personalize opti >òԱ (Իѡ) :Set blanket purchase order to be complete? >ҪһӲɹΪ? :Set company date >ù˾ :Set company to ISAM >ù˾ ISAM :Set current financial year? >Ҫõǰ :Set date > :Set date to start of period >Ϊڿʼ :Set engineering change control on for a selected range of stock items >øѡĿḺ́ :Set expected available date >Ŀ :Set field tooltip >ֶιʾ :Set field value >ֵֶ :Set focus on this field >ͻԸֶ :Set focus to the field >õֶ :Set focus to the object in this customized pane >ôԶ崰еĶ󽹵 :Set focus to the object in this customized pane after refresh >ˢº󽫽õ˶ƴеĶ :Set job logging off for all >Ϊйע :Set job logging on for all >ȫҵ־¼ :Set not on file > :Set order status to '%1' >״̬Ϊ '%1' :Set order status to '%1' after maintenance >ά󽫶״̬Ϊ '%1' :Set order status to 'ready to print' >״̬Ϊӡ :Set order status to 'ready to print' after maintenance >ά󣬽״̬Ϊӡ :Set p/order status to '%1' >òɹ״̬Ϊ '%1' :Set p/order status to 'ready to print' >òɹ״̬Ϊ 'ӡ' :Set purge flag > :Set reminder > :Set reminder if due >ڣ :Set return key >÷ؼ :Set selected offer to be default offer >ѡıΪĬϱ :Set temporary date >ʱ :Set the Type of Operation >ò :Set the current period as the year end period in all sub-ledgers >ӷõǰΪ :Set the selected allocation to complete? >ҪѡķΪ :Set to All >Ϊȫ :Set to Complete >Ϊ :Set to Default Values >ΪĬֵ :Set to Ready for archiving >Ϊ鵵 :Set to use >ʹ :Set to use current (---/---) >ʹõǰ (---/---) :Set to zero if next year budget not defined >δһȵԤ㣬Ϊ :Set up Asset register periods >ʲע :Set up classifications for the different types of jobs typically processed >ΪʹIJͬ͵Ĺּ :Set up stock code deletion options >ÿɾѡ :Set up the format and definitions of financial reports to be printed in General Ledger module >дӡIJ񱨸ĸʽͶ :Set up time rate >ʱ :Set up time rate %1 >ʱ %1 :Set zoom at 100% >设置按 100% 缩放 :Set-up > :Set-up Time - Non-Productive >ʱ - :Set-up Time - Productive >ʱ - :Set-up rate >װ :Set-up time >װʱ :Set-up time ( ) >ʱ( ) :Set-up time (LASER) >ʱ(LASER) :Set-up time (LATHES) >ʱ(LATHES) :Set-up time (Min) >ʱ䣨 :Set-up time (hrs) >ʱ䣨ʱ :Set-up, startup, run and teardown times are all zero. Continue? >áʼкͲжʱΪ㡣Ҫ :Set/Unset All >/ȡȫ :Set/Unset All as Counted >/ȡȫΪ :Set/Unset All as Verified >/ȡȫΪ֤ :Sets the flag in the Business object to ignore warnings >在业务对象中设置标记,以忽略警告 :Setting ECC Control >ECC :Setting a Password > :Setting for Setting for > :Setting this item to being ECC controlled will result in your files being updated.\n\nIn addition, you will only be able to set this option off by means of an Engineering Change Order >ĿΪECCƽ¸ļ\n\n⣬ֻ̱ͨ䶯ɹرձѡ :Settings >ֵ :Settings for >¸ֵ :Settings saved >ѱ :Settings to access printer '%1' are not valid >ʴӡ '%1' Ч :Settlement Discount >ۿ :Settlement Discount G/L Control Account >ۿG/Lʻ :Settlement Discount GL Control Account >ۿ GL ˻ :Settlement Discount Note >ۿע :Settlement Discount Notes >ۿע :Settlement Discount Notes not required >Ҫۿע :Settlement disc credit notes before >֮ǰĽۿ۴Ʊ :Settlement disc debit notes before >֮ǰĽۿ۽跽Ʊ :Settlement discount note selection >ۿעѡ :Settlement discount numbering >ۿ۱ :Setup > :Setup (Add) > () :Setup (Delete) > (ɾ) :Setup (Update) > () :Setup Amendment Journal > :Setup Amendment Journals >޶ռ :Setup Changes >ø :Setup Custom Filter >Զ :Setup Custom Paper Size >öֽŴС :Setup Differences >ͬ :Setup Differences Between Award and Encore >AwardEncoreͬ :Setup Email Message >õʼϢ :Setup Fail Email Message >ʧܵʼϢ :Setup Image >ͼ :Setup Messages >Ϣ :Setup Optimization >Ż :Setup Query >òѯ :Setup Success Email Message >óɹʼϢ :Setup Tasks > :Setup Time Ledger Code >ʱʴ :Setup Trigger >ô :Setup Variables >ñ :Setup and registration >ע :Setup class >õȼ :Setup date > :Setup group > :Setup option >ѡ :Setup options >ѡ :Setup rate >÷ :Setup start date >ÿʼ :Setup start time >ÿʼʱ :Setup time >ʱ :Setup time entered >ʱ :Setup time issued >ǩʱ :Setup will now take you through adding a new company >ó¹˾Ĺ :Setup, startup, run and teardown times are all zero >áʼкͲжʱΪ :Setup-rate >÷ :Severity > :Shade Group Headings >Ӱ :Shade sorted columns >Ӱ :Shading >Ӱ :Shape Properties >形状属性 :Shape name >形状名 :Shape type >形状类型 :Shapes >形状 :Share inventory tables across multiple companies >ڶҹ˾乲 :Shared Companies >ѷֳɵĹ˾ :Shared Company Warning >ѷֳɵĹ˾ :Shared GL > (GL) :Shared GL Company >共享 GL 公司 :Shared GL tables across multiple companies >ڶҹ˾乲 GL :Shared General Ledger > :Shared Inventory > :Shared Inventory Company >˾ :Shared Ledger Company >˹˾ :Shared company information >˾Ϣ :Shared data > :Shared inventory for custom forms >客户表格共享存货 :Shared inventory for multimedia >多媒体共享存货 :Shared inventory table >存货共享表 :Shares > :Shelf life > :Shelf life (days) > :Shelf life in days >ޣ :Shift Supervisor >μලԱ :Shift id >ƶid :Shift+F2 at any time within SYSPRO >SYSPROڵShift+F2Ͻ :Shift+F3 Print Screen >Shift+F3ӡĻ :Shift+F4 Toggle Print Preview Mode >Shift+F4лӡԤģʽ :Shift+F5 Page Setup >Shift+F5ҳ :Shift+F6 Print Setup >Shift+F6ӡ :Shifts >ת :Ship >װ :Ship Address (MWM) >װ˵ַ(MWM) :Ship address >װ˵ַ :Ship address per line >еװ˵ַ :Ship all back ordered lines? >Ҫȫڶ :Ship date >װ :Ship date %1 earlier than today >װ%1 ڽ :Ship date %1 earlier than today. >װ%1 ڽ졣 :Ship date %1 is invalid or too early >װ%1 Ч :Ship date %1 out of sequence >װ%1 ˳ :Ship date %1 out of sequence. >װ%1 ˳ :Ship date is before today >ڽ֮ǰ :Ship date selection >װѡ :Ship dates >װ :Ship global free goods if full quantity available >ȫãװȫѻ :Ship instructions >װָʾ :Ship instructions code >װ֪ :Ship line free goods if full quantity available >ȫãװѻ :Ship or dispatch >װ˻򷢻 :Ship plus b/order qty cannot exceed the order quantity >ڽɳö :Ship postal/zip code > :Ship qty >װ :Ship quantity >װ :Ship quantity - the number of decimals in stocking unit of measure has been exceeded. Do you wish to continue? > - ѳλеСϣ :Ship quantity cannot be greater than suggested >ɴڽ :Ship quantity cannot exceed order quantity >ɳ :Ship quantity error >发运数量错误 :Ship quantity exists for order '%1' line '%2' with no serial allocations >ϵзĶ '%1' '%2' װѴ :Ship quantity must be greater than zero >װ :Ship rate > :Ship to > :Ship to ZIP/postal code > :Ship to address >˵ַ :Ship to address %1 >ַ %1 :Ship to address details >ַ :Ship to address information >ַϢ :Ship to address line >ַ :Ship to address line %1 >װַ %1 :Ship to address postal/zip code >ַ :Ship to address selection >ַѡ :Ship to and sold to address mapping defaults >ַӳĬ :Ship to building >¥ :Ship to city > :Ship to country > :Ship to details >ϸ :Ship to extended tax code >װչ˰մ :Ship to extended tax code '%1' not found >δҵչ˰մ뵥 '%1' :Ship to locality >ص :Ship to name >˻ :Ship to name and address >װƺ͵ַ :Ship to state > :Ship to street >ֵ :Ship via >ͨ :Ship via code >ͨװ :Ship via description >ͨװ :Ship via instructions >按指示发货 :Ship when order in suspense >Ship when order in suspense :Ship-to address >װַ :Ship-to extended tax code >װ뵽չ˰մ :Ship. instructions >װָʾ :Ship/back order quantity must be same sign as order qty >/ڽıDZ붩ͬ :Shipment >װ :Shipment Advice >װ֪ͨ :Shipment Archive >˵ :Shipment Archiving >װ˵ :Shipment Details >ϸ :Shipment Details for Purchase Order >ɹϸ :Shipment Line Maintenance >ά :Shipment Lines >װ :Shipment Maintenance >ά :Shipment Purge > :Shipment Receipt >װվ :Shipment Receipt Inspection >货运收货检验 :Shipment Receipt Sample Inspection >վƷ :Shipment Receipt into Inspection >ջм :Shipment Reference Maintenance >˲ά :Shipment References >˲ :Shipment Selection >货运选择 :Shipment Size >˳ߴ :Shipment Totals >װ˺ϼ :Shipment Tracking >˸ :Shipment Tracking Entry >װ˸ :Shipment Tracking Errors >˸ٴ :Shipment Tracking Report >װ˸ٱ :Shipment Tracking Vessels >׷ٻ :Shipment Vessel Details >װ˻ :Shipment contents note >װݸע :Shipment days > :Shipment receipt completed >ջ :Shipment reference >װ˲ο :Shipment reference already on file >˲Ѵ :Shipment reference already received into stock. Continue ? >已收货入库货运参考要继续吗? :Shipment reference already received into stock. Continue? >˲յ⡣Ҫ :Shipment reference browse >װ˲ο :Shipment reference selection >˲ѡ :Shipment vessel >װ˻ :Shipment/Stock code >װ/ :Shipments >װ :Shipments Selection >货运选择 :Shipped >װ :Shipped on time >ʱװ :Shipped quantity >װ :Shipped quantity is greater than the outstanding purchase order quantity >װδɵIJɹ :Shipping Address >װ˵ַ :Shipping Clerk >װ˹Ա :Shipping Details >װ :Shipping Information >装运信息 :Shipping Instruction Maintenance >װָʾά :Shipping Instructions >װ˵ :Shipping Instructions Maintenance >װָʾά :Shipping Tracking Errors >װ˸ٴ :Shipping inst >װָʾ :Shipping instruction >װָʾ :Shipping instruction code >װ֪ :Shipping instruction code '%1' is invalid >װָʾ '%1' Ч :Shipping instructions default message >װָʾĬϢ :Shipping post code >װ :Shipping via usage >;˳װ :Short Desc >简要描述 :Short date format >дڸʽ :Short date sample >дڷ :Short description >˵ :Short name > :Short shipment >; :Shortage lines only > :Shortcut >ݷʽ :Shortcut Bar >ݷʽ :Shortcut Bar %1 >ݷʽ %1 :Shortcut Bar Settings >ݷʽ :Shortcut Bar Theme >ݷʽ :Shortcut menu item >ݷʽ˵Ŀ :Shortcut to COBOL program >COBOLݷʽ :Shortcut to NetExpress program >NetExpressĿݷʽ :Shortcut to Other Application >ӦóĿݷ? :Shortcut to Report Writer report >Ŀݷ? :Shortcut to SYSPRO Reporting Services Report >SYSPRO񱨱ݷʽ :Shortcut to Standard SYSPRO Program >׼SYSPROĿݷʽ :Shortest time, job >ʱ䡢 :Shortname > :Should the currently specified percentage be converted? >Ӧתǰָİٷֱ :Show >ʾ :Show Selected Operators Only >ʾѡIJԱ :Show / Clear Total Line >ʾϼ :Show Additional Information (Alt+F2) >ʾϢ(Alt+F2) :Show All >ʾȫ :Show All Analysis Objects >ʾз :Show All Captions >ʾб :Show All Components >ʾв :Show All Levels in Pegging >ʾסм :Show All Temporary Files >ʾʱļ :Show All Windows Processes >ʾȫWindows :Show Archived Files >ʾѹ鵵ļ :Show Archived Lots >ʾ浵 :Show BOM costs or What-if costs >ʾ BOM ɱɱ :Show Browser >ʾ :Show Calc's >ʾ :Show Calculations >ʾ :Show Caption >ʾ :Show Captions >ʾ :Show Captions in Bold >Դʾ :Show Chart >ʾͼ :Show Chart in Image Viewer >ͼ鿴ʾͼ :Show Column Information >显示列栏标题 :Show Column Information from the Data Dictionary >从数据字典显示列栏标题 :Show Current Year >ʾǰ :Show Custom Filter >ʾԶ :Show Decimals >ʾʮ :Show Default Text >ʾĬı :Show Dispatch Lines for Single Sales Order >ʾһһ۶ķ :Show Docking Pane Events >显示停驻窗格事件 :Show Events Window >ʾ¼ :Show Excluded >ʾų :Show Favorites >ʾղؼ :Show Field Properties >ʾֶ :Show Fifo Journals >ʾȽȳռ :Show Fifo Journals Only >仅限显示先进先出日记账 :Show File Information >ʾļϢ :Show Files used >ʾļ :Show Form Events >显示表格事件 :Show Free Quantities >ʾ :Show GST Level >ʾͨӪҵ˰(GST) :Show GST by >ʾӪҵ˰ :Show General Information (Alt+F2) >ʾͨϢ(Alt+F2) :Show Graph >ʾͼ :Show Header Information >ʾҳüϢ :Show Header Information (Alt+F2) >ʾͷϢ(Alt+F2) :Show Hierarchy >ʾ :Show ISAM Column Headings >ʾISAM :Show Icons for Custom Fields >ʾԶֶͼ :Show Input Mappings >ʾӳ :Show LCT lines only >仅限显示 LCT 行 :Show Last Accessed >ʾһη :Show Line Custom Form >ʾԶ :Show Line Information >ʾϢ :Show Line Numbering >ʾб :Show Lines with %1 to Release >ʾⷢеľ߱ %1 :Show List >ʾб :Show Listview Events >显示列表视图事件 :Show Listview Names >ʾб鿴 :Show Listview Toolbar >ʾбͼ :Show Live Warehouse Information >ʾʱֿϢ :Show Main Menu >ʾ˵ :Show Main User Menu >ʾû˵ :Show Map in MapPoint >ʾ MapPoint еĵͼ :Show Markers >ʾ :Show Message Box >ʾϢ :Show Minimized >ʾС :Show More Lines >ʾ :Show More Lines (Ctrl+Shift+N) >ʾ(Ctrl+Shift+N) :Show Narrations >ʾ :Show Navigation Pane >ʾ :Show Negative Reservations >ʾ :Show Next Check >ʾһ֧Ʊ :Show On Load events >ʾ¼ :Show OnLoad event firing >ʾ¼ :Show Ordered Collection >ʾ :Show Organization View as a treeview >ͼʾ֯ͼ :Show Out Mappings >ʾӳ :Show Positive Reservations >ʾ :Show Post Dated Checks >ʾԶ֧Ʊ :Show Previous Year >ʾһ :Show Previously Excluded >ʾǰų :Show Program Names in Tooltips >ڹʾʾ :Show RMA detail lines >ʾ RMA ϸ :Show Requistion >ʾ빺 :Show Rev/Rel in stock take >ʾ̵е޶/ :Show Revision/Release in stock take >ʾ̵е޶/ :Show Ribbon bar >ʾɫ :Show SQL Column Headings >ʾSQL :Show Selection Margin >ʾѡҳ߾ :Show SideBySide >ʾ SideBySide :Show Statement >ʾ :Show Statement Error >ʾ :Show Statements >ʾ :Show Sub Files >ʾļ :Show Table Information >ʾϢ :Show Tasks >ʾ :Show Tasks Due >ʾ :Show Time Fences >ʾʱ䱣 :Show Tips at Startup >ʱʾʾ :Show Total Line >ʾϼ :Show Totals >ʾϼ :Show Tracking Notes >ʾע :Show Transactions >ʾ :Show Zero Quantities >ʾ :Show a complete list of all SYSPRO programs, grouped by module. Programs can be dragged onto Favorites and Menu panes >ʾģ SYSPRO бϷŵղؼкͲ˵ :Show account balance in ledger code browse >ڷʴʾʻ :Show active forecast >ʾʱԤ :Show active forecast only >ʾʱԤ :Show active orders only >ʾ :Show additional information >ʾϢ :Show all RMA details >ʾ RMA ϸ :Show all SYSPRO Operators >ʾSYSPROԱ :Show all operators >ʾȫԱ :Show all records >ʾм¼ :Show all rev/rel >ʾȫ޶ǩ :Show all routes >ʾ· :Show all rows >ʾ :Show all rows (can be slow to load large numbers of rows) >ʾ (شʱ) :Show all rows (can be slow to load larger numbers of rows) >ʾ (ؽ϶ʱܱ) :Show all transactions >ʾн :Show all warehouses >ʾвֿ :Show annotation toolbar >ʾע :Show another menu >ʾһ˵ :Show big number >ʾ :Show border in XML preview >XMLԤʾ߿ :Show browse only program access >ʾ :Show built-in toolbar >ʾǶ :Show caption using XAML theme >ʾʹ XAML ı :Show comment lines >ʾע :Show company graphic >ʾ˾ͼ :Show completed jobs for detail lines >ʾϸеҵ :Show configuration totals >ʾ :Show costs in Inventory Browse >ڴʾɱ :Show costs in Inventory/WIP queries >ڴִҵ(WIP)ѯʾɱ :Show costs in P/o receipts >ڲɹվʾɱ :Show costs in Requisitions >빺ʾɱ :Show costs in Stock Code maintenance >ڿάʾɱ :Show costs per >ʾλɱ :Show currency >ʾ :Show currency symbol >显示货币代号 :Show currency values >ʾҼֵ :Show currency values in >ʾҼֵλΪ :Show current items only >ʾǰĿ :Show data editor >ʾݱ༭ :Show default bin for receipts >ʾĬջ :Show deposits on sales order as comments >۶ʾΪע :Show depreciation >ʾ۾ :Show description >ʾ :Show description of keys in caption >ԱʾԿ :Show description of keys in form caption >ڱʾԿ :Show deselected lines >ʾȡѡ :Show detail >ʾ :Show detail messages >ʾϸϢ :Show detail records >ʾϸ¼ :Show disabled listview cells in gray >ԻɫʾõбͼԪ :Show errors >ʾ :Show excluded attendees >ʾųijϯ :Show excluded sales transactions >ʾų۽ :Show exclusions >ʾųĿ :Show exclusive access only >ʾҷ :Show floating panes as windows >ʾΪ :Show freight charges >ʾ˷ :Show frequency of program usage >ʾʹƵ :Show grid lines >ʾ :Show grid lines in details view >ϸʱʾ :Show gridlines >ʾ :Show group outlines >ʾ :Show header information in a window >ڴʾͷϢ :Show help automatically >Զʾ :Show icon >ʾͼ :Show icon against '%1' Organization name >ʾ '%1' ֯ͼ :Show icon against 'on hold' Organization name >ʾ֯ͼ :Show icon for this company >ʾ˹˾ͼ :Show icon in pane caption >ʾеͼ :Show icons >ʾͼ :Show image of item >ʾĿͼ :Show in Notepad >ڼ±ʾ :Show job details >ʾҵϸ :Show jobs for completed sales orders >ʾ۶ҵ :Show jobs that are complete or jobs linked to a completed detail line >ʾɵҵӵϸеҵ :Show last entry >ʾһ :Show leading zeros >ʾҪ :Show lock icon for disabled listview cells >ʾбͼԪͼ :Show lots in stock take >ʾ̵ :Show materials first >ʾ :Show maximize button in caption for adjacent panes >ڽʾ󻯰ť :Show me >ʾ :Show menu bar >ʾ˵ :Show message if w/h to use is missing >ڲֿⶪʧʱʾϢ :Show miscellaneous charges >ʾӷ :Show multi-line column headings >ʾ :Show multiple exception messages >ʾ쳣Ϣ :Show narration in Report Writer >ڱʾ :Show negative >ʾֵ :Show negative allocations >ʾ :Show negatives >ʾֵ :Show non-month days >· :Show non-stocked lines >ʾǿ :Show non-working days >ʾǹ :Show non-working days in date navigator >ʾڵеķǹ :Show offer >ʾ :Show only RMA details with serials >ʾ߱ϵе RMA ϸ :Show operations first >ʾ :Show operations in treeview >ͼʾ :Show operations list >ʾ :Show operator default warehouse as >ʾԱĬϲֿΪ :Show operator default warehouse as first warehouse >һֿʾΪԱĬϲֿ :Show order totals in detail in order entry >ϸʾеĶ :Show organization list as a treeview >ʾ֯бΪͼ :Show organizations a page at a time >һһҳʾ֯ :Show other charges >ʾշ :Show output in report >ʾе :Show page at a time >һʾһҳ :Show partial access to program level >ʾԳ򼶱IJַ :Show payments on sales order as comments >۶ʾΪע :Show phantom parts >ʾ :Show point labels >ʾǩ :Show profit percentage >ʾٷֱ :Show profits >ʾ :Show program detail for partial access >ʾַʵijϸ :Show program details >ʾ :Show purchase orders and requisitions for completed sales orders >ʾɹ۶빺 :Show purchase orders and requisitions that are complete or >ʾδɻIJɹ빺 :Show refresh toolbar >ʾˢ¹ :Show reminders >ʾ :Show reminders. This pane displays the reminders for your tasks defined in your task groups >ʾѡ˴ʾ :Show rolled up costs >ʾ۳ɱ :Show selected databases only >ʾѡݿ :Show serials in stock take >ʾ̵ϵ :Show status bar >ʾ״̬ :Show stock details >ʾϸ :Show stocked lines >ʾ :Show subtotals >ʾС :Show supplier lead time >ʵӦ̵ǰ :Show target as >ʾĿΪ :Show the Calendar >ʾ :Show the File details pane >ʾļ鴰 :Show the Flow Graph pane, which can display graphical views of business processes >ʾͼ񣬴˿ʾҵ̵ͼͼ :Show the Navigation pane, which includes menus, recent programs and the calendar >ʾ񣬴˰˵ij :Show the SYSPRO web browser to search the Internet >ʾ SYSPRO Web :Show the appointment calendar >ʾ̯ :Show the custom filter options pane to configure advanced filter options >ʾԶѡø߼ѡ :Show the executive view window, which contains your dashboard and other KPIs >ʾִв鿴ڣںDZ KPI :Show the favorites window >ʾղؼд :Show the favorites window, which contains a list of your favorite programs grouped by category >ʾղؼдڣںϲİб :Show the main menu >ʾ˵ :Show the message inbox >ʾʼռ :Show the message inbox. The Inbox provides a mechanism that allows operators to receive messages from various sources in the system, notifying them of tasks that must be actioned >ʾʼռ䡣ռṩһֻƣԱϵͳиͬԴʼ֪ͨDZִе :Show the name details window if the contact name contains two or more names >ϵƣʾϸ :Show the notepad >ʾ± :Show the notepad so that you can enter your own notes >ʾ±ԱԼĸע :Show the task pane, to configure programs to be run within task groups. Create a checklist of tasks that you want to schedule for a particular day or days >ʾ񴰸еij򡣴ϣΪضڻų̵ļ鵥 :Show this menu immediately after adding it >Ӻʾò˵ :Show tickets in stock take >ʾ̵еȯ :Show time as >ʾʱΪ :Show toolbar >ʾ :Show transaction totals >ʾ׺ϼ :Show transaction values >ʾ׼ֵ :Show treeview as listview >б鿴ʾͼ :Show treeview menu in right hand pane >Ҳʾͼ˵ :Show treeviews as listviews >б鿴ʾͼ :Show update details >ʾ :Show values by >ʾֵ :Show values in >ʾ¸ֵ :Show w/h details >ʾֿϸ :Show warehouse values for multiple companies >ʾ๫˾IJֵֿ :Show watermark for all list views >ʾбͼˮӡ :Show week numbers >ʾ :Show week numbers in date navigator >ʾڵе :Show zero quantity >ʾ :Show zero to release >ʾͷΪ :Show zero values >ʾֵ :Show zero/inactive forecast >ʾ㣯ǻԤ :Show/Clear >ʾ :Show/Clear Total Line >ʾ/ϼ :Show/Clear Totals >ʾϼ :Show/Hide Schedule Status >ʾ/ų״̬ :Shows * next to the caption to indicate a required field. Applies to forms only >ڱԱʾ *ָʾֶνڱ :Shows dialog box to generate script to change the behavior of toolbar controls >ʾԻɸĹΪĽű :Shows dialog box to select a SYSPRO browse-type program to run. The value of the selected key will be returned into the currently focused form field >ʾԻѡе SYSPRO ͳѡԿֵǰܹעıֶ :Shows dialog box to select a SYSPRO program to run >ʾԻѡе SYSPRO :Shows dialog box to select an action to invoke for the current application. Limited use; rather use the ToolbarButton variable >ʾԻѡ񼤻ǰӦóIJƵʹãʹ ToolbarButton :Shows the Master database settings screen >ʾݿĻ :Shows the Printer dialog to allow you to select a printer (default option) >ʾѡӡĴӡԻ (Ĭѡ) :Shows the Sites that are available for selection >ʾṩѡվ :Shows the main menu >ʾ˵ :Shows the summary view >ʾժҪͼ :Sick pay >ٹ :Signature key >ǩԿ :Signed >ǩֵ :Significant file reduction warning >Ҫļѹ :Simple > :Simple (Fast) > () :Simplified list of Operators >򻯲Աб :Simplify page headers >ҳҳü :Simulate the consequence of changing material costs for bought out items, without affecting existing costs held on the system >ڲӰϵͳгɱǰ·⹺Ŀϳɱĺ :Since > :Single >һ :Single (including local) >һ () :Single Drawer >̨ :Single Level >һ :Single Level Bill of Material >ϵ :Single Level Bill of Materials >嵥 :Single Level Bill of Materials - RMA Credit >һϵ - ˻Ȩ(RMA) :Single Level Component Section > :Single Level in Pegging >סĵһ :Single Line Text Maintenance >ıά :Single Named File >һļ :Single Operator >һԱ :Single Quotation >һα :Single Quotation Archive Viewer >һһ۵鿴 :Single Stock code sequence >һ˳ :Single cash drawer >̨ :Single comment exceeds 45 characters >һעͳ45ַ :Single customer >һͻ :Single customer terms >һͻ :Single day >һ :Single including local >صĵ :Single level Bill of Materials not requested >δ󵥼嵥 :Single level Bill of Materials required >Ҫĵ嵥 :Single level bill of materials to be ignored >Եĵ嵥 :Single miscellaneous >һ :Single record Type >һ¼ :Single requisition >빺 :Single standard >һ׼ :Single unit >һһλ :Site >ֳ :Site Detail >վ :Site Details >վ :Site Version >վ汾 :Site code >վ :Site code must not contain blank characters >վ벻ðհַ :Site description >վ :Site description already in use >վ˵ʹ :Site id >վid :Site locked >վ :Site must not contain blank characters >վ㲻ðհַ :Site name >վ :Site selection >վѡ :SiteId >SiteId :Sites >վ :Six Period Weighted Avg >ڼȨƽֵ :Six period weighted average >ڼȨƽֵ :Six period weighted average options >ڼȨƽֵѡ :Size >С :Size Maintenance >ߴά :Size of text area >ıߴ :Size of value area >ֵߴ :Size/Part Ident >ߴ磯ʶ :Skip > :Skip Bulk Copy > :Skip Entry > :Skip Item >Ŀ :Skip P/order >ɹ :Skip Replacement > :Skip This Item >Ŀ :Skip a number of lines > :Skip creation of a Contact for each Customer with a previously defined contact >ʹǰϵÿһͻϵ˴ :Skip creation of a Contact for each Operator >ÿһԱϵ˴ :Skip creation of a Contact for each Supplier with a previously defined contact >ʹǰϵÿһӦ̵ϵ˴ :Skip file >ļ :Skip loading this pane >ش˴ :Skip to line >跳到行 :Skip to line (1-60) >(1-60) :Skip to new page >ҳ :Skips > :Slider > :Slider control > :Slip > :Sls >Sls :Small Dots >СԲ :Small Icons >Сͼ :Smart Link > :Smoothing coefficient >ƽϵ :Snapshot > :Snapshot (for MRP) >գڲƻ(MRP) :Snapshot - Add Operations to Suggested Job > - ҵ :Snapshot - Capacity Calendar Maintenance > - ά :Snapshot - Capacity Pegging for > - ¸ :Snapshot - Capacity Profile > - ļ :Snapshot - Co-product Maintenance > - ͬƷά :Snapshot - Co-products for Job > - ҵͬƷ :Snapshot - Co-products for Suggested Job > - ҵͬƷ :Snapshot - Detail Cost Apportionment for Job > - ҵϸɱ̯ :Snapshot - Detail Cost Apportionment for Suggested Job > - ҵϸɱ̯ :Snapshot - Identify Overloaded Work Centers > - ʶ𳬸ҵ :Snapshot - Job Allocations Graph > - ҵͼ :Snapshot - Job Maintenance > - ҵά :Snapshot - Job Query > - ҵѯ :Snapshot - Jobs > - ҵ :Snapshot - Labor Allocations for Job > - ҵͶ :Snapshot - Labor Allocations for Suggested Job > - ҵͶ :Snapshot - Load Levelling > - װƽ :Snapshot - Maintain Calendars > C ά :Snapshot - Maintain Operations for Job > - άҵ :Snapshot - Maintain Operations for Suggested Job > - άҵ :Snapshot - Material Allocations for Job > - ҵIJϷ :Snapshot - Material Allocations for Suggested Job > - ҵϷ :Snapshot - Purchase Order Query > - ɹѯ :Snapshot - Specific Day Maintenance >快照 - 特定日维护 :Snapshot - Suggested Job Allocations Graph > - ҵͼ :Snapshot - Suggested Job Co-product Maintenance > - ҵͬƷά :Snapshot - Suggested Job Maintenance > - ҵά :Snapshot - Suggested Job Notes > - ҵע :Snapshot - Suggested Job Query > - ҵѯ :Snapshot - Suggested Jobs > - ҵ :Snapshot - Work Centers with Overloads > - ҵ :Snapshot - Work Centers with Overloads between %1 and %2 > - ߱ %1 %2 ֮䳬ɵҵ :Snapshot - Zoom on Suggested Supply Chain Transfer > - 鹩Ӧת :Snapshot Details >ϸ :Snapshot Directory >Ŀ¼ :Snapshot Material >ӡ :Snapshot Operations >ղ :Snapshot Suggested Supply Chain Transfers >ս鹩Ӧת :Snapshot Warehouse Information >ղֿϢ :Snapshot directory (for MRP) >Ŀ¼MRP :Snapshot files created without locking the live source files may contain invalid data or be corrupted >δԴļĿļܰЧݻѱ :Snapshot files have been deleted >ɾļ :Snapshot files have been updated, requirements calculation should be re-run >Ѹ¿ļӦҪ :Snapshot folder >ļ :Snapshot folder (for MRP) >ļ (MRP ) :Snapshot information >Ϣ :Snapshot months >· :Snapshot status >״̬ :Snooze >˯ :Snooze Item for Selected Time Period >ΪѡʱĿ˯ :So import back order release >۶ڶͷ :Soft phantom > :Software Development Kit >׼ :Sold / Issued >ۣǩ :Sold To >۸ :Sold address >۵ַ :Sold date > :Sold postal/zip code > :Sold to ZIP/postal code > :Sold to address >ַ :Sold to address %1 >ַ %1 :Sold to address line %1 >ַ %1 :Sold to address line %1 changed >ĵַ %1 :Sold to building >¥ :Sold to city > :Sold to country > :Sold to customer >ͻ :Sold to details >ϸ :Sold to locality >ص :Sold to name >ͻ :Sold to name and address >ƺ͵ַ :Sold to state > :Sold to street >ֵ :Sold value >ۼֵ :Sold/Issued >/ǩ :Sold/Ship to >ۣ :Solid > :Solution > :Solution Explorer > :Some administration files which are in a C-ISAM format have been >ijЩC-ISAMʽĹļ :Some lines have not been released because allocations were not successful >δijЩУΪδɹ :Some lines were put into back order due to insufficient stock >ڿ治㣬ijЩбڶ :Some lines will be ignored because they have cost multipliers >ڴڳɱϵijЩн :Some of the currently executing workflow instances selected could not be terminated successfully. Would you like to purge their tracking data anyway? >޷ɹֹijЩѡĵǰִйʵϣһǵ׷? :Some or all the requisition lines could not be placed on hold because of one of the following reasons >ԭ޷ijЩ빺ڱ״̬ :Some serial allocations already exist for sales order '%1' line '%2' >ijЩϵз۶ '%1' '%2' Ѵ :Sort > :Sort Ascending > :Sort Criteria >׼ :Sort Descending > :Sort Lowest Level by Name >Ʒͼ :Sort by >࣬ :Sort by Name > :Sort by descending value >ֵ :Sort output > :Sotho > :Sound > :Sound Clip >Ƶ :Sound recorder >¼ :Source >Դ :Source Application >ԴӦó :Source Code >Դ :Source Code 'YE' is posted when a ledger year end is run and cannot be posted from this program >лʱԴYEѱʣ޷ӱ :Source Code Blank >Դհ :Source Code Maintenance >Դά :Source Company >Դ˾ :Source Criteria >源标准 :Source Criterion >Դ׼ :Source Currency >Դ :Source Details for Component >Դϸ :Source Documents >Դļ :Source Field, String Validation >ԴֶΡ֤ :Source ID >ԴID :Source Options >Դѡ :Source Target >ԴĿ :Source Wh description >Դֿ :Source account >Դʻ :Source and destination bins may not be the same >ԴĿⲻͬ :Source and target warehouse cannot be the same >ԴֿĿֿⲻͬ :Source and target warehouses cannot be the same >ԴֿĿֿⲻͬ :Source code '%1' invalid for a user defined journal >Դ '%1' ûռЧ :Source code '%1' is a standard journal source code >Դ '%1' DZ׼ռԴ :Source code 'HM' is posted in the history maintenance program and cannot be posted from this program >ԴHMʷ¼άбʣ޷ӱ :Source code 'RV' is posted when the ledger period end is run and cannot be posted from this program >зʱԴRVѱʣ޷ӱ :Source code for user-defined >ûԴ :Source code locked >Դ :Source code must be entered >Դ :Source code selection >Դѡ :Source column, String >Դ :Source cost >Դɱ :Source cost selection >Դɱѡ :Source creation >Դ :Source cur >ԭʼ :Source description >Դ˵ :Source details >Դϸ :Source document >Դĵ :Source field, String >ԴֶΡ :Source file >Դļ :Source file code selection >Դļѡ :Source file location >Դļλ :Source for '%1' >'%1' Դ :Source from order entry >ԶԴ :Source indicator >Դָ :Source ledger code >Դʴ :Source of Void >Դ :Source of invoice >ƱԴ :Source of job creation >ҵԴ :Source of transaction >Դ :Source rate >Դ :Source selection >Դѡ :Source table >Դ :Source template >Դģ :Source transaction >Դ :Source type to include >ҪԴ :Source w/h >Դֿ :Source w/h description >Դֿ :Source warehouse >Դֿ :Source warehouse %1 >Դֿ %1 :Source warehouse '%1' missing for SCT >Ӧת(SCT)Դֿ '%1' ȱ :Source warehouse '%1' not on file. Function cancelled >Դֿ '%1' ڡȡ :Source warehouse and target warehouse cannot be the same >ԴֿĿֿⲻͬ :Source warehouse cannot be the same as the warehouse being maintained for stock code '%1' >ԴֿⲻΪ '%1' άIJֿͬ :Source warehouse desc >Դֿ :Source warehouse description >Դֿ :Source warehouse does not exist >Դֿⲻ :Source warehouse not found in selected review >ѡͼδҵԴֿ :Source warehouse not on file >Դֿⲻ :Source warehouse selection >Դֿѡ :Source warehouses >Դֿ :Source wh >Դֿ :Sources >Դ :Space - Planned >ռ C Ѽƻ :Spaces - not serialised >ո - δϵл :Spaces/zeros disallowed >ո :Spanish > :Spanish Language > :Special Conversion of Qty Disc Breaks >רۿ۷ָת :Special Instruc >رָʾ :Special characters >ַ :Special instructions >˵ :Special language support >֧ :Specials >特惠 :Specials for Product Config >Ʒص :Specific >ض :Specific issue option >ضǩѡ :Specific Day Maintenance >ضά :Specific Days >ض :Specific Dependent >ض :Specific Issue >ضǩ :Specific Issue for Job >ضҵǩ :Specific Issue option >ضǩѡ :Specific Issues >ضǩ :Specific Location's Assets >ضصʲ :Specific Narrations > :Specific Operation Narrations >ض :Specific Price Code Maintenance >ض۸ά :Specific Supplier >ضӦ :Specific Supplier's Stock >ض̿ :Specific Warehouse >ضֿ :Specific Warehouse's Stock >ضӦ̿ :Specific action >ض :Specific action complete >ض :Specific code >ض :Specific day >ض :Specific dep. on invalid option >无效选项特定依赖性 :Specific dependent not found >未找到特定依赖性 :Specific gravity >ض :Specific link >ض :Specific narration >ض :Specific narrations not required >Ҫ :Specific paths >ض· :Specific price >ض۸ :Specific price code >ض۸ :Specific selection >ضѡ :Specific stock code >ض :Specified >ָ :Specified file does not exist >ָļ :Specified organization >ָ֯ :Specified value >ֵָ :Specified warehouse >ָֿ :Specifies the name of the SQL Analysis server and database to use when creating the OLAP cubes >OLAPάݼʱָҪõSQLݿ :Specifies the name of this Site and the Analytics Server that will host it. When pressing the '%1' button the Business layer connection will be validated and you will not be able to proceed if the connection fails >ָվͽΪAnalytics '%1' ťʱҵӽõ֤ʧܣ޷ִ :Specify >ָ :Specify Default Printers per Program >ÿָĬϴӡ :Specify Warehouses >ָֿ :Specify a cut-off date according to which analysis records must be deleted >ָݴ˱ɾ¼Ľֹ :Specify company for operator/group >ָԱ鹫˾ :Specify company for operator/group/role >ΪԱ//ְָ˾ :Specify date >ָ :Specify directory >ָĿ¼ :Specify folder to publish for web browser >Ϊָǩļ :Specify location of this directory >ָĿ¼λ :Specify number of days >ָ :Specify parent for import >ָҪ :Specify routing for import >ָ· :Specify the authentication method to use when connecting to the selected SQL server >ӵѡ SQL ʱָʹõ֤ :Specify the authentication method to use when connecting to the selected SQL server instance >ӵѡ SQL ʵʱָʹõ֤ :Specify the location of the Analytics databases. Also specify the method used to authenticate to the SQL server >ָAnalyticsݿλáҲҪָSQL֤ķ :Specify the name of the previously configured Analytics Server that will host this Site >ָΪվṩǰõ Analytics :Specify the name of the previously configured Analytics Site that this job will be linked to >ָ˹ӵǰõ Analytics վ :Specify the names of the Analytics Staging and Subject databases. Also specify the collation sequence to use when creating the databases. You can select to use an existing databases on the specified SQL server. You do not have to create the databases at this time >ָAnalyticsʱݿ⣬ݿʱҲҪָҪʹõ򷽷ѡʹָSQLϵݿ⡣ʱûбҪݿ :Specify the options for the build process >̵ָѡ :Specify warehouse >ָֿ :Spent > :Spline > :Spline chart. Charts of this type are generally used to illustrate trends in data over a period of time >ͼͼһ˵һʱݱ仯 :Split >ֽ :Split Commission >Ӷ :Split Commissions >Ӷ :Split code >ֿ :Split detail notes, narrations and text >ϸע͡ :Split forecast quantity over all days >ȫڷΧڷֽԤ :Split forecast quantity over all working days >ȫҵշΧڷֽԤ :Split over all days >ڲ :Split over all working days >йڲ :Split subcontract operation costs from material costs >Ӳϳɱзְֿͬɱ :Splitter size >ָС :Splitter style >ָʽ :Spool multiple documents as single job >ѶĵΪһҵ :Spooling to printer >еӡ :Spouse >ż :Spread > :Spread per period >Ϣ :Sql Authentication >Sql֤ :Sql server name >Sql :Sqlcode >Sqlcode :Sqlstate >Sqlstate :Stacked sets >ջ :Staging Database >ʱݿ :Standalone custom form query >ͻѯ :Standard >׼ :Standard Codes >׼ :Standard Columns Missing >׼ʧ :Standard Coment Code Maintenance >׼עά :Standard Comment >׼ע :Standard Comment %1 >׼ע %1 :Standard Comment Code >׼עʹ :Standard Comment Code Maintenance >׼עά :Standard Comment number %1 >׼ע %1 :Standard Comments >׼ע :Standard Comments Maintenance >׼עά :Standard Controls >׼ :Standard Cost >׼ɱ :Standard Costing >׼ɱ :Standard Hierarchies >׼ :Standard Hierarchy >׼ :Standard Hierarchy Code >׼δ :Standard Hierarchy Code Maintenance >׼δά :Standard Hierarchy Heads-Sections >׼ּⲿ :Standard Hierarchy Heads/Sections >׼αͷѡ :Standard Hierarchy Maintenance >׼ά :Standard Hierarchy Record >׼μ¼ :Standard Journal >׼ռ :Standard Journal Code >׼ռʴ :Standard Journal Entries for >׼ռ˷¼ :Standard Journal Entries for Journal >ռ˵ı׼ռ :Standard Journal Entry Lines >׼ռ :Standard Journal Entry Lines for code >ı׼ռ :Standard Journal Header >׼ռͷ :Standard Journal Maintenance >׼ռά :Standard Landed Cost >标准到岸成本 :Standard Narration >׼ :Standard Narration Maintenance >׼ά :Standard Narrations >׼ :Standard Parameter Set >׼ :Standard Part >׼ :Standard Parts >׼ :Standard Report Library >׼ :Standard Report Templates from SYSPRO Library >SYSPROı׼ģ :Standard Route >׼· :Standard Routing Options >׼·ѡ :Standard SYSPRO columns may not be changed >øı׼SYSPRO :Standard SYSPRO file >׼SYSPROļ :Standard SYSPRO menu >׼SYSPRO˵ :Standard SYSPRO table >׼SYSPRO :Standard SYSPRO table flag >׼SYSPRO־ :Standard Transaction Types >׼ :Standard action >׼ :Standard ageing >׼ :Standard ageing columns >׼ :Standard archive root folder >׼ļ :Standard attachment folder >׼ļ :Standard client directories >׼ͻĿ¼ :Standard code >׼ :Standard comment code not on file >׼עʹ벻 :Standard cost against warehouse is zero >Բֿı׼ɱΪ :Standard cost price variance report >׼ɱ۸仯 :Standard deviation >׼ƫ :Standard directories >׼Ŀ¼ :Standard distribution of Material and Labor WIP Amounts >ϺͶ WIP ׼ :Standard document >׼ĵ :Standard header required >Ҫı׼ :Standard hierarchy '%1' not found >δҵ׼ '%1' :Standard hierarchy '%1' not found. >δҵ׼ '%1' :Standard hierarchy '%1' not on file >׼ '%1' :Standard hierarchy code not on file >׼δ벻 :Standard hierarchy record locked >׼ּ¼ :Standard hours >׼Сʱ :Standard items >׼Ŀ :Standard journal has been purged. Program cancelled >׼ռʡȡ :Standard journal selection >׼ռѡ :Standard journals >标准日记账 :Standard narrations for operations required >Ҫı׼ :Standard non-stocked parts >׼ǿ :Standard parameter set not on file >׼ :Standard part selection >׼ѡ :Standard release times >׼ͷŴ :Standard report >׼ :Standard report details >׼ϸ :Standard reports >׼ :Standard route code >标准路线代码 :Standard routing report >׼·߱ :Standard sequence >׼˳ :Standard stocked parts >׼ :Standard time per month >ÿ±׼ʱ :Standing order >ڶ :Start >ʼ :Start / Stop Logic >ʼֹͣ߼ :Start A New Transaction >开始新交易 :Start Apportionment >ʼ̯ :Start Archive Process >ʼ :Start Asset Acquisition Import >ʼʲչ :Start Asset Count Import >ʼʲ :Start Asset Import >ʼʲ :Start At Extended Tax Code >չ˰뿪ʼ :Start At Journal >ռ˿ʼ :Start At Nationality Code >ڹ뿪ʼ :Start Bulk Copy >ʼ :Start Calculation >ʼ :Start Cancellation Process >ʼȡ :Start Capture >ʼ :Start Capturing Details >ʼϸ :Start Column >ʼ :Start Components >ʼ :Start Confirm >ʼȷ :Start Confirmation >ʼȷ :Start Contra Process >ʼͬ :Start Conversion >ʼת :Start Copy >ʼ :Start Copying Fields >ʼֶ :Start Copying File >ʼļ :Start Copying Table >ʼƱ :Start Create >ʼ :Start Creation >ʼ :Start Criteria >ʼ׼ :Start Customer Purchase Order >ʼͻɹ :Start Customization >ʼƻ :Start Data Dictionary Import >ʼֵ䵼 :Start Date CCYY-MM-DD >ʼ CCYY-MM-DD :Start Date in the format CCYY-MM-DD >Ըʽ CCYY-MM-DD Ŀʼ :Start Delete >ʼɾ :Start Design Mode >ʼģʽ :Start Designing Flow Graph >开始设计流程图 :Start Designing Menu >ʼƲ˵ :Start Entering Order >ʼ붩 :Start Entering Transaction >ʼ뽻 :Start Entry >ʼ :Start Export >ʼ :Start Exporting Blanket PO >ʼһ PO :Start Exporting Invoices/Credit/Debit Notes >ʼƱ//跽Ʊ :Start Exporting Purchase Orders >ʼɹ :Start Extract >ʼѹ :Start Financial Period / Month >ʼڣ :Start Financial Period/Month >ʼ/· :Start GL Distribution >ʼ GL :Start Import >ʼ :Start Importing Purchase Orders >ʼɹ :Start Insert >ʼ :Start Inventory Valuation >ʼֵ :Start Ledger Distribution Entries >开始分类账分配条目 :Start Logic >ʼ߼ :Start Maintaing order >ʼά :Start Maintenance >ʼά :Start Matching GRN's >ʼƥ GRN :Start New Contract >开始新合同 :Start New Job >ʼ¹ :Start New Line >ʼ :Start New Order >ʼ¶ :Start New P/order >ʼ²ɹ :Start New Quotation >ʼ± :Start New RMA >ʼ˻Ȩ(RMA) :Start New Transaction >ʼ½ :Start Operations >ʼ :Start Order >ʼ :Start Order Entry >ʼ :Start Order Maintenance >ʼά :Start Printing >ʼӡ :Start Printing Documents >ĵӡĵ :Start Processing >ʼ :Start Purge >ʼ :Start Re-calculation >ʼ¼ :Start Read >ʼȡ :Start Recalculation >ʼ¼ :Start Recreate >ʼ´ :Start Reindex >ʼ± :Start Report >ʼ :Start Review >ʼ :Start Review of Allocated Invoice Numbers >ʼѷ䷢Ʊ :Start Review of Blanket PO >ʼһ PO :Start Review of Purchase Orders >ʼ˲ɹ :Start Review of Sales Orders >ʼ۶ :Start Review of Stock Codes >开始库存代码审查 :Start Search >ʼ :Start Search (Enter) >ʼ(Enter) :Start Searching Using Current Selection Criteria >ʹõǰѡ׼ʼ :Start Stock Take >ʼ̵ :Start Stock Take Update >ʼ̵ :Start Synchronization >ʼͬ :Start Synchronization of Contacts between SYSPRO and Outlook >ʼ SYSPRO Outlook ϵ˵ͬ :Start Test >ʼ :Start Transaction Date >׿ʼ :Start Update >ʼ :Start Upgrade >ʼ :Start Utility Import >ʼʵó :Start Validation >ʼ֤ :Start Verification >ʼ֤ :Start Vessel > :Start Word >ʼWord :Start Workflow Testing >ʼ̲ :Start a New Payment Run >ʼ¸ :Start at >ʼ :Start at Revision >޶ʼ :Start at (Ctrl+T) >ʼ (Ctrl+T) :Start at Asset Cost Centre >ʲɱĿʼ :Start at Asset Description >ʲʼ :Start at Capex >ʱÿʼ :Start at Category >ʼ :Start at Component >Ӳʼ :Start at Currency Conversion >ڻתʼ :Start at Customer Name >ڿͻʼ :Start at Customer Short Name >ڿͻʼ :Start at Day >按日开始 :Start at Entry >뿪ʼ :Start at Expiry Date CCYY/MM/DD >ڵ CCYY/MM/DD ʼ :Start at GRN >GRNʼ :Start at Manufacturer Partnumber >从制造商零件号码开始 :Start at Operation >Ӳʼ :Start at Purchase Order Number >ڲɹ뿪ʼ :Start at RMA > RMA ʼ :Start at RMA number >RMA뿪ʼ :Start at Receipt Date CCYY/MM/DD >ջ CCYY/MM/DD ʼ :Start at Register No >ڵǼDz뿪ʼ :Start at SYSPRO stock code >SYSPRO뿪ʼ :Start at Storage condition >ڴ洢ʼ :Start at TPM customer >ó״(TPM)ͻʼ :Start at Warehouse >Ӳֿ⿪ʼ :Start at Withholding Tax Code >ڴ˰뿪ʼ :Start at account >ʻʼ :Start at accrual type >Ӧʹʼ :Start at address code >ӵַ뿪ʼ :Start at alternate key >滻ؼֿʼ :Start at alternate key %1 >滻 %1 ʼ :Start at alternate stock code >滻뿪ʼ :Start at alternate supplier >滻Ӧ̿ʼ :Start at analysis category >ڷ𴦿ʼ :Start at archive >ӵʼ :Start at archive type >ӵͿʼ :Start at asset >ʲʼ :Start at asset depreciation code >ʲ۾ɴ뿪ʼ :Start at asset expense code >ʲô뿪ʼ :Start at asset status >ʲ״̬ʼ :Start at asset type >ʲͿʼ :Start at bank >пʼ :Start at bank code >д뿪ʼ :Start at batch number >κ뿪ʼ :Start at beneficiary >˿ʼ :Start at beneficiary code >˴뿪ʼ :Start at beneficiary name >ƿʼ :Start at bin >ӿλʼ :Start at blanket purchase order >ۺԲɹʼ :Start at branch >ӷ֧ʼ :Start at build schedule date >ƻڿʼ :Start at buyer >ӲɹԱʼ :Start at buying group >Ӳɹ鿪ʼ :Start at calculation code >Ӽ뿪ʼ :Start at calendar >ʼ :Start at capex classification >ʱ֧ദʼ :Start at capex item >ʱĿʼ :Start at capex number >ʱ֧뿪ʼ :Start at capex type >ʱ֧ʹʼ :Start at cash drawer >ֽƱ˿ʼ :Start at catalogue >Ŀ¼ʼ :Start at catalogue number >Ŀ¼뿪ʼ :Start at cataloque number >Ŀ¼뿪ʼ :Start at change order >ӱ䶯ʼ :Start at charge code >ӱ䶯뿪ʼ :Start at class >ӵȼʼ :Start at code >Ӵ뿪ʼ :Start at collection >ӼϿʼ :Start at column >ʼ :Start at column description >˵ʼ :Start at comment code >עʹ뿪ʼ :Start at commission code >Ӷ뿪ʼ :Start at configuration >ÿʼ :Start at constant code >ӳ뿪ʼ :Start at contact >ϵ˴ʼ :Start at container type >Ϳʼ :Start at contract >Ӻͬʼ :Start at cost center >ӳɱĿʼ :Start at cost u/m >ӳɱλʼ :Start at currency >ӻҿʼ :Start at customer >ӿͻʼ :Start at customer class >ӿͻȼʼ :Start at customer p/order >ӿͻɹʼ :Start at customer purchase order >ӿͻɹʼ :Start at customer stock code >ӿͻ뿪ʼ :Start at date >ڿʼ :Start at date received >ӽտʼ :Start at day of month >ijտʼ :Start at deduction code >ڿ۳봦ʼ :Start at delivery route >ӽʼ :Start at delivery terms >ӽʼ :Start at department >Ӳſʼ :Start at deposit date >Ӷڿʼ :Start at depreciation code >۾ɴ뿪ʼ :Start at description >˵ʼ :Start at discount code >ۿ۴뿪ʼ :Start at dispatch note >ӷʼ :Start at document number >ļ뿪ʼ :Start at drawing >ͼֽʼ :Start at due date >ӵտʼ :Start at element >Ҫؿʼ :Start at employee >ӹԱʼ :Start at entry number >뿪ʼ :Start at expense code >ӷô뿪ʼ :Start at expiry date >ʧЧڿʼ :Start at extended code >չ뿪ʼ :Start at field >ֶδʼ :Start at field description >ֶʼ :Start at file >ļʼ :Start at file description >ļʼ :Start at first page >ӵһҳʼ :Start at forecast date >Ԥڿʼ :Start at format >Ӹʽʼ :Start at from status >״̬ʼ :Start at from work center >ҵĿʼ :Start at general ledger code >ܷʴ뿪ʼ :Start at geographic area >ӵʼ :Start at group >鿪ʼ :Start at hazzard code >Σմ뿪ʼ :Start at head >ͷʼ :Start at hierarchy >ڷּʼ :Start at hierarchy code >Ӽ뿪ʼ :Start at inspection reference >Ӽοʼ :Start at instruction code >ָʾ뿪ʼ :Start at invoice >ӷƱʼ :Start at invoice date >ӷƱڿʼ :Start at invoice number >ӷƱ뿪ʼ :Start at item >Ŀʼ :Start at job >ҵʼ :Start at job class >ҵȼʼ :Start at job classification >ҵ࿪ʼ :Start at journal number >ռʺ뿪ʼ :Start at key >ӹؼֿʼ :Start at ledger code >ӻƿĿ뿪ʼ :Start at ledger description >ӻƿĿʼ :Start at ledger period >ڷڼ䴦ʼ :Start at library code >ӿ뿪ʼ :Start at line >пʼ :Start at line number >кſʼ :Start at location >λÿʼ :Start at long description >ϸʼ :Start at lot >οʼ :Start at lot number >κ뿪ʼ :Start at machine >ӻʼ :Start at manufacturer >̴ʼ :Start at manufacturer part number >봦ʼ :Start at mechanic >Ӽʦʼ :Start at module >ģ鿪ʼ :Start at name >ƿʼ :Start at narration code >뿪ʼ :Start at nationality >ӹʼ :Start at nature of transaction >ӽʿʼ :Start at non-productive code >ӷ뿪ʼ :Start at non-stocked code >ӷǿ뿪ʼ :Start at op >Ӳʼ :Start at operator >ӲԱʼ :Start at option sequence >ѡ˳򴦿ʼ :Start at order >Ӷʼ :Start at order type >ӶͿʼ :Start at order unit of measure >Ӷλʼ :Start at owner >߿ʼ :Start at parent >ʼ :Start at payment code >Ӹ뿪ʼ :Start at payment date >Ӹڿʼ :Start at period >ڴʼ :Start at planner >ӼƻԱʼ :Start at price code >Ӽ۸뿪ʼ :Start at price unit of measure >Ӽ۸λʼ :Start at printer >Ӵӡʼ :Start at priority >ȼʼ :Start at problem code >뿪ʼ :Start at product class >ӲƷȼʼ :Start at product group >ڲƷ鴦ʼ :Start at promotion code >ڴ봦ʼ :Start at purchase order >Ӳɹʼ :Start at quantity >ʼ :Start at quotation >ӱۿʼ :Start at quote >ڱۿʼ :Start at reason >ԭʼ :Start at reason code >ԭ뿪ʼ :Start at reason for disposal >Ӵԭʼ :Start at reason for revaluation >¹ԭʼ :Start at receipt date >վڿʼ :Start at recurring journal code >ѭռʴ뿪ʼ :Start at reference >Ӳʼ :Start at report >ӱʼ :Start at report index %1 >ڱ %1 ʼ :Start at report index 1 >ӱ1ʼ :Start at report index 2 >ӱ2ʼ :Start at requisition >빺ʼ :Start at requisition group >빺鿪ʼ :Start at requisition group budget >빺Ԥ㿪ʼ :Start at requistion >빺ʼ :Start at resolution code >ھ봦ʼ :Start at resource >Դʼ :Start at revision >޶ʼ :Start at route >·߿ʼ :Start at route code >·ߴ봦ʼ :Start at rule >ڹ򴦿ʼ :Start at sales order >۶ʼ :Start at salesperson >Աʼ :Start at scheduling group >ڵ鿪ʼ :Start at scrap reason >ӷƷԭʼ :Start at section >ѡʼ :Start at security code >ڰȫ뿪ʼ :Start at sequence number >˳뿪ʼ :Start at serial number >к뿪ʼ :Start at set >Ӽʼ :Start at shipment >װ˿ʼ :Start at shipment reference >װ˲ʼ :Start at short name >Ӽдƿʼ :Start at site >վ㿪ʼ :Start at size >ӹʼ :Start at source code >Դ뿪ʼ :Start at source currency >Դҿʼ :Start at source warehouse >Դֿ⿪ʼ :Start at source wh >Դֿ⿪ʼ :Start at standard journal code >ӱ׼ռʴ뿪ʼ :Start at status >״̬ʼ :Start at stock code >ӿ뿪ʼ :Start at stock u/m >ӿλʼ :Start at sub account >ʻʼ :Start at sub asset >ʲʼ :Start at sub job >תҵʼ :Start at sub-account >ӷʻʼ :Start at sub-asset >ʲʼ :Start at supplier >ӹӦ̿ʼ :Start at supplier class >ӹӦ̵ȼʼ :Start at supplier name >ӹӦƿʼ :Start at supplimentary code >뿪ʼ :Start at table >ӱʼ :Start at table description >ӱ˵ʼ :Start at target currency >Ŀҿʼ :Start at target warehouse >Ŀֿ⿪ʼ :Start at tariff code >ӹ˰뿪ʼ :Start at tax code >˰մ뿪ʼ :Start at telephone >ӵ绰ʼ :Start at terms >ʼ :Start at ticket number >ȯ뿪ʼ :Start at ticket numer >ȯ뿪ʼ :Start at to status >ʼ״̬ :Start at tool >ӹ߿ʼ :Start at tool set >ӹ鿪ʼ :Start at tool set tool >ӹ߼߿ʼ :Start at type >ʹʼ :Start at unit of measure >Ӽλʼ :Start at user >ûʼ :Start at vessel >Ӵֻʼ :Start at warehouse area >ڲֿʼ :Start at warehouse bin type >ڲֿͿʼ :Start at warehouse description >Ӳֿ˵ʼ :Start at work center >ҵĿʼ :Start at. >ʼ. :Start attribute >ʼ :Start capturing apportionment details >ʼ̯ϸ :Start checking file integrity? >Ҫʼļ :Start column for remittance text >ʼı :Start conversion? >Ҫʼת :Start date >ʼ :Start date and time >ʼںʱ :Start date differs for scheduled job. Continue? >ʼڶŶҵͬҪ :Start date entered is before today >Ŀʼڽ :Start date filter >ʼڹ :Start date not in range >ʼڳ :Start date selection >ʼѡ :Start date to be calculated >ҪĿʼ :Start date/time >ʼڣʱ :Start dates >ʼ :Start day >ʼ :Start deleting live ledger for the company >ʼɾ˾Ļ :Start depr date >ʼ۾ :Start depr period >ʼ۾ :Start depr period EUL >ʼ۾ EUL :Start depr period no >ʼ۾ڱ :Start depr year EUL >ʼ۾ EUL :Start depr year no >ʼ۾ݱ :Start depreciation date >ʼ۾ :Start depreciation period >ʼ۾ :Start depreciation period no >ʼ۾ڱ :Start depreciation year >ʼ۾ :Start depreciation year no >ʼ۾ݱ :Start description print at column >ʼӡ˵ :Start design >ʼ :Start designing your form >ʼı :Start displaying customers linked to the invoice >开始显示链接到发票的客户 :Start in >ʼ :Start month >ʼ· :Start month / year >ʼ·ݣ :Start month/year >ʼ·ݣ :Start of XML declaration '%1' expected at location '%2', near '%3' >Ŀ '%3' λ '%2' XMLʼ :Start of current year >ǰȿʼ :Start op qty >ʼ :Start operator >ʼԱ :Start overdue by today >쿪ʼ :Start period >ʼ :Start period no >ʼڱ :Start position >ʼλ :Start posting labor entries >ʼͶĿ :Start printing description at column >ʼӡе˵ :Start printing text at column >ʼӡı :Start processing? >Ҫʼ :Start program >ʼ :Start record number >ʼ¼ :Start recreating alternate indexes? >Ҫʼ´滻 :Start reindexing data files? >Ҫʼļ± :Start replacement process >开始替换过程 :Start report logic >ʼ߼ :Start review for the parent items on the list >ʼбĿ :Start searching from first line >ӵһпʼ :Start spend period >ʼ :Start spend year >ʼ :Start the Business layer on the selected SYSPRO Analytics server >ѡSYSPRO Analyticsϵҵ :Start the Business layer on the selected SYSPRO Analytics server >ʼѡ SYSPRO Analytics ϵҵ :Start the SQL Server Agent job >ʼ SQL :Start time >ʼʱ :Start time full >ʼʱ :Start transaction >ʼ :Start up time >ʱ :Start up time rate >ʱ :Start view from requisition >빺ʼ鿴 :Start year >ʼ :Start year no >ʼݱ :Start year/period cannot be later than end year/period >ʼݣڲɳڽݣ :Start-up > :Start-up rate > :Start-up time >ʱ :Start/Stop Logic >ʼֹͣ߼ :Start/Stop Validation >ʼֹ֤ͣ :Started >ѿʼ :Started but not complete >ѿʼδɵ :Started late and not completed >ںʼδɵ :Startin folder >ڿʼļ :Starting >ڿʼ :Starting - days ahead >ڿʼ - :Starting Serial Number >ʼк :Starting date selection >ʼѡ :Starting process >ڿʼ :Starting sequence >ڿʼ˳ :Starts or stops design mode >开始或停止设计模式 :Startup > :Startup Time - Non-Productive >ʼʱ - :Startup Time - Productive >ʼʱ - :Startup Time Ledger Code >ʱʴ :Startup qty > :Startup quantity > :Startup quantity (EA ) >ʼ (EA ) :Startup quantity (LTR) >(LTR) :Startup quantity may not be zero when a startup time has been specified >ָʱʱΪ :Startup rate > :Startup time >ʱ :Startup time ( ) >ʼʱ ( ) :Startup time (Min) >ʼʱ䣨 :Startup time (hrs) >ʼʱ䣨ʱ :Startup time entered >Ŀʼʱ :Startup time issued >ǩʱ :Startup-rate >ʼ :Stat >Stat :Stat G/L >ͳ :Stat GL code >ͳ(GL) :Stat g/l code >ͳ(g/l) :State >״̬ :State (extended tax code) >ݣչ˰մ룩 :State Buttons >״̬ť :State Sales Tax G/L Code >˰G/L :State code >ݴ :State selection >ѡ :State, province or country >ݡʡݻ :State, province or county >ݡʡݻ :State/Province >ݣʡ :Statement > :Statement Alignment in Progress >ִбУ׼ :Statement Balance in Local Currency >Եػҵı :Statement Emailing in Progress >ڷͱʼ :Statement Fax or Email >ʼ :Statement Faxing in Progress >ִб淢 :Statement Format >ʽ :Statement Format Alignment in Progress >ִбʽУ׼ :Statement Format Printing in Progress >ִбʽӡ :Statement Print >ӡ :Statement Print Complete >ɱӡ :Statement Print in Progress >ִбӡ :Statement as of > :Statement balance > :Statement balance in bank's currency >лҵı :Statement date > :Statement format "0" and "00" are reserved for internal use >ʽ"0""00"ڲʹ :Statement format '%1' not found >δҵʽ '%1' :Statement format \"0\" and \"00\" are reserved for internal use >ʽ\"0\"\"00\"ڲʹ :Statement format is not suitable for email >报表格式不适合发送电子邮件 :Statement format missing >ʽʧ :Statement format not on file >ʽ :Statement information >Ϣ :Statement not found >δҵ :Statement print type >ӡ :Statement reference >ο :Statement required >豨 :Statement selection >ѡ :Statements > :Statements as of > :Statements for customers who have statements set to be sent by email will not be sent >ͽ䱨ΪԵʼ͵Ŀͻ :Statements required >豨 :Statements will not be emailed to any customers, regardless of any email settings defined >۶κεʼãԵʼ͸ͻ :Statements will not be emailed to any customers, regardless of any email settings defined.\nEmailing is not supported for standard document formats >۶κεʼãԵʼ͸ͻ\nڱ׼ĵʽַ֧͵ʼ :Static data export to Preactor >̬ݵPreactor :Static keys >̬Կ :Stationery Formats >ʽ :Stationery Layout Mask >ľֽŲ :Stationery alignments >ľֽ :Stationery head of form options >ѡľֽͷ :Statistical >ͳ :Statistical Depreciation >ͳ۾ :Statistical EUL >ͳEUL :Statistical G/L >ͳ :Statistical G/L code >ͳʴ :Statistical G/L code '%1' not found >δҵͳ(G/L) '%1' :Statistical GL >ͳ GL :Statistical GL code >ͳ GL :Statistical GL code '%1' not found >δҵͳ GL '%1' :Statistical Journal Entries >ͳռ :Statistical Journal Entries for Journal >ͳռ :Statistical Journal Header >ͳռʱͷ :Statistical Ledger >ͳƷ :Statistical Transfers >ͳת :Statistical UOM >ͳ UOM :Statistical Unit of Measure >ͳƼλ :Statistical adjustments >ͳƵ :Statistical item >ͳĿ :Statistical items >ͳĿ :Statistical journal >ͳռ :Statistical journals >ͳռ :Statistical ledger code >ͳƷʴ :Statistical ledger code the same as destination ledger code. Ok to continue? >ͳƷʴĿĵطʴͬȷҪ :Statistical parts >ͳ :Statistical values exist. This cost center may not be deleted >ͳֵѴڡɾɱ :Statistical values exist. This work center may not be deleted >ͳֵѴڡɾҵ :Statistical values exist. Work Center '%1' cannot be deleted >ͳֵѴڡ:ɾҵ '%1' :Statistical values exist. Work Center '%1' cannot be deleted. >ͳֵѴڡ:ɾҵ '%1' :Statistics >ͳ :Statistics file to be deleted? >Ҫɾͳļ :Status >״̬ :Status - Adding component >״̬ - Ӳ :Status - Adding contact >״̬ - ϵ :Status - Adding default contact >״̬ - Ĭϵ :Status - Adding internal operation >״̬ - ڲ :Status - Adding operation >״̬ - Ӳ :Status - Adding subcontract operation >״̬ - ӷְ :Status - Changing component >״̬ - ڸIJ :Status - Changing contact >״̬ - ڸϵ :Status - Changing default contact >״̬ - ڸĬϵ :Status - Changing internal operation >״̬ - ڸڲ :Status - Changing operation >״̬ - ڸIJ :Status - Changing subcontract operation >״̬ - ڸķְ :Status - Inserting internal operation >״̬ - ڲڲ :Status - Inserting subcontract operation >״̬ - ڲְ :Status - Non-current excluded >״̬ C ųķǵǰ :Status - Non-current included >״̬ C ķǵǰ :Status - Zooming on component >״̬ - Ų :Status - Zooming on internal operation >״̬ - ڲ :Status Authorities >״̬Ȩ :Status Authorities for User >û״̬Ȩ :Status Code Details >״̬ϸ :Status Code Maintenance >״̬ά :Status Codes >״̬ :Status Codes and Routings >״̬· :Status Details >״̬ϸ :Status Routings >״̬· :Status Selection >״̬ѡ :Status bar >״̬ :Status code >״̬ :Status code and ODBC messages >״̬ODBCϢ :Status code and SQL Server messages >״̬ SQL Ϣ :Status code must be entered >״̬ :Status code selection >״̬ѡ :Status codes and messages >״̬Ϣ :Status date >״̬ :Status description >״̬˵ :Status filter >״̬ :Status flag >״̬־ :Status information >״̬Ϣ :Status not on file >״̬ :Status of orders confirmed >״̬ȷ :Status/Invalid >״̬Ч :Status/user Authorities Program >״̬ûȨ :Stay on top >ڶ :Std >׼ :Std Codes >׼ :Std Hierarchy >标准分级 :Std Types >׼ :Std code >Std :Std deviation >׼ƫ :Std hierarchy code >Stdδ :Std hours >׼Сʱ :Std narration > :Std time per month >ÿʱ׼ :Std time per month hrs >ÿСʱ׼ʱ :Std time per month min >ÿ¿ʼʱ䣨ӣ :Std time unit of measure >Stdʱλ :Std transaction codes >׼״ :Std type >׼ :Std/Inventory cost comparison >StdȽ :Step > :Step Count > :Step Id > Id :Step Name > :Step chart. Unline the traditional line chart, Step line charts only use vertical and horizontal lines to connect the data points forming what looks like steps >ͼͬڴͳͼͼʹôֱˮƽݵ㣬ӶƲͼ :Step through workflow >̲ :Steps > :Sticks >ճ :Sticks & Symbols >ճ :Stk Code / Wh >룯ֿ :Stk Code/Wh >/ֿ :Stk code is on partial hld >뱻ֱ :Stk dispatch qty >淢 :Stk ord qty >涩 :Stk qty to ship >װ˵Ŀ :Stk reserve qty >汣 :Stk reserved qty >汣 :Stk ship qty >װ :Stk ship quantity >װ :Stk u/m >u/m :Stk uom >λ :Stk/AUM >/AUM :Stk/non-stk code >棯ǿ :Stk/non-stk desc >棯ǿ :Stock > :Stock S/Order Text >۶ı :Stock Adjustments > :Stock Catagory > :Stock Category Selection >ѡ :Stock Code Attributes > :Stock Code Browse > :Stock Code Comment Maintenance >עά :Stock Code Comments >ע :Stock Code Comments Maintenance >븽עά :Stock Code Copy Preferences >븴 :Stock Code Custom Form Fields >붨Ʊֶ :Stock Code Deleted >ɾ :Stock Code Error > :Stock Code Header >ҳü :Stock Code Information >Ϣ :Stock Code Interchange >뻥 :Stock Code Line Details >ϸ :Stock Code List > :Stock Code List Maintenance >ά :Stock Code List Price >б۸ :Stock Code List Selection for Warehouse >ֿĿбѡ :Stock Code Look-up >鿴 :Stock Code Maintenance >ά :Stock Code Notepad >± :Stock Code Notes Selection >븽עѡ :Stock Code On Hold Maintenance >ά :Stock Code Options >ѡ :Stock Code Price Maintenance >۸ά :Stock Code Quality Element Maintenance >Ԫά :Stock Code Quality Elements >Ԫ :Stock Code Quantity Discounts >ۿ :Stock Code Query >ѯ :Stock Code Quick View >ٲ鿴 :Stock Code Search > :Stock Code Setup > :Stock Code UOM Maintenance >λά :Stock Code Unit of Measure >λ :Stock Code Unit of Measure Maintenance >λά :Stock Code Warehouse To Use >ʹõĿֿ :Stock Code Where-used Query >ôѯ :Stock Code X-ref > :Stock Code for Foreign Price Maintenance >۸ά :Stock Code for Operations Browse > :Stock Code for Pricing Maintenance >۸ά :Stock Code for Where-used >ͨÿ :Stock Code/Lot selection >/ѡ :Stock Code/Warehouse Deletion >/ֿɾ :Stock Code/Wh >/ֿ :Stock Codes > :Stock Codes (Legacy) > (Legacy) :Stock Codes List Selection >бѡ :Stock Codes for Warehouse >ֿĿ :Stock Codes in Stock Take >̵еĿ :Stock Codes in Stock Take for Warehouse >̵ֿеĿ :Stock Codes with Requirements >ҪĿ :Stock Comment >ע :Stock Comments >ע :Stock Control Level >Ƽ :Stock Cross-Reference > :Stock D/Goods Text > Dı :Stock Default >ĬϿ :Stock Expiry by Warehouse >ֿĿ浽 :Stock Indicator >ָ :Stock Information >Ϣ :Stock Information for >Ϣ :Stock Information for %1 >%1 ĿϢ :Stock Information for DON/PET >DON/PETĿϢ :Stock Information for Rev/rel >޶ͷſϢ :Stock Levels >漶 :Stock Line Information >Ϣ :Stock List >嵥 :Stock Master > :Stock Modeling >潨ģ :Stock P/order Text >ɹı :Stock Quantities > :Stock Quantity > :Stock Query >ѯ :Stock Receipt Preview in Progress >ִпջԤ :Stock Receipts Archive Viewer >ջ鿴 :Stock S/O Text > S/O ı :Stock S/Order Text >۶ı :Stock SO Text > SO ı :Stock Search > :Stock Supersession Date >ȡ :Stock Take > :Stock Take Bins Browse >̵ :Stock Take Cancellation >ȡ :Stock Take Capture >ÿ :Stock Take Capture By Bin >̵㲶 :Stock Take Capture By Stock Code >̵㲶 :Stock Take Capture By Ticket Number >ȯ̵㲶 :Stock Take Capture Options >̵㲶ѡ :Stock Take Capture Preferences >̵㲶ѡ :Stock Take Confirmation >ȷ :Stock Take Confirmation Error Report >̵ȷϴ󱨸 :Stock Take Confirmation Report >̵ȷϱ :Stock Take Exception > :Stock Take Form >̵ :Stock Take Form in Progress >̵ִ :Stock Take Forms > :Stock Take Import >̵㵼 :Stock Take Import Report >̵㵼뱨 :Stock Take Import Selection >̵㵼ѡ :Stock Take Quantity Capt. by Stock Code >̵ :Stock Take Quantity Capture >̵ :Stock Take Quantity Capture by Bin >λ˳̵ :Stock Take Quantity Capture by Stk code >̵ :Stock Take Quantity Capture by Stock Code >˳̵ :Stock Take Quantity Capture by Ticket >̵ :Stock Take Quantity Capture by Ticket Number >ȯ˳̵ :Stock Take Quantity Import File Listing >̵ļб :Stock Take Query >̵ѯ :Stock Take Query by Bin >̵ѯ :Stock Take Query by Stock Code >̵ѯ :Stock Take Query by Ticket Number >ȯ̵ѯ :Stock Take Report by Stock Code >˳̵㱨 :Stock Take Report by Stock Code in Progress >ִа˳̵㱨 :Stock Take Report by Ticket Number >ȯ˳̵㱨 :Stock Take Report by Ticket Number in Progress >ִаȯ˳̵㱨 :Stock Take Selection >ѡ :Stock Take Selection Recap >̵ѡ :Stock Take Selection Warning >̵ѡ񾯸 :Stock Take Selection in Progress >̵ִѡ :Stock Take System >ϵͳ :Stock Take Ticket >̵ȯ :Stock Take Ticket Alignment in Progress >̵ִȯ :Stock Take Ticket Format >Ʊݸʽ :Stock Take Ticket numbers >̵ȯ :Stock Take Tickets >Ʊ :Stock Take Tickets in Progress >̵ִȯ :Stock Take Update >̵ :Stock Take Update Quantities and Costs >̵ͳɱ :Stock Take Variance >䶯 :Stock Take Variance Report >̵ :Stock Take Variance Report in Progress >̵ִ :Stock Take by Stock Code >̵ :Stock Take by Ticket >ȯ̵ :Stock Value >ֵ :Stock adjustments not allowed > :Stock availability > :Stock available >ÿ :Stock balances > :Stock block/rate qty >/ :Stock category > :Stock check date > :Stock cleared during Goods in Transit Conversion >;תڼĿ :Stock code > :Stock code %1 added to Inventory Master >Ŀ %1 :Stock code %1 defined as a co-product against %2 on this route >һ·Ͽ %1 Ϊ %2 Ʒ :Stock code %1 is not flagged as an MPS item > %1 δΪƻ(MPS)Ŀ :Stock code %1 is on partial hold > %1 :Stock code '%1' already exists > '%1' Ѵڡ :Stock code '%1' already exists as a non-stocked item in Quotations > '%1' ΪеĴĿѴ :Stock code '%1' cannot be changed > '%1' ɸ :Stock code '%1' cannot have unit quantity processing set on > '%1' õλ :Stock code '%1' deleted >ɾ '%1' :Stock code '%1' has stock in transit, so cannot be changed to ECC > '%1' ߱˿棬˲ɸΪ̱(ECC) :Stock code '%1' has the following attributes >库存代码 '%1' 具备以下属性 :Stock code '%1' held by Engineering Change Control >ɹ̱䶯Ŀ '%1' :Stock code '%1' is a bought out item > '%1' ⹺Ŀ :Stock code '%1' is a by-product item > '%1' ǸƷĿ :Stock code '%1' is a component of a kit item > '%1' ǹ߰Ŀ :Stock code '%1' is a kit item > '%1' Ϊ߰Ŀ :Stock code '%1' is a notional part > '%1' ȫԲ :Stock code '%1' is a phantom part > '%1' :Stock code '%1' is a planning bill part > '%1' Ǽƻ :Stock code '%1' is a sub-contract > '%1' תͬ :Stock code '%1' is not a component of kit item '%2' > '%1' ǹ߰Ŀ '%2' :Stock code '%1' is not lot traceable > '%1' οɸٵ :Stock code '%1' is not the principle co-product for the multi-grade co-product structure > '%1' ǶȼͬƷṹҪͬƷ :Stock code '%1' is on partial hold, and cannot be placed on back order > '%1' ڲֱ״̬޷ڽ :Stock code '%1' is superseded > '%1' :Stock code '%1' is superseded, and cannot be placed on back order > '%1' ڱ״̬޷ڽ :Stock code '%1' locked > '%1' :Stock code '%1' must be flagged as Enter serials at receipt time > '%1' ջڼΪϵ :Stock code '%1' must be flagged as Enter serials at sales time only > '%1' ۻڼΪϵ :Stock code '%1' must be lot traceable or serialized > '%1' οɸٻϵл :Stock code '%1' must be lot traceable or serialized. > '%1' οɸٵĻϵл :Stock code '%1' not found >δҵ '%1' :Stock code '%1' not found on WIP inspection reference '%2' >ִҵ(WIP)ο '%2' δҵ '%1' :Stock code '%1' not found, and this line has not been specified as non-stocked >δҵ '%1' ұѱָΪǿ :Stock code '%1' not in stock take table > '%1' ̵в :Stock code '%1' not numeric > '%1' :Stock code '%1' not on file >库存代码 '%1' 不存在 :Stock code '%1' not stocked in w/h '%2' >库存代码在仓库 '%2' 中无库存 :Stock code '%1' not stocked in warehouse %2 > '%1' ڲֿ%2޿ :Stock code '%1' on hold > '%1' :Stock code '%1' on partial hold > '%1' :Stock code '%1', manufacturer '%2', manufacturer part number '%3' not found >δҵ '%1' '%2' '%3' :Stock code (component) '%1' is the same as the finished part for job '%2' >루 '%1' Ϊҵ '%2' ɵͬ :Stock code (component) '%1' is traceable, therefore the finished part for job '%2' must also be traceable >루 '%1' ɸ٣Ϊҵ '%2' ɵҲӦɸ :Stock code - Customer > - ͻ :Stock code / Warehouse >룯ֿ :Stock code Bitmap image >λͼͼ :Stock code added >ӿ :Stock code already entered > :Stock code and customer cross references will be deleted >Ϳͻɾ :Stock code and supplier cross references will be deleted >͹Ӧ̶ɾ :Stock code and warehouse must precede '%1' in XML instance >ͲֿXMLʵбλ '%1' ֮ǰ :Stock code attatched to a LCT bill will be deleted >ӵLCT˵Ŀ뽫ɾ :Stock code attribute %1 > %1 :Stock code attribute 1 >1 :Stock code attribute 2 >2 :Stock code attribute 3 >3 :Stock code browse options >ѡ :Stock code cannot be changed to a notional part >벻ɸΪ :Stock code cannot have foreign prices as it is a notional part >Ǹɾ۸ :Stock code changed >ѸĿ :Stock code deleted >ɾ :Stock code description >˵ :Stock code details >ϸ :Stock code does not exist in this warehouse >ڸòֿв :Stock code filter > :Stock code has a Blanket P/o contract. Do you wish to continue? >߱һ۶ͬϣ :Stock code has an invalid part type >库存代码具备无效零件类型 :Stock code has incorrect part category >вȷ :Stock code has unit qty processing set >õλ :Stock code has unit qty processing set, therefore can not be included in a configuration >õλ˿ɰ :Stock code has unit quantity processing set on >߱õĵλ :Stock code has unit quantity processing set on. Cannot be issued directly to a job >Ѵõλ޷ֱǩҵ :Stock code has unit quantity processing set on. This type of stock code is not supported in Point of Sale >߱õĵλ㲻֧ :Stock code held by ECC >̱(ECC)Ŀ :Stock code held by ECC for WIP allocations >ɹ̱(ECC)Ϊִҵ(WIP)Ŀ :Stock code held by engineering change control >̱䶯ƱĿ :Stock code information not found for supplier '%1' stock code '%2' >δҵӦ '%1' '%2' ĿϢ :Stock code interchange reqd >Ҫ以 :Stock code interchange required >Ҫ뻥 :Stock code is ECC controlled >ܹ̱(ECC) :Stock code is ECC-controlled, part category cannot be notional or co-product >ܹ̱(ECC)Ŀƣ𲻿ΪͬƷ :Stock code is a kit part and no parent being created >׼ڴ :Stock code is a notional part >Ǹ :Stock code is a planning bill part >ǼƻƷѵ :Stock code is attached to a different notional parent on this route >뱻һ·ϵIJͬ :Stock code is attached to a notional part on the selected route >뱻һѡ·ϵĸ :Stock code is attached to a notional part on this route >뱻һ·ϵĸ :Stock code is attached to the parent part as a co-product >뱻ΪͬƷ :Stock code is defined a parent part itself on this route >뱻Ϊһ·߱ϵ :Stock code is defined as a component against the notional parent >뱻ΪԸIJ :Stock code is defined as a parent part itself on this route >뱻Ϊһ·߱ϵ :Stock code is lot traceable >οɸٵ :Stock code is manual serialized >Ϊֶϵл :Stock code is not a co-product >벻ǹͬƷ :Stock code is not an MPS item >库存代码不是 MPS 项目 :Stock code is not numeric >벻 :Stock code is not on file >벻 :Stock code is not on the Blanket P/o contract >벻ۺϲɹͬ :Stock code is not stocked in this warehouse >ڱֿ޿ :Stock code is not traceable >벻׷ :Stock code is on file >벻 :Stock code is on full hold. This stock will not be confirmed >库存代码为完全保留。此库存将不予确认 :Stock code is on hold >ѱ :Stock code is on hold. Do you wish to continue? >ѱϣ :Stock code is on hold. Do you wish to include it in the shipment? >뱻ϣڻ :Stock code is on partial hold. Do you want to continue? >벿ϣ :Stock code is on partial hold. Do you wish to change line? >뱻ֹϣ :Stock code is on partial hold. Do you wish to continue >벿ֱϣ :Stock code is on partial hold. Do you wish to continue? >뱻ϣ :Stock code is on partial hold. OK to continue? >뱻ֱȷҪ :Stock code label format has not yet been created. Please select a valid label format >δǩʽѡЧıǩʽ :Stock code level >뼶 :Stock code list selection >бѡ :Stock code locked > :Stock code long description >ϸ˵ :Stock code margin > :Stock code may not be blank when releasing from multiple lines >Ӷзʱ벻Ϊհ :Stock code may not be spaces >벻Ϊո :Stock code may not be the finished part >벻Ϊɲ :Stock code might be used in a configuration. Do you wish to validate it against the configuration file? Failure to do so might invalidate some configurations >ܻʹáϣļ֤𣿲ִһܻ̿ʹijЩʧЧ :Stock code might be used in a configuration. Stock code will not be validated against the configuration file. Failure to do this might invalidate some configurations >ܱijһá뽫ļִ֤дпܻʹijЩʧЧ :Stock code miscellaneous >ִ :Stock code must be '%1' >ÿΪ '%1' :Stock code must be a serialized item and serial tracking required >ΪϵлĿҪϵи :Stock code must be defined as a returnable item >붨ΪɷĿ :Stock code must be entered for returnable item >ΪɷĿ :Stock code must be made in, phantom part or subcontracted >Ϊڲ졢ְĿ :Stock code not found >δҵ :Stock code not found in the specified invoice >ָķƱδҵ :Stock code not found on the returnable warehouse file. Do you wish to continue? >ڿɷֿļδҵϣ :Stock code not on file >벻ļ :Stock code not stocked in selected warehouse >ѡIJֿУδſ :Stock code not stocked in the default warehouse for receipts. Please select another warehouse >Ĭջֿ޿档ѡһֿ :Stock code not stocked in this warehouse >ڱֿУδſ :Stock code not stocked in warehouse >库存代码在仓库中无库存 :Stock code not valid >Ч :Stock code numbering method >ŷ :Stock code on hold >Ŀ :Stock code on hold flag > :Stock code on hold status >״̬ :Stock code part of looping structure >ѭṹĿ벿 :Stock code record locked >¼ :Stock code selection >ѡ :Stock code selection is List. Please enter at least one stock code >ѡгһ :Stock code status >״̬ :Stock code substituted >滻Ŀ :Stock code that is either on full hold or partial hold will be deleted >ȫͲĿɾ :Stock code to be generated >ҪɵĿ :Stock code to manufacture >ҪĿ :Stock code total >ϼ :Stock code totals >ϼ :Stock code warehouse >ֿ :Stock code where-used >ÿ :Stock code with any valid ECC drawing numbers will be deleted >κЧECCͼֽĿɾ :Stock code's list price >б۸ :Stock code's w/h to use >ʹõĿֿ :Stock code(scripted) > (ű) :Stock code, Customer >롢ͻ :Stock code, Price code >롢۸ :Stock code, Receipt date >롢ջ :Stock code, Warehouse >룬ֿ :Stock code, warehouse, lot or serial '%1' is not associated with purchase order '%2', line '%3' >롢ֿ⡢λϵ '%1' ɹ '%2' '%3' :Stock code/Component >룯 :Stock code/Route >룯· :Stock code/Warehouse >/ֿ :Stock code/Wctr >룯Wctr :Stock code/reference >/ο :Stock code/wh/bin >룯ֿ⣯ :Stock codes description > :Stock codes' list price >۸񵥼۸ :Stock cost changes not allowed >䶯 :Stock description >˵ :Stock details >ϸ :Stock dispatch qty >淢 :Stock fixed parent qty >̶ :Stock fixed parent quantity >̶ :Stock free >ɿ :Stock in inspection >еĿ :Stock in transit >; :Stock item is a kit part. This type of stock code is not supported in Point of Sale >ĿΪ߰㲻֧ :Stock item is a part category of '%1', '%2' or '%3' >Ŀ '%1' '%2' '%3' :Stock item is a serialized item. This type of stock code is not supported in Point of Sale >ĿϵлĿ㲻֧ :Stock item is an ECC controlled item. This type of stock code is not supported in Point of Sale >ĿΪ̱(ECC)Ŀ㲻֧ :Stock item is kit part. This type of stock code is not supported in Quick Entry >ĿΪ߰ڿв֧ :Stock item not stocked in correct warehouse >ȷֿ޿ĿĿ :Stock item not stocked in this warehouse >Ŀڱֿ޿ :Stock levels modeling >漶ģ :Stock line > :Stock long description >ȫʽ :Stock mass >ģ :Stock movement required >要求必填库存变化 :Stock movement value >䶯ֵ :Stock movements >䶯 :Stock net qty req >澻빺 :Stock on Hand Overflow >п :Stock on back order >ڶп :Stock on hand >п :Stock on hand allowed to go negative >пΪֵ :Stock on hand may not be excluded if "Safety stock" is already included >Ѱ"ȫ"ųֿ" :Stock on hand may not be excluded if \"Safety stock\" is already included >Ѱ\ȫ\ô򲻵ųп :Stock on hand not equal to zero >п治 :Stock on hold > :Stock on order >п :Stock on order not equal to zero >ɹеĿ治 :Stock operation yield qty > :Stock options >ѡ :Stock outstanding qty >δ :Stock outstanding quantity >δ :Stock parent fixed qty >̶ :Stock parent qty > :Stock plan quantity >ƻ :Stock qty accepted >ѽܿ :Stock qty inspected >Ѽ :Stock qty manufactured > :Stock qty reworked >ѷ :Stock qty scrapped >ѱϿ :Stock qty to reserve >Ᵽ :Stock qty to ship >Ҫװ˵Ŀ :Stock quantity completed >ɿ :Stock quantity issued >ǩ :Stock quantity manufactured > :Stock quantity outstanding >δ :Stock quantity per >ÿ :Stock quantity required >Ҫ :Stock quantity scrapped >ѱϿ :Stock quantity supplied >ѹӦ :Stock quantity to issue >ǩ :Stock quantity to make > :Stock receipt >库存收货 :Stock receipts >վ :Stock receipts - General Detail >ջ - һϸ :Stock receipts - Heading Fields >ջ - ֶ :Stock receipts not allowed >վ :Stock receipts set to >ջΪ :Stock related links > :Stock run time >ʱ :Stock run time entered >ʱ :Stock scrap quantity >汨 :Stock ship quantity > :Stock startup qty >濪ʼ :Stock startup quantity >濪ʼ :Stock take Values >̵ֵ :Stock take captured value >̵㲶ֵ :Stock take form in >̵ :Stock take saved value >̵ʡֵ :Stock take unit cost >̵㵥λɱ :Stock take variance value >̵ֵ :Stock time issued >ǩʱ :Stock time required >Ҫʱ :Stock time taken >ʱ :Stock total time >ʱ :Stock total time posted >ѷʱ :Stock transfer qty >ת :Stock transfers >ת :Stock u/m >u/m :Stock unit cost >浥λɱ :Stock unit of measure >库存计量单位 :Stock uom >λ :Stock value required >Ҫֵ :Stock volume > :Stock warehouse >ֿ :Stock warehouse code >ֿ :Stock/Wh >/ֿ :StockCode >库存代码 :StockTake Cycle >̵ :Stocked >ѿ :Stocked Line > :Stocked Line Information >Ϣ :Stocked Offer Entry >汨 :Stocked Part > :Stocked Uom >库存计量单位 :Stocked allocations > :Stocked and Non-stocked >库存和非库存 :Stocked code > :Stocked components >沿 :Stocked detail >ϸ :Stocked flag > :Stocked item >Ŀ :Stocked items may not be maintained through estimating >ѿĿͨ۶ά :Stocked lines to be valued at >۵ĿУ :Stocked merchandise >Ʒ :Stocked p/class >Ʒȼ :Stocked parent > :Stocked parent details >ϸ :Stocked product class >库存产品类 :Stocked route >· :Stocked/Non-stocked >/ǿ :Stocked/non-stocked code >棯ǿ :Stocked/non-stocked description >棯ǿ :Stocking > :Stocking Parent & Comps >Ͳ :Stocking Quantity to Dispatch >Ŀ :Stocking UM >λ :Stocking UOM >λ(UOM) :Stocking Unit of Measure >λ :Stocking and alternate unit of measures are equal, conversion factor must be %1 >λ滻λͬתϵΪ %1 :Stocking and other unit of measures are equal, conversion factor must be %1 >λλͬתϵΪ %1 :Stocking qty >库存数量 :Stocking qty to disp >Ŀ :Stocking qty to dispatch >Ŀ :Stocking qty to order >ⶩ :Stocking quantities may not exist on the costing register. Do you wish to create them now? >ڳɱעпܲڡϣ? :Stocking quantity > :Stocking quantity per >ÿ :Stocking quantity to dispatch is outside acceptable tolerance >Ŀɽܵʲ :Stocking quantity to make > :Stocking quantity to ship >ڿҪװ˵ :Stocking scrap quantity > :Stocking ship quantity >װ :Stocking u/m >u/m :Stocking unit metrics >浥λ :Stocking unit of measure and Alternate unit of measure must be different >λ滻λӦͬ :Stocking unit of measure may not be blank >λΪհ :Stocking uom conversion >λת :Stocking uom factor >λϵ :Stocking uom method >λ :Stocking uom units >λλ :Stop >ֹͣ :Stop Archive Process >ֹͣ :Stop Conversion >停止转化 :Stop Current Search >ֹͣǰ :Stop Customizing by Company >停止按公司自定义 :Stop Customizing by Group >ֹͣ鶨 :Stop Logic >ֹͣ߼ :Stop if >ֹͣ :Stop processing of the current report >ֹͣǰ :Stop processing tasks if any errors occur >緢κδֹͣ :Stop report after %1 records selected >ѡ %1 ¼ֹͣ :Stop report after 10 records selected >ѡ10¼ɺֹͣ :Stop report after 20 records selected >ѡ20¼ɺֹͣ :Stop report after 50 records selected >ѡ50¼ɺֹͣ :Stop report after a specified number of rows >ָɺֹͣ :Stop report logic >ֹͣ߼ :Stop the Business layer on the selected SYSPRO Analytics server >ֹͣSYSPRO Analyticsϵҵ :Stop the Business layer on the selected SYSPRO Analytics server >ֹͣѡ SYSPRO Analytics ϵҵ :Stop the SQL Server Agent job >ֹͣ SQL :Stop/Start Messages >停止/开始消息 :Storage Conditions >洢 :Storage Hazards >洢Σ :Storage Security Codes >洢ȫ :Storage condition >洢 :Storage condition code >洢 :Storage condition description >洢 :Storage hazard >洢Σ :Storage hazard code >洢Σմ :Storage hazard description >洢Σ :Storage security code >洢ȫ :Storage security code description >洢ȫ :Storage security description >洢ȫ :Store >洢 :Store SRS Archive Files on Server >洢 SRS ļ :Store User Objects >洢û :Store Warehouse Quantities >̵ֿ :Store XML File on Server >洢ϵ XML ļ :Store and create custom database objects >洢Զݿ :Store cost value >洢ɱֵ :Store mass >洢 :Store no >̵ :Store number >̵ :Store number cannot be blank >̵벻Ϊ :Store number from subaccount >˻е̵ :Store sales quantity >洢 :Stored Set >Ѵ洢ļ :Stored Set Maintenance >洢ļά :Stored Sets >洢 :Stored parameters >Ѵ洢IJ :Stores Warehouse >̵ֿ :Stores Warehouses >̵ֿ :Stores XML file on the server >ڷϴ洢 XML ļ :Stores reqn with SCT created & receipted >洢߱Ѵջ SCT ̵빺 :Stores requisitions >̵빺 :Stores requisitions are not required. Program cancelled >Ҫ̵빺ȡ :Stores warehouse selection >̵ֿѡ :Straight >ֱ :Straight line >ֱ :Straight with Arrow >带箭头直线 :Straight with Double Arrow >带双箭头直线 :Street >ֵ :Stretch >伸展 :String > :String type > :Structure >ṹ :Structure & Routing >ṹ· :Structure & Routing Icons >ṹ·ͼ :Structure & Routing Maintenance >ṹ·ά :Structure (component) >ṹ () :Structure (parent) >ṹ () :Structure Already Exists >ṹѴ :Structure Amendment Journal >ṹ :Structure Import >ṹ :Structure Level >ṹ :Structure Level Validation for Route >·ߵĽṹ֤ :Structure Maintenance >ṹά :Structure Narrations >ṹ :Structure Off >ṹر :Structure Off Date >ṹر :Structure On >ṹ :Structure On Date >ṹ :Structure Query >ṹѯ :Structure Record >ṹ¼ :Structure Record Locked >ṹ¼ :Structure Validation >ṹȷ :Structure View >ṹͼ :Structure amendment journals required >Ҫṹ޶ռ :Structure and Routing Archive >ṹ· :Structure and Routing Parent Details >ṹ·ϸ :Structure and Routings >ṹ· :Structure and Routings Maintenance >ṹ·ά :Structure and routing >ṹ· :Structure and routing archiving >ṹ·뵵 :Structure changes as component >ṹΪ :Structure changes as parent >ṹΪ :Structure definition >ṹ :Structure levels become available in GL Structure Query >结构层次在 GL 结构查询中变为可用 :Structure narrations required >Ҫṹ :Structure off date invalid >ṹرЧ :Structure off-date >ṹر :Structure on/off dates required >Ҫṹ򿪣ر :Structure options >ṹѡ :Structure sequencing >ṹ :Structure sequencing required >Ҫṹ˳ :Structure validation cancelled >ṹ֤ȡ :Structure validation successfully completed >ṹ֤ѳɹ :Structured G/L ledger code entry >ṹʷ¼ :Structured GL Access >ṹ GL :Structured GL is not required >Ҫṹ GL :Structured GL ledger code entry >ṹʷ¼ :Structured view >ṹͼ :Structures >ṹ :Structures & Routings >ṹ· :Structures Extract >ṹȡ :Structures and >ṹ :Structures and Routings >ṹ· :Structures deleted >ɾĽṹ :Style > :Style Options >ʽѡ :Style description >ʽ˵ :Style for costs/prices >ɱ۸ʽ :Style for labor times >劳动力时间格式 :Style for quantities in listviews >б鿴еʽ :Style for tax rate >税率格式 :Style for tax rates >˰ʽ :Style for values >ֵʽ :Style for values on reports >ֵķʽ :Style is already on file >ʽļ :Style locked >ʽ :Style not on file >ʽļ :Style suffix >ʽ׺ :Style type >ʽ :Styles >ʽ :Stylesheets >ʽ :Sub > :Sub Assets >ʲ :Sub Capex Master >ʱ :Sub Category description > :Sub Category name > :Sub File >ļ :Sub File View >ļͼ :Sub Files >ļ :Sub Groups > :Sub Job Creation >תҵ :Sub Jobs for Components >תҵ :Sub Master > :Sub System >ϵͳ :Sub account >ʻ :Sub account %1 may not be the same as master account >ʻ %1 ʻͬ :Sub account '%1' not attached to master account >ʻ '%1' δʻ :Sub account balance type not the same as master account >ʻʻͬ :Sub account currency type not the same as master account >ʻʻͬ :Sub account is not a Trade Promotions customer >ʻó״ͻ :Sub account number >ʻ :Sub account store number >ʻ洢 :Sub accounts >ʻ :Sub accounts only >ʻ :Sub asset >ʲ :Sub assets allowed >ʲ :Sub check fields >֧Ʊֶ :Sub contract cost >Ӻͬɱ :Sub contract op >Ӻͬ :Sub file %1 >ļ %1 :Sub file 1 >ļ1 :Sub file 2 >ļ2 :Sub groups are not required when the primary group is a system administrator as access is already allowed for all programs >ΪϵͳԱʱҪ飬Ϊȫ :Sub job >ҵ :Sub job %1 - Material allocations >ӹ %1 - Ϸ :Sub job '%1' is attached to this allocation. Do you wish to continue? >ҵ '%1' ÷䡣ϣ :Sub job '%1' must be unconfirmed >ҵ '%1' Ϊδȷҵ :Sub job '%1' must be unconfirmed. >ҵ '%1' Ϊδȷҵ :Sub job prefix >μҵǰ׺ :Sub job suffix >μҵ׺ :Sub jobs >ҵ :Sub jobs under master jobs >ҵµķְҵ :Sub module journal selection >ģռѡ :Sub module journals >ģռ :Sub movement time >α仯ʱ :Sub op >Ӳ :Sub report name >ӱ :Sub reports >ӱ :Sub seq >˳ :Sub totals required >ҪС :Sub type > :Sub-Assets >ʲ :Sub-account >ʻ :Sub-account Errors >˻ :Sub-account Number >ʻ :Sub-account and master account cannot be the same >˻˻ͬ :Sub-account. Apply entry to customer >ʻͻӦ :Sub-accounts >ʻ :Sub-accounts only >ʻ :Sub-asset >ʲ :Sub-assets allowed >ʲ :Sub-assets are attached >ʲ :Sub-contract >Ӻͬ :Sub-contract % >Ӻͬ% :Sub-contract BOM >תͬϵͽ :Sub-contract Ops Control >ְ :Sub-contract cost >Ӻͬɱ :Sub-contract operations control >תͬ :Sub-contracted >ְ :Sub-ledger integration method >ӷʼɷ :Sub-ledgers >ӷ :Sub-new >- :Sub-op >Ӳ :Sub-total numeric columns >С :Sub-total numeric fields >Сֶ :Sub-totals >С :Sub-totals by bank >˳С :Sub/master group differs >ӣ鲻ͬ :Sub/master location differs >ӣλòͬ :SubReport Objects >SubReport :Subaccounts >˻ :Subassemblies >子组件 :Subassembly Warehouse >子组件仓库 :Subcont >ת :Subcont/Material >ְͬ/ :Subcontract >ְͬ :Subcontract % >ְ % :Subcontract Cost Center >תͬɱ :Subcontract Cost Center Details >תͬɱ :Subcontract Cost Center GL Integration >תͬɱ (GL) :Subcontract Details >子合同明细 :Subcontract Op View >ְͬͼ :Subcontract Operation >תͬ :Subcontract Operation Information >ְϢ :Subcontract Operation Selection/Maintenance (sales) >תͬѡάۣ :Subcontract Operations G/L Control Account >תͬG/Lͳʻ :Subcontract Options >תͬѡ :Subcontract P/O stock code >ְɹ(P/O) :Subcontract Value Maintenance >תֵͬά :Subcontract Work Center >תͬҵ :Subcontract Work Center Details >תͬҵ :Subcontract Work Center GL Integration >תͬҵ (GL) :Subcontract buyer code >ְɹ̴ :Subcontract centers >תͬ :Subcontract cost >ְɱ :Subcontract costs >ְͬɱ :Subcontract dock to stock >ְͷ :Subcontract issues >ְǩ :Subcontract labor allocations >ְͬͶ :Subcontract labour allocations >ֱͶ :Subcontract lead time >ְǰ :Subcontract line description >ְ :Subcontract op >ְ :Subcontract op flag >ְ־ :Subcontract op unit cost >ְλɱ :Subcontract operation details >תͬϸ :Subcontract operation number >ְ :Subcontract operation required >Ҫתͬ :Subcontract operation with zero cost exists >ɱתͬ :Subcontract operations >תͬ :Subcontract order u/m >ְλ(u/m) :Subcontract planner code >ְƻԱ :Subcontract qty per >ְλ :Subcontract report >ְ :Subcontract supplier >ְӦ :Subcontract time required in days >ְʱ䣨 :Subcontract type w/center >ְҵ :Subcontract value >תֵͬ :Subcontract what-if >תͬ :Subcontract what-if cost >ְɱ :Subcontract what-if value >תֵͬ :Subcontracted >ѷְ :Subcontracted details >תϸ :Subgroup > :Subgroup %1 > %1 :Subgroups > :Subgroups are not required when the primary group is a system administrator as access is already allowed for all programs >ΪϵͳԱʱҪ飬˶ȫ :Subject > :Subject Database >ݿ :Subject line > :Subject text >ı :Submission year and period >ύݺڼ :Submit >ύ :Submit return >ύر :Submit tax return >ύ˰걨 :Submitted >ύ :Submitted date >ύ :Subscript out of range >¼ :Subsequent Processing > :Substitute >滻 :Substitute allocation >滻 :Substitute an Allocation >滻 :Substitute stock code > :Substitution >滻 :Substitution Entry >滻 :Substitution List >б :Substitution company code >˾ :Substitutions > :Subtotal >С :Subtotal break for sequence >С˳ֽ :Subtotal break for sequence - Sequence >С˳ָ - ˳ :Subtotal each day >ÿС :Subtotal field >Сֶ :Subtotal for customer >客户小计 :Subtotal for location >位置小计 :Subtotal for stock code >库存代码小计 :Subtotal for warehouse >仓库小计 :Subtotal level %1 on Cheque >֧ƱϵСƼ %1 :Subtotal level %1 on {Undefined} >{δ}ϵСƼ %1 :Subtotal numeric columns >С :Subtotal on work center >ҵС :Subtotals >С :Subtotals breaks >СƷ :Subtotals for each stock code >ÿһС :Subtotals required >ҪС :Subtract >ȥ :Succeeded >ɹ :Success >ɹ :Successful >ɹ :Suffix >׺ :Suffix for unapplied payment >δø׺ :Sug job >ҵ :Sug. delivery >齻 :Sug. line due selection >еѡ :Sug. quantity > :Sug. start >鿪ʼ :Suggest > :Suggest Supply Chain Transfer Details >鹩Ӧתϸ :Suggest due >鵽 :Suggest free goods >ѻ :Suggest qty > :Suggested > :Suggested %1 >ѽ %1 :Suggested Build Schedule >鹹ų :Suggested Job Allocation Maintenance >ѽҵά :Suggested Job Details >鹤 :Suggested Job List Selection >鹤бѡ :Suggested Job Review >鹤 :Suggested Jobs >ҵ :Suggested Jobs Live >鼴ʱ :Suggested P/orders >ɹ :Suggested Purchase >IJɹ :Suggested Requisition > :Suggested Requisition Information >빺Ϣ :Suggested Requisition Maintenance >빺ά :Suggested SCT > SCT :Suggested SCT Creation > SCT :Suggested SCT Warehouse > SCT ֿ :Suggested SCT Warehouses > SCT ֿ :Suggested SCT quantity > SCT :Suggested Schedule >ų :Suggested Seq >˳ :Suggested Stock Codes >Ŀ :Suggested Supplier Information >鹩ӦϢ :Suggested Supply Chain Transfer >ĹӦת :Suggested Supply Chain Transfer Review >鹩Ӧת :Suggested Zoom > :Suggested action > :Suggested build >鹹 :Suggested cancel quantity >ȡ :Suggested date > :Suggested dates > :Suggested due >鵽 :Suggested due date selection >ĵѡ :Suggested due dates >鵽 :Suggested forecasts >Ԥ⽨ :Suggested free goods quantity to ship is '%1' Do you want to apply this quantity? >ѽĴװѻΪ '%1' ϣӦô :Suggested job >ѽҵ :Suggested job description >鹤 :Suggested job selection >ҵѡ :Suggested job sub op >鹤Ӳ :Suggested job sub operation >建议工作子操作 :Suggested levels >鼶 :Suggested line due date >е :Suggested line due selection >еѡ :Suggested maximum >ֵ :Suggested minimum >Сֵ :Suggested order date >ѽ鶩 :Suggested order date filter >鶩ڹ :Suggested order date selection >Ķѡ :Suggested order dates >鶩 :Suggested purchase locked >IJɹ :Suggested purchase order >建议采购订单 :Suggested qty > :Suggested qty to order >ⶩĽ :Suggested quantity > :Suggested quantity ship and b/ord >װ˺ڽ :Suggested release quantity >ͷ :Suggested requisition locked > :Suggested requisitions > :Suggested schedule in Requirements Planning >ҪƻеĽų :Suggested ship date >װ :Suggested ship date selection >װѡ :Suggested ship dates >װ :Suggested supply >鹩Ӧ :Sum Credits >Ŵܶ :Sum credits amount >ǽϼ :Sum of forecasts & sales orders >Ԥܽ۶ :Sum of forecasts and sales orders >Ԥ۶ϼ :Sum of year digits >ܽ :Summ line >ܽ :Summarised Purchase Price List >ɹ۸ܽ :Summarize >ժҪ :Summarize by product class >Ʒȼ˳ܽ :Summarize charge line on invoice >ܽᷢƱеķ :Summarize charge lines on invoice >ڷƱܽ :Summarized Customer Master >ܽĿͻ :Summary > :Summary - Balance only >ժҪ C :Summary - balances only >摘要 - 仅限试算表 :Summary AR Credit Management Report >ժҪ AR ù :Summary Amendment Count >ժҪ޶ :Summary Credit Management >ùҪ :Summary Detail >ժҪ :Summary Graph >ժҪͼ :Summary History Transactions for Blanket Contract >һӺͬʷժҪ :Summary Information >ժҪϢ :Summary Key >ժҪؼ :Summary Key Maintenance >ժҪؼά :Summary List >Ҫб :Summary Management Report in Progress >ִժҪ :Summary Management Report in Progress >ִժҪ :Summary Pane >Ҫ :Summary Sales Transactions >ժҪ۽ :Summary Service Charges Detail >շϸժҪ :Summary Service Charges Section >ժҪò :Summary Type >ժҪ :Summary aggregate report >ժҪܱ :Summary by Day of Week >˳ܽ :Summary by Time Period >ʱ˳ܽ :Summary by Work Center >ժҪ :Summary code >ժҪ :Summary details >ժҪ :Summary discount >ۿժҪ :Summary for current period >ǰժҪ :Summary history of balances >ժҪʷ¼ :Summary history records deleted >ɾժҪʷ¼ :Summary key selected does not have targets >ѡժҪؼĿ :Summary line >ժҪ :Summary line (1 up) >ժҪ (1 ) :Summary line for all orders >ȫժҪ :Summary line number >ժҪб :Summary management report as of >ڵժҪ :Summary of total extended costs per warehouse >ÿֿչɱժҪ :Summary of work centers / product classes >/ƷժҪ :Summary or detail >ժҪϸ :Summary record >¼ժҪ :Summary report >ܱ :Summary report by supplier >Ӧ̵ժҪ :Summary report by tax code >˰ժҪ :Summary report only >ժҪ :Summary report option >ժҪѡ :Summary sales history >ժҪʷ¼ :Summary sales history dated before >ǰڵժҪۼ¼ :Summary transactions >ܽ :Sun > :Sun %1 > %1 :Sunday > :Sundry > :Sundry Consigment >ӻ :Sundry Consignment >ӻ :Sundry Debits >ӻ :Sundry Item >杂项 :Sundry Items >杂项 :Sundry items currently not supported >ǰֵ֧ĸĿ :Sundry items may not be changed >øӻ :Sundry items must use line, vol, mass, qty or ent >ӻʹСΧ :Sunken appearance >³ʽ :Sup Prices >۸ :Sup units >λ :Sup. Prices >ȡ۸ :Superceded stock codes may not have quantities in back order >ȡĿڽвþ߱ :Supercession date >ʧЧ :Supercession date has been exceeded >ȡѳ :Supersed Clearing Stock Report >ȡ汨 :Superseded >已取代 :Superseded (S) >ȡ (S) :Superseded Clearing Stock >ȡ :Superseded stock > :Superseded-Clearing Stock > :Superseded/Clearing Stock >ȡ/ :Supersession Date >ȡ :Supervisor Password >Ա :Supervisor options >Աѡ :Supervisor password definition >Ա붨 :Supervisor password required >ҪԱ :Supp > :Supp Prices >Ӧ̼۸ :Supp class >Ӧ̵ȼ :Supp factor >ϵ :Supp unit >Ӧ̵λ :Supp unit code >λ :Supp units >λ :Supplementary Code Maintenance >ά :Supplementary code > :Supplementary code description > :Supplementary code record locked >¼ :Supplementary report printed >Ѵӡ :Supplementary unit >λ :Supplementary unit code >λ :Supplementary unit description >λ :Supplementary unit factor >λϵ :Supplementary unit quantity >λ :Supplementary units >λ :Supplementary units factor >λϵ :Supplemetary Declaration Report >걨 :Supplied value for '%1' does not exist in pre-defined list >'%1' ֵԤбв :Supplier > :Supplier totals >Ӧ̺ϼ :Supplier %1 >Ӧ %1 :Supplier '%1' added >ӹӦ '%1' :Supplier '%1' already exists >Ӧ '%1' Ѵ :Supplier '%1' is added >已添加供应商 '%1' :Supplier '%1' is not an EDI supplier >Ӧ '%1' ǵݻEDIӦ :Supplier '%1' is on hold. Do you want to continue? >Ӧ '%1' ϣ? :Supplier '%1' not found >δҹӦ '%1' :Supplier '%1' not numeric >Ӧ '%1' :Supplier '%1' on hold >Ӧ '%1' :Supplier '%1' updated >Ѹ¹Ӧ '%1' :Supplier - Customer >Ӧ - ͻ :Supplier - Product class - Customer >Ӧ - Ʒ - ͻ :Supplier / Stock Code >Ӧ̣ :Supplier / Stock Code Cross Reference >Ӧ̣ :Supplier / Stock Code Cross-Reference >Ӧ̣ :Supplier / Stock Code Cross-Reference Maintenance >Ӧ̣ά :Supplier / Stock Code X-ref >Ӧ̣Xο :Supplier / Stock code not in supplier / stock code cross-reference >Ӧ̣벻ڹӦУ :Supplier / stock code contract not deleted >δɾӦ̣ͬ :Supplier / stock code order X-ref not deleted >δɾӦ̣붩Xο :Supplier Add >Ӧ :Supplier Added >ӹӦ :Supplier Amendment Journal >ķ :Supplier Amendment Journals >Ӧ޶ռ :Supplier Balance Overflow >Ӧ :Supplier Branch Information >供应商分支信息 :Supplier Branch Maintenance >Ӧ̷֧ά :Supplier Branch Notes >供应商分支注解 :Supplier Branch Quick View >Ӧ̷֧ٲ鿴 :Supplier Browse >Ӧ :Supplier Catalogue Numbers >ӦĿ¼ :Supplier Catalogues >ӦĿ¼ :Supplier Change >Ӧ̸ :Supplier Class Details >Ӧ̵ȼ :Supplier Class Maintenance >Ӧ̵ȼά :Supplier Classes >Ӧ̵ȼ :Supplier Code >Ӧ̴ :Supplier Code Conversion >Ӧ̴ת :Supplier Code Conversion Tickover >Ӧ̴ת޸ :Supplier Code Details >Ӧ̴ϸ :Supplier Coded Comments >Ӧ̱ע :Supplier Comment >Ӧע :Supplier Comment Maintenance >Ӧעά :Supplier Comments >ע :Supplier Comments Maintenance >Ӧ̸עά :Supplier Contact Info >ӦϵϢ :Supplier Contact Information >ӦϵϢ :Supplier Contacts >Ӧϵ :Supplier Contract Options >Ӧ̺ͬѡ :Supplier Contract Price List >Ӧ̺ͬ۸б :Supplier Contract Price List (Summary) >Ӧ̺ͬ۸б (ժҪ) :Supplier Contract Price Maintenance >Ӧ̺ͬ۸ά :Supplier Contract Prices >Ӧ̺ͬ۸ :Supplier Contract Prices Import >Ӧ̺ͬ۸ :Supplier Contract Prices by Supplier >Ӧ̵ĹӦ̺ͬ۸ :Supplier Contract Pricing >Ӧ̺ͬ :Supplier Contract Pricing Maintenance >Ӧ̺ͬ۸ά :Supplier Contract Pricing Maintenance >Ӧ̺ͬ۸ά :Supplier Contract Pricing by Supplier >Ӧ̵ĹӦ̺ͬ :Supplier Contract Pricing for Supplier >Ӧ̵ĹӦ̺ͬ۸ :Supplier Contracts >Ӧ̺ͬ :Supplier Cross-reference >Ӧ̶ :Supplier Currency Projection >Ӧ̻Ԥ :Supplier Custom Form >ӦԶ :Supplier Custom Form Fields >Ӧֶ̳ :Supplier Delete >Ӧɾ :Supplier Details >Ӧϸ :Supplier File >Ӧļ :Supplier GRNs >Ӧ GRN :Supplier Global Price Update in Progress >ִйӦȫּ۸ :Supplier Header >Ӧҳü :Supplier Information >ӦϢ :Supplier Inv. (inc. retained) >Ӧ̷Ʊ () :Supplier Invoice Payments >Ӧ̷Ʊ :Supplier Invoice Quick View >Ӧ̷Ʊٲ鿴 :Supplier Invoices >Ӧ̷Ʊ :Supplier Maintenance >Ӧά :Supplier Management Notes >Ӧ̹ע :Supplier Minimums >ӦСֵ :Supplier Minimums Not Met for Order >δ㶩ҪĹӦֵ :Supplier Monthly Purchases >Ӧ¶Ȳɹ :Supplier Name > :Supplier Notepad >Ӧ̼± :Supplier Notes >Ӧע :Supplier Outstanding POs >Ӧδ PO :Supplier Pay. (inc. retained) >Ӧ֧ () :Supplier Price >Ӧ̼۸ :Supplier Price Password >Ӧ̼۸ :Supplier Price Purge in Progress >ִйӦ̼۸ :Supplier Prices >Ӧ̼۸ :Supplier Purchase Order Text >Ӧ̲ɹı :Supplier Purchase Orders >Ӧ̲ɹ :Supplier Purchases by Month >·ݹӦ̲ɹ :Supplier Query >̲ѯ :Supplier Quick View >Ӧ̿ٲ鿴 :Supplier Receipts >Ӧջ :Supplier Registered Invoices >ӦѵǼǷƱ :Supplier Search >Ӧ :Supplier Setup >Ӧ :Supplier Stock Code >Ӧ̿ :Supplier Stock Code Cross Reference >Ӧ̿ղο :Supplier Stock Code Exp. Price Purge >Supplier Stock Code Exp.۸ :Supplier Stock Code Global Update >Ӧ̿ȫָ :Supplier Stock Code X-ref >Ӧ̿ :Supplier Stock Code Xref >Ӧ̿ղο :Supplier Stock Codes >Ӧ̿ :Supplier Stock Cross Reference >Ӧ̿ղο :Supplier Stock X-ref >Ӧ̿ :Supplier Stock code Xref maintenance >Ӧ̿ά :Supplier To Customer Link Setup >Ӧͻ :Supplier accuracy levels >Ӧ׼ȷȼ :Supplier added >ӹӦ :Supplier address >̵ַ :Supplier address %1 >Ӧ̵ַ %1 :Supplier address details >Ӧ̵ַ :Supplier amendment journals required >ҪӦ޶ռ :Supplier and Customer currencies do not match >ӦͻҲƥ :Supplier balance >Ӧ :Supplier bank >Ӧ :Supplier bank account >Ӧ˻ :Supplier bank details >Ӧϸ :Supplier branch >Ӧ̷֧ :Supplier branch selection >Ӧѡ :Supplier cannot be blank >Ӧ̲Ϊ :Supplier cannot be removed as one or more of the invoices released against this supplier are not in an 'Open' status >޷ɾӦ̣ΪԸùӦǩһݻݷƱδڡ򿪡״̬ :Supplier catalogue > :Supplier catalogue interchange '%1' not found >δҵӦĿ¼ '%1' :Supplier catalogue no > :Supplier changed >ѸĹӦ :Supplier check name >Ӧ֧Ʊ :Supplier check name before >֮ǰĹӦ֧Ʊ :Supplier class >Ӧ̵ȼ :Supplier class '%1' not found >δҹӦ̵ȼ '%1' :Supplier class not on file >Ӧ̵ȼ :Supplier class selection >Ӧ̵ȼѡ :Supplier code does not exist >Ӧ̴벻 :Supplier code locked >Ӧ̴ :Supplier code selection >Ӧ̴ѡ :Supplier contact details >Ӧϵ :Supplier currency >Ӧ̻ :Supplier currency code >Ӧ̻Ҵ :Supplier default path does not exist or you may have no permissions to the directory >ӦĬ·ڻȨĿ¼ :Supplier default tax code required >ҪӦĬ˰մ :Supplier deleted >ɾӦ :Supplier delivery note >Ӧ̽ :Supplier delivery note no >Ӧ̽ :Supplier delivery note number >供应商交货单号码 :Supplier description >Ӧ :Supplier docs. selected >ѡĿͻĵ :Supplier email address >Ӧ̵ʼַ :Supplier filter >Ӧ̹ :Supplier for Stock Code >빩Ӧ :Supplier format selection >Ӧ̸ʽѡ :Supplier interchange >Ӧ̼以 :Supplier invalid. Check A/P supplier to A/R customer linkage. Please cancel this transaction >ӦЧӦʿ(A/P)ӦӦʿ(A/R)ͻӡȡһ :Supplier invalid. Check AP supplier to A/R customer linkage. Please cancel this transaction >ӦЧӦʿ(AP)ӦӦʿ(AR)ͻӡȡһ :Supplier invoice >Ӧ̷Ʊ :Supplier invoice payments for >Ӧ̵ΪĿķƱ :Supplier invoices for >Ӧ̵ĿķƱ :Supplier is blank, this will assume that there is no GRN matching. Do you wish to continue? >ӦΪհףζŲGRNƥ䡣ϣ :Supplier is no Hold >Ӧ̱ :Supplier is not allowed purchase orders. Do you wish to continue? >Ӧ̲ɹϣ :Supplier is on hold >Ӧ :Supplier is on hold. Would you like to continue? >Ӧ̱ϣ? :Supplier labels >Ӧ̱ǩ :Supplier lead time >Ӧǰʱ :Supplier ledger code >Ӧ̷˴ :Supplier list >Ӧб :Supplier list maintenance >Ӧ̱ά :Supplier merchandise and/or freight ledger codes are not on file >ӦƷͣ˷ѷʴ벻ļ :Supplier minimum values have not been met. Do you wish to continue? >δﵽӦСֵϣ :Supplier minimums for either value, mass or volume have not been met >δﵽӦ̵ļֵСֵ :Supplier name and address >Ӧƺ͵ַ :Supplier not found >δҹӦ :Supplier not found for Stock code '%1', manufacturer '%2', manufacturer part number '%3' >δҵ '%1' '%2' '%3' ĹӦ :Supplier not in supplier / stock code cross-reference >ڹӦ̣ڵĹӦ :Supplier not in supplier/stock code cross-reference >ڹӦ/ղοеĹӦ :Supplier not on file >Ӧ̲ :Supplier notes >Ӧע :Supplier number >Ӧ̺ :Supplier numbering method >Ӧ̱ŷ :Supplier of invoice >ƱеĹӦ :Supplier of operation >ĹӦ :Supplier of p/order >ɹĹӦ :Supplier of subcontract >ְӦ :Supplier of this purchase order is on hold >˲ɹĹӦ̱ :Supplier on hold >Ӧ :Supplier on hold flag >Ӧ̹ :Supplier on hold. OK to continue? >ӦȷҪ :Supplier payment status >Ӧ̸״̬ :Supplier postal/zip code >Ӧ :Supplier price look-up >供应商价格查看 :Supplier price no longer available >Ӧ̼۸ٿ :Supplier price no longer available on due date >Ӧ̼۸ڵղٿ :Supplier price not on file >Ӧ̼۸񲻴 :Supplier price not yet available >Ӧ̼۸ٿ :Supplier quote %1 >Ӧ̱ %1 :Supplier range incorrect >Ӧ̷Χȷ :Supplier record locked >ĹӦ̼¼ :Supplier ref >Ӧ̲ο :Supplier reference >Ӧ̲ο :Supplier registered invoice total >ӦѵǼǷƱϼ :Supplier selection >Ӧѡ :Supplier short name >Ӧ̶ :Supplier status >Ӧ״̬ :Supplier status selection >Ӧ״̬ѡ :Supplier stk desc >Ӧ̿ :Supplier stock code not on file >Ӧ̿벻 :Supplier stock description >̿˵ :Supplier to Customer link already exists >Ӧ̵ͻѴ :Supplier to access >ʵĹӦ :Supplier to pay >ҪĹӦ :Supplier total >Ӧ̺ϼ :Supplier totals >Ӧ̺ϼ :Supplier transaction >Ӧ̽ :Supplier type >Ӧ :Supplier types >Ӧ :Supplier's Contracts >Ӧ̺ͬ :Supplier's Invoices >Ӧ̷Ʊ :Supplier's P/ord Text >Ӧ̲ɹı :Supplier's P/ord notes >Ӧ̲ɹע :Supplier's Performance >Ϊ :Supplier's Performance Report >Ӧҵ :Supplier's Performance Report in Progress >ִйӦҵ :Supplier's bank account >Ӧʻ :Supplier's catalogue >ӦĿ¼ :Supplier's catalogue number >ӦĿ¼ :Supplier's currency and bank's currency differ >Ӧ̵ĻеĻҲ :Supplier's delivery note >Ӧ̽ :Supplier's long description >Ӧ̴ƪ˵ :Supplier's name & address >Ӧƺ͵ַ :Supplier's stock code >Ӧ̿ :Supplier's stock description >Ӧ̿˵ :Supplier, Customer >Ӧ̡ͻ :Supplier, Product class, Customer >Ӧ̡Ʒࡢͻ :Supplier-Stock Code Details >Ӧ-ϸ :Supplier-Stock Cross Reference >Ӧ-ղο :Supplier/Customer Cross-Reference Maintenance >Ӧ̣ͻղοά :Supplier/Stock >Ӧ̣ :Supplier/Stock Code >Ӧ̣ :Supplier/Stock Code Cross Reference >Ӧ̣ :Supplier/Stock Code Cross-Refe >Ӧ̣ :Supplier/Stock Code Cross-Reference >Ӧ̣ :Supplier/Stock Code Cross-Reference Maintenance >Ӧ̣ά :Supplier/Stock Code Cross-References >Ӧ-ղο :Supplier/Stock Code Details >/ :Supplier/Stock Code Exp. Price Purge >Ӧ̣ѵ۸ :Supplier/Stock Code Expired Price Purge >Ӧ̣ʧЧ۸ :Supplier/Stock Code Global Expiry Date Update >Ӧ̣ȫʧЧڸ :Supplier/Stock Code Global Update >Ӧ̣ȫָ :Supplier/Stock Code X-ref >/X-ref :Supplier/Stock Code xref Maintenance >Ӧ̿ά :Supplier/Stock Codes >Ӧ/ :Supplier/Stock Cross Reference >/潻 :Supplier/Stock Cross Reference found. Use details from Cross Reference? >Ӧ̣ҵҪʹö :Supplier/Stock Cross-References >Ӧ/ղο :Supplier/Stock code not in supplier/stock code cross-reference >ڹӦ/ղοеĹӦ/ :Supplier/stk xref Maintenance >Ӧ̣ά :Supplier/stock code contract not deleted >δɾӦ/ͬ :Supplier/stock code interchange required >ҪӦ̣뻥ϵͳ :Supplier/stock code interchange system required >ҪӦ̣뻥ϵͳ :Supplier/stock code not in Supplier/Stock Code Cross Reference >Ӧ̣벻ڹӦ̣ :Supplier/stock code not in supplier/stock code cross-reference >Ӧ/벻ڹӦ/ղο :Supplier/stock code order X-ref not deleted >δɾӦ/붩ղο :Suppliers > :Suppliers Only >Ӧ :Suppliers Performance Report >Ӧ̼Ч :Suppliers address >Ӧ̵ַ :Suppliers for Stock code >빩Ӧ :Suppliers on hold >Ӧ :Suppliers to Pay >ҪĹӦ :Suppliers' Performance >Ӧ̼Ч :Suppliers' Performance Report >Ӧҵ :Supplies Raised >ߵĹӦ :Supplimentary Code > :Supply >Ӧ :Supply Chain >Ӧ :Supply Chain Actions >ӦΪ :Supply Chain Review >Ӧ :Supply Chain Transfer >Ӧת :Supply Chain Transfer Warehouses >ӦתƲֿ :Supply Date Reinstatement >Ӧڻָ :Supply Query >Ӧѯ :Supply Warehouse Validation >ṩֿ :Supply and Demand Details for Component >Ĺϸ :Supply and demand details >ϸ :Supply chain tranfers >Ӧת :Supply chain transfer created >ѴĹӦת :Supply chain transfer documents >Ӧתļ :Supply chain transfer not on file >ӦתƲļ :Supply chain transfer orders >Ӧתƶ :Supply chain transfers >Ӧת :Supply chain transfers only >Ӧת :Supply chains >Ӧ :Supply either quantity or units/pieces >Ӧλ :Supply message > :Supply orders >Ӧ :Supply qty >Ӧ :Supply quantity >Ӧ :Supply request >Ӧ :Supply request alert >Ӧʾ :Supply request in Sales Order Entry >۶еĹӦ :Supply to create >供应以创建 :Supply warehouse >Ӧֿ :Supply/Demand >Ӧ :Supply/demand to include >ҪĹӦ :Supplying warehouse >Ӧֿ :Support >֧ :Suppress >ѹ :Suppress MRP >隐藏 MRP :Suppress MRP ordering > MRP :Suppress MRP ordering for non current ECC rev/rel >Ϊǵǰ̱ (ECC) ޶/ǩѹ MRP :Suppress blank lines >ѹհ :Suppress blank lines in detail layout >ϸеĿ :Suppress blank lines in subtotals and report totals >СƺͱϼеĿ :Suppress customer's format >ѹͻʽ :Suppress error messages >ƴϢ :Suppress further warnings during this run >ڼƽһ :Suppress if field has same value as previous line >ֶǰһеֵͬѹ :Suppress image in XML preview >XMLԤнֹͼ :Suppress leading spaces for all numeric fields >ѹȫֶǰĿո :Suppress leading zeros >ѹǰ :Suppress leading zeros (if any) >ֹΪ㣨У :Suppress time prompts if rate is zero >Ϊ㣬ʱʾ :Suppress time prompts if the rate is zero >Ϊ㣬ʱʾ :Suppress trailing zeros in unit mass >ѹλеβ :Suppress warning messages >隐藏警告消息 :Suppression > :Suspend > :Suspend Refresh Events >ˢ¼ :Suspend depreciation >ݼ۾ :Suspend depreciation flag >۾ɱ־ :Suspend from depreciation >۾ɹ :Suspended >ѹ :Suspense >˳ :Suspense (S) >˳(S) :Suspense order (S) >˳򶩵(S) :Suspense orders >𶩵 :Swedish > :Switch Company >ת˾ :Switch Role >תְ :Switch Smart Link Off >ر :Switch Source/Target >תԴĿ :Switch User >лû :Switch role to >תְ :Switch to a different role >תְͬ :Switching commitment accounting off will result in the commitment master and transaction files being cleared. Do you wish to clear the commitments? >رճŵƽŵͽļϣóŵ :Symbols > :Synchronising Folders >ͬļ :Synchronising Samples Folder >ͬƷļ :Synchronize >ͬ :Synchronize Contacts between SYSPRO and Outlook >ͬ SYSPRO Outlook ϵ :Synchronize contact details between the SYSPRO Contact Management System and Microsoft Outlook >ͬ SYSPRO ϵ˹ϵͳ Microsoft Outlook ֮ϵ :Synchronize the chart and the grid >ͬͼ :Syntax >语法 :Syntax Check >﷨ :Syspro APS >Syspro APS :System >ϵͳ :System Admin & Shared Programs >ϵͳ빲 :System Admin login information >系统登录信息 :System Audit >ϵͳ :System Audit Amendment Journal >ϵͳ޶ռ :System Audit Log >ϵͳ־ :System Audit Log Purge >ϵͳ־ :System Audit Purge >ϵͳ :System Audit Query >ϵͳƲѯ :System Checks/EFT >ϵͳ֧Ʊת(EFT) :System Checks/EFT - Automatic Release >ϵͳƱ/EFT - Զ :System Checks/EFT - Review Invoices >ϵͳƱ/EFT - ˷Ʊ :System Info >ϵͳϢ :System Information >ϵͳϢ :System Limit >ϵͳ :System Limit Reached >Ѵﵽϵͳ :System Manager >ϵͳ :System Setup >ϵͳ :System Time >ϵͳʱ :System Variables >ϵͳ :System admin >ϵͳ :System administrator >ϵͳԱ :System and Printer Information >ϵͳʹӡϢ :System and company setup options >ϵͳ͹˾ѡ :System check/EFT numbering >ϵͳ֧Ʊ/EFT :System checks >ϵͳУ :System date >Ѵϵͳ :System date at entry >ϵͳǼ :System date format >ϵͳڸʽ :System date presentation format >ϵͳڱʾʽ :System maintenance. Continue with login? >ϵͳάҪ¼ :System released >ѷϵͳ :System settings >ϵͳ :System settings - Configured using System Setup >ϵͳ - ʹϵͳý :System under development >еϵͳ :System variable >ϵͳ :System wide >ϵͳ :System wide screen customization directory does not exist >ϵͳ嶨ƻĿ¼ :System-Wide Layouts >ϵͳ :System-Wide Properties >ϵͳ :System-wide >ϵͳ :System-wide Address Formatting >ϵͳַʽ :System-wide Defaults >ϵͳĬ :System-wide Personalization >ϵͳԻ :System-wide configuration >ϵͳ :System-wide database information >ϵͳݿϢ :Systems And Database Administrator >ϵͳݿԱ :Sytem Limit >ϵͳ :T.T.F. = >T.T.F. = :TMP evaluated flag >TMP :TMP pickup flag >TMP ռ :TOTAL variance entry >总差异条目 :TP Account Maintenance >ó״(TP)ʻά :TP Customer >ó״(TP)ͻ :TP Master/Sub account >ó״(TP)ʻ :TP Sub-accounts >TP ˻ :TP Sub-accounts for Customer >ó״(TP)ͻʻ :TP account >ó״(TP)ʻ :TPM >ó״(TPM) :TPM Account Maintenance >ó״ (TPM) ʻά :TPM Accounts >ó״ (TPM) ʻ :TPM Accrual Type >ó״(TPM)Ϣ :TPM Accrual Type Maintenance >ó״(TPM)Ϣά :TPM Accrual Types >TPM Ϣ :TPM Accruals >ó״ (TPM) Ϣ :TPM Control >TPM :TPM Conversion >ó״(TPM)ת :TPM Customer Maintenance >ó״(TPM)ͻά :TPM Customer Sub-accounts >ó״(TPM)ͻʻ :TPM Customers >ó״(TPM)ͻ :TPM Deduction Code >ó״(TPM)۳ :TPM Deduction Code Maintenance >ó״ (TPM) ۳ά :TPM Deduction Codes >TPM ô :TPM Deduction Notes >TPM ע :TPM Deduction Review >ó״(TPM)۳ :TPM Deductions Review Master >TPM :TPM Free Goods >ó״ (TPM) ѻ :TPM Free Goods Thresholds >TPM ѻֵ :TPM G/L Clearing Account >ó״(TPM)(G/L)ʻ :TPM GL Integration >TPM GL :TPM Integration Update >TPM ϸ :TPM Journal >TPM ռ :TPM Journal GL Distribution >TPM ռ GL :TPM Journal GL Integration >TPM ռ GL :TPM Journal Print >ó״(TPM)ռʴӡ :TPM Journal Print Business Object >TMP ռ˴ӡҵ :TPM Journal Report >ó״(TPM)ռʱ :TPM Link Error >ó״ (TPM) Ӵ :TPM List of Accrual Types >ó״ (TPM) Ϣб :TPM List of Customers >ó״ (TPM) ͻб :TPM List of Deduction Codes >ó״ (TPM) ۳б :TPM List of Prices >ó״ (TPM) ۸б :TPM List of Product Group Codes >ó״ (TPM) Ʒб :TPM List of Promotion Codes >ó״ (TPM) б :TPM List of Resolution Codes >ó״ (TPM) б :TPM Master Sub-account Index >TPM ˻ :TPM Master Sub-accounts >TPM ˻ :TPM Master/Sub Accounts >ó״(TPM)ʻ :TPM Master/Sub account >ó״(TPM)ʻ :TPM Off Invoice >ó״ (TPM) Ʊ :TPM Preferences >ó״ (TPM) ѡ :TPM Price Maintenance >ó״ (TPM) ۸ά :TPM Price Matrix >ó״(TPM)۸ :TPM Price basis >TPM 价格基础 :TPM Price type >ó״(TPM)۸ :TPM Prices >TPM ۸ :TPM Pricing Detail >TPM ϸ :TPM Pricing Detail Query >ó״(TPM)۸ϸѯ :TPM Pricing Query >TPM ۲ѯ :TPM Product Group Master >TPM Ʒ :TPM Product group >ó״(TPM)Ʒ :TPM Product group '%1' not found >δҵó״(TPM)Ʒ '%1' :TPM Product group maintenance >ó״(TPM)Ʒά :TPM Promotion Code Copy >ó״ (TPM) 븴 :TPM Promotion Code Maintenance >ó״ (TPM) ά :TPM Promotion Code Query >ó״(TPM)ѯ :TPM Promotion Codes >ó״(TPM) :TPM Promotion Detail Query >TPM ϸѯ :TPM Promotion Detail Transactions >TPM ϸ :TPM Promotion Item List >TPM Ŀб :TPM Promotion Master >TPM :TPM Promotion Review >ó״(TPM) :TPM Promotion Review Details >ó״ (TPM) ϸ :TPM Promotion Transactions >TPM :TPM Promotion Work File >TPM ļ :TPM Promotion Work File Global Detail >TPM ļȫϸ :TPM Promotion code >TPM :TPM Promotion selection Global and Line >ó״ (TPM) ѡȫֺ :TPM Promotion sequence >TPM ˳ :TPM Promotional Accrual >TPM 促销应计项目 :TPM Qualified Promotions Query >TPM ϸѯ :TPM Query Business Object >ó״ (TPM) ѯҵ :TPM Relation >ó״(TPM)ϵ :TPM Resolution Code >ó״(TPM) :TPM Resolution Code Maintenance >ó״ (TPM) ά :TPM Resolution Codes >TPM :TPM Setup >ó״(TPM) :TPM Sub-accounts for Customer >ó״(TPM)ͻʻ :TPM TP Account Maintenance >ó״ (TPM) TP ʻά :TPM Transactions For Deductions >TPM ý :TPM credit checking required >Ҫó״(TPM)ü :TPM customer >ó״(TPM)ͻ :TPM customers not supported in this program >不受此程序支持的 TPM 客户 :TPM journals >TPM ռ :TPM pricing required >Ҫó״(TPM) :TPM relationship >ó״(TPM)ϵ :TT option >TTѡ :TTF = DTF + WH lead time >TTF = DTF + WH 交货周期 :TTF = DTF + WH lead time >TTF = DTF + ֿǰ :Tab Page >лҳ :Tab Page Description >ҳ˵ :Tab appearance >ѡ :Tab page where field changed >ֶθĵѡҳ :Tabbing >ƶ :Tabbing Sequence for Forms >Ŀƶ˳ :Tabbing fields DONT TOUCH >־ֶDONT TOUCH𴥼 :Tabbing sequence is applied when tabbing off last >当跨栏离开最后一个表格字段时或如果按 CTRL+N 组合键, :Table > :Table '%1' already exists > '%1' Ѵ :Table '%1' locked exclusively > '%1'ȫ :Table '%1' not found >δҵ '%1' :Table Access Problem >ȡ :Table Information >Ϣ :Table Maintenance >ά :Table Name > :Table Name Quick View >ٲ鿴 :Table Properties > :Table Structure Maintenance >ṹά :Table Validation >֤ :Table and column filter > :Table column spanning > :Table creation failed >创建表失败 :Table creation successful >创建表成功 :Table definition not found >δҵ :Table definition only > :Table description >˵ :Table exists in R/W >ڱ(R/W)Ѵ :Table level access >ʱ :Table not found >δҵ :Table not found in data dictionary >ֵδҵ :Table of Contents title >Ŀ¼ :Table rate > :Table setup and location >λ :Table to be created to exists >ҪԴڵı :Table type > :Table verification details >֤ϸ :Tables > :Tables for Export >ڵı :Tables for Import >Ҫı :Tables included in structure >ṹаı :Tables linked to primary table >ı :Tables to Export >⵼ı :Tablet Layout >平板电脑布局 :Tabular > :Tag >ǩ :Tag File Name >ļ :Tag-File Name >ļ :Take Cash In >ֽ :Take Cash in Password >ֽտ :Take Payment >տ :Take Snapshot > :Take a New Snapshot >Ϣ :Take a Payment >收取付款 :Take a snapshot of the relevant data files and use the information to net-off supply against demand and calculate the future capacity and/or material positions >对相关数据文件制作快照并使用信息针对需求扣除供应,然后计算未来能力和/或材料状况 :Take on Sales Transactions >ִ۽ :Take on a history of balances for selected ledger codes over a number of previous ledger years >нѡ˶ǰݵʷ :Take on a stock item's year end quantity on hand for the last five years >нӹȥĿ :Take on aged valuation when adding stock codes >ӿʱִ֤ :Take on and maintain the employees used in production >нӲάԱ :Take on authorities when adding statuses >״̬ʱִȨ֤ :Take on authorities when adding user >ûʱִȨ֤ :Take on foreign purchase prices when adding stock codes >ӿʱִɹ۸ :Take on pricing when adding stock codes >ӿʱִж :Take on sales quantity history when adding stock codes >ӿʱִʷ¼ :Take on warehouses when adding stock codes >ӿʱִвֿ :Take-on > :Take-on Header >ҳü :Take-on Transaction >潻 :Taken >ȡ :Tansaction value >׼ֵ :Tape >Ŵ :Target >Ŀ :Target %1 >Ŀ %1 :Target Casepack >Ŀװ :Target Company >Ŀ깫˾ :Target Currency >λ :Target Field Validation >Ŀֶ֤ :Target File Validation >Ŀļ֤ :Target MTD >Ŀ MTD :Target Maintenance >Ŀά :Target Table Validation >Ŀ֤ :Target Wh description >Ŀֿ :Target YTD >YTD Ŀ :Target and source estimate/route match. Please select a different source >ĿԴۣ·ƥ䡣ѡԴ :Target and source parent/route match. Please select a different source >ĿԴĸʣ·ƥ䡣ѡԴ :Target and source parent/route/version/release match. Please select a different source >ĿԴʣ·ߣ汾ǩƥ䡣ѡԴ :Target column >Ŀ :Target cur >Ŀ :Target database type >Ŀݿ :Target description >Ŀ˵ :Target field >Ŀֶ :Target file >Ŀļ :Target file code selection >Ŀļѡ :Target for disaggregation >ۺϵĿ :Target for results >Ŀ :Target framework >Ŀ :Target indicator >Ŀָ :Target level >Ŀ꼶 :Target level % >Ŀ꼶 % :Target not on file >Ŀ겻 :Target operator >ĿԱ :Target options >Ŀѡ :Target rate >Ŀ :Target selection >Ŀѡ :Target service level >Ŀ񼶱 :Target shortfall >Ŀ :Target table >Ŀ :Target turns >Ŀת :Target type >Ŀ :Target type cannot be blank >ĿͲΪ :Target w/h >Ŀֿ :Target w/h description >Ŀֿ :Target warehouse >Ŀֿ :Target warehouse '%1' missing for SCT >SCTĿֿ '%1' ȱ :Target warehouse desc >Ŀֿ :Target warehouse description >Ŀֿ :Target warehouse does not exist >Ŀֿⲻ :Target warehouse is the same as the source warehouse >ĿֿԴֿͬ :Target warehouse not found in selected review >ѡͼδҵĿֿ :Target warehouse not on file >Ŀֿⲻ :Target warehouse selection >ָֿѡ :Target warehouses >Ŀֿ :Target wh >ָֿ :Targets >Ŀ :Targets Maintenance >Ŀά :Targets Type >目标类型 :Targets required for this summary >ժҪҪĿ :Targets to Maintain >Ŀά :Targets to print >ӡĿ :Tariff >˰ :Tariff Code / Country Status >˰룯״ :Tariff Code Maintenance >˰ά :Tariff Code/Country Status >˰/λ :Tariff Codes >˰ :Tariff Maintenance >˰ά :Tariff class >˰ :Tariff class selection >˰ȼѡ :Tariff classes >˰ :Tariff code >˰ :Tariff code '%1' not found >δҵ˰ '%1' :Tariff code / Country Status not on file >˰룯״ļ :Tariff code description >˰ :Tariff code is spaces. Do you wish to continue? >˰ǿոϣ :Tariff code selection >˰ѡ :Tariff code/Country Status not on file >˰/λ :Task > :Task % complete > % :Task Details >ϸ :Task Details for >ϸ :Task Details for:Inventory ϸ: > :Task Groups > :Task List >嵥 :Task Manager > :Task Manager - %1 Processes (3 SYSPRO) > - %1 (3 SYSPRO) :Task Manager Help Topics > :Task Manager Warning > :Task Messages >Ϣ :Task Messages for >Ϣ :Task Reminders > :Task definition > :Task description >˵ :Task due date > :Task group > :Task list view >鿴 :Task message >Ϣ :Task next occurs on >ı :Task occurs > :Task order > :Task panel > :Task status >״̬ :Tasks > :Tasks Now Due >ڵ :Tasks due view >鿴 :Tax >˰ :Tax Code >˰մ :Tax Calculation >˰ռ :Tax Calculation Distribution >˰ :Tax Calculation Error >˰ :Tax Code Details >˰ϸ :Tax Code Limit >˰մ :Tax Code Maintenance >˰մά :Tax Code Setup >˰ :Tax Codes >˰մ :Tax Codes Maintenance >˰ά :Tax Distribution >˰ :Tax Distribution Method >˰շ䷽ :Tax Distribution on Multiple GL Codes > GL ˰ :Tax Effective Dates >˰Ч :Tax Effective Rates >˰Ч :Tax Effective Rates Maintenance >˰Чά :Tax Expense Account >˰˻ :Tax History >˰¼ :Tax Options >˰ѡ :Tax Period Setup >˰ :Tax Portion >˰ղ :Tax Portion Range >˰ղַΧ :Tax Portion of Discount >ۿ۵˰ղ :Tax Registration Number >˰ע :Tax Report >˰񱨸 :Tax Report in Progress >ִ˰񱨱 :Tax Reports >˰񱨸 :Tax Residual value >˰ղֵ :Tax Return >˰걨 :Tax Return Options >˰걨ѡ :Tax Return Period Maintenance >˰걨ά :Tax Return Periods >˰걨 :Tax Return Setup >˰걨 :Tax Return System Data Import/Conversion Utility >˰걨ϵͳݵ/תʵó :Tax Return for >˰걨 :Tax Setup Options >˰ѡ :Tax Value Adjustment G/L Control Account >˰ֵG/Lʻ :Tax Values Schedule >˰ ֵƻ :Tax Values Schedule in Progress >ִ˰ֵƻ :Tax account >˰˻ :Tax accumulated dep >˰ۼ۾ :Tax acquisition value is zero. Do you want to continue? >˰չֵΪ㡣ϣ? :Tax additional information >˰񸽼Ϣ :Tax adjustment >˰ :Tax adjustment value >˰յֵ :Tax allow current value >˰ǰֵ :Tax allow depr B/F >˰۾B/F :Tax allow depr last year >˰۾ :Tax allow depr this year >˰۾ :Tax allow value B/F >˰ֵB/F :Tax allowance >˰ :Tax allowance B/F >֮ǰ˰ :Tax allowance code >˰ :Tax allowance current value >ǰ˰ :Tax allowance last year >˰ :Tax allowance this YTD > YTD ˰ :Tax allowance this year >˰ :Tax allowance value B/F >֮ǰ˰ :Tax amount >˰ :Tax amount (in local currency) >˰ԵػΪλ :Tax amount entered is more than 50% of transaction amount. Do you wish to continue? >˰ڽ׽50%ϣ :Tax amount in local currency >˰ػң :Tax amount on the settlement discount cannot be requested as the Tax setup option '%1' is set to '%2' >޷ۿ۵˰Ϊ˰ѡ '%1' Ϊ '%2' :Tax amount on the settlement discount cannot be requested as the Tax setup option 'Withholding tax required' is set to 'Yes' >޷ʻе˰Ϊ˰ѡҪ˰աΪǡ :Tax asset cost >˰ʲɱ :Tax base value >˰ֵ :Tax based on >˰գ :Tax basis >˰ :Tax by area of new customer not compatible >¿ͻ˰ղ :Tax by geographic area >˳˰ :Tax calculation basis >˰ռ׼ :Tax code >˰ :Tax code '%1' not found >δҵ˰մ '%1' :Tax code by area of new customer not compatible >¿ͻ˰մ벻 :Tax code cannot be blank >˰մ벻Ϊհ :Tax code description >˰մ :Tax code does not match passed tax code >˰벻ƥͨ˰ :Tax code excluded from report >ų˰ :Tax code excluded from return >رų˰ :Tax code information >˰Ϣ :Tax code invalid >˰մЧ :Tax code is not on file >税务代码不存在 :Tax code level >˰մ뼶 :Tax code locked >˰մ :Tax code must be in the range A to H for Cash Book and Accounts Payable modules >ֽʱӦʿģ飬˰մAHΧ :Tax code must be in the range A to H for Cash Book and Accounts Payable modules >ֽʱӦʿģ飬˰մAHΧ :Tax code must be in the range '%1' to '%2' >˰մ '%1' '%2' ķΧ֮ :Tax code must be in the range A-H and must be held on file >˰A-HΧҴļ :Tax code must be in the range A-Z >˰մA-HΧ :Tax code must be in the range A-Z and must be held on file >˰մA-HΧҴļ :Tax code not deleted. Tax codes 'A' to 'H' may not be deleted >δɾ˰մ롣ɾ˰մAH :Tax code not on file >˰մ벻ļ :Tax code rate >˰մ :Tax code selection >˰մѡ :Tax code to be used >ʹõ˰ :Tax date >˰ :Tax dep code >˰۾ɴ :Tax dep period %1 >˰۾ %1 :Tax depn code >˰۾ɴ :Tax depr code >˰۾ɴ :Tax depreciation >˰۾ :Tax depreciation code >˰۾ɴ :Tax depreciation details >˰۾ϸ :Tax depreciation suspended >ѹ˰۾ :Tax depreciation this YTD > YTD ˰۾ :Tax depreciation this period >ڵ˰۾ :Tax details >˰ϸ :Tax details for non-stocked/operations >ǿ棯˰ϸ :Tax distribution analysis not required >Ҫ˰շ :Tax distribution analysis not required. Program cancelled >Ҫ˰շȡ :Tax distribution details >˰շϸ :Tax distribution method may not be 'summary' if EC VAT system is required >Ҫ ECֵ˰ϵͳ˰շ䷽ΪժҪ :Tax distribution required for >Ҫ˰շ䣬 :Tax effective date >˰Ч :Tax entries before >֮ǰ˰Ŀ :Tax entry month >˰Ŀ· :Tax entry year >˰Ŀ :Tax exempt >˰ :Tax exempt no >˰ :Tax exempt number >˰ :Tax exemption >˰ռ :Tax exemption no >免税号码 :Tax exemption number >˰ :Tax exemption selection >˰ѡ :Tax exemption status >˰״̬ :Tax for Deposits G/ Control Account >G/Lʻ˰ :Tax for Deposits G/L Control Account >G/Lʻ˰ :Tax for Withdrawals G/L Control Account >G/Lʻ˰ :Tax for Withdrawals GL Control Account >G/Lʻ˰ :Tax for deposits >˰ :Tax for withdrawals >˰ :Tax geo code >˰յ :Tax history before >֮ǰ˰¼ :Tax history date cannot be zero, and cannot be later than effective date >˰¼ڲΪ㣬ҲʧЧ :Tax included in deductions and accruals >ڿ۳Ϣе˰ :Tax information >˰Ϣ :Tax infromation >˰Ϣ :Tax interface >˰ :Tax is by geographic area and ship address is by line >税收按地区且发货地址按行 :Tax last year dep >˰۾ :Tax ledger code not on file >˰˴벻 :Tax limits >˰ :Tax no >˰ :Tax no of periods EUL >˰ EUL :Tax no of years EUL >˰ EUL :Tax number >˰պ :Tax number of periods EUL > EUL ˰ :Tax number of years EUL > EUL ˰ :Tax on GST >GST ˰ :Tax on Non-refunded Portion >ǻ˰ :Tax on settlement discount >ۿ˰ :Tax paid >Ѹ˰ :Tax period >˰ :Tax portion for invoice adjustments/discounts cannot be requested as the Tax setup option '%1' is set to '%2' >޷Ʊۿ۵˰ղ֣Ϊûн˰ѡ '%1' Ϊ '%2' :Tax portion for invoice adjustments/discounts cannot be requested as the Tax setup option 'Withholding tax required' is set to 'Yes' >޷Ʊۿ۵˰ղ֣Ϊ˰ѡҪ˰աΪǡ :Tax portion of adjustment >˰ղ :Tax portion of adjustment cannot be more than adjustment amount and must be same sign >˰ղֲôڵұʹͬı־ :Tax portion of adjustment cannot be more than adjustment amount and must be the same sign >˰ղֲôڵұʹͬı־ :Tax portion of adjustments >˰ղ :Tax portion of current balance >ǰ˰񲿷 :Tax portion of settlement discount >ʻ˰ղ :Tax portion/s of settlement discount cannot be greater than the discount amount >ʻ˰ղֲôۿ۶ :Tax rate >˰ :Tax rate % >˰% :Tax rate %1 >˰ %1 :Tax rate decimals >˰ʮ :Tax registration no >税务登记编号 :Tax registration number EU >ŷ(EU)˰ע :Tax remaining periods EUL >ʣ EUL ˰ :Tax residual >˰ղֵ :Tax return submitted >ύ˰걨 :Tax rounding and/or invoice rounding must be selected >ѡ˰ȡͣƱȡ :Tax selection >˰ѡ :Tax setup >˰ :Tax start date >˰տʼ :Tax start depn date >˰ʼ۾ :Tax start depn period >˰ʼ۾ :Tax start depn year >˰ʼ۾ :Tax start depreciation date >˰տʼ۾ :Tax start period >˰տʼ :Tax start year >˰ʼ :Tax statistical gl code >˰ͳ˴ :Tax statistical ledger code >˰ͳƷ˴ :Tax status >˰״̬ :Tax status flag >˰״̬ :Tax status of new customer not compatible >¿ͻ˰״̬ :Tax status override flag >˰״̬DZ :Tax suspend >˰ :Tax system >˰ϵͳ :Tax throughput EUL >˰ EUL :Tax thruput EUL >˰ EUL :Tax total periods depr to date >˰ϼ۾ :Tax type >˰ :Tax valuation >˰ֵ :Tax value >˰ֵ :Tax value '%1' exceeds invoice value '%2' >˰ռֵ '%1' Ʊֵ '%2' :Tax value (local) >˰ () :Tax value B/F >ǰ˰ֵ :Tax value Cost/value >˰ɱ/ֵ :Tax values >˰ :Tax varying annivesary >˰仯 :Tax varying depr anniversary >˰ɱ۾ :Tax withheld >˰ :Tax year >˰ :Tax/GST details >˰/GST ϸ :Tax/GST information >˰գGSTϢ :Tax/Invoice Rounding Options >˰գƱȡѡ :Tax/Um >˰գλ :Tax/invoice rounding required >Ҫ˰գƱȡ :Taxable >Ӧ˰ :Taxable (use '%1') >Ӧ˰ģʹ '%1' :Taxable Portion >˰ :Taxable Portion of Settlement Disccount >ʻĿ˰ :Taxable amount >˰ :Taxable amount is greater than gross payment >税额大于总付款 :Taxable invoice >˰Ʊ :Taxable invoice (using '%1' tax code) >Ӧ˰Ʊʹ '%1' ˰մ룩 :Taxable invoice (using 'Other' tax code) >˰Ʊʹá˰մ룩 :Taxable portion of settlement discount >ʻĿ˰ :Taxable value >˰ֵ :Teardown >ж :Teardown Time - Non-Productive >жʱ - :Teardown Time - Productive >жʱ - :Teardown Time Ledger Code >жʱʴ :Teardown rate >ж :Teardown time >жʱ :Teardown time ( ) >жʱ ( ) :Teardown time (Min) >жʱ䣨 :Teardown time (hrs) >жʱ䣨ʱ :Teardown time entered >жʱ :Teardown time issued >ǩIJʱ :Teardown time rate >жʱ :Teardown-rate >ж :Technical Information >Ϣ :Technical Specification > :Technical Specification Notes >ע :Technical Specification Text >ı :Technical info >Ϣ :Telephone >绰 :Telephone extension number >绰ֻ :Telephone number >绰 :Telephone number (and Additional telephone) >绰루绰 :Telex >紫 :Telex number >紫 :Temp job >ģҵ :Temp path >¶ͼ :Template >ģ :Template Added >ģ :Template Details >ģϸ :Template Editor >ģ༭ :Template Error >ģ :Template Header >ģҳü :Template Ledger Code >ģʴ :Template Level >ģ弶 :Template Options >ģѡ :Template Pane >ģ崰 :Template Selection Range >ģѡΧ :Template Status >ģ״̬ :Template Validation Error >ģ֤ :Template already exists on the Analytics database >ģAnalyticsݿѴ :Template code >ģ :Template configuration >ģ :Template description >ģ :Template details for this alternate book will be cleared - are you sure you wish to turn this alternate value flag off? >˱˲ģϸ - ȷҪرմ˱üֵ? :Template entries to view >Ҫ鿴ģ :Template file >ģļ :Template id >ģ id :Template is inactive >ģЧ :Template levels record locked >ģ弶¼ :Template location >ģλ :Template name >ģ :Template name '%1' already in use >Ѵʹеģ :Template name cannot be spaces >ģΪո :Template not ready for use or not on file >ģδ׼û򲻴 :Template path >ģ· :Template record locked >ģ¼ :Template selection >ģѡ :Template to >ģ嵽 :Template values >ģֵ :Template.gs >ģgs :Templates >ģ :Templates Level >ģ弶 :Templates record locked >ģ¼ :Temporarily suspend archiving for all document types >ʱĵ͵Ĺ鵵 :Temporarily unavailable >ʱ :Temporary >ʱ :Temporary Directory to Use >ҪʹõʱĿ¼ :Temporary Directory to Use >ҪʹõʱĿ¼ :Temporary File Creation in Progress >ִʱļ :Temporary Files >ʱļ :Temporary Stock code with sales order details and/or purchase order details will be deleted >۶ϸͣɹϸʱ뽫ɾ :Temporary client folder >ʱͻļ :Temporary directory >ʱĿ¼ :Temporary file location >ʱļλ :Temporary file name full path >ʱļȫ· :Temporary folder >ʱļ :Temporary stock code has sales order details and/or purchase order details >۶ϸͣɹϸʱ :Temporary stock codes >ʱ :Tender >Ͷ :Tender date > :Tender date invalid >投标日期无效 :Tentative > :Terminate >ֹ :Terminate Workflow Instance >ֹʵ :Terminated >ֹ :Terminates the selected workflow instance >ֹѡʵ :Terminating >ֹ :Termination Failed >ֹʧ :Terms > :Terms (%) >(%) :Terms Code > :Terms Code Maintenance >ά :Terms Discount >ۿ :Terms Maintenance >ά :Terms checking > :Terms checking based on >У飬 :Terms code '%1' not found >δҵ '%1' :Terms code before >֮ǰ :Terms code not on file >޴벻 :Terms code selection >޴ѡ :Terms desc > :Terms description >˵ :Terms for finance charges >շ :Terms selection >ѡ :Terms/Margins > :Territory > :Territory code > :Territory office > :Test > :Test Administration Layer connection >Թ :Test Alignment > :Test Alternate U/m Conversion >滻λ(U/m)ת :Test Alternate Unit of measure Conversion >鱸üλת :Test Analysis Server Connection >Է :Test Bulk Insert Instruction >ָ :Test Bulk Insert command > :Test Configuration > :Test Connection to SQL Server was successful >SQLӲѳɹ :Test Conversion >ת :Test Current Login >Եǰ¼ :Test Database Login >ݿ¼ :Test Duration (sec) >Գʱ䣨룩 :Test Files >ļ :Test Formats >Ըʽ :Test Label Alignment in Progress >ִвԱǩ :Test Ledger Code stuff >Էʴ :Test Login >Ե¼ :Test Manufacturing Unit of Measure Conversion >λת :Test Mode >Է :Test Notification Email >֪ͨʼ :Test Other U/m Conversion >λ(U/m)ת :Test Other Unit of measure Conversion >λת :Test Print Setup Dialog >ԴӡöԻ :Test Report Mode >Աģʽ :Test Report Mode - %1 rows >Աģʽ - %1 :Test Report Mode - Custom >Աģʽ- :Test SQL Connection > SQL :Test Script >Խű :Test Selection Set >ѡ :Test Suite Menu >װ˵ :Test alt bud %1 >滻Ԥ %1 :Test analysis >Է :Test currency conversion rates >ת :Test date > :Test for supplier %1 >Ӧ %1 :Test new role >ְ :Test notification email sent successfully >֪ͨʼͳɹ :Test the connection to the Analysis server using the Windows NT authentication >ʹ Windows NT ֤ :Test the connection to the SQL server using the current authentication information >ʹõǰ֤Ϣ SQL :Testing Current Login >Եǰ¼ :Testing Output >ڲ :Testing Toolbar >ڲԹ :Testing check marks >ڲУ :Text >ѷ :Text / Variable Entry >ı :Text / variable >ı :Text Color >ıɫ :Text Dangerous goods >ΣջƷı :Text Editor >ı༭ :Text Editor (30 columns) >ı༭30 :Text Editor (45 columns) >ı༭45 :Text Editor (60 columns) >ı༭60 :Text Entry >ı :Text Fields >ı :Text Inspections >ı :Text Items >ıĿ :Text Job narrations >ҵı :Text Line Definition >ıж :Text Purchase order >ɹı :Text Sales order >۶ı :Text Technical spec >ı :Text area length invalid >ıЧ :Text file >ıļ :Text for Deduction Amount >۳ı :Text for free goods >ѻı :Text for translation >ı :Text has been translated. Discard these translations? >ıѷϡҪЩ :Text length >ı :Text lines cannot exceed %1 >ıвɳ %1 :Text lines to print cannot be greater than 60 >ӡıô60 :Text lines to print cannot be greater than block size >ҪӡıвɴڿС :Text on push buttons >ť :Text on windows or dialog boxes >ڻԻ :Text type >ı :Text/Variable Entry >ı/Ŀ :Text/variable >ı/ :Thai >̩ :Thailand Legal Notice >̩ʽ֪ͨ :The Copy to Sequence cannot be the same as the Copy from Sequence >向顺序复制不可与从顺序复制相同 :The year end configuration has already been run. Re-run ? >年终配置已运行。要重新运行吗? :The year end configuration has already been run. Re-run? >áҪ :The "OperationName" of a Receive activity cannot contain spaces >ջ "OperationName" () ɰո :The %1 Module is not installed and is required for the ratio's you have selected > %1 ģδװѡıҪʹ :The %1 must be '%2' > %1 Ϊ '%2' :The '%1' '%2' has been saved > '%1' '%2' ѱ :The '%1' cannot contain the following characters '%2' > '%1' ɰַ '%2' :The '%1' company you have selected does not have a control record >ѡ '%1' ˾޿Ƽ¼ :The '%1' function can be used to add user defined tables > '%1' ܿû :The '%1' must be '%2' > '%1' Ϊ '%2' :The '%1' resource is being locked by another user >'%1' Դڱһû :The '%1' you are attempting to save already exists. Would you like to replace it? >Աĸ '%1' Ѵڡϣ滻 :The 'Add' function can be used to add user defined tables >ӡܿû :The 'End date' cannot be less than the 'Start date' >'End date' () С 'Start date' (ʼ) :The 'Release Schedule' program is being run by another user. The 'Payment Release' program can only be run when the 'Release Schedule' has been completed. Program cancelled >ʱһûСֻеʱн󣬷СС򡣳ȡ :The 'Release Schedule' program is being run by another user. The 'Payment Release' program can only be run when the 'Release Schedule' has been completed. Program cancelled >ǩʱһûСֻеǩʱн󣬷Сǩ򡣳ȡ :The 'from' company you have selected does not have a control record >ѡġԡ˾޿Ƽ¼ :The .Net framework %1 is not installed >δװ.Netܹ :The 4.0 format file has been successfully converted to SYSPRO 6.0 format. However, the program is unable to delete to 4.0 format file. Please take the necessary action to allow the 4.0 format file to be deleted >4.0ʽļѱɹתΪSYSPRO 6.0ʽȻó޷ɾ4.0ʽļȡҪʩɾ4.0ʽļ :The 4.0 format file has been successfully converted to the SYSPRO 6.0 format. However, the program is unable to delete to 4.0 format file. Please take the necessary action to allow the 4.0 format file to be deleted >4.0ʽļѱɹתΪSYSPRO 6.0ʽȻó޷ɾ4.0ʽļȡҪʩɾ4.0ʽļ :The A/P Payment Cycle wizard will now be invoked >Ӧʿ (A/P) ѭ :The A/P Payment Run header and detail files and the A/P Checks Issued file will not be converted >Ӧʿ(A/P)бͷϸļԼӦʿ(A/P)֧Ʊǩļת :The A/P Revaluation cannot continue as incomplete payment cycles exist >A/P ¹ֵδɵĸѭ޷ :The A/R Statement formats will now be converted >Ӧտ(A/R)ʽת :The AP Payment Cycle wizard will now be invoked >Ӧʿ (AP) ѭ :The AP Payment Run header and detail files and the AP Checks Issued file will not be converted >Ӧʿ(AP)бͷϸļԼӦʿ(AP)֧Ʊǩļת :The AP Remittance Check archive control tables have been saved >ѱ AP ֧ƱƱ :The AP Remittance archive control tables have been saved >ѱ AP Ʊ :The AP Revaluation cannot continue as incomplete payment cycles exist >AP ¹ֵδɵĸѭ޷ :The AR Statement Print archive control tables have been saved >ѱ AR ӡƱ :The AR Statement formats will now be converted >Ӧտ(AR)ʽת :The Account name cannot be spaces. Please enter a name >ʻƲΪո :The Accounts Payable Period End program will now run. Select the '%1' function in order to balance the supplier >ӦʿڽͶСѡ '%1' ܣԼ㹩Ӧ :The Accounts Payable Period End program will now run. Select the 'Balance' function in order to balance the supplier >Ӧʿճ򼴽ͶСѡܣԼ㹩Ӧ :The Activity was successfully posted >ѳɹ :The Activity was successfully posted.\n\nDo you wish to post another Activity now? >ѳɹʡ\n\nϣڹ :The Administrator's name cannot be blank >ԱƲΪհ :The Analysis Server details has been changed. Please test the Analysis Server connection >ѸġԷ :The Assets Journal Adjustments and Distribution files will not be converted >ʲռʵͷļת :The Assets Setup program will now start to enable you to check period end and current month dates.\n\nWhen you are satisfied with these settings click Save to return to the conversion >ʲó򼴽ʼʹܹĩ͵ǰ·ڡ\n\nЩֵʱ뵥桱صת :The Assets data will now be converted to %1 format. This process will also >ʲݽתΪ %1 ʽ˹̻ :The Balance, Month end and Period end functions >ɴӹ˾ƽ⡢½ :The Bank Charges Ledger Code entered is not a control account >з÷ʴ벻һʻ :The Book '%1' already exists for site '%2' >˲ '%1' վ '%2' Ѵ :The Book '%1' already exists on the database >ʲ '%1' ݿѴ :The Browse name selected already exists. Do you wish to maintain this browse? >ѡѴڡϣ :The Budget Spread Must Total 100% >ԤĺϼƱΪ100% :The Bulk Insert folder does not exist >批量插入文件夹不存在 :The Business Analytics Setup has not been completed yet. Please complete this first before running the extract >δҵáȡ֮ǰɴ :The CMS Purge of Contacts and Activities is not permitted. This option can be turned on in the Contact Management Setup program >ϵ˹ϵͳ (CMS) ϵ˺ͻѡϵ˹óд :The CSS theme file for this report cannot be found or cannot be copied to your browser directory . Please check the permissions or check the visual theme for your report >޷ҵCSSļ޷ļƵĿ¼С鱨Ȩ޻ӷ :The CSS theme file for your account details cannot be found or cannot be copied to your browser directory. Please check the permissions or check the visual theme for your account details >޷ҵʻϸCSSļ޷ļƵĿ¼СʻϸȨ޻ӷ :The CSS theme file for your transactions cannot be found or cannot be copied to your browser directory. Please check the permissions or check the visual theme for your transactions >޷ҵĽ׵CSSļ޷ļƵĿ¼С齻׵Ȩ޻ӷ :The Cash Account Ledger Code entered is not a control account >ֽʻʴ벻һʻ :The Cash Book Remittance Bank archive control tables have been saved >ѱֽ˲еƱ :The Client process has detected an error. The Client will terminate >ͻмдͻֹ :The Client/Server system has detected that the screenset on your Client PC is the incorrect version but the correct version is not available on the server.\n\nThis program cannot be run until the screenset is updated >ͻϵͳѼ⵽ĿͻPCϵĻð汾ȷȷİ汾ڸ÷ϲá\n\nóĻø֮ǰ :The Client/Server system has detected that your screenset needs to be updated.\n\nOk to transfer screenset to your Client PC >ͻϵͳѼ⵽ĻҪ¡\n\nȷҪĻתƵĿͻPC :The Codejock controls could not be copied from the ...\base\controls on the server to the Common Files folder on the client.\n\nThe controls will have to be manually registered on the client >ܽCodejockؼӷϵ...\base\controlsƵͻϵͨļС\n\nֶʽڿͻעЩؼ :The Contact Management System must be initialized before it is used for the first time >ϵ˹ϵͳ״ʹ֮ǰʼ :The Contact Management module has not been installed >δװϵ˹ģ :The Contact to which this operator code is linked is not configured as an '%1' >˲ԱӵϵδΪ '%1' :The Conversion will now do the following updates if required >Ҫʱתִ¸ :The Copy from file is not a multiple record type file >ļƲǶ¼ļ :The Correlation for a Receive activity has not been setup >δջ :The Crystal %1 designer is not installed on the client >ͻδװ Crystal %1 Ա :The Custom Form tables were successfully added to the Report Writer Data dictionary >已成功将自定义表格表添加到报告编写器数据字典 :The Custom Form tables were successfully removed from the Report Writer Data Dictionary >已成功从报告编写器数据字典移除自定义表格表 :The Custom Program Directory has not yet been defined. Use System Setup to define this directory >δ嶨ƳĿ¼ʹϵͳö屾Ŀ¼ :The Customer will now be linked to the Account >ͻʻ :The Customized (system wide) directory cannot be the same as the standard screenset directory >ƣϵͳĿ¼׼ĻĿ¼ͬ :The Customized (system-wide) directory cannot be the same as the standard screenset directory >ƣϵͳĿ¼׼ĻĿ¼ͬ :The Discount Notes archive control tables have been saved >ѱۿ۸עƱ :The Document Type '%1' has been saved >ѱĵ '%1' :The EC delivery terms code is not valid >ŷ(EC)Ч :The EC nature of transaction code is not valid >״ŷ(EC)Ч :The ECO status has been put on hold as one or more of the affected items have already been enabled for structure maintenance under different ECOS and once the structure changes have been applied to these ECOS the status will be released >ѶԲͬECOµĽṹάһӰĿECO״̬ѱһṹıӦЩECO״̬㱻ͷš :The EDI orders confirmation export file name is >EDIõļΪ :The EEC delivery terms code is not valid >ŷ(EEC)Ч :The EFT Remittance archive control tables have been saved >ѱ EFT Ʊ :The EFT bank control record has not been set up for this bank >ڱУδEFTпƼ¼ :The Editing of Custom Notes is not available via the SYSPRO Menu Web Browser. Use the SYSPRO Help program >ͨSYSPRO˵޷༭ע͡ʹSYSPRO :The Encore version number assigned to this import file differs from the version of Encore that you are running. Proceeding with the import may result in data incompatibility. Do you wish to continue? >ļEncore汾еEncoreİ汾ִͬеܻᵼݲݡϣ :The Exchange Variance Ledger Code entered is not a control account >Ķһʴ벻һʻ :The Extract file name is blank >ѹļΪհ :The Factory Documentation archive control tables have been saved >ѱ湤ĵƱ :The Fast Menu already exists >ٲ˵Ѵ :The Forced Balance ledger code has one of the following - Non-zero account balance, non-zero opening balance for current year or non-zero history record for current year. Continue with the deletion of the Forced Balance ledger code? >ǿʴ߱¸֮һ - ʻ㿪ʷ¼Ҫɾǿʴ :The Forced Balance ledger code has one of the following: Non-zero account balance, non-zero opening balance for current year or non-zero history record for current year. Continue with the deletion of the Forced Balance ledger code? >ǿƵʴ߱¸֮һʻǰȵķǰȵķʷ¼Ҫɾǿʴ :The Funnel chart displays a series of data in a funnel shape >©ͼ©״ʾһϵ :The G/L account code mask contains invalid wildcard characters >G/LʻЧͳַ :The G/L interface for this item does not exist >Ŀ(G/L)治 :The G/L interface for this item does not exist. This will need to be set up before invoicing. Do you wish to continue? If you cancel, the quote will not be converted to an Order >Ŀ(G/L)治ڡҪڳ߷Ʊ֮ǰáϣȡ۽תΪ :The G/L period that the current WIP period represents, is closed. Program cancelled >ǰWIPG/Lѽˡȡ :The GL Analysis Category Type Code does not exist >GL 分析类别类型代码不存在 :The GL account code mask contains invalid wildcard characters >G/LʻЧͳַ :The GL account is not on file >(GL)ʻ :The GL interface for this item does not exist >Ŀ(GL)治 :The GL interface for this item does not exist. This will need to be set up before invoicing. Do you wish to continue? If you cancel, the quote will not be converted to an Order >Ŀ(GL)治ڡҪڳ߷Ʊ֮ǰáϣȡ۽תΪ :The GL period that the current WIP period represents, is closed. Program cancelled >ǰWIPG/Lѽˡȡ :The GRN X-ref has been added > GRN ղο :The GRN journal line has been purged. Program cancelled >GRNռСȡ :The GRN journal summary has been purged. Program cancelled >GRNռժҪȡ :The GRN number may not be blank >GRN벻Ϊհ :The GRN number must be non-blank >ջ(GRN)Ϊǿհ :The GRN number must be numeric >GRNΪ :The GRN price variance account is usually an expense account >GRN۸ʻͨһʻ :The GRN selected was created in a period later than the selected posting period >ѡGRNѡ֮ڴ :The GRN selected was created in an Inventory period later than the current Account Payable period >ѡGRNڵǰӦʿ֮Ŀڴ :The GRN suspense G/L account is usually a liability account >GRNݼG/Lʻͨһծʻ :The GRN suspense G/L control account has not been defined >δջ(GRN)ͣ(G/L)ʻ :The GRN suspense GL account is usually a liability account >GRNݼG/Lʻͨһծʻ :The GRN suspense GL control account has not been defined >δջ(GRN)ͣ(G/L)ʻ :The GST code '%1' must be in the range '%2' to '%3' >GST '%1' '%2' '%3' ķΧ :The GST code '%1' must be in the range 'A' to 'H' >ͨӪҵ˰(GST) '%1' 봦'A''H'ķΧ :The GST code must be in the range A to H >ͨӪҵ˰(GST)AHΧ :The GST code should be a valid tax code in the range A - H >GST ӦΪ A - H ΧڵЧ˰ :The GST code should be in the range A - H >GSTӦA-HΧ :The General Ledger interface entry is missing for the customer's branch (and optionally geographic area). Use the General Ledger Integration program to setup the Receivables, Payments interface before posting payments or adjustments >ͻ֧Ϳѡĵܷʽʧڹʸ֮ǰʹܷۺϳӦտ :The General Ledger interface entry is missing for this branch (and optionally geographic area). Use the General Ledger Integration program to setup the Receivables, Payments interface before posting payments or adjustments >˷֧Ϳѡĵܷʽʧڹʸ֮ǰʹܷۺϳӦտ :The General Ledger period corresponding to the current Cash Book period is closed. Program cancelled >뵱ǰֽʱӦܷѽᡣȡ :The Goods in Transit control ledger code has not been defined in the General Ledger Integration program >ܷۺϳδ;Ʒʴ :The Goods in Transit control ledger code have not been defined in the General Ledger Intergration program >ʼɳδ˻Ʒʴ :The Group Limit you are about to delete is in use. Do you wish to continue? >ɾʹáϣ? :The IBT G/L account is usually a revenue account >IBT G/Lʻͨһʻ :The IBT GL account is usually a revenue account >IBT G/Lʻͨһʻ :The IBT cost of sales G/L account is usually an expense account >IBT۳ɱG/Lʻͨһʻ :The IBT cost of sales GL account is usually an expense account >IBT۳ɱG/Lʻͨһʻ :The IMPDT9= entry in your IMPACT.INI file has not been configured to point to your data dictionary.\n\nProgram cancelled >IMPACT.INIļеIMPDT9=δãֵָ䡣\n\nȡ :The Inactive flag must be 'I' or spaces >DZΪ'I'ո :The Initial Capture process did not complete. The asset has been created but not acquired - run the acquisition program to acquire the asset >δɡѴʲδչ - չչʲ :The Inventory and W.I.P. financial month/year must be equal >W.I.P.·ݣȱ :The Invoice was not generated through the Sales order process, therefore no Proof of delivery exists >Ʊͨ۶ɣ˲κνƾ֤ :The Issues archive control tables have been saved >ѱǩƱ :The Job Logging purge is not permitted >й־ :The Legacy A/P Payment Cycle has invoices/voided checks that are released for payment. Complete the payment cycle or clear the payment information from these invoices. Program cancelled >ʽӦʿ(A/P)ѭ߱ΪǩķƱ֧ƱɸѭЩƱĸϢȡ :The Legacy AP Payment Cycle has invoices/voided checks that are released for payment. Complete the payment cycle or clear the payment information from these invoices. Program cancelled >ʽӦʿ(AP)ѭ߱ΪǩķƱ֧ƱɸѭЩƱĸϢȡ :The Logout function will end the user process >˳ܽû :The Lot Traceability option '%1' means that the Lot and Job must be of the same key type. Do you wish to force both key types to be the same? >θѡ '%1' ζκҵͬһ͡ϣʹּͬ :The Lot Traceability option 'Job equal to lot ' means that the Lot and Job must be of the same key type. Do you wish to force both key types to be the same? >׷ѡҵΡζκҵͬһؼ͡ϣʹֹؼͬ :The Menu name selected already exists. Do you wish to maintain this menu? >ѡIJ˵Ѵڡϣ˲˵ :The Navigation pane includes menus, recent programs and the calendar >˵ij :The New >µ :The New ledger code is blank, please enter a valid code >·ʴΪհףЧ :The Organization Search also uses the node selection and sequence defined here >֯ҲʹﶨĽڵѡ˳ :The Organization above the selected items must be at the same or higher Indent Level >ѡĿ֮ϵ֯Ϊͬˮƽ :The OriginZoomKey '%1' has been purged or is invalid >OriginZoomKeyѡż '%1' ѱЧ :The Parent stock code has not been selected >δѡ :The Password cannot be blank >벻Ϊ :The Passwords and Sales Order document formats will now be converted >ת۶ļʽ :The Permanent Entries archive control tables have been saved >ѱĿƱ :The Primary table that you have entered has not been defined in the data dictionary. (Click on the browse button or press 'F9' to view available tables) >δֵԶ뵥ť򰴡F9Բ鿴õı :The Profit & Loss account is usually an expense account >ʧʻͨһʻ :The Purchase Order Receipts archive control tables have been saved >ѱɹջƱ :The Purchase date has changed. As a result, all Depreciation Books' Start date have been determined >已更改采购日期。因此,已确定所有折旧账簿的开始日期 :The RMA files have been successfully converted for >EMAļѳɹתΪ :The RTF file could not be opened to display the notes. Check your permissions on the NOTES folder beneath your working directory >޷RTFļʾЩע͡λĹĿ¼עļеȨ :The Registration number entered is invalid for the company name, number of users, expiry date and modules selected. Please re-enter a valid registration number >ѡĹ˾ûʧЧںģ飬עЧЧע :The Report Writer Data Dictionary defines the data structures that can >ֵ䶨 :The Report Writer Data Dictionary defines the data structures that can be used by the Report Writer >дֵ䶨屨дʹõݽṹ :The Report Writer file code for this event is >¼ıļ :The Rev/Rel entered does not match the Rev/Rel against the serial number >޶ǩԴϵк޶ǩƥ :The Role Management Global Configuration settings indicate that all operators must belong to a role >ְȫñвԱְ :The Role Management Global Configuration settings indicate that all operators must belong to a role. \n\n Please select at least one role for this operator >ְȫñвԱְ\n\nΪԱѡһְ :The SCT branch for this order is not on file >öĹӦת(SCT)֧ :The SCT reference has not yet been entered. Do you wish to enter a manual SCT reference now? If you say no, a number will be allocated later if you complete the transfer without releasing the SCT >δ빩Ӧת(SCT)οϣֶӦת(SCT)ο˵δǩӦת(SCT)תʱ :The SCT reference must be numeric and non-zero >Ӧת(SCT)οΪҷ :The SKU you are you are maintaining is itself being used as a proxy. Defining a proxy for it may lead to a looping proxy structure. Do you wish to validate this? >ά SKU Ϊܵѭṹϣ֤? :The SQL User Id to use when using SQL Server authentication >ʹ SQL ֤ʱʹõ SQL û Id :The SQL User's password >SQL û :The SQL conversion script was completed with errors >SQLתűɣڴ :The SQL script has finished executing but one or more errors was found >SQLűִϣһ :The SQL script was executed successfully. Click on '%1' when you have finished viewing the SQL messages >ѳɹִSQLűɲ鿴SQLϢʱ뵥 '%1' :The SRS Document Archive purge is not permitted > SRS ĵ :The SYSPRO Analytics Site >SYSPRO Analytics վ :The SYSPRO Analytics master database details appear to be invalid. The must be corrected before you can continue >SYSPRO AnalyticsݿƺЧǰԾ :The SYSPRO Analytics master database details appear to be invalid. This must be corrected before you can continue >SYSPRO Analytics ݿϸƺЧɼ :The SYSPRO Analytics master database details have been saved >ѱSYSPRO Analyticsݿ :The SYSPRO Analytics master database has not been created. It must be created before you can continue >ѴSYSPRO Analyticsݿ⡣ǰȴ :The SYSPRO Analytics server '%1' has been deleted >ɾSYSPRO Analytics '%1' :The SYSPRO Analytics server '%1' has been started >SYSPRO Analytics '%1' :The SYSPRO Analytics server '%1' has been stopped >ֹͣSYSPRO Analytics '%1' :The SYSPRO Analytics server '%1' has been updated >ѸSYSPRO Analytics '%1' :The SYSPRO Analytics server '%1' has not been saved. Would you like to save it? >δSYSPRO Analytics '%1' ϣ :The SYSPRO Interface Import will be cancelled as validation of one of the import files was unsuccessful >SYSPRO浼뽫ȡΪеһļ֤δɹ :The SYSPRO Report Writer Data Dictionary defines the data structures that can >SYSPRO¼ֵ䶨ݽṹܹ :The SYSPRO column field '%1' already exists on the database >SYSPROֶ '%1' ݿѴ :The SYSPRO system is now ready for use >SYSPROϵͳѴʹþ״̬ :The SYSPRO version number assigned to this import file differs from the version of SYSPRO that you are running. Proceeding with the import may result in data incompatibility. Do you wish to continue? >ļSYSPRO汾еSYSPROİ汾ִͬеܻᵼݲݡϣ :The Sales Analysis module is not installed >δװ۷ģ :The Sales History alternate indexes have changed. These should be recreated. Do you wish to do so now? >ʷ¼滻ѱġӦ´Щʷ¼滻ϣִ :The Sales Order Purge program will now be run in order to correct the value of outstanding orders and the value of outstanding released orders >ڼ۶ԾδļֵδͷŶļֵ :The Sales Order option 'Order number moved to invoice' means that the Invoice and the Sales order must be of the same key type. Do you wish to force both key types to be the same? >۶ѡƱζŷƱ۶ͬһؼ͡ϣʹֹؼͬ :The Sample template file can not be found >޷ҵƷģļ :The Saved Form Values are no longer valid as the status of this payment run has changed. Please reselect and save >ıֵ˸е״̬ѸĶЧѡ񲢱 :The Screen customization kit directory cannot be the same as the Customized (system wide) directory >Ļ׼Ŀ¼붨ƣϵͳĿ¼ͬ :The Screen customization kit directory cannot be the same as the Customized (system-wide) directory >Ļƹ߰Ŀ¼붨ƣϵͳĿ¼ͬ :The Screen customization kit directory cannot be the same as the standard screenset directory >Ļ׼Ŀ¼׼ĻĿ¼ͬ :The Screenset cannot be transferred to your Client PC. You will not be able to use this program until the screenset is updated >ĻòתƵĿͻPCСĻǰ޷ʹøó :The Search on Organizations also uses the selection and sequence defined here >֯Ҳʹﶨѡ˳ :The Selected Stock Code is Not ECC Enabled >ѡĿ벻̱߱(ECC) :The Service Base Address for current company has not been configured. Please configure using the SWS Administrator and try again >尚未配置当前公司的服务基地址。请使用 SWS 管理员进行配置并重试 :The Shipment you have entered is already on this Vessel, do you wish to continue? >Ļڴ˻Уϣ? :The Site '%1' has one or more invalid values. These must be corrected before you can continue >վ '%1' ߱һЧֵЩִֵǰԾ :The Staging and Subject databases can not be the same >ʱݿݿⲻͬ :The Supplier will now be linked to the Account >Ӧ̽ӵ˻ :The Supply Warehouse validation program is in progress >ִйӦֿ֤ :The Supply Warehouse validation program is in progress. Program cancelled >ִйӦֿ֤򡣳ȡ :The System Information (Shift+F7) function is not available until you have logged in >ϵͳϢ(Shift+F7)ɵ¼ǰ :The TCP/IP address of the SMTP server has not been configured for the current company. Email cannot be sent using SMTP without this information >δΪǰ˾SMTPTCP/IPַ޴Ϣ޷ʹSMTP͵ʼ :The TCP/IP address of the SMTP server has not been configured for the current company. Email cannot be sent using SMTP without this information. >δΪǰ˾SMTPTCP/IPַ޴Ϣ޷ʹSMTP͵ʼ :The TOOLKIT.INI is missing from your base folder. See the Developers SDK for more information >TOOLKIT.INIĻ׼ļжʧ˽飬ĿSDK :The Template contains errors. Analysis process cancelled. Press '%1' to continue and exit, press '%2' to return to design >ģ󡣷ȡ밴 '%1' Լ˳ '%2' :The To date cannot be equal to, or prior to, the From date >ڲɵڣڴ :The User Menu selected has not yet been defined. Function cancelled >δѡû˵ȡ :The User variable entered does not exist. Do you want to add a new User variable now? >ûڡϣµû :The VAT registration number can only contain spaces or numeric characters >˰(VAT)עֻɰոַ :The Variable '%1' already exists on the Analytics database > '%1' AnalyticsݿѴ :The Variable file '%1' has been imported >ѵļ '%1' :The Vat registration number can only contain spaces, numeric characters or characters in the range 'A-Z' or 'a-z' >ֵ˰עֻɰոַַΧΪA-Za-z :The View '%1' has been updated >Ѹͼ '%1' :The View All Rows warning message has been re-enabled >ò鿴Ϣ :The WIP and Inventory modules are not in the same month >ִҵ(WIP)ʹģ鲻ͬ· :The WIP entry has been purged. Program cancelled >WIPȡ :The WIP inspection control account is usually an asset account >WIPʻͨһʲʻ :The Work in Progress and/or Variance G/L control accounts have not yet been defined in the G/L Integration Setup program or are invalid >G/LۺóδеҵͣG/LʻЧ :The Workflow Task open dialog is not yet available >񿪷ʽԻв :The Workflow Test Host has become Faulted >̲ :The XML Document control has not been defined >δXMLļ :The XML document could not be found in the directory specified >在所指定目录中无法找到 XML 文档 :The XML document has been successfully created. Would you like to view the report in Encore's XML report viewer? >ѳɹXMLĵϣEncoreXML鿴в鿴ñ :The XML document has been successfully created. Would you like to view the report in SYSPRO's XML report viewer? >ѳɹXMLļϣSYSPROXML鿴в鿴 :The XML document has been successfully created. Would you like to view the report in your browser? >ѳɹXMLļϣв鿴 :The XML file was successfully created in the directory defined in the EFT bank control file. It is called >ڵת(EFT)пļжĿ¼гɹXMLļѱ :The XML parser has been invoked with a NULL object >NULLһXML :The ability to set an operator password is under development. Function cancelled >òԱĹдڿСȡ :The above non-stocked code has not been flagged as '%1' >δϷǿΪ '%1' :The above non-stocked code has not been flagged as 'available for use' >ϵķǿδΪá :The acceptable quantity under supply percentage has been exceeded. Do you wish to continue? >ӦٷµĿɽѳޡϣ :The account code entered is a control account >ʻһʻ :The account code entered is not a control account >ʻ벻һʻ :The account entered is a control account >ʻһʻ :The account entered is not a control account >ʻһʻ :The accumulated total exceeds the maximum field size catered for by this version of SYSPRO >ۼƺϼƳΪ汾SYSPRO趨ֶδС :The activity language cannot be changed after the activity is created >ڴ֮޷ :The actual cost bucket does not exist for this lot/serial >/ϵеʵʳɱͰ :The actual cost bucket selected was not used in the original receipt >ѡʵʳɱͰδԭʼջʹ :The actual date of arrival is prior to the date of departure. OK to continue? >ʵʵڡȷҪ :The address code you have entered is not on file >ĵַ벻ļ :The adjusted amount cannot be greater than the invoice balance >调整额不可大于发票余额 :The adjustment value entered will cause the hierarchy billing value to go negative >ĵֵ²μƷֵΪֵ :The adjustment value must not exceed the job billing value >õֵóҵļƷֵ :The adjustments G/L account is usually an expense account >G/Lʻͨһʻ :The advanced scheduling module has not been installed on this client >˸߼ųģڴ˿ͻδװ :The ageing breaks have been changed by the program. For ageing methods of \"S\" and \"A\", only 0, multiples of 30 or 999 are valid breaks >Ѹ\"S\"\"A\"䷽ֻ030ı999ΪЧ :The allocated mass is greater than the load mass for selected delivery load >ѷѡװصװ :The allocated volume is greater than the load volume for selected delivery load >ѷѡصװ :The allocations are complete. Do you wish to accept these entries? >ɡϣЩ :The alternate bin location is blank >滻λΪ :The alternate bin location is on hold. Do you want to continue? >滻λϣ :The alternate index must be the same size as the primary key >滻ؼִСͬ :The alternate key description cannot be blank >滻ؼ˵Ϊհ :The alternate key is blank >滻Ϊ :The alternate key should not be blank >滻벻ӦΪհ :The alternate quantity cannot be greater than the alternate unit of measure conversion factor >滻ô滻λתϵ :The alternate stock code '%1' you have selected is a phantom part which cannot be selected in place of a non-phantom component '%2' >ѡ滻 '%1' ѡǻӰ '%2' :The alternate stock code '%1' you have selected is not a phantom part which cannot be selected in place of a phantom component '%2' >ѡ滻 '%1' ѡӰ '%2' :The alternate stock code has not been receipted into stock via this job >滻ͨҵ :The alternate stock code must be stocked in the alternate warehouse >滻滻ֿ :The alternate stock code must be stocked in the same warehouse >油ͬIJֿ :The amount entered for this ledger code exceeds the acceptable amount >ڴ˷ʴĽ˿ɽܽ :The amount entered is more than 50% of the transaction amount. Do you wish to continue? >ڽ׽50%ϣ :The amount entered is more then 50% of transaction amount. Do you wish to continue? >Ľڽ׽50%ϣ :The amount entered will result in a zero value check. Ok to continue? >Ľ֧ƱֵΪ㡣ȷҪ? :The amount is zero. Do you wish to continue? >ýΪ㡣ϣ :The amount to apply is more than the retention reamining >ҪӦõĽڱ :The amount to apply is more than the schedule amount and the deposit >ӦõĽų̽ʹ :The analysis object '%1' has been deleted >ɾ '%1' :The analysis object '%1' has been saved >ѱ '%1' :The analysis object '%1' has not been saved. Would you like to save it? >δ '%1' ϣ :The application '%1' has issued the callout '%2', but the form has either not yet been created or has already been destroyed >应用 '%1' 已签发注解 '%2',但表格要么尚未创建,要么已损坏 :The application association is unknown >应用关联性未知 :The application entered does not appear to be a standard SYSPRO application. Use the browse button to search for a standard application >Ӧóƺһױ׼SYSPROӦóʹť׼Ӧó :The application was called with the incorrect parameters >ӦóԲȷIJ :The application was called with the incorrect parameters. The program will now terminate >Ӧóĵʹ˲ȷIJֹ :The application you are trying to run cannot be run standalone >еӦó޷ :The application you are trying to run cannot be run standalone. The program will now terminate >еӦó޷Сֹ :The apportionment value has been calculated as zero >摊派价值已计算为零 :The apportionment value has been calculated as zero, this invoice will be cancelled >ֵ̯Ϊ㣬Ʊȡ :The archive file path does not exist or you may have no permissions to the directory >ļ·ڣȨʹñĿ¼ :The archive type must be supplied >ṩ :The asset entered is already a sub asset >ʲʲ :The asset entered is already a sub-asset >ʲʲ :The associated stock code has not been selected >δѡ :The associated stock code has not been selected. The calculated >δѡù롣 The calculated :The attachments have changed. Do you wish to save changes to this activity? >ѸġϣԴ˻ĸ :The attribute/namespace '%1' has not been defined correctly >δȷԣƿռ '%1' :The authorized quantity is different from the received quantity >ͬʵ :The authorized quantity is greater than the remaining invoice quantity. Do you wish to continue? >ȨڷƱʣϣ :The available mass for this delivery has been exceeded >ѳĿ :The available volume for this delivery has been exceeded >ѳĿ :The average cost will be applied if FIFO/LIFO costing is in use >ȳ(FIFO)ȳ(LIFO)ɱ㴦ʹУôƽɱ :The background color for form fields that are editable >可编辑的表格字段背景颜色 :The balance print type (open item or balance forward) of the master account and the sub-account number entered are not the same >˺˺ӡ (Ŀת) ͬ :The balances for >ѵ?(4)Էӳ :The bank currency is not the same as the payment run currency >л븶лҲͬ :The bank entered is not a local currency bank. The automatic reconciliation is only available for local currency banks >вһҵػСԶֻڵػ :The basic report requires to be saved before continuing. Do you wish to continue? >Ҫڼǰ档ϣ :The basis of load is order quantity, therefore there must be quantity either to ship or in back order for this order line >ػΪ˱Ҫװ˵˶еڽд :The basis of load is ship quantity, therefore there must be quantity to ship for this order line >ػΪװ˶ڴ˶бҪװ˵ :The basis of load is ship quantity, therefore there must be quantity to ship for this order line >ػΪװ˶ڴ˶бҪװ˵ :The batch number already exists in the current warehouse >ڵǰֿѴ :The batch number already exists in the current warehouse. Do you want to continue? >ڵǰֿѴڡϣ :The batch number already exists in the other warehouse(s). Do you want to continue? >ֿѴڡϣ :The batch number exists in both current and other warehouses >ڵǰֿѴ :The batch number exists in other warehouse(s) >ֿѴ :The batch number exists in the destination warehouse. Do you wish to continue? >ĿĵزֿѴڡϣ :The batch quantity exceeds the batch quantity remaining >ʣ :The batch quantity must have the same sign as the receipt quantity >վͬһ :The batch quantity must have the same sign as the transaction quantity >뽻ͬı :The beneficiary cannot be deleted due to EFT transactions that have not yet been extracted >EFTδѹԵʣ޷ɾ :The bill of materials is incomplete. Do you wish to cancel the parent creation process? >嵥ϣȡĸʴ :The billing amount for the accumulated operation value is not fully distributed into the hierarchies >ۼӲֵļƷѽδȫ䵽 :The billing amount for the material '%1' is not fully distributed into the hierarchies > '%1' ļƷѽδȫ䵽 :The billing amount for the operation '%1' is not fully distributed into the hierarchies > '%1' ļƷѽδȫ䵽 :The billing amount for the product class '%1' is not fully distributed into the hierarchies >Ʒȼ '%1' ļƷѽδȫ䵽 :The billing method '%1' has to be 'S' - selling when the gross profit setup option for part billings is set on and the job is set to complete >ʵëѡΪ״̬ҵΪʱƷѷ'S' - :The billing type %1 cannot be changed. Schedules already exist >ɸļƷ %1 ʱѴ :The billing type %1 cannot be changed. Schedules already exist. >ɸļƷ %1 ʱѴ :The bin entered is on hold >IJΪIJ :The bin entered is on hold. Do you wish to continue? >IJΪ֡ϣ :The bin entered was not found in the stock take file. Do you wish to create it? >̵ļδҵĿλϣ? :The bin entered was not found on the stock take file. Do you wish to create this bin? >̵ļδҵIJ֡ϣò :The bin entered was not found on the stock take file. Do you wish to create this bin? >̵ļδҵĿ⡣ϣÿ :The bin for this component does not exist >˲IJֲ :The bin for this component is on hold >˲IJΪ :The bin for this stock code is not on file >˿Ŀⲻڡ :The bin for this stock code is not on file. Function cancelled >˿IJֲļСȡ :The bin location is on hold >òλDZ :The blanket S/O releases contract for customer/customer purchase order/stock code '%1' does not exist >ͻͻɹ '%1' ۺ۶(S/O)кͬ :The block size may not be greater than 5 lines >Сó5 :The block size may not exceed %1 >Сó %1 :The block size may not exceed 5 >Сó5 :The block size must be less than the difference between end line and start line >ССڽʼ֮IJ :The body of the report contains details of which accounts to >аӡʻϸԼ :The book '%1' has been deleted >ɾʲ '%1' :The book '%1' has been saved >ѱʲ '%1' :The book will not be visible in the Viewer until you give one or more users access to it >˲һûṩȨ֮ڲ鿴пɼ :The branch for this customer is not on file >ÿͻķ֧ :The branch is not on file >÷֧ :The branch is used as the default in asset transaction posting and is not on file. OK to continue? >֧ʲ׹бĬϣҲļСȷҪ :The branch to use for the SCT is not valid. Function cancelled >ڴ˹Ӧת(SCT)Ҫʹõķ֧Чȡ :The browse file cannot be created. A file cannot be copied onto itself >޷ļļɸƵ :The bucket selected was not used for the dispatch note >ѡͰδڷ :The bucket selected was not used when issuing/receipting to the job >ѡͰδǩ/ջʱʹ :The budget key entered already exists. Do you wish to overwrite the original >ͰԿѴڡϣԭʼ :The budget spread must total 100%. Change one or more of the budgets so that the undistributed falls to zero before exiting. This can also be done by selecting '%1' against one of the periods >ԤϢӺΪ 100%һԤ㣬Աδ˳֮ǰ㡣Ҳ֮ͨһѡ '%1' ʵ :The budget spread must total 100%. Change one or more of the budgets so that the undistributed falls to zero before exiting. This can also be done by selecting 'Apply Undistributed' against one of the periods >ԤĺϼƱΪ 100%һԤ㣬Աδڵ֮ǰ½Ϊ㡣Ҳͨijһѡ 'Ӧδ 'ʵ :The budget spread must total 100%. Change one or more of the budgets so that the undistributed falls to zero before exiting. This can be done by selecting '%1' against one of the periods >ԤĺϼƱΪ100%һԤ㣬Աδڵ֮ǰ½Ϊ㡣ͨijһѡ '%1' ʵ :The budget spread must total 100%. Change one or more of the budgets so that the undistributed falls to zero before exiting. This can be done by selecting 'Force Total to 100%' against one of the periods >ԤĺϼƱΪ100%һԤ㣬Աδڵ֮ǰ½Ϊ㡣ͨijһѡǿܶΪ100%ʵ :The build schedule file already exists. Do you wish to recreate it? >ʱļѴڡϣ´ :The bulk copy process requires a temporary directory for storing >ƹҪʱ洢Ŀ¼ :The bulk copy process was completed successfully >ѳɹƹ :The bulk copy process was completed successfully >ѳɹƹ :The business object configuration has been saved >ѱҵ :The business object configuration has not been saved. Would you like to save it? >δҵáϣ :The buying group, to which this contract record belongs, is no longer on file >ͬ¼IJɹѲļ :The buying rate cannot be zero >ɹʲΪ :The buying rate entered is effectively less than the selling rate. OK to continue with save? >IJɹС۷ʡȷҪ洢 :The buying rate entered is less than the selling rate. Ok to continue with save? >IJɹС۷ʡȷҪ洢 :The calculated amount, in local currency, >ԵػҶĽ :The calculated amount, in local currency, exceeds the maximum field size >ԵػҶĽֶδС :The calculated amount, in local currency, exceeds the maximum field size catered for by this version of SYSPRO >ԵػΪλļ˴ SYSPRO İ汾ƵֶδС :The calculated amount, in local currency, exceeds the maximum field size catered for by this version of IMPACT Encore >ػҵļΪ汾IMPACT Encore趨ֶδС :The calculated amount, in local currency, exceeds the maximum field size catered for by this version of SYSPRO >ػҵļΪ汾SYSPRO趨ֶδС :The calculated amount, in local currency, for the above freight/misc charge line >ػҵġ˷ѣӷеļ :The calculated capex value will cause the capex >The calculated capex value will cause the capex :The calculated capex value will cause the capex value to overflow >ʱֵ֧ʱֵ֧ :The calculated end date is later than the job end date >ĽҵĽ :The calculated foreign value of the transaction exceeds 12.2 >׵ļҼֵ 12.2 :The calculated line value will cause a line value >Ѽеֵֵ :The calculated local value of the price will cause a >Ѽļ۸ĵֵ¼۸ֵ :The calculated order value exceeds the maximum field size catered for in this version of SYSPRO >ĶֵΪ汾SYSPRO趨ֶδС :The calculated price for the above, in local >The calculated price for the above, in local :The calculated price for the above, in local currency, exceeds the maximum field size >ĿػҼļ۸񳬳ΪSYSPRO汾 :The calculated start date is later than the job end date >ĿʼҵĽ :The calculated total record length and/or key length do not match the defined key/record length >ܼ¼ȺͣؼֳĹؼ֣¼Ȳƥ :The calculated value will cause the cost value of >ֵ¿ɴ :The calculated value, when converted to local currency, exceeds the maximum field size catered for by this version of SYSPRO >תΪػʱֵΪ汾SYSPRO趨ֶδС :The calculation code entered contains another calculation code which will be calculated as zero >ļһΪļ :The calculation of Inventory valuation may take a while. Do you wish to continue? >ƼۼҪһʱ䡣ϣ :The calculation of WIP valuation may take a while. Do you wish to continue? >WIPƼۼҪһʱ䡣ϣ :The caption cannot be blank >ⲻΪա :The caption may not be spaces >ⲻΪո :The captured quantity on the stock take file will go negative >̵ļвΪֵ :The captured quantity on the stock take lot file will go negative >̵ļвΪֵ :The captured quantity on the stock take serial number file will go negative >̵ϵкļвΪֵ :The captured quantity will go negative >Ϊֵ :The cash book entry has been purged. Program cancelled >ֽʱȡ :The cash book module is not installed - no journal created >δװֽ˲ģ - δռ :The cash posting journal summary has been purged. Program cancelled >ֽռժҪϡȡ? :The cash posting transaction has been purged. Program cancelled >ֽʽϡȡ? :The cashbook entry has been purged. Program cancelled >ֽʷ¼ȡ? :The cashbook transaction is not available for the check number >֧Ʊ벻ֽʱ :The category '%1' has been deleted >ɾ '%1' :The category '%1' has been saved >ѱ '%1' :The category '%1' has not been saved. Would you like to save it? >δ '%1' ϣ :The category '%1' in book '%2' has been deleted >ɾʲ '%2' е '%1' :The category code linked to the ledger does not exist >˷ʵ벻 :The changes are not saved. The save button is not enabled >δġδñ水ť :The changes made to the schedule overlap with another contract for the same stock code >ͬһġһݺͬصʱĸ :The changes you have made will not take effect until you restart SYSPRO >ĸĽSYSPROЧ :The check amount is fully distributed >֧Ʊȫ :The check cannot be voided as the currency of the payment run does not match the currency of the supplier >֧ƱϣΪл빩Ӧ̻Ҳƥ :The check number entered has already been purged. Do you wish to re-establish the check details? >ļϡ??½ϸ? :The closing balance for %1 differs from the opening balance for this year. This has been corrected >%1 ͬڴݵڳѵõ :The closing balance for this year will >ȵĽ :The closing balance from >9(4)Ľ :The co-product cost apportionment does not equal 100 percent >ͬƷɱ̯100% :The co-product cost apportionments do not equal 100% >ͬƷɱ̯100% :The co-product does not exist for this job >ͬƷڴҵ :The co-product is complete or the quantity manufactured is greater than the quantity to manufacture >ͬƷɣڴ :The co-product is in WIP inspection >ͬƷִҵ(WIP) :The co-product is in WIP inspection. Do you want to select the WIP inspection reference to reduce? >ͬƷִҵ(WIP)Сϣѡִҵ(WIP)οѽѹ :The co-product is not attached to this job >ͬƷδҵ :The co-product quantities or material allocation quantities have changed. Do you want to maintain reserved lots and serials? >ͬƷϷѸġϣάκϵ :The co-product receipt quantity is greater than the quantity available to reverse in WIP inspection. The co-product receipt quantity will be adjusted to be equal to the quantity available in WIP inspection >ͬƷջڿִҵ(WIP)еתͬƷջԵִҵ(WIP)еĿ :The co-product stock code not on file >ͬƷ벻 :The collection must be added before the warehouse list can be maintained. Ok to add collection? >ڲֿбά֮ǰӸüϡȷҪӼ :The column '%1' could not be resolved > '%1' ޷õ :The column Id field for column '%1' has been deleted >ɾ '%1' Idֶ :The column Id field for column '%1' has been saved >ѱ '%1' Idֶ :The column Id field for column '%1' has not been saved. Would you like to save it? >δ '%1' IdֶΡϣ :The column cannot exceed %1 >ɳ %1 :The column cannot exceed 120 >ó120 :The column cannot exceed 132 >ó132 :The column index for the cell that was changed >已更改单元格的列栏索引 :The column may not exceed %1 >ó %1 :The column may not exceed 120 >ó120 :The column may not exceed 132 >ó132 :The column may not exceed the highest start column across the page >óҳʼ :The column may not exceed the total number of columns across the page >óҳܸ :The column position exceeds the line width >λóп :The column to be updated does not have Read/Write access >Ҫµûжд :The column you have entered has not been defined >δ :The combined length of the prefix and the suffix cannot exceed %1 characters >ǰ׺ͺ׺ϳȲɳ %1 ַ :The combined quantities to scrap allocated to the reserved serials is greater than the total scrap quantity '%1' >ϵеıܱ '%1' :The combined quantities to scrap allocated to the reserved serials is greater than the total scrap quantity '%1'. >ϵеıϺϼܱ '%1' :The commission code cannot be blank >óŵ벻Ϊ :The companies shown below are invalid as they do not support >ʾĹ˾ЧΪDz֧ :The companies to extract details for >The companies to extract details for :The company '%1' has been locked by your Analytics Administrator >AnalyticsԱ˾ '%1' :The company '%1' has been saved >ѱ湫˾ '%1' :The company '%1' has not been saved. Would you like to save it? >δ湫˾ '%1' ϣ :The company browse is only available once you have entered a valid user name and password >公司浏览仅在您输入有效用户名和密码后可用 :The company data has now been migrated successfully from C-ISAM >˾ѳɹ C-ISAM Ǩ :The company data has now been migrated successfully from ISAM >˾ѳɹشISAM :The company data has now been migrated successfully to SQL >˾ѳɹǨƵ :The company date is different to the computer date. Do you wish to use the company date for all transactions? Selecting '%1' will use the computer date >ù˾ڲͬڼڡϣн׾ʹüѡ '%1' ʹü :The company date is different to the computer date. Do you wish to use the company date for all transactions? Selecting 'No' will use the computer date >The company date is different to the computer date. Do you wish to use the company date for all transactions? Selecting 'No' will use the computer date :The company does not exist. Do you wish to continue? >ù˾ڡϣ :The company id you entered is not unique >Ĺ˾ id Ƕе :The company id you have entered is invalid, choose characters between A-Z and/or 0-9 >Ĺ˾ id Чѡ A-Z / 0-9 ַ֮ :The company must be 0 to 9, or A to Z >˾09AZ :The company must be either A to Z, or 0 to 9 >˾AZ09 :The company must consist of the letters A-Z and/or the digits 0-9 using a space as a terminator >˾ĸ A-Z / 0-9ʹÿոΪֹ :The component '%1' cannot be a kit type 'K' or 'S' > '%1' Ϊ߰'K''S' :The component '%1' cannot be a notional part type > '%1' ΪȫԲ :The component '%1' cannot be a planning bill > '%1' Ϊƻʵ :The component '%1' has been superseded > '%1' ѱ :The component '%1' is attached to the parent '%2' as a co-product > '%1' ΪͬƷ '%2' :The component '%1' is attached to the parent '%2' as a co-product. > '%1' ΪƷ '%2' :The component '%1' is excluded from the relationship validation. This requires the parent to also be excluded > '%1' Ѵӹϵ֤ųҪĸҲų :The component '%1' matches the parent stock code > '%1' :The component causing the shortage >ȱIJ :The component entered is not defined in the configuration >IJδж :The component entered is not on file >IJ :The component entered must be on an option prior to the current one >IJ봦ڵǰ֮ǰѡ :The component percentages do not total 100% >ٷֱȵĺϼƲ100% :The component to replace is the same as the replacement component >ҪIJͬ :The component you have entered is already held against this option >ڴѡIJѱ :The concession number is blank >ȨΪհ :The configuration '%1' cannot be used in Bill of Materials > '%1' ڲϵ :The configuration '%1' cannot be used in Quotations or Estimates > '%1' ڱۻ :The configuration '%1' cannot be used in Sales Orders > '%1' ۶ :The configuration '%1' cannot be used in Work in Progress > '%1 'ִҵ :The configuration '%1' has no components or operations defined > '%1' ѶIJ :The configuration '%1' is no longer available > '%1' Ѳٿ :The configuration '%1' is not yet available > '%1' Բ :The configuration '%1' is still under development > '%1' Դڿ :The configuration '%1' must be able to create a BOM structure and routing for a stocked parent or an estimate for a non-stocked parent > '%1' ܹϵ(BOM)ṹͿ·߻ǿʹ :The configuration '%1' must be able to create a BOM structure and routing or job for a stocked parent > '%1' ܹϵ(BOM)ṹͿ·߻ҵ :The configuration '%1' must be able to create a non-stocked parent when run from Estimates >ӹʱ '%1' ܹǿ :The configuration '%1' must be able to create a parent when run from Work in Progress >ִҵʱ '%1' ܹ :The configuration '%1' must be able to create a stocked parent or no parent when run from Bill of Materials >Ӳϵʱ '%1' ܹʻ :The configuration '%1' must be able to create a stocked parent when run from Bill of Materials >Ӳϵʱ '%1' ܹ :The configuration '%1' must be able to create an estimate or job for a non-stocked parent > '%1' ܹΪǿʴۻҵ :The configuration code you have entered is not on file >ô벻 :The configuration selected must be able to create a BOM structure and routing or job for a stocked parent >ѡñܹϵ (BOM) ṹͿ·߻ҵ :The configuration selected must be able to create a non-stocked parent when run from here >Ӵ˴ʱѡñܹǿ :The configuration selected must be able to create a stocked parent when run from here >Ӵ˴ʱѡñܹ :The configuration you have entered cannot be used in Bill of Materials >޷ڲϵʹ :The configuration you have entered cannot be used in Work in Progress >޷ִҵʹ :The configuration you have entered has no components or operations defined >ѶIJ :The configuration you have entered has no selection criteria and no components or operations defined >ѡ׼ԼѶIJ :The configuration you have entered is currently being maintained by another user >Ŀǰڱһûά :The configuration you have entered is not yet available >Բ :The configuration you have entered is still under development >Դڿ :The configuration you have supplied is designed to create a parent which cannot be done for a credit note >ṩڴʣڴƱȴЧ :The configurator files exist in a SQL and C-ISAM format >óļ SQL C-ISAM ʽ :The configurator files exist in a SQL and C-ISAM format however there is a copy from SQL to C-ISAM in progress therefore you cannot run the wizard using C-ISAM files. Do you wish to continue using the configurator SQL tables? >óļ SQL C-ISAM ʽڽд SQL C-ISAM ĸƲ޷ʹ C-ISAM ļ򵼡ϣʹó SQL ? :The configured e.net licenses will become live once you click the '%1' > '%1' ʱõe.net֤Ч :The configured e.net licenses will become live once you click the 'Finish' >ɡťʱõe.net֤ :The confirmation process will update the asset master file with the counted quantity. Ok to start confirmation? >ȷϹ̽ʲļȷҪʼȷ? :The confirmation process will update the inventory master file with the captured stock quantity. Ok to start confirmation? >ȷϹ̽¿ļԼĿȷҪʼȷ :The contents of the rows in the list view '%1' are passed as an array of cell values to the Columns variable. (read-only) >列表视图 '%1' 中的行栏内容已作为单元格值阵列转至列栏变量。(只读) :The contract customer is not the same as the job customer >ͬͻҵͻͬ :The contract for the selected stock codes has been added >ѡĺͬ :The contract must be saved before creating schedules. Would you like to save it now and continue to create schedules? >ͬڴʱ֮ǰ档ϣ沢ʱ :The control file '%1' is either missing or invalid >ļ '%1' ǶȱЧ :The control file '%1' is missing the Schema in attribute >ļ '%1' ȱԸҪ :The conversion cannot be run on this customer.\nThere is a customer to supplier link set up >ɶԴ˿ͻת\nڿͻӦ :The conversion cannot be run on this supplier.\nThere is a supplier to customer link set up >ɶԴ˹Ӧת\nڹӦͻ :The conversion cannot be run. \nThere are fixed currency invoices against the customer >޷ת\nԿͻĹ̶ҷƱ :The conversion cannot be run. \nThere are fixed currency quotes against the customer >޷ת\nԿͻĹ̶ұ :The conversion cannot be run. \nThere are fixed currency sales orders against the customer >޷ת\nԿͻĹ̶۶ :The conversion cannot be run.\nThere are one or more fixed currency invoices for this supplier >޷ת\n˹Ӧ̴һݻݹ̶ҷƱ :The conversion cannot be run.\nThere are one or more fixed currency purchase orders for this supplier >޷ת\n˹Ӧ̴һ̶Ҳɹ :The conversion factor cannot be zero >תϵΪ :The conversion has failed on one or more of the files >תһݻļʧ :The conversion of the Assets Register data files will now be started >ʲעļתּʼ :The conversion of the RMA data files will now be started >RMAļתּʼ :The conversion of the TPM data files will now be started >ʼó״(TPM)ļת :The conversion process will not convert the following files. Delete these >תнתļ:ɾЩ :The conversion process will not convert the following files. Please ensure >תнתļȷ :The conversion process will not convert the snapshot files >ת̽תļ :The conversion requires that your configuration data is converted prior to >תҪʱ֮ǰת :The conversion to SYSPRO %1 SP1 will perform the following >תSYSPRO %1 SP1ִ¸ :The conversion to SYSPRO %1 SP1will perform the following >תSYSPRO %1 SP1ִ¸ :The conversion to SYSPRO %1 will perform the following >תSYSPRO %1 ִ¸ :The conversion to SYSPRO 6.0 consists of two processes >SYSPRO 6.0ת :The conversion to SYSPRO 6.0.009 of RMA will perform the following >EMASYSPRO 6.0.009תִ¸ :The conversion to SYSPRO 6.0.009 will perform the following >SYSPRO 6.0.009תִ¸ :The conversion to SYSPRO 6.0.010 SP1 will perform the following >תSYSPRO 6.0.010 SP1ִ¸ :The conversion to SYSPRO 6.0.010 SP1will perform the following >תSYSPRO 6.0.010 SP1ִ¸ :The conversion to SYSPRO 6.0.010 SP2 will perform the following >תΪ SYSPRO 6.0.010 SP2 ִ¸ :The conversion to SYSPRO 6.0.010 will perform the following >תSYSPRO 6.0.010ִ¸ :The conversion to the new A/P Payment Cycle will now perform the following >תµӦʿѭִ¸ :The conversion will now run the '%1' script to convert your >The conversion will now run the '%1' script to convert your :The conversion will now run the Issue009.sql script to convert your >תIssue009.sqlűת :The conversion will now run the SQL Upgrade script to convert your >תSQLıת :The converted cost for this line causes an overflow error >תijɱ :The copy from the source document failed >Դĵʧ :The copy function for SRS does not copy the document template. A unique template name needs to be defined. Would you like to define the template now? >SRS ĸƹܲĵģ塣Ҫеģϣģ? :The copy function for SRS does not copy the document template. A unique template name needs to be defined. Would you like to define the template now? >SRS ĸƹܲĵģ塣Ҫеģϣģ? :The copy function has been successful >ƹѳɹ :The copy function has failed >ƹʧ :The copy process cannot be run as a configuration is being maintained >ƹάö޷ :The copy process is locked by another user >ƹ̱һû :The copy process was successful >ƹ̳ɹ :The cost apportionment for the selected component/operation is not 100%. Do you want to balance the apportionment? >ѡijɱ̯100%ϣƽ̯ :The cost apportionment percentages must all be 100% before exiting the program >ɱ̯ٷֱȵܺͱ˳ǰ100% :The cost calculated for the receipt of the parent exceeds the maximum field size for this version of SYSPRO >Ϊĸվݼijɱ˱汾SYSPROֶδС :The cost cannot be zero >ɱΪ :The cost entered (or calculated) exceeds the maximum field size catered for by this version of SYSPRO >루㣩ijɱΪSYSPRO汾趨ֶδС :The cost exceeds the value >ɱֵ :The cost exceeds the value. Continue ? >成本超过价值。要继续吗? :The cost exceeds the value. Continue? >ɱֵҪ :The cost for this quotation is in foreign currency - converting to local currency >۵ijɱΪλ - תػ :The cost is zero. Do you wish to continue? >ɱΪ㡣ϣ :The cost of sales G/L account is usually an expense account >۳ɱG/Lʻͨһʻ :The cost of sales value and the billing value are both zero >۳ɱֵʵֵΪ :The cost of sales/billing amount is not fully distributed into the hierarchies >۳ɱƷѽδȫ䵽 :The cost of the receiving warehouse is zero. Do you wish to transfer the cost of the sending warehouse to the receiving warehouse? >ջֿɱΪ㡣ϣֿijɱתƵջֿ :The cost of this item is zero. Do you wish to continue? >ĿijɱΪ㡣ϣ :The cost value must be entered in local currency >Եػɱֵ :The creation of the Serial Cross Reference file for SYSPRO %1 will create >SYSPRO %1 жĴ :The creation of the Serial Cross Reference file for SYSPRO 6.0.010 will create >SYSPRO 6.0.010жĴ :The credit limit has been exceeded by >ü¸ :The criteria chosen may determine which options, components and operations, can be used in the >ѡı׼ɾòƷĴ :The criteria selected is not valid for this parent >ѡ׼ԴЧ :The criteria value supplied '%1' is greater than the maximum allowed '%2' >ṩĻ׼ֵ '%1' ֵ '%2' :The criteria value supplied '%1' is less than the minimum allowed '%2' >ṩĻ׼ֵ '%1' ССֵ '%2' :The criteria value supplied '%1' must be divisible by the increment '%2' >ṩĻ׼ֵ '%1' 밴 '%2' ֿ :The criteria you choose may determine which options, components and operations can be used in the >ѡı׼ɾòƷ :The criterion held in the library '%1', for mandatory selection '%2', is invalid >ǿѡ '%2' Ŀ '%1' Ļ׼Ч :The criterion held in the library '%1', for mandatory selection '%2', is not found >δҵǿѡ '%2' Ŀ '%1' Ļ׼ :The criterion held in the library '%1', for optional selection '%2', is invalid >ڿѡѡ '%2' Ŀ '%1' Ļ׼Ч :The criterion held in the library '%1', for optional selection '%2', is not found >δҵڿѡѡ '%2' Ŀ '%1' Ļ׼ :The criterion held in the library, for an optional selection, is invalid. Continue using the library after correction is made? >бѡѡı׼ЧҪھʹøÿ :The criterion's value held in the library '%1', for an optional selection '%2', is invalid >ڿѡѡ '%2' Ŀ '%1' Ļ׼ֵЧ :The criterion's value held in the library '%1', for mandatory selection '%2', is invalid >ǿѡ '%2' Ŀ '%1' Ļ׼ֵЧ :The currency cannot be blank. Please enter a currency >ҲΪհס :The currency code '%1' does not match the currency code '%2' for customer '%3' >ڿͻ '%3' Ҵ '%1' Ҵ '%2' :The currency code entered is the local currency >ĻҴΪػ :The currency code entered is the local currency and will be discarded >ĻҴΪػң˽ :The currency code of the master account and the sub-account number entered are not the same >ʻʻĻҴ벢ͬ :The currency of the customer selected is not the same as the currency of the quote >ѡͻĻ뱨ۻҲͬ :The currency of the shared inventory company is not the same as the local company currency. Do you wish to continue? >˾Ļ뵱ع˾ĻҲͬϣ :The currency of this bank must be local currency >üеĻұΪػ :The current G/L period is greater than the number of accounting periods per year >ǰG/LڴÿĻڵĸ :The current G/L period must be the same in the source and target company >ǰ(G/L)ڱԴĿ깫˾еͬ :The current balance of this bank does not agree with the statement balance. The 'Balance' option in the 'Period End Processing' program will correct this >еĵǰ뱨"ĩ"е""ѡԴ˽о :The current balance of this bank does not agree with the statement balance. The 'Balance' option in the 'Period End Processing' program will correct this. Do you wish to continue? >еĵǰ뱨"ĩ"е""ѡԴ˽оϣ :The current balance of this bank does not agree with the statement balance. The Balance option in the Period End Processing program will correct this >еĵǰ뱨ĩеѡԴ˽о :The current cash book balance for bank '%1' does not agree with the statement balance > '%1' ĵǰֽʱ뱨 :The current cash book balance of this bank does not agree with the statement balance. The '%1' option in the '%2' program will correct this. Do you wish to continue? >üеĵǰֽʱ뱨 '%2' е '%1' ѡԴ˽оϣ :The current cash book balance of this bank does not agree with the statement balance. The 'Balance' option in the 'Period End Processing' program will correct this >еĵǰֽʱ뱨մеġѡԴ˽о :The current cash book balance of this bank does not agree with the statement balance. The 'Balance' option in the 'Period End Processing' program will correct this. Do you wish to continue? >еĵǰֽʱ뱨մеġѡԴ˽оϣ :The current cash book balance of this bank does not agree with the statement balance. The 'Balance' option in the 'Period End Processing' program will correct this >еĵǰֽʱ뱨մеġѡԴ˽о :The current cash book balance of this bank does not agree with the statement balance. The 'Balance' option in the 'Period End Processing' program will correct this. Do you wish to continue? >еĵǰֽʱ뱨մеġѡԴ˽оϣ :The current code has not been saved. Would you like to save the code now? >δ浱ǰ롣ϣô :The current code has not compiled successfully and cannot be saved. Please fix errors and try again >δɹ뵱ǰ룬޷档 :The current control file has not been saved. Would you like to roll back '%1'? >δ浱ǰļϣ '%1' :The current form has not been saved. Would you like to save it? >δ浱ǰϣ :The current free goods quantity to ship is equal to the suggest quantity to ship >Ҫװ˵ĵǰѻҪװ˵Ľ :The current menu has not been saved. Would you like to save it? >δ浱ǰ˵ϣ :The current month for one or more of the newly installed modules is 13. This is only permitted if the number of accounting periods per year is also 13 >һ°װģĵǰ·Ϊ13ֻڵڸΪ13ʱ :The current operator cannot be removed from the list >޷бɾǰԱ :The current operator cannot be removed from the list. >޷бɾǰԱ :The current posting period > periods per year in the inter-company id >ǰ > ˾idеÿ :The current report has not been saved. Would you like to save it? >δ浱ǰϣ :The current theme template has not been saved. Would you like to save it? >δ浱ǰģ塣ϣ :The current view selected does not include the current user >ѡĵǰͼǰû :The custom form field '%1' has not been defined against the form type '%2' >δԱ '%2' Զֶ '%1' :The custom form field '%1' has not been defined against the form type '%2'. >δԱ '%2' 嶨Ʊֶ '%1' :The custom program folder c:sys610\worksq\ does not exist. Would you like to create this folder now? >ԶļcSys610\worksq\ڡϣļ :The customer against the sales order does not match the customer against the job >۶ӦĿͻҵӦĿͻ :The customer cannot be deleted due to retained zero balance invoices >ÿͻбƱ޷ɾ :The customer cannot be deleted due to the current balance being non-zero >ڵǰΪ㣬޷ɾ˿ͻ :The customer cannot be deleted. A sub-account is attached to it >޷ɾ˿ͻ渽зʻ :The customer cannot be deleted. It is attached to a master account >޷ɾ˿ͻʻ :The customer cannot be deleted. There are RMA entries for this customer >޷ɾͻڴ˿ͻ RMA Ŀ :The customer cannot be deleted. There are invoices on file >޷ɾ˿ͻļдڷƱ :The customer cannot be deleted. There are outstanding orders for this customer >޷ɾ˿ͻͻδ :The customer cannot be deleted. There is a WIP job on file >޷ɾͻִҵ (WIP) ҵ :The customer cannot be deleted. There is a project or contract on file >޷ɾͻĿͬ :The customer code already exists >ÿͻѴ :The customer code does not exist >ÿͻ벻 :The customer code you are trying to enter is of a different type to the system type for customer codes. e.g. Numeric or Alphanumeric >ڳĿͻͻϵͳڲֻͬ͡ĸ :The customer company tax registration number for the dispatch note is mandatory, and must be entered >Ŀͻ˾˰עҪ :The customer company tax registration number is mandatory >дͻ˾˰ǼǺ :The customer does not exist for this company >˾ڿͻ :The customer entered is not on file >Ŀͻļ :The customer field cannot be spaces >ͻֶβΪո :The customer for this job is not on file >ҵĿͻ :The customer for this order has been deleted >ɾ˶Ŀͻ :The customer for this order has been deleted. Do you wish to continue? >已删除此订单的客户。您希望继续吗? :The customer has been successfully added >ѳɹӿͻ :The customer is not on file >ÿͻ :The customer is set to receive statements by email but the statement format selected can not be emailed >ÿͻΪͨʼձѡıʽ޷õʼ :The customer is set to receive statements by email but the statement format selected cannot be emailed >ÿͻΪͨʼձѡıʽ޷õʼ :The customer must be taxable if applying '_TAX' product class >'_TAX'Ʒȼͻ˰ :The customer must be taxable if applying _TAX product class >_TAXƷȼͻӦΪ˰ͻ :The customer price and invoice price must be different for discounts >ͻ۸뷢Ʊ۸ۿ۱벻ͬ :The customer price must be the same as the invoice price for a price change >ÿͻļ۸۸䶯ķƱ۸ͬ :The customer purchase order has already been used in another sales order >ͻɹһ۶ʹ :The customer purchase order has already been used in another sales order. Do you wish to continue? >ͻɹһ۶ʹùϣ :The customer was not deleted >˿ͻδɾ :The customer you have entered is not on file >Ŀͻļ :The customer, to whom this contract record belongs, is no longer on file >ͬ¼ĿͻѲļ :The customers and accounts for this contact are not synchronized. \n \n Do you wish to synchronize them now? >ϵ˵Ŀͻʻδͬ\n \n ϣǽͬ? :The data conversion has detected the following exceptions >תѼ⵽쳣 :The data file does not exist >ļ :The data type for next GRN number is incorrect, please enter a valid number >下一个 GRN 号码的数据类型不正确,请输入有效的号码 :The data type for next purchase order number is incorrect, please enter a valid number >下一个采购订单号码的数据类型不正确,请输入有效的号码 :The database already exists on server '%1' >ݿڷ '%1' Ѵ :The database analysis has detected that there are standard SYSPRO columns missing from this database >数据库分析已检测到发生标准 SYSPRO 列栏从此数据库丢失 :The database analysis has detected that there are standard columns missing on one or more SYSPRO tables >数据库分析已检测到一个或多个 SYSPRO 表中存在标准列栏丢失 :The database defined against the company control file (CADMCTL) does not match the database in the Company/Database cross-reference table (Sysprodb) >Թ˾ļ(CADMCTL)ݿ빫˾ݿ(Sysprodb)еݿⲻƥ :The database does not exist on server '%1' >ݿڷ '%1' :The database name can be up to %1 characters long and should >The database name can be up to %1 characters long and should :The database name can be up to 20 characters long and should >ݿΪ20ַӦ :The database on server '%1' is already being used by site '%2' > '%1' ϵݿѱվ '%2' ʹ :The database requires a definition of all the tables used to store >ݿҪڴ洢˾ݵȫ :The database tables must be created before you can proceed >֮ǰȴݿ :The date calculation method is invalid. Only manual or start date calculation can be selected when creating sub-jobs >日期计算方法无效。创建子工作时,仅可选择手动或开始日期计算 :The date entered is after the company expiry date. Please enter a new date >ڹ˾ʧЧڡһ :The date of last posting is after today's date >ϴιʵڽ :The date of last posting is equal to today's date >ϴιʵڵڽ :The date you entered in invalid >Ч :The date you entered is in the future? >您所输入的日期为将来日期吗? :The date you entered is invalid >Ч :The date you have entered is in the future >Ϊ :The date you have entered is invalid >Ч :The date you have entered is outside the demand period you are adjusting >֮ :The dates held on file for this operation do >Ϊļ :The day entered must be between 1 and 31 >ڱ131֮ :The debit G/L account is usually an asset account >跽G/Lʻͨһʲʻ :The debit GL account is usually an asset account >跽G/Lʻͨһʲʻ :The debit ledger code cannot be the same as the credit ledger code >跽ʴ벻ʴͬ :The debit ledger code is blank, or the Non-stocked control account is not defined in the G/L Integration Setup program >跽ʴΪհףG/Lۺóδǿʻ :The debit ledger code is blank, or the Non-stocked control account is not defined in the GL Integration Setup program >跽ʴΪհףG/Lۺóδǿʻ :The debit ledger is blank or the non-stocked control account has not been defined in the G/L interface setup >跽Ϊհף(G/L)δǿʻ :The debit ledger is blank or the non-stocked control account has not been defined in the GL interface setup >跽Ϊհף(G/L)δǿʻ :The debit was created >Ѵ跽 :The decimals for the calculated notional part quantity have been exceeded >ѳСλ :The deduction has been completely resolved >ȫ۳ :The default addresses are shown on the next two windows >Ĭϵַʾ :The default bin is spaces and you cannot enter a blank bin >ĬϿλΪոհ׿λ :The default discount product class begins with '%1' >Ĭۿ۲Ʒȼ '%1' ʼ :The default location has not been defined >δĬλ :The default printer for this program is currently defined as >˳ĬϴӡĿǰΪ :The default printer must be valid >ĬϴӡЧ :The default product class for non-stocked EDI items is blank. This can be captured in the IMPACT Interface Setup program. Select 'Cancel' to exit this program or 'Ok' to continue >ǿݻ(EDI)ĿĬϲƷȼΪհסIMPACTóԲ׽ѡ"ȡ"˳򣬻ѡ"ȷ"ִ :The default product class for non-stocked EDI items is blank. This can be captured in the SYSPRO Interface Setup program. Select '%1' to exit this program or '%2' to continue >ǿֽó(EDI)ĿĬϲƷȼΪհסSYSPROӿóԲ׽ѡ '%1' ˳ó򣬻ѡ '%2' ִ :The default product class for non-stocked EDI items is blank. This can be captured in the SYSPRO Interface Setup program. Select 'Cancel' to exit this program or 'Ok' to continue >ǿEDIĿĬϲƷȼΪհסSYSPROӿóԲѡȡ˳򣬻ѡȷ :The default product class for non-stocked EDI items is blank. This can be captured in the SYSPRO Interface setup program. Select '%1' to exit this program or '%2' to continue >ǿ EDI ĿĬϲƷΪա˿ SYSPRO ӿóвѡ '%1' ˳˳ '%2' Լ :The default spread for product classes not found >未找到产品类的默认展开 :The default timeout is %1 seconds >ĬϳʱΪ %1 :The default warehouse against the company setup is invalid >Ըù˾õĬϲֿЧ :The default warehouse has not been defined against the company setup >δӦù˾õĬϲֿ :The default warehouse you have entered is not on file >Ĭϲֿⲻļ :The definition '%1' has been deleted >ɾ '%1' :The definition of the multimedia objects is locked by another user >ýĶ屻һû :The definition record for capture programs is locked >׽Ķ¼ :The deletion of a non-stocked code could take a long time as checks are performed to ensure that it may be deleted. Ok to continue? >ɾǿܻỨϳʱ䣬Ϊִм飬ȷԱɾȷҪ :The delivery load selected cannot accomodate this shipment. Do you wish to exceed the load maximum? >所选的交货加载无法包含此项货运。您希望超过最大加载吗? :The delivery load selected cannot accomodate this shipment. Do you wish to select another load? >ѡĽװزɰˡϣѡһװ? :The delivery load selected cannot accomodate this this shipment. Do you wish to select another load? >ѡĽ޷ˡϣѡһ? :The delivery note for the sales order '%1' for the job '%2' has been printed >Ѵӡҵ '%2' ۶ '%1' Ľ :The delivery note for the sales order for this job has been printed >Ѵӡҵ۶Ľ :The delivery route code is not valid >˽·ߴ벻 :The dependency selected cannot be added without SYSPRO Workflow Services Professional installed >ѡδװ SYSPRO ̷רҵ޷ :The deployment path selected cannot be blank >ѡIJ·Ϊ :The deposit header record has not been created yet. There are no deposits on file for job %1 >δͷ¼ҵ %1  :The deposit header record has not been created yet. There are no deposits on file for job %1. >δҳü¼ҵ %1 ڡ :The deposit remaining %1 must equal the deposit amount %2 that has been received > %1 յĴ %2 :The deposits liability G/L account is usually a liability account >ծG/Lʻͨһծʻ :The description may not be spaces >˵Ϊո :The destination warehouse does not exist for this stock code >˿벻Ŀĵزֿ :The destination warehouse does not exist. Do you wish to create it? >Ŀĵزֿ⡣ϣ :The destination warehouse must differ from the sending warehouse >Ŀĵزֿ뷢ֿ벻ͬ :The detail key selection is not the same in 4.0 and 5.0. No detail conversion available >4.05.0еϸѡͬ޿õϸת :The detail line has been changed. Save changes? >ϸѱġҪ :The diagnostic '%1' has been deleted >ɾ '%1' :The diagnostic '%1' has been saved >ѱ '%1' :The diagnostic '%1' has not been saved. Would you like to save it? >δ '%1' ϣ :The difference between the minimum and maximum must be divisible by the increment leaving no remainder >Сֵֵ֮IJǰֿ :The directory does not exist >Ŀ¼ :The discount or tax amount has been changed. Do you wish to recalculate the tax portion? >Ѹۿۻ˰սϣ¼˰ղ? :The discount or tax amount has been changed. Do you wish to recalculate the taxable portion? >Ѹۿۻ˰սϣ¼˰ :The discounts G/L account is usually an expense account >ۿG/Lʻͨһʻ :The dispatch note has a status which is currently not selected within the options >÷߱Ŀǰδѡѡ״̬ :The dispatch note number cannot be blank >벻Ϊհ :The dispatched but not invoiced G/L account is usually an asset account >ѷδ߷ƱG/Lʻͨһʲʻ :The dispatched but not invoiced GL account is usually an asset account >ѷδ߷ƱG/Lʻͨһʲʻ :The distribution entry has been purged. Program cancelled >ȡ :The docking layout '%1' contains the customized pane >停驻布局 '%1' 包含自定义窗格 :The docking layout '%1' includes one or more customized panes. Do you wish to delete this layout and its customized panes? >벼 '%1' һԶ崰ϣɾ˲ּԶ崰? :The document '%1' does not exist. Would you like to create it? >ĵ '%1' ڡϣ? :The document has already been used for a previous reject transaction. Please enter another document number >ļǰľսʹùһļ :The document has been found, but the '%1' option does not match that found in the transaction >ҵĵ '%1' ѡƥڽҵѡ :The document has been found, but the 'Return from supplier' option does not match that found in the transaction >ҵļԹӦ̵˻ѡڱҵļ :The document is the same as the suppliers delivery note number. Please enter another document number >ļ빩Ӧ̽ͬһļ :The document name cannot be spaces >ĵΪո :The document name contains illegal characters >ĵǷַ :The document name for the XML report cannot be blank. Please use the XML wizard to enter the XML document name >XMLļΪհסʹXMLXMLļ :The document name should not contain a space, <, >, or & characters >ļӦո<>ַ :The document type '%1' could not be found in the IMPSRA.IMP control file >޷ IMPSRA.IMP ļҵĵ '%1' :The document was not found in the inspection transaction file >ڼ齻ļδҵļ :The e.net Run Time Product '%1' is not licensed for company '%2' >e.netʱƷ'%1' δɸ˾ '%2' :The e.net Run Time Product '%1' is not licensed for company '%2'. >e.netʱƷ'%1' δɸ˾ '%2' :The eSignatures Log Purge is not permitted. This option can be turned on in the eSignatures Setup >ǩ־ѡڵǩд :The eSignatures configuration has changed. The new settings will only take effect after exiting from SYSPRO >Ѹĵǩáý˳ SYSPRO Ч :The eSignatures configuration has changed. The new settings will only take effect after exiting from SYSPRO.\n\nDo you wish to exit SYSPRO now? >Ѹ eSignatures áֻ SYSPRO ˳󷽿Ч\n\nϣ˳ SYSPRO? :The element / uninvoiced browse may only be viewed if you have entered a shipment reference >ֻе˲ο󣬷ɲ鿴ҪأǷƱ :The element and calculation code have been replaced with >Ҫغͼ뱻滻 :The element code '%1' is fixed. Do you want to continue? >科目代码 '%1' 是固定的。您希望继续吗? :The element name entered contains invalid characters >ҪЧַ :The element/uninvoiced browse may only be viewed if you have entered a shipment reference >ֻ˲οʱɲ鿴Ԫ/δ߷Ʊ :The employee '%1' has zero rates >Ա '%1' :The employee rate is zero. The work center rates will be applied >ԱΪ㡣ҵķ :The end tag '%1' does not match the start tag '%2' >ǩ'%1' 뿪ʼǩ'%2' :The engineering change order has been modified. Save changes? >̱ѱ޸ġҪ :The entered bank code does not exist >д벻 :The entered calendar is not on file > :The entered code is a stocked item >ĴΪǿĿ :The entered cost exceeds the acceptable cost variance. Do you wish to continue? >ijɱɽܳɱϣ :The entered invoice is no longer on the system. Do you wish to re-establish the invoice details? >所输入的发票已不在系统内。您希望重新建立发票明细吗? :The entered job already exists. Please enter a new job >ҵѴڡҵ :The entered job is complete >ҵ :The entered job is for a stocked item >ҵڿĿ :The entered job is locked >ҵ :The entered job is not a sub job >ҵҵ :The entered job is not yet confirmed >δȷҵ :The entered job is on hold >ҵѱ :The entered ledger is not on file >ķ˲ :The entered lot expired on >ʧЧ :The entered lot has already been archived >뵵 :The entered lot is on hold >ѱ :The entered lot number is on hold. Do you wish to continue? >κѱϣ :The entered model does not exist >ģͲ :The entered model's projection dates need updating >ģ͵ԤҪ :The entered non-stocked code already exists as a stocked item >ķǿΪĿѴ :The entered non-stocked code is a bought out item >ķǿչĿ :The entered non-stocked code is not a bought out item >ķǿ벻չĿ :The entered non-stocked code is not defined as made in or subcontracted. Only these part categories are valid for a hierarchical quotation >ķǿûбΪ˾ת졣ڵȴαֻۣЩЧ :The entered non-stocked code is not used on any quotations that are in a preparation status >ķǿ벻׼״̬еκαʹá :The entered non-stocked code is set to use '%1' >ķǿ뱻Ϊʹ '%1' :The entered non-stocked code may not be used. It already exists as a stocked item >ʹķǿ롣ΪĿѴ :The entered non-stocked code may not be used. It is an automatically generated code that is unique to the quotation for which it was generated >ʹķǿ롣ԶɵĴ룬Ϊı˵Ƕһ޶ :The entered non-stocked code's estimate is not complete. You can perform >ķǿĹۻΪɣڿִ :The entered non-stocked code's purchase prices have not been entered >ķǿIJɹ۸δ? :The entered password is invalid >Ч :The entered path does not exist >· :The entered payment date is before today's date >ĸڽ :The entered price does not match the default price of the sub-contract operation. Replace price with default? >ļ۸תͬĬϼ۸ҪĬϼ۸滻ü۸ :The entered price does not match the default price of the subcontract operation. Replace price with default? >ļ۸תͬĬϼ۸ҪĬϼ۸滻ü۸ :The entered quantity exceeds the available quantity to transfer in >˴תĿ :The entered quantity exceeds the available quantity to transfer in for this lot number >ΪκתĿ :The entered quantity exceeds the number of decimals allowed for this stock code >Ϊ涨С :The entered quantity exceeds the number of decimals allowed for this stock code, or the quantity converted to the stocking u/m exceeds the decimals allowed for this stock code >˴˿Сתɿλ˴˿С :The entered quantity exceeds the quantity not yet allocated >δ :The entered quantity exceeds the quantity not yet allocated. The quantity entered will be adjusted accordingly >δӦص :The entered quantity is greater than the original quantity returned to the supplier >˻ظӦ̵ԭʼ :The entered quantity is greater than the quantity available to accept >ҪܵĿ :The entered quantity is greater than the quantity available to accept into stock >ڴĿ :The entered quantity is greater than the quantity available to reject >ҪյĿ :The entered quantity is greater than the quantity available to return >Ҫ˻صĿ :The entered quantity is greater than the quantity available to reverse >ڴתĿ :The entered quantity is greater than the quantity available to rework >ڴĿ :The entered quantity is greater than the quantity available to scrap >ҪĿ :The entered quantity is greater than the quantity counted to date >Ŀ :The entered quotation already exists >ıѴ :The entered quotation is not in a status that can be confirmed/rejected or re-instated >ı۲ڿȷϣɾջɻָ״̬ :The entered receipt quantity is less than the quantity delivered. The confirmation flag will be changed to '%1'. Continue? >ջСڽȷϱ־Ϊ '%1' Ҫ :The entered receipt quantity is less than the quantity delivered. The confirmation flag will be changed to 'Part'. Continue? >վСڽȷϱ־ΪֽҪ :The entered receipt quantity is zero. The confirmation flag will be changed to 'Unconfirmed'. Continue? >վΪ㡣ȷϱ־ΪδȷϡҪ :The entered resource matches the parent resource >ԴĸԴƥ :The entered sales order is for a different customer >۶Բͬͻ :The entered sales order must be a hierarchical sales order >۶Dz۶ :The entered serial number already exists >ϵкѴ :The entered serial number already exists for another stock code >ϵкһѴ :The entered serial number cannot be issued >޷ǩϵк :The entered serial number expired on >ϵкʧЧ :The entered serial number has been sold >ϵк۳ :The entered serial number has been sold or issued >ۻǩϵк :The entered serial number is a batch type serial number >ϵкһϵк :The entered serial number is a manual type serial number >ϵкһ˹ϵк :The entered serial number is already on file, and is defined as a batch serial number.You must enter a manual serial number >кѴڲΪк롣һ˹к :The entered serial number is already on file, and is defined as a manual serial number. You must enter a batch serial number >ϵкļУΪ˹ϵк롣ϵк :The entered serial number is currently in another warehouse. Do you want to transfer it to your current warehouse? >ϵк뵱ǰһֿСϣתǰIJֿ :The entered serial number is for a different lot >ϵкεϵк :The entered serial number is for a different stock code >ϵкϵк :The entered serial number is in WIP inspection for another stock code >ϵкΪһִҵ(WIP) :The entered serial number is in inspection for a different stock code >ϵк봦 :The entered serial number is in inspection for another stock code >ϵкΪһ :The entered serial number is in stock take for a different stock code >ϵк봦ڲ̵ͬ :The entered serial number is in stock take for another stock code >ϵкΪһ̵ :The entered serial number is not stocked in the correct warehouse >ϵкȷIJֿ޿ :The entered serial number is reserved for a different stock code >ϵк뱣 :The entered serial number is reserved for another stock code >ϵкΪһ뱣 :The entered serial number is stocked in warehouse >ϵкڲֿп :The entered serial number was not previously issued to this job >ϵкǰδǩҵ :The entered serial number was scrapped on >ϵкڱ :The entered set is not on file >ļ :The entered stock code already exists as a non-stocked item in Quotations >ĿΪеķǿĿѴ :The entered stock code does not exist on the Inventory file >Ŀڿļв :The entered stock code does not permit issues from multiple lots and is already a component of the current parent >Ŀ벻ӶǩǵǰĸʵIJ :The entered stock code exists as a stocked item >ĿΪĿѴ :The entered stock code is a bought out item >ĿչĿ :The entered stock code is a kit type '%1' or '%2'. A kit type '%3' or '%4' item cannot be a component >Ŀ׼ '%1' '%2' ׼ '%3' '%4' ĿΪ :The entered stock code is a kit type 'K' or 'S'. A kit type 'K' or 'S' item cannot be a component >Ŀ׼'K''S'׼'K''S'ĿΪ :The entered stock code is a notional item >ĿǸĿ :The entered stock code is a notional part. A notional part cannot be a component >ĿǸΪ :The entered stock code is a phantom part. This is not allowed with a kit part parent >ĿǻӰ׼Dz :The entered stock code is a planning bill. A planning bill cannot be a component >ĿǼƻƻDz :The entered stock code is an MPS item. This requires the parent to be a planning bill or kit type 'K' or 'S' >ĿΪMPSĿҪĸΪƻ׼'K''S' :The entered stock code is defined as a bought-out part >Ŀ뱻ΪչĿ :The entered stock code is defined as a notional part or planning bill >Ŀ뱻Ϊƻʵ :The entered stock code is defined as a notional part, planning bill or phantom part >Ŀ뱻ΪȫԲƻʵ :The entered stock code is either a notional part or a planning bill >ĿǸƻʵ :The entered stock code is excluded from structure relationship validation. This requires the parent to also be excluded >Ŀ뱻ӽṹϵ֤ųҪĸҲų :The entered stock code is lot traceable. This requires a lot traceable parent >Ŀο׷ٵġҪο׷ٵĸ :The entered stock code is lot traceable. This requires the stock code being manufactured to also be traceable >Ŀο׷ٵġҪĿҲӦǿ׷ٵ :The entered stock code is not on file >Ŀ벻ļ :The entered stock code is not under ECC control >Ŀ벻ECC֮ :The entered stock code matches the parent stock code >Ŀܿƥ :The entered stock code/route has no components >Ŀ룯·޲ :The entered stock code/route has no operations >Ŀ룯·޲ :The entered stocked part already exists on file as a stocked item >ĿΪĿ :The entered stocked part already exists on file as non-stocked item >Ŀ浵ΪǿĿ :The entered tax amount does not agree with >˰ :The entered ticket number is not numeric >ȯ벻 :The entered warehouse is not on file >IJֿⲻļ :The entire percentage of the material allocation quantity required assigned to this co-product has already been tracked >ѸҪùͬƷIJϷٷֱ :The entry '%1' is duplicated and should be re-entered >Ŀ '%1' ظӦ :The entry '%1' is duplicated and will be discarded >Ŀ '%1' ظ :The entry you have selected has not been included in the analysis >ѡδڷ :The estimate markup percentage cannot be less than 100- % >ǰٷֱȲС100% :The estimated date of arrival is prior to the date of departure. OK to continue? >ƵڡȷҪ :The estimated date of completion cannot be in the past >ڲΪȥʱ :The event selected does not have a recipient list >ѡ¼޽շб :The events file is not available. Program cancelled >¼ļáȡ :The exchange rate cannot be zero >ʲΪ :The exchange rate entered exceeds the maximum field size catered for by this version of SYSPRO >ĻʳΪSYSPRO汾趨ֶδС :The exchange rate may not be zero >ʲΪ :The exchange rate variance account is usually an expense account >ʲʻͨһʻ :The existing General Ledger integration configuration will be used, however there are additional >ʹʼãȻڸӵ :The existing ledger code was not found in the G/L Master. \n\n Please enter a valid ledger code > G/L δҵз˴롣\n\nЧķ˴ :The expected rate entered (or calculated) exceeds the maximum field size catered for by this version of SYSPRO >루㣩ԤƷʳΪSYSPRO汾趨ֶδС :The expense and revenue accounts cannot be set to zero as the Retained Earnings GL code has been set-up as an 'expense' or a 'revenue' account >úʻΪ㣬ΪGLѱΪá롱ʻ :The expense and revenue accounts cannot be set to zero as the Retained earnings account is not on file >úʻΪ㣬Ϊʻļ :The expense journal summary has been purged. Program cancelled >ϷռժҪȡ :The expired contract shown above has been selected >ڱ룬ѡʾ :The expired contract shown above has been selected for >ѡʾĵںͬΪ :The expiry date cannot be prior to the start date >ʧЧڲڿʼ֮ǰ :The expiry date is invalid >ʧЧЧ :The expiry date is prior to the current company date >ʧЧڵǰ˾֮ǰ :The expiry date of the lot number in the from bin differs from that in the receiving bin >ֵκʧЧջֵIJͬ :The expiry period/year is prior to the next posting period/year >ʧЧڣһתڣ :The export destination path does not exist or the file name is invalid or the file already exists >Ŀ·ڻļЧļѴ :The export failed. Target file could not be saved.\n Please ensure that the file path is valid >ʧܡ޷Ŀļ\nȷļ·Ч :The export file already exist. Do you want to replace it? >ļѴڡϣ滻 :The export file already exists - do you want to overwrite the file? >ļѴ - ϣǴļ :The export file has been successfully created >ѳɹļ :The export file will be created on the application server >ļӦóϴ :The export was successfully completed >ѳɹ :The extended tax code is missing or not valid >չ˰մ붪ʧЧ :The extension is invalid >չЧ :The extract file name cannot be blank >ѹļΪհ :The fax documents flag is set so the fax number may not be blank >ôĵǣ˴벻Ϊհ :The fax documents flag is set to email documents so the email address may not be spaces >ĵ趨ΪԵʼĵ˵ʼַΪո :The fax invoice flag or fax statement flag is set so the fax number may not be blank >淢Ʊǻ汨趨˴벻Ϊհ :The fax invoices flag is set to email documents so the email address may not be spaces >淢Ʊ趨ΪԵʼĵ˵ʼַΪո :The fax number cannot be blank if the purchase order transmission method is set to fax >ɹ䷽趨ΪԴ淢ͣ벻Ϊհ :The fax number is blank. Please enter the required fax number >Ϊհס밴Ҫ봫 :The fax number must be valid >һЧ :The fax/mail integration facility is not allowed in your operator options. Email messages cannot be sent >棯ʼɹIJԱѡDzġ޷͵ʼ :The field "Old payments outstanding" will be removed from the list of available scripted fields, but will remain in all forms in which it was used. Do you want to delete this field? >ֶΡδӿýűֶбɾԽʹõбϣɾֶ :The field '%1' already exists in this form >ֶ '%1' ڴ˱Ѵ :The field '%1' already exists on the form '%2', and cannot be added to another form >字段 '%1' 已在表格 '%2' 中存在,而且不可添加到另一个表格 :The field '%1' cannot be greater than '%2' >ֶ '%1' ɴ '%2' :The field '%1' cannot be greater than the field '%2' >ֶ '%1' ɴֶ '%2' :The field '%1' may not be spaces or zero >ֶ '%1' Ϊո :The field '%1' will be removed from the list of available scripted fields, but will remain in all forms in which it was used. Do you want to delete this field? >ֶ '%1' ӿýűֶбɾԽʹбáϣɾֶ? :The field name may not be spaces >ֶΪո :The field to be updated must be the same type (Alphanumeric) >Ҫµֶαͬһͣĸ֣ :The field to be updated must be the same type (Numeric) >Ҫµֶαͬһ֣ͣ :The figures in the multi-level trial kit will be incorrect due to purchase orders having been added. To access this view, you will need to regenerate the kit list >ڶ༶鹤߰еӲɹòȷҪʱͼҪɹ߰б :The figures in the multi-level trial kit will be incorrect due to purchase orders/jobs/SCT's having been added. To access this view, you will need to regenerate the kit list >ڶ༶׼еӲɹҵSCTòȷҪʱͼҪ׼б :The figures in the trial kit will be incorrect due to sub jobs having been added for components. You will need to regenerate the kit list >׼еӦΪתҵòȷҪ׼б :The file '%1' already exists. Would you like to replace it? >ļ '%1' Ѵڡϣ :The file '%1' could not be copied to '%2' >ļ '%1' ޷Ƶ '%2' :The file '%1' could not be copied to '%2'. >ļ '%1' ޷Ƶ '%2' :The file '%1' is invalid. Please check that the file path is valid and that the file exists >ļ '%1' Чļ·Чļ :The file 'gldetail.xsl' could not be created in your XML folder. Please check the permissions or check the visual theme for your report >ļgldetail.xslXMLļд鱨Ȩ޻ӷ :The file 'gltrn.xsl' could not be created in your XML folder. Please check the permissions or check the visual theme for your report >ļgltrn.xslXMLļд鱨Ȩ޻ӷ :The file IMPONL.IMP cannot be found in the program directory. This file contains the Internet addresses for SYSPRO's home page, and is required to connect to SYSPRO Online >ڳĿ¼δҵļIMPONL.IMPļSYSPROҳĻַҪSYSPRO :The file IMPONL.IMP cannot be found in the program directory. This file contains the Internet addresses for SYSPRO's home page, and is required to connect to SYSPRO Online.\n\nYou can try to connect to www.syspro.com >ڳĿ¼δҵļIMPONL.IMPļSYSPROҳַӵSYSPRO OnlineSYSPROߣļ\n\nɳӵwww.syspro.com :The file already exists.\n\nDo you want to replace it? >ļѴڡ\n\nϣ滻 :The file associated with the document you selected could not be found >޷ҵѡĵļ :The file code entered is not a User defined file >ļ벻ûļ :The file code entered is not a User defined table >ļ벻һû :The file copy has been successfully completed >ѳɹļ :The file copy has failed. Please note error messages >ļʧܡ´Ϣ :The file could not be copied to the server >޷ļƵ :The file entered has an invalid format. Only files previously exported by the Encore 5.0 or Encore 5.1 or SYSPRO 6.0 report writer can be imported.\n\nImport cancelled >ļЧʽֻɵǰEncore 5.0Encore 5.1SYSPRO 6.0ļ\n\n뱻ȡ :The file is too large to be loaded >ļ̫޷ :The file name ceated will be SDKBIG.DAT on NT and SDKBIG on Unix >ļUnix NTSDKBIGϵSDKBIG.DAT :The file path does not exist or you may have no permissions to the directory >ļ·ڣȨʹñĿ¼ :The file path in EFTCTL does not exist or you may not have permissions to this directory >EFTCTLеļ·ڣȨʹôĿ¼ :The file selected is a sequential file. You should select an Indexed file >ѡļ˳ļӦѡļ :The file will be saved in ..\work\vbscripts\VBSModules on the server, >文件将保存到服务器上的 ..\work\vbscripts\VBSModules 位置, :The file you selected to export to already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? >ѡҪļѴڡϣ :The file/table you are attempting to view has a variable name that depends on the context >ͼ鿴ļ߱ĵĿɱ :The filename you have selected already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it? >ѡļѴڡȷҪ :The filename you have selected already exists.\n\nAre you sure you want to overwrite it? >ѡļѴڡ\n\nȷҪ? :The filter contains invalid wildcards >Чͳ :The finance charge calculation was previously run for this period. Rerun? >金融收费计算先前对此周期运行。要重新运行吗? :The finance charge calculation was previously run on this date. Rerun? >ǰڱйü㡣Ҫ :The first day range must commence at \"000\" and the last day range must end at \"999\" >Χĵһ\"000\"ʼΧһ\"999\" :The first operation number must be in the range 1-101 >һ봦1-101֮ :The fixed value or fixed cost is zero. Do you wish to continue? >̶̶ֵɱΪ㡣ϣ :The flag '%1' must be Y or N > '%1' YN :The flat price is zero. Do you wish to continue? >̶۸Ϊ㡣ϣ? :The floorstock item %1 cannot be issued as floorstock as this allocation is complete >ڴɣ˲ɽҵֳĿ %1 Ϊҵֳǩ :The floorstock item %1 cannot be issued as floorstock as this allocation is complete. >ڴɣ˲ɽҵֳĿ %1 Ϊҵֳǩ :The folder '%1' already exist would you like override it? >ļ '%1' Ѵڣϣ :The folder isn't accessible. The folder may be located on an unavailable volume >ļвɷʡļпܴڲõľ :The folder selected is invalid >ѡļЧ :The follow up period '%1' may not be greater than the retention period '%2' >'%1' ô'%2' :The follow up period '%1' may not be greater than the retention period '%2'. >'%1' ôڱ'%2' :The follow up period may not be greater than the retention period >ڲôڱڡ :The following Business Analytics data will be extracted >ȡҵ :The following G/L codes have not been defined in the General Ledger Integration program >G/LܷϳԶ :The following cash drawers >ֽƱӵ :The following cash drawers have >߱ :The following control information has not yet been configured >δ¿Ϣ :The following data will be purged > :The following data will be purged if dated before >ݣ :The following drawers have either >³Ʊ˻ :The following error occurred when executing the conversion script >执行转化脚本时发生以下错误 :The following fields need to be set up before the Customer can be added >ֶҪڿӿͻ֮ǰ :The following fields need to be set up before the Supplier can be added >ܹӹӦ֮ǰҪֶ :The following fields will be used to create each Contact >ʹֶδϵ :The following files are needed for this creation >Ҫļ :The following files require converting >ļҪת :The following have not yet been defined >ļδ :The following indicates the spare positions available >г˿õλ :The following information is optional >Ϣǿѡ :The following information will be required >Ҫļ :The following journals are marked as in process >ռ˱Ϊڽ :The following key is duplicate >мΪظ :The following keywords are available for all events >¹ؼֶȫ¼ǿõ :The following ledger codes have not yet been defined >δзʴ :The following limits apply > :The following mandatory fields have not been passed to the SYSPRO component >ǿֶδݽ SYSPRO :The following mandatory fields have not been passed to the SYSPRO component: '%1' >ǿֶδתSYSPRO '%1' :The following mandatory fields have not been passed to the SYSPRO component: '%1'. >ǿֶδתSYSPRO: '%1' :The following menu item(s) have been added >в˵Ŀ :The following modules are currently in period >ģ鵱ģ :The following operators are accessing files needed exclusively in the program that you are running. You should ensure that they release the files. You can use the '%1' function to determine the status of current users >²ԱڷгרļӦȷѷЩļʹ '%1' ȷǰû״̬ :The following operators are accessing files needed exclusively in the program that you are running. You should ensure that they release the files. You can use the 'Refresh View' function to determine the status of current users >²ԱڷеıרļӦȷͷЩļʹáˢ²鿴ܣȷǰû״̬ :The following process will move initial values into the manufacturing >¹̽ѳʼֵƶ :The following process will now take you through the initial configuration of your system control tables >½̽ϵͳƱijʼ :The following registers are marked as in process >µǼDzΪڽ :The following serial numbers are >ϵкϵк :The following source codes are posted using the journal entry program and cannot be posted from this program : JE, IC, PV, AU, PE >Դͨռʣɴг:JEICPVAUPE :The following source codes are posted using the journal entry program and cannot be posted from this program : JE, IC, PV, AU, PE, AC, ST >ԴռйʣñʣJEICPVAUPEACST :The following tables will now be converted >ת¸ :The following tables will now be created >и :The following tables will now be created/converted >/ת¸ :The following tables will now be updated >и :The forced balance and retained earnings account must both be non-blank >ǿͱʻΪհ :The foreign currency summary sales transaction will not be converted. This will only affect the printing of the Invoice Register. You may wish to print the Invoice Register before continuing. Ok to continue? >תժҪ۽סӰ췢Ʊע֤ĴӡϣڼǰӡƱע֤ȷҪ :The form must be saved before any events can be created >ڿɴκ¼֮ǰ :The form preference file contains information about the form font, colors and options >表格参考文件包含有关表格字体、颜色和选项的信息 :The form values are invalid and will not be saved. Continue designing the form? >ֵЧ豣档ҪƱ? :The format selected is a word format, and cannot be used with the option to print continuous counter sale invoices >ѡĸʽΪָʽѡԴӡĹ̨۷Ʊ :The format selected is not valid for this document number >ѡĸʽڸĵЧ :The format specified is not on the list of counter sales invoice formats to print continuously >ָĸʽҪӡķƱʽ :The function to call a .NET assembly has has failed > .NET ʧ :The function to retrieve a list of workflows/operationshas failed >/бʧ :The general ledger entries do not balance >ƽ :The general ledger entries do not balance. >ƽ⡣ :The general ledger integration is at geographical area. Please enter a valid geographical area against the customer >ʼڵСԸÿͻЧ :The generated document number already exists >ɵĵѴ :The generated non-stocked parent is already on file as a stocked item >ɵķǿΪĿѴ :The generated parent code already exists. Do you want to continue to create the sales order/job? >ɵѴڡϣ۶ҵ :The generated stocked parent is already on file >ɵĿѴڡ :The generated stocked parent is already on file as a non-stocked item >ɵĿΪǿĿѴ :The geographic area for this order has been deleted. Do you wish to continue? >öĵѱɾϣ :The geographic area for this order has changed >已更改此订单的地区 :The geographic area is not on file >õ򲻴ڡ :The goods in transit adjustment account is usually an expense account >;ʻͨһʻ :The goods in transit control account is usually an asset account >;ʻͨһʲʻ :The graph can only display up to four sets of data >ͼʾ :The graph takes data as XML. This is a sample XML layout >ͼݿ XMLΪ XML ַ :The gross profit '%1' is below/above the acceptable limit >ë'%1' ڣ :The gross profit is below/above the acceptable limit. Do you wish to continue? >ëڣޡϣ :The gross, discount and tax values are all zero >ëۿۺ˰ֵΪ :The group entered is not on file >鲻 :The gstexemptflag must be '%1' >gstexemptflagΪ '%1' :The gstlevel must be '%1' >gstlevelΪ '%1' :The header ship date does not match the ship date on one or more detail lines. Would you like to update the detail lines with the new ship date? >ͷװһϸеװڲƥ䡣ϣµװڸϸ :The heads/sections and percentage has already been added to the list >⣯ֺͰٷֱб :The hierarchical sub job cannot be detached as it has already started >޷λҵӣΪѿʼִ :The hierarchical sub job cannot be detached as there is at least one sub job attached to it which will need to be detached first >޷λҵӣΪһҪȽӵҵ :The hierarchies relevant to floorstock allocations must be selected before exiting >˳֮ǰѡҵֳصķּ :The hierarchies relevant to floorstock allocations must be selected before the job can be saved >ڱ湤֮ǰѡҵֳصķּ :The hierarchies relevant to the allocations must still be selected before the job can be confirmed >IJαҵȷ֮ǰѡ :The hierarchies relevant to the allocations must still be selected before the job can be saved >IJαڱҵ֮ǰѡ :The hierarchies relevant to the allocations must still be selected before the job can be saved. Do you want to add them now? >IJαڱҵ֮ǰѡСϣЩ :The hierarchy %1 cannot be added as the higher level hierarchy does not exist for this head/section >ڶڸñͷֵĽϸ߲βڣ˲Ӹò %1 :The hierarchy %1 cannot be added as the higher level hierarchy does not exist for this head/section. >ڶڸñ⣯ֵĽϸ߲βڣ˲Ӹò %1 :The hierarchy %1 cannot be deleted as a lower level hierarchy exists for this head/section >ڶڸñͷֵĽϵͲѴڣ˲ɾò %1 :The hierarchy %1 cannot be deleted as a lower level hierarchy exists for this head/section. >ڶڸñ⣯ֵĽϵͲѴڣ˲ɾò %1 :The hierarchy %1 cannot be deleted as transactions exist for this head/section >ڶڸñͷֵĽѴڣ˲ɾò %1 :The hierarchy %1 cannot be deleted as transactions exist for this head/section. >ڶڸñ⣯ֵĽѴڣ˲ɾò %1 :The hierarchy %1 is not allowed for labor allocations > %1 Ͷ :The hierarchy %1 is not allowed for non-stocked material allocations > %1 ڷǿϷ :The hierarchy %1 is not allowed for purchase order transactions > %1 ڲɹ :The hierarchy %1 is not allowed for sales distribution > %1 ۷ :The hierarchy %1 is not allowed for stocked material allocations > %1 ڿϷ :The hierarchy %1 is not allowed for subcontract allocations > %1 ת :The hierarchy for operation '%1' has not been set >δò '%1' IJ :The hierarchy relevant to this component must be selected before the component can be saved >ڱ沿֮ǰѡ뱾صIJ :The hierarchy relevant to this distribution entry must be selected before the distribution entry can be saved >ڱ汾֮ǰѡ뱾صIJ :The hierarchy relevant to this issue must be selected before the issue can be performed >ִǩ֮ǰѡ뱾ǩصIJ :The hierarchy relevant to this material allocation must be selected before the material allocation can be created >ڴϷ֮ǰѡ뱾ϷصIJ :The hierarchy relevant to this material allocation must be selected before the material allocation can be saved >ڱϷ֮ǰѡ뱾ϷصIJ :The hierarchy relevant to this material allocation must be selected before the material allocation can be selected >ϷIJαѡϷ֮ǰѡ :The hierarchy relevant to this operation must be selected before the dummy operation can be created >ڴ֮ǰѡ뱾صIJ :The hierarchy relevant to this operation must be selected before the operation can be saved >ڱ֮ǰѡ뱾صIJ :The highest calculated notional quantity will be applied to all co-products >߸ӦйͬƷ :The highest calculated notional quantity will be the notional quantity to make and will be applied to those co-products which have not had their quantities individually updated >߸ҪĸҽӦЩδõµĹͬƷ :The highest value for automatic customer numbering has been reached >ѴﵽԶͻŵֵ :The highest value for automatic supplier numbering has been reached >ѴﵽԶӦ̱ŵֵ :The highlighted line is selected for confirmation but no offer has been selected >ѡͻʾȷϣδѡκα :The history path does not exist >ʷ· :The history path does not exist or you may have no permissions to the directory >ʷ¼·ڣȨʹñĿ¼ :The hold can only be released by requisition user '%1' >ֻ빺û '%1' ͷű :The hold can only be released by the user >ֻнŵϵ :The hold can only be released by the user that placed the hold on this >ɽΪûͷ :The image to be shown in the tile. (write-only) >要在平铺中显示的图像。(只写) :The import file \"VERATAX.TXT\" does not exist in your working directory. Program cancelled >ҵĿ¼Уڵļ\"VERATAX.TXT\"ȡ :The import file contains invalid data. Do you wish to view the errors? >ļЧݡϣ鿴 :The import file contains invalid data. Do you wish to delete the import file? >ļЧݡϣɾļ :The import file contains invalid data. Do you wish to view the errors ? >导入文件包含无效数据。您希望查看错误吗? :The import file contains invalid data. Do you wish to view the errors? >ļЧݡϣ鿴 :The import file does not exist or you not have permissions to the directory >ļڣȨʹøĿ¼ :The import file must exist on the application server >ļӦóϱ :The import file name you have specified is empty >ָĵļΪ :The import file will be deleted if no errors found >δִ󣬵ļɾ :The import file you have specified is empty >ָĵļΪ :The import has not taken place. OK to close without importing? >δ롣ȷҪδر? :The import of Report Writer tables was successful >ѳɹ뱨 :The import of Role Management Settings was successful >ְõɹ :The import process is complete. Do you wish to delete the import file? >ɡϣɾļ :The import was completed although one or more allocations could not be issued (see warning listing) >޷ǩһ䣬˵루μб :The import was completed and one or more lines have been excluded from the import. Do you wish to view the errors? >ɵ룬һڵбųϣ鿴 :The import was not successful >δɹ :The import was successfully completed >ѳɹɵ :The import was successfully completed although one or more allocations could not be issued (see warning listing). Do you wish to delete the import file? >޷ǩһ䣬dzɹ˵루μбϣɾļ :The import was successfully completed. Do you wish to delete the import file? >ѳɹϣɾļ :The import was successfully completed. Do you wish to delete the import file ? >成功完成导入。您希望删除导入文件吗? :The import was successfully completed. Do you wish to delete the import file? >ѳɹϣɾļ :The incoming XSL path is invalid - '%1' >XSL·Ч - '%1' :The initial range of dates for the site's date dimension >վάȵijʼڷΧ :The input file will be deleted if no errors are found >δִļɾ :The inspection reference is not on file >ο :The inspection reference selected is no longer on file >ѡļοѲٴ :The installation option to restrict order to single warehouse has been set and warehouse differs from existing P/O warehouse >ýΪһֿİװѡҲֿⲻͬеIJɹ (P/O) ֿ :The installation option to use warehouse address as delivery address has been set. The current default warehouse is blank or not on file >ýַַֿİװѡǰĬϲֿΪհףļ :The installation option to use warehouse address as delivery address has been set. The current default warehouse is blank or not on file. You will need to enter a valid warehouse >ýַַֿİװѡǰĬϲֿΪհ׻򲻴ڡҪЧIJֿ :The inter-company id has not been entered >δ빫˾id :The inter-company ledger codes have not yet been entered >δ빫˾ʴ :The intermediate currency is not valid >мЧ :The intermediate currency itself cannot be triangulated >޷мұִǴ :The intermediate currency must differ from both the source and target currencies >мұԴҺĿҲͬ :The intermediate currency must not be the same as the currency code >мҲҴͬ :The inventory files are shared with company >ļ빫˾ :The inventory journal has been purged. Program cancelled >Ͽռʡȡ :The invoice entered already exists on the system >ķƱϵͳѴ :The invoice entered is a registered invoice >ķƱΪעᷢƱ :The invoice entered is no longer on the system. Do you wish to re-establish the invoice details? >ķƱѲϵͳСϣ½Ʊϸ :The invoice entered is no longer on the system. Do you wish to re-establish the invoice details? >ķƱѲλϵͳСϣ½Ʊϸ :The invoice entered no longer exists on the system. Do you wish to re-establish this invoice? >ķƱѲϵͳдڡϣ½Ʊ :The invoice entered no longer exists on the system. Operator is denied access to re-establising invoices >ķƱѲλϵͳСԱ´Ʊķʱܾ :The invoice entered no longer exists on the system. Re-establish details of the purged invoice? >ķƱϵͳвٴڡҪؽƱϸ? :The invoice entered no longer exists on the system. Use the '%1' to re-establish details of the purged invoice >ķƱϵͳвٴڡʹ '%1' ؽƱϸ :The invoice format list is invalid. This list must be in the range \"0\" to \"9\", \"A\" to \"Z\" or spaces . Duplicate format codes are not allowed and there may not be spaces between codes. Please re-enter a valid list >ƱʽЧ˱\"0\"\"9\"\"A\"\"Z\"ΧڣΪո񡣲ʹظʽ룬Ҵ֮䲻пոһЧб :The invoice id entered is no longer on the system. Do you wish to re-establish the invoice details >ķƱidѲϵͳСϣ½Ʊϸ :The invoice id entered is no longer on the system. Do you wish to re-establish the invoice details >ķƱidѲλϵͳϣ½Ʊϸ :The invoice must be numeric and non-zero >ƱΪҷ :The invoice number entered does not exist. Do you wish to create an opening balance entry? >ķƱ벻ڡϣĿ? :The invoice number generated by prefixing the code '%1' already exists. Re-enter a new suffix >ǰ׺ '%1' 'ķƱѴڡº׺ :The invoice number generated by prefixing the code '_CRD' already exists. Re-enter a new suffix >ǰ׺Ϊ'_CRD'ķƱѴڡһµĺ׺ :The invoice number has not yet been entered. Do you wish to enter a manual invoice number now? If you say no, a number will be allocated later >δ뷢Ʊ롣ϣֶƱ˵ :The invoice number must be numeric and non-zero >ƱΪҷ :The invoice register has been purged. Program cancelled >ϷƱע֤ȡ :The invoice register is still reporting ledger distribution rejections. The process cannot be run >Ʊע֤ڱܾʷ䡣޷д˹ :The invoice register is still reporting ledger distribution rejections. This process cannot be run >Ʊע֤ڱܾʷ䡣޷д˹ :The invoice summary has been purged. Program cancelled >ϷƱժҪȡ :The invoice terms have been exceeded by >ѳƱ :The issue number (in ..\base\version.txt) of this upgrade is earlier than the current issue number. The upgrade will be aborted >ǩ루..\base\version.txtУڵǰǩ롣ֹ :The issue number of this upgrade is more than one level higher than the current issue number. You should cancel this upgrade if you need the intervening upgrades >ǩȵǰǩ߳һҪԤӦȡ :The item cannot be removed if TPM is set to Yes >ó״(TPM)ΪǣĿ޷ɾ :The item is not stocked in warehouse defined against '%1' >Ŀ '%1' IJֿ޿ :The item you are issuing exists more than once as a co-product against the job. The co-product line submitted is zero or invalid >ǩĿΪԸҵĹͬƷһϡύĹͬƷΪЧ :The job '%1' cannot be set incomplete when you have used reserved lots or serials >ʹñλϵк󣬲ɽҵ '%1' Ϊδ :The job '%1' has been saved >ѱ湤 '%1' :The job class cannot be deleted as it belongs to a job >޷ɾҵȼΪijҵ :The job classification cannot be deleted as it belongs to a job >޷ɾҵ࣬Ϊijҵ :The job could not be confirmed as the parent or components require reserving or there are floorstock items which require processing >޷ȷҵΪʻ򲿼ҪߴҪֳ :The job defined against the purchase order >Ϊɹҵ :The job defined against the purchase order does not match >ղɹĹƥ :The job entered is an hierarchical job and a material allocation must be selected >ҵһֲҵ˱ѡϷ :The job has been unconfirmed. Do you want to release reserved lots and serials? >ҵδȷϡϣбκϵ :The job has been updated >Ѹ´ҵ :The job is complete. Do you wish to continue? >ҵϣ :The job is for a traceable part and because the job number is to be the lot number, then the job and lot key types must be the same >ҵij׷ٲҵ뽫ǿλ룬ҵͿλؼӦͬ :The job is in WIP inspection. Do you want to select the WIP inspection reference to reduce? >ҵWIPСϣѡٵWIPο :The job is linked to a sales order for which a delivery note has been printed. The sales order will not be updated. Ok to continue? >ҵѴӡ۶ˣ۶¡ȷҪ :The job is linked to a sales order, and the >The job is linked to a sales order, and the :The job is linked to a sales order, and the receipt >ҵӵ۶ :The job is linked to a sales order, and the sales order line is complete. Do you wish to continue? >ҵijһ۶Ҹ۶ɡϣ :The job is linked to a sales order, but the sales order is designated as scheduled, and the sales order line has not yet been allocated >ҵijһ۶۶ѱָΪƻ۶δ :The job is linked to a sales order. Is the sales order line now complete? >ҵijһ۶۶ :The job number '%1' is less than the current next job number '%2' >ҵ '%1' Сڵǰһҵ '%2' :The job number prefix does not match the prefix '%1' of the job class >ҵǰ׺ҵȼǰ׺ '%1' :The job quantity or co-product quantities or material allocation quantities have changed. Do you want to maintain reserved lots and serials? >ҵͬƷϷѸġϣάκϵ :The job was not copied >ҵδ :The job will not be set to complete as there are outstanding costs against one or more of the co-products >ҵΪɣΪһͬƷδɱ :The job you are trying to attach is the top level master job for the structure >ӵҵǸýṹ߲ҵ :The job you have entered is already attached to the master job >ҵҵ :The job you have entered is flagged as complete. Do you wish to continue? >ĴҵΪɡϣ :The job you have entered is not on file. Do you wish to continue? >Ĵҵڡϣ :The job you have entered is not part of a job structure >Ĵҵҵṹһ :The job you have entered is the same as the master job >ҵҵͬ :The job you have entered may not be linked to capex >Ĵҵʱ֧ :The journal entry cannot be posted as it has not been authorized >δȨ˲ɹʸռ :The journal entry cannot be posted as it has not been authorized. >δȨ˲ɹռ :The key length must be between 1 and the lessor of 100 and the record length >ؼֳȱ1100֮䣬¼ :The labor posting journal has been purged. Program cancelled >˹ùռϡȡ :The labor posting journal summary has been purged. Program cancelled >˹ùռժҪϡȡ :The last GRN number detected is greater than the largest number allowed. The control account will not be updated >⵽һ GRN 롣˻ :The last check line cannot be less then the first check line >һвСڵһ :The last detail line cannot be less then the first detail line >һϸвСڵһϸ :The last five year end dates in the Inventory Setup program have not been entered. Program cancelled >δóеڡȡ :The last five year end dates in the Inventory Setup program have not been entered. Program cancelled >δóеݵĽڡȡ :The last review date may not be later than the next review date >һڲɳһ :The last status code processed on the audit trail has a system status of complete however the ECO'S system status has not been set to complete. Do you wish to update the ECO system status to be set to complete? >׷һ״̬߱ϵͳ״̬Ȼ ECO ϵͳ״̬δΪɡϣ ECO ϵͳ״̬Ϊ? :The last three characters of the job number '%1' must be numeric >ҵ '%1' ַ :The ledger account is on hold >ʻ :The ledger account is usually a liability account >ʻͨһծʻ :The ledger account is usually a revenue account >ʻͨһʻ :The ledger account is usually an asset account >ʻͨһʲʻ :The ledger account is usually an expense account >ʻͨһʻ :The ledger account is usually an income or expense account >ʻͨͷʻ :The ledger account is usually asset account >ʻͨһʲʻ :The ledger code cannot be deleted as it is used against a template >ɾʴ룬Ϊƾģʹ :The ledger code cannot be deleted because it is a rounding ledger code >޷ɾʴ룬Ϊһȡʴ :The ledger code cannot be deleted due to one of the following reasons - Non-zero account balance non-zero opening balance for current year, non-zero history record for current year or existing commitments on file >ʴԭ֮һ޷ɾ C ʻ㿪ʷ¼гŵ :The ledger code cannot be deleted due to one of the following reasons - Non-zero account balance, non-zero opening balance for current year, non-zero history record for current year or existing commitments on file >ʴԭ֮һ޷ɾ - ʻ㿪ʷ¼гŵ :The ledger code cannot be deleted due to one of the following reasons: Non-zero account balance, non-zero opening balance for current year or non-zero history record for current year >ԭ֮һ޷ɾʴ룺ʻǰȵķڳǰȵķʷ¼ :The ledger code cannot be deleted due to one of the following reasons: Non-zero account balance, non-zero opening balance for current year, non-zero history record for current year or existing commitments on file >ԭ֮һʴ޷ɾʻǰȵķ㿪ǰȻгиķʷ¼ :The ledger code entered is a control account >ķʴһʻ :The ledger code entered is a control account. OK to continue? >ķ˴Ϊ˻ȷҪ? :The ledger code entered is not a control account >ķʴ벻һʻ :The ledger code entered is not a control account. OK to continue? >ķ˴벻ǿ˻ȷҪ? :The ledger code entered is not on file >ķʴ벻 :The ledger code entered is on hold >ķʴ :The ledger code for settlement discount is blank. Use the '%1' program within '%2' to define the ledger code required >ʻʴΪհסʹ '%2' е '%1' ķʴ :The ledger code for settlement discount is blank. Use the 'G/L Integration' program within 'Setup' to define the ledger code required >ΪʻķʴΪհסʹááеġG/Lɡķʴ :The ledger code for settlement discount is blank. Use the 'GL Integration' program within 'Setup' to define the ledger code required >˻ķ˴հסʹ 'Setup' () е 'GL Integration' (GL ) ķ˴ :The ledger code for withholding tax is blank. Use the '%1' program within '%2' to define the ledger code required >˰ķʴΪհסʹ '%2' е '%1' ķʴ :The ledger code for withholding tax is blank. Use the 'G/L Integration' program within 'Setup' to define the ledger code required >ڿ۽˰ķʴΪհסʹááеġG/Lɡķʴ :The ledger code for withholding tax is blank. Use the 'GL Integration' program within 'Setup' to define the ledger code required >˰ķ˴հסʹ 'Setup' () е 'GL Integration' (GL ) ķ˴ :The ledger code for withholding tax is blank. Use the '%1' program within '%2' to define the ledger code required >代扣所得税分类账代码为空白。请使用 '%2' 中的 '%1' 程序定义所需的分类账代码 :The ledger code selected is not a control account >ѡķʴ벻һʻ :The ledger code was not deleted >δɾʴ :The ledger entered is a control account >ķһʻ :The ledger entries have been saved >ѱĿ :The ledger entries posting program cannot be loaded as the Ledger Entries File is in use by another program. Program cancelled >޷طʳΪļһʹáȡ :The ledger integration has not been set up correctly >δȷ÷ʼ :The length of a notepad line for SRS must be between 1 and 200 characters >SRS±еijȱ1200ַ֮ :The length of a notepad line must be between %1 and %2 characters >±еijȱ %1 %2 ַ֮ :The length of a notepad line must be between 1 and 60 characters >±еijȱ160ַ֮ :The length of paths for this version of SYSPRO cannot exceed 39 characters >SYSPRO汾·Ȳó39ַ :The length of the prefix and the suffix cannot exceed '%1' characters >ǰ׺ͺ׺ijȲɳ '%1' ַ :The length of the prefix and the suffix cannot exceed 20 characters >ǰ׺ͺ׺ijȲó20ַ :The library '%1' is no longer available >ݿ '%1' Ѳٿ :The library '%1' is not yet available >ݿ '%1' δ :The library code for this operator has not yet been defined >δòԱݿ :The library code has not been added to the library code file >ݿδӵݿļ :The library contains multiple activities > :The library entry is stored as a component when it should be an operation >ӦΪһʱݿ洢Ϊ :The library entry is stored as an operation when it should be a component >ӦΪһʱݿ洢Ϊ :The library must not contain any screensets or programs >ݿⲻðκĻû :The license file you have supplied is for a SQL company, and you are adding an ISAM company >ṩ֤ļ SQL ˾ ISAM ˾ :The license file you have supplied is for an ISAM company, and you are adding a SQL company >ṩ֤ļ ISAM ˾ SQL ˾ :The limit of 100% has been exceeded. You will have to adjust your co-product quantities >ѳ100%ޡòĹͬƷ :The limit of 500 categories have been reached >Ѵﵽ500 :The line cannot exceed %1 >вó %1 :The line cannot exceed 65 >вó65 :The line for which you are attempting to edit allocations is a component of a kit. Allocations for kits may only be done at time of confirming the dispatch >ͼΪ༭ij׼һ׼ֻȷϷʱ :The line number must be between 1 and 10 >кű1100֮ :The line value calculated for the above >Ϊϸֵ :The line value calculated for the above has >The line value calculated for the above has :The line value calculated for the above has exceeded the maximum field >ΪֵѳΪSYSPRO汾趨 :The line you are trying to add has already been added to the list >ͼӵѱӵб :The line you have selected is a component of a kit type 'F'. This is treated as a comment line and no allocations are required >ѡ׼'F'IJעжԴҪ :The line you have selected to change is a component of a kit. Changes to kit quantities must be made against the parent >ѡҪĵij׼IJ׼ĸı :The line you have selected to dispatch is a component of a kit. You can only dispatch the kit parent >ѡⷢǹ߰ɶԹ߰˽з :The line you have selected to exclude/include is a component of a kit. This must be done against the parent >ѡҪij׼IJ˲ĸ :The list name '%1' includes space(s). Please remove the space(s) before you save >列表名 '%1' 包含空格。请保存前移除空格 :The list of Assigned organizations has changed. OK to close without saving? >ѷ֯бѸġȷҪر :The list of SYSPRO Companies that are linked to the site >ӵվ SYSPRO ˾б :The list of SYSPRO Operators who are permitted to access the site >ʴվSYSPROԱб :The list of Tables for export has changed. OK to close without exporting? >ҪıбѸġȷҪر :The list of objects to add to the job >ӵĶб :The load reference cannot be spaces >װزοΪո :The local SYSPRO Analytics server '%1' has been saved >ѱ汾SYSPRO Analytics '%1' :The local currency for the current and the '%1' companies are not the same >ǰ '%1' ˾ĵػҲͬ :The local currency for the current and the 'from' companies are not the same >ǰ͡ԡ˾ĵػҲͬ :The local currency is not the same for both companies >ػҶҹ˾ͬ :The local value calculated for the above >Ϊϸıֵ :The local value calculated for the above exceeds the maximum fields size catered >ΪϸĵؼֵΪSYSPRO汾趨ֶδС :The location and authentication information for the Analysis OLAP server >OLAPλú֤Ϣ :The location and authentication information for the Analytics SQL server >Analytics SQLλú֤Ϣ :The location for saving the XML report cannot be blank. Please use the XML wizard to enter the directory for saving your XML report files >XMLλòΪհסʹXML :The location of the Analysis Services server >λ :The location of the Business Tier >ҵλ :The location of the Business layer >ҵλ :The location of the Integration Services server >Ϸλ :The login has failed >¼ʧ :The login test failed for one of the following reasons - \n\nThere is no operator set up as Admin; or \n\n Database and table permissions are incorrect >¼ԭ֮һʧ - \n\nûΪԱIJԱ \n\nݿͱȨȨ޲ȷ :The login test failed for one of the following reasons:\n\nThere is no operator set up as Admin; or \n\n Database and table permissions are incorrect >ԭ֮һ¼ʧܣ\n\nûΪԱIJԱ \n\nݿͱȨȨ޲ȷ :The lot and serial number allocations are not in balance. You must allocate the entire quantity to release >κϵк䲻ƽ⡣Ҫе :The lot and serial number allocations are not in balance. You must allocate the entire quantity to reserve >κϵк䲻ƽ⡣Ҫ :The lot and serial number allocations are not in balance. You must de-allocate the entire quantity to de-allocate >κϵк䲻ƽ⡣Ҫķ :The lot does not exist against the stock code, warehouse >Ӧÿ롢ֿβ :The lot entered was not found in the stock take lot file >̵ļδҵ :The lot entered was not found in the stock take lot file. Do you wish to create this lot? >̵ļδҵΡϣ :The lot entered was not found in the stock take lot file. Do you wish to create this lot? >̵ļδҵΡϣ :The lot expiry date in bin '%1' differs from the expiry date in bin '%2' > '%1' еʧЧڲͬڿ '%2' еʧЧ :The lot has already been reserved for this stock code. Please use the change function to maintain this lot >ѱڸÿ롣ʹøĹά :The lot has not been reserved for this allocation. Do you want to continue? >δڴ䡣ϣ :The lot has not been reserved for this co-product. Do you want to continue? >δΪùͬƷϣ :The lot has not been reserved for this parent part. Do you want to continue? >δڸϣ :The lot is not a reserved lot >βDZ :The lot number '%1' bin '%2' not found >δҵκ '%1' '%2' :The lot number '%1' is not a reserved lot >κ '%1' DZ :The lot number being reversed was not receipted on this purchase order >˲ɹδյκ :The lot number does not exist in the destination warehouse >Ŀĵزֿвڴκ :The lot number entered is not a reserved lot >κ벻DZ :The lot number for this serial has not been reserved for this allocation. Do you still want to reserve this serial? >ϵеκδڴ䡣ϣϵ :The lot number in the receipt bin has already been archived >ջеκ뵵 :The lot number in the receipt bin is on hold >ջеκ뱻 :The lot number in the reciept bin is on hold >ջеκ :The lot number must be numeric >κΪ :The lot/bin number is already on file >Σֺļ :The lots and serials will not be reserved again. Do you still want to exit? >ٱκϵСϣ˳? :The machine you have entered is not the machine that the operation was scheduled on. Would you like to continue? >ĻŶĻϣ? :The mail message is blank. Do you wish to continue? >ʼΪհסϣ :The mandatory kit component '%1' cannot be cancelled >ɾǿԹ߰ '%1' :The mandatory line '%1' cannot be deselected >ɷѡǿ '%1' :The margin percentage cannot exceed 100.00% >ҳ߾ٷֱȲɳ 100.00% :The markup percentage cannot be less than 100- % >ǰٷֱȲС100% :The master account number entered is a sub-account >ʻΪʻ :The master job '%1' is a hierarchical job. You cannot detach sub jobs from a hierarchical job >ҵ '%1' DzҵɴӲҵвҵ :The master job '%1' is a hierarchical job. You cannot detach sub jobs from a hierarchical job. >ҵ '%1' DzҵɴӲҵвҵ :The master job is complete. Do you wish to continue? >ҵɡϣ :The master job is on hold >ҵ :The maximum allowed length is >最大允许长度为 :The maximum approval value cannot be zero >ֵΪ :The maximum length allowed is >最大允许长度为 :The maximum number of %1 levels has been exceeded >ѳ %1 ͻˮƽ :The maximum number of %1 purchase orders has been entered >%1 ɹ :The maximum number of 100 G/L entries has been entered. The existing entries must be maintained so that the undistributed value becomes zero >100G/L뱣еԱδֵΪ :The maximum number of 100 G/L entries has been entered. The existing entries must be maintained so that the undistributed value becomes zero >100(G/L)άеԱδֵΪ :The maximum number of 100 customers has been entered >100ͻ :The maximum number of 100 operators has been entered >100Ա :The maximum number of 100 orders has been entered >100󶩵 :The maximum number of 100 stock codes has been entered >100 :The maximum number of 100 suppliers has been entered >100Ӧ :The maximum number of 20 codes has been entered >20ֵĴ :The maximum number of 20 purchase orders has been entered >20ɹ :The maximum number of 30 events has been entered >30¼ :The maximum number of 300 G/L entries has been entered. The existing entries must be maintained so that the undistributed value becomes zero >300G/L뱣еԱδֵΪ :The maximum number of 300 G/L entries has been entered. The existing entries must be maintained so that the undistributed value becomes zero >300(G/L)άеԱδֵΪ :The maximum number of 300 GL entries has been entered. The existing entries must be maintained so that the undistributed value becomes zero >300G/L뱣еԱδֵΪ :The maximum number of 300 GL entries has been entered. The existing entries must be maintained so that the undistributed value becomes zero >300(GL)άеԱδֵΪ :The maximum number of 350 credit value invoices has been exceeded. The first 350 credit invoices will be processed during this contra function >ѳ350ǼֵƱǰ350ǷƱڴ˶ڼԴ :The maximum number of 350 debit value invoices has been exceeded. The first 350 debit invoices will be processed during this contra function >ѳ350ǼֵƱǰ350ǷƱڴ˶ڼԴ :The maximum number of 40 price codes has been entered >40۸ :The maximum number of 50 jobs has been reached >Ѵﵽ50ҵ :The maximum number of 50 non-stock codes has been reached >Ѵﵽ50ǿ :The maximum number of 50 stock codes has been reached >Ѵﵽ50 :The maximum number of columns to print must be between 132 and 300 >Ҫӡ132300֮ :The maximum number of decimals for manual serial items can only be zero >手动系列项目的最大个数仅可为零 :The maximum number of entries has been entered. The existing entries must be maintained so that the undistributed value becomes zero >뱣еԱδֵΪ :The maximum number of integers, including decimals, has been exceeded >已超过整数,包括小数的最大个数 :The maximum number of ledger codes for a 'DEMO FOR' company has been exceeded. Program cancelled >ѳʾ(DEMO FOR)˾ʸȡ :The maximum number of modules supported by this program has been exceeded. Only the first 49 modules will be shown >ѳֵ֧ģ˽ʾǰ49ģ :The maximum number of ninety G/L entries has been entered. The existing entries must be maintained so that the undistributed value becomes zero >ʮG/L뱣еԱδֵΪ :The maximum number of processes that may be applied for a ledger code is 10 >ڷʴĹ̵Ϊ20 :The maximum number of serial numbers that may be entered is 1000 >ϵкΪ1000 :The maximum number of service charges for a stock is 20. This has been exceeded. All further lines will be ignored >շΪ20ѳ֮ȫ :The maximum number of thirty invoice entries have been entered. No more invoice entries are allowed >ʮƱκƱ :The maximum number of three hundred invoice entries has been entered. No more invoice entries are allowed >ƱκƱ :The maximum numberof service charges for a stock is 20. This has been exceeded. All further lines will be ignored >շΪ20ѳȫ :The maximum of 100 entries has been reached. Click OK to display the next 100 entries, or click Cancel to stop searching >Ѵﵽ100ȷʾ100򵥻ȡֹͣ :The maximum of 5 offers has been exceeded >ѳ5 :The maximum of 998 operations has been reached >Ѵﵽ998 :The maximum of 999 operations has been reached >Ѵﵽ999 :The maximum operators cannot exceed the total for the work center >ԱóҵĹ涨 :The maximum print attribute is 10 >ӡֵΪ10 :The maximum print attributes is 10 >ӡΪ10 :The maximum quantity allowed for this lot will be used >øε :The maximum quantity allowed for this serial will be used >ʹôϵе :The maximum quantity of the parent stock code that may >װ˵ :The maximum quantity of the parent stock code that may be shipped/reserved is >ܽװ/Ϊ :The maximum requisition /line value allowed >빺мֵ :The maximum requisition /line value allowed for this >Դ빺 /мֵ :The maximum requisition line value >ѳΪеĴ :The maximum run time cannot be zero >ʱ䲻Ϊ :The maximum units cannot exceed the total for the work center >ԪóҵĹ涨 :The maximum units entered cannot exceed the total for the work center >ԪóҵĹ涨 :The maximum value to approve a requisition /line is greater than the maximum requisition /line value >׼빺еֵ빺мֵ :The maximum width of a report is 300 columns >Ϊ300 :The menu '%1' does not exist. Would you like to create one? >˵ '%1' ڡϣ :The menu definition file '%1' cannot be located in the program directory >˵ļ '%1' ôڳĿ¼ :The menu definition file 'IMPMEN.IMP' cannot be located in the program directory >˵ļ'IMPMEN.IMP'λڳĿ¼ :The menu file cannot be created. A file cannot be copied onto itself >޷˵ļļɸƵ :The menu file contains more entries than are allowed for. The extra entries will be ignored >˵ļеڵ :The merchandise print block size may not exceed %1 lines >产品打印块的大小不得超过 %1 行 :The method of moving to next status selected needs a "Specific action" event >ѡһ״̬ķҪض¼ :The method of moving to next status selected needs a \"Specific action\" event >ѡһ״̬ķҪ\ض\¼ :The method of moving to next status selected needs an "Action" event >ѡһ״̬ķҪ¼ :The method of moving to next status selected needs an \"Action\" event >ѡһ״̬ķҪ\\¼ :The method you choose will depend on how SQL Server is setup >ҪѡķȡSQL÷ʽ :The method you choose will depend on your SQL Server setup >ҪѡķȡSQL :The minimum order quantity is greater than the total contract quantity >最低订单数量大于合同总数量 :The minimum width of a report is 1 column >СΪ1 :The minor set-up time cannot exceed the set-up time >Ҫʱ䲻óʱ :The minor setup time cannot exceed the setup time >ʱ䲻ɳʱ :The miscellaneous sales order line %1 cannot be maintained as it is linked to a P&C deposit or retention >ڱӵP&C˲ά۶ %1 :The miscellaneous sales order line %1 is not a retention >۶ %1 DZ :The miscellaneous sales order line %1 is not a retention. >۶ %1 DZС :The module you trying to access is not licensed >ԷʵģδȡȨ :The month end date entered does not match the anticipated month end date described in the control record for this module. Do you wish to accept the entered date? >½ڱģĿƼ¼Ԥ½ڲƥ䡣ϣЩ :The month end date entered is the same as the last month end date. Do you wish to accept the entered date? >½һͬϣЩ :The month end or month end and purge functions are not available as the year end condition has been reached. The form will be reset >ջѴﵽáλ :The month must be in the range %1 to %2. Please re-enter the month >·ݱ %1 %2 ķΧڡ· :The month must be in the range 1 to 12. Please re-enter the month >·ݱ112Χڡ· :The month must be in the range 1 to 13. Please re-enter the month >·ݱ113Χڡ· :The month must be in the range 1 to 4. Please re-enter the month >·ݱ14Χڡ· :The month must be in the range 1 to 6. Please re-enter the month >·ݱ16Χڡ· :The month/year selected is not within the last %1 months >ѡ·/ݲ %1 · :The month/year selected is not within the last 12 months >ѡݣ·ݲ12֮ :The multiple bin and lot allocations are not in balance. You must allocate the entire quantity to release >κϵк䲻ƽ⡣Ҫе :The multiple bin and lot allocations are not in balance. You must allocate the entire quantity to reserve >κϵк䲻ƽ⡣Ҫ :The multiple bin and lot allocations are not in balance. You must de-allocate the entire quantity to de-allocate >κϵк䲻ƽ⡣Ҫķ :The multiple bin and serial number allocations are not in balance >ϵк䲻ƽ :The multiple bin and serial number allocations are not in balance. You must allocate the entire quantity to release >ϵк䲻ƽ⡣Ҫе :The multiple bin and serial number allocations are not in balance. You must allocate the entire quantity to reserve >ϵк䲻ƽ⡣Ҫ :The multiple bin and serial number allocations are not in balance. You must de-allocate the entire quantity to de-allocate >ϵк䲻ƽ⡣Ҫķ :The name of the Analysis OLAP database >OLAPݿ :The name of the Analytics OLAP database >Analytics OLAP ݿ :The name of the Analytics SQL database >Analytics SQL ݿ :The name of the Analytics Staging database >Analyticsʱݿ :The name of the Analytics Subject Database >Analyticsݿ :The name of the database that will be used by the workflow host >ʹõݿ :The name of the method that was executed when the '%1' event fires. (read-only) >当 '%1' 事件发生时所执行的方法名。(只读) :The namespace '%1' has not been declared >δƿռ '%1' :The namespace is optional and may be left blank >ֿռѡģΪհ :The nationality code is used by SYSPRO to setup some common >SYSPROΪڵĵ :The nationality is not valid >Ч :The negative quantity would make the quantity manufactured become negative >ʹΪ :The negative receipt quantity exceeds sales order ship quantity >ջ۶װ :The negative receipt quantity is greater than the quantity manufactured for the co-product to date >ջΪյĹͬƷ :The negative receipt quantity is greater than the quantity manufactured to date >ջڽյ :The negative receipt quantity is greater than the quantity receipted in for the reserved lot to date >ջεջ :The new and confirmed passwords do not match. Please re-enter them >ȷ벻ƥ䡣 :The new and confirmed passwords do not match. Please retype them >ȷ벻ƥ䡣 :The new company entered will >¹˾ :The new company entered will only be >¹˾ :The new customer currency code must be the same >¿ͻҴͬ :The new customer for this order does not exist >ö¿ͻ :The new database name is >ݿΪ :The new file already exists >ļѴ :The new permanent entries that are >ɸƹܴ :The new report entered already exists >±Ѵ :The new revision/release is not greater than the current revision/release. Do you wish to continue? >޶/вڵǰ޶/Сϣ? :The new revision/release must be greater than the current revision/release >޶ͷűڵǰ޶ͷ :The new ship quantity will be >װΪ :The new source warehouse code does not exist >Դֿ벻 :The new table already exists >±Ѵ :The next month end date is zero. This will effect the invoice date calculations >һ·ݽΪ㡣⽫Ӱ췢Ʊڼ :The next month end date is zero. This will effect the invoice date date calculations >һ·ݽΪ㡣⽫Ӱ췢Ʊڼ :The next order number will duplicate the existing order. Program cancelled >һжظȡ :The next parent code cannot be zero >һ벻Ϊ :The next payment date must be after the current payment date >һڱڵǰ֮ :The next payment date must be after the from due date >һڱڵڿʼ֮ :The next user '%1' must differ from the current holder '%2' >һû '%1' 뵱ǰ '%2' ͬ :The non-stock code you have selected is the same as the parent >ѡķǿͬ :The non-stocked code has made-in, subcontract or phantom components and you will need to run the cost implosion. Do you wish to continue? >ǿ߱ڲ졢תӰҪгɱֽ⡣ϣ :The non-stocked code has no materials or operations. Do you wish to continue? >ǿ޲ϻ޲ϣ :The non-stocked code may not be blank >非库存代码不得为空 :The non-stocked code must be non-blank >÷ǿΪǿհ :The non-stocked code selected for deletion cannot be deleted as it is used in an estimate >Ϊɾѡķǿ޷ɾΪڹ :The notes have changed.\n\nDo you want to save the changes? >עѱġ\n\nϣ :The number must be in the range 10 to 132 >10132Χ :The number of characters entered is not large enough to cater for the quantity to receive >ַ࣬޷ӦҪյ :The number of characters in the suffix is not large enough to cater for the quantity to add >׺еַ࣬޷Ӧӵ :The number of characters in the suffix is not large enough to cater for the quantity to receive >׺еַ࣬޷Ӧյ :The number of columns must be between 1 and 300 >1300֮ :The number of columns must be between 1 and 300 for a report and between 1 and 400 if extracting to a file >ڱĸ1300֮䣬ѹļʱ1400֮ :The number of decimal places defined against the result (RES) cannot exceed the number of decimals allowed for the component >ԽСóΪ趨С :The number of decimals allowed for '%1' must be greater than zero when used in batch bills >ʵʱ '%1' С :The number of decimals entered (or calculated) exceeds the maximum field size catered for by this version of IMPACT Encore >루㣩СΪIMPACT Encore汾趨ֶδС :The number of decimals entered (or calculated) exceeds the maximum field size catered for by this version of SYSPRO >루㣩СΪSYSPRO汾趨ֶδС :The number of decimals for the order quantity in stocking unit of measure has been exceeded. Do you wish to continue? >ѳλжСϣ :The number of decimals in order quantity in stocking unit of measure has been exceeded >ѳλжС :The number of decimals in stocking qty to ship has been exceeded >已超过要发运库存数量中的小数个数 :The number of decimals in stocking quantity to ship has been exceeded. Do you wish to continue? >ѳװ˿еСλϣ :The number of decimals in stocking unit of measure for the ship quantity has been exceeded. Do you wish to continue? >ѳװλСϣ :The number of decimals in stocking unit of measure has been exceeded. Do you wish to continue? >ѳλеСϣ :The number of decimals you have entered exceeds the maximum allowed >С :The number of fields defined in your form design may not exceed 24 >ıжֶθó24 :The number of fields defined in your form design may not exceed 60 >ıֶεĸó60 :The number of files found exceeds the limit permitted. Please note that only the first 2000 files will be taken into account >ҵļֵע⣬ֻǰ2000ļ :The number of files to reindex has reached the limit. Only the first 1000 will be reindexed >±ļѳޡˣֻǰ1000ļ± :The number of files to reindex has reached the limit. Only the first 1000 will be reindexed >Ҫ±ļѴﵽޡˣֻǰ1000ļ± :The number of integers you have entered exceeds the maximum allowed > :The number of invoices exceeds 525. Only the first 525 invoices will be displayed >Ʊ525˽ֻʾǰ525ݷƱ :The number of months to use for '%1' calculation should not be greater than the number of months that zero balance invoices are retained > '%1'ӦڱƱ :The number of months to use for 'Average number of days to pay' calculation should not be greater than the number of months that zero balance invoices are retained >ڼ㡰֧ƽ·ôڱƱ· :The number of note lines exceed the form >ָʾи :The number of pieces may not be zero >Ϊ :The object location has not been defined >δλ :The object type for this category already exists >ĶѴ :The only activity allowed with 'in process' orders is to add a line >ڡ̡еĶΨһ :The only activity allowed with 'in process' orders is to change an order and add a line >ڡСΨһǸĶ :The opening balance has been corrected >Ѿ :The operation end date cannot be later than the job delivery date >ڱҵ :The operation end date cannot be prior to the start date >ڲڿʼ֮ǰ :The operation is not on file >ò :The operation number '%1' is greater than the next operation number '%2' >ò '%1' Сһ '%2' :The operation number increment must be in the range 1-100 >봦1-100Χ :The operation queue date cannot be prior to the job start date or later than the job delivery date >ڲҵʼ֮ǰҵ :The operation start date cannot be prior to the job start date or later than the job delivery date >ʼڲҵʼ֮ǰҵ :The operation start date cannot be prior to the queue date >ʼڲڶ֮ǰ :The operator '%1' does not have permissions to change attachements when updating an activity. (e.net Solutions) >»ʱԱ '%1'ĸe.net :The operator '%1' has been locked by your Analytics Administrator >òԱ '%1' ѱAnalyticsԱ :The operator '%1' has been saved >ѱԱ '%1' :The operator '%1' has not been saved. Would you like to save it? >δԱ '%1' ϣ :The operator '%1' must still configured for SYSPRO Analytics. Please contact your SYSPRO Analytics site administrator >Ա '%1' ΪSYSPRO AnalyticsáSYSPRO AnalyticsվԱϵ :The operator is not on file >òԱ :The operator or group is not on file >Ա鲻 :The operator timeout has been reached >Աѳʱ :The operators using company '%1' have been logged out >ʹù˾ '%1' IJԱ˳¼ :The option to hold archive data is not set, program will terminate >δѡ˳ֹ :The option to insert dangerous goods text automatically has not yet been selected. Would you like to switch it on now? >δѡԶΣջıѡϣ˹ :The option to move delivery note to invoice means that the delivery note and invoice must be of the same key type >ƶƱѡζŽ뷢ƱΪͬһؼ :The option to place order lines on back order is not valid for this company, as back orders are not required >ڲҪڽڽöеѡڸù˾Ч :The option to prompt for dangerous goods text is currently selected. Would you like to switch it off now? >ǰѡʾΣջıѡϣرմ˹ :The optional value returned from the user control when the '%1' event fires. (read-only) >当 '%1' 事件发生时从用户控制所返还的可选值。(只读) :The options were saved successfully >ѳɹѡ :The order / purchasing price u/m conversion is not in the table >вڶɹ۸λת :The order control record is locked. Do you wish to retry to obtain the next order number? >Ƽ¼ϣȡһ :The order has been copied to order >ѱƵ :The order is not in status %1, so no counter sales options are available >״̬ %1 ûпõķѡ :The order is not in status 8, so no counter sales options are available >״̬8ûпõֽѡ :The order needs be created before you can use the Web Based Product Configurator >在您能够使用基于 Web 产品配置程序之前需要创建订单 :The order qty is less than the minimum quantity required for this price >Сڸü۸С :The order qty is not a multiple of the order multiple required for this price >Ǹü۸趩ı :The order qty u/m cannot be blank >λΪհ :The order quantity calculated must be greater than zero >Ķ :The order quantity for this line will cause the >еĶ :The order quantity for this line will cause the total warehouse quantity >еĶ¶е :The order quantity for this line will cause the total warehouse quantity on order to exceed >еĶ¶еĿ9,999,999.999н :The order quantity has caused the total warehouse allocated field to be > %1 >ѵֶֿܲ > %1 :The order quantity is less than the minimum quantity required for this price >Сڸü۸С :The order quantity is not a multiple of the order multiple and is less than the minimum quantity required for this supplier price >ǶıСڸùӦ̼۸С :The order type for this customer or company is not valid >ÿͻ˾ĶЧ :The order type is not on file >Ͳ :The order type is not valid >Ч :The order will be placed into 'suspense' >"ͣ״̬" :The order you are copying contains at least one merchandise line associated with a job. Do you wish to include these lines, ignoring the job number? >ڸƵĶһijҵƷСϣЩжҵ :The order you have selected to copy from contains no order lines >ѡҪиƵĶж :The order/purchasing price u/m conversion is not in the table >/ɹ۸λתڱ :The original sales value and adjustment value are both zero >ԭۼֵ͵ֵΪ :The outgoing XSL path is invalid - '%1' >XSL·Ч - '%1' :The outstanding quantity must equal zero >δ :The overline will not be shown unless you change your line number to a number greater than %1 >кŸΪ %1 ĺ룬򽫲ʾҳü :The overline will not be shown unless you change your line number to a number greater than 1 >кŸΪһ1ĺ룬򽫲ʾҳü :The overload for this work center has been flagged as actioned >ѽҵĵĹرʾΪж :The p/order has been copied to p/order >ɹѸƵɹ :The p/order is for a supplier which is not defined for EDI. XML documents can only be created for EDI suppliers >ɹڲΪEDIȷĹӦ̡XMLļֻΪEDIӦ̶ :The page length must be in the range %1 >ҳ泤ȱ %1 Χ :The page length must be in the range 01-66 >ҳ泤ȱ01-66Χ :The parameter file could not be copied to the client >ɽļƵͻ :The parameter setting does not allow deleting of completed RMAs >òɾɵ˻Ȩ(RMA) :The parent code generated already exists as a non-stocked item. Do you wish to cancel the configuration wizard and return to the calling program? >ɵΪǿĿѴڡϣȡ򵼲صó :The parent code generated already exists as a stocked item. Do you wish to cancel the configuration wizard and return to the calling program? >ɵΪĿѴڡϣȡ򵼲صó :The parent code you have entered already exists as a non-stocked item >ΪǿĿѴ :The parent code you have entered already exists as a stocked item >ΪĿѴ :The parent code you have entered must be numeric >Ϊ :The parent part '%1' has not been enabled by an ECO for maintenance > '%1' δɹ̱(ECO)Խά :The parent sales order is not on file >۶ :The parent sales order is not on file, and there are no active dispatch lines. You will only be able to cancel the dispatch note. Do you wish to continue? >۶ڣҲڻķСܹȡϣ? :The parent sales order not on file >۶ :The parent serial cannot be spaces >ϵвΪո :The parent stock code '%1' cannot be added as an allocation more than once > '%1' Ϊһ :The parent stock code is a bought out item. Ok to continue? >չĿȷҪ :The parent stock code is either a bought out item or a by-product. Ok to continue? >ҪôչĿҪôǸƷȷҪ :The parent u/m has changed. Do you want to save the parent details now? >λѸġϣϸ? :The parent unit of measure has changed and has not been saved. If you continue the unit of measure will revert back to the original unit of measure. Do you wish to continue? >λѸģδ档λصԭʼļλϣ :The parent unit of measure has changed. Do you want to save the parent details now? >λѸġϣϸ? :The parent you wish to create is a notional or co-product part >ϣǸ򸱲Ʒ :The parent you wish to create is a notional part >ϣǸ :The parent you wish to create is a phantom part which cannot be attached to a parent which is a kit type 'K' or 'S' >ϣڹ߰'K''S' :The parent you wish to create is a planning bill which cannot be used as a component >ϣǼƻʵ :The parent you wish to create is already on file >ϣѴ :The parent you wish to create is flagged to be excluded from the structure validation whereas the parent to attach it to is included >ʱڣϣʱΪӽṹų :The parent you wish to create is traceable but the parent to attach it to is not >ϣǿɸٵģ :The parent's calculated specific gravity differs from that specified against the parent stock code. Ok to update the parent stock code? >ʵļزָͬıءȷҪ :The part billing journal has been purged. Program cancelled >ʵռʡȡ :The part billing journal summary has been purged. Program cancelled >ʵռժҪȡ :The part that you have selected to add is a kit part. Do you wish to >ѡҪӵһ׼ϣ :The part that you have selected to add is a phantom part. Do you wish to >ѡҪӵһ׼ϣ :The password entered is incorrect. You must enter the correct operator password to continue using SYSPRO >벻ȷȷIJԱ룬ԼʹSYSPRO :The password for this account is incorrect >ʻ벻ȷ :The password has expired. Please contact your System Administr\nator to provide you with a new password >ѹڡϵͳԱϵṩ :The password has expired. Please contact your System Administrator to provide you with a new password >ʧЧϵͳԱϵԻȡһ :The password has expired. You will now be prompted to add a new password >ʧЧʾ :The password history for all operators has been reset >ѸλȫԱʷ¼ :The password is incorrect >벻ȷ :The password you have entered is incorrect >벻ȷ :The password you have entered is not correct >벻ȷ :The passwords you typed do not match. Type the new password into both entry fields >벻ƥ䡣ֶм :The path does not exist or you may have no permissions to the directory >·ڣȨʹñĿ¼ :The path entered exceeds the maximum path size catered for by this operating system - 100 characters >·Ϊϵͳ趨·С - 100ַ :The path entered exceeds the maximum path size catered for by this operating system - 64 characters (16-bit) or 100 characters (32-bit) >·˸òϵͳҪ·С - 64ַ16λ100ַ32λ :The path entered exceeds the maximum path size for this operating system >·˴˲ϵͳ·С :The path for publishing the web document has not been specified >δָļķ· :The path in which workflows for use within the SYSPRO Workflow Service are deployed > SYSPRO ̷ʹõĹ̵· :The path must be accessible to the application server >·ԷӦó :The path should be unique per report >ÿݱ·ӦǶе :The payment date entered is after the current company date. Do you wish to continue? >ĸڵǰ˾ڡϣ :The payment register of the Legacy A/P Payment Cycle has not been printed. Program cancelled >ѴӡʽӦʿ(A/P)ѭĸǼDzȡ :The payments G/L account is usually an asset account >G/Lʻͨһʲʻ :The percentage already exists in the list >ٷֱбд :The percentage change field can only be negative for percentage change based on cost >ٷֱȸֶζڻڳɱİٷֱȸĽΪֵ :The percentage total needs to equal %1 >ٷֱҪ %1 :The period end date entered does not match the anticipated period end date described in the control record for this module. Do you wish to accept the entered date? >ڱģĿƼ¼ԤƵڲƥ䡣ϣЩ :The period end date entered is the same as the last period end date. Do you wish to accept the entered date? >һͬϣЩ :The period selection is invalid for this company >ѡԴ˹˾Ч :The period you have selected does not have any excess or shortage in it >ѡڲ߱κ :The permitted acceptable quantity over supply percentage has been exceeded. Do you wish to continue? >Ӧٷϵɽѳޡϣ :The permitted acceptable quantity under supply percentage has been exceeded. Do you wish to continue? >ѳӦٷֱĿɽϣ? :The phantom component for line '%1' does not exist > '%1' ò :The phantom parent for line '%1' must be selected before the components can be selected > '%1' ڿѡ񲿼֮ǰѡ :The physical inventory records update failed >ʵ¼ʧ :The physical sales order update failed >ʵ۶ʧ :The physical temporary files will be deleted together with any associated index (.idx) portions >ʱļκص (.idx) һɾ :The planner you are routing to is not on file >ļƻԱ :The possible causes for this are >Ŀԭ :The possible solutions are >ܵĽ :The post flag must be set to "N" on creation of schedules >ʱʱʱDZΪ"N" :The post flag must be set to "N" on creation of schedules. >ʱʱʱDZΪ"N" :The posting has been completed. Would you like to maintain the updated sales order? >ɹʡϣάѸµ۶ :The posting period for re-established invoices defaults to the current AP period and cannot be changed >ؽƱķĬΪǰ AP ڣ޷ :The posting period is closed >ѽ :The posting threshold for this head/section cannot be exceeded >ɳñ⣯ֵĹʼֵ :The posting threshold for this head/section cannot be exceeded. >ɳñ⣯ֵĹʼֵ :The posting threshold for this head/section will be exceeded if you issue this allocation. Do you wish to continue? >ǩ䣬ôñ⣯ֵĹʼֵϣ :The posting threshold for this head/section will be exceeded once this allocation is added. Do you wish to continue? >һӴ䣬ôñ⣯ֵĹʼֵϣ :The posting threshold for this head/section will be exceeded once this allocation is posted. Do you wish to continue? >һʴ䣬ôñ⣯ֵĹʼֵϣ :The prefix and suffix combined length may not exceed 20 characters >ǰ׺ͺ׺ϳȲó20ַ :The prefix cannot start with a space character >ǰ׺Կոͷ :The prefix for the job number may not have any leading or embedded spaces >ŵǰ׺þ߱κǰǶ׿ո :The previous operation move time is invalid. The previous elapsed time is '%1' >һ䶯ʱЧһʧȥʱΪ '%1' :The previous task has not yet been completed >δǰһ :The price '%1' does not exceed the cost '%2' by the specified margin >ָ۸ '%1' ûгɱ '%2' :The price code cannot be blank or (!) >۸벻Ϊհ׻(!) :The price code cannot be blank, contain '%1' or a dot (.) >۸벻Ϊհף '%1' СԲ(.) :The price does not exceed the cost by the specified margin >ָ۸ûгɱ :The price does not exceed the cost by the specified margin. Do you wish to continue? >ָ۸ûгɱϣ :The price entered (or calculated) exceeds the maximum field size catered for by this version of SYSPRO >루㣩ļ۸񳬹ΪSYSPRO汾趨ֶδС :The price entered is zero. Do you wish to continue? >ļ۸Ϊ㡣ϣ :The price for the above, when converted >ת۸ :The price for the above, when converted to >The price for the above, when converted to :The price for the above, when converted to local currency, exceeds >ϸļ۸񣬵תΪػʱ :The price for the above, when converted to local currency, exceeds the >ϸļ۸񣬵תΪػʱ :The price is zero >۸Ϊ :The price is zero. Do you wish to continue? >۸Ϊ㡣ϣ :The price method selected is invalid for a foreign customer >Ķ۷ͻ? :The price of this item is zero. Do you wish to continue? >Ŀļ۸Ϊ㡣ϣ :The price u/m entered is not in the purchase price unit of measure table >ļ۸λڲɹ۸λ :The price unit of measure cannot be blank >۸λΪհ :The price, when converted to local currency, exceeds the maximum field size catered for by this version of SYSPRO >תΪػʱ۸񳬹Ϊ汾SYSPRO趨ֶδС :The price, when converted to local currency, exceeds the maximum field size catered for by this version on SYSPRO >תΪػʱ۸񳬹Ϊð汾SYSPRO趨ֶδС :The pricing qty to ship will calculate the >װ˵Ķ :The pricing u/m cannot be blank >۸λΪհ :The primary and secondary sequence cannot be the same >˳ʹ˳򲻵ͬ :The primary supplier for stock code '%1' has not been defined. Do you want to define the supplier? >已定义库存代码 '%1' 的主供应商。您希望定义供应商吗? :The print process will continue, using the template that already exists on the client >ÿͻѴڵģ壬ģTEMPLATEģ壩Ŀ¼ :The printer for this program is currently defined as >˳ĴӡĿǰΪ :The product class defaults were not deleted >δɾƷȼĬֵ :The product class entered is not on file or the branches have not been updated >IJƷ಻ڻδ :The product class for this branch is not on file >此分支的产品类不存在 :The product class for this branch is not on file. Do you wish to change the product class? >˷֧IJƷȼڡϣıƷȼ :The product class for this stock code is not on file >˿IJƷȼ :The product class for this stock code is not on file. Do you wish to change the product class? >˿IJƷȼļСϣıƷȼ :The product class is not on file >Ʒȼ :The product class is not valid for the contract customer >ƷȼںͬͻЧ :The product class is not valid for the contract customer. >òƷȼںͬͻЧ :The product code '%1' does not allow for the creation of a parent part >òƷ벻 :The product configuration is now complete. The configuration wizard will now create a job for the parent >ɲƷá򵼽ΪʾIJƷĸ :The product configuration is now complete. The configuration wizard will now create the component / >ɲƷáڷ֮ǰ :The product configuration is now complete. The configuration wizard will now create the stocked / >ɲƷáֽ棯 :The product configuration is now complete. The configuration wizard will now sequence the >ɲƷáֽǸԵ :The product configuration is now complete. The configuration wizard will now use the existing >ɲƷáֽʹеĿĸʣ :The product version in the license file does not match your current product version >许可文件中的产品版本不匹配您当前的产品版本 :The profit percentage cannot exceed 100% >ٷֱȲó100% :The profit target for the month '%1' cannot exceed the sales target >月份 '%1' 的利润目标不可超过销售目标 :The profit target for the month cannot exceed the sales target >·ݵĿ겻óĿ :The program entered does not appear to be a standard SYSPRO program. (it does not exist in '%1'). Use the Browse push button to select a standard SYSPRO program >ijƺDZ׼ SYSPRO ( '%1' в)ʹťѡ׼ SYSPRO :The program entered does not appear to be a standard SYSPRO program. (it does not exist in '%1'). Use the Browse push button to select a standard SYSPRO program.\n\nDo you wish to continue even though the program may be non-standard? >ijƺDZ׼SYSPRO򡣣 '%1' вڣʹťѡ׼SYSPRO\n\nʹܲDZ׼£ϣ :The program entered does not appear to be a standard SYSPRO program. (it does not exist in 'IMPPRG.IMP'). Use the Browse push button to select a standard SYSPRO program.\n\nDo you wish to continue even though the program may be non-standard? >ijƺһױ׼SYSPRO򡣣ڡIMPPRG.IMPвڣʹťѡ׼SYSPRO\n\nʹǷDZ׼£ϣ :The program entered does not exist in \"IMPPRG.IMP\". Use the Browse push button to select a standard SYSPRO program >ij\"IMPPRG.IMP\"вڡʹťѡ׼SYSPRO :The program name that you are trying to 'Zoom' on has not been found in the file IMPPRG.IMP which normally resides in your screenset directory - this file contains details of which files each program uses. Program cancelled >ļIMPPRG.IMPûҵͼšijͨĻĿ¼ - ļÿһʹһЩļϸȡ :The program you have attempted to run requires one or more parameters. These have not been provided >ͼеijҪһδṩЩ :The projection date entered cannot be prior to the current system date >Ԥڲڵǰϵͳ :The promotion must be an accrual >Ϣ :The proportion of the quantity percentage for the co-products has exceeded 100 percent >ͬƷٷֱȵıѳ100% :The proportion ot total quantity must equal 100% before exiting the program >ı˳ǰ100% :The purchase order entered is not >IJɹ :The purchase order entered is not for the >IJɹ :The purchase order is linked to a sales order, and the >˲ɹӵ۶ :The purchase order is linked to a sales order, and the receipt quantity is greater than the back order quantity >ɹӵ۶ջڽ :The purchase order line attached to this GRN has been deleted >ɾӵGRNϵIJɹ :The purchase order must be for a non-stocked item >ɹڷǿĿ :The purchase order must be valid >ɹЧ :The purchase order number entered already exists >IJɹѴ :The purchase order number is mandatory for this customer >ڴ˿ͻɹDZ :The purchase order number is mandatory for this customer. Do you wish to enter it now? >ڴ˿ͻɹDZġϣ :The purchase order price is zero. Do you wish to continue? >ɹ۸Ϊ㡣ϣ :The purchase order receipt can >ɹվֻ :The purchase order receipt can only be acknowledged >Ӧɹջ :The purchase order setup options reflect that the GRN suspense system is not required. Program cancelled >ɹѡӳҪʹջ(GRN)ϵͳȡ :The purchase orders' rev/rel does not match that against lot number '%1' >ɹ޶κ '%1' :The purchase orders' rev/rel does not match the rev/rel against the entered lot >ɹ޶ͷε޶ͷŲƥ :The purchase price converted to a net local currency price has exceeded the maximum allowed for this version of SYSPRO. The price will be shown as zero. Do you wish to continue? >תΪػҾ۵IJɹ۸ѳ˱SYSPRO汾ֵ۸ʾΪ㡣ϣ :The quantities on the stock take file will be updated with the quantity on hand from the inventory warehouse file. Ok to proceed with update? >̵ļеݿֿļеԸ¡ȷҪ :The quantities reserved for lots and serials do not equal the outstanding quantity to manufacture for the co-product. Do you still want to exit? >ΪκϵҪΪͬδϣ˳ :The quantities reserved for lots and serials do not equal the outstanding quantity to manufacture for the parent part. Do you still want to exit? >ΪκϵڸҪδϣ˳ :The quantities reserved for lots and serials do not equal the quantity to issue for the allocation. Do you still want to exit? >ΪκϵΪҪǩϣ˳ :The quantity allocated serial numbers does not equal the quantity allocated to the lot >ϵкڷε :The quantity allocated to bins does not equal the full quantity to be allocated >ȫ :The quantity allocated to bins does not equal the quantity allocated to the lot >ڷε :The quantity allocated to lots does not equal the full quantity to be allocated >εȫ :The quantity allocated to serials does not equal the full quantity to be allocated >ϵеȫ :The quantity cannot be changed from a value of 1.000 >ɴֵ1.000 :The quantity cannot be negative or zero >Ϊ :The quantity cannot be zero >Ϊ :The quantity cannot have decimals as the stock code '%1' uses manual serial tracking >ڿ '%1' ʹֶϵи٣ɴС :The quantity entered can only be one as this stock code uses the manual serial method >ֻΪһΪʹ˹ϵз :The quantity entered causes the quantity on hand to be greater than the original receipt quantity >ԭʼջ :The quantity entered exceeds the maximum credit allowed for this bin. The maximum will be used >˴˿áʹֵ :The quantity entered exceeds the maximum credit allowed for this bin. Use the maximum allowed? >˱ֵҪʹֵ :The quantity entered exceeds the maximum credit allowed for this lot >˸ޡ :The quantity entered exceeds the maximum credit allowed for this lot. The maximum allowed will be used >˴áʹֵ :The quantity entered exceeds the maximum credit allowed for this lot. Use the maximum allowed? >˱ֵҪʹֵ :The quantity entered exceeds the maximum credit allowed for this lot/bin. Use the maximum allowed? >˱ΣֵҪʹֵ :The quantity entered exceeds the maximum credit allowed for this serial number >˱ϵкֵ :The quantity entered exceeds the maximum credit allowed for this serial number. The maximum allowed will be used >˴ϵкáʹֵ :The quantity entered exceeds the maximum credit allowed for this serial number. Use the maximum allowed? >˱ϵкֵҪʹֵ :The quantity entered exceeds the quantity allowed for alternate serials >滻ϵ :The quantity entered exceeds the quantity available >˿ :The quantity entered exceeds the quantity available for this batch number. Do you wish to add the quantity to this batch number? >˱Ŀϣӵ :The quantity entered exceeds the quantity available for this bin. Use the quantity available? >˸ÿĿҪʹÿ :The quantity entered exceeds the quantity available for this lot. The available quantity will be used >˴εĿʹÿ :The quantity entered exceeds the quantity available for this lot. Use the quantity available? >˱εĿҪʹÿ :The quantity entered exceeds the quantity available for this lot/bin. Use the quantity available? >˱ΣֵĿҪʹÿ :The quantity entered exceeds the quantity available for this serial number. The available quantity will be used >˴ϵкĿʹÿ :The quantity entered exceeds the quantity available for this serial number. Use the quantity available? >˱ϵкĿҪʹÿ :The quantity entered exceeds the quantity available for this serial. Use the quantity available? >˸ϵеĿҪʹÿ :The quantity entered exceeds the quantity available in WIP inspection for this serial number >˱кWIPпõ :The quantity entered exceeds the quantity available in this bin. The available quantity will be used >˴˿Ŀʹÿ :The quantity entered exceeds the quantity available in this bin. Use the quantity available? >˱ֵĿҪʹÿ :The quantity entered exceeds the quantity inspected to date >ĿǰѼ :The quantity entered exceeds the quantity issued for this lot. Use the quantity issued? >ΪǩҪʹǩ :The quantity entered exceeds the quantity originally advised for this serial number >˾ͱϵкԭ֪ͨ :The quantity entered exceeds the quantity outstanding for this allocation >˸÷δ :The quantity entered exceeds the quantity outstanding for this co-product >˸ùͬƷδ :The quantity entered exceeds the quantity outstanding for this job >˸ҵδ :The quantity entered exceeds the quantity outstanding for this serial >˸ϵеδ :The quantity entered exceeds the quantity previously scrapped for this serial number >˴ϵкǰ :The quantity entered exceeds the quantity remaining to track for this allocation to this co-product. Use the quantity remaining? >ҪΪùͬƷٵʣҪʹʣ :The quantity entered exceeds the quantity remaining to track for this lot. Use the quantity remaining? >˸εҪҪʹʣ :The quantity entered exceeds the quantity remaining to track for this serial. Use the quantity remaining? >˸ϵеҪҪʹʣ :The quantity entered exceeds the quantity reserved for this allocation >Ϊ÷ :The quantity entered exceeds the quantity reserved for this co-product >ΪùͬƷ :The quantity entered exceeds the quantity reserved for this job >Ϊҵ :The quantity entered exceeds the single lot limit >˵һμ :The quantity entered exceeds the tool set quantity available >˿õĹ :The quantity entered is greater than the excess against the source warehouse for the period >ڵԴֿ :The quantity entered is greater than the quantity available against the bucket >ͰĿ :The quantity entered is greater than the shortage against the target warehouse for the period >ڵĿֿĶ :The quantity exceeds the undistributed quantity to release >Ҫеδ :The quantity field has the incorrect number of decimals. Do you wish it to be automatically truncated? >ֶξвȷСϣԶɾ :The quantity given will result in more than the original quantity >³ԭ :The quantity is not allowed to exceed the stock on hand for this function. Please re-enter the quantity >ֿܵ档 :The quantity may not be zero >Ϊ :The quantity must not be negative >Ϊ :The quantity on at least one line from this quote has been put on back order due to insufficient stock availability >ڿÿ治㣬˱һϵѷڽ :The quantity on hand can only be one or zero as this stock code uses the manual serial method >ֻΪһ㣬Ϊʹֹкŷ :The quantity on hand is zero. Do you wish to continue? >Ϊ㡣ϣ? :The quantity on order is sufficient to supply the net shortage. Continue? >е㣬޷뾻ȱҪ :The quantity on the sales order has been placed on back order >۶еѱڽ :The quantity ordered has changed. Do you want the back order quantity to be automatically adjusted? >ѸϣԶڽ? :The quantity oustanding does not equal zero > :The quantity per entered must be within the range specified >ĵλָķΧ֮ :The quantity per must be zero when adding an allocation for the parent stock code >ΪӷʱλΪ :The quantity per of component '%1' will be ignored as it is a calculated field when included in the batch bill >ڵʵʱǼֶΣ˽Բ '%1' ĵλ :The quantity reserved for lots does not equal the outstanding quantity to manufacture for the co-product. Do you still want to exit? >ΪҪΪùͬƷδϣ˳ :The quantity reserved for lots does not equal the outstanding quantity to manufacture for the parent part. Do you still want to exit? >ΪڸҪδϣ˳ :The quantity reserved for lots does not equal the quantity to issue for the allocation. Do you still want to exit? >ΪΪǩϣ˳ :The quantity reserved for serials does not equal the outstanding quantity to manufacture for the co-product. Do you still want to exit? >ΪϵҪΪùͬƷδϣ˳ :The quantity reserved for serials does not equal the outstanding quantity to manufacture for the parent part. Do you still want to exit? >ΪϵڸҪδϣ˳ :The quantity reserved for serials does not equal the quantity to issue for the allocation. Do you still want to exit? >ΪϵΪǩϣ˳ :The quantity sold exceeds the quantity taken on >۳˶ :The quantity sold exceeds the quantity taken on. Do you wish save just the header information? >˷ֵϣҳüϢ? :The quantity supplied exceeds the quantity outstanding '%1' for the lot number '%2' >ṩκ '%2' δ '%1' :The quantity supplied exceeds the quantity outstanding '%1' for the lot number '%2' bin '%3' >ṩκ '%2' '%3' δ '%1' :The quantity supplied exceeds the quantity outstanding '%1' for the serial number '%2' >ṩϵк '%2' δ '%1' :The quantity to accept exceeds the quantity inspected. Do you wish to continue? >Ѽϣ :The quantity to allocate exceeds available quantity on this lot and issues from multiple lots are not allowed for this stock code >˱εĿҶڱ룬Ӷǩ :The quantity to allocate exceeds the maximum credit for this lot and receipts to multiple lots are not permitted for this stock code >˱εֵҶڱ룬ʹöվ :The quantity to allocate exceeds the quantity available for this lot and issues from multiple lots is not permitted for this stock code >˱εֵҶڱ룬Ӷǩ :The quantity to be issued to the substituted allocation is zero. Do you wish to continue? >ǩΪ㡣ϣ :The quantity to be issued to this job exceeds the material quantity required. Do you wish to continue? >ǩҵҪIJϣ :The quantity to dispatch is zero, and under-dispatch is allowed - do you want to dispatch the line? >ⷢΪ㣬 - ϣԴз? :The quantity to dispatch is zero, and under-dispatch is not allowed - line cannot be dispatched >ⷢΪ㣬 - ޷Դз :The quantity to issue exceeds the quantity available >Ҫǩ˿ :The quantity to issue is greater than the outstanding quantity against the allocation >ǩڱδ :The quantity to issue is greater than the quantity reserved for the lot. Do you want to maintain the reserved quantity for the lot? >Ҫǩڴεıϣάִεı? :The quantity to issue is greater than the quantity reserved for the serial. Do you want to maintain the reserved quantity for the serial? >Ҫǩڴϵеıϣάִϵеı? :The quantity to issue may not be reduced >Ҫǩɼ :The quantity to kit exceeds the outstanding quantity to manufacture >ڴδ :The quantity to make cannot be changed as this is an hierarchical job >ڴΪҵ˲ɸҪ :The quantity to make entered differs to that on file and at least one of the factory documents have been printed. Continue? >ҪͬļеѴӡһݹĵҪ :The quantity to part book is greater than the quantity outstanding >еҵδ :The quantity to part book is greater than the quantity outstanding for job '%1' >еҵ '%1' δ :The quantity to part book is greater than the quantity outstanding. Do you wish to continue? >еҵδϣ :The quantity to receipt is greater than the outstanding quantity against the job >Ҫȡڴҵδ :The quantity to receive exceeds the serial numbers remaining >ʣϵк :The quantity to reserve '%1' is greater than the outstanding quantity '%2' against the allocation >Ҫ '%1' ڶӦδ '%2' :The quantity to reserve '%1' is greater than the outstanding quantity '%2' against the job >Ҫ '%1' ڶӦҵδ '%2' :The quantity to reserve '%1' is less than the outstanding quantity '%2' against the allocation >Ҫ '%1' СڶӦδ '%2' :The quantity to reserve '%1' is less than the outstanding quantity '%2' against the job >Ҫ '%1' СڶӦҵδ '%2' :The quantity to reserve exceeds the quantity available >Ҫ˿ :The quantity to reserve exceeds the quantity available. >Ҫ˿ :The quantity to reserve exceeds the serial numbers remaining >Ҫʣϵк :The quantity to reverse exceeds the quantity of '%1' in inspection >Ҫ˼ '%1' :The quantity to reverse exceeds the quantity of '%1' received to date >Ҫ˽Ŀǰյ '%1' :The quantity to reverse is less than the quantity available >ⱣСڿ :The quantity to rework exceeds the quantity still reserved for this lot >ҪΪ :The quantity to rework exceeds the quantity still reserved for this serial >ҪΪϵ :The quantity to scrap exceeds the quantity still reserved for this lot >ҪΪ :The quantity to scrap exceeds the quantity still reserved for this serial >ҪΪϵ :The quantity to ship cannot be zero or negative. Packaging not required >ҪװΪֵҪװ :The quantity will cause the total captured quantity to exceed %1 >ܲ %1 :The quantity will cause the total captured quantity to exceed 9,999,999.999 >ܲ9,999,999.999 :The quantity you entered is more than the outstanding quantity >δ :The quantity you have entered exceeds the quantity outstanding for this entry >˱δ :The quantity you have entered exceeds the quantity outstanding for this entry and the item is either traceable or serialized >˱δұƷǿ׷ٵģǴл :The quantity/run-time per must be within the range '%1' to '%2' >λʱ봦 '%1' '%2' Χ֮ :The quotation cannot be confirmed as the trial load facility is currently in use by another user. Do you wish to retry? >޷ȷϱۣΪغɻĿǰڱһûʹáϣ :The quotation customer is not the same as the customer on the contract >ۿͻͻͻͬ :The quotation has not been fully costed. Would you like to run the cost rollup now? >вȫɱϣгɱۼ :The quotation that you wish to copy contains lines that have non-stocked codes >ϣƵıۺΪרŴ :The quotation will be saved when you add a detail line >当您添加明细行时,将保存报价 :The quotation will be saved when you add a detail line >ϸʱ汨 :The range of dates entered does not match the year for which capacity is being maintained >ڷΧΪ䱣Ȳƥ :The rate cannot be zero >ʲΪ :The re-established invoice entered will not be shown due to the current age selection. Select Include, All Invoices to view/edit invoice >´ķƱѡ˵ǰʾѡ񡰰ȫƱԲ鿴༭Ʊ :The reason code is not on file >ԭ벻 :The receipt quantity differs from or is the same as the back order quantity >ջͬڻͬڽ :The receipt quantity differs from the back order quantity. Is the sales order line now complete? >ͬڶ۶ :The receipt quantity exceeds the accumulated outstanding order quantity. Do you wish to continue? >ջۼδϣ :The receipt quantity exceeds the outstanding order quantity. Do you wish to continue? >ջδɶϣ :The receipt quantity exceeds the permitted supply variance percentage. Do you wish to continue? >ջĹӦ仯ٷֱȡϣ :The receipt quantity is below the accumulated outstanding order quantity. Do you wish to continue? >ջۼδϣ :The receipt quantity is equal to the back order quantity. The sales order line is now complete >ջڶ۶ :The receipt quantity is greater than the quantity outstanding. Do you wish to continue? >ջδϣ :The receipt quantity is less than the back order quantity. Is the sales order line now complete? >ջСڶҪɱɹ :The receipt quantity may not exceed the quantity on back order >ջóڶ :The receipted stock will automatically be issued to job >ѿվݵĿ潫ԶͷŸҵ :The received quantity entered equals or exceeds the quantity delivered. The confirmation flag will be changed to '%1'. Continue? >ѽڻ򳬹ѽȷϱǽΪ '%1' Ҫ :The received quantity entered equals or exceeds the quantity delivered. The confirmation flag will be changed to 'Confirmed'. Continue? >ܵڻ򳬹ѽȷϱ־ΪȷϡҪ :The received quantity is not allowed to be negative >յΪֵ :The receiver code on the import file does not match the sender/receiver code of the local site >ļеĽշ뵱վķͷշ벻ƥ :The receiver code on the import file is different from the local site receiver code defined in the IMPACT Interface Setup program >ļеջ벻ͬIMPACTóжĵվջ :The recipient email address has not been defined. Email cannot be sent using SMTP without this information >δռ˵ʼַ޴Ϣ޷ʹSMTP͵ʼ :The recipient email address has not been defined. Email cannot be sent using SMTP without this information. >δռ˵ʼַ޴Ϣ޷ʹSMTP͵ʼ :The recipient list must contain at least one name >ռбٺһ :The recommended cost could not be calculated correctly because the calculated cost exceeded the maximum size allowed by this version of IMPACT Encore >޷ȷ㽨ijɱΪɱ˱IMPACT Encore汾ֵ :The recommended cost could not be calculated correctly because the calculated cost exceeded the maximum size allowed by this version of SYSPRO >ڼɱ˸SYSPRO汾ֵ޷ȷ㽨ijɱ :The record length must be between 1 and 1000 >¼ȱ11000֮ :The record length must be between 1 and 3000 >¼ȱ13000֮ :The reindex process has been cancelled. Do you wish to see the log report? >ȡ±̡ϣ鿴־ :The release '%1' used does not match the current release >õķ '%1' 뵱ǰв :The release reference cannot be blank >вοΪհ :The remainder of this wizard will guide you through the process of setting >򵼺ָֽ :The remainder of this wizard will guide you through the process of setting up your Report Writer >򵼵ʣಿָֽıдĹ :The reminder time '%1' is invalid. Please enter a valid reminder time >ʱ '%1' ЧЧʱ :The remote SYSPRO Analytics server '%1' has been saved >ѱԶSYSPRO Analytics '%1' :The remote SYSPRO Analytics server '%1' has not been started. Cannot connect to the server >ѿʼԶSYSPRO Analytics '%1' ޷ӵ :The remote server returned an error >Զ̷ :The replacement component cannot be a kit type >Ϊ׼ :The replacement component cannot be a notional part >ΪȫԲ :The replacement component cannot be a planning bill >Ϊƻʵ :The replacement component cannot be defined as a co-product against a notional part >ɶΪȫԲӦƷ :The replacement component you have entered is the same as the component to be replaced >ĸѻIJͬ :The replacement component's uom differs from that of component to be replaced >λͬļλ :The report '%1' has been deleted >ɾ '%1' :The report '%1' has been saved >ѱ汨 '%1' :The report code entered already exists >ıѴ :The report code entered contains invalid characters >ı뺬Чַ :The report configuration files have successfully been exported >ѳɹļ :The report configuration files have successfully been imported >ѳɹ뱨ļ :The report entered does not already exist >ıв :The report entered does not exist >ı :The report entered has not been defined using the SYSPRO Report Writer. Use the Browse push button to select a report.\n\nDo you wish to continue even though the report has not been defined? >ıδʹSYSPROԶ塣ʹťѡ񱨱\n\nʹδ壬ϣ :The report index 1 field contains invalid wildcard characters >1ֶκЧͳַ :The report index 2 field contains invalid wildcard characters >2ֶκЧͳַ :The report is invalid >Ч :The report prompts for report code '%1' has changed. It is recommended you add the new prompts to the report form >Ѹı '%1' ıʾȽ򱨸ʾ :The report will take longer to process using this option >ʹôѡҪĴʱ :The report you are attempting to save already exists. Would you like to replace it? >ԱıѴڡϣ滻 :The requested ship quantity of the parent stock code cannot >޷װ :The requested ship/reserved quantity of the parent stock code cannot be satisfied >޷װ/ :The required is greater than the maximum allowed >ҪĴֵ :The required is less than the minimum allowed >ҪССֵ :The required must be divisible by the increment >Ŀ԰ :The requirements planning options are set to include estimates in the requirements calculation. Stocked items are allowed in estimate's 'ITEM TO MAKE'. One of these options must be changed before the requirements calculation can be run >Ҫ滮ѡýҪеĹۡѿƷڹ۵ġƷڿҪǰȸЩѡеһ :The requirements planning setup option is set to say requirements planning load levelling not required >Ҫ滮ѡÿʾҪҪ滮غƽ :The requisition group cannot be blank when budgets are required >ҪԤʱ빺鲻Ϊհ :The requisition group cannot be deleted because it is attached to a user >빺򸽼û޷ɾ :The requisition/s no longer exists. Program cancelled >빺ٴڡȡ :The reservation must be done upfront >ǰ :The reserved lot entered has insufficient quantity available >ıξ߱Ŀ :The reserved lot is complete >ñ :The reserved lot is complete. Do you still want to reserve a quantity for this lot? >ñɡϣε :The reserved lot is complete. Do you want to continue? >ñɡϣ :The reserved lot is not on the lot master file. Do you want to release the reserved lot? >ñβļС:ϣиñ :The reserved lots allocation is complete. Do you wish to accept the entries? >ñηɡϣЩ :The reserved lots and serials allocation is complete. Do you wish to accept the entries? >ñκϵзɡϣЩ :The reserved lots and serials allocation is complete. Do you wish to accept these entries? >ñκϵзɡϣЩ :The reserved lots and serials will not be reworked. Do you still want to exit? >ñκϵн践ϣ˳ :The reserved lots and serials will not be scrapped. Do you still want to exit? >ñκϵн豨ϡϣ˳ :The reserved quantity may not be less than the quantity in WIP inspection for the reserved lot >ñСڱεִҵ(WIP)е :The reserved quantity may not be less than the quantity in WIP inspection for the reserved serial >ñСڱϵеִҵ(WIP)е :The reserved quantity may not be less than the quantity that has already been receipted, scrapped and reworked for the reserved lot >ñСΪνաϺͷ :The reserved quantity may not be less than the quantity that has already been receipted, scrapped and reworked for the reserved serial >ñСΪϵнաϺͷ :The reserved quantity may not be less than what has already been issued for the reserved lot >ñСΪǩ :The reserved quantity may not be less than what has already been issued for the reserved serial >ñСΪϵǩ :The reserved serial '%1' has already been assigned to another job >ñϵ '%1' ѱһҵ :The reserved serial '%1' has already been assigned to another job. >ñϵ '%1' ѱһҵ :The reserved serial allocations are complete. Do you wish to accept these entries? >ñϵзɡϣЩ :The reserved serial is complete. Do you still want to reserve a quantity for this serial? >ñϵɡϣϵе :The reserved serials allocation is complete. Do you wish to accept the entries? >ñηɡϣЩ :The retention remaining %1 must equal to the specified retention amount %2 > %1 ָ %2 :The retention remaining %1 must equal to the specified retention amount %2. > %1 ָ %2 :The return document does not match the original reject document >˻ļԭļƥ :The returnable item does not exist in this warehouse. Create the warehouse record now? >ÿɷĿڸòֿвڡҪֿ¼ :The returnable item is invalid >ÿɷĿЧ :The returnable item must exist in the returnable item warehouse >ÿɷĿڸÿɷĿֿд :The returnable item warehouse has been created >ѴÿɷĿֿ :The returnable item warehouse is blank >˻ĿֿΪհ :The returns G/L account is usually a revenue account >˻G/Lʻͨһʻ :The revision '%1' used does not match the current revision >õ޶ '%1' 뵱ǰв :The role you have selected no longer exists in the role file.\n\nFunction cancelled >ѡְְļвٴڡ\n\nȡ :The roles you are importing are from a prior version of SYSPRO.\n\nDo you wish to continue importing? >ڵְԴ SYSPRO ǰ汾\n\nϣ? :The root tag '%1' is not closed correctly >ǩ'%1' ȷر :The route '%1' is not an ECC controlled route >· '%1' ܹ̱(ECC)Ƶ· :The route '%1' not found >δҵ· '%1' :The route is not available for use by the Engineering Change Control system, therefore the structure will be imported for the current revision and release >·߲ɹ̱䶯ϵͳʹã˵뵱ǰ޶ǩĽṹ :The route notation cannot be spaces >·עⲻΪո :The route query may only be viewed if you have entered a stock code and route selection >ֻе·ѡ󣬷ɲ鿴·߲ѯ :The row cannot exceed the number of lines on a page >óһҳϵ :The row cannot exceed %1 >ɳ %1 :The row cannot exceed %1 rows >ɳ %1 :The row cannot exceed 65 >ó65 :The row cannot exceed 65 rows >ó65 :The row cannot exceed 66 >ó66 :The row cannot exceed the detail lines block size >óϸпС :The row cannot exceed the merchandise block size >óƷС :The row cannot exceed the number of lines on a page >óһҳϵ :The row cannot exceed the number of lines on page >óһҳϵ :The row cannot exceed the number of lines on the check >ó֧Ʊϵ :The row cannot exceed the number of lines on the document page >óļҳϵ :The row cannot exceed the number of lines on the format >óʽе :The row cannot exceed the number of lines on the label >óǩϵ :The row cannot exceed the number of lines on the remittance >ɳе :The row cannot exceed the number of lines on the statement >óе :The row cannot exceed transaction block size >ó׵ĿС :The run time entered would cause the total run time to overflow >ʱɵʱ :The sales G/L account is usually a revenue account >G/Lʻͨһʻ :The sales adjustments may only be maintained when the view is set to quantities, cost values or sales values >ֻͼΪɱֵۼֵʱɶ۵ά :The sales order '%1' linked to the job '%2' for updating is invalid >ҵ '%2' Ҫµ۶ '%1' Ч :The sales order alternate key is blank. Do you wish to enter it now? >销售订单备用密钥为空,您希望立即输入它吗? :The sales order for cross shipment is still open. Continue? >۶Դڴ״̬Ҫ :The sales order for this contract has quantities which are dispatched but not invoiced. You may not confirm this release. Do you wish to continue? >ͬ۶ѷδ߷ƱȷϱηСϣ :The sales order has been released for invoicing. Do you wish to continue? >۶ͷţԿ߷Ʊϣ :The sales order has had a change of status and may no longer be reviewed >۶״̬ѱģ˿ܲٱ :The sales order information has been maintained. Do you wish to change sales order information to reflect customer defaults? >ά۶Ϣϣ۶ϢѷӳͻĬֵ :The sales order is designated as scheduled, and the sales order line has not yet been allocated >۶ָΪճŶδ۶ :The sales order is hierarchical, the status can only be changed through part billings >۶Dz۶״ֻ̬ͨʵ :The sales order no longer exists or has an invalid order status >۶ٴڣЧĶ״̬ :The sales order no longer exists or has an invalid order status. The sales order will not be updated. Do you wish to continue and ignore the update on the sales order? >۶ٴڣЧĶ״̬ˣ۶¡ϣԶ۶ĸ :The sales order number is invalid >۶Ч :The sales order will not be updated automatically >۶Զ :The schedule creation list box is empty. No schedules will be created >ʱбհסᴴκʱ :The schedule date is later than the estimated date of completion. Continue? >ʱڹڡҪ :The schedule date must be entered >ų :The schedule has not been published yet. Program cancelled >δų̡ȡ :The schedule you are trying to add already exists >ӵʱѴ :The schedule you are trying to add exceeds the selling prices of the job >ͼӵʱ˴ҵۼ۸ :The schema file cannot be blank >ģʽļΪ :The scrap quantity '%1' is greater than the quantity available on any of the reserved lots. Please enter a smaller scrap quantity > '%1' καеĿСЩı :The scrap quantity '%1' is greater than the quantity available on any of the reserved lots. Please enter a smaller scrap quantity. > '%1' καеĿСЩı :The scrap quantity '%1' is greater than the quantity available on reserved serial '%2'. Please enter a smaller scrap quantity > '%1' ڱϵ '%2' еĿСЩı :The scrap quantity '%1' is greater than the quantity available on reserved serial '%2'. Please enter a smaller scrap quantity. > '%1' ڱϵ '%2' еĿСЩı :The scrap reversal transaction will not be performed unless you select all the reserved serials to reverse. Do you still want to exit? >ѡҪıϵУ򽫲ִбϷתסϣ˳? :The screenset has been transferred to your Client PC.\n\nThe program will now continue >ĻתƵĿͻPCϡ\n\n򼴽ִ :The search window '%1' has been docked and will not work correctly for the purpose as a browse > '%1' ͣפҽΪΪĿķ :The section code must only contain numeric characters >ִַ :The selected Custom Form tables were successfully added to the Report Writer Data Dictionary >已成功将所选自定义表格表添加到报告编写器数据字典 :The selected Custom Form tables were successfully removed from the Report Writer Data Dictionary >已成功从报告编写器数据字典移除所选自定义表格表 :The selected FIFO bucket does not have sufficient stock on hand. Select '%1' to select another FIFO bucket or '%2' to adjust FIFO buckets automatically >ѡȳ (FIFO) Ͱ߱п档ѡ '%1' ѡһȳ (FIFO) Ͱѡ '%2' Զȳ (FIFO) Ͱ :The selected FIFO bucket does not have sufficient stock on hand. Select 'Yes' to select another FIFO bucket or 'No' to adjust FIFO buckets automatically >ѡȳ (FIFO) Ͱ߱п档ѡ '' ѡһȳ (FIFO) Ͱѡ񡰷Զȳ (FIFO) Ͱ :The selected G/L posting period and year is closed >ѡG/Lڼѽ :The selected apportionment method is only available if "Use fixed cost" is set to "No" >仅当 "Use fixed cost" (使用固定成本) 设置为 "No" (否) 时,所选分摊方法方可用 :The selected apportionment method is only available if \"Use fixed cost\" is set to \"No\" > \"Use fixed cost\" (ʹù̶ɱ) Ϊ \"No\" () ʱѡ̯ :The selected bin is not on file >ѡĿⲻ :The selected check/EFT will be voided and invoices paid by this check/EFT reinstated. Any purged invoices will automatically be re-established. Ok to continue? >ѡ֧Ʊת(EFT)ϣɸ֧Ʊת(EFT)֧ķƱָκһķƱԶ´ȷҪ :The selected component is a phantom part and you must deselect it first if you wish to change its details. Do you wish to maintain the associated components? >ѡIJΪϣϸѡϣάIJ :The selected credit note already exists on the file. Do you wish to delete this credit note and the associated payments? >ѴѡĴƱݡϣɾ˴Ʊݼĸ? :The selected debit note already exists on the file. Do you wish to delete this debit note and the associated payments? >ѴѡĽ跽Ʊݡϣɾ˽跽Ʊݼĸ? :The selected descriptor cannot be deleted as it is in use >ѡ䴦ʹжɾ :The selected file is not a valid Report Configuration file >ѡļЧıļ :The selected invoice already exists on file. Deletion of a foreign currency invoice is not allowed >ļѴѡķƱɾҷƱ :The selected invoice already exists on file. Deletion of a foreign currency invoice is not allowed >ѡķƱѴڡɾҷƱ :The selected invoice already exists on the file. Do you wish to delete this invoice and the associated payments? >ļѴѡķƱϣɾƱĸ :The selected invoice already exists on the file. Do you wish to delete this invoice and the associated payments? >ѡķƱѴڡϣɾ÷Ʊĸ :The selected item is not stocked in this warehouse >ѡĿڸòֿ޿ :The selected item is transfer supplied at this warehouse. Do you wish to create a supply chain order instead of a job/purchase order? >ѡĻƷڱֿӦġϣӦҵɹ :The selected job has been confirmed >ѡҵȷ :The selected job is not a hierarchical job >所选工作不是分级工作 :The selected job is not an hierarchical job >ѡҵһֲҵ :The selected journal has already updated the General Ledger >ѡռѸ :The selected ledger code is not marked as a gain/loss account >ѡķʴûбΪ棯ʻ :The selected library code cannot be deleted >޷ɾѡĿ :The selected library code has not been deleted from the >The selected library code has not been deleted from the :The selected load already exist. Do you want to replace it? >ѡļѴڡϣ滻 :The selected month and year is earlier than the posting month and year of the transaction >ѡ·ݺڱ׵Ĺ·ݺ :The selected month is closed >ѡ·ѽ :The selected non-stocked code is under development >ѡķǿдڿ :The selected operator has been forced to define a new password when they next login >⽫ǿʹѡIJԱ´ε¼ʱ :The selected option can only be completed >ֻ¸׹ʺ :The selected posting period and year is closed >ѡĹںѹر :The selected requisition line was created from a backorder. Ok to continue with the '%1' function? >ѡǴڽġȷҪִ '%1' :The selected requisition line was created from a backorder. Ok to continue with the 'Cancel' function? >ѡǴǷġȷҪִСȡ :The selected schema already exist in the configuration >ѡĸҪѴ :The selected source does not have any materials defined. If you continue, the option to copy materials will be ignored >ѡԴ߱κѶIJϡԸƲѡ :The selected source does not have any materials defined. If you continue, the option to copy materials will be ignored. Do you wish to continue? >ѡԴûκι̶IJϡԸƲѡϣ :The selected source does not have any materials defined. If you continue, the option to copy of materials will be ignored. Do you wish to continue? >ѡԴûκι̶IJϡԸƲѡϣ :The selected source does not have any operations defined. If you continue, the option to copy operations will be ignored. Do you wish to continue? >ѡԴûκѶIJԸƲѡϣ :The selected templates have been saved >ѱѡģ :The selected variable has an associated condition. This condition will not be exported >ѡıй :The selection can either be single bank or single currency - not both >ѡǵһУҲǵһĻ - :The selection entered does not have values associated >ѡ񲻾߱ؼֵ :The selection entered is not on file >ѡ񲻴 :The selection field is invalid. It must be entered as '%1' where '%2' is the sequence number >选择字段无效。在 '%2' 为顺序编号情况下,它必须输入为 '%1' :The selling price against each sales order will be converted. You may wish to print an Order Backlog by Customer Report before continuing. Ok to continue? >תÿһ۶ۼ۸ϣڼ֮ǰӡһݰͻ˳δɶȷҪ :The selling rate cannot be zero >۷ʲΪ :The sequence of the alternate index may not be the same as that of the primary key or any of the other indexes >油˳򲻵ؼֻκ˳ͬ :The sequential file you are trying to convert has the same name as the user defined index file. If you have successfully used this function before it could be that you have entered the incorrect sequential file name.\n\nConversion cancelled >ڳת˳ļûļͬơǰɹʹùܣôܿ˲ȷ˳ļ\n\nתȡ :The serial does not exist against the stock code, warehouse >Ӧÿ롢ֿϵв :The serial has already been reserved for this stock code. Please use the change function to maintain this serial >ϵѱڸÿ롣ʹøĹάϵ :The serial has been reserved under a different lot number >ϵѱڲͬκ :The serial is not stocked in the correct warehouse >ϵȷIJֿ޿ :The serial is reserved for another job or allocation >ϵбһҵ :The serial number '%1' is not a reserved serial >ϵк '%1' DZϵ :The serial number entered has a different lot from the lot entered >ϵкξвͬ :The serial number entered was not found in the stock take file. Do you wish to create this serial number? >̵ļδҵϵк롣ϣϵк? :The serial number entered was not found on the serial number master file >ϵкļûҵϵк :The serial number entered was not found on the serial number stock take file >ϵк̵ļûҵϵк :The serial number entered was not found on the serial number stock take file. Do you wish to create this serial number? >ϵк̵ļûҵϵк롣ϣϵк :The serial number entered was not found on the serial number stock take file. Do you wish to create this serial number? >ϵк̵ļδҵϵк롣ϣϵк :The serial number entered was not receipted against this job >ϵкΪԴ˹ջ :The serial number is not a reserved serial >ϵк벻DZϵ :The serial number is reserved for another allocation or job >ϵк뱣һҵ :The serial number selected is no longer on file >ϵкѲļ :The serial number suffix must be numeric >ϵк׺Ϊ :The serial tracking system is not required. Program cancelled >Ҫкϵͳȡ :The serials and bins issued do not balance >ǩϵкͿⲻƽ :The server operating system defined in the license file does not match your current server operating system >ļķϵͳǰIJϵͳƥ :The setup time entered would cause the total setup time to overflow >ʱɵʱ :The shared general ledger does not have the same number of accounting periods as the local general ledger. Do you wish to continue? >ʲ߱뱾ͬĻں롣ϣ :The ship date for the dispatch note is blank >װΪհ :The ship quantity is greater than the new order quantity >¶ :The ship quantity is greater than the new order quantity for line '%1' > '%1' ¶ :The ship quantity is greater than the order quantity >ڶ :The ship quantity is greater than the order quantity for line '%1' > '%1' Ķ :The ship quantity is less than the order quantity for line '%1' >С '%1' Ķ :The ship quantity must have the same sign as the order quantity for line '%1' > '%1' Ķͬı :The site '%1' has been deleted >ɾվ '%1' :The site '%1' has been locked by your Analytics Administrator >վ '%1' ѱAnalyticsԱ :The site '%1' has been saved >ѱվ '%1' :The site '%1' has been stopped by your Analytics Administrator >AnalyticsԱֹͣվ '%1' :The site '%1' has not been saved. Would you like to save it? >δվ '%1' ϣ :The snapshot directory has not been defined. This directory is defined in System Setup by selecting '%1'. Enter the full path name of your snapshot directory against '%2' >尚未定义快照目录。此目录在系统设置中通过选择 '%1' 进行定义。请针对 '%2' 输入您快照目录的完整路径名 :The snapshot directory has not been defined. This directory is defined in System Setup by selecting 'Data Path'. Enter the full path name of your snapshot directory against 'Snapshot (for MRP)' >δĿ¼Ŀ¼ϵͳͨѡ 'Data Path' (·) 塣 'Snapshot (for MRP)' ( MRP Ŀ) Ŀ¼· :The snapshot directory has not been defined. This directory is defined in the System Setup program by selecting 'Other Directories'. Enter the full path name of your snapshot directory against 'Snapshot (for MRP)' >δĿ¼ͨѡĿ¼ϵͳóжĿ¼ӦڡգMRPĿĿ¼·ȫ :The snapshot directory has the same path as one of the standard directories. This is not permitted as it could result in live data being corrupted >ϢĿ¼еһ׼Ŀ¼ͬ·DzģΪпܵʵʩݱƻ :The source and target currencies are the same >ԴҺĿͬ :The source code is a standard code and may not be used >ԴΪ׼룬˲ʹ :The source currency is not valid >ԴЧ :The source file does not exist in the samples folder >ԴļƷļв :The source template name cannot be spaces >ԴģΪո :The source warehouse cannot be the same as the warehouse being maintained >ԴֿⲻάIJֿͬ :The source warehouse equals the target warehouse >ԴֿĿֿ :The source warehouse for the stock code is not valid >ԴֿЧ :The source warehouse for the stock code is not valid. Function cancelled >ÿԴֿЧȡ :The source warehouse for the stock code must be entered >ÿԴֿ :The specified A/P branch does not exist. Do you wish to continue? >ָӦʿ(A/P)ڡϣ :The specified A/R branch does not exist. Do you wish to continue? >ָӦʿ(A/R)ڡϣ :The specified G/L account already exists >ָG/LʻѴ :The specified G/L account already exists in the alternate currency file >ָG/Lʻ滻ļѴ :The specified GL account already exists >ָ GL ˻Ѵ :The specified GL account already exists in the alternate currency file >ָ GL ˻ڱûļд :The specified bank does not exist. Do you wish to continue? >ָвڡϣ :The specified cash drawer does not exist. Do you wish to continue? >ָֽƱ˲ڡϣ :The specified customer does not exist. Do you wish to continue? >ָĿͻڡϣ :The specified file contains the report displayed below >ָļʾı :The specified file does not exist.\n\nPlease choose a valid file >ָļڡ\n\nѡЧļ :The specified file exists and will be overwritten if the export is continued >ָļѴڣУļ :The specified job classification does not exist. Do you wish to continue? >ָҵ಻ڡϣ :The specified path does not exist. Please choose a valid path >ָ·ڡѡЧ· :The specified payment type does not exist. Do you wish to continue? >ָĸͲڡϣ :The specified requisition user does not exist. Do you wish to continue? >ָ빺ûڡϣ :The specified warehouse does not exist. Do you wish to continue? >ָIJֿⲻڡϣ :The standard cost is zero. Do you wish to continue? >׼ɱΪ㡣ϣ :The standard format can not be emailed >޷õʼ͸ñ׼ʽ :The standard format cannot be emailed >޷õʼ͸ñ׼ʽ :The start date calculated using elapsed time is before today. Continue? >ʱĿʼڽ֮ǰҪ :The start date is invalid >ʼЧ :The start of this transaction is not in the stored linkage. Please notify your administrator >׵Ŀʼڴ洢С֪ͨĹԱ :The start position cannot exceed %1 >ʼλòɳ %1 :The start position cannot exceed 120 >ʼλò120 :The start tag '%1' does not have a matching end tag >ʼǩ'%1' ߱ǩ'%2' ƥıǩ :The startup time entered would cause the total startup time to overflow >ʱɵʱ :The statement was not deleted >ñδɾ :The stock '%1' will have been superseded by the due date '%2' > '%1' ڵ '%2' ͣ״̬ :The stock and cost unit of measure are the same >ͳɱλͬ :The stock code '%1' and sales order line number '%2' was not found >δҵ '%1' ۶к '%2' :The stock code '%1' has a supersession date of '%2' and therefore cannot be placed on backorder > '%1' ߱ '%2'ȡڣ˲ɱڽ :The stock code '%1' is a phantom part >ÿ '%1' :The stock code '%1' is a phantom part and it has no components attached to it >ÿ '%1' ӵκβ :The stock code '%1' is not traceable and the notional parent is > '%1' ɸ٣Ϊ :The stock code (component) entered is the same as the finished part held against the job entered. You cannot add a component with the same stock code as the finished part >Ŀ루ΪҵijƷͬ޷ƷͬIJ :The stock code (component) entered is traceable. The finished part held against the job entered is non traceable. You cannot add a traceable component if the finished part is non traceable >Ŀ루ǿ׷ٵġΪҵijƷDz׷ٵġƷDz׷ٵģô޷ӿ׷ٲ :The stock code (component) you have entered is traceable and the finished part held against the job is non traceable. You cannot enter a traceable component if the finished part is non traceable >Ŀ루ǿ׷ٵģΪҵijƷȷDz׷ٵġƷDz׷ٵģô޷׷ٲ :The stock code (component) you have entered is traceable and the finished part held against the job is non-traceable. You cannot enter a traceable component if the finished part is non-traceable >Ŀ루ǿ׷ٵģԱҵDz׷ٵġɲ׷٣ô׷ٲ :The stock code against this stock take >̵Ŀ¼ :The stock code cannot be set to Traceable as there is stock allocated or on hand for warehouse '%1' >ڶڲֿ '%1' ڿп棬˲ɽÿΪ׷ :The stock code entered is a co-product. Do you wish to view the comoponents for the notional part? >ĿǹͬƷϣ鿴øIJ :The stock code entered is a co-product. Do you wish to view the components for the notional part? >ĿǹͬƷϣ鿴øIJ :The stock code entered is a co-product. Do you wish to view the operations for the notional part? >ĿǹͬƷϣ鿴øIJ :The stock code entered is not on file >Ŀ벻 :The stock code entered is not on the Inventory file >Ŀ벻ڿļ :The stock code entered is not stocked in the warehouse entered >ĿIJֿ޿ :The stock code entered is the same as the finished part held against the job. You cannot enter a component which is the same as the finished part >ĿԱҵͬͬIJ :The stock code entered is the same as the finished part held against the job. You cannot enter a component which is the same as the finished part >ĿΪҵijƷͬ޷ƷͬIJ :The stock code entered was not found on the stock take file >̵ļδҵĿ :The stock code for this job is the same as that for the master job >ҵĿҵͬ :The stock code for this operation differs from the stock code entered. Do you wish to update the purchase order with the relevant details from the operation? >Ŀ벻ͬĿ롣ϣԲ¸òɹ :The stock code is ECC controlled but the stock control level is '%1' > ECC ƣƼΪ '%1' :The stock code is ECC controlled but the stock control level is 'Stock code' >ECCƣˮƽȴΪ롱 :The stock code is not ECC controlled >벻ECC :The stock code is not ECC-controlled >ÿǷṉ̀(ECC)Ŀ :The stock code is not a serialised item >ÿ벻ϵлĿ :The stock code is not a serialized item >ÿ벻ϵлĿ :The stock code is not a traceable item >ÿ벻ǿɸĿ :The stock code is not bought out. Do you wish to continue? >ÿ벻չϣ :The stock code is not stocked in it's warehouse to use. If you continue, you will not be able to review suggestions. Continue? >òֿ޿档޷Ľ顣Ҫ :The stock code is not valid >Ч :The stock code is on hold >ѱ :The stock code of this sales order is not on file >۶Ŀ벻ļ :The stock code on this cross reference file is not on record. Delete the cross reference record? >˶ļеĿ벻ڼ¼СҪɾ˶¼ :The stock code on this cross reference record is not on file. Delete the cross reference record >¼еĿ벻ļСɾ¼ :The stock code on this cross reference record is not on file. Delete the cross reference record? >ö¼еĿ벻ڡҪɾ¼ :The stock code or geographical area tax code will be used for the service charge >˰մ뽫ڷշ :The stock code you have entered has been superceded >Ŀѱ :The stock code you have entered has been superseded >ѹĿ :The stock code you have entered is a notional part. Do you wish to continue? >ĿǸϣ :The stock code you have entered is not in the list and therefore cannot be deleted >Ŀ벻бУ޷ɾ :The stock code, to which this contract applies, is no longer on file >ͬõĿѲļ :The stock codes with kit type '%1' and '%2' may not be allocated to a Blanket S/O contract >ý߱׼ '%1' '%2' Ŀһ۶(S/O)ͬ :The stock codes with kit type 'S' and 'K' may not be allocated to a Blanket S/O contract >ý'S''K'͵Ŀۺ۶ͬ :The stock on hand of this component will become negative >ֿ潫Ϊֵ :The stock on hand of this component will become negative, >ֿ潫Ϊֵ :The stock take ticket format has not yet been created. Program cancelled >δ̵ȯʽȡ :The stock will have been superceded by the due date >ڵ :The stocked parent template has a part category of planning bill, phantom or kit which are not valid when running from job creation or quotation/estimates. The first two categories are also invalid when run from sales orders >ģмƻû򹤾߰IJ𣬴ҵ򱨼ۣʱЧġ۶ʱǰҲЧ :The store number must be entered >̵ :The store number will only be updated on the Customer Sub account record and not on the Invoices >̵Žڿͻ˻¼и£ڷƱ :The string entered here must be numeric or have value insertion characters () >ڴĴΪֵַ֣() :The structure of book '%1' has changed. It must be saved before you can continue. Would you like to save it? >ʲ '%1' ĽṹѸġǰȱϣ :The structure off date '%1' is invalid for parent '%2' > '%2' ṹر'%1' Ч :The structure off date must be later than the structure on date >ṹձڽṹЧ :The structure on date '%1' is invalid for parent '%2' > '%2' ṹʼ'%1' Ч :The structure on date is invalid >ṹЧЧ :The style of your query can be formatted according to the CSS >ѯķʽɸCSSԸʽ :The style of your report can be formatted according to the CSS >ķʽɸ :The sub account number entered is already a sub account >ʻΪʻ :The sub account number entered is already a sub-account >ʻʻ :The sub asset entered cannot be the same as the master asset >ķʲʲͬ :The sub job cannot be created as the component '%1' is not a made in or subcontract item or is a bulk issue or floorstock item >ڲ '%1' ڲתĿҲлҵֳĿ˲ɴҵ :The sub job cannot be created as the parent '%1' is a planning bill or kit type item > '%1' Ǽƻʵ򹤾߰Ŀ˲ɴҵ :The sub job entered cannot be the same as the master job >ҵҵͬ :The sub job is the same as the master job >ҵҵͬ :The sub-account is not on file >˻ :The sub-account number entered cannot be the same as the master account >ķʻ벻ʻͬ :The sub-account number entered is a master account >ʻΪʻ :The sub-account number entered is already a sub-account >ʻʻ :The sub-asset entered cannot be the same as the master asset >ʲʲͬ :The suffix must contain at least one numeric character >׺뺬һַ :The suffix must contain numeric characters >׺뺬ַ :The suffix must contain numeric characters only >׺ַ :The suffix must contain only numeric characters >׺ַ :The sum of both top and bottom margins exceeds the page length entered >ϱ߽±߽ĺͳҳ߶ :The sum of material and labor distribution does not equal the calculated value to distribute of %1 >ϺͶϼƲ %1 ļֵ :The sum of tax, freight and miscellaneous cannot exceed the transaction amount >˰ա˷ѺϼƲɳ׶ :The sum of tax, freight and miscellaneous should not exceed the invoice amount >˰ա˷ѺܶɳƱ :The sum of the discount amount and the withholding tax amount is greater than the gross payment >ۿ۶ʹ˰ܶë :The sum of the discount amount and the withholding tax is greater than the payment amount >ۿ۶ʹ˰ܶڸ :The sum of the discount amount and the withholding tax is greater then the payment amount >ۿ۶Ϳ۽˰ĺʹڸ :The sum of the prefix and suffix for sub job numbering is greater than the maximum size of 8 characters >ҵŵǰ׺ͺ׺ϼƴ8ַ :The sum of the weighting factors for '%1' must equal one >'%1' ļȨϵܺͱһ :The summary entry has been purged. Program cancelled >ժҪȡ :The supervisor password can be entered at any time that an >ԱԱ :The supplier cannot be deleted as there are %1 balances for current/previous year >Ӧڵǰ/ǰݵ %1 ޷ɾ :The supplier cannot be deleted as there are 1099 balances for current/previous year >޷ɾӦ̣Ϊڵǰһȣ1099 :The supplier cannot be deleted as there is at least one GRN for this supplier >޷ɾӦ̣ΪԴ˹ӦдһGRN :The supplier cannot be deleted as there is at least one blanket purchase order for this supplier >޷ɾӦ̣ΪԴ˹ӦдһۺԲɹ :The supplier cannot be deleted as there is at least one invoice or the balances for invoices have not been zero for more than %1 months >ӦһݷƱ򳤴 %1 ·ݲΪķƱ޷ɾ :The supplier cannot be deleted as there is at least one purchase order for this supplier >޷ɾӦ̣ΪԴ˹Ӧдһɹ :The supplier cannot be deleted as there is at least one registered invoice for this supplier >޷ɾӦ̣ΪԴ˹ӦдһעᷢƱ :The supplier code already exists >ùӦ̴Ѵ :The supplier code cannot be deleted due to the current balance being non-zero >ڵǰΪ㣬޷ɾ˹Ӧ̴ :The supplier code does not exist >ùӦ̴벻 :The supplier code you are trying to enter is of a different type to the system type for supplier codes. e.g. Numeric or Alphanumeric >ڳĹӦ̴빩Ӧ̴ϵͳڲֻͬ͡ĸ :The supplier defined against the purchase >Ϊɹȷ :The supplier does not exist for this company >ڱ˾ڹӦ :The supplier has been successfully added >ѳɹӹӦ :The supplier is invalid. Ok to continue? >ùӦЧȷҪ :The supplier is not on file >ùӦ̲ :The supplier name may not be blank >ӦƲΪհ :The supplier to access is not on file for this company >ҪʵĹӦ̶ڴ˹˾ :The supplier was not deleted >δɾӦ :The supplier you have entered is not on file >ĹӦ̲ļ :The suppliertype must be '%1' >ӦͱΪ '%1' :The system cannot find the analysis category linked to the GL account >ϵͳҲ(GL)ķ :The system has detected files which require converting from the Legacy Payment >ϵͳɾҪӾʽתļ :The system has detected that a prior instance of operator '%1' is still logged in >ϵͳѼ⵽Ա '%1' ijǰʵԴڵ¼״̬ :The system has detected that a prior instance of the operator code is still logged in >ϵͳѼ⵽ǰIJԱʵԴڵ¼״̬ :The system has detected that a prior instance of the operator code is still logged in.\n\nDo you wish to continue with the login process (this will clear the prior instance)? >ϵͳѼ⵽һǰIJԱʵڵ¼״̬\n\nϣִе¼̣⽫ǰʵ :The system has detected that the security file ADMACC already exists in a SYSPRO 6.0 format. This file will be overwritten in the conversion process. Do you wish to continue? >ϵͳѼ⵽ȫļADMACCSYSPRO 6.0ʽдڡļתбǡϣ :The system has detected that this company contains A/P Payment Cycle files which >ϵͳѼ⵽˹˾Ӧʿ (A/P) ѭļ :The system has detected that this company contains AP Payment Cycle files which >ϵͳѼ⵽˹˾Ӧʿ (AP) ѭļ :The system has detected that this company contains IO data which requires >ϵͳѼ⵽˹˾ IO ݣҪ :The system has detected that this company contains RMA files which require >ϵͳѼ⵽˾RMAļЩļҪ :The system has detected that this company contains RMA tables which require >ϵͳѼ⵽˾RMAЩҪ :The system has detected that this company contains TPM files which require >The system has detected that this company contains TPM files which require :The system has detected that this company contains data which requires converting >ϵͳѼ⵽˹˾Ҫת :The system has detected that this company contains files which >ϵͳѼ⵽˾Ҫ :The system has detected that this company contains tables which >ϵͳѼ⵽˾Ҫ :The system has detected that this company has a version number >ϵͳѼ⵽˾ :The system has detected that your entry in the SYSPRO user file no longer exists. This typically occurs when an administrator has logged you out of SYSPRO >ϵͳѼ⵽ SYSPRO ûļеĿٴڡͨڹԱʹ SYSPRO ˳· :The system has returned a 'Too many opened files' error message >ϵͳͻءѴļࡱϢ :The table '%1' could not be resolved >ñ '%1' ޷õ :The table ApGlExpAp or a subsequent linked table is used in the detail layout >ApGlExpApӵıϸʹ :The table scripts should be generated before you proceed >űӦִǰ :The table selected is a sequential file. You should select an Indexed table >ѡıΪһ˳ļӦѡһ :The tables that will be initialized are >ҪʼıΪ :The tables you are importing are from a prior version of SYSPRO.\nDo you wish to continue importing? >ڵıSYSPROǰ汾\nϣ :The tag file '%1' does not exist >ñļ '%1' :The tag file generated has mismatched '%1' tags >ɵıǩļ '%1' ǩƥ :The target currency is not valid >ĿЧ :The target warehouse for the stock code is not valid. Function cancelled >库存代码的目标仓库无效。功能已取消 :The target warehouse may not be the same as the source warehouse >ĿֿⲻԴֿͬ :The task manager may not be able to kill this process >޷ :The tax code cannot be deleted due to the totals being non-zero >ܶΪ㣬޷ɾ˰մ :The tax code entered is not a valid tax code >˰벻Ч˰ :The tax code is not on file >˰մ벻 :The tax value exceeds 50% of the transaction value >˰ֵ˽ֵ50% :The taxstatus must be '%1' >˰״Ϊ '%1' :The teardown time entered would cause the total teardown time to overflow >IJжʱɵ²жʱ :The template '%1' has been deleted >ɾģ '%1' :The template '%1' has been saved >ѱģ '%1' :The template '%1' has not been saved. Would you like to save it? >δģ '%1' ϣ :The template already exists on the client and could not be deleted >ڴ˿ͻѴģ壬޷ɾ :The template entered is not on file >ģ岻 :The template has been changed since it was last analyzed. Please enter design mode for this format and analyze the template. Print cancelled >ģϴηѱġһʽģʽģ塣ӡȡ :The template has not yet been analyzed. Please enter design mode for this format and analyze the template. Print cancelled >δģ塣һʽģʽģ塣ӡȡ :The template ledger code may not be a template account type >ģʴ벻Ϊģʻ :The template ledger code may not be the same as the ledger code you are maintaining >ģʴ벻άķʴͬ :The template might already be open in design mode >ģģʽд :The template must be analyzed before an alignment can be printed >ܹӡ֮ǰȷģ :The template name cannot be spaces >ģΪո :The template name must contain path information >ģ·Ϣ :The template you specified does not exist! >ָģ岻ڣ :The temporary control record not found for configuration instance '%1' >δҵʵ '%1' ʱƼ¼ :The testing of this configuration is now complete >ɱõIJ :The text is greater than 32K. Please reduce the amount of text in your notes >ıС32Kעеı :The theme '%1' already exists >÷ '%1' Ѵ :The theme '%1' has been modified. Would you like to save the changes? >÷ '%1' ѱ޸ġϣ :The timestamp value has changed since the item was last read >ʱֵһζȡĿʱ :The title for the tile. (write-only) >平铺名。(只写) :The title you have entered already exists on your web favorites list. Would you like to overwrite it? >ıԻбдڡϣ :The to date must be after the from date >ڱ :The to date must be after the from due date >ڱڴӵ֮ :The to job number is not greater than the current next job number. Ok to continue? >ҵڵǰһҵ롣ȷҪ :The token passed to the Logon method is invalid. Please contact your local SYSPRO representative. Token '%1', Product '%2' >ת¼ļǺЧصSYSPROϵǺ '%1' Ʒ'%2' :The tolerance must be greater than zero >ʲ :The toolset quantity entered is greater than the available toolset quantity >Ĺ߼ڿù߼ :The tooltip for the tile can be text or XAML markup code. (write-only) >平铺的工具提示可以为文本或 XAML 标记代码。(只写) :The total amount allocated so far exceeds the total value of the contract >Ŀǰܽ˺ֵܼͬ :The total analyisis amount is not distributed >ܶδ :The total co-product scrap quantity cannot be zero >ͬƷܺͲΪ :The total component quantity per selected falls outside >ѡĵλ :The total contract quantity is zero >合同总数量为零 :The total length of all sections (including separators) cannot exceed %1 characters >½ (ָ) ܳȲɳ %1 ַ :The total length of all sections (including separators) cannot exceed 15 characters >ȫָ֣ijȲó15ַ :The total multiple scrap quantity does not match the total quantity being scrapped >ܶر뱻ϵ :The total net payment of released invoices is zero >ѷзƱܾΪ :The total number of components selected falls outside >ѡIJⲿ :The total number of operations selected falls outside >ѡIJⲿ :The total number of operations will exceed the limit of 999 >ܲ999ֵ :The total of selected invoices does not equal >ѡƱܶ :The total of the entries does not equal >ܵ :The total of the selected invoices >ѡƱܶ :The total of the selected invoices equals the check amount. Do you wish to void this check and reinstate the selected invoices? >ѡƱ֧ܶƱϣ֧ƱָѡƱ :The total operation run-time selected falls outside >ѡܲʱ䳬 :The total outstanding quantity is more than the quantity allowed to receive >δȡ :The total payments made do not equal the Payment amount. Do you wish the Payment amount to be changed to equal the total payments? >еܸڸϣĸʹܸ :The total percentage allocated so far exceeds 100% >Ŀǰܰٷֱȳ100% :The total profit spread exceeds 100 % >100% :The total profit spread exceeds 100% >Ϣ 100% :The total profit spread must equal 100% >100% :The total quantity calculated must be greater than zero > :The total quantity packed exceeds the quantity to ship >Ѱװ˴װ :The total quantity scrapped is greater than the largest quantity already reserved for a lot >ϵΪ :The total quantity to scrap has been distributed. Do you wish to accept these entries ? >已分配要报废的总数量。您希望接受这些条目吗? :The total quantity to scrap has been distributed. Do you wish to accept these entries? >ѷϣЩ :The total sales spread exceeds 100 % >ۼ100% :The total sales spread must equal 100% >ۼ100% :The total value selected must equal the value of selected credits >ѡֵܼѡŴֵܼ :The trade discount G/L account is usually a revenue account >óۿG/Lʻͨһʻ :The trade discount GL account is usually a revenue account >óۿG/Lʻͨһʻ :The transaction amount is not fully distributed >δȫ佻׶ :The transaction amount is not fully distributed into General Ledger >׶δȫ䵽 :The transaction amount is zero. Do you wish to output a transaction record? >׶Ϊ㡣ϣ׼¼ :The transaction amount is zero. Do you wish to output a transaction record? >׶Ϊ㡣ϣ׼¼ :The transaction code you have entered is a standard transaction. Do you wish to continue ? >您所输入的交易代码为标准交易。您希望继续吗? :The transaction code you have entered is a standard transaction. Do you wish to continue? >Ľ״DZ׼סϣ :The transaction file has already been built. Do you want to rebuild the file or update the existing file? >Ѵļϣ´ļǸļ :The transaction has been invalidated because information directly relating to issuing to the job has been updated prior to posting. No updates have taken place >ʹʧЧΪҵǩֱصϢڹǰ¡δи :The transaction has been invalidated because information directly relating to posting the co-product receipt has been updated prior to posting. No updates have taken place for this co-product or for any co-products that have not been processed yet >ýʧЧΪʸùͬƷվֱصϢڹǰ¡ڸùͬƷδκιͬƷδκθ :The transaction has been invalidated because information directly relating to posting the job receipt has been updated prior to posting. No updates have taken place >ʹʧЧΪʱҵվֱصϢڹǰ¡δи :The transaction has been purged. Program cancelled >Ͻסȡ :The transaction has been rolled back and will need to be entered again >ѻתҪ :The transaction has been terminated abnormally and will need to be entered again >쳣ֹҪ :The transaction quantity cannot exceed %1, and must not contain any decimals >ɳ %1 ҲðκС :The transaction quantity cannot exceed 1000, and must not contain any decimals >ó1000ҲúС :The transaction quantity is greater than the quantity still in WIP inspection >Դִҵ(WIP)е :The transaction quantity must be greater than zero > :The transaction quantity must not contain any decimals >ðС :The transaction start date cannot be greater than the transaction end date >׿ʼڲڽ׽ :The transaction that was excluded by this entry has been purged. If you continue with this action, it will not be possible to exclude the transaction again. Ok to continue? >ųĽѱִбٴųסȷҪ :The transaction value will cause the current A/P balance to overflow >׼ֵµǰӦʿ(A/P) :The transaction value will cause the current AP balance to overflow >׼ֵµǰӦʿ(AP) :The transaction value will cause the supplier balance to overflow >׼ֵ¹Ӧ :The transaction was invalidated because the warehouse information was updated prior to posting. No updates have taken place >ڲֿϢڹǰ£˸ýδ֤ͨδи :The transaction was invalidated because the warehouse information was updated prior to posting. No updates have taken place. Repost transaction or cancel? >ʹʧЧΪֿϢڹǰ¡δи¡¹ʽ׻ȡ :The transfer cost ledger code is usually a liability account >תƳɱʴͨһծʻ :The trial load was unsuccessful. The job was not created >δɹδҵ :The triangulated currency must not be the same as the currency code >ǻĻҲҴͬ :The triangulation currency is not valid >ǶһЧ :The type of objects to add to the job >ӵĶ :The u/m cannot be blank >λΪհ :The unapplied amount is not zero. Are you sure you wish to exit? >δӦýΪ㡣ȷҪ˳ :The unapplied payment entered will not be shown due to the current age selection. Select Include, All Invoices to view/edit invoice >δøѡ˵ǰʾѡ񡰰ȫƱԲ鿴༭Ʊ :The undistributed COS value is not zero >δ۳ɱ(COS)ֵΪ :The undistributed amount for this co-product will go below zero. Ok to continue? >ùͬƷδ¡ȷҪ :The undistributed amount is not zero >δΪ :The undistributed amount is not zero, you may not save the budget spread >δΪ㣬ñԤ :The undistributed amount is now zero >δΪ :The undistributed amount is zero >δΪ㡣 :The undistributed amount is zero. Do you wish to end G/L distribution and post this entry? >δΪ㡣ϣG/L䲢ʱ :The undistributed amount is zero. Do you wish to end GL distribution and post this entry? >δΪ㡣ϣG/L䲢ʱ :The undistributed capacity must be zero >δΪ :The undistributed quantity to release is not zero >ҪеδΪ :The undistributed value is zero. Do you wish to end distribution? >δֵΪ㡣ϣ :The undistributed value is zero. Do you wish to end distribution? >δֵΪ㡣ϣ :The unique description of the Site >վĶ :The unique name for the Job >Ķ :The unit of measure does not exist for this stock code >˿ļλ :The unit of measure of the selected line must be the same as the purchase order line unit of measure >ѡеļλɹеļλͬ :The unit of measure specified for this price is no longer valid and has been replaced by the stocking unit of measure >Ϊ˼۸ָļλѲЧѱλȡ :The unit of measure supplied is incorrect >ṩļλ׼ȷ :The unit quantity required of the component must be tracked before continuing >Ҫĵλڼǰ :The upgrade will be cancelled >ȡ :The user defined index file entered does not already exist >ûļ :The user defined index table entered does not exist >û :The user entered is already the holder >ûdzƱ :The user has not been given access to any analytics sites >δûṩAnalyticsվκηȨ :The user is temporarily unavailable. Would you like to set the user to be available? >ûֻʱáϣûΪ :The validation of the import files was unsuccessful >ѳɹ֤ļ :The validation process generated Warning messages. Press '%1' to continue with the analysis, press '%2' to exit without analyzing or press '%3' to return to design >֤ɵľϢ밴 '%1' Լִз '%2' ִз˳ '%3' :The value calculated for the receipt of the parent exceeds the maximum field size for this version of SYSPRO >Ϊĸվļֵ˱SYSPRO汾ֶδС :The value calculated for this component exceeds the >Ϊ˲ļֵ :The value calculated for this component exceeds the maximum field size for >Ϊ˲ļֵֶδС :The value entered (or calculated) exceeds the maximum field size catered for by this version of SYSPRO >루㣩ļֵΪSYSPRO汾趨ֶδС :The value entered exceeds the maximum field size catered for by this version of IMPACT Encore >ļֵΪIMPACT Encore汾ҪֶδС :The value entered exceeds the maximum field size catered for by this version of SYSPRO >ļֵΪSYSPRO汾趨ֶδС :The value for '%1' does not fall with range '%2' - '%3' >'%1' ֵ '%2' - '%3' ķΧ :The value in local currency exceeds the maximum field size catered for by this version of SYSPRO >ػҼֵ˱SYSPRO汾ҪֶδС :The value of material and labor must equal the total value to distribute >ϺͶļֵҪֵܼ :The value of the first button in the toolbar when the '%1' event fires >'%1' 事件发生时工具栏中第一个按钮值 :The value of the second button in the toolbar when the '%1' event fires >'%1' 事件发生时工具栏中第二个按钮值 :The value of the transaction (in local currency) exceeds 11.2 >׼ֵԵػң11.2 :The value of the transaction (in local currency) exceeds 12.2 >׼ֵԵػң12.2 :The value of the transaction will cause the current A/R balance to overflow >׵ļֵµǰӦʿ(A/R) :The value of the transaction will cause the current AR balance to overflow >׵ļֵµǰӦʿ(AR) :The value of the transaction will cause the customer balance to overflow >׵ļֵ¿ͻ :The value of the transaction will cause the supplier balance to overflow. Please re-enter the transaction amount >׵ļֵ¹Ӧ뽻׶ :The value of transaction will cause the A/P control balance to overflow. Please re-enter the transaction amount >׵ļֵӦʿ(A/P)뽻׶ :The value remaining amount may not be greater than deposit amount >ֵôڴ :The value remaining amount may not be greater than deposit amount. >ôڴ :The value remaining amount may not be greater than retention amount >ֵɴ :The value remaining amount may not be greater than retention amount. >ôڱ :The variable '%1' has been deleted >ɾ '%1' :The variable '%1' has been saved >ѱ '%1' :The variable '%1' has not been saved. Would you like to save it? >δ '%1' ϣ :The verification has failed on one or more of the files >֤һݻļʧ :The verification has failed on one or more of the files. Ok to continue with the conversion of SYSPRO files to the 5.1 format? >֤һݻļʧܡȷҪִļSYSPROļ5.1ʽת :The verification has failed on one or more of the files. Ok to continue with the conversion of files files to SYSPRO 6.0 format? >֤һݻļʧܡȷҪִļSYSPRO 6.0ʽת :The verification has failed on one or more of the files. Ok to continue with the conversion of files to SYSPRO 6.0 format? >֤һݻļʧܡȷҪִļSYSPRO 6.0ʽת :The verification has failed on one or more of the files.\n\nOk to continue with the conversion of SYSPRO files to the 5 >֤һݻļʧܡ\n\nȷҪִSYSPROļ 5ʽת :The verification has failed on one or more of the files.\n\nOk to continue with the conversion of SYSPRO files to the 5.1 format? >֤һݻļʧܡ\n\nȷҪִSYSPROļ 5.1ʽת :The verification has failed on one or more of the files.\n\nOk to continue with the conversion of files to SYSPRO 6.0 format? >֤һݻļʧܡ\n\nȷҪִļSYSPRO 6.0ʽת :The verification has failed on one or more of the files.\n\nOk to continue with the conversion of files to SYSRPO 6.0 format? >֤һݻļʧܡ\n\nȷҪִļSYSPRO 6.0ʽת :The version held on the import file does not match the current version of IMPACT >ڵļİ汾IMPACTĵǰ汾 :The version held on the import file does not match the current version of SYSPRO >ڵļİ汾SYSPROĵǰ汾ƥ :The version of DSGRP32.DLL currently installed does not support setting graph colors >ǰѰװDSGRP32.DLL汾ֱ֧ɫ :The version of the selected Analysis server. This will default to the same version of the selected SQL server >ѡİ汾˽ĬΪѡ SQL ͬ汾 :The version of the selected SQL server. This will be blank if the client is unable to connect to the SQL server >ѡ SQL İ汾ͻ޷ӵ SQL ˽Ϊհ :The version of the workflow database >ݿİ汾 :The version/release against the allocation does not match the version/release against the entered lot >Էİ汾ǩεİ汾ǩƥ :The view '%1' in category '%2' has been deleted >ɾ '%2' еͼ '%1' :The warehouse G/L account is usually an asset account >ֿG/Lʻͨһʲʻ :The warehouse G/L control account is blank. Use the warehouse setup program to enter a valid warehouse control account >ֿG/LʻΪհסʹòֿóЧIJֿͳʻ :The warehouse GL account is usually an asset account >ֿG/Lʻͨһʲʻ :The warehouse GL control account is blank. Use the warehouse setup program to enter a valid warehouse control account >ֿG/LʻΪհסʹòֿóЧIJֿͳʻ :The warehouse cannot be changed >ɸIJֿ :The warehouse cannot be changed. >ɸIJֿ⡣ :The warehouse delivery address is not the same as the delivery address. Do you wish to update it? >ֿ⽻ַ뽻ַͬϣ :The warehouse does not exist for this company >ڱ˾ڲֿ :The warehouse entered is invalid. Material allocations cannot be maintained >IJֿⲻڡ޷άϷ :The warehouse entered is not on file >IJֿⲻ :The warehouse for the stock code is not valid. Function cancelled >库存代码的仓库无效。功能已取消 :The warehouse for this component does not exist >˲IJֿⲻ :The warehouse held against this configuration is not on file >ԴöIJֿⲻ :The warehouse is not on file >òֿⲻ :The warehouse on the sales order line does not match the job detail line. The sales order quantity will not be put into ship >ڱ۶ϵIJֿҵϸвƥ䡣۶װ :The warehouse on the sales order line does not match the purchase order line. The sales order quantity will not be put into ship >ڱ۶ϵIJֿɹвƥ䡣۶װ :The warehouse to use for this stock code >ڴ˿ʹõIJֿ :The warehouse variance G/L account is usually an asset account >ֿG/Lʻͨһʲʻ :The warehouse variance GL account is usually an asset account >ֿG/Lʻͨһʲʻ :The warehouse you have entered is already in the list >IJֿб :The warehouse you have entered is not in the list and therefore cannot be deleted >Ŀ治бУ޷ɾ :The watermark does not exist in the ...\base\samples folder on the application server >水印在应用服务器上的 ...\base\samples 文件夹中不存在 :The weighted sum of batch '%1' is zero, a journal has not been created > '%1' ļȨΪ㣬δռ :The wet weight percentage may not be zero >ʪذٷֱȲΪ :The window title is blank for this customized pane >此自定义窗格的窗口标题为空 :The window title is used to identify this customized pane in your VBScripts. If you change the title you may have to adjust any VBScript that references this customized pane. Do you wish to continue? >ڱʶ VBScripts еĴԶ崰ı⣬ҪڲοԶ崰κ VBScriptϣ? :The wizard has the required information to create the template >򵼾߱ģϢ :The wizard will now migrate your custom form data to the new SYSPRO %1 >向导将立即向新 SYSPRO %1 迁移您的自定义表格数据 :The wizard will now process the configuration options allowing you to select those components >򵼽ѡѡЩ :The wizard will now revert to manual selection for this option. Do you wish to continue using the library for subsequent options? >򵼼תѡ˹ѡϣԺѡʹñ :The work center rate entered (or calculated) exceeds the maximum field size catered for by this version of SYSPRO >루㣩ҵķʳΪSYSPRO汾趨ֶδС :The work center you have entered is not in the list and therefore cannot be deleted >ҵIJбУ޷ɾ :The work in progress control account is ussually an asset account >ʻͨһʲʻ :The work in progress control account is usually an asset account >ʻͨһʲʻ :The workflow '%1' for company '%2' does not exist or is not deployed >˾ '%2' Ĺ '%1' ڻδ :The workflow database does not exist and must be created before you can proceed >ݿⲻڣɼִǰд :The workflow database settings for the current company have not been saved. The Workflow Manager must be used to configure the company's Database Settings before any SYSPRO Workflow Service related actions can be performed >ѱ浱ǰ˾Ĺݿáڿִκ SYSPRO ̷ز֮ǰʹù̹ù˾ݿ :The workflow folder selected does not contain a valid workflow configuration file >ѡĹļвЧĹļ :The workflow is valid for SYSPRO Workflow Service deployment >̶ SYSPRO ̷Ч :The year end configuration must run before this program >ñб֮ǰ :The year end date entered does not match the anticipated year end date described in the control record for this module >ڱģĿƼ¼ڲ :The year end date entered does not match the anticipated year end date described in the control record for this module. Do you wish to accept the entered date? >ڱģĿƼ¼ԤƵڲƥ䡣ϣЩ :The year end date entered does not match the anticipated year end date described in the control record for this module. Do you wish to accept the entered date? >ڱģĿƼ¼ԤƵڲƥ䡣ϣЩ :The year end date entered does not match the anticipated year end date described in the control record for this module.Do you wish to accept the entered date? >ڱģĿƼ¼ԤƵڲƥ䡣ϣЩ :The year end date entered is the same as the last month end date. Do you wish to accept the entered date >һ½ͬϣЩ :The year end date entered is the same as the last period end date. Do you wish to accept the entered date? >һͬϣЩ :The year end or year end and purge functions are not available as the month end condition has been reached. The form will be reset >ջѴﵽáλ :The zooms are currently unavailable. Functionality under development >ŵǰáڿ :Theme > :Theme Exists >Ѵ :Theme Items >Ŀ :Theme Objects > :Theme for all captions >б :Theme options >ѡ :Theme preview > :Theme title > :Themed Colors >主题颜色 :Themes > :Themes for Browser Queries >ѯ :Theoretical unit of measure >ۼλ :There are >zzzzzzz9ɱҪؼ¼ :There are %1 roles to be imported of which %2 already exist > %1 ⵼ְ %2 Ѵ :There are %1 to-do list items to be dismissed > %1 رյĴĿ :There are Analytics users that have not been linked to a SYSPRO operator. All users must be linked before the operator can use the Analytics Viewer >δSYSPROԱAnalyticsûûӺԱʹAnalytics鿴 :There are WIP inspection references in process. Please complete these inspections prior to changing this option >ִеWIPοڸıѡ֮ǰЩ :There are WIP inspection references in progress for serialized item >ΪлĿִеWIPο :There are WIP inspection references in progress. Do you want to print the WIP inspection report? >ִеWIPοϣӡWIP鱨 :There are a number of lookup tables that require initializing before using >ʹǰҪʼIJ鿴 :There are accounts on file for current company, duplicate accounts will not be copied >ļб˾ʻ,ظʻ踴 :There are active orders for some serialized items. Please complete these orders before switching off Serial Tracking >某些系列化项目存在有效订单。请在关闭系列跟踪之前完成这些订单 :There are already jobs attached to this contract. Do you wish to continue? >Ѵúͬҵϣ :There are commitments on file for the current company, you will need to rebuild your commitments using the commitment takeon program >ڵǰ˾ļдڳŵҪʹóŵнӳعijŵ :There are components not available for use >δʹõIJ :There are confirmed supplies to support the quotation that you are attempting to cancel >Ѵ֧ȡ۵ȷϹӦ :There are count details extracted. Please use asset count extract/cancel program to cancel count >ȡļϸʹʲȡ/ȡȡ :There are currently no reports in this module >ǰģвκα :There are deposits on file. Do you wish to view the deposits? >ڴϣ鿴? :There are detail lines in the quotation with invalid product classes >дھ߱ЧƷϸ :There are events linked to this status that are invalid >״̬Ч¼ :There are expired lots with stock on hand >ڿѵڵ :There are global promotions available which have not been selected. Do you want to select global promotions? >δѡĿȫϣѡȫ :There are global promotions available which require attention. Global promotions will be processed >ҪעĿȫִȫִ :There are jobs/requisitions/Purchase Orders attached to this line. Do you wish to continue? >ڸڴеĹ/빺/ɹϣ? :There are line errors on sub-accounts >˻дд :There are mandatory items which have not been selected >ѴδѡǿĿ :There are material allocations which cannot be fully satisfied >ڲܵõȫIJϷ :There are material allocations which cannot be fully satisfied and kits with shortages are not allowed >ڲܵõȫIJϷ䣬˲ʹö׼ :There are more non-stocked codes to review than can fit in the table. Please re-run the review once you have completed this run >ڱȿеĸĴǿ롣ɱкһ :There are more than %1 columns in table '%2' - function cancelled >ڱ '%2' д %1 - ȡ :There are more than %1 levels in the structure for this stock code >ڴ˿룬ṹд %1 ϼ :There are more than %1 tax codes > %1 ˰ :There are more than 15 levels in the structure for this stock code >ڴ˿룬ṹд15ϵļ :There are more than 5 tax codes >д5 :There are more than 50 destination sites. Data will only be exported to the first 50 sites >50Ŀĵվ㡣ݽǰ50վ :There are more than fifteen structure levels. Process will be terminated >ʮϽṹΡֹ̽ :There are multiple errors >ڶ :There are multiple errors found in sales order '%1' >۶ '%1' ҵ˶ :There are multiple lines against this order, changing the ship date will affect all lines >ڴ˶ڶУװڽӰȫ :There are no Analysis Objects to show >κʾķ :There are no Analytics Servers to show >κʾ Analytics :There are no Analytics Sites to show >κʾ Analytics վ :There are no Books to show >κʾ˲ :There are no Companies to show >κʾĹ˾ :There are no Cubes to show >κʾͼ :There are no Diagnostic Scripts to show >κʾϽű :There are no Dimensions to show >κʾijߴ :There are no GRN's selected or the value of the matched item/s is zero. Ok to continue? >ѡGRNƥĿֵΪ㡣ȷҪ :There are no Global Variables to show >κʾȫֱ :There are no Job Logging Details available for this entry >κҵ־ϸ :There are no Jobs to show >κʾĹ :There are no Measures to show >κʾ :There are no Operators to show >κʾIJԱ :There are no Schedules to show >κʾų :There are no Templates to show >κʾģ :There are no attributes to be selected for this printer >˴ӡκδѡ :There are no available actions for this form or listview >ڸñб鿴κοö :There are no available serial numbers to be selected >κδѡĿϵк :There are no checks to print. Program cancelled >κҪӡ֧Ʊȡ :There are no co-products attached to the notional part '%1' on route '%2' >κμͷƷӵ· '%2' ϵĸ :There are no co-products attached to this job >κιͬƷӵҵ :There are no components >ڲ :There are no components attached to this stock code >κθӵϵIJ :There are no components attached to this stock code therefore you cannot add this line >κβӵÿ룬޷Ӹ :There are no components for this routing >·߲κβ :There are no components for this stock code. Kit receipts function has been cancelled >˿벻κβȡ׼ջ :There are no components selected for this stock code >ڸÿ룬δѡκβ :There are no components to issue. Backflushing process cancelled >κδǩIJȡ :There are no contracts on file for this customer and purchase order >ڴ˿ͻͲɹļвκκͬ :There are no contracts to add for stock codes that match the criteria specified >ƥָ׼Ŀ룬κӵĺͬ :There are no contracts to add for stock codes that match the criteria specified. This may be because contracts already exist for this criteria >ָ׼ƥĿ룬κδӵĺͬΪڴ˱׼ͬѴ :There are no credit invoices available >κοõĴƱ :There are no customers specified for this Permanent Entry >κΪĿָĿͻ :There are no customized panes to export >ҪԶ崰 :There are no customized panes to import >κ⵼Ķƴ :There are no debit invoices available to credit >κҪǵĿý跽Ʊ :There are no detail lines to be posted >κҪʵϸ :There are no detail lines to be posted for job '%1' >ҵ '%1' Ҫʵϸ :There are no details for this line >вκϸ :There are no details for this order template >ڴ˶ģϸ :There are no dispatch lines to cancel for dispatch '%1' >ڷ '%1' κҪȡķ :There are no edited duplicates to apply >κδӦõѱ༭Ƽ :There are no files linked to the primary file in the data dictionary >ֵвκӵļļ :There are no files to be upgraded >κδµļ :There are no files to upload >κϴļ :There are no financial years to be defined >ҪIJ :There are no functional areas defined. You may still have to import your LICENSE.XML file >κѶĹ赼LICENSE.XMLļ :There are no further invoices >κκƱ :There are no further sections defined for this hierarchy >κΪζĺ :There are no inventory defaults defined for the parent product class you have entered >ƷκһĴĬֵ :There are no invoices for this customer. Function cancelled >ڱͻκηƱȡ :There are no items to show >κҪʾĿ :There are no jobs for the selected sales order >ڴѡ۶κҵ :There are no jobs to be confirmed for the selected range >ѡΧڣκҪȷϵҵ :There are no jobs to be confirmed within the selected ranges >ѡΧڣκδȷϵҵ :There are no jobs to be confirmed. Program cancelled >κδȷϵҵȡ :There are no jobs to recalculate for the selected range >ѡķΧκҪ¼ҵ :There are no lines in this quote to convert to an order >˱κת :There are no lines selected for receipt >δѡκջ :There are no lines selected to change >κѡҪĵ :There are no lines that fit this review criteria >κηϴ˱׼ :There are no lines to be received >ڴյ :There are no lines to be received in >κδջ :There are no lines to be received or all lines have a cost multiplier against target warehouse or matrix >κջлео߱Ŀֿijɱ :There are no lines to hold for requisition '%1' >ҪΪ빺 '%1' κ :There are no lines to release for requisition '%1' >ҪΪ빺 '%1' еκ :There are no lines to review >κδ :There are no lines to route for requisition '%1' >ҪΪ빺 '%1' ѡ·ߵκ :There are no lines to which to attach your comment >不存在任何可向其附加您的注解的行 :There are no lines with a quantity greater than zero to insert as order lines >ҪԶвκξ߱ :There are no lines with a valid supplier to create a purchase order >κξ߱ЧӦ̵Դɹ :There are no lots for this allocation as 'Capture lots at end of WIP inspection' is in use >"ִҵ(WIP)׽"ʹУ˲ڸ÷κ :There are no more bitmap images to view >Ҫ鿴ĸλͼ :There are no more contracts to add for stock codes that match the criteria specified >ƥָ׼Ŀ룬κθӵĺͬ :There are no more contracts to add for stock codes that match the criteria specified. This may be because contracts already exist for this criteria >ָ׼ƥĿ룬ڴӵκθĺͬΪڴ˱׼ͬѴ :There are no more invoices. Restarting at the end of the file >κθķƱļβ¿ʼ :There are no more lines for this purchase order >ڴ˲ɹκθ :There are no more occurrences of this stock code on this purchase order >ڱɹУڴ˿κθķ :There are no more quotes for which to be reminded >Ҫѵκθ౨ :There are no more tips available. Do you wish to start again at the first tip? >κθĿʾϣӵһʾ¿ʼ :There are no more values to enter. End GL entry? >κθֵҪ GL ¼? :There are no narrations for this element >ڴҪأκ :There are no objects defined for this key. Would you like to define one now? >δΪԿκζϣһ? :There are no objects defined for this key. Would you like to define one now?\n\nYes - For this key only\nNo - Default for all keys\nCancel - Exit >ڴ˹ؼ֣κѶĶϣھͶһ\n\n - ֻڱؼ\n - Ĭȫؼ\nȡ - ˳ :There are no objects to view or play. You must define at least one object first >κδ鿴򲥷ŵĶȶһ :There are no outstanding invoices >κδƱ :There are no previous invoices. Restarting at the end of file >κǰķƱļβ¿ʼ :There are no prior invoices >κǰķƱ :There are no qualifying global promotions for this order >ڸöκʸȫ :There are no qualifying promotions for this line >ڸУκʸĴ :There are no quotes for which to be reminded >κҪѵı :There are no records in the export log file for this destination site >ڴĿĵվ㣬ڴ˵־ļвκμ¼ :There are no records to archive >κδ뵵ļ¼ :There are no requirements for this resource >ڱԴκҪ :There are no requisition lines to cancel for requisition '%1' >ҪΪ빺 '%1' κ빺 :There are no roles selected for import.\n\nPlease select one or more roles to import >δΪѡκָ\n\nѡһ⵼ְ :There are no sales orders outstanding for this lot >ڸΣκδе۶ :There are no sales transactions for this period >ڲ۽ :There are no setup options defined on the setup file. Run the setup program to define the options >ļУκѶѡóԶѡ :There are no setup options in the Modular Warehouse/Shipware System setup file. Run the setup program to define the options >ģʽֿ⣯Shipware ϵͳļУκѡóԶѡ :There are no setup options in the iLink Solutions setup file. Run the iLink Solutions setup program to define the options >iLinkļУκѡiLinkóԶѡ :There are no setup options in the setup file. Run the setup program to define the options >ļУκѡóԶѡ :There are no setup options that differ between IMPACT Award and SYSPRO >κIMPACT AwardSYSPRO֮ͬκѡ :There are no status's selected to view requisitions. At least one status must be selected >κѡ鿴״̬ѡһ״̬ :There are no stock codes to add that match the criteria specified. Function cancelled >κδӵָĻ׼ĺͬȡ :There are no tables assigned. Please select one or more tables >未分配任何表。请选择一个或多个表 :There are no tables linked to the primary table in the data dictionary >ֵвκӵı :There are no tables selected for export. Please select one or more tables to export >κΪ˵ѡıѡһҪı :There are no transactions for this GRN >ڴ GRNκν :There are no transactions selected to post >κѡҪʵĽ :There are no users currently logged into SYSPRO. Function cancelled >Ŀǰûе¼SYSPROûȡ :There are no valid co-products in the selection >ѡκЧĹͬƷ :There are no valid lines for the sales order '%1' >۶ '%1' κЧ :There are no valid lines for this sales order >۶κЧ :There are no valid lines to create a purchase order >κδɹЧ :There are no valid reserved serials for the range >ڸ÷ΧκЧıϵ :There are no valid reserved serials in the range and you are not allowed to use substitute serials than the reserved serials >ڴ˷ΧڲκЧıϵУʹòͬڱϵеϵ :There are no variables to import from this file >κδӱļеı :There are one or more components that are defined as serialised items, and have insufficient stock on hand for issueing. Do you wish to continue? >һδΪлĿIJвп湩ǩϣ :There are one or more components that are defined as serialized items, and have insufficient stock on hand for issueing >һδΪлĿIJвп湩ǩ :There are one or more components that are defined as serialized items, and have insufficient stock on hand for issueing. Do you wish to continue? >һΪϵĿIJǩϣ :There are one or more components that are defined as serialized items, and have insufficient stock on hand for issuing. Do you wish to continue? >һѱΪϵлĿIJвп湩ǩϣ :There are one or more components that are defined as traceable items, and have insufficient stock on hand for issueing >һδΪɸĿIJвп湩ǩ :There are one or more components that are defined as traceable items, and have insufficient stock on hand for issueing. Do you wish to continue? >һδΪ׷ĿIJвĿǩϣ :There are one or more components that are defined as traceable items, and have insufficient stock on hand for issuing. Do you wish to continue? >һѱΪɸĿIJвп湩ǩϣ :There are one or more customized panes linked to fields on this form. Resetting the form will not remove the customized panes or remove the links >һӵ˱ֶεĶƴ񡣸λ񽫲ƳƴƳ :There are one or more entries with a blank supplier, they will assume that there is no GRN matching. Do you wish to continue? >һ߱հ׹Ӧ̵Ŀǽٶκ GRN ƥ䡣ϣ? :There are one or more jobs attached to this order. Certain maintenance may invalidate these links >存在一个或多个附加到此订单的工作。某些维护可能不验证这些链接 :There are one or more jobs attached to this order. Certain maintenance may invalidate these links. Do you wish to continue? >һӵöҵضάܻʹЩʧЧϣ :There are one or more jobs, requisitions or p/orders attached to this order line, and you have changed the order quantity. Do you wish to continue? >һӵöеҵ빺۶ѸĶϣ :There are one or more jobs, requisitions or p/orders attached to this order line. Do you wish to continue to cancel this line? >һӵöеҵ빺۶ϣȡ :There are only detail movements on file for your current ledger year >ǰȣļֻϸ䶯 :There are operators assigned to this group >ڷIJԱ :There are outstanding materials or operations for this job. Do you wish to continue? >ڴҵδɵIJϻϣ :There are outstanding materials, operations or purchase orders for this job >ڸҵδɵIJϡɹ :There are outstanding materials, operations or purchase orders for this job. Do you wish to continue? >ڴҵδɵIJϡɹϣ :There are outstanding purchase orders, p/o requisitions or jobs - are you sure you want to close capex? >δɵIJɹ۶빺ҵ - ȷҪرʱ֧ :There are pending cashbook EFT transactions. Please ensure that all these transactions are paid before attempting to do a Month end or Year end >ڴʵֽEFTסȷȫЩڳִĩ֮ǰԸ :There are sales orders not yet invoiced for this stock code. Can not change to lot traceable, this will cause a lot imbalance >ڴ˿룬δ߷Ʊ۶޷Ϊο׷٣Ϊ⽫βƽ :There are sales orders not yet invoiced for this stock code. Cannot change to lot traceable, this will cause a lot imbalance >ڸÿ룬δ߷Ʊ۶޷Ϊο׷٣Ϊ⽫βƽ :There are sales orders not yet invoiced for this stock code. Changing to lot traceable will cause a lot imbalance >ڴ˿룬δ߷Ʊ۶θΪ׷ٽβƽ :There are some SQL scripts that should be run against your SQL Server database. These SQL scripts will be copied to your ..\base\scripts directory, or you can view the scripts from this listview now >ijЩSQLűӦSQLݿСЩSQLűƵ..\base\scriptsĿ¼ߣڿɴӱб鿴в鿴Щű :There are still journals to be printed. Amendment journal file will not be deleted >Դдӡռʡ޶ռļɾ :There are still journals to be printed. Build schedule journal file delete cancelled >Դдӡռʡʱռļɾȡ :There are still journals to be printed. Capex amendment journal file will not be deleted >Դдӡռʡʱ֧޶ռļɾ :There are still journals to be printed. Forecast journal file delete cancelled >ԴдӡռʡԤռļɾȡ :There are still unlinked Analytics companies on database '%1' >ݿ '%1' ԴδӵAnalytics˾ :There are still unlinked Analytics companies. If you continue they will not be available for Analysis. Do you want to continue? >ԴδӵAnalytics˾ִУ򲻱Analysisáϣ :There are still unlinked Analytics users on database '%1' >ݿ '%1' ԴδӵAnalyticsû :There are still unlinked Analytics users. If you continue they will be removed from the database. Do you want to continue? >ԴδӵAnalyticsûִУǽݿɾϣ :There are still unlinked Analytics users. You will not be able to use SYSPRO Analytics until all users are linked. Do you want to continue? >ԴδӵAnalyticsûֻûӺʹSYSPRO Analyticsϣ :There are transfers in progress. All transfers must be completed before this option can be switched on. Do you wish to run the Warehouse Exception Report to view the transfers now? >ִеתơܹ򿪱ѡ֮ǰеתƹ̡ϣвֿⱨԲ鿴Щת :There are transfers in progress. Please complete these transactions prior to changing this option >ִеתơڸıѡǰЩ :There are two methods of connecting to SQL Server. You can use >ӵSQLķʹ :There are two types of data files that require conversion from >͵ļҪת :There are undistributed G/L values >δ G/L ֵ :There are undistributed general ledger values >δ˼ֵ :There are unposted G/L distribution entries for this supplier. All journals for this supplier must be printed prior to converting the currency. Program cancelled >ڴ˹Ӧ̣δʵG/L˹Ӧ̵ȫռʱתǰԴӡȡ :There are unposted G/L distribution entries for this supplier. All journals for this supplier must be printed prior to converting the currency. Program cancelled >ڸùӦ̣δʵ(G/L)תǰӡùӦ̵ȫռʡȡ :There are unposted GL distribution entries for this supplier. All journals for this supplier must be printed prior to converting the currency. Program cancelled >ڴ˹Ӧ̣δʵG/L˹Ӧ̵ȫռʱתǰԴӡȡ :There are unposted GL distribution entries for this supplier. All journals for this supplier must be printed prior to converting the currency. Program cancelled >ڸùӦ̣δʵ(GL)תǰӡùӦ̵ȫռʡȡ :There are unposted entries for this supplier. All journals for this supplier must be integrated to the GL prior to converting the currency. Program cancelled >ڴ˹Ӧ̣δĿת֮ǰ˹Ӧ̵ռ˾ϵ GLȡ :There are warehouse transfers in progress. Do you want to run the Warehouse Exception Report >ڽеIJֿתˡҪвֿ쳣 :There are warehouse transfers in progress. Do you want to run the Warehouse Exception Report OR >ִеIJֿתơϣвֿ :There has been a problem with reserving lots and serials... aborting run >κϵʱ...ж :There have been no receipts made against this purchase order line >κԱɹжվ :There have been several dispatches made for the sales order. If you cancel any lines that are associated with a global trade promotion, you may not be able to update the promotions if this is not the final dispatch note >Ϊ۶жηȡκȫó״Уⲻյķô޷´ :There have been several dispatches made for the sales order. You will be unable to cancel any lines that are associated with a global trade promotion >Ϊ۶жη޷ȡκȫó״ :There is a batch quantity variance > :There is a deposit outstanding for this order. To cancel this order you must refund the deposit >ڸöδĴҪȡö볥 :There is a duplicate record in the import file. Program cancelled >ļдظ¼ȡ :There is a limit of %1 Stock codes > %1 :There is a limit of %1 banks. Program cancelled > %1 еơȡ :There is a limit of %1 elements per incidence >ÿ %1 Ԫص :There is a limit of %1 entries. This limit has been reached > %1 ĿơѴﵽ :There is a limit of %1 forecasts per stock code/warehouse. No further forecasts for this stock code/warehouse will be imported >ÿ/ֿ %1 Ԥơ˿/ֿκνһԤ :There is a limit of %1 import errors. No further imports will be imported > %1 ơκνһĵ :There is a limit of %1 lines per requisition >ÿ빺 %1 е :There is a limit of %1 routings per requisition. This limit has been reached. Additional receipts to this order will not cause a routing to be added >ÿ빺 %1 ·ߵơѴﵽޡ˶ĸջᵼ· :There is a limit of %1 schedules per stock code/warehouse. No further forecasts for this stock code/warehouse will be imported >ÿ/ֿ %1 ų̵ơ˿/ֿκνһԤ :There is a limit of %1 schedules. Program cancelled > %1 ų̵ơȡ :There is a limit of 100 Stock codes >100 :There is a limit of 20 elements per incidence >ÿ20Ҫص :There is a limit of 30 entries. This limit has been reached >30ơѴﵽһ :There is a limit of 499 banks. Program cancelled >499еơȡ :There is a limit of 800 import errors. No further imports will be imported >800ơִнһ :There is a limit of 99 lines per requisition >ÿ󣬴99е :There is a limit of 99 routings per requisition. This limit has been reached. Additional receipts to this order will not cause a routing to be added >ÿ󣬴99·ߵѴﵽһơĸվݽᵼ· :There is a limit of 999 forecasts per stock code/warehouse. No further forecasts for this stock code/warehouse will be imported >ÿһ룯ֿ⣬999Ԥơڴ˿룯ֿ⣬ٽһԤ :There is a limit of 999 lines per requisition >ÿ빺мֵΪ999 :There is a limit of 999 schedules per stock code/warehouse. No further forecasts for this stock code/warehouse will be imported >ÿһ룯ֿ⣬999ʱơڴ˿룯ֿ⣬ٽһԤ :There is a limit of 999 schedules. Program cancelled >999ʱơȡ :There is a limit on the number of customers. Program cancelled >Կͻơȡ :There is a limit on the number of stock codes. Program cancelled >Կơȡ :There is a limit on the number of suppliers. Program cancelled >ԹӦơȡ :There is a limit to the number of ledger codes allowed. Program cancelled >ķʴơȡ :There is a maximum of %1 entries allowed on your favorites menu. This program was not added to the menu >ղز˵д %1 Ŀδӵ˵ :There is a maximum of %1 tasks allowed per task group >ÿ %1 :There is a maximum of 30 tasks allowed per task group >ÿһ飬30 :There is a maximum of 50 entries allowed on your favorites menu. This program was not added to the menu >ĸ˲˵ʹ50Ŀδӵ˵ :There is a memory leak in '%1' - number of extra objects > '%1' дڴй© - :There is a new version of the ribbon bar. Would you like to use it? >ɫµİ汾ϣʹ? :There is a payment code defined for this payment type >˸жĸ :There is a problem loading this report >ر :There is a start date but no end date >ڿʼڣ޽ :There is a stock take in progress for warehouse '%1' >ڲֿ '%1'ڽе̵ :There is a syntax error in the script >űд﷨ :There is a unlinked company on the Analytics database with the name '%1' >AnalyticsݿдΪ '%1' δӹ˾ :There is a variance left in WIP Inspection for this reference. The variance can be cleared and the WIP inspection reference set to complete via the WIP inspection closure program >ڴοִҵ(WIP)Դڲһ¡һ¿ɱִҵ(WIP)οִͨҵ(WIP)رճΪ :There is also a facility to print out the all the selection criteria processed, any fields generated, and >һ豸ɴӡѡࡢɵκֶԼ :There is an ECO hold preventing shipments on this stock code >ڴ˿ϴڷֹ˵Ḻ́(ECO) :There is an account linked to this customer. Deleting the customer will cause the account to be deleted. \n\n Do you wish to continue? >˿ͻӵʻɾͻһɾʻ\n\n ϣ? :There is an account linked to this supplier. Deleting the supplier will cause the account to be deleted. \n\n Do you wish to continue? >ӵ˹Ӧ̵˻ɾӦ̽һɾ˻\n\nϣ? :There is an end date but no start date >ڽڣ޿ʼ :There is an existing allocation against the master job for the sub job being attached however the allocation quantity required differs from the sub job quantity to make. Yes to link the sub job to the exisiting allocation. No to create a new allocation >ӵҵҵз䣬ҪķͬҪҵѡǡɽҵӵз䡣ѡ񡰷ɴµķ :There is an existing allocation against the master job for the sub job being attached, however the allocation quantity differs from the sub job quantity to make. Yes to link the sub job to the existing allocation. No to create a new allocation >ڸӵӹз䣬ȻͬҪеӹѡǣӹӵз䡣ѡ񣬽µķ :There is an outstanding quantity to issue against the master allocation linked to the sub job. Do you wish to set the allocation to be complete? >ӵҵҪǩδϣΪ? :There is currently a "Respond to question" type action setup for moving to next status. Please remove this before changing method of moving to next status >ĿǰΪƶһ״̬õġӦͶڸƶһ״̬ķǰɾö :There is currently a \"Respond to question\" type action setup for moving to next status. Please remove this before changing method of moving to next status >ĿǰΪƶһ״̬õ\Ӧ\͵Ķڸƶһ״̬ķǰɾö :There is currently a stock take in progress for the warehouse >ڲֿ⣬ڵǰڽе̵ :There is currently a stock take in progress for the warehouse you have selected. Do you wish to continue? >ѡIJֿ⣬ĿǰִеĿ롣ϣ :There is currently no default Warehouse setup for non-stocked items. Do you wish to continue? >ĿǰκΪǿĿõĬϲֿ⡣ϣ :There is currently no documentation for this form item >˱Ŀǰκĵ :There is currently no stock take in progress for the warehouse you have selected >ѡIJֿ⣬Ŀǰκִе̵㡣 :There is currently one other user/instance logged into SYSPRO >当前存在一个登录到 SYSPRO 的其他用户/实例 :There is going to be a run time overflow. Do you wish to continue posting the labor? >ʱϣͶ :There is insufficient available quantity of one or more of the components >һĿ :There is insufficient quantity available > :There is insufficient quantity available for reserved lot number '%1' >ڱκ '%1' ڲĿ :There is insufficient quantity available for reserved serial number '%1' >ڱϵк '%1' ڲĿ :There is insufficient quantity available for this order quantity >ڴ˶ڲ :There is insufficient quantity available for this order quantity, and stock is not allowed to become negative >ڸöڲĿҿ治Ϊֵ :There is insufficient quantity available for this ship quantity and stock is not allowed to go negative >װڲĿҲֿⲻΪ :There is insufficient quantity available for this ship quantity, and stock is not allowed to become negative >ڸװڲĿҿ治Ϊֵ :There is insufficient stock available to dispatch this line >ַ :There is insufficient stock for the order >ڸö޳Ŀ :There is insufficient stock for the order quantity >治 :There is insufficient stock for the order quantity or there is >ڶڲĿ棬ߴ :There is insufficient stock free to dispatch this line >ƷĿ治 :There is insufficient stock in this warehouse >此仓库库存不足 :There is insufficient stock on hand for stock code '%1' in warehouse '%2' >ڲֿ '%2' еĿ '%1' ޳п :There is insufficient stock on hand for this serial number >ſ :There is more than one allocation for this stock code/warehouse. One must be selected against which this issue should be posted >˿벻ֹһ䡣ѡһΪ :There is no History to show >κʾļ¼ :There is no allocation for this stock code/warehouse >ԴҵĿֿⲻ :There is no allocation for this stock code/warehouse against the job. Ok to create allocation? >˿ֿⲻκԱҵķ䡣ȷҪ :There is no available quantity to accept into stock >κδĿ :There is no custom form defined for type '%1' >Ϊ '%1' ĶƱ :There is no custom form defined for type '%1', key field '%2' >κΪ '%1' ֶ '%2' Զ :There is no custom form defined for type '%1', key field '%2'. >Ϊ '%1' ֶ '%2' ĶƱ :There is no customer linked to the job '%1' >ҵ '%1' Ŀͻ :There is no dangerous goods text for this stock code >ڸÿ룬κΣջı :There is no default warehouse, or the default warehouseis invalid. Process abandoned >κĬϲֿ⣬ĬϲֿЧ̱ :There is no demand for this stock code/warehouse >ڴ˿룯ֿ⣬κ :There is no dispatch note for the selected invoice >ڸѡƱκη :There is no dispatch note for the selected sales order >ڸѡ۶κη :There is no matching allocation against the master job. One must be created. Do you wish to continue? >κҵƥ䡣봴һϣ :There is no matching allocation against the master job. One must be created. Do you wish to continue? >κƥķ䡣봴һϣ? :There is no matching bracket in expression >ʽƥ :There is no matching bracket in report condition >κδڱµƥ :There is no matching bracket in your condition >κµƥ :There is no material to issue for job %1 >ҵ '%1' Ҫǩκβ :There is no path defined for the export file. Run the iLink Solutions setup program to define the path >ûΪļ·iLinkóԶ· :There is no path defined for the export file. Run the setup program to define the path >ûΪļ·óԶ· :There is no pegging for this period >ڱڼ䣬κȶ :There is no purchase order quantity outstanding. Do you wish to continue? >κΪɵIJɹϣ :There is no purchase order text for this stock code >ڸÿ룬κβɹı :There is no qualifying quantity to ship >κҪװ˵ʸ :There is no quantity outstanding for the co-product. Do you wish to continue? >ڸùͬƷκδϣ :There is no quantity outstanding for the job. Do you wish to continue? >ڴҵκδϣ :There is no quantity outstanding to track for the lot or lot/bin combination >λΣϣκҪٵδ :There is no quantity to track for the lot number '%1' >ڸκ '%1' Ҫٵκ :There is no quantity to track for the lot or lot/bin combination >λΣҪٵκ :There is no quantity to track for the serial >ڸϵУκҪٵ :There is no quantity to track for the serial number '%1' >ڸϵк '%1' Ҫٵ :There is no release master for this contract >ڱͬͷ :There is no sales order linked to the job '%1' for updating >ҵ '%1' Ҫµ۶ :There is no sales order text for this stock code >ڸÿ룬κ۶ı :There is no shortage of this item. Continue? >Ʒ޶Ҫ :There is no snapshot in progress. Program cancelled >ڽеijӡȡ :There is no statistical G/L balance for this period. Continue with disposal? >ͳҪĿ :There is no status routing from the current status to the one you have selected. Add this routing? >κδӵǰ״̬ѡ״̬״̬·ߡҪӴ·? :There is no status routing from the current status to the status you have selected >κδӵǰ״̬ѡ״̬״̬· :There is no status routing from the current status to the status you have selected. Add this routing? >ӵǰ״̬ѡ״̬״̬·ߡҪӸ· :There is no stock take in progress for warehouse '%1' >ڿ '%1' ִе̵ :There is no supplier linked to this customer, an A/P invoice cannot be posted >κ˿ͻӵĹӦ̣޷Ӧʿ(A/P)Ʊ :There is no supplier linked to this customer, an AP invoice cannot be posted >κ˿ͻӵĹӦ̣޷Ӧʿ(AP)Ʊ :There is no transaction value to post >κҪʵĽ׼ֵ :There is no transaction value to post for job '%1' >ҵ '%1' ҪʵĽ׼ֵ :There is not quantity to track for the lot number '%1' bin '%2' >ڸκ '%1' '%2' Ҫٵ :There is not snapshot in progress. Program cancelled >ڽеĿաȡ :There is nothing that can be changed against the selected item >κѡĿɸĵ :There is nothing to ship and no invoice value for this order. Do you wish to print an invoice? >ڴװ˻ҶڱڷƱֵϣӡƱ :There is only %1 deposit available to use >ֻ %1 ô :There is only %1 deposit available to use. >ֻ %1 ô :There is only %1 retention available to use >ֻ %1 :There is only %1 retention available to use. >ֻ %1 :There is still a quantity outstanding to be tracked >ԴҪٵδ :There is stock on hand or stock allocated. Ensure that stock on hand is adjusted to zero in all warehouses, and complete sales orders for this stock code before changing the serial method to batch >пѷ档ȷвֿнп㣬ڸϵзΪ֮ǰɴ˿۶ :There is stock on hand or stock allocated. Ensure that stock on hand is adjusted to zero in all warehouses, and complete sales orders for this stock code before turning on lot traceability, as this could cause a lot imbalance >пѷ档ȷȫֿнΪ㣬ڴ׷ٹǰɱ۶ᵼβƽ :There must be a least one sequence defined for a report. Function cancelled >ڴ˱ܴһѶĵ˳򡣹ȡ :There must be al least one name in the To or Cc box >ڡռˡ򡰳͡Уһ :There must be at lease one name in the E-mail box >ڵʼбһ :There must be at lease one name in the Email box >ڵʼбһ :There must be at least one condition defined for a transaction. Function cancelled >Ϊٶһȡ :There must be at least one name in the 'E-mail' box >ڡʼбһ :There must be at least one name in the 'E-mail' box >ڡʼбһ :There must be at least one name in the E-mail box >ڵʼбһ :There must be at least one name in the Email box >ڵʼбһ :There must be at least one name in the To box >ڡռˡбһ :There must be at least one name in the To or Cc box >ڡռˡ򡰳͡Уһ :There should be at least one column defined for each browse >ӦΪÿһһ :There was a problem authorizing/ unauthorizing t his journal >ȨȡȨռʱ :There was no data found that matches selected criteria >ûҵѡ׼ƥ :There were invalid dates in the file. They are marked by '%1' in the first character of the line >ļдЧڡеַ '%1' б :There were invalid dates in the file. They are marked by '>' in the first character of the line >ļдЧݡеַϱ'>' :There were no count details to confirm >Ҫȷϵϸ :There were no recurring journals to post >κδʵظռ :There were no sales orders or lines imported >κѵ۶ :There will be a link between the Contact and the Operator code that can >ϵԱ֮佫ӣ :There will be a single Contact created against this Account that is used to >Դʻĵһϵˣ :These details are contained in the lock file '%1' >这些详情包含于锁定文件 '%1' 中 :These must be corrected using the ledger >ƽʣ֮ǰ :These notes are being edited by another user >These notes are being edited by another user :These notes are being updated by another user. You may view the notes but you cannot change them >ЩעһûԸ¡Բ鿴Щעܸͣ :These notes may only be removed by the original author or by an ECC system administrator >Щעֻԭ߻ECCϵͳԱɾ :These numbers are duplicated >Щظ :These numbers are missing >Щȱʧ :These options control formatting of numeric values and Account >Щѡֵʻ :These properties provide initial settings only; graphs automatically save >ЩԽṩʼ; ͼԶ :These quotes were taken in the last >ЩעǴһZZZ9 :These requisition lines cannot be approved >Щ빺޷õ׼ :These salesperson entries are documentational only >Ա¼ :These security settings apply to all operators >ЩȫȫԱ :These steps include >这些步骤包括 :These supplies have been confirmed to support the quotation/quotation line that you are >ЩӦѾȷϣ֧ڳҪȡ :These transactions will affect the expiry date >Щ׽ӰʧЧ :These transactions will not affect inventory >Щ׽Ӱ :These transactions will not affect inventory or job value >Щ׽Ӱҵֵ :These transactions will not affect on hand quantity >Щ׽Ӱ :These transactions will not affect the on hand quantity >Щ׽Ӱ :Third > :Third Index > :Third Party Setup > :Third Party Tax Routine Error >˰̴ :Third discount >ۿ :Third discount % >ۿ% :Third discount percent >ۿ۰ٷֱ :Third discount percentage >ۿ۰ٷֱ :Third node >ڵ :Third organization type >֯֯ :Third party >第三方 :Third report >ݱ :This 4.0 format file contains no active data records. Ok to null this 5.1 format file? >4.0ʽļǻݼ¼ȷҪʹ5.1ʽļʧЧ :This 4.0 format file contains no active data records. Ok to null this 6.0 format file? >һ4.0ʽļзǻݼ¼ȷҪʹ6.0ʽļʧЧ :This 4.0 format file contains no active data records. Ok to null this SYSPRO 6.0 format file? >һ4.0ʽļзǻݼ¼ȷҪʹSYSPRO 6.0ʽļʧЧ :This Alternate stock code '%1' is not held on the Stock master file. Do you want to add this stock code to the list of alternative stock codes for this stock code? >˱ÿ '%1' ڿļδϣ˿ӵ˿ıÿб? :This Alternate stock code is not held on the Stock master file. Do you want to add this stock code to the list of alternative stock codes for this stock code? >滻ڿļδϣÿӵÿ滻 :This Alternate supplier is not held on the Supplier master file. Do you want to add this supplier to the list of alternate suppliers for this stock code? >滻ӦڹӦļδϣùӦӵÿ滻Ӧ̱ :This ECC item cannot be credited as it has never been received in this warehouse >޷Ǵ˹̱ (ECC) ĿΪ˲ֿδյ :This ECC item has never been received into this warehouse. Do you wish to continue and receipt into this warehouse? >˹̱ (ECC) Ŀδ˲ֿ⡣ϣ˲ֿ? :This ECO cannot be actioned as it has been put on hold in between statuses by another ECO >ECO޷ִУΪ״̬䱻һECOʹ :This EFT bank control record cannot be deleted due to EFT transactions that have not yet been extracted >δѹĽ׵ԵʣEFTпƼ¼޷ɾ :This EFT may not be voided as it is linked to multiple suppliers. Create a dummy EFT number for each supplier you wish to void and re-establish the EFT details. Also delete the relevant payments manually out of the EFT unprocessed payment files >õת(EFT)ϣΪѱҹӦ̡Ϊϣϵĺ½ת(EFT)ϸÿһҹӦ̴ת(EFT)롣⣬ֶӵת(EFT)δļɾظ :This EFT number does not exist in the unprocessed EFT payments file. It may already have been sent to the bank for payment. Are you sure you want to continue? >˵ת(EFT)δת(EFT)ļвڡѱСȷҪ :This EFT number may not be voided. It is linked to multiple suppliers. Create a dummy EFT number for each supplier you wish to void and re-establish the check details. Also, delete the relevant payments manually out of the EFT unprocessed payment files >õת(EFT)벻ϡѱҹӦ̡Ϊϣϵĺ½֧ƱϸÿһҹӦ̴ת(EFT)롣⣬ֶӵת(EFT)δļɾظ :This EFT number may not be voided.It is linked to multiple suppliers.Please create a dummy EFT number for each supplier you wish to void and re-establish the check details.Also delete the relevant payments manually out of the EFT unprocessed payment >ʹEFTʧЧӦӡΪϣʹʧЧ½֧ƱϸÿһҹӦ̴һ롣⣬˹ɾEFTδظ :This EFT number may not be voided.It is linked to multiple suppliers.Please create a dummy EFT number for each supplier you wish to void and re-establish the check details.Also delete the relevant payments manually out of the EFT unprocessed payment file >õת(EFT)벻ΪЧӦ̡ΪϣʹʧЧÿһҹӦ̴һƵת(EFT)벢½֧Ʊϸ⣬ֶɾת(EFT)Ǵļؿ :This EFT number still exists in the A/P check file. Please use the A/P void payment entry program to remove it >EFTԴA/P֧ƱļСʹA/PЧ¼ɾ :This EFT transaction has been released to the EFT system. If you amend the AMOUNT or change the BENEFICIARY, it will be removed from the EFT files and you will need to release it again >EFTǩEFTϵͳ޸ĽˣEFTļɾΪҪǩ :This EFT transaction is part of a released run. Please deselect the release status before trying to amend it >EFTǩеһ֡ڳ޸֮ǰѡǩ״̬ :This EFT transaction may not be amended as it has already been extracted to a batch >EFTײ޸ģΪѱѹij :This File definition also contains Field definitions. Deleting this File definition will delete all fields associated with this file.\n\nOk to delete File definition? >ļҲֶζ塣ɾļ彫ɾ뱾ļȫֶΡ\n\nȷҪɾļ :This G/L account is usually an expense account >G/Lʻͨһʻ :This GL account is usually an expense account >G/Lʻͨһʻ :This GL posting period is closed >(GL)ѹر :This GRN has already been matched in A/P Invoice posting. O.K to reverse ? >此 GRN 已在 A/P 发票过账中进行匹配。确定要撤销吗? :This GRN has already been matched in A/P Invoice posting. O.K to reverse? >A/PƱжԱGRNƥ䡣ȷҪ :This GRN has already been matched in AP Invoice posting. O.K to reverse? >A/PƱжԱGRNƥ䡣ȷҪ :This GRN has not been selected. Select GRN and change now? >δѡGRNҪѡGRN :This GRN is already on file >GRNļС :This GRN shows that there are already amounts that have either been scrapped or rejected. The quantity to reverse exceeds the quantity in inspection. Do you wish to ignore this and continue posting? >ջ(GRN)ѴѱϻյĽҪ˼ϣ :This GRN was created from a different company >GRNһҲͬĹ˾ :This GRN was not created by this p/order >ջ(GRN)ɸòɹ :This GRN was received into inspection via the 'Apportion qty' method. No corresponding purchase order details were found >GRN̯ͨղͶġδҵӦIJɹϸ :This GRN was received into inspection via the 'Apportion qty' method. The entered quantity will now be apportioned throughout the outstanding quantities on purchase order lines. Do you wish to continue? >GRN̯ͨղͶġֽɹеδΧԷ̯ϣ :This GRN was received into inspection via the 'Apportion quantity' method. No corresponding purchase order details were found >ջ(GRN)ͨ"̯"ղͶġδҵӦIJɹϸ :This Program Requires a Ledger Year >Ҫ :This RMA has a status which is currently not selected within the options >˻Ȩ(RMA)߱ǰδѡѡ״̬ :This RMA line will be cancelled. Continue? >ȡ˻Ȩ(RMA)СҪ :This RMA number has already been used. Please enter a new RMA number >˻Ȩ(RMA)ѱʹáµ˻Ȩ(RMA) :This SCT is already on file >ùӦת(SCT)Ѵ :This SCT order is not on file >ùӦת(SCT) :This SCT order is not valid for this source/warehouse combination >ùӦת(SCT)ڸԴֿЧ :This Serial number already exists in this warehouse for this stock code >ڱıֿ⣬ϵкѴ :This Shipment was created with a different GRN number >˻Բͬ GRN 봴 :This Software has EXPIRED. Phone your supplier for License Code renewal >߱EXPIREDҪչ֤룬ĹӦ̴绰 :This User menu has no free space for a new Report/Setup program (a maximum of 30 entries per menu is allowed). Either choose a different type of shortcut or exit this Wizard and create a new User menu >û˵ɿռɷµıó(ÿ˵30Ŀ)ѡ͵Ŀݷʽ˳򵼲û˵ :This User menu has no free space for new icons (a maximum of 20 icons per menu is allowed). Either choose a Report or Setup program or exit this Wizard and create a new User menu >û˵ɿռɷµͼ(ÿ˵20ͼ)ѡ񱨱ó򣬻˳򵼲û˵ :This WIP inspection reference is already on file >WIPοѴ :This Year's Budget >ȵԤ :This account cannot be deleted >޷ɾʻ :This account is not in the G/L file >ʻG/Lļ :This account is not in the GL file >ʻG/Lļ :This account is on hold >ʻѱ :This account is usually a liability account >ʻͨһծʻ :This account is usually a revenue account >ʻͨһʻ :This account is usually an asset account >ʻͨһʲʻ :This account is usually an expense account >ʻͨһʻ :This action will change your previous GL allocations. Do you wish to continue? >ıǰGL䡣ϣ :This action will update the status of the quotation operation, and may remove the record from the review. Would you like to proceed? >此操作将更新报价操作的状态,而且可能从审查中移除记录。您希望继续吗? :This amount is greater than the amount remaining >ýʣ :This applies to all serials entered >ȫϵ :This archive file does not exist >õļ :This archive number has already been used >ѱʹ :This asset has been disposed >ʲѱ :This asset in suspense is on hold - cannot generate >ʲ - ޷ :This asset was not extracted for this location. Do you wish to continue? >ʲǴһλȡġϣ :This back order is currently being maintained by another user >ڽǰһûά :This bank cannot be deleted due to one >ԭ֮һ :This bank cannot be deleted due to one \n \n of the following: \n \n Bank balance not zero \n \n Outstanding deposits exist \n \n Outstanding withdrawals exist \n \n Outstanding EFT payment exist >ԭ\n \n޷ɾ\n \n Ϊ \n \n δеĴ \n \n δе \n \n δеĵת(EFT) :This bank has not been set up for EFT payments >δΪִEFT :This bank is not set up for EFT payments >δΪִEFT :This bin has quantity on hand and cannot be deleted >˿޷ɾ :This bin is on hold >˿ⱻ :This bitmap will only be shown when printing to a Windows printer >ӡWindowsӡʱʾһλͼ :This blanket purchase order has been cancelled >һӲɹѱȡ :This blanket purchase order has been printed >ۺԲɹѱӡһΣ :This blanket purchase order has expired >此一揽子采购订单已到期 :This blanket purchase order is complete >ɴһӲɹ :This blanket purchase order is complete. Do you want to reset it to be status printed? >ɴһӲɹϣλΪѴӡ״̬? :This build schedule will be deleted when you Save Build Schedule. Do you want to continue? >湹ųʱɾ˹ų̡ϣ? :This business object cannot be run if EC VAT is required >Ҫŷ˸˰(EC VAT)򲻿һҵ :This can be used to generate '%1' dynamically on-the-fly rather than having to point to a specific '%2'. (write-only) >此可用于动态实时生成 '%1',而非必须指向 '%2'。(只写) :This capex item is closed/denied - cannot add/change/delete lines >ʱ֧Ŀѹرգ - ޷ӣģɾ :This caption has already been used >һѱʹ :This cash drawer is in use by one or more operators >ֽƱڱһλλԱʹ :This cash drawer is not on file >ֽƱ˲ :This charge code in not permitted to be reviewed in sales order >շѴ벻۶ :This check has already been issued >֧Ʊǩ :This check is already on file >֧Ʊļ :This check is locked by another user >֧Ʊһû :This check/EFT cannot be voided as it is either already voided, it is a Cash Book check/EFT, it is already reconciled, or the currency does not match the currency of this payment run >֧Ʊת(EFT)ϣΪҪôϣֽʲ֧Ʊת(EFT)ѽйʣҪôҴеĻҲƥ :This check/EFT cannot be voided as the payment run on which this check was originally produced is not yet complete >֧Ʊת(EFT)ϣΪԭ֧Ʊĸδ :This check/EFT has already been issued >֧Ʊת(EFT)ǩ :This check/EFT number cannot be used as it is less than the current check/EFT number assigned to the 'From supplier' >֧Ʊת(EFT)޷ʹãΪСڷԹӦ̡ĵǰ֧Ʊת(EFT) :This check/EFT number has already been issued >֧ƱEFTͷ :This checks your currently installed Microsoft Outlook Version >˽ǰװ Microsoft Outlook 汾 :This co-product is complete. Do you wish to continue? >ùͬƷɡϣ :This co-product is due to be receipted in prior to this operation. Do you wish to continue? >ùͬƷĽڴ֮ǰڡϣ :This collection's history has a seasonal pattern. Adjusting for outliers will diminish the effect of seasonality.\n\nDo you wish to continue? >üϵʷ¼߱ģʽΪ˵ԵӰ졣\n\nϣ :This column is part of the primary key and access may not be set to '%1' >һ֣˲ýʷʽΪ '%1' :This column is part of the primary key and access may not be set to 'Read/Write' >ؼֵһ֣˲ýʷʽΪȡд롱 :This comment line contains packaging details and cannot be changed >עаװϸɸ :This company does not exist >˾ :This company does not exist in IMPACT Award >ù˾IMPACT Awardв :This company does not exist in IMPACT Encore >ù˾IMPACT Encoreв :This company does not exist in SYSPRO >ù˾SYSPROв :This company exists in IMPACT Award 3.1. Do you wish to use the options from this company to construct your new company? >˾IMPACT Award 3.1дڡϣʹñ˾ѡ¹˾ :This company exists in IMPACT Award 3.2. Do you wish to use the options from this company to construct your new company? >˾IMPACT Award 3.2дڡϣʹñ˾ѡ¹˾ :This company has already been converted to the New A/P Payment Cycle. Program cancelled >ù˾ѱתΪӦʿ(A/P)ѭȡ :This company has not been successfully converted to 4.0 format >ù˾ѱɹת4.0ʽ :This company has not been successfully converted to %1 format >˹˾δɹתΪ %1 ʽ :This company has not been successfully converted to 3.2 format >ù˾ѱɹת3.2ʽ :This company has not yet been converted to IMPACT Award 3.1. You cannot use this company until it has been converted to IMPACT Award 3.1 >˾δתΪIMPACT Award 3.1ڱ˾תΪIMPACT Award 3.1ǰ޷ʹñ˾ :This company has not yet been converted to IMPACT Award 3.2. You cannot use this company until it has been converted to IMPACT Award 3.2 >˾δתΪIMPACT Award 3.2ڱ˾תΪIMPACT Award 3.2ǰ޷ʹñ˾ :This company has shared inventory. Shared invetory files will not be updated. To update the shared inventory files ensure you run the conversion on the shared inventory company >˹˾߱¹ļҪ¹ļȷжԹ˾ת :This company is SQL Server based but your System Setup indicates that '%1' >ù˾SQLϵͳñ '%1' :This company is to be used for demonstration >˾ʾ :This company shares the same ledger master file >˾ͬķļ :This component already exists for this sequence >ڴ˳д :This component and any further components will be ignored from this bill of materials >Լκκڱ嵥б :This component does not have sufficient stock >治 :This component has no G/L interface record >κG/L¼ :This component has no GL interface record >κG/L¼ :This component has not been licensed for use in e.net >ù˾δȡʹe.net֤ :This component is not in the inventory file >ڿļ :This component is on hold >ѱ :This component is traceable or serialized and there is insufficient >˲ɸٻϵлҴڲ :This component is traceable or serialized, >Ϊ׷ٻл :This component requires the '%1' module to be licensed in SYSPRO >òҪ'%1' ģSYSPROȡ :This component will not be included in kit >׼ :This configuration cannot create a parent unless it is used in Bill of Materials (stocked), Estimating (non-stocked) or Work in Progress >ڲ嵥ѿ棩ۣǿ棩ڽеҵУ޷ĸ :This configuration must be able to create a parent part if it is to be used in Work in Progress >ãҪִҵܹ :This configuration will not be able to create a non-stocked parent if run from Bill of Materials >ãӲϵУܹǿ :This contact has already been added as an attendee >ӴϵΪϯ :This contains a read-only array of all rows and columns in the list view >这包含列表视图中所有行栏和列栏的只读阵列 :This contains a write-only array of cells in the list view that you wish to modify. e.g >这包含您希望修改列表视图中单元格的只写阵列 :This contract cannot be cancelled as it has active purchase orders attached >޷ȡͬΪлԾɹ :This contract does not belong to the selected supplier >úͬѡĹӦ :This contract has a status which is currently not selected within the options >úͬ߱ǰδѡѡ״̬ :This contract has no lines to save or print >此合同无任何要保存或打印的行 :This conversion process involves the following >Ի̰¸ :This conversion will do the following >תִ² :This conversion will overwrite all your manufacturing unit of measure data! Are you sure you want to continue? >תеλ!ȷҪ? :This currency cannot be deleted because it is used as an alternative reporting currency >޷ɾңΪ滻 :This currency cannot be deleted because it is used as an intermediate currency >޷ɾңΪм :This currency cannot be deleted because it is used in the Currency Conversion table >޷ɾңΪڻҶһ :This currency is not valid >此货币无效 :This customer does not have a company tax registration number, and it is mandatory. You cannot convert this quote to a counter sale and invoice it >ͻûй˾˰ע룬Ҫ޷תΪΪ߷Ʊ :This customer does not have a company tax registration number, and it is mandatory. You do not have the authority to change the registration number >ͻûй˾˰ǼǺ룬һҪȨĵǼǺ :This customer does not have a company tax registration number, and it is mandatory.If you convert this quote to a billing, you must maintain the order and add the registration number. OK to continue? >ͻûй˾˰ע룬ҪתΪʵάע롣ȷҪ :This customer does not have a company tax registration number, and it is mandatory.If you convert this quote, you must maintain the order and add the registration number. OK to continue? >ͻûй˾˰ǼǺ룬һҪתۣ뱣ӵǼǺ롣ȷҪ :This customer does not require cross references >ÿͻҪ :This customer has exceeded the credit limit. Do you wish to continue? >ÿͻѳüޡϣ :This customer has exceeded the credit terms. Do you wish to continue? >˿ͻѳϣ :This customer has failed the credit check. Any invoices for this order cannot be placed on account; these invoices must be paid for in cash or equivalent. Do you wish to continue? >ͻüʧܡ޷ʻзñκηƱʹֽ֧ͬЩƱϣ :This customer is a contract customer and there are no valid contracts for this stock code >ͻһͬͻҶڱ롣κЧĺͬ :This customer is a master account. All sub-acounts will be detached from this master account. Ok to continue? >ͻһʻȫʻǴӱʻֳġȷҪ :This customer is a master account. All sub-acounts will be detached from this master account. Ok to continue? >ÿͻʻȫʻǴӸʻֳġȷҪ :This customer is a sub-account and will be detached from the master account. Ok to continue? >ͻһʻǴʻֳġȷҪ :This customer is a sub-account and will be detached from the master account. Ok to continue? >ÿͻʻǴʻֳġȷҪ :This customer is already linked to another account. This means that in future the account and customer may get out of sync >˿ͻһʻζŽʻͿͻ޷ͬ :This customer is currently on hold. You may proceed, but you will not be allowed to confirm this quote. Do you wish to Proceed? >ͻĿǰԼȷϱۡϣ :This customer is currently on hold. You will not be allowed to confirm this quotation. Do you wish to proceed? >ÿͻĿǰȷϴۡϣ :This customer is for use only with Counter Sales >ÿͻ뷵һʹ :This customer is not allowed credit. Do you wish to continue? >˿ͻǡϣ :This customer is not held on the customer master file. Do you wish to continue? >ڿͻļδͻϣ :This customer is on hold >ÿͻ :This customer no longer requires contract pricing >ͻҪͬ :This customer purchase order number has already been used. Do you wish to continue? >ÿͻɹѱʹáϣ :This customer purchase order number has already been used.Please enter a new customer purchase order number >ÿͻɹѱʹáµĿͻɹ :This database has been created as '%1'. This will lead to problems within the SYSPRO environment. You must create the database as binary or case sensitive >ݿΪ '%1' ⽫ SYSPRO ڷ⡣ԶƻִСдݿ :This date cannot be used as it is reserved >ʹñڣΪDZ :This date may not be earlier than the previous month-end date >ڲ½ :This date may not be earlier than the previous period end date >ڲ½ :This deduction completely resolved >۳ȫ :This deduction is already closed >۳ѹر :This delivery load cannot be deleted. Sales Order(s) are allocated >޷ɾ˽ءѷ۶ :This delivery route cannot be deleted. There are loads attached >޷ɾ˽·ߡڸӵװ :This dispatch has a status which is currently not selected within the options >߱ǰδѡѡ״̬ :This dispatch note has been cancelled >÷ѱȡ :This dispatch note has been consolidated for invoicing >÷ѱϲڳ߷Ʊ :This dispatch note in not attached to a delivery load >˷δӵװ :This dispatch note is complete >÷ :This dispatch note is not on file >÷ :This document already exists. Do you want to replace it? >ĵѴڡϣ滻 :This document will be created regardless of whether you select to cancel out of the setup program or not. Do you want to continue adding the document? >ѡȡó񣬾ĵ:ϣӸĵ :This drawer has been closed. Do you wish to continue and use this drawer? >óƱѹرաϣʹøóƱ :This entry has not been selected for posting. Do you wish to continue and select the entry? >δѡԽתʡϣʹʧЧ :This entry will be automatically selected for posting >Զѡ :This entry will be ignored as the adjustment/expense issue transaction required for the source warehouse cannot be posted because the limit of 10 warehouses has been met. Continue with transfers in? >ԣΪԴֿĵǩѴﵽ10ֿƶ޷ʡҪִת :This event type has already been selected >¼ѱѡ :This facility is currently being used by another user >Ŀǰڱһûʹ :This facility makes use of the quotation number. With automatic quotation numbering, the quotation number is only known once the quotation has been added. If you choose to continue, the quotation will be saved. Ok to continue? >ܲñۺ롣Զ۱ţֻӱۺ󣬷˽ⱨۺ롣ѡ汨ۡȷҪ :This feature has been disabled for the initial release of the Release Candidate program.This feature will be available in subsequent port upgrades >˹ڷкѡ˳״ηʱѽá˹ܽںĶ˿ڸṩ :This feature is still under development >˹ڿ :This field can not be blank >ֶβΪհ :This field cannot be blank >ֶβΪհ :This field cannot be left blank >ֶβΪհ :This field cannot be zeroes or spaces >ֶβΪո :This field has already been entered >һֶѱʹ :This field may have up to %1 decimals, depending on the number of decimals allowed for the stock item being packaged >ȡڱĿСλֶοɾ߱ %1 λС :This field may have up to %1 integers and %2 decimals >ֶοɾ߱ %1 λ %2 λС :This field may have up to 3 decimals, depending on the number of decimals allowed for the stock item being packaged >ȡڰװĿƷСֶο3λС :This field may have up to 5 integers and 3 decimals >ֶο5λ3λС :This field may have up to3 decimals, depending on the stock item being packaged >װĿĿֶͬ3λС :This field may not be spaces or zero >ֶβΪհ׻ :This field should be a reserved word, a constant or a number >ֶӦΪ֡ :This field should be a reserved word, constant or number >ֶӦΪ֡ :This field should be in the range >ֶӦڷΧ :This field should be in the range '%1' - '%2' >ֶӦ '%1' - '%2' Χ :This file already contains an exported report. The details are >ļѺϸΪ :This file already exists and is NOT a previously exported report file. Are you sure you wish to overwrite this file? >ļѴڣһǰѵıļȷҪǴļ :This file already exists.\n\nDo you want to replace it? >ļѴڡ\n\nϣ滻 :This file cannot be found.\n\nMake sure that you have specified the correct path and filename >޷ҵļ\n\nȷָȷ·ļ :This file contains no active data records. Null the file? >ļǻݼ¼ҪʹļʧЧ :This file contains no active data records. Ok to null this file? >ļǻݼ¼ȷҪʹļʧЧ :This file contains no active data records. Ok to null this file? >ֶβκλݼ¼ȷҪϴļ? :This file contains no active data. Do you wish to continue and null the file? If you select '%1' the file will be skipped >ļδκλݡϣʹļʧЧѡ '%1' ļ :This file contains no active data. Do you wish to continue and null the file? If you select 'No' the file will be skipped >ļδκλݡϣʹļʧЧѡ񡰷񡱣ļ :This file contains no active data. Do you wish to continue and null the file? If you select 'No' the file will be skipped >ļδκЧݡϣʹļʧЧѡ񡰷񡱣ļ :This file contains no active data. Do you wish to continue with the conversion? >此文件不包含任何活动数据。您希望继续执行转化吗? :This file contains the following customized panes >ļԶ崰 :This file is being used by another user. Program cancelled >ļһûʹáȡ :This flow graph is a template and cannot be edited >ͼģ壬ɱ༭ :This flow graph is defined for a role, and cannot be edited directly >此流程图为职责定义,无法直接编辑 :This flow graph might not be owned by you >ͼ :This folder and file type combination is already in use >ļкļѴʹ :This forecast will be deleted when you Save the Forecast. Do you want to continue? >ԤʱɾԤ⡣ϣ? :This function allows a sample conflict resolution text file to be generated >ùͻıļ :This function copies the statement format from another format to your current format >ùܴһָʽƱʽĵǰʽ :This function has not been completed. It will allow you to select the next/previous item in the file >δɴ˹ܡѡļеһһĿ :This function is currently under development >ùĿǰڿ :This function is not available for a C-ISAM company >ùܶC-ISAM˾ :This function is not available in this version of SYSPRO >ڱSYSPRO汾Уܲ :This function is not available. You require a later version of the SYSPRO Client executable - IMPCSC.EXE 6.0.008 or later >޴˹ܡҪ߰汾ĿִSYSPRO Client - IMPCSC.EXE 6.0.008߰汾 :This function is not yet available >ޱܡ :This function is not yet available for this source type >һԴͣޱ :This function is only for Accounts Payable transactions >ܽӦʿ :This function is still under development >ùԴڿ :This function may only be performed for a single line selection >ֻɶԵѡִб :This function may only be run by the Core team >此功能仅可由核心团队运行 :This function sets the number of productive units and calculates the work center capacity for each day of the year, using information held against the work center. Ok to proceed? >ΪȵÿһλĸҵĵõǶԱҵݡȷҪ :This function will ,by default, only create entries that do not already exist. You can optionally update existing entries as well. Update existing entries? >ĬϣܽвڵҲѡظеҪ :This function will add the current role '%1' to the selected operator(s) >˹ܽѵǰְ '%1' ӵѡԱ :This function will allow you to modify another operator's >һԱ :This function will assign the current role '%1' to the primary role of the selected operator(s) >˹ܽѵǰְ '%1' 䵽ѡԱְ :This function will copy the Asset label format from another format >ܽһָʽʲǩʽ :This function will copy the RMA document format from another format >ܽһָʽRMAļʽ :This function will copy the WIP inspection document format from another format >ܽһָʽWIPļʽ :This function will copy the check format from >֧ܽƱʽһ :This function will copy the check format from another >֧ܽƱʽһиƵ :This function will copy the check format from another bank to your >˹ܽһи֧Ʊʽ :This function will copy the discount notes format from another >This function will copy the discount notes format from another :This function will copy the factory documentation format from another format >ܽһʽƹʾʽ :This function will copy the inspection document format from another format >ܽһʽƼļʽ :This function will copy the inventory document format from another format >ܽһʽĿļʽ :This function will copy the label format from another company to >ܽѱǩʽһ˾ :This function will copy the label format from another company to your current company >˹ܽһҹ˾Ʊǩʽĵǰ˾ :This function will copy the label format from another format to your >ܽѱǩʽһʽƵ :This function will copy the permanent entries format from another >ܽѹ̶ʽһ :This function will copy the purchase order format from another format >ܽһʽƲɹʽ :This function will copy the purchase order format from another format to >ùܽһʽƲɹʽ :This function will copy the quotation document format from another format >ܽһʽƱļʽ :This function will copy the sales order document format from another format >ܽһʽ۶ļʽ :This function will copy the statement format from another company to >ܽѱʽһ˾Ƶĵǰ˾ :This function will copy the stock take ticket format from another >̵ܽȯʽһ˾Ƶĵǰ˾ :This function will create entries in the Report Writer data dictionary for all custom fields for the selected tables >此功能将在报告编写器数据字典中为所有选定表的自定义字段创建条目 :This function will create live requisitions for all suggested requisitions. It will ignore all those which have already been created or excluded >ܽΪȫ󴴽ЧЩѴų :This function will create live requisitions for all suggested requisitions. It will ignore all those which have already been created or excluded. Note requisition numbers will be generated as if automatic numbering was used >ܽΪȫ󴴽ЧЩѴųע⣬룬ͬʹԶŹһ :This function will create requisitions for all suggested purchases. It will ignore all those which have already been created or excluded >ܽΪȫIJɹЩѴų :This function will create requisitions for all suggested purchases. It will ignore all those which have already been created or excluded. Note requisition numbers will be generated as if automatic numbering was used >ܽΪȫIJɹЩѴųע⣬룬ͬʹԶŹһ :This function will delete entries in the Report Writer Data Dictionary for all custom fields for the selected tables >此功能将删除报告编写器数据字典中所有选定表自定义字段的条目 :This function will delete role '%1' >˹ܽɾְ '%1' :This function will delete the current role '%1' from the selected operator(s) >˹ܽѡԱɾǰְ '%1' :This function will generate adjustment entries for periods with demand that differs from the mean by more than the maximum allowable >˹ܽΪƽֵֵ֮ɵĿ :This function will generate adjustment entries for periods with demand that differs from the mean by more than the maximum allowable.\n\nOk to continue? >ܽΪЩҪͬƽģֵɵ\n\nϣ :This function will generate the ADDKEY.SQL script in the working directory. Ok to start generating the script? >ܽҵĿ¼ADDKEY.SQLűȷҪʼɽű :This function will generate the script '%1' in the working directory >ùܽҵĿ¼ɽű '%1' :This function will rebuild your G/L analysis history tables based on >ܽ¹ʷʷ¼ :This function will replace your current MyMenu with this >ܽñԱ˵滻 :This function will test the SQL Server BULK INSERT command. It will identify whether the login, .bcp path and permissions are correct for this company. Ok to proceed with the test? >ܽSQLBULK INSERT룩Ϊ˾ʶ¼.bcp·ȨǷȷȷҪ :This function will test the SQL Server BULK INSERT command. It will identify whether the login, .bcp path and permissions are correct for this company.\n\nOk to proceed with the test? >ùܽSQLBULK INSERT룩Ϊù˾ʶ¼.bcp·ȨǷȷ\n\nȷҪִд :This function will undo all payments and banked post dated checks made for this customer. It will NOT undo any re-established invoices or unapplied payments. Do you wish to continue with undo? >ܽΪͻȡȫԶ֧ƱȡκѳߵķƱδ丶ϣִȡ :This function will, by default, only create entries that do not already exist. You can optionally update existing entries as well. Update existing entries? >ĬϣܽвڵҲѡظеҪ :This functionality is only available in Windows 2000 or higher >ܽWindows 2000߰汾п :This group has already been configured >ø :This has been ignored >ѱ :This hierarchical order is complete. Do you wish to reset the order status to an '%1'? >ɴ˲ζϣ״̬λ '%1' :This invoice already exists for this supplier, but on a different day >ùӦ̷ƱѴڣͬһ :This invoice balance was recalculated and may show some difference >˷Ʊ¼㣬ܻʾijЩ :This invoice has a source which is currently not selected within the options >÷Ʊ߱ǰδѡѡԴ :This invoice has a zero balance. Do you wish to continue with the selection of this invoice? >÷Ʊ߱ϣѡ÷Ʊ :This invoice has been returned to the supplier. Do you wish to continue with the cancellation? >˷Ʊ˻Ӧ̡Ҫȡ? :This invoice is already in the list >÷Ʊб :This invoice is for a sub account of %1 >÷Ʊ %1 ʻ :This invoice is for a sub account of BIK001 >˷ƱBIK001ʻ :This invoice is not for customer %1 >÷Ʊڿͻ %1 :This invoice is not for customer BIK001 >˷ƱڿͻBIK001 :This invoice is not for this sub account >÷Ʊڸ˻ :This invoice is not on file >÷Ʊ :This invoice was captured with a fixed exchange rate. Do you wish to change the exchange rate? >˷ƱԹ̶ʲϣĻ? :This invoice was not captured using the A/P Initial Invoice Capture >ʹӦʿ(A/P)ʼƱδ񵽴˷Ʊ :This invoice was not captured using the AP Initial Invoice Capture >ʹӦʿ(AP)ʼƱδ񵽴˷Ʊ :This invoice was re-established in the current run of the program. If you 'Remove' this invoice it will be deleted from the A/P Invoice file/table >˷Ʊڳĵǰ½ 'ɾ'˷ƱӦʿ (A/P) Ʊļ/ɾ :This invoice was re-established in the current run of the program. If you 'Remove' this invoice it will be deleted from the AP Invoice file/table >˷Ʊڳĵǰ½ 'ɾ'˷ƱӦʿ (AP) Ʊļ/ɾ :This invoice's value will exceed the maximum >Ʊļֵ汾 :This is a Blanket Sales Order, and cannot be completed from Sales Order Entry >Ϊһ۶޷۶ :This is a C-ISAM format company >ΪһC-ISAMʽĹ˾ :This is a Master Account >Ϊһʻ :This is a Phantom stock item. Do you wish to continue? >ΪһÿƷϣ :This is a SQL Server format company >ΪһSQLʽĹ˾ :This is a Soft Phantom stock item. Do you wish to continue? >ΪĿϣ? :This is a batch method serial number >Ϊϵк :This is a bought out item >ΪһչƷ :This is a co-product or by-product. No jobs allowed >ΪƷ򸱲Ʒκҵ :This is a comment line >Ϊע :This is a component >Ϊ :This is a control account >Ϊһʻ :This is a fixed order, and merchandise lines may not be changed or added. Do you wish to continue? >Ϊһݹ̶ƷвԸĻӡϣ :This is a foreign currency customer. Pricing values will be in foreign currency >Ϊҿͻ۸Ϊλ :This is a general purpose error message box >һͨôϢ :This is a general purpose message box >һͨϢ :This is a heirarchical job. You must use the Part Billings program to close the job >ΪּʹƷѳرչ :This is a hierarchical quotation. Not all first level components and operations of included non-stocked codes have valid associated hierarchies >ΪαۡѰǿеһ𲿼Ͳ߱ЧĹ :This is a kit part >Ϊ׼ :This is a kit part stocked item. Do you wish to continue? >Ϊһ׼ĿƷϣ :This is a kit receipt stock item >Ϊһ߰վݿƷ :This is a local currency >Ϊػ :This is a master/sub job - cannot link >Ϊҵ - ޷ :This is a non-local customer >Ϊǵؿͻ :This is a not a control account >˲һʻ :This is a parent part. All components attached to this part will also be deleted. Do you wish to continue? >ΪвҲɾϣ :This is a phantom stocked item. Do you wish to continue? >ΪһÿƷϣ :This is a planning bill item >ΪһƻƷ :This is a sales movement, you can only view inventory movement journals >Ϊ۱䶯ɲ鿴䶯ռ :This is a scheduled job. Do you want to continue? >ΪŶҵϣ :This is a serialized item, and this function will not update serial numbers. You will have to update serial numbers afterwards using the Serial Tracking System. Do you wish to continue? >ΪһϵлƷұܽϵк롣ʹϵиϵͳϵк롣ϣ :This is a serialized stock item and serial numbers will not be updated >ΪϵлĿϵк뽫 :This is a serialized stock item and serial numbers will not be updated. >ΪϵлĿϵк뽫¡ :This is a soft phantom stocked item. Do you wish to continue? >ΪѿĿϣ? :This is a standard code >Ϊһ׼ :This is a standard source code >Ϊһ׼Դ :This is a stocked code >Ϊһ :This is a stocked item >ΪһƷ :This is a stocked item. Please enter a non-stocked item >ΪĿǿĿ :This is a sub job. The Transfer Work in Progress program must be run for sub jobs >ΪҵִתҵΪҵ :This is a sub-contract work center >Ϊһְͬҵ :This is a sub-job which can only be processed as part of a master job structure >ΪΪҵṹһֶԴҵ :This is a subcontract work center >Ϊְ :This is a traceable item, and you must transfer it to another warehouse >Ϊһ׷ٻƷ뽫תƵһֿ :This is an ECC controlled item. Revision and/or release details have not been entered >Ϊ̱(ECC)ƵĿδ޶ͣǩ :This is an ECC item. Any change to the cross shipment quantity must be made manually to the existing sales order line. Sales order number >Ϊ̱(ECC)ĿԽκθľֶ۶ɡ۶ :This is an SCT order, and the stock code must be present in the target warehouse >ΪӦת(SCT)ҿĿֿ :This is an hierarchical job. You must use the Part Billings program to close the job >Ϊһҵʹշѳرմҵ :This is an invalid SYSPRO program name >ΪЧ SYSPRO :This is an operation >Ϊ :This is equivalent to this number of system files >൱ϵͳļ :This is manufactured via a notional part on this route. Do you wish to view operations attached to the notional part? >Ϊͨ·ϵĸIJƷϣ鿴øIJ :This is manufactured via a notional part on this route. Do you wish to view the comoponents attached to the notional part? >Ϊͨ·ϵĸIJƷϣ鿴øIJ :This is my form >ҵı :This is not a contract price customer >ⲻǺͬ۸ͻ :This is not a control account >˲һʻ :This is not a numeric order number >ⲻֶ :This is not a numeric quote number >ⲻֱۺ :This is not a statistical account >ⲻͳʻ :This is not a statistical account - you may not enter a unit of measure >˲һͳʻ - λ :This is not a stock interchange customer >ⲻǿ滥ͻ :This is not a subcontract operation >ⲻת :This is not a valid ship date >ⲻЧװ :This is not an EFT bank >вһEFT :This is not an EUL Depreciation code >ⲻһEUL۾ɴ :This is not an IBT customer >ⲻǷ֧ת(IBT)ͻ :This is not an active sales order >˲һݻ۶ :This is not an intercompany journal >ⲻǹ˾ռ :This is performed by issuing CREATE TABLE SQL statements >ͨǩCREATE TABLESQLִ :This is some sample text >Ϊijı :This is the line item >ΪĿ :This is the same supplier >ΪһͬĹӦ :This is your local currency >Ϊĵػ :This item cannot be reinstated >ɻָ˻Ʒ :This item cannot be rejected >ɾܾ˻Ʒ :This item has a bill of landed cost attached to it >˻Ʒеɱ :This item has already been added to your favorites menu >˻Ʒѱӵƫò˵ :This item has already been added to your list of task groups >˻Ʒѱӵб :This item has lot, bin or serial allocations against it. Any change to the cross shipment quantity must be made manually to the existing sales order line. Sales order number >Ŀ߱Ρϵз䡣Խκθľֶ۶ɡ۶ :This item has lot, bin or serial allocations against it. If you delete the cross shipment you will need to manually delete the existing sales order line. Sales order number >Ŀ߱Ρϵз䡣ɾ䣬Ҫֶɾе۶С۶ :This item has no children for which you can define relationships >ɶϵĿ :This item has no children for which you can define security access >ɶ尲ȫʵĿ :This item is attached to a planning bill. Maintenance to this forecast is not allowed >˻ƷӵƻϡԴԤά :This item is mandatory and must be selected before the wizard will allow you to progress from the current option. Do you wish to select any remaining mandatory items attached to this option? >ĿDZģӵǰѡִǰѡϣѡڱѡϵκĿ :This item is mandatory and must be selected before the wizard will allow you to progress from the current option. The wizard will now revert to manual selection for this option. Do you wish to continue using the library for subsequent options? >ĿDZģӵǰѡִǰѡ򵼼תѡ˹ѡϣԺѡʹñ :This item is manufactured against a co-product on this route >ĿԴ·ϵĹͬƷ :This item is not available for loan >Ŀʹ :This item is not stocked in the selected warehouse >ѡIJֿУƷ޿ :This item's history has a seasonal pattern. Adjusting for outliers will diminish the effect of seasonality >Ŀļ¼̬߱쳣ֵЧӦ :This item's history has a seasonal pattern. Adjusting for outliers will diminish the effect of seasonality.\n\nDo you wish to continue? >Ŀʷ¼мʽΪⲿ˾ļЧ\n\nϣ :This job has already been used on sales order >ҵ۶ʹ :This job has already been used. Please enter a new job >ҵѱʹáҵ :This job has been created from a sales order. Automatically update the warehouse for the sales order? >Ѵ۶ҵҪΪ۶Զ±ֿ :This job has been scheduled. Adding an operation will remove the job from the scheduler. Continue? >ҵŶӲŶճɾҵҪ :This job has been scheduled. Adding/Inserting an operation will invalidate the schedule. Continue? >Ŷ˹/ʹųʧЧҪ? :This job has been scheduled. Any changes you make could invalidate the schedule. Ok to continue? >Ŷ˹κθľʹųʧЧȷҪ? :This job has been scheduled. Changing an operation will remove the job from the scheduler. Continue? >ҵŶIJŶճɾҵҪ :This job has been scheduled. Ok to continue? >ҵŶȷҪ :This job has not been confirmed >ҵδȷ :This job is a master job and changing the quantity to make will have an affect on all the attached sub jobs. These will have to be corrected manually. Continue? >ҵҵҪӵҵӰ졣⽫ֶҪ :This job is a sub job and changing the quantity to make will have an affect on the master job. This will have to be corrected manually. Continue? >ҵǷҵҪӵҵӰ졣⽫ֶҪ :This job is complete >ҵ :This job is complete. Do you wish to continue? >ҵɡϣ :This job is for a non-stocked item. You must use Part Billings to process a job receipt for a non-stocked item >ҵڷǿĿʹʵǿĿҵջ :This job is for a notional part. Do you wish to maintain co-products? >ҵڸϣάͬƷ :This job is for a notional part. Do you wish to maintain the co-products >ҵڸϣάͬƷ :This job is for a notional part. Do you wish to maintain the co-products? >ҵڸϣƷ :This job is for a stocked item. You must use the Job Receipts program to receive in this job >ҵڿĿʹҵջմҵ :This job is linked to a sales order for which a delivery note has been printed. The sales order will not be updated. Ok to continue? >ҵѴӡ۶ˣ۶¡ȷҪ :This job is linked to a sales order that has been either cancelled, complete or is in suspense. A positive quantity is not allowed to be entered >ҵӵѱȡɻͣ۶ϡ :This job is linked to a sales order where the sales order line has been cancelled. The sales order will not be updated. Ok to continue? >ҵڴɾ۶е۶ˣ۶¡ȷҪ :This job is linked to a sales order, and the sales order line is complete. Do you wish to continue? >ҵӵ۶۶ɡϣ :This job is linked to a sales order, but because the bin location will be placed on hold, the sales order will not be updated. Do you wish to continue? >ҵӵ۶ϣڲλ۶Ը¡ϣ :This job is linked to a sales order. Is the sales order line now complete? >ҵ۶ɸ۶ :This job is not on the job master file. Program cancelled >ҵҵļСȡ :This job is not the master job in the structure. Do you wish to print the report from the master job? >ҵǽṹеһҵϣҵӡ :This job is not yet confirmed >ҵδȷ :This job is on hold >ʻѱ :This job number already exists >ҵѴ :This journal has been authorized >ռȡ :This journal has been flagged as unauthorized >ռѱΪδ :This journal has been unauthorized >ռȨ :This journal has not been flagged as unauthorized >ռδΪδ :This journal is no longer in its original state. Please retry your transaction >ռʲٴԭʼ״̬Խ :This journal is out of balance >ռʧ :This ledger code does not require G/L analysis >˷ʴ벻Ҫ(G/L) :This ledger code does not require GL analysis >˷ʴ벻Ҫ(GL) :This ledger code is not a control account >ʴ벻һͳʻ :This ledger period is closed >ѽ :This line cannot be cancelled as it has active purchase orders attached >޷ȡУΪиӵЧɹ :This line cannot be cancelled as it is complete >ɶ޷ȡ :This line cannot be cancelled as it is part of an LCT shipment >޷ȡΪLCT˵һ :This line cannot be cancelled because it is a Trade Promotions generated line >޷ȡΪó״ɵ :This line cannot be changed as it is part of a fixed Blanket P/o >޷ģΪǹ̶ۺԲɹһ :This line cannot be completed/cancelled as it is part of an LCT shipment >޷ɣȡΪǵɱ(LCT)˵һ :This line cannot be maintained because it is a Trade Promotions generated line >޷άΪó״ɵ :This line has attached global promotions. If you cancel this line, you will not be able to update the associated promotions as this is not the final dispatch note >ѸȫִȡУ޷صĴΪⲻյķ :This line has material allocations. Do you wish to continue? >о߱Ϸ䡣ϣ :This line is already complete > :This line is part of an EDI order. Do you wish to continue? >ֽó(EDI)һ֡ϣ :This line is partially received. Select 'Yes' to cancel this line or 'No' to mark it as complete >ֻյ֡ѡǡȡУѡ񡱷񡰽Ϊ :This line may not be changed as it has already been invoiced >вøģΪѱ߷Ʊ :This line may not be changed as the blanket sales order delivery has already been confirmed >øĴУΪȷһ۶ :This line was either not found or not valid >δҵУЧ :This line was not created from a requistion >вǴ󴴽 :This line will be automatically selected for receipt >нԶѡԹջ :This line will be ignored >н :This line will be ignored from receipt because >нվбԣΪ :This line/s may be ignored from receipt due to the above reason/s >ԭ򣬱пɴվб :This list can be retrieved by using the e.net business object COMPRF >ͨʹe.netҵCOMPRFɼб :This location is a filename. The location must point to a directory >λһļλñָĿ¼ :This location is not in count >λ :This lot has already been archived. Please enter the location of the >뵵뵵ļλã :This lot has already expired. Do you wish to continue? >ʧЧϣ :This lot has been used for a different Rev/Rel >޶ǩ :This lot has been used for a different stock code >ѱ :This lot has not yet been received into stock, but is still awaiting inspection >δյ⣬ڵȴܼ :This lot number already exists >κѴ :This lot number already exists for a different stock code >룬κѴ :This lot number already exists under a different stock code >£κѴ :This lot number is invalid. Ignore and continue? >κЧҪԲ :This lot number is on hold >κ :This lot number is on hold. Do you still want to reserve the lot? >κϣ :This lot number is on hold. Do you still want to rework the lot? >κϣ :This mailbox and folder combination is already in use >ļѴʹ :This may take a few minutes >⽫Ҫ :This may take a few seconds depending on the speed of your computer >ȡļٶȣҪ :This may take several minutes - please wait >Ҫʱ - Ⱥ :This menu already exists. Do you wish to overwrite the menu? >˲˵ѴڡϣԲ˵? :This module already exists. Do you want to replace it? >ģѴڡϣ滻? :This module has not been installed. Function cancelled >δɴģ顣ȡ :This month > :This month has been closed for A/P. You are not allowed to post to a month that has been closed >A/P·ѹرա޷һѹرյ·ݹ :This month has been closed for A/R. You are not allowed to post to a month which has been closed >A/R·ѹرա޷һѹرյ·ݹ :This month has been closed for AP. You are not allowed to post to a month that has been closed >A/P·ѹرա޷һѹرյ·ݹ :This month has been closed for AR. You are not allowed to post to a month which has been closed >A/R·ѹرա޷һѹرյ·ݹ :This month has been closed for Inventory. You are not allowed to post to a month which has been closed >ڿ棬·ѹرա޷һѹرյ·ݹ :This month has been closed for WIP. You are not allowed to post to a month which has been closed >WIP·ѹرա޷һѹرյ·ݹ :This month has been closed for cash book. You are not allowed to post to a month that has been closed >ֽʱ·ѹرա޷һѹرյ·ݹ :This month has been closed. You are not allowed to post to a month which has been closed >·ѹرա޷һѹرյ·ݹ :This month zero >· :This must be corrected before you can login to this company >˱Ȼɵ¼˹˾ :This must be corrected before you continue with the conversion >˱Ȼɼִת :This non-stocked component was 'auto-generated' for the estimate from which >ǿ沿Ϊ临ƵĹ۶Զģ :This number has already been used. Please enter a unique number >úѱʹá:Ψһ :This number has been issued as both >˺Ϊ :This object category is reserved for use in web applications >öӦó :This operation does not exist for this job >ڴҵ :This operation is already complete > :This operation record for this job is not on file >ҵı¼ļ :This operator belongs to another group. You are only allowed to modify menus for your group >Աһ顣޷Ϊ޸IJ˵ :This operator does not have a user-defined menu. Please enter another operator >Աû˵һλԱ :This operator has already been configured >øòԱ :This operator or group has already been configured >òԱѱ :This operator or group has already been entered into the security list >Աѱ밲ȫб :This option can only be performed if the sequence is by stock code >ֻе˳ʱִбѡ :This option can only be performed if the sequence is by supplier >ֻеӦ˳ʱִбѡ :This option can only be performed in stock code sequence >ѡֻɰ˳ִ :This option can only be performed in supplier code sequence >ѡֻɰӦ̴˳ִ :This option cannot be selected unless Goods in Transit is in use >;ʹã޷ɾѡ :This option cannot be unselected as job numbering by job classification is being used >޷ȡѡѡΪʹðҵеҵ :This option is not allowed for lot traceable items >ο׷ٻƷʹñѡ :This option is not allowed for serialised items >ϵлĿʹøѡ :This option is not allowed for serialized items >ϵлƷʹñѡ :This option may not be deselected as the option to schedule jobs according to demand is selected >ѡȡѡΪҪļƻҵѡѱѡ :This option may not be selected as the default alternate key is warehouse >ѡѡΪĬ滻ؼΪֿ :This option not allowed for lot traceable items >ο׷ٻƷʹõѡ :This option will allow access to all programs. Any previous security access settings will be lost >ѡгκǰİȫýʧ :This option will allow access to all programs. Any previous security access settings will be lost >ѡȫκǰİȫýʧ :This option will cause reports (and other processing programs) to display a tickover indicating their progress, in addition you will be able to interrupt these programs. However they will run slower with this option enabled >ѡ±ʾһѡԱʾȣȻжЩ򡣵ǣñѡʱٶȽ :This option will prevent you from printing operations. OK to continue? >ѡֹӡȷҪ :This option will set your company to use ISAM data files. Choosing this option does NOT migrate your data from database format to ISAM format >此选项将设置贵公司使用 ISAM 数据文件。选取此选项不会从数据库格式向 ISAM 格式迁移您的数据 :This optional component will be removed from this bill of materials when you select to accept components. Do you wish to continue? >ѡܲʱ˿ѡӴ˲ϵƳϣ? :This order cannot be deleted as at least one order line is part of a shipment. Do you wish to discard any changes made? >öɾΪһǻ˵һ֡ϣκθ :This order has been cancelled >ȡö :This order has been completed >ö :This order has been completed but there is a deposit outstanding. The order has been placed in a status %1 - ready to invoice >öɣδδ𡣸öѱ״̬ %1 - ߷Ʊ :This order has been completed but there is a deposit outstanding. The order has been placed in a status 8 - ready to invoice >ɱдһδɵĴ˶ѱõ״̬8 - ߷Ʊ :This order has been created >Ѵ :This order has been placed into suspense >öѱڹ״̬ :This order has no lines to save or print >˶κҪӡ :This order is associated with a BPO. Do you wish to cancel it? >˶ۺԲɹ(BPO)ϣȡ :This order is being maintained by another user >һûά :This order is being maintained by another user. It is not available for maintenance >һûάˣɶά :This order is being updated by another user >һûڸ´˶ :This order is cancelled >ȡ˶ :This order is complete >ö :This order is currently being updated by another user >˶Ŀǰڱһû :This order is for a different customer to that assigned for the job >öΪҵIJͬͻ :This order is not a hierarchical order >˶Dzζ :This order is not on file >ö :This order line has been created for a sales order >Ϊ۶ö :This order line has been created from a sales order. Automatically update the warehouse for the sales order? >Ѵ۶СҪΪ۶Զ±ֿ :This order line has been reviewed by another user since you entered this review >뱾󣬱һû :This order line is part of an LCT shipment >öǵɱ(LCT)˵һ :This order line requires entry of additional information as indicated >Ҫʾ븽Ϣ :This order line requires entry of one or more of the >This order line requires entry of one or more of the :This order line requires entry of one or more of the above items >öҪһĿ :This order may only be cancelled. You can ignore the order by selecting '%1' or by selecting another order to process >öֻȡͨѡ '%1' ѡҪһԸö :This order number has already been used. Please enter a new order number >öʹáµĶ :This order will cause the customer's current balance to >¿ͻǰΪ汾 :This order will now be set to '%1'. Include all freight and miscellaneous charges that have previously been printed? >öֽΪ '%1' ҪǰѴӡ˷Ѻӷ :This order will now be set to 'ready to print'. Include all freight and miscellaneous charges that have previously been printed? >ƱֽΪӡҪǰѴӡ˷Ѻӷ :This p/order is linked to a s/order, and the receipt qty is below the accumulated outstanding order qty. The sales order qty will remain unchanged, and the shipped qty may not be satisfied. Do you wish to continue? >ɹӵijһ۶ϣվۻδɶ۶ֲ䣬޷װϣ :This p/order line was created with a different GRN number >ɹGRN봴 :This p/order line was created with a different GRN number. Do you wish to ignore this and continue to post the receipt? >ɹʹGRN봴ġϣվ :This page will be added to your favorites list >ҳ潫ӵƫб :This part category cannot be changed from a co-product because it exists againt at least one BOM or job >𲻿ɴӹͬƷģΪһϵ(BOM)ҵ :This part category cannot use Activity Base Costing >𲻿ʹû׼ɱ :This part category cannot use Activity Based Costing >𲻿ʹûڻijɱ :This payment code cannot make change >ø벻ɸ :This payment run cannot be executed as no invoices have been released for payment >вִУΪδΪǩκηƱ :This payment value would cause the total payment value to exceed the maximum field size catered for by this version of SYSPRO >˸ֵ¸ܶSYSPRO汾涨ֶδС :This period > :This period is closed >ѹر :This period zero > :This permanent entry has not been applied to the entered customer >̶δĿͻ :This permanent entry will be removed from all customers to which it was applied. Delete the selected permanent entry? >̶ӦõȫͻɾҪɾѡĹ̶ :This post dated check has already been banked. Function cancelled >Զ֧Ʊгжҡȡ :This printer will show your reports on the screen and, if required, will >This printer will show your reports on the screen and, if required, will :This problem indicates that someone else was editing the same item as you were >ʾڱ༭༭ͬĿ :This problem indicates that someone else was editing the same item as you were. You will have to enter the information again >Ҳһڱ༭ͬĿòϢ :This procedure will create a new alternative reporting currency. The process may take some time. Do you wish to continue? >˹̽һµ滻ҡ˹̿Ҫһʱ䡣ϣ :This process may take several minutes. Please wait >此过程可能需要几分钟时间。请稍候 :This process will convert the Assets Register for multi-period accounting >̽Ϊڻתʲע :This process will convert the General ledger control and journal files >˽̽תʿƺռļ :This product is licensed to >òƷɸ :This program and Labor Postings cannot be run simultaneously >˹ùʲͬʱ :This program can not be run standalone. Program cancelled >򲻿ɶСȡ :This program can only be run for SQL server companies >This program can only be run for SQL server companies :This program can only be run on a SYSPRO Client/Server system >˳ SYSPRO ͻ/ϵͳ :This program can only be run on a SYSPRO Client/Server system. \n\n Function cancelled >SYSPROͻϵͳС\n\nȡ :This program can only be run on a SYSPRO Client/Server sytem. \n\n Function cancelled >ֻSYSPROͻϵͳС\n\nȡ :This program can only be run on an SYSPRO Client/Server sytem. \n\n Function cancelled >óֻSYSPROͻϵͳС\n\nȡ :This program can only process a maximum of 300 components attached to the parent part. The remaining components will be ignored >ֻɴӵĸ300IJ :This program cannot be run as alternative reporting currency ledgers exist >޷бΪ滻ҷ :This program cannot be run as the costing method against the Inventory setup options is set to FIFO >޷бΪѡµijɱ㷽ΪFIFO :This program cannot be run as the costing method against the Inventory setup options is set to LIFO >޷бΪѡµijɱ㷽ΪLIFO :This program cannot be run as this company has been converted from the Legacy A/P Payment Processing. Program cancelled >ó򲻿УΪù˾ѴӾʽӦʿ(A/P)תȡ :This program cannot be run as this company has been converted from the Legacy AP Payment Processing. Program cancelled >ó򲻿УΪù˾ѴӾʽӦʿ(AP)תȡ :This program cannot be run except in client/server mode >Ǵڿͻ/ģʽ˳޷ :This program cannot be run standalone >޷ :This program cannot be run standalone. Program cancelled >޷Сȡ :This program cannot be run standalone. Program Cancelled >޷Сȡ :This program cannot be run standalone.\n\nFunction cancelled >޷С\n\nȡ :This program cannot be run until you have run the BOM Cost Implosion program with a stock code selection of '%1' stock codes >˳򽫿 '%1' Ŀѡ BOM ɱڱ :This program cannot be run until you have run the BOM Cost Implosion program with a stock code selection of 'All' stock codes >ڿѡΪȫBOMɱѹ󣬷б :This program cannot run stand alone. Program cancelled >޷Сȡ :This program cannot run standalone. Program cancelled >޷Сȡ :This program forms part of a module that has not >δʹõ :This program forms part of a module that has not been licensed for use >˳򹹳δʹģһ :This program is already in use >˳ʹ :This program is already in use and cannot be called twice >˳ʹУ޷ :This program is designed to be used to convert demonstration and developers test companies. It is provided on an 'as is' basis. \n\nDo NOT run it on a live company's data files!\n\nAre you sure you wish to continue? >ƣóתʾͿ̲Թ˾ṩ"ԭ"С\n\nڻ˾ļ\n\nȷҪ :This program is designed to be used to increment years in demonstration and developers test companies. It is provided on an 'as is' basis. \n\nDo NOT run it on a live company's data files!\n\nAre you sure you wish to continue? >ƣóʾͿ̲Թ˾ݵṩ"ԭ"С\n\nڻ˾ļ\n\nȷҪ :This program is intended for use as part of a new SYSPRO implementation only. Subsequent use of the program may result in an imbalance between the Accounts Receivable and the General Ledger. Are you sure you wish to continue? >此程序仅旨在用作新 SYSPRO 实施的一部分。程序的后续使用可能导致应收账款和总账间的失衡。您确定要继续吗? :This program is intended to be used for performance benchmarking and stress testing on SYSPRO Client/Server systems.\n\nView the 'Help' for more information >ּSYSPROͻϵܻ׼ȷͲԡ\n\n鿴˽Ϣ :This program is intended to be used for performance benchmarking on SYSPRO Client/Server systems.\n\nView the 'Help' for more information >ּSYSPROͻϵܻ׼ȷ\n\n鿴˽Ϣ :This program is intented for use as part of a new SYSPRO implementation only. Subsequent use of the program may result in data corruption. Are you sure you wish to continue? >˳ּڽ SYSPRO ʵʩһ֡ĺʹÿɵ𻵡ȷҪ? :This program is only available in Version 4.0 or higher >Windows 4.0߰汾п :This program is only available in Version 4.0 or higher. Program cancelled >Windows 4.0߰汾пáȡ :This program is under development.\n\nFunction cancelled >ڿС\n\nȡ :This program must be located in the program directory >óλڳĿ¼ :This program requires a SQL account login that is a member of the sysadmin fixed server role for certain SQL commands. The login and temporary directory must be defined in the Company Setup Program prior to running this function >ҪSQLʻ¼õ¼ijЩSQLϵͳ̶ְijԱбǰڹ˾óж¼ʱĿ¼ :This program requires a SQL account login that is a member of the sysadmin fixed server role for certain SQL commands. The login and temporary directory must be defined in the System Setup program prior to running this function >˳Ҫ SQL ˻¼Ϊض SQL ϵͳԱ̶ְijԱ¼ʱĿ¼д˹֮ǰϵͳóж :This program requires all modules to be in the >Ҫȫģ :This program requires that all >Ҫ :This program was run from IMPACT Award. Only programs run from SYSPRO have a zoom available >IMPACT AwardСֻдSYSPROеijпõŹ :This program will > :This program will correct narrations where there is a line >˳д :This program will move the data in >򽫰ѵǰ :This program will populate the tax return table with history >˳ֲ߱¼˰걨 :This program will recalculate the quantity outstanding against all active forecasts according to the forecast depletion setup options. Do you wish to continue? >˳򽫸ԤѡлԤ¼ϣ? :This program will replace the current >滻пƼ¼еĵǰ :This program will undo forecast depletion against all active forecasts. Do you wish to continue? >˳лԤ⳷Ԥġϣ? :This promotion is used in active sales order '%1'. Do you want to continue? >˴ڻ۶ '%1' ʹáϣ? :This promotion used in active order %1 >Ч %1 ʹ :This provides improved scalability, performance and access from reporting and other >˽ṩĽĿչԡܺʹӱķԼ :This purchase is complete >˲ɹ :This purchase order does not belong to the selected supplier >òɹѡĹӦ :This purchase order has arrived either early or late. Do you wish to continue? >ɹ絽ϣ :This purchase order has been cancelled >ȡòɹ :This purchase order has been printed at >ۺԲɹ :This purchase order has had invoice(s) posted against it and may not be deleted. OK to view invoices ? >此采购订单已针对其发布发票,因此不得删除。确定要查看发票吗? :This purchase order has had invoice(s) posted against it and may not be deleted. OK to view invoices? >ɹѹƱʣ˲ɾȷҪ鿴Ʊ :This purchase order has not yet been printed. Do you wish to continue to receipt in this purchase order? >ɹδӡϣձɹ :This purchase order is already complete >òɹ :This purchase order is attached to a sales order and may not be changed >ɹ۶ϣø :This purchase order is complete >òɹ :This purchase order is in use by another user >òɹһûʹ :This purchase order is linked to a sales order, and the receipt quantity exceeds the accumulated outstanding order quantity. The sales order quantity will remain unchanged and will be the quantity shipped. Do you wish to continue? >ɹӵijһ۶ϣվۻδɶ۶ֲ䣬ҽΪװϣ :This purchase order is linked to a sales order, and the receipt quantity will complete the sales order line. Do you wish to continue? >˲ɹij۶ջɴ۶Сϣ? :This purchase order is linked to a sales order, and the sales order line is complete. Do you wish to continue? >ɹӵijһ۶ϣ۶ɡϣ :This purchase order is linked to a sales order. Is the sales order line now complete? >ɹӵijһ۶ϡҪɱ۶ :This purchase order is not on file >òɹ :This purchase order line has had invoices posted against it and may not be changed. OK to view invoices ? >此采购订单行已针对其发布发票,因此不得更改。确定要查看发票吗? :This purchase order line has had invoices posted against it and may not be changed. OK to view invoices? >ɹѹƱʣ˲øġȷҪ鿴Ʊ :This purchase order line has had invoices posted against it and may not be deleted >òɹԷƱйʣɾ :This purchase order line has not been received >δյɹ :This purchase order line is already complete >ɱɹ :This purchase order line is already complete. Do you wish to continue? >ɱɹСϣ :This purchase order line is not a non-stocked item >òɹǷǿĿ :This purchase order line is not a non-stocked item - cannot link >òɹвǷǿĿ - ޷ :This purchase order line is not for a non-stocked item >˲ɹвڷǿĿ :This purchase order was created by >òɹĴ :This purchase order was created by the >ɹϵͳ :This purchase order/requisition/job is already linked >Ӹòɹ빺ҵ :This purchase order/requisition/job is not linked to this capex line >ѽòɹ빺ҵʱ֧ :This quantity will be issued to the sub >ǩ :This quantity will be issued to the subs >ǩĿ :This quantity will be issued to the substituted allocation and it will be flagged as complete >ǩ䣬ҽΪ :This query function is not allowed in change mode >ڸģʽ²ʹôѯ :This quotation either contains non-stocked lines that are not made in or subcontracted or it contains stocked lines. These lines are not permitted on a hierarchical quotation >ۻ߰ڲĻְķǿУ߰СЩڲαDz :This quotation has expired >ʧЧ :This quotation is already the current version >此报价已是最新版本 :This quotation's value will exceed the maximum >۵ļֵ汾 :This reason is not flagged to record as a lost sale >ԭδΪΪʧ۽м¼ :This reason is not on file >ԭ򲻴 :This receipt action is invalid for a kit item >ջڹ߰ĿЧ :This record was not deleted. A problem was encountered. Please contact your System Administrator! >¼δɾϵͳ⡣ϵͳԱϵ :This release is closed >ͷѹر :This release is marked as closed. Do you wish to re-open? >ͷűΪرաϣ´ :This report already exists. Save as... cancelled >ѴڡΪ...ȡ :This report has narrations attached. These do not get exported with the report. Do you wish to continue? >Щ뱨һ𱻵ϣ :This report is password protected . The passwords will not be saved with the report details. Do you wish to continue? >ܱġ뽫뱨ϸһ𱻱档ϣ :This report is password protected. The passwords will not be exported with the report details. Do you wish to continue? >ܱġ뽫뱨ϸһ𱻵ϣ :This requisition cannot be cancelled >޷ȡ빺 :This requisition cannot be cancelled due to >빺޷ȡԭΪ :This requisition has a status which is currently not selected within the options >빺߱ǰδѡѡ״̬ :This requisition has been ignored >ѱ :This requisition is not associated with the selected user >빺ѡû :This requisition line can only be >в :This requisition line can only be routed by the holder >빺нɳѡ· :This requisition line cannot be approved until >ֱں󣬷׼ :This requisition line cannot be approved until the following >ֱ֮ǰ޷׼빺 :This requisition line cannot be maintained as the user is not the current holder of the requisition line >޷άУΪûDZеĵǰ :This requisition line has already been issued >ǩ빺 :This requisition line has already been transferred >ת˴빺 :This requisition line has been ignored from the >ԭ :This requisition line will be ignored >н :This requisition will be ignored when creating purchase order lines >ɹʱԱ :This resource is not on the resource master file structure. Do you wish to continue? >ԴԴļṹСϣ :This resource is not on the resource structure file. Do you wish to continue? >ԴԴṹļвڡϣ :This role is not configured for design at the UI level. Please use Role Management to change this configuration if required >ְ UI ơҪʹְĴ :This route and all its elements will be deleted for this bill even if current shipments exist. Delete this bill? >ʹڵǰˣ˵·߼ȫҪԾɾҪɾ˵ :This route may be used in BOM or Product Configurator. Continue? >һ·߿BOMƷСҪ :This row cannot exceed the number of lines on remittance >óϵ :This sales order has a status which is currently not selected within the options >۶߱Ŀǰδѡѡ״̬ :This sales order is being maintained by another user >۶һûά :This sales order is in suspense >此销售订处于挂起状态 :This sales order line is complete >已完成此销售订单行 :This sales order line is for a component of a kit. The quantity received will not be moved to ship >۶׼IJյתƷ :This section is not required when a single offer per document is being printed >ڴӡÿļĵʱҪ :This selected job is not part of a structure >ѡҵǽṹһ :This selection will have no visual effect until you exit this Customize dialog box >ѡ˳ԶԻ֮ǰ߱Ч :This selection will result in the limit of 100 columns being exceeded. Function cancelled >ѡ³Ϊ100ļޡȡ :This sequence number/stock code combination already exists >˳룯Ѵ :This serial has already been received into WIP inspection under a different lot number >ϵѰһκղִҵ(WIP) :This serial has already been received into inspection under a different lot number >Ѱһκղ :This serial has already been received into p/order inspection under a different lot number >ϵѰһκղɹ :This serial has already been received into stock under a different lot number >ϵѰһκ :This serial has already been received into stock under a different lot number than any of the reserved lots for this job. Do you still want to reserve this serial? >ϵѰһκ⣬κ벻ͬڸҵκαϣϵ :This serial is reserved for a job or an allocation already >ϵΪҵ :This serial is reserved for a job or an allocation for a different stock code already >ϵΪͬҵ :This serial number already exists >ϵкѴ :This serial number cannot be credited >޷Աϵкд :This serial number cannot be issued >޷ǩϵк :This serial number exists on the serials in inspection file and will be created on receipt into stock >ϵкڼļеϵУڽʱԴ :This serial number exists on the stock take serial number file and will be created when the stock take confirmation program is run >ϵк̵ϵкļУ̵óʱԴ :This serial number has already been captured for a different stock code >Ϊһ벶ϵк :This serial number has already been reserved for another stock code >ϵΪһ :This serial number has already been sold >ϵкѱ۳ :This serial number has already been sold. Do you wish to continue? >ϵкѱ۳ϣ :This serial number has already been used and it is in WIP inspection >ϵкѱʹãִҵ(WIP) :This serial number has already been used and it is in purchase order inspection >ϵкѱʹãڲɹ :This serial number has already been used as a batch serial number >ϵкѱΪϵк뱻ʹ :This serial number has already been used as a manual serial number >ϵкѱΪ˹ϵк뱻ʹ :This serial number has already been used for an item currently in inspection >ϵкijڼеĿ :This serial number has been used for a different stock code >ϵк :This serial number has been used for a different warehouse >ϵкֿ :This serial number has not been previously rejected >ǰδܾϵк :This serial number has not previously been scrapped >ǰδϴϵк :This serial number is already being used by this stock code in another warehouse >ϵкһֿеĸÿʹ :This serial number is already in stock >ϵкڿ :This serial number is already in the serial master file. Do you wish to change the serial number of the item in WIP inspection? >ккļѴڡϣWIPиĸĿк :This serial number is already in the serial master file. Do you wish to change the serial number of the item in inspection? >ϵкڱϵеļСϣļеıĿϵк :This serial number is already on file >ϵкļ :This serial number is already stocked in a different warehouse >ϵкѴڲͬĿ :This serial number is already used by another stock code >ϵкѱһʹ :This serial number is already used in the system >ϵкϵͳʹ :This serial number is at the depot >ϵкά :This serial number is for a different stock code >ϵкϵк :This serial number is for an item currently in WIP inspection, and it is for a different stock code >ϵкִҵ(WIP)еĿڲͬĿ :This serial number is for an item currently in inspection >ϵкڼеĿ :This serial number is for an item currently in inspection, and it is for a different stock code >ϵкڼеijĿһ :This serial number is in for service >ϵкڷ :This serial number is linked to a credit note. Please select another serial number >ϵкƱݡѡһϵк :This serial number is located in a different warehouse to the receiving warehouse. Do you wish to transfer the serial number to the new warehouse? >ϵкλijͬڽֿܲIJֿСϣϵкתƵ²ֿ :This serial number is not in a status of '%1' >ϵк벻 '%1' ״̬ :This serial number is not in a status of 'waiting for inspection' >ϵк벻ڡȴ顱״̬ :This serial number is not in the WIP inspection file >кWIPļв :This serial number is not in the inspection file >ϵк벻ڼļ :This serial number is not on file >ϵк벻ļ :This serial number is not stocked in the selected warehouse, but it does exist in other warehouses >ϵкѡֿ޿棬ȴһֿ :This serial number is on loan >ϵкڴ :This serial number is stocked in a different warehouse >ϵкһֿ :This serial number was received under a different lot number >ϵкǰһκյ :This serial numer has already been sold >ϵкѱ۳ :This setting will only take effect next time SYSPRO is launched >ֻһSYSPROʱ÷Ч :This setup wizard has detected that you have an existing Encore 4.0 >Ѽ⵽ :This setup wizard will quickly take you through setting up some basic >򵼽ָijЩ :This setup wizard will take you through setting up some basic >򵼽ijЩ :This shipment has already been received into stock >ѽ :This shipment has already been received into stock. Do you wish to reverse the receipt? >˻ջ⡣ϣվ? :This shipment has been received into stock and may not be deleted >ûѽ⣬ɾ :This shipment has been received into stock. Deletion not allowed >λѽ⡣ɾ :This shipment has had invoice(s) posted against it. Deletion not allowed >ѹƱʡɾ :This shipment reference is not on file >˲ :This software has NOT been licensed. Phone your supplier for License Code >δȡ֤Ҫȡ֤룬ĹӦ̴绰 :This source-target conversion does not exist in the >ڻתв :This source-target conversion does not exist in the Currency Conversion table >ڻתвڱԴ-Ŀת :This source-target conversion is only valid if the source- target conversion on the Currency Conversion table is non-trinagulated >ֻתеԴ-ĿתΪǻʱԴ-ĿתЧ :This source-target conversion is only valid if the source-target conversion on the Currency Conversion table is non-triangulated >ֻתеԴ-ĿתΪǻʱԴ-ĿתЧ :This standard narration cannot be deleted as it is currently in use >˱׼ʹö޷ɾ :This status is being held up by an ECO >״̬ڱ̱(ECO) :This stock code has a supercession date of >Ϊ :This stock code has a supersession date of >99/99/99ȡڣ :This stock code has a zero cost. Do you wish to continue? >ɱϣ :This stock code has already been entered in the list >ѱб :This stock code is already assigned to another drawing >˿ѷһͼֽ :This stock code is already assigned to another drawing number >ѱһͼֽ :This stock code is not on file. Function cancelled >벻ļСȡ :This stock code is not stocked in any warehouses. Function cancelled >κβֿо޿档ȡ :This stock code is not stocked in selected warehouse >ÿѡIJֿ޿ :This stock code is not stocked in the repair warehouse >ÿά޲ֿ޿ :This stock code is not stocked in the selected warehouse >ÿѡIJֿ޿ :This stock code is not stocked in this >ڱֿ :This stock code is not stocked in this warehouse >ڱֿо޿ :This stock code is not valid for the selected warehouse >ÿѡIJֿЧ :This stock code is on full hold - line cannot be dispatched >˿ȫ - ޷з :This stock code is on partial hold - do you wish to dispatch the line? >벿ֱ - ϣз? :This stock item is not stocked in this warehouse >˿Ŀڴ˲ֿ޿ :This stock take record is locked by another user >̵¼һû :This stock take ticket format has not yet been created. Please select a valid format >δ̵ȯʽѡЧĸʽ :This supplier cannot be deleted as there is at least one invoice >˹ӦһݷƱ޷ɾ :This supplier cannot be deleted as there is at least one invoice for this supplier >޷ɾӦ̣ΪԴ˹ӦдһݷƱ :This supplier cannot be deleted as there is at least one invoice \n or the supplier has not had a zero balance for more than %1 months >˹ӦһݷƱ޷ɾ \n ߹Ӧ %1 ·в߱ :This supplier cannot be deleted as there is at least one invoice for this supplier >޷ɾΪԴ˹ӦٴһݷƱ :This supplier does not have GRN matching therefore no GRN will be posted >Ӧջ(GRN)ƥ䣬ջ(GRN)޷ :This supplier has not been selected against this payment run >üҹӦδԴжѡ :This supplier is already linked to another account. This means that in future the account and supplier may get out of sync >˹Ӧһ˻ζŽ˻͹Ӧ̿ʧȥͬ :This table definition also contains column definitions. Deleting this table definition will delete all columns associated with this table.\n\nOk to delete table definition? >Ҳֶζ塣ɾ彫ɾ뱾ȫ\n\nȷҪɾ :This task has already been added to your list of tasks >ѱӵб :This task has already been to your list of tasks >ӵб :This task is scheduled for a future date, and cannot be run on this date >ijڣ˱޷ :This tax code is not on file >˰մ벻ļ :This template may or may not be the same as the version that exists in the TEMPLATE directory! >ڵİ汾ͬͬ :This test will attempt to delete records from the data file called SDKBIG in the path specified. If an error is detected it will be displayed.\n\nOk to start test? >òԽԴָ·ıΪSDKBIGļɾ¼⵽󣬽ʾ\n\nȷҪʼ :This test will attempt to open the maximum number of indexed files entered. For each index file there are 2 system files (1 for the data and 1 for the index). The files will be called TST001 upwards and can be removed later.\n\nOk to start test? >ͼĿļÿһļ2ϵͳļ1ݣ1ļɱTST001ϣɾ\n\nȷҪʼ :This test will attempt to read records from the data file called SDKBIG in the path specified. If an error is detected it will be displayed.\n\nOk to start test? >òԽԴָ·ıΪSDKBIGļжȡ¼⵽󣬽ʾ\n\nȷҪʼ :This test will attempt to write records to the data file called SDKBIG in the path specified. If an error is detected it will be displayed.\n\nOk to start test? >òԽָ·ıΪSDKBIGļд¼⵽󣬽ʾ\n\nȷҪʼ :This theme filename already exists. Do you wish to overwrite the file? >ļѴڡϣǴļ :This theme filename has already been used for a different query. Please enter a different name >ļѱһѯһļ :This theme filename has already been used. Please enter a different name >ļѱʹáһļ :This theme title has already been used. Please enter a different title >ѱʹáһ :This ticket has already been captured >ΪijͬIJ :This ticket has already been captured for a >ȯΪһ :This ticket number has already been captured >ȯѱ :This transaction cannot be completed, bin %1 is not on file >޷ɴ˽ף %1 :This transaction is currently excluded from the sales figures. Would you like to include it? >ýĿǰСϣ :This transaction is not allowed in prior period >ǰвý :This transaction is not supported for a kit type stock code >׼Ϳ룬ײ֧ :This trigger will not be saved as you have not entered a SYSPRO customized report. Ok to continue? >ΪûSYSPROƱԱ豣档ȷҪ :This trigger will not be saved as you have not entered a SYSPRO program. Ok to continue? >ôΪδSYSPROȷҪ :This trigger will not be saved as you have not entered an SYSPRO program. Ok to continue? >豣棬ΪδSYSPROȷҪ :This type does not exist for the selected analysis category >Ͷѡķ𲻴 :This type of order is only supported in Sales Order Entry >此类订单仅受销售的输入支持 :This unit is on loan >λд :This user is not allowed to create requisitions from Sales Order Entry >此用户不允许从销售订单输入创建请购 :This utility is not available for a C-ISAM company. Program cancelled >ʵó C-ISAM ˾áȡ :This value/quantity has already been entered >ֵ/ :This variable is a 2-dimensional array, each item containing the field caption, the field value and the field ID. (read-only) >此变量为一个 2 维阵列,每一项都包含字段标题、字段值和字段名。(只读) :This warehouse does not use Multiple Bins >òֿⲻʹö :This warehouse has multiple bins in use. Transaction not allowed >此仓库具备多个使用中的库。不允许交易 :This warehouse has stock codes stocked in it and may therefore not be deleted >ֿдĿ룬˲ɾ :This web page has already been added to your list of favorites >ҳѱӵĸб :This week > :This week is after the contract end date >ں֮ͬ :This week is before the contract start date >ںͬʼ :This will allow you to assign a '%1', '%2' and '%3' >⽫ '%1' '%2' '%3' :This will allow you to assign a 'Regarding', 'Result' and 'Follow up flag' >⽫䡰ڡ͡ٱ־ :This will apply actions to all selected live purchase orders, providing they are valid. It will ignore all those which have been updated or excluded >ٶЧ⽫ѡȫĻɹȡЩѱ»ѱųIJɹ :This will apply actions to all selected live requisitions, providing they are valid. It will ignore all those which have already been updated or excluded >ٶЧ⽫ѡȫĻȡЩѱ»ѱų :This will apply actions to all selected live requistions, providing they are valid. It will ignore all those which have been updated or excluded >ٶЧ˽ѲӦõѡʱ빺˽ЩѸ»ųĿ :This will apply the actions required to all jobs. It will ignore jobs that have already been updated/cancelled, excluded, purged, completed, started, placed on hold or updated since the snapshot was taken >⽫ȫҵȡ⽫ЩԽпѱ£ųɡʼµҵ :This will apply the actions required to all jobs. It will ignore jobs that have that have already been updated/cancelled, excluded, been purged, completed, started, placed on hold or have been updated since the snapshot was taken >⽫ĶӦҵ:⽫ЩԽпѱ£ȡųɡʼµҵ :This will be overwritten if the export is continued >⽫ :This will cause all GRN'S for this supplier to be reloaded and changes will be discarded >˽´˹Ӧ̵ GRN ¼أҸı :This will cause all GRN'S in the list to be reloaded and changes will be discarded >这将导致列表中的所有 GRN 重新加载,而且将放弃更改 :This will change the default way that all operators see and print their dates. Are you sure you wish to change the date format? >⽫ıȫԱ鿴ʹӡڵĬϷʽȷҪڸʽ :This will change the exchange rate on this entire shipment where the currency matches. Do you wish to continue? >⽫ڻƥκ¸ı䱾еĻʡϣ :This will clear any selected business processes and disable the business process form >⽫κѡҵ̲ҵ̱ :This will clear these notes and exit from the notepad. Do you wish to continue? >⽫ЩעͲƳ±ϣ :This will clear your VBScript code. Are you sure you want to continue? >˽ VBScript 롣ȷҪ? :This will convert a template from the old style of using Formfields to the new style of using Bookmarks. Do you want to convert the template now? >˽ģʹñֶεľʽתΪʹǩʽϣתģ? :This will create live jobs for all suggested jobs, excluding those jobs which have already been created or have been excluded >⽫ΪȫҵЧҵЩѱųҵ :This will create new section codes from your existing ledger codes. It will not affect any of your existing sections or descriptions. Do you wish to continue? >⽫зʴдµIJִ롣Ӱκвֻ˵ϣ :This will delete all actioned messages that are more than the specified days old. Do you wish to continue? >⽫ɾȫѳִָеϢϣ :This will delete the customized pane and its associated VBScript >⽫ɾԶ崰 VBScript :This will delete the document from the file system and remove any reference to it from the manifest file >⽫ļϵͳɾĵػļɾ :This will delete the live ledger for company %1. Do you want to continue? >此将删除公司 %1 的实时分类账。您希望继续吗? :This will delete the live ledger for your current company. Continue? >˽ɾǰ˾ʵʱˡҪ? :This will disaggregate collection level draft forecasts down to the SKU level. Ok to start processing? >⽫ֽ⼯ϼƱԤ¼λ (SKU) ȷҪʼ? :This will disaggregate collection level forecasts down to the SKU level and update forecasts. Ok to start processing? >⽫ֽ⼯ϼԤ¼λ(SKU)𲢸Ԥ⡣ȷҪʼ :This will end your SYSPRO session >⽫SYSPROỰ :This will exclude the selected item from being copied. This may violate the integrity of the software upgrade. Are you sure you wish to exclude this item? >⽫ӱƵĿɾѡĿ⽫ΥԡȷҪųĿ :This will exit the program without analyzing the template. Do you want to continue? >⽫ģ˳ϣ :This will exit the program without analyzing the template. The temporary copy of the template will not be copied back to the TEMPLATE directory. Do you want to continue? >这将不分析模板而退出程序。将不把模板的临时副本复制回 TEMPLATE (模板) 目录。您希望继续吗? :This will force operators to define a new password when they next login. Operators without a password will be locked out. Use the Operator maintenance function to clear the lockout.\n\nOK to force new passwords for all operators? >⽫ǿʹԱ´ε¼ʱ롣IJԱʹòԱάܽ\n\nȷҪǿʹȫԱ :This will force the selected operator to define a new password when they next login.\n\nOK to force new password? >⽫һε¼ʱʹѡIJԱ롣\n\nȷҪʹ :This will include / exclude the line, and recalculate release quantities >⽫У¼ͷ :This will include/exclude the line, and recalculate release quantities >˽/ųв¼㷢 :This will not remove any custom form fields or multimedia objects added to the form >˽ƳκԶֶλӵĶý :This will overwrite any existing calculations >⽫κеļ :This will recalculate your schedule according to your contract details >⽫ĺͬϸ¼ʱ :This will recreate the Master Database. Are you sure you want to continue? >˽´ݿȷҪ? :This will reduce the WIP quantity by the outstanding quantity to be issued and set the allocation to complete. Do you wish to continue? >⽫Ҫǩδִҵ(WIP)Ϊɡϣ :This will refresh the material review and any new information will be lost. Do you want to continue? >⽫ˢ²κϢʧϣ :This will refresh the material review and any previous changes will be overwritten. Do you want to continue? >⽫ˢ²ҽκǰĸġϣ :This will remove all current settings and restore the defaults. Ok to continue? >⽫ɾȫǰָĬֵȷҪ :This will remove all layouts for all programs for the selected role. Do you wish to continue? >⽫ɾѡְгв֡ϣ :This will remove all saved graph settings. Do you wish to continue? >⽫ɾбıáϣ :This will remove any printer destinations assigned to specific report programs and specific report functions. All report programs will then use the current printer. Do you wish to continue? >⽫ɾضضܵĴӡĿĵءȫ򽫴Ӵ֮ʹõǰӡϣ :This will reset all docking layouts to revert back to their original positions. Do you wish to continue? >⽫λͷ֣Իָǵԭʼλáϣ :This will reset all listviews to revert back to their default layouts. Do you wish to continue? >⽫λб鿴ԷصǵĬϲ֡ϣ :This will reset all primary windows to revert back to their original positions and sizes. Do you wish to continue? >⽫λȫڣԻصԭλúͳߴ硣ϣ :This will reset all toolbars to revert back to their default settings. Do you wish to continue? >˽λеĹԷصǵĬֵϣ? :This will reset release quantity to zero. Do you wish to set release quantity to zero? >⽫ͷλΪ㡣ϣͷΪ :This will result in only a partial rollup being performed and the quotation >⽫½ۻִУұ۲ :This will set all Contracts to be excluded. Ok to continue? >⽫ȫͬΪųȷҪ :This will set all Contracts to be included. Ok to continue? >⽫ȫͬΪѰȷҪ :This will set all dispatch lines to be excluded. Ok to continue? >⽫ȫΪųȷҪ :This will set all selected costs to zero irrespective of the 'Transfer zero costs' option. OK to start processing? >⽫ȫѡijɱΪ㣬롰תɱѡ޹ءȷҪʼ :This will skip to the set of requisition lines relating to the next logical purchase order to be created. If you are on the last logical purchase order the program will return to the first set of lines. Do you wish to continue? >⽫봴һ߼ɹصϡһݲɹ򽫷صһ顣ϣ :This will update your SYSPRO system with the files listed. It is recommended that all other operators exit from SYSPRO before you continue. Do you wish to continue? >⽫ʹеļSYSPROϵͳ˽ڼǰȫԱ˳SYSPROϣ :This window is never used >˴ڴδʹ :This window is never used. >ôڴδʹá :This window will never be loaded as all that is shown >ټش˴ڣΪʾ :This wizard helps you create a Web menu for use with the SYSPRO >򵼰SYSPRO :This wizard helps you create a new contract between a document type and the Document Flow Manager >򵼰ļļڼĺͬ :This wizard helps you create your report for printing, or for >򵼰ӡ棬 :This wizard helps you to set up a new SQL Server job for a specific Site >򵼽Ϊضվµ SQL :This wizard helps you to set up a new connection between a SYSPRO >This wizard helps you to set up a new connection between a SYSPRO :This wizard helps you to setup a new connection between a SYSPRO Analytics client and a SYSPRO Analytics Business Tier >򵼿ɰSYSPRO AnalyticsͻSYSPRO Analyticsҵ֮ :This wizard is used to configure browses for >Ŀ :This wizard is used to configure menus for >ΪĿò˵ :This wizard needs to connect to the SQL Server to perform various >ҪSQLִ :This wizard takes you through the steps of converting your >ָɽ˾ :This wizard takes you through the steps of migrating one of your >ָɽеġISAMĹ˾֮һ :This wizard takes you through the steps of setting up a >ָµġ :This wizard will create a configuration file in the base >򵼽ö׼ :This wizard will guide you through the conversion process >򵼽ָת :This wizard will guide you through the process of creating a Customer >򵼽ָɴ¿ͻ :This wizard will guide you through the process of creating a Customer from Account >򵼽ָɴ˻ͻĹ :This wizard will guide you through the process of creating a Supplier >򵼽ָɴӦ̵Ĺ :This wizard will guide you through the process of creating a Supplier from Account >򵼽ָɴ˻Ӧ̵Ĺ :This wizard will guide you through the process of importing and applying your >򵼽ָɵӦ¸Ĺ :This wizard will guide you through the process of setting up the SYSPRO >򵼽SYSPRO :This wizard will help you quickly add a new Fast menu >򵼽¿ٲ˵ :This wizard will help you quickly add a new User menu >򵼽û˵ :This wizard will help you quickly add a new program on >򵼽³ :This wizard will help you quickly add a new report >򵼽± :This wizard will help you quickly create an acceptable, viable product for use within SYSPRO >뵽ٴSYSPROڵĿɽܵĿвƷ :This wizard will help you quickly setup a new SYSPRO system >򵼽SYSPROϵͳ :This wizard will help you setup a new SYSPRO system >򵼽SYSPROϵͳ :This work center cannot be updated as it does not belong to the cost center >޷´ҵģΪڳɱ :This work center cannot be updated as it is not of the same type as the cost center >޷´ҵģΪɱIJͬһ :This work center is used in a move matrix >˹ƶʹ :This year > :This year depreciation >۾ :This year period %1 >%1 :This year's budgets >ȵԤ :Thorough bin check >׿ :Thorough check >ȫ :Thorough check (validates bin location field in lot master file) >׼飨֤ļеIJλ :Those are all the answers needed to publish the report >ЩǷбȫ :Those are all the details needed to publish the report >ЩǷбȫϸ :Thousands >ǧ :Threshhold >ٽ :Threshold >ֵ :Threshold Basis >ֵ :Threshold Selection >ֵѡ :Threshold must be more than zero >ֵ :Threshold type >ֵ :Threshold warning count >ֵ :Threshold/ >ֵ :Threshold/Amount >ֵ/ :Threshold/Mass >ֵ/ :Threshold/Quantity >ֵ/ :Threshold/Tiered details >ֵ/ֲ :Threshold/Volume >ֵ/ :Throughput > :Throughput EUL >ʹ :Throughput EUL cannot be %1 >ƿ(EUL)Ϊ %1 :Throughput EUL cannot be 0 >̶(EUL)Ϊ0 :Throughput EUL must be > %1 > EUL > %1 :Throughput EUL must be > 0 >EUL0 :Throughtput EUL >ƿ(EUL) :Thruput EUL >ܴ :Thu > :Thu %1 > %1 :Thursday > :Thursday, March %1, %2 >3 %1, %2 :Tick All >ѡȫ :TickOver Query >TickOver ѯ :Ticket >ȯ :Ticket Format in Progress >ִȯʽ :Ticket Number >ȯ :Ticket number '%1' already exists for stock code '%2' >ȯ '%1' ڿ '%2' Ѵ :Ticket number '%1' already exists for stock code '%2' bin '%3' >ȯ '%1' ڿ '%2' '%3' Ѵ :Ticket number '%1' does not exist for warehouse '%2' >ȯ '%1' ڲֿ '%2' :Ticket number '%1' is not numeric >ȯ '%1' :Ticket number cannot be blank >ȯ벻Ϊհ :Ticket numbers >ȯ :Ticket numbers for warehouse >βֿȯ :Ticket quantity >ȯ :Tickets >ȯ :Tickets by stock code >ֱӡǩ :Tickets/Labels >ȯǩ :Tickover once per file converted >ÿתһļˢһ :Tickover refresh rate >Tickover ˢ :Tickover refreshes on reports and batches every >Ĺѡˢ£ÿ :Tickover refreshes on reports/batches >/޸ˢ :Tiered >ֲ :Tiered Details >λϸ :Tiered Promotion >ֲ :Tile >ƽ :Tile Horizontal >ˮƽƽ :Tile Horizontally >ˮƽƽ :Tile Vertical >ֱƽ :Tile Vertically >ֱƽ :Tile Windows >ƽ̴ :Tile bitmap across workspace >Ķѷλͼ :Tile variables >平铺变量 :Time >ʱ :Time '%1' is invalid for '%2'. The time must be defined in HH:MM:SS.ddd format where decimal parts of the second are optional >ʱ '%1' '%2' Чʱ붨ΪHH:MM:SS.dddСʱ::.ڣʽСǿѡ :Time (???) >ʱ(???) :Time (Min) >ʱ䣨 :Time (hours) >ʱ (Сʱ) :Time (hrs) >ʱ䣨ʱ :Time (sec) >ʱ䣨룩 :Time Fence >ʱդ :Time Fence Calculation >ʱդ :Time Fence Calculations >ʱ䱣 :Time Fence for Stock Code >ʱդ :Time Fences >ʱ䱣 :Time Scale >ʱ :Time Sheet >ʱ :Time Sheet Journals >ʱ :Time Sheet Postings >ʱ¼ :Time Started >ʼʱ :Time Taken (Run Time) >ѻʱ䣨ʱ䣩 :Time Unit of Measure >ʱλ :Time booked >Ԥʱ :Time changed >Ѹʱ :Time charged >շʱ :Time completed >ʱ :Time contact changed >ϵ˵ʱ :Time contact created >ϵ˵ʱ :Time created >ʱ :Time d/note printed (hrs) >ӡ跽Ʊʱ (Сʱ) :Time d/note printed (min) >ӡ跽Ʊʱ () :Time failed >失败时间 :Time fence flags >ʱ :Time fences may not be maintained >öʱդά :Time field changed >ֶεʱ :Time filter >ʱ :Time filter type >ʱ :Time flag >时间标记 :Time hours >ʱСʱ :Time invoice printed (hrs) >ӡƱʱ (Сʱ) :Time invoice printed (min) >ӡƱʱ () :Time issued >ʱ :Time job last updated >¸ҵʱ :Time last used >ϴʹʱ :Time modified >޸ĵʱ :Time of approval >ʱ :Time of creation >ʱ :Time of entry >ʱ :Time of last copy >ϴθʱ :Time order captured (hrs) >񶩵ʱ (Сʱ) :Time order captured (min) >񶩵ʱ () :Time per productive unit >λλʱ :Time per unit/day >ÿλʱ :Time period >ʱ :Time posted to cash book >ֽ˲ʱ :Time range >ʱ䷶Χ :Time reqd/Quantity per >ʱ/ :Time required >ʱ :Time required in days >ʱ䣨 :Time taken >ѻʱ :Time taken (Min) >ʱ䣨 :Time taken (hrs) >ʱ䣨ʱ :Time taken (in minutes) >ʱ䣨Էּƣ :Time taken may not be zero >ѻʱ䲻Ϊ :Time taken to add the order >Ӷʱ :Time taken to change the order >更改订单所化时间 :Time to date >ʱ :Time u/m >ʱu/m :Time unit >ʱ䵥λ :Time unit of measure conversion has not been set up >δʱλת :Time unit of measure conversion has not been set-up >δʱλ :Time unit of measure conversion not set up >δʱλת :Time unit of measure for mapped time data >ӳʱʱλ :Time unit of measure may not be blank >ʱλΪհ :Time uom >ʱλ :Timeout >ʱ :Timeout (in seconds) >ʱ () :Timeout (minutes) >ʱ֣ :Timeout Action - Ask Operator Password >ʱ - ѯʲԱ :Timeout Action : Ask Operator Password >ʱѯʲԱ :Timeout action >ʱ :Timeout period >ʱڼ :Timeout required in Menu and Queries >ڲ˵ͲѯҪʱ :Times >ʱ :Times (???) >ʱ(???) :Times (days) >ʱ䣨 :Times (hrs) >ʱ (Сʱ) :Timestamp >ʱӡ :Timestamp Mismatch Message >ʱ겻ƥϢ :Timout settings >ʱ :Tip >ʾ :Tip - If you do not select any fields for sequencing then the primary file >Tip - If you do not select any fields for sequencing then the primary file :Tip - In a client/server environment the application must reside on the client >ʾڿͻ£Ӧóפڿͻ :Tip - In a client/server environment the program must reside on the server >ʾڿͻ£óפڷ :Tip - Parameters are passed in LINK-EXTRA >ʾͨLINK-EXTRA :Tip - Parameters may be added after the program name >ʾɼڳĺ :Tip - Select 'Run any NetExpress program' if you require parameters >ʾҪѡκNetExpress :Tip - The fields Regarding, Result, Location and Source accept wildcards >ʾ - ڡλúԴֶνͨ :Tip - The fields Regarding, Result, Location, Source and Subject accept wildcards >ʾ - ֶιڡλúԴͨ :Tip - When defining a path to an application you must surround it in quotes if it is spacey >ʾijӦó·ʱǿհףʹŰ :Tip - You can use keywords such as %key in the >ʾʹ룬%key :Tip - You can use keywords such as %key in the subject text >ʾıʹùؼ֣%key :Tip - You can use reserved words such as >ʾʹñִʣ :Tip - You can use reserved words such as %con, %fax, %file, %bmp in the command line >ʾʹñִʣе%con%fax%file%bmp :Tip - You can use reserved words such as %key, %coid, %code in the subject text >ʾʹñִʣı%key%coid%code :Tip - You can use reserved words such as %key, %coid, %oper in the command line >ʾʹñ֣е%key%coid%oper :Tip - You can use reserved words such as %key, %coid, %oper, %code in the command line >ʾʹñִʣе%key%coid%oper%code :Tip - You can use the run-time variable %Key in your report >ʾʹʱڱе%Key :Tip - a user-defined attachment folder must already exist and must be specific to this company >ʾ: û帽ļбѴұǴ˹˾ض :Tip - if you are not sure which file should be the primary file, >ʾ:ȷĸļӦļ :Tip - if you are not sure which table should be the primary table, >ʾȷǸӦ :Tip : If you do not select any columns for sequencing then the primary >ʾûѡΪѡκôԶ :Tip : If you do not select any fields for sequencing then the primary file >ʾ:ûΪѡκֶΣôԶļ :Tip of the Day >ʾ :Tip- All settings are specific to this company and the user-defined archive root folder must already exist >提示 - 所有设置均特定于此公司,而且用户定义档案根文件夹必须存在 :Title > :Title '%1' > '%1' :To > :To Alternate key >到备有密钥 :To GIT reference > GIT ο :To GRN > GRN :To Home Physical Address >ַͥ :To Home Postal Address >ַͥ :To Job >ҵ :To Job Class >ҵȼ :To Job Number >ҵ :To Journal >ռ :To Next Payment Date >һ :To RMA > RMA :To Work Center >ҵ :To Work Physical Address >ַ :To Work Postal Address >ַ :To account >ʻ :To add this order >˶ :To allocated date >ѷ :To alpha value > Alpha ֵ :To amount > :To analysis %1 > %1 :To analysis code %1 > %1 :To analysis no > :To analysis number > :To asset >ʲ :To asset branch >到资产分支 :To asset group >ʲ :To asset location >ʲλ :To asset type >ʲ :To auto approve requisition >ҪԶ빺 :To auto approve requisition line >ҪԶ빺 :To back order value >ڽֵ :To backorder value >ڽֵ :To be copied to >Ƶ :To bin > :To bin location >λ :To blanket p/order >ۺԲɹ :To blanket po contract >һӲɹͬ :To blanket po contract date >һӲɹͬ :To blanket po contract expiry date >һӲɹͬ :To branch > :To buyer > :To buying group >ɹ :To cash book journal >ֽ˲ռ :To cash book month >ֽ˲· :To cash book year >ֽ˲ :To catalogue >ƷĿ¼ :To change this order >Ĵζ :To check register >֧ƱǼDZ :To check/EFT >֧Ʊת(EFT) :To co-product line >ͬƷ :To column > :To company >˾ :To complete > :To configuration > :To configure conditional transactions you must use the Advanced Configuration options >Ҫףʹø߼ѡ :To contract >ͬ :To contract date >ͬ :To contract expiry date >ͬ :To contract number >ͬ :To contract start >ͬʼ :To contract start date >ͬʼ :To create your favorites menu just drag the required programs from the main menu onto the favorites menu >Ҫĸ˲˵ֻ轫ij˵е˲˵м :To created date >Ѵ :To creation date > :To credit ledger code >Ƿʴ :To customer >ͻ :To customer class >ͻ :To customer purchase order >ͻɹ :To customer stock code >ͻ :To date > :To date (from) > () :To date (to) > () :To date alpha >alpha :To date selection >ѡ :To day of month >· :To debit ledger code >Ƿʴ :To delivery date > :To delivery route >· :To delivery sequence >˳ :To departure date >到出发日期 :To destination warehouse >Ŀĵزֿ :To dispatch date > :To dispatch note > :To document number >ĵ :To due date > :To employee >Ա :To end date > :To exclude a folder, clear the checkbox >ҪųļУѡ :To expiry date > :To forecast date >Ԥ :To geographic area > :To group number > :To include a folder, select the checkbox next to the name >ҪļУѡƺĸѡ :To invoice >Ʊ :To invoice date >Ʊ :To invoice values >Ʊֵ :To job classification > :To journal date >ռ :To ledger code >ʴ :To ledger code description >˴ :To ledger month >· :To ledger period > :To ledger year > :To level >到级别 :To library > :To link Accounts Payable to Cash Book both modules must >ҪӦʿӵֽʱϣģ :To link Accounts Receivable to Cash Book both modules must >ҪӦʿӵֽʱϣģܷʱͬϷ :To link Accounts Receivable to Cash Book you must produce a bank deposit slip. Do you wish to produce a bank deposit slip? >ҪӦʿӵֽʱϣ봴һдϣд :To make >Ҫ :To manufacture > :To max if less than min >如小于最小值,将达最大值 :To max if shortage >如短缺,将达最大值 :To month >· :To movement date >䶯 :To non-stocked code >ǿ :To numeric value >ֵ :To operation > :To operator >Ա :To order > :To order date > :To order due date > :To order entry date >¼ :To originator > :To p/class >Ʒȼ :To payment run > :To period > :To period cannot be > current >Ϊ > ǰ :To period number >ں :To planner >ƻԱ :To post date > :To posting month >· :To print >ӡ :To product class >Ʒ :To purchase order >ɹ :To purchase order stock code >ɹ :To quantity per > :To quotation > :To rate indicator >ָ :To reason code >ԭ :To receipt date >ջ :To reference >ο :To requisition >빺 :To requisition due date >빺 :To reset your layouts at any time, right-click on a docking pane caption and select View Panes, Reset Layouts; or press CTRL+TAB to view available windows >ҪʱλIJ֣һͣפⲢѡ鿴񡢸λ֣߰ CTRL+TAB ϼ鿴ô :To route >· :To sales order >۶ :To salesperson >ۻԱ :To scrap date > :To select LIFO costing method FIFO valuation may not be installed >ѡȳ(LIFO)ɱ㷽ȳ(LIFO)ۿδװ :To serial >ϵ :To serial number >ϵк :To setup a new company you should click on the browse >Ҫһ¹˾Ӧ :To ship date >װ :To ship value >װ˼ֵ :To shipment >到货运 :To shipment reference >˲ο :To source table >Դ :To source warehouse >Դֿ :To start date >ʼ :To status >ת״̬ :To status description >ת״̬˵ :To status not on file >״̬ :To stock code > :To suggested due date >鵽 :To suggested order date >鶩 :To suggested requisition >빺 :To suggested ship date >װ :To supplier >Ӧ :To table > :To target table >Ŀ :To target warehouse >Ŀֿ :To time >ʱ :To total level >ܼ :To transaction date > :To transaction value >׼ֵ :To transfer >ת :To transfer value >ת˼ֵ :To update warehouse costs >Ҫ²ֿɱ :To user >û :To value >ֵ :To vessel >到货轮 :To w/center > :To w/center description >˵ :To warehouse >ֿ :To year > :To-Do List >б :To-Do List Detail >бϸ :To-Do List Details >бϸ :Today > :Today & Yesterday > :Today is the last day this configuration is available. Do you wish to continue? >Ǹÿõһ졣ϣ :Today's date > :Today's date does not match the anticipated month end date described in the control record for this module. Do you wish to accept today's date? >ڱģĿƼ¼Ԥ½ڲƥ䡣ϣܽ :Today's date does not match the anticipated month end date described in the control record for this module. Do you wish to accept todays date? >ڸģĿƼ¼Ԥڲƥ䡣ϣܽ :Today's date does not match the anticipated year end date described in the control record for this module. Do you wish to accept today's date? >ڱģĿƼ¼Ԥڲƥ䡣ϣܽ :Today's date does not match the anticipated year end date described in the control record for this module. Do you wish to accept todays date? >ڱģĿƼ¼Ԥڲƥ䡣ϣܽ :Today's date is the same as last month end date. Do you wish to accept today's date ? >今天的日期与上月月终日期相同。您希望接受今天的日期吗? :Today's date is the same as last month end date. Do you wish to accept today's date? >һ½ͬϣܽ :Today's date is the same as the last month end date. Do you wish to accept today's date? >һ½ͬϣܽ :Todays date does not match the anticipated month end date described in the control record for this module. Do you wish to accept todays date? >ڱģĿƼ¼Ԥ½ڲƥ䡣ϣܽ :Todays date does not match the anticipated year end date described in the control record for this module. Do you wish to accept todays date? >ڱģĿƼ¼Ԥڲƥ䡣ϣܽ :Todays date is the same as the last month end date. Do you wish to accept todays date? >һ½ͬϣܽ :Toggle Between Reserving and Shipping Order Lines >ڱװ˶֮л :Toggle Bookmark >лǩ :Toggle Breakpoint >лϵ :Toggle Diagnostics >л :Toggle StatusBar >л״̬ :Toggle ToolBar >л :Toggle Views >л鿴 :Toggle access >л :Toggle between showing all Analysis Objects and just those objects that are used >ʾзͽЩʹö֮л :Toggle between showing just the Analytics operators and all of the SYSPRO Operators >ʾ Analytics Ա SYSPRO Ա֮л :Toggle job logging >תҵ־ :Toggle print preview >лӡԤ :Toggle the view of books in the viewer menu >л鿴˵е˲ͼ :Toggle the view of cubes in the viewer menu >л鿴˵еͼ :Toggle the view of templates in the viewer menu >л鿴˵еģͼ :Tolerance >ʲ :Tolerance % >ʲ% :Tomorrow > :Too Many Users >û :Too many fields - some have not been copied >ֶι - ijЩδ :Too many files >ļ :Too many locks > :Too many programs in use in this thread (max %1) >ڸ߳йʹеij %1 :Too many users logged in concurrently >̫ûͬʱ¼ :Too many users logged in concurrently. Do you wish to view current users? >̫ûͬʱ¼ϣ鿴ǰû :Tool Browse > :Tool Maintenance >ά :Tool Maintenance Browse >ά :Tool Set Maintenance >ά :Tool Set Quantity > :Tool Set Tools >߼ :Tool Set Tools Browse >߼ :Tool Set Tools Maintenance >߼ά :Tool Sets >׹ :Tool record locked >Ĺ߼¼ :Tool set > :Tool set consumption >߼ :Tool set number > :Tool set record locked >¼ :Tool set tools record locked >Ĺ߼߼¼ :Tool tip >ߵ :Tool tip for exception >⹤ʾ :Toolbar Settings > :Toolbar control %1 > %1 :Toolbar name >工具栏名 :Toolbar options >ѡ :Toolbar theme > :Toolbars > :Toolbars - Customization by operator > - Ա :Toolbox > :Tools > :Toolset >߰ :Toolset Editor >߰༭ :Toolset Number >߼ :Toolset consumption >߰ :Toolset not found >δҵ߼ :Toolset quantity >߰ :Tooltip >ʾ :Tooltip for exception >⹤ʾ :Top > :Top %1 > %1 :Top / bottom margin >ײ߽ :Top level hierarchical job >ҵ :Top margin >ϱ߾ :Top margin (0-20) >ϱ߾(0-20) :Top of page >ҳ涥 :Top of page margin (lines) >ҳ߾ඥ :Top/bottom margin >/ײҳ߾ :Total > :Total %1 >ϼ %1 :Total %1 - Offer five >ϼ %1 - :Total %1 - Offer four >ϼ %1 - :Total %1 - Offer one >ϼ %1 - һ :Total %1 - Offer three >ϼ %1 - :Total %1 - Offer two >ϼ %1 - ̶ :Total (excl on account) >ϼ (˻Ŀ) :Total (unit) >ϼƣλ :Total AB Cost >ABɱϼ :Total Block >ܿ :Total Committed >ܳи :Total Currency >ϼƻ :Total Deductions >ܿ۳ :Total Deposit Wording >ܴ :Total Distribution value >ֵܷ :Total EFT withdrawals >EFT ȡϼ :Total GRN > GRN :Total GST >GST :Total GST amount >GSTܽ :Total LCT >ܵɱ(LCT) :Total Label >ϼƱǩ :Total Line Definition >ж :Total Line Details >ϸ :Total Line Entry > :Total Mass > :Total Material >Ϻϼ :Total Number of Lines on Label >ǩе :Total Owners Equity and Liabilities >߹ɱծܶ :Total Post dated checks >Զ֧Ʊϼ :Total Posting >ʺϼ :Total Quantity > :Total Quantity Scrapped >Ʒ :Total Registered invoices >ǼǷƱϼ :Total Sales Tax >Ӫҵ˰ϼ :Total Section >ϼƲ :Total Section Message >ϼƲϢ :Total Section Text Fields >ϼƲıֶ :Total Sub-contract >תͬϼ :Total Tax >˰ :Total Tax Value >˰ֵ :Total Tax amount >˰ :Total VAT >ܸ˰ :Total Volume > :Total WIP >WIP :Total WIP value to distribute >WIPֵ :Total abc cost >ܻڻɱ :Total activity >ϼ :Total actual >ʵ :Total actual cost >ʵʳɱ :Total adjustment amount >ܵ :Total amount >ܶ :Total amount currency >ϼƽ :Total amount inclusive >ϼƽ :Total amount invoiced >ѳ߷Ʊܶ :Total apportioned >̯ϼ :Total apportionment >̯ϼ :Total asset turnover >ʲӪҵܶ :Total asset type >ʲͺϼ :Total asset value >ʲֵ :Total assets >ʲ :Total assets Graph >ʲܶͼ :Total backorder quantity >Ƿ :Total backorder value >Ƿֵ :Total balance >ϼ :Total branch >֧ϼ :Total budgets >Ԥܶ :Total calculated branch activity >ϼƼ֧ :Total capex item >ʱĿϼ :Total capital >ʱ :Total capital outstanding >δʱ :Total captured quantity >ܲ :Total captured ticket quantity >ܲȯ :Total cash >ֽϼ :Total cash receipts >ֽջϼ :Total cash requirement >ֽҪ :Total checks >֧Ʊϼ :Total cleared value >ֵ :Total co-products >ͬƷϼ :Total commitment >ܳи :Total completed is greater than the job quantity >ϼƴڴҵ :Total contract qty >ͬϼ :Total contract quantity >ͬ :Total contract quantity invalid >合同总数量无效 :Total contract quantity is zero >ͬΪ :Total cost >ܳɱ :Total cost center >ɱĺϼ :Total costs >ܳɱ :Total credit amount >ǽϼ :Total credits >ܶ :Total credits selected >ѡܴ :Total current value >ǰֵϼ :Total customers >ͻϼ :Total days > :Total debit amount >ǽϼ :Total debit and credits do not balance >ܶʹܶƽ :Total debits >ܶ :Total debits and credits do not balance >ܽDzƽ :Total debits do not equal batch total. Do you wish to end the journal? >ܶܶϣռ :Total debits selected >ѡܽ :Total demand > :Total deposit >ܴ :Total deposits >ܴ :Total depr acc B/F >۾ʻB/F :Total depr last year >һ۾ :Total depr this year >۾ :Total depreciation >۾ :Total discount >ۿܶ :Total discount cannot be greater than the invoice balance >ۿܶôڷƱ :Total discount value >ۿۼֵ :Total documents >ĵܸ :Total dutiable value >˰ֵ :Total entered >ܶ :Total entries > :Total excl tax >ϼ (˰) :Total expected >Ԥܶ :Total expected cost >Ԥܳɱ :Total expenses >ܷ :Total extended cost >չɱ :Total extended value >Ӽֵ :Total factory cost >ɱϼ :Total field >ֶκϼ :Total fields >ֶ :Total for default offer >Ĭϱ̺ϼ :Total future invoices >ڻƱϼ :Total futures >ڻϼ :Total gross >ë :Total gross value >ëֵ :Total group >ϼ :Total hash quantity >޶Ϣ :Total hash quantity shipped >װ޶Ϣ :Total hours >ʱ :Total hours billed to date >Ʒʱ :Total ignored >ܺԵ :Total imported >ܵ :Total inflow/outflow >/ϼ :Total inspected quantity is greater than quantity manufactured >ܼ :Total intake > :Total interest >Ϣ :Total interest outstanding >δ :Total interest payable >Ϣ :Total invoice amount >Ʊܶ :Total invoice amount inclusive >Ʊܶ :Total invoice discount >Ʊۿܶ :Total invoice value cotract between cust >Total invoice value cotract between cust :Total items >Ŀϼ :Total jobs on file >йϼ :Total key length >ؼܳ :Total labor >Ͷ :Total level >ˮƽ :Total liabilities >ܸծ :Total liabilities Graph >ծܶͼ :Total line discount >ۿ :Total lines > :Total mass shipped >װ :Total mass used > :Total merchandise cost >商品总成本 :Total merchandise sales >Ʒ :Total merchandise value >Ʒֵܼ :Total net >ֵܾ :Total net cost >ܾɱ :Total net value >ֵܾ :Total non-merchandise value >Ʒֵܼ :Total number > :Total number of SCT's printed >Ѵӡ SCT ܸ :Total number of SQL tables transferred to ISAM - %1 >转发至 ISAM 的 SQL 表总个数 - %1 :Total number of budgets >Ԥ :Total number of columns across page >ҳܸ :Total number of customer invoices proces >ͻƱܸ :Total number of customers printed >Ѵӡͻܸ :Total number of duplicates >ظ :Total number of invoices on file >зƱܸ :Total number of lines on a label >ǩеܸ :Total number of lines on a label may not exceed %1 >ǩеܸó %1 :Total number of lines on a label may not exceed 60 >ǩеó60 :Total number of lines on a label may not exceed 66 >ǩеó66 :Total number of lines on a page >һҳе :Total number of lines on a ticket >ȯе :Total number of orders per status >ÿ״̬ܸ :Total number of orders read >ȡܸ :Total number of orders selected >ѡܸ :Total number of outstanding orders >ܸ :Total number of pieces >ܼ :Total number of records >¼ :Total number of stock lines printed >Ѵӡܸ :Total number of suppliers on file >йӦܸ :Total of discountable invoices >ۿ۷Ʊܼ :Total of due invoices >ڷƱܼ :Total of past due invoices >ڷƱܼ :Total operations >ܲ :Total options >ѡ :Total order amount >ϼ :Total order intake >ɵܶ :Total ordered quantity >Ѷϼ :Total payment >ܸ :Total payment received >յܶ :Total percentages >ܰٷֱ :Total periods depr to date >۾ɺϼ :Total pieces >ܼ :Total posted >ѹܶ :Total posting for EFT and detail posting for checks >EFTϼƹʺ֧Ʊϸ :Total processed >Ѵϼ :Total product shelf life >总产品保质期 :Total purchase order >ܲɹ :Total purchases >ɹܶ :Total qty >ϼ :Total qty imported > :Total qty ordered >ϼ :Total qty received >յ :Total quantity captured >ϼ :Total quantity completed >ɵ :Total quantity received >յ :Total quantity required > :Total quantity scrapped is greater than the job quantity to make >ƷҪִеҵ :Total quantity selected >ѡ :Total quantity selected is more than quantity to receive >ѡջ :Total quantity to be allocated >要分配的总数量 :Total range >ܷΧ :Total receipt qty >վ :Total received quantity >յϼ :Total record length >¼ܳ :Total reqs >빺ϼ :Total requisition > :Total revenue > :Total run rate >总运行率 :Total run time hours >ʱ :Total run-time >ʱϼ :Total sales > :Total scrapped to equal scrap entries >ܷƷڷƷ :Total selected >ѡ :Total selected/released >ѡǩ :Total selected/released in current view >ǰͼеѡͷ :Total set-up rate >总设置率 :Total set-up time hours >ʱʱ :Total shipped quantity >总发货数量 :Total start up time hours >ʱʱ :Total start-up rate >总起动率 :Total step count >ϼ :Total subcontract >תͬϼ :Total swaps >ܽ :Total target quantity >Ŀ :Total tax paid >ѽ˰ :Total tax payable >Ӧ˰ :Total teardown rate >总拆卸率 :Total teardown time hours >ܲжʱʱ :Total time >ʱ :Total time imported >ʱ :Total time booked >Ԥʱ :Total time outstanding >ʣʱ :Total time posted >ѹۼʱ :Total time required >Ҫʱ :Total time should be '%1'. There is a batch variance of '%2' >ʱӦΪ '%1' . '%2' ı䶯 :Total time/quantity >ʱ/ :Total transfer values >ת˼ֵ :Total type >全部类型 :Total undistributed >δ :Total units imported >ܵλ :Total value >ϼֵ :Total value for apportionment >ֵ̯ϼ :Total value imported >ֵܼ :Total value issued to date >ǩֵܼ :Total value of ABC elements >ABC Ԫؼֵϼ :Total value of all acquisitions of goods and related services, >Total value of all acquisitions of goods and related services, :Total value of all supplies of goods and related services, >Total value of all supplies of goods and related services, :Total value of backlog printed >Ѵӡѹֵܼ :Total value of documents processed >Ѵļֵܼ :Total value of inspection/traceable items >飯׷Ŀֵܼ :Total value of purchases and all other inputs excluding any VAT >ܲɹֵ ( VAT) :Total value of requisitions >빺ֵϼ :Total value of sales and all other outputs excluding any VAT >xۼֵ ( VAT) :Total value of statements printed >Ѵӡıֵܼ :Total value of this GIT (for apportionment) >GITֵܼڷ̯ :Total value of this p/order (for apportionment) >ɹֵܼڷ̯ :Total value of this p/order incl apportionment >˲ɹֵ̯ܼ :Total value selected >ѡֵܼ :Total variance >ܱ仯 :Total volume used > :Total what-if cost >ɱ :Total withdrawals >ȡϼ :Total withhold >ϼ :Total withholding tax value >总代扣所得税价值 :Total(excl on account) >ϼ (˻Ŀ) :Totals >ܼ :Totals only >仅限合计 :Totals Save Table >ܼƴ :Totals Text Fields >ıֶ :Totals for GRN suspense account >ջ (GRN) ʻϼ :Totals for Report >ϼ :Totals only >ϼֵ :Totals per dispatch note >ÿŷ˵ֵ :Totals section >ܼƲ :Touch >触摸 :Tra - Transfer between warehouses >Tra - ֿת :Trace a lot number upstream to its source and downstream to its destination >εԴεĿ׷κ :Trace a serial or lot from the time it was purchased or manufactured, through to its issue to a job, in order to establish the parent item in which the component was used >Ӳɹʱ׷ϵлΣһֱǩԽʹòĿ :Traceability > :Traceability Query >ٲѯ :Traceability Report >ٱ :Traceability flag >ɸԱ :Traceable >׷ٵ :Traceable - Issues from multiple lots allowed >可跟踪 - 允许从多库签发 :Traceable Stock Code >׷ٿɴ :Traceable component - parent non-traceable >׷ٲ -ǿ׷ĸ :Traceable item >׷ٻƷ :Traceable item is not allowed to be returnable >ɸĿǿɷĿ :Track Batch Serial to Parent Serial >ϵϵ :Track Component Lot >ٲ :Track Component Lot to Co-product Lot >ٲͬƷ :Track Component Lot to Parent Lot >ٲ :Track Component Serial >ٲϵ :Track Component Serial to Co-product Serial >ٲϵͬƷϵ :Track Component Serial to Parent Serial >ٲϵϵ :Track Manual Serial to Parent Serial >ֶϵϵ :Track a Range of Component Serial Numbers >һϵвϵк :Track lots > :Track operations >׷ٲ :Track serials >ϵ :Track the performance of the forecast for individual items or a group of items >׷ٸĿһĿԤ :Track the progress of jobs through all levels of a bill of jobs >ͨ˵ĸ׷ٹĽ :Tracked >׷ :Tracked qty >Ѹ :Tracked to job >Ѹҵ :Tracking > :Tracking Cost Only >ٳɱ :Tracking Details >ڸϸ :Tracking Device >跟踪设备 :Tracking Entry > :Tracking Information for Parent Lot >ڸϢ :Tracking Information for Parent Serial >ڸϵϢ :Tracking Lots >ڸ :Tracking Manual Serials >ڸֶϵ :Tracking Notes >ע :Tracking Query >ٲѯ :Tracking Serials >ڸϵ :Tracking System >ڸϵͳ :Tracking lots and serials >ڸκϵ :Tracking not required for this job as none of the allocations are for lot traceable or serialized stock codes or the allocations have not been issued yet >ڴҵҪ٣Ϊκηοɸٻϵл룬߷δǩ :Tracking of component lots and serials to parent lots and serials is not required >Ҫκϵκϵеĸ :Tracking of lots and serials from component to parent part has not been set on in WIP setup >ִҵ(WIP)δ趨κϵдӲĸ :Tracking option >׷ѡ :Tracking option - Lots or Serials >׷ѡ - λϵ :Tracking signal >ź :Trade Discount G/L Account >óۿG/Lʻ :Trade Promotion Deductions >ó״ :Trade Promotion Setup >ó״ :Trade Promotions >ó״ :Trade Promotions - Processing >ó״ - :Trade Promotions - Setup >ó״ - :Trade Promotions A/P Invoice >ó״Ӧʿ(A/P)Ʊ :Trade Promotions AP Invoice >ó״Ӧʿ(AP)Ʊ :Trade Promotions Account >ó״ʻ :Trade Promotions Account Maintenance >ó״ʻά :Trade Promotions Accounts >ó״ʻ :Trade Promotions Add Promos to Order >ó״Ӵ :Trade Promotions Control Record >ó״Ƽ¼ :Trade Promotions GL Integration >ó״ GL :Trade Promotions Journal >ó״ռ :Trade Promotions Journal Query >ó״ռ˲ѯ :Trade Promotions List of Prices >ó״۸б :Trade Promotions List of Promotion Codes >ó״б :Trade Promotions Pricing >ó״ :Trade Promotions Product Group >ó״Ʒ :Trade Promotions Setup >ó״ :Trade Promotions Sub-accounts >ó״ʻ :Trade Promotions TP Accounts >ó״TPʻ :Trade Promotions accrual code '%1' not found >δҵó״Ϣ '%1' :Trade Promotions credit checking >ó״ü :Trade Promotions deduction code '%1' not found >δҵó״۳ '%1' :Trade Promotions module not installed >δװó״ģ :Trade discount >óۿ :Trade promotion amount >ó״ :Trade promotion amount not fully distributed >未全部分配贸易促销金额 :Trade promotion customer >ó״ͻ :Trade promotion deduction code reference cannot be blank >贸易促销折让代码不可为空 :Trade promotion pricing >ó״ :Trade promotions checking >ó״ :Trade promotions customer >ó״ͻ :Trademark 1994-2002 Encore Software Systems Ltd >Ȩ 1994-2002꣬Encore Software Systems Ltd :Traders reference >̲ο :Trading partner >ó׻ :Trailer >β :Trailing negative sign >βĸ־ :Training %1 Sales >ѵ %1 :Tran > :Trans date > :Trans key >׼ :Trans time >ʱ :Trans value >׼ֵ :Trans. date > :Transaction > :Transaction '%1' not allowed for batch method serial number >ϵк벻 '%1' :Transaction Adjustment >׵ :Transaction Amount >׶ :Transaction Analysis entry >׷Ŀ :Transaction Configuration > :Transaction Dates > :Transaction Detail >ϸ :Transaction Detail Messages >ϸϢ :Transaction Detail Section >ϸ :Transaction Details >ϸ :Transaction GL Code > GL :Transaction Header >ҳü :Transaction Info >Ϣ :Transaction Journals >׷ :Transaction Line Print Block Size >дӡС :Transaction Maintenance >ά :Transaction Messages >Ϣ :Transaction Nature > :Transaction Options >ѡ :Transaction Overflow > :Transaction Password > :Transaction Posting >׼¼ :Transaction Processing >״ :Transaction Processing Message >״Ϣ :Transaction Summary >׸Ҫ :Transaction Types > :Transaction amount inclusive >׶ :Transaction amount must be greater than zero >׶ :Transaction authorized and completed successfully >ѳɹȨɽ :Transaction authorized but incomplete >ȨδɵĽ :Transaction cannot be added to GTR reference '%1' because it is already complete >ɶ޷ӵ GTR ο '%1' :Transaction cannot be added to GTR reference '%1' because it is not for the same warehouse combination >ͬIJֿ϶޷ӵ GTR ο '%1' :Transaction caused by adjust billing >˵Ľ :Transaction caused by b/order quantity release >ڽĽ :Transaction caused by sales order creation from '%1' > '%1' ۶Ľ :Transaction class >׵ȼ :Transaction code >״ :Transaction code '%1' is for a standard transaction type >״ '%1' ڱ׼ :Transaction code message position >״Ϣ洢 :Transaction code not a valid standard code >״벻Чı׼ :Transaction completed successfully >׳ɹ :Transaction condition > :Transaction condition is '%1' >Ϊ '%1' :Transaction cost >׳ɱ :Transaction date > :Transaction date selection >ѡ :Transaction dates selection >ѡ :Transaction description >˵ :Transaction display >ʾ :Transaction document >ĵ :Transaction end date >׽ :Transaction end date %1 prior to transaction start date date %2 >׿ʼ%2 ֮ǰĽ׽%1 :Transaction filter >׹ :Transaction filter type >׹ :Transaction has been reconciled since this line was last refreshed. This line will be refreshed with the current data >ڴϴˢ£ѶˡнԵǰݽˢ :Transaction has been unreconciled since this line was last refreshed. This line will be refreshed with the current data >ڴϴˢ£δˡнԵǰݽˢ :Transaction id >ʶ :Transaction information >Ϣ :Transaction is already reconciled >Ѷ :Transaction is already unreconciled >δ :Transaction line > :Transaction line number >к :Transaction list >б :Transaction mass > :Transaction not allowed for notional, planning bill or phantom part >ڸƻʵ :Transaction not allowed if FIFO valuation or Standard costing is used >Ƚȳ(FIFO)֤׼ɱ㣬 :Transaction number >׺ :Transaction posting month >׷· :Transaction posting year >׷ :Transaction purge only >޽ :Transaction quantity > :Transaction quantity of '%1' supplied but '%2' allocated to serials >'%1' Ľṩ '%2' Ľѷϵ :Transaction quantity would cause the FIFO stock on hand in this bin to be negative. Do you want to select another bin? >пܵ¸ÿеȽȳ(FIFO)Ϊϣѡһ :Transaction quantity would cause the FIFO stock on hand in this bin to be negative. Please re-enter the quantity >пܵ±еĴFIFOΪ :Transaction quantity would cause the FIFO stock on hand in this bucket to be negative. Please re-enter the quantity >ɵ´Ͱеȳ(FIFO)Ϊ :Transaction quantity would cause the FIFO stock on hand to be negative. Please re-enter the quantity > FIFO Ϊ :Transaction quantity would cause the Rev/Rel quantity on hand to be negative. Please re-enter the quantity >пܵ޶ǩΪ :Transaction quantity would cause the bin quantity to be negative. Please re-enter a new bin >пܵ²Ϊһ² :Transaction quantity would cause the lot quantity on hand to be negative. Please re-enter the quantity >пܵ´Ϊ :Transaction quantity would cause the stock on hand to be negative. Please re-enter the quantity >пܵ´Ϊ :Transaction quantity would cause the stock on hand to overflow. Please re-enter the transaction quantity >пܵ´뽻 :Transaction reference >ײο :Transaction selection >ѡ :Transaction source >Դ :Transaction start date >׿ʼ :Transaction successful >׳ɹ :Transaction time >ʱ :Transaction time selection >ʱѡ :Transaction type > :Transaction type code >ʹ :Transaction type selection >ѡ :Transaction types to include >ҪĽ :Transaction unit >׵λ :Transaction unit cost >׵λɱ :Transaction value >ֵ :Transaction value selection >׼ֵѡ :Transaction value will cause value of total debits to overflow >׼ֵܽǼֵ :Transaction values >׼ֵ :Transaction values for ledger >˽׼ֵ :Transaction vaue will cause value of current or period-to-date balance to overflow >׼ֵµǰֵ :Transaction volume > :Transaction warehouse >ײֿ :Transaction year > :TransactionType > :Transactions > :Transactions - Detail > - ϸ :Transactions - Summary > - ժҪ :Transactions Posted >ʵĽ :Transactions Processed Recap Totals >Ѵ :Transactions To Unreconcile >ЭĽ :Transactions Totals > :Transactions before >֮ǰĽ :Transactions cannot be posted against a sub-account >ײɶʻ :Transactions configured >ý :Transactions dated before >ɾĽ :Transactions exist and have been validated against this budget. Should you choode to delete it, the transactions will also be removed. Do you wish to continue? >˳ԴԤ֤ѡɾҲһƳϣ? :Transactions exist that have been validated against this budget. Shoud you choose to delete it, the transactions will also be removed. Do you wish to continue? >ԴԤ֤ĽѴڡѡɾҲһƳϣ? :Transactions for >Ŀ :Transactions for Asset >ʲ :Transactions for Lot >ν :Transactions for Lot/Wh/Bin >/ֿ/λ :Transactions for Revision/Release >޶ǩ :Transactions for Serial Number >ϵк뽻 :Transactions for lot number >κĽ :Transactions for selected period >ѡڵĽ :Transactions only > :Transactions other than take on exist for serial number '%1' >ϵк '%1' ׶dzаѴ :Transactions posted before >֮ǰѹʵĽ :Transactions posted successfully >׷ɹ :Transactions posted successfully.\n Invoice register >ɹʽס\n Ʊע :Transactions processed >Ѵ :Transactions to Include >Ľ :Transcation value will cause value of total credits to overflow >׼ֵܴǼֵ :Transfer >ת :Transfer BOM Costs to W/h Cost >Ϻͽȵɱתֿɱ :Transfer BOM Costs to W/h Costs >תƲϵ(BOM)ɱֿɱ :Transfer BOM Costs to W/h Costs in Progress >ִBOMɱɱת :Transfer BOM Costs to Warehouse Costs >תBOMɱֿɱ :Transfer BOM Costs to Wh Costs >ת BOM ɱֿɱ :Transfer BOM costs >ת BOM ɱ :Transfer BOM to What-if >BOMת :Transfer Between Warehouses >ֿת :Transfer Cost Ledger Code >תƳɱʴ :Transfer In >ת :Transfer In Cost Multiplier >תɱ˷ :Transfer Information >תϢ :Transfer List >תƱ :Transfer Out Preview in Progress >ִתԤ :Transfer Serial >תϵ :Transfer Supplied Item >תѹӦƷ :Transfer Supply Details >תƹӦϸ :Transfer Supply Summary Report >תƹܽᱨ :Transfer Transaction >תƽ :Transfer WIP >תִҵ(WIP) :Transfer Warehouse >תƲֿ :Transfer What-if to BOM >תƵ BOM :Transfer Work in Progress >תڽ :Transfer and Save >תƲ :Transfer assets between branches, cost centers and/or asset groups >ڷ֧ɱĺ/ʲ֮תʲ :Transfer between w/h >ֿת :Transfer complete >ת :Transfer cost >תƳɱ :Transfer cost multiplier >תƳɱ˷ :Transfer costs >תƳɱ :Transfer date >ת :Transfer doc. no >תĵ :Transfer documents set to >תļΪ :Transfer file contains undistributed quantity >תļδ :Transfer flag >ת˱ :Transfer from >תˣ :Transfer from Bill of Materials >תԲ嵥 :Transfer from Stores Warehouse >̵ֿת :Transfer from warehouse >Ӳֿת :Transfer function >תƹ :Transfer generated >Ѵת :Transfer list maintenance >תƱά :Transfer method >תƷ :Transfer not held in reprint file >δ´ӡļбת :Transfer out new warehouse >ת²ֿ :Transfer percentage >תưٷֱ :Transfer qty >ת :Transfer qty % >ת% :Transfer qty or pct flag >תٷֱȱ־ :Transfer quantity >ת :Transfer quantity/percent >תٷֱ :Transfer ref >תƲο :Transfer selection >תѡ :Transfer supplied details >ת˹Ӧϸ :Transfer the bill of material costs (calculated by the cost implosion program) to the unit cost field of a stock item >ϳɱ (ɳɱڱ) תƵĿĵλɱֶ :Transfer this serial number >תƴк :Transfer time fence >תʱ :Transfer time fence(TTF) >תʱ(TTF) :Transfer to >ת˵ :Transfer to ledger code >תƵʴ :Transfer type >ת :Transfer type selection >תѡ :Transfer value >תʼֵ :Transfer value selection >ת˼ֵѡ :Transfer values >ת˼ֵ :Transfer work in progress from a non-stocked sub-job to a master job >ڽйӷǿӹתƵ :Transfer zero costs >תɱ :Transferred >ת :Transferred quantity >ת :Transferred value >ת˼ֵ :Transferring file to Client PC >תļͻPC :Transferring latest SYSPRO Help to Client >ͻ°SYSPRO :Transfers >ת :Transfers In for Warehouse >Ϊֿת :Transfers Out Archive Viewer >ת鿴 :Transfers in >ת :Transfers in posted >ѹʵת :Transfers in value >תֵ :Transfers only >ת :Transfers out >ת :Transfers out posted >ѹʵת :Transfers out value >תֵ :Transfers to reprint >´ӡת :Transform Packages >ת :Transform XML document for web viewing >תXMLļ鿴 :Transient part > :Transit value >;ֵ :Transition page >过渡页面 :Transition to another page in this flow graph >ɵͼеһҳ :Transitory keys >Կ :Transitory keys (cont) >Կ () :Translate Text >ı :Translate messages >Ϣ :Translated Messages >Ϣ :Translated fields >ѷֶ :Translated text >ѷı :Translating global items >ȫĿ :Translation > :Translation fields >ֶ :Translation window >봰 :Translations > :Transmission header record missing from the import file >ͷ¼ӵļʧ :Transmission reference >ο :Transport > :Transport Browse > :Transport Notes >ע :Transport code > :Transport code '%1' not on file > '%1' :Transport code not on file >벻 :Transport description >˵ :Travel Expenses >з :Treasury Accountant >ʦ :Treasury Clerk (Cash Book) >Ա (ֽ˲) :Treasury Manager > :Treat EBQ as gross quantity >ëEBQ :Treat this item as a phantom >按虚拟处理此项目 :Tree > :Tree menu >β˵ :Treeview >ͼ :Trend coefficient >ϵ :Trial Balance > :Trial Balance - First %1 Months and Last %2 Months > - ǰ %1 ·ݺͺ %2 · :Trial Balance - IS Section > - IS ½ :Trial Balance Summary >ժҪ :Trial Balance in Progress >ִ :Trial Kit List Accumulated by Date in Progress >ڽаۻù߰б :Trial Kit List for Bought Out Items in Progress >Ϊ⹺ο :Trial Kit List for Made in Items in Progress >ڽڲĿù߰б :Trial Kitting >鹤߰ :Trial Kitting List >οб :Trial Kitting List in Progress >ִвο :Trial Kitting Query (Bought Out Items) >׼ѯɹĿ :Trial Kitting Query (Made in Items) >׼ѯڲĿ :Trial Kitting Review >ο :Trial Kitting Review in Progress >ִο :Trial Load >쿴 :Trial Loading >쿴 :Trial Loading - Backward Infinite >װ - ޻ :Trial Loading - Forward Finite >쿴 - :Trial Loading - Forward Infinite >װ - ǰ :Trial Loading - Manual >װ - ֶ :Trial Run > :Trial balance as of >ƽ⣬ :Trial balance options >ƽѡ :Trial kit list for bought out items >Ϊ⹺ο :Trial kit list for made in and sub contract items >ڲתͬĿ׼б :Trial kit list for made in items >ΪڲƷο :Trial kitting for bought out items >չƷ鹤߰ :Trial kitting for co-products only >ڹͬƷ׼ :Trial kitting for made in and sub contract items >ڲתͬĿ׼ :Trial kitting for made in items >ڲƷ鹤߰ :Trial kitting selections >οѡ :Trial load was not successful. Function cancelled >쿴ɹȡ :Trial load was not successful. Operation cancelled >غδɹȡ :Trial loading facility is in use >ʹò쿴 :Triang multiply or divide >γ˻ :Triangulated > :Triangulated By Currency Code >Ҵλ :Triangulated currency >三角形货币 :Triangulated rate >м :Triangulation Currency Code >мҴ :Triangulation currency >λ :Triangulation multiply/divide >γ/ :Triangulation options >мѡ :Triangulation options required >Ҫѡ :Triangulation rate >η :Triangulation required >Ҫм仯 :Trigger > :Trigger Program > :Trigger Program Setup > :Trigger Programs > :Trigger Validation Message >֤Ϣ :Trigger a SYSPRO event > SYSPRO ¼ :Trigger code > :Trigger event once only when routing consecutive requisition lines >ֻΪв·ʱ¼ :Trigger point > :Trigger type > :Triggers > :Trn date > :Trn date range >ڷΧ :Trn month >· :Trn nature > :Trn time >ʱ :Trn type > :Trn value >׼ֵ :Trn year > :Truck %1 - %2 ton > %1 - %2 :True > :True 3D graph >ʵάͼ :Truncate user-defined column headings to column width >û :Trusted connection > :Trx date > :Tswana > :Tue >ڶ :Tue %1 >ڶ %1 :Tuesday >ڶ :Turnover >Ӫҵ :Turnover options >Ӫҵѡ :Twelve Period Weighted Avg >ʮڼȨƽֵ :Twelve period weighted average >ʮڼȨƽֵ :Twelve period weighted average options >ʮڼȨƽֵѡ :Two > :Two weeks ago >֮ǰ :Typ > :Type > :Type %1 > %1 :Type (Destination) > (Ŀĵ) :Type (Weighted) > (Ȩ) :Type Change >͸ :Type code >ʹ :Type code selection >ʹѡ :Type description >˵ :Type of Business >ҵ :Type of Issue >ǩ :Type of archive >浵 :Type of business process %1 >ҵ %1 :Type of co-products attached >ӹͬƷ :Type of contract >ͬ :Type of date selection >ѡ :Type of day > :Type of discount note >ۿƱ :Type of document >ĵ :Type of file >ļ :Type of history >ʷ¼ :Type of issue - Kit or Specific >ǩ - ߰ض :Type of journal to add >ӵռ :Type of label >ǩ :Type of normal journal to add >ӵͨռ :Type of order >ʽ :Type of order to create > :Type of pallet >货盘类型 :Type of program to launch >ij :Type of review > :Type of selection used >ѡ :Type of supply >Ӧ :Type of transaction selection >ѡ :Type raised > :Type selection >ѡ :Type the internet address of a document or folder and it will be opened for you >ļļеַΪ :Type the location and name of the item you want to create a >ϣΪ䴴ṹ :Type the location of a document and it will be opened for you >ļλãϵͳΪļ :Type the name of the COBOL program required, or, you >键入所需 COBOL 程序名,或者您 :Type the name of the NetExpress program required, or, you >NetExpressƣߣ :Type the name of the SYSPRO program required, or, >SYSPROƣߣ :Type the name of the report required, or, use the browse >ıƣҲʹť :Type the program to search for >ij :Type words to search for > :Typeface > :Types > :Types of order to include > :U/SQL Manager seats >U/SQLϯλ :U/m >U/m :U/m conversions >λת :U/m factor >λ(U/m)ϵ :U/m selection >λѡ :UK Currency code >ӢҴ :UK VAT Currency >Ӣ VAT :UK VAT Currency cannot be the same as the customer currency >Ӣ VAT Ҳͻͬ :UK VAT Currency not found >δҵӢ VAT :UK VAT applicable >õӢ VAT :UNIX spooler >UNIXѻ :UOM >λ(UOM) :UOM Factor >λ(UOM)ϵ :UOM Factor parent quantity >λ(UOM)ϵ :URL >URL :USA 3rd Party > 3 :USA AVP sales tax system >AVP˰ϵͳ :USA Tax by advanced geocodes >߼е˰ :USA Third Party Tax >˰ :USA third party tax system required >Ҫ˰ϵ :USR-DEFINED-MENU >USR-DEFINED-MENUû˵ :Um >λ :Un-link >ȡ :Un-link from Purchase Order, Requisition or Job >Ӳɹ빺ҵȡ :Un-link from Purchase Order, Requisition, Job >Ӳɹ빺ҵȡ :Un-released invoice list >未发行发票列表发行发票 :Unable to Close Form >޷رձ :Unable to PREPARE statement on table '%1' >޷ת '%1' еPREPARE :Unable to Perform Trial Load >޷ִغ :Unable to Read Asset Capex Classification >޷ȡʲʱ÷ :Unable to Read Asset Capex Type >޷ȡʲʱ :Unable to Read Asset Code >޷ȡʲ :Unable to Read Asset Cost Center >޷ȡʲɱ :Unable to Read Asset Depreciation Code >޷ȡʲ۾ɴ :Unable to Read Asset Expense Code >޷ȡʲô :Unable to Read Asset Group >޷ȡʲ :Unable to Read Asset Locations >޷ȡʲλ :Unable to Read Asset Mechanic >޷ȡʲ :Unable to Read Asset Reason for Disposal >޷ȡʲԭ :Unable to Read Asset Reason for Revaluation >޷ȡʲ¹ԭ :Unable to Read Asset Type >޷ȡʲ :Unable to Read Asset status >޷ȡʲ״̬ :Unable to Read Branch >޷ȡ֧ :Unable to Read Capex Item >޷ȡʱ֧Ŀ :Unable to Read Capex classification code >޷ȡʱ֧ :Unable to Read Capex type code >޷ȡʱ֧ʹ :Unable to Read Cost Center >޷ȡɱ :Unable to Read Customer >޷ȡͻ :Unable to Read Depreciation Code >޷ȡ۾ɴ :Unable to Read ECO >޷ȡECO :Unable to Read Expense Code >޷ȡô :Unable to Read Foreign Price >޷ȡ۸ :Unable to Read Group >޷ȡ :Unable to Read Hierarchy >޷ȡּ :Unable to Read Integration Levels Record >޷ȡϼ :Unable to Read Integration Record >޷ȡϼ¼ :Unable to Read Location >޷ȡλ :Unable to Read Lot >޷ȡ :Unable to Read Mechanic >޷ȡеʦ :Unable to Read Owner >޷ȡ :Unable to Read Price Code >޷ȡ۸ :Unable to Read Product Class Defaults >޷ȡƷȼĬֵ :Unable to Read Quantity Discounts Record >޷ȡۿۼ¼ :Unable to Read Quotation >޷ȡ :Unable to Read Reason code >޷ȡԭ :Unable to Read Route >޷ȡ· :Unable to Read Scrap Reason >޷ȡԭ :Unable to Read Source Code >޷ȡԴ :Unable to Read Stock Code >޷ȡ :Unable to Read Stock Code Warehouse >޷ȡֿ :Unable to Read Structure >޷ȡṹ :Unable to Read Supplementary Code >޷ȡ :Unable to Read Supplier Code >޷ȡӦ̴ :Unable to Read Tariff Code >޷ȡ˰ :Unable to Read Tax Code >޷ȡ˰մ :Unable to Read Template Levels Record >޷ȡģ弶¼ :Unable to Read Template Record >޷ȡģ¼ :Unable to Read Templates Record >޷ȡģ¼ :Unable to Read Warehouse >޷ȡֿ :Unable to Read Work Center >޷ȡҵ :Unable to Save Menu >޷˵ :Unable to Save report >޷汨 :Unable to Scheduling Group >޷ :Unable to Stop Report >޷ֹͣ :Unable to Update Stock Code >޷¿ :Unable to access database using command >޷ݿ :Unable to access database using command : %1 >޷ݿ: %1 :Unable to access table >޷ʱ :Unable to add a folder at the selected level >޷ѡļ :Unable to add custom form field >无法添加自定义表格字段 :Unable to allocate a suitable invoice number for this AR invoice. OK to continue and retry? >޷Ϊ AR ƱʺϵķƱ롣ȷҪ? :Unable to automatically void this check/EFT as the calculated net value of invoices on the invoice file/table is not equal to the value of the check/EFT issued >޷Զϸ֧Ʊת(EFT)ΪƱļзƱļ㾻ֵǩ֧Ʊת(EFT)ļֵ :Unable to automatically void this check/EFT as this check was created by the Legacy Payment Cycle >޷Զϴ֧Ʊת(EFT)Ϊ֧Ʊһͳѭ :Unable to automatically void this check/EFT. The status of at least one of the invoices paid by this check/EFT is either released for a manual or system check, is on hold, or has a void check in process >޷Զϸ֧Ʊת(EFT)ɸ֧Ʊת(EFT)֧һݷƱ״̬ҪôΪֶϵͳ֧ƱǩġҪôǹеЧ֧Ʊ :Unable to change this transaction. The selected month and year is earlier than the posting month and year of the transaction >޷ıסѡ·ݺڱ׵Ĺ·ݺ :Unable to change this transaction. Previous period %1 is closed >޷Ĵ˽סһ %1 ѹر :Unable to change this transaction. Previous period 1 is closed >޷ĸýסһ1ѹر :Unable to change this transaction. Previous period 2 is closed >޷ĸýסһ2ѹر :Unable to change this transaction. The original posting month and year of this transaction is now closed >޷ĸýסý׵ԭ·ݺѹر :Unable to change to base directory >޷ΪĿ¼ :Unable to change to the selected Folder >޷ѡļ :Unable to connect to Server process. Close down failed >޷ӵ̡رʧ :Unable to connect to data source '%1' >޷Դ '%1' :Unable to connect to database >޷ӵݿ :Unable to connect to server >޷ӵ :Unable to copy file from Client to Server >无法从客户机向服务器复制文件 :Unable to copy file on server >޷Ʒϵļ :Unable to copy images from the ..\samples directory to the Web menu directory. Check that both directories exist and retry >޷ͼ..\ƷĿ¼Ƶ˵Ŀ¼Ŀ¼ǷڣȻ :Unable to copy program from >޷Ƴ򣬴 :Unable to copy program to >޷Ƴ :Unable to copy screenset from >޷Ļã :Unable to copy screenset to >޷Ļ :Unable to create '%1' OLE object >޷ '%1' OLE :Unable to create '%1' message queue >޷ '%1' Ϣ :Unable to create Custom Program directory >޷ԶĿ¼ :Unable to create any dispatch notes >޷κη :Unable to create library >޷ :Unable to create output file >无法创建输出文件 :Unable to create the Web Menu in the specified location. Please retry using a different directory >޷ָλô˵ʹĿ¼ :Unable to create the export file. Please enter a different export file name >޷ļ벻ͬĵļ :Unable to create the theme file in ..\samples folder. Please check permissions and retry >޷..\ƷļдļȨ޲ :Unable to create the theme file in .\samples folder. Please check permissions and retry >޷.\ƷļдļȨ޲ :Unable to delete RMA. Record locked >޷ɾRMA¼ :Unable to delete contract. Record locked >޷ɾͬ¼ :Unable to delete customer %1 >޷ɾͻ %1 :Unable to delete customer '%1' - balance is not zero >޷ɾͻ '%1' - Ϊ :Unable to delete customer '%1' - number of invoices is not zero >޷ɾͻ '%1' - ƱΪ :Unable to delete customer '%1' - outstanding sales orders exist >޷ɾͻ '%1' - δ۶ :Unable to delete customer '%1' - sub-accounts are attached >޷ɾͻ '%1' - ʻ :Unable to delete from COMSTATE.DAT >޷COMSTATE.DATɾ :Unable to delete library >޷ɾ :Unable to delete supplier %1 - %2 balances for current/previous year exist >޷ɾӦ %1 - ڵǰ/һ %2 :Unable to delete supplier %1 - 1099 balances for current/previous year exist >޷ɾӦ %1 - ڵǰһ1099 :Unable to delete supplier %1 - balance not zero >޷ɾӦ '%1' - Ϊ :Unable to delete supplier %1 - outstanding GRN exist >޷ɾӦ '%1' - δջ(GRN) :Unable to delete supplier %1 - outstanding blanket purchase orders exist >޷ɾӦ '%1' - δۺ۶ :Unable to delete supplier %1 - outstanding invoices exist >޷ɾӦ '%1' - δƱ :Unable to delete supplier %1 - outstanding purchase orders exist >޷ɾӦ '%1' - δɹ :Unable to delete supplier %1 - outstanding registered invoices exist >޷ɾӦ '%1' - δעᷢƱ :Unable to determine the correct ledger code for the receiving warehouse because the G/L interface record is not on file >޷Ϊջֿȷȷķʴ룬ΪG/L¼ :Unable to determine the correct ledger code for the receiving warehouse because the GL interface record is not on file >޷Ϊջֿȷȷķ˴룬Ϊ GL ¼ :Unable to determine the correct ledger code for this transaction because the G/L integration record for WIP inspection is not on file >޷Ϊȷȷķʴ룬ΪWIP(G/L)ɼ¼ :Unable to determine the correct ledger code for this transaction because the G/L interface record is not on file >޷Ϊȷȷķʴ룬ΪG/L¼ :Unable to determine the correct ledger code for this transaction because the GL integration record for WIP inspection is not on file >޷Ϊ˽ȷȷķ˴룬Ϊ WIP GL ϼ¼ :Unable to determine the correct ledger code for this transaction because the GL interface record is not on file >޷Ϊ˽ȷȷķ˴룬Ϊ GL ¼ :Unable to determine the report code used in this XML document. You will not be able to perform inline editing >޷ȷڱXMLļʹõı롣޷ִ༭ :Unable to execute payment run and process payments as this payment run is locked by another user. Program cancelled >޷ִикʹΪѱһûȡ :Unable to find IMPACT.INI >޷ҵIMPACT.INI :Unable to find IMPPRG= in IMPACT.INI >޷IMPACT.INIҵIMPPRG= :Unable to find IMPWRK.INI >޷ҵIMPWRK.INI :Unable to find a suitable delivery load based on this ship date >޷ҵڴ˻ڵʵĽ :Unable to find notes for company '%1', note type '%2', key '%3' >޷ҵ˾ '%1' ƱݣƱ '%2' '%3' :Unable to find notes for company '%1', note type '%2', key '%3'. >޷ҵ˾ '%1' ƱݣƱ '%2' '%3' :Unable to generate a unique VBScript for this application (more than 98 script names already exist) >޷ΪӦóɶ VBScript (Ѵ 98 Ͻű) :Unable to issue full FIFO quantity as there >Unable to issue full FIFO quantity as there :Unable to issue full FIFO quantity as there is insufficient quantity >FIFOе㣬޷ǩ :Unable to launch VBScript editor >޷ VBScript ༭ :Unable to load business object '%1' >޷ҵ '%1' :Unable to load dialog system. Screen customization cancelled >޷ضԻϵͳĻƻȡ :Unable to load program >޷س :Unable to load the CSS file for modification >޷CSSļ޸ :Unable to locate assembly >无法找到组件 :Unable to locate program >޷ҵ :Unable to locate screenset >޷ҵĻ :Unable to move field >޷ƶֶ :Unable to open '%1' message queue >޷ '%1' Ϣ :Unable to open '%1'. Returned status '%2' >޷ '%1' ѷ״̬ '%2' :Unable to open COMSTATE.DAT from datastore >޷ݿCOMSTATE.DAT :Unable to open Encore COM registry key >޷Encore COMע :Unable to open Encore COMBaseDir registry string >޷Encore COMBaseDirעᴮ :Unable to open General Ledger Master file for inter-company id >޷Ϊ˾idļ :Unable to open and read operator file (ADMOPR.DAT) >޷򿪺ͶȡԱļ(ADMOPR.DAT) :Unable to open file >޷ļ :Unable to open file containing data to import. Process abandoned >޷򿪺ݵļ̱ :Unable to open the selected business object XSD schema >޷ѡҵ XSD Ҫ :Unable to output records >无法输出记录 :Unable to perform a trial load. This facility is currently being used by another user >޷ִغɡĿǰڱһûʹ :Unable to post to job '%1' because it is a hierarchical job >Dzҵ޷ҵ '%1' :Unable to preview the theme using the temporary directory >޷ʹʱĿ¼Ԥ :Unable to process Business object >޷ҵ :Unable to process Report >޷ :Unable to read '%1'. Returned status '%2' >޷ȡ'%1' ѷ״̬ '%2' :Unable to read COMSTATE.DAT >޷ȡCOMSTATE.DAT :Unable to read company calendar >޷ȡ˾ :Unable to read control information >޷ȡϢ :Unable to read the task item to be invoked >޷ȡõ :Unable to reconcile this transaction. Changes have been made against this transaction in a period later than the selected month and year >޷Эסѡ֮Ľף :Unable to reconcile this transaction. The selected month and year is earlier than the posting month and year of the transaction >޷Эסѡ·ݺڱ׵Ĺ·ݺ :Unable to retrieve the notes or SQL script information >޷עͻSQLűϢ :Unable to retrieve the properties for this customized pane >޷Զ崰 :Unable to run Forward Finite Scheduling because live files have been updated from snapshot files >޷Ԥų̣ΪļѴӿļ :Unable to run Forward Finite Scheduling because pegging information was not created when the Requirements Calculation program was run >޷Ԥų̣ΪҪʱδ̶Ϣ :Unable to run Forward Finite Scheduling because there is no snapshot in progress. The snapshot files are created by running the Requirements Calculation program >޷ȿƣΪִеĿաļͨҪ :Unable to save >޷ :Unable to save your Form preferences >无法保存您的表格首选项 :Unable to select item >޷ѡĿ :Unable to set paths >无法设置路径 :Unable to update COMSTATE.DAT from datastore >޷ݿCOMSTATE.DAT :Unable to update customer %1 >޷¿ͻ %1 :Unable to update table >޷± :Unable to use database >޷ʹݿ :Unable to use part category '%1' as bill of landed cost exists >ڵɱѴڣ޷ʹ '%1' :Unable to use part category '%1' as operations exist >ڲѴڣ޷ʹ '%1' :Unable to write to COMSTATE.DAT >޷дCOMSTATE.DAT :Unallocated >δ :Unallocated text >δı :Unapplied Payment >̯ :Unapplied amount >δӦõĽ :Unapply >Ӧ :Unapply Adjustment >ȡ :Unapply Deposit >δô :Unapply Invoice >ⷢƱ :Unapply Payment >δ丶 :Unapply deposit as payment >ӦöΪ :Unapproved >δ׼ :Unapproved discount >δ׼ۿ :Unapproved invoices >δ׼Ʊ :Unassigned >δ :Unassigned Contacts >δϵ :Unauthorize Journal >δȨռ :Unauthorize Journals >δȨռ :Unauthorized >δȨ :Unauthorized journals >δȨռ :Unavailable > :Uncaptured Stock Quantities >δÿ :Uncategorized (Local) >δ () :Uncheck Selected Items >ȡѡѡĿ :Uncheck all >ȡѡȫ :Uncheck all Options >ȡѡѡ :Unclassified items >δĿ :Uncommit >ŵ :Uncommited >δŵ :Uncommitted >δи :Uncommitted Labor >δŵͶ :Uncommitted Material >δŵ :Uncommitted Subcontract >δŵְͬ :Unconfirm >δȷ :Unconfirm All >ȫ :Unconfirm Load >ȷװ :Unconfirmed >δȷ :Unconfirmed jobs >δȷҵ :Unconfirmed jobs only >δȷϹ :Undefined >δ :Undefined error >δ :Undeploy Workflow >ȡ :Undeploying workflow >ȡ :Under Development >ڿ :Under Receipt >վ :Under Supply Password >Ӧ :Under dispatch > :Under dispatch not allowed with dispatch basis of ship >ʹķǷ :Under dispatch specified but not allowed in dispatch installation options >ָĵڷװѡвǷ :Under dispatches allowed >ķ :Under review > :Underline >» :Underline (Ctrl+U) >»(Ctrl+U) :Underline after subtotal >Сƺ» :Underline beneath report headings >ڱ¼» :Underline character >»ַ :Underline links >ΪӼ» :Undist >δ :Undistribited Qst Amount >δ Qst :Undistributed >δ :Undistributed (foreign) >δģģ :Undistributed COS value >δCOSֵ :Undistributed General Ledger >δ :Undistributed Qst >δ Qst :Undistributed Tax Amount >δ˰ :Undistributed Value >δֵ :Undistributed amount >δ :Undistributed amount is less than zero. Do you wish to distribute deductions? >δС㡣ϣ۳ :Undistributed amount is not zero >δΪ :Undistributed amount is now zero. Press Post to continue with posting >未分配金额现为零。按 Post (发布) 可继续发布 :Undistributed amount must be zero >δΪ :Undistributed amount must be zero to continue >δΪԼ :Undistributed amount now zero. Press OK to continue with posting or Cancel to return to deduction distribution >δΪ㡣밴ȷԼʣȡԷؿ۳ :Undistributed amount now zero.Press OK to continue with posting or Cancel to return to deduction distribution >δΪ㡣밴ȷԼʣȡԷؿ۳ :Undistributed invoice amount >δ䷢Ʊ :Undistributed invoice value >δ䷢Ʊֵ :Undistributed qty to release >δĴͷ :Undistributed qty to release is not zero. Do you wish to post the order lines that have changed and to exit the release function? >ⷢеδΪ㡣ϣѸĵĶв˳й? :Undistributed scrap >δƷ :Undistributed tax >δ˰ :Undistributed value %1. Save GL Distribution? >δļֵ %1Ҫ GL ? :Undistributed value is not zero >δֵΪ :Undo > :Undo (Ctrl+Z) >(Ctrl+Z) :Undo Adjustment > :Undo Adjustments to all Invoices >зƱĵ :Undo All >ȫ :Undo All Payments >и :Undo Changes > :Undo Delete >ȡɾ :Undo Last Action >һβ :Undo Payments > :Undo Payments have undone all payments and banked post dated checks made for this customer >撤销付款已撤销为此客户准备的所有付款和银行远期支票 :Undo all Payments and Banked Post Dated Checks >иԶ֧Ʊ :Unexpected OLE exception error > OLE 쳣 :Unexpected end of document at location '%1', near '%2' >λ '%1' '%2' ļβ :Unexpected end of table '%1' >Ԥϱ '%1' Ľβ :Unexpected error '%3' with key '%2' on table '%1' > '%1' м '%2' ķԤϴ '%3' :Unexpected variable '%1' in command >еδԤڱ '%1' :Ungroup Nodes >ڵ :Uniform Spacing >统一空格 :Uniform spacing Top/Bottom >顶部/底部统一空格 :Uninstall Selected Modules >жѡģ :Uninvoiced >δ߷Ʊ :Uninvoiced Cost Elements >δ߷ƱijɱҪ :Unit >λ :Unit Loaned to a Customer >ͻλ :Unit Method Time and Capacity >时间和能力单元方法 :Unit Method Time and Capacity Calculations >λʱ :Unit Quantity Processing >λ :Unit Returned by Customer >ͻ˻ĵλ :Unit Returned to Customer >˻ͻĵλ :Unit Sent To Service Depot >վĵλ :Unit at depot >վλ :Unit at depot only >վλ :Unit code >λ :Unit cost >λɱ :Unit cost %1 >λɱ %1 :Unit cost ( ) >λɱ( ) :Unit cost (local) >λɱأ :Unit cost (non) >λɱ(non) :Unit cost for service charge >շѵĵλɱ :Unit cost is greater than unit price. OK to continue? >λɱڵλ۸ȷҪ :Unit cost quote %1 >λɱ %1 :Unit cost( ) >λɱ( ) :Unit cost(non) >λɱ () :Unit description >λ˵ :Unit description may not be blank >λΪ :Unit discount >λۿ :Unit discount calculated on >ĵλۿۣ :Unit discount value >λۿֵ :Unit group >λ :Unit in service >豸ʹ :Unit in service only >ʹõ豸 :Unit is already in for a service >λڷ :Unit is already in for service >λڷ :Unit is already in stock >λڿ :Unit is already on loan >λѳ :Unit is in for service >λڷ :Unit is not at a service depot >λڷ :Unit is not at service depot >λڷֿ :Unit is not in for a service >λδڷ :Unit is not in for service >λڷ :Unit is not on loan >λڽ :Unit is on loan >λ :Unit mass >λ :Unit no. of pieces involved >漰ĵλ :Unit of Measure Maintenance >λά :Unit of Measure Validation >λ֤ :Unit of Measures >λ :Unit of measure >λ :Unit of measure %1 >λ %1 :Unit of measure '%1' not valid >λ '%1' Ч :Unit of measure '%1' not valid for stock code '%2' >λ '%1' ڿ '%2' Ч :Unit of measure allocation format print options >λλøʽӡѡ :Unit of measure conversion factors are theoretical >λתϵ۵ :Unit of measure conversion not available. Would you like to set the collection to only use values for aggregation/disaggregation?\n\nAlternatively, you must define the conversion either against the stock code or in the Inventory Cost U/m table >λתáϣΪۼƣֵֽ\n\nߣԿڴɱλжת :Unit of measure description >λ :Unit of measure flag >λ־ :Unit of measure flag must be 'S', 'O', 'A' OR 'M' >λ־Ϊ"S""O""A""M" :Unit of measure for material allocation quantities >Ϸλ :Unit of measure for parent quantities >λ :Unit of measure for pieces >Ƽλ :Unit of measure for pricing >üλ :Unit of measure for query >ڲѯļλ :Unit of measure must be either in stocking, alternate or from the price u/m table >λԿ桢滻۸λ :Unit of measure must be in either stocking, alternate or from the price u/m table >λλڿ桢滻Լ۸λ :Unit of measure option >λѡ :Unit of measure options >λѡ :Unit of measure parent quantity >λ :Unit of measure quantity format print options >λʽӡѡ :Unit of measure quote %1 >λ %1 :Unit of measure record locked by another user >һûλ :Unit of measure rounding >λȡ :Unit of measure selection >λѡ :Unit of measure to apply >Ӧõļλ :Unit on loan >λ :Unit on loan only >λ :Unit price >λ۸ :Unit price %1 >λ۸ %1 :Unit price for service charge >շѵĵλ۸ :Unit price is zero. Minimum charge must be greater than zero >λ۸Ϊ㡣:շѱ :Unit price must be entered for a returnable item >ΪɷĿ뵥λ۸ :Unit price/New cost >λ۸/³ɱ :Unit promotion value >λֵ :Unit qty >λ :Unit qty required >Ҫλ :Unit quantities >λ :Unit quantity >λ :Unit quantity item >λƷ :Unit quantity processing is set on >λѿʼ :Unit quantity processing selected >λѡ :Unit quantity processing selected. Decimal must equal three >ѡλСΪ :Unit quantity processing. Aum factor cannot have decimals >λAumϵΪС :Unit quantity processing. Aum factor must use divide >λAumϵó :Unit quantity processing. Cannot be a component >λΪ :Unit quantity processing. Stocking and alternate U/M the same >λ滻λ(U/M)ͬ :Unit quantity processing. Stocking and alternate uom are the same >λͱüλͬ :Unit quantity processing. Units/pieces cannot have decimals >λλɴС :Unit quantity required >ĵλ :Unit quantity stock code >λ :Unit quantity stock code cannot be issued directly to a job >λ벻ֱǩҵ :Unit run time >λʱ :Unit run time ( ) >λʱ ( ) :Unit run time (Min) >λʱ䣨 :Unit run time (hrs) >λʱ䣨ʱ :Unit selling price >λۼ۸ :Unit status >λ״̬ :Unit to service depot >վλ :Unit type >λ :Unit value >λֵ :Unit vol >λ :Unit volue >λֵ :Unit volume >λ :Units >λ :Units '%1' and pieces '%2' must have the same sign >λ '%1' ͼ '%2' ͬı :Units and pieces may not be blank for stock code '%1' >λͼڿ '%1' Ϊհ :Units description >λ˵ :Units of measure >λ :Units of measure selection >λѡ :Units of measures >λ :Units only >޵λ :Unknown >δ֪ :Unknown Attendee Review >δ֪ϯ :Unknown Attendees >δ֪ϯ :Unknown Attendees Review >δ֪ϯ :Unknown Record on 4.0 Format File >4.0ʽļеδ֪¼ :Unknown attendee >δ֪ϯ :Unknown method '%1' >δ֪ '%1' :Unknown module >δ֪ģ :Unknown secondary module >δ֪μģ :Unkown function passed to IMPWRF. Program cancelled >תIMPWRFĹδ֪ȡ :Unlicensed Program >δɳ :Unlink >ȡ :Unlink P/O Requisition >ȡɹ(P/O)빺 :Unlink PO Requisition > PO 빺 :Unlink Purchase Order >ȡɹ :Unlink WIP Job >ȡִҵ(WIP)ҵ :Unlink from Job/PO/Requisition >ҵ/ɹ (PO)/빺 :Unlink from Purchase Order, Requisition or Job >ȡɹ빺ҵ :Unlink from Purchase Order, Requisition, Job >ȡɹ빺ҵ :Unlinked from key >ȡ :Unlinked from type >ȡ͵ :Unlock > :Unlock All > :Unlock Selected >ѡ :Unmatch GRN >ջ :Unmatched >ƥ :Unmatched import deposit entries >ƥĵĿ :Unmatched import deposits >ƥĵ :Unmatched import withdrawal entries >ƥĵȡĿ :Unmatched import withdrawals >ƥĵ :Unposted Accounts Payable sub module entries >未过账应付账款子模块条目 :Unposted GL journal entries >未过账 GL 日记账项目 :Unposted GRN sub module entries >未过账 GRN 子模块条目 :Unposted Inventory sub module entries >未过账存货子模块条目 :Unposted Journals >δռ :Unposted recurring journals >δľռ :Unprinted checks exist in the Legacy A/P Payment Cycle. Program cancelled >ʽӦʿ(A/P)ѭдڵδӡ֧Ʊȡ :Unprinted journals >δӡռ :Unreconcile >δЭ :Unreconcile By Period >δ˳Э :Unreconcile this transaction? >δЭ :Unreconciled >δ :Unreconciled only >δЭ :Unreconciled transactions only >δЭĽ :Unrecoverable error occurred, process abandoned >ɻָ󣬹ֹͣ :Unrefunded >δ :Unresolved >δ :Unrestricted timeout >Ƶijʱ :Unsecure Operations >ܲ :Unselect All >ѡȫ :Unselect All Assets in Suspense >ȡѡйʲ :Unselect Transaction >ȡѡ :Unselecting Customers/Suppliers >ѡͻ/Ӧ :Unselecting this transaction means that access will be denied to the transaction, and all previously configured conditions will be removed. Do you wish to continue? >ȡѡζŶԽ׵ķʽܾǰõɾϣ :Unselecting this transaction means that access will be denied to the transaction. Do you wish to continue? >ȡѡζŶԽ׵ķʽܾϣ :Unselects all the XML files in the list >取消选择列表中所有 XML 文件 :Unset Action on All Actionable Assets >öпɲʲIJ :Unset ECC >δECC :Unset ECC Control >δ趨ECC :Untick All >ȡȫѡ :Untitled >ޱ :Untitled - XAML Markup Editor >ޱ - XAML DZ༭ :Uom conversion >λת :Uom method >λ :Uom to Stocking factor >λ(Uom)ϵ :Uom to Stocking factor code >λ(Uom)ϵ :Up > :Up One Folder >һļ :Up One Level >һ :Up One Level in Main Menu >˵һ :Up One Level in Menu >ڲ˵һ :Up to %1 User menus may be defined for each operator, group, >Up to %1 User menus may be defined for each operator, group, :Up to 99 User menus may be defined for each operator, group, >ÿһԱɶ99û˵ :Up to release date >ͷ :Update > :Update Amount >½ :Update Archive control files to SYSPRO 7 format >更新档案控制文件为 SYSPRO 7 格式 :Update Basis of Variance >±仯 :Update Cash Book when printing deposit slips >ӡʱֽʱ :Update Cash Posting Worksheet >更新现金过账工作表 :Update Column > :Update Control Account >¿ʻ :Update Criteria >±׼ :Update Current >µǰ :Update Current Forecasts >µǰɹ :Update Current Levels >µǰ :Update Details >ϸ :Update Entry > :Update Existing Job >ҵ :Update Existing PO > PO :Update Expiry Dates >ʧЧ :Update Field >ֶ :Update Forecasts >Ԥ :Update G/L analysis tables >ʷ :Update G/L analysis tables after copy/delete >ƣɾʷ :Update G/L analysis tables after import >ʷ :Update G/L codes > (G/L) :Update GL analysis > GL :Update GL analysis after copy/delete >/ɾ GL :Update GL analysis tables > GL :Update GL analysis tables after copy/delete >/ɾ GL :Update GL analysis tables after import > GL :Update GL codes > GL :Update General Ledger flag >˱ :Update Job >ҵ :Update Job Header >ҵ :Update Job Quantity to Make >´ҵ :Update Job Status >ҵ :Update Journal >ռ :Update Journal Header >ռʱͷ :Update Links > :Update Manufacturing Unit Of Measure on Inventory >´λ :Update Name > :Update P/order >²ɹ :Update Password Expiry date - %1 >ʧЧ - %1 :Update Prices for a Price Code >¼۸ļ۸ :Update Purchase Order >²ɹ :Update Qty & Cost of Selected Stock Codes >ѡͳɱ :Update Quantities and Costs >ͳɱ :Update Rate Indicators >±ָʾ :Update Rate for Currency >» :Update SCT >¹Ӧת(SCT) :Update Sales History Data >ʷ :Update Sales Order >۶ :Update Scripts >½ű :Update Selected Contacts with Selected Fields >ѡֶθѡϵ :Update Single Module >µһģ :Update Stock Code if it is no longer on an active Blanket P/O >ٴЧһ P/O У¿ :Update Subcontract Values >·ְֵͬ :Update Subcontract rates >תͬ :Update Unit of Measure >¼λ :Update View >ͼ :Update W/h Count Date >± :Update Warehouse >²ֿ :Update What-if Bought Out Cost >¼ɱ :Update Work Centers >ҵ :Update additional information >¸Ϣ :Update all associated Work Centers >йҵ :Update all bills of material for parent and/or component items whose unit of measure was redefined >¶λ/򲿼ĿIJϵ :Update all lines >ȫ :Update all warehouses with LCT costs >жɱвֿɱ :Update an Existing Purchase Order with Selected Lines >ѡивɹ :Update and Report >ºͱ :Update asset count information by review >˸ʲϢ :Update associated hierarchy costs >¹γɱ :Update bin >² :Update branches with product class >òƷȼ·֧ :Update branches with this product class >¾߱˲Ʒȼķ֧ :Update by >£ :Update capex during purchase order maintenance >ɹάڼʱ֧ :Update complete > :Update completed successfully >³ɹ :Update control record with next GRN number >һGRN¿Ƽ¼ :Update current expected costs on job header >µǰҵԤڳɱͷ :Update customer descriptions from customer file >¿ͻļеĿͻ˵ :Update customer extended geographic area >¿ͻչ :Update customer extended tax code >¿ͻչ˰մ :Update customer geographic area >¿ͻ :Update customer name >¿ͻ :Update dates to current dates >ڵǰ :Update default bin >ĬϿ :Update descriptions from inv master >Ʊ :Update due date on purchase order line when vessel arrival date updated >»ֵʱ²ɹϵĵ :Update exported blanket PO >ѵһ PO :Update exported blanket purchase orders >³ڵĹͬ :Update exported purchase orders >³ڵIJɹ :Update files from import >ӵļ :Update if no class selected >δѡ࣬ :Update if no classes selected >δѡ࣬ :Update information for archived files including the location of the archived items >ѹ鵵ļϢ鵵Ŀλ :Update items selected in a stock take with the latest costs and on hand quantities >³ɱ̵ѡĿ :Update last cost if standard costing in use >׼ɱһɱ :Update last cost with new cost >³ɱһɱ :Update loads >װ :Update movements table >±䶯 :Update multiple entries >¶Ŀ :Update non-current >·ǵǰ :Update non-current Revision/Release >·ǵǰ޶/ :Update non-current revisions/releases >·޶ :Update non-stocked jobs associated with the order lines >˶صķǿҵ :Update non-stocked jobs when creating a credit note >Ʊʱ·ǿҵ :Update on/off dates >´򿪣ر :Update only > :Update options >ѡ :Update original expected costs on job header >ԭʼҵԤڳɱͷ :Update originating order with GIT receipt details >¾߱˻(GIT)ջϸԭʼ :Update out of balance GRN's > GRN :Update out of balance GRNs >·ƽGRN :Update planned dates with scheduled dates >¾߱Ŷڵļƻ :Update price codes >¼۸ :Update prices/discounts >¼۸ۿ :Update prices/discounts when importing inventory >ʱ¼۸ۿ :Update purchase order line >²ɹ :Update rates (internal work centers) > (ڲҵ) :Update sales history automatically >Զ۷ :Update sales history for all SKU's in selected structure >ѡṹп¼λ(SKU)ʷ¼ :Update selected column >ѡ :Update ship date with release date >´ǩڵĴ :Update ship quantity >更新装运数量 :Update step count >² :Update stock >¿ :Update stock code descriptions >¿ :Update stock desc from inventory file >Ӵļ¿ :Update stock descriptions from inventory file >ӿļ¿˵ :Update stock descriptions from inventory master >¿˵ :Update stocked component descriptions >¿沿 :Update stocked component descriptions from inventory file >ӿļ¿沿˵ :Update tax for this company >Ϊ˹˾˰ :Update the Business layer on the selected SYSPRO Analytics server >SYSPRO Analyticsϵҵ :Update the Cash Book bank balance with any permanent entries >¾߱κĿֽ˲ :Update the capacity calendar records residing in the snapshot directory >פڿĿ¼е¼ :Update the costs and/or prices for any non-stocked components used in a configuration >κηǿ沿ijɱ/۸ :Update the document list with the changes >¸ĵĵб :Update the selected View >ѡͼ :Update this Entry >± :Update this Line >´ :Update w/h if BOM cost is zero >BOMɱΪ㣬²ֿ :Update warehouse costs >²ֿɱ :Update warehouse if BOM cost is zero > BOM ɱΪ㣬²ֿ :Update warehouse options >²ֿѡ :Update warehouses with requisition progress >¾̵IJֿ :Update what-if bought costs >ɹɱ :Update whs with requisition progress >빺ȸ²ֿ :Updated >Ѹ :Updated Ribbon Bar >Ѹµɫ :Updated but no resolutions performed >Ѹ£δִκξ :Updated by >£ :Updates > :Updates and Gl Conversion >ºת :Updates have been disallowed for this report. Report cancelled >¶ڴ˱ѱܾȡ :Updates successful >³ɹ :Updating Component Descriptions >ڸ²˵ :Updating Current Forecasts >ڸµǰԤ :Updating file >ڸļ :Updating live BOM >ڸ¼ʱ BOM :Updating price for supplier >ڸ¹Ӧ̼۸ :Updating script %1 of %2 >ڸ½ű %1 %2 :Updating script '%1' in database '%2' >ڸݿ '%2' еĽű '%1' :Updating scripts in database '%1' >ڸݿ '%1' еĽű :Updating site company details >ڸվ㹫˾ :Updating site company source filter information >ڸվ㹫˾ԴϢ :Updating tables with costs >ڸ±еijɱ :Updating tables with lead time >ڸ¾߱ǰڵı :Updating tables with lead times >ڸ¾߱ǰڵı :Updating tax information, please wait >ڸ˰ϢԺ :Updating this may affect the inventory valuation >´Ӱֵ :Updating this may effect the inventory valuation >´пÿ֤ :Upgrade > :Upgrade Files >ļ :Upgrade SYSPRO >SYSPRO :Upload Files >ϴļ :Upload Files to Server >ϴļ :Upload Files to the Server >ϴļ :Upload files from the client to the server >ӿͻϴļ :Upper > :Upper case description >д :Upper-case conversion >дת :Uppercase Id number/Passport number >дId룯պ :Uppercase Table name >д :Uppercase full name for lookup >ڲ鿴Ĵдȫ :Upstream Tracking Details >׷ϸ :Upstream details > :Upstream tracking >׷ :Urgent Appointments >ԤԼ :Usage count >ʹü :Usage for e.net business objects >e.net ҵʹ :Usage for web-based applications > Web Ӧóʹ :Use %1 as the default order quantity >ʹ %1 ΪĬ϶ :Use %1 separator in values >ڼֵʹ %1 ָ :Use %1 separator in values and prices >ڼֵͼ۸ʹã1ָ :Use %1 separators >ʹ %1 ָ :Use %1 separators (reports) >ʹ %1 ָ :Use '%1' style for non-iterating items >ԷǵĿ '%1' :Use 1 as the default order quantity >ʹ1ΪĬ϶ :Use 1000 separator in values >ڼֵʹ1000ָ :Use 1000 separator in values and prices >ڼֵͼ۸ʹ1000ָ :Use 1000 separators >ʹ1000ָ :Use 1000 separators (reports) >ʹ1000ָ :Use 1000's separator(reports) >使用 1000 分隔符 (报告) :Use 3rd Party Tax >ʹõ 3 ˰ :Use 3rd party tax in calculations >ڼʹõ 3 ˰ :Use BOM costs from warehouse >òֿеIJϵ(BOM)ɱ :Use Bing Maps >ʹñӦͼ :Use COBOL Column Headings >ʹCOBOL :Use Company Calendar >ʹù˾ :Use Datepicker >ʹռѡȡ(Datepicker) :Use Defaults >ʹĬ :Use Encore's report viewer >ʹEncore鿴 :Use Excel for exporting >ʹ Excel е :Use Free Stock >ʹɿ :Use G/L code >ʹG/L :Use GL code >ʹ GL :Use GL for all jobs >ʹй GL :Use GL periods for Tax Returns >ʹ GL ڽ˰걨 :Use GST code from stock item >ʹԿĿGST :Use General Ledger period end dates for Assets Register >ʹʲעڽ :Use Google Maps >ʹ Google ͼ :Use LDT + DTS to calculate ship date >ڿ治ʱ :Use LDT + DTS to calculate ship date when there is insufficient stock >治ʱʹLDT + DTSװ :Use LOGIN environment variable to read operator code >ʹõ¼ȡԱ :Use Master/Sub account structure for Customer node >ʹÿͻڵʻṹ :Use Master/Sub account structure when showing Customers >ʾͻʱʹ/˻ṹ :Use Normal Tax >ʹ˰ :Use Nt Security >Use Nt Security :Use Outlook >ʹOutlook :Use Product Class Defaults >ʹòƷȼĬֵ :Use Product Configurator web >使用产品配置程序网络 :Use SQL Column Headings >ʹSQL :Use SQL Server Agent >ʹSQL :Use SSL >ʹ SSL :Use SYSPRO Viewer for Images >ʹSYSPROͼ鿴 :Use SYSPRO's report viewer >ʹSYSPRO鿴 :Use Seperate Tab for each Menu Item >ÿһ˵Ŀʹõѡ :Use Ship to Address >ʹöബ˵ַ :Use System Setup program to change >ʹϵͳó :Use Template >ʹģ :Use Thousand Separator >ʹǧָ :Use WIP value >ʹWIPֵ :Use Windows for printing >ʹ Windows дӡ :Use a single due date for all order lines >ȫʹõһ :Use a standard library configuration >ʹñ׼ :Use account description >ʹۿ˵ :Use account descriptions >使用账户描述 :Use account status >ʹʻ״̬ :Use address from first dispatch note >ʹԵһݷĵַ :Use address from first sales order >ʹԵһ۶ĵַ :Use alternate document price >ʹ滻ļ۸ :Use alternate supplier price >ʹ滻Ӧ̼۸ :Use alternate unit of measure for order quantity >ڶʹ滻λ :Use an appropriate setup program to configure this information >ʹʵóôϢ :Use an existing document >ʹĵ :Use an existing template >ʹģ :Use associated merchandise warehouse >ùƷֿ :Use bill to address from >ʹʵַ :Use branch defined against customer >ʹöԿͻķ֧ :Use branch defined against each customer >ʹöÿһͻķ֧ :Use branch defined against each supplier >ʹöÿһͻķ֧ :Use client system date >ʹÿͻϵͳ :Use comp wh defined against wh control >ʹԲֿIJֿ :Use component w/h defined against warehouse control >ԲֿƶIJֿ :Use components' warehouses to use >ʹòĴʹòֿ :Use current >ʹõǰ :Use current ECC >ʹõǰ ECC :Use current date >ʹõǰ :Use current exchange rate >ʹõǰ :Use current system time >ʹõǰϵͳʱ :Use current tax rate % >ʹõǰ˰ % :Use current when shipping >װʱʹõǰ :Use custom Exchange settings for this workflow >ʹô˹̵Զһ :Use custom Exchange settings for this workflow instead of the defaults setup in the Workflow Manager >ʹô˹̵Զһãǹ̹еĬ :Use custom SMTP settings for this workflow >ʹô˹̵Զ SMTP :Use custom SMTP settings for this workflow instead of the defaults setup in the Workflow Manager >ʹô˹̵Զ SMTP ãǹ̹еĬ :Use customer address at time of invoice >ʹó߷ƱʱĿͻַ :Use customer credit status for terms check >ʹĿͻ״̬ :Use data dictionary default >ʹֵĬֵ :Use data grid >ʹ :Use date account created >ʹôʻ :Use date filter >ʹڹ :Use days as retention method for completed jobs >ҵʹΪ :Use default restocking % >ʹĬ% :Use default sales order unit of measure for free goods >ѻĬ۶λ :Use default settings >ʹĬ :Use default warehouse bin location >ʹĬϲֿλ :Use default wording >ʹĬϴ :Use defaults to create header >ʹĬϴҳü :Use delivery note >ʹý :Use description held against operation >ʹΪ˵ :Use dispatch note to confirm delivery >ʹ÷ȷϽ :Use double byte character set (DBCS) >使用双字节字符集 (DBCS) :Use economic batch quantity >þ :Use email address from document >ʹĵеĵʼַ :Use employee rates >ʹùԱ :Use employee rates in labor >ʹͶеԱ :Use existing OLAP database >ʹ OLAP ݿ :Use existing SQL database >ʹ SQL ݿ :Use existing database >ʹݿ :Use factory calendar for move times >ʹƶʱĹ :Use fixed cost >ʹù̶ɱ :Use fixed exchange rates when establishing exchange rates >ʱʹù̶ :Use fixed rate >ʹù̶ :Use for browsing > :Use forecast calendar >ʹԤ :Use forecasting set >ʹ趨Ԥ :Use format defined against customer >ʹöԿͻĸʽ :Use full Goods in Transit transfers facility >ʹȫ;תƹ :Use hardware key >ʹӲԿ :Use header due date for all order lines? >要使用所有订单行的页眉到期日期吗? :Use invoice >ʹ÷Ʊ :Use job defaults >ʹùĬ :Use job details as s/order defaults >ʹҵϸΪ۶Ĭֵ :Use labor service charges >Ͷշ :Use last price paid as default >ʹ֧ļ۸ΪĬֵ :Use last stock code as default >ʹһΪĬϴ :Use ledger codes from journal >ʹռеķʴ :Use line date for contract pricing >úͬ۵ :Use line date for contract pricing (scheduled orders) >ͬʹڣŶƻ :Use lines from heading section as column headings >ʹñⲿֵΪ :Use local XML file (settings\operator_events.XML) >ʹñXMLļ(settings\operator_events.XML) :Use local file >ʹñļ :Use local file (settings\operator_calendarevents.XML) >ʹñļ (settings\operator_calendarevents.XML) :Use manufacturing UOM >ʹλ(UOM) :Use manufacturing u/m >ʹλ :Use merchandise line GST code >ʹƷͨӪҵ˰(GST) :Use merchandise line tax code >ʹƷ˰մ :Use network user name >ʹû :Use new G/L code >ʹG/L :Use new GL code >ʹ GL :Use new component's description? >Ҫʹ²˵ :Use new warehouse >ʹ²ֿ :Use non-current >÷ :Use normal customer tax in calculations >ڼʹͻ˰ :Use numeric format decimal character >ʹָʽСַ :Use order format for new dispatches >ʹ·Ķʽ :Use other >ʹ :Use overtime >ʹóʱ :Use overtime capacity % (Y,N) >ʹüӰ% (Y,N) :Use product class inventory defaults >ʹòƷȼĬֵ :Use proxy for sales history >ʹʷ¼ :Use proxy until >ʹô :Use rate >÷ :Use report template >ʹñģ :Use route '%1' when no components or >Use route '%1' when no components or :Use route '%1' when no components or operations exist on the selected route? >ѡ·ϲڲʱҪʹ· '%1' :Use route '0' when no components or operations exist on the selected route? >ѡ·ϲڲʱҪʹ·'0' :Use route defined against warehouse control >Բֿƶ· :Use route defined against wh control >ʹԲֿ· :Use route on warehouse >ʹòֿ· :Use sales order description for stock items originating from SCT >ԴԹӦת(SCT)ĿĿʹ۶˵ :Use sales order format for new dispatches >Ϊ·۶ʽ :Use same defaults for both address formats >ֵַʽʹͬĬֵ :Use saved windows printer when prompting for windows printer selection >ʾڴӡѡʱʹñĴڴӡ :Use selection criteria value >使用选择标准值 :Use selection criteria value as a factor >ʹѡ׼ֵΪϵ :Use selection criteria value as a factor against quantity >ʹѡ׼ֵΪϵ :Use selection criteria value as a factor against set-up time >ѡ׼ֵʱϵ :Use selection set >ʹѡ :Use shared inventory company for custom forms >Գʹ÷ֳɿ湫˾ :Use shared inventory company for multimedia >Զýʹ÷ֳɿ湫˾ :Use single ABC type elements >ʹõһABCҪ :Use single type ABC elements >ʹõһABCҪ :Use single warehouse per order >ÿһݶʹõһֿ :Use source branch for SCT orders > SCT ʹԴ֧ :Use source branch for numbering SCT orders >ʹԴ֧SCT :Use standard ageing columns >ʹñ׼ :Use standard messages >ʹñ׼Ϣ :Use standard part '%1' >ʹñ׼ '%1' :Use standard part 'Warehouse to use' >ʹñ׼ġҪʹòֿ⡰ :Use starting date >ʹÿʼ :Use statement balance for balance calculation >ʹı :Use statement balance for calculation >ڼʹñ :Use stock description from originating SCT >ԭӦת(SCT)еĿ :Use stored analysis parameter set >ʹô洢ķ :Use supplier cross reference for expected merchandise cost >ʹԤƷɱĹӦ̶ղο :Use supplier name as narration >ʹùӦΪ :Use supplier prices >ʹùӦ̼۸ :Use supplier xref for expected merchandise cost >ƷɱʹùӦ̶ :Use supplier's stock code >ʹùӦ̿ :Use tax code from stock item >ʹԿĿ˰մ :Use tax code from stock item or service charge for credit notes >ڴƱݣʹÿƷ˰մ :Use tax rate >˰ :Use temporary directory >ʹʱĿ¼ :Use the Registration Tab in the Company Setup to update your license details >使用公司设置中的注册选项卡更新您的许可证详情 :Use the Review push button to view those selections you have already processed >ʹԤť鿴ЩѴѡ :Use the Test Current Login function to verify that you can connect >ʹòԵǰ¼֤ɷ :Use the Test Current Login function to verify that you can connect to >使用测试当前登录功能验证您能够以适当的权限 :Use the current operator's SYSPRO SQL credentials >ʹõǰԱ SYSPRO SQL ƾ :Use the default restock pct >ʹĬ¿ٷֱ :Use the operators SYSPRO SQL credentials >ʹòԱSYSPRO SQLƾ :Use the options below to apportion your licenses. When you have completed >ʹµѡ֤ɺ :Use the the '%1' function to view available keywords >ʹ '%1' ܲ鿴ùؼ :Use the the 'Explain' function to view available keywords >ʹáܲ͡鿴ùؼ :Use this method when emailing >͵ʼʱһ :Use this price >ʹøü۸ :Use this search window for browsing >ʹôڽ :Use this utility to maintain the integrity of certain system files which are held as indexed files >ʹôʵóάΪļضϵͳļ :Use this variable to change a range of field values in the form. The '%1' format is the same as for '%2'. (write-only) >使用此变量更改表格中字段值的范围。'%1' 格式与 '%2' 的相同。(只写) :Use tickover defined against the operator >ʹöԲԱĹѡ :Use today's date >ʹý :Use today's date if later than calc date >ڼڣʹý :Use value as a factor against setup time >按针对设置时间的因素使用值 :Use warehouse address as delivery address per order >òַֿΪַ :Use warehouse buying rule >ʹòֿɹ :Use warehouse defined in setup >ʹIJֿ :Use warehouse order policy >ʹòֿⶩ :Use warehouse route >ʹòֿ· :Use warehouse selection >ʹòֿѡ :Use warehouses defined in setup >ʹжIJֿ :Use when stock code Rev/Rel is blank >޶/Ϊʱʹ :Use worksheet functions for summaries >ժҪʹù :Use zero cost bucket for returns >˻ʹɱ̺ :Use zero when field/variable is null >ֶΣΪʱʹ :Used Mass >ù :Used Volume >ùݻ :Used by the Diagnostics Manager VBScript > Diagnostics Manager VBScript ʹ :Used in > :Used in a configuration >ijʹõ :Used to validate Inventory on order qty >֤Ĵ :Useful to show a watermark to indicate a test company >ʾˮӡָʾԹ˾ :User >û :User %1 >û %1 :User '%1' default site id '%2' not found >δҵû '%1' Ĭվid '%2' :User '%1' is not allowed to approve/clear requisitions >û '%1' ׼빺 :User '%1' is not allowed to maintain journal '%2' >û '%1' άռ '%2' :User '%1' is not allowed to maintain journal '%2'. >û '%1' άռ '%2' :User '%1' not allowed to change requisitions >û '%1' 빺 :User Authorities >ûܲ :User Authorities for Status >û״̬Ȩ :User Code >û :User Code '%1' >û '%1' :User Code 'MRP' >û 'MRP' :User Control Container >û :User Def. Comments >ûע :User Defined %1 Overflow >û %1 :User Defined 2 Overflow >û2 :User Defined 3 Overflow >û3 :User Defined Date Formats >ûڸʽ :User Defined File >ûļ :User Defined Journal Source >ûռԴ :User Defined Menu >û˵ :User Defined Operations >û :User Defined Prompts >ûʾ :User Defined Sequence >û˳ :User Defined Setup >û :User Defined Structure >ûṹ :User Defined Views >ûͼ :User Details >û :User Editor >û༭ :User Field %1 >ûֶ %1 :User File >ûļ :User File Validation >ûļ֤ :User Interface Override List >ûб :User Maintenance >ûά :User Maintenance - Delete >ûά - ɾ :User Menu >û˵ :User Menus >û˵ :User Password >û :User SQL Message >û SQL Ϣ :User Shortcut >ûݷʽ :User Summary >ûժҪ :User Validation >û֤ :User Variable >û :User Variable Deletion >ûɾ :User Variable Maintenance >ûά :User Variable Maintenance - Calculation Definition >ûά - 㶨 :User Variable Validation >û֤ :User Variable, String >û :User Variables >û :User action required >û :User code %1 >û %1 :User code must be entered >û :User code not found >δҵû :User columns only >û :User company >û˾ :User count >û :User def %1 >û %1 :User def 1 >û1 :User define %1 >û %1 :User defined >ȷû :User defined %1 >û %1 :User defined %1 selection >û %1 ѡ :User defined comments >ûע :User defined date >û :User defined desc %1 >û %1 :User defined field >ûֶ :User defined field %1 >ûֶ %1 :User defined field per order line >ÿһеûֶ :User defined field value >ûֵֶ :User defined fields >ûֶ :User defined file not found >δҵûļ :User defined file to be reindexed >±ûļ :User defined index file >û :User defined index table >û :User defined journals >ûռ :User defined prompt >ûʾ :User defined sales message >ûϢ :User defined skin >ûƤ :User defined table >û :User division >û :User does not have authority to purge records >ûȨ¼ :User e-mail address >ûʼַ :User entered not on file >û :User fields >ûֶ :User fixed >̶û :User for p/order >ɹû :User information >ûϢ :User interface >û :User interface by role >ְû :User is not permitted to create requisitions from Sales Order Entry >û۶빺 :User links only >û :User logged in >û¼ :User menu (can be defined later) >û˵壩 :User name >û :User name and password disabled >ѽû :User name default >ûĬ :User name disabled >ѽû :User name enabled >û :User name history >ûʷ :User name options >ûѡ :User name prompt >ûʾ :User name represents >û :User not allowed to create purchase orders >ɹû :User not allowed to do issues/transfers >ǩ/ת˵û :User not found >δҵû :User not permitted to create requisitions from Sales Order Review >۶鴴û :User not permitted to create requisitions from advanced trial kitting >ûӸ߼鹤߰빺 :User notations >û :User number >û :User of last run >ϴʱû :User reserved field >ûֶ :User responsible for action >Զû :User selected is the same as the current user >ѡû뵱ǰûͬ :User selection >ûѡ :User selections >ûѡ :User tables only >û :User that placed hold >û :User that placed the hold >û :User to route to for P/order creation >ɹû· :User who confirmed this PO >ȷϴ PO û :User who created requisition >빺û :User-Defined Journal Entries >ûռ :User-Defined Journal Header >ûռʱͷ :User-Defined Menu >û˵ :User-defined >û :User-defined Journal Entries for Journal >ռʵûԶռ :User-defined Journal Source Code Details >ûռԴϸ :User-defined Journal Source Codes >ûռԴ :User-defined Journal Source Codes Maint >ûռԴά :User-defined Message Returned from SQL Server >SQLϵͳصûϢ :User-defined Sequence >û˳ :User-defined archive root folder >û嵵ļ :User-defined attachment folder >û帽ļ :User-defined field >ûֶ :User-defined field %1 >ûֶ %1 :User-defined field per order line >ÿһеûֶ :User-defined journal >ûռ :User-defined journal source code >ûռԴ :User-defined journals >ûռ :User-defined reports >ûı :User-defined theme >û :User-defined variable not found >δҵûı :User-defined wording >û :User/values >ûֵ :Username >û :Users >û :Uses SQL login name against operator >ԲԱʹSQL¼ :Using C-ISAM means that certain database advantages will not be >ʹC-ISAMζŲʹ :Using code against price >ʹü۸Ĵ :Using key >û :Using percentage against Salesperson >Աİٷֱ :Using the multiple forecast additions could result in forecasts being added to non-working days >ʹöԤ⸽пܵԤⱻӵҵ :Usually full payment >ͨȫ :Util % > % :Utilities >ʩ :Utilities - Client/Server Utilities >ʵó - ͻʵó :Utilities - Electronic Signatures >ʵó - ǩ :Utilities - Security Utilities >Utilities - ȫʵó :Utility class >ʵóȼ :Utility to convert G/L, Supplier and Customer codes. Import files in work directory.\n\nFiles not converted:\n* MRP Snapshot and suggested files\n* G/L Report Writer and G/L Integration\n* Multimedia, Generic Notes, Custom Forms\n* S/A History Summa >转化 G/L、供应商和客户代码的实用程序。导入工作目录中的文件。\n\n未转化的文件\n* MRP 快照和建议文件\n* G/L 报告编写器和 G/L 整合\n* 多媒体、通用注释、自定义表格\n* S/A 历史摘要 :Utility to convert G/L, Supplier and Customer codes. Import files in work directory.\n\nFiles not converted:\n* MRP Snapshot and suggested files\n* G/L Report Writer and G/L Integration\n* Multimedia, Generic Notes, Custom Forms\n* S/A History Summar >ת(G/L)Ӧ̺ͿͻʵóҵĿ¼еļ\n\nļδת:\n*ƻ(MRP)պͽļ\n*(G/L¼(G/L)\n*ý塢ע͡Զ\n*ʻ(S/A)ʷժҪ :Utility to convert customer codes >תͻʵó :Utility to convert supplier codes >תӦ̴ʵó :Utility to increment the year of all dates in the selected files >ѡļжڵݽۼӵʵó :Utility to increment years through system.\n\nFiles not converted:\n* MRP Snapshot and suggested files\n* Multimedia, Generic Notes, Custom Forms\n* Company control\n* Period end dates\n* Capacity calendar >ͨϵͳۼʵó\n\nļδת:\n* ƻ(MRP)պͽļ\n* ý塢ע͡Զ\n* ˾\n* ĩ\n* :Utilization may not be zero >ʲΪ :Utilization percentage >ʰٷֱ :VAL - Value >VAL - ֵ :VAT Number >VAT :VAT Registration Number >ֵ˰ע :VAT code >˰ (VAT) :VAT currency >VAT :VAT due in this period on acquisitions from other EC Member States >Դ EC Աĵ VAT :VAT due in this period on sales and other outputs >ۺĵ VAT :VAT reclaimed in this period on purchases and other inputs >ڶԲɹҪ˻ VAT :VBScript >VBScript :VBScript Code >VBScript :VBScript Editor >VBScript ༭ :VBScript Error >VBScript :VBScript Module >VBScript ģ :VBScript Module Editor >VBScript ģ༭ :VBScript Modules >VBScript ģ :VBScript Options >VBScript ѡ :VBScript Security >VBScript ȫ :VBScript Text >VBScriptı :VBScript Timeout >VBScript ʱ :VBScript actions not yet supported >VBScript в֧ :VBScript cannot be executed >޷ִ VBScript :VBScript code for >VBScript :VBScript editing >VBScript ༭ :VBScript file >VBScript ļ :VBScript file name >VBScript ļ :VBScript for >VBScript :VBScript name >VBScript :VBScripts >VBScript :VBScripts are saved on server only >VBScripts ڷϱ :VOL - Volume >VOL - :V`iew context security >鿴İȫ :Vacation > :Valid >Ч :Valid Numeric Range >ЧַΧ :Valid Operators >ЧԱ :Valid Range >ЧΧ :Valid choices are \"M\" and \"D\" only >ЧѡΪ \"M\" \"D\" :Valid companies >Ч˾ :Valid entries >Ч :Valid entry types are P - Purchases, L - Labor, R - Revenue >ЧĿΪ P - Purchases (ɹ)L - Labor (Ͷ)R - Revenue () :Valid flag >Ч :Valid from >Чʼ :Valid items >ЧĿ :Valid license >Ч֤ :Valid user defined columns >Чû :Validate >Ч :Validate (Ctrl + V) >֤ (Ctrl + V) :Validate A/R master >֤A/R :Validate AR master >֤A/R :Validate All Lines >验证所有行 :Validate Asset Count Import Details >֤ʲ㵼ϸ :Validate Asset Import Details >֤ʲϸ :Validate Asset Templates >֤ʲģ :Validate Bank Reconciliation Import Details >֤ж˵ϸ :Validate Dates >֤ :Validate Details >֤ϸ :Validate Dispatch Note >֤ :Validate Exchange Rate Entries >֤Ŀ :Validate G/L sections as you type >֤ G/L ½ :Validate GL sections as you type >֤ GL ½ :Validate Grid (Ctrl + V) >֤ (Ctrl + V) :Validate Import >֤ :Validate Import Details >验证导入明细 :Validate Import File >֤ļ :Validate Imports >Чĵ :Validate Interface Entries >֤ :Validate Inv on order quantity >֤ :Validate Inventory on Order Quantity >֤Ķ :Validate Licence >֤֤ :Validate Only >֤ :Validate Report >֤ :Validate Sales Order >֤۶ :Validate Template >֤ģ :Validate against budget >Ԥ֤ :Validate and Convert >֤ת :Validate and Import >֤ :Validate and correct supplier mismatches >֤Ӧ̲ƥ :Validate buyer when purchase order created >ʱ֤ :Validate component dependencies >֤ :Validate contents of import details >֤ϸ :Validate customer class on customer master >֤ͻļеĿͻȼ :Validate employee number during labor posting >˹ùڼ֤Ա :Validate entries >֤ :Validate geographic area on supplier master >֤Ӧеĵ :Validate in progress... Please wait >ڽ֤...Ժ :Validate inventory allocations >֤ :Validate inventory quantity allocations >֤ :Validate journals for posting >֤ռԷ :Validate machine code during labor posting >˹ùڼ֤ :Validate order type >֤ :Validate product class >֤Ʒȼ :Validate product class for non-stocked lines >֤ǿвƷȼ :Validate returns all records >֤˻ȫ¼ :Validate sections >֤½ :Validate structure >֤ṹ :Validate structure levels >֤ṹ :Validate supplier class on supplier master >֤ӦеĹӦ̵ȼ :Validate transfers >֤ת :Validates bin location filed in lot mast >֤еĿ :Validating Import Data >֤ :Validating Interface Entries >֤ :Validating Recurring Journal >֤ظռ :Validating Template Entries >֤ģ :Validating supplier >֤Ӧ :Validation >֤ :Validation Complete >֤ :Validation Error >֤ :Validation Failed During Sort Phase >׶ڼ֤ʧ :Validation List >֤б :Validation Output >֤ :Validation Unsuccessful >֤δɹ :Validation complete with no errors >֤κδ :Validation errors found - update not done >֤ - δ :Validation in progress... Please wait >ִ֤...Ժ :Validation message >֤Ϣ :Validation of duplicate customer p/order numbers >ظͻɹ֤ :Validation of import files successfully completed >ѳɹɵļ֤ :Validation of the import file was successful >ļ֤ѳɹ :Validation status >֤״̬ :Valuation >ֵ :Valuation Changes >֤仯 :Valuation Criteria >ֵ׼ :Valuation as of > :Valuation at >֤ :Valuation basis >ֵ :Valuation cost based on >ɼ۳ɱ :Valuation option >ѡ :Valuation options >ֵѡ :Value >ֵ :Value %1 >ֵ %1 :Value '%1' is an invalid lookup entry >ֵ '%1' ЧIJ :Value '%1' is greater than annual budget available of '%2' >ֵ '%1' '%2' ȿԤ :Value '%1' is greater than period budget available of '%2' >ֵ '%1' '%2' ڿԤ :Value '%1' is greater than year to date budget available of '%2' >ֵ '%1' '%2' ĵǰȿԤ :Value (Hours x Rate) >ֵ (ʱ x ) :Value (local currency) >ֵػң :Value (local) >ֵأ :Value Entry >ֵ :Value Overflow >ֵ :Value Remaining >ʣֵ :Value added to payment amount >ӵϵļֵ :Value after >ֵ֮ :Value apportionment >ֵ̯ :Value area length invalid >ֵЧ :Value basis >ֵ׼ :Value before >֮ǰֵ :Value billed to date >¼ƷѼֵ :Value budgeted >Ԥļֵ :Value committed >ѳŵļֵ :Value committed before >֮ǰѳŵļֵ :Value entered >所输入的值 :Value entered '%1' is not numeric >所输入的值 '%1' 不是数字 :Value for Capital Gains Tax >ʱ˰ֵ :Value for Dispatch Note >ֵ :Value has already been entered in the table >ֵ뵽 :Value in local currency >ػҼֵ :Value issued >ֵ :Value local >ֵأ :Value lost due to '%1' entries > '%1' Ŀʧļֵ :Value lost due to FIFO costing > FIFO ɱʧļֵ :Value lost due to ave/std costing >ƽ/׼ɱʧļֵ :Value lost due to non-merchandise >Ʒʧļֵ :Value lost due to transfers >תʧļֵ :Value matched >ƥֵ :Value must be greater than zero >ֵ :Value o/s >ֵo/s :Value of credit balances >ֵ :Value of Goods >ֵ :Value of XML element '%1' is < value of XML element '%2' >XMLҪ '%1' ֵ < XMLҪ '%2' ֵ :Value of actual cost exceeds expected cost by %1 %, where your accepted variance is %2 % >ʵʳɱֵԤڳɱ %1 %˴ܵIJΪ %2 % :Value of actual cost exceeds expected cost by %1 %, where your accepted variance is %2 % >ʵʳɱļֵԤڳɱ %1 %ܵı仯Ϊ %2 % :Value of all debit invoices >ȫ跽Ʊļֵ :Value of credit invoices >Ʊļֵ :Value of debit invoices >跽Ʊļֵ :Value of each unit required >Ҫÿλļֵ :Value of expected cost exceeds actual cost by %1 %, where your accepted variance is %2 % >Ԥڳɱֵʵʳɱ %1 %ڴܵIJΪ %2 % :Value of expected cost exceeds actual cost by %1 %, where your accepted variance is %2 %. Continue? >预期成本的价值超过实际成本 %1 %,其中您接受的差异为 %2 %。要继续吗? :Value of expected cost exceeds actual cost by %1 %, where your accepted variance is %2 % >Ԥڳɱļֵʵʳɱ %1 %ܵı仯Ϊ %2 % :Value of field after change >ĺֶμֵ :Value of field before change >ǰֶμֵ :Value of future invoices >ڻƱֵ :Value of invoices >Ʊֵ :Value of invoices does not equal value of payment >Ʊֵڸֵ :Value of issue >ǩֵ :Value of labor to reduce WIP >WIP˹üֵ :Value of material to reduce WIP >WIPIJϼֵ :Value of payment >ֵ :Value of receipt at actual >ֻջֵ :Value of selected credit invoices >ѡĴƱļֵ :Value of total credits exceeds %1 >ܴǼֵ %1 :Value of total credits exceeds 12.2 >ܴǼֵ12.2 :Value of total debits exceeds %1 >ܽǼֵ %1 :Value of total debits exceeds 12.2 >ܽǼֵ12.2 :Value of transaction >׼ֵ :Value of transaction would cause the A/P control balance to overflow. Please re-enter the transaction amount >׼ֵпܵA/P뽻׶ :Value of transaction would cause the A/R control balance to overflow. Please re-enter the transaction amount >׼ֵɵӦʿ(A/R)뽻׶ :Value of transaction would cause the AP control balance to overflow. Please re-enter the transaction amount >׼ֵпܵA/P뽻׶ :Value of transaction would cause the AR control balance to overflow. Please re-enter the transaction amount >׼ֵɵӦʿ(A/R)뽻׶ :Value of transaction would cause the customer balance to overflow. Please re-enter the transaction amount >׼ֵпܵ¿ͻ뽻׶ :Value of transaction would cause the supplier balance to overflow. Please re-enter the transaction amount >׼ֵпܵ¹Ӧ뽻׶ :Value of transaction would exceed %1. Please re-enter the transaction quantity >׼ֵ %1뽻 :Value of transaction would exceed 8.2. Please re-enter the transaction quantity >׼ֵпܳ8.2뽻 :Value options >ֵѡ :Value or quantity calculated exceeds the maximum field size catered for in this version of SYSPRO >ֵΪ汾SYSPRO趨ֶδС :Value order acknowledgement with ship qty >ô۶ȷ :Value order with order quantity >۶ :Value outstanding >δֵ :Value overflow. Save cancelled >ֵȡ :Value prompt >ֵʾ :Value required >ֵ :Value rule %1 >ֵ %1 :Value spent >ѵļֵ :Value spent before >֮ǰѵļֵ :Value still to manuf >ļֵ :Value stock at >ֵ棬 :Value to Match >ƥֵ :Value to Match = Transaction Amount - Freight - Miscellaneous - Tax >要匹配的值 = 交易金额 - 运费 - 杂费 - 税金 :Value to receive >ջֵ :Value to update >¼ֵ :Value to use >ʹüֵ :Value type >ֵ :Value type flag >ֵͱ :Value uncommitted >δŵļֵ :Value uncommitted before >֮ǰδŵļֵ :Value/Percentage >ֵٷֱ :Value/Price >ֵ/۸ :Values >ֵ :Values at cost >ɱֵ :Values at list price >б۸ֵ :Values by >ֵ׼ :Values can be %1 - %2 with %3 being totally transparent and %4 being totally visible >值可以是 %1 - %2,其中 %3 完全透明,%4 完全可见 :Values in local currency >Ҽֵ :Values shown in >ʾֵ :Values shown in Current Year and Previous Year columns represent >ڵǰݺһʾֵʾ :Values shown represent >ʾֵʾ :Var >ɱ :Var caused by std cost transfers >标准成本转移所导致的差异 :Var o/h >ɱӷ :Var o/head >ɱӷ :Variable > :Variable Declaration > :Variable Enquiry >ѯ :Variable Entry > :Variable Line Definition >ж :Variable Line Details >ϸ :Variable Line Entry > :Variable Number > :Variable Overhead - Productive >ɱ⿪֧ - :Variable Overhead Ledger Code >ɱӷ÷ʴ :Variable Query >ѯ :Variable Selection >ѡ :Variable already exists in export file. Do you wish to save the new definition over the old one? >ڵļбѴڡϣѸ϶ :Variable already exists on the Analytics database >AnalyticsݿѴ :Variable budget spread by company >˾ĿɱԤ :Variable cannot be imported >޷ :Variable cannot be used in column calculation result >ʹñ :Variable description > :Variable description cannot be blank >Ϊ :Variable is already prompted for >ʾ :Variable library > :Variable name cannot be blank >Ϊ :Variable number (1-250) >(1-250) :Variable overhead >䶯ӷ :Variable overhead rate >ɱӷ÷ :Variable to debug >Եı :Variable type > :Variable usage >ʹ :Variable used as a report condition - Delete cancelled >ı - ɾȡ :Variable used in Detail fields - Delete cancelled >ϸֶõı - ɾȡ :Variable used in Total fields - Delete cancelled >ϼֶõı - ɾȡ :Variable used in report >ڱı :Variable value >ֵ :Variable value cannot be blank >ֵΪ :Variables > :Variables and properties of the customized pane >变量和自定义窗格属性 :Variables to include in detail log >Ҫϸ־еı :Variance > :Variance % >% :Variance % base >%׼ :Variance Check > :Variance Report >䶯 :Variance caused by ave cost calc >平均成本计算所导致的差异 :Variance comparison >Ƚ :Variance ledger account for warehouse '%1' is blank >ֿ '%1' ı䶯ʻΪհ :Variance ledger control account for this warehouse is blank >ֿIJʿʻΪհ :Variance output on a '%1' >'%1' IJ :Variance percent >ٷֱ :Variance quantity > :Variance type > :Variance value >ֵ :Varying anniversary >ͬ :Varying annivesary >ͬ :Varying depreciation >ɱ۾ :Varying depreciation anniversary >ͬ۾ :Vat registration number can only contain spaces, numeric characters or characters in the range 'A-Z' or 'a-z' >ֵ˰עֻɰոַַΧΪ'A-Z''a-z' :Vat registration number can only contain spaces, numeric characters or characters in the range 'A-Z' or 'a-z'. >ֵ˰עֻɰոַַΧΪ'A-Z''a-z' :Vendor >Ӧ :Vendor RMA >Ӧ RMA :Vendor specific >ض :Vendor's RMA >ӦRMA :Verazip county code >Verazip ش :Verification >֤ :Verification Successful >֤ɹ :Verification Unsuccessful >֤δɹ :Verification required >Ҫ֤ :Verified not counted >δѺʵ :Verified quantity >֤ :Verifier >֤ :Verify Contacts >֤ϵ :Verify Import >֤ :Verify Import File >֤ļ :Verify Report >֤ :Verify Report from Library >ӿ֤ :Verify Synchronization Status between SYSPRO and Outlook >֤ SYSPRO Outlook ͬ״̬ :Verify client components >֤ͻ :Verify if stock exists on a Blanket P/O >֤һ P/O Ƿڿ :Verify new password against password history >˶ԶӦʷ :Verify the integrity of bills of material structures with regard to inadmissible parent-component-parent loops or multi-level bills with more than %1 levels >֤벻·߱ %1 ϶༶˵йصIJϽṹ˵ :Verify the logical relationships between stock codes within a structure and to produce a report of any errors encountered >֤ṹڿ߼ϵκδı :Vers >汾 :Version >汾 :Version %1 >汾 %1 :Version %1 format >汾 %1 ʽ :Version 4.0 format >汾4.0ʽ :Version 6.0 >6.0 :Version Notes >版本注释 :Version check number >汾У :Version/Release >汾 :Vertical >ֱ :Vertical Stacked >ʽѷ :Vertical Stacked % >ʽѷ% :Vertical bar chart >ͼ :Vessel > :Vessel Details > :Vessel Maintenance >ά :Vessel Totals >ֺϼ :Vessel already on file >ֻļ :Vessel description > :Vessel name > :Vessel notes >ָע :Vessel selection >ֻѡ :Vessels > :Video >Ƶ :Video Clip >Ƶ :Video capture >Ƶ׽ :View > :View All Components >鿴в :View All Organizations >鿴֯ :View All Requisitions >鿴빺 :View All Rows >鿴 :View Allocations >鿴 :View Alternate Suppliers >鿴ùӦ :View Analytics Books >鿴Analyticsʲ :View Applied Customers >Ŀͻ :View Attachment >鿴 :View Available Icons >鿴ͼ :View Available to Promise >承诺可用视图 :View Bitmap >鿴λͼ :View Blanket PO Detail Lines >鿴һ PO ϸ :View Books >鿴˲ :View Captured Quantities >鿴Ѳ :View Captured Quantity >鿴Ѳ :View Captured Serial >鿴ϵ :View Checks >鿴֧Ʊ :View Component Custom Form >鿴 :View Component Narrations >鿴 :View Contact Details >鿴ϵ :View Contacts for Current Account >鿴ǰ˻ϵ :View Contacts for Current Customer >鿴ǰͻϵ :View Contacts for Current Supplier >鿴ǰӦ̵ϵ :View Context Menu >鿴IJ˵ :View Cubes >鿴 :View Current Users >鿴ǰû :View Custom Forms >鿴 :View Customer Templates >鿴ͻģ :View Data >鿴 :View Delivery History >鿴¼ :View Deposits >鿴 :View Detail Lines >鿴ϸ :View Detail Log >鿴ϸ־ :View Details >鿴ϸ :View Directories >鿴Ŀ¼ :View Duplicate Data >鿴ظ :View Elements >鿴Ҫ :View Export Log >鿴־ :View FIFO buckets >查看 FIFO 桶 :View Field definitions >鿴ֶζ :View Files Used by Program >鿴ʹõļ :View Files to Import >鿴ļ :View Foreign Payments >鿴 :View G/L Periods >鿴G/Lڼ :View GL Periods >鿴 :View General Ledger recurring journal codes >鿴ظռ˴ :View General Ledger standard journal codes >鿴˱׼ռ˴ :View General Ledger user-defined journal source codes >鿴ûռԴ :View Generated Comments >鿴ɵע :View Generated Parent >鿴Ѵĸ :View Global Promotions >查看全局促销 :View Icons >鿴ͼ :View Image >鿴ͼ :View Import File >鿴ļ :View Income Statement and Balance Sheet details for all or selected ledgers >鿴лѡ˵ʲծ :View Inspection >鿴 :View Invoices >鿴Ʊ :View Journals >鿴ռ :View Last Export >鿴һε :View Log File >鿴־ļ :View Lot for this Line >鿴е :View Maintenance >鿴ά :View Matched GRNs >鿴ƥ GRN :View Missing Entries >鿴ʧ :View Months >鿴· :View My Favorite List >鿴ҵղؼб :View Narration >鿴 :View Narrations >鿴 :View Operation Allocations >鿴 :View Operation Custom Form >鿴 :View Operation Narrations >鿴 :View POD Information >PODϢ :View Panes >鿴 :View Parent Lots >鿴 :View Parent Serials >鿴ϵ :View Purchase Order Detail Lines >鿴ɹϸ :View RMA Receipt >鿴˻Ȩ(RMA)վ :View Report >鿴 :View Reserved Allocations >鿴ѱ :View Reserved Lots For Job >ҵı :View Reserved Lots by Job >查看按工作保留批次 :View Reserved Serials By Job >鿴ҵıϵ :View Role Organogram >鿴ְ֯ṹͼ :View Route Where-Used >鿴·; :View SO Header Information >鿴 SO ҳüϢ :View Sales Orders >鿴۶ :View Schema >鿴Ҫ :View Serial Transactions for this Line >鿴еϵн :View Serials >鿴 :View Shipment Details for Sundry Item >鿴װϸ :View Standard Codes >鿴׼ :View Stock Information >鿴Ϣ :View Suggested >鿴 :View Templates >鿴ģ :View Text Fields >鿴ıֶ :View Totals by Branch >鿴֧ϼ :View Transactions > :View Transactions for this Line >鿴еĽ :View Users >鿴û :View Version >鿴汾 :View WIP Inspection >鿴WIP :View Where Used >鿴ʹ :View XML document >鿴XMLļ :View XML-type reports created using the Create Report program, any XML document, or any web content >鿴ʹô XML ļκ XML ĵκ Web :View a >鿴 :View a current structure & routing >鿴ǰṹ· :View a list of EFT batches extracted using the EFT Payments Extract and EFT Payments Re-extract programs >鿴ʹ EFT ȡ EFT ȡȡ EFT б :View a list of customer permanent entries currently defined and create new permanent entries >鿴ǰͻĿбĿ :View a list of processes that have failed >鿴ʧ̵ܽб :View a list of recently maintained reports for the current operator >鿴ǰԱάб :View a log of changes or events which occurred and which affect system security >鿴ѷӰϵͳȫԵı仯¼־ :View a revision/release >鿴޶ǩ :View a traditional monthly calendar from which date selections can be made and passed through to programs >鿴Ӵ˿ɽѡ񲢴ݵĴͳ¶ :View activity >鿴 :View all deposits that have been recorded, but not yet applied as payments >鿴Ѽ¼δΪӦõĴ :View all parent lots to which a component lot was issued >查看所有向其签发部件批次的主批次 :View all parent serials to which a component serial was issued >鿴ǩϵеϵ :View all sales and receipts by cash drawer (and in total) since the counter sales purge program was last run >鿴ϴι̨ (Ժϼʽ) ۺջ :View all the history against each merchandise line for a contract, with ordered and receipted totals for each scheduled date >鿴ԺͬÿһƷеиÿһŶѶջϼƵʷ :View all the jobs and sub jobs within a job structure >鿴ṹейӹ :View alternate stock >鿴滻 :View an audit trail of changes made to Setup programs >鿴óĵƸ :View and activate applications purchased on the SYSPRO App Store >鿴 SYSPRO Ӧ̵õӦó :View and clear variances left in work in progress for completed WIP inspection references >鿴 WIP οڽйı仯 :View and maintain deposits >鿴ά :View and maintain details of loads assigned to specific delivery routes >鿴ά䵽ض·ߵװ :View and maintain orders that were created using SYSPRO's web applications software >鿴άʹ SYSPRO Web ӦóĶ :View and manage the various Customization layouts that have been applied to operator roles within SYSPRO >鿴Ӧõ SYSPRO еIJԱְĸඨƲ :View and optionally archive SRS documents not yet archived >鿴ѡع鵵δ鵵 SRS ĵ :View and print report from web browser >鿴ӡ :View any web page or XML document; it is specifically designed to work with XML documents created from the GL Financial Report Writer >鿴κ Web ҳ XML ĵר GL 񱨸д XML ĵһʹ :View as Text >ı鿴 :View asset capex types for budgeted (capex) assets currently held on file >鿴ǰѴ浵Ԥ (ʱ) ʲʲʱ :View asset disposal reason codes currently defined >鿴ǰѶʲԭ :View asset locations currently held on file >鿴ǰѴ浵ʲλ :View asset revaluation reason codes currently defined >鿴ǰѶʲ¹ֵԭ :View asset status codes currently defined >鿴ǰѶ״̬ :View asset types for non-current assets >鿴ʲʲ :View audit log information relating to transactions requiring electronic signatures >鿴ҪǩĽص־Ϣ :View authorized returns together with the associated terms & conditions of the returns >鿴ѻȨķ :View basic details of non-current assets currently defined >鿴ǰѶʲĻ :View calculation codes used to determine the expected cost of each cost element within a bill of landed costs or to apportion invoice values to purchase order lines >鿴ȷɱÿһɱԪصԤڳɱɹз̯Ʊֵļ :View captured >鿴Ѳ :View captured Rev/Rel >鿴޶ǩ :View captured lots >鿴 :View captured serial numbers >鿴Ѳϵк :View captured serials >鿴ϵ :View companies >鿴˾ :View company data in a grid and chart layout >ͼֲ鿴˾ :View context >鿴 :View context condition >鿴 :View context heading >鿴ı :View context options >鿴ѡ :View context passwords >鿴 :View context security >鿴İȫ :View context sequence >鿴˳ :View context start >鿴Ŀʼ :View context subtotals >鿴С :View context tables >鿴ı :View context tview sequence >鿴ͼ˳ :View context user >鿴û :View currently defined serial header details for serialized stock items >鿴ϵлĿĵǰѶϵҳü :View customer pricing information >鿴ͻϢ :View data relating to customers >鿴ͻصϢ :View data relating to suppliers >鿴빩ӦصϢ :View data relating to your general ledger account codes, including static information captured at the time of take-on, history, budget and detailed transaction information >鿴˻صϢӹʱľ̬ϢʷԤϸϢ :View data tables/files in a listview and optionally export data to a spreadsheet >бͼ鿴ݱ/ļѡصݵӱ :View depreciation codes currently defined >鿴ǰѶ۾ɴ :View detail of planners (the person in a company responsible for planning the manufacture of made-in stock items) >鿴ƻԱ (˾ڸƻڲĿԱ) :View detailed information on invoices, debit notes and credit notes created from the sales order module >鿴۶ģƱ跽ƱݺʹƱݵϸϢ :View detailed purchase order requisition information >鿴ϸɹ빺Ϣ :View details held against a release master for a customer >鿴Կͻ :View details held against goods in transit reference numbers >鿴;ο :View details of ABC element costs for a stock item >鿴Ŀ ABC Ԫسɱ :View details of ABC element descriptors >鿴 ABC Ԫ :View details of Asset Branches currently defined >鿴ǰѶʲ֧ :View details of BOM employees >鿴 BOM Ա :View details of Capex numbers currently defined for use in the requisition system >鿴ǰѶ빺ϵͳʱú :View details of ECC status codes >鿴 ECC ״̬ :View details of ECC users >鿴 ECC û :View details of GL analysis categories, category types and category codes, defined for ledger accounts that need to be analyzed >鿴ΪҪзķ˻ GL ͺ :View details of General Ledger account codes >鿴˻ :View details of General Ledger groups >鿴 :View details of RMA problem code >鿴 RMA :View details of SRS document types and templates >鿴 SRS ĵģ :View details of TPM accounts >鿴 TPM ˻ :View details of TPM accrual types >鿴 TPM ӦĿ :View details of TPM deduction codes >鿴 TPM ô :View details of TPM price breaks >鿴 TPM ۸ :View details of TPM product groups >鿴 TPM Ʒ :View details of TPM promotion codes >鿴 TPM :View details of TPM resolution codes >鿴 TPM :View details of TPM shipping instructions >鿴 TPM װ֪ :View details of XML documents that are being retained on file >鿴ļ XML ĵ :View details of accounts (a contact who is neither a supplier nor a customer) >鿴˻ (ȲǹӦ̣Ҳǿͻϵ) :View details of all banks currently defined >鿴еǰѶе :View details of all currency exchange rates currently defined >鿴еǰѶһʵ :View details of all customer branches >鿴пͻ֧ :View details of all customer branches currently defined >鿴еǰѶͻ֧ :View details of all customers currently defined >鿴еǰѶͻ :View details of all supplier branches currently defined >鿴еǰѶ幩Ӧ̷֧ :View details of all supplier classes currently defined >鿴еǰѶ幩Ӧ :View details of all supplier invoice terms currently defined >鿴еǰѶ幩Ӧ̷Ʊ޵ :View details of all supplier permanent entries currently defined >鿴еǰѶ幩ӦĿ :View details of all supplier registered invoices on file >鿴й鵵ӦעᷢƱ :View details of all suppliers currently defined >鿴еǰѶ幩Ӧ̵ :View details of all the files that were archived for lots >鿴Ϊι鵵ļ :View details of approved manufacturers >鿴Ѻ׼̵ :View details of approved manufacturers' part numbers >鿴Ѻ׼ :View details of beneficiaries who are paid by EFT >鿴ͨ EFT и˵ :View details of billing schedules for a contract >鿴ͬƷų̵ :View details of blanket purchase order contracts >鿴һӲɹͬ :View details of buyers to whom selected stock items are assigned for purchasing >鿴ѡԽвɹIJɹ̵ :View details of capex items and their related requisition lines >鿴ʱĿ빺е :View details of cash drawers >鿴 :View details of classifications for the different types of jobs typically processed >鿴ѵʹͬ͹ķּ :View details of coded prices and quantity discount breaks assigned to selected stock items >鿴䵽ѡĿı۸ۿ۷ :View details of codes used for non-stocked items within quotations and estimates >鿴ڱۺ͹ڷǿĿĴ :View details of collection descriptors >鿴ռ :View details of commission codes currently defined >鿴ǰѶӶ :View details of component types >鿴 :View details of constant codes (used in LCT calculations instead of entering a constant value) >鿴 (ڼ㣬볣ֵ) :View details of contracts >鿴ͬ :View details of contracts for specific customers and/or buying groups for the sale of inventory items at a fixed price over a specific period of time >鿴ضʱԹ̶۸۴Ŀضͻ/ɹĺͬ :View details of conversion factors for selling price units of measure >鿴ۼ۸λתϵ :View details of cost centers >鿴ɱ :View details of currently defined cost elements >鿴ǰѶɱԪص :View details of currently defined landed cost tracking customs exchange rates >鿴ǰѶ嵽ɱԶʵ :View details of customer classes currently defined >鿴еǰѶͻ :View details of customer invoice discount codes currently defined >鿴ǰѶͻƱۿ۴ :View details of customer invoice terms codes currently defined >鿴ǰѶͻƱ޴ :View details of delivery routes >鿴· :View details of drawing register size codes >鿴ͼǼDzߴ :View details of drawing registers describing and storing the location of various documents relating to a stock item >鿴ʹ洢ĿصĸĵλõĻͼǼDz :View details of existing customer invoice numbers >鿴пͻƱ :View details of existing lots >鿴 :View details of geographic areas >鿴 :View details of geographic areas currently defined >鿴ǰѶ :View details of goods in transit references >;ο :View details of historical tax rates for tax codes used in the USA tax system >鿴˰ϵ˰ʷ˰ʵ :View details of landed cost Tracking tariff codes >鿴ɱٹ˰ :View details of live jobs or snapshot jobs from the requirements planning module >鿴ԴҪƻģʵʱչ :View details of loads assigned to specific delivery routes >鿴䵽ض·ߵװص :View details of lost sales and add or delete lost sales >鿴Ѷʧ۵鲢ӻɾ :View details of lots and associated transactions including inspection and sales order details >鿴μؽ׵飬۶ϸ :View details of machines >鿴 :View details of multiple ship to addresses assigned to selected customers >鿴䵽ѡͻĶബַ :View details of non-current assets held on file >鿴Ѵ浵ʲ :View details of non-productive codes >鿴 :View details of outstanding reminders and action them accordingly >鿴δѵ鲢Ӧضǽв :View details of payment codes used to classify different methods of payment made by customers >鿴ڷͻͬĸ :View details of people who belong to the organizations with which you conduct business) >鿴֮֯Ա :View details of product classes >鿴Ʒ :View details of product classes currently defined >鿴ǰѶƷ :View details of purchase order alternate delivery addresses >鿴ɹýַ :View details of purchase order requisition user group approval limits used when approving requisitions >鿴빺ʱòɹ빺û׼ɼ޵ :View details of purchase order requisition user groups >鿴ɹ빺û :View details of purchase order requisitions created by and/or originating from a specific requisition user >鿴ض빺û/IJɹ빺 :View details of purchase orders (including cancelled and completed orders) that have not yet been purged >鿴δIJɹ (ȡɵĶ) :View details of purchasing price units of measure >鿴ɹ۸λ :View details of quotation reason codes >鿴ԭ :View details of quotations >鿴 :View details of requisition group budgets >鿴빺Ԥ :View details of resource codes >鿴Դ :View details of revaluation categories in order to revalue any of the alternate currency ledgers based on a category that is optionally assigned to ledger accounts >鿴¹ֵԸѡط䵽˻ûҷ˵ļֵ :View details of routes >鿴· :View details of sales analysis departments >鿴۷ :View details of sales order order types >鿴۶ :View details of sales order reason codes >鿴۶ԭ :View details of sales order shipping instructions >鿴۶װ֪ :View details of sales order standard comments >鿴۶׼ע :View details of sales order templates >鿴۶ģ :View details of salespersons >鿴ۻԱ :View details of salespersons currently defined >鿴ǰѶۻԱ :View details of scheduling groups >鿴 :View details of selection sets >鿴ѡ :View details of shipping routes >鿴װ· :View details of snapshot jobs >鿴չ :View details of standard hierarchy codes >鿴׼ּ :View details of standard purchase order comment codes >鿴׼ɹע :View details of statuses through which an engineering change order must be routed before it can be completed >鿴˱ǰΪ̱ѡ·ߵ״̬ :View details of stock code comment codes >鿴ע :View details of stock items currently defined >鿴ǰѶĿ :View details of stock take information >鿴̵Ϣ :View details of supplier comment codes used at the time of entering supplier comments for an order line >鿴Ϊ빩ӦעʱùӦע :View details of supplier contract prices >鿴Ӧ̺ͬ۸ :View details of tax codes currently defined >鿴ǰѶ˰ :View details of tax codes used for the USA Tax by advanced geocodes system or the USA AVP sales tax system >鿴ڰ߼ϵ AVP ˰ϵ˰˰ :View details of the General Ledger weighted transfer rules for transferring balances from a single source account to multiple destination accounts >鿴ӵһһԴ˻תƵĿ˻˼Ȩת˹ :View details of the Intrastat delivery terms codes >鿴ڽ޴ :View details of the Intrastat nature of transaction codes >鿴ڽ :View details of the banks for which EFT control information has been entered >鿴Ϊ EFT Ϣе :View details of the configurations defined for storing sales history summary information >鿴Ϊ洢ʷժҪϢõ :View details of the delivery route transport types >鿴· :View details of the movement time between selected work centers >鿴ѡ֮ƶʱ :View details of the supplementary unit codes >鿴λ :View details of tool sets >鿴߼ :View details of unit of measure conversion factors for stock items where the stocking unit of measure is not the same as the costing unit of measure >鿴λɱλͬ¿Ŀתϵ :View details of vessels carrying consignments of goods >鿴ػ˻ֵ :View details of warehouse move matrices currently defined >鿴ǰѶֿ䶯ָ :View details of where a specific stock item is currently being used, including jobs, job allocations, purchase orders, requisitions, sales orders and any parent part >鿴ʹضĿε飬䡢ɹ빺۶κ :View details of withholding tax codes currently defined >鿴ǰѶ˰ :View details of work centers >鿴 :View details of work in progress scrap reason codes >鿴ڽйԭ :View dispatch note and dispatch invoice information >鿴ͷƱϢ :View error XML document >鿴XMLļ :View extensive information relating to the costs related to a specific contract or a hierarchical job >鿴ضּͬصijɱչϢ :View extensive information relating to the jobs >鿴ضصչϢ :View extensive quotation information >鿴չϢ :View header details >鿴ҳü :View headings >鿴 :View history >鿴ʷ :View in Browser >ڲ鿴 :View information about the people in your own organization and your own personal activities >鿴Լ֯кԼĸ˻ԱϢ :View information about the people with whom you do business >鿴֮ԱϢ :View information held against bank accounts >鿴˻Ϣ :View information on all archived SRS AP Check Remittance documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS AP ֧ƱĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS AP Remittance documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS AP ĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS AR Discount Notes documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS AR ۿ۸עĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS AR Permanent Entries documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS AR ĿĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS AR Statement documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS AR ĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS Cash Book Remittance Bank documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS ֽ˲ĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS EFT Remittance documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS EFT ĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS Factory Documentation documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS ¼ĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS Foreign Purchase Order documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS ɹĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS Inventory Issues documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS ǩĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS Inventory Receipts documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS ջĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS Inventory Transfers Out documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS תĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS Local Purchase Order documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS زɹĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS Multiple Column Quotation documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS ĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS Multiple Line Quotation documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS бĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS Purchase Order Blanket Contract documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS ɹһӺͬĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS Purchase Order Inspection documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS ɹĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS Purchase Order Receipts documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS ɹջĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS Purchase Order Rejection documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS ɹĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS Purchase Order Requisition documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS ɹ빺ĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS Purchase Order Scrap documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS ɹĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS RMA Issue documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS RMA ǩĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS Sales Order Delivery Note documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS ۶ĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS Sales Order Dispatch Note documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS ۶ĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS Sales Order Invoice documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS ۶ƱĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS Sales Order Order Acknowledgement documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS ۶ִĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS Single Quotation documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS һĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS WIP Inspection documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS WIP ĵϢ :View information on all archived SRS WIP Scrap documents >鿴ѹ鵵 SRS WIP ĵϢ :View information on warehouses required for stock items >鿴ĿҪֿϢ :View invoices and payments in >鿴Ʊ͸ :View jobs, purchase orders and supply chain transfers that will be late and demand that will not be met on time as a result >鿴ӵĹɹ͹ӦתԼ˶޷ʱ :View last item >鿴һĿ :View live jobs in browser >鿴еҵ :View live orders in browser >鿴еĶ :View load planning delivery load information >鿴װؼƻװϢ :View locked >鿴 :View log of amendment journals >鿴޶ռ־ :View log of applications that have been launched >鿴Ӧó־ :View lots >鿴 :View missing entries now? >Ҫڲ鿴ʧ :View month-to-date and year-to-date sales information held against salespersons and product classes >鿴ۻԱͲƷ³Ϣ :View new features >鿴 :View operators >鿴Ա :View options >鿴ѡ :View organizations defined against your operator code, as well as against the role/company to which you belong >鿴IJԱԼְ/˾֯ :View original XML document >鿴ԭXMLļ :View owners for non-current assets >鿴ʲ :View program access >鿴 :View purchase order discount codes >鿴ɹۿ۴ :View qty, mass and volume > :View quotation information for a selected stock item >鿴ѡıϢ :View release data >鿴ͷ :View requisitions in status >鿴״̬ :View resource components held in the resource planning demand file >鿴ԴƻļеԴ :View sales and costs >ۺͳɱ :View sales order detail lines >鿴۶ϸ :View sales order information held in the sales order module >鿴۶ģе۶Ϣ :View sequence >鿴˳ :View static details of stock items, as well as any transactions that have been processed against them >鿴Ŀľ̬ԼѴκν :View the Asset groups currently defined >鿴ǰѶʲ :View the Operators Linked to a Role pane to view the current role assignment. You can use the operator hyperlink to manage operator role assignments >鿴ӵְ𴰸IJԱԲ鿴ǰְ䡣ʹòԱӹԱְ :View the accumulated material and operation costs for any parent part against which a structure is defined >鿴䶨ṹκۻϺͲɱ :View the asset mechanic codes (person responsible for physical maintenance of an asset) currently defined >鿴ǰѶʲƴ (ʲʵά޵Ա) :View the capex classification codes currently defined >鿴ǰѶʱ÷ :View the company GST control totals for the Canadian GST system >鿴ô GST ϵͳĹ˾ GST ƺϼ :View the cost centers to which non-current assets are allocated >鿴ʲijɱ :View the cross-references between a SYSPRO stock code and a supplier catalogue number >鿴 SYSPRO 빩ӦĿ¼Ķղο :View the effect of adjusting journals on your period ending balances >鿴ռ˶ڽӰ :View the expense codes (the cost of purchases and labor for assets are accumulated by expense code) currently held on file >鿴ǰѹ鵵ķô (ôۼʲIJɹͶɱ) :View the header details for all deposits relating to projects and contracts >鿴Ŀͺͬصдҳü :View the header details for all retentions relating to projects and contracts >鿴Ŀͺͬصҳü :View the projected cash position into the future by applying user defined cashflow models >ͨӦûֽתģͲ鿴Ԥֽ״ :View the purchase order requisition user codes >鿴ɹ빺û :View the results of applying the Du Pont analysis on General Ledger values >鿴˼ֵӦ Du Pont Ľ :View the results of applying the working capital cycle formula to General Ledger values >鿴˼ֵӦӪʱڹʽĽ :View the results of applying various financial ratios on General Ledger values >鿴˼ֵӦøֲʵĽ :View the results of the requirements calculation for each stock code/warehouse combination >鿴ÿһ/ֿҪĽ :View the sales history accumulated into the forecasting periods as defined by the calendar in use >鿴ܵԤڵʷ :View the schedule published by the scheduler >鿴ų̳ų :View the supply chain structure established for a specific item designated as transfer-supplied >鿴ΪָΪת-ӦضĿĹӦṹ :View the total costs for a hierarchical job, including details of the head/section costs >鿴ּܳɱ/½ڳɱϸ :View time fence >鿴ʱ :View transformed XML document >鿴תXMLļ :View type >鿴 :View type flag >鿴ͱ :View unit of measure conversion factors between employee rate times and work center rate times >鿴Աʱ빤ʱ֮ļλתϵ :View web applications launched and orders created externally >鿴Ӧóⲿ :View, print and purge operator amendment journals >鿴ӡԱ޶ռ :Viewed >Ѳ鿴 :Viewer >鿴 :Viewer Permissions >鿴 :Viewer Warning >鿴 :Viewer seats >鿴ϯλ :Viewers >鿴 :Viewing >ڲ鿴 :Viewing Accounts Payable Setup >ڲ鿴Ӧʿ :Viewing Bill of Materials Setup >ڲ鿴ϵ :Viewing Cash Book Setup >ڲ鿴ֽʱ :Viewing Dispatching Setup >ڲ鿴 :Viewing General Ledger Integration >ڲ鿴ʼ :Viewing General Ledger Setup >ڲ鿴 :Viewing Inventory Setup >ڲ鿴 :Viewing Purchase Order Setup >ڲ鿴ɹ :Viewing Sales Order Setup >ڲ鿴۶ :Viewing Tax Options >ڲ鿴˰ѡ :Viewing Trade Promotion Management Setup >ڲ鿴ó״ :Viewing Work in Progress Setup >ڲ鿴ִҵ :Views > :Visibility factor (days) >ϵ :Visible >ɼ :Visio >Visio :Visit SYSPRO site > SYSPRO վ :Visit SYSPRO support > SYSPRO ֧ :Visit SYSPRO's home page on the Internet >ϵSYSPROҳ :Visual Studio >ֱ۹ :Visual Studio %1 >ֱ۹ %1 :Visual theme >Ӿ :Void > :Void Check Entry >Ч֧Ʊ :Void Check Review Options >Ч֧Ʊѡ :Void Checks >Ч֧Ʊ :Void Journal Report >Чռʱ :Void Payment >Ч :Void Payment Entry >ЧĿ :Void a Check and Re-instate Invoices >֧ƱָƱ :Void check flag >֧Ʊ :Void check in process for this invoice >ϴ˷Ʊִ֧Ʊ :Void check information >Ч֧ƱϢ :Void check list >֧Ʊб :Void check selection >Ч֧Ʊѡ :Void ex. rate >作废汇率 :Void exchange rate >ϻ :Void payment is ignored as transaction is reconciled in Cash Book >Žֽ˲жˣϸ :Void this Check >ʹ֧Ʊ :Voided >ϵ :Voided (P) >ϵ(P) :Voided check >֧Ʊ :Volume > :Volume % Free >ݻ% :Volume Available > :Volume Used > :Volume apportionment >̯ :Volume on backorder >ڽ :Volume on order >е :Volume per stocking unit >ÿ浥λ :Volume sold >۳ :Volume to receive >ջ :Volume to ship > :Volume totals >ݻϼ :Volume unit >λ :Volumes > :Volumetric > :W.I.P >W.I.P :W/Ctr Capacity search > :W/H Details >ϸ :W/center > :W/center Description > :W/center Summary >ҵժҪ :W/center u/m >ĺλ :W/center uom >ļλ :W/centre >ҵ :W/centre Summary >ҵժҪ :W/ctr >ҵ :W/h >ֿ :W/h Journal >ռ :W/h Journal >ֿռ :W/h control > :W/h for Stock Code >뱣 :W/h to Use for Components of Suggested Jobs >ڽҵIJ :W/h to use >òֿ :W/h to use cost only >òֿɱ :W/h to use for components >ҵ :W/h user def %1 >ֿû %1 :W/h variance > :WARNING - Terminating a process can cause undesired results including loss of data and system instability.\n\nAre you sure you want to terminate this process? >棺ֹij̿ɵ·ϣĺݶʧϵͳȶ\n\nȷҪֹ˹̳ :WARNING - This will kill all SYSPRO processes that are not associated with a logged in SYSPRO user. Terminating a process can cause undesired results including loss of data and system instability.\n\nAre you sure you want to terminate these processes? >棺⽫SYSPRO¼ûȫSYSPROֹ̡ij̿ɵ·ϣĺݶʧϵͳȶ\n\nȷҪֹЩ̳ :WH - Warehouse >WH - ֿ :WH Details >ֿϸ :WH costing method >ֿɱ㷽 :WIP >ڽеĹ :WIP Accept into Stock >WIP :WIP Accept into Stock Password >WIP :WIP Accept into stock as alternate stock code >ִҵ(WIP)Ϊ滻 :WIP Add Operations >WIPӲ :WIP Add an Operation >ִҵ(WIP)Ӳ :WIP Add an operation for job >ִҵ(WIP)ΪҵӲ :WIP Allow over-issue for allocations >ִҵ(WIP)䳬ǩ :WIP Allow over-receipts for jobs >ִҵ(WIP)ҵ :WIP Allow rev/rel change on job change >ִҵ(WIP)ҵĵ޶ǩ :WIP Allow view of labor rates >ִҵ(WIP)鿴Ͷ :WIP Automatically Cleared Variances G/L Control Account >WIPԶG/Lʻ :WIP Automatically Cleared Variances GL Control Account >WIP ԶIJ GL ˻ :WIP Bill of Jobs Reporting >ִҵ(WIP)ҵ :WIP Booked >Ԥִеҵ :WIP Booked Lots For Allocations > WIP Ԥ :WIP Booked Serials For Allocations > WIP Ԥϵ :WIP Booked for Job >ΪҵԤ WIP :WIP Browse Archived Jobs >ִҵ(WIP)Ѵ浵ҵ :WIP Browse on Labor Allocations >ִҵ(WIP)Ͷ :WIP Browse on Labor Details >ִҵ (WIP) Ͷ :WIP Browse on Material Allocations >ִҵ(WIP)Ϸ :WIP Browse on Material Details >ִҵ (WIP) ϸ :WIP Browse on Operations Tracking >ڽҵ (WIP) :WIP Browse on Overloaded W/Centers >ִҵ(WIP)ҵ :WIP Browse on Serials in WIP Inspection >ڽҵ (WIP) ڽҵ (WIP) еϵ :WIP Browse on WIP Inspec Transactions >ڽҵ (WIP) ڽҵ (WIP) 齻 :WIP Build Labor Issue >ִҵ(WIP)Ͷǩ :WIP Build Material Issue >ִҵ(WIP)ǩ :WIP Calculate Estimated Value of Job >ִҵ(WIP)ҵƼֵ :WIP Change co-product for job >WIP ĹͬƷ :WIP Changing reserved lots/serials for allocation >ִҵ(WIP)ڸıķΣϵ :WIP Changing reserved lots/serials for parent >ִҵ(WIP)ڸıΣϵ :WIP Co-Product Maintenance >ִҵ(WIP)ͬƷά :WIP Co-Products >ִҵ(WIP)ͬƷ :WIP Co-Products To Scrap >ִҵ(WIP)ҪϵĹͬƷ :WIP Co-product >WIP 联合产品 :WIP Co-product Cost Apportionment >ִҵ(WIP)ͬƷɱ̯ :WIP Co-product Labor Cost Apportionment >WIP ͬƷͶɱ̯ :WIP Co-product Mat Cost Apportionment >WIP ͬƷϳɱ̯ :WIP Co-products Scrap >ִҵ(WIP)ͬƷ :WIP Co-products for Job >ִҵ(WIP)ҵͬƷ :WIP Co-products scrap maintenance for Job >ִҵ(WIP)ҵͬƷά :WIP Complete job if outst. P/O's, materials or operations >ִҵ(WIP)ҵδɣɹ(P/O)ϻ :WIP Component to Parent Lot Serial Query >WIP ϵвѯ :WIP Component to Parent Lot/Serial Qry >ִҵ(WIP)Σϵвѯ :WIP Control >WIP :WIP Control Zoom >WIP :WIP Control ledger >WIPƷ :WIP Cost tracking ledger >WIPɱٷ :WIP Current Year Open/Closed >WIPǰȿţر :WIP Deleting a Job >ִҵ(WIP)ɾҵ :WIP Detail >ڽйϸ :WIP Detail Report >WIPϸ :WIP Detail Report in progress >ִWIPϸ :WIP Detail Transactions for Job > WIPҵϸ :WIP Details >WIPϸ :WIP Dispatch List >ִҵ(WIP)б :WIP Dynamic Capacity Loading >ִҵ(WIP)̬ :WIP Dynamic Capacity Profile >WIP ̬ļ :WIP Employee Efficiency >ִҵ(WIP)ԱЧ :WIP Employee Efficiency Report >WIPԱЧʱ :WIP Expected Cost Update >ִҵ(WIP)Ԥڳɱ :WIP Expected Job Cost Recalculation >ִҵ(WIP)ҵɱ¼ :WIP Factory Documentation > WIPĵ :WIP Factory Documentation Format >WIP ĵʽ :WIP Factory Documents >WIP ĵ :WIP Floor Stock Allocations >WIPҵֳ :WIP G/L >WIP G/L :WIP G/L Account >WIP G/Lʻ :WIP G/L Code >WIP GL :WIP G/L Distribution >ڴܷʷ :WIP G/L Distribution Report >WIP G/L䱨 :WIP G/l control account >WIP 总账控制账户 :WIP GL >WIP GL :WIP GL Account >WIP G/Lʻ :WIP GL Code >WIP GL :WIP GL Distribution >ڴܷʷ :WIP GL Distribution Report >WIP G/L䱨 :WIP Gl Labor Distribution >GL Ͷ :WIP In Inspection >еִҵ(WIP) :WIP Insp Reference >WIP ο :WIP Inspection >WIP :WIP Inspection '%1' is complete > WIP '%1' :WIP Inspection '%1' is on hold > WIP '%1' :WIP Inspection (Accept) >ִҵ (WIP) () :WIP Inspection (Rework) >ִҵ (WIP) () :WIP Inspection (Scrap) >ִҵ (WIP) () :WIP Inspection (accept) e.net >WIP () e.net :WIP Inspection (rework) e.net >WIP () e.net :WIP Inspection (scrap) e.net >WIP () e.net :WIP Inspection - Transaction Date >ִҵ (WIP) C :WIP Inspection Accept into stock >ִҵ(WIP) :WIP Inspection Archive Viewer >WIP 鵵鿴 :WIP Inspection Closure Program >ִҵ(WIP)رճ :WIP Inspection Control >WIP :WIP Inspection Control Account >WIPʻ :WIP Inspection Detail >WIP ϸ :WIP Inspection Details >WIP :WIP Inspection Document >WIPļ :WIP Inspection Document Browse >ִҵ(WIP)ĵ :WIP Inspection Document Format >WIPļʽ :WIP Inspection Document Format Alignment in Progress >ִWIPļʽ :WIP Inspection Document Format Printing in Progress >ִWIPļʽӡ :WIP Inspection Document Numbers >WIPļ :WIP Inspection Document Print >WIPļӡ :WIP Inspection Document Serials >WIP ĵϵ :WIP Inspection Documents >ִҵ(WIP)ĵ :WIP Inspection G/L Control Account >WIPʿʻ :WIP Inspection GL Control Account >WIP GL ˻ :WIP Inspection Maintenance >WIPά :WIP Inspection Numbering >WIP :WIP Inspection On Hold Password >WIP :WIP Inspection On-line Document >WIPļ :WIP Inspection Password >WIP :WIP Inspection Print >WIPӡ :WIP Inspection Quantity >WIP :WIP Inspection Quantity Maintenance >ִҵ(WIP)ά :WIP Inspection Reference >WIPο :WIP Inspection Reference Complete >ִҵ(WIP)ο :WIP Inspection Report >WIP鱨 :WIP Inspection Report in Progress >ִWIP鱨 :WIP Inspection Reset >ִҵ(WIP)鸴λ :WIP Inspection Review >WIP :WIP Inspection Rework >WIP鷵 :WIP Inspection Scrap >WIPƷ :WIP Inspection Scrap Maintenance >ִҵ(WIP)鱨ά :WIP Inspection Serials >WIP :WIP Inspection Transactions >WIP齻 :WIP Inspection Transactions for >ִҵ(WIP)齻ף :WIP Inspection Trial Balance >WIP :WIP Inspection Trial Balance in Progress >ִWIP :WIP Inspection Variance Closure >ִҵ(WIP)ر :WIP Inspection Variance Review >WIP :WIP Inspection accept >ִҵ(WIP) :WIP Inspection change accept G/L >ִҵ(WIP)Ľ(G/L) :WIP Inspection change accept GL >ִҵ(WIP)Ľ(GL) :WIP Inspection change scrap G/L >ִҵ(WIP)ı(G/L) :WIP Inspection change scrap GL >ִҵ(WIP)ı(GL) :WIP Inspection for Job >ִҵ(WIP)ҵ :WIP Inspection for Stock Code >ִҵ(WIP) :WIP Inspection functions >ִҵ(WIP)鹦 :WIP Inspection inspect >ִҵ(WIP) :WIP Inspection is not required >ҪWIP :WIP Inspection receipts set to >WIPջΪ :WIP Issue Floor Stock Allocations >WIPǩҵֳ :WIP Job Allocations Graph >WIPҵͼ :WIP Job Bin Query >ڽҵ (WIP) ҵλѯ :WIP Job Class >WIP :WIP Job Classes >WIPҵȼ :WIP Job Classification >ִҵ(WIP)ҵ :WIP Job Classification Maintenance >WIP ά :WIP Job Closure >ִҵ(WIP)ҵر :WIP Job Co-products >WIP ͬƷ :WIP Job Confirmation > WIPҵȷ :WIP Job Confirmation Criteria >WIP ȷϱ׼ :WIP Job Confirmation Review >WIPҵȷ :WIP Job Confirmations >ڽҵ (WIP) ҵȷ :WIP Job Confirmations Review >ڽҵ (WIP) ҵȷ :WIP Job Copy >WIPҵ :WIP Job Creation Import >WIPҵ :WIP Job Creation and Maintenance >ִҵ(WIP)ά :WIP Job Creation from Job Maintenance >ڽҵ (WIP) ҵάҵ :WIP Job Creation from MRP Job Review >ڽҵ (WIP) MRP ҵ鴴ҵ :WIP Job Creation from Quotations >ڽҵ (WIP) ӱ۴ҵ :WIP Job Deletion >ڽҵ (WIP) ҵɾ :WIP Job Detail Line Bins >WIP ϸп :WIP Job Detail Line Serials >WIP ϸϵ :WIP Job Detail Posting >WIP ϸз :WIP Job Details >WIP 工作明细 :WIP Job Entry >ڽҵ (WIP) ҵ :WIP Job Graph >ڽҵ (WIP) ҵͼ :WIP Job Graphing Program >ִҵ (WIP) ҵͼʾ :WIP Job Issues >WIPҵǩ :WIP Job Issues - Transaction Date >ڽҵ (WIP) ҵǩ C :WIP Job Lot Query >ڽҵ (WIP) ҵβѯ :WIP Job Maintenance >ִҵ(WIP)ҵά :WIP Job Master >WIP :WIP Job Notes >ִҵ(WIP)ҵע :WIP Job Operation Graphing Program >ִҵ (WIP) ҵͼʾ :WIP Job Receipts >ִҵ(WIP)վ :WIP Job Receipts Import >WIP ջ :WIP Job Reserved Serial Query >ִҵ(WIP)ҵϵвѯ :WIP Job Serial Query >ڽҵ (WIP) ҵϵвѯ :WIP Job Specific Issues >ִҵ(WIP)ҵضǩ :WIP Job Status >ִҵ(WIP)ҵ״̬ :WIP Job Status Query >ִҵ(WIP)ҵ״̬ѯ :WIP Job Status Report >WIPҵ״̬ :WIP Job Status Report in Progress >ִWIPҵ״̬ :WIP Job Valuation >ڽҵ (WIP) ҵ :WIP Job Variance >ִҵ(WIP)ҵ仯 :WIP Job Variance Report >WIPҵ챨 :WIP Job and Op Maintenance >ִҵ(WIP)ҵͲά :WIP Job copy e.net >WIP e.net :WIP Job creation e.net >WIP e.net :WIP Job deletion e.net >WIP ɾ e.net :WIP Job maintenance e.net >WIP ά e.net :WIP Jobs for Customer >WIP ͻ :WIP Kit Issues >ڽҵ (WIP) ߰ǩ :WIP Labor Allocation added >ӵڽҵ (WIP) Ͷ :WIP Labor Allocation added e.net >ڽҵ (WIP) Ͷ e.net :WIP Labor Allocation changed >ĵڽҵ (WIP) Ͷ :WIP Labor Allocation changed e.net >ڽҵ (WIP) Ͷ e.net :WIP Labor Allocation copied >Ƶڽҵ (WIP) Ͷ :WIP Labor Allocation deleted >ɾڽҵ (WIP) Ͷ :WIP Labor Allocation deleted e.net >ڽҵ (WIP) ɾͶ e.net :WIP Labor Allocations >WIP˹÷ :WIP Labor Allocations Splits >WIP Ͷ :WIP Labor Analysis >ִҵ(WIP)Ͷ :WIP Labor Analysis for Xcelsius >ˮױ WIP Ͷ :WIP Labor Detail Transactions > WIPͶϸ :WIP Labor Distribution >WIP Ͷ :WIP Labor Distribution Query >WIP Ͷѯ :WIP Labor Distribution Report >WIP Ͷ䱨 :WIP Labor Format Maintenance >WIP Ͷʽά :WIP Labor GL Distribution >WIP Ͷ GL :WIP Labor GL Integration >WIP Ͷ GL :WIP Labor GL Integration Update >WIP Ͷ GL ϸ :WIP Labor GL Integration business object >WIP Ͷ GL ҵ :WIP Labor Import >WIP Ͷ :WIP Labor Integration Update >WIP Ͷϸ :WIP Labor Journal >WIP˹ռ :WIP Labor Journal Control >WIP Ͷռ˿ :WIP Labor Journal Report >WIP˹ռʱ :WIP Labor Journal Status >WIP Ͷռ״̬ :WIP Labor Journals >ڴĹ嵥 :WIP Labor Posting >WIP˹ù :WIP Labor Posting - Values >WIP˹ù - ֵ :WIP Labor Posting Business Object >WIP Ͷҵ :WIP Labor Posting Design >WIP Ͷ :WIP Labor Posting Detail Zoom >ڽҵ (WIP) Ͷϸ :WIP Labor Posting Distribution Report >WIP Ͷ䱨 :WIP Labor Posting Format >WIP˹ùʸʽ :WIP Labor Posting Format Maintenance >WIP˹ùʸʽά :WIP Labor Posting Formats >WIP˹ùʸʽ :WIP Labor Posting Import >WIP Ͷ˵ :WIP Labor Posting Journals Zoom >ڽҵ (WIP) Ͷռ :WIP Labor Posting Preferences >WIP Ͷѡ :WIP Labor Posting Prompt Setup Control >WIP Ͷÿ :WIP Labor Posting Prompt Setup Detail >WIP Ͷϸ :WIP Labor Posting e.net >ڽҵ (WIP) Ͷ e.net :WIP Labor Scrap And Non-prod Detail >WIP ͶϺͷϸ :WIP Labor Scrap And Non-productive Code >WIP ͶϺͷϸ :WIP Labour Journals >WIP 劳动力日记账 :WIP Labour Posting Format > WIPͶʸʽ :WIP Labour Posting Format Maintenance > WIPͶʸʽά :WIP Labour Posting Formats > WIPͶʸʽ :WIP Ledger Control Account >WIPʿʻ :WIP Ledger code >ִҵʴ :WIP Link for A/P and Cash Book to WIP >ִҵ(WIP)Ӧʿֽʲִҵ(WIP) :WIP Link for AP and Cash Book to WIP >AP ֽ˲ WIP WIP :WIP List of Job Classes >WIPҵȼб :WIP List of Job Classes in Progress >ִWIPҵȼб :WIP List of Job Classifications >ִҵ(WIP)ҵб :WIP List of Job Classifications in Progress >ִҵ(WIP)ִҵȼб :WIP List of Non-productive Codes >WIPб :WIP List of Non-productive Codes in Progress >ִWIPб :WIP List of Notional Jobs >ڽҵ (WIP) ҵб :WIP List of Scrap Reasons >WIPƷԭб :WIP List of Scrap Reasons in Progress >ִWIPƷԭб :WIP Load Levelling >WIPغƽ :WIP Load Levelling Locking >ڽҵ (WIP) װƽ :WIP Lock Job Notes >WIP ע :WIP Lot Bin Serial Allocations >WIP οϵз :WIP Lots Bins Serials Posting >WIP οϵз :WIP Lots and serials tracking override >ִҵ(WIP)κϵи滻 :WIP Lots/Bins/Serials Posting >ִҵ(WIP)Σ⣯ϵи :WIP MUM conversion back to stocking >WIP MUM תؿ :WIP Machine Efficiency >ִҵ(WIP)Ч :WIP Machine Efficiency Report >WIPЧʱ :WIP Machine Efficiency in Progress >ִWIPЧ :WIP Maintain Operations >WIPά :WIP Maintain Operations for Suggested Job >ִҵ(WIP)ҵά :WIP Maintenance of scrap inspection quantity >ִҵ(WIP)ϼά :WIP Manufacturing Unit of Measure Update >WIP λ :WIP Master Sub-jobs >WIP ӹ :WIP Master/Sub Job >WIP /ӹ :WIP Master/Sub Job File >ִҵ(WIP)ҵļ :WIP Master/Sub Job Generation in Progress >WIPְҵ :WIP Master/Sub Jobs >ִҵ(WIP)ҵ :WIP Material Allocation >WIP 材料分配 :WIP Material Allocation (Add) >ڽҵ (WIP) Ϸ () :WIP Material Allocation (Change) >ڽҵ (WIP) Ϸ () :WIP Material Allocation (Complete) >ڽҵ (WIP) Ϸ () :WIP Material Allocation (Copy) >ڽҵ (WIP) Ϸ () :WIP Material Allocation (Delete) >ڽҵ (WIP) Ϸ (ɾ) :WIP Material Allocation added >ӵڽҵ (WIP) Ϸ :WIP Material Allocation added e.net >ڽҵ (WIP) ӲϷ e.net :WIP Material Allocation changed >ĵڽҵ (WIP) Ϸ :WIP Material Allocation changed e.net >ڽҵ (WIP) IJϷ e.net :WIP Material Allocation completed >ɵڽҵ (WIP) Ϸ :WIP Material Allocation copied >Ƶڽҵ (WIP) Ϸ :WIP Material Allocation deleted >ɾڽҵ (WIP) Ϸ :WIP Material Allocation deleted e.net >ڽҵ (WIP) ɾϷ e.net :WIP Material Allocations >ִҵ(WIP)Ϸ :WIP Material Allocations - Browse >ִҵ(WIP)Ϸ - :WIP Material Allocations - Maintenance >ִҵ(WIP)Ϸ - ά :WIP Material Detail Transactions > WIPϸ :WIP Material Scrap Analysis >WIPϱϷ :WIP Material Scrap Analysis Report >WIP ϱϷ :WIP Move Material Available Date >ڽҵ (WIP) ƶϿ :WIP Multi Level Job Query >ִҵ(WIP)༶ҵѯ :WIP Multi-Level Job >WIP 多级别工作 :WIP Multi-level Job Query >WIP ༶ѯ :WIP Multi-level Job Report >WIP༶ҵ :WIP Non-Productive Analysis >ִҵ(WIP) :WIP Non-productive Codes >WIP :WIP Non-productive Codes Maintenance >WIP ά :WIP Non-productive Labor Analysis >WIPͶ :WIP Non-stock allocation allow zero cost >ִҵ(WIP)ǿɱ :WIP Operation Number > WIP :WIP Operation Tracking >WIP :WIP Operations >ִҵ(WIP) :WIP Operations Graphing Program >ִҵ(WIP)ͼʾ :WIP Overloaded Work Center Control >WIP عĿ :WIP Overloaded Work Center Detail >WIP عϸ :WIP Override on gross profit check in Part Billings >ִҵ(WIP)Ʒгë :WIP P/Orders for Job > WIPҵIJɹ :WIP Part Billing Distribution Query >WIP Ʒѷѯ :WIP Part Billing GL Integration >WIP Ʒ GL :WIP Part Billing GL Integration Update >WIP Ʒ GL ϸ :WIP Part Billing Integration Update >WIP Ʒϸ :WIP Part Billing Journal >WIPʵռ :WIP Part Billing Material Distribution >WIP ƷѲϷ :WIP Part Billings >ִҵ(WIP)ʵ :WIP Part Billings Distribution >WIP Ʒѷ :WIP Part Billings Distribution Report >WIP Ʒѷ䱨 :WIP Part Billings GL Distribution >WIP Ʒ GL :WIP Part Billings GL Integration >WIP Ʒ GL :WIP Part Billings GL Integration Update >WIP Ʒ GL ϸ :WIP Part Billings Journal >WIPʵռ :WIP Part Billings Journal Business Obj >WIP Ʒռҵ :WIP Part Billings Journal Report >WIP Ʒռ˱ :WIP Part Billings Journals >WIP Ʒռ :WIP Part Booking >WIP :WIP Percentage Complete >ִҵ(WIP)ٷֱ :WIP Percentage Complete Report >WIPٷֱ :WIP Period End >WIP :WIP Period end run - Balance >WIP - :WIP Period end run - labor period end >WIP - Ͷ :WIP Period end run - month end and purge >WIP - պ :WIP Period end run - month end only >WIP - :WIP Period end run - purge only >WIP - :WIP Period end run - year end and purge >WIP - պ :WIP Period end run - year end only >WIP - :WIP Posting to a completed job >ִҵ(WIP)ҵ :WIP Posting to a previous month >WIP һ :WIP Posting to previous period >ִҵ(WIP)һ :WIP Progressive Scrap Tolerance Query >WIPۼƷƷ޲ѯ :WIP Purchase Orders > WIPҵɹ :WIP Quantity Scrapped >ִҵ(WIP)ѱ :WIP Query >ڽвѯ :WIP Reserve lots & Serials Maintenance >ִҵ(WIP)κϵά :WIP Reserved Lots Browse for Allocation >WIP 分配保留批次浏览 :WIP Reserved Lots Browse for Allocations >ִҵ(WIP)η :WIP Reserved Lots Browse for Parent >ִҵ(WIP) :WIP Reserved Lots For Parent Part >WIP :WIP Reserved Serial Browse for Par Part >ִҵ(WIP)ϵ :WIP Reserved Serial Browse for Parent Part >WIP 主零件保留系列浏览 :WIP Reserved Serials For Job/Parent Part >WIP /ϵ :WIP Rework Job >WIPҵ :WIP Scheduling >ڽҵ (WIP) ų :WIP Scheduling - Get Client Information >ڽҵ (WIP) ų C ȡͻϢ :WIP Scrap >WIP :WIP Scrap - General Detail >WIP 报废 - 总明细 :WIP Scrap - Non Detail >WIP 报废 - 非明细 :WIP Scrap Archive Viewer >WIP ϵ鿴 :WIP Scrap Co-Product >ִҵ(WIP)ϹͬƷ :WIP Scrap Password >WIPƷ :WIP Scrap Reason Codes >ִҵ(WIP)ԭ :WIP Scrap Reason Maintenance >WIP ԭά :WIP Scrap Reasons >WIPƷԭ :WIP Scrap and Non Productive Query >ڽҵ (WIP) Ϻͷѯ :WIP Serial Allocations >WIP ϵз :WIP Serial Entry for WIP Inspection >ڽҵ (WIP) ڽҵ (WIP) ϵ :WIP Set material allocation as complete >ִҵ(WIP)òϷΪ :WIP Setup >ִҵ(WIP) :WIP Show rates in labor posting >ִҵ(WIP)ʾͶеķ :WIP Specific Material Issues >ڽҵ (WIP) ضǩ :WIP Specific material issue to job e.net >WIP ضǩ e.net :WIP Stocked Job Receipts >ڽҵ (WIP) ҵջ :WIP Stocked job receipts e.net >WIP 湤ջ e.net :WIP Sub job linking >ִҵ(WIP)ҵ :WIP Summary by Work Center > WIPҵժҪ :WIP Summary by Work Center for Job > WIPΪҵеҵժҪ :WIP Tolerance Query >WIP޲ѯ :WIP Tracing >ڽҵ (WIP) :WIP Track Lots and Serials >ִҵ(WIP)κϵ :WIP Tracking >ڽеĹ :WIP Tracking Report >WIPٱ :WIP Tracking for Job >WIPҵ :WIP Transfer WIP Values >ִҵ(WIP)תWIPֵ :WIP Transfer WIP values e.net >WIP ת WIP ֵ e.net :WIP Transfer Work in Progress >ִҵ(WIP)תִҵ :WIP Trial Kitting >ִҵ(WIP)׼ :WIP Trial Loading >ִҵ(WIP)Լ :WIP Trial Loading Lock >MRP Լ :WIP Valuation >ڽйĹ :WIP Valuation Printing in Progress >ִҵ(WIP)ִй֤ :WIP Valuation Query >ִҵ(WIP)۲ѯ :WIP Valuation as of Current month >WIP ǰ·ݹֵ :WIP Valuation as of Previous month %1 >WIP ǰ· %1 ֵ :WIP Value >ڽеҵļֵ :WIP Values >ִеҵijɱ :WIP Variance G/L Control Account >WIPG/Lʻ :WIP Variance GL Control Account >WIP GL ˻ :WIP View Work in Progress Periods >ڽҵ (WIP) 鿴ڽҵ :WIP Work Center Efficiency >ִҵ(WIP)ҵЧʱ :WIP Work Center Efficiency Report >WIPҵЧʱ :WIP Work Centers with Overload >ִҵ (WIP) ߱װصҵ :WIP Work Centers with Overloads >ִҵ(WIP)ҵ :WIP Work Centers with Overloads between %1 and %2 >ִҵ(WIP)߱ %1 %2 ֮䳬ɵҵ :WIP Work Centers with Overloads between 99/99/99 and 99/99/99 >99/99/9999/99/99֮WIPҵ :WIP add component e.net >ڽҵ (WIP) Ӳ e.net :WIP allocated >ѷWIP :WIP allocations >ڽй̯ :WIP allocs >ڽйķ̯ :WIP and Inventory are not in the same month/year >WIPͿ治ͬһ·ݣ :WIP and Inventory modules are not in the same month > WIPͿģ鲻ͬһ· :WIP and Inventory must be in the same period before job issues can be performed >ִҵǩǰWIPͿ봦ͬһڼ :WIP and Purchase Order modules are not in the same month > WIPͲɹͬһ· :WIP at a Glance >WIPһ :WIP automatic write-off variance >WIP 自动注销差异 :WIP booked for >Ϊ¸Ԥִҵ(WIP) :WIP change component e.net >ڽҵ (WIP) IJ e.net :WIP control A/C >ڽй A/C :WIP control acc >ڽйʻ :WIP control account >WIPʻ :WIP control account is blank >ִҵ(WIP)ʻΪհ :WIP control accounts >WIP ˻ :WIP control accounts are different >WIPʻͬ :WIP cost tracking >ִҵ(WIP)ɱ :WIP delete component e.net >ڽҵ (WIP) ɾ e.net :WIP factory format has not yet been created. Program cancelled >δWIPʽȡ :WIP g/l control >WIP g/l :WIP gl control >WIP ȫֿ :WIP insp ref >ִҵ(WIP)ο :WIP inspection document selection >WIPļѡ :WIP inspection documents are not required >ҪWIPļ :WIP inspection numbering method >WIPŷ :WIP inspection receipt >WIP ջ :WIP inspection reference not found >δҵWIPο :WIP inspection reference selection >WIPοѡ :WIP inspection required >Ҫ WIP :WIP inspections > WIP :WIP is not integrated to the General Ledger - no journal created >WIP δϵ??δռ :WIP is set to not require a labor service charge. If you choose to apply this setting, the labor service charge will be cleared from this work center >WIP ΪҪͶշѡѡӦôãͶշѽӴ˹ :WIP is set to use LOAD as the default labor service charge for work centers. If you choose to apply this setting, the default labor service charge will override the labor service charge set for this work center >WIP Ϊʹ LOAD ΪĵĬͶշѡѡӦôãĬͶշѽΪ˹õͶշ :WIP issued values >WIP ǩֵ :WIP job >WIPҵ :WIP job is already linked to another capex line. Please un-link and then re-try >ִҵ(WIP)ҵһʱ֧СȡӣȻ :WIP job is already linked to another capex line. Please unlink and then retry >ִҵ(WIP)ҵһʱСȡӣȻ :WIP job is already linked to another capex line. Re-link to this capex line? >ִҵ(WIP)ҵһʱ֧СҪʱ֧ :WIP labor >WIP Ͷ :WIP labor value >WIP˹üֵ :WIP labour issued value >WIP Ͷǩֵ :WIP labour value >WIP Ͷֵ :WIP ledger code description >ڽҵ (WIP) ʴ :WIP ledger control account not on file >ִҵ(WIP)ʿʻ :WIP ledger control description >ڽҵ (WIP) ʿ :WIP material issued value >WIP ǩֵ :WIP material value >WIPϼֵ :WIP outstanding values >WIP δֵ :WIP part billing journals >WIP Ʒռ :WIP period >WIP :WIP scrap documents set to >WIPƷļΪ :WIP total issued value >WIP ǩֵ :WIP total value >WIP ֵܼ :WIP valuation as of >WIP :WIP value based on >WIPֵ :WIP value equal to zero >WIPֵ :WIP value of completed jobs >WIP ɹֵ :WIP variance > WIP :WITH NOLOCK >WITH NOLOCK :WMS Bin Container >WMS :WMS Bin Container Maintenance >WMS ά :WMS Bin Container Type >WMS :WMS Bin Container Type Setup >WMS 库容器类型设置 :WMS Bin Container Type Setup Business Ob >WMS ҵ :WMS Bin Containers >WMS :WMS Bin Stock >WMS :WMS Bin Type >WMS :WMS Bin Zone Setup >WMS 库区设置 :WMS Bin Zone Setup Business Object >WMS ҵ :WMS Container Type Maintenance >WMS ά :WMS Container Types >WMS :WMS Operation Maintenance >WMS ά :WMS Operation Type >WMS 操作类型 :WMS Operation Type Maintenance >WMS ά :WMS Operation Types >WMS :WMS Operations >WMS :WMS Pick Carrier Setup >WMS 挑选承运人设置 :WMS Pick Carrier Setup Business Object >WMS ѡҵ :WMS Pick Slip >WMS ϵ :WMS Picking slip business object >WMS ϵҵ :WMS Sales Order Release >WMS ۶ :WMS Sales Order Release Query >WMS ۶вѯ :WMS Storage Condition Maintenance >WMS 洢ά :WMS Storage Conditions >WMS 洢 :WMS Storage Conditions Maintenance >WMS 洢ά :WMS Storage Conditions Setup >WMS 存储条件设置 :WMS Storage Conditions Setup Business Ob >WMS ҵ :WMS Storage Hazard Maintenance >WMS 洢Σά :WMS Storage Hazard Setup >WMS 存储危险设置 :WMS Storage Hazard Setup Business Object >WMS Σҵ :WMS Storage Hazards >WMS 洢Σ :WMS Storage Security Code >WMS 洢ȫ :WMS Storage Security Code Maintenance >WMS 洢ȫά :WMS Storage Security Code Setup >WMS 存储安全代码设置 :WMS Storage Security Code Setup Business >WMS 氲ȫҵ :WMS Storage Security Codes >WMS 洢ȫ :WMS Storage Security Maintenance >WMS 洢ȫά :WMS Technology Code Setup >WMS 技术代码设置 :WMS Technology Code Setup Business Objec >WMS ҵ :WMS Vehicle Operation Type Setup >WMS 车辆 操作类型设置 :WMS Vehicle Operation Type Setup Busines >WMS ҵ :WMS Vehicle Setup >WMS 车辆设置 :WMS Vehicle Setup Business Object >WMS ҵ :WMS Vehicle Technology Setup >WMS 车辆技术设置 :WMS Vehicle Technology Setup Business Ob >WMS ҵ :WMS Vehicle Type Setup >WMS 车辆类型设置 :WMS Vehicle Type Setup Business Object >WMS ҵ :WMS Vehicle Unit of Measure Setup >WMS 车辆计量单位设置 :WMS Vehicle Unit of Measure Setup Busine >WMS λҵ :WMS Vehicles >WMS :WMS Warehouse Area Vehicle Setup >WMS 仓库区车辆设置 :WMS Warehouse Area Vehicle Setup Busines >WMS ֿҵ :WMS Zone Carrier >WMS :WMS Zone Carrier Setup >WMS 区承运人设置 :WMS Zone Carrier Setup Business Object >WMS ҵ :WMS Zone Link Operation Setup >WMS 区链接操作设置 :WMS Zone Link Operation Setup Business O >WMS Ӳҵ :WMS Zone Link Setup >WMS 区链接设置 :WMS Zone Link Setup Business Object >WMS ҵ :WMS Zone Link Unit of Measure Setup >WMS 区链接计量单位设置 :WMS Zone Link Unit of Measure Setup Busi >WMS Ӽλҵ :WMS Zone Link Vehicle Setup >WMS 区链接车辆设置 :WMS Zone Link Vehicle Setup Business Obj >WMS ӳҵ :WMS Zone Maintenance >WMS ά :WMS Zone Material Flow >WMS :WMS Zone Material Flow Maintenance >WMS ά :WMS Zone Material Flow Setup >WMS 区材料流动设置 :WMS Zone Material Flow Setup Business Ob >WMS ҵ :WMS Zone Operation Setup >WMS 区操作设置 :WMS Zone Operation Setup Business Object >WMS ҵ :WMS Zone Setup >WMS 区设置 :WMS Zone Setup Business Object >WMS ҵ :WMS Zone Type Maintenance >WMS ά :WMS Zone Type Setup >WMS 区类型设置 :WMS Zone Type Setup Business Object >WMS ҵ :WMS Zone Type Technologies Setup >WMS 区类型技术设置 :WMS Zone Type Technologies Setup Busines >WMS ͼҵ :WMS Zone Type Unit of Measure Setup >WMS 区类型计量单位设置 :WMS Zone Type Unit of Measure Setup Busi >WMS ͼλҵ :WMS Zone Types >WMS :WMS Zone Unit of Measure Setup >WMS 区计量单位设置 :WMS Zone Unit of Measure Setup Business >WMS λҵ :WMS Zone Vehicle Setup >WMS 区车辆设置 :WMS Zone Vehicle Setup Business Object >WMS ҵ :WMS Zones >WMS :WMS Zones Maintenance >WMS ά :WMS Zones Types >WMS :WT residual >˰۾ʲ(WT)ֵ :Wait >Ժ :Wait time >ȴʱ :Wait time ( ) >ȴʱ ( ) :Wait time (Min) >ȴʱ䣨 :Wait time (hrs) >ȴʱ䣨ʱ :Waiting for someone else >ȴ :Waiting for thread >ȴ߳ :Warehouse >ֿ :Warehouse Management Integration Setup >ֿ :Warehouse totals >ֿϼ :Warehouse '%1' already exists for stock code '%2' >ֿ '%1' ڿ '%2' Ѵ :Warehouse '%1' for component '%2' does not exist > '%2' IJֿ '%1' :Warehouse '%1' found. Expecting warehouse '%2' >ҵֿ '%1' ȴֿ '%2' :Warehouse '%1' is not on file >ֿ '%1' :Warehouse '%1' is the warehouse to use for stock code '%2' and cannot be transfer supplied >ֿ '%1' ǿ '%2' ҪʹõIJֿ⣬˲תƻ :Warehouse '%1' is transfer supplied, cannot be warehouse to use >ֿ '%1' Ϊתƹֿ⣬Ϊòֿ :Warehouse '%1' must be the same as warehouse '%2' for previous transactions >ֿ '%1' һʽױֿ '%2' ͬ :Warehouse '%1' not found >δҵֿ '%1' :Warehouse '%1' not on file >仓库 '%1' 不存在 :Warehouse (4) >ֿ(4) :Warehouse ABC class selection >ֿ ABC ѡ :Warehouse ABC classes >ֿ ABC :Warehouse ABC classification >ֿ ABC :Warehouse Access >ֿʲ :Warehouse Activity >ֿ :Warehouse Address >ַֿ :Warehouse Area Maintenance >ֿά :Warehouse Balance Report >ֿ :Warehouse Bin Maintenance >ֿά :Warehouse Bin Type Maintenance >ֿά :Warehouse Code >ֿ :Warehouse Consolidation >ֿϲ :Warehouse Control >ֿ :Warehouse Control G/L Account >ֿG/Lʻ :Warehouse Control G/L Account >ֿG/Lʻ :Warehouse Control GL Account >ֿG/Lʻ :Warehouse Control GL Account >ֿG/Lʻ :Warehouse Control Information >ֿϢ :Warehouse Cost >ֿɱ :Warehouse Costs >ֿɱ :Warehouse Defaults >ֿĬֵ :Warehouse Defaults Maintenance >ֿĬֵά :Warehouse Defaults for Product Class >ƷȼIJֿĬֵ :Warehouse Delivery Address >ֿ⽻ַ :Warehouse Details >ֿϸ :Warehouse Entered for Each Line >ΪÿһIJֿ :Warehouse Error >ֿ :Warehouse Exception >ֿ :Warehouse Exception Report >ֿⱨ :Warehouse Global Defaults >ֿȫĬֵ :Warehouse History Details >ֿʷ¼ϸ :Warehouse History Selection >ֿ¼ѡ :Warehouse Information >ֿϢ :Warehouse Ledger Control >ֿʿ :Warehouse List >ֿб :Warehouse List Selection >ֿбѡ :Warehouse Maintenance >ֿά :Warehouse Maintenance Numbering >ֿά :Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code >ֿά :Warehouse Management >ֿ :Warehouse Management Integration Setup >ֿ :Warehouse Management System >ֿϵͳ :Warehouse Matrix >ֿ :Warehouse Matrix Maintenance >ֿά :Warehouse Move Matrix >ֿ˶ģ :Warehouse Notepad >ֿ± :Warehouse Options >ֿѡ :Warehouse Quantities >ֿ :Warehouse Quantities for Stock code >IJֿ :Warehouse Quantity on Order >еIJֿ :Warehouse Quick View >ֿٲ鿴 :Warehouse Range >ֿⷶΧ :Warehouse Security >ֿⰲȫ :Warehouse Selection >ֿѡ :Warehouse Supply Chain >ֿ⹩Ӧ :Warehouse To Use For Cost >ɱĴʹòֿ :Warehouse Transfer >ֿת :Warehouse Transfers >ֿת :Warehouse Transfers - Standard Costing >ֿת - ׼ɱ :Warehouse Transfers In >ֿת :Warehouse Transfers In for Warehouse XX >ֿ XX IJֿת :Warehouse Values Details >ֵֿϸ :Warehouse Values Graph >ֵֿͼ :Warehouse Values Selection >ֵֿѡ :Warehouse Variance >ֿ :Warehouse Variance G/L Account >ֿG/Lʻ :Warehouse Variance Ledger Control >ֿʿ :Warehouse access denied >ֿʱܾ :Warehouse accuracy levels >׼ȷȼ :Warehouse against operator not on file >ԹӦ̵IJֿⲻ :Warehouse already entered >IJֿ :Warehouse area >ֿ :Warehouse area '%1' has not been set up for warehouse '%2' >δΪֿ '%2' òֿ '%1' :Warehouse area description >ֿ :Warehouse area selection >ֿѡ :Warehouse browse >ֿ :Warehouse captured value >ֿⲶֵ :Warehouse code for order >ֿ :Warehouse control not on file >ֿƲ :Warehouse cost to update >µIJֿɱ :Warehouse cost updated >ѸµIJֿɱ :Warehouse costing method >ֿɱ㷽 :Warehouse costing method is Standard. Transaction not allowed >ֿɱ㷽DZ׼ġ :Warehouse costs to update >µIJֿɱ :Warehouse defined in the import file >ļжIJֿ :Warehouse desccription >仓库描述 :Warehouse description >ֿ :Warehouse display >ֿʾ :Warehouse filter >ֿ :Warehouse for Inspection >ֿ :Warehouse for Quantity >ֿ :Warehouse for Stock Code >ֿ :Warehouse for components >ֿ :Warehouse for cost >ɱֿ :Warehouse for repairs >ֿ :Warehouse for stock code not on file >ֿⲻ :Warehouse has FIFO costing >ֿ߱ȳ (FIFO) ɱ :Warehouse history >ֿʷ¼ :Warehouse included >Ѱֿ :Warehouse is blank >ֿΪհ :Warehouse is transfer supplied, cannot be warehouse to use >ֿΪתƹֿ⣬Ϊòֿ :Warehouse list included >Ѱֿб :Warehouse list is empty >ֿбΪ :Warehouse list maintenance >ֿбά :Warehouse list may consist of a maximum of 10 warehouses >ֿбܰ10ֿ :Warehouse list may contain a maximum of 10 warehouses >ֿбܰ10ֿ :Warehouse locked by another user >ֿһû :Warehouse management details >ֿ :Warehouse maximum >ֵֿ :Warehouse may not be spaces >ֿΪո :Warehouse minimum >ֿСֵ :Warehouse not entered. This could invalidate processing of any returnable item service charges. Do you wish to continue? >δֿ⡣ʹκοɷĿķշѵĴʧЧϣ :Warehouse not found >δҵֿ :Warehouse not on file >ֿⲻ :Warehouse on sales order does not match that on the job >۶еIJֿҵеIJֿⲻ :Warehouse on sales order line does not match that on the purchase order line >۶еIJֿɹв :Warehouse option >ֿѡ :Warehouse range included from - to >ֿⷶΧ - յ :Warehouse record locked >ֿ¼ :Warehouse safety >ֿⰲȫ :Warehouse saved value >ֿʡֵ :Warehouse selected by >ѡIJֿ⣬ :Warehouse selection for components >ֿѡ :Warehouse selection used for validation >֤IJֿѡ :Warehouse selection used for validation function >֤ܵIJֿѡ :Warehouse supply chain for stock code not found >δҵֿ⹩Ӧ :Warehouse to Use for Non-stocked Items >ǿĿĴʹòֿ :Warehouse to access >ҪʵIJֿ :Warehouse to issue from >ǩֿ⣬ :Warehouse to print >ӡֿ :Warehouse to update >²ֿ :Warehouse to use >ʹõIJֿ :Warehouse to use ( ) >ʹòֿ ( ) :Warehouse to use cost equal to zero >ʹòֿɱ :Warehouse to use cost only >ʹóɱIJֿ :Warehouse to use description >Ҫʹòֿ :Warehouse to use for components >Ĵòֿ :Warehouse to use for costs >ɱĴʹòֿ :Warehouse to use may not be blank >òֿⲻΪհ :Warehouse to use missing >要使用的仓库丢失 :Warehouse to use not found >δҵʹòֿ :Warehouse transfers In/Out/Imm & GIT Immediate not allowed >ֿתƽʱ˻(GIT) ʱ :Warehouse type >ֿ :Warehouse under control of WMS >WMS µIJֿ :Warehouse values >ֵֿ :Warehouse variance control >ֿ :Warehouse variance value >ֵֿ :WarehouseSelection >仓库选择 :Warehouses >ֿ :Warehouses for Operator Security Access >Աȫʲֿ :Warehouses for Operator Security Access >Աȫʲֿ :Warehouses for Stock Code >ֿ :Warehouses for Stock Codes >库存代码仓库 :Warehouses included >Ѱֿ :Warehouses selected by warehouse >ֿѡIJֿ :Warehouses to export >ֿ :Warehouses will not be permitted to be entered per purchase order line if you select to print a warehouse address as the delivery address >ѡӡַֿΪַôɹֿ :Warehouses with qty on hand and zero cost >߱ɱIJֿ :Warehouses with zero qty and non zero cost >߱ͷɱIJֿ :Warehouses within range >ΧڵIJֿ :Warn > :Warn about blank concession no. entered >հȨľ :Warn about cost implosion not being completed >ڳɱڱδɵľ :Warn before applying release quantity >ͷǰӦþ :Warn before deleting messages >ɾϢǰ :Warn before including / excluding lines >ǰ :Warn before including/excluding lines >/ų֮ǰ :Warn before removing ignored lines >ɾ֮ǰ :Warn duplicate >ظ :Warn if Award limits exceeded on Save >泬Awardʱ :Warn if account is on hold >ʻʱ :Warn if budget exceeded >Ԥʱ :Warn if customer not available >޿ͻʱ򾯸 :Warn if customer quotes entered >ͻʱzzzz :Warn if dispatch note is in use >ʹã :Warn if dispatch note is in use by anoth >һûʹã :Warn if dispatch note is in use by another user >һûʹã򾯸 :Warn if disptach note is in use by another user >һûʹʱ :Warn if lot has different dates >ξ߱ͬڣ :Warn if no contracts exist >ںͬʱ򾯸 :Warn if price is zero when approving >ʱ۸Ϊ㣬 :Warn if resource is not available >Դʱ򾯸 :Warn if resource not available >Դã :Warn if similar name exists >򷢳 :Warn if transferring bin on hold >תƿⱻ :Warn if transferring lots with different dates >ת򾯸 :Warn if zero price entered >۸ʱ򾯸 :Warn prior to >ǰ :Warn when inactivating or activating >ȡ򼤻ʱ򾯸 :Warning > :Warning - Account is on hold > - ʻ :Warning - Asset '%1' was not extracted for location '%2' > - ʲ '%1' Ϊλ '%2' ȡ :Warning - At least one operator does not currently belong to a role > - һԱǰְ :Warning - Changing any entries here can lead to existing data not being accessible >棺ڴ˸κɵ޷ :Warning - Discounts may be recalculated >:ۿۿ¼ :Warning - Increasing the number of concurrent >棺ӹûĸ :Warning - New Custom Form Format > - Զʽ :Warning - This computer program is protected by copyright law and >ܰȨ͹ʹԼıδȨʹñκβֽº´շеαߡ :Warning - This option will set your company to use C-ISAM data files. Choosing this option does NOT migrate your data from database format to C-ISAM format > - ѡù˾ʹ C-ISAM ļѡȡѡݿʽ C-ISAM ʽǨ :Warning - This option will set your company to use C-ISAM data files. Choosing this option does NOT migrate your data from database format to C-ISAM format.\n\nAre you sure you wish to proceed? > - ѡ˾ΪʹC-ISAMļѡѡὫݴݿʽֲC-ISAMʽ\n\nȷҪ :Warning - You have not apportioned any e.net licenses across operators and/or classes > - δڲԱͣȼ֮κe.net֤ :Warning - You have not selected to import the data dictionary for the Report Writer module itself. It is recommended that you import it so the Data Dictionary list of Tables, Columns and Links can be produced > - δѡΪдģ鱾ֵ䡣ȽԱɱӵֵб :Warning - You have not selected to import the data dictionary for the Report Writer module itself. It is recommended that you import it so the Data Dictionary list of Tables, Columns and Links can be produced.\n\nContinue anyway? > - δѡΪֵ䡣Ա㴴ֵıб\n\nҪ :Warning - You have selected to remove modules from the Report Writer Data Dictionary. Any existing reports that use tables from these modules cannot be edited or printed > - δѡӱдֵ䵼ģ顣κʹЩģеıбɱ༭ӡ :Warning - You have selected to remove modules from the Report Writer Data Dictionary. Any existing reports that use tables from these modules cannot be edited or printed.\n\nOk to remove selected modules (you can still cancel this Wizard later)? >棺ѡӱֵɾģ顣޷༭ʹӡκδЩģʹñб\n\nȷҪɾѡģ飨Կȡ򵼣 :Warning - deleting temporary files for other operators is not recommended as it may lead to unexpected program behavior > - ɾԱʱļΪܵijΪ :Warning - the follow up date entered is before the current company date > - ĸڵǰĹ˾ :Warning Calling Key Generation >警告调用密钥生成 :Warning messages >Ϣ :Warning options >ѡ :Warning period > :Warning! >棡 :Warning! Operators have been disallowed from logging into SYSPRO >棡ԱԵSYSPROܾ :Warning! Data will be overwritten! >!! :Warning! Operators have been disallowed from logging into SYSPRO >!Ա¼ SYSPRO :Warning. You cannot login >档Ȩ¼ :Warnings > :Warnings encountered. Do you want to continue import? >档ϣ :Warnings found >ҵľ :Warr - Warranty details >Warr - :Warranty > :Warranty Details >ϸ :Warranty date >ʱ :Warranty end date >ʱ :Warranty/expiry period (in days) >ڼ䣨 :Waste Factor % >ϵ % :Watermark Images >水印图像 :Watermark alignment >水印对齐 :Watermark bitmap >ˮӡλͼ :Watermark file >ˮӡļ :Watermark image >水印图像 :Watermark must be a bitmap (.bmp) file and located in ...\base\samples folder on the server >ˮӡΪλͼ (.bmp) ļλڷϵ ...\base\samples ļ :Watermark transparency >水印透明 :Wear & tear default >Ĭĥ :Wear and tear >ĥ :Weather URL >URL :Web Applets >С :Web Applets Launched >õС :Web Applets not required. Program cancelled >ҪС򡣳ȡ :Web Applications >Ӧó :Web Applications Allowed >Ӧó :Web Applications Launched >վӦ :Web Based Product Configurator >基于 Web 的产品配置程序 :Web Browser > :Web Menu Wizard >˵ :Web Page Wizard >ҳ :Web Profile Settings >ļ :Web Service path >Web· :Web Services >Web :Web and B2B >Web B2B :Web and B2B Applications >վB2BӦ :Web application >Web Ӧ :Web application (default) Properties >WebӦóĬϣ :Web application Properties >WebӦó :Web location >λ :Web profile required >Ҫļ :Web service >Web Զ :Web service path already in use on site '%1' >Web·վ '%1' ʹ :Web site >Webվ :Web-based Applications >Ӧó :Wed > :Wed %1 > %1 :Wednesday > :Week > :Week %1 > %1 :Week day >ĩ :Week drops >ܵ :Week number >ܱ :Week number required >Ҫܺ :Week schedule >周排程 :Week view >ܲ鿴 :Week(s) > :Weekly >ÿܵ :Weekly options >ÿѡ :Weekly requests >ÿ :Weeks > :Weight > :Weighted >Ȩ :Weighted Transfers >Ȩת :Weighted account >Ȩ˻ :Weighted accounts >Ȩۿ :Weighted description >Ȩ :Weighted ledger code >Ȩʴ :Weighted ledger code the same as destination ledger code. Ok to continue? >ȨʴĿĵطʴͬȷҪ :Weighted ledger code the same as source ledger code. Ok to continue? >ȨʴԴʴͬȷҪ :Weighted type >Ȩ :Weighting for periods forecast minus %1 & %2 >ΪԤ %1 %2 мȨ :Weighting for periods forecast minus %1, %2 & %3 >ΪԤ %1 %2 %3 мȨ :Weighting for periods forecast minus 1 & 2 >ΪԤмȨ㣬12 :Weighting for periods forecast minus 1, 2 & 3 >ΪԤмȨ㣬123 :Weighting for periods forecast minus 10, 11 & 12 >ΪԤмȨ㣬101112 :Weighting for periods forecast minus 3 & 4 >ΪԤмȨ㣬34 :Weighting for periods forecast minus 4, 5 & 6 >ΪԤмȨ㣬456 :Weighting for periods forecast minus 5 & 6 >ΪԤмȨ㣬56 :Weighting for periods forecast minus 7, 8 & 9 >ΪԤмȨ㣬789 :Weighting forecast minus %1 & %2 >ȨԤ %1 %2 :Welcome to SYSPRO %1 >ӭ SYSPRO %1 :Welcome to SYSPRO 6.0 >ӭSYSPRO 6.0 :Welcome to SYSPRO online >ӭSYSPRO :Welcome to the Document Flow Manager wizard >ӭʹļ :Welcome to the Report Wizard >ӭʹñ :Welcome to the SYSPRO Analytics job setup wizard >ӭʹ SYSPRO Analytics :Welcome to the SYSPRO Analytics site setup wizard >ӭʹSYSPRO Analyticsվ :Welcome to the Web Menu Wizard >ӭʹ˵ :Wet weight % >ʪ% :Wh >ֿ :Wh Description >ֿ :Wh Journal >ֿռ :Wh control >ֿ :Wh for Stock Code >ֿ :Wh history for stock code >ֿʷ¼ :Wh security access denied >ѾֿܾⰲȫԷ :Wh to Use for Components of Suggested Jobs >ʹõĽ鹤ֿ :Wh to use >ʹõIJֿ :Wh to use cost only >ʹóɱIJֿ :Wh to use for components >ʹõIJֿ :Wh user def %1 >ֿû %1 :Wh values for stock code >ֵֿ :Wh variance >ֿ :What Year? >? :What are the names of your elements? >Ҫصʲô :What detail lines do you require on your report? >ڱҪʲôϸУ :What facilities do you require for your XML document? >ΪXMLļҪʲôĹܣ :What headings do you require on your report? >ڱҪʲôı⣿ :What is the name of this contract? >ĺͬʲô :What is the name of your XML document? >XMLļʲô :What is the name of your report? >ıʲô :What is the name of your root element? >ĸҪصʲô :What is the title for your report? >ııʲô :What is the title for your table of contents? >Ŀ¼ıʲô :What is the title to be shown in your web favorites list? >Ҫбʾıʲô :What multi-column headings do you require? >ҪʲôĶ⣿ :What report options do you require? >Ҫʲôıѡ :What type of new shortcut do you want to add? >ϣ͵¿ݷʽ :What type of output will you use? >ʹͣ :What type of report do you want? >ϣʹֱͣ :What type of report output do you wish to create? >ϣֱͣ :What would you like to do >ϣʲô :What-if > :What-if Costing >ɱ :What-if Costing Report >ɱ :What-if Costs >ɱ :What-if Material > :What-if Material Cost Maintenance >ϳɱά :What-if Material Costs >ϳɱ :What-if Operation > :What-if Operation Costs >Ӫɱ :What-if Operation Costs for >ɱ :What-if cost >ɱ :What-if cumulative >条件累计 :What-if material cost >ϳɱ :What-if rate > :What-if value >ֵ :What-if-cost >ɱ :When Activity changed for multiple attendees, propagate the selected fields to all attendees >Ϊϯ߸ıʱѡֶδгϯ :When adding/issueing allocations, check the posting threshold against >ӣǩʱֵ :When adding/issuing allocations, check the posting threshold against >ӣǩʱʼޣ :When changing actual quantity to ship, sales order '%1' status is '%2' and should be 4 or 8 >Ҫת˵ʵʱ۶ '%1' Ϊ '%2'ӦΪ48 :When changing actual quantity to ship,'%1' must be 'N' >Ҫת˵ʵʱ '%1' Ϊ'N' :When changing w/h costing method from FIFO >Ƚȳ(FIFO)IJֿɱ㷽ʱ :When changing wh costing method from FIFO >Դ FIFO IJֿɱ㷽ʱ :When clicked >ʱ :When comparing a date to zero, only '%1' and '%2' conditions may apply >Ƚںʱ '%1' '%2' :When defining a Unix spooler type printer the printer code can only consist of the characters A to Z and 0 to 9 >UnixѻʹӡʱӡɰַAZ09 :When loading programs >سʱ :When order quantity changed >Ķʱ :When reporting on C-ISAM data files, selecting this option will result in sequencing being ignored >ʱC-ISAMļʱѡһѡ򱻺 :When reporting on C-ISAM tables (and if report sequencing is required) >C-ISAMҪ󱨱˳򻯣ʱ :When reporting on C-ISAM tables (and if report sequencing is required) then any updates will be ignored.\n\nOften you can extract information to a new file and develop another report to read the extract and update the original >C-ISAMҪ󱨱˳򻯣ʱκθ¾ԡ\n\nͨɽϢѹһļвһݱԶȡѹϢ͸ԭϢ :When selected >ʱѡ :When selecting Wip inspection numbering by job classification the job classification required option is also needed. Do you wish to continue to set both these options on? >ּѡ WIP ʱҲҪּҪѡϣѡ? :When selecting job numbering by job classification the job classification required option is also needed. Do you wish to continue to set both these options on >ҵ˳ѡҵʱҲͬҪҵϢҪѡϣѡΪ :When selecting job numbering by job classification the job classification required option is also needed. Do you wish to continue to set both these options on? >ҵ˳ѡҵʱҲͬҪҵϢҪѡϣѡΪ :When the current costing method is not FIFO then the actual cost bucket cost should be derived from >当当前成本核算方法不是 FIFO 时,那么实际成本桶成本应导入自 :When the user double-clicks on a row in a list view the contents of each cell in a row are returned in this variable. Each cell is separated by a '%1' character >当用户双击列表视图中的行栏时,行栏中每个单元格的内容均以此变量返还。每一个单元格均通过 '%1' 字符分隔 :When the user selects a row in a list view the contents of each cell in the row are returned in this variable. Each cell is separated by a '%1' character >当用户选择列表视图中的行栏时,行栏中每个单元格的内容均以此变量返还。每一个单元格均通过 '%1' 字符分隔 :When you click on Finish you should log in using the ADMIN operator >ʱӦ :When you click on the Finish push button SYSPRO will >ɰťʱSYSPRO :When you delete a role it removes the role information for all companies >ɾְʱ˽Ƴй˾ְϢ :When you have completed adding the buttons to the list click on Insert VBScript Code >бӰťʱ뵥 VBScript :When you have completed adding the nodes to the list click on Insert VBScript Code >бӽڵʱ뵥 VBScript :Whenever A/P Supplier changed >ÿӦʿ(A/P)ʱ :Whenever A/R Customer added >ÿӦʿ(A/R)ͻʱ :Whenever A/R Customer changed >ÿӦʿ(A/R)ͻʱ :Whenever A/R Customer deleted >ÿɾӦʿ(A/R)ͻʱ :Whenever AP Supplier changed >ÿӦʿ(AP)ʱ :Whenever AR Customer added >ÿӦʿ(AR)ͻʱ :Whenever AR Customer changed >ÿӦʿ(AR)ͻʱ :Whenever AR Customer deleted >ÿɾӦʿ(AR)ͻʱ :Whenever Asset capex line p/o req or job raised >ÿʲʱвɹ빺ҵʱ :Whenever Asset capex line po req or job raised >ÿʲʱвɹ빺ҵʱ :Whenever Asset in suspense deleted >ÿɾʲʱ :Whenever Asset in suspense generated >ÿɹʲʱ :Whenever Asset in suspense generated incrementing >ÿɵĹʲۼʱ :Whenever Asset in suspense on hold/un-hold >ÿȡʲʱ :Whenever Capex item added >ÿʱĿʱ :Whenever Capex item deleted >ÿɾʱĿʱ :Whenever Capex line added >ÿʱʱ :Whenever Capex line changed >ÿʱʱ :Whenever Capex line deleted >ÿɾʱʱ :Whenever Capex line linked to p/o requisition or j >ÿʱɹ빺ռʱ :Whenever Capex line linked to po requisition or j >ÿʱɹ빺ռʱ :Whenever Capex line p/o requisition or job raised >ÿʱвɹ(p/o)빺ҵʱ :Whenever Capex line po requisition or job raised >ÿʱвɹ(po)빺ҵʱ :Whenever Capex line unlinked from p/o requisition >ÿʱȡɹ(p/o)빺ʱ :Whenever Capex line unlinked from po requisition >ÿʱȡɹ(po)빺ʱ :Whenever line is placed in back order >ÿбڶʱ :Where > :Where Used >ô :Where Used in Parent Level >ô :Where do you want to publish your documents for viewing? >ϣ﷢ļ鿴 :Where do you want to save your Web menu? >ϣ˵ :Where do you want to save your documents? >ϣļ :Where-Used >ô :Where-Used Items >ôĿ :Where-used Details >;ϸ :Where-used Enquiry >ôѯ :Where-used List >;б :Where-used Query >;ѯ :Where-used Query - Stock Details >;ѯ - ϸ :Where-used Query - Stock Information >;ѯ - Ϣ :Where-used Query for Comp >ôѯ :Where-used Query for Component >ôѯ :Where-used Stock Code Details >;ϸ :Where-used Totals >;ϼ :Where-used for Element >Ҫô :Where-used structure >;ṹ :Where-used tree view >;ͼ :Which company is the menu for? >ò˵ļҹ˾ :Which folders would you like to include in your menu? >ϣIJ˵аЩļУ :Which operator would you like to login as? >ϣһԱݵ¼ :Which visual theme do you wish for your report? >ϣΪıѡһֿӷ :Which visual theme would you like for your menu? >ϣΪIJ˵ѡһֿӷ :White >ɫ :White flag >ɫ :White flag Activity >ɫǻ :Who am I >˭ :Who is the menu for? >ò˵˭ :Whole Order Processing > :Whole order invoicing >Ʊ :Width > :Width as % of page >ҳ% :Width as number of pixels >ΪĿ :Width of column > :Width of one tax information column >һ˰ϢĿ :Width up to %1 Ft > %1 Ӣ :Wildcard entries cannot be used in a range entry >ͨĿڷΧĿ :Wildcards can only be applied on Alphanumeric fields. Column '%1' is not alphanumeric >ֻͨĸֶʹá '%1' ĸֶ :Will be used in Financial Analysis programs to be released in a future version of the software >Ľ汾зеIJʹ :Window > :Window Context > :Window Context Menu >IJ˵ :Window List >б :Window Title >ڱ :Window containing all context menus >ȫIJ˵Ĵ :Windows Authentication >֤ :Windows Authentication where your network login is used to access >ʹ¼зʵ Windows ֤ :Windows NT >Windows NT :Windows NT Authentication >Windows NT֤ :Windows Paper Settings >Windowsֽ :Windows Printing >ڴӡ :Windows Services >Windows :Windows Shutdown >Windowsر :Windows Task Manager > :Windows but SYSPRO is still running >WindowsSYSPRO :Windows network user name >Windows û :Windows version >Windows汾 :Wip Inspection Options >WIP ѡ :Wip Part Billing Material Balance >WIP ƷѲ :Wip information >WIP Ϣ :With SQL Server authentication using a login ID and password entered by the user >ͨʹû¼IDSQL֤ :With Windows NT autentication using the network login ID >ͨʹ¼IDWindows NT֤ :With Windows NT authentication using the network ID >ͨʹIDWindows NT֤ :With a job number range that no longer applies >вҵ뷶Χҵ :With an off date before >֮߱ǰ֮ :With an off-date before >ڵĹر :With inspection >м :With no depreciation YTD >۾YTD :With no depreciation this period >۾ :Withdrawal > :Withdrawal - Reconciled >ȡ - Ѷ :Withdrawal - Unreconciled >ȡ - δ :Withdrawal Amount > :Withdrawal Currency > :Withdrawal bank > :Withdrawal date > :Withdrawal details >ȡϸ :Withdrawal exchange rate > :Withdrawal information >Ϣ :Withdrawal narration > :Withdrawal reference >֤ :Withdrawal type > :Withdrawal value >ֵ :Withdrawals > :Withdrawals and Deposits > :Withdrawals only > :Withdrawals processed >Ѵ :Withholding >۽ :Withholding Tax >˰ :Withholding Tax Code >˰ :Withholding Tax Code Details >˰ϸ :Withholding Tax Code Maintenance >˰ά :Withholding Tax Codes >˰ :Withholding Tax Codes Maintenance >˰ά :Withholding Tax G/L Control Account >˰G/Lʻ :Withholding Tax GL Control Account >˰ GL ˻ :Withholding Tax Report >۽˰ :Withholding code >۴ :Withholding rate >۷ :Withholding rate % >۷ % :Withholding tax amount is greater than net payment >˰ھ :Withholding tax cannot be installed as the Accounts Payable setup option '%1' is set to '%2' >˰ɰװΪӦʿѡ '%1' ѱΪ '%2' :Withholding tax cannot be installed as the Accounts Receivable setup option '%1' is set to '%2' >˰ɰװΪӦʿѡ '%1' ѱΪ '%2' :Withholding tax cannot be installed as the Accounts Payable setup option '%1' is set to '%2' >޷װ˰ΪӦ˿ѡ '%1' Ϊ '%2' :Withholding tax cannot be installed as the Accounts Receivable setup option '%1' is set to '%2' >޷װ˰ΪӦ˿ѡ '%1' Ϊ '%2' :Withholding tax code %1 not on file >˰ %1 :Withholding tax code not on file >˰벻 :Withholding tax code {blank} not on file >˰{հ} :Withholding tax file to be deleted? >Ҫɾ˰ļ :Withholding tax id >˰id :Withholding tax information >˰Ϣ :Withholding tax options >˰ѡ :Withholding tax rate >˰ :Withholding tax required >Ҫ˰ :Withholding value >ۼֵ :WithholdingTax Code >˰ :Witholding tax options >˰ѡ :Without inspection >޼ :Without invoice postings >޷Ʊ :Wizard > :Word %1 >Word %1 :Word Design Mode >ģʽ :Word Format Invoice >Word ʽƱ :Word Printing Processing Options >ִӡѡ :Word document >Word ĵ :Word printing cannot be used with combined stationery >ִӡľһʹ :Word printing cannot be used with combined stationery. Select OK to continue with normal printing, or Cancel to quit the program >ִӡֽһʹáѡȷԼӡѡȡжϳ :Word wrap >ֻ :Work >ҵ :Work - Physical >ҵ - :Work - Postal >ҵ - ʼ :Work Center Additional Information (Internal) >ҵĸϢڲʹã :Work Center Additional Information (Subcontract) >ҵĸϢְʹã :Work Center Capacity > :Work Center Capacity Availability > :Work Center Details >ҵ :Work Center Efficiency >Ч :Work Center Efficiency Report in Progress >ִҵЧʱ :Work Center G/L Integration >ҵG/L :Work Center G/L Integration (Internal) >ҵG/Lɣڲʹã :Work Center G/L Integration (Subcontract) >ҵG/Lɣְʹã :Work Center GL Integration >ҵ (GL) :Work Center GL Integration (Internal) >ҵG/Lɣڲʹã :Work Center GL Integration (Subcontract) >ҵG/Lɣְʹã :Work Center Information >ҵϢ :Work Center List Selection >бѡ :Work Center Load >ļ :Work Center Maintenance >ҵά :Work Center Matrix Details >ҵľ :Work Center Move Matrices >ƶ :Work Center Move Matrix >ҵı䶯 :Work Center Move Matrix Maintenance >ҵı䶯ά :Work Center Quick View >ҵĿٲ鿴 :Work Center Rate Maintenance >ҵķά :Work Center Rate Overflow >ҵķ :Work Center Rates >ҵķ :Work Center Summary >ҵժҪ :Work Center Summary for Job >ҵҵժҪ :Work Center Update >ҵĸ :Work Center Where-used >ʹõĹ :Work Center Where-used Report in Progress >ִҵô :Work Center to update >Ҫµҵ :Work Centers > :Work address >ַ :Work center > :Work center '%1' not found >δҵҵ '%1' :Work center - Employee > - Ա :Work center - Job > - :Work center - Machine > - :Work center - Operation > - :Work center Total >ĺϼ :Work center already entered >ҵ :Work center capacity available for April %1 >对于四月 %1 可用的工作中心能力 :Work center capacity available for August %1 >8 ¿õҵ %1 :Work center capacity available for December %1 >12 ¿õҵ %1 :Work center capacity available for February %1 >2 ¿õҵ %1 :Work center capacity available for January %1 >1¿õҵ %1 :Work center capacity available for March %1 >3 ¿õҵ %1 :Work center capacity available for November %1 >11 ¿õҵ %1 :Work center capacity available for October %1 >10¿õҵ %1 :Work center capacity available for September %1 >9¿õҵ %1 :Work center description >˵ :Work center flag >工作中心标记 :Work center is invalid >ҵЧ :Work center list maintenance >ҵбά :Work center not on file >ҵIJ :Work center rate >ķ :Work center rate indicator >ҵķָ :Work center record locked >ҵļ¼ :Work center selection >ҵѡ :Work center status >״̬ :Work center time u/m >ҵʱλ :Work center time uom >ʱλ :Work centre >ҵ :Work centre description >ҵ :Work days > :Work email >ʼ :Work fax > :Work fax number > :Work folder >ҵļ :Work in Progress >ڽ :Work in Progress (Parent) >ִҵ :Work in Progress - Advanced Planning & Scheduling >ִҵ - ߼滮 :Work in Progress - Job Postings >ִҵ - ҵ :Work in Progress - Projects and Contracts >ִҵ - Ŀͬ :Work in Progress - Setup >ִҵ - :Work in Progress - WIP Inspection >ִҵ - WIP :Work in Progress Control >ڽй :Work in Progress Control CISAM >ִҵCISAM :Work in Progress G/L Control Account >ģG/Lʻ :Work in Progress GL Control Account >ڽй GL ˻ :Work in Progress Jobs >ڽйҵ :Work in Progress Month End >ģ½ :Work in Progress Period End - Balance >ڽй - :Work in Progress Period End - Month end >ڽй - :Work in Progress Period End - Purge >ڽй - :Work in Progress Query >ڽйѯ :Work in Progress Setup >ģ :Work in Progress Variance >ִҵ :Work in Progress at a Glance >ִҵ :Work in Progress control record not found >δҵִпƼ¼ :Work in Progress for Stock Code >ִҵ :Work in Progress function >ִй :Work in Progress inspection required >Ҫִҵ :Work in Progress load levelling required >ҪڲƷغƽ :Work in Progress module not installed >δװִģ :Work in progress allocations >ڲƷ :Work in progress not installed >δװģ :Work lines to print >ҵдӡ :Work phone >绰 :Work phone number >绰 :Work physical address >ʵʵַ :Work postal address >ַ :Work telephone >绰 :Work telephone and Mobile/Cell >绰ֻ/Яʽ绰 :Work telephone number >绰 :Work with events from your Outlook Calendar >߱Outlook¼ҵ :Work-to-list >ҵб :Workcenter sub total >С :Workflow > :Workflow '%1' Version '%2' was stopped successfully >ѳɹֹͣ '%1' 汾 '%2' :Workflow Action Description >̲ :Workflow Action Detail >̲ϸ :Workflow Action Maintenance >̲ά :Workflow Actions >̲ :Workflow Code Generator >̴ :Workflow Database Settings >ݿ :Workflow Defaults >Ĭֵ :Workflow Designer >Ա :Workflow Display >ʾ :Workflow Display Settings >ʾ :Workflow Folder To Import >⵼Ĺļ :Workflow Instances >ʵ :Workflow Library >̿ :Workflow Manager >̾ :Workflow Messages >Ϣ :Workflow Monitor >̼ :Workflow Name > :Workflow Purge > :Workflow Purge Manager > :Workflow Retirement > :Workflow Retrieval >̼ :Workflow Samples > :Workflow Security >̰ȫ :Workflow Service Connection Settings >̷ :Workflow Services >̷ :Workflow Services Control >̷ :Workflow Services Menu >̷˵ :Workflow Services VBScript >̷ VBScript :Workflow State >״̬ :Workflow Successfully Deployed >ѳɹ :Workflow Successfully Retired >̳ɹ :Workflow Task > :Workflow Task/SYSPRO Message >/SYSPRO Ϣ :Workflow Test Host Closed >ѹرչ̲ :Workflow Test Host Opened Successfully >ѳɹ򿪹̲ :Workflow Testing >̲ :Workflow Validation >֤ :Workflow Variables >̱ :Workflow Version >̰汾 :Workflow always by role >ʼհְĹ :Workflow base address >ַ̻ :Workflow by role >ְĹ :Workflow current version >̵ǰ汾 :Workflow database details >ݿ :Workflow deployed >Ѳ :Workflow details >ϸ :Workflow for company >˾ :Workflow in development >ڿĹ :Workflow instance detail report >ʵϸ :Workflow instance report >ʵ :Workflow message >Ϣ :Workflow not deployed (Previous version) >δ (ǰ汾) :Workflow not saved >δ湤 :Workflow source file >Դļ :Workflow type > :WorkflowName '%1' has successfully been created and started >ѳɹʼ '%1' :Workflows > :Workfow version >̰汾 :Working >ҵ :Working Capital Cycle >Ӫʱѭ :Working Capital Cycle Query >Ӫʱѭѯ :Working days >ҵ :Working directory >ҵĿ¼ :Worksheet >ҵ :Workspace >ҵ :Workspace backdrop >ҵĻ :Would you like to disable this contract? >ϣñͬ :Would you like to keep a history of XML documents? >ϣXMLļʷ¼ :Would you like to notify an operator when a transaction occurs? >ϣ׷ʱ֪ͨԱ :Would you like to release the reserved lots now? >ϣб :Would you like to save the XML documents returned by the Business Object? >ϣҵ󷵻XMLļ :Would you like to set up Email folder polling? >ϣõʼļѯ :Would you like to set up folder polling? >ϣļѯ :Would you like to set up response Email messages? >ϣӦʼļϢ :Would you like to skip this allocation? >ϣ÷ :Would you like to translate your XML documents? >ϣXMLļ :Wrap column headings > :Write >д :Write Off >ע :Write off deductions less than >۳С :Write record >写入记录 :Write to log >־¼ :Write to message inbox >дʼռ :Write-Off >ע :Write-Off GL account >(GL)ʻ :Writeoff > :Writer >¼ :Writing DTS structures for OLAP >дOLAPݴϵͳ(DTS)ṹ :Writing cleanup routines >д :Wrong record or key length on '%1' >'%1' еĴ¼볤 :X Axis >X :X-Ref Report > :X-axis represents alpha and date values >Xalphaֵ :X-ship >X-ship :XAML >XAML :XAML Code >XAML :XAML Markup Editor >XAML DZ༭ :XAML Theme >XAML :XML Destination Setup >XML :XML Destination Setup Maintenance >XMLά :XML Document Control >XMLļ :XML Document Information >XMLļϢ :XML Document Purge >XMLļ :XML Document Query >XMLļѯ :XML Element Names >XMLҪ :XML Element description >XMLҪ˵ :XML Element name >XMLҪ :XML Export >XML :XML Failed actioned detail entries created before >֮ǰXMLʧܵġִϸ :XML Failed document name >XMLʧĵ :XML Failed unactioned detail entries created before >֮ǰXMLʧܵġδִϸ :XML File does not exist >XML ļ :XML Format >XMLʽ :XML History Details >XMLʷ¼ϸ :XML History detail entries created before >֮ǰXMLʷ¼ϸ :XML History detail entries dated before >֮ǰXMLʷ¼ϸ :XML History documents created before >֮ǰXMLʷļ :XML Import >XML :XML Import Documents >XML 导入文档 :XML Output >XML :XML Output for List Views >б鿴XML :XML Parsing Message >XML Ϣ :XML Report >XML :XML Table Configuration >XML :XML Transformation >XMLת :XML Wizard >XML :XML detail type >XMLϸĿļ :XML document >XMLļ :XML document description >XML 文档描述 :XML document does not conform to schema. Text '%1' not within an element >XML ĵģʽı '%1' Ԫ֮ :XML document does not conform to schema. Text '%1' not within an element. >XMLĵϸҪı '%1' Ҫڡ :XML document name >XML 文件名 :XML document not created. Purchase order '%1' in use by another user >ѴXMLļɹ '%1' һûʹ :XML document successfully created >ѳɹXMLļ :XML documents delete >XMLļɾ :XML element >XMLҪ :XML element '%1' cannot be negative >XMLҪ '%1' Ϊ :XML element '%1' cannot be spaces >XMLҪ '%1' Ϊո :XML element '%1' cannot be supplied if already processing a '%2' >Ѵ '%2' 򲻿ṩXMLҪ '%1' :XML element '%1' cannot be zero >XMLҪ '%1' Ϊ :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be '%3' >XMLҪ '%1' '%2' ֵӦΪ '%3' :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be A / D / C >XMLҪ '%1' '%2' ֵӦΪA / D / C :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be A / R >XMLҪ '%1' '%2' ֵӦΪA / R :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be A / R / S >XMLҪ '%1' '%2' ֵӦΪA / R / S :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be A / S >XMLҪ '%1' '%2' ֵӦΪA / S :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be A/D/C >XML Ԫ '%1' ֵ߱ '%2'ӦΪ A/D/C :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be A/L/T/C/M >XMLҪ '%1' '%2' ֵӦΪA/L/T/C/M :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be A/R >XML Ԫ '%1' ֵ߱ '%2'ӦΪ A/R :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be A/R/S >XML Ԫ '%1' ֵ߱ '%2'ӦΪ A/R/S :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be A/S >XML Ԫ '%1' ֵ߱ '%2'ӦΪ A/S :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be B / I / E >XMLҪ '%1' '%2' ֵӦΪB / I / E :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be B/I/E >XML Ԫ '%1' ֵ߱ '%2'ӦΪ B/I/E :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be C / 1 / 2 >XMLҪ '%1' '%2' ֵӦΪC / 1 / 2 :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be C / P1 / P2 >XMLҪ '%1' '%2' ֵӦΪC / P1 / P2 :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be C/1/2 >XML Ԫ '%1' ֵ߱ '%2'ӦΪ C/1/2 :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be C/P1/P2 >XML Ԫ '%1' ֵ߱ '%2'ӦΪ C/P1/P2 :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be C/S/B/L/G/P/U >XMLҪ '%1' '%2' ֵӦΪC/S/B/L/G/P/U :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be E / C >XMLҪ '%1' '%2' ֵӦΪE / C :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be E/C >XML Ԫ '%1' ֵ߱ '%2'ӦΪ E/C :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be I / E / F >XMLҪ '%1' '%2' ֵӦΪI / E / F :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be I / E / O >XMLҪ '%1' '%2' ֵӦΪI / E / O :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be I/E/F >XML Ԫ '%1' ֵ߱ '%2'ӦΪ I/E/F :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be I/E/O >XML Ԫ '%1' ֵ߱ '%2'ӦΪ I/E/O :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be L /F >XMLҪ '%1' '%2 'ֵӦΪL /F :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be N / R / S >XMLҪ '%1' '%2' ֵӦΪN / R / S :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be N/R/S >XML Ԫ '%1' ֵ߱ '%2'ӦΪ N/R/S :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be S / A / I / D >XMLҪ '%1' '%2' ֵӦΪS / A / I / D :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be S / D >XMLҪ '%1' '%2' ֵӦΪS / D :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be S / I / D >XMLҪ '%1' '%2' ֵӦΪS / I / D :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be S/A/I/D >XML Ԫ '%1' ֵ߱ '%2'ӦΪ S/A/I/D :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be S/D >XML Ԫ '%1' ֵ߱ '%2'ӦΪ S/D :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be S/I/D >XML Ԫ '%1' ֵ߱ '%2'ӦΪ S/I/D :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be Y / N >XMLҪ '%1' '%2' ֵӦΪY / N :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be Y / N / O >XMLҪ '%1' '%2' ֵӦΪY / N / O :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be Y/N >XML Ԫ '%1' ֵ߱ '%2'ӦΪ Y/N :XML element '%1' has a value of '%2'. It should be Y/N/O >XML Ԫ '%1' ֵ߱ '%2'ӦΪ Y/N/O :XML element '%1' has been defined multiple times >XMLҪ '%1' ѱ˶ :XML element '%1' is not recognized >XMLҪ '%1' δϿ :XML element '%1' is not valid >XMLҪ '%1' Ч :XML element '%1' must be greater than zero >XMLҪ '%1' :XML element '%1' must be numeric >XMLҪ '%1' Ϊ :XML element '%1' occurs more than '%2' times >XMLҪ '%1' '%2' :XML encoding >XML :XML file >XML ļ :XML file directory >XMLļĿ¼ :XML file path >XMLļ· :XML history required >ҪXMLʷ¼ :XML out to use >ҪʹõXML :XML output options >XMLѡ :XML output structure >XMLṹ :XML parsing error '%1' >XML '%1' :XML parsing error '%1' does not match the start tag '%2'' >XML '%1' ƥ俪ʼ '%2'' :XML root element '%1' invalid. Expected root element '%2' >XMLҪ '%1' ЧȴҪ '%2' :XSD element >XSD Ԫ :XSLT translation required >ҪXSL T :Xhosa > :Y - By-product >Y C Ʒ :Y - Inter-warehouse sale >Y - ֿ :Y - Printed >Y - Ѵӡ :Y - non merch lines on order >Y - Ʒ :Y Axis >Y :Y-Axis label >Yǩ :Y-Resolution >Y; :Y-T-D profit % >Y-T-D % :Y-T-D qty issued >ǩ(Y-T-D) :Y-T-D qty sold >۵(Y-T-D) :Y-T-D sales >Y-T-D :Y-T-D standard hours earned >Y-T-DӮõı׼ʱ :Y-axis represents numeric values >Yֵ :YTD >(YTD) :YTD Closing Balance >YTDĩ :YTD GST >YTD GST :YTD Movement >YTD䶯 :YTD Qty issued >ͷŵYTD :YTD Qty sold >۵YTD :YTD Sales value >YTDۼֵ :YTD Std hours earned >Ӯõ(YTD)׼ʱ :YTD Usage value >YTDʵüֵ :YTD Values >YTDֵ :YTD actual productive hours >(YTD)ʵʱ :YTD disbursements >YTD֧ :YTD exempt sales >YTD :YTD extra >YTDӷ :YTD freight >YTD˷ :YTD issued >ͷŵYTD :YTD merchandise >YTDƷ :YTD non productive hours >(YTD)ʱ :YTD other >YTD :YTD purchase history >YTDɹʷ¼ :YTD qst >YTDӪҵ˰(QST) :YTD sold >۵YTD :YTD tax >YTD˰ :YTD taxable sales >YTD˰ :YTD temp disbursement val >YTD ʱֵ֧ :YTD temp freight val >YTD ʱ˷Ѽֵ :YTD temp merchandise val >YTD ʱƷֵ :YTD temp other val >YTD ʱֵ :YTD temporary suppliers tax >YTD ʱӦ˰ :Year > :Year %1 > %1 :Year End > :Year End Cancelled >ȡ :Year End Date Warning >ھ :Year Selection >ѡ :Year Start Dates >ȿʼ :Year alpha >alpha :Year and period selection >Ⱥѡ :Year end and purge >Ƚ :Year end completed successfully >ѳɹ :Year end date > :Year end function cancelled >ȡչ :Year end function complete >չ :Year end has been completed with no errors >գκδ :Year end must be prior to the previous year end entered >һ :Year end only > :Year end options >ѡ :Year end period > :Year in which entry created >Ŀ· :Year in which invoice posted >Ʊ :Year in which journal >Year in which journal :Year in which ledger posting >Year in which ledger posting :Year in which transaction >Year in which transaction :Year must be current year or prior year >ݱΪǰȻǰ :Year no >ݱ :Year of tax return >˰걨 :Year prior >ȣ :Year ptr >ptr :Year return submitted >ύر :Year selected >ѡ :Year service >ȷ :Year start >ȿʼ :Year to date >ۼ :Year to date movement >ۼƱ䶯 :Year to date sales value >ۼۼֵ :Year to date usage value >ۼʹö :Year to date values >ȼֵ :Year to date zero > :Year to print >ӡ :Year variable >年变量 :Year when inv bal became zero >ƱΪ :Year-End Completed > :Year-to-date > :Year-to-date zero >ۼΪ :Year/Month >/· :Year/Period >ȣ :Yearly Budgets >Ԥ :Yellow >ɫ :Yellow flag >ɫ :Yellow flag Activity >ɫǻ :Yes > :Yes - Add a Company Now > - ӹ˾ :Yes - delete this occurence >ǵ - ɾ¼ :Yes response >Ӧ :Yes, No >ǡ :Yes, No, Cancel >ǡȡ :Yes, but costs not updated >ǵģδ³ɱ :Yes, including additions >ǵģ :Yes, with additions >ǵģи :Yesterday > :Yield for MPS > :You have exceeded the maximum number of decimals for this stock code >ѳ˱С :You Have Changed Contact Values >Ѹϵֵ :You Have Changed Your Format >Ѹ˸ʽ :You Have Changed Your Options >Ѹѡ :You Have Changed Your Passwords >Ѹ :You Have Changed Your Preferences >Ѹ˲ο :You Have Changed Your Previous Options >Ѹǰѡ :You SYSPRO operator code is associated with multiple ECC users.\n\nPlease select an ECC user from the user browse which will now be loaded >SYSPROԱ̱(ECC)û\n\nӽصûѡһ̱(ECC)û :You already have draft forecasts. Ok to overwrite? >лƱԤ⡣ȷҪ :You already have draft levels set. Ok to overwrite? >ûƱȷҪ? :You are about to close a window >رմ :You are about to revalue your inventory. Have you made the appropriate checks using the BOM/Inventory cost comparison report? >¹ۿ档ʹBOMɱȽϱйǡļ :You are about to update all associated Work Centers with the current data. Do you want to continue? >ݸصҵġϣ? :You are allowed a maximum of 100 G/L distribution entries >您允许最多 100 G/L 分配条目 :You are already designing another flow graph >您已设计一个流程图 :You are altering is an excluded sales transaction. If you choose to continue, the sales transaction will no longer be excluded. Do you wish to continue? >ڸųĽĿѡų۽ϣ? :You are currently licensed for >ĿǰѱΪZZZZZZ :You are currently licensed for %1 concurrent (Contact Management Only) users >ǰɵ %1 ͬʱ (ϵ˹) û :You are currently licensed for %1 concurrent users >ǰɵ %1 ͬʱû :You are currently modifying another operator's menu. Would you like to save your changes before exiting? >Ŀǰ޸һԱIJ˵ϣ˳ǰ :You are issuing a Co-Product which exists for this job. Do you want to continue? >ǩҵڵĹͬƷϣ :You are not allowed access to this application >ɷʴӦó :You are not allowed to access the Contact Management Module until you have run the Contact Management setup >ֻϵ˹úϵ˹ģ :You are not allowed to change your own password >ɸԼ :You are not allowed to change your own password.\n\nFunction cancelled >ȨԼ롣\n\nȡ :You are not allowed to insert lines into this order >˶ :You are not allowed to print or reprint quote documents. Function abandoned >您不可打印或重新打印报价文档。功能已取消 :You are not allowed to print or reprint sales order documents. Function abandoned >ɴӡ´ӡ۶ĵѽֹ :You are not allowed to process a physical transaction for a traceable item >Ȩ׷ٻƷʵサ :You are not allowed to process a physical transaction for an ECC item >ȨECCƷʵサ :You are not allowed to transfer a traceable item if multiple bins is installed, unless you transfer immediately >װ˶⣬תƿɸĿת :You are not authorized to post journals >Ȩռ :You are not authorized to post recurring journals >Ȩռ :You are not licensed to use the SYSPRO Advanced Scheduler >ȨʹSYSPRO߼ȳ :You are not licensed to use the SYSPRO Finite Scheduler >ȨʹSYSPRO޵ȳ :You are not licensed to use the SYSPRO Graphical Planning Board >ȨʹSYSPROͼι滮 :You are not logged in as ADMIN and may not run this function >ԹԱݵ¼˲д˹ :You are now designing a menu for >Ʋ˵ :You are now designing layouts for role >ְ𲼾 :You are now designing layouts system-wide >您现在正在设计泛系统布局 :You are now modifying the menu structure for >޸IJ˵ṹΪ :You are now ready to run SYSPRO 6.0 >SYSPRO 6.0׼ :You are required to allocate the entire quantity. Exiting now will cause the allocations you have entered to be cancelled >Ҫȫ˳ķ䱻ȡ :You are the only operator logged into this company. Function cancelled >ǵ¼ù˾ΨһԱȡ :You are trying to process a scraped item. Do you wish to continue? >ԴĿϣ :You are trying to process a scrapped item. Do you wish to continue? >ڳԴĿϣ? :You are using shared Ledger Companies >ʹù˹˾ :You can also drag files from Windows Explorer onto the Task Panel >您也可从 Windows Explorer 向任务面板拖放文件 :You can always reset the toolbar at a later stage to get the latest ribbon bar >ʼտɸλԻȡµɫ :You can change any options later on if you wish >Ը⣬κѡ :You can change the Login and Password for this, or any other >ʹSYSPRO˵еIJԱά :You can copy an existing company's settings or choose >ɸй˾ûѡ :You can define list price based contracts for a foreign customer but these will be ignored unless the list price is in the correct currency >Ϊͻȷڼ۸񵥵ĺͬǣǼ۸񵥲ȷĻңЩͬ :You can elect to have some companies using SQL Server whilst >ѡijЩ˾ʹSQL :You can enter them now or notify a buyer that they are required >ǣҲ֪ͨ򷽣˵Ҫ :You can not exit from this window until the undistributed Sales Order value equals zero >ֻδ۶ֵʱɴӱ˳ :You can not select both Suppress Customer's Format and Customer Statement All selection. Please reconsider >ɼѡѹͻʽѡȫͻѡ¿ :You can only add a user-defined file definition using this program. All user-defined files must begin with 'U'. (Use 'UI' for a user-defined indexed file)\n\nTo define a standard SYSPRO file use the Data dictionary import program >ֻʹñûļ塣ȫûļ'U'ͷʹ'UI'Ϊûļ\n\nҪ׼SYSPROļʹֵ䵼 :You can only add a user-defined table definition using this program >ֻʹñû :You can only create shortcuts on your desktop for programs >ֻΪ򴴽ݷʽ :You can only create/post '%1' journals in the current period >ɴ/ '%1' ǰеռ :You can only drag individual programs from the main menu onto the Task Panel >您仅可从主菜单向任务面板拖放个别程序 :You can only drag or copy programs, and not folders, onto the favorites menu >ֻɽϷŻƵ˲˵ļ :You can only drag or copy programs, and not folders, onto the task list >ֻɽϷŻƵбļ :You can only have a maximum of %1 roles associated with an operator >ɾ߱ %1 Աְ :You can only have a maximum of 5 roles associated with an operator >ӵ5Աְ :You can only post/post '%1' journals to the current period >ɹ '%1' ռõǰ :You can only reverse a quantity that is currently in inspection. If it has already been accepted into stock then one must post a normal negative receipt through inventory movements >ֻɷתĿǰڼеѽ⣬ôͨ䶯ʳ渺ջ :You can only reverse a quantity that is currently in inspection. If it has already been accepted into stock, then you must post a negative receipt, using Inventory Movements program >ֻɵתĿǰڼеѽ⣬ôʹÿ䶯Գվ :You can only run this program from a company using SQL.\n\nProgram cancelled >ֻʹSQLӹ˾иó\n\nȡ :You can only select one line to receipt at a time >һνѡһջ :You can only test opening up to 200 index files simultaneously. This is 400 system files >һֻܲ200ļĴ򿪡400ϵͳļ :You can only test opening up to 250 index files simultaneously. This is 500 system files >һֻܲԴ250ļ500ϵͳļ :You can only use this function on an '%1' entry type >ʹ '%1'еĴ˹ :You can only use this function on an 'amount' entry type >ʹáеĴ˹ :You can only use thius function on an '%1' entry type >ʹ '%1'еĴ˹ :You can only zoom on program detail lines >ֻųϸ :You can select Continue >ѡ񡰼ӡ̽У :You can use this wizard to create the database or, alternatively, >ʹñ򵼴ݿ⣬ߣ :You cannot Partial Allocate more than the Total Quantity to be Allocated >ɲַ :You cannot add a capex item >ʱ֧Ŀ :You cannot add a notional job as a sub job >ӸΪӹ :You cannot add a notional part as a component >ӸΪ :You cannot add any type of stock comment unless the line preceding the current one is a stocked line >ǵǰеǰһǿУκ͵Ŀע :You cannot add any type of stock comment unless the line preceeding the current one is a stocked line >ǵǰеǰһǿУκ͵Ŀע :You cannot add lines until the customer has been saved >ֻͻ :You cannot adjust an already reconciled transaction >ɵѶʵĽ :You cannot allocate a partial amount. Clear the grid or allocate the full amount before posting >ɷ䲿ֽڷǰȫ :You cannot allocate more that the full quantity to allocate >ɷȫ :You cannot apply more than the original deposit amount >ӦñԭʼߵĽ :You cannot approve capex line that exceeds capex item budget >ʱԤʱ :You cannot approve capex requisition line that exceeds capex item budget >ʱ֧Ԥʱ֧빺 :You cannot browse on User variables whilst maintaining a User variable >άûڼû :You cannot cancel a comment line >ȡ :You cannot cancel a line for an hierarchical order that is ready for invoicing >ȡڳ߷Ʊ״̬IJζ :You cannot cancel a line if the order has been partially invoiced >Ѳֳ߷Ʊȡ :You cannot cancel an allocation linked to a sub-job. This must be detached from the master >ȡҵӵķ䡣ҵϷֿ :You cannot cancel an allocation linked to a sub-job. This must be detached from the master. >ȡҵӵķ䡣ҵϷֿ :You cannot cancel an hierarchical order that is ready for invoicing >ȡڳ߷Ʊ״̬IJζ :You cannot cancel an order where some lines have already been invoiced. The status must be set to complete >ȡеijЩѱ߷ƱĶ״̬Ϊ :You cannot cancel an order with quantities which have been dispatched but not invoiced >޷ȡ߱ѷδ߷ƱĶ :You cannot cancel or update completed allocations >ȡɵķ :You cannot change FIFO and Multiple Bins in the same session. Please change only one option at a time >ͬһỰиȽȳ(FIFO)Ͷ⡣һֻһѡ :You cannot change a capex item >ɸʱ֧Ŀ :You cannot change an already reconciled transaction >ɸѶʵĽ :You cannot change an asset in suspense >ɸĹʲ :You cannot change contracts while sales orders, deposits, schedules or retentions exist >۶𡢼ƻڼĺͬ :You cannot change the goods in transit option and switch on actual costing in the same session. Please change only one option at a time >ɸ;ѡͬһԻдʵʳɱ㡣һνһѡ :You cannot change the journal type >ɸռ :You cannot change the merchandise value when more than 1 line is selected >ѡһʱɸƷֵ :You cannot change the reserved quantity to be less than the quantity already processed '%1' for reserved lot '%2' >ɽΪСΪ '%2' '%1' :You cannot change the reserved quantity to be less than the quantity already processed '%1' for reserved serial '%2' >ɽΪСΪϵ '%2' '%1' :You cannot change the schedule for billing method %1. You will need to delete and recreate a new schedule >ɸļƷѷ %1 ʱҪɾ´ʱ :You cannot change to the nationality code entered as your tax settings are configured for another nationality. You can change these within Tax Setup program >ɸĹ룬Ϊ˰Ϊһֹõġ˰óڶЩĿи :You cannot change your current financial year >ɸĵǰ :You cannot change your current financial year or month as you are in view only mode >ɸĵǰȻ·ݣΪֻ鿴ģʽ :You cannot change your current ledger year >ɸĵǰ :You cannot change your current month >ɸĵǰ· :You cannot change your current month or year, as you are in view only mode >ɸĵǰ·ݻȣΪֻ鿴ģʽ :You cannot change your current period >޷ĵǰ :You cannot complete an order with quantities which have been dispatched but not invoiced >ɾ߱ѷδ߷ƱĶ :You cannot continue as at least one mandatory item has not been selected. Do you wish to select these now? >ɼִУΪһǿĿѱѡ:ϣѡЩĿ :You cannot convert a SYSPRO %1 Issue %2 SP1 format company to SYSPRO %3. You must first convert your company to SYSPRO %4 Issue %5 SP2 format first >ɽ SYSPRO %1 ǩ %2 SP1 ʽ˾תΪ SYSPRO %3Ƚ˾תΪ SYSPRO %4 ǩ %5 SP2 ʽ :You cannot convert a SYSPRO %1 Issue %2 format company to SYSPRO %3. You must first convert your company to SYSPRO %4 Issue %5 SP2 format first >ɽ SYSPRO %1 ǩ %2 ʽ˾תΪ SYSPRO %3Ƚ˾תΪ SYSPRO %4 ǩ %5 SP2 ʽ :You cannot copy from a co-product which attached to a notional part >ɴӵĹͬƷ :You cannot copy from a co-product which is attached to a notional part >ɴӵĹͬƷ :You cannot copy from current company >ɴӵǰ˾ :You cannot copy from or to the top level collection >ɴӻ߼𼯺ϸ :You cannot copy stock codes to the same warehouse. Please enter a different warehouse >ɽ븴ƵͬIJֿ⡣벻ͬIJֿ :You cannot copy to the same account number(s) >ɸƵͬʺ :You cannot create a bill of material for this configuration >Ϊôϵ :You cannot create a job as no parent information exists for the notional part >ɴҵΪڸøκϢ :You cannot create a job as the multi-grade co-product structure does not have a principle co-product >ɴҵΪȼͬƷṹ߱ҪͬƷ :You cannot create a job as there are no co-products attached to the notional part >ɴҵΪûӵøκιͬƷ :You cannot create a job for a stocked kit type '%1' or '%2' item >Ϊ׼ '%1' '%2' Ŀҵ :You cannot create a job for a stocked kit type 'K' or 'S' item >Ϊ湤߰'K''S'Ŀҵ :You cannot create a job for this configuration >Ϊôҵ :You cannot create a multimedia record for the operation as someone else is adding an operation for this job >Ϊý¼ΪΪҵӲ :You cannot create a non-stocked parent for sales orders as configuration '%1' is not linked to Work in Progress or Estimating > '%1' δִҵۣΪ۶ǿ :You cannot create a parent for a notional or co-product part >ɴ򸱲Ʒ :You cannot create a phantom part unless running from Bill of Materials or Estimates >ǴӲϵУɴ :You cannot create a planning bill part unless running from Bill of Materials >ǴӲϵУɴƻʵ :You cannot create a quote for a stocked kit type item >Ϊ湤߰Ŀ :You cannot create an estimate for this configuration >Ϊô :You cannot de-select both stocked and non-stocked items >ȡѡͷǿƷ :You cannot define Lookup tables for numeric fields >ɶֶβ鿴 :You cannot delete euro currency when triangulation is required >ҪνṹʱɾŷԪ :You cannot delete the EURO currency >ɾŷԪ :You cannot delete the configuration file which you are currently editing >޷ɾǰڱ༭ļ :You cannot delete the first row in a condition. \nUse \"Clear Condition\" to reset the condition >某条件下,您不可删除第一个行栏。\n使用 \"Clear Condition\" (清除条件) 复位该条件 :You cannot delete the list price code >您不可删除列表价格代码 :You cannot delete the local currency >ɾػ :You cannot delete this analysis category as it has codes defined against it >ھ߱Ĵ룬ɾ÷ :You cannot delete this status code as there are one or more ECO's in progress >ɾ״̬룬ΪִһECO :You cannot delete your current group >ɾǰ :You cannot delete your current operator >ɾǰԱ :You cannot delete your default rate >ɾĬϷ :You cannot deliver before today >ڽ֮ǰ :You cannot deselect both existing and suggested jobs >ȡѡеĺͽҵ :You cannot deselect components of a phantom individually >ɾIJ :You cannot deselect this item as it is mandatory >ɷѡĿΪǿԵ :You cannot do a partial match when more than 1 line is selected >ѡһʱִвƥ :You cannot edit bins if you have changed the quantity to ship >ѸҪװ򲻿ɱ༭ :You cannot edit serials or lots if you have changed the quantity to ship >ѸҪװ򲻿ɱ༭ϵ :You cannot edit the check format as it is being updated by another user >ɱ༭֧ƱʽΪһûִи :You cannot edit the label format as it is being updated by another user >ɱ༭ǩʽΪһûִи :You cannot edit the permanent entries format as it is being updated by another user >ɱ༭̶ʽΪһûִи :You cannot edit the statement format as it is being updated by another user >ɱ༭ʽΪһûִи :You cannot enable structure maintenance for this ECO as structure maintenance has already been enabled for one or more of the affected items under different ECOs >ΪECOýṹάΪṹάɲͬECOµһӰĿ :You cannot enter Email trigger events if Fax/mail integration is not required >Ҫ棯ʼɣ򲻿ʼ¼ :You cannot enter a manual check, because this invoice is on hold >ֹ֧ƱΪƱѱ :You cannot enter a minimum order quantity that is greater than the total contract quantity >ܺͬС :You cannot enter a negative quantity >븺 :You cannot enter a negative quantity for this type of transaction >Ϊ븺 :You cannot enter a negative quantity which exceeds the quantity received to date >볬½ĸ :You cannot enter a negative quantity which exceeds the ship quantity on the sales order. Please re-enter the receipt quantity >볬۶װĸջ :You cannot enter a non-stocked code when you have selected to use stocked codes >ѡʹÿʱ򲻿ǿ :You cannot enter a positive quantity > :You cannot enter a stocked code when you have selected to use non-stocked codes >ѡʹ÷ǿʱ򲻿 :You cannot enter a zero ship and back order quantity >װ˺ڽ :You cannot enter an order quantity that causes the total Blanket P/o contract quantity to be exceeded >ɵ³һӲɹͬĶ :You cannot enter an order quantity that is less than the quantity already received into stock >СѽĶ :You cannot enter any decimals for a serialized item >ΪϵлĿκС :You cannot enter more than the quantity oustanding >ڴ :You cannot enter zero ship and back order quantities >您不可输入零装运和延期交货订单数量 :You cannot exceed capex budget >ɳʱ֧Ԥ :You cannot exclude co-product line '%1' from the job >ɴӸҵųͬƷ '%1' :You cannot exit from this window until the undistributed Sales Order value equals zero >ֻδ۶ֵ˳ :You cannot exit from this window until the undistributed non-merchandise value equals zero >ֻδƷֵ˳ô :You cannot have Alphanumeric GRN numbers if you have automatic GRN numbering >ӵԶջ(GRN)ţôӵĸջ(GRN) :You cannot have Alphanumeric GRN numbers if you have automatic GRN numbering or numbering by warehouse >ԶGRNŻ򰴲ֿ˳ţôӵĸGRN :You cannot have Alphanumeric Goods in Transit reference numbering if you have automatic numbering by company or warehouse >ӵа˾ֿ˳Զţôӵĸ;ο :You cannot have Alphanumeric RMA numbers if you have automatic RMA numbering >ӵԶRMAţôӵĸRMA :You cannot have Alphanumeric WIP inspection references if you have automatic WIP inspection reference numbering >ӵԶWIPοţôӵĸWIPο :You cannot have Alphanumeric asset numbers if you have automatic asset numbering >߱Զʲţɾ߱ĸʲ :You cannot have Alphanumeric capex numbers if you have automatic capex numbering >߱Զʱñţɾ߱ĸʱú :You cannot have Alphanumeric customer numbers if you have automatic customer numbering >ӵԶţӵĸֿͻ :You cannot have Alphanumeric dispatch notes if you have automatic dispatch note numbering >ӵԶţôӵĸַ :You cannot have Alphanumeric estimate numbers if you have automatic estimate numbering >ӵԶ۱ţôӵĸֹۺ :You cannot have Alphanumeric jobs if you have automatic job numbering >ӵԶҵţôӵĸҵ :You cannot have Alphanumeric lots if you have automatic lot numbering >ӵԶαţôӵĸ :You cannot have Alphanumeric purchase orders if you have automatic purchase order numbering >ӵԶɹţôӵĸֲɹ :You cannot have Alphanumeric purchase orders if you have purchase order numbering by company or by warehouse >ӵа˾ֿ˳IJɹţôӵĸֲɹ :You cannot have Alphanumeric quotation numbers if you have automatic quotation numbering >ӵԶ۱ţӵĸֱۺ :You cannot have Alphanumeric requisitions if you have automatic requisition numbering >ӵԶţôӵĸ :You cannot have Alphanumeric sales orders if you have automatic sales order numbering >ӵԶ۶ţôӵĸ۶ :You cannot have Alphanumeric stock codes if you have automatic stock code numbering >߱Զţɾ߱ĸֿ :You cannot have Alphanumeric supplier numbers if you have automatic supplier numbering >ӵԶӦ̱ţӵĸֹӦ̺ :You cannot have Numeric purchase orders if you have purchase order numbering by warehouse with prefix >ӵа߱ǰ׺IJֿеIJɹţӵֲɹ :You cannot have a 'Start date' without an 'End date' >û 'End date' () £ɾ߱ 'Start date' (ʼ) :You cannot have a duplicate report index >ӵظ :You cannot have alphanumeric Payment runs if you have automatic payment run numbering >ӵԶбţ򲻿ӵĸָ :You cannot have an 'End date' without a 'Start date' >û 'Start date' (ʼ) £ɾ߱ 'End date' () :You cannot have automatic lot numbering. Lots are set to alphanumeric >ӵԶαšѱΪĸ :You cannot have automatic lot numbering. The setup option to reserve lots for a parent stock code is selected >ӵԶαšѡΪ뱣εѡ :You cannot have numeric Goods in Transit reference numbers if you have prefixed prefix by warehouse numbering >ӵаֿ˳Ĵǰ׺ǰ׺ôӵ;ο :You cannot import jobs if your Job Numbering Method is set to Scripted >ĹŷΪűɵ빤 :You cannot insert a row above the first line of the condition >ĵһ֮ϲ :You cannot insert any line before comments attached to a previous line >ע⸽ӵǰһ֮ǰɲκ :You cannot insert any line between a promotion line and the line to which it is attached >ڴ֮κ :You cannot insert any line between a service charge and the line to which it is attached >ڷշӵ֮κ :You cannot insert line '%1' above a kit component >ڹ֮߰ϲ '%1' :You cannot insert lines for this order >Ϊö :You cannot insert lines for this order. Comments not updated >Ϊ˶Сδע :You cannot install the e.net Web-based Applications using a '%1' license number. Please contact your SYSPRO representative for a license >ʹ '%1' ɺ밲װe.netWebӦóSYSPROԱϵȡ :You cannot issue a notional part >ǩ :You cannot link a contract with schedules/deposits/retentions to a stocked job >Ӿ߱ʱĺͬҵ :You cannot lock yourself out of SYSPRO.\n\nFunction cancelled >ɽԼSYSPRO֮⡣\n\nȡ :You cannot maintain a cancelled/posted or on hold journal >άȡʻռ :You cannot maintain a journal line in add mode >ģʽάռ :You cannot maintain quote '%1' from here as it is a hierarchical quote >DzαۣɴӴ˴ά '%1' :You cannot maintain the selected dependent as it is invalid. Do you wish to delete it? >άѡĶԣΪЧġϣɾ :You cannot maintain years prior to the current year >άڵǰݵ :You cannot maintain/cancel an operation as the job header is locked >άɾҵΪҵͷѱ :You cannot part bill this schedule as the previous sales order has not yet been invoiced >ɶԴճ̱вּƷѣΪδΪǰһ۶߷Ʊ :You cannot place this invoice on hold, because a manual check has been entered >ɽƱڱΪֹ֧Ʊ :You cannot place this invoice on hold, because a manual check has been entered I >ֶ֧Ʊɽ÷Ʊڱ״̬ :You cannot post a future journal >ɹδռ :You cannot post more than %1 year ahead of your current >ɷǰݵĶ %1 :You cannot post more than %1 year prior to your current G/L year >ɹʵǰ(G/L)֮ǰ%1 ϵ :You cannot post more than %1 year prior to your current GL year >ɹʵǰ(GL)֮ǰ%1 ϵ :You cannot post more than 1 year ahead of your current >ɱȵǰǰһȹ :You cannot post more than 1 year prior to your current >ɱȵǰǰһ :You cannot post more than 1 year prior to your current G/L year >ɱȵǰǰһϹ :You cannot post more than 1 year prior to your current GL year >ɱȵǰǰһϹ :You cannot post more then %1 year ahead of your current G/L year >ɷǰ G/L ݵĶ %1 :You cannot post more then %1 year ahead of your current GL year >ɷǰ GL ݵĶ %1 :You cannot post more then 1 year ahead of your current G/L year >ɱȵǰǰһϹ :You cannot post more then 1 year ahead of your current GL year >ɱȵǰǰһϹ :You cannot post to a future period >ijδڹ :You cannot post to a prior month because your inventory opening balances are not being retained >ǰ·ݹʣΪĿڳδ :You cannot post to your current company >ɹĵǰ˾ :You cannot print an invoice where there is an outstanding deposit. Please use the Take Payment function >ɴӡδɴķƱʹȡ :You cannot refund more than the original deposit amount >ɳԭߵĽ :You cannot remove Costing by Warehouse and change Multiple Bins in the same session. Please change only one option at a time >ͬһỰɾֿɱ͸Ķ⡣һֻһѡ :You cannot remove the menu item. At least one menu must be shown >ɾ˲˵Ŀʾһ˵ :You cannot reposition a field that belongs to a group that originated from a different form >¶λʼڲֶͬ :You cannot reserve lots and serials for an allocation linked to a sub-job >Ϊҵķ䱣κϵ :You cannot reserve lots and serials for an allocation linked to a sub-job. >Ϊҵķ䱣κϵ :You cannot retain summary sales transactions for fewer months than detail transactions >Ϊϸ׵·ݱ۽ :You cannot reverse a quantity exceeding the quantity remaining in inspection >ɱʣ :You cannot reverse more than has already been issued to this allocation >򱾷תǩĸĿ :You cannot reverse the order quantity sign. Cancel and re-enter the line if required >ɱǡ밴Ҫȡ :You cannot run the product configurator as there is a copy of configurator files from SQL to C-ISAM in progress >You cannot run the product configurator as there is a copy of configurator files from SQL to C-ISAM in progress :You cannot run this program to archive/restore lots until the archiving process has been finalized >鵵̽д˳Թ鵵/ָ :You cannot select both 'Suppress Customer's Format' and 'Customer Statement All' selection. Please reconsider >ɼѡѹͻʽѡȫͻѡ¿ :You cannot select the same year for both budget columns >Ϊѡͬ :You cannot set the co-product to be incomplete when you have used reserved lots or serials for the co-product >ʹøùͬƷıλϵʱ򲻿ɽͬƷΪδ :You cannot set the job to be incomplete when you have used reserved lots or serials for the job >ʹøҵıλϵʱ򲻿ɽҵΪδ :You cannot set/unset the Reporting Services module using this listview. You must use the '%1' function >ôб鿴ãȡñģ顣ʹ '%1' :You cannot set/unset the Reporting Services module using this listview. You must use the 'Import License...' function >øб鿴ãñģ:ʹ"֤..." :You cannot skip selection line '%1' as it is mandatory >ǿԵģѡ '%1' :You cannot substitute a component with a co-product >ùͬƷ滻 :You cannot substitute a component with a co-product for this job >ôҵĹͬƷ滻 :You cannot switch on Actual costing and Multiple bins in the same session. Please change only one option at a time >ͬһԻдʵʳɱͶ⡣һνһѡ :You cannot switch on actual costing by batch serials as one or more stock codes are set to record serials during order entry >ΪһΪڶ¼ڼ¼ϵУɴ򿪰εʵʳɱ :You cannot switch on reserving lots for parent parts when lot traceability is automatic >οɸԶʱΪ :You cannot switch on reserving lots for parent parts when lot traceability numbering is automatic >οɸԺԶʱ򲻿Ϊ :You cannot terminate this process as it is a system process.\n\nFunction cancelled >ֹ̣Ϊһϵͳ̡\n\nȡ :You cannot terminate this process as it is not a SYSPRO process.\n\nFunction cancelled >ֹ̣ΪһSYSPRO̡\n\nȡ :You cannot terminate this process as it is your current SYSPRO process.\n\nFunction cancelled >ֹ̣ΪĵǰSYSPRO̡\n\nȡ :You cannot terminate this process.\n\nFunction cancelled >ֹ˽̡\n\nܱȡ :You cannot unapply more than the deposit amount applied >ɷӦøӦôĽ :You cannot update columns when sorting an ISAM table. The report will continue but no updates will be performed > ISAM ʱ˱潫ִκθ :You cannot use Word printing with combined checks and remittances >ɶԺϲ֧ƱͻʹWordӡ :You cannot use \"Cost\" as a basis for discount when your inventory costing method is LIFO or FIFO >Ĵɱ㷽Ϊ LIFO FIFO ʱʹ \"Cost\" (ɱ) Ϊۿ۵Ļ :You cannot use this program to browse on a temporary index file or a Sequential file.\n\nFunction cancelled >ʹñʱļ˳ļ\n\nȡ :You care currently editing a flow graph for a role. You must exit designing the flow graph before exiting SYSPRO >您目前关心编辑职责的流程图。您必须在退出 SYSPRO 之前退出设计流程图 :You cume amount may not be less than previous cume amount. Please re-enter again >ۼƽСһۼƽ :You currently have company based tasks defined. Do you want to copy your current company's tasks as the system tasks? >ǰӵѶĻڹ˾ϣĵǰ˾Ϊϵͳ :You currently have system-wide tasks defined. Do you want to copy them to all your companies? >ǰӵѶϵͳϣǸƵȫ˾ :You do not have a password defined against this operator. Access is denied to the transaction >ûжԴ˲Ա롣ѾܾԴ˽׵ķ :You do not have access to us alternate lots. Please select a lot that is reserved for the job >Ȩʲʹ滻ΡѡΪҵ :You do not have access to us alternate lots. Please select a lot that is reserved for the job. >Ȩʲʹ滻ΡѡΪҵ :You do not have access to use alternate serials. Please select a serial that is reserved for the job >Ȩʲʹ滻ϵСѡΪҵϵ :You do not have access to use alternate serials. Please select a serial that is reserved for the job. >Ȩʲʹ滻ϵСѡΪҵϵ :You do not have an alternate password defined against this operator. Access is denied to the transaction >ûжԴ˲Ա滻롣ѾܾԴ˽׵ķ :You do not have authority for the initial ECO status >߱ʼ̱(ECO)״̬Ȩ :You do not have authority to perform this function >Ȩִб :You do not have permission to print the journal report >Ȩӡռʱ :You do not have persmissions to add a new non-stocked code >Ȩµķǿ :You have AP Payments distribution that have not been printed - Conversion Cancelled >߱δӡ AP - תȡ :You have AR Invoice registers that have not been printed - You may not proceed with the conversion >߱δӡ AR ƱǼDz - üִдת :You have Inventory journals that have not been printed - Conversion Cancelled >߱δӡĴռ - תȡ :You have a scrap quantity for the notional part but have not scrapped any co-products >ӵиıδκ :You have a zero value AP check number >ֵ߱ AP ֧Ʊ :You have accumulated all credit invoice balances to increase undistributed amount >您已累计所有贷项发票余额以增加未分配金额 :You have added atleast one supplier against the selected manufacturer part number. If you delete this record, the supplier(s) will also be deleted. Do you want to continue? >ѡһҹӦ̡ɾ˼¼ҲһɾӦ̡ϣ :You have added columns to the designer. Do you wish to exit and discard your changes? >ϣ˳ĸ? :You have allocated all the required reserved lots and serials for the co-product. Do you wish to continue? >ΪͬƷбҪıκϵСϣ :You have allocated all the required reserved lots and serials for the parent part. Do you wish to continue? >ΪбҪıκϵСϣ :You have allocated all the required reserved lots and serials for this material allocation. Do you wish to continue? >ΪϷбҪıκϵСϣ :You have allocated all the required reserved lots for the co-product. Do you wish to continue? >ΪͬƷбҪıΡϣ :You have allocated all the required reserved lots for the parent part. Do you wish to continue? >ΪбҪıΡϣ :You have allocated all the required reserved lots for this material allocation. Do you wish to continue? >ΪϷбҪıΡϣ :You have allocated all the required reserved serials for the co-product. Do you wish to continue? >ΪͬƷбҪıϵСϣ :You have allocated all the required reserved serials for the parent part. Do you wish to continue? >ΪбҪıϵСϣ :You have allocated all the required reserved serials for this material allocation. Do you wish to continue? >ΪϷбҪıϵСϣ :You have allocated all the reserved lots and serials that need to be released for the co-product. Do you wish to continue? >ΪͬƷҪǩıκϵСϣ :You have allocated all the reserved lots and serials that need to be released for the parent part. Do you wish to continue? >ΪҪеıκϵСϣ :You have allocated all the reserved lots and serials that need to be released for this allocation. Do you wish to continue? >ΪҪеıκϵСϣ :You have allocated all the reserved lots and serials that need to be reworked for the co-product. Do you wish to accept these entries? >ΪͬƷҪıκϵСϣЩ :You have allocated all the reserved lots and serials that need to be reworked for the parent part. Do you wish to accept these entries? >ΪҪıκϵСϣЩ :You have allocated all the reserved lots and serials that need to be scrapped for the co-product. Do you wish to accept these entries? >ΪͬƷҪϵıκϵСϣЩ :You have allocated all the reserved lots and serials that need to be scrapped for the parent part. Do you wish to accept these entries? >ΪҪϵıκϵСϣЩ :You have allocated all the reserved lots that need to be released for the co-product. Do you wish to continue? >ΪͬƷҪǩıΡϣ :You have allocated all the reserved lots that need to be released for the parent part. Do you wish to continue? >ΪҪеıΡϣ :You have allocated all the reserved lots that need to be released for this allocation. Do you wish to continue? >ΪҪеıΡϣ :You have allocated all the reserved serials that need to be released for the co-product. Do you wish to continue? >ΪͬƷҪǩıϵСϣ :You have allocated all the reserved serials that need to be released for the parent part. Do you wish to continue? >ΪҪеıϵСϣ :You have allocated all the reserved serials that need to be released for this allocation. Do you wish to continue? >ΪҪеıϵСϣ :You have allocated all the reserved serials that need to be reworked for the co-product. Do you wish to accept these entries? >ΪͬƷҪıϵСϣЩ :You have allocated all the reserved serials that need to be reworked for the parent part. Do you wish to accept these entries? >ΪҪıϵСϣЩ :You have allocated all the reserved serials that need to be scrapped for the co-product. Do you wish to accept these entries? >ΪͬƷҪϵıϵСϣЩ :You have allocated all the reserved serials that need to be scrapped for the parent part. Do you wish to accept these entries? >ΪҪϵıϵСϣЩ :You have allocated all the scrapped serials that need to be reserved again for the co-product. Do you wish to accept these entries? >ΪͬƷ·ҪıϵСϣЩ? :You have allocated all the scrapped serials that need to be reserved again for the parent part. Do you wish to accept these entries? >Ϊ·ҪıϵСϣЩ? :You have allowed access to all programs. You must deny access to at least one program. Later you can set this group as a '%1' to allow access to all programs >ѱгһɽ '%1' Էг :You have allowed access to all programs. You must deny access to at least one program. Later you can set this group as a 'System administrator' to allow access to all programs >ѱȫһɽΪϵͳԱԷȫ :You have already rejected amounts on this GRN. Do you wish to deplete the rejected amounts first >ѾܾGRNϣþս :You have already used this description. Please enter a unique description >ʹôе :You have apportioned more licenses than you are licensed to use for one or more functional area >ѷһȨʹõ֤֤ :You have asked to requalify all promotions for each order line. This may take some time. Do you wish to continue? >Ϊÿһ֤дʸҪһЩʱ䡣ϣ? :You have attempted to build a path name for file '%1' company '%2'. However there is no database defined in your SysproAdmin table '%3' for this company >ͼΪļ '%1' ˾ '%2' · SysproAdmin '%3' вΪ˹˾ݿ :You have attempted to change an activity where there are two or more attendees >ͼĴϯߵĻ :You have attempted to close down >ѳԹر :You have attempted to exceed the maximum number of User Variables allowed. Addition of new variable cancelled >ѳԳû±ѱȡ :You have attempted to exceed this number >ѳԳһĿ :You have been denied access to >ѱܾ :You have been denied access to Asset Acquisition >ѱܾʲ빺 :You have been denied access to SYSPRO Analytics >ѾܾSYSPRO AnalyticsķȨ :You have been denied access to all Inventory Movement transactions >Ѿܾд䶯׵ķ :You have been denied access to change integration by eSignatures. You may view the options, but you will not be allowed to save any changes made >ѾܾİǩɵķȨޡɲ鿴ЩѡȨκθ :You have been denied access to program >ѱܾʴ˳ :You have been denied access to the SYSPRO Analytics Administrator >ѱܾSYSPRO AnalyticsԱ :You have been denied access to the SYSPRO Analytics Viewer >ѱܾSYSPRO Analytics鿴 :You have been denied access to the SYSPRO Analytics site configurator >ѱܾSYSPRO Analyticsվ :You have been denied access to the transaction >ѾܾԴ˽׵ķȨ :You have been denied access to the transaction '%1' >ѱܾʽ '%1' :You have been denied access to this program. Program cancelled >ѾܾԴ˳ķȨ޳ȡ :You have been denied access to this report >ѾܾԴ˱ķȨ :You have been logged out of IMPACT by an administrator. Function cancelled >ѱԱע¼IMPACTȡ :You have been logged out of SYSPRO by an administrator >您已被管理员退出 SYSPRO :You have been logged out of SYSPRO by an administrator. Function cancelled >ѱԱע¼SYSPROȡ :You have cancelled lines that affect free goods on this dispatch, or may affect global trade promotions on another dispatch. The dispatch will be put on hold so that the relevant lines can be requalified >ȡӰ˷ѻУӰһϵȫó״ڱ״̬Ա֤еʸ :You have changed one or more fields which may affect your schedule. Do you wish to recalculate your schedule now? >ѸпӰʱһֶΡϣ±ʱ :You have changed one or more of the User Menu settings for yourself. The new settings will only take effect after exiting SYSPRO >ΪԼһû˵ֻSYSPRO֮Ч :You have changed preference values >Ѹѡֵ :You have changed the Multiple Bins option. A conversion is needed to update the bins for each warehouse. If Lot Traceability is installed, a thorough check will be done in the Lot Purge program. This may take a while. Do you wish to continue? >ѸĶѡҪתԸÿһֿĿλװθٹܣôִȫ顣⽫Ҫһʱ䡣ϣ :You have changed the Multiple Bins option. A conversion is needed to update the bins for each warehouse. If Lot Traceability is installed, a throrough check will be done in the Lot Purge program. This may take a while. Do you wish to continue? >ѸĶѡҪתԸÿһֿĿλװθٹܣôִȫ顣⽫Ҫһʱ䡣ϣ :You have changed the Multiple Bins option. If you have any sales orders with non-zero quantities to ship, such sales orders will not be updated correctly with multiple bins. You must run the Sales Order Purge program to maintain data consistency >ѸĶѡӵо߱װκ۶ô۶ڶֵ¶ȷ۶Աݵһ :You have changed the area code for this sales order. Do you wish to recalculate any Trade Promotion prices that may have changed? This may take some time >您已更改此销售订单的地区代码。您希望重新计算任何可能已更改的贸易促销价格吗?这可能需要一些时间 :You have changed the asset cost/value. Doing so may cause an imbalance between Asset Clearing and Asset Control accounts. Do you wish to continue? >Ѹʲɱֵɵʲʲʻʧ⡣ϣ :You have changed the batch number. Would you like to start processing the new batch number? >Ѹϣʼµ? :You have changed the geographic area for this sales order and tax is by area. Do you wish to update all order lines to reflect the tax for the new area? >Ѹ˴۶ĵ˰ǰеġϣȫԷӳµ˰? :You have changed the geographic area for this sales order, and tax is by area. Do you wish to update all order lines to reflect the tax for the new area? >Ѹ˱۶ĵ򣬲˰ǰ˳еġϣȫԷӳµ˰ :You have changed the group for this operator to be a system administrator. The sub groups which have been defined are no longer applicable and will be deleted when you save your changes >ѽòԱΪϵͳԱѶ鲻ãʱɾ :You have changed the group for this operator to be a system administrator. The subgroups which have been defined are no longer applicable and will be deleted when you save your changes >ѽԱΪϵͳԱѶ鲻ãʱɾ :You have changed the options. Would you like to save these changes to the forecasting set? >ѸЩѡϣЩı浽趨Ԥ :You have changed the price to be entered manually >ѸҪֶļ۸ :You have changed the ship date for this order. Do you wish to change all order lines to have this new ship date ? >您已更改此订单的装运日期。您希望更改所有订单行,以拥有此新装运日期吗? :You have changed the ship date for this order. Do you wish to change all order lines to have this new ship date? >Ѹ˱װڡϣȫԷӳµװ :You have changed the ship via for this sales order, and this has changed the delivery - pickup flag, or you have changed the area code for this sales order. Do you wish to recalculate any Trade Promotion prices that may have changed? This may take some time >您已更改此销售订单的装运经由路线,而且此已更改交货 - 提货标记,或者您已更改此销售订单的地区代码。您希望重新计算任何可能已更改的贸易促销价格吗?这可能需要一些时间 :You have changed the ship via for this sales order, and this has changed the delivery - pickup flag. Do you wish to recalculate any Trade Promotion prices that may have changed? This may take some time >ѸĴ۶װ˾·ߣҴѸĽ - ǡϣ¼κοѸĵó״۸?ҪһЩʱ :You have changed the warehouse for the stock code and this job is a sub job. Do you wish to continue? >Ѹ˱IJֿ⣬ҵһתҵϣ :You have changed to multiple bins and lot traceability is installed. Ensure that all warehouses have default bins set up and run the lot traceability archive progam >ѸΪ֣Ѱװο׷١ȷȫֿĬϲֲ׷ٵ :You have changed to multiple bins. Note that if you have any existing sales orders with non-zero quantities to ship, such sales orders will not be updated correctly with multiple bins >ѸΪ֡ע⣬ӵо߱װ˷κ۶ô۶Զȷ :You have changed your Nationality code. This change will only take effect after exiting from SYSPRO >Ѹ˹롣¸ֻSYSPRO֮Ч :You have changed your capture programs. Save capture programs? >Ѹ˲׽Ҫ沶׽ :You have changed your company options >ѸĹ˾ѡ :You have changed your company options.\n\nSave new options? >Ѹ˹˾ѡ\n\nҪѡ :You have changed your date formats. These settings will only take effect after exiting from SYSPRO >ѸڸʽЩֻSYSPRO֮Ч :You have changed your default settings. Save new settings? >ѸĬҪ :You have changed your defaults. Do you want to save your new settings? >ѸĬáϣ? :You have changed your defaults. Save new defaults? >ѸĬֵҪĬֵ :You have changed your filenames. Save new filenames? >ѸļҪļ :You have changed your list. Do you want to accept these changes? >ѸбϣЩ? :You have changed your menu. Do you wish to save your changes? >ѸIJ˵ϣĸ? :You have changed your operator settings. \n\nDo you want to save your changes? >ѸIJԱá\n\nҪ :You have changed your option to split subcontract costs. To ensure that your costs remain valid, you will need to run the cost implosion program. Do you wish to do so now? >ѸķָתɱѡҪȷijɱЧҪгɱֽϣ˹ :You have changed your script for this module. Do you wish to save your changes? >ѸĴģĽűϣĸ? :You have changed your settings in your client IMPACT.INI. Do you want to save the changes? >Ѹ˿ͻIMPACT.INIеϣ :You have changed your settings. Do you want to save the changes? >Ѹϣ :You have changed your settings. Save new settings? >ѸҪ :You have changed your text. Do you wish to save your text? >Ѹıϣı :You have changed your text. Save new text? >ѸıҪı :You have changed your trigger programs. Save new programs? >Ѹ˴Ҫ³ :You have changed your watermark items. Do you wish to save your changes? >您已更改您的水印项目。您希望保存您的更改吗? :You have chosen S/O documents transmission method to be by email. Email address cannot be blank >ѡ۶ļͷΪʼʼַΪհ :You have chosen a document transmission method to be by email. Email address cannot be blank >ѡļͷΪͨʼʼַΪհ :You have chosen either S/O documents, statements or quotes transmission method to be fax. Fax number may not be blank >ѡ۶ļ򱨼۵ĴͷΪ档벻Ϊհ :You have chosen either invoices or statements transmission method to be fax. Fax number may not be blank >ѡΪƱ򱨸Ĵͷ벻Ϊհ :You have chosen either invoices, statements or quotes transmission method to be fax. Fax number may not be blank >ѡҪԴ淽ʽ͵ķƱ򱨼ۡ벻Ϊհ :You have chosen remittance transmission method to be fax. Fax number may not be blank >ѡΪͷ벻Ϊհ :You have chosen the document transmission method '%1'. Email address cannot be blank >ѡĵ䷽ '%1'ʼַΪհ :You have chosen the document transmission method 'email'. Email address cannot be blank >ѡĵ䷽ʼʼַΪհ :You have chosen the purchase order transmission method to be fax. Fax number may not be blank >ѡΪɹͷ벻Ϊհ :You have chosen to check for duplicate GRN's. Do you wish to generate the GRN master? >ѡظ GRNϣ GRN ? :You have chosen to copy the shortcuts from a standard SYSPRO menu >ѡӱ׼SYSPRO˵ƿݷʽ :You have chosen to copy the shortcuts from another Fast menu >ѡһٲ˵ƿݷʽ :You have chosen to copy the shortcuts from another User menu >ѡһû˵ƿݷʽ :You have co-products attached to operation %1. Do you want to receipt them in? >߱ %1 ĹͬƷϣս :You have configured a Task activity for SYSPRO Administrator >您已为 SYSPRO 管理员配置任务活动 :You have denied access to all programs. Do you wish to continue? >ѱܾȫϣ :You have denied access to all programs. You must allow access to at least one program >Ѿܾȫһ :You have disabled both Standard and User menus for this operator. At least one of these must be enabled. Save cancelled >ѲñԱı׼û˵֮һáȡ :You have disabled yourself from editing this report in future. Do you wish to continue to save the report? >ԼѲн༭Ȩϣ汾 :You have elected not to clear the history files. It is not possible to check whether the values of any transactions will be duplicated in the history. The period inclusion fields must be used to ensure that this does not happen. Ok to continue? >ѡʷ¼ļʷ¼мκļֵǷظDzܵġ˱ʹڰֶȷᷢȷҪ :You have elected to do a re-print but you have selected offer(s) that have not yet been printed >ѡ´ӡҲѡδӡı :You have entered G/L Distribution entries. Do you wish to discard these entries? >G/LϣЩ :You have entered GL Distribution entries. Do you wish to discard these entries? >G/LϣЩ :You have entered a blank concession. Do you wish to continue? >˿հȨϣ :You have entered a blank password. Continue? >˿հ롣Ҫ :You have entered a date in the wrong format. Use the browse to select a valid date >˴ʽڡʹѡЧ :You have entered a demonstration >ʾ :You have entered a demonstration company name >ʾ˾ :You have entered a dispatch quantity that is greater than the remaining quantity on the sales order. If you dispatch this quantity, the order quantity will be increased. Ok to over dispatch this line? >˴۶ʣķͱӡȷҪͱ :You have entered a dispatch quantity that is greater than the remaining quantity on the sales order. Ok to over dispatch this line? >You have entered a dispatch quantity that is greater than the remaining quantity on the sales order. Ok to over dispatch this line? :You have entered a negative miscellaneous receipt amount >˸վݽ :You have entered a negative quantity which exceeds the ship quantity on the sales order. Do you wish to ignore the update on the sales order and continue? >˳۶װĸϣԶ۶ĸ² :You have entered a quantity of zero. Do you wish to make the stock on hand zero? >ϣΪ㣿 :You have entered a report code that already exists. Do you wish to edit this report? >һѴڵı롣ϣ༭ :You have entered a second adjustment value. Would you to like to recalculate with this value? >ڶֵϣ¼˼ֵ? :You have entered a table code that is reserved for IMPACT Award Modules only. The IMPACT Award Estimating (E*) and Product Configurator (F*) files cannot be accessed using the SYSPRO Report Writer.\n\nFunction cancelled >һΪIMPACT Award ģı롣޷ʹSYSPROIMPACT Award (E*)ͲƷ(F*)ļ\n\nȡ :You have entered a zero cost. Do you wish to continue? >ɱϣ :You have entered a zero cost. Ok to continue? >ɱȷҪ :You have entered an invalid date >Ч :You have entered an invalid date selection >Чѡ :You have entered an invalid file >Чļ :You have entered an invalid operator >ЧIJԱ :You have entered an invalid price unit of measure >Чļ۸λ :You have entered an invalid price unit of measure. Do you wish to enter a specific price conversion factor? >Чļ۸λϣضļ۸תϵ :You have entered an invalid program >Чij :You have entered an invalid time >Чʱ :You have entered an invalid time selection >Чʱѡ :You have entered an invalid transaction >ЧĽ :You have entered and not yet updated offer details. If you accept the line without updating the offer, these details will be lost >뵫δ±ϸδ±̱ܸУôЩϸʧ :You have entered apportionment details. Discard these details? >˷̯ϸҪЩϸ :You have entered apportionment details. Do you wish to discard these details? >̯顣ϣЩ :You have entered asset expense posting details. Discard these details? >ʲ÷ϸҪЩϸ? :You have entered asset labor time sheet posting details. Discard these details? >ʲͶʱϸҪЩϸ? :You have entered asset transaction details. Discard these details? >ʲϸҪЩϸ :You have entered asset transactions. Discard these details? >ʲסҪЩϸ? :You have entered comment lines. Do you wish to dispose of these? >עСϣ :You have entered comment text. Do you wish to discard these comments? >עıϣЩע :You have entered details. Do you wish to discard these details? >ϸϣЩϸ :You have entered dummy jobs. Discard these details? >ҵҪЩϸ :You have entered invoice details. Discard these details? >˷ƱϸҪЩϸ :You have entered invoice details. Discard these details? >˷ƱϸҪЩϸ :You have entered invoice element details. Discard these details? >˷ƱҪϸҪЩϸ :You have entered line details. Discard these details ? >您已输入行明细。要放弃这些明细吗? :You have entered line details. Discard these details? >ϸҪЩϸ :You have entered line details. Do you wish to discard of these details? >ϸϣЩϸ :You have entered line details. Do you wish to discard these details? >ϸϣЩϸ :You have entered more lines than allowed by the application - the extra lines will be ignored >˱Ӧóĸ - н :You have entered payment details for this supplier. Discard these details? >˱Ӧ̵ĸϸҪЩϸ :You have entered payment details. Discard these details ? >您已输入付款明细。要放弃这些明细吗? :You have entered payment details. Discard these details? >˸ϸҪЩϸ :You have entered posting details. Discard these details? >˹ϸҪЩϸ :You have entered posting details. Do you want to post before continuing? >뷢ϸϣǰз? :You have entered serial numbers. Do you wish to discard these serial numbers? >ϵк롣ϣЩϵк :You have entered the incorrect number of integers and/or decimals for this field definition >Ϊһֶζ˲ȷͣС :You have entered work centers in a list. Discard these details? >бҵġҪЩϸ :You have entered zero run time >ʱ :You have entered/changed document details. Discard these details? >/ĵϸҪЩϸ? :You have exceeded the maximum number of Analytics viewers allowed >ѳAnalytics鿴 :You have exceeded the maximum number of decimals for this stock code >ѳ˱С :You have exceeded the maximum number of items allowed >ѳ :You have exceeded the maximum number of report designers allowed >ѳıԱ :You have exceeded the number of decimals allowed for this price >ѳ˱۸С :You have exceeded the number of decimals allowed for this stock code >ѳ˱С :You have exceeded the number of decimals allowed for this value >ѳ˱ֵС :You have exceeded the number of decimals allowed in the price for a local currency supplier >ѳ˱۸Դ˵ػҹӦС :You have exceeded the number of decimlas allowed for this stock code >ѳ˿С :You have exceeded the number of integers allowed in the price for a local currency supplier >ѳ˱۸Դ˵ػҹӦ :You have have been logged out of SYSPRO by an administrator >ѱԱ˳ SYSPRO :You have interrupted processing >жϴ :You have loaded the Default SYSPRO menu configuration. You may only view this configuration or create a new customised menu from it >ѼĬSYSPRO˵áֻɴ鿴û򴴽¶Ʋ˵ :You have loaded the Default SYSPRO menu configuration. You may only view this configuration or create a new customised menu from it. Do you wish to create new menu now? >ѼĬSYSPRO˵áֻɴ鿴û򴴽¶Ʋ˵ϣڴ²˵ :You have loaded the Default SYSPRO menu configuration. You may only view this configuration or create a new customized menu from it >ѼĬSYSPRO˵áֻɴ鿴û򴴽¶Ʋ˵ :You have loaded the Default SYSPRO menu configuration. You may only view this configuration or create a new customized menu from it. Do you wish to create new menu now? >ѼĬSYSPRO˵áֻɴ鿴û򴴽¶Ʋ˵ϣ²˵ :You have loaded the Default SYSPRO menu configuration. You may only view this configuration or create a new customized menu from it >ѼĬ SYSPRO ˵áɲ鿴û¶Ʋ˵ :You have loaded the Default SYSPRO menu configuration. You may only view this configuration or create a new customized menu from it. Do you wish to create new menu now? >ѼĬ SYSPRO ˵áɲ鿴û¶Ʋ˵ϣ²˵? :You have made adjustments to one or more invoices. Do you wish to post those adjustments now? >ѶһݻݷƱ˵ϣڹЩ :You have made changes to the Supply Warehouse Matrix but you have not validated the Supply Warehouse. If you continue you will not be able to view current information. Do you want to continue? >ѸĹӦֿ󣬵δ֤Ӧֿ⡣޷鿴ǰϢϣ :You have made changes to the Supply Warehouse Matrix. It is advisable that you run the Supply Warehouse Validation program. Do you want to do so now? >Ѹ˹Ӧֿ󡣽йӦֿ֤ϣִ :You have made changes to the custom dictionary. Do you want to save the changes now? >ѸĶֵ䡣ϣ :You have made changes to the inclusions. The inclusions will only be saved when the collector is saved.\n\nDo you want to discard the inclusion changes? >Ѷ԰ġԱʱɱ\n\nϣ? :You have made changes to the report. Before you export the report it must be saved.\n\nDo you wish to save the report now? >Ѹ˱ڵǰ뱣\n\nϣڱ汨 :You have made changes to the report. Before you print the report it must be saved >ѶԱġӡǰ뱣汨 :You have made changes to the report. Before you print the report it must be saved.\n\nDo you wish to save the report now? >Ѹ˱ڴӡǰ뱣\n\nϣڱ汨 :You have made changes to the report. Do you wish to save these changes now? >Ѹ˱ϣڱЩ :You have made changes to this customized pane. Do you wish to save your changes? >ѸĴԶ崰ϣĸ? :You have made changes to this file. Do you wish to save the changes? >Ѹ˱ļϣ :You have made changes to your data. Do you wish to save these changes? >ѸݡϣЩ :You have made changes to your form design. Do you wish to save these changes? >Ѹ˱ơϣЩ :You have made changes. Discard these changes? >ġҪ :You have made changes. Do you wish to save these changes now? >ġϣЩ :You have made payments to one or more invoices. Do you wish to post those payments now? >ѶһݻݷƱϣڹЩ :You have maintained events. Do you want to save? >ά¼ϣ :You have maintained operators. Do you want to save? >ά˲Աϣ :You have matched GRN's and/or made changes. Discard all matched GRN's and/or changes that have been made? >ƥGRNңġҪȫƥGRNңĸ :You have negative allocations attached to operation %1. Do you want to issue them in? >߱ %1 ĸ䡣ϣǩ :You have no detail, subtotal or total levels defined that can be used for the copy function.\n\nCopy function cancelled >ûжɹƹʹõϸСƻϼƲΡ\n\nƹȡ :You have not added EFT custom form details for this supplier. Do you wish to do so now? >δΪӦEFTƱ顣ϣִдģ :You have not added custom form details for this EFT bank. Do you wish to do so now? >δΪEFTӶƱ顣ϣִдģ :You have not added custom form details for this EFT beneficiary. Do you wish to do so now? >δΪEFTӶƱ顣ϣִдģ :You have not added custom form details for this asset. Do you wish to do so now? >ûΪʲӳϸϣִ :You have not added custom form details for this asset. Do you wish to do so now? >δΪʲԶϣִ? :You have not added custom form details for this contract. Do you wish to do so now? >δΪͬӳϸϣ˹ :You have not added custom form details for this contract. Do you wish to do so now? >δΪ˺ͬԶϣִ? :You have not added custom form details for this customer. Do you wish to do so now? >ûΪͻӳϸϣִ :You have not added custom form details for this hierarchy. Do you wish to do so now? >δΪӳϸϣ˹ :You have not added custom form details for this hierarchy. Do you wish to do so now? >δΪ˷ּԶϣִ? :You have not added custom form details for this non-stocked code. Do you wish to do so now? >δΪ˷ǿԶϸϣд˹? :You have not added custom form details for this non-stocked code. Do you wish to do so now? >δΪ˷ǿԶϣִ? :You have not added custom form details for this order. Do you wish to do so now? >ûΪӳϸϣִ :You have not added custom form details for this quote. Do you wish to do so now? >ûΪӳϸϣִ :You have not added custom form details for this stock code. Do you wish to do so now? >ûΪӳϸϣִ :You have not added custom form details for this stock code. Do you wish to do so now? >δΪ˿Զϣִ? :You have not added custom form details for this supplier. Do you wish to do so now? >ûΪӦӳϸϣִ :You have not added custom form details for this supplier. Do you wish to do so now? >δΪùӦԶϸϣ˹ :You have not added or completed custom form details for this new sales order. You will not be allowed to continue without adding the form >ûΪ۶ӻɳϸûӱȫִ :You have not added or completed custom form details for this new sales order. You will not be allowed to continue without adding the form. Do you want to copy the quick entry form before continuing? >ûΪ۶ӻɳϸûӱȫִСϣڼǰƿ :You have not completed allocating lot/serial quantities to actual cost buckets. Do you wish to continue? >δɽ/ϵ䵽ʵʳɱͰϣ? :You have not completed entering Lots/Bins/Serials. No allocations will be saved >δ//ϵСκη :You have not completed entering Lots/Bins/Serials. No change will be made to the allocations >δ//ϵСԷκθ :You have not completed entering all bins for the quantity to adjust. Please do so now >δΪȫִ֡д :You have not completed entering all the bins for the quantity to adjust. Please do so now >ûΪȫ֡ھ :You have not completed entering bins for the quantity received. Do you wish to enter bins now? >ûΪѽ֡ϣ :You have not completed the allocations. The order quantity will be updated accordingly >ûɷ䡣ԶӦ :You have not completed the allocations. The quantity not allocated will be placed on back order >ûɷ䡣δڶ :You have not completed the allocations. The quantity not allocated will not be issued >ûɷ䡣ǩδ :You have not completed the reservation of lots and serials for the allocation. You can complete the reservation of lots and serials through Material Maintenance. Discard any lots and serials reserved? >δΪɱκϵСͨάɱκϵСҪκϵ :You have not completed the reservation of lots and serials for the co-product. You can complete the reservation of lots and serials through Co-product Maintenance. Do you want to continue? >δΪùͬƷɱκϵСͨͬƷάɱκϵСϣ :You have not completed the reservation of lots and serials for the co-products and attached components. You can complete the reservation of lots and serials through Co-product and Material Maintenance. Discard any lots and serials reserved? >δΪùͬƷɱκϵСͨͬƷͲάɱκϵСҪκϵ :You have not completed the reservation of lots and serials for the parent part and attached components. You can complete the reservation of lots and serials through Job and Material Maintenance. Discard any lots and serials reserved? >δΪɱκϵСͨҵͲάɱκϵСҪκϵ :You have not completed the reservation of lots for the allocation. You can complete the reservation of lots through Material Maintenance. Discard any lots reserved? >δΪɱΡͨάɱΡҪ :You have not completed the reservation of serials for the allocation. You can complete the reservation of serials through Material Maintenance. Discard any serials reserved? >δΪɱϵСͨάɱϵСҪϵ :You have not completed the reservation of serials for the co-product. You can complete the reservation of serials through Co-product Maintenance. Do you want to continue? >δΪͬƷɱϵСͨͬƷάɱϵСϣ :You have not configured electronic signatures for any operators/groups. The system will default to electronic signatures defined for All operators >δΪκβԱõǩϵͳĬΪвԱĵǩ :You have not defined a form for this format yet >δΪ˸ʽ :You have not defined a list >δб :You have not defined a password against this operator >ûΪԱ :You have not defined a range >δ巶Χ :You have not defined any calculations. Do you wish to continue? >δκμ㡣ϣ :You have not defined any conditions. Function cancelled >ûжκȡ :You have not defined any conditions. Ok to continue? >δκȷҪ :You have not distributed the balance / percent or provision >δٷֱȻ򹩸 :You have not distributed the balance/percent or provision >δ/ٷֱȻӦ :You have not distributed the non-merchandise amount. Do you wish to do so now? >ûзƷϣִ :You have not elected to do a re-print but you have selected offer(s) that have already been printed >δѡִ´ӡѡѴӡϵı :You have not entered a comment. Would you like to enter one now? >δע⡣ϣ :You have not entered a distribution amount >δ :You have not entered a lot number >δκ롣 :You have not entered a percentage. Would you like to enter one now? >δٷֱȡϣ :You have not entered a transaction end date >δ뽻׽ :You have not entered a transaction start date >δ뽻׿ʼ :You have not entered a valid size for this drawing number. Would you like to enter one now? >ûΪͼֽЧijߴ硣ϣ :You have not entered a valid stock code >ûЧ :You have not entered a valid stock code for this drawing number. Would you like to enter one now? >ûΪͼֽЧĿ롣ϣ :You have not entered a valid user for this drawing number. Would you like to enter one now? >ûΪͼֽЧûϣ :You have not entered any calculation formulae. Please do so before saving >δκμ㹫ʽڱǰִ :You have not entered any scrap reason codes for the co-products. Either change your scrap quantity or enter reason codes >δΪùͬƷκαԭ롣ıԭ :You have not entered email contents. Do you wish to continue? >δʼݡϣ :You have not entered the full ship quantity >ûȫװ :You have not entered the full ship quantity. If you cancel without entering the full quantity, and save the changed merchandise line, the packaging details already saved against this line will be removed. OK to continue? >ûȫװûȫȡѸĵƷУôΪİװϸɾȷҪ :You have not entered the full ship quantity. If you continue without entering the full quantity, and save the changed merchandise line, the packaging details already saved against this line will be removed. OK to continue? >ûȫװûȫѸĵƷУôΪİװϸɾȷҪ :You have not entered the number of days ahead or loads to be added for this route >δǰҪΪ·ӵļ :You have not imported any role information.\n\nOK to close without importing? >δκְϢ\n\nȷҪر? :You have not previously saved a favorite list of organizations >ǰδ֯ղб :You have not released all lots and serials for the co-products and all the allocations. You can release reserved serials and lots through Co-product and Material Maintenance. Discard any lots and serials released? >δΪͬƷзǩκϵСͨͬƷͲάǩϵкΡҪǩκκϵ :You have not released all lots and serials for the parent part and all the allocations. You can release reserved serials and lots through Material Maintenance. Discard any lots and serials released? >δΪз䷢ȫκϵСͨάбϵкΡҪеκκϵ :You have not released all the reserved lots for the allocation. You can release reserved of lots through Material Maintenance. Do you still want to exit? >δΪ䷢ȫΡͨάбΡϣ˳ :You have not released all the reserved of lots and serials for the allocation. You can release reserved of lots and serials through Material Maintenance. Do you still want to exit? >δΪ䷢ȫκϵСͨάбκϵСϣ˳ :You have not released all the reserved serials for the allocation. You can release reserved serials through Material Maintenance. Do you still want to exit? >δΪ䷢ȫϵСͨάбϵСϣ˳ :You have not released the required amount of lots and serials for the co-product. You can release further reserved lots and serials through Co-product Maintenance. Do you want to continue? >ΪͬƷǩκϵͨͬƷάǩδκϵСϣ :You have not released the required amount of serials for the co-product. You can release further reserved serials through Co-product Maintenance. Do you want to continue? >ΪͬƷǩϵͨͬƷάǩδϵСϣ :You have not saved the new operator. \n\nDo you want to save now? >δ²Ա\n\nҪ :You have not saved your selections. Would you like to save them now? >δѡϣ? :You have not selected a condition >δѡ :You have not selected a valid User menu >δѡЧû˵ :You have not selected an allocation for substitution >您尚未选替代分配 :You have not selected any columns to be printed from the linked table. You must select at least 1 column >ûѡκҪӱӡѡ1 :You have not selected any columns to be printed. You must select at least %1 column >δѡκҪӡ:ѡ %1 :You have not selected any columns to be printed. You must select at least 1 column >ûѡκδӡѡ1 :You have not selected any copy options >δѡκθѡ :You have not selected any functions >ûѡκι :You have not selected any lines for confirmation >δѡκԽȷ :You have not selected any lines to post >ûѡκδʵ :You have not selected any options to be updated >δѡκҪµѡ :You have not selected any unconverted companies to convert. Function cancelled >δѡתκδת˾ȡ :You have not selected to import any new modules into the data dictionary nor to remove previously installed ones >您尚未选择向数据字典导入任何新模块,也未移除以前已安装的模块 :You have not selected to import any new modules into the data dictionary nor to remove previously installed ones.\n\nDo you wish to re-import currently selected modules into the Report Writer Data Dictionary? >ûѡֵ䵼κģ飬ҲûѡɾǰѰװģ顣\n\nϣ򱨱ֵµĿǰѡģ :You have not selected to set GRN matching on for this supplier, and therefore no GRN records will be created >ûѡΪ˹ӦGRNţûдκGRN¼ :You have not set up period-end dates - cannot calculate depreciation >δڽ - ޷۾ :You have not specified a Report Writer in the System Setup program >δϵͳóָ¼ :You have not supplied a function call (parameter IMPZMC-FUNCTION) to IMPZMC >ûIMPZMCṩܵãIMPZMC-FUNCTION :You have not supplied the AR or AP code in the parameter IMPZMC-AR-OR-AP >ûṩIMPZMC-AR-OR-APеARAP :You have not supplied the posting currency in the parameter IMPZMC-POSTING-CURRENCY >ûṩIMPZMC-POSTING-CURRENCYеĹʻ :You have not yet added custom form details for this asset. Do you wish to do so now? >ûΪʲӳϸϣִ :You have not yet added custom form details for this asset. Do you wish to do so now? >ûΪʲԶϸϣ˹ :You have not yet added custom form details for this contact. Do you wish to do so now? >δΪϵԶϸϣ˹ :You have not yet added custom form details for this contract. Do you wish to do so now? >ûΪͬӳϸϣִ :You have not yet added custom form details for this dispatch note. Do you wish to do so now? >δΪӶƱ顣ϣִдģ :You have not yet added custom form details for this dispatch note. Do you wish to do so now? >δΪ˷Զϸϣִд˲? :You have not yet added custom form details for this drawing register. Do you wish to do so now? >ûΪͼֽע֤ӳϸϣִ :You have not yet added custom form details for this drawing register. Do you wish to do so now? >δΪͼֽǼDzԶϸϣִд˲? :You have not yet added custom form details for this drawing size. Do you wish to do so now? >ûΪͼֽߴӳϸϣִ :You have not yet added custom form details for this drawing size. Do you wish to do so now? >δΪͼֽߴԶϸϣִд˲? :You have not yet added custom form details for this material. Do you wish to do so now? >ûΪӳϸ??ִ? :You have not yet added custom form details for this material. Do you wish to do so now? >δΪ˲Զϸϣִд˲? :You have not yet added custom form details for this order. Do you wish to do so now? >δΪӳϸϣ˹ :You have not yet added custom form details for this quotation. Do you wish to do so now? >ûΪӳϸϣִ :You have not yet added custom form details for this quotation. Do you wish to do so now? >δΪԶϸϣִд˲? :You have not yet completed entering FIFO buckets. Do you wish to enter FIFO buckets now? >δ FIFO Ͱϣ FIFO Ͱ? :You have not yet completed entering lot numbers. Do you wish to enter lot numbers now? >ûκ롣ϣκ :You have not yet completed entering serial numbers. Do you wish to enter serial numbers now? >ûϵк롣ϣϵк :You have not yet created requisitions or purchase orders for all items. Are you sure that you want to exit? >ûΪȫĿ󵥻ɹȷҪ˳ :You have not yet defined Security Access for this group. Do you wish to do so now? >δΪ鶨尲ȫʡϣ˹ :You have not yet defined Security Access for this group. Do you wish to do so now? >ûΪ鶨尲ȫʡϣִ :You have not yet defined a VBScript for this customized pane. Do you wish to do so now? >δΪԶ崰 VBScriptϣд˹? :You have not yet defined a condition for this position >δΪòλ :You have not yet defined a directory for storing temporary *.bcp files used in the '%1' command. This must be defined in the Company Setup program prior to running this function >δΪ '%1' ķʱ*.bcpļĿ¼д˹ǰڹ˾óԶ :You have not yet defined a directory for storing temporary *.bcp files used in the 'BULK INSERT' command. This must be defined in the Company Setup program prior to running this function >ûΪ'BULK INSERT'룩ķʱ*.bcpļĿ¼бǰڹ˾óԶ :You have not yet defined a printer to use for reporting >δΪ涨ʹõĴӡ :You have not yet defined a printer to use for reporting. This may cause unpredictable results when printing a report. Do you wish to continue? >δΪ涨ʹõĴӡڴӡʱܵ²ԤĽϣ? :You have not yet defined bank deposit slip details for this miscellaneous receipt. Do you wish to define bank deposit slip details now? >ûΪվݶдϸϣڶдϸ :You have not yet defined bank deposit slip details for this payment. Do you wish to define bank deposit slip details now? >ûΪдϸϣڶдϸ :You have not yet defined the capture program >δ岶׽ :You have not yet saved the table and added columns. You will need to do so before defining the primary key >ûб汾Ҫڶؼǰִд˲ :You have not yet saved the table and added columns. You will need to do so before defining the primary key >δҪڶԿ֮ǰִд˲ :You have not yet saved the table. You will need to do so before defining the password >ûб汾Ҫڶǰִд˲ :You have not yet saved the table. You will need to do so before defining the password >δҪڶ֮ǰִд˲ :You have not yet selected a supplier price. Do you wish to continue? >δѡӦ̼۸ϣ :You have not yet setup the tax periods. \n\nPlease setup the tax periods before you could continue >δ˰ڡ\n\nڼִǰ˰ :You have one or more new messages >ӵһϢ :You have one or more new messages waiting in the SYSPRO Inbox >һSYSPROռڵȴʼ :You have positive allocations attached to operation %1. Do you want to issue them in? >߱ %1 䡣ϣǩ :You have reached system limit of forecasts per stock code / warehouse >Ѵﵽÿ룯ֿϵͳԤ⼫ :You have reached system limit of forecasts per stock code/warehouse >δﵽÿ/ֿϵͳԤ⼫ :You have reached the beginning of configuration '%1' therefore you cannot continue backwards >ѵ '%1' Ŀʼɼ :You have reached the limit of %1 conditions for this transaction >Ѵﵽ˽׵ %1 :You have reached the limit of %1 fields. Function cancelled >Ѵﵽ %1 ֶεļޡȡ :You have reached the limit of %1 sequences. Function cancelled >Ѵﵽ %1 ˳ļޡȡ :You have reached the limit of %1 validation lists for fields within this form >Ѵﵽ˱ֶε %1 ֤б :You have reached the limit of 10 sequences. Function cancelled >Ѵﵽ10˳ޡȡ :You have reached the limit of 100 fields. Function cancelled >Ѵﵽ100ֶεļޡȡ :You have reached the limit of 25 validation lists for fields within this form >Ѵﵽ˱ 25 ֶ֤бļ :You have reached the limit of 50 conditions for this transaction >Ѵﵽ˽׵ 50 :You have reached the menu limit of %1 items >Ѵﵽ˵ %1 Ŀ :You have reached the menu limit of 200 items >Ѵﵽ200ĿIJ˵ :You have selected FIFO valuation. To ensure that your current data remains valid you will need to run the month end purge and balance program. Do you wish to do so now? >δѡȽȳ(FIFO)ۡҪȷʹĵǰݱЧҪƽϣ˹ :You have selected Foreign currency cash book required. To ensure that your current data remains valid you will need to run the Cash Book Period End balance function. Do you wish to do so now? >ѡֽʱҪȷʹĵǰݼЧҪֽʱƽ⹦ܡϣִ :You have selected a job to be the same as the lot when processing receipts. Job and lot keys must be either both alphanumeric or both numeric >վʱѡҪͬҵҵιؼֱ߶ĸ֣߶ :You have selected a printer type that is not available when running a Client/Server system. Select another printer type >ѡ˵пͻϵͳʱûеĴӡ͡ѡһӡ :You have selected a printer type that is only available under Unix. Select another printer type >ѡ˽Unix²еĴӡ͡ѡһӡ :You have selected a printer type that is only available under Unix. This printer will be ignored if selected >ѡ˽Unix²еĴӡ͡ѡУ򱾴ӡ :You have selected a standard SYSPRO application >ѡ׼SYSPROӦó :You have selected invoices. Do you wish to discard these invoices? >ѡƱϣЩƱ? :You have selected more than %1 stock codes. Only the first %2 stock codes will be selected into stock take >ѡ %1 Ͽ롣ѡǰ %2 ̵ :You have selected not to use system-wide configuration. You should now set up your configuration by Operator, Group and/or Company. Do you want to do this now? (you can use the Configuration menu option to do this later) >ѡʹϵͳͨáӦİԱͣ˾áϣִ𣿣Ҳʹò˵ѡִд :You have selected not to use system-wide configuration. You should now set up your configuration by Operator, Group, Role and/or Company. Do you want to do this now? (you can use the Configuration menu option to do this later) >ѡʹ÷ϵͳáӦİԱ顢ְ/˾áϣִд˲? (ʹò˵ִд˲) :You have selected that at least one of your companies will use >ѡһ˾ʹõ :You have selected the current revision/release. Ok to continue? >ѡ˵ǰ޶ͷšȷҪ :You have selected the same report sequence twice >ѡͬһ˳ :You have selected to cancel the conversion process. Do you wish to allow operators to login again >ѡȡԻ̡ϣԱµ¼ :You have selected to cancel the conversion process. Do you wish to allow operators to login again? >ѡȡת̡ϣԱµ¼? :You have selected to cancel the creation process. Do you wish to allow operators to login again? >ѡȡ˴̡ϣԱµ¼ :You have selected to consolidate balance forward customers at month end. Once that you have run the month end function you will be unable to print a detailed statement or trial balance for any balance forward customers. Continue? >ѡ½ϲԶͻһչܣ޷ΪκԶͻӡϸҪ :You have selected to consolidate balance forward customers at month end. Once you have run the month end function you will be unable to print a detailed statement or trial balance for any balance forward customers. Continue? >ѡ½ϲԶͻһչܣ޷ΪκԶͻӡϸҪ :You have selected to define variable budget spread by company. \n \n All group budget spread percentages will be set to zero. \n \n Do you want to continue? >ѡ尴˾ĿɱԤ\n \n ԤٷֱȾΪ㡣\n \n ϣ :You have selected to delete a default object. Deleting this default will affect all items >ѡɾĬ϶ɾĬ϶ӰĿ :You have selected to delete exiting lines on maintenance - no entry number needed >ѡɾάе - Ҫκ :You have selected to delete the ledger for your current company. This will delete the live ledger for this company >ѡɾĵǰ˾ʡ⽫ɾ˾Ļ :You have selected to import the license for a company with the >ѡΪĹ˾ :You have selected to log operator '%1' out of '%2' >ѡʹԱ '%1' ˳ '%2' :You have selected to print a bitmap background but have not defined the bitmap. Do you wish to define it now? >ѡ˴ӡλͼδλͼϣڶ :You have selected to process a credit note against an existing invoice. Do you wish to select the original order lines from that invoice? >ѡΪзƱƱݡϣӸ÷Ʊѡԭ :You have selected to reindex a lot archive file. Please enter the archive file name >ѡΪεļ±뵵ļ :You have selected to remove all organizations from your current list >ѡɾĵǰбе֯ :You have selected to run a COBOL program >ѡCOBOL :You have selected to run a Flexgen for SYSPRO shortcut >ѡΪSYSPROݷʽFlexgen :You have selected to run a NetExpress program >ѡNetExpress :You have selected to run a SRS report >ѡSRS :You have selected to run a report using the SYSPRO report writer >ѡʹSYSPROб :You have selected to run a standard SYSPRO program >ѡб׼SYSPRO :You have selected to run any application other than a SYSPRO >ѡκӦó򣬶SYSPRO :You have selected to run any application other than an >ѡκӦó򣬶 :You have selected to run any other application other than >ѡκӦó򣬶 :You have selected to show another menu when this item >ѡ˵ѡĿʱʾ :You have selected to update the single highlighted module.\n\nOK to continue? >ѡ˸µһͻʾģ顣\n\nȷҪ :You have set manufacturing unit of measure to No. Your options will be updated as stocking unit of measure has been restored >ѽλΪΪλѻָѡԸ :You have set reserved lot/serial options to no. Your options will be updated as reserved lots/serials have been released >ѽΣϵѡΪڱΣϵѷУѡ :You have supplied component/operation line '%1' which is not found >ṩδҵIJ '%1' :You have supplied components/operations for option '%1' however none exist >Ϊѡ '%1' ṩ˲һҲ :You have suppressed all time entry fields. Do you wish to continue? >ѹȫʱֶΡϣ :You have switched off Goods in Transit transfers. It is advisable to run the Inventory Balance function to clear all Goods in Transit files. Do you wish to do so now? >ѹر;תơпܣȫ;ļϣִ :You have switched off the administrator rights for your current group. This means that you may be denied access to certain programs and functions on exiting this program. Do you wish to continue? >Ϊĵǰر˹ԱȨޡζпܱܾʸгеijЩӦó͹ܡϣ :You have switched off the administrator rights for your current group. This means that you may be denied access to certain programs and functions on exiting this program. Do you wish to continue? >ѹر˵ǰĹԱȨޡζпܱܾʱгеijЩӦó͹ܡϣ :You have switched off the administrator rights for your current role.\n\nThis means that you may be denied access to certain programs and functions on exiting this program.\n\nDo you wish to continue? >ѹرǰְĹԱȨ\n\nζ˳˳ܱܾijЩ͹ܡ\n\nϣ? :You have switched on Goods in Transit transfers. You must update your options, as all transfers have been converted >Ѵ;תơѡΪתȫת :You have switched on actual costing. It is advisable to run the month end purge and balance program. Do you wish to do so now? >Ѵʵʳɱ㡣֮ϣִд˲? :You have to save your changes before you can design the template. Save the changes now? >ܹģǰ뱣ġҪڱ :You have to select at least one line type >ѡһ :You have turned off system-wide configuration. You should now set up your configuration by Operator, Group and/or Company. Do you want to do this now? (you can use the Configuration menu option to do this later) >ѹرϵͳͨáӦİԱͣ˾áϣִ𣿣Ҳʹò˵ѡִд :You have updated one or more fields in the ledger code template. Do you wish to update the G/L master with these changes? >Ѹ·ʴģеһֶΡϣЩĶָļ :You haven't yet saved your changes. Do you wish to do so now? >δĸġϣд˹? :You may change these addresses if required >ҪʱɸЩַ :You may define printers later using the File, Printers {Shift+F6} >ʹļӡӡ{Shift+F6} :You may define up to %1 menus for youself >ΪԼ %1 ˵ :You may define up to 99 menus for youself >ΪԼ99˵ :You may need to change your license details as described >Ҫڹ˾ :You may need to correct any problem before you attempt re-entry >ǰҪκ :You may not add a line if the previous line does not contain an answer field >һвֶΣ :You may not apply these payments as the total of the selected invoices is negative >òЩΪѡƱܶΪ :You may not apply these payments as the total of the selected invoices is zero >òЩΪѡƱܶΪ㡣 :You may not cancel this process >ȡһ :You may not capture any capacity values for a sub-contract work center >ΪְͬҵIJκֵ :You may not change the Indent Level of the root node >øĸڵ :You may not change the Threshold once Free Goods details have been entered >һѻϸɸļֵ :You may not change the Threshold or Type once Tiered details have been entered >һλϸɸļֵ :You may not change the kit to a negative quantity >ý׼Ϊ :You may not change the kit to a positive quantity >ý׼Ϊ :You may not copy a sub module journal >øģռ :You may not create a journal batch with a zero balance >ô߱ռ :You may not delete this form. You must have at least one form defined >ɾ˱ӵһѶ :You may not delete this row. Use Clear Condition to clear the row >ɾʹ :You may not dispatch a line with a quantity of zero as you cannot underdispatch >ΪзΪɶ :You may not exit until the entire quantity has been allocated/de-allocated >䣯˳ :You may not include all ledgers codes, all groups and more than one account type >ðз˴롢һʻ :You may not include safety stock if \"Stock on hand\" is not included >\\δôðȫ :You may not indent the item immediately below the root node >Ŀڵ :You may not indent the root node >ڵ :You may not move the first item in the list upwards >ƶбеĵһĿ :You may not move the last item downwards >ƶһĿ :You may not overpay this invoice >ó֧Ʊ :You may not post a journal to a future period >δڷռ :You may not post payments to a sub-account. Do you wish to use the master account? >ýʸʻϣʹʻ :You may not post to a job when A/P and WIP are in different financial periods >A/PWIPڲͬIJʱùʵҵ :You may not post to a job when the current WIP financial period does not match the current Cash book financial period >ǰWIP뵱ǰֽʱڲƥʱùʵҵ :You may not post transactions to a sub account. Do you wish to use the master account? >ý׹ʻϣʹʻ :You may not release a line with a quantity of zero >ͷž :You may not release a negative value payment >ͷŸֵ :You may not retain detail history transactions for more months than summary transactions >ñժҪ׸ϸʷ :You may not retain detail history transactions for more years than summary transactions >ñϸʷױȻܽ׸ :You may not retain detail sales transactions for more months than summary transactions >ñϸ۽ױȻܽ׸ :You may not reverse more than the previously scrapped quantity >÷תǰ :You may not reverse more than was previously scrapped against the lot >÷תǰԴαϵ :You may not reverse more than was previously scrapped against the serial >÷תǰԴϵбϵ :You may not reverse more than was previously scrapped against the serial. Use quantity available? >÷תǰԴϵбϵҪʹÿ? :You may not save or post a journal with zero values >ñʾֵ߱ռ :You may not select this option as a G/L account has been setup in G/L Integration. This must be cleared >ѡѡΪʼʻ뱻 :You may not ship more than required for order '%1' >ڶ '%1' װ˱Ҫĸ :You may not supply both job and customer for transaction '%1' >Ϊ '%1' ṩҵҲṩͻ :You may not supply both job and supplier for transaction '%1' >Ϊ '%1' ṩҵҲṩӦ :You may not use WIP value as a cost basis as the WIP value is negative >ʹִҵ(WIP)ֵΪɱ׼Ϊִҵ(WIP)ֵΪ :You may not use current cost as a cost basis as FIFO or LIFO costing is in use >ʹõǰɱΪɱ׼ΪȽȳ(FIFO)ͺȳ(LIFO)ɱ㴦ʹ :You may only copy a provisional journal to the current period >ɽʱռʸƵǰ :You may only define %1 start columns to be initialized >ɶʼ %1 ʼ :You may only define 3 start columns to be initialized >ֻɶ3Ŀʼ :You may only include lines for made-in, bought-out or subcontracted items >ֻ׼ڲ졢ɹתĿ :You may only insert an offer when inserting the quotation detail line >뱨ϸʱֻ뱨 :You may only select up to %1 post dated checks >ѡ %1 Զ֧Ʊ :You may only select up to 20 post dated checks >ֻѡ20Զ֧Ʊ :You may proceed with the conversion process >ɼִת :You must be an Administrator to run this program >ǹԱб :You must be inside a SQL transaction before performing this function >执行此功能前,您必须处于 SQL 交易内 :You must be on Version 4.0 of Encore in order to convert >ʹEncore4.0棬Խļת :You must be on version 4.0 or 5.0 of Encore in order to convert >ʹEncore4.05.0棬Խļת :You must change one or more tax amounts until the undistributed amount is equal to zero >һ˰սֱδΪֹ :You must change one or more tax amounts until the undistributed amount/s is/are equal to zero >һ˰սֱδΪֹ :You must complete this wizard before anyone can use the SYSPRO CMS system >ɴ򵼣֮κ˷ʹSYSPRO CMSϵͳ :You must convert your company to %1 issue %2 before you can continue. (the current version of your company is %3 issue {before issue 008} >ִܹǰתĹ˾ %1ǩ %2 ˾ĵǰ汾Ϊ %3 {008֮ǰ} :You must define a VBScript name which is 8 characters in length >붨峤Ϊ 8 ַ VBScript :You must define the currency as available for buying or selling or both. Save cancelled >뽫ҶΪɹɹۣʹáȡ :You must end this RMA before exiting >˳֮ǰֹ˻Ȩ(RMA) :You must end this dispatch note before exiting >退出前,您必须结束此发货单 :You must end this order before exiting >˳֮ǰֹö :You must ensure that stock on hand is adjusted to zero in all warehouses before turning on lot traceability. Do you wish to continue? >ڴ׷ǰȷȫֿеĴΪ㡣ϣ :You must ensure that the Assets Journals and Distribution reports have been >ȷʲռʺͷ䱨 :You must ensure that your Encore 4.0 date format is defined here >ȷڴ˶Encore 4.0ڸʽ :You must enter a bill-to extended tax code >뽫ʵ뵽˰ :You must enter a bin location >λ :You must enter a component warehouse >벿ֿ :You must enter a credit authority to invoice this order >ȨΪ߷Ʊ :You must enter a database name >ݿ :You must enter a ledger code if you have selected a type >ѡijͣôʴ :You must enter a lot number >κ :You must enter a manual serial number >ֹϵк :You must enter a non-blank GRN number >ǿհGRN :You must enter a non-blank bin >ǿհײ :You must enter a non-blank lot number >ǿհκ :You must enter a non-zero lot > :You must enter a non-zero quantity > :You must enter a ship-to extended tax code >뽫뵽˰ :You must enter a unit of measure for a statistical account >Ϊͳʻλ :You must enter a valid company >ЧĹ˾ :You must enter a valid effective date >ЧЧ :You must enter a valid range >ЧΧ :You must enter a valid tax code >Ч˰ :You must enter a warehouse >ֿ :You must enter a window title >봰 :You must enter at least 1 analysis code >1 :You must enter at least one name in the To box >ڷһ :You must enter credit authority to release dispatch from suspense >ȨԴӹз :You must enter the alternate key >滻 :You must enter the password to continue > :You must exit design menu before exiting SYSPRO >˳ SYSPRO ֮ǰ˳Ʋ˵ :You must exit design mode before exiting SYSPRO >˳SYSPRO֮ǰ˳ģʽ :You must first select a transaction to maintain >ѡҪάĽ :You must import all outstanding interface information before proceeding. The import program will assume that the currency of the transactions being imported matches the customer account currency in the destination file. Ok to continue? >ǰ뵼ȫδʹõĽϢ򽫼ٶڵĽ׻ĿĵļеĿͻʻƥ䡣ȷҪ :You must produce a bank deposit slip, since your payments are linked to Cash Book and the bank deposit slip is the mechanism by which payments are posted through to Cash Book >봴дΪĸӵֽʱдǽֽʱĻ :You must save capex item before you can add capex lines. Do you wish to continue with save? >ȱʱĿȻ󷽿ʱСϣִб :You must save capex line before you can raise or link. Do you wish to continue with save? >ȱʱУȻ󷽿ӡϣִб :You must save capex line before you can raise. Do you wish to continue with save? >ȱʱУȻ󷽿ϣִб :You must save details before continuing >ڼ֮ǰϸ :You must save this payment run before exiting >˳֮ǰ˸ :You must save your changes first before attempting to maintain any section >άκβ֮ǰȱ :You must select a field to delete >ѡҪɾֶ :You must select a standard hierarchy as user defined hierarchies are denied >ѡ׼ΣΪûԶѱܾ :You must select a word document when selecting to email >ѡԵʼʽʱѡWordĵ :You must select a word or SRS document when selecting to email >ѡԵʼʱѡwordSRSĵ :You must select an item from the listview before selecting the Delete function >ѡɾ֮ǰȴб鿴ѡĿ :You must select an operator line before choosing the logout function >ѡעǰѡԱ :You must select at least one form of supply >ѡһֹӦ :You must select at least one item in the list >ѡһĿ :You must select at least one mandatory entry >ѡһǿ :You must select at least one of the invoice types before you can process invoices >ܹƱǰѡһַƱ :You must select at least one of the invoice types before you can review invoices >ܹ鷢ƱǰѡһַƱ :You must select at least one of the keys portions >ѡһؼֲ֮һ :You must select at least one of the main choices - balance or purges - from the list of functions.\n\nStart Processing cancelled >ӹбѡһѡ֮һ - ƽ :You must select at least one of the purge options. Function cancelled >ѡһѡȡ :You must select at least one of the purge options. Function cancelled >ѡһѡȡ :You must select at least one role to import >ѡһѡ :You must select at least one source option >ѡһԴѡ :You must select at least one source type to include >ѡһҪԴ :You must select at least one supply or demand type to include >ѡһҪӦ :You must select at least one table to import >ѡһҪı :You must select the WIP inspection reference to reduce >ѡҪѹִҵ(WIP)ο :You must shutdown SYSPRO before shutting down your Windows system >ڹر Windows ϵͳ֮ǰر SYSPRO :You must shutdown SYSPRO before shutting down your Windows system.\n\nWindows shutdown terminated >ڹرWindowsϵͳǰرSYSPRO\n\nWindowsرձֹ :You must specify a filter of the old report index codes to be included >ָʽĹ :You must specify a mask of the G/L codes to be included >ָһҪG/L :You must specify a mask of the GL codes to be included >ָ GL :You must specify a mask of the new G/L codes to be generated >ָһG/L :You must specify a mask of the new GL codes to be generated >ָɵ GL :You must specify a mask of the new report index codes to be included >ָ± :You must supply the statement before you can switch on this feature >ܹһ֮ǰṩ :You must use TAB or ENTER when moving off the Operator field >ƳԱֶʱʹ TAB ENTER :You need to end this order before exiting >Ҫ˳֮ǰֹö :You need to enter a bucket >ҪͰ :You selected red. Are you sure? >ѡ˺ɫȷ :You should now enter the SQL Server Login and Password >ӦΪADMINԱSQL :You should only continue once you have run this script >ֻиýű󷽿ɼ :You should only tick this option if the field is a company id in a shared G/L table >ֶǷֳG/Lеij˾ôӦֻѡѡ :You will also be prompted to supply administrative and control >还将向您提示提供管理和控制 :You will be able to access the new Fast menu by pressing >You will be able to access the new Fast menu by pressing :You will be guided through the following steps >ִ² :You will be prompted to supply administrative and control information >ʾṩлSQLĹ˾ :You will be prompted to supply adminstrative and control information >ʾṩͿϢ :You will be requested to select valid delivery load for each order line. Do you wish to continue? >ΪÿһѡЧװءϣ? :You will be requested to select valid delivery load loads for each order line. Do you wish to continue? >ΪÿһѡЧװءϣ? :You will be requested to select valid delivery loads for each order line. Do you wish to continue? >ΪÿһѡЧĽءϣ? :You will be required to assign an organization prior to exiting the maintenance >˳ά֮ǰ֯ :You will be working with a copy of the live license files until you click '%1' at > '%1' ֮ǰʹû֤ļĸ :You will be working with a copy of the live license files until you click 'Finish' at >ڱ򵼽ʱɡ֮ǰʹһݻ :You will have to create this directory manually >ֶĿ¼ :You will have to create this library manually >ֶÿ :You will have to re-enter the information again >ٴϢ :You will need a login that is a member of the sysadmin fixed server >Ҫsysadmin̶Աĵ¼ :You will need to apply an exchange rate to establish a rate for this currency >ҪӦûʣΪ˻ҽ :You will need to change one or the other before the allocations >Ҫķ֮ǰһ :You will not be able to archive AP Remittance Check documents for companies that have invalid archive control tables >ھ߱ЧƱĹ˾޷鵵 AP ֧Ʊĵ :You will not be able to archive AP Remittance documents for companies that have invalid archive control tables >ھ߱ЧƱĹ˾޷鵵 AP ĵ :You will not be able to archive AR Statement Print documents for companies that have invalid archive control tables >ھ߱ЧƱĹ˾޷鵵 AR ӡĵ :You will not be able to archive Cash Book Remittance Bank documents for companies that have invalid archive control tables >ھ߱ЧƱĹ˾޷鵵ֽ˲ĵ :You will not be able to archive Discount Notes documents for companies that have invalid archive control tables >ھ߱ЧƱĹ˾޷鵵ۿ۸עĵ :You will not be able to archive EFT Remittance documents for companies that have invalid archive control tables >ھ߱ЧƱĹ˾޷鵵 EFT ĵ :You will not be able to archive Issues documents for companies that have invalid archive control tables >ھ߱ЧƱĹ˾޷鵵ǩĵ :You will not be able to archive Permanent Entries documents for companies that have invalid archive control tables >ھ߱ЧƱĹ˾޷鵵Ŀĵ :You will not be able to archive Purchase Order Receipts documents for companies that have invalid archive control tables >ھ߱ЧƱĹ˾޷鵵ɹջĵ :You will not be able to archive Quotation - Multiple Column documents for companies that have invalid archive control tables >ھ߱ЧƱĹ˾޷鵵 - ĵ :You will not be able to archive Stock Receipts documents for companies that have invalid archive control tables >ھ߱ЧƱĹ˾޷鵵ջĵ :You will now be guided through the SQL Company Setup wizard >ָ SQL ˾򵼵Ĺ :You will now be prompted for further Contact details >ʾһϵ :You will now be taken through the process of adding a new company >¹˾Ĺ :Your G/L setup options indicate that this should be an analysis account. Do you require G/L analysis? >(G/L)ѡָӦǷʻҪ(G/L) :Your G/L setup options indicate that this should be an analysis account. Do you require GL analysis? >(G/L)ѡָӦǷʻҪ(GL) :Your GL integration options allow for automatic posting of journals. You cannot use the authorize journals with these options selected > GL ѡԶռ˷ѡЩѡʹȨռ :Your SYSPRO operator code is associated with multiple ECC users.\n\nPlease select an ECC user from the user browse which will now be loaded >SYSPROԱECCû\n\nӽصûѡijECCû :Your WIP material and WIP labor values are equal to your outstanding WIP value but you are receipting a negative quantity. Do you want to continue? >ִҵ(WIP)Ϻִҵ(WIP)Ͷֵδִҵ(WIP)ֵȴڽոϣ :Your application has a list view or form whose property heading is duplicated >Ӧó߱Աظбͼ :Your back order release quantity selection has changed >Ѹڶѡ :Your changes have not been saved. If you exit now you will lose all your changes. Do you wish to save your changes? >ĸδ档˳ʧȫġϣĸ :Your client IMPACT.INI settings have been saved. The new settings will only take effect after exiting from SYSPRO >ѱĿͻ IMPACT.INI áý˳ SYSPRO Ч :Your company >˾X(40) :Your company has been successfully converted from the Legacy Payment Processing >Ĺ˾ѳɹӾʽת :Your company has been successfully set up to use Contact Management >ѽĹ˾ɹΪʹϵ˹ :Your company is not licensed for Reporting services so you may not configure this operator as a '%1' >Ĺ˾δȡñɣýòԱΪΪ '%1' :Your company is now configured >Ĺ˾ :Your current company is ISAM based but the license file is SQL Server based >ĵǰ˾ISAMļȴSQL :Your current company is SQL Server based but the license file is ISAM based >ĵǰ˾SQLļȴISAM :Your customized pane closed unexpectedly in the last session >ĶƴһỰر :Your database is ready to be converted and the conversion process will now be initiated >ݿѴת״̬ת̼ʼ :Your default font for new notes has been saved >ע͵Ĭѱ :Your end day selection is not greater than your start day selection. Please re-enter appropriate value >Ľѡ񲻴ڿʼѡõֵ :Your fax settings could not be saved in ..\base\settings\fax.prf >Ĵòܱ..\base\settings\fax.prf :Your format is set up for Word printing, but your current printer is not a Windows printer. Your document will be printed using the Encore format and faxed using the Word format. Would you like to continue? >ĸʽѱΪWordӡĵǰӡWindowsӡ:ļʹEncoreʽӡôWordʽ͡ϣ :Your format is set up for Word printing, but your current printer is not a Windows printer. Your document will be printed using the Encore format. Would you like to continue? >ĸʽѱΪWordӡĵǰӡWindowsӡļEncoreʽӡϣ :Your format is set up for Word printing, but your current printer is not a Windows printer. Your document will be printed using the SYSPRO format and faxed using the Word format. Would you like to continue? >ĸʽѱΪWordӡĵǰӡWindowsӡļʹSYSPROʽӡʹWordʽԴ淽ʽ͡ϣ :Your format is set up for Word printing, but your current printer is not a Windows printer. Your document will be printed using the SYSPRO format. Would you like to continue? >ĸʽѱΪWordӡĵǰӡWindowsӡļʹSYSPROʽӡϣ :Your format is set up for Word printing, but your current printer is not a Windows printer.Your document will be printed using the SYSPRO format and faxed using the Word format. Would you like to continue? >Ϊ Word ׼ôӡʽĵǰӡ Windows ӡĵ SYSPRO ʽӡ Word ʽ淢͡ϣ? :Your format is set up for Word/SRS printing, but your current printer is not a Windows printer. Would you like to continue? >ĸʽѱΪWord/SRSӡĵǰӡWindowsӡϣ :Your installation options are being updated by another user. Program cancelled >İװѡһûԸ¡ȡ :Your list '%1' has been saved >已保存您的列表 '%1' :Your menu must contain at least one folder >IJ˵һļ :Your message could not be sent >Ϣ޷ :Your notes could not be saved as an RTF file. Check your permissions on the NOTES folder beneath your working directory >עͲRTFļ档λĹĿ¼עļеȨ :Your operator security settings prevent you from designing flow graphs >您的操作员安全性设置阻止您设计流程图 :Your parent details have been saved >ѱϸ :Your password has expired >ʧЧ :Your password will expire in %1 days. Do you want to change it now? >뽫 %1 ʧЧϣ :Your password will expire in 7 days. Do you want to change it now? >뽫7ʧЧڸ :Your payment amount is zero for this check! >您对于此支票的付款额为零! :Your posting period in the General Ledger is closed >ܷеĹѽ :Your preferences have been saved >ѡѱ :Your primary history key has been changed which will invalidate any data currently in the Sales History File. Do you wish to clear this file of all data? >ʷؼѱģ⽫ʹʷļеκʧЧϣȫݵıļ :Your report will be created with a default theme >ıĬϷԴ :Your settings have been saved. The new settings will only take effect after exiting from SYSPRO >ѱáý˳ SYSPRO Ч :Your settings have been saved. The new settings will only take effect after exiting from SYSPRO.\n\nDo you wish to exit SYSPRO now? >ѱ档ֻSYSPRO˳󷽿Ч\n\nϣ˳SYSPRO :Your setup options are being updated by another user >ѡһû :Your setup options are being updated by another user. You may view the options, but you will not be allowed to save any changes made >ѡһûԸ¡ɲ鿴ЩѡȨκθ :Your system has been updated to Issue %1 SP1 >ϵͳѸµǩ %1 SP1 :Your system-wide data has been converted successfully >ѳɹתĿϵͳ :Your tax options are being updated by another user. You may view the options, but you will not be allowed to save any changes made >ĴѡһûԸ¡ɲ鿴ЩѡȨκθ :Your tax options are invalid for this report >˰ѡԴ˱Ч :Your temporary files have been deleted >ɾʱļ :Your transaction has been posted successfully >已成功发布您的交易 :Your web browser has not yet been defined. Do you wish to do so now? >δϣ˹ :Yr end > :Ytd % of budget >Ԥ% :Ytd % of variance >IJ% :Ytd Budget quantity >(Ytd)Ԥ :Ytd Budget value >Ԥֵ :Ytd Profit >(Ytd) :Ytd Sales amount >(Ytd)۶ :Ytd Sales quantity >(Ytd) :Ytd Variance >(Ytd) :Ytd expenses > :ZIP/Postal code > :Zero > :Zero Check Value >֧Ʊֵ :Zero Cost >ɱ :Zero Date > :Zero Price Password >۸ :Zero Qty in Inspection >ֵ :Zero Quantities > :Zero Quantity > :Zero Size 3.2 Format File >С3.2ʽļ :Zero Size 4.0 Format File >ߴ4.0ʽļ :Zero Times > :Zero Value Journal >ֵռ :Zero Value Lines >ֵ :Zero amount offers have been captured. Do you want to continue? >已捕获零金额报盘。您希望继续吗? :Zero balance current invoices >ǰƱ :Zero balance customers >ͻ :Zero balance invoices >Ʊ :Zero balance invoices before >֮ǰƱ :Zero balance invoices dated before >ǰƱ :Zero balance invoices deleted >ɾƱ :Zero balance retained > :Zero balance temporary suppliers >ʱӦ :Zero dates found in period table. Please re-enter >ڱзڡ :Zero on hand >ûΪ :Zero or Negative Quantity > :Zero order quantity not allowed >㶩 :Zero outstanding >ûδ :Zero outstanding/Completed >δ :Zero qty > :Zero qty on credit note >Ʊݵ :Zero quantities are not allowed >不允许零数量 :Zero quantities are not allowed against an offer >Աʹ :Zero quantity and no WIP value on the sub job >ҵ WIPֵ :Zero quantity available > :Zero quantity not allowed > :Zero quantity outstanding >δ :Zero quantity outstanding on purchase order line >ɹеδ :Zero ship quantity only allowed when release from the ship quantity selected >ֻѡתǩʱ :Zero sized file warning >ߴļ :Zero sized files >ߴļ :Zero stock on order >е :Zero times in all fields >ȫֶе :Zero value GRN's >ֵGRN :Zero value budgets >ֵԤ :Zero value lines will be discarded >ֵ :Zero values >ֵ :Zero-Size 1.0 / 3.1 Format File >С1.0 / 3.1ʽļ :Zero-Size 3.2 Format File >С3.2ʽļ :Zero-sized files >ߴļ :Zeroise Accepted Cumes >ʹԽۼΪ :Zeroise Issue >ǩ :Zeroise Issue Quantities >ʹǩΪ :Zeroise current year budgets >ʹǰԤΪ :Zeroise total >ʹϼΪ :Zeros shown as >零显示为 :Zip >ѹ :Zip code > :Zip code (tax code) >루˰մ룩 :Zone Material Flows > :Zone Type Maintenance >ά :Zoom > :Zoom - Org > - ֯ :Zoom In >Ŵ :Zoom In (increase the font size) >Ŵ (С) :Zoom In All Forms >Ŵб :Zoom Message >Ϣ :Zoom On Route >缩放路线 :Zoom Out >С :Zoom Out (decrease the font size) >С (СС) :Zoom Out All Forms >Сб :Zoom Target >Ŀ :Zoom not Available >Ų :Zoom on A/P Expense Distribution Detail >A/P÷ϸ :Zoom on A/P Invoice Transaction >A/PƱ :Zoom on A/R Invoice Detail >A/RƱϸ :Zoom on A/R Invoice Register >A/RƱע֤ :Zoom on A/R Invoice Summary >A/RƱ :Zoom on AP Disbursement >AP ֧ :Zoom on AP Expense Distribution Detail >A/P÷ϸ :Zoom on AP Expense Journal Summary >AP ռժҪ :Zoom on AP Invoice Transaction >A/PƱ :Zoom on AR Cash Posting Transaction Summary > AR ֽ˽ժҪ :Zoom on AR Cash Posting Transactions > AR ֽ˽ :Zoom on AR Invoice Detail >A/RƱϸ :Zoom on AR Invoice Register >A/RƱע֤ :Zoom on AR Invoice Summary >A/RƱ :Zoom on Accounts Payable Disbursement Detail >Ӧϸ :Zoom on Accounts Payable Disbursement Detail >Ӧϸ :Zoom on Accounts Payable Expense Distribution Detail >Ӧ÷ϸ :Zoom on Accounts Payable Invoice Transaction >ӦƱ :Zoom on Accounts Receivable Invoice Detail >ӦտƱϸ :Zoom on Accounts Receivable Invoice Register >ӦտƱע֤ :Zoom on Accounts Receivable Invoice Summary >ӦտƱ :Zoom on Build Schedule >Źʱ :Zoom on Cash Book Detail >ֽ˲ϸ :Zoom on Cash Book Journal >ֽ˲ռ :Zoom on Cash Posting Transaction >ֽʽ :Zoom on Cash Posting Transaction Detail >ֽʽϸ :Zoom on Cash Posting Transaction Summary >ֽ𷢲ժҪ :Zoom on Cash Posting Transactions >ֽ𷢲 :Zoom on Cashbook Detail >ֽʱϸ :Zoom on Charge Line >շ :Zoom on Component >Ų :Zoom on Component for Stock Code >벿 :Zoom on Contract Price Details >źͬ۸ϸ :Zoom on Forecast >Ԥ :Zoom on GL Standard Journal Codes >GL ׼ռ˴ :Zoom on GRN >GRN :Zoom on GRN Journal Detail >GRN ռϸ :Zoom on GRN Journal Detail Line >GRNռϸ :Zoom on GRN Journal Summary >GRNռʻ :Zoom on General Ledger Journal >ܷռ :Zoom on Goods in Transit Detail >;ϸ :Zoom on Internal Operation >ڲ :Zoom on Inventory Journal >ſռ :Zoom on Inventory Journal Summary >ſռʻ :Zoom on Invoice Details >Ʊϸ :Zoom on LCT Details >ɱ(LCT)ϸ :Zoom on Lab. Posting Journal >ʵšڹռ :Zoom on Lab. Posting Journal Summary >ʵšڹռժҪ :Zoom on Labor >Ͷ :Zoom on Labor Posting Journal >Ͷռ :Zoom on Labor Posting Journal Summary >Ͷռʻ :Zoom on Labor Posting Journals >Ͷռ :Zoom on Ledger Entries Group >ŷ :Zoom on Live >Ż :Zoom on Lot Number >κ :Zoom on Material >Ų :Zoom on Op >Ų :Zoom on Operation >Ų :Zoom on Operation for Stock Code > :Zoom on Part Billing Journal >Ųʵռ :Zoom on Part Billing Journal Summary >Ųʵռʻ :Zoom on Payment History >ʷ :Zoom on Pricing Contract Details >ż۸ͬϸ :Zoom on Recurring Journal >ظռ :Zoom on Recurring Journals >ռ :Zoom on Route >· :Zoom on Sales Order >۶ :Zoom on Sales Order Line >۶ :Zoom on Sales Order Quotes >۶ѯ :Zoom on Sales Orders >۶ :Zoom on Settlement Discount Notes >ۿƱ :Zoom on Snapshot >ųӡ :Zoom on Standard Journal >ű׼ռ :Zoom on Stock Code > :Zoom on Subcontract Operation >ŷְͬ :Zoom on Supply Chain Transfers >ŹӦת :Zoom on WIP Detail >WIPϸ :Zoom on WIP Labor Journal >WIP Ͷռ :Zoom on WIP Part Billings >WIP Ʒ :Zoom on Warnings and Narration >ž :Zoom on details >ϸ :Zoom on highlighted line >缩放突显行 :Zoom on line >缩放行 :Zoom on line details >ϸ :Zoom status at time of dispatch >ŷʱ״̬ :Zoom to Selection >ŵѡ :Zooms to the currently selected nodes >ŵǰѡڵ :Zooms to the currently selected shapes >缩放到当前选定形状 :Zulu >³ :\-Cancelled >\-ȡ :`View context menu >`鿴IJ˵ :a SYSPRO application >SYSPROӦó :a User menu >û˵ :a manual and system check >˹ϵͳǩ :a program. For example INV* >INV* :a set of default settings >һĬ :a unique reference by which the entry >ʶ :above items. Do you wish to enter these now? >Ŀϣ? :actioned entries deleted >ִɾ :activex container >activex :activities deleted >ɾĻ :add or change order lines >ӻĶ :add the kit part as an allocation or do you want the components of >Ϊ׼ϣΪ :add the phantom part as an allocation or do you want the components of >ΪϣΪ :add your own values later >Լļֵ :addchgdel >addchgdel :adding adjustment > :additions of affected items >ӰĿ :adjusted to reflect the change in the > :affected and need to be reorganized concurrently as some >Ҫͬʱ֯ΪеijЩ :against each message being sent >Է͵ÿһϢ :against the job. Ok to create allocation? >ҵȷҪ :all the components and operations selected for the configuration >ΪöѡȫͲ :allowed for the orginator of this line, > :allowed for this version . It will NOT be calculated, >汾ֵ :alternatively you can elect to use a traditional C-ISAM database >⣬ҲʹóC-ISAMݿ :amendment journals deleted >޶ռɾ :an '%1' Contact for each Operator if required >an '%1' Contact for each Operator if required :an 'Employee' Contact for each Operator if required >ҪΪÿԱġԱϵ :an intermediate bulk copy format and then the BULK INSERT statement >中间批量复制格,然后再到 BULK INSERT (批量插入) 语句 :an invoice may be produced >an invoice may be produced :and Adjustments > :and Inspections > :and an associated value >ֵ :and require reorganizing. The following process will take care >Ҫ֯г :and restore all customized settings >and restore all customized settings :and routing for future use >嵥ṹ·Է㽫ʹ :and select each company in turn so that it can be converted to >ʹADMINԱ¼ :and set the current financial year to >Ϊ9(4) :and there is insufficient stock on hand >ûгĿ :and therefore cannot be placed on back order >˲ɷŵڶ :and will NOT be issued >˽ʹ :and will be stored in the System setup >and will be stored in the System setup :and zero cost >IJֿ :and/or operations which will go into making this product >ƷIJ :and/or sub-totalled >ͣС :and/or subtotalled >ͣСƵı :another bank to your current bank. You can also copy >ƵĵǰСҲ :another company using the same version of software >һҹ˾ֻʹͬ汾 :any existing columns for those tables to be imported >κ :any invoice records posted to them >˵ķƱ¼ :applied to all customers to which the >ȫ :appropriate 32-bit and/or 64-bit data source name >appropriate 32-bit and/or 64-bit data source name :archive file, or press if the displayed archive filename is correct >ߣʾĵļȷ밴ɾ :are different from Encore 4.0 >ͬEncore 4.0ġ淶ݽṹ :are errors/warnings generated by the price retrieval >ȫĿΪɼ۸Ĵ󣯾 :are on hold or not stocked in selected warehouses >ѡֿд״̬δ :as Accounts Payable >ΪӦ˿ :as Accounts Payable? >ΪӦʣ :as Accounts Receivable >ΪӦ˿ :as Accounts Receivable? >ΪӦʣ :as it is associated with the following operators >вԱ :as this will be used during the 4.0 to 5.0 conversion process >⽫4.05.0תʹ :as this will be used during the 4.0 to 6.0 conversion process >Ϊ4.06.0ת :assets templates can be set up by >ʲģ岻¸ :at end of order >ʱ :at least once and a password is required to >һβҪһ :at month end > :ations > :attempting to cancel. If you continue, these supplies will not automatically be cancelled >ͼȡЩӦԶȡ :audit log transactions deleted >־ɾ :auto-generate non-stocked code >自动生成非库存代码 :available, such as Transaction Processing >ijЩݿƣ罻״ :bank to your current bank. You can also copy the format >ĵǰСҲɸƵǰʽ :be accessed via the operator maintenance program >ͨԱά :be converted. Ensure that these reports have been printed >ȷת˾֮ǰѴӡ :be ignored when creating purchase order lines >ɹʱ :be loaded and you should login using an operator code of 'ADMIN' >be loaded and you should login using an operator code of 'ADMIN' :be produced > :be satisfied because component >ΪX(30) :be shipped is > :be used as the initial opening balance >ڳ :be used by the Report Writer >ɱʹõݽṹ :be used to identify the company. For example the sample company >ʶ𱾹˾磬SYSPROг˾ :because component >because component :been excluded from the list) >been excluded from the list) :been ignored >been ignored :been licensed for use >Ϊʹö֤ :being installed >ڱװ :being purged >ȡ :budget %1 >Ԥ %1 :but it will still be printed >Աӡ :by > :by Expiry date >按失效日期 :by Tender date >按投标日期 :by Time Periods >ʱ :by more than > :by the originator of the requisition line >by the originator of the requisition line :by which the entry may be identified >ʶĶطƱid :bytes >ֽ :bytes/sec >ֽڣ룩 :can be accepted >ɽ :can be applied >ʹ :can copy the shortcuts from an existing Fast menu and edit the menu >ɴпٲ˵ƿݷʽ༭˵ :can copy the shortcuts from an existing menu and edit the menu later >ɴв˵ƿݷʽԺ༭˵ :can only be run from that company >ֻܴǸ˾ :can use the Browse push button to locate your program >ҲʹťԲҳ :cancellation of structure changes >ȡṹ :cannot be used elsewhere. Please enter a new code for this item >ϡΪ˻Ʒһ´ :cash drawers be closed, and printed >ڴӡǰرȫֽƱˣ :catered for by this version of SYSPRO >ͨsyspro汾 :ccyy/mm/dd >ccyy/mm/dd :change of date available >Ŀ :change of description > :change of responsible user >û :changed and require converting to %1 >ѸҪתΪ %1 :changed and require converting to 6.0 >ѱģҪת6.0 :characters, when printing >ַӡʱ :code selection >ѡĸʽ :code with a blank password. You can amend this using the Operator >ж塣Ĭϵ¼ǾпհIJԱʹòԱ :code. Please enter a valid warehouse code to be used in >ռʡΪǿƷ :code. Please enter a valid warehouse code to be used in >ռʡΪǿƷ :codes are not stocked in >δλõĴ :commas. For example %1 >Ÿ%1 :commas. For example 1,4,8-12 >öŷֿ1,4,8-12 :company from a 5.0 to 6.0 format >5.06.0ʽĹ˾ :company from a 5.0 to SYSPRO 6.0 format >5.0SYSPRO 6.0ʽת :company is running in relation to >˾ :company or for the entire SYSPRO system >˾SYSPROϵͳ :company to your current company >˾Ƶĵǰ˾ :company/database cross reference table >λ :completed. Failure to do so will result in lost G/L entries! >ɡʧ :completed. Failure to do so will result in lost GL entries! >ɡʧ :comprises >z(3)9.9(6) :conditions have been corrected >ѱ :confirmation of structure changes >ȷϽṹ :contacts deleted >ɾϵ :contain active data >Ѱ :contains > :contains active data > :context menu maint >IJ˵ά :context1-menu >context1-menu :converting to SYSPRO %1 format >תΪ SYSPRO %1 ʽ :converting to SYSPRO 6.0.009 format >תSYSPRO 6.0.009ʽ :converting to SYSPRO 6.0.010 format >תSYSPRO 6.0.010 :converting your database >תݿ :corresponding to the original posting month and year >ɣ뾭ҵԭʵ :cost element records that have not yet had >ɱҪûκ :costing by Warehouse and Multiple Bins >ֿͶijɱ :create the database yourself, using a SQL Server utility >ΪһѡʹSQLʵóԼݿ :created by the copy function will be >ͨƹܴµĹ̶ :creation of the configured product >пʹЩѡͲ :creation of the configured product(s) >ʹЩѡͲ :cross references from the following >¸Ķ :currency currency > :currency conversion table >ת :currency, exceeds the maximum field size >ңֶδС :current bank. You can also copy the format from another company >current bank. You can also copy the format from another company :current format. You can also copy the label format from another >ǰʽҲɴһǩʽ :current payables >ǰӦ :current year and month >ǰȺ· :custom fields >Զֶ :d/M/yy >d/M/yy :d/M/yy HH:mm >d/M/yy HH:mm :database to the SYSPRO %1 SP1 format >SYSPRO %1 SP1ʽݿ :database to the SYSPRO %1 format >SYSPRO %1ʽݿ :database to the SYSPRO 6.0.009 format >ݿSYSPRO 6.0.009ʽ :database to the SYSPRO 6.0.010 format >תSYSPRO 6.0.010ʽݿ :database, alternatively you can use a SQL Server Login and >ҲʹΪÿһSYSPROԱ :date exported > :day(s) > :days old >ѹ :dd MMMM yyyy >dd MMMM yyyy :dd/MM/yy HH:mm >dd/MM/yy HH:mm :dd/MM/yyyy >dd/MM/yyyy :dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm >dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm :dd/mm/ccyy >dd/mm/ccyy :dd/mm/yy >գ£ :ddd yyyy/MM/dd >ddd yyyy/MM/dd :dddd D MMMM yyyy >dddd D MMMM yyyy :defaults for your region >ijЩͨĬֵ :definition of these tables needs to be added to the database >ЩĶӵݿ :detail log transactions deleted >ɾϸ־ :determine the initial size and other initial settings >ֵ :different from Encore 4.0 >ͬEncore 4.0 :differs >ͬ :directory based on the above configuration >Ŀ¼ϵļ :do not use tax code from stock >Ҫʹÿе˰մ :does not contain > :does not equal the check amount >֧Ʊ :does not equal the check value >֧Ʊֵ :does not exist in the Currency Exchange table >ڻһұв :does not match the job number entered >ҵ벻ƥ :drop all obsolete columns when successful >ɹʱйʱ :due to item that only permits single lots >- ֻһεĻƷ :due to the following reasons >ԭ빺ȡ :duplicated >ظ :during next run of cost implosion >һгɱµʱ :during the migration process. This prevents partially updated >תƹСɱⲿֱ :e-Signatures VBScript >ǩ VBScript :e.Net Basedir >e.Net Ŀ¼ :e.g > :e.net >e.net :e.net %1 requires SYSPRO %2 >e.net %1ҪʹSYSPRO %2 :e.net Applications Allowed >e.net :e.net Browse >E.net :e.net Browse Setup >e.net :e.net Comstate Log >e.net Comstate ־ :e.net Diagnostic message - The business object '%1' has not been developed with the $set REENTRANT directive. Please Email a screen dump of this message to support@za.syspro.com with a subject line of 'e.net REENTRANT problem' >e.netϢ - δʹ$set REENTRANTĿ¼ҵ '%1' õʼһϢĻתsupport@za.syspro.comΪe.net REENTRANT :e.net Diagnostic message - The business object '%1' has not been developed with the $set REENTRANT directive. Please Email a screen dump of this message to support@za.syspro.com with a subject line of 'e.net REENTRANT problem'. >e.netϢ - δʹ$set REENTRANTĿ¼ҵ '%1' õʼһϢĻתsupport@za.syspro.com,Ϊ"e.net REENTRANT" :e.net Diagnostic message - The program '%1' (or one of its sub programs) has not been developed with the $set REENTRANT directive. Please Email a screen dump of this message to support@za.syspro.com with a subject line of 'e.net REENTRANT problem' >e.netϢ - δʹ$set REENTRANTĿ¼ '%1' ӳ֮һõʼһϢĻתsupport@za.syspro.comΪe.net REENTRANT⡱ :e.net Diagnostic message - The program '%1' (or one of its sub programs) has not been developed with the $set REENTRANT directive. Please Email a screen dump of this message to support@za.syspro.com with a subject line of 'e.net REENTRANT problem'. >e.netϢ - δʹ$set REENTRANTĿ¼ '%1' ӳ֮һõʼһϢĻתsupport@za.syspro.com,Ϊ"e.net REENTRANT⡣" :e.net Document Flow Manager is not licensed for Company %1 >˾ %1 δõe.netĵ :e.net Generic Browse >e.netһ :e.net Internet Applications >e.net :e.net Internet Applications are not licensed for Company %1 >˾ %1 e.netδõ :e.net Logon Method >e.net¼ :e.net Logon Profile >e.netעļ :e.net Menu Setup >e.net ˵ :e.net Profile Settings >e.netļ :e.net Query >e.netѯ :e.net Run Time Products >e.netʱƷ :e.net Security Access - Customers >e.netȫ - ͻ :e.net Security Access - Product class by customer >e.net ȫ - ͻIJƷȼ :e.net Solutions - Query >e.net - ѯ :e.net Solutions - Setup >e.net - :e.net Solutions - Transaction >e.net - :e.net Solutions - Utility >e.net - ʵó :e.net Solutions Browse Setup >e.net :e.net Solutions Menu Setup >e.net˵ :e.net Transaction Log >e.net ־ :e.net is not licensed for company %1 >˾ %1 :e.netδõ :e.net licenses >e.net ֤ :e.net profile required >Ҫe.netļ :e.net requires MSXML 3.0 or later >e.netҪʹMSXML 3.0°汾 :e.net solutions >e.net :e.net solutions Applications >e.netӦó :e.net solutions Browse Setup - System wide browse >e.net - ϵͳΧ :e.net solutions Browse on Applications >e.netӦó :e.net solutions Menu >e.net˵ :e.net solutions Menu Setup - Default SYSPRO Menu >e.net˵ - SYSPROĬϲ˵ :e.net solutions Menu Setup - Operator NEW100 >E.net˵ - ԱNEW100 :e.net solutions Triggers >e.net :e.net specific activity >E.netض :e.net specific field >e.net ضֶ :eSignature >eSignature :eSignature - Access denied to transaction '%1' >ǩ - ܾʽ '%1' :eSignature - Access denied to transaction '%1'. Invalid eSignature element >ǩ - ܾʽ '%1'ЧǩԪ :eSignature - Access denied to transaction '%1'. Missing eSignature element >ǩ - ܾʽ '%1'ʧǩԪ :eSignature - System error on transaction '%1'. File %2 not found. Please notify your administrator immediately >ǩ - '%1' ϵͳδҵļ %2֪ͨĹԱ :eSignature - System error on transaction '%1'. The nested transaction limit has been reached. Please notify your administrator immediately >ǩ - '%1' ϵͳѴﵽǶ׽׼ޡ֪ͨĹԱ :eSignature - System error on transaction '%1'. The start of this transaction is not in the stored linkage. Please notify your administrator immediately >ǩ - '%1' ϵͳ󡣴˽׵Ŀʼڴ洢С֪ͨĹԱ :eSignature - System error. Incorrect version of Encore.dll. Version should be '%1' or higher. Please notify your administrator immediately >ǩ - ϵͳ󡣲ȷ Encore.dll 汾汾ӦΪ '%1' ϡ֪ͨĹԱ :eSignature Control >ǩ :eSignature Control Message >ǩϢ :eSignature GUID '%1' format invalid, should be '{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}' >ǩGUID '%1' ʽЧӦΪ"{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}" :eSignature Log Purge >ǩ־ :eSignature Purge >ǩ :eSignature Query >ǩѯ :eSignature Report >ǩ :eSignature Setup >ǩ :eSignature access denied >ǩʱܾ :eSignature authorizarion failed. Sales order line not added >eSignatureȨʧܡδ۶ :eSignature authorization failed. Inserting of sales order line not allowed >eSignatureȨʧܡ۶ :eSignature authorization failed. Line has not been changed >eSignatureȨʧܡδ :eSignature authorization failed. Order/Line was not cancelled >eSignatureȨʧܡδȡ :eSignature authorization failed. Sales order line not added >eSignatureȨʧܡδ۶ :eSignature authorization failed. Sales order maintenance is denied >eSignatureȨʧܡ۶άܾ :eSignature authorization failed. Sales order not added >eSignatureȨʧܡδ۶ :eSignature authorization failed. Sales order not printed/emailed >eSignatureȨʧܡδӡԵʼ۶ :eSignature authorization failed. Sales order/Line not added >ǩȨʧܡδ۶ :eSignature authorization failed. Status not changed >ǩȨʧܡ״̬δ :eSignature: Access denied to transaction '%1' >ܾǩʽ '%1' :eSignature: Access denied to transaction '%1'. Invalid eSignature element >ܾǩʽ '%1'.ЧǩҪ :eSignature: Access denied to transaction '%1'. Missing eSignature element >ܾǩʽ '%1' .ǩҪضʧ :eSignature: System error on transaction '%1'. File %2 not found. Please notify your administrator immediately > '%1' ϵĵǩϵͳδҵļ %2 ֪ͨĹԱ :eSignature: System error on transaction '%1'. The nested transaction limit has been reached. Please notify your administrator immediately > '%1' ϵĵǩϵͳѴﵽǶ׽׼ޡ֪ͨĹԱ :eSignature: System error on transaction '%1'. The start of this transaction is not in the stored linkage. Please notify your administrator immediately > '%1' ϵĵǩϵͳ󡣴׵Ŀʼڴ洢С֪ͨĹԱ :eSignature: System error. Incorrect version of Encore.dll. Version should be '%1' or higher. Please notify your administrator immediately >ǩϵͳEncore.dll汾ȷ汾ӦΪ '%1' ߡ֪ͨĹԱ :eSignatures >ǩ :eSignatures Audit Log >eSignatures־ :eSignatures Detail Log >ǩ־ :eSignatures Setup >eSignatures :eSignatures always by role >ʼհְĵǩ :eSignatures are currently configured system-wide. Changing eSignatures to be configured by Role means that the previous system-wide configuration will be discarded >ǩǰϵͳáǩΪְζŽǰķϵͳ :eSignatures are currently not enabled. Do you wish to enable the eSignature system and add the current role with the default configuration? >ǰδõǩϣõǩϵͳĬӵǰְ? :eSignatures are not enabled >δõǩ :eSignatures by company within role >ְڰ˾ĵǩ :eSignatures not required. Use the Electronic Signatures Setup to enable the eSignatures system >Ҫǩʹõǩóõǩϵͳ :each operator code, before the operator can login successfully >each operator code, before the operator can login successfully :elements listed below >CSSҪԸʽ :enabling of structure maintenance >ýṹά :end of this wizard. Cancelling out prematurely will remove the copied files >֤ļȡɾѸƵļ :enter Alt+P to run this program from the Fast Menu.) > Alt+P ɴӿݲ˵д˳) :entered before an invoice may be produced >entered before an invoice may be produced :entire company or can be available to all users of the SYSPRO system >entire company or can be available to all users of the SYSPRO system :equal to > :equals to > :event %1 >¼ %1 :event %1 batch >¼ %1 :every month >ÿ· :exceed the maximum allowed for this version. The invoice will >汾ֵƱ :exceeded the maximum field size catered for >ѳרΪĿƵֶδС :exceeds the maximum field size catered >ѳƵֶδС :exceeds the maximum field size catered for by this version of SYSPRO >ΪSYSPRO汾趨ֶδС :exceeds the maximum fields size catered >ѳƵֶδС :existing C-ISAM based companies to a database >л C-ISAM Ĺ˾ݿ :existing ISAM based companies to a database >ֲݿĸ :existing permanent entries are applied >й̶Ŀͻ :expense/revenue type >á롱ʻ :fields >ֶ :file layouts >ļʽ :file(s) not re-indexed >δ±ļ :file(s) re-indexed successfully >δɹ±ļ :files and continue with the conversion? >ļִת? :files is taken prior to running the conversion >ЩļصĸҪĶ :files is transferred to an intermediate bulk copy file format and then >תΪмļʽȻ :files must begin with 'U' >ļ'U'ʼ :financial period in all control records >ڣԵȵ :first warehouse >ѡֿ :following criteria >±׼ :following files to be reorganized >ļ° :following settings > :for Company >˾ SQL :for a different bin >ΪͬĿλ :for by this version of SYSPRO >sysproİ汾 :for each of your SYSPRO Operators >ÿһSYSPROԱ :for multi-period cashbook will be initialized with the Cash Book >ڵֽʽʼ :for recording Activities >ڼ¼ :for sub-account >ʻ :for the Assets Register then deselect the following checkbox >ʲעᣬѡѡ :for the above freight/misc charge line >˷/ӷ :for the serial does not match the selected >ѡIJƥ :for the supplier of the invoice >÷ƱĹӦ :for this requisition /line, has been exceeded >ڴ빺Уѳ :for this stock code. Do you wish to use this contract? >ڴ˿롣ϣñͬ :for you > :for your ADMIN operator >¼ :form field, or if you press CTRL+N >将应用跨栏移动顺序 :frequency >Ƶ :from the opening balance for this year >ӱȵij :from BOM to W/h >Ӳϵ(BOM)ֿ :from another company >һ˾Ʊʽ :from b/order >ڶ :from the Account to the Customer >ʻƵͻ :from the Account to the Supplier >˻Ӧ :from the SYSPRO 6.0 main menu, >syspro6.0˵ڴκã :from the associated merchandise line >ӹƷ :from the database as they are now obsolete or have been >ݿжΪѹʱ :from the kit >ӹ߰ :from the standard dictionary supplied with SYSPRO > SYSPRO һṩı׼ֵ :full hold >ȫ :functions, such as creating a database, creating various SYSPRO >ֹܣ紴ݿ⡢ :generate a list of purchase order standard comments >ɲɹעעб :greater than or equal to >大于或等于 :has been exceeded >ѳ :has been exceeded by >ѳ :has been successfully converted to the 6.0 format >ѳɹת6.0ʽ :has exceeded 99,999,999.99. This has >ѳ99,999,999.99 :has insufficient stock availability >ÿ治 :has previously been issued and is not permitted issues from multiple lots >ǰǩӶǩ :has unit qty processing set and therefore cannot issue directly to a job >еλ飬޷ֱҵǩ :have been >ѽ :have been exceeded by >ѳ :have one or more users >һû :have the same integration method to General Ledger >ܷʱͬϷ :hidden ECC flag >ع̱(ECC)־ :hidden Lot flag >α־ :hidden Serial flag >ϵб־ :hidden captions >صı :history entries delete >ʷ¼ɾ :history entries deleted >ʷ¼ɾ :history maintenance program before the >ʹ÷˼¼ά :hold this requisition line > :hour >Сʱ :however the majority can now be removed >ڿɾļ :hrs >ʱ :if you select this option all your current configuration by Operator, Group or Company will be lost. Click Ok to continue >ѡѡİԱ˾еǰþʧȷɼ :ignored when creating purchase order lines >ɹʱ :in 5.1 format >5.1ʽ :in 6.0 format >6.0ʽ :in IO tables > IO :in S/O Entry allowed > S/O Ŀ :in pointer file invalid >ӦЧ :in some of the tables requires initializing and updating >ijЩеҪʼ͸ :in the Company Setup >ڹ˾ :in the FIFO bins >FIFOλ :in the SYSPRO Login dialog box) > SYSPRO ¼Ի) :inches >Ӣ :including scrap >Ʒ :information from being transferred >ֲָµϢ :information required for SYSPRO %1 >information required for SYSPRO %1 :information required for SYSPRO %1 and then through a data >information required for SYSPRO %1 and then through a data :information required for SYSPRO 6.0 >SYSPRO 6.0ĻϢ :information required for SYSPRO 6.0 and then through a data >SYSPRO 6.0ijЩ :information required to run a SQL based company >运行基于 SQL 公司所需的信息 :international treaties. Unauthorized use of this program, or any >δȨʹñ :into G/L >(G/L) :into GL >(GL) :inventory movements can be broken down by >ɰ䶯Է :invoices not posted >Ʊδ :invoices posted, value >ƱֵΪZZZ,ZZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9 :is > :is being processed by another user >һû :is between >֮ :is defined against each operator. The default login is the operator >ôSQL¼ÿһλԱ :is greater than > :is greater than or equal to >ڻ :is insufficient quantity in the FIFO bins >is insufficient quantity in the FIFO bins :is less than >С :is less than or equal to >Сڻ :is linked to sales order >ӵ۶У :is not between >֮ :is not equal to > :is not greater than the current >ڵǰ :is not on file > :is now ready to be used >δʹ׼ :is on file >ļ :is on hold > :is required to allow maintenance >Ҫά :is selected >ѡ :is specific to an individual operator, to a group of operators, to an >is specific to an individual operator, to a group of operators, to an :is used to populate the tables in the database >用于在数据库中填充表 :is worth >ֵ :just import the new columns and update existing ones >µ :keeping any columns I have previously created >ǰѴκ :key of the primary table will be used automatically >ؼ :key will be used automatically >뽫Զʹ :later > :lead time(days) >ʱǰ () :least once and a password is required >һұд :least once and a password is required to >ӡһΣҪ :ledger menu >ʲ˵ :less than >小于 :less than or equal to >小于或等于 :library code file >ݿļ :limit > :line %1 > %1 :lines according to their respective summary codes and return to the entry program >ժҪнȻ󷵻 :lines. The following stock >lines. The following stock :linked to master account >ӵʻ :local currency, exceeds the maximum field size >ػңֶδС :locate your program >λij :locks to be applied >ҪӦõ :log created >־ :lot or bin attached to this line is no longer available OR stock code is on >λλУ벻 :lot or bin attached to this line is no longer available OR the stock code is >λѲã :maintain order lines >ά :master file >ļ :match a program. For example INV* >ƥINV* :matched items >ƥĿ :matching entries found >ҵƥ :maximum field size catered for by this version of SYSPRO >ΪSYSPRO汾趨ֶδС :maximum field size for this version of SYSPRO >SYSPRO汾ֶδС :may be identified >Ա :may need to set up a SQL Server login and password against >ҪSQL¼룬 :menu pulldown from within the SYSPRO main menu >SYSPRO˵ڵ˵ :millimeters > :minute > :minute before start >ʼǰʱ () :minutes >Ҫժ¼ :minutes before now >֮ǰʱ򾯸 :minutes before start >ʼǰʱ () :missing from the serial number >ϵк붪ʧ :missing from the serial number file >кļʧ :mm/dd/ccyy >mm/dd/ccyy :mm/dd/yy >£գ :mnemonic. For example if you enter Printers you will be able to >ǡ磬ӡܹ :modify data and data definitions within the tables >ڱ޸ݼݶ :month and year of the transaction, is open >׵·ݺǴ״̬ :must be greater than the current >ڵǰ :n/a > :name and address >ƺ͵ַ :needs to create your Web menu >Ҫweb˵ :new Contacts for your organization >֯ϵ :new Employee Contacts for your organization >֯Աϵ :new SQL Server based company >SQLĹ˾ĸ :next phase of library processing >Ϣ⴦һ׶ :non-merchandise value >Ʒֵ :non-stocked parent along with the relevent Job/BOM/Estimate and return to the entry program >ǿԼصҵBOMۣȻ󷵻 :non-zero cost >IJֿ :not been closed or not printed >δرգδӡ :not being available for confirmation >ȷ :not match those calculated. To change the >ƥ䡣Ҫ :now > :number of zero > :of >ZZZ :of the following >޷ɾ :of Forecasts >Ԥ :of Web Applications, and are not used in e.net solutions Web Applications >ԣe.netӦóвʹ :of all affected items >ӰĿ :of payments >ĸ :of purchase orders? >ɹ :of standard SYSPRO programs >ӱ׼SYSPROбѡ :of the columns in one are derived from the other >Ǵժȡ :of the following >¸ :of the sysadmin fixed server role in order to perform some of the functions >עᣬִнűҪ :of the transaction, is open >ܷڵ :of these remaining files >ļ :old address lines to the new address lines >old address lines to the new address lines :on file > :on full hold >ȫ :on order to exceed %1. This line will be ignored > %1Դ :on order to exceed 9,999,999.999. This line will be ignored >9,999,999.999н :on sales orders, purchase orders and WIP >۶ɹ WIP :on sales orders, purchase orders, work in >۶ɹ :on the Counter Sales Report before >ӡ :on the Fast Menu >on the Fast Menu :on this line. Function cancelled >˰մ롣ȡ :on which the entry is to be posted and >ڣԼ :once the following transactions have been >һнѽ :one of the following >֮һ :one or more users >һû :only be acknowledged by the >еԭ :only be used for the duration of >²ڼ :op = operation, calc = calculated >op = 操作, calc = 已计算 :op times, the elapsed time has changed >ʱ䣬ʱ :operation dates on file reload the job >ڴڣ¼ҵ :operation lines for the BOM / Estimate structure and routing before returning to the entry program >ֽΪBOM۽ṹ·ߴ :operation lines for the BOM/Estimate structure and routing before returning to the entry program >operation lines for the BOM/Estimate structure and routing before returning to the entry program :operations exist on the selected route >operations exist on the selected route :operator password is requested >ҪԱ :operator's menu >ԱIJ˵ :operator, using the Operator maintenance program from the main >˵ʹòԱάĴκԱ :or keys and record lengths have changed >ؼֺͼ¼ļе :or month, as the following files already >·ݣΪļ :or period, as the following files already >Ȼ·ݣΪļ :or stock code is part of a looping structure >or stock code is part of a looping structure :or there is back order quantity >ڶ :or year, as the following file already >ȣΪļ :or year, as the following files already >ݣΪļѰЧ :or, you can select Cancel and try to resolve the problem >ҲѡȡԽ :order ack >ȷ :order does not match the supplier of the >빩Ӧ̲ƥ :order line will be incorrect >нȷ :original ECC status has changed since being invoiced >Գ߷ƱѸԭʼ̱ (ECC) ״̬ :original lot traceable status has changed since being invoiced >ԭθ״̬Գ߷ƱѸ :original serialized status has changed since being invoiced >Գ߷ƱѸԭʼϵл״̬ :originator of the requisition line >빺еĴʼ :others use C-ISAM. This is useful when migrating to SQL Server >˾ʹC-ISAMڵSQLֲʱõ :ou have not yet added custom form details for this drawing register. Do you wish to do so now? >您尚未为此图纸登记簿添加自定义表格明细。您希望立即执行吗? :out of >ZZZZZ :overflow > :overflow. This requisition line will be ignored >Щ빺ԣ :owner %1 > %1 :p/class '_TAX'. Function cancelled >հ˰մ롣ȡ :partial--task-group >--- :past due payables >past due payables :per month >ÿ :periods to the end of year periods >ȵ :permitted for this version. It will NOT be calculated, >ֵ㣬 :portion of it, may result in civil and criminal penalties, and will be >κβֽº³ͷշе :post this entry? > :posted, the supplier to which the entry applies, and a unique invoice id >Լ :previous years closing balance >ǰһĩ :previously been defined >ǰѶ :price value overflow. This requisition line will >ɹʱ :pricing modifications >۸޸ :print using the default Windows printer >ʹĬWindowsӡӡ :print, and how totals should be calculated and printed >ʹӡϼ :printed and period end completed prior to converting this company >ӡĩת˾֮ǰ :prior to 6.0.008 >ӵ6.0.008İ汾 :prior to converting this company >ѴӡЩ :process.) >ָһ̡ :program? > :progress and allocations >ʱķǿƷ :progress files >۶ҵ :prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law >αߡ :publication as an XML document >XMLļʽз :purchase orders and requisitions linked to a completed detail line >ʾɵIJɹ빺ʾӵϸеIJɹ빺 :purposes only >Ŀ :push button (or press F9 at the company prompt) and add >ťڳֹ˾ʾʱF9 :push button to select from a list of existing SYSPRO Reports >SYSPROбѡ :quantity is based on either the order or the ship quantity >quantity is based on either the order or the ship quantity :quantity is greater than the back order quantity >ջڶ :railage is a mandatory field and has not been entered >·ΪֶΣδ :range selected >ѡķΧ :read only in the Report Writer Data Dictionary >read only in the Report Writer Data Dictionary :receipt quantity is greater than the back order >ջڽ :receipt quantity is greater than the back order quantity >ջڶ :record Activities where the Organization or Contact is unknown >¼֯ϵδ֪Ļ :record does not exist on the inventory >¼ڿв :reference by which the entry may be identified >رο :release of locks >ǩ :replaced > :report, or the file that contains the fields to be sequenced >report, or the file that contains the fields to be sequenced :report, or the table that contains the columns to be sequenced >ʹú˳ :require converting from >Ҫ״̬ת :require converting from %1 to %2 SP1 format >Ҫ %1 ת %2 SP1ʽ :require converting from 6.0.007 to 6.0.008 format >5.0汾ת6.0ʽļ :require converting from 6.0.008 to 6.0.009 format >Ҫ6.0.008ʽתΪ6.0.009ʽ :require converting from 6.0.009 to 6.0.010 format >Ҫ6.0.009ʽת6.0.010ʽ :require converting from version 5.0 to 6.0 format >5.0תSYSPRO 6.0ʽļ :require converting from version 5.0 to SYSPRO 6.0 format >5.0תSYSPRO 6.0ʽı :require converting to SYSPRO %1 format >require converting to SYSPRO %1 format :require converting to SYSPRO 6.0.009 format >ҪתSYSPRO 6.0.009ʽ :require converting to SYSPRO 6.0.010 format >ҪתSYSPRO 6.0.010ʽ :require converting to the SYSPRO %1 SP1 format >ҪתSYSPRO %1 SP1ʽ :require converting to the SYSPRO %1 format >require converting to the SYSPRO %1 format :required in the script >ijЩ :required to allow maintenance >Խά :required to run a SQL based company >ҪSQL汾Ĺ˾ :required to run this process >Ҫִб :requisition system and a password is >ģҪ룬 :rest of the year can be balanced > :restricted >ֹ :rights to create tables within a database and to insert and >ݿдһЩڲ :role to perform some of the functions required >ִijЩĹ :route one >·һ :routed by the holder >ɳȷ· :run the ISSUE008.SQL script before using this company >ȷʹñ˾֮ǰISSUE008.SQLű :same financial period as the General Ledger >ܷ :selection for the available keywords per event >ѡڰ¼Ĺؼ :selection process for the following reasons >Ѵѡб :serial/lot or bin attached to the parent is no longer available >ӵϵУλλѲٿ :serial/lot or bin attached to this component is no longer available >ӵУλѲٿ :serial/lot or bin attached to this line is no longer available >еϵУλѲٴ :server role >ְ :setup as an 'expense' or 'revenue' >ѱΪá롱 :shipped with SYSPRO is called The Outdoors Company and >װ˵ĵ͹˾ΪҰ⹫˾ :shipping is a mandatory field and has not been entered >ΪֶΣδ :shortcut to, or, you can use the Browse push button to >ĿλúƣߣҲʹť :shortcut to, or, you can use the Browse push button to locate >ݷʽʹİťв :shown below. If the parent is stocked then, if allowed, it is advisable to create the Bill of Materials structure >ѿ棬ôĻ鴴ҵ :size catered for this version of SYSPRO. This has been ignored >ֶδСѱ :snap >ץ :so that only standard columns are defined >Աֻ׼ :some time to complete >һʱ :srs Factory Document >SRS ĵ :starts with >starts with :stock codes are not stocked in selected warehouses >ѡIJֿ޿ :stocked parent and will return to the entry program optionally creating the job >Ȼпܷ򣬴ҵ :subcontract value against operation >ְ۸ݹ· :subject text. Refer to the 'explain' of the event >ı¼˵ :supplier of the invoice >ƱйӦ :system installed >system installed :system installed. SYSPRO 6.0 uses 'normalized' data structures that >ϵͳSYSPRO 6.0ʹõ :table '%1') and migrate later. We recommend that you use the new format >表 '%1') 并随后迁移。我们建议您使用新格式 :table 'AdmFormData') and migrate later. We recommend that you use the new format >表 'AdmFormData') 并随后迁移。我们建议您使用新格式 :tables and migration of the data >SYSPROֲ :task-menu >˵ :that MS Outlook is used as the email client >MS Outlookʼͻ :that any necessary action with regard to these files is taken prior to running >that any necessary action with regard to these files is taken prior to running :that placed the hold on this requisition line >ûͷ :the << and >> buttons in Inventory Query ><< andͣ>>ťѡ˳ :the BULK INSERT statement will 'import' these files into the database >BULK INSERT룩佫Щļ롱ݿ :the Goods in Transit Conversion Program? >ⱨ;ת :the Inventory journal for this non-stocked item >˷ǿĿIJֿռ :the conversion >the conversion :the conversion to SYSPRO %1 >the conversion to SYSPRO %1 :the current G/L distribution entry >ǰ(G/L) :the current company, or, you may define a menu for another company >the current company, or, you may define a menu for another company :the current year from their current >ݴ䵱ǰƶ :the database name is '%1' >the database name is '%1' :the database name is 'SysproOutdoors' >ݿΪ'SysproOutdoors' :the database with the appropriate permissions for your current operator >连接到您当前操作员的数据库 :the database, alternatively you can use a SQL Server Login and >the database, alternatively you can use a SQL Server Login and :the database. This is performed by issuing ALTER TABLE >ǩALTER TABLEıSQL :the database. This is performed by issuing CREATE INDEX >ӵݿСͨǩCREATE INDEXSQL :the end of this wizard. Cancelling out prematurely will remove the copied files >򵼽ǰȡɾѸƵļ :the entry is to be posted and a unique >Ҫʲ :the files to SYSPRO 6.0 format >ΪSYSPRO 6.0ʽ :the files to the SYSPRO 6.0 format >ΪSYSPRO 6.0ʽ :the financial >ȫʹõSYSPROļ :the following conditions have been corrected >״ѵԾ :the format from another company >һ˾Ʊʽ :the header date is later than the >ҳü :the intermediate bulk copy format files >洢мƸʽļ :the job number entered >the job number entered :the kit to be added as allocations? >òأ :the limits defined for this option >Ϊѡļ :the lot to credit has been archived >the lot to credit has been archived :the maximum field size catered for by this version of SYSPRO >ΪSYSPRO汾趨ֶδС :the payment amount >ڸ :the phantom to be added as allocations? > :the properties you wish to change and add them to the list >the properties you wish to change and add them to the list :the requisition system and a password >the requisition system and a password :the selected reporting currency >ѡı :the start of your financial year >ʼе :the start of your ledger year >е :the stock code has a zero cost >߱ɱ :the stock code to overflow. The inventory cost of >ɱֵĿֵ :the tax calculated >˰һ :the total scrapped quantity >Ʒ :then any updates will be ignored >κθ¾ :then click on Copy Menu >Ȼ󵥻Ʋ˵ :then click on Copy Security >Ȼ󵥻ưȫ :these lines, or generate new non-stocked codes for the quotation to be created >ЩУҲΪıµķǿ :these warehouses >these warehouses :third party applications >Ӧó :this item is selected from the fast menu >Ŀӿٲ˵ѡ :this item is selected from the menu >ѡеij :this line has a zero purchase order price >о߱ɹ۸ :this maintenance now or notify a planner that an estimate is required >ά֪ͨƻԱҪ :this option allows you to specify when to repeat column headings >ѡָظʹʱ :this requisition line >ɱ :this stock code will not be updated > :this stock code. Do you wish to use this contract? >此库存代码。您希望使用此合同吗? :this task click '%1' >Ҫִд뵥 '%1' :this task click 'Next' >뵥һ :this version of SYSPRO >this version of SYSPRO :those tables to be imported >those tables to be imported :to SQL for Company >ֲ˾ (X) SQL :to SYSPRO using the new '%1' operator code and password >登录到 :to add or change order lines >to add or change order lines :to connect to SQL Server, together with the location of the control >SQLԼƹ˾ݿ :to continue onto the next phase of library processing >Ϣ⴦һ׶ :to convert Asset history >תʲʷ¼ :to equal the last period of the year >һ :to issue %1 SP1 >Ҫǩ %1 SP1 :to issue 009 >Է009 :to issue 010 SP1 >ǩ 010 SP1 :to issue 010 SP2 >ǩ 010 SP2 :to leave the Fast Menu on the screen, or, you can have the Fast >to leave the Fast Menu on the screen, or, you can have the Fast :to left of decimal >ߵλ :to read the extract and update the original >ԶȡѹϢԭϢ :to select from a list of standard SYSPRO programs >ӱ׼SYSPROбѡ :to ship >to ship :to the database with the appropriate permissions >ǡȨӵݿ :to the new Payment Cycle format >¸ѭʽ :to the selected operator(s) >to the selected operator(s) :to the sequence listed here >to the sequence listed here :to your current format >to your current format :to your current format. You can also copy the format from another company >ĵǰʽҲɴһҹ˾Ʊʽ :total warehouse quantity on order to exceed >total warehouse quantity on order to exceed :transfers? >transfers? :translated >ı :unactioned entries deleted >δִɾ :undistributed tax amount is equal to zero >δ˰˰ :unit of measure fields >λֶ :unpredictable results and should not be attempted >ԤӦ :unsetting of ECC control >ù̱ (ECC) :up your Report Writer Data Dictionary >ֵĹ :use the Browse push button to select from a list >Ҳʹť :use the file that contains the most fields required on the >use the file that contains the most fields required on the :use the table that contains the most columns required on the >ʹڱаı :use where stock code DON/PET is blank >ڿDON/PETΪյijʹ :use where stock code Rev/Rel is blank >ڿ޶ǩΪյijʹ :used for the duration of the current >ڵǰG/L :users may invalidate your e.net license >ʹe.net֤ʧЧ :uses a separate table >ʹöı :using available stock >- ÿÿ :using negative stock where permitted >- ø棨ʱ :using the '%1' option >ʹ '%1' ѡ :using the 'Setup>General Ledger Integration>Assets' option >ʹá>˼>ʲѡ :value to overflow. This requisition line will be >ֵ빺н :view details of the Cash Book permanent entries currently defined >鿴ǰѶֽ˲Ŀ :warehouse, serial, lot or bin attached to this line is no longer available >warehouse, serial, lot or bin attached to this line is no longer available :warehouse. Function cancelled >޿档ȡ :we use the SQL Server BULK INSERT statement. Data is transferred to >我们使用 SQL 服务器 BULK INSERT (批量插入) 语句。数据将转发到 :week on > :week(s) on >ϵXX :were found and you will need to run the conversion again >ҵҪת :when creating purchase order lines >ɹʱ :where there is insufficient stock >ʹLDT + DTSװ :where_used >where_used :which the new lot is to be allocated >εIJֿ :which were generated specifically for this quotation. You may elect to exclude >ǿСѡų :while retaining the files that always remain in C-ISAM >while retaining the files that always remain in C-ISAM :while retaining the files that always remain in ISAM >ͬʱISAMļ :will be issued to the substituted allocation and it will be flagged as complete >ǩ滻ķУ˽Ϊ :will be purged >֮ǰĽ :will be used as the operator >will be used as the operator :will cause the original lot or serial quantity received to be exceeded, or >will cause the original lot or serial quantity received to be exceeded, or :will depend on your SQL Server setup and will be stored in the System setup >ȡ SQL ò洢ϵͳ :will need to set up a login and password in SQL Server >SQLõ¼ :with invoice >with invoice :with the extension '.vbs' >߱չ '.vbs' :within the database and to insert and modify data within the tables >Լ޸ıе :work operators >ҵԱ :written >д :year - %1 > - %1 :year in all applicable SYSPRO files by >9(1)ԲȽX(11) :you are copying. Auto-generated non-stocked codes are quotation specific and >ԶķǿDZضģ :you can use the Browse push button to locate your program >ʹİťҳ :you set your tables to read only in the Report Writer Data Dictionary >趨ֻܵ뱨дֵ :you will not be able to run the Legacy Payment Cycle >޷оʽѭ :your company is running in relation to >˾ей :your company's data. This is performed by issuing CREATE TABLE >ж塣ͨǩCREATE TABLESQL :your current company >ǰ˾ :your current financial year ends >вȽ :your current format. You can also copy the format from another company >ǰĸʽɸһҹ˾еĸʽ :your current group, or, you may define a menu for another group >your current group, or, you may define a menu for another group :your current ledger year ends > :your existing G/L history and budget tables. The process may take >ʷԤɴ˹Ҫ :your licensed companies >ɹ˾ :your program >your program :yourself, or, you may define a menu for another operator >yourself, or, you may define a menu for another operator :yy/MM/dd HH:mm >yy/MM/dd HH:mm :yy/mm/dd >꣯£ :yyy MMM D >yyy MMM D :yyyy MMMM dd >yyyy MMMM dd :yyyy/MM/dd >yyyy/MM/dd :yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm >yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm :{All transactions} >{All transactions} :{All} >{All} :{Enter a description} >{Enter a description} :{Enter a name} >{Enter a name} :{Other} >{Other} :{Review} >{Review} :{Select Trigger Type} >{Select Trigger Type} :{Select a Site} >{Select a Site} :{Select custom action} >{Select custom action} :{Select standard action} >{Select standard action} :{Spaces} >{Spaces} :{Stockcode not found} >{Stockcode not found} :{Unclassified} >{Unclassified} :{Use default} >{Use default} :{Workflow Message Parameter 1} >{Workflow Message Parameter 1} :{Workflow Message Parameter 2} >{Workflow Message Parameter 2} :{Zeros} >{Zeros} :{component} >{component} :{custom} >{custom} :{highest} >{highest} :{long} >{long} :{lowest} >{lowest} :{none} >{none} :{parent} >{parent} :{short} >{short} :{today} >{today} ; End of dictionary