# Customized Panes for 'INVPENLZ' Created: 2014/03/25 # PANE:Serials [PANE] ADMIN INVPENLZ 01013Serials 020 000000500000INVPEN140M000Eric 0002 000 0 0# [VBSCRIPT] ' This script contains functions for customized pane events. ' You must not modify the name of the functions. Option Explicit Function CustomizedPane_OnLoad() ' Define the variable to hold the XML that defines the listview structure dim ListXML ' Build the XML that defines the listview structure. Those items containing the ' attribute Hidden=true will not appear. ListXML = ListXML & "" ListXML = ListXML & "" ListXML = ListXML & "" ListXML = ListXML & "" ListXML = ListXML & "" ListXML = ListXML & "" ' Load the XML in to the ListviewProperties variable CustomizedPane.CodeObject.ListviewProperties = ListXML End Function Function CustomizedPane_OnRefresh() ' Define the variables required for building the XML and calling the business object dim XMLOut, XMLParam, Stockcode CustomizedPane.CodeObject.ListviewData = " " ' Populate the Stockcode variable with the refresh value Stockcode = CustomizedPane.CodeObject.RefreshValue if Stockcode = "" then exit function end if ' Build the XML input to the business object XMLParam = XMLParam & " " XMLParam = XMLParam & " " XMLParam = XMLParam & " " XMLParam = XMLParam & " " XMLParam = XMLParam & " " XMLParam = XMLParam & " " on error resume next ' Call the business object and supply the XML. The resulting XML is placed in the XMLOut variable XMLOut = CallBO("INVQWR",XMLParam,"auto") if err then exit function end if ' Switch on error handling on error goto 0 ' Define the variables required for building the new XML structure and extracting the information from ' the DOM. This is required because the Warehouse element is held at a different level in the original ' XML, so was not available to be used in the listview Dim xDoc, xList, xList2, Counter, Counter2 Dim LotItems, XMLDoc, NewXML CustomizedPane.CodeObject.ListviewData = XMLOut CustomizedPane.CodeObject.ListviewData = Replace(XMLOut, "", "") End Function