You use this program to maintain the headings for your user-defined AR invoice due and discount terms ageing buckets. These headings apply when your Discount and/or Due invoice terms are set to Number of fixed days in the AR Invoice Terms program.
The standard headings for ageing are Current, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days and Over 120 days, but these cannot be assumed when you define your own ageing buckets.
Field | Description |
New | Add a new heading code. |
Delete | Delete the heading code currently displayed. |
Save | Save the details for the heading code. |
Heading code | Indicate the heading code to add or maintain. |
Field | Description |
Ageing heading code | This displays the heading code you are maintaining. |
Description | Enter the description for the heading code. |
Ageing Headings | |
Ageing heading 1 - 6 | Enter the actual headings to apply to your user-defined ageing buckets in these fields. |
You cannot maintain information displayed in this list view if access to the program is set to Browse only but access to the corresponding maintenance program is not allowed (see Security Access).