SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > General Setup > Add Company Wizard

Add Company Wizard

This program guides you through the steps required to set up a new company in SYSPRO.

This wizard is launched when you select the option Add from the Companies program, or if you are running SYSPRO for the very first time.

Add Company Wizard


Field Description

Enter a company ID of one character for C-ISAM companies or up to four characters for SQL companies.

You can copy the settings of an existing company or use the default settings defined by SYSPRO. In this instance, you will have to define the financial periods specific to this new company.

License Indicate the location of your valid license file, then select your company from the list provided.


Field Description
Database Name

A new SYSPRO database will be created using the name specified here.

Administration Login

You will need a SQL login and password that is a member of the sysadmin fixed server role.

Code Page

This is used by the bulk insert command when collating data.

Temporary Folder

SYSPRO uses the SQL Server BULK INSERT statement, which requires a temporary directory for storing the intermediate bulk copy format files.

C-ISAM based

By default, SYSPRO generates the required ISAM files in the \Base\Data folder. You can change this using the Company Maintenance program.


SYSPRO 7 is the last version of SYSPRO that will support ISAM-based companies.


Field Description
Company password Optionally define a password for the company that will be requested whenever an operator attempts to access the company.
Reference Optionally assign a reference that will be displayed along with this company's code and name when browsing on companies.
Local currency

Indicate the local currency and a description of the local currency for your company. You cannot change this once the setup is complete.


This does not comply with the ISO standards.

If the nationality is UK or GB then the currency defaults to #, if the nationality is RSA it defaults to R, while all other currencies default to $.

Accounting periods per year Indicate how many accounting periods per year your company requires.
GL shared information These options enable you to share general ledgers across companies with differing accounting periods.

You would typically implement shared general ledger files if you want to produce consolidated financial reports for more than one company using the Financial Report Writer.

Separate GL tables Maintains separate general ledger files for this company (i.e. General Ledger information will not be shared).
Shared GL tables across multiple companies Shares general ledgers across multiple companies.

Although general ledger data for each company is stored in the same physical database, only the Financial Report Writer can access the data of other companies.


If you enable this option and you have defined multiple data paths, then you must ensure that the data paths for the sharing companies match those of the holding company.

In addition, ensure that the company control files are located in the same working directory for all companies sharing the general ledger database.

Primary GL company Indicate which company you want to hold the general ledger master, history and detail transactions.

You cannot share general ledger data between C-ISAM-based and SQL Server-based companies.

Inventory shared information These options enable you to share inventory across companies with different currencies.

You would typically implement shared inventory in a DRP or MRP environment when a consolidated view of Inventory is required to ensure that stock holding is sufficient to meet demand without being excessive.

Shared inventory can be useful if all companies sell the same inventory and you require a consolidated view of the Inventory holdings of all companies.

Separate inventory tables Select this to maintain separate inventory files for this company, i.e. Inventory information will not be shared.
Shared inventory tables across multiple companies Shares inventory across multiple companies.

Each company retains separate Purchase Order, Sales Order, MRP and Work in Progress data.

Primary inventory company Indicate the company that will be the 'holding' company.

If the Bill of Materials module is installed in this company, then the sharing companies must have access to Bill of Materials data.

Definition of financial year and month for modules newly installed

This window is displayed if you selected the option Use default settings during the setup process.

If you enabled the Based on existing company option, then the new company's financial year and month is based on the source company's settings and this window will not be displayed.

Field Description
Year Indicate the financial year in which your company will begin. This defaults to the current year.
Month Indicate the month in which your company will begin. This defaults to the current month.
Apply all

Apply the above values to all modules listed.

Alternatively, you can define the financial year and month for each module in the list below.

Month end dates Define specific days on which each month ends, both for the previous year and the current year.