You use this program to view details of General Ledger account codes currently defined.
Column | Description |
Ledger code | This indicates the General Ledger account code. |
Description | This indicates the description for the Ledger code. |
Balance | This indicates the last updated account balance. |
Group | This indicates the ledger group to which the account belongs. |
Type | This indicates the account type. |
Control | This indicates whether the account is a control account. |
On hold | This indicates whether the account is currently on hold. |
Index 1 - 2 | This indicates the first and second reporting indexes defined against the ledger code. |
You cannot maintain the information displayed in the listview if access for this program is set to Browse only and access is not allowed against the corresponding maintenance program (see Security Access).
Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.
Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the Electronic Signatures program.
eSignature Transaction | Description |
GL Code added |
Controls access to the Add or New function in the General Ledger Codes Browse, General Ledger Codes Browse and General Ledger Code Maintenance programs. |
GL Code changed |
Controls access to the Change function in the General Ledger Codes, General Ledger Codes Browse and General Ledger Code Maintenance programs. |
GL Code deleted |
Controls access to the Delete function in the General Ledger Codes, General Ledger Codes Browse and General Ledger Code Maintenance programs. |
Because this program is accessible from many places (and different companies) you can only maintain accounts when performing a browse on your current company.
Ledger account balances are only displayed in the listview when the option: Show account balance in ledger code browse is enabled (General Ledger Setup - General tab).
You cannot delete a ledger code if ANY of the following conditions apply:
You cannot delete the Forced Balance account if it has been defined as a rounding ledger code for an alternate currency (see GL Alternative Currency Maintenance).
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If you delete the Forced Balance account, then you cannot use the GL Period End program until you recreate (re-add) it. |