Sales Orders > Sales Order Processing > Sales Order Entry > Lot, Bin, Serial Allocations > Add Serial Numbers

Add Serial Numbers

You use this program to capture serial numbers that you want to allocate to a sales order line or a job, or to reserve for a job.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
New Select this to add a new serial.
Save Select this to save the serial number you entered.
Range Select this to add a range of manual serial numbers. This only applies when adding manual serials.
Cancel Select this to return to the previous screen. This option is displayed after you select the Range option.
Stock code This indicates the stock code for which you are adding serials.
Stock code description This indicates the stock code description.
Stock code long description This indicates the stock code long description.
Warehouse This indicates the warehouse into which you are adding serials.
Warehouse description This indicates the warehouse description.
Lot number This indicates the lot number for which you are adding serials.
Serial number Indicate the serial number you want to capture for the stock item.
Location Indicate the location of the serialized item.
Expiry date Indicate the date on which the serial number expires.
Scrap date Indicate when the serial number must be scrapped.
Quantity on hand

This indicates the quantity on hand for the item.

This is disabled when adding a serial number to a manual serialized item.

A quantity on hand of one is assumed when processing a positive quantity transaction (e.g. sales order or positive issue) or 0 if processing a credit note.

Original quantity received

This indicates the original quantity of the item that was received.

This is disabled when adding a serial number to a manual serialized item. An original quantity received of 1 is assumed.

When processing a credit note, the quantity you credit cannot exceed the quantity entered here.

Add Range Select this to add a range of manual serial numbers.

Add a Range of Serial Numbers

You use the Range function to capture a batch of serial numbers.

If you enabled Manual serial number tracking (Inventory Setup - Numbering tab), then you can create sequential ranges of manual serial numbers either at company or stock code level. These serial numbers are created by combining the values in the Prefix and Next suffix fields defined either at company or stock code level.

Field Description
Quantity to add Indicate the quantity of serialized items for which you want to create serial numbers.
Serial number prefix

Indicate a prefix for all the serial numbers that will be captured.


You can only enter a serial prefix if your serial number key type is configured as alphanumeric (Company Maintenance).

Although you can enter a maximum of 15 characters here, the total number of characters for the serial number cannot exceed 20.

If you enabled Manual serial number tracking (Inventory Setup - Numbering tab), then this field defaults to the value defined in the Prefix field against either the Company or the stock code, but can be changed.

Serial number suffix

Indicate the characters that must be added to the end of you serial numbers.

  • You can only enter a serial suffix if your serial numbers key type is configured as alphanumeric (Company Maintenance).

    Although you can enter a maximum of 15 characters here, the total number of characters for the serial number cannot exceed 20.

  • The number of numeric characters entered for the suffix must cater for the total quantity of serial numbers being received. For example: A suffix of 1 character will allow 9 serials to be added.

If you enabled Manual serial number tracking (Inventory Setup - Numbering tab), then this field defaults to the value defined in the Next suffix field against either the Company or the stock code, but can be changed.

The system automatically increments the Next suffix for each new serial number created in the range, providing the number was created using the prefix defined in the Prefix field (Inventory Setup or Stock Code Maintenance).

Starting serial number This indicates the first serial number that will be created, as is derived from your entry at the prefix and suffix fields.
Location Indicate the location of the serialized items.
Expiry date Indicate the date on which the serial numbers expire.
Scrap date Indicate when the serial numbers must be scrapped.

List of Added Serial Numbers

This listview displays the serial numbers and quantities you added. It is updated each time you select the Save option.

Hints and tips

  • You can create serial numbers without having the actual serialized item in stock.

    You can use the Serial Tracking Report program and select the 1 line summary or 2 line summary report option to compare quantities of serials available and serials on hand. The Serial Tracking Report program can be used to produce a report indicating the difference between the warehouse on hand and the serials on hand.

Notes and warnings

Program access

Restrictions and limits

  • Serial numbers can only be defined against stocked items.

  • You can only re-use the same serial numbers for different stock codes when adding serial numbers if the setup option: Same serial to be used for multiple stock codes (Inventory Setup - Options tab) is enabled.