Assets > Count System > Asset Count List

Asset Count List

You use the Asset Count List program to generate a list of assets which were selected for counting using the Asset Count Extract-Cancel program.

The list enables you to manually capture the count and verification quantities (if requested) for each selected asset.

Report Options

The following report options can be selected on this tab page:

Field Value Description
Asset branch   Indicate the asset branch for which you want to generate the count list.
No of copies   Indicate the number of copies of the report you want to generate.


In addition to the report options that can be selected, the following selection criteria can be defined:

  • Location selection

    Indicate the asset location(s) for which you want to generate the count list.

Output Options

These options enable you to apply a theme to the report and to define multiple output destinations for the report once it has been compiled (SRS Output Options).

Report Detail

Each asset branch and location combination is automatically printed on a separate page.