Requirements Planning > Master Production Schedule > Setup > Build Schedule Maintenance

Build Schedule Maintenance

You use this program to manually create and adjust build schedule records for stocked items that you have defined as MPS items.

You add and maintain build schedules after assessing the latest Master Production Schedule and decided what to build, in what quantities and on what dates.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Preferences Select this to indicate your preferences for displaying and entering information in the listview.
ATP Select this to use the Inventory ATP Query program to view the available to promise details for the stock code/warehouse combination.
Warehouse Indicate the warehouse location of the MPS item for which you want to maintain a build schedule.
Stock code

Indicate the code of the MPS item for which you want to maintain a build schedule.

You can maintain build schedules for stock items which are on hold (Stock Code Maintenance).

Previous Select this to navigate to the previous stock code. The system automatically enters this code in the Stock code field.
Next Select this to navigate to the next stock code. The system automatically enters this code in the Stock code field.
Change Rev/Rel

Select this to indicate the specific revision and/or release of the stock item for which you want to maintain the schedule.

This field is only enabled if you entered a stock item defined as ECC controlled (Stock Code Maintenance - Tracking), in the Stock code field.

Use current Select this to maintain the schedule for only the current revision/release of the ECC controlled stock item.

When you select this option, the system sets the physical revision/release on the table to use dashes. This means that the build schedule applies to whatever the current rev/rel is.

This functionality also applies to sales orders and forecasting.

For example, you have an item with a current rev/rel of 001/001 and you create a year's worth of build schedules defined as Use current. Half way through the year you change your item and up the rev/rel to 002/001. The build schedules defined as use current will apply to the new revision release (i.e. 002/001).

Build the schedule Select this to re-display details of the build schedules to reflect changes made to the warehouse, stock code or the revision or release.

MRP Build Schedule Graph

This pane enables you to indicate your selections you require and then displays the build schedule in a graphical format accordingly.

Field Description
Redraw graph

Select this to view the graph according to the selection criteria you entered.

The graph is displayed using the Graphs program.

Date selection
Use starting date Select this to specify the date from which you want to start plotting the information on the graph.
Date Enter the date from which you want to start plotting the information on the graph.
Period Indicate the projection period required for the graph.

Select this to project the required quantity in a number of days.

The default is seven days, but this can be changed using the Projection days field below.

Months Select this to project the required quantity in months.
Projection days Indicate the number of projection days required.
Number of graph points

Define the number of projection periods you want to display on the graph.

For example, if you set the projection period to months and you set the number of graph points to 24, then 24 projection months are displayed. Similarly, if you set the projection period to days, set the projection days to 20 and set the number of graph points to 2, then two projection periods of 20 days each are displayed.


This displays information on the stock code - see Stock Code Maintenance.

Time Fences

The following explains the use of working days and calendar days in the time fence calculations:

  • For Bought out items, the lead time is entered against the stock code.

    The system has to assume absolute days in this case, as it has no control on whether the supplier works 24/7 or not.

  • For Made-in items, the lead time calculation program inflates the manufacturing lead time by the ratio of working to non-working days.

    This gives a more accurate representation of the lead time for use in SYSPRO, because there is greater control over the manufacturing time and the factory calendar is used.

    Therefore, the lead time (and manufacturing lead time) are added as absolute days (i.e. non-working days on the factory calendar are ignored).

  • For Make to order items, the Demand time fence, Frequency Allowance and Planning horizon days (defined in Requirements Planning Setup) and the Dock to Stock (defined against the stock item) are all assumed to be absolute days. However, because we are in control of these fields, non-working days defined on the factory calendar are taken into account when adding these on.
Field Description

This indicates the Demand Time Fence for the stock item (see Time Fences).


The message: Not req'd is displayed if the item is not defined as make-to-order, or the demand lead time configured against the stock item is zero (Stock Code Maintenance).

Manufacturing This indicates the Manufacturing Time Fence for the stock item (see Time Fences).

The message: Not req'd is displayed if the manufacturing lead time configured against the stock item is zero (Stock Code Maintenance).


This indicates the Planning Time Fence for the stock item (see Time Fences).

This is calculated as: Planning Time Fence = Current date + Lead time + Frequency Allowance + Dock to Stock

Planning horizon

This indicates the planning horizon for the stock item (see Time Fences).

This is calculated as: Planning Horizon = Current date + Planning horizon days


This indicates the formulae used for the time fence calculations. See also Time Fences.

MRP Build Schedule

This is an editable listview which enables you to maintain the build schedule displayed for the selected stock item as well as to add and delete build schedules.

Field Description
Delete Deletes the entry currently highlighted in the listview.

You are not prompted to confirm the deletion of the selected build schedule. However, the schedule is not deleted until you select the Save icon.


Saves the details you entered or changed and the build schedules you deleted.

If you have enabled the option: Amendment journals required at the Build schedule field (Requirements Planning Setup) then a journal record is output to the Build schedule journal file.

Show zero quantity Displays schedules with a zero quantity in the listview.

This defaults to your selection at the preference: Show zero quantity, but can be changed.

Date Indicate the date when the build schedule is due.

This is only available when you add a schedule. If you are maintaining a schedule and you want to change this date, then you need to use the Move option from the Edit menu.

Quantity required Indicate the quantity of items required for the build schedule.
Reference Enter the reference held against the build schedule.
Resource parent Indicate the resource parent code for the build schedule. This defaults to the code assigned to the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance).
Quantity received to date This indicates the quantity received to date against the build schedule.


This screen is displayed when you select the Preferences option from the Preferences menu.

Field Description
Save Preferences Saves the preferences against your operator code.
Close Saves the preferences only for the current run of the program.
Show zero quantity Select this to display schedules with a zero quantity in the listview.
Warn if resource is not available Select this to display a warning message when you enter a resource code that does not exist when adding or maintaining schedules.

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.