Work in Progress > Setup > Master Sub-jobs

Master Sub-jobs

You use this program to create and maintain links between a master job and sub jobs within a bill of jobs (i.e. a mechanism of linking jobs for a finished product to jobs at sub assembly level).

Although master/sub job links can be made automatically at the time of job creation, this program enables you, for example, to late-link jobs when the scope of the project changes.

Master/sub job links can also be created automatically when you configure a bill of materials. This enables you to create, in effect, a bill of jobs for all components down the bill of material chain.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Log required Print a log of all jobs that were attached/detached during this run of the program. The log is printed when you exit the program.
Multi Level Query Use the WIP Multi Level Job Query program to view detailed information on all the jobs and sub jobs within the job structure.
New Attach a sub job to the job.
Detach job Detach the sub job currently highlighted in the listview from the selected master job.
  • When you detach a hierarchical sub job, the job is changed to a normal job.

  • You can only detach a hierarchical sub job if it has not been started.

  • You cannot detach sub jobs which have their own sub jobs. You have to start detaching from the lowest level sub jobs.

  • When you detach sub jobs, they are removed from the listview, but they are actually only detached once you select the Save option.

  • When you detach a sub job from a hierarchical job, the costs on the contract are only updated when you delete the allocation(s) from the sub job.


Save your changes.

Although sub jobs are removed from the listview when you detach them, they are only actually detached when you select the Save option.


Indicate the master job to which sub jobs are going to be attached (or from which sub jobs are going to be detached).

Master/Sub Job Maintenance

The sub jobs currently attached to the selected master job are displayed in this listview. You can attach sub jobs from this listview.

Field Description
Sub job Indicate the sub job number that you want to attach to the master job.

The same sub job cannot be attached to more than one master job.

You cannot add a notional job to a master job.

Description Indicates the description that has been assigned to the sub job selected.
Interim The word Yes in this column indicates that the sub job has its own sub job(s).
Stock code Indicates the stock code that is being made for the sub job selected.
Wh Indicates the warehouse assigned to the stock code being made by the sub job.
Status Indicates whether the sub job is confirmed.
Quantity Indicates the quantity of the stock item being made for the sub job.
Stock quantity Indicates quantity of the stock item being made for the sub job in terms of the manufacturing unit of measure.

Notes and warnings

Work in Progress reports

  • Various Work in Progress reports allow you to list sub jobs under master jobs, enabling you to generate sub totals for the sub job and grand totals at master job level.

WIP Job Master table

  • When using the Job Entry program to create a job for the master, a link to the master job is automatically created in the WIP Job Master table for all sub jobs attached to the master job, irrespective of whether the master job is an hierarchical job.

Attaching a sub job to a master job

  • If you attach a sub job to a master job and there is no matching allocation (i.e. stock code/warehouse/quantity) against the master, then you are prompted to use the Material Allocations program to create the allocation before the link can be made (i.e. the quantity to make on a sub job must be the same as the quantity required against the master job allocation).

  • When you attach a sub job to a master job and an allocation exists for the sub job stock code/warehouse on the master, but the quantity required of the allocation differs from the quantity to make of the sub job, you can link the sub job to this allocation or create a new allocation. If you link the sub job to this allocation, then you will need to adjust the quantities manually.

  • The same sub job cannot be attached to more than one master job. You use the Master Job Allocations function to view the current allocations held against the master job.

Reserved stock

  • If you link a sub job to an allocation for which stock is currently reserved, then the quantity to make of the sub job is released against the reserved quantity of the allocation.

    When the sub job quantity to make is less than total quantity required on the master job allocation, the reserved quantity for the allocation is reduced by the sub job quantity to make.

    When the sub job quantity to make is greater than or equal to the total quantity required on the master job allocation, the excess reserved stock against the allocation is released.

    This only applies when the Reserve stock for allocations option is enabled (WIP Setup).

Attaching a sub job to a material allocation

A sub job can only be attached to a material allocation if:

  • the material allocation's stock code is the same as the sub job's parent stock code.
  • the material allocation's warehouse is the same as the sub job's warehouse.
  • the total quantity required for the material allocation is the same as the quantity to manufacture on the sub job.

Rules for linking sub jobs to hierarchical master jobs

  • The sub job may not be a hierarchical job.
  • The sub job must be unconfirmed.
  • The hierarchical master job must not be linked to any sales orders.
  • You cannot detach a sub job from a hierarchical master job.
  • The sub job's allocations inherit the master allocation's hierarchy.

  • If there are no existing allocations for the master hierarchical job you are linking to, then you can select the appropriate hierarchy when adding the allocations and update the hierarchy costs accordingly.

  • If there are existing allocations for the master hierarchical job, then the material costs on the existing allocations for the master hierarchical job are compared to the sum of the expected material and labour costs against the sub job you are attaching.

    If these costs differ you are prompted to update the hierarchy with the new material costs.

  • You are not prompted to update the hierarchy if the costs against the sub job are zero.

  • The hierarchy is updated with the latest expected costs.

  • If you add a new allocation, the costs from the warehouse are used. You may also be prompted to update the hierarchy with the new costs, because the job costs of the sub job may differ from the warehouse costs.