Work in Progress > Job Postings > Job Entry

Job Entry

You use this program to create and maintain jobs in the Work in Progress module, as well as to maintain material and operation allocations for jobs.

You also use the program to maintain suggested jobs from the Job Review program before creating the live job. In this case, the title of the window for the Job Entry program changes to Snapshot - Suggested Job Maintenance.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Create Job Select this to create the job according to the details you specified.

Jobs can also be created using the Copy option from the Edit menu of the Browse on Jobs program.

Update Job Select this to update the job with the details you entered or changed. This only applies when you are maintaining an existing job.

You cannot select this option for a job that is on hold (Browse on Jobs).

Job Entry Select this to create a new job for a standard item (i.e. a finished item or sub-assembly within the Bill of Materials module) or an item against which no material or operations are attached; or a non-stocked item.
Job Maintenance

Select this to update an existing job with changes you make.

You cannot select the Update Job function for a job that has been placed on hold.

If a Custom Form is defined against jobs and a field on the form is defined as mandatory, then you will be unable to save your changes without entering the custom form details.

You cannot maintain a job for a stock code which is on either Partial hold or Full hold (Maintain Hold Status).

Preferences Select this to define option defaults to apply when adding jobs (see Preferences).
Create Job Numbering Script Select this to load the Scripted Job form to create and test a VBScript to assign a unique job number for a new job added.

This applies when your job numbering method is defined as Scripted (WIP Setup - Numbering).

To create and test a script, right click in the Scripted Job form and select Macro for: WIPP05L7. Use the OnRefresh event to create the script (see VBScript Editor).

For example:

Function ManualJob OnReresh()

ManualJob.CodeObject.Job = 
''SA11'' & JobDetails.CodeObject.StockCode

End Function

If you create a job for parent item A100, then the above script results in a Job number of SA11A100.

In your script, for fields that change as the stock code changes in sub jobs, you need to use the ManualJob fields.

Once you have saved the script, you can use the Test Script option to test it.

The scripted job number can be built up using values from other entered fields. For example, using characters from the stock code together with the branch code and date.

The fields required by the Test script job number must be populated on the job for them to be displayed in the Test script window.

Note that if the scripted job number is alphanumeric, then the Job key must be alphanumeric (Company Maintenance).

If you are creating a job with sub jobs, a scripted job number is created for each sub job. You need to ensure that each sub job number is unique.

If the script causes duplicate sub job numbers, the Job field is enabled for a manual job number entry for the sub job(s). The reason is the sub job creation process cannot be halted. However, if the script creates a duplicate job number on the parent item, you will be able to exit.


Within SYSPRO a job is equivalent to a works order. Against each job you record what material is required and what operations/instructions must be performed to complete/convert the raw materials into the finished product.

Indicate the job number you are creating or maintaining.

  • If your job numbering method is set to Automatic, then the next job number defined against the company (WIP Setup) is assigned automatically on the Trial Load screen.

    If your job numbering method is set to By job classification, then the next job number defined against the job classification of the job (Browse on Job Classification) is assigned automatically on the Trial Load screen.

    If your job numbering method is set to Manual (WIP Setup) then once you select the Create Job function you will be required to enter the job number on the Trial Load screen.

  • If you are adding a job, then you can browse on existing jobs to locate the last job number that was used. This facility is not available if you are creating jobs from within the WIP Query or the Browse on Jobs program.

Notepad Select this icon to use the Notepad Editor program to add rich text format notes to the job.

These notes can only be entered after the job has been created, because the job number is saved as the key to the notes.

Job Query Select this to use the WIP Query program to view detailed information for the job.
Create Job Select this to create the job according to the details you specified. This option is only displayed when you are adding a new job.

if your Job numbering method is defined as Manual (WIP Setup - Numbering tab), then you are prompted to enter the job number.

Items defined as Bulk issue items (Stock Code Maintenance - Production tab) and defined against the bill of material for the job are issued when the job is marked as Confirmed. However, if the Quantity to make for the job is changed, the bulk issue items issued to the job are NOT automatically adjusted. You need to use the Job Issues program to do a specific issue to the job to adjust the bulk issue quantity. This applies irrespective of whether the Quantity to make is increased or decreased. The warehouse quantity is not reduced when a bulk issue item is issued and no journal is created.


The warehouse quantity is not reduced when a bulk issue item is issued and no journal is created.

However, once issued, if you want to delete the job, you will need to first reverse the bulk issue allocation. A job cannot be deleted until all the issues are reversed.

If a floorstock item is defined against the bill of material for the job (Structures and Routings), and the job is marked as Confirmed, then the WIP Issue Floor Stock Allocations program is loaded to allocate the floorstock item(s) to the job. The warehouse quantity in the Floorstock warehouse (WIP Setup) is reduced when a floorstock item is issued and a journal is created. However, if the Quantity to make for the job is changed, the floorstock issued to the job is not automatically adjusted. You need to use the Job Issues program to do a specific issue to the job to adjust the floorstock quantity. This applies irrespective of whether the Quantity to make is increased or decreased.

If you selected the Preference: Use route defined against warehouse control and the route defined against the warehouse is the same as the route to use, then the reorder quantity against the warehouse is used instead of the EBQ and the pallet quantity against the warehouse is used instead of the pan.

Material allocations are reserved for the job if the Automatically reserve allocations option is enabled and the job is set to Confirmed. See also Restrictions and limits.


On the final dialog window confirming the successful creation of the job, you can select to add/maintain materials, operations and notes for the job (these functions can also be selected from the menu when browsing jobs).

If you selected to reserve lots and/or serials (WIP Setup - Lots and Serials Tab) and the parent item, co-product or a component is defined as lot traceable or serialized, then the Parent/Lot Serial Reservation screen is displayed. This enables you to reserve lots/serials for the parent item and its components.

The Parent/Lot Serial Reservation program additionally enables you to maintain/change lots previously reserved.

If a Custom Form is defined against jobs and a field on the form is defined as mandatory, then you will be unable to create the job without entering the custom form details.

When you create a hierarchical, non-stocked job using a standard hierarchy, custom forms defined against the standard hierarchy are copied to the new job providing that the layout of the custom forms for the standard hierarchy and the job hierarchy are identical.

Update Job Select this to update the job with the details you entered or changed. This option is only displayed when you are maintaining an existing job.

Expected job costs are not automatically updated when a job quantity is changed. This is deliberate as you may choose to retain these costs for comparison purposed. To update the current expected costs (or original costs) you need to run the Expected Job Cost Recalculation program.

You cannot select this option for a job that has been placed on hold (Browse on Jobs).

Copy Material and Labor Allocations

When you create a job for a non-stocked item and you selected the Preference: Copy material and labor allocations, then these options enable you to indicate which stocked item's bill of material you want to copy to your job.

Once you have copied the bill of material from the stocked item you can change the material and/or labor allocations as required for the non-stocked item using the Material Allocations and Labor Allocations programs.

Field Description
OK Select this to accept the information you entered and to copy the material and/or labor allocations to the non-stocked job.
Cancel Select this to return to the previous screen without performing the copy.
Copy Material and Labor Allocations  
Copy material allocations Select this to copy the material allocations to the non-stocked job.
Copy labor allocations Select this to copy the labor allocations to the non-stocked job.
Copy from  
Non-stocked Select this to indicate a non-stocked code from which to copy the bill of material information.
Stock code Enter the code of the stocked or non-stocked item from which you want to copy the bill of material information.
Description This indicates the description for the stock code entered in the previous field.

Enter the revision number of the stocked item from which you want to copy the bill of materials.

This field is only enabled for items defined as ECC controlled (Stock Code Maintenance - Tracking tab).

The wording for this field defaults to Revision, but is replaced by whatever wording you have assigned to these user-defined fields (Bill of Materials Setup - Control tab).


Enter the release number of the stocked item from which you want to copy the bill of materials.

This field is only enabled for items defined as ECC controlled (Stock Code Maintenance - Tracking tab).

The wording for this field defaults to Release, but is replaced by whatever wording you have assigned to these user-defined fields (Bill of Materials Setup - Control tab).

Stocked route Indicate the stock item's route number from which to copy.

This only applies when the option: Alternate routings required (Bill of Materials Setup) is selected.

Non-stocked route Indicate the non-stocked item's routing number from which to copy.

If more than one route is defined against the non-stocked code (Non-Stocked Maintenance), then the routes with a description defined against them are displayed in the dropdown.

You can only access this field if you selected the option: Alternate routings required (Bill of Materials Setup).


This screen is displayed when you select the Create Job option and you are creating an hierarchical job.

Field Description
Continue Select this to continue with the process of creating the job.
Cancel Select this to return to the previous screen.
Linked to contract If you create a new hierarchical job and link it to a contract, then the hierarchy defaults to that defined against the contract, but can be changed.

You use this field to indicate the contract to which the job must be linked.

Contracts are defined using the Browse on Contracts program.

Contract description This indicates the description defined against the contract.
Hierarchy You use this option to define the hierarchy you want to use for the job.
User defined

Select this if you want to manually define the hierarchy for the job. Job hierarchies are maintained using the Hierarchies for Job program.

You will be unable to select this option if the operator activity: P&C User defined hierarchies is set to denied against your operator code (see Operators - Security - Activities).


Select this to use a standard hierarchy for the job.

If custom form data that exists against a standard hierarchy is copied to the new job hierarchy providing the custom form fields defined against the hierarchy exactly match the custom form fields defined against the job hierarchy.

Standard hierarchies are created using the Standard Hierarchy Code Maintenance program and can be maintained using the Standard Hierarchies Heads/Sections program.

Contract default Select this to use the hierarchy defined against the contract (see Hierarchies for Job).
Hierarchy code This indicates the code for the hierarchy.
Hierarchy description This indicates the description of the hierarchy code.

Job Created

This screen is displayed for information purposes, once the job is successfully created.

When creating a Master job and creating sub jobs (where the components are configured to create sub jobs in Structures and Routings) the Job Created screen is not displayed. The reason is that multiple jobs are being created, so to display information only for the top level job would not be correct.

When creating a job for a parent which results in a sub job being created for a component, then no quantities are reserved against the parent, because the sub job will satisfy the demand. This applies when the Reserve stock for allocations option is enabled (WIP Setup).

In the case of master and sub jobs you can optionally view the bill of jobs created and from there (via the job query) you can choose to maintain the jobs as required. A link is, however, created from all the sub jobs to the master job and from each sub job to its immediate parent job, irrespective of whether the master job is an hierarchical job.

For example:

You create Master job 1, which is not an hierarchical job.

Master job 1 has Sub job 2 and Sub job 3.

Sub job 2 has Sub job 4 and Sub job 5.

Sub job 5 has Sub job 6.

Links are created in the WIP Job Master table/file from each sub job back to Master job 1. In addition, links are created for Sub jobs 4 and 5 back to Sub job 2 as well as from Sub job 6 to Sub job 5.

If the Advanced Planning & Scheduling system is required and you selected the option: Link Work in Progress directly to APS (WIP Setup) then whenever a job is added, changed or cancelled the APS system is updated accordingly.

The following information is displayed for the job created:

Column Description
Job assigned This indicates the job reference number created.
Stock code This indicates the stock or non-stock parent item that the job is creating.
Stock description This indicates the description for the Stock code.

This indicates the warehouse for which the job was created.

** is displayed if the job is for a non-stocked item

Quantity to make

This indicates the quantity you selected to manufacture for this job.

If the job was created from Sales Orders, then the Quantity to make reflects the total for the sales order less any jobs that have already been created for that sales order.

Gross quantity This indicates the gross quantity to make for the job.
Net quantity This indicates the net quantity to make for the job.
Unit of measure This indicates the manufacturing unit of measure to make for the job.
Field Description
Job created  
Materials Select this to use the Material Allocations program to maintain the material allocations for the job.
Operations Select this to use the Labor Allocations program to maintain the labor allocations for the job.
Notes Select this to use the WIP Job Notes program to print and maintain notes attached to the job.

Select this to complete the job creation.

If you are copying material and labor allocations to a hierarchical job, you must allocate all hierarchies before you can finalize the job creation process by selecting this function. You use the Material Allocations and Labor Allocations programs to allocate material and labor to the job.

Job Confirmed

The Job Confirmed screen is displayed if you selected the Preference: Print documentation for confirmed jobs. The options enable you to print the factory documentation for the current job online, if the job is confirmed.

Field Description
Print Document Select this to proceed to the next screen.
Define Format Select this to use the Factory Documentation Format program to define a format for the factory document you want to print.
Close Select this to return to the previous screen without printing the document.
Job Confirmed  
Document number 1- 4 Indicate the factory document number you want to print.
Online Printing Document Selection
Field Description
Document format selection  
Document number This indicates the document number you selected to print on the previous screen.
Format Indicate the document form you want to print.

Against Document number 1, you can print formats A to I.

Against Document number 2, you can print formats J - R.

Against Document number 3, you can print formats S - Z and 0.

Against Document number 4, you can print formats 1 - 9.

Format description This indicates the description defined against the document format you selected to print.
Include completed allocations Select this to print details of completed allocations on the document.
Include allocations with zero outstanding Select this to include allocations with zero outstanding when printing the factory document.
Preview Document Select this to preview the document on the screen before printing it.
Print Select this to print the document according to your selections.
Close Select this to return to the previous screen.


You use the Preferences function to set option defaults that you want to apply when maintaining jobs.

Field Description
Save Preferences Save these preferences against your operator code and use them for future runs of the program until next you change them.
Close Save the preferences for the current run of the program only.
Factory documentation  
Print documentation for confirmed jobs Select this to default to printing factory documentation on-line when creating a confirmed job.
Document number 1 - 4 Indicate the document number to use as the default for printing factory documentation for jobs.
Defaults for adding jobs  

Select this if (when creating a job) you want the job to default to being non-stocked.

This preference is not applied when creating jobs from the Job Review or Job Creation Import programs.


Select this if (when creating a job) you want the job to default to being hierarchical. This preference can be selected only if you have enabled the Non-stocked preference and the Projects & Contracts module is installed.

This preference is not applied when creating jobs from the Job Review or Job Creation Import programs.

Warehouse for stock code

Your entry here overrides the warehouse to use assigned to the stocked parent part when creating a job.

This preference is not applied when creating jobs from the Job Review or Job Creation Import programs.

If this program is called from the Back Order Review program, then the warehouse against the sales order line overrides the W/h for stock code preference.

Use route defined against wh control Select this to use the route defined against the parent part (Browse on Warehouses - Routing field) as the routing for materials and operations assigned to jobs created.

If you select this preference and the route against the warehouse is the same as the route to use for the stock item, then the reorder quantity against the warehouse is used instead of the EBQ and the pallet quantity against the warehouse is used instead of the pan.

Use comp wh defined against wh control Select this to use the component warehouse to use defined against the parent part (Browse on Warehouses) to be the warehouse from which material allocations must be allocated to jobs created.
Copy custom forms from master job to sub jobs Select this to copy mandatory custom form information from the top level of the master job through to its sub jobs.
Include allocations

Select this if (when creating a job) you want to default to including any allocations assigned to a structure for the stocked item.

This preference is not applied when creating jobs from the Job Review or Job Creation Import programs.

Create sub jobs for components Select this if (when creating a job) you want to default to creating sub jobs for all components in a structure against which you indicated that a sub job must be raised.
Copy material and labor allocations This applies to creating non-stocked jobs. Select this to default to copying material and labor allocations from the bill of material for a stocked item to the non-stocked job.
WIP ledger code Your entry here overrides the WIP ledger code defined within the General Ledger Integration and the WIP Ledger code assigned to the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance).

This preference is not applied when creating jobs from the Job Review or Job Creation Import programs.

The default for this ledger code is derived in the following order:

  1. The Work in progress GL account (Warehouse Maintenance) defined against the default warehouse against the operator (Operator Maintenance).

  2. The WIP ledger code defined in the Preferences (Job Entry).

  3. The WIP ledger control account defined against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance).

  4. The WIP ledger code defined against the warehouse.

  5. If none of these is defined, then the WIP ledger code defined against the company is used (General Ledger Integration - W.I.P. tab).

For sub jobs, the WIP ledger code defined the stock item is used. If this is not defined, then the WIP ledger code defined against the warehouse is used. If this is not defined, then the master job's WIP ledger code is used.

A ledger code must be entered, even if Work in Progress is not integrated into General Ledger. The ledger code is however only validated when:

  • you add a job for a stocked item and Inventory is integrated to General Ledger
  • you are add a job for a non-stocked item and Work in Progress is integrated into General Ledger

The ledger code is not validated at this time if integration is not set as above, but if you post to the job via Accounts Payable or Cash Book you need to enter a valid ledger code.

Non-stocked WIP ledger code This indicates the WIP ledger code to use for a non-stocked item. The only time the ledger code for a non-stocked item is used in a job is when the job is created from a quotation/estimate.
Job classification Your entry here overrides the default job classification configured for the operator (Operator Maintenance).

When you access the Job Entry program from within the Advanced Trial Kitting (Legacy) program to create a job and the job classification is not yet defined, then the default job classification against the stock code is used as the job classification.

This preference is not applied when creating jobs from the Job Review program.

Job priority

Your entry here overrides the default job priority that is assigned when creating jobs. The default job priority is 50.

This preference does not apply when creating jobs from the Job Review or Job Creation Import programs.

Routing If you selected the option: Alternate routings required (Bill of Materials Setup) then your selection here enables you to indicate the default routing that must be used when adding a job for a stocked item.

This preference does not apply when creating jobs from the Job Review or Job Creation Import programs.

Date calculation method

This preference only applies to direct job creation using the Job Entry program and not when you access the Job Entry program from within the Job Review program by maintaining a suggested job.

When you create a live job from a suggested job via MRP Job Review, it is assumed that all the dates are correct (whether you set these dates by maintaining the job in MRP Review, Forward Finite Scheduling or Snapshot job maintenance). When the live job is created the information is simply copied from the snapshot data to the live data.

Field Description
Delivery date to be calculated Select this if (when creating a job) you want to default to calculating the delivery date.
Start date to be calculated Select this if (when creating a job) you want to default to calculating the start date.
Manually entered dates Select this if (when creating a job) you want to default to entering dates manually.

If, against any component included in the job, you selected Create sub job for component (Structures and Routings) and against the job you select to Create sub jobs for components, then you cannot manually enter dates.

This is irrespective of your selection at this option. The date calculation method is set to Start date to be calculated and cannot be changed.

Finite scheduled delivery date Select this if (when creating a job) you want to default to calculating the delivery date according to the available free capacity.

Your entry at the Maximum generated queue time (days) for finite scheduling option (WIP Setup) determines the number of days that the program will try to load the job.

See also _TMP jobs in the troubleshooting section.

Job Details

Field Description
Job This indicates the number allocated to the job.
Hierarchical job

Select this to create a hierarchical job.

If you select this option and the Copy material and labor allocations option, then the Job confirmed option is disabled. This is to ensure that hierarchies are defined against material and labor allocations at the time of confirming the job.

Non-stocked Select this to create the job for a finished item you do not stock.
Stock code

Indicate the finished item required to be made.

If you enter the code of an item which is not made-in or subcontracted, a warning is displayed, but you will be allowed to continue.

If you enter the code of an item defined as a Co-product (Stock Code Maintenance - Descriptive tab), then you are prompted to change this to the code of the notional part to which the co-product is attached. Although co-products can be manufactured individually (i.e. not as part of a notional part), they must be manufactured on a different route. For example: You attach a co-product to a notional part on Route 0. To manufacture the co-product on its own, you need to define a bill of materials for the co-product using a different route, such as Route 1 (see Structures and Routings).

For a multi-grade co-product structure, a job can only be created for the principle co-product, which is the co-product with a planning weight of 1. Therefore, if you enter the code of a notional item for a multi-grade co-product structure (Setup Options), you are prompted to create the job for the principle co-product of the structure. The same prompt is displayed when you enter the code of a non-principle co-product in a multi-grade co-product structure. The structure and routing for the notional part however, is used for the job.

You cannot create a job for a notional part with no co-products attached, because the material and labor cost apportionment for the co-products need to be correctly allocated.

If the job is being created from the Asset Capex Items program for a capex requisition line, then this field defaults to the asset code defined against the capex line if both the Asset code and the Stock code are defined as being Alphanumeric. A warning message is displayed when the asset code is alphanumeric and the stock code is numeric and a numeric stock code must be entered to create the job.

Stock description

Assign a description for non-stocked items.

For stocked items, both the description and long description held against the stock code is automatically displayed.

If the job is being created from the Asset Capex Items program for a capex requisition line, then this field defaults to the asset description defined against the capex line.

When you maintain a job created from Sales Orders, the stock description from the sales order is used as the item's description for the job.

If the description was changed and you want the description defined against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance) to be reapplied to the job, then you can use the WIP Period End program and select the option: Update stock descriptions from inventory file.

Long description This indicants the long description for the stock item being manufactured.
Job description

Assign a description for the job. For stocked items this defaults to the stock description, but can be changed.

If you are creating sub-jobs for components, then the job description entered in this field is used as the job description for all attached sub-jobs. If you add a master Job, and do not change the Job description, then when you create the sub-job(s), the master job retains its description and the sub job is created with its own job description. If you add a master job and change or enter a new Job description, then the job description entered is used for all attached sub jobs.

If the job is being created from the Asset Capex Items program for a capex requisition line, then this field defaults to the asset description defined against the capex line, but can be changed.

Routing Indicate the routing required for each operation.

When you create a job from the Back Order Review program, the default Routing set in the Preferences is applied.

This only applies when the option: Alternate routings required (Bill of Materials Setup) is selected.

Warehouse Indicate a specific warehouse to be used for the finished stock code.

If the Preference: Use route defined against warehouse control is selected, then the warehouse route is used as the route to use and the EBQ and Pan fields displayed are updated with the warehouse reorder quantity and warehouse pallet quantity respectively.

If the job is linked to a sales order and you change the warehouse, you are prompted to also change the warehouse for that sales order line. If you select Yes, then the sales order line is changed. If you select No, then the sales order is not changed.


If you do not select to update the sales order, then when you receipt the job, the sales order quantity remains on back order and the order is not displayed in the Back Order Review.

This indicates the description for the warehouse code.
Customer Indicate the customer for whom the job is being created.

When processing a part billing,this is the customer for which the sales order is created.

If, in Browse on Customers you set the Sequence to Customer Name or Customer Short Name, then you can enter the customer's name or short name in this field if you press Alt+F9 first, even if your customer key is set to numeric (Company Maintenance).

Customer name Enter the customer's name, if the customer is not held on file.

If the customer is held on file, then this field displays the customer name defined against the customer code (Browse on Customers) and cannot be changed.

WIP Ledger code

Indicate the account to which you want the value of work in progress to be posted when a job is created to manufacture the finished stock item.

The default WIP ledger code is determined as follows:

For sub jobs, the code defined against the stock code (Stock Code Maintenance) is used. If this is not defined, then the code defined against the warehouse (Warehouse Maintenance) is used. If this is also not defined, then the master job's WIP ledger code is used.

You can only change this account for a job that has not been confirmed and against which no transactions have been posted.


If you create a hierarchical job and you use the Hierarchies for Job program to define a WIP ledger code against a head/section of a hierarchy, then work in progress costs are posted to the ledger code defined against the head/section for the hierarchy.

If the job is being created from the Asset Capex Items program and the Assets module is integrated to the General Ledger (General Ledger Integration), then this field defaults to the Capex in progress account defined against the relevant asset branch/cost center/group combination defined using the Assets Ledger Interface program and cannot be changed. If the job is being created from the Asset Capex Items program and the Assets module is not integrated to the General Ledger, then you can enter a ledger code in this field.

A Ledger code must be entered, even if Work in Progress is not integrated into General Ledger (General Ledger Integration). The ledger code is however only validated when:

  • you add a job for a stocked item and Inventory is integrated to General Ledger
  • you are add a job for a non-stocked item and Work in Progress is integrated into General Ledger

The ledger code is not validated at this time if integration is not set as above, but if you post to the job via Accounts Payable or Cash Book you need to enter a valid ledger code.

Quantity to make

Indicate a positive quantity of the finished stock item that is required to be made.

This cannot be less than the quantity already manufactured and should not be less than the startup quantity on any operation for the job.

We do no not recommend that you create a quantity that is less than 1, as this may result in incorrectly calculated costs for labor that is not directly dependent on quantity.

The default quantity to make amount is determined by the buying rule assigned to the stock item. Depending on your selection at the Manufacturing quantity basis field (Stock Code Maintenance) either the economic batch quantity or the pan size is displayed alongside this field.

If the job was created from Sales Orders, then the Quantity to make reflects the total for the sales order less any jobs that have already been created for that sales order.

  • You cannot change the quantity to make for an hierarchical job once the job is created.

  • When you maintain a job and change the quantity to make, floorstock and bulk issue items are NOT automatically adjusted. You need to use the Job Issues program and do a specific issue to the job for these items. This applies whether you increase or decrease the quantity to make. The required quantity of materials is, however, adjusted when the quantity to make is changed.

If the job is for a notional part with a concurrent or sequential co-product structure (Setup Options) and you selected the option: Co-product against Quantity capture for co-product jobs (WIP Setup - Job creation tab), then you are prompted to enter the quantities to make for each individual co-product attached to the notional part (see Co-Products). The quantity to make for the notional part is then calculated accordingly.

If you change the Quantity to make of a confirmed job and the option Automatically reserve allocations is enabled, then the reserved quantity for the allocation is adjusted accordingly. However, allocations linked to sub jobs and purchase orders are not recalculated and must be manually adjusted using the WIP Reservations Review or Material Allocation Maintenance programs.

Unit of measure Indicate the unit of measure for the Quantity to make.

You can create the job in the Stocking, Alternate, Other or Manufacturing unit of measure, providing that the unit of measure selected is defined against the parent item (Stock Code Maintenance).

The default unit of measure in job creation is as follows:

  • When the job is created from a Sales order, the Sales order unit of measure is used.

  • When the job is created directly from the Job Entry program and a Manufacturing unit of measure is defined against the stock code, then that is used. If this is not defined, then the parent unit of measure defined in the Structures and Routings is used.

Gross quantity

Select this to indicate that your entry at the Quantity to make field refers to the gross quantity of the parent part.

The program calculates the net quantity according to the operations defined in the bill of material for that parent part (i.e. the material allocations linked to the operation are inflated to cater for any scrap values).

For example:

Scrap for operation Qty to make Gross Net quantity Gross quantity
50% 200 Selected 100 200
50% 200 Not selected 200 400

The gross quantity to make is displayed on the Job Information pane.

If you do not select this option, then it indicates that your entry at the Quantity to make field refers to the net quantity of the parent part.


This option is enabled only if you enabled the option: Progressive scrap required (Bill of Materials Setup - General tab).

Job classification

This indicates the group of jobs to which you want to assign this job. You can use the job classification as a selection criterion when printing reports in the Work in Progress module.

In addition, if you are numbering your jobs by job classification, then the next number for this classification will be assigned to the job on the Trial Load screen. Any non-blank entry made here is validated. However, you are only required to make an entry here if you selected the Job creation option: Job classification required (WIP Setup).

When you create a job from the Advanced Trial Kitting (Legacy) program and the job classification is not defined, then the default job classification against the stock code is used.

When creating sub jobs, the Job classification defined against the parent is used for the component sub job if a default job classification against the component is not defined in Stock Code Maintenance.

When creating the master job for the parent, the default job classification against the parent in Stock Code Maintenance is initially loaded but can be changed.

There are a number of programs in SYSPRO from which you can configure a default entry for this field. The job classification assigned to the parent stock code takes precedence. If this is blank, then the job classification assigned within the job preferences function is used. If this is blank, then the default job classification assigned to the operator is used (Operators). If this is blank then you will be required to manually enter a job classification. If you are importing jobs using the Job Creation Import program, then the job classification defined in the import file is used. If the job classification is not defined in the import file, then the job classification is assigned according to the above defaults.

Tender date The entry made here is used for documentation purposes when printing your factory documentation.
Job priority Indicate the priority of the job by entering a number in the range 1 to 99 (where 1 indicates the lowest priority and 99 indicates the highest priority).
Dates When creating a job for a parent item which has sub jobs and against the parent item you selected the options: Create sub jobs for components and Include allocations, then the only date calculation method that can be selected for the parent item is Start date to be calculated.

Refer to Trial Loading for additional information on Trial loading.

Date calculation method

Select this to load operations according to the elapsed time (dynamic or fixed), move time and fixed queue times from a specified start date to calculate a delivery date.


The work center capacity calendar is used only to establish non-working days.

Therefore, the work center capacity calendar must be correctly defined for each work center (Capacity Calendar Maintenance) or the calculated delivery date or start date may fall on a non-working day of the factory calendar.

Note that it is possible for a work center to work on non-working days defined in the factory calendar. For example in brewing, whilst the beer is fermenting it is doing so 24/7 even though no one is in the factory. This is why the work center capacity calendar is used and not the factory calendar.

Field Description
Delivery date to be calculated

Select this to load operations according to the elapsed time (dynamic or fixed), move time and fixed queue times from a specified start date to calculate a delivery date.

The work center capacity calendar is used only to establish non-working days

Start date to be calculated

Select this to load operations according to the elapsed time (dynamic or fixed) move time and fixed queue times from a specified delivery date to calculate a start date.

The work center capacity calendar is used only to establish non-working days. The program processes each operation attached to the finished item and assumes the queue date of the first operation to be the start date of the job.

The finish date of the first operation is calculated by adding the queue time and elapsed time of that operation. The start date of the next operation is the finish date of the previous operation plus one day plus movement time. The delivery date of the job is equal to the finish date of the last operation plus movement time.

Manually entered dates Select this if you want to enter the start and delivery dates.

If, against any component included in the job, you selected Create sub job for component (Structures and Routings) and against the job you select to Create sub jobs for components, then you cannot manually enter dates.

This is irrespective of the preferences selected. The date calculation method is set to Start date to be calculated and cannot be changed.

Finite scheduled delivery date

Select this to load operations according to the available free capacity, thereby calculating elapsed and queue times from a specified start date to calculate the delivery date.

This option is also available when load levelling is selected and you are copying materials and labor for a non-stocked code (see Browse on Jobs). This is re-checked in the copy routine and if no labor allocations are copied, then you can either set focus back on the copy window or set the date calculation method to “D” delivery date.

You cannot select this option for any of the following reasons:

  • you have not indicated that Work in Progress load levelling is required (WIP Setup)
  • no operations are held against the job
  • the Bill of Materials module is not installed

Typically, the planner estimates material availability to establish a start date and then loads the job in forward finite mode in order to give the customer a realistic delivery date. If the calculated delivery date is satisfactory, the planner will have achieved the aim of loading the job without disturbing any other planned job.

If the calculated delivery date is unsatisfactory, the planner may try loading in backward infinite mode from the desired delivery date. Obviously, if the calculated start date is earlier than when the necessary materials can be obtained, the planner will load the job using forward infinite mode from the materials supply date. The planner will then have to enter the Load Levelling program and attempt to adjust other jobs to eliminate overloads.

The planner should not use forward finite mode unless already working with dynamic elapsed times and a realistic base capacity profile.

Include overtime % in date calculation

Select this to include the value calculated from the overtime percentage when determining the available capacity for the work center for the job being loaded.

The overtime percentage is held against the work center and is used optionally within the calculations of both the capacity available on a given day for the work center and the calculation of the capacity that can be used by an operation on a given day.

It is treated as a percentage over and above the normal capacity.


You can only select this option if you selected the Finite scheduled delivery date option.

Start date

This indicates the start date of the job. If you did not select the option: Include allocations, then you will be required to manually enter the start and delivery dates of the job.

If you selected the option: Structure on/off dates required (Bill of Materials Setup - General tab), then the structure on/off dates are checked against this start date irrespective of the date calculation method selected.

Delivery date This indicates the delivery date of the job.

If the job is created from Sales Orders, then:

  • The start of the job delivery date is either the line ship date (from the Sales Order Detail file/table) if the sales order is scheduled or an SCT type order, or the order ship date on the order header (from the Sales Order Master file/table).
  • The program then adds the item's Dock to stock (days) (Stock Code Maintenance) to the days defined at the Number of days after stock arrives that it can be used option (Requirements Planning Setup - General 1 tab). This is irrespective of whether the Requirements Planning module is installed.

  • The factory calendar is used to calculate the working date on which the job must be receipted sets this to the default delivery date.

    Therefore, if you require the delivery date to equal the line ship date, you need to set the Dock to stock days against the item to zero and enter 0 at the Number of days after stock arrives that it can be used option.

Job Options  
Job confirmed

Indicate that the job is confirmed.

You cannot post operations and materials to jobs that have not yet been confirmed. Jobs that are already confirmed can only be unconfirmed if the job has not yet been started (i.e. no operations or materials have been issued).

You can indicate that jobs are confirmed by default (WIP Setup). Irrespective of whether you selected to confirm jobs by default (WIP Setup).

When you select to create a hierarchical job and you select the option: Copy material and labor allocations, the Job confirmed option is disabled. This is to ensure that hierarchies are defined against material and labor allocations at the time of confirming the job. The Job confirmed option is also disabled if you create a hierarchical job for a stocked item.

Sequence checking on operations required Select this to indicate that operations are required to be entered in sequence when posting hours in the Labor Posting program.

You can indicate that sequence checking on operations is required by default (WIP Setup).

You cannot enter transactions against an operation if work has not already commenced on the previous milestone operation.
Include allocations

Select this to indicate that material and/or operation allocations must be created for the job from the allocations and offsets defined within the structure and routing file. You can indicate that this option is selected by default (WIP Setup).

When you select this option and components and operations are defined for the parent item, the allocations are assigned to the job automatically from the details held against the structure. These allocations can then be maintained using the Job Maintenance option.

This option is only enabled if the Bill of Materials module is installed and the job is for a stocked item. If the Bill of Materials module is not installed, then this option is set to No and cannot be changed. In addition, no material or operation allocations are assigned to the job.

Create sub jobs for components Select this to create the required sub jobs for all components in a structure against which you indicated that a sub job must be raised (within the Structures and Routings program). This will create, in effect, a bill of jobs for all relevant components down the BOM chain. You can only access this option if you selected the option: Include allocations.

When manufacturing co-products, you cannot link a sub job with multiple outputs to a master job. If a component is a co-product and is manufactured on the route via a notional part, then you cannot create a sub-job for the component.

All sub jobs are automatically created with a batching rule of lot for lot.

When you attempt to create a job and sub jobs for allocations, and one or more of the allocations are not stocked in the selected warehouse, a message indicating this is displayed and no jobs are created.

See also Manufacturing unit of measure (MUM) in Structures and Routings.

Copy material and labor allocations

Select this to copy material and labor allocations from a stocked bill of material to your job for the non-stocked item (see Copy Material and Labor Allocations).

This option is only enabled when you create a job for a non-stocked item. However, when you create a job for a stocked item, you can select the Copy option from the Material Allocations program to copy material allocations to the job.

You typically select this option when you need to manufacture a non-stocked item which is similar to a made-in stocked item for which a bill of materials already exists. Once you have copied the bill of material from the stocked item you can change the material and/or labor allocations as required for the non-stocked item.

You can set this option to be enabled by default for all non-stocked jobs you create using the Preference: Copy material and labor allocations.

When you select this option, the Job confirmed option is disabled to ensure that hierarchies are defined against material and labor allocations at the time of confirming the job.

Override components warehouse to use

By default, components are issued from the warehouse to use defined on the BOM Structure (Maintain Components for Stock Code). If this is not defined, then the warehouse to use held against each component (specified at the Warehouse to use field of the Stock Code Maintenance program) is used when allocating material to the job.

This option is applied when no warehouse is defined on the BOM structure. It enables you to indicate a specific warehouse that must be used when issuing all components to the job. The warehouse entered at the Warehouse to use for components is then used instead of the one defined on the Inventory master.

Irrespective of your selection here, if there is a warehouse to use specified against the component in Structures and Routings, then that warehouse is used.

This option is only available when manually creating jobs (i.e. not when creating jobs from MRP) and can only be selected when initially adding the job.

Warehouse to use for components Enter the warehouse that must be used when issuing all material to the job. This applies when you select the option: Override components warehouse to use.

If the component is not stocked in the warehouse specified here, then the warehouse to use held against the component (specified at the Warehouse to use field of the Stock Code Maintenance program) is used.

Automatically reserve allocations Enable this to automatically reserve stock for allocations when creating the job subject to the following:
  • The option: Reserve stock for allocations (WIP Setup) is enabled.

  • The job is set to Confirmed.

  • If an allocation is linked to a Sub job or a Purchase order, then the Sub job or Purchase order quantity is used first to satisfy the quantity required for the allocation.

    Thereafter, any remaining quantity still to be reserved must be reserved manually using the WIP Reservations Review program.

  • Reservations are recalculated when you change the Quantity to make for a confirmed job.

    However, allocations linked to Sub jobs and Purchase orders are not recalculated. These must be adjusted using the WIP Reservations Review or Material Allocation Maintenance programs.

  • If an allocation is ECC controlled at revision or release stock level and the item is not lot traceable but multiple bins are installed, then the reservation takes place based on the quantity available in the default bin against the stock code warehouse.

  • The total quantity required is reserved for each allocation unless the stock quantity available is not enough. In this case, the total available quantity is reserved.

  • Stock for the following items must be manually reserved using the Reserved lots and serials column of the WIP Reservations Review program:

    • serialized items

    • lot traceable items

    • ECC controlled items which are lot traceable and stock control is at revision or release level

  • Stock cannot be reserved for:

    • Bulk issue items - unless these are added as normal allocations to the job

    • Floorstock items

    • Non stocked items

    • Allocations with a negative quantity required

You need to manually create reservations using the WIP Reservations Review or Material Allocation Maintenance programs when this option is not enabled.

Billing information You use these options (when creating a job for a non-stocked item) to indicate a selling price for the finished item; the expected unit costs for operations and materials; and to assign additional percentage charges to the job.

You must enter all monetary values in your local currency.

Traceable Select this to indicate that the finished stock code is a traceable item.

When part billing the job, a lot number is created for the finished stock code.

You can only select this option if the Lot Traceability module is installed.

If you selected the option: Parent traceable if component traceable (Lot Traceability Setup) then you cannot issue any traceable materials to a job that is not defined as traceable.
Selling price

Enter the selling price of the finished item. This value is used in the Part Billings program to determine the value of the sales order.

If the job is being created from the Asset Capex Items program for a capex requisition line, then you will be unable to change the selling price using the Browse on Jobs program.

When a job is created from a sales order, the selling price is taken from the sales order. However, the job's selling price is not updated when the sales order is maintained and the price is changed.

Original expected operation unit cost Enter the expected unit cost for operations. This value is used to print a variance report indicating the difference between the actual and expected costs of the job.
Original expected material unit cost Enter the expected unit cost for materials. This value is used to print a variance report indicating the difference between the actual and expected costs of the job.
Operations charge percentage Enter an additional percentage charge for operations. This value is used in the Part Billings program to increase the value of unbilled operation entries held against the job. This enables you to charge a customer based on the cost value of hours booked to a job, plus the operation percentage added on.
Material charge percentage Enter an additional percentage charge for materials. This value is used in the Part Billings program to increase the value of unbilled material entries held against the job. This enables you to charge a customer based on the cost value of material issued to a job, plus the material percentage added on.
Profit percentage Enter an additional profit charge percentage for the job. This is used in the Part Billings program to increase the invoice value by a given percentage.
Expected unit cost  
ECC information These options apply when you create a job for a stock item which is defined as ECC controlled (Stock Code Maintenance - Tracking).

If you reserved lots and/or serials against the job and you change the revision/release then:

  • if the lots/serials are new and not used elsewhere in the system, then the revision/release against the reserved lots/serials is updated with the new revision.
  • if the lots/serials exist elsewhere in the system, then the reserved lots/serials are released and you will need to manually reserve lots/serials against the new revision/release.

You can only change the revision or release for an ECC item once the job has been created, if the activity: WIP Allow rev/rel change on job change is allowed against your operator code (Operator Maintenance - Security tab).


When you change the revision/release for an existing job, the material/labour allocations are not automatically updated to be correct according to the bill of material for that rev/rel.

In addition, if the job was created from a sales order or an RMA, then these are not automatically updated to reflect the new rev/rel saved against the job. A warning message to this effect is displayed.


Enter the revision number required for the parent item.

Release Enter the release number required for the parent item.
ATP Select this to use the Inventory ATP Query program to view the available to promise details for a particular stock code/warehouse combination.
Co-products Select this to define quantities of co-products to make for the job. This option is only enabled if the job is for a notional part (see Co-Products).

If you selected Notional at the Quantity capture for co-product jobs option (WIP Setup), then you use this link to indicate the co-products for the job.

Configurator Select this to use the Product Configurator Wizard program to create a customized product for use within SYSPRO or to test if the configuration you have created is functioning correctly.

Job Information

The following information is included in this pane.

  • Quantity

    The program calculates the net quantity according to the operations defined in the bill of material for that parent part (i.e. the material allocations linked to the operation are inflated to cater for any scrap values).

    For example:

    Scrap for operation Qty to make Gross Net quantity Gross quantity
    50% 200 Y 100 200
    50% 200 N 200 400
  • Dates

    If you are using the Factory Scheduling module and you selected the option: Update planned dates with scheduled dates (Factory Scheduling Setup), then planned dates against a job are updated with the scheduled dates from the Factory Scheduling system.

    • Delivery date

      When suggested jobs are created as live jobs, the suggested job's delivery date is saved as the original delivery date.

Stock Information

This pane displays information on the stock item for which you are creating the job:

List of Created/Maintained jobs

The list of jobs created or maintained during the current run of the program is displayed in this pane.

Note that when creating Master and Sub Jobs, only Master Jobs are added to the list.

Column Description
Job This indicates the job number which was added or maintained.
Stock code This indicates the parent part of the job.
Quantity This indicates the quantity to make of the parent part.
Unit of measure This indicates the unit of measure for the quantity.
Status This indicates whether the job was created (added) or maintained.


This screen is automatically displayed when you create a job for a notional part with a concurrent or sequential co-product structure and you selected the option: Co-product against Quantity capture for co-product jobs (WIP Setup - Job creation tab). This screen enables you to enter the quantities to make for each individual co-product attached to the notional part. The quantity to make for the notional part is then calculated.

If you selected Notional against Quantity capture for co-product jobs (WIP Setup - Job creation tab), then you need to select the Co-products option in the Links section of the Job Details pane to display this screen. You can then edit the co-products for the notional part job.

You cannot create a job for a notional part with no co-products attached, because the material and labor cost apportionment for the co-products must be allocated.

Field Description
Close Select this to return to the previous screen.
Sequential/Concurrent/Proportional Co-products This listview displays the sequential, concurrent and proportional co-products attached to the notional part.
Co-product Quantities

You can only maintain a co-product quantity to make, of a notional part job, through the Job Entry program, as any change you make to a co-product can influence the other co-products against that job and will definitely have a bearing on the notional quantity as well as the materials and operations.

You can only change the quantity to make for co-products if the setup option: Quantity capture for co-product jobs is set to Co-product (WIP Setup - Job Creation tab). The quantity to make for the co-products can be changed providing the quantity to make exceeds the quantity already manufactured.
Save Select this to save the quantity entered for the co-product.
Quantity per notional

This indicates the quantity of the co-product to make per notional part made.

Enter the quantity of the co-product to make per quantity of the notional part made.

You can only define this quantity for proportional co-products (BOM Co-products).

Quantity to make Enter the quantity of the co-product that you want to manufacture in the current job.

You can only define this quantity for concurrent or sequential co-products.

Notional quantity This indicates the quantity of the notional part that must be made.

This field is automatically recalculated when you change the quantity to make for sequential or concurrent co-products.

Include co-product

Select this to manufacture the optional co-product as part of the current job.

This option is only enabled if the co-product is defined as optional against the notional part (see BOM Co-products).

You cannot exclude co-products from being manufactured if the job is confirmed.

When a co-product is excluded, the remaining co-product percentages are re-apportioned.

If you do not select this option then the optional co-product is not manufactured as part of the current job. When you exclude a co-product, the material quantities required and the operation run times are reduced by the cost apportionment percentages. The costs apportioned to the excluded co-products are re-apportioned against the remaining co-products.

If you exclude a co-product which is apportioned at 100% to a material allocation or an operation, then that material allocation or operation is excluded.

You can only exclude optional co-products from being manufactured up to the time that the job is confirmed. Once confirmed and work starts on the job, material and labor costs are apportioned according to the cost percentages against the co-products and therefore co-products cannot just be deleted from the job.

Proportion of quantity % This indicates the proportion of the total 'build' that the co-products make up. This value is recalculated when you change the quantity per for proportional co-products. This percentage cannot exceed 100%, but can be less.

Trial Loading

Trial Loading is used to load operations held against the job onto the productive capacity of a work center, according to the specified Date calculation method.

If you selected the setup option: Use factory calendar for move times (Bill of Materials Setup - General tab), then operations are loaded according to the company calendar (see Company Calendar). If this setup option is not selected, then operations are loaded according to the work center calendar (see Capacity Calendar Maintenance).

When you change the quantity to make or the dates against a job which uses manual dates, you are prompted to run the trial load. In addition, when you change the date calculation method to Manual against a job you are prompted to run the trial load.

If you have a notional part job which uses manual dates and any of the co-product quantities change or co-products are excluded, then the trial load is automatically run.

  • Only a single user can perform a trial load concurrently. If you are the only user and you still receive a message that a trial load is being performed by another user, you can delete the xWIPPCZ file (where x indicates your company id). This file is used to verify that only a single user is performing a trial load.

  • If sub jobs need to be created for components, then no trial load takes place and backward infinite loading (i.e. Start date to be calculated) occurs for all jobs, regardless of any predefined date method preference.

    Once you accept the master job, you will be unable to cancel the creation of any subsequent sub jobs for that master job.

    The job priority assigned to the master job is incremented by one for each sub job that is created, unless the master job's priority is set to 99 (in which case all sub jobs are assigned a job priority of 99).

    All sub jobs are automatically created with a batching rule of lot for lot.

    A job created from the Asset Capex Items program for a capex requisition line cannot be linked as Master/Sub job.

  • The calculation of the total number of days required to complete all operations (i.e. queue time, elapsed time, start time, complete time and move time) is affected by your selection at the setup option: Allow operation to end earlier than prior operation (WIP Setup).

Trial Loading - Forward Infinite/Manual/Backward Infinite/Forward Finite

The title of this window varies according to the Trial Load Date calculation method selected.

Field Description
Job start This indicates the date on which the job must be started.
Job delivery This indicates the date on which the job must be finished.
Sales order This indicates the sales order for which the job was created, if applicable.
Line This indicates the sales order line, if the job was created for a specific sales order line.
Ship date This indicates the date on which the sales order should be shipped.
Change date method to manual Select this to set the trial loading date method to manual. This prevents the Material Requirements Planning programs from suggesting moving these dates or cancelling the job.
Overload Select this to use the Query on Overloaded Work Centers program to view the potential trial overloading created by the job.

This function is disabled if you selected the option: Finite scheduled delivery date.

ATP Select this to use the Inventory ATP Query program to view details of the finished product, excluding the current trial loading for the current job.
Save Select this to accept the resultant dates for the job.

If you selected to prompt the operator to reserve lots and or serials (WIP Setup - Lots and Serials tab), then the Parent/Lot Serial Reservation program is loaded, enabling you to reserve the lots/serials required.

The Job Created screen is displayed after this process (see Job Created)

Cancel Select this to return to the previous screen.

Notes and warnings

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the Electronic Signatures program.

eSignature Transaction Description
WIP Job creation from Job Maintenance

Controls access to the Create Job function in the Job Entry program.

WIP Job maintenance

Controls access to the maintenance of jobs in the Job Review and Job Entry programs.

WIP Job deletion

Controls access to the deletion of jobs in the Job Review and Job Entry programs.


_TMP jobs

These jobs can be created in the WipMaster file when Trial loading on creating jobs using the Date calculation method of Finite scheduled delivery date and the number of days entered at the Maximum generated queue time (days) for finite scheduling option (WIP Setup) is set to low.

For example, if Maximum generated queue time (days) for finite scheduling is set to 2, then the program will try to load the job today. If there is not enough capacity, then it will try to load the job tomorrow (day 2). If there is still not enough free capacity then an error message is displayed and a _TMP job is left behind in the WipMaster file.

These jobs are cleared out of the WipMaster file when running the Balance function of the WIP Period End program.

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.